#she can no longer be that perfect safe space she once was
reefs-camp-blog · 4 months
sally and percy were always each other’s constants, they became a bit more distant once percy found out he was a demigod, but they were still each others firsts
then estelle was born
percy loves estelle so much, so much it physically hurts
but he sees estelle and how happy she is, how she had a mom that doesnt work the night shift nearly every night and instead is home nearly all the time, and she has a dad that’s present and there and is safe and percy is so so happy that she has what he never did
but at the same time he knows thats the exact reason why it hurts
estelle has what percys wanted his whole life
and now estelle has the only thing percy had his whole life
being his mothers first and top priority
he knows why, he understands why, estelle is a baby and needs to be cared for constantly, and percys nearly 18 and doesnt need his mom all the time anymore
but it hurts because all the food is no longer blue, it hurts because he sees estelle grow up and get help, it hurts because he sees estelle with the life he always wanted, but knows he will never had
and it hurts because hes no longer his mother’s constant.
sally has paul now, she has paul to help her through her issues and she has a child that doesnt get expelled from every school shes been in
and percy has his family. but its not the same. annabeth has always been there, but she doesnt understand, thalia has been through the same childhood as percy but she doesnt know what its like to watch the bad go to good in the same household, grover has always listened but he just doesnt understand
because hes happy estelle has the life he always wanted. hes glad his mother has the life she always wanted. but hes not in that life. because hes moving out soon. and hes no longer his mothers son, at least not in the way he was before
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Modern AU stuff is stuck in my head.
Thinking of one where Robin gets a new number and scribbles it down for Steve in a rush because she has a Tinder date with a really cute girl, and she does not have time for Steve to inevitably mistype his phone password several times before finding his contacts app. She rips off the scrap of paper and shoves it at Steve as she rushes to finish her hair and retouch up her mascara.
“Robin, you look great.”
Robin huffs, “I don’t need to look great. I need to look fantastic! You saw the girl! She’s hot, and, for once, I had such a great conversation and we were immediately connecting, you know?”
She rambles on as Steve rolls his eyes and tries to tune her out a bit. It’s not that he isn’t happy for her, it’s just… he’s suffering from a small, embarrassing crush on Dustin’s older friend. And while he knows he could just ask him out like any other person, he finds himself at a loss for words in front of the hyper man. And usually, Steve is more than happy to ramble about random shit and flirt until he has the person practically melting into a puddle of goo at his feet.
All he’s saying is Eddie Munson is different.
And he doesn’t know what to do about it but suffer in silence until their inevitable interactions where he unapologetically shoves his way into his space and calls him little flirtatious nicknames that make Steve’s mind go blank.
Steve has never felt so flustered in his life.
A snap brings him back to reality, and he looks at Robin who does a final spin and asks, “Good?”
Steve looks her over and smiles. “Perfect. Now, go have fun and be safe. I’ll text you to make sure she’s not a serial killer or something.”
“That’s comforting,” Robin says but looks in the mirror one more time before nodding and rushing off yelling, “Bye!”
Steve looks down at the piece of paper in his hand a cringes and the hurried scribbles. Hopefully he’ll be able to decipher it correctly.
He watches through the window, trying not to look too creepy, as Robin climbs into the car with a big smile before it slowly starts moving down the street. Steve feels better once he sees her date is a careful driver.
Steve waits a few more minutes before he makes his way out of the house and goes to his own. Once he gets into his room, he pulls out the piece of paper and types it into his contacts - after messing up the password and struggling to find his contacts.
Steve: So not a serial killer I hope?
There’s instantly some typing back that worries Steve. Shouldn’t Robin be distracted by her date?
Robin: Not a serial killer but you might be… who is this? You intrigue me.
Not Robin. Steve’s heart races as he looks at the scrap of paper. Damn scribbled mess.
Steve: Sorry!! I must’ve typed in the wrong number. Friend is on a first date and was checking in
Not Robin: So sweet of you. Although it makes me nervous that you have no way of contacting your friend and finding out
Steve hadn’t even thought of that. His heart races more. He’s always been one to worry.
Steve: Shit.
Not Robin: Do they have an Instagram that you can message and ask for their number? Not that I mind texting you this lonely Friday night, but it’s probably a good option
He sighs in relief. The stranger is smart and honestly a bit charming. It’s definitely a lonely Friday night for him too. He goes to Instagram and send Robin a quick message before returning to his texts.
Steve: You’re a genius! But what’s a genius doing alone this Friday night?
He stares at the message before sending it. No regrets.
He looks at it for a minute longer as the stranger doesn’t reply. Okay, maybe he has some regrets.
He starts typing out an apology, but a response comes in.
Not Robin: Nothing much really. Debating playing my guitar or staring at my ceiling for a few hours. Both very exciting options. Although I like this new option of texting you more… I will say I’m a 20 year old male though. Don’t want to be texting a minor or some shit.
Steve stares at the message and his heart thuds. 20 year old male. What are the chances?
Steve: 19 year old male here, so you’re in the clear. Unless one of us is lying.
Not Robin: hmm… that makes you sound a bit suspicious but I’ll pinky promise that I’m not lying to you on my end if you’ll do the same
Steve smiles at the message as he types back.
Steve: Pinky promise ❤️
He stares at the heart that’s a little bold, but hey. Why not take a risk?
Not Robin: Looks like my night is getting a lot better
Steve laughs and can’t help but think the same thing.
They text nonstop for the next few days. Steve opens his soul more than he has in years, and the stranger does the same in return. They flirt and exchange jokes and whatnot as well, but Steve always looks forward to when it’s late at night, and the stranger is always up and willing to hear some of his deepest thoughts.
Robin’s worried a bit about the person being some lying creep, but Steve isn’t too worried. He’s given away nothing too personal… except his crush on Eddie Munson.
He hasn’t told the stranger the name of his crush or exactly how he knows him, but in response, the stranger talks about his own hopeless crush on this hot guy who doesn’t really say much to him. They both joke about how they’re hopeless, and Steve almost wonders if he’s falling for the stranger alongside Eddie.
But it’s a crazy thought. The guy could be halfway across the country, but Robin argues that they’re nearby with the way the area codes match.
Steve just shrugs it off and tries not to think too hard about it.
Two weeks pass and Steve finds himself giggling in his bed at 2am, trying to fight sleep as the stranger rattles on about some kid he’s friends with that sounds oddly like Dustin. Steve shares his own stories about his Dustin and his annoying habits, but the two of them agree they wouldn’t change a single thing about their friends.
Not Robin: By the way, I’m going to be MIA for a few hours tomorrow. Got this sort of big game coming up.
Steve’s heart drops a bit at the thought. Tomorrow he was going to try to get a pep talk from the stranger before he has to face Eddie after the big final to his Dnd campaign.
Steve: damn. I’ll miss you. I’ll be hyping myself up tomorrow before I see my guy. Think you could give a brief pep talk?
He watches as the stranger types for a while, but is surprised with how short the text ends up being.
Not Robin: Just be yourself. If he can’t see how amazing you are, then he’s not the right guy for you 🖤 goodnight, stranger. Wish me luck as I will be seeing my guy too
Steve stares at the heart and feels his own heart beating fast.
Steve: Good luck :) Same to you 🤍. But hey, try to get his number this time! Goodnight
He feels his stomach kind of flip at the idea.
Not Robin: thank you. I’ll try
Steve hearts the message and puts his phone down. He stares at the ceiling and tries not to think too hard about the jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach as he drifts off.
Steve is slightly freaking out. He’s about to see Eddie, and he’s decided if his stranger is finally going to get his crush’s number, then he’ll ask Eddie for his. It’ll be fine. It’ll be great.
He stares at the school and waits for Dustin to bust out the doors with Eddie trailing behind him. Steve nervously pulls out his phone.
Steve: About to see my guy and I’m freaking tf out! Miss you :( you always know what to say
He sees his stranger typing and his heart races.
Not Robin: Weird, I’m about to see mine too. But I’m gonna ask him for his number!! I’m determined. But hey, I’ve miss you too :( game just ended by the way
Not even seconds later, the doors to the school open, and Steve watches as Eddie comes out behind Dustin looking at his phone before turning it off and pocketing it. Steve’s heart races.
“Steve! Eddie’s campaign was incredible! I almost died twice, but Will ended up saving all our asses when he rolled a nat twenty during our final battle! It was so cool!” Dustin says running up to Steve.
He laughs and nods not totally understanding what he’s saying. But he sees Eddie come closer out of the corner of his eye. Okay. Get his number. Easy enough. He can do it. His stranger believes in him.
“Okay, you can tell me all about it on the way home. Just give me a minute here,” Steve says patting Dustin on the shoulder as he approaches Eddie for once. He feels like he might pass out.
“Hey,” Eddie says with a big smile.
“Hey yourself. Heard that it was a good game,” Steve says, trying not to do a little dance at how he’s able to get a full sentence out.
It seems to also surprise Eddie who has a blush rise to his face. “I was hoping it would be. Um…” he trails off and kicks a rock on the ground. “So, I was uh. Wondering if…” he takes a deep breath and looks at Steve. “Wondering if I could get your number? In case… you know… something happens with Dustin or something. I don’t know,” Eddie rambles out and pulls a piece of hair in front of his face.
Steve digs out his phone with a big smile. “How about I get yours?”
Eddie smiles and his hands drop down to fidget with his rings as he rattles out his number. Steve goes to his messages and types it in, only it shows the number appear as Not Robin.
