#she's the most wholesome person ever she should be happy not like this
yuzuna123 · 5 months
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Jun...my sweet beloved lonely angel...you don't deserve this my love! 😢😢 i hope future games and future tekken 8 content, or any content after Tekken 8 whatever they may be, manga, light novels, Story DLC's, movies, treats you with the love you have for Kazuya and Jin.
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This makes me incredibly angry.
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[ID: Screenshots of a Facebook post from user Advocatus Peregrini, which reads:
I was conversing with a fully-grown adult a few days ago, born and educated in the USA, who let this little gem drop:
"Well, it's like Shakespeare said, "Love conquers all!""
I pointed out that Shakespeare never said that, Virgil did, (Eclogues X) and Chaucer after him (Canterbury Tales.)
She said, "Oh I'm sure Shakespeare said that. In Romeo and Juliet!"
I sighed. I've been in that play several times, in different roles, and even directed it. That text does not occur in it.
But the real grind-my-teeth moment here was that if Romeo and Juliet can be said to have a message, it is most certainly not "Love conquers all," seeing as the lovers die by their own hands with a trail of their friends and relations' corpses in their wake.
Neither this fact, nor the fact that I knew the play, nor my explanation that Virgil and Chaucer used the phrase long before Shakespeare's birth dented her determination that "Love conquers all" came from Shakespeare.
"You don't know ALL the versions!" she protested.
All the versions?
Alternative Bard?
With every instinct screaming at me to let the matter drop, warning me that some horror that will not soon be absent from my nightmares waited around the next corner of this conversation. I pressed on.
It was a decision I was soon to regret.
I asked when she had first read "Romeo and Juliet." She said she had only read it once, when she was in Junior High. In the version she was taught, Romeo and Juliet survive, are reconciled with their parents, and are married in the church with their friends Mercutio and Tybalt arm in arm in the wedding party.
"Help me into some house, Benvolio, or I shall faint."
It turned out that her school had their own "version" of Romeo and Juliet, with an "uplifting" ending. This was printed and distributed by a religious education publisher. And it was the only version of the story that she had ever read. Of course she had HEARD other people say that the story was a tragedy, but she just assumed they were wrong.
And she did not see why MY version of Shakespeare should be considered better than HER Shakespeare, which, after all, had a much more wholesome ending.
I explained, in vain, that "my" version is definitive because Shakespeare actually wrote it (quiet, you Oxfordians. Don't make me stop this car) and the message of the play - that when adult stubbornness meets youthful impulsiveness tragedy ensues - is lost in the ersatz, happy-clappy ending.
She said the ending that had been Frankensteined onto Shakespeare's play by the "Christian Education" publisher was better than the original ending, "if the ending is as sad as you say it is."
At this point, I concluded that this was a person who deserved to go through the rest of her life "...safest in shame! being fool'd, by foolery thrive!" I bid her adieu.
After the conversation, I wondered, darkly, if that was to be the fate of Shakespeare, and all other literature if the happy-clappy people get their way - as harmless and "uplifiting" as a cheerleader's chant.
I wondered what these bowdlerizers would do with "Hamlet?" or worse, "Titus Andronicus" or "MacB-" Nothing wholesome, I'm sure. Oh, that's right, what they can't appropriate, they ban. Or burn.
In trying to protect children, we leave them undefended from "...the slings and arrows" that life will no doubt throw their way. Shakespeare raises the issues of tragedy - the fatal flaw, the last turning, the role of fate, as well or better than any author before or since. He is a gentle tutor, much to be preferred over that stern and dangerous teacher, Experientia Inopinatum.
But, as ever, it really isn't about the children. It's about the adults, and their desire to avoid answering difficult questions from agile young minds, who know no fear and swarm like eager flies around questions that have been boggling our best minds for millenia. To answer the questions that literature raises, you have to have thought deeply about them yourself. And that is something that few dare to do.]  end id
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katsu28 · 9 months
can I request “Baby’s Breath - a wholesome moment” with our favorite grump remus? maybe just some domestic fluff?
i've been delving deeper into my marauders phase lately so thank you so much for this request <3 he's not too much of a grump in this one but i can give u soft bf remus today i hope that's okay
remus lupin x reader, 1k, fluff fluff and more fluff
Remus never thought he’d ever have a life like he had now. He’d always thought he was destined to live a life of solitude, a life where nothing good and nothing pure ever dared come his way. Sure, he had his best mates and they were more than he could ever ask for, but he wanted…more.
He always felt a tiny gnaw in his gut thinking about Lily and James, Marlene and Dorcas—they were happy, they were as infatuated with each other as the day they met. He didn’t resent them, he wasn’t jealous of them, but he wanted what they had. He wanted a love as strong as theirs with someone of his own. 
Never in a million years did he think he’d get the chance to have something like that. 
Then you came along, and you were good and pure and about a hundred other things Remus adored. You were kind and caring and made his heart thump a little faster and a little harder against his ribcage. It took a bit of time for him to fully let you in, to fully trust you with everything he had, but you were patient with him. 
From there, being with you was something straight out of his fantasies. You had your ups and downs like every healthy couple, but you always talked it out like the mature young adults you were and made up quick.
He now understood what it felt like to love someone more than life itself, to love another person so much that he couldn’t imagine a world without you in it.
Fast forward to present day, you and Remus had recently moved in with each other. It was nothing special, just a small flat in central London—but it was special to Remus. It was where you’d begun the rest of your life together only a few months ago, tiny (some would call it cramped, but you and Remus didn't think so) and a little bit weathered, but it was yours. It was home. 
There were still a few half unpacked boxes laying around, but for the most part you’d settled in nicely. With that new home came a new routine too, with Remus juggling his jobs at the old secondhand bookshop down the road and handling the finances at Sirius’s auto garage. He came home late sometimes, exhausted and smelling of motor oil despite being cooped up in the back office all day. 
“Rem!” You greeted him happily like you always when he stepped through the door, making your way over to where he was hanging his scarf on the coat hooks to hug him tightly.
It was always the highlight of his day, getting to come to you. His bones ached and he felt sticky and grimy, but then you kissed him and it suddenly didn’t feel like the worst thing in the world. 
“Hi, love,” He replied softly, sinking into your embrace with closed eyes.  
Your fingers curled into the hair at the nape of his neck, scratching gentle circles that had him melting just a little bit more. “How was your day?” 
“Same as always. Paperwork, paperwork, more paperwork.” He pulled away from you, lacing his fingers through yours to tug you along behind him into the kitchen. “James brought by some Peruvian takeaway for lunch though, really good stuff—we should try it one day, I think you’d like it.”
“Oh! That reminds me, Lily rang earlier, asked if we had any time tomorrow to pop by theirs for something? She wouldn’t say what but I think she’s pregnant.” 
Remus chuckled, amused. “What makes you say that?” 
“Sirius said he could smell something different about her.” 
“And you trusted him? He’s a knob.” 
“He’s your best friend.” 
“Still a knob.” He replied, pulling open the cupboard to grab a mug. “Tea?” He grabbed another one at your eager nod, busying himself with filling the kettle and setting it on the stove to boil. 
You’d moved to the countertop in the meantime, socked feet swinging, thumping against the cupboards below with each movement. You were smiling warmly at him when he turned back to face you, watching him shuffle around the tiny kitchen like you’d never seen anything more interesting. 
“Nothing.” He arched a brow at you. “Nothing, I’m just…really happy. Here. With you. In our own home.” 
Remus brightened noticeably, coming over to run a light hand down your arm until your fingers were intertwined. He brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. “It’s nice, innit?” 
“Everything’s nice with you.” You were quite aware of how sappy you sounded, but it was true. Just existing in the same space as Remus, sharing a space with him, was so lovely and comforting and everything you'd ever wanted. You traced along the scar bridging his nose, following it down his cheek until your arms found their home looped around his neck and you pulled him in even closer, kissing him softly. 
He wasted no time kissing you back. He never did. Remus loved kissing you more than he loved a lot of things in this world, and he made sure you knew it with every single one. 
Somewhere in the background you heard the kettle whistling over on the stove, but you didn’t really feel the need to pay it any mind. Not when he was kissing you like this, like he wanted to get lost in your touch, like he always did. It wasn’t until it started to annoy you that you splayed your palms against the soft wool of his jumper. 
“You better get the kettle before it boils over.” You murmured against his mouth, barely giving him an inch of space between the two of you. 
Letting out a gentle huff, Remus fumbled for his wand in the pocket of his trousers, pulling it out and mumbling an incantation under his breath with the flick of his wrist. The kettle fell silent. “Right, now where were we?” 
“Pretty sure your mouth was on mine.” 
“Ah yes, how could I ever forget?”
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post a new fic :)
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lavendersartistry · 3 months
Jellyfish Grotto
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Space Riders AU - @onyxonline Eve Ewe - @lavendersartistry
This is a angst/wholesome fic for onyxonline's Space Riders AU! This is mainly centered on the headcanoned friendship between DogDay and my OC Eve Ewe! Please check Onyx out, their work is super cool!
