#she think on my therefore till i am
venlo · 1 year
she A on my D till I HD
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mpileons · 4 months
behind the goal posts | alexia putellas x reader
chapter 1 <
Summary: Everyone knows Alexia Putellas. Star football player and the face of Barcelona. However, what they don’t know is that she is been in a secret relationship for years, and that relationship is slowly slipping out of her hands.
Word Count: 2.8K
A/N: i got a bit too carried w/ the angst.. oops. and i didnt proof read this so i apologize for any inevitable mistakes :)
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Chapter Two …
Present Day – 
As 12AM hits, I find myself still waiting for Ale to come home from training. I decide to call my bestfriend to prevent my thoughts from further spiralling. “Hey chica, wait what's up?” my best friend's voice blares through my headphones as a frown etches onto her face, sensing that something is off with me. “Did she do something?” I start to shake my head because I know if I speak my voice will betray me and all my anxieties will be laid bare for her to see. It’s not that I don't want her to see, more that I don't want to acknowledge any of this. I’d like to believe that Alexia and I are still in that honeymoon, that she’ll come home early and shower me with kisses while we make dinner,that we will go back to watching films while our limbs intertwined till we didn't know whose body is whose. I know deep down that we have derailed so far away, we are slowly plummeting into an abyss of resentment and I don't know how to save us. “Y/N please talk to me” Kira’s voice brings me back to earth, I see the anxiety increasing tenfold on her face as she watches me intently. “I don't know," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper as I fiddle with the strings of my hoodie. 
"It's just... Ale was out late last night, and she's still not home. And she's been so distant lately. It’s like I am living with a ghost,  I can't shake this feeling that something's wrong." I rush out as quickly as humanly possible, as if I say it fast enough my brain won’t think about it and therefore it won’t become real.
“That’s strange, have you brought it up with her?” Kira's voice held a gentle probing, her concern evident. But then again, I couldn't fault her for that. Our nightly chats had become a lifeline, teetering on the edge of panic. It's strange, really. Ale used to be the one to ease these moments, but now, it's her actions that stir them up.
Present Day | Alexia’s Point of View —
As I step into the dimly lit apartment, the sharp remnants of the night at the club are still echoing in my mind. However, the laughter and camaraderie of my teammates felt distant now, replaced by a hollow emptiness.
I moved through our shared apartment with a sense of detachment, a space that was once so familiar now feels like a ghost town. The weight of exhaustion drags at my limbs as I head towards our room. But as I pass by the closed door, I can hear a snippet of a conversation that catches my attention, drawing me to a sudden halt.
"... it's strange how Ale used to calm me down from these attacks and now it is her that is causing them," Y/N's voice, tinged with worry and frustration, drifted through the door, sending a pang of unexpected guilt coursing through my chest.
For a moment, I stood rooted to the spot, Y/N’s words hanging heavy in the air like an accusation. The weight of her evident disappointment bores down on me like a crushing weight, quickly suffocating and stealing every word out of my mouth. How had I become the source of Y/N's pain, when did this happen?
Without another word, I retreated to the living room where the walls feel like they are closing in around me as the echoes of Y/N's words reverberated in my mind.  Hours passed in agonising silence, the tension in the apartment thickening with each passing moment. And then, as if on cue, the dam burst.
Present Day | Y/N’s Point of View —
I took tentative steps to the living room to check if Ale had come home, the faint scent of alcohol hanging in the air further proving that she’s back.  
As I rounded the corner, my gaze fell upon Alexia slumped on the couch with her head bowed and a half-empty bottle of whiskey clenched tightly in her hand. Her usually vibrant eyes were now dull and unfocused, the lines of exhaustion etched into her features.
A sudden surge of anger and frustration takes over my body. I naively thought that maybe today would be different, that today Ale would come to me instead of seeking comfort from a bottle.
But as I stood in front of Ale and truly take in the sight in front of me, a different surge of emotions come. I am quickly overwhelmed with a wave of guilt as I watch the woman I love more than anything crumble beneath the weight of her own self-destructive tendencies. No matter what I try to do or say, nothing can seem to get through the indestructible walls she had built around herself, the walls she once used to let down around me. 
All of a sudden, I couldn't muster up any anger towards the woman who firmly held my heart in her grasp. I could shove aside my own emotions, even if it meant indulging in self-destructive tendencies, just to care for her. 
"Ale," My voice was soft, barely more than a whisper as if my words would fracture her even further. I slowly approached the couch, my heart aching with a pain I couldn't name. "What happened tonight?" I asked while tentatively taking the bottle out of her grasp.
Alexia's head snapped up at the sound of my voice, her eyes glazed and distant as she struggled to focus on me, an effect from her excessive drinking that has become more familiar to me than I’d like. "Nothing," she muttered, her voice slurred with the aftereffects of alcohol. "Just... just another night out with the girls."
My eyes furrow with concern, I try to find any piece of the woman I loved, the woman who would buy me new flowers immediately after the previous flowers died, the woman who would wake up earlier before practice just to spend time with me, the woman who would bring me food to the library while I was drowning in assignments. But all I could see was the shell of that woman. All I could was emptiness and it was killing me. She was killing herself while clutching my heart within her hands, bringing me down with her. 
My voice trembled with disappointment as I settled beside Alexia on the couch, the tension between us crackling like electricity. The atmosphere in the room felt heavy, suffused with the weight of unspoken grievances and broken promises. "You promised, Ale," I began, my tone beginning to edge with unbearable frustration as I decide to confront her broken vows. "You swore you'd try to get better, that you wouldn't let this control you anymore. That you would try for me, for us."
Alexia's eyes flashed with a mix of shame and defiance, her fingers stealing the bottle from my hands and tightening around the bottle in her hand as she clearly tried to brace herself for the impending conflict. The lines etched on her face increased tenfold. "I know," she admitted, her voice strained with the evident weight of her own struggles. "But it's not as simple as just trying, Y/N. You don't understand how hard it is. You just don’t."
My patience waned quickly as I met Alexia's gaze, my own resolve beginning to falter under the weight of our unresolved issues. "I'm trying to understand, Alexia," I defiantly retorted, my voice rising slightly with frustration. "But how can I when you won't let me in? You keep shutting me out, pushing me away every time I try to help."
A spark of anger ignited within Alexia's eyes as she rose to meet my challenge, her own frustrations bubbling to the surface. "Maybe if you actually understood what I'm going through, you'd realise that I'm not doing this to hurt you," she shot back, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I'm doing this because I can't bear to see you disappointed in me again."
The raw emotion in Alexia's words further broke my heart, the sting of guilt mixing with her own simmering anger. "I know, but you promised, Alexia," I murmured, my tone quiet  but sharp with anger, "It just seems like you don't care about keeping your word anymore. You're drowning yourself in alcohol, and you're dragging us down with you."
I can see Alexia's gaze harden, her own frustration boiling over as she shot back once again, Never one to back down. “Don't act like you're perfect, Y/N. You're always on my case, like you have it all figured out. But guess what? You don't. You never have."
I clench my jaw as I fight to keep my temper in check, I know that Alexia isnt in the right state for this discussion, but her words hold some flicker of truth which is why the words spill out despite my best efforts. "I may not understand everything you're going through, but at least I'm trying. What about you, Ale? Are you even trying anymore, or have you just given up once again?"
The accusation struck a nerve, and Alexia's temper flared, her voice rising to match my intensity. "Of course, I'm trying!" she exclaimed, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "But it's not enough for you, is it? Nothing I do is ever enough!"
My eyes flash with hurt and indignation while my voice trembles with emotion. "That's not true, Ale," I protest, my heart aching at the sight of the woman I adore unravelling right before my eyes. "I just want you to be happy, but I can't stand by and watch you destroy yourself. I can't do it anymore when it is destroying me further knowing I can’t help you despite my best attempts to."
Tears welled in Alexia's eyes as she struggled to contain her rising emotions, the weight of their argument bearing down on her like a crushing weight. "I don't know how to be happy anymore, Y/N," she admitted, her voice breaking with despair. "I feel like I'm drowning, and I can't find a way out."
The distance between us grew with each passing minute, each second driving a deeper wedge between our fractured hearts. And during the chaos of our bitter exchange, I just had a sinking feeling that my love might not be enough to save us from the impending darkness that I know will consume us completely, sooner or later.
Exhausted and emotionally drained, my voice immediately softened, a tremor of uncertainty lacing my words as I try to grind the words I thought I’d never say out loud, not to Alexia, not even in a million years or in a hundred different universes did I think I’d say this to her.. "Maybe... maybe we need some time apart," I suggest, the weight of the admission heavy on my tongue.
Alexia's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief at the suggestion. "A break?" she echoed, the word heavy with resignation and a hint of desperation.
I nod, my own heart aching at the realisation that our relationship might be hanging by a thread. "Just... for a little while," I murmur, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. "To figure things out."
6 Months Ago | Alexia’s Point of View —
As the sun set over the horizon, casting hues of pink and gold across the sky, I led Y/N to a secluded spot in the park since I decided to surprise her with a special outing to a drive-in cinema. I see her eyes widen in surprise at the sight of twinkling fairy lights strung between the trees and a soft glow emanating from a cluster of candles.
With a nervous but determined smile, I take Y/N's hand and lead her to a cozy spot in front of the car. We start to settle onto a blanket spread out in the back of the car, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of birds chirping.
As we cuddle together under the starlit sky, the screen flickers to life with the opening scenes of "La La Land," Y/N's favorite film, I had put that somewhere in the depths of my mind when she told me, knowing it will somehow be important later on.
During an especially poignant moment in the film, I reach into a nearby picnic basket and pull out a carefully crafted scrapbook that took me longer than I’d like to admit. After all I am athlete not an artsy person. But for her, it’s all worth it.
I watch as she curiously flips through the pages, her eyes widening in surprise and delight as she sees photos of our many movie nights together, interspersed with handwritten notes and film strips capturing precious moments we’ve shared over the last few months.
My hands start to lightly tremble while I intertwine Y/N's hand with mine, as I feel her hand fitting perfectly into mine, a warmth spreads through me, comforting the trembles that threaten to give away my nerves. "Y/N," I start, my voice barely above a whisper but laced with the depth of my feelings, "I never imagined that one person could fuel my heart with such love and devotion, I can’t even imagine my life without by my side and I ..."
Y/N's eyes meet mine, shimmering with unshed tears of happiness. Without a word, her gentle nod speaks volumes, affirming the depth of her love and commitment. "Yes, Ale," she murmurs, her voice a soft caress against the night air, "I choose you, now and forever."
Present day | Y/N’s Point of View —
Before I can even take a step forward, a familiar blonde head of hair envelops me, momentarily throwing off my balance. "Geez, Leah, trying to knock me over?" I chuckle, returning the embrace of my lifelong friend. Football was never my thing before Ale, but Leah and I go way back to our days in the primary school astronomy club, and our bond has only grown stronger since then. Proving our friendship to be stronger than any time zone or country.
"How do you manage to shrink every time I see you? Is there something in the water in Barca?" Leah teases as she takes my luggage from my grasp and leads the way to her car. I just shake my head at her usual antics, gazing out at the Heathrow Airport parking lot. London. I haven’t been back home in years, never felt the need to with Ale around, but now that I've lost her, it feels like I've lost my home along the way as well. The realization hits me like a punch to the gut, leaving me feeling nauseous. In just a few days, I've lost everything that mattered.
Hours later, after battling the infamous London traffic, we finally arrive at my flat. It's a sad time capsule of my past life. Remnants of old friendships and memories linger in every corner, a stark reminder that while I've changed, the world around me has kept on spinning. That time waits for no one, and as I sink deeper into my thoughts, Leah's concerned voice breaks through the silence. "Are we going to talk about it, or are we gonna keep pretending like nothing's happened?" she asks, her honesty cutting through the tension. I join her on the couch, resting my head on her shoulder with a heavy sigh. "I don’t know," I admit, uncertainty weighing heavily on my mind.
“Cmon, as your favourite bestfriend I think i deserve more honesty than that.” She tries to lightly joke, but I know her words hold some level of honestly. And the words hit me harder than I expected, and for a moment, I find myself at a loss for words. She's always been there for me, through the good times and the bad, but this... this feels different. It's not just a bump in the road; it's a complete upheaval of everything I thought I knew. I know nothing anymore.
"I know," I finally say, my voice barely above a whisper. "It's just... it's all so overwhelming, you know? I thought I had everything figured out, but now... now I don't know what to do."
Leah quickly wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer in a comforting embrace. "It's okay not to have all the answers," she reassures me, her voice soft but firm. "Just take it one step at a time. We'll figure it out together. You still have me no matter what. You know that.”
I nod, grateful for her words of wisdom. But even as I try to take comfort in her presence, a nagging feeling of unease lingers at the back of my mind. How do you move forward when everything you once knew has been shattered right in front of you? Where do you even begin?
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Thinking again about the darknesses that lurk underneath the surface of Sense and Sensibility (I have talked before about how Edward despite being the eldest is subjected to what we can argue is emotional and financial abuse by his family for years, and how the Dashwood women are disinherited on a whim of their great uncle), and this time specifically about the Brandons.
We get so little about them, and what we do get about them is all bad:
This lady was one of my nearest relations, an orphan from her infancy, and under the guardianship of my father... At seventeen she was lost to me for ever. She was married—married against her inclination to my brother. Her fortune was large, and our family estate much encumbered. And this, I fear, is all that can be said for the conduct of one, who was at once her uncle and guardian. My brother did not deserve her; he did not even love her... I have never told you how this was brought on. We were within a few hours of eloping together for Scotland. The treachery, or the folly, of my cousin’s maid betrayed us. I was banished to the house of a relation far distant, and she was allowed no liberty, no society, no amusement, till my father’s point was gained... My brother had no regard for her; his pleasures were not what they ought to have been, and from the first he treated her unkindly.
Mr Brandon Sr is shown to us as being a greedy man, a bad administrator of his estate, and a cruel father. His first son seems cut of the same cloth, and his pleasures were not what they ought to have been is one of the most, if not the most sinister line between all the Austen novels. But there's more about him!:
Her legal allowance was not adequate to her fortune, nor sufficient for her comfortable maintenance, and I learnt from my brother that the power of receiving it had been made over some months before to another person. He imagined, and calmly could he imagine it, that her extravagance, and consequent distress, had obliged her to dispose of it for some immediate relief.
The Brandons were married for two years; the colonel returns to England and starts looking for her 3 years later. Young Eliza was then a 3 year old toddler. We are obliquely told that Brandon cut all ties with his brother:
It was a valued, a precious trust to me; and gladly would I have discharged it in the strictest sense, by watching over her education myself, had the nature of our situations allowed it; but I had no family, no home; and my little Eliza was therefore placed at school. I saw her there whenever I could, and after the death of my brother, (which happened about five years ago, and which left to me the possession of the family property,) she visited me at Delaford.
Eliza is now 17, so the eldest brother died when she was 14, which is 16 years after his marriage with the older Eliza. In that period of time, he managed to squander the whole of her fortune, and put the estate in debt again, as we are told earlier on by Mrs Jennings:
Poor man! I am afraid his circumstances may be bad. The estate at Delaford was never reckoned more than two thousand a year, and his brother left everything sadly involved. I do think he must have been sent for about money matters, for what else can it be? I wonder whether it is so. I would give anything to know the truth of it. Perhaps it is about Miss Williams and, by the bye, I dare say it is, because he looked so conscious when I mentioned her. May be she is ill in town; nothing in the world more likely, for I have a notion she is always rather sickly. I would lay any wager it is about Miss Williams. It is not so very likely he should be distressed in his circumstances now, for he is a very prudent man, and to be sure must have cleared the estate by this time. I wonder what it can be! May be his sister is worse at Avignon, and has sent for him over. His setting off in such a hurry seems very like it. Well, I wish him out of all his trouble with all my heart, and a good wife into the bargain.”
