#she looks stunning as per usual
queenofthechateau · 1 year
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TBC.. hopefully
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miley1442111 · 2 months
fix it-a.hotchner
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a/n: i imagined a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
please don't read if you have emetophobia!!!!
summary: aaron says some horrible things, can he fix it?
pairing: husband! aaron hotchner x wife! reader
warnings: mad angst, aaron is so mean, reader believes she is a bad mother, heartbreak, feelings of disappointment, jack is so sweet, reader is pregnant, talks of pregnancy, talks of vomiting and morning sickness, no happy ending :(
part 2- fix it together
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It was all coming down to this. It was Jack’s birthday and as his step-mom, you had been party planning all week. He was having a dinosaur themed birthday with a bounce house and watching a movie in the backyard, like a little drive in movie. You were excited for him. Aaron hadn’t really been around much that week, he was busy dealing with some legal battle the FBI was up against, meaning the rest of the team, including yourself, had the week off. It was Friday night, Jack’s actual birthday and he was asleep in bed as you waited for Aaron to get home. You were reading a book Spencer had recommended you as you nursed a cup of tea, getting sleepier by the second. 
The front door opened and there Aaron stood, briefcase in hand, handsome as ever. You smiled and got up from your spot on the couch, ready to greet him. He smiled softly as you hugged him, running a hand through his hair. “How did it go?” you asked, your voice just above a whisper.
“Oh it was fine, nothing too jarring. How was the week?” He asked, walking further into the house. 
“Fine. Nothing to report. Jack’s asleep but-”
“Did you do something for his birthday?” He asked, cutting you off. 
“Yeah, of course. I picked him up from school early and we went for lunch and to a film. He really enjoyed himself,” you smiled and he sighed. “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, fine,” Passive aggressive. Aaron was being passive aggressive.
“Aaron,” You said, worry coating your words. “Is everything ok?”
“Yes! Everything is just fine,” He sighed again, sitting on the couch. “Just one thing though- you didn’t think to offer him to see his mom?” He asked, malice behind every word. The accusation cut you deeply. Of course you’d asked, but he’d said no. He said ‘I don’t want to go without dad’ because of course he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to go to his moms grave without his dad, and not on his birthday either. You stood there, stunned at his words. He continued. “Y’know, you promised me this wouldn’t be an issue, so tell me now, is this an issue Y/N? I need to know because we can still get an annulment.” 
You gasped at his words. “Aaron stop-”
“No, you stop. You are not his mother. She is. She still is, even if she’s gone. You’ll never be his mother. You’re doing a good job of parenting but nothing compares to Haley. Thank god you’re not his actual mother.”
That was venomous. He was going straight for every insecurity you had around your relationship with Jack and throwing it in your face. He was hurting you. 
The silence was heavy. Aaron finally looked at your face and saw the disgust written all over it. The worst part was the fact that he knew it wasn't disgust at his actions, it was disgust directed at yourself and your parenting. You loved and adored Jack, he knew that. He knew, though he’d never admit it, that Jack liked you more than him, or maybe it was just his insecurity speaking, he wasn’t sure. He knew you gave everything of yourself to the both of them. And he knew he’d just done irreversible damage. 
“I offered,” you muttered, your eyes trained on the floor as you wrapped your arms around your chest, pleading with yourself to not cry. You felt silly, standing there, in his hoodie, his home, and seeing his child as your own. “He said he wanted to wait for you. I said we’d go on Sunday.” 
Aaron’s stomach dropped at the tone of your voice and the words being spoken. He was making you cry. He was hurting you. And all you’d ever been to him was perfectly kind. You’d always been so supportive, so loving, and so caring. As he came in he saw a love note on the fridge, he’d seen one of his favourite chocolate bars on the counter with a note beside it, a little wrapped gift beside it too. There were multiple reminders on the fridge for yourself, ones telling you to pick up things for the party, pick up Jack’s big birthday gift (a new bike), and call Jessica. You cared so much about the both of them, and he’d just said some of the worst things he could’ve, just because he was stressed.
Imagine how stressed you were, planning an entire party on your own while simultaneously working through hours and hours of paperwork (courtesy of your job, you were still working from home even if you weren't technically working), and parenting all week, all alone. 
“There’s dinner in the fridge, I-I’m going to go to bed,” you mumbled, walking about and leaving him alone with his thoughts. He heard your footsteps retract, walking up the stairs and in the opposite direction of your shared bedroom. Shit. You were sleeping in the guest room. 
He got up, irritation and shame barely allowing him to get to the kitchen to eat the meal you’d made him. Why was he like this? Why couldn’t he have just listened to you? 
He sat alone eating, his eyes drifting to the gift on the counter the entire time. I don’t deserve it. He thought, but caved once he finished his food and cleaned up. He pulled the small bow off and unwrapped the colourful paper to reveal a positive pregnancy test. His heart broke again. Inside beside it was a note, in your beautiful handwriting. 
To my dearest Aaron, 
I wanted to tell you the second I found out but I also didn’t want you to come home too early when you were still needed in Washington. We’re pregnant! I’m so excited and nervous and happy and scared all at the same time. I didn’t want to upstage Jack’s birthday but I obviously needed to tell you :) 
I love you so much and I can’t wait for this next chapter! No more guest bedroom I guess :) 
P.s I’m almost sure Jack knows, I’ve been having horrible morning sickness :( but at least this fulfils his christmas wish last year, remember ? 
Anyways, I love you so much and I’m so excited. 
Your love, Y/N
He felt sick to his stomach. You were pregnant. He’d just been evilly cruel to you and you were pregnant. He’d said some of the most vile things on planet earth to you, he essentially called you a bad mother. And you were pregnant. He hadn’t even realised he was crying until he saw the splotches on the paper, ruining one of the cute doodles you’d done. He immediately put it down, not wanting to damage it further. 
He took a deep breath, then went into his study and allowed himself to cry. He’d been mean. He’d hurt you in the one way he promised he wouldn’t, all because he was overwhelmed. All because he was stressed. 
“Dad?” He heard Jack’s voice and straightened. He wiped his face. “Why are you upset?” Jack walked into his office, pyjamas and a teddy in hand. 
“I did something mean to mom,” he admitted. “And I hurt her by accident,” he wasn’t sure if it was by accident. He was sure some deep part of him just wanted to self-sabotage himself. “And I feel bad about it.”
“It’ll be ok. Mom’s been sick this week, maybe you have the same tummy ache and it’s making you mad?” He suggested and Aaron let out a pathetic chuckle. 
“Maybe bud, maybe,” he agreed. “How about we get you back to bed, huh?” 
“Can I say goodnight to mom again?” He asked and Aaron’s heart broke again. He lifted him up and nodded, walking them down the hall. “You go into her and I’ll get your bed ready, yeah?” 
“OK dad!” Jack exclaimed as he was let down to the ground, and went running off to your shared bedroom. Aaron shook his head. 
“She’s in the other bedroom,” he pushed down another wave of tears at Jack’s confused face. 
“Why?” He asked, confused. 
“I was really mean,” Aaron sniffled. “Say goodnight from me too?”
“Ok dad,” Jack said, walking into the guest room. 
Aaron heard your voice, wishing Jack good dreams. You’d been crying. 
He was the worst person in the world. 
Jack came into his bedroom a few minutes later. “Mom’s still sick, she said goodnight and to tell you that she loves you.”
Aaron almost started crying again. You were so caring. You always put him above yourself. “Thanks buddy.” 
Aaron tucked him in and closed his door over, wishing him a good night. The tears came shortly after. He tried to sleep in your shared bed, but it wasn’t right. You weren’t there. 
Sleep evaded him that night. 
The next morning, the morning sickness hit you like a truck. You had your head in the toilet for an hour, at least. You didn’t come out of the guest room until about 9am. You could hear the usual sounds of Jack and Aaron playing outside, probably soccer. You walked downstairs and got yourself a glass of water, the only thing you could actually stomach at the minute. You looked out the window that led to your garden and smiled when you saw your boys playing, then the nagging voice that you thought you’d gotten rid of all but screamed in your ear You’re such a terrible parent. Aaron’s just been trying to conserve your feelings this entire time. Jack probably hates you. You shouldn’t be having another child. 
You looked away. Focus on the party. You told yourself. Get through today.
You had a long list of things that needed doing before the party at 3. You had to pick up balloons, pick up the cake, pick up Jessica and her kids, pick up Sean from the airport (as a surprise for Aaron and Jack), and set everything up. You left a small note on the table explaining where you were, and left. You ran all your errands, leaving picking up Jessica, the kids, and Sean till last. When you walked back in, the house was set up and Jack was immediately excitedly by Jessica, his cousins, and Sean which gave you a moment to slip away from Aaron.
Soon enough, the party started and you were bombarded with around forty children and a party to have. You felt Aaron's eyes on you constantly, checking in on you or just watching you. Once the outdoor film started, Penelope, Emily, Jj, and Spencer came over to ask what was wrong with you and Aaron, saying it was strange to not see you all over each other. You told them about the fight (not the pregnancy) and they were shocked at his behaviour. How could he be so mean? How could he treat you like that?
Aaron had been trying to talk to you for hours. Whenever he tried, a kid or one of the team would stop him with a dumb question, or needing help. You had Emily, Penelope, Jj, and Spencer crowding you the entire night, sending him the dirtiest of looks. That’s how he ended up at the end of the garden with David and Derek, who were both giving him a lecture about how what he’d done was wrong. 
“You can't say anyone is a bad parent!” Derek stressed. “That’s a very clear no-go!”
“I’m aware,” Aaron said, his lips tight in a frown. “I know what I did was wrong.”
“Then why aren’t you apologising?!” Derek exclaimed, loud enough that a few kids turned around to shush him. 
“Because,” Aaron sighed. “Those four haven’t left her side in hours.” 
As the movie came to a close and the children left, you were left with just the team and family. 
You all sat down to dinner, chinese takeout- Jack’s favourite. There was laughter and true joy, especially at David’s insistence that he could make the meal much better than Jack's favourite take-out, considering he was a ‘chef’. 
You all sat down to watch Jack open his gifts, individually thanking each person who gave him something. He was especially taken by the gift Spencer got him, a book on dinosaurs, and he adored the bike. You’d gotten one that you'd made look similar to Sean’s motorbike, Jack was always obsessed with Sean's motorbike. You’d even drawn on specific details that made it even more unique. Everyone eventually trailed out and it was just you, Jack, Sean, and Aaron. Jack asked Sean to read his bedtime story. That meant you and Aaron were left to clean up together. You got up to start picking up plates but Aaron stopped you. 
“Can I?” He offered and you nodded, sitting on the couch. You hadn’t eaten at dinner, all food just meant more vomiting in the morning and you were not up for that. “Can we talk?” He asked. 
“About what?” You sighed, looking over at him. “I think we’ve both said enough.”
“I’m so sorry about last night,” he sighed, coming over to you and sitting beside you. “I was awful. I was disgustingly mean just because I was overwhelmed. You’re an amazing mother to Jack, while you’re not his biological mother, you love him as such and he loves you. You’re a great parent. I was just being reactive and mean. I was so cruel and I'm sorry. I don’t want an annulment. I want to be with you forever. I know that it isn’t a problem. I know how much you love Jack and me,” he chuckled humorlessly. “I know how little I deserve it.”
You took his hand. “What you said… it was probably my worst nightmare,” you chuckled flatly. “And what you said was pretty damaging, Aaron. I just… it completely restarted the voice in my head that says I’m a terrible parent. It made me scared to think about what’s going to happen when we have our baby. I was already terrified about being pregnant, and this was just…” you trailed off as Aaron’s heart broke. Your voice was raw with emotion. You were so hurt. 
“I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that you are the best mother our children could ever have,” he promised and you smiled, but it lacked the regular spark your smiles usually contained. 
“The best mother Jack could have is Haley. We both know that.”
Fuck. Now you were comparing yourself to Haley again. Aaron had quite literally set you back about 4 years in your confidence as Jack’s mother. “Honey-”
“I know it sounds bad, but we both know it’s true. I’m good, but as you said, I’m nothing compared to Haley. Which is fine Aaron. I understand my place.”
His heart broke for what felt like the millionth time. He’d hurt you so badly. “Honey please, I was stressed and overwhelmed and I took it out on you. I meant nothing I said. You’re the best mother to Jack and our unborn child. You are the love of my life-”
“I’m the second love of your life,” you smiled sadly at him. “I’m going to bed, goodnight Aaron.” 
You walked up the stairs with a heavy heart. No matter what he said, you’ll always remember the look on his face when he told you that you weren’t enough, that you weren't Haley.
You fell asleep on your side of the bed, since you couldn’t exactly sleep in the guest room when Sean was in there. 
Aaron leaned against the counter as he washed dishes, thinking about how he could fix this. 
Could he even fix this?
criminal minds masterlist
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your-nanas-house · 11 months
Last time ?
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◇ Pairing: Student!Tom Riddle X Professor!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, handjob, nipple sucking, boobs, Tom Riddle, small age-gap, characters of age.
◇ Summary: Miss Y/l/n promised herself that it was the last time but Tom didn't want the same.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. This is part 2 of the fic "The Beginning". Enjoy (Part 3 here)
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Several weeks had passed of the occurrence of Tom's little plan, things had not changed much, Y/n pretended it had never happened and he continued to think about her...constantly, incessantly and with his hand around his aching member.
The young magician needed more, he needed her and was aware of it, they needed each other. Y/n just had to realize it- she would do it sooner or later.
Another problem that bothered Tom was that he didn't know how he could find another moment like that, where they were alone, undisturbed and in perfect surroundings. The last few times the boy had tried to ask her for help, she had managed to send prefects or fellow household members to help him, thus ruining the young man's plans.
However, the more time passed and the more a positive feeling came over Tom, the wizard was sure that the right moment would come. Indeed, just as he had premeditated, the moment presented itself.
It was the perfect evening, the perfect place and the perfect time, he just had to get rid of the third wheel that was the older Slytherin prefect to be able to present himself in the DADA classroom all alone.
An innocent smile was on his face as he made his way into the room and slowly closed the door to catch Y/n by surprise, who was still arranging things on her desk.
She looked stunning, the pastel green dress she had decided to wear that day brought out her Slytherin spirit, the open buttons allowed a view of her boobs- her perfect boobs.
She had taken off her shoes for some bizarre reason, her hair was no longer combed and perfect as it had been during the previous lesson but was pulled up and secured with her wand, her hands grazed the parchment paper as her eyes y/e/c moved from left to right, she was clearly reading, Tom could tell, especially since she was wearing her reading glasses.
He had been lucky enough to see her wear them only a few times and each time they created some pleasant sensation in his body.
The young wizard, still wearing his uniform, approached her quietly with his usual pace and then wrapped his strong arms around her hips, pressing her like that against his chest as he left hungry kisses on her neck.
Y/n's body stiffened immediately, her gaze moving to the hands that were holding her captive, recognising the long fingers and pale skin almost immediately. "Tom-" she said his name before letting a gasp escape as the boy's hands pushed her onto her desk, before stroking down her arms with his hands to reach hers, holding them in an iron grip.
"Tom! What are you doing?!" the young professor asked him in an alarmed tone, a blush present on her face "I've missed you" was Riddle's reply, who began to move his pelvis slowly against her ass perfectly imprisoned by the skirt of her dress that now hugged every curve, thus giving Tom another reason to jerk himself off later.
Things did not go as planned, in fact they did not continue as per the Slytherin heir's initial plan. As soon as Y/n reached for her wand she managed to free herself from his grasp and finally meet the dark eyes with dilated pupils of his favourite student.
She pointed her wand at him as a warning not daring to open her mouth again, too embarrassed by the situation he had put her in, thighs clenched in arousal and a wet patch that was growing larger and larger on her hidden underwear, even her nipples had reacted by becoming erect and hard, struggling against the soft fabric of her dress that allowed the perfect view.
"We had a pact, the thing that happened in the prefects' bathroom was supposed to be the first and last time" Y/n quickly clarified, backing away a step as Tom approached not at all startled by the wand "don't tell me you didn't think about it constantly, I did, the memories continued to haunt me" the young man revealed as he moved closer and closer, trapping her against the desk "Tom" she warned him again receiving no response, "Tom" she tried again, focusing on keeping him away from her mind and body to avoid giving in another time.
"Don't you want to help a student of yours in need?" the boy joked in an amused tone, an iconic smirk on his face, his head tilted slightly "you're not a student in need" she replayed softly.
Tom could see from the state of his teacher that she was very close to giving in to the human's more animalistic desires and he knew all too well how to break her.
His large hand grasped hers and placed it right on his boner, which was still covered by the trousers of his school uniform. His voice became deeper as he spoke to her again confirming that he was in need of help "I am very much in distress and you are the teacher of reference for my house..don't you want to help me? I don't think the headmaster would be very happy about that..a good teacher like you who doesn't want to help and provide for her students…" Tom whispered the threat in her ear in a voice that could almost be considered sweet.
Y/n knew that if Tom spoke to the headmaster he would be able to charm him with his charisma, she herself had fallen for it more than once.
Even though..She didn't really want to leave this power to her student, with her mind partially clouded by need and the slight threat, she thought that doing it one more time with Tom seemed the best option.
So her hand that was threateningly gripping the wand lowered and with a swift movement Tom's trousers opened on their own, leaving his length free and less painful.
Now that Y/n had a chance to study it better, she could honestly admit that it was definitely beautiful, long, completely straight, its red tip contrasting with his normally pale almost white skin.
The young professor had time to fantasize a little before he decided they had to speed things up. The meeting with the prefects and teachers in charge of the house would be over in less than twenty minutes, and if Tom had stayed longer things might have looked suspicious.
Y/n's hand rested on his chest as his hungry lips attacked her neck, she moved slowly tracing an imaginary path until she reached his cock, she grabbed it pumping it a couple of times, surprised to feel it stiffen even more.
Tom used to remain as composed as possible in every day life but he almost became butter in Y/n's hands for some strange reason.
The boy let out a small moan as the young woman moved her hand to grasp his wand that she had repositioned in his hair.
Tom's hot tongue made its way to her cleavage as a gelatinous liquid coated his cock causing him to jerk from the change of temperature, his pitch black eyes lowered as he watched Y/n's lube stained hand stroke him quickly.
His mouth was slightly open, his eyes half closed but fixed on her, his hips were moving on their own fucking his teacher's hand at a fast speed.
"I've seen the way you look at me in class," Y/n began, quickening her pace and squeezing her hand slightly tighter, the other free hand began to unbutton her own shirt revealing her breasts imprisoned by her black lacy bra.
Tom grunted at the sight, his cock twitched and he had to take a deep breath not to come immediately, wanting that divine sensation that was the journey to orgasm was to last longer.
Y/n couldn't deny that she was surprised by the young boy's abilities, but she certainly wasn't surprised when her tits were released and Tom Riddle's pink lips captured her erect nipple, beginning to suck it like an infant eager for milk.
It was the first time anyone had ever gotten to suck on her nipples or consider them, Y/n had been with a few men before and after becoming a teacher at Hogwarts but no one had ever considered doing so.
It was a strange but definitely pleasurable sensation, his lips pulled at a leisurely pace on her nipple while his warm tongue ran over it as if he was studying its shape, taste, temperature- everything.
The stimulation of her nipples made the hand that was still stroking Tom's length stimulate the tip of his cock with her thumb, it also urged the other to move to play with his balls and little praises continued to come out of Y/n's untouched lips while she helped her student "in need" ride his peak.
It was an intense sensation, Tom could tell for sure, and so could Y/n since all his release had managed to soil her thighs, hands and even the floor.
Before the clock struck the pre-set time for the end of the meeting, Y/n still had time to bring her hand up to her mouth, tasting Tom as she maintained eye contact, breaking the silence after a few minutes.
"Last time" was the last thing he whispered in a stern tone before snapping her fingers and making everything go back to the way it was before, just in time for Albus Dumbledore to enter the classroom after knocking twice.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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aloesarchives · 4 months
Toji Fushiguro General/Relationship Headcanons #1
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TW/Warnings: Profanity, Domesticity, AFAB/Female Reader, the talks of starting a family, little bit of married life (LMK if anything else needs to be tagged)
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her (Usage of female gendered terms like Sweet Girl, Woman, Princess)
Word Count: 6.6k words
So these head canons exist for all versions of Toji that I write. However, these are more based around Modern/Non-Sorcerer Au and my personal ‘Toji Lives’ Au. But these are also stand alone because they are some general stuff I think about for Toji in general and his relationship with reader. I’m doing a separate head canons where it’s mainly family/domestic fluff with Megumi and Tsumiki. Maybe making more parts if I have more head canons.
Also, I'm starting to plan out the parts for my Toji x Reader/Megumi x Reader mini series. I'll release a google form for those who are interested in the mini series and another one for the continuations of my Suguru x Reader/Satoru x Reader one-shot. So stay tune for any updates in the upcoming weeks!
!!Not proofread and unedited!! 2/22/24 11:26 pm CST
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One thing’s more certain, when you first met Toji, you didn’t fall in love right away. Your relationship with Toji was something gradual, building up over time as you kept running into him. 
One of your most notable encounters happened in the grocery store you always go to and see him at. Your fridge was getting empty as per usual so you came today to fully stock it. As you were nearing the end of your trip, you stopped by the meat section to grab some meat for tonight’s dinner. Normally, you prefer your local butcher’s but they were on vacation so this would have to do. As you were going to reach for one, another hand reached for the same one, a much larger hand. You quickly retracted and apologized to the individual when you saw Toji smirking at you. The two of you talked for a bit before your eyes wandered towards his basket. It had barely anything in it, to you at least. There were some canned drinks, minimal vegetables, a bag of chips, like a loaf of bread.