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The gardens of the palace seemed so silent since the last visit of schooling children touring the home of the soon-to-be queen. It was nice to have the planet still lively after the loss of their late royals from the war, despite the princesses going different paths to keep their home afloat.
Eve could only glance back at the throne room from the gardens, resting under the star wisteria as she quietly read. She couldn't get the memories from her head about the war. It felt like only yesterday that it was announced by the council that her coronation would be near.
If only she could have saved-
"Princess? Are you alright?"
Eve suddenly flinched at the sound of someone calling for her and quickly turned her head. She sighed, noticing it was only her friend DogDay.
"I'm alright. And please, we went over this. You can call me Eve or Evie, friends don't have to be formal."
The captain scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and sat next to the princess. To him, it felt like not too long ago when they first met each other. And befriending a princess, a almost queen, felt too much of a dream to the sunshine critter.
"I know, but I can't really help it. You're becoming big top while I'm just a captain. Besides, I don't think the council or your guard would like it if I just called you that."
Eve stifled a laugh and closed her book, leaning her back to the trunk of the tree.
Ever since she was 5, the council was harsh on her. From lady etiquette to lessons on all preparation for becoming queen of her planet, Eve never truly got to enjoy the life of a normal person. To meet friends, to find love.
Just being happy.
"Those old birds would have the stingrays after you if that happened. But don't worry about Bolt, he's just protective."
DogDay rolled his eyes yet smiled at his friend's enthusiasm. He looked up to the stars, suddenly frowning at the forcefield that clouded the clear sight of the twinkling lights.
He knew that it was necessary, after the war. And with the Prototype out creating chaos, it was definitely needed. But he couldn't shake away the feeling from when Bolt informed him about Eve's dream that one night.
It was a vision, a written destiny almost. And the sunny hound couldn't let that fate take away his friend.
"So what were you reading? Seemed a bit uneventful."
Eve looked back at her book and grazed her hand at the leather covering.
The book was about the biology of the planet's most docile creature: Astral Jellyfish. It was a favorite of Eve's and it was a pleasant memory to see a very large one for the first time.
"The astral jellyfish. You know, my favorite creature in all my planet?"
"You mean the one creature that stung me?"
Eve burst out laughing at his comment while DogDay lightly glared at her.
"It's not funny!"
"It's actually a little funny!"
DogDay huffed and crossed his arms in protest to her laughing but he couldn't help but let a little smile appear on his face to see her laugh and be happy for once.
Eve quickly calmed herself and smiled back.
"You should give them another try. Maybe this time, you won't startle it and it'll let you pet it."
The captain groaned again and stood up.
"How long will you remind me of that?"
"Till you're a veteran."
The hound was being sarcastic. As long as something made the princess smile despite the rough times, that was enough for him.
The two kept conversing in the silence in the gardens: talking about the crew's wacky moments during missions, meeting the mysterious "Angel", Eve's stressful schedules, and other things.
Unbeknownst to them, the astral jellyfish had already welcomed themselves in mindlessly. A few rested near Eve while others floated around DogDay and some pestered him.
Eve could only hold back a laugh as the captain tried shooing away the creatures.
"Still not a fan of them?"
"The day I pet them is when I let CatNap drive the ship for a mission."
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burst-of-iridescent · 11 months
Hi! Just a quick message to say that I love your analysis on Katara and Zuko and their dynamics with each other. I personally love how you place the emphasis on them having their journey towards growth together, but an individual one as well. I've only started watching AtlA two years ago, but reading your remarks during my second rewatch of the show made me appreciate the nuances of their relationship and arc more <3 I was just wondering, because you've made some good Zutara fic recs in the past, which Zutara long fic would you absolutely recommend? Thank you so much!
aww, thank you so much! i haven't read long zutara fics in quite some time actually but off the top of my head here are my favs:
the color of the stars by bluenebulae: yes i know i've recommended this fic a hundred times already but i will continue to do so bc it's SO GOOD. this is a book 3 canon divergence where zutara get captured together on DoBS and need to find their way back to the gaang together and it is just everything.
tempest in a teacup by akaVertigo: if you've been around in zutara fandom for a while, you probably already know this fic but i couldn't not include it. this is an au where katara ends up in the fire nation as a child after her mother's death and she and zuko grow up together. fire nation katara AUs do make me a little suspicious because they can easily be done wrong, but this one does it right and the writing is absolutely stunning so trust me when i say you won't be let down.
zuko's tiny dilemma by boogum: book 1 au where zuko is accidentally turned into a 6 year old (with his 16 year old consciousness) and the gaang ends up having to take care of him. i know that sounds like a weird set-up for romantic zutara but i promise nothing gross happens. it's actually a very funny, sweet and wholesome fic so i strongly encourage that you give it a chance!
the worst prisoner by emletishfish: book 1 au where sokka accidentally kidnaps zuko during the events of the blue spirit, and shenanigans and zutara ensue. this is the funniest zutara fic i have ever read AND there are two more installments in the series so you will be good to go for a long time.
(i couldn't find this fic in my bookmarks at first because my browser logged me out of ao3 and i nearly had a breakdown thinking it was gone forever and texted my friends in full panic mode, so that should tell you how much i adore it.)
once around the sun by eleventy7: i would be deeply remiss in offering fic recommendations if i didn't mention one of the most goated zutara fics of all time. i'll warn you now that though this fic has a happy ending, you should absolutely check the tags or you will be stabbed in the heart halfway through just like i was. the pain is definitely worth it, though.
i hope you enjoy reading these! <3
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i just wanted to talk about the message that spop wanted to send in the last season.
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out of context, this seems wholesome. eye-opening. the hero who spent her entire life worrying about others and sacrificing herself for the greater good deserves to take it easy and focus on herself.
except that the “love” that the writers are referring to here is catra's love. the “love” given by the person who abused adora for years, tried to murder her multiple times, tried to take away her freewill by brainwashing her, gaslit her, manipulated her, tried to commit mass omnicide to spite her. this is the “love” they're talking about. this is the “love” that adora should live for.
it's already disgraceful enough that they erased adora's friendship with glimmer and bow in the last season, and made it all about catra. they act like catra is the only one who ever cared about adora when in the previous seasons, it was proven time and time again how much glimmer and bow valued adora, and how much catra took joy in hurting adora.
this message would have worked so well if adora had ended up with glimmer or even if she wasn't shipped with anyone but instead, had her friends by her side. but no, spop is basically telling us that the only love worth striving for is the love provided by the person who hurt you the most.
adora does not deserve this. she deserves more than just the “love” of her abuser. and she did have more, until s5 ruined everything. catra deserved a happy ending too, sure, but her happiness should not come at the cost of adora's.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Can I get Crimson with a fem s/o (human or otherwise) who really likes his voice? Like, he could be reading a book or something and she’s just listening to him with a smile, nothing but love and adoration in her eyes? I hope this is fine.
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Crimson with A Fem SO who really likes his voice
Crimson usually read silently, not really knowing why he should give his men an idea of what he liked in literature, it wasn't business after all.
You of course were never business, and thus different but he still read silently in your presence until one time when you were in bed (No not like that!) and he was reading, and you were having trouble falling asleep.
He noticed your struggle and asked what was the problem. You didn't know really, listing off the general stuff, before abruptly asking if he could read to you.
He's a little surprised at the request, saying he's not sure if you'd like what he's reading too much, you respond that you don't care, saying his voice in general is soothing to you.
He doesn't believe you at first, snorting at the irony of it but agrees anyway for your sake, beginning to narrate the book for a few pages, before turning his head to you, expecting you to be unchanged but instead his eyes go wide and he freezes.
Your still awake, but likely not for long as you look incredibly relaxed, eye lids getting heavy as you look at him attentively, eyes filled with nothing but love and adoration, not even lust, just those squishy wholesome emotions and for the first time in years Crimson feels terrified.
He turns back to the book, resigning to not look at you again until he finishes the chapter, for fear of feeling his heart skip a beat again. Of course he keeps his outer composure for the most part, reading calmly as you requested despite being on the verge of melting under your loving gaze, him feeling your eyes on him for the remainder of the chapter.
When he finishes, he closes the book, beginning to say well "we tried that but-" but he doesn't finish. You fell asleep with a smile on your face, looking like the most comfortable person in the world, and with him of all people...
He sighs, questioning how you make him feel these things before turning off the lights and laying down, pulling you close and joining you in sleep.
After that he makes a habit of when he's not busy of asking you to sit down with him as he reads, you giving him the same loving gaze before nuzzling up to him and taking an impromptu snooze on him, Crimson enjoying it much more then he'll ever admit.