Steve shakes his head and deletes the number. Surely he did something wrong. “Sorry, could you repeat that?”
Eddie nods and repeats his number slower. It pops up again. Not Robin.
Steve’s heart thuds. “Uh…” he says and then carefully repeats the number back.
Eddie smiles and nods.
Steve swallows. Shit shit. Holy shit. Not Robin is Eddie. He’s been talking to Eddie this whole time and bearing his soul and talking about him to him. Holy shit what is life?
“Hey, Steve, you okay?” Eddie asks, concerned written all over his face when Steve glances up.
Steve stares and nods. “Um… just… you’re really not going to believe this.”
Eddie’s brows furrow. “Believe what?”
Steve takes a deep breath and types out a message to Not Robin.
Steve: Hey Eddie :)
Eddie’s phone dings and he looks at the message before doing a double take at it. His jaw drops. “You’re…”
“Yeah,” Steve replies.
Eddie nods looking like he’s half on the verge of panicking. “And your guy is…”
“You,” Steve admits then his heart races. “And your guy?”
“You,” Eddie says as his tongue comes up to worry his top lip.
Steve lets out a sigh of relief, “Oh, thank god. I’ve been falling for both of you this whole time.”
“Me too,” Eddie says with a laugh. He holds Steve’s gaze. “So… what do we do from here…”
Steve scratches his cheek and shrugs. “Well, I say we take a night to connect the dots about everything and then go on a date tomorrow? Eight o’clock? I’ll text you details tonight.”
“Sounds perfect,” Eddie says with a big grin. Steve nods and starts to walk back to his car where he feels like he’s about to have a full happy breakdown. “Steve?” Eddie calls out.
Steve turns around and looks at him.
“The buttheads we’ve been talking about are Dustin, right?”
Steve laughs and can’t help it as he walks back to Eddie throwing his arms around him in a hug. “God, I missed you tonight.”
Eddie squeezes him back, “I missed you, too.” They pull away but stay close. “This is going to take a bit of getting used to. Both my dreams guys are you.”
“Same here. Shit.” Steve takes a moment to look into Eddie’s eyes. “I really want to kiss you.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Eddie says leaning in.
The car horn beeps loudly causing them to both jump back. “Listen!” Dustin yells leaning out the window, “I don’t know what the fuck I missed, but I would appreciate it if you filled me in on the way home before my mom starts freaking out!”
Steve sighs and drops his head to Eddie’s chest. “What a butthead.”
Eddie laughs and hugs him again. “Tomorrow,” he says like a promise.
“Tomorrow,” Steve says pulling away and raising up his pinky towards Eddie. He smiles down at it and links his pinky with his.
The car horn goes off again.
“Alright alright! I’m coming!” Steve yells over his shoulder then gives Eddie one last pinky squeeze before walking away.
This is going to be a long car ride, but Steve doesn’t mind at all.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
You Are Our Perfect Boy, Baby
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Difficulties With Getting Pregnant
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.8K
Summary: Trying to give Asher a younger sibling is proving harder than they thought it would and Y/N can't hold on to hope anymore.
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Rafe never thought he would want children, yet when Y/N came along, he knew that he couldn’t imagine a life without them. They would be the perfect representation of his and Y/N's love and they would help grow that love into something even better. When Asher hit four years old, the spouses thought that it was time to make their family grow. However, trying to conceive a child the second time around is proving to be harder than when they created Asher. It’s been two years and no luck seems to be in sight for the couple. Rafe can see how the lack of success is affecting his angel. She no longer holds any excitement or hope while taking a pregnancy test. She will pee on the stick and leave it on the bathroom sink as soon as she is done, not bothering to wait by it anymore. Rafe wants to do anything to make her feel better, but what can he do if she refuses to go to a fertility clinic with him? He doesn’t blame her for not wanting to go. He knows that any answer they get can just lead to one of them feeling incredibly guilty. They’ve always talked about foster children, except that was only after they had one more child biologically. Because as selfish as it was, they wanted at least one stable sibling for Asher to have while growing up before they opened his world up to siblings, who could come and go. Sure, they could always adopt the children, but the parents recognize the fact that some children in the foster system are there until their permanent home is made stable again and that is the main reason why the pair wanted to foster. To give the children in waiting a safe place to be while their parents either find a stable home or try to find a sober path. 
The lack of being able to conceive again makes Y/N question whether the universe has more children in mind for them. It makes her think that she doesn’t deserve more kids, so even fostering or adoption is off the table. In all honesty, she just doesn’t know if she can deal with even the slightest possibility of rejection by those systems. This test in her hand is the last chance she is giving them to have the future they planned for them. She is exhausted by the disappointment and can’t deal with it anymore. Rafe pleads with the universe to be on their side for once in this process. The timer goes off and both of them hold their breath as they look at the result. Negative. Tears stream down her face at what she sees. Rafe tries to pull her into a hug to comfort her, but she shrugs off his hold and throws the test in the garbage can. 
She walks out of their bathroom and heads to the kitchen. Asher is on the couch watching TV. His eyes flicker to his mother and he spots the salty droplets rolling down her face. He abandons the TV show and runs to hug her. “What’s wrong, Mommy?” he worries, snuggling his face into her leg. She smiles down at him and picks him up in her arms. She gives him a kiss on the cheek, “Mommy is okay. She just found out some bad news today.” “Oh, what happened?” he asks for clarification. She hears Rafe’s footsteps approach and he stands at the entrance of the hallway, watching the scene from a distance to give her space. Her eyes lock with his and they make a silent agreement over what to say. They agree to tell him the truth. They believe that if they want Asher to be emotionally intelligent, then they have to be open about how and why they feel a certain way. “Well, you know how you’ve been asking for a little brother or sister,” she starts. He nods. “Mommy and Daddy found out that we can’t have one and it makes Mommy sad because we really wanted to have one and we know how much you did too.” Asher snuggles his face into her neck, “It’s okay, Mommy. I know you tried your hardest to give me one. It’s like you said, you tried your hardest and that is what counts.” Asher notices his father in the hallway and beckons him over. Rafe approaches his son. “Daddy, can you help me make Mommy tea please?” 
Y/N lets out a sob, covering her mouth to try to hide it. Her son’s words fill her with warmth and a sense of pride. She and Rafe are raising Asher to be a fine young man. She can’t believe that through this whole process, she forgot how great the child she already has is. “You are too sweet. Mommy and Daddy are so glad to have you because you are our perfect boy, Baby,” she praises, pressing another kiss on his cheek. Although raising another baby may not be in their cards, Y/N is so grateful that she still gets to be the mother of an amazing little boy. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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mythicmanuscripts · 25 days
Imagine aegon going into sub space for the first time
This is such a great question anon!! I can't believe I've actually never discussed Aegon going into subspace for the first time.
Originally I planned on only writing about the first time he went into subspace but I ended up also just talking in general about the first few weeks of him starting to submit as well so I guess you guys are just getting more sub!aegon than planned. Anyway, sub!aegon below the cut!
So firstly, I definitely think there would be a few times he came very close to subspace in non-sexual settings first??? Like, he so desperately wants someone who can guide him gently.
And gently really is the key word there.
Alicent ‘guides’ him all the time, but she’s harsh and cold and she makes him feel bad. When you smile gently at him and take his head and suggest that maybe he should let the master coin finish their sentence before he kicks them out… he melts. And then when he listens and then dismisses the master of coin and you praise him for being so good? He’s a puddle. You no longer have a husband you have a happy little puddle at your feet, absolutely zero thoughts left.
Anyway point is, those types of interactions are the first times where he starts to come close to subspace. This is especially true when you’re sitting alone with him in your shared bedroom. When the fire is roaring and the blankets are so soft and you’ve got a hand in his hair, of course he’s gonna start to feel all fuzzy and warm and it’s utterly perfect.
Once you start to show that guidance aspect, he stops with the summoning of you to your shared chambers to try for an heir. He can’t do that anymore when he starts to see you as the most special thing he’s ever had. He doesn’t care how much Alicent yaps on and on about him getting an heir, he won’t do that, not when he can spend that time genuinely feeling safe again.
Of course because it’s Aegon things will turn sexual eventually. And this is an idea I had a while ago but I haven’t found a reason to bring it up so I’m just gonna do it now: once that intimacy starts he stops going to brothels and stops fucking servants, he can’t do it. He can’t do anything with anyone else. But this of course does eventually cause a bit of an issue because he’s a very sexual person.
Long story short, the first time he goes into subspace properly with you is after a few weeks of him not going to any brothels. He ends up taking an impromptu nap in your shared bed after he had spoken to you for a while and he wakes up so hard. He’s cuddled against your chest and grinding his hips down against your thigh and of course when he wakes he’s absolutely mortified.
But well, he’s been so good. Of course you’re going to help him.
You end up giving him a hand job, letting him hide against your shoulder as you slowly stroke him and he loses his little mind because it’s perfect.
That’s the first time he truly reaches subspace, and you can tell because he’s actually quiet. Usually he’s a babbler, always talking, never being able to stay still or silent, but now he’s relaxed back into your arms not making a single sound besides the occasional little whine when he breathes out. He cums with just a whisper of your name and then turns to nuzzle into your chest, his body completely devoid of tension.
(Side note: Aemond is the opposite, he’s loud in subspace, so so loud)
You get worried actually, because you’ve never known him to act like he is right then. But at the same time, he’s clearly happy?
