#she is simply the most attractive human being in existence
simplykorra · 6 months
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newly released photos of alba from edit magazine photoshoot (2018)
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spiderfreedom · 9 months
the male gaze distorts reality
started watching movies again (just don't like movies really) and one thing that surprised me was how the male gaze isn't just about staring at hot naked ladies, but how it distorts reality. the male gaze creates 'people' and 'situations' that simply don't exist.
the biggest example to me is the femme fatale. the devious woman using her sexuality as a weapon. whether the trope is a blonde bimbo bubblingly bouncing her boobs, or a sophisticated older brunette casually letting the strap fall off her shoulder and threatening to reveal her bust, they are different incarnations of the same concept. the women are knowingly using the sexual desire of men against them.
i watched a particularly egregious example where a group of women were sent to seduce a group of men, hanging off their shoulders, caressing their chests, with the promise of further sex if they came to another room. the true purpose was to humiliate them by getting them to disrobe in front of other people.
when i was a kid watching these scenes, i was convinced that this was a real thing women did - there were women out there who knowingly used their sexual appeal to get men to do things they otherwise wouldn't. it had to be such a recurrent trope for a reason, right? it even shows up in movies for children - remember the hot pink pegasus seducing hercules's pegasus?
but as an adult, i find myself confused watching these scenes. i've never seen anything like this happen. i've never met someone who says they do things like this. it's one thing to be flirty and dress in a sexually attractive way to get free drinks, but it's quite another to be so sexually forward to 'deceive' and 'trap' men. not to mention, it's... dangerous. if the man even believes he's being deceived, he can turn violent. it's a foolish move.
maybe the only real life example I can think of is honeypots. but honeypots are actual spies, trained by governments, and spies are selected to have less empathy than the average human being. do we really think that among untrained women there are so many seductresses with the skill of trained spies?
"what about sex workers/prostitutes?" while the honeypot spy is employed by a government agency, prostitutes are paid by the very people they are "seducing." prostitutes have to put on an act - they need to pretend to be the sexually active and perpetually horny woman men both want and fear. but most prostitutes are not like this; they are in it because they need money fast, not because they think fucking strange men for pay is a sexy and desirable career path (fun fact - read the diary of madam pompadour, the most famous courtesan and the embodiment of aristocratic seductress, and you will find she actually did not like having sex with the king and dreaded it. not even our real life courtesans can live up to our fantasies.)
the entire idea of a woman using her sexuality against men is simply a male fantasy - and the flipside is that it's a male anxiety, too.
men wish that women would approach them and find them desirable and initiate sexual intercourse with them, without the men having to do any of the work. there's nothing inherently wrong with fantasizing that a hot person finds you so special and hot that they want to have sex with you right away. men and women of all sexual orientations entertain these secret fantasies.
but then, there's the fear - "what if these hot women are actually only pretending to be interested in me, to get something from me? and i'm too horny to think straight and i actually give it to them?!" and that is the male anxiety, that for a moment, they actually end up losing the upper hand. despite the fact that such a situation is actually pretty rare in real life (I asked several male friends if they had personally or second-hand encountered such a situation in real life, and none could say they had), it is a common trope in fiction. it is especially lascivious in film, where the seduction before the fall can be portrayed in softcore porny ways.
"this is a foolish idea, everyone knows fiction and reality are separate." well, we know they are separate, but do you know which parts? if you don't already know the facts of the situation beforehand, how can you tell when fiction is lying to you and when it's drawing from reality? do you think the young, sexually inexperienced kids watching disney's hercules know that 'seductresses' aren't a common threat when we watch this scene? or will they learn and think "ok, a thing that happens in grownup life is that hot ladies seduce men, and you gotta watch out for them!" what basis does a child or even a teenager have to know this is false? especially when this is a common trope?
"women are sexually available and active - and deceitful" is a harmful trope. when you read about the ancient greeks stereotyping that women are lustful, they don't mean it in an "aww shucks, these girls just love having sex!" kinda way, they mean it in a "women are unfaithful and will use any means to get dick, including taking advantage of their hotness" way (this is why 'whore' is the ultimate insult for women). because if this trope were real, then it would be dangerous, wouldn't it? honeypot spies are dangerous for this reason. luckily for us, it is not real, but the male anxiety surrounding it continues. the male desire/anxiety around it informs porn tropes about 'punished sluts'. it informs incel tropes about the 'cock carousel'.
and this is what i mean when i say the male gaze distorts reality. it fabricates, out of whole cloth, a person that does not exist in any meaningful way - a woman who seduces men while demanding no emotional involvement, who is eager and willing at all times, who can turn the very desire for her existence against those men to get what she wants. she is not repulsed by or afraid of the men she pretends to be attracted to. before, we had to content ourselves with art and novels glorifying this false woman, but film allows her to exist in flesh and blood. cast a real woman, have her speak words and move her body in ways dictated by a man, and suddenly she appears much more real. grow up with enough of these, and even women writers can start to think these "seductresses" are real people. she can try to reclaim her and turn her into a badass boss babe, or she can condemn her as immoral and pathetic, but the deception is complete - the argument is no longer about whether this woman exists (she does not), but about whether she is justified in her ways. the female writer does not realize she was nursed on the male gaze for years, and it will take serious seeing with her own eyes to realize what is the real world and what is male fantasies and fears.
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The Martian Women: A Warrior's Heart
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Now more than ever we see questioned the humanity and dignity of women who do not fit the stereotype of what they are supposed to be, look, sound, or act like. Such cases like Imane Khelif are heartbreaking to witness, specially considering the way these false allegations overshadow the efforts and hard work behind her skills, even more so now as an Olympian.
Imane has her Moon and Mars in Sidereal Scorpio, and the themes of others trying to take control of the narrative of her life and existence is ridiculous and overwhelming. On top of it, her Mercury and Jupiter are both in Aries. She is a huge embodiment of how the Martian experience tends to play out.
They are the individuals who deal with the consequences of being "too much" simply by not being afraid of voicing their opinions, of their appearance, or any other aspect regardless of how conflictive it might be. They have and endless source of power to pursuit their passions, and they often achieve as long as they their ego on check.
Childhood years consisted of a push and pull between not being enough of any of the polarities. Often, attracting unwanted attention and different degrees of aggressive/hostile behaviors (spoken, actions, etc). They learn to project outwardly the results of withstanding all of those experiences, and paradoxically are blamed for having a natural hostile response to a hostile environment or actions.
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After being forced to repress their hurt, anger, and valid emotions they learn to channel it towards a goal because their nature (Aries and Scorpio) is to plan, analyze, execute, and repeat all over again. They are the Valkyries, Amazonians, etc who learn collectively how to fend for themselves in all aspects outside of patriarchal laws or standards.
From a historic and folklore perspective, Valkyries were associated and often accompanied by ravens or horses which matches perfectly the nature of Ashwini (horses) and Bharani (crows are similar to ravens) which are both in Aries. These mythical warriors guided souls to their depiction of heaven, and Krittika is ruled by the Sun + has a priestly caste. On different levels of humanity we've always had women who take their necessary place with violent, aggressive, and chaotic driven actions as much as men, yet its forced to suppression the most.
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In terms of contemporary entertainment, many other concepts of female warrior or heroic/strong/independent female characters from all eras have Martian placements. This is not to say that Mars is the only representation for these arechetypes, but in terms of characters who have a really grim and/or dark past, it fits very well. Other planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter) also have their own depiction of cunning female led roles but their background, characteristic, etc are all different. I will expand with other planets on a different post.
Brigitte Nielsen who was the main character in Red Sonja has her Moon in Aries (Ashwini).
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Uma Thurman has her Sun in Aries (Bharani).
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Summer Glau from the Firefly series and its continuation movie Serenity has her Moon in Aries (Ashwini).
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Saoirse Ronan has her Moon and Venus in Aries (Bharani).
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Gal Gadot as Wonder Women has her Sun in Aries (Bharani)
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Lucy Liu (Sun in Scorpio (Anuradha/Jyestha) and Moon in Aries (Bharani), Cameron Diaz (Moon in Aries, within Krittika) from Charlie's Angels.
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Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow has her Sun in Scorpio (Anuradha)
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Peta Wilson in La Femme Nikita with Sun in Scorpio (Vishakha)
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They function perfectly well alone and also within a group as as long as there is mutual respect. Society doesn't seem to know yet how to properly behave and treat individuals like them. Martian handle themselves in such a raw and powerful form that those who have weak morals, will power, inner strength, courage, or self expression regardless of gender might feel as if they are being personally attacked.
Now, it is good to keep in mind the distinction between deliberate attack or self defense. Due to previous trauma related with heavy power struggles they can easily feel wounded, and will could show an exaggerated or uncontrolled form of aggression.
It could also simply be intentional because both signs (Aries & Scorpio) tend to become more resentful or comfortable using violence if they understand is fair or justified. They LOVE "female rage". Every film, piece of literature, song, or form of art related to anger, disconformity, sadness, rage, wickedness, and other chaotic expressions connect with their suppressed darkness.
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It allows them to fantasize of a world where women are able to demonstrate their anger freely without judgement, specially when justified and valid. They understand other women beyond the nature of their caged self under patriarchal standards, but the downside is that others do not connect easily with them.
This is why despite being the real underdogs of many empowering movements they are often lonely, alienated, punished, and treated poorly. It’s the most noticeable with Scorpio rashi, specifically Jyestha where they naturally attract envy, jealousy, and ill wishes the most. They are the ruthless Scorpios who don't really care about turning off their moral compass if it means achieving their goals. They are often only loyal to their vision and those who fit in it.
It is essential for Martian women to maintain a healthy management of their anger and learn how to release it in meaningful ways. Any type of exercise (gym, cardio, pilates, yoga, etc) or sports can become one of the most common channels to fuel their bodies and release heavy emotional overloads. Staying in touch with their root and sacral points by doing activities that promote you to feel safe, nurtured, grounded, creative, sensual, etc will also be optimal.
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Protect your energy in all forms, and stay away from individuals who constantly trigger your fight or flight. The ones who make you feel constantly drained and tired. It can be easy for others to syphon your energy because you always have an abundant amount, so be mindful of the people you entertain, engage, and interact with frequently.
Ensure to maintain a good balance between mind and heart as well. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with others. Prioritize feeling safe and comfortable around others. Learning to control your impulses if you're an Aries, or letting go of control if you're a Scorpio. Protect yourself, but don't shut down completely.
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Mrigashira: Obsessive & Obsessed Over
TW: suicide, rape, death, murder, abuse
This is part 2 of my Mrigashira series. For part 1, go here.
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Rachel McAdams, Mrigashira Moon
I want to explore the nature of Mrigashira in relation to the obsessiveness it inspires in others and often how obsessive it can be. Mrigashira's mythology is tied to escape, changing form and running away. As I discussed extensively in part 1, truth-telling is part of a Mrigashira native's purpose. They are simply built that way. This is also a key part of the reason why others tend to be so magnetically drawn to them and are often driven to the point of obsession for them.
Mrigashira possesses a serpent yoni and serpents are known to represent transformation and renewal. The Kundalini is represented by a coiled serpent. Serpents have always been associated with temptation, dangerous allure, truth unveiling and change. People are drawn to Mrigashira natives because unconsciously they want to embody the freedom and honesty of these Martian individuals but having so many people pulling at your energy means you lose the sense of self and feel corrupted by their influence, to maintain their purity most Mrigashira natives live very reclusive lives. And this is for their own safety and well-being as well, the more these natives allow themselves to be projected on to by others, the more hatred they receive because of the collective shadow that is put up against them. Imagine being in the presence of a serpent all the time? Its bound to make others uneasy and restless, no matter how friendly, how inviting or welcoming they seem, you may be attracted to them but you do not want to be around them constantly, its too unnerving.
Similarly serpents belong to their burrows (or wherever they live idk lmao) not out in the open among people. Not only because its a threat to their very existence (people see a snake, they try to kill it) but because they are wired and conditioned to thrive in a very different sort of environment.
The allure of the serpent is very attractive but its constant in your face existence is not. Same goes for the veil lifting, truth revealing nature of these natives. Honesty is rare and so appreciated but imagine the truth staring you in the face all day everyday, you would go mad. There is a reason why ignorance is considered bliss, its because you need that veil over reality to keep yourself sane, if you saw things and perceived them as they are, you would drive yourself to lunacy. Most people are not prepared to receive and understand that kind of truth, its only after a certain stage in your spiritual journey that you are initiated into it.
There is a reason why the third eye chakra is the second highest chakra in the hierarchy (root chakra at the bottom from which you ascend upwards all the way up to your crown chakra). The third eye chakra is sight which allows us to see things as they are. The crown chakra which is the final chakra is the ability to understand things as they are. To understand we must first have clarity of vision and to have that we must ascend above all the other chakras.
