#she saw him as nothing special but now he’s worthy of her attention
bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months
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Pairing: Joe Burrow x Singer!FemReader
Summary: Summary: Occurs directly after the events of Operation Tiger. In which everyone gets hit with a dose with karma?
Chapter 18: Run Joey Run
#Track9 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Warnings: 18+, language, overprotective brother, gossip.
Word Count: 3.7k
Part 2 🖤
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
‘Georgia’s so fucking predictable,’ Malik thought while flipping the last pancake onto his iHop-worthy plate of breakfast. He rolled his eyes at the hard downpour outside the kitchen window, then placed the hot pan in soapy water. 
“We’ve never been good, so I don’t know why you have to have a damn fit every time we lose a game.” He grumbles while drizzling an unhealthy amount of ‘maple’ syrup on his plate.
Once he’s satisfied with the amount of sugary goodness, he takes his plate, sits in his father’s favorite armchair, and turns on the television. A broadcast about last night’s game immediately draws his attention, Malik’s never been the biggest fan of football but he shares the same level of competitiveness as the rest of his family, so he enjoys a good game. In his opinion what happened last night was truly unfortunate to watch. It’s one thing to watch your dad try and coach his favorite team from his living room, but being there and watching them get pummeled by one of the guys he met just the day before- especially when he raved about the guy the second he left. It was a special game, to say the least.
His favorite part was just watching his favorite sibling fall harder and harder for the guy. Not that he’d ever say it to her face, but he liked Joe before he even stepped into the house. He saw them pull up from an upstairs window and it wasn’t just the level of chivalry he showed her that impressed him but the pure and beyond obvious adoration he had for her -the girl that once tortured him because he ate a chicken nugget that wasn’t his. He knew his big sister was a good judge of character, more times than not, so he was hopeful for the outcome of their love story.
“It smells like something burnt in here.”
Malik stabbed his short stack and groaned as the door slammed shut. “Why are you back? Y/n is not here, go away.” 
Riana cackles as she snatches a strip of bacon off his plate and then sits on the couch farthest away from the 21-year-old. “You should be nicer to your guests Malik. Mama Mina said I could stay as long as I wanted.” She smiles biting into his food.
“Hey! She said nothing about taking my food, this took me forever!” He scolds, and in return, she pouts and makes a crying gesture with her hands.
“Whatever.” He shakes his head, grabs the TV remote, and changes the local news to ESPN. 
“Ugh, you didn’t get enough of that last night?” Mars rounds his chair with two water bottles from the fridge and sits with the other girl.
“I’m sorry, is this not my house? Last time I checked you lived down the road.” The older girls giggle and watch the boy fidget in his seat.
“Yeah well, it would be your house if you got a job to pay for some of the bills, but last time I checked Y/n helps out more than you and she lives in Louisiana.” 
Just as Malik’s about to reply to his loc’ed-ness monster sister-like nemesis, a new story about the game perks all their attention.
“I love watching players find their footing in the league. Joe Burrow last night was phenomenal.  Sure, are the Falcons ragdolls, yes, but the Bengals ran them in the dirt like it was nothing.”
“You know he’s a showboat, right? Burrow had to show off for the pretty girls in that stadium.” 
“Hey if my model girlfriend were in the stands, I’d play my ass off as well.”
“And a beautiful one at that, Megan Claire was in his eye line the entire night. They seem like a great couple.”
“Some even caught them leaving later than usual, but that’s enough about that for now.”
Malik was the first one out of his seat with his fists clenched and a scowl burning on his face. “Who the fuck is Megan Claire and where is that stupid motherfucker at?” He turns his scowl towards the girls and watches as they scurry off the couch.
"Malik calm down. I'm sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this." Mars expresses only slightly panicked but still fumbles with getting her phone out.
The young man's breath picks up as he paces the living room. "Did I not just spend an entire weekend watching him and my sister play house?"
"What's taking so long, why isn't she picking up?" Mars groans.
"Maybe because it’s 10 am," Riana mumbles earning a glare from her.
"Fine, how about you try- since you know every fucking thing." Riana rolls her eyes and makes the call.
"Someone tell me what the fuck is going on!"
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡
Meanwhile at the Hilton...
After a very successful night, most of the Bengals players went out to celebrate, engaging in the city’s nightlife. Their most important player, well he spent his night a bit differently.
While Ja'Marr and Tee were having fun and getting drunk, Joe decided a quiet dinner with his special girl was more than enough fun for him. Little did they all know, that no one would be able to tell the difference in their mornings by the way they spent their nights.
Chase and Higgins were rudely awakened by intense headaches and sensitive senses, while Burrow had to listen to ridiculous shriekings from alarms- or what he thought were alarms.
Joe wanted nothing more than to shove his face in his soft pillow and catch more zzz, but the noise didn't stop. He didn't remember setting an alarm for the day since he was very content on having a well-deserved lazy morning, so when he had to stretch farther to reach the device it didn't concern him as anything that important. In an attempt to turn off the horrid noise, he answered the call and dropped the phone next to his pillow.
The quarterback began to slip back into Dreamworld until a woman's voice came blaring through the small device. "Y/N YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND IS A MANWHORE!"
Joe's soul practically jumps out of his body as he gazes at the phone realizing it was a FaceTime. What the hell.
"Ri, give me the phone. That is not how you start a conversation." A softer tone, belonging to the nicer half of the duo he had recently met, said.
Joe half-assly cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Look I don't know what is going on, but I'm not a whore."
"Don't play dumb with us Burrow." Mars' previous tone grows harsher.
"I can promise you there are no games here, just a very tired Joe, who would like to go back to bed." He yawns turning onto his back.
The video on the phone begins to jolt from person to person as someone else tugs it in their direction. "Listen here jackass."
'Huh Malik does not seem happy.'
"Who the hell is Megan Claire and why are you cheating on my sister?" Joe's face falls at the accusation from the young college boy and he faces the camera.
"Woah he even wakes up hot."
Joe chuckles, "I'm flattered but taken."
"Answer the question second string."
“After last night that comment was uncalled for. Megan’s an ex from a while back and I’m not cheating on Y/n.” He rakes his fingers through his hair and takes a glance at the figure sleeping soundly next to him. "I'd have her vouch for me, but I'm not waking her up."
“You’re lying! Every single media outlet is talking about Megan repping your jersey last night and you looking in her direction the whole game!”
Joe rolls his eyes and gives the boy a second to calm down. "Malik, who's phone did you call?"
The brown-eyed boy just shakes his head. "That has nothing to do with it! You could've snuck into the room and pretended that you'd been with her the whole night.
"Malik I don't know what else to tell you. I haven't seen Megan in over a year, I didn't know she was at the game and I was out with your sister all night." He sighed just as the figure next to him began to stir.
"Fuck what time is it?" You slowly lift your head out of the layers of pillows and comforters to see a blurred version of your boyfriend with your phone in his hand. "Babe, what's going on?"
"Tell my sister the truth!
“Oh, just your brother accusing me of cheating two days into our relationship.” You reach over your nightstand for your glasses. Once they're settled on your face, Joey pulls you closer to him.
"Malik, what the hell is going on?"
"I'll tell you what's going on. You're being played. The entire time he was trying to get in with you, he's had another bitch repping his famous ass name."
You roll your eyes and scoff at your incredibly naive little brother. "Oh yea, and what credible ass sources did you hear that bull shit from."
"It's all over social media duh." He smirks glaring at Joe.
"Malik you need a fucking media literary class if you believe every fucking thing you hear on social media. Have you seen a single picture of them attached to those damn articles? No. Has either of their media teams come out and said to leave the matter alone? No. Why? Because it’s BULLSHIT. Have I, your older sister, given you any sign that he'd done something wrong or found out some big secret of his? Hell no. Which means you need to hop off your fucking high horse and apologize for going off for some dumb ass shit."
Malik's face falls as he takes it all in. He clearly didn't do much thinking after hearing the news. "I'm sorry guys. I swear I was just trying to protect you, but I know that I took it too far too fast."
"Malik, I understand why, and it’s incredibly sweet of you to defend my honor, but you need to fact-check with the people that matter before losing your head."
He nods his head, "I promise to always check with you. As long as the model's not a problem, I won’t be either."
Joe snorts Malik and hands the phone to one of the girls. "She was definitely a problem a couple of nights ago."
"Let's not bring that up again." You groan.
"Yeahhh, let’s not talk about that." Riana dryly chuckles while biting on her nails. Your brows furrow as the phone's yanked out of her hand revealing an also nervous Mars.
"Guys, are you okay?"
The dark-skin girl lets out a sigh. "We have something to tell you, but you can't get mad."
"M, don't do it."
You lean back into your boyfriend and watch the same confused look form on his face through the camera. "Don't do what?" He inquired.
"I'm so sorry I let her rope me into this. It was supposed to be innocent, just to help speed things along. Then I saw what she wrote and we couldn't go back. It was all one big misunderstanding-
"Oh my god, Y/Bff it can not be that bad. Just calm down and say it." She pursed her lips and frantically nodded her head. "Girl, it’s okay."
"Claire wasn't the one sending those messages, we were."
You blinked at your long-time friend. "Come again?"
"Someone..." She points to Riana. "Came up with the brilliant idea to pretend to send Joe messages as his ex so you'd be jealous and act on your feelings for him."
Your jaw drops and Joey grabs the phone. “Are you fucking kidding me? You did the fucking opposite of helping. I had the whole thing planned out then your stupid messages made everything I was saying sound like utter bullshit!” You slowly stroke his unoccupied arm as a means to calm both him and yourself.
"Listen, we were only trying to help. You guys were starting to seem hopeless from our view- we didn't want you to be only friends forever." Riana began.
You just shook your head in disbelief. "Fucking bitches!"
"Y/n come on, if it wasn’t for us you wouldn't be in the same damn bed right now!"
"Oh fuck you, do you know how that shit made me feel? That was the dumbest fucking thing you've ever done to me and if I remember it was YOUR friend that caused my fear of relationships with men. I can not believe this was all your fault." She freezes as you remind her of that day, her face pales and her eyes no longer on the screen.
"I told you it was a stupid idea, but no... we were doing what's best for her. Look where we are now."
Riana didn’t acknowledge the other girl as she shook her head in shame and defeat. "Y/n, I never thought about how it could affect you in other ways. I'm so sorry that I reminded you of that night."
Your eyelids drooped and you palmed your face. "Fuck I never should've brought that up. Now I'm sorry, that was never your fault. Guys like that act on their own accord, you were trying to do something nice.”
“No, I completely understand why you would go to that. You worked so hard to get through that then even more therapy after Miles. I know you wanted to take your time and I should've respected that.” She sniffled.
“Ri, you’re my girl. I know you had the best intentions-
“Oh my fucking god.” The two of you stop as the phone is ripped out of Riana’s hands.
“Ok we get it, Ri messed up. You took it too far. We’re all fucking sorry. It’s done, stop apologizing! Damn.”  You press your lips together to suppress your laugh.
“On that note, we are done here,” Joey says taking the phone from you.
You look up at him and snort. “Babe for real?”
“Yes, say bye.”
“Wait so you forgive us for meddling right?”
“Riana please!”
“I just wanted to know-
You can’t help the belly laugh that erupts from within you as he ends the call and tosses the phone to the other side of the room. “Well, that’s a great way to wake up.”
Joe snorts. “I can list a hundred better ways right now.” Then pats your hips. You turn to face him in his lap, and hook your arms around his neck.
“And what sorts of ideas are you concocting Mr. Burrow?” Your eyes meet his blues with a certain flare to them. “Joey..” 
“Huh?” His gaze goes down to where your shirt ends and exposes the bare skin of your thighs.
“My eyes are up here.” You tap his chin, his steamy eyes following your finger.
“Yep so are your lips.” You snort at the way his pupils were so blown. 
All you did was sit there in his shirt and you had his full attention. Not even just now, last night it didn’t matter how dim the lighting was or how good the food was; all that mattered to him was you. The waiter sat you at a table next to the window, the chairs were across from each other, but he couldn’t take the distance and moved yours so you both had an amazing view. The night sky was incredible from up high, but he only had eyes for you. 
“I feel underdressed, this place is so fancy. If I’d known we’d be going out I would’ve packed a nicer outfit.” You looked down at your light blouse and dark jeans.
“You look beautiful.” His eyes sparkled with adoration. “My plan was for them to deliver to our room, but I thought this would be better. I called and asked if could just be us, they actually set the whole thing up. Suckers for romance.” He smiles and takes your hands.
“I wanted to show you how serious I am about you. I know I did the whole speech, but actions speak louder than words right?”
You blinked as a small smirk formed on your lips. “Did you just quote Jonathan Larson in Tick, Tick… Boom!” His gaze fell to your joined hands as his cheeks shifted to a deeper pink
“You put it on a few times at my place, I might’ve picked up on it.” He chuckles then brings your hand to his lips. You bite your bottom lip as your smile plumps your cheeks.
The evening was wonderful, you enjoyed your food, got a bit tipsy, and fell asleep to the ending of Iron Man 3. 
“What are you thinking about?” Joe must’ve noticed the wondrous yet blissful look in your eyes. You smiled and pecked his lips.
“About how beautiful last night was and about how much of an amazing boyfriend I have.” His cheeks pink up the same hue as last night.
“I only had to wait a few years to secure the woman of my dreams.” 
“Stop you’re gonna make my cheeks hurt.” You giggle as he pulls you in so you’re chest to chest. A groan escaped his lips as your French tips threaded through his hair before massaging his scalp.
“Never, I was told to never let that smile leave your face. So you’re stuck with me, baby.” He nips your nose making you scrunch, then captures your lips with his. His touch was searing yet so careful, bred from passion and caution. His tough fingers kneaded your plush thighs like the most delicate of doughs. His wandering tongue encouraged your soul to float away into his sea of want and open up a part of yourself that had been closed off. Your soul wanted nothing but the ability to submit to the man who had won your heart before letting it be known. Too bad the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door and the call of ‘room service.’
“Fuck I forgot about breakfast.” He panted against your head, you pecked his forehead and shuffled off his lap.
“You know if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to woo me.” He shrugged as a grin curved up his fiercely pink swollen lips.
He opened the door wide enough for a cart to roll in, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filling the room. “Oh, you can woo me all you want.” The tray covers are lifted to reveal an assortment of different fruits, muffins, and savories. Your eyes gravitate to the crispy potatoes, Joe’s one step ahead of you and places a tray on your lap. You lift its covering and practically melt at its offerings: a small bowl of melon balls, a vegetable omelet with bacon on the side, and a side of perfectly crisp potatoes with fluffy white insides. 
“So, how is it?” You look up from your potato heaven at him handing you a cup of coffee. You take a sip and moan at the taste of the Colombian coffee. I think I need to marry this guy.
“It alright,” you sigh. He looks at you puzzled. “It would be better if my quarterback was next to me.” 
He lets out a breath and smiles. “Always keeping me on my toes aren’t you?” You blow him a kiss as he brings the rest of the spread over and takes his rightful spot next to you.
As you’re enjoying your breakfast, you switch on the TV and find a broadcast about last night’s game. While Joe’s more fixated on his protein-packed meal, the rate at which your fruit makes it into your mouth halts at the headline on the screen.
You let out a loud gasp to gather your boyfriend’s attention. “Oh no, Joe Burrow and his girlfriend, Megan Claire, were seen leaving last night’s game around midnight!” Joe looks up for a moment and rolls his eyes before diving back into his eggs.
“Wait, if you left at midnight, then who did I have dinner with at 10? Who are you? Oh my god, I went on a date with an alien impersonating my boyfriend so he could go have sex with his ex under the bleachers.” You hold your heart and fake sob. “How could you do this to me?”
“You’re ridiculous.” He chuckles reaching over to his bedside for his phone. You shake your head and cover your sobs. 
“I can’t believe this is happening.” The words are muffled but clear enough for him to catch on video along with his laugh from the other side of the camera.
You whip your head up and sniffle. “I just knew that the big-time hunky quarterback would never go for a small-town girl like me. I was never meant for this life, I should’ve never put in that transfer to that Ohio clinic.” 
The phone in front of Joe’s face falls and shows his furrowed brows and curled lips. “What did you just say?”
You purse your lips to hide the smile forming on her lips. “Nothing..”
Joe moves the plates in between you and slides closer to you. “Baby, are you moving to Cincy?”
“What? I have no idea of what you’re talking about, I said nothing about Cincinnati.” You shake your head, albeit unconvincingly because before you know it, he’s on top of you with his strong hands tickling your sides. 
“Come on babe all you have to do is be honest and I’ll stop.” You thrash around full belly laughing until your core begins to burn. “Ok ok ok, I did it!”
He stops, letting you catch your breath and pulling you forward. “Now was that so hard?” You scrunch your face and lightly shove him. He just smiles and pulls you closer.
“For your information, Joseph, that’s why I got to your place so early. I had an interview with a clinic and they gave me the job- a promotion too.” You flip your imaginary ponytail since your hair is safely secured underneath your bonnet. 
“Baby that’s fucking amazing. Wait- you did this before we got together. Did you just expect me to let you move in with me?” He smirks and wiggles his brows.
“If you want, I could go to Ja’Marr’s.” You test looking at him from under your lashes.
“Nope, I’m shipping all your stuff to my place immediately.” 
You wink and peck his lips. “Good, now past the fruit please.” Joe takes a grapevine from his platter and feeds it to you like a pharaoh.
“Oh, I could get used to this.”
꘎♡━━ ۵ ━━♡꘎
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A/N: Cute and sweet, my brother came up with the title lol. Chapter 19: #WalkLikeThis will be posted in a few days. Taglist: @light-yagami-l
<<< Part 1 | Next Ch. 19: WLT >>>
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35 notes · View notes
redsparko · 3 months
Now that the Legacy of Gods books are done I’ve come to bestow everyone with my rankings of all six books.
6. God of Pain
Starting with GOP, it did not touch me like the other books did, I don’t hate but don’t love it, but compared to the others it’s definitely my least favorite. Plus his nickname for her? Little purple? Rina, please. If anything little annoyance. No but seriously, this may have been a unique nickname, I give props but the nickname does not hit for me.
5. God of War
Do not come at me with the pitch forks and knives. I do not hate Eli or Ava, in fact, I love them both very dearly. It’s just that their book confused me the most and that a lot of the buildup I had for them was just… meh.
The amnesia trope with Ava was confusing as fuck. The psychosis and praise kink however? Good shit. But compared to how the others books made me feel? Meh.
But him calling her beautiful? Has me feeling some sort of way.
4. God of Wrath
People will def hate me for this one. I know Jeremy and GOW is a BIG fan favorite, if not, second/first to GOF. But first reading GOW it did not touch me the same way a few of the other books did y’know? Like after rereading it like 5 more times I got a little more attached but Jeremy somewhat just didn’t do it for me.
This book however has the best parent-male love interest interactions
Lisichka as a nickname lowkey be cute but don’t got me feeling anything much
3. God of Malice
When I tell yall Killian and Glyndon are > I mean it. Killian is so—hot. Like actually has me on my knees. He’s most hated by Levi? Has lowkey all of the King men at his head? Hello? What’s not to like? Also obsessed with her? Plus the little scenarios they have together, the picnic scene where he kisses her forehead? Tells her to be good? The way she kissed his chest after telling him she just wanted to sleep? That sort of intimacy with a psychopath? Damn.
The use of “Baby” and “Sweetheart” has me fucking fluttering. Little Rabbit however? Made me feel nothing, pussy dry. Feel like it could’ve been substituted with Bunny, feels cuter, little bunny, adorable bunny, cheeky lil bunny. Bunny rolls off the tongue better but may be more on the nose, still better than Little Purple.
2. God of Ruin
I have a bias for Mia and Landon, they’re so perfect. I’m an artist, too, so like,.. the flattery of being someone’s muse is so touching, specially when Landon just,.. can’t stop observing every slope of her just to sculpt her, the fact he’s a genius sculptor yet believes nothing he’s made is worthy of the attention he gets. He’s not humble by no means but his menace energy is just funny.
Like this dude is asking for whatever he’s getting.
And the risk of choosing her over his own art? Thags dedication that’s everything. Him choosing his love over his passion? Which is badically the equivalent to his love? I can’t even. Landon the most annoying and unfeeling mother fucker? Chooses Mia over his passion? The best.
Don’t get me started on the running, primal kink anyone?
Y’all saw this one coming, yall had to. My absolute favorite (though some scenes make no damn sense). It’s very dramatic, I eat up dramatic. I have a physical copy of it, gifted by a friend and I will be rereading that shit word for word.
Nikolai is my type. He’s green forest galore. He’s hedonistic and doesn’t care abt what anyone says, but still extremely caring and obsessive of those around him and he’s EXTREMELY PROTECTIVE of those he loves, (THAT GARETH SCENE GMFU). Thats just everything I want, plus he’s got big muscles and his fan cast is universally accepted as Mike Debeer. I love my well built, tattooed, muscled men.
Please, I want myself a Nikolai. He’s so loving, caring, obsessive, and funny. To others he’s got the cold sheer personality of a Doberman/Cane corso, but to his one and only, he’s a golden retriever.
Lotus Flower best nickname, fucking FIGHT ME.
Also? Landon and Nikolai? HELLO? BEST PAIR? Canon Landon is best brother. Landon and Brandon best brothers.
28 notes · View notes
duskspring · 9 months
Flowers and Sentences - Mountain/Cumulus
Domestic December - Day 23
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Summary: Mountain tries to put together a special day for Cumulus
Content (do let me know if I forgot anything!): Cuddling, napping together, ruined plans, romance
Word count: ~2.9k
A/N: When I made a post related to this chapter @chapel-of-rizztual made a nice addition to it in the tags that I simply had to use here, so credit for that goes to him
Mountain poured all his focus into keeping his hands still, something that was much harder than usual seeing the cold temperature. He was in the process of cutting some flowers for a small bouquet. He had helped them grow from seeds to full bloom over the course of nearly two years.
He’d come across this particular kind in one of the gardening books in the library. They had caught his attention immediately, the big puffy white petals reminding him of a certain ghoulette’s flowing curls.
He caught himself thinking of Cumulus more and more as of late, the closer he got to harvesting the fruits of his labor. It had started with him wanting to plant something new, then him deciding to grow them for her, then thinking he needs to make it a big gesture.
Thus, he’d asked Cumulus to meet him for dinner that night. He was planning to cook her favorite meal, give her the flowers and say some pretty words. Which words exactly? He’d figure it out.
Mountain delicately tied the flowers together with a light blue ribbon, making sure none of them were squished against one another. He was lucky it had finally stopped raining and snowing for a few nights, leaving the plants and ground dry.
He smiled to himself, proud that he could give Cumulus something he’d worked so hard on. She deserved nothing less.
“I knew you’d be here.”
Mountain instinctively dropped the bouquet and turned around in a flash, trying to cover it and the bush they came from. Of all people, of course Cumulus had to come find here and now. She was dressed up warmly in a beanie and gloves he’d seen her knit herself, as well as a thick winter jacket. She looked positively adorable in the getup.
“I am,” He said stilted, “Did you need something?”
“Yes, actually. About tonight…” She seemed nervous, somewhat sheepish. Mountain’s heart sped up, mind immediately assuming she was going to cancel on him, “What should I wear? Like, will it be something fancy or just casual?”
A sigh of relief left the earth ghoul’s mouth, his shoulders sagging with the release of tension, “Uhm… We could totally make it something fancy, but I’m onboard for whatever you’re most comfortable with.” It really didn’t matter to him. On one hand, Cumulus was worthy of all things special and he wanted to prove he could provide that. On the other, he really did want Cumulus to be at her most comfortable around him.
“I’d like an excuse to dress up,” The ghoulette blushed a bit, “Are you busy right now?”
Mountain gazed over his shoulder to the bouquet. At least one of the flowers had probably been damaged when he dropped it, “A little bit. Do you need my help with anything?”
“Yes but no. I just thought maybe we could meet up a little sooner. Watch a movie and have some warm drinks.” She was fumbling with her hands, sensing that she may be interrupting something.
How could he possibly say no to that? Any chance to spend time close to her was a chance to take. But if he stood up and went with her now, there was no way she wouldn’t see the flowers already. He really wanted to keep those a surprise for a little longer, so he had to work around it here.
“Absolutely, I’d love to. But I need to finish everything here first, so maybe you could go set up already and I’ll join you soon in just a moment.”
“I could also help you.” Cumulus smiled brightly. She’d never been big on gardening, but she was just as desperate to spend time with Mountain as he was for her. Besides, it did always look very calming when he did it.
“No.” He immediately said, regretting it as soon as he saw her expression drop, “I just need to…” He tried thinking of an excuse, “Dethorn a few plants. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
The ghoulette seemed to understand, but stayed a little disappointed, “Aha. Well, be careful as well then. I’ll go get everything ready in my room.” She still made sure to smile at him, trying to cheer herself up as well.
“Thank you. I’ll make it quick.” He mirrored her expression.
The second she disappeared around the corner of the hedge, Mountain turned around in a panic. He examined the bouquet he’d dropped, indeed finding two of them squished and muddied. He untied the ribbon, removed those two, before tying it all together again.
He tried to stifle his disappointment. He still had a few left, and the bush would keep growing in the future. But it wasn’t about the future, it was about tonight.
In a hurry, he made his way back to the ghouls’ den, making sure he didn’t run into Cumulus at any point.
“What are you sneaking around for?” Mountain nearly dropped the flowers a second time, startled by Swiss’ voice.
“Swiss. Perfect.” Mountain waltzed up to him. He nearly shoved the plants into his packmate’s hands, wrapping his own around his to ensure Swiss actually held onto them, “Do me a favor and put these in a vase. Carefully. They’re for Cumulus but I’m not giving them to her yet.”
Without awaiting a response, Mountain hurried away again. He didn’t want to keep her waiting for too long. Once he got to her door, he allowed himself a second to take a deep breath before knocking.
“Come in.” She sounded like her usual cheerful self.
Mountain opened the door, immediately hit with the sweet smell of apple and cinnamon. Cumulus was already laying on her bed, a white woolly sweater and light blue pyjama pants adorning her body.
“There you are.” She smiled, her eyes nearly closing with how wide it was.
