#shes so cool . win for girls everywhere
c-kiddo · 4 months
i just know that fearne calloway has breasted boobily down every staircase she's ever encountered
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luffysscraps · 11 months
Please I have baby fever! I NEED monster trio as dads headcanons. I blame Bluey for this. Thanks in advance 💕🤞🏾
Monster trio as fathers
Ft; Luffy, Zoro, Sanji
Cw; Fem reader. Nothing else just fluff.
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Luffy gets you pregnant by accident. But he’s not worried about it at all, he’s really happy. “We’re having a baby?! That’s so cool!” He’s very excited to be a father but knows little to nothing about it.
You two have a baby girl. And he’s so happy! He doesn’t care much about the gender of the baby. He’ll love his child no matter what. The second she’s out of you and into his hands he holds her up for everyone to see. “Look! Look she’s here!” He shouts while joyful tears fall from his cheeks.
His little girl gets only the best from Luffy. He bathes her, feeds her and changes her all the time. He feeds her a little bit too much, and she has a never ending stomach like her father. She’s almost always hungry resulting in baby chub.
A giggly baby! This girl loves to laugh! She laughs more then anything else and with her jokester of a father she gets more then enough daily giggles. His stretchy skin makes for a great toy! He can pull on his face and make funny faces. Give her a finger to tug and listen to her laugh as it stretches. And even great to chew on. She kinda ends up thinking every human is like that though and tugs on people randomly. And she’s got a lot of strength for a baby (I mean look at who her dad is.) The force of her tug was enough to trip Zoro.
But once she’s old enough to start crawling and waddling, Luffy’s always active with her, chasing her, playing tag with her and playing with her. Her baby chub quickly melts away with him around. She’s so playful, always babbling and tugging on his leg to chase her and Luffy’s always up for the challenge. She has Luffy’s big wide eyes and looks like a carbon copy of her father.
These two are always talking, like always. Even when she literally can’t communicate beyond a few words and the rest is babbles. He will sit there and listen to her for hours on end and respond to everything she’s saying as if she’s actually speaking. He loves hearing her voice, whether it’s her managing to say ‘papa’ or her spitting her tongue out at him.
He takes her everywhere with him. He’s always holding her close to his chest while exploring new towns and villages. Everyone tells him not to bring her into dangerous places but he doesn’t listen. So to calm everyone’s nerves a little bit, Franky makes him a chest baby carrier that’s reinforced with armor. That only ends up making it worse though because now he thinks he can take her exploring with him. Like this man sees no problem in adventuring in a scary, dark forest where man eating predators are everywhere with a baby. He slingshots back to the ship with her in her carrier giggling against his chest and he feels proud of himself. Only for Nami to hit him and tell him how dangerous that was. The only situation he hands her off to you or someone else is when he’s about to engage in a tough battle. He’s confident in his skills and knows he can win but he’s not taking any chances of his sunshine getting hurt.
Given she looks just like her father, (and the fact he practically shoved her in Koby’s and Helmeppo’s faces when their fleet showed up to apprehend them) the navy knows the king of the pirates has a child. They’ve been trying to wipe you off the map for some time now and the same goes for your daughter despite her only being months old. No matter they’re not getting their hands on her. Luffy is serious when anything has to do with his daughter and if the marines think they can pull a fast one on him and kidnap his daughter, He sends their whole fleet to a watery grave. Even taking out every nearby marine base in the area to send a loud and clear message to the marines. ‘Don’t fuck with his daughter.’
When she’s around 5 the two somehow manage to get even closer then before. With her newfound ability to talk and make sense while doing it. They talk for HOURS. About food, games, books, the sky, fishing, everything. He tells her tales of his adventures and how her papa became pirate king. The two are best friends.
In all honesty he wants another one, maybe two, or three if you let him. She brings him back to when he was a kid and he wants her to have siblings like he did. But then he remembers an important lesson that he passes down to his daughter.
Luffy sits on the thousand Sunny’s figurehead. His daughter sitting besides him and wearing her straw hat that he had passed down to her. The little girl carrying the legacy of the king of the pirates without knowing it. They’re both silent but it’s a comfortable silence. He then looks over to her with a soft smile on his lips, bringing a finger up to her cheek and poking her. He laughs and brings her closer to him sitting her down on his lap. Some wisdom from the past remerges while he watches the sunset with his daughter. And suddenly he begins to speak. “Here’s a little secret sunshine, once you share a bottle of sake, you can become siblings with anyone.”
