#she's back from the dead babey!!!
merilles · 2 years
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💕✨ fin-galad ✨💕
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arolesbianism · 10 months
Love pulling names out of my ass and then googling them just to make sure the random amalgamation of sounds I made isn't like a slur or smth
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ikebo-simp · 6 months
Funniest SAGAU reverse isekai settings for them to pop into existence in:
1. Renaissance fair
2. Norway (Khaenri’ah is based off Norway so I think everyone would freak out)
3. Anime/Video game convention
4. New York City babey (or any major city) (like Enchanted but worse)
6. Haunted house
Nobody is having a good time, but it would be so funny.
I am so very sorry that it took me this long to write this, life kept throwing things at me and so I died before writing this
I haven't been to most of these places, but you are so correct, I'm mostly having them react to the places, and it's not necessarily focused on them searching for you
If it wasn't quite how you wanted, please ask again? I'll try my best
Fischl, would fit perfectly in a Renfaire, overwelmed at first but slow grows to like more and more, before proudly proclaiming "I am the Prinzessin der Verurteilung" and all the people clap and bow down and respect her like a princess
What about Ayaka, joining in, changing into some of the clothes available and joining into the festivities, someplace where her responsibility don't weigh on her, somewhere the honor of her family doesn't follow her like a shadow
Both girls probably would this a blessing from 'Your Grace' a chance to relax and unwind in a place that welcomes them so warmly
Dainsleif holds a bated breath as he looks around the place, familiar yet, unfamiliar. He torn on whether this is a gift from you or a curse, just what has he done to deserve this?
Zhongli feels his memories of the war coming back to him, flooding his thoughts, so many people... dead, why did you show him this place? Did you want to him something? Are you displeased with him?
Norway fills those who know about Khaenri'ah with a hidden dread, they misunderstand and think somethings changing, the world's getting overturned
Anime/Video Game Con
Nahida walks around the con glancing around, she understands that she's in a different world almost instantly, she's curious about the customs and world she just appeared in, does everyone try and imitate others? She does rather feel unnerved around the Dottore cosplayers
Collei immediately gets intimidated by all the loud sounds and the bumping bodies, although luckily several kind cosplayers took care of her and gently lead her away from the crowd, she honestly just very confusing and overstimulated
The con is a curious place for those who visit it and almost everyone who has trauma from Dottore wonder why there's so many Dottore clones all in one place
New York City:
Venti feels stifled, the air didn't have the same clean crispness of Teyvat, and although the sights are sounds of city are music to his ears, the air pushes on his chest like a heavy weight, making it hard for him to full enjoy his trip into the real world
Xinyan absolutely loves the city, the aesthetic, the feeling of expression, all kinds of music and styles, she wasn't getting weird stares or her style choice, she love her time in the city, her only problem? The how dirty the streets were
In New York City, it goes about as well as you'd expect, it's exciting to all the new sights, however... if it's extremely easy for one to get overstimulated
Haunted House:
Chongyun probably knocked out the first person that tried to scare him before realizing that it was just a normal person and not a evil spirit, he still gets his hopes up that he'll encounter a true ghost through
Hu Tao absolutely loves scaring the cast and guests, she'll find all the hiding spots and lay in wait for her next victim, honestly has a huge blast even though she's been transported into a different world
A/N Ahhhhh I posted it too early!!!!!!
Thanks for Reading
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dankmaths · 11 months
god fuckign dammit i cant stop thinking about thefucking hospital scene
just rewatched it and i don't want to spend 5 hours formatting a long unhinged twitter thread so here we are. i am mishmashing the game and anime and manga scenes together in my personal canon blender. p4 spoilers of course
cause like, naoto is the one to suggest they throw namatame into the TV. and kanji's on board with it too. but the one yu has to fight over it, the one yu has to think carefully about and talk down, is fucking yosuke hanamura.
of course everyone has a personal stake in it considering namatame was going around kidnapping everyone, but yosuke specifically...
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he phrases it like "we have to stop him before he hurts anyone else," but it seems like a big part of his motive is revenge. saki's kindness meant a lot to him, regardless of how real it was, or selfish his motive is, and it wasn't fair she had to die. so now he's gonna kill namatame. and it doesn't matter if that goes against his morals, or if no one else is willing to do it. he is absolutely dead set on killing namatame (pun intended). the only thing stopping him from doing it is yu.
it's ironic looking back. because like yosuke, namatame also lost someone important to him, and is trying to use his power to do what he thinks is right in his own way... just like yosuke wanted to be a hero, namatame wanted to be a savior, but yosuke is too blinded by rage in the moment to see that. the big difference is who got to them first. yosuke's had yu with him the whole time to keep him grounded, and eventually, the whole investigation team- namatame got adachi.
(side note- i more often think about yosuke+adachi parallels; how they're both bored with everything, but yosuke has the team and adachi pushes everyone away, but that's not really relevant rn lol)
there's also the scene where yu goes to confront the true killer alone, and yosuke's waiting outside when he comes back. and at that point he's not angry anymore, just… disappointed. (feelsbadman) but i don't think it's because he changed his mind.
after you calm him down in the hospital, he's STILL thinking about doing it:
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(another side note- the va in this scene is top notch. this line gave me chills rewatching it. first time i saw the hospital scene i was getting a little scared lol)
and after learning the true killer's identity he fucking hates adachi. even after defeating him he never really forgives him. he still gets pissed and tries to attack adachi when he shows up unexpectedly in ultimax:
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yosuke was 100% willing to kill someone, and he'd 100% do it again if his partner gave the okay. but as much as he hates adachi, he understands that he's important to yu, enough to know yu would break their promise and sneak into the TV alone. and despite how he might feel, he doesn't want yu to lose someone important to him too.
there's also the scene in the anime after the hospital, where after yu tries to send everyone home promising he'll be okay, yosuke comes back to comfort him. he's still upset, but he's deferring to yu's leadership and more importantly, making sure that his partner is okay comes first.
that's why i think it's great the anime puts the fist fight after the hospital scene. cause he spends his whole social link struggling with his grief and insecurity and jealousy; and then, in december, with tensions running high and these nasty revelations about himself and awful feelings swirling inside, it all finally comes to a head. and he tries to get it all out in the only way he knows how: two dudes beating the shit out of each other. Thats True Love Babey.
not much of a point to all this, except that i really love yosuke's character (and souyo) lol. something is wrong with him. I Know What He Is. he's like the team mood maker and he's always joking around (and i think golden especially looooves to play him up for comic relief), but perhaps the moments when he lets the veneer slip are the moments where he shines the most.
