#she’s learning to love herself damnit
thebiffmethod · 11 months
i think i’ll never forgive tiktok for oversaturating the howls moving castle market with fans who only give a shit about the romantic undertones of the movie and literally nothin else
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Elizabeth Taylor (Cleopatra, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)—iconic actress with purple eyes and a double row of eyelashes, the real ebony dementia ravenway of old hollywood. known for her stunning tastes when it comes to jewelry and her incredible, incredible advocacy during the AIDS crisis.
Setsuko Hara (Tokyo Story, Late Spring, The Idiot)— "'The only time I saw Susan Sontag cry,' a writer once told me, his voice hushed, 'was at a screening of a Setsuko film.' What Setsuko had wasn’t glamour—she was just too sensible for that—it was glow, one that ebbed away and left you concerned, involved. You got the sense that this glow, like that of dawn, couldn’t be bought. But her smiles were human and held minute-long acts, ones with important intermissions. When she looked away, she absented herself; you felt that she’d dimmed a fire and clapped a lid on something about to spill. Over the last decade, whenever anyone brought up her lips—'Setsuko’s eternal smile,' critics said, that day we learned that she’d died—I thought instead of the thing she made us feel when she let it fall." - Moeko Fujii
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Elizabeth Taylor:
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I've been trying to steer clear of the absurdly-big names, but damnit, those violet eyes got me. The *talent*, the *presence*, the string of marriages and (temporally out-of-bounds) work in combating AIDS and pioneering in the concept of the celebrity fragrance line.
Not only did she have gorgeous violet eyes and lashes for days and one of the hottest voices ever, she was also a big supporter of the gay community
Child actress turned starlet, Liz dominated films as one of the greatest screen legends of classic hollywood. If your protagonist has violet eyes, they're imitating hers.
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A Legend. She was serving milf rage in Whos Afraid Of Virginia Woolf. A Star in every sense of the word.
She was renowned for the beauty of her eyes; they were a dark blue but could look violet in certain lighting, something that photographers would actually touch up to look even more so in pictures. But even more striking was a genetic mutation that gave her a double row of eyelashes. She was also famed for her string of husbands -- 8 marriages to 7 men. Two-time hubby Richard Burton once said she was “a wildly exciting love-mistress… beautiful beyond the dreams of pornography.”
Her EYES. Early and loud support for gay rights and AIDS victims. Married a bunch of hot dudes, Burton twice!
just look at her. she's gorgeous. there's a video somewhere of her applying her eyeliner in the mirror and I think about it all the time
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THE Hollywood actress of all time. Not only was she known for her long dark locks and blue-violet eyes, she also had one of the wildest life stories ever….. She’s Carrie Fisher’s stepmother because her father Eddie Fisher cheated on Debbie Reynolds with Liz. She was knighted as a dame of England. She was married to seven different men, one of them twice. She was also very kindhearted and did a lot of charity activism.
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Asides from being an iconic actor, she did a lot of philanthropy and co founded the American Foundation for AIDS research. She’s sometimes considered one of the last great stars of old hollywood
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Setsuko Hara:
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One of the best Japanese actresses of all time; a symbol of the golden era of Japanese cinema of the 1950s After seeing a Setsuko Hara film, the novelist Shūsaku Endō wrote: "We would sigh or let out a great breath from the depths of our hearts, for what we felt was precisely this: Can it be possible that there is such a woman in this world?"
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One of the greatest Japanese actresses of all time!! Best known for acting in many of Yasujiro Ozu's films of the 40s and 50s. Also she has a stunning smile and beautiful charm!
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She's considered by some to be the greatest Japanese actress of all time! In Kurosawa's The Idiot she haunts the screen, and TOTALLY steals the show from Mifune every time she appears.
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She's considered by some to be the greatest Japanese actress of all time! In Kurosawa's The Idiot she haunts the screen, and TOTALLY steals the show from Mifune every time she appears.
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"No other actor has ever mastered the art of the smile to the same extent as Setsuko Hara (1920–2015), a celebrated star and highly regarded idol who was one of the outstanding actors of 40s and 50s Japanese cinema. Her radiant smile floods whole scenes and at times cautiously undermines the expectations made of her in coy, ironic fashion. Yet her smile's impressive range also encompasses its darker shades: Hara's delicate, dignified, melancholy smile with which she responds to disappointments, papers over the emotions churning under the surface, and flanks life's sobering realizations. Her smiles don't just function as a condensed version of her ever-precise, expressive, yet understated acting ability, they also allow the very essence of the films they appear in to shine through for a brief moment, often studies of the everyday, post-war dramas which revolve around the break-up of family structures or the failure of marriages. Her performances tread a fine line between social expectation and personal desire in post-war Japan, as Hara attempts to lay claim to the autonomy of the female characters she plays – frequently with a smile." [link]
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Leading lady of classic Japanese cinema with a million dollar smile
Maybe the most iconic Japanese actress ever? She rose to fame making films with Yasujiro Ozu, becoming one of the most well-known and beloved actresses in Japan, working from the 30s through the 60s in over 100 hundred. She is still considered one of the greatest Japanese actresses ever, and in my opinion, just one of the greatest actresses of all time. And she was HOT! Satoshi Kon's film Millennium Actress was largely based on her life and her career.
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escapedaudios · 8 months
Ok future series planned, with introductory synopses.
My Greasefire Life (Slice of Life, Satiric Comedy): A theater school graduate relegated to working at a Burger restaurant with a theatrical gimmick befriends a night shift server from the Denny's that he dramatically broke up with his girlfriend at. On the same night, he befriends the profoundly stupid but oddly wise rugby player that his girlfriend cheated on him with. Together they try and fix their pathetic lives.
Neon Memoriam (Drama, Supernatural, High Romance): After helping to set Raven's life right from beyond the grave, the haunting ghost of Crow ponders his purpose. He is met by a swan, who reveals herself as a beautiful scythe-wielding angel clad in white. She is the angel of death that was meant to take his soul to the afterlife years ago, but for some reason was unable to. Together they he accompanies her through her day to day life as a reaper, as they explore Crow's own life and death to come to understand his nature and destiny.
Matador Oscuro (Action Adventure, Gothic Horror, Drama): 24 years after the events of Matador Gothic, a newly turned vampire couple struggles to survive in a compound of fledgling vampires. The vampires quickly turn on each other to compete for prey and power. To worsen matters, a deadly attack by a Matador Gótico named Diego Villaba (son of Alfonso Villaba) on their compound sends them running. As the sole survivors, these two not-quite-in-love lovers resolve to go on a journey of vengeance across Spain to find the vampire who turned them into monsters and destroy him, all while being relentlessly pursued by Diego Villalba.
My True Love is Dead (Slash and Basher sequel): After the events of the Reddening, time is unable to turn back in Slasher's world. Slash ressurects naturally as a ghoul, a natural ability of slashers, but Basher does not. Learning from the Reaper that this is because Slash has supplanted Basher's territory by surviving The Void Maverick a few minutes longer, they make a deal with death to go on a dangerous quest to ressurect the Basher.
Blue Infinity Season Two (Nautical Fantasy, Alternate History): After being captured by the feared pirate Blind Simon, Lass learns the reason why Simon seeked her out. Knowing that her pendant has something to do with ending The Drift, Simon resolves to destroy it, knowing that the end of The Drift would mean the end of pirate domination over the Blue Infinity. When she refuses, she flees overboard and is rescued by Fletcher and a siren who's voice Simon once loved. Together they go on a journey to end The Drift, culminating in a battle of destiny against Blind Simon and the crew of Persephone's Bleeding Heart.
I'm going to make this happen come hell or high water god damnit. Desmond ASMR is still in, though it's gonna take some patience from me.
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dballzposting · 9 months
The Gohan Goes To Highschool Saga is so unbelievably perfect and delectable and every time I see any bit of it I lose it
First of all I like the art style. The profiles are cute and I love how the clothes are drawn.
Gohan looks goofy as hell.
Gohan has been living Isolated Away from all of The World just Living in the sticks in the mountain in the woods just he and his mom and his brother
And Then he goes to SCHOOL and is thrust into a SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT for the first time and the FIRST thing that happens to him is that a GIRL, who happens to be MR SATAN'S DAUGHTER, DRILLS her EYES into him and STARES and STALKS and THINKS and she is going to see his guts god damnit.
And she herself runs the city. Mr Satan is King Lion Showpony Figurehead While Videl is actually out sniffing the streets. She knows her territory and she navigates it with clarity and confidence
And when new strange "Superheros" enter the environment she is going to get to the bottom of it.
Because some things about the world have never seemed right to her. The mysterious strangers during the Cell Games, the way that she has never seen her father do anything that impressive since- the Golden Warrior, The Great Saiyaman ... is there a common thread of one singularly strong warrior?
Gohan discovers the euphoria of a mask. He has always had to be the hero and it was a record of failure and stress to him. Now he gets to PLAY hero. It's fun, and juvenile, which would be healing, but- how far should we let this go? His silly Ginyu poses. The glory of being seen but unseen. He can control what people think of him. He's sensitive when people badmouth his alter ego, snapping into anger and then recovering with the blaséness of a child. What is this? I can't explain it but it seems like a slippery spiral.
Hes never had a mask before. Hes never been safe to have eyes land and melt on his body before.
And the FIRST THING that Happens to Him is that a Girl who is SUSPICIOUS and INTENSE and ADROIT sets her ICY Stare On Him and wont Relent. She is going to GET Under that Mask. Hes never had this sort of attention before, hes barely had peers before - hes never been studied like this, hes never been WANTED like this.
She stares and he sweats.
And it's clearly good for Gohan to be getting out but it's just that well there is CLEARLY Madness in the Woods and he is not out of those woods. Maybe hes the minotaur. He acts all goofy and happy and spontaneous and bright-eyed, but it's masking something I'm telling you. That's why the mask appealed to him so. Hes already wearing one without even realizing it
And again Videl is gonna be the one to cut him open and drag his guts out. And thatll be GOOD FOR HIM TOO becasue hes never HAD the privilege of CONVERSATION. There is so much that he just doesnt have context for. And he's never had the avenue to explore with others the events of the past that may still be living in him.