When he recovers and finds the ability to speak again, you ask him if he’s alright and what can you do to help him and he just says he’s fine, he’s absolutely perfect in fact.
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lady-griffin · 3 days
Possible Idea for the Firelights in S2
Which I’ve fallen way too much in love with, btw
After the Firelight Base is attacked, where do they go?
Do they just go back to their broken, destroyed home? Try to fix it up? Can they even go back?
Do they disperse?
Or do they go to a location most people (especially those from topside) would have difficulty navigating if they didn’t know exactly where to go?
Like an abandoned mine of sorts? One with really large, giant machines suspended in the air that could be used as little community hubs, perfectly accessible for those with hoverboards?
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It’s just something to consider.
Seriously, I can’t express how much I love the idea of Jinx’s lair becoming the new base for the Firelights. I love it way too much; I’m going to be crushed when it doesn't happen (which to be fair is totally on me).
The old mines would be perfect for the Firelights, especially in helping them recover and giving them a sense of extra protection and security after what they’ve gone through.
Maybe it’s not permanent, but it doesn't have to be, it allows them to stay together, so it’s home for the moment
Destroying their base, likely making them scared to return, is an ingenious way to physically separate a group of people who are loyal to one another and fight well together, but this way they wouldn’t have to disperse.
It seems like the mines are well-hidden and isolated, with a lot of natural defenses – it’s been abandoned for a long time, there’s probably a complicated tunnel system to the cavern, and it has multiple physical locations (the drill/fans we’ve seen) that others (their enemies) can’t easily get to.
There are probably a few like Jinx’s lab, where they connect to the tunnels that lead outside, but the few we’ve seen in the background, seem pretty inaccessible – unless you’re a group of people who can fly.
There’s also the idea of Piltover and Noxus winning the day and those who’ve been pushed to live underground having to retreat further down to be safe.
But it’s not a defeat, it’s just a retreat. They’re still here.
I also really love the idea of how this place once represented darkness and the abyss, basically daring you to look down, especially when compared to Ekko's original base for the Firelights, representing light and hope, encouraging you to look up.
It’s still the same place it was in S1, but it's changed with all these other people sharing it with Jinx.
Not because she was forced to, but because she chose to open her space to others, one that was solely hers and we only saw her and Silco there.
But now it's filled with others, who've impacted and changed it with their own touches of color and graffiti and when we look, we see there are all these little pockets of light and color in the dark abyss.
There's still darkness, but it's no longer all consuming.
And I don't know, the idea just warms my heart so much, and I really, really want to see it.
Also, I can’t fully tell, but when Ekko is pulling the chain in the trailer, the area is dark and it could be a cave. So, maybe? Again, it’s hard to tell.
Seriously though, I love this idea so goddamn much!
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thelastwalkingsoul · 1 year
Inspired by this tweet and a conversation with Cass (@henderdads) and Liam (@withacapitalp) about puzzles.
"Are you sure this is going to work?"
Steve hovers over Robin's shoulder, standing together at his dining table. There's newspaper spread out to protect said table with a completed puzzle lying on top. Robin unscrews a fresh bottle of Mod Podge as Steve waits for an answer.
"Nope," she replies, popping the 'p'. And with that, she pours the glue all over the front of the puzzle.
"Wha- Robin!"
She laughs. "There's only one way to find out, dingus."
This had been all Robin's idea. Her constant teasing about his ugly plaid wallpaper had finally worn away at Steve, and he'd caved, agreeing to rip it all down. She'd celebrated as soon as the words had left Steve's mouth, grabbing his hands and spinning him around in a weird, oh-so-Robin dance.
It'd taken them a few days to ask around to learn how and what they needed, then strip the wallpaper and paint Steve's room. It had been tedious but vastly more therapeutic than Steve had expected. Stripping the plaid had felt like stripping away the final part of Steve tied to his 'King Steve' era, the growing pile a final 'fuck you' to his parents.
He'd gone for yellow on the walls, needing a colour that didn't viscerally remind him of the Upside Down that wasn't a dull grey or white. It was a lot at first, a significant change to a space that had been the same for as long as Steve could remember. But it finally felt like his.
"What if it ruins the puzzle?" He can't help but ask. It wasn't one of his favourites for that exact reason, but he didn't want to have to throw it out.
"Then we'll have learnt something." Robin pauses her paintbrush strokes, turning to look at him. "It's going to be fine Steve."
He can't help but soften at the care in her eyes. Robin can read him like a book. He smiles. "I know."
The next day they're standing in Steve's room, the colours of the puzzle contrasting nicely with the yellow wall it's now situated on. Steve couldn't believe it stuck together when he'd picked it up. It was solid, like a piece of cardboard, which had made it all too easy to put on the wall.
It feels like a reminder of good times, like so many of the photos scattered around Steve's room. A reminder that he did that with Robin, that he was no longer alone in his love of puzzles. Robin had given Steve the opportunity to share the calm that the activity had brought him. He'd always enjoyed them, especially as a kid, but post-demogorgon, they'd meant a lot more. Working on a puzzle became a way for Steve to settle his thoughts and distract him from his constant paranoia. For Steve, nothing was better than curling up with a mug of hot chocolate or sitting in the sun and basking in the warmth like a cat, doing a puzzle.
Robin had found out in the aftermath of Starcourt. She'd found him at the table, searching through puzzle pieces at an ungodly hour of the night, unable to sleep. Wordlessly, she'd joined him, which had slowly become a tradition. Late-night puzzling turned into lunchtime puzzling, which made way for nights when they would get wine-drunk and puzzle. Robin called them middle ages moms once and threw them both into fits of laughter. It's perfect, and Steve wouldn't have it any other way.
Robin bumps his shoulder. "So, you like it?"
Steve looks at her, a smile on his face. He slings an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a rough side hug. "I love it, babe."
"Wanna go start another?"
"I like how it looks when we just glue the back."
"Hmm. You're right, you can see the individual pieces better."
"Yeah. It's not as weirdly shiny either."
It's been months. Steve's bedroom walls are covered in puzzles of all sizes. Each and every one worked on with Robin by his side. Steve's not alone anymore. He feels safe. He feels loved. He feels at home.
Steve pulls his other half into a crushing hug. "Thank you, Robbie."
She makes a confused noise against his shoulder. "For what."
"This. Being here," he squeezes her a little harder. "For everything."
"No need to thank me, dingus. It's an honor."
"I mean it, Robs."
"Yeah. So do I."
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moscowluvr · 8 months
°•°•° dark!rhysand x reader
•°•°• rhysand always gets what he wants. sometimes, it takes longer than others. after finding something of yours, he gets the perfect opportunity to make you his
You never lost your journal. The leather-bound brown notebook was tucked under your pillow, under your arm, or under a loose floorboard in the servant's quarters of Hewn City. That morning, you put it safely under the floors at the base of your small bed. It had every horrible thing you'd done, every ill-thought, and worst of all, how much you hated Prince Rhysand. As his personal servant, you knew more than you should about him. You criticized him, his friends, his sexual escapades with males, females, lesser fae, and High Fae alike.
Hewn City was not kind. Even less so for the servants. Born into it, there was never any chance for you to do anything else with your life. From the time you could walk, it was decided that you would take over for your mother once she decided to step down. She'd had you in her later years, far past the point expected for females to carry. Her own father had put her in a life of debt, and she was expected to work it off. She wouldn't have children until it was dead and gone. She wouldn't put that kind of strain on you.
But, shit happens.
Now, here you were, standing over the open floorboard, the space empty. Your fingers clenched into a fist, nails digging into your skin. You thought you should just leave while you can. High Lord Rhen would take it as an act of treason. For writing those things about his son, he'd surely take a finger. Maybe even your tongue. Whoever had it wouldn't hesitate to turn it in.
Oddly, you felt numb. For now, there was shock, the full scope hadn't hit you. You thought you were clever. You thought no one would find it.
That calm feeling didn't last long. Not when he started reading in a low, mocking voice. Ice practically filled your heart. He found it. Maybe this was the worst outcome of all. "He thinks we all don't laugh at him, that even though we may be beneath him, we will never have to live with his shame and disgrace–"
You cut him off with a whimper, whirling around finally to stop him. He leaned against your wall, sleeves rolled up his arms. His hair had been messy, alcohol wafting off him. His purple eyes tracked you, a predator looking at its prey moments before it strikes. When he did, you knew it would land. Gods, you didn't think you would survive it.
He snapped the journal closed, holding it above his head. Against all rhyme or reason, you lunged for it, body pressed against his as you clawed for it. With ease, he has the two of you swapped, hand on your throat with your back against the wall. You blinked, gasping, as you wondered if he had winnowed or if he was simply that quick.
His wings appeared, spreading wide. The tips just barely missed the walls of your room. It efficiently cut you off from the rest of the room. Light didn't peek above his shadows. It was like Rhysand has suctioned all the light and warmth from around the two of you.
He was furious.
You held your chin higher. So be it. Those words you wrote were true. Maybe if Rhysand were a better male, you would've been able to tell him what you thought. If he were a better male, then maybe he never would've been snooping in his private servant's room.
Rhysand could be good when he wanted.
He could be even crueler when he felt like it.
"Be done with it," You said finally.
His lips pulled upward, his smirk sending chills down your spine. "I'm not going to kill you, darling. Rather, I'm going to make you regret every fucking letter you wrote. Be in my room tonight at midnight," His wings flared once more before they vanished entirely.