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barrenclan · 11 months
yep!! no change on cootstorm being a piece of shit!! imaging a teen telling u he doesn’t want to date a baby and u decide to stop teaching him. i hope she dies so i can edit her with the grimace shake
the fact that they can see the distant lush prairies but they choose to stay because of their long gone kin sucks???? like not in a bad writing way, but in a i feel bad for these kitties way :(( its not ur fault what happened :(( u shouldn’t live in pain just for the mistakes of a dead cat :((
slugpelt is best mom omg. she’s redeemed so much she cares about her kids im gonna sob fkejdkd. go kick beeface’s ass!!!!! she cares about her kiddos (daff specifically rn) so muccch. big mama bear ready to throw hands but willing to soften for daffy…
redpelt being able to stand up and diffuse the situation (before slugpelt threw hands) was so cool to see!! she’s trying she’s getting better she wants to help she wants to be a good deputy GRRRR
i want to fistfight plumstripe too actually. the fact that she looked at beeface guilttripping daffodilpaw before narrowly being unable to physically harm her with a smack(?) and then turned to asphodelpaw (the sister of the victim of the situation) and instead of being supportive she just?? used it as a way to better herself?? this is not the time daffodilpaw could have been HURT PHYSICALLY. AND POTENTIALLY COULD HAVE BEEN FOR AWHILE!!! i’m going to put plumstripe in the blender too i’m having plum and bee smoothies
sorry this is a little more chaotic (and violent) than usual. this is a good issue!!!!!! family hug :3
Just your daily confirmation that Cootstorm still sucks! More at 10.
Unfortunately the whole comic is about paying for the mistakes of your ancestors in an eternal cycle of punishment and misery. :( Not fun.
YEAH Beeface is. Not great in this issue. The fact that Daffodilpaw covers her face as Beeface raises her paw... yes, I do think Beeface is the type of person to use corporal punishment from time to time. The kind of "a good smack around the head will get you thinking straight" person. Hopefully Slugpelt being a good mom took away some of that sting, though, I liked writing her in this issue a lot.
Plumstripe's discipline of choice revolves a lot more around subtle emotional manipulation, I don't think she'd ever get her paw dirty with anything more than a shove. But she certainly doesn't make Asphodelpaw feel good about herself much.
NEVER apologize for sharing feelings in your asks. I love them!!
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deerlottie · 4 months
tonight i bring you: sub!jackie with a praise and degradation kink
tomorrow who knows
that's just normal jackie i fink...
telling her "such a good girl. you were made to be used by my cock." and she's twitching like a dead cockroach 😭 i was gonna make this a separate post but i think she'd love pain...not too much obviously but tug her hair while you make her deepthroat your strap/tdick and she's in heaven babey!!! same with her nipples - twist and pull on them until she's crying and she could probably cum just from that..
she LOVES when you degrade her for being a little pillow princess.. telling her how she's so pathetic and stupid for not knowing how to fuck you properly, shoving your fingers in her mouth when she talks back because "i could so fuck you!!" (she couldn't).
but praising her when she's had a rough day and all she wants is for you to make her feel good :( "there you go, jax. good girl. keep bouncing like that. feels good, doesn't it?" as she rides your strap UGHH (i need this so bad can you tell)
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son1c · 8 months
answering some questions about my oc, fibula, for the @sonic-oc-showdown :]
🌼 - How old are they?
he was 16 when he died and will remain 16 forever!
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
chaos energy... although he's always had a soft spot for green apples and will still eat them sometimes just for fun, even though they don't do anything for his undead stomach anymore. same deal with green apple lollipops. he's big on those. and the caramel apple lollipops too!
💼 - What do they do for a living?
i wouldn't really call it "a living" but he DOES work for eggman. since eggman is the one who revived him, he kinda feels like he owes the guy.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
he REALLY loves to scare people. he gets a kick out of people's terrified reactions to his undead appearance. he goes about it in a really hammy, halloween-haunted-house type of way. in fact, i can imagine him hiding IN a haunted house, pretending to be an animatronic or something, but nope! there goes his head, rolling on the floor...
one of his more mundane hobbies, though, is something he carried over from when he was a live--magic tricks! specifically card tricks, and other relatively simple sleight of hand stuff.
🎯 - What do they do best?
fibula is super strong! he can flip cars with his bare hands. he wasn't always this strong, but being undead has its perks.
🥊 - What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
he likes to cause problems on purpose <3 it's exciting for him to see the pandemonium that ensues. a big part of the reason why he stays with eggman is because it's FUN for him to be a villain.
on the flip side, though, he also loves to take naps. this dude would marry a sunbeam if he could fr.
as for what he hates to do... probably think? haha. but really, to slow down and actually think about stuff agitates him a lot.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
a lot of his time spent alive was pretty bleak. he doesn't look back fondly on most of it. however, any memory with his sister he holds close to his heart. she was his sunshine in an otherwise gray life. sometimes, he wonders what happened to her... but then he forces himself to stop thinking about it.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
dying. even though he's glad it happened, it still wasn't fun in the moment. he's thankful his zombified body can't feel pain the same way it used to, so he never has to experience agony like that again.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
horror... and comedy
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
he/him menace, interested in whatever can get his adrenaline pumping the fastest
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
just one, a sister named femur.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
nonexistent. they're dead.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
his design + concept! i'm really proud of how it turned out, and i think a pink zombie hog is a really interesting idea that could totally fit into the sonic world with how i've incorporated it via chaos energy. :]
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
yes, two. the first one is flowers. and the second one is buses. i also have this thing i like to think about where he's scared of amy, specifically because of her name (rose) LOL
🍩 - Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
shadow t. hedgehog babey!!!