Mountain felt frozen in place for a moment. He was always so mesmerised by her beauty. If he didn’t know she was a hellspawn, he’d easily mistake her for a goddess. Snapping back to reality, Mountain stayed just outside of the room to take his boots off in the hall, instead of dirtying up her space. Without care, just wanting to get to her already, he dropped his jacket on the ground next to the shoes. He then stepped back inside and shut the door behind him, making sure to not slam it too hard.
“What’s that?” He asked about the beverages that waited for the two of them on a little tray on her nightstand.
“It’s warm apple juice with cinnamon.” She sounded very excited about it, “A sister had me try it once. It’s really yummy.”
Mountain picked up the two mugs as he came down on the mattress, handing one to Cumulus and inspecting his own. A lot of the cinnamon was merely floating on top of the juice, probably the reason why there was a spoon in there. The warmth tingled his cold hands, the smell automatically making him relax into the bed.
He moved his arm around the back of her bed frame, silently inviting the ghoulette to cuddle into him. She did so as much as she could, without spilling any of the contents in her cup.
“Did you have something in mind to watch?” Mountain asked, a suspicion already on his mind.
Her smile told him he was correct, “A new romcom was recently released.” She said as if it was just a random fact and not a suggestion.
The earth ghoul had never really enjoyed those types of movies before he started watching them with Cumulus. Even if he thought they were incredibly cheesy, he would never deny her the chance to watch something she genuinely enjoyed.
“Sounds like a banger.” He agreed, his heart melting when she snuggled further into his side in thanks.
It emboldened him to put his hand onto her waist, underneath her sweater. She shied away from the touch, yet further into his side.
“You’re cold,” She giggled.
“Oh, sorry.” Mountain made a move to remove his hand again, but she snatched it and held him in place.
“It’s ok. I’ll warm it up.” Her eyes twinkled.
Soon enough the movie was on, the drinks had been finished and both ghouls had slid down the bed frame to lay down in each other’s arms. Indeed, snuggling up like that was a great way to warm up.
Even after the credits rolled, they didn’t move. They’d made their way into a spooning position, Mountain being the big spoon. The two of them fit together so well. Mountain, with as little movement as possible, snapped off the light on the bedside table. Cumulus didn’t react, quite possibly already asleep like he was so close to being. He pushed his face into her curls, enjoying the fresh smell of her shampoo. Its floral scent reminded him of his garden.
His eyes shot open in sudden anxiety. He had been so eager to get to Cumulus he handed a very delicate, very important bouquet to Swiss, who had no clue how to keep them safe. But it would be fine, right? He was told to put them in a vase, how could he possibly mess that up?
Mountain tried to force himself to relax, to just enjoy this soft moment. Swiss didn’t deserve to get doubted like this, he hadn’t done anything wrong.
Cumulus turned around in her sleep, her arms coming around Mountain to pull him a little closer. His heart melted once more, any anxieties vanishing in the instant. He stayed there, nice and warm and so very sleepy.
He didn’t know how much time had passed before he woke up to the sound of a commotion. Somewhere down the hall two people seemed to be shouting to each other.
Cumulus also stirred awake at the sound, but Mountain quickly shushed her, “Don’t wake up. I’ll go take care of it and get you when dinner’s ready.” He whispered. She hummed in agreement, rolling around as he got up.
Getting up groggily, Mountain nearly walked into the door as he rubbed his eyes. As he got closer, the racket down the hall seemed to be settling down.
“I’m sure Mountain will understand.” Dew’s voice sounded dismissive, at which point Mountain practically started running.
“Understand what?” He asked, even before he’d rounded the corner.
The kitchen was a mess. A dishcloth laid on the stove with a clear hole burned through it, a pan and something very charred laid discarded on the floor. But all of that wasn’t what caught his attention. The first thing Mountain noticed was a vase with very burned flowers sat less than a foot away from the stove.
He stared at them, not daring to step closer and assess the damage. That would make it too real.
“On the bright side,” Swiss carefully interjected, “one of them made it out alive.” He held the single left over flower out for the earth ghoul to grab. Mountain made no such move however.
“Who puts flowers right next to a stove?” His voice came out weirdly calm. Weird, because he was fucking fuming.
“Well, I didn’t think Dew’s would be this bad at cooking.” Swiss excused, before sighing and looking at the floor, “I’m really sorry.”
Mountain’s gaze still hadn’t moved away from the burned bouquet he’d build up to for so long. A part of him wanted to freak out, but he knew it wouldn’t solve anything.
“Get out. Both of you. I’ll take care of dinner.” He didn’t leave room for argument. Dew immediately scampered out, glad to escape a lecture. Swiss, on the other hand, stepped closer to Mountain cautiously.
“Where should I put-” The earth ghoul wordlessly snatched the flower from his hand before walking to the counter. With pain in his heart, he threw the burned flowers away and used the vase to preserve the final one. He put it away on the kitchen island away from the stove and got to work on the pack’s dinner.
The midday nap proved to have been a great idea. Cooking two separate times, once for the majority of the ghouls and then again for just Cumulus and him took a lot of energy. Although no one was forcing him to make two different meals, he wanted to do something special for his favorite ghoulette.
He went and set the final plates down on the dining table for everyone to dig in. He took a deep breath trying to switch his mental space towards the different recipe, almost forgetting he still needed to change into a more fancy outfit.
He jogged to his room to do so, putting on the one suit in his closet. It was a rich emerald green color. He put a simple black button up underneath and decided that as much as Cumulus deserved the best out of him, he did have to start cooking soon.
He walked back into the kitchen, freezing for the umpteenth time that day.
Cumulus was sitting on the counter, the stem of a very specific white flower being rolled between her fingers. Seeing them side by side, Mountain realized just how correct he had been in comparing the two. The bloom looked like a second, smaller version of the ghoulette’s glowing hair.
“I’m assuming you grew this,” She noted, not taking her eyes off of it, “It’s beautiful.”
“You weren’t supposed to see it yet. Then again, there were also supposed to be more of them so we can just forget about it anyway.”
That made her look up fast. She delicately put the flower back in the vase, walking up to Mountain and holding his face in her hands so he had no choice but to look her way, “Did something happen?”
Mountain leaned into the touch for a second before walking up to the trash can. Cumulus gasped when he held up the burned remains of the bouquet.
“Oh. Well, at least this one made it out.” She saw it from the bright side, gesturing to it.
“They reminded me of you.” Mountain explained further.
She moved a hand to her heart at that, truly touched, “Thank you so much.” Her voice was soft, her mind too filled with love to notice.
“At least there’s still dinner.” Mountain cheered up at her reaction to his somewhat failed gift. But the flowers had been only one part of the whole.
Cumulus clapped her hands, lifting herself back onto the counter to watch him. He’d taken his suit jacket off, so she got to admire the way the sleeves of his button up were rolled up, the muscles in his arms flexing every time he picked up a pan or cut vegetables. She’d asked to help out, but he’d insisted on spoiling her. Even if a part of her felt a little guilty at just sitting there, usually being the one who enjoyed taking care of others, she did appreciate the effort he was putting in.
She still did whatever he’d allow her to. She tasted small bits of the food so he could gauge her reactions and set out their plates and glasses at the small table that stood in the room.
While Cumulus was happy and calm, Mountain’s mind was racing still. He still didn’t really know how to word his feelings. He tried desperately to come up with what he’d say once they were seated. But there was simply not enough time.
“Done.” He sighed, a little tired but mostly disappointed in himself.
“Yay.” Cumulus beamed, ignorant to his internal struggle with himself. She hopped off the counter to quickly find her way to the table. Her chin leaned on her hands, elbows on the table and legs kicked under the table.
Mountain put their plates down and got the two of them something to drink before finally sitting across from her. He still wanted to come up with something, but as soon as he met her eyes any worry faded from his mind. He was content to simply be there with her.
“Cheers,” She smiled slyly, holding up her glass.
Mountain lifted his own glass and clinked it against hers, “Cheers.” He repeated.
After taking a quick sip, Cumulus brought one of her arms across the table in search of his hand. He grabbed hers, “I do really, really appreciate all you’ve done for me. Today and in general.” She smiled.
“There’s absolutely no need,” He lifted her hand to kiss the back of it, making her giggle a little nervously. He lowered it again very slowly, deciding that aimlessly searching for the right words wouldn’t help either of them, “Cumulus…” She looked at him kindly and expectantly. For a moment he thought of backing out again.
“I love you.” The two said simultaneously.
She giggled again, while Mountain sat awestruck, “Glad we’re on the same page.” She smiled.
“Yeah… But it so-”
“much more than that.” She finished the sentence for him. It was like she was reading his mind, knowing what he felt. Feeling the exact same way, “I know, dear. And I feel the same.” Her smile softened.
Mountain could only nod, not having expected it to go like this of all ways, “I’m glad.” He mumbled, grabbing her hand a little tighter.
[My Main Masterlist | Domestic December Masterlist]
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kworus · 1 year
As promised, here's an analysis of why I firmly believe Aziraphale's actions in s2e6 are in character and why I don't believe in the coffee theory. Obviously I could be wrong but I've been overanalyzing everything to distract myself from THE HORRORS so here's this. ***good omens s2 spoilers below.*** this is kinda long btw
If yall dont know, the coffee theory revolves around the coffee the metatron gave to Aziraphale, and claims that he was poisoned/brainwashed by said coffee. The two main arguments, excluding that to many aziraphale felt ooc, are that a small miracle sound could be heard and that the metatron puts some attention to the amount of almond syrup in the coffee, as if he was hiding some kind of smell. I lowkey believed this theory because it is true that Aziraphale´s actions feel weird, and something else has to be going on. But that is because we are seeing things from Crowley´s point of views.
Crowley sees this as Aziraphale choosing heaven over him, the same heaven that betrayed him and treated him like shit. On top of that, earlier he saw Gabriel and Beelzebub end up together so easily, and that is just so unfair to him. However, Aziraphale thinks he is not *going back* to heaven, he's changing it, because he truly believes heaven is good, its just the people running him that fuck everything up. Where Crowley saw an injustice with how easy it was for the ineffable bureaucracy aziraphale sees a chance, specially since he's now replacing Gabriel. If he could do it then so can he! He can make heaven worthy of him and Crowley.
Now i want to go back to the metatron for a moment and how i think he really is manipulating aziraphale. If he has the power to brainwash aziraphale to do whatever he wants what is the point of telling him he can be with Crowley to convince him? What the metatron is doing is convincing aziraphale that they are on the same side, after all they both enjoy human food and the metatron doesn't mind that he's with Crowley. It's also important to note that azi doesn't know in detail that even Gabriel couldn't convince the other angels of not making another armageddon. But even if he knew he has the metatron on his side right? He believes it can be different with him in charge. The coffee is just a way for the metatron to show his “human side” to aziraphale.
Back to aziraphale, one of the moments where he felt heavily out of character for me is when he says nothing lasts forever because he spent a whole season saving the earth just so he could enjoy earthly pleasures with Crowley, and he loves his bookshop so much. How can he give this up so easily? But what he probably meant was that he's willing to give everything on earth that he loves to safely be with Crowley, and his only way to do that is to change heaven from the inside. Otherwise, they would be fighting the armageddon over and over again. This IS in character for him if you see it from his perspective.
Finally, if aziraphales decision was only atributed to some kind of brainwashing all of the possible ineffable husbands future arc would lose all its meaning. Aziraphale has said at times that crowley goes too fast for him (he said it about driving too fast but symbolism) 6000 YEARS IS TOO FAST FOR HIM!!! He needs time to process everything and we even have a parallelism with nina and maggie. Everyone was expecting them to immediately end up together just because they fell in love and nina is now single, but she needs time and thats realistic!! Shes not ready for another relationship but eventually she will, and maggie will wait for her. Aziraphale and crowley have a similar situation, only with 6000 years of angst and ineffability. The coffee theory would erase all of the complexity and chance of development of aziraphale character. Lets remember that this is the worlds slowest slow burn, it wont become fast all of the sudden. So i guess we just have to wait and see and thats gonna drive me fucking insane.
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heirsofdiscord · 1 year
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FFXIVwrite prompt #7: Noisome | 1746 words Hurtful or noxious to health; unwholesome, insalubrious.
Both of Molyneux’s twins were known to be a bit much. If one were to guess by meeting them, Daxue would be more readily chosen as the worst of the two. He was a cantankerous man who didn’t have time for people below his intelligence. Which, considering he could easily get academic recognition from Old Sharlayan if he had the patience to stay there for more than a month or two, was most people. But if one were to catch his attention or prove themselves worthy of respect anyway, he could be quite cordial.
He also had a strong moral center which was something that could only dubiously be said of his twin.
Selene ─ name of a fairy, named for her mother, named for the moon ─ had a way about making people feel at ease around her. She had many friends and other connections that would talk highly of her. She was the sort of woman you went to when you wanted to have a good time. Partying was a sort of specialty. She was not, however, someone you wanted to trust or you’d find yourself in a world of hurt. Especially if one was a girl she found pretty.
Selene’s favorite woman was any woman Daxue had a relationship with. Keeping in mind that Daxue had been in love with the same woman since he was six. That woman though had recognized the threat in Selene’s advances and had rebuffed her just as readily as she rebuffed her brother. “Relationship” in this context was not restricted to romantic ones but extended to just about any woman who was in Daxue’s life be it platonically or strictly business.
Now, Selene was not romanceless. She’d tried to have real relationships with women. She did feel affection and even could love them wholeheartedly. The problem was she found that sort of thing kind of boring at best. Annoying at worst. Her various girlfriends would learn on her, their heads on her shoulder. Selene would be overcome with the intense want to wrap her hands around their delicate necks and squeeze.
Metaphorically speaking only, of course. She wasn’t like her parents; one of the infamous Warriors of Light and the Witch of Doma. Selene just had a particular adoration for things that shined and glittered. Nothing was better than tears. Angry tears, sad tears, didn’t really matter. Though happy tears were a bit weird. Who cried when they were happy? She also liked bumping into them afterward. Selene would wave to them cheerfully and the way their faces would coil in rage or shock or renewed despair. Couldn’t do that if they were dead.
Of course, not all girls were into her and she certainly wasn’t into men. There were other ways to pull the rug out from under them and Selene was an expert in that too.
Selene had managed to catch Daxue’s editor while she was en route to his office apartment. She’d just been shooting the breeze with her when she noticed the way she was favoring her hand was weird. “Thom left you finally huh?” Selene said as if to be sympathetic “,y’know I didn’t want to say anything but he seemed kinda upset with you last time I saw you too.”
Laticia could have acted angrily but she was a meek woman who up until a week ago, was content with her peaceful life. Selene had to give it to her though. She held her own trying to keep her tears in and gracefully excused herself. Laticia had business elsewhere she’d forgotten about. She still walked rather hurriedly back down the corridor she’d come.
“Thom is dead, you idiot,” Daxue’s scathing voice called.
Selene turned to see him standing in the doorway of his apartment, looking at her with the usual judgemental look. They’d both inherited their eyes from their mother; pale and cold. But where Selene’s hair was off-black blue, Daxue’s was an off-white rose. That had made him special, he’d told her so once when they were children. She’d dumped her paints on his hair while he’d slept that night. It was much prettier then.
She grinned at him innocently from behind her sunglasses “,I know.” If she cared about people, she could have been a damned good detective.
Daxue rolled his eyes and walked past her after Laticia with the intent to smooth things over. Selene wasn’t going to let him off easily though and followed after. If breaking people was her favorite hobby, provoking Daxue was her occupation. “Mom said─”
He spun on her, slamming his hand into her shoulder to keep her anchored where she stood. He was a bit of a weakling and Selene wasn’t a half bad fighter. “I have a question for you.”
“Oh?” Selene’s mouth curled with amusement.
“What are you going to do when you finally manage to kill me?” Daxue asked, seriously.
Selene considered, just as seriously. Their fights were childish squabbles once but had escalated in recent years. It was the reason why Daxue had left home when neither of his sisters had. Selene hated her family but she also loved them. But not Daxue. Daxue was something else entirely. She knew he felt the same of her. Sometimes she thought the only reason they weren’t making an actual go at the other’s life was because their parents were dead. But after that? All hats were off.
She grinned toothily at him “,think I’ll throw a party.”
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Selene dreamed about it that night. Daxue lay below her, empty eyed after she’d strangled the life out of him with her own two hands. It had felt good in the moment. Then she was overcome with the feeling that she’d fulfilled her purpose. No. She’d failed her purpose. So utterly and completely that some cosmic force that governed their lives was soundlessly screaming at her. It all came spilling out. Everything that had made her her slipped out of her and bounced off the floor. An avalanche of gems and other sparkling things but she couldn’t see them. She was a hollow empty thing, forsaken and unloved for all eternity.
“Couldn’t hold it together for two seconds, huh?” Daxue’s corpse mocked her. His glassy eyes staring at her. Staring at nothing.
She’d woken up in a panic. It’s wasn’t that the dream scared her but she was feeling very much unlike herself. Or more that herself was split into two selves and one was very very wrong. There was a voice that wasn’t a voice. A voice that should have been her voice but she identified it as “Mother” but it was not her mother. It ─ and there were no better words for it than It ─ said to her in a way that was not words but was comfort that she’d not need to worry. She’d never ever be able to beat Daxue. This certainty did not comfort her.
Selene ripped out of bed and raced down the halls in a walk more hurried than Laticia. She didn’t really know what she was looking for until she threw open the doors to her sister’s room. Alicia sat up in bed, her face already alert. Powder blue hair, grey skin; she looked like her father’s daughter even if the Viera wasn’t actually related to the Elezen by blood. Had Alicia had words to speak she’d ask her what was wrong but her inability to speak outside certain situations or fully express her emotions on her face were her only flaw as far as Selene was concerned. She’d threw herself at her and Alicia caught her in an embrace.
Stupid perfect Alicia. She was warm and bright and so loving. Her penchant for justice was unerring where the rest of the Molyneux’s could wibble and merciful when they were unforgiving. She was also safe where their parents were not. Gently petting Selene’s hair while she cried into her shoulder, making a noise she supposed was supposed to be a comforting hum. She couldn’t do this with anyone else and not feel guilt and shame. If there was anything she hated about Alicia is that she had to be so perfect and so loved. She was following in their father’s footsteps and the apple of his eye. Daxue was his mother’s son in all ways. They were alike too much and clashed often but there was love and respect in their fights. Selene was only Selene’s.
She hated these nights when she didn’t feel like herself and the house didn’t feel like a house but a monster that didn’t care for her. It had been normal once, she thought. Montresor had had it built for the comfort of his wife and thus it was made with all the love and adoration he had for her. Then something had creeped up and into it when they were children and it could be so strange. These nights the other her was too strong to be ignored and sometimes Alicia was not here to keep her safe. She’d need to go out into the forest and do something inexplicably violent that could only be her and only her lest she disappear into the thing that wasn’t her.
Much like her uncle; Lochlann. The only other safe person in her family and the one she related to the most. He was her uncle by her grandmother but not her grandfather and thus had no Molyneux blood in him but was no less odd. He certainly stood out among them. He was loud and chaotic where the rest of them were all quiet and contemplative. It was always a whirlwind of happenings when he’d come to visit them but all his strangeness was at the cost of his mind. His thoughts were so hard to tear away from his work because it was the only thing that kept him tethered. Selene was always worried the next time she’d see him he’d be completely lost in his thoughts unable to acknowledge her. She knew by her father’s worried gaze that he feared the same.
She feared that this was the fate of family that were unwanted or unnoticed by the house, by the thing that lived in their blood and coiled in her body like it wanted to escape her. Her thoughts wandered to the dream and it occurred to her she did not know whether that was better or worse than fulfilling any purpose it had had for her. 
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aggix · 2 years
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Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Summary: All Aemond ever needed was an ally. Someone who would understand him, support him, take his side. Unexpectedly, he finds one in Y/N, a girl from a lower noble house. Soft Aemond. Basically cute fluff. I dedicate it to all of the Aemond girlies who just wish they could have been there for him! Word count: 6,874
Authors note: English is not my native language, so I’m sorry in advance. Also, it’s my very first fic I’m posting on Tumblr, so I don’t entirely know what I’m doing 😆. I also posted it on my AO3. Y/N = Your name Y/H = Your house
You looked through the window of your carriage for the hundredth time. It was your first time outside the walls of your humble castle and everything was so fascinating – after all, you were but a girl of mere nine years old, and even the peasant villages were something new and captivating.
But nothing could compare to the excitement of seeing the capital on your own eyes. You have heard the stories and liked to imagine yourself as a queen or princess, but even at your age you knew these were but silly dreams.
You were from lower nobility, your house ancient and respectable, but never got bigger or more significant than bannermen to the bigger Westerosi houses. Your fate was already known and planned – you would most probably be wedded to one of your house’s allied families, all lower houses like your own.
Your father has secretly hoped to strike a deal with the bigger house you were sworn to – that’s why he made sure your education wasn’t lacking, and thank gods for that – because now everything was turned upside down and you were glad you’re not going to look like a fool in the capital.
When your father was very much unexpectedly chosen as an advisor in the small council, this was seen as an honour no one from your house has ever been graced before. If only your dear mother was here to witness it. But your septa keeps telling you she’s still with you, watching over you.
It must be true, because now you’re on your way to King’s Landing, and you’re going to see things you thought were only possible in your silly dreams about becoming a queen.
The journey took few days and the closer to the capital, the braver you were in peeking out of the carriage window, completely unable to listen to your septa’s teachings about the manners and how you’re supposed to behave around people of higher standing.
The Red Keep stood tall and menacing, visible from far away, and the city shocked you with amounts of different people and how loud it was. Septa shooed you from the window and closed it as soon as she spotted people she deemed ‘less that appropriate for a young lady from a good house to see’.
Everything in the castle was so much different than you were used to – it was so busy, and so easy to get lost. You had your own chambers and it already made you feel special, almost like a princess, though you were far from that and other children in the castle made it very obvious for you from the start.
As your father began his office, you were sent to be educated with other girls, almost all of them high born. They liked to emphasize the difference between your statuses more often than not.
This only gave you more motivation to show them you’re not worse than them in any regard, let it be sewing, singing, dancing, playing an instrument or even the histories. Your father already showed he’s worthy of being in the small council, and he gave you an example. Be humble and hardworking – that’s what he always said to you.
The first time you saw Aemond was when Otto Hightower, Hand of the King and the man who recommended your father, has introduced you to the Queen and her children. He stood beside his older brother Aegon, a frown on his face. Aegon looked very bored, his attention on a cleaning servant girl, and Helaena at least tried to pay attention to you.
“My Queen, my Lord Hand, this is my only daughter, Y/N.”
Queen Alicent smiled at you delicately when she saw you giving her the best curtsy you could muster.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Your Grace.” You said elegantly, just like you practised. You could see your father smiling at you, proud.
“What a pretty and well-mannered little lady you are, Y/N.” she said, and when she turned to her children, she quickly smacked Aegon so his attention returned to you. You could see Aemond rolling his eyes.
“These are my boys, prince Aegon and prince Aemond. Princess Helaena you should already know from sewing practise, I presume?”
“Yes, your Grace.” You smiled at Helaena, she was nice, but not very talkative and always preferred to keep to herself during practise.
“Y/H? Is that even a noble house?” you heard Aegon snicker at you, before Alicent scolded him.
“If you’d paid attention you’d know. They are bannermen to---“ you heard Aemond sigh before he was interrupted by Aegon laughing.
“*cough*Twat.*cough*” He coughed in between that insult, but Alicent still heard and smacked him again.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond.” You curtsied again, and you could see Aemond slowly nodding at you, Aegon ignored you. Both of them not really interested in you.
But that was to be expected, they are princes after all. Targaryen princes. They say Targaryens are closer to the gods than men.
This short little encounter was all you could count for as a member of not very wealthy nor prestigious house, but you were happy nevertheless.
Although, you couldn’t help but notice the youngest prince’s eyes were very sad.
Aemond, was his name?
He was probably your age, but he looked quite small and scrawny for a boy.
You wondered what could be the reason of his sadness. What problems a Targaryen prince could possibly have? Surely something trivial.
Few days passed, and after finishing all your studies for the day, you begged your septa to go to the training grounds to watch the knights fighting. You missed observing the daily practise, back at home in your family’s humble castle it was your usual entertainment.
But instead of the knights you saw the young princes practising – you noticed prince Aegon and prince Aemond, and two other brown haired boys, most probably the rumoured bastards of princess Rhaenyra.
They seemed to bicker from time to time, but soon you noticed the only person who wasn’t laughing was Aemond. You couldn’t hear what they were exactly saying, but once you heard something about a flying pig Aemond dropped his wooden sword and ran away. Ser Criston Cole tried to yell after him, but he was already gone.
You were naturally a very curious person, but also an empathetic one. Could this be the reason why the young prince’s eyes are so sad?
Without thinking much, you ran in the direction where Aemond was running, hearing your septa calling out for you just like ser Cole did for Aemond, but you too were quicker.
Finding him wasn’t easy, and you were almost about to give up, when you heard some noises from behind a stone wall in the stables.
They sounded like sniffling and made you approach quicker.
When he saw you, he immediately cleaned his eyes with his hands and made a tough face.
“What do you want?” he grumbled, avoiding your gaze.
“Are you crying?” your curiosity got the best of you and you asked simply because you weren’t sure, but he took it as an offense.
“Of course I’m not, stupid. I never cry.” He snarled angrily.
“They weren’t nice to you back there. I think I would.” You said sincerely. This caught him off guard, and he finally met your gaze, surprised at what you said.
For a moment he didn’t know what to say and felt stupid.
“I-it’s because you’re a girl.” He blurted out, awkwardly. “I’m a man. I can’t cry.”
“You’re not a man, you’re a boy.” You chuckled a bit, seeing how he’s not even bigger than you. You thought you made a light-hearted joke, but he frowned again.
“But soon I will be.”
You just nodded, noticing his puffy eyes. He didn’t look very manly right now, nor did he resemble the Targaryen prince who is supposedly closer to the gods than men. To you, he currently looked more like your friend from your hometown, the butcher’s son, when he cried about his father scolding him too harshly.
“Why are they so rude to you?” you asked sooner than you thought. Somehow, you completely forgot that he’s a prince and you’re not really showing him any respect. But he didn’t seem to care. Without any adults around, you could just be children.
His face soured when he heard your question. You almost thought he’s going to snap at you, but he just kicked a nearby stone, frustrated.
