#she went to jessica run devil run school
bemons · 5 months
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vivi girls' night @ 240420 mbc music core
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jazzyspams · 1 year
I tried to resist
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pairing: abby x fem!reader x ellie
rating: explicit. (18+. mdni.)
summary: abby has liked you since high school but you always had eyes for your best friend, ellie; but ellie never saw you that way. which made abby hate you and ellie, ellie for not seeing the girl in front of her who loved her, and you for still being stuck on someone who didn’t truly see you
word count: a little over 7k
warnings: modern college, somewhat love triangle, jealous abby, dom!abby, switch! abby for just a bit, pussy spanking, alcohol, dirty talk, scissoring, teasing, multiple orgasms, lots of jealousy from all characters, begging, degradation kink, praise!!!!!, porn with a feelings, edging, just overall very smutty lmfao
a/n: definitely not proof read, it’s literally 1:28 and this came to mind. please go easy on me and enjoy!
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you’re impatient. looking at the clock, the time read “2:46”. fuck only four more minutes left. you leg was shaking impatiently, you look back to see your worst enemy. the devil itself. abby fucking anderson, she was also looking at the large clock plastered right in the middle in the large classroom
her eyes turned to you and that devil grin she always wore was smacked on her face, she raised her eyebrows in a “its on” type of way. she always did that when she got competitive, but the everyone knows you’re more competitive so you raise your eyebrows back, in the same manner
you look at the clock again, only one minute left. you quickly throw on your backpack and place your hands on the long table that went across the classroom. you prayed that you would get there before abby considering she was on the third row and you were on the second. you looked at the steps and also prayed that they didn’t make you fall
the clock read “2:50” and you ran. you ran up the steps of the classroom, thankfully passing abby. you yelled sorry to the students you bumped into. ellie started running beside you, you didn’t know when but she did; you turn to her and smile
you look back and see abby running behind you; she wasn’t too far behind and she was catching up quick. you saw an opportunity you rarely get and your smile grows bigger “penis breath!” you yell. you can see her throw up her middle finger’s right before you turn back around and quickly stop at your destination
you and ellie try to catch your breath as you stop at the bulletin board, abby follows shortly after you two and searches the bulletin board. as you all found the paper you were searching for, you place your finger on the paper and it reads “captain of the woman’s basketball team = abigail anderson” you can hear ellie curse under her breath
her hands running through her short reddish hair as she cocks her head back in frustration, you place you hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her in some way “fuck, im sorry el’s i know how hard you’ve been working. but hey at least you’re vice captain ” you comment, the pity in your throat rising
abby chuckles mockingly and ellie’s eyes shoot at abby. abby puts her hands up “hey dont hate the player, hate the game” she laughs sarcastically
“you’re a actual dick” you snap.
“yeah, but we all know thats why you love me” she mumbles. you roll your eyes at her annoying sarcasm. “hey, at least you got cheer captain” ellie says with a broken smile and you cant help but to feel bad.
your school released the captins/ vice captains of all the teams the day before summer started, which was weird to all the students but the school still does it every year
“im surprised, i thought jessica would be the captain” abby confessed, you look at abby and for a moment and you want to kill her. you hated jessica and everyone knew that, she always tried to make everything a competition with you and of course abby had to date her, well you weren’t sure if they were dating but everyone knew they had something going on
“abigail, i swear to god if you mention that she-devils name to me one more time i’ll rip that braid out of your head” you almost pout, you can see ellie laugh from the corner of your eye as she walks away in annoyance. everyone knew better than to not be there when you and abby got into it or else they would be caught in the crossfire
“i’d really love to see you try, and honestly this whole ‘im so jealous of jessica’ act really needs to stop. it’s getting old” she laughs hysterically, and your eyes widen at her words. you? jealous of jessica?
you scoff, “oh please abigail, you’re one to talk. your obsession with proving your better than ellie at everything?” you mock her words in a angry tone
she steps closer to you and lowers herself so that she’s your height, she inches closer to your ear. “there’s nothing to prove because i am better than her. academically, socially, and even when it comes to basketball.” she whispers in your ear
you can feel a shiver down your spine as her hot breath touches your ear but you can’t let it phase you. you place your hand on her chest and for a moment you can swear you feel her twitch at your touch. you back your face away a little so you can see her face, to your surprise its red. both of your faces, only a few inches away
“you sure do love to run your mouth abby. you might be better at all those things but theirs one thing ellie’s better than you at,” you pause to observe her face and she looks tempting. her blue eyes so focused on your lips. she raises her eyebrow, waiting for u to finish
“running her mouth. she knows what to say…. what not to say. she really knows how to work that tongue” you finish. her jaw clenches tight at your words and you can help but to give her a innocent smile
she looks as if she’s about to explode and you love every second of it. you trail you hand around her as you walk around her
you see ellie at the end of the hallway and yell at her to wait up and she stops in her tracks and waits for you. as you catch up to her she wraps her arm around your neck and you look back to see abby still standing there with her fists balled
you lay in the grass, on top of your blanket outside the dorm apartments, you probably look weird but you didn’t care. you love the way the sun hit here. not too sunny but not too shady. your eyes are closed and your relaxed, probably the most relaxed you’ve been all year
you let out a deep breath. oddly enough you were gonna miss it here, summer break was only two months but you’ve been living here for a year, with all your friends, and no parents so it would be a little weird nonetheless going back home
suddenly you no longer feel the sun on your face, you open your eyes in confusion. you jump sarcastically once you see who it is
“jesus abigail, dont sneak up on me like that. you know im scared of dogs” you joke, but she doesn’t laugh; her arms are crossed and she looks kinda angry and you start to kinda feel bad
“very funny but i think you’ve got me confused with your mother” she jokes back, and suddenly you no longer feel bad. you roll your eyes as you sit yourself up on your elbows
she lays down on her side beside you on your blanket. you turn your neck and look at her like she’s crazy. you want to tell her to get up or you’ll drag her off but you’re too much in a good mood
she lays on her back with her arms behind her head and closes her eyes. you’re still sitting up on your elbows, looking at her in confusion. you think she can tell your looking at her because she quickly says “dina and jesse wanna know if you’re coming to the party tonight”
you groan at the mention of the party, they had been asking you for weeks if you were coming but you’ve just been ignoring the question. you loved the annual ‘start of the summer’ party, they were fun and all but every time you went there abby made fun of whatever you wear and ellie is always letting some random dance up on her and you didn’t have the energy or strength for another year of it
you wanted to tell ellie how you felt but you knew she didn’t feel the same way and you’ll never forget the day she actually said it. junior year, your whole friend group was at jesse’s house. dina and ellie were outside by the pool smoking weed and jesse thought it would be funny to scare them and then push them in the pool.
you three snuck out the house from the front and entered the backyard from the side. you guys hid behind the tool shed, waiting for the right time to jump out but their conversation got a little too interesting. dina had asked ellie what was going on between you and her because everyone knew you had feelings for ellie since freshman year except ellie. dina was only trying to help and get some information out of ellie but boy did it backfire.
ellie laughed at dina’s words, what was so funny about dating me? you thought. “god dina, she’s my best friend. nothing would ever happen between us” she laughed. you could see the look of horror on jesse and abby’s face and fuck was it so embarrassing, all you could do was leave. abby tried to follow you out and tell you to forget about her but you pushed her away. she didn’t understand. and since that day things fell to shit. abby started hating you, you distanced yourself from ellie and the whole friend group fell apart, causing all of you not to talk for the rest of junior year, but thankfully dina put everything back together right before senior year had started.
so you decided to put your feelings aside for ellie for the sake of the friend group. everything had went back to normal but oddly enough abby went on hating you and ellie and you always wondered why, until you didn’t. you eventually decided that abby was just an asshole
you let out a light sigh at abby’s question and at the memories. fuck abby’s comments and fuck whoever ellie decides to dance with tonight, you thought to yourself. this is the day before you leave and go back home. why not have some fun? shit you deserve it
“yeah. i’ll go” you say proudly. abby lays on her side and looks at you. her eyes blue and so devastating. “so….is your girlfriend coming” she asks, and it sounds as if she’s nervous. you raise your eyebrow in confusion as you lay down on your side, facing her. for a moment its silent as you two look at each other
“ellie” she simply says and you almost laugh at her words. “ellie is not my girlfriend” you scoff. abby looks as if she doesn’t believe your words. the look of devastation is no longer in abby’s eyes, her look was different this time and you couldn’t figure out what it was
“i cant tell the way she drags you around and you follow her” she mumbles. what? you cant believe she just said that. that moment where it was just silent and peaceful between you two was gone. and of course she had to be the one to ruin it. “oh fuck you abby” you breathe out. standing up and attempting to yank your blanket from up under her
she quickly stands up “i-im sorry, i didn’t mean it like that” she stutters and this is the first time you’ve ever heard her say sorry or stutter. “yeah, sure you didn’t” you mutter in disbelief as you fold the blanket around your arm and leave
you stand in your mirror, finishing the final touches of your makeup and hair. you usually never wear you hair down but fuck it? right? you turn around in the mirror to observe yourself, and damn you look good. the short black dress hugged your curves perfectly. you looked fucking good and fuck what anyone (abby) had to say
you smile at yourself right before you leave to walk to the other side of the field, where all the bigger dorms were. the building where all the parties are hosted used to be a fancy hotel building, meaning the rooms were literally huge and luckily dina had one of those rooms
you could already hear the loud music as soon as you walked in, the lobby was filled with decorations and drunk students. you took the elevator to the fifth floor and saw more drunk students being carried away by their sober friends
you walking in dina’s room and holy shit it was bigger than the last time u were here. you could see everyone was having a good time, most students were dancing and some of them were sitting down just talking. you walked over to the counter where the drinks were on display, you grabbed a red solo cup and poured the first hard alcohol you saw. you quickly swallowed it and shut your eyes tight at the burning sensation that flashed down your throat
you turn around, trying to scope the room to see if you saw any of your friends. soon enough you see dina and jesse on the L shaped crème couch. you walk over to them and they looked surprised to see you. “i can’t believe you actually came and oh my god you look amazing ” dina yelps. you smile at the compliment “thanks dina but why are you surprised that im here? didn’t abby tell you” you ask in confusion
dina and jesse look at eachother in confusion. “didn’t you guys ask abby to ask me if i was coming” you question. jesse gives dina a mischievous smile as he takes a sip out of whatever is in his cup, dina shakes her head in disappointment. “no…we didn’t, we know how much you guys hate eachother. if anything we would have asked ellie” she shouts, trying to make sure you hear her over the loud music
your confused. so why would abby lie about something so small. whatever, probably abby just being weird. “yeah thats weird… but speaking of ellie have you guys seen her?” you ask, slightly bending over to make sure they can hear you. they start looking around the room and dina’s eyes widen at something
“oh shit” jesse mumbles loud enough. you stand up and look where dina and jesse have their eyes set and you see ellie behind the counter with jessica. oh my fucking god. they were fucking flirting. ellie pushes her hair back behind her ear and her freckled cheeks are actually red. jessica has her hand on ellies shoulder flirtatiously as she laughs at whatever ellie is saying
you storm over towards them, placing your hands on top of the counter; you cough loudly. ellie’s eyes shoots to you and she looks flabbergasted. she stutters your name and you smile. you can see jessica from the corner of your eye giving you a silent death stare, and you would have returned it but you were too preoccupied with imagining all the ways on how you would beat ellie’s ass. “hey ellie could i talk to you for a sec” you ask with a polite smile
 “s-sure” she stutters, placing her red cup on the counter. you walk over towards the door that leads out to the balcony and ellie follows behind you. “ellie really?” you question in disbelief. she lets down a deep sigh “we were just talking” she replies in annoyance
“ellie. you guys were fucking flirting” you say, the anger in your throat rising and you can feel your blood boiling. you didn’t care that she was flirting with another girl but jessica? out of all of the beautiful, kind, talented woman at this college she had to pick a conniving, back stabbing cunt. so much for best friends ellie
“okay so what? its just flirting, its not like im planning on marrying her” she dismisses you and you cant believe the words that are coming out of her mouth
“ellie thats not the fucking prin-“ you stop yourself and take a deep breath. this isn’t worth it. you didn’t wanna argue. it was a party and the night before you go home. you wont let her ruin your night
“fuck this” you breathe out, walking out onto the balcony. you walk over to the balcony and lean over the railing. trying process what the hell just happened, since when did ellie start acting like that? maybe it was the alcohol and god you really hoped it was
“you okay?” you hear a familiar voice say. you turn around and see abby. for some odd reason you’re happy to see her. no matter how much you both hate eachother, you’ll never forget that she used to be one of your best friends. whether you were arguing or not, she always gave you some sense of comfort that nobody else had gave you. not even ellie
she’s wearing green cargos with a black sleeveless shirt. her hair is down and she’s wearing a cap backwards. she never wears her hair down but tonight she was. you didn’t want to admit it but she looked good. she was holding a cup in her hand; her muscles glistened in the dim light and they looked more hard than they usually did as if she’d been working out before she came here. who was she trying to look so good for?
you nod your head at the question she asked earlier. abby was known for being the life of the party but for some reason she was out on the balcony, alone. “are you?” you ask, returning the question.
she nods “yeah, me and jessica just got into a fight”. her voice low and disappointing. no wonder jessica was in there throwing herself at ellie. a part of you wants to comfort her but a part of you tells you don’t do it because you guys will just go back to hating eachother tomorrow
“im sorry to hear that but if it makes you feel better, so did me and ellie” you give her a comforting smile. she returns the smile “it does” she admits. you laugh at her honesty
her eyes rake over your body and you can feel every part that they touch. you felt nervous as she looked at you. her eyes so intent and focus. her eyes finally meet yours and for a moment you swear her eyes are speaking to you
maybe it was the shot of alcohol you took earlier but you can feel your body pulling to hers like electricity. before you know it your legs are moving towards her. you’re in front of her and she’s just admiring you. your eyes, your eyebrows, your nose, and your lips; especially your lips. the tension was thick and heavy and you loved it
why was she staring at you like that; and why did you like it so much.
you look down and notice the drink in her hand, the cup half full. you slowly slide your hand up her veiny hand, taking the cup from out her grasp. “you dont want this do you?” you ask, your voice laced with seduction and desire
what was happening. why did you want her so fucking bad.
she shakes her head, as she watches you drink the alcohol that was in her cup. fuck you had to get out of here before you did something you would regret. you quickly break the eye contact between you two and place the cup down on the patio table that abby stood in front of
you grab her hand, leading her back into the party. theirs more people than there was before. everyone is dancing, either on someone or with someone.
the weeknd is playing. ‘the party & the after party’.
you still have abby’s hand in yours. you walk the both of you over to where everyone is dancing. she automatically knows what to do. her hands grip on your waist tight. her hands rough and warm. you tremble a little at her touch. you’re pushed up against her. you sway your hips in accordance with the song. you can feel yourself starting to get hot. a little from the alcohol but mostly from the way she made you grind against her. she lets out a shaky breath at the feeling
you flip your hair to the right side of your head, attempting to cool yourself down but it doesn’t work. you’re still so fucking hot. abby refuses to let this opportunity pass, planting her face in your exposed neck. you can feel her biting at your skin. you whimper at the sensation, you could feel your underwear getting more and more soaked with every touch
you place one of your hands on hers, turning your head to the side to face her, sliding your free hand underneath her long hair and letting it rest on her neck. you had pulled her to look at you and she did. your faces so close, she was breathing hard and so were you. she inches closer towards you, your lips ached for hers but you couldn’t.
you push her away, breaking your bodies apart; leaving you both empty with nothing but lust and desire in your mind. “w-we shouldn’t” you breathe out. the look in her eyes, filled with disappointment. she simply nods, walking away
your eyes follow her as she attempts to leave but dina stops her, whispering something in her ear and abby nods. leaving anyway.
you need to get somewhere quiet to think. you push through the crowd trying to find dina’s room, you walk down the hallway filled with students in line for the bathroom. once you reach the end of the hall you find dina’s room, you open the door and you’re stunned by what you see
jessica’s shirt off with ellie on top of her, literally eating her face. their eyes shoot at the door, ellie looks like she’s seen a ghost and you can hear her say your name. you open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. your disgusted, hurt, betrayed, and heartbroken. all you can do it walk away
you think ellie is following behind you but you dont care, you cant stop walking; soon enough your out of dina’s dorm. you can feel hot tears coming down your face as you stalk towards the elevator. you feel her grab you. ���please wait, let me explain myself” she begs. you face her at once and snatch your hand away
“what ellie? what the fuck could you possibly say” you almost scream. the tears just keep rolling down and you just want them to stop, you quickly wipe them away. she looks down for a moment before she looks back up at you
“please stop crying. i-i just saw you dancing with abby an-“ you cut her off quickly
“you saw me dancing with abby so think thats enough for you to go ahead and fuck jessica? you’re supposed to be my best friend” you whimper. your infuriated. you can feel your heart breaking into tiny pieces
“i am, fuck. im sorry, im so fucking sorry” her eyes become watery. but the crocodile tears wont work this time, you’re not sure anything will
“so then why? why her, why jessica” you question, wiping your hand over your face, trying your hardest to suppress the tears
she sighs low in disappointment, “she was just there” she simply says
you step back. in disbelief. you scoff “she was just there? ellie i have been here for six fucking years, through every heartbreak you had. when riley had to move, you stayed at my house; crying in my arms, all fucking day and i was there! i had to pretend like my heart wasn’t aching for you so fucking badly all those years,” you pause to take a breath
“junior year, when you laughed at the thought of having something with me and you swore to dina that nothing could ever happen between me and you, i had to pretend like my heart wasn’t shattered and go back to being your loyal best friend like it was nothing” you finished. it felt like a huge load had been lifted off your shoulders at the confession
ellie’s eyes widened in realization. her hand wraps around her mouth as she steps back. realizing what you had just told her. she whispers your name lowly as she inches towards you, she attempts to grab your hands but you yank them away. “ellie just stop. im done.” you say firmly
her head drops, in shame. she had fucked up terribly, and she knew it. you release a deep breath you’d been holding inside for too long. as you walked away quietly.
the walk back to your dorm was quiet, you cried the whole way back. as soon as you entered your room you wiped the make up off and threw the tight dress off into the corner and threw on a oversized shirt
why did you think going to that party was a good idea? all you gain from them is trauma. you didn’t know who to think of. abby or ellie? you needed to get this whole fucking party off your mind. the only thing keeping you sane was the thought of melting into your bed in the nice cool ac.
as you walk towards your desk to grab your computer you hear a low knock on the door. you groan at the sound. you walk towards your door in annoyance. you open it to see abby, holding a box of beer.
you more than surprised to see her. she pushes past you, walking into your room and placing the box of beer down near your desk. you quietly shut the door behind her.
“a-abby, what are you doing here” you stutter in confusion. and why in the hell did she have a box of beer?
she walks towards you, and her hands cup your face. her eyes shined in the low candle light. she looks so hurt, that wall she had built up for so long was gone. you could tell she had something say. something was eating her alive
“she doesn’t deserve you” she finally speaks. you shudder at her words. you can’t. you just cant deal with this right now. you put your hands on her hard chest and try to shake your head away from her but she just yanks you closer, forcing you to look at her
“i’ve tried to resist the fact that i want you. i’ve tried for so fucking long and i succeeded until today. when you talked about ellie earlier today it did something to me,” she pauses for a second as she inches closer to your face
“the way you danced on my tonight, made me wanna rip that tight little dress off and fuck you in front of everyone” she confesses. you shiver at her words, breathing hard at her confession. your lips so close like how they were earlier
she whimpers your name against your lips and it sounds heavenly. your about to cave in. “eyes dont lie. i know you want me to fuck you. just say the words and i will. better than ellie ever could” she whispers again. her voice dark and seductive
you can say anything you just nod. but that doesn’t work. she doesn’t go for that. “say it” she demands. and you can’t do anything but comply
“fuck me. p-please abby” you beg. she smirks at your words, smashing her lips into yours. the kiss hungry and rough, she groaned softly as she tasted your sweet soft lips on hers. she slams you against your door as your bodies moved in sync with eachother, she pushes your hands up over your head as she lowers her kisses down your neck, kissing the spots she had marked earlier. the hot breathy kisses on your neck making you moan lightly
she lifts the shirt over your head, throwing it somewhere. she admires your body in the black bra and lacy underwear you wore, “fuck” she groans, kissing you so needy. she picks you up again the door and you wrap your legs around her, refusing to break the hot kiss. she grabs your legs tight, making sure you won’t fall as she walks over towards your bed
laying you down on your back as she hooks her hands around your back, unhooking your bra. allowing your boobs to spill out, just for her eyes. she kissed along your jaw as her rough long fingers started to play with your hardened nipples. her kisses lowering, and turning into hickey’s the lower she got. finally her warm mouth takes one of your boobs in her mouth as she grabs the other one with hand
her eyes stay on you the whole time, watching you squirm and twitch under her touch, she loved it. seeing you laid out on display just for her. quiet moans escaping your mouth as she pulled, biting softly on your nipple as she released it from her mouth
your pussy was pooling with precum. you’ve never wanted to be touched so bad in your life. she gets on her knees. making you put your hands over her shoulders. she runs her thick long fingers over your pussy. “p-please abby” you pant out
you feeling her long hot tongue, slowly run over your clothed aching pussy. a whimper leaves your mouth and you back up a little at the warm sensation. she yanks you closer towards her tongue, doing it again; but this time slower. you shut your eye’s tight. she notices and plants a spank on your pussy. your eyes shoot open
“i want you to watch me tease you, i want you to know how i felt all these years” she confesses, spitting on your pussy, the laced material is cheap, so you can feel the spit trailing down your already wet folds
you look down and see her already looking up at you, her smirk large and her eyes unforgiving. you don’t know how much longer u can handle her teasing. she moves the cheap material to the side as she slowly rubbed her thick fingers against your swollen folds
“you want me to touch you here” she teases. you nod your head quickly, a little too quickly. causing a evil chuckle to leave her lips “really? how bad” she teases more, her voice now dark with desire. the flood of arousal starting to drip more at her teasing
“s-so fucking bad abby” you whimper. she takes your underwear and pulls them down, you lift up, giving her more access to pull them down easily. the feeling of the cool air hitting your aching pussy making you moan slightly
her hot breath glistening over your wet lips. you can feel her breathing again you as she stamps her hands on your thighs. her eyes hungry and impatient. “god im gonna fuck you with my tongue til’ you cry” she mumbles
you’re breathing hard as she pulls you closer to her mouth. the full length of her long tongue slowly and gently slides against your slits. you whimper softly at the sensation, chest thumping in pleasure
her hands digging into your thighs. your arms above your head as you move against her tongue. the feeling of her breathing and her hot tongue against you, making you close. her teeth graze against you clit. her hands release from your legs and find its place on your waist, pinning you down to stop all your movement
“you taste so fucking good. like i knew you would” she breathes out. face deep in your cunt. you can feel your toes curl as her nose grazes against your sensitive spot. your moans filling the room
“who’s tongue better now?” she pants, mocking your words from earlier. you dont hesitate to answer “yours, god yours abby” you whimper, her dirty words sending you over the edge as the sensation in your stomach builds. you can feel your legs shaking as you reach your high
you grab her by the shirt, pulling her towards you to taste yourself on her tongue. you pull her sleeve shirt over her head and throw it where your shirt layed. you moan at the sight of her muscled body “you’re so fucking hot abby” you pant, grabbing her again and kissing her harder
“shut up” she mumbles in between your lips. she breaks the kiss, throwing her shoes off and her pants with them, revealing the womans boy shorts she wore. her muscled thighs turned you on so bad. you quickly get on top of her, kissing down her neck and leaving a bite mark with every kiss. her groans sounding like music to your ears
you snatched off her sports bra, you slowly tease her with your tongue around her boob “fuck, don’t tease me” she growls. you smile against her skin as you start softly sucking on her boob. her hands behind her head and she keeps her eyes focused on you.
you trail your tongue down from her breast to her waist, where her underwear stopped. you pulled them off. you lift yourself up to her lips “i bet i can fuck you better than jessica can” you whisper on her lips. she smirks “prove it” she whispers back.
you take the challenge. you position yourself in between her legs, one of her legs lay on top of yours and your other leg lays on top of hers. you can see her bite her lip at the feeling of both of your both of your wet cunts touching. you place your hands on her hard chest as you start to grind against her. both of your warm clits, messages eachothers
you can feel her hands slap roughly into your ass as she grinds you harder against her. the whine that falls from her lips shocked you, sending a shiver through your body.
moans spilled from your lips. you shoot your head back at the feeling of both of you against eachother. she was pushing you down on her hard, forcing you to go fast and it felt fucking euphoric. everything disappeared except for you and her and suddenly nothing else mattered. just this feeling. only abby mattered. “fuck” she spit , her nails digging into you waist.
she moans your name and you can feel tears of pleasure leaving your eyes, your second orgasm was close. “just like that, fuck me like you hate me” she cursed, and you went faster, grinding harder. her clit was pulsating against yours as you both reached your high together almost screaming
you collapse on top of her as both of you try and catch your breath. her large arms wrap around your sweaty body. you both lay there for a second, before abby gets up, placing you to the side and putting your blanket over you.
