#she woke up and chose the hoe life
pyramid-knight · 2 years
Marika really did commit mitosis just to start a red-haired revolution, and become a genderfluid gaslight gatekeep girlbossing hoe didn't she
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tsabhira05 · 7 months
Incorrect Quote Generator
(Alnith is my Tav- female outlander wood elf moon druid... who preferred wildshaping into a polar bear until owlbear became an option... yes she romanced Halsin (and Gale, thank you mods!) who I did not know existed when I created her)
Wyll, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe? Minsc: Yeah, sure. A few minutes later Minsc: Here you go. Wyll: Minsc: Halsin: Why am I here?
Alnith: I love you. Gale: How many people have you said that to? Alnith: Everyone. Gale: What? Alnith: I told everyone that I love you.
the Squad cleaning up Wyll: Pick up the nearest piece of trash and throw it away. Karlach, to Astarion: Aight, which bin do you wanna go in—
Gale: You know I think my life has value. Wyll: Who are you and what have you done with Gale?!
Halsin, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick! Minsc: Moose Tracks is good! Astarion: What the fuck is that!? Minsc: Gasp How dare you insult moo- Astarion: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR. Halsin and Minsc: what? Astarion: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!? Halsin: You done now? Astarion: Yeah ok. Halsin and Minsc: … Astarion: …Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
Astarion: ARE YOU- Alnith: Fucking. Astarion: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Alnith: Fucking. Astarion: IDIOT! Halsin: …What was that? Alnith: Gale banned Astarion from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
Dammon: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched? Astarion: IT. Karlach: Annabelle. Shadowheart: Paranormal Activity. Halsin: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
Astarion: Oh no! I’m doomed! Gale: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Alnith at their own memorial service. Astarion: Exactly! It’s impossible!
Alnith: Hey Dammon, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this. Dammon, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah? Alnith: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, Dammon!
Alnith: Make her pussy wet not her eyes. Minsc: Make his dick hard not his life. Halsin: Break her bed not her heart. Astarion: Play with her boobs not her feelings. Shadowheart: Get on his dick not his nerves. Gale: Always salt your pasta while boiling it.
Jaheira, looking at the squad: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Alnith: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Alnith. Minsc: But you're Alnith. Alnith: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Jaheira: Why shouldn't you put a toaster in a bathtub full of water? Karlach: Because your toast would get soggy!
Alnith: Hugs Astarion from behind Alnith: Tucks Astarion's hair behind their ear Alnith, whispering: Eat all the frosted animal crackers again and they'll never find your body.
Alnith: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Gale: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Alnith: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Halsin, recording: This is so cute.
Dammon: Are you drunk? Gale: Only on the spirit of Christmas! Wyll: And the spirit of whisky.
Alnith: And have you learnt anything this Christmas, Halsin? Halsin: …Not really. Alnith: Nothing? Halsin: Tell you one thing I have learnt—Christmas; ultimately, commercial holiday. Who's the real winner at Christmas? Amazon. they have drones now! Tiny little dystopian slaves delivering iPads and headphones. I ordered a toaster; It was on the doorstep five hours later! Do we need that? It was 4.99! For a toaster! I mean, someone's being exploited there.
Minsc: Not gonna lie, I'm kind of afraid of Astarion… Gale: As you should be. Minsc: No, for real, they're kind of- Gale: As. You. Should. Be.
Karlach: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon. Jaheira: Spear. Karlach: BLOCKED.
Wyll: It doesn’t have a bone. Minsc: Then why is it called a boner?
Karlach: This is a judgement free zone. Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm Karlach: And I mean it.
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Feral Fatality
(Part 2)
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I'm supposed to be working on the requests but here I am. Writing nonsense. But its my nonsense so *shrugs*
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (or so I think), Blood (lots of blood), Murder (as usual), Feral side of the reader coming out for a brief moment, and cursing.
Three harsh knocks made you flinch and woke you up from your sleep.
"Hey, loser! It's dinner time. Eloiza wants you by the campfire. Now." Layla, one of Eloiza's side girls, stressed. You sat up, rubbing your eyes before you set your book on the bedside table.
"Did you hear me?! I said—"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you alright. I'll be out." You swear the whole camp could hear her with the way she's squawking.
She stomped off, huffing loud.
You chose to stay in your baggy clothes. A black hoodie with a small yin-yang symbol on your left breast with a matching pair of black and white sweatpants, half of your ebony hair tied up in a ponytail.
It was already dark when you walked out, the moon climbing bit by bit up to the sky and subtly lighting your path. You shivered as a chilled breeze went past.
In the distance, you could see a small fire, dancing, swaying its fiery arms. It would have been a nice sight if not for the people around it.
Even from afar, you could see them engaged in a heated session, the smell of cigarettes and pot reached your senses, making you grimace.
"Yo look, it's (Y/N)," one of them said once you were close to the campfire.
Few gave you glances, before going back to their business. You remained quiet, though you noticed five people were missing in the group.
Fucking in the cabins, no doubt.
Eloiza was in the middle, her ass planted on someone's lap while she held a cigarette, both of them sharing and blowing smoke at each other.
Different. Out of place. You regretted coming out here, but if you didn't they'd only harass you in your cabin. Break down your door, and drag you out just to humiliate you. Then it fully dawned on you; no adults or teachers to protect you here, they could kill you if they wish.
You cursed as worst-case scenarios ran wild in your mind.
Damn, I'm gonna die tonight.
"Layla, why don't give her some food already, she's obviously hungry," Eloiza ordered.
"Ugh! Me again? Why can't you let Betty do it?" She was straddling Jake, vice-captain of the rugby team in your school. Layla subtly ground down her ass unto his crotch. The act was uncomfortable and disgusting to you.
Eloiza shot a glare at her, expression grim.
"Fine!" she jumped off, "I'll be right back babe," she whispered not so quietly. It was clear that they weren't in a relationship, only looking for someone to fuck. Lacking the sense of intimacy that lovers have. The air was just full of sexual tension and lust, anyone who's good at reading people would know.
And right now, you wanna vomit.
"While we wait for that hoe to come back, why don't you sit down with us for a bit (Y/N)?"
"Thank you, but I'm fine standing. I'll just take the food and eat in my cabin," you replied. Your smile was fake and your voice, monotonous. You hid your hands in your pockets.
"I insist, let's chat for a bit," she said. The rest of the group ignored you still as they were busy with their...partners.
You blinked and looked at her right in the eyes.
You refuse to submit to her, you submit to no one. You came to camp to get away from the noise people like her make. Ironically, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her either.
"What did you just say to me?" Oh, right, Eloiza hates you as much as she hates being disobeyed. Her face turned red, and it wasn't from the fire.
"No," you repeated.
"No?" she scoffed, "I told you to sit the fuck down. I was being kind to you and you de—"
"No, I won't sit down. And no, you were not kind, you just gave me an order and I refused."
The group froze and looked at you, halting their activities. Eloiza shot up, making you raise your guard and take a step back.
Still, you did not expect her to grab a half-burning log and fling it at you.
You barely dodged, the hefty ember grazing the side of your face, burning your skin and some of your black strands. You took a sharp intake of air and staggered back, dizzy and groaning from the pain as you hover your hand on your cheek. Gasps and cheers sounded around you.
"Nobody. Disobeys. Me." she said, accentuating every word. "You're just a useless piece of shit. You think being a smartass will save you? You do realize that I can kill you right here and now, don't you?" Eloiza threatened as she approached you, her eyes burning holes into your head. A hand grabbed her arm, "Babe, you can't murder her! We'll go to jail if you—"
"Shut up, Evan. No one would know what happened here. It's so easy to say a bear attacked and ate her. And who would notice her gone anyway? Everyone knows her parents don't give a shit about her."
She's right, no one would care if I'm gone. Nobody would give two shits if I died.
"I said shut up, didn't I?! Do you want to die too, huh?!"
"Let her have fun, Evan," Betty commented.
"What the fuck is going on here??" Layla was back, carrying a bowl of soup.
While they were preoccupied, you twisted on your heel and bolted, your vision spun but you didn't stop. While a handful of traitorous thoughts tells you to drop dead, that you should just die than prolong your suffering, your heart didn't. Yes, not a soul cares about you, but you have yourself, your books, and your art. There was no fucking chance in hell you'd let them have their way with you.
You raced to your cabin and slammed it open, closing it in the same fashion and locking it in place. Your face was throbbing, stray tears stained your cheeks as you searched for a handkerchief to wet and cool your burns.
You eventually managed to lessen the pain, thanking yourself for bringing skin ointment. Your hands were shaking as you applied it to your skin, whimpers escaped your lips as it stung a bit. You took deep breaths to calm your heart down...
In. One. Two. Three. Out. Repeat.
Jason Voorhees stood in the shadows as the scene took place.
A girl was telling you to sit, and you refused politely, yet she asserted.
The others ignored you until you outright said no.
Was it so surprising to hear one word from your mouth that the whole group turned to you?
The girl snapped, took a burning log by its safe edge, and threw it at you. It hit your cheek and you staggered backward.
His grip tightened around his weapon as alarms rang in his head, an overwhelming urge to protect you arose. You did nothing wrong and that woman harmed you.
She was shouting, threatening to end your life. A man stopped her but...
Jason heard what she said, the words only made his sight darken with rage. What did she mean by "your parents 'don't give a shit' about you"? Did they not love you as a parent should to their child?
He sees you dash back to the cabin in haste and silently praises you for taking the chance to escape, he wouldn't want you to see what he'd do to them. The killer watched for a little longer only to make sure they wouldn't follow and hurt you again.
With you out of the way and safe, he emerged out of hiding. He threw an ax with precision, splitting open one's head like a coconut, the blood spattering on the ones nearby. In an instant, they shrieked in terror, their faces turning pallid, terrified as they scattered in different directions.
The hunt begins.
You broke out of your trance when the screams reached your ears.
You were no fool of course. You knew the legend about Jason Voorhees was true, just from looking into the cases of mass disappearances, bodies never seen again. With no evidence, no one believed it, thinking it was just an old story to scare people away, a silly myth.
Nobody, except for one little you.
Well, maybe there was somebody else but you know what I mean.
It wasn't hard to connect the dots. There were two conclusions you came up with;
Either the killer was real or the people found themselves in the stomach of a monster.
You preferred the former, honestly.
Somehow, you expected this to happen. It was part of the reason why you came with them even though you knew the possibility. Risking your life in the process just to see him with your own eyes.
Wow, what's happened to me...
You sat up on the floor and as if on cue someone pounded on your door.
"(Y/N)!! (Y/N) Let me in! Open the door and let me in!"
By the sound of it, it was Betty.
You ignored her pleas, she deserves to get torn in half for being the bitch she was...
Why not do it yourself?
A glance at the toolbox was all it took for you to stand up and take out a screwdriver. You approached the door, Betty still pleading for her life behind it.
"Please, please! I don't wanna die yet! I'm too young to—"
She stumbled forward when the door opened. But instead of a thank you, she screeched as you tackled her to the ground and stabbed her in the eye.
Her blood splattered on your clothes and skin as you drove the metal tool into her skull several times. The squelching sound of meat and bones surrounded you together with the deafening pounding of your heart.
Betty had long gone silent. Her face was unrecognizable once you stopped.
Oddly enough, you felt a familiar thrill with what you did. It was the same one when you won your first contest, received your first trophy, and made your first masterpiece. It was a first.
And it was...enthralling.
You sensed someone's eyes on you. You looked up and saw a tall and massive man with a hockey mask covering his face, standing a few meters away, his machete dripping with blood. A glint of blue flickered in his eye for a moment.
Jason Voorhees.
Not knowing what to do and still high in the moment, you waved the bloody screwdriver at him and smiled.
"H-Hey," you uttered out.
The murderer—well, you were a murderer now too— trudged towards you, stopping when a scream to your left cut through the air.
Jason honestly couldn't believe what he was seeing. Little you with a little tool, gouging the brains out of the one he was chasing down.
With a screwdriver.
Multiple emotions went through him that moment, he was shocked that you could kill someone with your tiny hands, proud that you just killed said someone that was his prey, and relieved that you were alright.
Wait, were you?
He was snapped out of his thoughts when you waved and greeted him. You just waved and greeted— what? Why weren't you running back inside your cabin? Why didn't you scream at the sight of him? Did you not know him? Was the blood on his clothes and the weapon he was carrying not ringing any bells?
Jason wanted answers and moved to close the distance between you, but then a shrill cry echoed.
Someone got snared in his traps.
He looked at you, your face was dirty with blood, but your eyes were wide open, not of fear, but happiness?
He'll have to finish his hunt first. He gave you one more look before he trudged to the origin of the sound. He'll visit you later, that is if you're still here. He wouldn't be surprised if you used this chance to get out of the place, and he'd let you. You were innocent...different, and the murder you just did was well-deserved, albeit shocking.
It was the one who injured you, the cause of your burn, miserably crawling on the ground as her foot bled through the jaws of a bear trap.
"Help! Please help me!! I'm dying! Somebody help—"
She howled as the killer gripped the source of her pain and dragged her back to the center of the camp, taking the long path on purpose.
Jason was always angry in one way or another every time people came to disturb the place, but this? Oh no, all he sees is red, not a word had been heard from his mother ever since.
He would usually kill them the instant he catches his prey, but he wants—needs— this one to suffer. He knows, more than anyone, how it feels to be an outcast, to be bullied for being different. This hideous woman is going to die slowly, the pain she gave you a hundred times more agonizing.
"Let go of me you fucking murderer!" She shouted, kicking and clawing on the dirt in hopes of stopping him. Jason paid her no mind, his eyes focused on the fire that glowed close.
This bitch will burn to ash.
He stood in front of the campfire and brought up her body over it, her long blonde tresses turned to nothing as she flailed and shrieked pathetically. The killer crushed her legs before he let go, the flames big enough to devour her entirely, scorching her alive.
A yell from behind drew his attention as another one ran towards him, an ax lifted and ready to attack.
"Die you monster!" They shouted, embedding the ax on his shoulder. Jason felt no pain from the shallow wound, only an itch.
What a lousy attack.
Jason pulled out the silly thing and bashed it on his assailant's skull with one heavy strike, crushing the bones beneath. Lifeless, he tossed the body into the fire, the cries died down moments ago, only the smell of burnt flesh filled his nose as the embers crackled remained.
The undead man stalked away, feeling better than before. There were still a few people waiting to be disposed of.
Jason Voorhees will not rest until every single one of them is dead.
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Imma just say my thoughts on the show. I've go so much to say about Tiny Pretty Things lmao. Spoilers under the gif. I'd love to do the See More thing so y'all dont have to scroll if you don't care but tumblr is bugging out on my laptop and mobile doesn't have that option.
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So I originally thought that the show would be haunting of bly manor/hill house meets ballet. Those vibes you know. The trailer was amazingly done. Sucks the show wasn't.
The trailor showed Cassie falling/being pushed off the roof, Cruz trying to bring her back and that's really the last the viewer sees of her. I thought Cassie was dead. I thought it would be a murder mystery but nope. Cassie survived and woke up from her coma. I thought racism would be tackled. Nope. Never even mentioned. Some cool double life. Not really. You've got pedophile rapist and girls being pimped out. All the chatacters apart from Torri and Matteos mom are insufferable. I hated all of them and didn't give a shit about them.
Neveah is the main girl. She's a 16/17 year old girl of color entering a rich elite school of ballet. By the end of the show, the watcher knows nothing about her apart from her felon mom and wheel chair bound brother. Neveah started off strong in ep 1 and 2 but turned into a side chatacter. Bette, the rich white girl, becomes the main chatacter. She gets more scenes than Neveah and more developed relationships. She also gets a homophobic boyfriend so.. Yeah. We meet her mom and brother. Then you never see them again. Like literally after the music video scene they just disappear. They don't even show up at the Ripper dance or call Nev. Nev reminds me of Grace/Anna from Grand Army. Like Anna, they were terrible friends to the girls who got assaulted. Nev knew something was up with June but did nothing. Then she goes to the reporter about the assault when June specifically asked her not to and ended up putting June in danger. Nev does not care about the people around her until they become beneficial to her and her agenda. She had no reason to visit Cassie when they didn't even know each other.