And Satan have mercy on anyone who dares intrude on you two, if they simply open the door Crimson will just glare at them to make them quietly leave but after wards he won't be too mad outwardly, but if they wake you up? Like Chaz did once, kicking the door open as he does, Crimson will glare at them for days, until you notice and ask him why he's so mad, he won't say why, and he'll stop the excessive glaring, still grumpy tho >:(
Overall, he's happy to sometimes to just have at least some wholesome alone time with you, the unknowing queen of a mob boss's heart.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
Pairing: Post-apocalypse!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smutttt, 18+, swearing but overall this is really wholesome and heartbreaking and possibly my fav thing ever written, so much angsty vibes guys.
Word Count: 1.3k
Song: "Champagne Problems" by Taylor Swift and "Ceilings" by Lizzy McAlpine
Summary: The reader has to leave but Joel is willing to do anything and everyting to keep her in his arms for one more night, not wanting to be abandoned again like everyone else has left him. This is a request by @what-muses; "Female reader smut with Joel Miller and the prompt 'Make Me’."
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It's lovely that I have the opportunity to be beside him, bodies curled against each other while we watch the plaster peel off the ceiling, soft rain drops hitting against the cracked window. It's a perfect day to be alone with him, the humid air swarming around us, warming our cold bodies that lay beneath the blankets.
He's so soft like this, bedsheets wrapped around him, his hands splaying across my hip as his lips attentively find a home on the column of my throat. He smells like aftershave and something woodsy, calloused skin feeling good against my own, his aura filling my mind like the most addictive drug.
How special am I to be able to see him in this environment, unlike his typical closed off, hateful, spiteful mood. He's not like that with me, not normally, instead taking on a more protective, caring, stern mood when he's curled up in bed with me but I know that there's still a darkness looming in and out of his mind.
When we first met at the QZ, I didn't know the extent of his pain or what he had been though. Anyone could've seen that he's been through a lot, more than most people and that's saying a lot considering nearly everyone was impacted by the cordyceps looming around, turning our loved ones into monsters.
But when him and I started to get closer and one night, over booze, he confessed to me that he had a daughter who quite literally died in his arms, the day of the fall, his birthday, I broke down with him. How could such a good man, an overall good person, go through that and not turn into a monster of a different form compared to the ones we're used to.
I found out about his brother a week later after Sarah.
He harbors guilt for Tommy, wondering if he was the reason that he left in the first place but anyone who knows Tommy knows that Tommy just seems to be a busy body, always getting involved in something new whether it be the military or the Fireflies.
But he left Joel, like Sarah did, though in different ways.
So what does that say about me?
I don't want to leave him in the morning, but I have to, abandoning the only arms I've ever called home. He doesn't know and he shouldn't have to know that he's losing me in the morning because I know his world will fall into chaos the minute he finds out that I'm leaving. Like everyone else has.
Feels like the start of a movie I've seen before, me leaving him, him leaving me, it's a back and forth nightmare where we don't know when the next time we'll kiss, when our movie will end permanently and the other person won't have closure.
But I have to go.
So for now, I'll soak in what I can, humming quietly as he rests his head on my bare chest, my fingers carding through his tangled locks in an attentive manner. His guitar is in the corner of the room, my eyes lifting to look at it every so often to memorize it just in case I need something to remember when I'm beyond the walls.
I map Joel's fingers, imagining them plucking at the strings and telling me about his daughter, how he got her a guitar when she was younger but she never used it so he picked it up out of spite to show her how easy it was for her to use.
I imagine that Sarah would be happy that he's with me, being constantly dotted on and taken care of, just how he should be. She'd like that he smiles now, that his eyes have softened and jaw has unclenched since her passing. He's told me that he's had no reason to be hopeful for the future until me, no reason to be afraid of losing himself since he's met me.
Since Sarah.
It makes leaving even harder.
"You're leaving aren't you?" Joel asks against my skin, lips brushing softly across my collarbone and I feel the stinging of tears rise to my eyes, frustration and anger towards myself swimming in my brain.
"How'd you know?" He looks up at me with soft eyes, no disappointment or anger behind his brown hues, not like I had expected them to be filled with. Instead it looks like he already knew, as if he assumed I wasn't here to stay and that thought makes my heart break. He always knew I was a flight risk.
"You're holding onto me tight." I can see the glass heart through his eyes shattering with every word that escapes him and I confirm his fears by holding onto him even tighter, worried that he'll leave me before I have the chance to leave him, our normal back and forth bullshit. "Tighter than normal."
"I just wanna be close to you." I find his lips, drinking in his taste as our lips part to accommodate the elephant in the room, my heart weighing heavily in my chest and I can't ignore the fear that this is the last time we'll get to be like this, to have the pleasure to soak in each others presence without behind worlds apart.
"You couldn't be any closer." He whispers against me, greedy yet soft hands urging my hips closer to his and I gasp, feeling his cock against my thigh, my head spinning at the feeling of him so close, wanting nothing but for him to slip inside of me, keeping me close to him and never letting me go.
The words die on the tip of my tongue; I miss you already, I want you, I need you, I can't live without you.
"I want to be." I wrap my arms around his neck, face pressed into the pillow as I throw one of my legs over his hip, moans drowning in the pillow and Joel hums.
"C'mere." His voice keeps me hanging on like a prayer, fingers carding through his hair as his cock finally slips into me with no effort, a small whimpered gasp escaping me at the feeling of being so full, like my missing puzzle piece, fitting perfectly into me, completely my broken edges. "Don't go." He begs, arms wrapping around my waist the best they can and my mind clouds over.
I'm pretty convinced that I'd do anything he'd ask me to when he's deep inside of me, thrusting lazily in and out of me and it makes my eyes spring with tears once more, knowing how desperately and pathetically I'm going to miss being this close to him.
"I never ask for anythin'." He mutters, kissing me sweetly once more and I feel my whole body tremble in his grasp, his hand cirling around my to fist some of my hair, pulling me chin upwards so he can press kiss against my throat, leaving bites in his wake. "Please just stay."
"Make me." I beg, giving into him, knowing in my heart that if I try to leave, it's going to be nearly impossible.
There's something that just happened, just now, something that shifted from what we were before into something new, a sense of wholeness filling us as he fills me and tears trail gently down my cheeks as I reach my peak, tumbling over the edge and pulling Joel with me. He groans loudly, finding my lips as he presses messy, heated kisses to my lips, unrelenting and heartbroken.
"If I had it my way, you'd never leave this bed." Joel whispers after a few moments, holding me tightly to him and not bothering to slip out of me as he gets comfortable, wanting nothing more than to keep me as close as humanly possible.
"Then don't let me."
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kahlanmars · 11 months
BAD FEELING part. 17
This chapter is a little filler but I think it's cute how Haymitch and Daisy try so much to stay away from each other... failing every time. Also, I ship Hayffie and I wanted to give a happy ending to Effie here too.
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17. Candles for the wedding
After a brief moment in which you wanted to go away and never turn back, or you wanted to knock Marjorie’s door and then let her see your rage, or simply to go to Haymitch and talk more to him, knowing he wasn’t going to kick you out of his bed, you make a decision. You are Daisy Pinecone from District 12, and you are not going down for a man. You won’t let a man ruin your good mood. Even if this man is the most wholesome you’ve ever met. Even if the only thing you want is to be in his arms. Even if none of this is right.
Because none of this is right. You know, hell you know Marjorie is not in the wrong. She spent all her life hiding from President Snow because of Haymitch, and now she wants to live with him like he promised her. But that promise was made at sixteen, they were children, that doesn’t count.
And yet, the timing is wrong. He waited for her, for her ghost, for twenty five years, and just when he tries to move on - with you, nonetheless - she reappears. It’s like fate, destiny or whatever is laughing on their face. 
You can’t avoid thinking bad things, like that she is not as beautiful as she was when she was twenty, but then again he is not either and this is a vile thought. You are better than that. Holly taught you better than that.
You go up, clean your face, even use a little of that eyeliner you and Effie stole, go to your class and you manage to keep your smile on and your chin up all the time. You have a great teacher for that. 
Then, you go to the class where you are Miss Pinecone and not just Daisy.
«When there's danger, you should always go to your parents. But if there’s a danger and you are at school, you could go under the tables for protection.» You say, trying to be cheerful. Today is the day they are going to rescue Portia, Annie, Cinna and the others, and of course Peeta. So Coin told you to give the kids a lecture about dangers. That doesn’t scare you at all.
«But, Miss Pinecone, what if I don’t find my mom?» A little boy, Alex, asks you. He is from the seam, and he is seven or eight, not more. He has tons of brothers, like four or five. He is adorable, very skilled in maths. 
«I think you could come to me.» You don’t think this through, but what can you say? If he doesn’t find his family you want him to come to you, a trusted person, instead of a stranger.
«Thank you, Miss Pinecone.»
You manage to keep the charade until dinner. It’s easier with the kids, the little ones always try to make you see that and tell you this, and the hours flow. The older ones are eager to learn.
But now that you are alone, you can’t help but be sad in the cafeteria, surrounded by your friends except for Effie, who waits for Portia, and Finnick, who waits for Annie. That gives your group freedom to talk.
