#she's gorgeous so it works out but i'm just confused how i got from point a to point b
flaming-toads · 1 year
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ruruvxz · 1 month
hanni getting lost finding the correct bus ride and yn getting lost in hanni’s eyes 😉
- 🍊
Non-Idol!Hanni Pham x Reader
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↳synopsis: While trekking back to your home after a long tiring day of work, you really couldn’t take your eyes off the girl who happened to take the same route as you. It was odd though, since you’ve never seen her before, additionally she looked quite confused. It wasn’t until she kept taking the same transportation as you when you finally realized she was actually lost.
↳cw: lovestruck reader, not proofread, pure fluff
↳wc: 1.6k
a/n: we meet again 🍊, but I’m very excited to get requests because that means i can serve you gorgeous gorgeous people. besides i had lots and lots of fun writing this! Sadly this is very short and sweet but i hope you all enjoy regardless
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She was so lost right now, oh-so-lost, to the point where she started getting on and off at random stops and digging herself further into a rabbit hole. Her original destination, which wasn't all that far from her original stance, well before she accidentally got on the wrong bus, was now further away than she'd anticipated. The long dark haired woman getting even more antsy and distraught, caught the unwanted attention of other public transportation goers. And you were no expectation from that, your eyes lingered a little too long at the frustrated girl.
You felt so terrible for her, you've been in her position more than once so you knew the feeling exactly, to add salt to the wound, you also happened to be going on the same exact route as her. Well— Not technically, she just so happened to keep getting lost in the direction you were going. That also means that you saw her struggling for the past few rides without saying anything, and of course, your guilty conscience was getting the best of you.
Making the decision to talk to her, you waited for the perfect opportunity, subtly following her and making sure she wasn't lurking around in the dangerous parts of town. The woman took a break at a nearby bus stop, slouching onto the bar of the sunshade, giving leverage for her back. She pulled out her phone and started typing out various words before huffing angrily.
Finally biting the bullet, you hauled your way over to the dark-haired woman and tapped her gently on the shoulder. Flinching at the sudden touch she whipped her head towards you, slapping your face with strands of hair. Clenching your jaw you bit back any remark you had about her practically smacking you with her hair because you felt terribly pitiful for her. As she snapped her head back with a sharp hiccup she stared right at you, clearly still distressed by the situation she was in.
The way her eyes met yours, how they glistened slightly as they made contact with the sunlight, and how delicate her features were, made your heart sink. Hitching your breath you began to speak softly, not wanting to intimidate the poor woman even further. "Hey, so I saw you a few stops back..." You mumbled, your words barely distinguishable, "Are you, uhm...perhaps lost?" You ask, pretending to be blind by the fact you did know she was lost, as your eyes tried to pry away from hers.
"Oh! Oh my! Yes— I'm so lost right now— I don't know where I am! Thank you for asking— you see I was—" As she stuttered out her whole circumstances of events your eyes drifted to the scenery around her, and back to her eyes. The way it captivated you so easily was a spectacle within itself, how she scrunched her nose as she recounted something about getting the wrong direction. Honestly, you weren't all that interested in how she got in this situation, as shallow as it was, your eyes lingered more on hers than how dreadful her recounting was.
Mindlessly nodding as you moved from her eyes and down to her lips, taking a mental note of how her gloss exemplified the slightly pink tint of her lips. Giving her gentle "Mhms" "Ohh" and "I get it" as she continued on her tyrant on how her friends just casually left her behind. As her story came to a close, you snapped yourself out of the daze she put you in and coughed out a reply.
"What's your name again?"
"Hanni!" She bubbled, tilting her head slightly, letting her delicate black pool onto her shoulder. Taking in on how the sun hit her face as she did so, everything about her was undoubtedly breathtaking. In some sick way, you were quite grateful her friends accidentally gave her the wrong location, giving you the chance to stumble across a hidden jewel like her.
"And what's yours, stranger?" Her toothy smile as she awaited your answer made you even more giddy, like a teenage boy going through his first crush. She reminded you of the warm sunlight hitting your face as you awoke for another day, so refreshing and lively, irreplaceable and unique.
"Call me, Y/N. And I'm sorry about that, if you still need help I'll help you find your way around." You chuckled softly, barely failing to hide the anticipation in your voice. You so desperately wanted her to agree but wanted to be nonchalant about it, to not freak her out. But truly, deep inside, you were practically shaking at the idea of helping this captivating woman to where she needed to go. Besides, you also wanted to keep her safe, and help her not encounter any of the other unsafe areas.
Hanni, who was at this point grateful anyone took the initiative to talk with her, let alone offer to personally help her get to the proper destination, agreed without any hesitation. It was almost concerning how fast she agreed to your offer, but you were happy she did nevertheless. “Ah— You’d do that for me? Thank you so much I know it’s a lot to ask for—“ Hanni spoke again once more, her words were hurried and rushed but she was more than appreciative that you’d help her.
“Oh! Don’t worry about it,—Hanni was it? I’d feel terrible if you managed to get lost even further and I didn’t say anything about it.” You admitted, locking into her softened gaze for a moment as you psychoanalyzed the way her eyes turned into little crescent moons as she laughed. Despite being so clearly strained, she was able to find the best of her situation without fail, it amazed you how anyone could be that chipper, let alone, this stunning.
“Haha, I get that, but let’s be honest it’s not every day someone gets this lost.” Hanni joked, emphasizing the word “this” because most sane people wouldn’t be mindlessly continuing to get on and off and making it worse for themselves. You both just laughed at her predicament, having a casual conversation before eventually deciding it was time to take her where she intended to go.
You accompanied her throughout the short trip giving her simple suggestions and pointers as to how to navigate public transportation. As you traveled with Hanni, you got to know her bit by bit, how she loved to sing and dance, and how you had quite a bit in common. Like how both of you loved to read, she knew quite a lot of classic literature which you also happened to love.
As you looked at the map on your phone, you felt a pang of sadness knowing how close you both were. Knowing this was most definitely the last time you’d ever see Hanni, despite being the first meeting, you felt like you’d known her for ages. You stared at the window, taking in the greenery, letting out an exasperated sigh, the sun was setting at this point, and the lost girl was tired by now.
Hanni’s drowsy eyes started to bat open and close as her head drifted closer towards your shoulder, the side of her temple colliding gently with you. She was dozing off whilst resting herself on her shoulder, hitching your breath you reached your hand out and stroked her head gently. Making sure she didn’t wake up before her stop, understanding she needed some type of rest.
You glanced at your cellphone, watching the tracker of your phone inch ever so closely to the destination. Finally, close enough you reached over for the stop button on the bus and clicked it ever so quietly. It only took a few minutes before the bus took its full stop, your hand wrapped around her, and you gave her a quick shrug to wake the tired girl. Hanni, a little surprised she dozed off on you, apologized before standing up and dragging you with her.
Laughing at her antics you got off with her, she looked mighty flushed but it was oddly adorable. You chuckled with her as she tried to muster up the courage to speak up, she had something on her mind but didn’t have the heart to say anything. “Hey Y/N, I have a question.” She asked biting the bullet.
“Ah, yes? What is it, Hanni?” You replied, ruffling your hair as you admired her sun-kissed face beamed in the golden hour. She was incredible in any setting, you wanted to tell her that but god forbid you to make things awkward when everything was so good right now.
“Do you have a number?”
“Yeah, do you want it?”
“Yes please” She mumbled as she reached her phone out, the page already opened to the phone app, ready for you to input your digits. Your face was flushed but you’re glad she couldn’t tell how flustered you were as you quickly inputted your contact information.
“Oh, and I wanted to tell you. I’m so glad I met you Y/N you don’t know how much it meant to me when you decided to help someone like me out.”
“It’s nothing, I’m glad I met you.” You slip up, not realizing what you said before it was far too late, Hanni’s hands lift to her cheeks as she flushed a bright pink shade. Not expecting your thoughts to verbalize so easily, you mentally cursed yourself and tried to take it back before she cut you off.
“I’m glad too! I’ll text you when I get home alright?”
“I promise.” She added as she smiled, getting lost in her eyes once more.
“Alright, call me if you get lost again.”
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The ending is so trash omg
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xo-cod · 10 months
dad simon fluff because i'm sad. rushed and ooc ‼️
might be confusing to read because i didn't name the baby, i tried 🥲
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it was early morning, too early for his liking as simon yawned before he spread the butter across the toast delicately. slicing up some fruits alongside it. it had been seven whole months since you both welcomed your pride and joy, seven whole months of a world he didn't think was possible to ever receive in this life. how he adored you and how he cherished his baby so deeply to his heart, in some ways it makes up for all the pain he suffered in his past to be able to have his two greatest gifts beside him every day.
he finished plating up, walking back to the living room and there his infant stood, big brown eyes gazing at the tv with delight. her eyes were one of the first thing he noticed when she had been born, they were one of the features that she had taken identically like his. and they looked absolutely gorgeous on her.
he never thought his life would turn out this way, spending the majority of his youth and his adulthood in the taskforce. at some point he grew to accept that the life price had offered him was the only one he would ever receive, he got used to the idea that perhaps love wasn't something everyone got to experience in this world. but then you came along and you gave him the greatest gift he could've ever possibly recieved, turning his world on its axis for the better.
a foreign feeling to simon whose life had been dominated nothing but by violence and loss.
"c'mere munchkin, breakfast" the soldier in him calling it out like a command only his voice was gentle, fatherly, as he picked her up securely before delicately placing her in her high chair.
and much like his features, his baby seemed to take his attitude too.
she huffed and squirmed on the chair, her tiny face crumpled in a frown having been taken away from her dear cartoons and made to eat.
"is this little girl trying to be stubborn, eh?" simon narrowed his eyes but his face showed pure amusement, his face leaning down to kiss her temple softly. she immediately relaxed and babbled softly while he smiled, sitting on the chair next to her as he fed her the food.
simon was still learning everyday what it meant to be a father, he promised himself he'd never turn out to be the way his own dad was. he vowed never to do that to you or his child. never to become the way his father had been.
but he had barely finished giving her the breakfast before she gasped excitedly at the cartoon once more, baby babbles falling from her lips. he watched, resisting the urge to coo and chuckle at her state. and then he watched as she mimicked the tv, pretending to be dinosaur while she blew raspberries at him.
it had been her new thing now and simon felt pure joy tugging at his heart, wishing forever she'd stay this way so he could protect her from everything. how innocent and carefree she was here in this moment, how time was cruel because he could already feel it escape and slip through his fingers. pretty soon she'd be turning a year old and it felt like just yesterday he was bringing her and you back home from the hospital
"now what do little dinosaurs say?" simon entertained her playfully, helping her down while she stomped around in her onesie looking at him with pure mischief.
"you have to roar at me for it to work, yeah?" he playfully growled back as he nuzzled his face up against hers and he started to gently tickle her on her side. she collapsed into shrieks of laughter, only deepening the smile on his lips as he laughed along with her. he watched her small arms flail about, trying to make her voice sound like the effects on tv but failing miserably
and how his heart ached in his chest as a result from it. he hoped she would never lose this spark, this streak of mischief, being so full of life and love. she was already growing much too fast for his liking but he was so excited for who she'd be, she was his mini after all
he heard your soft gasp and then a gentle laugh, turning back to look at you with a look of fondness at your arrival. you'd never looked better to him, half asleep and still as beautiful as the day he had the pleasure of looking upon you for the first time
"did you hear that, lovie?" simon grinned, looking back at you before he kissed his baby's small cheek as he set her down on the floor once more. he gently faced her towards you, helping her walk across while you made your way to the couch
"show mama how you roar like a scary little dinosaur" simon encouraged with a playful tone, poking her side softly. you followed his gaze and looked down at the baby who was roaring just as she had been before she hiccuped and stumbled on the floor. her soft grumbles fell from her lips which prompted the both of you to chuckle gently at your baby. she looked close to having a tantrum but simon was well acquainted with all her little moods, distracting her quickly
"oh no, my poor little dinosaur. whatever will it do now?" he feigned sadness which caused the infant to burst into giggles, almost tripping over towards his big arms as he caught her and held her close to his chest. his own gentle laughter mixing in with hers and you could only watch with a tenderness in your heart, always hoping deep down in your heart your little family would always remain this happy.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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Tom Ryder x fem!actress!reader
Summary: Tom books a role in a musical with the only one goal in mind. He wants to work with an actress he's been crushing on forever—you.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: arrogant/asshole Tom (duh), swearing
~ thank you for requesting this, anon 🫶💖 ~
Tom Ryder doesn't like singing. He doesn't even like musicals! He's an action star, goddamnit!  This meant that when his agent came up to him one day and said he'd gotten him an audition for a new musical, Tom laughed at him. 
