#shes getting comfier in the house
real-life-cloud · 6 months
kity has me trapped ...
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lunarpanda · 1 year
I lowkey think that Tangy having “I Love You” for her default song is a little off IMO....
It’s a good song but I don’t think it fits her. That’s more of a Stitches song.
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imtryingbuck · 1 month
Old As A Dinosaur
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~ gif not mine credit to owner ~
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: reader learns something about her boyfriend
Word count: 842
Warnings: fluff. short and sweet.
A/N: this idea came from the wonderful @buckys-wintersoldier❤️
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The giggles coming from the living room greeted you the moment you stepped foot into the house, as you walked in to the room you saw your son Sebastian sitting on the couch tucked in to the side of your boyfriend Bucky.
Bucky didn’t bat an eye when you told him that you had a three year old son. When he met Seb for the first time it seemed that both your son and boyfriend forgot that you were even there. The first night Bucky stayed over Seb asked if Bucky could put him to bed, then when a nightmare involving monkeys that were trying to eat his toes woke him up he begged for Bucky to come and save him.
Six months after Bucky had met Sebastian the rest of the Avengers met him too. His squeals of pure joy had everyone laughing other than Bucky as Sam had Seb in his arms and flew the two around. Your boyfriend actually threatened Sam that he would end him if he dropped the three year old. Said three year old who tried to lift up Thor’s hammer, then was using Captain Americas shield as a sled.
You had actually been pulled aside by Seb’s teacher and was told that Seb had been lying all day by telling everyone he knew the Avengers, you just raised your eyebrow and laughed informing her that he was not lying at all.
“Hi pretty mama” Bucky greeted when he noticed you standing there.
“Hi pwetty mama” Seb repeated making the pair of you laugh.
“Hi my handsome men, what are you two doing?”
“Dinos” pointing at the tv Sebastian sighed happily at seeing his favourite movie for what felt like the thousandth time.
“How was work babe?”
“It was alright, nothing exciting today. I’m going to get dinner started”
“No need pretty girl, me and little man here did it we was just waiting on you. Go and get changed and then we can eat” Bucky says before telling Seb that it was dinner time and promising the three year old that they could carry on watching as soon as they had finished eating. Doing as he says you head upstairs changing into comfier clothes.
“Follow me pwetty mama, dinner time” laughing you take your sons waiting hand letting him lead you into the dinning room as Bucky served the food.
Halfway through the meal Sebastian was trying to whisper to Bucky who kept responding with “I told you it’s a secret”
“But pwease it’s mama”
“Do you think we can trust her?” Bucky’s eyes squinted looking at you suspiciously.
“Yes! Its mama she not tell”
“Okay, but she has to do the secret pinky swear before we tell her” Your eyes moved between the pair with your eyebrow pinched together. “Pretty mama what we’re about to tell you is top secret, you have to pinky swear that you can never tell anyone what you’re about to hear”
“Pwomise mama”
“I promise” both of them hold up their pinky fingers up waiting for you to wrap yours around theirs you waited patiently to hear this top secret news.
“Okay little man, you-you can tell her” Bucky says with a nervous tone lacing his voice.
“Mama… Buck met dinos” Sebastian tells you in the most serious voice the three year old could muster.
“Yep. He was fwends with them and-and had pet T-Rex’s”
Looking at Bucky with your eyebrow raised he nodded solemnly keeping his face void of emotion.
“I-I didn’t know that”
“Top secret mama uncle Stevie don’t know so no telling no one!”
“Buck your secret is safe with me, don’t worry” you tell him earnestly.
“Thank you pretty girl, it honestly feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I’ve been able to tell my family the truth” he takes yours and Sebs hands in his and squeezes.
Honestly he deserves an Oscar for his performance.
Seb giggles and promises that he will never ever tell anyone then carries on eating his dinner as if he hadn’t just told you some life changing news about your partner. Bucky looks at you and smiles before doing the same as Seb.
Finishing your dinner, you tell Bucky that you’ll wash up - he did try and argue that he would do it but Seb begged him to watch the dinos. Walking into the living room once again, your eyebrow rosed for the umpteenth time that night as you watch Bucky with his arms pulled close to his chest, Seb coping him and both bouncing around.
“Look mama we’re dinos!” Seb giggled before roaring like a dinosaur.
“Come on pretty mama, be dinos with us” Bucky winked then roaring and chirping like Sebastian was doing.
If anyone had looked in your front windows that night they would have thought there was something wrong with all three of you.
The three of you were roaring and acting as dinosaurs. And honestly, it was the best way to end a stressful day at work.
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Tags: @imcinnamoons | @pigeonmama | @capsbestgirl77
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meangirls-imagines · 4 months
Regina's Protector
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WARNINGS: none, fluff, a lil violence (you slap cady), protective reader
cady heron.
the bane of y/n y/l/n's existence. 
you see, y/n had a reputation for being nice and friendly to everyone at north shore. that's why she balanced her girlfriend regina out so well. regina was the fire and y/n was the ice. the two had started dating early in their freshman year and quickly became the school's power couple.
the two were very protective of each other, regina lashing out more than y/n most of the time, but there had been a few of times that everyone witnessed just how protective y/n can be. (just ask shane or aaron or jake). 
enter cady heron. the new girl of junior year. this is where things take a turn.
y/n had a bad feeling about the redhead the first time she met her. especially when she caught a glimpse of her hanging out with janis. the bad feeling increased the first day they were in class together and cady began staring at her with heart eyes.
regina knew y/n wouldn't cheat on her. they were obsessed with each other, but the more cady hang out with their group, the more she noticed cady staring at her girlfriend. maybe y/n was right about this bad feeling about the girl. but, regina couldn't jump to conclusions just yet, she wanted to wait it out.
well, waiting it out was an awful idea on regina's part. 
shit went downhill very, very quickly. 
after cady continued to send heart eyes to y/n, regina had enough and became extra possessive of her girlfriend. cady wasn't backing down however, becoming more of a bitch as the days went on. she began to say sly remarks to y/n about regina, like how she was only with y/n for popularity and status. 
then the comments got bitchier. 
"you know, i thought i saw regina getting a little too close to shane again, you might wanna check your girlfriend, y/n."
"i heard regina is going around gloating about how she's only using you for sex."
y/n was a very small strike away from snapping. she knew the comments were affecting regina more than she let on and the fact that cady continued to make them, pissed y/n off to another degree. the day that y/n snapped, no one was expecting it.
y/n's friend chris was throwing a party at his house so her and regina were going together. it was a pool party so regina made sure to pick y/n's favorite of her bikinis to show off to her girlfriend. when they got to the party, they found karen, gretchen, and unfortunately cady. y/n set off to get her and regina drinks, kissing the girl softly before beginning her search.
after getting herself a beer and regina something fruity, she turned and saw cady looking at her, biting her lip. "can i help you with something cady?" the redhead shook her head. "just wanted to talk. you look really hot y/n." 
y/n rolled her eyes and set back to find her girlfriend. cady followed after the girl. "why are you with regina? you could do so much better than her." y/n stopped in her tracks, turning to cady. "excuse me?" cady shrugged. "i mean, you could go for someone skinnier, i see regina has put on a few extra pounds lately."
the next few seconds happened very quickly.
the drinks were dropped and y/n slapped cady right across the face. she began to spew off insults at the redhead. luckily, chris was near by and pulled y/n away before more damage could be done.
kicking cady out, he led y/n back to where the plastics were sunbathing, explaining what happened while making y/n sit on regina's sun lounger. the blonde immediately pulled y/n closer to her, rubbing her back in an effort to calm her down. 
karen and gretchen joined in on the hug, y/n smiling at the two. chris walked off, allowing the girls to have some privacy. 
regina and y/n decided to leave shortly after, regina wanting to get y/n to destress. karen and gretchen hugged the two, promising to be over later and the couple left.
once back at regina's house, the blonde changed into comfier clothes, pulling some out for y/n. the girl took them, pecked regina on the lips and went to change. the two laid in bed, netflix playing gently in the background. regina leaned up to kiss y/n's cheek.