Mrigashira natives project the truth and because of this, they are torn apart by others often. These natives represent the shadow of the gazer. Serpents beckoning for change, asking you to shed your shadow, and your inhibitions and renew yourself. This can be very painful and scary, as shadow work is always very difficult to do but instead of understanding that what we hate in others is a reflection of our shadow, most people just hate the Messenger themselves.
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Petra Kelly, Mrigashira Moon, Vishaka Ketu (the man photographed next to her is her husband)
She was a founding member of the German Green Party and was a prominent activist in the 1980s who united ecological concerns with disarmament, social justice, and human rights. She was one of the OG ecofeminists imo
On 19 October 1992, the decomposed bodies of Kelly and her partner, ex-general and Green politician Gert Bastian (born 1923), were discovered in the bedroom of her house in Bonn by police officials after they received a call from both Bastian's wife and Kelly's grandmother who reported that they had not heard from either Bastian or Kelly for a few weeks. The police determined that Kelly was shot dead while sleeping by Bastian, who then killed himself. She was 44, he was 69. The last time anyone heard from the couple was on 30 September 1992 when Kelly sent a parcel to her grandmother.
Obviously, no one knows what transpired between the two or what might have led to this tragic end but being killed by your partner is unfortunately a pattern in the lives of many Mrigashira natives.
Obviously, not every Mrigashira will experience this so please do not worry or hyperventilate!!!!
One's spouse is a reflection of our subconscious, we are driven to the point of madness and murder when they project the truth of our subconscious back to us. We see the darkness, we see the ugliness and we feel violated. Obviously this is just one explanation and there could be numerous others.
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The iconic ecofeminist artist Ana Mendieta was Vishaka Sun, Mrigashira Moon
Ana Mendieta died on September 8, 1985, in New York City, after falling from her 34th-floor apartment in Greenwich Village at 300 Mercer Street. She lived there with her husband of eight months, minimalist sculptor Carl Andre. The circumstances surrounding her death have been the subject of controversy. She fell 33 stories onto the roof of a deli. Just before her death, neighbours heard the couple arguing violently. The neighbours heard Mendieta scream out "no" right before her death, and Andre had scratches all over his face. There were no eyewitnesses to the events that led up to Mendieta's death. A recording of Andre's 911 call showed him saying: "My wife is an artist, and I'm an artist, and we had a quarrel about the fact that I was more, eh, exposed to the public than she was. And she went to the bedroom, and I went after her, and she went out the window." During three years of legal proceedings, Andre's lawyer described Mendieta's death as a possible accident or a suicide. After a nonjury trial, Andre was acquitted of second-degree murder in February 1988.
There are many parallels between Petra & Ana's lives. From the fact that both of them were Mrigashira Moon to the fact that both their husbands worked in the same field as them and that both of them were ecofeminists.
From what we know about the circumstances surrounding Ana's death, it's pretty clear that Carl did it and even reading about what he said on his 911 call is so??? like that sounds like some classic gaslighting and I'm inclined to believe it was probably over his jealousy of how she was a better artist than him. Petra's story we may never know but its not a stretch to think that something similar may have happened between her and that oldie.
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Lana Turner, Mrigashira Rising
In 1957, while Turner was filming a movie, she had begun receiving phone calls and flowers on the set from mobster Johnny Stompanato (pictured with her above).
He pursued Turner aggressively, sending her various gifts. Turner was "thoroughly intrigued" and began casually dating him. After a friend informed her of who Stompanato actually was, she confronted him and tried to break off the affair. Stompanato was not easily deterred, and over the course of the following year, they carried on a relationship filled with violent arguments, physical abuse and repeated reconciliations. Turner would also claim that on one occasion he drugged her and took nude photographs of her while unconscious, potentially to use as blackmail.
I don't know if I have posted about it before but being violated or having your sexual intimacy exposed?? is also a Mrigashira theme. Ex: Jennifer Lawrence, Mrig Moon whose private pictures leaked in 2014, Pamela Anderson, Mrig Rising whose sex tape leaked in the 90s.
In 1957, Stompanato visited Turner on set in London and when she asked him to leave, he threatened her with a gun.
On the evening of March 26, 1958, Turner attended the Oscars. Stompanato, angered that he did not attend with her, awaited her return home that evening, whereupon he physically assaulted her. Around 8:00 p.m. on Friday, April 4, Stompanato arrived at Turner's rented home at 730 North Bedford Drive in Beverly Hills. The two began arguing heatedly in the bedroom, during which Stompanato threatened to kill Turner, her daughter Cheryl and her mother. Fearing that her mother's life was in danger, Cheryl – who had been watching television in an adjacent room – grabbed a kitchen knife and ran to Turner's defence. Stompanato died from stab wounds to his stomach.
This whole episode is very Mrigashira coded but thankfully Lana Turner survived and her abuser died.
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Maurizio Gucci- Mrigashira Moon, Punarvasu Rising
If you've watched House of Gucci, you already know how this unfolds.
On 27 March 1995, Gucci was shot by a hired hitman on the steps outside his office as he arrived at work. His former wife Patrizia Reggiani was convicted in 1998 of arranging the killing. According to prosecutors, Reggiani's motives were a mixture of jealousy, money, and resentment towards her former husband. She served 18 years in prison and was released in October 2016.
I do believe all these people were murdered/attacked because of the resentment and envy their partners felt towards them even though due to the tragic circumstances there is very little proof of it.
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Pamela Anderson, Mrigashira Rising
The Baywatch star married drummer Tommy Lee in 1995, after knowing him for just four days. Their stormy marriage lasted just 3 years, and in that time the Mötley Crüe member served 4 months in jail for domestic abuse against Anderson. It’s reported that during this incident Lee kicked Pamela while she was holding their son Dylan. But even though Anderson had helped to convict Lee, she was waiting for him when he came out and the pair briefly reconciled. Now, though, they’ve gone their separate ways.
A spiritual reason behind why people abuse others is like I said before on this post, they see their shadow reflected in you. The most powerful life saving thing you can do for yourself in these instances when a relationship (does not have to be romantic) takes a sour and dangerous turn is to LEAVE immediately. The longer you stay, the more you forgive/ignore them and overlook their tendencies, the darker the shadow grows because you are letting yourself submit to it. You have to understand that certain things cannot be talked through or come to an understanding about, like how a snake sizes you up before swallowing you whole, the initial triggers are proof of what their darkness is pulling them towards. When you dont recognise that as a sign and take your leave, they are even more agonised and disturbed because now they see all their ugliness reflected in you, how cruel and uncaring they are, everytime they look at you, they see you project their worst traits back to them. Have you noticed how men are always 100x more cruel to the woman who is extremely kind to him and puts up with him? He is not moved by her kindness to treat her better, he treats her worse because she reminds him of how much of a piece of shit he is, he sees his own failures as a human being reflected in her. A woman who does not put up with shit and leaves and cuts them off is also severing these spiritual ties which in a sense "liberates" the man from his shadow. This is why its so important to know your worth. You risk your own life by not knowing it. This is also the reason why men keep chasing the women who dont put up with shit, because theyre not projecting their shadow back to them.
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Brooke Shields, Mrigashira Moon & Venus
Brooke was obsessed over by absolutely everyone in her youth. They sexualized a goddamn child and made money from it. Here's a very uncomfortable clip of Susan Sarandon talking about 11yr old Brooke.
I don't want to elaborate too much because it makes me uncomfortable af but read about Brooke's life and you'll see how Mrigashira's many themes unfolded in her life (toxic mom included)
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Dante Alighieri, Mrigashira stellium (Sun, Mercury & Rising)
Now that we've discussed how obsession with Mrigashira women ends in tragedy, lets see how Mrigashira natives themselves can be very obsessive in love.
Dante first met Beatrice, who he has described as the love of his life when they were children. She died at 24yrs old and Dante & her were never married nor did they ever even have a conversation but Dante was passionately, madly obsessed with her. He wrote about her A LOT. (imagine writing a shit ton of poetry and prose about a woman you've never even talked to?? haha 👁️👄👁️)
They met twice in their life, he married another woman yet he wrote about Beatrice continuously and exalted her to the high heavens
Dante and Beatrice never even kissed. For Dante, though, it didn’t matter that his love for Beatrice remained unconsummated. Why? Because merely the act of loving her was enough. Loving someone was its own justification.
How could this be? It connects to how Dante’s understanding of his love for Beatrice evolved. By the end of Vita nuova, Dante has come to understand that his youthful love was superficial. Instead, he realizes that his love for her is his most direct experience of the divine nature of love. Beatrice, after all, was “sent from Heaven,” a gift from god. By loving her — even if it’s from afar — Dante is himself purified, brought to a new spiritual existence, and brought closer to god. This is one reason why the work is titled Vita nuova: Dante’s love of Beatrice grants him a new life.
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Franz Kafka- Mrigashira Stellium (Moon, Mercury and Venus)
Kafka's Letters to Milena are very popular but what's even crazier is their relationship.
Milena was a translator. In 1919 she discovered a short story (The Stoker) by Prague writer Franz Kafka, and wrote to him to ask for permission to translate it from German to Czech. The letter launched an intense and increasingly passionate correspondence. Milena and Kafka met twice: they spent four days in Vienna together and later a day in Gmünd. Eventually, Kafka broke off the relationship, partly because Milena as unable to leave her husband, and their almost daily communication ceased abruptly in November 1920. They meant so much to each other, however, that they did exchange a few more letters in 1922 and 1923 (and Kafka turned over to Milena his diaries at the end of his life). Kafka died in 1924.
Mrigashira men 🤝passionate love affair with a women they've met twice
“You are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love.” ― Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
“Dear Milena, I wish the world were ending tomorrow. Then I could take the next train, arrive at your doorstep in Vienna, and say: “Come with me, Milena. We are going to love each other without scruples or fear or restraint. Because the world is ending tomorrow.” Perhaps we don’t love unreasonably because we think we have time or have to reckon with time. But what if we don't have time? Or what if time, as we know it, is irrelevant? Ah, if only the world were ending tomorrow. We could help each other very much.” ― Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
(brb im ugly cryinggg 😭😩😭kafka was such a loverboy)
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C.S Lewis, Mrigashira Moon
Joy was a feisty Jewish divorced single mother from the Bronx. Lewis, 17 years her senior, was a lifelong confirmed bachelor (he wrote The Chronicles of Narnia) . They exchanged vows at her hospital bedside after a devastating diagnosis of metastasized breast cancer. Joy spent her final days dying in the arms of her most unlikely husband.
Joy had bone cancer and wasn’t expected to live; miraculously, they had three years together before she finally succumbed to cancer at age 45.
The loss devastated C.S. Lewis (as one can tell by reading A Grief Observed, one of his most heart-wrenching, personal books). Perhaps the biggest lesson one can take away from the love between C.S. Lewis and Joy Davidman was their willingness to love each other, however risky, however unsafe it may be. Lewis expressed grief, shock, and dismay over his wife’s death, but he never expressed regret over marrying her, never wished that he had taken the “safe” way.
Lewis summed this up beautifully in his poem, As the Ruin Falls:
"All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you.
I never had a selfless thought since I was born.
I am mercenary and self-seeking through and through:
I want God, you, all friends, merely to serve my turn.
Peace, re-assurance, pleasure, are the goals I seek,
I cannot crawl one inch outside my proper skin:
I talk of love --a scholar's parrot may talk Greek--
But, self-imprisoned, always end where I begin.
Only that now you have taught me (but how late) my lack.
I see the chasm.
And everything you are was making
My heart into a bridge by which I might get back
From exile, and grow man.
And now the bridge is breaking.
For this I bless you as the ruin falls.
The pains You give me are more precious than all other gains."
They were together for 3 years during which she was very sick and bedridden, yet his love for her is soo profound and he wrote extensively about how much her death devastated him :((
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Jim Carrey, Mrigashira Moon starred in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (directed by Michel Gondry, Punarvasu Rising) and this movie is an ode to the eternal nature of love. Two individuals whose memories are altered repeatedly to rid them of one another keep meeting each other again and again. Its such a beautiful story of how undying love is.
I think Punarvasu & Mrigashira natives are connected to each other in some way.
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In this interview, Stephen Colbert (Mrigashira Moon) asks Keanu Reeves (Punarvasu Moon) "What happens when we die?" to which Keanu responds "I know that the people who love us, will miss us". Its a very earnest answer more so considering how both Stephen and Keanu have lost so many people in their lives. Keanu's ex gf died in a car accident a year after they had a stillborn daughter. Colbert lost his father and 2 brothers to a plane crash when he was 10.