He laughed, grin pulled wider like he'd gotten the best idea. "Don't be late. Hell, maybe you should. What's one more thing I get to punish you for?"
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uzumaki-rebellion · 26 days
"Tethered to You" Chapter 3
Masterlist HERE.
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"It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm
We can roll ourselves over 'cause we're uncomfortable
Oh well, the devil makes us sin
But we like it when we're spinning in his grip
Love is like a sin, my love
For the ones that feel it the most
Look at her with her eyes like a flame
She will love you like a fly will never love you again"
Massive Attack – "Paradise Circus"
Qimir guided the sleek Exile II onto an obsidian wave-cut platform in the middle of the night off the coast of his own personal island retreat. The tide was out and the uneven rocky land bridge that led to his secret cave was visible by starlight. He'd be able to carry Osha into his hideaway right away. She would have to get acclimated quickly on her own before he had to fly out again to meet his Master in person for a few days. On his return, he would begin her training. Sitting in the cockpit he looked at his hands. They quivered with the overwhelming sense of satisfaction.
He found his true acolyte.
Closing his eyes, he rested his body and mind, becoming calm enough to luxuriate in the winning of Osha's trust to come with him. The inhospitable cold outside seeped into the starship. He flexed his fingers to keep them warm. Nights by the sea often brought a stinging pain, enough to split tender skin and make it bleed. He tapped a button on his display to keep heat inside Osha's cockpit for a few minutes longer. He needed time to decompress from the long flight.
Mae had been a failure.
Qimir had just been a means to an end for the other twin. She didn't look far beyond the killing of the four Jedi. Revenge was enough with her shortsightedness, and although she desired for him to be her true Master, Mae lacked the passion and follow-through to see the bigger picture: Destruction of all Jedi.
Osha? Well, she had the passion and inner will to do more damage than Mae could ever dream of. He flicked a switch to get a visual on Osha in the dual cockpit on the opposite side. She slept for the majority of the trip, mentally exhausted from her ordeal on Brendok. Once they broke away from the planet fleeing directly to his uncharted one using the hyperdrive, she shut down completely. He didn't speak to her or offer words of comfort. She had to eat her pain the way he had to a long, long, time ago. Betrayal was a hell of a thing to endure, but at least she didn't have to make peace with it. He would help her cultivate that pain into power. His hands, that were much older than they looked, finally stopped shaking from the adrenaline rush of securing a lifelong prize.
The moonless sky hid them against the icy black waters of the sea. A sharp whistling of the wind outside produced a soothing Aeolian tone against the protective cockpit canopy. From high above, the Exile II would look like a simple sea-stack on top of more black-gray slabs. The starship blended into the surroundings and they were safe for now. No doubt the Jedi would interrogate Mae and plot to use her to find them. He wasn't worried. His mind-wipe would keep the holier-than thou's scrambling back in the Jedi Grand Temple on Coruscant.
He glanced at Osha's sleeping image. Deep breathing. No eyelids moving with dreams.
The dark force was heavy in her. How many endless decades had he searched for his perfect one? He had traversed across the vastness of space and time, and now that he had her, the real work could begin. Training her to be his other half. He wanted the power of two and Osha would give it to him.
His dick almost got hard thinking of all the damage they would bring to the galaxy. Two orphans tossed away by the Jedi would become the architects of their destruction. He grinned reveling in the pleasure of the thought.
The tide began to turn back joined by the curtain of thick white fog creeping across the horizon. It would swallow the land bridge and them in an icy shroud if he didn't move soon. He shut the starship down completely and climbed out of the left side cockpit. His windswept hair became slightly wet from the spray of saltwater tossing foamy liquid across the rocks. Osha remained in her deep slumber. He carefully made his way to her side and popped open her cockpit canopy using the Force. Holding his right hand outstretched, he focused his power on Osha and lifted her with his mind. She floated like a limp ragdoll high into the air and he guided her down into his arms. He nestled her head gently in the crook of his neck. Her hair smelled like something sugary and sweet he remembered eating as a youngling on Coruscant. The sea already added its brakish scent to the damp locs that tickled his chin. She seemed almost weightless and felt tiny in his arms, but the power within that compact frame pulsed around her aura. He lowered his face to smell her hair once more.
She was his.
He would nurture her mentally back to health first before crafting the proper regimine for her training. Seawater sloshed across his inky black boots. His cape and body heat kept her warm while he marched across the wet rocky bridge toward his hidden abode.
The uncharted planet he lived on was mostly rocky terrain of chained islands with large veins of cortosis in some places that he mined for himself and turned into the metal to craft his helmet and gauntlet. Fortunately there was an abundance of food sources in the ocean and on land with plenty of fresh water to survive. Because it was uncharted, it became a safe pocket of refuge for others who didn't want to be found. Scattered across thousands of miles of archipelago were a few folks of ill repute, but everyone kept to themselves except for those occasions when they visited a rough-hewn set of humans who ran a modest bar/watering hole on the largest landmass on the planet. It was a place to gather intergalactic supplies and Intel discreetly. A place he would have to visit in a day or two.
His home was carved from a large rock mass near the sea. He claimed the abandoned property for himself two decades previous and his Master approved. He found the original owner dead and petrified like wood at the entrance as if it had been dead for centuries. Qimir fixed it up with modern fixtures turning it into a lab of sorts. Solitude and privacy was his and stepping through his front door, the interior lights automatically came on based on his biometrics.
The interior was chilly enough for him to see his breath as puffs of condensation vapor. He carried Osha to his full-sized bed. The top blanket was rumpled but the sheets were clean. He placed her on it and unfastened her boots. Her outer clothing would help keep her warm until he had the cave at a suitable temperature. He fumbled with her body to get her tucked under the covers without waking her. She curled into the fetal position. Pulling the covers over her shoulder he paused to watch her slumber.
Osha had delicate full features and still looked fierce in her sleep. He sat at the edge of the bed and let his eyes take in her relaxed state. She would sleep for a long time once her body fully settled into its new environment. He knew this. It would be a deep down in the bones sleep from shedding the weight of her past. He used his index finger to push back the front of her bangs to see her forehead. She didn't have the spiral pale marking on her forehead that Mae did. His finger lingered on her skin before touching one of her individual locs. Firm, yet soft, it felt like the thick yarn that made the heavy sweaters he wore during winter inside the cave. On his planet it was nearing fall. Luckily, Mae left enough clothing and grooming supplies behind that Osha could use until he went out for full supplies again. He bent down to sniff the scent of her hair once more and she stirred in her sleep. He froze, fearing she would wake up and find him hunched over her like some pervert. Distance. Give her space.
He moved away from the bed and shucked off his damp cape and outer layers, hanging them on a rack near the entrance. Untying his boots he scanned his living space for anything out of order. Scavengers often flew to the planet, but none dared to bother him in that area. At least not yet.
His cave smelled of salt, damp bedrock and sea foam. The tide brought in waves that crashed against the rocks below them. He would sleep pretty well himself once he made a pallet on the floor. First task was to make a fire and he grabbed wood and kindling from the stack against the wall where he prepared his meals. Tangled fishing nets waited for his mending on the floor in the corner. He'd need to fish and collect more food in the morning.
With a good amount of wood stacked next to the deep fire pit surrounded by heavy obsidian sandstone rocks that were great heat conductors, he built a fire . He layered the wood in a pyramid shape first, placing enough tinder at the top to make the fire last all night. Qimir stared at the tinder and it burst into flames. He glanced behind him. Osha still slept. He wondered if she already knew the power of pyrokenesis.
He stood near the fire in the middle of the cave to make sure it burned evenly. Light gray smoke rose up and out of the ventilation he made in the cave's roof. Holding his hands out, he warmed his palms and rotated his neck to knock out stiffness. He reached for some dried fragrant sea moss and tossed it on the fire. The scent of the sea rose up and gave him tranquility in the moment. Clarity.
He peeled off the rest of his clothes until he was naked and distributed them with his outer layers to dry near the fire. There was a chest full of clothing across from his bed in the back and he padded there barefoot on the clean earthen floor to retrieve soft beige trousers that always hung low on his hips. He pulled them on near the bed, keeping his eye on Osha as he tied the drawstrings. She'd rolled over onto her back with her hair in disarray across her cheek. The scent of sea moss finally reached the rear of the cave and so did the slow transfer of heat.
Qimir wandered over to his fresh water supply inside an ancient wooden barrel. He ladled a glass and the refreshing coolness pulled a groan of satisfaction from his throat. Exalted from his journey, he smiled as drops of water fell from his moist lips. He pulled a piece of seasoned jerky meat out from his dry food cabinet and settled on a bench in front of the fire with his front facing Osha. The plans running through his head for her wouldn't let him relax fully by the fire. How could he when the ultimate gift was in front of him? Secure inside a cave no one from her world would find.
"Oh-shaaa," he said softly into the fire.
She moaned in her sleep. He gazed at her form on the bed.
She had to consent to everything he wanted each step of the way. His seduction of her on the island before had been slow and deliberate. It helped that she was already physically attracted to him, but her fragile state would have her questioning every move he made from here on out. He was a master manipulator and could seduce anyone easily; her sister had been proof of that. But Osha? She was a woman who had been deceived to the core of her being. There was no way she would fully trust him even though she accepted his offer to train with him. Physical seduction wouldn't work on her the same way. He had to capture her mind first. It meant he was pushing her to do what he wanted, however nothing would stick unless she said yes to him. And yes to him again, and again…and again.