Bette is the elite rich white girl with pretty privilege. She did EVERYONE dirty yet they all defended her when June and Shane got mad at her for good reasons. She had the audacity to forgive her homophobic boyfriend. He called someone a f*g just cause they bumped into him and Shane lashed out at him. It's not Bette's place to forgive him when his homophobia doesn't harm her. She is probably one of the characters with the most sex scenes. She also basically ignored her boyfriend's eating disorder. She's also a drug addict so sis has a lot of shit going on in her story.
Shane borderline assaulted Oren and is a hypocrite. His character was ruined for me the moment he shoved his hand down Orens pants and pushed him on the bed when Oren was trying to do the right thing. He continued to call Nabil psycho and never apologized for it even after Nabil was cleared. He's also in a relationship with an adult. I believe he's a sex addict as well.
Oren is bland. No personality and suddenly caught feelings for Nev even tho they only had a conversation like twice. He has an eating disorder and I hope it's more touched upon since lots of guys go through eating disorders.
June is.. I have mixed feelings about her. Some eps I loved her other eps I hated her. She's a thief, lier, crybaby but she tried doing the right thing a few times and realized Bette was playing her. She accused Neveah with no evidence about the door jam. Their friendship is so weird. The moment her mom chose not to meet Ramon I knew they were going for the 'villian is one of the characters dad'. If done well, the trope is great. They didn't do well. Also, girl in red vibes from her.
Nabil was the most tolerable characters on the show. He was accused left and right. His roommate hated him for PRAYING. Orin and Caleb were so lowkey racist towards him and Caleb was outright islamphobic. He didn't hold back. Nabil and Neveah had potential but Nabil chose Cassie and then suddenly went for June? Idk that was dumb. I don't hate him. I'm neutral about him.
Caleb can suck a big fat dick. I hate him with every fiber in my being. He was so islamphobic. Like for no reason. He got mad that his roommate prayed. You bet your ass he would care if Nabil was Christian. Are you fucking serious? Then he has the AUDACITY to suddenly become buddy buddy with him. I'm happy Nabil had none of his shit at the start. I hate his voice too.
Cassie should've died. They could've still had her be in those dreams. It would've been like her haunting them. Her parents suck. Her relationship with Ramon was unnecessary. I do like that she isn't sweet and is instead a bitch.
Cruz is as useful as the cop from Elite.
Matteo is lowkey a pedophile and is also homophobic. I wish they didn't make him homophobic cause his character is nice but he enables the fuck out of Bette. He tells her off then smiles and comforts her. Dev is confirmed a pedo and is a dick. He doesn't know what he wants and got mad at Shane for not liking a homophobe. Did nothing about his bosses going after pimped out teens until others knew about it.
I have mixed feelings about Delia. They could've had her reason for confronting Cassie be that she didn't want to be outshined instead of her being mad about Cassie stealing her man. Delia is the golden child and seems like she knows it but doesn't care. She also acts like she cares about Bette but if she did she wouldn't had let Bette take the fall for her.
Ramon was messy. I didn't like hoe touchy he got with Bette or that he kissed her. I would've been just as petty if the woman who groomed me as a young dancer decided to suddenly announce I would be choreographing for her dancers. He groomed Cassie, made someone touch his dick, and also bascially flashed Shane.
There was a sex scene and an ass in every ep so if you wanted to watch this show with your fam, I'd reconsider. It's gross considering half the characters are minors. They could've aged them up to college students that are 18-20.
This is a show about minors for adults. Feel free to chat or add anything. I'll be happy to respond and discuss this show.
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theyungrose · 4 years
Be Good ( Roman Reigns X OC)
Chapter 3 
I had reverted to tearing our pictures down from the walls, my sanity reduced to screams in the dead of night. I cursed his name to the heavens and back, wished the worst of events, and yet I still didn’t feel any better. 
I was broken.
Never in my life had I felt such pain, 24 hours in a day. I woke up in the morning and felt nothing in my soul, no happiness, no purpose, no love. I moved through the day lifelessly; of course he hadn’t thought anything of telling our close friends and his family that we were breaking our engagement, leaving me to answer all the questions they only ever save for the girlfriend. 
Yes, I was okay.
(No I wasn’t.)
It was mutual, we just kinda fell apart I guess.
And then they say “Well I bet he misses you just as much as you miss him right now.” 
I sincerely doubt that. 
Anger. Rage. 
How could he do this to me? 
To us? 
What, you court me for nearly a year and a half; not counting the two years we were friends. I met your mother, your father who never meets “any of the girls you bring around”; his words not mine. We traveled everywhere together, we bought each other things we hadn’t even bought for ourselves first. When my brother died, when you got sick, when there was no one else in the world for us to count on, you told me we had each other. Always. For what? For you to wake up one day, turn on your side and decide you don’t want to be with me anymore? That it just wasn’t going to work?  
For a month your child lived inside my stomach. 
Does that not matter to you? 
What was I to do with my life now? The past two years were the best of my life, and now I was expected just move along as if they never existed. As if we never existed. 
That’s enough to drive any woman mad. 
I had to get away. 
The cold Denver air greeted me warmly as I stepped through the sliding doors of the airport into its little snow flurries. It was nostalgic for a second, until a loud car horn ripped me from my thoughts. Stepping out from her gray minivan was my childhood friend, Lauren. You could tell she didn’t like the cold from the way she kept the driver’s door open and stayed close to it, clutching her hoodie tight around her arms. 
Oh yeah and she said this.
“Girl get in this car I’m losing heat ‘cuz of you!” 
I snickered rushing over to her ride with my suitcases rolling loudly behind me.
“Daydreaming and shit.... aye aye aye what’s all this?”
Lauren motioned to my stuff with a certain... well stank, look on her face. 
“I ain’t say you could stay with me.” 
I was getting too cold to respond to her, and being that I was putting the bags in the trunk by myself, I chose to ignore her for the time being. 
“Relax creature I bought myself a hotel for the night, that’s where you’re driving me first before you drag me to that barn you live in.” 
Lauren scoffed and slammed the trunk closed, nearly cutting off my fingers in the process.
“Whatever hoe, I ain’t miss ya ass anyways.” 
The ride through the city was much calmer; we talked as actual friends do about her life down here, old memories, bullies who got fat, shy girls who have babies, and all the other drama I’d missed out on. Thankfully, she didn’t seem too interested of why I had suddenly left my dream and sunny Florida weather to come back to Denver, but I had a feeling somehow she already knew. 
“Aaliyah... you sure this is your hotel girl?”
“What you mean?” 
“It’s $50 valet parking child! The Marriott don’t got them prices.” 
I laughed motioning for her to pull into the grandeur driveway where a valet man was waiting. 
“Do you need help bringing your stuff in?”
“No I think I’m fine it’s only two suitcases.” 
The valet went to speak but Lauren poked my arm roughly to get my attention first.
“Girl for $50 you better tell that man to bring in your bags on his head.” 
“Lauren stop being extra. I don’t need him to help me, just bring the car around to the street so you don’t have to pay the $55 sitting fee.” 
Lauren’s family greeted me with hugs, hospitality, and a beautifully home-cooked dinner; and when everyone went up to their rooms to sleep, Lauren blessed me with a much needed guilty indulgence. 
If you never forget how to ride a bicycle, then you never forget how to smoke weed either.
“Are you freezing yet?” 
I watched her through the large puff of smoke I exhaled, giggling to herself near the corner. I snickered too and shook my head, motioning for her to take the blunt from me. Our hands sparked electricity when they touched and we both laughed so loud someone upstairs turned on their light. 
“Oh, my mom and my sister said you’re really pretty.”
My cheeks were flushed red as I leaned my head back against the fence. The weed had me lost in the galaxy of stars above me, so far yet they seemed so close. It felt like my eyes were stars themselves.
“Awwe, tell her I said thank you... and thank your whole family for being so nice to me. Oh and tell them they cooking is the bomb...” 
Lauren was almost red herself with laughter as she passed the blunt back to me. It was so nice to know that she had a pretty smile, I never saw her smile once when we were kids. Always... serious. 
“You know... I wasn’t going to say anything but... I really expected you to ask bro.”
Lauren looked up from her phone completely clueless. A face of total innocence and hopeless oblivion. 
“Ask you what?” 
“About why I came to visit you... you know all of a sudden? I was with my fiancee and we broke off our engagement last week and I thought you would ask me about it.. but I guess you didn’t know.”
“No I knew.” 
I scoffed shaking my head as I crushed the dead paper into the grass.
“And you didn’t ask?”
Lauren shook her head as she stood up and walked towards the cooler sitting a few feet away from us. 
“It’s not my business to ask. I knew about your break up with Roman Reigns, I watch y’all wrestle together on Monday Night Raw; that’s the only reason my mom let a stranger come up in here because I told her you were famous.” 
She sat down beside me on the grass and placed a water bottle between my feet. 
“But despite all that, what happened between you and your man is none of my business to ask. For all I care you came up here because you suddenly missed my face.” 
I looked at her completely shocked. Dumbfounded. Amazed at this woman that was so conscious and compassionate of someone else’s struggles and privacy, it was so well-mannered it almost felt misplaced. So foregone from the values of this current society. 
“Well do you want to know? Like what happened? For the first time I actually don’t mind telling it.” 
“I only want to hear what matters.”
“Okay and which one is that, if I’m okay or if he took all his money with him?”
“Nope. What I want to know, is what are you going to do now?”
For a moment I kept my eyes trained on her shoulder; not thinking, just frozen in existence. Tears fell from my eyes unintentionally, but still I couldn’t speak. 
To answer that question would force me to swallow the harsh truth that this was reality; one I still hadn’t come to terms with. 
“You don’t know do you?” 
Without answering I just shook my head, and as her arms began to spread I fell weightlessly into her chest. A fit of emotion overtook me as I sobbed and trembled in her embrace, pain pierced my heart like needles yet somehow I felt comforted. It was the first time I hadn’t cried by myself in weeks. 
“It’s okay Aaliyah... it’s okay. I’m here for you love.” 
“He just left me.... left me like I was nothing. I feel so ugly. I feel worthless, like trash. I just want to know what I did wrong Lauren... what did I do that was so wrong, so terrible that one day he woke up and didn’t want me anymore? Where did all that love go? When did he stop loving me? Why did he stop loving me?”
Lauren’s arms held me a little tighter, and slowly she began to rock back and forth, like a mother would soothe the cries of her baby. 
“...What’s wrong with me?”
I felt warm supple skin touch my forehead and rest there for a while before they were replaced with her cheek. Never did I feel so comforted in the arms of another woman, she was so warm and soft. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you friend. People fall apart sometimes is the reality of it really... we never know the reason for half the things people do. I can’t imagine the pain you’re in, but Aaliyah I promise this won’t beat you. You’re stronger than this. This is just another storm.”
I sighed, hiding my face further into her chest. 
“Can I stay here the-”
“You can stay here for as long as you need to sweet pea. You’ll have a home here until your wings are no longer broken... and you’re ready to fly.”
Through my tears I found a small smile, finally returning her embrace as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Again she kissed the top of my forehead gently and sighed.
“Now let’s roll up another one.” 
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Lauren Riley 
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kyliexc · 5 years
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BUENAAAASSSSSSSSSS ! soy yo , mini from da 6ix , again . coming at you with my original kid . she’s changed just a bit , but still pretty much a god damn  M E S S .  and bad bunny’s vete came on shuffle soOoOooOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEGGO !
chicago’s very own Kylie Castillo has been spotted on madison avenue driving a BMW X5 , welcome ! your resemblance to Becky G is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re impulsive , but being loyal might help you . i think being a Aries explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a bottle of patron, late night partying and 20grams of weed . 
hit the mfng like button for plots bc I WILL mssge u or else
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): ky, kyky, k, kybby
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft
Date of Birth: April 15th 1997
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Tattoos: a peach on her ass, #2 tramp stamp and canon becky g tattoos
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
kylie castillo is the third born child from alejandro and lupe castillo ! alejandro was a renowned soccer player from jalisco, mexico . he played for the mexican national team AND for Barcelona FC . lupe castillo is also from jalisco , mexico , but she attended school in spain where she began as a seamstress for a small vintage boutique before going off on her own to start her own exclusive brand that made it big - as in , only those who could really afford the clothing could wear it . lupe is owner to ROSARIO . lupe and alejandro met in spain , but ultimately moved to chicago to settle down with their kids since kylie’s paternal grandparents lived there.
Kylie was born in Chicago , Illinois , but throughout her childhood , she bounced between Chicago, Los Angeles , and Barcelona ! 
kylie took after her dad , immediately falling in love with soccer since she was little . it wasn’t like the castillos pushed her into it , she found the sport herself . kylie , along with her siblings were a sports family in general . most of her siblings got into some sport growing up , whether they took it seriously or not was up to them , but kylie definitely did. 
kylie and her dad are really close for the fact that he basically coached her throughout her entire athletic career . kylie is very competitive because of this , and super into keeping herself fit . she sees a goal , she wants it , and she’ll do anything to get it . her jersey is #3 !
besides soccer , she really loves to sing and it came out of nowhere but it was due to all the family parties she has . often an acoustic guitar would be brought out and everyone , including kylie would be singing along to vincente fernandez - heck , you know the castillos hired a mariachi band to be part of these gatherings . 
ky spent a lot of time with her grandparents who would ALWAYS be blasting old mariachi / love songs , singing at the top of their lungs to each other , and from this kylie enjoyed what music did for her . performing was just another thing that came easy to her . the stage , whether it be an actual stage or just a small little space where she was surrounded by family , it was home to her , and she was never afraid . the one place where she could vocally express herself is through her lyrics . ky and her cousins often would write down song lyrics , pretend to perform for thousands of people - but it wasn’t something she ever thought she’d do . it was just for fun , and she took up extra curriculars besides soccer that related to it . i . e dance , acting , etc. 
yet , that was something else , her eyes were on the prize , and that was soccer . sort of . 
kylie had everything set for her to continue playing soccer after high school , to eventually make it onto the US Women’s Soccer team - yet she deadass started to slowly give it all up at the beginning of her 4th year of high school , hanging with the stoner kids , practicing less , putting less effort. she eventually found the underground rap scene -  she loved soccer , but it was time for something else , especially when her dad was mad at her , the field didn’t feel like home like the stage did .
on soundcloud , and youtube , kylie lent her vocals to some guys she met , being on their tracks . her sound was unique because she sang and rapped in both spanish and english . she was earning a name online , her followers going up and tbh , she wasn’t trying but it came to her and when she saw the numbers rise , and her name get out there a bit . she rlly started working on that part of her life . 
A MESS ?! * TW : abortion , drugs , etc .
in high school , she met giovanni ho ho hoe narciso . they were friends for a long time until finally , they started dating . definitely one of the reasons, but not the main reason why she also didn’t care about the sport as much - but kylie’s dad blamed gio a lot fo kylie not playing soccer . so her dad didn’t like gio , and to make matters worse , he didn’t like gio’s dad . so it was a HOT MESS . kylie ultimately had to choose between her family and gio , and when she said yes to marrying gio , she chose gio .  
18 years old and she ran off to marry gio - except that didn’t happen . 
she woke up one morning , he was gone and she couldn’t get a hold of him anymore . ky really didn’t have a choice besides going back to her family , and BET her dad was all ‘i told you so’ 
she couldn’t contact gio but YOU BET she ended up finding him eventually to get in the lasdt mfng word but that conversation ended up with her just being hurt , and it was the last time she really saw gio . he moved on , whether she believed it or not , he did .
so fast forward not long after that meeting . kylie found out she’s pregnant . obviously , it was gio’s . and she had two choices , keep it or get rid of it . 
without telling anyone , except her best friend , kylie got an abortion . which , no one knows , not even her family , not even gio .
