#she doesnt think she deserves this after all she's done.... but she's getting there....
slocumjoe · 1 year
hey uhhh i went thru ur oc post history and u said gus set himself on fire?? pls context
I love this character because whenever someone asks about him I always have to take a deep breath and get comfortable and suck a breath in through my teeth. I treat him so poorly
More Gus lore, because that specific event is actually tied to the very first event that would fuck him up forever, so I can't really talk about it without going in depth.
This is explaining the core tenent of Augustijn's story, which is guilt and its dangers. Basically, where that constant guilt came from, and how it...turned out for him...
It turns out okay. Just...takes 200+ years, an apocalypse, a divorce, and his son dying! 🥳Yay🥳
Tw; Religious trauma, child abuse, suicide, drug use, cannibalism, mental illnesses, and yet another suicide attempt.
So, some background, Gus's mom, Emma, was a fanatic catholic and generally Bat Shit about religion. As you might imagine, this is the Direct Source of both Gus' questionable worldviews, traumas, and his biological inclination to uuuhhh bad Head Times.
Emma was raised mildly religious, but she...took to it too hard? Her family was not the cause of her obsession, Gus's grandparents and uncles/aunts over there actually cut her off at one point, because she was starting to worry them but reaching out led to her lashing out. So, they just...backed off. Emma herself was a simple, homebody woman, who wanted to be at home raising her kids, and tending her garden. She would have been this way even without the religious thing.
But Emma and her side of the family were prone to addiction, see? And religion became her point of fixation and obsession. This could have still been okay, if not for the church she went into. A catholic church in the Hague that was known by all for being kind of fucking out there, even by other hardcore Catholics. This was one she went into, and even her grandchild 240+ years later would feel the ripple of this decision.
Emma goes into church and gets gnarly ideas about how life works. Its a woman's duty to have kids and raise them, to be good to her husband and her house, to listen and obey her men. Sin is inevitable and everyone does it, only those that admit and accept punishment can get another chance at Paradise. God knows every action you take and he does not care for the context, he only cares about the action. There is no "well, but" under the Lord.
Emma has mental illness, some kind of depression and anxiety, so this Big Brother Watching And Judging fucked her up. Especially since her church, in particular, was physically abusive if you did not confess to anything during confession. They thought if you had nothing to confess, you were lying.
At this point, she's met and engaged to Theodore Reinier, a rich heir to a European manufacturing company. He's pretty, a gentleman, and best of all, rich, so she can have as big and luxurious a garden as she wants. She likes him. She does not love him. She's in her twenties and unmarried with no kids, and her poor family needs to be taken care of. So she marries him. Theodore is smart enough to see this for what it is, and kind enough to allow it. He lets his wife do her own thing and treats her as a friend, rather than a lover. She hates this, she wants to be a wife (she doesnt). She wants kids, he gives her one. Augustijn. This birth goes rough, and she's told no more children.
Theodore makes one rule; August goes to a different church, or he does not go at all. Theo really didn't like Emma's church and he certainly wasn't exposing his kid to that shit.
Emma pretends to agree and takes Gus to That Church. Theo doesn't attend, so he doesn't know this is happening until much later. Gus gets all the same nasty shit Emma does. Theo learns of this when he sees Gus covered in bruises from confession beatings. This puts a huge rift between him and Emma, and he pulls all the strings he can to have her church shut down.
Emma grows to resent and hate Theo and Augustijn for not being the perfect husband and child she deserves as a good, God fearing house wife. Augustijn is left to his nannies, Emma hides away in her private garden, fuming. Theodore tries to bond with his son, but Emma's poisoned that well.
Emma tells Augustijn about demons, to fear them. She specifically tells him about church grims, demons that hunt around churches in the form of a dog to drag sinners to hell. She says this as she's admiring her new obsidian dog statues for her garden.
Eventually, Emma goes yellow wallpaper and loses her mind, and is sent to therapy and put on medications. Augustijn loathes his father for his mother's state. Theodore just wants his friend and son okay. But Emma, as she's out in town, coming back from therapy, she stops at a friend's house while the friend isn't there, and hooks up with the woman's husband. Friend's husband was stern, strict with his wife, God fearing, and generally an obnoxious 50s ideal shithead husband. Everything Emma wanted. This wasn't out of nowhere, it was brewing in the background. She knew both of them from her old church.
Emma goes home, and finally having a reason for the guilt that's always plagued her, elects to acknowledge her sin. She drowns herself in the pond of her garden, stared down by three dark, ruby-eyed dogs, overseeing her passage into the afterlife. Her young son comes into the garden to meet his mother, after she's been gone all day, only to find her in a red pool. He looks up into the eyes of the dogs. He remembers nothing of this incident, blocking it out and having been too young to understand.
Years pass, and Augustijn turns to drugs as well, though his come from the darkest parts of the Hague, rather than a doctor. He turns to sex, to crime, to anything he thinks will either corrupt him so much he doesn't care, or will finally make his guilt feel justified. He wears his mother's cross necklace through it all, and sees her beloved dog with every sin.
Augustijn goes to America for college, to Harvard, studying to become a pastor himself. (This is maybe the most terrifying part of him, the fact that he almost got it). But he doesn't feel satisfied with it, has a moment of clarity and realizes he isn't fit to preach anything. The grim certainly doesn't think so. He instead follows his only friend, Isadora, into the military. The US government allowing their soldiers to do chems means his failed drug tests don't matter.
Augustijn becomes a sniper. He has always hurt people, excelled in it, but taking life frightens him, because he knows he has no right to decide who lives or dies, not like this. But he's in China, and he's told to kill. He does, and he's very good at it. His teammates marvel at just how scrappy and determined he is, like a weed, a mold.
The Biandukou Pass Incident occurs. He eats his entire team, trapped in a Chinese mountain range during a blizzard.
Delirious from almost two months of surviving on nothing but psycho and human flesh, Augustijn is let loose back into Boston, honorably discharged. His lingering hallucinations from his Daytripper addiction, mixed with psycho withdrawal, trauma, guilt, shame, the fear of God—everything culminates. He looks up and sees the figure that has haunted him since that one, awful day; the church grim, staring expectantly.
His mother drowned herself, so he thought it fitting if he set himself ablaze.
