#shes an adult by the time they go to rescue her siblings (which is what caused groe to get captured)
nerves-nebula · 8 months
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Nothing like being tortured and needing comfort to make a guy irresistible to insane women
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ladybellissima · 7 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 1
"as you wish Mama."
"Great Katakuri. I expected that you will do as I say without any complain.", Big mom looked down to her son, who was also one of the sweet commanders, with an evil grin.
"I already prepared everything for the ceremony. It won't be too fancy like we used to celebrate, because of our other preparations still going on. You just have to come looking decent for the event. One of your sisters will help you with that.", she added bored and shoved her face with desserts, ignoring her son completely.
Katakuri nodded and turned around to leave his mother alone. His look was frozen, strong like always. No expression was shown to his surroundings, but deep down under his facade his blood boiled of anger and frustration.
Out of all his siblings it has to be him.
Because he was admired by his family of his loyalty and heroic thinking? Because he always was on the front if something was going on?
Maybe that was the reason.
"Big Brother Katakuri!", a voice let him stop and look down to his sister Brulee. Smiling brightly she hugged the emotioneless man excited.
"I heard the news. Congratulation you will get married! Now you have always someone by your side!", she spoke happily, but her excitement was replaced by confusion after noticing the ice cold glare from her brother.
"Isn't that great?", she asked uneasy and got a deep sigh from Katakuri.
"How should that be great to get married to someone you didn't know?", he explained straight and was interrupted by a laughing Oven who entered their conversation.
"Yeah you are right brother. If I were you I also would be pissed. What if she is terrifying ugly? And then you are stuck with her in one bed for a lifetime.", he spoke mockingly and got punched in the gut by Brulee.
"Shut your filthy mouth Oven. You don't know that and I don't believe it. I wish Katakuri all the best.", she growled angered.
Katakuri watched the two and thought about their words. In a way Oven was right. He would never betray his mother and that means he would marry this woman, just to fulfill his duty, but he was also a man. Katakuri often thought how it would be to meet someone and care for someone other than with his siblings. Flambe and mostly Lola and Chiffon often talked about getting married with a man of their dreams. Find the true love and share their life with someone. Katakuri would never admit it, but he tried to find answers in books. Mostly romance novels where someone rescued his beloved. How ridiculous he thought, but honestly he was kind of jealous too. Most of his time he was working. Fulfilling his mother's wishes, but everything comes to an end and Katakuri came home to an empty room with no one to talk to. It would be nice to have someone by his side who was asking how he was doing, what was on his mind, but his life wouldn't allow that. Beside that, he also had a secret, which didn't allow him to just speak to someone freely. Hiding most of his face under a scarf, he swore to never show anyone his face. It only brought fear and pain. He knew how people would see him after looking at his monstrous mouth. Sharp teeth and an cold expression, let them run away scared or bullying him. Since he was a child he always had trouble after showing his image. Only hiding it let his self-doubts weaken. Nowadays as an adult, he was a feared pirate and one of the best fighters of Big moms crew. No one would dare to ask what is behind his scarf, but showing his image a woman? A girl he would like to be with?
No way, she would run away and break his heart.
Sighing deeply Katakuri pinched his nose annoyed and felt an headache starting. Oven and Brulee stopped their fight and gave their brother a sympathetic look.
"I just made a joke. But sorry if it becomes reality.", Oven spoke uneasy, while Brulee gave him an evil glare.
"I don't care who this person is or how she looks. I just fulfill my order and nothing more. This arranged marriage is only to get mothers favorite fruits. So quit this shit and go to bed or something.", he spoke annoyed and left them to get home.
"Big brother..Katakuri…", Brulee whispered sadly and got a friendly clap from Oven.
"Don't worry. He will manage this. We are speaking of Katakuri Charlotte. He wouldn't fail this task and get used to it. Damn if it's that bad he didn't have to see her either. His island is big enough to hide.",Oven joked once again, but Brulee wished that it would be different.
Because he should too experience happiness to the fullest.
The next day Katakuri got up early and made his usual routine, but was interrupted by a more than happy Brulee, who brought him an elegant suit and helped him with the shirt.
"You look great Big brother. Your wife will be happy to get such an elegant and noble man.", she tried to light the mood. She knew how difficult this situation was, but it could also be a chance. "Yeah she will be happy to get a man with a face like this. On top of that a man she just met.", he spoke coldly while pointing to his scarf. Sighing she gave him a saddened look, which let him feel guilty. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he let things happen and left to whole cake chateau to get over with this ceremony.
He felt nervous after entering the hall. It was his wedding after all. A seal, which no one should break and how loyal he was, Katakuri would stay strong to endure it if it would get difficult. His siblings were annoying him about this wedding, but he sure was kind of curious too.
Would she be a monster like Oven joked? An arrogant woman who throws with money? Who knows.
Feeling bad of thinking of someone like that, he pushed these thoughts away. Katakuri would never judge someone by his look, because of his face. He knew all too well how bad it is to be born with such features. But to be stuck with someone you fear or don't like wouldn't be better either.
"Get here. It will start now.", her sister pushed him forward and take a seat by her other siblings. Only his relatives were attending this show. Big mom was greeting his son with a smirk and gave the pastor a knowing look to get things as she wished. Katakuri stood alone at the end of a red carpet and looked to the big double doors. He felt relieved that this wedding wasn't so spectacular like his mother used to celebrate. For him it was already enough to have all the looks of his siblings on him. Slowly the doors opened and an old couple with royal clothes entered the hall.
"This have to be her parents.",he thought and could see how sad they were.
Katakuri knew that his mother gave them no chance to escape. Their empire was located on an island with all kinds of rare fruits. Mostly sweet fruits. And Big mom wanted to prevent others to make business with their kingdom. She threatened the king to attack his island and destroy everything if he would sell his goods to others. On top of that to have a longtime pressure medium, she arranged this wedding to never let them forget about their deal.
"(Y/N) (L/N) princess of Exotica.", a servant called out. Katakuri looked back to the door and was met with his bride. The sound of gasping was heard from the others while they got up to show their respect. Katakuri could feel how his heart was racing. He was expecting everything. From annoying, angry, ugly…or whatever, but before him was a breathtaking beautiful woman stepping uneasy forward, clothed in pure white underlining her innocent self. He had to calm his nerves to avoid showing any emotions. But damn was this really his wife? How should he deal with her? She was just standing beside him and making his body a sweating mess. How could a woman have such an impact on his strong and intimitating body?
Her look wandered up to his face. Now he was able to see her beautiful face clearly. It showed so many emotions, mostly nervousness and sadness of this whole situation. He realized how hard this have to be for her, like it was for him. She was meeting him for the first time and to be honest, he knew how scary he must look with his big scarf and tall, strong appearance. The ceremony was going to an end and (Y/N) didn't show any signs of emotions like her husband. Her heart was breaking with every step she made, because of losing the chance to see her home ever again. Over and over again she prepared herself for this event, but to be thrown into a new life so suddenly was too much to handle. Her look fell onto her husband and it gave her goosebumps.
He looked strong. He was tall and his eyes were piercing her small form like a predator. She couldn't tell what man he was. Only that he was a pirate. A strong merciless pirate. All in one, it frightened her. He didn't look like a man who would treat a woman nicely. He looked more like the rough and demanding type of guy.
Would she be able to handle such a relationship?
Her parents cried on her knees. Praying to her to make it up to her for their sins, but they would never be able to give her the life back she had. For (Y/N) it seemed that she was going to jail. They were shocked after hearing that she was going to marry Katakuri Charlotte. They were pale like ghosts. This made her more scared than she already was. Nevertheless she tried her best to be tough and endure it. To be a strong woman who would do anything for her home. Sacrificing her personal life for the life of others. So she landed here and accepted her fate to become Katakuri's wife.
Giving her signature next to his she noticed how elegant his handwriting was. In a way it seemed calm and collected. Completely different than his look. Still his expression was cold and emotionless.
After their ceremony she had to say goodbye to her parents which were crying hopelessly to give their daughter away. Giving them a kind smile she hugged them dearly and tried to help them as much as she could. She knew there was no other option.
"Don't be sad. I will give my best to help my land and become hopefully the wife which his family and Katakuri expect from me..",the last part was a bit uneasy, because she didn't knew exactly how this all would work. From one day to another she was a wife. So quickly, (Y/N) felt helpless and unprepared. On top of that she didn't know how she would be treated here.
On the other side, Brulee found this woman perfect and symphatic and she could see the sparkle in her brother's eyes. Never was someone able to get such an expression out of his strained look, but she knew how difficult her life with Katakuri would be. Slowly she came to (Y/N)'s side to help her.