        ***again , not many people know this ? but the                  one above is a secret too ?? she’s just full of          secrets. JKFDHDFKG
from 20 - 21 , kylie moved out , hopping from place to place within chicago . but she definitely went off grid . not caring for social media , not contacting her parents . 
kylie went into a strip club and at first it was for jokes , but when she got on the pole - she was actually good ?? JDKHGDKFJHDFKJH so the manager offered her a job and well , bitch took it . so she did that for a year , hanging with the wrong crowd, drinking every day , smoking weed which is a staple for her , but she started to do blow - which is .. not a staple for her . it was a dangerous year for kylie .
but doing blow , and selling it for awhile while working the pole gave her the connections she needed to meet rich guys with status in the music industry. 
so eventually , her EP made it in the hands of a producer for sony music latin . 
so she left the pole and started being featured with big time Latin names 
think cardi b’s start up and yeah , she definitely drugged men and stole from them while doing this too DKJGFHDKFJ
kylie’s back bitches ! as in people already knew her but she’s been M.I.A for a year , so she’s back and ppl are like wtf KDJGHDKFJGHSFKDJ and she lives in New York now
currently she’s working on her first album release.
besides the mess , she’s a GOD DAMN GOOD TIME. if you ever need to get drunk and party. kylie is your girl . if you need to get fucked up, you better have her on speed dial.
kylie’s the bitch with the bottle of patron , serving tequila shots , and then dancing on top of tables.
highkey always ready for a fight . she doesn’t care where she is , she will always SWING. don’t play games thinking she’s gonna back down from a fight bc she won’t. if u want a fight , ky will give u one KJDHGKSFJDHGKSDJGH talk shit get hit is her motto and i hate her for it
she has a black cat named mijo
her friends and family are the loves of her life . literally , if you mean something to her , there’s nothing she won’t do for you . she will ADORE YOU
if ur her enemy .... that’s fun too. :)
confident AF
she’s an all around bitch i hate her , but she’s a mess , and she’s funny , and she’s too much sometimes .
too stubborn for her own good all the time bc she thinks she’s always right. 
she’s also really goofy when she wants to be
has a hell of a good work ethic , will get shit done when it needs to be done . is definitely the pushy friend to encourage others to do the same.
she loves assholes.
her lito, lita, ita, tito {grandparents} are her favourite people ever
will cuss you out in spanish and english
hella hot tempered and uhm...
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livingwithmx · 4 years
July 10th, 2020
Once the final line up was revealed, I checked up on everyone. Everyone minus Jooheon was complaining and asked how Kyun manipulated his way in.
That's when I started to feel guilty. I saw potential in him and had to ask my dad to debut him. Normally being numb to everyone being so talented, Changkyun was just someone different to me. I ran off due to so much guilt.
On that night, I cried myself to sleep. My original plan was to celebrate with the new formed Monsta X with fried chicken and drinks.
The next day, I walked in the No Mercy dorm where everyone was planning up. Gunhee being disappointed that he couldn't debut with Jooheon aka his ride or die. Thankfully, I told my dad to give him a second chance. Then, there's Yoonho who trained for a long time. I was gonna tell my dad to form a group for him and the other trainees, but hr decided to move on along with the other members. Thankfully, Minkyun left the company before I got a chance to talk to him(phew...)
That leaves me with Monsta X. I helped them move into their new dorm room and ate with them. Kihyun started to cook food for the first time in his life at that moment, but the food got burned which is why we all ordered some Chinese food and ramen for Wonho(that boy would die for a bowl for ramen, trust me). I apologized to everyone for letting Changkyun debut with them. Jooheon actually convinced his fellow members to get along with them which is why I been forgiven.
The next few months, I watched them prepare for their debut. I started to know them a bit more and drift away from the trainees and their seniors.
(I got to help Kihyun ask out a trainee girl who ended up being his BONitA lady friend. Hyungwon was dating a mature ass woman who was super lucky until we realized that she was trash. Or should I say that she was Hyungwon'd Tammy[Sorry Parks and Rec reference]. Wonho was with a transgender man who he supported through his transition)
Anyways, the closer I got to Monsta X, my actual crush for Kyun grew so much that I gotta date him. Then, they started to be busy once they officially debuted which means I have to go back to my life of babysitting trainees and talking to my seniors and god father when they're not busy.
One year later
Around the All In promotions, I got a phone call. It was the guys. Since then, they had an okay debut. Finally got some fans over their song Hero which I so fucking fought for to be promoted (but my dad had to make the choice of giving them a "broadcast" version and a digital repackage. Dude, get out of here). They were all simping over a lesbian (yup Eunseo is a lesbian and a huge Monbebe uwu) for their Rush MV. I only stopped by for birthdays and when the puppy line(Minhyuk the beagle pup and Changkyun the wolf pup got injured).
Now I reminded myself, the time when Changkyun was injured and didn't promote a Chinese drama with his fellow members. Anyways, I stopped by to see him everyday and stay for hours(or if I was told to leave by the nurses). I'd give him a healthy meal and talk about ourselves and life after he debuted.
I learned about a group who were called Nu'bility where Kyun was gonna debut. The real reason why he left is because he didn't think he would debut and the company was broke asf. He tried to have all of the other members audition to Starshit. Sadly, none of them saw themselves debuting there and went to other companies.
The more time we spent together, the closer I fell hard for him. I wanted to tell him how I feel about him but I couldn't. I was so close to kissing him once at the hospital, but I ran off and cried to myself.
Back to May 2016, the guys invited me for fried chicken. I went to see him. Out of all the spots I could sit next to, there was a free spot next to a soft short haired wolf pup. I sat there and ate. When I was told that I got gochujang on my lip, I expected that cute k drama like kiss. Like what happened in the cafe scene of Secret Garden(I FUCKING LOVE THAT DRAMA DON'T @ ME). All I got was a napkin swipe and did it myself. :(
I ended up getting sleepy after the meal. Being the strongest of the group at the time, Hyunwoo carrying me on his back. We walked to my home which I tried to direct them to as I try not to fall asleep. I don't remember what's next since I fell asleep. I woke up in my comfy bed while laying next to a Gudetama plush.
Once again, I couldn't tell Changkyun how I feel. I was pissed at my self again as I hit my head with the Gudetama.
Months later, the guys and I reconnected. I helped Hyungwon deal with his broke up with Tammy II(again Parks and Rec reference). I chose Stuck as a promotional song(which they now regret since they don't even perform it anymore 😔). Organized their first solo concert. I got something to do but I wasn't paid for my work. That's okay, my dad is rich anyways. 🤗
2017, it was near the promotions for Beautiful. I asked Mr.Im Changkyun/Dany Im to go out for sushi and bingsu. Surprisingly, he aceepted the offer. Being my first date, I watch a lot of fake ass hoes on YouTube on how to have a good first time. If having fun mean ending up like Troy with his eyes popping out and being frozen when he was around LeVar Burton in the episode Immediate Flimmaking, then imma shit myself. The fact that I was going on a date that boi was an insane as concept for me to process.
May 11, 2017, this was my first date. I was mentally screaming when we ordered some sushi that is being cooked by a highly skilled chef that was cutting at his own pace for quality reasons. Damn, I was turning into Troy bruh. I was scared. My leg shakes as I wait for my roll with eel on it(if only that eel wasn't dead, it would electrocute some sense into me). We ate but he took the lead in talking. It scares me.
He took my hand which was not helping my anxiety (normal anxiety not the disorder). He took me to get bingsu. For me, he ordered me a matcha flavored and fed me like a baby while taunting me.
On that night before going home, we saw the city on the roof of my dad's company. We finally kissed and went home. Nothing sexual happened after that. That was the moment when we became a couple.
We didn't fuck until six months within the relationship. (Don't worry we consented at that time and after that). Tried to spend young couple holidays together.
We expected it to be only us for a LONG WHILE. Then, we had our little boy Im Chungae/Madrid Troy Im.
Yes, he kicked me out when Hoseok was accused of such ridiculous allegations. Sadly, I never stopped loving him. No one can replace him especially Nakamoto Yuta aka my current boyfriend. Let's just say I treasure Im Changkyun very much. I would never want to abandon him. 6 ME KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJK
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namjuicyy · 5 years
The Contract - Chapter Seven
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Masterlist | Requests are open.
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut.
Genre of this part: Smut, fluff, angst if you squint.
Word Count: 3.6k.
Summary: Your life is turned upside down when a contract is pushed your way. But what happens if you sign it?
Warnings: Panty kink/panty sniffing, degradation, hella dom!Tae, dirty talk, choking, orgasm denial, protected sex, vaginal sex, voyeurism, consensual filming, clit spanking, gagging, consensual sending, brief use of male sex toys. Heheheheheheheheheheh. Enjoy, hoes.
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Park Dahee was perhaps one of the kindest, yet one of the most insufferable people you had ever had the pleasure of being friends with. Dahee had no filter, no shame and certainly no indoor voice, meaning any public outing the two of you had together was as if you were announcing your private life through a billboard that played sounds and projected special effects. Though, despite the brash exterior, Dahee was your source of sanity in this whole crazy mess. One of the only people outside of your relationship you could talk to, and the only one who would truly understand what you were going through because she was going through it herself.
Dahee was the loving girlfriend of GOT7, one of the few people in this part of the industry who would still be there for the band if all the money disappeared. She was strong, fearless, confident, kind, loving, thoughtful. Through the grapevine she had learnt of your arrival on the scene and felt like it was her duty to make you feel welcome and offer her hand in friendship, because Lord knows she could have done with that when she first entered the relationship. She messaged you within the first week of being with Bangtan, and hadn't left you alone six months later.
Now it was the height of summer, and you had met up in the local Starbucks for your weekly (or as weekly as you could get it) catch-up and regular therapy session. Dahee was the first to technically break her contract with JYP to tell you the ins and outs of her relationship, whether you wanted the tea or not. But it only made you more comfortable with her, and eventually you ended up sharing some things and just getting more and more comfortable around her.
She sat down at the table opposite you and took in your sweaty appearance, laughing at the foreigner who still hadn't got used to the searing summers South Korea faced annually. She, of course, looked as radiant as always – her long black hair in a French braid and her loose-fitting playsuit adorning her curves perfectly. You could see why GOT7 adored her as much as they did. You were borderline falling in love with her too.
"You look like you're pregnant." She joked, taking in the way you were lounging on the metal chair.
"Why did you pick outdoor seating on a hot summer's day?"
"Purely and simply, my dear, to fuck with you. Now," she sighed and handed you your drink off the tray, "I have just come back from Japan where I was dicked down on the daily by seven gorgeous men who simply couldn't get enough of me and wouldn't let me pick up my phone to contact you. So I've missed a lot. Spill the tea. I need to know everything."
"Well, I have a fun conundrum for you... my knickers keep going missing."
"Your knickers?"
"Yup. Then reappearing in random places. At first I thought I was misplacing them, but the last three times I've found them they've had the smallest white stain on them."
Dahee looked pleased with your confession, almost excited by what she'd heard. She smacked on the table and laughed. "You my darling, are living with a panty fetishist."
There was a slight smirk playing on your face, your demeanour turning cocky as you took a sip of your drink. "I have no idea who it is, but I'm excited to find out."
"So no one's given you any indication that they want to wank with your undies?"
"Yeah, some of them pop into my bedroom and ask if they can borrow a pair." Dahee rolled her eyes at your sarcasm. "No, whoever it is they're keeping it well hidden. I think they're ashamed... or at least guilty that they think they're taking and wanking on my clothes with them."
"That's kinda hot though." Dahee pouted. "Why can't one of my guys do that with my panties?"
You laughed. "Why are you jealous?"
"Because I'd love to catch him in the act and 'punish' him."
"Why do all of our conversations end up like this? And why does it always happen in a public space?"
Dahee smiled her usual evil smile when she took pleasure in winding you up. "Because, my dear, I'm a thirsty hoe, exactly like you. Promise me you'll let me know who it is the second you find out." You hesitated. "Promise me!"
"Okay, okay! Fine. I'll tell you who it is when I know."
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The bedroom was pitch black, not even the moon could make it through your bedroom curtains. You couldn't see anything, but you could feel everything. Jungkook had snuggled up to you, much closer than he had before, especially given that you were both face-to-face. You could feel his breath on your nose, and his strong arms grip you tighter. You wished there was some light so you could see his peaceful face – his angelic, sleeping face that made him look so sweet and soft, you couldn't help but stroke it gently, despite many museums telling you not to touch the art.
The way he was breathing, you could have easily assumed that he was asleep. His voice was the only indication that he wasn't. His deep voice soft and tender as he whispered to you, confessing things he wouldn't have done had he known you were awake.
"Part of me wonders if I shouldn't have let it go on this far – this... whatever it is the eight of us have going on." He tells you. "I can't imagine what this might be doing to you. Emotionally you might be fine, you might even love this attention. And I wouldn't blame you. You deserve to be showered in love in all it's forms. I'm just scared we're going to hurt you... physically. Some hyungs take things too far. Not that they mean to, of course, they're not bad people. They just get carried away, and I don't want you to be at the brunt of their uncontrollable ways. I care about you too much to let you get hurt. I couldn't bear to see you in any kind of pain. Contract or not, I love you. I always have. It's just taken this weird... thing to make me see it. We all love you – or rather, we're all in love with you."
Jungkook's confession had knocked you for six. You couldn't quite believe those were the words coming out of his mouth. He had never been quite so candid with you before, and you weren't sure if you should let on and tell him how you felt and reassure him, or just let him have his moment, pretend it didn't happen and tell him how you felt some other time, with the knowledge that he wouldn't reject you.
You chose to remain asleep, but snuggle into him a little more. He froze, wondering if you were awake, but quickly concluded you were unconscious and just continued to hold you like he had been. Jungkook was the sweetest young man you had ever had the pleasure of knowing, even before he started cuddling you to sleep you knew he was beautiful inside and out. Until his confession though, you didn't realise the true extent of it. And, for the nth time in a row, you fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe, secure and protected.
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There was an inexplicable darkness to Kim Taehyung, one you couldn't quite figure out no matter how hard you tried. An underlying shadow that occasionally made an appearance at times you didn't quite expect. There was a glint in his eye that spelled trouble in several languages, and an evil smirk on his face that told you he was planning something. The appearances of the wickedness that could engulf him were quite rare, and usually you were met with the bright, bubbly, boxy smile of the somewhat childlike man who enjoyed twanging your bra strap or dipping his hands into your trousers to tug on your underwear, for no other reason than to annoy you. His playful laugh would sound as he dodged one of your light hearted slaps, and would disappear to somewhere in the apartment and leave you to shake your head at his impish nature.
Tae had been one of the only two members to not approach you in a sexual manner, though you were certain he was holding off for a reason you couldn't imagine. Taehyung was, perhaps, one of the most sexual people you had ever met. His performances oozed sensuality, as did the way he'd look at you whenever he drank a little too much but was still too shy to come forward. You had promised yourself you wouldn't force anyone into anything, and if they wanted sex they'd come to you, not the other way around. But there was a voice in the back of your head that told you to just get on your knees automatically for him and beg him to rip you in half. There were times when you were nearly about to – but each time you'd been interrupted from your thoughts by someone and was able to regain a modicum of sanity. He was so lustful in his mannerisms, and the devilishness of his personality was so alluring, it made keeping your prudence a difficult task. But you'd not failed yet.
You were the type of person who loved to wear the bare minimum to bed. An oversized t-shirt, a pair of panties and that was it. Something the guys loved about you because it meant that, if they had your consent, they'd be able to get easy access to any part of your body at any time of the night. Morning wood was easily taken care of because, in essence, all you had to do was take your underwear off, open your legs and enjoy the feeling of a big cock waking you up fully. Usually you put enough effort in to getting dressed, even on lazy days. Just wearing a t-shirt and a pair of leggings around the apartment was enough. But there were your super lazy days where all you did was change your panties, staying in your t-shirt and just lulling about.
Today was one of those days. You woke up in Jungkook's arms only hours after his confession, and immediately you knew that today you'd want to do the absolute least you possibly could. You peeled yourself out of his strong grip, and trudged out of the bedroom, trying to wake yourself up just a little. Kitchen. Food. Yes please.
Taehyung was already sat at the breakfast bar, a cup of tea in hand and a webtoon on his phone. He barely noticed your presence, not until you wrapped your arms around him and bade him a good morning.
"Sleep well?" He asked.
"Like a baby." You reached up to grab a mug off the top shelf. "You eaten yet?"
He cleared his throat. "Not yet. I wasn't hungry until you walked into the room."
When you turned around, you notice Tae's demeanour had changed. And the webtoon was long forgotten was he stared at you, that unfamiliar yet noticeable darkness had returned. His eyes were fixated on your hips, where your shirt had bunched up to reveal just the smallest part of your red panties. His long, beautiful fingers had been raised from the counter to play with his plump, bottom lip. He had seemingly turned from Jekyll to Hyde in the space of two seconds, looking at your body like a predator looks at their prey. You were standing in the corner of the kitchen cabinets, feeling trapped by his gaze. You couldn't move as you watched him slowly stand from the stool and meander to you, never taking his eyes off you. You were enthralled by him – this walking contradiction. This outwardly angelic man whom, right now, seemed like Lucifer himself. He hadn't said anything, not really. But there you were, dripping like a virgin, more than willing to open your legs for him if that's what he wanted you to do.