“Because I’m the only one without a dragon.” He mumbled, his lip trembled a bit.
Ah, the dragons. You have seen them flying around on the sky a few times, but that’s about it. You really knew nothing about them or the customs regarding them. But you were a smart girl, and you could already conclude that being the only one without a dragon must be a bad thing for a Targaryen prince.
“And why is that?” you didn’t want to annoy him with more questions, but you really wanted to understand.
“I never got an egg. Even the bastards got theirs.” He seethed angrily and kicked some more rocks.
“That’s pretty unfair.” You concluded. “You’re Kings son, shouldn’t you get one before them?”
“I know, right?!” he huffed, and then started to vent his frustrations to you.
“But Father doesn’t seem to care!” he finished his rant, breathing heavily. You listened carefully to all of that. It all made you a bit sad too, it wasn’t his fault he didn’t even get an egg, and now his brother and nephews were being cruel to him because of it.
“I’m sorry.” You said simply. It felt like a natural thing to say. “If I was a boy and trained with you, I would protect you.”
Aemond looked at you, a bit suspiciously. But when he saw your sincerity, he felt awkward again and looked away.
“I’m not weak! I don’t need your protection!” He huffed, but he wasn’t angry anymore, just embarrassed.
“Even if you were as big as a tree I would still protect you from all the rude people!” you chuckled, and made him red on the cheeks.
But then, sadly, your septa found you.
“Here you are--- oh gods, my prince! Ser Cole is looking for you everywhere. Y/N, come with me, at once.”
You couldn’t even say goodbye to him properly, but it didn’t matter. You haven’t yet realized it back then, but you managed to make a friend that day.
Every now and then, Aemond seemed to seek you out in the castle, even if just to say an awkward greeting. One time he gave you a single white daisy. Or rather, more like he shoved it into your hand.
“Huh?” you looked at him, dumbfounded.
“Mother said girls like flowers.” He blurted out awkwardly, not meeting your eye. Then he ran away before you could say anything back to him.
You weren’t from a rich house and you were hardly ever spoiled with gifts, so you decided to put that daisy in between the pages of your favourite book, tales about Visenya Targaryen and her many adventures.
Your first and only gift from a prince – you giggled to yourself. It will be a good memento to remember your days in King’s Landing, when you are back in your hometown, or already married off to some lowly local lord.
Well, you may be from a lower house, but your manners were no worse than any other young lady’s from a great house, so you decided to reciprocate and for the next few weeks during your sewing practise you worked on a little handkerchief with a dragon embroidered on it.
You hurried to give it to him before he leaves for the funeral of the late Laena Velaryon.
“I’m sure you will get a dragon, big and strong like this one.” You showed him the embroidery. Your craftsmanship certainly wasn’t perfect just yet, but you made sure to make the dragon look big and imposing. Even added some flames around it to make it look more spectacular.
Something flashed in his eyes and he gave you a shy smile and a little nod.
Once the gossip of what happened after the funeral finally reached you, you couldn’t believe it.
You saw the giant dragon approaching King’s Landing, everyone did. The beast covered the whole sunlight under the capital. But to think that Aemond…
You really wanted to catch him somewhere, but he was nowhere to be seen. Your father kept telling you the prince is indisposed. You knew from the gossip that he’s been hurt, but you just refused to believe it’s that bad.
You needed to see him for yourself, as you even started to worry it was you who brought him bad luck with your gift.
Your desperation finally brought you before his chambers, as you managed to sneak in when the guards were changing.
The thick curtains were closed off and the room was filled with heavy incense smoke, tables filled with flasks of milk of the poppy and bowls full of maggots moving around.
You slowly approached his bed, seeing half of his head covered in bandages. So the rumours were true…
You thought he’s asleep, but he heard you coming.
“Y/N.” you heard him croak. He wasn’t asleep, just heavily drugged. “Thank gods. I’m so bored. They won’t allow me to go out.”
“Aemond, you lost your eye.” You were devastated and felt your eyes begin to water.
“But I gained a dragon.” He tried to cheer you up with his weak voice.
Tears fell down on your cheeks.
“H-how did that happen?”
He took a deep breath.
“The four of them caught me when I was coming back. Said I stole Vhagar. The girl pushed me, so I pushed her back. Then all of them were on me and they kicked me when I fell down. I picked up a rock, but then that bastard took a knife…”
“What did the King say?” you sniffled.
“Nothing. He… he wanted me to confess who told me that the bastards are bastards.”
“Huh?” you let out a confused sound and cleaned your face from tears with your hands. “What do you mean? Everyone says that.”
Aemond cackled bitterly in his drugged state.
“That’s what Aegon told him. And my dear half-sister wanted to question me sharply for that.”
“This is horrible.” You felt more tears coming, but this time held them in. “This is so unfair.”
He smiled at you weakly and wanted to say something, but then the maester came from the room next door.
“You! What are you doing here? Guards!” he started, but Aemond interrupted him.
“No. I want her here.”
“My prince, you need to rest.”
“I won’t complain about the maggots, just let her stay.”
The maester sighed and decided to ignore you for the time being. You sat silently next to Aemond’s bed and observed how the maester unwrapped the cloth around his head. Your heart sank when you saw the full extent of the damage.
Aemond’s face scrunched in pain and disgust when maester spilled a whole bowl worth of maggots on the damaged half of his face. They were moving around and feasting on the dying flesh.
When the maester had left the room again you held Aemond’s hand in yours and started babbling to him about your favourite parts of the book about Visenya’s adventures, hoping to distract both of you from the harsh realities.
One maggot fell from his face on your hand, and you tried your best not to flinch.
You stayed there as long as you could, until the maester finally kicked you out.
You didn’t know it yet, but it was the last time you saw Aemond before you and your father were sent back home. Apparently, your father has served his purpose as an advisor and wasn’t needed anymore.
You wanted to say your farewells, but Aemond was still confined to his chambers and this time you had no chance to sneak in.
You couldn’t hold back the tears while sitting in your carriage, as you watched the Red Keep becoming smaller and smaller. It was only barely a year in King’s Landing, and you would never forget it.
 Eight years have passed, which you mainly spent on helping your brothers becoming a worthy successors of your father.
Unbeknownst to you, though, your mundane, quite uneventful life was about to come to an end when your father knocked on the door to your chambers one day.
He was as busy as always, but finally decided to be sincere with you and explained why you have remained unmarried for so long. After all, you were eight and ten already, and you were starting to wonder if he has forgotten about your existence.
Few years ago, there was a short period when you were betrothed to an heir of the house you were sworn to, but he died tragically in a jousting accident, and your father hasn’t made any moves regarding your marriage ever since.
“My dearest, the matter of your marriage has caused me many sleepless nights. Many neighbouring local lords pressured me, but I have always wanted the best for you. I still remember you back in the capital, you presented yourself as well as all the highborn daughters, if not better. You are my only girl, giving you away to some… mediocre man would be such a waste. During our short time in King’s Landing, I have managed to make some important connections, and I think that finally I can make use of them. As lady Lysa Lannister’s lady-in-waiting, I’m sure you will be able to find a suitable husband from a greater house. With your charm and wit, I have no doubts. It would be such a shame if you wasted yourself here, my dear.”
You were very grateful for your father’s encouraging words, he always had a little soft spot for you, as his only daughter, but you were no fool and you knew that behind all of that also lied another reason – with your marriage, your father had ambitions to bring your house higher. He had only one pawn of your kind in his hand – and he wanted to use it wisely.
So here you were – back in King’s Landing again.
So much has changed, and yet at the same time, so little.
You wondered what became of Aemond, you have only heard about his older brother’s marriage to his sister. So you listened very carefully to all the gossip around you.
Apparently, Aemond was rather infamous.
Aemond One-Eye they called him.
He was said to be cold, cruel and quick to anger by the men, ladies on the other hand found his disposition harsh and appearance rather terrifying. You wondered how his face healed, reminiscing how it looked like before. It would seem that after all he’s been through, this sad little boy grew up to be a vengeful, vicious man.
Listening to lady Lysa and her other handmaid ladies’ gossip about the young lords yet again, you couldn’t help but feel sad you couldn’t be there for him. Life must have been very difficult for him with only one eye. Is he even a swordsman like the rest? Your middle brother was a cripple too, he was born without pinkie fingers – a seemingly small defect, but it made it impossible for him to hold a sword correctly, and he couldn’t fight because of it.
You imagined Aemond’s brother’s and nephew’s jests didn’t get any better if he can’t fight.
One day, you decided to pay a visit at the training grounds, just to satisfy your curiosity.
And oh how surprised you were.
You recognized him immediately – the silver hair and prominent scar made him impossible to mistake with anyone else. His eyepatch covered the eye socket, but not the scar.
Gone was the small, scrawny boy you remembered. The man fighting with ser Cole like an equal was tall and well built, and no one in his right mind would call him a cripple.
He carried himself with such dignity and confidence. You noticed he wasn’t slouching anymore like he used to as a child, instead his posture was straight and he walked like he owned the place. He even seemed to instil some fear in his nephews, you could conclude from their face expressions.
Oh how the tables have turned.
This made you smile a bit. You were glad he seemed to be doing well, way better than you feared.
But even from afar you could see the intensity of his eye. His stare was fierce, always alert, always anticipating danger.
With sadness you had to admit there truly was anger and hate in that eye, he regarded people around him with cold indifference. You understood where all the gossip came from.
You briefly wondered if he would recognize you at all. After all, you didn’t have any distinct features like Targaryen hair or a scar on your face.
Well, soon you will find out.
Princess Helaena’s nameday feast was approaching, and it was your official debut as a lady eligible to marry.
Lady Lysa was nice enough to be supportive of your search for husband and even borrowed you some of her golden jewellery. She was looking for a husband herself, but apparently didn’t even consider you a competition. You could feel insulted, but in all honesty, you were rather glad. She had that Lannister temper and it was better to stay on her good side.
You decided to go all in and appeared at the feast in your best gown, and together with the beautiful gold-emerald jewellery you looked your absolute best. You have never seen yourself looking that good, and almost didn’t recognize yourself in the mirror.
Sitting at the table with other ladies, first thing you did was to look up to the royal family table. You easily spotted Aemond in there, sitting next to his brother, looking very disinterested, irritated even. His stare harsh and unforgiving when he gazed down at other guests.
You quickly stopped looking at him for fear of being caught by that cold gaze of his. It wouldn’t be the greatest start if he caught you staring.
Instead, you looked at other lords present in the hall, and you had to admit now you understood all that excitement lady Lysa and the rest of the handmaids showed before. Lyonel Tyrell, Tommen Baratheon and Randyll Arryn were quite handsome. All of them rich and without a wife. There even were rather pleasant looking Martell and Greyjoy men present, and from what you’ve heard, they were quite popular among the ladies – lord Martell had this free-spirited charm, and lord Greyjoy this ragged pirate way of carrying himself.
But to you, all of them looked rather bland compared to Aemond.
You tried your best not to look in his direction again and focus on the conversation with the ladies, but after a while you allowed yourself a little peek and you were shocked to find Aemond’s intense stare was directed right at you.
It burned like dragonfire.
You averted your gaze immediately and felt like prey. The need to run was immense.
But of course you couldn’t run, so you decided to dance. Way better option than just sitting there.
Has he recognized you? Or maybe he’s still trying to figure out if he knows you from somewhere?
You approached a random man to start the dance with, and when you looked up at him it happened to be the eldest son of princess Rhaenyra, Jacaerys. He smiled at you before the customary bow.
Well, the more you looked at him the more you were sure of it – he definitely looked very Strong to you too. But his grasp on your hand was very gentle and you reciprocated the little smile, good manners and maintaining the decorum are important.
When you twirled and changed partners your gaze landed on Aemond once again and – oh goodness – he looked furious.
Was it you? Did you do something?
A couple more twirls, lord Tully exchanges a couple of words with you, more twirls and lord Tyrell sent you a rather seductive smirk, you wanted to look at Aemond again, but his seat was empty now.
Did he leave so early? He could, considering how foul his mood was.
More twirls, lord Westerling and his lecherous stare at your rather modest cleavage, another couple of twirls, lord Manderly and his almost-funny jokes.
Next was a flash of silver hair and when you saw him in front of you, taking your hand in his, your heart almost gave up on you. The very same hand you were holding when the maggots were eating on the dead flesh of his face. Not so childish anymore, but delightfully manly, calloused from many hours of sword practise.
But he looked so different now.
All the anger left his features, his eye softened when he looked at you.
“Lady Y/N, it really is you.”
When you looked at him, you almost forgot you still need to dance.
“My Prince.” You nodded respectfully.
“I thought you were married.” He almost whispered this, like he couldn’t believe it.
“I w-was betrothed, but he died in an accident.” Your voice trembled a bit.
“What a shame.” He almost smirked.
You fought the smile with all your might, and it felt almost painful for his hand to leave yours when your partners changed. When you peeked in his direction, he was still staring only at you, paying no attention to any of his dancing partners.
So he remembered you after all.
Your heart started beating faster.
When you returned to your table, you noticed the ladies were all stirred up. Apparently, Aemond never dances. Ever.
“He stared all the time at you, Y/N.”
“You must be mistaken.” You tried to avoid all of that, but the ladies were relentless.
“It seems unbelievable, but he must fancy you.”
“You poor soul.”
Some of the comments were honest, some were insincere, stinking of jealousy. No matter how repulsive to the ladies Aemond was, he was still a prince, and many women would kill to join the royal family.
“Even now he’s looking at you.”
“Be careful, Y/N. Watch where you’re going from now on. I can escort you back to your chambers.”
“Wait, what? Why?”
“You’re not a halfwit, Y/N. You know what it means when a high lord or a prince looks at you like that, I’m sure. Prince Aegon looks like that at every woman, be it a lady or a servant girl. And you know what happens, right?”
You were speechless when you finally understood what she’s insinuating.
“Prince Aemond would never---“
“Of course he would. If they want it, they get it. He’s not going to marry you for it, after all.” She laughed.
You highly doubted Aemond would do anything to you, no matter his current bad reputation, but still you indulged the other handmaid and allowed her to escort you back to your chambers.
Few days later, you noticed a small package delivered to you.
Beautiful sapphire earrings with a note.
“Sapphires suit you better.”
Somehow you knew who gave this to you.
You decided to wear them when you went to the training grounds to observe him.
There it was, that cold, hateful look in his eye again.
But it softened immediately when it landed on you.
He called for a break and approached you.
“Lady Y/N. I see you enjoyed the gift.”
“I came to give my thanks. I’m not sure… what have I done to deserve such favour from you, my prince.”
“What haven’t you done to deserve it.”
He said it with such reverence, it made you blush.
“I remember the short days we spent together as children very fondly. Even if… the circumstances weren’t the most fortunate.” You smiled at him sincerely, and you could swear you saw the corners of his lips moved upwards in a small smile of his own.
“I share the sentiment. I must admit, I’m indebted to you, my lady. No amount of jewellery is going to repay for the good luck charm you provided me with.”
You wondered what he is talking about, but then he took out from one of his pockets the small handkerchief you gave him. It was all rumpled and had some old blood stains on it, but it was undoubtedly that same embarrassing dragon you embroidered when you were ten. You could do a hundred times better one now.
“You’re still keeping it?” you breathed out, speechless.
“I had it with me when I claimed Vhagar. It gave me courage. Sword practise proved to be very challenging after I lost my eye, so henceforth, it became a habit of mine to bring it with me.”
Suddenly, you felt a strong surge of emotions hitting you and your eyes started stinging.
“I-I just hope it didn’t bring you bad luck that day, my prince.” You were barely holding the tears from falling.
Seeing you’re almost crying, his expression changed to a bit panicked, and for a second he reminded you of that little boy he used to be long ago.
“Oh no, my lady. It gave me resilience.”
You sniffled and the tears finally fell down your cheeks.
As inappropriate as it might have been, he took your hands into his and looked deeply into your eyes.
“I’ve missed you, Aemond.” You finally said, dropping all the courtesies. You were too emotional for that.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/N. Greatly.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you.”
“But you were. You always were.”
He carefully cleaned your tears with the handkerchief and put it back into his pocket.
“I can’t help but be impressed with your swordsmanship. You won with ser Cole despite… being disadvantaged.”
“Still want to protect me from ‘all the rude people’?” he smirked, trying to make you smile, and succeeding.
“Yes. A promise is a promise.”
For a while you just stood there and looked in each other’s eyes, until you heard some commotion coming from the armoury.
You let go of his hand when you noticed a knight passing by dangerously close. Sadly, it wasn’t private enough anymore to speak freely.
He gave you a one last look of pure adoration and bowed his head slightly, returning to his usual cold indifference once he was back to practise.
When you arrived to your chambers, you found your father waiting for you there.
“Y/N. I have to speak with you.”
You sat down beside him and listened.
“I have always known you are a smart girl, Y/N. I knew what I was doing by bringing you here. The lords seemed to be smitten with you on the feast, but I must admit… I have not expected you to be that ambitious, child. People of our stature… we need to be more careful. I’m worried we may be overreaching here, darling.”
He looked at you like he thought you knew what he’s talking about, but you didn’t have the slightest idea.
“Father, what do you mean? Overreaching, how?”
“Prince Aemond came to me yesterday, asking for my permission to court you.”
You blinked a few times and didn’t know what to say.
“He… he really did?”
“He did. And I of course granted it. But I can’t help but worry, Y/N. This is surely going to put us at the centre of attention, and if you were to be betrothed… this would cause quite a scandal. Many greater houses may not like this at all. Lord Tyrell or lord Arryn would be much better choices, Y/N.”
You bit at your lower lip.
You didn’t want to be with any other man.
“Prince Aemond is dear to me, father.”
Your father let out a heavy sigh.
“Then gods help us all.”
In next few days you learned that your father’s fears weren’t unfounded.
All the gossip reached you, and some of it was… not very pleasant, to say the least.
Lady Lysa stopped borrowing you her jewellery and was more guarded around you. Guess she started to consider you a competition now, as it seemed.
Even your fellow handmaids stopped caring for you when they noticed you actually like the attention from the prince.
Aemond continued to send you various gifts – from books he wanted to discuss with you, to Targaryen-styled clothing and accessories.
Today you received a heavy, multi-layered richly decorated black-red gown with dragon-shaped clasps around your neckline area.
It was so like him, he barely started to court you and he already needed to claim you as his own.
You were feeling brave today, so you actually decided to wear it.
And oh boy, did it cause people to stare and whisper behind your backs.
You even heard a single hushed ‘whore’ somewhere in the corridors.
All of it was worth it when you saw Aemond’s reaction when he noticed you.
“Ñuha perzys.” He whispered. My flame.
“I managed to cause quite the scandal wearing it.” You let a cheeky little smile appear on your face.
“Nonsense. You should already start getting used to being a Targaryen. They will get used to it too, whether they like it or not.”
You couldn’t help but blush at his heavy implications of wanting to marry you.
He offered you his arm and you took it as you strolled around the gardens.
“I wonder what lady Lysa will say about it when I get back.” You sighed, not looking forward to it in the slightest.
“She will congratulate you on your courtship, unless she wants to be reminded that a dragon can easily eat a lion.”
“Ever gentle with the ladies, my prince.” You giggled.
“Only one lady is deserving of my gentleness.”
“She’s never been openly rude to me, but I noticed everyone turning rather cold towards me ever since they noticed your interest in me.”
“Let me release you from the service. I can’t bear the thought of you acting a servant in my home. I find it abhorrent.”
“I can’t act too spoiled. I’m already pushing it far. If wearing the gown makes some whisper ‘whore’ behind my backs, I can’t think what they may do if I pushed it further.”
He stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard the word ‘whore’ from your lips. You looked up at him and saw that frightening fury in his eye again.
“I wish to see them try in my presence. I may need to set an example in the public for all the others to remember.” He seethed.
Here is that infamous Targaryen fury.
They say each time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin. For a second you wondered on which side it has landed for Aemond.
“And here I thought it was me who was supposed to protect you from the rude people.” You tried to lighten up the mood, giving him a calming smile.
You felt his tense body relaxing and saw his features smoothing, fury in his eye going from a blazing forest fire to a gentle candle flame.
“I may occasionally do that for you too.” He resumed his walk, and you followed, giggling.
“Whenever the need arises.” He smirked.
You continued the silent giggle, but stopped when people staring caught your eye.
“My prince,” You started, a bit officially, but couldn’t help it since you felt watched. “You have graced me with immeasurable kindness, but...”
He immediately sensed the shift in your mood.
“I can’t help but ask about your intentions about me.”
“I thought my intentions are very clear, my lady.”
You stopped walking, hiding conveniently behind a tall rose bush to get at least a bit of privacy from the prying eyes.
“Aemond.” You dropped the courtesies and looked deeply into his eye. “Do you truly wish to marry me?”
“Y/N.” he grasped your hands in between his. “You are the only one I desire. Of course I wish to marry you.”
You pressed your lips.
“But there are so many other ladies---“
“You have seen me at my weakest, Y/N. You have shown me kindness when I was vulnerable. You have been my ally when I barely had any. You, no other lady, not even my own father.”
You looked deeply into his eye, so soft now, but you already learned this softness is reserved only for you.
“The truth is, I can trust no other lady but you. I can love no other lady but you. So it’s only natural for me to choose you as my wife.”
You felt his grasp on your hands tightened, almost as if he was afraid someone else may take you away from him.
“If you will have me, that is.”
For a second this insecure little boy from the past flashed in front of your eyes again, and you knew that he still lives somewhere in there, buried deep inside, covered by the thick layer of a hardened man he is now.
You were baffled that he may even begin to think your feelings aren’t mutual.
“Of course I will.” You blurted out, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He raised your hands to his lips and kissed them way too long to be appropriate. Thank gods for the rose bushes.
“If only I could, I would strive for us to be betrothed tomorrow, but I’m well aware how sudden betrothal without a proper courtship tarnishes a lady’s honour. I do not wish that upon you.”
It was true, betrothals were hurried in cases when a pregnant lady rushed so the babe is not born before the wedding.
“I’m thankful. There is enough gossip, it’s not my intention to give them more reasons.”
“Agreed. Make sure to wear your gowns tight around your belly, so they can see my intentions towards you are those of a wife, not… an entertainment.”
“I shall do so.” You smiled mischievously. It felt fun to conspire like that with him.
“We have all the time in the world, Y/N.” the fire returned to his eye, but a different kind. Not the angry, violent kind, but a warm, passionate one. It complimented his smirk very well.
“Before a little dragon starts growing in your womb.”
It made you feel the tingle in your lower abdomen.
“Nothing else I want more, Aemond.” You replied with a smirk of your own.
It was the most difficult thing in the world to leave the little privacy of the bush and part your hands from his loving grasp to return to the official, proper walk, to the prying eyes, gossiping mouths.
“My father worries that our betrothal will bring the wrath of other houses on us.” You could not help sharing some fears with him. Your small house would never survive the attack of stronger enemy.
“Tell your father that if they dare, I shall come to your aid. With fire and blood.”
You imagined people burning from dragonfire, flesh melting, the stench and screams making your face twisted in disgust.
He noticed and decided to change the topic.
“I have told my mother about you. She wishes to meet you properly at the luncheon tomorrow.”
“Oh my, the Queen? I must admit, I am a bit scared.” You giggled nervously. A meeting with future mother-in-law sounds frightening.
“You have no reason to be. What you did impressed her. I think she may actually find a kindred spirit in you.”
“What do you mean?”
“If not for her, I would not have a single ally in that room, on that day.” He spoke like you knew what he’s talking about, and you did. “She stood up for me, alone, against everyone, against the King.”
“Then she impressed me too.” You smiled delicately. There is surely going to be a time when you’re going to have to protect your own children. And you’re going to do it, no matter who or what is standing against you.
You finally finished your slow stroll through the gardens and reached a wide courtyard with a balcony, and the view for Blackwater Bay. You both looked at the setting sun glittering on the surface of water, in silence.
“I don’t need anything more in the world, as long as I have you.” He whispered so silently, as if he was talking to himself.
You grasped his arm tighter and wondered how glad you were that on that day you decided to run after that scrawny little boy with puffy eyes who most certainly never cried.
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team-frightfur · 2 years
Dramaturgy: Standard - Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I Don't own any of the characters, stories, or even most of the plot points. - Text Glossary Italics - Either emphasis or thoughts. Italics + Brackers - characters speaking in another's internal monologue. Brackets - an aside. Brackets + Strikethrough - Repressed thoughts. Skippable.
Yuzu had never been prouder of Yuya. Sitting in the stands, she knew just how much of the audience was in Strong Ishijima’s corner. Most expected a one-turn-kill, some wanted Ishijima to crush Yuya utterly! None of them expected Yuya to even get close to winning.
Yuya’d taken all those expectations and completely overturned them! Instead of a one-turn-kill, he’d given them a five-turn-spectacle. Instead of being crushed, he’d dodged, ducked, and fought his way through! Best of all, he’d come so close to victory that Yuzu could almost taste it!
It was the best plot twist anyone could have hoped for. Even if he lost next turn, Yuya had nothing to be ashamed of.
Sadly, when Yuzu saw Yuya kneeling on the ground, fingernails clogged with dirt and eyes darkening, she knew he didn’t agree. He wouldn’t accept anything less than total victory.
She’d have to remind him how well he’d duelled later. If not, he’d spend the whole week moping. For now, though, she’d watch till the end.
The very next second, Yuzu regretted it. If she’d just closed her eyes, she could have remembered this as a perfect duel!
Instead, when Yuya suddenly stood, Yuzu could instantly tell that something was wrong. Was it his posture, his eyes, his expression, or his tone of voice? To be honest, Yuzu didn’t know, but she did recognise it and she knew her dad, Mrs Sakaki, and Gongenzaka recognised it, too.
Once you saw them approximately 417 times, even the smallest things became hard to miss.
“So much for enjoying the duel.” Yuzu grumbled, leaning back in her seat and grumpily closing her eyes.
“Don’t be like that!” Dad pleaded. “He’ll be smiling again before you know it!”
“You know the smiles he has when he’s like this are fake, right?”
“They’re not,” Gongenzaka replied.
Yuzu twitched, then opened one eye for the express purpose of glaring. Before she could ask for elaboration, though, Yuya’s pendulum flashed.