“Really? That’s all it takes?”
“Of course it does! Your papa would never lie to you! So when you find your long lost sibling. Rejoice with them over sake. Alright?”
“Alright papa!” Luffy smiles and looks at the setting sun wondering what the future held for the little girl who had the world in her palms.
“Run that by me again…?” Just like Luffy, Zoro gets you pregnant by accident. It’s not that he’s scared or anything, you’re the only woman he’d want to have a child with. But it’s just that he’s not prepared. It was something he wasn’t expecting.
The two of you have a baby boy. In all honesty that’s what he was hoping for. You swear while you’re recovering from giving birth you heard him give out a small cheer in triumph when Chopper announced the gender. ‘Did he think this was a challenge?!’ He’s attached the second he holds him. His son melts his heart when he grasps his giant finger with his tiny one.
Although he wasn’t prepared he’s surprisingly good with a child. He changes him, feeds him and bathes him. Bonding over the little moments like washing out his hair for the first time. You swear you saw tears but this man literally forced the tear back into his eye when you pointed it out.
His son is silent baby. He doesn’t cry, he doesn’t whine. He only lets out small babbles every now and again when he’s trying to get your attention. You ask Chopper if he’s okay and he’s perfectly healthy. He just doesn’t show a lot of emotion. You can get him to laugh, giggle and smile if you try but on the day to day he is totally silent.
When Zoro has to watch him, he trains with him on top of him. Using his son as a little extra weight. It’s kinda adorable actually. He’s lifting up tons of weight above his head while the baby boy is sucking his thumb in the sling around his chest. He’s acting so tough while doing dead lifts. And every time he comes back down he gives his son a little forehead kiss.
When he begins crawling and waddling Zoro is determined to get him walking. He’s literally the best baby coach, always hyping his son up for the littlest things. “ ‘Atta boy!” “That’s my son!” “Did anyone else see that?! That’s my kid! He came from me!” Like- calm down he just clapped his hands. He supports his son in every little thing and helps him walk for the first time. Again he sucks up his tears and pretends he’s not crying. He’s so proud of the little guy.
He mostly hands him off to you when you guys are on a new island. He knows his son is safe with you, and with you carrying the baby he can protect both of you at the same time. Plus he’s known to get lost and one of his worse fears is getting lost with his child. If he’s lost by himself as least he knows you two are both safe. If he got lost with his child he’d be paranoid for his child’s safety. He knows he can protect him from any physical harm but he can’t use three sword style with him near. Plus he’d have to make sure he’s hydrated, and well fed, and it’s just a lot of stress on him. It’s better if you have him and stick in groups when exploring.
When he’s finally starting to walk on his own Zoro buys him a small wooden toy sword. And just like his father he’s skilled with a sword. He loves it a lot, he likes to swing it on anything and everything. He often knocks anyone who walks past him on their legs and his favorite victim is Sanji. And Zoro’s just like “Yes, Yes hit him!” You apologize daily to Sanji when you find your son has been beating him up all day. Your son is confused, Papa says yes and mama says no. So to please you both he hits Sanji when his father’s near and doesn’t when you’re nearby.
Once he’s 5 Zoro starts training his little boy. He’s not soft on him at all and respects him as a swordsmen. Although Zoro loved his teacher when he was younger he just had wished he had treated him like he was an equal instead of a child. So he instructs his son as if they are equal. Most think this would cause him to relent his father but your son has Roronoa genes and it just bonds him closer with his father.
Zoro’s sword clashes against the smaller sword as his son’s stance was getting tougher and harder to block. Nonetheless Zoro doesn’t let him win. He smacks the sword out of his hand and makes him yield. “That’s another win-“ Zoro goes to speak but he sees the slight tension in his son’s eyes and immediately bends down to the boy’s height. “What’s troubling ya kid?”
“I just don’t get it. I can defeat pirates twice my size, Marines, almost anyone, but I can’t beat you.” Zoro hears his son’s lament and it reminds him of a familiar feeling he had when he was younger. And before he can speak another word Zoro leans in and hugs him. “So? What does it matter. Maybe one day you’ll beat me, maybe one day you won’t. Maybe one day you’ll beat someone stronger than me… maybe you won’t. And that’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, and if you want to defeat me well it’ll take a lot longer and more practice.” Zoro picks up the green haired boy and holds him in his hands running a hand through his shaggy locks.