“Are you picking some things for your pantry, Toji?”
“Nah, this is my food.”
“For today?”
“For this week.”
You stand there absolutely stunned. By the looks of his nonchalant expression, he was not joking. You didn’t want to ask him if this is how much he can afford to not make him feel embarrassed. So you invited him to your place for dinner and to cook for him. Toji's insistence on declining was strong, but your persistence for him to eat was even stronger. Adding Toji’s grocery and paying for everything. Toji carries the groceries to your place and you both enjoy a warm filling meal for him. The man had never eaten so good before he fell asleep on your sofa right after. The next day, he woke up around 10 am to the sound of you washing dishes. He sees breakfast for two on the table and a large bag sitting on the counter. You tell him to join you and you both enjoy your breakfast. While cleaning up, Toji asks what’s the big bag for and you said it’s for him. You cooked him a week worth of food because you knew he didn't have time or energy. So you handed it to him as he’s leaving, telling him to come back anytime for a good meal. As soon as your front door closes, he’s just standing there trying to understand what just happened. His heart is swelling at your gesture, his face ablaze with a heavy blush, wondering why he is feeling this way for you. And Toji makes the horrific realization that he’s falling for you and it won’t stop there.
Most likely you have to initiate the first hangout because the man is clueless when it comes to interactions, specifically with women in a non-flirtatious/transactional way. He started to like you because you weren’t handsy with him or led the conversation to something else. You were interesting because your interactions were real with no other intentions besides talking to him. You’ll admit he’s hot but won’t say it out loud because you don’t want to say something uncomfortable or overstep your boundaries. 
Your hangouts consist of eating at those family-owned restaurants or hidden gems, the food’s good with a good price. Walking around or in a park, maybe hiking if you’re even interested. He doesn’t have money to take you out properly but you aren’t someone who’s into high-end or fancy places because they’re a waste of money in your opinion. You find inexpensive ways to spend time with Toji and it’s fun for you because you don’t have to worry about his expectations because he’s having fun too.
The more he sees and spends time with you, the more he values your company. He starts smiling more and is in a better mood than all his years alive. He definitely isn’t energetic but he isn’t as robotic as he used to be before meeting you. Shui notices this but doesn’t say anything to Toji because he thought he was overthinking things. But when Toji asks him how do you know you’re in love, Shui thought Toji legit went insane. Toji doesn’t want to talk about it but he doesn’t know who the hell to ask so Shui is his closest bet. He asks Toji who got him acting up and Toji shows him a picture of you and he asks Toji if he kidnapped you because he didn’t know he could pull an absolute unit of a woman. And Toji replies “I don’t know man, I don’t even know myself.” Shui is lowkey happy Toji has you. He is fully aware Toji doesn’t have the best background but it’s clear as day you being around him is changing him for the better, undoubtingly saving him.
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Toji doesn’t have the best living conditions, he lives by himself in a rundown studio apartment that only had a basic kitchen, a bathroom, and main space that doubled as the living and bedroom. He barely had anything in his apartment other than a futon, a closet, and a table. Got some trash lying around because he doesn’t bother to pick it up. Apartment smells like the back of the house kitchen at a restaurant mixed with the boys locker room in high school. You offered to help clean up. Trash bags full of trash and used cleaning wipes, laundry done and fresh, every surface wiped clean. By the time it was done, his apartment looked brand new. You wouldn’t be surprised that it was trashed again but at least it was clean for once. After your help, Toji becomes a little conscious of his space and cleans it. But this turns into him not using that space because he’s always at your place.
Toji has a habit of ghosting/disappearing without notice. You’re seeing him at the supermarket, next he’ll be gone for like a month or so. Since you really don’t have his phone number, you can’t contact him but it’s not like you two were friends let alone dating at this point. You say it is what it is until one stormy night you heard a hard knock on the door. The next thing you see is Toji, two duffel bags, a cut above his eyebrow while being soaked. You shoved him inside, gave him a towel while patching him, drying his clothes while he changed in your guest bedroom. 
Toji lives with you and split the house chores. But since you’re technically the one with a consistent income and job, you mostly are away from the house and Toji is 90% at home. You do grocery shopping or errands before and after work while Toji holds down the fort. It's been a rough few weeks with him but there was progress. And it was good progress.
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You find out pretty fast how Toji’s terrible spending habits and crippling gambling addiction. Luckily for you, you have your own bank account so you don’t have to worry about the man stealing your money. However, you do force Toji to give his paycheck from his inconsistent but very high paying jobs. Literally one of his checks had a value of $30 Million Yen! You cashed it in your account so fast and paid all your bills and groceries off for a minimum of 3 months. It never struck why Toji doesn’t see that as much money but you come to learn that his clan is a prominent one with a substantial amount of wealth so that amount doesn’t surprise him. But still, you told him you’re permanently in charge of the finances because you don’t trust him handling any money. Strangely enough, he doesn’t protest at your rule and now whenever he’s done with a job, he instantly gives his cheek to you. You do give Toji some personal spending cash besides for food and necessities, then eventually a card that’s attached to your bank account. But it’s not a joint account but a card that has access to your account. His card has a spending limit to the equivalent of 67.7k yen(roughly $475 dollars) every month. He CAN withdraw money but you are notified through your bank’s notifications when, where, and how much. Even though you two are balling because of his cheeks, you don’t get carried away with the spending because life in the city is too fucking expensive and you need all the money you can get. Plus, you don’t want to raise any suspicion because you’re pretty sure Toji’s money is blood money or from the black-market and you don’t want to draw a lot of attention for your own safety.
Toji only knew how to cook the basics but nothing over the top or fancy. But once he starts living with you, he starts learning how to cook and for all things under the sun it’s fucking immaculate. Toji’s cooking just tests better to the point you assign him on cooking duties since he cooks better and faster than you. Your co-workers are always envious every time they see your lunch. It’s something different everyday but it’s delicious and filling but not the kind that makes you lethargic. It’s so fucking good that you two don’t eat out as much because his cooking has evolved to peak gourmet. Lowkey is happy you like his cooking and it gives him motivation to continue his work if it puts you in a good mood.
Which brings up another point. I believe Toji is capable of gaining multiple useful skills, it’s just he’s unmotivated. Like he could be good at changing tires, plumbing, handy-man work, cooking, any installation, anything under the sun, but he chooses not to because he doesn’t feel obligated to do so. But it all changes when he starts living with you. Man becomes a jack of all trades and he basically makes life easier because you have him fix/do what needs to be done all the while you’re saving money. He’s a fast learner too. Pretty much once he does it the first time and it works without breaking/doesn’t turn out like shit, it’s locked in his head and knows how to fucking do it.
Initially, Toji is lazy because he is a go with the flow type of guy that doesn’t concern himself with appearances. If it’s livable, not rotting, and doesn’t smell rancid, he’s not going to touch it or bother picking it up. That’s why his apartment was a mess because he’s able to live in those conditions because they’re his own, that's not a thorn in his side. Like he’ll leave his clothes by but not near the hamper because he’ll eventually pick them up when it’s laundry day(you end up picking it up but you started to trip over them while in the bathroom). But you establish a routine for Toji to follow. He doesn’t have to follow it exactly but you said there should be at least 4 main components to it. Literally forcing Toji to pick up habits so he’ll be more productive and conscious of his time. 
Took some time but he eventually attaches to it because it mostly revolves around your schedule. It got to a point where he would be waking you up for your work, getting you your morning drink and a decent breakfast, getting your work bag with your lunch inside, all the while getting you out on time. If not, 5 minutes early so you can be on time for work. I can imagine him saying stuff along the lines of:
“Shakes your shoulders firmly (Y/N), Wake the hell up. You slept through your alarm and it fucking woke me up. You gotta get out of the door in 30 minutes or you’re going to be stuck in traffic, dumbass.”
“Oi (Y/N), it’s 6:00 am. You have 15 minutes to get your ass up and get ready for your work. Before 6:20, you better have your work clothes on when you come into the kitchen because I already made your breakfast.”
“I’m trying to get you out of the door early so you can catch the early train and beat the morning rush. Here’s your lunch and your work bag. Make sure you have everything because I’m not going to bring it to your work if you ask me to.” (He does anyway)
“Hey, it’s going to rain hard later so here’s your umbrella cause I don’t you to fucking sick knowing how you get careless with yourself some times. Pain in my ass…”
So you kinda tamed Toji, this wandering stray cat that was 6’2 and built like a concrete pillar. But you didn’t make it your whole personality trait because 1.) you think it’s pretty fucked up to think helping Toji/people like him is more of a project than genuine compassion. 2.) And you roll your eyes when people say you ‘“fixed” Toji. You just say “Um, no? No I didn’t, Toji picked himself up and changed because he decided to. Not because I FIXED him or him changing isn’t my doing because you be surprised by the amount of people that stay the same because they chose to.” Another reason why Toji fell for you is because you see Toji as a whole human with flaws, you humanized him. You don’t parade him around like some sort of object, you acknowledge his presence and it makes him fall in love with you even more.
Definitely have arguments for sure early on that were rougher compared to being together for a while. Again, this is mostly due to him growing up and being treated as sub-human. He’s vocal not because he chooses not to communicate. But because he doesn’t know how, especially with you, his safe person and your home being his safe space. He was used to being neglected, dismissed or straight up abused altogether. But now that he’s living with you, he’s trying to dismantle his old mindset while learning how to communicate/vocalize his thoughts. He feels he’s unworthy of you because you have an immense amount of patience and understanding for him. Sure, there are your flaws but so does he and he knows living with someone like him is harder than anything else. So he’s appreciative of your efforts and faith in him.
He knows he has a loud voice and is careful when he loses his temper. Obviously for noise complaints but also for because it can be startling and scare you. God, one time you both almost got into a yelling match because of something miniscule and irrelevant but it transformed into something deeper that you didn’t know why you two were fighting about it in the first place. But the way he snapped at you and you unconsciously flinched at him, his heart felt heavy and cracking. He never saw you scared before but the thought of him being one of your fears terrified him immensely. He softens himself and deflates his body to show the surrender of his pride. He ACTUALLY genuinely apologies to you and opens his arms out so you could hug him.
Most of the arguments are just you being frustrated with him. Mostly this was early on with his lack of routine and productive habits, like him not picking up his clothes and leaving his cups everywhere. But Toji is one of those passive guys where he doesn’t like arguing with you and wants to end it asap. Even if he’s not in the wrong, he’ll just admit and apologize to you so you aren’t mad at him anymore. He doesn’t like it when you’re mad at him. Sometimes it can escalate to heated ones but those happen rarely and only exist when something snowballs. He may give an attitude here and there but you mostly know that’s him being himself and he doesn’t mean it.
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Your relationship didn’t have a definitive label but the lines are blurred between the two of you. You two hug and hold hands sometimes but it’s more than platonic but not enough for love either. Through large and tight crowds, Toji lets you hold onto his arm , has his hand firmly pressed on the small of your back, or holds your hand tightly as he makes his way through. It’s common for you two to be passed out on the couch together or on the floor after watching a movie or a show. Or how he leans his head on yours when on the train, even carrying you home if you fell asleep and doesn’t have the heart to wake you up because you're tired from work. What you have with Toji is nice and comfortable but you do end up loving him because he makes your life warm and worth living. You just don’t know if he’ll feel the same. Oh but he does, he fucking does. But he doesn’t know how to say the three magical words because he never heard them at all when he was growing up. Let alone someone saying it to him.
You definitely say I love you first before him. Because let’s be honest, this man never knew what the hell ‘love’ or true love is. This man grew up in a traditional family that prioritized status, reputation, influence, and anything under that umbrella for traditionalism. So love was never an important aspect of his clan. So for you to show him the true wonders of love and its ups and downs, he’s overwhelmed and a little ashamed because he’s trying to adjust and get used to this feeling. He isn’t a fairly vocal man but he’ll forever be grateful for your patience, kindness, compassion, and understanding towards someone like him. He freezes when he hears you say it to him with such tenderness and warmth only you could give him. You know he’s not ready to say it back but you couldn’t help but tell him because it needed to be put out there for both him and you. You told him he doesn’t have to say it if he’s not ready or doesn’t feel the same. But you also said that you truly only care for and love him only.
But when he said “I Love You” to you, you knew he meant it with all his heart. You could remember it clearly because it was storming with heavy rains. Flash flood warnings are being sent out and weather channels are telling citizens to stay indoors and not leave their homes. Toji has been trying to call you for the past hour but you never picked up. His anxiety was rising, fearing you were stuck or possibly hurt. He says fuck it and grabs his jacket to go out when you open the door just as he was about to leave. Your clothes were wet but not soaked but you held your shoes in your hand while dropping your umbrella and bag on the floor. You tried to explain to Toji that your phone died at work before you could ever call him. There was a flooded street and so you had to take your shoes off to not get them ruined. You did grab him some food though beforehand but that didn’t matter to him when he saw that you were safe and unharmed. He hugged so tightly through your wet clothes when he said the fabled words to you. 
“Goddammit, I fucking love you, (Y/N). I was so fucking worried about you. I thought you were in trouble or something, Sweet girl. .  .”
You started to cry when you heard him say that you kissed him on the lips by impulse. You thought you fucked up and try to apologize only for him to return your kiss with his only while you hold his face and his hands on your waist. Fuck it was beautiful.
Pretty much after that, you both were in the trenches of love with each other. Fuck it’s so tooth-rotting to see it that Shui jokes and teases the hell out of Toji because that man changes his whole demeanor when you call him. He calls him out on how his voice changes from its usual monotone gruffness to low but soft. Toji tells Shui, “I’m a changed man.”
People are so jealous of you two. How the hell did Toji bag you!? The most ethereal, beautiful, compassionate, kind, funny, and respectable woman?! And how lucky did you get finding such a fine specimen of a man?! 
Toji’s pronouns are literally HE/HIM because Toji is HIM while you’re the IT girl with the one of your pronouns being SHE/HER because you are HER FOR REAL ON GOD.
You two are the IT couple, I don’t make the fucking rules. There’s you being the best version of yourself and you unapologetically. Then there’s Toji who’s hot AS FUCK and following his favorite girl around because you’re the only girl for him, BEST GIRL. He is just there but with you nevertheless.
You’re the couple people make those cool edits of, I’m not even joking.
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Knows how to drive both automatic and manual but as an automatic cause because of you. You are on permanent passenger princess duty because this man is your chauffeur until he dies or has no legs. Drives with one hand on the wheel and the other is either on the gearshift, your hand, or your thigh. Looks hot every time he turns or reverses because his biceps show themselves and it’s dangerous for you because it makes you feral.
IDK if it’s just me but Toji seems like the guy to buy a whole rotisserie chicken just for himself. He’ll buy one for you, of course. But one of those bad boys is his because he’s not sharing! After a workout or work, he’ll eat it with no signs of meat left on the bones. They’re so clean he even eats the cartilage.
Toji seems like one of those individuals that looks full grown when he’s younger like in his early 20’s and just stops aging altogether. Not like his entire appearance stays the same, it's just his genetic game is so strong and good people believe he's like 25 when he’s actually in his mid to late 40’s. You and him are like cheese and wine. Both perfectly paired together, and the aging is unnoticeable but you both taste divine.
His closet is the most basic and uncomplicated. T-shirts, undershirts, sweaters, hoodies, joggers, sweatpants, maybe one pair of black cargo pants but that’s about it. He always wears sweaters or hoodies when he’s out because he lowkey doesn’t like to be stared at unless it’s you. He knows his compression shirts would make people drool so he opts out of showing up in them unless it’s super hot or he’s too lazy to cover up. Toji definitely would wear those oversized Uniqlo t-shirts for men. He has the black, dark green, and dark blue ones. Fucking never leaves the house with his fucking sandals or black kung-fu slippers. You buy a pair of black Air Force 1’s, Vintage Black Arizona Grip Birkenstocks, and some Doc Martin black leather boots(1460 Smooth Leather Lace Up Boots). You had to up his shoe game because there is no way you’re letting him only have two pairs that are very worn out.
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People think he isn’t all that because he’s chill and uncaring most of the time. In reality, Toji knows how to tap into his inner dawg like a switch. He’s really good at hiding it and not making it obvious. But like then snap! He summons his inner dawg and menacing aura. You could be talking to someone unaware that is staring them down. You smile at him and his aura changes so fast as he smiles at you in return. But as soon as you turn away to continue talking to the person, the menacing aura just returns. His aura is so intimidating and menace-like that people genuinely grow anxious and fearful. So much so that they could piss/shit themselves or even throw up if they didn’t have a strong will.
Personally, Toji is more of a German Shepherd boyfriend than a black cat boyfriend. IDK, it just makes sense to me. Like he talks and isn’t hostile to people he knows like you and Shui, literally the only two people in his life that he’s close with. But everyone else, he either hates them or doesn’t give a single care in the world. 
I also personally think Toji isn’t stupid and he's actually intelligent. I think his past issues and how he was treated is the reason he seems like an incompetent person. But really, he’s pretty smart. I know this doesn’t involve the canon but the fact Toji knew which weapons to use on Satoru, beating Suguru with an inch of his life but not killing because he knows what Suguru’s technique can do if he does, and the whole plan with the bounty on Riko was pretty genius. Look, I’m not trying to vouch for him for what he did. But you can’t help but admit what Toji did was impressive. He worked smarter, not harder compared to other people. Especially letting the curse user do all the work for him while he gets to deal with the easy part and go in for the kill. The man came prepared to get the job done. I mean I would too if there was $30 million yen on the line. Sure, he’ll forget to pick up on some social cues. But once the man locks in, he'll be the most observant and perspective person in the room and he’ll learn something about someone just by their body language and simple mannerisms. 
Not sure if this is confirmed or not by Gege but I read someone where that Toji is into philosophical conversations. But I can see because, again, he’s intelligent and has seen/learned a lot of stuff from his hits/jobs. Toji isn’t one of those smartasses that you experience in those advanced classes. He’ll earnestly speak his mind if you ask and what you have to see. He always finds it interesting hearing things from your point of view and I feel like this is one of the ways you two grew close to one another.
You two got married because you just popped the question to him and said yes. You two didn’t have rings at the time but he did buy you the one you wanted but the band had some black on it. His was a solid black wedding band to match yours. Up close, it looks pretty cool. He bought the rings because he asked Shui for any hits/“jobs” that were available on such short notice after you two got married. A week later, Shui notices it and asks him if he finally tied the knot with you. Toji just nods.
Took your last name then both of you decided to add another last name, deciding on Fushiguro. King shit right here. Not afraid or ashamed he took your last name as a middle finger to his clan.
This isn’t a Toji head canon but I can see Shui being a bro and giving Toji consistently well-paying hits/“jobs” because he knows how much you mean to Toji and Toji has to provide for you too. You both would be sleeping and Toji hears a notification go off and knows Shui sent him a job that will be done by tomorrow afternoon.
Routine wise, nothing changes between the two of you. However, Toji is more open and affectionate with you. Especially with nicknames, he rarely uses your real name at home. God, when he calls your names of endearment, you’re going to fucking explode from how deep and gentle voice gets calling out to you. 
He also loves hugging you from behind and having you in his arms. Definitely gives good hugs, they give the right amount of squeeze but are so warm and protective. Is more daring with his kisses, would steal a kiss whenever he gets the chance.
Toji is the type to sleep the closest to the bedroom door. Doesn’t matter where the door is, your body is always in front of him. Just in case something happens, he can/will protect you and he can use his body as a shield to protect you.
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Unironically a good listener, legit has a good hearing canonly in reality. He just carries his resting nonchalant face all the time. He could be focused on something or not looking your way, but Toji is listening to you speak and will recite your words right back at you if you think he is. This also helps if you’re someone who tends to forget things or need reminders. He’ll tell you what you were supposed to do 5 minutes ago word for word if you ask him.
Sleeps in his boxers only. Might sleep in a shirt and sweatpants when it’s colder. But Toji’s body mass produces enough heat to be a furnace that you both only sleep with one blanket. He’s always warm. If you get cold hands, fear not because they’ll be warm in five seconds if you place them on Toji’s abs.
Fairly possessive to an extent. It’s usually blended in with protectiveness because one can bleed into another. Like he’ll let you to your own devices but isn’t going to whine if you have guy friends. Toji can read between the lines, he has really good social cues. But he’ll straight up tell you he doesn’t like your male friends/co-workers if they are interested in you romantically. You’re his girl, he wants people to know it. But he would literally kill for you and bring the Heavens to their knees just to keep you safe and protected. Would literally take the fall for you in anything, you can’t change my mind on that. Toji: “Your honor, my girl did nothing wrong. It was self-defense.” 
Toji has self-esteem issues for sure. You could have anyone in the whole world, anyone in this lifetime. But you choose him, and always chose him. The amount of times Toji had to get/do something while you wait for him only to come back to see a random-ass guy talking and trying to get your number. His heart would squeeze at the scene because he wouldn’t blame you for going for someone better. But when he sees you say “Sorry to break it to you, but I’m with my boyfriend and he should be back any second now.” Seeing your eyes scan for him and the way your face lights up seeing him made his heart inflate, making the squeeze disappear. You speed walk to Toji, ignoring the dude, and hug his arm tightly. Toji kisses your head as he walks with you not before throwing the dude a shit-eating grin his way. After that, Toji knows you’re loyal to him and that’s a fact.
