#she’s also chill with my queer identity
claypotz · 1 year
I love hanging out in my fave teacher’s room after school she always offers some great advice like you don’t have to get married to find close companionship or don’t get a tattoo as soon as you turn 18
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and now it's time to play WOULD GRAVITY FALLS CHARACTERS RESPECT YOUR PRONOUNS (pre-weirdmageddon) (non gravity falls fans take this as a sign.)
DIPPER PINES - not sure he'd understand the concept immediately, but would catch on quick because he understands what it's like not being called something you want to be called
MABEL PINES - YES. no question about it. there's so many things i could say here. she'd correct herself for THINKING the wrong pronouns.
STANLEY PINES - understands and correctly genders you for all the wrong, crime-related reasons! bro is the king of preferred names. you say "hey i'm actually exam/ple" and he'll be like "AH. I GET IT. WINK. DO YOU ALSO WANT TO BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE COPS ARE IN TOWN" like i cant overstate this. if you say hey i want to change my identity he will pull out a stack of fake IDs and have you pick one. he's a little confused but he got the spirit!
STANFORD PINES - if you ever need a guy to not grasp a modern-day concept, call this guy! he'd do his best, but only because he wants to be nice. he does Not understand. give him a little bit of systematic exposure and he'll get it! he will take a scientific approach! but he'll get it! somebody get this man 2024ccs of woke liberalism stat
SOOS RAMIREZ - calls you dude and bro. does not call you anything but dude and bro. he knows what you are and he respects that! but let's be real honest here.
WENDY CORDUROY - incredibly supportive and super chill. if you were still in the closet, she'd do the mouth zip motion thing. you get it. she's so awesome about you
WADDLES - oink?
GIDEON GLEEFUL - yes to your face! no behind closed doors. he'd probably call you "that queer" while villain monologuing in his room . i can hear it in his voice
BUD GLEEFUL - THE gravity falls homophobic youth pastor let's be for real he'd say "it's not too late to turn to God" as a christian trans person i'm pretty sure God thinks about lgbtq+ kids and fraudulent capitalists on two separate ends of a very long line
SHERIFF BLUBS & DEPUTY DURLAND - do i even have to say it. i'm gonna say it. solid top and DEAD SERIOUS bottom. they ARE the loud and proud gravity falls lgbtq+ community. if they're transphobic i'll eat my socks.
CANDY CHIU - i know what you guys are thinking . "oh candy's so sweet of course she'd respect your pronouns!" CANDY MOTHERFUCKING CHIU WILL NOT ONLY RESPECT YOUR PRONOUNS, BUT SHE WILL GO OUT OF HER WAY TO USE THEM AT ANY POSSIBLE MOMENT. if she sees somewhere to say your pronouns, she will DO it. because she LOVES YOU. and also she'd fight anyone who gets it wrong!
GRENDA GRENDINATOR - trans. she loves you. will help candy fight anybody who gets your pronouns wrong.
FIDDLEFORD MCGUCKET - honestly this is a hard one. he could ACKNOWLEDGE! your pronouns! but other than that i'm not sure. pre-memory wipe, i think he'd feel a little weird about it, but it would become nothing to him eventually
PACIFICA NORTHWEST - "ew. what the fuck." and then suddenly she's asking you how you figured that out. For No Reason
ROBBIE VALENTINO - calls you a faggot. is it because he is homophobic? because he is one? because he hates you specifically? the world will never know
BLENDIN BLANDIN - he lives in the year 207̃012. i find it hard to believe they haven't made respecting pronouns mandatory yet.
AGENTS POWERS & TRIGGER - are the pronouns on your legal documents????? it's not funny stop laughign
TYLER CUTEBIKER - gay. his pronouns are get/it. he will respect you (in his own ways)
LAZY SUSAN - forgets you had the wrong pronouns in the first place. she respects you by default
TIME BABY - does not refer to you
BILL CIPHER - he would call you your preferred pronouns but DON'T get it twisted. he does not respect you as a living thing. it isn't bigoted (that would be ironic considering that whole sixer thing) he just doesn't. maybe he'd make HEAVY fun of you for good measure but he's got to dig at somebody somehow. also were pronouns even real in his dimension anything could happen man ????
SHMEBULOCK - shmebulock
(did i forget anybody? let me know)
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ghouldump · 2 months
Hiiiii I absolutely love your work thanks for feeding us with iwtv content!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️
I was thinking of a lestat x bi/queer fem reader, in which they’re just cuddling and chilling as they share their past experiences with lovers with no judgement and how they both came to terms with their sexuality, just something very fluffy!
That’s just a suggestion in case you needed ideas, don’t feel pressured at all! Have a great day🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
As You Are | Lestat De Lioncourt x Reader
ෆ summary in request above ^
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“You sure you okay, ma chérie, you've been awfully quiet, Lestat said, his fingertips brushing against your hip.
It was one of those rare nights, after hunting, there was nothing else to do but to spend time with each other. You both spent decades without companionship, drowning in loneliness, before meeting each other and now you treasured quality time together.
“I’m okay, today is an old friend's birthday, and I can't help thinking of her,” you told him, climbing out of bed, you grabbed the folded photo from inside of your coin purse.
“You two are a little close be friends,” he said, making you laugh.
“She said people would say that,” you smiled, folding the photo back up.
“You’ve been with a woman, this friend of yours,” he quickly realized.
“Yes, you aren't the only one who doesn't discriminate,” you laughed at how theatrical he was. Lestat had been open about his diverse tastes and history, while you were oftentimes a closed book, listening to his stories, rather than telling your own.
“How did I not know this?”
“I guess it slipped my mind, I don't talk about it, I've learned things and healed, and have no regrets,” you shrugged.
“You cannot tell me that and not elaborate…”
“Well, early 1900s, I had obviously just been turned, I tried dating around for a bit, but nothing worked out, until Helen. I always felt things towards women, but you know how things were back then, I couldn't dare express these feelings to anyone. I probably would've gotten a lobotomy,” you said, making him snicker.
“I realized if I would be here forever, I needed to come to terms with myself. Helen lived in the same apartment building, and I, of course, began to flirt with her. She was like I once was, hiding her true identity, afraid of judgment from outsiders. We were together for some time, in secret. I eventually wanted to turn her, but she was too afraid, blinded by her own internal conflict. We ultimately parted, and she went on with her life. I didn't hear from her again, until I was invited to her funeral, by her children,” you told him, he listened attentively, his softened eyes staring at your face, as he held you close.
“Oh, ma chérie”
“For the longest, I struggled with accepting who I was, questioning what was wrong with me, but I eventually could see myself healing, as time went on. I dated a few others, but none could capture my heart like her, I wouldn't allow myself to fully enjoy and give in until I met you,” you smiled, pecking his lips.