We know the Bennets, with five daughters, and without a saving mindset, still manage to live very comfortably with 2000 a year, and if they had had any mind to save money, they could have provided all five of them with decent dowries/money enough to keep them out of poverty when their father died if they were single. It is clearly not that the money isn't enough, or that Delaford is an unproductive estate; in fact, it is described to us as almost paradisiac:
Delaford is a nice place, I can tell you; exactly what I call a nice old fashioned place, full of comforts and conveniences; quite shut in with great garden walls that are covered with the best fruit-trees in the country; and such a mulberry tree in one corner! Lord! how Charlotte and I did stuff the only time we were there! Then, there is a dove-cote, some delightful stew-ponds, and a very pretty canal; and every thing, in short, that one could wish for; and, moreover, it is close to the church, and only a quarter of a mile from the turnpike-road, so ’tis never dull, for if you only go and sit up in an old yew arbour behind the house, you may see all the carriages that pass along. Oh! ’tis a nice place! A butcher hard by in the village, and the parsonage-house within a stone’s throw. To my fancy, a thousand times prettier than Barton Park, where they are forced to send three miles for their meat, and have not a neighbour nearer than your mother.
One interesting character, though forgotten because only mentioned in passing, is the Brandon sister. On one of the quotes above we get that she's in Avignon for her health, and we know her husband is wealthy (and probably abroad with her) because it is his estate that the planned picnic is for:
A party was formed this evening for going on the following day to see a very fine place about twelve miles from Barton, belonging to a brother-in-law of Colonel Brandon, without whose interest it could not be seen, as the proprietor, who was then abroad, had left strict orders on that head. The grounds were declared to be highly beautiful, and Sir John, who was particularly warm in their praise, might be allowed to be a tolerable judge, for he had formed parties to visit them, at least, twice every summer for the last ten years. They contained a noble piece of water; a sail on which was to form a great part of the morning’s amusement; cold provisions were to be taken, open carriages only to be employed, and every thing conducted in the usual style of a complete party of pleasure.
It is implied that Brandon and his BIL are in very good terms (and we know he's not afraid of cutting ties with bad relatives), and one can safely guess that at the very least he cares enough about his wife as to have her travel for her health. Another guess can be made about her getting married about 10 years before the events of the book. Whether she lived at home before that, or was at school or somewhere else, it isn't said.
But this way you can feel there's a parallel in a way, between the Brandons and the Tilneys: a greedy, cruel father, a son that follows on his steps, and a younger brother and sister managing the toxicity as best they can. Talking about this with @bad-at-names-and-faces, she brought up the idea that in that scheme, Cathy would be Eliza (if it wasn't her not being an orphan, or a rich heiress, and how that connects with Austen's line about Cathy not being born to be a heroine at the beginning of Northanger Abbey). Certainly part of it is the romantic gothicness of the Brandon backstory, united with NA's commentary on Gothic tropes, but to me it drove home with even greater force how such a situation would break a man; losing Cathy that way would have definitely broken Tilney, and if we had met him 14 years down the line, would he have appeared to the unacquainted much different than Brandon appeared to the Dashwood sisters?
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gayassbish · 7 months
Genshin Siblings’ Reactions to Their Sister Having a Girlfriend!
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Genre: Fluff, slight crack, (minor Angst in Jean and Barbara’s part)
Reader: Female*
Characters: Ayato & Thoma with Ayaka, Lyney & Freminet with Lynnett, Jean with Barbara, and Extra! Aether with Lumine
Ayato & Thoma-
On a typical evening when Ayato was finishing his daily quota and Thoma was doing his last rounds around the residence, Ayaka boldly enters in, hand in hand with you.
Ayato immediately takes notice, wondering ‘who tf is this bitc-‘ Kidding, he’s just like ‘who are you?’ in his head. And Thoma smirks, as if he already knows something.
The thing is, Ayaka decided to come out to Ayato when she would eventually have a girlfriend to introduce to him.
So when Ayaka asks if the four of you could have dinner together, with her new “friend,” Ayato instantly thinks something is up. His main suspicions are that you ran away from home with your raggedy looking- But he is worried you’re either homeless or in danger. Not really thinking Ayaka wants to introduce a friend, not even taking notice of the way Ayaka looks at you, and not noting your body language around her.
After introductions, the four of y’all are sat around the square table (Kotatsu). Thoma brings a cake with writing saying, ‘Yay! You’re Gay,’ in frosting but it slips pass Ayato as he doesn’t take his eyes off you two.
Once Thoma sits down, Ayaka clears her throat and breaks the big news. “Okay… big brother please don’t be mad. I know you wanted me to remain single for the rest of my life and be lonely till the ends of time-“
Ayato interrupts, not happy with the accusation that is thrown at him. “What? What nonsense why would I want you to be alone? They would just have to be a sensible guy-“
“Ugh! would you let me finish?” Ayaka rolls her eye and interrupts her big brother back. Thoma gives you a soft smile, mouthing the words ‘You better get used to this.’ “Anyways.. like I was saying. I found someone and they’re not a guy so-” Ayaka turns to look at you and Ayato’s jaw drops.
“You’re not homeless?” Ayato exclaims, shock and surprise written on his face. Evidently, the news for Ayaka and you together hasn’t hit him yet.
“Ayato!” Thoma and Ayaka yell simultaneously, while you laugh. Ayato almost looks embarrassed at his words, but you chime in before he can say anything else stupid.
“No, but I am your sisters girlfriend if you’re okay with that…” You look to Ayaka and give her hand a squeeze. She’s been pretty nervous about this whole meeting and stressing about how her overprotective brother would take it. Therefore she came out to Thoma before hand and asked if he would be willing to help break the news to him.
Ayaka and Thoma eagerly eat up Ayato’s reaction. “So.. you won’t be pregnant right?”Ayato nods to himself. And everyone but him deadpans. “Yea, I’m okay with this. Why wouldn’t I be?” He smiles at y’all and watches how his sister gleams.
Ayaka runs over the table to give her brother a hugeee hug. “Oh my god! Ugh I can’t believe I was scared to tell you!.” Ayato gives his sister a hug back and she sits back down.
“Wait.. Thoma?” Ayato looks to the blonde who’s already laughing. “Did you-?”
“Know? Yea… look at the cake I made buddy.” Thoma points to the clearly rainbow colored cake. “It’s a fruit cake. To celebrate this fruity day.” Thoma explains all excited and quite proud of his work.
“Well I see that now.. gosh.” Ayato mumbles and digs in. He slices different pieces for everyone.
The rest of dinner ends in laughter and more of Ayato’s dumb questions. Like “how do women fu-“Where did you guys meet,” and “Who confessed first,” as both Ayato and Thoma anxiously hear your story.
P.S. Ayato’s biggest fear is that Ayaka would get swept up by some dead beat guy and boom hed become an uncle one day, so he’s really happy you’re here to prevent that hypothetical nonsense.
Lyney & Freminet-
When Lynnett calls her brothers out for a cup of tea, they immediately think something must be wrong.
After all, Lynnett never plans meetings. She doesn’t have too since they all live in the same house.
So they conspire with one another for the reason for this meeting on the way to the cafe. And when they enter the building and see their shy Lynnett laughing and giggling, sat next to someone… Lyney’s first thought is, ‘who is this clone of Lynnett?’ And Freminent looks as if he’s lost his marbles. After all, everyone that Lynnett knows, the brothers already know… well almost everyone, until you stringed along.
They both know that their sister likes women. So you being a girl is no surprise. Mainly because Lynnett’s not the most discrete about her likings. If she likes something, they’ll find herself in her own world staring at the object of her desire or find herself obsessed with it, like tea. (Actually I think that’s just a bRiTisH thing.)
Anywho, neither of the siblings have EVER seen Lynnett like this and their eyes immediately trace to the cause of her giddy behavior. You.
Lyney hesitates a minute before asking,“Uhhh Lynnett?” Lynnett turns to look at her twin, who wears a nervous smile. Lyney swears he feels a shiver down his spine, still not fully convinced the girl, who looks like an identical copy of him, is his sister. “Who that?” He points to you, so shocked he forgot his manners.
“Lyney! Don’t be rude! This is Y/N.” She turns to you, “my girlfriend.” Freminent’s shock didn’t show on his face until now, and Lyney is still in confusion. “I called the two of you here to introduce you guys since Y/N will be around more often.” She takes a sip of her cup of tea, “But that was it, so you guys can leave now.” She smiles and was about to continue talking to you as Lyney and Freminent both immediately pull up a chair.
“Waiter, two cinnamon teas please!” Lyney gets the worker’s attentions and turns back to Lynnett, “Oh we are soo here to stay.” Freminent nods vigorously in agreement and Lynnett sighs.
“Exactly! You can’t just introduce her to us and not tells us anything!” Freminent exclaims, crossing his arms over his chest as he huffs.
Lynnett warned you that they might not take the news too well. It’s been the three of them for god knows how long, and she didn’t think they’d be ready to see her get onto the next phase in her life with you.
But you told her this meeting would be good for the both of you. She wouldn’t have to be so cautious with you around the city anymore and could finally get rid of the rope she used for you climb through her window and meet her. Plus it was about high time her siblings knew about the two of y’all together.
“They have a point Lynnett. How can they accept us if they barley know me?” You look at her and she frowns. She just didn’t want to put you through the trouble of her brothers eating at your head :(. “Please,” You ask her earnestly and she sighs.
“Fine. Out with it you two. What do you want to know?” Lynnett glares at them, communicating with her eyes to not ask anything rude. “You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to.” She whispers to you and you squeeze her hand in reassurance.
“Oh me first!” Lynnett raises his hand to beat Freminent who slides back into his seat. “Why do you love my sister?” He analyzes you, preparing what he will say if you give him a bad answer.
“Well..” The brothers lean in to hear your answer. “What’s there not to love?” You say with a small chuckle. “But if I had to pick some of my favorite things about her it would have to be… how she looks at me… and how she tries to make sure I’m always okay in her own way. But I think the thing I love the most about her… is her independence.” You look to Lynnett who’s already blushing.
Freminent and Lyney look at eachother and it’s as if they come to an understanding that maybe you really are right for her. They usually aren’t so quick to trust someone at face value with some words, but they know. Lynnett has a wall around people and doesn’t let it down around just anyone. They trust that their sister is good at figuring out people’s good intentions from wrong, and if she’s opened her heart to you. Then they trust her. They trust her judgement of you.
“Well, I’ll admit thats not a bad answer.” Lyney rumbles, rubbing his neck, not so happy with his defeat.
“But I have one last question.” Freminent asks and the attention turns to boy who’s remained mostly quiet throughout this discussion. “It’s a really important one.” He looks to both Lyney and Lynnett, and it’s as if they both already know what he’s about to ask.
“Of course. Ask anything. I’m an open book.” You say with a calm smile.
Freminent takes a deep breath, “If you want to be a part of this family then… do you promise that no matter what you hear… or what you learn.. you’ll try to see things from our side?” All three of them look eagerly towards you.
Lynnett has told you seldom about her life outside of magic, but you know in your heart that no matter what, Lynnett will always be someone you cannot live without.
“We all have a story don’t we? …When you trust me enough to tell me yours, I know that no matter what I hear or see… I will wait for however long it takes to hear that story before coming to any sort of judgement.” You say softly, looking at them all and see the brothers tense figures lighten. When you turn back to Lynnett, her eyes tell you everything you need to know and how touched she is.
“Well shit.” Lyney says. “Welcome to the family.” He exclaims, and their drinks have arrived. The rest of the lunch continues with the exchanging of stories from embarrassing moments Lynnett’s had as a child to great epic moments of the high time in their careers. Though they don’t talk anymore about their past, you know when the time is right the occasion will come. :)
P.S. POV: You actually infiltrated their family to learn their magic tricks >:)
When Jean patrols Mondstat’s forests for any lurking danger, she sees her sister sitting next to someone on dock of the lake. Their legs dangling and feet touching the water. She was about to walk up to say hi until she sees her sister kiss the person next to her.
Jean drops her sword and a loud thud startles both you and Barbara as the two of you turn around to look at the cause of the sound, only to find the shocked expression of the Acting Grand Master.
“Sister!” Barbara looks as if she’s seen a ghost and gets up to run to her.
“Wait Barbara your shoes-“ You get cut off by Jean running away and Barbra chasing after her.
You sigh, grabbing Barbara’s shoes and wearing yours, while following the shouting of the ladies. You even pick up Jean’s sword that she’s left on the floor.
You and Barbara haven’t been together for very long, but you’re both serious about each other. However, every time you would mention if it’s time to introduce each other to one another’s family, Barbara would avoid the topic. You later learned it was cause Barbara’s sister is extremely overprotective of her.
And it makes sense after all. Barbara has been known to have stalkers and crazy fans (IFHY ALBERT). You yourself know how naive Barbara can be at times and how she doesn’t really take the best care of herself. After all, most of the time you’re picking up after her.
You find the sisters deep into the forest. Barbara sitting down on a rock, her pale feet covered in mud and gunk. And Jean pacing back and forth with a hand messing up her pony tail.
“I can’t believe you went behind my back!” Jean shouts. “A girlfriend? Seriously Barbara? Do you think you’re mature enough to be in a relationship? Do you think that girl is trustworthy?” Jean turns to her sister.
“How dare you! Y/N is a great partner and we’re doing really good! And I’ve learned so much being with her than I have before!…Gosh I knew you were going to react like this so I hid it from you.” Barbara continues the shouting, but then starts to weep and Jean sighs. Jean hates it when her sister cries. And she hates it even more when she’s the one who makes her sister cry.
“Oh Barbara, please don’t cry-“ Jean kneels down, about to wipe her tears.
“Tell me, is it just a thing in your family to leave your stuff everywhere?” You interrupt, and the stark difference in their reactions almost makes you laugh.
Barbara exclaims your name and runs up to give you a hug, while Jean stands back up and crosses her arms over her chest. She wears a furrowed brow on her face to match the tense body language.
“You got mud all over you.” You tell Barbara softly and Barbara giggles. Once she lets go of the hug, you kneel down to clean her feet with a cloth. You put her shoes on her as well, and when you stand back up, you’re met with a distraught look on Jean’s face. “Here. Your sword.” When you walked to her to hand it back to her, Jean looks even more lost.
Jean, for the past years, has been the one taking care of her sister all the time. And though what you did just now might seem small, Jean didn’t even notice her sister was walking around barefoot. ‘What if Barbara got a thron stuck in her foot and her whole leg got infected?’ She beats herself up about not noticing sooner.
“Thank you,” Jean speaks very softly. Almost as if she’s trying to counteract for her shouting earlier.
“Don’t mention it,” You give her a genuine smile. You get where the older sister is coming from after all. “Now, how do we resolve this?” You look at both the sisters.
Barbara walks closer to where you and Jean stand. “Jean… I know I’m asking a lot from you to accept us given how bad I can be at judging people… but I swear. I swear on Barbatos that Y/N is a good person.” She looks at you and you smile. You can’t help yourself but to pat her head.
“Jean, I know how worried you must be. You’ve just seen your little sister being affectionate with some random stranger… but I promise you that this random stranger.. will take even better care of Barbara than you have over the years.” You make a challenge to yourself at Jean and she finally loosens up.