«I can’t believe him. He left you!» Lora is shocked, her wide eyes bright open. «For an old woman!»
«Well she is not old, she’s 41.» You protest, but then you remember Lora is nineteen. Compared to her you are an older woman.
«You are not going to pout all the time, right?» Perla is more direct. You love her, but she reminds you of a younger Johanna Mason, a victor from years ago who is now part of the rebellion. Perla is kinder, but she doesn’t hold back answers. 
«I’m not pouting.» You protest.
«Yes you are. There are parties, you know? The guards invited us sometimes, we should go.» Yes, you are. You can’t help it. He is not even there at the moment, probably in a room with Katniss waiting for Peeta. Or he is with her. 
You can’t live thinking he is with her every moment. 
«There are more important things, right? I’m worried about Portia. I really care for her. And for Peeta. And Cinna.» You desperately don’t want to talk about it. They seem to understand that, because they take the bait to change the subject.
«Do you think Finnick and Annie will get married when she is rescued?» Lora asks. You have to admit Finnick Odair has been a crush in your teenage years, for all of you. Thinking of him as a married man, even now that he is real, is weird. But he and Annie are so cute, he always talks about her like she is the moon and he couldn’t live without her, he almost didn’t want to live anymore when he found out she had been captured. They had to give him a rope to make knots out of it, to calm him down, but a very, very small rope. 
«That’s what he promised.»
You are about to answer Perla when a voice comes from the other room.
«They are coming!»
You change looks, because you don’t know if you are allowed in the first room, but you want to hug Portia so you run. If you are not allowed, someone will stop you, but that doesn’t happen.
They don’t have a quarantine, you had it because your group was the first after a long time in District 13, but now they think you are safe. So everybody is free to hug everybody, and they are all crying. 
You come into the infirmary room and you see Finnick who’s holding Annie like she could disappear in a moment, and Effie in Portia’s arms. 
«Portia!» You run into her and you let her hug you tight. «You are here!»
She just nods. She is not her best self, but she was probably tortured (now that you think about it, you shouldn’t have run into her, maybe you scared her) but she is here now, she can get better. You’ve never seen her without her Capitol fuss. She doesn’t have her blonde wig, and her hair is shaved. She is thinner than before, and she has bags under her eyes. It’s clear something bad happened in the city. 
Katniss is there, she is holding Cinna, but she is not happy. Cinna is in the same situation as Portia and Annie, and Haymitch, close to her, seems pissed off.
«What happened?» You dare to ask, conscious he wouldn’t scream at you. 
«Joanna Mason, Mags and Peeta are still in the Capitol.» 
The mission was for everybody, but mostly for Peeta. He is the other side of the Mockingjay, the unfortunate lover, the lover boy. People like him more than Katniss. He is useful for the revolution.
But most importantly, Katniss loves him. Maybe she doesn’t know it, maybe she also loves Gale, but the look in her eyes at this moment proves that. 
«Will they come back for them?» You whisper to your mentor, but you don’t want Katniss to hear that. He shrugs and he looks at you, he is furious.
«If I have a say in the matter, yes.» 
He goes out of the room, and you follow him in the corridor and stop him with a hand on his wrist. You have to be careful. He could have reacted in a very bad way, you don’t stop him like that, you know better. But he must have sensed you, because he doesn’t push you against the wall or strangle you like you are an enemy.
«I’m sorry.» You whisper again. 
Peeta is like a son to him. Everyone knows he and Katniss are really similar, they have the same mind, same origins, same attitude. But they care for Peeta. Peeta is cunning, smart, intelligent, but also kind, generous, and has a good heart. With the family he has - he had, you have to remember - Haymitch has become a father figure in the last year. He didn’t want to get attached, you are sure of it, but once again he failed in that.
He sighs. He is calculating, you see his brain fuming. You bet he is telling himself he can’t be vulnerable with you, not anymore. 
«Just a minute.» You help him, and you put your arms around his chest. He relaxes a little against your touch. 
«He is seventeen.» He reminds you. «Seventeen, and he is being tortured. They are torturing him. It is my fault.» His voice is strong and still, but you sense he is desperate.
«How is it your fault?» You lift your eyes up to watch him better. «It’s the war, Haymitch. You are doing your best to keep them alive.»
«’M doing a hell of a good job.» He is shaking now, of course he wants a drink to cope with his guilt. They are criminals, this is not a way to cure ad addiction, but maybe there’s a good side of that. Maybe he is rid of his addiction. 
«You are. Look at all this, it’s mostly thanks to you. And Cinna, and Plutarch, but the Mockingjay is here because of you. Katniss is safe because of you. And Peeta will be too.» You stroke his hair. «I am so, so sorry. But I didn’t give up on you. You are still their mentor. You saved them.»
You feel stupid, you can only say that you are sorry. A week ago you would have kissed away his doubts, but now it’s not yours to kiss. Now Marjorie can handle that, you don’t have any right. 
«Don’t be sorry.» He murmurs and instead of letting you go he tightens the grip. «Are you okay? Portia is back.»
«Yes.» You flash a smile to him, he loves Portia too. «I’m good, I was worried for her. Felt guilty too.»
«Look at us, covered in guilt.» He tries to laugh, to lighten the moment. «I must admit it looks better on you.»
You blush. You only want to kiss him, but he is not yours to kiss anymore. He is not yours anymore. «Everything looks better on me.»
«I really can’t argue with that.» His eyes are on your lips. 
At this point you are supposed to kiss, this is what you do, but you can’t right now, not after Marjorie. «You should go back. Katniss needs you.» 
«Yes. Katniss needs me.» He gives you a kiss on the cheek, his lips lingering a little too long on your face to be an incident. «Thank you, Sweetheart. I really needed that.»
«That’s what friends are for.»   
You stay in the corridor, alone, until he disappears. 
Turns out Finnick really asked Annie to marry him as soon as she was saved, and now you have a wedding to prepare. They are absolutely lovebirds, Finnick walks on air and he has a grin that never leaves him. Annie is haunted by the tortures and her past, but she is cooed by Effie and Portia, and she seems content most of the time, when she doesn’t cry for Mags. You never met Mags, but on television she looks like a grandmother, sweet and tender, and you know she raised Finnick and Annie. They decided not to wait for her, but they will have a traditional ceremony with her when she will be rescued.
You don’t know what the ceremony in District Four is about, but it must be their version of the Toasting. In your District the toasting is the real marriage ritual, when the bride and the groom make a fire together and toast a piece of bread. You really hope for them it’s not a toasting ceremony because you have heard his bread is made of seaweed and very, very salty.
The wedding preparation is actually very cute. You and Effie, with the help of Perla and Laura and other people from District 13, decorate the main room with flowers and ribbons, as well as nets and corals you manage to find in the library. It’s still grey, but a little less grey and it’s absolutely a win. 
«I’ll dress Annie, can you stay here?» Effie asks you, and you nod. You actually like to decorate. It takes your mind off of things. But what you really want is to put candles in the higher shelves of the main room, so when she walks through the room she will be followed by lights. 
You put the candles up with the help of a staircase. Then you just have to light them up. When you are about to reach the top, though, your feet slip and you go down. 
You survived the Hunger Games and a revolution just to hit your head and die trying to decorate a cafeteria.
«Dear heavens!» You think you’ll get hurt, badly, but you realise you didn’t touch the ground, someone saved you. 
And who could have been. Of course it’s him. How the fuck it’s him it’s a mystery. 
«Are you following me or something?» You sough, still shaken by the fall. You risked it. 
«Thanks, Haymitch, you catched me.» He mocks you with a grin that is not supposed to be here, since he saved you from death or at least a big injury. Again. 
«…Thanks. But were you following me?» You know you should go back to your own feet, but you are a weak girl and it’s comforting to be in his arms, bridal style. And you pretend to yourself you didn’t see Marjorie eyeing you from the other side of the room.
«A little. I was looking for you, I wanted to borrow you a book, and then I saw you lighting candles in the most dangerous position ever invented and… I know your level of balance. It’s none.» You scoff at the comment, but then you hear again the main word of the sentence: books. 
«A book? Yes!» You are too excited, it’s not proper. Not anymore. «I mean, that's thoughtful… thought?» A thoughtful thought. And you are a teacher. No wonder you didn’t have a licence before the war. 
«Yeah I mean, it’s mine and you didn’t steal it so maybe you won’t like it.»
«It happened once or twice…» You pout. Just because he loved to kiss away your pout and if you have to go down bad then he must too. But when his eyes linger too much you are the one who snaps him out of his misery. «So? The book?»
«The book, yes. It’s about a girl who goes to work for a guy as a maid and the guy has secrets in the attic. It’s ancient.» He quickly explains. 
«Is he a bit of a dick?» You challenge him.
«Kinda, yeah.»
«Some things never change…» You smile, proud of your little joke. «What’s the name of the book?»
«Jane Eyre.» 