“I thought I wasn't able to love again, after my Nicky, until you came along, and I suppose things worked out perfectly,” he said, his finger brushing against your face.
“We’re one and the same”
“I agree, although it does make things more interesting knowing you also have equally eclectic taste, we’ll have to explore this scandalous side of you,” he grinned.
“What did you have in mind?” you asked, laughing at the mischievous grin on his lips.
“Nothing, for now, I just want to love you, completely and unconditionally, as you are,” he snuggled against you.
“Yes, we can invite someone except not that banchy-singing whore,” you said, hearing his thoughts, questioning if you would be open to a third joining you two in bed, from time to time.
“Thank god, I thought I would have had to beg,” he said, wrapping his arms around you, as he rolled over.
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ch4liz4rd-jpeg · 1 year
i wanna speak to the void abt gwens universe's colour symbolism and how it links to trans identity so here it is, feel free to read
the colours used in gwens universe - primarily in interactions with her dad are pinkish and bluish tones. the animators used pink as a way to show honesty, candidness and openness expressed, whilst the blue served to show isolation and dishonesty. ill discuss why i think so below
in the scene where gwen returns home after quitting the band, gwen is coloured in blue tones.
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shes hiding her identity as spiderwoman from her dad and isolating herself in her room.
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her dad tries to open up and talk to her about the case, hence the warm/orangey tones. but gwen remains blue, shutting him out. but when they hug, gwen is more purplish, showing a hint of her opening up.
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the other scene i think is especially significant with her colour symbolism is the confrontation after the guggenheim sequence.
when gwen comes out as spiderwoman, the colours start to shift.
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gwen is now candid, shes come out to her dad and is trying to make him listen and understand her. but just like gwens blues became pinks, george's pinks shift to blue.
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the last image in this set is actually so chilling, the fear in his eyes hurt me deeply 💀 anyway
george hides behind his cop persona, avoiding and isolating from gwens confession to him, which is supported by the colour used to portray him.
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all of this builds to what i think theyre trying to say about gwen being transgender. the typical gender to colour association is pink girl and blue boy. the choice of colour is deliberate here as much as it usually is with the spiderverse team. why use these two colours in this specific way? a lot of people who dont think gwen is a trans girl will say "well those two colours dont have to represent trans identity" they dont, but the details say that the spiderverse team (once again) is intentionally using them to talk about trans identity and coming out.
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i think that by putting the "protect trans kids" poster in gwens room, and the trans flag patch on officer stacy's jacket show that theyre not just randomly picking the colours, but that they made the conscious choice for the boy associated colour - blue - to show hiding and isolation. whilst pink is about honesty and openness whilst being the girl associated colour. i think that the use of these colours in this way is saying that gwen is a trans woman.
and if ur still not convinced well
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i havent even talked about the DIALOGUE in this movie and how trans it is. her arc (and miles' arc) across the two movies is such a queer coded story. "can i tell my dad, will he approve of me? will he still love me the same?" like it couldnt be more obvious. someone also mentioned somewhere that the side shave is also significant? like when she has the long hair facing toward the viewers its the same as the pink being used to show honesty and linked to femininity, and the short side almost like a masc haircut and being of the opposite meaning when its facing the audience. idk abt that one but its an interesting thought! that as well as her like having the same shoe size as hobie even tho that man is so fucking tall - yk this cuz her chucks are stated to be his.
anyways if u got that far, thanks???
and if u still deny that gwen is trans then idk what to say, u prob hate trans ppl
gwen is trans, they dont need to explicitly say it inorder for it to be true, just bc they didnt say gwen is trans, or miles is somehow queer, or hobie is gender non conformist, doesnt mean theyre cishet.
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anistarrose · 5 months
A while ago I saw a post that started out wishing Lilith's aroace identity got addressed onscreen, and I was like "yeah I totally agree, a voice acted stream reveal is many steps above 'some writer tweeting it after the show ends' but it would've still been far more exuberant and impactful to see it in the show." But then OP continued by saying there's nothing in Lilith's arc that reflects aromantic experiences, and look, I'm biased as the Lilith icon person, but like. Your experiences are not universal.
And... that's okay! My experiences aren't universal either. But as an aroace, I do have to say: Lilith does reflects one type of aroace experience, and that's the chronically ill aroace experience in particular.
It's the way that she's an adult who needs care from others, but first moves back in with her sister, and then moves back in with her parents, instead of moving in with or seeking out a romantic partner.
It's the way she grapples with independence and individualism, struggling to unravel "what she wants" from "what she needs in terms of support" and from "what society revolving around the Emperor's Coven has tricked her into conflating with self-worth".
It's the way she looks at her reflection and asks: "Am I broken?"
Not all aroaces are disabled and chronically ill. Not all aroaces have (or want) intense platonic friendships or close sibling relationships, and not are able to heal from trauma by living with their family. These are all arguments for more variety in aroace representation, to say nothing of a-spec representation as a whole — that just doesn't mean aroace characters with these traits don't represent anyone.
And this is also a chance to touch on a distinction that I feel isn't drawn often enough when talking about queer subtext of any form: I don't think Lilith, if you're only looking at the show itself, is a strongly or undeniably aroace-coded character. But she's absolutely a character whose arc is enhanced upon learning that she's aroace.
So don't get me wrong: I would like more than this. Lilith is like a baby step in terms of a-spec representation in animation — a meaningful step, but a small one. But for a series where each season except the first was heavily impacted (read: compressed) by the cancellation, and the unaffected first season was also the only one Lilith spent as an extremely polarizing villain, you can see how the crew could've gone in with extremely conscientious intentions and wound up having to make a tough call, right?
I don't even necessarily think they made the right call, I'm just willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they tried. It feels like they put more than just some performative 30 seconds of thought into imagining how a disabled aroace with serious self-worth issues would interact with the world and improve herself — or, at least realized after some experience writing Lilith that being aroace fit her, and let that inform much of her Season 2 arc.
Like, maybe I'm personally extra desperate for disabled a-specs in media, but honestly? Lilith is a well-written one in all aspects but the lack of an onscreen "I've never felt attraction to someone" — and you don't have to agree with me, but I'll die on the hill that that all counts for something.
No hate to OP — if you know what post I'm vagueing about, be chill and normal about it, please. It's fine for some people not to feel represented, and put their thoughts out there — but it also seems that I, as a person who feels very represented, should put out some of my own thoughts for balance.