“where are you going” you ask, disappointed. as she puts back on her bra and underwear. she looks back at you and smiles “just grabbing my phone, to tell dina come get these beers” you nod, smiling back
holy shit. you just fucked abby. and it was really fucking good. oh god what did this make you guys. relax you thought. just relax. you took a deep breath before you moved the blanket off of you and hopped out your bed. you grabbed abby’s sleeveless shirt and put it on. it was a little big but you liked how it looked
you walked over towards your desk and admired yourself in the shirt. you didn’t notice it but abby was watching you. “don’t be weird” you laugh, she smirks
“what? you look good” she snickers, eyeing you down. you roll your eyes. you hear a knock on the door and look at abby
“damn she was quick” you comment, picking up the case of beers, considering the fact that abby didn’t have anything on. you opened the door with struggle, keeping your eyes on your feet as you pushed your foot in front of it to hold it back
you look up and see ellie. she looks behind you and sees abby on your bed, half naked. she nods her head in disbelief. youre too stunned to speak. “fucking hypocrite” she scoffs, leaving you in utter shock.
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a/n: please remember this wasn’t proof read, literally made off the top of my head, hope you guys liked it as much as my  delusions did
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A Stark Halloween Party // Tony Stark x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 1788 Warning: Light insecurity
There's this one girl. She wasn't a girl. She was a woman. She was bigger than other women. She was different. She loved herself. That's what drew big time tech billionare Tony Stark to her. He liked that she was confident. She was sometimes sarcastic under her breath when she thought no one could hear her. Tony realized that she was very similar to him. Tony didn't treat her like he treated Pepper. Pepper had actually decided to go to a law firm instead of working with Tony.
He knew y/n would be slower than Pepper in heels. He would only order her to stand beside him and write his work notes while he was in his lab. She would make him laugh. That wasn't easy for him since the New York incident. He loved to see her every day at 10am. Being confident was a great thing to be around Tony Stark.
Another thing about him, Tony always loved parties. No disaster would get him down when it came to a celebration or charity. Halloween was a big shen-dig for him. He was a man who liked costumes, too. He made everyone's costumes better yet he had someone else make the costumes; not that he didn't have an idea of the costumes but he couldn't sew. He decided after the computer generated the costumes to go and switch them up himself and give everyone Tony Stark appointed costumes.
He had called everyone in the compound to the main conference room. Everyone was surprised that Tony called everyone since there was nothing on the news or on the tv monitors hanging around the place, lately. He explained that he wanted to throw a Halloween bash. He started giving everyone their costumes and that their outfits will be sent to them when they get made. It was 2 weeks until Halloween. He could do it. He even thought about making them dress up as each other but after he chuckled about that he decided to go with traditional costumes.
Tony named off announcing the costumes explaining he used a generator so they won't guess he chose legitimately to give him and y/n similar matching costumes. or get annoyed if they didn't like the costumes he picked.
Steve. Sailor.
Natasha. Angel.
Y/n. Princess.
Clint. Ghost Face.
Thor. Pro Wrestler.
Peter Parker. Vampire.
Sam. Police Officer.
Scott. Devil.
Rhodey. Storm Trooper.
Wanda. Jessica Rabbit. (Mostly because of the hair)
Vision. Michael Myers.
Bucky. Werewolf.
Happy. Superman.
Loki. Plague Doctor.
and himself. Prince Charming.
It was a bit harder than he thought to give them all costumes. They all practically live in costumes. He chose the most ironic costumes he could. He however made sure he and y/N were matching. He wouldn't tell he didn't generate the costumes. Only FRIDAY knows.
Once everyone got their costumes, they're of course was arguements of why they got the costume they got. Tony rolled his eyes. "Deal with it." He smiled at y/N and went and left to go to his office. He ordered a famous designer to create the costumes except the princess one. He wanted to design that one himself.
"I can't believe I'm even coming to this party," Loki complained.
"Your face will be covered, Brother," Thor responded.
Loki groaned.
"I am stronger than any wrestler," Thor thinks. "I do not trust technology."
Steve looked at Natasha. "I considered joining the marines. I preferred to be an army soldier though."
Natasha was in shock and crossed her arms. "I am no angel. I would rather be a ninja."
Steve chuckles, "Tony's not going to change his mind."
Natasha rolled her eyes, "I blame the computer more than him."
Wanda looked to Steve and Natasha, "My costume is the most sexist outfit..."
Vision looks at her with a soft smile, "I would love to see you in that costume."
Wanda then forgets all her worries about being so sexy and caresses his cheek, "You ok with your costume babe?"
Vision nods, "I will wear whatever is given. I haven't ever celebrated Halloween before."
Wanda smiles, "Ok."
Vision tilts his head, "Who is Michael Myers?"
Wanda calmly describes the psycho to him.
Vision thinks, "I see..." He said that a lot.
Scott looks to Clint, "I'm just glad to be a part of this team."
Clint nodded, "I was going to take my kids trick-or-treating this year..."
Scott laughed, "Well maybe it won't be on actual Halloween."
Clint nodded, "Hope so." He wasn't too fond of his costume. The devil? Really? He disapproved.
Natasha looked at Clint, "Really? you think you got it bad? I've never worn a dress before. A white one at that."
"Computers aren't against you," Happy interrupted Nat and Clint.
Happy liked the idea of being Superman. Finally, he is a superhero like everyone else around him.
Happy looked at Peter who was over excited for being invited to his first Avenger/Tony/"Adult" party. "Are you alright kid?"
Peter nods and flops down on the couch. "Oh yeah. I am excited! I also love that Tony is making our costumes. He always makes me great costumes. You think I can invite MJ? and/or Ned? Do you think Mr. Stark would mind?"
Happy shrugged, "I don't think he would mind."
Bucky was quiet standing in a corner not caring either which way. but trying to think of what a werewolf costume would look like.
Rhodey thought a storm trooper would be cool. Star Wars is a classic afterall.
Sam was neutral about his outfit. He didn't care one way or another about being a police officer. He was trying to imagine himself in it. He could be a police officer. He loved helping people and saving the day. He felt like a police officer anyway. Just with the metal wings.
y/N was being quiet. She was worried now that her costume wouldn't fit once Tony gives it to her. Talk about embarassing. She hurriedly rushed up to her room to avoid anyone else. She wasn't an insecure person since middle school. She was surprised her confidence was currently faltering.
"Looks like the computer thinks you and I should match," She bumps into Tony.
"Tony... I didn't see you... sorry," y/n told him.
"Are you alright?" Tony arched his brow.
"I was wondering if... maybe I could pick my own costume. I mean I'll still be a princess... I just..."
"What are you afraid of... you don't want to match with me?"
"Tony... I'm not feeling well. I am going to my room," She left.
"Hmm... hey... y/N, wait!" Tony didn't understand why she wasn't happy or glad they matched.
She looked in the mirror and immediately went to bed after sighing loudly. She needed to get her mind off of the party. She wasn't even happy that she was even invited to one of the biggest shen-digs of the year.
She was very quiet during her work the following days. Tony was concerned. He had FRIDAY keep an eye on her for him. She was just anxious and didn't try to keep up with him anymore. She wasn't even wearing heels anymore.
The costumes came in from the designer. Tony already had everyone's measurements so he had sent them out. He didn't have y/n's so he tried scientifically to decide the size of her costume. She would never tell him or let him near her with a measuring tape. She would rather disappear than have ANY of the Avenger's Family know her size, especially Tony. She had a crush on her boss. Who wouldn't? He was Tony Freaking Stark. Tall, dark, handsome, rich, smart, and a superhero.
Everyone is glad how their costumes turned out. They fit just right and were amazing. Tony definitely appreciated the styles and the designs worth every penny. Everyone was happy with their costumes.
The night of the party y/n didn't come to the party hall. He went to her room and knocked on the door. She was crying on the edge of her bed with the dress in her lap, makeup running down her cheeks. "Why aren't you dressed?"
"I can't fit it."
"W... did you try it on?" She shrugs then sighs and shakes her head. "No..."
Tony just stared at her. "O....k. Come on I'll help you. If I have to wear poofy sleeves you have to wear the poofy dress."
She blushed nodding and stood up and he helped her dress into her costume, sucking in her stomach as much as she could so he doesn't see her 'girth'.
As a Prince and Princess, Tony and the reader smiling
"You look sexy in that costume," Tony smiled softly at her.
She blushed deep, "You're drunk and that's inappropriate Mr. Stark..."
"Call me Tony. Please... You've been here for 6 months... You're always with me. You know me better than anyone... You have pretty hair, y/n... and such soft, delicate figure... You are so beautiful. Now will you come downstairs and be with me at the party?"
She giggled, "We are at the party."
He smiled, "I made sure we matched."
He nodded, "I wanted to be with you. I chose all the costumes. The generator was just me. Don't tell." He laughed. "You are my date on purpose."
y/N's eyes widened, "You wanted me to look like a giant marshmallow?"
Tony looked offended, "I wanted you to be mine."
"Wait... like me... and you?"
"Me and you..."
"What why? I'm not as hot as the other women you..."
"NEVER say you are less than anyone else. Where's the y/N I am used to that doesn't care what others think about how she looks? and Especially bimbos from my past. They don't matter. It's the past. This is the future." He takes her hand and puts a palm against her palm and smiles down at her.
" You know... you are such a catch. I'm attracted to you and all your beauty and snark. Yeah, I notice you. You have an old timey type of beauty like a princess... and I am your Prince. Well, I would call myself a King. You do everything for me. You know me better than anyone has ever..."
"He is so egotistical," Bucky said.
Tony rolled his eyes. "She is a Queen. My queen; not a princess."
Steve smiled soft. "She is sweet as can be. Princess was a perfect outfit for her. She better watch out for him. He will corrupt her." He laughs.
y/n grinned wide at Tony insecurities all gone and leans up and kisses him. "My Tony?"
"My y/N..." Tony kisses back passionately.
Everyone claps.
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Son Taeyeon Masterlist
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*This is my default information on Taeyeon; however, most of it can change based on the scenario (AUs)
*Faceclaim is Kim Taeyeon of SNSD (quite obviously for anyone who’s into kpop)
*All of the ages in this timeline are in South-Korean reckoning, which generally means the people are two years older than they would be in western reckoning if the day of their birthday has not passed for the current year, and one year older than they would be in western reckoning of the day of their birthday has passed for that current year
*Last Updated: 7/19/20
Stage Name: Taeyeon (태연)
Birth Name: Son Taeyeon (손태연)
English Name: Aleah
Group: Pandora // Solo
Other Members: Park Soojin, Han Yuna, Lee Sunbin, Park Minhee
Subunit(s): Arcana (with G-Dragon), Vanitas (with Soojin)
Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Main Dancer, Center/Face of the Group, Vocalist
Agency: YG Entertainment
Birthdate: August 26th, 1993
Debut Date: October 17th, 2006
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Height: 157 cm (5’3″)
Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: South Korean
Father: Son Chiwon (deceased)
Mother: Lee Jiyu (deceased)
Brother: Son Taeyong [younger by one year]
Taeyeon was born in Seoul, South Korea and lived there until age 5, when her mother passed away from cardiac arrest, moving away to America (more specifically, Los Angeles) with her father, who was a neurologist, and her younger brother
During the time she was in Korea, she was childhood friends with G-Dragon of Bigbang, but they lost contact after she moved
Taeyeon wanted to be a criminal profiler during her childhood
Since she was young, her father instilled in her the idea of always doing her very best at everything, to the point of surpassing her limits
When she was ten, her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and she began to worry about how she would care for herself and Taeyong if he died
With that worry in mind, Taeyeon in 2004 participated in a singing competition in which YG Entertainment executives were attending; winning first place, she was scouted by them and auditioned
She auditioned by singing Uhm Jung Hwa’s Rose of Betrayal, rapping to H.O.T.’s Warrior’s Descendant, and dancing to BoA’s Amazing Kiss, and passed
When she gave the news to her father, he disapproved and told her he was going nowhere so she’d have to stay, but Taeyeon responded that she would go on her own
In late 2004, Taeyeon moved to South Korea and lived in the dormitory that YG provided
She requested that half of the funding she received from YGE as a trainee went to her family in America as to make money for Taeyong and her father until her debut
She met Soojin in 2004, when they were both twelve years old (in South Korean age) and became friends with her; upon joining YGE, she found out that Soojin was under the company as well
Taeyeon and Soojin spent their trainee days together
As a trainee, Taeyeon reunited with GD and also met Taeyang, T.O.P, Daesung, and Seungri
She rekindled her friendship with GD soon after entering YGE and also became close with the other Bigbang members
She met Yuna, Sunbin, and Minhee in early 2006
Three months before her debut, her father passed away from his pancreatic cancer
After their father’s death, Taeyeon brought Taeyong to Korea, where he unexpectedly joined YG Entertainment as an actor trainee
Taeyeon lived in the dorms with her fellow members during her teenage years 
Taeyeon is a fan of BoA, Sechskies and Super Junior; she’s also a giant fan of actress Kim Seohyung 
Taeyeon is considered one of the youngest idols to ever debut since she was fourteen (in terms of South Korean age) when Pandora debuted
Taeyeon and Taeyong have a very close relationship due to their father being emotionally distant during their childhood; Taeyong once said that she was both an older sister and a mother figure to him
According to Taeyong, during their teen years, Taeyeon would walk him to school, make sure he ate and slept properly, and help him with his studies, no matter how busy she got; when they were younger she also told off his classmates for picking on him
Because she looked after Taeyong since a young age, Taeyeon is very used to taking care of others and is noted to be mature; Pandora’s other members agree that she is the “parent” of the group, GD stated that she’s great at taking care of others, and Heechul once remarked that despite being much younger than the SuJu members, when they meet she acts like an older sister sometimes
It was because she had to take care of Taeyong that Taeyeon was so determined to become an idol at such a young age; otherwise, she didn’t know how she could look after him, and their father’s death made her even more resolved to be successful
She had her first relationship was when she was sixteen, with a girl the same age as her named Yeon Hyunjung, who eventually broke up with her after about a year
(i) She featured in Bigbang’s Let’s Not Fall In Love MV as GD’s love interest; many people commented that their acting and chemistry were extremely natural, to the point where the dating rumors that had died down started again
(ii) She composed, wrote, and produced the title song for Super Junior’s Mamacita album, Mamacita, as well as the side tracks of the album: Hit Me Up, Islands, and Evanesce
Taeyeon was honored and flattered to compose for and worth with a senior group
(iii) She featured as the “devil” in Super Junior’s Devil MV; according to her, it was funny because by the time of the music video, she was friends with Leeteuk, Heechul, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun, but not particularly close with the other members, which made things somewhat awkward during the more touchy scenes
She was a member of the 2017-2018 reality TV show Borrow Trouble Season 2 and the 2018 reality TV show Why Not The Dancer
Taeyeon has worked as a director for Pandora’s concerts since 2015
In addition to being an idol, Taeyeon has starred in a few dramas and movies; (iv) her most well-known roles are Yeon Min-jung in the 2014 MBC drama Jang Bori Is Here, Lee Nayeon/Baek Dohui in the 2016 KBS drama The Promise, Min Chaerin in the 2018 MBC drama Hide and Seek, Yeo Dakyung in the 2020 JTBC drama The World of the Married, and Izumi Hideko in the 2016 film The Handmaiden
Taeyeon works as an emcee occasionally, although she doesn’t often take part in big or long-running shows 
She owns a clothing brand called D’apchier, which began as an online store to sell designs that she produces for fun, but it boomed in Korea, Japan, and China and developed it into a full brand
Taeyeon also owns a sushi restaurant on Jeju Island
She is a Chanel brand ambassador
Taeyeon is very comfortable sleeping in the same room or even on the same bed as close male friends because she always slept in the same bed as Taeyong to comfort him since they were young
The other members of Pandora are like sisters to her, because she’s known and worked with them for so long
Taeyeon says that if she could date any of her members, she would date Soojin; the other members also joke that the two of them are in love, which Taeyeon and Soojin like to playfully affirm by saying, “We’re desperate for each other.” 
The Bigbang members are like brothers to her
She sometimes jokingly calls T.O.P. and Taeyang “hyung”
Out of Bigbang, Taeyeon thinks Taeyang would be the best husband
Taeyeon and GD half-jokingly refer to the other as "my soulmate”
They call each other this and are partially serious about it because they consider each other to be the person who understands them best thanks to their many similarities
She is friends with all of Super Junior from working with them with the exception of Hangeng, Zhoumi, and Henry, but she’s especially close to Heechul, Leeteuk, Yesung, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun
She became friends with Heechul in 2009 when they emceed together during Inkigayo; Leeteuk, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun in 2014 when she worked with them for SJ’s MAMACITA album; Yesung in 2015 during her feature as the “devil” in SJ’s Devil MV
Because of how close they are, Heechul likes to jokingly ask her to marry him to which she jokingly responds that she’ll think about it
The two also like to link arms while walking and call each other “honey”, “my man”/”my woman”
Heechul has a signature nickname for Taeyeon – “devil” – because of how crafty she is, according to him, and Taeyeon has a signature nickname for Heechul – “nutcase” – for obvious reasons, she says
She is friends with Jessica Ho, better known as Jessi, a solo artist
Taeyeon is close with both 2NE1 and Blackpink, especially CL from the former and Rosé from the latter
Taeyeon is friendly with Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Sooyoung of SNSD, and former member Jessica; her shared name with SNSD’s Taeyeon is running joke
She’s also acquainted with all of SHINee’s members and friends with Key and Taemin
Taeyeon has been friends with Song Mino of Winner - also the same age as her - since he joined YGE, because both of them enjoy rap so much
She is also friends with the comedian Yoo Jaesuk
Taeyeon is rather friendly with Rihanna and Beyoncé, both of whom she met while working internationally
Taeyeon loves to write and compose songs, a shared passion that helped in re-establishing her friendship with GD
Taeyeon writes and composes her group’s tracks, sometimes with the other members’ help, and writes and composes all her solo discography; she also writes, composes, and produces other groups’ discography
She had a hand in the lyrics and production of 2NE1′s hit song I Am The Best
According to the other members of Pandora, Taeyeon guides the group, is the strictest one out of them all, has high expectations for her members and those that she works with, and is very meticulous; she also prefers to keep a distinct line between work and personal matters
This is why Taeyeon makes sure to clarify that she and the other members gathered together to work, although they love each other after so long together – therefore, internal or personal disagreements have no place interfering with or threatening their continued existence as a group
What complements and softens her strictness and natural exigence, however, the members and others around her say, is that she’s “warm-hearted” and takes good care of everyone that she works with; also, the results of her attention to detail are almost always very good, making the payoff worthwhile
Taeyeon is an excellent cook
She's an excellent driver and can adjust quickly to driving unfamiliar cars, as seen when she appeared on Running Man
In college, Taeyeon double-majored in neuroscience and anthropology
She and Soojin attended the same college
Taeyeon has a wide range of interests, but she admits that sometimes it’s not a good trait, since it often prevents her from focusing properly on any one topic 
By nature she loves to learn, even if what she knows never has any practical application, so she often tries random things for fun; it often annoyed her members when they lived together in their dorm
The other members of Pandora are at a consensus that the most apt way to describe Taeyeon is a ‘renaissance man’ (much to her chagrin)
Her most treasured possession is her wide collection of books
Some of Taeyeon’s favorite books are We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson, No Longer Human by Dazai Osamu, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Demian by Hermann Hesse, Unfinished Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by NK Jemison, Circe by Madeline Miller, The Devil Aspect by Craig Russell, The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker, Fox Girl by Nora Okja Keller, and Paradise Lost by Milton
She also loves the webnovels Èr Hā Hé Tā De Bái Māo Shī Zūn by Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat and Tian Guan Ci Fu by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Taeyeon enjoys learning about mythology, particularly Greek and Norse mythology
Taeyeon has an IQ of 189, and consistently maintained the number one spot in her class during her time in university
Out of all the members of Pandora, Taeyeon is the worst at taking photos
She’s also the worst at doing makeup since she rarely wears it outside of work
A complete homebody, when Taeyeon isn’t at work, she’s usually in her house, either working or, according to Soojin, “learning about random new things that will never be relevant to her life”
She and Soojin both agree that extreme sports seem fun and love trying them when the opportunity comes on variety shows
She has played the piano, violin, and guitar since childhood, but has also picked up the cello and flute
Her favorite variety shows are Running Man, Radio Star, Knowing Bros, SNL Korea, and Super TV/Super TV2
She learns choreography the fastest of the Pandora members – about a few hours if she works nonstop
Taeyeon is introverted and has a “naturally calm” personality (according to Heechul); she’s more playful with people she trusts and is close to
The people close to her attest that she has excellent self-control and rarely ever loses her cool, to the point where it’s sometimes almost freaky, and that when she’s angry, she speaks calmly; in Yuna’s opinion, that makes it scarier
When a disagreement occurs, Taeyeon’s method of resolving is almost always to sit with the opponent and talk it out; because of this, she’s Pandora’s go-to problem solver
Taeyeon is agnostic
She believes in aliens because she thinks it’s unlikely that Earth is the only planet in the universe able to sustain life; she thinks ghosts might be real, but if they are, not all of them are malicious or looking to frighten people
She learned Muay Thai since a young age at her father’s strict commands, since he wanted her to be able to defend herself; that learning came in handy when, in 2010, a man tried to kidnap Sunbin and Taeyeon managed to delay him long enough for the bodyguards to restrain him
Her MBTI type is INTJ
Minhee once commented that it’s frustrating to get in an argument with her because of how relentlessly logical she is
She’s very openminded when it comes to differences of opinion, as long as those differences can be well-supported rationally
Taeyeon is bisexual and an LGBTQ+ supporter 
Taeyeon is known for being witty and having quick reactions during verbal banter, resulting in her popularity in variety shows; on top of this, she’s not afraid to make the hosts a victim of her wit, either
Heechul, GD, Soojin, and Minhee all attest that she’s also as witty off-screen
When she goes on variety shows with other Pandora members, she usually becomes less talkative because she likes watching what they do on screen, but she steps in when she feels like it could help her members
She doesn’t follow a strict diet due to her fast metabolism, but opts to avoid certain foods and exercise often for health reasons; because of this, she’s a fast runner and is also good at sit-ups
She’s the most flexible member of Pandora
Taeyeon has great lower-body strength, lifting Kim Gura on her back and walking for a few seconds in Radio Star, and lifting Eunhyuk on her back and walking for a few seconds in Strong Heart
Taeyeon is ambidextrous, but slightly favors her left hand
Her favorite food is jjampong, but soondae and kimchi japchae also come close
She can hold her alcohol well, but she doesn’t drink often because it’s bad for her health
She’s a night person and in fact states that she feels more alert when the sun is down
Her favorite animal is the leopard; she’s just been fascinated with them since childhood
As seen on variety shows, Taeyeon has an extremely competitive side because she genuinely enjoys challenges
She’s very good at holding in her laughter
Leeteuk compares her sense of humor to that of Ryeowook or Kyuhyun of Super Junior – teasing and sharp
She’s very firm when she’s talking about serious matters, which is why she’s Pandora’s main representative for negotiations with the company – leading to her nickname “Manager Taeyeon”
Taeyeon is generally a very straightforward person with regards to most things; for example, she’s not the type to hide it if she’s interested in someone else unless there are specific circumstances holding her back, despite the fact that she’s good at hiding her feelings
Sometimes, though, Taeyeon likes to make her feelings obvious as a way of flirting
She treats romantic relationships seriously and tends to meet the same person for a long time, but ironically, she’s good at casually flirting
According to Soojin, Taeyeon is the type to retain her independence and life even in the midst of a relationship, and not someone who obsesses over her partner
She can, however, be very protective of the people that she cares about, and holds intense grudges against anyone who hurts them
She’s prone to keeping her problems to herself, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings between her and people who are close to her
Taeyeon since childhood has always been rather pessimistic and often imagines the worst-case scenario; as a result, she worried quite a lot, and can sometimes be draining to be around
Taeyeon suffers from depression, but no one would guess unless they knew her well because she makes sure to stay lively and witty unless she’s with people she’s really close to 
Taeyeon is and has been a perfectionist since childhood; she is known as a “complete workaholic”, since the majority of her time is spent working in any way that she can (writing lyrics, composing music, designing, etc.)
Her perfectionist nature was only exacerbated by both her father and aunt, who had very high expectations of everything she did
The people close to her attest that she works on one thing or another when any spare time presents itself – in the car, in the waiting room, during hair and makeup preparations, etc.