«I studied that at school. I think I’ll like it, thanks.» Could you give him a little kiss on the cheek? Probably not. Especially when you are still in his arms, it’s not quite friends' behaviour. But you still do it because Inez - Marjorie - has not been right to you. «How come we are underground and you still smell like the woods?» You half murmur to yourself, but he smirks.
«It’s a talent. I'll give it to you at the wedding?»
«I can't, they allow us to have actual dresses at the wedding!» You can't conceal your excitement. You really want to take off the grey jumpsuit. You don’t have a dress, but you eyed some curtains that nobody will miss. 
«Tomorrow then.» He offers.
«Tomorrow it is. Haymitch, can you… let me go?» You are sure you are starting to make a scene, wrapped in a hug in the middle of the cafeteria after the big scandal and the “break up”. 
«Yeah, of course.» He lets you go and you practically disappear in front of him not to deal with the consequences of your thoughts. He does the same. It would be comical if you didn’t have your heart broken.
You go to your room to sew the dress for the wedding, and you open the door without any thinking, just to be welcomed with a gasp.
Effie Trinket and Portia… you don’t know Portia’s surname, all you know is that they are wrapped in a hug and they are kissing. Effie is kissing Portia. Portia is kissing Effie. None of it makes sense.
Effie is the one who was upset finding out about you and Dianna. She was shocked, like she never occurred a girl could love another girl. You know in the Capitol they didn’t discuss these sort of things, like in the District. 
On the other hand, if someone deserves love is Effie Trinket. She hates District Thirteen, everybody here is stupid and hates her, so she needs allies. Friends. Lovers. Everything she wants. She’s one of the kindest people alive. You really love her.  
«I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!» You yell and you close the door behind you, just to re-open it slower. You don’t know what to do, you can’t go in and you can’t go out. «Do you want me to leave?» You ask. 
«Stay, darling girl.» Effie speaks after a while. Her voice is filled with awkwardness, and you want to tell her that everything is fine but you don’t know how to do it without worsening the situation. «Well…»
You enter. They are on Effie’s bed, and they look like teenagers caught in the moment. They are so cute.
«You two are in love?» You ask, trying to contain your excitement. You know you are being improper and you are probably embarrassing them, but you are so happy for them, so happy for Effie. Oh dear heaven, what if it was just an experiment? What if Effie is in love and Portia is not? You didn’t think before talking.
«No, I mean… it was kinda the first time, so…» They share a look. Maybe they are not in love yet, but they have chemistry.
«So I blocked it? I’m so sorry! I’ll go!» 
«No! I think we could go to…» Portia dismisses it. She talks slower than before the revolution, and she always seems a little puzzled, but she is better now and you think she’s improving.
«To my room! I think we can go to my room.» She finishes it.
«No, I’ll go!» You protest, but Effie pinches your shoulder.
«No, please. Let us go.»
«…Ok.» You surrender. 
You go back to your sewing, wondering what the hell just happened.
TAG LIST: @crimsonincursive
if you want to be added in the taglist just ask!
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 11 months
It's been like a million years since I've actually been able to post a fic for Wednesday, but I've got one!! I've finally got one!!
"Girl Talk"
(this takes place in the Sonic Boom universe, after the episode "Cowbot")
It had only been yesterday when Sonic and Tails had found themselves spending a day and a half over at their lair of their supposed arch-nemesis, Dr. Eggman, to help him repair his defenses. Sonic still wasn't sure why they'd bothered helping the guy, considering he was always trying to destroy him and his pals.
Well, he supposed that was a hero's duty. Help everyone. Even if they didn't deserve it at all.
Beyond the fact that they were helping their enemy, probably the thing that had caught Sonic the most off guard was Eggman's completely unexpected question at the campfire.
"What's up with you and Amy?"
He'd had absolutely no idea how to respond to that. In fact, he'd never responded. He'd just made some lame attempt to change the subject, though he no longer remembered what he'd said to do so.
What was even more nerve-wracking? Tails had looked just as interested to hear the answer.
Sonic stared at the ceiling of his shack as he reclined uneasily in his hammock. Pfffft, he had no reason to get so flustered over such a silly question. He was Sonic the Hedgehog! He feared nothing! He especially didn't fear something as simple as love, and attachment, and relationships . . . ? Right?!
"Why do you look like you just got back from Meh Burger?" a familiar voice called teasingly, and he jolted upwards, almost toppling off the hammock.
Tails was walking through his empty doorframe, a gleam in his bright blue eyes and his twin tails waving up and down behind him.
"It's nothing!" Sonic protested, standing up and stretching, overall trying to act as casual and relaxed as possible. "Just thinking."
"About whaaat?" The tone couldn't get any more teasing. "About who?"
"I don't know what you mean," he tried to bluff, but the little fox's eyes glinted at him knowingly.
Sonic sighed heavily.
His little brother knew him far too well.
"Fine, fine, fine." Sonic waved a hand, then glanced around nervously. "Can we just take this somewhere more . . . private?"
"We can go to my lab?" Without waiting for an answer, Tails turned and helicoptered away back towards his workshop. Sonic took off after him, reaching the place at least five seconds before his brother did.
"So . . . what is up with you and Amy?" Tails asked once the door was closed and the windows were locked, quite clearly repeating Eggman's words.
"Amy's just a really good friend!" Sonic tried to protest. "Yeah, yeah, she's got a thing for me, but that doesn't mean I reciprocate!"
Tails shot him a look. "So you know she likes you, and yet you don't discourage her, you hang out with her alone, you're always making jokes and puns around her and waiting for her reaction, and you even go to the movies together?"
"Those are all normal friend activities!" Sonic practically screeched, his voice high-pitched with desperation. "Sure, I like being with her. She's a great person. And she's a great friend. And a cool fighter. And she's strong. And independent. And . . . well . . ."
Sonic trailed off, realizing his argument no longer was making sense, all he'd done was go on a tangent about all the things he liked about Amy, and Tails' smirk was as smug as ever.
But when his brother finally replied, it wasn't as teasing as he'd expected. "She makes you happy, doesn't she? The way Zooey makes me happy?"
"You're not old enough to be giving me advice on girls," Sonic grumbled.
"I'm not the one running from my feelings," Tails pointed out.
Sonic made a frustrated noise.
"Okay fiiine, I guess I do kinda sorta like her. So what?"
"So . . . ?!" Tails bounced up and down a couple times. "You should go ask her out!"
"But I don't actually know what I'm doing when it comes to girls!" Sonic complained. "Yeah, Amy's not the only girl to have ever liked me, but I've never actually had a girlfriend. How are you even supposed to treat them? And doesn't being in a relationship mean getting tied down somewhere and not having freedom anymore? I'm not even sure I want a relationship, Tails."
"That's not what relationships are about," his brother argued. "They're about love, duh. Choosing to love and care for that one person. Finding happiness and contentment in each other's company. Putting their needs before yours, because they're special to you." Tails' blue eyes gleamed. "Isn't Amy special to you?"
"Well, I guess, yeah," Sonic mumbled, kicking at an imaginary rock on the ground. "I just . . . I don't think I'm ready for a girlfriend, at least not yet. Can't I just give it some time?"
Tails snickered. "Of course you can. There's no rush. I just wanted to make sure you understood this stuff."
"This feels backwards." Sonic sighed, but grinned. "Okay. Ya got me, lil bro. But!" He jumped up and grabbed his brother by the wrist. "Everything that was just said is entirely confidential! Got it? No breaking the bro code!"
"I know, I know!" Tails laughed, squirming away as Sonic started playfully poking him all over. "Understood!"
🥰 this'll be posted on AO3 ASAP! (It's a busy day for me haha) it's already posted on Wattpad if you follow me and the one-shots book there. 😜👌
Update: here it is on AO3!
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goodboyaudios · 3 months
On the subject of Swap AU's, let's hear on a MOTH Swap AU.
For more reference(unless you have a better idea):
Zed > Makarro
Makarro > Zed
Guiene > Raze
Raze > Guiene
How would it go? And how far would the personality change? And story?
All of them switching places?
Raze in Gienne's place would be fairly competent. She'd probably have the greatest royal sibling rivalry of all time with Kayble. In fact, I don't think Kayble would even want to kill Raze. The reason Kayble wanted to kill Gienne was due to his lacking respect for her and her incompetence as a politician. But if it were Raze, I don't think he'd ever feel that way. He might not like her, but I think he'd have a great respect for his older sister in spite of it all. It might actually be quite wholesome.
Gienne in Raze's position would most likely be very similar to Raze with a few key differences. While she would also be a Star Captain, (Star Captain Gienne sounds like a cool name btw) she'd prefer to be less of a Guardian and more like a nature spirit. She wouldn't sit on the mountain sleeping, but she would choose to be more secluded, opting to be the free spirit she always wanted to be, surrounding herself with nature, making it vibrant and blooming and allowing her child, the world itself, to blossom. If Zed found her, well, she'd probably be a little hesitant around him considering she doesn't care much for people, but I think she'd warm up to him. She'd teach him all about what having power really means and how he doesn't need it, and he'd show her that humans are worth caring about just as much as the planet itself.