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
since 2020, so for 3 years :)
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alloutofgoddesses · 16 days
“Ashes Ashes” Live Blog
- Yay medal time
- He’s humble what can we say
- Ravi ily
- Get his ass Chim
- Karen you look amazing
- Councilwoman Ortiz I do not like you
(More under the cut)
- I would have loved to /see/ the moment they decided to adopt Mara
- Ew
- The theories about “Failed System” and its 13 episodes and only 7 aired I am going to go insane
- Do not kiss that woman Eddie
- I just know Amir is ACAB
- Nooooooooooo
- Not Buck and Eddie being Hen’s kids
- Oh they are so gonna start to suspect
- I feel crazy
- They’re gonna figure it out right
- Oh no
- This is not feelings realization
- Awww
- I’m glad we got a little bit of Bobby talking to Buck about his new relationship though
- He’s like “why am I being given brownies by your dead wife”
- Oop
- Yeah cause you TOLD HER WHERE YOU WORK
- Okay so she does look like Shannon there goes that theory
- Poor Buck honestly this situation is wild
- Karen let your child have another
- Oh no
- Exactly Chim
- This motherfucker
- Yeah there’s interference for sure
- Which is just SOOOO 🤬
- I- I- this. Okay alright. At least he’s being honest.
- He looks so small
- About all of it? Are you also telling her about Marisol?
- Oof get his ass
- Oh boy oh boy oh boy
- BTW the acting is impeccable
- And Devin Kelley is gorgeous
- Oof
- Ouchie ouchie ouchie
- I do feel like I’m getting repeatedly punched in the stomach so @ that journalist you owe me money for therapy
- Bye Kim thanks for being here
- Hi Amir
- Did Athena just do a shoulder shimmy
- Oh nooo this is just gonna make Amir more mad
- Grant-Nash house is bones I’m so sorry it’s gonna be for real on fire
- Oh Athena is so real for this and the acting is so good and fhjvjhhkgfjkgdjkgg
- You know who he should talk to
- Chimney
- You ARE supposed to be here
- Give them EMMYS
- Hen as always looks so good
- Oh fuck you
- Oh my god
- Oh my god
- Girl the bank vault shit was resolved
- I’m gonna
- I’m crying for real this is so fucked up
- I am starting to believe that she is a plant from Ortiz because oh my GOD this is insane behaviour
- This is fucking crazy Kim
- This is not how you do therapy
- This is absolutely not how you help heal a man you just met
- I cannot lie I hate this
- rg is killing it tho
- so is devin
- maybe I shouldn’t have taken a shower before the ep because I need to go be in water for several minutes and the ability to stare at a blank wall
- I don’t think this is a second nightmare
- This is so fucked up
- I can’t do this
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best-habsburg-monarch · 7 months
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Charles V, King of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor, etc. reigned 1519-1556
His two iconic bastards are also in this bracket.
from @master-of-the-opera-house:
Universal empire babey! Sure he lucked into it, but very much successfully kept it afloat in his time on the throne, more than less anyway.
Born on toilet at a party at 3am
Mummy issues
Daddy issues
Shagged his step-grandma when he was 19. Love wins!
Look at the size of that chin! A peasant had to tell him to close his mouth bc he couldn't keep his jaws shut by default
If Leopold was the ugliest in the Austrian branch he's probably the ugliest or at least second in the Spanish branch
Approved of a cocks-out nude statue of himself walked so nsfw fanart commissions could run
The ✨ confidence ✨ he had to do that uwu
God complex
Accidentally shot a peasant dead with a crossbow once as a teen oopsie
((probably wasn't the same peasant))
Burnt out and got depressed at the end of his life the least he could win is a poll
Split the inheritance into the Spanish and Austrian branch so without him we literally wouldn't even be voting today
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, reigned, 1658-1705
So many wars going on in this reign
Also from @master-of-the-opera-house (rooting for both sides I guess):
LOOK! AT! THAT! DRIP! Serving! Slaying! Who doesn't love a red lip?
Often termed the ugliest member in the Austrian branch which is saying a LOT he's a winner baby! 💅
He must've had such confidence uwu
Un-screwed his way back from a pretty rocky start from beefing with everyone ((9 years war Spanish succession etc)), to the success in the Ottoman Siege of Vienna
Wasn't originally trained to rule even! Held up well tbh
Also backpedalled from a succession crisis
His wife called him "Uncle" because she was also his niece who doesn't love when couples are close 🤪🤪
Hated Louis XIV and don't we all
Responsible for a lot of cool baroque golden age stuffandthings
Freddie Mercury moustache before Freddie Mercury made it cool
Theatre kid
MuSicAL tHeatRe kid.
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sleepymccoy · 10 months
Bit out there, but I'm listening to Flood by They Might Be Giants today so here's my reasoning why almost every track makes me think of good omens...
Link to the album on spotify
Theme from Flood
"why is the world in love again" c'mon
Birdhouse in Your Soul
What a fucking great tune.
"I'm you're only friend [...] But really I'm not actually your friend" 😭
Also make a little birdhouse in your soul is hitting season 2 Gabriel to me
Lucky Ball & Chain
This is just. the most cheerfully delivered divorce song ever.
