#sherry is thirsty
leonw4nter · 3 months
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Sharp Teeth and Sandy Woodland
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RE2R!Leon x GN!Reader
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!! CONTENT WARNING : Graphic description of bones and muscles making unsettling noises. Don't proceed if you're not comfortable with that!
You knew that something was wrong with your fellow Raccoon City survivor Leon Kennedy when he began exhibiting bizarre behaviors shortly after the government discovered both of you, along with a kid named Sherry and a college student around your age range named Claire. He seemed to be more thirsty than usual, his throat and eyes parched more often than not despite the amount of water he consumes daily. The food served at the temporary housing that the government gave you two wasn’t too bad or dry, for you at least. The rookie cop with you, though, disagreed and expressed dislike for certain starchy and grainy dishes.
“What happened to self-proclaimed “Mr. Not A Picky Eater”?,” you jokingly ask after Leon complained about the potatoes making his mouth feel dehydrated. “You were telling me to suck up those bitter herbs but now you can’t even handle potatoes.”
Leon groaned after finishing an entire bottle of water, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Not sure. I could handle potatoes just fine back then. Probably just adjusting to the temperature differences.”
You nod, taking another forkful of the meal as you watch Leon grimace before shoving another spoonful into his mouth. Swallowing looked a little uncomfortable for him so you assume that he must’ve been coming down with a sore throat or some sort of nasal malady.
“You could use a trip to the doctor, I think you’re going to get a cold.”
“Yeah, probably.”
A day or two after that conversation, Leon came home with a normal check-up result. He asked the doctor if he was coming down with an allergy but after doing the RAST and the skin prick test if he somehow developed allergies during his short stay in Raccoon City, the doctor confirmed that he had no allergies, which concerned both the patient and doctor. He didn’t wish to reveal and explain the sudden speedy growth of body hair and the presence of it in places that it has never grown in before, like the back of his hands and lower back. He kept other bodily changes to himself, not wanting to alert you and bring unwanted attention which would cause some complications with the protection and surveillance that the government placed you two under. Sherry would also somehow be dragged into the mess he’d create if they found out about him and that is the last thing he wanted the 12-year-old to experience; she’d been through enough and officials were being odd regarding her custody.
Months later, you would notice that his blue eyes also reflected back light, like an animal’s eyes; you shot up in the middle of the night, rattled and drenched in sweat after another nightmare. In your dazed state, you reached for a flashlight and the nearest thing that qualified as a weapon at that moment– a bedside clock. Your roommate shot up as well, getting on his feet and on high alert when he heard your screech of terror, ready to defend you and himself from any threat in the dark. You pointed the light source to the source of the thudding noise, the bright beam pointed straight towards the blond’s eyes. Due to the angle of the flashlight relative to your perspective, you easily saw the greenish-yellow orbs glow which you confused for a threat and sent the clock in your hand airborne, aimed towards him. Leon cursed, rubbing his shoulder that was hit as he looked back at you to clear the confusion clouding his mind. You turned the lamp on, trying to make sense of everything that has just happened as you sink to the side of the bed and attempt to level your breathing.
“Are you okay?!” Leon springs into action, forgetting the ache in his shoulder as he walks over to help you try to calm down. “Please tell me what you need, you’re safe now.”
Your gaze averts his eyes, not wanting to relive the fear that overwhelmed you by surprise when they glowed in the dark. You shut them, hanging your head low but still paying attention to Leon’s soothing voice and instructions, counting to 10 and raising your arms over your head as you gradually calmed down.
“Nightmare?” He asked in a soft voice full of concern, pity expressed on his weary features. Many times he had also woken up like this, needing consolation from you while he shook and sobbed in your arms.
You nod, suddenly aware of the sweat you accumulated and Leon’s fever-like temperature. The concern you had shifted, going from trying to regain your bearings to the disquietude for his health.
“Oh my God, Leon, you’re burning! Get in bed, I’m going to try and get your fever down.”
“Fever?” the 21-year-old echoed, fogged. “I’m fine? I don’t have a fever, nothing’s wrong with me. Promise.”
“Please just get in the bed,” you gently pleaded as you helped him get up and walked him to his side, pushing the thoughts regarding his eyes aside.
Not wanting to argue, he follows you and lays down like he’s instructed to do. Taking his dampened sleep shirt off, he chucks it to the side and sits up against the headboard, the solid frame cool against his searing skin. You emerge from the bathroom with cold water in a bowl, a towel drenched inside. Your face is also splashed with water, some hairs sticking to your damp forehead. You walk to his side before wringing the water from the towel then placing the towel on his forehead, checking the time and subtracting by your estimated amount of minutes that has passed since he helped you calm down from the panic attack.
“C’mon, I don’t have a fever,” he carefully reasons, yet he continues to stay still. “I’m always warm, you know that. Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’m strong despite being a rookie ya know.” He throws in that cockiness, smirking to get your worry down.
“You’re not just ‘warm’, you’re burning up. Stop whining, I’m going to sleep beside you so I can monitor your temperature.” You say as you get comfortable beside him, maintaining a respectful distance before you can lazily drape your forearm over your eyes and try to get some sleep again. “Oh, yeah. I’m really sorry about your shoulder, I was terrified and I just did what felt like the most logical thing at the moment.”
He chuckles, clearing his throat before he speaks. “It’s fine, been through worse. Sleep well, we’ll need it.”
Exhaustion claims you, lulling you into another slumber but deep down you know it’s only a matter of time until the images of death and decay flash on your shut eyes then it’s time to wake up with your heart rattling against your rib bones, adrenaline pumped through your veins. Sometime in the middle of the night, your body nears his and coddles against his side where you feel his warmth the most. The feeling of hair brushing against his skin causes his consciousness to toe the line between sleep and waking, vaguely aware of your body near himself. His consciousness crosses the border of sleep and into waking, his lids slowly lifted like the red drapes of movie houses. He takes the towel off of his forehead, carefully placing it back inside the bowl you set on his bedside table. His tired gaze falls on your sleeping form, his person overcome by the feeling to tuck you against his body, huddling up, and resting his head against your chest to hear your heartbeat. The feeling is strong, too strong, and at the realization that he’s trying to quell these bothersome impulses, he whines like a desperate dog.