"You like to tease, don't you, baby girl?" Tae asked you, quietly. He brought his gorgeous hands coming up to your exposed neck as you looked up at him, keeping eye contact. You were fearful that if you broke that interaction, he'd be disappointed in you. And you didn't want that. "You tease us all. Flouncing about the apartment wearing next to nothing." His left hand found purchase in your hair and tugged a little. It didn't hurt, not really. "Moaning loudly while you're getting fucked." His right hand caressed your shoulder, fingers sliding under your shirt and exposing your bare shoulder to him. "It's like you want everyone to know what a whore you are for us. Hm?"
When he'd finished up top, he stroked his hand over your arm and down to your thigh. He gripped onto the hem of your shirt and slowly started to lift it. Your hand came to his, gripping it like your life depended on it as he continued to expose your thigh. But Tae had no way near finished winding you up yet. "Wearing tiny little panties and leaving them strewn about the place for anyone to find."
Your voice was hoarse when you spoke. You always liked pushing your limits in these situations. Maybe you shouldn't with Tae. But you tried. "You certainly found them, didn't you?"
Tae smirked and bit his lip. "Couldn't help myself. You'd left them there, taunting me. And hearing you get destroyed by the Hyungs, what was I supposed to do?" His voice dropped lower. "You smelled so good, sounded fucking amazing. How could I not get myself off to the scent of you, imagining that my face was in between those filthy thighs of yours and unravelling you with my tongue, huh?"
His hands hooked into your panties and started to pull them down. His movements were teasing, slow, painful. He knew you wanted him. He had an almost sixth sense about you. He had a sixth sense about everyone. He was often painted as the dumb one, but in actuality he let people underestimate him. He allowed people to think what they wanted to. It made no difference to him. He was one of the smartest people you'd met, despite his satoori and his childlike behaviour that you'd forgotten about when his hands had begun to work your pussy like he'd done it a thousand times before. Stroking your clit with such gentility.
"You really are a little slut, aren't you?" He asked, softly nipping at your chin as you opened your moth to moan. "A beautiful, greedy," he increased the pressure on your clit now to an almost painful touch. But God did it feel good. "Filthy, little tart. Look at you, creaming on my fingers." His hand that was in your hair now came to your throat, restricting your breathing only slightly. "Bet you wish it was my cock, don't you? Don't you?"
"You're close aren't you?"
"Y-yes, oh God, please."
"Please what?"
"Let me cum, please. Feels so good please let me cum."
He moved his hand away. "Get in my room. Now."
When he entered his bedroom, his calm resolve flushed away and he became frantic – almost animalistic. Your shirt was the only thing to be removed, him opting to leave your panties on and simply push them to the side when he'd undressed completely, rolled on the condom and wanted to be deep, deep inside you.
The stretch was, for lack of a better term, immense. He was just as long as Namjoon, but a lot thicker. He had you screaming at just the stretch, grasping onto the sheets and screaming the Lord's name.
"Oh fuck, you feel so good. Now I know why the Hyungs keep talking about you."
"F-fuck me. Tae, please, fuck me."
He thrust into you once, harshly, making you move a little up the bed, tits bouncing dramatically. "God. You want me to fuck you?"
"Rip you in half?"
"God, please."
As soon as he gripped onto your waist you knew it was over for you in the best possible way. He rammed his cock into you like it was the only thing he'd been put on this earth to do.
"Still so tight after all the cocks that have been inside you. Such a good fucking girl." He grunted alongside you when he hit that sweet spot inside you. "Red looks so good on you, baby girl. You look like a soft little present. I've always loved these little panties on you baby. Fuck."
You wanted to answer him but you couldn't. He felt too good all you could think about was him inside of you, moaning his name over and over again like a mantra.
"Jungkook hasn't fucked you yet, has he?" You shook your head. "N-no. He'd be fucking unbearable if he had." A devilish smirk appeared on his face as an idea popped into his head. "What do you say we play with him a bit, huh? Let's make him see what he's missing out on, what do you say?"
You simply nodded, unable to say anything as he was still stuffing you full of his cock. He pulled out of you, just long enough for him to get his phone and open the camera. He pointed it at his hard cock, so mouth-wateringly close to your heat, and pressed record. As soon as he was recording, he shoved himself back inside you, watching him fuck you through the camera and making you scream. "God, Jungkookie, listen to her." He put his thumb to your clit and started rubbing again. "Look at her whining." He moved the camera up to catch your tits bouncing. "You gonna cum, baby? Yeah?"
"Who's fucking you?" When you didn't answer quick enough he spanked your clit. "Who's fucking you?"
"K-Kim Taehyung!"
"Good girl. Such a good fucking girl. You love getting fucked by my big cock, don't you?"
"Fuck, Tae! Yes. Please can I cum? Let me cum please?"
He stopped rubbing your clit once more. "No."
"Tae please!"
"Stop your fucking whining." He tugged at your panties, pulling out of you so he could take them off you. With one hand he balled it up, slapped your face so you'd open your mouth and shoved them inside. "I don't like whiny whores."
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Jungkook was surprised when he opened his phone to find a video message from Tae. Usually he doesn't check or respond to texts from the guys – he lives with them, he never felt the need. But his curiosity got the better of him, especially as he'd been woken up by Tae fucking you just next door. He was surprised to hear you go quiet, but when he got the video through, he understood why. You'd been gagged with your own underwear while Taehyung used you for his own pleasure. He watched on the screen as you squirted around Taehyung's cock, clasping down on your gag and screaming quietly as you came. Tae, for good measure, pulled your panties out from your mouth, removed the condom, and wrapped the silk around his cock jerking himself off over your body so he could cum on your stomach, and in part on your underwear. Jungkook heard Tae ask if you were okay before turning the camera off.
He couldn't quite believe it. He had heard his hyungs fuck, yeah. And of course he'd heard them fuck you. But he didn't ever imagine he would see it. His cock at stood to attention the second he saw your pretty pussy, and the way your body jiggled to the rhythm Taehyung had set. He couldn't help but imagine that was him inside of you, watching you bounce on his cock while telling him he was a good boy and that he filled you so well. He came harder than he had in a long time, his hand being a piss-poor replacement for what he could only imagine your pussy felt like. But he felt awkward. Ashamed. Broken. He'd just made himself cum while watching you get fucked. He should have seen your orgasm first hand. He should have approached you long ago. But how could he now? When, in his eyes, no virgin would be able to please their partner in the same way Tae had just pleased you.
Jungkook didn't come to you that night. Or the night after that, or the night after that. You were seriously regretting sending him that video. You knew how sensitive he was, how much he cared about you. He loved you, he admitted that himself. And yet you allowed his best friend to send him a video of you getting your brains fucked out. You felt absolutely awful, and knew that was why he was avoiding you. He would run into his room and shut the door whenever you walked into the living room. He wouldn't answer your texts or calls. You'd fucked up. Big time.
You went to his bedroom door, knowing he was in there and opened it.
Jungkook was sat on his bed, bare legs spread and a shocked look on his face as his attention was drawn to you. His hands were preoccupied with an object you'd never thought you'd see. Jungkook's penis was encased in a long cylinder... or in other words, he was using a penis pump.
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Carry On
My submission for the With Love, From Wakanda fic fest. This story has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I finally figured out a way to end it. It’s set back when Hennessy and Erik were at MIT and is written from her POV.
Warning: Fluffy Angst? Is that a thing? Just go with it. Brief, and somewhat graphic description of a miscarriage. Also, the photos used below are not my own.
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The Kompound was all abuzz as Erik ushered Angel and the twins into the house. The birth of the prince and princess was a bittersweet moment for me. Though I was ecstatic for our new additions and I was happy for my sister wife and Erik, I couldn’t get over the slight bit of jealousy I felt towards her. While the rest of the family surrounded Angél, each one fighting over who would hold the twins first, I retired to my bedroom, not wanting to appear bitter. As I lay across my bed staring up at the ceiling, the soft pads of footsteps attracted my attention. He never could sneak up on me.
“Can I come in?”
“It’s your house, Daka.”
“Come on now, don’t be like that. I just came to check on you.”
I shrugged, turning so that I was facing away from him.
“I’ll be alright, I just needed a little time to myself. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.” He crawled into my bed, pulling me into his massive arms.
“Talk to me, Princess.”
It was an awkwardly warm day in Cambridge, Massachusetts and instead of enjoying the warm weather at the annual campus pool party, I was in my apartment throwing up my entire existence for the 3rd time today. What the hell is wrong with me?
The sickness began right after Christmas, but I hadn’t thought much of it. That is, until I missed my period. I can’t possibly be...
I gagged and heaved until my throat burned before finally settling on the floor beside the toilet. I opened the cabinet under the sink and retrieved the pink box that I had thrown under there for such an occasion. I reluctantly pulled the test out and followed the instructions printed on the box. After waiting the suggested 5 minutes, I looked down at the stick in horror.
“Pregnant,” I whispered out loud. I had just begun the first year of my graduate program and my “partner” for lack of a better term, was in and out of town with the Navy. I sold weed to make a living and he was a mercenary for the US government, neither of which screamed ideal parents for an unborn human. Nope, it had to be a fluke, a false positive. I was in the process of banging my head against the wall of the bathroom when a pair of perfectly pearly white teeth and gold canines filled my phone screen.
“Yes my love?”
“Wassup Princess, still not feeling good?” I could hear laughing and water splashing in the background, a tell-tell sign that he was at the party and wanted me to join him.
“Nah, I just threw up again.”
“Aight that’s it, we going to the hospital.”
“No! That’s really not necessary. It’s probably just a stomach virus.”
“All the more reason for me to take you to the doctor. You not getting me sick. Put some clothes on, I’ll be there in 10.”
The line disconnected before I could utter another word of protest. Though I was thankful to have someone like Erik in my life that cared for my physical well-being, I knew I wasn’t ready to have my worst fears confirmed by an official test. I slowly stood up from the floor and made my way to my bedroom. I pulled on one of his wife beaters and a pair of his basketball shorts, my go-to choice when I wanted to be comfortable. True to his word, he pulled up 10 minutes later and helped me down the stairs and into his NSX.
The lights of the hospital were bright and unnerving as we sat in the waiting room.
“Chiron? Hennessy Chiron?”
“That’s me,” I called as I followed the woman to the exam room. We went through the usual hospital semantics before she gave me a small plastic cup to pee in. Well, no turning back now.
Much to my dismay, Erik sat in the exam room the entire time, wanting to know every detail of what was said firsthand. I hated it, how protective he was over me. This was one instance I wished he treated me like his usual smash and dash hoes. He held my hand as the doctor entered the room, smiling bright.
“Congratulations, according to our tests, you’re about 8 weeks pregnant!” I groaned loudly and I just knew that Erik was having a mental breakdown until his deep voice broke the silence.
“I’m gonna be a daddy?”
“Yes sir, you’re gonna be a daddy. Mom doesn’t look too thrilled about the news, though.”
“N-No I’m fine. I’m just processing everything,” I replied with a shaky voice. He could tell I was lying, but chose to kept quiet. He knew I’d speak up when I was ready and I knew he’d be ok with whatever decision I made moving forward.
“You know you cute as fuck carrying my baby,” Erik’s deep voice called from the phone that was propped up on my nightstand. He was away on another JSOC mission, but facetimed me nightly to check on me and our unborn baby. I was only 3 ½ months, but he swore my skin was glowing and my face was getting fatter. I hated it.
“Well you better enjoy this one, because this the only one you getting from me,” I pouted, looking down at my hardening stomach. I never admitted it to Erik, but I was terrified. How could someone that didn’t have a family, raise a child? I didn’t want our baby to grow up with the same questions and fears that I had.
“Get out ya head, Princess. You’re gonna be a great mother.”
“How do you always do that?”
“You’re my best friend, Sunshine. I always know what you’re thinking, especially since you can’t control your facial expressions for shit,” he grinned, flashing that smile I loved so much.
“We miss you,” I confessed.
“I miss y’all too, but Daddy will be home next week.” I smiled at that. The apartment was too quiet without him there and I missed my nightly belly rubs.
“Get some rest, Princess. I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Yes Daddy. I love you.”
“I love you more.” He blew a kiss at the screen before disconnecting the line. I snuggled deeper into the covers, wrapped myself in one of his hoodies and dozed off, dreaming about what life would be like once the little bean was born.
Pain. A sharp, piercing pain in my lower abdomen that was so strong it woke me from my sleep. I lifted myself from the bed and made the short journey to the bathroom. I fumbled for the lightswitch and gripped the edge of the sink as the cramps became more and more intense. I was mortified when I pulled down my panties to see them soaked with blood.
“This can’t be happening,” I thought aloud. I had just recently come to terms with the fact that there was a life growing inside of me only for the universe to decide that I didn’t need it. As I sat on the toilet and my body expelled the remaining parts of my unborn child, I began to weep. I was hurt, both mentally and physically and to make matters worse, my comforter was somewhere on the other side of the world defending a country that didn’t give a damn about us. I was angry, more angry than I had been in a long time and although I knew that situations like this happen for a number of reasons, I couldn’t help but feel like this was completely my fault. Like the universe was punishing me for being so ungrateful for such a precious gift.
“Princess, I’m home.” Oh now you’re just fucking with me, Bastet. As usual, I heard him before I saw him, his combat boots pounding heavily on the hardwood floors of the apartment. His expression quickly turned to panic when he entered the bathroom and saw the blood all over the floor.
“What happened?”
“I lost it, E. I lost our baby,” I wept into the bend of his neck. He didn’t speak, but stroked my back in comfort.
“It’s ok, baby,” he finally said after a while. “It’s ok. We have the rest of our lives to try again.”
“Who said I wanted to deal with you for that long?” I asked, chuckling through my tears.
“Girl please, you know you ain’t going nowhere,” he replied with a swift kiss to my forehead. I couldn’t argue with that logic. He was a permanent fixture of my life that I couldn’t possibly imagine living without. “Why don’t I run you a hot bath and get you cleaned up? I’ll even add that milk and honey bubble bath you like so much.”
“I’d like that a lot. Thanks, Erik.”
“Aye, just because you ain’t carrying my baby no more don’t mean you gotta stop calling me Daddy. I like that shit,” he said with a wide grin.
“Of course you do.”
We had been lying together so long that I didn’t even realize that I was crying until I felt his hand brush away a tear.
“You remember what I told you back then?” he asked as he placed a kiss to the top of my head.
“You said that you’d love me forever, with or without a baby.”
“And I meant that shit. Angel and I know how you feel about the twins, baby girl. We all know it’s going to be a bit of an adjustment, but don’t ever hide your feelings from me, understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“Good,” he responded before licking a long stripe from my chin to my forehead.
“Nigga did you just lick me?”
“Yes I did, now bring ya fine ass downstairs and meet our kids.”