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In Sia's (Mrigashira Moon) MV for Elastic Heart, Maddie Ziegler (Punarvasu Moon) and Shia LaBeouf (Mrigashira Sun) are depicted as Sia's two selves who are warring with each other inside a cage, in the end Maddie makes it out of the cage while Shia is stuck inside. Sia said she wrote this song about a failing relationship so the MV can be understood as a symbolic representation of two sides of Sia battling whether to leave or stay in this relationship. Its particularly poignant to me that the person who makes it out alive is a Punarvasu native.
Its also quite well known how creepily obsessed Sia has been with Maddie over the years.
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Hugh Dancy (Mrigashira Sun) played Will on Hannibal where the titular character was played by Mads Mikkelsen (Vishaka Moon)
The two share an intense toxic violent emotional relationship. He tries to kill him but he also saves him.
I think Mars-Jupiter relationships are often this way, intense and ultimately doomed because the two can never stay together.
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Eminem, Saturn in Mrigashira atmakaraka (Chitra Sun, Dhanishta Moon) allegedly had a relationship with Mariah Carey (Punarvasu Moon) in the 2000s and repeatedly referenced her in his songs whilst she stayed quiet about him and often denied their relationship.
In 2002 Eminem rapped in his song Superman "What you trying be? My new wife? / What, you Mariah? Fly through twice.” On When the Music Stop, he said, “What the f–k you take me for, a joke? You smoking crack? ‘Fore I do that, I’d beg Mariah to take me back.”
In the same year, Mariah released a song called Clown in which she sang, “You should’ve never intimated we were lovers when you know very well we never even touched each other.”
She explained, “I talked to him, I spoke to him a few times, whatever,” she said at the time. “But in terms of me having an intimate relationship? With men, I can name them all on one hand, and he’s not one of them. I hung out with him, I spoke to him on the phone. I think I was probably with him a total of four times. And I don’t consider that dating somebody.”
Eminem went on talking about her obsessively for yeaaarsss (that's the Mrigashira in him/all his Mars energy in general, Martians are a whole new brand of obsessed)
In 2009, Eminem rapped in Bagpipes from Baghdad
“Mariah, whatever happened to us? Why did we have to break up?Nick Cannon, you pr–k, I wish you luck with the f–kin’ whore.”
Mind you that he himself admitted that they only dated for 6 months in 2002, 7 WHOLE YEARS LATER he is still singing about her, he's clearly still obsessed with her but he's also an asshole for speaking about her in such disparaging terms.
And that's when Mariah Carey dropped her iconic song Obsessed
in 2019, 17 years later, Eminem was still rapping about her lol
"I know me and Mariah didn’t end on a high note / But that other dude’s whipped — that p—y got him neutered, tried to tell him this chick’s a nut job before he got his jewels clipped / Almost got my caboose kicked / Fool, quit / You not gonna do s–t / I let her chop my balls off too before I lose to you, Nick.”
Sorry for spilling all the tea but I just think its soooo funny. Its no Dante & Beatrice but oh man lol
Through this example we see a negative toxic manifestation of Mrigashira's obsession and devotion to a partner.
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Prince William, Mrigashira Sun and Princess Catherine, Punarvasu Moon are another Mrig-Punarvasu/Jupiter pairing I can think of
As we have seen from Eminem, Mrigashira men can often be violent and abusive
Johnny Depp-Mrigashira Sun, Kanye West- Mrigashira Sun, Salman Rushdie Mrigashira Sun & Moon, Shia LaBeouf- Mrigashira Sun have all been accused of abuse by their partners.
Obsession isn't a good thing and very few Mrigashira men are like Dante in today's world.
I hope this was interesting & informative.xx
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
what do you think happens when a human gives a demon their soul in exchange for a pact?? would it give that demon all the wisdom? powers of the human??
From what we've seen in the game, honestly it basically mostly comes down to like...wanting human souls because demons find them shiny and attractive. And tasty? Also tasty.
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However, it seems that's basically the extent of it, in terms of what demons get from human souls themselves.
(spoilers for Nightbringer below the cut)
When it comes to potentially receiving things like wisdom and power from humans, you have to remember that demons (and angels, for that matter) don't actually really...think quite so highly of humans?
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Compared to demons and angels, humans are essentially considered weak beings to be guided or influenced by one side or the other -- a point that has been especially emphasized in Nightbringer.
Let's use Solomon as an example -- a human that has both power and wisdom. In fact, he has been outright known as the names "Solomon the Wise" and the "Witty Sorcerer" in OM canon, and he is the most powerful sorcerer ever to exist, in terms of power as a human. And even for all that, that's only barely enough to make Lucifer have to actually put a little bit of effort into warding him off. Lucifer has made clear more than once that, if he actually cared more, Solomon would absolutely be no match for him.
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Now, to be fair, Solomon does have 72 pacts -- but none of those pacts have actually been confirmed in-game to be for his soul. We know that Asmo was just sort of drunkenly manipulated into making a pact, and Barbatos mentions in the "Tea Time With You" Devilgram that his pact with Solomon is actually about atonement. Which, by the way, is a super juicy tidbit for them to have dropped in a Devilgram and we desperately want to know more about that?? When he makes a pact with Asmo a second time in Nightbringer, that also involves no promises of his soul. And, more generally, Solomon argues in NB Lesson 17 that most pact-making usually involves having to manipulate or outsmart demons -- though, we also know from Thirteen that his soul is amazingly shiny, and that's why she also wants it.
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Now, that's Solomon, who is a special case in terms of both power and wisdom. And rather than coveting those things from him, the demons of the cast treat him more like either a nuisance or a threat. Meanwhile, power is actually the reason Solomon makes the pacts -- because the pacts give him power, not the other way around.
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Then consider that the average human is not Solomon, but more like MC was at the very beginning of OM -- no magic, no power, not known for any special wisdom or anything. They, and their souls, are not typically meaningfully powerful or wise to demons, who themselves are way more powerful and cleverer than anything they could get from a human. So, as with the screenshot from Lucifer earlier, it would seem it really just comes to being like a shiny gem, something demons want to collect -- either to simply own their soul for eternity or to consume it as a delicacy.
There is a way that demons can get a taste of power from humans in a pact, though, and that is when the human draws it out of them while under a pact. This is what MC did with Asmodeus when Solomon lent them his power back in OG Lesson 8, which was so fascinating to Asmo that he actually freely decided to make the pact with MC, just so he'd have more opportunities in the future to experience that power again.
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Rather than being power that the demon receives as part of a human's soul, that seems to be a two-way street, since Solomon also references having Barbatos lend him his power in NB Lesson 1 in order to go back in time to where MC was sent. But in terms of power from humans? It's while they have the pact with the human alive that it matters.
tl;dr -- Demons want to collect human souls because they're shiny and tasty. Humans want pacts for power.
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happy74827 · 10 months
Oblivious to Love
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[Mike Ross x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Finding that your crush was evidently hiding something from you became more nerve-wracking than you thought. But something tells you that maybe it's worth the chase through the office, much to Harvey's displease of course.
WC: 2323
Category: Fluff
I wrote this mostly for my friend (love you @yoursacredqueenmother), but honestly I wrote it for myself too. Plus, there’s barely any Mike Ross fics on this app so I wanted to give some popularity towards him.
Oh how I love writing underrated kings.
When you first met Mike Ross, he was nothing but a loser, a sorry excuse for a man. From his annoying habits of always being right to his slightly disheveled appearance, the way he always looked like a lost puppy in the morning. Everything about him was just... annoying.
Yet you couldn't help but fall for him. Fall for that crooked smile that seemed to make your knees wobble, those blue eyes that you swore were made out of crystals, and that damn brain of his. God, his brain was impressive. And every time you watched him work, you could only think that this guy was a fucking genius. He was just a brilliant person, and you knew it.
And he knew you knew it. Mike Ross was a very talented man, more talented than you. The way he talked, his words seemed to flow out of his mouth as if they were enchanted, and with one single phrase, he could convince you of the existence of unicorns. He had always had this way about him. It was like he could get anything he wanted by simply giving a smile. And even though Mike didn't know this about himself, he was able to make you melt with just a few words.
And after getting to know Mike better, you found that he was an amazing person. Sure, he could be a bit cocky at times, but his cockiness always came with the fact that he knew he was doing something right, and he was willing to admit to his wrongdoings when it was necessary. That's something that not everyone is willing to do, and you found that really impressive. He also had the most caring eyes you had ever seen, always willing to take care of anyone who needed help. Mike was a great guy, one of the best you knew. And when it came to his intelligence, you had no doubt that he was the smartest guy in the world.
But you still couldn't help but think, what was a guy like Mike doing with a girl like you?
You were nothing compared to him. He was intelligent, quick-witted, and attractive to boot. He was like the epitome of a perfect human, while you... you were just another boring girl who happened to be lucky enough to be in his life. You could never compare to someone like him, someone as amazing as Mike Ross.
It wasn't long before your feelings for him began to show, and when they did, it was inevitable that Mike would find out. It seemed that he could read you like a book, and you had no idea what gave away your feelings, but you had a sense that Mike had caught on early. Of course, it was only speculation, but the evidence was… well, there. He came up to you more, wanting to hang out with you, and his words to you were even sweeter. You were too embarrassed to think straight, and you had no idea what to do with yourself.
"You alright?"
It was lunchtime when Mike decided to show up, his blue eyes glancing down at you. His question took you by surprise, and you gave a quick nod in response.
"Yeah...yeah, I'm alright," you said, looking down at your salad. "I'm just a bit tired today, that's all."
He seemed to buy your answer because he didn't push any further on the subject. He just continued on as if nothing had happened. But something did happen, and you could tell that Mike was avoiding your eyes. You noticed this right away because he would never look away from you for so long, and you began to grow suspicious. What did Mike know?
The first person you decided to chase down and confront was Donna, the woman who knew anything and everything. She was like the goddess of knowledge, and if there was anyone who knew what was going on, it was her.
"Alright, what's up with Mike?" You questioned, waiting for an answer.
Donna looked up, giving you a questioning look. "What do you mean?"
"Don't give me that, D. You know exactly what I mean. Mike is being… I don’t know, he's being strange. I know you know why."
The older woman gave a sigh, taking a bite from her salad. "I don't know, he hasn't told me anything," she replied. "But are you sure he’s the one being weird? Because, you know, you're not exactly normal yourself."
"I am exactly normal!"
"You're so not normal."
"And how would you know that? Have you ever seen me? I look normal to the naked eye!"
Donna only smirked in response.
"You're useless," you groaned, turning away from the woman and sitting down at the table. Just as you did so, Harvey decided to walk past on the way to Jessica’s office. Of course, Harvey. Mike and him are practically glued at the hip.
He must know something.
"Harvey!" You shouted, causing him to halt in his tracks. The man turned around, his face contorting into one of confusion when he saw you. The confusion only stayed for a minute, though, because the second you went to open your mouth, he shut you down.
“Nope. I’m not doing this," Harvey said, pointing to the door. "Not this time."
"Doing what?" You asked, following behind him as he continued on his way. "You didn’t even know what I was going to ask.”
"Doesn't matter. I’m not getting involved with you and Mike."
"How’d you…?" You stopped yourself before you could finish your sentence, watching Harvey continuing on his way to Jessica's office, ignoring your complete presence.
Why was everyone avoiding you?
"Alright, what the hell?" You said, stomping back towards Donna. She gave a look of concern as if she was expecting you to explode any second now. “What’s going on? Please, tell me. Please don’t make me go to Louis. If I have to hear him talk about going mudding one more time, I might just snap. I swear to God-"
"Alright, alright," Donna interrupted, holding up her hands in defense. "But just remember, you asked for this."
"Just tell me, Donna. Tell me now before I die of curiosity!"
Donna sighed, rolling her eyes and looking you dead in the eyes. "Mike knows.”
"Knows what?"
"He knows.”
Oh no.
Donna must’ve immediately picked up on your panicked state because she was suddenly in front of you, grabbing onto your shoulders and trying to ground you as your eyes widened in sheer panic.
"Calm down," she whispered, shaking you slightly. "Just breathe."
"Is this bad? I think this is bad. This is bad. I’m going to die of embarrassment now. I won’t even be able to look at him ever again-"
"Stop." Donna slapped you in the face, her actions taking you by surprise. "Look, I'm going to tell you what I told him, alright?"
You only gave a small nod in response.
"After Mike asked—”
“He asked?!”
“Shush! After Mike asked if you were in love with him, I asked if he was in love with you."
"He wouldn’t say. So, I asked him if he thought he was, and he didn't give me an answer.”
You blinked at her. "Okay. I don't think this is helping."
"You don’t understand. That’s a good sign. When you want to tell someone how you feel, but you don't want to give them the satisfaction of saying it out loud, you refuse to answer a question when someone asks if you feel that way about them. It means they really care, you know? Mike doesn't want to risk telling you how he feels, but he doesn't want to lie to me."
You stared at her, unable to respond. Donna just gave a sigh and patted you on the head.