"thank you for standing up for me baby. i appreciate it." y/n kissed the blonde's forehead, rubbing her arm. "of course baby. i wasn't going to let her talk about you like that." regina smiled and softly kissed y/n. "i'm so glad i have you baby." y/n smiled. "well, you'll have me for a very long time then baby. i don't plan on going anywhere."
regina smirked. "good. i intend on keeping you forever." 
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Twenty-Four - Milo's Birthday
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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That night, the night after her run in with Kerry-Ann, she found herself at the kitchen table. Her old, beaten up laptop sat open in front of her and she typed away, writing her story.
She hadn't opened her laptop since their Monaco trip. A small glass on wine sat on the placemat beside her laptop. She brought it to her lips, finishing off the glass before she put it back down and returned to her writing.
Her head snapped towards the door. "Munchkin, what're you doing up?" She asked as she saved her work and closed her laptop (every time she did, it was a wonder whether it would turn back on again).
Milo slipped into the seat opposite her, sitting on his hands. He rocked gently from side to side as he looked at his mother. "My bed at Danny's house is comfier," he muttered. It wasn't Milo's bed, just the bed in the guest bedroom that had been decorated with enough stuffed toys that the bed beneath was barely visible.
But it might has well have been Milo's bed.
"He'll be back soon, munchkin," she said and pushed her laptop away. "I miss him and Olivia, too."
Leaving her laptop on the table, she put her glass in the sink with the rest of the dishes and waited for Milo to stand up. Together, they headed back upstairs. She tucked Milo in and headed to her own bedroom.
It was the middle of the day in whichever part of the world Daniel was in. She called him, holding the phone to her ear as she called him.
It didn't take Daniel very long to pick up. The moment she heard his voice, she couldn't hide the elation she was filled with. Not that she had anybody to hide it from.
"Hey, honey," he said. Daniel sat outside of the AlphaTauri hospitality unit, coffee in front of him.
"Hi, Danny," she said quietly. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too," He replied.
She didn't want to bring up her unpleasant encounter with Kerry-Ann. Not yet, anyway. They talked, talked about how the Grand Prix weekend was going, talked about how Milo had been enjoying school since he left
"He misses you, too," she said to him, and Daniel chucked. There was nothing she could have said to him that would have made him happier. "Danny, we need to talk about something."
From across the world, she couldn't see as his face fell. "What's the matter? Did something happen? Is it Olivia?"
"No, no," she said quickly. "No, Danny. I had a run in with Kerry-Ann earlier. And I know it's stupid, I know she was just trying to get into my head, but I can't stop thinking about what she said to me."
"What did she say to you?" He asked. He had sat up straighter in his seat, his posture tense.
She sucked in a breath. "First she... she accused me of being with you for your money. Which, I swear I'm not interested in you for money, Danny. I love the person you are inside, I swear."
"It's okay, sweets. I know. She was the one with me for my money, not you. I know you're not." He let out a breath. "What else did she say?"
Guilt ran through her. She knew this bit wasn't true, either. She knew how Daniel felt about her. But still, she hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. "She said that you don't love me," she said. "She said that you won't ever love me."
Silence. That was maybe the worst thing he could have done. Daniel said nothing. He didn't say a single thing to her for a good minute. Oh God, she was going to throw up.
But then Daniel let out a breath. "I did love Kerry-Ann. I loved her enough to have a child about her. But she showed who she really was after Olivia was born. I can't love someone that awful. She's got it in head that it's impossible I don't love her. So she thinks I can't love."
He paused, giving her a second to soak it in. "She's wrong, though. She thinks I can't love, but I love you so much that sometimes, I don't understand how it's possible. I don't understand how I can be so in love with another human being. But I am. I'm in love with you and I can't wait to buy you a ring."
She couldn't stop herself from gasping. "You don't mean that."
"Fuck, baby, I do. I've been gone a day and I just can't stop thinking about you. I know it might be soon but I can't help but dream about a future with you."
She couldn't stop herself from crying, sobs muffled by her pillow. "I can't wait for you to come home," she said through her cries.
Now, their reunion after the Grand Prix weekend was exactly what you'd think it would be. It was sweet and loving. Daniel took the four of them out for dinner and then, well, he didn't let her out of bed very much after that.
The next two months were bliss. Pure bliss.
With every Grand Prix that went by, things got a little easier. Nothing Kerry-Ann said could affect her, not when she knew how much Daniel loved her.
But then they ran into a bump. Daniel hadn't thought to ask when Milo's birthday was. But they were coming up to a year ad still, Milo hadn't celebrated his sixth birthday yet.
But then, a few weeks before the Vegas Grand Prix, she started coming home with presents. She snuck them into the house and hid them under the bed they shared.
"What's this?" He asked, watching the third time she pushed a toy beneath the bed.
She sat up and dusted off her hands. "Presents. For Milo's birthday."
Daniel moved closer to her. "Honey, when is Milo's birthday?" He asked. He had several Grand Prix coming up; he just had to hope that Milo's birthday didn’t fall on one of those weekends.
"23rd," she answered.
"What, November?"
"Fuck!" Daniel couldn't stop himself, couldn't stop the words escaping his lips. "Shit, baby. I'm in Vegas that weekend." His head fell against his shoulder and he let out a huff. "I'm gonna get him something good, I promise."
She ran her fingers through his curls. "I know you will, Danny," she said and kissed his forehead.
"I'll arrange for a party, too. And then we can do some when I'm back."
That was exactly how Daniel spent the next few weeks, planning and arranging Milo's birthday. Just like Olivia's birthday, he arranged for a custom made cake. There was a bouncy castle, a magician and more. Daniel was going to do whatever he could to give Milo the best birthday ever.
Milos birthday came around and Daniel wasn't there. Milo said he understood, but everybody could tell just how upset he was. Even more so when Kerry-Ann refused to bring Olivia to the party.
He spent most of his party in his bedroom. The bouncy castle, the custom made cake, the magician. He wanted none of it if his family wasn't all there together.
So Milo didn't enjoy his birthday on the day he turned six. He missed Daniel, he missed Olivia, enjoying it was near impossible. But he did enjoy the cake, the dinosaur cake Daniel had gotten for him.
Daniel was home the next day. He picked Olivia up from her mothers on the way and took them back to his home. Where she was waiting. With sweet, sweet Milo.
"Don't tell Milo, okay Livvy?" Daniel said to her as they pulled up outside. "It's meant to be a surprise."
Olivia mimmicked locking her lips and throwing away the key. She pulled her backpack onto her shoulders and followed her father up to the house. "Did you have fun at the party?" He asked as he pushed the key into the lock and twisted it.
"Oh, mummy wouldn't let me go to the party," she said and walked in, running up to her bedroom.
"What?!" Daniel cried as he dropped his bags.
His shout alone got the attention of everybody in the house. Milo came running down stairs (after his reunion with Olivia) to jump into his arms and she, his beautiful, wonderful girlfriend, came from the kitchen.
Daniel hugged Milo and let him go as he strode towards her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her waist. "Hi, baby," she said and kisssd him.
Daniel kissed her back, but pulled away quickly. "Kerry-Ann didn't let her come to Milo's party," he muttered. "That bitch didn't let Olivia go to the party."
"It's okay," she whispered, running her hands through his hair in a soothing manner. "It's okay. We're gonna go and have a nice dinner tonight, right?"
He nodded. "Right. Yeah. Really nice dinner."
Daniel wanted full custody of Olivia. More than anything in the world, he wanted full custody. But, first, he was gonna marry this girl.
a/n: we have reached the penultimate chapter of the Hooked On A Feeling series!! One more to go (but im definitely doing a follow up series dw)
TAGLIST (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minseok-smaus @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lily-ann-b @cixrosie @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @lightdragonrayne @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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imbored1201 · 5 months
Happy new year!
Would you do a barca x teen!reader?
Like they're feeling down/depressed and clingy for a few days because it's someone they cared about death anniversary? (maybe they end up one day just crying and clinging to someone - like alexia or lucy, instead of training?)
That Time Of The Year
A/N: speaking of New Years, hope the New Year started off well for everyone❤️
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Mostly a Lucy Bronze x Teen Reader
Words: 1,777
Warnings: Talks of drunk driver, talks of dead best friend
You hated January; it was supposed to be a month of excitement for a new year. You couldn't see it that way, though. It was the same month your childhood best friend died.