He steepled his fingers together and held them under his chin. How far could he push her? Would she buckle and run like Mae did? That would anger him. The longer she stayed in close proximity to him, the more potent their connection in the Force would be. Their bond would intertwine and grow stronger over time. He had to admit that it chilled and thrilled him to the bone to watch her burn all of her anger and grief and pure unadulterated rage into the cracked hilt of Sol's lightsaber, bleeding the kyber crystal into crimson fury. Chilled him even more when she force-choked her former Master and father-figure to death. She was sublime. Ripe for the plucking.
Now he had her.
He would mold her.
Teach her.
Osha's shriek wrenched his eyes away from the crackling heat of the fire. She bolted up from her sleep and glanced around in fear.
"You're okay Osha," he said moving toward her slowly, "you've had a bad dream. You're safe. Mae will be fine."
Fiery eyes took him in and he knelt down next to the bed.
"We're safe on my island. In my home. You need rest…shh…lay back."
Red weepy eyes stared at him with so much anguish. Wracked with sobs, Osha flung herself on the opposite side of the bed and wept into the soft pillows within her grasp. Her entire body convulsed in agony and he couldn't allow her to suffer alone like that.
Qimir crawled onto the bed and spooned around her. She jabbed his chest with her elbow.
"Get away from me! Don't touch me…don't you touch me!"
Her voice cracked and she wailed, still flinging her arm back to cause him pain too. He stayed still and let her release the first wave of pain until she was spent and nearly lost her ability to speak from all the crying.
"You will use this, Osha. There is power in pain—"
"Shut up! Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear anything…I don't want to hear your voice!"
She held her body in a rigid ball and wept for an hour. He simply stayed next to her making sure she didn't hurt herself like he tried to do once. The fire heated the cave up and it appeared to settle Osha into warm comfort. He reached out a hand and touched her shoulder. She didn't resist the touch, nor did she scream at him.
"It's not fair," she whimpered, "He took everything away from me and lied to my face for sixteen years. They took away the only people who ever truly loved me and my sister."
Her voice had a despondent tone he had never heard from her before. It sounded like giving up. Qimir wrapped a muscular arm across her waist and snuggled against Osha's back, pouring all of his warmth and strength into her.
"Sleep, Osha. I am here for you. Always. Remember that."
She cried softly through the night and he held her close, listening to her profound despair until she fell back into a pitiful sleep. The icy wind howled outside, but they were warm and cozy together.
He never left her side until the sun rose.
Chapter 4 HERE.
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Look at me me posting a day ahead of my Friday Schedule! Enjoy!
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ashisill · 1 year
The Jake fic is taking longer than I thought. So here’s a blurb to hold you guys over. Soft Jake should be out by the end of the week.
Josh is a girl dad
Jake is a boy dad
Josh is the one who’s fixing her hair for pre school. “Do we want pig tails or buns?” Turning on the curling iron, and making sure she knows not to touch it. “Its hot don’t touch” he’d say pointing at it. She’d nod her head as she watched her dad put her hair into pigtails. Josh is the one to apologize when he pulls her hair to hard “I’m sorry baby did it hurt?”. He would get it to perfection. Putting colorful little hair ties around them, or clip on charms to make her feel pretty. “Okay princess all done”. She’d smile in the mirror at her hair, and twirl it a bit at the ends. She stands up being careful not to touch the curling iron, and hugs her dad. Thanking him for making her look like princess. He’d smile from ear and ear, and place a kiss on her forehead. “Your welcome little darling”. He always makes sure she knows how much he loves her before dropping her off at preschool. “Do you know how much I love you?”. She would stretch her arms out as far as she could “this much?”. He’d agree with her, and gives her hugs and kisses before he walks her into school. Sometimes she gets teary eyed before he leaves, but she always comes home with fun little stories to tell him. And he’ll listen to every single word as he cooks her dinner for the night. Josh always makes bath time fun and relaxing for her. Once a week he’ll set a theme for her, or let her have extra toys, or if she’s had a “long day” he’ll message her scalp while he washes her hair. Which always makes her doze off in his hands. Right after bath time he lays her down in her “big girl bed”, but somehow she always finds her way back to his bed. Even though it may cause him less sleep he’ll never complain. She’ll find a home in his arms, and they’ll both drift off to sleep for the night. When she’s older, and gets her first period he’ll already be prepared. Giving her the option between pads or tampons, and teaching her the difference. Making sure to give her ibuprofen, and a heating pad for her cramps. He’s extremely understanding when she snaps at him. He never really loses his temper at her, and always gives her space.
Jake is the one to make sure there always a guitar laying out for him. One day he bought him one of those mini guitars. It ended up broke when he pulled the strings to hard. Jake just laughed it off, and took it to his office to fix it. When he’s old enough he’ll quiz him over music. Covering the screen in the car, and saying “what’s this song? Correct now who sings it?” He’ll teach him to be a gentleman. “You do not speak to your mother or any woman that way. Do you understand?” He will explain to him the importance of respect, and though he might not understand it now. It will become a part of him as he grows. Jake tries his hardest not to lose him temper, but sometimes it’s bound to happen. He’ll realized he messed up, and his son will began to tear up. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to lose my temper with you. It’s just frustrating when you don’t listen. We can fix it together okay” When the time comes to teach him about the birds and the bees. A lot of parents get weird about having this talk, and leave out important things. Not Jake he told him everything he needed to know. When he hits high school, and starts trying to sneak around Jake knows. “I was your age once too. You don’t have to sneak around. I know your going to do it regardless if I say no. So I’m not gonna try to stop you just be safe” Jake makes sure he knows if he’s ever in a situation to call him. No matter what he’ll always pick him up. He’s pounded into his head to never get behind the wheel intoxicated. The day a girl breaks his heart for the first time. He’ll come from school and immediately head for his room. Jake will give him his space for a while, but he didn’t come out all afternoon he went to check on him. He’ll tell him about a girl he loved, and how she loved another. Jake will understand, and tell him how he got over his heart breaks. His son will tear up, and Jake will tell him that it’s okay to cry. Jake will hug him, and wipe his tears. When he gets his first girlfriend Jake makes sure he’s treating her right. When he tells Jake she had a bad day he tell his son to buy her some flowers. He learned everything he knows from his dad, and Jake was always more than happy to teach him.
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stuckybarton · 2 years
Heads Under Water VIII
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Summary: Things go as planned but not in the way anyone expected. Character: K'uk'ulkan/Namor x Atlantean Descendant! Filipino! Female Reader. Word Count: 2,195 Chapter Warnings: Mention of Ambush and Bloodshed. Mention of drowning.
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“I’m surprise you’re here.” You couldn’t help but smile at Agent Ross as you and a few of the Dora Milaje had gathered by the shores as you were ready to turn this device on.
In your hand was a laptop that would allow you and anyone that wanted to watch from the camera you have installed into the machine as well as the one also attached to Shuri’s wetsuit for the duration of the repairs to be made. With the extensive damages, you had estimated the repairs to take well over three hours, but you wanted to make sure the machine as well as Shuri’s suit could withstand a longer duration just in case anything goes wrong. Multiple suits already on standby for the Dora Milaje to use.
“It’s not every day that something like this happens in Wakanda.” Ross pointed out with a gentle smile. “A little action here and there wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
You could only nod and continue on with watching Shuri set herself up in the suit. A reassuring smile on her face as she continued on with talking to her mother—letting her know that this was a safe project and if it was not she was allowed to behead her. A joke that truly had you lost for words. You know she was joking but somehow the anxiety was getting to you more than you would even admit.
“All set?” You asked instead after a moment. Queen Ramonda even in her pristine and blank look held the worry you were all too familiar with. It was the same look you had seen from your mother when you had told her you were flying to New York for a job opportunity.
It was a worry you wanted to make sure would not be warranted for what was about to happen. Your eyes turned to where numerous Talokanil warriors were also gathered, weapons in their grasped and behind them were the King and his two generals, the expectations of what was to come for today rested heavily on your shoulders.
"I'm ready when you are, Doctor." Shuri beamed, hands now holding onto your own. "And again, I know I do not say this enough, thank you for the help you had given to us. Even after knowing the real reason for your arrival here in Wakanda."
"I've learned so much too. And if you would have me, once I return from my visit back home. You would have space for me still." You spoke.
Now, you do not truly have anything else to do with Stark Industries or with the Avengers Compound. You found your place here, it would be different, but the more you spend your time here without the constant panic that came with working for Tony, the more you felt this was the place for you. Where you knew you would grow in a way that never truly happened under Tony.
"Perfect. I'll have everything ready once this is dealt with." She winked finally wearing the headpiece.
You tugged unto the mask to ensure that the seal was perfect before allowing her to make her way to the waters. The twelve by twelve machine was small compared to what you would usually make for this kinds of excavations, but a more compact device would be better for easier access should the need arise.
"The machine will follow you into the specific tunnel and all you have to do is lift it to the specific area it needs to make the fixes and it will do the rest." You repeated again.
"Got it, Doctor."
You smiled watching as the Princess has nodded towards the King that had now dove towards the waters, followed by his generals and the warriors that came before him.
"Good Luck, Princess." You hoped before finally turning the machine on through the laptop.
Backing away, you had watched Shuri hold onto the machine before heading down into the waters. You were quick to turn the camera and watched firsthand the waters as she swam deeper. You had ignored the familiar tightening on your chest at the sight of the waters as she went deeper. Counting ten backwards, you watched and fine-tuned the machine and checking the vitals as they gotten deeper in.