As quickly as the embarrassing vocalization leaves his lips, he wraps a hand around his own mouth as his cheeks burn pink in shame while he sits up and rethinks every single decision he’s made in life. He looks at you, registering the faint sounds of your breath in sync with the slow rise and fall of your chest as you sleep; he wonders if you’ve always breathed that loud, maybe he should ask tomorrow if you’ve got any difficulty breathing so he can accompany you to the doctor to get it checked. Running his calloused palm down the side of his face, he adjusts himself to properly lay down and try to catch some shut eye before he starts to hear the first bird chirp. He can only hope that you didn’t hear him make that canine noise.
The morning after was definitely awkward, not because of your panic attack but because of you seeing Leon’s eyes reflect light and him thinking that you must’ve heard him whine. Breakfast was silent, save for the clanking of silverware against porcelain and him asking if you’d like some slices of his fruit. Well, your silverware since he opted to use plastic utensils because the silverware left itchy red spots on his large palm. You were trying to piece his eyes glowing together but nothing made sense; only animals have the membrane that causes light to bounce back and the membrane also helps with seeing in the dark. Humans don’t have it and it’s impossible for a human to be having one since we can’t just develop one randomly so Leon’s eyes definitely threw you off. His temperature was still unusually high but he didn’t look or act ill, he ate just fine… as fine as drinking 3 bottles of water in a single hour can get for him. Leon avoided eye contact, ashamed of the fact that you probably see him somewhere near a mutt or a sex-crazed freak who can’t hold his urges back. He can try to convince you but he thinks that he’ll look even more creepy and defensive, making your perception of him worse. The blond decides to wait until you say something about it or a future conversation will lead to this specific topic. In the meantime that you don’t seem ready to speak to him yet, he’ll go to a local grocery store and buy some waxing strips. It’s for them, he’ll say if an agent follows him to the local grocer like he expects one to and wants to know the reason for him buying such a product. He can’t have anyone know that this is for himself, to try and rip out the ridiculous amount of hair growing in the dip of his spine because shaving isn’t doing the job anymore. Maybe even find a nail file to try and blunt the equally speedy growth of his nails so he wouldn’t accidentally scratch himself or you or anyone.
The breaking point came for Leon after three months since the first symptom, a month away from his deployment to a bootcamp to begin his specialized training before being assigned to work under USSTRATCOM. He woke up feeling crusty, his joints sore and achy like he’d ran and ran until the sun took the place of the moon and stars in the sky. He was also coming down with a sore throat– no, not a sore throat but the driest, most dehydrated mouth he’s ever had. He had done nothing all day but locked himself in the empty storage room of your apartment with a bag of different cuts of grilled meat, scarfing them down like he’s never eaten in all 21 years of living. Despite the room having a working bulb, he didn’t want to turn it on because he found it too bright and irritating for his sensitive eyes that were more suited in a dark environment like he’s currently in. With each bite, he felt like he was going crazy and was slowly losing himself, becoming more crazed and desperate to start running barefoot.
You had already given him a weird look after he came back from the store with his food, bolting to the storage room and telling you to not disturb him; you had the feeling that he was feeling a lot more than he was letting on but you let him do what he wanted to do but you were ready to step in if he needed something. He let out a yelp and placed his food back in its container, a hand coming up to rub the spot of his cheek that he accidentally bit. He ran his tongue to soothe the area, tasting a metallic tinge as the muscle made contact with the tiny cut. The wound stung more than it usually did on the occasions that he accidentally bit his cheek so he felt for his teeth if they were truly that sharp to be causing him that much pain; his canines and incisors were pointier than he remembered them to be.
He ran a finger along the edges and poked the pointy tips on the pad of his finger, the edges of his teeth less smooth and more serrated; he knows that this change is recent because he always kept his teeth in good condition and made sure to brush and floss daily, keeping his sugar intake to a limit to prevent cavities. Now that he is not eating, he observed that the gums in the base of his canines were slightly sore but not overly bothersome. His mind is going into overdrive, worried that all these bodily changes were the symptoms of another virus strain’s infection. He wanted to turn himself in to the government so he could stop himself before he lost control of his mind and dared to put you, Sherry, and Claire in harm’s way but he also didn’t want to; he was afraid of what they would do to him, what they would do to you since you’re the one living closest to him. He knows the might of the government, what they wish to do with him if he happens to fall on the side of what they viewed as their enemy. They bombed Raccoon City despite knowing that there could still be survivors who haven’t gotten the chance to get out, what more could they do to a possible lycanthrope under their custody?
“Leon? You okay in there?” your voice comes out from the other side, knocking softly with your ear pressed against the wood of the door. “You haven’t gone out in a while and it's dark out. You’re not locked in there, are you?”
His bones begin to bother him again, aching and draining all his energy. He lays on the floor, taking deep breaths so you wouldn’t hear him growl and yell out of pain.
“‘M fine,” he hisses. “Just… go… I-I’m… fine…”
You barely part your ear from the door when you hear the crackle and pop of bones, eyes widening at how loud and spontaneous the crackling was. A borderline animalistic growl follows suit, now accompanying the nasty cacophony of bones sounding like they were being rearranged and clothes ripping.
“Leon!” you exclaim, palm pounding against the door. “I’m gonna get you out! Hold on!”
You run to your room and open the lowest drawer, taking the storage room key and speeding back to the door that separates Leon from you. To and from your room, the nasty blend of grotesque noises don’t halt and neither does the pained growls, hissing, and whining coming from Leon. Thanking the gods for pitying on you and your roommate, the knob isn’t jammed and easily unlocks with a tilt. You expect a scene of gore to unfold, a deep red adorning the white walls like an abstract painting or pieces of pink flesh that contrasts the brown hardwood floor but you are not greeted by any of those yet the sight before you still made you feel whiplash, your heart pumping fast to push liquid fear into your veins and petrify you on the spot; a large wolf that you estimate to be 6 feet long with light brown eyes stares back at you, its body curled away from yours and is backed into a corner by the wall. The wolf’s fur features a sandy brown foundation with patchy highlights of blond, its coat resembling a sun-dappled forest floor. Drool drips from the side of the beast’s mouth, fangs bared towards you.