Jean exhales deeply. And shakes her head at how she jumped to conclusions about you.“I will take you up on that.” She looks at Barbara and then at you and noticed how she hasn’t really seen Barbara this happy and free in a while. Being stressed AF runs in the their family and she tells herself that maybe you’re good for her Barbara. And that maybe it’s time to let her sister experience the world for herself, without Jean’s watchful eye. “But.. I think we’re all do for a shower and a proper dinner after. I have many questions.” You and Barbara agree, sticky from the lake and the humid air as the three you guys walk back.
But this time instead of someone running away from another, someone shouting, and someone crying, you guys walk together. This marks the new beginning of getting to know each other and the rest of your lives.
P.S. Even if Jean ended up accidentally slaying your ass out of anger, C6 Barbara would’ve brought you back <3
A/N: I did a Barbara version where Jean introduces you as her girlfriend but I second guessed myself thinking that might be weird after I did the Jean version… (._.)
Aether doesn’t believe his sister got a partner before he did. Questions his rizz. The end ;)
Kidding, he doesn’t even know his sister has a girlfriend because he hasn’t found her-
A/N: How do people write traveller?? What even is their personality, like are they pretty? Yes. Do they speak? No. What do you guys go off of?? [・_・?]
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
tea party
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A/N: after writing chamomile last night and talking with @morallyinept, I realized that I needed to then write Dieter inviting you over to his place for a tea party date! 🥺 p.s. as a fellow midwesterner, we talk about the weather a lot and therefore I decided to poke some fun at us 🤣 and thank you to @itsokbbygrl for betaing 💗
~word count: 2.8k~
Summary: after meeting Dieter Bravo on the Raya app, he invites you over to his house for a tea party date
Pairing | dieter bravo x f!reader
Warnings: general, fluff, language, mentions of ouid, first date jitters and anxiety, overall soft vibes, reader has no physical descriptions, given the nature of my account, everything I write is +18 minors dni!
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“Hey, have you ever heard of Dieter Bravo?” You asked your friend over coffee one morning at the BeachWood cafe in the Hollywood Hills.
“Oh! He’s that actor from Cliff Beasts! The last one was a total train wreck. I heard he’s trying to reinvent himself these days.” She took a sip of her latte, leaning back against the chair.
“Oh? Well, he swiped right on Raya. Do you think I should swipe back? He seems kinda…” you paused, tapping your finger against your chin, “prissy?”
She laughed and shook her head with a small smile. “I heard he’s a total diva, but I think he’s rather handsome in an unconventional, scruffy, almost endearing way?”
You pulled your phone out of your purse and opened up the Raya app, tapping a couple times till you pulled up Dieters profile.
Dieter is awaiting your response.
“I like the heart patches in his beard.” You said with a soft giggle and swiped right on his profile.
You and Dieter have matched!
You have one new message from Dieter Bravo
Hey! 😚 How do you feel about tea, and tea parties?
Well, at least he’s not starting off with an unsolicited dick pic!
Hey! Nice to meet you, Dieter. I love tea! I’ve actually never been to a proper tea party however :/
Dieter Bravo is typing…
Oh, shit! I’m so sorry, how rude of me to not introduce myself! Sorry, I’m not very experienced with this whole online dating bullshit. Anyway, you’ve never been to a proper tea party?! My dear, you’re missing out! 😝
It’s okay! Honestly, who cares for the formalities anyway? They remind me of small talk, and if there’s one thing that I loathe most in this world, it’s insignificant small talk. 🙄 anyway, I am sorry to say that I have yet to attend a tea party!
Dieter Bravo is typing…
Fucking thank you! Do you know how many times I’ve had to talk about the fucking weather?? It’s California! It’s always hot, and yes, we have smog. Do you want to attend a tea party with me?
Apparently the weather is the only thing that midwesterns talk about! Can you believe that? Although it might just be a rumor, I’ve heard it enough times to believe it. Anyway, I’d love to attend a tea party with you ☺️
He grins down at his phone, pinching his plush lower lip between his left thumb and forefinger. He feels giddy, like a kid in a candy shop. The last time he went on Raya he had the driest conversation with a new and upcoming influencer. What the dick do, Bravo? ;)
What happened to saying hello first?? 🙄
So…that didn’t turn you on? I thought you fucked everything and anything with two legs, lol.
Not today I don’t.
He deleted the app shortly after that and vowed to never download it again. Well, like most of his ‘promises’, that didn’t last very long. And then he stumbled upon your profile, and he thought you were precious; like dewdrops on blades of grass, or the inside of a geode. He knows he’s a bit weird, but your smile is pretty, and he would love to see it in person.
Great! I’ll send you my address and then we can pick a day that works for you! How’s that sound? :)
His house?
Oh, the tea party is at your house? What if you’re a serial killer? Aren’t there like NDA’s that I would have to sign?
He chuffs a laughs at this.
Well, what if you’re a serial killer? Can never be too careful these days! NDA’s? For a tea party? honey, you’re adorable, and should probably lay off on watching reality TV 😉
Shit! You got me there LOL. Already going and foiling my plans?! How dare you! Who said anything about me watching reality TV? ;) I just genuinely assumed that everything needs an NDA.
Jinkies! We got ‘em, scoob! 😆 good question on the whole NDA thing, sweetheart. I guess technically you should sign one, but fuck it! Let’s be rule breakers. Whad’ya think about that?
Oh, he’s charming. A little dorky, but sweet.
I say yes to us being rulebreakers! So, what is the attire for this said tea party? I want to make sure I show up fully prepared and dressed for the event! :)
Dieter Bravo is typing…
Oh, attire? Hmm. I say that you should wear whatever you feel prettiest in, and I’ll do the same! Also, I meant to tell you this earlier in our initial conversation, but you’re gorgeous. xx.
You feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you read over his message a few times till it’s positively ingrained in your brain like a tattoo.
Perfect! And you aren’t too bad yourself, Dieter ;)
He hearts your message before disappearing for a total of 30 minutes due to his agent calling him back regarding a role that he had recently auditioned for.
Hey! Sorry for my radio silence, gumdrop (I can’t just pick one nickname for you, I apologize!) I had to take a call. Anyway, here’s my address and number because this stupid fucking app won’t let me send you this gif that I think you’ll like!
Yes, Dieter Bravo is certainly very charming.
Dieter is an erratic texter and he tends to jump around from conversation to conversation. You don’t seem to mind however, because thus far, there hasn’t been a single dull moment in your conversation. You find yourself stupidly smiling at your phone two days before you’re set to finally meet for this tea party. He sent you a selfie while he was out to lunch wearing his signature black rimmed sunglasses. You could tell from the picture alone that he was trying to take a candid shot of himself without making it too obvious.
What a fucking goober.
Hey! Are we still on for Friday? :)
Absolutely! I can’t wait!
When Friday rolls around finally, that’s when the first date jitters come knocking at your door. Dieter told you to wear something that you feel the prettiest in, so you went with a mid length floral dress that had a sweetheart neckline for just the appropriate dip of cleavage. The dress was flirty and fun, and it was that exact energy that you wanted to embody.
Before driving over to Dieter’s you stopped at Trader Joe’s to purchase a bouquet of fresh tulips and a box of lemon frosted cookies.
All morning Dieter had been scrambling in his house to set up for the tea party date. He was a bit of a perfectionist when it came to first dates, and this was no exception. Maybe, however, he should have held off on smoking a bowl. Oh well, too late now.
The weather broadcast did not call for an overcast sky till late in the afternoon, and yet, it was fucking cloudy!
Of course it was.
He moved the tea party set up to his sunroom instead, and by the time he had finally finished setting everything to his standards, you had sent him a text saying you were on the way.
Time to smoke another bowl before I literally shit a fucking brick on the goddamn floor!
Dieter’s home is tucked away in the Hollywood Hills, and when you pulled up to his front gate, you were expecting him to live inside some massive mansion like his neighbors, but Dieter’s home was the opposite. It was actually quite charming from what you could see.
He buzzed you in moments later while he frantically checked his appearance in the hall mirror.
Maybe I should have shaved? God, no. I look awful with no beard. He thinks.
He leans in close to the mirror, his nose nearly bumping into it as he nitpicked his features with a huff.
Maybe I should have gotten a haircut. He cards his fingers through his soft curls before finally deciding that he looks decent.
The first thing you notice about Dieter Bravo is his attire. Well, lack thereof. Compared to your pretty floral dress, Dieter was wearing nothing but a pair of gray boxer briefs, a tawny, sherpa robe, black crocs with socks and the same sunglasses he was wearing the other day.
“Well, don’t you look lovely!” He chirps enthusiastically and remembers to take his hands out of his pockets and wipes his sweaty palms along the outside of his robe. “It’s so wonderful to finally meet you, gumdrop!”
If it were any other man…you probably would have hightailed it back to your car and blocked his number. But Dieter wasn’t like most men that you had talked to. He was a bit of a misfit, but so were you. And that’s the main reason why you weren’t turned away by his attire.
“Hey! You should have told me that the dress code was casual, Dieter!” You jokingly said with a light laugh. “Had I known, I would have shown up in my lounge wear too! Oh, and these are for you. I hope you like tulips!” You nearly thrust the bouquet of tulips and box of lemon cookies into his awaiting hands.
“Flowers? For me? D'aww. You shouldn’t have! Honey, I told ya to wear what you feel prettiest in!” He stifled a chuckle, “and I feel my prettiest in my favorite robe and crocs.”
“Of course they’re for you! I couldn’t just show up here empty handed, Dieter.” You couldn’t help but giggle along with him. “Well, I like your crocs. I think they suit you nicely.”
He blushes under your compliment before taking a whiff from the bouquet, closing his eyes momentarily as he inhales the tulips sweet scent. “Thank you, gumdrop. I love your dress. Looks like it was made just for ya!” He sets the flowers and box of cookies on the nearest surface. “Shall we get this tea party started, my dear?” He rubs his palms along his robe once more.
It’s comforting knowing that he’s just as nervous as you are just based on his gestures.
He offers you his elbow then like the true trash panda gentleman than he is. You wrap your hand around his bicep, holding it gently as he leads you further into his home.
“Originally I had a plan to set everything up outside, but of course the weatherman was fucking wrong, again! So, I hope you’re alright with it being in the sunroom?” He looks over at you expectantly.
“Oh, yeah. The overcast wasn’t expected, but I’m alright with it being set up in the sunroom.” You reassure him with a gentle smile.
“Great!” He clears his throat, “So, I have just about any flavor of tea that your pretty head could imagine. Is there a favorite that you have?” He was this close to engaging in small talk with you, but then he remembered just how much you loathed it.
“You’re an avid tea collector then? Is this a recent hobby or something that you’ve been doing for awhile? And if I had to pick just one flavor, I’d go with vanilla rooibos.”
“A recent hobby. I uh—well,” he stammers, “I’m trying to reinvent myself and develop some healthier habits. I read that drinking certain herbal teas has a lot of health benefits, and then I recently got into thrifting and found the most adorable porcelain tea set!”
You catch the little twinkle in his eyes when he tells you about his porcelain tea set, and it’s adorable. You’re not used to men being so open about their personal hobbies and the things that make them happy. Dieter is truly like a breath of fresh air.
“Hey, I’m all for self-improvement no matter how big or small. Drinking tea does have a lot of health benefits, but I also find it’s just really relaxing, y’know? I love thrifting! You never know what treasures you’re going to find.”
He grins, shaking his head to the side as he bites down on the inside of his cheek. He forgets how nice it is to just have a real conversation with someone.
Maybe I shouldn’t have smoked a bowl before this. Does she know how high I am right now? I hope not.
“Oh, yes, it’s very relaxing.” He nods in agreement and you find yourself standing outside of two French style doors leading into the sunroom. “If my schedule allowed for it, I would go thrifting more.”
With your hand still clasped around his bicep, he pushes open the doors with his freehand and you’re met with the quantiest little setup in the middle of the room. A table in the middle, covered in a light pink tablecloth with two chairs on either side.
In the center of the table is the porcelain teapot Dieter was gushing over moments ago, and two matching porcelain cups. He even set up a little vase of flowers and a candle as well to really set the mood.
“I have a confession to make.” He suddenly says as he pulls out the chair for you.
“Oh? What might that be?”
“This is my first time hosting a tea party.” He lets out a sigh. “So I apologize in advance if it’s not what you’re expecting. I mean, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting you to agree to this in the first place. I’m a bit—well, eccentric? I’ve just grown tired of the usual crowd I’ve hung out with, and I wanna—I wanna make some real connections.” He confesses.
“Well, that makes you and I both newbies then, huh? Dieter, I think we’re all a bit eccentric in our own ways. Honestly, I was just shocked that you didn’t send me an unsolicited dick pic right off the bat because for some fucking reason guys seem to think that’s what women, well, anyone for that matter want to see?”
“Wait, is that what people really do on those apps is send unsolicited dick pics? Fuck. Look, I’m a bit of a whore myself, but I always ask first before sending a dick pic.”
Ah, yes. Dieter Bravo is making sure that chivalry is alive and well, folks!
“Unfortunately that is what people do and then I am forced to go about my day knowing what some random man’s cock looks like! No one wants that visual in their head when they’re at work or out grocery shopping.”
Maybe one day she’ll wanna see my—
He pushes your chair into the table gently and takes the seat across from you, and while pulling his chair in, he bumps the table with his knees, cursing under his breath when the vase of flowers nearly topples over. You’re quick to re-steady it and he whispers a quiet, “thank you.”
Dieter is an enthusiastic storyteller and you're fascinated by his ability to talk so animatedly and with so much passion. Your assumptions lead you to believe that it’s only because he’s an actor, but there’s more to the story. You see a little boy who had big dreams growing up. A boy who was dorky, awkward, and reserved till he got up on stage and his true personality came out. He was a one of a kind enigma. The type of character that you would have to read over a dozen times in order to truly understand who he was.
And when you detected his stuttering and that familiar nervous twitch in his eye, you reached your hand across the expanse of the table and found his hand, entwining your fingers together in a soothing gesture.
Your eyes met and he finally released the breath that he had been holding.
Hope I’m not blowing this entire thing down the shitter already.
“Shall we—umm, have some tea now? Before it gets too cold?” He suggests.
“That would be lovely, Dieter.”
He squeezes your hand gently before reluctantly releasing it from his grasp so that he can hold the teapot steady in his palms.
“You remind me of a frog.” You said out of the blue as he began to carefully pour the tea into the porcelain cup.
“..A what?” He sounds confused and a little surprised.
“Like a tree frog. They’re cute, and well, a little weird, like you.” You tease.
“You think I'm weird?" He chuckles.
"Yeah, but in a really good way."
Neither of you noticed that the tea was dangerously close to spilling over the side of the cup.
"Oh. Well uh…that’s good! I like being weird, and freaky. And creepy. Well, not creepy like a stalker, but creepy like—"
"The tea!" You exclaim and he finally looks down to see that the cup has completely overflowed with tea dripping down the sides and all over the porcelain saucer.
“Oh, good fucking golly!” He huffs while you sit there in a fit of soft giggles. This may be the quirkiest first date you’ve ever been on, but you wouldn’t change a thing. And for the first time in a long time, you’re excited at the prospect of spending more time with this eccentric man.
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banners made by the lovely @saradika 💗
I no longer have a taglist so please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic updates and notifications
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boldlyvoid · 4 months
Silk Chiffon (why wouldn't it be?)
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Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Robin can read Nancy like her favourite book, it just takes her a few tries to get the translation right.