Shocked, Yuzu’s attention snapped to the screen. There, Yuya was holding up both his magician cards and -wait, were those red borders?!
“I set the Pendulum Scales with the scale 1 of Stargazer Magician and the scale 8 of Timegazer Magician!”
The Pendulum what?!
In the second it took to even try to understand, both Yuya’s magicians fell from the sky in a blaze of light. A second later, he’d somehow summoned the rest of his hand!
“What is going on!?” Yuzu screeched, leaping from her chair for a better look. Doing two normal summons in one turn was crazy enough, summoning Odd Eyes Dragon -or rather, Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon -without tributes was even crazier! If she hadn’t known better, Yuzu’d have assumed the duel was staged!
“It’s gotta be some kind of special summon!” Dad answered, leaning in with a huge grin.“It’s nothing like Synchro or Fusion, though! Do you think it’s XYZ?”
“You think Strong Ishijima would look that shocked over an Xyz?!”
Whatever Yuya had done, it was apparently legal. As such, the duel continued into…Yuya’s battle phase!?
“His turn isn’t even over yet!?” Yuzu had expected at least a bit of a drawback!
Talk about a hidden dragon! 
Even Strong Ishijima didn’t stand a chance against it! Maybe, if he’d seen it coming, he could have weathered the assault, but Yuzu didn’t think anyone could win a duel where this popped out of nowhere.
As for what this was, she had every intention of asking Yuya once the duel was over.
‘Once the duel was over' turned out to be ‘half a turn later’. Yuya defeated Ishijima in a single battle phase, ending the duel in a turnaround worthy of legend!
The applause was thunderous. Yuzu clapped as hard as she could, having forgotten why she’d been mad.
Then Yuya blinked and that something wrong disappeared. For a split second, his eyes were full of sheer, unadulterated fear and Yuzu’s hands froze mid-clap.
Just as quickly, he smiled. If Yuzu hadn’t known better, she might have thought that she’d imagined it.
Ordinarily, you’d expect the winner to stay behind after a victory like that. Having seen the look on Yuya’s face, though, Yuzu was certain he’d want to get out of here as soon as possible. Consequently, she and the others went ahead to the van.
Right on cue, Yuya sprinted out of the stadium and scrambled in.
“Get me out of here!” he hissed.
Nodding, Dad careened home at the highest legal speed.
Despite Yuya now being trapped in a small, enclosed area with her, Yuzu held back her questions. She couldn’t deny her curiosity but, after seeing Yuya’s terrified face, everyone had unanimously agreed to leave it to Mrs Sakaki. As a result, the ride home was depressingly quiet.
Gongenzaka was the first to get off since he lived closest to Maiami stadium. Yuzu lived next closest, but her dad was not gonna leave Mrs Sakaki and Yuya on the street. Only when Yuya and his mum were home safe and sound did Yuzu and her dad turn in for the day.
The instant they stepped inside, they threw themselves onto the nearest couch and turned their duel disks to search mode, ravenously tracking down any stories about Yuya’s match.
What Yuzu found wasn’t very insightful. In his few minutes of being interrogated, Yuya’d dodged any questions by deflecting them to Leo Corporation.
“They’re the ones who programmed the system, so they must understand it in way more depth!”
His smile looked innocent, but Yuzu knew there was evil behind it.
One day he’ll forgive them, right?
Further investigation proved fruitless. Leo Corporation didn’t take sudden interviews, so any further comments would take days, if not weeks to come out! Grumbling, Yuzu deactivated her duel disk. “You found anything, dad?”
“You bet! It turns out the Real Solid Vision Projector we’re getting tomorrow has 49 new microscents!”
“You weren’t even looking up the match!?”
Yuzu woke up the day after to the sound of crashing furniture and a man cursing.
Instantly, images of masked men making off with their television flooded her mind.
Oh no you don’t!
She was not gonna be forced to watch her favourite shows on her duel disk or laptop! Driven, Yuzu scrambled out of bed, grabbed her old keyboard and charged downstairs with a pajama-clad battle cry.
The one who confronted her was…her half dressed dad.
Yuzu stared at him.
He stared back -specifically at her bludgeoning tool.
Yuzu put it on a nearby table. “Is something wrong?”
“I-it’s nothing big! You can go back to sleep.”
She frowned. “If it’s nothing big, then why are you in such a rush?!”
“I’ve, uh, got to get ready for class?”
“At 7 am?!”
“W-well see here-”
Suddenly, a loud beep pierced the air. Dad paled as Yuzu turned towards the sound and saw his duel disk light up on his desk. Since he was only half dressed, he hadn’t bothered to put it on.
Flying into action, Yuzu shot over and snatched it up, switching it to communication mode. Her dad tried to stop her but tripped over his half pulled on socks. Yuzu winced at the impact thud, but when she saw his messaging history, any guilt turned into cold shock.
6:50 Yuko: Yuya isn’t home, is he with you?
6:51 Shuzo: I don’t remember him coming over yesterday, but I’ll check around the house for him!
6:55 Shuzo: He’s not here. Have you checked with the Gongenzakas?
6:56 Yuko: I contacted them earlier. No sign of Yuya.
6:57 Yuko: I’ve been calling his duel disk every five minutes for an hour and he hasn’t picked up.
6:58 Shuzo: Calm down. It’ll be fine. I’ll drive to You Show and check Maiami Middle School, so just take care of yourself for now. He won’t disappear like Yusho did.
It took a few seconds for the words to register in Yuzu’s brain. When they did, though, her blood went from freezing to boiling in under a second.
“Nothing big, huh?”
He cringed. “I would have found him before you woke up. You’ve got school today, so you need to get a full night’s sleep.”
“How could I get back to sleep when my best friend is missing!?”
“I know. Get dressed and we’ll go search together.”
Just five minutes later, Yuzu and her dad were driving down to You Show. Her shirt was incorrectly buttoned and her hair was flying everywhere, but Yuzu couldn’t find it in herself to care. All she could think about was the look of pure fear Yuya'd had after his match with Ishijima.
What had he been afraid of? Was it something so bad that he’d needed to run away? Or had whatever he’d been scared of come for him?
Was she ever going to see Yuya again?
Every last one of her questions was answered the second she stepped into You Show and saw Yuya sleeping on the couch.
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Not the expression of a guy who was in trouble. Irritated, Yuzu stormed up and lightly whapped him on the head.
“Get up!”
Yuya groaned and turned over. “Five more minutes.”
“If you don’t call your mum right now I’m going to draw stupid hats on all your monsters!”
He shot up. “You can’t! I’ll get disqualified for duelling with marked ca-” he cut himself off, eyes bugging out as where he actually was caught up to him. “-I forgot to sneak back into my house last night, didn’t I?”
“-and I’m going to make you regret it after you call your mum and take a shower.”
One thing that shocked pretty much anyone who tried Entertainment Duelling was how physically demanding it was. Yuzu and Yuya made it look easy, but the truth was that running, jumping and spinning around the field was very taxing. It followed that students at You Show could get pretty sweaty, forcing both her and Yuya’s dads to install showers in their first year of teaching.
Right now, Yuya was using those showers to clean himself up for school. He’d take at least twenty minutes, so Yuzu took the time to investigate what he’d been doing in You Show all night.
This time, she didn’t bother checking the duel disk. Unlike Dad, Yuya used incognito tabs exclusively and deleted his search history once a week. Besides, it’d be an invasion of privacy and those were only allowed with your parents.
Instead, she turned on the main computer and checked last night’s duelling records.
According to the records, Yuya had entered You Show at 1 am last night and activated their fossil of a Kaibacorp solid vision system. While Kaibacorp solid vision didn’t have mass like Leo Corporation’s real solid vision, it did have the simulation program, which meant that it could be used for one on one duelling.
Yuya’d selected his own simulation, then tried to ‘Pendulum Summon’… a lot . So much so that, by morning, the record was nothing but an endless scroll of ‘summoning error’, ‘defeat’, ‘rematch’, and ‘summoning error’ over and over again.
His first successful Pendulum was in match 5, so Yuzu expected it to end there. She was surprised when Yuya kept going but, considering the next Pendulum attempt was a failure, he’d been right to check if it was a fluke.
Knowing Yuya, he wouldn’t stop until he could Pendulum ten times in a row.
“Did you know? When actors rehearse their parts in a play, they rehearse an hour for every minute to make sure they can do it right a hundred times! It’s crazy, I think I could only manage ten.”    
Personally, Yuzu felt like ten was a bit much. She wasn’t a paid actor, so she didn’t have enough time in the day. Whether it was a school play, speech, duel one-liner, or tongue twister, though, Yuya really did hold himself to that standard. He hated breaking an act.
In the end, it took Yuya seventy matches to Pendulum Summon ten times in a row, with the seventieth match ending at 4:55 am. If he’d ‘taken a nap’ right after, it would mean he’d only gotten two hours of sleep.
That must be how he missed his mum calling over and over.
Sighing, Yuzu shut off the computer and went back to stewing on the couch. Behind her, the sound of running water shuddered to a stop and Yuya stepped back inside, hair sopping wet and wearing a new shirt. “Man” -he whined, wiping his hair up with a towel- “why don’t they have shampoo and conditioner here, again?”
“Because it’s a school. If you wanted a good shower, you should have gone home last night instead of drooling all over our couch.”
He pouted. “I said I was sorry!”
“Sure you are! Right up until you get to show off your shiny new Pendulum Summon. Then you’ll start being proud of yourself. More importantly” - she cut straight to the point -“why didn’t you ask me or Gongenzaka for help?”
Yuya’s jokey pout slipped off. “Gongenzaka already gets up at five to sit under waterfalls, Yuzu, I can’t ask him to get up earlier!”
“And me?”
“Your hair wilts like a dying flower on less than 5 hours of sleep! It’s super depressing.”
“Quit joking!” Yuzu said tightly, standing up to glare at him properly. “I’m more depressed not being able to support you! Next time-”
“-Just drop it.” he interrupted, meeting her glare firmly. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
With that, they were at a standstill. Usually, she’d be annoyed at the caginess.
Today, though, that standstill was all Yuzu needed. When she remembered the look of fear on Yuya’s face after his match, the way he’d deflected all questions to Leo Corporation, and how he’d been training all night on something he should already know how to do, the suspicion took root inside her heart.
Add in how the one thing Yuya would always, always, refuse to talk about was his mental health and the rest slid into place.
Yuya couldn’t remember his duel with Strong Ishijima and he didn’t want Yuzu, Gongenzaka, or any of their parents to know about it. Since he didn’t remember the duel, he couldn’t remember how to Pendulum Summon, either.
To fix that, he’d come to You Show in the dead of night to figure it out himself -all so he wouldn’t have to make the mortifying choice of reaching out to his loved ones.
Like an idiot.
“Alright, whatever. Just -you know you can talk to us about anything, right?”
Yuya smiled. “I know.”
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ma-lemons · 2 years
*Spy x Family Ch 66 Spoilers below*
Melinda Desmond is so interesting.
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When she said “I do hope they can stay friends” to Yor concerning Anya and Damian, I couldn’t read her expression at all. She’s muttering, blushing, but her eyes look overly amused. Her lips are held together like she’s trying to suppress laughter. I don’t know if she’s being sarcastic about their potential friendship, or not.
What does that even mean?
Is she amused by Damian and Anya’s potential friendship? Does she scoff at it as in “My son, friends with your daughter? Unlikely.”
or does Melinda know/suspect about Yor and the Garden and instead she’s like “How can our children be friends? I know who you are, and I know that your marriage and family are fake and I find it funny that you think I’m offering friendship when I’m just trying to get close to you to expose you/bring about your downfall.”
or does she know about Anya and Project Apple? Does she know about it’s origins and what their latest projects were? Is she like “Damian and Anya won’t ever be friends, I’m just using you to find out more about your daughter and the laboratory she came from”. Or implying that she knows they won’t stay friends because the scientists from the lab are going to take Anya away?
I don’t know. The Lady Patriots and Melinda kept hinting that Melinda has a close inner circle and doesn’t really trust many people. But for her to just immediately accept Yor into her circle and admit that she pretended to forget to introduce who she was… it all seems very calculated. Is she working with her husband? Or is she the one behind curtain, holding all the strings? Does she go against her husband’s values and politics? Does she know the Garden, and is she an ally or an enemy to them?
edit: does it look like she’s nervous since she’s sweating? like either way, whether she has good intentions or not, she’s hiding something
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Draw your swords, pt. 5
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Summary: A very special dinner brings a very special moment for the Darkling and his wife.
Warnings: angst, sexual innuendoes, swearing, bit of fluff
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four  
She felt caught in the riptide, finding it hard to stay upright. As the daughter of a general, Y/N had seen so many evils, so much hurt, yet she never buckled under pressure.
Staring at the empty spot beside her, she laid there while battling shadows in her head. So filled with rage, she wondered who she’s becoming as a part of her longed to feel his touch. Perhaps he was right, she’s a foolish girl who is trying to win a game where the rules are nonexistent.
Having stayed awake most of the previous night, she didn’t expect trouble sleeping. With a heavy sigh, she abandoned the bed they shared – it felt too intimate to remain there now. They’ve only ever kissed and it was never planned nor did it happen in the very bed she felt is so incredibly vast, so lonely and cold when he didn’t stay there with her.
Pacing the room as she saw his shadow do the night before, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if he had trouble sleeping alone too. It was less than a full week since they married and she already cursed the smallest part of her that seemed to care for him.
Men are easy to love. A woman’s heart was made to care and love those near her. Mistaking love and trust is what a woman should never do. Love and trust are separate entities, one is given, the other must be earned.
Remembering her mother’s words eased her self-loathing. If she dared to love the Darkling, it wasn’t entirely under her control. Trusting him was different. She wasn’t as naïve as to allow the echoes of her heart dictate what her mind long acknowledged – he isn’t trustworthy.
And as the stars rise in the sky, she paced the room tirelessly. Arguing with herself, she paid no mind to the night sky she loved so much. If she had, Y/N might have realized a man with dark skies for eyes had trouble looking away from her shadow.
Exhausted, Y/N rose with the dawn. She had barely scraped up a few hours of decent sleep, tormented by his words even in dreams.
“Enter”, she yawned as Genya readily walked inside. The maids rushed to the bed, willing to change the bed sheets they couldn’t last time as Y/N had sent them away.
“Stop!” She exclaims as they reach Kirigan’s side of the bed, a slightly panicked look on her face relaying uncontrollable desires she had no chance of understanding.
Frowning, Genya licked her lips. While Y/N wasn’t sure what caused her outburst, she believed to know the root. “Leave us. You will be asked to change the sheets when Y/N desires it.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N turned away. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be”, Genya mussed. “We have a dinner to prepare you for.”
“Yes, of course.” Y/N managed a smile, briefly looking to Genya. “I’ll be alone which gives me a perfect chance to find new allies.”
Blinking fast, Genya’s frown deepened. “I’m not sure who could ally with us in the Palace. Everyone’s charmed by our General. If you’d just work with him, they would all be with you too.”
“He works for the emperor.” Y/N reminded her.
Running her hands through her hair, Y/N didn’t know if she could ever trust him enough to tell him the truth. Her plans, her fight, it’s her life’s work. She came into that palace with intention of burning it down. The emperor must die and anyone else who’d fuel the flames of war must perish along with him. The war had claimed her mother’s life, of thousands of humans and Grisha alike, Y/N aimed to end it. And to end it, she had to destroy those who started it, those who refused to implement equality between species, as Kirigan called them. Humans and Grisha must be seen equally worthy, they must ally or they will be exterminated like vermin by surrounding enemies.
She grieved for her mother every day, even now as a decade had passed. Grief is really just love one cannot give to the other. It’s all the unspent love, gathering in the corners of her eyes, the lump in her throat and inside the hollowed heart that’s trying to beat in her chest. If her sorrow was but snow that could melt with coming spring, she’d shake it off her shoulder and be done with it. It doesn’t just disappear or heal with time, she could not just let it go and forgive. Y/N survived the loss of her mother by making a vow, one she was closer to fulfilling.
“Should I prepare your usual kefta?” Genya asked, holding the blue one over her forearm.
Shaking her head, Y/N turned to her with a smile. If she wants to succeeded, she must use all weapons at hand. Being the General’s wife is one of the weapons at her disposal.
“I was thinking about a different color for tonight.”
“How different are we talking?”
Smirking, Y/N’s eyes flickered to Kirigan’s kefta. “Black.”
“No one wears black but Kirigan”, Genya reminds her.
“Until he married. I believe I’m allowed to wear his color.”
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Genya sighed heavily. “Alright. As long as you allow me to make a few modifications.”
Anticipating the dinner, Y/N felt like a goddess in the kefta Genya had crafted for her. It fit her perfectly, adjusted just above the waist as it properly accentuated her curves. The closed collar wrapped around her neck, fallen stars creating a golden woven blaze as a necklace, while moondust adorned the long, skin tight lacey sleeves. The bottom acted as a floor length dress with a long slit revealing skin up to middle of her thigh.
Entering the room with her head held high and Genya on her hand, Y/N felt even more confident about the eclipsed sun stitched across her heart. It was bound to attract attention if the rest of her makeshift kefta inspired dress didn’t.  
The moment she took a step inside, everybody’s head turned. The chatter died down, replaced by astonished gasps of pure awestruck admiration.
“I believe you’ve created a masterpiece”, Y/N whispers to Genya whose smile widens.
“You are what makes it so spectacular”, Genya winks.
“Don’t be modest. We both know it’s not in your nature.”
Giggling, Genya nods, “You’re right. I’m brilliant and this”, she steps aside to give her a once over again, “You are proof.”
Pursing her lips, Y/N felt her cheeks darken. Her plan was to draw attention so any potential ally she speaks to would be more inclined to accept her request, but she didn’t expect for everyone to stop and stare.
Tugging her by the arm, Genya pulled her closer. “You’ll never guess who is here”, she spoke in a hushed tone, looking to the left as the rest of the guests began speaking again and the music played softly in the background.
Following her line of view, Y/N’s heart came to a near stop as her eyes locked on his.
“Wasn’t he supposed to leave last night?” Genya whispers, but Y/N could hardly speak.
Breath caught in her throat, Y/N stared back at Kirigan who seemed to be just as breathless. She looked like a dream, a golden bird that carried all the happiness of the world on its wings.
“He didn’t”, Y/N looked away, knitting her eyebrows. “Why didn’t he”, she tried to finish her initial thought, but she couldn’t. If she spoke of the sudden ache that settled after the initial shock of his presence dispersed, she’d hate herself more. She’s weak if her feelings are hurt by a single night spent alone in a bed. She was certain now. She is foolish.
“You won’t be able to network tonight”, Genya’s frown made Y/N chuckle.
“You’ve been frowning so often since we met.”
Shrugging, Genya leaned in discreetly. “I can afford a few worry lines. I’ll just erase them later.”
Playfully rolling her eyes, Y/N smiled brightly. She would not allow Kirigan to dampen her mood. He can stay on his side of the room and she won’t spare him a single glance.
“I’ll test the waters”, Genya promised, “If I find anyone that we can work with, we can test their loyalty later.”
Glancing over Y/N’s shoulder, Genya’s eyes widened ever so slightly.
Frowning lightly, Y/N glanced at what has her so perplexed only to huff in frustration.
“Black suits you”, the Darkling compliments her. Holding out a hand for her to take, he glances at his open palm before raising his brow. He’s challenging her.
Looking around, she realizes everyone’s waiting for her reaction. As he told her once before, they may not be a love match, but their arrangement must seem successful to the unsuspecting eye.
“Dance with me and pretend they don’t exist”, his voice softened and she couldn’t believe this is the same man who so cruelly baited her, branding her as foolish earlier. How can he act as if nothing happened when she was still reeling from it? Not that he’d know, she always put care in every move she made around him.
She placed her hand on the palm of his, holding her breath as she chained her gaze to the abyss in his. There’s no going back, she thinks, nearly shuddering as he places his free hand on her hip.
“I thought you were gone by now”, she mussed. Choosing to take control of the conversation, she kept her neck straight as it secured a proper distance between their faces.
“We had a slight delay”, he said, “I’ll be gone tonight.”
Humming, she swallowed thickly. Avoiding looking at others, she remained in a staring match with her husband.
“How did you sleep?” The Darkling smirked, watching her eyes narrow at him.
“Quite well. Did you enjoy sharing your bed with someone else?” While her voice seemed cold and unattached, her words were anything but.
“Do I detect a hint of jealousy there?” Pursing his lips, he nearly laughed as she stepped on his foot. “I’ll take that as yes.”
“I’m merely concerned how it would look if word of you sleeping elsewhere got out. I prefer my pride and honor untouched and if you choose to find a lover, I should assume you’ll be discreet.”
Licking his lips, the great general didn’t laugh at her or sneer. There was no angry squinting or vile words. For once, he had a serious expression on his face that had nothing to do with the army or their arguments.
“I’m not the kind who would seek a lover while married. Even if the marriage is a mere arrangement.”
Scoffing, she clenched her jaw as he pulled her waist closer to him. 
“How many lovers have you taken?”
He raised a brow, “That’s a horrible question.”
“Because you lost count?” She narrows her eyes, the lips he found himself so fascinated with formed a thin, red line.
He doesn’t respond, so she tried again, “Why have you not married before?”
Now he looked amused, “That’s even worse!”
Shrugging, she smirks, “Well, ask me a question then! If all mine are so awful, let me hear yours.”
“Do you think I’m a very good liar or a very unlovable being?” Slowly pulling her body flush against his, Darkling looked deep into her eyes. “I’ve never loved anyone and I’ve manipulated everyone who has fallen in love with me. So?” Inhaling sharply, he watched a disarray of emotions cross her face as he asked again, “Liar or unlovable?”
“A liar. Because you are lying, not just to me but yourself.” Her breathing is shallow, strained even. “You have a heart, General, but you’re cowering like a scared little boy instead of just facing the facts.”
“And what are those?” His voice is darker as are his intentions.
If they were alone, she was certain he’d be kissing her lips now. For some reason, it seemed he enjoyed their arguments. He liked it when she fought him almost like he didn’t know any other form of affection.
“That you care. You care and you hate yourself for it.” Stopping their dance, she managed a faint smile. “But don’t worry, I’m not spending my time waiting for you to accept it.”
Brushing his fingers across the left side of her face, he cocked his head ever so slightly, “Is it possible you’ve got this all wrong? From where I stand, you’re the one who cares – perhaps a bit too much? Let me remind you, this marriage is a sham. You are my wife, but I do not love you, I do not care for you and if you were killed right in this very spot, I would avenge you but solely for the arrangement to remain unsullied.”
Nodding, more to herself than him, she took a step back from him. For the first time ever, she drew back. “For once, we’re on the same page of the same book.”
The music stops. Looking to the man clinking his glass, Y/N’s lips part. She didn’t even realize it, but too often she entirely forgoes breathing in Kirigan’s presence.
Taking a deep breath, she nearly laughs. Kirigan…General…The Darkling. She even called him husband, yet she never even heard his first name. How odd is it to marry a man whose first name is a mystery to you, she thought.
“If you’ll excuse me”, she nods curtly without sparing him a glance. 
Her seat at the dinner table was beside Genya, while Kirigan was placed all the way on the other side of the room. She smirked, satisfied she’ll have some peace during her meal. She never quite liked the table formation in a wide U form before, but she blessed the ones who created it on this evening.
Studying him from afar, she couldn’t deny the attraction she felt for him. It wasn’t some cosmic connection that she hoped she’d share with her husband, rather wishful thinking. Longing for him is out of the question. He may be the most handsome man she had ever seen, but it’s not at all something she’d thank the saints for. If he were less appealing, she’d at least be free of torment his looks bring. The devil is real and he’s not a goat like man as humans believed. There are no horns, no tails – he’s beautiful, a fallen angel, but an angel nonetheless.
“You’re staring at him again”, Genya speaks in a hushed tone, her smile audible.
“I’m not”, Y/N replies, “I simply looked over in a direction and he happened to be seated there.”
“Then why was that look on your face?” Genya raises an eyebrow.
“What?” Y/N asks, incredulous. “What look?”
“You have a certain way of looking at him”, she informs. Letting out an tired huff, Genya explains, “You look at him and it’s like you’re staring at the night sky littered with stars.”
Genya looks down before whispering, “You love night skies littered with stars.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N stared at her food for the rest of the evening. One bite after another and her plate was quickly emptied. Her stomach felt like it would burst, but she didn’t care. Most people claim they can’t eat under stress, but she was the opposite – her appetite only grew.
“He’s standing up”, Genya informed her and despite wishing she remained impassive, Y/N’s eyes shot up to where he was sitting.
With a lump at the back of her throat, she watched him as he headed to the door. A part of her hoped he’d be decent enough to bid his farewell, to acknowledge her at least. That part of her needed to be destroyed, she decided. It’s the part of her that would ruin her mission and for what? If she truly wanted to, she could have him on his back and under her. If she wanted him, he’d be hers – at least his body would. The principle she held onto was more important and so, she swallowed thickly and looked to her empty plate in order to stop her weakness from showing.
As she looked away, the Darkling looked back at her from across the room. He felt a strange tightness in his heart and once he saw she didn’t follow him with her gaze, his heart dropped. Furrowing his eyebrows, he kept his gaze on her for a while longer – her beauty was unmatched by anything he had ever seen. White looked good on her, every color did – but black fabric hugging her curves could bring a dead man back to life.
With a heavy heart and frown etched on his face, the Darkling turned his back and left the room, the Palace, the strangest, most beautiful creature he ever laid eyes on.
He carried her in his thoughts ever since. It aggravates him how quickly she’s gotten under his skin. Most of the month before their marriage was finalized was spent in petty comments about their armies or their distaste for one another. She was insufferable, maddening and entirely different from what he expected.
And yet, even then, the Darkling hoped she’d lose her patience and either leave or tell him she loves him. If she left, he’d be free of her and the shackles of an undesirable marriage, but if she told him she loves him, perhaps he’d believe her. If he knew there was ever a possibility of her loving him, he’d dare assume he might be deserving of love – because she may have dubbed him a liar, but he believes himself to be unlovable too. He never saw the point in allowing himself to feel a thing for her when it would be futile, wasted emotions on a woman sworn to hate him.
Once he was done chasing a rumor of a stag up north, the Darkling had to accept it too was a futile. Going after a legendary animal wasted so much of his time that he couldn’t even believe how foolish he’s become too. The stag must not be real after all.