Underneath the thick and rich coat, you spot Leon’s coat and pants that have been torn to bits, the fabric indiscernible from its former state as clothing. Too terrified to scream, you simply back off and slap a hand around your mouth, tears obscuring the large wolf in front of you as you try not to think and visualize the worst: Leon in mangled bits inside the canine’s stomach. You turn around and leap atop of furniture, getting your phone to call animal control with a shaky hand. You don’t know how the animal got here and how it ate Leon without making a mess of his flesh and bones despite the snacking it did on your unfortunate friend but you’re desperate to get it out and properly grieve. You turn all light switches you pass by on, trying to blind and irritate the wolf’s vision but it beats you to reaching the room, the beast pouncing on you, and pinning you to the cold hardwood floor as nasty drool drips on your collarbone. You try to kick yourself free and push what felt like a hundred pounds of weight from your legs away, screaming and crying but the wolf doesn’t budge and instead, digs its snout in the right side of your neck and inhales deeply. You truly acknowledge keeping wildlife safe, you really do, but all rational thought escapes you and your brain is focused on surviving so you smack the canine on the side of its head, stunning it for a moment before you crawl to safety.
The discordance of bones cracking, loud whining, and claws scratching the floor once again resumes, freezing you in your spot as you watch the sight a few feet away from your legs. Collapsing on its side, the canine’s body shakes violently as it growls and howls. Bones and muscles reorganizing itself poke lightly through the skin, rippling the fur; inky black pupils constrict into tiny black dots, milky chocolate irises shifting to an amber shade and amber changing to hazel before settling on blue shocks you out of your state of being frozen still, finally reaching your phone and contacting the local animal control to come pick the animal up. After coordinating with officials and telling them about Leon, you share your address and hesitantly hang up the phone. The vile noises finally end, silence coming in to fill the soundless gap before the next disturbance, which prompts you to carefully inch your door open, a tiny gap before fully holding it open.
It takes you more than a few moments to properly comprehend the sight before you, rubbing your eyes, and pinching yourself to check if you’re really awake and all this is reality; it is and now a small flushed welt is on your left forearm. Leon is on the ground, butt-naked, and laying in a pile of patchy brown and blond fur, some of it sticking on his sweaty skin. He’s unconscious and very unusually pale, posed in the same way as the wolf was before you called. As for the wolf, the wolf is gone; it didn’t leave trashed furniture and more scratched tiles in its wake when it saw itself out. It just disappeared… or turned into Leon instead… or was it the other way around? You pick Leon up (with much difficulty), placing him on his bed before covering his lower half with a blanket and wiping the sweat from his body. Deciding to check up on his vitals, you shine a light through his eyes and relief joins in the adrenaline coursing through your system when they dilate under bright light and return back to a normal size when you take the light away. His pulse is still heightened but they’re in the normal range otherwise. He’s still unconscious but you swear you can see atypically sharpened canines poke out from pale pink parted lips; drool appears to be dried from the side of his mouth, going down into his jaw, just like the wolf’s.
Sitting by his bedside, trying to calm down as you drink a glass of water to recollect and try to process what just happened, you remember all of Leon’s peculiar behaviors prior to now and it all makes sense that Leon could be the wolf– a constantly dry throat, increased gusto for meat, reflective eyes, abnormal speed of hair and nail growth, added strength, and dislike for things with silver. You call back the animal control’s number, telling them that everything’s okay now and that you were simply seeing things, apologizing profusely for wasting time and effort. Setting the phone down, you gaze down on Leon and enumerate the things you’re going to tell him once he wakes up: ask him if he’s a lycan and what you can do to help him now that his life’s changed. In the meantime, you wonder how Leon will fare in the military bootcamp a month from now if this is going to be a regular occurrence. If he’s the wolf. If you’ll accept that he’s a werewolf. If they’ll find out that he’s a werewolf.
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NOTE - YOOOO YA GIRL IS NOW ENROLLED IN A NEW SCHOOL RAHH!!! I've taken another step towards my dream of becoming a doctor but at the same time, I'm still a long ways to go but we got this yk!! That aside, I decided to write a werewolf!Leon fic because I remember coming across a fluffy werewolf!Leon fic on AO3 and I rlly loved it so I had to contribute smn to the werewolf!Leon works (that aren't smutty, which is super few). Requests are still open so feel free to continue to drop them :)) I wanna write something angsty next but then I have another fluffy fic idea in my head so the angst will have to wait >:) Anyways, that's it and thank you for reading my fic!!!!!!!!!!! I <333333333333 UUUUUUUUU AND HAPPY PRIDE TO MY QUEER READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The star dividers are from @saradika , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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observeowl · 9 months
Unwanted Marriage | Chapter 3 - A taste of what can happen
Series Masterlist
The next morning, your team leader held a meeting with you and Wanda as you received your first assignment at work. Part of the work at Stark News is to interview popular celebrities and your task was to interview the new star idol, Sherry.
"I will let you guys handle this interview. Hope you'll do a good job." Your team leader said before leaving. You were excited to start your first assignment as you reached your desk, but Wanda warned you not to be too excited as she heard that she could be very troublesome. "Isn't she an adorable young lady?"
"You're so naive! You really think that people in the entertainment industry are all what they look like?"
Having arranged for a meeting with her agent, you waited for her at the confirmed location. However, after an hour and the next, there was no sight of her. "Isn't she too cocky?! She actually let us wait for so long." Wanda complained as she was onto her second cup of coffee.
Right then, the door chimed sang and attracted your head towards the door. Finally Sherry arrived wearing her wide hat and sunglasses. "I only have 15 minutes. You should quickly as now, I have no time to spend with you two." She said rudely and refuses to take off her sunglasses.
"Then, let's begin!" Wanda said after making eye contact with you. "Why didn't you give me water? I am very thirsty! Where is my water?" She demanded. Thankfully the cafe wasn't populated to see this scene. You quickly went to order her a lemonade after asking what she preferred.
"Excuse me..." Wanda was about to start when she interrupted. "Okay, time's up. I still have other appointment to go to!" She stood up and got ready to collect her bag. "Wait, Miss Sherry." You tried to hold her back. "It wouldn't be good if word of your behaviour spreads out, isn't it?"
"Who do you think you are? Do you think people will believe what you say?" She raised her hand and gave you a tight slap that you were surprised you didn't fall. "Why are you hitting her? Y/N, are you okay?" Wanda stepped closer to make sure you were fine. "I advise you not to write anything bad, or else you'll suffer." She smirked. "I am not Maggie. You want to fight with me? You are far from capable."