Warnings: coming out, demisexual Nancy, anxiety about the future ad regrets from the past. first kiss, love confessions
a/n: i know demisexuality wasn't coined till like 2004/2008 (depending on the source) but it just fits here and so I'm using it
word count: 2k
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Robin can tell something is up. They’re trying to sleep, laying side by side in her twin bed, Robin facing her while she stares up at the ceiling. Eyes open, hands interlocked and laying on her stomach, her breathing is a little too fast. Like her thoughts are racing and therefore, her heart must be, too. 
“Do you want to talk?” Robin whispers. 
Nancy lets out a deep sigh, “no… but yes.” 
“You can tell me anything,” she reminds her. After all they’ve been through, there’s nothing Robin can’t handle now. 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
She nods, “yeah, of course.” 
She scoots a little closer to Nancy as she turns to face robin, inches from her face now, so her whispers can’t be heard by anyone else. “Are you… asexual?” 
“What? No?” Robin’s absolutely shocked by that. “Why would you think I am?” 
“Cause Steve hits on anything with a pulse and you’ve never gotten with him. You’re so adamant that you’re platonic with a capital P and he obviously would respect you if you turned him down but like… you guys don’t flirt. Steve flirts with everyone, but not you?” She explains, rambling a bit which is so unlike her. 
“He did try and tell me he had a thing for me… when we were high, after the Russian’s… but I uh, I um, I’m—” she tries to swallow, to get some moisture back in her mouth. Terrified that this is where the friendship dies. This is why she never had sleepovers before. Telling someone the truth after spending so many nights side by side can only end one way. Disgust. Betrayal. Being kicked out and humiliated in the middle of the night. 
“Robin,” she reaches out and soothes her hand over her shoulder and down her arm. “It’s okay.” 
She takes a deep breath, nodding slightly. “I’m a lesbian.” 
“That’s wonderful,” Nancy smiles at her. “I’m proud of you for telling me… I love that you trust me.” 
Robin feels like crying but she doesn’t, she just lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding for so long, “thank you. Really.” 
“How did you know?” Nancy asks. “Like, did you always know or did it sneak up on you?” 
“Oh, I uh, I always knew,” she explains. “Like… when all the other girls were swooning over boys, I was so disgusted by it. My mom thought I was just a late bloomer but then, then I got a crush. I didn’t think it was a crush but the more I thought about it, the more I was so worried I was just obsessed with her. Like a freak.” 
“That’s how I felt about Steve at first,” she explains. “But that’s just because I thought that was what you were supposed to do when you like someone.” 
“Yeah, it feels so intense you just want to look at them and be near them and—and relate to them, so you become who they want to get closer to them and you lose a bit of yourself,” Robin rants. “I hate it. I wish someone would like me for me, that someone could see me for who I really am and stay who they really are and we can stay happy together.” 
“I want that too,” she sighs. 
“We’ll find it,” Robin gives her a little smile. 
“Would it be okay for me to tell you a secret now?” 
“Why wouldn't it be?” 
“When I was touring the campus in Boston, mom went to find a payphone so she could call home and see if Holly was okay… I went to the store to get a sweater but I ended up finding all the textbooks for each course and—and I bought the book for the human sexualities class,” she explains. “And I read it all.” 
“Can I read it next?” Robin asks, thinking nothing of it. Nancy loves to learn, there’s nothing wrong with that. 
“Yeah, it’s just…” she bites her lip for a second. “Have you ever heard of demisexuality?” 
She shakes her head, “no.” 
“The way the book described it is basically someone who only develops sexual feelings for someone or enjoys and initiates sex with someone who they’re emotionally close with,” she explains. 
“Makes sense,” Robin nods along. “So, is that why you asked if I’m asexual?” 
She nods, “Yeah… and because I think that’s me.” 
“With Steve, the first time was so— not bad, but uncomfortable. I wanted to, at least I thought I did. I thought lying to your parents and going to a boy's house to drink beer and have your first time was such a normal teenage girl thing to do that I did it. But I didn’t enjoy myself—
“Most girls don’t the first time,” Robin validates her feelings. “I’m not saying you’re not demisexual, I’m just saying that’s normal.” 
“I know it is, but… then I kept dating Steve. I did fall in love with him, he was a good friend to me and the sex did get better, which I know you don’t want to hear about but—
“I don’t mind,” she giggles slightly. “I always knew he wasn’t as good as he bragged to be.” 
Nancy laughs too, “he was good. It just took me a while to initiate it and have fun and then there was Jonathan. It was so different with him, that first time was so good. It was months of building a friendship and an understanding that bubbled to the top and it was wonderful. But then it died. As we drifted apart, as he stopped being my best friend, the longer we weren’t together, the harder it was to keep loving him.” 
Robin nods, “And that happened with Steve too?” 
“No. No, it faded with Steve because of Jonathan. Like, I have a one-track mind when it comes to love and whoever my best friend is at the time is the only person I want to be with. And I hate myself for that,” she explains. 
“You were also a teenage girl, I mean, you still are,” Robin talks her off the ledge. “You’re 18. You don’t need to have all the answers and be 100% perfect all the time. I mean there are adults in their 30s and 40s who cheat and ruin families all the time, you’re not like that. You have time to learn who you are and what you like and be truly loved. It’ll be okay.” 
Nancy starts to cry a bit, “I don’t think it will…” 
“Hey,” Robin moves in closer, pulling her in against her chest, she runs her hand over Nancy’s back. “You will. You are loved. Very loved.” 
“That’s why I’m so scared. I don’t want to lose this,” she whispers, her voice smaller than it’s ever been. She hugs Robin so close, “If I love you… if we get together just to go to different colleges and spend days not talking, it’ll dwindle and die like everything else and I can’t lose you. You’re my favourite friend I’ve had in a long time.” 
“So that’s why you asked… cause if I was asexual we couldn’t hook up and you wouldn’t lose me,” Robin pieces it all together. 
She just nods against her, “I have loved this time so much. I love how we talk about everything. I love how we can do nothing and still enjoy it because we're together. I love that life with you is so easy and fun and—and I just love you.” 
Robin simply kisses the top of her head before resting her cheek against her, “I love you too… but unlike those two idiots, I’m not going to let the best girl I’ve ever known in my whole life just walk away. You’re going to get sick of me. I’m going to call you in Boston, and I’m going to come visit when I can, we’ll be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break and if you get a summer internship in Boston, I can come out there for the summer. If I get to love you, to really love you, I’m making it work for the long run.” 
“Is Steve going to be okay with it?” She worries more. 
Robin just laughs, “Yeah, seeing as he’s had to listen to me pine over you for months now, he knows. He’s okay… he has someone special of his own now. I’ll let him tell you who, but he’s okay. He’s moved on. We’re allowed to be happy.” 
Nancy lets out a relieved laugh, holding Robin even tighter. “Oh my god, it feels so good to tell you. I have been thinking about this for weeks. Months maybe.” 
“You have a killer poker face then,” Robin teases. “I thought you were so straight.” 
“I did too,” Nancy whispers, adjusting her head so she’s closer to Robin’s throat. She gives her a little kiss, “Then I spent a week with you and something brewed and all I could think about was seeing you again, and talking to you again and kissing you to get you to shut up.” 
Robin laughs, “Yeah, that’s one way to do it.” 
Nancy straddles her, a knee on both sides of her hips, her arms wrapped around her middle, she keeps kissing the side of her neck. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” 
“I’ve never been kissed before,” Robin admits. “I’ve never done anything, before… I’m not sure I’m ready to just jump into it, either.” 
“I’m not ready for that either,” Nancy agrees, holding her tighter for a moment before she props herself up on her hands and leans over her. Her hair dangling down in Robin's face, she reaches up to push her hair back behind her ear. “But I would like to kiss you.” 
“Please?” Robin all but begs. 
Balancing on one hand, Nancy cups her face gently, rubbing her thumb over Robin’s cheek. She leans in slowly, savouring the moment, building anticipation before it happens. 
One touch, 4 lips meet, one explosion, 2 lives better in an instant.
Suddenly, all at once, she understands the big bang. How something so small could create so much. She understands every love song and poem, every painting and sculpture… every depiction of the world from a lens of love and happiness and longing and belonging. 
The kiss deepens, and she follows Nancy’s lead because she knows what she’s doing. Sure, she’s seen enough movies to get the gist of making out, but there’s something so different about experiencing it firsthand. The way her tongue feels so right against her own, how their lips move in tandem like they were programmed this way… how Nancy slips from her perch and rests her body weight on her and Robin's hands instinctively wrap around her and she holds her there. 
Nancy brushes her hair back a few times, trying to get it out of Robin’s face and stop it from tickling her, but it keeps falling back down. Eventually, Robin misses the feel of her hand on her cheek, so she gathers Nancy’s hair in her hands and holds it as if her fist was a ponytail. To her surprise, Nancy just hums against her, thanking her while her tongue is in Robin's mouth. 
She never wants this to end. 
She could make out with Nancy for the rest of her life if she was allowed. They could never leave this bed again for all she cared. She would give up every early pleasure for Nancy’s. 
When Nancy does eventually pull away, it’s just a millimetre before she rests her forehead against robins. She’s breathing just as deep as Robin, flushed and craving more but they said they wouldn’t. They can’t. It needs to be more special than in the middle of the night in the Wheeler’s house with people on either side of her walls and across the hall. 
“I love you,” Nancy whispers.
“I love you,” she whispers right back. “There’s no getting rid of me now. You’re stuck with me, I hope you understand that.” 
Nancy just giggles that beautiful giggle. “Good.” 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssavanessa22
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Fake it Till You Make it
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18+ minors dni
Bucky x female reader 
*** indicates a time jump or change of location. 
I love this trope, I started and couldn’t stop 🥺
Warnings: some suggestive themes, A little angst? (Bucky can be a little shit, swearing) FLUFFF,
Word count: 4.5k oops 
“For fucks sake” You hissed under your breath, wedging yourself behind a pillar to avoid the newest training recruit who had a massive crush on you. You were great as an avenger, just not so great when it came to social interactions. Therefore instead of just telling him upfront, you were not interested, you’d taken to beating around the bush and straight up hiding from him.
You let out the breath you were holding, continuing to make your way to the gym while mentally scolding yourself. You had a talent for attracting guys you weren’t into, along with the flirting skills of a fish. A fantastic combination which kept you single.
“The hell were you doing?” Bucky had seen you shimmy out of your hiding spot, giving you an odd look as you opened the doors to the gym. “Were you really just hiding there to avoid that guy?”
“What does it matter to you” You countered, uninterested in whatever patronizing remark he’d have for you. Bucky was nothing but grumpy and sassy from the day you met him. At first you tried to look past it but he made it impossible.  Bucky found you annoying. He couldn’t even pin point why. Your presence alone irked him. So picky with the guys you dated, seemingly never good enough for you.
Bucky groaned, plastering a smile on his face through it looked more like a pained grimace.
“Hi Janice” Dear God. Not today.
“Do you think you could spot me with my squats?”
“Buckkkyyyyyyy” Zola was less irritating than this.
“Uh, I’m actually just finishing my-
“Please?! Just my last set, I’m almost done” She grabbed his arm, dragging him over to the squat rack. For fucks sake, put me back in cryo.
Bucky awkwardly shuffled behind the new recruit, his hands hovering under the barbell, trying to keep as much distance from her as he could while she worked through her set.
“Am I doing okay?” Janice batted her eye lashes, staring at Bucky’s shitless form from the mirror.
“Yup” Bucky offered a tight lipped smile, taking a few steps back as she tried to push her ass onto him. “I- I need to grab some water”
Bucky took his very full water bottle over to the fountain, cursing under his breath when he saw Janice wave at him, clearly waiting for him to come back. He always hated the training month where SHIELD recruits got to use their gym and tour the compound. It happened every year but this was the worst, specifically because of the one recruit that was heavily crushing on him. Most girls took his moody brooding as a sign to walk away.  
“What’s got your balls in a knot” Sam snorted, watching Bucky huff, over filling his water bottle as you came over to fill yours.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Janice staring at you both, her eyes glaring daggers into you.
“Aww, somebody’s got a crush on the new recruit” Sam teased, wiggling his eyebrows, smirking at the disgust on Bucky’s face.
“Shut up” Bucky grumbled, reluctantly closing his water bottle. “She likes me, I don’t like her”
“Man, why don’t you just tell her you’re seeing someone. Maybe she’ll finally back off”
“Because I don’t do relationships and I don’t date” Bucky avoided dating like the plague. God bless the 21st century for casual hook ups and porn because aside from that, he didn’t commit to anything. You rolled your eyes, scoffing. Of course he didn’t do relationships.
“I don’t think that matters, she’s been obsessed with you” Sam cocked an eyebrow, watching the way Janice made a show of stretching her legs, bending over while looking around to see if Bucky was watching.
“Dear God” Bucky rolled his eyes, debating on if he should just run around the compound with Sam on his shoulders for his workout. He made his way back his bench, hoping she’d pick up on the hint he wasn’t interested. She didn’t.
“Is that your girlfriend?” Janice made her way over, interrupting Bucky mid way through his set. Bucky’s eyes grew wide, he may have been brain washed for 70 years but this girl had more issues than he did.
“Huh, who?”
“Uh, the girl that was behind you when you were filling your water bottle. Are you dating her?” There had to be a way out of this.
“Yup. That is my girlfriend” What the fuck Buchanan. You’re a trained assassin for fucks sake; there were 100 other ways you could have done this.
“Oh” Janice’s face fell, leaving Bucky alone without saying another word though she looked unconvinced. He mentally face palmed, happy she had left him alone (for now) but now he had a different problem on his hands.
“So, how’s Paul” Wanda smirked from her place on the couch. Everyone had gathered around the living room for a movie but now their attention was on you. Fantastic.
“He’s…persistent” You played with the hem of your sweater, internally retching.
“You’re really going to turn down the one guy that’s shown interest in you?” Bucky cocked an eyebrow, his arms crossed on his chest. You wanted to smack his gorgeous face.
“I’ll have you know, I’m just waiting for the right person. Where’s your girlfriend if you’re so desirable”
“I don’t do relationships” Bucky shrugged, his lips in a stupid perfect pout.
“Sounds like an excuse, have you ever considered that maybe no one wants to date you” You rolled your eyes, finishing the last sip of your beer. “Anyway, it’s not like I want to stay single for life, I just don’t like Paul” I like you.
“Maybe if you stopped playing so hard to get y/n” Nat sighed; she’d tried to set you up on a few blind dates but they never worked out. It wasn’t that you played hard to get, but putting yourself out there was easier said than done.
“She’s not playing hard to get, she’s hard to want” Bucky snorted, dodging the cushion you flung at his head.
“I’m just selective you prick”
“Sure you are” Of course you are, with your perfect eyes, perfect nose, perfect lips. Too good for anyone including m- no Bucky, bad Bucky.
“Drop it before I call Janice on you”
Bucky choked on his beer, coughing as he sat up. He forgot Janice was no longer the only problem he had.
Bucky tucked himself into the corner of the bar, sipping on whiskey that did absolutely nothing for him. Tony had insisted on having a mix and mingle for the agents in training (it also gave him a chance to get some good PR), therefore everyone had to attend.
You slipped through the crowd, finding a stool in the corner near Bucky. Having to sit with the moody super soldier wasn’t ideal but at least it was dark. You ordered two shots, hoping to ease some of your nerves; Paul had been trailing after you like a shark.
“What are you doing here” Bucky watched you shuffle onto the seat, downing your drinks within seconds.