@vibranium-soul @imagine-mbaku @mareethequeen @greennightspider @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @muse-of-mbaku @thehomierobbstark @wifeyofnjadaka @youreadthatright @tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @dameshaemonique @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @laketaj24 @bidibidibombaclaat @allhailnjadaka @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @forbeautyandlife @yaachtynoboat711 @panthergoddessbast @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @dacreskars @thadelightfulone @drsunshine97 @wakanda-inspired @wawakanda-btch @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @ayellepea @awkwardlyabstract @madamslayyy @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @champagnesugamama @sociallyawkward18 @trevantesbrat @hoopshoney @purple-apricots @supersizemeplz
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taylorroger-s · 6 years
happy new year // roger taylor x reader
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a/n i am a total hoe for soulmate aus. so might as well start out this year with one of my guilty pleasures. the one that i chose is : you can’t see the color of your soulmates eyes (if your soulmate’s eyes are green, you can’t see any green). only their eyes have that color, and you can’t see the rest of the world in that color, until you touch them (is this incoherent? idk i can’t tell). cheesy, but i love it. get ready for a debaucherous (i love that word) queen party, and some good old fashioned eighties bs.
just too clear something up, you can’t see the eye color if your soulmate is in a picture. so if you see a picture of your soulmate, you won’t be able to see the color of their eyes.
masterlist here!
also i got a little carried away so it turned into a little bit of an oc fic??? lmao
enjoy :)
until new years eve 1978, you were totally convinced that the color blue was a myth.
twenty seven years on planet earth, with still one color missing from your life. and you were used to it. all of your friends had found their soulmates young, always gleefully describing the dresses in store windows and the daytime sky. to you, it was all grey. and you really didn’t mind. sunsets were still beautiful, so were the colorless flowers and pale fabrics.
plus, you weren’t terribly concerned with your personal life as much as you were for your professional life. you weren’t hung up on finding your soulmate, though sometimes you would drift off and wonder what your life would be like if you had already found that one person with bright blue eyes.
you woke up on december twenty-ninth, refreshed and desperate to make it to the weekend. your friend had been hinting that she had a special surprise for you, but wouldn’t tell you until friday. well, it was friday, and you were anxious to find out. you desperately hoped she hadn’t gone searching for people with “blue” eyes (as she had already found her soulmate and knew the color), then set you up on blind dates. you knew all that she wanted to do was help you find “the one”, but you were fine with just casual dates, casual relationships.
it was another grey day in london, with rain streaming down the windows and pooling in potholes. you worked at a diner downtown, one serving more american themed dishes. all you really got there were groups of tourists or drunk people stumbling in during your late night shifts. it kept things quite entertaining. fridays were your easiest shift. nine to three, just having to deal with the light lunch rush. then immediately after, you were scheduled to meet at a local coffee shop with your friend where she would finally reveal what she had been planning.
the one thing you truly couldn’t stand about your work was the uniform you had to wear. it was a fifties style dress, designed to look like one for an old-fashioned housewife. yours was a creamy pastel yellow, with a crisp white apron that held your notepad, a polaroid of your childhood dog, and a pack of cigarettes. you wrestled your unruly curls into a loose updo, topping it off with a yellow headband that matched the color of your dress.
you looked exactly like a mid fifties woman, the light colors of the dress contrasting nicely with your deep brown skin. yawning slowly, you shuffled over to your clock, eyes widening when you realized what time it was. 8:20. bollocks. your commute in itself was nearly half an hour using the underground, which a ten minute walk in your frilly dress, no matter what the weather. if you didn’t leave right then, you would be late for your shift.
throwing on a dark red overcoat, you headed out the door, a granola bar and scarf in hand. you lived alone in a tiny flat right near the outskirts of the city, and the nearest underground station was a brisk walk away. your commute passed in silence, and soon enough you were at your work, just a few minutes before your shift began.
“hello my dear.” crooned a stout woman name rosie as you entered the break room. you gave her a quick smile and a nod in response. she gave you a pat on the back as she passed by, placing her burnt out cigarette on a nearby ashtray. there was a small mirror on the wall, and you walked over to it, adjusting your overflowing curls.
after putting on your “professional” smile, you went into the main dining room. at the front was a group of people waiting to be seated. there was a ridiculously tall man with a wild mane of curls, a shorter man with close cropped curly hair, another man with a particularly bold fur coat, and a lanky woman seated next to someone with fluffy blond hair. you couldn’t quite spot their face as they appeared to be whispering something to the woman that made her giggle and blush. the tallest one approached you, a kind smile on his angular features.
“hullo, do you have a table for five?”
“of course! right this way sir!” you chirped, grabbing five menus from behind the hostess podium. waving the group towards you, your eyes scanned for an empty table. you placed the menus down on a corner booth, giving your brief spiel about the daily specials and if they wanted coffee. you still hadn’t been able to see who the blond haired individual was, but you had other tables to deal with.
after greeting another table, you returned to the table with the five people, the blond one and the woman they were talking with noticeably absent.
“y’all ready to order?” you asked as you poured their coffee. the one with the bouncy curls nodded, flipping to the omelette page.
“yes okay… i’ll have the veggie omelette, and deaky,” he tilted his head towards the man next to him.
“i’ll have the chocolate chip pancakes,”
“and i’ll have the eggs benedict darling! roger must be off with his plaything doing god knows what,” the man in the vivid coat huffed dramatically, taking a sip from his coffee cup.
“just some hash browns for them i guess. thank you so much love.” you gave him a bright smile, tucking a stray curl behind your ear.
“sure thing! that all sir?”
“darling please, call me freddie.” he gave you a wink, and you returned his crooked smile.
freddie huh?
while walking away, you had an inkling feeling that those people were… important in some way, but you couldn’t put your finger on what exactly was bothering you. it took a few more minutes of flitting around before you finally got an answer, from one of the chefs whispering in the kitchen as you went to pick up their food.
“oh my god… is that queen?”
queen. world renowned rock band that broke every expectation and barrier set before them. and you were serving them. at nine fifteen am. in downtown london. holy shit. once you made that revelation, you handed off the dishes, and ducked into the storeroom, back pressed to the wall.
holy shit.
in that moment, you were almost painfully aware of the grey in your vision. the sky would always be grey, no matter the weather. there was one color missing from your life, and all the shades that came with it. sometimes, you only wanted to meet your soulmate in order to make the world whole.
too soon, your little moment was over, and you had to put on the happy face once more. i still have samantha’s surprise, you thought to yourself. plus, your day was already quite nice thanks to the world famous band that you were serving.
however, once you entered the dining room, they were gone, most likely due to the masses that had flocked to your little diner when someone got word of their presence. their plates were half-finished, with a small napkin wrapped package on the table. intrigued, you walked over. in the little package was a hundred pound bill, and a small handwritten note.
‘so sorry for ducking out darling, the crowds were getting a little heavy. here’s some money for your troubles.
in other news, the boys and i would like to extend an invitation to our new years party. you seem like a lovely girl, and stunningly beautiful might i add. i promise you, the festivities will not disappoint.
if you decide not to go, that is fine as well. the party is gonna be in feltham, and i bet you’ll be able to find it. our parties tend to leave a trace.
wish you the best my dear!
- freddie mercury, brian may, john deacon, and roger taylor’
six hours later your shift was over, the lunch rush passing by without much fanfare. due to you heading out the door in such disarray, you had forgotten a change of clothes for your hang out with samantha. so you walked in to the closest pub in a frilly yellow dress. she was leaning against the bar, sipping a moscow mule. once sam spotted you with her sharp brown eyes, she waved you over, beaming ridiculously.
you immediately ran over and wrapped her in a hug, almost spilling her drink in the process. she laughed, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before hopping up onto a nearby barstool. her fiery red hair framed a grinning face, freckles spotting her nose and cheeks.
“oh my god, samantha, you would not believe what happened today!” you sighed heavily, letting your curls tumble down from your updo. the bartender pushed a pint your way, probably already ordered by sam. she was too good to you.
“o oh me first! guess what i got us an invitation to?” she wiggled her eyebrows, finishing off her drink in one gulp. you shrugged, giving her a “continue” gesture. slowly sipping your pint, you kept your eyes on your rambunctious friend.
“my friend mindy, the hairdresser, happens to cut hair for a certain mr. mercury…” she smirked, taking a sip from her second (as far as you knew) drink.
“long story short… WE’RE GOING TO QUEEN’S NEW YEARS PARTY!!!” sam let out a triumphant whoops, doing a little dance as you and an old man at the other end of the bar watched. you were truthfully too stunned to give a proper reaction, and she soon noticed.
“hellooooo, they’re only one of the most popular bands in the world! and we! can! hang! out! with! them! at freddie fucking mercury’s house! how are you not losing it! i know how much you love them.” you shook your head, laughing quietly to yourself. you soon couldn’t stop, shoulders shaking. sam looked at you, concern evident on her face. before she could question your reason for random laughter, you spoke up.
“funny story now, i may or may not have waited on mr. mercury on the rest of the band today at work.” you could feel a bright smile stretching across your features as your friend’s face fell in shock. the straw fell out of her mouth, drink tipping dangerously to one side.
“aaaaaand he left me an invite as well. and a hundred pound tip.” she soon caught on, shrieking in glee.
“who cares how we got invited. we’re going to queen’s new years party!!!!!!” you both danced around in a little circle, quickly shutting up when the aging female bartender shot you both a withering glare.
you were going to queen’s new years party.
this was gonna be fun.
you spent the night of the twenty-ninth of december having a movie night with your cousin who was in town. you didn’t tell her about the queen party, since it still didn’t feel quite real. on saturday you headed out with sam, searching for some outfits for the party. a high end boutique called biba wasn’t far from when you worked, so after covering an early morning shift for rosie, you headed out.
“ooo this would look so good on you y/n!” sam shoved another short dress your way, yet another shade of grey. for some reason, samantha was absolutely convinced that your soulmate would be there at the party, calling it her “matchmaker sense” but she couldn’t talk, she had found her soulmate at eighteen. she swore to you that everything she picked out was blue, though she could have found silver and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
“davey isn’t gonna be joining us, just not his scene, so it’ll be a girls night!” sam ran around you in circles, tucking in a piece of fabric here, ruffling a skirt there. this particular dress was quite form-fitting, in a medium “blue” that hit you right at the mid thigh. but sheer fabric dripped down the skirt, in a slightly lighter shade, making it appear as if you were fading away. it was truly gorgeous. the dress had a sweetheart neckline in the darker “blue” fabric, then the sheer fabric created long sleeves and a neckline that stopped right at your collarbone.
it was gorgeous. sam picked out accessories made of silver and apparently the same “blue” as most of the dress. you had a velvet choker, jacket style earrings shaped to look like teardrops, and a set of stackable rings in silver and the dark blue. you had styled your own hair, braiding close to your scalp into two even plaits. your eyelids glitter silver, white eyeliner turning up into a cat eye. you had dark grey lipstick, that sam insisted was a dark blue. despite your inability to see the primary color of your ensemble, you were still stunning in all grey, contrasting with your dark brown skin.
you looked like a benevolent goddess of night and stars, a femme fatale that could rule the world.
“puuurrrrfect darling.” sam crooned, obviously doing an impression of freddie mercury and failing with pride. you giggled like a schoolgirl, still gazing dreamily at your striking reflection. sam came up from behind you, resting her chin on your shoulder. she assured you that she already had an outfit picked out, so she was dressed down, ruby-red hair loose around her shoulders.
“okay so plan for tomorrow…” you tore yourself away from your reflection, turning back to sam.
“davey and i come pick you up at nine, he drops us off, and we go get shitfaced!” you chuckled at her unbridled enthusiasm as she danced around, pumping her fist in the air. you carefully took off the dress and various accessories, slipping on your simple street clothes. sam gathered the clothing her arms, insisting that she pay for the outfit. though you put up a fight, she won, and you spent the ride back to your house thanking her profusely. the two of you met your first year of college and had become inseparable ever since. that night was spent like many in your uni days. homemade popcorn, the brady bunch, matching pajamas, and falling asleep on your couch.
sam had been gone the next morning, leaving you to lounge around until it was nearly time for them to arrive. after a quick dinner of reheated chicken tikka masala, you headed to your bedroom.
you dressed slowly, having to redo your makeup a few times due to the incessant shaking of your hand. the idea of where you were going was so surreal. the freddie fucking mercury had invited you, a waitress with a masters degree in physics, to his new years eve party. the thought almost made you laugh. but under that, was an overwhelming amount of childhood giddiness. your reflection looked almost like a girl playing dress up instead of the goddess you looked like yesterday. still beautiful.
after you finally slipped into a pair of “blue” flats and finally got your winged liner perfect, sam was knocking at your door. she was wearing a fringed gold mini dress, long hair pulled into a tight bun. her eyelids and cheeks were dusted with a similar shade of gold, and she wore a red lipstick just barely brighter than her hair. she grinned at you, showing a hint of slightly crooked teeth.
“you ready to get plastered mdear?” her trademark grin appeared once she got a full look at your ensemble, a hint of pride visible in her eyes. your appearance was a result of her handiwork after all. you couldn’t help but match her enthusiasm.
this was going to be a night to remember.
on the car ride to wherever freddie’s estate was, queen blasted from the radio in david’s car. somebody to love was playing. samantha’s fingers were intertwined with her boyfriend’s as she sat in the passenger seat next to him. she sang along with a smile on her lips, occasionally turning around to grin at you.
hearing that particular song, in that particular setting, with those two particular people, made you a little wistful. you didn’t even want a romantic relationship in particular. just the person out there with the soul that fits perfectly with yours.
before you knew it, davey had pulled up to the curb about a block away from the house, since all the parking spaces on the curb were occupied. you and sam said your goodbyes to davey, sam opting for a quick kiss.
as you made your way closer to the house, you started to feel in over your head. there were pairs of people clustered together on the lawn, stumbling around. you approached the doorstep, sam not far behind. you gave her a nervous look, hand coming up too readjust your hair for what felt like the hundredth time. sam took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“ready y/n?”
“ready sammy.”
she smiled, and with her other hand opened the door and entered the chaos. you followed close behind, jaw dropping when you encountered the party raging on inside.
there seemed to be just a singular mass of people, all moving and tipping to the beat of a bass drum. at first you were too stunned to move, just gazing wide eyed at the party. but you forgot that your hand was still joined with sam’s, and she pulled you gently away from the doorway, slipping between the people. you could feel the thrum of the music in your chest as you walked too where sam was dragging you. it was to the alcohol.
she pulled her hand away to fill four shot glasses with vodka, handing you two of them with a mischievous grin.
“to 1979!”
“to 1979.”
counting to three, you knocked one of the shots back, followed by the second one immediately after. you could feel a warm buzz from the alcohol filling your senses, slightly burning the back of your throat. sam shouted an inaudible goodbye before disappearing, leaving you to take another shot alone and then crack open a bottle of beer. you could feel the alcohol begin to relax you, releasing the tension from your shoulders.
you felt a silly grin paint your features when the next song played, an upbeat elton john record that you had on vinyl back at home. you hopped onto the dance floor, the loose fabric of your dress brushing against your thighs. it felt really good to let loose, since you rarely had a break from dealing with people all day long. now you could relax under the soft influence of alcohol, dancing with whoever the fuck you wanted, soulmates be damned.
you danced your way through the space, randomly spinning into people's arms, giggling wildly. eventually, you stumbled into a break in the crowd, now standing around the edge of a circle of couches. four men were seated there, obviously the center of attention.
you managed to catch freddie mercury’s eye, giving him a tiny wave that you were convinced he didn’t see. he did, and he came over to you, taking you by the shoulders and giving you two brief cheek kisses.
“you were our waitress from the other day, yes? y/n? oh my dear, i’m so glad you can make it. i hope you are enjoying yourself!”
“definitely! thank you so much for inviting me by the way. and for the tip!” you had to shout to carry a conversation in the chaotic space, constant chatter and music filling the hot air. or maybe you were shouting because of the alcohol in your system.
“anytime love,” just then, fat bottomed girls started playing, and freddie beamed at you.
“now go dance! leave 1978 in the dust with flair!” he gave your shoulder a gentle push, moving you towards the dance floor, which seemed to be everywhere. you gave him one last smile and danced your way into the crowd to the lyrics “hey i was just a skinny lad / never knew no good from bad”
freddie turned back to the band, taking a seat right next to brian. he looked over, spotting roger staring at the place where you had disappeared with an awestruck expression.
“oi fred, who was that?” he turned towards freddie, a hint of childish excitement in his words.
“the waitress we had the other day that you didn’t meet because you were in the bathroom shagging that one girl.” he winced at freddie’s words, but roger still leaned forward, now ignoring the girl who was, up until then, trailing her hand down his chest.
“what’s got you so excited, huh?” deaky glanced over at roger, taking a swig from his beer bottle. roger shot him a glare, but soon went back to his excited and tense expression.
“say deaky, what color was that girl’s eyes?” deaky turned back to roger, eyes wide and jaw dropped.
“you don’t think…”
“i do think.” roger said those words with a finality, finishing off the drink in his hand, the girl by his side completely forgotten.
“i caught a glimpse of her face as she turned away, and her eyes looked, different. they were unlike any color i’d ever seen.”
“holy shit.” deaky whispered, placing his beer bottle on the low coffee table between the couches.
“rog, you can’t seriously…” brian began, getting cut off by roger beginning to speak again. he muttered to the girl by his side, probably a half assed apology due to her immediate storming away from the band.
“yes brian, i am serious,” roger leapt to his feet, anxiously adjusting his half-open button down and hair in the back of a spoon resting on the table. freddie grinned, giving roger a quick hug before patting his cheek.
“go get her rog, i believe in you.”