Approaching Little Palace, he felt almost eager to run up to their shared chambers and see her. Even if she’d likely have a few choice words for him, he hoped he could make her blood boil just to hear her speak. He’d never admit it, but he missed someone he could converse with without dying of boredom.
“General”, Genya rushed to Kirigan who nearly growled at the distraction. However, Genya seemed distraught, panicked enough to draw his attention.
Swallowing thickly, she wiped a stray tear slipping down her cheek. “It’s Y/N.”
His heart stops at the sound of her shaky voice, his jaw clenching before speaking. “What happened? Is she alright?”
“She went for a ride this morning and she hasn’t been seen since.”
Darkling’s gaze hardens as he grips Genya’s arms and shakes her lightly. “What do you mean?!”
“We sent riders after lunch, because I was worried she missed two meals already”, gasping for air, Genya’s tears made tracks, “The snow covered her tracks.”
She left me, he thought. She deemed me unlovable, unworthy. She left.
“They managed to find her mare”, Genya continues through tears, “It was decapitated and left in the woods.”
“Woods?” He frowns, wondering why she’d stray from the meadow and then he realized. He’s the one she rode into the woods with. She must have thought the woods were safe. They were at the time, only because he was with her and he’d never let any harm come to her.
“There were signs of struggle, but the snow is making it hard for us to track them.”
Releasing a visibly shaken Genya, he grunts. Biting his lower lip, he paced before her as his hand ran through his hair. She never saw him so worried, so mad before. He looked like a man walking a fine line – a line between madness and sanity.
“Call everyone”, he orders, “We must find her.”
Exhaling in relief, Genya smiled as Ivan emerged, having heard everything.
“Why would we do that?”
A pause ensues as the Darkling takes a step toward Ivan. “I haven’t made a promise in so long”, he spoke but in truth, it’s been hundreds of years since he made anyone a promise. “I promised her I’d protect her.” His voice was ragged, but controlled. “So I’m making a new promise right here, if they harm a single hair on her head, I will end them all. I will do it with a smile on face and I will bathe in their blood!”
They took her from him and he had every intention of ripping the world apart with his bare hands and for once, the thought of how far he’d go for that insolent woman didn’t frighten him. He barely knows her, he certainly doesn’t love her, but Saints help those who touched his wife.
Tags: @bruxa0007​ @rangotangomango​ @kaitlyn2907​ @thestoryofmylife9​ @shelivesindaydreamswme​ @hxrgreeves​ @safetyhtom​ @kaqua​ @savannah-elliott​ @all-art-is-quite-useless​  @azure23x​ @girlmadeofavocados​ @ashdab2611​ @acciorudolphx​ @ladyblablabla​ @wckedheart​​ @xceafh​ @sanna2020​ @tarkanelima-blog​ @takethee​ @mellifluous-cosmos​ @marvel-ousnesss​ @tea-effect​ @starlightofsolaria​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @blackbirddaredevil23​ @sarcastic-and-cool​ @slytherinsbiggestproblem​ @within-thehollowcrown​ @notthatchhavi​ @musicconversedance​​ @astrosmayhem   
Part 6
905 notes · View notes
bakuhoes-dumbass · 3 years
A/N: Hello my nerds, today is my Birthday! So to celebrate my unfortunate birth, I'm doing a special scenario post for my Ab!Boys!
What do the boys from Aberration get you for your birthday?! (GN!Reader!)
These are NOT cannon to the storline.
Warnings: VERY DARK CONTENT. Yandere Headcannons ahead. Mentions of skinning, non-con cum-eating and video recording, stalking, murder, mutilation, manipulation, etc. If you are uncomfortable with these types of things, DO NOT READ. Proceed with caution, as I do not feel bad if you choose to do so while being warned.
You're seated on the bed, staring at your simple but beautiful ankle bracelet Tokoyami bought for you. Smiling, you fiddle with the gems, entranced by the sparkle that reflects off them.
Your head snaps up to see your boyfriend sticking his head through the door way. A love-sick smile grows on your face. "Fumi, you're back!"
He chuckles before slipping through the door way and sits down on the bed, hands behind his back. "Do you remember what today is?" Your face scrunches up in thought before shaking your head. He sighs warmly at the cute look on your face. "Today's your birthday, my starlight. And I got you something."
Tokoyami moves his hands from behing him and your eyes light up upon seeing the book he hands you. "Fumi, thank you! It's beautiful." Your hand traces over the cover, following the lines of the ornate designs. "It looks so familiar..." you mumble.
Tokoyami swallows the lump in his throat. "It's one of a kind, love. Would you like me to read it to you?" He tries to steer the conversation away from your feeling of familiarity, not wantinf you to realize it's one of your old books from before he took you.
You nod excitedly and climb into his lap. His arms circle around you and hold you tight, as his thumb grazes over your anklet, eyes boring into the gems that track your every movement.
"Happy Birthday to my Pebble~ Happy Birthday to my Pebble~"
You glare at the redhead smiling and dancing in front of you as you tug at your restraints. A low huff leaves your lips. "Can you stop? I don't want you celebrating my birthday."
Kirishima stops dancing and gives you a puppy-dog stare. "But why? It's the day my beautiful wife was born! It should be a day to rejoice!"
"Kirishima, I'm not your wife! I'm nor your girlfriend! I'm not anything to you!" You sit up in the bed you were restrained to, only able to move so far forward. "You drugged me, kidnapped me and are currently holding me against my will."
Kirishima watches with a mixture of sadness and anger at your defiant attitude. He hates it when you struggle. He doesn't understand why you're so reluctant to be here! With him! Your husband! That's when he remembers your gift.
"Oh! This is a perfect time to give you your birthday present!"
He drops to his knees and crawls under the bed. You hear rummeging underneath you and your terror spikes. You knew what he kept under the bed, so this couldn't be good. As he comes back up, he's holding a pair of black leather cuffs.
"Surprise! I got you new cuffs!" He climbes onto the bed and straddles you. "These are so cool because instead of being just normal cuffs, they have these two little metal rivets that will shock you whenever I want!"
Your eyes widen and your mouth opens to scream. Kirishima is quick, however. He grabs your face with his hand, hardening it so your scream is muffled. His face geta closer to yours, that sickening grin never leaving.
"Baby, you don't like it? Do you want something else? Don't worry! I have another gift in mind. How about a fresh, bloodied heart that was ripped out of the chest of that mean boss of yours?"
"You see this right here?" Your cowroker holds her hand out, showing you and your fellow employees her brand new diamond ring. "He finally proposed! It was about time. It took him awhile to get an ACTUAL ring worthy of me, though. But it's so expensive and beautiful, EEP!"
Keigo watches as you roll your eyes for the thousandth time. He could tell you were getting annoyed, and I mean, who wouldn't? Your coworker has always been a complete bitch to everyone, a lot directed at you.
"Oof, it just sucks that Y/N can't seem to find someone. That's probably the only way they'll be able to look a little less," she looks you up and down. "Er, homeless."
Keigo watches from his perch as you flip her off snd walk away. His hands clench tightly into fists, desperately wanting to knock a bitch out. That's when it hit him. It was your birthday today! And now he knew just what he wanted to gift you.
"Bye guys, and thank you!"
You wave to your friends after they drop you off at home. They had taken you out for dinner for your birthday and you bad fun. Definitely something you needed after the crappy morning you had.
As you walk up to your door, you notice a small package waiting for you outside. You smile, wondering of it was your long distance partner sending you a birthday gift. You carefully open the package, but once you see the contents, a scream is ripped out of your throat and you stumble away from the box.
Inside, what a severed finger with an absolutely beautiful diamond ring still on it. You failed to notice a small blood-covered note flitter to the floor.
'Happy Birthday, babybird. I hope you like it.'
Tamaki stares at you from behind a tree. He's been following you for a few hours now, just basking in all your wonderful glory. He stares at you with nothing but pure love and adoration in his eyes, wishing he could actually get up the nerve to speak to you.
Finally you're off of work and headed home. He really hates seeing you talk to all those really pretty people. What if you were to get a partner?! That wasn't him?! He whimpers at the thought, hands clenching and unclenching.
The sound of your name snaps him out of his thoughts. He watches as your friend, whom he deemed not-a-threat yet, skip up to you.
"Are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?"
Tamaki's face turns pale. Your birthday! How could he forget the most important day of his life?! The day his precious bunny was born. You would be so disappointed in him. He reluctantly scrambles away from his hiding spot and runs home to get your gift.
You stand in your doorway, a package sitting on your front steps. You tilt your head in curiosity and pick it up. Opening it up, you find the most adorable stuffed bunny you've ever seen. And a note.
"Y/N, Happy Birthday! I hope you like this bunny, I thought if you when I saw it. Love, your secret admirer."
You squeal slightly and hug the soft fluff, thinking this was from your flirty coworker. You bring it up to your room and sit it on your bed next to your other stuffies.
Tamaki stares at the screen on his phone, his face bright red at the hug you gave the stuffed bunny. It actually felt like you were hugging him! His happiness was through the roof. He knew you would love it!
But his attention now is back on you as he watches you slowly take your clothes off, one by one, to get ready for bed. His tongue practically falls out of his mouth, watching your bare back closely.
One day, he swears he won't have to watch through the camera.
Chronos watches you closely over the top of his book. You glare at him with tears in your eyes while huddled up in the furthest corner of your human sized cage. Hugging your knees tighter to your chest, you turn your gaze away with a sniffle.
"You know the boss wouldn't want you to cry on your birthday."
You roll your eyes and grip you legs tighter. "I doubt someone who keeps a human in a cage really cares about when they want to cry." You sigh. "Besides, he probably doesn't even give a shit if it's my birthday. I don't even give a shit, at this point."
"Of course I care."
The hair on your body stands up on end as the voice of your captor appears. Fear shoots through you upon seeing his masked face. In one hand he has a gift bag, the other stuffed in his pocket.
"Why wouldn't I care about my pet's birthday?"
He squats to unlock the cage and gestures you over with his finger. You swallow the lump in your throat and crawl out to him, knowing the consequences if you don't follow his rules. He sits down in his chair and pats the side of his thigh for you to kneel next to him.
He opens the gift bag and pulls out a dog collar. A part of you wanted to gag at the thought of being collard to this maniac. But another part of you couldn't help but think how absolutely gorgeous and expensive this collar looked.
"Oh, it's beautiful... Master." You wanted to slap yourself for calling him that, but you had no choice. The last thing you want is to be punished.
Kai hums with approval at your words before buckling the collar around your neck. He finsihes it off with a small padlock to the back, so no one can remove it except for him. A gloves finger grazes over your neck in admiration before looking over to Chronos.
"Prep them for a routone cleaning."
The calmed state you were in was once more replaced by terror. "No, please Master! I've been good, I promise! Please dont do this!" You scramble backwards, away from the two masked men. But Kai was quick and hooked his fingers under your collar, dragging yoi back to him.
"You know this is a must, pet. I need to make sure every inch of you is cleansed before I send any more time with you." He taps the side of your collar with his free hand. "And there is no use attempting to run away. This will forever track any movement you make from here on out."
Kai throws your body over to Chronos, who throws your struggling self over his shoulder.
"Oh, and Happy Birthday, my pet."
You stir in your bed, hearing your boyfriend's voice.
"Darling, wake up~"
Eyes open to see a blurry red and white haired man softly smiling down at you. You stretch your body out and yawn with a cute smile.
"Mmmm Sho, good morning~"
Shoto sighs softly, admiring your beautiful features. "Guess what day it is today. It's a very special day."
You tolt your head, trying to remember the exact date but you are the sure. It's been while since time actually mattered.
"It's your birthday, darling! Happy Birthday! I've got something fun planned for you~"
You sit up, your chains rattling against the bed frame. "You do? I'm so excited! What is it?"
Shoto holds up his black card. "We're going shopping. I'll be getting whatever your heart desires."
Your eyes widen. "Wait, does that mean I actually get to go out? Really?!"
Shoto's smile falters before returning to a softened look. Slight guilt flashes in his eyes. "Darling, you know I can't let you go outside. It's not safe. No, we're doing online shopping~" Shoto grabs his phone and crawls behind you, sitting you in his lap. "Here lets look through some sights and get you some cute stuff."
"I want my darling to have everything they want, so they don't want to leave~"
You stay huddled up in the corner of the room, knees to your chest, not even daring to look at him. Dabi frowns at your defiant behavior. He knows he took you without your permission, but that was so long ago. Shouldn't you have been broken in by now?
"Little Mouse."
You continue to rock back and fourth on the floor, chains clanking together. Dabi sighs, annoyance starting to eat at him. He walks over to you and grabs yoi by the throat, lifting you up.
"You are to respond when I'm speaking to you. Understand?" You let out a little squeak and quickly nod your head with widened eyes. He sits you down on the bed and gives you a lazy smile. "That's better. Now, I have something for you."
He opens the closet door to bring out a box. He places it in front of you. "Happy Birthday, my little mouse."
"Oh, yeah. That's today." You mumble quietly. Kmowing Dabi, this gift was going to have some sort of catch but curiosity got the better of you. But curiosity turned into regret immediately as you throw the lid and scream.
Inside the box were a pair of boots. But they weren't jusf any pair of boots, they were handmade. It was human skin staples together, making them look just like Dabi himself.
"What, does my little mouse not like them?" He smirks before climbing on the bed. He grabs your legs and pulls you down towards him with a manic look on his face.
"That's fine. How about I burn my name into you instead?"
You jolt up in bed, suddenly awakened by a nightmare. Looking next to you, you see your boyfriend's side of the bed empty. A whimper escapes your lips as yoi trt to calm your racing heart.
"Angel?!" The door to the bedroom slams open, Bakugo's quirk popping in his hands and waiting to attack whomever touched his precious angel. He looks around frantically but notices nothing except your heavy breathing and sweat covered body. "Are you alright? What happened?"
You motion towards him with a sniffle and grabby hands. "I had a dream that you locked me back up in the basement again for days, without you." He comes sits next to you on the bed and pushes the hair out of your sweat covered face. "It was dark and silent and terrifying. Please don't do that again! I would miss you! I've been good, I promise!"
Bakugo sighs and pulls you into a hug. "I know, Angel. You've been doing so well, I'm so proud of you." He plants a kiss on your head as you relax into his arms. "I have a surprise for you actually. Stay right here."
You nod your head, watching him leave the room for a moment, your ankle tugging on the chain that attached you to the bed. I mean, it's not like you would get very far. Bakugo comes back in with a plate of cake and a candle.
"Happy Birthday, my beautiful angel."
Your eyes light up as he sets the piece of cake in front of you. You blow out the candle and take a bite, savoring the taste. "Kats, this is so good! The cake is so fluffy and the frosting is creamy and sweet. Thank you!"
Bakugo watches you with a lovesick grin on his face. He goes to adjust the tightness in his pants as he watches you devour his specially made cake without hesitation.
"Yeah, it's been super weird. I've been finding these little pieces of jewelry on my bed almost every night the past week."
You continue cleaning the counter as you explain to your cowroker the weird things that have been happening to you. She gives you a strange look.
"Are you sure you haven't misplaced your jewelry on your bed and just forgot?"
You turn your head to give her a dumbfounded look. "Uh, yeah. I think I would remember putting jewelry I've nevee seen before on my bed at the same time every night."
"Well, I don't know! It's just so weird. I don't have any other rational explanation." She suddenly gasps. "What if you have a stalker?!"
"Shh, don't say things like that." You hiss at her but a part of you is wondering if that might be true.
After your shift ends, you wave goodbye and begin your journey home. Unbeknownst to you, an energetic blonde watches as you walk home, excited for you to see your final birthday gift.
Once you step through the door of your house, something feels off. Having a weird feeling, you immediately but slowly make your way to your bedroom and turn on the lights. That's when you see a small but long white box placed on your bed, this time with a note. You carefully open the box to reveal a gorgeous necklace with a small black and yellow lightning bolt charm. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you reluctantly open up the note, hoping to finally uncover some answers.
"Happy Birthday, my dear. You can call me Kaminari. And soon, you will be all mine."
You turn around upon hearing the closing of a camera shutter but see nothing. Thinking it's all in your head, you shrug and continue to walk to your parents for your birthday dinner.
"Shit, that was too close." Midoriya mumbles under his breath as he hides in a set of bushes just beyond your vision. He scrolls through his camera roll, looking through every single shot to make sure he's got what he needs.
"These aee perfect! Oh they're going to love it!" He checks to make sure you're long gone before he scrambles out of his hiding spot and runs home to make your gift.
You unlock the door to your house and step inside with a sigh. As much as you love your birthday and seeing your family, sometimes they can be a little much. Now it's time for you to sit back and relax. You change into your pajamas and turn on your comfort movie with a drink in hand, when suddenly your doorbell rings.
"Who the hell is here at 10 at night?"
You carefully peek through the peep hole in your door, not seeing anyone. Slowly, you open the door and look down to see a neatly wrapped gift. You know you probably shouldn't take a strange gift off of your doorstep, but curiosity gets the better of you.
Taking it back to your livingroom, you open it to reveal a scrapbook. Anxiety raises through your body as you open the first page. Eyes widen in horror the further you flip through, non-consentual pictures taken of you and your family litter the pages. Not only are there ones from being out in public, but private, intimate moments that no one should have seen. But the moment you found a lock of your hair glued to one of the pages was the moment you called the police.
Shinso squats infront of you as you stare at him with dead eyes.
"Kitten, I have a surprise for you today."
You shake your head, mumbling. "I don't want it."
Shinso caresses your cheek with his hand before giving it a quick slap. You try ti3 jerk your head away but he grips your cheeks, squishing them together. "Stop being a brat, you don't even know what it is yet. Now, stand up."
You don't even get a chance to stand up yourself as Shinso hauls you up by your face. "I'm taking you out for your birthday."
Your eyea widen in fear and you shake your head. "N-No, please. I'd rather stay here. L-Let's do something together here. Please."
Shinso clicks his tongue. "Come now, kitten. I'm letting you go outside. We don't do this very often, it's a special treat. Is it not?"
You shake your head. "Please, no, everytime you take me out you-"
You go silent, mind fogged over and once again, under his control. There are moments when he mind-controls you to where you don't remember anything the morning after and those moments are awful. But when he feels like being extra cruel? He finally takes you outside, taking you out to eat, to see a movie, to go shopping. You're under his control the entire time but you remember everything. You are right there, fully aware of whats happening around you but can't do anything to ask for help, to save yourself. And it's terrifying
A tear rolls down your cheek as you follow him out the front door, his hand in yours. He smirks, knowing you could never leave him.
"Happy Birthday, Kitten."
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tetsunormous · 3 years
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pairing: Matsukawa Issei x f!reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers, smut (18+), fluff
word count: 6.5K
warnings: cunnilingus, fingering, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, swearing, nipple play, pinning
A/N: This is for Ria's @bakugohoex's rich boy collab 💜 Congrat's on 3k!! thank you to @ohno-otome and @armins-futon for reading this for me. I love matsukawa but I don't write for him often so this has been really fun :)
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Walking into your new dorm room, you weren’t sure what to expect. Sure, you’ve seen the pictures online, but there’s nothing like the slightly dusty window letting in a hazy ray of light shining down onto the slight dip in the middle of the mattress you now call your own. Your desk almost touched the corner of your twin-sized bed, and your new bookshelf barely has enough room to fit half of the books you brought, but this was your new life. It didn’t dawn on you just how different university would be until you arrived this morning, but here you were, unpacking all your clothes into the cramped closet in the corner. Luckily, you’re in the building where you had a single room. Privacy was something you were worried about, and the communal washrooms will be something to get used to, but either way, this was a new start, and no matter how nervous you are, you’re grateful for it.
High school wasn’t terrible, but it definitely wasn’t what you expected it to be. Going into it, you obviously knew that it would be nothing like how the movies depicted, but you were excited. How bad could those four years really be if you had your best friend right by your side? He was incredible. He understood you better than anybody else, would be able to tell how you were feeling without the exchange of words, but most of all, he was your person, and you were his.
There was no doubting that in all your years of friendship.
But alas, like all good things in life, they must come to an end.
The summer going into the twelfth grade, he was longer your best friend. The boy that would go to the farmers market with you and your mom every other Sunday was now lining up for the newest sneaker drop. The boy that would rather spend the night at home and binge-watch your shared comfort show for the seventh time is now out with the boys sneaking into shisha bars and doing donuts in the community centre parking lots with their new cars. You watched as he slowly forgot about you, getting caught up in his new friendships and obsessing over material items that he never cared about before. It’s not that you were upset he found new friends. It’s that the only time he would reach out was to randomly drop off something he had bought you in hopes it would make up for him blowing you off again.
They started small, simple sweaters he knew you would like, but the gifts became almost ridiculous as time passed. He would never let you return them either, so now you have designer shoes for imaginary banquets. Of course, you were always grateful, but you would trade all his gifts just to spend time with him again. His family has always been wealthy, they always went on lavish vacations and drove the nicest cars, but you never really cared about what he spends his money on or just how much his parents make. You cared that he saw you as a person he wanted to be with rather than just someone he could shove gifts towards to make up for the quality time he’d miss.
But now you’re here. You were arriving three hours before the suggested move-in time because you didn’t want to be rushed to unpack before orientation starts later. You’ve seen a few people walking around on your floor, but neither of your neighbours have arrived, and honestly, you don’t mind because that means you’re able to blast your music without worry. As The 1975 fills your room, you stand still for a second, really taking in where you are. You’re now attending one of the best schools in the country, living on your own with a floor of people you don’t know yet. It starts to sink in that you are starting anew. The people who end up in the rooms next to you might just end up being your lifelong friends. As the song comes to an end, you decide it’s time to try to make yourself look a little more presentable since it’s almost time for people to start rolling in.
It’s almost five in the afternoon, and everyone on your floor is meeting outside on the field for a quick introduction before group dinner. You’re sitting with your knees pressed to your chest as the girl next to you tries to make small talk. To be fair, she’s incredibly sweet, but you can’t focus on her because somewhere behind you, there is a voice you think you recognize. There’s no way he would be here. Sure, you have no idea what school he ended up choosing, but if he ended up here, he would’ve at least texted you. Right? Before you can confirm your suspicions, orientation starts, and your group leader is already talking with more energy than you can handle.
The group of guys settle down close by, and you can’t stop yourself from looking over, wondering if you’ll see the head of brown curls. Instead, you’re met with a bunch of frat boy looking wannabes that instantly make your eyes roll. To say you’re disappointed that you didn’t see him was so stupid. It’s been over a year, yet here you were, hoping to magically bump into him as if this was some cliche movie. If anything, it’s frustrating. It’s frustrating that even though he stopped caring for you, you still longed to see him, to hear him laugh at one of your cheesy jokes. It’s even more frustrating that this new start you’ve been looking forward to, makes you miss him even more.
There are only sixteen people on your floor, but introductions take a lifetime because someone didn’t come on time. When they finally do show up, you almost laugh at this whole situation because, of course, it was him. Of course, he was strutting down the courtyard in some brand new Gucci sneakers and the same Balenciaga sweater he had bought for you a few months ago. Of course, the annoying group of boys behind you gesture for him as he quickly apologizes to the group leaders. And, of course, when you make eye contact, he’s the one looking at you with a mixture of shock and annoyance.
Quickly rushing back to your room after the meeting, you decide you’re ordering in tonight so that you don’t have to see him for at least another day. This is all so fucked up. You wrack your brain trying to understand how probable this whole situation is because, frankly, it feels like a sick joke, and on top of it, he’s the one annoyed?
Naturally, you spend the rest of the night unpacking the rest of your things before ordering your comfort food to wash down all the feelings you’re experiencing. Putting on your favourite show, you begin your tenth rerun as you bury yourself in your blankets. Part of you feels so stupid for completely ignoring your initial dinner plans, but you knew with the mindset you had at the moment, there was no way you would have enjoyed yourself. It’s a bit silly you haven’t left your room since picking up your takeout, you don’t even know who lives beside you, but that’s a problem for tomorrow.
Slipping into your slides, you head towards the washroom with your little toiletry bag. You pass by the girl you were sitting with earlier, and she sends you a smile. After apologizing for disappearing all night she just laughs and assures you nothing happened. She even points out where her room is if you were up to hang out tomorrow during frosh activities.
Just this interaction makes you feel better, and you quietly hum along to the familiar tune coming from the shower stall.
He used to play this song all the time, claiming it spoke to him the first time he heard it. Since then, it became the song he would play anytime he’d come to pick you up, explaining how this song is special because the ending always reminded him of you. It didn’t matter how long it’s been since the two of you hung out. Every time you heard ‘Pluto Projector,’ it would always bring a smile to your face. You even tried to show the song to your ex-boyfriend, but he never paid attention to your suggestions. He always claimed that his music taste was better. Thankfully that relationship only lasted a couple of months, but still, the regret of not waiting for someone worthy lingers in your mind.
While applying your moisturizer, you hear the water shut, the person pausing the song right as the orchestra starts to come in. Worried about who you may run into, you quickly pack up your stuff. You hear the click of the lock, and as you turn around, you’re met with him, with his curly hair all damp and his obnoxious teal blue robe wrapped loosely around his waist.
Rushing past him, you briskly walk towards your room, but before you can close the door, his foot jams between the doorframe. He pushes his way in and quietly closes the door, only to be met with the unimpressed look on your face. He circles around your room, eyes searching for any trace of your past friendship before standing back at the door.
“What do you want, Matsukawa?” you ask impatiently. It’s bad enough you run into the one person you wanted to forget, but now he’s standing in your room with a matching frown.
Something indescribable flashes across his eyes, and you can visibly see his frown deepen at your question. Leaning against your door, his arms come up to rub over his face, peeking at you through his fingers before letting out a long sigh. “When did I become Matsukawa? I thought I was Issei.”
You can’t help the chuckle that escapes your lips, and you realize how childish your grudge might be, but he has changed, and the man standing in front of you isn’t the same man you once called your best friend. “When you changed, Matsukawa. Issei was my best friend, and YOU are not.”
His eyes filled with confusion as his eyebrows furrow, taking a step forward towards you. “I’m sorry? I tried to stay in touch with you. You’re the one that stopped talking to me, so I’d try to send you things instead. How was I the one who changed?”