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aroaceleovaldez · 8 months
hey! hope this isn't weird but i wanted to know why you think artemis wasn't up to standards even in the original pjo series. you reblogged from me and so i had front row to your tags on the post about zeus jaja i've not seen people talk a lot about her and it got me interested as i'm a classics student!
- @zoebelladona 🌙
HELLO OH BOY okay so I have half a rant already about Artemis in terms of Rick and general aphobic tropes in the series. see: that open letter on twitter. i still need to transfer that to tumblr. fun fact: Rick replied to that post but deleted his reply at some point. probably because two replies after he replied to my post and word-of-god confirmed Reyna to be ace-coded he left social media for a bit.
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Fun times! Anyways.
The thing I dislike about Artemis as she's depicted in the series, besides her constantly appearing as a teenager and the aphobic tropes with that [see: open letter linked above] - which on some level is slightly more excusable than other examples given she's a goddess of young women, but given how he writes Athena, Hestia, and the Hunt instead leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and other similar aphobic tropes with her, is her whole weird anti-men thing (which is also, in itself, also an aphobic trope in this particular circumstance). I understand TTC was written in 2007 so that flavor of radical feminism that Artemis and the Hunt is clearly supposed to be was only just coming into major public awareness and the flaws in the ideology (and the inherent bigotry, particularly transphobia and racism that often comes with it) weren't as well recognized at the time. But in hindsight it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth for obvious reasons and is one of the things from the first series that severely aged poorly in my opinion, and I greatly dislike that in every subsequent retcon of the Hunt for other reasons Rick more or less retains that aspect.
Secondly... it doesn't make sense from a mythological standpoint? Because there are multiple examples of men being Hunters in Artemis' retinue. Even ignoring Orion, no matter how you go about shaking that stick (which for the record I really dislike how Rick retconned him in the series/wrote him in HoO), Hippolytus is a very notable example. Literally his big whole original shtick was he joined the Hunt because he didn't like romance and Aphrodite got so pissed about him not needing her (romance) that she killed him. And even when Aphrodite was trying to ruin his life he held on to his virtues and vow to Artemis (refusing advances even when his life was on the line). He is otherwise totally chill and devoted to Artemis. Some versions of his myth has Artemis have him resurrected after he dies (by Asclepius, which is why Asclepius is punished for reviving the dead). This also obviously doesn't address the major glaring logical flaw in Artemis hating all men which is... Apollo. Especially within the series he seems to be an exception for no reason, despite Artemis also very overtly having a "brothers are not an exception to the no-men rule." And from a modern queer standpoint, it obviously begs the question of stuff like gender identity within the Hunt and if you bring back the radfem stuff it gets real bad vibes real fast. Which also sucks when you particularly look at historical/mythological descriptions of Apollo and Artemis and how they very poignantly encompass defying gender roles and expectations particularly within their cultural contexts.
And every time Rick tries to retcon the Hunt, he somehow manages to make it kind of worse, particularly with the oath. I have a whole personal thing for how I think to best rectify all that nonsense in a way that isn't horrible and is related to some of Artemis' aspects in a more sensible way (buried somewhere in this monster of a post. Honestly i'd just recommend ctrl + f search "Hunters" on that post and it should be somewhere near the first ping there). In there I also go into some of my other thoughts for the general meh way the Hunt is written in the series, mostly being aphobic tropes and random death fodder.
So yeah. Basically, tl;dr: I am personally not a huge fan of how Artemis in the series is halfway to being a terf and chock-full of aphobic tropes. And I need Rick to stop retconning things into the ground.
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
Benlie: Why I love these two
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A lot of people in the Ben 10 fandom don’t really like this ship these days. Even back when UAF was airing, most were gushing over Gwevin and there was very little Benlie content like AMVs, fanfics or fanart. Many view Julie as a bland character and while she could have been fleshed out more, I think that’s a bit unfair as well as the idea of her being controlling, toxic or abusive. On the flip side are those that view Ben as a misogynistic incel who only saved Jennifer, Elena and Eunice to get in their pants, when he did care a lot more about Julie than some say. I am aware that there are overzealous stans who treat Benlie like the greatest romance in history and usually do it to drag down Omniverse, but many of us who still ship or enjoy it do so because we wish it could have been done better.
I like these two as a couple, partially because they’re a nice contrast to Gwen and Kevin. Gwevin was the “bad boy and smart girl” opposites attract, angst filled romance people loved. Ben and Julie by contrast are people with similar interests and personalities like Sumo Slammers, horror movies, sports and can be pretty headstrong while having a more compassionate side. Both also used “you’re not a monster, you’re better than this” to get the Dragon/Ship to come to their senses, ironically both incidents involved the Forever Knights. Friends to lovers can be overused or cliche but it can also be wholesome.
One other thing I love about these two is how they bounce off each other. Julie is someone besides Gwen who can remind Ben that there’s more to life besides being a hero, something the original Ben 10,000 struggled with and who pushes him to reign in his jerkass tendencies. Sort of like Robin and Starfire in Teen Titans. She brings out the best in him and he is aware that he’s not a great boyfriend, but he does better than most give him credit for. No hate to Benkai fans but they really brought out the worst in each other while Julie got the short end of the stick from the writers.
I also really like how she’s the one that saved him from being corrupted by the power of Dagon, keeping him from letting the power go to his head which is a nice parallel to Azmuth and Zenith. She was kind of the fourth member of the team before Rook, having helped Ben during Big Chill’s pregnancy, and helping stop the Highbreed war, Ultimate Kevin’s rampage and Ben from abusing the power of Ascalon. She also saved him twice from Elena and as well as when he got his hand cut off and was trapped in the Null Void and reassured him when his identity was leaked.
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As stated above, many of us Benlie fans ship it because of its missed potential. The show should have really fleshed out their parents more as we never see them interact and Julie’s dad was shown to hate Ben in his only appearance. Julie could have staged an intervention with Carl and Sandra after the Ultimate Kevin incident and over their concerns about Ben’s fame as that arc needed more consequences. I think Julie would also have been fun to see interacting with Rook as well as the other characters Omniverse introduced.
One other reason I really like Benlie is it has a similar vibe to some of my other favorite ships like Hodaka x Hina or Connverse and it feels very animesque, which makes since as the series is quite similar to a magical girl anime. They genuinely care about each other despite their ups and downs and have a very cute vibe. I headcanon both as bisexual or biromantic given Ben’s “crush” on Nemesis and his interactions with Rook, Rex and Kevin. Julie also seems a bit queer, coming from a strict family, keeping secrets like Ship and slowly breaking out of her shell, realizing what she wants out of life.