"She will be in good hands.", she spoke and surprised the young girl by taking her hand and leading her to the dining hall. Silently she let herself get seated by Katakuri who avoid looking down to her. The feast started and (Y/N) was met with a ton of sweets and Big mom who was stuffing dessert after dessert into her mouth. It was loud and hectic. She couldn't follow the conversations between the guests and felt hopeless lost. Sighing she took a bite of her wedding cake and felt amazed by its taste. "wow…", she spoke fascinated, but quickly fell silent again to avoid any commotion. Glancing to the side she looked up to her husband. He just looked straight ahead doing nothing. Maybe waiting to go home.
"For him it's hard either. He was forced to marry me. Sure he hates me and just wants to run away.", she thought and endured the loud party.
Katakuri was depressed. Was this a joke? He was married to this beautiful woman, which he should be relieved and happy about it, but at the same time it felt terrible. A man like him would never be able to love. A man with his face would never be able to kiss or to experience a soft touch from a girl like her. It was like a torture to be with her. Getting up, the other guests fell silent of his sudden movement.
"I will leave now.", he spoke coldly and let (Y/N) shiver of fear. Without another word he left and let his dumbfounded wife behind. Looking after him she thought about what to do.
"(Y/N) did you enjoy your marriage? I have to say you are very beautiful dear. I am surprised that you weren't already taken. ", Big mom asked out of the blue and everyone fell silent to listen. Nervously she looked to Big mom which she knew from her parents that she was powerful and dangerous. She had to admit that his whole family looked quite dangerously with their weapons or evil looks. "Yes thank you. My parents didn't allow me to travel and at home there aren't many people at my age. I think that could be a reason. And I didn't find the right one for that step.", (Y/N) spoke uneasy and hoped to be as respectful as possible. Smiling evily Big mom chuckled." Locking their breathtaking daughter away to avoid getting her in wrong hands….Luckily you find the right one now. Hopefully you make my son happy. Be a good wife (Y/N).", she spoke and started to eat again. (Y/N) nodded and looked to the door where Katakuri had left.
"Don't worry. Out brother is always speaking in such a way. Short and to the point. We will bring you to his mansion on flour Island.", Brulee spoke kindly and ordered Oven to help her. Feeling nervous and scared of the unknown before her she followed them and trying to trust their words. On the way (Y/N) was relieved that Brulee was very friendly towards her, while Oven gave her the creeps of staring. Soon she was standing before her big luxurious home on a beautiful island.
"Just take your time and get to know each other. He looks scary I know, but deep inside he has a heart. Believe me…", Brulee spoke and (Y/N) found it sweet how she praised her brother. In a way it let herself calm down. Saying goodbye to the others she walked to the entrance and knocked. Waiting paitently a servant opened her door and bowed respectfully.
"Thank you…", she whispered and looked around her home in awe. Completely caught by the amazing pictures and decorations she didn't notice her husband attending her form and bumped into him. Looking up she was met with his cold gaze and quickly stepped back to apologize.
"I am terribly sorry. I didn't look where I was going.", she spoke nervously and got nothing back. Turning around he started to leave.
"Follow me."
Quickly she catched up to avoid making this mysterious man angry.
"Where is this going…."
Both thought about that.
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Well Llama, you’ve got me hooked on another one of your aus. That post about kids visiting the harpy aviary reminded me of my own field trips as a kid. I…may have gotten a reputation for wandering off and getting lost. NEVER on purpose, mind you, it just always seemed to happen! I can guarantee I would have found my way into Skull’s enclosure. With that in mind, what WOULD our loveable teddy bird do if a kid somehow wandered in?
I'll do you one better. Here's how all of them would respond to a child wandering into their enclosure.
Sans: Usually, when anyone who isn't Mc approaches the grouchy harpy while he's sleeping, he gets extra vicious at his sleep being interrupted and lashes out. Many staff who got too close/confident have the laceration scars to prove his favouritism toward Mc. Let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.
... But even though anyone watching can clearly see his sockets open a fraction at the approach of the child, he does absolutely nothing, continuing to lounge around like they aren't even there. The kid literally wanders up to him, touching his soft plumage, and he does little more than snore. He's like a lion dad with a fussy cub- they could cuddle up next to him, shout and scream, jump on him, pull his feathers, anything. He might even play with them a bit... pretending to roll over in his sleep and pinning them under a wing. Oh no, gravity is increasing on me...
He likes kids. He doesn't consider a child any kind of threat, unlike adults. This one is particularly funny. He also very much enjoys the attention Mc gives him for being so gentle.
Red: Kids find him cool so it makes sense one would eventually find a way to wander in. He used to not really care about children, but after he started courting a human woman, he's grown very fond of human kids. It's one of the reasons he seems so delighted when groups of them come to visit the aviary.
... But obviously, this kid isn't his biologically. So there's a worry he won't tolerate them in his space. Not the case, though! If Sans is the lazy lion dad, Red is the grumpy one. If a kid entered his enclosure and started following him around, he resembles a slightly annoyed older brother with their delighted younger sibling shadowing him absolutely everywhere, but he still lets them do whatever they want. He lets them clamber on him, tug his feathers, touch his cool teeth and claws. Despite his constant annoyed expression, when staff come to the rescue he's got the kid on his shoulders where they gleefully prod his face and talk about flying.
He's quick to let out little warning growls if they get too rough. But that's it.
Skull: A kid who walked into Skull's aviary would have to be suitably unafraid of him. Which is his dream. He immediately scoops them up, and they play together for as long as possible, climbing and 'flying' and exploring. It's the best time he's had in a long time.
Unfortunately... then comes the removal process. Mc tries to do it slowly, tries to gradually convince Skull to let the kid go so he doesn't lash out. And she almost gets it- she can see in his eyelight that he's close to handing them over. But not close enough... the other staff panic and tranquillise him.
... Skull goes to sleep holding his baby. And he wakes up no baby. Mc stayed with him until he woke to try and mitigate the inevitable fallout, but her presence does little to calm him. His distress is obvious, he tears up his enclosure looking for them... and once he realises they're gone, he becomes completely inconsolable, curling up in the corner of his den. You don't have to be a harpy expert to know that the sounds he's making are ones of grief.
For at least a week, he's utterly despondent. He won't eat unless Mc is there, he just stays in his den, cradling his plushie. He always keeps it tucked under one wing... like he's hiding it.
(He's scared he'll lose that, too.)
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So did season 3 Zuko genuinely believe Ozai loved Azula? Is that why he was okay with ratting her out to him with no fear of what he might do to her?
Zuko is a 16-year-old boy that was a victim of abuse pretty much his entire life. It took him THREE WHOLE YEARS to realize that their father disfiguring and banishing him for speaking out of turn/against a cruel plan, and refusing to fight him, was, in fact, a deeply horrible thing for Ozai to do and it was all Ozai's fault.
Is it fair or realistic to expect him to understand that, even though Azula managed to live up to Ozai's insane expectations for his children, it was still unfair of him to put so much pressure on her and that it was only a matter of time before she cracked under it? Can we really blame him for not realizing Azula is being psychologically abused when she's in denial about it herself and actively trying to convince everyone around her that everything she does is effortless? And when the adults he actually trusts, aka his mother and uncle, are ALSO not aware of what's going on right in front of their faces?
Can we blame a child who is desperate to get even the slightest bit of approval and affection from his parent, and never achieving it, for thinking their sibling has an easier, enviable life because they ocasionally get some conditional love?
Can we expect someone who just heard their parent say the words "Your sister was born lucky, you were lucky to be born" to just casually ignore that very clear "I wish you were dead, you don't deserve to exist" and focus only on the implications of "Wait, is he dismissing my sibling's life-long attempts, and success, of living up to his expectations as sheer dumb luck, not hard work and genuine talent?"
I've said once, I'll say it again: Zuko's attempts to survive all the trauma he endured are basically the same as someone who is panicking while drowning and trying to pull under the person that is trying to rescue them because they cannot think clearly in such a dire situation.
It's no coincidence that the two main moments in which we see him having compassion for Azula (in The Southern Raiders and then in the finale post Agni Kai) take place AFTER he has turned his back on Ozai and found a group of people who love and support him. He is now watching the situation from the outside, from a safe distance, not while in the middle of all the chaos, unsure if he's gonna make it.
And for the first time, Zuko can actually see his sister. A prodigy, but still someone that is trying to meet impossible standards. A brave, fierce, DANGEROUS warrior, but also a deeply traumatized child.
There's a reason Aaron Ehasz, the head-writter and executive producer of the show, has repeatedly said that, if Avatar had gotten a fourth season, he would have liked Zuko to essentially be Azula's Iroh and help her heal and redeem herself. He is literally the only other person in the world that knows what being Ozai's child is like, even if he was the scapegoat while she was the golden child.
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ghosts-and-glory · 3 months
Hello! Big fan of your artstyle. In your No Devotion AU, if it is indeed the Lamb God that gave wee Narinder the Red Crown, or their own Red Crown instead, possibly saving him, isn't it a cosmic irony then, that a lamb themselves then took it back and killed Narinder, then possibly rescued him from Purgatory, if they wished to do it?