But I sit at a bar stool and drink for two is pretty heartbreaking
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Beyond it being about history and stuff, which obvs suits, I'm just gonna summarise the narrative here in a gomensy way
If you left your love in Constantinople, they're not they're now. And you can't go back. It's changed, and you can't go there anymore regardless of if your love is, technically, there
I think this is more about Az trying to get Heaven back
I love this song
Your Racist Friend
Why the fuck is Gabriel here, angel?
Particle Man
I think all of them are Crowley. Self hate, babey
She's not your satellite, she doesn't miss you [...] There's not a lot of things that she'll take back
I don't know who's pov this would be, but it's sad
We Want a Rock
This album is so good! It's silly, but I think it's in defense of earth and silly humans and getting to do what you want regardless of heaven. Cos everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads, you know.
Also has good fucking w Muriel energy
Someone Keeps Moving My Chair
I think this song plays in the background whenever Aziraphale has a tantrum
Hearing Aid
Very Aziraphale and his selective observations of heaven
Minimum Wage
Fuck yeah this song rules! Nothing to do w good omens, but I love it
I dunno, but I love the delivery
Whistling in the Dark
This is my fave Giants song out of everything. So good.
A man walked up to me and said "I'd like to change your mind by hitting it with a rock," he said, "though I am not unkind." We both laughed at his little joke and then I happily walked away
Hot Cha
I do think this is Heaven pov looking for Gabriel
Women & Men
We love Earth here
Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love
Well, it's a weak connection but Crowley did nearly shoot Aziraphale in the face this season...
They Might Be Giants
This has a facing the end of the world vibe to me. It's also kinda got two narratives running at once, alternating pov, which feels disjointed in the way Az and Crowley likely will be
Road Movie to Berlin
I don't like this song tbh, but it's lovely and sad. Very intimate Crowley vibes
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
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✨Lovely OC✨
The long awaited, lovely Lovely is here!!! I kept a lot of electric vibes with her design, because she may be dead but that part of her is not.
Info about her under the cut!
Finally putting a face to the name
My Lovely is named Charlie and uses she/her pronouns
5’8” (tall goddess)
Her eyes were brown before her turning
Cute little blue goth babey
She’s a Twilight fan girl through and through. She’s team Edward all the way, and prefers the books to the movies.
It was basically a dream come true when she met Vincent.
She was a college freshman, pursuing a career in photography. She likes taking pictures of abandoned/creepy places (hence why she was at Wonderworld at 3am)
She didn’t believe Vincent was a vampire at first, but a small part of her hoped he was.
Then he broke into her house and she was in love <3
I think she might actually be insane.
No self preservation instincts whatsoever, y’all already know.
She wanted Vincent to turn her into a vampire from the start, but she didn’t really know how to ask, so when she saw a chance to get nearly killed she took it.
Jumped in front of that shade on purpose, I’m telling you.
She used to be vegan (obviously not anymore lol)
After learning she was empowered, she stopped going to the unempowered college and transferred to DAMN.
Then she died and just dropped out mood
She’s the biggest tease you will ever meet. Yes, even worse than Vincent.
She’s loves leaving him wanting more.
He can’t even get her back anymore, because now she can run super fast, and he’s afraid if he chases her she’ll go flying down a mountain again.
She stans Avril Lavigne so hard
15% beauty; 5% grace; 70% chaos; 10% horny
She throws electric shocks at anything that scares her
Or, at least, she used to.
Now that she’s a vampire, her electricity is weakened, so she feels kinda defenseless. If something scares her, she immediately hunches over and hisses like a frightened feline.
Probably licks batteries to feel energized.
She HAS to have the last word.
If you text her something rude and then block her, she will hunt you down in person just to respond with “k.”
She got into a lot of verbal fights at DAMN because she has a problem with authority
Okay so... she doesn’t have it anymore, but she used to drive an old, beat up, hand-me-down minivan.
She also never got her driver’s license.
“Fake it till you make it,” yeah she’s good at pretending to know what she’s doing.
(Vincent didn’t find this out until after she was behind the wheel of his most expensive car)
I don’t know what issues she’s got goin on up in her noggin, but there’s quite a few.
Tea-time gossip w/ William on Wednesdays at 1pm :)
Okay pet names pet names
Charlie calls Vincent: Vince, Bats, Creeper, Handsome, Babe, and Cutie.
She has an emotional support animal :3
His name is Spike and he’s a duck 🦆
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that soriku and the little mermaid gifset is killing me bc like
we have parallels between all the disney princess couples in the games and soriku???? i think??????? not just one but ALL?????????
snow white: probably weakest, but snow white ‘dead’ (asleep) and the prince saving her with love (ddd)
cinderella: also weaker but uhhhhh at the very least theres fairy godmother sending cinderella off to the ball to fufill her dream (MoM). and prince charming desperately looking for her is kinda?? soras journey in the first few games?????
sleeping beauty: ditto only true loves kiss breaking the spell (ddd) and also, aurora having a connection to prince phillip through her dreams (ddd/re:mind)
the little mermaid: ariel wants to leave the ocean and go explore another world. followed by eric looking for her, but shes been rEPLACED BY SOMEONE ELSE (VANESSA AKA NAMINE) WHOS USING SOMETHING OF HERS TO DISGUISE THEMSELF (ARIELS VOICE AKA THE METEOR SHOWER MEMORY) OH SHIT I JUST REALIZED THIS RIGHT AS IM TYPING THIS OUT WAIT WAIT HHOLD ON oOKAY okay im good im good now.  and then heres the gifset that started this all of course (kh2/re:coded)
beauty and the beast: right here babey! (kh1/kh2/ddd/com) + also this (chi)
aladdin: jasmine rebelling and sneaking out of the palace to go see the world. and this is from tvtropes but, ‘When Sora calls out for Riku after the second battle with the Parasite Cage, the staging of the scene is identical to when Aladdin called out for Jasmine after defeating Jafar in Agrabah: the Hero frantically calling out for their Love Interest as the room collapses around them while their allies drag them to safety.’ theres probably more with them but idk and its 4:30 am as i type this (kh1) ETA: aladdin and jasmine are directly compared to sora and riku in recom!
