#she's like if philza was a woman
sapchats · 6 months
still not over tommys mom publicly discussing a private dm and acting like dream was in the wrong for sending it and then also publicly saying he apologized and acting like she's some bigger mature person for accepting it and for calling out his "behavior" in the first place like no bitch youre just as much of an immature idiot as your son. moving on
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
If Mumza were to somehow find herself on Quesadilla Island, Phil would drop everything to start a life with her
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littleeggrock · 10 months
long drabble about the events of purgatory day 14
mainly a Jaiden pov watcher but i was tuned into Phil for awhile today just to get a good sense of what was happening, and i needed something to fill the Jaiden shaped hole in my head. i went in with good intentions and hope for the future and came out with angst and a desire to write. drabble under the cut
Philza doesnt know what to think about after today, so he thinks about Bolas.
he thinks of Jaiden, still passed out, broken, beaten, unconscious curled up in their old base like she has been for the past week. the sole reason for the teams name and the heart of it all. he hopes she was far enough underground that the meteors didn't hurt her. but even if they somehow managed to miss, the earthquake would have gotten her anyways. still, he has hope, Jaiden's always been resilient, bouncing back up after every death since the first day they met. bobby's death took a toll on her, broke her, some could say, but even still, in purgatory, literal hell, she thrived. screeching across the coms as her death messages filled the communicators, laughing to herself as she was killed over and over again, knowing that its for the good of the team. god he hopes shes ok, wherever she is now, she deserves it.
he thinks of Baghera, a broken woman,clinging to the child she couldn't save. purgatory broke her, she was damaged before the eggs, before everything, Pomme's disappearance was the catalyst, but Hell was the straw that broke the camels back. he recalls howling around the campfire of their corpses, and in the heat of the moment, and to the shock of the others around her, she exclaimed that the watcher could kill Pomme, and she wouldn't even care. Phil knew then that it wasn't true and now, more than ever. so she stayed back, willing to sacrifice her life, possibly for good this time.
he thinks of Cellbit, a man pushed to his limits. people are made without purpose, but Phil thinks that if anyone has one, Cellbits is to love. he loved his husband, even on the battlefield, when they both killed each other multiple times and came out stronger in in their relationship than ever before. he loved Bolas, maybe not in the same way but loved them all none the less, because they were a team, and nothing could take that away from them. they fought together, killed together, ate together, slept together, and sometimes that creates the strongest bonds of all. and if he started the trend of calling Phil dad, even as a joke? well, who is he to complain. he loved Richarlyson more than the world itself. his one true confident, the only one who knew mostly all of his plans. the egg that was taken from him. the egg's disappearance that drove him to start killing again. the egg that kept him killing through hell. the egg that he died trying to save, perhaps an attempt to provide a sacrifice to the watcher so he would return his son to him.
he thinks of Foolish, who made it on the boat with him. Jaiden was the closest anyone on the island had ever gotten to Foolish, asides from Bad maybe. his cheerful exterior finally cracked, just like his totem body, he sits silent, and Phil knows he isn't taking this well. he cant remember the last time he saw him this still.
he thinks of Charlie, and knows the code seems to have spread. it's licking at his shirt now, spreading to his biceps and moving across the frames of his glasses like an oil spill. he knows that he and Baghera were close, remembers the two singing in tandem at karaoke, the goldfish joke, and hes heard the horror stories of The Big Swell. Phil doesn't know what to do about charlie, so deep in Codeflippa's delusion that he doesn't think he could pull him out no matter what he did. with over half of bolas gone charlie is vulnerable, and Phil silently vows to not allow him near "Flippa" alone ever again, lest it take advantage of him. if he cant stop the spread, maybe he can slow it until something or someone else can.
he thinks of Etoiles, and its difficult to get a read on the stoic warrior. however, he knows hes probably feeling guilty over it all, his duty, as hes stated many times during many different occasions, is to protect. he could hardly save himself, much less others this time, and Phil doesn't know what to tell him. he moves to sit over next to the warrior, and hopes Etoiles appreciates the closeness.
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soars22 · 4 months
Missa stirred from his sleep slowly. He wasn’t sure what had woken him up, exactly, but the world felt… strange. The air hung flat and oddly empty in his ears. He didn’t like it.
He blinked and opened his eyes. He was in Rose’s sanctuary. He grinned softly; he hadn’t thought to ever see it again. Phil must have dragged him here in his sleep, as he had so many times before. Missa turned to the side to greet him and stopped short, his blood going cold.
Philza was dead.
Or, not quite dead, exactly, but very close to it. He was barely breathing and his skin, when Missa reaches out to feel his pulse, is cold. “No,” Missa breathes. “Chayanne?” He calls out desperately, turning to the bed where his son lays. There’s no movement, but that doesn’t mean anything. Chayanne’s a deep sleeper, he’s always been that way, it doesn’t mean-
It can’t mean-
“Chayanne,” he hisses, shaking the egg. “Chayanne, por favor, please-“
There’s no response. Frantic now, Missa scrambles over to his daughter. “Talullah, mi hija, wake up, get up! Talullah! Wake up!!”
“I don’t think they can,” a voice says quietly behind him. Missa whirls around to see the shimmering image of a woman with long dark hair watching him. “But-why?” The woman shrugs. “I don’t know. I can barely reach them, even here where I’m strongest.”
Missa blinks. “So… so they’re-dead?” The woman regards him sadly. “Yes. You need to let this happen, Missa. It’s the only way to reach them.”
“What do you mean? Reach them?” The woman cocks an eyebrow at him. “You are a reaper, aren’t you? Surely you understand how this works. I’m limited in my power here, but with you…”
Missa’s eyes widen. “Oh. Oh. Yes, yes, I understand.” He hesitates. “It’s… it’s been a while, since I’ve…” The woman smiles. “Yes. That’s why I’m here, to help you. I’m Rose.”
“Ooh…. So you’re Rose? Phil’s told me about you.” Rose laughs. “So I’ve heard. I’ll have to tease him later.” She holds out a transparent hand. “Shall we?”
Later-much later-Phil blinks open his eyes. He feels light, weightless, and the aches that have wracked his body have eased. He sits up and shakes a few stray leaves from his hair. “Chayanne?” He asks and coughs to clear his throat. “Lullah?”
“They’re here,” Missa’s voice sounds from behind him. “They’re just resting with Rose.” Phil turns to stare at Missa. “With Rose? She’s here?” Missa nods. “They’re just waiting on you.”
“Waiting on me for what?” Phil asks as he lets Missa pull him to his feet. “To move on,” Missa replies.
