#shelli jay
shelli-jay-says · 10 months
Hechos que debes saber sobre los pepinos
1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
1. Los pepinos contienen la mayoría de las vitaminas que necesitas todos los días, solo un pepino contiene vitamina B1, vitamina B2, vitamina B3, vitamina B5, vitamina B6, ácido fólico, vitamina C, calcio, hierro, magnesio, fósforo, potasio y zinc.
2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
2. Si te sientes cansado por la tarde, deja el refresco con cafeína y toma un pepino. Los pepinos son una buena fuente de vitaminas B y carbohidratos que pueden proporcionar ese estímulo rápido que puede durar horas.
3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
3. ¿Cansado de que el espejo de tu baño se empañe después de la ducha? Intenta frotar una rodaja de pepino a lo largo del espejo, eliminará la niebla y proporcionará una fragancia relajante similar a la de un spa.
4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.
4. ¿Las larvas y las babosas están arruinando tus lechos de siembra? Coloque algunas rebanadas en un molde pequeño para pastel y su jardín estará libre de plagas durante toda la temporada. Los químicos en el pepino reaccionan con el aluminio para emitir un olor indetectable para los humanos, pero enloquecen a las plagas del jardín y las hacen huir del área.
5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
5. ¿Buscas una manera rápida y fácil de eliminar la celulitis antes de salir o ir a la piscina? Frote una o dos rodajas de pepino a lo largo de su área problemática durante unos minutos, los fitoquímicos del pepino hacen que el colágeno de la piel se tense, reafirmando la capa externa y reduciendo la visibilidad de la celulitis. Funciona muy bien en las arrugas también!!!
6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
6. ¿Quiere evitar una resaca o un terrible dolor de cabeza? Coma unas rodajas de pepino antes de acostarse y despiértese renovado y sin dolores de cabeza. Los pepinos contienen suficiente azúcar, vitaminas B y electrolitos para reponer los nutrientes esenciales que el cuerpo perdió, manteniendo todo en equilibrio, evitando tanto la resaca como el dolor de cabeza.
7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
7. ¿Buscas combatir ese atracón de bocadillos de la tarde o la noche? Los pepinos se han utilizado durante siglos y, a menudo, los cazadores, comerciantes y exploradores europeos los utilizan como comidas rápidas para evitar el hambre.
8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
8. ¿Tienes una reunión importante o una entrevista de trabajo y te das cuenta de que no tienes suficiente tiempo para lustrar tus zapatos? Frote un pepino recién cortado sobre el zapato, sus productos químicos proporcionarán un brillo rápido y duradero que no solo se ve muy bien sino que también repele el agua.
9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
9. ¿Está fuera de WD 40 y necesita arreglar una bisagra que chirría? Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela a lo largo de la bisagra problemática, y listo, ¡el chirrido desaparece!
10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
10. ¿Estás estresado y no tienes tiempo para masajes, tratamientos faciales o visitas al spa? Corte un pepino entero y colóquelo en una olla con agua hirviendo, los químicos y nutrientes del pepino reaccionarán con el agua hirviendo y se liberarán en el vapor, creando un aroma calmante y relajante que se ha demostrado que reduce el estrés en las madres primerizas y los estudiantes universitarios durante los exámenes finales.
11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
11. ¿Acabas de terminar un almuerzo de negocios y te das cuenta de que no tienes chicles ni mentas? Tome una rodaja de pepino y presiónela contra el paladar con la lengua durante 30 segundos para eliminar el mal aliento, los fitoquímicos matarán las bacterias en la boca responsables de causar el mal aliento.
12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your taps, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
12. ¿Está buscando una forma 'verde' de limpiar sus grifos, fregaderos o acero inoxidable? Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela sobre la superficie que desea limpiar, no solo eliminará años de deslustre y devolverá el brillo, sino que no dejará rayas y no dañará sus dedos o uñas mientras limpia.
13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!
13. ¿Usaste un bolígrafo y cometiste un error? Tome el exterior del pepino y utilícelo lentamente para borrar la escritura del bolígrafo, ¡también funciona muy bien en crayones y marcadores que los niños han usado para decorar las paredes!
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all-thingz-lovely · 9 months
Someone needs this right now. Therefore, this is for you 🤲🏾
Trusting! (rd 1 Peter 1:6-7).
**Sometimes you will face situations that are bigger than you are, making you feel as if you have no answers or resources to continue on. Everything in you says, "Give up!" But don't do it. Friend, you're in the midst of a faith test. God isn't punishing you, and He hasn't forgotten you. Rather, He is providing an opportunity for you to grow spiritually and believe Him for greater things. So make a decision to believe the Lord in spite of everything. Don't look at your circumstances or pay attention to the opinions of others. Listen to the Father. Open God's Word and trust what He says. He is teaching you that Jesus really is sufficient for every need you have. There's no challenge too overwhelming or pit too deep--He can always deliver you. So expect Him to prove Himself faithful in this difficulty. Amen!
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shellijays-loc-journey · 10 months
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7 whole MONTHS!
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kkspub · 1 year
The MORE YOU continue to LOOK BACK TO HANG ON TO YOUR PAST... the HARDER you will find IT IS TO live in the present and MOVE into the future.
I mean you can't be in both places at the same time. Even if you didn't realize it. Have you been subconsciously doing this? Always find yourself thinking about what happened to you, or what you wished could've happened, or perhaps even why a particular thing happened to you. Whatever thoughts you focus on and truly internally believe this is what makes your reality. Every cell in your body helps to create your day by exactly what you spend your subconscious thoughts on. If these thoughts are good and positive and grateful and mindful... then your life is forming around these thoughts.
But, if your thoughts are constantly about a horrible situation you experienced, then it is the same as making yourself relive the exact same horror over and over again making your life indeed a living horror. Again, as unbelievable as it may seem if you can condition yourself to begin thinking positively and change the thoughts that fuel your subconscious reading positivity and gratefulness and imagine yourself well and burden-free in your presence and this will create a whole new life for you. It is well-documented and factual... As is a part of the laws of attraction.
One foot still in the past and one stuck in the present, how can you even physically see yourself moving?? Just think about that...
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koiiiiijiii · 3 months
windbreaker characters & their possible love trope (part 1)
warnings : no in general, maybe a ooc, but its my point of view, fluff
recommend : to turn on Lana Del Ray - West Coast
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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Dom - arranged marrige. we take into account the fact that Dom is the heir of the yakuza. His father had long dreamed of the idea of uniting the two clans to expand the business, strengthen the position, and in general he was very close with the head of another clan, you know the type of male friendship when they brag about who has the coolest car and everything like that. (for about the same reason, you and Dom have an age difference of a couple of months) In general, when you were born, your fathers did not immediately decide that this would be a planned marriage, they still wanted freedom of choice for their children, but the two old men were too fascinated when you and Dom played together in the sandbox, or you two shared toys, and overall you got along great as babies. But as the years passed, interests changed, and from about 2-3 grades you began to have a "crisis in relationships", Dom were more interested in the "boyish" things, you in turn discovered the Internet and the charms of fictional characters (real footage of all of us). Therefore, your communication has gone from about infantile sympathy to childish antipathy when boys say "eeew girls, im not interested in them" and to the complete cessation of communication over the years. Well, your fathers also almost lost hope, trying to try on two fifth graders at holiday feasts, but everything ended up making faces at each other, and Dom’s first showed middle finger and yours first obscene phrases in response to him (later you both received a cradle from your parents) but the decision had already been made, and so everyone decided to just wait.
