#she never believes anything i tell her it drives me insane
cammie · 1 year
every day i wake up and my mother accuses me of more insane things. i have got to move out
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babydipper · 8 days
“How did you know how to do it?”
“Do what?”
“Stitch me up.”
“It's just sewing.”
“And the IV?”
Jazz’s mouth opens, then closes as she also closes her eyes. He lets her think about the answer, a good enough lie. “A friend had a doctor phase a few years ago. We would try to do a lot of things on fake skin before she moved on to tattooing.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I am telling the truth. Look, I had- I had a weird childhood, so sometimes I had to improvise.”
“No, I believe you,” he says, and he means it. It's so stupid she couldn't make it up. There's also a part of his still light-headed brain that can translate weird childhood and improvise into what it truly means. Maybe she has lied, but not about the thing he thought she would, and it counts for something. The wind on the roof gives him shivers. “Why would you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Help me out. It's none of your business.”
Jazz watches him attentively and there's something about it that makes his muscles tense, body fully ready to jump. She tilts her head just slightly. “We live together,” she points out as if it explains everything. As always, it doesn't. Then she bites her lip. “I- I have never had anyone to catch me if I fall. I guessed you don't have anyone like this either.”
It hits him harder than the fucking bullet last night. “You think I would catch you.”
Jazz smiles and it's full of mischief. Then, like a fucking psycho she is, she leans back out the edge of the building.
He has her arm in an iron grip before he can think about it and pulls so hard, she stumbles forward and falls onto him, laughing, bouncing back like a tennis ball. “Are you fucking insane?”
Jazz just laughs harder, her forehead on Jason's chest, her arm still firmly kept in his hand. “Now we both know you would catch me.”
“You are so full of shit,” he grumbles, but the vibration on his skin manages to calm his heart back to a rational tempo. “You could have died.” It makes her burst out into a fit of giggles. “I got shot last night, you dipshit, I wouldn't be able to jump after you.” Not to mention the lack of proper equipment.
“Sorry I needed an outlet after literally saving your ass.”
Jason closes his eyes, trying to contain the laughter, “I will push you.” The wound was on his inner thigh, not his ass, so she can fuck right off for all he cares.
“I'd like to see you try,” she bites back. “You should have this checked out, by the way. Are you even vaccinated?”
“No need to.”
“I'll drive,” she gets off him, deaf to anything he says, and starts to climb down.
Jason follows. She doesn't even know the address. “Like hell, you will.”
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star-girl69 · 9 months
Fade Into You
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!AphroditeCabin!Reader
sypnosis: you fell first, but clarisse fell harder. requested by anonymous!
a/n: decided to feed y’all today….. two fics i’m a monster that just creates and creates. this was so funny bc i kept accidentally writing angst and i had to stop myself. they’re allowed to have crushes on each other. it’s ok. this was hard anyways i hope you all enjoy!!
Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
warnings: just so cutesy, swearing, mentions of violence, mentions of blood and injury, soft clarisse i looooovvvvveeeeee you, tell me if i missed anything!!
Your chest heaves. You’ve never ran that fast or that far before in your life. Your satyr protector runs ahead to get the healers, and you crash against some random building- a tool shed, maybe?
You groan, crouching down to clutch at your lower leg sporting a large gash running blood. You don’t remember how it happened. Maybe it was when you fell? You could have sliced it open on an unfortunately sharp stick.
You don’t even want to think about the fact that the stupid monster thing chasing you could have gotten close enough to claw at you.
“Hey, hey,” someone says, crouching down next to you. She’s wearing an orange shirt. Her hair is curly, her eyes are pretty and brown, and oxygen isn’t getting to your brain so she kind of seems like an angel. “Oh, wow,” she mutters, looking at your leg. “One second, ‘kay?”
“Wait,” you say, grabbing onto her forearm. She looks up at you.
“I’m going two steps away, dummy.” She laughs, and you’ll remember that sound for the rest of your life.
She leaves you, and you almost want to cry because you feel so alone. You’ve just been told you’re a demigod, then you were forced to run through the woods, your heart is still hammering and your leg fucking burns.
But she was right. It was only two steps, and she comes back, the door of what must be some sort of storage shutting behind her.
She leans back down and presses a towel against your gash.
You hiss.
“You’re not.” She laughs again. More beautiful music in your ears.
“I’m not,” she agrees.
You fall into silence, it’s so dark out, but you can see everything about her so clearly.
“You can stop breathing so heavily,” she whispers, the shouting of your satyr protector getting closer, along with what must be the healers. “Camp Half-Blood is surrounded by a magical barrier. You’re safe here. Well, at least, no monsters are gonna get you.
“O-okay,” you mumble. You aren’t sure if you believe her. You don’t think you believe anything anymore.
The healers push her away, you’re so so tired, and she stands up, dusting off her hands.
“Thank you, Clarisse,” one of the healers says. “We’ll take it from here.”
The purpose of Clarisse La Rue’s entire existence seems to be to drive you insane.
The way her arms flex when she wields her spear, the way she lifts her shirt up to dab at sweat on her brow; and the way you can see her toned stomach and the faintest hint of abs you would actually kill to touch. The way she smiles, even though it’s never really genuine, and the way she laughs when she’s making fun of someone.
She was the first person you met at camp, and you’re pretty sure she doesn’t even remember it, yet alone know your name.
It was ironic, as the daughter of Aphrodite, to be quietly pining over someone from the distance. And it sucked, but maybe you would just always have this quiet crush on Clarisse, and you learned to take it like you took your breakfast.
Until the start of this summer, when everyone came back to camp, it was alive again, and it all changed. And now you’re fucked.
You smile, watching a few of the younger campers scream about how amazing the lake is. Summer’s just started. It’s so beautiful this time of year. They didn’t have as traumatic experiences as you, no monsters chased them right up to the barrier of camp. The lake is huge and so blue it seems otherworldly- probably because it is.
You slam into something.
It’s an awkward flare of limbs and muttered obscenities, but you manage to keep yourself upright by falling back into a very convenient tree.
“Sorry,” you say, looking up and expecting to make eye contact with anyone but her.
You haven’t been face to face with Clarisse in four years. You mouth snaps shut, and you’re sure you look like a terrified deer in headlights.
She’s frozen just like you.
“W-watch where you’re going,” she hisses, pushing you farther into the tree as she walks past you.
Did Clarisse just stutter?
Clarisse stares at you.
You blush like you’re about to turn into a flamingo.
The cycle repeats.
This year, the Ares and Aphrodite cabins were paired together to share the field for sword practice just before dinner. The sun is hidden by the trees, providing some nice shade as you frown at all the Ares kids sparring like their lives depend on it.
While Aphrodite kids are not the most naturally skilled in fighting, you’re still demigods, and you still have to know how to protect yourselves.
Matty, a Ares child and your sister Tyla’s boyfriend, already sparred three times, winning against his siblings, then sparred with Tyla once; which just ended with her getting bored after a minute and dropping her sword before jumping into his arms.
You watch random people spar. Everyone moves around you, Tyla and Matty are on top of each other next to you on the bench, everyone walks around you to collect their water bottles from the table behind you.
“Aren’t you gonna spar, Y/N?” Tyla asks, fiddling with Matty’s hands.
“No,” you laugh.
“That’s against the rules.”
You know that voice, you hear that annoyingly angelic voice in your dreams.
Clarisse sits down next to you. You can hear Tyla smiling. Only a few of your siblings who can be trusted to keep a secret know about your wretched crush. You’re probably blushing.
“Uh, what?” you say, looking in her direction but not risking actually looking at her.
“You have to spar,” she says, like it’s painfully obvious, kicking out her legs.
“I’ll do it tomorrow,” you shrug.
“Sounds like you’re scared, Y/N,” Matty muses.
You shoot him a bored look. “Sounds like you’re whipped, Matty.”
Tyla is currently in Matty’s lap, her hands in his hair.
“Oh, definitely,” he says, turning towards Tyla with a sweet smile on his face and she coos and immediately attaches her face to his.
“Oh, Gods,” you mutter, turning away from the two of them having borderline sex on the bench.
Clarisse laughs.
You clench your fist, you feel like you’re gonna explode being so close to her and not able to climb up into her lap and kiss her like a woman starved.
“You still have to spar, you know.”
“Are you going to tell on me?”
“Hm, no. I won’t have to.”
You finally look towards her, if only because you’re confused, but she’s looking straight out at the the distance, where a certain centaur is making his way to the fields-
“Oh, fuck,” you hiss, immediately jumping up and scrambling for a sword from the pile behind you.
You turn around, hoping one of your siblings is free so you can spar with them-
The sword is ripped out of your hands.
“That one sucks,” Clarisse says, simply, while you stand there with your mouth open. She rifles through the swords. “Use this one instead.”
The one she hands you does seem a lot easier to hold. Not too heavy, not too light.
How the hell could she tell which one is best for you just by looking at you?
“Matty,” Clarisse says. “Chiron’s coming.”
Tyla and Matty both hop up, giggling at they make their way towards one of the marked circles.
As you’re left there with Clarisse, it suddenly hits you that after four years of simple indifference, she’s talking to you like she knows you. Or like she wants to know you.
You like her too much to question it. You want her too much to be bothered as to why she’s giving you five minutes of her time.
Clarisse walks away. You thought it was going to happen, so your heart feels this sort of heavy that is indescribable, but she turns around.
“Are you coming?” she asks, deadpan.
“Oh. Uh, yeah,” you say, sticking your sword under your arm and cracking your knuckles. With Chiron showing up, she leads you to the marked circle all the way at the edge of the field, the start of the woods, the very last one.
She stops and turns around, this sort of nonchalant but smug look on her face. She reaches forward and bats your hands away from each other with a single swat that leaves you so shocked from the feeling of her skin on hers that your hands fall to your sides.
“Stop that. You’ll hurt ‘em.”
Here, right in front of the trees, the sun shining through the gaps shines off of Clarisse’s tan skin and her bronze armor in a way that makes her look otherworldly.
Clarisse’s that kind of pretty where you just never want to stop staring at her. The kind of pretty where you just want to fade into her and be next to her; the kind of pretty where nothing compares to her but it just watches her too.
Like the sun behind her, it isn’t jealous, it just admires her and shines off her skin.
She’s smirking at you, her knees bending into an offensive position, her spear pointing at you.
“He’s watching,” she taunts, and you’re really not in the mood for a lecture and the loss of dessert privileges, so you copy her.
“I’m not the best-”
She spins forward, spear arcing toward you. You yelp, raising your sword up to block her spear. They slam together.
“You’ll do fine,” she smiles, so smug in a way that makes you want to slap her and kiss her all at once.
“Whatever,” you mumble as she pulls back.
But you feel a little more confident with her praise, launching a surprise attack. She seems a little shocked, but she blocks it, probably a bit closer than normal.
“Feisty,” she murmurs.
“What the hell does that even mean?”
She launches her own attack, more force behind it this time, and it’s harder to stop her, but you do, you push her back.
“It means you’re exactly like I thought you were.”
You frown, because what is she even saying, but she launches another attack, smiling brightly as you block it, her eyes never leaving your form.
It’s a blurry of your heartbeat in your ears, her smile, the clash of her spear and your sword, the rest of the field coming to life with the sound of metal on metal, wins and losses.
Your arm is growing heavy.
But you keep your eyes open, blocking her attacks and waiting for an opening you’re not sure will ever come.
Finally, she reveals her side, and you swing, your sword clanging as it hits her metal armor.
She looks down at your sword and then you.
When she looks up again, it’s never the same.
“Did you let me win that first day?”
You’re in the woods with her, so many months after that first day, and it all still feels like it was yesterday. You’re laying on a blanket on the soft grass, facing each other, limbs tangled together and her arm around you.
“Hm?” she says, slightly sleepy.
“When we sparred?”
“Oh,” she smiles, yawns. “Yeah, I let you win.”
You gasp and hit her arm.
“Clar, that’s, like, horrible. Our relationship was built on lies.”