“Don’t pressure yourself. Just worry about what you can do today. Tomorrow will always exist.” Zoro says simply and that calms the five year old’s nerves. The male gives him a smile and ruffles his locks before going to leave the crow’s nest. “Alright now let’s find mama.”
Unlike everyone else, Sanji gets you pregnant because you two think you’re ready for a child. Keyword Is think. “Oh my love~ I’ve prepared the strawberries cream cheese and jalapeños you’ve request~!“ You don’t lift a finger during your pregnancy. Sanji does everything for you and forbids you to go exploring or fight during this time. For better or for worse you stay with the Sunny every time it docks. And Sanji prefers to stay with you every time but if he genuinely can’t and needs to help protect the crew he kisses you like it’s his last every single time.
You two have a baby girl and Sanji is ecstatic. He’s going overboard already, buying hundreds of outfits, toys and baby equipment. He bathes her, cleans her, feeds her and if he knew how Sanji would breath for her. You rarely get to see her and she’s YOUR baby. Like Sanji’s practically raising her all by himself. He does her hair, combing her long blonde locks back into two big pigtails. She looks just like her father, even having his ‘curly brows’.
She’s a shy baby. She’s a scaredy cat, and she cries easily. Sanji’s always there to help her feel better. He’s always there to rock her to sleep, and to play with her to stop her from crying. It takes a while for her to get settled with the crew as they all sorta scared her and made her tear up. But Zoro scared her the most for some odd reason. She starts screaming and crying whenever he enters the room and Sanji immediately gets pissed at him. “GET OUT OF HERE MOSS HEAD!” And your daughter is grateful her father’s there to protect her from that scary man.
He sits her down in a high chair nearby while he’s cooking. Making sure to keep her far away from any harm but close enough encase she falls out of the chair. She loves to sing and babble Melodies. She makes the perfect cooking partner. He listens to her sing while he works and hands off little cuts of food to her to taste. “Hmm this taste good?” He’d ask when he hands her a slice carrot. She babbles happily nodding her head while chewing on the carrot slice.
He’s a helicopter parent. He’s always making sure his baby girl is safe. He’s always checking that knifes are put away, and that she can’t play with anything dangerous. Hell he even bubble wraps some baby toys that are too sharp for his likings (calm down babe it’s a plastic fishing rod). He keeps her away from the railings, standing far back and holding her tightly so there’s no chance of her falling in. The worse thing that could possibly happen to him is if she ever gets hurt. Even small bumps or her falling down breaks his self esteem. “I’m a terrible father, how could I have let this happen.” He soothes her pain to the best of his ability but feels so, so terrible he let it happen.
He’s a picture dad. Whoever let this man get his hands on a camera made the biggest mistake of their lives because now they have to deal with him showing them baby pictures of her. Every single second of the day. “Oh! Oh here’s where she spit out her tongue at her food! And here’s her sleepy face! Isn’t she so adorable!” He gushes over her showing them pictures and taking up their life while his daughter is right there staring at them both. He takes pictures of every little moment and makes not just one scrap book, but multiple. On every island he makes sure to stock up on camera film because it’s most likely going to be gone by tomorrow.
Speaking of which when the Sunny is docked on a new island your daughter is with you at all times. Knowing Luffy’s attraction to danger and how he’s one of the strongest he often has to fight. He instructs you to run and hide in the safest place possible with your daughter if danger arises. He trusts you to protect her but when push comes to shove but he rather you both are safe while there’s danger around. And if you’re threatened, or worse. Your daughter is. Sanji will rip anyone who threatens his family apart and with no remorse. Even women. That’s how you know he’s serious.
When she’s 5 Sanji’s even closer with his little one. He buys her anything she asks for! It’s all worth it just to see her smile. (Nami never gives him allowance anymore since he spent millions of berry on a purebred horse rental for her). She’s the sweetest little girl around, and has a soft spot for animals. She wants to become a veterinarian even. And while Sanji knows little to nothing about animal care, he’s still his daughter’s biggest fan and supporter. But his world opened when he found his daughter we crying, he wondered why but then saw the dead squirrel in her palms. She must have snuck it back on the ship and kept it as a pet, but due to Sanji’s sheltering she didn’t know what was going on. He neglected to teach her about death, he thought such scary things and concepts could wait until she was older but it was clear he made a mistake.