mulan: here + here >:^) (kh2 novel/ddd)
tangled: rapunzel wanting to leave her tower to see the world (kh3 novel) + this, after eugene is brought back to life with the power of true love (ddd)
and then frozen world doesnt even HAVE a couple BUT it does have anna and elsa! who are DIRECTLY compared to sora and riku!!! using the word love in english!!!! and the word used previously to describe rikus precious person in japanese (taisetsu)!!!!!!  here + here + multiple taisetsu links here
also uh???? anna frozen in ice??? sora frozen if you lose the yozora fight in re:mind???? hello???????????
ETA: okay wait there are some kristoff and anna parellels i forgot about/didnt think about IRT soriku LOL
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(thank you @nobodyriku​)
literally the only disney princess couples (from the official disney princess lineup) that arent paralleled with soriku are pocahontas and (blech) john smith, and tiana and naveen. and thats bc those worlds arent in the games.
and HONORABLE MENTION goes to herc and megara. like even besides the taisetsu parallels, in the original movie theres herc diving into the river styx to save megaras soul. 
you know. like sora literally breaking time and space to save his friends, which starts with him following rikus light through the tunnel. where it kind of looks like hes swimming through water?????
and riku is the first one he finds
in. olympus.
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like. do you see this. are we all seeing this. because holy moley, when you put it all together, its a lot
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day 160
i was gonna summarize their backstory in the tags but even the summary literally got too long so TRAGIC BACKSTORY UNDER THE CUT
nobody likes Szelseis (manlet on the left). everybody likes Szuna (snake bod on the right). even their mom! this is due to circumstances outside of szelseis's control (ie Snerson Societal Hierarchy)
their mom, for reference, is genuinely a fucking monster. but shes nice to her daughter at least. Szuna feels... Some affection for her, for this reason. She's seen mom's "softer side." Szelseis wants their mother dead.
Szuna tries very hard to relate to her little brother but really does very little to actually improve his circumstances because well. she doesnt want to be treated the way people treat him. and standing up for him might get her tossed to the bottom of the social hierarchy alongside him.
but she wants to be there for him emotionally. and he trusts her more than anyone else for sure. she is the closest thing he has to a friend in this world.
so Szelseis vents to her about wanting revenge on their entire community. Szuna listens to him and offers sympathy but like. She doesn't take him literally when he expresses a desire to "leave town and burn the place to the ground behind them." shes just like haha yeah we should anyway good night
of course he immediately decides that he is old enough to make it on his own in the world ESPECIALLY if his older sister is backing him up, and then attempts to burn the town to the ground. (He's like, maybe 15 at the time.) he does a pretty good job of it, too! he starts of course with their mom's place in an attempt to kill her, but also makes sure the fire is set to spread.
by the time Szuna realizes what's going on, it's too late to stop him. so she confronts him and tries to at LEAST get him to help fight the fires but he's just mad that she lied about agreeing with him on this. has she ALWAYS been on their mom's side??
and she wants to be like "no i just don't condone mass murder like really this is an ENTIRE TOWN theres like KIDS AND STUFF not LITERALLY EVERYONE has been SO mean to you that they deserve to burn to death what the fuck are you DOING" but the fire is spreading and if he's not going to help then she will get to him LATER. bigger priorities right now.
While she's busy firefighting, Szelseis flees town and basically goes "FUCK everybody the world is terrible everyone is out to get me TRUST NO BITCH i am going to have to Treat My Self from here on out." so he becomes a shitty solipsistic little thief, trying to build up enough of a fortune to live in luxury for the rest of his life.
Szuna, meanwhile, manages to save their mom from the fire, and the first thing she asks her daughter to do is hunt down Szelseis and bring him back, dead or alive, she no longer gives a shit.
Szuna of course has mixed feelings about this. But she does what shes told anyway and sets off, figuring she can just.... Decide what to do about Szelseis when she finds him.
Maybe they'll fight, maybe they'll hug, maybe they'll run away from their shitty mom together, maybe they'll straight up kill each other.
WHO KNOWS!!! thats main story territory babey this is just the backstory
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biomic · 11 months
I take it you don't like Drive (Chase, Heart, Medic etc notwithstanding) so how would you make it better?
complaining about gaim and drive in one night it's 2015 again babey
capture roidmudes instead of blowing them up!!!! cop toku is always gonna have dodgy implications but drive was just so egregious about it to me. i remember sanjo saying that after gaim was more serialized, he would ensure that every episode of drive would have a cool fight where a monster was defeated. cool if you're doing a show about some interdimensional tyrant that eats universes or whatever, less cool if you're doing a show where your cop protagonist kills every robot he fights without a second thought until the end where the audience is maybe kinda supposed to feel bad for them actually? "isn't it sad that the roidmudes couldn't escape this unavoidable fate?" it was very avoidable! extremely avoidable! tony you CHOSE
develop gou and chase's friendship more organically. there's some good stuff there in theory but there needed to be way more "damn it, im kinda warming up to this guy >:(" as opposed to the constant one-sided antagonism that went on for far too long. as is, i just couldn't buy into chase's death scene or gou's big cathartic fight with banno at all, though i totally get why it's such a highlight for others. really enjoyed mach's v-cin tho
in a world where sexism doesn't exist there is no reason on earth kiriko should not be the main character of this show. everything that makes shinnosuke unique as a protagonist also applies to her, doubly so in that instead of having some random dead cop for a dad, her father is the big bad! imagine kiriko, gou, heart, and medic all fighting together to stop the abusive father who raised them? could be pretty poetic and tie a lot of things together. oh well, here's a half-hearted kuuga callback in a parking lot instead
in the world we actually live in where the powers that be at toei and bandai could've easily allowed this, couldn't kiriko at least have become proto-drive in the back half of the show? even pulling a kiva and having it just be for one episode would've been appreciated. could've been a perfect way to cap off her arc, having her overcome her trauma from the global freeze by literally becoming the hero that saved her to protect others. instead, everyone lies to her about everything involving banno to spare her feelings because she's literally a fragile 24 year old minor
heart and brain kiss with tongue
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felikatze · 8 months
got tagged by @fayesdiary for WIP wednesday and since i WAS writing today... I shall oblige. even if it's already thursday in my time. it's still wednesday somewhere in the world!