"Look, all I'm trying to tell you is that this might work out. Just give it time."
You, in fact, didn’t give it time. You practically went insane to the point of going back to Harvey to question him again. This time, he gave you an answer.
"Does Mike like me?”
He gave you a confused look as if he were expecting you to explain what the hell you were talking about.
"…I’m going to pretend like you asked a real question," Harvey said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t know if you've forgotten, but this is a law firm. Not a damn soap opera."
"I need to know!" You pressed. “I know Mike said something to you. That man cannot keep anything secret. It's just not possible."
"Dammit," Harvey muttered, rubbing his temples. "This isn't something I want to deal with right now, I’m busy-"
"Harvey, it’s a simple yes or no. I will literally leave you alone for a whole week if you tell me. I promise I won't bug you at all; I swear on my life. So, please. Just tell me."
Harvey sighed, putting down his pen. There was a part of you that felt bad about interrupting his work, but this was too important just to ignore. You had to know.
"Mike likes you, kid. Now get the hell out of my office," Harvey said, waving you off as you left, feeling a huge weight off your shoulders.
Oh, man. Oh boy. This was actually happening. Mike Ross, the smartest man in the world, liked you. The smile that surfaced on your face was involuntary, and you couldn’t help but put it on full display as you walked past Donna, who raised an eyebrow.
"You need to talk to him," Donna said. "Or else you'll never stop smiling like an idiot."
That's what you did.
The second you saw Mike, you rushed to his office, where you could see that he was alone. You entered quietly, making sure to close the door behind you as Mike looked up, his blue eyes locking with yours.
"Hey," he said, clearing his throat as you made your way towards him. “I was just—”
“Harvey said you liked me.” You blurted, causing Mike to freeze. You didn’t mean to just come out and say it like that, but you couldn't stop yourself from doing so. He looked a bit shocked, but his expression quickly changed to one of curiosity, his eyebrows arching.
Then, he did something you hadn't been expecting at all. He gave you a smile. Mike Ross, the man you had been pining over for years, gave you a smile that made your knees wobble, and you felt your stomach tighten.
"Funny enough,” he said, leaning back into his chair, still wearing that grin on his face. "Donna said the exact same thing about you.”
You couldn’t help the soft laughter that escaped you because it was funny. Donna and Harvey. Everyone seemed to know except you two, and that was almost humorous. But it wasn't enough to stop your nerves because you still wanted to talk to him.
"Listen, Mike-"
"No," he interrupted, shaking his head. "Not until you listen."
He paused for a moment, waiting until you were fully in attention before continuing.
"You don't need to say anything," Mike said, his voice taking on a serious tone that surprised you. "I’m smart enough to know how you feel about me. I knew it as soon as I saw the way you looked at me. Sorry that it took me so long to say something, but I wanted to make sure it was real, you know? Because you can't just trust someone based on looks, not with stuff like this. You know?"
“I’m rambling, aren’t I? I’m totally rambling, aren't I?"
"I feel really awkward right now," he said, a nervous chuckle escaping him. "Because this is normally the part where you would just kiss me, but you haven't done anything of the sort."
"You want me to kiss you?” You asked, your heart pounding so loud that you could feel it in your throat. “That’s a little bold, don't you think?"
Mike leaned forward, giving you a look that caused your heart to practically leap out of your chest. His eyes seemed to be sparkling as if he were asking a question you already knew the answer to.
"Since when has anyone said I was shy?"
You let out a small gasp, almost like a squeak, as he grabbed onto your hand and pulled you closer to him. The chair Mike was in was not made to sit two people, and you had to squeeze in between him, your bodies pressing against each other.
He leaned into you, his nose brushing against yours as he closed his eyes, giving you a second to do the same before he kissed you. It was soft and warm, and the second his lips touched yours, you were gone. His hands came up to your face, and you could feel his fingers caress your cheeks as you pressed into his kiss.
The first time you kissed someone, you knew it was special. Something about it caused butterflies to swarm in your stomach, and you wanted nothing more than to continue this for the rest of your life. But as you kissed Mike Ross, you knew that it was even better.
His kiss was passionate and full of longing as if he were kissing you for the first time. It was a feeling you never experienced before, and it was amazing.
When the two of you finally parted, your cheeks flushed and your lips slightly swollen; you couldn't help the giggle that escaped you, watching Mike as his face turned slightly pink.
"That was… wow.” Mike bit down on his lip, trying to hold back his smile. "I never knew."
"Never knew what?”
Mike looked up, giving you that crooked grin that you adored so much. "That a kiss from you can make my heart stop beating."
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satosuguwifee · 1 month
Between Claws and Caresses — Ryomen Sukuna x F!reader
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Synopsis: When your boyfriend comes to pick you up for a walk, a certain feline attracts the pink-haired man's attention.
Contents: fluff.
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Friday, the holy day on which Y/n can finally have some free time. She hums the song Single Ladies while applying mascara to her eyelashes, then admiring the result in the mirror.
Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell made the girl jump in fright before sighing in recognition of who might be there, waiting for her. She left the room with the towel covering her freshly wet body and walked to the entrance of her house, unlocking the door and smiling as she recognized the familiar pink head of hair in front of her.
—Good afternoon Sukuboo, are you so eager for our outing that you came early?
— Tsk, you sound like a brat. You're always late, you idiot.
— You really love me, huh?
The girl says ironically and makes room for her friend/enemy to enter. How did these two, who are like water and oil, end up becoming a duo? Not even the most divine being could answer this riddle.
They both went up to her room and soon Sukuna was sitting wide-eyed on the bed, fiddling with his cell phone without paying any attention to the girl in front of him.
— Try to hurry before I change my mind and dump you here. — he says as he continues to type, his red eyes focused on the screen.
— Why, you wouldn't— Y/n fell silent when the man raised that intimidating eyebrow in her direction, as if to say "Are you sure?". — Yes, you definitely would!
The pink-haired man just rolled his eyes and went back to looking at his cell phone, mumbling a single phrase: "5 minutes". The girl immediately ran into the bathroom, picking up the look she had sorted in advance before locking herself in and starting to get ready.
Sukuna, on the other hand, remained seated and watched something he loves when he has free time: laughing at the countless videos of children getting into mischief that exist on the internet.
Suddenly, the sound of the door creaking open fills the relatively quiet bedroom, and Sukuna's attention immediately turns in the direction of the sound, coming across a small, furry being next to his feet, staring at him with curious eyes.
— What are you looking at? — Sukuna says as he grimaces while looking at the feline, making it obvious that he dislikes it.
He then nudges the cat with the tip of his foot to push it away, knowing that if he pulled out any of its fur, Y/n would surely turn into the demon itself.
Not that he feared that angry brat...
...Of course not...
While Sukuna was distracted, he was a little startled when the cat, instead of doing what he wanted, just jumped into his lap.
— Urgh... Insolent creature. — The pink-haired man grabs the cat by the scruff of the neck and throws it on the floor, not even caring if he's hurt it or not. Then he simply lies down on the bed and goes back to watching the videos from before.
However, to his second surprise of the day, the cat jumped on the bed and once again climbed up and lay on Sukuna's chest, staring at him again.
Sukuna just continued to stare at the inferior being with a certain disgust and, oddly enough, a little interest. Because he naturally had a more frightening and intimidating aura, no human being or even animal avoided him. But, like the cat's owner, the feline seemed just as stubborn as she was in wanting contact with him.
So, by this comparison, Sukuna put the tip of her index finger against the top of the cat's head, scratching it lightly with her fingernail, and that was enough for a noise to start coming out of the kitten: its famous purr.
Sukuna's fingers moved through the soft fur, and the little creature's purr even seemed to soften the man's heart (if only a little). A discreet, unconscious smile appeared on his face, while his bloodshot eyes still gazed at how the creature seemed so cozy inside him.
— All right, sorry it took to long— Y/N soon comes out of the bathroom completely tidy, and as soon as she's faced with the sight of the cute moment between her cat and her ice-hearted friend, she melts. — Kunaaa, do you have a thing for cats?
— Tsk, of course not. — he replies and once again picks up the cat by the scruff of its neck and throws it on the floor, then wipes the hair off with the back of his hand. — Shit, now I'm full of hair.
— Hey, who do you think you are to throw Luke Skywalker around like that? — The girl stomps out of the bathroom and stops right in front of her friend, glaring at him. — That's how you're going to get in danger with me, my dear.
— I laugh in the face of danger, brat.
Sukuna says as he gives her a debauched smile and then punches her hard in the forehead, burying his hands in his pants pockets.
— Urgh! Just let's go, asshole!
Y/n left the room again with those hard steps, eliciting a low laugh from the rosy-cheeked man who was delighted to see her get angry.
As soon as he took a few steps towards the door, he stopped and turned his face away to find Luke sitting at the desk by the door. Then, taking advantage of the fact that no one was there, he put his hand on the top of the feline's head, earning a meow in return.
— Hunf...
Sukuna smiled a little at the sound and then rolled his eyes when he heard the girl's annoying voice calling him, and then closed the door behind him, walking over to his friend and preparing to stay with the idiot he felt obliged to live with.
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stephofromcabin12 · 4 months
Dionysus hid in his own home during that time between HOO and TOA 5 like the dad in arrested development until Zeus spotted him out and about and sent him back.
Hera has a swear jar on Olympus. It’s most frequently brought out during game nights.
Hermes has the loudest, most obnoxious ring tones. Several because he has multiple phones.
Ares is directly responsible for reddit’s existence. He’s not aware of this. He’s also banned from 9897996 subreddits. He’s started double that amount.
Apollo’s main strategy of getting out of conversations with people is to pretend to text and go “uuuhhhhmm” *taptaptaptaptaptap* “weeeellll, hmmm, uuhhhhhhhh” *taptaptaptaptap* until they get angry and give up trying to talk to him.
You’re most likely to run into Hermes, Apollo and Artemis at a gym (Artemis is just there looking for potential hunters)
You might assume Ares would be there but he’s not. He’s casually dropping into arenas and hotels that athletes stay at while playing for tournaments. And sports bars. So many sports bars.
He used to go to the olympic village but he got too distracted by the games to even bother picking up potential mortal partners.
Apollo had a plant phase (“nymphs dig plants, right?”) didn’t last long.
Artemis attracts cats and does not understand why, considering she’s hanging out with wolves all the time.
Hecate likes to send her unclaimed kids those tarot “this was meant to find you” readings everywhere with specific hints that she’s connected to them, to see if they figure it out. She also will only communicate through scrying and magic rather than IM’s, and gets very offended when her children don’t pick up on it at all. Her version of “cause you’re always on that damn phone” is “You never use your intuition!!”
Hypnos has shown up in his kids’ dreams multiple times, in various forms. Hey, gotta take advantage of unseen ways of checking in on ‘em right. He’ll visit other’s children if he’s asked nicely and you catch him in the right mood. More gods have asked him to do this than they’d care to admit.
Dionysus can identify the year and grape of a wine just by hearing it poured.
Aphrodite is unapologetically on all dating apps, and is unafraid to message any of her kids she sees, as well as demigods in general, just to say hi. She’ll sometimes say something ominous as if she’s seen their interests and is making ~plans~ for their future in love. She knows they’re mortified, that’s why she does it.
I see trash canon Ares and raise you: Coach dad Ares. Your classic coach dad. He’s arguing with their actual football coaches, he’s grilling after a victory, he’s putting kids in headlocks and ruffling their hair. His leather jacket may or not crinkle due to the Werther’s originals he carries around. He does the reach around snack hand on the solstices during the presentations.
At those solstice meetings every year, the gods have a nymph secretary to whisper their kids’ names in their ear in case they forget.
Ares has had the same dog for 4000 years. Its unclear if its really the same dog he’s kept around or if he simply gets the same kind of dog every-time the last one dies and names it the same name. It’s called Thyella or “Ty” for short.
This is just like— headcanon but I like the idea of the gods not only being distant and emotionally unavailable bc they’re bad parents but also bc they’re just: extremely confused by humans. Especially modern humans. They can’t keep up. They’re perplexed at the speed at which their demigod kids pick up, and leave behind, things, phrases and trends. And they hate not knowing things, and even worse, not being considered cool by their kids (where’s the honor in that?). So they feign disinterest but the easiest way to piss them off is to make something up and go “oh you don’t know about that? Mom/Dad that’s ancient news!” When they ask what you’re talking about.
Similarly my favorite headcanon for them is that they’re deities, as in, they’re not human. They’re unquantifiable. They’re at times almost creature like? Like, they’re confusing and everchanging and Other. There’s something distinctly Not Human about them, even when they’re trying to come across as one. A mortal might find it alluring, a demigod will probably find it slightly disturbing, especially when they occasionally catch a glimpse of it in themselves.