“thanks, fred. wish me luck!” roger called out as he slipped away, leaving the other three band members a little startled by the sudden change of mood.
“you could see that her eyes were the right color fred, didn’t you?” brian asked, readjusting to look his bandmate in the eye. freddie’s smile was evidence enough that he had invited you on the hunch that you were roger’s soulmate. and it seemed that he was right.
“of course darling, he deserves something steady, and i have a feeling she will be more than capable to handle his energy.”
you had spent the last hour dancing with various people, at one point even exchanging a sloppy kiss with someone on the dance floor following a long slow dance to love of my life. you were then dancing with a small group of girls, including sam, who you found in just a few minutes after entering the main heart of the party.
too soon, it was nearing midnight, and you took a moment to review your 1978.
you had finally completed your masters degree in physics, had a flat all to yourself, a job that helped pay the bills, a best friend who would always be by your side, and more yet to come. though you didn’t find your soulmate in ‘78, the next year and the next year were unable to peer into, so anything could happen.
while gazing off into the distance while everyone danced around you, someone tapped on your shoulder. when you spun around freddie mercury was there, a mischievous smile on his sharp features.
“hello my dear, i truly hope you have a wonderful 2019, and i have a feeling there is much in store for you.”
“and to you too freddie, may you be blessed with a thousand cats and a thousand spot on performances.” he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing, but there was a person behind him looking right at you. when you looked up to meet their eyes, you nearly had a heart attack. fluffy blond hair framed the beaming face of notorious rockstar roger taylor. but what really shocked you to your core were his eyes.
they felt like a break in the clouds, a cool breeze on a hot day, the missing puzzle piece. he was possibly the most beautiful creature you had ever seen, with the most stunning eyes of a fresh, new color.
they were blue.
blue! the color wasn’t a myth! he looked as awestruck as you felt, lips parted slightly as he took a step towards you. you barely registered the countdown echoing around you as you slowly walked closer to roger. you were soon no more than six inches away from each other, and you were able to smell his heavy cologne, sour cigarette smoke, and the whiskey on his breath.
but most of all those eyes. as the countdown slowly drew into single digits, you felt a single tear roll down your cheek.
roger than cupped your face in his hands and crashed his lips against yours, your eyes closing as you felt his hand slip too the back of your neck as he pulled you closer. you felt a tremor run through your body from ever part of your body that was pressed against his. your hands were around his neck, his hands slipping down to your waist. you wanted to stay in that moment forever, your soul finally feeling… well, you didn’t quite know. once the cheers around you had subsided, roger slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
you opened your eyes, only focusing on the beautiful man you were wrapped up in. he gazed at you with pure adoration, and you could see a smear of your lipstick on his face.
and it was blue.
“hi.” you whispered, unable to look away from him.
“hi.” he responded, warm breath on your cheeks. his arms were low around your waist, toying with the sheer fabric of your dress. your dress! you glanced down, gasping a little at what your dress had become. it was just like sam had described it. you looked back up at roger, smile even brighter than before.
“you are more beautiful than i could have ever imagined. and believe me, i have.”
“i could say the same to you.”
he smirked at your reply, raising his eyebrow in a silent question. you bit your bottom lip in response, leaning closer. as you pressed your lips against his with your fingers wrapped in his hair, samantha was standing to the side, sipping from her champagne glass. she had a triumphant smirk on her red lips. freddie mercury came up from behind her, champagne glass also in hand. he clinked his glass against hers, matching her satisfied smile.
“it seemed as though our plan worked.” she said, her voice high and airy.
“it seems so, darling.”
knocking their glasses together again, freddie was the next to speak.
“to 1979, and our best friends.”
“to 1979.”
she gazed lovingly at the two of you drunkenly slow dancing, roger leaning in to whisper in your ear every once in a while, causing you to giggle before muttering something back. you glanced over your shoulder, seeing her watching you with a bright smile.
of course she was in on this, you thought, as you spotted freddie next to her with a similar look. you turned back to roger, him completely enamored with you.
1979 was going to be the best year of your life, and you were sure of it. but for now, you just wanted to stay in the arms of your soulmate, perfectly content.
hope y’all enjoyed this and i wish you a very happy 2019!
this is just a little one-off, so no one from my ten things taglist is tagged, but if you would like to be on a permanent taglist, i would be glad to start one!
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the-b00k-wyrm · 5 years
The Drunk
Depending on who you talk to, I was either cursed or blessed from birth. I was born to a family of nobles whose land was on the border of the kingdom. I am was the third son born to the house, so the chances of me inheriting my father's title where slim to start with, and they got slimmer when my father noticed my red eyes shortly after I was born. He thought them a sign I was cursed to bring ruin to our family and wanted to abandon me somewhere in the world, luckily for me, my mother was as stubborn as she was a fool for believing my eyes where a blessing, she thought my eyes meant the gods had blessed me with a great future. In the end she won and I grew up in a house where only one person wanted me, with a desire to prove that I was worth keeping around. I aimed for the highest honor I could achieve, a member of the King and Queens Royal Knights. I trained day in and day out to achieve my goal, I earned any and all achievements I could, and at the age of twenty I became the youngest member of the Royal Knights in history. For the first time in my life, my father was proud of me, and I was happy my mother didn't let him have me killed. I thought that the Royal Knights was an honorable organization, one that upheld the justice of the kingdom and protected the royal family. I was wrong. What I entered was a nest of corruption and deceit, not a single member of the eleven other Knights was honorable. They openly received bribes, plotted against one another, and openly abused their power. As members of the Royal Knights we where given a personal army, and the royal family took our advice to heart, so a with a single whisper the royals could be persuaded into any action a Knight wanted. I was determined to be better then them, to restore the honor of the organization. The other Knights where not a fan of that notion and began having the royals send me on suicide missions, things like leading my army against hordes of orcs, colonies of bandits, and any rare and powerful beast they could find. When me and my army proved to well trained and strong for that to work, they chose to destroy my reputation. The Royal family was known for having an iron fist, crushing any hint of rebellion with overwhelming force, a group of men in a village are plotting rebellion, send and army and brutally execute them, a merchant is intentionally doing trade with enemies of the state, send an army and perform a brutal execution. What my fellow Royal Knights had the royals start ordering me to do showed how twisted the knights truly were. They tried dispatching me to wipe out entire villages, simply because one voice of descent arose from the masses. I would arrive at the village, execute the accused and force the villagers to abandon their homes, then burn the village to the ground. I persisted in the Knights, begging the royals to see what the other Knights were doing, but they wouldn't listen, wouldn't believe that their trusted advisers would lead them astray, believed that I was trying to sow discourse. One fateful day I arrived at a village where someone was voicing issue with the royals, more specifically with what I was doing. I always did this alone, I would not allow my men to have their names tarnished by these acts because I was unwilling to give up my morals. I dragged the accused into the center of town, and prepared the execution. As I was reading his "crimes", a rock bounced off of my armor, I looked out and saw a child standing near the front, face covered in tears, screaming at me how his father did not do what I said he did, he was probably right, but I kept reading out my orders. My options were either kill the father, or someone else would come and kill everyone. As I was finishing up, another rock bounced off my armor, then another this time a little harder, then more and more, soon the entire village was pelting my with anything they could. This was a first for me, but still I endured. I drew my scimitar, and brought it down on the man's neck, quickly severing his head from his body. I went to cut off his limbs when something knocked my helmet off of my head. I looked up startled and the man who had struck me leapt back in fear, "His eyes... They're red. He's been cursed by the innocent blood he has spilled!" Up until this point, no one but my parents and their house had known about my eyes. I had kept my helmet on as much as I could, and my head down when I couldn't, perceptively to avoid people jumping to the conclusion this man had. I picked up my helmet as all of the men in the village armed themselves. "Let me finish my task, and nothing that happened here today will be reported." I spoke out loudly as I kept a wary eye on the small mass of men in front of me. "Die demon!" One of the men shouted as they charged towards me. I dropped my helmet and pulled out my war-hammer as I met their charge. My scimitar flashed out and slashed holes in necks and bellies, severing limbs and deflecting crude weapons. My war-hammer crushed into skulls, broke through hoes and pitchforks, and demolished limbs and chests. As good as I was, I was greatly outnumbered and began taking wounds. Even after a blade of some sort swept across my face, taking my left eye from me, I fought on. After what felt like hours of combat, I stood alone among a pile of bleeding corpse, my armor dented, and broken. My body was bleeding and exhausted. I limped my way away from the carnage, insults and curses chasing after me. I collapsed about a short way from my army, and woke up in the capital. As soon as I was able to walk I stormed into the throne room. "I'm done!" I screamed at the crowd of shocked nobles and royals, my own father and brother sitting among them. "I am done risking my life, risking the life of my men, and killing innocent people just because you blind idiots can't accept that the assholes who whisper in your ears don’t give a fuck about the kingdom or the people. You are spineless, you are weak, and you do not deserve my men guarding you!" I threw the badge symbolizing my status at the feet of the royals and left. As I was leaving I could hear the nobles murmuring, a few in relief that I was leaving, but most about the color of my one remaining eye. I caught a glimpse of my father and brother as I stormed out, my brother was mortified at what I had done, but my father... My father almost looked proud. I later blamed my blood loss for that hallucination. I left the capital, informed my men what had happened ( later found out they all resigned ), and migrated from village to village, constantly in pain, not from my wounds but from my dreams. Every night I would be clawed at by the people I had slain. Every night they would try to pull me down into Hell. I discovered that they couldn't attack me if I wasn't asleep, and so I started drinking, at first to keep me awake, and then after the first time I passed out drunk... To keep the dreams away. So there, that’s why the great Ivar Bersk drinks, now fuck off and let me drink in peace.
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hurryupimstarving2 · 6 years
My life has been chaotic since birth and here’s why.
So right off the bat, my gender was unknown, not because my parents chose this but because my fetus ass wasn’t a hoe and was not about to show anyone my no-touch zone during the ultrasounds. And as I’m being birthed, my dad faints. Like he loses it and is on the floor probably dead. Apparently, this didn’t faze my mother who pushed me out like a true champ (her only complaint is that we don’t have a video because my dad passed out but honestly I’m so thankful). Now if I was a girl my name was supposed to Chloe like this is what my parents had talked about and planned for.
But my mother, the chaotic neutral that she is, popped out a little girl and decided, “She doesn’t look like a Chloe.” So guess what, she named me Erin instead.
So basically my dad woke up from his mild coma to find out that he had a surprise baby girl with a name he did not consent to but it was on my birth certificate so what could he do.
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bucky-smiles · 6 years
Dear Mom
this is a Spencer fic,, no x Reader or anything just Spencer to the song Waves by Dean Lewis :) This is set in the future and is Spencer trying to deal with the aftermath of the death of his mother. I worked really hard on this one and had to go to a place I didn’t know existed in my heart (I kind of cried).. really hope you guys like this one. 
A/N: This is my submission for @ssaunitchief‘s writing challenge :) 
Warnings: Character death, Sadness, mood swings, etc. 
It’d been nearly 2 months since Diana Reid left this world. 
It’d all come as a huge shock to Spencer, the genius only having talked to his mother the day before. He’d called because the facility had called him only a couple of days before, saying that she was having a really bad episode. When she felt better, they called him again and he and Diana talked for nearly 3 hours.. Reflecting on it all, Spencer feels that Diana knew that the end was near. Even though no one really knows the cause of her death, just that she died peacefully in her sleep, holding one of her pillows close to her chest with a picture of him as a baby in the other hand. 
Spencer was a wreck at first. He took three weeks off from work to mourn and try to get himself together. Thankfully his entire team was there for him through the entire thing, giving support in any which way they could. Spencer was grateful for their existence.. But some things he just knew he had to do on his own. Coping was one of them. 
Now, two months later, he’s finally gaining the ability to genuinely smile. Whether it be for a few tiny moments or subconsciously, a tiny smile would poke onto his lips, only to disappear right when it happens. 
He feels guilt for feeling happiness.. It became his guilty pleasure. In his opinion, he’s moving on from something no one should move on from. 
His mother. 
The woman who raised him the best she could even though she was broken in her battle with an impossible brain condition. 
The woman who read poems to him at night. 
The woman who embraced him whenever he was at his absolute lowest. 
The woman who taught him that what was in the heart was more important than what was on the face. 
The only reason he managed to get through the hell he was put in through his grade school times. 
He wants to be happy.. He truly does.. But how can he be happy when his mother isn’t with her? Who does he write his daily letters to now? Is there anyone for him to talk to the way he talked to his mother? 
He knows the answers to all of this.. 
He knows that his mother would want him to be happy... 
But how the hell is happiness maintained when his main source of happiness is taken away from him?
Anytime any form of happiness is near him, it’s grazing the tips of his fingers.  
It’s as if Spencer is stuck in a void, floating aimlessly in the darkness of what is his brain. A tiny light will shine through, whether it be the shine that his god son’s drawings cause in his heart, or a little glitzy gift from Garcia. But the minute that Spencer makes a grab for it, the light floats away, Spencer only feeling it’s warmth momentarily. He tries making a grab for it, tries swimming through all of the darkness to the light like a moth to a bulb, but it moves faster than he can. 
And suddenly, it’s gone. 
The answer actually came to Spencer in a dream.. The answer to how to become himself once more.. The Spencer that’d ramble off the facts that no one knew they needed. The Spencer that’d try breaking out of his shell on an outing with his team but fail to interact with anyone outside of them. 
For two months, all Spencer had been dreaming of was his mother. The little moments that they’d have that there was no way Diana could remember with the condition she was in before she passed. Tonight it was Diana and Spencer out by the duck pond, but the scene played out differently this time. Different than how it actually happened. 
What Spencer remembered of that day was he and Diana had taken a loaf of bread to the duck pond. The two of them sat at a bench, Spencer tossing little pieces of bread to the ducks while Diana read a story out loud to Spencer. Spencer was 12 at the time so the scene was crystal clear in his mind. 
But in the dream, while Spencer was a little boy once more, Diana wasn’t reading a story. She was talking to him as if they were having a normal conversation. At this discrepancy, Spencer frowned ever so slightly, his attention moving from the ducks to his mother to properly listen to her words. 
“Holding on for too long can cause pain, Spencer..” Diana’s lulling voice was clear and warm.. Just like it always was. 
Spencer clears his throat lightly at Diana’s words, looking down and realizing that he wasn’t 12 anymore, but his full grown self, “What do you mean, Mom?”
Diana smiled fondly at her son, cupping his cheek ever so slightly and running her thumb over his cheekbone. Spencer moved into her touch instinctively... Even though it was all a dream everything seemed so real to him. He didn’t even realize that he had to open his eyes once more till his mother started speaking again, “If you hold on to what’s hurting you, it’s going to hurt you rather than help you develop, sweetheart.. It’s the same thing with happiness.. You hold on too long and it makes you sad that you can’t have that moment again..” 
Spencer looked to his mother with vulnerable eyes, shaking his head lightly as he let out a breath, “I don’t want to forget you, mom.. I can’t.. Not after all that you’ve been through for and because of me..” 
Diana nods lightly at his words, scooting closer to Spencer and wrapping an arm around his shoulder, tugging him closer to her so that his head was resting on her shoulder. Spencer wrapped his arms around her waist as if he was still 12, holding her tightly as hot tears moved down his cheeks. She pressed a light kiss to his head, massaging his shoulder, “You won’t forget me, Spencer, you know that.. But you need to let go of the sadness and embrace the happy.. Stop feeling the guilt you’re feeling because I’m not there with you, tell yourself to be happy and take it on.. Let that bubbly woman give you your favorite donut, let that sweet godson see you enjoy his drawings.. Don’t make other people sad because you can’t be happy..” 
Spencer continued to sob quietly into his mother’s shoulder, “I miss you so much, mom..” 
Diana doesn’t say anything for a few moments, pressing another kiss to the back of his head, “I know.. I miss you too.. But I get to watch you from the stars we used to look at all of the time.. And when you’re done with your full, long life and join me, you can tell me all about it.. I’m never leaving you Spencer.. I’ll always be there with you here and here..” 
She pointed to his heart and brain as she spoke and Spencer nodded ever so slightly, wiping his cheeks lightly. His voice was still timid as he spoke once more, “I’m tired, mom, can you stay with me till I sleep?” 
Diana wiped the tears Spencer missed with a flick of her thumb before patting her lap lightly, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
Spencer moved to rest his head on her lap, curling up on the park bench with Diana massaging his arm and head. She recited a poem as he drifted off to sleep, but Spencer was too far away to hear any of it. 