'You alright, Doctor?' Shuri had inquired through the communication line.
"As alright as I could be." You reassured not wanting her to worry about you at the moment but the task at hand.
You barely watched as the crystal waters slowly darken as they gotten into the depths of the waters. You found your hands were visibly shaken and even the Queen herself has taken notice, inquiring if you would want any assistance. You reassured her you were fine and instead inquired Shuri if they were close to the damages.
'Right in the center of it.'
Through the screen, you frowned realizing the severity of the damages that neither you nor Shuri truly realized until seeing it firsthand yourselves.
"Nudge the machine into the damages and I'll do the rest." You requested and through her camera, you had watched the device slowly make its way to the crevice of the damages and begin to work.
Sitting on the sandy shores, you placed the laptop on your thighs as you began to work. Maneuvering the machine as you watched the arms extend out from either sides, beginning to work it's magic on the repairs.
'You never cease to amaze me, Doctor.' Shuri began, idly watching you hard at work with the repairs.
You have learned early on that the pathway was made of corals and stone and you did you best to assure it stayed the same still. It was like playing puzzle for you now at this point, seeing what rock or coral would fit without damaging the paths further. With further help from the Talokanil Warriors you were able to ensure a perfect seal just within an hour and a half.
"Princess, please make sure everyone is out of the way when I spray the seal onto the rocks." You requested.
You heard a few orders being thrown out by Attuma and Namora before you were given the go-signal to begin the seal. A nozzle had extended out from the machine and you had watched the spurt of the sand mixture into the new repairs.
“What is that?” It was Queen Ramonda that had first made the inquiry.
“It’s a kind of sand and cement mixture. It hardens immediately when in contact with rocks, and is nearly indestructible. The only catch is it crumbles on dry land.” You explained.
Just like you’ve expected, you watched the mixture slowly solidify before your very eyes and you had even asked Attuma to test the integrity of the new structure. Watching him strike the walls with his spear only for his spear to bend in the process.
‘Good job, Doctor.’
“I had my doubts about this, bringing you along into this mess. But it seems you and my daughter have proven me wrong.” Queen Ramonda spoke looking down at you, a faint smile playing on her face now.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Now, please tell my daughter to come back to the surface.” She ordered, somewhat playfully now.
“You heard your mother, Princess.”
You could faintly hear Shuri talking amongst the people in Talokan. Each and every single one of them now coming to test the new path you had helped rebuilding. You smiled knowing it would take a while before she would come out to the surface, only now given the opportunity to return after everything that had happened between Wakanda and Talokan.
You once again checked the vital of both the machine and Shuri’s suit and you have noticed everything was still in stable condition. Queen Ramonda eventually allowed Shuri to explore around, with her seeing the beauty of Talokan through the screen, even she was amazed by the sheer beauty of the kingdom and the alarming number of people that lived under the depths of the water—more people that even you could have ever imagined.
‘The offer still stands, Doctor. You will learn so much from Talokan.’
A blush had lingered on your cheeks at the voice of the King through the communications. You now refused to meet the Queen’s eyes, fearing she might think you were conspiring against her and her people.
“I simply can’t.” You answered instead not wanting to linger so much into the topic.
But the tour was interrupted by the sound of something crashing and your eyes lingered right back to the machine fearing it had malfunctions, but seeing the vitals still normal, your next instinct was to check Shuri and the sight of utter chaos among Talokan as several beast had come to attack the Talokanil warriors was the last thing you would have expected to see.
“Shuri get out now!” You screamed and the utter chaos had the Dora Milaje up to attention, slipping on the wetsuits and diving down without hesitation to save the Princess.
You tried to reprogram the machine to assist Shuri in navigating out of the passage but you cursed at the sight of one of the beast go straight for Shuri and the machine. You rapidly continued on typing hoping to use the locator in hopes of seeing them.
“What is happening?”
Your mind was moving faster than your own fingers did and for some God damn reason, you found yourself throwing the laptop onto the flood and immediately suiting yourself into the last remaining wetsuit available. Your mind and body working in sync as you made the last adjustments—ignoring the panicked words of the people around you before you found yourself allowing the adrenaline to take over your body as you dived head first under the water.
They were being attacked. The last thing K'uk'ulkan would have ever believed to happen was an armored whale shark begin their attack on his people. His attention was torn between the bloodshed that was happening before him and the sight of now unconscious Princess Shuri among the chaos of it all.
He could not make his way towards her in time as numerous unknown assailants had now slipped out of the beast. Armed in linen robes and Obsidian they were no warriors of Talokan. Weapons ranged from mace and axes, to bow and arrows and even boomerangs. This were no people of his and that simply scared him the most—for he truly did not know if there were people like them in this world.
All of the warriors had stark white hair and eyes glowing bluer than the clear water. They were not equipped with any form of breathers Talokanil uses to breath in the surface. They were simply just like him—but far more dangerous.
Before long, he had watched the Dora Milaje come to defend them in this fight. The water was no obstacle for them, but they truly had one goal that was different from his own—save the Princess, nothing more and nothing less. But even the warriors of Wakanda were not immune to the attacks that came after them.
K'uk'ulkan had found himself battling numerous of the warriors that had now focused on him. His mind panicked, for this was an attack he had once fear would happened. Someone had found them and he was not sure who was truly to blame for it.
Then he saw it, the small glimmer of hope for Wakanda, you. You struggled to swim further down, but you were on a mission and K'uk'ulkan did his best to waver as much of the warriors away from your direction as you made your way to Shuri that has now slowly gained consciousness and only then did he come to realize that the suit that she had on was damaged and water was slowly seeping in.
Without an ounce of hesitation as he continued on with attacking anyone who would come his way, he had watched from his peripherals how you did not hesitate to let Shuri were your head gear and urged her up to safety in the surface. The Dora Milaje retreating now as they had extracted the Princess away from the dangers of the battle.
But now he has something else he needed to worry about. You. You, who even in the face of the death of your life had tried your best to take the machine without any form of breathing gear and how the wide eyes and the sudden grasp onto your throat meant reality was finally slamming through you in your predicament as you opened your mouth and tried to breath in the waters.
“Take her to my cove!” He orders Namora to which she did without an ounce of hesitation and in the panic that laced his voice he realized there was truly something about this woman that he was still uncertain about but it was a kinship that he was not so sure if he truly wanted to address after all was said and done. But for now, all that he could hope was for your safety above everything else.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
toph having a lot of nightmares after getting kidnapped and being tortured a lot but hiding it from kanto
but then one night kanto finds toph crying and shaking uncontrollably after a nightmare and finds out it's because of the kidnapping
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask!
Okay but @twinkle-toph and I have this fleeting idea of an AU about her getting kidnapped and the whump is 0-0.
It would take quite the event for Toph to get taken, mostly because she's. You know. The Greatest Earthbender in the World. But, even the mightiest have flaws and aren't perfect, and I can see an instance or two where her guard might be off and her blindness on wood or in the air or in the water gets taken advantage of.
When she comes to her senses and spends days, maybe weeks, in a cell and trying to figure out her escape, her resolve starts to fade and the situation gets to her. I think she'd tough it out while imprisoned, but once she's free/escaped, all she can think about is her time there, the sounds she heard, the pain she felt, the fear she lived with.
She tries not to let it show how much it messed with her head, because she never wants to be seen as weak. Kanto notices that Toph is off, though. He's always noticed the little things about her, and ever since she returned, she's been slightly different. She hides it well and denies it anytime he brings it up, but Kanto knows Toph better than anyone. He tries to give her an appropriate amount of space, but when he sees her crying, he drops everything to comfort her.
The nights are toughest for Toph. It's when the world gets quiet and she's left alone with her thoughts and they're often unbearable. When she sleeps, it's because she's exhausted and can't keep her eyes open any longer. But she hates sleeping, because that's when the nightmares come. She barely remembers the nightmares, but they're always terrible and have her wake up in a cold sweat. There are a few nights early on when Toph wakes up alone, but then after Kanto, she wakes up and he's there to calm her down and bring her back to reality. His big, warm arms wrap around her and while at first his touch jarring, she feels so safe in his arms—
They don't really talk about what happened, but Kanto hypothesizes. He doesn't ask, he just waits for Toph to tell her story on her terms. It takes a while, but eventually, she reaches a point where she not only tells Kanto, but wants to tell him. She wants to be open and honest with him, and this is one of the first steps for her.
AH—The hurt/comfort is so so good—
Thanks for sending this ask over, Anon! Love the Kantophy questions of course, and feel free to send more! Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA or LOK! :D
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silentstep · 2 years
Why do you dislike the idea of Wen Qing being the top of a ChengQing relationship out of curiosity?
Short answer is that if it wasn't such an overwhelming majority of portrayals, I wouldn't!
slightly longer answer is that the idea that ~all het pairings have to have femdom in order to be acceptably progressive~ cuts off women from being portrayed as fully realized characters. It's a lack of willingness to explore their interiority and to allow them access to the full spectrum of humanity. Male characters are allowed to be messy. Male characters are allowed to pine and fall desperately in love and harbor fears that it's unrequited. Male characters are allowed to feel insecure and uncertain. Male characters are allowed to be loved despite all their flaws and all their mistakes and all their blind spots. Male characters are allowed to change and grow and be forgiven. Female characters have to be perfect angel goddesses who are given out to male characters as rewards to be worshipped. Let female characters down off their pedestals for once, I am begging.