"A musical, Danny, and it's a romance?! What the flying fuck do I even pay you for?" he complains as he lies on the couch of his trailer, his arms flexed behind his head.
"It's good for publicity and it shows you have some range, Ryder!" Danny explains as calmly as he can, already annoyed with Tom's childish behavior.
Tom waves his hand as if to shoo him away.
"I have range. I don't need to prove anything to anyone," he says condescendingly. Danny pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He walks over to Tom and drops a magazine into his lap. 
"Y/n Y/l/n already took the part. She's the lead. They're casting her love interest," he says with a knowing smirk as Tom scrambles into a sitting position. He quickly reads the headlines as his eyes roam around your picture.
Tom's crush on you isn't a secret to anyone who works with/for him. He's madly in love with you to the point it's embarrassing because you've spoken maybe twice at an award show and nothing more.
"When's the audition?" he asks Danny immediately. 
* * *
Tom is grateful for his naturally decent voice and the year of vocal training he'd taken a few years ago because that means while he doesn't usually sing, he doesn't completely suck. 
He's never, in all his years of acting, tried so hard for a role so when Danny tells him he got the part, he makes a very unattractive squeal as he celebrates.
He's over the moon until his first day when he realizes he has to actually work with you now. Color drains from his face and he pushes up his cool-dude pink-tinted sunglasses to hide how anxious he must look.
He sees you sitting in your chair, scrolling your phone. Shit, you're as gorgeous in person as he remembers, he thinks and he internally panics as he feels like he's floating.   
"Sup," he says nonchalantly, taking a seat in his chair next to yours.
Sup? What the fuck. 
You look up, smiling at him, "Oh, hi," you turn to him and outstretch your hand, "I'm Y/n."
Tom blinks as he stares at your hand. 
Do you really think he doesn't know who you are?! Or do you just introduce yourself to everyone you meet? 
With a confused expression, he clears his throat and shakes your hand. 
"Ryder," he says, "Tom Ryder."
You smile at him. "Okay, James Bond," you joke.
Tom flushes pink, "I was just introducing myself—y'know—being humble and all. I don't know why it's needed though," he sniffs arrogantly, "You obviously know who I am, and I obviously know who you are," he says, his douchiness involuntarily slipping out.
You narrow your eyes at him. "Obviously," you echo, your tone curt as you turn to look down at your phone again. 
Tom panics. No girl has ever just ignored him like this. He leans closer, clearing his throat. "Sorry, did I say something wrong?" he asks, pretending your lack of interest in him isn't bruising his enormous ego.
You huff, sending him a look. "No, your lack of self-awareness just rendered me speechless for a moment, Tom Ryder," you say sarcastically and then grin. "But, you'want some friendly advice? Co-star to co-star? Pull your head out of your fucking ass and realize not everyone here worships the ground you walk on because you can learn a few lines." 
Tom's entire face burns crimson as his mouth opens in shock. You stand and clap your hands on your thigh as if you'd forgotten something and then you turn to look at him once more. "Oh, and introduce yourself to people around here. It's common courtesy. Toodles," you wave teasingly and spin on your heels to the makeup department. 
Tom's never felt more like an idiot in his entire life. Somehow, he managed to make a fool of himself and also make you hate him all in one simple interaction. 
Fuck this. He rubs a hand over his jaw and composes himself. At least work will go well—as it usually does. 
* * *
He's so so wrong. 
Turns out, working on a musical and a romance is much harder than action star Tom Ryder ever imagined. By the end of the day, he's completely embarrassed by not only his table reading but how croaky his voice sounded when in the studio, and he's so so close to calling Danny and begging him to bail him out of this. 
He stares at himself in the mirror of his dressing room and he prepares to bang his head on the wall when he hears a knock on his door.
"What?" he mutters, slumping down on his couch as he pops an ibuprofen in his mouth to calm his headache.
When the door opens, you're standing there, holding up two bubble-milk drinks. "I come in peace," you whisper and Tom sits up instantly. 
"Y/n," he whispers, blushing. 
"Tom Rdyer," you smile and hand him one of the drinks. "Rough day, huh?"
Tom coughs. "Wasn't that bad," he shrugs and sips on the drink, looking up at you behind his silly sunglasses. "Thanks for this," he says, a little confused because he'd definitely gotten the impression you hated him.
You nod and sit next to him, "You'll do fine" you reassure him, looking around his dressing room and then back at him, "you're just not used to this type of movie…yet. But I think it's admirable to change your scene so drastically so if you ever need me, I'm here for you. After all, what are co-stars for?" you smile kindly.
Tom feels his heart leap in his chest as his pupils dilate.  
"Thanks," he mumbles again, unsure how to deal with a situation like this. Usually, he'd make a snide comment or even a crude joke to calm his nerves, but he doesn't want to do that with you so he just sits in silence.
He's truly not used to this awkward silence with women. He doesn't have to think very hard to know that by now he'd usually have his tongue shoved down their throats, his hand under their shirts as he whispers meaningless praises in their ears. 
But, you're different. Tom doesn't want that with you—not so soon anyway—and he hates this new feeling he has whenever you're around. It makes him feel weak and mushy.
"I saw your last movie," you say, making conversation. "I was really diggin' the gold cowboy outfit," you laugh and if Tom pretends really hard he hears some flirtation in your voice.
His lips curl up into a smirk which eventually morphs into a smile. 
"Ah-ha," you grin and playfully poke the soft dimples that appear on his cheeks. "I was wondering when you'd drop that douchey smirk and smile at me." 
Tom looks stunned by how easily you read him.
"What douchey smirk? I don't have a douchey smirk," he defends and scrunches his nose in disgust, staring at you like you've gone insane but you just bend your knee on the couch and turn to him. 
"You definitely do," you laugh and pull out your phone as you type something. 
"What're you doing?" Tom moves closer, suddenly anxious.
You pull your hand away as he leans in and when you muffle a laugh and turn your phone screen to him, you giggle and his face falls.
"Douchey smirk," you say and point at the screen; which displays a random picture of him from Google during some red-carpet event he doesn't even remember. 
"Google is absolute shit," Tom exclaims and he debates retaliating with a picture of you, but he knows he wouldn't find one where he would find you ugly. 
You're always gorgeous.
"Now you're just being mean, sweetheart," he says and the pet names slip past his lips unconsciously. Luckily, you don't mention it or seem put off. Tom's shoulders relax. 
"What? You don't like it?" you turn your phone again and swipe the screen, looking at more pictures. "It's not like you could ever look bad."
Tom bites the inside of his cheek. Again, if this was any other girl, he would take that as an invitation to flirt heavily. With you? He's a blushy mess that doesn't seem to have any smooth moves anymore. 
You put your phone away and smile. "No snarky comment, Mister Big-Shot?" 
He chuckles and his real smile returns. "Not tonight." 
You sit up and look into his eyes. You don't seem by any means nervous when you say, "You're an intriguing character, Tom Ryder. I do like that. How about you take me out to dinner tonight—if you can clear your clearly very busy schedule." You gesture to whatever he had been doing in his dressing room (which had only been some self-loathing). 
Tom's never been asked out by a woman. He's usually the one asking them out and he'd assumed he'd hate not being the one to take charge but this feels so natural. "Like a date?"
You laugh and stand up, sipping on your bubble milk. "Like dinner. I'll see if I'll give you an upgrade by the end of the night," you say with a wink and Tom melts right then and there. 
He accepts instantly, also liking the challenge, and he takes you to dinner. He takes you to your favorite restaurant, ignoring that he very much dislikes Thai food, and he plays the perfect gentleman—or rather, he doesn't even have to play a gentleman because you seem to bring it out of him naturally. 
It's almost midnight as he walks you back to your car, his arm almost touching yours as you both walk side-by-side, stuck in a light-hearted debate about book adaptations turned into movies.
Occasionally, he'll check to make sure his security team is walking behind you but his hand with twitch to steady around your waist in case he also needs to keep you safe from some crazy fans or unsuspected paparazzi.
"You don't seem like the type to read much," you say, feeling content as your heels click against the pavement. You feel safe around him and you smile at the feeling of his fingers sometimes skimming your waist. 
"I read," he frowns and then pauses, "I read a lot of scripts."
You laugh, liking his blunt honesty. 
Tom's chest swells at the sound of your laugh. He'd managed to bring it out of you on more than one occasion tonight and he wears each time like a badge of honor—even if he's 95% sure you're laughing at him. 
When you arrive at your car, you turn to him and Tom opens his mouth to ask the question that has been on his mind all night, "So, was this a date?" but instead, your arms wrap around him and you kiss his lips. It's quick, almost fleeting and he wonders if he'd imagined the entire thing. 
"I don't usually kiss anyone on the first date," you say, slightly more nervous now, "so don't make me regret it, Tom Ryder," you whisper and his hand almost clutches at your waist to pull you in for another kiss but instead he holds the door for you to climb into your car. 
He sends you a nervous smile and then watches as your car disappear around the corner. "I promise I won't," he whispers into the air knowing he means every word. 
He's never taken his time with anyone, but he'll stop time entirely just to spend every second he can with you.
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wosoluver · 6 months
Healers got to date protectors - Headcanons
Misa Rodriguez x Physio!reader
Misa Rodriguez Masterlist
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How the two of you met
When Misa arrived one day at training, she couldn't help but notice the whispering going around the team.
They hardly ever got everyone together to talk about something, that wasn't football.
The friend groups were overall very divided.
But you know how it is. Gossip aways brings people together.
"What's going on?" Misa immediately asked Brunn.
"New member in the staff."
"And that's whats causing all of this?"
"It's a new physio. And she is gorgeous!" Sofie chimed in.
"I can't believe your guys are so worked up about that.
I thought something bad had happened."
"Oihane was the one who saw her when she stopped by to get tapping for her hamstring issue." Raso added.
"And now everyone is coming up with their own plans, to go into the office to meet her, without seeming so obsessed." Møller revealed.
"You guys want to fake needing physio sessions?" She was so confused. Why were they all acting like they hadn't seen a beautiful woman before?
"Not me!" "Nope" "I won't" the group of four said in unison, but they couldn't keep a straight face.
"You guys are unbelievable! I'm going out to the field."
By the end of the day she had landed badly on one of her jumps, and had a pain in her hand that wouldn't go away. But she refused going in, to check it out.
She didn't want to seem like she was partaking in the other girls' behavior.
So from training, she went straight home.
Next morning she didn't think she could skip checking in, just to make sure everything was alright and maybe get something to relieve that slight pain she felt.
She didn't want to tell anyone were she was going, so she decided on going to your office before training.
And once she saw you, she understood slightly, the commotion yesterday.
You were young, about the same age as her. That was very unusual when it came to the team's medical staff.
Your eyes were shiny and your smile caught her by surprise.
"Uhm, good morning." she choked out.
"Good morning!
Please don't tell me you feel a slight discomfort on your leg too." You joked in a light way.
"Oh- No. Its just, I landed badly on my hand yesterday. It tried sleeping it off but it didn't work."
"Come sit, I'll take a look."
You grabbed Misa's hand gently, to check what was going on.
"It doesn't seem to be anything to be worried about. It's barely a mild sprain. The discomfort should go away in two or three days max.
I'll tape you up to make sure you're safe for training. I don't want to risk worsening it."
As you grabbed your kit, you started to work on it.
"They're not really hurt." you let out a soft laugh at her words.
"I could tell. I think they forgot I'm a doctor." you joked.
"They're only doing this to have the chance to meet you."