In fact, everything happened spontaneously. As it happens, girls grow faster, and there were no exceptions with you. So since you saw each other less often, Dom did not immediately recognize you, and of course refused to admit to himself that he liked you, and he decided to shove this sympathy away. A couple more years have passed, and you again super accidentally (no) met at one of your parents' clubs. This time it was your turn not to recognize Dom. And when you realized in the morning whose house you were in, you were shocked. So it tooks you two another 1-2 years to actually accept that planned things needed to be done and the idea of marriage in the first place wasn’t that bad.
Owen - forbidden love/ rivals/ competitors. While you honestly believed that your boiling hate for each other was mutual, Owen found it quite cute and intriguing how each time you trying to compete with him and how mad you get if you lose or if he jokingly flirts with you. Of course, he found you quite an interesting opponent, but you attracted him more as a girl, although it was still difficult because of your rival teams, and as Camila once told him when she noticed how he was staring at you at another training session, where he came intentionally before the rest of the Light Cavalry participants, "This won't be good for the image of our team." Usually you see him in training center, when your team finishes training, or when you wait for Light Cavalry to finish, or on the competitions and it always ends with your threatenings to his life or his bike. Of course you didn’t mean it so serious, it was kinda like tradition - he always so nice and jokes around while you all loud and screaming at him for his flirting lines.
Usually, you two never see each other somewhere in the city or on the streets, apparently you lived in different areas and everyday affairs were too different from each other, but somehow, now, almost at 11 pm, you look at each other in surprise, standing in the park, where both of you came to practice and free your heads from burdened thoughts. Owen wanted to break the awkward silence by greeting you, but you beat him to it by sternly asking “What are you doing here?” He smiled softly and running his hand through his hair, as he replied “I came here just to clear my head before sleep, shortcake. I hadn’t any intentions to interrupt you.” And looking up at you again, he smiled so sweetly, in his usual manner. You clicked irritably and went to meet him, “Then, since you're already here, let's have a race, and the loser is looking for another park, deal?” Again, she frowned so sweetly at her eyebrows, just the very seriousness - Owen thought to himself looking down at you from his height. Like all the smartest, the idea was certainly not bad, you even thought at the moment that you were about to win, because the agreed finish was already around the corner, when suddenly Owen jumped out from behind you and did a risky trick that allowed him to get ahead. But unfortunately, either out of surprise or confusion, you lost control and collapsed almost at the finish line. Your speed was decent, and your knees, shoulders and arms had a hard time now, all bleeding. Slowly rising from the ground, you felt such resentment and at the same time anger, either at yourself or at Owen. And all such a seething feeling of resentment, because of such a small mistake, to lose at the very finish, overwhelmed you with your head, and flowed out with tears from your eyes. You sat down by your fallen bike, hugged your bleeding knees and buried your forehead in them letting yourself cry. Suddenly you felt someone stroking your head and sitting down next to you, putting his hands on your shoulders. Looking up, as you expected, you saw Owen, and shrugged your shoulders and squeal at him “Get the fuck away from me! I don’t need your pity and help!” “Hey, hey, easy shortcake, im not a monster to let girl, who is also injured, be alone in park at night.” He tried to take you by the shoulders again. “I said get away!” You clearly didn’t planned to stop crying, and Owen understood that you’ll have a tantrum in a moment, so he decided to ignore your screams and pulled you closer, already hugging you completely. Of course, you didn't appreciate this gesture, you started pounding him in the chest with your fists, shouting for him to let go, for you to try again, that this time you would definitely defeat him and in general how much you dislike him. And Owen just held you tight, and let your screams and crying be drowned out in his sweater. After a couple of minutes, you were just crying into his chest while he pulled you closer, sat you down between his legs and just gently stroked your back.
When you finally calmed down and raised your tear-stained, red eyes to him, Owen gently put his hand on your cheek and quietly asked, “Well, have you calmed down? Will you let me help you now, shortcake?” taking a confused look away from him and blushing, you said, “If anyone finds out about this, you're finished, got it?” Owen laughed loudly and pulled you closer to him, and dropping his free hand on your cheek, gently kissed you.
Harry - hate/love or sunny/grumpy. Even ignoring the fact that you’ve been in the same team, he somehow never liked you. Honestly, he didnt even know the reason. You had such a bright personality, always nice to people around and guys in team,but still defended your interests and borders when it was necessary. Harry just couldn’t stand you. In his eyes you were quite ideal, he even accepted that you were kinda powerful at cycling. But most blood boiling fact about you were that Harry knew perfectly - he had a thing for you, but he decided for himself to hide it under mask of indifference and disinterest, because come on, feelings make you weak (such a men moment)
But the other thing about you that Harry absolutely couldn’t stand - is your tears. He saw it only twice, once when it was your first year with the Light Cavalry, the team came to wish you a happy birthday right at 12 a.m., and you burst into tears from the joy and sweetness of this act of attention. And the other time was when Harry himself brought you to tears, because you chewed his brains all day. He think that sometimes you have a bad habit activated, walking around and teasing him all day, offering to compete in something, and just dripping on his brain, because you probably have a pleasure to bring him to a white heat. And when he couldn't stand it one more time, he turned sharply at you and barked - "Are you a complete idiot? I think I told you to fuck off from me, leave me alone and go fuck someone else's brains out. How many times can I tell you, I don't intend to compete with someone like you," - and Harry took care to squeeze the word "like" like poison into your mind. And fortunately for him, as he convinced himself, you stopped bothering him after that time and resorted to communicating with him only in the most necessary cases. So for the first few days he liked how you avoided him, but after a week and a half of your absence from his daily life, he began to feel sad and guilty for being harsh with you... But wasn’t it your own fault!? That's right, it was your fault. But didn't he like your attention? Wasn't he warmed by the rays of your warmth?.. Damn, all these thoughts were difficult for Harry, and he did it easier - he left training earlier, stopped by the store on the way, bought a random gift that reminded him of you, went to your house and waited for you at the entrance to the house. To say less, you were shocked when you saw him near the building were you live, but decided to act all cool and just to pass by. He didn’t let you. Harry grabbed your elbow, but you tried to pull away, he turned you around to face him and grabbed your other elbow. “Let me go, you creep!!” You could feel how tears forming in your eyes. You didn’t understand why he even came here, he supposed to be in other place, he supposed to hate you, he supposed… “For the fuck sake just shut up and take it.” He handed you a gift. You were confused and looked up at him with an obvious question “why?” in your pretty eyes. Harry clicked tongue, left your elbows and started to walk away. When you softly mumbled “Thank you” he turned around and quickly closing the distance, he awkwardly hugged you. For the first few seconds you freaked out, but gave up and hugged him back and mumbled "You idiot" in his hoodie. Harry chuckled at your comment and squeezed your back harder "At least im not a crybaby as someone". He got a reminder that you can kick his knees pretty hard.
Hwangyeon - school crush. You were quite popular girl from his class - moderately smart, kind, but not enough to take advantage of your kindness, beautiful and friendly person in general. The fact that Hwang tried to get your attention by his money flex, “cool” - as he thought - actions towards other people in school, where so obvious, as the fact that he liked you. But you weren’t impressed by his shitty personality and usually you treated him coldly or mocked him about he is trying to assert himself at the expense of others. Was he mad at you for that? No, of course, he melted like butter in a hot frying pan from every second of your attention, and bragging to his boys that you two had “conversation”.