“To-oh,” Phil says quietly. “So… so we’re not waking up, then.” Missa shakes his head. “Not here; not exactly. Rose says she’s got bodies prepared for you somewhere else. I’m just here to lead your souls.”
Phil frowns. “Lead our souls… back to my old world, I imagine, or something like it. And you’ll go with us, right?” Missa stares at him. “I will?” Phil rolls his eyes. “Yes, dumbass. You’re part of our family now, you aren’t leaving. You don’t have a choice.”
“Oh. Uh-“
“Just shut up and let it happen, Missa,” Phil laughs. “You aren’t letting go of us that easy. I’m not about to let my Missa be homeless again.” Missa’s eyes are wide as he mouths the phrase ‘my Missa.’
Phil tugs on Missa’s hand and starts leading him down to the distant shapes of Rose, Lullah, and Chayanne. “Come on; let’s go home. We’ll have time to talk about it later.”
Home. It sounds nice; Missa’s never had one before, at least not one he remembers. He can’t wait to finally build one with the people he loves.
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youphoriaot7 · 1 year
The global chat somehow seems even more frantic than usual this afternoon, and he blinks blearily at the messages rocketing across the screen. The tell-tale red blinking dot of notifications is practically going haywire: private chats from Pac and Bagi, calls from Philza and Bad, messages mentioning him from Fit, Pierre, Tubbo, Baghera—
This feels like a lot, even for an average Wednesday.
Cellbit: Okay, okay, hold on. I'm on my way to spawn now.
Strapping the communicator to his arm, Cellbit tugs his jacket on as he makes his way towards the waypoint across the bridge. He's just barely awake, but something is pulling at his insides: wrong, wrong, wrong.
He wasn't out for that long. What could have possibly happened?
Taking a deep breath, his hands slide across the polished stone surface of the waypoint, and in moments, he's arrived at the main square.
Immediately, there's a barrage of voices that hit his ears. Instinctively pressing a hand to his forehead, he pushes his way out of the subway, staring in disbelief at the large gathering of people in the main square.
Bagi spots him first, quickly yanking him to the side, yelling in her traditional rapid-fire Portuguese. At the same time, he can see Pac talking to Bad nearby, the two of them clearly upset—he knows both of them well enough to see something is wrong.
Tubbo catches sight of him next, and at that point, the jig is up. Whatever Bagi had been trying to tell him is instantly drowned out by the younger's typical loud tone—which immediately catches everyone else's attention as well. Fit grabs the back of Tubbo's apron to yank him backwards towards him and Phil, who stands there shaking his head with arms crossed, but it's already too late: the damage is done.
Pierre is shouting greetings to him in his typical joyous manner, which doesn't seem to match the rest of the group's energy. Baghera seems somewhat frantic, frustrated and upset as she tugs on his arm. Cellbit manages to catch his husband's eye from across the square where he's chatting with a hyperactive Foolish, and Roier simply gives him a sympathetic look.
...something bad has happened.
Everyone is talking at once, and Cellbit rubs a hand to his temples as he tries (in vain) to quiet the group. Only some words ever catch his attention through the wide chorus of voices—"Nether," "worry," and the increasingly common cries of "what are we going to do?"
"Alright, alright, calm down!"
Eventually, with Bagi's help, he's able to get everyone to at least lower their voices, if not stop completely. Instinctively, Cellbit glances towards her and Pac, praying they know enough to clue him in. When he catches Pac's eye, however, the other man looks horrified, gaze locked on a spot in mid-air just behind Cellbit. Cellbit sighs, opening his mouth to speak—
"Good morning, Mr. President."
He can practically feel the blood drain from his face as he slowly looks over his shoulder. Sure enough, there looms Cucurucho, the damn white fucker staring straight at him with that hideous, frozen smile.
"...what did you say?" Cellbit questions, voice light-years steadier than he feels.
The bear doesn't move, repeating its words. "Good morning, Mr. President."
The square is so quiet, you could hear a screw drop. Silently, Cellbit glances back at Bagi and Pac. The woman has a look of sorrow written across her face, whereas Pac's fists are clenched in a show of barely restrained anger. "...wheres Forever?" Cellbit asks softly.
Bagi opens her mouth to reply—
Cellbit's eyes snap back to the bear. "I didn't ask you," he responds evenly—and he can hear a snort of pleasure from where Tubbo stands, even despite Phil's hand slapped over his mouth and Fit's hissed shush. "Bagi?"
"We think he went to the Nether," she responds, voice somewhat hoarse as she glances at him.
Pac nods. "He said it was a mission." His eyes slide to Cucurucho.
He doesn't need to continue.
Cellbit takes a deep breath.
...he has a lot to do.
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qsmpcensusbureau · 1 year
The woman walks delicately through his farm, dress between her hands, lifted as she walks, barefoot, towards him.
“Lovely farm, Chayanne.” She says, gently. Her voice is elegant, eerily echoing as though trapped in a room, even though the sky stretched on above her. "It reminds me of a friend."
He remains silent. He didn’t know her. When she reaches the end of the farm and crosses onto the yard, he steps back.
“You do not have to fear me, little warrior. We are closer than you realize.”
“Who are you?” He asks. 
“Hasn’t my husband told you about me?” She chuckles lightly. Chayanne thinks she is very beautiful. Her hair falls like rivers around her shoulders, ebony black and shining in the sunrise’s pale light. She wears a large sunhat, stark white against her dark hair. “I am Kristen, Goddess of Death.”
“...Kristen.” Chayanne repeats quietly. “...If you are Death, have you come to take me away? Do I get to play on your dragon?”
She laughs, and he briefly wonders if there is anything about her that is not elegant. Was Death really so beautiful? She did not seem like something to fear, she did not seem like the end of a beaten road. 
“I haven’t come to take you away. But you know about my friend, do you? Very good, very good. Philza is a very good storyteller, no?” 
“You know my father?” Chayanne eyes her up and down, and she reaches out her hand for him to take. After a moment, he does. It is soft and warm, large where he is small. “How?”
Kristen blinks warmly, turning the hand Chayanne holds slightly. Glinting on her finger in the sunlight is a silver ring, the gem inside as dark as her hair and cut in the shape of a skull. 
“We are wed.” She explains. “Your father made a promise to me. The rings are the physical manifestation of that promise, our love to eachother, and to the glory of death.”
“It’s beautiful.” He gasps. “I thought death was supposed to be scary and sad. But I’m not scared of you.”
“My dear, I can be scary, and I can be sad. But death is a part of life, so I may appear in all forms.”