When he woke up from his dream, he could feel the tears on his cheeks. He sat up slowly and wiped them away. Of course they were replaced by fresh tears as Spencer cried quietly to himself, holding a pillow close to his chest as he stared at the framed picture of him and his mom at his bedside table. 
That day, he went to work like he normally did. However today was different because when Garcia gave him the donut, Spencer accepted it with a gentle smile, getting up and giving the woman a tight hug, a hug Garcia returned with joy and surprise. 
On his way home from work that day, he stopped by a store and bought a journal. Reaching home, he sat down and picked up his pencil, opening up his new book and flipping to the first page. He started writing, a bittersweet smile on his face as he felt a tear trickle down his cheek, 
Dear Mom, 
Today I chose to be happy.
~Taglist!!~ (Let me know if you want to be added) 
@sweater-vest-reid @coffee-and-stories @stellarwritings @unitchiefwives@mentallydatingspencerreid @bitchinprentiss @spencerthepipecleaner @literallyprentissstwin @fl0werb0nes18 @thematthewgraygube@unwrittenheartbreak @dontshootmespence @stunudo @jazz91121@ssa-aaronhotchner @lookwhatyoumademequeue @bestillmystuckyheart@tippy06  @crimindsaspe @loverosetyler @ultrarebelheart@jodiewhittakers @playlist-reid @cynbx @cristinawinchester51 @a-criminal-minds-hoe @spencerwreid @dr-pepper-cryptid @mindsunleashed @alex-awesome1023 @notperfectjustbeautifullyflawed @bandsandanimefreak @suvikamahes98blr @chickens-are-life @all-time-loading @fireismysaftey @bookofreid @brywrites
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was-i-even-reddie · 7 years
I was tagged by @spit-it-out-b-b-bill , thank you hoe
How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life? Only one
Do you want to change your name? Not really I like my name it’s different
What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up at 1:30 pm yikes
What were you doing last night? On my phone all night oops
Is there something you can’t wait for? The Lana Del Rey concert I’m going to in a week LIT
What’s getting on your nerves right now? School
Do you have a crush on someone? Idk it’s complicated
What do you like about yourself? My eyes? Idk I don’t like myself 😂
Kids: maybe not sure yet
Get married: yes
Career: I wanna be a registered nurse but idk
Last drink: water
Last meal: pasta
Last phone call: dad because I needed him to get ice 😂
Last text sent: “OH MY GOD I CHOKED” because she mentioned a vine and I choked on my water
Last song you listened to: Africa by Toto
Last time you cried: hmmm Friday night with my best friend over how Eddie Kaspbrak and Stanley Uris deserves the world
Made a new friend? Yes
Fallen out of love? Yes
Met someone who changed you? Yes
Found out who your true friends are? Yeah kinda
Found out someone was talking about you? Yeah. Talking about about me for “taking her man away for her” EVEN THOUGH IM GAYY
Eating: ice cream
Drinking: water
Listening to: Africa by Toto
I’m about to: watch tv
Lips or eyes? Eyes
Hugs or kisses? Depends but mostly hugs
Nose kisses or neck kisses? Nose kisses
Shorter or taller? Shorter
Older or younger? Older
Hook up or relationship? Relationship
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank liquor: yeah
Lost glasses/contacts: yes both
Sex on first date: no
Broken someone’s heart: yeah
Been arrested: nope
Turned someone down: yes
Developed a crush on a friend: yes toooo many times
Dated someone twice: no
i don’t have friends on here so uh sorry if i don’t really know you and you don’t wanna be tagged but @richietoaster @eds-trashmouth @trashrichie
Sorry I don’t know anyone just chose a random 😂💖
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 6:
Don’t forget to stream Summer Luv soundtrack on Spotify!
Day 5 in Miami
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 I woke up bright and early to cook breakfast for me and Samar. Last night was not at all what I had expected but I am happy it happened cause now Samar would know how I really feel and how I don’t regret shit. I had Sleepy Brown’s “I can’t wait” blasting softly throughout the kitchen. I was making us breakfast sandwiches with tater tots. I danced around the kitchen drinking a hard mimosa i made with vodka and orange juice, let’s just say my life was about to change. I made our plates and before I could go get Samar he was already slowly walking into the kitchen. “Can we talk?” He asked. I turned down the music and sat on the bar stool. He looked at the food and awkwardly smiled. “Thank you, for making breakfast this morning, Um I want to apologize for last night I was drunk as fuck, I didn’t mean to take advantage of you Tye” He said. I shook my head. “No Samar, its fine. I wanted it” I told him. He rubbed his hand through his face to the back of his head. “It shouldn’t have happened Tye, you like my sister. I feel like I fucked my family, and no matter how many times I try to think of it being okay, it not. We can’t go there Tye. It would fuck up our dynamic. Shit fucked my head up” My heart started racing. I felt embarrassed as fuck. “I um, yeah your right. I just cooked this breakfast for my brother who I fucked” I said angry. He sighed. “This is why it was a mistake, Tye you got feelings now” He said. I faked a laugh, “Sure Samar the sex was so phenomenal that I fell so deep in love overnight, like nah I get it shit can’t happen again that’s cool just eat this breakfast nigga” I said. He grabbed my arm. “We cool Tye Tye?” He asked. I forced a smile. “Nigga of course, you my bro for life”. I started rolling me a blunt or two because I was embarrassed that things did not go as planned. We were just chilling and vibe in when Samar doorbell rang. He went to the door to get it and in walked two thick bitches. I rolled my eyes. “Hey Sammie, did you forget our afternoon swim?” This bitch said. I started laughing to myself you got to be kidding me. “No, I didn’t Tiff baby, I’m just chilling with my homie” He said. The bitch “Tiff” looked me up and down she smirked at me. “Oh homie, I thought this was one of your girls, whew thank goodness” She said. Samar looked at me, knowing what the fuck was going to happen next if he ain’t move this bitch out my face. “What you say?” I asked her as I stepped up to her. She playfully shrugged. “It was a jokey joke honey” She said. I grabbed a fist of her hair, and her lace was peeling up. “Whoaaa” Samar said. “Sammie get this bitch off of me!” She screamed. Her friend tried to grab my hair, but Samar was in the way. I let go of her “wig”. “I know you wasn’t swimming with this box braid head ass wig sis” I said before leaving to go the room to grab my shit and go. “Sammie make her leave” Tiff said. “Yo just chill, you did come up in here on that ra-ra shit”. I heard as I walked back in the kitchen to grab my liquor and my weed. “You ain’t leaving shit for me?” He asked. I shook my head. “Oh no sir you not sharing my weed and my liq with these hoes” I told him. I grabbed the keys to the jeep and slammed the door.
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 “Tyeeee!” I yelled as I ran outside. She was putting her stuff in the jeep. “Yes?” She asked with her hands on her hip. She was putting her wavy hair into a bun on top of her head. For some odd reason, the facial expression she was making was doing something to me. Got me having feelings in my heart and my dick. “I’m sorry about shorty” I said. She shrugged. “I mean she almost got killed so you probably should” She said with an attitude. I smiled at her. “You going to come to my party on Friday?” I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders again. “Depends is “Tiff” coming?” She asked. I shrugged. “Maybe” I said. She laughed. “Well then My girls and I will be wearing our mugshot best” She said putting on her shades cause the sun was blazing in her face. “Samar its hot as a witches coochie and I’m irky as hell” She stated. I nodded. “Aight fam, just hit my line, or Ima come by and see your spot” I said to her. “Cool beans go fuck your bitch” She said before hoping into the jeep, and literally backed up on high speed through my driveway. I walked back into the house and I see that Tiffany and her friend Amika, had got butt ass naked. Tiff had fixed her lace front. “So, you ready to have some fun” She asked. I hesitated because I was not expecting to smash these thots right away. I still had Tye on me from last night. “Ladies let me shower first and I will meet yall for some fun in the pool” I said. Tiff pulled out some whip cream. “Okay Sammie” I shook my head cause they not about to fuck up my Airbnb pool with some whip cream. “We can use it just not in the pool” I said. She frowned at me. “Okay baby”. She came over to me and kissed me, then Amika came over and kissed me. I honestly was not even interested in whatever they were trying to do but I was going to do just to say I did it. I went upstairs to my room turned on my music on the room speaker. “Nova cane” by Frank Ocean played again sending me flash backs of last night as I showered. If the girls kissing me aint make my dick happy, thoughts of last night did. “Fuck, no that’s like family” I told myself. I got out the shower, dried off and just walked downstairs naked cause why not. “Yall ready?” I asked. The girl’s eyes got big looking at me, and they both nodded. This was going to be a long afternoon.
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 “So, this what you look when you wake up?” Anthony said. I woke up looking around crazy. “Did we?” I asked. He shook his head laughing. “Nah, aint my steelo mami, you not that type of girl” He said. I sighed thankfully, only cause if we did have sex and it was bomb I wouldn’t remember. Sex with Marlon was okay, so I hoped the next time I would have sex I would be checking into the E.R happily. I grabbed my phone to see it was 2:17 p.m. in the afternoon. “Shit, I got to go home” I said stressed. I instantly thought about Melody. “Oh my gosh!” I panicked. Anthony got up looking at me crazy. “What’s up baby girl?” He asked confused. I rubbed my hands through my hair calling Mel but she aint answer. “What happened to Melody last night?” I asked. He shrugged. “She said she was leaving and that’s it” He said. I still had on my outfit from the barbeque and so all I needed to do was slip on my sneakers. “Anthony, I need to get home to find Mel” I said. “Ri-Ri chill did you check her location?” He asked. I quickly looked at her location and I sighed in relief that she was home, and Tye was on the way to the house, and Zion was on some Island. “Whew child I almost thought I was going to be interviewed by Crime Watch Daily being the last person to see my best friend, oh Thank you Lord Jesus” I praised. Anthony started laughing. “Im glad to be witnessing this cute little meltdown” He said. I playfully pushed him. “I love my friends okay” I said. He nodded. “I see, how about we go grab some food and I take you home aight?” He asked. I nodded.
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 “Where are we going? I don’t eat shit I aint never had Anthony!” Ariana stressed. She was a picky little something I could tell already. She wanted I hop but I knew a little spot by the beach she would love called Patsys. “Patsys?” She read as we pulled up. I laughed. “This better be bomb “she said. We could sit anywhere so we chose to sit outside. I ain’t going to lie I finesse alot of women. I get all the draws in Miami, but Ariana was a challenge. I never had much of a challenge. I was vulnerable with her so that I enjoyed. She be gone soon we go our separate ways, but we had something for a moment, and I wanted that. I wanted her if even it was only an hour of her just making me laugh. “What?” She asked looking at me. I shrugged. “I like you a lot Ariana” I said saying her name with a little accent. She blushed. “I like you to Antonio” She said smiling. “My partner told me about this pajama party popping off his weekend, I want you there” I told her. She acted like she was thinking. “Pajama parties lead to butt naked nasty nastiness” She said doing a dance. I smirked. “Yeah but we just going for the vibes” I told her. She nodded. “Aight Ima be there looking real Ariana Secretish” She said. I loved how silly she was. We ordered our food and I waited to see if she would like it. “Sooo?” I asked her. She closed her eyes. “Okay this better than Ihop and waffle house on a drunk night” She told me. I smiled. “Seeeee mami, be open” I told her. “Mmmhm you were just lucky this time” She said. “I had a goodtime last night. I enjoyed seeing your family and your abuletia, it was really nice” She said. It felt good to know she enjoyed her time. Not many girls me my Familia. “Now abuletia breakfast beats anyplace” I told her cheesing. “So, nigga why are we at Patty’s?” She asked. I laughed. “Patsy’s girl” I said. She rolled her eyes. “That’s what I said” She said smirking. After we ate, I drove her back home, and we sat in the car making out a little bit. I wanted to do soo much more, but I couldn’t do that unless she was ready, and if she wasn’t, I still be fine with that.
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 “Mel, I left this morning because I didn’t want you to wake up with regret, of last night. I do not regret any of it though. I would be lying if I aint say I do again. It has been so long since I held you, and I forgot how good you feel and smell, so do not think I just dipped on you. I love you”
 I pressed send on my phone to the message I sent Melody. I sat in my car, after I left her house. Thinking about last night. She tasted and felt so good. I even thought about waking her up to it this morning but knew her liquor guilt would probably kick in or would it. I know she want me as bad I want her. If not, then I had a challenge to win her heart. “We going to hit that margarita shop on the way to the beach?” Freddie asked. “Nah nigga lets go catch some hoes then go to beach, Yo Izzy you good?” Trey said. Trey and Freddie were my A1s since day 1. We were out here for Trey birthday. “Yeah, just in my head” I said. “Nah nigga where were you last night, who the hoe that got you in your head?” Freddie asked. “Yall chill man, shawty aint no hoe. You remember I told you I ran into Mel?” I asked. They nodded. “Ahh shit, you hit Melody?” Trey asked. I just looked at him. “Yoooo Izz, for real?” He asked again. I nodded. “I mean it’s been 6 months man, I seen her out here looking good as hell man all these feelings hit me like bullets. Shawty looking right and she still tight and I still love her man. I want her back” I said. Freddie shook his head. “This was supposed to be our weekend to fuck all the bad hoes man, you out here trying to be like a Morris Chestnut romance movie” He stressed. I shrugged. I met a couple bad hoes out here, but Melody been on my mind more than any other female. I fucked up in letting her go. “Man Fred, let him get his shorty back. Long as you slide me that Blasian girl number Izz” He told me. I smirked and sent him the number. “Maybe she going to be at the pajama party” Freddie said. I shrugged. “Maybe but we can still get lit and shit, for now Ima fall back and let her come to me” I said. We went to Margarita spot and was choppin it up with some females. Freddie and Trey wanted to take them back to our spot, but I was not with that shit. I kept thinking about Melody. Fuck it, I thought. I grabbed my keys and I dipped.
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 I woke up with a pounding headache, and dehydration. I stood up in my bed, realizing that what happened was not a dream. Isaac did come over and we had sex, and it was not bad flashbacks, I kept getting butterflies at the thought of it. Last time I had sex was with him right before our breakup. I got up to get in the shower and get myself together, when I got out, I seen I had messages from Isaac.
 “Mel, I left this morning because I didn’t want you to wake up with regret, of last night. I do not regret any of it though. I would be lying if I aint say I do again. It has been so long since I held you, and I forgot how good you feel and smell, so don’t think I just dipped on you. I love you”
 I stood by the counter reading the message repeatedly, biting my lip. I thought about texting him back, but I did not know what to say. I was embarrassed kind of. As soon as I was about to text Isaac back. I got a text from Malachi letting me know he wanted to come gets me and take me on a date. At first, I was thinking I am just blowing this off cause last night I had sex with another man, and then i am going out with another. I heard the front door shut clearing my thoughts. I got up and left my room and I see Tye come up the stairs mad as fuck. “You good?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Girl no, Samar and I had sex last night” She said. My eyes got big as hell because I was shook. She then palmed her face. I followed her into her room and sat on the bed. I was lowkey happy and confused because Samar and Tye had been best friends since Highschool and she been crushing on him for a minute, so why would she be mad. “Umm okay, wow okay so how was it, I mean I see your mad so what happened?” I asked concerned. I had a lot to share to, but my tea could wait. “We got drunk and fucked in his Airbnb kitchen and then this morning he woke up acting brand new saying it was a mistake he would never have sex with me cause I’m like his sister and it just made me disgusted, I was mad at myself I let him fuck me then tell me it was a mistake and he was disgusted by it” She stressed. I shook my head. “Then this motherfucker had two ugly big bitches come over and this bitch named Tiff tried me, girl I bought beat this bitch ass, and then I left but he came outside talking about he having a pajama party, and the bitch might be there” She snapped. “Why Samar do you like that out of all people, see all Niggas aint shit, how he fuck you then act like it was mistake clearly the attraction was there it’s just the liquor heightened it” I told her. She nodded her head. “I said the same thing and this nigga going to say I might catch feelings, like boy I been in love with you stop playing” She rolled her eyes. “Tye fuck him, test that nigga and see if he got feelings, if he jealous then he has feelings. Shit should feel different now” I told her. She nodded agreeing with what I was saying. “You right, Ima do it at the pajama party, so we gone see then” She told me.