But until then it's just gonna brew and he thought he was out of the woods but now hes entering the fecund minefield of social revelations and hes learning and re-learning everything subtlety as he also experiences what it's like to see and be seen and he is finding access to a wealth of new feelings made for moving amongst his peers and theres a lot of internal shifting as he leaps out to claim a part of the world for himself and the shadows in his soul are finding thrill and fixation on playing the much-loved hero in a mask who gets to pull goofy poses.
Um Gohan sort of blew ass in the Buu Saga but his outfits were killer. And then he died. Badly. But I dont mind and I really think that it's important for him to get out of his mother's house and to lean into the insight of Videl ASAP. He needs to establish his own presence amongst a normal functioning society so bad.
I swear he only became a scholar becasue he began to associate it with peace and his mother's love, and it gave him something to escape into when he didnt want to experience being himself. But the self still necessarily expresses itself somehow and now he hyperfixates on bugs. So small and humble yet strong and brave. They make the world seem so small yet so big and switching between the two helps him to avoid finding himself in the middle. Also there was that whole Cell thing (he was sort of bug-like...)
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axailslink · 2 years
The Scientist
Shuri x FEM reader
Summary: Wakanda has finally opened it's doors to a few select young intelligent student from colleges all across America and you're one of the few selected. While this is such an amazing opportunity to see some new land and be invited to a new and amazing place you can't help but stare at princess Shuri.
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You're amazed by the beauty of Wakanda you had heard so much about it but never once did you expect to be here. The air was so much crisper here there was something inviting and welcoming about this place. The select few approach the lab being led by the powerful and mighty Dora milaje who you admired so much they were not only strong but beautiful women.
Everyone seemed to be terrified while you were just loving this experience the beauty and the authenticity you gently tap Okoye's shoulder causing everyone to look at you as if you're out of your damned mind. "You're Okoye the general of the Dora milaje right?" She continues walking but nods this brings the biggest smile to your face "you're such a badass like the way you handled those French white folks tryna steal the vibranium it was amazing." When you finally reach the lab she turns back and glances at you a bit longer before mumbling "weird kid."
Griot notifies Shuri of the visitors outside the entrance this causes you to finally get nervous you love everything about Wakanda so far the people the beauty. You just weren't sure you were quite ready to meet the queen more or less the fucking princess of Wakanda she was amazingly smart and when you meet someone as smart as yourself or smarter it usually doesn't go too well they're all cocky bastards.
You've admired the princess from afar not only is she just naturally beautiful she's a scientist she's THE scientist.
When her and her mother look up at the group which you're in front of you want to immediately shrink but of course you can't let that be shown so instead you speak. "You are Princess Shuri wow you are so...so very attractive" she blinks for a moment before smiling to herself the group of students murmur along themselves but you don't care. You like to say what's on your mind so you continue to ramble off at the mouth "like it's fucking crazy being here oh shit am I allowed to curse...? I'm sorry but damn... Wow queen Ramonda why is everyone here so pretty? Damnit I did it again but princess I would gladly accept your hand in marriage I mean I'd do anything for you. You're so smart and so talented and wow..." You glance her up and down taking in all of her "I'd do so many th- I mean anything for you" Shuri and Queen Ramonda exchange facial expressions. "I'm sorry we're not here for that right uhm we're smart too" you say referring to yourself and the students behind you.
Shuri can't help but laugh at you for a moment holding her stomach and patting her mother's shoulder "I'm sorry that was one very interesting entrance you are?" You smile and nod "uhm yeah my name's Y/n sorry I talk when I'm nervous and I mean this place is beautiful the people are beautiful the culture and wow you are so...I'm doing it again can someone else please talk?" Queen Ramonda clears her throat and speaks up this time. "You all are very intelligent students and you all are here because of Shuri's program she's decided to take in ten students each year and give them the chance to enjoy Wakanda and learn from Wakandan people. It's the chance of a lifetime but there are rules safety rules mostly..." You can't help but stare at Shuri as her mother continues to speak and you find yourself interrupting again "do any of those rules include flirting with Shuri? Because there's no way I'm going to be able to follow that Mrs. Udaku you've got some amazing genes I mean you yourself you're such a gorgeous woman." Shuri rolls her eyes and shakes her head before grabbing you and bringing you to a chair in the middle of the lab. "Sit here and just be quiet for five minutes I love your input but we have to get through the basics and we can't do that if you keep opening that pretty little mouth of yours can we?" You look her up and down before smiling "if only you knew how often I'd open this pretty little mouth of mine if you are standing over me like this while telling me I shouldn't." She shakes her head and lets her mother continue to speak.
When Queen Ramonda is finally finished speaking she leaves the lab over to Shuri who smiles at all of the faces she dismisses them out of the lab but you stay. "You're still here...?" You nod still sitting in the chair "well I have a request I bet no one knows Wakanda better than the princess and what'd I'd give to have the princess as my tour guide. We could start with your room" she looks you up and down and chuckles to herself "if I were to invite you into my room you wouldn't be leaving any time soon princess." Your jaw visibly drops when she says this feeling quite satisfied with herself before walking towards the lab stairs "you coming? I thought you said you wanted to see my room" oh you were going to love Wakanda and it's princess.
A/n: I'm aware this is cringy but I wrote this like this because this is what would actually happen if a lot of us were to meet princess Shuri it's true it's real.
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micropoe10 · 4 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭🏵
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐧
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Before Tav and Tadpoles, there was just a man, his goddess, and the desire to serve her no matter the cost. Gale Dekarios was her chosen, her pupil, her lover. But what was she to him?
A goddess bound by duty, a woman haunted by her past, and the man who taught her to love again.
I was inspired to lore dive into the goddess Mystra after seeing this gorgeous piece of art by the wonderfully talented @ssalballoon 🏵
I was determined to learn as much as I could about the goddess of magic and weave a story of a time before she became the most hated diety in all of Faerun.
Edited by the amazing @editing-by-night thank you for everything! And for putting up with my grammar and my questions. 🏵
And to @brabblesblog without you, this story would still be in limbo! Thank you for holding my hand and gently pushing me through 🏵
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The weave crackled and vibrated, its amethyst hues now tinged azure. Small radiant sparks lept from her fingertips as Mystra quickly retracted her hand. The energy that permeated the air sizzled. This was new magic, it was spectacular, brilliant, and messy. It fascinated and terrified her. The last time that she felt new magic, Netheril was falling from the heavens and her essence was sundered, leaving her old life behind. She shook her hands free of the new magic’s sensation. It was a cold, distant feeling as she pressed her thumbs to the pads of her other fingers. Her pensive gaze was locked on her fingers; the lingering pinprick sensation weighed heavily within them. 
She took a deep, calming breath, stretching her fingers before her as she called upon the weave again. She opened clouded eyes as vibrant swirls of amethyst and lavender flowed around her. The winds picked up, causing wisteria petals to fall from the trees above, cascading down upon her like a healing rain, cleansing her of the passionate thoughts that flowed through her mind. She could feel her concentration slipping as images of the night before came into view in a sultry haze. 
Tender lips trailed down her back, as page-worn hands gripped her hips pulling her to him. Their bodies entwined, wrapped in mulled-wine-colored satin and stardust. Two touch-starved souls consummating their love amongst the expanse of stars in the skies of Elysium exchanged hungry, breathless kisses.
Mystra gasped, her eyes flying open. Her heart raced, her palms were sweaty and there was a delicious slick heat pooling between her thighs that she couldn’t ignore. She noticed the weave no longer held its violet shades but had taken on the tranquil blues once again.
“Damnit!” She cursed. With an aggressive swipe of her hand, the weave dissipated into a fine mist. She stood there in the courtyard, covering her face. Her fingers softly kneaded away the tension in her forehead as she sighed in frustration.
“What are you doing, Mystra?” She questioned herself, or was it her sanity? With scarlet cheeks, she continued with the personal interrogation. “You told yourself, you promised Kelemvor that you wouldn’t do this again,” she groaned. “It’s as if you didn’t learn from the first time.” If only Kelemvor could see her now, would the lord of death be displeased by her actions? Her mind twisted to that hazy day they had shared in the gardens of Dweomerheart - her home.
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On the outermost part of Eronia lay the glittering city of Dweomerheart, the opulent seat of knowledge and devotion to spellcraft, and the home of Faerun’s deities of magic. Set high into the rugged mountain terrain the city looked out upon the borders of the astral sea and the vast expanse of Elysium.
It was a day like any other as the goddess of magic walked the ivy-laden cloister of the Akademia. She stopped within the white granite courtyard to admire the bowing branches of the world tree that dared intrude upon her realm.
Mystra stood, arm outstretched, grasping a crystalline branch and wondering what world she held in her palm. What universe could be destroyed with a snap of her fingers or a flick of her wrist? She had been tasked to preserve magic and to preserve life alongside it, but mortal life was fickle and fleeting and she would only be helping it along.
The thought brought her more joy than it should and it was only the sound of quickening footsteps from behind her that broke her out of her rumination. She let the fragile branch slip from her fingertips to see one of her attendants approach her.
“My lady, the Lord of Death waits for you in the courtyard.” With that, they took quick leave and she retreated down the steps to greet her guest.
“I’m always pleasantly pleased when the goddess of magic herself deigns to permit me an audience. All the more surprised when I’m welcomed into your domain, my lady.” With a curt nod, Kelemvor bowed before her.
“There is no need to be so formal Kelemvor, we’re old friends are we not? Besides, I've called you here for a more personal matter entirely.” Mystra said, holding her hands in front of her. Her fingers found purchase, clasping onto the sleeves of her dress.
