#she was like 'what did you say when it would end? the 1st of April?'
tardis--dreams · 1 year
I had the best interaction with my boss today. She sent me an email around 12:30 aking if i could call her at 2pm. I say yes. It's 2pm. I call. I call. I call. It's 2:04pm, she sends me her number (which i already had). I call. I call. I call. 12 times in total. It's 2:20pm. I send an email saying i unsuccessfully tried calling a few times, asking if it would be better at a later point in time. She sends a reply. It says "sorry it was on silent." I cry
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lllivia · 1 month
can i request?
pranking Jackie, that u got a hickey from someone else so you can get back at her after she pranked u :p
Happy April Fools Day!!
Jackie Taylor x f!reader
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TYSM FOR THE REQUESTT, literally the perfect timing since its April 1st today 😭😭 (I completely forgot about this for MONTHS 💀)
summary: getting revenge on your girlfriend after last year's April Fools Day
warnings: modern au, infidelity prank, not proofread, slightly suggestive at the end
Wow maybe this is a little bit too far you can't help but think nervously as you look over yourself in the mirror, makeup brushes scattered across the sink counter.
As you pat your finger one last time over the now very convincing hickey the sense of guilt that was creeping up your throat quickly disappears when you recall the godawful prank your conniving little girlfriend pulled to deserve this.
Last April Fools Day you had come home exhausted from a long day at school with a strong need to shower. And you didn't really think much of it as you stepped under the hot stream, letting the water run over your hair and body.
you'd scrubbed off all the grime left from soccer practice before you lastly reached over to your shampoo bottle, eyes still closed as you felt your way over to it before squeezing a generous amount into your hand.
You yelled at your own reflection the second you stepped out of the shower and looked in the fogged up mirror where everything seemed to be normal - except your now bright pink hair.
"What the fuck what the fuck oh my god" you rambled frantically as you quickly searched the name of your girlfriend into your phone, immediately knowing that she was behind this.
"Jackie what did you do!" Is the first thing your raised voice said after she picked up the phone call, irritation bubbling up as she burst out laughing when your disgruntled face shows on her screen, her plan had clearly worked.
"Happy April fools day!!" She responded breathlessly, still not done laughing.
"This is not funny Jax - I look like a clown oh my god" you continued and looked up into the mirror again. Well it didn't actually look that bad - but still.
"Well then you'll be my sexy clown baby, you look hot, I have to say pink is definitely your color" Jackie giggled evilly back, way too smug for your liking as you continued glaring.
The dye hadn't washed out of your hair for like a month, and ever since then you had been planning what would be the best way to get back at Jackie.
Everything was ready, you had already set up for her to come over today to just watch a movie and hang out, so it would be perfect to 'accidentally' flash the self made bruise at her while you were cuddling or something.
Your phone suddenly pings.
'I'm standing outside 💕' - Jax 🐰⚽
You quickly cover the makeshift bruise on your neck before walking to the front door, a little bit anxious.
"Hi baby" your girlfriend grins and greets you as she steps inside, immediately making herself comfortable as she throws herself onto your large couch.
"Hi Jackie" you smile back, rubbing your clammy hands on your shorts before following her slightly on edge.
"I know I said we'd go to the arcade but I'm kinda tired today so can we please just watch a movie here?" you sit down next to her and pout, giving her your infamous puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah that's fine.. On one condition" she replies in a serious tone making you sweat even more.
"What?" Surely she hadn't figured out what you were doing yet right?
"You have to win me the biggest teddy they have the next time we go to the arcade" She answers smiling widely.
Pushing her playfully you can't help but roll your eyes lovingly. "yeahh yeah of course"
An hour goes by as you cuddle up together, enjoying each others presence as you watch some movie in the background. Deciding now was the time to finally get back at her, you shift a little, making the bruise more visible to where she was sitting.
Another few minutes go by before it's Jackie's turn to shift uncomfortably as she studies the mark clearly planted on your neck.
"What the fuck is that" she musters.
"Hm what?" You answer, hiding your tiny smirk as you look over at her.
"What the fuck is that bruise on your neck."
You brush your hair back over the mark, acting both confused and slightly defensive.
"I don't know what you're on about Jax" you shrug.
Her eyes blaze with anger as she forcefully grabs your face by the chin, turning your head to the side before studying your neck more closely.
"This is clearly a huge fucking hickey y/n, who was it?"
"No one- it's fine Jackie let's just finish the movie" you pull away.
She stands up.
"I'm leaving, this is such bullshit - I thought we were doing good - perfect even. And then you have to go make out with some whore" she says harshly, blinking away the tears that had slowly crept up on her before storming towards the front door.
Shit that had gone way worse than you were expecting - you weren't even sure what you were expecting from this.
"Jackie wait! Shit" you stumble over your own legs as you rush after your furious girlfriend. "It was a prank! I'm pranking you ok, I just wanted to get back at you for last year"
Just as she was about to turn the handle you catch up with her "I promise, see?" You carefully turn her face towards you again.
You reach up and rub your hand over your neck forcefully. Turning it red with not only with the bloodflow rushing up towards the friction but also the eyeshadow getting smudged all over.
"It's makeup, it was all fake baby. It was just an April Fools prank - a really really stupid one at that"
You say hastily and caress the girls cheek softly, soothing her.
She looks away again, blinking a couple of more times to process before smiling slightly. "..I guess you got me this time" but then she swats your hand away from her and comes dangerously close. "But if you ever EVER do something like this again, I will kick your ass."
You chuckle "mkay if you say so" then grimace "how about we go out, I feel like I kinda owe you"
She purses her lips for a second before looking you over. "Or- we could stay right here, and I could show you what real hickeys look like"
You scoff smirking "how could I say no to that"
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April Fools (Sex Pollen) pt. 2 ~ Principal Larissa Weems xFem teacher!reader
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Requested and Inspired by @suckerforcate —My god, that was hot. I would absolutely love a second part where the maybe avoid one another for a bit because they absoultely have no idea what to say and they're quite awkward but in the end they talk and confess😍🥰 & @clairebear1251
Here’s where you can find April Fools (Sex Pollen) pt.1
Mommy… Master List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, fingering, self-pleasure, angst, bit of fluff, etc.
Good medium length
Enjoy (;
Everything had changed since April 1st. After that fateful afternoon, Larissa seemed to be avoiding you like the plague.
Her eyes always shot down when you were near. She walked quickly and brushed past you when you were in a hallway together. She never looked at you in staff meetings anymore.
No smiles.
No conversation.
And part of you was grateful for that… I mean, what would you even say?
Oh hey, I would have done that without any plant involved!
No. You didn’t really know what to do. You didn’t know what Larissa wanted you to do.
But you also longed to see her again. Meet her eyes. See her smile. Listen to her silky voice in conversation.
But maybe she didn’t want that? Maybe that’s why she was so obviously avoiding you?
Whatever is was, you wanted to find out. No, you needed to find out… So, you made your way to her office alone for the first time in weeks.
Weeks… that’s how long this awkward, unknown territory had gone on for. It was unbearable and you were gonna do something about it.
You knocked on her office door and heard a mumbled “Come in.” from Larissa.
You entered. A smile began to appear on Larissa’s face as she was about to greet whomever had wanted to speak with her, but then she saw it was you… the very person she was avoiding… in the very room it had occurred in…
Her smile was quickly replaced with a professional, stern mask. “How may I help you, professor?”
You were over this. You were tired of weaving through this mess. You were just gonna face this head on.
“I think we need to talk about April 1st.” you matter of factly stated.
Larissa uncomfortably shifted in her seat, remembering the acts you had done to her in that very chair…
She kept it professional and innocent, “Could you clarify for me, professor? What about April 1st?”
So that’s how Larissa was gonna play it…
“Marylin said that someone had stolen her flora-whatever plant, her sex pollen! And we know what happened to it. That’s what we need to talk about.” you directly told her.
Larissa’s eyes stayed anywhere but yours.
“We don’t know as a matter of fact that it was that.” Larissa said in almost a whisper.
“Well, what do you think it was?” you prompted her.
Larissa didn’t say anything.
You continued, “Because I think that it was that, and now that is destroying our previously good relationship.”
Larissa hesitated but then began, “Whatever happened that day was because we were most likely exposed to that plant…”
For a second there, you were just at a loss for words. You wanted an answer out of her so badly.
You treaded cautiously, “We’re we under the influence of a sex stimulant? Possibly, yes. But was everything that happened only because of the plant?” you asked vulnerably.
You wanted her to tell the truth. You wanted her to stop avoiding the truth. She had as much of a bone into your actions as you did.
“Yes. Now if that is all, I have a lot of work to do.” She blankly stated.
Liar! your entire body screamed at her.
You wanted it to be a lie so badly. You wanted her to want you as much as you did her.
“So your telling me that all of that afternoon was coerced through the plant and completely superficial?” you asked, breaking inside.
Larissa paused her work for a moment and didn’t say anything… then all she said was, “Yes.”
“Liar.” you mumbled under breath. You didn’t mean for it to slip out. But you swore this wasn’t true. You felt her body screaming to be near you and vice versa.
“Excuse me?” Larissa asked.
“Look at me.” you demanded.
She reluctantly looked up.
Something else took you over as you proceeded to come over to her, the desk separating you from her.
“Liar.” you spat in her face “if your telling the truth, why is your heart rate beating insanely fast?”.
You saw Larissa’s heart drop in her eyes.
You saw her say Oh, Shit in her mind.
“Didn’t remember that I feel vibrations and frequencies?” You tauntingly whispered.
She said nothing. Larissa didn’t know what to do. She had avoided you because she didn’t want to face you. She didn’t want you to know she had meant every second of that afternoon. That she would do it again…
You broke Larissa out of her tunneling thoughts with a light, hesitant kiss to her lips. She was so deep in thought, she was shook at first.
Larissa pulled back a little. “It’s inappropriate…” she whispered.
“Is it though? We’re two responsible adults…” you whispered back, with longing in your voice.
“I mean—” you were cut off with Larissa’s lips on yours again.
It was a delicate, comforting kiss. One that told a thousand words.
After a minute, you both pulled away, with you practically half way on her desk. You both were lightly smirking, and both had blushing cheeks. You sat in silence for a bit.
Larissa was the one to break it, “Did you mean it?” she vulnerably asked.
You looked at her with gentle, loving eyes. You could feel her heart racing, her breath shallowed, and her fingers trembling.
She continued in a whisper, “Was that afternoon just superficial or was it something…?”
You had no words for her. Well actually you had a million… but none came out…
Instead, you slid over her desk, cupped her face and pulled her into a deeper kiss. This one a bit more needy.
You wanted to show her that you meant it. That it was real.
I’m response, Larissa kissed back and grabbed your waist, pulling you closer. You kissed her until you were both breathless.
“Let me show you how real this is to me.” you whispered into her ear.
Chills went down Larissa’s spine. She gasped as your hand snaked under your skirt and grabbed ahold of your panties, moving them aside.
“Let me show you what you to do me…” you needily groaned, as you slipped a finger into your heated core.
A moan escaped your throat, as you finger fucked yourself over Larissa. All Larissa could do was watch in amusement. Watch your hips buck into your own hand. Watch you grab ahold of shoulder to steady your movements. Watch your head tilt back, and your eyes roll back in pleasure. Listen to the moans and whimpers rolling off your tongue.
It was pure fucking heaven.
And pretty soon… “Fuck Larissa, Darling… I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum for you, k?” you groaned.
Larissa groaned in response, “god Y/N, please, cum for me…”
You crashed in ecstasy over Larissa. She grabbed ahold of you, to help stabilize you through your high as you continued to finger yourself and help yourself through your orgasm.
Your breathing was heavy and in Larissa’s ear, whispered moans of her name coming out like a broken record player. Your head low and by her ear, your eyes rolled back, white with pleasure, seeing stars.
You picked your head up, and brought your fingers out of your cunt. You licked them clean before looking into Larissa’s eyes, “Tell me, was that real?” you softly spoke.
Larissa’s eyes glossed over, and tears started to brim in them. She said nothing, instead she pulled you into another kiss. This one full of love.
Once you too parted she whispered, “Very. Very real.” with a smile on her lips.
You smiled too, “Well in that case, may I ask you out for a drink at the weathervane sometime?”
“That’d be lovely.” Larissa hummed.
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ z to a - s.b ♡
requested by anon<3, i'm a firm believer james potter lives by the beach
rockstar!sirius black x shy!reader, fem!reader, fluff fic, petnames, might make spin-off blurbs about them, some alcohol, participation in halloween, mention of coke but no drug consumption by canon characters or reader, swearing
emotionally constipated rockstar!sirius tries to confess his feelings for you three times before someone else does it for him
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29th august 1978
the marauders had only been out of hogwarts with their n.e.w.ts in tow for a month or so when the production deal came through.
in all honesty, nobody, including them, was really expecting the band to progress past the potters' garage. so to soar to fame after one pub gig, seemingly overnight... it made everyone's head spin.
that's what you put that night down to. excitement. everyone out, drinking and cheering, sirius kissing you as though he'd been waiting for years to do such a thing.
but sirius didn't wait. he was confident, as sure as the tide running towards your group on the beach. you were both drunk and excited, everyone was kissing. you're almost sure you saw regulus kissing someone and he was vehemently against intimacy outside a relationship.
neither of you ever bought it up again, but you couldn't help but wonder sometimes.
the sand filling your clothes the next morning as you all woke was a sobering reality, trudging back to james' house while everyone complained there was still salt water in their hair even more so.