She was the only one who actually supported you and believed you would make it to your dream team, Barcelona. Now you were, but she didn't get to watch. She went to every game when you played with Man City.
As the new year hit, Alexia noticed how you got clingier. It started with the little things, like you wanting to eat lunch with her or go out to a restaurant together. It was odd since she was the one who always had to drag you to do that with her.
Then you would sneak into her bed to cuddle at night. Sometimes she would wake up to you doing it, and she would just open her arms for you to hold you, or sometimes she would wake up to pressure on her chest, and it was always you.
She had questioned you about it, but you just told her nothing was wrong. Which was a lie, and Alexia hated when you lied to her.
"You ready?" She asked after having to force you to get up after you once again snuck into her bed. You always claimed it was harder to get out of her bed since it was way comfier. You nodded, grabbing a banana and walking out the door.
Alexia was able to see that you were about to break; she even texted a lot of the older girls to keep an eye on you before she dropped you off for training.
She's tried to help you, even being straight up with you and telling you she knew you weren't okay. She even made her mom talk to you; you, being stubborn, refused to speak of the situation and even stayed at Lucy's house for a day to get away from Alexia's hassling.
She was glad to see Lucy waiting for you as she pulled up, giving you a kiss on the forehead and telling you to be careful, as she always did.
"Let's get to work, kid." Lucy was worried when she got that text from Alexia. She understood why now. You were always energetic during training; now you seem to have no energy at all. Something was wrong.
You made no effort to greet the girls, heading straight to your locker and changing. The girls patted your back as they went out to the field as a sign that they were there for you.
Aitana kept sending you perfect through balls during a drill, and you couldn't seem to finish them. It was making you frustrated, as you apologized to her every time.
She waved it off, realizing whatever was happening to you was starting to affect how you played now.
"Y/N, come here." Jonatan called for you, and you sighed in annoyance. You knew he was probably going to tell you off for how bad you were training and probably even bench you. That's what your mind was saying. It was true what they said, your mind was your biggest enemy.
He led you to his office. "Look, I know I'm doing horrible, so please don't-" "Y/N, this isn't about training," he said softly. You looked at him, confused.
"This is about your mood recently; there's been a lot of concern about you. Everyone can see something is bothering you, and we just want to help." Now you were extra annoyed.
You didn't need more people meddling in your business. First Alexia, then the feeling of the team walking on eggshells around you. Now even your coach was getting involved.
"Nothing is wrong," you said harshly, immediately regretting that. You cursed yourself for talking to your coach like that. He didn't seem mad, though; in fact, he seemed more worried.
"I can't do this," you told him, rushing out of his office. You were going full speed back to the locker room when you ran straight into Lucy.
"There you are; I was looking for you," she said, holding you by your shoulders to steady you. She frowned seeing your tears. "What happened?"
You tackled her into a hug; you couldn't hold it in anymore. You clinged tightly to her as you sobbed; everything you had been holding in for a week was finally coming out.
"Love, you'll make yourself sick; take deep breaths," you listened to her, trying your best to calm yourself down. Lucy continued to rub your back and whisper soothing words. Even trying to make dad jokes to cheer you up.
That's how Jonatan found the two of you. You were in Lucy's lap, sitting and leaning against the wall as she stroked your hair and wiped your tears.
Jonaton's eyes softened as he looked down at you and Lucy. You looked up at him, scared that he was going to tell you off for storming off.
"Take her home; she needs to rest." Lucy nodded and coaxed you to get up. You held onto her tightly as she led you back into the locker room.
"But training," you rubbed your eyes. "Training doesn't matter right now; come on, we'll get ice cream." You smiled a bit at that. Lucy always joked that you would trade her for a scoop of ice cream because of how much you loved it.
After getting your ice cream, the both of you sat in Lucy's car in silence. "Want me to take you back home?" She asked, "Can we just sit here for a little more?" She quickly nodded and continued to eat.
After another minute of silence, she spoke up again. "Do you want to talk about it?" You let out a sad sigh. You knew you would have to tell someone eventually. Lucy was the best person to tell because she's known you longer than anyone else. She trained you while you two played in City together that year. Then you moved to Barcelona with her, and Alexia took over the parenting.
"Remember that girl that I would always be walking with after training?" She nodded. "Tiny Blondy." You rolled your eyes at the nickname the team had given her.
"Yes, tiny blondy, we used to watch all the Barcelona games together since we were 7. It was always my dream to play here; you already knew that part, though." She nodded and listened, giving you a supportive smile.
"She was really the only one that supported it; even mom and dad didn't think I'd be able to. Towards the end of the season before I came here, I got the offer, but mom and dad didn't want me to go to Spain by myself. I called her crying, but she was eating dinner with her family, and her mom was very strict on family time, so she was never able to get out of it, but I heard her start an argument over the fact that I really needed her and she had to leave."
"Wait, your parents weren't going to let you come here?" She immediately shut up when she saw the look on your face. "Sorry"
"She didn't listen to her mom's words and came to my house. We talked all night, and we were even going to have a sleepover, but her mom came to our house angry and demanded she go back. My friend listened, and her last words to me were, 'You better go to Barcelona', a drunk driver hit them on their way back home, my friend died, and her mom was in a coma."
"Y/N," Lucy said, leaning over to wipe the tears that were starting to fall out again. "It was my fault, Lucy; if I hadn't overreacted to my parents telling me no to my dream team, I would have probably been able to sign for it when I was actually an adult," you sniffled, hiding your face in your hands.
"It's the main reason my parents even signed those papers for me to play here; they wanted me to get away from everything. Her dad was going crazy, blaming me for everything. He came to my house four times. My dad even fought him once because he had followed me all the way home from practice, saying nasty things to me."
Lucy couldn't hold back anymore either; tears started to fall down her face now. She leaned over and pulled you into a tight hug.
"I got you," she whispered, wiping her own tears. She needed to stay strong for you.
"She didn't get to watch me, Luce; she said she wanted to be the first person to buy my Barcelona jersey; she wasn't able to do that." You cried harder; all Lucy could do was hold you.
"Look at me, kid," she gently grabbed your cheeks. "Nothing is your fault. That man took his grieving out on you, and he shouldn't have. You're a kid; you're allowed to feel disappointed over not being able to play for your dream team; you're allowed to call someone for advice and comfort.
You nodded at her words. "Everything will be okay; nothing was your fault." You wanted to cry more at her words; those words were all you wanted to hear someone say to you.
And the fact that Lucy was saying them made it extra special. You knew Lucy would never lie to you, so if everything was going to be okay, you believed her.
Over the next couple of weeks, Alexia got you help. You were seeing someone at least once a week, or if you really needed them. You were also able to go back home for the first time and finally get some alone time at your friend's grave to say your final words.
Her mom was fine, but her parents ended up moving away. There was some relief, but also a guilty feeling in your mind. Relieved that you wouldn't have to be scared about encountering the dad every time you came back home. You felt guilty for feeling that way though. You understood why he blamed you, and you wish you could take it all back. Sometimes you even think about what life would have been like if you had turned down Barcelona's contract and stayed with City without throwing a tantrum.
Maybe in another universe, she would have still been in your City jersey, being the loudest there, and maybe you both could have moved to Barcelona at 18. She wanted to get into sports journalism to follow you, but once again.
Maybe in another universe.
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finelinevogue · 6 months
Hi ellie! happy first day of the Christmas month!! I hope you are all cozy and comfy at home!
The other day I saw a super cute video from this tiktok couple cam.and.mal, where he puts up mistletoe everywhere in the house (like every door way, fan, light etc.) so they will always be kissing, thought that's super cute :))
loooove your writing by the way!! Your masterlist has always been my little comfort corner, sending love and hugs!!
christmassy kisses
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hi!!! omg happy 1st day of christmas and thank you so much for the request <333 this is such an adorable idea and i am on it right now <333 p.s. you’re amazing xo
word count : -600
pairing : youtuber!reader x harry
As soon as you walked through the front door you were stopped.
You noticed Harry first, of course, in his hoodie and joggers. Behind him was your editor, Pippa, holding up her phone to film you two.
“What’s going on?” You asked suspiciously.
“Look up, babe.” Harry said.
You tilted your head up, expecting some slime or paint to fall, but instead there was some fake mistletoe.
“Mistletoe?” You asked, opening the door wider.