You’re the only person allowed to call her that.
She frowns. “It wasn’t. What are you talking about?”
“I was gloating over you for months, and you let me-”
“Okay, but, you still won. I just helped you a bit. That’s what a good girlfriend should do.”
“You were not my girlfriend then.”
“Yeah, but you wanted me to be. For how long? Four years?”
You roll yours eyes. “You bumped into me once and then became obsessed with me.”
She smiles against you as she kisses your forehead.
“Who wouldn’t?” she snorts. “Not my fault you bumped into me in a way no one else ever has, angel.”
“My love language is just bumping into people, I think.”
“Then you can’t bump into anybody but me. Or else I’d kill them, probably.”
“A true romantic.”
She wraps her arms around you, muscles flexing as she pulls you on top of her.
“Only for you, angel,” she says, eyes falling closed again. “‘M cold, be my blanket.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be all rough and tough?”
“Can’t be with you,” she yawns. “Love you too much. Now shush. I’m gonna fall asleep.”
“You big baby,” you mumble. “Big bad Clarisse needs to fall asleep with her girlfriend and get her full eight hours or else she’ll go on a rampage.”
“Damn right.”
Clarisse is the type of pretty that just makes you wanna fade into her. And you do, in the light of the rising moon, the light of the fading sun. You fade into her.
y/n when clarisse helps her on her first day: wow, an angel 😍😍
clarisse when y/n bumps into her: wow, an angel 😍😍
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies
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badbtssmut · 1 year
Wait what about reader having like really strict parents where she isn’t even allowed to have a boyfriend, but maybe her parents find her a good boy(jimin) to be friends with but he ends up fucking her in her room while trying to be quiet so her parents won’t hear because their just outside her room
Note: thank you for requesting Jimin 😭
It wasn’t a surprise that your parents were fooled by Jimin’s appearance. It was easy to understand how he could trick people into believing he was such a good kid. His laughter was contagious, his eyesmile was adorable and his voice was sweet like honey. He was just an angel in human form. He could make anyone fall in love with him…
But here he was, betraying your parents trust, fucking their daughter in her bedroom.
You could feel your head spinning. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Your parents were the most important people in the world to you and you didn't want them to hate you. You had promised them you would never have sex until you got married.
It started off innocent enough, you were cuddling in bed, and Jimin suggested to watch a porn movie… and you agreed, intrigued. But then he started touching you and kissing you, and before you knew it, he was in balls deep.
“If mom and dad found out…”
Jimin shrugged his shoulders.
"They won't." He promised as he thrust into you, his face hovering close to yours, his lips brushing your cheek, your jaw, your neck. He kept his voice low and soft, but there was an undercurrent of lust to it, which made you shiver. "This is our secret," he whispered in your ear, giving your earlobe a playful nibble. "Just you and me."
Despite knowing how risky this was, you couldn't find it within yourself to tell Jimin to stop. Because when he was in you like this, when he was touching you, kissing you and making you feel things, you couldn't think about anything other than how amazing it was to be with him.
You wanted it to last forever.
You pushed your upper body up, looking down at his cock as he thrust into you, slowly and with careful precision. You didn't want this to end, and you knew that if he went any faster it would be over soon.
“Mmm… You moaned out, rubbing your clit. “Feels so good…” You whispered.
"Good, baby. You feel so good too," Jimin responded, breathing softly as he sped up, "I can't get enough of you." He brought his mouth back to yours, kissing you deep, and his tongue slid past your lips. "You taste so good..."
Jimin's words and his kisses and his cock were driving you insane. Your moans were getting louder and the bed was creaking rhythmically beneath you. Panicking, you placed a hand against your mouth, muffling your sounds.
“Y/N! Jimin!” Your mother called out and the both of you froze. “I made some lemonade and cookies!”
Jimin rolled his eyes. Of course, your mom would chose the worst possible moment to interupt the two of you, but he stayed calm.
“Oh, uhm, we will be right there, mom, me and Jimin are really busy with this school project!” You replied, your voice shaky.
“Alright I will see you guys in a bit then!”
That seemed to have worked. You let out a relieved sigh and let your head fall back down on the pillow. You could hear your mother moving downstairs, her feet tapping across the floor. She was humming. She had no idea.
Jimin continued to move his hips, and you let out a shaky moan, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You didn't want this to stop.
Jimin placed his hand against your neck and started caressing it, and you could feel your pussy clench around his cock. You had no idea why he always knew how to turn you on more, but it was true, and he was getting you closer to the edge.
You took his hand from your neck, slipping it underneath your shirt and resting it on your breast instead.
Jimin complied, squeezing it gently.
All of this was so dirty; fucking in your parents’ home while they were in, both you and Jimin being fully clothed to reduce the risk of getting caught.. his pants down just enough to free his cock, while your pants were down just enough to have access to your pussy, going fully raw with no protection. It was absolutely crazy, but you both liked it like that, and that was the main reason why it kept you both going.
“I’m going to cum…” You whispered to him.
"Mmhm, yeah baby, let me hear you," he responded, slowing down a little bit, making you feel every inch of him as he thrust in and out of you. "Let me feel you cum..." He whispered into your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. “Cum for me.”
You felt the heat building in your core and your head getting lighter as you were rapidly approaching your peak.
The tip of his cock was hitting that sweet spot inside of you, making you shake underneath him as you felt your release approaching. It was so close. So close.
You pressed your face against his neck as you came hard, moaning into his skin.
"Yeah, that's it," he whispered, holding onto your hip, gripping tight as his hips moved in circles, sliding him in deeper.
"Jimin!" You moaned his name as you clenched around his cock, gripping his shoulders as the waves of your orgasm crashed over you. "Yes..." You panted out as your orgasm slowly faded away. You felt him twitch inside of you and then his cum spilled inside of you.
The both of you were panting as you came down from your high, feeling dazed and relaxed as your heart beat against your chest.
"Fuck," he whispered, brushing his hand through your hair. "You are such a good fuck.”
You smiled, biting down on your bottom lip and looking into his eyes. You knew you could get addicted to this. It was wrong, but you couldn't help it. You wanted him.
“My place next time?” He offered.
You nodded and pecked his lips.
“Then we wouldn’t need to hold back.” You commented.
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shut-up-danny-kun · 5 months
I've read hundreds of Star Trek TOS fics by now and it never ceases to amuse me how many different ways there are to fuck up Spock's characterization...now hold on just a minute - this post has a more interesting point than “fanfic writers stupid”, I promise you.
Every time, it's a spin on the massacre wheel. It's kind of amazing. Will he be overly emotional to the point where he's not himself anymore? Will he be so cold it's unpleasant and kind of hard to understand how he's lived to this point? Will he be extremely horny for no good reason? Will he speak in a way that sounds complety wrong?
I chuckle and shake my head. Of course, I KNOW what Spock is like, and MY interpretation of him is the most perfect and correct one. Obviously. He's just a very nuanced character, formed by many people in an unconventional way, with traits that seem to contradict each other at first but ultimately form a rich and unique character that so many people fell in love with specifically because he's so complicated...
Or...is he?
Let's entertain the idea that there isn't one correct interpretation of Spock, that all of these messy bits of characterization are not part of a bigger picture, but...just what they are: a product of many people with starkly different visions, working on a show that refuses to properly develop its characters. What then? Well, then Spock is a Rorschach test. Each viewer connects the random dots in their own way, and ignores the ones they don't like.
Let's use an example: me! In my interpretation of Spock (the most correct one, of course) he is, first of all, gay and on the asexual spectrum, reserved, largely uninterested in casual flirting or sex. When he is interested in the aforementioned things, he tends to be quite ashamed of it.
Makes sense, right? I can show you plenty of evidence for why that could be true. However, in the beginning of the first bloody season, Uhura sings a song about how Spock is actually kind of a heartthrob who likes to drive women insane with how hot he is, and Spock smiles. He smiles at her, as if agreeing and being very amused by all this! This interaction goes against pretty much everything I think about Spock. So what do I do? I explain it away in the most bizzare fucking way possible. See, Uhura and Spock are friends (there is no evidence for this), and Uhura knows everything I've just told you about him (through telepathy I guess? Not like he'd ever tell her!) and she's just trolling him (why would she do that? That is NOTHING like Uhura!). I need to do some Olympics-level mental gymnastics here, the opposite of Occam's razor.
“But Danny,” I hear you say, “it's just the start of the show! They hadn't figured out his character yet!”
To which I say: you can say that about anything! You can blame it all on a bad writer for that episode, and ignore virtually any scene that doesn't jive with your headcanons. It's there, and I can't ignore it.
So...how am I different from the people that want Spock to be thar heartthrob Uhura is singing about? That evidence is as much a part of canon as my favorite lines. Well, I'm not any different, that's the thing. And all those writers I complained about also have a point.
It's kind of a nihilistic take, I know, but maybe the reason Spock is such a cultural icon is because he is...whatever you want him to be: just concrete enough to spur on your imagination, yet vague and contradictory enough to let your brain fill in the gaps.
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely do not believe in this. In my mind, it just so happens that I'm one of the, like, 5 people ever who truly understood Spock (and one of them is Jim Kirk himself). But I still think it's something worth thinking about next time you're mad at a fic.
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elryuse · 6 months
yandere ex girlfriend sohee?
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Y/n was just an ordinary college student until he met Sohee, a dazzling K-pop idol whose beauty and charm captivated him from the moment they crossed paths. Even though Y/n was just an Ordinary College Student... Sohee somehow found him cute and unique from the rest.. This made Sohee really excited and started to approach him whenever she has the chance.
"Wow you are really cute.. What's your name"?
"Uhmm I'm Y/n. Lee Y/n.. You're that famous idol right? Sohee if I'm correct"?
"Bingo.. So do you want my autograph or maybe a picture"?
"Uhmm how about a phone number? Is that cool"?
" *Chuckle* You're funny Y/n... Alright then.. Here is your reward... XXX-XXXXXX_XXX".
"Wow... Is this for real"??
"Let's catch up later... Bye bye *wink* ".
After calling her up and starting to actually know Sohee better.. Y/n actually kinda feels like She was the one for him... He started to pay more and more attention for her, Missing out on some classes just to watch her performance.. And giving her all the best support he could ever give.
But one day... Sohee Cheated on Y/n. Which devastated him mentally and physically. He trusted Sohee with all of his life, he even almost gave up his college degree for her. And this is how she's repaying his time and effort? Y/n wanted Sohee to apologize, To feel ashamed to actually be responsible for their Relationship. But she never did.
Sohee Chooses her new "partner" Over Y/n. Which devastated him even more. But eventually Y/n moved on from her.. He started to pay more attention to his studies and started to actually be a pretty good college student.
"Sohee why the fuck are you sleeping with him? And why won't you answer my calls"?
"I'm tired... You're just not enough for me.. I needed something that you can't ever fulfill Y/n".
"Please.. I love you... I would have done anything for you Sohee.. For us.. So please tell me why".
"My friends keep telling me that you look boring... And I started to see it too.. You're to young.. And I'm basically 6 years older than you... So please.. Just go home.. Don't ever see me again".
"What!? That's it? You're gonna let me go, Just like that"??
"You're nothing to me Y/n. You never did.. ".
"Wow.. Just wow.. All this time... I've sacrificed all of my time... I guess.. I was too dumb to believe you.. ".
On the other side... Sohee has been treated like trash by her new "partner" Of hers. Her new partner was abusive, and liked to play with random girls around him. Sohee even found out that Her friends actually slept plenty of time with her new "partner" Which saddened Sohee even more.
Sohee finally realized in those moments, Just how hurtful it feels. To be betrayed by the person you trust the most. She started to regret her decision and started crying in her large penthouse. Sohee cried at the thoughts of actually staying in the relationship with Y/n. How happy she would be, Especially having a trustworthy Partner as Y/n.. Remembering the memories actually made Sohee chuckled little by little.