“What about my dad? Is he Death too?”
She signals for them to walk. She walks close to the fence, as if surveying the island below. Chayanne holds onto her hand, trying to match their footsteps, although hers outreaches his.
“Would you like to hear a story?”
Chayanne nods. 
“Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there was a massive kingdom underneath the earth. It was called Tartarus. It was dangerous to get there, but it was an oasis, a paradise, where souls could go on and live peacefully for all eternity.” She blows into her palm and from smoke a kingdom appears, just as incredible as she described. “And in this kingdom there was a Princess.”
They stop, overlooking the spawn area. It stretched on for miles and miles. She watches it quietly for a moment.
“This Princess didn’t want to be queen. She wanted to command the Royal army. After decades and decades of asking, her father- the king- finally relented, and she was given command of a special branch of the army. The reapers. 
They were the most involved with the upside, tasked with bringing the souls from the dead to the underworld. Sometimes, if they died in war, they were allowed to join the forces of the army. Sometimes, they were born down here. Just like the princess, and like her favorite soldier.”
She sighs, a gentle smile across her face as she continues. 
“He was rowdy, a rulebreaker, but loyal. He was going to be taken off the reapers until the Princess arrived. They bickered and bickered and bickered until eventually she saved his life on the front. After that, he followed her until the end of the earth, vowing his life to her, and eventually, she vowed hers to him. 
 She eventually had to become Queen, and with that she would have to abandon her life at the front, and her love. Unless, he suggested, they wed. And he becomes king. It was unthinkable to the princess. Usually royalty only married royalty. But she loved him more than law, so she agreed. And he promised her. He promised her that he would never turn his back on her, he would never leave her, and even in death, they would be eternally in love.”
Chayanne stared up at her in awe. “That was an amazing story. Is it about you and Dad?”
“Yes, little one. It is.” She sighs, getting down on one knee. “I must go. The island does not want me here for long. Please tell Phil that I miss him, and that my heart longs for him, always.”
“Yes, Mother, I will.”
She presses a kiss to his head, cupping his face in her warm hands.
“Goodbye, little reaper.”
And then, he wakes up.
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maxismp1 · 2 years
Could you maybe do technoblade and fem reader? Where the reader is a secret goddess of snow and ice? They could meet on a day where techno is coming back from an adventure and the reader is just there in a clearing? Don't have to if you don't want to. Just tell me if not
Think you for the request. I could do that, and I will.
The snowy sight
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Techno's Point of view
Gathering materials is alright on its own. But. I do not wish to run out again, especially when Philza is visiting. Just one more hill and im home
As I'm walking I stumbled upon a clearing. That isn't supposed to be there.
Tell us about it... let him be.... look... woman... e... kill her...
'Shut up'
There was a woman There, in the middle. First time you guys are corect. Should I investigate or go home. Hm...
Third point of view
As Technoblade was thinking on what to do, his feet moved on there own. Soon he was behind a bush near the clearing. Rather said on the barrier of it. He was crouching and patiently observing the woman.
Creep.... stalker... e...kill it...
His voices were starting to cloud his mind. They became louder and louder until he saw the woman turn and smile. They became quite. That was rare.
'How did she see me?'
The questions started raising in his mind until he felt small snowflakes fall on his nose, then hair, then ears. It fully started snowing. But the thing is. It's only snowing above his head,nowhere else. He looked up in confusion only to find a small cloud forming above his head.
He looked at the woman again. Her hand was swinging in a small rhythm. Left. Right. Left. Right. Her smile never disappearing. He rose. Knowing his cower was blown away. The swinging of her hand stopped, so did the snow above his head. He slowly but confidently started walking towards her.
"How did you do that?"
He asked, if he was animated, there would be an big question mark above his head.
"Do what. This?"
She repeated the motion and the snow started snowing again, just above his head. Like last time.
"Yes. That."
"It's simple. Really. You just have to live long enogh"
The sweet smiled you had became a more gentle then before. His confusion became a frown. It was quite obvious, I can't blame him.
"I lived for 5 centuries... I saw lots of stuff, and lots of weird thing. I read many book and tales. I learned many things. And I haven't stumbled upon a gift like this one."
He said, the frown was replaced with a confident smile. His tusks showing off.
"5 centuries.... what a young lad I must say. You see. That isn't a lot. I lived far more then you my dear. But. Your ramble was correct Technoblade. You have to earn it. Not learn it"
"How did you know my name."
"How could I not know your name. You been living in my forest for quite some time. And I see you having the bear as your pet. Steve. Such a adorable name if I may say so."
"What do you mean your land. This no man's land. Im far from the smp, and other countries."
"This , no man's land, as you called it, it's mine. I created it. It's no one's yet mine because no one claimed it as they did to my dearest friends lands. Or as you call it. The dream smp."
"How do you know him? Who are you?"
"I am y/n, the goddes of snow. The owner of this land. The creator of North and south pole. And a creator of your dearest pet."
"I never heard about you"
"With time. People forget about you. I was worshipped. But now. There's no one. "
"You are a weird person."
"Thank you Technoblade. Now go along, your winged friend is at your house."
With that, the snow started forming in a spiral around you. The wind became worse and worse. Until a slight *fhush& was heard. And you were gone.
Took him some time to realise what just happened. Deciding to shrug it off and go home. He told everything to Philza. Both of them started discussing the moment that happend.
It has been few months since last saw you. But he could tell you were there. Constant feeling of being watch, yet no one around. The weather would always calm down when he had to gather materiel. And it would become worse and violent when a treat was near.
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I hope you like what you read. Thank you for the request once again. They are open btw to any new readers out there. Feel free to comment and like.
Have a pleasant day or night my loves. Maxi out.
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😁 Just had a thought!
Human Compass Pirate Au! (Dark SBI Flavor)
The Ocean is an infinitely vast place, full of magic, monsters, and danger. But, most who sail the seas never witness a wink of it. Following tried and true trade routes, the worst they have to deal with is long boring months at sea, tasteless food, and the ocean's unpredictable weather.
Well, and Pirates.
Those seeking adventure and treasure know that the only way to find the Ocean's magical secrets is to use magic on its own. To find pieces of magic like keys to open up the Sea's secrets. And magic is hard to find. A mermaid's comb. A secret chord. A sigil etched in lime. Such things are necessary, but rare.
Technoblade's father wasn't always a mapmaker.
Before Techno was born, his father was a Naval Officer. Not super well known or accomplished, but he was good at his job. An upright soldier. Honest and brave.
