#she is not bluffing
dontvap0rdawave · 5 months
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You know what time it is
Time for me to get silly with my new hyperfixiation
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candycatstuffs · 2 years
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liSTEN, Surge and Amy should hav a bowser and princess peach dynamic
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letters-to-rosie · 1 month
at the core of Sevika's character there's this fun contradiction where she's very loyal but is also down with cold-blooded betrayal if she thinks it's politically expedient
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ollyolyoxenfree · 5 months
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horse 3: horse fast horse furious part two || part four
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samcarter34 · 6 months
Kozma Laszlo really sat down to dinner with the Upper Trust and said ‘listen up 5’s, a 10 is talking.’
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emptyjunior · 8 months
oh no I think Cassandra is the older friend you had on Kik, messaging a teenager saying "I will DIE without you" at midnight and then you gotta convince a stranger not to die before your big maths test tomorrow
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thesinglesock · 9 months
movies Astrid: you better stop being a meanie or my boyfriend is going to kick your ass >:(
series Astrid:
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zinniapetals · 4 months
seeing how Atsushi was in the orphanage his whole life, I bet he went absolutely crazy for train stamps; like taking Ranpo out to the train and noticing the stamp booth and asking 'whats that?' and Ranpo explaining the system and Atsushi immediately buying a notebook to get his first stamp! (he downloads the app for the local line stamps which offer digital stamps) then him freaking out that the metro does stamps as well?? cue him always agreeing to go out with Ranpo and the other Agency members taking him along and bringing a page of the train stamp if they ever leave Yokohama without him
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hoarding-stories · 6 months
Kozma: “The Breach isn’t just out there. It’s in here: inside the Trust, inside the Company, inside this city. Maybe inside this very room.”
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coconut530 · 4 months
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crimeronan · 5 months
Oh, the great maker of trauma for the beans that are part of Princess Luz Au, heed my query and answer me:
Did Luz get any big bad evil guy energy or skill from being raised by the waste of space previously known as Belos?
I mean as we all know Luz is a precious bean, but I think she deserves to be a little evil towards bad people, like I assume that Hunter is already planning how to murder (or worse) Amity's parents, even if he isn't fully aware of it/is in denial that he is planning the horrors on the for making Amity, but I stay with me for a moment and imagine the verified cinnamon roll Luz Noceda Wittebane putting the fear of Titan into Odalia after learning that she abused Amity.
Also, her snapping out of it after Odalia faints out of fear (and pain), and panicking that she is just like below only for her parteners to be like, 'nooo~ it was hot normal and perfectly sane thing to do'.
this answer Might be disappointing in some ways, mainly: i don't Think luz would be physically violent with them without provocation, and i also don't think she's likely to lose emotional control around them. she'd want to be just as poised around amity's parents as she always was around belos and always is around the coven heads.
HOWEVER. as for the questions of "does luz know how to be scary" and "did she learn that from belos": UNEQUIVOCAL yes. to both.
i've been wanting to play with luz in this space with amity's parents for A While, actually, so. have a little fic :)
"Oh, Amity is my pride and joy," Odalia says, placing a hand over her heart. "I taught her everything she knows."
"Yes, I did get that impression." The Empress smiles, rising to her feet. "It's incredible how much she's accomplished in spite of you."
Odalia's breath catches around a shocked, bitten-down laugh. "Your Majesty, begging your pardon, I believe you meant 'because of-'"
"In spite of," Luz repeats, very firmly. "It's fortunate that Lilith Clawthorne has taken such an interest in her wellbeing."
Odalia's smile doesn't waver, but it does remain frozen for several seconds before she says, "I suppose Amity feels the need to invent an adversary. Some great trial she overcame to earn her place here. It's understandable. Children often lack the foundation to understand the sacrifices their parents make. She had a very privileged upbringing."
"Amity has never spoken unkindly of either of you," Luz says, although this she seems to mean more for Alador, whose face may give more away.
She steps lightly down the stairs from the throne, joining the pair of them on the ground. "Amity rarely speaks of either of you at all, actually. That isn't why I've called you here."