She remembered how he was very clumsy when he was cooking a dish for dinner. And would often burn his finger, Sohee would always take care of him and they would laugh the night away in Y/n small apartment. Remembering the memories made her even desperate to have him back. So She decided to call Y/n multiple times.
But he would never answer...
This made Sohee even more desperate... And in those desperate times, She realized the power that she had.. She's rich and has a powerful connection in this business world. She took the chance by forcing her way into Y/n's Life as possible as she can.
She would often sabotage Y/n's Workplace. By buying the ownership of the building (Office). Which means she could actually see Y/n all day long. But not long after that Y/n would leave this job and search for a new job. But Sohee never gave up... Her mind is only filled with how much she needs him... How desperate she is to actually be with him again.
And so, Day by day, Month by month. Sohee started to stalk Y/n. Y/n who feels that something was wrong immediately tried to look for the source of the inconvenience that he felt. But he didn't realize sooner that, His Crazy Ex Girlfriend would do some mad shit to own him again. To actually be his again..
She bombarded Y/n with gifts, love letters, and apologies, refusing to take no for an answer. Which creeps the living shit out of him. She would often knock on his apartment door, Ring the bell and would even stand on the other side of the room, Waiting for an answer from Y/n. In the end Sohee forces Y/n to meet her face to face. She forced his parents to actually accept her marriage letter... Which shocked Y/n to death. Since Y/n Can't do anything... He is now once again in the grasp of Sohee...
As soon as they got married, Sohee's obsession only intensified. She isolated Y/n from his friends and family, ensuring that he was completely dependent on her for validation and affection.
Terrified of losing Y/n again, Sohee resorted to extreme measures to keep him by her side. She sabotaged his job interviews, manipulated his social media accounts, and even went as far as to threaten anyone who dared to come between them.
And Just Like that... Y/n's free will was taken by force by Sohee... He was now an empty shell of a man that was once happy and cheerful. He's now stuck in the grasp of a Crazy Wife... Who would never ever let him go...
"You're mine forever Y/n...".
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sinofwriting · 1 year
Causing Problems - Max Verstappen
Words: 2,365 Summary: After learning about his girlfriends first time, it’s safe to say that Max is not happy. Note(s)/Warnings: Leclerc!Reader, Talks of Sex/Losing Virginity. Mentions/Talks of Underage Sex. Past Pierre/Reader. Also there is french here, didn’t use google translate, but still used a translator, so sorry if any of it’s wrong.
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“Don’t judge me.” His brows raise and he can’t help but smile. “What could I ever judge?” She shoots him a disbelieving look, but sighs. “I was fourteen.” His eyes widened. “See judge!” He shakes his head, “no, no. No judgment, just,” he pauses unsure how to phrase it. “Lorenzo and Charles let you have a boyfriend at fourteen?” She snorts, ten years had passed and the two and now Arthur wrinkled their nose at the idea of her with a boy. They were somewhat fond of her and Max together. “No, I,” she pauses, feeling herself get a little flustered as she thinks about who and how she lost her virginity.
“It was a friend.” Her voice is a little fond, but she squeezes Max’s hand letting him know it’s not the person she’s fond of but rather just the memory. Her eyes flicker upwards to meet the Dutch’s eyes. Seeing how warm they are and his earnest nod to continue, she does.
“We were in France for a race.” She squeezes his hand again, “you won that one.” She tells him, smiling at his eyes crinkling at her pause. “We decided to stay with his family for the night instead of at the racetrack or just driving home. I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to go down to the basement, hoping to wear myself out by uh,” she pauses trying to think of the word in English. “Pacing?” He offers, having seen her do it a few times. She nods, smiling wide. “Yes, pacing. But when I got there, he was also there unable to sleep. We talked for a bit and then things got a bit tense and we ended up having sex.” She shrugs, with a little laugh. “It was a little odd since we both hadn’t done it before. But it was good.” “Did you orgasm?” He can’t help but ask. “Surprisingly, yes.” A flare of jealousy hits him at the knowledge that some fourteen year old kid got a girl off his first time having sex, while he didn’t when he was eighteen. But it leaves just as quickly as it came, shock replacing it with her next words. “But after all the French are known for being generous lovers and Pierre is quite French, no?” She laughs. “Pierre?” He asks, brain struggling to comprehend what she said. “Yes, Pierre.”
The confirmation makes him a blink and god he can’t believe the balls on the French driver. Charles was insanely overprotective. Then again, if Charles had any idea what his best friend and little sister had done he wouldn’t be alive but at the bottom of the river.
Then a thought strikes him, Pierre and her weren’t not the same age. A fourteen year old virgin didn’t make her cum but rather a seventeen year old one and suddenly anger is boiling in his stomach.
“He was seventeen.” His voice is surprisingly blank. “Yes, Pierre is three years older than me.” She looks at him, worryingly. “Max, are you okay?”
“Gasly!” The frenchman’s head jerks to the left at the sound of his last name in such anger. He stares wide eyed at the dutch driver. His jaw was twitching, face red, and fists clenched. He had only seen Max this angry a couple of times before but never was it directed at him. “Max.” He ends up saying, eyes flickering around the room. Hoping that Charles, Daniel, Lando, Alex, or George know what’s going on, but they all look just as confused. His eyes catch on Y/N, who's looking at Max with wide eyes of her own. “Fourteen.” The word is gritted out and Pierre’s eyes are back on him, more confusion filling him. “What?”
He couldn’t think of anything that would make Max this mad involving the number fourteen. Lap fourteen had been fine this race. They hadn’t yet gotten to race fourteen of the season. It couldn’t be the year 2014, they didn’t have any contact that year.
“Fourteen.” Max repeats, putting a weird emphasis on the word as it comes out quieter than before. Pierre’s eyes flicker to the only girl in the room, hoping she’ll know what it’s about and when his eyes move to look at her it hits him and his eyes are moving back to Max. Understanding him. “Oh, fourteen.” “Yes,” the Dutch driver’s jaw twitches again. “Fourteen.”
He can’t help but glance around the room taking in how the other guys are still looking at Max and now him in confusion. He notes that Charles has gotten up, clearly ready to interfere. Get in between them if it comes down to it. And Pierre winces. There would be no getting out of this. He’d have to come clean and perhaps lose Charles’ friendship forever.
“Would you like to hit me and then talk? Or talk and then hit me?” He offers Max, figuring that no matter what he’d end the night with some bruises. Suddenly she’s standing in between them, gently resting a hand on Max’s chest. “There won’t be any hitting. Words only.” She tells Max, her eyes flickering to her brother as she says it. His expression of confusion only deepened at the words also directed towards him as he sat back down.
She pushes Max to sit down on the floor next to Daniel and a space between him and Charles where she would sit in a moment. She turns to face Pierre.
“Je suis désolé, pierre.” I’m so sorry, Pierre. She apologizes, twisting her fingers together in a way that makes him wince. He shakes his head, standing and maybe he shouldn’t but he pulls her into a hug. Keeping his hands clearly in Max’s sight. There was no need to make him any madder. “Non, bébé calmar. Tu ne t'excuses pas. C'est bien.” No, baby squid. You don't apologize. It's fine. He pulls away from her, giving her hand a squeeze before taking a step back. “C'est à vous de partager.” It is for you to share. “Ce n'est pas seulement le mien.” It is not just mine. He shakes his head, had he hoped that Charles would never know, yes. But he had always known that one day he’d find out. He could only be happy that he got a decade more of his friendship. “C'était toujours le tien.” It was always yours. She looks like she is going to argue more and he expects her to. It was such a Leclerc thing to do, argue until you got your way. But she doesn’t. She gives him another sorry look before sitting in between Max and Charles. Ignoring the soft nudge that her brother gives her.
“Max,” Pierre starts to say, but stops not sure what to say, what to do. Did the younger driver want an apology? He wasn’t sure. It wasn’t something he could apologize to Max for. The only person he really could offer an apology to was Charles and that was only for not telling him sooner.
Pierre and Y/N had spoken about it after it happened. It wasn’t something they could really ignore or pretend didn’t happen. They had even spoken about it a little over a year ago when Kika had found out. Kika made a joke about it as they all went for dinner, a little wine drunk, but hoping to see Pierre get a little flustered. He nearly smiles at the thought of Kika. She really was amazing, far better than he deserved, and her easy acceptance of what happened between them when they were so young.
“Fourteen, Pierre. She was fourteen.” Max’s voice draws him out of his thoughts. “Yes, and I was seventeen.” His acknowledgement makes Max wince and he catches Alex’s wide eyes and knows that he’s realized what this about or at least has a good idea of it. “And you just,” Max starts, before shaking his head. “That was fine with you?” “I wouldn’t do it again, if that’s what you are asking.” Pierre sighs when Max’s expression doesn’t change. “Max, your issue with this is the age difference. And I imagine it’s worse because of Kika, yes?” Max nods. He presses his lips together, murmuring to himself in french under his breath. “I never intended for it to happen, Max. We were kids. Me less so, but still young, foolish.”
“What happened?” Charles speaks for the first time, looking between Pierre and Max. “What happened when you were seventeen?” Pierre sighs, but before he can speak, she does. “Charles, do you remember when you were fifteen, we went to that race in France and we stayed with Pierre’s family for the night?” He nods after a second. “Yes, Papa didn’t want to stay at the track or drive home that night.” “I couldn’t sleep that night, so I went down to the basement so I could pace.” “You still do that.” Charles interrupts her, the words fond. “Yes. But Pierre was also there, he couldn’t sleep either. We ended up talking.” Charles nods, because yes that made sense. She didn’t like pacing if someone else was in the room and awake. Would rather talk until she fell asleep. “Pierre and I,” she pauses before slipping into french. “nous avons fait l'amour.” we had sex. “Non.” No. His mouth is open, disbelief in his eyes. “Non. Vous deux ne l'avez pas fait.” No. You two did not. “Charles,” she lays a hand on his arm. “We did. It was in the moment and never happened again.” “But you were so young. Just a baby.” His face is horrified and everyone in the room knows now what Max bursting in was about. Her brows furrow. “I was not a baby. I was fourteen.” Charles makes a pained noise and then his attention turns to Pierre, a fire in his eyes.
“You!” He points at Pierre. “How could you! She’s my sister. My baby sister!” He puts his hands up. “We didn’t mean for it to happen. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I went down to the basement to watch tv because I couldn’t sleep. Not to have sex for the first time with your sister.” His fists clench, wanting to say something more, but unable to say anything but, “Je suis désolé, Charles. J'aurais dû,” I'm sorry, Charles. I should have, “Non.” Charles shakes his head, stopping him. “I don’t want to hear it. You should have told me sooner. Not wait so long. I need time. She was a baby, Pierre.” He says the last sentence quietly and Pierre knows that his insistence makes no sense to her or the rest of the people in the room, but he understands.
He had been the one to hold Charles after his father made him promise to always take care of her, to watch over her, to protect her. Had cemented that she was his baby sister, she needed protection, to Charles. Had promised to help Charles with that promise.
“I need time, Calamar.” His voice is gentle, but there's a raw element to it. “Of course, Charles.” As he stands to look around the room, he has to look away at the different looks some of the drivers give him. Moving out of the weird sort of circle the driver’s had formed when they first entered Charles’ room hours ago, he stops just before the entryway.
“Y/N if,” “I know, Pierre.” She stops him before he can continue, already knowing what he’s going to say. “Give Kika my love.” He huffs out a laugh. “Of course.” And with that he slips out of the room.
“Are you better, Max?” She asks, when nearly an hour later they are back in his hotel room, a glass of wine in her hand. He winces, “I’m sorry. My anger got the better of me.” She nods, lips pressing together. A little embarrassment still lingering inside of her. It wasn’t Lando, Daniel, Alex, or George knowing. It was Charles. It was her older brother, her closest brother. She had never wanted Charles to know that much about her and Pierre. She knew just like Pierre even if they had hoped it wouldn’t come out, that it would. She had just figured it would come out that yes, they had sex together. It was one time, maybe that they were each other's firsts but that was it.