Because she is such a perfectionist, Taeyeon is somewhat of a control freak; it makes her intensely uncomfortable to lose control of things relevant in her life
This is part of the reason why she insists on participating in every aspect of Pandora’s or her solo discography, including writing, composing, producing, choreography, and directing; it’s still mainly because she has a passion for expressing herself through music, but she also feels anxious if she doesn’t touch on everything
Taeyeon isn’t one to be bothered by hate and likes to read anti comments to get ideas from them, saying that many she comes across are actually very witty
Taeyeon remembers a bit about her mother and thinks about her often; she wonders how her mother would feel to see where she is now, how her mother would feel about her still complicated feelings about her father, and how her life might have changed if her mother had lived
She thinks that her love for reading and writing came from her mother, who read to her every day when she was young
Publically, Taeyeon vaguely admitted that she “felt awkward” around her father up until his death; in truth, though, part of her resented and still resents him for never being there for either her or Taeyong
However, her father still occupies her thoughts, and the unresolved state of their relationship makes it even harder for her to forget him; (v) Her songs Fine and Time Lapse, which she wrote and had a hand in composing and producing, was largely based on her feelings toward him
In Taeyeon’s opinion, she inherited a lot of her father’s traits, namely his workaholic tendencies, perfectionist attitude, love for learning, and his pessimism and tendency to distance himself emotionally
Taeyeon is noted for having a wide variety of concepts when it comes to the songs she writes, composes, and performs; while YG is mainly known for its hip-hop and Taeyeon has gone that route several times, too, she also tends to experiment
Because of this tendency to be experimental, Taeyeon and the rest of Pandora have been noted for being “concept chameleons” by some
When asked if all the songs are from personal experience, Taeyeon replied: “No, not exactly. Some of them are, but others... I like to make up stories and characters in my head and experience things vicariously through those characters that I can’t experience in reality. Some of my compositions’ lyrics come from that, too. It’s kind of odd, but in the end I see it as another form of expression.”
Because of her interest in linguistics, Taeyeon enjoys learning new languages
Taeyeon can speak English (from growing up in America), Korean (from her time in Korea and taught to her extensively by her father), Mandarin (learned during work abroad), Japanese (learned during work abroad), and Spanish (learned in school and during work abroad) fluently; she’s good at Thai and French, and knows some German, Italian, Filipino, and Russian
Taeyeon firmly believes that men and women can be friends, since many of her good friends are male
She's had a lot of dating rumors because she has numerous male friends, although people have accepted now that many of them are just that - friends
When Arcana first debuted, there was an explosion of dating rumors about her and GD, thanks to their chemistry, close relationship, and numerous interactions on/off camera
She is also shipped frequently with the other Bigbang members, most often Daesung and Taeyang (until he got married), due to their interactions on variety shows and award shows
On top of this, Taeyeon is often shipped with Super Junior members –mostly Heechul, Leeteuk, and Eunhyuk – due to being especially close with them despite being under different companies; they are often seen interacting behind cameras or at music broadcasts, and enthusiastically enjoying each other’s performances
Taeyeon is a somewhat controversial figure in South Korea because she (and the rest of the Pandora members) is more outspoken about her concerns regarding the double standards against women in the industry as opposed to men, as well as South Korea’s sexism in general; she has also delved into topics such as LGBTQ rights and the stigma against idols dating
Taeyeon’s ideal type: “Honestly, I don’t really have one. My basic requirements for a relationship are that we love each other, respect each other, and enjoy each other’s company. I think things like ‘ideal type’ complicate matters. I do like humor in a partner, though.”
Kwon Jiyong/Son Taeyeon 
— General Information
— Scenarios  
Finally // Fluff+Smut
Friends, part i // Angst
Too Late for Regrets // Angst
Not Quite // Angst
You // Fluff+Smut
For You // Angst
Thanks // Fluff
Half of You // Angst+Fluff
Worth It // Angst+Fluff
Park Jungsoo/Son Taeyeon
— Scenarios  
I’m With You // Angst+Fluff+Smut
Friends, part i // Angst
No Strings Attached // Smut (preview)
In Love, part i, part ii // Angst+Fluff
In The Night // Fluff
Forever // Fluff
Faker [Mafia!AU], prologue // Angst+Fluff+Smut
Lee Hyukjae/Son Taeyeon
— Scenarios
Growing Pains, part i // Angst
Love Scenario, part i // Angst
Kim Heechul/Son Taeyeon
— Scenarios
Ignore Them // Fluff
No Strings Attached // Smut+Fluff (preview here)
The Two of Us // Fluff
(i) Obviously not true, since Son Taeyeon isn’t real. The actress who played GD’s love interest in the MV for Let’s Not Fall In Love is Seo Yejin
(ii) Credits to the real people who worked on and created Mamacita, Hit Me Up, Islands, Midnight Blues, and Evanesce, which are: 
Lyrics: 유영진 Composer: Teddy Riley, 유영진, DOM,이현승, J.SOL (Jason J Lopez) Arranger: Teddy Riley, DOM, 이현승
Lyrics: 이채윤 Composer: Teddy Riley, DOM, 이현승 for (TRX), Daniel “Obi” Klein, Mage Arranger: Teddy Riley, DOM, 이현승 for (TRX),
Lyrics: 서지음, 이유진, 조윤경 Composer: Ricky Hanley, Alex Holmgren, Andreas Stone Johansson Arranger: 돈스파이크
Lyrics: 신진혜, 이유진 Composer: Jason Gill, Curtis Richa, Emanuel Olsson Arranger: Jason Gill, Curtis Richa, Emanuel Olsson
Lyrics: Misfit Composer: Teddy Riley, DOM, 김태성, 앤드류 최 Arranger: Teddy Riley, DOM, 김태성, 앤드류 최
(iii) The actress in Super Junior’s Devil MV is a model named Angelina
(iv) The first three roles mentioned were played by the actress Lee Yoo-ri, the fourth role mentioned were played by the actress Han Sohee, while the last role mentioned was played by the actress Kim Minhee
(v) The songs Fine and Time Lapse are sung by none other than King Taeyeon of SNSD, and credits to the real people who worked on and created it, which are:
Lyrics/작사: 진리 Composer/작곡: Michael Woods, Kevin White, Andrew Bazzi, Shaylen Carroll, MZMC Arranger/편곡: Rice n` Peas
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kevintor · 4 years
I Watch a Movie I Should Have Seen: Hocus Pocus
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I miss doing these entries. Mostly I miss adding movies to my watched list. Obviously, I’ve never seen Hocus Pocus. That’s why we’re here.
What did I know about Hocus Pocus? I knew there were witches and I knew Bette Midler had fun teeth. And she certainly did!
My thoughts:
We open on Salem in the 1600s following the shadow of a flying witch. The music was straight out of the Danny Elfman playbook but I guess they couldn’t get him so they found an equivalent Ray Parker, Jr. to Elfman’s Huey Lewis. (If you don’t know)
Pink smoke comes out of the chimney of the witch house which means someone’s gender reveal party resulted in a girl! Unfortunately they had to sacrifice a different little girl to find out.
The old-timey boy we meet is wearing a shirt that can only be described as billowy. He should take off like a kite when he runs. Yet somehow when he violently tumbles down a forest hill, none of that very excessive fabric gets caught on anything. Is the fabric even there or are we imagining it?
The witches (Sanderson Sisters) use a book made of human skin and a functioning eyeball. I shall call this book “Columbo.”
It’s very nice of them to put a mill wheel next to the witch house for the boy to climb.
Okay, so Bette Midler has lightning fingers like Emperor Palpatine.
I honestly thought the witches were going to be misunderstood and everyone would win at the end but killing a little girl for her youth and turning the boy into an immortal cat really puts a big wrench in the redemption arc chances.
The townspeople stage a hanging. The witches curse the town that they will return much like Pennywise only scarier.
We fast forward to find out that the opening is a story that is told in a Salem high school class where the kids apparently range in age from 14-28.
A new-to-town California boy (Max) doesn’t buy into all the witch lore. No mention on why his first day of school is Halloween. Parents did not plan that move well.
Max is into Allison, the pretty girl in school that leads with her teeth in every conversation. Did Rami Malek pull some his Freddy Mercury from her?
Max rides his bike home from school at super speed. He is either an exceptional mountain biking improviser or he practiced it the day before to be really ready for school. Probably the latter.
On his shortcut through the cemetery, he runs into two kids, Jay and Ice. Jay seems to be all the bad parts of Bill and Ted combined and Ice seems to be 40.
Jay and Ice take Max’s sneakers because that’s what bullies in the early 90s did. It makes pedaling home slower which may be for the best. He rode his bike too quickly.
Max does not like being here in Salem anymore. We learn this as he angrily takes off his hat, backpack, and jacket.
Max comforts himself by awkwardly hugging and cooing to his pillow pretending it’s Allison. His little sister, Dani, catches the awkwardness, gets on the bed, and simulates being Allison which is normal.
The house appears to have an unlimited number of stairs to climb up to get away in frustration.
Max reluctantly takes his sister trick-or-treating. He has the appropriate level of older brother standoffishness.
Jay and Ice stop the sister asking for her candy. Max gives the candy to the bullies and she tells him he should have been a man and fought them. Again one of them is like 40.
Max makes up with her using a pouty face. Like! A! Man!
They find a rich house that they assume will make them bob for apples. This is a bad idea even in non-pandemic times. Never bob for apples at a stranger’s house. No matter how rich they are. That’s how rich people fatten you up to make you easier to hunt.
Max and Dani let themselves inside and start robbing the place of their Raisinets and O Henry bars. Rich people give out terrible candy.
Turns out the rich house belongs to Allison. They are having a party and everyone there is authentically dressed like royals. They did not get any of these costumes at Spirit Halloween.
Dani tells Allison that she can’t wear Allison’s royal dress because she doesn’t have yabbos and proceeds to tell her that Max loves her yabbos. This girl is outrageous. Or rude. It was a fine line in 1993.
Max asks Allison to take them to the Sanderson Sisters’ house. She tells him she’s going to quickly change out of a dress that must have taken her 45 minutes to get into.
The house is no different than it used to be. The spell book is still there. How have Jay and Ice not stolen anything from it?
Immortal Cat attacks Max when he wants to light the “virgin candle” that will bring back the Sanderson sisters. It’s a great sequence where he says the name of the movie (always important), then pulls a Zippo out of his pocket (which all kids who don’t smoke have), and lights the candle.
It starts things. Hair blows a lot. This is why they had Max be a surfer boy from California. For this hair effect.
This movie cares a lot about someone being a virgin. Even Dani knows what a virgin is. Are they covering this in her second grade class? Do the parents know? What does the PTA think?
The candle makes the Sisters return and they try to keep Dani. Bette Midler uses more of her Star Wars lightning fingers but Allison saves the day.
The cat can talk and the chances of me liking this movie just took a huge hit.
Max steals Columbo, the spell book.
The writers of the movie do the right thing by having the Sisters be scared of everything modern like roads and fire trucks. Nice touch.
The Sisters only have tonight, which adds the right amount of stakes, to get the spell book back. I don’t think I could make it if they had a week or so.
The Sisters raise the dead causing a very reluctant zombie (RZ) to chase after the kids. Most zombies love what they do so this is a fun choice.
Immortal Cat gets run over by a bus but lives because he’s immortal. We needed proof because the 300 years of being a cat was not enough.
Garry Marshall plays a guy dressed as the devil which they play for fun as the Sisters worship him but we can’t gloss over that fact that Fake Devil’s wife is played by his real-life sister, Penny Marshall. It’s not disturbing. They’re acting!
Children steal the Sisters’ brooms which probably won’t matter later.
They find a Halloween party that Max’s parents went to. When Max’s dad meets Allison, he kisses her hand. I am going to do the same to whoever my kid brings home one day. “It’s from Hocus Pocus. That movie’s fun. It’s not weird.”
Bette Midler gets to sing a song. That should satisfy the requirements from her contract. The song puts a spell on the partygoers forcing them to dance until they die. Somehow the kids are immune to it. Can they shut off their ears? Are they also magical?
The kids lure the Sisters into the school incinerator and burn them alive. It’s a strong play. The kids celebrate as if there is not 30 minutes left in the movie.
Immortal Cat, in a time of reflection, brings up his sister and Max says “You really miss her, huh?” He has been trapped as a cat after failing to save his sister’s life 300 years earlier. He misses her. Why not “Hey, do you ever wonder what might have happened if you saved her life?”
Without any explanation, the Sisters are fine. They run into Jay and Ice who insult them. The Sisters cage Jay and Ice and make them hang from the witch house ceiling. The bullies are crying. Maybe they aren’t so tough after all. <High Fives No One>
Allison decides to find a spell to uncat Immortal Cat. She opens Columbo causing it to glow. The glow lures Bette Midler and the Sisters to her. Allison fails to notice the glow but learns that salt can keep them safe.
The Sisters steal the book and Dani when Allison only uses the salt to protect herself. She really took care of number one here.
Now Sarah Jessica Parker gets to sing a real creepy song that summons all the children from the town. It really shows you the power of song. Again, Max and Allison must have turned off their hearing for this.
Max and Allison trick the Sisters into thinking sun is coming early by using a car headlight. It works but I don’t understand why. They had the sun 300 years ago. They know what it looks like. “Is that a person in a brown sweat suit and green hat or a tree?”
While the Sisters are scared of the car headlight, Max steals back his sneakers but doesn’t save the bullies. How does he know he won’t need the bullies to be on his side in the future? Has he not seen every other high school movie?
They drive away and Bette Midler brooms after them. We know how fast Max likes to go so it is impressive Bette Midler can keep up.
Reluctant Zombie shows up and Max pulls a knife on him. So Max has a knife and a zippo. He might be a problem.
They take the final showdown to a cemetery which is an odd choice. Why not a miniature golf course or a TCBY. Were they still around in 1993?
Max brings a bat to a magic fight. Allison still has her salt. “Bats and salt: Working together to inconvenience witches since 1881!”
Max sacrifices himself to save Dani. The sun comes up as Bette Midler is sucking the life out of Max. Just when you think it might be a better sun-impersonating headlight, Bette Midler turns into a statue and explodes. Definitely the sun.
Immortal Cat dies so he can be with his sister. Billowy shirt ghost appears to say thanks with a kiss on Dani’s cheek (so normal) before he runs off with his ghost sister for eternity.
They did it! They saved Salem! Quite a first day for Max..
The movie was fine. I hate talking animals unless they are cartoons so that didn’t help. And why did they care so much about virgins? A friend told me that “virgin” meant “pure of heart.” Well then they should have said “pure of heart.” And if I can suggest, between Max’s predilection for weapons and Allison’s selfishness with the salt, I don’t think they should stop being “pure of heart” with each other. They aren’t a good couple. Going through a traumatic thing like killing summoned witches from the Pilgrim days causes feelings that can’t last.
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dujourmeans · 4 years
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introducing [insert name of seven devil’s high school here], class of 2012. with the initial rise of snapchat, "call me maybe", the peak of glee, and the horrifying trend of having mustaches on absolutely everything, the graduating class had everything to gain AND lose from the end of their high school days. while some were ready to set off and see the world as real adults, others were petrified at the thought of leaving their “best days of their lives” behind them. and, for the time being, these days still have been some of the best that they’ve experienced. despite this small group of classmates not representing the entirety of the class of 2012, it does represent a good number that were explicitly linked to the high school’s varsity football team during its 2010 and 2011 seasons. while many were athletes on the team, a handful were cheerleaders, and others were linked to one or both through romantic tryst, friendship or familial connection. following a devastating loss in their final playoff game during their 2010 season, [name here]’s team finished off the 2011 season with a championship winning season. the athletes on the team and all those connection to it went into the new year on an adrenaline fueled high …, only to be brought back down again in one way or another by the continued passing of time. while some have stuck around seven devils after graduation, others have moved on to bigger cities in the state, or outside of the state, or even outside of the country. with the end of a new school year coming upon seven devils, much of the 2012 class has returned back to the city to open a time capsule that was buried in a wooded area near the school during their freshman year of school. for some, they’ve come back simply for kicks. for others, they’ve come back to try and connect, while others have ulterior motives in mind.
annnnd … that’s basically it. tl;dr: this is a group of high school “friends” with elements of their history and characters loosely based on those from one tree hill. they all have either a direct or distant connection to the varsity football team of the graduating class of 2012, and there’s some sort of time capsule dig up that they’re gathering in town again for… or whatever. (the last part was mostly whipped up to give the ones who left town a reason to come back, honestly.) requirements? they all attended school in seven devils through all of high school, and they’d all be around twenty-six years old. (in terms of #grade birthday calculation, they would’ve all been born sometime between september 1993 - august 1994 … unless they were held back or pushed forward in grade.) the characters DO NOT have to be carbon copies of their counterparts from one tree hill. this is why i decided to stick with blurb-ing pretty general facts about them from high school. you can decide how they’ve changed since then, yada yada. you also don’t have to do the same ships from the show obviously. have fun with it! not to keep rambling, but yes! if anyone is interested: either reply or shoot me a dm here, or send me a message on discord (#britt4980) and i can hook you up with a spot!! the ratio is split even in terms of male and female characters, but i’m open to a gender swapping happening, and i’m also open to any of the characters involved being transgender or nonbinary! 
reid park ·· the lucas scott ·· taken by britt ·· varsity running back during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for talking in literary quotes.
beckett park ·· the nathan scott ·· taken by june ·· varsity quarterback during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for once thinking he was a casanova.
margot cabrera ·· the brooke davis ·· taken by piper ·· varsity cheerleader during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known also for being class president.
first last ·· the peyton sawyer ·· taken by bri ··  varsity cheerleader during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for being a walking, talking fall out boy lyric.
wren everly-park ·· the haley james ·· taken by marie ·· valedictorian of the graduating class of 2012. star member of the varsity team’s marching band.
first last ·· the julian baker ·· open ·· co-founder of the school’s film appreciation club. known for throwing some of the best parties the school say way back when.
first last ·· the clay evans ·· open ·· running back during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for getting the first football scholarship out of the entire team.
first last ·· the quinn james ·· open ·· co-announcer of the school’s first ever football podcast. known for being able to hold her own in playing football against the team.
first last ·· the jake jagielski ·· taken by jessica ··  center during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for being a hot teen dad and general dreamboat.
first last ·· the marvin macfadden ·· open ··  co-announcer of the school’s first ever football podcast. known for being a girl’s guy aka the one who’s always “just a friend”.
first last ·· the millicent huxtable ·· open ·· salutatorian of the graduating class of 2012. known for coming out of the shadows and #blossoming into her own self.
first last ·· the chase adams ·· open ··  ... or one of the many kids of one of the local religious nuts. known for “tarnishing” his good boy image by hooking up left and right.
first last ·· the rachel gattina ·· taken by maddie ··  varsity cheerleader during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for crashing parties and starting hell regularly.
first last ·· the chris keller ·· open ·· the guy who (begrudgingly) sang the graduating song of the class of 2012. known for talking in the third person.
first last ·· the antown tanner ·· open ·· full back during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for being everyone’s friend. everyone. [must be black!]
first last ·· the alex dupre ·· open ··  varsity cheerleader during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for living on the wild side of things - for fun!
first last ·· the tim smith ·· open ·· tight end during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for being a himbo ..., that’s basically it. that’s him right there.
first last ·· the bevin mirskey ·· open ··  varsity cheerleader during the 2010 and 2011 varsity football season. known for playing “dumb” better than anyone else.
first last ·· the lindsey strauss ·· open ·· aka one of the most overachieving people in the class of 2012. known for never getting what she wants though ..., sadly.
first last ·· the samantha walker ·· taken by celine ·· aka the one who came from the “wrong” side of the tracks and persevered in her own way.
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rivalsofnycupdates · 4 years
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“What doesn’t kill me better run.”
■ ABOUT. ■
name: Jeremy Sinclair age: twenty-seven occupation: devils prospect gender: cis-male pronouns: he/him sexuality: heterosexual
The day Jeremy was born filled his mother with relief and his father with displeasure. During her pregnancy, Lily Sinclair, came across many complications and after losing her first child right after delivery Jeremy was her miracle. Her husband, Edward Sinclair, however found himself struggling with hours at his job and a new baby was not something he planned for. Facing shorter hours and now another mouth to feed caused him to turn towards drinking. Amongst the financial stress, and his father’s drinking, the early childhood Jeremy had was one that ended up being full of laughter and love all due to his mother’s efforts. He learned to stay out of his father’s way, their conversations mimicking those of strangers that couldn’t stand to talk.
At the end of his freshman year, Edward was laid off and the Sinclair household changed for the worse. Jeremy found himself constantly in arguments with his father, the man spending hours of each day drinking, spewing out complaints regarding anything his son did. His mother tried a few times to come in between but that just brought forth physical abuse against the two. Seeing this propelled Jeremy to get a few odd jobs, working every night after school and every weekend leaving very little free time to actually do above average in school. He thought that if he kept it up and was able to help ease their financial struggles it would get his dad to back off and keep his mother out of harms way. One of his friends offered to help him by vouching for him into this new position he acquired. Jeremy wasn’t aware that it his friend was even involved in drug dealing but he didn’t have the luxury to complain, especially after seeing how much his friend made. Years went by and Jeremy felt as though he’d accomplished something major by keeping his family intact all the while learning more about how to sell. Soon he was able to quit all the other odd jobs, drug dealing becoming his main source of income. His parents didn’t ask many questions, his father too drunk to notice and his mother too afraid of what the answer would be.
Near his high school graduation and his eighteenth birthday, Jeremy returned home one night to a screaming match between his parents. Not having heard him enter, he was able to catch parts of the conversation, that his mother had found someone else and that she was leaving. At those words Jeremy joined in, refusing to believe what he was hearing, he pleaded with his mom to talk about it in the morning when they were all in a better state. After helping both his parents calm down and go to bed, he did the same determined to keep some sort of peace the next day. But when he awoke he never go that chance, his mother had left within the night without a trace. She’d left a note that she didn’t need this life anymore and that she’d always love him. Jeremy began to feel anger he never felt before, feeling completely betrayed by the one person he thought would be in his corner forever. His father in his daze blamed Jeremy for Lily’s departure, stating that his shady dealings was the reason. Unable to keep his cool any longer Jeremy swung at his father the two exchanging blows until they were both too tired out. That very next night Jeremy packed his things and followed suit, leaving his father and the house he tried to hold up for years behind, the only thing he cared for now was himself.
Since leaving his house Jeremy found himself working during the day and finding somewhere to sleep every night. Some nights he was able to get a friend’s couch to lay his head and others he would spend the night with a hookup making sure to be gone before they awoke. He quickly made a name for himself as someone to not get mad, his anger not one he could control for long. He was prone to get into fights when he felt that he was being played or crossed. His friend had caught word of a gang called Quantum of the Devils was moving to New York and decided he would be headed in that direction too. No longer attached to his hometown, and the memories that felt as if they were suffocating him, Jeremy followed suit. Hoping that this new city brought along more money and opportunities. 
Since moving to New York, Jeremy became all the more hardworking and kept mostly to himself or the Devils. He didn’t leave a single second to dwell on what his father was up to or where his mother was at, making himself his number one priority. That didn’t last long when one night his path crossed with a beauty by the name of Dilan Osman. The two fell hard and fast, but like fire and gasoline, found themselves in countless arguments. Jeremy didn’t hide much about his life and Dilan’s lack of reservation made him craving her presence wanting her around more than most people. One argument too many ended their relationship, and Jeremy would never admit it but it wrecked him. He felt like an idiot that he let someone in, a mistake he didn’t want to repeat again. 
■ Foster Richman: Jeremy holds a lot of respect and admiration towards Foster. He always finds himself wanting to learn more from him and feels that he trusts him.
■ Mariss Diaz: Jeremy has grown closer to Marissa being one of the few people he finds comfort in. He find it easy to talk to her and goes to her when he wants to vent or wants good company.
■ Jessica Douglas: Jessica is suspicious of him trying to find him on a charge and Jeremy tries his best to avoid her.
■  Dilan Osman > Ex-Girlfriend
■  Scout Holt > Close Friend
■  Ivanna Martinez > Close Friend
■  Skylar Kennedy > Friends, wants to get to know her better
Jeremy Sinclair is a OPEN character and is portrayed by Dacre Montgomery who’s FC IS SEMI-NEGOTIABLE.
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lollipopandbowlegs · 6 years
A theory about 300th episode alternative timeline Sam and Dean
We get to see an alternative version of Sam and Dean in 300th Episode. Sam became a successful lawyer. He runs a law firm and does his fake TED talks. It seems like he’s got everything he asked for, doesn’t it?
In Sam's wannabe TED TALK, he said:
“Performing at your best requires all of your mental energy, every last drop. You see, it’s just not compatible with something like hobbies, or even having a family.”
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Could that means this lawyer!Sam doesn’t have hobbies or family?
John came from the year of 2003. The show starts in the Halloween of 2005. Sam was going to interview the law school, which makes him a pre-law student who just started his final academic year. That means in 2003 when John is missing, Sam was either in semester 2 of first year or semester 1 of sophomore year. 
In "the devil you know", according to Brady, Sam 's demon-possessed friend, Brady was possessed sometime in the middle of sophomore year. And that demon later introduced him to Jess, planning to kill her some time so that Sam would take off back to hunting.
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And in "Lebanon", we see Zachariah said "We had plans for you, and your daddy went up and disappeared" 
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"The plan" of course means the apocalypse and get Sam and Dean to be possessed by two archangels. I presume by saying so, it means that heaven had to stop the plan because of John's disappearance. 
And what about hell? It’s highly possible that Azazel also had to give up the plan for Sam because John’s gone. And Brady never got possessed.  So maybe this Sam never met Jess.
We know that Sam was going to propose to Jessica before she got killed. But in this timeline, he doesn’t have family. If he ever met Jess, wouldn’t he fall for her and get married to her?
He never met Jess, never found someone to fall for. Never get married.
From Dean’s wanted poster, we can see that his reward is up to 100k. I checked on FBI website, the top 10 wanted is about this price. Apparently he caused a lot of trouble in hunting and he worked alone since nobody else is in that poster with him.