"What? What does this have to do with her?" Your cheeks were still pulsing from the pain when you asked. "Becasue Maggie, is my sister!" She revealed. "You guys wait and receive my lawyer's letter! You already disturbed my timetable and work. You'd better think about how to compensate me!"
"Y/N... do you know each other? Who is Maggie?" Wanda asked as both of you could only watch Sherry leave. "I guess so, I have some encounter with her sister."
"What about the interview? Do we really need to compensate her?"
"Don't worry about it."
When you reached home, you checked around to make sure that no one was around as you quickly looked for some ice for your face.
"Y/N, you're back." You heard Brooke coming from behind hurried packing the ice. "Mmn, I just got back, I need to settle some stuff upstairs." You gave a random comment to get her off your back.
You looked at your reflection once you're upstairs. "This little star is so rough, I've already got a bruise." You touched the tender part of your bruise before pulling away, wincing. Never have you gotten an injury from a second party.
"Y/N." You heard Natasha's voice out the door and dove into your bed to hide. "I'm tired! I want to have some rest, you just go out!" In fact, Natasha knew something was wrong with you as Brook told her that you rush upstairs with red cheeks and thought you were sick. Not caring what you said, she pulled the cover away. "My cover! Return it to me!" You reached out for the cover and she took this opportunity to make sure you stay close enough for her to inspect.
You pulled away. "I accidentally knocked into a door, nothing serious. It will recover tomorrow." She stared at you before wheeling herself away. "I will check it out if you don't tell me the truth."
"Don't! I, I can handle it myself. I will give you an answer later."
The next day, you rushed to the office as your team leader screamed at you through the phone.
"What are you young people thinking! What do you treat your work as?" Your team leader said in the presence of Sherry and her lawyer in the meeting room. "Yesteday, I asked you to make an interview. What happened?"
"Even if you guys are newcomers, and don't know the rules yet, how come you let Miss Sherry wait for you for so long?" You were presented with a compensation agreement and flipped through them. "You even questioned her private life, that's taing it too far!"
"Miss Millicent, she's lying! Actually it's us who waited for her for more than an hour, she also-." Wanda spoke up. "How can this lady take nonsense." Her lawyer started defending Sherry. "You can't slander Miss Sherry."
"I... I cannot believe you guys will say this about me. Yesterday, I was still contemplating on letting this matter go, but now, I don't see the point anymore." She sure know how to act, putting on fake tears for the show. "Miss Sherry, your acting is so amazing, why not consider being an actress instead?"
"What nonsense are you talking about! Apologise immediately!" Miss Millicent couldn't believe you were trying to add oil to the fire. "Why do I have to apologise to someone who framed us? Team leader, here is the record about what had happened yesterday." You placed the recorder on the table. "You will know who is at fault after listening to it."
Sherry instantly reached out for it but you weren't afraid. "It's okay if you destroy it. I've already made back up copy of this recording."
By now, everyone was looking at her, disappointed. "Sherry.. What should I say now..." Even her lawyer have given up on her.
"Miss Sherry, even though our company isn't that big, you shouldn't humiliate and threaten people." Her lawyer was trying to extinguish the fire when she shouted at you to watch out and left.
"Y/N, Wanda. I'm so sorry that I misunderstood both of you."
"That's okay, so do we publish the interview?"
"Why not? This is great news! Both of you had done a great job." Millicent has a sinister look on her face, like she won a huge catch.
By the next day, the news was on all major headlines. And you were kinda worried that you have pissed Stephanie off again.
"Nat, the rest of the monitoring results have been sent to your email. And Sherry is Maggie's sister." Clint reported as she was working. That's why she didn't want me to interfere, Natasha thought. "Ask all companies under Romanoff Corporation to terminate all cooperation with Sherry, and pressure those companies that are in business with us. Otherwise, don't let her know."
"Got it."
"It's nothing but a small news, why all the cooperate have been cancelled? It's impossible." Sherry complained as she continues to receive numerous emails about the termination of contract with her.
"Sherry, what happened?" Maggie called to ask her after reading the news. "Sister, I only wanted to teach Y/N a lesson for you."
"Who did you say? Y/N Y/L/N? Sherry, you must be crazy to do that to her! This is your end!"
As if to make a final nail in the coffin, she received another message that the company has decided to forgo her.
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@natsxwife @franfineashell @dvrkhcld @reginassweetheart
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cheonsa-n · 1 month
Started writing down my Blobs/Papermouth thoughts, and it got out of hand
One of the main reasons I'm so on board with the Blobs/Roger storyline is that I see some potential similarities between him and Raymond that could lead to some interesting developments in the relationship's dynamic.
They're both cowardly men who had very obvious struggles with their wives. Florence and Sherry are VERY different situations, but both had some sort of conflict within their marriage that stemmed from the husband's inability to communicate properly. 
Both cope with their cowardice in different ways. Though Roger is shown visiting Forghetty's, I don't see him having alcoholic tendencies. I see it as a man desperate to find someone to patch a wound he is still very clearly feeling the hurt of.
Instead, Roger uses his gun as a replacement for his cowardice. It's a very unhealthy coping mechanism, but it's clearly reflexive for him.
It creates a sort of parallel situation that, if approached correctly, could've told an interesting story for Blobs. 
When searching for info about what was officially said about the lost Blobs/Roger plotline, there was a bit of posting in a long defunct adult swim forum, and one of the things that was said was that it would be good for the both of them. I've tried to find the other pages of this forum, but they're unviewable on the wayback machine for some reason.
What does this mean for them?
Well, I think Blobs would be able to finally focus on herself by pursuing this affair. She would have someone who's finally paying her the attention she craves so badly, and as we've seen in a couple scenes Blobs has an interesting shift in demeanor when she is treated with any degree of kindness.
Being in a better headspace would potentially soften her mood and open her up to that development she needs so badly. 
But she would have to be able to accept the fact that she was having an affair, something she really never did with the whole Danielle situation. If she did want to throw it all to chance and leave for Papermouth, that would put a very big spotlight on her and her family. 
She already has one kid who is a constant reminder of her own infidelity, one whom she consistently shuns away and pretends isn't there.
So what's one of the first steps here?