She didn’t want him to know that it was in France. After a race, in Pierre’s home. She especially didn’t want him to know that she had been fourteen. It made her shrink a little, knowing that he knew that. And yet she didn’t hate Max for letting that loose. She was a little angry with him, but it was her own fault. She should have never been so careless to let it slip that it was Pierre when he was close by. Should have waited for summer break, when they were in completely different countries.
“I’m angry with you.” She was not going to hide that. “I didn’t want Charles to know that. All of that. Pierre and I figured that at some point it would come out, but he was not supposed to know all of that.” “I’m sorry.” He apologizes again. “I,” he pauses. “My temper, it needs to be worked on.” She nods again, “You are better than before. You’ve grown much since.” She sighs, placing the glass down and turning to look at him. “I should have waited until summer break.” He shakes his head, “no, this was all me. And I’ll apologize to Pierre as well.” He looks a little pained at the thought. “Good. He deserves one.” “Yes, he does.”
She looks at him, taking in the regretful expression on his face. The way his body is slightly curled in. Grabbing her glass of wine, she tosses the rest of the glass back, before setting it back down and taking her shirt off.
“I’m going to take a shower.” She tells him, thumbs pressing between her skin and her pants as she starts to take them off. “You’re going to join me.” “I am?” She raises an eyebrow. “I am.” Max nods, eyes wide as he watches her completely strip. “Good. Hurry. It’ll be cold without you.” She tells him, before walking to the bathroom, the door slightly closed behind her as the sound of the shower fills the room.
Tagging: @lpab @gemofthenight @peachiicherries
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zombisarchive · 8 months
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mdni. long fic. not proof read.
dom! felix catton x sub! f! reader
warnings: slight angst, smut, p in v, degradation, slight biting, slight hair pulling, sub & dom, pet names, slight begging, slight praising, hate fucking, anxious reader
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Felix had been upset with me all day. Do I know what I did? no. Over and over again I’ve asked what’s wrong, what did I do, and over and over again I’ve been met with the same reply, “You know what you did.” Call me over dramatic but the way he’s been acting has been eating me alive. What had I done? As the day came to an end, I contemplated on if I should spend the night in his dorm. I paced my dorm room for what felt like hours, my roommate completely tired of me, “what are you doing?” her words snapped me out of my pacing, “Felix is upset with me, and I don’t know what’s I’ve done” She rolled her eyes at me, she hated when I spoke about Felix, mainly because she use to be his old fling, but now that he’s seriously in a relationship with me, she can’t come around to it yet. “It’s serious, Maddie! He won’t even tell me what i’ve done wrong!” And exasperated sigh left my mouth, I felt like i was going crazy. It has been practically a full day and he made no effort in telling me what I’ve actually done to upset him. “Your boy troubles aren’t my problem” Maddie said as she turned her back to me.
Of course she was no help. I decided to take matters into my own hands, I left the dorm room, marching myself to his. Knocking rapidly on his door, he opened the door, assuming I’d be greeted differently he greeted me with a struggle face, “what?” He was still upset at me! “We need to talk..” I said as I fiddled with my fingers, he stepped aside letting me inside the dorm, closing the door behind me. “Go on, speak.” Felix said sternly, if he wasn’t driving me absolutely insane right now, I would have melted at his feet. “What’s been with you today? You’re acting cold, and you’re clearly upset with me! Yet you won’t even tell me what I’ve done!” He rolled his eyes at me, “you seriously aren’t going to own up to it? that’s so pathetically low of you!” Felix’s voice was raises, this took me by surprise. I stood there shocked not saying a word as he continued “Yesterday at that party Far took us to? hm? You were practically throwing yourself to some random man!” My jaw dropped “What?! when the hell did i do that?” “Oh my god stop lying! jesus christ, I can’t your such a slut, just throwing yourself at any man” Felix was fuming at this point, I could see that his ears were turning red, meanwhile I felt like my heart was about to come out of my mouth, did he really think that lowly of me? “your joking right?” Felix let out a frustrated sigh, “I don’t know if you were too drunk to remember but I clearly remember you throwing yourself at a man” “you’re crazy, I’d never do that! drunk or not!” Truth be told, I was completely wasted, I don’t remember much of that night, other than coming back to Felix’s dorm. “Jesus Christ..” He ran his fingers through his hair stressed out. “I don’t remember much of anything from that night Felix, how am I supposed to remember this? I’m sorry if i did that but you cannot blame me for a drunken act!”
Another frustrated sigh came out of his mouth, then silence, “if your so sorry, beg on your knees for forgiveness.” My jaw dropped a little, as I stared at him, he was completely serious. “okay fine..” Getting down on my knees, I looked up at him, “please forgive me..i’m sorry i flirted with another man..please Felix” A smirk spread across his face, that little shit, he was never really upset, was he? “see, that wasn’t so hard was it baby?..acting like a dumb slut when drunk, can’t believe it” His words shooting straight to my core, I felt hot and bothered. His large hand went straight to my hair tugging at it, my head jerked back as I looked at him more clearly. “your going to be a good girl and get on the bed for, aren’t you?” I nodded my head quickly, feeling him let go of my hair, I scrambled to his small bed. He slowly crawled his way onto the bed, pushing me down, my breath hitched. I felt powerless under his intense gaze. Felix’s hands ran up my thighs, as they stopped at my waist band, pulling my bottoms off roughly, he pushed my legs apart kissing up my thighs, biting at him. A whimper left my lips as he bit down on my thighs hard, “Felix..” I moaned out, as I watched him sit up undoing his belt. “shut up, you’ve pissed me off enough today” Felix said in a husky tone, his fingers run up my slit, sending shivers down my body. I felt his thick long fingers shove their way inside me, pumping inside me, moaning out loudly not caring if anyone heard, calling out for him “Felix!..baby please” whimpers and moans left my mouth, as he continued to fuck me with his fingers, before abruptly pulling them out.
A whine left my lips again, watching him was he pulled out his erect cock, pumping himself in his hand. “You’re going to take it all tonight..raw” I gulped as his words, nodding at them in agreement. “been such a stupid slut haven’t you? whoring yourself out” Felix said as he aligned himself up with me, pushing his cock deep inside me, he groaned as I moaned out, “fuck! Felix!..” I felt him slowly thrust inside me, god did it feel amazing. “gonna teach you a lesson..” He muttered out as he took hold of my hips gripping them tightly, his pace quickens as he thrusts hard. Groaning out for me, I reached out to hold him only to be met with him slapping my hands down, “don’t. you don’t deserve it after slutting around” “I’m sorry!..” I stuttered out over and over, he could tell i’m clearly cock drunk. Being manhandled by him was euphoric. I knew he wasn’t going to let me cum, after all I didn’t deserve it. His pace slightly slowed as his thrusts became stuttered, he was close and I could tell. I clenched myself around his cock, he let out a loud moan, “fuck!” He yelled out, “keep clenching around me like that..fucking hell..” biting my lip I did as I was told, I felt myself moving my hips upward to his thrusts, his nails digging into my skin as he fucked me roughly. Felix let out another groan as I felt him shoot his cum deep inside me. “Felix!” I moaned out feeling him cum inside me, his thrusts slow long down, and coming to a stop completely. He stayed inside me, panting and breathing heavily as he came down from his high.
Felix slowly pulled himself out of me, his hands roaming up to my my body, touching me all over. “you know I don’t mean those words right, Love?” His tone much softer compared to earlier, I nodded as I caught my breath “i know baby” “you were so good for me tonight..” He gave me a stupid smile, as he leaned down kissing up my stomach maintaining eye-contact with me. “How about I let you cum this time?” He said with a stupid grin, I rolled my eyes playfully at him “finally.” “shut up” Felix said with an eye roll.
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☆requests open!
☆this was kinda bad. it’s my first time trying to write proper fanfics, w/ smut.
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jerzwriter · 24 days
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Welcome Brooke Vivian Carrick!
In my headcanon for Tobias & Casey, little Brooke joins the family on August 30, 2025. But I'm delivering this incredible artwork to you one year earlier! This lovely commission is from none other than the incomparable @/artbyainna on Instagram. I've run out of amazing things to say about her, but she never, ever disappoints.
I had hoped to write more about Brooke's birth story—and maybe one day I will—but I really wanted to share this before the end of August. Some HCs about Casey's pregnancy and Brooke's birth can be found below. Maybe I'll write a little more about them one day. I sure do love this little family!
You can find some stories about this time in Round Two and more about Tobas x Casey on Tobias x Casey's Masterlist.
Caption Pietro (the cat): To me, he's saying "Not impressed!" 😂
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Pregnancy/Birth Headcanons:
As with her first pregnancy with Sammy, poor Casey was pretty much nauseous for the first three months. That was even more challenging with a toddler underfoot. Fortunately, Tobias was always quick to tell her to rest, and grandmas Vivian and Rose were all too happy to step in when needed.
The minute morning sickness ends - Casey is famished and has tons of cravings. Tobias was better prepared for that this time. This time around, she wanted Greek salads and French fries most of all. See a little Insta edit about that below.
Tobias made it clear he wanted a big family; Casey made it clear she was the one who had the babies, and he agreed; it was her call. They never said definitively that this was their last, but they both believed it was. They really took time to cherish every moment of this special time.
Casey and Tobias were happy to see her sex drive was insane during this pregnancy, their friends asked how they noticed a difference? lol
Tobias arranged a 'babymoon' vacation when Casey was seven months pregnant. He wanted to go to one of their favorite islands in the Pacific, but he wasn't keen on Casey traveling so far from home while pregnant. He also wasn't about to take her to any states that could jeopardize her life if she were to have complications, so that limited his choices. They ended up at a luxury hotel in Cape May, New Jersey. He got a suite on a separate floor for Vivian and Rose, too. This way they got some relaxation and they could all spend time with Sammy - but Mom & Dad got plenty of alone time, too.
Once again, Tobias insisted they were having a daughter, so he never even looked at boy's names. Girl's names were also a challenge; neither could come up with anything they loved. Finally, his Aunt Cher suggested Eden or Brooke for Edenbrook. They loved the idea and decided to wait until the baby was born to see if she looked more like an Eden or a Brooke. Obviously, Brooke won! She was given Tobias's mother's name, Vivian, as a middle name.
For most of Casey's pregnancy, Sammy was unimpressed about the idea of a new baby, but toward the end, she decided it would be fun. So she was eager to meet her little sister, and when they brought Brooke home, Sammy really thought it was a present just for her.
Pietro, their cat, was obsessed with her baby bump throughout her pregnancy but had no interest in Brooke once she was born. Casey and Tobias joked it was an odd way to learn their cat was a Republican.
Like her sister, Brooke was anxious to enter the world and came a little earlier than expected. Her due date of September 20th became a birthdate of August 30th. Casey was in labor for 5 1/2 hours, but there were complications, and it was decided it would be best to have a C-section. Tobias was at her side through it all (and she was telling him to get a vasectomy most of that time....)
They were overjoyed when little Brooke was safely delivered, and they spent the next few days in the hospital suite marveling over her and trying to wrap their heads around the fact that they now had two little girls. Tobias was outnumbered, and he loved it.
Here's a little edit about Casey's cravings - well, at least the food cravings - this pregnancy lol
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Can we get some Ghoulcy nsfw hcs?!
Of course you may. I've had requests for Ghoulcy for a minute, but I get so weirdly nervous at the idea of writing for these two. Thanks to everyone who's reassured me about those feelings; you're the best. I'm dipping my toes into the pool, so I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Lucy Maclean NSFW Headcanons
She's incredibly ticklish, which he discovers early on by accident and eagerly uses against her (that is, once he's sort of adjusted to being allowed to touch someone/allowing someone to touch him). It's an easy way to subdue her when they get to wrestling around, which happens more and more frequently once they start to get touchy, but before they get truly intimate. It's a playful, mostly innocent way to blow off some steam and touch one another (which they're both desperate to do) without anything being too weird, and it often turns into Cooper teaching Lucy a thing or two about fighting. Once they start sleeping together, though, it often turns into Lucy pinned to the ground while Cooper holds her in place with one hand, working his fly open with the other, already grinding his fully hard cock against her before he fucks her breathless. Those big prey animal eyes of hers activate the predator in him like crazy.