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There are two possible ways this alternative Dean dealt with Dad’s disappearance: 1) He never bothered Sam and worked solo. 2) He went to ask for Sam’s help but Sam either turned him down or Sam helped him but he didn’t go on with hunting since there is no girlfriend to be burned on the ceiling. 
Remember Jessica’s death is the reason Sam got back to hunting in the first place.
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Either way hunting has nothing to do with him any more. 
But hunting is what he really likes. He said that in “The book of damned”. And he also admitted that even in Stanford he never feels fit in.
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Sam followed the path any other normal people will take. Studied hard and graduated from Law School. All work, no play, living a boring life.
And Dean? If he saw Sam becoming a successful lawyer and having a normal life, would Dean ever reach out for him?
Nope. Dean always felt guilty for dragging Sam out of college. One of his biggest guilt actually. Until Sam talked him out of guilt in “Defending your life”
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He would never go to see Sam again being afraid of destroying his life.
I think now it’s safe to say that this Sam never found the right girl. Dad’s gone. His brother is out there MIA, alive but never comes to see him. He never hunts again.
No wonder this lawyer!Sam doesn’t have hobbies or family.
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marypsue · 6 years
Girls In White Dresses
This was supposed to be like three thousand words, tops. I don’t know what happened. 
I’m also on AO3 as MaryPSue!
Jessica Moore was twenty-two years old when she came home from the library and found her boyfriend on the ceiling.
She hadn't noticed, at first. That's the worst part. Sam had been trapped up there for who knew how long while Jess had drifted around the bedroom, listening to the shower running in the ensuite, kicking off her shoes, taking off her bra. Reveling in the full-body sigh of relief, of freedom from the everyday agonies of beauty. She'd taken her time picking through her nightgowns and negligees, thinking of Sam in the shower, of the stress in those broad shoulders from all those weeks of studying, of how they could work out that stress together. She'd picked out the silver satiny nightgown a very embarrassed Sam had given her for her last birthday, lost in daydreams and memories as she'd slipped it on. 
She hadn't snapped out of it until something warm and wet had dripped onto her shoulder, trickling down her arm. Something warm, and wet, and red. 
It had taken her way too long to realise it was blood.
Sam was pinned by something invisible with his face down, all six feet something of him stretched out across the bedroom ceiling, eyes big and pleading, mouth moving but no sounds coming out. Blood dripped, steady, from the gash splitting open his bare stomach, splattering against the satiny fabric of Jess' nightgown and staining it, probably forever. Something wet and red pulsed under that terrible wound, and she realised she was looking at his intestines.
Jess had opened her mouth to scream, but just like with Sam, no sound came out. She staggered back, until her legs hit the bed behind her, and her knees crumpled, depositing her on the mattress. The man she loved just stared at her, through her, a voiceless cry for help caught in his throat, as flames rippled out around him.
Everything after that is a bit of a blur. Or at least that's what Jess tells the cops. But there are a handful of razor-edged moments, things that Jess knows are never going to fade, never going to blur. The slam of the door as the older woman had charged in, the soul-wrenching scream she'd let out when she'd seen Sam pinned up there. The smell of the red leather jacket the other woman, the younger one, had wrapped around Jess's head and shoulders as they'd crashed out the window. 
The accusing look Sam had fixed her with as he vanished, forever, in the flames.
That was the first time that Jess met her boyfriend's mother. But it wasn't the day she learned that monsters were real.
That would come later.
On a mild night in 1983, the Winchester home in Lawrence, Kansas went up in flames. John Winchester was inside it.
The papers reported that Mary Winchester and her two sons had been lucky to escape. But Mary knew better. Luck had nothing to do with it. The devil had taken his due.
And she'd be damned - literally, if necessary - before she'd let him lay a finger on either of her boys.
They spent too many years running. Too many years hiding, too many years in fear before Mary realised that, if she wanted to protect the little family she had left, she was going to have to stand up and fight. 
So she'd learned. She'd trained, and read, and researched. She'd taken them into the fangs of things that went bump in the night, and come out, bloodied and battered sometimes, but always stronger. One day, she knew, the thing that had taken her husband would come back for them. But this time, she'd be ready for it.
As it turned out, that hadn't saved them either.
Sam...Sam walked away, after. Mary couldn't blame him. She couldn't try to keep him alive if there was nothing for him to live for. And there was always the traitor thought that maybe he'd be safer away from her. Without her.
That thought had only grown stronger after what happened to Dean. Her oldest, her sweet boy, her brave little man. He always had had a reckless streak. He always had taken after his father.
The girl - Cassie - had lived, though. And the first thing she'd asked was how she could help.
For a while, it had just been the two of them, out on the road, saving people, hunting things. Cassie was a quick learner, and an even quicker shot. She knew things - histories, lore - that Mary had never encountered, that no one had ever written down. Or, at least, she knew how to find such things out. And she had a knack for getting people to gossip, which turned out to be more valuable than Mary could have imagined. Mary taught her how to shoot a shotgun, a pistol, how to stab to do the most damage and the least, taught her everything she knew about monsters. They made a good team. 
With Cassie's help, Mary even started to find patterns, omens heralding the presence of the demon that had destroyed her family. They could track it. Which meant they could hunt it. For the first time since the fire, Mary Winchester felt something like hope.
And then the trail of omens led them to Stanford University, and everything went straight to hell.
“So let’s run over your statement again, make sure everything’s correct,” the officer says, not unkindly, tapping his pen against the clipboard in his hands. “You are the mother of the deceased?”
The deceased. Mary understands why they phrase it that way, but that doesn’t make it any easier to hear. “Sam is my son, yes.”
The officer clears his throat, adjusting his tie, gaze skimming the paper in front of him. He doesn’t meet Mary’s eyes. “And the woman with you was -”
“My daughter-in-law,” Mary says, in her best soccer-mom voice. “Or daughter-in-common-law, I guess. Cassie and my Dean haven’t really had a chance to make it official.”
The officer nods, clearly not interested in any Winchester family dynamics that don’t directly involve the dead one. “And you were at the house because you were paying your son a surprise visit?”
Mary nods, again, feeling a bit like a bobblehead. “He had interviews coming up. For school. He was going to be a lawyer, you know. He was under so much stress, I thought it might be nice to - bring him some baking. Take him out to dinner.” She shakes her head. She doesn’t need to be an Oscar-winning actress to convince the officer she’s too overwhelmed with emotion to go on.
The officer shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “And neither of you saw anything out of the ordinary.”
“Just smoke leaking out of the bedroom window.”
“Which was why you and -” The officer checks his notes. “Cassie Robinson broke in.”
“It was a good thing we did, too. That poor girl. Jessica, wasn’t it? Do you know, is she all right?”
“Being treated for smoke inhalation. If all goes well, she'll be released from hospital tonight,” the officer says. “Well, your stories all line up. We’ll take a closer look at the fire damage, but it sounds like an electrical short. You said it started in the ceiling?”
“That’s what it looked like,” Mary agrees. She just wants out of the police station, out of this small, windowless room that, despite the comfortable furnishings and soft white walls, still looks too much like an interrogation cell. 
She just wants to get back on the scent of the thing that did this to her child.
The officer scribbles on his clipboard for an agonisingly long time, the scratch and scrabble of his pen the only sound besides the whir of the air conditioner. Finally, he turns the clipboard towards Mary, holding out the pen. “Right. I think all that’s left is for you to sign off on this. We’ll release the remains to you as soon as the coroner’s finished with her examination.”
Mary smiles, tightly, and takes clipboard and pen, scrawling her signature at the bottom of the page without looking. “About how long do you expect that’ll take?”
“I really can’t say. Depends on the results of our investigation.” The officer clears his throat again, and then, in a much less stilted voice, adds, “But between you and me, this looks like a straightforward case of misadventure. It shouldn’t be more than a week.”
“Thank you,” Mary says, handing the clipboard back to the officer. His thumb touches hers as he takes it from her, and for the first time, he looks up and actually meets her eyes.
“We’ll be in touch,” he says, his perfunctory professionalism wavering slightly. He holds Mary’s gaze for a moment longer, like there’s something he wants to say, something he can’t quite form into words.
Mary can see the moment he stops trying. “And Mrs. Winchester? I’m very sorry for your loss.”
You don’t know anything about loss, kid, Mary thinks, but on the outside, she just smiles.
The ER nurse pulls the curtain back on the bay Jess is waiting in, her smile wary. "You've got a visitor," she says, and then disappears, probably to help somebody who actually needs it.
Jess can't seem to make herself respond. It's like the signals from her brain aren't reaching her body, like there's a wall of static filling her head and clogging up all the nerves.
Sam is dead. Sam was alive, and then he was dead, and Jess watched him go from one to the other and didn't do anything to stop it. Couldn't do anything to stop it. And now Sam is dead and Jess doesn't even know what else she lost in the fire and Sam is dead and she doesn't have a place to live anymore and Sam is dead and the future is terribly, frighteningly uncertain and everything is changed forever and Sam is dead.
The worst part is, a little tiny part of Jess is still back in that afternoon, sitting in the library, knowing home and Sam are both safe and waiting for her. Can't wait to get out of this hospital so she can go home and give her boyfriend a hug and let him wrap her up in his big, warm arms and forget this whole nightmare.
And no matter what, that little, tiny, stupid part of her doesn't seem to be getting the message.
Jess can't make herself raise her head, no matter how much she yells at herself mentally for it. The voice isn't familiar, but it's soft, kind, patient, the sort of voice Jess associates with nurses and elementary school teachers. Nurturing.
"You don't know me," the voice continues, still patient, still kind. A weight settles on the end of the hospital bed, and Jess sees dark jeans, mud-spattered boots. She still can't seem to move her head the miniscule amount it would take to look up and see the stranger's face. What would be the point, anyway? Sam is dead. "My name's Mary. I'm Sam's mom."
That, at last, gets Jess to move. She looks up, meets the kind eyes of the woman smiling back at her. She recognises Mary's face right away, even though it's different when it's not contorted in rage and grief too big for one human body to handle. Maybe she would have recognised Mary's voice if Mary had been screaming.
A flash of white-hot guilt sears through Jess at the thought, cutting through the static. She'd lost the man she loved, but Mary - Mary had lost her child. She shouldn't be sitting here, patiently coaxing a complete stranger back to herself. If anything, Jess should be comforting her.
"I'm so sorry," she manages, embarrassed about the hollow sound of her voice, the way it rasps and cracks. "I'm so sorry, I can't imagine -"
Mary reaches out, rests one hand on Jess' knee and gives it a squeeze. "Do you have someplace to stay tonight, honey?"
It's the 'honey' that breaks her. Jess can feel her eyes fill, growing hot and swollen, even as she tries to swallow a sob. Suddenly, more than anything in the world, she just wants her own mom.
"Oh, shh, shhhh," Mary says, scooting closer across the bed so she can wrap an arm around Jess, tug her in to rest her head on Mary's shoulder. She starts to rock, ever so gently, back and forth, humming quiet nonsense, until Jess' shoulders stop heaving and she hiccups her breathing back under control.
"I," she manages, then takes a long breath, rubbing a fist under one eye. "I've got some friends on campus I can stay with. Thank you. I'm sorry." She's embarrassed, now, of her breakdown, can't forget that the woman holding her must also be in so much pain, but - she doesn't want to pull away. "Are you - how are you -"
"Holding up," Mary says wryly, rubbing Jess' back in slow, soothing circles. "If you'd like, you're welcome to stay with me and Cassie, we got a motel room just out of town."
"Thanks, but -" Jess starts, and then asks, "Cassie?"
With impeccable timing, another, younger woman steps around the curtain, a styrofoam coffee cup in each hand. She's got to be two or three years older than Jess, though with her wide eyes and little rosebud mouth, Jess bets she still gets carded at bars.
Her face lights up when she sees Jess, and she hands off one of the coffee cups to Mary, holding out a hand for Jess to shake. "Cassie Robinson. I'm glad to see you're doing okay. No major lacerations?"
"You're the one who pushed me out the window," Jess says. "You probably saved my life. Are you okay?"
Cassie grins, ruefully, down at the arm she'd extended to Jess. The beige bandage wrapped around it stands out pale against her skin. "Just a couple cuts and scrapes. Nothing to worry about." Her smile turns mischievous, and she adds, "Though you do owe me a new favourite leather jacket."
Jess winces.
"I've always said that a little bit of battle damage just adds character," Mary says, with a conspiratorial wink in Jess' direction. It's clearly meant to be lighthearted, to lift the mood, but for some reason, the words make the bottom drop out of Jess' stomach. Battle damage. All she can think about is the way this very woman, this sweet, considerate, motherly person, who had just held Jess and soothed her while she sobbed her heart out, had kicked her way through Jess' bedroom door with guns literally blazing.
Unless -
"Is... did you... Okay, there's no good way to ask this," Jess says, uncomfortably aware of the way Cassie's smile slips, the piercing gaze Mary levels at her. "Just what the hell happened back there?"
She doesn't miss the meaningful look Cassie and Mary exchange.
"I didn't...actually see my boyfriend gutted and stuck to my bedroom ceiling," Jess pushes on, despite the suddenly awkward silence. "Right? For one thing, I mean, gravity -"
"What do you think you saw?" Mary asks, still gentle, but with something steely under it.
Jess shakes her head. "I don't know. Something out of a horror movie." She reaches up, running a hand through her hair. "Guess I must've hit my head going out that window harder than I realised."
She looks up, at Cassie's suddenly closed-off face, an inexplicable dread washing over her. "Right?"
The silence stretches out just a beat too long before Mary reaches out and gives Jess a pat on the shoulder. "I'm sure that the doctors would know more about that than we would. I'm just glad to know you're okay." She slides off the bed and straightens up, flashing Jess a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "You're sure your friends won't mind putting you up for a few nights?"
Jess nods. She doesn't quite trust her voice.
"Well, then. Lots to do," Mary says, raising her coffee cup. "Cassie?"
Cassie gives a little start, like she'd been elsewhere in her head. She flashes Jess an apologetic smile, patting her pockets. "Hey, let me give you my cell phone number." She triumphantly pulls a little coil-bound book from one jacket pocket and a pen with a logo that can only belong to a motel from the other. She flips past the first few pages in the book, looking for blank paper, and Jess catches a glimpse of complicated symbols sketched over the blue lines.
"Thanks," Jess says. She hadn't really wanted them here when they'd arrived, but now, she isn't sure she wants them to leave.
"You give us a call if there's anything at all you need, sweetheart," Mary says, her smile finally reaching her eyes again.
"Or if anything...strange...happens," Cassie says, reaching out to give Jess the paper with her phone number on it. Jess takes it, warily.
Cassie just shrugs, before turning and following Mary out of the ER bay.
Cassie Robinson had had dreams of being a journalist, once.
But that was before. Before she'd lost both parents and the best friends she’d known, lost the man she'd started to love, nearly lost her life. Before the Winchesters.
Before Dean.
She hadn’t believed him, when he’d tried to tell her what was out there, what was coming for them. Cassie knows she’s never going to be able to make up for that. It’s a regret she’ll take to her grave. Maybe, if she’d listened, if she hadn’t been so scared, if she hadn’t wanted to stay in denial and write him off as crazy - 
But there’s no point dwelling on maybes. Dean’s gone, and no amount of regretting and wishing and what-iffing will bring him back.
Cassie still isn't sure why Mary Winchester took her under her wing, but she's done everything she can to be worthy of it. To make sure Mary doesn’t regret it. To make up for what she'd unknowingly taken.
Interview skills, research methods, a sympathetic ear for oral histories, all come in handy trying to track down the real monsters behind cryptids and urban legends. People who won't talk to the state troopers or the US marshals or the FBI agents or the insurance investigators will sometimes talk to a pretty, curious young girl in a bar. Cassie had never handled a gun before meeting Mary, but it turned out not to be so hard. After that, the job’s ninety percent messing around in graveyards. 
And she's gotten to see the country, though admittedly a lot of their jobs have taken them to places Cassie never wants to go again. Sundown towns are still alive and well in the vast, ugly middle of America. There'd been plenty of times she'd been grateful to know Mary had her back, and it wasn't just when they were facing down monsters.
Well. Depending on your definition of "monster".
They make a good team. And what had started out as a partnership of guilt and convenience quickly turned into something more. Cassie lost her mother. Mary  lost her children. Cassie would never dare say it in so many words, but - their broken edges fit pretty well together. And even though Mary never says much, Cassie gets the sense that she feels the same way.
So it comes as a nasty shock when Cassie wakes up in a motel room somewhere in East Palo Alto, the day after they’d been too late to save Sam, and finds Mary gone.
There’s a guy standing just outside the caution tape, when Jess gets back from the admin office, staring up at the blackened siding of the house, the blue tarp flapping over the part of the roof that burned through. Jess can’t bring herself to look at it for too long, so she focuses on the stranger instead. She can’t say she’s ever seen him around campus, but it’s a big school and there’ve been a lot of gawkers popping up out of the woodwork since the fire. He looks a little older than most of the students Jess knows, dark hair cropped close to his skull in an almost military cut, both hands tucked in the pockets of his battered leather jacket, feet planted shoulder-width apart like he’s expecting something to come out of nowhere to knock him down and he’d like to see it try.
As Jess draws closer, she notices he also has fantastic cheekbones and a pout she knows several of her girlfriends would kill for. There’s something about that face that’s strangely soft, at odds with the tough-guy image he’s projecting, and Jess finds herself liking him, just a little, before they even make eye contact. In the strangest way, something about that surprising softness incongruously combined with that unmistakably masculine image reminds her sharply, painfully, of Sam.
The guy glances over his shoulder at her as she steps up to the caution tape, squinting a little in the sun. “You knew the guy who lived here?” he asks, and Sam’s face just before the flames had hidden him from view flashes across Jess’ vision again. She blinks, like that’ll help, turning away from the house.
“I did,” she says. “Sam and I were dating.”
The stranger looks almost stricken. “Shit. I’m sorry,” he says, turning back to the house and saying nothing more. Somehow, it’s more comforting than all Jess’ friends’ gushing.
“It’s okay,” she says. It’s not, but - “Did you know him?”
The stranger huffs out a half-laugh, one side of his mouth twisting up in a crooked smile and revealing a flash of white teeth. “You could say that.” He finally turns to properly face Jess. “Name’s Dean. I’m - I guess I was Sam’s big brother.”
Jess stares at him for a moment longer than she knows is polite, trying to see Sam in the bones under his skin, the green of his eyes, the way he carries himself. She’s not sure whether she’s relieved or disappointed not to find what she’s looking for.
“Hey, do you want to come in?” she asks, at last.
“Singer’s Curio Cabinet, antiques and collectibles. You got Karen.”
Cassie doesn’t waste time with pleasantries. “Have - you haven’t heard from Mary, have you?”
Karen Singer is quiet for a moment on the other end of the line, and there’s a rustle of paper. “Sorry, Cass, haven’t heard word one. I thought you two were down in California?”
“We are. I mean, we were, but we got split up, and she didn’t leave a note or a message -”
“You try the phone book motel trick?”
Cassie shakes her head before remembering that Karen can’t see her. She isn’t sure how to explain that part of her doesn’t really think Mary’s trying to find her. Doesn't really think Mary wants to be found.
Thankfully, she’s spared the moment of existential crisis when the phone beeps loudly in her ear. 
“Sorry, Karen, I’m getting another call,” she says. “Maybe it’s her.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you,” Karen says, only a little sarcastic. Normally, Cassie would have some kind of retort, but she doesn’t want to miss Mary. She just says a hurried goodbye and clicks over to the incoming call.
“What’s going on? Are you all right?” 
Mary doesn’t try to explain or apologise. She just says, “I found him.”
Cassie’s breath stops in her throat. “You - ?”
“I found him,” Mary repeats. There’s a pause, the sound of her drawing in a deep breath, before she says, “Dean is here.”
“Sam never mentioned a big brother,” Jess says, pulling two bottles of some cheap, horrible beer that she’s pretty sure was left over from a party she doesn’t know how long ago from the fridge. The light flickers three times with a nasty electric buzz before she slams the door on it. Damn thing’s been on its last legs for weeks, and the fire just seems to have made it worse. Jess just hopes it doesn’t die before she can get all her food - and the rest of her stuff, whatever's salvageable - moved out of the house. That's really what she was here to do today. That, and see if any of her clothes survived. She can't keep borrowing Abby's. “Although, he barely ever talks - sorry, talked about his family at all.” 
She shakes her head as she walks back into the living room, where Dean's made himself at home on her couch. Jess hands him the bottle, and Dean shoots her that crooked grin again, salutes her with the bottle before popping the lid off with his thumb. “It still feels wrong to talk about him in the past tense, you know?”
Dean shakes his head, looks up to stare hard at the blank screen of the TV, and doesn’t answer Jess’ question. “It’s been a while since I saw him. When Sam left for college we weren’t exactly on the best of terms.” He looks down at his beer, and Jess has to turn all her attention to uncapping her own just so she doesn’t have to see the expression on his face. “I’d kill to have him back for five minutes, just to tell him -” He cuts himself off. 
In the heavy silence that follows, Jess tries and fails not to see that accusing look Sam had fixed on her in his last moments again.
“I think I know what you mean,” she says, and then takes a long drink of her beer to keep from saying anything else ridiculous and too personal to this man she’s only just barely met. It doesn’t work. “I miss him like I think I'd miss one of my arms if it got ripped off. I think I’m going crazy. I keep dreaming about him -”
It’s her turn to cut herself off before she can go somewhere dark.
“I was just on my way back from the admin office,” she says, slowly. “I’m withdrawing from all my classes. I can’t -” She takes a deep breath, tries to tell herself that the smoke she can smell is just lingering in the walls and the burnt part of the roof that’s covered with a tarp now. “I can’t finish this semester. Not like this. Not without a real place to live, not with exams so close, not with -” Not with Sam’s face still haunting her every time she closes her eyes. 
Dean nods, but doesn’t say anything, and doesn’t look up at her. Jess has to admit she’s grateful for the moment to compose herself.
“Anyway,” she says. “What brought you out here?”
Dean looks up at her, lips pursed and eyebrows raised, and Jess realises what a stupid question that was. She rolls her beer bottle between her palms, forcing a laugh. “Right.” She casts around for something, anything, to change the subject to. “Are you...here with your mom?” 
Something dark flickers across Dean’s face before it’s replaced with a smile. “Nah.” No explanation. Jess gets the clear sense that this part of the conversation is over. 
She’s a little disappointed. The events of that night are - well, there’s just so much she remembers that’s completely impossible, so much that those women - Cassie, and Mary, and wasn't that one hell of a way to meet your boyfriend's mom - had totally failed to explain. Jess hadn’t realised until just now that she’d sort of been hoping Dean would have the answers to all her unanswered questions. Just who the hell was her boyfriend, anyway? More and more, she’s starting to feel like she never knew Sam at all.
“How long were you two together?” Dean asks, clearly throwing the foundering conversation a life preserver, and Jess grabs onto it gratefully.
“Almost three years. I can’t believe - it’s hard to imagine that there’s a future without him in it.” There’s a little bead of condensation tracking down the neck of Jess’ beer bottle, and she watches it, fixated, until it hits her hand and vanishes in the crook between her thumb and forefinger.
Dean whistles under his breath. “Sammy musta been pretty serious about you.”
“I - I was pretty serious about him,” Jess admits to her beer. “If he’d asked. I would’ve said yes.”
Dean’s laugh is rough, harsh. “Too bad he never got the chance.”
Jess shakes her head. She forces down another swallow of the awful beer. What the hell is she supposed to say to that?
“Why are you really here?” she asks, quietly. “Talking to me? What’s this about?”
“Can’t a guy try to get to know his estranged brother post-mortem?” Dean asks, a little too jaunty, a little too devil-may-care. “He chose to spend the last years of his life with you. You probably know him better by now than I do.” His smile is horrible.
“I didn’t - I had no idea about the...situation with his family,” Jess says. She’s dimly aware of how defensive she sounds. “I wasn’t trying to - keep him away from anybody, or anything. He always avoided the subject whenever we talked about where we were going for school breaks, or -”
“Whoa, hey, I didn’t say I blame you,” Dean says, raising a hand, palm out. 
Jess forces herself to take a deep, ragged breath.
“I know,” she says. “I’m sorry. I just keep thinking -” of how Sam had stared right through her, of how she hadn’t even noticed he was up there until -
“That you shoulda been able to do something,” Dean says, like he’s finishing her sentence, like he’s reading her mind. “That you shoulda saved him. Somehow.”
Jess bites her bottom lip.
“Yeah,” she whispers. And then, before she can think better of it, rein it in, "I'd give anything to get him back."
There’s something, in the silence that follows, like a bass note too deep for her to really hear, like the feeling of eyes on the back of her neck. Nothing’s actually changed, and yet, Jess has the sudden and inexplicable feeling that the air’s...charged, somehow. Humming, like the moment before a lightning strike. She’s suddenly, intensely aware of the open space around her, of how many windows the living room has, how many places for people to look in at her unseen. How unprotected she is. 
Dean’s voice is quiet, low. “Anything?”
Jess lets out a shaky laugh, putting her beer down on the coffee table to rub her bare arms. They’ve broken out all over with gooseflesh. 