People use them arguing or Ben screwing up as a reason it was toxic but I like seeing characters work out their issues and succeeding. They got together in AF and were fairly stable. Then conflicts arose in UA when Ben became famous and Julie began her own career in tennis, but they appear to have reconciled by the finale. Then OV could have had them as partners with Rook, having worked out their issues. Regardless of whether you like them as a couple, fans can all agree that Julie deserved better from the writers and isn’t as bad as the fandom makes her out to be. I’m aware that they were not a perfect romance but they don’t need to be for people to like them.
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c-kiddo · 2 months
Im curious as to your opinion, because as much as I love media with characters that start the series understanding their queer identity, I absolutely ADORE media that allows a character to experiment with their own identity as the series progresses until finally discovering themselves. My question is, where would you place tgirl Cad's discovery/realization in the events of the campaign or epilogue? Whether its thematically fitting with canon events, or perhaps something implied or entirely new and fan-written.
ouhh yes i agree so much. theres so much love in a character who (perhaps isnt even particularly unhappy as they are) discovering a gender or way of dressing later on that makes them extra happy. so, yea, sort of when i write it about it in fics (the drawings are just the characters hanging out usually so i dont tend to think abt when its set, but maybe i should, like add the post campaign scars n stuff i give cad lol) its post-campaign. its just v much for fun, regardless of any evidence at all in tha text. i especially love the idea of post campaign when everyones chilling out a bit more, maybe theres more time to think.. (post campaign also 2 me cad is also realising oh shit ... .shes disabled as shit. getting out of bed is a lot of work) and so shes visiting jester (like in my fic), relaxing and hanging out by the sea and in that quiet is like, oh huh.. femininity is nice . this is interesting and exciting
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Have any of ya'll ever gone to a pride parade/event? Does hatchetfield even have those? If so, what was the reason that you went? :]
(Just a silly question because why not ^.^)
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Ruth: DUDE THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION! Yessss! I've been to pride parades AND events! I've met some lovely people there!! I had NO idea Hatchetfield had that many queers either!! But it made me feel a little less alone! Definitely recommend going if you can and feel safe too!! :D
Pete: *rubbing his neck, smiling shyly* Yeah, I went with Ruth, I wanted to make sure she felt supported and, honestly, it's an important cause. I like to do things to make people feel safe and appreciated. Plus, rainbows are high-class!
(his room is filled with pride merch, he squealed when he found a rainbow bowtie. would wear it to school if he wasn't terrified of Max)
Steph: Uh, yeah, I've been to some queer events, they're super chill and I'm pan so I love the vibe. *raises her voice and calls out over her shoulder* Plus it pisses my DAD off! So win win.
Richie: *grips his sleeve nervously* u-uh, y-yeah! I...I like going to stuff like that...there's heaps of anime fans and they always have the best headcanons...i'm...not sure if i'm *clears throat nervously* uh....y'know...but i think i might be...
(has spent HOURS taking 'am i gay?' 'am i trans?' quizzes at obscene hours of the morning)
Max: *smiles weakly* Yeah, uh...I've...been to pride.
Whaaaat? Just 'cos I bully people doesn't mean I'm a homophone...plus, it...*sighs* it makes my siblings happy, alright?
(closeted bi, has absolutely ZERO clue)
Grace: *eyes widen* What? No! Why would you think I'd be at pride events? What makes you....d-did Ruth say that? I told her never to mention-
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// i do have my own headcanons about the pronouns / sexualities and gender identities of the characters, which i'm more than happy to expand on, but i also want to keep it as open as possible. i don't want anyone to feel like their visions for the characters aren't supported here! feel free to ask more <3 also the max typo is INTENTIONAL // // thank you to @strangergraphics for the special edition pride dividers! i'll be using these for any queer/ lgtbqia+ / pride-related posts because we, my darling bby queers, deserve to be celebrated always 🫶🏻🌈✨ //
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aita for lying to my family about my friends/what i do online/etc?
i (16NB) have been lying to my family for the past 3 years and it’s been weighing on me a lot but i really don’t see a way out. 3 years ago, i decided to make a tumblr just to send an author i liked an ask. i didn’t ask my parents for permission bc i was scared they would say no and i didn’t think it was going to be a good thing. things kind of spiraled from there, though, and now they majority of my close friends are online friends.
i’d like to think i do a good job of maintaining online safety—i don’t give out my age or my real name on my tumblr, the most about my location i’ll mention is the state i live in (which is a big state at that), etc. my friend who do know my real name etc are ones i’ve known for years and have facetimed and talked to and undeniably trust them with my life. so internet safety isn’t really a concern for me, i can manage that on my own.
a lot of the time my mom will ask me who i’m talking to and i’ll lie, if they ask me if i have any social media i’ll say no, etc. my older sisters both know i’m lying about SOMETHING and have tried to interrogate me about it before, but didn’t super succeed. the other thing is, my dad is very homophobic. not homophobic enough that i would fear for my physical safety if i came out, but enough that i would very much worry for my mental health. my mom is a little homophobic, but she mostly has the mentality of “it’s not my problem what other people do.” my sisters would both be chill with it, but i’m worried word would travel from them to my parents.
so that’s the first reason i don’t think i can tell my parents—there’s no way for me to tell them about my online identity without also finding out that i’m queer. the second thing is that, like i mentioned before, my closest friends are online. i do have a support system in person, thankfully, but i don’t trust them half as much or connect with them nearly as much. i legitimately don’t know what i would do without my friends, and also, i know how much it would hurt THEM if i was just to suddenly disappear, or even leave with warning.
overall, aita? i don’t know how to tell my parents “hey, so your daughter who you love has been outright lying to you on an almost daily basis for the past 3 years”, but i’m also terrified they’ll find out on their own and that would be even worse. i don’t like that my only options are to keep lying or to potentially lose contact with my friends (which i’m not at all willing to risk), but like….. what then? i’m kind of vaguely planning to wait until college and then introduce them as my friends, but i have no clue how well that would go either. aita?
What are these acronyms?
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gracechasitysleftshoe · 4 months
I really wish people with public presences were given more space to be ambiguous and/or come out in their own time, or to just be private! Like yes we've seen some things, yes there is a good chance we will at some point or another see Angela come out as some flavour(s) of queer but if she does it should be on her own terms.
Like rpf is one thing, key word being fiction and remaining grounded in it being just that. Do I have my own private thoughts and feelings about it? Yeah. Just like I did before Kristen Stewart and Elliot Page came out, the first time (which maybe makes me sound ancient in Internet years, I've been around this block a few times, I've known I'm queer for 13 years, and I think about this a lot.) And like many it's because I look up to these people, I see myself in them or find them attractive. It makes it easy to project, especially when I myself have found so much freedom and empowerment in being very open and vocal about my queerness. But I have to imagine that feeling aware of external assumptions and pressures coming from the internet would really undercut that sense of freedom and empowerment.