But if we’re going to be honest, none of us would leave Toji if he treated us well and deservingly. Plus he’s strong and has the body that even the Gods are jealous of, how are we gonna fumble a bag like that? Ngl, if I meet Toji in real life, I’d run in the other direction fucking scared b/c I’m not fantasy me and fantasy me is better. 
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Nicknames for you consist of Doll, Babe/Baby , Honey or Hun, Dear, Sweet Girl, Sweet Thing, Princess.
Toji is the type of man to say “Wear whatever the fuck you want, Doll. I can fight” and says it with his chest with no questions asked because it’s true. Toji got that win streak with zero losses under his belt. But then again, no guy will try to hit on you when they see Toji giving them the ultimate stare down when they try to do something funny.
Once gut punched someone so hard they were sent flying while throwing up what they ate for the day because they tried to make a physical move on you and Toji’s instincts just took over.
Toji definitely brawls and fights. He could get jumped by like 10 dudes and send all of them to the hospital completely unscathed. But his beatings get more aggressive if he is with you. Like if you two are out and some guy tries to hit on you and uses his group to intimidate him, you give Toji the approving nod and he’s just giving all of the most devious combos to ever grace this plant while you're sipping on your drink watching it all unfold.
Also, Toji isn’t letting things slide when you’re uncomfortable, annoyed, or God forbid, scared. One time, you told Toji you were going to get food for both of you at your favorite local restaurant/bakery/cafe. But you were gone longer than expected so he went to find you and saw you talking to a guy. He was confused at first because you usually tell them off or leave automatically. It wasn’t until he got closer when he saw the severity of the situation. To any passerby, it’s two people but then up close you can see the guy’s friend right behind him, backing him up and purposely corning you so their pressure would make you say yes but you held your ground. But you were lowkey scared because they trapped you in an abandoned lot that was hidden from the public eye. So when Toji saw how your body shrunk and clutching your bag of food to your chest, that was his green light to go in. Toji grabs the guy’s throat, his hand being big enough to get a good grip. His eyes are cold and daunting, telling the guy, “You must have shit for brains because she clearly isn’t interested in you. It’s not cool to corner a woman with your bitch-less friends.” That’s his only warning to them before he boxes all of them. Took him 2 minutes max and he’s pulling you along with your food in his other hand. 
Toji also would be more than okay if you ask him to pick you up or drop you off from work. You both have a car but it’s cheaper and more convenient to take public transportation. Like he’ll walk with you to work and leave once you’re inside. Once you’re off, you see him outside waiting for you. Your co-workers you vibe with wonder who’s the handsome guy that is always waiting for you and you say that’s your husband. They’re gawking at him and say you’re so lucky. 
Hates him when people tell him what to do but will follow every command you give him. You’re the only one who can boss him around and he’s actually happy to oblige. Responds with “Yes, Sweet girl”, “Anything else, Honey?”, or “Of course, Dear/Babe/Baby”.
Toji is the type of man to follow you anywhere and do anything with you as long as it makes you happy. The type of man to be like “It is what it is, I’m not gonna complain”.
His body is made from the amount of work he has to do for his occupation. He doesn’t need to go to the gym because he gets a full pump by doing push ups alone at home. Does pull ups in the doorway, has a heavy barbell and dumbbells set in your home because you allowed him thinking it would make him productive. Literally puts body builders and any gym goers to shame. His strong body is built by his job alone and his body’s innate ability to gain muscles and keep a low but healthy fat percentage.
Doesn’t drink because he has a very high alcohol tolerance and also he can’t get drunk too. So if you’re not into drinking, he can always keep you company and will back people off if they pressure you into drinking even though you declined. He can see the amusement in drinking culture but he doesn’t drink himself because he hates being under the influence. He won’t mind if you do and he’s more than willing to pick you up from a night out of friends. Not a fan of bars but will go if you ask him to, your drinks are always protected.
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Thinks he can rizz you up but it’s you who has the most powerful rizz out of the two.
If you’re having a bad day or just having a mental/emotional breakdown, Toji will try his best to comfort you. If you want him to hold you, he will hold in a loving and protective embrace. Definitely say things like, “You’re going okay, Baby”, “I’m here, Honey. I gotchu”, or “You’re with me, Doll. I won't let anything happen to you.” Not really good with advice but Toji always listens to what you have to say. He will get you anything you need or make you any food you’re craving at the moment. The man would literally go on a last minute grocery run to make you your favorite food to make you feel better. It makes him feel at ease when your mood lightens up or you smile at him.
Not a picky eater but eats the same types of foods because Toji doesn’t get sick of them that easily and he doesn’t have to think too hard on what to eat. But he will make something different everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you. He would judge you for eating the same food over and over again but not him because he eats just so to satiate his hunger.
He’s your infinite garbage disposal. You’re full or don’t want to finish your food, Toji will eat it for you. His hunger can be satisfied but his body has a large capacity until it reaches full. He never knew what it was like to be full.
Toji is always the big spoon. Maybe some nights he likes to be held by you but he’s the big spoon no matter what. Probably because he desperately needs to feel your presence in the dream world and protect your physical body. More of a back sleeper than a side sleeper but can sleep in either position. Sleeping positions consist of his arm around you and you’re tucked into his side while using his shoulder as a pillow, sleeping on his chest/on top of him, or back hugging you where his massive body engulfs your own. He loves being close to you when sleeping and hates when you’re not in his arms.
Most likely Toji will have nightmares because he feels like he doesn’t deserve you. If not, feel his life he has with you is even real. Sometimes the dark void is there with shadows looming closer to consume him the more he continues to think like that. It’s not until he wakes up to see your sleeping face and gently caresses it is when he realizes this is life was real, you are real and right in front of him. He smiles like a fool before kissing your forehead and holding you close.
Never has thought about his future because he didn’t think he would live this long, or have a domestic life. But now that he has you and is married, he constantly thinks about the future, your future together. He couldn’t imagine a future without you, it’s not possible for him. He imagines having a family with you and hopes you share the same idea as him.
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I know these are wild and don't make sense for his character but let me dream, okay?! I've been simping for this man since October 2020, I've been waiting for this, lol. Anyway, thanks for the support!💙❤️
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409 notes · View notes
juyuppang · 2 months
SAY YOU WON’T LET GO ᯓᡣ𐭩 | p.js
pairing: park jongseong x f!reader
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genre: non-idol au! new guy in the city jay!
synopsis: you did not expect to fall for your little brother’s new guitar teacher nor did you expect him to show up in your class as a new student either
featuring: all of enha! (maknae line aged down to 12 for purpose of story!!) , ningning & karina from aespa, julie from kiss of life, taehyun & beomgyu from txt
word count: 9.8k words
warnings: mild cussing, kissing
author’s note: hewo everyone!! i wrote this in celebration of jay’s birthday and wanted to write a fluff one shot! he sang say you won’t let go during the oakland stop and WAHH he did so good :’) i thought it was a good idea to include this song into the story
for the setting, i was thinking of this story taking place in new york, but you can imagine it to be any state in the east coast honestly!! this oneshot spans out so there is a few time jumps here and there but it's not too much ~
happy reading <33
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You walked into the music store with your 12-year-old brother Jungwon, hearing a song playing faintly in the background. You said a quick good morning to the lady at the front as she was ringing up a customer buying reeds for his clarinet.
As you carried Jungwon’s guitar case, he ecstatically looked at the guitar picks, waiting for his guitar lessons to start. You sat in the seats by the entrance, waiting for time to pass by, debating if you should get a pastry in the nearby bakery. 
It was the last Friday before school would start again. Jungwon chose his guitar lessons to be early in the morning during the summer, dragging you along with him. 
With your parents both at work and your grandma visiting your home country for the entire summer, you were asked to bring Jungwon to his guitar lessons.
As much as you hated waking up early, you always went because of your little crush on his guitar teacher Heeseung Lee. 
Heeseung went to your high school and was a year above you. You never made advances per se but always loved sparking up a conversation with him whenever the lesson would finish for the day. You remember the day you met him during your freshman orientation and you immediately were stunned by how friendly he was to you and your group. 
With the years passing by, you would just give him a wave or a how are you during passing period. It made your heart flutter even if it was just the smallest interaction. 
You admired him because he was sweet and kind- exactly what you looked for in a guy. You were miserable to find out he was going out of state for university, trying your best always to drop off Jungwon, just to be able to talk to him. 
Looking at the time at the clock, it was 9:58 AM meaning Jungwon’s lessons should start soon. You nudged Jungwon, telling him to go towards the hallway on the left to one of the practice rooms. 
The two of you walked towards the hallway and you handed him his guitar case as he walked into the practice room. You peeked in, surprised to find no one there. Heeseung was usually early, it was weird for him not to be. 
“Oh hey, sorry, I’m here.” You turned around to find an unfamiliar guy standing beside you. With his jet-black hair, tan skin, and catlike smirk, you gulp a little. As much as you were loyal to your little crush on Heeseung, you had to admit to yourself he was a bit too cute. 
The guy looked towards you as you raised your eyebrow. “Oh, is Heeseung not here today?” 
“Oh, he left already for uni.”
“Sorry, I forgot to tell you, my last lesson with him was last week…” You glanced towards Jungwon who started to whistle, slowly taking his guitar out of his case. 
Feeling like you were about to combust any moment, you calmed yourself down and let out a little smile. “Oh.” 
“I’m Jay by the way,” The guy extended his hand. “I’ll be Jungwon’s new guitar teacher.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N, Jungwon’s sister.” You shook his hand.
“We’ll get to it then. Nice meeting you.” Jay smiled. 
You nodded your head as you waved bye to Jungwon, walking towards the outside of the music shop. You went straight to the bakery, wanting to eat your own heart out. 
You were heartbroken, to say the least, but you started to think to yourself that maybe it was truly the end of your little infatuation with Heeseung. 
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“I am going to kill him, why did he not tell me?” You screamed into your pillow, in disbelief of what happened in the morning. 
After Jungwon’s lesson, you dropped him off at his friend Sunoo’s house. You were scolding him, annoyed that he did not tell you Heeseung was leaving. In his defense, Heeseung should have told you- which was a good point. You tried to think back if you zoned back in your past conversations if you missed him mentioning him leaving this week. He did not post anything about leaving on his Instagram either so you were gobsmacked. 
But then again, he already left, what can you do? 
You immediately called your best friend Ningning to tell her of your little encounter with Jay. She came running-literally running as soon as you got home, telling her to spill all the details of what happened. 
Ningning sat in your chair by your desk, eating a bag of potato chips. She looked towards you and shrugged. “Hey, but you admitted Won’s new teacher is cute.”
“That is not the point!” You sighed as you put down the pillow. “Heeseung left!”
“Girl, you did not say anything to him while he was still at school.” Ningning sighed. “I know he’s cute and all but maybe this is good for you.”
“I know Ning, but ugh.” 
“Hey, we start our last year this Monday. Come on, be excited. I know you’ll forget about him.”
“You just want to hear more about Won’s new teacher, don’t you?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” Ningning giggled.
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You sat in your Statistics class, yawning. It was only the first class of the day and you already wanted to go home. With your teacher reading the class syllabus out loud and the material shown on the projector, you slouched in your seat a little, ready to drift off into a nap.
A knock came from the door as you peered towards it. Your classmate opened the door as a familiar face walked through. You sat up in your chair a little, baffled by who was standing right in front of the classroom.
“Listen up class, we have a new student transferring in from-”
“This is Jay Park and starting today he will be going here. Give him a warm welcome.”
The students all looked towards him giving him a polite hello. You can already see a few girls in your class, gawking in awe over Jay, fawning over his looks.
 As you realized there was an empty seat next to you, you blinked your eyes rapidly as he took a seat. You can already hear some girls whispering, looking at the both of you. 
“So we meet again Y/N.” Jay smiled as he took off his bag.
“Hello to you too Jay.” You replied, turning your head slowly back to the front of the classroom.
The ironic part of everything was that Jay had a lot of classes with you. Despite both of your electives being different, you had most of your classes together such as Statistics, Literature, Anatomy, and Government. And he sat next to you for each class.
As you set your belongings down, you waited for Ningning and your other friend Julie in the cafeteria. You parted ways with Jay after Government as he had Culinary and you had Yearbook. You were still in shock, your friend Taehyun asked you if you were okay in class, staring at the blank canvas that was on the computer screen.
“There you are!” Ningning smiled as she took a seat. Next to her, Julie took a seat too, putting her stuff down. “Hey Y/N!” 
“Hey…funny story.” You let out a dry laugh. “Guess who’s a new student in our grade.”
“No way,” Ningning replied.
“Is this the guy you were telling me about this morning?” Julie asked as you nodded your head. “My luck is so good guys, I swear.”
“My manifestations worked.” Ningning put her hands together as she smiled. “This year is about to get more interesting.”
You rolled your eyes as you took a sip from your water bottle. “Okay, you can stop it now.”
“Let me guess? You had a lot of classes with him too.” Julie asked as Ningning and her looked at you intently.
“Yes. But that’s beside the point, I already got some girls staring at me like a hawk. I just wanted peace this year.” You complained.
“First Heeseung now Jay, you can’t catch a break.” Ningning cooed.
“And I’ll see him again later to drop off Won.” You glanced up to find Jay already in the line with your other classmate Jake. 
You looked down at your food, feeling like you saw stars. Why was he everywhere?
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It has been a week since Jay transferred to your school. You still were warming up to him, a bit quiet whenever you guys would sit next to each other in class. You guys did not talk about much. Your conversations usually consisted of classwork homework or any projects that would be due soon. 
You already had some girls in your classes who asked how you knew each other and if he had a girlfriend. You specified he was Jungwon’s music teacher and that’s how you knew each other. 
It was annoying to the point where you’d be in a bad mood whenever you were in class or just out and about ready to leave due to how many questions would be asked in a day.
Either you were still sad over Heeseung or just baffled he left. You felt bad because you did not mean to treat Jay like that, you just weren’t good at adapting to changes so quickly. 
As Jungwon unzipped his guitar case, you said a quick goodbye. Jay walked into the hallway as he waved. 
“Hey Y/N.” Jay smiled as you waved back. “Nice to see you again.”
Jay then crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. “Jungwon told me you’re not used to me teaching him yet.” 
You looked to him in confusion then back to Jungwon who started to whistle. He then put his guitar down and walked out of the practice room. “Uh, I need to use the bathroom.” 
As he walked away you looked back to Jay in confusion. “What did my brother tell you?” 
“Well, he said that you had a little crush on Heeseung- don’t get mad at him though I swear I won’t say anything.” Jay chuckled a little as he rubbed his neck.
“Oh uh-oh-” You were too stunned to reply.
You didn’t know how to react. You were annoyed that Jungwon just exposed your little crush but also felt a bit bad because Jay seemed a bit more pressured than he should have been. 
“Don’t worry though I’ll prove that I’m a good teacher too,” Jay replied. “After all I’ve been playing guitar since I was small.” 
The both of you let out a small smile, not saying a word. You felt terrible. You did not realize your little actions made it seem like you hated Jay when honestly you did not know him to even act like that. 
“Jay, I’m so sorry, I hope my brother didn't make it seem like I hate you. I know you’re capable of teaching him.” 
“No, you’re good I get it.” Jay then stood from the doorframe and smiled. “I hope in these next few weeks, you’ll maybe change your mind on some things.” 
You muttered a little “huh” in confusion as Jungwon came back. He waved bye to you as Jay did the same.
What was that supposed to mean? 
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For the next couple of weeks, your routine consisted of dropping off Jungwon at his guitar lessons after school and taking photos for the yearbook after the football games. You were exhausted, to say the least, wishing you could go back to sleep. You were glad your grandma picked up Jungwon from his guitar lessons so you could just stay after school for most of the week. 
Jay and you started to become acquaintances, talking here and there. You both would eventually work on classwork together and walk to your classes during the passing period. 
You were happy you gained a new friend- somewhat. You did feel sorry for that small misunderstanding but was glad it was resolved. 
You learned that Jay was a big baseball fan, loved all different kinds of music, and was an only child. You also learned he loved anime and could speak a few basic sentences of Japanese- you were impressed, to say the least.
You also found out that the owner of the music shop was his uncle and that’s how he became a part-time guitar teacher. With Heeseung being away, his uncle offered him the position, asking him if he could step in. 
You also learned that he moved here in hopes of scouting for places he could go to university in the future. With his mom still a bit worried he’ll be a bit too far from home, he thought the best option would be to stay with his Mom’s brother and his family in another state. 
Having some free time in the Yearbook, you decided to visit Jay in Culinary and take some photos of the class. Snapping photos of the variety of baked goods the students cooked, you could smell the aroma of cookies that lay in the back of the room. 
The assignment of today’s class was to bake a fresh batch of baked goods to start the semester. 
You walked by each of the tables, delighted by all the different goods. 
As you walked towards Jay, he was slicing the banana bread he made as he blew carefully on his fingers as it was still hot. He put the knife down as he glanced towards you, waving. “Y/N, try the banana bread.” 
You waved, setting the camera down. “Wow, someone’s a chef.” 
“Get a piece,” Jay said as he walked over towards the sink.
You said a quick thank you, taking a bite. You glanced back up at Jay and nodded your head. “Geez, this is good.”
“Thank you, thank you I try.” Jay smiled as he walked back towards you. “You know, you can get another slice before you leave.” 
“No, isn’t this for a grade?” You raised your eyebrow, unsure. 
“I made two, the other one is over there by the oven still.” Jay pointed towards the oven as you smiled. “You’re too kind.”
You got a paper towel put the sliced banana bread on it and smiled. “Thank you again.” 
You and Jay talked for a little as you headed back quickly to your classroom, seeing that class would end soon. 
When you got back, you set your banana bread down on the desk, packing your camera in its bag.
“Oo, that looks good who made that?” Taehyun asked as he stood by your desk.
“Jay did, here get a small piece.” You said as he ripped a piece off.
“Okay, you were not kidding this is good.” Taehyun nods his head. “Aren’t you lucky you have a friend who can make snacks for you during the day?” 
You smiled as you put on your backpack. “Mhm, I’m grateful he even shares it with me.” 
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“You know Jay asks about you?” Jungwon said as he ate his chocolate ice cream.
The two of you sat on a bench in the park, enjoying the ice cream you just bought from the corner convenience store. 
It was a Saturday afternoon and you and Jungwon had nothing to do in the house so the two of you decided to just talk for a stroll in the park. The weather was nice today and you both were in the mood to have a sweet treat and just sit for a while. 
“Is that a good or bad thing?” You asked as Jungwon shrugged. “I don’t know, I think he may have a crush on you.”
“Are you not learning anything with him? Do I need to switch out your teacher?” You replied, trying to change the subject.
“I’m just saying! Plus Jay is a really good teacher, don’t switch him out.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I’m just joking.”
“No but really, he asks me about your favorite songs, what you like to do. He asked me if you played any instruments if you played any sports…” 
“Oh.” You just continued eating your ice cream, hoping Jungwon did not see your cheeks turn a shade of red.
“I don’t know but I find it very cute. Can’t wait to tell Mom you’re getting a boyfriend soon.”
“Won, just eat your ice cream or no one is dropping you off to lessons after school on Monday!” 
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It was homecoming week and you were running all over campus to get photos of the decorations. After dropping Jungwon to his lessons, you would go back to school and start snapping photos, occasionally helping your grade plan to decorate your section. 
With Friday approaching so quickly, you were relieved; ready to sleep the day after. You were happy your friends in Yearbook would cover the dance, as you decided not to go. You were not really into going to events, you just wanted to stay home and rest.
You were currently in the hallway where most of the seniors’ and juniors’ lockers were, decorating the ceiling with some long confetti pieces and streamers. The ladder was a bit unsteady so you decorated a bit slowly, trying not to make too much movement.
Jay was with you as he also decorated the left side of the hallway. With your other friends not involved with the Homecoming preparations, they all already left to go home. He was glad that the other guitar teacher was able to step in for him today- he wanted to help you out. 
You glanced towards him as he helped Taehyun straighten out the banner at the end of the hall. You felt your cheeks burn a little, thinking about your little talk with Jungwon. Was it possible that he may have had a small crush on you? You just met a few months ago- how did he fall so quickly if so? 
As Jay turned his head in your direction, you looked away as you put the last streamer up on the ceiling with some protective tape. As you were about to take a step down, you felt the ladder wobble, you tried to stay balanced but your foot stumbled a bit off the top step.
Jay ran to you as quickly as he could with Taehyun after him. He then caught you right in his arms right before you fell on the floor. 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jay asked in a panic. He held you in your arms as you hiccuped a little. You nodded, covering your mouth. You had your arms wrapped around him, and the two of you stayed in the same position for a few more seconds. 
You could see Taehyun trying hard not to giggle as he looked away, pretending not to see anything.
Jay put you down gently as you scratched your head a little, embarrassed.
“Thanks for catching me, erm, do you mind helping me put the ladder away?” You asked Jay as he nodded his head.
“You sure you don’t need to see the nurse or anything?” Jay asked.
You nodded your head giving a thumbs up. “I’ll be okay.” 
The awkward silence between the both of you ensued when you walked towards the storage room.
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Jungwon’s friends tagged along with you and Jungwon to his guitar lessons. They wanted to go to the arcade after he was done and agreed to wait with you outside the store. You decided to go with them too, as you had nothing to do after class. It was the one day you were free and only had homework to do in the evening- it felt like a relief.