"hey." sirius groaned, jogging up beside you and instantly regretting the movement.
your hair was an untamed mess that you swiped from your eyes to answer him, "hey."
"you gonna come on tour with us, doll?" his voice was light and teasing, and you were about to quip back when mary nudged him roughly, "where's our invite then?"
he threw an arm around her shoulder and laughed, "backstage passes for every show."
marlene thumped him, "knock it off, it's one deal."
the lot of you dissolved into hungover giggles and you knew sirius was only teasing you like he teased everyone.
peter appeared next to you, "would you really come with us if we went on tour?"
thinking of the busy backstage chaos and all the people that would be present, you shrugged.
"as if we'll ever get to tour." remus scoffed.
1st april 1979
the marauders did get to tour.
first, around the uk, both for the muggle and wizarding world. two tours passed like that, with sirius personally sending you tickets to each one. you went to most.
now, they were all set to tour the whole of europe, and their manager was discussing america too. they'd been a sensation, the lot of them, and you were all so proud.
it was lily, your best friend, who suggested you should join them.
"why not? i'm going, it'll give me someone to talk to!"
as an independent reporter, lily's job was as flexible as she wanted it to be. yours was not so simple, but it could be done. it still felt like much too big of a risk.
your hesitation was visible, lightly tugging your arm out of lily's excited grip, "i don't know lils, i can't just invite myself along."
"alright, don't tell him i told you, but sirius is going to ask you to come. would you say yes?"
you hated it, felt pathetic, when the mention of sirius' name had your gut screaming yes.
"i- i guess."
she squealed, and if it wasn't so against your quiet nature you might of squealed with her, her joy was so pure.
so when sirius knocked on the door of your room, only down the corridor from his in the large flat share the band had bought, you knew what he would ask and you knew your answer.
he sat on the end of your bed, relief all over his face at your shy agreement, and took one of your hands in his, tattoos decorating the pale skin.
"also, there's something else i was going to ask you-" his voice was uncharacteristically nervous, each word a struggle.
a screech that you both instantly assigned to james sounded from the communal kitchen, and the two of you leapt up to see what fire had been started.
there was none, just the sparkle of marlene's ring finger, and dorcas' wide smile.
"you're engaged!"
the night became another of celebration and shouting. it's a good thing the lot of you didn't have many neighbours.
sirius was caught once looking at you wistfully, before averting his gaze and making a crude joke about strippers for the hen do.
you smiled ruefully, commanding yourself to calm down. sirius was the frontman and lead singer of a now world famous band. you were a girl he went to school with who also lived where he lived.
breathe, you told yourself, turning politely to remus who was telling you about their new song.
31st october 1981
halloween had never been your favourite holiday, always too nervous to get in any costume that you thought looked good on you. most of your life, you'd been on trick or treat duty.
the new joint penthouse, consisting of remus, sirius, peter (publicly known as three thirds of the hit band, the marauders), marlene and dorcas (still engaged but getting married next year), and regulus, who didn't technically live there anymore but was around enough. but there were no kids to approach the door with pumpkin baskets in hand, and therefore no duty for you with your bag of sweets.
mary had moved out with her partner earlier that year, and it was at her house she convinced you into a costume you knew you looked gorgeous in, but couldn't bring yourself to arrive back home in.
the party would be in full swing by now, full of rockstars and actors and models and probably the odd politician crashing the place. remus usually chased them out.
"lily told me you have to wear it." mary flicked you on the head.
"why?" you asked, whinier than intended.
she pointed to the group photo, showcasing baby harry in the centre, "because her and james are occupied, and she's not here to bully you into it."
with a reluctant grumble of 'fine', you grabbed your car keys, mary and her partner climbing into the backseat, all giggles and confidence, while you avoided checking yourself in the mirror every three seconds out of nerves.
everyone you entered the party with dissipated quickly, leaving you rubbing your arm nervously.
"hello!" a man approached you, tipsy but not drunk. you vaguely recognized him as the guitarist of the marauders' go to opening act.
you'd been on their europe tour with them twice, but not their most recent american one. it was hard to remember individuals from the many faces you saw in that time.
clearing your throat, you offered an increasingly nervous, "hi..."
"you were on tour! what-" he hiccuped, "why were you there again?"
you shrugged tightly, "i helped in the costume, hair and makeup department. but sirius asked me to come."
the man's eyes bulged out of his head, "man, so you're like a travel groupie! can't wait to get myself one of them."
you coughed awkwardly, trying to edge away, "oh- no, it's not like that."
"you're like viv or whatever her name was!"
the man seemed excited at the link, you wanted to hurl. vie was a girl peter had fallen for, but turned out to be someone just climbing the social ladder and using his head as a stepping stone, as well as leaking information about james and lily's new house, and remus' "health condition" that she, a muggle, didn't know was lycanthropy.
you hated to see your friend so heartbroken, while she headlined hollywood's major films that year.
"i'm not vie, and i'm not a groupie." you said, firmer than was usual for you.
sirius chose that convenient moment to appear, eyes trailing over your skin with an involuntary smile before a frown took over his beautiful face as he saw the man you were engaged in conversation with.
he clapped the guy on the shoulder with more force than necessary, "everything alright, kade?"
kade nodded and scurried off, mumbling something about spotting his coke dealer. that was a guy in way over his head, you thought.
"you look brilliant, doll. he didn't ruin your mood, did he?"
you shook your head, not quite making eye contact, the gloss on your lips stretching into a smile.
sirius wasn't convinced, gently holding your arm, "look at me, please."
the undertone of the plead in his voice made you do as he said, resisting the urge to pull at your sleeves.
"what did he say?" sirius' voice was unusually low and slightly rough as he balanced the line between not shouting but making sure you could hear him over the music.
you tried not to shrug again, conscious of the heat of his hand around your wrist, "oh, he just thought i was a travel groupie or something."
there was a cool anger present in sirius' eyes, but it left when he focused on your face, finger trailing across the arch of your cheek, "you know you're much more than a groupie, love."
usually you would have retorted something about how you couldn't be a groupie when you saw him at his lowest twelve year old moments, but instead you plucked some confidence from somewhere deep within you to ask, "yeah? what am i, then?"
he tossed his head back to the ceiling, pale throat with a tattoo creeping up one side exposed to the air in front of you, slightly long raven hair falling back. the half groan, half laugh he gave you was enough to make your stomach flutter.
except the answer he had on his tongue was stolen by the rare sight of an angry remus. a burning rage as he spat foul curses at the bombshell beauty that was vie.
sirius' whole face was set in a furious grimace. he let go of your arm, retracting the warmth and jogging over. you trailed awkwardly behind, apparently catching vie's eye as she swivelled to you, screaming and sobbing.
"she's no better! you let her in here, she's just as shallow as i am!" the young woman cried with more dramatics than ever. peter looked struck with dazed fear on the sidelines, a lipstick mark on his neck that he was trying to rub off.
you felt the same, shock seeping into your system. you'd been nothing but nice to vie, ever. you were the last to believe how she'd betrayed you all.
she was shouting at marlene now, who shouted back with just as much vigor until the two dissolved into a scrap and the actress was escorted out.
the party continued with ease, as it always did when famous people fought. everyone was too drunk, high or both to care.
as unsettling as it was, it wasn't the most dramatic thing to occur since the marauders' sudden stardom. you could think of twenty more shocking examples from the last tour alone.
right now, you just wanted to find sirius again. wanted to find your answer to that question.
he was buy the drinks table, downing another shot and about to fall over the line of tipsy to fully intoxicated.
"hey, sirius..."
he almost collapsed into you, "i'm sorry."
the slur in his words was evident as you patted his hair, "it's alright, darling, why don't we go sit down?"
when the two of you were seated uncomfortably close on the sofa, his feet on the glass coffee table and head lolling against the sofa material, you brought up your question again, cup of something in hand.
"what am i here, sirius?"
a more sober demeanor overtook him, and he hesitated in the way drunk people rarely did, "my best friend, of course."
you smiled and nodded, as you usually did, satisfied with the answer but a small pang in your chest knowing you wanted more than that.
"of course."
1st november 1981
you woke groggily, not quite hungover but not quite alert either, releasing you were still half folded across sirius.
heat in your face, you scrambled off of him. james sat at the kitchen island with about eight coffees in front of him, adorning the bright smile of someone who'd had a good nights sleep.
"harry go to bed well last night?"
eagerly, as though nobody had asked yet, which you supposed they hadn't, "yeah! didn't even wake up once. absolute champ."
tiredly, you reached for a coffee, "when did you get here?"
"about twenty minutes ago. remus was already up, he herded everyone out. 'cept regulus, he's asleep somewhere."
"ah well, he basically lives here anyway."
"can't find pete though, remus has gone out to look now."
everyone was up and dressed with eyes bulging from their heads as they stared at the news headlines, only ten minutes later.
remus burst into the apartment, storming over to the tv, "fuckin' found peter."
the reporter behind the screen showed an image of the marauders' latest album cover as he spoke, "you heard it here first folks, an exclusive interview last night with peter pettigrew and his girlfriend, vie dalton, reveals his decision to leave the band, and provides some juicy inside information on why that is."
it became a day filled with pr meetings and phone calls, hasty damage control, and fending off reporters outside the building.
you were caught in a throng of them on your way to the shops. you'd only gone out for tea bags, because remus looked like he was going to blow another fuse when he discovered a lack of them in the cupboard.
microphones were shoved in your face, "who are you to the marauders?"
"who are to sirius black? how do you feel about his playboy lifestyle?" nice, thanks peter. last time i tell you about a crush.
"how did you get to live with the band?"
"are you part of the crew?"
breathe, just breathe, walk, and get to your car.
"do you know who remus lupin is seeing?"
i can't breathe.
"has james potter cheated on his wife?"
i can't breathe.
"can we get a statement for the daily prophet?"
an arm around your waist appeared, pulling you away from the people suddenly, catching you as you stumbled backwards.
it was sirius, you could smell his colonge, and his slightly hoarse voice rang in your ears as he offered the mob a harsh set of curse words.
safely back in the elevator, you slammed yourself into the corner against the cold metal.
"i've got- got to get teabags... for remus."
you could barely see sirius through the blur of impending tears as he wrapped you into him, "forget the tea, remus will manage."
you knew he'd punched the emergency stop button because the lift wasn't moving. you couldn't feel it rise beneath you as you slid to the ground, still clinging onto sirius as he went down with you.
once your lungs worked on their own, you moved hair from your eyes and laughed. sirius, looking at you in total confusion, felt your head for a temperature.
"i'm alright," you all but whispered, "thank you."
he gave you a half smile, not as cocky as a smirk, but more than something friendly, "of course."
you didn't want to move from his embrace, so you didn't, letting your head fall against his shoulder, leather jacket smooth against your face.
"you've always been there, y'know?" he said suddenly.
sirius played with the hem of your shirt in an almost nervous manner, "you've always stayed with us. with me. from z listers to a. sometimes i think i don't deserve that much."
you wanted to scream at him, telling him just how much he deserved, telling him you wish he'd just let his guard down for two seconds so you could love him.
you didn't.
"of course you deserve it, siri, i wouldn't have stuck around so long if you didn't."
"cos we're best friends?"
he unwound himself from your side, twisting to face you, "have you heard everything peter said?"
you nodded.
"the stuff about us?" sirius prompted further.
you tensed, froze, then nodded.
"so you know how i feel? that the pick you signed for my birthday is the only one i use? you know i spent four hours shopping for your christmas present because it had to be perfect? that i'm the one who leaves a coffee outside your door every morning? you know that i'm in love with you?"
the words rang free in the elevator, and your eyebrows furrowed slightly as you looked up at him. he looked terrified. you hadn't seen him this scared since he left home, you didn't want him to be this scared ever again.
words failed you. they always did, you weren't good at talking, you weren't good at making bold statements without over analyzing them.
you did the only thing you could think of to do, following your gut, and leaning forward to kiss him, hands around the back of his neck and in his hair, slow enough to give him time to back away.
but he didn't, pulling you closer alarmingly quickly, lips colliding in a way that should've been awkward, but wasn't. the two of you seemed to just fit against each other like magnets slotting together after being held apart.
"sirius-" you tried to move away to talk, but he just emitted a low whine and pulled you back in.
you didn't have any motivation to break away again. he seemed more important to you than breathing; he definitely felt better.
eventually the emergency stop button was hit again and the two of you returned to your apartment, looking like two grinning fools in love. everyone was too preoccupied to notice anything different. maybe nothing was all that different.
you spent the rest of the day in his bed.
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@anordinarymuse @ell0ra-br3kk3r @kingshitonly @slut4benbarnes
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georgie-weasley · 1 year
Birthdays G.W. x GN!Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of blood, George losing his ear, it's super sad
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing: George Weasley x GN!Reader
Summary: After Fred's death, George never wanted to celebrate his birthday. This year he's turning 25 and despite his request, you want to do something special so you track down all the pictures you took from your Hogwarts years
A/N: I know it's been a little bit since I wrote anything and I just want to say I really appreciate all the love and support from everyone
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Birthdays were supposed to be a fun and special day. They were supposed to be a day all about you and spending the day how you wanted. Usually it was spent with friends and family who loved you as they celebrated you getting older. There was typically cake and presents and singing that stupid song. Ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, birthdays have taken a sadder turn for George Weasley.