“Same as you” You shrugged, “Hiding from someone who can’t take a hint” Paul was the male version of Janice.  Bucky snorted, looking at the crowd, gawking when Janice locked eyes with him.  
“Oh fuck…”
She watched you both like a hawk, speed walking over as if she was on a mission to find out if you were actually together. Bucky put his arm around you, pulling you close to him as you started at him wide eyed.
“What the hell are y-
“ Janice, this is my girlfriend y/n” Bucky looked down at you, his eyes pleading, silently screaming help me. You choked for a moment, before smiling, nuzzling into Bucky’s side. He smelled so….good.
“Oh. How long have you been together for?” Janice narrowed her eyes, waiting for one of your to slip up.
“Couple weeks” You felt goose bumps at the way Bucky’s hand softly stroked your waist, holding you close to him. His lips brushed your temple pressing a soft kiss onto your skin. You couldn’t control the way your face heated up, hiding your face into Bucky’s chest.
“Okay. Well I’ll see you around then” Janice swallowed thickly, giving you a glare before walking off. Paul saw you in Bucky’s arms and walked the opposite way without looking back or saying a word. Bucky let out the breath he was holding, coughing awkwardly as he let go of you.
“Sorry, I-” His face flushed as you crossed your arms, looking at him with a smirk. “She assumed we were dating and I went along with it to get her to leave me alone. I panicked”
“And you’re the trained assassin” You snorted, shaking your head “You’re a fucking idiot”
“Shut up” Bucky grumbled, going back to his whiskey.
You noted the way Paul had stayed away from you the entire night, refusing to even look your way, all because he had seen Bucky holding you. It wasn’t a secret most people were scared of Bucky. Except maybe Janice. Aside from giving you a number of dirty looks, she also kept her distance.
You made your way down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, only to run into the brooding super soldier who was making a cup of coffee.
“You owe me, I could have thrown you under the bus Barnes” You hopped up, sitting on the counter waiting for the water to boil.
“Please, don’t act like you didn’t like it, Paul left you alone all night” Bucky scoffed; he also noticed you were left alone in peace after he put his arm around you. You thought for a moment, he wasn’t wrong.  You also liked how his arms felt around you but he didn’t need to know that.
“What if…what if we pretended to be a couple?”
“Why would I do that” Bucky’s face scrunched up in disgust.
“Ugh, we don’t have to actually date you idiot. Just pretend for a while and they’ll lay off, they’ll be out of here in a month or so anyway. Just when they’re around”
Bucky thought for a moment. It wasn’t the worst idea. At this point, he was ready to do anything that would keep Janice away from him.
“How’s this going to work?”
“Just…I don’t know, act like a couple when they’re around” You shrugged. What’s the worst that could happen?
“And what about the others, what do we tell them?”
“Just tell them we’re pretending, didn’t Sam tell you to do exactly that?”
“Fine, but one rule, don’t fall in love with me” Bucky smirked, stupidly handsome cocky little shit.
“Why the hell would I- you know what, never mind. I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, you can’t fall for me either”
“Won’t be a problem” Bucky scoffed, making his way back to his room.
You shook your head, wondering what the hell you got yourself into.  
“Hi y/n”
You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath in before turning around to find Paul shuffling awkwardly at the door of the briefing room.
“ I-I’m not sure if you’re seeing anyone but I was wondering-
“Hey baby” Bucky pushed past Paul, coming over to hold your waist and kiss your cheek. You gasped as he pulled you down to sit on his lap, reading over the file you were reading.
“H-hi” You giggled, feeling Bucky’s beard tickle your neck as he rested his head on your shoulder. Paul gawked for a moment before running away without saying anything. As soon as Paul was out the door, Bucky shoved you off his lap, going back to reading over a mission assignment as if he wasn’t just nuzzling his face into you.
“What the-
“We leave in 5, lets go”
You remained frozen on the spot, while Bucky walked off to the jet, completely unfazed.
“Hey soldier” Janice strode over to where Bucky was sparring with Steve, making a show of stripping her sweater off, leaving her in her sports bra.
“Mind if I cut in Cap?”
“Uh, actually- Janice ducked under the rope, ignoring Steve’s protests, sauntering over. “Think you could train me for a bit Bu-
You pushed past Steve and Janice, smirking when you could hear her gasp in offence behind you.
“I missed you bub” You draped your arms around Bucky’s neck, resting around his thick shoulders, pulling him close to you. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest when he wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling your nose.
“Hey babydoll” Bucky kissed your cheek, resting his forehead against you, “I missed you too, I’ll see you later tonight?”
You nodded, giggling and biting your lip, trying to ignore the way your body felt like it was on fire under his touch. Janice rolled her eyes, storming off without another word or looking back. Steve’s jaw was on the floor, confusedly watching Bucky look at you with heart eyes.
“What in God’s name…”
“Ew, you’re so fucking sweaty” You pushed Bucky off, wiping your hands on your shorts before leaving towards the showers.  
“So are you” Bucky scoffed, snorting when Steve looked like he was going to pass out looking at you both. “Relax punk, it’s nothing. It’s just to get her and that other weirdo Paul to leave us alone”
“And there was no other way to figure something out?” Steve cocked an eyebrow, smirking at the way Bucky’s face blushed.
“Shut up”
You heard a knock at your door, putting your book down, surprised to see a nervous looking Bucky.
“Can you be ready in 5 minutes?” Bucky awkwardly scratched the back of his head, looking down the hall before looking back at you.
“Explain” You smirked, learning against the door as he shuffled around, looking at the floor.
“Uh, I said we were going out tonight, if it helps, Paul over heard the conversation”
“Hmm, fine” You turned around to get ready, while Bucky stood at your door. “Ugh, just come in and sit, I’ll be ready soon”
Bucky sat at the edge of your bed, twiddling his thumbs, trying to ignore the way he wished this was real.
“Where did you say we were going?”
“I didn’t specify, just wear anything”
You couldn’t help but feel a tinge of disappointment it wasn’t a real date. You rummaged through your closet, slipping on your classic little black dress and heels, throwing on a black leather jacket on top in case it got cold.
“Aren’t you over dressed?” He sassed, pretending he didn’t want to rip that dress right off you and take you on the bed-
“You’re making me leave the comfort of my bed for this, we might as well actually go somewhere” You rolled your eyes, linking your arm in his as you both left your room.
Bucky had his arm around your waist as you both walked through the common room. Thankfully Steve had filled everyone in therefore they were laying it on extra thick. You were immediately met with wolf whistles from the team as they smirked watching Bucky make a show of holding you close to him, and kissing your jaw.
“Have fun you two” Sam winked, with a shit eating grin on his face. Janice rolled her eyes, ignoring you both while Paul sunk down on the couch, hiding behind the others.
You both walked over to the garage, passing by all the cars, stopping at Bucky’s bike.
“We’re taking my motorbike” Bucky handed you a helmet, waiting for you to climb on.
“For fucks sake Bucky, can’t we just take the car” You pouted. Not that you didn’t trust Bucky but his bike made you nervous.
“Suck it up princess, hold on tight” Bucky smirked, feeling your body pressed against him, arms snaking around his waist gripping onto him for dear life. You were too scared to ask where he was taking you, hugging onto him tightly as he sped through the streets. You felt the bike come to a stop, your eyes screwed shut, still clinging onto him.
“You can let go now”
You opened your eyes, gasping up at the bright sign of the ice cream shop you had been dying to go to, though never getting the time between training and mission.
“Oh my God!! I wanted to come here for so long!” You squealed, hopping off the bike, jumping up and down while Bucky rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile.
“I know, you’re such a kid” Bucky shook his head, holding the door open for you. You grinned, looking at all the flavours, deciding to get a double scoop of your two favourite flavours on top of a waffle.
“What are you getting” You looked up at him with bright eyes still bouncing on your heels.
“I’m okay”
“You have to get something” You pouted, smirking when you thought of a way to change his mind. “Janice will probably ask you what we did…sooo”
Bucky groaned, settling on a scoop of vanilla. You took your ice cream, dragging Bucky over to sit on a bench nearby, moaning at the way the warm waffle nearly melted on your tongue. Bucky looked at our curiously, smirking at the way your eyes rolled back.
“It’s that good?” I could make you moan like tha- shut up Bucky.
“Soo fucking good” You nodded, stuffing down the rest of your waffle in two bites. “How long have we been out for?”
“Like half an hour?”
“Is that long enough for a date?” Bucky shrugged, thinking for a moment. He didn’t specify it had to be a long date but the longer you were out; the better it was for you both, right?
“We could go by the lake side, kill an hour over there before we head back? Unless you can’t walk around in those heels” Bucky snorted.
“Then it’ll be your turn to suck it up and carry me Barnes” You rolled your eyes, making your way back to the bike and slipping the helmet on. You felt a tad more comfortable this time around, keeping your eyes open while you stayed glued to him.
You both made your way over to the docks, sitting near the edge, overlooking the lake. You’d been to the lake plenty of times but never this area. It was more secluded, further away from where most people visited.
“How’d you know about this place?”
“Come here to think” Bucky shrugged, looking at the way the moon reflected off the water.
“What do you think about?” You looked at him with curious eyes, noticing him shift for a moment. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. We can just watch the water too” You smiled softly at him, looking back to the water. Bucky hesitated for a moment. He really only opened up with Steve…what’s the worst that could happen?
An hour passed. Then 2 hours. 4 hours later, Bucky checked the time, his eyes growing wide when he realized how late it was. He started to get up, surprised to find his hand comfortably resting in yours. At some point during the night, your hands intertwined. You looked down, quickly pulling your hand away, mumbling a sorry before standing up with him.
“Should we head back?” Bucky shuffled awkwardly, looking at the ground. You nodded, thankful for the cool night air because your heart was racing and you felt like you were sweating. You felt your heart break a little; you’d both spent hours sharing some of your deepest fears, thoughts and dreams with each other but he just saw you as a friend. He didn’t date or do relationships. Soon, there wouldn’t be any need to pretend.
You rested your head on Bucky’s shoulder, wrapping your arms tightly around him. You loved how it felt to hold him, the warmth of his body, the scent of his cologne. Bucky pulled up to the garage, parking the bike. You groaned, setting your feet down, feeling the soreness from your heels finally setting in.
Bucky wordlessly picked you up in his arms, playfully rolling his eyes. You giggled looking up at him, snuggling into his chest. He carried you through the compound, all the way to your shared floor, setting you down once he reached your room.
“It wasn’t the worst” You smiled shyly, “Didn’t know you knew how to be so sweet Buck” you teasingly poked him, noting the way his cheeks flushed.
“Yeah, I don’t date, doesn’t mean I don’t know how” Bucky scoffed in fake offence. You both gazed at each other, leaning a little closer. You swallowed thickly, stopping yourself before it went any further.
“Good night Buck” He doesn’t date and all this is fake.
“Good night y/n” This is fake and she doesn’t see you that way.
The team gathered around for another movie night, sans the trainees. Your heart sank a little, when you realized you wouldn’t have to pretend to date for the night and things could be like normal. You stood on your tippy toes, huffing when you couldn’t reach the mug on the stop shelf.
Bucky made his way to the living room, stopping for a moment when he saw you reaching for your tea mug. He couldn’t help the pang of disappointment he was feeling, getting to have a normal night.
“Here, I’ll get it” Bucky easily reached up, from behind you, his hand gently resting on your waist as he grabbed it, placing it in your hands. You could feel your heart racing again as you turned to look at him, his hand still holding your waist. His eyes flicked to your lips before looking up again, his other hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You could feel his hand pulling you closer to him. You could feel his breath fan on your face as he leaned in, his perfect lips nearly brushing yours…
“Movie’s starting- Woah- am I interrupting” Tony wiggled his eyebrows with a shit eating grin while you pushed Bucky away from you.
You quickly resumed your tea making while Bucky sped out of the kitchen. He couldn’t help the little flutter he felt in his heart at how perfectly you fit in his arms. He loved the way your arms clung around him on his bike, the way you listened to him for hours, how soft and kissable your lips loo- what the hell are you doing. Stop. She doesn’t like you.
You made your way over to the living room, pausing for a moment when you realized the only free spot left was beside Bucky on the couch. Stop over thinking y/n. You sat down beside him, ignoring the way the rest of the team eyed you curiously.
You started to fall asleep half way through, your head resting on Bucky’s shoulder. He looked down at you softly snoring, your body tucked against him, the cutest thing he’d ever seen- control yourself, she’s just tired.
“Hes….smiling. Do y’all see that?! Did you see that?!” Sam loudly whispered, grinning, watching Bucky softly smile at you. The rest of the team shared knowing glances with each other, watching the super soldier quickly try to wipe the smile off his face, failing miserably.
“Who are you pretending for now Barnes” Tony smirked, noticing the way you nuzzled yourself into Bucky’s side, sighing contently in your sleep.
“You know, the program ends soon, at least you two won’t have to pretend for much longer” Steve smirked at Bucky, narrowing his eyes to watch his reaction. Bucky silently nodded, shrugging like it was obvious he didn’t care.
But he did.
“We don’t have to fake it any more” You said lightly, hoping to hide the disappointment in your voice, watching the recruits leave the compound. Janice and Paul hadn’t approached you since you date night but you had made sure to keep things up for appearances.
“Yup. I can finally stop having to run and save you each time lover boy walks by” Bucky chuckled, shuffling beside you, keeping his distance.
“And I don’t have to keep a look out for you stalker” You smiled, swallowing the burn you felt in your throat. No more quick pecks on the cheek or lingering hugs. He’d go back to being happily single and you’d be back to watching him longingly from a distance.
“and we both stuck to the rules” I didn’t. They were pointless, I’ve always liked you.
“Yup. We followed the rules” You quickly made your way back to your room, blinking back tears.
You didn’t want to cry but you did. You never admitted it to yourself before but you’d always had a crush on Bucky and now it was more than that. You had an easier time containing your feelings when Bucky was just a dick to you most of the time. You scolded yourself; you shouldn’t have suggested the fake dating in the first place.
Bucky made his way to the gym, taking his frustrations out on a punching bag. He’d no longer get to randomly pull you into his arms. Hear your giggle when he nuzzles his face into your neck. Sure, you were friends now, but it’s not like you saw him differently…unless…no. Maybe? Fuck it.
You heard a knock at your door, pulling you out of your crying session. You quickly wiped your face, surprised to find an out of breath, dishevelled Bucky looking at you, his knuckles bloodied and bruised.
“Bucky? What hap-
“So. I broke a rule” He cut you off before you could finished, stepping close to you. You breath hitched as he hesitantly put on hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Hm. And what’s that?” Your hands found their way to rest on his chest, both of your hearts beating erratically. Bucky cupped your face, hold you close to him, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke.
“I did the one thing I told you not to do” Please tell me you feel the same.
“and that is?” Your voice was hardly above a whisper, slowly standing on your tippy toes, brining your lips even closer to his.
“I fell in love with you” Bucky pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you deeply, pouring every ounce of his feelings into you. You ran your fingers though his hair, pressing your body onto his, letting his tongue lace with yours. Bucky picked you up without breaking his lips away, wrapping your legs around his waist, carrying you over to your bed.
He laid on top of you, kissing every inch of your face while you wrapped your arms around him, holding him close to you. Bucky smirked to himself, remembering the exact moment he fell in love with you. When he decided to be a little shit, just to feel your arms around him.
“I have another secret”
You looked at him quizzically as he came down to whisper in your ear.