So, you get a snippet from chapter 7 of plusquam, which I worked on today. all of infinitiv proudly bears the draft name of "ACT 2 BABEY"
in exchange for me not injuring them this chapter morgan gets blackmailed instead cuz i will never let them rest <3
i respectfully tag @thanatophagency in case he wants an opportunity to show off but my usual "only do it if you wanna" applies
"Hah. And you know me so well?" As though Gerome had ever acted out of more than common courtesy - out of respect for his father's duty to the Exalt. "Morgan is dead."
"And Morgan will stay dead."
What? Lucina truly could not know of this. Of whatever game Gerome played now. He walked away from Minerva with his hands up and palms facing forward. Did he clean your blood off his axe?
"I have a preposition."
Your hand clenched around your knife. You could kill him. He's wide open. Instead, you said, "I'm listening."
"We are in the distant past, years before our time. Changing fate is what all of them want. But... it would not do to change too much."
You damn well knew that already, and it agonized you. How do you prune the bad and keep the good? How do you guarantee any of you will ever be born?
"Marth, Caeda, Michalis. All of these names, childish they may be, serve a purpose."
"What, making Owain happy?"
Gerome frowned. "Kris had a hand in this, I admit."
"Kris isn't a real hero."
"According to Kris, Kris is a 'heavily debated historical subject.'" You could hear the air-quotes on that one. Despite his nonsensical tales, both Owain and Lucina held deep passion for the past. Many an argument you snuck past in summer evenings, and you recalled, ever so distant, Gerome skulking around some of them.
"I'm not suprised," a smile crept into your voice, and you grimaced to push it back down.
"We must distance ourselves from the people of the past. We do not belong here."
"You just don't want me blabbing to your mother."
Gerome moved his hand, and you prepared to strike, but he merely massaged his temple. Much good it did him behind the mask. It's the gesture that counted. "The Cherche of this world is not my mother, and she never will be. But yes."
The Robin of this world was not your father, and never would be. Papa was long gone and Dad was buried under a mountain of flowers.
You blinked.
"And what do I gain in return? For not proclaiming your huge forehead to the high heavens?"
Where Gerome was a stick in the mud before, he truly has become even stiffer since you spoke last. And riling him up remained just as fun. You could never resist.
He scoffed. "I won't tell Marth of you."
Now it was your turn to scoff. "What should I care if she finds out?" Distant wingbeats, ever closer, beating over your heart. A grin split your face. "And what should I care if I dispose of you right here and now?"
The undead wyvern crashed into the clearing, snapping branches and bushes along the way. Its head lolled further than before, taking a loop around its neck before settling in your direction.
Gerome dodged back to evade the spray of plant matter and dirt. As you jumped atop the wyvern and readied your magic, so did he climb Minerva and take out his hand axe.
"Indeed. Perhaps I should be off to tell him now, that his dear sibling faked their death and joined the one who killed his parents."
"Indeed. Perhaps I should be off to tell him now, that his dear sibling faked their death and joined the one who killed his parents."
He would not dare. "You insignificant wretched worm. You lot play at being heroes of justice, and yet you stoop to blackmailing me. Aren't you supposed to die for me?"
As a mage, you held the advantage in the air, especially since a wyvern's resistance was much meeker than a pegasus's. The two-faced wretch could count himself lucky you did not have a wind tome on hand, but thunder would fry him well enough.
"I never participated in your play acting. Marth became my only liege once you betrayed your kin." His voice rose to carry over Minerva's liftoff, not a step behind you.
Your kin. What a riot. And yet, it told you something very important - the fools had no clue of Master Grima's face, as he had ensured.
The two of you circled over the treetops, neither attacking, neither retreating.
Gerome continued, "I am no hero and I do not pretend to be, as you pretend to be the villain. If... if saving this fleeting dream is what brings him happiness, then it is my duty as his knight to keep dreaming."
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Tell us about Eden *holds up microphone to you*
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Thank you all for indulging me I am going to yell about her so fucking hard <3 Same as my Amedeo rant, this one's LONG babey YIPPEE! This ended up being 34 fucking paragraphs!!!!
All art is by me, all links on character names lead to their toyhouse profiles
Content warnings: Unreality, toxic relationships, bad mental health
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This is Eden! She/her, 20-22 years old (22 at time of Doomed By The Narrative), 5'1, a college student who's also in the college's gaming club! She's the best friend/sister of Aiden, another member of the club who's like super rich and inherited a fuckoff big manor from their parents (which I am mentioning exclusively for the context to explain the fact that the story is called In A Manor Of Speaking)
Eden is very very sweet and kind and energetic and fun. She's good vibes all around and she's friends with Everyone so hard. If you're familiar with my other OC I've shoved into one of my tournaments though, Amedeo, you... might know where this is going a little bit.