Demigods, because of this, also come across as almost not human to others at times. There’s something off about them. Its not the ADHD, it’s not the way they never use technology. Its the way they nod sagely in class when discussing ancient myths, like they’ve met the gods themselves or quietly add “psh, yeah they wish” under their breath while watching a documentary.
Its in the way their eyes look purple if the sun hits them just right, before you blink and they go back to their usual blue.
Their reflexes that, despite being so clumsy, are freakishly good under pressure. The sheer strength they have when you know they’ve never set foot in a gym.
Its the way you remember that one time in the second grade when your buddy took a baseball to the face and still to this day you could’ve sworn there was the tiniest swirling of something shimmery reflecting in the blood dripping down over their fingers; microscopic golden specks reflecting in the fluorescent lights on the way to the nurse’s office. You never mentioned it at the time, much too caught up in the drama and excuse to leave P.E early. But you still look at them now, years later, stretching out in the sun like a plant; trying to absorb as much light as possible, scars that they never mention and never acknowledge crossing their abdomen and arms, and you wonder what that’s all about.
In the case of adults, mortals don’t necessarily know that they’re speaking to a god, but there’s something about them that just— feels off. Not bad, not always. Just something in the way they know things that doesn’t make sense. How they seem to appear out of nowhere, appearance always perfect without them even trying. They don’t sweat. They don’t blush. They never run out of things to say. They never lose their way. People seem to just bend around them, like the time the restaurant they took you to was closed early and after a short conversation, the chef reappeared to open the kitchen just for you. Or the time they scored tickets to that sold out concert, or wrestling match. It’s so odd looking back on that fling all those years ago and realising that you dont think they ever showered. Or shaved. Not that it showed on them but that’s still odd right? Or the time they chatted with someone on the phone in a language you didn’t recognize.
“What was that language?” An innocent question, this was before you thought to be suspicious of these things.
“Greek.” They answer, not meeting your eyes.
“I didn’t know your family is from Greece,” you reply, trying to think if they ever mentioned it.
“Oh, we go way back,” they say, changing the subject before you think to ask more questions.
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cherrsnut · 8 months
Hostage - Prologue
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Finnick Odair x Healer!Reader
Summary: Up until now, your life has been a solitary one. Being the sole owner of an herbal shop, and apothecary to many fishermen who have been injured. Just when your life seemed to follow the routine you were so used to, your life turns a 360 when you’re suddenly taken away for the 67th Annual Hunger Games. This turn of events forces you to accept the idea the Grim Reaper is stalking close behind you, faster than you had hoped for. 
Tags: Extremely Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Angst, Typical THG Violence, Forced Prostitution, Forced Lab Rat, Injury, Mental Health Deterioration, Psychological/Physical Torture, Death, Alcohol/Drug Consumption, Medical Malpractice, Fluff (bc they deserve it).
Word Count: 1.4k
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The waves brushed the seashore, singing that beautiful melody only the sea could voice out, a blessing from mermaids, Edna always told you. To keep you safe from the sea monsters whilst you were away in the treacherous ocean. It was an old tell-tale the older folks liked to conspire, while you weren’t sure if you believed it, you weren’t totally against it either. Many accidents occurred deep in the sea, and you had seen firsthand the gravity of those injuries. From scratches to open lacerations with immediate need of stitching. But for you, the worst ones by far were the infections, which naturally happened from a bite injury from a contaminated fish, often leading to amputations, and in some instances, you had to dismember a whole limb off a fisherman.
You looked up again at the scenery before you,  the ball of flame just waking from its slumber was reflecting each ripple in the sea, echoing its color towards you. Edna often told you a mermaid’s voice was the most beautiful sound any human could come across, so much so she was convinced we weren’t prepared to listen to their songs. But at that moment, if what Edna was even half true, you were sure you’d be hypnotized to believe the sun rays had created a hallway for you to walk, to travel down that shiny path further from the horizon to the end of the world even. 
The sky’s creativity brushed their colorful clouds given by the warm colors of the sun. With the pale blue of the sky´s natural form as a canvas, the clouds had been painted into shades of oranges and pinks. A truly ethereal sight, but for you, it only took you a second to take in before your attention was back on opening up the building, already too used to the sight of the waking hours of the sky. 
As if you weren’t cold enough from the night breeze, the building welcomed you with its silent frost air inside. With the signal of the cold shudder creeping up your back. You let a sigh escape, the vapor making itself known, to test if it was simply cold or icy. The visible physical reaction was enough to answer your question, so you got ready to warm up the frozen iglu you were standing. Opening the wooden back door, you frond yourself upon wooden shelves with the same pattern and color as the rest of the store, as the same wood had been used to construct the whole building, the tree of the artist being rustic pine.
Containers upon containers of unopened herbalism knowledge, each one of them sealed and numbered by none other than yourself. Nature itself had been manifested in there, some plants had been slowly growing for you to collect their fruits and eventually put them away here, to be used shortly after.  Others had been cut and placed with a bow and tag wrapped around it. Many types of plants and flowers existed within the store, some intact within the vase, otherwise, others had been churned and sliced or made liquid for your clientele, from medicinal or aromatic to poisonous antidotes. So it was natural when the herbal shop had the attraction of those who were in need of some sort of healing, whether it be physical or spiritual, the herbal store was open for those in need.
In reality, the owner of the shop had been Edna from the beginning, all before she passed a year ago. And since it seemed you were the next person who could almost mimic Edna’s miracles, or so the city named it,  it seemed you were the best fit to further her legacy. Of course, adding the fact that you were the closest person to Edna. 
You found the dry wood, and you were pleasantly surprised to find some logs to be completely dried off, you stacked them up onto the basket. Edna was especially adamant about using pine woods because their value came from its easy way to burn right off the bat. Of course, that meant that pine wood was more prone to burn faster, and that’s when oak wood made its shining appearance. Its harsh, hard, and thick texture made them burn for longer hours without constant checking up, and while Edna often complained about their prize difference, she still seemed to have some sort of dependency on the fiery warm calmness the chimney gave. Just a nice safe haven from the cold weather outside.
You often had Edna in the back of your mind throughout each passing day, especially the constant reminder of her stubborn and disciplined nature. So much so, many things, which you’d get abused over, were as simple as things, whether be it moving a flowerpot barely an inch to the right because “it just looked wrong before” or cutting rosemary “the proper way” and to “never disrespect the ways of herbalism again”, which quite frankly exhausted you to no end, earning her the name of Old Hag, only spoken when she wasn’t present of course, because, the thought of her finding out about her secret nickname was more terrifying than straight-up kicking a peacemaker in the ass.
Firing up the hungry insides of the chimney, you left the pine inside as its first dish, a quick little snack. With that thought in mind, you couldn’t help but murmur a joke to the chimney to be patient for the main dish because “good things take time”. 
Still, with a jacket covering your frame, you leaned against the window facing the perfect view of the port just a few feet away from you. Fishermen, with their young disciples, already untying their boats to take them to a new adventure, which most times led them to Edna’s shop.
You tended to think of those memories as a pleasantry, sure it had become ordinary and almost a monotone routine that you expected to face on a daily basis. Still, as you saw their dark silhouettes, and came to face with the much smaller silhouettes, you couldn’t help but frown with the slight pitching of your heatrings painfully.
 It was hard to forget tomorrow was the Annual Reaping. Unconsciously you gritted your teeth, it was something about their loud laughs while leaving the seashore, their shouts which were provoking the sea to give them tough challenges during the day, and just how they were signing joyful tunes, ignorant of what laid the very next day made you immensely uncomfortable. You gulped down hard, and as per usual you recited a little blessing for their safe return.
You blinked away from their overly optimistic sight, something you somehow found you couldn’t handle, the taste of bitterness present all the way to your heart. It left you with bubbled thoughts that popped into your mind. Pessimism and dejection were writing desolate letters in your brain, words too melancholic you regretted you could never send to anyone.
The little cling from the bell resonated, signaling the announcement of an early client. You had no choice but to brush aside your powerless thoughts and assist the woman who had just come in. Brown short curly locks bounced until they hit her shoulders. 
“Good morning, Mrs. Ashwood! Strange for you to be an early bird!” you trailed to a very much familiar face. You forced your learned charm out on display. Mrs. Ashwood took a second to look over your features, her sad eyes roamed over your figure, to take in all your shape. You could only suspect the reason behind it being much darker, she probably wanted to take one last look at you in case they were to take you away.
She tilted her head uncertain about the upbeat mood you were in. Then it dawned on you, that the fish children were doing the very same thing as you. It wasn’t necessarily ignorance or lack of knowledge of what was going to transpire, but rather trying to grasp any sharp shard of normalcy they had left before it would be too late. Before they’d be far away from home, fending for themselves in the arena, and before their untimely and cruel fate. So before the surface of the water rises atop your head and drowns you, you’d rather play along the unawareness card for a little while more. At least just until the Reaping hour tomorrow. 
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Hey guys!! this is my first fic here on Tumblr. If you like just how the story goes lmk and I'll put you in the Taglist. Anyways, love you guys MUAH <3
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jinisnuggets · 2 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐀 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ˢⁱʳᵉⁿ!ᴶᵘⁿᵍʷᵒⁿ ˣ ᴺᵒᵇˡᵉ!ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ᴬᵘ, ᴬⁿᵍˢᵗ
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ⁵.³ᵏ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴹʸᵗʰⁱᶜᵃˡ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᵘʳᵉ ᵗᵃˡᵏ, ᵃⁿᵗⁱ-ᵇᵉˡⁱᵉᵛᵉʳ (ᵒᶠ ᵐʸᵗʰⁱᶜᵃˡ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᵘʳᵉ), ˢʷᵉᵃʳ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ, ᵗʰᵉᶠᵗ, ᵖᵃˢᵗ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ᵈⁱˢᶜᵘˢˢⁱᵒⁿ, ᴬˡˡᵘʳⁱⁿᵍ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢᵉᵈᵘᶜᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵈᵉᵖⁱᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ˢⁱʳᵉⁿˢ, ᵐᵃⁿⁱᵖᵘˡᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ?, ᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿ ᵒᶠ ᵉˣᵉᶜᵘᵗⁱᵒⁿ
ᴺᵉᵗʷᵒʳᵏ: @starlit-network
ᴬ/ⁿ: ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᵀᴼᴼᴷ ᴹᵉ ˢᴼ ᴸᴼᴺᴳ ᵀᴼ ᶠᴵᴺᴵˢᴴ!! ᴮᵘᵗ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᶜʰᵉᶜᵏ ᵐʸ ᶠⁱᶜ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ᵃˡˡ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳᶠᵘˡ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ʷʰᵒ ʰᵉˡᵖᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ ᶜʰᵉᶜᵏ ᵒᵛᵉʳ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵖᵉʳᶠᵉᶜᵗ ⁱᵗ
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The ocean was full of mysteries and secrets that no one has, nor should ever be discovered… the big body of water that was so beautiful yet so terrifying.
You, a regular Victorian girl who enjoyed reading novels under the big tree which sat next to a normal river, finding joy in being able to put yourself into the characters that you read in the book. Feeling as if you were the main character, growing a connection with those around you.
“Y/n, you tend to isolate yourself too much dear… wouldn't you like to spend more time with us? Your family?” Your mother found herself asking, looking directly at you as if she expected you to answer enthusiastically.
Truthfully, no. You were fine being alone and it was when you felt at your best. Being alone in the comfort of your books and imagination.
“If I'm being honest, mother, I do not think that being alone is a burden, as I quite enjoy the silence of going into the forest alone.”
Your mother and sister stared at you, unknowing of what to respond with. You hated the look of pity that they showed towards you, as if enjoying the company of one's self was something that should be looked down upon. The opinion of those older could never be the same as someone younger. The mind was simply at different levels of development, causing disagreements between the two quite regularly.
Looking around at the family who sat around the table, picking yourself up from the chair and grabbing your book from your lap to prevent it from falling.
“I believe I have some important manners to take care of…” you completed, beginning to make your way out of the dining room.
“Y/n, before you go you must be aware of something.” Your dad spoke, catching your attention and causing you to turn around to face him.
“What's wrong?” You responded, somewhat intrigued.
“Because me and your mother have been speaking about a better career opportunity for our company. I wanted to make you aware that next month we'll be moving over to a different town. Not far at most.”
You despised moving… however this time, it would be near an ocean. Meaning you would be capable of observing the same water that your current book, ‘A Hidden Atlantis’ was referencing. The same town and ocean that had been where the novel had taken place.
A Hidden Atlantis was a one of a kind book, you'd truthfully never read anything like it before. The topic of humanoid creatures whose legs resembled that of a fish was always interesting to you.
Something like that could never exist in the real world… could it?
It would only ever be real in paintings, books and imagination. It's place was not the real ocean that was full of mysterious creatures.