Actually his friends, everyone around and mainly Sangho were tired of Hwang’s whinings at home and he told him what to do. So here he is, standing in doors of your class begging you to help him with his english class. Since he asked you nicely and promised not to mock students as long as you help him, you agreed to tutor him for some topics that he couldn’t understand. So with time you two became a little bit closer and you even been in his place and know Hwang’s siblings. (both of them thought that he is paying you to be his friend*) In the midst of one of these preparations Hwangyeon was whining about how he didn’t understand anything and probably won’t pass this exam. You hated the fact that he was giving up fast and easy, but luckily you knew how to motivate this guy. In a second, you grabbed his cheeks with both hands, turned his head towards you and said “Listen, we’ve been preparing for this for so long and you gonna drop everything because of small misunderstanding? I already wanted to take you out for ice cream if you wrote this test better than the guy who sits behind me at school, but since you've already given up, well, I guess i’ll have to go with him instead.” you said slowly letting his cheeks go. Hwang took your hand, to let it stay on his cheek and rise his eyes up on you and with dead serious eyes muttered “If my score will be higher than 75%, we will go for that ice cream.” You smiled at him and said that it is deal.
Spoiler : his score was 68% his friends and you laughed at him for his bragging before exam, but you still took him to that ice cream shop and kissed his cheek for a good bye.
its been quite long preparation session for english final exam before summer weekends, so you decided to continue at Hwang’s place. it wasn’t your first time visiting his place, maybe third or fourth, so his siblings already knew you, when you enter the house. you greeted everyone, warned them that you would be preparing for the exam and went to Hwang’s room. after few hours of studying you were tired of punching and shouting at your friend so you left the room for glass of juice and in the dim light of the kitchen you met Sangho with his laptop and glass of something probably alcoholic. you stare at each other for a second and you awkwardly announced that you came for pack of juice that two of you left in fridge. Sangho mumbled something softly and turned back to his laptop, when you were about to leave the room he raised his eyes from laptop again and asked in serious voice “did he pay you?”
you froze in place you were standing and on stiff legs, turning to him. “mhmm?”
“did my brother pay you to pretend to be his friend or whatever you two are?”
“n-no? he just asked me for help, t-that’s why im here!” he grunted something like okay and went back to his laptop. when door after you closed, Aria got out from behind the sofa and held out her hand to her brother. Sangho, in turn, pulled a banknote out of his pocket and gave it to his sister without a word.
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slvttysstuff · 3 months
Wanna be yours
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(Owen knight x reader)
Summary: you hated it when Owen got into fights you always nagged and scold him about it but what happened this time is new to you..
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I was sitting my ass in this hard chair for an hour now doing my school works, suddenly my attention got taken away from my works when my phone makes a 'ding' noise, someone texted me
I looked at my phone for a minute before taking it, I pressed the button turning it on revealing my lock screen a picture of me and Owen together, a small smile plastered over my lips as I saw the picture of the two of us
I unlocked my phone looking at the notification Noah sent a message I take a look at my messages it was noah, my friend and also Owens, what could she be sending me this time? I thought as I opened her message
' y/n! Owen got into a fight again, I don't know where he went He just left immediately ' noah texted,
my heart raced, I immediately put my phone on my desk and stood up from my seat not minding if I haven't finished my school works yet. Owen comes first I took my jacket and wore it putting my phone inside it's pocket before leaving my apartment with my own bike with me
I rode off letting my feet pedal where it's taking me, Me and Owen had been friends since elementary, he was a very good friend of mine, he makes me smile, laugh and everything, but one thing I hate about him is when he gets into fights, any kind of fight that involves him, I hate it, Owen is not a short tempered guy but once his red button has been clicked
may God be with you
It was already night, at 9pm sharp the sky was already dark and the street lights illuminated the street, it was quiet, suddenly I stopped my bike when I saw a familiar blonde haired figure sitting in a bench his head was fall down in his hands holding it, I walked towards that person I already knew who it was, without hesitation I smacked his head making him jolt in shock and also in pain
Owen looks at me pain wais visible on his looks, bruise was all over his face making me feel bad for smacking him earlier if I could go back in time I would definitely repeat that...
"Did you get into another fight again?" I asked even though it was completely obvious, but he just looks at me for a second
" Wasn't it obvious? " He sarcastically said I was about to open my mouth and start scolding him when he spoke
"Can you please stop scolding me?" He said as if he already knew what I was going to say, He raises an eyebrow, but remains calm and direct with you, despite his rage over what happened after he lost the race earlier against Jay, his words makes me close my mouth
" what happened this time Owen? " I asked looking at him worried " nothing.." he answered looking away from me then looking down at his bruised fists" How many times do I have to tell you that stop getting into fight- "
" Enough, I told you to stop scolding me " he cut my sentence once again, I scoffed at his attitude and words
" how can I not scold you? You always got into fights" I spoke putting both hands on my waist looking at him " how many times do I have to tell you to stop getting into fights owen!"He rolls his eyes as you continue to scold him
you sometimes feel guilty for nagging him, but he's just so hard headed, even though he seems to ignore it
"What am I supposed to do?" He sighs "Just stand back and allow Jay to do whatever he wants? I can't just let him." He continues
" why do you have to fight? You can talk with him about it Owen, you don't need to fight with someone every time, don't you understand what I am saying? " I frustratedly said to him, looking down at him as he was sitting on the bench
I pulled his chin making him look up at me " look! You're all bruised up again " I nagged
"Oh please, don't be so dramatic. It doesn't hurt that bad, plus it's not the first time." He raises his eyebrows and looks at you sarcastically. He thinks you're joking right now "I'm used to fighting, you should know that by now." He continues
I looked hardly at him before letting go of his chin huffing at the air, gosh his head is hard as rock I put my hands back on my waist turning around not knowing what else to say, He won't listen to me
" can't you listen to me for once? I've been scolding and telling you 'bout this since we were kids " I muttered to him glancing at his side view
Owen scoffs at my words before he shakes his head. "You're still scolding me till this day. Haven't you done enough?" He sighs and looks at you with a serious face.
"Look, I appreciate you for worrying about me, but you're being overprotective. Let me handle my business." He hissed before looking away His words sent me to the edge of my temper
" I'm your god damn friend Owen and I care that's why I worry about you! " I yelled at him, gritting my teeth as I feel frustrated and annoyed about what was happening right now
Owen rolls his eyes at me "You're still treating me like I'm a kid. It's different now. I can handle it myself! I don't need you to tell me what to do! Mind your own business damn it!!" He raises his voice emphasizing each words
His words shots a million bullet in my heart
' I don't need you to tell me what to do '
' I can handle it myself '
I got hurt at what he said I feel like he's saying that he doesn't need me anymore, I put both of my hands inside my pocket, I looked up trying not to let my tears fall down, luckily it's night time and he can't see it, how can he say those words easily? How do he expect me to react at his words? Should I laugh?
" y-yeah you're right..." I looked down at my feet as I let out a fake laugh " you're not a kid anymore...you can handle yourself already haha..." I bit my lip trying not to let out a sob " okay fine..." I said " I'll just go home, I don't know why I am here anyways " I said as I pointed at my back, looked at him first before turning my back at him taking my bike with me
Owen immediately notices how you changed in a second. He knew that look when you were struggling to keep it together so he quickly stood up and went to you. He knows that he's wrong and he immediately felt guilty,He gently grabs your shoulders and turns you around so you can look at him in the eyes.