“P-papa….” “Oh come here sweetheart…” Sanji engulfs her in a hug and pulls her into his lap while she cries into his chest. “I don’t know why he won’t wake up! I brought him food and water! B-but he hasn’t woken up in two days! I-I don’t know why but I feel sad! W-what’s wrong with Mr. Squirrel?” As his daughter cries and sniffles against him he doesn’t know where to start really. He stammers over his words before he starts. “Honey…Mr. Squirrel is dead…” “He stopped breathing and now he’s not here anymore. No one knows where you go when you die but he’s not with us anymore.”
“O-oh… well can he come back and say goodbye first?”
“I’m sorry sweetie but that’s not possible.”
“Oh well…. Can… can we die too? Is that gonna happen to you one day? And… mama? And me?”
“Yes sweetheart. Everyone dies. But it’s always at the right time, you’ll make memories you’ll never forget and when it’s time for your journey to end. It must meet its end.”
“I don’t want to die.”
“No one does. And if you could live forever I’d find a way for you too. But for now it’s something that happens to everyone and everything. There’s no need to be scared of it. It’s just apart of life. Don’t worry about it now my love, for now we can burry Mr. Squirrel and have a funeral at the next island. Would you like that my dear?”
The air is quite somber as the little girl processes what death is and that she can’t run away from it. Her tears come to a stop and suddenly she doesn’t feel that sad anymore now that she realizes it’s a part of life. “Mmhmm… I’d like that.” She whispers and Sanji smiles at her picking her up and exiting her bedroom. “Now let’s go find a shoebox to put him in until the next island.”
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
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All my tagging is gonna be underneath cause i have COMMENTS
First the mass Lunar Attack, listen this took a WHILE and my last attack took so long... had a lot of fun with posing and putting the chaarcter where i think they made sense in interacting. lots of fluff and tails! and there woulve been more if i had more time. left to right here also u can tell what the theme was
Umbra - @ocean-lunar ive drawn them before i think but theyre so funky sillyyy
Follower Lunar- @/ms.dawn on artfight, i was trying to decipher what the au was and then looked at the other characters and went AH. he chillin' safety on the cloud!!!
Evil (purple) Lunar - @galaxysugarr I APPRECIATE THE LIMITED PALETTE SO MUCH. i love his pose still gets some cloud sir.
Lunara - @starheirxero LISTEN I SAW THE DESIGN AND I LIKE TO GATHER THE LUNARS. loving the rags dvbkjd
Callisto (Lord Lunar) - @artyheartz I DEBATED ON EITHER UR EVIL BOY OR UR GOD originally hen i saw him wanted to draw him with his eclipse but dfkd anyway he prettyyyyyy <33
Lord Night - @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog ALSO remembering drawing him in my lunar files dhvs one of the aus ive seen since before the dawn of the new age. Look at him goooo i like the sublte stars in his cloak so coolll
Killcode Corrupted Lunar - @artoutoftheblue HI THE CONCEPT INTRIGUES ME LOOK AT HIMMMM fdbvkj twas on me list the moment i saw him!
God!Lunar @starays13 UR BOY IS THE ONE I SAW AND INFLUENCED WHY EVERYONES ON CLOUDS ad why i chose a whole mass attack (i saw cloud kingdom say no more, he vibing!!!)
And the last one is my Lord Lunar. bdjkfss dont worry about him. I had fun trying to finish this. i can also send yall the individuals of ur characters if u want!
And now continuing
Sunsettia and Gala @cinnamonnala BRUH U KNOWWWW U KNOWWWW, i enjoyed drawing sunsettia a lil too much but lord the patterns fvdjvs gala moments before next nap!!
Protocol @catspawcreates WE SHAKING HANDS ON KILLCODES ON ARTFIGHT!!! A fun guy to draw once u get going!! and i like the palette could do lineless with that!! stretchy magnetics boyo smooch Lord Bloodmoon @o-i-w-u HEY YOO COOL BEANS i liked drawing this one the style of lines being light remind me of that rythm ribbon game vribbon??? Either way cool design for a lord Bloodmoon!!