Also tell us more about the Lamb God please. Or is it Sheep God. Does Purged Narinder have a copy of Aym and Baal by his side to fight you like it the game, or is it just Purged Narinder alone that fights you? What dialogue would you give him, and where would you find him?
Have a great month, eat your fruits and vegetables daily.
Ratsghshsh thank you and I have so so many loose thoughts on purged Narinder and the lamb god, who I’ve been calling The Priestess.
With the comic where Narinder gets her crown, it’s vague but the implication is that Narinder’s mother died leading him in his little kid brain to wish to kill the god of death. The Priestess knows that the new bearer of her crown is on their way and purposefully allows him in. I was going for a time is a flat circle kinda motif with the crown being passed from a lamb to Narinder and back to another lamb. And yes, technically both The Lamb and The Priestess are adult sheep but it’s all about that sacrificial lamb type shit.
I wanna also add that there is significance to the fact that The Priestess has three eyes, before Narinder gets the crown he has two but after three, and The Lamb still has two eyes even after bearing the crown for 300 years and killing Narinder.
All the Purged Narinder and Not-Narinder stuff I wanna hold a bit close to my chest for now. I wanna wrap up the betrayal comic before getting into that storyline fully so I can give it the proper attention. I will say that I do have plans with Aym and Baal which strays from cannon. And saving Narinder is going to be long and it’s going to be gruelling. And even after Narinder is free of purgatory, he will not be okay.
I have been infinitely entertained by the tags of my post where Not-Narinder is gifted to The Lamb. It didn’t even occur to me that the changeling could be mistaken for amnesia and I’m cackling at the sidelines with new ideas.
Random tidbits about The Priestess.
She raised both Shamura and Kallamar until she died. I wanted to solidify Shamura’s role as an eldest sibling as I often find it’s easy to miss-characterize them as a parental figure. I hoped giving the bishops a parental figure would counteract that.
In her lifetime she committed similar sins to Narinder and The Lamb. Gonna tease it a bit but the red crown has a bit of a curse.
The Priestess is albino. I’m not sold completely on any particular breed of sheep for her as of now. Possibly a Hebridean sheep or Norfolk Horn, same as The Lamb.
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steddieasitgoes · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 7 Prompt: Mall and/or Job
Tags: Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler (but they don't even kiss), Eddie Munson Has A Crush On Steve Harrington, Shopping Malls, The Great Cabbage Patch Riots, Steve Harrington Is A Sweetheart, Good Sibling Nancy Wheeler, Banter
wc: 1724 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
“Can you believe my parents?” Nancy scoffs, sliding into the passenger seat of the Beamer. “It’s all Holly wants and they won’t get it for her.”
“Look on the bright side, Nanc,” Steve says, throwing a hand over her seat as he reverses out of the Wheeler’s driveway. “You’re going to be the best big sister in the entire world when you give it to her on Christmas morning.”
“If we even get our hands on one. They sell out in seconds.”
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of a little mall rush after facing off against monsters last month. We can totally do this.”
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Steve should know better than to underestimate Nancy, but how was he supposed to know she was right about this? It’s a baby doll for christ sake. A weird-looking baby doll for that matter. And what the hell is with the name? Cabbage? They couldn’t have thought of anything cuter?
What does he know, though? Apparently, the stupid name and weird design worked because he’s currently stuck in a crowd of thousands outside a mall in Indianapolis at six in the fucking morning. Nancy disappeared into the crowd half an hour ago to see just how deep it went. He’s hoping she made it to the front and that’s why she hasn’t returned. The other outcome is one he doesn’t want to think about, but his mind can’t help but conjure up the image of the headline: “Teen Girl Dies In Cabbage Patch Stampede.” The Wheelers would kill him.
There’s no time for dwelling as the sea of people lurchs forward. He can’t see the front doors but judging from the sudden rush of shoving and shouting, the doors to the mall are about to open.
For the first time in his life, he’s happy Nancy sat him down two days ago and laid out the game plan. The layout of the mall is fresh in his mind as is the doll Holly wants — blonde hair in pig tales, freckles, blue eyes — a creepy carbon copy of herself.
The minute the doors open, Steve’s shoving adults double and triple his age out of the way. He breaks out into a sprint when he clears the pack, b-lining for the toy store on the second floor. Despite his speed, he’s beaten by at least a hundred other eager shoppers who were probably at the front of the hoard outside.
It would be easy to get discouraged, but Steve powers on. He didn’t drive this far to let Holly and Nancy down. Thankfully, the boxes are stacked in the entryway of the store. The massive pile gets smaller and smaller by the second as hands grab the dolls free, hoisting them up over their head in victory.
Acting on adrenaline alone, Steve dives into the dwindling pile and gets his hand on a box. He can’t tell which doll it is, but at this rate, anything is better than nothing. With the box clutched to his chest, he starts getting up from the floor when he feels a pair of hands reaching for him. The person tugs, hard, freeing Steve from the stampede that’s coming. For a second Steve thinks the person saved him, but then he feels the box being tugged from his hands and he realizes what’s actually happening.
It’s not a rescue mission, it’s a kidnapping.
“Get your hands off my doll!” Steve shouts, yanking hard enough to send the person surging forward. They collide in an instant, falling to the floor with the box clutched in both their hands.
“Harrington?” The man asks as he struggles to get to his feet.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Come on, Steve, isn’t it obvious? I’m here for the same reason you are. For one of these bad boys.”
“Yeah, okay, Munson,” Steve snorts, eyes squinting as he takes in his appearance. Ripped black jeans and leather jacket. Vest with patches to bands Steve’s never even heard of. Hair longer than some of the moms currently fighting behind him. Eddie’s not really the Cabbage Patch Kid type. Not in the slightest. “Didn’t peg you as a fan of dolls. Isn’t that a little too freakish even for you?”
“I don’t know. Isn’t it weird for you to be buying one? What would our wonderful peers at Hawkins High think?” Eddie teases, grip still tight on one side of the box.
“It’s not for me.”
Eddie hums, shaking his head. “That’s what they all say.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Steve spots a mother handing over a handful of bills to a man on the other side of the store. The woman is in a pristine coat, not a lock of hair out of place. There’s no way she was in this mess and yet, she’s happily walking away with a doll. The man waves her off, stuffing the handful of bills back into his pocket before making his way back into the store.
It clicks then. The man and the shady business deal a second ago. The news report he remembers listening to a few days ago. Cabbage Patch black market deals. Scammers. Fakes.
“You’re a reseller!” Steve gasps, glaring daggers at Eddie. He tries to roll on top of him to free the box, but there’s no use. Instead, he ends up rolling them into a quiet aisle where they stayed on the floor, hands denting the box.
“I am not!”
“Yeah, you are! That’s the only explanation for why you’re here. You don’t give a shit about these dolls, but you know you can get cash for them.”
“Honestly Harrington, could you be a little bit more original with your accusations?” Eddie scoffs. “What? You see ripped jeans and a guy who lives in a trailer and automatically thinks I need cash? Newsflash big boy, I do fine supplying you and all your friends that grass you love smoking every weekend.”
“Well, then, what do you need the doll for?” Steve asks, trying his best to yank it free from Eddie’s unrelenting grasp.
“None of your business.”
Steve’s about to argue back when another pair of hands join the fray. A petite and wrinkled elderly woman hovers over them. The look of pure determination and mischievousness is a stark contrast to the rest of her.
“Oh, no you don’t lady!” Eddie shouts, tugging the box and Steve towards him and away from the woman’s hand. She stumbles, nearly falling into the display of Barbie dolls. “Come on, we can settle this later!”
Struggling to his feet with his hands still gripping part of the box, Steve and Eddie make it to the checkout aisle. Together they hand it over to the clerk, not daring to put it on the conveyor belt when hundreds of empty-handers are hovering waiting to steal. They split the bill and reach for the plastic bag at the same time, each taking one side as they make their way out of the store that’s spiraling deeper and deeper into chaos now that the store is sold out.
“Now what?” Steve asks when they manage to make it into the parking lot.
“Well, it’s not like we can share the doll.”
“Right, so one of us needs to give it up.”
“Yeah, one of us does.”
For a moment, Steve considers kicking Eddie in the shins and making a run for it. He knows he can outrun him no doubt. The only problem is he’d have to leave Nancy behind. Even if he managed to get Holly the doll, he’s pretty sure Nancy would not appreciate being stranded in the city.
It’s hard to tell what Eddie’s thinking, but Steve thinks it’s something similar. Probably less running if Steve had to guess. Maybe blackmail.
“Steve!” Nancy calls, startling Steve out of the impromptu staring contest. He follows the sound of her voice and spots her exiting the mall with a plastic bag clutched to her chest. A giant smile is plastered on her face. “I got her!”
“The one she wanted?” Steve shouts back.
Nancy nods.