He refuses to take off a single article of clothing that isn't the duster or the hat, but once they start to get really close, he'll shed things. It would start slow, though. Rolled up sleeves to expose his forearms, a little sliver of his throat and chest exposed after he undoes a few buttons. Eventually he'd take his gloves off, wanting to feel her soft skin under his hands more than he wants to hide them from her. It's a very rewarding risk to take; the first time she feels his bare hands touch between her legs, she cums nearly instantly, not just from the way he manages to make her feel physically, but from the overwhelming joy she feels at the level of trust he's showing her.
Lucy is so used to having Chet and his very obvious attraction to her around that Cooper's aloofness drives her absolutely crazy at first. Initially, she couldn't care less if the old jerk is interested in her, because she hates him. She hates everything about him and she tries her hardest to not be like him. But the more she gets to know him, the more she realizes how similar they already are, she starts to develop what she realizes is a little crush on him. That's embarrassing enough for her (and the feeling is mutual, right down to the embarrassment), but it's even worse when she starts to be nicer to him, flirt with him, even, and he barely responds. Slowly, she increases the obviousness of her attraction, but even when she's basically laying it out on the table without explicitly saying it, he brushes her off, doesn't even seem to register her moves. Granted, she isn't insanely experienced, but for that very reason she also isn't very tactful about it...the old man simply doesn't believe she knows what she's doing. Growing up in the vault has just made her that friendly, he tells himself. Writes her off as naively, unintentionally coming across as flirtatious, assuming she'd never be with someone like him, no matter how hard she tries to demonstrate otherwise. She basically has to grab him by the collar and shove her tongue into his mouth to convey her meaning and get it to stick.
Speaking of Chet, Cooper teases her mercilessly about the "cousin stuff" thing when she lets it slip, at least at first. Eventually, though, he lets her live, even starts to pry a little about it. What exactly does "cousin stuff" entail? He wants to know how far she's gone, and even though the answer is "not very, really", he still feels an ugly sense of possession start to wrap around his brain at the thought of another man touching her, feeling her skin, making her feel good. When they fool around early on he just can't help himself, asking "Did he touch you here?" the first time his hands find their way under her shirt, into her pants, "Did he make you feel like that?" the first time he makes her cum. It's pretty embarrassingly needy in his mind, but she happily reassures him that anything she did with Chet was out of boredom, basically, and that he could never make her feel the way Cooper does.
He doesn't ask about Max, though. It seems to him that the two likely didn't get up to much in the time they were together, and it's pretty clearly painful territory for her to discuss. He avoids asking her about old paramours when it comes to genuine romantic feelings, and hopes she'll have the courtesy to do the same. Discussing sexual histories is one thing. However, once the two realize they're falling in love themselves, they'll have to have a whole long, awkward talk about it. He's told her about Janey plenty at this point; she's the reason he keeps going every day, so it's hard for him to not talk about her once he has someone he trusts to talk to. He never talks about Barb, though, mentioning "Janey's mother" offhandedly at best. When he finally tells Lucy about her, about how their marriage ended, he cries. Well, he doesn't quite cry, but his voice breaks and his lip quivers in a way that shows more vulnerability and emotion than he has in forever, and it makes Lucy want to hold him close, protect him. After their big talk, they have sex. After they have sex, they exchange "I love yous" out loud, face to face for the first time.
She isn't completely blind to how possessive Cooper is of her. She knows how territorial he can be, and the thrill-seeking side of her wants so badly to try and make him a little jealous. However, she also knows how unreasonable he can be, as well, and she isn't really willing to put anyone else's life or limbs on the line for a little extra excitement. It's wise of her, since she doesn't really grasp the full extent of the older man's desire to keep her for his own. Really, all she needs to do is laugh at another man's jokes a little too loudly, smile a little too big at him, and the minute they're alone he's bending her over the most stable surface he can find and pumping her full of multiple loads, slapping her bare ass beet red as he does it. She'd never admit to how much she enjoys the spanking, but obviously she can't hide how soaking wet it makes her.
The moment he initially uses that lasso on her for the first time, she instantly develops a rope kink. She doesn't really know that that's what it is; all she knows is that any time she sees him using it, she can't look away, can't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. Especially if he uses it during any kind of combat. He'll notice her looking, and he figures he knows what she's thinking, but he's a little afraid to tie her up too much, always secretly a bit afraid that she'll randomly decide (or reveal) that she hates and finds him repulsive in the middle of them having sex. He doesn't want to fully restrain her, but when he finally decides to use it on her just a little, tying her wrists together above her head as he teases every inch of her naked body with his tongue, her reaction makes him much more agreeable to doing so again in the future. Maybe one day he'll feel comfortable enough to full-on hog tie her. It would drive Lucy crazy.
Similarly, he's got his own little thing for watching her sleep. He doesn't partake, himself, not wanting to deal with the vulnerability of unconsciousness, both physical and mental, but seeing her so relaxed and sweet and exposed often gets him going. Once it comes to light, she's agreeable to him touching her, using her while she sleeps, but he worries about waking her up. Good rest is rare in the Wasteland, and he wouldn't want to deprive her of something so important for smoothskins just to have sex with him. So, despite him certainly finding the idea of somnophilia very appealing and despite her being open to the idea, he almost always refrains...unless they're staying somewhere especially safe, or she's sleeping harder than usual. Even then, all he typically allows himself is to touch her a bit while he strokes himself off. But sometimes he simply can't help himself and he'll spend long, slow, agonizing minutes silently undressing her just enough that he can slip his cock inside her. He's never woken her up yet, but they always go again the next morning when she wakes up and realizes what's happened.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 6 months
ok im not going to tag this but i need you guys to know that my endgame ships for eridan and karkat are
eridan ♦️ karkat
eridan ♥️ roxy
roxy ♦️ calliope
eridan ♠️ calliope
karkat ♥️ calliope
i call it "the polycule only a blood player could love" and although it manages to be perfectly healthy, from the outside, everyone looks like they're cheating on everyone else. nepeta is staring at it going ":33 < dodged a fucking bullet!!!"
Eridan ♦️ Karkat
the ship with the most canon backing. this ship needs to be true before all other ships can be true because it keeps the two of them normal enough to have a shot at romancing anybody else. nobody realized they were pale for each other for an embarrasingly long time because their regular day to day conversations feature slurs and death threats. sometimes looks pitch or flushed from the outside because karkat is a mess who can't stop yelling at people he's trying to romance in the red quads, and because eridan gets really needy sometimes.
Eridan ♥️ Roxy
They get together within five minutes of knowing each other and, despite Rose's protests, never ever break up. Eridan is into cute, pink, bubbly, nice girls, and Roxy is into eccentric troubled princes. Not to mention she fucking loves wizards, and Eridan is a wizard, and that they're both hipsters who use rifles. Also Eridan is weird as hell and Roxy thinks he's hilarious for it. Despite the fact that he puts on this unpleasant, nasty act, he'll pretty much do anything Roxy tells him to, and she likes that. She thinks he has himbo energy. Everyone else thinks she's deranged. Like girl that guy is an insane murderer. Girl he will not stop saying slurs
also their specific abilities are diametrically opposed in an interesting way? prince of hope = can destroy anything he believes he can destroy, rogue of void = can create anything by stealing away its nonexistence. neat!
Roxy ♦️ Calliope
since they aren't trolls and don't need to calm each other down, it's not really a proper moirallegiance, but they're bffffffs and the kinds of silly fun-loving gals who would call their friendship a moirallegiance even if it doesn't have the biological components or serve the social function of one. Two girls that just love each other.
Eridan ♠️ Calliope
biologically, cherubs only engage in pitch romances and are attracted to other cherubs that remind them of the other half they lost in predomination. what i'm saying is that calliope - unfortunately for her - has brother issues. initially put off by eridan's superficial similarities to caliborn - his bluster, his riflekind, his insane logic and thick skull, and how damn often he talks about murder - as they get to know each other, the feeling becomes mutual. eridan is generally totally ok with outright hostility, but calliope's faux-nice smugness when taunting an opponent would drive him nuts, as would the earnestness with which she approaches magic (what kind of POSER needs to RELOAD their WAND), and in general, i think he'd take her genuine well-wishes toward other people as a personal affront, a la "i didn't ever need anybody to look after me!"
they somehow have a 50/50 win ratio at the board games they play, which drives calliope nuts. "believing in your pieces" is not a valid chess strategy!!!!!!!!!
also i think it's fun and thematic, the angel killer and the cherub, whose adult form features hope-shaped wings.
Karkat ♥️ Calliope
We know two things from his crush on terezi: the first is that karkat is into clever, cunning gals, and the second is that he's really fucking messy, the kind of guy who would tell his flushed crush to "set the table on his bone bulge for their candle light hate date." Fortunately, or unfortunately??? for calliope, the fact that he will scream obscenities at her is kind of what she's into. everybody, please, a moment of silence for calliope, who somehow manages to have worse taste in men than roxy.
but yeah more seriously, karkat has a big and loving heart, and so does calliope, while calliope maintains a cleverness and intellect that karkat would be into.
normally, it would be a huge problem for your moirail to be pitch for your matesprit, and we have that both ways here. however, a few factors are mitigating that here. first, eridan will always prioritize karkat or roxy over calliope when they're around. this actually does kind of piss her off, although she feels annoyed that it does. second, calliope is generally mature enough to compartmentalize. third, karkat WILL auspicetize if they aren't careful, and nobody wants that. and fourth, everybody wants to keep roxy happy.
but yeah everyone else watching it is like. are you guys okay? blink if you need help
ofc ship what you want to ship this is not at all me telling you what you should be into. im just saying that these ships have been calculated for Maximum Funnyness, which as we know, is the only objective measure for what makes a good homestuck ship
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bearieio · 1 year
modern!abby headcanons
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she’s totally clingy but she tries to be suupper subtle about it.
like she’ll follow you to bathroom just to lean against the doorframe with her arms crossed (mad cuz you left her on the couch by herself) and stare at you like 🙁🧍‍♀️
you finally break the silence and go, “…what?” then she’s all like “oh- i was just waiting for you to get done so i could use the bathroom..” her eyes avoiding yours.
your guys’ apartment has 2 bathrooms…
she’s a wonderful cook 
her specialty is anything with pasta…. it’s true and she told me herself !!!! (real, not fake)
loves wearing crop tops. YEAH I SAID IT. and WHAT?!
usually wears those cropped muscle tanks in order to still get that tank top feel and still show off her muscles ;)
also doesn’t believe in bras. bras r for losers.
she was probably one of those girls in high school who nobody messed with because they thought she was mean. but she’s totally cool ofc.
i don’t think she was a basketball girlie, BUT she was a lacrosse, ice hockey, volleyball, AND probably water polo or- OUUHHHH!!!!!! WRESTLING!!! :D
(ellie was on the basketball and soccer team- but thats a story for another time)
she’s a suffering pre-med/med student. she hates all her professors and classmates, but she gotta do what she gotta dooooo!!!
i feel like she spends a lot of time in her studies,,, DEDICATION!
omg she loves telling you about all about the human body and different illnesses & diseases and how they affect your body.
“the human equivalent to mad cow disease, could actually be creutzfeldt-jakob disease! it completely deteriorates your brain and causes-“
PRAISE!!!!!! she loves it.
will probably never admit it but she loves when you call her a “pretty girl,” “beautiful,” or maybe even “handsome???????”
either a jeep/ford bronco OR a pickup truck lesbian.
either way, the car is definitely one that was passed down from her father and she loves it.
it’s probably like a really muted/faded blue-ish color
if you just so happen to be as tall as her/taller than her (first of all hmu), she’d be kind of competitive with you and you guys would always have silly little quarrels between one another. 