Harry didn’t let you in very far though, making sure you waited in the doorway.
“Guess we’ll have to kiss then.” Harry shrugged his shoulders and cupped your cheeks, bringing you towards him for a proper kiss. Not too intense, seeing as Pippa was here and she’s probably filming content for you.
“Interesting welcome home.” You laughed, smiling at Harry who looked very pleased with himself.
“It’s only because it’s Christmas, and I love you.”
You shut the front door behind you as you walked in, taking note of how Harry and Pippa are still standing around and looking suspicious.
“Seriously, what are you two up to?”
You took off your coat and hung it up on the coat hanger, before walking to the bedroom to change into a comfier hoodie - preferably one of Harry’s.
When you approached your bedroom door, you noticed the mistletoe hanging above it too.
“What the —”
“Don’t worry, i’ll kiss you again.” Harry smiled and leant down to kiss you again. He looked super chuffed with himself, like his plan was succeeding or something.
“H, bub, have you hung up mistletoe everywhere just so you have the excuse of kissing me?” You asked, standing close to him with Pippa still filming.
Instead of responding, you ran to find the next one. You stood under the en-suite bathroom door and patiently waited for Harry to come over.
He laughed once he caught on to how eager you were, becoming more eager himself. He gladly wandered over to you and gave you a loving kiss, filled with giggles.
“Best idea ever.” You praised him.
“We get to kiss more than ever!”
“We already do, baby.” Harry laughed, hugging you against his body tight to embrace all your sunshine energy.
“But this time they’re Christmassy kisses.” You argued.
“You’re right, m’love. I’ll give you all the Christmassy kisses you could ever want.”
“Deal.” You said, running off to find the next piece of mistletoe.
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ohcaptains · 1 year
Pls I need more roommate Abby hc’s 😭
the way I could write these forever.
roommate!abby alwaysss texts you when she’s about to bring a girl over. they range from the casual, w a girl, or the drunken, w a girl, can’t promise she’ll be quiet😝 because as much as she’s lovely and polite, abby is a stone cold ladies man.
she does try though. she does try to be quiet. it’s usually not her making the noise anyway, because as she told you that one time, she’s a giver. the girls that leave abby’s room are always come drunk and dazed in the morning. they grin up at abby like she’s a saint, and as you sit at the kitchen table and watch the interaction, you can’t help but wonder just how good she is.
one time, the girl must have not known what quiet meant, because she was moaning and groaning through the wall. like that abby, she moaned, like that like that, and all of a sudden, her moans got muffled, abby grunting, just shut up and take it, as she covered the girls mouth with her palm.
your body actually shut down. you laid, rigid in bed, with your body trying to reboot itself as they fucked for at least another hour. the next morning, it was all you could think about as abby silently moved around you, mixing a protein shake.
roommate!abby likes to air dry. now, this is a problem, because she shares a house with someone who isn’t — unfortunately— her girlfriend, so she really has to pick her moments. usually, she just sneaks into her room and lounges naked in bed — muscular frame spread out wide, with her bicep flexing behind her head as she scrolled through her phone. one time, though, she hadn’t timed it correctly, and you walked in on her butt ass naked in the hallway. she’d frozen like a deer in headlights, standing there with her muscular back and perky ass out, hearing you yell, “abby what the fuck!”
when you have a girl spend the night, abby wants to know all about it. she pretends it’s because she wants you to share the wisdom, but really, she just wants to imagine how she could do it better. you figured out her motives quite quickly, so you’re detailed in your description.
abby would be laying with her head in your lap, and you’ll be explaining the events, watching her brows furrow and lips purse. “see, personally i would have continued to fuck you through the orgasm, but, if you enjoyed it.”
your relationship was confusing, and it broke all friendship protocol, but you both seemed to enjoy the teasing nature of it all.
roommate!abby is in love with you. or fancies you, at least. she openly flirts with you continuously, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it.
going on a night out? abby is your personal hypeman, coming up behind you in the mirror and gently clasping your hips, meeting your gaze and saying, you look hot as fuck.
you’re both handsy with each other, so it’s not an uncommon move on her part. she’ll pull your skirt down as you walk out of the door, then smack your ass, grinning as she says, go get em champ.
roommate!abby keeps her protein powder in the cuboard beside the fridge, and there is always a metal shaker bottle mixer ball draining beside the sink. her gym shoes take up half the hallway, and you’re always finding her workout straps dotted around the house. one time, you collected all of her shit and dumped it on her bed.
she was shoving her foot into a shoe, and had immediately knew what the problem was when she turned around as you threw your hands up and said, "I'm done!" "come on, baby--" "no abby. you keep your shit in here from now on, okay?"
sometimes, roommate!abby wakes you up in the middle of the night.
you’ll hear her soft voice, and turn over your shoulder, finding her slipping under your duvet and getting into bed with you. when it first started happening, she said it was because your mattress was comfier. but really, you knew it was because she suffered from nightmares, so you always let her snuggle into the back of your neck, and take her hand and hold it to your belly.
you always wake up pressed into the hard planes of her chest, her muscular arms keeping you locked against her. “abby,” you would mumble, trying to pull away, but the girl would groan something incoherent, tugging you closer.
sometimes, in the middle of the night, she kisses your forehead. whispers a small, thank you in your skin before passing out again. you've never told her about it.
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lvrsparadise · 10 months
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Synopsis - She's always liked him.
Warnings! - Profanity, kissing, reader being jealous, Matt n reader being cute, fluff
A/N - Okay. I want to kms because I had originally written out something so beautiful for this. And then I accidently deleted something, and I forgot that if I press control z it ERASES THE WHOLE DAMN THING! So, this is a re-write. Enjoy!
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Work was so tiring. I got cut from the floor at 7 instead of 9, when I was supposed to get off, because I had no tables. I made barely $40 in tips. And not to mention the weird drunk creep who kept asking my co-workers and I, very uncomfortable questions. I sigh as I clock out of the system and grabbing my stuff before saying bye to my co-workers.
I walk out the back to my car. I open the driver door and throw my stuff in the passenger seat. I just sit there and recollect myself before I put the key in the ignition, turning on the car.
Thee drive back to my house was quiet. I didn't have the radio on, I didn't have the windows down. I wasn't even on the phone with anybody. Today was that stressful.
'I'm going to have to ask my maneger for more hours next shift.'
I pull into my driveway and grab my stuff, turning off the car and walking to my front door. I open it and am immediately bombarded by my puppy, Sam, and my cat Mr. Murray.
I set my stuff down on the couch before walking upstairs to my room. I get undressed and hop in the shower. After my very refreshing shower, I throw on some comfier clothes - a pair of pink and black plaid pajama pants, a white tank top, and one of Matt's hoodies he left over.
I flop on my bed with a sigh. I sit up and open my phone, opening my messages app before clicking on Matt's contact. Matt is my brother's best friend. Well, actually, Chris is my brother's best friend, but I learned that they're a package deal. Get one, get all.
1 ring. 2 rings.
"Hey. Everything alright?"
I breathe out a small sigh of relief at the sound of his voice.
"Hey. Yeah, no everything's fine. I've just had a stressful day and I was wondering if we could go for like a drive or something?"
"Yeah, no that's fine. I'll be over in 10."
"Okay. Thank you."
That's the last thing I hear before the line goes dead. Knowing he's going to be here in less than 10 minutes, I slip on my converse and head downstairs.
I love on and play with Sam and Mr. Murray for about 5 or 6 minutes before I hear a car pull in my driveway. I instantly recognize it as Matt's car. I grab my wallet, just in case, my keys, and my phone, placing all of them in the pocket of the hoodie. I hear a knock at my door and Sam barks. I yell out his name to get him to stop barking as I open the door.
There he is. Looking perfect as ever. Even in sweats and a hoodie. He's wearing that damn smile. One I return gratefully.
"You ready?"
"Yeah. Let's go."
I close my door behind me as I walk out, locking it as well before I walk over to the passenger side of the car. I get in and so does Matt. He pulls out of my driveway and starts driving around with no destination.
"How was your day? Why was it stressful?" He turns is head towards me as we're at a red light.