A couple stages of it.
First, she needs to accept Shapey and be able to form a proper bond with him, which I think is much more possible with her in a more positive headspace.
We see Shapey on track to develop more, but that plot thread is abruptly cut as the series comes to an unfortunate early end. 
But we do get the:
“When I'm thirsty, it feels how I feel when I'm alone” line.
A statement in which Bloberta has a very different reaction to. Her son is talking to her like a person, and for the first time, she finally sees him. 
This would be the starting point for her to wake up and start attempting to form a real connection with Shapey. To move past viewing him as a remnant of actions she sees as unclean.
But these actions are things she's repeating yet again, and that's another step of acceptance. 
She needs to accept that she isn't this perfect flower of a housewife who grins and bears it every day. 
She has needs and wants that are not being fulfilled in her marriage. She is a miserable shell of a person, a zombie shambling into her grave every single night. With the only strong emotion she has left being resentment.
And that creates a cycle. A vicious cycle that can only be broken if she can admit her truest self wholeheartedly. Appearances be damned.
Only then can she have an actual shot at finding happiness with a man or without. 
Could she actually do this?
Maybe and maybe not, but her and Roger can only happen properly if she does.
At that point, it's just about how they can help each other grow into better people.
Besides the running gag of him having an itchy trigger finger, Roger is mostly shown to be a well-meaning but very cowardly man who seems to wear his emotions on his sleeve. 
He's very open about how he hasn't gotten over Florence, and he very much still loves her. In sacrifice, he even cares more about defending her than himself.
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Which in Moralton is definitely not the norm.
He was also very kind to Orel in Beforel Orel when he was supposed to be in trouble.
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Gave him his punishment malted. A very stark contrast to how Clay and Bloberta have handled their children. (Ironically he still has the gun in his hand here)
Though there is very little to look into for Roger's character, the pieces are still there. They're just very small since he never really got to graduate out of background character status.
Despite this, we know a few things at the very least.
He's a coward, he's a bit stupid, he seems to be pretty emotional, and he has some desperation to him as well.
How are these traits good for Bloberta?
Well for one Roger is a pretty simple guy, which is already a stark contrast to Clay who has his own slew of complexities and baggage.
But a guy who's so desperate he’s willing to throw cash at the first woman he sees just for a bit of company? That's right up her alley.
She could easily become charmed by someone who would pay attention to her but add fancy gifts on top of it, and she's sold.
Or bought, I guess.
The important thing is that she would feel wanted and appreciated.
I think his cowardice would be the one thing that drives Bloberta to help him in turn. I said before that I do see some potential parallels between him and Raymond and I think that would resonate a lot with Bloberta.
Especially if she was forming a growing connection with Roger. She would potentially feel a similar way with him to how she did when she was around her father.
But she wouldn't want it to be exactly the same obviously, as that was never a favorable situation for her in the end.
So in turn she would want to help Roger in a similar way to how he helped her.
If she was able to become happier and move past the barriers that are holding her back she could begin to turn her focus to helping Roger with his own shortcomings.
Perhaps he is able to speak his mind easier, or is able to get over his overcompensation with his gun as a replacement for courage.
There's a lot of different ways this could all go and I won't get into all that now, but that speculation is a big factor as to why I like the potential of them getting together.
Notably in the way things are worded in the lil snippet summary we had from the emo orel arc, Blobs apparently tries to cheer Orel up which I think is very interesting wording and I have to wonder if this would've been during this affair arc for her.
But yeah this cut plot thread has me in a chokehold and I think it's really interesting.
At the end of the day it's all speculation but that's part of the fun of it!
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elkieanddoppo · 1 month
ada was holding a celebration party after the defeat of fyodor and the amenogozen (and after they all rested). thankfully, no one died and dazai finally came home.
kunikida was... a light weight. he can atmost drink two shots of sherry but by then, he would probably be unconscious for 3 to 5 business days.
kunikida was getting a bit too tired on talking with the other members so he sat down on the nearest chair. he felt thirsty afte all that talking. but thankfully, he saw a glass of water on the table.
well, he assumed it was a glass of water.
it wasnt.
kunikida's vision started to blur. but it turned back to normal. he felt giddy, he doesnt know why. he felt so energized but sleepy at the same time. BUT ENERGIZED.
he stood up and walked to dazai. or ehem... a tall dazai? but whatever, he assumes it was dazai. he clinged to the man.
'hm, when did dazai grow an inch.. i swear he wasnt this tall when i last saw him. hm maybe in that prison....' kunikida thought as hes trying to give kisses to the man hes clinging to right now. keyword: trying.
the man he was clinging onto is actually poe, ranpo's boyfriend and the only non ada member in this party. poe was blushing so hard, not because he likes kunikida but because he's embarrassed and doesnt know how to respectfully reject the other's drunken advances. poe is trying his hardest to stop kunikida (with his hands) from kissing him.
dazai and ranpo took notice of this and stormed to where the both of them are.
dazai pulls kunikida away from poe and hugs him. kunikida just giggles and hugs him back.
when poe was finally free from kunikida's embrace, ranpo pulled him towards himself and kissed him. "youre mine." "of course, ranpo. dont worry, kunikida-san was just drunk." "hmp."
the two pairs walked away with ranpo and dazai glaring at each other saying something like "stay away from my boyfriend" with their eyes.
dazai walked his lover to a nearby chair. it was the same chair that kunikida sat on earlier.
kunikida grabbed the glass that he was drinking from from earlier and raised it to show it to dazai.
"osamuuuu, i want mooooreeee"
"huh, doppo? what do you want?"
"the waterrr, i drank it from here earlieeerrrr" he whined as he pointed at the glass.
dazai raised his eyebrow and scanned the table. there it was. a bottle of clear gin.
"you drank from here?!"
"wha- what is itttt?! can i have it now pleaseee, it tasted so,, mmmhh~~"
did kunikida just moan. oh. this is turning dazai on so much.
dazai cleared his throat, "you drank gin, kunikida-kun."
"mmh? it didnt taste like alcohol tho??? oh whatever, give me more of it, samu!!" kunikida said as he circled his arms around dazai's neck and licked his neck.
dazai was startled because of this.
"i want gin and especially youuu, please, samu. im begging youuu~~"
dazai regained his composure and smirked. he grabbed the bottle of gin and carried kunikida to an empty room.