“Hang on, I think -” she starts, trying to come up with some excuse to get out of the room. Why had she invited a stranger into her house? She’d taken him on his word, but - Sam never had mentioned an older brother. And now she’s alone, in her house, with him, and no one else knows he’s here... “Uh, the fridge has been on the fritz, and I can’t hear it anymore - I just wanna check that it’s still running.”
She stands up and walks into the kitchen, trying to keep it natural, trying not to walk too fast. She can feel Dean’s eyes boring into her back the whole way.
As soon as Jess is out of the living room, she ducks around the doorframe, pulling her phone from her pants pocket with shaking fingers. She searches through her contacts, pulls up the cell phone number Cassie had given her in the hospital. She'd said to call if Jess needed anything, or if anything strange happened. Jess is suddenly, inexplicably sure that this counts.
She hesitates with her thumb on the call button, though, before thinking better of it and tapping out a text instead. Maybe Jess is just blindly putting her trust in another stranger, but Mary and Cassie had shown up at just the right moment and dragged her out of a burning building. They'd saved her life. 
Though what if the reason they'd been there just in time to save Jess’ life was because they'd put it in danger in the first place?
A shadow falls across Jess’ face, and she only barely manages to stifle a scream. Dean gives her a strange look, like he’s trying to decide if she’s a few side dishes short of a picnic, and jabs a thumb at the fridge. “Sounds like it’s running fine now. Hey, do you want me to take a look at it? I don’t know anything about fridges, but I do know a lot about cars, and how different can they really be?”
Jess lets out a long, shaky breath, manages a smile. 
“No, I think I’ll complain to the school about it until they either replace it or kick me out of student housing,” she says, with admirable nonchalance, she thinks. She slides out around Dean, making her way across the kitchen towards the knife block, just in case. “Sorry, I just - why did you ask me -”
“If you’d really give anything to get Sam back?” Dean’s smile is blinding but, Jess realises now, doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Like I said, my brother chose to spend the last years of his life with you. Maybe I just wanted to make sure the person he chose deserved him.”
It’s a good answer. It makes sense. But Jess’ skin is still crawling.
She glances down at her phone, relieved to see that Cassie's already texted back. But she hasn’t answered Jess’ question. Instead, there’s just one line of text, and it's another question. is he there right now?
in house w/ me. is he legit?
The next text appears less than a second later, like Cassie was sitting staring at her phone, waiting for Jess to respond. It's short, only three words.
get out NOW
Slowly, Jess looks back up at Dean.
Dean, who smiles ruefully, shrugging both shoulders. “Too bad,” he says. “If you were serious, I know somebody who coulda made it happen.”
He blinks, and when he opens his eyes, they’re wrong. Yellow, and inhuman, and wrong.
Jess grabs blindly at the knife block, but Dean waves a hand and it’s like she’s been hit by an invisible truck. Jess goes flying backwards, across the kitchen, and slams into the cabinets so hard that she sees little black and white stars flickering across her vision. She struggles to suck in a breath, dimly aware that her feet have left the ground, that her back is scraping against the cabinet doors, that she’s being dragged up the wall by whatever invisible hand is holding her pinned there. 
“Who were you texting?” Dean asks, casually, like he isn’t in the middle of somehow telekinetically throttling Jess. He keeps one hand up as he kneels to retrieve her dropped phone, but shows no other sign that he’s even breaking a sweat. Jess gasps for air. The swimming, flashing stars are getting thicker.
Dean flips her phone open and clicks through her messages for a moment, a slow smile crossing his face. “Cassie?” he asks, glancing up at Jess. If it weren’t for the flash of those sickening eyes, he’d look like a little kid on Christmas morning. 
Jess grits her teeth, and doesn’t answer. Not that she could have even if she’d wanted to. There’s still no air making its way down her throat, and her limbs are all starting to feel dangerously weak.
Dean chuckles, still grinning like he’s about to tear into the most beautifully-wrapped present. “Well, this is even better than I expected! Two for the price of one.”
He looks up at Jess, still struggling weakly against the force holding her in the air, and says, “Let’s see how long it takes them to come charging to the rescue.”
in house w/ me. is he legit?
Cassie’s read and reread the text more times in the last minute than she can count. Trying to make it say something other than what it says. Trying to make it mean something other than what it means.
She just hopes that, when they find Jess, she’s still breathing.
Mary speeds through another red light, knuckles white on the wheel. She veers around a station wagon that comes out of nowhere, the Impala fishtailing for a second before Mary gets it back under control. Even with the speed, even with the reckless driving, Cassie can’t shake the feeling that they’re already too late.
She flips through the book in her lap, again, not really seeing the cramped black writing that spiders all over the page. She’s long since memorized the exorcism ritual, whispering it under her breath when she lies awake at night, singing it along to the tune of her favourite songs on the radio. Practicing, and hoping.
And waiting.
Now that the day she’s been waiting for so long is finally here, Cassie’s determined not to let her nerves get the best of her. After all, the stakes are a little higher here than the success or failure of a middle-school play. But - it’s hard. It’s been years since the last time she came face-to-face with Dean, or at least with the thing that’s wearing him now. She’d barely made it out alive.
Cassie reaches over into the back seat, twists the thick fabric of the quilt Karen had given them forever ago in one hand. She has to force herself to let it go when she realises she’s wringing it, hard. She’s not sure what popping a seam will do, but now is not the time to find out.
They’re only going to get one shot at this. Cassie plans to make it count.
Jess’ vision is starting to tunnel out around the edges when the loud rumble and rattle of an engine pulls up the drive and abruptly dies. Dean turns to look out the window, staring grimly as he edges over to twitch the filmy curtains aside. A painful hope rises in Jess’ throat the longer he stands there, frowning, only to be squashed when Dean flashes that rakish grin back at her.
He straightens the lapels of his battered leather jacket, shakes out both arms with a flick of the wrists. “It’s showtime,” he says, with a wink up at Jess, just as there’s an explosive crash! from the front door.
Mary’s the first to appear in the kitchen doorway, pistol raised, eyes flinty. But she pauses, just for a moment, when she sees Dean, and Jess’ stomach drops. Whoever - whatever - Dean really is, he at least hadn’t lied when he’d said he was Sam’s brother. He’s Mary’s son. And Mary’d just had to watch, helpless, while one of her sons died.
Mary’s going to hesitate. But Jess can already tell that Dean won’t.
By the way Dean's grinning, she can tell he knows it too.
"Well, if it isn't mommy dearest!" Dean says brightly. Mary's eyebrows draw together in a frown as she takes careful aim, and Dean clicks his tongue warningly. "I wouldn't. You shoot me with that popgun, it's Dean who's gonna feel it."
"Get out of him," Mary says, between clenched teeth. She jerks her head in Jess' direction, not taking her eyes or her gun off of Dean. "And let her go."
"Sorry, Mary, Mary, quite contrary, but I don't think I'm gonna do that," Dean - whatever's possessing Dean? - says, with a mock-sad shake of his head. "We had an arrangement. It's not my fault you didn't hold up your end -"
Whatever else he was going to say is cut off abruptly when Cassie crashes through the kitchen window and flings a brightly-coloured quilt over his head.
For a beat, nobody moves.
The laughter that rises from under that quilt is low and dark and horrible. "Really? This is your big plan? How exactly was this supposed to work? It's not like I'm a wild animal you gotta get to the vet -"
There's motion, under the quilt, the top fluffing up like something hit it from underneath. But it doesn't budge.
Dean is perfectly still and dangerously silent under the bright fabric for a moment. Then it explodes with activity, like it's being pummeled from underneath its draping folds, hammered with powerful fists, battered by an unfelt gale. Still, it doesn't so much as slide down to one side. Whatever force was choking Jess slowly eases, as though Dean's concentration is shifting elsewhere, and she gasps down lungfuls of precious air.
"Oh, you sneaky little bitch," Dean says, finally, a note of begrudging respect beside the murderous anger in his voice.
"Portable devil's trap," Cassie says, shaking her dark curls out and taking a deep breath as she flips open a book that looks like it's seen several witch trials and possibly the bottom of a bog. "It's a great idea, I wish I could take all the credit."
"Demons never see it coming," Mary agrees, sharp. "And you're not getting out of there in that body unless the lines break."
Dean chuckles, and it's back to that horrible, dark sound, like he knows something they don't.
" 'That body'?" he says. "Mary, I'm wounded. You don't think of me as your son?"
"Shut up," Mary snaps. She nods in Cassie's direction, and Cassie looks down at the book, begins to read. The words that fall off her tongue sound like Latin to Jess, though she has to admit she's better at reading it than speaking it, and Cassie's going way faster than Jess’ Latin prof. Sounds like something to do with spirits.
Dean's laughter doesn't stop. Low, and rolling, and horrible, it rises from underneath the quilt until it almost drowns out Cassie's voice. She speaks up a little, her pitch rising, and Jess feels - something, that charge in the air again, a wind that isn't a wind whipping her curls around and rattling the cabinets.
Still, the laughter doesn't stop.
It doesn't stop until Cassie spits the last words, and the wind, the rumbling under the floorboards, the strange charge in the air all cut off abruptly like they were never there. The force holding Jess pinned releases all at once, without warning, and she drops, slamming to the kitchen linoleum on hands and knees. Cassie shoots one long, agonised look at the quilt and the shape still under it before she hurries over to crouch beside Jess, setting the book aside to check her over for injuries.
Mary doesn't take her eyes off the quilt at all.
Jess notices it before anyone else does, not that that helps. It's just a split second when that - charge, that electric pressure, jolts back through her like a live wire. Jess tries to scream, though it comes out as more of a strangled cough, clutching her suddenly-throbbing head. It feels like someone drove an ice pick straight through her eye.
And then the quilt bursts into flame.
Cassie shouts, and Mary steps back, and the figure under the quilt burns and burns merrily until the quilt is nothing but ash and a few charred scraps of fabric. Dean doesn't move, just stares Mary down, as the last remnants flake away. For some reason - probably fire being hard enough to summon into existence with your mind without trying to get it to differentiate between different kinds of fabric - Dean's jacket and shirt have also burnt almost completely away, leaving quite a lot of bare chest on display. Jess has just enough presence of mind to realise whatever 'lines' Mary was talking about are almost certainly broken now, before her brain goes back to its stunned loop on how ridiculous it is that they're all frozen in numb horror at the sight of a man who looks like a Calvin Klein ad.
Well, okay, not exactly like a Calvin Klein ad. Any marketing agency would probably have airbrushed out the nasty burn scar just over his heart, the one like a circle with a line slashed partway through it. And the eyes. Yeah, the eyes would probably be a dealbreaker.
"You really should start thinking of me as your son, Mary," Dean says, that crooked, charming smile tugging at his lips. "Because this body's mine. And I don't plan on giving it up any time soon."
Mary moves, but Dean moves faster. With a flick of his wrist, Mary goes flying backwards out of the kitchen, her pistol clattering to the kitchen floor. Jess hears the crash from the hall, and winces. 
Cassie straightens up, reaching behind her for a gun Jess can see tucked into her waistband, but Dean slams her back against the wall with a tilt of his head and a grin.
"Oh, you should hear him in here," he says, sauntering over to Cassie, one hand jammed into the pocket of his slightly-scorched jeans and the other tapping his temple. "Threatening me - real creative ones, too - begging me not to hurt you two."
He smiles like a wolf baring its teeth. "You should've heard him whine when we killed Sammy."
Jess' heart kicks once, painfully, in her chest.
"Don't you call him that," Mary's voice says, from the door. Jess spins, sees her standing, but leaning heavily against the doorframe. There's a trickle of blood working its way down out of her hairline, across her forehead, and she's cradling her right arm close against her body. "Don't you dare call him that. Not with that mouth."
Dean glances back over his shoulder at her, shaking his head as he breaks into a broad, pleasant grin. "What, I can’t give stupid nicknames to my own baby brother?"
"He isn't yours," Mary snaps, and Dean barks out a laugh.
"Oh, Mary, Mary, Mary. How quickly you forget." He waves a hand dismissively at Cassie, flattening her with her arms splayed out, crucifixion-style, against the wall, before taking three heavy, deliberate steps towards Mary. All his attention is fixed on her, their eyes locked in a furious glare. He doesn't notice when Jess reaches out along the floor, stretching an arm out for Mary's dropped pistol. "You broke our deal. Which means -" Dean raises out both arms, palms out, sort of like he's going in for a hug. "Actually, he is."
"And yet you killed him," Mary spits into Dean's face. Jess' fingertips just graze the hilt of the pistol, and she edges forward to wrap her hand around it, taking the chance that, focused as he is on Mary, Dean won't notice the movement in his peripheral vision. "How's that figure into your little plan?"
Dean clicks his tongue disapprovingly in the back of his mouth, shaking his head even as he grins, too wide, too white. "Y'know, I really thought you Winchesters might have started to figure it out by now."
He blinks, and Mary flies straight up in the air, like she's been shot from a cannon, to slam against the kitchen ceiling. Jess is struck by the horrible certainty that she can smell smoke.
Dean's smile is much too self-satisfied, his voice sickeningly smug as he stares up at Mary, pinned like a butterfly on a corkboard. "There's always a plan."
Jess stands, on shaking legs, and fires straight for his heart.
Or, at least, she tries to. But the trigger under her finger just makes a pathetic little clicking noise and refuses to budge.
Dean looks over at her, his expression blank for once, a slight frown furrowing his brow like he's trying to figure out what she's doing. "Trying to kill me with a weapon with the safety on?" He shakes his head. "At least you're pretty."
It's like that heavy electrical charge in the air wraps itself around Jess' hands. She can't feel her fingers as they deftly click something on the handle of the gun, can only watch in horror as her own arms bend at the elbow without her input.
The barrel of the gun is cold under her chin.
Mary shouts something hoarse and angry, and behind her, Jess can hear Cassie struggling, but a little bubble of silence seems to have cocooned her and the gun. She tries to get even just one finger to obey her, to twitch, to wiggle. All she gets for her efforts is a stabbing headache.
"It's so tragic," Dean says, still watching her, unruffled. "You know, officer, she told me herself that she didn't know how to go on without him."
Jess struggles to suck in a breath as her hands wedge the nose of the pistol up into the soft spot under her jaw. She thinks she can feel, through the numbing, buzzing static running up her arms, her index finger starting to depress the trigger. The pain in her head is throbbing in time with her heartbeat, stab, stab, stab directly into her right eye. 
Somewhere in her mind, somewhere she hopes connects to her fingers, with all the strength she has, Jess pushes.
A thunderous expression crosses Dean's face when the gun doesn't go off, when Jess slowly lowers the gun to aim back at him again. It's strange, but that static-charge prickle she'd felt all up her arms is receding, from above her elbows all the way down to her first knuckles.
She's got a clear shot. But before she can pull the trigger, there's...a spark, the static charge releasing from her fingertips, and Dean flinches back.
He blinks, raising his head slowly, like he's waking from a deep sleep, and Jess' breath catches in her throat. For the first time since he'd pinned her to the kitchen wall, his eyes are - they're back to green, and confused, and frightened. Human.
Jess can't move. She stands there, rooted to the spot, staring back at the man staring at her.
Then Dean hisses in a breath between his teeth, one hand flying up to the side of his head as he crumples inwards, squeezing his eyes shut. There's something different about his voice, too, some smoothness or oiliness that Jess had barely even noticed that's suddenly missing, a raw rasp of fear taking its place. "Get the hell out of here - shit - all of you, run! I can't -"
There's a thump as Cassie's boots hit the ground behind Jess, and Mary shouts as she tumbles down, hitting the counter before she collapses to the ground. She groans, pushing herself to her feet with obvious difficulty. Jess takes a slow step backwards, grip tightening on the gun in her hands.
Dean takes a long breath in, straightening up, and Jess takes another step back. The stress and anguish smooth off his face as he rolls his neck from shoulder to shoulder, to be replaced with contempt.
When he opens his eyes again, Jess is totally unsurprised to see they’re back to that sick, poisonous yellow.
“Well, well, well,” he says. “Jessica Moore. Colour me surprised. And here I didn’t even think you were a contender. I’ll have to keep a closer eye on you.” He winks. The grin probably would have been charming, under other circumstances.
“How do you know my -” Jess starts, but Dean’s already turned away from her, looking around the kitchen.
“Well, ladies, it’s been a slice,” he says, the last word hissing with ironic emphasis. “But I’ve got things to do, people to see, you know how it goes. What say we call this one a draw?”
Before anyone can move, he snaps his fingers, and a wall of flame erupts from the kitchen floor, hiding him from view.
“Karen’s” turns out to be an unassuming little blue house on an unassuming plot of land a little ways outside of a town Jess never would have willingly chosen to visit. A tasteful white wooden sign at the end of the drive, trimmed with the same gingerbread carving that decorates the peak of the roof, identifies it as “Singer’s Curio Cabinet: Antiques & Collectibles”.
Just based on everything that’s happened in the last forty-eight hours, Jess is willing to bet antiques and collectibles aren’t the only things Karen Singer deals in.
Karen herself is a square-faced, stern-looking woman with deep lines etched around her eyes and silver scattered throughout her thick dark hair. She greets Mary and Cassie with a scowl and a shake of her head, letting out an exasperated sigh in response to Cassie’s greeting. “You’d better come in.”
Cassie shoots Jess a look, eyebrows raised, a half-smile half-grimace darting across her face. “Oh, she’s pissed,” she whispers to Jess, as Karen leads them through a huge front room crammed with rusted farm equipment, brass bedsteads and battered dressers, and shelves of old glass bottles and jars with heavy iron keys dangling underneath.
The back of the house looks much more lived-in, though with a similar spirit to the store out front. It’s tastefully decorated, if by somebody whose tastes run a little more to the overstated and rococo than Jess’, but the flocked damask wallpaper and elegant Queen Anne furniture are almost hidden under stacks of books, carved wooden masks, large jars with murky, indistinct contents, tattered fabric dolls, rough wooden stakes, guns and knives in various states of assembly...
Karen motions them in without looking back, walking straight through to the kitchen. Mary follows, and Cassie pauses just long enough for Karen’s voice to float back. “Don’t you girls hang around out there sticking your noses into everything. I won’t be responsible if you get yourselves cursed.”
“Cursed?” Jess asks, and Cassie nods.
“Try not to touch anything.”
“Of course,” Jess mutters to herself, brushing aside a bundle of herbs hung to dry in the kitchen doorway. “Of course now I’m standing in a witch’s cottage in the middle of nowhere. Because things weren’t already weird enough.”
“Karen’s no witch,” Mary says, over her shoulder. “You’ll know a witch when you meet one. Nasty customers.”
Karen’s got her back to them all, still, filling a kettle at the sink. She gives no sign that she’s heard Mary’s comment, her voice clipped and tight as she says, “You went after him again.”
Mary draws in a long breath, lets it out slow.
“Oh boy,” Cassie mutters, edging closer to Jess like that’ll keep the other two women from overhearing. “Here come the fireworks.”
“I’m talkin’ to you too, Cassie Robinson,” Karen says, cranking the tap hard so that the water shuts off abruptly. “We still aren't even sure that Colt you dug up stories on is real, or just a myth. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking,” Mary says, quietly, “that a damn demon has my son.”
“Watch your language in my house, Mary Winchester,” Karen says, like it’s automatic, turning to put the kettle on the stove. Jess gets the feeling that that’s a remnant of an old argument, the kind that’s never really resolved.
“It’s not strong language, it’s an accurate description,” Mary says, equally automatically, stepping around the little round table in the middle of the kitchen floor. “Karen, please. He went after Sam. What was I supposed to do?”
Karen slams the kettle down on the heavy black range with a metallic bang that makes Jess jump. She stands with her back to them all for another moment, her shoulders rising and falling with a long, deep breath, before turning around. Jess takes a step back at the sight of her face.
“You were supposed to have some kind of a backup plan,” she says, her voice cracking, before she clears her throat, her frown growing deeper as she pulls herself back under control. “You were supposed to let me know where you were going, what you were going after. You were supposed to do anything other than put yourself and an innocent kid in harm’s way without any real plan and without knowing what you were getting into!” 
Mary says nothing, and Karen cuts herself off with an angry harrumph, shaking her head as she turns back to the stove. She turns the burner on with a sharp yank, the sudden fwoosh of fire making Jess’ heart leap into her throat. “And Cassie! I thought you knew better than this.”
“Sorry, Karen. Everything happened so fast -” Cassie starts, but Mary interrupts her.
“And who says we don’t know what we’re dealing with?”
“Do you know what that symbol you told me Dean had on his chest is?” Karen demands. “Because I do. That’s an anchor. Your demon’s got its grubby claws dug right into Dean’s flesh. You won’t be able to budge it unless you can break that symbol, and it’d be suicide just to try to get that close.”
“So it’s suicide,” Mary says, soft, dangerous. Cassie shoots her a startled look.
Karen sags back against the counter, the anger draining from her face. She suddenly looks very old, and very tired.
“Don’t be a fool, Mary. You know neither of those boys’d want you doing something like that. And Dean’d never forgive himself if you got hurt trying to save him. Especially not if he was the one that hurt you.”
For a moment, Mary looks like she’s going to argue, before deflating herself.
“Well, what about me?” Cassie protests. “What am I here, chopped liver?” She glares from Karen to Mary. “I’m not some stupid kid who tagged along for kicks, I’m not some job you just have to protect until the monster’s dead, okay? I told you. I’m in this.” She sucks in a deep breath. The fire drains out of her voice, leaving it small and surprisingly vulnerable as she says, “Let me help. I want him back too. Even if it’s just for long enough to tell him I’m sorry.”
Silence settles over the kitchen, thick and gloomy as an autumn fog. 
“Maybe there’s another way,” Jess says, startling even herself. “Something happened, back at school, when Dean -”
“The demon,” Cassie corrects her, firmly.
“When that...demon tried to make me shoot myself,” Jess continues. She almost can’t believe the words coming out of her own mouth. Surely this is all a nightmare and she just fell asleep on the couch after one too many episodes of Buffy. “I - it wasn’t easy, but I resisted it. Somehow. There was, like, a spark. And for a second afterwards, I think...Dean was back in the driver’s seat.”
She swallows, hard, in the teeth of the stares all three turn towards her.
“You’re right,” Cassie says, slowly, at last. “I thought maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see, but -”
“Is that what all that about being a contender was about?” Mary asks. Jess shakes her head. 
“No, honestly, that stuff stumped me too. But - maybe, if I can figure out what I did and how I did it -”
But Karen’s shaking her head. “Jess, right? It’s sweet of you to offer, Jess, but even if you knew what you were getting into, that just sounds like a trap. Demons lie. They’re excellent actors.”
Jess bites down on her bottom lip, trying not to let Sam’s accusing stare fill her vision again. “Like Cassie said. I want to help. Please, if I can do something -”
“All right.” Karen crosses her arms over her chest. “Let’s say it was real. Do you even know how to do it again?”
Jess rolls her lower lip between her teeth, considering how to respond.
Karen snorts. “Didn’t think so. No. That’s too much of a wild card to bet our lives on.”
Cassie shakes her head, her eyes blazing. “So then what? Are we just supposed to sit around here and - crochet doilies while that thing roams around hurting people, wearing the man I love like a cheap suit -”
Karen fixes her with a steely look, and Cassie bites off her own tirade with a scowl.
“I think we all know what we’re supposed to do here,” Karen says, shifting that penetrating look from Cassie to Mary. “At this point, Dean’s as much of a lost cause as Sam. We gotta focus on getting rid of that demon before it can do any more damage.”
She pauses a moment, eyes locked with Mary’s. “Whatever that takes.”
“You’re asking me to kill my own son,” Mary says, her voice so icy Jess could swear the temperature in the room drops several degrees.
Karen shakes her head. “I know you want to hope, Mary, but - Dean wouldn’t want you to let this go on this way. That thing used him to kill his own brother, for the love of all things holy! You can’t tell me he wouldn’t want you to end this.”
“Maybe this isn’t about what Dean would or wouldn’t want,” Mary says, gripping the back of the chair in front of her so hard her knuckles go white on the carved wood.
“Don’t I know it,” Karen mutters, and there’s a hint of contempt in her voice. “Listen, I know this is hard as anything, I know you still want to salvage what you can outta all this hurt, but - sometimes you just gotta do what needs to be done.” Jess is suddenly and immensely glad not to be on the receiving end of Karen’s laser stare. “Sam knew that. You know Dean knows that -”
“Did Bobby?”
The two words ring in the sudden silence like a slap. Karen looks stricken, like Mary had just reached out and shoved her against the hot stove. Mary herself looks horrified by the words that had come out of her own mouth, horrified and a little sick.
The silence slowly turns to a high-pitched whistle as the kettle boils. Karen reaches out to turn the burner off, turning her back to Mary with what looks to Jess like enormous effort, pulling chipped china and plain tea bags from the cupboard beside the stove. 
Finally, she turns back to the rest of the kitchen. Her expression is back to an echo of its former no-nonsense toughness, though she still looks very white. “For the sake of our friendship, I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that,” she says, heavily, and Mary nods, once, eyes flicking down towards her boots.
“Who...” Cassie starts, but looks around the room and seems to decide against it. Jess agrees with her. She’s burning with questions, but - there’s a time and a place.