Let's just ground ourselves in the fact that no matter how public someone makes their personality, they're still a normal vulnerable person like the rest of us. Just remember how private and vulnerable your own experiences in coming to terms with your own identity were. How it did or would've felt to have others assumptions added to the mix on top of your own processing. Like be excited when she does gay roles or what have you, but that can be done without placing labels, also a deep breath and just a little chill goes a long way. If she comes out that'll be the time to shower her with support, and I know we will good and well, but in the meantime, patience.
Honestly I could write a whole essay on this in a broader sense but it's Angela on my mind and this is a smosh/starkid blog
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ayeeedomino · 5 months
Ateez 9th member
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How would the guys react to Roux coming out
Roux was not scared of how they would react, no, she knew that despite anything they would support her. But after the controversy blew up, she was more scared it could taint the group’s image, or ruin their reputation. So because of that, she decided to tell each of the members the truth. If the world couldn’t know the truth yet, at least her closest friends, her family could.
Hongjoong: At one of the nights the two of you were on the studio, you thought it was finally the time to tell him. As the leader, he feels responsible to all of his members, so he would first offer wise words of wisdom and reassurance, emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself and expressing support for Roux. He would reaffirm that there’s nothing wrong with her and that it’s fine being who she is, that she shouldn’t worry about the public’s reception, that she should focus on being herself and continue as she is. But sadly he would have to have a down to earth conversation that she should be cautious, like a worried dad would be, not because of how might affect the group, but how it could put her in danger.
Mingi: After a dance practice for a speacial stage, as they both were catching some breath, she told him. He instantly said that everything would be fine, similar to Hongjoong, and said he thought she was very brave for being herself despite everything. To not make the topic heavy, he carried on normally, but making sure to make her feel comfortable with herself.
Yunho: They were walking by a lake, late at night, and when they stopped to look at the stars, she said to him. His first answer was give Roux a big hug, showing his affection and support. He expressed how proud he is of her for being brave enough to share her identity with him, and was more than happy to share this new chapter of her story with Roux.
Yeosang: As they were making dinner, Roux just simply threw a “Oh, have you seen the rumours?” And he was like “Yes, I did.”, she simply said “they are true.” Yeosang would be quiet for a while before offering her quiet support and understanding to Roux. He sat down and expressed that although he might not be as loud, he still is happy for her and wishes her the best.
San: One of these days, Roux was accompanying San on his workout at the gym. He would actually be the one who started the conversation by asking how she was doing after this scandal. Roux would say she was fine and that she wished people would be more chill about having queer kpop idols like herself. It would take a hot minute for San to understand but then he would give her a big smile and become really enthusiastic in his support for Roux, expressing his excitement at getting to know her more deeply. He would also start asking her question, always making sure she isn’t uncomfortable with them, because he is genuinely curious.
Seonghwa: It was a bad day for Roux actually. She was deep in her room thinking about her ex and how now she would end up alone because being an idol and lesbian would be hard. Seonghwa heard her crying and knocked on her door and asked to come in. As he sat down beside her, he offered to listen, as always, to whatever was bothering her. As she told him everything, he would make sure she knows that he's there for her to talk to and that her identity doesn't change how much he cares about her. As I mentioned on my previous post, Seinghwa is like a mother to her, so he would go to hell and back to defend her. At the end he offered some of the cookies he was baking.
Wooyoung: Woo and Roux are very close. Between all the members, they are the closest to each other, said that, he knows every little thing about her. They were watching tv, when a lesbian couple appeared. As Roux began to talk, Wooyoung simply said: “What? Are you about to tell me you are a lesbian? Girl as if I didn’t know….your gay ass would CONSTANTLY talk about how hot you think Renee Rapp is, or how insanely hot Ryujin is on stage, or daydreaming about living in a farm with a woman even though you hate bugs. I don’t know who you think you are fooling, but it ain’t me.” and would give that classic smile. He would start making a lot of jokes but Roux know that Wooyoung means good, and that’s his way of saying that everything is fine and that he loves her in any way.
Jongho: They were talking about something work related, when the topic died she thought it would be best to come clean with all of the members, so she just said to him that’s she’s a lesbian. Jongho just looked at her and said “Okay”. Now, Roux didn’t know what she was expecting, but that answer was not what she thought. So she would simply mind her business and continue with her day. Later that day, Jongho sent her a message:
“I’m sorry if my answer felt odd is just that it’s literally okay? 😀 Like if you were a dinosaur, you would still be the talented, amazing, funny and caring friend that you are. I hope you know that I support you and that you are always welcome to talk to me. Now I’m at that noodle shop you love, would you want some?”
“Omg I love u, u are the best, now bring them noodles home!! 🫡
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doppel-dean-er · 5 months
How do you think the study group would react to transfem Abed?
I may not be the best person to ask this because i've never had to come out to like a group of friends or anything but I shall do my best. Here is:
a journey back to my old post format (but with much less parentheticals (i'm lying I promise))
Abed: happy. she'd be happy.
Britta: WAY too supportive. which, you know, isn't technically a bad thing but she just doesn't know when to chill out sometimes. she's like yeah!! feminism!!! which is great, but she's also screaming and Abed wants to just Be
Shirley: hesitant at FIRST. but then she looked into it, asked some questions, and was more accepting. she took the stance of "if any of my kids were like this too, I want them to be safe with me" like how she is with queer people in general
Jeff: initially, a little confused. I think Jeff would take more of a step back for the first little while like maybe a day or two but then of course extend his own congratulations. the pull back isn't because of transphobia, no no no. it's because Jeff is too busy thinking you can do that? you can just like???? do that???
Annie: one of the first people to know, obviously. got really REALLY excited, decided to plan a second gender reveal party for her, and then dialed it back when that was a little too much. still super supportive, and will murder anyone who gets in her way
Troy: you knew it was coming. i'll also say.... somewhat hesitant. yes, I know, unexpected, but hear me out: Abed would also be hesitant to tell Troy because she doesn't know if their relationship is entirely dependent on them being both guys. she doesn't know if her identity is going to completely ruin their friendship, but Troy is like extremely accepting? so she tells him about how stupid she was to worry and it kinda hurts. like wow, you thought I would just abandon you? you thought you weren't going to be my best friend? and it takes them like a few days to get back to their normal relationship.
i'm not sorry
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rewildling · 1 year
Unraveling the Symbolism of Cloaks in Sansa’s Arc
I know this has been discussed to death but I have thoughts
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Boreas by John William Waterhouse
Cloaks are devices of protection. In a literal sense, a cloak protects the wearer from the elements and can be used to conceal (protect) their identity. But cloaks in ASOIAF are also symbolic.