"as you wish, darling."
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fuyuthefoxwriter · 6 months
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Thirsty, have a sip with phantom
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Wonderful lineart made by the amazing @sherry-a-h
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(prev) "Oh! I forgot w-we've never properly met each other in person!" Larry smiled at Moe as he approached the table. "N-Nice to meet you, Moe! And thanks!" He then placed Sherris gift on the table and made his way over to the water dispenser since he was pretty thirsty. "Soo, uh- What did I miss?"
Bert pulled a stool over to Larry in case he wanted to sit, then sat back down in his own chair.
“Oh, do not worry. You really didn’t miss much. It has just been a relaxing evening with visitors sprinkled throughout.”
Bert then leaned down and rubbed his fingers together to get his rat’s attention. “Schatzi, show Mr. Larry some of the gifts you got!”
Sherri Jr eagerly scampered off across the room out of sight. A few seconds later, an RC spaceship on wheels came zooming over. Tied to the top of it was a plush that looked just like Bert! Tying him to it was Moe's idea. She snickered when she saw it again. The spaceship bumped into Larry’s foot and came to a stop. 
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bitchkay · 9 months
May I bother you with a request for a list of requests that are in your inbox/WIPs? it's ok if you don't want to also
Less than I thought actually
Like I have a ridiculous amount of drafts but such a small portion of that is actual WIPs and asks that have yet to be answered
I did count tho
Out of almost 200 drafts (dont judge me) like 40(39 actually) are actually WIPs/asks
And out of that just over half are actually like horny asks yk the nsfw shit😈
And the rest are (whether it's an ask or not) stand alone posts be it a headcanon post, full length fanfic(700 words+ and/or formatted as such), scenarios/drabbles(usually under 300 words) or me just talking
As for my Google docs
15 of which are full length fanfics and about half of those are already like 2000+ words
The other one is just a scenario I started for Sherry last week
Heres a list from oldest to newest currently in my drafts
Court of darkness characters with a black s/o part 1 (headcanons)
Court of darkness characters with a black s/o part 2 (headcanons)
Court of darkness characters with an s/o that writes poetry (headcanons)
April fools stories but they're actually good(nsfw short scenarios)
Loving on Tino cus were in a drought for Tino content (horny ask)
CoD cones giving backshots part 1 (nsfw headcanons/scenarios)
Fenn is a whore, mc should have her way with him (horny ask)
Assigning court of darkness characters my little pony kins (headcanons)
Violet is deeply in love with you therefore she is fucking you very hard (horny ask)
Soft Addis Ira HCs *non romantic* (headcanons)
Dia Akedia 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️ (me analyzing dia under a microscope/studying his queer codedness with research and references)
Violet with a mommy kink. (horny ask)
Quartus NSFW headcanons (nsfw headcanons)
Court of darkness characters with a bratty s/o (nsfw headcanons)
Breeding kink with Addis Ira (horny ask)
Fucking Dia in a mushroom paradise his bedroom (horny ask)
Tino getting a love boner (fanfic/scenario)
Domming Guy (horny ask)
Being a brat with Guy (horny ask)
Making love to Fenn (horny ask)
Ass, tits, or thighs, Court of darkness edition (headcanons)
Thirsty for Dia (horny ask)
Toa book 2 smut (horny ask(
Roy in bondage (horny ask)
Loving on Rio with freckles (horny ask)
Give mc a dick, see what happens, w/ fenn (horny ask)
My favorite part about each consort (me showing love to my boys💞)
Quartus seeing you cry during sex (horny ask)
Lynt and fucking in the library nook (horny ask)
Cuddling with Hawke (headcanons)
T4T w Dia (horny ask)
Kings orgy (horny ask)
Loving and fucking on Aquia (horny ask)
Roy giving hot messy creampies (horny ask)
Threesome with guy and Toa (horny ask)
Toa being a little shit as a sub (horny ask)
Threesome with Sherry and Violet (horny ask)
Quartus😈😈 (horny ask)
Addis Ira(horny ask)
And for the Google docs now
In no particular order cus I forget what's the oldest😶😶
I be in and out of those mfs, they be rearranging themselves
Sleepover with Sherry Invidia (smut)
N/A (Zev Avari smut)
Just like that~ (threesome with Grayson and Tino)
Special Lessons *requested* (Lou smut)
"C'mon share." (threesome with Guy and Fenn)
Intimacy beyond word *modern AU* (Rio smut)
F-R-EAAK (tino smut)
N/A (Lynt smut)
To fall into bed with you~ (Lance suggestive fluff)
My roommates brother *modern AU* (Zev Avari smut)
Between screens *modern AU* (Knight smut)
LUVU2D3ATH <3 (Lance suggestive fluff)
Morning after (Lance fluff)
Lamborghini *modern AU* (Roy smut)
An Irian bride (Young! Addis Ira)
Come through~ *modern AU* (Rio smut)
Now I know what you're about to say "Kay that's literally so much!" but listen
The stuff in my Google docs has been sitting for more time than the stuff in my drafts
From the stuff in my drafts the oldest thing there is from August and that was less than 6 months ago
Some of the stuff in my Google docs has been there since last year
I'm not overwhelmed by the amount of shit I haven't finished
Once upon of time this would scare me but I'm good keep em coming cus I love this shit
I love receiving asks for yall and listen my anons freaky as shit yall keep me entertained
Some of yall write full on essays in my indox about these mfs and bitch I encourage it more life to you
Yall want to make sweet love to Aquia? REAL‼
Yall wanna tie Roy up to the bed while you overstim his cock? EVEN REALER‼
Send it my way I will get back to you eventually all I ask is you be patient
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The Vanishing of Sherry Lynn Marler 
On the surface, Sherry Lynn Marler lived a typical life for a 12-year-old girl living in small-town America in the 1980s. She was a tomboy who loved farming and spending time with friends. But all of that changes on June 6, 1984, when Sherry disappeared from her small town of Greenville, Alabama.
That June day started like any other for Sherry. She woke up just after 9 a.m. and realized her stepfather, Raymond Stringfellow, was leaving to go to the bank, and she decided to tag along. When they got to the bank, Sherry told Raymond she was thirsty, so he gave her a dollar to go to the gas station across the street to get herself a drink while he was in the bank doing business. Witnesses later said they saw Sherry walk across several parking lots on the way to the gas station. That was the last confirmed sighting of the young girl.