"I suspected something was going on. That's why I didn't tell anyone about it. Imagine how alarmed they would be to find out half of the team had come in for a unscheduled physiotherapy session? In one day?" You both laughed about it.
"Well, you're all done here. Come back tomorrow so I can redo it. That's the best we can do, to heal it faster." Giving her a comforting smile.
"Thank you! I am Misa, by the way."
"Y/N. Nice to meet you." You said, as she left for training.
"Where were you?" Asked Raso, knowing exactly where she was, from the tape on her wrist.
"I hurt my hand during training yesterday." There was no use trying to lie.
"Of course you did."
"I did! I swear!" letting out a laugh.
"Wow, Misa smiling in the morning? What have they done to you?" Asked Sofie coming in.
"Take a wild guess." Teased Hayley.
"No. I actually needed it."
"We believe you." at this point Misa was already rolling her eyes.
This will be a series of headcanons! So far 3 parts planned. 🩷
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A Black & White World
Mattheo Riddle X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 2635
Warnings: Mild Language, Partying, Alcohol, Angst, Fluff, Blood…
Prompt: Everyone sees black and white until you meet your soulmate. Unfortunately, you are the only one in your friend group who hasn't met their soulmate.
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"Look at this color! Isn't gorgeous!" Pansy exclaims, running into the common room with her dress.
Lorenzo, Theodore, Draco and Blaise go quiet, looking between her and I nervously. She looks confused and I smile.
"I'm assuming it's a darker shade of green which should go well with your hair since it's a darker brown. Not to mention your have a somewhat pale complexion." I say with a soft smile.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Y/N. I forgot." She whispers.
"It's fine. Seriously." I say.
"Y/N..." She trails off.
"It's fine. I have to go catch up on some studying." I say.
She nods, looking guilty. I grab my bag, giving her a soft smile before I leave the room and frown. I never am going to meet him.
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After sulking in the library for a few hours, instead of studying, I headed to the Great Hall for dinner. I found them sitting there already and I take my seat when the room goes silent.
"I'd like to introduce our new student! He is a fifth year and he was pre-sorted into Slytherin! Please welcome Mattheo Riddle!" Professor Dumbledore exclaims.
I focus on my food, pushing it around on my plate. Pansy kicks me from under the table and I glare at her. She motions to her left and I look over to see the Mattheo had sat on the other side of Draco.
Mattheo looks at me, and the moment our eyes locked...I could see color. The first thing I noticed was his brown eyes. Then I took in the blank expression. He looks away and I bite the inside of my cheek before looking at Pansy and shrugging.
"Y/N!" Fred exclaims.
"Yes, Weasley?" I ask, turning towards him.
"Umbridge took our brooms again...could you get them back for us...again?" He asks, motioning between him and George.
"No! Last time she was forced to write lines with Umbridge's special quill." Pansy snaps.
"Special quill?" Mattheo asks.
"Basically you write lines, but it's writes into your hand." Lorenzo explains.
"Yes. Come along." I sigh, standing as I begin to walk out of the Great Hall.
We get to Umbridge's office and she wasn't in here. I point to their brooms and they grab them when I hear her. Oh great. I motion them to hurry and they grab my hand, pulling me towards the window as we all jump out.
Fred and George each hold one of my hands as I hang between the two.
"If you drop me, I'll kill you!" I exclaim as they fly higher on their brooms and I'm dangling by their hands.
"Fred! George!" Pansy screeches from below in the courtyard.
"We won't drop her! We got to go! Umbitch!" Fred exclaims.
"Y/L/N!" She screams and I grimace.
"Tree!" I screech and the twins fly higher.
"Sorry!" They shout.
"I'm going to kill you both!" I shout.
"Well in that case." Fred says, as he smirks.
He lets go of my hand and so does George. However, they both fly down and grab me again and I find myself about to throw up. Thankfully, they land.
I stumble forward and Pansy rushes forward, pulling me into a hug.
"Oh thank god. Your okay." She breathes.
"Y/L/N, I thought you learned last time. Come along. You'll be writing lines again." Umbridge says.
"Why are you still trying? You know it doesn't work on me." I say.
"How doesn't it hurt you?" She asks, rolling her eyes.
"It hurts, but I know how to hide it. Kinda like it." I smirk, shrugging and her eyes widen briefly before she rushes off.
"What the fuck?" Mattheo mumbles, his eyes widening slightly.
"I never said she was sane, did I? She has her crazy...but we all do...just hers is more so than others." Draco explains quietly.
"I think I'm in love." Mattheo whispers.
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It's been a few weeks since Mattheo transferred here, but he avoids me, so I do the same. I was out dress shopping with Pansy for a party that was being thrown tonight.
"This is pretty! I like it. I've discovered that emerald green is more my shade." I say as I turn to her, holding the dress up to me.
It was short, going to about mid-thigh. It had a high slit on one side, so I definitely wouldn't be able to wear panties with it. It was a deep v-neck, and it'd run down between my breasts, nearly reaching my belly button.
"Its so pretty and so you! And yeah, I agree! Emerald green is your color—wait a goddamn minute! Emerald! When were you able to start seeing color?" She asks.
I pale, realizing I slipped up. She knows. I look down, letting a deep breath out as a familiar ache takes over my heart.
"He doesn't want anything to do with me, Pansy. I'm just trying to move forward." I say, looking at the satin dress I held.
"Alright." She mumbles, knowing I didn't want to talk about it.
"There they are!" Draco exclaims.
I add the dress to my basket before I look up to see that all the guys were here. I decided to slip away and went to the shoe section. I found a gorgeous pair of black heels with a silver snake wrapping around the heel. I find them in my size and add them to the basket. I look at a pair of shoes and grab them before heading back to Pansy.
"Pans, try these on." I say, tossing her the box.
She grabs them and sits on a nearby bench as the guys watch. I ignore Mattheo's eyes on me and she grins up at me.
"They are perfect and will go with my dress! Did you get yourself shoes?" She asks, putting the shoes back in the box.
"Yeah. I just need to find some boob tape." I say.
"What? What are you wearing?" Draco asks protectively and I roll my eyes.
"None of your concern. I'm a big girl and unfortunately yet fortunately, I'm single so I can wear what I want when I want and look however the hell I want." I say tiredly.
"Give her a break Draco, she's having a hard time. She met her soulmate...but she said he doesn't want anything to do with her." Pansy whispers.
I acted like I couldn't hear, focusing on the handbags that were literally right next to us. I grab one and pair it up with my dress before adding it the basket.
"Ms. Y/L/N?" The store clerk calls.
I look up before walking over to the front desk. She laid out some of her best snake jewelry and I look over them slowly.
There was a long silver snake choker necklace that was covered in diamonds. It was a necklace, in the shape of a snake and it would be like I had a snake resting around my neck. The snake head and tail would rest between my breasts, but it was gorgeous.
I see a matching pair of snake earrings that would dangle. It was like the snake was slithering, however it looks like it would bite your ear from the way they clip on.
"I'll go with these two pieces." I say.
"That's over a grand, are you sure Ms. Y/L/N?" She asks.
"Yes." I say, pulling my card free.
I pay for the jewelry, dress and shoes before walking back over to Pansy who was ready to go to the makeup store. The guys followed behind us and I let Pansy lead the way.
"This shade of red would be gorgeous on you!" Pansy exclaims, running towards me.
"I don't know Pans. I'm not big on makeup." I say unsure.
"She is right. The red would really make your eyes pop." Theodore says.
I sigh, looking at the lipstick. I nod, giving in and she grins. I follow behind her as she excitedly shows me different pallets before I decided to look at the different perfumes.
I look around before catching Mattheo staring at me once again and I look away. Why won't he stop staring?
"Excuse me?" I hear.
I turn towards a boy who was much taller than me. He had blond hair and green eyes.
"Yes?" I ask annoyed.
"Would you go out with me?" He asks.
"Abso-fucking-lutely not. Goodbye." I say, turning away.
I gasp as he pulls me back by my hair. I spin around, pulling my fist back and hitting him in the nose. He groans, grabbing his very much broken nose. I knee him in the balls and watch as he sinks to the floor.
"Maybe next time you'll think before you put your hands on a girl, asshole." I snap.
I put the lipstick down before I storm out of the store knowing if I stayed any longer, I would've pulled my wand out whether he was a muggle or not. I was absolutely furious.
I find myself in a bookstore and I felt myself calming down as I read the backs of several books. I ended up caving and bought myself several romance novels and several spicy books.
I walk out to see that Pansy was waiting outside with the guys.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asks.
"Why wouldn't I be? Well...my card definitely is suffering now. Who knew books have gotten so expensive? It's such a shame." I mutter annoyed.
"I...I'm talking about that guy." She says.
"Oh him. I came to the bookstore to calm down. I wanted to crucio him, muggle or not." I say.
"Alright. I think you've had your dosage of muggles for the month. Let's get her back to Hogwarts." Draco sighs and I shrug at the concerned looks from my friends.
Mattheo looked confused and I look at his hands to see that his knuckles were split. I quickly look away before he notices though.
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I slip on the dress, looking at myself in the floor length mirror. I smooth out the silky material. It was gorgeous. I loved this, although I was a little worried about some slip up or flashing someone.
I pull on the heels before looking back at myself in the mirror. The heels pulled the entire outfit together. The dangling snakes and the snake necklace around my neck looked beautiful. I looked...hot.
Not to mention the makeup job that Pansy did was phenomenal. I had a red lipstick on with a dark eyeshadow. I heard the music and I knew I needed to get out there soon.
I walk out and go to the common room where everyone was dancing. I head towards the drink table, pouring myself a glass. I slowly scan the room, ignoring Mattheo who was staring at me. He had a group of girls surrounding him who were hardcore flirting. Pansy was dancing with Draco.
"Wanna dance?" Theo asks.
"Where is Luna?" I ask.
"Broke up." He says shortly.
I take his hand and we head towards the dance floor where we start dancing. He was one of my best friends. I shouldn't have been dancing so sensually with him. This was wrong. Especially knowing Mattheo was watching.
"Seems like both our soulmates don't want us!" He calls.
"Theo, what are you trying to say?" I call back, turning to face him as I stop dancing.
"Why not try something out? Just you and I." He suggests.
"Theo, we are best friends." I say surprised.
"We could be more though." He says, pulling me closer to him as he starts to dance.
I look over his shoulder at Mattheo who was watching us with a clenched jaw. His fists clenched around the cup and his drink goes everywhere.
I couldn't be in a relationship with anyone else unless it was Mattheo.
It felt wrong already.
Mattheo was pushing through the crowd and I look down between Theo and I. Theo was giving me time to think although, I knew my answer. I knew I couldn't be with him. Especially because I only saw him as my best friend. And I'm friends with Luna. I wouldn't do that to her. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation to why the two broke up because just the other day, they were so in love.
"Theodore, get the hell away from her." Mattheo snaps.
I look up to see Mattheo standing behind him. Theodore turns towards him, chuckling and I could tell by Mattheo's stance that he was about ready to beat the hell out of Theodore.
"No Theo. I'm not interested in something like that. We are friends. That's it. Mattheo, come on." I say.
Theodore grabs my wrist and pulls me into his chest. I stumble and I smell the alcohol on his breath before his lips were on mine. I push him away, sending him back as Mattheo goes to lunge at him, but I use all my might to push Mattheo back as more attention focused on us.
"What's going on?" Draco asks, pushing through the crowd.
"Get Theodore out of here before Mattheo kills him! He's being drunk and stupid and has no clue what he is doing anymore!" I grunt, pushing Mattheo back who was still trying to get to Theodore.
Blaise and Lorenzo start to drag Theodore away as Draco and Pansy calm the party down and I was able to drag Mattheo away. I held his hand, pulling him through the halls and outside until I see the Astronomy tower. I pull him up to the top before I turn to him.
"Don't you ever fucking stop me again, Y/N! He fucking deserves what will come to his way! You could've been hurt. If I'm going to get into a fight, you need to standby." He snaps.
"No! Theodore is going through something right now. He's drunk and he probably won't even remember this tomorrow. So, calm down Mattheo! He's still my best friend." I snap.