“bet you can’t reach the bag of chips all the way up there”
“bet you can’t beat me in limbo”
“bet you can’t beat me to the couch“ 
if you’re smaller than her, she’ll take the upmost amount of pride taking care of you and making sure you’re getting what you need :)
but she also loves when she gets to feel small around you.
she loves how versatile she can be around you and how your guys’ romance is totally 50/50, meaning both of you put the same-if not more- amount of energy, love, and effort into y’alls relationship :’)
you guys wear each others clothes all the time too. but.
its like she’ll wear your socks n stuff, but like you’ll wear her shirts, pants, hoodies, and literally everything else.
so it’s basically just you guys wearing the same clothes but like you share socks?😭
i feel like she’s most likely one of those people who listens to almost every genre.
but OKAY when it comes to country, she’ll listen to old country stars like marty robbins, johnny cash, dolly, kenny rodgers, etc.
but wouldn’t it be so funny if she was like into some really heavy shit- like imagine her pullin’ up to the gym listening to ‘what color is death’ by acid bath or like ‘mondo medicale’ by impaled… like.
idk just a thought…….😁
she never lets you drive. unless she’s seriously injured or really tired, you’ll always be abby’s passenger princes.
“make sure to put your seatbelt on, baby”
she’s like… A REALLY GOOD DRIVER. and she does that super attractive thing were she turns the wheel with her palm (ykwim?).
her parallel parking is INSANE. in one go, she’ll have the car in the perfect position, in between two other cars. ugh. i love her.
her hand is always resting on your thigh and she occasionally pucker her lips in your direction, wanting a kiss.
she’s not one of those people who road rages, but she definitely gets upset when people are cutting her off and pulling out in front of her just to go slower than the speed limit.
she flips people off too. paying no mind if the people were paying attention to her.
another thing. i feel like she’s actually a pretty good singer. like nobody knows, but she hums you lullabies before napping with you.
same with whistling. she’s a real good whistler :)
HER HANDWRITING is also super good…… it’s not like a font, and it’s not like straight up calligraphy either, but it’s just super pleasing to look at.
especially when she leaves you little notes around the house and doodles little drawings of you and herself (and alice because i love alice. she’s best dog).
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a/n: also hey guys i’m not entirely sober while writing this so HOPEFULLY when i wake up tomorrow its not some complete bullshit that is just spent my evening writing.. \(`0`)/ ummmm!!
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onceinawhilemoon · 19 days
tonight's insomnia is brought to you by:
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in the ending where mycroft narrates the aftermath, he briefly mentions how one of his agents’ vehicles was ignited during a surveillance operation..
mycroft then says, “there's only one man who could orchestrate such a feat - or perhaps two.”
i'm pretty sure one of the "two" is M. him being responsible for something like this is my personal canon and just makes sense. but the way mycroft says it right after talking about sherlock and how he's afraid for him, and right after saying, "i suspect he is growing paranoid," drives me insane. the way it's phrased seems to suggest that mycroft is referring to sherlock as one of the two men who could have been responsible, and that seems to be what led mycroft to suspect sherlock was growing paranoid..
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but why would mycroft even suspect sherlock, and why would sherlock even do such a thing?
"she was lucky to get out alive" implies the incident was pretty serious and could have killed the agent and whoever was inside the vehicle with her. i doubt that sherlock would intentionally endanger people's lives like that..
and why would he even go out of his way to sabotage mycroft's operations in the first place? unless this “surveillance" operation was actually a “keep an eye on my brother and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid” operation. and when sherlock realized that he was being followed/watched, he set fire to the agent’s vehicle to protect himself and scare her off, perhaps thinking she was sent by someone he antagonized in cordona?
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i've spent more time than i care to admit squinting at this screenshot depicting Mystery Man Around the Corner. M would definitely hire someone to do the dirty for him, but sherlock is more of a hands-on kind of person, right? i mean... the hairline kiiiiiind of resembles sherlock's, i guess? maybe? if you squint? i'm probably just seeing things at this point..
what further firms my suspicion that the "two" is in reference to sherlock and M, is how the phrasing seems to play into the idea of them being equals. the idea of only two people possessing the same level of intelligence and cunning, who have access to certain information, and who are capable of knowing exactly when and how to intercept mycroft's operations. M, who seems to have consistently stayed at least one step ahead of mycroft, and mycroft's own brother, who knows him a little too well and shares his brain genetics, who is also familiar with many of his agents, some even by name.
i love this ending because it's the only one where we get a glimpse into Sherlock After Jon from a perspective that isn't sherlock's. he's lonely, he's likely paranoid, his brother is worried about him... all of it contradicting the other endings in which sherlock tells us that he's fine and has moved on with his life.
so the whole fire incident thing and mycroft’s line about who could have been responsible could be a way of hinting at the negative consequences that jon's loss is having on sherlock. now, without jon to course-correct and reorient him, he's more prone to (extreme?) paranoid reactions such as this. though i'm not sure if i like the aspect of going to the extent of jeoprodizing lives... (also, funny how the loss of what sherlock perceived as his "irrational" part probably caused HIM to act in irrational ways..)
it gets even sadder when you think about it from mycroft's perspective, especially with him saying, "i saved my brother. he will never forgive me" right after he mentions the fire incident. if he truly believes that sherlock could have been responsible, then it would not only sprout worry and confusion, but also send him into a spiral grappling with conjectures, because what if sherlock WOULD go out of his way to deliberately break mycroft’s trust? what if it's an act of retaliation because mycroft broke HIS trust by lying to him to save his life? but mycroft attributes it to paranoia, possibly because he doesn't want to fully lose faith in his little brother and their relationship yet, but most likely because he's resignedly too aware of their family history...
from mycroft's perspective, even if sherlock truly did it, he had to have been driven by something out of his rational mind, rather than by mere spite or a desire for revenge. and mycroft doesn't hold it against him because he knows that sherlock only did it to defend and protect himself from a perceived threat. instead, he fears for sherlock and his mental health because the last time someone close to mycroft took action against a perceived threat in a fit of paranoid delusion... well, we all know how that went..
anyway. i'm choosing to end the ramble by rolling down the brighter side of this hill: mycroft dropping hints about his awareness of M in this ending (and his knowledge of M in TA in general) implies to me that sherlock taking jon's advice and swallowing his pride to ask Big Bro for help regarding M is most likely very canon. weeee :')
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courtmartialme · 7 months
whats your fav thing about rizas personality? like something that makes your brain tingle and might possibly be unseen/ignored by others?
that’s a very mean question anon how am i supposed to choose One favorite thing about my wife :(
there are a few… what comes to mind is her lack of self preservation, her kindness, and how she’s so selfless it may circle back to being selfish. there’s a scene in ishval where riza tells roy what’s happened is her fault for trusting the alchemy to him in the first place but not in an accusing tone. she doesn’t blame the men in her life that abused her trust and thinks she’s the one responsible for everything, even though those men were older and supposed to look for her. it’s kinda frustrating that she never gets openly mad at roy or at her father, but also such a fundamental part of her character too so even though it’s frustrating her acting like that is.. what i would expect from the character that acts like that in other situations too…!!!
despite roy already having broken his promise to her once, she decides to trust him again and to follow him into hell. it’s always emphasized how roy is idealistic to a fault, but riza is too. saying that flame alchemy drives good men insane… she has every reason to hate everyone and everything and to want to see the world burn but she stayed gentle and believes in change…!! where roy has hardened she stayed kind and you can see that in every thing she does… she’s so full of love and kindness and hope..
there’s so much more… how charming and funny she is, saying stupid shit with a straight face. if you look at manga the times riza is the one saying something silly and roy looking at her like 🤨 probably happen more often than the opposite LOL like there’s no way this person gets to hold the shared braincell imo. how she always respects the elrics, despite always acknowledging they’re kids she still respects them as they coworkers, and tells ed about ishval despite not having any obligation to but because she thought he deserved to know…. ah
basically it all comes back to riza being GENTLE and KIND and FULL OF LOVE, everything she says and does comes from that to me. how she has traits that are usually virtues but taken to an extreme become flaws. her being like that is my favorite. so sometimes i see it ignored to make her nagging and mean especially towards roy, even as a joke it annoys me a bit because she’s never like that…
her being like that is why i’m adamant about her being always at the receiving end of love and kisses and etc .. she gives out so much of herself without ever expecting anything in return i think she deserves to have others give to her the same love and devotion and feel responsible for her wellbeing like she does for others. she only sees worth in herself when she’s being useful to others so i think everyone needs to love her until she realizes she’s wrong
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princesssmars · 7 months
siobhan roy gets what she wants, and sooner or later its gonna drive her husband insane. 18+. fem!reader. fxfxm threesome. toms pov.
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when she first brings up the idea, tom awkwardly laughs and goes back to his dinner. its some fusion chicken dish at this insanely expensive place in manhattan, no prices on the menus. he asks her to repeat herself and she gives the same response.
a threesome. sex between him, her and another woman. but notnjust some random waitress or escort from some top of the line site like willa. she suggests you. her best friend of the past eighteen years.
the number eighteen just reminds of his shiv's insistence on not having a baby for at least ten years. he picks at his food until she lightly pushes his shoulder to look at her.
she's busy explaining the terms of their agreement and how this is beneficial to the both of them while he just watches. her eyes are squinting like they do when she smiles, and he thinks about the last time she had a real smile while talking to him.
he bites the inside of his cheek and agrees.
tom thought you were hot. and it was a bit scary. he'd heard some social media startup at a banquet remark how it was a shame your family has prioritized the humanities and technology for five generations, because if there was any pick of them to woo the world with a face and body it'd be you.
he never had any doubts about how much he cared for shiv. she was shiv fucking roy, he couldnt believe she was talking to him in that nightclub in ithaca. but he'd be a liar if he said he didn't let his eyes wander the first time he met you.
but he'd also be a liar if he said he'd never questioned just how close you and shiv were. his first introduction to a family and friends golf trip, and he studied how she corrected your stance from behind you, pressing her body into yours. but girls could be..touchy with each other. that was normal. what wasn't normal was roman teasing shiv for 'taking any chance to remind me you got to have a lesbo relationship with the girl everyone wanted in boarding school.' she gives a 'fuck you' and a punch to his arm before sitting next to tom, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
after that, he notices all of the little hand grabs under tables, the shared smiles when one of either of your siblings embarrasses themselves, and the late nights where shiv stays out with you to "go over some business". but he stays quiet. you're just best friends. and he knows the roys' have...odd relationships with the people around them. he's glad shiv has you to rely on when he's not around.
now he's standing over the bed, their bed, as the two of you giggle while shiv tugs your dress over your head, moving to yank your underwear down with quickness. he isn't sure where he's supposed to be or what he's supposed to be doing. a mixture of arousal and uneasiness grows in the pit of his stomach.
he feels like a creep just watching so he settles beside the two of you on the bed, feeling like he's made a wrong move once the both of you stop and your eyes settle on him.
"aw babe, i forgot you were here for a second. don't be shy. she won't bite." shiv consoles him, although the first part of her sentence does anything but. her cut hair rests softly on her shoulders, the black lace of her bra looking so nice against the paleness of her skin. he gives a gentle nod and turns his body towards you.
"yeah, tom. won't bite unless you ask me to." your hand grasps his wrist and brings it to your chest, his palm spreading out over your nipple and squeezing until you let out a hum. he eases into it, jumping a bit when a loud moan leaves your throat and your head goes back.
he looks down and shiv is between your legs, her eyes closed in content as she buries her mouth into you. she doesn't tease you like she does with him, hands bringing your legs to rest over her shoulders and digging into your thighs. he can only watch as your hand moves downward, ready to tell you that shiv hates having her hair pulled, when you get a grip in the red locks and pull, the woman groaning from between your legs.
he knew it all along, but this, all of this, cements it. you've done this before. shiv, the love of his life, his wife, has slept with her best friend, the maid of honor at their fucking wedding, and never told him. he makes eye contact with you, and you give him a smile as you grip his head and bring him into sloppy kiss.
throughout the night he can picture all of it from shiv's point of view. sticking her tongue in your mouth and tasting your lip balm. biting into the skin of your neck to hear your cries. licking over your clit until you cum into her mouth. doing all of it and more to her in return.
he leaves autopilot when he's on the bottom, mouth agape as you sink onto him and take a breather as shiv sits on his face. he's back inside his mind, fucking shiv's cunt with his mouth until his jaw aches and his veins cry out from gripping her thighs.
she normally chastises him for it, hating when he leaves marks. but right now she's preoccupied in you, and if just the sounds of you two kissing is sending him into a frenzy he can only imagine what it looks like. you're laughing, and she's laughing, and his ears strain to hear what the two of you are whispering about over the sounds of sex.