A short time later, Raymond walked out expecting to find Sherry waiting for him, but she was nowhere to be found. He let some time pass as he searched nearby but eventually called Sherry’s mother, Betty Stringfellow, while she was working at the nearby Waffle House to see if Sherry had stopped by. But Betty hadn't seen her daughter. Panic then started to set in.
Raymond and Betty contacted the police just before noon to report her missing. A vast search immediately started, including volunteers, friends, and family. They also hung missing person posters all over the county, but Sherry didn't turn up. Police started to consider three options: Sherry had run away, a stranger took her, or she was taken by someone she knew.
Betty, Sherry's mother, said she doesn't believe her husband had anything to do with Sherry's disappearance. He died of cancer in 2013 without ever getting answers to what happened to his stepdaughter. She said he never got over the fact that Sherry was with him when she disappeared and that he always carried that pain with him. Sherry would be 50 years old today.
The Facebook Page "Sherry Lynn Marler Still Missing" was created in 2012 by Ryan Anderson to keep Sherry’s case alive and give people a place to share theories or ideas of what could have happened to her. 
The group has thousands of members that weigh in on photos and other information. One post from the group's creator reads, "Based on the incredible mass of truly disturbing information we’ve received over the years from so many sources who are extremely credible but unwilling to publicly expose themselves.....We believe Sherry Marler was murdered and dismembered by someone she knew very well (not her stepfather) and thrown into a hog pen in Butler County. We believe the person who murdered her is deceased."
These people believe Sherry was the victim of incest pedophilia and was pregnant at the time of her disappearance.
Her case remains unsolved.
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bishop-percival · 1 year
(prev) "Sherri Jr! Oh she's so cute! Sorry for referring to her as a produce, I'm sure you understand with my work it can be hard to determine when something that breathes is intended for the plate or not. I have trouble separating watchdog from food, nevermind other animals, it is not personal. I promise." Quincy grinned watching Sherri Jr lick at the knife, and further grinned when Bert came over to let her sniff at his wine. "And such manners and fine tastes... What a refined little thing!" He held up his wine and gave a brief toast, keyword "brief", he did not wait for the others. "I'm so excited!" Quincy took a sip of wine and closed his eye, appreciating the flavour for just a moment... "Ah... Percival it's nice, thank you... And Bert seems to enjoy it too! Thank you from us both. So kind of you to treat us both, I'd offer some to Sherri Jr too however I'm not sure if rats can have wine... Worry not, if she gets thirsty I packed some water." What is that expression? Despite what he says about the wine it seems he doesn't care too much for it, perhaps not an alcohol person, he rushes and puts the glass down before breaking into another grin. "I haven't let myself cut meat like this in a while you know! Oh I'm so hungry too, I've been waiting for this all day! I'm ravenous!" "Enjoy your meal! Diolch da pawb!~" And with that he opened his eye and what an expression. He looked so excited. Quincy took no more time to waste in grabbing the steak in it's full, he gnawed at it for a second or two before finally digging in and tearing it apart. It seems that Quincy is very strong in both the arms, hands... And the jaws. The way he eats is comparable to a carnivorous mammal that has not eaten in a week, it's very rough. Quincy is too busy enjoying his dinner to care for manners, infact it less seems to be not caring and moreso seems to be sheer cluelessness.
“Danke, Chefkoch!” Bert paid no mind to Chef Quincy’s eating. If anything, he saw it as normal. Bert stabbed a piece of steak with a fork and happily ate. “Mmmm! Chef Quincy you’ve done it again! A wonderful meal!”
Percival, on the other hand, sat unmoved with a pout on his face. He looked at Quincy ripping into his steak and cringed. He then looked at his own medium rare steak, then at the green rat across the table. He got an idea.
“I’m so sorry, dear Chef. I’ve lost my appetite. I refuse to eat with a nasty, disgusting, possibly disease-ridden rat on the table. I don’t care how mannerly it seems. It’s making me feel ill just looking at it…” 
Bert spoke up with his mouth full. “Cry about it.”
Percival slammed his hands on the table and stood up. “Rude! Everyone is being so rude to The Most Reverend despite my many kind offerings!”
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I'm thirsty. give me your sherry
Don't got sherry.
Will Port do?
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teddymochi · 4 months
Don’t look under if the tags are triggering
Just one drink, gonna keep it mellow
Responsible night for a polite fellow
Say hello to my friends and comrades
Don't tend to offend so I say perhaps
Just two drinks, as a social courtesy
We can raise a glass to our past fraternity
And certainly a perfectly normal informal get together
But it's been forever since we gathered so whatever
Just three drinks, for the sake of the old times
Proceed with tequila shots with a dish full of cold limes
The whole nine, laughing remembering all the old lines
Never used to work but I could give 'em another try
Just four drinks, y'know, take the edge off
I've had a hard week, I deserve to get sauced
Pick up another round as my friends depart and
They may not stick around but I just got started
Feel so much better than usual
I feel indisputable
I think that I might be beautiful
Just five drinks, fuckin' treat myself!
Pour the Dom Perignon from the back of the top shelf
Spend like God put on airs to sell it
Crowd pretends not to care but I know they're jealous
Just six drinks, let slip the dogs of war
Gonna start a fuckin' riot 'til I'm tossed out the front door
Zero to sixty I can turn on a dime, I'm hitting bottom
And I'm feeling like committing a crime
Just eight drinks, maybe I've lost count?
I can't remember the night, what I drank, or the amount
I'm fading in and out, my very consciousness is crumbling
Sorry, was I saying something?
Twelve drinks, strolling out of the hospital
Is it hair of the dog if you stay drunk and don't stop at all?
Another night losing it more than I can afford
Was I just feeling bored? Am I that insecure?