Oh thank god, he thinks before offering her an enthusiastic thumbs up. With Holly’s Christmas gift secured, he turns to Eddie and finally lets go of the plastic bag. “Guess it’s your lucky day, Munson. M’sure you made whoever that doll is for very happy.”
With a finger-wiggle wave, Steve jogs off to catch up with Nancy.
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Eddie jumps and turns to find Jeff silently judging him. His arms are crossed and he’s not holding any bags. Oh, fuck.
“What the hell?” He shouts, punching Eddie’s shoulder. “One second you were behind me and then you were gone! I spent so much time looking for you I missed out on getting the new release!”
“Shit, Jeff. I’m—“
“Are you holding a Cabbage Patch Kid?”
“Uh, I…” Eddie trails off and glances down a row of cars. In the distance, he spots Steve helping Nancy and the stupid doll box into the passenger seat of the Beamer. He tears his eyes away when Steve shuts the door, but it's a mistake because Jeff is right there, staring at him with even more judgment in his eyes.
“Dude,” Jeff whines. “You bought a Cabbage Patch just to talk to him?”
“We talked for a long time, Jeff! And our hands touched!”
“I cannot deal with this,” Jeff groans, burying his head in his hands. “What are you going to do with that thing now?”
Eddie glances into the plastic bag. It’s the first time he’s actually looked at the thing. A red-headed doll with green eyes and freckles stares back at him with a painted-on smile. It’s fucking creepy.
“I didn’t think I was going to keep it!” He defends which sends Jeff on another tangent. One that fades into the background as Steve’s words from earlier ring in Eddie’s ears. “Wait! Steve mentions something earlier.”
“I’m sure he did.”
“No, I’m serious,” Eddie snaps, glaring at Jeff. “Apparently there's like a black market for these things. Maybe we can sell one and get enough to buy ourselves a decent miniature set for Hellfire or new speakers for Corroded Coffin.”
“You better hope so,” Jeff says, shaking his head. “Or else I’m never letting you live this down.”
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Okay so, just to recap:
Ruby drives away Little, which works. That's a classic "I hate myself and am being cruel in order to supposedly protect you, but you'll still follow me out of love anyway" situation.
Neo's semblance has evolved to the point where she can keep multiple, independent copies going at once, all of which have a different veneer, as well as a whole-ass mansion for them to play in. Sure! Why not! We're well past the point of power scaling jumping the shark.
All these copies can talk. I don't care if this is some Ever After magic, Neo is mute! Let her be mute!!
The story straight up forgot what information Neo has. Does she know anything about Ruby and Penny's friendship? Is she aware that Clover died out in the snow? Is mind-reading a part of her semblance now too?
How come everyone else hasn't gotten insane semblance power ups? Jaune must feel so cheated after spending a whole lifetime here...
Ruby defends herself against this horrific onslaught despite JUST being unable to fight against more garden-variety baddies. Is she having a crippling aversion to Crescent Rose or not?
Ruby is physically and psychologically tortured which, while compelling, means that every criticism we're shown is easily dismissed. The question of whether Ruby has caused more harm than good isn't really something to grapple with, it's a horrific lie told by the villain that Ruby needs to be rescued from. It's the Caterpillar situation on steroids and the extreme nature of the scenario just makes the viewer uncomfortable (understandably!), rather than allowing space to acknowledge, "The dead allies she's at times had a hand in getting killed have a point about Ruby's consequence-laden failures."
This includes images of the adults in her life - notably adults that the show has demonized - beating her to a bloody pulp to the point where we're shown rare injuries. Great! Love watching my discourse-laden faves choking a teen against the wall and beating her with a cane /s
This culminates in Ruby slicing "Oscar" in half, the kid who previously underwent torture too. This guy just can't catch a break.
Also love the implication that seeing Oscar cut in half is psychologically damaging, but if the copy had stayed as Ozpin it would have been fine. Or at least far less impactful. Why would Ruby care about her old headmaster who remains a current ally in this fight? Seeing HIM dead, even if it's a fake currently attacking her, just doesn't mean much emotionally.
Little is dead. I mean, they'll probably resurrect them somehow, or reveal that they were just badly injured, but Neo was grinding her heel. The tiny mouse should be a goner.
Yang is pissed at her little sister for having a breakdown after she spent the last two days flirting with her girlfriend instead of acknowledging the horrors they've all been through. Sibling of the year.
Then all of them just STAND THERE while Ruby, injured and lying on the ground, surrounded by enemies, sloooooooowly drinks the clearly messed-up tea. Hey, at least the sisters are even now? Ruby just stood there while Yang fell and Yang just stood there while Ruby killed herself. Great job, girls.
Oh yeah, hey, RT? It's called "themes of suicide," not just "distressing themes." Kudos for having our protagonist make a huge mistake that's FRAMED as a mistake and should have an interesting impact on the story... but warn appropriately for it, yeah?
Why does Neo want Ruby to be remade via the tree instead of just killing her? Idk idk.
Then she immediately goes comatose because apparently killing Ruby was the only thing keeping her going. There's no interest in ruling the Ever After. No temptation to spend all her time with this fake Roman that can, apparently, hold independent conversations with her and generally act like the real Roman did. Like, tell me this isn't a Neo falling hard into her fantasy, content to have "Roman" again in this magical world:
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No desire either to go get revenge on Cinder for dropping her here in the first place. Neo is just done now that Ruby has fallen into a root-covered void. 10/10 great character depth.
Love the insanely evil Cat but... what's is their actual goal? Something about curiosity, something about being left by their creators, something about needing a host, something about broken hearts?? This would all be far more compelling to me if I had a better handle on what exactly they wanted.
Preview of next episode: Yang, Weiss, and Blake are totally fine with Ruby's choice. I mean, why wouldn't they be? It's not death! The Paper Pleasers promised! It's her right to go to the tree if that's what she wants and you need to rethink your narrow perspective if you're going to be upset about that choice. This is a totally fine outcome and they can just go find this new, definitely improved Ruby to take back to Remnant. No reason to be sad about it. Right, Jaune? :)))
Oh, and there's only two episodes left to do [gestures] everything.
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sweetteaanddragons · 7 months
Huge fan of your writing here. I was wondering if you had any ideas for a sequel to your ‘A Question of Precedence’ AU. No need to answer if you dont feel like just my imagination running wild lol but i was curious about how Feanor meeting Fingolfin, Finarfin, Lalwen and their wives and kids would go down. I imagine it would be strange to meet you brother who died as an infant (something which caused your father a lot of trauma and grief) as an adult with a wife and kid. What was their opinion on Feanor before Finwe was slain and Feanor reborn. Did they ever feel like their father loved them less?Would Feanor + siblings get along better in this AU or just about the same ? What was it like for Finwe to die and meet his son and ex wife only for them to leave to live with Vaire ? What was it like for Findis to raise her famously chaotic brother? Are they close? What’s it like for Indis to lose her husband and have his dead child brought back in his stead and then have said child raised to be king a title which previously belonged to her children. What would the relationship be between the sons of Feanor and their cousins ? how is Feanor viewed by those that stayed in Valinor and those that left especially after he chose to aid his kin in Beleriand.
This got a bit longer than intended so again no need at all to answer i just love your writing ❤️💕
Thank you so much! It took me a minute to remember that AU - it's been a while!
(For those who also don't remember, this was my AU in which Feanor died as an infant when Miriel did. All of his half-siblings except Findis still end up going to fight in Beleriand; Findis stays and ends up raising him when Feanor is released from the Halls. Feanor, for his part, ends up leading the reinforcements to Middle Earth.)
I think meeting Feanor is definitely strange for the siblings that went to Middle Earth, especially because of the circumstances. They are used to thinking of him as a Tragedy™, not a full grown force of nature riding to the rescue.
I do think they'd get along better in this AU; a Feanor raised reasonably well by Findis is not going to be raised to resent his siblings, and the attachment to his father that he was so afraid of the others usurping is going to look very different here. He also isn't worried about competing with the others for the crown; Findis raises him to know that it's his as soon as he's old enough, and the others aren't there to fight for it.
His relationship to Indis is still complicated, I think; she knows Finwe chose to remain dead in order to give him a chance to return, and part of her does resent that, but on the other hand, she's ashamed of resenting a baby for anything, especially that. The issues between her and Findis regarding Indis's perceived abandonment might actually cause as many issues between Feanor and her as the remarriage does.
For a long time, Feanor's sons have no relationship with their cousins, for obvious reasons. This changes with Fingon's resurrection; they are very, very eager to get to know him, and he is very, very eager to encourage them to go fight in Beleriand . . . though he feels a bit guilty about that. Whatever their actual ages, he can't help thinking they're too young to be dragged into this.
Once they get to Beleriand, their surviving cousins have an interesting mix of "Reinforcements! I love you!" and . . . possibly some resentment? Because they've been fighting this war all this time, and here their younger cousins come sweeping in, all shining and golden from Valinor to win the day without the centuries of hopeless warfare. Once they get to know them, some of those relationships improve.
(Some get worse.)