#ss; alter#I hate to put a word to his specific illness because you always get people like 'this isnt what i think this is like so pls die'#but i imagine he'd be diagnosed with hppd#hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. basically lingering effects of hallucinogenics after use#the point of emma is that she did not ever see past the shit#Augustijn gradually learns how to reject his guilt and view himself objectively#and comes to see how he was hurt and how he hurt others. and accepts that he has a right to feel hurt but an obligation to be better#emma doesnt. she never would have even if she survived her attempt#its like. you only feel guilt because its a concept put into you#and emma taught him guilt. always feel dirty and shameful.#but. she didnt feel guilty. not really. she was confident in all of her actions and never once hesistated#she thought it was guilt just because she knew how it would look to other people. thats not guilt thats awareness.#she wasnt guilty she feared repercussions.#meanwhile her son grew up always ashamed and horrified at himself and was desperate for any kind of comeuppance#not to make it okay because he knew it wouldn't. but because he deserved it#accountability and justice are also big concepts in gus' character. the idea that someone becoming better and earnestly doing it#is better and more worthwhile than them suffering for their actions. this comes up with the Institute and Isadora#anyway if any of you come at me bitching about portaying a woman as abusive im biting#'joe no one does fhat' they literally do. its happened to me before. yall say you support womens wrongs until theyre abusive moms#anyway. fun fact; being beaten during confessions is why gus cant admit when hes done wrong for like 30 years. its a trauma/trigger#gus really is just. 'how do i process what happened to me without losing my mind'#and he lost his mind. but he does everything he can to find it again. because he doesnt want to feel this way anymore
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Now that I'm home and can actually write out my thoughts, I have a lot to say with this episode.
And for starters, this post isnt here for anyone to start arguments, these are just my thoughts on the episode and theories to come for the last 2.
Let me just say that that episode was pretty fucked up and I enjoyed every moment of it. The way Ruby was framed running, not quite sure where she was after leaving in a fit of rage, the way she starts succumbing to her depression as she realizes that people near her get hurt while also recognizing that she was just not ready for any of this.
Her fight with Neo was not what I expected for visuals, the way Neo's semblance was used to air our her own grief and pain, and the way she tormented Ruby with people that she knew and, in her mind, failed. Pyrrha, the friend she couldnt save, Penny, someone who meant the world to her and couldnt save twice, Ozpin, the headmaster that she hadnt been able to live up to, Lionheart, the headmaster who's trust was betrayed, Clover and Ironwood, essentially the two halves of Atlas that she failed in different ways, none of which were her fault.
And then the way Neo just... broke after Ruby was "killed", the way that once she had gotten the revenge she wanted, she started questioning herself if this is what she really wanted.
The way everything was written and animated was beautiful to showcase just how broken these two individuals were in their own ways. Ruby having a burden thrust onto her shoulders, not ready and constantly feeling like she needed to be there for her team and everyone else because she's the leader. That she's kept pushing everything down and bottling it up because she never learned how to do anything else. Between Taiyang shutting down, Yang picking up the pieces where she could, her mother dying, watching two schools get destroyed and nearly dying at another, feeling like she's failed after letting two relics get into Salem's hands and not being able to save another friend.
And Neo, consumed by despair and loss of the only person that truly understood her, betrayed by someone who said she could help and then breaking once she realizes that her revenge didnt fix anything. Roman didnt come back, her semblance starts to break as her old home started to collapse around her, suffering all the consequences of single minded revenge because just like Ruby, she never knew how to cope with her own pain.
These are two girls, two sides of the same coin, dealing with the pain and the hurt that they carry in their own, self destructive ways.
And if the cat really is telling the truth that nothing in the Ever After actually dies, that ascension is what replaces it, Ruby may use that to her advantage once she's able to "ascend" to who she really is as Ruby Rose. Especially after the way broke down saying she doesnt want to be herself anymore. With the way the Tree loomed over as Ruby was taken down into the ground, its going to help her in the only way it'll know how: by letting her choose who Ruby Rose is meant to be.
And god, the cat. The curious cat, cursed with curiosity to gain knowledge and utterly broken by their creators leaving. If the Brothers of Light and Dark did actually end up creating the Ever After, I wonder if that was before or after they split into two separate beings. Or if its possible that they werent involved at all and it ended up being Oz and Salem. Next two episodes is definitely going to give us a lot of answers, a lot of questions, and show us the way out of the Ever After, only to let us stew on where our heroes will end up.
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gibbearish · 10 months
saw the barbie movie
#it was pretty good i will say though i think people being like 'i have no idea why the right is mad abt this#movie theres absolutely nothing upsetting in it' are being disingenuous#the veil of satire is exactly a centimeter thick on this one like this movie directly mocks conservatives to their faces#in entirely deserved and accurate ways which is exactly why theyre mad#and honestly it did feel heavy handed at times to the point of immersion breaking for me#like when the mom is helping deprogram the barbies that whole monologue and the snippits after very much feel like#a video essay rather than part of a movie about barbie#and im torn between 'this doesnt fit in the movie super well' and 'holy shit they actually let yall say this in a major movie#this is Excellent Progress goddamn'#idk tldr i have mixed feelings#but i mean overall it was fun and campy i did enjoy it#also side note ive seen several ppl be like ''it sucks that the movie ends on 'she got a vagina as her signifier of Being A#Real Woman‚' this is transphobic'' and like i can see where that sentiment comes from but also. no#the film very blatently establishes that the thing making her a real woman is just her Realizing She Is One#whereas the gynocologist thing is just a joke to end the movie on?#with the setup being that with the family all there to support her and wishing her good luck and everything#it feels like its building up to like a job interview or something like that and then it subverts your expectations#like idk to me 'doll that constantly gets jokes made about them not having genitals becomes real and gets genitals' doesnt read as a#trans joke‚ it reads as. a barbie joke. about barbie dolls#anyways done with that rant where do i find the allan fanclub#also the weird barbie fanclub
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hiddenbeks · 7 months
u ever just. think abt ur warden and the decisions u made in dao and realize they would not make some of the decisions you made. and then u have to replay the game all over again just to do that one (1) thing differently
#must stay!! true to the character!!!#yknow. in every playthru after my very first one years ago i've made alistair rule together with anora#bc i believe its the best outcome for like ferelden as a whole. with anora's experience and alistair's compassion etc etc#but i dont think andrale cares whats best for ferelden lol. esp if it's at the cost of her loved ones' happiness#they have a rocky start but alistair and andrale are fast friends by the end!!#and if he doesnt wanna be king shes not gonna make him!! and anora seems competent enough to her#so the idea of the two marrying as a political power move doesnt even cross her mind actually#ALSO i've never done it before bc obliterating loghain with my rogue is just too fun. but i think andrale would let alistair duel him#since its more personal for him. andrale thinks he deserves a little revenge. as a treat#ch: andrale#hhhhh now im also thinking abt all the other questlines and What Andrale Would Actually Do#in a paragon of her kind i always play both sides and then betray harrowmont for Maximum Profit. but would andrale do that?????#i feel like she wouldnt waste time with that she would simply do whatever gets her the troops faster. she is a mostly honest person#would she broker peace between zathrian's clan n the werewolves?? or would she be like idc go off zathrian????#like. she has elgar'nan's vallaslin... mostly bc i think it looks cool but since elgar'nan is the god of vengeance...#maybe andrale does have a vengeful streak..... so much so that she believes zathrian's actions are good and justified.. hmm. idk#anyway. thinking thoughts abt my specialest babygirl warden. i love her :)
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clandestineloki · 10 months
miguel o'hara x shy crybaby housewife!reader (p2)
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part 2 to this
miguel rolls you over on your back and takes your wrists in his hand, kissing your fingers and smiling up at you
it may be a sincere, sweet smile, but you're very flustered because this is your very attractive husband mind you
and you're still blushing like a schoolgirl when he looks at you with hearts in his eyes!!