“That you should call me here for guidance and counsel. Your message sounded most urgent. I am truly honored. But do you not have others around you who may better understand whatever it is that troubles you?” His question rang true, she did have others whom she could confide in, but none that would give her an honest answer without fear of angering her. No, she didn't want answers that were pleasing to her, she wanted a solid answer even if she objected to it. Which she most likely would.
“I’ve taken upon myself another chosen.” She didn't miss a beat as she got straight to the point. She did not meet his gaze at first, her eyes downcast. 
“Oh? Do you not still have that aging wizard doing your bidding?” He chuckled from under his hooded cloak, confused, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Who, Elminster? Well… well, of course, he is the most loyal of any chosen I’ve had. But I am the puppeteer to his marionette and if I cut the strings before I have someone new all I’ll have is a pile of old bones not even worth reanimation.” She said almost incredulously, waving a hand around like she was controlling the imaginary strings of an obedient puppet.
“Your chosen, Mystra…” Kelemvor wandered around the courtyard contemplating his words carefully, pausing to pour a glass of ambrosia wine. “With your presence, the weave needs not another chosen to hold the balance. I don't want to see you hurt again.” Kelemvor’s tone shifted, his tattered robes dragged against the stone walkway as he continued to move about the gardens.
“My chosen are not your concern, nor is the weave. The individuals that I choose are there to uphold balance within the weave. Their power is astronomical, their knowledge far superseding scholars.”
“And your chosen… this time?” He sat in a chair opposite where she was standing.
She eased at his question, even taking a seat across from him. “Gale..Dekarios of Waterdeep. He shows extraordinary power and has had an understanding of the weave from an early age, Kelem! Elminster found him when he was but eight, Eight! He’s older now. Easier to mold..to teach.” she sighed, pressing a hand to her abdomen to calm her nerves
“You mean that it’ll be easier to convince him to bed his goddess without rhyme or reason?” Kelemvor prodded.
“Is that really what you think I do? I’m not some common prostitute, I don’t whore out my magic. What happened then won’t hap…”
“I don’t want you to make the same mistake Mystra, what happened with Karsus was preventable. But you thought you could change him, mold him. You even bedded him once, didn't you? He was only ever in love with your power, and…” Mystra’s voice cut him off.
“You tread on dangerous ground Kelemvor!” The wind whipped through the buildings, and trees creaked as her face hardened. Her fingers dug into her palms. The air was thick with the weave’s choking grasp. “What happened with him was an oversight. I was foolish, I’ll admit it, but none of us were prepared and…”
“You,” Kelemvor interjected swiftly.
“What?” Mystra said, taken aback. The winds calmed.
“You weren’t prepared for him. You were dead Mystra. The weave was in disarray, the crown gone.” Mystra shook her head, her lips pursed with a look of pain and malice, but he continued. “You opened yourself up, gave yourself freely to a man you thought you could change, one you could trust. One of your ‘chosen’’. The balance of Elysium is still fragile even after all these years…and the scales are not in your favor. You need to tread carefully.” 
Kelemvor leaned across the table to lift her chin to stare into the iris eyes of one that had seen so much of the world. She leaned into him, her lips mere inches from his. “All mortals are the same, Mystra, you can’t change them. They are ambitious, greedy creatures. For as long as we’ve known each other, mortal and god alike have craved your power the most. I’m afraid, dear friend, that it is you who are the puppet. And if you’re not careful, someone will cut your strings, and that might be all it takes.”
Her breath caught in her throat. She could feel his icy touch cooling her flesh where his hand rested upon her cheek. “You’re wrong Kelem. I’ve watched him grow, his grasp on magic far supersedes any of the others that have pledged themselves to my service. Gale Dekarios is nothing like Karsus and I’ll prove it. He WILL be my next chosen.” She stood and pushed away from the table then past her old friend, a look of wilful defiance in her eyes as she batted away his hand.
“And what if you’re wrong, about the Dekarios boy?” He asked calmly, turning to look at her. Mystra froze, her fists clenching. “He’s just a man, a mortal, they make mistakes almost as much as we do.”
“I won’t make the same mistake a second time Kelem. He shows promise, I’ll do better. I won’t fall for him. I can’t afford more setbacks; I have too many enemies on my heel.  But if you need reassurance, if he fails me…I’ll find some way to kill him myself.” Mystra walked out of the garden, leaving Kelemvore to sip his drink in silence.
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“Good morning,” Gale whispered, scratching at the back of his messy head and sliding his fingers through his chestnut locks. His hand settled on the back of his neck and he tilted his head to look at her from across the small courtyard. His words dragged her out of the memory with a heavy heart and an exhausted smile. 
“Good morning Gale,” she purred, her back still to him as she quickly wiped a rogue tear from her cheek. 
Gale ran the back of his fingers up her arm as he stood behind her on the balcony. Her fingers lay elegantly splayed out on the granite balustrade, as if ready to conduct an orchestral symphony betwixt the weave and stars. He felt her body quiver as she exhaled softly between parted lips. He leaned in closer, his hand sliding down, slowly dragging the strap of her gossamer silk dress off her shoulder. His nose tickled the outer shell of her ear and he felt her heat radiate there. Hot and steady breath ghosted her skin as he dragged his tongue fervently against the crook of her neck, kissing her tender flesh. 
Her eyes fluttered closed. Behind them, she could see streaks of iridescent violet and lustrous hues of amethyst. Her breath quickened, releasing an enraptured moan.
“Stop!” she exclaimed, stifling the moan almost as quickly as it escaped her. She pulled away from him, rolling her shoulders back and taking a deep breath to calm herself. “You’ve grown too bold, Gale.” Her words were filled with a sad longing as she spoke to him from over her shoulder.
“If I took too many liberties, I apologize. It’s just that after last night I thought...well, I assumed this would be fine.” Gale spoke softly and with a wry smile, He stepped toward her as she turned to face him.
“You think I don’t long to feel your hands upon me? To breathe in the sickeningly intoxicating smell of mahogany and parchment from your skin?” Her breath quivered, her heart raced and her chest heaved as he looked up at her with the same desire that had been present last night.
“I would be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy it, Gale, but it never should have happened. I can’t do this again!  I made a promise I wouldn’t do it aga…” The panic set in and her composure slipped its almost near unbreakable defenses. Gale gently took her face in his hands and she slipped her hands between them, pressing them against his chest.
“Mystra..breathe.” Small petals fell around them as he thumbed away the tears from the corners of her eyes. He pulled a petal from the braided crown on top of her head. “You know wisteria symbolizes long life and even love.” He looked at her as she scoffed.
“Love…you think that’s easier for me because I’m a goddess? Like I’m given a choice? My first and only love will ALWAYs be the weave, it has to be! What we did last night was not love. Lust, desire even, I'll grant you that much, but not love. The sooner you learn the difference, the better off we’ll both be. Don’t disappoint me, Gale.”
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Tag List: @brabblesblog @capraqueen @kasumitanart @tallymonster @ssalballoon @troutsoup @tragedybunny @astarioffsimpmain @nightmarecait @bunnidarling @iizuumi @acystreia
If anyone else wants to be tagged please let me know!! I will figure out how to get this up on Ao3 soon I swear!! Yes, I also took some lore liberties and changed a few minor things. TWs to be added once I figure out what they will be.
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hapan-in-exile · 5 months
Volume 4 - Post #5: Wish You Were Here [M]
Another installment in this ongoing serialized fanfic
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GIF by kpfun
Genre: Mandalorian x Fem! Reader
Total word count: 3.8K (fifth post in Volume 4)
Rating: Explicit - smut, language, +18 *NSFW*
V. Blessed Mother, grant me the clarity of wisdom! You are currently facing one of life’s most consistent yet challenging dilemmas. It’s the tension between two competing impulses. Your deeply ingrained sense of practicality versus how fucking horny you feel right now. 
Should you drop everything and immediately head for the Razor Crest? This hour of the day is undoubtedly your best chance to sneak out while everyone’s still asleep and reunite with your favorite family in the galaxy before anyone notices what you’re up to. 
Or do you yield to vanity? This option means time to wash your hair, put on a little makeup, and dig through Humia’s clothes for something that doesn’t make you look like a sack of potatoes. It’s a waste of daylight, but after eighteen days apart, you’d like to remind the Mandalorian what an absolute smoke show he’s been missing. 
Like, maybe he would sigh very profoundly, so overcome with emotion at the mere sight of you? Okay, sure—it’s Mando—he’s not going to run across a meadow to sweep you up in his arms. But if he gasped your name longingly while threading his fingers through your hair, it would do a lot for your self-esteem.  
All gods divine and merciful, you are levitating with excitement! He’s back, you clasp your hands to your heart. He’s back. He’s back. He’s back. You occupy the same atmosphere. There’s a buoyancy, lifting every footstep as you practically skip up to your front door, throwing it open as though about to burst into song.  
“Oh shit!” Upon entering the hut, you see Serenio enfolded in Davik’s arms. Their foreheads are pressed together, with his long black curls spilling over her lekku. They immediately spring apart like lovelorn teenagers. Which, you recall, they are at seventeen and nineteen, respectively.  
You look between them, watching as they struggle to suppress their ragged breathing. Guess their fake romance isn’t so fake anymore. Maybe Serenio wouldn’t mind getting stuffed into a cleaning cart with Davik? 
Damnit, this was going to make everyone’s sleeping arrangements infinitely more awkward. The hut is comprised of a single room. And while there are some partitions....you, Humia, Davik, and Serenio all sleep feet apart from each other on the floor every night. 
Shit, really? Well, at least romance is working out for someone. It’s sweet. Young love. You’re happy for them. Truly. Did this create a needless distraction? Absolutely. But who are you to judge? You’re about to hike an hour through the woods in the hopes of fucking your boss.
“Want to train with us?” Serenio signs before awkwardly busying herself with rearranging the furniture. 