"god, you look so fucking hot-"
"'m so glad you finally did this, god, shit, got so tired of waiting-"
"i know, aw, i know baby. just a little longer, baby."
"im close, fuck tom, shiv!"
"god i fucking love you-"
tom's hips buck up as his high hits him like a freigh train, cumming inside of the condom he had fit on beforehand. you both tumble off of him, and once he gets his bearings he slowly stands and throws the condom into the trash. as he's walking into the en-suite bathroom shiv calls out that you're staying the night, her hand rubbing up and down your leg as youlay out on their bed.
can you tell which one of them i like more. its shiv i want to fuck shiv.
he smiles and closes the door.
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silentglassbreak · 7 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
Please don’t hate me…but it’s gonna get worse. 😬
Warnings: Nothing crazy, just a lot of wanting to rip your own hair out.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86
Part 3 - Drowning
One thing I’ve always prided myself on, is my innate ability to avoid an issue as long as humanly possible. Maybe that’s not a good thing? Maybe it’s just delaying an inevitable issue? That being said, in this particular situation, my problem was a person, and her name was Rachel.
So, naturally, I was avoiding her like the mother fucking plague.
I’m only a human, and a man, at that. I am not blind, I see the issue at hand. I’m attracted to her. And that’s a fucking problem. I could go down the list of reasons why that is a problem, and I have, hundreds of times, over the last three days. However, I decided very quickly after our last encounter that the best possible option was to keep a wide enough distance, not be obvious about it, and survive until I made it back to California and in the arms of the only person I know can make the problem disappear.
I had this plan, and although, with all of my certainty, I knew that it’s not the best one, to see Mileena after the show in San Diego, and have some very serious PDA in front of everyone.
Now, that wasn’t out of the norm for Leena and I, as it was pretty clear to everyone that we were wild for each other. So badly that the other members of our group were sometimes uncomfortable by it.
Then, once I had Mileena to myself, before I allowed anything fun to happen, I would tell her.
I would tell her about Rachel; my giving her a ride home, her answering the door nearly naked, inviting me in to her room.
Might leave out the part where I jerked off to her face, and body, and black boy shorts that barely covered her.
That was what I would take to my grave.
So, imagine my chagrin when Rachel spent the three days following the excursion trying to fucking corner me.
It started with a text I woke up to.
Rachel: Noah…can we talk?
Absolutely not.
The next text came once we were on the bus, and I was safely locked into my bunk.
Rachel: Are you asleep?
Then, once we made it to the venue in Atlantic City, and were finishing up the M&G, the next one came.
Rachel: Noah, I really need to talk to you before the show. It’s important.
I sent Nick to go find her, to see if it was a tech issue. I hardly felt like I could handle that again, with all of this other nonsense swirling around in my head. It wasn’t, and she asked where I was.
Nick, none the wiser, sent her to the green room. When I saw the door open, a flash of blonde hair behind it, I slipped into the bathroom.
I heard her sigh heavily, and then the next text came in. This one gave me pause.
Rachel: Well, clearly you’re avoiding me, so I guess I’ll just text you. I just wanted to tell you that I am so fucking sorry. I wish I could say I don’t know what came over me, but I do. Alcohol and absolute insanity. Noah, please believe me when I tell you that I know you are in a relationship, and respect the hell out of that. What happened last night will never happen again. I just don’t want this to ruin our friendship or work relationship. Hopefully this text makes you open to talking after the show.
By this time, I had long since turned my read receipts off, and just stared at the message.
I almost replied. Almost. But, my sane mind taking over, slipped my phone back into my pocket instead.
We didn’t stay at a hotel. Rather, we showered at the venue, and were back on the road within two hours after the show had ended. We had an painfully long drive back to San Diego, so we had to get moving fast.
I laid in my bunk, headphones blasting Sleep Token’s latest album, and was feverishly texting Leena.
I had hoped she hadn’t picked up on my extra-neediness since the night prior, and just chalked it up to me being homesick.
Leena: Addie is walking more. She took twelve straight steps today without falling down!
Me: Oh FUCK YEAH. My little fucking rockstar!
Leena: She misses you so much.
Me: I miss her too. I miss you both more than life itself. But after SD, I’m done touring for at least six months. Probably will never tour again so I don’t miss you guys so much.
Leena: Oh you’re so cute when you lie.
I couldn’t tell if the text was cold or not?
Me: I’m serious. I can’t do this shit without you guys. I’m missing so many of Addie’s milestones.
Leena: We’ll see baby. And I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ve got to get some sleep. I love you, Noah.
Me: I love you more, Leena.
Leena: Promise?
Me: Always.
I had been catching up on the newest season of Stranger Things when I noticed the bus was quiet. I checked the time and saw it was nearly 3AM. I heard and felt no movement about the hallway, so I carefully slid my bunk door open, and hopped out. I was dying for some water and had to pee something fierce.
I froze coming to the end of the hall, noticing a blue light emitting from the couch in the front. I realized quickly it was Folio, and took a relieving breath. I approached him, but he didn’t acknowledge me.
“Hey, late night?” He was staring at his laptop screen, clicking away at the keys.
“Mmm.” Was the only response I received.
I decided disturbing him was probably not the best idea, so I slipped into the bathroom silently. When I stepped back into the hall, he was no longer seated, and was standing at the fridge with the door open.
“I think Nick ate my fucking lunchable.”
I snorted, reaching in next to him for a water bottle. “Probably.”
I cracked the cap and took a long pull. Folio eventually closed the door with a huff, and looked directly at me.
“So,” His eyes were oddly serious, not something I see much in Nick Folio. I raised an eyebrow.
“Are you and Rachel just not speaking anymore, or…?”
I felt my heart drop down into my feet, my stomach simultaneously wrapping in a tight knot.
“What do you mean?” I kept myself cool.
“Well, she’s been asking for you, and we keep sending her your way, but she somehow never seems to find you?” His voice had a deadly evenness to it that made my skin crawl. Unless he lived in my brain, what the fuck could he possibly know?
“Well, it was a busy day.” I took another swig of my water to hopefully hide my uneasiness.
He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes. “Yeah? I guess.”
I nodded, hoping that was the end of it. Until he spoke again.
“You guys seemed friendly at the club the other night.”
That was it. Put a bullet between my fucking eyes.
Despite all of my efforts to hide the absolute terror I felt, I knew instantly that it was showing through. He raised his brows in response.
I tried to answer, but choked a little on the residual water in my mouth. I cleared my throat and closed the bottle.
“I just gave her a ride, dude.”
Nick eyed me from head to toe, not buying it.
“Yeah? Cause she seemed real sure about what was going to go down that night. Then you disappeared for an hour.”
My eyes blasted open. “What did you just say?”
Folio tossed his hands up in defense to my sharp tone. “Listen man, I’m no snitch. Not saying I’m going to go crying to Leena about it, but you may not want to shit where you sleep - you get me?”
My jaw had hit the floor, broken through the bottom of the bus, and was tearing along the Indiana asphalt beneath us,
“Folio, you’ve fucking lost it, dude!” He shook his head in amusement, clearly not believing me. “Nothing fucking happened with Rachel! I gave her a fucking ride. That’s it!”
My voice rose, so I instantly brought it back down, not wanting to alert the six other people sleeping.
He nodded then, his body language changing slightly. “Yeah?” He put his hand out to me, fist pushed forward. “On God?”
I bumped his fist. “On God, Buddha, Odin, or whatever other deity. Nothing fucking happened.”
He sighed. “Okay. I believe you dude.” I sighed in relief. “But Noah?” I glanced back up at his face. “If you’re telling the truth, then you should know, she said some pretty graphic shit about you at the bar. Claiming she had you wrapped around her finger, and she could get you into bed. Even with Mileena in the picture.” He glanced knowingly down the bus hallway.
“Watch out for that, dude. I thought Rachel was cool. I might’ve even had a thing for her. But hearing the way she talked about you? Something ain’t right.”
The salty, warm air of San Diego wrapped its arms around us as we stepped off of the bus at the hotel. It was refreshing, being so close to the finish line. Aside from my own bout of homesickness, I could see the guys were exhausted, and we were all ready for the post-tour coma, and being in the comfort of our own homes.
The hotel check-in process was tedious. Rachel stood at the counter, handing out keys as the attendant handed them to her.
“Nick.” He snatched his and walked back over to where I stood, waiting. “Folio.”
He took his card without looking at her. Something told me he was a little more than salty about this entire debacle.
“Jolly.” Only one left. “And, Noah.”
When my fingers took the key, her head whipped over and her eyes pierced up at me. I averted my gaze, plucking the card out of her hand, and intended to head to my room immediately.
“Hey! Who let these misfits in here?!”
Everyone’s heads whipped around, looking for the source of the voice. Her eyes were the first thing I caught, a day-breaking smile tearing across my face.
Mileena and Laura were walking through the lobby, waving at us. As soon as Mileena saw me, she broke out in a run. She always did when we were away for so long. It was one of her hopeless romantic traits that I indulged in at every opportunity.
I immediately unshouldered my backpack and began jogging toward her. Her body slammed into mine with only a force she could accomplish. My arms instinctively wrapped around her, securing her right into place against my chest.
I immediately got a face full of her midnight black hair, the scent invading my senses. She smelled like rose hips, fresh brewed coffee, Addison, and home. An overwhelming sense of ease washed over my skin.
Jesus fucking Christ, I love this girl.
She pulled herself back far enough to press her face against mine, her lips mashing mine in a frantic attempt to get as close as possible. My own fought back, nipping her bottom lip, before hers turned up into a smile.
“Thank fuck. I have been dying.” I croaked out.
Setting her feet on the ground, her arms snaked around my midsection, between the lapels of my jacket, burying the side of her face into my chest.
“Not as bad as I have.” Her words were a mumble.
“Look, we get it. You love each other. All star-crossed and shit.” We turned to look at Folio, who was smirking. “But do the rest of us get any love?”
She pulled away from me then, quickly wrapping Folio in an airtight hug. “Ah, I missed you too, punk.”
He chuckled at her and let her go. She made her rounds, even giving Rachel a one-armed embrace, which is when I noticed the look of humiliation on her freckled-face. Standing against Leena, my brain seemed to snap right back into place.
There was no contest. Mileena was stunning. Drop fucking dead mouthwatering. Rachel was…not.
After she made her way back over to me, I slung an arm easily over her shoulders, pulling her close enough to press a soft kiss on the top of her head.
“I thought you guys weren’t coming until tonight?” Nick was standing questionably close to Laura, which caught my eye immediately.
The latter shrugged, and pointed to Leena. “She showed up at my house at 9AM, insisting we leave sooner.”
“Best decision, honestly.” Was all I added.
We all began our trek toward the elevators, stepping in together. My room was on the second floor, so Leena and I stood at the front.
“Guys, I, uh, get you haven’t seen each other in three months, but,” Jolly’s voice was awkward. “we’ve only got like an hour until we have to head to the venue for sound check.”
The doors opened, and I nodded to my friend, acknowledging him. I then turned my head back to my girl, now standing outside the elevator, and flashed her a devilish grin.
“You better fucking run.”