Makkaro in Zed's position...hmm...I suppose in that situation, Makkaro would probably be on a secret personal DnD quest to kill the person who killed Y'narri. He wouldn't leave Manas City, he'd just turn it on the witch hunters by any means necessary. They are the real threats, stirring up drama where none exists.
Finally, Zed as a detective in Makkaro's position. I don't think Zed would leave MCPD. I think it would be a chance for him to have a chosen family with his fellow officers. Maybe even have a mentor in the police chief. Being recognized by people and wanting to be with others is what he really wants. I think he'd be happy in Makkaro's position.
Sorry I didn't do an AU where ALL of them were switched at once, but I think this should suffice lol!
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peachymilkandcream · 4 months
Someone To Love|Part 2|Reiner x Jealous Reader
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(A/N: It's kind of nice and out of my normal style to write a much more wholesome romance, but I can't say I dislike it. You gotta have the fluff with your angst. And since this is going with yandere Levi it's good to have a bit of a change of pace. Comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: implied nsfw, depression, attempted suicide, violence, general angst, slowburn, lowkey love triangle with a happy ending, not a warning but Reiner calls you nicknames instead of y/n (because I personally can't stand it)
It felt like the air had been knocked out of her lungs.
"An Island Devil?"
"I know, it's crazy, trust me I already know that. Especially after everything they did to Bertholdt and Annie. I don't know, I just feel...good about myself and safe around her."
She clears her throat, trying to keep the wad of emotion down in her chest so it doesn't spill out all at once. "And you say her name is Evelyn? I..uhm- tell me about her-"
Reiner leans back with a shy smile. "Well for starters she's short, really short, but she's also fun, and super sweet, an impressive fighter, and pretty on top of that. Like the ultimate package."
"How did you meet her?"
"When I was under cover she was one of the Scout officers, I didn't get to see a whole lot of her since she was part of Captain Levi's squad, but still. As far as Island Devils go she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met."
"Does she know who you are?"
Now Reiner frowns, apparently a sore spot for him. "Yes she does, when we fled I exposed who I was to her...and she said she hated me."
She tries to hide her relief with a deep breath, it wouldn't help anything to outwardly show how glad she was of that.
"So you'll never see her again."
"Until we return to Paradis to reclaim the Founder it seems unlikely." His mood changed, his tone becoming more and more depressed.
"That's too bad. She sounds wonderful."
"Yeah...she was." Reiner rests his elbow on the table, staring into the wooden pattern. "By now she's probably married off to Captain Levi, no screw that, why should I respect him with a title, to Levi."
"Who's Levi?" She didn't know who he was but if he was able to give Reiner closure with this unattainable crush she'd be thankful to him.
"Selfish bastard. Captain of the Survey Corps and man does he abuse that. Always unfairly punishing everyone and demanding respect." He shakes his head. "Creep watched Evelyn like some kind of sick stalker. There were many times I got punished for being anywhere near her. Asshole."
"Maybe you just didn't understand their dynamic?"
"Impossible, it was so obvious he was sick in the head. But no one saw it but me."
Bravely she reaches out to touch his hand. "It'll be okay Reiner, you can move on now. Forget about what happened their and live the rest of your life in peace."
"The rest of my life." He scoffs. "What short time I have left."
The thought made her wince, but he had a point. If she didn't try harder he'd be killed and they'd never have that life she dreamed of, even if it was for a short time.
"That's why you need to make the most of it."
Reiner nods, taking in her words. "You're right, sitting here sulking over what could have been won't get me anything but wasted time." A smile comes to his face. "Thanks kid, you always make me believe in myself."
She blushed a little at the nickname, even after all of this he still saw her as the same girl from their childhood. "No problem, you're my friend and I want to help you."
Reiner's face turns solemn again but before he can speak his mind a soldier comes up to their table.
"Reiner Braun, Commander Magath has sent for you."
"Right now? Is it urgent?"
"He said to come right away."
Reiner offers an apologetic glance before standing and hurrying to follow the young soldier, leaving her alone.
She couldn't put her finger on it, but she had a bad feeling about all of this.
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
bts fic recommendations | 03.07.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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stardust - @euphoricfilter (jjk x reader | fluff, smut, f2l)
summary:  if jungkook would have known an unintentional orgasm would have led to this, then he would have begged you to work out with him sooner.
naur bby when i tell you i loved this from the first paragraph...
"If every living being’s foundation is made of stardust, scattered when born, then Jungkook thinks the two of you were made from the same star."
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and the way you continued the analogy throughout was pure literature gold (or should i say diamond teehee). its stuff like this that i read and im like damn, the moots are really out here posting fics that could easily be published best sellers for fucking free!! how lucky are we!!!
and the whole workout scene hits even better after his workout live like i legit was able to visual everything... and sex in the mirror will never not be top tier :')
i love this jungkook dearly. this is how i imagine irl jk yk? just that hopeless romantic vibe, feeling that he has someone on this earth that is meant for him and he's meant for them. thats encapsulated so beautifully in this fic. such beautiful writing, thank you for blessing us with this fucking masterpiece!!
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knee high socks - @minniesvenus (jjk x reader | smut, college au)
summary: after being obsessed with you and your knee high socks for forever, jungkook can't believe that you finally notice him.
okay so do you ever just hear a song or smell a smell that feels so incredibly nostalgic and fills your head with dreamy thoughts and stars and stuff... that's exactly how i felt while reading this! like i just kept thinking of the arctic monkeys song and the way you characterized jungkook's crush is just so authentic. its just that pure school crush feeling where you anticpate seeing this person and the more time you see them you pick up on little things and it makes you fall even deeper oof. there's just something so fimilair about the way you wrote this and it's probably one of the most realistic depictions i've seen of the natural progression of a crush like uGH THE FUCKING TALENT !!!
and it makes you root for him so much like i was internally cheering for him when she asked him to sit next to him. it was so fucking wholesome and sweet i screamed
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and then shit got unwholesome real quick whew
her giving him praise actually made me so happy though! like you definitely inspired me to write more of that bc its so refreshing and cute!! and the smut was saur naughty but so sweet bc she was just guiding him through the motions and once again it just felt so natural which is no easy feet!! like you really hit the nail on the head with this one and it will be added to my comfort fic list asap!! so so so lovely!!
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in the seom: love for dummies - @thvhoe (jjk x reader | smut, fluff, angst, fwb, college au, camping au)
summary: always the friend, never the girlfriend. jeon jungkook doesn't date. at least that's what he thought until he met you, a chemistry student who seemed to have it all—except for love. meeting at a mutual friends frat party, you hit it off right away. however, due to both of your stubbornness, it has never progressed beyond being friends with benefits. the annual camping trip with your friend group was supposed to be the turning point in your relationship with jungkook. but what happens when your best friend of 18 years unexpectedly comes back from busan and confesses to you, further complicating matters?
OoF WHAT A FUCKING OPENING SCENE LMAO!! i was horny from fucking JUMP!!! and kook juggling between pet names and not knowing what to call her made me giggle but always made me extremely soft like aw :') &lt;3
and y/n really whipped that fuckboy into shape we love to see it!! he better buy gifts n work for the coochie!!! >:(
"Pookie🩶: Can't sleep. Send me a pic of your boobies?"
this had me cackling bc this behavior is saur... annoyingly endearing like he legit is a big baby and i love him lmao even though unholy he is extremely cute.
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^y/n and i both having immaculate taste and listening to ditto
and i am so thankful things turned out well for this pairing. i felt so sad for him like ugh the protectiveness and worry over her. he was generally just so wholesome throughout this entire fic. def a fav protrayal of jungkook. thank you so much for sharing this beautiful peice with us my love!
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 3, Side A, Match 3
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propaganda under the cut!
1. THEY ARE SO FUCKING FLUFFY AND COLOURFUL AND PURE AND ADORABLE AND—*chokes on emotions* anyways they're literally the most wholesome and supportive of all ships like i can't even begin to summarize how much they care for each other
2. THEY CANONLY CALL EACH OTHER SOULMATES and even if clara and azz don't understand what a soulmate is (they're demons) they're just happy to be close to iruma. 
3. whenever one of them is upset or bothered, the other two form a team and they go ALL OUT to lift the third person's mood!!! they try to solve the problem but if that's not possible, they just stay with that person and try to make them feel better so that they can face their problem with a better mood and more strength
4. they're ALWAYS together. and none of them are bothered by it!! and instead of being toxic about the need to stay close, they establish boundaries! like they have their own secrets they can't tell the others and that's totally fine! no pressure at all in their squad
5. listen these three help each other become better people!! like they bring out the best in each other and it's the most wholesome, encouraging, healthy, lovey dovey ship ever!!! like clara becomes more responsible despite her need for chaos bc she wants to make sure azz and iruma can depend on her! azz stops putting up walls and allows people to approach him because he wants to get involved in the other two's lives! and iruma learns how to set boundaries with these two where he could never say no to anyone!! like if that isn't the most awesome and perfect relationship idk what is!!!