Tycho, (beaned) Bloodmoon, Meteor @garbagechocolate THE BACKGROUND... i scrapped my first draft thats a recreation. BUT UR BOYOS. Tycho is such a delightful guy and METEOR i dont see them enough but <33 darling. and classic bloodmoon even tho he small rn dont worry about that. Causes problems later. Starlight @/Solar_Eclipse on artfight - I SAW THE TEAL I SAW THE SASS I SAW THE GOLD. i was hi i love them. SHINE BRIGHT SUPERSTAR!!
Luna, Ballet Lunar - @nekojaf @senota-skulls BALLET LUNARS IN MY HOUSE??? I SAW THE PRINCESS TUTU OPPORTUNITY AND THEN TOOK IT it was fun drawing!!! love them mwah <33
Polaris, Eclipse @huskyliker - I SAW POLARIS ON INSTAGRAM BEFORE AND SEEING U ON ARTIFIGTH I HAD TO. and i leanred more, shes so sillyyyy <333 girl wins
Honey @/ClipseTheBean on artfight - ONE OF MY TRADITIONAL ATTACKS. Getting the values of my greys right was a task BUT BBY DBKCSJ THEY WERE SO CUTEEEE Enzo @/JitteryBuggie on artfight - More grey tones with that POP of puprle i loved drawing her and then dreaded lining gbvsks
Angel, Angel, and Angel Lunar! - Myboyo, @melodyartiez @simpalert THE MOMENT I WAS SCROLLING AND SEEING THIS I KNEW RIGHT AWAY. Angels everywhere o m g <33 theyre so cute tho i like that Angel was christmas vibed and Angel Lunar LIL DRESS/TUNIC?? fbdkcs perfecttt
ANYWAY THATS IT FOR THE DCA ONES see this is why all my commentary is under the readmore fbvhjs
i enjoyed a lot of the process with all these. and more confidence in simple background
Hope yall enjoyed artfight!! i did for my first year!
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gguk-n · 1 month
Chapter 4- Heartbreak and Understanding
Unravelling Max's Mystery (Max Verstappen X Online Friend!Reader)
Series Masterlist
Summary- Y/N decides to forgive Max. Max wins his home race. She meets Max's girlfriend who doesn't seem to like her very much. Did I tell you Y/N watched Max win his home race?
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{Reader's POV}
Falling in love with your friend is a bad idea. Falling in love with your internet friend who has a girlfriend was an even worse idea. Falling in love with Max Emilian Verstappen was the worst idea. He's all over my screen after I searched him on every social media ever. I cannot escape him when I'm trying to get over him.
It's been a few months since the either of us have spoken to each other. After I asked for time, Max respected my wishes. After our call, I received a message from him saying that he would always be there for me no matter what and that he would like to clear up the misunderstanding one day. I knew I would talk to him, however I hoped that it would be when I was over him. Doesn't look like that's about to happen any time soon since this man is everywhere and anywhere I look.
Summer break was here, so I was having a girl's night with my friend Riley when I decided to ask for her opinion on this whole debacle. "Sooooo, Riley" I began. "You're about to unload some shit you did aren't you. Who fucked you up?" she interrupted me. "What?" I questioned. "I've known you for 6 years, I know you too well. Tell me who do I have to beat up." she said. I began to laugh. "No one" I said in between laughter. I wiped a tear away from the side of my eye, "I haven't laughed like this in a while." I muttered. "Go on, love" Riley prodded. "Yeah, so I have this internet friend, we've been friends since 2013. He's nice, kind, funny, handsome, blonde, blue eyes" I was talking when she cut me off; "exactly your type" I nodded along. "It's all nice and all. I didn't know what he did for a living. I recently found out that he is famous" I mumbled. She looked at me shocked. "Who?" was all she said. "Max Verstappen, Formula One driver for Redbull Racing" I said. "Damn, I mean he's like cute for a white boy. I think he's cool and shit for driving in fast cars, I appreciate him as an athlete for sure; as my bestie's potential love interest, questionable at best" she replied. "why, I mean I didn't say I was interested in him?" I asked defensively. "Bro, he is literally exactly your type, I've seen the men you date or hook up with, on the other hand, he has a girlfriend" she pointed out. "Ok, I know and you scare me sometimes" I lamented. "so, my real question is, I didn't know he was Max Verstappen. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. I was hurt when I found out and stopped talking to him, had a confrontation and then I said I need time before I am ready" I explained. "Understandable" she nodded along. "what do I do?" I asked. "what do you want to do?" she questioned back.