he laughs softly at your flustered expression, and he just makes you even more embarrassed by spreading ur thighs open and licking his lips.
and he eats you up literally bc he bites down on your thigh like ur a little bun of bread, with the chomp noise and all >:(
then he goes n leaves a huge bite like the vampire daddy he is and then kisses it better, leaving a hickey and riling you up n making you whine
he is so mean!! but hes also calling u a good little wife so u're feeling very floaty <33
then his hands knead ur breasts and you whimper, so sensitive after the bath to the point where a brush of his skin against yours makes you super wet between ur legs poor babyy
and miguel notices that and bites his lip. you're such a needy baby, aren't you, gatita?
u never wanna admit it, but that's okay, he'll just prove it by fucking you so good you go dumb <33
so he gets to work on the fountain of youth between your legs
licks a fat stripe up your cunt and makes you twitch and shiver
stay still, baby, he mumbles against ur pussy, lean back, let daddy enjoy his favorite dessert~
fuck you taste so sweet, gatita, you got daddy wrapped around your little finger, mm?
you really have no idea how sexy you are :((
he licks up all your juices and laughs when he feels your thighs shaking, and just keeps eating his lovely wife out like she's his last meal
then when he feels your little hole clenching down, just so desperate to be filled
he shoves two fingers in and grins when you scream in pleasure, coming as he curls his fingers up into your cunt as you squirt all over his face <3333
pulls his fingers away and licks up the mess on his hand
then he holds his fingers out to you like "wanna taste"
n you're like "eww no" and he bursts out laughing
"more for me then hahaha- ow! dont hit me gatita"
he's disgusting...ly charming omg
u turn on ur side facing away from him but he pushes u on your back again
did you think he was done with you?? oh no no
he sinks in, no more prep needed since he got u sooooo needy and even his teasing made you so flustered nd aroused
"ah, such a cute little plaything, letting me fuck her as i please, you like when i tease you dont you bebita<3"
you whimper and turn ur head away, but he goes no no babyy i wont tease anymore, my pretty wife just look at me please?~
you turn ur head back to him and he grins, thrusting even harder
"ahh that's it baby~" he grunts, pinning your wrists to the side and kissing your neck sloppily.
"d-daddy!" you whine, squirming under his weight and he laughs
"don't run from me, bebita, we both know your pretty pussy loves me, doesnt it~?"
and he rubs ur little clit and makes you scream and go dumb from bliss
then he goes even harder, overstimulating u, but when you can't hear him, he whispers so many sorrys and i love yous because he knows he doesnt deserve such a pretty little wife who lets him do whatever he wants with her :((
but he hears you slur out, "i love you" and he kisses you passionately, both his and your doubts gone because this moment is all you two needed to calm down
then he wraps the two of you up in the blankets in a spooning position and kisses you goodnight n cradles you in his arms
but not before he slips his cock in u again >:))
he makes you sleep that way cockwarming him
and as a reward u wake up to the feeling of him lazily thrusting into you <3
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81folklore · 8 months
lover - MS47
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pairings: mick schumacher x wordle!reader (fc: savannah delullo + pintrest)
summary: micks girlfriend always relates everything in her life to the three things she loves most; taylor swift, wordle and her boyfriend
authors note: this is probably one of the most niche things ive ever made but i absolutely love sav and her wordle content and i also love mick so why not put those together?? i dont even know how i thought of this but here it is😭
authors note 2: doesnt have all the pictures i wanted, but i needed this to be one part so i had to shorten it a bit. i ended up mainly using pintrest photos, but that was only because the sav photos i planned to use ended up being in posts i couldnt make due to the 30 picture limit. i actually think this is my favorite smau ive done so i hope you enjoy
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liked by mickschumacher, jackdoohan and 12,728 others
and everytime i look at you, its like the first time
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user11: beach being the wordle today was perfect pinned
yourusername: can confirm i was very happy
mickschumacher: good pictures...must be a pretty cool photographer😂
yourusername: ehh took some practice but he learnt from the best!😉
user82: you guys are so cute
user9: micks looking more and more like his dad everyday :')
user4: im so obessed with your tiktoks
user49: favorite wordle player
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liked by mickschumacher, estebanocon and 14,287
you got that long hair, slicked back, white tshirt, and i got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
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user55: officially my favorite couple
user20: dont know who i want to be more
user32: so so cute
mickschumacher: 💚💚💚
user2: i love that she always includes that days wordles in her posts
user72: and if she can, she will relate it to a taylor lyric and make that her caption
user60: and she always tries to match the pictures to the word
user46: are those his dads glasses☹️
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liked by carla.brocker, mickschumacher and 26,109 others
youre a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town🎞️
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user8: micks smile AHHHHH
user92: im so obsessed with this post
user902: he looks SO GOOD
user65: i cant bresthe omg
mickschumacher: my favourite photographer
yourusername: my favourite muse
user51: no bcs you just dont understand
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liked by mickschumacher, jackdoohan and 31,273 others
✨i can still make the whole place shimmer✨
HOLY WHAT IS MY LIFE??? so much happened within the span of a night and im in shock. first, TAYLOR SWIFT?? next SWIFT WORDLE ANSWER?? ON THE DAY OF MY CONCERT?? then I GOT THE 22 HAT?? EXACTLY 10 YEARS AFTER THE LAST PICTURE TOOK PLACE?? also lets all appreciate how good both taylor and mick look!!!!