As soon as Jungwon called you to tell you he was done, you and his friends Sunoo and Ni-Ki went to pick him up.
The three of you walked into the music store and towards the hallway to wait for Jungwon. As he walked out of the hallway, Jay walked behind him as he waved towards you.
“Jay, this is Sunoo and Ni-Ki, my best friends.” Jungwon smiled cheekily as the two boys waved to Jay.
“Nice to meet you two. Where you all heading?” Jay asked.
“We’re going to the arcade across the street,” Sunoo replied.
“You should come! Y/N is all alone.” Jungwon offered as you glanced at him in confusion.
Jay looked towards you as he shook his head. “Oh no guys-”
“There’s a plushie I’ve been wanting.” You blurted out loud as the boys looked at you. “You want to help me win it?” 
Jay’s eyes lit up a little as he looked at the time. “You know what the person after Jungwon canceled, I can come.” 
The boys cheered as he went back to get his bag and lock the practice room. He went to tell his uncle in the back he would be back later and met you guys outside. 
Jungwon nudged your arm a little as he smirked.
Oh how sneaky your little brother was. 
You and Jay were in front of the crane machine looking at the Pompompurin plushies that were scattered inside. You sighed a little in frustration- you’ve been wanting it for a month already. 
Knowing how the arcade changes its stock frequently, you were determined to win it this time.
“A month?” Jay asked as you nodded your head. “My luck is not good.”
Jungwon peeked behind the other crane machine as Sunoo and Niki did the same.
“Your sister is blushing red like a tomato.” Sunoo giggled. Ni-Ki shook his head. “Jay is worse, he seems nervous like he can’t win it."
“Shh guys, let’s see if he’s successful,” Jungwon told his friends, looking back towards you and Jay.
As Jay put a token into the coin slot, the circus music started to play from the machine as the crane started to let loose from its spot. Jay cracked his knuckles as he moved the crane around, focused.
You smiled to yourself, seeing how focused Jay was. He never seemed so determined in his life to get something and you appreciated he was doing it all for you. As he set the crane on top of the Pompompurin plushies that were laid down towards the right of the front side, he took in a deep breath. He looked from the side as you held your breath a little, hoping it would work out.
Jay then pressed the button, hoping it would pick up the plushie. As the crane went down and scooped the plushie, it dropped as soon as it reached the top. 
You heard Jay said “shit” as you shook your head, reassuring him it was okay. Jay shook his head, stretching his neck. “No, I will win it.”
Jungwon giggled from behind as he, Sunoo, and Ni-Ki were too invested. They decided to go towards you guys and see if Jay was successful this time.
“Moral support!” Sunoo cheered.
Jay’s face started to get pale; he did not want to embarrass himself even more right now. He put another token into the coin slot and took in a deep breath. He aimed for the same Pompompurin, asking the boys to go on the side and see if the angle was okay. 
The Pompompurin was dropped closer towards the exit- he hoped this time around it would work out.
As soon as he angled the crane, the boys looked at the side and gave him a thumbs up, telling him it was okay to press the button. 
The 5 of you looked towards the stuffed animal in hopes it would work. As soon as the crane got it, it stayed intact and was then dropped towards the exit. You all cheered and screamed in excitement, not caring if anyone was looking.
“Jay, holy shit, thank you!!” You squealed. 
You got a bit too excited and hugged Jay as he hugged you back. Not realizing the two of you were so close to each other, you both then let go as he rubbed his neck.
“No problem. I’m glad you got it.” Jay replied, trying not to bring attention to his flustered cheeks. 
Jungwon bent down to get your Pompompurin plushie and held it up. “He is finally going to a new home.”
“Jay, you need to help me get my Charmander plushie please!” Ni-Ki said as Jay nodded his head. “Oh yes, where is it?”
As he and Sunoo led Jay towards the other crane machine, Jungwon handed you the plushie.
“He’s a keeper!” Jungwon smiled as he walked quickly towards the others.
“What did you say?” You asked, rolling your eyes.
You then looked back towards your plushie, feeling too happy. You then felt your heart race a little as you held the plushie to your chest.
Why did your heart race as soon as you and Jay let go after your hug? 
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With the month of November rolling around the corner, it meant that it was the annual talent show. Your school always had a talent show right before the Winter season, showcasing different grades and their variety of skills. 
Jay told you he and his friends Jake and Sunghoon signed up with him- as a dare from their classmates in their band class. You never heard Jay sing- from what Jungwon said, he had a nice voice. He did not want to give you any spoilers, saying that you would enjoy watching them sing. 
You told Ms.Ling, the Yearbook teacher, that you wanted to volunteer to take photos for the event and take over the page since it was still empty. So here you are now, getting ready and setting up all the cameras making sure the angle looked nice.
“What made you want to join the page for the talent show?” Taehyun asked as he walked up to you, holding his camera.
“Nothing, I just wanted to watch that’s all.” 
“Mhm, okay. Anyway, I saw the list, and seems like Jay and his friends are the 5th group to go.”
Taehyun scurried away as his friend Beomgyu was calling him from the front of the stage. You rolled your eyes, sitting down by the camera on the long tripod. 
People slowly started to walk in as the show would start soon. You had your camera in your hands, sitting back, waiting for time to pass. 
As it then was already 7 pm the front doors to the theaters closed and the lights started to dim. Your other friend Karina who was also in charge of the page took a seat next to you.
“Go ahead and take pictures from the side, I’ll help the school news team record.”
“You sure?” You ask as Karina nods her head, giving a thumbs up.
You then stood off saying Excuse me to the family on the left of you, walking towards the middle aisle.
The host of the evening which was Beomgyu stood in the center with the drama teacher welcoming the audience. You turned on your camera and started to adjust the brightness, ready to take photos. 
The first group was just introduced as you walked closer to the stage, taking photos as Taehyun did the same on the other side. You snapped a few from different angles, making sure the photos came out just right.
So far, the groups that performed were a dance team, another performed magic tricks, and another impersonated famous people. The group after was two people who juggled pins which you were very impressed by. 
Then it was time for Jay and his friends to come up. 
As soon as Beomgyu said their names, the three walked up and pulled up wooden stools in the middle. Beomgyu helped put a mic stand in front of Jay’s stool as Jake and Sunghoon held their own mics. 
Jay had his guitar with him and he smiled as soon as he spotted you in the aisle. You looked back, smiling, a bit excited to hear what they were about to sing.
As the trio introduced themselves, Jay then strummed his guitar, a familiar tune starting to play. The whole audience started to gasp, immediately whispering to themselves. 
You realized it was the song Say You Won’t Let Go.
As Jay sang the first part of the song, you started to snap photos- as in click the button as many times as you can. Seeing you already took a handful, you put your camera down to enjoy the performance.
Little cheers started to erupt as Jake took the chorus and Sunghoon took the part after. You started to cheer a little as Jay sang the second chorus, and the audience started to sing along. 
After the boys finished, everyone cheered as you clapped. As Jay caught your eye you gave him two thumbs up as he laughed a little, smiling. “Someone’s a fangirl.” You then looked next to you as Taehyun also cheered. You just laughed it off, letting Taehyun have it this time. 
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“So what did you think?” 
You and Jay sat at the corner convenience store, drinking milk tea together. After the show ended, he introduced you to Jake and Sunghoon. As you knew of Jake already from your Algebra 2 class from last year and Sunghoon from PE in freshman year, this was the first time you had a conversation with them. They were nice people and you were glad Jay was taken in by them when he first arrived. 
The two figured Jay wanted alone time with you so they parted ways as soon as you guys got your drinks from the milk tea shop. 
“You’re so good at singing?? I was really surprised.” You replied as you took a bite of your pastry. 
“You didn’t think I would sound good?” Jay joked as you rolled your eyes. “Don’t get too cocky there Mr.”
“Thank you though for actually going, I thought you didn’t plan on going.” Jay smiled. 
As you looked up at him, you felt your heart race faster- just like it did when you guys first hugged at the arcade. It was a strange feeling for you because not once did your heart ever beat like this for anyone else, heck it never beat like this when you had a crush on Heeseung either.
“It’s no problem. Think of it as a thank you for being such a great friend and also a good teacher to Won.” 
“You are too sweet Y/N.” Jay took a sip of his milk tea as you poked to his cheeks. “Did I make you blush?” 
“No!” Jay choked out a little. 
“Aw, I made you blush.” You giggled as Jay shook his head. “You’re seeing things.” 
Maybe you are starting to believe that Jay did have a little crush on you. 
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Jay still did not know his way around city- more like he just never got the chance to. With his uncle busy at the shop and his aunt still at home, taking care of his little cousins, he only knew the route to and from the school and the area around it.
You felt bad he never got to explore the area and decided to spend the entire day going to your favorite places. You thought it would be nice to unwind with Jay for the day- considering you both never went out on your before. 
You put on your sneakers, looking at the mirror on the top of the shoe cabinet.
As soon as you saw a notification pop up from your phone and saw Jay’s message, you opened the front door.
You said a quick bye to your grandma who was currently watching a game show on the TV. 
You walked outside, closed the front door, and saw Jay standing in front of your house. The both of you unknowingly color-coordinated today, both wearing dark blue and black jeans. 
“Good afternoon,” Jay said as you smiled,waving back. “You ready to go?”
“Yup, let’s go. I’m excited to see what you have planned.” 
The two of you walked then towards the bus stop by your house, waiting for the next bus to arrive. As soon as it came you both paid your fares and went to the middle as you took the window seat. 
You rode a bit further down to the other side of the city. The two of you talked for a little, him asking you what building was what and which parts of the city you go to often. 
You both then got off a few minutes after and stood in front of a beach walk. 
“Oh wow, it’s pretty over here,” Jay said in awe. 
“We can get some ice cream floats then walk on the beach. How does that sound?” You asked as he nodded his head. “You are in charge today, I’m just following you around.” 
The two of you then walked towards the small shops by the beach walk and went straight into the ice cream parlor. 
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After enjoying large chocolate floats, the both of you walked on the beach as the breeze softly caressed both of your guys’ faces. You both decided to sit for a little and wait for the sunset. 
“Ah, thank you for showing me your favorite part of the city today, I enjoyed it.” Jay thanked you.
You smiled in relief. “I’m glad. I didn’t know if you would like it or not.” 
“I’m guessing you come here quite often?” 
“Yup. I used to come here often with my parents.” 
“What happened?” Jay asked as he leaned back a little.
“Well they just get busy that’s all. We don’t have time to go out anymore because they both work long-hour shifts. That’s how I figured out bus routes to certain places so I can take Won and me out whenever I have some free time.”
“You’re a really good sister, I hope you know that,” Jay replied. “I don’t have any siblings but I can tell that you care for Won a lot.” 
“Thanks, Jay, I try, I do.” You sighed. 
The two of you then looked at each other. You felt your cheeks burn a little as he sat a little closer next to you. You gulp as the sky slowly starts to turn a darker shade of pink. 
As the sun slowly started to set, Jay leaned in closer and he turned his neck a little, leaving a kiss on your lips. You did not pull away as you both stayed in the same position for a few more seconds. 
You both then sat aback, as a little smile left your lips. You tried not to show your smile, looking at your feet dig into the sand. 
Jay was your first kiss,
And you felt like you were floating on a cloud, glad it was him who took it. 
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Ever since you shared a kiss with Jay, the two of you did everything together. It was to the point he and his friends also joined you guys at lunch in the cafeteria and even took the same bus going home. 
The two of you would subtly brush your hands against each other while walking, sometimes he’d intertwine them and sometimes he’d draw circles in your palms.
Your friends already got the hint something was going on between the both of you; they just let things be, waiting for you guys to admit to whatever was going on. 
You sat in the library with Ningning, Julie, Jay, and his friends. You guys sat at the large table, looking at your laptops reading each other’s college application essays. 
It honestly did not cross your mind about applying to college so soon. You decided just to stay locally as Ningning and Julie wanted to go out of state. You were too attached to stay home and did not know whether you wanted to leave just yet- also because you did not want to leave Jungwon yet either.
“Where did you plan to go?” You asked Jay as he closed a tab on his laptop. He sighed and shook his head. “Honestly I don’t know yet. I was thinking of just staying here.” The others smiled to themselves as Ningning and Julie held a giggle to themselves.
“Oh, you’re considering on staying here too?” 
“Yeah, why are you?”
“Mhm.” You nodded your head. “My parents are always busy with work, Grandma is getting old. I feel like Won will have no one, as much as he drives me off the walls, I don’t want him to be alone.” 
Jay nodded his head. “Makes sense.” 
“I’ll still apply though to other schools, it’ll be a second option if anything.” 
“Tell me which schools, maybe we can go to the same ones,” Jay replied as you nodded your head, showing him your possible schools. 
What you didn’t know was that Jay wanted to originally go to where Sunghoon and Jake were planning on going to- which was a school in Los Angeles. He planned to apply soon too but as soon as he heard you wanted to stay, he wanted to stay too.
He thought he was going insane when he made a choice so quickly but in fact, he probably fell in too deep when it came to you. He already had the change of scenery he wanted and he liked it here with you. He did not mind if he kept working at the music store and did not mind either if he had to stay with his uncle and his family still. He felt like it was just right to stay here. 
“That leaves the two of you to stay here, won’t you guys miss us.” Julie sighed as you shook your head. “Think of it this way, wherever you guys go, it gives us a reason to visit.”
“Fair enough,” Sunghoon replied as he and Jake switched their laptops.
You and Jay looked at each other’s essays, pointing out some grammar mistakes and poking fun at the little typing errors. 
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You walked into the music shop to pick up Jungwon’s guitar. He and Jay inspected his guitar last week and figured it needed some quick repairs as some screws were loose. With Jungwon out on a volunteer trip for school, you decided just to pick it up for him.
It was the weekend after Thanksgiving and things were still calming down. You and your friends all submitted your college applications the week before, feeling a relief of calmness wash over all of you. 
You decided to apply to 3 schools as Jay applied to 4. He also applied to a school back in Seattle just in case things didn't work out here. 
You secretly hoped you both would be accepted to the nearby university which was 10 minutes away. Since everyone else was leaving, it would be nice just to have one person by your side-especially if it was Jay.
Now it was just a waiting game for the results. 
“Hi, I’m here to pick up-Heeseung?” 
As the boy turned around, he waved and smiled. “Hi Y/N, long time no see.”
“You’re back?” You replied in confusion.
“Oh no, I’m just visiting. I go back this Monday. I figured I’d say hi to Mr. Kim before I go back.” 
“And you’re working here for the day?” You asked, setting down your phone on the table.
“One of the workers called in sick and he asked if I could help out. I had nothing to do anyways.”  
Jay then walked out of the practice room, waving bye to his student. As he walked out towards the front, he saw you and Heeseung talking. With his guitar in one hand, he turned his head a little, realizing that it was the guy Jungwon was talking about.
He remembered his uncle saying that one of the old workers would take a shift for the day but did not expect it to be Heeseung. 
Jay saw your doe eyes and how they lit up a little. He saw you smile intently as you asked Heeseung how he was doing and how university was for him. He held on to his guitar, thinking if he should interrupt but just walked back to the hallway towards the back room, feeling a bit unamused. 
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“Can you believe he joined their rugby team and is also part of the music department’s main singers for their events?” You said as you moved a few Christmas decorations to the living room. 
Jungwon tuned you out a little as he focused on putting the Christmas tree together. 
As your parents and your Grandma were out currently buying more Christmas decorations, you and Jungwon decided just to prepare the tree and put the stockings by the fireplace before they came back.
Setting down the last box, you sighed. “Won, did you hear anything of what I was saying?” 
“I mean I did for the first half,” Jungwon replied as he put the plastic pieces on the stand of the tree. “But then I didn’t hear anything you said for the second half.”
“I just wanted to let you know how Heeseung was doing.” 
“Mhm, about Jay, did you see him? He was working today.” 
“Oh really? I texted him and he said he wasn’t there.”
“Interesting,” Jungwon mumbled as he tried the put the middle of the tree together. 
“Why? I don’t like Heeseung like that anymore, it felt nice. It was like catching up with an old friend.” 
When you saw Heeseung again, you felt a wave of nostalgia hit you. You felt like a lot of things changed since he left and you felt like your little crush on him disappeared. It was cause your heart is now with someone else. 
And that someone is Jay.
“So are you openly admitting to me that you like Jay now?’ Jungwon’s eyes lit up. He waited patiently for an answer from you as you then threw a pillow at him from the couch. “I am not admitting to anything.”
“You’re boring.” Jungwon huffed as he then went back to fixing the tree. 
You smiled to yourself, humming the beginning of the song Jay sang at the talent show. 
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“Yeah guys, it’s bad, I don’t know.” Jay sighed as he kicked the ball into the net. 
He and the boys were at the park playing soccer. He called the boys as soon as he got a call from his mom in Seattle, saying that his grandpa had fallen ill and was rushed to the hospital. He and his uncle were thinking of making a trip back to Seattle after Christmas to visit.
“We just hope everything will be okay man.” Jake sighed. “Have you told Y/N?” 
“Not yet. I sorta told her I could not hang out yesterday after I saw her talk to Heeseung, I feel like an idiot being a bit jealous right now.” 
Jay took a seat in the middle of the field with the soccer ball and rolled it in between his arms. Sunghoon and Jake also took a seat next to him, grabbing their water bottles.
“You’re acting like you guys did not just kiss a week or two ago,” Sunghoon said. “We see the way she looks at you.” 
“Yeah, she gets all smiley and giggly with you. There is no way she likes Heeseung like she used to.” Jake agreed.
“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just a bit skeptical about how things will end.” 
“Enjoy for now then man, you got some time before Christmas,” Jake said as Sunghoon nodded his head. “You have some time, maybe you can finally tell her how you feel.” 
“I mean, I want to but-”
“But what?” Sunghoon asked.
“What if I don’t come back you know?”
“You are acting like you can’t visit or whatnot!” Jake sighs. “Come on, we’ll support you no matter what happens, I bet that’s the same for Y/N too.” 
“I’ll think of something…” Jay muttered. He wanted to make sure to spend a bit of time with you before he leaves. He was quite unsure whether his mom wanted him back home sooner than thought; he wanted everything to be perfect when it came to you. 
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Jay sat nervously in the practice room. He asked Jungwon and his friends to help decorate the practice room the night before. With his uncle’s permission, they decorated the practice room in fairy lights and plated your favorite cookies and desserts from the bakery across the street. 
He had his guitar in his hands a bit nervous, shaking his head. He sang in front of a large crowd before heck, he’s done it so many times back at home for school events. Why was he so nervous with you just being his only audience? 
Jungwon told him that you’ve played the song he sang at the talent show around the house and in the car. He told Jay that it was your favorite song at the moment and it’s been like that for weeks already. 
Jay thought serenading you with the song would be a good idea. He asked his friends and your friends for their opinions and they all thought it was a sweet idea. And so everyone helped him with the past week's plan while Jungwon and his friends helped him decorate the practice room.
You thought Jungwon had lessons so you just dropped him off after class as per usual. You could not help but look at Jungwon on the bus as he was all smiles and giggles. You just figured he and his friends had a lot of fun in class beforehand.
As you got off the bus, the two of you went straight to the music shop. Mr.Kim was at the front desk and greeted you both. 
You both went straight to the practice room as the door was closed. Jungwon took his guitar case from you and smiled. “I think you should be the one to go in.” 
“Huh, what?” You replied in question.
“Thank me later.” Jungwon walked away towards Mr.Kim as you looked to him in confusion. 
You opened the door as you saw Jay sitting right in the middle of the room. He was sat on the wooden stool and had his guitar in his hands. You gasped a little, closing the door behind you. “J-jay?”
“Y/N,um I wanted to do something special for you,” Jay said a bit nervously. “I hope you like the song I’m about to sing.”
Jay started to strum his guitar and you instantly covered your mouth in shock. It was the song he sang at the talent show.
You felt tears well up in your eyes, a bit overwhelmed. No one has ever serenaded a song to you or ever done something special like this before. It felt like you were in your little romance movie and you were the main character. You were lost for words and could not believe it. 
Jay really did all of this for you. 
As soon as Jay finished singing, he looked up towards you and put his guitar down. He stood up and pouted. “Why are you crying? You didn’t like it?” He wiped the tears off your face, shocked by your reaction. 
You shook your head. “No, no. I’m just- no one has ever done this for me, thank you.” 
“I know it’s obvious but Y/N I like you a lot.” Jay took in a deep breath as he then held both of your hands in his. “Remember the first week I was here? I said I hope you change your mind on some things?”
“Gosh, how do you remember that?” You laughed a little, biting your lip. You tried to hold in more of the tears that streamed down your face.
“I liked you the first time I met you. The more I got to know you and the more I got to be around you, my heart started to save a spot just for you. I know we have a long way to go but I want to be with you.”
“It’s so funny how I despised you at first for no reason.” You let out a small chuckle. “But now, I really want you to stay in my life Jay. I really do.” 
“Can I be your boyfriend Y/N?” Jay asked.
“Yes, yes you can.” You smiled. “100 times yes.”
You swooped in and kissed Jay. He puts his hands on your cheeks and you can feel the tears subside. You did not want to let him go. He was all yours. 
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You sat with Jay on the bus, on the way to the mall. Your friend group wanted to go watch a movie and get some milk tea before finals next week. 
“Y/N, I need to tell you something,” Jay spoke up.
“Mhm, what is it?” You asked.
“Well, you know how my Grandpa isn’t doing well? My mom wants my uncle and I to fly for a few weeks to go visit right after our break starts.” 