“I could have just taken a car”
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed! (also this is an 18+ blog, I can’t tag nameless/ageless blogs)
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @needybabygirlstuff @goldylions @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida​
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sageourplanetmeow · 11 days
I have ideas about what owl house S3 filler episodes would be like, because yes, we were robbed and yes I am repeating it even though it’s been said by everyone else already.
A fashion episode. Since ROTMNT had a whole episode with the turtles dressing up, why don’t the TOH cast do that since we saw a clip of that. Considering that Hunter is notoriously bad with fashion and @moringmark made a comic with Amity being horrified by Hunter’s fashion tastes which makes sense for her, I think they would have a good opportunity to build their character dynamics. I think it would also have them going to the hair salon with their hair cuts and getting their hair done, and they would have had to go to a random Halloween store in town to find fake human ears to stick them on. Of course them falling off would be a lingering threat. Of course Vee was just browsing the whole time so she has inspiration for what she was going to shape-shift into.
Movie night. They would watch a variety of things such as the Azura movies, since Lux and Amity love them, and Cosmic Frontier. Then I have a feeling that Willow would be all over nature documentaries, in particular ones centred around plants. In an episode before the episode where Luz returned to the human realm but in mirrors and phones, Vee was sitting with Camilla watching a documentary so maybe she also like nature documentaries, although she prefers the animal aspect, therefore getting to bond with Willow a bit. Camilla cries a bit from the nature documentaries and feels sentimental over the Azura movies cus Amity and Luz seem to be enjoying it so much and it reminds her a bit of Luz’s dad. She also withholds the urge to spill a bunch of facts about Cosmic Frontier and just reminisces about it.
One or two school episodes to focus on Luz. Aka her bullies if she has them, I mean she’s a neurodivergent bisexual kid who’s obsessed with witchcraft and draws weird stuff (glyphs and stuff from the demon realm) and also reads he Azura books and makes fan fictions, it’s an unfortunate reality. (Plus she does taxidermy). So we see her relationships with the students and the teachers and maybe her having to struggle to pretend like she knows what stuff Vee did with Masha when Vee was pretending to be her. Hence Masha starting to be a bit suspicious considering that Vee seems to bond with her quickly and feels familiar to her. Another thing, if Luz ever gets sick (which will be talked about later) Vee will shapeshift into Luz so she can get a little bit of education and so that she can bring Luz some of her work and all so she can spend time with Masha, plus she volunteers to because she likes school.
An arcade episode. Hunter and Gus go to some space one since it reminds them of Cosmic Frontier and Camilla lingers around them cus again she’s a secret nerd. Luz and Amity go to a magic combat game where you can customise your character, hence Luz spends a long time on hers and Amity helps her decide. Willow ends up acing all the sports games so she gets some alone time so we can see what she’s like by herself. They also all play Mario kart and they customise accordingly. Plus there’s this enclosed space at the arcade in my city and balls fall from the ceiling of it and fill it up as in plastic ball pit balls, and you need to put them in holes. I think Hunter would be a bit clumsy and Willow would ace it. Then Amity would have barely contained rage till it comes out and Luz is mildly shocked considering she’s usually so calm and composed. Willow takes a picture with Gus of Amity and they show it to her later.
THE BEACH EPISODE. The boiling sea means the witches are scared of the water. Luz is apprehensive for a split second cus she’s been in the demon realm for a while. Hunger is more scared since he sank into the ground in hollow mind so he goes with Willow to see the plants nearby that grow there, e.g. palm trees. So the two scale up walls and trees to pick leaves and fruit for Gus to collect as specimens since he joins them for a bit. Later they play volleyball together. However, Willow then goes to swim and encourages Hunger to join in. Luz and Amity just jump off stuff together and splash around plus they have a conversation with Camilla. Vee and Gus then decide to do something together so Vee writes down in Gus’ notebook for a bit but Gus ends up showing her how to do shorthand. Vee also sees Masha and they do stuff together and swim together a bit since Vee plucks up the courage to ask her if she wants to since Masha came alone after her friends were too busy.
An indoor trampoline park episode. Again Hunter, Willow and Gus do tricks and stuff like in grudgby and the two mention Cosmic Frontier so that they both nerd out about it to Willlow. Luz and Amity do stuff and Amity twists her ankle and gets scooped up by Luz as a throwback. Vee invites Masha to join them so she does stuff with her, I have a feeling Masha would like DnD and they both roleplay that they’re in DND as they run about in an obstacle course and jump into the soft trampoline thing from that really tall ledge like they’re escaping something by jumping into a river after a heist or something. They’d also climb like they’re on a cliff on the climbing walls. And they’d use the Tarot cards (I think that’s the name) to decide what they’d do as predictions and stuff. I dunno.
Sick day episode. Since Luz had that in one episode in one the witches are gonna get the common flu along with Luz and her mum. The witches are convinced it’s dramatically bad and is like the boiling isles version and how crazy it made Luz (I’m not sure if that’s what happened with Luz). In this one Vee would shapeshift into Luz to be at school and bring back her work plus cus she likes school as mentioned before.
Luz and Amity getting a dinner date and I dunno stuff like that.
The zoo episode. There will be the giraffe gag as was showed in S3 and they’ll run around and gave fun. Since I have gotten the theory that Vee might like animal stuff I think that she might volunteer at the zoo and therefore gives them special access to the behind the scenes. Camilla is at work in this home so she can’t chaperone them, therefore they get into more shenanigans. Luz stays around the bird section with Hunter as she looks at the owls and Hunter looks excitedly as the birds that look a bit like Flap Jack. Hunter however, gets especially obsessed over the wolves, Luz also says the snake fact with them shedding their skin and Amity looks at the cats and enjoys a cat cafe at the zoo. Gus looks at the chameleons and takes notes before taking notes of the humans themselves. Willow goes to the insect exhibit and looks at the insects, and chiefly the plants. They also accidentally robbed a gift shop.
THE CINEMAAA. I know there’s already a movie night idea but ya know… they all watch an old movie that Luz’s grandparents on her dad’s side take them to watch. Cus I dunno they just visit and I wanna see them watch an old movie kinda like ‘Italian Job’, as an example. Or something with Charlie Chaplin but they probably wouldn’t be that old, those are just examples since we haven’t actually met them if they’re actually alive. There might be a horror movie alternatively and they all get spooked when there’s something that looks a bit like Belos, Hunter in particular shakes and ends up hugging Willow whilst everyone holds hands together (aka the whole group together). Or they watch a romance one and they jokingly tease Luz and Amity for being so cheesy I guess.
Robotics Club Episode. So here’s the context for why I randomly thought this up: I was sitting outside at break, a nice person in my friend group picked me up and yeeted me into robotics club with everyone else and now I’m there with zero experience or knowledge regarding coding. Now I need to reference @moringmark again, look this person just makes such good TOH content- I- I have to. Basically there was a comic with Luz making a vehicle with glyphs in the boiling isles so maybe she has a small amount of inspiration and experience with a robotics club in her town and it ends up being an activity she does with Amity since she is also quite techy due to her dad. Therefore, she can also get into thinking about combining human technology with abomination tech.
An arts and crafts day, everyone at the house is bored and are just scrolling on their phones so Camilla sets out arts and crafts stuff for them to do: Luz draws fanart and does some taxidermy; Gus makes a display and/or a poster/homemade fact book thing about human history and the stuff he’s learnt about the culture; Willow makes plant wreaths, daisy chains and plant sculptures as well as doing her best to paint some pots; this is where Hunter gets to work with a sewing machine and basically sews abominable outfits and a bunch of wolves onto said outfits; Amity creates a technological thing aka where there’s the whole thing with balls rolling down into different slides and triggering stuff but with abomination magic mixed in to help; and Vee makes a couple of character sheets and plot ideas for DND (look I’m gonna admit it, I wish I could figure out how to play it but I don’t know where to look so eh I have no idea).
A convention episode. Now, they’re all nerds, they should go to a comic con convention or something. They will do it and I’m making them do it. Luz and Amity will go to the very small area with one or two artists for the Azura book series where there’s a bunch of fellow fans dressed up as characters from the books showing off fanart and getting it signed. Gus and Hunter will go to Cosmic Frontier stuff and Willow will join with Luz and Amity. Vee does DND stuff with Masha and the rest of their friend group. Gus and Hunter find Camilla at a stall drawing commissions and selling merch for cosmic frontier which she was keeping hidden from them. (She hides various requests for NSFW). Due to the cosplayers, Hunter and Gus think about outfits for the future.
Pride March/Fayre Episode. This is how Luz gets her bi badge and how Camilla gets her LGBTQ+ support badge which was donating to a lgbtq+ charity. They all have fun, until Disney shows up as Belos and screams at them that they’re not the Disney brand.
A Halloween Episode. They showed us it but maybe if we got showed it with more time and then making their cosplays then that would be fun.
Vet Episode. Maybe it would be fun to see Camilla working at the vets but eh.
Cooking episode?
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yallemagne · 8 months
Jonathan is not comfortable with leaving Mina out at all. You can hear it in his voice, you can read it in his constant insistence: "this is the right thing to do even if it hurts, even if it seems wrong, it is right and I was wrong to ever burden her with the truth".
1 October, 5 a. m.—I went with the party to the search with an easy mind, for I think I never saw Mina so absolutely strong and well. I am so glad that she consented to hold back and let us men do the work. Somehow, it was a dread to me that she was in this fearful business at all; but now that her work is done, and that it is due to her energy and brains and foresight that the whole story is put together in such a way that every point tells, she may well feel that her part is finished, and that she can henceforth leave the rest to us.
Jonathan is the only one to praise Mina for more than her "goodness" or whatever crap. He praises her strength in letting the men take the reins. Why is it so strong of her to be left out? Because the mental stress of being forced into helplessness is worse than the stress knowing the awful truth. Jonathan knows this for himself. But how could he doubt Van Helsing for even a moment? No, nooo, of course, the man must be right, and Jonathan is still suffering from his earlier madness. Jonathan also praises her energy and intelligence. He hopes that Mina can be satisfied with the irreplicable work she has done for the team and finally rest.
VH praised her intelligence as well, but patronizingly, and to another man as opposed to her. No, to her face, VH praises only her woman-ness, because he would like her "woman's heart" to flourish and for her "man's brain" to cease its work.
I came tiptoe into our own room, and found Mina asleep, breathing so softly that I had to put my ear down to hear it. She looks paler than usual. I hope the meeting to-night has not upset her. I am truly thankful that she is to be left out of our future work, and even of our deliberations. It is too great a strain for a woman to bear. I did not think so at first, but I know better now. 
Jonathan didn't think that Mina was incapable of bearing the strain until VH claimed so. VH, the same man who granted him clarity. How could he ever doubt him? Even if he knows deep in his gut that something is wrong with Mina and that this isolation is bad, he doesn't trust his own judgement in the matter, he can only trust the doctor.
Therefore I am glad that it is settled. There may be things which would frighten her to hear; and yet to conceal them from her might be worse than to tell her if once she suspected that there was any concealment. Henceforth our work is to be a sealed book to her, till at least such time as we can tell her that all is finished, and the earth free from a monster of the nether world. I daresay it will be difficult to begin to keep silence after such confidence as ours; but I must be resolute, and to-morrow I shall keep dark over to-night's doings, and shall refuse to speak of anything that has happened.
It is difficult for him to keep her out of it. This is not natural for them. They function best as a unit. Even when they are apart, they can work toward the same goal and strengthen each other's resolve when they reunite again. But Mina isn't allowed to work and Jonathan isn't allowed to confer with her. Jonathan is still able to be productive but is severely held back by this limitation.
I rest on the sofa, so as not to disturb her.
Jonathan punishes himself by forcing himself to sleep on the sofa. He denies himself closeness to Mina, excusing it as not wanting to disturb her. But why would her husband joining her in bed disturb her so terribly? He has no reason to assume it would unless he suspects that he is the cause of her quiet misery.
I am tired to-night, and want sleep. Mina is fast asleep, and looks a little too pale; her eyes look as though she had been crying. Poor dear, I've no doubt it frets her to be kept in the dark, and it may make her doubly anxious about me and the others.
Jonathan, again, recognizes that this decision is doing more harm than good.
But it is best as it is. It is better to be disappointed and worried in such a way now than to have her nerve broken. The doctors were quite right to insist on her being kept out of this dreadful business.
But he goes ahead and says the doctors are right. The evidence and the conclusion don't add up, Jonathan. He worries about Mina's nerve being broken, the same thing he suffered himself. In fact, VH's warnings about Mina being tormented by memories of what they saw in Carfax allude to Jonathan's own PTSD. VH has passively leveraged Jonathan's PTSD against him, saying "you know how bad it is to suffer from nightmares every night. you don't want to force that on your wife, do you?"
I must be firm, for on me this particular burden of silence must rest. I shall not ever enter on the subject with her under any circumstances. Indeed, it may not be a hard task, after all, for she herself has become reticent on the subject, and has not spoken of the Count or his doings ever since we told her of our decision.
Even Mina's doing better at the whole "don't tell Mina anything" job than Jonathan. He's grasping at straws at this point. "See! Mina is content with this awful awful secrecy! I can be, too!" But notice how he... sorta rewrites what happened at the meeting. "...since we told her of our decision." It was not a group decision. This was VH's decision that he had Jack sign off on. But Jonathan pretends that it was a group decision that they all discussed at length together because it feels less helpless that way.
Jonathan knows something's up. But he can't bring it to anyone's attention. He has been forbidden from confiding in his wife, he's surrounded by complete strangers he just learned the names of, and the man whose methods he has a problem with is one he respects greatly.
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faintingheroine · 5 months
Feminist Wuthering Heights criticism often proclaims that Catherine is a tomboy restricted by gender expectations and she identifies with Heathcliff partially because he is allowed to be mischievous as a boy.
But is that true? Edgar Linton and Linton Heathcliff’s tameness for example is certainly considered effeminate, but is there a corresponding instance of Catherine’s mischievous nature being considered masculine? I am not sure.
Is her naughtiness gendered?
“Certainly she had ways with her such as I never saw a child take up before; and she put all of us past our patience fifty times and oftener in a day: from the hour she came downstairs till the hour she went to bed, we had not a minute’s security that she wouldn’t be in mischief. Her spirits were always at high-water mark, her tongue always going—singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same. A wild, wicked slip she was—but she had the bonniest eye, the sweetest smile, and lightest foot in the parish: and, after all, I believe she meant no harm; for when once she made you cry in good earnest, it seldom happened that she would not keep you company, and oblige you to be quiet that you might comfort her. She was much too fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him: yet she got chided more than any of us on his account. In play, she liked exceedingly to act the little mistress; using her hands freely, and commanding her companions: she did so to me, but I would not bear slapping and ordering; and so I let her know.”
(Chapter 5)
She seems as feminine as she is tomboyish in the ways she is being mischievous.
I guess we can say that Mr. Earnshaw’s wish for her to be “a good lass” is gendered (but then he is disappointed with Hindley too, but he is by his own admission even more disappointed with Cathy). Her father likes Catherine when she is sick and therefore silent, and considers her “a good lass” only then. That certainly seems gendered and supports the above feminist reading. And I think I would call Catherine’s ways “tomboyish” by the standards of her time?
I think my objection is to the idea that Heathcliff is allowed to be mischievous because he is a boy. Heathcliff and Catherine cause trouble together yes but I don’t get the impression that child Heathcliff was ever as mischievous as Catherine, I am actually certain that he wasn’t. Catherine and Hindley were dreadful to their caretaker Nelly while going through measles while Heathcliff was silent and patient and grateful. (But then I remember Heathcliff suggesting Cathy to run away together to the moors with the dairy woman’s cloak in Cathy’s journal, hmm).