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user6: you deserve the hat so much!!
user67: what was your reaction to the wordle?
yourusername: i actually did it in the stadium while waiting for taylor, i started freaking out i was so happy😭
user13: love your outifts! did you make both of them?
yourusername: i made micks and he made mine☺️
yourfriend2: im glad you both had fun
yourusername: mwah 💋
mickschumacher: thank you for choosing me to go with you
yourusername: why wouldnt i take my favorite person to see my other favorite person??
mickschumacher: love you
yourusername: love you🩵
user5: the IT couple
user85: i love seeing mick getting involved with her interests :(
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liked by mickschumacher, georgerussell63 and 40,812 others
we could let our friends crash in the living room
tagged mickschumacher, lewishamilton, estebanocon, lance_stroll, sebastianvettel, georgerussell63+
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user56: oh my god oh my god
user52: theyre literally living taylor swift lyrics
user75: i cant cope
user20: seb definitly spun the wheel in twister
user59: definitly had a drink with him aswell😭
lewishamilton: thanks for having us💜
yourusername: always welcome with us lewis🩵
mickschumacher: can i go where you go?
yourusername: can we always be this closee?
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton and 29,819 others
and at every table, ill save you a seat, lover...
m, you mean more to me than i will ever be able to put into words. the love i feel for you is something so special it feels wrong to just say 'i love you', it doesnt do it justice. you are my entire being and nothing i say or do will even amount to the way you make me feel
3 years ago, forever felt scary, forever felt terrifying, but how can forever be enough now? how will i ever have enough time with you? how will i ever have enough time to love you?
i would say 'take me out and take me home' but no matter where you take me i will always be home if im with you🏠
tagged mickschumacher
comments on this post have been limited
mickschumacher: my favorite person
yourusername: 🫶🫶
mickschumacher: my one and only
yourusername: my lifeline
mickschumacher: forever with you sounds perfect
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toastnpretzels · 3 months
relationships: crosshair x reader
word count: 733
warnings: angsty, fluff, there's an unexplained relationship between the reader and crosshair, kinda left it up to interpretation whether you think they were together before or if it was just them having feelings for each other.
season 3 episode 4 spoilers
author's note: i have not posted a fic in so long. ive been so busy but that doesnt matter. the new episode had me feeling some type of way so here you go. its kinda short but i didnt want to expand without seeing hunter and wrecker's reaction to crosshair being back.
thank you for any support whether its likes, reblogs, or comments <3
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“I had help.”
The last few months had been terrible. From losing Tech and then losing Omega to the empire. Spending everyday looking for her with no success. Nothing was ok. All of us were miserable. Our family was being torn apart and there was nothing we could do about it. It couldn’t have gotten any worse.
Getting the comm from Omega was one of the best things to ever happen to us, but seeing her running down from the ship was even better. Embracing her, knowing she was safe, felt better than anything had. Things were starting to feel right again. All it took was one hug from Omega.
But then he walked off the cargo ship and everything in my body froze. He looked so different. He had been gone for so long that I thought the feelings had disappeared. Seeing him there, I knew they never were.
I forgot what it was like to be near him. I forgot how my heart sped up and how my head felt dizzy. I forgot how he smelled and how warm he was. I forgot how much I loved him.
After Kaller, nothing was ever the same. He wasn’t the same. The chip had changed him. The Empire had changed him.
He let us go on Kamino. The same day you had told him you loved him. On the platform before we left, with tears in my eyes. I told him I loved him.
“You shouldn’t.”
“Crosshair, please,” you whispered. He could hear the way your voice was breaking. You couldn’t lose him again.
When he didn’t say anything, you turned to walk away. Typical Crosshair to not say anything. He grabbed your wrist as you started walking.
“I love you.”
You stared at him. Your tears threatened to spill out from his confession.
“But I can’t come with you. You deserve better. This is where I want to be. With the Empire.”
I should have dragged him to the ship. I should have done more. But what more could you do when he didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be with the Empire.
Why couldn’t he have just came with you that day?
No one moved. Everyone was just as shocked to see him. No one knew what he was going to do, how he was going to react. He had tried to kill us before, but he had also let us go. No one trusted him anymore. You chose to remember how he had let us go.
You were the first one to move. Slowly, I stepped out from behind Wrecker. Every step I took towards him was filled with anxiety. It had been too long.
He doesn’t want to see me.
Is he still him?
Why did he come then?
Why would he still be here if he didn’t want to be?
You stopped a few feet in front of him. I could see how tired he looked from where I was standing. I couldn’t stand seeing him like this. It hurt so much. He had been through so much since Kamino.
What did they do to him?
I couldn’t stand there anymore. I ran the few feet that were left in between us. I wasn’t sure if he would push me away. As I got close to him, I fell right into his arms. I didn’t realize just how much I had missed him until this moment. He wrapped his arms around me in the tightest embrace I’ve ever had. It had been too long since I had felt him. He was safe. He was here.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered after a few minutes, so quietly that you barely heard it.
I looked up at him. He had tears that were threatening to spill over. Your heart broke at the look on his face.
“Shh. Not now. Just let me hold you.”
You stood there for what felt like an eternity just holding each other. Quiet tears were spiling from both of your eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered into your hair. His arms tightened around you again, as if he was afraid you would disappear.
It would be hard to forgive. Hard for everyone, not just you. So much had happened. But for now, all that mattered was that him and Omega were safe. Omega was home. Crosshair was home.
“I love you too.”
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eternalera · 4 months
i like that we finally get to see what pushes alastors buttons in episode five.
we actually see him mad. you can argue that with vox hes also mad at the end of their song in 'stayed gone' but it doesnt really seem like that. its him threatening vox yes but in the end hes not mad. he isnt really losing his cool. its him basically just saying that hes still in charge
also throughout their whole song alastor doesnt really provoke vox, hes passive aggressive. never interrupting him and when their screens are split and he only pokes him once yet that one time was enough to send vox and black out the entirety of hell (although this mightve been alastor)
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throughout the entiry of their song vox is constantly trying to block alastor to say 'he isnt a threat hes a nobody' but as we can see he's clearly failing. and as with each passing second vox gets more annoyed and as i said. he ends up causing a MASSIVE blackout one that takes over all of hell
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throughout this entire time though alastor doesnt flinch. he doesnt fight for the spotlight because he doesnt need it. vox is making a fool of himself like alastor probably expects him to based on past encounters that we dont see.
yet with lucifer they probably have some sort of history.
alastor actually feels somewhat threatened/doesnt want lucifer there (whether if lilith told him not to assuming that he owes his soul to lilith but you get the point). he wants lucifer gone. not only that but hes pushing him saying that hes basically like a father to charlie already.
alastor is trying to replace lucifer but remember that lucifer not only the king of the pride ring (i forgot the terminology alr-) but hes also the king of hell.
despite lucifer acting like a joke in the singular episode that we see him in he is the most powerful being in hell. hes more powerful than lilith or charlie (and once again assuming that lilith owns alastor a pretty damn powerful being shes really fucking powerful).