"Well, I got cut from the floor early because we were dead, and I had no tables. I made barely $40 in tips. I also had to work with that one girl I told you about. She made the day ten times worse. And this morning, Sam thought it would be nice to wake me up with a surprise next to my bed." I rest my elbow on the center console, resting my chin on my hand as I look out the window.
"Yikes." I hear him say as the light finally turns green and we start driving again.
"What about you? Anything fun happen?"
"Chris almost like, broke the ceiling in the warehouse."
"How in the hell?"
"I have no idea; I wasn't around when it happened. But Nick was and he kept making jokes about it reminding Chris that he did it. It was hilarious." He chuckles quietly.
"I bet."
"Oh shit."
"Hmm?" I turn my head towards him, his gaze switching between the road and the dashboard behind the steering wheel.
"I'm almost out of gas. I think I have enough to get us to that 7-11." He jerks his chin towards a 7-11 that's not too far. It's dark out, not many cars are on the road, the gas station seems empty.
He pulls into the gas station, pulling up to a gas pump. He turns the car off after rolling down the windows a little bit. He gets out and walks over to the pump, which is next to me because for some reason, the gas tank is on the right side of his car instead of the left. So, as he fills the tank up, he's also leaning on my window, talking to me.
"Did anything interesting happen in your day though?"
"Um, let's see. Oh, there was this older gentleman who tipped me $25 for being the best server he's had. He was celebrating his anniversary, but he said that his wife had passed away a few years ago. So, every year on their anniversary, he goes out and gets himself a meal. It was so sweet, it almost made me cry."
"Wow. That does sound swe-"
He's cut off by a girl walking up to him, looking to be around our ages, maybe a year or so older. She's talking with hi and flirting with him. I feel my blood run cold with jealousy at the realization she's flirting. Matt's hand is like holding onto the window, his hand partially in the car. I take advantage of that and I somewhat intwine our fingers, my own mindlessly playing with his.
Either she can't see me through the somewhat tinted windows, or is openly ignoring my presence, she asks him out to dinner. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes mine back. I hear him say 'Oh, I can't sorry. My girl is in the car' and my heart skips a beat. Multiple beats actually.
He finishes filling most of his tank and pays before walking over to the driver's side as quick as he can speed walk without running. He turns the car on at lightning speed. He starts to drive off to my house.
The drive is silent. Other than the really quiet hum f whatever is on the radio, there is not a peep coming from either of us.
About halfway through the drive back to my house, he reaches his right hand over the center console and grabs my left hand, interlocking our hands before resting them on his thigh. My chest is filled with butterflies. My head is empty. I feel my face heat up as I turn to look out the window next to me.
We pull up to my house. As soon as he puts the car in park, I'm out the car and making a b-line for my front door, unlocking it in record time. I didn't realize Matt was hot on my heels until I turn to close the front door, his hand stopping it. I sigh in defeat knowing I won't win. He pushes the door open and then walks in, closing it behind him.
"Were you jealous?"
"What? I have no Idea what you're talking about Matt." I place my wallet and keys on a table I have next to the door for that reason. Of course, I was jealous, but I would never admit it out loud. Especially to the guy I was getting jealous about.
He shakes his head and crosses his arms "Wrong. Were you jealous?"
I roll my eyes slightly "Matt- I don't get why you're asking me this. It would be the same if it were me-"
"No, it wouldn't."
"A guy touches you? Jealous. A guy flirts with you? Jealous. Takes you on a date? Kisses you? I'm jealous. I'm jealous as hell. How have you not known? I'm not very secretive about it at all. Now I'm going to ask you one last time. Were you jealous?" His voice, despite being stern and angry, it still is soft and kind.
I sigh in defeat, crossing my own arms, mirroring his pose. "Yeah. I was. I was very jealous."
There is nothing said after that. And there doesn't need to be. Next thing I know, I'm being softly pinned against the wall and Matt's hands are on me. One on my cheek and the other on my waist. I try to look at the hand on my waist but the hand on my face makes me look into his eyes. He doesn't say much, but words aren't necessary right now. He leans in and kisses me.
The kiss is soft, tender, sweet, and everything a hopeless romantic like myself could ever want. I entangle my hands in his hair, closing whatever space was between us.
After what felt like hours, but was really 20 seconds, we pull back for air. Both of us are panting.
"I'm taking you out Friday. 6:00. I pick you up, with flowers, take you to dinner, then I take you to a 7:00 movie, then we walk on the beach before I take you back home and kiss you goodnight. How does that sound?"
Although my eyes are still closed, I hear the smile in his voice, and at his words I can't hold back a smile of my own. I open my eyes and look into his beautiful blue ones that look like they're the ocean. I swear I get lost in them for a few seconds before replying.
"That sounds perfect."
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I don't have a taglist for the Sturniolos!
If you want to be in it, all you have to do is ask! <3
I love all of y'all!
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alessioa · 6 months
this may be a strange request so no need to have to do it aha, but can you write a Georgia stanway x reader where Georgia does a header with England and scores but after heading it she gets really dizzy and faints and reader is very worried as Georgia is unconscious and has to be stretched off etc? you can add more detail as I’m not really sure but just something like that ? Sorry if it’s weird, you don’t have to do it, just a suggestion x
Georgia Stanway x Lionesses!Reader
Hard Header
In which Georgia Stanway passes out from a header and reader gets to take her home to take care of her.
TW: Concussion, passing out.
Thank you for the request, its not weird and feel free to ask more.
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Georgia Stanway. Your best friend, the girl that was there for you through thick and thin, the one you grew up with, the girl that was there for you when you got your first lionesses call up. Georgia Stanway, the girl you loved. Was playing against the Netherlands with you. Both in the midfield. 
A corner kick came and you watched as the ball flew towards Georgia and she jumped to get it. As her head connected with the ball your heart almost stopped as it flew towards the net the keeper dived for it but missed they missed and she had just scored a goal. 
You all celebrated, but not Georgia. You were the first one to notice how she didn’t cheer or run around. She stood still looking at the ground, before she collapsed. By that time you were almost by her side as you had realised something was wrong the moment she didn’t move. 
You began to shout for the medics as Georgia was laying still on the ground, not moving. 
After a few minutes you heard her  groan and open her eyes. By then the medics had told you and Sarina that she would need to be subbed off and checked for concussion and other injuries. 
As Georgia began to get stretched off she was still not quite conscious and you needed to be with her, she was your best friend after all. And Sarina understood, so she subbed both you and Georgia off and you followed her to the medical room.
After a few tests it was clear that she had a concussion and would need to rest for a  few  weeks to recover. She would also have to live with someone to monitor that she didn’t exhaust herself and make sure she didn’t lose consciousness again. 
You immediately offered for her to live with you so you could take care of her. It was then decided that you could go home after the match was finished and that she would stay in bed for at least a day and a week without screens for her head to rest. 
When Georgia finally became fully aware of her surroundings the two of you were in the car back to your house. She had been conscious before but not fully aware. 
“Love, how are you  feeling?” you asked her, the terms of endearment quite normal for the two of you. “My head hurts” Georgia groaned and you softly smiled towards her. “Yeah I understand that, you got quite a concussion there” you said softly, not wanting to speak too loudly and cause her more pain. “Did I atleast score?” Of course she would ask that, it was more important than her health that they won. 
“Yes you did love, we won the game” you replied smiling. 
The rest of the car ride home was quiet. At your house you cooked her some food before you helped her in the bed. 
“Stay with me, please” Georgia asked as you were about to leave her in the guest bedroom to rest. “Okay love, let me just get changed” you said and went to get some comfier clothes. You then came under the covers of the bed and let her cuddle up against you. As she was on the verge of sleeping she quietly murmured “I love you”  and your heart almost cracked with love.
“I love you too” you whispered back. This was something you had to talk about in the morning.
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Oscar loving on his girl after she’s done 4 long shifts in a row like super fluffy and cute
Note: this is a sneak peak of the plot I ended up choosing for Oscar, thank you anon who suggested it!
"I barely resemble a human", you said over the phone as you walked back to the house, Oscar on your earbuds as he wanted to keep you company on your way to his place since he had a meeting that finished as you were five minutes away. Even though he wanted to walk up to meet you, you reassured him you would be fine walking the distance left to his apartment.