In general, the Noldor in Beleriand see Feanor as a hero and a particularly shining symbol of hope - if even Finwe's long lost son has returned, surely all darkness can be overcome! The ones in Valinor see him as less of a symbol, but he is still their respected king (though there might have been some dissent about showing up as reinforcements.)
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Dream doesn't seem to have any good qualities at all unlike his siblings. He doesn't care about people, he's cruel, ruthless and selfish. He blames others for his problems and he doesn't care about those that live in the Dreaming.
Did... Did Desire send this in? 😂 Okay, I'll try and tackle this in three parts: 1) How does he compare in "good qualities" to the other Endless, 2) when does he actually show any good qualities, and 3) addressing the blaming others/lack of care for his subjects.
Note that there are some later-comics spoilers ahead, since I had to pull some examples from there. I have no idea how far you are in the story, so I couldn't limit examples to a specific non-spoiler time frame.
So, to address point #1, it kind of seems like the Endless in general lack a lot of redeeming qualities.
Destiny and Death are truly neutral in everything. Death gets good PR, basically, because she's friendly, but she's still ultimately neutral. Honestly even her friendliness gives me "really good at customer service" vibes rather than feeling like a sign that she'd actually be friendly or nice to anyone in particular.
Desire doesn't do anything especially heroic that we see; the best they do is giving Tiffany their coat when she escapes the burning strip club in Brief Lives. They do save Dream via Alianora in Overture, but even then it's with a nasty caveat. In addition, Desire's the one behind all the Walker family's supernatural problems. Heck, Desire only had the newer generations of Walkers so they could selfishly use them in their plans against Dream. In comics canon they're also a rapist.
Destruction's whole deal is running away from every problem--which indeed comes across as sensible compared to his siblings. He mostly just likes being left alone with his cooking and bad art. But, he has no qualms whatsoever about killing innocents in order to keep running away.
Despair... we don't really get to see her do much so I think she falls under the "neutral" category too.
Delirium is too out of it to really do much intentionally, and what we *do* see her do intentionally is reckless driving and giving an eternal spiders hallucination-curse to the traffic cop who tries to stop her. Her irrational determination to see her brother continues even after it's clear it's actively causing people to get hurt. She doesn't seem to care about people for sure.
So, like. This entire family sucks. I'm not sure I'd say Dream is particularly worse, we just happen to see more of his issues because he's the main character.
Okay, now on to point #2. He does indeed care about others, on occasion, and also has unambiguously heroic moments.
In terms of "caring about others", he's the one who tries to call off the road trip in Brief Lives when he realizes that Destruction's alarms are killing people (although he doesn't find out Destruction is behind the deaths until Death forces him to continue the road trip for Delirium's sake). He seems highly disturbed by Ruby's death in particular, which is part of why I was so peeved at The Sandman Companion giving HIM the blame for it.
He's also canonically good with children; it's just adults he's terrible with. He's nice to the girl on the plane in Brief Lives, he entertains a group of children on a dream-adventure when we see him going about his duties in The Kindly Ones, and Calliope notes in The Wake that his issues with Orpheus apparently didn't start until Orpheus grew up. In Overture he's also kind and protective toward the alien girl Hope.
As for "heroic" moments... okay, I really had to think for some of these, but they ARE there.
Rescuing Calliope is probably the most unquestionably "heroic" situation he's in, since he was not the cause of the situation in the first place, and also has nothing to gain by helping. But he does help her, nonetheless.
Also, he takes hundreds of serial killers off the streets by stripping them of their beliefs at the Cereal Convention. It's hard to say that wasn't a positive move. Plus, one of the reasons he dislikes The Corinthian could be that Cori was causing so much harm to people in the first place.
Even before his big fishbowl time-out, Dream tells off Hob for participating in the slave trade and disapproves of slavery. (I'm going to ignore what The Sandman Companion says about that here...)
He helps Marco Polo out of the Soft Places desert, even though he himself had just barely escaped the fishbowl and wasn't sure if he had enough power to save both himself and Marco.
In my favorite issue ever, Fear of Falling, he gives Todd the advice he needs to get over his crippling fears in both the real world and the dream world.
Also, his treatment Nuala is a good indication that he's not the worst. Nuala gets gifted to him as a slave, to do "whatever he pleases" with... and his first instinct would be to reject such a gift entirely, but since he is bound by the fae's customs to accept any gift, he just basically lets her live in his castle rent-free. She takes up cleaning so she has something to do; he didn't even ask her to do that! His only demand is that she not use her glamour. If he were truly as cruel and uncaring about consent as some analyses (including parts of The Sandman Companion) would have you believe, it's doubtful that he'd treat an intended sex slave that way.
(Of course, if I were being uncharitable, I could point out that non-glamour Nuala is not conventionally attractive, and it could be something about him only being able to respect a woman if she's not sexually attractive to him... but I'm *trying* to be charitable to Morpheus here, for once)
And now for #3: Not caring about the Dreaming residents and blaming others for everything.
Admittedly, in the comics it is harder to tell specific instances about caring for the Dreaming residents, but there are a few. A big one is that he granted Lucien's wish to become a librarian rather than staying as a raven. Another is Abel's story about how he came to live in the Dreaming; Dream offered it to him as a gift, and when he was lonely he also brought Cain and gave Cain a house as a gift toward Abel.
I've been trying to keep this to the comics-universe for consistency's sake, but the show-universe definitely gives way more examples about him caring about his subjects. He gives Goldie to Cain and Abel to replace their gargoyle he had to absorb, he clearly cares about Jessamy and cries over her death, and he seems more upset about his subjects abandoning the realm as a personal abandonment instead of just a "they're my citizens so they should stay here" type deal. Of course, he also granted Lucienne her wish to become a librarian here as well.
And as for blaming others for everything... whew. That's a big one. Because even though he may have done that on some significant occasions (Nada being the biggest one that we see), ultimately, he ends up blaming HIMSELF for everything to an unreasonable degree. I actually won't discuss further examples on this one because it would be massive ending spoilers, but yeah, suffice it to say he overcorrects on that front.
So yes, for Morpheus, I think I'd paraphrase a line from Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) that I think describes him well: He's an asshole, but not 100% a dick.
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numbuh900 · 4 months
Codename kids next door headcannons
Numbuh 19th Century's real name is "Albert Lewis"
The Galactic Kids Next Door have tried making a bootleg omnitrix watch.
The boyfriend helmet technology was made by the GKND, and the Galactic Kids Next Door supreme leader uses it's tech to mind control their operatives.
Father and Grandfather's powers stem from their emotions via their hatred of kids, and going with my "The GKND are mind controlled by its supreme leader headcannon" the brainwashing amplified Nigel's dislike for adults all the way up to 11 which activated his powers.
The previous leader of the GKND was actually a fair and kind and powerful alien that's the pure reason the KND exists at all, they gave kids the knowledge and skills to defend themselves so that the universe can be safe for kids.
If they were to learn about what the current leader has done to the organization, they'd be heartbroken.
In the middle ages, the KND treehouses looked more fantasy based and whimsical, like something you'd see in a fairy tale.
When the KND travel through space, they meet a pair of alien adult hero's that are a parody of Wander and Sylvia, the galactic kids next door can't stand them due to them annoying the crap out of their operatives and evacuating planets scheduled for decommissioning.
Numbuh Three has alot of knowledge about yokai (Japanese supernatural creatures)
Numbuh Five and Cree's older brother lives in France, and they mail letters to each other all the time.
Numbuh Two's Dad is a fighter pilot in the military
Numbuh One's Mother's name is "Olivia"
Numbuh Ten's real name is "Ashley"
Bonus round: KND Multiverse headcannons
Theres a knd sector in the TROLLS universe, and they battle villains in music battles
Kid Cosmic is an honorary operative after his encounter with Numbuh 362. They get along well like siblings. Numbuh 363 doesn't like The Kid a lot, but Kid tries to be really friendly with him and even gets him to calm down whenever he gets mad.
Numbuh Five is a powerpuff girls fan, she's even a honorary powerpuff girl and in return she made Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup honorary operatives.
The Gravity Falls Kids Next Door aren't as hostile towards teenagers like most operatives, In fact, they get along with Wendy and her freinds greatly.
The Bikini Bottom KND don't have much of a problem with SpongeBob and Patrick since they don't view them as typical adults. They also really like Sandy Cheeks as she supplies them with her technology. They're neutral with Squidward. They don't have a high opinion on Mr.Krabs after hearing about that "Krabby Land" scam he pulled.
When Mac and Bloo joined the Kids Next Door, they've been rescuing abandoned imaginary friends or freinds that are being mistreated by adults. Lots of KND operatives have even been going to Foster's to adopt their own imaginary friends, and they've been happy with them ever since.