Odalia's voice turns cool, corporate. "Then how can we help you, Your Majesty?"
"Did you know that Blight Industries has a higher rate of workplace accidents than..." Luz slides a folder out of her tunic, flips it open, and raises her eyebrows. "...any other company on the Isles?"
This time, Odalia's laugh covers something else. "That's - that's preposterous. Our workplace safety records are excellent. Why, we haven't needed a single intervention by the Healing Coven in... oh, is it three years?" She taps the side of her mouth, frowning. "Four? Five?"
"That's fascinating," Luz says. "Not even for a scrape?"
"Abrasions heal quite well by themselves, given time."
"Absolutely fascinating," Luz repeats. "Did you know that it's illegal to purposefully deny people healing services?"
Odalia scoffs, incredulous. "For scrapes?"
"I know," Luz says pleasantly, "I was surprised, too. There are a lot of laws like that, it turns out. Text on paper that hasn't been enforced in half a century. From what I understand, this one is a holdover from early Empire anxieties. People were terribly worried about not having access to personal healing magic anymore. So healing services had to be protected."
Odalia's smile has become more teeth than pleasantry. "What a fun little history lesson. I'm sure you know all sorts of facts about the early Empire."
"It turns out that it's very easy to put laws in writing," Luz says, "without the intention to enforce them. My father, may the Titan bless him, had precious little interest in the rights of individuals to be seen by healers. But this isn't his Empire anymore. And I find the topic just captivating."
Odalia has stopped trying to hide her impatience, now. "So you'll fine us for not having healers on hand to wave away every little paper cut. That's fine. I apologize for the oversight. We'll settle up and make sure that going forward-"
"Mr. Blight," Luz says, ignoring Odalia entirely, "would you kindly remove your gloves for me?"
Alador startles.
Odalia doesn't glance at him. Her eyes are fixed unblinking on Luz. She speaks through her teeth, nearly a hiss. "Don't feel compelled to do that, dear."
"I assure you, I can compel him to do that," Luz says. Then, in a tone that would almost pass for apologetic if it wasn't so practiced, "I am sorry to compel it of you. I try not to compel my subjects very often. But if you find it difficult to remove your gloves, my scouts would be happy to assist you."
The scouts around the base of the throne don't move. Odalia's eyes slide uneasily over them anyway.
"That won't be necessary," Alador says, speaking for the first time. He pulls the gloves off without fanfare, holding up his hands.
Half of his left ring finger and pinky are conspicuously missing.
If Luz is uncomfortable with this revelation, she sure isn't showing it. "Oh, that's so interesting," she says, leaning forward to get a closer look. "The Healing Coven keeps meticulous records, and I'm certain a partial amputation was never reported to them. You were born with all five fingers, yes? I'm sure Amity will attest to that."
"This was from an accident in my personal lab," Alador says, with the mechanical precision of something rehearsed. "The severed digits were not... salvageable."
"It's so amazing that you were able to make that determination," Luz says, "without even needing to consult the Healing Coven. You must be a very proficient magician."
Alador blinks.
"Regardless," Odalia interrupts, "it happened outside of Blight Industries. The company isn't liable. You haven't 'gotten' us."
"Do you ever test Blight Industries products in your personal lab, Mr. Blight?"
"Prototypes," he says.
Odalia makes a sharp, exasperated gesture. "Alador!"
"That seems like company business to me," Luz says, still pleasant, still conversational. "Now, I will be fully transparent, before you accuse me of anything with regards to prejudice - it is true that I hate you both. It is true that I've hated you both for a while now. If you feel like I'm targeting you because I hate you, then you're very astute."
Odalia's fingers twitch, threatening to curl into fists.
Luz continues, "However, it's also true that there is no bias where my judgment is concerned. Not legally, anyway. So it doesn't matter whether I hate you or not. Whatever I decide to do with you is the Titan's will. Government is amazing."
Odalia exhales sharply.
When Luz doesn't waver, she shakes her head. For the first time, her voice cracks - properly cracks. There's a tiny tremble in her hands.