*long sigh*  It’s just like… nowadays we express attraction/affection towards a female character by going WOW STEP ON ME QUEEN!!! and towards a male character by going OH THE THINGS I WANT TO DO TO HIM… >:)  HE’S SO PATHETIC AND WET
and it’s because we don’t want to be sexist and/or degrading!  I absolutely get that!  but when we’re actually writing longform narrative about specific characters, I want to be able to explore the character of the individual and the relationship, instead of just having those two sentiments writ large.  I don’t want to read about generic Character A/Character B.
and like, again, this is a problem I have with the trend, not with any individual fic. I've read and enjoyed individual fics where she's the dominant one who takes Jiang Cheng apart and makes him beg for it. But why is it all I can find? Why is she slotted into the pigeonhole of "Wei Wuxian's mean lesbian bestie, whose own life never gets any focus" in the background of every other fic? Why does she never get teased by her modern AU friends?  When does she get to be impulsive and silly?  Why does she always have to be “too smart” to get involved in shenanigans?  Why does she never get to let her guard down? When does she get to feel safe enough to relax her prickles and expose her vulnerable underbelly? Why does she never get to have vulnerabilities at all? Why does she never get to be soft, why does she never get to be sweet, why does she never get to rest and be taken care of?  Why does she always have to have everything together?  Why does she never get to appreciate or be grateful for someone else's good points, someone else's strength? Why does she have to be good at literally everything, instead of ever getting to let someone else compensate for the things she's not good at? She's lost so much, just as much as any male character in the series; why does she never get to cry and mourn and be held and comforted? Why does she always, always have to be the strong one? When does she get to put that burden down? Why is her canonical moral ambiguity never given space, when Jiang Cheng's is always portrayed as an obstacle between them? Why do her canonical wrongdoings never require forgiveness or atonement? Why doesn't she ever get portrayed as feeling guilty for the atrocities she stood by and let happen— that she outright enabled? Why does she never get to be a person?
tl;dr: every single time the male character gets to be a skrunkly meowmeow, his female love interest should also get the same treatment, dammit.
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heich0e · 2 years
sometimes, when the stars align and the timing is right, your day off coincides with the day shinsuke is making a trip into town on a delivery run.
he's up at dawn, just like he always is. a rustle on the futon beside you as he sits himself upright. a gentle kiss upon your brow before he slips out from under the blankets. but this time, unlike most mornings when he's heading out to tend the paddies and leaves you there to sleep a little longer before you have to wake to start your day, you rise with him.
side by side in the kitchen you work in quiet cooperation, making breakfast and packing lunches, humming along to the radio playing quietly in the corner between morning news broadcasts and weather reports.
sunny skies all the way to osaka this morning, but a light chill in the air. you smile as you snap the lid on a little pink lunch box. perfect.
once everything precious has been loaded into shin's beloved truck, tucked and buckled in and secure, you head off on the road. the radio in the truck has been acting up lately, and he's gonna get samu to take a look at it when you get to osaka, so for now you listen to the strange collection of cassette tapes in the glove compartment. some were grandma yumie's hand-me-downs, some you'd picked up at charity shops, but the nostalgic songs that crackle out from the speakers are somehow exactly the right soundtrack for your little day on the road, and you find yourself grateful for them.
there's a few stops in kobe kita has to make along the way, slipping quietly from the driver's seat and heading to the back of the truck. you turn in your seat, eyes scanning over the backseat of the truck with a soft smile, glancing up and watching through the back window as shinsuke hauls heavy bags of rice out of the truck bed and totes them to their destinations, hefted over his shoulder. handshakes and bows exchanged with shop owners and chefs, you're back on the road again.
it takes a little longer to get to osaka than it normally would thanks to the stops you make, but you enjoy every minute of it.
"we're here," shinsuke says, pointing out a sign as he flicks the turn indicator to signal his intention to turn into a parking lot. you nod, an excited flutter in your tummy.
you turn yourself around in your seat, squirming slightly as you slip your shoulders out from the safety of your seatbelt, and the man beside you takes one hand off the wheel to place it gently on your back to keep you steady.
you reach into the backseat of the car, fingertips grazing a warm rosy cheek.
a little pair of chestnut brown eyes framed by long, wispy eyelashes flutter open and peer up at you.
"hi gorgeous," you smile, and the little girl wiggles in her car seat, leaning her into the touch of your hand as she rouses from her slumber. "good morning."
"slept the whole way here," shinsuke chuckles, shifting the truck into park once he's pulled into a safe space in the lot.
"did i miss uncle samu?" your daughter murmurs sadly, two little fists rubbing at her sleepy eyes, a pout on her perfect lips.
"no, we're going to see him later," you smile, brushing the silvery strands of her hair back from her face.
"papa didn't bring him his rice yet?" she asks, eyes wide and shimmering with renewed hope.
"nope," the aforementioned papa says from the driver's seat. "couldn't do that without my best delivery helper."
your daughter smiles from the backseat, an excited rush of pink flooding her cheeks. she seems to pause a little, pushing herself up in her carseat and craning to try and peek out the window to get a glimpse of her unfamiliar surroundings.
"where are we?" she asks, unable to ascertain anything she recognizes.
"ya really don't know?" shinsuke asks, feigning shock (which you can tell, but the four year old in front of you cannot.)
"no papa! i don't!"
shinsuke bites back a little grin, and you shoot him a look.
"don't tease," you whisper quietly, fondly, under your breath. he looks at you with eyes full of affection and nods, slipping out from the drivers seat.
shinsuke opens up your daughter's door and helps unstrap her from her carseat, pulling her up into his arms. you slide out from your own seat at the same time, the midday osaka sunshine warm, but with that little chill the forecast had called for. you'd packed everyone a sweater in preparation.
"d'you know what that says?" shinsuke asks your daughter, pointing to the sign on the other side of the parking lot.
you watch as she follows his gaze and squints at the kanji on the sign. she's only four, but there are some words she's learned to read.
"no," she says glumly after a moment, unable to figure it out.
"think about it," shin urges her, bouncing her encouragingly in his arm as he holds her against his hip. "what book are ya always askin' papa to read at bedtime?"
your daughter racks her brain for a moment, and then something clicks.
she places one little hand on either of shinsuke's cheeks, pressing her nose right to her father's.
"zoo," she breathes, so thrilled she can barely speak.
"zoo," shinsuke confirms proudly.
yumie squirms in her father's arms, twisting in his hold to face you.
"it's zoo, mama!" she says excitedly, her warm eyes sparkling.
"sure is, baby," you agree with a smile.
shinsuke sets yumie down on her own two feet to help you unpack the car. you help your daughter into her cardigan while she shifts her weight eagerly from foot to little foot, and then fasten a sunhat over her pig-tailed head to protect her from the midday rays.
the last car door slams behind you, and you turn where you're crouched on the ground to see shinsuke hiking a canvas tote bag (your handmade lunches held within) over his shoulder.
"ready to go?" he asks you, and you nod.
yumie weasels her way between the two of you as you rise up to your feet. she slips one little hand into yours and one into shinsuke's, gripping your fingers tight.
"mama... do you think they have any foxes in there?" yumie asks you hopefully as your little family crosses the parking lot towards the entrance.
you glance over at your husband, and see his eyes crinkling at the corners, his face turned up into the sun as he smiles.
"yeah baby, i'm sure they do."
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queeniecook · 9 months
The Grant Legacy - Generation 2 - The Second Act - Part 3
The Straud/Blake/James and Liberty Household - Forgotten Hollow
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Asa has let James continues his experiments on him to find a cure for vampirism. They continue to do them out of town so no one knows, no one except his ex-wife, Annalise, who has been giving him medical advice on how to try to treat some of his symptoms from the experiments. Oddly the things he's been experiencing, things like fatigue and headaches are things that humans experience but he's still a vampire. Asa feels like he's stuck in the worst of both worlds. He does worry that maybe James does plan to wipe out any vampire he doesn't like - if he is successful in his quest that is. Asa has to take the chance, he no longer wishes to go on as a vampire. A small messed up part of him hopes to get his hands on the cure, make sure it works and give it to Annalise. He knows she allowed him to turn her out of her love for him. He could give Annalise her life back possibly. Though he knows things could go horribly wrong, he's still willing to risk it.
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Liberty has decided, with her sister's support, to go after her dream from her human life. She has entered the intern program at the space center in San Myshuno. The daily travel is nothing for someone who can fly as a bat to her job. James wasn't too excited at first about his wife working but soon realized it has certain benefits- she's not always around to catch him doing things he shouldn't be doing. Though James did keep his word - he didn't interfere with the delivery of the Vatore offspring. That doesn't mean he's been a perfect angel, though he's been staying to Forgotten Hollow for the most part - outside of his weekly trips with Asa to Granite Falls for his quest to cure vampirism, something Liberty still has no idea about. Of course when he does succeed and he believes he will, she will be safe and as promised, so will Annalise. James rarely makes promises but when he does, he actually keeps them.
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Vladislaus Straud has been more and more the Count of old lately. Grouchy, seeking to be alone, playing his pipe organ all hours of the night which makes it so James can't sleep at night. That one put a smile on his face. The only thing that makes him smile these days. He hasn't seen Lilith in person in months, though he catches glimpses of her from afar. Never did he think he'd miss someone but he misses her. He wants to take her hostage, tie her up and make her stay in his basement for a few weeks before he takes her to his bedroom and tries to lure her back into his bed, but enough about his coffin daydreams.