"Hey, I didn't mean it like that. Don't take it personally." Owen sighs, it wasn't like him to be rude and insensitive to you, he just got carried away by his emotions and he hated it every time his emotions take over him, he doesn't like hurting you, how can he hurt someone he love? He loves more than friends
I just scoffed at him not looking at him, a tear left my eyes making me wipe my cheeks with my sleeve
Owen sighs, he hates it when he makes you sad. Seeing you hurt hurts him also
"Hey..." He gently caress your cheek and pulls you closer in front of him, so you can make an eye contact with him. "Look at me." He said, I do as what he told me to, I looked at his baby blue eyes those orbs that left me speechless and mesmerized " you speak as if you don't need me anymore, like I was just a mere distraction to you " I spoke as a tear left my eyes
Owen's heart sinks as soon as he heard you say those words. He immediately wraps his arms around you and pulls you in tightly on his chest."Stop that, you're always going to be important to me. I'm sorry if what I said had hurt you." He said as he wiped your tears with his fingers.
"I'll never act like that again, I promise. You're so important to me how can you be a distraction? You're the one person I always seek comfort from you're too important for me to lose." He said as he gently strokes your hair,he felt guilty for acting like that he doesn't like what he did to you, I rested my head on his shoulder as I let out a quiet sob
" I hate you so much Owen " I sob as I grip his shirt " I hate you for making me worry about you all the time " I cried
Owen chuckles slightly because of how you're expressing your feelings while crying on his shoulder. He smiles, he finds it so adorable and charming to see you so emotional towards him. He hugs you a bit tighter and strokes your hair again.
"I'm sorry, you might hate me right now, but that will never change the fact that you're always going to be an important person to me. I'll make it up to you. Just forgive me." He whispered to my ears his hot breath hitting my ears his gesture makes my heart beat so fast and the closeness we had he might notice my heart so fast
" do you know how worried I am?earlier when noah texted me that you got into a fight with jay again?! " I yelled " I don't want you getting hurt Owen " I punched his chest slightly " why are you so stubborn? " I mumbled
Owen couldn't help but feel guilt and regret for making you worry about him so many times. The way you're crying into his chest and begging him not to get hurt anymore makes him feel like he's the worst person you ever had.
He sighs and shakes his head, wishing that he hadn't said what he said earlier.
"I'm sorry, I'll promise you I won't fight anyone anymore." He said as he looks at you with his blue eyes that look so irresistible under the night sky I looked back at him, looking at his wounds " damn you Owen! You always know how to make me soft towards you " I said as I bit my lip looking at him
Once again, he couldn't help but chuckle when you were being so cute and sweet towards him. You were very vulnerable and emotional right now and that's what he really loves about you.
"I'm a bit stubborn, but I really mean it." He smiled and leans closer to your lips. He gently grabs your chin and turns you toward him.
My heart started to run like crazy, out face are so close to each other, I looked deeply in his baby blue eyes noticing the affection it was in, this time I'm already sure that owen does feel the same as I am
I felt my cheeks heated up as I looked at him with my red eyes and red cheeks, I feel embarrassed fuck
Owen couldn't care less how red your eyes are, in fact he loved it because it makes you look irresistible to him. A grin appears on his face as he gets closer and caress your cheeks slowly with his hands. He brushes your jawline and chin with his fingers. You can feel his touch as it sends shivers up and down your spine.
His breathing is heavy and he leans closer and he's almost inches away from your lips.
" God damn it Owen " I hissed
then pulled his face to me as our lips crashed into each other, it was obvious that he was shocked at what I did but didn't mind it was also his plan in the first place, he wrapped his left arms on your waist pulling you close to while his right find it's way to you cheeks, his lips started to move and you did the same, you both kissed under the moonlight, he kissed you passionately with full of love
After a second he pulled away catching an air, he layed Hindi forehead on yours as your eyes were still close, I hope this isn't a dream
" Y/n....I like you "
Owen finally said, making you look at him, a smile went on your lips
" I like you too Owen.."
I confessed back, same as mine, Owen smiled as he cupped both of my cheeks before placing a light peck on my lips
" That's good to hear then.. I've been wanting to tell it to you..." He said closing his eyes before saying..
" wanna be mine y/n? "
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imperfectionist (vinny hong x jo!reader)
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 1
part 2
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
warnings: fem!reader, gifted!reader, cursing, mentions of blood & violence, mentions/flashbacks to vinny's shitty childhood. jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), physical descriptions (resemblance to jay, jay's mother, heavily implied asian features) intelligent!reader, female rage, implications of academic pressure, middle child problems, second person's pov (you, you're, your), ANGSTY, lowkey self-indulgent, SPOILERS everywhere, includes momma bear vinny but then reader is also kind of a momma bear, reader is NOT yumi, but yumi still exists here. lmk if i forgot anyth
note: i can't stop tossing and turning while reading s4 lol. our vinny pls come back now im bawling my eyes rn
None of the recontres you had with Vinny Hong in the entirety of your life was normal.
The first time you encountered him was when you accidentally bumped into him in a vulnerable state while walking home under a light rain shower after a tiring day volunteering at the hospital your parents were working in. The light pouring rain hit your umbrella with soft thuds as you were finding your way through the alley you accidentally passed by after taking an alternative route, but getting a little lost in the process.
You shuddered when you heard a groan. You immediately looked around and kept your guard up in case it was a kidnapper. But no, it sounded like one of pain. Stopping your tracks and pulling over your feet, you looked around the alley. Your eyes expectantly scanned until your eyes found the source of the grumbling noise. There he was, slumped against the wall.
I knew it. you thought.
It was a man. How cliché. His head was bowed down so he couldn't see you. Let me guess, a high school boy was mobbed and injured somewhere and now is left to die in a dark alley to be found lifeless once the sun rises?
You scoffed. If only you had all the time in the world to be a delinquent, that will most likely be where you're meant for. These high school boys are wasting their lives when they unknowingly have the time to choose to be a better person. You discreetly envied how these kinds of people can still choose how they'll live their lives—regardless of presence of sense for separating actions between good and bad.
And so you walked past the alley.
Your steps slowed down as the man groaned again, this time followed by a rustle. A slight pang of guilt forming in the pit of your stomach. Damn it, this wasn't…
You reluctantly looked back to where the man sat. You've always sworn your life you wouldn't meddle in anything that wasn't your business. But for some reason, the guilt of having the ability to help but refusing to, drowned your fixed principle.
Just as you were having an inner banter with yourself, your feet made the decision for you instead and took you to him. You pushed the button on your umbrella to automatically close it, pointing the sharp end to the stranger. You weren't even sure if he's still alive because he suddenly quieted down after that last groan. Only the light from the nearest post gave you an unclear sight of the man and the fluff of his fiery red hair.
One of his hands fell limp on the floor while the other was covering his wound. It seemed like he's been in the same spot for minutes yet the distinct bright colour of fresh blood told you the injury happened not very a while ago. You weren't sure of how to approach him properly, so you lightly kicked his leg once, but he didn't respond. So you kicked him for the second time, this time, harder. Finally, he responded by quietly groaning in pain once again.
“Who… the hell… are you…?” He weakly questioned as looked up to squint and take in your face, but your figure was against the light from the lamp post, so your silhouette was the only thing he's capable of registering. Even when in pain, his voice still sounded atrocious. Like he's someone used to speaking to people harshly. Luckily, you weren't intimidated for a single bit. It'll take a lot more than harsh tones to drive you away. You've been there.