That’s right! Humia had forbidden them from entering the fighting pits.
TaggeCo employees loved to haunt the encampment’s cantinas and drinking halls. Sometimes, management brought in musical performances for cultural enrichment, but let’s be real—the Lakarani are the true source of entertainment around here.
You have to agree with Humia. It’s far too risky. One of those Tagge corpos might recognize Serenio while she kicked the shit out of someone twice her size and begin to wonder just where their cleaning lady learned to land a punch like that. 
I guess the obvious solution is turning our living room into a training gym?  
“Yeah, you should spar with us, Kas,” Davik agrees. He’s completely serious, despite being so flustered you can see his brown cheeks visibly blushing. “We were just making some room.”
They’d already changed out of their TaggeCo uniforms. Davik is dressed for movement, and Serenio has her knuckles wrapped. 
They both practically vibrate with restless energy. Although, that could simply be a side effect of all this latent sexual tension. Do warriors consider sparring a kind of foreplay?
You’ve got to get out of here before you completely kill the mood. 
“Hmm,” the corners of your mouth tug. “Thanks, but no,” you sign, shifting so that Serenio can read your lips. “I don’t spar.” 
“Ubaa said you were a veteran. What kind of soldier doesn’t train?” Davik seems genuinely confused. “You work through all those fighting stances every morning.”
“I do meditative poses for my blood pressure, Davik. Believe me, hand-to-hand combat skills are not what I’m bringing to this operation.”
“What about self-defense? I can train you. You’re surprisingly strong. I’ve seen you carrying laundry from the wash house,” he says appraisingly. Then, a look of horror crosses his face. “Not that I’m watching—”
“I’m going for a walk,” you sign. “Need a bath.” 
What follows is quite possibly the most awkward silence you’ve ever endured as they both study your every movement, packing toiletries and spare clothing, determinedly not looking at each other. 
“Hey!” a thought occurs to you. “Humia says there’s a bonfire down at the jetty tonight for Honatoka. It sounds like fun. We have the night off. You guys should come.”
At that, they exchange a glance, faces flushed.
“Yeah,” Davik nods. “Do…you want to go?” he signs, asking Serenio.
“Okay,” she shrugs, breaking into a wide smile.
And that’s your good deed for the day! You’ll just have to be mindful to knock very loudly before opening the front door from now on.
It’s true—you’re stronger than you look. Novitiate discipline in the palace temple helped you develop a lot of muscle mass at an early age. For whatever reason, monastic life seems to require climbing an ungodly amount of stairs regardless of which religion you serve. 
That being said, you’re a far cry from elite bounty hunter. Davik might have a point about strength training. By the time you’ve climbed the pine tree and made it over the perimeter wall, you’ve got both hands on your knees, panting for breath. 
It’s a lot of effort to avoid passing through the main gate, but you can’t shake the feeling of paranoia as you set out to meet with your co-conspirators. Best to avoid any questions about where you’re headed.
When word of Emperor Palpatine’s death reached the Metatessu sector, Lakarani independence fighters did not wait for Imperials to develop an exit strategy. They immediately seized all the military outposts, along with the mining operations and refinery. Without available reinforcements to take back control of the planet, Imperial forces abandoned Lakaran.  
While fighters had expelled the Empire, they did not succeed in keeping Lakaran free from foreign influence. The planet was now considered part of Hutt Space, and Yarella the Hutt leased Larakan’s mining rights and coaxium production to the Tagge Corporation. 
But their siege and occupation of the refinery against Imperial forces was the stuff of legends. Literally—images of the martyred fighters could be found in every home, along with altars dedicated to the fallen. 
It’s why the Tagge family made sure to invest in a robust security infrastructure when they took over. 
So, another convenient feature of the retaining wall they’d built around the encampment to prevent mudslides is that it created limited access points in and out of the camp. These gates could be barricaded if necessary, sealing everyone inside. Drones and satellites monitored the area from overhead. 
All in the name of safety. If someone working at the plant was exposed to radioactive material, Tagge Corp claimed they would need to track the population for containment. Of course, all you had to do was look at the river to know the Tagge Corporation didn’t give a fuck about contaminating people with toxic materials. 
The transponder on your wrist tracks everywhere you go. All they had to do was locate your signal, and a team of TaggeCo security could show up at your door and drag you off under the pretext of “containment.”
Tampering with the device was a fireable offense. If you wanted work, you submitted to their surveillance. 
It wasn’t so much that your movements were scrutinized, but they did get documented, which could cause trouble for you later if TaggeCo got suspicious. They might start to wonder why you went hiking through the woods before dawn, who you were meeting with, and a lot of other dangerous questions. 
In a stroke of luck (and probably his dick), the security guard Humia was sleeping with had shown her how to mask the transponder’s signal without damaging it. Still, vigilance costs nothing. You’ve packed your rucksack and draped a towel over your shoulders. If anyone sees you…hopefully, they’ll assume you’re visiting the hot springs nearby. 
Coordinates popping up on your communicator showed the Razor Crest’s location about two leagues northeast of the refinery. 
Again, just terrible bounty hunter skills—you have no idea how to read a topographic map and are forced to backtrack more times than you’re comfortable admitting. How did Mando do this without walking in circles? 
Eventually, you give up trying to navigate the map and just climb the highest tree you can find to look out over the valley. 
There she is! You spot Razoria—which is what Nito called the ship when he needed her to cooperate—settled under a rocky outcrop amidst a shallow marsh at the edge of an alpine lake. You’d been so caught up thinking about Mando and the kids, you’re surprised by the overwhelming sense of relief that wells up inside you just looking at the ship. 
For the first time since you boarded the shuttle for Lakaran you feel…safe. When did you start to think of the Razor Crest as home? 
These weeks on Lakaran might be the longest you’ve been in one place since you stepped onboard the Crest. Wanderlust had been the most enticing part of Nito’s pitch to join them, shuffling the Child across the galaxy. You’ve already seen more star systems in the past five months than your seven-year career in the military. And every night, you slept on board this gorgeous clunker. 
With each new planet, a voice would emerge from your subconscious telling you to make a run for it. Now, the voice would say. Run now before it’s too late. But you’d grown so tired of running away. You wanted to run toward something. And you did—you are—running home to this new family of yours.
The Crest had good cover under the rock and surrounding treeline, but her hull gleamed brightly in the early morning light. While TaggeCo didn’t patrol this far into the mountains, drones or satellites might pick up the glare. The Mandalorian should have some camouflage netting in storage. Tree branches would do the rest.
Nito and the kid are stretched out in the sunshine, lounging on the shore of the lake. As soon as he notices your approach, the Ardennian launches into a gallop. 
“Thuli!” He wraps all four arms around you in a fierce hug. 
You drop to your knees to join his embrace. On the shore, you see the kid waving his hands excitedly.
“Hey, little man!” You lift him up and place him on your hip. “Did you miss me?” 
The Child slowly blinks those enormous brown eyes and rests his downy head against your chest. Your heart melts a little when he gurgles contentedly. 
It felt so good to be back together again. All that’s missing is… 
“Mando’s not here,” Nito says, catching you searching for him. “After we landed, he headed straight for Yarella’s castle in Palmal.”
As an added precaution, you’d boarded the shuttle to Lakaran directly from Daiyu in case anyone from the Tagge Corporation followed up on you. While Humia had been rude and irritable when she met you at Palmal Spaceport, you were deeply grateful for her presence at your side. 
In ten years of travel, you’ve never seen a city less organized. Palmal was carved deep into the mountainside. Its warren-like sprawl of metallic buildings and tubular walkways made it impossible to see ahead in any direction.
Each step felt claustrophobic and dangerous. Which it is! With all the twisting paths and sharp turns, the city’s layout was an ideal hunting ground for bandits.
It made perfect sense why the executives and TaggeCo employees all lived on-site in dormitories and residential halls. Why, despite being poisoned, the Lakarani preferred camping in clapboard shacks surrounding the refinery. You were less likely to get your throat slit.
And looming above the lawless chaos, coiling upward in a gleaming steel spire, is Yarella the Hutt’s castle.
“Why would he do that?”
Mando certainly didn’t need the money. Did the man not know what else to do with himself? Did his life hold no purpose beyond battle and hunting? You can feel tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. How could that be his priority when you haven’t seen each other in weeks?
“I think he wanted to have some cover for why we’re here on Lakaran,” Nito shrugs. “You know, big scary Mandalorian in your backyard makes people nervous. Yarella will probably have a job for him.” 
Without pausing to take off your clothes, you shrug off the rucksack, step out of your boots, and wade into the lake.
“Uh, Thuli–”
You dive into the water before Nito can see you crying. 
Mando’s not here. You don’t care about the rationale or logic of his decision. He couldn’t wait one fucking day—one fucking hour—to see you?
The crushing weight of disappointment that he’s not here—that he couldn’t care less about being here to see you—feels inescapable, like the pull of an anchor dragging you down toward the murky depths. You kick your legs out in frustration, but you can’t swim. You can’t breathe. You just sob, choking as frigid water fills your mouth and subsumes your tears.
Why would he do this? You thought you’d offered him the perfect arrangement. The perfect companion and sexual partner. Instead, you’ve been blown off and left behind.
Mando doesn’t let many people in. So you would have thought that what you shared together…a...a connection—
Fuck—a connection? You know, in your bones, he’s never shared that kind of intimacy and tenderness with anyone else. You would’ve thought it mattered more to him.
Apparently not.
Was this your fault? Before leaving for Lakaran, he’d asked about what to tell the kids, and you said something like, “This doesn’t have to change anything.” You didn’t want to burden him with worry over love, duty, and Creeds. 
Was it the wrong thing to say? Should you have confessed that your heart belonged to him and no one else? Would he be here if you had? Maybe he was simply taking you at your word—that what you’d shared didn’t change anything.      