In the series, cloaks are often used to signify the allegiance of the wearer. The Lannister guards wear red cloaks, the City Watch wear gold cloaks, the guardsmen at the Eyrie wear sky-blue cloaks, and the knights of the Kingsguard wear white cloaks. But these cloaks don’t just represent fealty: the Lannister guards, the City Watch, the Eyrie guards, and the Kingsguard all serve primarily protective functions.
Cloaks also feature prominently in the wedding ceremonies of the Faith of the Seven, the old gods, and the Lord of Light. In all three cases, the maiden’s cloak represents the protection of the bride’s father, while the bride’s cloak represents the protection of her new husband. Cloaks in ASOIAF tend to symbolize protection. Not always, but often.
One of the first noteworthy cloaks in Sansa’s arc is the Kingsguard cloak that Sandor gives her to cover herself with when Joffrey has Ser Boros beat and strip her in front of the court.
As he laid the flat of the blade across her thighs, she thought her legs might break from the force of the blow. Sansa screamed. Tears welled in her eyes. It will be over soon. She soon lost count of the blows. “Enough,” she heard the Hound rasp. “No it isn’t,” the king replied. “Boros, make her naked.” ... “Someone give the girl something to cover herself with,” the Imp said. Sandor Clegane unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. Sansa clutched it against her chest, fists bunched hard in the white wool. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin, but no velvet had ever felt so fine. Sansa III, ACOK
Being one of the Kingsguard and in service to the Lannisters, Sandor can’t really defy Joffrey the way Tyrion can. Regardless, he clearly doesn’t like seeing her hurt or humiliated, and he takes the first opportunity to give Sansa his cloak so that she can cover herself. The imagery of the last line is also revealing. Like his cloak, Sandor is often coarse and unpleasant, but Sansa is grateful for his protection. Still, he could have done more to stop the abuse, which we later learn is something he’s ashamed of:
He made a queer sound, and it took her a moment to realize he was sobbing. “And the little bird, your pretty sister, I stood there in my white cloak and let them beat her.” Arya XIII, ASOS
Despite Sandor’s disillusionment with knights and knighthood, he still associates the white cloak of the Kingsguard with the chivalric principles that “true knights” are expected to uphold: courage, honor, loyalty, justice, courtesy, and protection. And he knows that by standing by and doing nothing while an innocent young woman is assaulted, he has disgraced those principles.
So the white cloak represents the ideals of knighthood to Sandor. Now let’s talk about the Blackwater. The second cloak that features prominently in Sansa’s arc is the same as the first, Sandor’s Kingsguard cloak:
“Little bird,” he said once more, his voice raw and harsh as steel on stone. Then he rose from the bed. Sansa heard cloth ripping, followed by the softer sound of retreating footsteps. When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained by blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering. Sansa VII, ACOK
Sandor leaves behind his cloak, and not simply because he’s deserting. Consider Sandor’s response earlier in the scene when Sansa tells him that he won’t be able to get out of the city because the gates are shut:
“Not to me. I have the white cloak. And I have this.” He patted the pommel of his sword. Sansa VII, ACOK
Having the authority of his Kingsguard cloak would’ve made it easier for Sandor to escape from King’s Landing, so why doesn’t he take it? Because he sees it as symbolic of chivalric principles. By leaving it with Sansa, he’s acknowledging that he has failed to protect her and has dishonored himself by threatening her.
In both instances, Sandor does not directly put the cloak on Sansa. He tosses it to her or leaves it for her and she chooses to wear it. The first time, she doesn’t have anything else to cover herself with. The second time, she could have sought warmth in a blanket, her own clothing, or literally anything else. But she chooses to wear Sandor’s cloak, even though it’s torn and stained with “blood and fire.” The cloak is not merely functional — it’s symbolic. Sansa is seeking comfort and safety in what the cloak represents to her: Sandor’s protection.
The cloak Sandor leaves behind during the Blackwater also represents him. He’s cynical and disillusioned with the institution of knighthood, but as he’s gotten to know her, Sansa has renewed his desire to be a true knight. Like the cloak, Sandor is burned and covered in the blood of the people he killed in the battle. He’s corrupted and damaged and has done terrible things — but he never truly lost his chivalric values. His cognitive dissonance reaches a breaking point, and he leaves.
The Blackwater scene is not the last we hear of Sandor’s Kingsguard cloak. Sansa also mentions it in ASOS:
She had his stained white cloak hidden in a cedar chest beneath her summer silks. She could not say why she’d kept it. Sansa I, ASOS
Sansa keeps the Kingsguard cloak in a chest beneath her summer silks, which represent her hopes and dreams for better days after the winter and the war are over. And Sandor is with them.
But let’s focus on the cedar chest because it’s potentially even more significant:
A hope chest, also called dowry chest, cedar chest, trousseau chest, or glory box is a piece of furniture traditionally used by unmarried young women to collect items, such as clothing and household linen, in anticipation of married life.… As the contents of such a chest would primarily be linens, construction in moth-repellent cedar, or at least a cedar lining, was popular, leading to the name “cedar chest.” Hope Chest
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Girl Inspecting Her Hope Chest by Poul Friis Nybo
Maybe this is just a coincidence. Does GRRM even know what a hope chest is?
Yes, he absolutely does:
The cedar chest at the foot of the bed. Her mother always used to call it a hope chest. Did little girls still keep hope chests? She didn’t think so, at least not around here. Maybe there were still places where hope didn’t seem so terribly unrealistic, but this city wasn’t one of them… Hope chests were where you kept your future, all the little things that were part of the dreams that taught you to dream when you were a child. The Skin Trade by GRRM
Sansa keeps Sandor’s Kingsguard cloak in what is essentially a hope chest or dowry chest. A chest meant to collect clothing for future married life.
Sansa refers to the cloak again in AFFC:
He took a song and a kiss, and left me nothing but a bloody cloak. It made no matter. That day was done, and so was Sansa. Alayne II, AFFC
The somewhat resentful tone of the phrase “left me nothing but a bloody cloak” implies that Sansa wishes he’d left her more than that. Or that he hadn’t left her at all. The last line is rather telling as well because Sansa obviously isn’t done, as Littlefinger explains in the very same chapter. He intends to reveal her true identity and claim Winterfell as her birthright:
“Jon Arryn’s bannermen will never love me, nor our silly, shaking Robert, but they will love their Young Falcon… and when they come together for his wedding, and you come out with your long auburn hair, clad in a maiden’s cloak of white and grey with a direwolf emblazoned on the back… why, every knight in the Vale will pledge his sword to win you back your birthright. So those are your gifts from me, my sweet Sansa… Harry, the Eyrie, and Winterfell. That’s worth another kiss now, don’t you think?” Petyr Baelish, Alayne II, AFFC
He even calls her Sansa in this passage, not Alayne. If Sansa isn’t done, then the day Sandor left her his cloak isn’t done either.