"Amity won't forgive you if anything happens to us," she says - but there's no bravado, no power, only pathetic uncertainty. "Regardless of any... petty grievances she may harbor. Family is everything to a Blight. She won't forgive this."
"I know that," Luz says. "I promise, I have no intention of doing Amity any unkindness. It's not her fault you two have chosen to be what you are."
Another sharp exhale. Odalia's breathing is ragged, audible. She's clearly not a woman accustomed to fearing for her own safety.
"That's fantastic news!" she chirps.
Luz's smile is beatific, magnanimous. The serene expression of someone who's never questioned the divine right of kings.
"Unfortunately, I'm not wholly opposed to doing an unkindness," she says, "if we can't seem to reach an agreement. It's really up to you how this goes."
She looks from Odalia to Alador and back, tilting her head.
"So. How badly do both of you want to live?"
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lemonhemlock · 25 days
Teenager daenerys sold as a child bride “owned” the slaves that her husband gave her… ok…
She made mistakes in her breaking of the slave trade, but her “profit” from the tax on those selling themselves back into slavery is not used for her own gain, so it’s not really a profit… she is not perfect
Daenerys’s hate of slavery is not just sometjing to make the audience like her, it is an intrinsic part of her storyline and the plot of asoiaf as a whole
when will dany stans acknowledge the intersection of gender, race and class, as well as the intersection of oppression? yes, daenerys was sold as a child bride. yes, daenerys owned slaves. did she have a choice in either matter? no. did she benefit nonetheless from the slaves she did not want to own? yes. is the entire blame for the system of slavery and abusive practices that upheld her khalasar to be placed on the shoulders of a 13-year-old girl? no. should she be criticised for taking power forcefully in slavers' bay and then not bothering to learn how to govern properly and ensure a peaceful transition to a slavery-free society? yes.
is this an important puzzle piece that could help us understand how daenerys will soon react to opposition in westeros, aka when the going gets tough instead of relying on negotiations & compromises & power-sharing i shall fall back on my fire-breathing monsters, squash my enemies violently and 'burn cities to the ground'? also yes.
it's like..... you're almost there.
can you for real stop for one minute and ask yourself why you are so willing to shill for someone whose solution (to the political problems she creates for herself) is violence? i don't understand this aversion to any kind of democratic element being introduced in westeros that might curtail the sovereign's power (or the power other feudal lords have over people). have you ever considered that westeros doesn't even have a parliamentary body? do you imagine daenerys will pull a john lackland when she arrives? does she really strike you as the power-sharing type?
think for a moment of the logistics of dany even getting to westeros in the first place with only two more books to go. homegirl has to sail soon for any of that to happen. there will be no time for her to grow into this wise political theorist you imagine her to be, she has to be gone NOW. which means she has or will have to have the personality of someone who doesn't REALLY care all that much about solving the political unrest she created. there will have to be a moment in the winds of winter when she goes "fuck it!" and decides to claim her "birthright".
and this is not to say that slavery never mattered to her as a concept or that she doesn't truly, deep down, think it's wrong, only that she will rationalize her selfish desires into convincing herself she has done all she can and thus wash her hands of this business. why? from a doylist perspective, because the plot requires it to happen NOW. from a watsonian perspective, because politicking is too difficult, it's too boring and she doesn't like it. "dragons plant no trees". dany is good at conquering, not at governing.
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gorjee-art · 2 months
the power of fanart is so surreal to me, an acquaintance on artfight drew Claire keeping a cigarette holder in her mouth as Charles (flustered) helps her light it up with his own cigarette.
Claire does not smoke.
I never wanted her to smoke.
But that idea is so cute it's becoming close to canon.
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just finished my willow rewatch and the way erin’s accent gets so much thicker in the heat of battle is so personal to me
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roosterbirds · 1 year
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Meg and Gavin reacting to Michael and Lindsay's carpet cleaning story
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knoxise · 8 months
limbus oc shenanigans (literature major that grew up obsessed with greek mythos and epics and decided to create another homer-based character)
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