The truly heartbreaking realization is that as angry as you feel toward Mando, the real person you’re angry with is yourself. You’d told him he didn’t need to change, but you still expected him to. Are you really such a narcissist that you thought having sex with you one time would be such a transformative experience he’d wake up a completely different person?
It had been three times. Regardless, you’re not being fair. You want to storm and rage. But what good will it do? You’ve fallen for a man whose life is encased in cold steel.  
Hadn’t you prayed for clarity and wisdom? It won’t heal the hurt breaking your heart to pieces or soothe your anger, but you’ve got to temper these feelings with honesty, for him and yourself. 
Stepping out of the lake and back onto the shore, you peel off your wet clothes and join the baby, catching tadpoles in the shallow waters and swallowing them whole. 
It’s a beautiful day. You’ve got the whole morning to spend with these two wonderful kids you deeply cherish. Who’s absence had also weighed on your heart these past eighteen days. Why spoil this precious time together? 
For being a nosy adolescent, Nito very graciously ignores your red, swollen eyes and doesn’t ask what’s wrong.
“I’m about a minute from eating some of those mud-guppies myself,” he moans, watching the Child slurp down handfuls. “We’re down to broth and hardtack.”
“Well, let’s catch some fish,” you offer. 
“I don’t know how," Nito murmurs. "You can’t eat anything from the harbor in Coronet City, so I never thought to learn. Do you think I can actually, like, catch a one? With…my hands?”
“Come on, city slicker, I’ll teach you.”
“Do you have a hook? Isn’t that how they do it?”
“Yes," you chuckle. "You can also use a net or a basket. But I’ll show you how to spear a fish. I’m sure Mando has a spear somewhere in that arsenal.”
Even better, the Mandalorian has a ranseur, which is basically a fancy trident. Nito’s eyes widen in horror.  
“Won’t Mando be mad if we get fish guts on his spear?”
“Fuck’im,” you say darkly, without pause.
Nito looks askance at your embittered tone.
“What? It’s not made of Beskar.”
His brow remains furrowed, “I want to learn about the baskets.”
After scouring the Razor Crest for all the necessary tools, you camp out on the shore, braiding fishing baskets from the tall reed grass surrounding the lake. “Did you learn how to do this in the war? So you wouldn’t starve?”
“What?” you laugh, showing Nito how to strip the reeds for cordage. “No, I learned to fish as a child.”
“I thought you grew up in a palace?”
“That came later. I moved to the palace when I was your age.” 
Moved to the palace is a very polite way to describe being abducted and held hostage against your will. But you’re committed to keeping the vibes positive this morning, so you leave that out. Nito’s childhood was no picnic either.
“Before the palace, I lived with my family in a house by the beach. So we fished. You grew up on Corellia, so you learned engines.”
“Hmm…you are terrible with technology. But this is pretty cool. We’re really gonna catch fish in this thing?”
“With a rock and some patience, we will,” you wink at him, tying off your knots. “Here, you carry the baskets, and I’ll get the kid.” 
About an hour later, you’ve caught at least a dozen fish. And it’s impossible to feel anything but pride seeing the joy on Nito’s face. You show him how to clean and scale the big ones. Baby chomps down the rest. “Hey, kiddo. Close your mouth when you chew.”
“Are you staying to eat these?” Nito asks. “Or do you have to go back?”
“I think we should spend the rest of the morning camouflaging the ship. You can tell me all about your adventures on Coruscant while we work. But first, I need a nap.”
You tell yourself this is not a ploy—that you’re not stalling for time in the hopes of seeing the Mandalorian when he returns. But that’s a lie.
Nito suddenly grows fidgety. “I—um. I should maybe tell you that Mando’s been sleeping in there.”
“In the sleeping compartment. Not at first. You know how he usually sleeps with his back against a wall or something? But then…” Nito trails off. “I just thought you should know.”  
Damnit, your heart starts racing. The Mandalorian has been sleeping in your bed. Your mind leaps to a million possible reasons, yet what else could it mean? 
A wide smile tugs at your lips. And you’d begun to wonder if he missed you at all. 
“Thanks for telling me.”
Standing in front of the sleeping compartment, your body is awash with nervous anticipation. Over what, you have no idea. Just that…
When the door slides up with a faint whine of compressed air, you stare down at the bedroll and gasp. On top of your blankets is a brightly patterned piece of cloth. You pick it up—the fabric is so soft and diaphanous that it slips through your fingers like falling water. 
Free of its delicate folds, you realize it’s a stunning silk robe.  
In his eagerness to undress you, the Mandalorian had torn the hem of your (old) robe, pulling it over your head. It’s so old, tattered, and threadbare that you told him not to worry about it.
This one is elegant, with a beautiful print—pale pink, with butterflies in shades of blue and lavender. Like moondust, you smile. You remember telling Nito about the butterflies on Hapes that migrated along the coast and converged in the palace gardens. Was it a coincidence, or had Mando been listening? 
It might be one of the most beautiful gifts you’ve received from…anyone. 
Mando had left it folded neatly on top of the bedroll, knowing you'd come back to the ship. Kriffing hell, why hadn’t he just waited for you?
Ugh! How could one man be so generous and insensitive at the same time?!
You groan and throw yourself onto the blankets—which, of course, smell like him. You bury your face into the covers to breathe in his scent. The warm, smokey fragrance of the muscle salve he used. The tang of leather and the musk of his sweat. 
It’s a scent tied to your memories—distracting fever dreams of his tongue trailing the curve of your throat, the soft brush of his lips on your collarbone, his warm breath against the shell of your ear. 
You will absolutely not cry and masturbate over this man yet again. Once was a tragedy. Twice is a habit.
But even now, in your mind’s eye, he was kissing you, his mouth sliding down your neck, drinking in your skin, your bodies tangled up together as he moved inside you. Each caress of silk against your nipples is a reminder of his lips.
Had it been like this for him? Were you in his thoughts when he slept in this bed? Did Mando touch himself and think of you? 
You close your eyes and trace your hand down your stomach toward the heat pooling between your thighs. At least there’s no tears in your eyes this time.
When you open them, your imagination conjures the Mandalorian here with you, kneeling between your legs to watch your fingers work. He joins you, drawing his cock into his hand, stroking himself with long, languorous pulls. 
It’s an abstract fantasy since you’ve never seen his face—but you imagine holding each other’s gazes.
His eyes would be...brown. Definitely brown. The hairs trailing down Mando's smooth, muscular stomach are dark and coarse. His powerful body is taut and beautiful—broad shoulders, tapered waist, and thick, sinewy thighs. You would stare into each other's eyes, stroking in rhythm as your breathing quickens, moans rising together. 
You writhe on top of the covers, this vision of him fixed in your mind. His lips slightly parted as he breathes harder and faster, fist tight around his shaft, the dark head of his cock sliding back and forth within his grip. When he did that, here, on this bed, he was remembering you.
Then you think back to the moment he first plunged inside you, that first shock of penetration. His satisfied groan, your own desperate cry.
You keep replaying that—over and over again, the first time every time, your fingers moving as fast as he could thrust—until your orgasm hits you so hard the world goes white. Your eyes roll back in the rush of release. Everything is blurred and humming, and you’re lost to the pulsing of your heart and your cunt.
You lay there a few moments, expecting to feel his body pressed against you in the aftermath, but…Mando’s gone. He's not here.
And when you finally wake up hours later, he still hasn’t returned.
Continue reading: Volume 4-Post #6: Count Your Blessings
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loopspoop · 7 months
Backstory for Fujiko perhaps? ^u^
Unsurprisingly, she’s one of the harder ones for me to write, but I’m giving it my all!
She’s born in Japan to a single mother. They live in a tiny apartment and, while her mother is young, she tries her best to do what she can for her. She’s made mistakes but she’s trying her best for her child. However, the stress gets to her. Her family has shunned her for having a child out of wedlock and for being so young. She leaves her child alone in a park one day. Fujiko is wailing after hours of loneliness and is finally picked up by police after a concerned couple realized the abandonment. Despite her age, the memory is something she recalls often and is where her first distrust of the police comes in. She felt they took her from her mother. She was coming back for her, she had to be.
Group homes were a change for Fujiko. She wanted her mom, but the kids are nice. The girls in the homes get in trouble for painting her nails. Why paint his nails?! He’s a boy! Fujiko was as pissed as a 4 year old could be at that point. She looked great in red nail polish! How dare they? However, this is where she learned that turning on the charm got her what she wanted. She was a cute kid and grew into a beautiful adult. She knew how to work the system before she was 7. Even if it was just for cookies or an extended bedtime, it worked. If that didn’t, she was good at tantrums too. She was an angry kid.
She ends up more rebellious in middle school. Group homes aren’t as nice when they realize how much you act out. She’s angry. She’s realized her mother abandoned her. Nobody concretely adopts her and it pisses her off. She’s shunted from home to home as she begins to steal jewelry and expensive things from foster parents. Sometimes they find everything, sometimes they don’t. She’s caught stealing her files trying to find her mother, which ears her a beating with a ruler for snooping in important files. It intensifies her rage against systems like this. There’s no information on her past except her permanent records of all of her misbehaving. Stealing, fighting, tantrums, she’s done it all.
Puberty doesn’t help. Hair in weird places makes her feel like she’s losing her good looks. She can’t get what she wants by just asking or trying her best. She’s learned this early on. Looks are what gets her what she needs. She’s alone and only has herself. She will kick someone’s ass, but that’s a last resort. She steals razors from the girls sanitary products room and teaches herself to shave. She steals makeup and perfume from stores and grows her hair long. Fuck societal norms at this point, she was whoever she wanted to be, damnit! She ends up getting arrested at 15 for stealing makeup. The group home cuts her hair as punishment. She gets more enraged against these systems. The group homes punish her for self expression. The police made fun of her hair and makeup. She pierces her own ears and fixes her hair to her best ability and runs away.