Timmy Turner, Chester, and AJ joined the KND, Timmy supplies his sector and other sectors with magical 2x4 technology. Everyone is baffled on how he managed to get the mysterious energy source for them.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Playground Scuffles
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Summary: BiBi and KitCat get into a scuffle with kid on the playground, prompting Mama to come to the rescue. Andy Barber x  Black!Reader, Bianca Barber, Katrina Barber
Warnings: Fluff, Child Bullying, Adult Bullying, Angry & Protective Reader, Angry & Protective Andy, Cursing, Protective BiBi Barber, KitCat Barber, Slight Violence, Minors DNI
A/N: You didn’t ask for this, but for some reason I had you three in mind when I wrote it. Let me know what you think, @writer84​ and @birdie-girl​ and @elle14-blog1​-  Part of my Growing Pains Series. Please send me your feedback,all my Tumblr peeps!
Bianca was about to take her turn on the slide when she heard her sister scream. She scans the playground, only to see her sister lying on the mulch covered ground with a bigger boy looming over her. 
Little BiBi jets herself down the slide, determined to get to her sibling as fast as possible. As soon as her feet hit the floor, she’s off. 
“What happen to you, KitCat?” She brushes the curls out of her baby sister’s face before helping her up and dusting her off.
“Sissy.” Katrina cries softly. “He push me. Push down. Hurt!”
“He what?” She growls. BiBi turns to glare at the boy. “You hurt my sister?” The boy in question is even bigger than her, but she doesn’t care. All she feels is rage. 
She could fight with her sister. But nobody else could. And she would never hit her. 
“The worm was in my way.” He shrugs. “Next time, she move when I say move. Now you move or I push you too.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “My playground. My rules.”
“Not your playground.” Katrina hisses. “Me and my sissy here too.” 
“She right, dummy.” Bianca confirms. “You no touch her. Do it again, and I punch you.”  
“Do what I want.” He responds before shoving BiBi, and then KitCat, who cries out when she hits the ground again.
That’s more than enough for big sis. Balling up her tiny fist, she delivers a solid blow to the kid’s jaw. 
“Ahh!” He cries out before he takes off running while clutching his face. “Daddy!”
“Dat’s for my sissy!” BiBi growls. Once again, she helps her little sister up. “You okay, Katrina?”
“I okay. Want punch too. Sissy okay?”
“Fine. Let’s go see Mama.” 
They turn around only to come face to face with you. “Are you two alright?” You bend down and wipe some more of the mulch off of their clothing. “I saw what that mean boy did. I’m so proud of you both for taking care of each other.” 
“We fine, Mama. But I no like that dat boy.” Bianca says. 
“He push sissy.” KitCat tells you. 
“Okay.” You kiss them both. “It’s all okay.”
“Um, excuse me.” You hear a deep voice growl. “But your girls have apparently been bullying my son and I think they owe him an apology.” You look up from your crouched position to see the mean boy’s father glaring down at you. “And we would like that apology now.”
No way in hell, buddy.
“Girls,” you murmur with a fake smile. “Go play over there for me, okay?” You point towards the opposite side of the playground. And then you stand up, all 5”2 of pure Mama Bear Come Fuck With Me If You Want To Attitude.  
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.” You tell him. “I’m not even gonna play about it. Your son pushed my daughters. Multiple times.” 
“Ha! I don’t believe that.” The man scoffs. “My Jacob would never. He’s the gentlest soul in the world.” He sets his son down and instructs him to go play as well. 
“Yeah? Sure. I watched it happen. He pushed down my little Katrina, which is why her big sister ran over. And then he pushed her again, along with my Bianca.” 
“Thank you.” You respond with a cheeky grin. “I’m so glad you agree. Your son clearly needs a little more home training before you let him venture out into the wild with other kids.”
“Fuck you, bitch.”
“No thanks. I have a sexy ass husband who gives it to me on the regular.” You shoot him a wink. 
“Your daughter punched my son.” 
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Once again, you dipshit, only after your he put his hands on both my girls. Several times. And I’d also like to point out that he’s bigger than both of them. I will also do you the courtesy of pointing out the fact that my girls are completely allowed to defend themselves when needed. So, if little John or Jack or whoever doesn’t wanna get punched, then teach him to keep his hands to himself. Like a responsible flipping parent.”
“You know what, lady? I’m real close to pushing you.” His nostrils flare as he takes a threatening step towards you. 
“Try it and see what happens.” You snarl. “Where do you think my BiBi learned how to land such an effective right hook, bitch?”
“Oh, I’m a bitch, am I?” The man was on fire.
“If the shoe fits, sweetheart.” You respond with a shrug. “You wanna brawl, we can brawl. I’m not afraid of you, honey.” 
“Well, you should be. Because I’m about to -”
“You’re about to do what?” You hear Andy hiss from somewhere behind you. “You’re about to do what to my wife?” 
The angry father blanches before taking a step back. “I - she - your girls - they -”
“They defended themselves against his bully of a son, Andy. Just like I’m doing now. You can go have a seat if you want, dear. I can whip his ass myself.”
Andy chuckles darkly. 
“So your son bullied my girls and now you’re trying to bully my wife. And I was a little far way that the time, but did I hear you threaten to push my lady? Because if I did, if that’s what I truly heard, I am going to beat you to a goddamned pulp in full view of every parent here. You understand?”
The man says nothing, prompting an incensed Andy to grab him by the shirtfront. “You or your kid threatens any one of my girls again, and you will have me to deal with. Do. You. Understand?”
“I - I got it.” He mumbles. 
“Good. Now get the fuck away.” Your husband shoves him backwards. 
Andy snags a burly arm around your waist and leads you over towards your daughters. 
“I had that, you know.” You playfully grumble.
“I know you did. But nobody and nothing threatens my girls. It just doesn’t happen. Won’t stand for it. I’d torch this whole playground first, sans kids of course.” He presses a soft kiss to your lips. 
“C’mon girls!” He calls out to BiBi and KitCat. “We’re going for ice cream!”
“Yeah! Starrsbury!”
“Woo! Burfday Cake!
“I love you.” You whisper. “And thanks.”
“I love you, too. And don’t ever thank me for protecting what’s mine.”   
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vixenemesis · 7 months
Call Of Duty OC: Yasmine "Sage" Lincoln
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Sage, who decided to join special operations as a last resort is very successful in the missions. She finishes her job quickly with her quick movements and attention. Sage did not have a good childhood and always had an interest in weapons and that's why they made fun of her. She also has heterochromia, which makes her eye colors different, which is why her friends admired her when she was little. Although Sage is physically strong, she is mentally very weak. Although she is compassionate and usually quiet but humorous, she is also very focused and serious on tasks.
Name: Yasmine Sage Lincoln
Aliases: Yas (By her parents) Mimi (By her friends)
Nationality: British
Gender: Female
Birthday: November 15
sexuality: Heterosexual
Languages: English (Native language) Spanish, Russian, German and more (Learned as a hobby)
Occupation: Medical Secretary (formerly) SAS soldier (currently)
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Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Due to her heterochromia disease, her left eye is brown and her right eye is green.
Height: 1.65 cm / 5′ 5″
Faceclaim: Vittoria Ceretti
Blood Type: 0 Positive
Hair style: Usually a side braid.
Sniping: With her attention and ability to hold her breath for a long time, nothing escapes her.
Hostage rescue: With her fast movements, strength and logic, she has no difficulty.
Bomb disposal: Even if it stresses her out, Sage can always stay cool and continue to think clearly. But it still scares her.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
John "Soap" MacTavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Captain John Price
Clothes: She loves to dress Gothic. Victorian clothing is her favorite and her favorite trousers are those with bell-bottoms. On duty, she mostly prefers a camo or just a black top that covers her neck.
Weapons: M4A1 and CZ 750.
Knife: Throwing knife.
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Father: William Lincoln. Ex-Serviceman, he worked as a drill sergeant and is now a veteran. Currently a civil servant.
Mother: Mary Lincoln. Sage is very similar to her mother. Mary, a nurse who taught Sage a lot about medicine.
Siblings: Evan Lincoln. Sage's older brother, he's protective and fun. Sometimes he likes to annoy Sage.
Sage wants to try Ghost's mask because she finds it very cool. But when she wears it, she doesn't think it suits her very well, she still likes to wear it and walk around.
No matter how quiet she is, when she gets bored she talks so much that others want to put tape over her mouth.
She is quite serious with others on a mission, but when she is with Ghost she gets distracted from looking at him, so it is not a good idea to send her on a mission with Ghost. (they will go anyway)
She sometimes likes to cook for others. Just tell her what you want to eat and she will make it.
They decided to call her Sage because Sage was knowledgeable about medicine, took good care of her mates, and knew better what to do when they were injured. Additionally, Sage is a beneficial herb. 🌿
Food: Lentil soup
Drink: Chocolate Milkshake
Color: Navy blue.
Music: Paint It, Black by The Rolling Stones
accessories: rings and necklaces.
Animal: Dogs. (especially K9)
Season: Winter.