However… in the low chance possibility that something like a half human half fish existed. It'd be so beautiful yet terrifying. The same way its habitat was.
Your obsession with these types of mythical chapter books started when you found a ring on the floor of your new (now old) house. You were young, so the red ruby that sat brightly inside the ring wasn't something that appeared valuable to you, it was only ever stunning.
You kept it, never sold it for money… even though it would probably be worth a fortune. You always felt some sort of odd connection to it, causing you to never be capable of selling it. It was too special for you, despite the mystery that could've been a curse that attracted you to it and it's red gem
They told you to stay inside, but you found a way out nevertheless. They were silly if they didn't know you well enough to see it coming.
This was the very ocean right outside of your new home. The very ocean that the book described, it was right in front of you along with the same town and streets that the book’s main character walked on before in the history of the novel.
Sirens didn't exist, but maybe you could catch a glimpse of something that slightly resembled that of the mythical creature throughout your stay. It would make sense wouldn't it? Possibly if you were a believer.. but unfortunately you weren't.
Even so, you still enthusiastically made your way to the sandy beach located right under the cliff which your house sat over, finding a comfortable rock to sit on as you opened your book and lit up a candle
The young girl, Sharon left everything behind. From her friends and belongings to her town, all due to financial struggles between her parents. However the kind girl looked at things in another light, becoming understanding of her parents' situation and avoiding internal conflicts between herself and her family.
She took out the box which carried the old jewel inside. Seeing the gem glow bright red, reflecting off the same color as that of her eyes. Staring into the piece made her confident in the color of red, it was a beautiful color that many people associated with the wrong things. It was a treasure, and it made her feel the same connection and reassurance that she had felt since the start… since the first ever day she laid eyes on the ring.
She slipped the ring onto her hand, feeling the jewel slide off of her small fingers. However, she kept it on as she made her way to the dark waters that almost felt as if they awaited her.
She walked the path down the forest, catching a glimpse of the bright moon illuminating the cold ocean. It looked beautiful, almost magical as she walked near. Sitting on a rock and brushing her feet against the water, feeling as if it had been bringing her skin smoothness and youth.
“Beautiful night,” The young girl found herself whispering, as she looked far up into the distance to see the figure of a sunken ship, located right behind a chapped rock.
It’s boards and wood sinking down and dissolving into the water as it overflowed.
The news of the sinking ship was everywhere:
“Ship sank under unidentified circumstances.”
“Ship mysteriously begins sinking in the middle of the sea.”
“An unidentified ship reappears on the shores of...”
It was all over the newspapers, disaster would always be destined to happen.
The light of the fire which illuminated the candle flicker off, the strong winds didn't allow it to keep the fire. It was time to head back home and continue reading inside your room, where the wind couldn't get to you despite your delicate windows. It seemed as if a storm was approaching.
You smiled looking up and at the direct spot that the book described, not spotting a single sunken ship. Even if it was there at one point in history, the likelihood that it was actually the fault of a group of sirens and their enchanting voices and illusions was little to none.
As much as you wanted to believe, you knew something like that could only stay in your imagination. The same way dragons and vampires did. They could never exist in the real world, it would just be too dangerous.
Picking yourself up from the rock, you carefully climbed your way down and allowed the light from your barely lit candle to lead you back.
This ocean was close enough to your house that you were able to see the lights turned on in specific rooms. Best get going now if you hoped to not get caught sneaking out like you were strictly told not to.
Walking on the light sand before feeling your shoe step on something hard…
A rock maybe?
You tilted your head to look below you, bending your knees to get a better look at the object.
It was a ring… a blue diamond ring, washed away on the shore of the ocean. It must've been left behind by some tourist or someone who happened to be traveling the water’s. And really you didn't care to find out, as it was left behind and far too valuable to ignore.
You'd simply treasure it. The same way you did with the red ruby ring that you found in your old house when moving in.
“Y/n!” A young boy called out, running over to hug you tightly, almost as if you hadn't seen each other in a long time.
Turning around, you came face to face with a pretty young boy, beautiful cat shaped eyes that glowed as brightly as the day.
“Jungwon? What are you doing here..!?”
He smiled brightly and picked out a bright yellow dandelion from the grass, gently shoving your hair behind your ear and placing it right in between.
“I came to say hello to a friend,” He responded enthusiastically.
You shook your head and looked up, happier than ever.
“I understand but shouldn't you be with a doctor!?” You questioned to which he responded with a giggle and smirked at you.
“They told me that I should be outside a lot and have fun! So I'm following their instructions!”
Face palming yourself, you looked back up softly and picked up a bright yellow dandelion, mimicking his acts and placing it on his hair right above his ear.
He kept his gaze fixed on you, that was until you picked yourself up from the ground and began running around in the small garden right in front of a noble looking home.
Being a kid himself, he followed and chased you across the garden.
You looked happy… excited… like children…
Finally, your brain snapped back to reality.
“What the hell was that…?” You muttered to yourself, being unable to comprehend the vision that gave you more than just deja vu.
You looked into the dark and gloomy ocean, spotting a figure of a young man looking in your direction. His bright brown eyes which seemed to illuminate more than the moon pierced straight through your soul in an almost terrifying manner.
Shaking your head and rubbing your eyes… you convinced yourself to be seeing things.
You looked back in a panic and there was nothing… no figure… no eyes… simply nothing..
“Of course… I must be lacking sleep…” you managed to stutter, snapping back up to your senses and running back home. After all, not getting caught was your main priority right now.
And so the kind girl Sharon ran back home, stumbling upon an object which appeared to be a gem, closely resembling that of her own. The young girl picked up the ring and placed it in her pocket, she couldn't just leave it behind. She'd collect it.
Upon looking into the distance, she found herself staring directly into the eyes of a creature in the ocean.
Her kind heart forced her to yell, “Are you alright dear sailor, do you need assistance?”
However, she received no response…
Chills ran down her spine as he stared at her intensely, not even blinking once throughout the entire process… Sharon, upon feeling uneasy decided to run and make someone aware along the way of a possible sailor that could've been in danger.
Little did she know that she had stared into the eyes of that of the most dangerous…
All because she touched what was his… and you should never touch anything that belongs to a siren…
“Jungwon. For dear god’s sake, why are we doing this?”
Jungwon turned around once again and sighed, “For the 100th thousand millionth time, it's because that young lady took my ring. So I'm returning for it.”
“Indeed but this is a bother. Someone's going to find out one way or another and we'll be dead… Why can't we return to the shore and find you another identical ring? There's plenty in the ocean-”
He froze mid sentence upon seeing the eyes of his little brother staring at him. Despite being older, Jungwon intimidated him and he couldn't deny it. Jungwon’s strong point was his eyes and he fully took advantage of that.
“Jake- if you would like to return you can always do so… I didn't need you to come either way-” Jungwon managed to mutter softly.
Jake frowned, “I'll stay with you. I don't want you out here in the human world alone with absolutely no one supervising you.”
Jungwon smiled and nodded, “Alright then, let's make this fast.”
Jake followed his little brother. He had always doubted the connection that Jungwon claimed to have with his ring up until now; more like up until a year ago. Whereas Jungwon dropped his ring while traveling in the oceans at night and was somehow able to find it immediately after he noticed. Retracing his steps and locating the small object in the depths of the massive ocean. Jake was sure that he had a tracker on that thing because that would've been otherwise impossible.
And right now was no exception, in fact it was only convincing Jake furthermore that there must've been a hidden tracker somewhere within the tiny corners of that small ring.
Jake’s frown only turned into an annoyed stare as he watched Jungwon get ahead of himself, leading them to who the heck knew where. “Do you even know what she looked like?”
Jungwon shook his head, still keeping his gaze forward, “Absolutely not.”
Jake sighed, “Why did I expect that… with that keen eyesight of yours I really would've expected you to at least see her hair color.”
“It was dark hyung-” Jungwon completed, noticing Jake nod in agreement.
“I know but for some reason you can spot everything about a person at night except for the thief of your ring… and what if she sold it already?”
Jungwon sighed and shook his head, “I’d rather not think about it but in that case scenario then we'd have to purchase it again-”
Jake stared at Jungwon, “You can't be serious.”
Jungwon turned around, “Should I rephrase that? I'd rather say- I'd have to purchase it again.”
“There's dozens of trade shops on land- how are you gonna locate the exact one!?” Jake asked, almost yelling to which Jungwon backed away nervously and blinked a couple of times before answering.
“I'll find it, don't worry.”
Jake was upset but he wanted to support his brother. That ring was special to Jungwon ever since infancy and he didn't want to say anything rude or careless, let alone both.
“By the way, lower your voice because other people are going to hear you and will suspect us. You're going to throw us both under the bus with your yelling-”
Jake bowed to his little brother and apologized repeatedly, “I'm sorry, it's a little complicated to contain my emotions to a certain volume.”
Jungwon shook his head in denial. “It’d be quite alright if you hadn’t told me earlier that being on land was far too risky. I know just as much as you do so you have to keep in mind that one wrong move could land in us having our heads chopped off,” he expressed, to which Jake simply put his palm up to his forehead.
“Don’t even mention it.”
Suddenly, Jake crashed into a woman who had been walking the same streets they had been, maybe around her early 20’s. Despite the cloak that had been covering her face she looked quite beautiful. Long hair neatly put up in a ponytail and perfectly arranged across her shoulder.
“Oh, I beg your pardon as I was distracted-” Jake stuttered out nervously, noticing her turn around and bow in apology.
Jungwon’s gaze swiftly shifted onto her eyes, his alert up high.
“I apologize- I was a little careless myself.” You chuckled. Jake froze in silence, ultimately overcome by the beauty that he never knew could belong to a human.
Jungwon smiled, “I excuse my older brother- nevertheless what is such a beautiful young woman doing around here alone? Not to mention you yourself look quite of noble status. Is there a reason behind this?”
Suddenly becoming nervous, you began fidgeting with your fingers. “Haha- was it obvious that i’m a noble?” you muttered, to which Jungwon nodded.
“Your clothes and form of speech give it away.”
You laughed ever so slightly and nodded. “You see, I’m actually new to this area and happened to grow curious about exploring the town as the views are spectacular.”
Jungwon looked over to where you turned; the ocean that he himself had belonged to. The cold ocean that had belonged to him and many others who were just like him.
“I see that you are drawn by the landscape?” Jungwon turned over to you, seeing you nod in approval.
“Correct. I don’t come from a very green place like this one, so this feels almost like a wonderland… like those types of forest or villages that you read in fairytales.”
That was all he needed to know… this was her… the girl who had visited the ocean the other day late at night… the thief of his ring that was so very beloved to him.
“I happen to notice that you have a specific love for reading?” Jungwon questioned, noticing your eyes light up as you looked back up at him.
“You seem to be very good at guessing- yes, I very much do love reading books and novels.” you blinked, a little taken aback by how well this stranger seemed to know you.
“I’m glad. I happen to enjoy reading myself.”
You felt some type of odd aura about him.. You were unsure if it was just you overthinking or if this was actually something that you should’ve been concerned about. From the moment he spoke you felt nothing but comfort, you felt safe. Which wasn’t something an ordinary human could’ve made you feel,
Walking up to a fruit stand, the lady in front smiled at you.
“I’ve never seen you around before, are you new around here?” she asked, making you nod in agreement.
“You’d be correct, I’m not from here, I hope that is alright,” you responded, seeing her nod repeatedly in reassurance to your doubts.
You looked back at the ocean that you felt attracted to for some odd reason. It wasn’t clear to you whether you only felt that way because of your book or because there was actually something magical about it… not to mention the eyes… those eyes that glowed brighter than the moonlight..
“I happen to notice that you really like our water’s?” She smiled, to which you flinched as you didn’t notice her staring.
“I do… may I ask why no families are down there constantly?” you questioned, noticing her give you a confused glance making you panic in case you asked the wrong question. “I’m a little confused because normally there would be a couple of swimmers, no?” you added, your nerves making you unable to say the sentence correctly.
Luckily, she understood you and waved her hand in dismissal.
“Oh dear, it’s prohibited to swim in any waters around here.”
You stayed silent, confused yet amused. “May I ask why…?”
She turned back to look at you, “Oh dear, haven’t you heard? It became banned around the late 1850’s due to the amount of siren spotting there had been. Not to mention the amount of ships that went missing in such a short period of time around this area recently. I feel so poorly for all the families of those navigators..”
Thoughts began circulating in your mind. That wasn’t possible… After all siren’s weren’t real.. They have never been real. They were mythical creatures.
“By the way dear, be very careful with who you trust on this land. Siren’s are very alluring creatures who roam around this town just as freely as regular citizens. Don’t get confident just because we're not in the sea.”
“Wait- siren’s can shapeshift and blend into humanity too?” You exclaimed, almost yelling in surprise before you caught yourself and covered your mouth, lowering your voice to a lower volume.