April 1st used to be the best day of the year in George’s eyes. Not only was it a day dedicated to jokes and pranks, but it was also the day he and his best friend got to celebrate another year of growing up but never maturing. In their younger years, they spent their birthday doing what they loved, causing mischief. One year they spent the whole day squawking like a bird at every hour; it was one of the more harmless years. On their first birthday after owning the joke shop, everything was a disaster. Well, it was for any poor soul that entered the shop with their guard down. Patrons left with bubblegum pink hair, duck bills for noses, temporarily in love with obscure objects, and even some believed they were invisible when they were in fact very visible.
George’s first birthday after Fred died was one of the worst days of his life, second to only the day he lost his brother. The family walked on eggshells and made the mistake of trying to celebrate. When his mother brought out the cake after dinner, he stormed out of the room before she could even set the homemade dessert on the table. You followed him all the way up to the roof, the place he always went to be alone or away from everyone but you. He sat there crying and you held him, rubbing his back but saying nothing; there was nothing you could say to ease his pain.
“I never want to celebrate my birthday ever again Y/N. I don’t want any cakes or presents or stupid songs. I don’t want anyone to even mention it.” He choked out as he sobbed into his hands.
“Your mom was just trying to do something nice. I don’t think she knew it would hurt this much.” 
“I know but I don’t want anything. Promise me the end of the birthdays starts here.”
You didn’t want to promise but you could see how much he needed this. “I promise.” 
You had been dating George since your Hogwarts years and you saw the pain everyone went through in the past year. You also saw how differently everyone reacted to the grief. Molly was liable to burst into tears every few minutes while Arthur threw himself into his tinkering with muggle items. Bill and Charlie spent a lot more time at home, doing things for their parents just to try and give them a break. Ron started helping George at the joke shop and he threw himself into the work there; he was a lot like his father much to his horror. Ginny spent a lot of time with George. She wasn’t supposed to have favorite brothers but Fred and George easily were her favorites. As for Percy, he still blamed himself for the death of his brother and spent most of his time hating himself. George didn’t know what to do. Everything he ever did, Fred was right there with him and he didn’t know how to function without his other half.
George no longer lived above the joke shop and instead he lived in a small apartment with you. The mirrors were covered with paper and all reflective surfaces were hidden as best as you could. He couldn’t stand to see himself because all he could see was Fred.
Since then, George had gotten his way and he hadn’t had a birthday celebration for the past few years. The only time it was even mentioned was when someone asked how old he was. Other than that, no one spoke about April 1st. This year George was turning 25 and after discussing with Molly many times, you decided not to ignore his birthday this time.
You were terrified that he would be upset that you went against his wishes but 25 was quite a big deal. He was officially going to be in his mid 20s and that deserved a celebration. George deserved a day where the people that loved him showed him how much he meant to them. Ginny, who had also been in on your plans, suggested for this first year of breaking the no birthday promise it was just you who celebrated. If the whole family suddenly ignored George’s wishes, he would probably feel betrayed. Not to mention out of everyone, he was more likely to be alright with his partner doing something special for him.
You spent all of February trying to think of something small enough to make sure he wouldn’t be upset but something big and special enough to warrant breaking this promise. Unlike the first few birthdays you celebrated with him as a couple, candy wouldn’t cut it this time. Soon February passed and before you knew it, it was the middle of March and you only had a couple weeks to go. You had to think of something fast
The answer came to you late at night one day in March. While George had been working late at the shop, you spent a lot of time stress cleaning the apartment and going through boxes. Wrapped up in old sweaters that didn’t fit anymore was your camera. It had been a gift to your parents your first year of Hogwarts and while you were no professional photographer, you spent all of your years in school taking pictures.
Ginny once mentioned to you a gift Hagrid had given Harry his first year. Hagrid spent months contacting anyone that knew James and Lily to try and get photos to make a photo album for Harry. Ginny said he still had it and has been adding to it; he added pictures of the people that meant a lot to him and especially pictures of things he wished his parents had been around to see. Almost all of the pictures you had taken since you were 11 included Fred and George. That was what you would give George.
When George came home that night, it was horrible trying not to tell him but you knew if he knew, he would tell you not to bother. Despite your efforts, he knew right away something was up. As he climbed into bed he took one look at your face and frowned. “What are you so worried about?” Curse him for being so observant.
“Nothing. I just hope you're not overworking yourself.” Before he could question you further, you kissed his cheek and rolled over, shutting off the light.
That morning as soon as he left for work, you began searching through more and more boxes of your things. Some pictures were hung up when you lived above the store but since moving, George didn’t want many pictures hung up at all. Tucked away in the closet was a small box with ‘pictures’ written on the side. “Bingo.”
As soon as you opened the box you had tears in your eyes. Right on top was a picture you had taken of the boys the day they bought the building. It was pretty worn down and needed quite a bit of work but Fred and George stood in front of the door, arms thrown around each other with wide smiles. As the picture moved, Fred and George turned to look over their shoulder at the building and gave each other a high five.
The next photo was much older and if you had to guess, Fred and George were only 12 or 13 in this picture. They were on the Quidditch Pitch, soaking wet and covered in mud but they couldn’t be happier. The boys had just tried out for the beater positions on the Gryffindor team and despite slipping and falling many times, they made the team. In the picture after only a second of smiling, Fred hip checked George and sent him flying into a mud puddle, landing right on his butt. Fred laughed until George kicked him on the back of the knee and made him fall face first into the mud next to him. The picture didn’t catch it but you remember after Fred got to his knees, the twins started wrestling and it took three people to separate them. Neither was mad at the other but more so they couldn’t stand to be outdone by their twin.
Many pictures were similar to those. One was taken of the twins while in detention with you. How you snuck the camera into the dungeons you couldn’t remember but the picture of Fred pretending to be Snape while George laughed and the real Snape rounded the corner was priceless. Another was taken when poor Ron had first started Hogwarts. You told the first year you simply wanted a photo of him and George to send home to his mother when in reality, Fred was behind him holding a fake spider. The picture captured the terror on Ron’s face as the toy came into his field of view while Fred and George rolled on the floor laughing.
Perhaps one of your favorites was taken during the Yule Ball. Katie Bell managed to take a picture of you and George slow dancing while Fred and Lee Jordan tried to do the worm in the background. Neither of them were very good and Fred wormed his way under Malfoy’s legs and sent the blonde crashing to the floor.
You had even a few pictures of the whole family. At Bill and Fleur’s wedding before the Death Eaters came, you gathered the whole Weasley clan and shoved everyone together to take a picture. Harry, disguised as a random Weasley cousin, and Hermione were included. The picture captured George coaxing you into frame with him as Remus took the camera from you. You squeezed in between Fred and George as your boys wrapped their arms around you.
There were many others, some far more normal than others but most of them George had never seen. After taking them, the pictures made their way into your trunk and never came out until after you had gone home. Besides, George always claimed he would never need to see them as he and Fred would continue to make more memories as they aged.
The last picture in the box was of them was the night George lost his ear. Fred had never been the serious type but seeing his twin brother lying on the couch drenched in his own blood changed something. All of you, but mostly Fred, realized no one was invincible. Fred pulled you aside and asked you to take a picture of them as soon as George was able to sit up and didn’t look too beat up. It was a moment you would never forget.
“I just need a picture of us Y/N. Seeing George there on the couch like that… I need something of us. This is a war and there’s no guarantee that both of us will make it. If that happens and he dies,” Fred rubbed his eyes with his sleeve and took a deep breath, “I need some reminder of him and I together in case.”
You grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze. “Of course Freddie.”
An hour later it was just the three of you awake and George was feeling well enough to sit up and drink some water. Fred sat next to him on the couch and glanced over at you. “George, I want to take a picture.”
“Now? I’m still a little crusty and my bandage needs to be changed.” George sat the glass of water on the ground and carefully turned his head to look at his twin. “Maybe we can wait until tomorrow so I can clean up a bit?”
Fred shook his head and beckoned you over. “No way. I don’t want to wait for this one. Please?”
With a confused glance at you, George shrugged and wrapped his arm around Fred’s shoulders. “Make sure you get my good side.” He said with a small laugh as he turned to show off his one remaining ear.
The boys smiled for the photo but Fred looked like he was holding back tears. You took a second one and held back your own tears as Fred pulled George in for a hug. “Love ya Georgie.”
“Love you too Freddie.”
Over the next couple of weeks you spent any time George was in the shop working on his present. You spent countless hours arranging the pictures into the photo album and adding little notes next to each one. You tried your best to remember the year it was taken so the book was in some sort of order.
Along with the photos, you went through your old notebooks and various other scraps of paper that you had saved. On so many of them the twins had written notes in the margins. On one note page, the boys were having a written conversation about their plans for a store. They had no reason to write it on your paper except for the fact that they felt like it. While in school, it used to bother you when they would mess around and write notes or doodle on your papers but now, you were beyond grateful for these dumb little messages.
You took the notebook page and added it to the book next to the picture of the boys in front of their shop. On the next you stuck in the page with the rather horrible self portrait Fred had drawn.
There were more than a few times you had to catch your falling tears so they wouldn’t ruin the pictures but finally after weeks, it was done.
On the morning of his birthday, George laid in bed well past the normal time he usually woke up. Ron had been the only one working at the store on George’s birthday for the past few years. At first George refused but as more and more people talked about April Fool’s Day, he relented and let Ron take over. When George finally emerged from the bedroom, he went straight to the couch and sat next to you. He didn’t say anything for a while until he finally turned to look at you. “What’s for breakfast?”
“I can make some eggs.” You gave him a quick peck on the lips before you went to the kitchen, preparing to make his breakfast.
On the coffee table you left the photo album which you had wrapped and added a small tag with his name on it. “Y/N? What is this?” He stared at the box as if he was expecting it to come alive and bite him.
“It’s just a little something for you. Why don’t you open it?”
George sighed and grabbed the box, moving into the kitchen with you. “I thought I said I didn’t want birthdays anymore. What happened to that promise?” At first you thought maybe he was hurt by your action but he just looked drained.
You set the uncracked eggs on the counter and put your hand over his. “I know you did but you’re 25 and I think you’ll like this one.” When he didn’t move to open the gift, you crossed your arms over your chest. “George, humor me just this time. If you hate it and still want nothing to do with birthdays then this will be the last mention of it, I swear.”
Satisfied with your terms, George carefully tore off the paper and opened the box. “You broke my promise to get me a book?” The cover of the album was just a simple brown leather with nothing to indicate what was on the inside.
“Open the book.”
Following your instructions, George flipped open to the first page and froze. He stared at the picture while 11-year-old Fred and George smiled up at him. George didn’t move for a long time and just when you were starting to get worried, he flipped to the next page. He watched that one for a while too before he moved on to the next. He did this until he got to the last picture. He watched as Fred in the picture hugged him and he read the words written below the picture as Fred mouthed them. ‘Love ya Georgie.’
Without a word George moved next to you and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, burying his head in your shoulder. George held you tight as sobs tore through him. “I miss him so much. I wish he was here.”
“I do too.” You rubbed his back as he continued to cry. Once his sobs finally turned into sniffles, you slowly moved his head off of your shoulder so you could look him in the eyes. “George, why don’t you want to celebrate your birthdays?”
He sighed and used his sleeve to wipe his eyes, just like Fred always did. “It feels wrong to do anything without him, especially this.” George wasn’t sure how to articulate what he was feeling for years until this moment. “We used to do everything together and I don’t know how to do anything without him.”
“Oh George.” You pulled him in for another hug, running your fingers through his hair. “Fred wouldn’t want this. He would want you to be happy and love your life and cause enough mischief for the both of you. He would want you to celebrate your birthday, not pretend it doesn’t happen.”
“I know but why does it all feel so wrong?”
“Because he’s not where you can see him. He’s here and he’s with you every day in everything you do but you can’t see him. You can’t hear his laugh and it’s horrible but George, he is here. I see him in your smile and I hear him in your jokes and not just because you’re identical. I know it’s hard but I promise you, he would want you to be happy. It’s ok to try the things you did together without him.” This time George pulled his own head away so he could look at you as you brushed the hair out of his eyes and kissed his cheek.
“I’ll try.” That was all you could ever ask of him. “Thank you for the book and for caring enough to break your promise. I love you.”
“I love you too George.” He kissed you softly and as you pulled away, you smiled. “Is it too early to invite the whole family over to celebrate?”
George smiled and nodded. “A bit. Let’s just get through this year and then we can talk about bringing everyone else.”
It would be a few years until George was ready to celebrate his birthday with everyone else again but when his mom brought out the cake and everyone sang that stupid song, he could have sworn Fred was right there with him.
@100gaysnails @george-weasleys-girl @weasleybuns @s1aaaaayyyyyyyt @asuperconfusedgirl @jsjcue
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Just A Couple Of Fun Headcanons Of TD Characters (Cody)
Trigger Warning, there's some abusive relationships in this one. And a pet doesn't make it. Maybe don't read this if you're sensitive to that.
- Cody Anderson was born a rich kid and an only child.
- He was an accidental pregnancy. It was so accidental that the parents didn’t even recognize pregnancy and assumed it was just a bad weight gain. There was no baby shower. 
- No one showed up for Cody’s birth. He was born on April 1st. And they didn’t anticipate the situation was a baby, so when they called people and said “I had a baby”. They took it as an April Fools joke. Then when they first met Cody, they all asked, “Wait, when did you have a baby?”
- How did they get away with nine months not knowing it was pregnancy? They don’t trust doctors. Cody was a stay at home birth. He never had doctors appointments. He never met a vet. If he broke a leg, he was told to put ice on it. 