“I just - you know I can’t just let that demon win,” Mary says, and there’s a pleading note in her voice that Jess has never heard before. The steel seeps back into it, though, as Mary says, “He can’t have them. Either of them.”
Karen takes a breath in, closing her eyes as she lets it out in a long sigh. “You better not be saying what I think you’re saying.” She opens her eyes, a rueful expression settling onto her face and softening the severity of her frown, before taking a step around the table towards Mary. “Look, maybe I can’t know what this is like for you, but I think I got an inkling. And they might not be my sons, but -”
“You’re right,” Mary says, shortly, stepping back. “They’re not your sons.”
She turns, and stalks out of the kitchen, out into the antique shop. A moment later, the merry jingle of a bell and the slam of a door tell everyone inside that Mary Winchester has left the building.
“Don’t be a damned fool, Mary!” Karen shouts after her retreating back, and Cassie gives her a wide-eyed look. Karen shrugs one shoulder, turning back to the tea things. “She’s right, though don’t you dare tell her I said that. 's not foul language when it’s an accurate description.”
Cassie shakes her head, brow furrowing in confusion. “What do you -” She stops. “ ‘Either of them’. Oh god.”
She nearly pushes over the table as she sprints out of the kitchen, calling Mary’s name. Jess listens to the sound of her footsteps drumming against floorboards until they fade off the porch.
When she looks back, Karen’s watching her with a pinched smile. “Sorry you had to hear all that.”
Jess shrugs. She’s painfully aware of how inadequate anything she could say might be.
Finally, after what seems like a lifetime, she settles on, “Do you really think - what happened back at the house, it was just a trick? You don’t think I really have some kind of - freakish demon-banishing power?” 
She doesn’t add, you don’t think I’m trapped in this nightmare because somehow this nightmare’s trapped inside me. She doesn’t add, you don’t think that maybe there really was something I could have done, something that could have saved Sam, if only I’d known about it before it was too late. She doesn’t add, you don’t think that it could somehow have been my fault.
Karen gives her a searching look, like she can hear everything Jess didn’t say anyway.
“I think that thing wanted to hurt Mary as bad as it could,” she says, at last. “And I think it knew she was too close on its tail. I think, just then, giving her false hope that her boy’s still in there would’ve saved its sorry hide, and was the meanest thing it could’ve done to her.”
Jess lets out a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding, feeling tension seep from her shoulders. She tucks a lock of hair back behind one ear, matching Karen’s smile with one of her own. “You know, I think I’m finally starting to understand why Sam always hated Halloween.”
Karen snorts out a surprised laugh, almost choking on it. She pauses to catch her breath, giving Jess the first glimpse of a genuine smile Jess has seen her wear. It’s...nice. Warm. It transforms her entire face, somehow, makes it less stern and more motherly.
“Oh, don’t we all,” Karen says. “Well, welcome to the club. I wish I could say that it’s all uphill from here.” She turns back to the tea things on the counter, pulling the teabags from the pot and laying out flowered cups on matching saucers. “You want something to eat? I baked up a pie this morning.”
Despite everything, Jess can’t help but smile.
“I could go for pie,” she says.
37 notes · View notes
holylulusworld · 5 years
Love tonight
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Request: Do you think you could do a lion king sort of thing... like Sam and the reader were friends when they were young and everyone thought they’d end up together but then he goes to Stanford and then they meet again after all the shit (all the things he blames himself for) and they have a can you feel the love tonight moment but the reason she had run into Sam was that she needed help as someone who knows of all the things Sam had done and Sam didn’t tell her about what he’d done.
Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean Winchester, Gordon Walker, Ellen Harvelle, Bobby Singer
Warnings: angst, threats, mentions of blood addiction, fluff, protective Sam, scared reader
A/N: We are in season five for my story. Gordon is still alive, just like Ellen and Jo. I didn’t make the reader a hunter, rather a shop owner providing weapons, books and ingredients for hunters.
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“Listen, I don’t know what you are talking about, Sir. I haven’t seen Sam Winchester for like seven years. The last thing I heard him say was he wanted to leave for Stanford.”
Stepping backward, grasping for anything to fend the angry hunter off you try to calm Gordon.
“I know you were high school sweethearts and all.” Smirking Gordon steps closer. “Do you know what a monster your lover became?”
“I told you I haven’t seen Sam for years!” Panicked you glance at the door of your store. If you can make a run for it you could reach your car. “How can I know about anything he did?”
“He is not a man, he’s a monster drinking demons’ blood.” Gordon steps closer, searching your face as you take another step backward.
“Blood? This is…” Shuddering you try to buy time. “I didn’t know…” Your hands are shaking as you touch the knife in your jacket. “I swear I have no contact.”
“I don’t care, Sweetie. Sam still has a thing for you. Some time ago…” Now he smiles devilish. “I got hold of him, checked his wallet and there was a picture of you and him in it.”
Your heart flutters at Gordon’s words but right now is not the time to remember your feelings for Sam. If you want to make it unharmed out of this situation you need to play along till you can use the momentum and run.
“What else did he do?” Playing your role you clear your throat. “I need to know, Mr. Walker. If a skilled hunter like you is after Sam, he must be a monster.” Your voice is trembling, but you try to give Gordon your best poker face.
“He started the apocalypse, Y/N. Sam Winchester was best buddies with a demon, drank her blood and is one of those ‘gifted’ children.” Gordon smirks as he can see the doubts creep into your thoughts.
“So, he changed a lot…” Whimpering the words you glance at Gordon who secures his gun and that’s the moment you go for a run.
Dashing toward the door you grasp for the door handle; not caring Gordon is closely behind.
When you are out of the door you zigzag to make sure he can’t shoot you. Your breath comes out in heavy pants, but you make it to your car right before Gordon can get hold of you.
All you can think about is to find Sam to warn your friend that a crazy hunter is after him. There is no way Sam would ever do such a thing…no way…
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“Ellen, thanks a lot. That guy is a lunatic for sure. He aimed a gun to my head and threatened to kill me if I do not tell him where to find Sam Winchester.” Downing the offered drink in one go you try to calm your nerves.
“Gordon Walker. He won’t give up for sure.” Bobby grumbles as he paces around his living room. “Bastard!”
“Is…is anything true that he said?” Glancing at Bobby you can see the struggle all over his face. “He drank blood and started the apocalypse?”
“Not willingly, Y/N. A demon tricked him, killed his brother and Sam, he went after her. He killed Lilith and…” Bobby nervously rubs his neck.
“I get it. He broke the last seal by killing Lilith…” Smirking you give the elder hunter a wink. “I am no hunter, but I know the Bible and lore like my left hand. So, he is not evil?”
“Who is evil?” When Dean enters the room, you recognize two things. He’s still a handsome bastard and his eyes are sadder now. You assume he went through a lot of shit over the last years.
“Dean Winchester. My secret love…” Teasing the elder brother you hug him tightly. “I heard you are dead, Winchester. Did you play Lazarus?”
“Long story, short. Angel dragged me out of hell. Name’s Castiel and he’s member of team free will now.” Dean smirks, pecking your cheek.
“Missed you, Kiddo. How have you been except for Gordon Walker trying to kill you?”
“Good. Awful. Then good again until that lunatic entered my shop and burned it down after I escaped. I hate that guy for sure.” Glancing over Dean’s shoulder you smile, letting go of the elder brother to run toward Sam.
For a moment you just look at each other. Sam and you never needed many words to understand your friend’s needs. Both of your life’s influenced by your dominant fathers, you gave each other shelter.
Sam holds your hands, gently rubbing his thumb over your skin. He breathes heavily, just like you and then Sam finally places one hand onto your cheek to capture your lips in a soft kiss.
Dean chuckles slightly, while Ellen and Bobby leave the room to give you privacy.
Despite the reason, you found each other again no one can take the moment of your reunion away from you.
“I am sorry Gordon was after you because of me. I did awful things and…” Placing two fingers onto Sam’s lips you shake your head.
“Sam, this wasn’t your fault. That guy is crazy. I know you did a few things you are not proud of, but we all have a past. We need to move on and stop Gordon.” Looking up at Sam, grasping for his hand you stand there in silence.
“Y/N…I am not the young man you used to know. I changed a lot.” Sam’s voice sounds broken, his eyes are sad, so you try to lighten his mood.
“I can see that…” Squeezing his biceps you smirk. “You grow some muscles.” Sam laughs at your words, knowing you want to help him relax.
“Y/N, we need to talk about Gordon and what we want to do now but first…” Wrapping his arms around you Sam sighs as you rest your head against his chest. “I’ve missed you, Y/N. All those years I wondered if you forgot about me.”
“Never, Sam. I never forgot about my best friend, my first love.” Mumbling the words, you close your eyes, just enjoying Sam’s closeness. “I already have an idea on how to take Gordon down…”
“Hmm…my smart girl…”
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Watching Gordon fight the cops you smirk. He’s yelling something about the son of the devil, cursing their incompetence.
The cops are unimpressed. They are more interested in the content of Gordon’s trunk. Guns, knives and occult symbols catch their interest and will make sure you won’t hear from Gordon Walker anytime soon.
“Great idea, Kiddo. This way we get rid of him and don’t need to kill him.” Dean whispers as Sam worriedly watches the scene.
“What if he gets out, Dean? What if he goes after Y/N again?” While you look up at Sam his elder brother smirks behind your back.
“I guess you need to make sure your girl stays with us in that case.” Shrugging Dean gives his brother a wink. “Only to make sure she’s safe…”
Nodding Sam takes your hand in his, kissing the knuckles softly. “Dean is right. I think you are safer with us around.”
“If you insist.” Smiling you squeezes Sam’s hand, following the tall hunter toward his brother’s car.
“Well, come on Sammy. You can celebrate your reunion later…”
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SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​, @fallen-wolf22​, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke​, @the-is13​, @helloitsmeamie203​, @sandlee44​, @strayrosesbloom​, @notyourtypicalrose​, @thewinchesterco​, @marvelfansworld​ @hobby27​, @gh0stgurl​, @flamencodiva​, @jay-and-dean​, @voltage-my2dlove​, @spnhollis​, @chonisberonica​, @wittysunflower​, @supernaturalenchanted​, @shikshinkwon​, @yolobloggers​, @hhiggs, @laxe-from-outer-space​, @ilovefanfic86​, @linki-locks11​, @eggingamazinglove​, @trumpettay​, @fandom-imagines1​, @thenamelesschibi​, @waywardbaby​, @straycuties9​, @drakelover78​, @stuckys-whore​, @zxph-yr​, @i-love-superhero​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @deepmuffinspymaker​, @katsav17, @heyitscam99​, @fandom-princess-forevermore​, @neii3n​, @exo-nova​, @cocklesbelli​, @echoesofpassion​, @lauravic​, @shatteredabby​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​, @sea040561​, @lemondropirwin​, @lonewolf471​, @wronglanemendes​, @juniorhuntersam​, @helpmeluci​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​, @shadowkat-83​, @alltimesamantha​, @officialmarvelwhore​, @meganywinchester​, @miraclesoflove​, @maniacproffesor​, @hollymac79​, @kayla-2000​, @gracefultrenchcoat494​, @babygirls-fav​, @spnwoman​, @amiquette​, @alexoloughlinlover32​, @geekofmanyforms​, @jessica-marsh09​, @spnficgirl​, @shut-themoonscone​, @thequeenreaders​, @countrygal17a​, @atomicfandombomb​, @kteelou​, @soryuwifeyxx, @kricketc28, @defenderrosetyler​, @shortwinchester​, @maybesomedaygayyyy, @tmiships4life​, @sabascio, @that-place-called-middle-earth, @the-broken-angel-13, @bunnybaby89, @pandabiiissh, @maddiedott, @lilulo-12, @theoneandonlymelol, @mblaqgi, @clawsandshotguns, @justsomedreaming, @cassiopeia-barrow, @its-the-timey-wimey-winchesters, @mscarter213, @jo-like-josette, @mep6811, @prettydeaneyes, @rvgrsbrns, @deanwanddamons, @tearsforhan, @skittlebittz, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel
Sam/Jared Forever Tags
@moosekateer13, @thevelvetseries, @train-wrecc
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roobarrtrashmouth · 6 years
Life and Times of the Losers Club
Chapter 4 - Mike and Stan: At the Farm
To read it on AO3 click on the title. 
Tag List
@tinyarmedtrex @honeybeehanlon @constantreadfool @jacksbrak @megelixabethvh  @speakslowtellmelove @african-gem @hawkinsbabe@honkhonkrichard @stanmike @softstanlonn
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October 1992 Friday - After the Game
With the others all dispersed, the two of them walk along a well trod sidewalk in a neighborhood Mike knows almost as well as he knows the acres of the farm.  
Mike takes a moment to steal a glance at his boyfriend in the moonlight. Stan has always been the most handsome guy he had ever seen, but tonight in the moonlight he was more so. The light seems to lay like a blanket over Stan’s curly locks highlighting his blond streaks, his eyes looking almost yellow in the moonlight. His plump lips seem to beg to be kissed. Stan’s eyes are just captivating.
His eyes...
His amber eyes...
His beautiful amber eyes...
In the space of one heartbeat to the next Mike realizes that they have come to a complete stop on the sidewalk beside a giant oak and Stan is staring back at him.
“Is there something on my face?” Stan asks with genuine concern in his voice starting to rub his face. “Shit, do I have more zits on my cheeks? Dammit I thought..”
Mike silences Stan by gently placing the fingers of his right hand on Stan’s lips, but Stan mumbles around them.
“No there isn’t a thing wrong with you. I was just. Well. I was just lost in your eyes. Sorry.” Mike admits.
Stan smiles behind Mike’s fingers, the skin around his eyes crinkling with the size of the smile. Mike is amazed that Stan can communicate the depth of his happiness with just his eyes.
“Cam I haf my mouf back pease?” Stan asks from behind Mike’s fingers.
“Sorry. Yeah.” Mike tells him and smiles back, removing his fingers and letting his hand drop to his side.
Stan reaches out and takes the hand Mike had just had on his mouth into both of his and gently holds it between them. He looks from their hands up to Mike’s face and says, “Thanks. You know it’s easy to fall into your eyes as well and… your arms.” Stan coughs and concludes by running his hands up Mike’s arm.
Mike blushes at the compliment so easily given and the gentle caress that accompanies it.
“We are a couple of houses from my house. Maybe we should not stare into each other’s eyes. That could give us away.” Stan tells him as he drops his hands from Mike’s arm, immediately regretting the fact that he had done so. But a thought jumps into his head, “Also, the sooner we get to my house and I finish getting packed, the quicker we can get to the farm.” Stan smiles lasciviously, wiggling his eyebrows at Mike.
“Well hell. Then lead the way kind sir.” Mike responds by jumping out of Stan’s way and affecting a bow.  
“Thank you, sir.” Stan says and leads the way to his house.
“Mom… Dad... we’re home, Mike’s with me!” Stan announces, putting his keys in his front pocket, as they walk in the front door.
From deeper in the house a duet of, “Hi boys how was the game?” Then Andrea Uris’ distinct voice announces, “We’re in the family room come on back.”
The boys put down their bags and walk back to the family room and Donald and Andrea Uris, Stan’s parents.
Stan didn’t dislike his parents. As a matter of fact, being a male teenager in high school, he had a pretty good relationship with them. Stan and Donald still went birding when Donald was available. Andrea was a loving and supportive mom, who was working part time for the school district. He didn’t tell them everything, naturally, but they were fairly well informed of the goings on in Stan’s life.
“So Mike did you knock ‘em dead tonight?” Donald asks from his place on the couch next to Andrea.  Dallas now playing silently on the TV against the opposite wall.
Before Mike could respond Stan gushes, “You should have seen him tonight. He made 6 touchdowns all by himself. Haven didn’t stand a chance. At one point Ben made this amazing tackle that opened up a hole in the line and there was Mike through the hole and running to beat the devil into Haven’s end zone.”
Donald and Andrea share a knowing smile with each other. Donald pointedly looks at his son and says, “Is that so Mike. I’m sure glad to hear that YOU had a great night on the field.”
Donald and Andrea both begin to chuckle, Mike smiles lovingly at Stan and Stan slowly begins to turn red and slowly looks at Mike, only to see him smiling back at him.
“You could have stopped me you know.” Stan says petulantly to Mike.
“Why would I do that? You should be calling the play-by-play from the box. You’re good.” Mike admits with a smile.
Mike’s honesty earns him a slug from Stan and more chuckling from his parents.
“Sooo not just a good game, but a great one? Did you perform your halftime show Stanley?” Andrea asks halting the bickering.
“No they didn’t. Not tonight.” Then it’s Mike’s turn to gush about how good the band was. Stan’s parents listen to Mike talk about the band before Stan taps him on the shoulder.
“Uhhh, Mikey. They were asking me, their son, the one in the band, how it went tonight.” Stan says giving Mike a sardonic smile.
Returning the smile Mike responds with, “You could have stopped me you know.” At which point they all break out into laughter.
They talk some more about the game before Stan excuses himself to finish packing, leaving Mike alone with his parents.
“Thank you for hauling me back and forth to the farm. I really appreciate it. I know it’s a bit of a drive.” Mike tells them.
Donald waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Anytime Mike. You and Stanley have been good friends for years, along with the rest of that horde you both hang around with. The… Legends Club?“
“Losers, Don, The Losers Club. Good lord you’d forget your own birthday if I wasn’t around to remind you.” Andrea tells him.
“Yeah them. You all still pretty tight, right?” Donald asks Mike.
“Yes sir. We are. That’s why Stanny is coming with me tonight to the farm. They’ill all be out there tomorrow to help with the last of the fall picking and help put up all the equipment for the winter. Mom is cooking for us all as payment.”
“Oh lord your poor mother. She’ll have to feed what 6 growing boys and 2 girls. You’ll all eat your parents out of house and home.” Andrea says with horror in her eyes.
Mike shakes his head and smiles at them. “Only 1 girl, Bev, Audra can’t make it tomorrow. That’s pretty much what Bev said. Mom assured me that there’ll be plenty. Mike continues, Thank you for letting Stan stay the night tonight. He’s going to help me get everything set up before the Losers come by tomorrow morning.”
“No problem. You can borrow Stan anytime. As a matter of fact where is he? STAN!” Donald yells to his only child.
“WHAT?” Stan yells back.
“Hurry it up. I don’t want to drop you both off at midnight.” Donald yells back.
“I’ll go see if I can help him.” Mike offers and turns to leave the room heading to the hall that leads to Stan’s bedroom.
“Thank you Mike. I’m going to get my keys. You coming Ann?” Donald asks his wife.
“Of course. Let me get a sweater. It’s chilly out.” She responds.
Mike makes his way down the hall to Stan’s room. He is familiar with this hallway and the room on the left. He’s been here many times. When he gets to Stan’s door he just stands there a moment taking in his boyfriend’s room, again. It’s just so...Stan. The room and bed are neat and tidy. The walls are a robin egg blue. There are bird prints, photos or drawings on two of the walls. On the fourth wall is a tidy desk and over the desk are photos. Photos of the Losers at the quarry, Bassey Park, and the Barrens. Peppered here and there are photos of Mike and Stan, and Stan and Richie to offset the Mike and Stan photos. The fourth wall is a very organized closet that is currently standing open. On the bed there is a duffle bag and a small but growing pile of clothes neatly folded waiting to be placed in the duffle.
Facing the open closet Stan senses but doesn’t see a body in the doorway and says, “I’m just about done dad. I’ll be out in a minute, then we can go.”
Mike shakes his head at Stan’s single mindedness and responds, “Richie would be proud of you already calling me daddy. I just don’t know how I feel about it though.”
Stan whips around and gives Mike a shocked look. “Mike! Shit. Uhhh I didn’t know it was you. I wouldn’t call… you… uhhh… dammit to hell.”
“It’s ok. Never mind. How can I help you?” Mike offers.
Shaking his head. “No need I’m almost done. I was just doing a last minute check. Then we can leave.”
Stan puts all of his clothes in the bag, closes the closet door and the two of them make their way back to the living room, where Mr. and Mrs. Uris are waiting.
“All set? Let’s get this show on the road.” Donald announces and as a group they walk out to the car, while he locks up. With everyone in they start the drive to the Hanlon farm.
The Farm
At the Hanlon farm Jessica and Will are in the kitchen. She is busy prepping food for tomorrow, while Will is watching her work. After many years of marriage he knows better than to interfere in Jess’ domain, only venturing to help at her specific direction.
“Will, love can you go down to the celler and fetch me a jar of pickles? You know where they’re at?” She asks needlessly.
“Ayup. Just the one? Anything else. I don’t want to make 30 trips up and down them damn stairs tonight.” He chides his wife with a smile.
Jessica whirls around and begins to protest when she notices the smile on his face. “Hush and go get me those pickles. Or I’ll make you run up and down those stairs all night long.” She then turns back to the task at hand. All the while listening to her husband laugh at his own joke as he makes his way down the stairs. “The nerve. Giving me sass when I have to feed so many people tomorrow.” She mumbles to herself.
A few minutes later she hears, overly dramatic footstep coming up the stairs and a fair amount of huffing and puffing. A bit of worry creeps into her thoughts at that. Will has been doing more of that lately and she makes a note to call the doctor on Monday to find out what his test results are.  Or at least to pester him to make the call.
“Your pickles my love.” Will hands her the jar with a flourish and bow.
“Thank you. Now can to go get me some beans from down there…” she starts and then breaks into a laugh at the knowing frown that makes its way across his face.
Will takes her into a hug and kisses her on the side of her cheek and they both break into laughter and kisses.
“Michael and Stanley should be here soon.” Jessica notes looking over his shoulder at the clock. She has a dinner prepared for them both, just in case they come home hungry. Jessica has learned that when Stanley comes over to eliminate pork from the menu, even though Stanley has told her she doesn’t have to do anything special for him. Obviously, she simply ignores him.
“I really wish we could have gone to the game tonight.” William says from his place at the large table in their kitchen. It is much larger than the 3 of them need. But the plans that William and Jessica had for a large family faded after Mike had been born. It’s only been recently that the large table has come into use, when Mike’s friends come over and the table is used for games and eating. The sight of all of those kids at her table eating and having a great time together makes Jessica smile, but also makes her think about the what could have beens. Shaking her head at those kinds of thoughts she turns back to the task at hand, making potato salad, for the kids.
From his place at the table Will sees the fleeting look that crosses Jessica’s face and instinctively he knows the thoughts she is having. He also regrets the could have beens, but it’s at that very moment that a side of the house lights up as a car pulls up the drive.
“That must be the kids.”  Will states. “Come on Jess let’s go say hello.”
“You’ve always been a talker William Hanlon. Lord knows no one can shut you up.” She chides him as they walk to the front door.
Donald pulls his car off Pasture Road and into the Hanlon’s long packed dirt driveway.
“Sorry for the dust Mr. Uris.” Mike apologizes to Donald needlessly.
“Mike, son, I’ve told you before it’s not a problem. This car can take a farm lane any old day. It’s fine. Anyway your dad does a fine job at maintaining his road. No potholes or washboard. Hell it’s smoother than certain portions of Jackson St. I’ve been on.” Donald reassures Mike, again.
In the back seat Stan, surreptitiously takes Mike’s hand into his own and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Stan knows that Mike is secretly embarrassed when the Uris’ come to the farm. He lives in an old farmhouse on the outskirts of town and Stan lives in a fine old home in town. Stan has told him numerous times to not think that way. His parent’s don’t care where he lives and more importantly neither does he.  
The car pulls up the farmhouse with its fine white clapboards, two peaked gables painted a light grey that make up the second floor bedrooms, chimneys poking up through the roof, wide wrap around porch with a wood porch swing at one end and a small table a two chairs near the front door. Along the south side of the house is a kitchen garden. Off to this side of the house is a large oak tree and a bit further and behind the house a large double door red barn. The Uris’ headlights illuminate the front of the house as they pull in for a stop.   
“Ok Mike home, safe and sound.” Donald announces and Andrea rolls her eyes at her husband’s corniness.
Just then the red front door to the farmhouse opens and two figures come out and wave. Donald and Andrea wave back as the male makes his way to the car. As he is walking over Mike and Stan jump out of the back seat and get Stan’s things out of the trunk.
“Hello Donald...Andrea. Thank you for fetching Mikey home. We do appreciate it. Do the two of you have a minute to have some tea or coffee?” William offers.
Donald looks at his watch and then at Andrea who smiles. “Yes we do. That sounds great. Thank you. Will.”
“Boys get your junk outta Don’s car and get it into the house. They are going to stay a spell.” William tells the boys. Who had been secretly holding hands over Stan’s duffle bag in the trunk of the car.
“Really? You are?” Stan asks peeking around the side of the open hood of the trunk.
“Yes, we are.” Andrea responds getting out of the passenger side of the car.
Mike grabs one handle of Stan’s duffle and leads him to the house. Stan has the other handle of his duffle and his pillow. On their way to the house they walk past Will, Mike stops to give him a hug. Then they make their way up to his mom. She stops Mike and gives him a hug and a kiss. Stan gets a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Evening Stanley. Go on and take your belongings up to Mike’s room. You’ll be staying with him there tonight. I hope that’s ok? We’ll talk about the game later. ” Jessica tells the boys shooing them into the house.