You fumbled inside your tote bag to search for your phone, “Who are you to ask?” When you got ahold of your phone, you turned the flashlight on and you got a clearer view of the blood oozing out of this stranger's side, staining his hand in the process. It looked like a stab wound, judging from the volume of the blood oozing out from the wound.
“As expected.” You raised your hand to point the sharp end of your umbrella to him once again. “I will help you. But if you attempt to do anything funny, I'll stab you on your other side, too.”
Your first option as was to call immediate professional help. As you tried to dial the hospital hotline to call an ambulance, your phone kept indicating there was no service. The signal's jammed. You almost threw your phone to the nearest wall out of frustration as you hit the side of it with your palm. You side-eyed the man behind you. Shit. Now what? This kind of stab wound is fatal, especially because he already lost plenty of blood beforehand. It wouldn't bleed that much if the penetration wasn't deep. It might have even hit a vital spot. Calling for help now will be difficult because of this deserted alley and the continuous pour of the rain didn't help either, plus, your phone has no service.
“..I don't need… your help...!” he glared at your silhouette and cursed himself as he shut his eyes tightly while attempting to sit upright, enduring the excruciating pain on his side.
“You're quite obnoxious for a dying man.” You looked around to search for more resources. This is a closed alley. If you leave him here for another minute to find help, he might completely lose his consciousness, he was already limp in the first place. You were left with no choice. Your hand hesitantly reached to fumble around your bag once again until you got an OS, gauze pads and sterilized medical stitching needles.
Your mother would be furious if ever she finds out you stitched a stranger's wounds. You can only imagine her yelling, “Patients are not your playthings and the Medical field is not your playground! Who are you to perform Medical procedures? You're not even a Doctor yet!” Yeah, for sure Dra. Jo wouldn't be so pleased to find out her daughter's attempt to fix someone up. You kneeled and looked at the stranger. You needed to gain his trust as professionally as possible.
“I won't ask your name since you're clearly hard to talk to. I'm [Y/N]. I'm no Guardian angel of yours. I do light voluntary work in hospitals and I have current trainings on how to attend to emergency patients. But I'm still a high school student so I'm not yet licensed. Anyway, going to a hospital will always be the safest option, but I have knowledge about stitching wounds, at least. I'm going to temporarily stitch you up really quick so you don't lose more blood, then we'll get you to a hospital once I find phone service.”
You surveyed his overall state, he looked very pale, although it's easy to tell that he's naturally pale, by losing a lot of blood, he's getting even paler each passing second. You were running out of time.
“Do you consent to this?” You asked him calmly through your glasses.
He breathed out heavily. You knew he was wary and reluctant. Which is understandable. But if it's not you, who else will do it? You heaved a sympathetic sigh. As you unemotionally tell him about the circumstances of his skepticality, that you well acknowledge.
“Hey, you might have a family member waiting for you at home. They would be devastated to just hear from the news that you were found dispatched and lifeless out here in the morning.” you looked around, left and right. “I won't force your consent out. I haven't touched you anywhere yet and I wouldn't if you don't want me to, so I can just leave you here, without me being a potential suspect of your murder. But you should probably think about the ones that didn't know their last sight of you alive was the last they'll get, ever.”
He looks at you for a few seconds while he grits his teeth, before he slowly, lightly nods. Shutting his eyes and removing his hand from covering the wound, implying that he had put his trust in you.
You checked his carotid pulse first. Just as you thought. Erratic and weakened. And then looked over to watch the shallow rise and fall of his shoulders. Shallow breathing... He definitely lost a high volume of blood already. You hastily started disinfecting everything—your hands, the tools, even the gloves. You checked his expression. You gave him a heads-up before lifting the side of his shirt to attend to the wound properly. You began working up and stitching the wound on his right side. You looked at his face once again that's being covered by the shade of the unfinished constructions caging the alley, while going through your first stitch.
“I'm sorry, this is the only option, for now. I'll find more professional help after this.”
He had no more energy left to open his mouth and reply. He grunts in pain while you were busy ushing the needle through-and-through. You asked him to bite down on a cloth while enduring the pain, since you didn't have anesthesia and he can feel every poke of the needle on his skin. You stitched him with precision with your skilled hands. Your hands were painted crimson red during the process.
This wasn't your first time stitching. You've done this a couple of times—but only to a simulator. You pulled yourself together as you kept in mind that a person's life is in your hands this time.
While you were focusing on the stitches, all the stranger can muster are croaky groans, as the pain of the wound and the stitches stung, so you tried to do it faster. When you were done, while wiping your blood-stained hands, you noticed how his chest was rising and falling rapidly as he was wincing in pain. He tried to look up at you again, but his sight of you was blurry.
“Don't worry, that'll be removed at once when you're taken to the hospital. What I did is only first aid, and you already lost a lot of blood so we still need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible.”
You pushed your knees to stand up and find phone signal, but before you can, his hand rose and reached for yours.
“No.” He clutched your hand to stop you. His hand was rough—and also large. You have large hands for a female, but his hand almost completely enveloped yours.
The side of your lips shifted downward while looking down at him. “You must really want to die.”
He gripped your hand tightly from the severe pain he's enduring. You know how much pain he's going through right now and he didn't mean to do so, so you let him squeeze your hand.
“I would rather die… than pay a hospital bill.” he weakly held on to you, falling completely unconscious. His head fell on your lap. You furrowed your brows and put his head into a more comfortable position.
Oh, so he was serious on dying?
You coming to his rescue definitely doesn't just end with a few stitches.
please bear with me, you guys. i wrote this way past my bedtime before a 7am class so it's yet still unedited lol ! always remember to put seeking professional help as top priority if you ever encounter this kinda scenario irl
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j3ntle · 8 months
Season 4 of windbreaker low key starting to suck. The latest 2 chapters are so...meant for the male gaze??? I don't even know how to put it into words but oh my god it's like the author is trying to form this shit love triangle between shelly/jay/noah even though noah said that she likes owen (maybe twice or smth I don't remember) it's like he wants to form this harem for jay and it's not entertaining at all.
But yall the latest chapter is so weird and so fucking frustrating. Like the sexualization of noah is just too much LIKE I DON'T WANT TO SEE HER ASS EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN CHAPTER FOR GOD'S SAKE😭🙏🏽 And this ain't me saying that I'm fine with male characters being naked but can't stand it with female characters.
But the whole thing with noah is just so weird, every single chapter she's in the most weird position while riding the bike and ppl overlook it like omg.
ever since ss 4 started the author has been pushing noah to be one of those girls who have a crush on jay which is fine but it's getting too much now. And he's been creating his rift between jay/shelly shippers vs jay/noah shippers which is so unnecessary like hello this is a sport manhwa we don't anymore love triangles + it would be weird if all that development that jay and shelly had would be thrown under the bus just for creating a stupid love triangle.
AND THE LATEST CHAPTER? too much fan service like i promise wtv happened in the latest chapter won't serve the plot of the story and would just create problems with jay & shelly + within the fandom.
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i2ji · 2 years
ㅤㅤ##﹒🎸🎧 jay x shelly matching icons
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jayjosabi · 1 year
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shelli-jay-says · 10 months
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16 notes · View notes
THANKSGIVING Evening 2022 we locked this lil afro of mine. MY DAUGHTER Ke.