if lucifer wants he could probably obliterate alastor in less than a damn second, yet he doesnt for a few reasons
hes important to charlie
hes important to what charlies doing
this basically gives alastor invincibility against lucifer going bonkers on him and killing him. then again why doesnt lucifer just help charlie? well hes probably got more important things to do (despite what we saw of him) and hes given up on the sinners.
he gave them freewill and never got to see the good done with it. he most likely never saw the people who went to heaven so for all he knows everyone ended up down in hell and are doing shit things with what he gave them.
he most likely wants them gone and wants the extermination to happen because he thinks that they dont deserve a second chance unlike his daughter. but remember that he also loves charlie, thats his fucking daughter and when she calls him he gets excited he wants charlie to like him. but that being said he doesnt think the sinners deserve his kindness anymore after they took his gift and basically made a fool of him.
so lucifer wont help charlie so he just has alastor help her instead to keep her happy.
not only this but in the song 'hells greatest dad' (i think its called that) unlike in 'stayed gone' theyre both fighting for attention. charlies attention.
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once again we dont know what beef theyve got with each other but its most likely because of either the past or whether or not that lilith owns alastor and told him to fuck with lucifer.
in this scene we see the color constantly change and them constantly kicking each other out with them both losing their cool and making a fool of themselves. theyre an actual match for each other
lucifer is an actual threat and so is alastor for reasons that we dont know yet. this makes them have to prove their worth to charlie over whos more powerful and who can help her more because even though lucifer doesnt want to help the sinners (and most likely wont) he wants to make her happy.
and even though we dont know why alastor hates lucifer its probably most likely to do with whoever owns his soul and whatnot along with he needs lucifer just out of the picture and that isnt as easy to do as he'd like.
also damn did this become a rant and get off topic-
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Mammon propaganda:
“He was done dirty in the first round, I hope he wins this time because he deserves it 
First of all, he hates you at the start but then he starts to like you but he exclaimed his hate too much at the start so he can't admit it 
Everyone knows that he likes MC, even his little D (who are demons familiars) thinks that they should date 
He is a classic tsundere but doesn't actually hurt you like other tsunderes but he is so bad at hiding his feelings that everyone is just ignores it 
He is the avatar of greed, meaning he is clingy which may be a turn away for some people but he cares for you so so much 
He has never turned into his demon form to hurt you (Asmo hasn't but he has tried to seduce you with his power)
Don't get me started on his story cards, he literally is so cute
He wants to be a mentor to Luke, like Lucifer was to him, he is only mean to Luke because he wants Luke to learn about how life isn't all sunshine and rainbows
He is also so hot, he is a bisexual panic 
He is bullied by his brothers but he cares for them so so much despite their bullying
I am so in love with him and have written so many fics about him 
Anyway, I'm going to stop here because otherwise I'll be here all day”
“First friend, first pact, practically the MC's first everything, he is a major Tsundere, he holds my heart hostage, I just want to smooch him, he and MC share a room, he is such a cute little bab, he does bully Luke (a child) but it's revealed that he just wants to show Luke that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows and want help him figure things out
He is the cutest little guy, he cares for his brother 
His sin is greed so he does steal things from people but since lesson 1 he hasn't stolen anything from MC 
He wrote a song to propose 
Sure he is clingy but in a good way
He is so cute 
He adopted a child, which he had to leave in the care of witches and willingly let's the witches extort him 
There is so much that I can say about him but 1. Spoilers and 2. I don't think you want to read that much”
First person we're able to properly romance in game. AND FOR GOOD REASON. He's had MCs back from the beginning, hes the one real one in the game. He's always trying to protect us and its so nice. Puppy boy. He's so me as well??? Like he's such a doting boyfriend it's literally so cute. When MC had to go back up to Earth, he kept breaking the rotating schedule in order to call us more. He always gets MC gifts (avatar of greed love language being gift giving im gonna collapse) and he just drops the most romantic lines out of nowhere??? Like sir are you trying to give me a heart attack. He's the secretly traumatized comic relief. He has ADHD. He's canonically queer (MC doesnt have a set gender). He even likes Head pats. Vote Mammon.”
Jaehee propaganda:
“only female love interest in MM, not included in the first round for SOME REASON, you literally go off and live your coffee shop au with her at the end of her route.”
“My lesbian wife. Open a bakery with her after convincing her that she doesn't have to give up her happiness to make money. She can pursue her passions. Also her backstory is so sad and I just wanna hug and kiss her and throw hands at her "family" for making her feel like she does. Also the Valentine's dlc, you get locked in the back of the bakery with her and... Yeah that's my wife. I love her dearly. Also can we just acknowledge that she's like the only path that involves almost none of the dramatic death defying nonsense. You're just gay and in love and it's beautiful”
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the-dungeonmaster · 11 days
Jinx, Vee and Caitlin's reaction to a serious injury (×female reader) 🙏🏻
Warnings: heavy wounds, lotsa blood
requests are open!
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she’d get overwhelmed just by looking at your wounds. horrified at whatever might’ve happened to you and also angry at your recklessness for getting hurt this badly (PISSED at whoever did this)
furrowed eyebrows and quivering lips, she’ll snarl at you.
the blood gushing from your sides are already sending her into a spiral, panicked breaths are squeezing out of her lungs every single second.
jinx grabs bandaids and painkillers hastily, muttering to herself while tightening the wraps around your scars. she’ll mumble a “sorry” from the sudden pressure she’d placed, fidgeting with the knots and ties
“what are you- what were you-?!” if her brows couldn’t furrow any further, they did. “idiot.” she growls under her breath, “idiot!”
finally, jinx raises her eyes to look at you. theres nothing but worry encircling them into a whirlwind of nervousness. “take these. it’ll soothe the pain” she hands you painkillers and lukewarm water.
after patching you up, she will NOT leave you alone.
she’d sit beside you, legs hanging down from the side of your bed.
absolute non-stop pestering. “When did this happen?” “You see who did this?” “give me a description, i’ll take care of them.”