- The parents are THAT stupid, and they also don’t struggle cause they’re rich. Worse than that, they are both severe alcoholics. They don’t bathe. They don’t take care of themselves. They don’t do anything besides gamble money and play bingo. They are extremely neglectful of their kid, not even remembering he exists. At best, Cody is white noise.
- They don’t even remember Cody’s birthday. (Which is canon)
- Cody’s aunt was a babysitter for him. She’s more of a mom to him than his own mom. 
- Cody is kind of a Matilda, in the sense that he learned to take care of himself and act like an adult as a toddler. And the parents don’t notice it at all. 
- Cody taught himself how to read and take care of himself as a doctor would. When he had the flu when he was five, his parents told him to put ice on it. 
- Cody learned what sex was at the age of seven. Now all he wants to watch is porn, and due to bad parents, there are no consequences. (I do not understand people who say Cody is pure)
- Cody is a straight A student.
- When he was nine, his aunt got into a car crash. The parents said ‘put ice on it’. She survived. No thanks to them.
- They have a billiard table in their house. Cody loves playing the game. He’s self taught, and he got so good that nobody wants to play with him in gambling. That didn’t stop him from finding someone oblivious though.
- Cody’s alternate job idea was to be a doctor. He already had an interest in medical studies, so why not? I’d say his parents would be against it, but they don’t pay attention to him anyway. They wouldn’t care if he became a felon.
- Cody was used to the smell of alcohol. It’s his oxygen. But he managed not to end up like his parents. This is because in the fifth grade he had his first encounter with drugs. But he hated the taste so he trashed it. He later researched and found out about all the horrible stuff that they do to people, so he set up a campaign in his school to protect kids from a death sentence. They listened because the kid who offered Cody the drugs died from overdose a month later. So... success on Cody’s part? He saved lives.
- Cody ran away from home one of these nights to get a doctor’s opinion, and he helped prevent Cody from an addiction himself. They’re good friends now.
- Cody had a dog. Her name was Darling. He adopted her from a puppy charity. She became his best friend for his preteen/teen years. She was well trained, loyal, and sweet hearted to everything Cody did. 
- She got sick when he was fourteen. He tried to get his parents to take her to the vet, but they said it was pointless. So Cody stole their car and illegally tried to drive to the vet. Car crash. Only Cody survived. He had severely broken bones and was stuck in the hospital his entire Juvie time for the act.
- It took two weeks for the parents to realize what happened to their kid. They didn’t even bring up Darling’s death in the accident. They tried to bail Cody out of the hospital when he wasn’t ready to leave. They said he just needed some ice. Cody got so furious that he tried to use his good arm to punch his mom. At this point, the bottled up hatred for his family was set loose.
- Child services were finally called, and Cody was taken away. 
- Cody was quickly adopted by a non-drinking family, but they were also overworked and ignored him. So Cody decided to devote his life to three things: Billiard gambling, medical school, and a girlfriend.
- When asked about his past, Cody would often answer that his adopted parents were his blood parents. Sometimes he would tell the truth, but he’d laugh off the entire thing like they’re funny stories. (Imagine Peritto from Puss N Boots. He has almost that exact attitude.)
- It was only for a short while, but Cody had an older stepbrother who was going off to college across the country. This is why Cody was adopted. The stepbrother was a musician, and treated Cody like a bro. He was offered to write a song for the guy, and Cody spent sleepless nights perfecting this song. The song flopped, but it’s dear to the stepbrother even after he left their lives. I say that, but he and Cody are pen pals. 
- Cody would later use his internet presence to try and write more songs as a hobby. He felt uncomfortable with singing, but he wanted to at least inspire other musicians and not just be a nerd on medical studies on YouTube. Which by the way, were videos that were torn down because he was not a professional. 
- Cody’s school life is pretty separate to his home life. Despite being a straight A student, he’s your average joe. He’s smart when he needs to be, he’s helpful with projects, he’s decently social but doesn’t belong in a group, and he’s horny middle school onwards. He wasn’t popular, he wasn’t hated, he was just there.
- Cody is insecure about his appearance. He draws himself as this buff hot guy that girls fall over. 
- Cody has a private journal. It’s full of NC-17 drawings. Mostly of women. One day he accidentally mixed up this journal for his math notebook, so because they were checking notes that day, a teacher found the journal. And she was a real Karen of a teacher, so she was NOT happy. It was presented to the whole class, who laughed at him. Cody was given detention for ‘inappropriate gestures’, but that was NOTHING compared to the sheer EMBARRASSMENT of the situation. Nowadays, he isn’t sorry.
- Why is Cody uncomfortable with singing? He took a music class in middle school because of there being no room in his ambitious classes. He lost his voice on the day of a chorus concert. He sang anyway. He was so ill sounding that it made babies cry hearing the choir. Next semester, he quit the class.
- Cody never got a girlfriend. They all found him creepy and a nice guy. Wish all girls rejected people like this in real life, but sadly I feel alone in this being easy.
- Cody has a few friends. Not one friend group sticks every year, but Cody does have friends. They’re all boys. He doesn’t have any female friends.
- Cody and Trent went to the same school. They weren’t friends, but Cody knew who he was even before the show.
- His stepbrother wrote to him about Total Drama. 
- Does Cody even do much in the story?? Uh... (No. He doesn’t. I’m going freestyle here folks)
- The Noah sleeping kiss. These two could not talk to each other the same way for the rest of the season. (I could pull the trigger on Bi Cody though...)
- His obsession with Gwen is exactly as it seems in canon. It’s all looks. There’s not much to say.
- But canon showed Cody is at least a better person than most simps as he gets to accept Gwen and Trent’s bond over his own pleasure. Speaking of, this is how Cody and Trent actually met properly and respected each other. Cody recognized him and got to properly talk to him. 
- It’s Trent who told off Cody regarding Gwen, not because Trent wants her, but because it’s simply disrespectful for any girl. Cody, in return, admires Trent. 
- Cody and Owen are friends. The show forgot about this duo in Island. (Owen was the first headcanon post I did, and yet he’s been very disconnected with the other characters. Ouch.)
- Cody has PTSD after the bear mauling incident. He’s also scarred all over his torso. The show doesn’t show them because ‘that’s not TV advertising friendly’ (Fact: The show is evil, disrespectful, and harmful to people. In universe.)
- He also can’t look Beth in the eye anymore after that one. They are not friends.
- How did Cody not die? There was camera watching the incident. That guy saved him. 
- Cody was hospitalized, and wasn’t taken to the resort until around the time of Trent’s elimination. The guy wasn’t there yet by the time Cody arrived.
- Cody, at first, just wanted to chill and live out the rest of the stay. 
- The others watch the episodes every evening the show airs. Cody’s first witness of it was seeing the episode where Trent was eliminated. Everyone HATED the episode. Eva was throwing stuff at the screen, for example. Courtney was also running around hunting down Harold. By that point, she was invading other people’s rooms at midnight just to find him. 
- Harold was the only one not showing up to anything, but at first, it didn’t seem to concern Cody since they never talked before.
- But then Cody got his own room, and he was ready to unpack in there...
- Harold was hiding under the bed.
- They both freaked out. A lot. 
- Harold begged for Cody to not turn him in to Courtney. And since Cody gained nothing either way, he agreed. So now Cody had a roommate he was stuck with. Cody also offered to get some barbeque for them both, as Harold was practically starving. 
- On that errand, Trent was just arriving to the resort, and Cody was the first to run into him and talk to him. (And Katie and Sadie, who were bawling over what happened to Trent) Cody was a little bitter with Trent, as he knew no regret when he saw it (Trent and Heather’s kiss). Trent tried to tell him that Heather used him, and what he was supposed to believe, and Cody told him off that Trent was stupid for believing that, as there was no reason for him to. It was TRENT who told CODY to respect women, and then Trent goes on to ignore logic just to get a petty clingy impulse in. Men are better than that. 
- Trent claimed that Cody, with his own impulse, would never know the feeling of betrayal, and Cody stated that maybe he wouldn’t, and maybe he was as naïve, but at least he was loyal to the girl he found himself with. (Which, you know, would turn into a FLAW later down the line)
- From there, Cody’s kind of lost respect for Trent and Gwen’s relationship, and secretly hoped they broke up. Does that mean he isn’t friends with them both? No. He still is. This is one of few times he lets his grudge out aloud. 
- Justin joining them... he helped out Cody when he first got to the resort, and offered some beauty tips for the kid, as he asked for it. Then Justin noticed Cody going to his room with what is basically catering, and he got concerned, so he followed him to his room. And he found out Cody was keeping Harold. It was awkward seeing him there, but both of them basically held Justin hostage until he promised not to tell anyone about this.
- Harold, while Cody was gone, also found Cody’s songwriting notebook. Cody was embarrassed about it and called him out, but Harold praised his work, much to Cody’s surprise. Harold even asked Justin if he had any music talent, and Justin admitted his talent was looking pretty. But he could learn an instrument if he’d look good with it. Cody called this out and said it was for the skill.
- Basically, Cody is the songwriter for the Drama Brothers, and the heart of the group.
- Justin came by to visit and help every once in awhile (by help I mean just stand there and use Harold as a dog scraping off your plate) And Cody was basically the caretaker sharing a bed with the guy. (Take that any way you will, Cody and Harold shippers. This obviously means they’re FRIENDS.)
- Harold even opened up to Cody about his rigging of Courtney, and why he’s being hunted. All Cody could say was how much of a jerk Duncan seemed, but it was chill since Cody himself didn’t have personal problems with the punk. (Yet)
- Unfortunately, Courtney began to track down the situation, and Harold was on his own. Cody had to get them both out of there and hide Harold in a shower. (Again. FRIENDS.) And... the stall they picked had Trent in it. 
- Cody had a lot of explaining to do, and ironically, Trent was the calmest one about it. Trent wanted to help, and he also said that Cody had a point before. Trent did care what people thought of him a little too much. It’s something he wish he could drop about himself, but can’t. In fact, all four of the Drama Brothers seem to have that exact same flaw, so they would get along well and work together with combining egos. 
- The Drama Brothers didn’t become official yet, but the ideas were being tossed around. Mostly it was Cody being more comfortable with showing people his songs, and Trent helping with his guitar. The band idea also gave Cody the brilliant idea to make himself hotter by sunburning his entire body. Brilliant.
- He wasn’t in Action. Idk what to tell you.
- Cody didn’t know who to side with when it came to Trent and Gwen. They were both his friends. He knew there had to have been a reason for Gwen to break up with Trent, even if he didn’t understand this side of Trent being exposed via medication withdrawal. (Yeah, that’s the best explanation I can come up with. I’ll subject myself to the pain if you guys ask for a Trent headcanon)
- So when the fanbase was on Trent’s side, Cody was not. He avoided Trent, who would not even NOTICE Cody’s been avoiding him until AFTER the season was over. Cody mostly stayed around Noah because he was the one sane person in the VIP section. 
- Gwen over time has appreciated Cody not despising her for the breakup. She was the one who advised Cody to make the Drama Brothers with Trent. Just because Trent wanted to cut all ties with Gwen, doesn’t mean Cody should pick a side and choose between them. 
- So Cody reluctantly went back to talking to Trent, who just said “Oh hi Cody, been awhile, how you been?” (Yep. He didn’t even notice Cody’s attitude.)
- Thus, with assistance from Harold and Justin, the Drama Brothers were born. Trent was the lead singer and guitarist, Cody was the songwriter, Harold was the percussion, and Justin... was the eye candy. 
- They became a modest success due to the show giving them names, and Cody got quite a few fans. At first, he was excited at the idea of a fan club of his own, and even understood Trent’s attitude a little better. 
- Then Harold disbanded from them out of an ego. It left Trent Cody and Justin on their own losing their popularity. They tried to pull through without Harold, but Cody was doing most of the work now, especially when Justin is... Justin, and Trent was more focused on pleasing his fans and associating with his new date, Sadie.
- One time, Trent and Justin didn’t even show up in the album sale, and Cody was by himself. At the very end of it, when the store was closing, Trent showed up as if he was late. Cody was not happy, and called him out on his ego, his treatment towards Gwen, and there was quite a bit of foul language thrown in there. He even said “Gwen did nothing wrong”. If he ever got a girlfriend, he would ALWAYS be there for his girl and respect what they want even if Trent won’t. 
- A certain uber fan was actually AT THE STORE at the time, and HEARD all of that. Then that was their vow to be the love interest for Cody.
- It was MONTHS before Cody and Trent spoke again, at Celebrity Manhunt.
- It was before the search party left the bus to get help that Trent got to talk to Cody. And unfortunately, Cody was the one who apologized for what he said, not Trent. Trent just showed his devotion to Sadie and his personal interactions with his fans, and suddenly Cody was the one in the wrong. (You’re supposed to not agree with that.) 
- Oh boy... okay, look, I don’t like Sierra. She’s probably one of my least favorite characters of the entire show. I can’t stand her in any scene she’s in. The question is, will that affect how I’m writing this?
- Short answer: YES. I’m NOT SORRY.
- Canon pretty much nailed how Cody felt about the relationship. He was miserable beginning to end, and he only chose to be nice to her because he’s that kind of person, and to get her to stop whining. It was a perfect guilt trip tactic to use so he didn’t try to get rid of her.
- And when approached to his friends about it, they just laughed. They saw it as quirky and cute, and Cody was lucky to have her because she was a girlboss. (Because that’s how TV framed it) So Cody thought HE was the problem. 