You are able to see the last photo of natural hair... I will keep a journal to show the changes in my hair... #GRAMFam24
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Thanksgiving day. DAY 1
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kkspub · 1 year
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YOU WANT TO SEE A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE. LITERALLY FROM YOUR #KITCHEN TO YOUR #BANK ACCT! check out this book! It will show you how to get #started with as low as $5 !! EASY stocking stuffer for new parents, young college students, suburban parents or adults! Any and eveyone!! 🎄 is right around the corner!!
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koiiiiijiii · 15 days
random windbreaker headcanons
tw : no, kinda cute, x reader not included
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⊹ Wooin believe in mbti types, if it says that someones mbti type doesn’t match with his, he will believe it.
⊹ Hyok ultimate stand is pokemon. he wants to be pokemon.
⊹ Harry actually dog enjoyer who prefers animals to people bc they are loud and use doping. and dogs don’t use doping. Noah always argues with him bc actually cats are cooler.
⊹ Mahon was super naive person in some ways. like it was enough to say something with straight, serious face and he will believe it.
⊹ Sangho drink water or strong alcohol like whiskey, vodka, soju or something that have degree higher than 30°. nothing else. it always either water or alcohol. and he hates cocktails. if u guy who drinks cocktails u r gay, his honest opinion, i just asked him!!
⊹ Juhwan actually have a shark. there is an app, where you can “buy” a shark and you can see its location. so Juhwan owns two sharks, their names is Bobby and Sam. he was really upset when Bobbys tracker lost and he can’t see his shark anymore :( Bobby was his favorite one
⊹ deep inside Juwon really lonely person, so partly he actually enjoys that he have Vinny’s company and at some, really rare moments actually think about him as his younger brother (then he have a call from his partners from dark business and everything goes back)
⊹ Juwon actually get tied of people really fast, so he doesn’t really have friends, only business partners like Sangho and some people like Umi, who was with him in university
⊹ TJ have tiktok playlist that contains hard brazilian phonk, the ones from epic anime edits, and he listen it in headphones and imagine himself as an anime hero
⊹ Minu was questionable about his preferences. before he met Mia he always spent biggest part of his time with boys from zephyrus and June, and he wasn’t interested in girls around him. he used to think maybe he had a crush on Vinny or June.
⊹ Aria really enjoys history classes and have best marks at this subject.
⊹ Vinny doesn’t understand concept of dating. like you just met random people and start see each other every day and then maybe marry and have kids? are you insane? you just see random person and think “oh u cool, u r my boyfriend/girlfriend now”. he genuinely think people are weird.
⊹ Shelly 100% high fashion enjoyer and maybe even wanted to be a model, but she is not tall enough, so before coming to Korea she was insecure about her height.
⊹ aside from apples Hajun enjoys cucumbers. they are like apples in vegetables world.
⊹ Kaneshiro hates iqos. same with sangho, either normal cigarettes or pipe with tobacco. no third option.
⊹ Jay Jo enjoy Gordon Ramsay shows. especially old “kitchen nightmares” where he travels across US and mock cafe owners.
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slvttysstuff · 4 months
REBOUND chapter 5
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chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Summary: months after shelly and jay broke up he found himself in a relationship with you while he hasn't moved on yet from his past lover (shelly)
Warnings: grammatical error
You with the others decided heading towards your home except for Mia who was phone called by her mom needing her help for something, even though she wanted to tag along she can't
You unzipped your bag finding the house key in the small pouch inside of it while the others were waiting at your back " You got some huge house y/n " June said looking at the two floored house with white,brown and black painted walls
As I was about to enter the key inside the hole the gate swung opened revealing a middle aged woman " hey mom " I greeted as the others bow in front of my mom as a sign of respect and greeting her as well
" what happened to your face?! " My mom exclaimed as she went towards me holding my cheeks scanning those Bandages that were in my face " oh I fell while racing mom " I explained her looks sustain with worries seeing those bandage on my face " did they treat them already? Want me to take a look at it? " My mom asked
I shook my head in response " mom I'm fine, they already clean it up, can we go inside? " I asked as I assure my mom that I was completely fine, she looks over my unfamiliar friends, scanning them one by one not until her eyes landed on jay " oh I see you brought your friends with you, sure come in! " She smiled as she let my friends in
She followed us inside as I told them that they can sit on the couch " mom? Are you going somewhere? " I asked and she nodded " yeah I was just about to head back to the hospital, I have my shift later so don't wait for me " she explained, she's a doctor along with jay's mom that's why both jay and I knew since we were kids because of them
I nodded my head " sure take care " I said to her and gave her a small kiss on the cheeks, " thanks darling " she tooked her bag and was ready to head out " oh wait, I forgot, Owen called earlier he was asking for you but I told him that you weren't at the house that time " she said as I nodded my head in response and then she left
" who's Owen? " Minu asked once my mom left, " oh he was a friend of mine " I answered looking at them " a Friend? We don't see him with you huh? Or we don't see you hanging out with that friend " Dom looked at me confused his finger were at his nose
" idiot of course we couldn't hang out he's living in England " I answered rolling my eyes, they looked at me as if I was lying " England?! " Dom asked I nodded my head " enough with questions! What do you want to eat? I'll cook " I said as I looked at them, " I'm craving for fried chicken right now " Dom said as he layed his head on yuna'a shoulder while rubbing his tummy
" yah! Get off me you stink! " Yuna grumble as she pushes Dom's head " Im craving for ramen " minu said also doing the same with Dom's, I nodded my head at them as I looked over to the four who wasn't saying anything" what about you guys? " I asked " wasn't it too much already? Ramen and fried chicken is enough " June stated " we can have what they want " yuna answered looking over me
I nodded my head " sure I'll cook now, you guys can do anything just don't break things please my mom will kill me " I begged " no need to worry madam! " Dom winked With a wide grin on his face " Ew " yuna mumbled
" I'll go with you " Vinny stood up " I'll help you " jay also stood up, they stopped and looked at each other while the others were watching them " just rest the two of you " I said placing my hands on my waist as I watched them glaring at each other ' what's their problem? '
" I'll help you with the ramen " Vinny said as Dom clapped " yes you should! Your ramen is the most delicious! " Dom said as he did a chef kissed gesture making Vinny looked at him annoyed, " sure " I chuckled " just stay here and rest jay " I said one last time before walking away with Vinny following me
While cooking Vinny spoke " earlier, when you and Dom got into accident, jay was really worried " Vinny said " especially when you fell, he was ready to stop and forget the race and just run towards you " he continues, I was silent I didn't know what to say or answer I just put the chicken onn the hot oil " he's just worried about us there's no meaning about it between me and him " I said as I was facing my back at Vinny
He scoffed " stop acting dumb I know you saw it earlier, even after the race he was already looking out for you " he said with his annoyed tone, I kept in silence not wanting to talk about what happened earlier
" how am I supposed to move on if you kept giving me those hopes Vinny" I muttered, leaning on the counter waiting for the chicken to turned into golden brown " as if you're really trying to move on " Vinny scoffed at your lies " I am! " I looked at him
" but still, its really hard you know, being in a circle with friends with him.." I looked down " I always got to see him " I continued
" then try distracting yourself" Vinny crossed his arms looking down at me " how? " I asked looking up at him meeting his beautiful unpaired eye color, we looked at each other for a moment no one dared to break the eye contact, at that time I felt a tingling sensation on my stomach as if something inside of it was dancing, I should ask my mom about it later...
Vinny walked forward towards me as he put both of his arms on the counter cornering me, he didn't bother to cut the eye contact were having, his gaze were alluring but what shock me the most was the next words that came out of his mouth
" then use me as your distraction instead..."