“That’s just fine.” Stan responds and the two of them head into the house and upstairs.
Jessica turns and smiles at her guests. She has always liked the Uris’. Stanley and Michael have been friends for years and it was perfectly natural that they would spend some time together. The Marsh girl’s and Hanscom boy’s mothers gathered far less frequently, but they had gotten together a couple times. As she thought about it the only parents of the kids that didn't’ at least stop and talk to one another were the Denbroughs, but that was understandable considering what happened to their youngest, and that horrible Sonia Kaspbrak. She was frequently the topic of conversation between the Hanlon’s, Uris’ and Toziers’.  Speaking of Richard and Edward that was the one secret her and Will kept from the other parent’s. They could tell that those two were sweet on each other. She did feel like she should tell Maggie but that wasn’t her place. It was up to those two boys to do. She briefly wondered if they were as obvious around the other parents as they seemed to be here on the farm with her and Will.
From the top of the steps Jess calls, “Andrea… Don how in the world are the two of you? Come in I have coffee and a roll for you.”
“Thank you Jessica. We can’t stay long.” Andrea says as the four of them make their way to the kitchen.
Upstairs in Mike’s room Stan and Mike were busy high-fiving each other over the fact that Stan was practically ordered to sleep in Mike’s room.
“I can’t believe I was just told to share your room.” Stan says to Mike as he pulls him into a hug.
“I know. She knows there’s only one bed in here and I know she won’t stand for you to sleep on the floor. Are you OK sharing a bed with me? I promise not to put the moves on you tonight.” Mike tells him chivalrously.
Stan smiles, “Well that’s too bad. I was hoping you would put some moves on me tonight.”
“STAN!” Mike exclaims.
“I’m joking. Really I’m… I’m really not ready…” Stan admits red flaring up his neck to his ears and looking at his feet in embarrassment.  
“That’s ok. Cuddle?” Mike chuckles and shoulder bumps Stan to relieve the tension.
“Cuddling would be great. Maybe some spooning?” Stan asks.
“Spooning… yeah ok. We can figure out which of us is the big spoon and who is the little spoon.” Mike smiles at Stan and pull him into a hug.
At that they break up the hug, blush and busy themselves with putting Stan’s items away.
“Will… Jessica that was delicious. Your coffee is always the best. But we really have to be off.” Donald sadly admits. They had only been there for half an hour but that had been enough time to talk about the kids, work and the farm. Basically enough time to renew their own friendship with each other.
“Jessica that sweet roll was delicious. Can you give me the recipe?” Andrea asks Jessica.
“Of course. It’s an old family one. Would you like it right now?” Jessica asks.
“Oh lord no. Next time will be just fine.” Andrea waves off Jessica who had started to rise from the table.
“I’ll send it home with Stanley.” Jessica offers.
“Perfect.” Andrea tell her.
They all stand and make their way to the base of the stairs. At which point William yells, “BOYS! Stan, come down your folks are leaving.”
The two of them come stampeding down the stairs. Stan gives his mom a hug and peck on the cheek and his father a hug. “See you on Sunday.” He tells them.
“You mind Will and Jessica. She has permission to swat you one if you get out of hand.” Andrea admits.
“Mom. I would never get out of hand. Do I look like Richie?” Stan says actually offended.
“No sweetie, you don’t. But still Jessica swat him if the need arises.” Andrea smiles at Jessica.
“Of course. With all them boys here one of them is bound to get out of  hand.” Jessica admits.
Mike and Stan look at each other and chorus, “Richie.”
Andrea and Don head back to their car and the four of them wave as he turns around and heads back down the drive to Pasture Rd.
“So Mikey how was the game?” William asks.
The two boys begin to giggle as they head back into the house.
“What’s so funny?” Will asks.
Later that night, long after William and Jessica have gone to bed. Stan and Mike sit on opposite sides of the bed, in their pajamas, holding hands and talking about the day’s events and what’s coming up tomorrow. Both of them delaying the obvious.
“Mike I really should get to sleep otherwise I won’t be any use to you tomorrow.” Stan finally admits.
Mike tells leans over and whispers in Stan’s ear, “You are always useful to me. Dead on your feet or not. But you’re right we need to call it a night.”
Mike’s whisper made Stan break out in gooseflesh from what felt like the top of his head to his toes. After some surreptitious glances they settle back and lay down on Mike’s bed.
Stan comes to the sudden realization that he is actually sleeping with his boyfriend for the first time in his life. Sure they may not have sex, tonight, but he was in fact sleeping with Mike. Just the thought of it was enough to make his heart race, his temperature to rise, the breathing quicken, and a swelling in his pajamas to take place. “FUCK, I hope Mike can’t tell I have a boner.” He thinks.
Mike was also having very similar thoughts and feelings. But as he struggles with the sudden stiffness in his pajamas he couldn’t be happier. “This is what I want to do for the rest of my life.” He thinkst. “Lay in bed with the most handsome guy in the world.”
“Good night Stan.” Mike said quietly.
“Night, Mikey.” Stan replied equally as quiet.
The two laid side-by-side for the next hour neither one really falling asleep nor quite awake. Eventually sleep claimed them. Without knowing they turned on their sides and Mike slowly pulled a willing, and still sleeping Stan, to him. Stan subconsciously takes Mike’s hand and sighs and find out who the small spoon is.
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slurrmp · 5 years
               all you need to know about spyro’s original characters:                                             oc: gwendolyn murdock                                         fandom: star wars / daredevil                                                   status: very active.
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Name: gwendolyn murdock Nicknames: dock, gwen, murry Gender: female Pronouns: she/her Sexual Orientation: pansexual Age (actual age): 28 Place of Birth: hell’s kitchen, new york Citizenship: american
Age they appear: late teens, early twenties Hair colour: dark brown Hair style: naturally wavy which was due to her birth mother, but she normally straightens it. Eye colour: brown Birthmarks/scars/marks: birthmark just behind her right ear. has a scar on the inside of her left foot from falling off her bike when she 10. self inflicted scars along her arms from when she was fourteen and her brother had to leave her in the care of the church orphanage when he left to go to college. Piercings: both lobes pierced. Tattoos: tiny devil horns on her shoulder blade.
Build (curvy, toned, etc): rather tall and lanky, bulked up quite a bit when she decided to join her brother when he picked up the hero gig. Weight: around 60kilos Height: 5′7″ Clothing style: gwen never had the nicest of clothes when she was still with the church, however, when her brother started to earn some money - he would often buy her clothes for her birthday and christmas. when gwen finally was able to leave the church and get a part time job at the local hospital, she wore very comfortable clothing. jeans, t-shirts, sometimes blouses and even dresses. Overall appearance: neat. she’s a doctor in training, she has to make sure that her appearance as well as her personality is friendly and inviting.
Trinkets/jewelry: when she was younger, she would mostly never be seen without her father’s boxing robe. when she got a bit older, the golden band that is around her right ring finger, was that of her fathers. Equipment/accessories (things they are never without; ex: a backpack or a notepad) mostly her pager, she may not be a proper doctor yet, but her placements keep her well occupied and pagers are still a thing in hospitals. but as a superhero she is never seen without her crossbow.  
                                          INNER WORKINGS
General mood: cheerful, happy, generally in a good mood all of the time. her bedside manner was the one thing gwen wanted to work on. she has to be friendly, other wise she’ll start to f e e l bad. Mental state (any mental illnesses?): oh man, gwen had always been a cheerful kid. but when she saw her father murdered before her when she was only six years old. she doesn’t remember much only that her brother had held onto her and never let her go after that night. gwen managed to come away from that night slightly unscathed but it was the orphanage that really took a toll on her. with her brother being given special care because of his disability, gwen always felt left out. especially when stick entered the picture. she’s not exactly the type of person to talk about her feelings, so keeping them bottled up inside doesn’t really do her any good.
Alignment (neutral good, chaotic evil, etc): chaotic good Morals: morals are to look out for those who need it. to help and never kill. Temperament: she is naturally known as the student doctor to go too, gwen is almost at the top of her class and is willing to get her hands dirty if need be. she’s not judgemental and she is willing to help whenever she can.
Quirks: chews on her lower lip. cracks her knuckles. bounces her leg. while also having picked up some of her brother’s quirks as well, Pet peeves: selfishness. rudeness.
Strengths: loyal. strong stomach. her ability to help everybody. Weaknesses: she would never turn anyone who needed help down. even if it meant helping a sith.
Fears: flying. it gets worse over the years she’s a part of the 501st. Intelligence: gwen had a complicated time when going to school, being raised extremely catholic but she never really believed as much as her brother. gwen managed to finish school with high marks which landed her in medical school, where she managed to get to her fourth years (before she was pulled into the star wars verse)
Priorities: her brother. in sw verse. the 501st first and foremost. anakin, ashoka, even obi-wan. Desires: to finish med school and become a registered er doctor. in sw verse. it get home and to survive the clone war. Likes: dancing, spending time with her brother. in sw verse. caff. lots and lots of the stuff. Dislikes: not being able to help her brother when he needs it the most. especially when he dealt with wilson fisk. in sw verse. the war.
Vices: too standoffish. even foggy had trouble getting into gwen’s good books, even when her brother and he went to law school and started a firm together. too blunt. makes for the best doctors i suppose.
Friends: surprisingly jessica jones, it’s slightly messy and complicated but they grew incredibly close when she helped claire help jess that one night. eventually foggy and karen as well. in sw verse. gwen became incredibly close with anakin and ashoka, who she would reference too as her brother and sister. most importantly the 501st, along with commander cody, commander wolffe and even captain fox.
Significant other: that relationship with jessica ? well it gets even more complicated as time goes on. in sw verse. fives
Kids: none at the moment
Enemies: wilson fisk. more to be added.
                         EMPLOYMENT AND EDUCATION
Jobs: student, doing her placement at the st. vincent’s midtown hospital. in sw verse. the jedi allowed her to join the 501st, however she is mainly stationed on kamino when not needed in battle. Profession: will be an er doctor.
Income (if any): kaminoans allow her a room at their facility and almost 100 credits per shift to be able to survive.
Furthest education: high school. Degree (if any): will be at NYU school of medicine 
                                   EXTRA INFORMATION
Criminal record: a few misdemeanors as a minor. which upgraded to grand theft auto when she was a teenager, after falling with the wrong crowd that use to hang outside of st agens’s orphanage.
Social media accounts (if any): instagram, twitter, facebook, snapchat (well she use to use them)
Reputation: gwen gained her title of dock, christened by jesse, when she appeared during the second battle of geonosis, helping almost twice as many of the clones as clone medics could, with her mind still blurry and unable to make sense of what was happening, gwen still managed to get her body into gear and help. many go to see her instead of their medical brothers, a reason being because she was a pretty face, something fresh from the same old, but she also makes connections with each clone she treats, remembering their names instead of their numbers.
Skills: extremely talented with a crossbow. as well as the batons that her brother uses. gwen also took up boxing when she was grounded after the many times she was in trouble. she is also able to fire a gun, however never liked to do so. in sw verse. can handle a blaster, which is a lot like a gun, only more ... laser-y and somehow even a lightsaber.
Talents: she’s a rather talented singer. Hobbies: video games was a big part of her childhood, as well as her young adulthood, as it was the only thing she could do to relax her after a long day. running, (usually does a lap of her kamino quarters before going around one of the domes.) boxing.
Special abilities (if any): she’s slightly force sensitive. gwen figured this out one day in the medbay on kamino.
Transportation: she use to walk everywhere, hell’s kitchen is not exactly a big neighbourhood to get around, but if needed to travel father she would catch the train, sub or bus. Living conditions: shared an apartment with her brother, only until she graduates medical school. in sw verse. apartment on kamino, while sometimes she would stay at the jedi temple.
Pets: looks after a stray cat that likes to sit on balcony of the apartment.
Colors associated with: pastel baby blue, deep shades of purple Their personal aesthetic: the clear warm sunny days on naboo. the rain can get to her sometimes. Song that suits them: WHY AM I LIKE THIS - ORLA GARTLAND
╳ BIO:
proper bio coming soon. however, the main story, is that gwen being from the mcu, knew everything about star wars. it was a big part of her childhood as well, it was basically her only saving grace (a part from video games) when she was child. then something happened one night (may say that it was the snap) which caused gwen to wake up in the middle of the first geonsis battle. not knowing how or why she was brought there, thinking it was just a dream, gwen decided she would put her learnt skills to use and try and save some clones along the way.
during the flurry of the battle no one even seemed to take notice of someone completely new and different was suddenly around. as long as gwen stays in the star wars universe, the more she would forget about the story line and what would happen.
meaning she tried her best to write down as much as she could when she first arrived. getting as far as underlining anakin skywalker = darth vader and about order 66, but not remembering the inhibitor chips in the clones heads, onto a data padd.
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thenarcolepticone · 6 years
The Fine Line
by TheNarcolepticOne
Summary: Heroism can't always be defined by what anyone can do on their own. Sometimes you need divine intervention. And sometimes, that same divine intervention can make a man take desperate measures to ensure the safety of the one they love.
Characters: APH America, APH Nyo!England.
Warnings: Violence.
A/N: Hey, so this is my Secret Spectres present for Mary ( @anglaland on Tumblr) based on the topic of Forgotten History. I tried really hard not to aim for the witch trials event, so this was the next best thing I could think of that's semi freaky. I'm a little late posting it but it's midterm week so I've been trying my best to keep my focus on school and classes. I hope you like it. There are some OOC elements but I hope that's not too distracting. Also, warnings on violence on this once. I mean, this isn't quite as violent as many other fics out there but I just gotta be sure people are aware.
The full moon bore down its radiant beam right onto his people like a spotlight as if the Eyes of God were staring down into each of their hearts and judging them every second they took a breath.
The evening air was permeated with white smoke, which stemmed from the torches hoisted up into the sky amid the fall wind. It was an odd tradition to always use torches (America liked to preserve tradition), but they never actually had any practical use. Full moons were the best time to begin the Hunt, and it provided enough light to see miles away, without the torchlight.
America’s grin was unmistakably visible on his face and defined itself against the white spotlight above; he felt the wild adrenaline rush seep its way into his blood as he eagerly went to lead the charge into the forests toward the neighboring towns to begin the search. The witch search.
The Purification.
And, as such, America was determined to ensure that there wouldn’t be any witches that would be able to leave tonight without facing the Final Judgement. America felt as if there was something supernatural taking his hands like strings, guiding him to be the leader like he was destined to be. But of course, that supernatural figure being God himself, allowing him the power to vanquish the evils tonight with the command of with his own Right Hand.
Now, witches, unsurprisingly, were a common evil amid his own community of Colonists. They threatened the safety of his own people across all town and overall, the livelihood of his own future as a nation. Did America want to be a nation of women being controlled by demons! Of course not!
So, in this instance, he already vowed himself to be the self-volunteered protector of these villains. After all, America needed to be sure that when England returned, he would be able to show her that he could take care of himself. And maybe then, could see her as something much more than a simple nation in need of help.
America, the game changer of the world. That was a title that had many merits by just saying it aloud and it made him almost giggle with delight.
But, of course, the end goal was still in progress. No title like that could start without a clean foundation, and so America made it a point to be thorough with his search party tonight so that he could sleep easy before England’s return.
“There!” a voice called from the crowd that was behind America and he turned his head to look in the direction indicated. There was only about 9 of them all together, but the voice was distinctly coming from the youngest in the group at age 18. America tended to trust the younger ones, as they often showed themselves to be much more perceptive than the older men. America himself didn’t look a day over 17.
Sure enough, there was an isolated cottage in the middle of the undergrowth, well concealed within the hemlocks. The brightness of the moon had provided the right amount of light to uncover its location where it would have not been noticed otherwise. The lights were off inside, but it could very well only be a ploy meant to throw them off their search.
With a rush, America grabbed his pitchfork and began for the cottage.
“This way,” he called to his people and they all went to follow him. It was an unquenchable itch that made Alfred practically run to the doorstep and it was practically impossible to calm him down because of this. 
The hero of the story. The one to rid the land of something that could potentially be the death of him and his remaining citizens. These were legendary tales meant to be carried through the voices of parents to children from times to come.
And no, America did not like to consider this quest to be of only seeking the death of others. That was something that monsters did. America only had to kill out of necessity; out of survival against those devils that liked to hide behind the form of a woman.
It was because of this cockiness that he ended up being the one who instigated the first knock on the door (or perhaps better described as banging). America couldn’t help but tap his foot on the ground, waiting for anyone to answer. There had to be an answer because if there was no answer, someone had something to hide from him.
Nothing. America gave another heavy knock.
After a moment of waiting, America forced the door open and the crowd of men only followed him like sheep following their shepherd. Tonight was a night that this could be justified; if the people inside weren’t witches, they had nothing to fear. This was already suspicious enough.
The house was old and rickety the second the group stepped onto the aging wood. Their footsteps were very audible, which provided enough intimidation, America thought.
The environment around them was covered in a light layer of dust and after bringing the torches into the room and America could practically smell something off about this place. There was a knocked over the table in the kitchen and a kettle that looks as if it had also been used as it was billowing with steam. Recently.
In short, it appeared as if the house hadn’t had any occupants for the longest time, but the room’s ancient status contradicted itself with more mysterious information that was found. One of the older men had spotted the glowing fire embers still sizzling in the fireplace. When this was pointed out, the men began to split up. Perhaps the perpetrator didn’t go far.
“You can’t hide forever, witch,” another one of America’s men threatened, jostling the knob of a door a little to scare them out. “Come out and face God.”
The sound of another door opening with a followed cry in fear broke the silence. America burst forth down the hall, spotting an adjacent room where the noise was the loudest and walked in.
Upon entering, he spotted two silhouettes huddled in the corner of the room, hiding under a desk and cowering behind a chair. The man who had found them shoved the chair out of the way and brought the light up to their faces, revealing their identities.
Had the room been in total darkness, they would have not been noticed. But the moonlight was on America’s side that evening and the forms that were in front of him were not what he had expected.
In fact, one of them was the least expected person he had expected to see alone in the woods. England was there, dressed only in her nightgown with a younger girl in her arms, head leaning against England’s bosom with tears and mucus running down her nose and sniffling.
“Alice,” America said immediately. Confusedly. “Why are you here? I thought you were not to arrive until a week’s time.”
“Is it not obvious?” England said, eyes never leaving his. “This girl has lived here all by herself for the last year. She’s been alone, unable to fend for herself and absolutely helpless,” England went to pet the girl’s hair.
“She needs a mother figure. And from what I understand, you and your people were the ones who took her mother away from her.”
“Me?” America widened his gaze at the accusation. “How could I be the one to take her? Unless the child’s mother had committed a crime of her own I do not understand why she would --”
“You’ve burned her,” hissed England, holding the girl close to her with a protective grip. “You’ve burned the girl's mother for being a witch. How could you even think to do that to a child, Alfred? And--”
“And?” one of America’s men stepped up with intimidating height. “If her mother was a witch, that means that her judgement has been made. Christ has forgiven her mother of the transgressions she had put upon the earth.”
The man’s eyes flickered to the shaking girl, who was staring right back at him with a shaky expression.
“If her daughter is also a witch too, she will also need to face against the wrath of Christ himself.”
“She is not a witch!” England yelled, turning her gaze to America pleadingly. “Alfred, please. The girl only needs a mother. She is innocent. Just move on and find some other witch!”
“That is not up to me to decide,” America huffed, practically grabbing the young girl’s arm as she screamed. With annoyance, America brought his hand up to slap the girl. And she fell silent.
“What is her name?” America asked. Clearly, there were no answers coming out of this girl and her whiny attitude.
“...Jessica,” England murmured. “Please, Alfred. Please. She is only 14 years old. She’s not--”
America paid no mind as he let his own “Right Hand of God” guide him. His hand went to pinch the young woman in several places, ranging from her arms, legs and pubic area. The girl screamed all the same, causing America to grow more annoyed. It seemed, for the most part, England spoke the truth.
With a final glance, he noticed a few very peculiar lumps on the teen’s chin. They were oddly colored and popped from the skin as if it were the plague itself.
“Alfred,” England tried again as she came closer, but she was roughly shoved back against the wall by the men surrounding them but she ignored them. “Alfred you can’t!”
“It is out of my hands,” America mused. “She is a witch.”
The men shouted in victory at their prize and England only lamented in despair. America shoved the screaming teen into the arms of her captors, who began to tie her up and carry her to the jailhouse. America went right up to England so that she may be pacified enough to keep her place. All the men had left, leaving the two alone to their devices.
“Move out of the way,” she snarled at America. She was a few centemeters taller than him, but clearly wasn’t quite at her normal figure; she was much skinnier. Weaker. It provided a much bigger advantage to America, who so easily shoved her into the wall a second time, causing her own glasses to fall off her face with a loud ‘clink’ against the wood as well as her head to also smack harshly against it.
The moonlight from outside highlighted the features of her face in the most romantic way, and almost blended into the color of her skin. It was like porcelain; glistening but fragile.
England groaned opened her eyes again slowly to try and focus, blearily looking in the direction of America’s face. And with a very exhausted attempt, tried to shove him back in order to catch up with the men after Jessica.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” America warned, suddenly grabbing a hold of her neck and squeezing enough to make her gasp and fall to her knees. “God is watching and I said I wanted to protect you from women like that, remember? The cursed ones?” America cooed. “She’s put a curse on you, England and I have to save you. If you followed her, you’d be hanged along side her for sure!”
England gasped, hands attempting to grab a hold of America’s squeezing wrist. He wasn’t squeezing too hard to prevent her from fully breathing but her inhaled breath was raspy.
“America,” she coughed. “You can’t... do this. If God watches... then surely he would drag you to Hell.”
America only rolled his eyes, watching her blink a little slower as he squeezed tighter.
“One day you’ll understand, England,” he murmured. “I’m doing this all to make sure you’re safe. No harm will come your way; not while I’m here.”
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italicwatches · 6 years
The Good Place - Season 2, Episode 01
Okay, so, we’ve got a few things to run down the line.
First and foremost, you might notice the lack of image. Real talk, I delayed this by two entire series, just trying to find a way to screenshot or screen grab or somehow get a fucking image out of Netflix on mobile.
I have, as you can see, failed to do so. There might be a way to force it that I haven’t figured out yet, and if any iOS or Android wizards are reading this and can help me figure out a way to do it, I’m all ears. Until that point, we are kicking this old school.
Secondly, if you are reading this on the RPGNet forums, you might know that we are about to undergo a mega upgrade that will put us on lockdown the whole weekend.
I am not stopping for that weekend. While posts will go up after, I also post these to a tumblr blog, Italic Watches. Check in and see what’s going on, follow, reblog, annoy your friends, click on anything bell-shaped, I think that’s how it works.
Oh, and thirdly, if you’re reading this on Tumblr…We’re about to super spoil this show’s first season, which I haven’t had a chance to get up here yet. Make sure you’re caught up first, got it?
With those things said, let’s get this show on the road. It’s The Good Place, season 2, episode 01! Here we GO!
-LAST SEASON on the Good Place. Eleanor died, woke up, was told she was in the Good Place, met Chidi, revealed she wasn’t intended for the Good Place. Met the couple Tahani and Jianyu, and Jianyu is really an idiot DJ named Jason from Florida. I am not fond of him having my name. She ultimately revealed that she was a liar…And then figured out that this was all an experiment by the Bad Place crew, and this WAS the Bad Place from the start! And so, the man in charge, Michael, realized the one answer was to reboot and start things over…And Eleanor had one single chance to hide a clue…
-Chapters 14 & 15.
In his office, Michael prepares for his latest meeting with his boss who I forget the name of. He’s made a bunch of little tweaks, like how now there’s no fresh coffee, it’s JUST pod machines. And new soulmates, trained actors. He won’t let you down! Yes you will. You most absolutely will fail, and be truly infamous for the next round of eternity.
-So Michael frantically has a company meeting with his staff crew. Various demons have lots of questions, including Vicky really wanting to get to play Real Eleanor again. Now she’s stuck playing Denise, and she doesn’t get Denise, and yeah there’s a lot of uncertainty…
-But, okay. Listen, guys. The opening salvo from version one was SOLID. They’re gonna re-use it. Get Eleanor drunk as hell at the welcome party, and then get her to make mistakes so they have material for the next morning’s chaos sequence! And he gets it, that humans with their mouths and elbows suck and are the worst. Sure, you’ll be tempted to do this the easy way, the old way. But this is going to work, and it’s going to be better. Now, say it with him. One, two, three, TORTURE!
-So hey, back with Eleanor, she’s trying to figure it out and also remember Janet’s name. Which is not working. But now she has a name. Chidi. But who, or what, is Chidi? Is that a type of soup? Okay, whatever it is, it’s gotta be in this town.
-Into the town! Where she meets Nina and Bart, soulmates, and tries to figure out how to find people…And also learns there’s no phones. No phones. At all. …Fork. So that didn’t work.
-And then she runs into ‘Jianyu’, silent monk, who passes her a sprocket…? Is, is he…?
-Cue Michael! Who quickly lets her know about Jianyu, the Taiwanese monk who never speaks. Might not be the first person you should get to know, what with a barrier that big. And look, they both know you’re not like everyone else here…
-S-She isn’t?