Mileena has this way of moaning, and I can’t exactly describe how this is even possible, that sends a legitimate shiver up my spine. It’s chemical, the way her voice raises pitch and cracks at the end. How sometimes it’s my name rolling off her tongue, or just an incomprehensible noise, that makes me coil up and breath ragged. She has me by my fucking hair, and shows no signs of letting up.
Her eyes are always so wet, pleasure-soaked tears spilling down her cheeks, when she’s looking up at me whenever I’m burying myself inside of her.
She looks at me, not like she loves me, but like she knows me. Like she needs me. Like I’m the entire fucking universe and she is just spinning helplessly in some uneven orbit. It’s fucking unbelievable.
So when I finally reach my end, and am collapsed on top of her, fighting for air, I’m also peppering soft, affectionate kisses on her neck while she giggles tiredly.
“You’ve been so warm and fuzzy lately. I’m into it.”
I snicker into her skin, blowing warm air across her throat. “Can you blame me? I’m fucking obsessed with you.”
She sat up slowly, pulling herself away from me.
“And I, you, my love.” She stood off the bed, eyes searching the floor for her panties. “It just kind of came on suddenly. You sure you’re okay?”
She was concerned, which caused a lead brick to form in my gut. It’s guilt. I feel guilty.
“I mean, I’m fine.” I tried to waive a nonchalant hand to brush it off, but she still quirked her eyebrow the way she does, telling me I’m not getting away that easy.
“Yeah? Not very convincing there, Sebastian.” Her tone is playful, but there’s something under it.
“Just been a weird couple of days.”
She was pulling her leggings on. “How so?”
She was still so casual, but I know Mileena. She needed to know.
“Well-“ But before I could continue, there was a a loud banging on the door.
I fully expected to hear Jolly, or Nick, but instead, Rachel’s high-pitched whine came through the door.
“We’re leaving in 5 minutes, Noah! With or without you!”
I saw the face Leena made in response to the thick attitude laced in Rachel’s voice. “Damn, I wonder what’s got her so crabby?”
I sighed, and turned my back toward her while searching for my shirt. “Who knows.”
Soundcheck took way too long today, having to continuously stop for minute inconveniences. One of the laptops crashed, so we were at a complete standstill for about fifteen minutes. In that time, Nick and I decided to take a second look at the set list, trying to switch things up.
“Guys?” We both looked up to see her, galloping toward us, a stressed look on her face. Rachel was wearing a low-cut tee today, with black cargo pants and army boots.
“Listen, this computer is giving us a hell of a time, and I just don’t trust it. Would one of you run out to the bus and grab the backup?”
Nick stood up straight and gave a military salute, before jogging off the stage toward the side door. I chuckled and shook my head, looking back down at the clipboard in my hand.
“Changing it up tonight?”
I scanned the paper over and over, not looking up at her. “Thinking about it.”
“Why not play a song you haven’t played in a while?”
I looked up at her. “Like what?”
She pursed her lips, thinking. “Worst in Me?”
I shook my head. “Song blows live. Plus, we haven’t performed it in years. I doubt any of us even remember how.”
“Well, you pulled off The Fountain a while back.”
The sharpness of her tone struck a cord, so I dropped the clipboard on the amp I sat on, and stood up.
“We did.” I stood tall. I felt challenged.
“So why not play something else from that album?”
Her eyes had something in them. It almost looked like malice.
“Because we only played that song for a very specific reason.”
She scoffed. I almost couldn’t believe I heard it, but there it was.
“For Mileena, right?”
This made me narrow my eyes. Folio was right, something is off about her.
“Yep. For Leena.” My words held no room for argument.
She nodded her head slowly, lolling her tongue around between her teeth, before turning on her heel and walking toward Nick, who had re-entered with the computer in hand.
Something in the pit of my stomach burned, in a very bad, terrifying way.
What the fuck had I gotten myself into?
The show ran relatively smoothly. Mileena and Laura stood at the rails, making it easy to come undone more while she watched. We had a good time with our set, goofing around and enjoying ourselves.
After, I made no effort to hang around the green room. I was tired, and all I could think about was Leena, in sweats, wrapped in a hotel comforter, braid in her hair, stuffing her face with a burrito while we watched Stranger Things. It sounded heavenly.
Evidently, the rest of the crew felt similarly, as everyone decided to journey back to the hotel together. It didn’t take long, a short ride over from the venue. I had opted to ride with Laura and Leena, nearly bouncing out of my seat while we talked about the show.
“The crowd was fucking awesome tonight!” I say in the middle of the backseat, leaning between the driver and passenger’s seats, my arm draped over to hold Leena’s hand.
“It’s because we were there.” Laura was confident in her statement, which made Leena and I crack up.
“Oh definitely. You screaming ‘Fuck it up Folio’ really got’em going Lo.”
The ride was easy, and even fun. It helped me ignore the growing anxiety in my stomach.
I had been trying to push it back to the depths of my brain, the conversation. I knew it had to happen, but I couldn’t decide when. Originally, I had planned to tell her when we got back to the hotel; rip the bandage off, so to speak.
My selfishness wanted to wait, have a nice, relaxing night with her before we got home, and I gave her the full rundown.
The scariest part of it all? I had not a clue how she would react.
Mileena was anything but the jealous type. She had watched meet and greets with girls hugging me way too long, interviews where the host flirted with me, concerts where I was literally grabbed by women. It never fazed her. She never let a slip of the eyes, or a twitch of the lips. She always just smiled and told me I was a rockstar. It’s normal.
So she would understand this, right?
Waiting in the elevator was painful. The bus had beat us back to the hotel, and we all ended up, once again, together rising through the hotel. I felt my chest release the breath I had been holding once the door opened. I took Mileena's hand in mine, walking us down the hallway, and headed into our room.
She made herself comfortable, kicking off her Converse near the side of the bed, and flopping down on the blankets.
"Ugh, I'm so tired."
I snorted, pulling my shirt over my head. "Oh, yes. I know you must be so wiped from standing."
She tossed a pillow at me, that I caught and tossed back at her, laughing in the process.
"Listen here, buddy, I've been at home with that demon baby you made, for months!"
I feigned shock, grabbing my chest. "Demon baby? Nah, not my Addie."
She stood back up off of the bed, grabbing her backpack and pulling out her pajama pants.
"Oh please, she's insane, and you know it."
I shrugged. "I mean, she's highly intelligent. She can't help it."
She shook her head and shimmied out of her jeans, but paused before she put her pants on, scrunching her nose.
"Could I ask for a big favor?"
I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Yes, Leena, I'll let you wear my sweats."
She smacked at me with her pants. "No, dork. Can I please shower first?"
I raised an eyebrow. "You want me to join you?" I smirked, sticking my tongue out of the corner of my mouth.
"No." She was abrupt, and my face fell. She let out a sheepish grin. "My period started this afternoon after you left. It's pretty horrendous. Real horror movie shit. I'd rather be alone for that."
I pressed my lips in a tight line and nodded. "Fair enough."
I personally didn't care if she was bleeding, and she knew that, but she did, at least for the first few days, and I respected that.
She tip-toed over to me, and pressed a light kiss on my cheek, smiling sweetly. "Thank you, baby!" She scurried to the bathroom and hollered before shutting the door. "Out in a few!"
I sighed, sitting on the bed, and turned the TV on, flipping to the option for the streaming networks, pulling up Netflix and getting the show ready. I then pulled the fridge door open to see it was understocked, only one water bottle left, and no sodas.
"Babe?" I called from the bed, and made my way toward the bathroom. "The mini fridge is bare. I'm going to run down to the lobby and grab stuff from the snack bar."
"Ginger ale please!" She called from the shower.
"You got it."
I slipped my shirt back on and left the room, making my way toward the lobby. The snack bar was full of food, drinks, and regular amenities.
I grabbed myself a Dr. Pepper, a ginger ale for her, a 3 Muskateers, a bag of skittles, and four water bottles. After telling the attendant to charge it to my room, I was headed back up. It wasn't until after I got off the elevator, plastic bag rustling the only sound around, did I hear the footsteps behind me. I ignored them, continuing my stride toward my room.
The voice made me stop, and groan loudly. "You've got to be kidding me." I didn't even bother hiding my irritation.
I whipped around, nearly colliding with the body behind me.
"What do you want, Rachel?"
She stepped back, eyes wide. "Gosh, could you at least act like you don't hate me?"
I sighed loudly. "Your room isn't on this floor. What do you need?"
My impatience was clear, and it was meant to be.
"You're still ignoring me! You can't just pretend I don't exist. We work together."
"We're not working together right now. So, technically, yes I can." I turned to walk away, but her hand caught my arm.
"Noah, Jesus Christ!"
I was fed up, wound up, and fucking over this.
"What, Rachel?!" My voice was loud, but I didn't care. She was going to make me be mean to her, but I'd do what I had to, to get my point across.
She took a step toward me. "We never talked after the other night!"
"What the fuck is there to talk about?!"
To that, she looked offended. "Are you kidding? You're seriously going to sit here and act like the night at the club was nothing?!"
"It was nothing! Just because you dreamt up some crazed fantasy in your head about me, doesn't mean that anything that happened that night meant anything!"
She huffed, and I could see the tears welling in her eyes. I felt no sympathy.
"We had fucking fun, Noah! For once, I felt like you actually noticed me!"
My eyes had to mock something like disbelief, because she shrugged, wiping at her eyes.
"We've been working together a while now. I get anything and everything you need, always. I take care of you guys on tour. We spend every damn day together! And after all this time, you just feel nothing?!"
If my eyes were any wider, they may actually fall out of my skull.
"Are you kidding me?!" I took a step back. "That is your fucking job! That's what we fucking pay you for!"
"Oh, and the other night, when you fucking came to my room? That was just part of my job?!" She narrowed her eyes, an anger shining through. "I saw the way you looked at me, Noah. The car ride? The club?" She shrugged. "You didn't feel anything?"
I scrubbed my palm over my face. "No, Rachel! I didn't! I'm in a fucking relationship? What the fuck happened to respecting that?!"
"It's hard to respect when you're shoving it in my fucking face!"
"Shoving it in your face?! Since when does the fucking world revolve around you?!" I squeezed my eyes shut. "For fucks sake, Rachel! You've lost it, or something."
"I know you fucking thought about it, Noah. Tell me you fucking didn't."
For no good reason whatsoever, I was frozen again. Her voice, her eyes on me, she had me fucking cornered. Because if I said no, I was lying. If I said yes, I was an asshole. I wasn't sure which I preferred in that moment.
Her lips curled in a vicious smile. "You did. You wanted to come in that night. You wanted me."
She was fucking sick. Insane. Out of fucking control.
I let my voice fall flat and even. "Rachel, I'm going to warn you, you're playing a dangerous game here." I straightened my spine, standing much taller than her. "And I will remind you, I am your employer."
She shook her head. "You going to fire me for telling you I have feelings for you? After you ogled me half-naked? Yeah, that'll go over well."
My jaw dropped. What the fuck? How the fuck did I get here?
I just wanted to lay in bed, snuggle my girl, and eat fucking candy and junk food. I wanted my daughter, and my dog, and my house. I wanted to not be here. I could feel my throat closing.
"Look, I'll give you space. But, just think about it, okay?"
And with that, she turned around and made her way back down the hallway.
I'm not sure how long I stood there, stoic and frazzled, trying to urge myself to move. I was one foot in the grave if I didn't get ahead of this. I needed to talk to Nick, or Jolly, or Folio, or Sumerian, or a lawyer. I let the gears in my head slowly start again before I finally managed to turn around back toward my room.
I took a deep breath, attempting to gather myself before I slipped the card in and pushed the door open.
"Care to explain that?"
Her voice was hard, cold, concrete. She stood, hair still dripping, my Shippuden tee shirt hanging loose around her shoulders, arms crossed tightly across her body.
"I...I uh," My voice came out stuttered and choked. I didn't have the right words to form. "She...I....We...." It wasn't working. I was trying so hard, but I was stuck.
"Hurry up, Noah. You've got thirty fucking seconds."
I stood corrected. I was already in my grave.
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