"He fucking kissed you right in front of me!" He snaps, running a hand through his hair as he paces.
"And? Why do you care Mattheo? You've acted as if I was invisible these past few weeks although we both know we are soulmates." I snap.
"I didn't think you'd want to be with a monster like me." He snaps.
"Well you don't get to pick what I want and what I don't want, Mattheo! I'm a big girl! And frankly, I'm a monster too if you are. We are more alike than you think." I say.
"Your not a monster! Your so much more than you think you are!" He snaps, looking me in the eye.
"You can't say stuff like that, Mattheo." I say annoyed.
"Why not?" He asks, stepping towards me and I back up.
"Because we aren't together." I snap.
"Then be my girlfriend." He says, pinning me against the wall as he looks down at me with those chocolate eyes.
"Fine." I snap.
He chuckles before leaning down and kissing me roughly. I kiss back, moving my hands to his hair where I run them through his curly locks. He presses himself further against me, biting my lip before pulling back. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth and I see my blood coating his lips.
"As much as I love this dress on you, I rather see it off." He says, pushing a strap off my shoulder.
"Then take it off." I murmur.
"At my dorm." He says.
I huff, nodding before he drags me along. I try my best to keep up with him, the both of us eager to get to his dorm.
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houseofperfecttaste · 2 years
Play Nice
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“Wear that sundress for me princess?” You rolled your eyes as Rafe approached you offering you a drink which you accepted because why not? It was a free drink. Your parents are kooks and best friends with Kiara’s parents meaning that both of you have to attend all the stupid kook parties but both of you were pogues wanting to get out of the kook life. “You wish Cameron.” Even though you did hate him you couldn’t help but notice how good he looked the sun making him glow and his shirt tight showing his body and polo shorts. “I do wish. You look so fucking hot and sexy.” A slight blush appeared on your cheeks and it didn’t go unnoticed by him.
JJ was working the party because kooks couldn’t do anything for themselves and JJ saw Rafe eyeing you and your cheeks turning pink at his compliments which made his jaw clench. "Need another drink beautiful?" JJ asked walking up to you having a glass of your favorite wine on his tray. "I do." You giggled completely disregarding Rafe and walking away from him while talking to JJ. JJ smirked turning to look over his shoulder sending Rafe a wink. "You look gorgeous today Y/N." "Thank you JJ you look very handsome." He was required to wear a suit for work and damn did he look good. JJ noticed the tint to your cheeks making him smirk knowing he had the same effect on you as Rafe did and he made it his mission to make you his before Rafe tried.
"My parents are leaving the party early to get on a flight so do you wanna come over after your shift and smoke with me?" You asked taking a sip of your wine and looking around the party and JJ bit his cheek to try to contain his smile. "Of course. Just us?" JJ stepped closer to you, you not realizing until you turned to answer your cheeks flushing when seeing how close you two were. "Y-yeah if that's okay." You squeak out looking away from him and JJ wanted to grab your face and kiss you but he was called away by his manager. "See you at 9." JJ winked pointing at you walking away leaving you alone until Kiara swooped in.
Kiara swooping in postponed Rafe from making a move before Maybank knowing the game he was playing. When you excused yourself to use the bathroom Rafe pulled you aside in a secluded hallway in the house. "Rafe!" You exclaimed as he pushed you against the wall his arms trapping you between him and the wall. "W-What are you doing?" You gulped staring in his eyes not being to tell what he was thinking and he reached up placing his hand on your cheek caressing it.
You grew intimated by his stare and you cleared your throat looking down and maneuvering your way out of his arms and walking away from him feeling confused on what just happened and why you wanted to kiss Rafe Cameron in that moment. Little did you and Rafe know was that JJ saw the whole interaction and made a mental note to beat the shit out of Rafe when he got off his shift. You left the house looking around for someone you know and immediately went over to JJ. "Hi J." You smiled at him as he returned it but his face soon dropping and eyes glaring at Rafe Cameron who was watching you and JJ interact. "How much longer do you have left?" You pouted at him while checking the time on your phone. "Two hours." He rolled his eyes not knowing if he would be able to watch Rafe go after you for two more hours.
"I'm gonna get going. I'll see you at my house." You smiled at him giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away to meet up with Kiara since she was taking you home. JJs eyes followed you as did Rafes and Rafe moved to walk towards you but JJ stepped in front of him stopping him from going any further. "What do you want pogue?" Rafe sneered glaring at JJ and trying to see where you went. “Stay the hell away from Y/N.” The statement made Rafe chuckle and poke the inside of his cheek. "Why should I? She yours?" JJ licked his lips knowing you weren't but that didn't mean Rafe could go after you. "Doesn't mean you try to get with her."
"And why's that?" Rafe raised an eyebrow knowing exactly why but wanted to hear him say it. "Because you're a prick." "Are you sure it not because we both know she would choose me?" JJs jaw and hands clenched stepping forward a bit before Pope came out of nowhere pulling him away. JJ did his best to keep his cool around Rafe almost losing it when he heard him talking about you in such an absurd way.
"Did you see her body and ass and tits in that dress? I would fuck her so hard until she couldn't walk." Rafe smirked knowing JJ was picking up glasses next to him. "Here ya go pogue." Rafe slammed the glass on his tray. "Oh if Y/N has trouble walking the next couple days you'll know why." He winked walking away and JJ slammed his hands on the table composing himself before clocking out early knowing his boss wouldn't notice. JJ drove to your house parking his bike in the driveway and walking right in.
"Hey Maybank." You greeted and his eyes almost fell out of his head at what you were wearing. Short little pajama shorts a tight cropped tank top with cute fuzzy socks and hair in a bun. "H-hey." He leaned against the counter trying not to stare at your chest. "How was work?" You questioned turning to place the cookies you were making in the oven and JJ almost groaned at the sight of your ass hanging out of the shorts slightly. "Pope had to stop me from beating Camerons ass once and I had to stop myself the second time." JJ poured himself a glass of juice pulling out a stool to sit on.
"Ignore him he's an ignorant asshole." You rolled your eyes getting yourself juice as well and putting on a timer for the cookies before going up to your balcony connected to your room to smoke with JJ. You and him sat next to each other on the couch you had out there and he lit the blunt for you placing it between your lips letting you take the first hits. JJ moved to place his head on your lap grabbing your hands placing them in his hair. You giggled lightly stroking his hair tugging on a few strands playfully earning a small moan from him.
You kept running your hands through his hair and he looked up at you your chest so big it blocked his view of your face a bit. Your thighs were so plush to lay on and he wished he could feel them wrapped around his head. Then his mind started wandering about if you would choose Rafe if you had to pick between him or Rafe. You looked down at JJ to see him totally spaced out and in his own world and you smiled to yourself scratching his scalp gently. "Would you rather hook up with me or Rafe?" The question took you back and you gulped cheeks heating up not having a clear answer. You found both boys very hot and sexy and would hook up with both to be honest.
"Honestly I don't know, you're both hot." He sat up facing you and you got up too embarrassed to face him going into your room. "You have to pick." JJ grabbed your waist from behind whispering in your ear. "Y-you J, holy fuck I pick you." You whimpered feeling his hard on pressed against your ass. “Pick me for what?” He teased kissing your shoulder wanting to hear the words leave your precious lips. “To hook up with JJ, I want you.” JJ turned you around pushing you on the bed climbing on top of you his lips attacking yours.
“You 100% sure about this?” JJ pulled away to look you in the eyes and you giggled cutely pulling him back down to kiss him grinding your hips into his giving him his answer. “Fuck me Maybank.” You smiled pulling your top off leaving your chest bare since you weren’t wearing a bra. “God you’re so hot.” He breathed out his lips attaching to your nipples making you moan loudly. His hand slipped into your pants rubbing your clit over your panties and you whined moving your hips wanting more. "Such a needy baby." He cooed moving your panties to the side his finger sliding through your folds gathering your juices.
"Ready princess?" He asked teasing your hole with his tip pushing it in before giving you the whole thing. "J." You breathed out running your hands through his hair as he watched himself slide in and out of your little hole. He fucked you hard and fast making your titties bounce and he latched his mouth on sucking on them. You ran your hands up and down his body feeling every indent of his abs while looking into his beautiful eyes. He gripped your waist fucking you as hard as he could your eyes rolling back and hands looking to grip onto anything.
JJ wasn't rough with you like you expected him to be, he caressed your body setting the perfect pace for his thrusts. He made out with you his hand cradling the side of your face caressing it with his thumb. "I-I'm c-close." You whimpered riding his cock making him gasp and match your rhythm making you cream around his cock. "Fuck baby me too." He kissed you while he pulled out his cum spurting out of his tip onto your stomach. He kissed you getting up to grab a paper towel to clean you up. You pulled on your pants your eyes feeling tired and JJ laid next to you draping his arm around your waist both go you falling asleep.
JJ woke up the next morning a smile instantly on his face as he remembered last night and how he had you screaming his name and shaking and squirming under him. He looked at his phone realizing he had to work soon so he carefully slid out of your bed kissing your forehead and leaving you a note so you wouldn’t think he fucked and dipped. He didn't have a crush on you or was in love with you he just thought you were really fucking hot and sexy and wanted you to pick him over Cameron.
When he arrived at work of course the Kook prince was there and JJs lips formed into a smirk knowing he finally had something that Rafe didn’t but decided to keep it til himself until he felt the time was right. JJ was going around giving people their drinks and taking their empty glasses. He huffed wanting to just clock out and see you again. His dreams came true when seeing you walk in well struggling to walk shall he say. He looked at Rafe knowing he was watching you and looked confused on why you were limping.
“If Y/N has trouble walking the next couple days you know why.” JJ mocked winking at Rafe knowing it would get him pissed as he picked up the empty glasses and Rafes jaw clenched trying his hardest to not beat JJ in the middle of the room deciding to wait until he could get JJ alone. Rafe grabbed himself another drink watching you as you flirted with Maybank adjusting your top to show more of your cleavage making Rafe scoff. Rafe knew he was the better option for you, he knew he could give you more orgasms in a day than you've had in your whole life. He knew he was better than Maybank and he would prove it to you.
Rafe scoped you out finding you sitting down with your parents and their friends playing with your rings clearly not interested in what they had to say. Your parents faces brightened when seeing Rafe approaching, they've tried setting you up with him multiple times now not liking you hanging around Pogues especially JJ. "Y/N may I talk to you?" Your eyes snapped up at his voice rolling your eyes going back to playing with your rings while your parents scolded you.
"Y/N." Your mother gritted her teeth nudging you slightly and you sighed getting up following Rafe to wherever. "What do you want Cameron?" He lead you into the same secluded hallway and you leaned against the wall as he stood in front of you looking down at you. "Maybank fuck you good last night?" His eyes were dark and body close to you. Your eyes widened not knowing how he knew but knew it would drive him insane and insult his ego if you told him how good JJ was.
"Yeah he gave me the best fuck of my life." You smirked crossing your arms making Rafe scoff and roll his eyes. "I could fuck you better. Harder, faster, deeper, longer." Rafe stalked towards me trapping me between him and the wall like last time. "I think you just like to hear yourself talk Cameron." Rafe laughed licking his lips slowly knowing you were looking at his lips. "Did he make you squirt?" He challenged raising an eyebrow and you kissed your teeth knowing he didn't but he was still fucking amazing. "Of course he didn't. But you know who could?" He placed a finger under you chin lifting it to look at him.
"Me. All night long." He pressed you up against the wall completely his body against yours and you moaned involuntarily at the thought. "You want my cock baby?" He whispered against your ear kissing down your jaw to your neck. "N-no." You couldn't give into Rafe not after what you and JJ did. Rafe chuckled at your stubborness pulling away to look in your eyes.
"If you want me be at my place at 4, if you actually don't me don't show and I'll never bother you again." With that he walked away and you followed quickly knowing your parents would ask where you were. "What happened sweetie? Did he ask you on a date?" Your mom questioned frantically looking at the boy and leaning into you. "You can say that." You glanced up at him not knowing what you were going to do with the proposition. You needed to know if what you and JJ did was going to turn into something else or if it was a one night thing to prove something? It wouldn't really matter either way, you just thought he was hot and wanted to see if the rumors of him being a sex god was true. Which it was.