- Cody is the only person in the entire cast that didn’t hate Gwen. Instead he hated Duncan. He openly stated that he had no idea why Gwen was cancelled and Duncan wasn’t. She was a brainwashed victim who had been through too much. Sierra deleted his response and made a claim that he lied and was on tea drugs. (You know, that SHE gave him.)
- Sierra even FORGED her MARRAIGE with Cody at one point. That’s not me. That’s CANON. Just so you know how F’d up it is. 
- The reason he eventually turned towards her in the end was because she remembered his birthday. Something no one did. 
- This put a big strain on Cody’s other relationships. Like any abusive relationship does. Before he could do anything, she posted to the entire fanclub about their marriage, she shoved him in a suitcase to take him on a honeymoon to France, and even barged into Cody's family's house to take the guest room. Where's Sierra's parents? They ditched their constant attempts at a restraining order a long time ago.
-But because she remembered his birthday, Cody allowed all of this and even tried to tell his housemates it was fine. They proceeded to try and show Sierra kindness. Did she return the favor? No. Especially not when Cody tried to go ANYWHERE without her.
-I talked about Cody's dynamics with certain people in the Harold, Heather, and Gwen post. So I'll be repeating myself if you didn't see those.
-Gwen and Cody kept in touch. Gwen needed it after her cancelation with the entire world. Of course they didn't see each other too much because both of them are in very complicated relationships. (Go see my Gwen headcanon post for more details on her side.) Duncan just complained and moved on without doing anything to prevent it, especially when he learned Cody was against Duncan himself and not Gwen. He just said "I don't like Cody, but whatever." Sierra though? She blocked all contacts Cody had with Gwen when she found out he was TALKING to her ABOUT A HAPPY MEAL. For the longest time, Cody couldn't explain to Gwen that it was Sierra's doing, so Gwen thought that Cody too ditched her because of cancelation.
-In case you're wondering what Cody's reaction was to Duncan's arrest... no comment. No care. He had it coming.
-Heather and Cody are in touch, but they don't talk as often. Most of the time, Cody treats her as someone to vent to. Heather doesn't want to be that person. Especially when she, ironically, had a much happier relationship and eventual marraige.
-Sierra was fine with Harold being around Cody because was a dude and therefore wasn't a threat. Yep. In case you didn't hate her enough, she is homophobic. (Blame the show airing in the 2000s)
- It's also because Harold is a co-worker for the Drama Brothers. So they kind of have to be around each other.
-Cody got into K/Pop thanks to Harold.
- Harold and Cody do Ninjago marathons. Trent and Justin are very casual bystanders to their fandom. They also did a roleplay together once. (In case you're wondering, Cody was Kai. Harold was Jay. Trent was Zane. Justin was Cole.)
-Cody went to med school. He was a modestly successful student. But he didn't like Sierra constantly screaming at the Internet to support him. When Cody asked her to stop, he got NASTY responses. By the Internet, because Sierra posted "Cody's being mean to me... *crying emoji X10*"
-Sierra loves the gap between his tooth. So Cody asked Justin and his co-students at med school to help him remove it. So he had braces for three years to get rid of it.
-It became a cast at one point because when he came home, Sierra didn't recognize him with the braces, thought it was an impostor, and punched his jaw into a hospital. She apologized for not recognizing him. Nothing else.
-Justin retired from the Drama Brothers to move to Hollywood North. And Trent is taking care of his family. Cody keeps the name afloat, but he doesn’t see Harold too often because he’s bitter from Harold spending more time with his career than helping him with his unhappy marriage. (Go see my Harold headcanons for more details)
-Cody was still writing to his stepbrother, wishing he came back. He was a little bitter when he learned he was married and was having a baby, but he didn't say anything and supported it. Why was he bitter? Because it meant he had a new family and moved on, and he couldn't be there for Cody.
-Cody was begging for Harold to be with him because Sierra was at his writs end. But he wasn't. He called Cody selfish as Cody never once considered Harold's problems. (Again, see Harold's headcanons for more details on that) His advise: Get a divorce.
-Heather snapped at Cody about the same thing: Get a divorce.
-Cody said "That's not fair to Sierra. She really is a good person who cares about me. There's no reason to dump her for one or two quirks of his." (Every Sierra stan yelling at me when reblogging)
-Cody's basically learned that if you submit to the girl, you have things easy. But you're sexist if you dump her, no matter what your reason is. Do everything your stalker says, do what they want, follow all their rules, marry them, and shut out everyone else in your life, THEN you will have free will to get a career you want. But not before that do you have a choice. (This is supposed to be a BAD MESSAGE. DO NOT FOLLOW THIS.)
-Become a big part of your wife's blog? Do it. Don't complain.
-Move into some fancy rich place? Do it. Don't complain.
-Dump your job interview for a date? Do it. Don't complain.
-She wants to use your utensils? Do it. Don't complain.
-Dress up a certain way? Do it. Don't complain.
-A ton of sexual content I can't put into details because of social media restraints? Do it. Don't-NO I WOULDN'T LIST ANY OF IT ANYWAY, JUST IMAGINE WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
-Alcohol? Do... he can't. That's a trigger. He's not doing it. He's leaving the bar. He's running away.
-He denies all phone calls from Sierra, not wanting to be around her. He can't do it anymore. (No, she's not alcoholic, but she saw no problems with a bar date one time.) He so happens to run away to a vet, and he finds a box of puppies. It helps calm him down a little.
-Later on in the night, he tries to call someone to talk to. He had to find Gwen's contacts again after Sierra's hacking. Heather was unavailable. Trent and Justin were out of the country. That left Harold. He DOES pick up, and they talk a little...
-And then there's just static on his end.
-Cody's running to Harold's apartment, and he finds Harold on the floor overdosed from a bad take of medication. Cody took care of him the entire night and saved him. He is a doctor, after all.
-Cody stayed at Harold's place to take care of him. He constantly got calls from Sierra, but Cody kept denying them. He eventually had to throw his phone on the streets and use Harold's phone so Sierra didn't track him.
-Cody got Harold some doctors and therapists, friends of his, to help out, but Cody pretty much lived next door to Harold. He's wealthy enough to afford that. Harold did get better, and there weren't any more incidents, but the guy was a mental mess. (Again, Harold headcanon post for more details on what happened. Or Heather's, that reveals it too.)
-Cody and Harold both got to apologize for being selfish about their situations. Both forgiven. They were just glad to see each other.
-Cody ended up adopting a puppy. He named her Skylor. (Again, his Ninjago bias shows)
-This was the best two years Cody had in a long time. No Sierra, no drama, just being neighbors with a friend, and taking care of a dog. A dog that does not die this time.
-He became a co-editor in Harold's YouTube videos, and it was a much healthier online presence because Harold doesn't talk about real life on it and talks about media opinions and does gamer roleplays. (...don't look at me like that.) He did however draw the line with Harold's hatred for Harry Potter. How dare he.
-Cody got Gwen's contacts back. He was able to explain to her that Sierra blocked them and he cared about her. As a friend. (He's pretty much over Gwen romantically now.)
-Cody and Trent started calling again. It was casual and they purposefully kept romance drama out of it. This was the best way they could maintain a friendship. Cody could care less about Trent's relationship with Sadie. Do what ya want guitar boi.
-He also got to reunite with Heather, Alejandro, and Leshawna, who had a daughter. (Yeah he knew about that already cause Harold told him, but still) He was a little rocky with Alejandro, but they didn't try to start fights.
-He found Noah again at his college campus. They got on good terms and became acquaintances again. Though Cody was a little confused on why Noah was in a romantic relationship with Owen, without any sex. (Blame Sierra for him not understanding how that works.)
-Cody was able to talk to all of these people (except for Noah) about his incident with Sierra, down to the sexual details he had nightmares about from time to time. Leshawna was the one who sympathized the most, because a similar case was how she got her daughter (though in her case she had more of a say in it and chose it in the end).
-All their advice: Get a divorce. Never go back to her. He is much better off without Sierra. It's not mean. It's looking out for himself.
-Trent Facetimed Cody and Harold once, and a nice co-worker dude (Cameron) was in the call. Slip of the tongue, Cody said to Cameron, "That's cute of you." But no one said anything. Cody became self conscious after that. He had to talk to Noah later about what happened. Noah gave him a book about understanding bisexuality.
-Yeah, pull the trigger on Bi Cody. Why not.
-When Cody realized it, the first person he came out to about it was Gwen, when he was helping her with her music. (Gwen headcanon post for more reference on her career.) Gwen took it very casually. It helped Cody's confidence in figuring about himself more. He can be proud of this.
-Then Sierra found him.
-She was worried SICK. She thought he was dead. She planned his funeral. He should've told her she was kidnapped by Harold.
-Cody went back with her. She overwhelmed him with care and smooches. Harold was betrayed by that, but understood. It was Cody's choice.
-Sierra became more overbearing than ever, and didn't let ANYONE go anywhere NEAR him. Talk to Cody? Blocked. Maybe punched in the face. Stand in the same room as Cody? Prepare to be assassinated (not literally). All Cody had was the puppy. Their 'baby'.
-Then Trent came to visit when he heard from Harold what happened. He was greeted with a sock to the eye.
-That was it. Sierra got sued. She defended herself and claimed she was protecting Cody from an 'evil man'. She believed she would get off Scott free from the trial, as Cody would explain everything.
-And he didn't. He defended Trent.
-Sierra claimed he was brainwashed, and brought up that Trent turned to the dark side after Gwen dumped him. Love can do that to a person.
-Cody asked what she knew about love.
-She claimed she loved Cody. She loved him so much-
-No she doesn't. All she wanted was to use him for her little fanfictions of Total Drama. So her little Cody X Reader fic was canon.
-She defended that she tried to be good to everyone on the show. All her peers. But they didn't understand her. They were all toxic. They didn't understand she was quirky-
-Being quirky was no excuse. Sierra was the toxic one. And toxic people don't deserve sympathy.
-So in the court, Cody filed a divorce. Harold helped forge Sierra's signature.
-Sierra begged and told him he didn't want to leave her.
-Cody left the court after that, not even hearing the results. He made sure all ties with Sierra were cut, and he would never see her again.
-He eventually heard what happened. Trent was decreed Not Guilty. Sierra got a big fine. So she did not go to jail. But by the time she got home, Cody was moved out and long gone, officially staying in that apartment as Harold's neighbor with Skylor the dog.
- Harold and Cody took a vacation to California to see Justin. They were happy to see each other again and bring back a band of friends. Justin even let them be around his paparazzi's, and tell them these were his friends. 
- Trent came back to the band. Though Justin was out from where he lived, the remaining three Brothers did some music videos on Harold’s channel. Even though Trent’s not a fan of the genre, he let them do a bit of K/Pop. 
-In terms of Cody and Trent after the assault, Trent didn't blame Cody at all, and was just really proud of him. Trent was in the court when it happened. But Cody found out that Trent recorded the entire thing and posted it online. The comments were... 50/50. Some were proud of Cody, some claimed Sierra did nothing wrong. Cody didn't care. Trent and Cody were good friends again.
-Another thing Cody did was go to a pride club. He met Noah and Owen at that pride club. And Cameron was there, so they got to talk and properly meet each other.
-Cody focused more on himself after all of this. He pursued is music. He became a well paid doctor. He had a good dog. He had some good friends and potential bf? It's just a crush.
-Cody would be there to talk to anyone on his blogs how to detect an abuser, stand up to them, and leave them. He wanted to prevent others from going through what he did more than anything. Not a lot were able to get out of it. He was lucky he could. It's the least he could do.
(Unlike my last headcanon post, Cody gets a better ending. Or, I say that. I don't write these as life memoirs that end when they die. I am not the biggest Cody fan, and this took awhile to make cause Cody is a side character with not a lot to work with. That shouldn't be an excuse though, we're all the protagonists of our own stories. But I do like Cody, and I do feel bad for him and I wanted to give Cody an ending better than what the show called 'a good ending'. Total Drama has a relationship problem. When I first watched the show, I thought I was gonna hate Cody, as he reminded me of a lot of people I knew in real life, people who bullied and harassed me to no end. But no. Episode 8, he won me over as he proved he wasn't like that. Respect. Now SIERRA, that is the exact character I thought Cody was gonna be. You can harass me for making her an antagonist in this all you want, but I will NOT apologize. But there's other factors that played in me doing Cody next: TDDRI, short end of the stick there. And you guys messaged me a lot of questions regarding Cody, so I thought why not?)
Check out my other headcanon posts on TD characters, I put a lot of effort into them, and let me know if you want me to do someone else:
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thequeenofmyownscreen · 10 months
Yesterday night was our last session of my first D&D campaign ever
Last night we drank merrily, saying goodbye (for now) to the 4 adventurers in my first D&D campaign ever, for which I was the DM (1st time ever also). I feel very happy and a little sad also, so I thought I could write it all up here - mostly for me, and for you reading if that interests you.
It was more of a Wrap-up session, we didn't play per se, but I wanted to recap the last scenes, and give the floor to my players to ask some questions and discuss what we've been doing. It was a good idea, I think, it went great, we had time to reminisce and remember the beginnings, the roads not taken and the what-ifs, the monsters and the battles they were traumatized by, and what their characters would do now.
Flashbacks and sneak peeks and more thoughts under the cut
When I started to watch Critical Role, I had no idea what D&D was. All I heard were mentions of it in media (tv shows, mostly). It intrigued me more and more, and I started to look at the rules, and the books published, etc. And then one day on an impulse, I bought the Starter Set : Lost Mine of Phandelver, and sent a message to my sister and some friends, asking if they were interested to see what it was about with me.