6. one tol and two smols that's all.
Despite the antagonistic relationship between Riku and Sora during KH 1, these two have been best friends since childhood.  Kairi quickly joined their friend group as a child. Now all three are trying to keep each other safe and pull the other two away from the darkness.  
They all have two hands for holding onto each other. (Not canon but it should be)
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laskyy · 1 year
hiii, how are you? i wanted to request smth for xikers!
could you please do a reaction to their partner (gn) giving them flowers?
thank you and have a great day!!
Hiii!! I'm doing good, and I hope you are too! Thank you so much for requesting and I am deeply sorry for the wait but I was dealing with some personal things and I had no motivation!!I hope I made your request justice! Happy reading and again I am so sorry <3 (also sorry for any mistakes I didn't proofread!!)
Xikers reaction to their partner giving them flowers
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Pairing: GN!reader × xikers
Genre: fluff
Contains: a lot of affection, xikers being wholesome
Minjae had been working really hard lately and every time you hung out with him he just looked so tired it broke your heart!
So you thought you should do something to cheer him up!
You came up with the idea of giving him a gift but you didn't know for sure what to get him.
You thought to what he had gifted you throughout your relationship and what had he surprised you with most of the time?
Yeah, that's it you would give him flowers!! You hadn't done that before so you were both scared and excited for his reaction.
Minjae opened your door and saw you with your hands behind your back.
"Hey baby what do you have there" He asked with a tired smile.
"Just a little something to cheer you up!" You said as you removed your hands from behind your back and showed him the bouquet you got.
"A-are those for me" He asked as he reached for the flowers.
This reaction made you think he didn't really like them.
"Well yeah but if you don't-"
"I LOVE THESE THANK YOU" He said as he hugged you tight.
"No one has ever given me flowers! I love this! I have to put these in water and cherish them forever! I love you so much! I have to brag to the memb-" he said as he went to get a vase and you watched him with stars in your eyes.
"Seriously thank you! This means a lot, now I get why you love getting flowers so much!" He said as he gave you a kiss and hugged you while he stared at the flowers.
You and Junmin were out on a date. It was a sunny day and you guys were walking around while holding hands.
Eventually you guys passed by a flower field that was filled with the most colourful and beautiful flowers and you couldn't help but notice how mesmerized Junmin was by them.
"These flowers remind me of you! I'd love to be around this field at all times it reminds me of you!" He said while smiling and kissing your head gently.
"You think so?"
"Yeah, and flowers make me happy and relaxed you know?" As he said that you couldn't stop thinking about it.
Because of that, on the day after your date you found yourself in a flower shop trying to find the flowers that looked the most like the ones of the field.
You decided to ask one of the ladies who worked there for help and you even showed her some of the pictures of the field and she was able to help you get the perfect bouquet.
When you got home Junmin was sitting on the couch.
"Yes! Do you like them?" He didn't answer as he pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
"I'm so thankful you remembered what I said! Thank you for this really!"
He would not take his eyes off of the flowers and he would also fill his camera roll with pictures of the flowers and of you of course!
The past week your boyfriend had been spoiling you almost everyday so you decided to pay him back as the sweet partner you were.
You decided to get some flowers that had bright colours to match his bubbly personality and in the end you were really happy with the results.
Today you and him agreed to hang out at your house.
When he arrived you opened the door with the bouquet hidden and you noticed he also had his hands behind his back.
"I see we both have something to show" he said in a playful tone.
"I guess we do! Should we reveal what we're hiding at the same time?"
"Good call I was also gonna suggest that!
"Ready?" He asked
You both revealed what you had behind your backs.
To your surprise, Sumin pulled out a bouquet identical to the one you got.
"DUDE YOU GOT ME FLOWERS?" Sumin asked in shock with a red tint in his cheeks.
"Yeah! And it seems like you also did!" You said as you both accepted the flowers the other got you.
"We're so perfect for each other! I love you!" Sumin suddenly said as he bumped his forehead with yours and stared at his new flowers lovingly.
You were out with some of your friends as you hadn't hung out in some time.
You guys were in the mall just window shopping and ocasionally buying something for yourselves or a loved one.
You got the idea to gift Jinsik with something, but you weren't sure what to gift him with.
You eventually gave up on the udea for now as you hadn't found anything that caught your attention.
As you were exiting the mall with your friends you noticed a small flower shop in the corner and got the best idea for a present.
After gathering the prettiest flowers for your boyfriend you headed to his dorm and prayed he was there.
You knocked and fortunately you were greeted with your boyfriend's pretty smile.
"Hey cutie what brings you here?" He asks as he opens the door for you.
You came in and managed to hide the flowers from him.
"I wanted to give you something!"
"But it's not my birthday?" He asked in a confused tone.
"I know but I wanted to give you something just because!" You said as you showed him the bouquet.
"Oh! These are really pretty!! Thank you baby! Now I know why you chose this as a gift!" He said as he gave you a cheeky smile.
"Because they are gorgeous like me!" He said laughing and that made you laugh too.
"But seriously thank you so much for thinking about me love I appreciate it so much!" He said as he hugged you tight and put his chin on your head.
You and Hyunwoo were just chilling on his bed, you were laying with your head on his lap while he played with your hair and sang softly.
You couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach because of his beautiful voice.
It was so soothing you closed your eyes, and that allowed you to visualize what his voice made you think about.
It made you think about flowers with pastel colours.
And that gave you an idea.
After your little date you basically ran to the florist to get the flowers you thought about.
When you gathered the ones you liked the most you went back to your house and looked forward to surprising your boyfriend tomorrow.
It was the beginning of the afternoon when you went to your boyfriend's dorm with the flowers you bought.
"Hey bab-Those are beautiful! Did someone give them to you?" He asked clueless.
"No woo, these are for you!" You said as he motioned for you to come in and he took the flowers.
"They are beautiful! I've never gotten flowers before! What made you think of this!" He said as he made you sit on the couch as he put the flowers in water.
"Those flowers reminded me of your soft voice so I thought it would be nice to give them to you" you said shyly.
When he sat next to you, you could see his ear were red.
He reached for your hand and kissed it while laying his head on your shoulder and humming softly.
Junghoon was resting at home from his surgery and he couldn't do much as he had to recover as fast as possible.
You visited him almost everyday and thought that he might be bored doing almost the same things everyday.
So you decided to get him a gift everyday now until he gets to walk around again!
Now you just needed to decide what to get him everyday...
That was the hard part until you really thought about your boyfriend and his personality!
Sure he might look quiet and maybe intimidating to whoever doesn't know him but in reality he was a sweetheart who was just a little bit shy but always willing to help and be there for whoever needs him.
So you wanted to give him something that could remind him of how sweet he was! So you thought of flowers!
When you reached his house you headed to his room and gave him the flowers.
"No way, are those for me? Baby you didn't have to!" He said getting the flowers from you and reaching out for your hand.
"But I wanted to! Do you like them?"
"I love them! They're really pretty, I could get used to this!! Come here!" He said as he made grabby hands to you.
You and him cuddled the night away as he kept complimenting you and the flowers.
You and Seeun were out watching a movie he had wanted to watch for some time now.
The movie theater was basically empty so you and seeun were holding hands and making small comments from time to time.
On one of the scenes one of the male characters received flowers.
"Oh you don't usually see something like that!" He said quietly as he smiled at the screen.
"Did you find that cute?" You asked genuinely curious.
"Very!" He said smiling at you giving you an idea.
The next day you went to his house with a flower bouquet similar to the one you both saw in the movie.
You rang his doorbell not even hiding the present you bought for him.
"Hi bab- NO YOU DIDN'T I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" He pulled you in a tight hug and got the bouquet from your hands.
"I'm glad you like them!"
"I don't like them I love them! And they smell amazing! Thank you so much love! I have to preserve these forever!!" He said running to get a vase.
You and Yujun were on a date in a garden that had a lot of beautiful plants.
"Oh look at those ones baby! They're really pretty!" Yujun said pointing to a group of pink flowers that rrally caught both of your attentions.
"They really are! Let's go see them up close!" You suggested as you grabbed his hand and walked to the flowers.
The staff that worked at the garden explained everything realted to those flowers and you couldn't help but think that the flowers matched with your boyfriend completely!
When you were almost leaving, Yujun said he wanted to go to the bathroom so you took the time to head to a built in flower shop in the garden and got Yujun a bouquet of those flowers he liked.
"There you are! I was looking for you" he said as he put a hand on your back which was tuned to him.
As you turned around and handed him the bouquet he was speechless but had a huge smile on his face.
"I can't believe you! I love this! I love these flowers! And I love you!" He said hugging you tight and giving you a kiss as he held your hand in one of his hands and the bouquet in the other.
You and Hunter were facetiming as he was in Thailand visiting his family.