I love Max and I would like to be a part of his life even if it meant only as friends because I cherished the time we've had together. Also, I feel like I didn't let him explain himself the last time we spoke. I want to mend our ways. I would love to have him forever, even if only as a friend. "I want to still have him in my life even if it meant only as friends." I said cautiously. "Then there's your answer." she pointed out. "Talk to him, clear stuff out. If his explanation seems legit then continue to be friends." she suggested. "great idea. Thanks Riley" I said. "Don't mention it. Now can we un-pause the movie." she asked. "yes" I said while un-pausing the movie.
A few days after the heart to heart with Riley I texted Max. I knew he was supposed to be back next weekend for the race and was currently at home. I kind of confirmed that by watching his streams where he did SimRacing. I don't think I'll be telling this to anyone, honestly. He was on stream when my text went through, I saw him check his phone and ask to leave the stream early since he needed to do something; that something being to call me because within seconds my phone was ringing with the familiar name cropping up on the screen. I answered the call, Max staring back at me, a tentative smile played on his lips. He waited for me to start talking.
Y/N- Hi Max. Max- Hi Y/N, how've been? Y/N- Good, you? Max- Yeah, OK. Y/N- I'm sorry for lashing out the last time we spoke. Max- No, no, don't be sorry. I was at fault for hiding such important information from you. Can you ever forgive me? Y/N- Depends... Max- What do I have to do to get you to forgive me? Y/N- Why didn't you tell me? About everything; your girlfriend, your career? Max- I...When we started talking I just enjoyed being a regular teenager, where we talked about school and random stuff. I got to be Max the teenager not Max the youngest Formula One driver. I enjoyed the disconnect I got with you. I got to be myself and forget about racing for a minute. You made me feel like a regular guy. Y/N- I wish you had told me because when I found out about your championships, I felt like I missed out on celebrating such a huge and momentous occasion with you. That hurt. Max- I'm sorry for that. I didn't know how to tell you since it had been so long, I did want to tell you, I really did want to share my happiness with you; I just didn't know how to. You made me feel normal. Y/N- I'm glad I could be of some help. Max- You were of so much help. You calmed me down before many races and reading your messages or hearing your voice was like a comfortable constant. Thank you. Y/N- Fine, I get it some times famous people want to live regular lives, what about your girlfriend. Why didn't you tell me about her? Max- I....am not really sure. We started dating 2 years ago, it just happened. We'd known each other for a while. It just happened. Y/n- Hmmm....doesn't she mind that we talk so much? Max- No, she's chill about it. (He laughed awkwardly) Y/N- I hope we won't have anymore lies between us Max- No not at all. I cherish our friendship too much Y/N- me too. Max- This weekend is my home race. Y/N- I saw Max- You did? Y/N- I might like watching my best friend win... Max- That's great, then you can watch me win in person next week. Y/N- Sweetheart, Maxie, You might be a millionaire; your friend here is broke as fuck. I can't fly out so suddenly. Max- You don't have to worry about anything. I'll get you the tickets and stuff. Just say yes. Y/N- I mean, I would love to meet you in person.... Max- Then, that's final. You're coming to the Dutch GP next week. I'll pick you up at the airport. You should come early and leave a little later. I'll show you around. Max looked and sounded excited. Y/N- Ok (I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement)
As soon as I ended the call, I got plane tickets to the race. He said he would come pick me. I couldn't wait to meet him. I'm sure nothing bad will happen; from meeting my long time friend.
I thought maybe I should show Max some support and buy his merchandise or something; no one told me it was this expensive. I decided against it. The race was on the 27th; I was flying in on the 24th. The flight there was nerve wrecking. I've seen him although not in person. I got a text from Max telling me to go to a certain gate in the parking area where he would be waiting. I found him rather quickly; he had his hand sticking out of the car. I tapped on the window with a big smile plastered on my face. "Hi Maxie!" I greeted. "hey, schat. Get in, I don't wanna get caught." he said pointed at the door. "By who?" I quizzed. "I feel like you forgot what I did for a living and where we were." he chided. I laughed before walking to the opposite side and getting in.
Initially, things felt a little awkward but the atmosphere turned friendly quite quickly. We reached the hotel I would be staying at; Max had planned the entire week of my stay out. I was going to just rest today while Max attended to media stuff and then we would have dinner together tonight. He would take me along to the paddock for all the 3 days. And after the race weekend, he would take me to all his favourite place; my personal tour guide.