-Your work as an environmental activist was amazing, truly amazing! “Yes, well, I loved…Mushrooms. I can honestly say that.”
-Pop quiz do you think she’s referring to the ones other people put on pizza or the magic kind.
-So of course, Michael wants her to say a few words at the welcome party…By which he means an hour. And she gets a special little something to wear.
-A sash that declares her BEST PERSON. Which she has on at the party with her new man, whose heart is in the pope, his liver in the Dalai Lama, and his teeth are a necklace for a child king. And then he immediately ditches his tux to go get ripped. I kind of like his character. Very charming meathead.
-So who’s running this amazing manor, what with it no longer being Tahani? It’s Jessica, who wants to hear her big speech! And also she brought a very full glass of wine for Eleanor…Eleanor who tries to refuse, because can you imagine being drunk right before a big speech? “Getting kicked out of your niece’s christening…And only later, once you’ve sobered up, realizing you don’t even a niece? It’s like, who was that kid?”
-The whole party, of course, is full of people trying to offer her drinks, trying to line up that first shot. The problem is, it’s not working…She eventually tries to sneak a quick shot and a few shrimps, just trying to clear her head a little, and it’s looking like things might get back on track…
-Then she hears a woman arguing with a man.
-By the name.
-Of Chidi. SHE KNEW HE WASN’T A SOUP! Listen. They need to talk. Privately.
-Flashback to the moment Chidi awoke, rebooted. And learned that all of his heroes, all of the great philosophers, are in the Bad Place. Where they go naked to a class they’ve never been to on quiz day, every day. …And then they get smashed with hammers. That part’s not as clever as the rest. But you beat all of them at actually living by the principles you spoke of…
-And where things got interesting, is that Chidi was set up with multiple soulmates. See, normally, you get matched with one person. A perfect match to your core personality, the single best person across all things for you. But every so often, you get two paired matches. And so you have a choice!
-Here. Meet Pedro, Angelique, and Pevita. So, you four have a paired match. Any one of you, would be happy with any one of the other three. So all you have to do is someone has to make the call. Have fun! Chidi, did not have fun. He did not have fun with this at all. Because if you know Chidi, well, you know how badly this was gonna be for Chidi. The man who once had a moral panic attack at a make your own sundae bar.
-Sidenote, listen, buddy, the answer is simple. Chocolate pallet. Chocolate pallet, with creamy, and some of those little cheesecake bites.
-I’d fight somebody for some of those little cheesecake bites right now. Like, just so we’re clear.
-So he started trying to get to know them both, and an incredibly obvious answer was set before him with Angelique being so much more obviously better…But literally the instant he said that, Michael came racing in, and showing that there was a calculator error from one four-hour gap in mid-2003, and with that deviation taken into account, there was a deviation somewhere deep in the decimal points that DEFINITIVELY showed that Pedro should be with Angelique and Chidi with Pevita!
-…Shit. He’s good.
-And Chidi immediately buckled under the pressure and went with it instead of standing up for himself.
-So of course, they all ran into each other at the party. Which sent things even more sideways…Oh, and to make things even messier, right after he went to the bar to try and clear his head, up came ‘Denise’ to throw an additional wrinkle…I mean until Angelique stepped in.
-Basically what I am saying is that Chidi has had a very bad day.
-Which swings us back to the Now, and to Eleanor pulling Chidi aside to have a long, serious conversation. And she takes him to a side room, and shows him the note…At some point, before she woke up here, this note, in her handwriting, was in do-not-say-her-name’s mouth. And everyone’s been trying to ply her with liquor at this party.
-Something is not adding up. Her soulmate won’t spend more than two seconds with her. And a weird monk guy gave her THIS mysterious magic bracelet. …Eleanor now that I have a better look at that I am about 95% sure that is a bicycle gear, and most of the remaining 5% is taken up by the phrase Spacely Sprocket. She can’t hear me, this is linear fiction.
-…And then Chidi takes it all off the track because he is too consumed with his own shit to help her. And then, it’s speech time!
-Actually it’s time to get back to the start point. Tahani’s waking up. …And I’m just gonna add her name to the dictionary so I don’t get a super racist autocorrect error. And she gets to meet her soulmate, Tomás, whose medical work was ultimately funded by her tireless fundraising! Such perfect pairings you’d almost think some twisted, vindictive devil was setting it all up.
-Especially since Tomás here is about a head shorter than her. And it’s just getting from bad to worse, as we see her new house with him. It’s a…
-Actually shit I kind of love this place. It’s this little cottage out in the middle of nature, comfy and cozy and I’m getting real warm vibes off of it, good job lighting team on that one. Tomás then declares that they don’t need anywhere near all this space, so, bye-bye second floor! …Listen I know he’s playing a bit to dig under all of Tahani’s unexamined superiority issues but I would fucking love this cottage.
-…Oh fuck her sister’s paintings are all over the walls. Jesus, Michael, there’s torture and then there’s just cruelty. And Tomás is just gonna go in his usual digs to this swanky shindig, so…
-So that’s how Tahani ends up at the party in the inverse of her soulmate’s clothes. He’s in jeans and a green jacket, she’s in green pants and a denim jacket. And she’s really not handling it well. “I’m just not used to dressing like a plumber-ess!”
-You know, I’d feel bad, but literally everything Tomás’s character is presenting to fuck with her is kind of my jam so mostly I’m just rolling my eyes at her…her-ness.
-They are really digging in just how bad of a person Tahani is at the zero-point, though. …Also okay I will grant, I’m not a fan of Crocs unlike Tomás here. More of a flip flop man, comes with the Californian territory.
-So he’s off to the bar, and Tahani gets a chance to talk with Michael…And of course he puts the doubt in her head, reminding her that the system is Never Wrong. And if she wants, they can change the house! Do you want a mansion like this? Bigger? How about a moon? They can put you on a fucking moon Tahani, if that is how much space you need, to be in literal space. Is that what you need? Do you need your own personal moon, Tahani?
-Still not feeling bad for zero-point Tahani.
-Like, not even a little bit.
-So we get back to the encounter point, as Tahani ends up being the one left with Eleanor’s drinks when she races after Chidi…Just in time to run into another guy wearing the same green cargo pants as her. They’re cargo pants buddies! He was a garbage man in Winnipeg, what did you do in life? …Right, time to down them shots!
-And then it’s speech time. Eleanor gets up in front of the crowd, and tries to get to work on something akin to a speech, frazzled enough to actually be trying to take this seriously—
-. . .
-o o o
-I don’t know what I expected.
-But a drunk Tahani shoving her out of the way to vent about the bullshit of her first day, was not exactly at the top of my expectation list. So she’s…Not doing great. And Michael quietly tries to encourage Eleanor to get things back on track.
-Which is when Tahani is drunk enough to demand the mansion, and so Eleanor tries to take her aside to get some coffee and Tahani is not having it. “Is this your first time ever wearing a sash?!” …Well good job, Tahani, you made me sympathize with and feel bad for (nearly) zero-point Eleanor. That is not an easy task.
So that’s how Tahani…
-…Oh boy.
-Oh dear.
-She rips the sash off of Eleanor. Stumbles back over the shrimp table. Knocks over a candelabra. And sets the curtains on fire.
-…Not a great day for Tahani.
-Back to the zero point, for our final man. ‘Jianyu’ woke up, and got handed his chance to just keep his mouth shut. And learned that his own soulmate connection was more deeply forged on a spiritual level than a romantic one. Which is how he met Luang, a fellow Buddhist monk. Binary souls, a perfect reflection of the other!
-And indeed, they spent all their time together, with lots of action mirroring, much to Jianyu’s frustration…Which led to that encounter with Eleanor. Right when he was taking the gear and wheels off of Luang’s bicycle to better ditch him. Which is how Eleanor ended up with that gear, right off the bike, before Jianyu rode off in a flash, finally on his own…
-Only to find Luang waiting for him back at their shared hut. Because of course.
-So to their point in the party, where Jianyu got introduced to the whole Janet situation. And got a pair of heaping glasses of yak’s milk. Jianyu did not do well with it, to say the least.
-So back into the Now, Tahani goes down hard as the fires burn furiously, and Jianyu books it, and right about when Tahani is sobbing about an excessive amount of pockets, Michael realizes shirt is off script.
-Back to his office, to the zero-point for him, and to all the lining up the details. Setting up Eleanor for the speech. Torturing Tahani in her little ways. Setting up Jianyu with the one character who would be of no help to him. Chidi’s hellish situation…And then ‘Denise’ pulling him aside.
-Vicky’s still not liking this situation one bit. Even if Denise runs the best pizza place in town and has a cat, and Michael insists those are pretty cool. …I mean, he’s not wrong there, but Vicky adored playing Real Eleanor! She got to break Chidi’s heart like 20 times, and really mess with him, but now Angelique is playing the game?! She’s a Ferrari stuck in the garage while some little Smart Car put-puts around!
-Listen, listen listen listen. You’ve got a great part coming up in just a few decades, and it includes Chidi. He’s gonna accidentally kill your cat. And it’ll TORTURE him. …Just give her a bigger part! A character bit! You know what, give her a limp! Just SOMETHING to act with!
-Which explains Denise’s whole circus-injury thing when she ‘ran into’ Chidi. I’m not gonna lie I might be more invested in Vicky the bristling actress than in a lot of the other hooks for the actual main characters.
-And things were starting to line up, as Michael checked in with some of the others…And learned that Eleanor wasn’t drinking. Eleanor, who snuck a flask into the car with her during her driving test. But okay, just start moving it forward, aim for the speech…
-And then, well, you know the rest of how that went. And Chidi pulls Eleanor aside, because he’s realizing things aren’t lining up. That note, it was on a page of a book he used to teach. He’s getting…Some kind of feeling off of her, one of those deja vu ‘swear I’ve met you before’ vibes. …Eleanor is pretty convinced that that’s some kind of pickup line. And she’s not entirely turning the idea down, either.
-You know, there was a lot of speculation on whether Eleanor might be bi or such given her attraction to Tahani bubbling up through the first season, but real talk I think she’s just horny.
-Anyways, Michael pulls some core cast into another room to talk, because things are off the rails. You can’t build a chaos sequence for Tahani because Tahani isn’t in here on the “mistaken identity” fiction! They need to get something going with Eleanor, where is she?
-…Good question, Michael.
-Great question.
-Superb question.
-Nobody knows.
-Also Chidi and Jay are also missing.
-Michael is…Shall we say…Displeased. And then Eleanor’s ‘soulmate’ comes to check in because it turns out he’s been claiming he’s off to the gym literally every time Eleanor tries to confess to him. So he really is a meathead.
-How. Many. Times. Have you claimed you were going to go to the gym, or work out, or otherwise used exercise to escape. “Five…No, nine!” Listen, he liked his old job! It was simple! He was a twister! People came in, he twisted them until they snapped in half, he moved on to the next person! But this job is weird! It’s all talking, and emotions, and nobody’s getting twisted! Now he’s REALLY going to the gym!
-Okay. Okay. Deep breath. They need the four humans so they can get back on track. …MOVE YOU IDIOTS! MOVE!
-Cut over to Chidi and Eleanor, who’ve caught up, and Chidi’s…Not handling it well. They clearly met before. But not in life. But she’s not supposed to be here. And this is their first day here. Is he also not supposed to be here?! Did they meet in the Bad Place, or some other cosmic metaphor?!
-And what do they DO?! Eleanor has no idea, but they need to figure it out…!
-Late at night, all on his own, Jay calls up Janet. And in need of someone to talk to, confesses you know everything he’s confessing. So Janet listens, and Jay just wants to be less confused and lonely…And so Janet has somewhere he can go, and so he hugs her, as their ship starts to build back up.
-Back at Eleanor’s place, Chidi’s…Well he’s gotten it to two possibilities. This book this is from is not exactly a 101 text. It’s something he taught at the grad-school level. So, they must have had a lot of time to discuss and study the material…Or, you know, you just tore it out of the first book you found. But still, it’s something.
-And that’s when Michael finds them! Here to apologize for the commotion at the party, and to escort Chidi back home. Which is when Tahani drops by to return the sash after everything that happened…And she’s feeling things aren’t right!
-And that’s when Tomás finds them, and also Pevita. And Janet brings Jay on by and Eleanor is still convinced that that bicycle gear is a magic amulet and Luang comes to get Jianyu and…
-…And Jay breaks character openly and in front of everyone and then Eleanor’s man shows up and, seeing things are off the rails, he just rips his suit off once again to go back to the gym. Again.
-And Eleanor can tell you one thing right here. This is NOT what Michael there’s saying it is. This is NOT the Good Place. This is some…Some prank show! And then she reveals the note, and Michael can’t help but laugh. Very clever, Eleanor! This does explain how things went off-script immediately. But okay, another loop, and without any tricks or built-up materials this time!
-Tahani tries to talk to his boss and SNAP
-Fresh meeting with the crew. You know the human saying, third time’s the charm, right folks? Listen, it was a false start, but Eleanor has no note…He calls up Janet, and checks her internals all the way shoulder deep. …Hey, Michael, did you check with Shawn the boss-man? Of course! And he thought it was very funny and is very supportive and don’t call him he’s a busy man.
-Any other questions? Vicky has one! Michael is not acknowledging it. At all. Then it’s back to his office, where…Shawn calls in and what is going on, Michael? And Michael just starts lying through his god damned teeth about how attempt number 2 is going. You will not be getting an attempt number three if this goes awry, Michael. …Riiiight. Right right right.
…Well that did not go how I expected.
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lecherouswritings · 6 years
I got asked a question on my twitter about The Pack and if they had any particular “goal” in mind, and this is extremely late answering so I’m sorry! It’s been a minute since I had proper at-my-laptop time. I got a 2nd question about Peter joining the pack as more involuntary, so I’ll talk about that too!
The pack was formed by Rat and Amy, who agreed that their group was an exclusive club of people ( namely, those two ) who could trust each other with anything and everything, and would enable each other to do whatever they wanted. As time went on, they became more and more withdrawn from society and the two temporarily went off their own ways for two years. In those two years, they made a friend named Kyle whom they both kept in contact with as a middle man but Rat went off to Hollywood to party with Jessica and Amy stayed in Miami and met Ryan. Once the two came back together, they both brought Jessica and Ryan and The Pack was formed again! By this time, Rat had discovered the Hito cult and learned that if he wanted anything out of life he would have to go on a murderous rampage. That, coupled with an insatiable lust to branch out from Florida and see the rest of the south and mid-west, he got themselves a bus and went north of Florida. It’s a very hedonistic group, all they do is take drugs, fuck, and make any place they go to theirs. Their space, their rules, no regard for anyone else. They believe that if the world isn’t worth living in, then you have to force it to be! Other people be damned. They see other people as lesser-than, on an animal level. Rat growing up ( literally ) saw humans as pigs, and though that PigView didn’t carry over to adulthood, he maintained the idea that inside, everyone was meat, and meat only had as much value as you gave it. Rat doesn’t have space for anyone but himself, so meat they are. Rat preaches to his followers and they eat it all up for the most part. The one member who remains somewhat divided is the Judas of the group, Ryan. They butt heads a lot and he wasn’t officially inducted into the Pack, Amy shoehorned him in, said she wouldn’t be part of it unless her boyfriend could tag along. It helped that her boyfriend was an unapologetic sadist. I loosely based them off of Manson’s Family, the main timelines take place in mid 50s and ends in the 80s. Kill as many people as you can to appease Rat! In return, live however you want to! Live out whatever fantasy you want! Do whatever you want!! -- For the 2nd question about Peter being forced into the pack, I gotta give some background there too: After getting his doctorate, he thought that maybe he’d make a career and retire, the usual stuff. Prior to schooling, Peter was lowkey killing people across various state lines in the name of God. God came in the form of heroin, or voices, or visions. He never got any mental assistance after fleeing the village he was raised in, and with heroin he quit cold turkey, which was when he experienced the heavy hallucinations. Once he’d sobered up was when he got schooling, but afterwards there was too much idle time and the voices came back. These stemmed from Hito, of course! Back to his southern murder spree! So much for that! Given his fragile mental state, running into Rat during one of his murders freaked him out. Peter was seeing Rat as he saw him in his hallucinations. Peter had heard of and preached of God all his life, only seeing in his head and in feverish states what might be God or the holy spirit, but never actually seeing something like that in the flesh. The wolf was the same way, but he fervently believed that one night as a child he did encounter a physical manifestation of the wolf AKA the devil, so seeing Rat fulfilling that old experience and being of flesh and blood was some sort of validation of his beliefs, except... It only really validated the Devil, not really God. Peter wants to understand where Rat fits in with it all; Was he the wolf from his childhood? Some sort of vessel? He’d say things like “I’ll eat you, just like I ate your friend in the red hood.” referring to Peter witnessing his friend Eunice ( little red riding hood ) being eaten by a wolf in her grandmother’s cabin, so to him Rat knows something, but Rat refuses to tell him unless he tags along. It gets to a point where Peter decides that if Rat doesn’t confess, he’ll leave and shoot whoever he has to to get away, and Rat exploits his mental state and calls his bluff, so Peter doesn’t feel stable enough to leave. Not to mention the guy hasn’t had any close human relationships since his village so his views on relationships are kind of skewed, something Rat also exploits. If you have a weakness, Rat will worm into it. It helps for Rat to keep everyone reliant on him, often times when pups in the pack start getting too independent, Rat will have them taken down a peg and rescue them so they can see that without Rat, they’d really be in trouble. After a few years, Peter doesn’t necessarily disagree with a lot of Rat’s teachings and finds himself wanting to help Rat. If God won’t show himself of flesh and blood, why not side with the force that’s real? This creates a huge hole of guilt for denying God in favor of following Rat, I want to portray him skirting along the edge of both sides because it’s human nature to be torn on what we think we want and what we think we need. In a way, I think that’s why a lot of people become religious, because none of us want to suffer after death, and it’s like a life insurance policy. Hope that answers the questions!! I love getting questions!!
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araliaceaes · 6 years
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IVY LANGSTON ( CIS FEMALE & SHE/HERS )? oh, aren’t they the TWENTY-TWO year old DARK WITCH who works as a BARISTA at THE ROASTED BEAN? word on the streets is that they are BOLD & DYNAMIC, but they can also be DEFIANT & IMPETUOUS. by the way, they look eerily similar to JESSICA HENWICK, don’t they? ( izzie / 21 / pst / she/hers ) 
like this if you wanna plot!
FULL NAME: ivy amelia langston AGE: 22 PRONOUNS / GENDER: cis female / she/hers SPECIES: human ( witch ) HOUSING: an apartment in frenchtown with a couple of protection spells around it. FAMILY: her mother, her stepfather, and three step-siblings. on some days, she actually gets along fine with her step-siblings. she and her mother are estranged. she hates her stepfather. BACKSTORY:
( tw: emotional and verbal abuse )
a human and a witch fall in love, but like many tragic love stories, there is no happy ending. the human doesn’t know the witch is a witch, and when she finds out, she leaves and takes their child with them, swearing their---her---daughter will have nothing to do with magic. but i’m one of the good witches, her lover protests. the woman doesn’t see the difference: they’re all dealing with the devil.
and so the girl is named ivy langston, given her mother’s surname and nothing of her father, though she looks more like him with her dark hair and dark eyes than the blonde and blue of her mother. the two move to the suburbs of massachusetts just a short drive from the coast, and they’re lulled into normalcy.
her mother soon meets a man full of charisma with no spells or potions in sight, and when ivy turns four, they marry. she’s not even jealous of her new stepbrother, born a year later; she gets candy when she asks for it and her parents buy her books and dolls and a gameboy. in the back of her mind, she knows her father is not really her father, but she never bothers to ask. why should she? after all, everything is perfect.
but cracks start to show. children are cruel when you look different, especially when you look different from the rest of your family. middle school is no better, and ivy fights back. she’s a regular at detention and she becomes known for her argumentative personality.
the biggest crack, the one that shatters everything, is when her mother finds out she’s a witch just like her dad. childhood wishes turn into reality, and kids who are mean to her suddenly get sick or trip over nothing. ivy’s mom starts to turn on her, a reminder of a man she never wants anything to do with again, and all of ivys attempts to win her mother’s affection ( drawings and tugs on sleeves and good grades ) are in vain. even as a young girl, she can sense the hostility, how her mother’s eyes wander over her to her other children, how she greets them warmly but greets ivy with dismissal. 
if there is one thing her mother has been sincere about when it comes to her, it is harsh disapproval. nothing ivy ever does gets her mother to look at her as someone other than as a mistake, a girl with the same magic running through her veins as her father’s; she swears she saw fear flash across her mother’s face, too.
high school is better. she’s more outgoing, more fun. she finds a passion for art, makes new friends, throws herself into a thriving social life, searching for the attention and affection she never receives at home. she brings home c’s and b’s, d’s on her worst days, but it’s not like anyone cares. she tries to spend as little time at home as possible; all she gets from her mother is emotional and verbal abuse if not dismissal, and her stepfather’s not much different. there’s always arguments happening in the langston house.
all but cut off from her supernatural side except for passing comments her mother makes, it’s up to her to figure out this shit on her own. her dad’s nowhere to be found, thanks to her mother. social media brings her together with a couple of other witches from her school, and they form a little coven, helping and teaching other magic. there’s solidarity and security in it, even if they aren’t always using spells and potions for the good of society. her ex was shit, so why not hex him?
when the unveiling happens, ivy knows she has to get the hell out of her house. her stepdad’s revealed to be a hunter, her mom’s anti-supernatural, and ivy’s never felt more suffocated in her life. her stepdad might not realize she’s more than human now, but she’s not sticking around for him to find out. as soon as graduation hits, she takes all the money she’s saved and takes off for art school in rhode island. 
college is full of flings and parties and loud laughter and feeling almost whole. four years pass and she’s lost again. she’s not going back to massachusetts, but when a friend of a friend tells her about fairview, she figures it’s a good place for another fresh start. she gets an apartment in frenchtown and a job as a barista, working as a freelance illustrator on the side.
she’s daring, vivacious, and brash with a tendency to jump first and look later, but she gets along easily with a variety of people due to how vibrant and genuine she is. a definite spitfire with a love for life and a good time, she also has a sharp tongue and a temper on her. likes attention and searches for it in parties, the beds of strangers and almost lovers. 
makes arguably bad decisions, both when sober and drunk. insecure and unsure as hell, but covers it up with faked confidence and a smartass attitude. not much of a filter. trying her best while at the same time not trying at all. she is also unapologetically, wholly herself even if she isn’t quite sure who that is all the time. if you don’t like it, she doesn’t care---she’s tried to be someone she’s not before, and she’s tired of it.
bisexual biracial babe
dark witch bc she’d rather side with the supernaturals than the humans, despite having a foot in both worlds. and she’s always been a bit of a spiteful, petty thing.
Does your character have any nicknames? if you can come up with a nickname for ivy, be my guest
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc? she has a few tattoos; one on her thigh, another on her back, and one on her arm. she has a few piercings on her ears, as well.
What is your character like in relationships? Are they clingy? Faithful or unfaithful? Do they jump from one relationship to the other? Do they even have an interest in something romantic? she’s faithful in relationships but with a tendency to leave before people can’t too close in fear that they’ll abandon her. so, she’d rather be the one to cut off. jumps from one relationship to another quite quickly because of her need for affection. kind of a serial monogamist who also has flings in between??? she really enjoys sex, too. 
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? she likes alcohol, nightlife, binging netflix, drawing, painting, and being around others. big on art. she dislikes boredom, authority, being told what to do, bigotry, and being hungover. good thing there are potions for that!
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies? she is steadfastly loyal to her friends, and while she’s not great at advice, she’s always there to listen and help them get their minds off things. she’s fun. she likes a good time. she’s friendly to strangers, supernatural or otherwise, and tries not to antagonize them. as for the rest? fuck her enemies, and fuck her family. 
Where does your character go when they are angry? she likes to go the gym and punch her feelings out. or she goes running. she likes to stay active otherwise her anger will consume her, and it’s one of the few times she likes to be alone.
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it? once a spell went very, very wrong and the outcome was very, very bad
Does your character have any flaws? What are they? she is headstrong, reckless, and spiteful. she doesn’t like to face her problems until she absolutely has to, and she’d rather numb her pain than deal with it. she’s argumentative, pushing buttons simply because she can; she can also easily say the wrong thing at the wrong time. and she has her vices. she’s also rather dependent on people; she needs to be surrounded by others to feel loved, and she has a hard time being alone. surprisingly, she’s also the type to keep her problems bottled up until she bursts.
i’d love some friends! people who showed her around fairview when she first moved there / helped her settle in, maybe. some ride or dies. new friends. party friends who really only get drunk and high together; it’s fun, but a rather surface-level friendship. drinking buddies who end up having a heart-to-heart and becoming better friends.
will they won’t they, flings, friends with benefits, slow burn????? 
enemies & rivals. she’s probably pissed some people off, and she’s not one to hold back when she doesn’t like someone. 
witches! dark witches who are trying to further bring her into the ~dark side~ or light witches who are trying to sway her away being a dark witch. an older witch who can be a mentor. she’s mostly self-taught, a magical education cobbled together through old spellbooks, the internet, and other witches she’s come across. girl’s got a lot to learn. witchy friends would be cool too :’)
anything and everything
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