“Oh wow Jay, don’t even worry, you need to go.” You replied.
“She’s been talking with my dad about me coming back…” 
“Like permanently?” You asked. 
“I don’t know to be honest.” Jay sighed. He took your hand in his as he looked to you with a weary smile. “I don’t want to just leave you guys.”
“There is always FaceTime and we can always visit each other if you do need to stay.” 
You wanted Jay to focus on his time with his family. They needed him more than ever now and plus with him here, he could not give them his full support. He needed to be there. 
“Thank you for being so understanding Y/N,” Jay said as he kissed your forehead.
“We’ll get through this.” You smiled as he put his arm around you. You got your earbud as you put one in your ear and the other in his. “Here, let me show you my favorite song right now.” 
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It has been around a month since you last saw Jay. He was currently in Seattle with his uncle to visit his Grandpa. You remember him putting his head on your shoulder, stressed about everything a day before he left. You reassured him that everything will be okay and that his Grandpa will recover soon. 
You spent Christmas and New Year at your Dad’s side of the family in New Jersey and stayed there for the entire winter break. You and your friends all facetimed during New Year's, staying up just for Jay to reach New Year's at his place. 
Jay did not come back in time for school to start. He was gone for the first and second week, telling you and your friends that his parents wanted more time with him before he came back. You admit you were a bit scared he would end up staying there. You did not want to say anything and just kept your thoughts and feelings to yourself. You just wish you had more time to do things as a couple if worse did come to worse. 
It was a Tuesday afternoon and the snow started to fall outside. You heard your classmates rush to the window in awe, happy that the snow finally fell after so long. You look as the snow starts to cover the trees and bushes and the parking lot having white specks on the pavement. 
With nothing to do in your free period, you just sat in the library, catching up on some schoolwork and some preparations for college. Ningning joined you as she had nothing to do in her free period either. 
You decided not to tell Jay yet that you got accepted to all the universities you applied to and got into the one in the city. It was a perfect distance from home to school and you could just take the bus still. He did not mention anything yet to you about his applications so you waited until he’d come back.
“Wow, the snow finally came,” Ningning muttered as the two of you looked towards the large window pane by the side entrance. “It seems heavier than usual.”
“We can finally have a snowball fight with the others.” You smiled. “I need to show Jay.” 
“He’s missing out that’s for sure,” Ningning replied as she looked back down to her work.
“I’m just relieved his grandpa is doing much better, Jay told me he can finally get some sleep.”
Jay’s grandpa made a recovery as soon as he and his uncle arrived. He assumed that his grandpa just missed him and what not. You were relieved knowing that his grandpa was doing better than before.
“Me too, that means he can come back to you.” Ningning cheered as she let out a cheeky smile.
“Yea, yea.” You smiled. 
You admit you did miss Jay but knew he needed time with his family. He was appreciative of how understanding you were and felt bad you could not celebrate your first month together physically. He even bought a small cake for both of you and blew it on FaceTime as a celebration. 
“Oh yea, don’t forget, we need to reply to the admissions offices to our chosen schools by the start of February.” 
“Mhm, I’ll get that done soon.” You replied, going back to work on your essay.
“You decided on where you want to go?” 
“Yeah, I think I’m going to stick to our local university.” 
“I’ll miss you Y/N, we really been together for so long.” Ningning pouted. 
“Don’t worry I will try to visit often and you need to give me a campus tour. We got a deal?” 
“Sounds like a plan.” 
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You plop yourself on your bed, grabbing your phone from the top of your desk drawer. After helping your grandma load the dishwasher, you and Jungwon went up to your bedrooms to do some homework. You both were full from the delicious dinner your grandma made and could feel a nap coming in. 
 As Jungwon decided to stop lessons until Jay would get back, you were able to go home earlier and just work on homework. You both spent more time with your grandma, watching her favorite game shows. You and your friends would sometimes tag along with Jungwon and his friends to the arcade. Jake and Sunghoon were helping everyone get the stuffed animals they wanted you, Ningning, and Julie just sat back down, watching it all unfold. 
You glance towards the Pompompurin Jay won for you on the top of your pillows. You smiled to yourself, thinking of him. 
Jay has not texted since late last night. You wondered if everything was okay and decided to check on him. He usually was a fast replier too so you were curious if he was just busy with his family. 
As you were about to text him, his Caller ID appears on your phone screen.
“Y/N, I am super sorry, I got busy.” Jay said on the other line. You can hear him panting a little like he was out of breath.
“Are you okay, you seem like you ran a marathon?” You asked as you sat up.
“Look out your window.” 
You stood up from your bed and walked towards the window by your desk. You saw Jay on the side of the street, waving towards you. 
He was here. He was right in front of your window. 
“Oh my god-” 
“Surprise!” Jay said as he waved, jumping. 
“Stay right there, don’t move.” 
You ended the call, immediately getting your winter coat. You ran down the stairs, grabbing your boots, telling your Grandma you’d be back in a few minutes. You opened the front door and ran down the porch as Jay appeared right in front of you. You ran to him and into his arms as he held you tightly. You kissed him out of excitement and pulled away, holding his face in your hands. “You’re not a figment of my imagination right?”
“No, I’m here.” Jay chuckled. “I missed you so much.”
“You’re here for good or you’re heading once we graduate?” You ask. 
“Well… I wanted to tell you but I wanted to tell you in person.” Jay held you close. “I got into the university you wanted to go to. Well, more like we wanted to get into.” 
“Jay, wait, you too?” You smiled. “Me too.”
“I told my Mom I wanted to stay and go to school here. I told her I didn’t want to leave you plus it was the change of scenery I needed away from home.” 
“We are doing this?” You asked as he nodded his head. “I’m not letting you go that easily Y/N.” 
You hugged Jay again, smiling.
You had your fair share of crushes and infatuations, but never did it lead to anything. Jay proved to you that you do deserve someone who loves you just as much as you loved them. He showed through his actions that he cared deeply for you and that he wanted to stay with you even if things were a bit rough at the start. With the snow starting to fall again, the both of you looked up and back at each other. He came right in time to experience the first day of snow with you. 
“Come in, it’s freezing out here. I think my Grandma would like to meet you.” You smiled. “Lead the way,” Jay replied as you held his hand. 
You both walked back to the inside of your house as Jungwon stood on the front porch. Not knowing if he stood there the entire time, you looked at him as he clapped his hands, calling out to Jay. He waved to Jay and immediately hugged him. 
“Y/N move over, I missed my guitar teacher.” Jungwon joked as you laughed, letting him and Jay have their little reunion.
You then welcome Jay into your house as he meets your Grandma who instantly smiles upon seeing him remove his shoes. She greets him, telling him to take a seat. Jungwon stands next to him, immediately bringing over a baby photo of you from the top of the fireplace. 
You closed the front door, removing your shoes. You looked towards the sight in front of you, smiling. Jay looked back at you, holding your baby photo, gawking over how adorable you were.
“Y/N, come here, I’m going to make you guys some hot chocolate.” Your grandma motions to you as she walks into the kitchen.
You nodded your head, removing your coat, and walking over to the living room. You sat next to Jay as he started to go on and on about your missing two front teeth in your baby photo.
You giggled to yourself as Jungwon brought more photos over to him. 
Oh, how thankful you were for dropping Jungwon off to guitar lessons that one summer day back in August. 
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© juyuppang , 2024
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kaisntbreathing · 3 months
Making out wt HH characters?
Yes tysm Anon <3
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Making out wt Hazbin Hotel Characters wt a lil ✨ spice ✨
SLIGHT NSFW(?), explicit explanations of tongues, mouths, and fangs, Demon forms (Lucifer, Alastor, and Vox), reader gets a tiny jolt (Vox), consensual(preemptive) hypnosis (Vox), Valentino, Male whimpering (Lucifer), horn grabbing, reader is a demon, reader is female, oversized reader (Lucifer),
༶•┈┈⛧┈ ♱ ┈⛧┈┈•༶
⛧ One day while you were at the Hazbin Hotel, you had nothing really important planned for the day so you had decided to go help Nifty clean up. You lifted her up to the higher places she normally couldn't get to as her height prevented her.
⛧ As usual everyone went as they normally did through the day as you helped and assisted Nifty, eventually Alastor came back as per usual but this time he was momentarily stunned by you helping the closest thing to a daughter figure (aside from Charlie) he had, clean. All with a gentle smile on your face as you held the small demon up as she cleaned, you noticed Alastor giving him a smile.
⛧ Later on that day it was much later in the evening, almost midnight as you were sleepily stumbling through the hallways as Alastor couldn't help but pin you against the wall with his shadow as he himself emerged from the darkness as he pulled you into a heavy and hot kiss.
⛧ God help you if you try to hold onto his little black antlers or his perky red and black ears, he'll go fucking feral. As the kiss eventually and rather quickly got more feverish and passionate, his true demon form slowly leaked through as his black antlers grew in size very slowly.
"My little fawn..."
✝︎ You had been happily married to the king of Hell himself for about nine years and your anniversary was a few days away, it would be marking ten years, and you couldn't be any more excited for it either. Anyways, you'd gone shopping the other day for some new clothes and you we're trying it on in your and Lucifer's shared room.
✝︎ You were undressed and relaxed in your natural demon form as your tail swished around behind you and your horns curled around your head as you looked at yourself in the mirror as you wore a pair of black lace underwear and a matching black bra, suddenly you heard the door click open as you spun around covering up instinctively as you looked at the door as your husband stood there mouth agape.
✝︎ As you realized it was only him you relaxed and uncovered yourself as you smiled at him as he still gawked over your perfect form as you greeted him and walked towards him for a hug as you hugged him he flushed brightly, your chest cupping together perfectly as you squished against him as your thighs jiggled as you moved, and your tummy spilled over your underwear slightly as your hips dipped very slightly but they were full, your tail swished around behind you happily as you felt the bond between you both flutter around you making your skin tingle as he cupped your cheek pulling you down pressing your lips gently against his as he started slow and gentle as the kiss slowly got more heavy and hot.
"My queen."
⚡︎ You and Vox had a established relationship and you meant the whole underworld to him, you were his everything in his eyes you were absolutely perfect in every single way, he loved you without a doubt and you both knew it, and of course you loved him to. This being said you both had already established boundaries and rules and he knew what you did and don't like.
⚡︎ When he's out at work or doing some kind of business you're wandering around his and your shared apartment cleaning up or trying to pass the time, practically watching the hours and minutes tick by antagonizingly slowly, waiting for your lover to get home to you. You always felt the safest in Vox's arms or at his house, safe enough to let your demon form show freely as you walked around.
⚡︎ When he gets home finally you immediately perk up no matter how tired you were, looking for him as you quickly went to him, you clung to him as you nuzzled into his suit his teal blue claws gently held your thighs holding you up as you locked your legs around him as he pressed you into a hot and steamy kiss and he pinned you against the wall, as his hands explored your body curiously as he took over your mouth as he pinned your wrists above your head with one hand as he pressed his free hand into your side gently sending a jolt through you, making you gasp and squirm.
⚡︎ If you allow him to he'd be more then happy to use his ability to hypnotize you while you have spicy time or while just making out, either way it feels like a hazy fever dream and it feels good.
♡ Making out with him is on a totally different level than anything else you've ever experienced before and you absolutely love it, if you let him he'd happily use his pink smoke on you while getting it down or just making out.
♡ He has more than enough pairs of hands to hold, grab, and grope you with and he's got the tongue and talent to do it, he loves holding your curves and cupping your chest while shoving his tongue down your throat as pink smoke swirled around you both fogging your mind making your head spin and your eyes closed and rolled back into your head as you whimpered as he tugged on your collar gently.
♡ He chuckled as he pulled away leaving you breathless and panting heavily trying to regain your breath as you looked up at him as you squirmed around on his lap whining softly.
"My babydoll."
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marlenesluv · 9 months
i was wondering if you could do an america's sweetheart victorias secret angel reader whos 19 x charles. in this universe victoria secret still has their show and it's like peak vs again. its very miss americana and the heartbreak prince. and there's some light cheating because shes still with her boyfriend Arber Xhekaj (if you don't know gf omg hes so fine and his fights are amazing) and she meets Charles at the after party of the show. and like erin heatherton fc plz from like the 2010s
Angel. (CL)
tbh, i love watching the old vs shows, ugh. i rly love this idea. erin heatherton is stunninggggg. i hope you enjoy!!
pairing: charles leclerc x vs model reader
fc: erin heatherton
warnings: light cheating, cussing, fans slut shame (for the plot, also don’t do this or i’ll throw chicken legs at you)
note: cheating is not slay, don’t do it. (i’ll only condone tho if you cheat to be with an f1 driver, jk jk) also, the first post is the night after the after party. but it twists so stick with me.
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
Gossip Column @gossipoftoday • 4hr
Big news for our Formula 1 watchers and Victoria Secret enjoyers! Y/N Y/L/N, 19, has been a model for Victoria’s Secret for two years, one of our favorite Angels. She has been dating Arber Xhekaj, Canadian Hockey Player, these past eight months.
The couple has been fairly public, but these past few weeks, we have noticed a decrease in posts by the couple. This might have something to do with last nights show.
Last night, Y/N opened for the show, looking absolutely stunning on the runway. The after party is what we want to discuss though…
Charles Leclerc was seen at the show and the after party. Heavy, and we mean heavy, dancing was shared between Charles and Y/N. Rumors have it, Arber might be interested in another girl, but the party hasn’t broke off their relationship. So imagine our shock when we find this out!
Now, Charles and Y/N would make a hot couple, but are we behind cheating? I’m not too sure about this.
↳ Bellaaa @charfanpage33 • 4hr
Y/N is actually stunning, but I hope her and Arber broke it off because cheating is not hot.
↳ Jacobs Cavern @formula1overu • 3hr
Y/N is definitely hot, but is she gonna cheat on Charles too?? Like, come on. Once a cheater, always a cheater
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liked by: charles_leclerc, victoriassecret, and 983,025 others
y/n.user: such an amazing show last night, i hope you enjoyed, loves!!
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vsmodelpicsss: you were stunning, per usual👏👏
user9: i need the water she’s drinking
f1wags: hmmmmm
↳ charfp: HM?????
ferraribabyyy229: is that charles….?? he liked too..soooo
↳ smoothoperatorpageeee: i’m questioning it
y/n.fp: abt to make a thread cuz WTF IS GOING ONN
xanderfppp: she’s literally hoeing around?
↳ y/n.editzz: nah babe. we don’t even know the full story, or if it’s charles🖕
papayafans: y/n would be an amazing wag. i need her in the paddock
↳ y/n.user: i’m soooo glad you could make it! TY ILY💓
user8: it looks like char’s hair…..
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liked by: lanacondor and 82,024 others
arberxhekaj_: 🔛🔝
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user02: nah cuz why wasn’t he at the last vs show..
↳ user3: maybe they broke up?
↳ nhlfan8: just bc he didn’t go to show, doesn’t mean they broke up-
lanacondor: ✨✨
↳ user4: girl. now what is THIS?!?!
y/n.fp: does he have another gf?? did i miss a BOOK??
f1user: all of us are equally confused rt? they unfollowed each other too…
↳ arberxy/n: WHAT
user0: oh hunny….this is so confusing. are y’all pranking us?
f1editpage: y/n is not the cheating type imo. maybe arber cheated….
↳ user5: or they both did
arberfanpage: maybe they’re still together and we’re all wrong?
↳ y/nsfan11: nah, i don’t think so
Jaime💋 @y/nswifeasf • 3hr
Thread on why I think Y/N Y/L/N and Arber Xhekaj have broken up:
↳ Jaime 💋 @y/nswifeasf • 3hr
Reason #1) Y/N and Arber haven’t posted each other in literally two months. Maybe they want privacy, sure. But I think we can all agree that that is not the reason.
↳ Jaime 💋 @y/nswifeasf • 3hr
Arber hasn’t been attending the Victoria’s Secret shows for the past month-ish. Same with Y/N not attending Arber’s hockey games/practices.
↳ Jaime 💋 @y/nswifeasf • 3hr
They have also both unfollowed each other on all social platforms: Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Since then, Arber has followed Lana Condor, and Y/N has followed Charles Leclerc, along with many other Formula 1 drivers, all of them follow her back.
↳ Jaime 💋 @y/nswifeasf • 3hr
I want to end this thread with my personal thoughts on this couple. Personally, I love Y/N, and I don’t believe she would cheat. Arber, I’m not so sure either… I think we should all just wait till they release something about the matter.
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liked by: charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 1,231,035 others
y/n.user: this is definitely not how arber and i wanted to do this, but i think it’s what has to be done. yes, arber and i have decided to end things. arber can tell his side, i wont speak for him. but let’s just say that i found myself in a hard spot. charles and i are dating, we have been for the past four weeks. arber and i broke up two months ago, so i did not cheat. as for lana and arber, once again, not my story to tell. please respect mine, charles, and arbers privacy. i’m sorry you had a shit explanation. i appreciate you all for being supportive. ily.
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charles_leclerc: ❤️❤️
*liked by creator*
papayafanpage: as long as she and charles are happy, i’m happy. fr
user3: you don’t need to apologize! your private life is more important than social media. your guys’ privacy comes first
francisca.cgomes: i love and miss you🩷pierre and i would love to get dinner with you two!
↳ y/n.user: i love and miss you too🩷and yeah, we would love that too! i’ll text you
↳ francisca.cgomes: okay🩷
f1wags: y/n and kika🥲🥹
↳ y/neditsss: the wags have to stick together fr
arberoveru: as long as arber and y/n ended things well, who tf cares abt who they date? i j want them happy
lailahasanovic: i’m sorry you had to post like this :( let’s get together soon, pretty girl!
↳ y/n.user: ty laila<3 and yes i’ll text you!
Arber Xhekaj @arberxhekaj_ • 2hr
I don’t have much to add to what Y/N posted earlier today. We did break up two months ago, she didn’t cheat. I did, though. Details are not needed, I prefer to keep it at that. She didn’t deserve it, and I regret it deeply. I will always love her as a friend, and it makes me happy that her and Charles are so happy. Please don’t let my drunken mistake alter your feelings on her. I’m so sorry.
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 1,023,783 others
charles_leclerc: how did i get so lucky?❤️
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user4: god. they make me feel so lonely and they j started dating 🥲
y/n.user: char🥹
↳ charles_leclerc: chérie?
↳ lestappenfanpage3: IM SOBBING 😭 SO CUTE
danielricciardo: someone needs to post me like this😪
↳ maxverstappen1: posting you rn
↳ danielricciardo: thanks max😁🫶
↳ y/n.user: OMFG💀
↳ yourbsf: you’d be a hot mom
↳ y/n.user: thx🤭 you’d be a hot aunt
↳ yourbsf: i knowwww🥶
f1fp: y/n’s bsf def knew from the start
↳ leclercbrosfp: arthur prolly did too LMAO
↳ f1fp: TRUE
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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paradiseprincesss · 1 month
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don't wanna break up again - jackson rippner x reader
note: this was supposed to be a short drabble...sigh. anyway, fic 3 out of 13 for my little eternal sunshine album collection mwahhahaha.
summary: jackson happens to falls in love with his targets girlfriend, and he sees how badly she's being mistreated. even though he has to kill his target for work reasons, he decides that he's going to also save the woman he'd been falling for, too.
word count: 3.2k
warnings: 18+ mdni, murder, toxic/abusive relationship, cheating (not by jackson), domestic violence, kissing, swearing, soft!dark jackson, implications to sex but no actual smut
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jackson sighed as he watched from the drivers seat of his blacked out car, staring up at your apartment window that was wide open - no curtains drawn.
you see, he was given the task to assassinate your boyfriend, as he worked a government job and jackson needed a few files wiped, per se. he knew that your boyfriend, specifically, would have access to these files, as he worked in a certain department, and jackson was set on having him wipe said files, then killing him afterwards.
he'd been stalking this man for months, watching his every move, learning his daily routines and usual habits, but he hadn't actually caught a glimpse of you until last week. at first, he thought that you were some chick that the man he was stalking was hooking up with, but he soon discovered that you were actually his girlfriend.
jackson was disgusted - not with you of course, but with your boyfriend. he has seen that sleazy, pathetic excuse of a man bring over multiple different women in the span of the last few months, but he had no idea that he had a whole girlfriend on the side. it made him scoff, this man was a joke.
and if he was being honest, he felt a little bad for you. you were beautiful, there was no denying that, it was a fact. with your gorgeous hair and your pretty face, you were the definition of stunning, but apparently your boyfriend had wandering eyes. jackson didn't have a girlfriend, as he was much too involved with his job to keep up with a relationship, but if you were his, he'd never treat you this way.
he'd spoil you, take care of you, and protect you the best he could. he always wondered why the men who looked like they were barely clinging to life got the prettiest girls - just to mistreat them and cheat on them. so, he watched. he watched as your boyfriend seemed to be screaming at you about something, and you stood there with tears streaming down your face, shaking your head.