Sage was found with a note in front of the door of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln's house, was abandoned when she was a newborn. The note said the baby's name was Yasmine and it was clear that she had been abandoned. It is unknown who her parents were or why they abandoned her. When Mrs. Lincoln opened the door, she was stunned to see Sage in a stroller. She didn't know whose baby this was so she decided to take care of her. Even though they had a 7 year old son, they didn't want to send Sage to an orphanage so they wanted to parent her. She had always been a smart kid because she was grateful to those who parented her. Until she became an adult, Mrs. Lincoln taught her about medicine and Mr. Lincoln taught her how to defend herself. When she turned 21, she joined the special forces and after a tough training she was able to become a sniper. Thanks to her sharp eyes and ability to hold her breath for a long time she became one of the most successful snipers, and at the same time, she became better with Throwing knives with her fast movements when she was under many enemies. She joined Task Force 141 in 2019 and now she is even an expert at being a translator.
And that's it. Thank you if you read this far, I hope you like her. Feel free to ask her whatever you want (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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Okay but to take a brief break from me only talking about Peet in the Wingfeather Saga show, I really love how they’re foreshadowing things about the kids and showing us key aspects of their personalities in little moments scattered throughout the show. (spoilers if you haven’t seen ssn. 1 episode 5)
Tink is smart and brave but impulsive. He thinks he has a better strategy in the zibzy game and while he does score he overlooks details and ends up costing his team the game- and Sara’s ball. He wants to join the Florid Sword and explore Anklejelly because he thinks it will be fun, but when he gets there and finds out it’s creepy and dangerous instead he wants to go home. He runs into Peet’s treehouse and immediately starts going through the man’s personal things which ends up causing Peet to have one of his fits. He bravely rushes into the jail to rescue Nia and Podo, because he’s right, if they wanted to escape they needed to do it now, they couldn’t wait- but he never once thinks it could be a trap and his impulsivity gets he and his siblings captured, though the dagger he stole from Anklejelly helps them escape. He won’t listen to Janner and take his brother’s advice because he thinks he knows better.
Janner has the planning and detail-oriented mind that Tink lacks but he thinks he knows better and doesn’t try to see his brother’s point of view or work with him- he only tries to stop him, even when Tink’s ideas have merit. He resents having to look after Tink and Leeli all the time- he doesn’t want to be “stuck” with them all Dragon Day, he told Nia and Podo that when Tink went into the jail he “had to follow him” with frustration and resentment in his voice. He’s thoughtful and his knowledge of the forest creatures helps protect him and his siblings when they go to Anklejelly (the squeeblin, knowing that fire attracts the hounds, etc). He has good instincts but doesn’t know how to use them yet. He’s angry that his mother and grandfather have kept secrets from him all his life. He’s not usually impulsive but he’s quick-thinking even in a crisis (locking him and his siblings in the weapon chamber to hide from the hounds, killing Gnorm).
Leeli is kind and compassionate. She’s the softer side of the boys, the quiet, gentle one who reaches out. She sees and understands a lot more than adults realize and she’s intuitive (figuring out Podo and Buzzard Willie’s friendship, understanding Peet and that he’s good even though he’s strange). We haven’t gotten quite as much with Leeli yet, but there’s more to her than this, good things and flaws, but what they’re showing us with her is still very important, I think.
Sara is a leader (she easily and confidently takes charge in zibzy, despite never having been a captain before), and she’s also kind and understanding (she chooses Leeli to be on her team even though Leeli isn’t good because Sara knows how to use Leeli’s strengths. She’s endeared by Janner’s attempts at romance). She notices people and she believes in them and tries hard to find light in the world (she saw the flower on the cliff and thought it was beautiful, she wanted to share it with her friend).
So yeah, this is just all stuff that’s going to be really important later and I think it’s really cool how they’re showing it to us. I’m especially noticing a lot of foreshadowing with Tink and Janner, which makes sense because theirs is the key relationship of the books, and it starts coming into play very quickly in book 2. I also loved what they showed us of Sara even though she wasn’t in the story till book 2 originally. Leeli’s character doesn’t get fully fleshed out till book 4 so I’m guessing that’s why there’s less going on with her.
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Can I ask you to write (if you feel like it and have free time, I don't want to sound imperative/demanding) a ficlet/next chapter of Blood Brother about the meeting of children with Lyle and Zdog, which you mentioned a few posts earlier?
I love the original story with all my heart but there is something special about this one shot, I totally can't stop thinking about it since I read it. I think the best thing here is Spider's quite rebellious (idk what to call it) character and how he protects his brother. The whole basement scene made me feel close to tears. I really admire your skills and creativity, and i hope you have a nice day/night 💕
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I was super proud of the basement scene when I wrote it so I'm really happy it's been so well received.
And yes I will gladly write about the boys meeting Uncle Lyle and Auntie Z 💞
     Miles and Hunter were laying on the living room floor engrossed in their homework, their father sitting over them supervising, when rustling noises and the faint sound of chatting alerted the family. Miles immediately jumped to his feet and looked to his father for direction. The man waved him off. “It’s nothin’ Junior. Just your uncle and auntie comin’ up for a visit.”
    “Our what now?” As far as Miles knew neither of his parents had siblings. Or at least siblings that they kept in contact with.
    “They’re some of my old squad mates. My right hand man Lyle Wainfleet and your mama’s best friend Savin Zdinarsik. Z-dog for short. They’re coming up to see how we're doing. Bring us supplies and all of that.”
     “Like what Pa,” Hunter asked, sitting up to innocently stare at him.
      The father had to chuckle. His soon to be thirteen year old thought he was being so casual with his question but the anticipation was written all over his face. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Hunter pouted over that answer. His Pa bent over and playfully ruffled the boy's hair. Hunter glared at him with all the ferocity of a kitten, incredibly annoyed, but too cute for his Pa to take seriously.
     Still laughing at his youngest Miles Sr stood up, motioning for his son’s to follow. “Come on boys. Let’s go say hi.” 
     They stood outside for only a few moments before two figures came strolling out of the foliage, one a broad bald man, the other an incredibly fit woman with a mohawk. They both broke out into wide grins at the sight of the family. “Holy shit,” Lyle exclaimed as he quickened his step towards the house, “would you look at you boys! It’s only been two months but you both already changed so much!”
      Hunter cocked his head to the side, “you’ve seen us before?”
      Lyle’s expression became awkward, “yeah, but y’a know the circumstances were a little different,” he laughed nervously, “I’m not surprised you don’t remember. You were both kinda…asleep.”
      “Were you the one who rescued me?” Hunter asked, putting the pieces together.”
       Lyle’s nerves melted away at the word “rescued” instead of “kidnapped”. His smile returned even wider than before, “yeah kid I was.”
     “Oh, thank you,” Hunter exclaimed, bouncing a little in place.
       “You’re welcome kiddo,” Lyle turned his attention to the eldest brother. “Look at you! You actually look like a boy now without those pussy braids,” Lyle roughly ruffled Miles' hair. The teen took the teasing in good stride, rolling his eyes, but with a faint smile pulling at the corners of his lips.
       “Alright, alright. My turn already,” Auntie Z said, pushing Lyle out of the way. She paused in front of them drinking in their image. There was something so sad and tender in her eyes yet happy at the same time. She turned to the boys’ father, “god they look like her don’t they.” 
       All three members of the family felt their hearts swell. Miles Sr proudly pat both of his sons on the shoulder, “they sure do. They sure as shit didn’t get this good lookin’ from me.” The adults all laughed while the boys smiled awkwardly. “How ‘bout we head inside. I’m sure you two want to rest, grab a bite, unpack…”
      “We do” said Lyle. He had a wry grin on his face that instantly told the family he was up to no good, “but we have a surprise first.”
       The boys’ eyes lit up, “a surprise?” “Like what? “Where is it?” “Is it in your backpack?” “Show us!” “What is it!”
       “Boys! Stop talkin’ over each other.” Their father fixed them with a stern look, instantly quieting his sons, then turned his attention to his comrades, “I’m sure whatever it is it can wait for a couple more days.” Miles Sr gave a subtle glance to the soon to be birthday boy. Hunter didn’t notice, too focused on his aunt and uncle.
       “No can do boss,” said Z, “this isn’t exactly the type of thing you can keep waiting for long.”
       The Colonel was instantly suspicious, “what did you two do?”
        Z and Lyle’s confidence never wavered, “follow me.” Z beckoned them forward. Miles and Hunter rushed ahead eager to see what they had been brought. Their father trailed behind annoyed. They only had to walk a few feet into the tree line when they saw it. The brothers gasps, racing forward, sinking to their knees to pet the excited border collie puppy that was leashed to a tree. 
      Their aunt and uncle beamed down at them as they watched the kids play with the pup. She jumped into their laps, licked their faces, rolled over so the boys could rub her belly. The boys were shrieking with joy. “She’s so cute!” “How old is she?” “Does she have a name?” “Did you really get her for us?” “Do we really get to keep her?”