Catherine and Heathcliff do not have the same personality. Heathcliff as a boy does swear and fantasize about violent things but he is neither as petulant nor as loud and joyful and impulsive as Cathy is. They are not the same sort of person at all despite the most famous quote from the book. I guess it can be said that their core shares an affinity, but their outward personalities are certainly very different from each other and that is so even when they are small children, even before they are properly socialized into their gender and class roles. Any reading that considers Heathcliff to be a gender-bent double of Catherine is nonsense. Yes the people around them don’t treat them the same but gender is not the only factor: Personality, demeanor, class and race are factors too. I mean Heathcliff even says “she was a young lady, and they made a distinction between her treatment and mine” - and I don’t think the “lady” here is an emphasis on gender.
@princesssarisa @vickythestrange @artemideaddams @dahlia-coccinea @longagoitwastuesday
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domtheforestgnome · 9 months
Moments my heart sequentially broke for Wilhelm in season 2 part 2
Hello! It's me again with another post about moments my heart sequentially broke for Wilhelm in season 2 of Young Royals. Here's part 1. And also there are Part 1 and Part 2 for Simon.
What's noticeable - based on these posts - till this moment Wilhelm has suffered mostly because of being rejected by Simon, whereas Simon is being hit from different directions (being in the destructive relationship with Marcus and hearing not nice stuff from him, being erased by Royal Court publicly, having hard time with his "long lost" sister, still being bullied by other students in Hillerska for his non-royal backgrounds)...
Yeah, that's my observation, feel free to make your conclusions based on it. Anyway my heart broke this season for Wilhelm when...
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Simon agreed Wille's position actually IS problematic for him when it comes to their relationship. I mean, I really want to cry every time I see it.
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I know the feeling, kiddo. I know the feeling sooo well. I wanted to hug him, and I really was disappointed he and Felice didn't go together to the ball, even though I got that she wasn't a fan of fueling the rumors with it.
On the other hand, watching Wilhelm like that is not entirely bad for him and feeling all those feelings. I imagine him trying to live the normal life, partying and all of that, and that could be also just to feel something, forcing and pushing things to extreme level - but the pain of being punch probably felt pretty real.
And here he wasn't in control and still felt something really strong and difficult. And in my opinion even though heartbreak is never easy, it was actually good for him to experience that as a... prince.
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Do I even have to say anything? This scene is a masterpiece. Also it reminds me of the one in season 1. The one after Wilhelm learns that his mom knew about August's deeds and tried to excuse it with acknowledging Erik's legacy. Back then, I could really feel that he's so lonely and not gonna lie, I was really worried about his mental health in that moment - like "Please, Wilhelm, don't do anything bad to yourself, pleaseee". Though, this time he's not alone. At least he's got Felice, Boris, and even Nils to talk about it.
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Yeah, I'd rather Wille and Felice went together for that ball. He was so lost. And Simon brought Marcus, not really making things easy for Wille.
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Look how tired he was! Seeing him literally on the verge of exhaustion after putting all his energy to talk politely to Marcus and respectfully informing Simon, he surrenders. I'm so done!
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Kissing Simon and still being very careful. Like, it all was still so fragile like glass in that moment.
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When Wille made breakfast for Simon and the boy didn't want it, suddenly being very reserved towards Wille. The change in the mood after their kiss at the ball must be confusing.
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Ugh... "all the things he said, all the things he said, running through my head" moment. Like Simon said lots of hurtful (still true) things to Wilhelm, and I am sorry for the kid bc it can hurt two times more when you really believe you doing things with a good will... I was watching that moment with sympathy for the kid. He believed he was doing the right thing and he really tried to administer justice towards August.
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Him panicking and getting totally none of a response to it by Jan Olof and the other man. Like "you don't have to be sorry" would be nice to hear in this situation.
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When he learnt August is his back-up.
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I am proud of his reaction though - breathing and dealing with the news. Like before, kind of similar situation to that one in season 1 episode 6, but the reaction and also Kristina's emphasis on being in this together as a mother-son family, made it really different. They can do it. I believe it.
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But later on I'm watching this scene and now as I am thinking about that...I might got manipulated just as Wilhelm. The way he said that his Mom is counting on him and therefore he should be doing all those things, the Royal Court want him to do, and yet it's so difficult for him. I mean I see a 16yo boy, but at the same time he talks and looks way more younger child. You can see that he loves his family so much too and cares for them, but the official role part is really messing ways of showing that.
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When he was harsh for himself, being annoyed with the characters choices in the "Kris".
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When everything started to collapse bc Simon didn't change his mind about going to police.
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This whole sequence.
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Oh, the longing. His thrive for the touch.
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They shouldn't be scared!!! They're still children!!! I can't.
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Yeah, I mean... Somehow my heart is even more broken for Wille here than for Simon, probably bc he's not stopping himself anymore from being that close to another boy. I know that Young Royals is not exactly about that (internal) struggle, but thinking about him in season 1 - all the pushing and pressure to have it in control, not let himself kiss Simon then kissing him, not wanting to be more than friends, then liking him too much for that, then all the video thing. He really wanted to be close to Simon, and here he finally was without stopping himself!!! And all their future was so unknown and scary. God!
Ok, I need a brake. That's all for now.
Take care!
Now with Part 3
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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Square: D1 - Fragile Rating: T Word Count: 1540 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Dreamling Bingo fill, fragile, domaystic2023, bath, sick fic, migraines, unfortunately I must inflict my own suffering on fictional characters, Dream of the Endless is a good friend, it’s totally normal to draw a bath for your friend and ogle him a little while he strips in front of you, and sit chatting while he’s fully naked in the bath, right? right??, pre-slash Summary: Hob has a migraine. Dream has a revelation. Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo | fill for @domaystic day 10: bath
“Mate, I spent the first thirty years of my life either living in a one room hut or on the road with a band of soldiers. There’s a very short list of things I haven’t done in front of someone else, and bathing isn’t on it.”
Dream enters the New Inn early one evening only to find that Hob is not waiting for him at their usual table.
He is, momentarily, at something of a loss, until the woman working behind the bar (her name is Judy, she dreams of deep forests and warm bread) flags him down.
“You’re looking for Rob, right? He called and said you’d be stopping by,” she says. “He’s under the weather. Said to let you know he’ll see you next week and he’ll pick up the tab to make up for it.”
(This is meaningless. Hob picks up the tab every time they meet. Least I can do for the immortality and all, he often says.)
“Under the weather?”
“Yeah, he didn’t say what. Hope he feels better soon,” she says kindly, and moves down the bar to see to another patron.
Dream continues to be at something of a loss for another several moments, during which he considers his options.
Hob is under the weather. Therefore, Hob is not here. He wishes to see Hob, and this wish is strong; stronger today, as it more and more often is, than propriety might normally allow. Therefore, he must go where Hob is.
If he were under the weather, Hob would care for him. Therefore, he must care for Hob.
All the current dilemmas of the world now resolved, Dream slips through the door marked ‘staff only beyond this point’ and makes his way up the side stairs to Hob’s flat.
At the landing outside Hob’s door, he pauses. The possibility exists, he realizes, that Hob will not wish for company while he is under the weather. But the risk is worth taking. He knocks.
“Who is it?” Hob’s voice comes weakly through the door. “‘S open, come in.”
The living room is dark and still, and Hob is lying on the couch with one arm thrown over his face. He lifts it enough to peer under his own elbow, and Dream does not think he mistakes the way his eyes, though tired, light up when he sees him standing in the doorway.
“Oh, Dream, I’m sorry. Didn’t Judy tell you I’d called down?”
“Yes. But I thought perhaps. I could offer my assistance.”
“You’re sweet.” This is the first time in Dream’s memory that this epithet has been applied to him. “Nothing to do but wait it out, I’m afraid.”
“What ails you?”
“Just a migraine. Get them every once in a while.” Hob replaces his arm over his eyes. “I took some pills a little while ago, they’ll kick in soon. Not fit for company till then, I’m afraid.”
Dream steps into the room and closes the door softly behind him, coming over to kneel beside the couch.
“I am frequently considered unfit for company,” he says. “And you provide company regardless. Allow me to care for you, my friend. Is there nothing that would help you?”
Hob peeks out again from under his arm and smiles wanly.
“Well. It’s a bit silly –”
“– I am sure it is not,” Dream interjects.
“– it is, rather. But I would kill for a cool bath. I just can’t find the energy to get up and fill the tub.”
Dream stands smoothly.
“I will draw you a bath.”
It is, he thinks, indicative of Hob’s fragile state that he settles into the couch cushions with nary a word of protest.
The bathroom is comfortable and well-appointed, with a tub deep and long enough for a fully grown man to submerge himself completely. Dream has often heard Hob cheerfully refer to himself as a hedonist. This room is proof of that: the bathroom of a man unwilling to shortchange himself even on life’s simplest pleasures.
He stops up the drain and turns on the taps. Hob has requested a cool bath, so he ensures the water is several degrees below average human body temperature. He pulls down the blinds against the harsh light of the late afternoon and surveys a shelf of soaps and oils.
“Lavender or mint?” He pokes his head out to see that Hob has maneuvered himself into a sitting position on the couch. “I believe both are helpful for headaches. Do you have a preference?”
“I think… lavender,” answers Hob, eyes still closed. “Mint sounds too sharp.”
“Can’t tell you how much this means, mate,” he says, leveraging himself off the couch and groping his way toward the bathroom door. “Fuck, my head. Do you get migraines?”
“No. Not personally. But I am familiar with them, through the dreams of others. What are they like for you?”
“Well if you’re ever looking for human experiences, I emphatically do not recommend them.” He sways and leans against the bathroom doorjamb. “Feels like I have my own personal jackhammer in my temple. My shoulders and back seize up as well. Sometimes I puke, that’s always lovely. But the light sensitivity is the worst. I can function with the pain, but when I can’t even leave the flat because the fucking sun is too bright? Forget about it.”
“What causes them?” Dream asks, pouring a liberal capful of lavender scented oil in the water.
“Never been able to figure it out.” Hob shrugs and sits down on the closed toilet to remove his socks. “Isn’t that dumb?”
He begins to unbutton his shirt, and Dream turns the taps off.
“I will leave you in peace now,” he says. “Enjoy your bath. I hope your headache passes swiftly.”
He moves toward the door. There is a beat as Hob shrugs out of his shirt and begins to pull his undershirt over his head, and then –
“You can stay,” he says, voice muffled by the cloth. “You won’t bother me.”
His face, when it emerges from the t-shirt, is a scant shade pinker than it was.
“Your voice is… I think it’s kind of helping? Like it’s resonating at the right frequency?” Hob grimaces. “That sounds mad. My brain isn’t working.”
“You do not require…” Dream hesitates. “Privacy?”
This is something he knows many humans feel strongly about, and therefore part of the reason he does not intrude personally on any dreams – including Hob’s – without good reason.
“Mate, I spent the first thirty years of my life either living in a one room hut or on the road with a band of soldiers. There’s a very short list of things I haven’t done in front of someone else, and bathing isn’t on it.”
Hob has to stand and bend over in order to remove his trousers and underwear, and he winces as the blood flows to his head when he does so. Despite his words, he turns his back to Dream as he stoops, and Dream catches but a brief glimpse of thickly furred thigh and a pleasing curve of backside before averting his gaze. In deference to propriety.
Propriety. With which he is certainly preoccupied. And not with the pleasing curve of Hob’s backside.
Hob slides into the scented water and makes a deeply contented noise as he leans back, tipping his head back so as much of the back of his neck as possible is underwater while his ears remain above the surface. His eyes are closed. The line of his throat and the bump of his Adam’s apple rise from the water, little islands of life, looking oddly fragile.
Dream sits down, straight-backed, on the closed toilet that Hob has recently vacated, and devotes a fraction of the collective unconscious to some rapid calculations.
He wished to see Hob, and he finds himself here. He wished to care for Hob, offered to care for him, and was invited – here. Hob has expressed pleasure at his presence, has called him sweet, has asked for his voice, and now lies naked mere feet away from where Dream is seated. He has looked upon Hob’s body and found it pleasing; and the pink lingering in Hob’s cheeks despite the cool water would seem to suggest that the pleasure Dream took in that moment of looking is met with equal pleasure in being seen.
Could it be that he wants Hob? Could it be that Hob wants him?
It seems more and more likely by the second, as Hob relaxes fully into the water and the tension he carries begins to visibly drain from his neck and temples. As Dream’s gaze slips again down the line of Hob’s throat. And the sweep of his hair off his forehead. And the muscle in his forearm where it rests on the edge of the tub.
Dream is not perturbed that this revelation, the knowledge of these feelings, is only now working its way to the surface of his mind like a bubble struggling toward the surface of the water. It is not the first time he has pushed his own emotions so far down into the belly of his subconscious that it takes the equivalent of an earthquake to throw them back up into the light.
Hob swallows, and his throat is a tectonic plate.
“Would you mind?” he asks. “Just staying and… talking? Just for a little while. I wasn’t kidding when I said your voice was helping.”
“Of course,” Dream answers softly. “Of course I will.”
[Read on AO3]
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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raayllum · 7 months
Partially inspired by @numptypylon's lovely chart but also thoughts have been kicking around my head for a while so
Who's Hurting Who?: The Possession Plotline Avenues
If you want the more straightforward look at Rayla and Callum's paths in S6, check out this (spoiler free) post from a few months ago.
Assumptions We're Making:
Callum won't permanently, if at all, die, because he's a protagonist and this is still technically a children's show. Therefore, we won't be operating under the assumption of "literally dying" and I'm prepared to eat my words later (for a temporary death, anyway). Also arc and theme stuff, but yeah
The possession plot line is happening in S6. This makes sense as stars = destiny and some of the foreshadowing from 6x01 (Callum saying he wouldn't mind death by pillow from Rayla, less morbid than it sounds, etc, and being scared of being possessed)
The possession plot line is being wrapped up / resolved in S6. This means by the end of 6x09, Callum won't be possessed. This leaves him free to have an arc in S7, rather than only being saved/freed by the end of S7 and largely out of commission till then.
Aaravos is freed before the end of 6x09, if not by 6x05. AKA it's just not in the last like three minutes of the season
Callum won't play into Aaravos' hands solely in reference to possession and will have to make A Choice at one point, either pre or post-possession that leads to things happening, because character agency is fun and tragic and there's a decent amount of set up for it
With that out of the way, we gotta break down our own subsections for both Callum and Rayla.
For Callum:
Callum plays into Aaravos' hands and it leads to the possession (we'll call this "choice first, possession second")
Callum is more randomly possessed and plays into Aaravos' hands after being freed (we'll call this "possession first, choice second")
Callum takes a risk (makes a choice) that leads to the possession, is freed, and is then coerced into helping Aaravos anyway (we'll call this "cannot escape your destiny" lmao)
For Rayla, I'm less interested in what she will (or won't) bring herself to do as I am in her mindset going into the situation, and how I think that may cause things to respond accordingly from an arc / story standpoint, so that's going to be the focus here. I am also assuming that while neither of them will kill the other, they will both harm each other (some bruises, maybe some stabbing) because we love the Drama
Rayla refuses to kill him because she refuses to sacrifice something else she loves / him again, even if that means putting the world second (for once). This is Character Development for her and works particularly well for any of his above options. Has the most likely happy ending + works best with "choice first, possession second" as well as "cannot escape your destiny". It is also the likeliest to break him out of the possession in a Positive Way
Rayla refuses to kill him and takes everything on her chin, because it doesn't matter what happens to her / this is a sacrifice she's willing to make in order to save him. This is Classic Rayla Behaviour and is not character development. This works best with "possession first, choice second" (as well as "cannot escape your destiny") and is the likeliest to result in Callum harming Rayla
Rayla does harm him enough to incapacitate him in the moment, possibly because of a freed Runaan urging her to do her duty / make her heart hard enough. This works best with "choice first, possession second" but is, to me, the unlikeliest of the three options, as it doesn't really progress Rayla's arc and removes Callum's agency for everything regarding the possession the most as a result, as it would mean he also isn't breaking free of his own accord
So, best case scenerio:
Callum makes a choice before hand that leads to Aaravos' release (maybe for Rayla's safety or the moon fam coins). This also leads to him being possessed as an extra pawn for Aaravos. Rayla refuses to sacrifice him (1) and sets him free instead. His love for her destroys him first by saving her, and then their love for each other saves him.