Until an encounter with the dreaded Pirate Captain Philza saw him lose his ship, his men, and his leg all in one day.
He was discharged, unable to uphold his duty. He was given a sum for his trouble, but not nearly enough to live on for the rest of his life. He didn't have a trade before he became a navyman, and even if he did he was down a leg.
But he knew the sea, and began to make maps.
Shitty maps. He was no artist, after all, and was selling them cheap just to get a few coins. He barely scraped by, saving as much of his severence pay as he could. But it was getting hard now that he had a child on the way.
One night, he spoke to some friends and they told him of a way you could earn a boon from the sea. So, he made his way down to the beach with great difficulty, a cruch holding him up as he crossed the sand. He found three sand dollars, a mermaids purse, and an opalescent piece of coral that reminded him of a piece of the moon itself. He tied them in a new wineskin and buried it in a dry tide pool and waited for the tide to rise.
When it did, he saw a woman step from the ocean, beautiful but offputting. She dug into the tidepool, and pulled out the bag and looked up at him. She asked him what he wanted, and he replied that all he wanted was his map business to flourish. She smiled, nodded, and left.
Years went by and though Techno's dad's skill in drawing increased, his maps still sold poorly. And the severance was close to gone. He was stressed.
Barelt more than a toddler, Techno loved to watch his father work, so his Dad had him help draw maps. Maybe Techno could gain some skill, and then when he was older he could surpass his dad.
But, by mistake, one of Techno's childish maps was sold instead of his Dad's map. Techno's dad was worried, because it would be a blow to his business if people thought his maps were bad.
When the customer comes back months later, Techno's dad is already apologizing but the customer just slams down a bag full of gold and demands more maps. Techno's dad was confused, but the customer explained that by following that map, he had found a treasure filled island and was now wealthy far beyond his dreams. He wanted every map the man had.
Techno's dad was smart, and sold the customer all of Techno's maps. Then he turned to his son.
They worked as a team, after that. Techno's dad drawing the maps at Techno's direction. Techno grew and their business grew. And they became more and more wealthy as their business gained renown.
And...Techno's dad changed.
Techno mourned the fact that his dad no longer played with him. Then mourned the fact that he was given less and less time to leave the house. Then he was given less and less free time, all his time devoted to maps. Then, his father decided that Technoblade was skilled enough to draw the maps himself! And then!
Technoblade was very lonely. He used to love mapmaking with his dad. But his dad was now more often out talking to important people, not Technoblade. His dad was rubbing shoulders with old naval buddies who had ignored them during his Dad's discharge. It got worse when his mother died.
When Technoblade tried to reason with his dad, the man brushes him off. Or his dad guilt trips Techno into working harder. Or he yells at Techno, calling him selfish. And Techno just feels very trapped.
Honestly, he very rarely ever sees the sky, trapped in his father's shop. Most barely knew what he looked like, almost never found outside the shop.
But, while magic is rare, some people know how to find it.
He's sixteen when it happens.
Techno is in the back when he hears the front door open with a slam, and rushes to the front as he hears his father shouting.
Techno gets to the front to see Pirate Captain Philza with a pistol to his Dad's head. Techno freezes, looking at the group of pirates that have swarmed inside the shop.
Philza, surprisingly, recognizes Techno's dad. Apparently, Techno's dad had done something that impressed him. Mocks him for a while over the lost leg, but then demands Techno's dad give him whatever magic tool he was using to make the maps. The maps that led to treasure and magic and other impossible things.
Techno's dad denies having anything like that. And Philza frowns, orders some of his men to check the backroom. Techno is pushed aside, and it's only when he stumbles that Philza turns an eye on him. Techno freezes as he is looked over, something calculating in his eye.
Philza's men come back, confirming that there was nothing magical in the shop. Techno is inwardly freaking out because holy crap, the pirates aren't going to find what they want and then they are going to kill them?
But Philza is still staring at Techno, taking in the ink on his fingers and the apron full of tools. And he notes outloud that the first dozen or so maps from the shop were said to look like a child drew them. That they were far from professional quality, but that they were the first ones to take to treasured lands.
Techno and his dad are silent, both not sure what to say.
Philza gives the order for his men to grab Techno. Techno struggles for a moment, but stops when Philza cocks the gun still held to his Dad's head. The men bring Techno close to Philza and Philza stares into Techno's eyes, looking for something.
And he finds it.
He doesn't even look over at Techno's Dad before he asks "How Much?"
Techno's dad emphasizes that he would not give his son away for MONEY. Philza rolls his eyes and tells him that he will either lose his son and not get paid, or he will lose his son and have gold.
Techno's dad is silent a moment, before he names a price. And Techno is floored, absolutely aghast that his father would-
Philza shoots his dad before Techno can even come to terms with what his father said. Philza smiles at Techno, before ordering his men to grab as many of the mapmaking supplies as possible. Techno stands in shock as the pirate ransack his dad's shop, watching his dad's body grow cold.
Philza and his men drag Techno to the harbor, where the Angel sits in port. Techno is almost carried onto the pirate ship. Techno tries to struggle, but he makes no headway.
He's locked in the brig, the ship pulling out to sea, and he may be on a boat but he is DROWNING in confusion.
Captain Philza puts Techno to work, making maps for the pirate crew that would allow them to find the treasure island, but also find impossible ways to circumvent the trade routes. This way they can get ahead of navy ships with ease.
Techno doesn’t really have the ability to refuse, so he complies.
Cue slow burn bonding with pirates, eventually shifting from prisoner to comrade. Growing accustomed to life at sea. But part of him cannot forgive Philza for murdering his dad, even of his dad had tried to sell him at the last moment.
Philza, recognizing this, explains more to Techno
Its revealed that his dad had already planned to sell him anyway. The Navy had offered his father an IMPOSSIBLE amount of money to get Techno. They would wipe out the pirates, once and for all, and would rule the seas. All the treasure would go to the crown. All magic would be made SAFE.
Techno would be trapped forever within some naval base far far from the sea, constantly mapmaking and never experiencing for himself. And that was wrong.
The reason magic would pull you to the sea is because it is returning to where it came from. Magic belongs to the sea, and to the sea it must return. The sea had never meant for Techno to be trapped, when it gave its gift. It was a gift, not a curse. But had Philza not intervened, Techno would be very very trapped.
Techno wouldn't believe Phil, at first, but something would convince him. Idk. This is as far as I thought ahead. I hope you like.
AAAAAAAH, Lenn hitting it out of the park again.