She adopts a new name. She’s Fujiko Mine now. Her hair grows back beautifully and she manages to learn to hide any masculine features well. Watching enough people teaches her how to raise her voice and she puts on an act to get money from rich suckers who treat anyone below them like garbage anyways. She ages into a woman on the streets, sleeping in fancy condos when she’s doing well and living with filthy men she tricks into letting her stay. She always leaves before they find her out, stealing their wallets and milking their bank accounts dry.
She’s in her 20s when she gets a high mark, gets herself a good amount of money but ends up losing it before she can do much. Down on her luck, a love struck Frenchman sweeps her off her feet and she makes him a mark.
It doesn’t work out like she expected.
He doesn’t leave. He found her out immediately. The stealing, her secrets, everything. He doesn’t care, despite the fact she holds a knife to his throat. He’s Lupin III and he’s… got really great boobs- oh. So that’s how he knew.
Lupin helps her pay her top and bottom surgery and handles all the recovery. He was really sweet for it. They form a bond pretty quickly. She heals and steals his wallet. He kept Monopoly money in it, the little creep. And a phone number. He invites her on heists, presents her with diamonds and dresses and designer bags. It’s what she always wanted. And while Lupin does want things in return, namely sex, he’s not greedy about it like the other men were. He isn’t forceful. If she says no he accepts just cuddling or even sharing a coffee and a chat.
Eventually they end up with a samurai and a gunman in the same situation. Jigen is prickly and thinks she’s just after Lupin’s body. The only thing she really wanted was to exchange chests, but that problem was solved and not much of Jigen’s business anyways. Goemon was shy and a little funny to mess with. He gave her hair tips and they became fast friends in exchanging passing tips. A lot of her anger dies down. She stills hates laws and systems like foster care but she’s not as angry at the world because people like her can do just fine when they get the right family. And she has her family, finally.
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icharchivist · 8 months
Twitter doesn't deserve Ladiva
they really do not.
This is so unfair because like. Granblue really do a lot of work with Ladiva to develop her in many complex stories and stuff, she's a beloved character who is always getting some focus and love, who is never the punchline of jokes because they care for her so much (i think there might have been jokes very early in her development but it hasn't happened in about a decade by now), who has a fantastic event about her having to learn she doesn't need to carry the burden of everyone around her and she needs to take care of herself, and people care about her because Ladiva makes people's lives better just by being in it, she's the one character who is defined by the fact people better themselves because they know Ladiva loves them, and as such, they love and give everything for her... while genuinely, genuinely, having her at the center of plotlines about "you're so loving and we love you for that but please we beg you don't set yourself on fire to keep other people warm, we can help you too, you don't need to carry all of our burdens, and we can help you carry yours, you're not our therapist friend, and while our lives are made better with your love, we're also your friends and here for you".
and despite all of that, despite almost 10 years of constant content about the fact Ladiva is both the most loving and the most beloved character in universe, people keep reducing her character to "rep bad because she doesn't feel dysmorphia."
how is that fair!!! how is that fair!!!
Like i'm sorry but like, how is constantly reducing a trans character to being a good or bad trans rep to how they feel about their body or their design good when you ignore the actual stories this character go through?
and like, we have others trans character!! you want a trans woman who feels so dysphoric she gets panic attack when she's reminded of her previous body??? read Cagliostro's stories!! even though it rarely focus on her gender, this is something that is touched upon multiple times! and she's allowed to be cocky and arrogant and a bit selfish, and the narrative framing it like "and at the same time, she's right to be so because she IS the greatest genius of the skies".
Like. Yes be mindful of the way Granblue explore trans rep! if you want to really dig holes to a trans chara Granblue mishandled most of their history, look at Balurga! and even there his last event actually tried to undo some of the damages of his previous content!
but it feels so disgeniune to constantly, constantly, cONSTANTLY bringing down Ladiva on "but she doesn't change her body to be more traditionally feminine so she's bad rep" as if she wasn't a full fledged character with her own stories to tell on top of her transness.
And that since she's all about love, and self love, and self acceptance, without having to put expectations on yourself, and it's something she has a mentality for in every single aspect of her life so of course she also projects it on her gender..... like man. man!!!
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Just pay your respect to her damnit!!
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
For the small town theme!
Hermitcraft the sunniest place in the world!…or at least that’s what the town sign said as Gem moved into the small town it was lovely! Nice bakery down the street from her apartment, giant library, fun neighborhood it was paradise!…Unless you count all the shulk growing around the town Gem had never seen so much of the stuff in her life and when she finally asks about it she all she usually gets is “Oh you’ll find out soon enough if your lucky” or “It’s gonna be a magical night when you figure it out”. She’s not for riddles damnit so after a week long exhausting research endeavor trying to figure out what the shulk was about.
So imagine her surprise when she’s woken up in the middle of the night to see a very tall and very naked warden hybrid standing in front of her bed staring at her…she thinks? Doesn’t help wardens are blind but now she has one in her bedroom looming over her bed just looking at her before said warden runs a hand through her hair and pokes her….ok now the confusion was off the charts. So she managed to get the warden to sit down and put a blanket around herself so she wasn’t having to keep staring elsewhere so she wasn’t distracted by certain…bits.
And as the warden explained who’s name was Pearl as it turns out granted her English was very very choppy but she heard a knock at the door and went to open it to see a very very tired blonde haired woman saying “did a warden break into your apartment?” Great more questions! So the woman who’s name was False explained that the town has always had a warden hybrid or two running around Pearl was just one of them albeit the most curious of her kind who liked to sneak to the surface at night to explore the town above the ruins that was her home. And eventually quite a few people discovered Pearl and began to teach her about the surface world.
Now Pearl is normally a little more curious than the average hybrid how could she not be when the town above the ruins was filled with so many precious things and pretty people?! Especially False who’d she go to heaven and hell for she makes pretty sounds, smells nice and doesn’t even mind when she pokes and rubs her to get a better mental image of her! And now she has another girlfriend Gem! She teaches her how to read brail and even makes an effort to teach her how to speak English easier Pearl knew leaving the ruins was a good idea!
False knew something was up when Pearl didn't arrive at her usual time. Thankfully, she's known Pearl for long enough to figure out where she's ended up. Of course, it has to be the apartment of the new girl in town. Of course.
False could feel fear holding her lungs in a vice as she rushed up the stairs. They've tried to tell Pearl that appearing in people's houses in the middle of the night isn't a good first impression, but Pearl isn't interested in hearing it. She's so relieved to find Gem and Pearl both unharmed. Pearl makes the most delighted coos when she hears False's voice - immediately dropping the blanket to rush to her. False quickly wraps it back around Pearl's shoulders.
It's a bit of an awkward first meeting for all of them. False apologises greatly for Pearl, but Gem brushes her off. She thinks it's really cool, even if it was a little intimidating at first! False gives Gem the rundown on what she needs to know, whilst Pearl complains, "You're givin' away my secrets..."
It's upon learning that Pearl uses touch a lot that Gem gets the idea for braille! It ends with the trio hanging out often, Gem reading to Pearl, or helping her through another book. False often chilling on her phone, or trying to help out. Pearl shows Gem how to care for the patches of sculk in her apartment (and promises it won't spread any further, it just makes it easier for Pearl to get around!)
When Pearl introduces Gem to the other hybrids, Gem gets the distinct feeling she might be meeting the family. She would've worn something better if she knew, not that they can see but- oh, nevermind!
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hawthornsword · 7 months
Bad Batch 3x4 thoughts:
I LOVE that despite Crosshair previously complaining that she doesn't have much of plan, she actually does. It's just high on goals and low on actionable steps. The step she has thought of, while nearly crashing to her death flying the shuttle, is to get coordinates of Tantiss so they can go back. Her plan is to rescue her brothers. ALL of them. It's not even a question for her. It's assumed, and she's surprised when that's not everyone else's priority too.
She's such a sweet sweet kid. She doesn't want to hurt anyone even though she can and has and knows sometimes she has to. She's so good.
"Stow it." - sounds like something Hunter or Echo would say, lol. I wonder how often she reminds Crosshair of his brothers.
I love that despite that Crosshair is theorectically the older, more mature, more experienced one, when Omega wants to try something - he lets her try. To try and fail is often how you learn, and she's so thoughtful and determined and eager that she is always working out how to make an obstacle into an opportunity. That is how highly successful people think. Crosshair sees this and gives her the room to try and to fail and to grow, all while his own respect for his sister is growing.
Omega: I don't want to hurt anyone.
Crosshair, internally probably: I DO!!!
🤣🤣🤣 "a temporary requisition of funds" - you can tell Sid has been her babysitter. She didn't learn everything from her brothers.
"And if you lose?" - Don't worry Cross, that's when you get to start shooting. 🤣
Omega continues to impress me. She was pretty annoying in the beginning of season one, but that's to be expected because she was a little kid. She's grown and learned so much and now she's showing so much maturity. She's not going to compromise her morals just because her scary big brother she wanted to rescue says so. Like yes, practically speaking, leaving Batcher behind is the safe thing to do, but Star Wars heroes don't win by abandoning their allies. That's one of the entire themes of the whole thing. You stick by your friends, no matter what, and that's how you win. She stands her ground.
"My skills are being wasted." Crosshair is willing to let Omega lead I think because he's out of his depth a bit in civilian territory, still used to a straitforward battlefield, while Omega's entire experience outside of Kamino is in situations like this. So despite that the adult should be taking care of the kid in this situation, she's the one who knows what she's doing. But he also points out to her not to waste the advantage he brings to the table, because he knows at this point that she's got a strategic mind and can factor that in in some useful way. They're becoming such a good team I'm so excited!!!!
"All right. Let's try things your way." She's responding to the imperial, but glances at Crosshair to indicate it's his turn to shine. Chef's kiss, 10/10. I adore little things like that.
Release the animals!!!! Yes, good, classic distraction shenanigans! Comeuppance for the villain without the heroes even having to do anything is so delicious. And they even got away with their credits! I'm having such a good time!