You got your answer soon enough when you got up and saw JJ flirting with some touron giving her a free drink and his number. "I'll see you later JJ." She winked causing him to wink back. "Hey Y/N!" He chirped as you approached him smiling and leaning against the bar. "Hey J." You smiled stealing a cherry. "Um about last night-" "It was a one time thing. I completely understand and am fine with it. I promise." You cut him off knowing exactly what it was and a wave of relief washed over his face. "Still best friends?" He questioned holding his hand out and you shook his hand chuckling. "Never going to stop."
"I wouldn't be opposed to another one night thing though." He said through coughs making you laugh and nod. "Me neither." JJ poked the inside of his cheek nodding. "I'm gonna go to John Bs I'll see you later." You waved bye to him heading to your car and driving to your friends house. When you arrived only Kie and Pope were there and you took the blunt she offered sitting on the couch. "You okay?" She asked leaning back in the chair crossing her legs on the table in front of her. "Pope can you give us a moment please?" You asked to which he kindly obliged walking down towards the dock looking at the water.
"I need your advice on what to do." You sighed looking at her embarrassed to admit it but knowing she would have the best advice. "Does it have to do with hooking up with Rafe?" She questioned stealing the blunt from you and your mouth dropped slightly. "H-how'd you know?" "Please, the sexual tension between you two is insane." She laughed making you blush. "We all know you both wanna get with each other so just do it." She shrugged and you bit your lip knowing there was more to the story.
"Yeah but the thing is that I hooked up with JJ last night. But we both agreed it was a one night thing and he just wanted to prove to Rafe that I would pick him to hook up with."
"So do you just wanna hook up with Rafe to see who's better?" Kie asked and you nodded. "Well I mean yeah kinda, now I'm curious." You both laughed and she told you to do it knowing that neither of you would tell JJ or anyone else about it. You told her you were going over for four and you called Pope back over chilling with your friends until you had to leave.
You drove over to Rafes excited but nervous for the night but luckily you have shaved when you showered this morning. You couldn't believe you were doing this. You hated Rafe but now the curiosity of how good he was was eating you alive. You parked and walked up to the front door it opening before you could knock. "Been keeping an eye out for me?" You teased as he pulled you into the house.
"You showed up didn't you?" He teased back pressing you up against the door kissing you instantly his hands firmly on your waist. "Jump." He growled placing his hands on your ass as you wrapped your legs around him. He walked up the stairs into his bedroom throwing you on the bed. "So fucking sexy in these little sundresses." He crawled between your legs hiking your dress up kissing the inside of your thighs. "Gonna make you feel so amazing." Rafe moved your panties to the side kissing your clit and spreading you open before diving into your pussy.
"Rafe." You moaned tangling your fingers into his hair bucking your hips up and he held you down flicking and circling your clit with his tongue. He slipped two fingers into you curling them the right way making you moan and squirm as he pumped them in and out of you. Your clit was taken into his mouth and he started sucking making your legs shake and you were embarrassing close to your release. "Gonna fucking cum all ready you little whore?" His dirty words got you closer and he kissed you roughly making you taste yourself his fingers moving faster in and out of you.
"Yesssss Raaaaaaaffeee." You clung onto his arm as he looked down at you with a taunting smile on his face content that he finally got you the way he's always wanted. "Cum all over my fucking face." He demanded moving down to eat you out and finger you and pushing on your lower stomach knowing exactly what he was after. You've never squirted and you don't think-"Holy Fuck!" You screamed your body lunging forward as you felt the most powerful orgasm take over and you realized that you were fucking squirting. Rafe Cameron made you fucking squirt.
"Oh sorry baby did I say cum? I meant squirt." His smile was sadistic as he rubbed your clit keeping your orgasm going. "Fucking drench me baby. Such a good girl." He praised moving to lay in front of your pussy his face in line with your juices. He kept rubbing your clit harshly making you scream and squirm but he held you down with his other arm. "Maybank make you do this?" He looked up taking your clit in his mouth.
"Fuck no Rafe! Only fucking you!" You couldn't help but praise him as much as you hated it. "That's right pretty girl. Only I can make you fucking squirt. Me." He pulled your dress off leaving you in your underwear to which he also pulled off. "Dangle your head off the bed." He demanded standing at the edge of it disregarding his own clothes and you positioned yourself the way he wanted knowing exactly why he wanted you this way.
"Open that pretty mouth." He tapped your cheek with the tip of his cock and you licked your lips at the sight. He was about the same as JJ just a bit bigger. You opened your mouth letting him shove his cock down your throat using your throat as he pleases making you gag. "Like being throat fucked like a whore?" He held your face thrusting into your mouth making you gag more and saliva slip from the sides of your lips. Rafe grabbed your tits in his hands twisting your nipples between his fingers making you moan on his cock making him twitch from the vibrations.
You swirled your tongue around him sucking the tip before taking him whole wrapping your pretty lips around his length. "Fuck taking me so good. Gonna make me cum." He wrapped his hands around your throat choking you and fucking your mouth once more making him cum down your throat you forcing yourself further onto his cock to get all of it. Rafe laughed in surprise at your eagerness praising you as you swallowed all of his cum and tried to suck more out of him.
"Want your cock please." You begged looking up at him sliding your hand down to your pussy but he slapped it away pinning your arms to the side. "I know you can beg harder." He rubbed your thigh squeezing it. "Please fill me up with your huge cock daddy please please please." You chanted moving your hips wanting to feel him and he smirked slamming into you making you scream out in pleasure.
"Rafe!" You screamed clawing at his back definitely leaving scratches. Rafe was so big you could feel him deeeeeep in your stomach further than anyone has ever reached. "Feel daddy in your stomach pretty?" Your mouth was hanging open drool coming out and eyes rolling back as you moaned pathetically over and over. "I asked you a question." His hand wrapped around your throat squeezing harshly making you gasp and you nodded frantically. "Y-yes daddy. S-so big and deep." You screamed arching your back and he grabbed your tits using them as handles to fuck you harder.
"Yeah that's it you little slut scream for me. Scream." He huskily said in your ear making you hornier and he increased his pace making you scream louder. He was hovering over you a shit eating grin on his face. "Am I better than Maybank?" He raised his eyebrow not stopping his thrusts. "Better than him! Better than anyone!" Your squeezed your eyes shut the pleasure becoming too much. An involuntary whine left your lips when no longer feeling empty making him chuckle.
"On your hands and knees whore." He flipped you over smacking your ass and you arched your back for him making him groan. "Look so good for me. Such a pretty sight." He ran his hands down your back following the curve before grabbing your ass kneading the flesh. Your backed your ass up trying to find his cock causing you to receive a spank. "Naughty girl. You'll take it when I'm ready to give it to you." He teased smacking each cheek harshly.
"R-Rafe please." He sent the harshest slap to your ass and you whimpered. "D-daddy please." All movement stopped and you turned your head to look at Rafe but he held your head forward. He was quiet for another minute and you rolled your eyes growing annoyed until your body jolted forward feeling his cock plung into you. He pushed your body down completely to get to a deeper angle making you let out high pitched moans that brought him closer to edge every time he heard them.
"So so pretty." He praised kissing your shoulders and nuzzling his head into your neck as he continued fucking you moaning in your ear that he was close. His moans were the hottest thing you've ever heard and him moaning right in your ear made it hotter. "I-I'm close too daddy." You arched your head back as he kept kissing your neck and he collapsed on top of you as he came in you and he reached forward rubbing your clit and doing his best to continue thrusting into you which was enough to make you start squirting again. "Good girl." He kissed the side of your head still rubbing your clit harshly.
Rafe rolled off of you his finger trailing up and down your hip as you moved to lay on your side looking at him. You smiled lazily at him before getting up to put your clothes back on but he pulled you down onto the bed. "Where do you think you're going?" He pinned you down under him smirking. "Home." You said obviously and he shook his head 'tsking.' "Remember what I said? I'm gonna make you squirt all night." With that round 2 was started and god did that boy have stamina. You both went six rounds, him making you squirt each time.
You laid down next to him catching your breath before getting dressed again feeling his eyes burn into you. "Yes Cameron?" You asked turning to face him and putting your dress back on. "You're just so sexy." He shrugged getting up to put his pants back on. "So am I gonna see you tomorrow night?" Rafe asked coming up behind me kissing my neck and grabbing my tits through my dress. "Maybe." You smirked wanting to leave him questioning and you turned around patting his cheek walking out of his house. You turned to see him watching you from his window a smile on his face and you waved at him giggling.
God why the fuck were you giggling over Rafe Cameron? Because he's fucking hot your brain answered for you. You got into your car driving home thanking god your parents were on a trip. You kicked your shoes off flicking your light on almost screaming at the sight of someone on your bed. "JJ! What the fuck?!" You placed your hand over your heart your breathing rapid and he continued to sit there leaning back on his hands.
"How was fucking Rafe Cameron?"
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
A/N: This just popped into my head. I couldn't help it. Needed some comedic relief before I dropped the angst one shot which I'm still working on.
Imagine Dustin having the gall to jokingly tell Nancy Wheeler that she needs permission from Robin to date Steve again. Nancy just gives him an icy stare to mess with him. He just sort of stumbles back into Jonathan, who also decides to mess with him and asks why he thought it was okay to push his girlfriend and ex-boyfriend back together. Practically sweating buckets now, Dustin stutters incoherently before Jonathan laughs.
"You mess with Nancy, and we mess with you too," Jonathan said as Nancy laughed. "I guess that would mean I would need Robin's permission too."
"Wait. . .are you still messing with me?" Dustin asked.
"Yes, well. . .about the whole permission thing, anyway," Jonathan said. "We're very serious about Steve."
"Or are we?" Nancy asked with a gasp.
"Guess you'll never know," Jonathan said.
"Are you both dating my babysitter or not?!" Dustin asked with his hands on his hips.
"Depends, who's your babysitter?" Nancy asked mockingly.
"You know damn well who - " Dustin was cut off by Steve entering the picture.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Dustin wants to know who you're dating," Nancy said with a grin and winked.
"Oh! OH! Well, Argyle, obviously, have you seen his hair?" Steve asked.
"Yes, yes, it's gorgeous! Steve, how long has this been going on?" Dustin asked with a scowl.
"So, you're bothered that I kept this a secret but not about the fact that I'm dating a man?" Steve asked.
"Are you still my big brother?" Dustin scoffed.
"Yes?" Steve asked in confusion.
The door to the kitchen had just opened. Will stood in the doorway, looking shocked as Nancy and Jonathan.
"Then, of course, I don't care. I never cared about what gender someone was before. It's always been about what's in here!" Dustin exclaimed, pounding on his chest. "My first crush when I got to Hawkins was Will!"
"What?!" Will asked.
"Oh, hey, Will," Dustin said casually and turned to face Steve. "Anyway, I'm happy for you."
"That's always been for me too," Nancy said, pointing at her chest.
"Cool," Dustin said, grinning.
"Okay, thank you for telling us," Steve said softly. "I kind of feel bad, though. I'm not actually dating Argyle."
"Oh, well, do you still like men?" Dustin asked.
"And women," Steve replied.
"Then thank you for telling me," Dustin said.
Steve shared a look with Nancy and Jonathan. They looked at each other for a moment before smiling softly at Steve and nodding. Robin entered at that moment.
"But I am dating Jonathan and Nancy," Steve revealed.
"What?!" Robin and Will exclaimed.
"Robin, you already knew that," Nancy said.
"Oh, right," Robin said.
"Did you know I used to have a crush on Will?" Dustin asked.
"No the fuck I didn't," Robin said. "Tell Uncle Robin all about it!"
She put his arm around him and led him out of the kitchen.
"Didn't you need something out of the kitchen?" Dustin asked.
"I've already forgotten what it was," she said.
"Are you okay with this?" Jonathan asked.
"Uh, yeah, it's just a lot of information thrown at me all at once," Will said, blinking owlishly.