My first thought would go to who else is on the boat. Tommy and Wilbur are obvious choices but a pirate crew is usually a bit bigger than three. So who else do we 'darkify' for this? Tubbo? Ranboo? Niki? Eret? Fundy? Idk, but it's fun to think about.
Also thinking about Techno perhaps discovering more magic in himself as time goes on. Especially if he's connected to the ocean and now finally returned to it (or a lot closer to it than he was in the workshop anyway). Does he unlock any other powers or even physical changes?
As for drama, well, I suspect the Navy isn't too happy to let their promised magic tool go ;)
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
Little reminder that during those drunk podcast streams Niki once said she admires Schlatt for being able to say whatever he just wants aka being racist. Then being friends with Schlatt and being on the QSMP with all those other questionable CCs with no backbone like Philza and Tubbo, making grooming jokes (and being super proud of it) only to use the 'I am a victim too so I can trigger others'-card but feeling the need to always apologize to her friends when she hangs out with people like DTeam? Niki was always problematic but people ignored it cause she's a woman who has mental health problems and tries to be that big advocate for other female CCs
oh...I actually did not know about any of this damn ok maybe we didn't lose much by losing niki
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
hii! Is it alright that write all DSMP x reader but the DSMP (either cc or c) turns into their opposite gender? And they all like being confuse about their new shape of body and voice?? If you are okay with this one :D
Hallo, thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy <3
Reader discovers Genderbend!DSMP
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Ps. Everyone is CC! Other then C!Phil and C!Techno. And I didn't include Eret, cause I feel like they're pretty genderfluid in their style already, so nothing would change
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❝ Dream ❞
He's smug about it
Like "Oh wow, I have boobs, lemme check" kind of smug
Idk why but I can see him being so proud of being a women and looking attractive
To the point where he uses it against you and makes you question your sexuality lol
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
George would be too embarrassed to show himself
He doesn't hate how he looks, he's just shy about showing you specifically
You have to reassure him many many times that it's ok and that you'll love him no matter what
And when he comes out you just can't help but shower him in compliments
❝ Sapnap ❞
I can see him wanting to try womens clothes, to feel just how they are
He chickens out a little, cause he has to see boobs to change, but after he's just showing off his new fits and acting like he's in one of those "make over scenes" in the movies
Like, yeah, he could have done it before in his man body, but it's a different experience in a womans body
Not a fan of heels and he feels bad for you if you wear them
❝ Badboyhalo + Skeppy ❞
Bad's completely flustered and all over the place, it takes him a while to get used to bring in a woman's body
Skeppy is absolutely loving it and planning the amout of youtube videos he can make out of this situation haha
I imagine you three making many make up and outfit videos, just for pure entertainment
Just leaving the fans confused to wth happened
❝ Quackity ❞
Is all he has to say
He wears the same thing, hoodies and a beanie, and just moves on with his life
But he does freak out when going to the bathroom, cause yk
Makes many jokes about you liking him more cause he has boobs now haha
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
Especially stuff he couldn't wear before, for fear of backlash
Karl definetly starts trying all different types of styles and clothings
I can see him liking very flowy skirts and puffy ones too; he finds them very comfy and adorable to wear
You definetly make him wear the strawberry dress, you literally have been waiting for an opportunity to do so-
And make up, lots of make up!
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
"My eyes are up here buddy"
He tells you when you first found him in this new form
Honestly nothing much changes, other then the fact that he's more flirty and confident lol
Also imagine him in cute light academia outfits!!!
❝ C!Philza & C!Technoblade❞
You had to stifle a laugh when you first saw them
The two just contacted you with an "s.o.s" and a "come here asap", so you thought the worst
But instead you found two women in the place of the two men you knew
Phil actually looked a lot like Mumza with his long curly hair
Nothing much changed for Techno, other then the fact that he would absolutely not get out of his cloak because his "body felt too revealing"
Poor Techno :'D
❝ Nihachu ❞
She's a pretty boy
One of those boys that are born with pretty privileged, like George
[Not that she doesn't already have it-]
She honestly likes the change and is still comfortable wearing "femminine" clothes
You can't help but be mesmerized by how adorable she looks, even as a male
❝ Punz ❞
"Who wears the pants in the relationship now?!" you happily bragged as you saw Punz
Man wouldn't move from the bed, he was in shock at the discovery of his new body
A little interested, but mostly shocked
Jokes aside, you stayed by his side and reassured him that he looked absolutely beautiful no matter what
And with a bit of buttering up, he got comfortable enough to show off his new body
He looked like a babe, obviously
❝ FoolishGamers ❞
Man's still beafy, muscle and all
We love big strong beafy women!!
He feels a bit weird, but mostly doesn't see must change
He also tried wearing heels for fun, bad idea
For some reason I imagine you and Tina making him give you two a bit of a fashion show
Maybe inviting female Karl too haha
Imagine the stream y'all would have!!
❝ Awesamdude ❞
Sam is confident
Like yes, I am the most beautiful women you have ever seen
Bow down to such beauty u.u
Nothing much changes with him either, he feels great in how he looks and loves every second if it
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cornerdreams-txt · 1 year
some silly qsmp hcs real quick
etoiles: aroace and unlabeled when it comes to gender. dont refer to him as a woman or with she/her and chances are he'll respond. reptilian something? it was a joke at first, but now some people are convinced he has an exoskeleton. he probably does.
philza: his crows do whatever they want, really. there's a few that seem more in charge or in control than others, though, and to everyone else looking in, the chaos of the murder makes no sense, yet a sharp look or a harsh caw from any of a few specific crows can silence the entire murder. phil seems pretty close to these crows - especially the one with a painfully bright orange streak on their head, and the one with a vibrant red band around a toe on their left foot.
fit: nobody really wants to ask what, but it's clear if you pay attention for long enough that fit isn't quite human. and no, that's not about his arm, or the odd glimmer his left eye always has. it's about how his remaining hand has black-tinged fingertips, how his teeth are too sharp, ears pointed, how he catches onto things inhumanely fast and picks up on noise faster than others. whatever he is, it's something old and dangerous. nobody wants to find out what he can really do.
pac: no matter what anyone says, pac will never turn on cellbit. leg gone or not, he's watched cellbit change into someone he would have hated before, and he knows cellbit doesn't want to go back to what he was. he'd protect cellbit with his life if it came to it.
cellbit would never let it get that far.
jaiden: she's nonbinary, but doesn't mind being referred to with she/her! they embrace their femininity, drawing on it as a source of strength of character. something to be proud of. roier always encourages her and tells her that it is.
bagi & badboyhalo: both feel inexplicably drawn to cellbit for reasons they cant explain. bad feels the overwhelming urge to protect cellbit, keep him safe, make sure nobody lays a finger on him the wrong way, almost like how he feels the urge to protect dapper. bagi doesn't know how to explain it, but she just knows that if cellbit asked, she'd tear the world apart to help him in any circumstance, no matter what he's done or what he wants to destroy everything for. they both don't want to tell him that.