The woman chuckled, “Why, of course they can.”
“How can I spot a siren…? Among all these humans…?”
She looked around and signaled you to come closer, you followed her orders and leaned in.
“Siren’s will always have attractive and manipulating eyes… never forget that as it may save your life one day.”
His eyes were gorgeous… almost hypnotizing to look at, you've never seen eyes so gorgeous like his, they seemed almost unreal.
Face to face with a pretty young man, beautiful cat shaped eyes that glowed as brightly as the day.
Face perfect and screaming off the sense of innocence. Almost making you think that this was in fact the reincarnation of the word itself. Which in itself was odd enough,
But you couldn't judge a book by it's cover. After all you weren't even a believer- just a little frightened by something a woman had said earlier. You needed proof of sirens before you actually believed in them, even though there was no way of explaining what you had happened to see down in the shore the other night.
However, his eyes were that of something supernatural and you felt it.
You found yourself walking late at night alone in the streets of the town; surrounded by people and their terrified whispers.
“What time did you say sirens come out again?”
“I think I may have just run into a siren- it's eyes look surreal-”
Sirens, surreal looking eyes. Put together it made sense.
Something not human could never fully shapeshift or become a human. There will always be something that gives it away.
However, this was going too far.
“Hey, we meet again.” A voice from behind you called, snatching the magazine from your grip and rolling it up in between his hands.
“Oh- good afternoon..?”
“It would be good night as of right now.” He smiled. You'd be lying if you said you didn't get flustered the moment he did so, seeing him smile with such a handsome face. There was no way you couldn't react.
Smiling back, a bit of pink flushing over your cheeks. “Yes, I apologize. I happened to be making my way back home right now; I hope you can excuse me.”
His face became a small smirk, almost teasing as he looked back at you. “From what I can see, you don't happen to be accompanied by anyone?” He asked, despite your guard going up high, there was no use in lying, you had run into this same man earlier and you had been alone, so you simply nodded.
“Would you like me to come with? Better not get tricked by any sirens.”
You felt your cheeks warm up again, flustered by this man and his alluring personality.
“What did you say your name was again?” You asked, realizing you had never gotten his name in the first place. Unconsciously beginning to walk, making your way back home.
This almost felt familiar….
Sharon walked her way back home with the claimed stranger which she had seen earlier that day.
Questions arose from the young girl's mouth, not anything wrong, at least not to the ears of something so magical and mythical like a siren.
“What was your name again?” Sharon asked in a low pitched muffle.
“I couldn't catch that.” His eyes glew in the dark as his mouth spoke. Something about this man was so alluring and she couldn't catch a grip of what it might've been.
Maybe his attractiveness? His eyes? Seductive and teasing nature perhaps? Everything about him seemed surreal, the way his words were able to manipulate her to make decisions that she wouldn't have made otherwise. It almost seemed effortless.
Sharon smiled nervously, “Your name. I didn't manage to catch it.”
He grinned, “Edward.”
One of the rules about a siren, they only ever said their first names in an introduction, never their last. They didn't have a last name to give, at least not now.
Sharon looked back at the man who walked behind her, his eyes locking on hers as she kept the eye contact for a hot moment. It wasn't willingly, because something about his eyes felt as if there was some type of rope connecting and bonding their souls, as she was unable to look away.
“You have beautiful eyes Edward.” She smiled, noticing him nod knowingly.
“I've been told before, young Sharon.”
It felt odd, they were both young, around each other's age perhaps. It was likely a form of speech however it was still off putting. Sharon could never get used to being called young by someone who looked so young themselves.
“Alright then; Edward, how old are you.”
It was a forbidden question and she knew it. Sirens didn't have an age, at least not that they were aware of. Normally becoming unable to answer the question properly, ending up in them executing their plans earlier than expected, causing a scene that would be far too messy to clean up afterwards.
“Not sure. I was abandoned at a young age and have no idea of when something so basic like my birthday is.” He responded, voice lowering as he turned to his side.
Good answer, Sharon thought. Looking back at the young man and smiling.
“You look fairly young. Edward.”
He was taken aback, he normally disliked the mention of just his first name because of how disrespectful it sounded, and this… this had been the third time she directed him by his first name solely.
He looked at her sharply, “If you could, I'd really appreciate a title in the beginning like Mr before my name.”
The young girl turned around enthusiastically, still skipping towards the direction of her house rapidly as she laughed softly. Her face giving off nothing but innocence.
“But why? Edward is a pretty name. A last name like … would suit you impeccably!” She exclaimed.
“Jungwon.” He answered.
Walking up the pathway which sat on the hill that led up to your house, grass awaiting you at the top.
“Well then, Jungwon do you believe in sirens?” You asked, almost testing him for an unknown reason that not even you knew.
It seemed like he had caught onto this, as he half sighed, half chuckled. “You really can't believe nor not believe in something you haven't seen before. There will always be those who claim to have seen other worldly creatures, you can't believe them, but you can't proclaim them as liars either.” He smiled.
Good answer, you thought.
“Say, Jungwon, how old are you?” You grinned, noticing him do the same.
It's a test, he thought to himself, unable to think of the correct answer if there even was one. As a siren one of their biggest pet pieves was lying. He couldn't even make up something to protect himself unless if he wanted to be looked down on.
“Not sure, I don't even know something so simple like my birthday.” He frowned. You looked back, sincere nostalgia hitting you the moment those words came out from his mouth, however you were unable to pinpoint why or where it was coming from.
“I see,” you added, turning around and looking at him directly.
Unable to hold back, you looked back at him and sighed.
“Do you believe sirens are as evil as humans depict them to be?” You found yourself asking, continuing to walk forward even if the answer he'd give held you anxious.
He grinned and kept his gaze on you, despite not looking at him you could feel his eyes pierced through your skin.
“I think it's similar to humans. There's bad people out there and there's good. I don't see why something so similar should be any different. Sirens are technically human, that's why they don't have too much trouble blending into humanity, they can pull it off rather easily in a matter of fact.”
Your shoulders fell in relief, not even noticing the way they had been so tense.
“I'm glad to hear that,” You smiled, “It’s better to not take guesses about creatures we have never seen or met before.”
He nodded.
“She's different.”
“Well, Jungwon, it looks like we've arrived.”
He nodded and peaked his attention to the house he found himself at.
He had forgotten completely, he was here for a reason and he was going to leave with that one reason fulfilled. He didn't need any doubts.
“It has been an honor my lady.” He leaned down, asking for your hand.
You gave it to him, and he landed a singular kiss on the tip. It was a regular gentleman act at the time, however your cheeks could help but rose and warm up, it was a little shameful to have fallen head over heels for a stranger.
“Yang Jungwon?”
Snapping, he immediately looked up at you.
Yang Jungwon, Yang Jungwon, Yang Jungwon
That name rang in his ear like a bell, repeatedly. What was this? Why did it sound so familiar to him?
“I'll hope to see you another day.” You smiled.
He simply smiled back and waved, nodding in response regarding your statement that had been said a little unexpectedly.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, as you looked at the bed with the pale kid who was at once a healthy boy... your friend.
“I would like to give you this.” He handed the hand which had been clenched shut, holding onto the piece tightly. “I unfortunately don't have much time left, however I would like to give you this. That way if we ever reincarnate again, I'll find you.”
You couldn't contain your emotions, the tears streamed down your face and a wave of emotions hit you.
You entered your home, closing the door behind you while holding your fingers and making your way upstairs to your room. You wanted to take a cold shower before heading off to bed.
Slipping off the coat and relocating it onto a chair that sat in front of your desk. Looking down at your fingers and noticing the bright blue ring missing. Only being left with your original red ruby ring.
You looked everywhere in a panic. Had you dropped it on your way back? It would've been possible as it slipped off of your tiny fingers constantly. It was far too oversized for you.
Suddenly the memory overcame you. He kissed your wrist, in contact with your hand and fingers directly.
Looking out the window, seeing the moon glowing bright blue with a tint of red on a few corners of it. The water in the ocean splashed as if something or someone had just went back in. Enough time has passed, the ring was his priority
Yang Jungwon, who are you?
It was about time, Sharon thought.
There was always going to be different habitats for every living organism. Humans would locate on land, you'd find them there if you ever found yourself searching. Maraine animals would be found in the water, and wild animals would be in the depths of the trees.
Just like marine animals don't belong on land, humans don't belong in the water. The same was wild animals wouldn't belong in the ocean, they wouldn't survive.
It was the same way that the world worked, it was cycle.
Sharon wrote furiously onto the sheets of paper, many stacked up on the side and many scattered on the floor, it was unavoidable to anyone who experienced the same that she had.
The main message the young girl left for anyone and everyone who dared to pick up and look at the contents of this novel which started out as a diary.
History repeats itself. Never doubt it.
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Madam Butterfly sister Ainz sound interesting even more if they are a school teacher
It makes me think that in game she have a secret tittle of being of Mother Of Umbra who she taken in human and nonhuman children who are orphans ( NPC that she created ) and they are loyal to her and often calling her mother while also act as soldiers and assassin's ( think of witches from Bayonetta and this one game that I forgot but it kinda liked dark souls ) with the studies that she taught them ( like math, science, reading and writing, and also tell them to think outside of traditional means and be creative by used of arts )
How would Sebas, Demiurge, Nigredo, Albedo, and Pestonya
Meeting one of her children ( who is fully adult ) she taken in as they sending messages and works for their mother as she currently busy in her floor area of the tomb
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Mother To All | Yandere Overlord X Madam Butterfly Sister Reader
The Butterfly Sorceress of the Sorcerer Kingdom is widely known and highly regarded by anyone who speaks of you. Despite being a demoness you are known for your compassionate decrees and your twisted form of affection. So any creature human or not+ under your reign should be treated with respect
Even the human witch who’s working on the newest floor of Nazarick:
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Sebas Tian
“You must be the newest addition to Mistress (User)’s children. I am Sebas Tian, the head butler of Nazarick. It's a pleasure.”
He’s cordial 
And he may have an inkling of compassion for humans being saved from horrifying circumstances
They have been chosen by you 
Becoming your property thus worthy of his protection
Besides he can happily get updates on whatever you're doing 
An awesome privilege to be friendly with your children
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“You..? We’re given the privilege of serving our Mistress? Hm.”
He’s disgusted by the human status of most of your property
He’s also jealous of how much time they get from your teachings 
The idea of mere human filth having more access to you than him
He hates the creature with his whole being
And it does cross his mind to…cause an accident or two…
Sometimes he succeeds but Cocyutus or Sebas will usually catch on
“Why I was simply attempting to provide aid but I see that my immense strength is doing more harm than good. My apologies…I hope you take good care of our Mistress (User)”
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“Y-you a-are one of the ones in her family?”
She naturally admires you anyway
But you’re compassion for humans that Ainz seems not to rely on attracts her on a deeper level
She happily moves to follow after you 
And admires how you gather your children
If she could leave she’d find more humans and outcasted creatures to add to your family
“Serve (User)-sama well, human. It is a privilege to even bear witness to a gracious supreme being.”
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“Hmph! For a second don’t think anything you have here requires your existence. My supreme being is more than something as puny as you! ”
She’s so so so jealous
She wants you to speak over her shoulder while you correct her work
Or the punishment she might receive for getting all the problems wrong
Her imaginations fuel her wet dreams about you
And she’s jealous a stupid weak insufficient human gets to have that place
“You overstep I will delight in stabbing you over and over and over and over again.” 
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“Woof! Welcome to (User)-sama’s family!”
Similar to Nigredo she only comes to acknowledge how much more she admires you because of this tactic
It appreciates humans which many of the floor guardians and Ainz not really don’t do that
She knows it’ll be a fight to see who gets to work under you 
She desperately carries on your love of education
Tail wagging and swooning every time you praise your children her
“(User)-sama is your savior. Be sure to work your hardest! Woof!”
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raviollies · 10 months
Got reminded that I never really revealed too much about the nature of Raha and Blythe's relationship on here so here is some insight!
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Raha and Blythe met entirely by accident, in fact they weren't even the ones to get along at the start. It was Lorelai that Blythe instantly formed a connection with, and they became fast friends, as Raha, who is very reserved and quiet (as well as very socially anxious) had stayed to the side. Due to their chemistry, Lorelai invited Blythe to join them on their travels since Blythe was traveling destination-less, simply gathering information from wherever the wind takes her.
Raha and Blythe could not be more different. Raha is withdrawn, preferring not to speak or interact with strangers if does not have to, leading to camping in the woods in lieu of buying a room. Years of rejection by both his Elves and Humans has led him to a very solitary existence, withdrawn even around Lorelai albeit to a much lesser extent. He finds comfort in animals mostly, and does not judge monsters for their nature. He has no qualms with being a hunter, as he sees it as simply part of nature for prey to attempt to thwart a predator.