Steve and Nancy smiled softly as Will hugged his brother.
"So, how did this start?" Steve asked.
"Dustin tried to tell me that I needed Robin's permission to date you again," Nancy said. "He was joking, of course."
"He's such an asshole," Steve said affectionately, thankful that it all worked out.
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bigdsgirl · 4 days
Love Next Door Episode 12
look i had to watch sports and do chores (sigh), but I am HERE now. and i have THOUGHTS. because lovelies, we fucking MADE IT!!!!!!
these two dweebs, just kiss again. <3 with your banana milk <3
god these two are children i am cackling, they cannot admit what is happening!!!! lmfao!!!
seung-hyo is dying and i love it
not him offering her food. DEAD. I will not survive the episode.
and not her being like hey!!! only i get food offered by my man!!
WERE THERE ANY BUGS????? lol omfg.
the way they continue to revert back to their sassy selves each time they transition or deal with wild news 😭😭😭
"I've always been with you" BYE I AM DUST
not the going through their history through small touches. BYE.
okay now smooch. please for the love of god.
omg he is so happy with them cuddling <3 this man is over the moon.
i will be the using the shot of them on a bench as a background somewhere, mark my words. or it's going to be the center of a bullet journal spread because AHHH
omg mo-eum girl, rock the interview! you got this babe!
as a hiring manager at my work, girl you killlling it
oh hi mr. seung-hyo's dad! and other guy! are we about to brawl? kinda feels like it.
goodness that man is just... so fine. silver/grey hair is gorgeous.
this man is so confused lolw hat is happening
this. is. a. comedy. i. love. it.
well this changes everything and i love it <3 just two queens that are besties who work together <3
bahaha he's so embarrassed. i'm dying. the GROAN ma'am i love it
finally communicating, i love that. also she has a point! it's not her secret to tell! omg. and he's like "i married a baddie my god" and boy you are right.
omg "mom I'm an influencer now" omg she called it an influenza. I am using that now. ☠️
omg no not the blind date for seok-ryu
i have a feeling it will be the journalist and i will lose it
omfg his FACE when mom asked about the blind date. i will fucking die this is a comedy of the highest tier
cowards!!! you tell your biggest fan!!!
oh she knows. and a superfan would know! go off queen!
"I feel like my body and soul is refreshed and massaged" GIRL SPEAK ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!
not the flashbacks with everyone being like YOU ARE IN LOVE!!!!! and Mo-eum just in the background 😭🤭
Not her saying she's out of his league and that's why people never put seung-hyo and mo-eum together I LOVE HER
dear god if yeon-du is not her step daughter by the end of this show, I will be committing crimes of revenge. they are a FAMILY.
HELL YEAH MOM! Yeon-du should be her daughter!!!
he was built to be a dad, i luv him.
"arizona si, chicago no", what in the sam heck are these shirts, hilarious
he says look, i want to scream this from the rooftops that we are together. <3 and boy, I get it.
oh no girl. girl he is planning forever with you. oh no oh no.
oh girl, seok-ryu looks so cute in those PJs!!!
hahah oh girl you are going to regret saying what you said. he says no one can know? got it, 12 feet apart at all times.
oh girl what the fuck why you do that!!!!! that's his phone!!!!
I am glad he is standing up for himself. because i agree, her behavior is not appropriate at all!!!!!!!
movie! date! making out at the movies! lets go!
adventure day with the fam let's freaking do it!!!!!!
are we CAMPING???? YAY! I love a good camping trip!
oh they are such a good team <3 cute cute!
Mo-eum is such a cool cat, i love her
jfc they are such a family already!!! barbecue! water gun fights!
did this show just say trans rights? I am electing yes with the umbrella shot 😎
we love a trip sponsored by electric cars. fancy!
the 🤌yearning🤌
omg the water spot on the shirt hot him bothered! ope! omfg not the giving her his FLANNEL!!!!!!!
my girl looks so good for her movie date!!!! eep!! oh goodie, time for her..... to experience the "no one can know". lol he's working on architecture project, of course. omg everyone is cuddling except them!!!!!!!! WAHH NOOOOOO
what a gorgeous sunset for these gorgeous people. ugh she is the cutest lil kiddo. omg. wait. wait. is it time??? are we gonna.... ya know, talk about it??
god she loves this girl so much, how can you not want her as her step mom?????
holy shit. holy. shit. she said it. SHE SAID IT.
i am stunned. what a beautiful confession. MO-EUM MY GIRL.
yeah let's cancel the agreement!!!! it wasn't a mistake!!!
NEVER???????????? SIR????? 😔
No no no no please, you three deserve happiness and its with each other! please!
god damn it. Now she's gonna take the job in antartica so he doesn't feel bad.
HAHAH the hand reaching. girl just GRAB IT!
LOL the "you go in first"
oh no not the doc visit.
Due to stress and anxiety??? well I hope that is the case.... I am not a fan of this. hmm hmm hmm.
LOL HES SO HAPPY!!! My lil baby <3 he's such a drama queen.
like father like son :)
oh girl. oh girl. I laugh because you did this to yourself. you asked him not to bring it up!
ope a family dinner oh my goodness. my girl Tae-hui stirring the pot like the queen she is
omg seung-hyo is so nervous and she is SO JEALOUS
these two are children omfg, just communicate
love the fanny back good sir
lol them arguing and seok-ryu dying, i feel the same
oh we about to fuck. shit. up! let's go!!!!!!!!!
the parents being so silly and jealous of each other
oh he GOT THE LENS -- that lens is way too big but i love the enthusiasm lmfao - he STUDIED
boy call her she might kill you -- i hate to say it
omfg! bestie boy time too!! except these boys need to stop being awkward <3
God bless Mo-eum, she is the truly best friend to both Seok-ryu and Seung-hyo <3
Mo-eum baby you deserve the world <3 i hope he grovels so hard when he realizes how much he mucked up
god this show just nails friendships at all stages, acquaintances, work friends, new friends, new neighbors, long term besties as youth, young adults, later in life. just ALL OF IT!
omg he mad a pet house??? for the kitty?? the she saved??? that she is allergic to??? omfg. i am a mess. the baby house he made them, and the upgrade now!!!
date night at the crib! screaming!
he is so happy she was jealous <3 h
he couldnt focus at work??? omfg girl you are wrecking him
"comic books in my room" ooooooo is that what we are calling it now??? heh!!!!
first time in here as a your BOYFRIENNND
he's admitting he went for HER! not the book!
omg he's admitting how nervous he was!!!!!!!
she said, bad thoughts are fine 🤭 and approved bad deeds? boy we are in it NOW! the DOOR IS SHUT! EEK! THE LIGHT IS OFF? OH HELL YEAH! LFG!
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toomuchracket · 1 month
Do you think men have any idea how attractive it makes them when they're holding/wearing a baby? Thinking about bday matty turning up to a book launch wearing Amy and girlie just fumbling her words when she sees him, he's just oblivious to how hot he looks
the mental image of this is making me want to gnaw on drywall. anyway! yes! amy's a few months old when your book is released, and you're launching at the local bookshop in the early evening, so the week before it you suggest to matty that "maybe we could bring amy? let her see mummy at work? only if you wanna, though, because you're the one that'll be looking after her lol"; matty tears up, of course, and sniffles "yeah, i want her to see you in your element", and then he goes on another spiel about how much he loves his girls lmao. they get you flowers the morning of the launch, and a card each (you WEEP at the "proud of you, mummy!" one he's signed on behalf of the baby), and matty gets amy ready while you're sorting yourself out - he brings her in to see you in the CUTEST little outfit, and there's a little group hug with giggles from all of you before you do a little family photoshoot and leave. it's a really good night, actually, with one of your friends hosting and more in the audience, and you're so into the discussion that you barely notice matty sneaking out at one point to take a fussy little amy to the loo. when he comes back in, though, it's a different story; not that he's loud or anything, because he isn't, but because he's now got your daughter nodding off in the baby wrap against his chest, stroking and kissing her little fluffy head as he sits back down and watches as she falls asleep. it's not an unfamiliar sight to you, but it's really fucking attractive to you, watching him with the baby like that, so much so that you actually trail off speaking for a second and have to blink yourself back into reality - your friend's like "you good, babe?", and you nod seriously like "yeah, just... hot husband, tiny baby daughter. it's a miracle i get anything done anymore. anyway!" before continuing on with no more acknowledgement of it, other than a wink aimed at a now-blushing matty. but you bite your lip when he comes over afterwards, trailing your eyes all over him and making him look so confused lol; he's literally like "why are you looking at me like that lol you've seen me in this outfit a million times", and once he's kissed you in greeting and congratulations (and you've kissed amy) you're like "you just look really, REALLY hot holding our daughter like that", and he rolls his eyes and says "don't take the piss, she wouldn't settle unless i held her. and i wasn't going to let her upstage mummy, was i?", and you laugh and kiss him again like "babe, i'm serious. you're gorgeous. proper dilf. love it. and you", and matty just giggles and kisses you and says "i love YOU. and i'm so proud of you - we both are. ames was proper fascinated before she fell asleep, you know? she already knows her mum's a legend". and honestly you're ready to go home and snuggle with them right there and then, but you have to do some signings - after they're done, though, it's straight home for another group hug with the loves of your life. adorable <3
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steveshairychest · 2 years
Popular children's fantasy author Eddie x Steve, whose daughter drags him along to every single one of Eddie's fan signings and book launches.
Steve pretends it's a big inconvenience to hold his daughter's place in the line while she quickly zips around the store to pick out more books for Eddie to sign. "You're gonna work the poor guy to death." Steve laughs when she stumbles over to him with an armful of Eddie's books that she didn't already have.
He doesn't even look at the prices as he takes the heavy load from her.
"Do you have your questions ready? You're next." He whispers to her. She nods excitedly, her hair bounces with the movement, and it's moments like these that Steve's reminded just how much she looks like his ex. Nancy's genes really shoved all of his out of the way.
"Oh, it's you guys again! Hi! I was wondering if you'd show up today." Eddie beams at his daughter and then up at Steve. He's got on these big, dorky glasses and his hair is pulled back out of his face; it suits him.
Steve tries not to swoon as Eddie remembers Steve's daughter's name and listens intently to all her questions about his upcoming series. He's signing all the books without breaking eye contact with her and Steve is suddenly very jealous of his 10 year old. Maybe he should get something signed so that he can stare into those gorgeous brown eyes and drown in their intensity.
"I'll see you guys at the book reading?" He's staring at Steve when he asks. His daughter nods enthusiastically and gathers up her pile of signed books.
Steve clears his throat and shrugs, trying to play it cool. "I'm being dragged there whether I like it or not."
"Dad, you bought the tickets for it weeks ago. You said you like the way he makes funny voices for the characters." She giggles at the utter look of betrayal on his face and skips off to put her books on the checkout counter, leaving Steve standing there very flushed and embarrassed.
Eddie puts his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his hands, he's smirking up at Steve with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes. It's probably just the reflection of the lights in his glasses. "You like my silly voices?"
Steve rubs a hand down his face and groans quietly. "You're both insufferable. Good bye, thanks for signing her books."
"Wait, Steve." He fidgets with the black marker in front of him and looks anywhere but at Steve when he says, "Check inside the first book." And then another kid is coming up in front of him and he's all big smiles and excited nodding as he listens to everything they say.
He briefly glances up at a confused Steve and winks before giving his attention back to the kid.
Steve pays for the books and waits until they are back in the car to reach into the bag and snatch the first book up. "What are you doing?" She asks.
"Seeing if he spelled your name right."
"He always spells my name right." She points out. Steve ignores her and flips the book open. He immediately gasps and closes it again, his eyes wide as he stares at his daughter in shock. "Wait, did he actually spell it wrong?!"
"No, I- uhm." He opens the book once again and, to his daughter's shock, rips out the bottom corner of the first page. "Oops, sorry. I'll buy you another one!"
She, of course, immediately dobs on Steve when he drops her back off at her mother's place. And all he can do is shrug and indure the glare that Nancy is shooting him. "My hand slipped."