"It's a good thing I have a nice bath ready for you then", he smiled over the phone, "I also have some skincare bits the lady in Boots said were good, and then a body oil that smells really nice, so hopefully you'll feel a little more human after them", he said.
Taking four long shifts at the physiotherapy studio and clinic wasn't your usual routine, but when the opportunity rose with the possibility of having free weekends and a few days off to spare, you thought about the race weekends you'd like to fly out to see Oscar race and it seemed a good compromise to make. Sure, you felt exhausted, but it would all work out and come together in the end. Oscar knew that much so he always tried his best to be supportive and soothe you as much as he could.
"That's sounds great - I'm at the door already", you said as he rang you in, opting to take the elevator up and knock on his door.
He opened the door in his comfy clothes, "hey, sweets", he smiled, pulling you closer to him so he could kiss your lips, humming when you deepened it, "I love you, but the bath is calling for me", you mumbled against his lips as you let your backpack fall on the floor.
"Can I undress you?", Oscar questioned, doing so when you verbally consented before be helped you into the water, "you don't want to get in?", you asked, "I'm staying here", he said as he sat next to the bath, "Good, thank you, handsome", you smiled as you let your body relax, muscles soothing and unwinding after the past busy days.
"And do you remember that case I told you about the skater? We were so worried about her hip but so far she's done such amazing progress surgery might even be off the table now!", you sighed, "I love this job so so so much, but it's so tiring sometimes".
Helping you out of the bathtub, Oscar wrapped the towell around you, grabbing the bottle of body oil so he could rub the product onto your skin, "the lady said it works best when the skin is still damp", he said as he rubbed the product, "do you want me to do your back?", he asked and you nodded, walking to the bedroom so you could lie on his bed, tummy down as he worked on your shoulders, "going this way, I might steal your job someday", he chuckled, "going to cover your shifts so you don't have to work as hard to be able to come see me", he mumbled, "i love you, sweets, I'm so grateful for all you do for us", he kissed your skin, going from the nape of your neck to your jaw.
"I'm going to get your pyjamas from the dryer", he muttered, giving you time to put on fresh underwear and sort out your hair in the towell, "they're nice and warm, like you like them".
Humming in satisfaction at the feeling of the warm fabric on your skin, you got dressed and followed him to the living room, "I thought we could eat here since it's comfier", he said, gesturing you to sit down as he got the plates from the kitchen.
"Thank you for this, baby", you said, kissing his lips again, "this is wondeful", you took the fork and grabbed a little bit of everything in your plate, "wait until you see the pie I have for dessert then", he nudged as your eyes beamed and a little squeal left your lips.
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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highwehyrat · 6 months
Your first time with Katsuki Bakugo.
It's one am, I'm sleepy as shit, I'm supposed to be up by eight tomorrow but I'm also horny and have this shit running through my head. Enjoy my ✨rat-lettes✨
It's also his first time. Took place at your apartment after he came over one night after work. He was tired, mentally and physically and all he needed to end his week was his solace.
He came in through a window you had left open, didn't even bother alerting you that he was coming over
You're peacefully sat in your blankets giggling at your phone when all of a sudden you hear movement in your house. You immediately get up oversized shirt draping over your important parts.
You gingerly walk through the corridor of your house with scissors in your hands. You feel your bonnet swiftly being snatched off your head from behind you. You let out a blood curdling scream, fall to your knees and plead mercy for your life.
The all too familiar voice of your boyfriend graces your ears, causing you to snap your head back and pause your sniffles. You lock eyes with his red irises, the uninterested look he gave you while wearing your bonnet caused pure anger to bubble within you.
Without saying a word to him you left and went back to your room to tuck yourself inside your blankets. Realising that he may have over done it, Katsuki tailed along while spewing chains of sorrys and tips on how it's important to close your windows late at night.
You refused to budge. You were understandably upset. He opted to situate himself beside you in your blankets. The next five minutes were him trying to negotiate forgiveness. With no avail, he chose to negotiate with buying you your favourite snacks first thing tomorrow morning before you woke up.
One thing led to another and you found yourself sharing a bowl of fruit with your boyfriend while watching a dating show.
"He is soo not serious. What do you mean she's a gold digger? How in the world do you date a slay queen(baddie) and then expect her not to ask you for money for her routinely maintenance?"
"Broke people shit"
As the night grew darker, the bed grew comfier, the cuddles grew more intimate and the conversations grew deeper. Inevitably hands began to wonder, alongside the imagination. Most of it was foggy cause of how tired and lust stricken the both of you were in that moment.
But you're sure you'll never forget the feeling of your first Katsuki-driven orgasm, how the last orgasm of the night left you feeling like you had been exorcised of a spirit you had no idea dwelled within you, how he repeatedly cussed as he fought off early release, how he lightly teased you for being needy as if hes own body language was not clearly deceiving him, how tears brimmed his eyes at his first release, how he exhibited symptoms of eagerness to learn and solve your body like it was a labyrinth placed before him.
How it burned when his thick cock entered you, how it drove you nuts when his cock twitched for you each time he pulled out, how his hands dug into the flesh of your thighs as he figured out the perfect angle he'd be in you deepest. How extollations of his name spilled from your mouth as his skillful digits worked on your clit.
You'll most definitely not forget how worried he looked after you were done and he noticed the blood on his cock. He spiralled on and on about how he didn't mean to hurt you and repeatedly asking you if you're okay. You did your best to explain to him that he just happened to be quite endowed which resulted in you stretching a little over your elastic limit. He did calm down but it took him a little while to do so. He "made it up to you" through top tier cuddles and plenty snacks the next morning.
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lace-coffin · 6 months
Slasher autism headcanons
Requests are open!
is this just me projecting onto other slashers? Absolutely! It’s like the spider man pointing at eachother meme but it’s just me and slashers both having autism 😌
Tw: slight mentions of meltdowns and self injuring stims
Billy Lenz
*slaps him like the hood of a car* “do you know how much autism you can fit in here?”
Billy struggles with loud noises especially repetitive ones. He often holds the phone far away from his ear when calling the sorority because he can’t stand the call tone. please get him some headphones or ear defenders
Despite this he enjoys making a lot of noise through vocal stimming/echolalia, picking up on words or phrases he hears from you or the others at the sorority. He usually has a record playing to keep him from getting under-stimulated, though this can be a delicate balance because sometimes it helps and sometimes it’s too much and annoys him.
Billy is hyper verbal (this may be more of an adhd thing I’m unsure) he has so many thoughts he needs to voice to the point where it feels like he’s going to explode if he doesn’t get them out audibly. He does struggle knowing when it’s his turn to talk though so he may accidentally talk over you.
Billy tends to get along with animals better, connecting to them just feels easier and more natural. He loves to hang out with Claude and rub his face against his fur.
Billy often throws and breaks things during meltdowns, doing it in the heat of the moment and regretting it later if it was something he cared about. Please reassure him it’s not his fault and help him clean it up/ fix it when he feels ready to be around people again.
May not be purely and autism thing but affection bites for sure
Bubba sawyer
Bubba stims in a lot of ways. Flapping his hands in excitement and doing little dances. I think She would play with the charms on her bracelet she took from Pam when they don’t feel safe to openly stim, say he’s in public somewhere he’s not familiar with or dealing with victims.
They have a habit of hitting their head with their fists during meltdowns and pacing (as seen in the og movie when she’s upset about the victims breaking in when no one’s home)
Bubba is also hyper empathetic, other peoples emotions have a big effect on them, sometimes making it hard to settle when their family is distraught.
Non verbal- speaking feels unnatural and straining for her, her family have never pushed him to talk since it’s clear it’s uncomfortable so she’s happy to communicate via noises and body language. Communication cards may be helpful for when more complex answers are needed.
Loud noises aren’t really a problem for her since he’s running around with a loud ass chainsaw all day but it can become grating after a long day if they’re overstimulated already, they’ll push through it and get the task done but he’ll need some time alone in his room to recuperate after.
Doesn’t leave the house super often, they’re much comfier to be home around people they know. She does occasionally go shopping with Drayton and their siblings but it’s very taxing on her because of all the stimuli so it’s not super often.