So, Sansa wears Sandor’s cloak on at least two occasions and keeps it in a hope chest. Let’s look at the other significant cloaks that appear in Sansa’s storyline. First is the maiden’s cloak she’s forced to wear for her wedding to Tyrion:
“The cloak,” she commanded, and the women brought it out: a long cloak of white velvet heavy with pearls. A fierce direwolf was embroidered upon it in silver thread. Sansa looked at it with sudden dread. “Your father’s colors,” said Cersei, as they fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain. A maiden’s cloak. Sansa’s hand went to her throat. She would have torn the thing away if she had dared. Sansa III, ASOS
The imagery of the chain around Sansa’s neck is quite clear: she’s a prisoner. She’s being coerced into this marriage against her will. This cloak is supposed to represent her father’s protection, but it’s being forced on her by the very people who murdered him. Joffrey plays the role of Sansa’s father during the ceremony, especially cruel considering that he was the one to order Ned Stark’s execution. After Joffrey removes her maiden’s cloak, Tyrion has difficulty with the bride’s cloak:
His uncle’s part went less well. The bride’s cloak he held was huge and heavy, crimson velvet richly worked with lions and bordered with gold satin and rubies. No one had thought to bring a stool, however, and Tyrion stood a foot and a half shorter than his bride. As he moved behind her, Sansa felt a sharp tug on her skirt. He wants me to kneel, she realized, blushing. She was mortified. It was not supposed to be this way. She had dreamed of her wedding a thousand times, and always she had pictured how her betrothed would stand behind her tall and strong, sweep the cloak of his protection over her shoulders, and tenderly kiss her cheek as he leaned forward to fasten the clasp. Sansa III, ASOS
Like her bride’s cloak, Sansa’s marriage to Tyrion is oppressive. Rather than making her feel safe, the weight of it is burdensome. And the fact that Tyrion struggles to cloak her implies something else — he isn’t right for her. The bride’s cloak is supposed to represent the protection of her new husband, but Tyrion can’t protect Sansa:
It was not enough, though. He had wrapped his cloak around her shoulders and sworn to protect her, but that was as cruel a jape as the crown the Freys had placed atop the head of Robb Stark's direwolf after they'd sewn it onto his headless corpse. Sansa knew that as well. Tyrion VII, ASOS
So what would she prefer? A cloak of protection from someone tall and strong. Do we know anyone who is tall and strong and protective of Sansa? Maybe someone whose cloak she has voluntarily worn before? Just in case there’s still any doubt, let’s look at the fabric of the maiden’s cloak and bride’s cloak Sansa wears during her wedding to Tyrion — velvet. When has Sansa mentioned velvet before, specifically in relation to cloaks?
Sandor Clegane unfastened his cloak and tossed it at her. Sansa clutched it against her chest, fists bunched hard in the white wool. The coarse weave was scratchy against her skin, but no velvet had ever felt so fine. Sansa III, ACOK
There is one other mention of a cloak in Sansa’s POV chapters that stands out:
Sansa was trembling. "She's cold," she heard someone say. He took off his cloak and put it around her shoulders. "There, is that better, my lady? Rest easy, the worst is past and done." She knew the voice. But he's in the Vale, she thought. ... The cabin was low and cramped, but a featherbed had been laid upon the narrow sleeping shelf to make it more comfortable, and thick furs piled atop it. “It will be snug, I know, but you shouldn’t be too uncomfortable.” Littlefinger pointed out a cedar chest under the porthole. “You’ll find fresh garb within. Dresses, smallclothes, warm stockings, a cloak. Wool and linen only, I fear. Unworthy of a maid so beautiful, but they’ll serve to keep you dry and clean until we can find you something finer.” Sansa V, ASOS
The first thing Littlefinger does after “rescuing” Sansa from King’s Landing is cloak her without her express consent. This is also the only other mention of a cedar chest in any of Sansa’s POV chapters. He’s giving Sansa a hope chest. But it’s not full of her hopes for the future, it’s full of his. Cloaking Sansa and giving her a hope chest reveals that his plans for her definitely involve marriage — but to who? As far as she knows, he’s arranged for her to wed Harry the Heir (yet another betrothal she doesn’t want). But we know he’s been plotting to keep her for himself since the moment he first saw her at the Hand’s tourney. And his attention makes her feel stifled and uncomfortable:
“I told you that nothing could please me more than to help you with your castle. I fear that was a lie as well. Something else would please me more.” He stepped closer. “This.” Sansa tried to step back, but he pulled her into his arms and suddenly he was kissing her. Feebly, she tried to squirm, but only succeeded in pressing herself more tightly against him. His mouth was on hers, swallowing her words. He tasted of mint. For half a heartbeat she yielded to his kiss… before she turned her face away and wrenched free. Sansa VII, ASOS
In this scene, Littlefinger is helping Sansa build a miniature Winterfell out of snow, alluding to how he supposedly wants to help her reclaim her birthright. But he has an ulterior motive in both cases: he wants her. And unlike Sandor and Tyrion, he doesn’t care that she doesn’t want him. When she protests, he swallows her words, stifling her. This is pretty clear evidence of his intentions for her. But how will Sansa react to his plans? The last line is a good clue — she yields at first (as she has so far in ASOS and AFFC) but then wrenches free of him.
Let’s reiterate this point because it’s important: of the cloaks mentioned here, Sandor’s is the only one that Sansa makes an active choice to wear (and keep) when she has the power to do so. But there is one thing these cloaks have in common — they are all either explicitly or implicitly associated with marriage. When Sansa finally has the agency and opportunity to choose her own husband, who will it be?
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Out of curiosity, could be either due to craft or sheer enjoyment, what are your top favourite books?