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she is furious. absolutely FURIOUS.
as in “vision turning red” kinda furious. my girl is reckless, your well-being wont be the first thing on her mind
but it WILL be her main focus for the next few weeks
who in their right mind would do this to you? of all people?
you didn’t deserve to get hurt, but whoever did this does.
she’s desperate to start patching your wounds. shes used to fixing herself up from the things that happened to her while she was in stillwater, though shes never done it to anyone else but herself so shes downright nervous.
vi knew she could handle serious injuries pretty well but she doesnt know how much you can tolerate pain. shes doing everything SUPER carefully
every little one of your smallest winces or grunts makes her immediately retract her hand from you
“are you okay?” “you hurt?”
after your properly dressed in the bandages, she’ll lay down by your side (she isnt touching you,) but shes still there. vi caresses your cheek, eyes softening at the sight of you. she plants a kiss on your forehead, grin spreading over her lips. she really glad youre okay.
but in the back of her mind she’s planning multiple ways to find who fucked you up this badly. all the gears in her head are turning to think of every possible “suspect” that could’ve done this to her sweetheart
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the look on her face is almost as bad as you look right now. she’s frightened.
despite that, shes more level-headed than careless. she’ll focus on more important things. You.
immediately shes rushing by your side, carrying you to somewhere more safe for your injuries. she spots her bed, let her sheets get stained by the blood dripping down, they can always be washed again.
once your settled properly, shes diving to her bathroom cabinets; everything is being tossed around on the hardwood floor while she searches for a medkit.
enforcer training had her prepared for situations like these, patching you up might not have been easy because of the look of pain in your eyes, but it was done faster than you thought it would be.
“does it hurt when i touch this?” “how’s your head? is it alright?”
the detective inside her came pounding with questions, everything quickly turned into an interrogation.
when, where, who, and why?
she understands you might not wanna talk in this situation so she’ll back off with the questions and start tending to you.
seriously, you’re treated like a princess in this household. you knew cait was well-off, but you didnt realize she was well-off.
there are people coming to your side for every request you ask.
especially caitlyn, she brought herself to cook you a proper meal for you gain back the nutrients and energy you’d lost. anything you ask for.
the pampering won’t stop until you finally tell her to.
after that, she reports what happened to you to higher authorities, but if they’d rather prioritize other things over you, she’ll handle whoever did this herself.
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rimunagenius · 2 months
alr lemme be a stupid bitch for second…
this edit has me crying😭😭 i’m so proud but am i being dumb and reading too much into when frank says “you say we’re small and not worth the mention” and Kate saying after she got drafted, “i just wanted an opportunity and i got it” are perfect parallels.
she used to say in every interview “i hope i get drafted but if i dont, ill move on with my life”, “after this, ill just be a regular joe shmoe”, “i was not an all star highschool recruit, yk, i just never was”, “but i think … played great tonight”, “my leading could’ve been better. that’s on me.”
anyways…idk. that lyric just hit bc ik Kate believes there are people more deserving or better but she’s perfect and deserves it just as much as they do. maybe im reading too much into it LMFAO.
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mylarena · 1 year
god. ik usually its ghost who doesnt believe hes lovable but fuck does the thought of soap not thinking hes lovable get me.
like. he believes hes too much to love. he believes he isnt worthy of someones love. he hasnt worked hard enough or done enough to warrant it.
because all his life he's needed to complete a goal to be told hes done good, or needed to reach a milestone to be told that someones proud of him, or that he needs to make someone happy before they love him. and if he disappoints that person, its back to square one. hes only loved when hes good. and no matter how fucking hard he tried as a kid, he was rarely ever good enough.
when he hit his teens, he stopped trying as hard. mainly with the people he didnt care about. teachers, store owners, police- authority in general.
with people he liked, he behaved. he never disrespected the kind old lady who lived down the street from him. she always gave him a candy when she saw him walking home from school, accompanying it with a joking finger in front of her lips and a quiet 'shh!' as though she would get in trouble for offering the candy, instead of him for taking it. he was always nice to his friends and most of his peers, and they never took his sarcastic jabs as serious and they even threw their own back at him (though sometimes he worried that they were being serious about them.)
he could never fully shake the desire to try and make his parents proud, no matter how hard he tried to hate them. they were his parents, he had to love them, right? that was how it worked. everyone loved their parents, unless they were shitty. and his parents werent shitty! they were just raising him how he should be raised. they never hurt him or yelled at him, just gave him disappointed looks and asked why he didnt get an A+ instead of the A he had gotten.
even if he didnt like his teachers, he always tried his best to do good work. he studied and got good grades and never openly disrespected them. he always insulted them in ways that could be insults, ways that could be taken as them misinterpreting his actions or words. he was always nice to the cafeteria workers and the principal and the staff at the front desk, everyone who mattered, at least in terms of avoiding punishment. if the teachers complained, he could plead his case of not meaning it the way they took it, and the principal thought he was a delight, so they tended to take his side because seemed like he could do no wrong.
(he didnt think that the cafeteria workers could really get him in trouble- he just didnt think they deserved another rude kid picking on them when some of his schoolmates already did that. they didnt do anything wrong. and they usually gave him an extra bit of his favorites for being kind. they were nice.)
his disrespect carried him through the military. he barely managed to scrape by after he punched that one dickhead, but he lucked out.
then he met price, then he joined the taskforce, and then he had people he liked. people he wanted to make proud. so he was good. he treated price with respect, he joked around with gaz, flirted with ghost.
he wasnt sure that last one counted as good, but the man didnt seem to mind it and sometimes he got ghost to flirt back at him, which felt almost just as good as someone being proud of him, so he (selfishly) kept doing it.
he was ok with the light words of affirmation and the pats on the back from his teammates and the occasional hair ruffle he got from price. god, was he okay with the few "nice work, sergeant"s and the "good job, johnny"s from ghost.
but he could tell, he knew, he wasnt doing enough to be fucking loved. he kept trying. did the best he could on his missions, (every injury sustained by his fellow soldiers felt like a bullet in his own heart, another failure to the tally,) he trained the rookies how he was told, (he made sure to tell them they were doing good work after a hard day, even if ghost gave him a strange look he couldnt decipher every time he did,) he filed his paperwork, (even when he was frustrated to tears at how he couldnt fucking focus on the words and he couldnt figure out what they wanted from him-) he did everything right-
and it fucking got to him. hes gone years without it, hes been fine. but now he fucking cares about his teammates and he wants and he knows that he wants too fucking much but he cant stop.
he doesnt even bother with wrapping his hands before he hits the punching bag. he doesnt stop when his hands hurt. he doesnt pay attention when his fingers bleed. he doesnt hear the person speaking behind him, but he does notice when a hand grabs his wrists and turns him to face them.
ghost stares at him with eyes just as wide as his own.
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pabtsblueliving · 11 months
I Was Wrong
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Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Took such a long break, Im sorry! I’ve been working, and just enjoying summer! Got inspired to write this. I am a huge Chris Stapleton fan, and this song holds so much emotion. I COULD NOT, emphasize, COULD NOTTTT not think of writing this for Daryl. Good ending dw.