"you're just too much!" your boyfriend screamed at you, and you broke down into tears.
you'd caught him with another woman in your bed earlier on in that day, and he was losing it on you; as if it was your fault. this wasn't the first time that the two of you had this conversation, it was a repetitive, toxic cycle. he'd cheat on you, you'd scream and ask him why, and he would gaslight you into staying.
jackson couldn't make out what you were saying to each other from his car, but he knew that he felt sympathetically towards you. that was rare for him, he almost never felt sympathy, but this was almost too much, even for someone who killed others for a living.
jackson watched as you slammed the door of the bedroom, now glancing over to the bedroom window, and he saw you sobbing on the bed. his heart broke a little for you, honestly, you were too pretty to be putting up with that. as you got into bed and flicked off the light, he noticed your boyfriend turning up the sound on the tv in the living room.
as you fell asleep crying, he turned up the tv to drown it out. even jackson thought this guy was heartless, he didn't want to hear his own girlfriend cry over the fact that he'd cheated, so he drowns out her sorrows with some bullshit tv show? gross.
jackson kept on stalking the man, but noticed that after roughly an hour and a half, the bedroom lights flicked on again. you couldn't sleep. it seemed you were having yet another sleepless night, and it was taking its toll on you. jackson sighed to himself and put his car into drive, going back to his hotel for the night.
however, it seemed he was going to have a sleepless night as well. he couldn't shake the thought of you and the way you were being treated. he didn't know why he cared, it wasn't like him to, but he just did. jackson had dated his fair share of women, and sure, he may not have been the best boyfriend but he wasn't anything like the man you were dating.
that night, jackson fell asleep in the very early hours of the morning, after the thoughts of you lingered in his mind all night. he'd woken up a little later on in the day, not particularly in a rush as he knew your boyfriends usual routine by now, and he didn't feel the need to watch his absolute every move at the moment. he woke up hungry, and decided he was going to get some food at a local cafe in the area.
so, he drove his car for about twenty minutes, google mapping a good place to eat, and eventually he found one. he parked his car and walked into the cafe, ordered what he wanted, and sat down as he enjoyed his meal in solitude. as he was scrolling through the messages on his phone after breakfast, he looked up to see who had walked into the quiet, little cafe.
it was you.
the girl from last night, and the week before. the girl who'd managed to plague the infamous jackson rippners thoughts. he glanced at you quickly, trying not to be obvious. he then went right back to scrolling on his phone as he pretended not to notice you. as you ordered your usual morning coffee, you waited by the counter for the barista to finish making it.
you wore a pretty sundress and strappy heels, with your hair and makeup done nicely, accentuating your beauty. jackson couldn't help but notice how good you looked - even last night when you were crying you looked pretty, and he'd always liked a pretty crier.
he must've been staring for a bit too long, however, as he noticed you smiled politely at him. whoops, he definitely had been staring for way too long. he smiled back at you a little awkwardly; you know - that smile you do when you make eye contact with an attractive stranger. after being caught very obviously checking you out, and he couldn't help but say something.
"i'm sorry," he said with a soft laugh, "you're just really pretty."
this made you blush a little, and you smiled sweetly at the handsome stranger. "oh, thank you. you're very sweet."
"ah, just pointing out the obvious." he says back.
jackson gets up and gets ready to leave, as he feared he may of said a little too much. i mean, you don't go around flirting with your next murder victims girlfriend.
"wait," your soft voice said to him, "i think i saw you yesterday, outside of my boyfriends place."
his heart dropped - had you seen him stalking your boyfriend? hopefully not. he laughed nervously, trying to muster up some form of a believable excuse, but you spoke before he had a chance to.
"sorry, i swear i'm not a stalker," you laugh, "small world, s'all."
he was a little confused - were you not aware that he was parked out there for hours watching the two of you? going along with it, he smiled and shook his head. "don't worry, you don't look like the stalker type," he joked, "i was just waiting for my girlfriend, but we had an argument so she ended up going to bed and bailing on our plans."
his lie came out flawlessly - easily believable, he thought as he knew that you would most likely fall for this excuse. your smile faltered a little, but you tried to play it off.
why was he calling you pretty if he had a girlfriend?
your thoughts echoed in your mind, but you tried to ignore them; maybe he was just one of those guys.
"ah, gotcha," you say quietly, "sounds annoying - trust me, i get it. anyways, sorry for prying."
"oh, it's fine. relationships take a lot work, right?" he says softly, and you nod. "something like that." you say back, and he noticed your demeanour change slightly. you seemed almost depressed, like a full on 180 from the girl you were five minutes ago.
he watched you silently for a few more seconds, before speaking up again. why couldn't he just let it go?
"are you-" he paused with a sigh, "are you okay? i mean, i'm not trying to pry or anything but i could see him yelling at you and y'know, just figured i'd make sure you were alright incase anything was happening."
you look at him a small smile, "yeah, um, everything is fine. we just argue sometimes. shit happens."
he listens your words with a small nod, "ah, gotcha. well, it was nice talking to you, maybe i'll see you around again sometime." he tells you, and with that, he was walking out the door.
the next few weeks were pretty uneventful, jackson followed your boyfriend around everywhere, but he still needed him to delete those incriminating files he was after. however, this week was the week jackson decided he was going to go in for the kill - he'd learned all of your boyfriends little quirks, hobbies, behaviours, and routines. he could easily sneak in, threaten him, then murder him.
nightfall came around, and jackson was parked outside in his car again. he waited until it was nearly midnight so that others wouldn't see him sneak in, as a majority of people were asleep by twilight on a tuesday night. stealthily, he made his way through the lobby of the apartment building, and up the stairs as the elevator required a resident key.
he made his way up to the seventh floor, pushing past the emergency exit doors as he quietly walked the dimly lit hallways. now standing face to face with your boyfriends apartment - unit 739 - he was about to break in; he knew your boyfriend never locked his doors at night. as his hand reached to grab at the unlocked door handle, he suddenly heard a female voice sobbing from the other side.
oh. you were here.
being as quiet as he could, he listened to see what was going on inside, as he was originally under the impression your boyfriend was all alone tonight.
"stop fucking with my head, i can't take it anymore!" you sobbed, and the sound of some sort of glass shattering could be heard in the background, "and stop fucking throwing things at me!"
jackson was immediately concerned. was your boyfriend hurling glass objects at you? listening in once more, he could hear your boyfriend incoherently yelling something in the background, but it seemed you were closer to the door than he was. from the sounds of it, at least.
"i made it so easy!" you screamed, "i spent so much on therapy, i worked on my own co-dependancy but you didn't even try!"
"what was i supposed to do, huh?" your boyfriend yelled back, "i went to one session with you after you fucking hassled me about it for months!"
"because you keep cheating on me! and when you get mad at me, you hurt me!" you cry out, and your boyfriend could be heard yelling back at you.
jackson knew this technically was none of his business, his only job was to kill your boyfriend for his own selfish reasons, but he couldn't just leave you here. sure, jackson was borderline sociopathic and barely had a heart, but he couldn't help but think of how much better he'd treat you if you were his.
you were always on his mind, he was fascinated with you. the more he got little glimpses of you, the more he wanted to know you, to take care of you, and to save you.
sighing to himself, he slammed the door open and made his way inside. it went quiet as you and your boyfriend realized someone had perhaps just broken in, and as soon as jackson got to the living room, he pointed a gun to your boyfriend.
he looked at you for a moment, and you looked terrified - but not of him. you were covered in bruises and scrapes, and your makeup was running from your tears. you almost looked relieved to see jackson there, gun pointed at your abusive, piece of shit boyfriend.
he said your boyfriends name aloud, and proceeded to give him commands as he pointed his gun directly at your boyfriends head, finger ghosting the trigger.
"the files regarding the mass murders on fight 577," he spoke lowly, "i need those erased, and i know you have access to them on your computer."
"hey man, i think you got the wrong house." your boyfriend says, putting his hands up as he looks between you and jackson, "just get out of here and i won't call the cops, swear man. you didn't see nothing, and i ain't seen nothing."
"delete the files before i pull the trigger and blow your fucking brains out." jackson threatened, and the gun made a small click sound.
"a-alright, jesus christ, bro." your boyfriend said wearily, and he picked his laptop up off the coffee table, opening it.
"sweetheart," jackson says as he turns to look at you, gun still aimed at your boyfriend, "could you do me a favour and stand here beside- actually no, stand behind me, please."
you look at him nervously, and he noticed you were still scared. he didn't blame you, though. first, your boyfriend was beating you and throwing glass at you, and now a man who you'd recognized had broken in, and had a gun pointed at your boyfriend; it must've been traumatizing for you, he thought.
"i'm not going to hurt you." he tells you softly, and hesitantly, you make your way over to his side, stepping behind him as he looks back at your boyfriend.
his tone suddenly shifted into something a lot more menacing as he spoke to your boyfriend again. "show me the file is deleted, or i'll kill you right here, right now."
with trembling hands, your boyfriend showed jackson the laptop with the files permanently erased. "s-see, all gone." your boyfriend said, but jackson still had his gun pointed to him.
"i'm going to need you to turn around," he tells you softly, "this will only take a second, alright sweetheart?"
you nod, and turned yourself around as you heard a single gunshot go off. panic surged through your veins as you weren't sure what to do now, but a gentle hand on your back brought you down for a moment.
"you're okay, you're safe now." his soft voice comforted you, and he takes your hand in his as he walks with you out of the apartment.
the next hour or two goes by in a blur, you aren't really sure what happened; it was a lot for you. all you could remember was jackson gently guiding you to his car, and whispering soft, comforting words to you. then, the two of you drove to some unknown location - about an hour out from the city, and now you were here, in some random hotel room.
jackson was currently rummaging around the drawers in the room while you were sitting on the bed, still trying to process. you didn't understand why you let yourself be whisked away by some stranger (murderer), but you did. to be fair, he did kill the one man who was reigning terror on your life. jackson noticed you spacing out once more, and he sat by your side, putting a gentle hand on your thigh.
"you alright, sweetheart?" he asks sweetly.
you look over at him and sigh, "yeah, m'sorry. i-i just..." you try to get the words out, but he shushed you.
"i understand," he tells you, "i know that was a lot, but you're safe now."
"who even are you?" you ask suddenly, "i'm assuming the whole 'girlfriend' thing was a coverup or something."
he nods, hand still resting on your thigh. "my name is jackson rippner - yes my parents hated me and yes i killed them." he said, but he smiled when he noticed your reaction, "i'm just joking, sort of. anyways, i work in a certain field, you could say, and your douchebag ex-boyfriend had some information that could potentially have me indicted. i needed that information gone, so i had to figure out a way to get it erased."
as he explained it, you felt your mind spin. "but do you have a girlfriend?" you asked.
he let out a small laugh, and looked at you with a raised brow. "that's the part that you're concerned about?"
"yeah," you say, smiling a little, "would you rather i be concerned about the other stuff?"
"no," he says, "obviously not, but since you're wondering, no. i don't have a girlfriend."
you nod, humming in response. for a moment, it was quiet; just the two of you sitting beside each other as the reality of the last few hours set in. honestly, it was peaceful in the most fucked up way. "were you stalking me or...?" you ask.
"nope, i didn't even get a glimpse of you until a few months in," he explained with a sigh, "but i saw you, and i dunno - i just saw the way he was treating you, and i thought it was pretty fucked up."
"yeah," you agreed, "in a weird way, i'm grateful for you doing...what you did."
"i'm glad," he smiles softly with that signature charming smile that made your heart melt, "i meant it when i said you're really pretty, by the way."
you blushed and looked over at him, his blue eyes staring right back at you. jackson was still jackson at the end of the day, and he was a little unhinged, so if you were to let's say - reject him - he would definitely force you into being with him either way. he would totally hold you hostage, but he didn't have to worry about that because you seemed pretty into him, too.
you leaned in subconsciously, and he leaned in too. before you knew it, his soft lips were on yours, and you were wrapping your arms around his neck and he kissed you.
"let me treat you right," he whispered against your lips breathlessly, "i'd do anything for you, i'd spoil you, get you whatever you wanted. you don't even have to work, just stay home and wait for me."
the thought of being his little housewife was a major turn on, if you were being honest. "mm, yeah?" you whisper back, and he pulls you into another heated kiss, wrapping his arms around you.
"i'd never break your heart like he did, sweetheart. you're going to be mine forever." he whispered, kissing your neck softly while he pushed you down onto the bed. "i'll spoil you rotten and get you cockdrunk every fucking night, how does that sound, honey?"
"sounds like the dream." you say, and he smirked at you softly - your heart would never break again as long as you were his; he'd make sure of it.
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taglist (join here!): @bloodandglitter207, @humbuginmybones, @futurefamousdeadmusician, @jonathancraneslittlepet,
@abigailinterrupted, @kpopgirlbtssvt, @ll4n4, @ilovetoxicfictionalmen, @the-buddy-things,
@ellebelleshelby, @aprilsfrog05, @wiseyouthinfluencer
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hischierswhore · 11 months
mr perfectly fine
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part 2 of this fic
pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
"Rise & shine, sleepy head” Kika said as you slowly opened our eyes, only to be met with the blinding lights from outside. After grabbing the pillow and burying your face in it to conceal you from the harsh lights, you noticed the room got darker, meaning Kika had closed the curtains.
“How did you even get in?” You rubbed your eyes.
“Spare key”
“30 more minutes? Please?” You begged your friend to give you a bit of extra time.
“If I give you 30 minutes, you’ll ask me for another 45 after so no. Get up” She pulled the sheets from you and dragged you out of bed.
“Why am I going to this thing anyways?”
“Because I have an extra ticket for this event, and you promised me that you would come”
“Just take Pierre or something” You said, still half asleep
“He’s already going with the rest of the grid. Obligations” Her words immediately snapped you awake.
“The rest of the grid?” Kika nodded.
“You might not even see Lan- sorry. He who shall not be named. You’ll be with me the entire night” She gently rubbed your arm in attempt to reassure you that all would be fine.
Kika was the first person you told about the breakup. You ghosted everyone for a few days after Lando had left you, ignoring all calls and messages from the outside world. Kika, your best friend, was beyond concerned with your sudden disappearance and decided to pay you a visit. Using her spare key, that she also seemed to use for non-emergency reasons, she walked right into your home and found you sitting on the couch with the bags under your eyes heavier than ever before.
"What if he tries to talk to me?" You threw yourself on your bed dramatically, watching as Kika browsed through your wardrobe. Following the breakup, you had stalked Lando's social media and he didn’t seem to be fazed by the breakup, and if he had, he didn't show it.
He returned to his life of traveling and nonstop adventures with his fellow drivers. Attending all sorts of parties and festivals, which he was free to do, but what wasn’t right to you was how he didn’t seem hurt in the slightest.
It’d been a month since that night. You still remember the stove illuminating the “1:58am” across your living room as you watched Lando leave.  
“What about this one?” Kika pulled out a sparkling red dress and showed it to you.
“I don’t know-“
"Think of this as revenge. You can show him what he's missing. And if you do run in to him, so what? You know I won’t hesitate to give him a good ole’ karate chop in the head" She karate chopped the air, and you burst out in laughter at her movement.
If you wanted revenge, like Kika suggested, you needed to show up looking my best and not let your emotions take over.
After you & Kika had finished getting ready, you called an Uber to take you from your flat over to the event you were attending.
You both entered the banquet hall with all eyes on you. Or maybe their attention was on Kika and her stunning (per usual) dress. Either way, you rarely ever got attention like this, and to say it scared you was an understatement.
You both approached the trio of Pierre, Carlos and Charles, joining in on their conversation.
“We missed having you around, Y/n” Charles said as he rubbed the back of his neck. The group hadn’t seen you in a while due to your breakup with their friend.
“I missed seeing you guys” You said as a figure joined the group. You head turned to greet the person but you immediately jumped back, shocked at the sight: It was Lando, with some new blonde by his side.
Your plans of getting revenge went flying out the window, and right now you wanted nothing more than to crawl into your bed and never leave. The group was just as shocked as you were, glancing between Lando and the blonde.
You leaned into Carlos’ ear and excused yourself, to which he nodded and promised to relay the message to the rest of the group.
As you bolted to the nearest bathroom, you wanted to burst into tears. You locked yourself in the stall and tried your hardest not to cry, instead trying to think happy thoughts.
Back at the group, Kika noticed the moment you left and turned to Lando. The blonde had also excused herself to go speak to some of her friends.
“You’ve got some fucking nerve, Norris” She sounded completely disgusted with Lando.
“What did I do?” Lando asked as he looked around, watching as Charles smacked a hand onto his face in disappointment.
“What didn’t you do, Lando? You broke up with Y/n only a week after your podium in Silverstone because you “had to” for the sake of your relationship? In what fucking world does that make sense?” Kika said before Carlos spoke up
“You claimed to love her, but then you show up here, only a month after you left her, with a new girl on your arm? Guess you really did love Y/n enough to replace her like nothing”
“And then you acted like you did nothing wrong. You didn’t show the slightest bit of remorse for leaving her, with that shit excuse by the way” Charles added.
“Have you even apologized at all?” Pierre asked, watching Lando’s gaze fall down to his feet.
“No” He mumbled.
“You really think he would apologize? He left her hopes high, insinuating that he would come back for her, when in reality it was just an excuse to find someone new” Kika was nearly shouting at this point, and Pierre signaled for her to go find you to ensure you were okay.
- later on -
You were sat at your table with Pierre, Kika, Charles and Carlos. You were all talking when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned your head to see who was trying to get your attention and it was none other than Lando himself.
“Can I help you?” You asked as you turned your attention back to the rest of the table, not wanting to speak to him right now, or at all for that matter.
“Can we talk? Alone?” You sigh as you nod your head, unsure as to why you’re even agreeing to this. You excuse yourself from the table and all eyes are on you as you walk away with Lando right behind you.
You turn to face him once you’re out of sight from everyone at the event.
“What did you want?” You folded your arms across your chest. Lando inhaled deeply and he seemed nervous.
“I want to apologize. For everything. I wanted to focus on racing and winning and I just couldn’t see myself doing that with you in my life”
“So… you lied to me and made it seem like you were doing this for me? You made it seem like you were going to come back for me, Lando. But really you just wanted to leave and never return”
“I shouldn’t have made it seem like that. I’m so sorry” You stayed silent, contemplating what to say next.
“Who’s the blonde?” You questioned, watching the lump in Lando’s throat.
“Oh she’s uhm… my date” He refused to make eye contact with you as you scoffed at his answer.
“Interesting how you said you loved me and that you always would, yet you replaced me like nothing happened at all and moved on after a month. Somehow you’re “Mr Perfectly Fine” after all this, so clearly you didn’t love me half as much as you said you did ” Lando could only mutter apologies yet still refused to make any sort of eye contact with you.
“Well this was lovely,  but I’m going to go back to my table” You said nothing else as you made your way back to the table, shoulder checking him as you passed. You walked back into the dining hall to see everyone quickly turning their heads back around to seem as if they weren’t waiting for you to come back.
As you sat down, you felt a weight lifted from your shoulders; you were finally free and you would be alright someday.
@chelseagirl98 @firehazardxx @judesgfirl @celestialams @xjval
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All the Good Girls Go To Hell 21
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, power imbalance, injury, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You come home for the summer but your break is not as relaxing as you expect.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Note: Enjoy.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me &lt;3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The warm pressure of Bucky's fingertips release the tension from your soles and radiates up your legs. You feel yourself slumping further against the armrest, watching the television as you try not to be too aware of his touch. It's hard to ignore as a groan slips between your lips. You sink down, extending your legs so he can get a better grasp.
“Good?” He asks lightly.
“Mhmm,” you hum, “it's nice.”
He keeps on, his large hands around your foot as he rolls his knuckle into your arch. You let out an embarrassing noise and giggle as his tending turns ticklish. You sit up suddenly, cheeks burning as your thighs tingle. 
He looks at you surprised as you plant your palms and hold yourself out. You lift a hand and fix your glasses. You give a sheepish smile and wiggle your toes.
“Tickly,” you carefully raise your feet and bend your legs. He reluctantly lets you go as disappointment wrinkles in his forehead.
“Sorry,” he apologises.
“No, no, it's okay,” you turn straight, hanging your legs over the edge as you come to sit in the middle of the sofa, “I'm just sensitive.”
“Ah, and I can be a bit overbearing,” he adds.
You fold your hands in your lap and smile, your eyes drifting back to the television as you divert your attention to the cat fight over an over extravagant brunch. You feel his gaze, it has you paralysed. He sighs and stretches his arm over the back of the couch. You stay along the edge, pretending to be rapt in the on-screen drama.
His leg sways one way then the other. He blows out a long breath and the tension mingles with a sweltering heat. You wince as you feel a brush along your arm and glance over as he pushes the strap of your shirt back over your shoulder.
He smiles as you peek down at the fabric. You meet his gaze again as his fingertips linger on your skin, caressing in circles as he sits forward. You tilt your head, spellbound by his slow movement.
You gulp as you feel the tugging force between you. Like a magnet you can't help but lean in as he leans closer. Your eyes go wide as you realise what's about to happen. He's going to kiss you and you're not going to stop him.
His breath swathes around you as he grips your shoulder, hand crawling towards your neck. He brings his fingers under your chin and angles your head back as you shift towards him. Your noses brush against each other but your lips can't meet before a sudden bang draws you apart.
You sit back and cross your arms, cheeks burning as Bucky stands abruptly. He clears his throat as you shake your head and clamp your lips tight. That was too close.
“Yo,” Naomi hollers as she prances into the room, stopping short as Bucky distances himself from you. You're stunned by her arrival, her nonchalance unexpected given her storming out days before. “Huh,” she looks between you and her smile falls to a scowl, “am I interrupting?”
“Wasn't expecting you,” Bucky grits.
“Clearly,” she scoffs as you fold your hands and stare at her helplessly, “you move on fast.”
“It's not–” you begin but go unheard as Bucky speaks over you.
“And you sure are a good friend. Took me all day to clean that shit off her car,” he snarls, “so unless it's an apology, you won't talk to her.”