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box-architecture · 9 months
"Give him back." Punz snarled.
Niki gave him a hard stare, and drew her scimitar to faintly graze Dream's neck.
Some part of Punz wanted to fixate on the many scars that were already littered there, the marks of his imprisonment, and how this one would be another proof of his failure. (He wouldn't beg for the forgiveness he didn't deserve.)
Instead, he let the red inside him burn like a wildfire, until the vines snaked around his figure and prepared to strike out should Niki dare to go through with her madness.
"Release the Syndicate." She spoke hard as stone. "Release Techno, and Philza, and Ranboo and Puffy. Give me my friends back."
Dream's gaze flickered to behind Punz, where the individuals in question were trying and failing to twist themselves out of the vines' grasp. Philza was unconscious, his left wing snapped in half, and it seemed like Techno was furiously trying to claw his way to get to him.
Punz didn't care about them. They were only being dealt with at all because of their attempts to destroy the Egg. Even now he felt Its presence insisting to not give in, let the woman think she's won by killing him. You can bring him back, and laugh at her naivety.
It would be the objectively best play. He had the revival book waiting in his inventory. One reversible death for the entire Syndicate taken. Checkmate.
Dream's neck was beginning to bleed. He didn't look particularly pained or fearful, only a tired resignation that left a painful lump in their throat.
Of course. Dream had already deduced the best play to make, and had accepted his coming death. He wasn't even looking at Punz, gazing listlessly off in what might have been Techno's direction, or maybe at a wall. What was a little more pain to a man who had been experiencing it for months?
Punz felt sick.
"Give him to me," they said hoarsely. "And you can have them all."
Dream jerked the tiniest bit in Niki's arms, confusion bordering on disbelief. Blood ran down his collar. Punz's nails dug their way into their palms.
"My friends first, so I know you won't double cross me." Niki replied tersely.
She could double cross him too, leave Dream dead in a puddle of blood, but then no one would be leaving the chamber alive. "…Fine."
Instantly, like scruffed kittens the Syndicate was brought over and dropped at her feet, left to regain their own bearings however they chose. Niki slowly released her hold on Dream, and the moment the blade was away from his neck, a large vine wrapped around his waist to lift him up and snatch him away, cradling him like a treasure as he was returned to Punz's open arms.
"Punz." Was the first word out of his lover's mouth as he hugged them back, perfect and warm and safe. His cheek rested on their head, and Punz couldn't help but sink into him, ignoring the other people in the room in favor of making up for the few minutes he had lost.
"Dream." They murmured.
"Wait- hrg- Dream!" Techno called, raising himself to his feet with Philza’s body in tow. Puffy tugged at his cloak, offering to take the man from his grasp, and he let her, staggering in the direction of Punz and their treasure. Dream stiffened in their arms. "What happened? I came to get you out after I escaped, but the prison was empty. Are you alright?"
"…I'm fine." Dream pressed his body closer to Punz's. He seemed to be going for careful neutrality, but he couldn't quite manage it, a bitter misery bleeding through. "You were a bit late for a rescue, but Punz managed just fine."
Techno's eyes flicked back and forth between the two, before lingering on the firm hand Punz had on Dream's waist. "Is that so? That's good, that's good of them. Glad you're out now, wasn't too safe in there for you."
Dream nodded mutely, uncaring of the blood of his neck muddying his skin.
"It didn't cost much, did it?" Techno continued, and suddenly those piercing eyes were locked on Punz's form. "I know mercenaries can charge a lot, but I'm a rich guy, Dream. I can pay it off, since I was late to get you. It's only fair."
Punz didn't like that, didn't like anything about this conversation at all. The vines in the room began to move again.
"…What do you want, Technoblade?" Dream asked, sounding incredibly tired.
"Just looking out for my bestie, that's all." Techno assured him. "You always have a place with the Syndicate, you know. We'd keep you safe, no matter who's after you."
It was hardly subtle. Punz bristled, both at the implication that he'd ever be Dream's enemy, and at the idea that he wasn't good enough protection. How dare he? He hadn't even properly payed back his debt to Dream, much less had the right to arrogance to claim he could do better.
Dream touched his shoulder. Punz forced himself to relax. He wouldn't worry his treasure.
"Leave." He ordered. The vines began to push the Syndicate back, towards the large oak doors.
"Wait!" Techno tried to push forward, failing as he had when he was captured. The Syndicate was near flung through the doors, Puffy taking the brunt of it for Philza, and Ranboo tripping over himself and landing in a heap. Punz felt a scrap of pity for the enderman who was partially their friend, but it was overridden by Niki helping him up.
"Do what you want to get to the Egg," Punz said firmly. "But leave me and Dream out of it."
"Dream, wait!" Technoblade's voice held alarm and fear, but it wasn’t Punz's concern. With a flick of his fingers, the vines slammed the door. The large bang of a fist sounded from behind it, but it went unanswered.
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nomsfaultau · 22 days
Fault crew in nightvale :D
Nightvale of course bristles against interlopers, but this time the discrimination is that they’re new in town, not that they’re anomalous. Progress! And obviously if Nightvale decides to keep them there’s not much the crew can do to leave, so eventually they might even settle into a proper place in the town. Having like actual jobs and homes is crazy for The Blade and Wilbur. They’re remarkable only insofar as they’re something new to gossip about, which is a game changer. Everyone is very skittish of Carlos at first bc of the Foundation, and would probably murder Dr. Janey Lubelle if she’s around when they’re there. The Dr. Blake vibe is just too much.
Tommy as an intern bc hello red shirt! In a purely goof sense I can just picture that because everything is so insanely dangerous, he can just try to pet Khoshekh at the end of each shift and The Blade is instantly summoned. This is how he gets a ride back home. Tommy is likely in the most in danger due to having minimal protection and being nosy. Immediately tries to break into the dog park because he wants to see puppers.
While happy to finally be able to walk in broad daylight, The Blade is NOT pleased with the government surveillance state and corruption and has declared war on the night vale city council. Him and Sheriff Sam are beefing hard. It’s ON SIGHT. There’s probably a plot where he tries to take down the Nightvale government and due to a random old law somehow ends up mayor and hates it. Excited to meet John Peters, you know, the farmer, and is extremely disappointed about the invisible corn. Not sure how a Huntokar and The Blood God meeting would go but I think they should. Like…a protector who is a destroyer, do you get me.