I Was Wrong by Chris Stapleton
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Hopefully I’ll get some more inspo.
WC 1.8k
The feedback on Dirty Laundry and You Done was absolutely insane, so thank you all <3 xoxo
Warnings: daryl got mad, established relationship, kissing oooo.
pabtsblueliving © 2023
I've been thinking 'bout my thoughtless words
And I know just how much they must have hurt
It was a rough day to begin with, for everyone. Food was low, sleep was at a minimum, stakes were high. Everyone seemed jumpy, emotionally dragged in the dirt at this time. Alexandria was at risk, everyone was vulnerable. 
You and Daryl had been arguing all morning, continuing on in the kitchen. 
The rain poured down heavily over you and Daryl, mirroring the intense storm brewing within the walls of Alexandria. Tension crackled in the air as your and Daryl stood face-to-face, their voices raised in a heated argument.
"I can't believe you're saying this, Daryl!" Your voice trembled with a mixture of anger and hurt. "After everything we've been through, how can you just throw it all away?"
Daryl's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched tightly. "I ain't throwin' nothin' away. Just tellin' you how it is," he retorted, his voice sharp and clipped.
A mixture of disbelief and pain flashed across your face. 
"You don't mean that. You can't. We've shared so much, Daryl. I thought we had something real."
Daryl's hands balled into fists at his sides, his voice growing harsher. 
"Real? What's real about this world, huh? What's real about me? I ain't nothin' but a broken piece of shit, and I ain't lettin' you get hurt because of me." He huffed. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you took a step back, wounded by his words.
 "So, this is it, then? You're just going to push me away because you think you're protecting me? I thought you were different, Daryl. I thought you cared."
Daryl's face twisted with frustration and pain. 
"Cared? You think I don't care? Damn it, I care too much! That's why I can't let this go on. You deserve better than me, and I ain't gonna be the one holdin' you back."
Silence hung heavy in the room, broken only by the sound of raindrops against the windowpane. Your voice trembled as she whispered, 
"If you truly believe that, Daryl... If you really don't love me…” 
Your voice went silent, you wiped your tears and turned around to your home, starting to walk away. 
Daryl's eyes widened, a mixture of regret and longing flickering in his gaze. He reached out as if to touch her, but hesitated, his hand hovering in the air. 
"No... that ain't what I meant..."
And I take it back
Won't you let me take it back?
end flashback, present day
Days had passed since your and Daryl's brawl. 
You kept busy. Helped Carol. Hung out with Judith and Carl. The distraction didn't help when you could feel everyone's pity, sympathetic eyes. You were embarrassed. Emotions flooded through your head often.
Why’d I even try with him in the first place? He doesnt love me. He seemed like he did. He never loved me. 
You know I told you that I don't love you
That I'd be better off with someone new
But I take it back
You'd finished up with chores, it was sunset. It had officially been four days since you’d last seen Daryl. Last you heard he saddled up on his bike and headed for the hills. 
You sat at the counter in the home you did share with Daryl, sewing up the holes made in your jacket from a previous hunt. Until you heard…
Knock, knock, knock…
You turned to the door, the raps of his fist on the door so quiet you thought you were imagining it.
Knock, knock, knock…
You turned again, maybe you werent making it up. You pulled yourself off your stool and put your needle and jacket on the counter. You unlocked and opened the door to reveal Daryl standing on your porch.
You stood there. Debating on shutting the door in his face, but then he looked up from his boots on your welcome mat. Those damn eyes…
Won't you let me take it back?
“...Hey.” He spoke, chewing his lip.
You took a deep shaky breath. “Hey.” you leaned against the door frame.
“Can I come inside?” He asked.
You purse your lips, crossed your arms and walked back into your home, leaving the door open for him to come inside. A quiet invitation.
You sat back on your stool, and just looked at him. He seemed shy, taken aback, finding his words.
“Look…Y/N. I did some thinkin’, I just had to get outta these walls…give you some time before I came back.” He started.
Girl, you know that I still love you
And you know that I'm so alone
I don't know why
“I was wrong. I was afraid…I was bein’ a pussy…Ive just been so amped up, worried about the future here, just thinkin’ about if were gonna even make it to live another day.” He continued.
“Daryl..” You started
“Naw, Y/N listen, Wha’ I said? I hurt the only person I told myself not to hurt. I jus…” He sighed. 
I told you that I didn't need you
Can't you see that, baby, I was wrong?
“I need you…everyday. You’re the only person in this damn…fucked up world who don’t drive me nuts.” He approached you.
A tear slipped down your cheek, you looked up to see him standing closer than he was before, almost between your legs. He propped up your chin and wiped the tears from your stained cheeks.
You wrapped your arms around him and sobbed. He held the back of your head to his chest and buried his nose in your hair.
What I wouldn't give to be your lover again
All I want to do is touch your skin, yeah
If I had you right here right now
Tell you, tell you, tell you, tell you
“Im sorry.” He said in a shaky voice. “Im sorry, baby. I love you more than anything, I vowed to protect you, and instead I hurt you. I didn’t mean it. I love you.”
You looked up at him, those eyes…
“I love you too…” You said, and he pulled you off the stool.
Girl, you know that I still love you
And you know that I'm so alone
I don't know why
I told you that I didn't need you
Can't you see that, baby, I was wrong?
“Youre my girl…I won’ let it happen again…I love you…” He spoke, holding your jaw.
He brought you in close and laid his lips upon yours. You’d be a liar if you said you didnt miss him.
His presence.
His smell.
His voice.
“I was wrong” He spoke one last time.
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angstymdzsthoughts · 9 months
I absolutely adoreee your JYL kills WWX au from quite a while ago, and i was thinking, what if jin zixuan was still alive. ive always thought about what would happen in a tl where instead of killing JZX at qiongqi path, WN still injures him, but regains his consciousness and takes him back to the burial mounds or wtv to heal, but the clans dont know, so they get ready to organize a raid, where JYL or JC kill wwx and the wens, then find JZX healed body.
A still healing JZX forcing himself out of his sickbed to try putting a stop to the raid before the Wens are slaughtered. He doesnt succeed because most of these cultivators are hungry for blood and dont care that their reasons for being there are no longer valid- JGS worked them into a frenzy to suit his needs. Of course the sect leaders are all 'horrified' after the deed is done but everyone assures each other that they couldnt have known JZX was still alive and WWX never explained so really it's his own fault.
As for JYL? Shes never forgiving herself. Weird form of survivors guilt. Everytime she has a moment of happiness she reminds herself that she doesnt deserve it after she murdered her little brother. Her A'Xian who didnt even try to stop her from killing him even though he has fought against armys and won with ease. Wei Wuxian never rose a hand against her, even as she shoved a sword through his chest and she has to live with it every single day. Even if no one blames her, even if her family forgives her, she can not.