For a basic plot summary up until Eden has anything to do with anything, Aiden comes home one day with a demon, Viorel, who is VERY lost and confused and has no memory of how he got to the human world. They all pretty quickly discover Viorel is not the only demon coming through to the human world though. Vivian and Engel are hunting him down and don't believe him when he says he has no clue who they are. They send another demon after him to kill him, though it doesn't work well since he just befriends it and now it is also living in the manor having a good time. Afterwards, Amedeo, a member of the gamer club, starts acting... odd. He invites Aiden to hang out, and then they get kidnapped, Viorel having to go save them. It was only the first incident of many with Amedeo, and he slowly got worse, making everyone really uncomfortable and staying away from him.
Eden didn't want to sit by and watch this happen to her friend, so she tried asking it what was going on. It responded by attacking her, sending her on a trip to the hospital.
It was fine. It was ok. That was her fault, really. She should've known.
Amedeo was kicked out of the gamer club (she hadn't wanted that but she wasn't there to vote on it). Apparently he never went back to his apartment. Some time after his disappearance, Aiden died. She wasn't there when it happened. Viorel said it was Amedeo.
It was... it was fine. It was ok. It was awful. It hurt so much. Awful things kept happening to the people around her and she couldn't do anything about it. Her sibling was dead, it was getting so hard to breathe anymore.
It was fine. It was ok. Aiden... "survived" in a way. They came back as a ghost days later. Stuck in a computer, yeah, but they could still talk. They were still here. It wasn't fair of Eden to stay upset for long, not when Aiden was having the WORST time coping with their new form. So she puts on a smile and acts just like she did before. Everything's going to be alright. Even if she has to be the only one acting like it is.
More time passes. One day, she stares at the back window and finds... Amedeo. He's a mess. He looks like he's been hit with a truck, or like he's been sleeping under a bush the last several days. Frantically, Eden runs outside, chasing him down when he tries to run from her, and pulling him in for a hug. It was alright. It was going to be ok, she promised. How long has it been since you've eaten, do you need water, you can take a nap in one of the fancy beds, I promise I won't let Viorel hurt you I know you're worried, I missed you, I was worried about you, please come inside.
As time passed, things became comfortable again. Amedeo had really changed for the better and was trying so hard to make things right. Viorel built Aiden a new robotic body for them to haunt, and they were getting used to it well. The gamer club was getting back together. Eden, Viorel, and Aiden took a trip to the monster realm to learn more about Viorel's past after his sister showed up looking for him. Eden didn't... really understand what happened. Viorel was pretty upset, but she didn't know why. Just as always, she felt like she was missing something everyone else understood. This wasn't her story, after all. She was just there to smile and remind everyone it was going to be ok. She was a bright spot for them. She knew that. They returned to the human world, some new friends in tow, and things were back on track for a while.
It was fine. It was ok.
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In the almost 2 years since all of this began, Reverie was the first person to ever ask her that.
Eden and Reverie begin hanging out a lot after that. Not just for the shoulder to cry on, they really do enjoy each others company. They got close, closer than Eden had ever felt with anyone. It felt... odd. She was having a really hard time naming her feelings for them. She cared about them but something was off. It was really hard to know what was nagging the back of her head. They kept bringing up weird existential ideas, never enough for a full conversation, but they really did have strange ideas about how the world functioned. She kind of liked it though. It was fun to consider the possibility. That maybe none of it was real. What a relief that could be...
"Hey. I want to show you something" Reverie told her one day. They guided her to a private room, making doubly sure no one was around. Confidently, they held out their hand. Above it, floating and glowing softly, was... a menu.
Save, load, quit, settings. A video game menu. Above their head, "player 2".
None of it was real.
Reverie is player 2 of the video game known as "In A Manor Of Speaking". They've played this game hundreds of times. Player 1... Viorel, had left them a long time ago, and has no memory of the nature of the world. So Reverie alone had been restarting the game over and over, trying to find a path that would let them finally beat the final boss and escape the game. If they could just win, they'd finally be able to leave and reenter the real world. 100% maxing out Eden's friendship level was one thing they still hadn't done, until now. They had a good feeling about this one. They were sure of it.
An NPC. That's all she was.
It made sense. She'd always felt that way. She wasn't even important to the plot. She knew it. Of course it'd take them this long to try maxing out her friendship, she was always just a background character. None of it was real. None of it mattered. She was doing such a good job of playing her role, wasn't she? A perfect side piece in a story that isn't hers.
She went along with it. Her odd feelings about Reverie made sense now, that wasn't fully her... she was programmed to feel that way. But she still cared about them. She still wanted to help. Shoving down all the thoughts, it felt so. Easy. To dedicate herself to their goal. She loved them, she cared about them, she hated them, she looked up to them. Something about them was magnetizing and she didn't want to leave. Of course. Of course she'd help. She knew now, that's what she was supposed to do. What a relief. None of it had ever mattered. It was a kind thought to her.
Now she was able to see the save points, the HP bars above peoples heads, sometimes she caught glimpses of dialogue boxes as Reverie spoke to people. They introduced her to someone very special that only the two of them could seem to see. Elysium. She was an AI made for the game to keep it running properly, and to rewrite bits of code, to expand the world they lived in. The game was always evolving because of her. Elysium acted rather cold and grumpy a lot of the time, but there was an undeniable warmth to her that Eden admired.
Knowing about the game was terrifying, but the time she spent with Elysium and Reverie... It was wonderful. She finally felt like she was somewhere she belonged. She never felt so special than when she was with them. It was fun, to be part of the game. It was the happiest she felt in a long time.
She still didn't smile much anymore. Reverie dismissed her various concerns often, saying it was fine, she was an NPC, she wouldn't get it. There was always this look in their eye that gave her chills. Reverie would tell her to fight that monster, it's for the EXP. When she protested, they'd tell her, what's the problem? None of this is real. I'll probably have to reload anyways, so none of this will matter in the end. Reverie would get themself in dangerous situations over and over. When Eden was worried about them, Reverie never understood. If they died, they just come back, it wasn't a big deal.