"I miss you so much baby! But I'll be there in two days! It'll come faster than you think ok?" He said giving you a sweet smile.
"I miss you too! And I can't wait to be in your arms again!" You said pouting.
"Aw I can't wait to hold you again too" he said smiling lovingly at you.
"I have to go love, my parents are calling me to have dinner! I love you please take care of yourself" he said blowing a kiss.
On the day before his arrival you decided you wanted to give him something at the airport, so you decided on something that he gave you a lot, flowers!
So you went and bought flowers for him and you hoped he would like them.
You were currently at the airport waiting for your boyfriend to walk through the gate while you held the bouquet you got for him.
As soon as he saw you he started running towards you and didn't even notice the flowers. He picked you up, spun you around and gave you a kiss that showed you just how much he missed you.
"It's been forever since I've seen you! Oh are thkse for me?" He asked smiling.
"Yeah I wanted to give you something babe!" You said giving him the flowers.
"Baby I love these and I love you! Now let's head home I miss cuddling you!" He said as he drapped an arm around you and smelled the flowers.
Yechan was working way too much these days and he had been stressed because he couldn't get to arrange a song the way he wanted to, so that caused him to spend a lot of time in the studio, by himself.
That obviously concerned you because you thought he probably wasn't eating well, sleeping well and he probably wasn't in a good mental space!
So you decided that you had to do something for your boyfriend, because you wanted nothing more than to see him being happy!
You went to his favourite restaurant and bought him his favourite food alongside some drinks to bring to him.
But that didn't feel like it was enough so you decided to get him a nice surprise to cheer him up, flowers!
You went to a florist and got some really pretty flowers for your pretty boy!
When you got to the studio it was already pretty late and you could see yechan's back.
He was wearing headphones so he didn't hear you come in, so you tapped his shoulder and he turned around confirming he was exhausted.
"Hey! What are you doing here it's late?"
"I could ask you the same thing, but instead I'm just going to give you this!" You said showing him the flower bouquet and the takeout boxes from his favourite restaurant.
I guess the emotions were just too much for him because he started crying and you didn't hesitate to hug him and comfort him until he calmed down.
When he did he strated venting to you and you kept reassuring him.
"Thank you for taking your time to come visit me and just for being amazing! By the way I love these flowers! I'm going to keep them here in my studio at all times to remind myself of the amazing partner I have back home!" He said as you kissed his cheek and hugged him.
I am very sorry for the late update and I am sorry if these sound repetitive I tried my best but let me know your thoughts! Have a great day <3
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sleepysnk · 2 years
Holaaa! I hope you're doing well ^.^
I was hoping you could do HC w/ Itachi & Naruto?
Maybe something along the lines of reader telling them they have a toddler (from previous relationship), how would the 2 react/interact w/ readers kid...
a/n: hi! i thought this request was super adorable!! <3! so thank you for sending it in! i hope you enjoy :).
characters: itachi uchiha and naruto uzumaki
warnings: modern au, some brief mentions of pregnancy, break ups, some angst if you squint, fluff, wholesomeness, mentions of previous relationships.
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Itachi Uchiha:
- now when i tell you this man is respectful, HE IS RESPECTFUL. he’s probably the sweetest man on the planet, so i’d expect nothing else but kindness from itachi.
- you first met itachi on a dating app. he was handsome, kind, and overall just a sweetheart. he was everything you ever wanted in a man, and he was a life saver. he wasn’t like the other men you had talked to previously on those apps, so you felt like you had found a serious one.
- while you were happy to have found someone like itachi, there was a small secret you had yet to tell him.
- you and itachi had gone on about three or four dates. he seemed to really like you. he wasn’t into sex that much, and he brought you flowers whenever he took you out. he was such a sweet guy, and you felt so lucky being in his presence. there was nobody else like him.
- the secret you had yet to tell itachi was that you had a child from a previous relationship.
- the man wasn’t much business to anyone else. he was an asshole, and he wasn’t prepared to be a parent so it left you with the responsibility of raising a baby alone. your mother was supportive and helped you the best way possible, but you felt so lonely without a second pair of hands in the picture.
- not only that, but it was kind of difficult for you to find a partner.
- most people weren’t into the idea of you having a child. they didn’t want to deal with that “responsibility,” and most people you spoke to turned you away the second they found out you had a toddler. it made you very upset, and it shattered any ideas of finding love.
- one day, after a lot of encouragement from your friends, you told itachi about your child.
- at first, he had many questions. you couldn’t really read if he was upset or not, but you answered everything truthfully. itachi didn’t seem to have much of a reaction to the sudden news.
- but, to your surprise, he was comfortable with that. he told you he wasn’t upset at all, and he adored children. he also mentioned that he didn’t see you any differently, and he liked you for who you were.
- you almost cried 😭.
- you eventually brought itachi over once your relationship got serious. meeting your child formed this spark in his eyes, and he loved being around her. itachi would almost act as if that was his own child, and he’d help you out whenever you needed it. it was such a sweet gesture, and you felt so relieved to find somebody like him.
- “you know.. your daughter looks a lot like you.”
- he LOVES taking your daughter out to the park or to play outside. itachi is a strong believer that kids should be outdoors, so expect him to take her out a lot. your daughter loves it more than you do, and it also gives you some time by yourself.
- he sometimes buys her gifts <3.
- he carries her on his shoulders whenever the two of you go out. he likes to let her touch the sky, and it’s super adorable.
- itachi doesn’t mind at all, and he thinks your daughter is the sweetest person ever. although she isn’t his, he does his best to be a good man to her. this guy gets serious baby fever whenever he’s around her 🥲, and he’s such a gentleman with you. he feels so blessed to have her in his life with you.
- gonna go cry rn
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Naruto Uzumaki:
- where do i even begin with this man? he is such a sweetheart! i cannot begin to describe how nice and kind his soul is. do not expect any bad/negative things from naruto :(.
- you first met naruto when you were at your local cafe. he was a barista, and, to your surprise, he approached you after he made your drink. he asked for your phone number, and you were completely taken back. however, you gave him your number after talking with him for several minutes. he even offered to make your next drink for free because you were pretty to him <3.
- being excited was an understatement. you hadn’t been approached by someone like that in a long time, but, deep down, a side of you believed it wouldn’t last long due to the secret you had.
- naruto was the sweetest guy you had ever met. he would call you all the time, and he even bought you boba one time because he wanted to see you. not only that, he had a big personality that you adored with everything inside of you.
- while it was beautiful, you had yet to tell naruto that you had a child at home.
- the father to your child wasn’t very involved in your sons life. he would come around and then disappear for a while, and it put a huge strain on you. you had to take care of your toddler all on your own, and it was hard dealing with it all at such a young age. your mom had to often step in sometimes if you were overworking yourself.
- many guys were also turned off by the idea of you having a child. it made you feel so hopeless.
- after talking with naruto for almost a whole month, you finally told him about your son. it was very hard for you to do, but you broke the news once you finished your date with him.
- at first, he was quiet, and it made your stomach drop. you knew he’d probably shun you away and do the same thing every guy had done to you, but, to your surprise, he wasn’t upset at all. he was more giggly and excited. he had so many questions that it left your head spinning.
- “a kid?! no way! that’s so cool! what’s his name? does he like ramen? oh, oh! does he play video games?”
- when the two of you grew more serious, you let naruto meet your son and he was in love. naruto thought he was the cutest little boy he had ever seen. he was very gentle, and he made sure to not mess anything up because he didn’t want you thinking anything bad of him 😭. he knew how important your son was to you.
- now, naruto isn’t the greatest with children. however, he tries his best to make it work.
- naruto often plans little movie days with your son. he usually picks out a cute pixar or disney movie to put on to watch with him. he always makes sure to build a fort or make some popcorn so neither of you guys go hungry while watching the film. he loves planning these kinds of things <3.
- naruto definitely does rub his bad habits onto your kid, but it’s adorable 😭.
- HE LOVES PLAYING WITH HIS STUFFED ANIMALS. idk why, but naruto would be obsessed with playing them with your kid and your son loves those kinds of days. sometimes he asks for naruto when he’s out at work :((.
- naruto likes holding his hand while you guys go out in public. he doesn’t want you to strain your back to carry him, so he likes to hold his hand or carry him himself. it’s so cute.
- whenever naruto spends the night, he makes sure to read your son a bedtime story before the two of you head to bed. his favorite thing to do is to watch him fall asleep at night. it gives him a sense of happiness knowing that he’s at peace and sleeping well because of him. he’d honestly die for that little boy 😭.
- naruto likes playing hide and seek with your kid a lot. he’ll often hide in the oddest places, and he enjoys watching him laugh whenever he’s found naruto hiding. it’s super adorable and it warms your heart whenever you see it 🥲.
- all in all, naruto would be the most kindest boy to your son. he would treat him as if he was his own child, and he doesn’t mind if you need someone to watch him. he will gladly offer any day and he adores your little boy.
- give him some extra sugar <3.
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