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reesespeanutbutterfuck · 11 months
imperfectionist (vinny hong x jo!reader)
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 2
part 1 | part 3
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pairing: vinny hong x jo!fem!reader
part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood & violence, jo!reader, physical descriptions (resemblance to jay, jay's mother, heavily implied asian features) intelligent!reader, implications of academic pressure, second person's pov (you, you're, your), wb main story SPOILERS
Despite his protests, you still eventually called an ambulance to come pick you up. The red-headed stranger carried no identification cards with him, and you couldn't say what your relationship to him was when the medics asked. You were lucky enough you had connections from your parents' colleagues inside the hospital so you were quickly accompanied in the ER. 
The smell of disinfectants, the scent that your nose unconsciously got used to. For some it brings back unpleasant memories, some of it mostly includes a loved one dying, or finding out about a serious, life-threatening condition of oneself—that would forever scar a person's notion of a hospital. 
But for you it was… somehow comforting? You wonder why. Maybe it's because of the fact that this is the only place you can help you parents without your mother following you around and yelling at you. Besides, there is also beauty in hospitals—In contrast to the bad things, hearty laughs still fill hospital walls whenever a couple finds out they're having a baby, when an oncologist finally clinically pronounces a patient cancer-free, a warm moment of a family hugging after a mother gives birth to a newborn—there are many more.
“How is he?” You asked upon entering the hospital room after paying for all expenses and settling the hospital bill, and you were welcomed by the sight of the doctor checking on the unconscious redhead.
“He'll be fine. You did well on the temporary stitches, [Y/N]. He was fortunate enough to be helped by you. Luckily we still have a bag left of the same blood type as his, so the blood transfusion was done immediately and fortunately didn't become a problem for us. Now, we're just monitoring him. A little rest while the stitches heal and he'll be fine.” Dra. Kwon, a family friend of your family of doctors. You thanked her in response. You had already told her everything that happened beforehand.
“Dr. Kwon, Please… don't tell my parents. Especially my mother...”
“Of course, [Y/N]. Dr. Jo would never hear of this.” She put her hand on your shoulder as she briefly mentions your mother. “It's frustrating how much she forces you to submit yourself to the Medical field, but she refuses to see your potential. If only she would see you as Jay's equal…”
Her remark caught you off-guard and made your shoulders perk up. You couldn't counter her, because it was true.
She excuses herself and leaves you inside the hospital room with the fiery haired, delinquent-looking stranger, and you finally got a clear view of his face under the cool toned flourescent hospital lights. 
You stared at him intently and studied his features. He somehow looks about your age. He's really pale. And he looks like he's been through a whole lot. From the other bruises and scratches on his face, and the ones all over his limbs. Not to mention the stab wound that he recently got. You leaned down almost to his head's level. It's the first time you looked at someone so wild-looking… yet also serene.
You've only ever looked at your family members this up close, but their faces weren't this atypical in your eyes. You've only ever prolongly stared at Jay, after a relative of yours in a family reunion told you you looked like a carbon copy of him, you wanted to pinpoint how they say. You needed to.
This red hair's pale, chapped lips and overall pale skin contrasted his wild, disheveled vivid red hair. And he has two beauty marks under his left eye. Fascinating, indeed.
Jay's beauty was irrefutable, but it seemed like the kind of level you can see anywhere in any day. And you weren't even sure if it came from pure genuineness, or only out of admiration because you already know him well as his sister, so it's certainly not a one-look-and-I-immediately-knew-he's-beautiful type of beauty. 
But this one... this is also the first time you laid eyes on someone so seemingly flawful yet also flawless. You don't get to see this kind of face everyday. You suddenly felt the urge to paint a portrait of the unique beauty of the stranger lying unconscious on this hospital cot. But wouldn't that be weird?
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Dra. Kwon went back to the hospital room for more patient assessments. As the doorknob clicks, the red haired man softly groans. He furrows his brows as he possibly starts to regain consciousness. You figured that was your cue to leave, so you excused yourself from Dr. Kwon and rushed out of the room. With a last "If he wreaks havoc inside this hospital room or yell at you, please tase him."
“How are you feeling? What's your name?” You faintly hear Dr. Kwon while you stand outside of the door to eavesdrop as she interviews the red-haired patient.
“...Where am I?” You heard not only the audible baritone annoyance, but also utter confusion in his voice.
“You were taken to the hospital. Do you have any legal guardians? Do you want to make a call?”
“No. No guardians.” That was the last you heard of him before you saw yourself out of the corridor. You left the hospital after making sure all the expenses were covered.
The next day before class, you heard from Dr. Kwon that the red-haired stranger left immediately after, even if he hasn't yet fully regained his strength.
It had been months marked since that accident occured. He had almost never crossed your mind after that.
After the bell rang in class and the teacher left, you were supposed to stay in your seat to wait for Jay to gather his things, as the both of you agreed on going home together today.
Jay sat from all the way to the other side of the room. You don't usually talk to each other to gossip in class like what your classmates expect of you two. You two are too pre-occupied to even cross that short distance for an idle chat but you get along very well as Student Body Leaders. Like you, studying is the only thing he only ever did in his whole life—or in both of your cases, trained to do your whole lives. 
You felt someone's finger tap your shoulder to call your attention. You looked behind to be greeted by the sight of Yuna's friendly smile and Mia's shy, awkward tight-lipped grin, both whom you've only ever talked to maybe twice… or thrice?
“Hello, Student Body Vice-President! I'm Yuna, this is Mia.” Yuna flashed you a smile and gestured toward the shy girl. Your wide-eyed gaze shifted from Yuna to Mia.
“H-Hello.” Mia waved shyly as she was mesmerised from how much you and Jay looked alike close-up, star-struck by finally having a closer look at your face, since almost no one in the classroom ever had the guts to approach you. She figured how you and Jay were alike, even the uninterested look and the glasses. It's just that Jay's glasses' frame were horn-rimmed while yours were silver and thinner-framed than his.
“I know who you two are.” You also flashed a civil smile. They were also members of the Student Council.
You were never really open to friendships, you sometimes speak to your classmates, only to answer their queries and help mid-school year transferees to catch up with your lessons when your teacher asks you to help them. But to actually have friendly chats in class about everyday, usual things? Never.
“Leave my sister-in-law be! She's having her alone time!” Shelly, the annoying frolic blonde girl also waddled to your seat and joined your conversation. This girl you knew well.
You once helped Shelly adjust to the lessons and the class in general when she transferred to Sunny High. When you tutored her, most of the time you'll either get your ears assaulted by multiple questions about Jay all at once—or find her zoning out and staring dreamily at your face instead, with her chin leaning her palm, claiming how you "might have made her 'gay' for making her catch feelings for you" because of your uncanny resemblance to Jay, her crush.
You wondered why she liked him so much, he's a walking flag of mood-swings. You think of your brother, he's not a bad guy but sometimes he's just like... a rock. You almost groaned in annoyance as you braced yourself for the next scenario that'd be most likely to happen.
Shelly loomed over your desk. “Hey, if it's okay to ask, what is Jay like to you on family dates? Does Jay open your car door for you? Does he pull your chair for you? Does he help you slice your steak?” Hah. There it is.
You almost winced at the thought of Jay doing all those. He was more of a quiet yet caring type. Besides, you can do all of those things by yourself. You won't need Jay or anyone's help for those things. He slices Kay's steak for him only because Kay can't do it himself, but it's only because Jay insists and claims Kay is still a child and he might accidentally wound his hands.