Michael Myers
I think he’d have a very specific pallet, not liking inconsistencies in its foods and preferring to stick to the stuff it knows it likes. he has such a sweet tooth and eats a bunch of candy. It likes the texture differences in different kinds of sweets, jelly is a particularly good one. Mikey eats a lot of grilled cheese to, it’s mum used to make it for him a lot as a kid and it’s a staple safe food for him. He likes his food bland and beige (me to mikey)
Very specific about his clothing, labels are an absolute no go and need to be cut out. He only likes to wear one brand of coveralls because they’re the only ones it feels sits right without making him want to crawl out of his skin. So basically its wardrobe is just a bunch of the same brand coveralls. (Like SpongeBob with his identical wardrobe lol)
Non verbal through choice, mikey can talk but finds it uncomfortable to do so it usually doesn’t. If he really needs to get something across that he can’t then it’ll use sign.
Low empathy, Michael feels empathy for people close to him like his mother or you but not for others. He doesn’t really understand why he should care about people unimportant to him.
It’s part of Michael’s routine for you to go to bed together at the same time, it gets gradually more antsy the longer you stay up over bedtime. Eventually if he deems what you’re doing not worthy of staying up for he’ll just pull you away from it and carry you to bed. It also sleeps in a specific position, he has the whole bed to sleep in but prefers to curl up in the same way he did back at smiths grove, apart from there he didn’t have a choice. If you’re asleep and splayed out Michael would rather sleep on the sofa so he can be in its comfy position. He also probably won’t touch you if your wearing pyjamas with a bad texture, brushed cotton is a no and he won’t be cuddling you unless you’re in a safe textured set.
Doesn’t like eye contact much, he feels more comfortable in looking at peoples face if it’s wearing a mask, it’s less intimate and awkward.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms can go from very clingy to not wanting to be touched very quickly. He adores being attached to you anyway he can, like cuddling you from behind when cooking or wrapping himself around you in bed. Despite this Brahms can get overwhelmed with touch sometimes, the feeling of ‘to much’ buzzing under his skin. If this is the case then he’ll likely need time to himself back in the walls.
Brahms likes everything to be on schedule and to follow the rules. Like we see in the movies he gets upset when his rules are ignored since it throws of his routine and schedule. If you need to do anything extra or take something off the schedule please let him know in advance so he has time to process it.
Low empathy but only for people not super close to him. He understands how he’s expected to react socially to peoples problems/pain and can show it through masking but it’s purely because he thinks it’s what he has to do.
The walls are a safe space for him. His room was the place he felt calmest after what happened with his parents, its decorated to his taste and dimly lit as not to hurt his eyes. His room has everything he needs within close distance so if he’s feeling low on spoons then the fridge is only a few steps away. Plenty of blankets for pressure/burying himself into.
Also we can’t ignore the fact he literally masks with his porcelain doll mask lol
I think Brahms would use to much eye contact as opposed to none, he was taught it was polite in his lessons as a boy and took it slightly to literally. He loves to stare at you affectionately < 3
Asa emory
Special interest in bugs and entomology! I headcanon that he mostly became a professor so he can info dump about his special interests all day to his hearts content. He can get frustrated quickly if he feels he’s not being listened to.
(Ignoring the shitty enclosures in the collector bc I say so) I think proper husbandry would be important to him, he researches for days before he feels comfortable setting up a home for his specimens. If he’s feeling overwhelmed he likes to sit with his bug enclosures, watching over them and rocking himself.
Asa connects to his bugs more, finding them easier to understand , bugs tend to have more readable body language so it’s easier to tell when they want to be left alone without pressing to far. A person may say they’re not upset but are only hiding it to be polite. A tarantula will bare its fangs and let you know when it’s had enough.
Asa is very precise in his traps, planning them thoroughly before assembling, however he can get overwhelmed and upset say if a wire snaps repeatedly or the trap won’t work as it’s supposed to. He can feel himself boiling over and will abruptly stand from him chair, taking himself over to his bug collection to distract himself and hopefully avoid a meltdown.
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theemporium · 9 months
Steddie dealing with wild and clingy drunk reader ?
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Honey, please—”
“I’m fine, Steve, I can stand on my own.”
“I really don’t think you can.”
“Yeah, look!”
Steve’s hands quickly reached out to catch you the second you pulled away from him, your feet stumbling over the cobblestone driveway in a pair of heels that made his head spin. His arm wound around your middle before you could stumble forward, his own feet staggering as he caught himself from falling along down with you. 
“Nice save,” Eddie snorted as he leaned his head out the open window, watching Steve try and wrangle you into the car after insisting he could do it alone. 
“Shut up, Munson,” the other boy grumbled as he reached for the passenger side door of the van, ready to lift you up before he climbed in behind you.
It was just supposed to be a small get together. Robin had insisted that you needed a night to just step away from all the drama and chaos that came with living in Hawkins, and you agreed. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had an excuse to dress up with no real reason, and a part of you missed it after spending the better part of your life in the last few months covered in dirt and chasing after monsters that shouldn’t even exist. 
The boys watched you get ready with smiles on their faces, lounging on the bed as you scrambled through your wardrobe to find something to wear. They did the same speech they did every single time you went out somewhere late at night without them: to call them if you felt weird or unsafe, to call them when you needed to be picked up, to make sure to always have something on you that could be used as a weapon.
The true joys of living in Hawkins, Indiana. 
You had left the apartment after kissing them both goodbye and promising that you’d have a fun night out for all three of you.
It was just after midnight when Robin had called them to come pick you up from her house. 
But they had dealt with you drunk so many times that it didn’t seem like an issue at first as they packed into Eddie’s van and headed out. However, after arriving at Robin’s house, they realised she had massively downplayed how drunk you were.
“She’s fucked.”
Steve shot the boy a look. “Wow, thanks for pointing that one out.”
“Grouchy,” Eddie murmured with a grin as he jumped out, rounding the van to open the passenger door. Steve had barely managed to slide out before you were launching yourself at Eddie, bursting into a fit of giggles as you wound yourself around him. “Ooft, hey, baby.”
You lifted your head with a lovesick smile on your face. “Hey, Eddie.”
“Hmm, my pretty girl,” he cooed as he grinned back at you. “You gonna get down.”
You shook your head.
“Easier to get you up the stairs, I guess,” he murmured as he nodded towards Steve to open the door. 
You didn’t let go of the boy as all three of you made your way to your shared apartment. Your head was resting on his shoulder, nuzzling yourself into the crook of his neck as you listened to the soothing voices of your boyfriends. 
“C’mon, doll, we gotta get you to bed.”
“I’m comfy where I am,” you whined, almost purring when you felt Steve’s hands running up and down your back. 
“Promise we cuddle afterwards,” Steve bargained as he finally got you to latch off of Eddie. However, it lasted all of thirty seconds before you were wrapping your arms around Steve’s waist and pressing your cheek against his back. 
It was more of a hassle to get you changed into comfier clothes than either of them cared to admit, and similarly could be said about managing to get the makeup off your face. But both boys managed to wrangle you down, guiding you over to the bed when you were already half asleep on their shoulders. 
“Can I tell you a secret?”
Both boys shared a look over your head. 
“Yeah, honey, anything,” Steve eventually answered, his heart pounding in his chest as he looked down at you.
You nuzzled your face further into your pillow, reaching both hands out until you could grab some part of each of them. “I have the prettiest boyfriends ever.”
The tightness in his chest eased as Steve let out a small laugh, shaking his head.
Eddie could barely bite back his grin as he leaned down to kiss your cheek. “Pretty boyfriends for a pretty girl.”
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lunarfleur · 10 months
Caught In The Rain ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: You shuffled awkwardly in the middle of his bedroom, your clothes still sopping wet. It hadn’t even been 3 months since you started dating, so, truthfully, you couldn’t help but get nervous at the thought of being in such a situation.
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @enchanting-violet @nagi3seastorm @milesmolasses @urfavnegronerd @luvjunie @kombuuuu
Warnings:None! Just fluff!
A/N:Reader and Miles have only been dating for like…a little over two months. Shy baby Miles Morales. Meeting Rio :)
This is x gender neutral reader!
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“God damnit,” Miles mumbled under his breath.
You trailed behind him awkwardly, shivering slightly while he continuously cursed as quietly as he could. Miles hated getting wet. You learned that.