The Cents Household - Del Sol Valley
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Back on her own in the huge Mansion she had her agent buy for her, Inna has been focusing on her career. She's had several offers for movie roles and is carefully selecting her next one as she may or may not sometimes browse certain social media platforms for information on Vera Grant-Vatore. Oddly, she hears about the birth of her daughter with Caleb on a tabloid rag at the local coffee shop. The headline is printed above an obviously doctored picture of Evie, not Vera, holding a bat in a baby blanket. Inna rolled her eyes at the cover but the story turned out to be true once she asked around the vampire community. Why does it bother her so much that Caleb has had a baby with this woman? Maybe she doesn't like him being happy after he robbed her of human life, though being a vampire has allowed her all the time in the world to pursue her dream of being a A-List Celebrity and movie star. For that, she is oddly grateful to him. It's twisted web in her mind and her heart.
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
hi! omg i absolutely adore all your stuff, it's so good, and the subby!boys with wife! reader is such a perfect dynamic.
would absolutely love to see more sub!jace being clingy and teary, and not wanting you to leave him at all -- maybe he's not feeling well or is sad about something going on and all he wants is to stay in your arms.
and maybe someone walks in on you and he gets so upset because your arms are his safe space and you need to soothe and comfort him?
honestly everything you write is amazing, sub!jace is literally my new obsession <3
Oh my god I love this!!! We’re all so obsessed with clingy sensitive Jace I love it.
While my answer definitely isn’t very graphic, it is definitely sub!jace with implied sexual content so I’m gonna hide it under the cut for those who don’t want to read that :))
So I think this works best when discussing how Jace would be once he’s more comfortable? For the first two or three months he’s mostly very put together and trying to impress you and be a good husband, he wants to prove himself.
You’d only ever seen him unsettled and needy during sex and immediately after. It was always such an odd change because he’d instantly go from being polite and withdrawn and sometimes even dominant to try and show he can provide for you but then you kiss him and get a hand in his hair and instantly his knees are buckling and he’s whining into your mouth. So for a while it’s mostly Jace being put together and then when he couldn’t manage that anymore there would be brief bursts of him being very very needy.
But as he starts to get more comfortable and starts to accept that you really do love him and would never leave him for showing you his emotions, then he starts to become a lot more like that clingy version of himself all the time?
Eventually he won’t try to hide when he’s upset or stop himself from begging you to stay longer or telling you he wants to leave a public event and be alone with you. You always listen and help him and he just feels so so good because you’re his wife and his biggest support.
(By the way, this is definitely something noticed by both the rest of the castle and Rhaenyra. They all can see how as your relationship progressed Jace becomes more clingy and stays by your side, going everywhere with you and pulling you into hugs in public. At first Jace is worried how his mother will react but actually she’s just so so happy for him? She knows exactly what it’s like to be married to someone you can’t love and so she gets teary eyed every time she sees how in love and Jace are because she knows if there’s one thing she’s certainly done right, it’s making sure her son marries the love of his life and no one else.)
Anyway, I think Jace would be the most clingy and needy after he’s been without you for a while? From your wedding night onwards (and let’s be a honest a few nights before that too), he’s always slept in the same bed as you. Even when he was still trying to uphold this tough facade, he would still insist on sleeping in the same bed as you and he wouldn’t be able to sleep into you came to bed.
But unfortunately there’s a war ongoing, and that means both of you are regularly sent on missions for days and sometimes weeks at a time. Jace isn’t too bad when he’s the one being sent somewhere. Of course he really really misses you, but he knows you’re safe at the castle and will be there when he returns.
The issue is when you’re the one sent out. He understands why he can’t come with and he’d never try to tell you that you can’t do it, but damn it he hates every single second without you. He spends the entire time you’re away worrying about you. He has horrible dreams of all the different ways you could be hurt or killed, he spends hours at a time sitting on the beach just staring into the distance in hopes he may spot you. Rhaenyra always tries her best to comfort him but it’s no real help and she knows she can’t do any more.
As a result of this, when you do return I think his nerves would always be completely shot? He’s spent the entire time you were away in a perpetual state of tension and anxiety and fear and so now that you’re back it’s almost like he crashes? He knows you’re safe and his body just can’t keep him running in this state anymore.
Everyone else knows not to get in front of Jace when you return. The moment you’re within reach he’s running down to you and pulling you into the tightest hug possible. He buries his head in your neck and you can feel his shoulders shake as he cries. You tell him you’re here now, you’re back, you’re safe. Eventually he’ll collapse into you and then you have to gently push him away and wrap an arm around his waist to help him back to your shared quarters.
The first time you went on a mission after marrying Jace, some members of the council made the mistake of rushing over the moment your hug with Jace ended and started asking for updates. Jace very nearly had them killed and the only reason they’re still alive is because his mother thankfully realised what was happening and told everyone that they’d only get a debrief on your mission the next morning because she can see Jace is at the end of his rope.
He’s so shamelessly clingy for the entire evening. He never lets you out of his sight and cries if you even think about moving. He needs be with you for the entire time so that he can slowly begin to accept that you’re alright and you’re back with him.
You spend more whole time in bed with him in various states of undress. It always starts with Jace begging to undress you and be allowed to take a bath with you. At this point his motives aren’t even sexual. He wants to make sure you don’t have any injuries anywhere and because it’s been so long since he last submitted, he really wants to please you and do acts of service for you.
Of course you agree to both and he’s so so gentle.
The problem comes from whenever sometimes comes into the room. A few other councils members will always inevitably try to come in and ask you about how the trip is, but there’s also the servants and Jace gets unsettled no matter who is in the room during those times.
It takes at least an hour of cuddling before Jace will be ready to hear about what happened during your mission because first he just has to accept that you’re actually there and safe.
And good luck to anyone who opens that door because Jace will immediately cling to you and never let go. He’s been without you for far too long and you can’t just speak to someone else now. He’s your husband and for once he will use that to his advantage and demand uninterrupted times with you.
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 months
The Invisible Man (2020)
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I “saw” 2020’s The Invisible Man again and liked it even more the second time. Any disappointment you might have once you realize it is not an adaptation of the H.G. Wells novel - or a remake of the excellent 1933 film - will disappear after witnessing the magnificent performance by Elizabeth Moss, the overwhelming sense of paranoia generated by the camerawork, Leigh Whannell’s direction, or the smart way it incorporates themes of domestic abuse into its story.
Cecilia Kass (Elisabeth Moss) escapes her violent, controlling boyfriend with the help of her sister, Emily (Harriet Dyer), her friend James (Aldis Hodge) and his daughter (Sydney (Storm Reid). While hiding from Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), Cecilia learns from his brother, Tom (Michael Dorman) that he committed suicide after she left. Despite this, she becomes convinced he is alive, that he's found a way to make himself invisible and that he's now stalking her.
The usual rule in movies is “show, don’t tell”, and it’s a testament to the script by Leigh Whannell that he breaks this rule in one important way but that the film still works. What sort of abuse was Cecilia subjected to? We don’t really know. The film begins on the night of her escape. We see her check the clock in the middle of the night, carefully move Adrian’s hand away from her waist, pull a duffel bag out of a ventilation shaft, move a camera away from her exit, go down into the basement to shut off the alarms and carefully make her out. On the outside, the home looks majestic but from our point of view looks like an endless maze of suffocating corridors. Her next move is to climb the wall surrounding the property and then run through the woods to the road where her sister is scheduled to meet her. Later on, Cecilia tells us how Adrian would punish her, how eventually, he didn’t need to because he could foresee her every move and practically read her thoughts. Your imagination fills the gaps, and we’re just getting started.
It doesn’t take us too long to figure out what’s really happening. Adrian has, indeed, made himself invisible. That’s an endlessly more frightening truth than if Cecilia was still trapped inside the house with him. When she and James discuss her fears, the camera always seems a little bit too far away, like a third person needed to be squeezed into the frame. The negative space all around them becomes Adrian. It no longer matters whether he is hiding in that corner or not because he could be and the fact that he COULD be there means he’s there, slowly choking Cecilia just like before. No, not like before. Previously, she had hope. If she could make it off that property and onto the street, she would be free. Now, no one will come to her rescue because everyone believes she’s safe. Anything Cecilia says about Adrian stalking her just makes her seem unstable. Soon, she won’t have a choice. She’ll willingly decide to go back to him just so she can stop wondering if she’s being stalked or not.
Enough praise cannot be showered upon Moss for her performance as Cecilia. She plays this horribly broken person with pinpricks of who she must’ve been before Adrian showing up here and then. She’s so frightened of him that you can’t help feeling the same, particularly in those long shots at night when the camera simply stares at an empty door frame. We know there’s someone there. So does Cecilia. It’s like she’s been around the monster for so long that she can also read his thoughts. Rather than prove an advantage, it’s merely another reason to be terrified. He doesn’t need to even utter threats anymore. The threats are already there and whatever she can think of, he can counter with ease. She’s smart so there is hope but talk about an uphill battle and since this is a horror movie, you don’t know how it’s going to end. I’ll give you a hint: it’s a pitch-perfect conclusion.
 The Invisible Man is genuinely frightening and it creates terror without resorting to cheap tricks. The picture heaps suspense upon suspense, makes sure you’re invested by fashioning these great characters and gives the roles to actors who are up to the task. Masterfully directed, fresh, and relevant, it’s not merely a great horror film; it’s a great film period. (June 10, 2022)
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