You stand there, staring at him for a second before shaking your head. “I can’t do this right now; I want to have a good day tomorrow, so I need to go to sleep. Please, leave my room.”
His eyes soften a little, and you can see a faint glimpse of his infamous lazy smile, “We both know you’re not going to be sleeping anytime soon,” he stalks over and kicks his slides off before sitting at the end of your bed. “Let’s talk about this because, frankly, I’m tired of watching you decide if you hate me every time you see me.”
The nerve of this man. The fact that he invites himself into your room, declares his stay, and then sits on your bed without permission. You don’t even know if he’s wearing anything under that robe as his hair is literally dripping onto your comforter. Regardless of what the situation is, this action alone has you seething. Turning towards your desk chair, you harshly pull out the slightly imbalanced piece of wood and sit down, silently questioning why he isn’t the one on the chair.
He watches you stomp around, and he kinda chuckles at your little tantrum, missing how easy it was to rile you up. Your glare at him would be a little scary if he didn’t see the way your lips mumbled to yourself. It’s honestly a little cute to watch you all frustrated with him even though he saw one of the shoes he bought you in your closet. Sure, they look brand new, but the fact that you brought them here with you must mean something.
The year you two spent apart has been really stressful on Matsukawa. He thought that you’d be happy that he could give you everything you wanted. He knew he wasn’t spending as much time with you as he used to, but he thought the gifts he spent hours lining up for would make up for it.
When you stopped returning his calls and texts, he was crushed. Everyone could see how he felt about you, but then he watched you get close to another man. Within two weeks, you were dating him, and he was left watching from a distance. Neither of you ever confirmed your feelings for each other, but he could tell that man wasn’t making you happy. He didn’t understand your different facial expressions, he didn’t care about what you had to say, but all he could do was watch the girl he wanted from the sidelines.
Sure, as time went on, Matsukawa also started talking to other girls. None of them ever became his girlfriend, he didn’t think it was fair to get with someone when he was set on you, but he had his fair share of hookups. He has money, a shit ton of it, but he never let that get to his head. It wasn’t his fault that he gained popularity when he started to get into name brands and upgraded his car, but none of that ever changed who he was — at least not to the degree you had him pinned.
He watches you carefully, your leg bouncing impatiently as your eyes glare daggers in his direction. He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a sigh, “what did I do wrong? You didn’t even give me a chance to fix whatever I did (y/n).”
The lamp in the corner of your room shines a dim yellow hue onto his features. His brows are knitted in concern as he leans forwards on his knees, his robe showing off a deep v down his chest. You can feel yourself freeze up at his question, goosebumps covering your skin, while your eyes pour into his. “You changed Matsukawa. You stopped making an effort to be there. I’m not some girl you can just buy with all your money. I have never cared about how much you have or what you can afford -- you know that! It doesn’t matter what. I always split things with you because I never wanted you to feel like I was there for your money. But then suddenly, you just stop showing up. You wouldn’t even tell me you made other plans, and I would just open my door to find some package you dropped off.”
His eyes search your face before letting out a deep sigh. “I tried! You wouldn’t answer any of my calls, I know I stopped explaining myself, but can you blame me? Don’t you think I want to take you around and introduce you to all my friends? Don’t you think I miss going on late-night drives with you to 7-11? Every time I would drive past there, you’re all I thought about. You and your stupid obsession with cheese taquitos and Arizona tea. Did you even think about how I felt when you decided to act like I don’t exist?” He hastily stands up and paces around in the confined space of your dorm room. He never raises his voice, so hearing him talk at a slightly louder volume was enough to let you know he was dead serious. “You know, I never stopped talking highly about you because as selfish as it is, those boys have an important family. They have the connections you dream about (y/n), so even when you started to ignore me to go out with that fucking ex-boyfriend of yours, I never said anything.”
He looks at you with pleading eyes before going to sit back down, his elbows now resting against his thighs. “I know you don’t care about my money, but I didn’t know how else to tell you I was still thinking about you. I tried to get you things that you’d like, things that you’d wear. But no, I had to watch you put on a fake smile and laugh at that asshole’s jokes while you stubbornly ignored me to the point I thought you had me blocked.”
Looking up at you through his curls, his hooded eyes looked darker before. His lips curled into a forced smile as he let out a breathy chuckle, “he didn’t deserve you. But what do I know, right?”
You sat there quietly, taking in what he had just said. You didn’t realize how hurt he was. To be frank, up till now, you were so consumed by your feelings, and you failed to consider his own. His head is hanging between his hands, and the silence in your room right now is insufferable. He’s just explained himself, yet all you can do is scoff at yourself. While you were obsessing over the fact that Matsukawa wasn’t coming over to watch another rerun of your favourite show, he was out picking out different gifts he thought you’d like. You didn’t even open the last few because your own emotions so blinded you. Hearing him take a deep breath, he stands up and smiles sadly at you, “nice talk, (y/n). Thanks for listening.”
“I’m sorry, Issei.”
He lifts his head to meet your gaze, and you can visibly watch as his shoulders relax. It’s been too long since he’s heard you call him by his first name.
“I’m sorry too. I should’ve just gotten out of the car to talk to you.”
You look at him with a small smile. Walking towards your bed, you sit down and pat the spot beside you, pulling him in for a hug. His robe is probably the softest thing you’ve ever felt in your life, your fingers sinking into the fabric as you hold him close. His arms are immediately wrapping around you, and you both stay like that for a minute before you pull back, a faint blush blooming on your cheeks.
“No, you have nothing to apologize for. You tried reaching out to me, you tried explaining yourself, but I didn’t even give you a chance. I’m sorry. I can’t believe I was so caught up I didn’t even think about what you were feeling. The fact that you still wanted to introduce me to your friends, even after all the stuff I did to you….I’m so sorry, Issei.”
He gives you a playful smile and lightly nudges your shoulder with his, “yea, that was kinda unfair, but good thing we talked it out, huh?”
You flash him a sheepish smile, but your eyes glimmer with happiness, “yea, it’s good you barged into my room at two in the morning. Just like old times.”
His smile instantly grows at your playfulness, and he gives you a mock scoff. “I’m sorry, but if I remember correctly, you’d beg for me to stay over at two am cause you decided you wanted to watch a scary movie. Have you gotten better with horror movies this year, or are you still as jumpy as I remember?”
The tip of your ears growing warm while you mutter out a quick “shut up.”
His laughter makes your heart beat against your chest because you missed it so much. It’s been a while since you got to hear him laugh with you, and without even thinking, you go in for another hug.
His arms easily hold you close, and one of his massive hands reaches up to pet your hair. “Missed me, didn’t you?” he asks, and you can feel him smirking, so you just nod, your fingers playing with the damp, short curls at the base of his nape.
“Issei?” you ask with a little murmur against his neck.
You smile to yourself and pull back a little, so you can see his face, “so other than hanging out with your friends and keeping up with my relationship, what else have you been doing?”
His face drops as he looks at you with a deadpan stare, the corners of his mouth twitching up in a smile as you giggle at his reaction. He pushes you back, so you end up falling onto your mattress, his long limbs effortlessly straddling your legs. Before you can think about the position you’re in, his fingers start to poke all-around your torso, causing you both to laugh as he starts to tickle you. “You think you’re funny, huh?” His hands go to tickle your worst spot as he starts to talk, but you can’t hear him over your own laughter. His fingers slow down, but you keep giggling when you’re met with his lazy smirk, “I’m trying to talk, you know. It’s rude you’re laughing when I’m trying to speak to you.”
He leans forwards and has both hands resting at the side of your head. Your faces now inches apart, the faint smell of sandalwood from his body wash now becoming more apparent. You stare into his brown eyes, and it almost feels as if everything stopped for a few seconds. The lamp in your room doesn’t do him justice as the shadows of his face wash over his features, but even then, his eyes stare back at you with a slight twinkle as you catch your breath.
Reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck and you tug him close, crashing his lips onto yours. The sweet hints from his beloved Burt’s bee’s lip balm make his lips even softer than you imagined. The kiss is short, but as you both pull away, he’s staring at you with a goofy smile.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that, (y/n).”
“Me too, Issei,” you whisper back before his lips capture yours again, this time with more confidence. This kiss is much more passionate than the last, holding onto each other in hopes of deepening it. One of his hands travels down to grab your waist, his tongue sweeping across your bottom lip, asking for permission. Your lips part and your tongues swirl together effortlessly while your hands play with his hair, pulling him closer into your body.
His hand feels a little rougher than before against your bare skin because of how often he trains, running down the length of your leg. The light touch of his fingertips admires how smooth your skin is before they trail back up, stopping just before the edge of your pyjama shorts. Hooking your leg around his hip, he leans into your body even further and even nips at your bottom lip.
Matsukawa smirks and whispers against your lips, “did he ever kiss you like that?”
Slightly surprised at the question, you shake your head, answering honestly. “He never made me feel the way you do.”
You watch as his eyes dilate, flickering into a deep brown you’ve never seen on him. The hand that was previously on your leg is now cupping your cheek, stroking your face softly, while his own face blooms into a rare shade of pink. Still, his words are clear, “please...give me a chance? He never treated you right. Let me take care of you?”
Words can’t describe how his question made you feel. You spent years learning about Matsukawa, understanding him to the point where words weren’t necessary to see what was happening in his head. Not once did you think he reciprocated your feelings, let alone want to be with you. Yet, here you are, caged beneath his arms as his hopeful eyes pour into yours.
Turning your head slightly, you press a kiss onto his hand and smile. “Please?”
His face breaks into a smile. His cheeks are tinted rose as the corners of his mouth reach up to his eyes. Leaning down, he peppers kisses onto your face, the loose curls on his head tickling your cheeks as he giggles with you. The kisses trail down to your jaw, and he follows the natural curve of your jawline to your ear. “Is this okay?” he whispers softly, only continuing down this path when you give him a curt nod.
Your legs tighten around his waist when he begins to press open mouth kisses down your neck, gently nipping at the spots that make you let out shy little sounds. His tongue leaves kitten licks against your skin after he’s sucked on it, littering faint marks. Seeing you with light hickeys on the base of your neck and collarbones is completely self-indulgent for him. Thinking about waking up in the morning and seeing the marks he knows he gave you makes him inexplicably happy as he sucks particularly hard, causing you to wince.
Immediately he stops and turns to you, “I’m sorry, did I hurt you? D’you wanna stop?”
His concern for you is truly a breath of fresh air compared to what you had before. Shaking your head, you guide his hands to the edge of your sweater. “You bought this for me… it’s only fair I let you take it off.”
He studies your face for a second before his lips curl into a lazy smirk, quickly pulling the overpriced sweater off your body. He takes a sharp inhale when you reveal you aren’t wearing anything underneath as he’s met with your beautiful tits, nipples hard and pointed. “You let me in here knowing you weren’t wearing a bra? And here I thought you were a good girl.”
Noticing how your legs tighten around him, he smirks even wider. Leaning back down, his kisses trail down to your chest, and his lips feel soft and warm against your skin. His fingers take hold of your chin and force you to look down on him while his lips wrap around your nipple, the tip of his tongue flicking gently at the hardened bud. His hand palms against the fatty flesh of your other tit; his fingers are rolling your nipple before tugging on it experimentally.
Suddenly feeling shy, your arms come up to cover your face slightly just to have him lace his fingers with yours, pulling your arms away. “Don’t hide from me. Let me see how pretty you look. Let me hear how good I make you feel, okay?”
“I’ve never had someone play with my tits like this…”
He just stares at you, brows knitted as his smirk turns into a slight pout. “You’re with me now; that means every part of your body will be pleasured. I wanna hear and see all of you, okay?”
With a shy nod, you gently roll your hips against him, inviting more of his attention.
He kisses you once more, murmuring against your lips, “you’re so beautiful. Let me know if I’m going too fast, okay?”
His lips follow down your body once more, lightly biting your tit before using the flat part of his tongue to feel the valley between your chest. Matsukawa lets out a low moan as you arch upwards, pushing yourself closer to his touches. Letting go of your hands, he begins to massage the soft flesh of your tits and kiss down your stomach, the tip of his tongue trailing against the waistband of your shorts.
“Let me hear you ask for it; I don’t wanna do something you don’t want.”
“Isseiiii, please?” you whine out, the tip of your ears turning hot at the thought of asking for his tongue.
He smirks at you, looking up through his hooded eyes and tsks. “Be a good girl for me. Use your words.”
His words go straight to your pussy, and you can’t help the doe eyes look in your eyes when you whimper out, “please, Issei? Wanna feel your mouth on me.”
You watch as he takes in a sharp breath, the hunger in his eyes shining through despite the dim lighting in your room. He tugs at the end of your shorts until they’re completely off, repositioning himself lower until your legs are resting around his biceps. His eyes zone in on the way a sheer layer of slick coats your lips, happy that the attention he’s been giving you has pleased you. As he shimmies down on your bed, his legs now supporting himself on the floor, he nestles himself between your legs, easily spreading your things open with his arms. Sending you a knowing smile, he blows cool air directly onto your clit, loving how your walls flutter for him.
“You’re so sensitive, baby.”
“No one’s ever made me feel like this before...want more, please?”
You look down at him with pleading eyes, your hands cupping his face when you speak. Pressing a quick peck to your hand, he hips his head down and traces your pussy lips with his tongue, savouring how you taste.
The gasp that you let out once you felt his touch was adorable. It suddenly became the sound Matsukawa will chase after the more he gets to know your body and what it likes. He takes one long lap up your pussy, stopping just before your clit and using his fingers, he spreads your lips even more. Once your clit is all exposed, he flicks it gently with the tip of his tongue, looking up at you with all the confidence in the world. Hearing your little moans make him greedy for more, for more desperate and needy sounds, so he goes to press a kiss onto your bundle of nerves. Feeling you twitch beneath him, he gently places his lips around the sensitive bud and sucks earnestly, relishing in the way you buck your hips and call out his name. After a while of pure clitoral stimulation, he leans back up to watch your eyes blink back into focus on his face, a silly dazed smile on your face.
He winks at you and sticks his tongue into your drooling hole, swirling it around to feel the walls of your pussy clench around him. His fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs as he nuzzles his nose against your clit, his cock getting unbearably hard at the way you pant our pleas.
“I-issei! Please….need you inside, please!”
Coming back up for air, his hand leaves your thigh as his fingers start to tease around your hole, loving how your pussy clenches around nothing. So needy for his touches when he’s barely even started. He knows your orgasm was building, but he wants to take his time with you. You mean the world to him, and seeing you like this already makes him feel like the luckiest man at the moment.
Taking two of his fingers, he coats them in all your slick before slowly pushing them inside you. His eyes squeeze shut when he feels how tight you are, his mind immediately thinking about how you’d feel wrapped around his cock. When he’s finally inside, he pulls out slowly before sliding them back in, loving how you beg for more.
“Need more, please, Issei! Go faster, please.”
Your hands pull his head up to kiss you while his fingers begin to speed up. With the lewd sound of his hand slapping against your sopping wet pussy, his palm is applying pressure to your clit. Your moans are lost in your kisses, his other hand going back to playing with your sensitive nipple.
“I have to stretch you out, babygirl. I don’t want my cock to hurt you.”
All you’re able to do is nod as his fingers start to scissor your hole, stretching you out even more. His fingers, now knuckle deep, curl against your sweet spot, making you grip onto his hair as he swallows all your cries, suddenly remembering that the walls in this dorm probably aren’t that thick.
His fingers curl into you more, whispering sweet praises as his hand teases and tugs on your swollen nipple. Everything happened so quick, and you’re cumming all over his hand, your sweet sticky arousal covering his fingers as he slows down. Matsukawa is smiling down at you, “you did so well, baby. Bet that felt really good, huh?”
Maybe you’re needy or just horny, but even after your orgasm, you start tugging the tie that keeps his robe up. Your legs are sore, sorer than they’ve ever been, but all you can think about is how full you would feel with him inside of you. He smirks at you as he pops his fingers into his mouth, sucking off all your juices before letting his robe fall and chucking it to the ground. He’s wearing his briefs, but you can see how hard his cock is under the thin cotton material. Before you’re able to pull his underwear down, he stops you and lets out a small chuckle. “I’m sorry, I don’t have a condom. We don’t have to do anything.”
You giggle and shake your head, “don’t need one; we’re in university, baby. What’s a little fun without risks?”
He lets you pull his underwear down, and his massive throbbing cock instantly slaps against his stomach as he laughs at your reaction. “Had to make sure you were stretched out enough.”
You bite your lips and stare at how big his cock actually is. It’s hard to imagine how you’ll fit that inside of you, but you’re determined to give it a try.
“You ready, pretty girl?” he asks as he taps the tip of cock against your clit, loving how you squirm under him.
“mmhmm, Issei.”
He lets go of his cock and leans up, and pulls you into a deep kiss, completely in awe of you.
“Tell me if you wanna stop, kay?”
Replying with a small hum, he gathers up the remaining slick that’s leaking out of your pussy and strokes his cock slowly, also letting his spit drip down to help lubricate himself. He lines himself up with your pretty pussy and starts to push the head in, studying your face to make sure you’re doing alright. When he sees you smiling back at him, despite the grip you have on his arms, he pushes another two inches inside of you.
“You’re doing so good for me, baby. We’re almost halfway,” he whispers into your ear as he kisses your neck softly, sucking on the spot by the base of your lobe. “Such a good girl for me,” he coaxes as his cock slides another inch into your sweet cunt.
Incredibly, he’s only halfway down because you’ve never felt this full before. Still, your fingers dig into his arms when you ask for more. “Just want all of you in me, please?”
Hearing you ask for more even though you already looked fucked out sparks something inside him. He lets out a low growl and quickly pushes the rest of his length inside you, mumbling sweet nothings against your skin. He moans out with you when he feels how warm and tight you are, your pussy stretching more than it ever has to accommodate his size.
“Feel s’good, Issei.”
With a breathy chuckle, he peppers kisses all over your neck, loving the sound of your soft giggles as he pulls back three-quarters of the way, slowly pushing his way back into you. The gasp you let out is different than before, much more surprised but sensual.
He continues this motion a few more times before he picks up the pace, his hips slamming against you while your tits bounce. Each thrust knocks the air out of your chest cause he’s brushing against your spot every time. Matsukawa leans down and presses his forehead against the crook of your neck, muttering how good you feel.
“F-faster...need you faster, is’o good, please.”
Obliging to your pleas, he starts to rut his hips into yours, the sound of his balls slapping against your skin with each movement. He looks up to see your dreamy eyes and smiles. He knows there’s not a thought behind those eyes right now as his cock slams against your walls with each thrust. He goes to kiss you again, silencing your cries as your nails drag down his arms, trying to ground yourself in the midst of all the pleasure.
“You’re s-tight baby I- fuuuuuck, I can barely move.”
You can’t help it. Your walls are naturally squeezing him because he’s fucking straight into your sweet spot with each snap of his hips. You look at him with hazy eyes, entirely in a trance as you moan out his name. He can tell you want to cum, so his hand reaches down to rub your clit as his cock continues to pound into you.
“C’mon baby, cum all over my cock. You can do it...ah shit, yea, just like that.”
He’s been trying so hard not to cum but watching your back arch into him as your nails drab down his back, his name falling out from your lips in a loud erotic moan, is making it really hard. He looks down in surprise when he sees a creamy white rim around his cock, proud of himself for making you cream.
“Good girl...that’s my fuckin girl.”
Satisfied he made you finish, his head falls back onto your shoulder, his hips just rutting into you as he chases his own orgasm. Not even a minute later, he’s calling out for you as he quickly pulls out, cumming all over your tits. His chest heaves along with yours, his hair sticking to his forehead slightly as he empties his load all over your chest.
Once you’ve both calmed down a little bit, he smiles down at you and goes to stroke your cheek. “Had you creaming on my cock, was it fun? Did you have a good time?”
“S’good...thank you, baby,” you say before pulling him down for a kiss.
He gets up and reaches for his robe, “you did so good, took me like a champ heh. I’ll be back with a rag to clean you up, okay? Don’t move.”
As he leaves your room, you stare up at the ceiling and let out a laugh. Not even twelve hours ago, you were cursing the fact that he was here with you, and now you have his cum all over your tiddies as he goes to get stuff to clean you up.
You watch as he comes back into your room, fully changed with a rag in his hand. He kneels beside you and pets your hair as he starts to wipe his mess.
“Why’re you changed?”
“Oh! We’re going to 7-11 once I get you cleaned up.”
“.....it’s like three-thirty in the morning.”
“I’ll get you taquitos and Arizona,” he says as he goes to wipe around your pussy, mindful not to put too much pressure cause you’re still sensitive.
“And skittles?”
He snorts and kisses your shaking thigh, “yea, I’ll get you skittles, brat.”
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© tetsunormous 2021
taglist: @plutowrites @armins-futon @arte-misa @strawbari21 @matsusimp @bokutomessy @mentaly-ill @arumiee @kvrooschibichan lmk if you want to be added to my tag list
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desired-victim · 3 years
Helloo! I wanted to request hisoka with corruption kink. Just write however you want to lolol i dont mind any freaky🏃
Ha *wipes sweat off forehead* I hope this hard work pays off. I put every ounce of effort in writing this 😮‍💨. I didn’t do any bullet points on this one but it does have about four thousand words! Please ignore the possible grammar mistakes, I do have trouble writing dialogue. I worked on yours all night long and I’m exhausted. My fingers sure are. I kept your request deeply in mind. You can see poor, little (Y/N)’s innocence melt right off her like ice cream ;). Anyway, here’s your request, my love 💕
I wanted to honor the divine feminine so you will see my appreciation for the female body below 👇
💕TW: The content below contains: degradation, domination kink, submission kink, dub con, threat of forced anal intercourse, pure smut, corruption kink, possible bad grammar, loss of virginity, dirty talk, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, corruption of innocence, Oh, and Hisoka is a TW itself.
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He’s tall.
God, he is so tall. Such long, strong legs - slender yet thick with muscle. Despite being erotically pleasant, his legs weren’t the best part of him. The best part of him was what your eyes followed. From his shins, to his knees, to his thighs, to his hips, to that beautifully sculpted torso of his, to his neck, and then you reached his eyes.
Those eyes. Those sharp, golden eyes of his.
His eyes unsettled most people. It was as though they could pierce your very soul, and see how weak and worthless you truly are. He's a predator - always keen, always aware, and always watching for a reason for you to be his next target.
Hisoka… how did you get those eyes?
She wondered how she caught his attention. He was the type of man to overlook girls like her. A blushing, doe eyed dolt, who could barely speak to strangers without stuttering a storm.
Why? Why would someone like Hisoka find her worthy of even being near him? Of being in his bed, of being by his side, of being between his legs. He is so very special, and I'm…
“My Little Slice, you look delightful when your down there~”
His voice shook her out of her thoughts. She looked at his teasing gaze and meekly lowered her sight to his lips. There, she saw them curl up into a grin. She tensed up and covered her naked chest with her arms. Just then, she realized how unbelievably exposed she was to his scrutiny.
“Oh, nervous now~,” he laughed out, sitting up from the headboard and closer to her face, “isn’t that sweet…”
More red than ever, she turned her face from Hisoka and leaned back. Instead of letting her move away, his hand wrapped around her wrist and thrusted her towards him. She yelped out as her cheek pressed against his hard chest, her face embarrassingly hotter than his cool skin. His chest rumbled as he let out a chuckle.
She put her hands against his chest and attempted to pull away, but his arm wrapped itself around her. She struggled to shove herself away and her efforts were all for nothing; he hadn’t moved an inch.
Perhaps it was foolish to pursue a 200th floor fighter. Where was her older brother to protect her now? He had lectured her beforehand about the dangerous people here and she laughed him off and teased him about being some sort of guard dog. Now, she needed him more than ever. She had never been in a situation like this before.
“No boys allowed, Y/N!” he usually shouted out, a vein practically popping out of his forehead. It almost seemed like he loved saying that as it was repeated over and over throughout her life.
All she wanted to do was explore a place she never ventured to. To seek the thrill that felt so curious and good, yet hidden like the inside of a flower that hasn't bloomed yet. A buzzing heartbeat that formed when she laid alone at night and gently ran her fingers up her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps and shivers.
Please help me, B/N…
Her struggles came to an end as she huffed, breathlessly. Hisoka’s hand trailed down her shoulders to her waist and to her hips. His hand was met with the pleasant plumpness of her bottom. She squeaked out in shock as his hand roughly squeezed her ass and kneaded it like dough. A loud crack reverated across the room as he slapped it, leaving a red blur behind. She gasped and her face converted into an embarrassed cringe. Frustrated tears pricked in her eyes as her fingernails dug deeply into his skin.
Once again, she attempted to wiggle away. Instead of his arm wrapping around her shoulders once again, she was swept over and under him. He was hovering over her and there was no way to escape. Her previous attempts at fighting back were a failure, and she no longer wanted to fight, only to flee.
Her eyes shot out towards Hisoka’s face only to find him smiling down at her. His warm breath fanning her face and his hips between her thighs.
The glint in his eyes shook her to the core. His facial expression was teasing and playful, but his eyes told a completely different story. She’s seen that look on his face before. The same expression on his face as he killed his opponents. He looked like an apex predator who was about to break the neck of his prey with his jaws.
“You’ve never been fucked before, haven’t you?” he asked, his finger trailing down her cheek, rubbing off a tear she hadn’t noticed fell.
Her face scrunched up at his vulgar language.
“No, I’ve never been f-“ she paused, hesitating before quickly spitting out, “no, ive never been f… fucked before.” Another tear came out of her eye. She never cursed - She wasn’t allowed to.
Hisoka giggled, his smile twisting even further. He looked down at her precious expression and felt his arousal rise.
“You're utterly adorable, you know that? I almost feel a little bad about this. Almost. But you wanted to play, and don’t be a spoiled brat when the other player is better at the game than you.” He mocked, his sardonic gaze on her. It made her want to shrink into the mattress and never come out.
“Now, now,” he said, sitting up, “I’ll make it as comfortable as I can.”
He spread her thighs and examined her high waisted shorts. He grabbed the zipper at the top and unzipped it. Down and down it went, until her underwear was revealed to him.
“After all, the first cut into the cake has to be perfect.”
Her shorts were suddenly off her and on the ground. She was only in her underwear now, more exposed than ever. Most naked she’d been since that time she went to the beach. She’d gotten sunburnt that day. At least then she had a top, now her whole body was on display to him.