In April 2021, with my sister and 3 friends, 4 players in total, we created their characters, and we started truly playing in May 2021. At first, we played only once a month, in person, because Roll20 is awesome for battles but not much for anything else (personal opinion). Plus we were going out again after the pandemic, it felt nice. Then in June 2022, one of my friends and players decided to leave, and we recruited another friend at the same time, so I still had 4 players to manage through and through. They were all pretty much novices like me (only 1 had played before), and so we all learned together during the years. In multiple ways ! small but important things like : who's taking care of the scheduling, who's time is it to host and what food & drink will we bring, who has many dice and can lend them, how can we figure the characters without buying expensive minis (we ended up using fèves, which is a very French thing I will explain now : at the beginning of the year, you gather your friends or colleagues or family or whatever to eat the galette des rois, literally cake of the kings, and whether you make it or bought it, there is always inside 1 very small porcelain figurine, and the person finding it gets to be King/Queen for the day. Yeah it's the same country who decapitated the last king, don't ask. Anyway sometimes people collect the small porcelain figurines, and then their grandchildren sell the collection, and we ended up with a lot for practically nothing.).
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In late 2022 and throughout 2023, we decided to try and play more, and managed - with a few exceptions - to play twice a month, which we found was a good rhythm : for me, to not have too much prep work, and for my players, to not forget everything that happened last time. In the meantime, another friend of mine with whom I am having lunch at work with very regularly, got used to hear me talking about "the shit my players did last night" and was very interested in following this as a story ; she asked questions, and gave me a space to think, and even ended giving advice and suggestions ! I'm naming her my unofficial co-DM now. It was nice to have someone know all the twists and the structure of the story, and to exchange ideas and jokes.
One thing I was very happy to do, and was very happy when my players talked about it saying I did a good job : PROPS ! The adventure as written has a few examples of message of hiring mercenaries, strange letters sent by a mysterious figure, etc etc. For one, I took time to write in ink (in my teenage years I was obsessed by calligraphy and I still have a quill), and for another I passed the paper in coffee and tea and then dried it to give it an ancient look. Props like this costs nothing but it's awesome.
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During 2022 and 2023, 2 of my players had moved far away, but we managed to set up remote video calls for them, while us 3 others gathered 'round the table, and we even had an elaborate if precarious system to film the map during battles (pictured down). And yes for the final dungeon, I printed the map in extra-large, and ended using the wall to show the progress in exploring !
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I won't recap all of the story, it doesn't matter in the end, everyone who's ever played knows that you can do an adventure 30 times and it will end up in 30 different stories. What's interesting was that the Lost Mine of Phandelver is described as "a perfect campaign to start playing" : that I agree with ; but that doesn't mean it does not need work. Thankfully the Internet is awesome, and since it's the most played adventure of 5E, a LOT of people have advices, do nots and dos, stories of their own campaigns, useful links and tools, etc. 1st lesson : if it exists already, use that shit. Use it like the world is ending tomorrow. At the start, I was doing this on my own volition, and prepping way too much, while being scared to change things. Then I was inspired reading reddits posts (yes, it happens), and seeing videos, and I started adding more details of my own - or stuff I borrowed from others Internet strangers. The paradox was that I was getting more comfortable while prepping less, because... I got the hang of it, I think it's what happened !
I still have some frustrations, some I shared last night with my players : easier-than-expected batles for my players (the 1st was a conscious act of mercy, and the battle ended way too quickly of course ; the 2nd was I forgot an important detail of the villain's weapon and could not use it, but in the end she had other stuff and the battle was still epic). 2nd lesson : listen to Matt Mercer when he says that as a DM, you really want to use the nuclear option in your opponent’s arsenal on the opening round. If you don't, you will have regrets. My other big frustration is about the player that decided to leave ; we just didn't understand the game on the same-level, but it makes me a little sad that she left before it could click for her, and we could truly talk about it. Especially since last night, I was overjoyed listening to my players talk each about their "epiphany" of how the game works, and how they got comfortable after feeling this truth, and seeing how "you don't win at D&D, the fun is everything else", and I was like yesssssss YOU you get it. 3d lesson : communication ! (it feels like there's still room for improvement, but we have a nice flow going).
All and all, it was an amazing experience, 10/10, will do it again ; and we will ! we agreed we will come back years from now to Faerûn ! and I'll be back as a DM ! and we'll do another written campaign continuing from level 5 (I know there's written options out there). In the meantime though, my sister is leaving our group just for this year, but we're going to keep playing at 4. And this time, I'll be a player !! One of my former players, the amazing @greetingsprogramms will be our DM : she already did 2 one-shots throughout the 2 years, and she did a fantastic job. We're going where a lot of fantasy people have not gone before : spaaaaaaace !
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dangakkisland · 17 days
Chapter 3 (trial) + Chapter 4 most of the daily life
Brazilian economy is in shambles..One battery for my mouse was 40$..With a discount This time I have video! from Bandicam + Bandicut you all will finally see the UI, I think that's what is called! Right when I finally get the pictures (My game stopped when I finished recording..I had to start over), it has more content than it would normally have
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As I said after that if it glitched I didn't save it because I was confident of my abilities and didn't expect the game to crash so early without warning, as you can notice I put the audio in Japanese because my mind would get into a knot because of the English audio and sometimes it doesn't match The trial was pretty much the same I couldn't exactly open the bandicam for screenshots so I went without it for the entire trial, the noticeable thing about it was ''Hi-fuck'' and ''Tak-unt'' both nicknames from Shou (It would be Taka who gave birth but being honest YOU want to call him that? in English? I don't think so)
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Union <3
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with this one, no references but the chapter opens up to Hiro saying ''gado'' (Cow or person who lets themselves be stepped on for someone they love) there being nothing coming out of this title is just balanced
And Kirigiri saying that one Naruto meme (it is not the only one with super however that's the one that is the first on the search bar and one that I remember vividly, plus is from voice makers the one who invented the naruto meme of ''Flexiable Heterosexual'') ''You're a man, let it go'' ''What do you think men are made of?''
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''I'm the boss, I do what I want...PAIN DIED LET IT GO!'' ''I don't care'' ''LET IT GO!''
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The teachers' room also gave me abnormal amounts of money because of Tim Burton...I hope he has the right reason to give me +20 coins
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Ah yes the blackboards that changed the whole trajectory of veiled hope I remember well...Nice to see them translated, I couldn't have the whole blackboard for some reason, I was very close to it for whatever circumstance
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The screenshot speaks for itself: Monokuma is that one Keanu Reaves emote (Admitted, real not fake, not a bit, Top 10 characters who despair for ass, I don't know how to spell the actor's name)
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''I was at the bathhouse, what more you would want to know? My zodiac star signs?'' - Zodiacs are very popular, or it may be Saint Seiya fever that never died in the 90s and keeps being Brazilians favorite Shounen besides Dragon Ball, in the 2010s I met it via Rebosteio, a channel not for kids who did mostly edgy humor that I was fond off at the time most of the episodes are blocked out of the earth...
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And there is finally a thing I can explain, Woodpecker reference! (I'm not sorry for bringing the Woodpecker movie curse) ''Minha nossa nossa nossa'' Video posted on youtube on 1st of April 2014 by TVMAROTO
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Is that I would say if I didn't look closer now and see that the ''Nossas'' are not together, its fine we can dream... and she tries to do the static of every robber in brazil too, if I saw her on Rio de Janeiros streets (I don't live there) I would run or give up my life on sight
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''Bow, it is your chance to get this over big guy Makoto! Bow and beg like you never did in your life''-Hiro
Ending this big post by saying ladies and gentlemen plus yer majesties oh that's the name of it:
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''The most despairful, the most evil, monstrous tragedy of humanity'
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kurumeki · 9 months
This will be long and personal, so you can feel free to scroll past it.
Good things of 2023:
Grandmother’s 80th birthday; we had a celebration in a restaurant with family and her friends. Almost 50 people!
Morrie’s live stream Flesh Odyssey at his birthday (4th March)
My best friend @vinidra visited in March and I remember getting wasted and listening to Black Sabbath and Def Leppard till 3am. And watching that one 1989 Aerosmith live! Wasn’t there Dir en grey stream on GALACAA? I think we got access from a friend and watched that too.
On April 1st Morrie’s fan club Reveries opened on BitFan application – with foreign fans finally being able to join. It is a pricey affair, but the consistency and amount of content he brings every single day is so worth it. I love being a Reverie and having near direct contact with Morrie and the fans. So grateful for this community.
Right after Easter, on April 12th, we got BUCK-TICK’s new album. No one would predict it would be the last release before Sakurai passing away… It’s a solid record and ワルキューレの騎行 will forever be one of my favourite songs.
April was such a good month for me – on 18th I got the news I got promoted to a team leader. So, following a big raise for 2022 performance, I got another big raise with role change. Feeling like I’m finally getting the money I deserve for my hard work. The role is difficult and very challenging, but also satisfying and I enjoy what I do. It helped me a lot with improving my communication skills, standing up for myself and feeling confident with my decisions.
End of April was my friend Karin visiting, we went to Metallica symphonic concert in philharmonic and had amazing time overall during the long May weekend.
In May I came out to my co-workers and I was met with so much support I’m still overwhelmed. Being able to feel like I can be 100% myself at work is amazing. You don’t realise you need it until you get this freedom.
May 23rd was Boris live in Warsaw. I reconnected with an old friend and had amazing time with him during the gig. The show itself was everything I ever wanted from Boris – perfectly heavy and fast. Being front row surely contributed to that. My mission was to wait for the band after the show and talk to Atsuo and I succeeded! Got a picture with the band ant all. All possible thanks to a mutual friend of the band and mine.
May 31st – Def Leppard and Motley Crue in Krakow! Again hanging out with @vinidra and his friend. The show… let’s say Motley Crue was meh, though visual and female dancers were incredible. But Def Leppard was there to save the night, it was incredible and I had so so so much fun! Can’t wait to see them again live.
In June I visited Karin in Krynica Morska. It’s a very thin piece of land with sea at one side and huge lake on the other. I loved the beach walks there and hearing the waves at night, when falling asleep.
Also in June my close friend had a major surgery. So brave of her to decide to undergo it and I’m even more happy that she’s made steady recovery, now having no regrets.
June 20th was the day Josh Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet came out! I’m always happy learning that musicians I love are just as queer as me.
And by end of June DEAD END has re-issued all four albums from 80s: DEAD LINE, Ghost Of Romance, shambara and ZERO. Got them all, in true collector spirit.
July 21st Greta Van Fleet released a new album. I wasn’t stoked about it at first but of course – the more I listened to it, the more I fell in love with it. It’s probably my favourite album of the year.
I didn’t do anything special for my birthday on August 12th, but the following week I was flying to Cologne for a week to stay with my best friend. We did a lot of furniture and home decor shopping for the new house she moved into. We went to cinema to see Metallica’s live stream, and otherwise just had good time being lazy. Oh! And I helped her pick out and buy her first guitar. Love the visit in huge 4-story music shop in Cologne.
In September I’ve volunteered to take dogs from a shelter for walks for a day. I want to do it again.
On September 27th Morrie released another solo album Solitudes I. I feel like I didn’t listen to it enough this year, but this is miles better than Ballad D to me.
October 15th was election day in Poland and this was incredible – how many people showed up. For the first time I had to stand in the queue to vote. And we won. Fascist right wing government was overthrown. I have some home things will finally get better in my country.
Fast forward to November 5th – after a lot of trouble I made it to Hamburg and met with a friend I’ve know for years, but never had a chance to see in person. Had amazing time! It’s incredible to have such dedicated Morrie fan so close and be able to talk about music for couple of hours without feeling tired.
November 6th – I also finally met my close friend, we’ve never seen each other before. She’s such a lovely human being. She introduced me to Greta Van Fleet, so it felt only right to gift her a ticket to their show. The live was amazing, the most beautiful show I’ve ever been to. I will never get over how talented those young guys are.
From Nov 7th to 11th I was staying with my friend in Bielefeld. Met her cutest Siamese cat Bibi!
And last thing worth mentioning – I got the courage to go to company winter party and I actually had fun. I don’t remember when was the last time I simply wanted to have fun and when was the last time I danced. My whole body hurt after that night, but I really loved it. Oh, and I stole the neon flamingo lamp. Worth it.
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wundrousarts · 11 months
Songs that angsty mordence edits will be made to when the film comes out?
(Also do we have any info about the film that wasn't from like 4 years ago)
I am being so real when I say that my ability to compare any song to Nevermoor basically starts and ends with “The Wondersmith and his Sons” lolll 🙆 I’m not good with really taking music I listen to and comparing it to media that often, but especially not with Nevermoor because I don’t think that much of what I would listen to could really fit in any ways. 🤷
I’d love to see some sort of edit that parallels Mog’s loneliness as a cursed child to Cadence’s loneliness as a mesmerist, though. That seems like the easiest pathway to an angsty edit lol.
And for the latest news on movie….. all we’ve got is it being announced as changing hands to Paramount as it became a movie musical with Michael Gracey set to direct last year in April 2022. Since then, she did say something on April 1st, 2023 though! It was in response to me on Twitter sharing people’s reactions to my Nevermoor April Fool’s joke, lol. I don’t have a screenshot handy because she deactivated, so I’m sorry that this is very much “source: just trust me bro”, but the latest thing she said was:
I WISH I could give you some sneaky tidbit of news in return, but I fear someone would come and smother me in my sleep. All I can tell you is that some very Wundrous things are happening in the background, and I can't wait to share!