 I sighed and took the opportunity to just say what happened to me. “Well I had drunk sex last night too” I told her. She looked at me. “Boat Owner Nigga?” She asked. I shook my head. “Girl now you know” I told her. I was different then my friends, they could sleep with someone with no strings, but I had attachment issues. Tye looked at me searching for an answer. “Who else?!” She asked. “Isaac” I told her. She almost fell off the bed. “What?!” She yelled. I nodded. “After the party with Ari and Anthony I got lit and left and Isaac hit me up so I hit him back and then he drove me home, we talked and then I got drunk again and called him back and shit went down” I said having flashbacks. She looked at my face and smirked. “You loved every bit of it” She said. I nodded. “Yeah, it was passionate, intimate you know like he missed me, he wanted me” I told her. “Sooo now what?” She asked. I shrugged. “I’m confused I don’t know Tye. I can’t just take him back off words and good dick” I stressed. She sucked her teeth at me. “He aint letting you go, he bout to be on you heavy this whole trip and when we get back” She said. I showed her the text he sent me. “Oooooh bitch, he wants that old thang back, he is coming back for good so let them niggas know it’s his” She sang. She gave my phone back and I showed her Malachi text. “Drama alert! So, what you going to go on a date after your pussy still recovering from getting your guts rearranged?” Tye asked. I slowly nodded. “I mean why should I limit myself? Plus, I do not know if Isaac is serious” I said. She nodded. “Do what you want Mel, but Isaac seems serious and we both know Isaac don’t play about you and he can get really jealous” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Isaac aint my man, I can do as I please” I told her. “Well okay Ms. Thang” She said. Maybe this would go smoothly, hopefully they do not hang around the same circles. I had Tye help me pick out some fits to wear on my date with Malachi. I honestly was not looking forward to this, but I am down to see where this goes.
 I heard the doorbell ring. I calmly walked downstairs although I was nervous as fuck, cause we agreed to meet at the beach. I opened the door revealing Isaac instead of Malachi. “Ummm?” I asked. He gave me a rose. “You were heading somewhere?” He asked. “Kind of” I said. My heart was beating. “Well cancel” He said. I was hesitant. “Yeah she’s free” Tye said behind me. I turned to her. She smirked at me. “We can just cancel, no problem. We can just Reschedule” She said, implying for me to reschedule with Malachi. “Yeah sure”. Isaac smirked and looked his lips looking fine as fuck. “Cool” He simply said. “Hold on” Tye said she grabbed me into the kitchen. She snatched my phone from my hand and started texting someone she then handed me the phone. She sent a message to Malachi. “Hi, I’m so sorry to do this but my best friend just got super drunk, I need to help her. Can we reschedule?” He replied saying. “No Problem, I understand. Gives me more time to plan the perfect night 🤪” He said. “Now go see what Isaac has planned” She simply said. I went back into foyer. He was fiddling with his hands, he pulled out some roses for me. “You always talked about wanting flowers” He said smiling. I blushed at the thought. “Thank you” I said. He held his hand out for mine, he led me to his car, and opened the door for me. “Thank you” I smiled. I was nervous especially after last night. “What made you want to do this?” I asked him when he got in. “Woke up still thinking about you, I needed to see you. Freddie and Trey wanted to kick it with these hoes, but I wasn’t with that shit” He said. “Wow I’m second option?” I joked. He sighed. “Nah, I just wanted you” He simply said. He turned on the music, “Calm Down” by A boogie started playing. He turned it up singing the chorus, and I sang along.
“Can we calm down and make love?
 Get it Poppin' in the back of your Bentley truck
 That vroom-vroom, that ooh-ooh, let's make up
 Don't know why I can't let you go wit' no one
 Nah, no one
 'Cause I don't wanna fuss and fight
 Oh baby, I wanna go ride it all night”
 “Who put you on A boogie?” He asked smirking. “You nigga duh” I said laughing.
 The weather was cooling down and the breeze was feeling nice. “Where are you taking me Isaac?” I asked. He smiled. “You going to see” He said. We pulled up at this place that was lit called “El Tucan Miami”. We parked the car and went inside the restaurant where we were seated. They had a live band playing Hispanic music, people were dancing. We ordered us a Texas Margarita pitcher. “So, tell me how you been girl?” Isaac asked. I smiled. “Well I got my own cute little apartment by camp creek, and of course my new job and still taking college classes. I recently got me a dog names Yoda; I just been living” I told him. He kept smiling. “I knew you boss up on me” He said. “I’m proud of you, I seen Tamia tag you in post and I aint seen you post nothing in a minute, I see you got your body together and your shinning. Melly I’m soo happy for you” He said. It felt good to know he seen my growth, it was one of the reasons we broke up because he felt I wasn’t growing, and he had a problem with females. You miss me?” He asked. I rolled my eyed. “Isaac, I did at first but then I got on my shit” I said. He nodded. “I miss you like crazy. Thinking about if somebody got you. Who are you sharing that big ass heart with? I cannot say I regret it cause we both had to grow. I finally got that cheating shit out my system, I stopped smoking everything” He told me. “I just feel all this is a sign” He said looking at me. “For what?” I asked knowing what he was going to say. “Us, like damn Mel. Why you so hard on a nigga?” He said to me. I looked down and smiled. “I’m not, like you left me. I begged you to stay Isaac like I don’t know what you want from me, to be the old Melody and be all over you?” I asked. He shook his head. “No, but do you still feel the same?” He asked looking me dead in my eyes. I wanted to tell him no, get up and walk out but If I told him yes what good would that do, I give up my power right? The power I finally had where the ball was in my court. “I don’t know Isaac?” I said looking down. I looked up at him smirking at me. “Then Ima just win your heart again” He shrugged. “No problem” He simply said. I looked at him smiling. “Yeah no problem” I said mimicking him. Oh, nigga this was going to be a challenge.
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 After the daycation with Kyrel, I felt kind of out of my element. “You good?” He asked as he drove me back to my Airbnb. “You been quiet” He said. I was looking outside the window. I slightly smiled. “Just tired, we had a longggg night” I told him. I was tired as fuck, Ky and I had sex all night long. This morning he brought me breakfast in bed, and he told me he might be falling for me. Instantly my get the fuck ASAP mode kicked in. Anytime a nigga caught feelings for me, it was time to Ghost, but I was scared causs for the first time in a long time I had felt the feeling I didn’t want to feel the most, and that I might be falling too fast, and I’m a boss, I don’t fall for these niggas, I give them to the streets but for Ky. I would just give him to girl that deserved him. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I feel I have no choice. This was just a fling; I have to remind myself no to get attached. We arrived back at my place, and before I got out the car quickly to get my emotions together, Kyrel grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss and just stared at me. “Zion you really pulling at my heart man. A nigga is crazy about you. I don’t want this shit to end” He said. I wanted to grab my bag and run. I sighed a little. I leaned in to kiss him again. “Just appreciate the now” I told him before getting out. “I’m call you later” He said. I grabbed my stuff as he waited for me to go into the house. Tye was on the couch watching tv and drinking wine when I walked in. “How was the night?” She asked from the living room. I dropped my bag and threw myself on the couch. “Girl my kitty hurt, I’m exhausted, and I need to get rid of Kyrel fast” I said. She looked at me crazy. “Why? He’s so sweet and charming and he is fine and infatuated with you” She said. I nodded. “That’s the problem Tye, I hit and quit, this man wants to be married by this weekend” I stressed. She smirked. “You like that boy quit playing you just scared that’s it” She said. I groaned. “Yeah, I like him a lot too but I can’t get hurt, when I leave Tye I’m going to be hurt and heartbroken cause I know it ended and I don’t know if I will find this again and I have to prepare myself before I allow that to happen ever again” I wanted to puke. “Well do what you got to do Z” She told me. “How was movie night?” I asked. Tye palmed her face. “Girl I-“She cut herself off laughing to herself a little. “What Tye?” I asked interested, I got closer to her. She looked at me. “Girl I fucked Samar” She said. I almost fell off the couch. “You said you did what?” I asked making sure I heard right. She nodded. “I keep repeating it to myself too, uhhh it was the best and worst sex of my life, it was drunkingly spontaneous, but now he feels shit awkward, he called me his sis” She chugged her wine. “Girl, he gone want to hit again with no relations soon watch, cause it pussy he aint ever had to finesse to hit” I told her. She smirked. “I’ll take that L, but when Mel gets home let her tell u the Tea she got” She said. I looked at her suspiciously. “I aint spilling tea that aint mine” She said smirking. I laughed playfully pushing her. “Okayy sis” That night I took a good long shower, Kyrel texted me but I didnt reply. I would just text him in the morning.
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ludeere · 7 years
The beginning of the end. Part 3
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The worst thing ever is living in a lie not knowing a love of your life cheated on you. 
DEAN x Reader - A
Word Count: 1624
“I’m in bath” You replied trying to hold your voice steadily, but he was trembling.
“Are you fine, babe?” You coughed trying to put yourself together, swallowing your tears.
“It’s fine”. Putting your bathrobe on you went out of the bathroom to see your boyfriend. He ran up to hug you. The pain in your stomach grew but you put your hands on his back to comfort him. 
“I missed you so  much, today was  such a messy day, we finaly recorded new colaboration and I feel relief now. I have something for you, little gurl.” you looked at him apatheticaly waiting for the truth from his mouth, but it didn’t seem to come out today. He druged out some package and gave it to you.
“Open up! “ You slightly smiled and opened a package full of jellies, chocolate candies and a pikachu trinket which you saw last week  while  window shopping. You smiled and honestly don’t know how to act, it was hard to put a happy smile on your face, but if you wanted to play hard you should act like a pro.
“Oh, Gush!!! Is that cutie pie from that shop we visited last week??? How did you know I want him???”
“I know you from your head to toe, I saw your eager eyes. Sorry I couldn’t buy it earlier, had a lot of work to do. And yet I didn’t tell about my colaboration either...” You waited patiently for those cherished words, but they won’t come out.
“It’s an American singer, she is pretty famous.” Not wanting to listen to his tales you interrupted him.
“I know.” He was kinda shook.
“But, how did you....”
“I heard rumors.” 
“Ohh, get it. There would be a release in a few days, wanna hear before the premiere?”
“Sure.” You nodded your head and took the jellies out of the box to try them. 
“I want to take you to the studio tomorrow, so you can listen the track and met somebody. “He cuddled you. It always was so pleasant when he touched you but this time you felt like choking.
“What´s wrong, hon?” He looked into your eyes  with worry and guilty.
“No, it’s nothing, I just a little bit tired today. I should go have some rest.”
“Are you mad at me??? I can see that something is going on, can you just tell me, cause it feel suck to see you like this”
“I was mad cause you didn’t come to dinner, I wanted to celebrate getting my new job, but you kinda fucked up, Dean. But it’s allright now, I’m not mad, I just need some sleep. If you didn’t have your supper, but I really doubt it, you can find it in a fridge. Go and help yourself.” 
“Babe, please I’m  sorry, I’m really sorry. I hate when you  call me Dean, I felt like I really fucked up.” He grabed your hand and pressed it to his face. You hated yourself cause you still loved him, his smile, sweet voice and his eyes. But it doesn’t matter because you were not going to forgive him  what he did.
“God damn, Hyuk. Get you ass to the kitchen. “ You pulled him to the kitchen. *It’s gonna be our last dinner” You said to yourself. When opened the fridge you suddenly remembered that half of all the food you left in a trash bin near the studio. 
“That’s all we have for today.” You put half of chiken on a plate, some salad potatoes and egg rolls. “I gave the rest to the neighbour.” You replied whitout his question.
“Why did you do that?” 
“He helped me to fix the sink, that’s why.” He looked at the sink to examine it and continued to eat.
“I’m gonna be upstairs.” You left him alone and went straight to the bedroom, there was something you wanted to do so you took you phone and opened your conversation with Crush.
“You knew everything, didn’t you?”
“What do you mean, Y/N?”
“Oh, God stop acting like mister “ I don’t know nothing. Just tell me!”
“So you saw them?”
“Yeah, and you know that I was going to see this shit and you didn’t even stop me!”
“I thought that they have already finished their staff”
“Fuckk, Hyoseob, you are fucking asshole. So you wanna tell that if i didn’t come that night, you wouldn’t even tell me, and you would let me  live with that cheater??? I hate you, you were my closest friend, I thought you were. “
“No, no, noooo, Y/N. Just listen, it’s not like this. Yeah it’s true that I didn’t want you to see this, but I would told you after. I fucking love you and I don’t want somebody hurt you.”
“You WHAT???”
“ I LOVE YOU, Y/N. God damn, didn’t you see? Can we met right now? I have a lot to say you.”
“No, not now, I’m going to rest. DOn’t you even think to tell Dean, that I saw him, or I’ll never talk to you.”
“Is he at home right now? Are you allright?”
“Yes and no, I’m not. Talk to you later, I need to figure out what should I do next.”
You put your phone aside and tried to sleep. It wasn’t hard for you, beccause your body and mind felt exhausted. You didn’t even hear when  Hyuk sneaked to bed pulling you closer to his body. 
  Waking up early you felt a pain that ran through your body, Hyuk was already having his breakfast.
“Good morning, girl. Are you ready for today?” You wasn’t exactly ready to meet that hoe, but you nodded your head. “So, I’ll wait to you in the studio” He smiled and left a kiss on your cheek. 
  When you were all dressed up, you already had a plan in your head. Without fights and screams. You are not that kind who would disgrace him in front of his friends and colleague. You were going to do it quiet. Before going to the studio you went to a coffee shop, you knew that there would be Jiho hyung and Crush for sure and how to forget the future girlfriend of your boyfriend, so you took five cups of coffee and and prepared to fight your feelings back.
  “Ayooooo, Z-z-i-c-o!!! Haven’t seen you for ages.” You huged him and gave his cup of coffee. Then you made an eye contact with Hyoseob.
“It’s your’s, hyung.” You laughed and turned your head to Dean, who was discussing something with a blondy from last night. Your blood boiled, but you trynna keep it cool. Crush grabed your hand and squeezed it slightly. 
“Y/N, you are here.” He stood up and introduced you two, you shook her hand and stayed stiil. *Are you fucking kidding me, Dean. You just introduced me to the girl you cheated on me with. You are fucking bastard.* You thought while listening to his new song. You loved his music and voice, but this time you didn’t even catch the song, you were too into yourself to listen to something else except your inner voice. You looked at Jiho, he was kinda worried, but you didn’t think  he knew something. The music stopped and you woke up from your thoughts.
“It’s good!! I definitely like it.” You smiled as bright as your pain allowed you. Dean huged you and wanted to kiss you but you turned your head. You couldn’t allowed him to make a fool of you in front of that bitch.So you just giggled to make things simplier.
“I’m sorry guys, I need to leave you now, got a lot of work to do. I just got a new job, so I want to prepare myself.”
“I’ll drive you back.” Dean took your hand. 
“There is no need, Hyuk. I can do it by myself, it’s fine” You took you hand out of his, the silence that stood like a clot was killing you.
“What’s wrong with you guys today???” Dean turned to Jiho who just hide his face behind his hand. In the corner of you heart you felt like Jiho knew everything, and you wanted to leave before he just burst out.
“See you around, boys!”You left the studio quickly and get a taxi. You must to get out of that house before Jiho would tell Dean that I know. 
  Having packed almost everything your staff with tears on you eyes you just left the house. Going straight to your friends house. You chose the most distant one, that one who met Hyuk just once. The worst thing was that you were ready to forgive him if he told you that himself, but he didn’t. Without any regret you texted him the last time ever.
“Kwon Hyuk, I’m grateful to you for always being there for me, in my hard time, when I had health issues you stayed in the studio, feeding me with your texts, thank you for treating me like the last person in your life, I’m thankfull that you made all my dreams come true. And I’m really sorry for treating you like a trash, and always being there for you when you needed me, I shouldn’t have done all that shit, maybe then you wouldn’t be cheating on me.” 
“Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU AT??????!”
“I can’t  find any of your staff here? Bae, just let me explain everything. I need to talk to you.
“You are not gonna leave me, aren’t you? I’m begging you, just please listen to me.”
“Pick the damn phone, honey. Don’t do this to me. I need you.”
“I don’t wana lose you”
*You already done it.*
Part 2 -> Part 4
a/n thank you for inspiration and thanks @jaxonah for idea)))
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