Hah, Omega being sassy. She's thoroughly into teenager-hood.
Oh shit the dramatic lighting on that shot of Hemlock standing at the crashed shuttle is gorgeous. Also really enjoy his quiet rage. He's such a good villain.
Poor Crosshair still can't quite let himself hope...
Oh god, that quiet moment of arriving home. That's beautiful.
Wrecker greeting her first, no hesitation, complete joy. And then Hunter following, hesitating. He must be feeling so guilty that he couldn't save his girl, that she had to do it by herself. So, so, proud, but wishing he'd been better so she didn't have to.
Wait, what, NO! I wanted the emotional Hunter Crosshair reunion damnit!!!!
Ugh, okay that was really good. I'm quite happy.
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maximus-tugs · 10 months
Captured Memory
(Last backstory piece! Sorry this took so long).
Lillie stood before her bookshelf, attempting to reach up towards the third shelf. Unfortunately, her fingers were only just able to brush the spine of the book. "Damnit." she muttered to herself.
"Need some help, darling?" she heard Hercules ask. Lillie sighed.
"Why do you even have a bookshelf so tall that you can't reach it?" Hercules teased gently. As he took the book down, something fell from between the pages, fluttering to the floor. It was a photograph. Hercules picked it up, examining it. In the photo, a young girl stood, staring into the camera. Her long dark hair was held in a thick braid that rested on one of her shoulders. She wore a plain, long white dress. Behind her stood an old woman, whose expression was very stern. She had a hand on the girl's shoulder. Lillie looked at the photo in surprise, her face going pale.
"Lillie, is this photo of you?" Hercules asked.
"It is, and the woman behind me is my mother."
"You're nearly unrecognizable."
"I know..."
"I don't think you've told me about your family before."
"No I haven't. But I might as well tell you now. You should know that I hate my mother." Lillie began in a surprisingly measured tone. Hercules looked at her with surprise.
"Doesn't that seem harsh? After all, she did raise you."
"That doesn't mean she was a good woman or a good mother." Lillie narrowed her eyes. "Yes, she took care of me, but there was more to her. More that she didn't want to be seen. I was her fourth child and first daughter. She had always wanted a daughter and said that the day I was born was the happiest day of her life and said that I was the most important thing in her life. And perhaps you think that sounds good and normal, I thought so too. What I didn't see until much later is my mother treated me like a doll. She would meticulously brush my hair and dress me up to show off. She loved the idea of perfect families. Everything had to be done carefully and flawlessly...there was a time I used to feel so proud that I did everything she asked without any mistakes. The few times I made mistakes were certainly learning experiences. My mother was a cruel woman when she was angry." Lillie shook her head as if that could clear the troublesome memories from her mind.
"Things changed when we had to come to Bigg City for my father's work. I was growing into a young lady by now, but I was still firmly in my mother's shadow. The city was different in so many ways, but my mother hated the modern views women held in the city. Many had jobs, got involved in politics or weren't married. I tried to agree with her as always, but it was soon hard to deny that I was very curious and intrigued. I started talking to the modern girls, despite my mother's wishes. From them, I learned so much that my mother hardly dared to even mention, I found a love of new styles and short hair. I even met my first love...but that isn't important." Lillie corrected herself, chasing away the dreamy thoughts that had begun to enter her mind.
"I made the mistake of telling my mother that I disagreed with her. And she was more furious than I had ever seen. She screamed, she cried, she yelled until her voice went hoarse. She vowed to confine me to my room until I 'came to my senses'. However, that gave me time to think. I was no longer so afraid of my mother. She yelled and it was unpleasant, but I was so tired of being held back by her that I no longer cared. So I told her I learned my lesson. I did my best to pretend that I agreed with her, but it was no longer so easy to fit into her expectations. Now that I could see the world she had shielded me from, I wanted to go further. We fought more and more now that I had dared to defy her, it was exhausting. Finally, I had had enough of her. One of my...friends, we'll call her, convinced me to cut my hair short, the way I had been admiring for some time. She did it herself, carefully cutting away the long hair that my mother loved so much. And sure enough, when I returned home, my mother wailed as if she had learned I died. We both yelled at each other, I can't even remember everything that was said, but the part that stood out to me was how she said I caused her great shame and that she regretted the years wasted on raising me. The conversation ended with the door closed in my face and we haven't communicated in any way since that day."
A silence hung in the air for a moment. Lillie looked down at the floor, clenching her fists so tight her knuckles went white. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart...I had no idea." Hercules broke the silence, gingerly putting an arm around his partner.
"It's alright." Lillie took a deep breath. "Thank you for listening to everything. I understand it was a long story...and that was hardly the half of it."
"It's no trouble at all." Hercules assured her. Lillie looked at the photo he held, at her old self, who looked into the camera almost sadly.
"Hercules, dear, could you hand me that photo?" she asked. Hercules wordlessly gave it to her. "And you happen to have a lighter with you?" Her boyfriend fished a lighter out of his pocket. "Thank you." She flicked on the lighter, touching the flickering flame to the corner of the picture, making it smolder and curl. The image of her mother was consumed by flame and scattered into ash, Lillie's younger self beginning to burn as well. Lillie seemed satisfied, shaking the remnants of the photo, extinguishing the flame. Hercules looked surprised.
"I thought it might be best to get rid of the last thing I have to remind myself of all that." Lillie said calmly. "Now then, I had better sweep up the ashes..."
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onlybonesleft · 1 year
shore leave of learning | closed
Leonard sighed deeply as he sank into the couch in the temporarily provided quarters for him. He was tired, but happy--or at least as happy as he could be. They were finally on Earth for an extended period. It had been too long since his feet touch good ol' Terra Firma. The rest of the crew was heading in all sorts of directions since this was the first time 'home' in awhile.
He was glad that the crew would get time to relax and reconnect with family or maybe start one--they were here for awhile while the Silver Lady got herself some much TLC from the StarFleet engineers and mechanics. Scotty had been nearly buzzing with excitement.
But when all was said and done, he had no family to reconnect with, not really. Jocelyn and Joanna were on a globe trotting excursion of their own with Jocelyn's new husband; he had really only contacted his mother to see if the cottage they had owned when he was a kid was still there and if he could swing by to collect the keys. Thankfully it was still in the McCoy name and his mom even asked him if he'd be willing to fix up a few things around the place.
Len ran a hand through his hair, even as he tilted his head back, resting on the cushions. His relationship with his mother had been a bit strained since everything had gone to hell in a hand basket during his father's decline. They were at least amicable, and Leonard knew that she loved him in her own way, just as he still loved her even she had said some rather cutting things to him over the years.
"Enough of that maudlin shit," he muttered and sat back up with a groan. He needed to pack his shit. Sure, the shuttle didn't leave for another day and a half, and the crew had a celebratory welcome-back-to-Earth party planned for a little later that day before everyone went their separate ways. Never hurt to be prepared though, and perhaps he could head out earlier if a space on a shuttle opened up.
Later that day at aforementioned party, Len sipped at his drink while he took in the smiles and laughter of the crew. It was good to see them in such high spirits--and that he wouldn't be in charge of taking care of their shenanigan induced injuries for awhile. A deeper part of him knew that the next few weeks would be lonely because he hadn't agreed to go with Jim and Spock--but he'd just be third wheeling and it wasn't really something he wanted to do with his free time.
But even if it wasn't his intention from the beginning, Leonard had made friends with the crew and he could be honest enough to say he'd miss them (not to mention he gave one hell of a ship wide message that claimed fire and brimstone if they came back with an overabundance of STDs or STIs). He didn't want his first few days back treating things that were easily preventable, damnit!
He shook his head with a chuckle and noticed a certain ensign by himself for once tonight. It had seemed Chekov was fairly popular, and Leonard couldn't help but be curious of the the youngster's plans for this break. Bones was such he'd have gotten a few offers to hang out or make plans of his own. 'Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back,' Len thought as he meandered over to Chekov.
"Great party tonight, dontcha agree, kid?" asked Leonard when he was close enough to not be shouting at the lad. "Doin' anythin' fun for the break? Visiting a secret lover that we don't know about?" he joked lightly. "Or doin' what most of us are doing and just relaxing and hanging out with friends and family we haven't seen in person in ages?"
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hey cap! just wanted to say: last week was CRAZY so i only just got around to rereading panthera (500 pages in babyy), however i have a couple of notes! and a photo.
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these are now pantheras gloves to me sozzles.
onto the notes from the top of my head!
absolutely love how fucking stupid rose was about being in love with juleka. like she really just. didn't notice for so damn long.
i like how you foreshadow events! like i know they are coming because yknow. read this damn thing about 5 times now. but i notice new things each time damnit!
you would not believe how vivid that scene from guitar villain of panthera going so hard is for me, like that is genuinely one of the images that comes up for me when i think about this fic
once again. foreshadowing. i actually didn't notice the first few times that Lilas mum says "the city of love" and then teases her about a romantic relationship, and the way Lila reacts?? excellent. love noticing new details
i actually fucking love anarka so much frfr, you got her character down so nicely, like she's not 'important' but she is and it comes through (also i will always always lose it over you using scottish slang, sometimes you use it in such a strange way and i love it)
onto the questions!
ok so people joke about it in the asks but will we be seeing Rose with a miraculous? i think the dynamic between juleka and Rose as she is transformed would be absolutely hysterical, but also seeing Julekas thoughts on Rose being in danger would be fascinating. (along with knowign which miraculous she would be getting)
is Marinette ever going to figure out who Panthera is? and to extend that question; what are tikkis motivations for identities being kept so secret whereas plagg doesn't care as much? or is it simply to stay true to some of the show?