Second best case scenario x2:
Callum is randomly possessed and Rayla refuses to sacrifice him (1 or 2). She saves him but is injured in the fight. Callum makes some kind of choice / deal to save her life, playing into Aaravos' hands.
Callum makes a choice to save her. Rayla refuses to sacrifice him (2) and is injured in the fight. Callum makes some kind of choice / deal to save her life, playing into Aaravos' hands. AKA the sole "cannot escape destiny" route & probably the unlikeliest of this 'Callum breaks free' route
The 'Bad Case' scenarios
#3 for Callum in general + #3 for Rayla, leaving to a very dejected and torn up / injured kiddos. Most unclear about where they would go from here as characters / a couple, but not necessarily a bad thing; just unexpected.
And just for posterity's sake:
Callum does play into Aaravos' hands purely by a random possession (thus stripping him of agency, which has its own tragic flair to it and is the Point, even if it is admittedly the least interesting to me) which I think would likely lead to #2 or #3 from Rayla because if they're gonna go tragic, they're gonna go wholly tragic.
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petrawood · 2 years
What I Think About The Fatui Based Only On Their Design -By Somebody Who Has Never Played Genshin
Wake up sweety a new hyperfixation just dropped!
All the fatui:
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The Drip of them all. Unbelievable
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- Ah, the Little Girl + Absolute Unit combo, a classic
- Delightfully steampunk
- Robots, I love robots
- Don't be fooled, the girl is the actual dangerous one
- The robot will wreck your body, the girl will annihilate your MIND (and self-esteem)
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- The Small Wise Old Man Archetype
- Will probably call you "my dear boy/girl"
- He is your grampa
- And the reason why kids believe in Santa
- The only one who will actually feel sad if a teammate dies
- Probably naive
- Honestly, I'm just thinking about Heimerdinger
- Parental figure, but of the wholesome variety
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- Ah, look at him, this bastard
- He will not stab you in the back, he will pay OTHERS to stab you in the back
- Will at some point have the White Anime Glasses animation
- Probably the most unhinged one
- What the Dottore wishes he were
✧The Knave/Arlecchino
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- The current Girlboss reigning champion
- Looks like one of those characters designed to make you lose most of your health/items just before the final boss
- She also looks like when would use a rapier
- Very honorable
- Will keep her sword in it's scabbard until it's not, it's at your neck, you didn't even she her move
- If she dies, it will be one of the emotional deaths
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- Look at this guy, he has the biggest Twink Energy in the motherfricking table
- Broke the mainly while/black/blue color palette and therefore must be punished
- Carries his mask on the side of his head because Fashion
- Either that or he doesn't give a F*ck
- Believes he's tough, but he's actually baby
✧The Jester/Pierro
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- The first design I saw and the reason why I actually looked up who he was and what was going on
- The Daddy Issues crowd is gonna eat him like a snack
- Obviously the leader, they want us to believe he's evil but I bet there are some hidden depths and honorable reasons in there
- THIS is the one who is going to make us cry if he dies
- You can TASTE the backstory from here
- Again, a DILF
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- Let's go girl, eat their souls queen
- Will WRECK you
- Will haunt your nightmares
- and giggle while she does it
- Oh, the trauma
- I'm also ready to cry when we discover he's backstory
- I feel like she's one of the fatui with most chances of dying
- It's that or joining the player's party
✧The Captain/Capitano
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- This is my favorite one, not gonna lie
- Ultimate Being, I am simping
- The most honorable one, will probably end up understanding the player's motives or even that he's on the "bad" side, but will NEVER betray his teammates
- Will fight till the end
- Will probably be an underappreciated character
- He's not going to be the final boss, but he's going to be one of the hardest fights
- I will cry if anything happens to him
✧The Doctor/Dottore
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- Oooooooh look at this boy, he's so evil
- "I am going to create an experiment that is SO unethical"
- What a bastard
- I want to put him in my pocket
- The main character is going to despise him soooo much
- Probably has a god complex
- I am, once again, simping
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cbk1000 · 7 months
@aemelia is standing over me cracking a bullwhip and forcing me to write about two morons having sex on a luxury train, so here's another little preview of that. The other two previews posted earlier can be found here and here.
But Merlin ruined it for him, by anticipating what had been a brilliant plan, and therefore one which ought to have been safely out of the reach of his brain. All morning Arthur avoided him by moving swiftly along to another car when he saw the dark head entering his, and answering Morgana’s Where the hell are you texts with, Sorry, you must have just missed me till she gave up even sending them. 
Then when everyone disembarked at the village, he hurried back to their room, and found Merlin sat on the scene of the crime. He froze. Merlin was fiddling the phone in his hand all round, but looking up steadily at him, with unrelenting eye contact. “Hey.”
“Hey.” Arthur stuck his hands in his pockets. “I just came back for a shower.”
“Yeah, I figured. That’s why I’m here. Thought you might not get off the train with everyone else, considering the fact that I haven’t seen you all morning even though we share a room and we’re on a train with very limited hiding places.”
Arthur shifted from foot to foot. “I wasn’t hiding, I was having a chat with that couple from California.”
“Oh yeah?” Merlin raised an eyebrow. “So you were stationary, in one spot, chatting to this couple, and I missed you every time I went through every car looking for you? That’s interesting.”
Arthur looked away.
Merlin sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look. I can ask Gwaine if he’ll switch rooms. I could stay with him, and you with Morgana.”
“And how are you going to explain why we’re switching rooms?”
“I’ll just say you snore and I forgot my earplugs. Morgana has those earbuds that play white noise or whatever. She’ll be fine.”
“Well, I won’t; I can’t stay with Morgana. We’ll kill one another.”
“Fine, then I’ll stay with Morgana.”
“You’re going to share a bed with Morgana?”
“We’re both adults. We can platonically share a bed.”
“Yes, you certainly have a stellar track record of that,” Arthur pointed out, waspishly. 
“Well, Morgana’s dating Gwaine, and she’s a lot smarter than you, so I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Merlin snapped.
“What do you mean ‘smarter than me’, like it’s my fault, when it was your idea!” Arthur cried.
“Well, you could have said, ‘No, Merlin, don’t suck my dick’ like a reasonable person. I’d been drinking and I hadn’t been laid in a while, so you had our brain cell, and you should have used it.”
Arthur frowned down at him. “So you did it because you were drunk?” 
Merlin rubbed his face with both hands. “I wasn’t drunk drunk, but do you think I would have done that sober? When you said you’d never come from a blowjob, the alcohol took over my mouth, and I just blurted that out, and then when you didn’t tell me to fuck off like a sane person, my dick took over from there.”
“So you’re saying that you, an entire, whole, adult man, are not in charge of your own actions?”
“When I haven’t had sex in over six months and someone offers to blow me, no, I am not in charge, my penis is.” He was striving for a light tone, but must have seen on Arthur’s face that it was not landing as he had meant it to; that he was doing more harm than good: all of which was being done to Arthur’s throat, which felt suddenly as hot, and tight, and tremulous as it had in the dining car. He rubbed his face again. “Look, you have to stop avoiding me. We’ve been mates over a decade, and we’ve never let being dumbarses fuck it up before. So either we switch rooms, or one of us kips on the sofa, but we don’t tiptoe round one another, or duck into another car all week every time we see the other one coming, because we were horny.” He clasped his hands between his knees. “It’s just getting off. Stimulation is stimulation and all that. I mean, it was a bit gay for you to blow me, but other than that, you’re fine.”
Arthur scowled at him.
“You kept your socks on, and that’s the first rule of ‘no homo.’”
“Oh, is it?” Arthur snapped. “Well, you had yours off, so what does that mean?”
“That I’m comfortably bisexual and I don’t have to have a crisis about getting a blowjob from a man.”
“I rather think the problem is specifically which man gave you the blowjob.”
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xobrattymoonxo · 2 years
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A New Version of Daddy
TW: Non-con, psedo- incest, like one spank, forced impregnation, semi yandere, mentions of kiddnaping
Matsukawa x fem!reader
Summary: Y/n catches her step father doing something bad ;)
AN: Part of a collab for @hanmas sorry this is a gazzilion years late!! Also I made a discord server for my dark content!! I have an age robot in my server so feel free to joinif you are 18+ !!
Gen Taglist: Open!
Word count 1.2k
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Third Person Pov
Her small chubby fingers wrapped around the balls as she moved quicker. Her heart was beating faster and faster. The sweat dripped down her face. She licked the corners of her mouth as she continued. Bent over for everyone to see exactly what she was up too under those bleachers. 
“Y/n are you done yet? I want to go home.” A girl whined from outside of the bleachers. 
“Yeah I was just grabbing the last ball. It rolled under the bleachers somehow.” 
Matsukawa watched the young girl walk closer as he felt his pants grow tight.
“Hey Dad! Where’s mom?” Y/n asked as she caught up to him. 
“Oh she couldn’t make it tonight boo, but you did great!” Matsukawa said to her. 
“Yeah cause being the ball girl is so hard Dad.” Y/n laughed.  
“You should really try out next summer, Y/n. I’m sure the coach would love to see your skills!” 
“I’m too busy with work and my summer semester, Yukie.” Y/n laughed. 
Yukie and Y/n were just finishing up a semester at Tokyo University. The two were now on summer break but Y/n chose to do more school. 
Matsukawa cleared his throat as he watched the two jump in the back seat of his car. He drove to drop Yukie off listening to the girls giggle and talk about the hot guys on their campus. Matsukawa couldn't help but to feel jealous of the boys y/n spoke about.
After Matsukawa dropped off Yukie, Y/n jumped in the front seat. Matsukawa adjusted himself, still hard as a rock. 
“Hey Dad?”
“What's up, boo?” 
“Do you think Mom cares anymore about us? She’s never around for anything. I get not showing up to see your kid be a ball girl, but I mean she didn’t even show up to my Dean’s list ceremony at school last week.” 
“She means well boo, I know she does.” He said using his signature nickname for y/n once again. 
“If you say so, Dad.” 
The two drove in silence for a bit till Y/n spoke up again.
“I can’t imagine you two are still in love after her always being off who knows where. Heck I can only imagine how many other men she's slept with in just the last 10 years.” 
“Excuse me?” Matsukawa asked with a hint of anger.  
“Think about how many business trips she's taken all these years. It's just common sense.”
The car pulled to a halt. 
“Get out and walk home.” Matsukawa spat. He wasn’t necessarily angry she had called out her mother like so, it was more of the disrespect to him that he was mad about. 
“No! Fuck that!” Y/n spat, crossing her arms.  
“Get the fuck OUT OF MY CAR!” He screamed in her face. 
“You’re not my real Dad. I don’t have to listen to you.” She mocked. 
“I’ve been the only Dad you’ve known since you were 14. Therefore you have to listen to me. I am your father.” 
“Gross. I am only getting out cause I want to.” She said as she slammed the door.  
Matsukawa thought back on his drive home how the fight was completely pointless. He wasn’t mad y/n’s mom wasn’t around, in fact he was much more interested in y/n. Ever since she went off to college something changed about her that he liked. Something about her breasts in all those low cut shirts and her ass in those booty shorts she always wore around the house. He felt himself getting hard once again. 
“Fuck” He siad to himself in the emty vehicle. 
He pulled up in front of their small home and exited his car. He rushed inside racing up to his bedroom. Forgetting to lock his bedroom door, he whipped off his pants and began to stroke his cock. 
Y/n was still walking home, when it started to rain out of nowhere. 
“Come on! You can’t give me one win today? This is so damn cliche.” She shouted at the sky. 
The rain poured buckets down on her as she trudged home. By the time she walked up to the door she was freezing and wet.  
Y/n threw off her shoes and dripped up the stairs to Matsukawa’s room. 
She slammed Matsukawa’s door open just as he let out a moan calling for y/n.  
“Umm…. It’s not what it looks like?” Matsukawa said, cock still in hand.  
“Well it looks like you were beating your meat to your step daughter.” Y/n replied sassily. 
“I mean… yes? But also no?” Matsukawa said, sounding unsure of himself.  
Y/n looked down at her wet clothes and back to Matsukawa’s cock. 
“Oh fuck this.” She said, about to leave the room. “I’m calling mom.” 
The last three words sparked something in Matsukawa. He couldn’t have her mother find out, not only would she think its creepy but she might call the cops on him and get a restraining order. He could not be without y/n.  
Matsukawa moved quickly on his feet and over to where the soaking wet Y/n was. He grabbed her by the hips and slammed her against the wall, taking the phone from her hand. He threw the phone across the room as he grabbed onto her neck. 
“You listen here you little bitch. I raised you as my own for years and I have put up with your disrespect. From this moment forward you will only refer to me as daddy.” 
Matsukawa ripped off her uniform shirt in one swift tug. He pulled down her shorts and panties, leaving her only in a bra. He let go of her neck as he unclasped her bra. 
“Please… I won’t tell mom.” Y/n said through tears. 
“Oh I know you won’t. Now get on the bed on all fours like a good little bitch.” He ordered. 
Y/n shook her head no. Matsukawa felt his anger build up even more. He grabbed her arm as he roughly tossed her at the bed. She just missed as she slipped and fell just ver the side of the bed. 
“This works too since you don’t want to listen.” 
He grabbed his belt from the nightstand and quickly wrapped it around both of her wrists. She whimpered out at the tightness. Now that he was resting against her, she could feel how big his cock really was. She felt him shuffle around, lining up the tip with her pussy. 
“Please Issei… It won’t fit.” She babbled out. 
She felt a heavy hand land hard down on her right ass cheek. 
“I told you it was Daddy from now on, you bitch.” 
She sniffled in response. He stood there, teasing her entrance listening to her whine out for a few minutes. Just when she began to calm her crying down, he slammed into her with his entire length. Y/n cried out,
“Ple-please no.” She begged. He began to move at a rough pace, taking almost his entire length out before slamming his massive cock back in. “Sto-stop.” 
“Tell me bitch, do your college boys fuck you this good? I know the answer is no.” Matsukawa felt himself getting close. “I’m gonna cum inside you and make you carry my child.” He whispered in her ear just before he came. Y/n felt her stomach swell up from dubious amount of cum inside of her. 
Matsukawa grabbed Y/n by the hips and tossed her up on the bed. He climbed up beside her sobbing figure and wrapped his arms around her. Her arms were still tied behind her back. 
“Just gonna stay like this for now…. at least till I am ready to put you in the basement.” 
“What…why?” She asked through tears.  
“Cause you are never leaving me. Your mom will never find you, you’ll never see your friends again, and I have the perfect plan to make sure that happens…. I can’t wait for little Issei jr.” He said right as he kissed Y/n on the lips. 
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