I crashed for the day after a shower and having food. I only woke up when Max called me to let him in. It took me a while to realise where I was. I apologised for not being ready to leave when that was the plan initially. Max didn't mind and offered to wait till I got dressed. He told me we were going somewhere fancy so I pulled out my black satin dress I kept for special occasions. This was a special occasion, right, I thought. Max was a lot more patient compared to all my exes who would start getting antsy; he even helped me decide on the jewellery and shoes I should pair with my outfit. Why are all the good men taken, God?
We had authentic dutch food in a fancy restaurant as a three course meal. I loved the Apple tart. I almost moaned as I placed a spoon of it in my mouth; "Max, this is so good" I groaned. Max smiled, "I'm happy you like it." "I love desserts Max, but this is almost up there with my favourites" I said with a mouth full of apple tart. "What are your favourites?" Max asked. "I love tres leches, tiramisu and cheese cakes" I mumbled. After finishing the food, we decided to walk around for a while; it was kind of dark and Max would probably not get recognised was the thought. "Thanks for the food. Maximilian" I said. He just nodded along. "It's an atrocious name Maxie, no offence but Emilian as a middle name; who ever named you, hates you" I said shaking my head. Max laughed it off; "I would've thought you were fucking with me, if you told me that was your middle name" I said patting his back. "I'm sorry" he said. "Don't apologise for your name, you had no control" I said now facing him. "No, I mean I'm sorry for lying and hiding things from you. I never felt good doing that. I wish I had told you sooner. I wish you had found out about it through me." he said regretfully. "It's ok Max, the past is in the past. I hope we'll be more honest in this friendship" I said enveloping him in a hug for the first time. His head found it's way in the crook of my neck, a woody scent wafted into my nose while Max clutched on to my waist. I felt warm tears drip down my shoulder. "Max, are you crying?" I asked, trying to pull away. He tightened the grip on my waist and buried his head deeper, if it was possible, "No" he replied, making my skin on the shoulder vibrate. "It's ok Maxie, let it all out. I'm always there for you." I said patting his back to console him. "I thought I lost you, I thought you'd never speak to me again, I thought you hated me." he muttered softly. "I could never hate you, I might've been angry but I knew I didn't want to lose you either. You are a very important friend to me" I said. "I don't ever want to lose you" he said, finally deciding to look at me with his tear streaked face. I wiped away the tears. "Me neither, now let's go, you have a race tomorrow" I said pulling him along.
The conversation kept me up at night. It was giving me mixed signals. I didn't know what to make of it. He has a girlfriend, granted I haven't met her yet. There was desperation in Max's eyes and his words. They felt heavy and part of me wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with this. Was I thinking too much into it? What was Max's deal?
I got to meet Max's girlfriend the next day. She didn't seem too pleased with me; I mean I don't think anyone could welcome a random women your boyfriend said was his childhood friend suddenly. I didn't hold it against her. I got to meet Max's teammate and the other drivers. All of them were very kind and welcoming. I got to learn a lot about Max while I waited for him to get done with interviews after free practise. I was talking to Lando while he waited his turn after Max. Max returned which made Lando leave. "You didn't tell me you had such cute friends. I would've asked you you set me up with him sooner" I said while we walked back to Redbull. "No" he stated. "You're patronising with the enemy" he continued. "Your enemy, my future boyfriend." I joked. "He's not your type" Max interjected. "And you know what my type is?" I asked. Before he could say anything, his girlfriend whisked him away.
I ended up talking to Checo who was surprised to know me and Max had been friends for so long. Almost everyone in the garage was shocked about our friendship. Checo told me it's because Max had never told them about me. Max and his girlfriend came back who looked visibly annoyed; I tried asking Max what was up but he brushed me off. I spent the rest of the day being dragged around by Max who couldn't stop talking about anything and everything.
I spent Saturday with a lot of the mechanics and engineers who had so much good stuff to talk about. It would probably help me in editing that author. She was almost done with the book; but a few more additions won't hurt. Max qualified pole, he was so excited. He dropped me back at my room when I told him he should rest up before the race when he offered to watch a movie with me. He couldn't care less, he promised to win the race for me even with a little sleep. We ended up watching some movie. His girlfriend's annoyed face was etched in my brain through out the movie, so I decided to ask him about that. "Max, I'm sure your girlfriend minds you spending so much time with me" I suggested. "No, I told her I'm meeting you for the first time. She shouldn't care." he said. "I'm sure she does, she doesn't look very happy to me" I commented. "Don't think about it too much" Max said handing me the can of cold drink. I wasn't very satisfied, but there's only so much I could do.