I've noticed that Juleka sometimes has bouts of confidence (eg. horrificator) and acts more 'like panthera' but i have been curious on whether she would start to be more talkative in general, not that she has / should be but i've just been curious about that since i first started reading if i'm honest with you. (i find that panthera is similar to masking and how i view that so Juleka would probably be increibdly socially exhausted if she did so) i also ask because it would be really funny to see her casually flirt with friends really smoothly without the cat ears
will we be seeing more of Rose noticing Juleka and Marinette havign some sort of bond? before she realised her feelings it was explicitly stated (i think in numerical? replacement for reflecta.) that she felt jelous over their interactions and i am interested to see if that would continue (though i may be forgetting details! i am only 500 pages into a 1700 roundabout document)
On a bit of a time crunch rn and may appear again so thats all for now!
notes on the two 'new' chapters coming soon!
Great to read your notes again! As for your questions...
We will eventually! In Season 4! She'll still be Pigella, because I love Pigella, but I'll be doing my best to keep it refreshing!
2. Eventually. I'll hold my tongue on saying whether she'll learn post canon or in the fic, I can't wait to show you all how my plans play out. As for Tikki- I'd like to imagine many of her ladybugs died because they let their identities leak. She's a bit traumatized.
3. 'Panthera' as an identity is very much Juleka's way of masking! I'm glad you picked up on that. At first i wrote it as a funny instinct but as I kept going the idea of Juleka literally taking that identity to mask well, yeah! It got depressing in Prince Shining but now that Juleka is more in tune with herself- I hope to play more around with the running gag of her being 'Panthera' when she's supposed to be 'Juleka.'
4. I apologize that it was a little plot thread that never got as explored as I had originally intended to so many years ago but!! Rose's thoughts on Marinette and Juleka's relationship will eventually make a return!
Happy reading!! Stay tuned for more!!
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lemonmatronicsart · 1 year
Muki and Tailor repost since I’ve written out their actual bios since their first post!
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Alts and Bios below the cut
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     A classic rags to riches style story, Muki and her sister grew up in a much more unsavory setting.
     Father dying while they were young and sending their mother spiraling, Muki and her sister both has to raise themselves for a long time. Due to this Muki didn’t gain many social skills, having to focus on surviving more than living a childhood. Little does she realize her older sister Tailor got the worse end of the issue.
     Despite her situation, Muki always admired The Bad Crowd’s previous ruler. Needing someone to idolize and inspire her (RIP Tailor), she turned to lionizing Bluster’s mother. Dreaming of one day performing for her.
     She never got to live that dream.
     While Muki always loved to sing, turning to it as a comfort in her younger years and overtime becoming a talent, she started gaining attention for it in her late teens. At first she didn’t adjust to the sudden praise well, not being used to any sort of spotlight, but after taking some advice from her sister she embraced the opportunity for a better life.
     Play a persona that can handle it. That’s what she had to do, and damnit it worked. A wall of mean blocking out the real her that would undoubtedly get pushed over. Muki only gained more and more traction as word spread about her, and the fake face had to stay on more and more.
     Until eventually…well it just wasn’t fake anymore.
     The defense mechanism used to keep herself from being used becoming so vital to her life it simply never left. Becoming even more defensive and cruel worded as time went on, and she treated everyone around her equally awful.
     Nobody would notice this change, not knowing the little girl she used to be.
     But Tailor did.
     Additional character relations note:
Muki collabed with another music artist named Pic Ringlee during the early stages of her singing career. While at the time she was singing safe poppy stuff that didn’t challenge her much, Ringlee heard her music and could just tell her voice was capable of more. He offered her the chance to collab on a song with him, which she happily accepted.
     The collab itself was fine, great even, and got Muki’s name further out there. Since then her main style of music incorporated both rock and pop into a mesh of a blend that made her stand out. However, also completely overshadow Ringlee. Leading to a growing resentment and eventual blow up at Muki, a major blow to her ego considering she’d grown to look up to the guy.
     Later on Ringlee would realize just how childish it was of him to act as such after a long series of misfortunes. But his story is for another day.
     Years later when he reached out to Muki to make things right she absolutely refused to listen to him. The fact it wasn’t long after Tailor ditched her not helping in the slightest. Accidentally just contributing to Muki’s slow but steady mental slip.
     Additional character relations note:
Muki has a body guard named Unar she eventually fell into a situationship with. Remember him, their whole deal will be revealed when he’s posted. Just wanna note he’s important
     Growing up Tailor had to not only raise herself due to her mother’s depressive negligence, but had to raise her little sister too. Giving up many learning opportunities when it came to her passion, fashion, so she could be there for her sister. Never telling Muki about the given up classes and job offers. Despite only being three years older than her, Tailor practically becoming a parent against her will.
     On some nights, she did find time to sketch and design outfits. Almost never being able to bring them to life, but her drive to brainstorm couldn’t die. Especially when Muki also found it interesting. Sometimes snuggling up next to her and watching her sketch to fall asleep. Tailor never minded, in fact, she liked that her sister enjoyed her work. Even if it only stayed on the pages for years.
     At most she would have to sew up holes in their clothes or adjust them to fit new sizes, unable to spend money on buying more. She gifted presents to Muki when she could, but with their mother’s depression only making her sick over the years, they both knew what they needed to focus on.
     Eventually, Muki’s talents were the ones noticed. Both of them knowing how much of an opportunity The Bad Crowd hearing her voice could be, Tailor did everything she possibly could to help her. Finally, she was making real outfits. Simple ones, sure, but she was sewing and cutting again. All the while doing everything possible to help her sister adjust and find her places to perform. Slowly but surely getting her sister more well known not only in their area, but further out as well.
     As Muki became more popular and found ways to handle the limelight she always dreamed of beaming on her, she took Tailor with her. Rising budgets for a rising star, she was making the outfits she always dreamed of. Who better to costume design for Muki than her own sister?
     But things didn’t stay so great. Money was flowing, absolutely. They could finally indulge in simple treats they didn’t get to when they were young. But Muki…changed.
     At the start Tailor gave her some advice to beat her first show stage freight. Advice Muki would never let go of.
     “Be someone who can do it.”
     She remembered it word for word, over the years haunted by her own quote.
     Muki did become someone who could handle the music business. Someone mean, cruel, spoiled, and entitled. Unbearable to work with and constantly switching out employees.
     But Tailor stayed.
     Despite the fact she began being treated just as badly as Muki treated others, Tailor owed her sister. At least she felt like she did. Muki was the reason she wasn’t hungry while sewing clothes and designing costumes. She needed to be there, it was her sister damnit!…
     But a person can only take so much.
     She doesn’t understand why that day in particular drove her over the edge, but one too many dismissals of her work left Tailor absolutely heartbroken and hurt. She didn’t even care how many other people witnessed that fight.
     Tailor quit, unsure of where she was gonna go next.
     After taking some time off and collecting herself, Tailor began to look for real work again. Working for Muki before, many people wanted her. It wouldn’t be hard to find a good offer, but there was one that stood out above the others. One she just couldn’t refuse.
     Bluster didn’t even mind if she altered the complementary jacket! Granted, he didn’t expect her to go THAT nuts with it. But hey, her clothes not his.
Muki and Tailor can also be seen being depicted as friends with Kai and Minx respectively
Kai and Minx both belong to @zip-toonz
I’m not knowledgeable on them enough to write full blown bios about the characters on Toonie’s behalf but to sum the dynamics up shortly
Muki and Kai are both beloved singers that met each other through the music business. However both of them are very flawed people that have made some big mistakes, so they totally help each other realize that and grow right—? No they enable the hell out of each other because doing so in turn justifies their own actions as well.
Tailor meets Minx not long after leaving Muki and quickly end up being friends and bond over their shockingly similar turmoils. Unlike Muki and Kai, instead of bonding and enabling each other, they bond and find ways to help each other and grow. Especially Minx helping Tailor,,stuff’s a lot fresher for Tailor
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kariachi · 7 months
Fic! A quick thing about Alan's mom's childraising experiences.
Jessica Albright loved her husband and loved her children. She wanted the best for them, to be happy and healthy in whatever form that looked like. And she had known, from the day she had learned Kay wasn’t human, that there would be a lot of variance in that. That mixing Pyronite, Osmosian, and human, between the vastly different biologies and cultures, the future she was accepting for herself was going to be even more chaotic than she had ever planned before. She had not gone in unprepared.
It hadn’t taken long to understand why her mother had laughed when she’d said she was ready for anything.
Needing another shed for athletic equipment- expected. She knew her husband.
Children jumping off the roof of the house in attempts to practice their flying- not expected. After her reaction Christopher had not done it twice and Jason and Sarah lived in fear of even trying.
Walls covered in carvings, mosaics, paint, and scorchmarks- expected. All kids did art on the walls at some point and she and Kay had compromised between their cultures by allowing it in bedrooms, sheds, and dens where general guests wouldn’t see.
Children opening every can in the kitchen with their teeth- not expected. She still didn’t know why Alan and Chris had done that, nor why they had involved hatchling Jason, and she still didn’t want to.
Fighting between the kids- expected. She had enough siblings of her own to have not been under any illusion that everything would be sunshine and rainbows between them.
Those fights to be precipitated by competitions like ‘who can keep the largest fire going without burning the house down’- unexpected. If there had been any moment she had been tempted to ship her children to her mother-in-law for the rest of eternity, maybe Kay too for good measure, that had been it.
Dens dug in key locations around the extended family’s property- expected. This was, apparently, an Osmosian thing, instinctual, she had been plenty forewarned by grace of, again, knowing her husband.
The sheer number of dens dug around the extended family’s property- unexpected. She had assumed they would keep things simple and work off the same base dens Kay had dug, not each individually set out to make dens and tunnels extending as far around the place as they could.
She still loved them. They were all amazing kids- incredibly bright, good-natured, and talented- and she wouldn’t have traded them for all three of their ancestral homeworlds. No, not even when they were driving her to sink herself into one of her wine barrels and just ferment. There wasn’t a single major regret she had, and she was, overall, a very happy woman.
But damnit if she wasn’t invoking the Mother’s Curse to a degree previously unknown.
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