Okay lowkey I wrote this post & then tumblr ATE it so here it is a little late!! Rachel's All Time Favourite Books (in no particular order):
Cleanness - Garth Greenwell (litfic, ok but this is actually my fave book & today Garth Greenwell lowkey Acknowledged My Presence SOOOO!!! I've read this 4x since August, it's a craft masterpiece)
What Belongs to You - Garth Greenwell (litfic, the book that comes before Cleanness, I'm not as attached to it but it's still FANTASTIC)
A Hundred Lovers - Richie Hofmann (poetry, my fave poetry collection of all time, ALL my epigraphs come from here)
We Do What We Do in the Dark - Michelle Hart (litfic, AMAZINGGG character study & peak into relationship dynamics)
Big Shadow - Marta Balcewicz (litfic, one of my fave books of all time, FANTASTIC teen protagonist in this bildungsroman)
Physical - Andrew McMillan (poetry, AMAZING queer poetry, lots of epigraphs from here too)
Winter in Sokcho - Elisa Shua Desapin (litfic, probably the best start-to-finish narrative I've ever read in my whole life)
If An Egyptian Cannot Speak English - Noor Naga (litfic, THE BEST litfic ending I've ever read, it's UNEXPECTED and something to be STUDIED)
Undoing Hours - Selina Boan (poetry, I feel so grateful for this book as it really helped me reconnect to my Indigenous identity. I met Selina after a LIFE-CHANGING reading & chatted with her, & that conversation drove me to learn more about my family!)
Bitterblue - Kristen Cashore (YA fantasy, this is LITERARY FICTION TO ME I've re-read this like 6 times)
Six of Crows - Leigh Bardugo (YA fantasy, really fun ensemble cast, THE AUDIOBOOK SLAYS)
Intimations - Alexandra Kleeman (litfic short story collection, some of THE BEST short story collections, my work feels adjacent to this dare I say??)
The Marionettes - Katie Wismer (NA paranormal, this series is sooo tropey and fun like I CAN'T WAIT for the last book, I did like book 2 best but this is the first one & I loved it too!)
Demi-Gods - Eliza Robertson (litfic, this was my fave novel before Cleanness & Eliza is my fave writer & from my alma mater! Read my interview with her!)
Monkey Beach - Eden Robinson (litfic, I read this book in a DAY, it's the most impactful novel I've ever read, she's also from my alma mater!)
How to Pronounce Knife - Souvankham Thammavongsa (litfic short story collection, my fave short story collection OF ALL TIME I learned so MUCH about short stories from this!)
The Girls - Emma Cline (litfic, this was MY writing bible for so long lol, I actually ethically hate how this book treats real murders but Emma Cline is an incredible writer & the best parts of this book are the ones that don't casually repurpose history... I have thoughts...)
History of Wolves - Emily Fridlund (litfic, I need to re-read this NOW but wow, the first half of this is chilling...)
Past Lives, Future Bodies - K-Ming Chang (poetry, not sure if you can still buy this but this is one of THE best collections I own)
The Darkest Minds - Alexandra Bracken (YA dystopian, I love AB SOOO MUCH even now hehe, this was a childhood fave & Fostered is a ripoff so <3)
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plutos134340 · 11 days
hiii pluto :3 you wanna tell me about ur ocs sooo bad /nf (also is calling you pluto ok ?)
Ooooooh i feel like i wanna tell u about them soooo badly (and yes im ok with being called pluto, it technically isnt my name- that which is natalie, but i am chill with pluto as well)
Long text under the paragraph bc i dont feel like subjecting the random viewer to a long post:
Ok so some background for the way my aus work: i suck at making my own characters, but i can like give traits and personalities to existing characters that dont have much in canon, or just replacing a pre-existing characters personality, so thats what i do time and time again. Then i make random characters for funsies
First au concept and darias place in it: So basically i had made some cliche fnaf au where like none of the kids ever died- ig i wanted some happiness in life. And i then made Daria to go along with them and she was Henry's kid and an older sister to Charlie. They also had another younger brother but he is irrelevant. She is best friends with michael afton, and was also closest to fritz and jeremy (foxy and bonnie) She is like a random oc but does has a lot of my traits bc i found it easier to cope with myself through a character with fake friendships rather than actually think about myself and the people i know.
Traits (physical and personality-wise): She is white and has pale-ish skin, and shes got shoulder-length, curly, brown hair (like 2C); she is white, and she is pretty tall. She has hazel eyes (the green and brown being separate kind of hazel because i have that eye color and i like my eyes 💀). Shes queer, specifically being bisexual and ace-spec, and is a cis girl. She is pretty down-to-earth, and is mostly a realist. One thing that has stayed true throughout her many forms is that she often forms intimate relationships with people quickly but can end up starting fights with the same people quickly. Idk where that came from but thats her.
And now the second au and all that jazz. I know you dont know much at all about cccc but basically there are these characters Heart, Mind and Soul, who are all technically personified parts of the singer's (chonny jash) brain. In this au they are all human and like half related to their original identities. They go by the names Juno, Keene and Atlas, respectively, with the collection of their names just coming from random sources in the songs (juno and atlas) and then i just picked a random name i saw for the last bc i didnt want to pick two similar names (it would have been Apollo if i did). Bc i love music oh so much, they are all basically in a band. I loooove cliche little tropes it just soothes my mind ig, idc how basic it is and its also just easier for me to imagine. Anywho, this brings Max and Lily into the picture, along with another girl i forgot originally bc i forgot that i created her (that being Terra). Terra is the creator of this band, and Max and Lily originally come from their school's regular band.
Max: He is mixed white/southeast asian, and has tan, freckled skin and short black hair. He is around 5'11. He has a pretty chill and kind personality, and can come off either quiet or loud/intense depending on where he is. He often pokes fun at people but never really crosses the line. In their little band he plays most woodwind instruments, mainly the saxophone. He is bisexual and a cis guy.
Lily (full name being Liliana): She is a Latina and is 5'2. She has long, wavy, black hair, tan skin, and dark brown eyes. She is very sweet and is very in-tune with her own and others' emotions, just overall very emotionally intelligent. She can be the life of the party and lively, but is often the first person to realize if someone else is having a bad time, but also wont jeopardize her own mental health in sake of someone else's just to please them. As said before she came from a general concert band before, and plays the trumpet and the flute mainly. She is straight and cis, but doesnt really put too much thought into her identity anyways.
Terra, who i somehow forgot when answering the ask: She is 5'11 as well, and is a Black woman. She has curly hair, which she keeps at around chin length, and it is black with dyed brown highlights. She was originally more reserved than the others, but has opened up to all of the group members and is pretty talkative. As mentioned before, she is the creator of this little band, and plays the drums. She is a trans girl.
Ok so yeah those are them. I kinda just picked a few categories (that being how they look and basic identity things, some personality stuff, and any sexual or gender orientations) to talk about for each and i hope i stuck to that setup well enough. The other three from the second one are like technically not ocs but i like hijacked their actual personalities and gave them new ones but i did not talk about them bc i do not need to ramble THAT much.
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