"Mhmm." She shoos their daughter inside with promises to go to the park with her friends later and then when she's out of ear shot, Nancy rounds on him with a finger jabbing into his chest. "Show me."
Steve takes a shocked step back, his hand instinctively touching the pocket he shoved the ripped corner in. "I- I don't know what you mean."
"Steve, I'm not stupid. You only go to those book signings to make googly eyes at that Eddie guy. Did he finally give you his number? Show me or I'm taking her to the book reading." She's holding her hand out expectantly.
Sometimes Steve forgets that they were married; that she can read him like a book. "You scare me sometimes." He grumbles and reluctantly pulls out the crumpled, torn page and drops it into her perfectly manicured hand.
"God, his writing is awful."
"I think it's cute."
She hands the paper back to him and gently squeezes his hand, a soft smile pulling at her lips. "I hope he makes you happy."
A shocked laugh explodes out of Steve as he shoves the number back into his pockst for safe keeping. "It's just a phone number, Nance, not a marriage proposal."
She shrugs her shoulders and heads back inside. "Whatever you say. Oh, you might want to shower before the book reading. You smell like burger grease, which is weird considering I told you not to buy her that crap before dinner." It's said playfully but Steve knows it's a strike on the bad dad board.
She has so many rules it's hard to keep up with them.
"Can I borrow your shower?" He goes to cross the threshold of their once shared home but Nancy stops him gently with a hand on his chest.
It's too soon. He can see it in her eyes. She can play nice and be his friend but she won't play house.
"I'll be back at 7:30." She nods curtly and closes the door.
They've only been divorced for 5 months and he knows that Nancy isn't handling it as well as he is. He'd said some awful things, drunkenly told her that their entire marriage was a lie, was just a way for him to pretend to be normal and live a normal life. She'd known for a while that he didn't love her anymore but had ignored it for their daughter's sake, but it didn't last long. The second those words were out of Steve's mouth, she'd made him leave.
She'd silently pointed to the door and Steve knew that things were done.
It was time to stop playing house.
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daphnebowen · 2 months
descendants rise of red thoughts
warning: these are probably nonsensical and just a lot of confusion/venting/random excitement?? but enjoy regardless:
I'm glad that they explained jay, evie, and mal's absence right off the bat 
Uma and mal's relationship >>>
Not me bawling my eyes out already at the mention of Carlos, we all know uma's tears were china's tears 😭😭
Wonderland is GORGEOUS
this fight scene is so unrealistic 
LUCIUS MALFOY?!?! (nope it's a dupe)
can I just say Kylie is GORGEOUS in red??
who would have guessed she used the hug with Maddox to steal the Time Machine - hmm, not me!!
Brandy is absolutely KILLING IT her voice is majestic 
but where does Chad fit into all of this??? like isn't he the son of Cinderella but he doesn't look like his dad or mom?
the queen of hearts accent is soooo soothing
she (the queen of hearts) reminds me a LOT of Audrey, in her looks, her mannerisms, the way she speaks, her everything, it's kinda crazy 
A MENTION OF CHAD!!! Maybe it's possible! who cares about genetics!!
okay queen of hearts buggy is 🤩🤩
Chloe reminds me so much of evie and red reminds me so much of mal!! this is probably obvious to everyone and on purpose but oh well
where's Harry and Gil bro not even a mention of them??? they were uma's best friends bffr
Omg I haven't seen Dara in a lot of other things but she is SLAYING the crazy uliana character 
Chloe running around fixing all the things red's messing around with is so accurate 
anyways, the house Cinderella grew up in is soooo accurate to how I pictured it
I don't think poor chloe has ever touched a mop lol
Dara doesn't even sound like herself in this song
the way my heart DROPPED when she smashed the shoes!!!! 😢😢
oh snap. I did NOT expect red to go there (speaking about the "how did that end up for her?" talking about Chloe's mom) THATS SO AWFUL AND HORRIBLE MY JAW DROPPED
young Cinderella can SINGGGG
Love how they never showed Chloe's feet after she threw her glass shoes into the fireplace 😂 not important but I thought it was funny
love the kid barking and meowing and making Merlin rethink his life choices 
I definitely thought for a second that red was gonna be like "actually, I want to stay in this timeline"
the costume change for queen of hearts is EVERYTHING
how is Chloe going to explain the broken glass shoes to her mom lol
nothing gets past Uma lol she's ALL KNOWING OUR QUEEN
final thoughts: reaaaalllyyyy wishing we could have brought back more of the og's or even got a little more closure about Carlos and his death. even though I know everyone's moving on and healing and dove especially is distancing herself from Disney and trying to be her own person without that (which, I respect) I still would have liked a cameo, a sort of "passing the torch" thing. without them it kinda was abrupt and strange, but having fairy godmother and Uma definitely benefited the movie. Red and Chloe were definitely well thought out and loveable and relatable characters for me, being a perfectionist myself and having three little troublemaking brothers who want nothing to do with me or my family at all. I feel like there was hardly any real time to get to know the other characters at all though! particularly young Bridget and ella, I definitely would have loved to see more of them. even uliana, although she made such a big impact and interest with her limited amount of screen time, put it to good use and made the most, though I would have wanted more. More backstory between her and Ursula's relationship, perhaps??? Uma and uliana reconciliation?? where is uliana now??? etc etc etc. I feel like the movie was so short there wasn't a ton of time to fully flesh things out and explore the characters and yet the pacing was great for the plot, so I don't know how those two things work together but somehow it felt rushed and yet perfect at the same time?? Like I don't know what they could have added to make it longer. definitely wanted more Uma and fairy godmother banter and updates on all the vks and auradon kids!!! how's Jane!!! ESPECIALLY NOW CARLOS IS NO LONGER WITH US?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? what about Lonnie!! and dizzy and the twins and Doug and Harry and Gil and all those other rascals. good to know Chad's off playing tourney in college and we know mal, Ben, evie, and jay are sailing around the world making amends with other countries and forming alliances. but yeah. overall I was pretty satisfied, obviously I don't think ANYTHING could top the iconic original descendants but I feel like this one did its job. it continued the story and introduced many new characters and a new timeline and plot line that was easy to follow while also leaving room for more and for wanting more. didn't even mention the music but I felt a lot of it was suuuuper repetitive and just this pop thing. where are my ballads!!! my if onlys!!! everything was just like "rotten to the core" or "chillin like a villain" and I wanted some emotional songs. Yes, I love a good pop upbeat song but I don't want an entire movie of them. everyone sang great I think, except I couldn't tell what was real and what was auto tune, but anyways. so yeah, I'd rate this movie a 7.5 out of 10. Pretty decent but still... not the greatest. as to almost be expected without our original cast.
side note: anyone wondering, if Cameron Boyce hadn't passed away, do we think they still would have continued adding on to that original trilogy and storyline or do we think that they would have brought in the new characters and storylines anyway? just a thought, I've always wondering what it would be like if cam hadn't passed. rest in peace xo 💋 
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After reading every blurb, one shot etc. from @radiant-reid, I can't help but imagine Spencer and a bubbly and friendly s/o.
Like, maybe she and Hotchner knew each other from before, like they started off as partners in crime together( he probably surprise adopted her at ine point with Haley) and are best friends and one day he just comes like "We have new people coming. Come with me and greet them." like a very demanding father whose child is insisting to not talk to her. relatives when they visit.
But s/o is so glad she did because wow, all these gorgeous people will work with us?🤔🙃And I'm finally blessed with beauty, elegance in all forms? 🥰💞🤩
S/o just takes a hold of Aaron's shoulder dramatically, bending slightly which makes the others worry but he already knows what's coming.
"How did you find all these gorgeous people? Pretty... So pretty and handsome- oh look! She is wearing the pink tone I love and a parrot necklace!" *aggressively shows Penelope with heart eyes, makes the woman suddenly shy and bashful because she never got complimented*
"Stop flirting with people, Y/N."
"When I see someone pretty, I need to appreciate God's work, Aaron."
*Aaron being done with y/n but still watches with a soft smile as she hugs everyone and welcomes them warmly.*
*The team being surprised since they didn't expect it but soakes it all up since Y/N is being a cutie*
*Y/N almost crying, having a slight meltdown when she hugged JJ and Emily because "Wow, I'm hugging two pretty women... 😭"*
Y/N almost hugging Penelope so thight that she was about to combust because all she felt was warmth and softness
Derek hugging her and ruffling her hair because damn, she is like a sister to him already with her bubbly and kind self.
"I'm so glad there are other people Aaron can finally annoy apart from me! He and his wife is always nagging me-"
"It's because you don't eat, kid. And We don't 'nag' you."
"Says the man who almost made me run extra laps because I didn't eat what his wife-"
*Y/N seeing Reid who was looking around shyly, quite unsure but turning to her when he felt a stare on his face* Uhm... Hi... I'm Spencer Reid...
*Y/N looks at him with a dazed look, sweet smile and glistening eyes that Aaron knew too well* "Y/N, no..."
"Y/N, yes... I found my new bestie! Look at him! So cute! And finally someone close to my age!" *later hugging him thightly and him feeling both emotional and awkward because he never felt this and he is all like 🥺🥺*
*Everyone being confused because he is a lil nerd and you are loving every second of it, even more when Hotchner lets out a sigh* "There she goes, adopting a new one... Just watch her do her magic now. You will not let her get away ever again."
*the team being confused even more but laighs as you excitedly show their desks and insist Spencer sits next to you because unlike others, you think he is so cool since he knows so much and his little facts are always so interesting*
Spencer just flushing and blushing madly since you don't sound fake and are genuinely so kind and welcoming, accepting of him that the boi literally falls in love in less than an hour and being teased by others for it.
But then, all of them falls in love with you when you came in with heavy boxes and shopping bags a few weeks later. Obviously late for the meeting and they expected Hotch to be angry but... he was just smirking knowingly, watching as you bounced up and down excitedly and was about to steal their hearts.
"So, before any of you says how late I am, I'd like to say that I had to do my usual welcoming party but I wasn't expecting any of you that day so... Firstly, here is all of your favourite drinks, snacks and meals for later... And Derek, your choice is so picky that I had to drive to the other part of the city, which is the reason why I'm late!" *Everyone widens their eyes as they see the mouth-watering meals they love while you bring the bags inside and clear your throat*
"Okay, okay... Derek, you said you wanted go to that one boxing match but was unable to do so since all the tickets were sold. Coincidentally, I know someone that works there and I was able to get you one, oh! And here is your new holster for your gun!" *proceeds to give it to him with a tiny dragonfly for luck.*
"JJ, I saw that you love scrabble a lot and also wristlets too, so I made a little charm for you alongside with an one year worth coupon for a Chinese take-out restaurant at the corner since you always gush about how amazing they do it!"
"Emily, I seriously didn't know what to get you at first, because you seemed like you don't enjoy jewelries that much but then I saw you looking at charms and playing scrabbles all the time too so I also made one charm with your initials into a keychain for you to use and got you the Lord of The Rings triology you have been wanting to have!"
"Oh, oh Garcia! I heard you were complaining how all the women's clothing were so dull and not like your style at all, wanting to have your dream dress at one point in your life... And remember I asked you to draw it? Welp, here it is! There may be some mistakes since I hadn't honed my skills in sewing and my friend helped me but I hope you like it and remember me whenever you wear them! I also got you matching jewelries too, and they are all bright colors, just as you like it!"
*Tries to catch her breath after talking for 10 minutes straight without breathing*
*Hotchner looks up and down at them as the first wobble of their lips could be seen, smirks as Garcia and JJ are the first ones to jump on you with tears because damn, no one ever loved them too much to notice all these details about them yet alone buying and making them*
"Oh wow, look at the little profiler here~" *Derek ruffling your hair to hide his own emotional eyes as you giggle, parting from them* "I've been working for like 4 years now but yeah-"
"Hey, kid. Are you not gonna show what you got for Spencer too?" *Aaron points out as you flush, your eyes beaming happily while getting out towards your car as Spencer looks confused and a lil bit hurt*
"I don't think Agent Y/N got me anythi-"
"I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED HOTCH BECAUSE-" *slams a huge box on her desk while other let out an audible wow* "I LOVE ALL THE THINGS I GOT HIM! I might as well go to a shopping now..."