Feel so much better than usual
I feel indisputable
But now I'm feeling so beautiful
Don't wake me up from this spell I'm under if I'm still breathing
I know that I will be ugly when
I feel like myself again
But now I'm feeling so beautiful
Bottle of scotch served on the rocks with a shot of Cachaça
Vodka, Sake kamikaze with a handle of sherry a
Cherry brandy with a Jaeger chaser champagne float
A bourbon hot toddy in teacup of throat coat
Martini, Bellini, Negroni, Baileys, Kahlua, Sambuca
Soju, paloma, mojito, gimlet, Frangelico, Guinness
Tequila, manhattan, a margarita, old fashioned
Dry vermouth and something I can't taste 'cause I'm so trashed
Soldiering over I'm slower shoulder to shoulder with no one
Stumbling sobering making friends with a smoker
I know I'm less than upright, losing the fight with the ground
Then someone hits the lights as they close for the night now
Try to look at heaven and I can't see the stars
A billion trillion eyes are winking as I walk between parked cars
Metabolizing liquor while I'm losing my friends
I'm gonna hate myself tomorrow then I'll do it again
Feel so much better than usual
I feel indisputable
But now I'm feeling so beautiful
Don't wake me up from this spell I'm under if I'm still breathing
I know that I will be ugly when
I feel like myself again
But now I'm feeling so beautiful
My vision is blurry
As long as I'm thirsty
Nobody can hurt me, hurt me, hurt me
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perkingthepansies · 6 months
Making Mischief
After a few months of hard graft and long days for the publishing shenanigans, we indulged in a little retail therapy in Norwich followed by a few sherries in the Cathedral Quarter. Unlike other parts of the city, this area has preserved many of its watering holes – just the thing for thirsty shoppers like us. Our final snifter was in the Mischief Tavern on Fye Bridge Street. The Grade II listed…
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punkmacabre-arc · 1 year
( ✞ )    ⎯⎯    @ducygnenoir    :    sender  kisses  receiver  to  taste  the  blood  on  their  busted  lip   😳
         busted     &     blue:     garlands     of     bruises     crossing     across,     a     poor     man's     constellation     across     his     body.     storms     threaten     with     greying     rumbles,     overcasting    the     backstreet     alleyway.     hellfire     raptures     inside     /     voices     alight     &     sulfur     burns.     ascetic     bite     the     moment     they     venture     outside,     body     relying     on     one     another.     you     can     only     wander     for     so     long,     limbs     buckle     aside     agony     ⎯⎯     𝚌𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚢     𝚊𝚗     𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐     𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏     𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝,     pushed     aside     to     gracefully     crash     by     the     brick     wall.     let     her     go     gently     before     limbs     ache     into     the     ground.     fresh     air's     relentless,     raven     dark     cold     pricks     at     the     neck.     he     longs     for     warmth,     for     quiet.     eyes     glisten     with     a     spectral     kind     of     lethargy,     pub's     flicking     radiance     as     some     holy     glow     behind     her.     [     a     sight     in     all     𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝     &     𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐞     /     the     beholden,     threadbare     smile:     as     if     he'd     simply     unravel     .  .  .     ]             
he     prays     for     warmth     &     it's     answered.     stature     instinctively     leans     in,     taste     of     sherry     intwined     with     hints     of     iron;     peculiar     kind     of     concoction,     one     he     savours     as     a     thirsty     man.     [     bottle     it     up     if     possible;     you'd     get     drunk     on     the     feeling     every     night     if     possible.     ]     the     thought's     sobering,     as     she     pulls     away     &     the     weight     shifts     back     into     the     wall     ⎯⎯     figure     not     quite     upright,     guilt     leadens     at     the     shoulders.
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a     chill     drags     down     the     spine,     his      laugh     rattles     like     a     cough.     someone's     walked     over     his     grave,     an     arm     impulsively     moves     to     coil     around     the     ribs: christ,     he's     never     felt     more     alive.     ❛     if     that's     all     it     takes,     i'll     just     have     to     find meself     a     scrap     every     night     &     get     you     to     rescue     me.     ❜                             
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polaroidoftruecrime · 2 years
The Disappearance of Sherry Lynn Marler.
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In the mid-morning hours of June 6th, 1984, Sherry and her step-father were in downtown Greenville, Alabama where her father had to run an errand at the bank. Sherry was thirsty so her step-father gave her a dollar to purchase a soda at the Chevron gas station that was located directly across from the bank. This would be the last time Sherry was seen.
When Sherry’s step-father returned to the truck just 15 minutes later, Sherry was nowhere to be seen. Two hours later, when Sherry failed to turn up at locations she would have most likely been, a missing persons report was filed. Massive searches were led in an attempt to find any trace of the Sherry, but investigators wound up empty handed and the family left with hardly any clues or traces of what happened to Sherry on the morning she went missing. Sherry Lynn Marler remains missing to this day.
Sherry Lynn Marler
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height at time of disappearance: 5’4”
Weight at time of disappearance: Range of 100-120lbs
Last seen wearing: Red long-sleeved flannel shirt, jeans, gray sneakers.
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sofihatter545 · 4 years
We all have our different headcanons about the characters or story. What are yours? It can be anything from changing canon to implementing your own ideas!
This is kinda self indulging since most of my shipps end together but xd
-As per canon, Yusei stays in NDC, he’s single all the time, Akiza is   successful doctor and has occasional relationships
-All the Signers meet up at least once a year to spend time together/catch up
-Jack is his usual self and is bantering with Crow who always say he will be the next King
-Rua is making name for himself, Luna blossoms and has a lot of friends/enjoying her time in university 
-Kiryu finds peace within himself and is doing something similar as Martha did with Satellite children, takes care of children/lost youth in Satisfaction town
-Yusei is  successful scientist and is making progress with his fathers work, he duels only for fun now (thank God) or when is asked to make a guest appearance in Duel school
-Sherry is still thirsty for Yusei ( she feels only passion though not love) but Yusei is playing dense
-In one of those met ups, Yusei and Aki are finally in place where they don’t put each other on pedestal .  Aki accepted herself and loves herself, she’s grateful for all the things Yusei did for her, but love she feels for him is genuine, not the one that comes from feeling thankful.  Yusei knows she doesn’t need his help anymore, and is happy she can stand on her own. He loves her for a strong woman she is. They have long distance relationship and eventually they make plans for moving in together. 
-Jack in secret relationship with Carly all the time ( secret for public, his friends know)
-Tired of getting rejected by Yusei all the time, Shirley and Crow hook up, but will they be in a relationship only time will tell. For now, they are happy with how things are
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Can you do a simmon x Leon please 😊
How about a preview of an upcoming chapter of "Save Me"?
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