Hisoka hummed as he tugged his own bottoms off, revealing the thick length of his cock. His cock looked magnificent combined with the rest of his body. That sexy v-cut of his looked like two arrows directing me to look at his big dick, so large it almost dangled under its own weight. It held its own though, refusing to droop over.
How is that thing going to fit inside of me? she thought.
He spread her legs wide open and examined the thin material of her underwear as the form of her vulva showed through. The flimsy material was practically invisible.
Hisoka’s big hands grabbed her behind her knees, pushing her legs up while also spreading them even further. The bed squeaked out as Hisoka crawled on his knees over to her, placing himself over her.
Hisoka’s claws clenched themselves around her legs, indenting the soft flesh, “You have such a soft, innocent face,” he said, his face hovering over menacingly. “But I know a hungry little whore lies beneath the surface… let me feed that little whore~❤️.”
Hisoka let go of one of her legs and let it fall against the bed. Her loose leg was between his two thighs and her other leg was still being held. The top half of her body was still on the bed. Hisoka’s strength was maintained as he carried half of her body weight into the air.
He’s so strong… of course he is, that’s to be expected of a top floor fighter.
The bed let out a groan as Hisoka pushed himself onto her covered cunt, rubbing his dick between her labia majora. His cock stroked the sensitive heat over and over again, he could feel her hotness tightening and then softening as her pussy throbbed to the beat of her heartbeat. The head of his cock stroked her hard clit over and over again, the little bump riddled with sensitive nerves. Her underwear was sopping as her pussy leaked out sweet nectar. The tip of Hisoka’s cock was also leaking with precum, mixing in with her own sweetness and creating an erotic cocktail.
“Yes, don’t stop,” she begged. “Please don’t stop - I want to cum so bad. Please let me cum, please!”
Hisoka let out a breathy laugh. “If you want to cum so bad, you need to beg for it. Only good girls get to cum. Are you a good girl~?”
“Yes! I’m a good girl! I’m your good girl, Hisoka!”
“Aw, you're so cute when you beg. But I don’t think you're a good girl. No, I think you're a naughty, little slut. Little sluts only get to cum when they're being fucked.”
The sensitive head of Hisoka’s cock pulsated with pleasure as he rubbed it against the soaked underwear. If he kept doing it, he was going to cum way too fast. He couldn’t let that happen. Not before he stretched her virgin pussy with his cock. He’d be damned if he let himself orgasm before biting into her innocence.
His nails dug into her thigh as he pushed himself further into her, making sure there wasn’t an inch of space between their heats. He was going to blow and If he didn’t stop, he wasn’t gonna see that shocked expression of hers when came in her for the first time. The longer he waited, the better.
(Y/N)’s pussy clenched and her breathing sped up. She was going to cum.
I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, I’m going to-
Hisoka pulled back.
“No!” She yelled, kicking her leg in frustration. She let out another yell as her leg didn’t even move an inch in Hisoka’s grip. His grip was too strong. There was no way she could force her way to freedom.
“I was so close!” she shouted, a tear threatening to fall from her eyes. “Why did you stop! I felt so good!”
Hisoka threw his head back and let out a loud, sadistic laugh.
“Haha, you're so cute when you're feisty! I’m glad I’m the first who gets to fuck you.”
He let go of her leg after getting over his giggling attack. She found herself embarrassed as she blew out strings of her own hair out of her own mouth.
As she was pulling strings of hair out of her mouth, she was suddenly pulled back onto the bed by Hisoka’s hands around her hips. She gulped as she saw Hisoka’s face hovering over her crotch.
The part of her underwear that directly covered over her cunt was a darker shade than the rest of her underwear from when they grounded against each other like animals in heat.
She watched nervously as he adjusted his position. She let out a whole body shiver as both of his thumbs opened her lips like a little book.
Hisoka licked the side of her cunt - not directly stimulating her but gently teasing her. While not directly pleasuring her, the motion relaxed her from her last intense session. A little between-the-main-courses snack, if you will.
She sat up on her elbows and watched as Hisoka lapped at both sides of her lips. She felt a swell of affection begin to grow in her chest as she watched Hisoka’s cheek press itself onto the inside of her thigh. She realized how bold she’s gotten since they began to play with each other. In such a short while, Hisoka had corrupted her - denting that once-perfect surface with his perverted nature. To think ten minutes ago she was so shy she could barely even curse. In such a short time, she’d cursed more than she had in a year. A pang of guilt filled her as she thought about how her older brother would react. But he wasn’t here, and he never had to know.
In her own thoughts, she didn’t notice Hisoka’s face twist into a mischievous smile. Her eyes widened in terror as she felt his tongue on her covered asshole.
“Hisoka!” She shouted out.
How can someone be so vulgar?
“Oh, I’m sorry, my Little Slice~. I just love it when your sweet, angelic face turns into one of horror. It turn me on so badly~❤️”
Hisoka only smiled and slid his tongue upwards towards her pussy. He pushed the tip of his tongue against the entrance of her vagina and wiggled it there. If it wasn’t for her underwear, his tongue would have been inside her pussy.
The nerves around her hole were ablaze and her legs were shaking - with fear, excitement or pleasure? Perhaps all three, she did not know. All she wanted was to be pounded by him; she didn’t care how big and thick he was (from what she saw earlier, his cock had to be as thick as her forearm). Though she was unexperienced and naive to the acts of sex, this feeling was primal and indispensable. She needed it, she needed it like a runner needs water.
His tongue dragged itself from her entrance to her clit.
“Yes, yes,” she moaned out and spread her legs wider without an ounce of shame.
It was overwhelming in the best way possible. It was the most electrifying thing she’d ever experienced and she never wanted it to end. She wanted to be there forever - in that limbo of titillation and erotic reality that was unlike anything she could recreate with her imagination.
Hisoka rapidly moved his tongue against her clit. She squealed out loud and attempted to move her hips but his hands grabbed her hips and pushed them to the bed and continued to flick her covered clit with his tongue.
She lifted herself up to her elbows and looked down at him. A hint of fear aroused in her as she made direct eye contact with him. She was so caught up in her own pleasure she didn’t realize how deeply she was looking into his eyes.
As she continued to lock her eyes with his, her pussy began to relax, getting ready to tighten and cum on his tongue. Her heavy breathing paused and she caught that expression in her eyes.
Then her panties were ripped in half and her bare cunt was revealed to him. In a split second, his entire tongue was inside of her.
She screamed as her virgin cunny squeezed itself around his long, wicked tongue. Hisoka laughed out and wiggled his tongue - messaging and caressing her inner walls as she cummed.
The wetness of her aroused cunt seeped out and dripped down to her asshole, to which Hisoka slurped up and continued his assault on her cunny again. He did this over and over again until I couldn’t handle it anymore. My hands tried to push him away but he didn’t even budge. It wasn’t until my legs began to kick out in panic did he pull away.
“Ah, ah,” she panted, body completely limp. Hisoka observed her body. Her soft stomach was gleaming with sweat and the inside of her thighs were also gleaming.
“You might be the sweetest candy I’ve had since I first tried Bungee Gum all those years ago. I knew the moment I popped it into my mouth it would never leave me, marking me with its sweet syrupy taste just like a Scarlet Letter. Would it be a bold thing to say that you're just like Bungee Gum? You get so pink when you're played with. The pink on your cheeks is almost the same shade as my favorite snack.”
Hisoka let out a sudden dramatic sigh that startled (Y/N) for a second. “Unfortunately, the company who used to make Bungee Gum went bankrupt so now I have to search far and wide just to get a taste. Luckily for me, something similar is always nearby for me to stretch and pull at.”
He paused, looking directly into (Y/N)’s eyes with his own yellow ones. “You are, my sweet little slice~”
Hisoka grabbed her ankles and slapped her legs together. The loud smack of her thighs' sudden connection reverated across the room.
Hisoka wrapped his big hand over both of her ankles and grabbed his cock, stroking back the foreskin to reveal the pink, sensitive tip and a pearl of precum forming. He placed the tip of his cock on her clit, rubbing it in little circles before sliding it down her slit until it reached her entrance at the very bottom. He felt tempted to slip it into her ass before deciding it wasn’t worth the screeching. Even though he could easily cover her mouth and sodomize her tight little ass, he couldn’t just jump into completely breaking her; It would be a better idea to slowly lower her into the fire. A slow burn would be ten times more satisfying.
Putting both of my legs onto one side of his shoulders, he used his weight to push his entire cock into her pussy until his ballsack was resting against her ass.
She hissed through her teeth and threw her head back. She was filled with his cock. So full. So, so full.
She was bursting with new sensations. A new type of pain, a new type of pleasure. It was unlike anything she’d ever felt yet so primal and familiar. It was an instinct she never realized she had.
Bending over her with her legs still on her shoulder, Hisoka connected their lips for the first time that night. She could taste her own saltiness on his lips. It wasn’t the type of kiss she’d seen on romance shows (the ones her brother decided were appropriate enough to watch). No, this kiss was the complete opposite of those. This kiss was rough, unlike anything else.
She felt a burst of bravery as she slipped her tongue out and shyly lapped at his bottom lip. Hisoka let out a sardonic chuckle.
“Feeling brave now, are we?”
(Y/N) yelped as Hisoka slid his entire tongue inside her mouth, licking every corner of her mouth. Nothing was left untouched.
After completely violating her mouth with his tongue, Hisoka pulled away, smiling down at her.
“Are you ready?” He whispered. (Y/N) let out a shuddering breath and nodded. She braced herself by meekly grabbing onto the shoulder that didn’t have her legs with one hand, the other gripping onto the sheets.
Hisoka pulled back until only the tip of his cock remained in her, then he slammed into her with great strength. Her breath completely left her body with the slam of his hips. His hips smashing against her buttocks made a filthy sound that made her want to cum. The plop, plop sound that her pussy was also doing things to her.
Hisoka grunted with every hard thrust. She fit him just like a glove. It was almost like she was made for him. While the male penis did not have as many nerve endings as female genitals, a man can augment his sensations and cause it to heighten by being caressed just right. By holding her against himself, fucking her in a salacious dance, the more sensation builds up in his penis just like when a woman’s clitoris is tapped just so…
The friction of his cock pulling on her inner walls before being pushed inside once again left (Y/N) in a concoction of emotions. First, complete and utter pleasure. As he slammed his cock into her, dopamine bursted in her mind like an explosion of drugs. Second, regret. If her brother ever found out, how would he react to his own little sister getting fucked by the murderous Magician, Hisoka? She knew he’d feel like all his work to keep her safe were a waste of time and energy. Like all those years of pampering and protecting went right down the drain. She couldn’t let him find out. And thirdly, a rebellious energy. She was tired of being locked down by her own innocence. She wanted to explore the world. There had to be more to this world than just what she knew. There had to be.
From head to toe, she felt a symphony of pleasure as she came. Her toes clenched until they cramped. But she didn’t care, the pleasure outweighed the pain. Her fingers dug into his shoulder. She was sure there would be a five fingered mark there the next day. It would be a reminder of his clawed reach and her deflowering.
She screeched out as Hisoka went faster, overwhelming her. She hadn’t even gotten over her orgasm before he began to thrust into her twice as hard. She could feel his cock rub itself against the entrance of her womb.
It was primal to push into her beautiful, soft female body and pull back, only to push himself back. He could feel himself building up the height of his pleasure. The more he pumped, the higher the tower built, just ready to topple over and leave a big mess.
He looked at her closer than ever. Watching as her breast bounced and her lips glowed from their mixed saliva. He saw her eyes as she looked up at him, red from crying in complete pleasure. Her appearance increased his desire to come.
“Ahhhh,” he moaned out, feeling his orgasm in his very bones. It was a sensation he was familiar with. After defeating a powerful enemy, he sometimes glowed with the aftertaste of their fight and his victory. This was very similar - yet so different. More intimate, of course. His prey was still alive and he was still inside their body.
(Y/N) closed her eyes in bliss as Hisoka’s cum finally rested inside of her. Her breathing slowed down and the blush on her cheeks faded into softer shades of pink. The sun was coming down. Its orange tones highlighted her sweaty body like a canvas. It almost seemed like she was a freshly painted portrait. Divine Feminine tamed at last.
Both of them laid on their backs, observing the plain ceiling. It was relaxing to lay down after such an exhausting task. All she wanted to do was shut her eyes and rest.
Rest, rest, rest…
My brother! His fight is over!
(Y/N) shot up from the bed, practically tripping over herself as she gathered her things - putting them on. She didn’t even notice her bra was inside-out. More shockingly, she didn’t even notice cum was dripping down her legs.
Hisoka watched amusingly from the sidelines at her scattering around the room.
(Y/N) scanned the room for one final time. She groaned as she saw her wet panties on the bed, right next to Hisoka. She jumped onto the bed and reached for her underwear. As she pulled back, Hisoka grabbed her wrist.
“Tell me, (Y/N), how would your older brother react to hearing about how I ruined his little sister's innocence? How I fucked her and she enjoyed every second of it? I bet he’d try to kill me~.”
(Y/N)’s mouth opened and closed, not a single word leaving her starstruck mouth. Her body was paralyzed with fear. She forgot who she was dealing with in her panic.
“What's the matter? You want to keep our little secret just between us two? Fine. However, come to my room tomorrow at the same time you did today and we’ll have some more fun. If not…”
She didn’t need to ask - She knew. She imagined the consequences in her mind, thinking about the outcome of her moment of weakness.
Hisoka wasn’t done with her; this was just the appetizer.
“Hey, (Y/N), where were you during my fight? I didn’t see you in the crowd at all.”
“Oh, I was just getting some snacks.”
“Ah, alright. Next time just tell me beforehand. I wouldn’t want a stranger taking advantage of my little sister. Right, sis?”
“Haha, yeah…”
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My Maribat Betrothal AU: Take Two
Okay so people like that post that is more of a train wreck produced by my sleep-deprived brain. I expanded on it and added some changes. Fair warning: Most of my ML and DC knowledge came from Maribat fics, a few episodes and the DCU movies like son of Batman. I have Mari's pov and background stuff written and it needs some editing. Anyways, enjoy <3
It is not a continuation but: @alysrose-starchild, @buginetye, @lookatthestars1, @blackroserelina, @macncheesemonster, @mochinek0
(Part 2)
Damian groaned.
He was not having a good day.
First, Father decided to pair him with Todd, TODD of all people, for patrol.
Second, while doing a stake-out for the warehouse near the docks which might be used as storage for criminal activity and enduring Red Hood's annoying taunts, they both were knocked out by tranquilizers and his mother's face was the last thing he had remembered seeing.
"Don't worry, little one. You are just fulfilling your duties as heir to the Demon's Head. Then, all will be perfect." She had said, just before he fully lost consciousness.
Third, he woke up to being chained up with a major headache. Taking a bearing of his surroundings, the room he was imprisoned in had two exits, an iron door and a window that had the view of his childhood home. He was dressed in wedding ensembles of the League of Shadows. Red Hood was chained up next to him as well but unlike him, still had his suit and helmet on. Glancing to the other side, he saw a raven-haired girl, chained up and dressed in the black and gold robes of a bride. She had also retained consciousness and was staring at him.
Bluebell eyes met his piercing green.
His betrothal was petite with Asian features. She had freckles dotting her button nose and rosy cheeks.
She is fragile and will break easily, he thought. Why did his mother want him to marry such a weakling?
"Savez-vous où nous sommes? (Do you know where we are?)" Her voice was sweet and trembling with fear. Her eyes were wide and seemed filled with innocence yet carrying great sadness. She was an Angel, an ordinary girl, not fit for this harsh and unforgiving world she was forcefully going to get married to.
She opened her mouth to ask another question and suddenly, she went limp, appearing to be unconscious. Damian furrowed his brows in confusion. Why did she-
A moment later, he heard footsteps approaching and the iron door opened to reveal his mother.
Jason woke up to the sight of the Bitch Talia and Demon Spawn, face to face, glaring at each other.
Talia broke the tense silence.
"Damian, I hope you know what you should do."
"To be forcefully married to that little girl. She is no one special. Why am I getting married to her?"
Married? The Demon Spawn is getting married?!
Jason saw through his helmeted vision, a girl about Damian's age, chained up like them but not yet awake. He raised his hand and saw the shackles around his wrists. The chains were connected to the wall. He experimentally yanked the chains, drawing Talia’s attention.
“Well, Jason, you are awake. You can be the best man for the wedding.”
“No. I don’t know what game you are playing but you better release us. B is gonna find us and you will pay. Let the girl go. She is innocent in all of this.” Jason said vehemently.
"Ladybug may not seem like it but she possesses great power that my father converted for centuries. Speaking of, she should be awake by now."
Talia stood up and grabbed Ladybug’s(?) hair and yanked so that her eyes met the girl's. The girl, who unfortunately was going to be the Demon Spawn's bride, lets out a cry and starts to tear up. Jason felt anger at how she was being treated, seeing the girl as a little sister already.
"Tch, See, she is more pathetic than I thought. She is not powerful." Demon Spawn growled out. The girl starts babbling in French. From the little French Jason knows, she was begging for mercy.
“Like I thought, weak. She is not deserving of the title of my wife.” Damian spat out.
"Appearance can be deceiving. Despite her demeanor, she is the current wielder of the Ladybug Miraculous and the Current Guardian. The old Guardian, the old fool had promised her in exchange for his protection." Talia countered, letting go of the girl.
Miraculous? Guardian? What the hell?
"That doesn't mean I want to marry her. She is not worthy of an Al Ghul or a Wayne. Look at her, crying at the slightest feeling of pain."
The mother and son begin to bicker. Damian refusing to marry and Talia trying to change his mind.
“Yes, both have to be willing to be married but the curse placed on both of you will ensure that you will agree.”
The dark haired girl had stopped crying and started whispering in a strange language when the fight started, fiddling with the silver ring she wore. Jason saw a terrifying smile crossed the face of the girl across him that chilled him to the bones. Later, a black blur came out of her robes and went through the door. He wondered if he imagined that before he was a determined glint in her eyes.
He blinked.
Talia was choking on the chains that were previously chained to the wall and were now around her neck. Fortunately for them, Talia had closed the door after her entrance and the guards most likely to be stationed outside didn’t storm into the cell. The girl whispered something in Talia's ear, making the woman's eyes widen with what could be fear.
The experienced assassin struggled to get free and gain an upper hand on the girl but was unsuccessful, passing out from the lack of oxygen and strangely strong grip of the small girl.
What happened next was surprising. She breathed hard on her shackles which instantly disintegrated into flakes of rust.
Holy Shit! Demon Spawn's girl is magic. Jason knows his mouth was hanging open under his helmet at that realization. Damian seems to be in the same state.
Talia didn't have the keys to the locks. Being crafty like that. Bitch
"Call me Lady." she said in lightly accented English as she summoned black orbs at the tip of her hands. “Stay still.”
She then proceeds to place her hands on Jason’s shackles, turning them into nothing more than specks.
"I am Red Hood." said Jason, rubbing his wrists.
"The little shit here," as he kicked Damian's leg, " is-"
"Damian Al Ghul" she said the last name with venom. She moved on to Damian's bonds. "Son of that bitch over there, grandson of Ra's, demon heir, blah blah blah. Hold still, mon mignon. I am sure you don't want to lose a hand."
Damian stopped moving at that, due to the pet name or fear Jason couldn’t tell but by the red at the tips of his ear, it could be the former. And she used her powers to free him.
Lady somehow managed to use what remained of the chains to hog tie Talia up.
“How do we get out?” Damian asked, inspecting the blade that he flinched from his mother.
“Hey, kit.” A nasally voice called out. “I checked out the place we are in. Like you asked. The way to the Throne room is heavily guarded and they seem to think old Ra’s the target. The Pits are guarded too but they are nothing you can’t handle.”
“What is that?” Jason shrieked.
“Thanks, Plagg, you will get that camembert danish when we get back. This is a kwami, a god of sorts and his thing is destruction so I wouldn’t insult him if I were you. He likes to go by Plagg”, answered Lady, which doesn’t clear up Jason’s confusion.
“So, Pigtails, what’s the plan?” The floating, black cat-shaped god(?) asked.
“I was thinking of destroying the Pits to give Al Ghul a middle finger and call Maman to use the Horse to get home.”
“We need Tikki to get rid of it..”
“I will just tell Maman to bring the earrings.”
Damian snorted, “That sounds like a foolish plan. You are insane and not strong enough to take on the League alone, despite having a ‘god’ of destruction at your side. This Tikki or magic earrings will destroy the Pits, many have tried. And sorry to disappoint but no horse can make it up the mountainside of Nanda Parbat.”
“Have to agree with Demon Spawn here and I rarely do that. Your plan sounds insane, Pixie. You are just one girl. Let us help, we know the League better than you. We can come up with a better one.” Jason was worried for the girl, she was crazy if she thought her plan would work.
Lady smirked, “It is a perfectly sound plan. I know what I am talking about. Despite the weak girl act, I am no Damsel in distress. After this is all over, we will split our ways and hopefully, never see each other again.”
“We can’t separate. My mother said there is a curse that will ‘make us fall in love.’” Damian said, using air quotes. “You need to come with us so we can get someone to break it.”
“Fine. But I need to do something before I am coming with you. Plagg, Claws out.”
Bright green light flashed around her and she was now dressed in a black bodysuit with green linings. It was armoured at the chest, knees and elbows. (Add whatever details you want, I can’t do it. Jacket, designs, use your imagination) Her gloves were claws-like, reminding them of Selina and there was a belt carrying some vials, pouches and throwing stars. Her hair was now longer and braided and seemed to move on its own. Cat ears were attached to her head. Her eyes were changed so the sclera were the same shade of blue as her iries and the pupils were slitted like a cat. A black domino mask framed her face. Two ten-inch daggers appeared out of thin air in her hands.
The transformed Lady did the inhuman feat of kicking the door open. The assassins stationed outside were immediately knocked out by Lady.
“Well, are you coming or not?” She called out, before running down the corridor. Jason patted his shocked brother’s shoulder, “You doing okay there, demon spawn?”
“Tch, Let’s go, Todd.” Damian replied, trying to get rid of that funny feeling in his chest.
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xbadgerbearx · 3 years
your people will have our help
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word count: 2.1k
Can’t Sleep: [1] … [3]
Of course you had to jump out of the aircraft into the cold water. What a perfect way to start the mission. Your team swam for a bit before wading through the shore as you approached the beach.
"Congratulations, Bloodsport."
"How'd you do it, Waller? There's no soldiers out here on patrol at all."
The beach was completely empty. There were no disturbances and more importantly, no enemies anywhere to be found. It was... peaceful.
"Let's just say they were distracted."
You only walked on the sand a couple feet before a large explosion erupted.
"Control, we have a disturbance south of here," Bloodsport reported after you jumped in surprise.
"It's just a diversion, Bloodsport."
Bloodsport seemed to weigh his options before speaking, "All right, we cut through the jungle to get to Valle Del Mar."
"Don't they have blockades at the city limits?" Peacemaker interjected.
"That's the word."
"How we getting in? Especially with Charlie the Tuna here," Peacemaker said while looking back at King Shark.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?"
"You're the leader. You're supposed to be decisive."
"And I've decided you should eat a big bag of dicks, how's that?"
"You're being facetious, but if this whole beach was completely covered in dicks and somebody said I had to eat every dick until the beach was clean for liberty, I would say no problemo."
"Why would someone put penises all over the beach?" Ratcatcher II asked.
"Who knows why madmen do what they do."
"Chris, this is the second time you've made a comment like this today. Is there something you want to tell us?" You joked.
"Well, you know what I think?" Bloodsport started. "I think liberty is just your excuse to do whatever you want. Whether that's to eat a beach full of dicks or killin' folk."
"Oh, yeah? At least I don't kill men for money like you."
"Oh, here we go," Bloodsport sighed as he turned to face Peacemaker.
"There's something wrong with your skin," Ratcatcher II called out as she pointed to Polka Dot Man. You turned to see his face covered in bulging colorful... polka dots.
"It's just a rash."
"Oh, my- Abner, are you okay? You don't look so good," you said worriedly as you reached your hand out to touch him. You were interrupted by another loud explosion off in the distance.
"Never mind that, we need to continue forward."
You made it quite the distance before Bloodsport dropped his bag onto the ground. The entire time walking you watched Abner with both curiosity and worry.
"Alright, we'll camp here, and tomorrow we'll go straight through the city to get to La Gatita Amable by nightfall."
Everyone was laying out their sleeping equipment, in this case sleeping bags, as you figured out where you should lay yours.
"Why don't you lay over here, (L/n)? I could keep you warm," Chris offered with a laugh.
"Fuck no," you replied with the same humorous energy. "I'd rather you not roll over on me like you did last time."
"Last time?" Abner piped up timidly.
"It's nothing like that," you assured while rolling your eyes. "Me, Chris, and some of our other teammates at the time had to huddle up for warmth after Waller sent us on a mission somewhere in Siberia."
"Oh," Abner said, kind of relieved.
"I'll just put mine here," you placed your bag next to Abner's and DuBois. "It's near the fire."
You changed into your sleep clothes. Well, to be honest you just took off your shirt and slept in your tank top, but it was close enough. It wasn't long before you drifted off, however, you awoke some time later to some shuffling sounds and a quiet groan. Peeking under your lashes, you find yourself facing toward DuBois who was resting on his elbow, alert. You quietly sat up and turned to see what DuBois was looking at. A colorful light show was dancing on the leaves and tall grass. Almost as quickly as it happened, Abner appeared. He looked a little out of it, but quickly dawned a look of shock as he was caught doing... what exactly?
You got up to make sure your favorite awkward man was doing okay before you were cut off by a loud bang! Instinctively, you disappeared. Literally. DuBois kept shooting Nanaue until he was backed up against a tree.
"How deep of a sleeper are you?" DuBois asked Cleo, to which she responded sleepily, "I was having the most wonderful dream."
"If it was you about to be eaten by King Shark, then you're psychic," Chris said.
"I don't believe he would do that. He has very kind eyes."
Sebastian was saying what you could only guess was that Nanaue was, in fact, going to eat her.
"Hungry," Nanaue whined.
"You bastard!"
Rats from every direction emerged from the darkness as Cleo held up her glowing device. DuBois was looking rather uncomfortable.