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moonssalad · 9 months
Am I the only one who is disgusted by seeing how many people actually seriously excuse Rhysands fucked up actions?
I have seen so, SO many people talking about how he hid the truth about Feyres pregnancy from her and always excuse it by saying how he didnt want to stress her out 💀. Or that he was looking for a way to save them before he told her, like he shouldve told her right away. And how he told the IC about it before he even told Feyre and told them to keep their mouths shut too and even worse is that they fucking listened to him, like what the fuck?? And how always in discussions about only Rhysand keeping it from Feyre people always start talking about how Madja didnt tell her either, like dude this is a conversation about what an asshole Rhysand is and not about Madja, keep to the topic! And how people hate on Nesta for telling her, like fucking hell. Ive even seen people say that Rhysand not telling her is AS BAD as Nesta telling her to hurt her or whatever. Its just insane, I think I lose braincells every single time I see posts like those 🤯. Feyre literally says throughout the books multiple times how she hates when people choose for her or dont tell her something because they think it would be too much for her and Rhysand literally keeps one of the most important things from Feyre.
Also what the hell was that bullshit about Amren saying how Rhysand should be High King? Hes literally one of the worst options for it. Bro cant even handle 2/3 of his court 💀. And lets so many people suffer in Illyria and Hewn City even though he has had CENTURIES to change something. Honestly none of the IC even try to change something about the Hewn City, like are you seriously telling me that Mor was the only person who was good in that shithole? Whats even more insane is how Mor doesnt change anything about it when she had LIVED THERE for years and now has the power to do it! And Illyria, Cassian seems to be the only one who is actually trying to make it better even though its not really working. Why the hell cant healers heal wings but can heal someone whos guts are basically spilling out?? Hell why the hell doesnt anyone know about c-section? Just insane. What the hell does Rhysand even do for his court? Just sits on his ass and thinks only about Velaris? Because it seems like that.
And am I the only one who was mad how Rhysand chose to show off Feyre as if she was his plaything in the Hewn City. Like yeah yeah keeping up appearances or whatever but how the hell will they see Feyre seriously after that? I think Feyre was in the Hewn City two times and the second was when she was High Lady and Rhysand got her to sit on the throne after the first time he showed her off as his toy. You cannot convince me that the Hewn City residents take Feyre seriously and its all Rhysands fault.
Talking about keeping appearances, the whole 'mask' thing is so stupid. When someone doubts the IC intentions they have the fucking audacity to be mad about it as if they arent the ones who made sure eveyone thought they were all incredibly evil.
I dont even want to start talking about UTM and how fucked up it was.
People always say that he does things like these because he is 'morally grey' but to me hes just a toxic asshole. You dont write a 'morally grey' character and then excuse every fucked up thing he has done, its just not how it works.
Rhysand is literally the worst MMC ever and its insane how so many people say how wonderful he is, how he is the man of their dreams 💀, fucking worried about yall if you seriously think that.
Feyre should take Nesta, Elain and Nyx and get the fuck out of there because they all deserve so much better than this.
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queenie-blackthorn · 1 year
nothing sets me crying more than reading the teasers for the wicked powers/the black volume of the dead, so why not overanalyze them and wish for death in the process (i got all of them from the page on fandom)
❗️spoilers ahead ❗️
he kissed each finger, and with each one of them spoken a word. five kisses, five words. his last.
no 🫶🫶 (im hoping this is a flashback gurl plz i hope its not the ‘lightwood death in each series’ thing coming after my life)
"oh, god, the lovebirds," magnus said, pulling the pillow off his face. "i hate happy couples."
this could be anything tbh but prolly gonna be in tbvotd
belatedly, she realized something else. "do you... have anything?"
he didnt seem to have recovered from her last comment. "but do you mean - wait, do i have what?"
she slitted her eyes at him. "something important."
"like what? the phone number for the white house?" a moment later, under her withering glare, realization dawned. "oh." his was the expression of someone who has run out of gas in the middle of the desert, miles from help. "i..."
there are literally zero names in this one but i think its gonna be smth w dru and jaime (maybe the eternidad ??) but i swear if it turns out to be a joke imma flip a table
"what if i just love you? what if i love you but i never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then?"
i think this might happen after a conversation between kit and ty where either kit says “its too dangerous to love me” or “i dont love you” and then ty replies w this
"well, its a bit ironic, isnt it?"
"what do you mean?"
"all that effort to convince you i wasnt in love with you, and here i am, dying in your arms."
this is gonna kill me i just know it, but i have a feeling its gonna be kit saying the first and third lines and hes talking to ty, and then i can imagine it saying “dont say that,” ty said furiously
his face crumpled. "he hates me," he said. "all i do is love him, but he hates me, he just hates me, i dont know why."
clearly gonna be ty talking about kit (to either livvy or dru ???)
there was nothing less sexy than an angry-looking cat on your bed.
okay this is 100% magnus’s pov in tbvotd 💀💀
"actually, its short for maximum lightwood," said magnus. "as in the most amount of lightwood you can have."
… no comment. actually, yea i do have smth to say. i love magnus.
"no one who loved you would want you to sacrifice your own happiness."
if we’re going by the thing where kit doesnt want ty to love him for his safety, then someone is gonna say this to kit for sure
alec was beginning to understand how the slings and arrows of fortune and history had shaped magnus and made him what he was. it was a delightful sort of discovery, as getting to know magnus always had been. magnus was probably the one person in the world who'd never bored him.
im craving more malec scenes please dear god
"i was thinking about monogrammed towels," said isabelle.
"my name is going to be simon lewis lovelace lightwood," said simon. "no monogrammed towels."
first off, i forgot that simon wants to take isabelles last name
second, his initials are technically S.L.L.L oh my lord
it was late, and someone was trying to break into the high warlock of brooklyn’s apartment.
​magnus bane, the high warlock in question, felt this behavior was rash and foolish. he’d been passed out on his still-made bed, too exhausted to slip under the burgundy and emerald sheets, or even take off his robe, when he heard the noise of his window sliding open. he was grateful for the robe. he felt it would be demoralizing to face housebreakers in nothing but silk pajama bottoms.
​also, the housebreakers had done nothing to deserve such a sight.
seeing magnus bane in nothing but silk pajama bottoms is the stuff of dreams
jokes (even tho i meant it with full seriousness) aside, this is definitely gonna be the opening lines of tbvotd. if it turns out to not be, i will never show my face in public again because of how sure i am right now
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