“Wait, do you even go on family dates?”
You tried to recall, your family dates were never the usual burst of energy—you weren't exactly an energy outburst type of family, if they already have gotten the clue. In the Jo household, everything needs to be planned beforehand and put in place—organized, and perfect.
Mia, who was confused by Shelly's interrogation, interjected, “And why are you asking her those silly questions?”
“I heard from an article that how a man treats his sisters is how he'll treat his girlfriend. I just want to know how he'll treat me when we're finally officially dating.” Shelly confidently crossed her arms to her chest.
“Shelly, aren't you getting too ahead of yourself?” Yuna's face almost crumpled as she pursed her lips and cringed at the blonde girl's words.
“[Y/N].” Jay calls from behind the three girls. Shelly immediately squeals and fawns over him when she turns around to face him.
“Hello, ladies!” Minu and Dom who were behind Jay, also stopped by your seat to hear what the commotion is all about.
From Jay's slightly annoyed expression and the two other's close proximity to Jay, you figured they might have had approached him in his seat too and bothered him already before they went to your seat. With them crowding around your seat, from your other classmates' point of view, you almost look like long time friends having a chat after class. But the truth is, all of you were all still in the meeting stage so everyone is still getting to know each other.
“Hey, [Y/N]. Are you and Jay going home together?” Minu offers a soft smile as he and Dom approaches you, wrapping arms around each other's shoulders.
“Yeah.” Jay answers for you as he ignores Shelly's doting gushes. The poor girl.
Minu pushed his way to get to you. “So... We're forming a biking crew, but our members are lacking. Jay told us you were also into cycling.”
“Only because she's interested in everything sport.” Jay once again answers for you.
“I'm not asking you, man!” Dom sputters to the side of Jay's face as he swats him back with an open hand and turns back to look at you. “So now, we're inviting you in the crew. You in? You'll be the only woman in the crew–”
“Hey! Didn't I say I'll join? There will be two women in the crew if [Y/N] joins too. Sister-in-law, please join us.” Shelly finally let go of Jay's arm and sandwiched your hands with both of hers.
Mia threw Shelly a concerned look and averted her gaze from the blonde girl to Jay, probably to see his reaction, but Jay didn't seem to care about Shelly's delusions and only minded the urge to just get out of there as soon as possible. As right now, he would go as far as cutting off his ear to block the noise around him.
Dom leaned over your shoulder and whispered, making sure no one hears except you, as he's also seeing what you're seeing. “So, [Y/N], which of Shelly and Mia do you think will actually be your sister-in-law?” Dom lightly nudges you twice, earning a protesting “Quit it!” from Yuna, who heard him because of your close proximity.
You tried thinking about it. You already have a lot of things in your to-do list. For today, this week—probably even the whole year. And you can't possibly just skip your extra-curriculars when cycling tournaments occur. You're also not a cyclist, and you already have Women's Basketball. Your mother even claimed basketball was a distraction from your studies. Joining the basketball team was a choice you made on your own, without agreement from your parents.
You've urged Jay to do the same and pay no mind to what you mother wants, but he didn't know what he wanted... yet. 
“Sorry, but I already have too much on my plate right now. You already have Shelly, surely her skills would make up for the both of us.” You turned your back to them to fix your things, uncaring if it seemed rude to turn your back from them.
“But, even if we have Shelly, we're still missing a member.” Minu crumpled one side of his lips.
You zipped your bag up. “Then I'll guess you'll have to find someone else.” You straightened the straps of your bag and wore it on your back before you followed behind Jay outside the classroom.
“Now what? Shall we go and blackmail someone who wronged us in the past so we can punish them?” You stepped to make your way outside the door completely but Dom's words made you remember something.
You halted your steps and looked back at them as you remembered something. Speaking of wronging. Everyone was looking at you now and waiting for you to tell them what you have to say. You composed yourself before you opened your mouth.
“That grouch from Gunn High.”
“What grouch from Gunn High?” Minu tilted his head slightly in confusion, leaving his mouth open as his forehead creases.
“I remember you blabbering about how you got beaten up by a 'Gunn High-fucker' just recently. Someone who also used to be in Minu's old crew. I don't remember his name. But you should probably recruit him, whoever the hell he is.”
You got flashbacks of covering for Jay to hide his suspension from your mother, with them attending private trainings with the principal after that fight with students from the all-boys school, Gunn High.
That was also the first time you saw Jay engaging in a physical fight. That fight happened just recent and the root was the Gunn High Schoolers kidnapping Yuna, resulting to Dom—with his boldly declared strong feelings for Yuna, acted on his impulse and came to her rescue. You weren't sure how Jay and Minu got involved because you weren't really there. They brawled and the next thing you knew was that Jay, Dom and Minu got suspended and Jay got stripped off of his title as the Student Body President.
After what you said to your forth and mentioning that accident again, they all looked baffled, until Minu and Dom slowly looked at each other. It took them a few seconds to reply,
“...Vinny? Vinny Hong? Why him?”
Vinny Hong? Now, that name sounds quite... familiar. Just where did you pick up that name again?
You shrugged. “Sure, whoever that is, as if i know. I don't know him personally, nor do I know him by his name. But it's his fault why you all got into trouble last time. So tell him at least to compromise for what he did and join your crew.”
Dom immediately protested, as if the simple bring up of this Vinny Hong's name triggered his stress lines and made him age 40 years older.
“Screw him, you'll be a much more valuable option than him!” Dom's mouth elongates vertically as he basically spits his words.
“Yeah, sure.” You picked up the rest of your things to hand-carry. While Jay waited for you outside the door. “We're going. See you Monday.”
“I don't like your noisy friends.” You told Jay after you exit the school gate.
The sun was already setting, creating a orange hue of the sky, as students from Sunny High scattered around the sidewalks, also making their way home after class.
“They're not my friends.” Jay looked ahead and to the trees at the side of the road, while dragging the wheels of his fixie through the sidewalk and matching your footsteps. He promised to treat you orange chocolate flavoured bungeoppangs today.
While getting some in a bungeoppang stall with Jay and jesting about how his taste buds might fancy a wasabi-flavoured one, your phone vibrated, indicating a text notification. You were holding the small brown bag containing freshly cooked and still hot orange-chocolate stuffed bungeoppangs on one hand and your phone on the other. Jay munched on his pastries while you were busy fiddling with your phone. He had probably already noticed how you were so focused on what you're looking for.
Upon skimming your unnattended notifications, while scrolling to find older text messages, you finally caught a glimpse of a message from sender 'Dra. Kwon'. Your index finger stops mid-air. You hesitated to click before viewing it.
It was the text from months ago after that accident, that night when you stitched a red-haired stranger.
Now it made sense. How could you have missed that?
You re-read her text with a straight face. 
Dra. Kwon: Thank you for your effort, [Y/N]. I forgot to tell you earlier, but the patient's name is Vinny Hong. He refused to tell us his name, but when his friend came to the hospital to fetch him, he asked the room number of a bright red-haired patient called "Vinny Hong". He's the only patient we have with bright red hair, and this friend is the one he left along with after he got discharged. In case you're interested in the identity of the man whose life you saved.
You shoved your phone inside your pocket.
a/n: a bungeoppang is a sweet snack that is also a famous street food in korea. they're fish-shaped buns with usually red-bean flavored filling. they're also called taiyaki in japanese.
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