On the other hand, city council is really mad at Tubbo for all the forbidden secrets they’re just randomly stumbling across bc of the omnipresence of the swarms. Tubbo gets locked up in the radon canyon like every other day and Phil breaks them out whenever they get board of watching HBO. Tried to follow along with one of Earl Harlan’s cooking segments and got very disturbed, but Wilbur just followed the recipe not aware anything was abnormal. Plus in Tubbos’ backstory there IS an old woman Josie reference, so it’s possible they already know her and she has been using their honey in recipes for years.
Parallel between the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home and the half faceless young man who secretly lives in no home is fascinating. She keeps leaving him like centipedes in his drawers or whatever and it just goes ‘oh nice a snack’ which probably irks her. Likes hanging with the glow cloud bc the ambient lighting stops the void, who is itself pretty chuffed with all the dead animal carcasses
Philza got a letter for jury duty during Hiram McDaniel’s trial and blew it off bc he was dealing with the Foundation. I think he’d be very chill with Josh Crayton, bonding over different forms and getting stuck in a form you didn’t plan on. Impressed with Tamika Flynn’s Librarian wrangling as a teen, though is more supportive of people growing and changing interests than Cecil dreaming of the glory days. And uhhh technically he’s responsible for the death of many nightvale interns since in chapter Phthalo I used wtnv interns to name Foundation employees. Possibly interesting implications if Chad Bowinger, Maureen Johnson, and Kareem Nazari went to work for the Foundation at some point…?
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
There Is Thunder In Our Hearts
 A hand grabbed her arm. The Winter woman looked up in frantic horror, locking eyes with the Summer man in purple-black. With the heat coming off his robes, she felt like her skin was starting to scorch. The Upper fae smiled at her. “You,” he said, the words somehow arriving in her mind soundlessly. The man pulled on his right to administrate this small universe, the so-precious knowledge he had about all the subjects in his realm. “Niki Nihachu.” Her name, her name, her true name. It hit her mind like a lightning strike. Everything about her was illuminated, all the small directions and actions and decisions that made up a person, from the branch to the root in a single incandescent flare. And it was all under his control. Her luck had just run out. “I need you to hurt someone for me,” his voice said in her mind, and her body moved without her input. The Winter woman’s body stepped forward into a near-silent room, the only sounds footsteps clicking against the floor, the crackle of flame, and someone’s strangled sob. OR: a day in the life of some of the staff of the Midday Court.
Status: 1/1 chapters, updated 31 December, 9,160 words
Fandom: Dream SMP
Rating: Mature
Characters: Niki | Nihachu, Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Niki | Nihachu & Ranboo & Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza
Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Fae, Mind Control, Anarchist Syndicate on Dream SMP (Video Blogging RPF), Possession, Minor Character Death, Administrators (Minecraft), Major Character Injury, magical healing, True Names, Niki | Nihachu-centric, emerald duo, Blood
Okay so I had this on anon at first because I did a very silly thing, but I'm saying fuck it. So.
You know how when you read a story and you get to someone going "the brunette stood quickly" and you're like ah. Inexperienced writer. I, in my infinite sense of humour, started going "okay so what if you COULD write something where people were referred to by their hair colour but you could make it good?"
So. This is the hair colour fic. In a fae au. I think it mostly works.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 3 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 13
Forever lean forward as he watched his pocket watch tick, he was seated on his couch, hyperfocused on each tick of his clock.
He count the hour down in his head, fifty eight seconds till twelve am. Among the tick of the clock he feed the memories of his past.
He recalled the horrid sounds of his screams, fifty two seconds, Cucurcho's ungodly face, fourty four seconds; his pounding head ache, thirty eight seconds.
The ticks, he'd focus on ticks the ticks. Rciyhardlyson needed his father more than ever, Phil still needed his help and Cellbit was expecting better from him.
Twenty seconds, ten, nine, eight, seven,six, five, four, three, two... the clock froze short of one second, time stood completely still as silence filled his ears.
Suddenly a pair of red hands reached out from behind him, caressing his cheeks as they spoke with a sweet voice. "Forever, aren't you tired?"
Forever didn't question the voice, he's heard it before. Rather he often drown said voice out with the ticks of his pocket watch; right, his watch isn't working right now.
"I just know you're exhausted, don't you need to rest?"the voice asked again.
"I..I am.. extremely tried.."
"Oh course you are," The entity in appearance a woman in a red dress with a large vail, rubbed its cheek against Forever's while dangling the pill bottle in it's hand. "Go on, take a break."
Almost instantly, he accept the bottle fumbling with the child safety lid. He quickly pulled himself to reality, releasing his grip of the bottles. "What am I doing?" He asked himself
The entity climbed over the couch then sat itself in his lap, at an uncanny speedy. It pulled his face close to it's own, then rest his forehead against it's. "Don't you deserve a break?" It coed
Forever stared into the entity's eyes, Ruby gems staring back at him amongst the shaded appearance behind the Vail. "But people are depending on me.."
"You're so busy helping everyone, how often do they try to help you?" The entity debated.
"A few times actually," he glanced off to the other direction, deep in thought "there was the time when.. when I..why can't I.. remember?"
"Because it never happened."
"That doesn't..sound right?"
"Your friends just want to use you, they don't care about you."
"Surly not.."
"You haven't forgotten your privilege, have you Mr. President? It'd be rather easy for you to get any documents they need." The entity reminded, "Even better if they needs access to any restricted location."
"They wouldn't.."
"Can you remember a single time they help you?"
"Take a break, give yourself the freedom you deserve," the entity dangle the bottle into his field of vision, "take a pill, maybe four."
Forever accept the bottle once again, this time pushing down on the child safety lid. He poured himself four pill, then stared at them briefly.
"What's there to lose?" The entity double down. Forever gave in, swallowing the pills dry before slowly laying down. Slowly he feel into the effects, his muscle's relaxed as his mind came to ease.
Philza observed his phone is tense silence, anxiously awaiting Forever's respond to his message of self invitation. He was stood outside Forever's base, with Tallulah by his side.
He wanted to show his appreciation to Forever for assisting him, despite how hard of a time he's been giving them, Tallulah of course was already up and therefore wanted to visit Forever as well.
"He's not responding." Philza began, "Vitals says he's awake... He doesn't normally ignore me.."