     “Boys what did I just tell y’a about talkin’ over each other.” All the attention turned to Miles Sr. At the look of exasperation on their fathers face, the boys sobered from their excitement.
      “Papa….” Hunter called, making sure he looked as wide eyed and pitiful as possible.
       His father sighed, “Hunter don’t you start…”
      “Papa please…” said Miles every bit as pleading as his little brother. 
      “Miles not you too…”
       “Please Papa.” “Look at her, how can you say no to this face.” “We promise we’ll take good care of her.” “Yeah! We’ll take her on walks…” “…and feed her…” “….and give her baths…” “…and pick up her shit…”
      “Alright alright, quit your begging already.”
       The woods became quiet as they all waited for the fathers decision. Z was the first to break the silence. “We thought it’d be good for the boys to have a little extra company.”
       “Yeah!” Lyle said, “a friend..”
        The Colonel scoffed, “what do they need a friend for. There’s two of ‘em!” The brothers both shrank inward, bracing for the inevitable no. Their father noticed and lost some of his fire. “God, do you two have to look so absolutely pathetic? You’re killin’ me here! Or maybe I’m just goin’ soft. Keep the damn dog I don’t care…” His son’s where wrapped around him in an instant 
      “Thank you, thank you, thank you Papa!” Hunter's face was buried in his father’s torso, muffling his shouts of joy.
      “Thank you so much Pa,” Miles said, tucked under his father’s chin.
       Miles Sr squeezed his sons tight, “anything for you boys.”
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What needs to happen in season 3 of the owl house part A
The owl house is entering its third and final season. Season 3 will consist of three 44 minute specials (I think. I heard a rumor that fan outrage forced Disney to lengthen the specials to 55minutes). Season 2 ended with the characters kinda spilt into three groups. Luz and her friends henceforth called "The Hexside gang" are trapped in the human realm. The adult CATTs members are back home on the boiling isles out of one apocalypse and straight into another, and King is trapped as the collectors playmate in what ever "owl house" he has made. I am imagining that each special will follow one of these three groups adventures as they all try to reunite.
Here is what I need to see happen with the Hexside gang.
Confirmation that their palismans came to the human realm with them. These kids have lost way to much already, give them their pets.
Give them all cute new human realm outfits
Make some pancakes
More of Camila and Luz interacting now that Luz is back with her original mom.
Do that kind of like how Amphibia did. Anne's parents came around to the Planters and Amphibia because going there helped Anne learn to be more outspoken, and more responsible in her actions. This show started with Camila being concerned with how overly impulsive Luz can act, and how she had no friends as a result. She has gotten a lot more focused and improved her social skills tremendously on the BI. That is probably what could make Camila see it as a good place.
Luz and Vee interacting together now that they are basically sisters. With Luz back will Vee change her human form much or will she and Luz go with the "yeah this is my twin" take?
Camila and Amity interacting and bonding. Preferably Camila bonding with all of Luz's friends, but if we are in a time crunch then at least her girlfriend.
Hunter and Flapjack discovering Caleb’s statue in Gravesfeild.
Confirmation on if Gus saw into Belos memories of Caleb and if he now knows Hunter is a grimwalker clone. It doesn’t have to be a big reveal. Just like have Gus be a bit more shaky and cling to Hunter a little bit more, so he can be sure Hunter is not going to disappear
Bonus points if Hunter at some point tells Gus that he does not mind him staying close to him if that’s what Gus needs, but to please not try and grab/hold his hand or anything because Hunter has a thing about people doing that. Really he seems to hate that so far in the show and while i do not need that explained (If he doesn’t like it, then he just does not like it). I would like it confirmed/acknowledged.
Take these kids to the Zoo
Let Gus see a giraffe. Tell me why giraffes where banished from the demon realm.... What are your powers Giraffes?
Give me Luz and Amity sharing a big stick of cotton candy
have Willow and Hunter looking at some human flowers there when a lady bug comes out of one and fly’s towards Willow, which scares her and causes her to run into Hunter. Hunter (pleased) makes a big show of scaring it off for her.
show everyone being scared for there families back on the Boiling Isles (they don’t even know if they are alive or not) and desperate to go back and rescue them.
I want Gus to see a reporter on the T.V. who reminds him of his dad. Willow to be learning some human dish with Camila then sadly remark how back home she always helped her dads with dinner. Have Hunter either fix up their ripped cloths or searching the web for clues on how to get back, then he remembers Darius teaching him how to sew and use penstagram. Give me Amity trying to pick out a pair of gloves, spotting two teens acting goofy near by, and trying not to break down with worry for her dad and siblings.
As for Luz we know she has pictures/video’s of Eda and King, and probably Lilith too, on her phone. I want her to treat those like she treated pictures of Camila. have look at the pictures as she lays down, talks to the pictures about how she is okay, that she misses them, and to hang on because she is coming back to help them.
We do need Luz’s egg to hatch.
I cannot decide if I want whatever is left of Phillip/Belos to be revealed and beaten in this special or kept a secret until the final when they are all back together.
have Camila and Vee step onto the isles at least temporary (have them move there with Luz) to reunite the witch kids with their families and say good byes (never say good bye).
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w1ngedv01d · 1 month
Jumping around in time in my Cult of the Camellias AU is fun for me, so have some revised
[Want more details? Please send an ask! I'd be delighted]
Starting from the Eldest Cousins:
Aym and Baal, Narinder and Forneus' sons. Were functionally immortal in Narinder's realm then made officially immortal upon rescue. SEVERAL hundred years old.
Aym has not exactly chilled out, but he does spend many hours sparring with the youngins and teaching them things he finds interesting because "no one else is going to do it good enough, obviously >:(". (Definitely doesn't care about the little beans. Not at all.)
Baal has become a wanderer of sorts, often taking Aym with him but mostly going on his own as of the past couple decades. He has taken to painting, to capture all the people and colors and sights he didn't get to see for most of his life. He also has gained some medical knowledge and sometimes works as a low-level doctor.
They're the adult cousins who were adults before any of the others were born, so they're often treated more like surrogate uncles than cousins
Hannah, Heket's daughter. Named after her other mother. Frog woman who looks like a toned-down version of her mother, and is a more yellowy-orange.
Given her own immortality and how long she's been alive, she is a young adult-type. Self-assured, and well aware of what she wants. Always spoke on Heket's behalf growing up bc of how painful talking was. So now not only is she willing to let anyone know what she thinks, she'll let them know what her mother thinks, too. She's exceptionally good at being the voice for others
The Lamb figured out how to share portions of his power, given that he took all of the gods' power and was the only one kicking for a hot minute, and was able to over time give her enough power for her to take on Heket's crown with minimal issue and has started ruling Anura in her place.
That's a tough job, bc the residents have gotten used to the past few hundred years of having to answer to no god but the Lamb, but there have been dangerous powers wreaking havoc there and there needs to be a consistent, steady hand
Wave, Ocean, and Shore
(They/Them, They/Them, She/Her)
Kallamar's three older kids, who all hatched in very short succession. Technically they're in the same age order as their names, but there's less than a year's difference between Ocean and either of their siblings, so it barely matters. (Kallamar got the Lustful trait in my game, and so he is like that in this AU too. He has a Few kids) They're very young adults, and all mostly-mortal. They have life-doubling necklaces, but none of them currently want godhood or full immortality.
Wave has fully moved out and runs a school in anchordeep. They're an axolotl with Kallamar's color scheme. They were given their father's relic ear as a parting present, which they wear on a chain around their neck. They are patient, a good listener, and helped Aym teach the cult children things before they left to do similar elsewhere. They swim as a passion.
Ocean is a coward like Kallamar, and also buff as hell because they spar and exercise to redirect their constant anxiety. Being super tall and super buff is a natural fighting deterrent, so they don't have to worry about being attacked much. Which is good, because they might run away if someone did. They're a light blue otter.
Shore looks just like her father, but with big circular glasses and certain details toned down to make her look a lil more mortal. She's incredibly good at picking up a variety of tasks- a jack of all trades. She especially loves building. Her current project is completely redoing their cooking station for convenience and efficiency. She doesn't want to leave the cult because this is safety, this is home. And also because there's a yellow starfish boy her age that she's kind of sweet on.
Bunbun, Narinder's only child with his wife Hoppy. She, like Hoppy, is a rabbit, but black like Narinder instead of white like her mom. She's gradeschool age, and has a strong sense of How The World Should Be. She's also incredibly stubborn. But if she likes you, she's the best friend you'll ever have as an 8 year old
Kallie and Mar
When Lamb learned what Kallamar named his twins they were like "...Of course he did"
They're six and they like to collect rocks. They also love collecting seashells to "hear the ocean" through. It's very cute
Poof! Leshy and Lamb's toddler. Bites. A menace /affectionate
They're Leshy's general shape and features, but white cotton-like "wool" instead of leaves. Climbs everything they have figured out how to climb.
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