You two had been on a walk together when it started pouring. There wasn’t any light rain as a warning, no sprinkling. It was like the clouds just decided to explode. The both of you sprinted to his apartment building. It was closer. He opened his door slowly, peeking inside. He was looking for his mother. She was supposed to be home. For once, he was hoping she wasn’t.
You followed him through the house and down a hallway, into a room that you soon realized was his Miles’s bedroom.
“I’ll-uh, I’ll get you something to wear. Gimme a sec.” You nodded in response.
You liked his room. It was simple, but cozy. Small, neat, and completely clean. His bed was made, his desk completely organized. There was a candle on his desk, along with two cups with pens and pencils. His laptop sat in the dead center. On a shelf against a wall was a record player, right next to a very large stack of records. On top of his dresser was a picture frame and a few bottles of cologne. Only one seemed to be used.
You shuffled awkwardly in the middle of his bedroom, your clothes still sopping wet. It hadn’t even been 3 months since you started dating, so, truthfully, you couldn’t help but get nervous at the thought of being in such a situation. In his bedroom, getting clothes from him? Terrifying.
Miles walked back in a moment later. He had replaced his wet clothes with dry, comfier ones. Black sweatpants and a long sleeve white shirt. He had white socks on.
He walked past you, opening a few drawers in his dresser and rummaging through them. His clothes. You were getting his clothes. It made your stomach flip. He turned back to you, handing you a stack of clean clothes.
“Um, the bathroom’s to the left and down the hall,” he told you, shuffling awkwardly. You nodded, and quickly turned heel to go change.
You shut and locked the door to the bathroom as fast as you could without slamming it. You clutched the clothes in your hand, taking a deep breath. Your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it in your head.
Miles had given you a pair of gray sweatpants and a blue t-shirt, along with a small towel. You rid yourself of the clothes that stuck to your skin and pulled on the warm ones. They smelled good, that’s all you could notice as you pulled the shirt over your head. It smelled fresh, with a faint scent of vanilla.
You stepped out of the bathroom and made your way back into his room. He looked up at you, now sitting on his bed, and silently scooted over. You pretended not to notice the way his eyes looked over you, along with the way it made your heart skip a beat.
You sat down, awkwardly closing in on yourself as to take up as little room as possible. You were in his room, right? It was better not to intrude, right?
“I’ll -uh, go put those in the dryer,” he chuckled nervously, being quick with the way he made his way out of his room. He came back not 5 minutes later. You still sat on his bed, waiting anxiously.
“Do you…wanna watch something?” He asked, grabbing his laptop off of his desk. You nodded.
“Yeah, sure,” you replied, smiling.
He sat next to you, opening his laptop and putting in his password. Your eyes traveled to the wall next to you. Pictures were stuck against the wall, ones of him and Ganke, or him and various other people who you assumed were family. He looked younger in all of them, and it made you wonder if he was even in any anymore.
It was your knee touching his that pulled your attention away. You watched his eyes flicker over to where you two collided, then return back to the screen in front of him. He did move, you noticed.
“Miles, I’m home!” A voice called from somewhere else in the house. It sent chills up your spine. It was his mother.
You were suddenly grateful for the way you didn’t close his door behind him, and for the available space on the bed that allowed you to scoot over.
She peeked in the door, a beautiful woman. Miles looked like her. She had long, dark, wavy brown hair that was in a braid thrown over her shoulder. Her hazel eyes matched those speckles in Miles’s eyes, the ones that made them shine. She was wearing scrubs, standard nurse attire.
She gasped lightly upon seeing you, smiling. It gave you some relief, at least.
“Are you [name]?” She asked excitedly. You nodded hesitantly, smiling at her reaction.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Morales.” She beamed, and you could have sworn you hear Miles sigh of relief.
“We, uh, got caught in the rain,” Miles informed his mother. Rio nodded knowingly, smiling.
“Well, you’re welcome to anything in the house, make yourself at home. Oh, and keep this door open,” she told you before exiting the room.
Miles looked at you, smiling gently. It wasn’t rare for him to smile at you, but you still weren’t used to it. All you had seen in the time leading up to becoming close with him was his very, very bad resting bitch face.
“She likes you,” Miles pointed out. You couldn’t help but grin.
“I’m glad. That was terrifying,” you chuckled. He leaned against the back of his bed. You did the same. Your shoulders touched and it sent goosebumps flying across your skin.
“What do you want to watch?” He asked.
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leafsbabe · 10 months
sundress season with Sidney
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- it wouldn’t be a lie to say you had been waiting for him to try something
- but you’d never suspect Sid to start anything while in public
- Sidney was a wonderful lover but he wasn’t really on the kinky side
- so when his hand came to rest on your thigh during a family barbecue at the lake house you didn’t even question it
- his large warm hand fit nicely in the space left by the thigh slit of your dress and helped against the slight chill brought on by the setting sun
- it didn’t seem like he was planning something at all, too busy talking to Nate about a trade that had been announced a few hours prior
- that was until you felt his hand move higher and higher up your thigh, under your dress, and dangerously close to where you were growing hotter every second
- when his hand finally stopped he was close enough that all he would need to do to feel how wet you were getting for him was spread his fingers a little bit
- Sidney seemed so unaffected, with only a little smile on his full lips as he talked to his friend and nothing more
- you on the other hand were very affected
- and then he squeezed your thigh and a shudder ran through you
- naturally his mother noticed
- what she didn't notice from where she was sitting was Sid’s hand and you truly hoped nobody else is either
- instead she asked you if you were cold, all concerned and motherly
- it felt wrong, especially with what her son was doing to you, but you lied to her anyways, just to have an explanation and a chance to get up
- except when you stood up Sid followed, his hand finding the small of your back as if he didn’t almost start something surrounded by his family an friends
- it's almost sweet when he offers to give you one of his sweatshirts since they’re larger and comfier, and to get the fire pit started for some warmth
- he looks like nothing if not a considerate boyfriend as he leads you into the house
- what the others didn't see was the way Sidney crowded you against the nearest wall once you were out of eyesight
- the sudden movement surprised you, head falling back and Sidney taking his chance, head dipping down to connect his lips to your neck before you had the chance to think
- you loved seeing Sid so passionate that he couldn’t hold back but as his hands, both this time, made their way up your legs and gripped your hip under the soft fabric something brought you back to reality
- you held onto his curls, fully intending to pull his head away from your neck when he pressed closer, showing you that he wasn’t unaffected by you either
- instead of fully pulling away his mouth found the tops of your breasts where they were spilling out from the neckline of your sundress
- you wanted to give in
- you wanted to give in so badly
- to let yourself be dragged off into the bedroom or even be taken against the very wall you were being held against by this daring version of Sid but people would get suspicious
- by the time you had made up your mind he was already kneeling in front of you, looking up at you through his dark lashes but you didn’t let yourself give in to the desire
- you tugged on his curls asking him to get up but Sid had other plans
- your underwear, small and lacy and meant for him to discover long after the dinner as a tease before bed, was halfway down your legs before you noticed and off before you could protest
- you watched as he bundled the little piece of fabric up before shoving it into the front pocket of his pants
- the dress you were wearing wasn't short, falling well below the knee with the exception of the thigh slit, perfectly appropriate for a backyard barbecue with your boyfriend’s family but also ideal to conceal your lack of panties
- Sid acted casual, getting up and going into the bedroom by himself only to return moments later with a well loved zip-up hoodie
- he held it up and helped you slip it over your head without unzipping it, laughing when the hood fell into your face
- the walk back to the table felt strange without anything beneath your dress but you tried your hardest not to let it show
- dinner was mostly over anyways so you helped clear the table and stack the dishwasher before heading out again
- the guests that decided to stay sat around the fire the boys had started in the fire pit but instead of pulling up a chair and joining them you walked over to Sid and let yourself fall into his lap
- if he wanted to play dirty fine, but you wouldn’t just take it
- his hands didn't find their way under your dress again but you could tell he wasn't unaffected by your decision
- every time you moved you could feel him, hard and pressed against you and you had to hold back a giggle every time
- as it got later you took mercy on him and changed the way you were sitting to allow him to calm down so he wouldn't see off your company with a hard on
- surprisingly Sidney wasn't on you as soon as everybody was gone
- but the second you were inside you found yourself back against the wall with Sidney on the floor infront of you
- only this time you wouldn't push him away
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