“Oh, this is so rich. Her?” Naomi blusters.
“It's about decency,” he insists, “why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with the worm?”
“I came back to check on her–”
“Sure,” Bucky crosses his arms and you watch his shoulders bulge, “you left her all alone yesterday and now you care so much, huh?”
“I'm sure you were right there with your little act to sweep her off your feet. You should be thanking me,” she accuses, “she's my friend. She just feels sorry for a pathetic old man like you.”
You stand up, standing just behind Bucky. He has no response, throwing up his hands as he blows between his lips. He waves her off dismissively.
“Whatever, Mimi, I'm the bad guy,” he mutters.
“It's not true,” you say as he turns away from her, “please– I… Nay,” you pass him as he drags his feet. You stop in front of Naomi, watching her expectantly, “I'm here because you ditched me. Last night… I said no. I said no and you violated me.”
She rolls her eyes, “we were having fun.” 
“It wasn't fun for me,” you retort.
She puts her hands on her hips and tilts her head defiantly, “it was a kiss–”
“That it? No sorry?” You sputter, genuinely hurt.
“Well, uh, yeah,” her voice warbles, “I'm sorry, sure, I didn't think you'd freak out–”
“Sorry I freaked out? Nay,” you pout, “come on.”
She sighs and looks past you. You know he's still there but he won't look at her. You don't blame him. You're not the only she betrayed.
“You lied to me. About everything.”
“I had to–”
“Your parents never kicked you out, did they?” You interject. She winces, taken aback by your abruptness. “Tell me the truth.”
She drops her eyes and shrugs, “I couldn't stay–”
“Did they?” You ask quietly.
She clicks her tongue and stomps her heeled sandal, “no, okay? But I couldn't stay there. It doesn't change anything. Bucky's still an old creep–”
Bucky sniffs but says nothing. The tension roils around you as you're caught between them. You can't keep doing this. You have to choose. 
“Naomi,” Bucky rasps as he approaches, “I won't throw you out. I know you have no where else–”
You cross your arms as your spine goes rigid. She rolls her eyes again. How much has she had handed to her and spat back? She had somewhere to go, she has a dozen people who want her, but you're not one of them anymore.
“If she stays, I'm leaving,” you declare, “so better make up your mind, Nay.”
You sidestep her, nearly brushing against her as she lets out a pathetic noise. You don't look back as you charge across the room. You're done being lost, you'll go home and deal with that mess. You can't live by Naomi's rules anymore.
“You can't do this,” she whines, “you know he'll choose you.”
You don't listen. You scurry down the hall and into the guest room. You close the door and lean against it, breathless.
The scene unfurls in your mind. Only nights before, Naomi on top of Bucky, taunting him. She blames him but you heard it all. She was begging him and he said no.
You march to the nightstand and grab your bag. You don't have much to your name, only a car declaring you as scum. The thought of going back to your mom chills you but you could drive up to your dad's. He can't turn you away if you're already there, can he?
You shove your few possessions into the bag and whip open the door. You're an adult, you need to stop expecting others to take care of you. You'll just grab your phone and be gone.
As you come out, you find Bucky standing with his back to you. He leans on the wall, his arm bent as if he’s cradling his head. You peer around at the empty room.
“I'm going–”
“You too?” He asks softly.
“I think I should. I don't want to put her out–”
“She left,” he murmurs and lets out a hiss, “don't think she'll be back.”
“Why do you say that? Bucky, what's wrong?”
“If you're going, please just do it,” he begs.
His voice is barely more than a croak. Is he crying? You near him, leaning to the side as you try to get a glimpse of him. He shies away so you grab his arm. He lets you turn him as he drops his hand from his cheek.
There's a bright red welt on his cheek bone and a gash just below his eye. You gasp and drop your bag. He blinks his injured eye and turns his face away.
“What happened?” You squeak.
“She just… she was upset–”
“Naomi did this?” You gasp.
He chuckles then winces, “those shoes she wears, they always looked painful, just didn't think like that.”
“What? She hit you with her shoe?” You exclaim, searching around him.
“She's gone,” he assures you, “think she scared herself even.”
“Bucky,” you step closer, “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologising?” He gives a rocky laugh.
“I… it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have confronted her like that–”
“Not the first time,” he shakes his head, “definitely not your fault.”
“Nothing, nothing, please. Don’t let me keep you. You need anything? Gas money?”
You take a breath and close your eyes. You feel worse leaving him like this. He says it’s not your fault but you can’t help but feel it is.
“Is… is it okay if I stay?” You flutter your lashes open.
“Only if you want to,” he tries to smile and once more reaches to his cheek.
“Oh, you need to get some ice on that,” you say.
“I look that bad?”
“I mean it, it’s swelling already,” you bend to pick up your bag and stride past him. 
You enter the kitchen and plunk your bag on the counter as you pass. You open the freezer and search around. You find a bag of frozen veggies and snatch the cloth from across the oven handle. You wrap up the cold package and turn to face Bucky as he shuffles in.
“Here,” you cross to him and hold out the icy packet.
He thanks you as he takes it and leans on the island, pressing it to his cheek. He groans as he plants his elbow. You smile nervously, unsure what to do next.
“Do you need Advil or something? Can I get you anything?” You offer.
“Please, please, I’m good,” he says, “you’ve done more than enough.” You can only see his one eye as the other is hidden behind the iced veggies, “you’re too sweet. Really.”
“I’m just doing what anyone would do,” you shrug.
“No, not anyone,” he assures you.
It’s hard to settle down for the night. The shadow of adrenaline follows you into the guest room and you try to close it out as the door clicks behind you. It’s the buzzing sensation of being overtired but slightly too addled to calm down.
You left Bucky in the living room. He seemed less than eager to turn in himself. Guilt nips at you but he insisted that you go to bed. It’s probably for the better. You assume he needs some time alone after a day like that.
You change into your pajamas and prop up your phone on the nightstand. You shut off the light and nestle into the fresh sheets, fragrant with fabric softener. Your nerves ease down as your eyes cling to the small screen glowing in the dark, the colours blurring together as your eyelids grow heavy.
You feel yourself sink into your subconscious. It’s a swirling black, turbulent but void. You feel like your swaying on a tide, rising and falling with a steady ebb and flow. From the shallowness that has you vaguely aware of the room to the deep sludge that makes your headache.
You wake with a start. You’re not sure what woke you but it’s completely black. Your phone doesn’t respond as you hit the home button. It’s dead.
You rub your eyes and yawn, feeling around for your glasses on the night table. You want to just roll over and fall back asleep but your bladder squeezes uncomfortably. You surrender and drag yourself from the bed.
You let yourself into the hall. The house is silent but a light glows still from down the hall. You cross the hall and dip into the bathroom. You take your time, your movement lazy with the dregs of your exhaustion.
You dry off your hands and go back into the hall. You stop and listen to the house. You hear something, a low, inconsistent noise. Something shuddering from the front room. You peek over at the guest  room door then back again.
It’s probably the wind or something. Bucky has to be asleep by now. You go into the front room and find it empty.
You go to turn off the light and let out a squeak of surprise. Bucky lays across the couch, his head propped against the armrest as he holds a whisky bottle against his chest.
“Hey, doll,” he slurs.
“Bucky,” you bat your lashes.
“What can I do for you, sweetheart?” He babbles before covering his mouth, stifling a belch.
“Are you… okay?” You inch closer and see how his head lolls.
“Fine,” he drones, his eye purplish blue as a large bump swells on his cheek, “I’m just… having a midnight snack.”
He wiggles the bottle and you glance over at the time digitally displayed under the television. You frown. It’s almost three in the morning. You cautiously edge along the couch, drawn by the onus of your own regretful drunken shame.
“It’s late,” you say as you stop beside him, “how about you save the rest?”
You grab the neck of the bottle and he clings to it a moment before letting it go. You nearly slosh it on yourself. You set it on the table behind you and face him again.
“I’m sorry,” he mopes, “I don’t drink… not alone.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him, “do you want some water?”
He closes his eyes, “please, I’m so embarrassed. I don’t want you to see me like this.”
“You know I won’t judge you. I was a bigger mess last night.”
He turns his head away from you. The difference between you and him is that you can’t just carry him off to his bed. You gently touch his arm and balance on the edge close to him, rubbing his shoulder.
“It’s okay to be sad about Naomi,” you coax.
He nods and keeps his face averted. You squeeze his arm, feeling the thick muscle of his bicep. The scent of alcohol ripples off of him.
“You still need to sleep though,” you say, “so why don’t you get up–”
He turns his head back suddenly and grabs your hand. There’s a desperate blaze behind his oceanic eyes. He clings to your tightly, “I’m not sad about her,” he garbles, “doll, I’m heartbroken…” he wiggles his nose as his eyes sparkle, “over you.”
“Bucky,” you murmur, “you're drunk.”
“I am,” he croons, “but I still feel the same. Doll, I only ever think of you.”
You sit there, speechless. You don’t know how to react. You want to chalk it up to whiskey and stress. You want to just get him to bed and pretend he never said it in the morning. Yet something else in you wants him more. You know you shouldn’t, but you do.
Even so, it can’t be like this.
“I… I like you, Bucky,” you slip your hand free of his and brush a shank of hair away from his forehead, “but I like you even more when you’re sober.”
“Mmmm,” he groans and drops his chin, “I’m sorry, doll.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you tap the tip of his nose, “just get up and go to bed. Sleep it off and we can talk in the morning.”
He nods and gulps thickly, “alright, doll. For you, I’ll do anything.”
He reaches up and braces the back of the couch. You stand as he pushes himself up, wobbling just slightly as he gets to his feet. You grab his arm, offering what little support you can. He smiles down at you and caresses your cheek as he sways.
“I’m dreaming, aren’t I?” He asks.
“Bed,” you remind him firmly.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
Hi, I started reading your stories and I love the, could I please request a modern!slightly older!Eddie x neighbour!reader? He can tell she always excited when texting on her phone, one day as he comes home, she comes out all dressed up for a date but later he finds out reader was ghosted and comforts her? Maybe smut? Maybe reader gets bruises/hickeys easily?
Fluff, jealous Eddie. Mdni. 18+blog.
Request by anon 💞
Eddie always noticed you. You were his next door neighbour, always friendly to him and he enjoyed talking to you. As well as being sweet, you were also funny and had a dry sarcastic wit that he was instantly taken with.
On a sunny day in June, he was returning from his shift as the local mechanic in the auto repair shop in town. As per usual you were sitting outside and basking in the sunshine, however every couple of minutes you would look at your phone and smile dreamily.
Come to think of it, Eddie had noticed that you were always texting and smiling secretly to yourself the last few days. He was curious at what was causing you to be so smiley and giddy.
He stops to chat for a bit and still feels that tug of wonder when you continue to text this unknown person with the biggest grin on your face. It was stupid but it made Eddie pouty, he was used to making you smile like that.
It didn't take very long for him to find out the roof of your giddiness. After work the next day, he stopped by the store and got a six pack of beer and figured he would ask you to join him for a drink.
Only when he got home you were locking up and he almost swallowed his tongue as he saw that you were dressed to the nines, wearing a dress that highlighted every inch of your body.
You smile at Eddie and grow flustered at the stunned look on his face, "You look amazing princess" he manages to say and your expression brightens in delight.
"Thanks, I have a date". Suddenly the images of you texting, the giddiness and almost shy way you would stare at your phone all made sense, the pieces clicked into place as he realised you must have texting the lucky dude or girl.
"His name is Andrew, I met him at work and we've been talking for a few weeks" Eddie listens to this and feels the swell of jealousy stir in his veins. Andrew was one lucky dude.
"Have fun, any funny business happens then you call me, okay?" He knows he's being protective but he likes you and doesn't want anything sinister happening to you.
You nod and kiss his cheek then hurry over to your car, Eddie watches you go, his cheeks burn with the imprint of your lips on his cheek.
Sullen Eddie settles down for a quiet night but is surprised when an hour later he hears the screech of your tires. He peers out the window and watches you get out, slam the door and head into your house.
Fuck, the guy must have been a dick. Making a split second decision, he decides to go and check on you. Anger burns in his veins at the thought of Andrew getting you upset.
He gently knocks on your door and you answer it, there's a trace of tears on your cheeks and Eddie fumes. "What did the fucker do?" he growls, you wipe your eyes and gesture for Eddie to come in.
"He didn't even show Eddie, I waited for like twenty minutes and texted him but he completely ghosted me" Not only was this guy an idiot but he was a stupid one at that.
Your tears tug at Eddie's heart and he pulls you into a hug. You snuggle close to him and lay your head on his chest.
"He's an asshole princess. If I ever run into him I'll kick his ass for making you cry" your sobs quieten and you let out an unmistakable giggle.
"If you let me take you on a date then believe me you would have the time of your life sweetheart" Eddie stiffens as he realises what he said, he can't take it back and honestly he doesn't want to take it back.
You smile impishly and the look on your face takes Eddie's breath away. "Then maybe you should take me on that date Munson, if you're so sure or yourself"
Like magnets you move even closer to each other and Eddie kisses you, feels heat rush through his body as you begin to kiss him back.
He kisses you passionately, moves to your neck and leaves love bites on your skin, then he stops and you make a little whimper of annoyance, glare at him. He trails a finger over the little bites that are blooming on your skin.
"Sorry princess but wooing first before the rest of the good stuff" he promises and you brighten at this.
"Alright Munson, colour me intrigued" Eddie makes a wow then to do his best to woo and make you happy.
Maybe he could sneak a few kisses before then though... 🤭
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ashxketchum · 4 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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honestly-oceanie · 1 year
You drew stars around my scars || Manhwa DILFS edition
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Synopsis: drawing or painting something on them
《Claude de Alger Obelia, Anastacius de Alger Obelia, Regis Adri Floyen, Abel Heilon, Gallahan Lombardi, Charente Crown, Dane Henstone, Lant Agriche | gn!reader》
{Fluff♡ | ▪︎imagine/scenario▪︎}
A/N: should I do the female leads/characters next?
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Who Made Me A Princess/ Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
Claude De Alger Obelia
"Emperor of the Obelian Empire"
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🦋 You were sitting on one of the couches provided on the Emperor's office per usual. Just laying there doing nothing eventually got you into boredom.
🦋 You started to think of something that may entertain you. Then your eyes come across the quill on Claude's office table. You suddenly remembered that day you spend with Athy.
🦋 The young princess managed to get ahold of some paint and offered if she could paint some doodle on you. You had been strict on neatness so this made you quite nervous inside yet you agreed with the young princess' request. She did told you to return the same favor to her, and you both had the joyous laugh and fun of your lives. Lily did scold the both of you after she caught you two.
🦋 Since it's only you and the Emperor, only he could be your victim. You ask if you could draw on him mindlessly, forgetting just who you were talking to. After a long moment of stunned silence, you finally realized that the person you were talking to is Claude de Alger Obelia.
🦋 As you were about to apologize, he says: "It's fine." Of course you were shock, contemplating if he did mean it or if it's your last day of living. After a while, you finally stood up and did as you wanted to.
🦋 As a matter of fact, he actually saw what happened that day, he could hear your rare laugh along with his daughter's. He decided to 'check' on what was happening and there he saw you both, filthy with paint yet happy. Thus, today he was quite shock by your sudden request, he won't ever admit it but he felt quite jealous seeing that.
🦋 It would be quite nice to do this to him while he's having his beauty rest, but only when you have the guts🤭
Who Made Me A Princess/ Suddenly, I Became A Princess One Day
Anastacius De Alger Obelia
"Former Emperor of the Obelian Empire"
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🦋 Let's set this by the time he's still possessed.
🦋 As Lady Jennette's personal attendant, you had always been around her as she grew up. You were kindhearted and gentle. Jennette really admires you a lot, she grew to see you as a parental figure of hers.
🦋 One day, you saw Jennette chatting with a man that seemed familiar for some reason. After debating with yourself whether you should interrupt or not, you remembered the reason you came looking for her.
🦋 Anastacius could see you walking forward from his peripheral vision but he continued to talk with his daughter.
"Lady Jennette, your afternoon tea is ready."
"Right of course! I'll see you next time Viscount!"
🦋 After Jennette left, you and Anastacius had a short staring contest before you left to go follow the young lady.
🦋 Jennette doesn't seem to mind the company of this certain Viscount Patterson yet you were rather suspicious of him, he just has this mysterious aura that you can't trust him just yet. However, you didn't voice out your doubts, you were just a mere servant you couldn't just interfere in your master's business that easily. Eventhough Jennette wouldn't mind at all
🦋 After some days, there seem to be no suspicious movement from him so you started to warm up to him a bit. What matters the most to you was Jennette's safety and happiness.
🦋 You and Jennette were doodling on each others arms, this always bring calm to Jennette and she enjoys doing this so it has became a habit between you both, sometimes Ijekiel does join when he has spare time but today he was quite busy so instead you were accompanied by Viscount Patterson. Jennette's friendly personality invited him as he happened to pass by, and here he is now seated beside you.
🦋 Jennette had gotten tired and decided to take a break. As she ate her biscuits she suggested for him to join and for you to draw on him as she is too tired to continue.
"May I?"
🦋 You asked him and he did agree, only because of his daughter. He was surprise at how good you are and compliment you for your talent. He asked if you were an artist before but you were not, though painting and sketching are hobbies of yours.
🦋 Jennette watch the interaction between you two, she was very happy and celebrating inside. Although you were kind and gentle, you're also very shy, she still remembers the time you first meet her. Your soft voice and stuttering at your introduction replays in her memory. Before, you couldn't even talk without a stutter at all, yet here you are now finally allowing yourself to mingle with others.
🦋 You were slowly warming up, and Anastacius could see that too.
Father, I Dont Want To Get Married!
Regis Adri Floyen
"Duke of the Floyen Duchy"
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🦋 At this very moment, Regis feels as the most fortunate man to be able to have you in this life.
🦋 Jubel is seated in front of you as you do a portrait of her. After you had finish, she excitedly rush to you. Seeing your finished masterpiece of her, Jubellian poured a waterfall of praises while gazing amazedly at you.
🦋 She fancied you even in the 'novel', you were the only one who genuinely cared for the villainess. You tried everything to break up Jubellian and Mikhail, knowing he wasn't sincere with her at all, yet it cause the connection between you both to cut off as Jubellian believes "you did not want for her to be happy". Despite all that, you still defended her during the accident even if it costed you your life.
🦋 The entire ordeal, Regis just watched your interaction with his daughter, very grateful that you are still a part in this life. The serenity of the sight in front of him brought Regis' heart into peace. This tranquility he wishes would last, but he knows now is not the right time, but eventually it will come. He has been given a second chance to right the wrongs so he must use this chance, right?
🦋 Jubel could feel some piercing eyes from behind her, she turned to scold max as she thought it was just him, but it was her father, gazing lovingly at them. Picking up on the hint, Jubel excuse herself so you and her father could spend some time.
🦋 Regis took the seat Jubel previously seated on, waiting for you to pick up on his presence. All of a sudden, Selena thought it would be a good opportunity to be the third wheel. You heard a chirping on your side, knowing it was either Selli or Eddie, you took a look at your side only to yelp, surpise to find the empty spot replaced by Regis and Selena on his shoulder.
🦋 Afterwards you started some small talk with him while petting Selli, who moved to lay on your lap. Since you had already made a portrait and painting of Regis before, you thought why don't he become your canvas this time.
🦋 Although he was confuse on what you meant he agreed, you hold his arm and started drawing some cute animals you could think of there. Although it wasn't his first time seeing your artworks, it never ceases to amaze him.
🦋 He loves to give compliments and praises to your artworks and you. In this life, he will cherish you always and never take you for granted.
🦋 While you two are having a lovey-dovey moment, Jubel watches from the door, she was very happy for the two of you, however someone was not. Selena was not happy, not because of the two of you but because you still haven't made a portrait of her. Don't worry 'cause Edward comforted her as he too, still hasn't gotten his own portrait.
Author Of My Own Destiny/ I Became The Wife Of The Male Lead
Abel Heilon
"Duke of the North"
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🦋 You and Abel had a slow burn romance which Fiona greatly regrets now. At first she thought it was a good idea and she really liked how it turned out. But right now she just wants to shove the two of you together in one place so these longing stares will finally come to an end.
🦋 Even Siegren understands the situation very well and wants to help pushing it too. Fiona herself is tired of you two, just why did it had to be slow burn?!
🦋 Finally, Siegren and Fiona had come up with a plan. A few plans as a matter of fact. Though hopefully they won't have to use all of it.
🦋 The first two plans failed miserably. But they say third time's a charm.
🦋 You were invited by Siegren and Fiona, they said they wanted to spend some time with you and have 'fun'. You, of course agreed, you love these kids too much to even reject their puppy eyes. You guys are on Fiona's room, some art materials scattered on the floor waiting to be use.
🦋 You have no idea why they thought of this, but currently you three are running around the room having a paint war, attacking whoever you get ahold of with some messy drawing or even a doodle with the paint you have in your hands.
🦋 Now Fiona's room isn't presentable at all not even a little decent, but none of you cared, even Fiona and Siegren are having too much fun that they almost forgot their mission. Luckily Abel came in at point.
🦋 Abel was stunned at what had happen to Fiona's room, he scolded the children for their reckless behavior. Now things weren't going as planned. You couldn't stand to see the kids being scolded for you have a very soft spot for them. You just said what you could think of at that moment; inviting Abel to join you guys instead. You were surprise you even had the guts to interrupt him but words can't be taken back once they're said. Fiona and Siegren were internally celebrating, you managed to sail the boat without even knowing!