Blythe on the other hand, is a social butterfly. She is charismatic, and is able to charm with ease, she enjoys talking her way into or out of anything, leading her to be the face of their entourage. Raha couldn't help but be...impressed and mesmerized by all the things she could do that he couldn't. To him she was almost a bird soaring high, while he was confined to the earth. Combined with her attractiveness, well - it isn't hard to see how those feelings of admiration slowly edged into something more.
He confessed in an extremely Raha fashion - not quite saying it out loud, and simply saying that he hopes she will remain at their side even when they break the pact...and that he enjoys her company. Considering the weight of those words coming from his mouth, Blythe could piece together that he spoke much more than simple friendship. She asked if he wished to be in a relationship with her to which he, albeit very shyly, admitted to be true.
Thing is...Blythe actually did not hold romantic feelings for him at this time. She was for the lack of a better word - bored. She is someone that has never experienced love, and saw relationships as entertainment, something to keep you busy and a source of validation and attention.
That being said...when she did experience the way Raha treated her, the contrast between a man that is such a skilled warrior but the softness and gentleness that he hides within his aloof demeanor, the intelligence in his insights when he feels comfortable enough to speak, the handsomeness of his smile - she fell. The feelings that weren't there did bloom, and rather strongly ; the comfort no longer simply from the warmth of a body but the way it made her feel loved.
Their love language is similar but they express it differently. They both show their affection in acts of service, though Blythe leans much more towards the physical side and Raha towards the act side. He loves cooking for her, helping her with physical tasks she struggles with (even if it's difficult for him as well), collecting herbs and flowers for her alchemy, but most importantly - he pours a great deal of money into research into breaking pacts and fae.
Blythe on the other hand, tends to perform more physical acts of affection - offering to wash and oil his hair, kneading strained muscles, or make him tea or lotions using her alchemy and magic.
Their relationship is quite lowkey in public - but there is clear affection in how they behave. Due to Raha's social anxiety and desire to attract as little attention as possible, they typically don't engage in PDA, as much as Blythe would want to - but they know each other expertly (as does Lorelai, to be quite honest) as they can engage in their daily routines with no friction, and know each other needs without words.
TLDR: they have a very neutral start but are not married.
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simonalkenmayer · 4 months
this is so random but I dunno, you seem wise. If you don’t have any response or advice, then that’s quite alright, it’s not like this is your responsibility.
I’m in a dilemma where I am so attracted to this girl(I say girl not woman because we’re both teenagers) but I don’t know if I could have any kind of intimate relationship with her that wouldn’t be me using her. As in, even if she consented, I think she might just be too vulnerable and I’m not.
Because I believe that that wouldn’t be right, because I don’t think it would be ethical, I’ve decided I shouldn’t proposition her. But how should I move forward with these feelings? They’ve been hard to cope with. She’s so cute and I’m just someone that feels emotions intensely. How should I let go and just be friends with her?
Don’t worry, I’ll also consult a therapist about it soon.
Thank you.
Wisdom? Ha. I am not so stupid as to claim wisdom. Perspective? Age? Those I will claim.
Here is my reply.
Why do you have the right to decide what she is allowed to experience? That’s very self-centered, don’t you think? Doesn’t seem like you actually have a high opinion of her, if you think somehow you’re entitled to determine whether or not she is “being used”. Seems as if you think you’re smarter/more capable/more knowledgeable, and speak of her as if she’s fragile or weak, compared to your machinations or whatnot. No idea what sex you are, but that’s the kind of thing men tend to do to women that vexes them most.
My reply sounds harsh to you? Well, good, because hopefully it will show you how silly the above situation is.
It is perfectly fine to ask someone if they’d prefer to have only a physical relationship, with extra features to that, friendship and so forth, to be added as desired. There isn’t one type of relationship. There are many. And you can build one that suits you both. You could have a conversation about your mutual thoughts and make a decision together instead of deciding you ought to choose for her.
Don’t decide things for her, because that tells her you don’t respect her agency.
Or…could it be you’re making that choice so that you never have to face actually walking up to the girl and telling her how much you admire her. Terrifying, but one of the only experiences humans seem to feel with any intensity. Don’t deprive yourself of that emotional rollercoaster. I hear it’s one of humanity’s chief delights.
If she has a vulnerability you can see, then simply don’t exploit it, but instead make her aware of it and strengthen her. That, my friend is the active form of “love” such as humans feel it. By helping her tackle those things that make her vulnerable without exploiting them, you prove you are the sort who truly does have what it takes to be a safe place for her.
Do yourself a favor. Tell her you like her and end the debate. If she says no, you move on. Because now the question is moot. If she’s interested, well then you get the fun of establishing your boundaries and deciding what sort of relationship would be equitable. With her input, since she is a thinking feeling person and not an object.
Humans waste so much time agonizing rather than just solving. To hell with fear or nerves. Just do the thing and enjoy the next phase of existence.
I advise forthright honesty in all things. Yes it can make you vulnerable to others, but it’s also something that can provide you with incredible strength further down the road. being vulnerable with someone shows them you trust them and is the basis of a relationship.
Do the thing. Then agonize, if such is required.
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violetasteracademic · 4 months
Hi ✨
I have a little problem about this people (gwynriel/elucien). (I came from TikTok) haha.
This is very hypocritical when is about the BC and I can not explain why Azriel is a “pervert” when his wants Elain. But it’s fine if the story round about Gwyn. I’m sure all these people read “pervert” storylines in other books. But, “oh is Elain, thats not okay”. Really? 🤦‍♀️
“Azriel don’t deserve Elain, Lucien is a gentleman” Elain: Sorry, Lucien doesn’t exist for me. 💋
Sorry, English is not my first language.
Bye. *azriel came for me * 🦇
Hello my darling Anon! Your English is perfect!
Thank you so much for dropping by 💜 I had to take a few days to sit with this one, because I too get frustrated and struggle with this. Words have meaning. At best, calling Azriel an incel is a poor and ignorant insult, and at worst it is a disturbing disregard for the fact that incels are violent against women because they won't sleep with them.
To call Azriel an incel or a pervert or a creep because he is attracted to Elain, and in the same breath ship him with the most s*xually traumatized character in the series is... a choice.
I could go through all the passages of Rhys and Cassian being horny, being jealous, being on their knees for their women. But it doesn't even matter. The fundamental thought process is too flawed to bother outlining rational evidence against it.
But I always try to humanize these situations. Imagine:
You are at a conference with Sarah J. Mass and you are selected to get an ask at a Q&A.
Your question is this-
"Sarah, I love Azriel and G/wyn. Please explain how you made the decision to make Azriel super creepy and gross and entitled/perverted to set him up perfectly for a romance with the only female character in this series that had graphic and explicit depictions of the s*xual violence done to them. It was such a perfect segue and I can't wait to hear how you came up with the idea!"
Sarah: "....."
I don't know what else there is to say about the topic. But considering Sarah has been talking about how excited she is to write his freaky sex scenes, I have to wonder how people are struggling to differentiate between something they simply don't like, and understanding it is a matter of taste (many of us Elriels thought the bonus chapter was HOT) and literally creating an unhinged narrative that makes no sense whatsoever for the author.
There is no convincing people who choose to believe this. Protect your peace and stay safe out there!! And welcome to Tumblr!
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dovveri · 9 days
tw: sa lolololololol
tldr: white men are the shitstain of humanity
THERES NOOOOO WAY just watched a tiktok (so perhaps not accurate i did a quick google search and couldnt find anything but like… everyone tries to hide shit that the US and europe have done lolol) abt how comfort women in korea altho ‘liberated’ by the us were still used by american soldiers after they kicked the japanese out and then all the people in the comments are like well duh oxford study!! like cant help it if asian women are throwing themselves at us smh! cant help it that asian women are hot!! its not our fault lol theyre the ones that come after us! im white and its so easy to date asian girls in my experience!!
BOIIIIIIII WHAT THE FUUUUKCKKCKCKCKCKC the oxford study is literally not. real . like its so disgustinf to me as an asian woman like this is why i coukd neveeeer date a white man and hello? in the entire video did u not comprehend what comfort women were?? these women are NAUT throwinf themselves at american men bffr they were SEX SLAVES. ur ltr saying oh shes a prostitute so her consent doesnt matter bcs its ltr her job like MEN DONT UNDERSTAND CONSENT . they say they do but they dont and thats why sa and sexual harassment stats are actually likely severely underreported bcs like tmi i was sa but like im not gonna report that bcs . personal choice wtv but i doubt he thought it was sa and i myself didnt realise why i was so uncomfortable during it until after it ended and i called a friend bcs i was . yeah and he asked me if the guy had asked to do this first and i was like . oh! he didnt! and i didnt want to make him feel bad and say stop! like its wtv im revisitinf that when im like 50 idk but the point is men dont understand consent and it SHOWS
and white men talkinf abt how asian women just throw themselfes at rhem is soooo just . sooooo like im going to go to america and buy a gun like breh wtf . firstly, thats so self-centred erm i have lots of asian friends most of them hate the asian men in the dating pool here which is why they wouldnt mind dating a white guy . secondly, the fetishisation of asian women ??? it absolutely disgusts me some of the men in these comments blaming the hyperfeminity in asian culture that makes them more attractive to heterosexual males like HUH????? what kind of incel hole did u crawl out of wtaf. YES i can admit that there is white-worship within asian communities simply bcs they are more successful (and they are more successful bcs of systemic racism lol) but that does not make it okay to treat asian women like theyre ‘easy’ and boast abt how many asian women youve been able to fuck like if the demand wasnt there? the supply wouldnt be either. the demand being white mens fetishisation of asian women and the supply being asian women. its like porn. if men didnt demand porn to the extent that they did, maybe porn wouldnt exist and we could live in a safer world were women werent raped everyday on screen for the sexual pleasure of other men. thats a whole other rant tho i hate porn and only white liberal feminists are pro-porn bcs theyre stuck in 2nd wave sexual liberation feminism (simone de beauvoir who spearheaded 2nd wave feminism voted for age of consent in france to be 13 btw) funnily enough, the only type of feminism men agree with.
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moonspirit · 3 months
.... Why Annie's armpits?
xD Oh welp~ Sorry anon, it took me a long while to get to this lmaooo, I was busy figuring out how best to explain it without sounding like- well, nevermind xD I realize I don't have a diplomatic answer - you're going to think I'm deranged with 12490375 fetishes - and you'd be right xD
I suppose you saw me going on about Annie's armpits in my tags or something.
Anyway. I honestly think every part of the body has its own kind of sexual appeal. The ones that most commonly come to mind are always the boobs, the ass, the hips, the legs, the neck and etc, but there is literally nowhere on the human body incapable of being a turn on. If you're in the mood for it, even that very ordinary crook of your knees can be sexy.
Armpits are the same. We usually associate them with being stinky and sweaty places, but they can be sexy too. It's not so much the existence of the armpits themselves, but their presentation during sex. So maybe, imagine, it's one of those times when Aruani are having sex. It's a very hot summer night, the windows are open, curtains fluttering in what little breeze there is. They're sweating. Armin is in his dom!Armin state and he's on top, pinning Annie's arms above her head. It's a very vulnerable position for her to be in, and one where he can see all of her without missing an inch. With every move of his, Annie moves as well, and her arms strain with pleasure. The breeze tickles the surface of her heated skin, drawing goosebumps all across. Sweat, both his and hers, running little rivulets down her stomach. And he's watching and watching; literally every bit of Annie is unbearably sexy to him, and right now, with her arms pinned above, even her armpits, so close to the swells of her breasts, are attractive enough to make him want to leave a little hickey close to there if it means she'll flinch and whimper for his sake.
Another scenario: Annie's on top. And by GOD is she enjoying herself, after getting over the initial embarrassment of being on such display like this. It's so empowering to sit on him and move her hips the way she wants and watch his face contort to the slightest thing she does. And while the fact that he's simply LOVING the view is excruciatingly mortifying at first, eventually, it emboldens her to be more confident. And she is. Annie enjoys herself so much, enjoys feeling him inside her so much, she touches herself. Her stomach, her thighs, her chest. The coiling pleasure between her legs is too much to bear so her hands travel up into her hair. What do you think that's going to look like, for Armin? His beautiful Annie, so deeply gone in the erotic stimulation that her own body gives her, that she's reaching into her hair, bunching, coiling, twisting, tugging, eyes closed, lips parted, soft moans escaping into the air. And there, under those strong arms, right above the sway of her breasts, are pockets of space that look untouched and lovely and pretty, and maybe he should sit up, put his hands there while her fingers are still in her hair, and love her body more.
So you see, it's not a singular thing, but combined with many other little appeals, it's definitely sexy xD
(... I don't know if any of this made sense ahaha.... 🙃🥲 )
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