They never really did look at her, or Elysium. Every movement they made felt scripted. Every word, carefully planned. None of it mattered, to them. If Eden was uncomfortable, what did it matter? She wasn't real. She wasn't real. She knew she wasn't real.
But it was fine. It was ok.
Months passed in a blur. Eden hadn't spent much time with her other friends the entire time. She wasn't even sure what they were up to. It didn't matter. They wouldn't have changed their actions if she tried. That was never her choice. But it didn't matter. It was time. Just her and Reverie, and the final boss.
As Reverie rambled about the plan, Eden silently stared down at her palms, as always. She was so... afraid. Worried. She wished she could just give herself some reassurance. ...And the game's menu silently popped up in her hands. It held Reverie's save. ...It wouldn't hurt, she thought. She pressed the save button. It gave her a little comfort.
It was so hard to focus she hardly noticed they were in the battle with Engel now. When had they...? It didn't matter. Reverie was shouting at her, and she snapped back into reality and joined the battle, sword in hand. Engel's blank eyes stared right past her, entirely focused on Reverie. Eden, took a step, and found herself behind them. Time seemed to slow. She didn't remember getting this close to them so quickly. But it was her chance. It was her time. She raised the sword, and brought it down.
Engel's head rolled to the floor, their body collapsing next to it. Reverie and Eden froze. Neither of them dared to breathe. Eden couldn't see anything but the blood on her sword. She nearly dropped it with how heavy it suddenly felt. But quickly Reverie's arms were around her. They picked her up, yelling in excitement, looking more happy than she had ever seen them. They smiled at her so genuinely, and everything melted away. That was all she wanted. She laughed too, the image of Engel's headless corpse disappearing from her mind, losing herself in the relief. It was all over.
The area around them faded to black and white, "THE END" appearing a few feet in front of Reverie. They dropped Eden, and ran towards it, reaching for the "quit" button. And then it was gone. The quit button disappeared right before they could hit it. Leaving only "Restart" and "Reload" beside where it had been.
Eden couldn't see Reverie's face from where she was, but she could feel the chill radiating from them. They were frozen place, the room silent. Then they laughed, something hollow and empty. Then louder, crazed and desperate. They collapsed to the floor, their laughs and sobs intermingling so well Eden couldn't tell the difference between them. She tried to reach out to them, but before she could reach them, she heard them speak.
"If I can't leave, then this world might as well rot."
A folder icon flashed above their now outstretched palm and they reached into it, crushing the code within. Eden immediately felt dizzy. The world began to crumble around them, glitching out in bright colors, awful noises emanating from the edges where nothing but void lay beyond. Eden could see flashes of other places, other people. The world was collapsing in on itself as Reverie laughed. It was so hard to think. It was so hard to be. Eden reached for her sword. It didn't want to stay in her grasp, but her resolve solidifying, she forced it in her hand.
Reverie turned toward her just in time for the blade to pierce their chest. They stopped, in shock, for a struggling heartbeat.
They laughed. They grabbed Eden's hands and pulled, plunging the sword farther through their back, and putting Eden's face closer to theirs. "Do you think this matters?" they taunted through wheezing breaths. "I'll just come back! I always have. I always will! This means NOTHING Eden!"
They stood there for what felt like eternity. Eden didn't know what to say and could barely even see them through the tears in her eyes. But slowly, slowly, Reverie's laugh trailed off. And their face betrayed a sudden hint of fear.
Nothing happened.
Nothing happened as their breath hitched again and their legs gave out, dropping them to the floor. Nothing happened as they coughed up blood weakly. Nothing happened. Their HP had already dropped to 0. It never took this long. Nothing happened. Frantically they opened the menu.
It was Eden's save. No, it was Reverie's. No... the names switched back and forth, never settling in place for long. "WHat did yoU DO?" they tried their best to shift their position despite the unbearable pain, looking for Eden. They spotted her in front of the "THE END" screen, processing what she was doing moments too late. She reloaded, and everything went black.
Through a painful haze of noise and color, Eden could hear Elysium's voice. "Do you see what you've done, Reverie?" "pl...ease..." "How the hell am I supposed to fix this?! Look around you Reverie! Look what you've DONE!" "ple.....please...pl... please" "I can only think of one way to fix this. I'm going to delete you. I hope you had fun in the time you were here."
"NO!" Eden screamed out. She didn't want this. But it was all she could do as she finally slipped into what could only be compared to unconsciousness.
She awoke who knows when on a couch in Elysium's room. After making sure she was ok, Elysium explained. She explained everything. Eden trying to reload a save she made when she wasn't even a player freaked out the game so bad, on top of the code Reverie had destroyed... it was a mess. Elysium had stabilized it. Reverie was... well, not really alive, but not really dead either. They were stuck somewhere in between, in the moment they would have died if they hadn't been a player who's supposed to reload if their save wasn't corrupted. But Elysium could fix it, she was sure she could.
Eden asked if this was how this was supposed to go. Elysium sighed, and said yes.
Eden's route in the game wasn't always like this. But Reverie had become so fixated on finding their exit and treating the world around them like nothing but a toy. Elysium hadn't known what else to do. So she rewrote the code, the story, she rearranged the narrative, so Eden would be learn about the game. So she would start to glitch out the system. So she could be invisible to Engel's eyes because she was glitching out so badly, so she could finally be the one to end the game. So Reverie would finally see there was nothing else. This world was all their was.
It was never about Eden.
None of it had ever had anything to do with her.
The narrative had been rewritten just for her. The months of pain. The horrible state Eden had found herself in, agreeing to Reverie's views of the world. That she was worthless. That she was nothing. That this world was a prison. All the sweet moments, all the comfort Eden had felt in those fleeting scenes. It was all for her. None of it was for her. It was always about Reverie. She was one more piece in this awful play.
Eden bid Elysium farewell, and went home.
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