Tallulah shoke her maraca instantly gain Phil's attention, "Maybe he's busy?" She signed
"Busy enough not to respond to me?" Phil asked in a sarcastic tone, as if the mer concept was unlikely. "I don't like this, let's go in."
Tallulah nod her head in agreement, then followed behind Phil as they made their way in Forever's resident. Painful awear of the silence, they search rooms after rooms looking for him.
Finally they found him semi-conscious on the couch, the pill bottle losly grasp in his hand. Philza sigh in disappointment at the sight in front of him, then approached Forever with Tallulah nearby.
"Tallulah, help me move him to the bathroom." Phil requested.
Tallulah assist to the best of her ability, taking Forever's legs while her father took his top half. They carried him into the bathroom, where she lost her grip and Phil his footing.
Phil caught himself with his elbow thus breaking Forever's fall by transferring the pain to Phil.
"Sorry!" Tallulah yelled in a harsh voice, Phil wave his hand dismissively then pull Forever upright as he observer his body.
He place his ear against Forever's chest, his eyes squint as he listens to his heart beat. "Tallulah, Can you get me the pill bottle?" He request
Tallulah agreed as she ran back to the room, meanwhile Phil lossen Forever's top to reduce restriction in his blood flow. He hissed at sight before him, the black goo like substance had spread to his chest.
soon Tallulah returned with the bottle, of which Phil observed the print on the bottle then sighed in relief. He slapped Forever's cheek repeatedly successful waking him up. Well wake might be the wrong word, "Forever how much did you take?"
Forever hummed in response before once again drifting into unconsciouiness, Phil slapped him again thus pulling Forever back into reality.
"How many?!" Phil doubled down, Forever weakly presented four fingers before passing out once more.
Phil observed the bottle once again, the instructions stating two pills twice a day put his mind at ease. He turn his attention back to Tallulah,
"He'll be fine, he just needs to work out his system." Phil informed , "I'll stay here to keep an eye on him, if he throws up he could chock on his puke."
Tallulah expression soften, Forever was like a Father to her, she couldn't imagine losing him; This was too close to comfort.
"You should go home." Phil's voice threw her out her thoughts, "I know you're probably tired, get some rest."
Before Tallulah could respond, Forever effectively distracted them both as he coughed up vomit.
Phil quickly flipped him around to the toilet, then pull his hair out his face allowing Forever to empty his contents.
Tallulah moved closer to Phil, she then sat next to him to indicate she had no intention of leaving. "Well if your staying." Phil began, "could you get Forever a cup of water?"
Tallulah nod then ran the kitchen, then returned with the request item. Phil instructed Forever in his semi conscious state to rinse his mouth and when he sucessed in such he rest In Phil's lap.
Phil rub his head as he hum a familiar tune, hoping he could at least bring some peace to Forever's soul. "Philza.." he finally spoke through his drunken State, "I.. I'm so sorry."
"Shh," Phil reassured, apologize in the morning, right now I just need you to be ok."
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sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
This is a royal AU! It’s Tommy x Reader
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“Tech, I’m tried.” You tapped your mentor’s shoulder and he sighed. Looking to you then back to road. “I know y/n, 10 more minutes.” You nodded and trudged along. Not long after you and Techno reached a castle. It looked just like the ones from fairytales. Your eyes lit up. This was nicer than any home you’d ever lived in with Techno, and it far paralleled the cottage you’d lived in just a week before. Technoblade walked to the door and nodded at the guards. They must have known he was coming because they immediately opened the door. Techno took your hand in his and walked into the castle. He walked through the halls as if he knew the corridors by heart. Eventually, you reached the throne room. A man in an emerald crown looked up from his book and seemed so unbelievably shocked by the sight infront of him. The blonde nearly leapt from his seat to hug your mentor. Techno hugged him back which was honestly surprising. You and Nikki (the baker from your small village) where the only people he ever truly hugged back. You stood there until the duo pulled away. The man dressed in green held out his hand for you. “Hello mate, I’m philza, an old friend of Techno’s. What’s your name?” You shook the man’s hand and techno nodded to you as if to say ‘answer him’ you turned back to the unfamiliar face and smiled softly “hi, I’m y/n!” He matched your grin and started again. “Well how may you know Techno?” Your face must have shown your excitement to talk about your mentorship. “I grew up in a village and one day Techno came to find a protégé, and he picked me! I’m training under him! Have been for the past the past twelve years” Phil seemed a bit surprised and turned to Techno. “You raised a child?” The blonde asked and stood star struck as the latter nodded and pulled you into a light side hug. Philza’s shock became a large smile. “Oh I just have to introduce you to my boys! Techno, you’ve met them both and Tom’s about Y/N’s age!” Techno nodded and responded “Y/n’s about a year younger than him. But I’d love to see the princes again” you looked at your mentor and he smiled at you, which calmed your nerves. Philza walked down a separate hall and came back with two boys. One with dark brown hair and the other shorter one with light blonde. The shorter of the two took you by surprise, he was gorgeous, absolutely stunning. You froze and stepped towards techno. You tapped on your mentor and whispered something to him. “He’s pretty” Techno grinned as if he had an idea. The two boys remember your mentor and attack him in a hug. After a few minutes of introduction ,and you letting Techno talk to Tommy on your behalf, Techno asked Wilbur to show him his guitar and he and Philza picked up on techno’s clear efforts to isolate you and Tommy. Once the other three left Tommy held out his hand to you. “I can show you the armor room, it’s pretty cool!” You smiled, albeit nervously, and took the blondes hand. He lead you through the gorgeous halls and showed you the armor room. Then a maid came into the room. “Prince, dinner is ready” Tommy nodded at the kind woman and thanked her. “Y/n, will you accompany me to dinner?” Tommy said, clearly being dramatic and with a huge smile on his face. You laughed and took his outstretched hand. “Oh thank you sir, I’ll godly accept your offer”. What neither of you thought of was walking into a full dining room while holding hands and smiling. The entire table went silent in shock as Tommy pulled out a chair for you and then did a small bow. The both of your giggled and Tommy went to the chair across from you next to his father. You where caught off guard by the woman sitting at the table with you. She smiles kindly. “Hello darling, I’m Kristen, Tommy and Wilbur’s mother” Phil then interjected “and my wife” the kind woman sighs and laughed “and his wife” you smiled and nodded then introduced yourself. Once your small conversation was over you turned to Techno who was smiling ear to ear. “Tech?” Was all you said and he just smiled wider. “Tech? Hello? What’s wrong” (ran out of space part 1/???) link to part 2
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