So. 🤷. I’m sure that the Hollywood strikes haven’t helped either, though. The WGA strike ended recently, and hopefully SAG will get a deal soon too as well!! I think the fact that the only two people attached have been working on other things probably hasn’t helped much either, but Hollywood is a mysterious place. Hopefully it doesn’t get stuck in Development Hell forever, but it could be likely that with any news we get, there’ll be long stretches of nothing in between. Idk if any news sites or scoopers are really rushing to know the latest on a musical adaptation of a children’s book best known in Australia 😅
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we-are-so-close · 1 year
Here's an update for you guys. I know I've been mia for several weeks, but things have been rough out here.
Tldr; my soon to be ex husband is a gaslighting, manipulating piece of shit. I'm divorcing him and he's not admitted to any fault in all of this and is trying to play the victim. But I'm slowly telling everyone what he did. I'm also at the tail end of moving and it's been stressful.
I confronted my husband on April 1st on his “friendship” with his coworker. I noticed the night before at like 11:30, he was texting her. And then texting her again as soon as he woke up. He went to take a shower and I looked through his messages. Their conversations were very telling. I asked him what was going on and he said nothing. And then I said, “No, what’s REALLY going on.” He said he’s having an emotional affair with her.
Leading up to this…..I had been feeling something weird was going on between them since August at least. They started running together, which I didn’t think was weird because it was a hobby of his and he was able to have a running buddy who also worked with him. But he started telling me about some of their conversations that they had. Conversations that are not appropriate for work (like, why do you need to tell your coworker that you have your clit pierced?). Eventually he told me he had a crush on her. And I got angry. This wasn’t the first time he’s told me he’s had a crush on a coworker. He got mad at me for getting mad at him.
They started hanging out more outside of running. They told each other they could feel the sexual tension between them, but didn’t want to act on it since I’m “such a good person”. I went to get pizza with them after one of their runs. She told him she felt like she couldn’t be herself around him when I was there. I was never invited to come back to get dinner with them. He would shower at her place after a run. He would hang out at her place after a run. They would go get food together constantly. She came over to our house to watch movies once. She sat next to him on the couch and put her head on his shoulder. I confronted him after she left. He says they do this all of the time when he’s over at her place. He tries to gaslight me and say that I know he’s a very touchy and flirty person. I tell him that what he’s doing makes me feel like I’m not enough for him. He tells me that I would never be enough for him, because he needs his friends. They continue to hang out. They started watching The Last of Us together. I got upset that he didn’t ask me. “It just happened, kind of like how you and I watch What We Do in the Shadows.” He would go try new restaurants/bakeries with her. It made me upset and he would get upset that I was upset. He said they tried to cut off contact with each other a few times, but couldn’t last more than a day. He also told me that he was going to see a therapist on how to tell me about it. I was upset that he didn’t even tell me he was going to see a therapist, because I had suggested we see a marriage counselor. But…whatever.
Also want to note that he would constantly tell me about what she did and how I should also do that. I always wanted a weighted blanket, but he never seemed on board. Well, coworker uses one, we should get one. I love puzzles, but he stopped getting them for me. Well, coworker does these specific puzzles, you should order one for yourself. Coworker uses bars of shampoo and conditioner, it saves on the amount of plastic bottles (like, I’m going through plastic bottles every week????). Coworker has an IUD, I should get one because the implant has so many hormones going through my body. Like buddy, if you even listened to me for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES, you would know that I tried to get an IUD but they couldn’t get it through.
Anyway, I confronted him. I gave him the ultimatum; our marriage or their friendship. He told me that he would probably resent me if I broke up their friendship. He went to sulk in the bedroom and eventually fell asleep. I went through his messages again. He told her that he’s already starting to resent me and doesn’t even know if he wants to be with me. Okay, all I need to hear. I texted him at like 4 in the morning telling him that we should just get divorced and he needs to find somewhere else to stay for a few days. He came into the room at like 5 am and asked where he’s supposed to go. He didn’t go anywhere, he wouldn’t even leave the bed. A few weeks pass and I eventually get tired of sleeping next to him, so I move to the couch. And then eventually I move to the guest room. At one point, he told me that I “wouldn’t be his burden anymore” because he had to go get groceries.
I told my family like two days after we decided to get divorced. He waited another week and half before he told his. He saw his sister-in-law at his place of work and told her. I asked if he also introduced his new girlfriend to her while they were there. And then I asked what he told his sil. He said that we had our differences. And I called him out and asked about the differences in what a relationship was….the difference that he went out and cheated? He eventually told his sil more and his family is pissed at him. They reach out to me and ask if I’m okay.
I find an apartment close to my work and guess where he gets an apartment? The same complex where his coworker lives. Oh, and when I moved out, they both were “so emotional.” They didn’t know whether to be happy or sad for themselves. I know, because I looked through his text messages again.
So, let’s fast forward to today. Our lease for our house is up at the end of this month, so we have to clean and sort and all that fun stuff. It’s really putting into perspective how much he actually annoys me. I would say something, he would say no and then repeat exactly what I say. Or he just doesn’t even listen at all. Apparently he told some mutual friends that he’s sad that we didn’t even try to fight for our marriage. I doubt he also told them he would resent me if I broke up their friendship, or how he couldn’t even stop talking to her. He’s also telling me how his family hasn’t reached out once to see how he’s doing. No shit sherlock, you’re not the victim in this situation as much as you would like for it to be. All of my family and friends are telling me that they never liked him and they feel like I’m finally being myself again.
This past week, my dad gave me his cat because he can no longer take care of her. I asked my ex if he would be willing to take the cat. He said “I don’t think I can take on a cat right now.” Oh? But I can take on two? Why do you get to start completely over with no responsibilities? Why is that fair?
I have no feelings for him anymore. I do get sad over little things, but I know with time I will feel better. As a side note, my therapist thinks I'm handling this whole thing very well.
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I posted 3,298 times in 2022
That's 2,152 more posts than 2021!
2,719 posts created (82%)
579 posts reblogged (18%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,816 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#my lovely bbys - 2,369 posts
#live action headcannons 🤣 - 396 posts
#gen z anon - 344 posts
#maycat - 193 posts
#haikyu! - 180 posts
#tendou anon - 179 posts
#haikyuu!! - 173 posts
#haikyuu - 155 posts
#haikyū!! - 152 posts
#haikyu - 134 posts
Longest Tag: 70 characters
#but i probably know more about them then they know about themselves 🤣
My Top Posts in 2022:
🦊 Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Manager Being s Foreign Exchange Student
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Inarizaki x foreign manager (English as a 1st language)
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request! Update: my neck is slowly healing but I'm managing to write 1/2 headcannons a day! I'm thankfully about a week ahead so I'm hoping this gives me enough time to heal and keep ahead!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Ok I just imagine being a foreign exchange student would be scary enough
But like being a foreign exchange student, managing the boys volleyball team AND attending Inarizaki 👀
Oof 😬
First off, Aran and Kita are so accepting
Aran definitely questions why you came to Inarizaki of all places 😅
Kita is totally one of those people that the school places new students with
Like he can walk backwards and direct attention to things without even a second thought 🙌🏻
I forgot to mention that this is your third year, which thank god 🙏🏻
Imagine if Atsumu had gotten ahold of you first 😅
Anyways, Kita begins to show you the lay of the land
Basic customs and etiquette that is practiced daily in school and in Japan
It's all very interesting!
Where you come from is very different from your new surroundings and a bit intimidating honestly
Kita will introduce you to Michinari and Omimi next
He's slowly integrating you yn 😊
Michinari is super interested in comparing cultural differences
Please he watches public television daily and his favorite shows are the travel shows ✋️
Omimi is more interested in you personally
Your likes? Dislikes? How you ended up here?
It's honestly a great introduction to high-school in a different country
Unfortunately for you YN, you can't have nice things 🙃
Now you are pretty fluent in Japanese but let's just say English is your first language
You have a basic knowledge and understanding down but it's different in practice
See the full post
687 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Team Japan's Group Chat: Someone's Following Me
A/N: I promise I'm going to learn how to do text and social media posts 😅 when I reopen requests, there will be a text or headcannon option! Just bare with me, I still hear the dial tone internet connection in my head daily 🤣
YN: Guys 👀 hey can someone come get me?
Yaku: what's wrong YN?
YN: So I just left the coffee shop and there's someone following me
Komori: what coffee shop?
Atsumu: Bokuto, Hinata and I are already in the car!
Sakusa: You don't even know where she is!
Ushiwaka: are you on a public street YN?
Aran: YN you can FaceTime us if you need too
Iwaizumi: if anyone messes with my girl istg!
Sakusa: hold up 🤚🏻your girl?
Hinata: just about to say that 🤨
Iwaizumi: I said what I said 😐
YN: Jesus christ I'm over here trying to dodge a potential kidnapper and you are arguing over me
Kageyama: if we don't save YN now she'll probably go missing
Habuka: RIP YN
YN: WTFUDUCJSJDHDB KAGS 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Hakuba 😫😫😫😫😫😫
Kageyama: what? Haven't you ever seen Law and Order: SVU
Yaku: I mean, he has a point YN
Hoshiumi: what did I miss?
Komori: YN's got a creeper following her, iwaizumi said she's "his" girl and Kageyama is convinced YN's going to be the next victim of a serial killer
Atsumu: seriously Hoshiumi keep up
Hoshiumi: I hate it here 😒
Hyakuzawa: did we all just forget YN's in danger??
Yaku: oh yeah...
Aran: YN, are you near a police station?
Ushiwaka: if you need help, just scream YN
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715 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
🦅Being Shiratorizawa's Manager 🦅
Our Adorable Manager Falls Asleep on Ushijima
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Ushijima Wakatoshi featuring Shiratorizawa x GN manager
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
AN: This is an Anon request and THE LAST REQUEST!!! It's taken 2 months but here we are 👏🏻 I'm going to be opening requests for chats scenarios and headcannons in June so be on the look out!
Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
First off, can we just talk about how big this man is ✋️
Seriously, he's 6'3" and like bulky
Yet he just glides thought the air like a freaking flying squirrel
I mean, COME ON 👇🏻
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800 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
😍Miss Manager is Adorable 😍
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, fluff
AN: This is a request from @times-new-roman-in-pastel! This was requested in addition!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
How does one describe Inarizaki 🤔
Hmm words like scary, intimidating and strong come to mind
The essence of a power house
Plus Atsumu 😅
Please I'm barely starting and I can't resist 🤣
Let's be honest, they are blunt, loud, outspoken and super intimidating
Kita says whatever is on his mind, Atsumu and Osamu have no filters
Suna is essentially the Tsukishima of Inarizaki
Omimi is just like Ushijima 😐
There is literally nothing soft about Inarizaki
That is 👀 until they met you 🥰🌈🌸
Being a new student at Inarizaki is hard on its own, but when you are the most adorable, softest human on earth 🥺
Well it's extremely difficult
Their uniforms are dark colors mixed with some white
Nit really your style but thankfully there is some room to accessorize 💅🏼
Some adorable tights with hearts or bows
A colorful hair ribbon 🎀
Maybe a colorful necklace or undershirt 😍
Sorry YN but you stick out like a sore thumb
But hey, sticky out isn't all bad right?
Definitely not 🤩
You get alot of attention for both females and males in your class as well as above and below you
You're a second year- forgot to mention that 🙃
See the full post
809 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Inarizaki 2nd Years
Being Protective of Miss Manager
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See the full post
852 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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blehcupidd · 1 year
Jealous Girl
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Next Chapter
ÉVANGÉLINE STAR did everything she could to be noticed by XAVIER THORPE. Whatever she did was never enough.
1st year, they met in botanical studies. The way he drew the flowers in front of the class infatuated her. She giggled and laughed. But nothing
2nd year, he made her laugh with his poor writing skills in creative writing. She gave hints that she wanted to help, "oh put a comma there" "oh my gosh, you have some good ideas" but nothing.
3rd year, she happily watched him take part in The Poe Cup. She couldn't find a way to comfort him, as she didn't know how to approach him.
4th year, they both showed up to the rave'N. The only difference is that this year, he had a date. His new girlfriend BIANCA BARCLAY. How she loathed her. She had no interest on him like she had. She had done nothing to gain his attention. Not like Évangéline.
The note regarding the Percy Hanes White allegations
(keep in mind this fic was made like a week before the allegations and i finished it in may or april)
Before I start I would just like to say that the allegations against Percy whether true or not are absolutely disgusting and vile and I do not support those actions. But I will be keeping Percy as Xavier as I saw someone say that when they think of the character they think of him. If this makes you feel uncomfortable then I suggest to imagine Percy as a different character you're comfortable with or do not continue reading. I am separating the actor to the character in this fic.
link to it on wattpad
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lemonseeds-blog · 1 year
Vlad Journal | Prologue
"At the start of the night, he was as far as he could be without blatantly sitting elsewhere. But as we went on, it was as if we were pulled together, unconsciously. A force that we did little to fight against. The rest of the night…I’m not sure I could pen it here properly. (And perhaps should not?)"