"All right, calm down with the rats!" he yelled.
"I have a thing with rats."
"You have a thing with rats?"
"And you're on a team with someone who controls them?" your disembodied voice asked.
He whipped around trying to find you before yelling, "What the fuck?"
As if suddenly remembering that you cannot be seen, you revealed yourself behind Abner whom you were using as a shield. As cute as he thought it was that you were using him as protection, it did startle him that you just appeared randomly behind him.
"Partnering up with someone with rats is not something I asked for!"
Peacemaker started laughing.
"What are you laughing at me for, man? Why the fuck are you in your underwear?"
You looked over and sure enough, Chris was in nothing but his underwear.
"Woah!" you yelled while burying your face into Abner's back. "Chris, put on some pants for fucks sake!"
"Tighty-whities? Really?"
"Now that's just racist."
"No, it's not racist! They're tighty-whities!"
"You didn't tell me you had a fear of rats, DuBois," Waller said over the comms.
"I'm an assassin! Why would I share my liabilities?" This was promptly followed by an uncharacteristicly girly scream.
"Aww, he's offering you a pretty leaf to show you he means no harm," Cleo cooed.
"Why the fuck would I want a leaf?"
DuBois was getting increasingly more freaked out while Chris started laughing again.
"Just get the rats out of here!"
Cleo turned off her device and all the rats scurried back into the jungle.
Peacemaker turned to DuBois and asked, "Hey, we gonna kill Megalodouche now, or what?"
"Nanaue's the strongest member of your team. You need him to get into Jotunheim."
"Yeah, well we can't function as a team if we gotta watch our back from one of our own eatin' our bollocks," Bloodsport replied.
"Nanaue," Cleo started as she kneeled down to his height. "Would you eat your friends?"
"I no friends."
"You have no friends? Well, if you did, would you eat them?"
Chris answered with a "yes" before he was shot a look from Ratcatcher II.
"Then can we be your friends?"
Chris scoffed, "Come on, he's obviously lying."
"If I die 'cause I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death."
DuBois shook his head, "You are a little idiot."
So much for a full rest. It was nearly morning by the time the shark incident was resolved, so you decided to just pack up and dress yourself.
"Task Force X, you have an additional mission directive. We've located Colonel Rick Flag. He's been taken by the enemy."
"Rick Flag?" DuBois asked while your team made your way through the jungle.
"I know, you both served on special forces in Qurac that took down Avral Kaddam. Flag was the one who initially recommended you."
"You had other operatives in Corto Maltese and didn't tell us?"
"There was no tactical advantage, now there is. I've uploaded the location on your MTS. Terminate his captors with extreme prejudice. Kill anyone you see. These are dangerous people. Recover Flag before moving on to the city."
You eventually made it to a decent sized camp before DuBois MTS started beeping.
"That's where they're holding Flag."
"Nothing like a bloodbath to start the day."
"I thought they called you Peacemaker," Ratcatcher II questioned.
"I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."
Ratcatcher II turned to Polka Dot Man before whispering, "I thought you were the crazy one," which was swiftly answered by you lightly shoving her shoulder.
"I am."
"All right," Bloodsport said, getting everyone's attention. "Let's get it."
You and Nanaue crept behind a man who gave his cup to his buddy.
"Gracias," you heard the man say. Soon after, King Shark picked the man up and ate him as he started screaming. He dropped what looked to be a communication device. Nanaue smacked his mouth as the comms device went off.
"Cualquier cosa?"
As your nearby teammates looked in somewhat fear as to what to do, you picked up the dead soldier's comms and said "Nada, Señora" while perfectly mimicking his voice. Your team carried on.
You hastily turned yourself invisible as you scouted for Rick Flag. It took a couple of minutes but you managed to find the only white guy there. You assumed he was Rick since he was injured, but were they... laughing?
"Bloodsport," you whispered into your comms. "I found Rick Flag. He was laughing?" You sounded unsure.
"Most likely drugged," Peacemaker said. "Where's he located?"
"Northmost tent, past the watchtower." Right after you said that you saw a bunch of colorful polka dots disintegrate the watchtower.
"On our way."
You could hear some of your team's conversation as they approached your location. You made yourself visible again.
"I'm sorry it's so... flamboyant."
"It looks cool," you heard Cleo say.
"I don't like to kill people, but if I pretend it's my mom, it's easy."
"TMI, mate," said DuBois.
More laughter could be heard inside the tent as Bloodsport ripped open the tent curtain. An uncomfortable silence settled.
"Hey, Flag."
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Bloodsport looked around confused. "Waller told us that you were... uh... are you drinking tea?"
Flag gestured to his female companion sitting across the table from him, "This is Sol Soria, she's the leader of the freedom fighters, the resistance trying to take down the current government. They-they saved my life."
"Oh. Wow."
Everyone put down their weapons.
"Why did my people not alert me of your arrival?"
You awkwardly hide yourself behind Abner again.
"We didn't see any people," Bloodsport swiftly lied.
"Yeah, I didn't see anybody on the way..." Peacemaker continued.
"There's no one out there."
"They were gone when we got here."
"I turned them into my mother in my head and killed them."
Everyone turned to look at Polka Dot Man. You just sighed and smacked his shoulder. To make matters worse, King Shark hacked up... was that a finger with a wedding ring? Sebastian squeaked out an audible "Uh oh."
Soria promptly lunged off the table and made her way outside. You and your team awkwardly stood amongst the destruction you caused while Flag and Soria looked in pain.
"Typical Americans. Just run in, guns blazing."
"I know, this is messed up. These guys, they're..."
Rick looked behind him to see Peacemaker and Bloodsport getting into a stupid cat fight, while Ratcatcher II was rubbing her face ashamed, and you and Polka Dot Man were looking off into the jungle having your own conversation and not even paying attention.
"They're fucking idiots, but right now our objectives aligh with yours. If Jotunheim contains the technology our intelligence says it does, then it could be used on the people of Corto Maltese as well as Americans. That's why we need your help to get into the city so we can stop 'em."
Soria just stared past Flag and asked, "Is that rat waving at me?"
Sure enough, Rick turned back around to see Sebastian waving at them. Cleo was messing with her hands, Chris and DuBois were looking around while tapping their feet, and you were admiring Abner's polka dots on his costume as he was awkwardly trying to accept your compliments.
"It appears it is."
"I'm gonna guess because it's friendly."
Soria thought for a moment, weighing her options, before speaking again.
"Luna and Suarez murdered my entire family. I'd make a deal with the devil to stop them." As if it physically pained her to say, she continued. "Your people will have our help getting to Vall Del Mar to apprehend this Gaius Grieves."
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softrozene · 3 years
Too Long
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Anonymous requested: Hello, I'm a silent reader of you and I really like your works❤️💗! Can you please write about Doffy wherein he finally found his lost love and actually pregnant when she left him? I know that it looks like impossible considering how evil he is but I just really wanna know how it will goes. Thank you! and Take care. Don't over work yourself! ❤️💗 and sorry if my English is broken.
Your English is perfect <3 and I am so sorry for the long wait, here you go Lovely! I had fun with this since I love Doflamingo despite his evil ways XD
Doflamingo x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst- Doflamingo is probably out of character because I write him with emotions and not as evil lol (if you need another reference just basically imagine him as Klaus from the Originals lafdkafds)
Words: ~1400
First things first- There are three ways I imagine this going
1.       (the most likely way) Doflamingo goes a tad crazy, gives no cares, and simply takes the child after deeming his lost love long unworthy of going with them for not telling him she was pregnant unless he can find some use of her or she proves herself rather quickly
2.       He keeps tabs on Reader and the child constantly but that is it. Takes no action unless necessary
3.       Actually puts effort into coming back into their lives by forcing them to come back to Dressrosa where he can spoil them silly
This scenario is going to be a mix of 2 and 3 because I want fluff lol. Anyway, enjoy:
Doflamingo stares long and hard at the piece of paper before him. The pictures that accompany them make his blood boil with anger, but his heart yearns with interest as to what happened. What this is. Why it happened but more importantly… Why he did not know.
The woman in the picture is beautiful… Very beautiful and very pregnant. A shock to him. She will always hold a special place in his heart. She taught him how to trust on a certain level and yes, even in the end she did leave him, the end of their relationship was left on a good note. Even so, he can’t lie about not looking for her.
After the mutual breakup, he looked far and wide for her, wanting the presence of a person he could trust right by him. He would try to persuade her to come back but… He never found her. Until now that is.
So… Why is just now finding out she left him… When she was pregnant? Why is just now finding out he is a dad?
The piece of paper is just the island name of where she is residing. Not too far from Dressrosa but not too close either. It saddens him for a moment. Did she not trust him? After everything they have been through together- All the learning of loving each other, the trusting, did she really not deem him worthy?
Him the King of Dressrosa?
He would like to think that he would be a perfect dad- Nothing like his silly foolish father who stepped down from the royal life he could have had. No, he would give the child everything they could have ever asked for. The mother of his child wouldn’t need to lift a single finger. He would spoil them, protect them, do anything for them…
So why?
It is a question he wants an answer to, and he will get an answer to. No matter what. That is what he promises himself as he looks at the next photo- One of his former lover no longer pregnant but… With the child- A darling little girl that has his blonde locks and her mother’s eyes.
The anger simmers down as he decides he will bring them both home. He will try to because of that little hope he has in his heart for growing a genuine family- Nothing like the one he helped destroyed, it means everything to him the longer he stares at the two faces.
The brief reminder of Corazon… Pains him but it will not be like that. Corazon simply did not have faith in him. These two… He will show them that he has their best interest at heart.
Finding them, was rather harder than expected. They were at the island that was disclosed to him by someone who recognized her but… (Name) really was too good at blending in with this island. It was rather busy. Cute for it being a bigger place.
So many families too, Doflamingo notes. The thought slightly irks him. Five long years without her and five long years of missing out on the child they created. He has every right to being mad. He has every right to go on a rampage.
Just as he wonders if he should demand someone to show him where she is- He hears a gasp behind him. One too full of shock that it grabs his attention immediately. However, what he did not expect was to feel tiny arms wrap around his legs- The way Baby 5 and Buffalo used to.
He glances down to see the girl from the pictures staring up at him with a wide smile. Her eyes are so gentle and for a moment… Remind him of only innocence as she stares up with genuine curiosity and happiness.
She even speaks to him- And in that moment he already knows that she has him wrapped around her finger- He would fight and kill anyone who would look at her remotely wrong. Is this what it is like to be a dad?
“Hello! I think you’re my dad!”
A laugh comes from behind him again and this time his heart feels like it is stopping because he knows that laugh so well. It haunts his dreams because he loves it so much- It used to be the sound that he tried to coax out of her every day. It is (Name).
He turns and indeed when he sees her… Doflamingo realizes just how long it has been. Too long in his eyes but… She looks as perfect as the day he first saw her. Those (hair color) locks and stunning (eye color). She has not physically changed in the slightest yet… She is still the most stunning person to him. Her eyes look down to their daughter before going back up to meet his.
“I need to put her down for a nap. She had a busy day at the school. I suppose you want to talk then?”
How is she so calm about this? The rage wants to come out- He wants to lash out but… He also just wants to hear her out. He wants to hear her side to everything. That and the way the little girl is holding onto his leg sleepily.
It just makes him melt. He says nothing as he follows the woman to her house. The place is too small for his stature but… Perfect for (Name) and their lovely daughter. It takes just a few moments for (Name) to put the girl to sleep and come back out to join him.
When it is about to grow quiet, he immediately asks, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
(Name) knows what he means. She has a sad smile on her face now as she asks back, “Were you ready to be a father? It is not as simple as you would have thought… It… How do I say this gently? You are selfish. Okay… That came out harsh but… You are. You look out for yourself and pull your family in with you.”
The pretty face that he is in love with does very little to comfort him after those words. That is until she continues.
“I was going to reach out when I found I was pregnant. I thought you would have liked to know but then I remembered why I left. I wanted to find myself and I did. Then… Then she was born, and I realized what being a parent is. You- Make all these choices hoping it is what is best for them and that is simply what I did. I thought you would not want to be in our lives, so I said nothing. I did not want you to have to choose between your dream of being the King of Pirates or her because we both know what you would choose,” (Name) says her tone sad now.
Doflamingo’s anger is valid but… So is (Name)’s in this regard because she is right. He does not say so because he knows he could have both. He will prove he can have both but for now…
“How does she know I am her dad?”
(Name) smiles at this. She pulls out a picture of Doflamingo and herself from her pocket. It is a good photo too. One of them hugging each other. He remembers it because the family kept photo bombing all the rest.
“I told her. Everything about you. I could not lie to her about who her father was. How much he did love me and would have loved her, but I also could not lie to her about how big your goals are. Of course, she is a child, so she does not understand. All she knows is that you want to be a bigger King. She has dreamt of meeting you for a while now.”
These words. He can salvage this. He can unite them. He knows he can. So, he will. He will have both the family and his dreams as he desires.
“Let’s give her a proper meeting then when she wakes up… And (Name), it is good to see you. I hope I can manage to convince you that Dressrosa would be a brilliant place for her.”
The way (Name) stares at him. Yeah, he can convince her.
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All Men Have Limits - IX
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 2,800+
Warning: Violence, Mentions of past domestic abuse
Previously on…
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Of course it had to be raining the night they needed to execute their plan. 
Y/N didn’t know if she was shaking because she was freezing or because she was so nervous. Even with all the layers and her knit hat, she couldn’t seem to warm up.
Y/N had been walking around for half an hour. They’d mapped out her route so her face would get picked up by as many street cameras as possible. If The Court was as sinister as rumored, they’d be watching.
“Scratch your nose if you’re doing alright,” Dick said in Y/N’s ear.
The whole family had explained how imperative it was for Y/N not to speak. They had to assume that Y/N was being watched the moment she left the manor. And if her lips moved, the Talons would know something was up.
So Y/N scratched her nose and looked over her shoulder suspiciously, just like they had talked about.
“Remember: you want out at any moment, just press the distress button on your watch,” Dick added for good measure.
Y/N wanted to roll her eyes at his worry and overprotectiveness, and say, ‘I know. I know.’ But she knew better than that.
“Someone’s tracking her,” Jason spoke up in the comms. “Civilian clothing.”
Jason started calling out the identifiers to his family, and in 30 seconds everyone spotted the man that was tailing Y/N.
But this was all part of the plan.
“I still don’t like this,” Dick muttered to his family, making sure he cut Y/N’s connection off so she didn’t hear his nervousness.
“’Course you are. We’re throwing your girlfriend to the wolves,” Jason commented.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Dick muttered with annoyance.
“Focus,” Bruce chimed in for the first time.
“She’s stuck to the route we gave her,” Tim commented. “All well-lit and crowded with people. They won’t make a scene with this many witnesses.”
The family moved across rooftops, following Y/N’s path from their designated points.
Dick and Bruce both hated this plan, but they were handling it in different ways.
Bruce had become almost mute with focus. He didn’t want a single thing to slip past him. His senses were acute as ever. He was barely communicating with them because he was too busy keeping an eye on Y/N. His eyes hadn’t stopping shooting around, making sure to cover all angles.
“She’s entering the warehouse,” Damian announced.
Everyone shifted their focus and made their moves.
Y/N stopped at the computers she had set up. Or really that Bruce had hired men to set up for her.
She started typing away rapidly, not sure how much time she’d have before deadly ninjas would start dropping on her.
With one final slam of a key, she let out a shallow breath. “Signal’s been sent out. We’re live.”
“Nice!” Tim answered.
Jason started to chime in, but suddenly his voice became crackly and then the line went silent.
“Red Hood?” Y/N asked.
“Anyone read?”
Y/N felt a chill go up her spine.
She whipped around to find three Talons awaiting her attention.
Y/N quickly took a step back and pressed the panic button on her watch. She hoped The Court hadn’t somehow intercepted that signal as well.
“You were lucky with our last encounter,” a Talon stepped forward to speak.
Y/N ignored him and took out both of the guns that had been hiding in her trench coat.
He laughed at the weapons. “Have we not already tried this?”
“At least I’m not a coward hiding behind a mask. Won’t even let me see the faces of the idiots who want to kill me?”
They all ignored her attempt to get them to unmask themselves, but started stepping toward her. “Not want. We will kill you this time.”
But before Y/N could answer or the Talons could get any closer, a smoke bomb was dropped in the space between her and her enemy.
Just as it erupted, Dick dropped down from the bannister above and shoved a gas mask over Y/N’s face.
This wasn’t just any usual gas bomb that Batman and the family used as a distraction. No, this was a special formula designed to burn eyes and cause coughing fits.
One thing was made quite clear, the Talon’s masks were not used to protect them from such attacks. They were meant to hide their identity and nothing else.
Y/N smirked when she heard the sudden coughing and groans of pain. They weren’t muffled by fabric, meaning they had no choice but to remove their masks.
“Stay back,” Dick warned her before lightly pushing her behind a pillar as the smoke bomb started to settle.
Barely giving them a chance, Dick attacked the weakened Talons.
But now the three of them were unmasked. Their eyes were burned red and watery with tears.
And their faces were exposed. 
Y/N’s stomach dropped as she saw Dick flip to them and attack.
But she had a job to do and started tapping away on the high-tech watch around her wrist. She was walking backwards, staying away from the fight, just as Dick had instructed. 
But then she backed into a body.
“Fuck,” Y/N muttered as she froze and her eyes widened in panic.
She whipped around to find a Talon with his sword drawn.
Then other blurs were dropping down from the banisters, more were joining the fight.
Y/N reached for both of her guns and was ready to start firing – despite that not benefiting her in the slightest bit last time.
But before she could take even one shot, someone dropped in front of her protectively.
Bruce was a like a wall of shadow, blocking Y/N from the enemy.
“Run, Y/N.” He demanded without breaking eye contact with his opponent.
She knew better than to fight him on it. This was what they had agreed upon: Y/N was to be used as bait and do her job, then get the hell out.
“No matter what you hear or see, you run like hell,” Dick had told her. His eyes had been desperate and his grip on her shoulders had been tight. Y/N hadn’t been able to find it in her to do anything but give a slow nod.
Barely a second passed after Bruce’s warning before multiple Talons were on him. But Bruce was a worthy opponent and was able to distract them enough for Y/N to get away.
She ran for the nearest exit.
But the warehouse was now crawling with Talons.
Two more blocked her path, making her screech to a stop and turn around, facing Jason.
“Get down,” he told her calmly as he raised two guns.
She dove to the ground and covered her ears as Jason cleared out his ammo.
Without waiting for further instruct, Y/N jumped back onto her feet and tried to find the least chaotic route out.
Tim was using his bow staff almost like a windmill, taking out multiple Talons at a time with just a simple swing.
Y/N looked across the warehouse to see Damian and Dick fighting alongside each other. Despite Damian’s capabilities, Dick couldn’t help but look out for the boy, and he was never far from his side during a fight.
Damian slashed down opponent after opponent with his Katana sword. Meanwhile, Dick had the boy’s back, using his escrima sticks and countless acrobatic kicks and flips.
They were all holding their own, which further urged Y/N to get out of the way.
‘Run, Y/N. Run!’ Her brain screamed at her.
She spotted her opening and sprinted for it.
With only a few yards to go, Y/N felt a sting in the back of her leg.
It was more than a sting. It was a lightning strike of pain that threw her to the floor.
As she sat up, Y/N looked up to see that a knife had clattered to the floor with blood staining it. Her blood.
Then she looked at the back of her thigh to see that she was bleeding from an open wound. It could’ve been worse. The knife could’ve embedded into her muscle and flesh. But she had gotten away with a graze – but one that brought her to the ground.
It all happened so quickly.
One moment Y/N was looking at the blood dripping from her leg. And the next, there was a Talon standing above her – unmasked – with his sword about to swing down on her.
Y/N winced and shielded herself as best as she could. But there was no saving her from such a blade – and a blade wielded by a Talon of The Court.
Just when Y/N thought she’d feel the sword strike her, a presence flew between them.
Y/N opened her eyes when she heard the sound of metal clashing with metal.
Bruce’s forearms were crossed into an X, with his gauntlets intercepting the Talon’s sword swing.
Y/N crawled back to get out of the way, ignoring the screaming pain from her leg.
All she could do was watch as Bruce now fought the Talon one on one. They wielded two katana swords – one in each hand.
Meanwhile, Bruce was using his gauntlets and therefore could really only be on the defense.
It was clear that he was trying to disarm them and make the fight even.
Eventually, through many complicated maneuvers, Bruce knocked one of the swords out of the Talon’s grip. He picked it up.
Y/N didn’t know why it was so surprising to see Bruce wield a katana. Of course he had been trained in sword fighting. That just wasn’t his chosen weapon. It didn’t stop her from being amazed by his skill with the blade. 
But Bruce was getting tired. Y/N could see it.
His movements were still quick, but they had slowed since the beginning of this particular fight.
Y/N managed to clench her teeth and fight through the pain of her leg, slowly bringing herself to a standing position.
But just as she did so, Bruce’s sword was knocked clear out of his hands and the Talon followed it with a kick to Bruce’s abdomen and a punch to his face.
Y/N’s stomach dropped at seeing the infamous Batman get knocked to the ground.
Of all the footage she’d seen, Batman always seemed to have the upper hand. She never doubted that he was going to win a fight – and he was going to do so without killing the enemy, which as always impressive.
“Get up, get up,” Y/N hissed to herself as she watched Bruce struggle to get back on his feet.
“So much time spent protecting her,” the Talon patronized. “Such a waste.”
He landed yet another punch across Bruce’s face. A punch that was harder than anything Y/N had seen before. 
And it knocked Bruce out cold.
Y/N felt it – the death in the air.
Time seemed to slow.
She was about to watch Batman get slaughtered right in front of her.
Her eyes raced around her, looking for one of the boys to call for help or anything that could be used as a distraction. But Dick and Damian were suddenly being overpowered. Tim wasn’t even in Y/N’s eyesight. And Jason was failing to shoot every Talon that surrounded him.
Then Y/N saw the katana that had been ripped from Bruce’s grip. It lay just a foot away from her.
Without thinking, Y/N picked it up.
She lunged forward just as the Talon was bringing his sword down to finish Bruce.
With just an inch away from his victim, Y/N’s sword intercepted the final attack.
The Talon gaze whipped to her. And Bruce was oblivious to his life being saved.
Y/N’s eyes widened, realizing she acted without any sort of plan. And now she had the Talon’s full attention and she had no clue how to wield a sword of any kind – or how to physically offend herself to any degree. 
“You have been a nuisance long enough,” the Talon growled.
“Oh, but I’m not even done yet,” Y/N smirked wickedly.
He tilted his head to the side, choosing to amuse her instead of strike her down immediately.
“You really think I can hack the oldest and most powerful secret, but not every major news network in the country?” She asked offensively.
But then she smiled and tapped a button on her watch.
The screens in the warehouse flickered to life and their volume was turned all the way up.
Everyone ceased their fighting.
Each screen showed that every network was hacked, their signals interrupted with Y/N’s own broadcast.
It was live footage from inside the top secret base for The Court of Owls. All of its members were unmasked, either being gathered by FBI and Gotham PD or pinned to the floor, getting handcuffed.
“That’s not possible,” the Talon gasped.
Y/N tapped her watch and a tiny drone, almost the size of a bumblebee zoomed in front of his face. Then his face was being broadcasted across the world.
“Say hello to America, Calvin Rose,” Y/N announced as her face-recognition system instantly identified him and his name appeared on her watch.
Then the camera moved to another unmasked Talon in the warehouse. “William Cobb,” Y/N announced, adding his name to the screen when he appeared.
As her footage was live-streaming on all major networks, the names of each member were appearing on the screen as well.
Calvin Rose screamed in frustration. 
“Detonate the bomb!” He yelled to his men.
“You mean the bomb you first threatened me with?” Y/N cooed.
He whipped back around to glare at her, not understanding her meaning.
“You really think we wouldn’t be able to find it? After you gave us weeks to track it down?” She teased. “The bomb is in the possession of the FBI, safely neutralized. But not before I helped them reverse trace a signal back to the detonator.”
They knew they lost. But they had not only lost, they had been discovered.
There would be no recovering from such exposure.
And Y/N hadn’t even told them about all the evidence she had stored that tied The Court of Owls to every corrupt act they had performed in the last 20 years.
Sirens suddenly blared in the distance.
All the boys had stopped to look at Y/N, realizing that their plan was coming together.
“You lost,” Y/N declared as she lowered the sword to her side. “And they’re coming for you, too.”
That was finally what set him off.
He growled before stomping to her.
Y/N was surprised by this new attack and quickly stepped backwards, but not nearly fast enough. 
In one motion, he grabbed Y/N by the neck with one hand, lifting her off the ground with his sheer strength and rage.
Not a second later, he shoved his sword into her abdomen.
It seemed like the sound of metal cutting flesh and muscle echoed through the entire warehouse.
“No!” Dick screamed shoving his way across the warehouse to get to her.
In the same moment, Y/N was dropped to the ground like a rag doll.
Chaos had erupted around her, a new fight had begun. But she heard none of it.
Her hands warmed from the blood that was leaking from her abdomen.
The pain was something different to her.
She couldn’t even put a number on how many times her father beat her to a pulp. Nothing could ever compare to the pain of being physically hurt by the person who was supposed to love you the most in the world. This was nothing.
Y/N was just happy she’d die doing something good for the world. A final act of sorts.
Just as she was about to succumb to the tired and dark feeling threatening to envelop her, she felt a warm presence next to her.
“Y/N!” Dick yelled when he reached her side. “You’re OK.” His voice started to shake. “You’re gonna be OK. Y/N, I need you to hold on.”
Police and FBI agents flooded the warehouse as Dick pulled Y/N into his arms.
Y/N looked up to see tears had filled his eyes.
“It’s OK, Dick.” She tried to tell him. “I’ll be fine. I’m fine.”
But when she reached up to cup his cheek, she stained his skin with her own blood.
Y/N was starting to lose her grip on life.
She swore she could feel Jason and Damian’s presence move her side, and then hear Tim talking to the cops. But she could also be imagining it. She could be imagining it all. Maybe she had already died and this was just how she had wanted to go, her mind giving her that final wish.
Things went from being so loud and warm to cold and silent.
Part 10
I edited this really quick. And for that, I apologize. 
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