*mumbles cutely as Reid's heart starts to beat harder and faster since... the box is huge and is that double chocolate and honey muffins he smells?*
"Firstly, here is your favourite coffee with lots of sweets just as you like it! And what coffee is good without some muffins next to it! I made two of your favourites, at least I think so since you always eat them, and just a heads up... I ate one because damn, did I do them so good!" *pushes them to his desk as he looks down at them with teary eyes because you spent your time doing something for him and up at you as you go on talking*
" Also here is one of the books you once mentioned reading, I think the historical one! That one was so hard to get and I had to follow you into the library you always go but I got distracted with how amazing it was... OH OH, AND I MADE YOU SOME CARDIGANS TOO! I noticed how you like wearing them and made them in your favourite colors! There are bow ties too! I had to hug you a lot of times to understand your body measures tho, I hope it was okay..."
"Then you mentioned you love pens of all kinds and I also bought some of the best ones I found and a notebook too... And the last is the best one!" *jumping in excitement*
"Hey Aaron, remember our hunt back in the national museum? And how the owner was so glad that he gave us free entrance for a year? NOW IT'S SPENCER'S, ISN'T THAT AMAZING! I expect you to bring me too since Aaron here or his wife doesn't enjoy me drowning them with sacred knowledge about the Ancient civilizations."
"Someone has a favourite, I see~" -Derek Morgan who is smiling like an idiot
"Oh please, since I kinda claimed him as my new best friend I had to do so. Besides, you are all my new friends too! Do you know how long I watched you..."
*Spencer slowly taking all of the items one by one as he looks at them, the cardigans being soft and comfy, his favourite muffins are still steaming and the pens... the pens were amazing!*
*Spencer looking at you as you wait for his approval with a smile, tilted head at him cutely and he does something he never did before: hugged you.*
"Thank you, Agent Y/L/N... You didn't have to..."
"Nonsense! You are my friend now, and you will feel it! And please call me Y/N!*gasps dramatically while turning to look at Hotch while still hugging Spencer who had a lovesick smile* "Can he sit next to me? Pleeeease!"
"Okay, okay he can...But you are not gonna sabotage his work- Who am I kidding?" *exasperated dad sighs as you pull him towards his new desk right next to you, excitedly telling him something*
"I bet my ass they are gonna get together in less than two weeks..."
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Baby-girl 1: So... Mom basically called dibs on dad?
Baby-girl 2: And he wore cardigans? I KNEW THAT LOVE CAME FROM HIM!
Baby-girl 3: I want to be like mom so much...
Baby-girl 1: You did almost the same with your boyfriend in highschool 🤔🤔
Baby-girl 3: Yeah, I know...
Baby-girl 4: *baby noises*
*all the girls giggling as they continue to look at the photo Auntie Penny took at the first day where their parents are already looking at each other with love*
P.S: God knows all of them need a soft moment and someone loving them unconditionally.
P.S: How cute it would be if they sticked together for 16 seasons tho-
P.S: Am I too invested? Yes. Am I gonna write this? Yes.
*slowly writes it down on the wip*
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skelliko · 10 months
hello, how are you? If you don't mind, could you make headcanons for Baji with his girlfriend having korean nationality? with her having a very beautiful appearance and also with him reacting when she speaks in korean <3
★- Keisuke Baji
๑-baji's Korean girlfriend
- I have zero knowledge on anything to do with Korea but I did hopefully go along with what you requested :)
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• Baji loves listening to you when you speak Korean, when you're around your family or on a call with someone he stops whatever he's doing just to admire and listen to your voice and how your native tongue fluently works
• the first time he heard you speak Korean his mind went blank and empty as he only listened to you as you spoke on the phone to someone, it was a short conversation but when the call ended he got back into reality and Baji's smile expanded a little cause of how in awe he was
• even though he doesn't understand a single thing as to what you're saying he will always pay close attention and try to process the words and your tone. if he'd be a dog his ears would immediately be perked up.
• he'd always been fascinated by other languages and despite him getting confused all the time it's always something that he'd pay attention to from time to time.
• sometimes he'd ask you to say something in Korean and sometimes he'd even ask you to teach him something so he can say stuff to you, "how do you say 'i love you'?" he'd repeat it over and over to you until he got it right and it'd always consists of a bit of laughter since Baji is a slow learner but with you he's dedicated
• he can never get over your beauty, a lot of the time you'd catch him staring at you with stars in his eyes and he'd always remind you throughout the day of how amazing and gorgeous you are
• he brags about you to others, if a topic of relationships comes up you'd always circle his mind and would never give up the opportunity to mention you, he'd have so much to say and would proudly mention of your nationality and how he thinks that's such a cook perk of you, he'd show a picture of you to them as well and sometimes he intentionally tried to make others jealous of himself
• even he looks back at the photos or memories that you've made after a date or hang out and on the way home he'd think 'dammn... I'm so lucky to have her'
• he'd use a translator to text you sweet little messages but only on rare occasions cause at some point it translated a word incorrectly that you were aware of and when you mentioned that he grew a little disappointed at that fact
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themultifandomgal · 9 months
Hello again, with another request about Blake Gallo x female reader, it can be somewhat based on the first chapter where he appears, when he scales those balconies, about the reader seeing the rescue on the news, and she decides to break up with him because he takes too many risks in his job. The thing is, she wanted to tell him that she's pregnant but decides not to say anything. After three years, they meet again, and he sees her with a child, his son, they talk about the issue. With some angst, but with a fluffy ending. Feel free to change anything as you wish.
By the way, "Happy (belated) New Year," I hope you've started this year well. Gracias. <3 <3 <3
Blake Gallo- Our Son Pt1
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3 years ago I left my boyfriend Blake Gallo. Watching him leave for work everyday and not knowing if I was going to see him again stressed me out so much, to the point I was making myself ill. The final straw for me was when I watch Blake scale a balcony on the TV. I couldn’t do it anymore, especially since I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared that stress would cause a miscarriage. Call me selfish, but I tried to talk to Blake about him taking to many risks, being the first one to jump at the opportunity to risk his own life. I was scared. Now 2 years later I am a single mother to a gorgeous little boy and I’m back in Chicago knowing that Blake should have the opportunity to meet his son. With my son on my hip I walk into the firehouse
"YN? Is that you?” I turn and see Matt Casey walking towards me
“Hi Matt” I give him a little smile. Matts gaze down to my little boy
“Who’s this?”
“This is Jackson” I smile looking at my son
“And the dad?”
“That’s why I’m here. Is Blake around?”
"Come with me" I follow Matt further into the firehouse
"Gallo. You've got a visitor" that’s when Blake looks up at me from the table
"Hi" is all YN can say.
To have a bit of privacy Matt let’s Blake and I chat in his office
“What are you doing here?”
“This is the reason I’m here” I nod towards Jackson who’s now tucked his head into my neck
"Is he...."
"Yours? Yeah. I wanted you to have the choice to be part of his life”
“He’s what a year old. Why didn’t you find me sooner?”
“I was scared, selfish, but I was never planning on hiding him from you”
“When did you find out you were pregnant?” Blake asks leaning on Matts desk
“The day we broke up”
“You mean the day you left”
“Yeah” I breathe out feeling ashamed of myself “I was going to tell you that night. That’s why I wanted you to stop being to reckless”
“So you walked out on me?” Blake rubs is hands over his face, obviously feeling a little stressed and confused. He then looks at Jackson
"What's his name?"
"Jackson" again there's a small pause “look I know this is a lot to take in so here” I take a notes out of my back pocket with my new number on it "I'm staying in Chicago for the week. So if you want to be in his life then call me or text” I hand over my new number and leave the office.
Walking back to the others Blake flops down at the lunch table with a sigh
“So the kid?" Gabby asks
"Mine. She's giving me a choice to be part of his life. I just don't know how we're going to make this work. She left me, kept my son from me. How do I even be a dad?"
“That part will come naturally if you want it” Matt tells Blake
“Plus if think about it, it’s like the universes way of telling you to give it another go” Gabby shrugs
"If your both serious about this you'll figure something out" Sylvie says
Over the day, Blake has YN and Jackson on his mind. Thinking about what to do, what was the right thing to do? In the end he settles on messaging his ex partner.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
so we talked about this and I always make true on my threats
Please give us the funny coming out story they all have!! We’re they called out??? Did someone walk in on a heavy make out session???
I'm gonna answer these in character
Soap: "So, I actually came out to Price, once, and he just kind of stood there and for a moment I was solidly worried that he may have been homophobic. So I was sweating, right? This man looks me dead in my eyes and goes 'Goddamnit, Mactavish, I fucking know already. You're a whore! I've heard so many damn stories of you hooking up with half the fucking barracks. If you didn't have the damn tags, I'd call you a tag chaser.' So, yeah. Wasn't homophobic, but did slut shame me. I'm sure it was meant affectionately"
Ghost: "I've never came out. I just mention past male partners and no one is shocked. Wondering if I should be offended or not."
Rodolfo: "I have also never came out. Do I have to? I joined the military for one man, stayed for one man, got well known for being entirely loyal to one man... I sound pathetic. Anyway- Oh, wait, I did have to come out to said man. He told me I should flirt with this woman at a bar and I will admit to just staring at him in shock for a solid minute and just... kind of quietly going, 'but I'm gay' and he looked so confused. I have to admit, it made me feel a lot better because I genuinely thought he was ignoring my feelings towards him until this point. He looked embarrassed, too."
Alejandro: "I came out to the Vaqueros about five years ago. I was incredibly drunk, which is never good for me, and I walked right up to Rodolfo, I threw my arm around him, and said, very loudly, in front of all my men, that I was 'gay as fuck' and that he was the prettiest boy I'd ever seen in my entire life. I'm loud when I'm sober, I was... LOUD this time. I thought Rodolfo was about to strangle me from how embarrassed he looked. It worked out for me, though, because we got together shortly after and hey, look at us. We're married, now. I guess the lesson here is to always go for it?"
Price: "I come out every damn day, kid. I have to consistently reassert that I'm gay. My entire team should fucking know at this rate but I repeatedly will mention partners and it goes kind of like this: Me: So, I went to a bar last night and I met this guy- Gaz: Guy?! Me: ...yes. I met this guy and we went home Gaz: To do what?! Me: ...To eat cereal, Garrick! The fuck do you think?! We went back to my place to fuck! So, anyway."
Gaz: "I got outed to the entire school. It wasn't particularly funny, but hey, saved me a lot of trouble. My school was fairly supportive, save for some assholes, so I never had to worry about homophobia. My foster parents did find out, though, and yeah that was not fun."
Graves: "We're supposed to come out? Damn, I just... mention it in casual conversation. If they have a problem with it, they can take it up with my gun."
Valeria: "Apparently it was obvious. I went and told Rodolfo, because I was really upset and worried about it and he laughed at me. Worst part was, I didn't even know he could laugh. He said 'you make it fairly obvious' and then mentioned that I talk about women way too much to even have had a thought about hiding it."
Farah: "Haha, I still haven't came out. You either pick it up or you don't. I think it's funny to watch people guess what I mean when I say 'girlfriend'."
Alex: "I also frequently come out. The most notable time being when I came out to the 141, we're all gay I don't understand why I had to do that, and Gaz immediately went 'I have a chance?!' and then covered his face and turned a deep deep shade of red. He didn't talk to me for a week, afterwards, I hope because he was embarrassed, not because he changed his mind."
Laswell: "I came out in college. I was kind of crazy, so I went to a party and at this point, I was trying to get by without anyone knowing and I just- this girl sat in front of me and she was gorgeous. Gorgeous body, her hair sort of bubbled around her head and it would shake when she moved, and she would laugh super loud and big and it was so gorgeous. And I remember I was so drunk that I blurted out of nowhere 'fuck, I'm so gay' and she just started laughing. Anyway, a two for one deal because that's how I met my wife, guys."
Roach: I more got told. When I was 12 this guy came up to me and was like 'you're gay by the way' and then just... walked away. Fucker was right, but goddamn.
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