🦋 Abel was pondering for awhile if he should really join you guys or scold you too. But he succumb to his desire and join you three, though just most likely you. The kids immediately run off on the corner of the room to avoid disturbing you two, then acted as though they were doing something. You give a smile to Abel as he sat down beside you. You raise the paint brush on your hand, silently asking him if you could draw on him and he nodded.
🦋 You looked serious as you were doing your task but really, your heart was beating too fast it could leap out of your chest, you tried your best to look normal as possible, unbeknownst to you Abel was on a similar situation. Fiona and Siegren just staring at you both intensely, praying and hoping that this plan would succeed.
🦋 After you had finish Abel stared at your drawing for awhile before grabbing your wrist and the paint brush on your hand, taking you by surprise but also intrigued by what he is gonna do. Instead of drawing, he seemed to write some letters on your arm but you couldn't read it properly as he was covering it. After he had finally written the words he couldn't say, he let you read it.
🦋 Your eyes went wide as you proccess the words written on your arm by Abel Heilon himself. This was a sudden confession but Abel couldn't hold it in anymore. There was a long moment of silence, Abel was growing nervous, maybe this wasn't the right time, but you proved him wrong as you jumped on him to tackle him with a hug. You repeated the words he wrote to you as you stared at his eyes.
🦋 Just the two of you on your own world... until Fiona and Siegren cheered loudly to celebrate this success, you two had almost forgetten they were there too.
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life/ I Shall Master This Family
Gallahan Lombardi
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🦋 You and Gallahan are always willing to try anything new in your relationship, that's how you two have had a lot of habits and tradition you both just randomly made up.
🦋 Just like now, when you saw a quill on the table, you dipped it with its ink, and did some cute little drawings on his face while your other hand keeps him steady. He just sat still waiting for you to finish what you were doing without interrupting you.
🦋 Once you were done, you run around to find a hand mirror then gave it to him so he could see what you've done to him, he was surprise as it was his first time seeing you draw something even though it is on his face, but he liked how good your drawings are even if it's simple.
🦋 He feign sadness as you laugh at him. Promising to help him clean up after you feel satisfied. He wasn't gonna back down that easily, whilst you were trying to calm down, he swiftly got ahold of the quill and did the same favor on you, it caught you off guard.
🦋 Instead of cleaning up, you ended up having a competition on who had the best drawing. Tia was walking around when she saw what you two were doing, it seems fun she wanted to join and of course you both let her.
🦋 In the end, you both made tia win, you and Gallahan now look messier than ever as you let tia draw a lot, what's important was that you had tia have some fun. Since tia didn't had much inks on her, you let the maids take care of her.
🦋 You and Gallahan are helping each other remove the inks on each other. Being together brought you both in happiness, no matter the circumstance you may face you know you both can pull through. Afterall you promised one another to be there through sickness and health. For now, while there is still chance you try to do everything you can before the time is up. One's presence may fade but their memories will never cease to exist.
Please Give Me The Pacifier!
Charente Crown
"Heir to the Crown Duchy"
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🦋 I have mixed feelings with this man so I don't know what I'm doing here.
🦋 Kaishan loves to have you around, because of you Kaishan had become rebellious to his father, thus Charente had allowed you to visit his manor at some appointed time(s) which honestly scared you.
🦋 But overtime Charente had gotten used to your presence, he eventually let you visit at anytime you wished to which made you and Kaishan celebrate with joy.
🦋 You had thought about doing this activity so Kaishan could have some fun. Your company is enough for Kaishan to have fun and be happy. Unfortunately, you had forgotten to bring the materials with you, you apologize to the cute kid but he told you not to worry, he left the room in a hurry but not before telling you to not follow him as he will be back soon.
🦋 Kaishan run off to find his father and told him the situation. After some minutes of waiting, Kaishan finally returned... with his father carrying the materials needed. Thankfully you had gotten accustomed with his existence so you did not mind him around anymore.
🦋 At first, you were just calmly teaching him how to do some basic painting starting with shapes first yet he decided to start a war by smudging some paint on your face on purpose, he gave a cheeky apology afterwards but you knew you weren't putting down without a fight, so you return the same favor to him. You and Kaishan are now filthy with paint yet Charente didn't stop you at all, you both were having a good time.
🦋 You didn't know, but as much as you make Kaishan happy, you also make Charente happy internally, he is already satisfied with the proximity you two have and yet he can't help but feel jealous of his own son right now.
🦋 You could feel him burning holes at the back of your head so you turn to look at him. His eyes seems to say something, you had an inkling on what it may be but you did not dwell much on it, afterall he was a man that's very hard to read, you'd rather avoid the consequences than to suffer from it because of some misunderstanding.
Tricked Into Becoming The Heroine's Stepmother
Duke Dane Henstone
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🦋 His situation is quite similar to Charente's but successful thanks to the help of his little pumpkin that made it possible.
🦋 You were at the garden with Pierta, watching as she eats one of her favorite candy, pumpkin candy. You are aware of how much she loves her pumpkin and wanted to do something special for her, unfortunately, you had no idea how to cook nor bake so you think of other ideas.
🦋 You remembered in your childhood how much you loved to have the ink spilled on your skin as you draw whatever you could think of, you always end up getting scolded by nanny, in the end the entire household made sure that any ink or something that may color your skin will be out of reach for you. At first you threw tantrums but eventually you grew to forget about it.
🦋 Luckily, you always bring a pen with you. You thought about drawing some cute pumpkins on Pierta. The little one complied when you ask her to give you her hand, then you started drawing some pumpkins with funny faces. Pierta seemed to like it too much as she reaches out to you again asking you to do more.
🦋 You chuckled nervously, you don't wish for the little pumpkin to have the same habit, just thinking about it made you sweat anxiously you don't want to face the wrath of Duke Henstone. Pierta notice some eyes and looked up to see her father, she immediately stood up and ran to him excitedly. You bowed to the Duke as you greet him, Pierta could understand that her father likes you and decided to be the cupid.
🦋 She drags her father towards you and have him seated, she explained to him what you were doing to her a few moments ago, she asks if you could do the same to her father. You tried to make up an excuse "Only if the Duke agrees with it." And of course he would, he'll do anything his daughter asks of him.
🦋 In the end, you gave in, how could you resist the little pumpkin. You were seriously staring at what you were doing while the Duke is also busy staring at you, none of you notice the chestnut cupid sneakily running away. After you had finish you looked up to him but immediately looked away after he stared back at you. It seems the little pumpkin went away huh. You finally started small conversation with him which he has been waiting to as he couldn't do so, something always happens whenever he wants to talk to you.
🦋 He'll be sure to thank his princess, knowing well that it was her who gave him this opportunity.
The Way To Protect The Female Lead's Older Brother
Lante Agriche
"Former Head of the Black Agriche"
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🦋 Nah. Just Nah. Runn🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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Honestly, Oceanie
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w2soneshots · 3 months
Private -W2S
Words: 0.8k+
Warnings: eluding to sex happening.
In which you and Harry have a private but not secret relationship, then on his birthday you do something that makes the fans go crazy.
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Liked by wrotoshaw and 1,108,295 others
y/username: my week🩵 ps. thank you for an incredible night @taliamar🎤⭐️
taliamar: thanks for coming babe❤️
faithloisak: STUNNING
y/nfanpage21: harry in the 2nd and 4th pic!🥹🥹
user31479682: you know she's w2s's gf when she plays mario cart
user71542520: who’s jumper is that in the last pic?😉
Three years ago Harry followed me on instagram. He liked a few of my posts, I followed him back, he messaged me, we exchanged numbers, continued to text, then he eventually asked me on a date. 2 months later I was officially his girlfriend. We keep our relationship pretty private but everyone knows we're together. Sometimes I post something and his hands in the shot or I'm wearing one of his jumpers, the fans go crazy. If he's on a side cast and they're talking about their weeks he always refers to me as his girlfriend: "my girlfriend got me this." "my girlfriend said that,"
Today it's Harry's birthday. I organised a meal out with all of our friends for later and last night, after he went to sleep I decorated the apartment with balloons, laid his presents out on the table (which I also decorated) and placed his cake at the back of the fridge. Once I was finished I crawled back into bed.
"Morning." I heard Harry croak from beside me. I turned excitedly towards him. "Morning, birthday boy!" He groaned "how long have you been awake?" I huffed out a laugh "like an hour, or something." Harry chuckled. "I love you so much." He said with his eyes locked on mine. "I love you too. Now come on, I wanna show you what I got you!" I said jumping out of the bed and attempting to pull Harry out with me.
We don't usually go crazy with presents since most things we would just buy anyway. So I decided to book us a 10 day holiday to the Maldives, making sure to organise it with the boys so he had time off. Along with some new golf stuff, a childish hoodie, new balance and a custom dartboard for his office. He seemed very pleased with his presents and was so excited to spend over a week on a hot island with me.
We had some breakfast/lunch and FaceTimed Harry's family before we needed to get ready for dinner. We had a shower then I dried and straightened my hair, put on some makeup and got dressed into a pair of blue jeans, a cute white top and some matching white heels, along with my Dior bag. Harry was dressed and ready hours before I was so sat on the couch until I was finished. I quickly sprayed myself with my favourite perfume, applied some lipgloss then left the bedroom. "I'm ready!" I said with a twirl. Harry laughed "you look amazing." I smiled "and you look handsome." I said with a smile. He blushed. On our way out I quickly grabbed the white box (containing the cake) out of the fridge.
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Liked by taliamar and 902,187 others
y/username: making him take pics of me on his birthday🫣
faithlouisak: Omg get in my bed
-> y/username: will do😉
mollymae: 😍❤️
y/nfanpage21: THE CAPTION AHHHH
user29473168: loveee this fit!!!
After I made Harry take pictures of me outside our apartment, we got an uber to the restaurant. We were obviously the first ones there and were quickly taken to a long table that had silver balloons on strings floating in the middle (as per my request). Everyone soon began arriving. First was JJ, then Ethan and Faith, followed by Freezy, Callux, Vik, Simon and Talia, Tobi, Josh and Freya and lastly Theo. Once everyone was seated we ordered our food and began chatting.
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y/username just posted a new story!
Since we've been together nether me nor Harry have ever posted each other's face. But I'd took a cute picture of him at dinner so just decided to post it to my story, not before asking Harry if it was alright of course. The fans immediately started going crazy, twitter, insta, TikTok, they were all full of people talking about it. Me and Harry lay comfortably in our bed, laughing while scrolling through twitter and reading the comments of a repost of my story.
"Thank you for today." Harry whispered. I turned my head towards him "you're so welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it." I replied. "You know what would make this birthday even better?" He said with a raised brow. I chuckled "alright then. If that's what it takes." I shrugged my shoulders at the end. Harry smirked, then grabbed my thigh and brought it over him so I was sat on his lap. "This seriously is the best birthday ever."
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taesanluv3r · 13 days
chronicles of an overly in-love woonhak.
kim woonhak x reader
entirely in woonhak's pov (he's just yapping to himself the whole time), this is so dumb n stupid but i think it's silly cute idk 😓 cuss words!! lowercase intended, pls excuse any spelling mistakes / grammatical errors <3 enjoy :3
wc: 1,401
"relax woonhak, it's not that hard"
all i needed to do was make a move. seriously, how hard could it be? i mean it was easy to help riwoo make a move on the girl he liked, so why would it be hard for me to make a move on someone myself?
but of course, the difference was that riwoo was hitting on someone random from his dance class while i, little pathetic old kim woonhak, just had to have a crush on the ever-so untouchable, and insanely stunning…
yn fucking ln.
i mean she's like- way way way out of my league, right? the other day i confided in taesan, i always talk to him when i feel lost...well only when i'm lost in the thoughts of her. that's only cause she's rather close to him, they're like siblings who aren't related at all- i think it's pretty sweet. otherwise, i wouldn't ever confide in that menace.
but he knows her very well, and he knows me very well, it's the perfect combination. anyways, i told him about my feelings for her, how she absolutely drove me insane. i mean who wouldn't go insane? she's just so effortlessly...her, in a good way, of course. god nothing bad about her would ever come out of my mouth...she's just perfect.
okay maybe I'm lying, she can be a little stubborn and bitchy sometimes...but that's just another thing I can go on and on and on talking about. i'm always talking about her.
taesan laughed at me, he told me i was oblivious and delusional if i couldn't see that she felt the exact same way. i mean can you believe that? she feels the same?! about me?! about kim woonhak?!
i don't believe it for a second...okay, i lied again. the statement did fuel my stomach up with butterflies and make my head spin and cheeks flush and all that…jazz.
and then he said one thing, the one thing that's making me think about everything all over again.
"if you love her so much, make a move!"
and so now here i am, sitting in bed at one o' clock in the morning. only eight hours until i have to go to school. which means that i only have eight hours to construct the most perfect plan to finally make my move. i mean how hard could it be? it's just like chess! not that i'm good at chess, i actually kinda suck at it…
"ugh cut it out woonhak, you're wasting your time!"
she probably doesn't even like me back. maybe she's just as nice as she is to me with everyone else. and surely that drawing she made me was just a friendly gift! and of course the poems she sent me were probably drafts for someone else…though she did send one with my name in it once…
wait a fucking minute.
OKAY, okay calm down woonhak. no need to get your hopes up too unecessarily high…
this does give me confidence though, just keep thinking positively and make your move at school FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!
"i got this!"
maybe i lied a little to my reflection in the mirror whilst getting ready for school this morning. cause she was right there when i arrived, alone and ready for me to go tell her I love her, but fear got the best of me…as per usual.
so now i'm here, in fucking science class having to listen to professor lee rant about whatever problem he had with lamarck's theory as opposed to darwin's. interesting one though, i know yn has a real interest in the theory of evolution and just about everything else biology related- maybe not plant biology, she didn't look too happy when we were told we're gonna study plant science next week.
just as i started thinking about her all over again, a piece of paper struck my head from behind. it landed in between my back and my chair, not very comfortable. i turned to reach for it, checking out whoever threw it at me as i did so.
yn ln shoots her unique smile at me, her lips tilting crookedly. she never smiled with her teeth because she doesn't quite like how it looks. i strongly disagree, i think it's adorable when her uneven fangs show, it's just another peculiar thing i get to love about her.
i stare too long, too long that she has to raise her eyebrows to remind me of the paper i was supposed to retrieve from behind me and read. my cheeks were probably redder than the ripest of strawberries- ironically, her favourite fruit.
the page was off-white, a cute rilakkuma print bordering the lined-sheet…classic yn ln and her cutesy stationary. i couldn't help but smile as i opened it to find her neat, yet absurdly tiny handwriting.
i admired it for a second, not quite reading the actual note just yet, but once i did…
the ink was pink, one of the gel-pens she usually used to write her overly pretty notes for literature. and the words she scribbled on the page were simple. well, as simple as such a complex and interesting girl like her could ever get.
"hi woonhak, i like you. like a lot. see you under the bleachers at lunch. :) <3 ★"
not even a question. if it weren't for the doodles of hearts, smiley faces, and stars all over the note i would've deemed it a threat.
another lie. i should stop lying. she could tell me to throw myself off a cliff or threaten me with a knife and i'd still be flustered and in love.
the lunch bell came a lot sooner than i calculated. perhaps my brain had been overstimulated by the test i had just finished, or maybe time is just that unpredictable when you're anxious.
i desperately needed to piss- another lie that i told myself to postpone the possible embarrassment i might encounter with my crush under the bleachers today. fuck. why am i so nervous?
i decided it's best to just YOLO and speed over to her usual spot under the bleachers. what's the worst that could happen? you know...besides her revealing it was all a prank and then totally making fun of me!!!!!!! ha ha...ha...
i'm cooked.
she was already there, a slight worry on her face as if she had been waiting and wondering where i had been. i was about to mutter an apology for being late, saying i needed to go to the bathroom and such but she didn't let me talk.
"i know you like me, woonhak"
at this point i was shitting sweat.
i was interrupted.
"you took too long to say anything and frankly, i got impatient. cause i like you too- like- a lot. lol"
lol, she ended every serious sentence with that abbreviation to lighten the mood- cute.
all i could do was chuckle in relief.
"can we kiss now?"
she asks, her words coming out a little stale and hasty, but sweet. in a way that made my heart break and melt into bits and pieces. who am i kidding though, she does anything and i'll melt into bits and pieces.
her lips halted my chatter. she tastes like an odd mixture of banana milk and…honey garlic fried chicken- but it tasted kind of good...?
remind me to ask her where she got her lunch from cause...damn.
the kiss lasted longer than i would've earlier expected, her hands were in my hair and mine held her waist. i had to bend down a little, she's not that short but she's definitely not tall. not as tall as me, that is.
alas we seperated. she giggled softly and i can see a faint pink tint brushed against her cheeks as she caught her breath. then she looked up at me, with the most precious set of eyes. it didn't last long as her complexion changed completely in a matter of seconds before these words left her mouth:
"ask me out, loser"
and that's just the push i needed.
"yn ln, be my girlfriend and take me to whatever place you got the fried chicken your lips tasted like!"
she giggled again- i swear a braincell of mine disappears every time she so much as smiled- stepping forward to hug me, which i happily accepted by the way…she smells good. she smells like a...fresh...teddy bear? yeah.
"i can't believe you actually like me back" i blurted out, watching as she stuck a chicken wing into her mouth. the sauce got on her face and i helped her wipe it off like the gentleman that i am.
"and i can't believe you confided in taesan, of all people!" her words were muffled as she chewed.
"whatever babe, now why don't you eat first and talk later"
she almost chokes as she stares at me with this bewildered look on her face. how could a person be so adorable? like? this???? this cutie??? SHES my girlfriend???!!!???
she speaks with half a drumstick in her mouth and her eyes were opened wide.
the end.
LMAOOO idek wht i was going for in this one 😭 i pulled this straight out of my drafts tbh </3 reblogs n feedbacks r vv appreciated!! love u tysm for reading. love, kona.
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sangoqueenkoko · 4 months
"it's not what you think it is"
Drabble prompt: page 1: #50 = "it's not what you think it is."
Warnings? Nope! At least, I don't think so.
Contains Furina, Charlotte and Neuvillette of course!
757 words.
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Well, well, well...
Look what we have here.
(Y/N), one of Fontaine's best lawyers.
The lawyer every caught criminal wishes to have as their defence, but Celestia forbids it if you are on the opposite side. They will certainly go to jail for whatever crime they committed, no matter how good or bad their alibi. If they're guilty, you will easily find that out. And vice versa.
But here you are, in the Iudex's office, standing in front of his desk as he sat with some paperwork of a court case that had just concluded. You were on the prosecutor's side of a robbery where the criminal took every piece of valuables they could hold and ran.
"Great work today, (L/N), as per usual," Neuvillette said approvingly and nodded as he put the current paperwork on the desk before him. Before he stood up and walked over to you with his usual soft eyes and smile.
You looked up at him as he lightly kissed your cheek.
Yes, you read that right.
You and Neuvillette have been secretly seeing each other without anyone noticing, not even Furina. Every 'date' you both go on is something subtle. It could just talking, he loves listening to you talk. He’s a great listener. And you love listening to him talk, his voice is smooth and calming. If you were to go out on a walk through the city or eat together, you would eat in his office where no one would suspect it, rather than in public. If one were to be let into the office simultaneously, one would think it's an important meeting… somehow, that may last a while, considering if you both eat there.
But when no one is there, things are different. Very different.
Neuvillette isn't one for physical affection, but he likes the kisses on the cheek and the back of the hands. And if he's in a good mood, a small kiss on the lips. Maybe. But that depends on both parties: him as well as you.
Aside from that, another case you were working on was significant; it reached all corners of Fontaine via mouth or The Steambird. Charlotte, whom you had gotten to know more about the more you spoke to her about cases and general day-to-day life. But in terms of work, she was due to talk to you and Neuvillette about the now-concluded trail to write in The Steambird, as the rest of Fontaine want to know what the Iudex and Jurist think of the whole ordeal.
But the two of you talked enough to make you friends.
"Not bad yourself, Monsieur" You smiled in return as you stood on your tiptoes to quickly return the light but sweet kiss. He liked it when you called him that. Not because it is a part of his title, because it is, but you just like saying it. As you aren't from Fontaine, you've never really had to say it, but now you can, you think it rolls off the tongue. "I think it's interesting how you, a stoic yet gentle being, can hold such trials like that yet not let your emotions slip."
"Ah, mon amour, but it's all with time past. I have done this for centuries; I have been used to this routine for a while now," he says as he gently lifts your chin to look at him with his index finger. His soft blue moonstone eyes meet your stunning (E/C) ones.
You both got lost in each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity, but it was only for a few short seconds.
The space between you two closed as he then pulled you closer by your waist before pressing his soft lips against yours. Both of you are immersed in the moment~
FLASH. Followed by a short CLICK.
"Monsieur Neuvillette!" the both of you hear towards the door. You two broke away from the moment before looking in that direction. Only to see an utterly shocked and flabbergasted Furina. Charlotte is standing beside her, Kamera in hand. That would be where the flash came from, "Mx. (L/N)! U-Uh-! What is the meaning of this??!"
Good luck trying to get Charlotte to not write about this in The Steambird this week.
"Lady Furina..!" Neuvillette began in a mild panic, his usual calm and collected demeanour slipping as you gently pushed yourselves apart and away from each other. Both your faces are different shades of blush.
"it's not what you think it is."
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it’s exactly what you think it is lmao
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