This will be an in-character journal entry summarizing Vlad's thoughts from the latest episode of The Sanguine Society. You can find the public copy of this journal here, if you prefer google docs. This particular post is a bit longer than is usually to be expected, as it contains several entries; it is also mildly NSFW, though not all entries will be. If you like to listen to music while reading, I would recommend Elegie, Op. 24 for today's entry. I Hope you enjoy 🖤
Wednesday, April the 28th, 2023
I had kaffe und kuchen with Elenor today. She found me sitting in the greenhouse again, practicing for the show. She has been such a dear since I took residence here; accommodating my 'odd' hours and habits, with hardly a question. We chatted a bit, but my German is barely conversational these days. Shame I did not pick it up more, and leaving already. But it is nice to sit quietly as well. She says she enjoys my playing, and I enjoy her company. 3 decades has gone impossibly fast.
Friday, April the 30th, 2023
Louis Roederer Cristal Brut (2008) 1.5L
Colour: Amber, Sunlight 
Fragrance: wonderfully golden fruit
Savour: Opens bright and fruity; pear and apple. A bit bitter on the end; floral, but pollen
Paired with Crème Brûlée: slightly too much fruit for the dish, but lovely to sip afterwards
Transcribe to wine notes⤴️
Sunday, April the 1st, 2023
Performance with the company has been going well; we will have our final show tomorrow. And my final altogether. I will greatly miss living here. The town is quiet. This apartment is quaint, but has only gotten finer over my stay. The people have been kind and allow me to keep to myself. I think I could stay here for quite a while longer without being bothered. But it is time. Adăpost Manor cannot sit absent and idle, it is a waste. I will be meeting with Reya after the show tomorrow, and perhaps get some updates on the community while catching up. It really will be so good to see her, it has been too long. Too long since many things. When I left Adăpost, I thought I might put it up for sale before returning, but I have found myself longing more and more. To perform in the music room and to have the smell of good food in the kitchens. To sit and read in the library and to tend to the arboretum. The place has had many lifetimes already, and it will be good to get back and find footing in a new cycle. It is not a home only for I, after all. 30 years of selfishness is enough. 
Monday, April the 2nd, 2023
Aurelio was at the show tonight. Aurelio. 
It was no accident of course, Reya must have planned this. Though I am not sure why. I had no words, and am still in lack. After 60 years, suddenly, Aurelio walks through my place of work. I don’t know that I ever gave much thought on what I would say, if he were to return. I would not have allowed myself to dwell there. And yet, here he is. And here am I, at a loss. He was polite, as always; asking about my colleagues and the city. Feigning interest, at the least. But he was nervous too, if I am not mistaken. In some ways it was just like we used to speak; joking, laughing, touching.  And in other ways, he was more frightened than I have ever seen him. He has been traveling around Europe; backpacking and visiting family. He spoke often of loneliness, and longing for the familiar, so I offered to accompany him while he is in town. He surprised me with his enthusiasm, and then even more, with an invitation to the opera. A bold proposition, coming from him. But his excitement showed genuine, and after all this time, a night out could be refreshing. A date? 
My coworkers invited us to a drink and we spent most of the night at Schlenkerla, and before I knew it, it was nearly sunrise. The rest of the lot turned in after the bar stopped serving, but I was not yet ready to watch him go. So I invited him to join me, and he agreed, even without knowing where I would take him. I showed him to the greenhouse. 
His delight was apparent as soon as he saw the greenery and life growing over it.
"It's like a part of the old world reclaiming what has become modern" he says.
 I had forgotten what it's like to see the world through his eyes. I feel I have been missing much. We sat and talked and waited for the sun to rise. He told me more about his family; how he has been tracing his blood lines and finding the ends. How he's gotten close to some of the younger ones, despite his eccentricities. And now he is unsure of where to go next. It seems like he has grown; the travel must be good for him. As the sky grew lighter, his face glowed with joy in telling me about the different generations he's met. His love has always made him beautiful. The sun coming through the leaves and on his skin and filling the colour of his eyes…I could almost let him burn to see his beauty in direct light. But he lives in chiaroscuro, and my heart aches all the more in the limbo. I feel that the opera will be difficult, I am not entirely sure what he expects from me. But I cannot let nerves stop me. I cannot miss this.
Friday, April the 5th, 2023
Yesterday was beyond words, but I will do my best. The opera was lovely. The champagne was delicious. And Aurelio, a beacon of light in all of it. He sent me a letter, penned in his own hand, though I did not receive it until nearly too late. I hardly had time to put together something to wear.  He still dresses in his classic fine things, and wears them just as well as ever. I worried at first that I had overdressed, and that I would look quite the fool showing up at his place of stay in a tuxedo. But he knows me well, and suited for the occasion just as we used to. It was as if I had taken a step back through time, and this persisted for a good portion of the night. We shared looks, we laughed, we walked arm in arm and talked and talked. About the show and technology and travel and Vienna. I admitted to him that I will be returning. He seemed a bit excited at the concept, and said that he would like to visit. Apparently he has been searching for his sire, and thought he might be able to find more information at the Manor’s library. Perhaps he could have more casual visits, along with the research.  
He apologized as well, for leaving all that time ago. Though I wish he hadn't. To see the pain I had caused him etched on his face and then take the blame for it all. I can hardly stand it. But he would not hear of my reasoning, and seemed nearly desperate to explain himself. The least I can do for him is listen and accept an apology. He said he couldn't imagine being enough; that he had never stopped to ask how I had felt. It never felt like we needed to. The fact that he suited me in a fashion that no other could, always felt so obvious. Until it was too late, I suppose. It was a bit of a relief though, to finally know. He says he was afraid, and so certain he would lose me, that he somehow ended up making sure of it.  
“I had not felt the way that I felt with you for any one before, and that certainly frightened me”
My heart aches at the words, but I do not dare ask if he still feels this way. The reassurance of what once was, is enough. I brought him to the townhouse after the opera, to show him the stereo system and have some more conversation. Sat on the couch next to me, sipping wine and talking music, it was almost as if he had never left. At the start of the night, he was as far as he could be without blatantly sitting elsewhere. But as we went on, it was as if we were pulled together, unconsciously. A force that we did little to fight against. The rest of the night…I’m not sure I could pen it properly here. (And perhaps should not?)
“I don't want to waste anymore time”
My hand went to his cheek, without a thought. And our lips, meeting in a second. I am shocked for a moment, and look to his eyes to find a familiar fervor. He pulls at me, and the nostalgia washes over. The touch of cold marble, the smell of orange blossom. The look of his eyes, that of dark woods at dusk. My teeth at his neck, a taste of bitter iron; and a moan rising from his chest and vibrating in his throat under my lips. A groan that laments all the wasted time, and every second lost now between touches. 
Waste no time.
My hands move faster than my thoughts, strict, leading; his fingers are gentle, pleading as ever. As always. On neck, on shoulders, on chest. Our movements and his song flowing and sliding ever down and down.
I can still hear it. And this letter he wrote, I trace the characters over and over to see the movement of his hand in the starts and stops of the ink. This letter that he penned and touched and surely fretted over, I can almost smell the orange blossom on it still. Perhaps I shall write him back; it would be my move at this point, no? I would not want him to think this was a single affair to me. 
Saturday, April the 7th, 2023
He is not here. I had hoped to catch him for some coffee before I departed, but that may have been asking too much too soon. It was a fine evening, and we talked of many things, but perhaps that is all that he needed. A chat, a date, some closure. I was a fool for expecting more, really. One night with him again…It will have to be enough. I have so much to attended to at the Manor in any matter, it is long time tha
He’s here. 
He came to me at the train station. He is coming with me to Vienna. He will stay in the Manor with me. I can hardly believe the words as I scribble them with him getting settled into the train car. 
We're going back to Vienna.
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nobully · 1 year
(ignore the date shh this is definitely on his birthday, i was just dead dhdjdh)
"Wang Yi," he says to him with a smile, a conspicuously shaped gift in his arms. "Hold on a minute, I have something for you."
The round, wrapped offering is balanced from his elbow to both palms before it's presented to him with a soft sort of beaming, Zhilan’s shoulders briefly hiking up to his ears. "I apologize for the way it's been wrapped. I couldn't find a bag for it, and well... Shaped like it is, it was a bit tricky figuring out how to make it look presentable."
It's passed to Wang Yi's waiting hands, Zhilan jerking his head by the chin in eagerness.
"Go on, open it."
Upon unwrapping what's essentially a wad of gift wrap, Wang Yi would find a basketball inside. It seems like a simple gift to give, which Zhilan looks to be aware of as he rubs the nape of his neck.
"I know it's not very grand, but I remember how you said you missed playing Basketball from your own world, and... When I found one here, I thought how I wanted to learn to play with you. We could play together, now that the weather is nicer!"
As though remembering something, Zhilan’s mouth rounds into an abrupt 'o'.
"Oh! And I made you something, too. Let me fetch it." He disappears into the kitchen, only to return with a small pastry box. "It's a cake! Albeit a smaller one, but this one's just for you. Happy birthday, Wang Yi."
[timeline wise i assume this takes place post-mistified post-nicolette thread]
April 1st.
Cradling the cake and basketball in his hands, Wang Yi swallows his chaotic thoughts and breaks into a smile.
' Thanks, Zhilan. '
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' These are amazing. How'd you even find a basketball here? '
Of course he knows they exist, but the fact that Zhilan tracked one down is pretty special. Just the thought of his scholarly self strolling into a sports store and asking for the right kind...makes him smile.
' Playing together sounds nice. ' He hesitates, then adds. ' When we're both less busy, I mean. ' He doesn't want to leave Nicolette for long periods while she's still hurt and Zhilan has...well, his own patient to take care of. Speaking of which, he probably shouldn't overstay his welcome.
' You're always thinking of others, so make sure to take time for yourself, all right? None of us are going anywhere. '
It's sweet, how excited Zhilan gets even at the prospect of giving him a gift. It's soft, how he rubs his neck in something like shyness at its modesty. His little expressions are a gift and...yeah. Yeah, no wonder everyone loves him, huh?
He needs to leave. Now.
' ....then, I'll keep in touch. '
April 7th.
After finally finding his way home (what the hell he'd been doing to end up sleeping in that woman's bed he doesn't want to know), Wang Yi's more surprised by how dusty his room looks. Was he really gone for that long?
He remembers staying with Eiden for a few days, but the math doesn't match the calendar. Did he seriously stay a week with Nicolette too? His memories of that time are completely blurred.
Freaking weird.
Anyways, he succeeds in finding his phone, does some cleanup and—oh, there's the brand new basketball that Zhilan gave him sitting in a corner! Wang Yi's eyes automatically stray to the window: the weather looks great, just as he's said.
Huh. I owe him a game, right? Back in uni he always played with his friends.
He picks up the phone and starts to dial Zhilan's number.
' Hello...? '
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' Hey yeah, it's me. Listen Zhilan, are you free this week? We can shoot some hoops together if you wanna? '
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hotarutranslations · 5 months
Thank you very much! For the 2 performances in Niigata!
At spots where I would make eye contact with Yoko-chan, or points where I would move next to Yoko-chan, At those times, it felt like, she's resting… but, We sent ourselves out in all sincerity, Yesterday and today as Morning Musume '24😌💫
The concert is made up of, Sound, lighting, set, video, and costumes, Supported by professionals in various fields🎤
Therefore we deliver it with complete sincerity, But! All of the fans that receive us as well, You are professionals at supporting us😎👏🏻 fufu
Really, thank you very much, for the lots of support today!
We received, Yasuda Yogurt and, Sasa Dango~~!!
Melon Kinenbi's Saito Hitomi-san, came to watch our live🥹🫶🏻
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I'm happy!
She gave us Echigohime❤️
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They were delicious…… Fruit after lives is really the best……
With a total of 4 performances in Nagano and Niigata, For Golden Week, There are a lot of people in various travel destinations but, The Morning Musume '24 lives are super hot❤️‍🔥
For Golden Week, Our next is May 3rd at JAPAN JAM
Also on the 4th is Fukuoka, the 6th is Ehime
That's right! Its already JAPAN JAM! Everyone please get ready to go in the morning!
Eh, its already time to stand on our next stage! Kya! I'll do my best~~! It'll be super exciting~~! Its Fest season~~!
Please support us❤️‍🔥
For me, today,
Model Plus-san's, Had a ranking about dancing, in girls groups and within that, I was chosen for 5th place🕺
I'm really thankful for those who mentioned my name🕺
Thank you very much🕺
I feel like there was a ranking like this before but… Thank you for ranking me at that time as well…
With Morning Musume as a group as well, When thinking about Japans history of idols, its group that comes up, Thats what I thinking
Since its been a quarter century……🥹👏🏻
With that, Everyone who supports Morning Musume, As someone who knows and watches over us now, Lets leave our name in history together?
That's what I wanted to talk about at the first performance🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Excuse me, I was at a loss for words🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
(Ah, even if I did say this the ending would have been different lol)
Today was Niigata! Thank you very much!
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
📺Sendai Broadcast "Sendai Broadcast-san's "Did You Know!? Have You Eaten It!? Everyone's #MiyagiMeshi Project supported by Midori Gin Soda"
27th (Sat) 6:30PM~
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
🪩Spring Tour Has Been Decided Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
🪩JAPAN JAM Morning Musume '24 will be performing on May 3rd!
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🍉Sanrio Character Grand Prix Thank you very much for supporting Gaokki🍉
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! ~Expressing Love Towards My Favorite Panda-san♡ ver.~ in Adventure World
Yamazaki Mei's Panda-san Daisuki!! Mei-chan's Holiday. Adventure World with Oda-san and Ishida-san
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12850292477.html
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