The race was crazy, it got my heart beating really fast watching all of them zip past at such a high speed. Max did so well, he finished the race in P1 just like how he started it. Everyone rejoiced and headed to where Max was. GP took me with him. Max got out of the car and took his helmet off, his eyes were scanning the area. As soon as our eyes met he strode towards me. His girlfriend was a couple of steps away, before I knew it Max hugged me. "I won, just like I told you I would" he whispered. "Congratulations Max." I said while turning my head towards his girlfriend who looked visibly annoyed and quickly turned on her heels and left. "You shouldn't have done that" I told Max while pulling away. "Done what?" he questioned. "You should've gone to your girlfriend after winning your home race." I said. "She's here for so many of my races, you're not" he stated. I face palmed myself, "Doesn't matter Max, she probably hates me" I said. Max just shrugged his shoulders and went to get weighed.
After all the formality and interviews Max was on the top step of the podium. I was very proud of him and you could see it on my face. I couldn't find his girlfriend anywhere around. Max got down from the podium drenched in champagne trying to hug me while I pushed him away. "No, you'll get me all sticky" I shouted while running away from him.
[ Winning his home race felt special to Max because Y/N was watching. He walked right up to her the moment his eyes landed on her. He couldn't help but wrap himself around her. After the race, they were going out to celebrate his win because Y/N wanted to go out with the other drivers and so he agreed. After reaching his room to quickly shower and leave, he was met with his girlfriend who was sat on the edge of the bed. She didn't look happy and after a bit of back and forth; Max said it. The words that had been floating around in his head for a while now; he didn't know why he didn't say it sooner. He broke up with his girlfriend. He wasn't sad but rather relieved. He walked into the shower while his girlfriend packed everything up to leave]
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Lando being obsessed with poking your baby bump cause he just loves how matilda always kicks his hand when he does it🫠
Cw: reader's pregnant
"I had to spend the whole meeting standing up because she kept kicking if I sat down", you groaned as Lando poked your baby bump, fingers tapping the skin as Matilda kicked back.
"She's a very excited little lady, aren't you?", he spoke just above your belly button, kissing the skin as she kicked everytime he touched you somewhere, "but you have to behave for mummy, okay? She's doing such a great job at making sure you're growing well and she's keeping you safe. So no kicking, okay? At least no kicking unless daddy is near", he said as she kicked into his palm that settled near your hip.
"Enough of hogging my wife, please!", Lando said to his mother, who as soon as she walked into your living room proceeded to hug you and ask you all the questions.
"We're not hogging", Flo defended them, "we just want to know how our two favourite Norris are doing", she teased him, sitting next to you.
"Me and baby girl haven't even had our greeting today", Lando recalled. Because he had picked them up from the airport, he left you asleep on the bed, not touching the baby bump because he knew it would cause you to wake up, and right now, you should get all the rest you could get.
Landing his palm soflty by your belly button, the baby was quick to kick, wiggling around at the voices around her, "Oh, look at that!", Cisca cooed, noticing the movements since the strappy top your were was thin enough for them to see the movements, "Hi, Matilda, good morning, beautiful girl", Lando cooed.
Lando made sure that you were as comfortable as you could be in the garage so you could watch the race from there. The chair had padding everywhere you needed, a cup holder for your bottle of water and strategically placed so the fan would keep you cool but not cause you to get a sore throat or chills.
"LANDO!", one of the mechanics called, "we need you in the car in two minutes!". It was enough for him to approach you, letting you kiss his lips good luck along with him kissing your left ring finger, a little pre race tradition you started on the first race you watched on the paddock.
"And you, little one, one last kick and wiggle before daddy goes and wins this race for you and mummy, okay?", he said as he poked your baby bump, Matilda kicking back immediately, "daddy loves you so much, Tilly", he cooed, kissing the top of your head one last time.
"Is she having a dance party of her own again?", Adam asked you as he replaced your bottle of water with a new one, "thank you, and yes, yes, she is. She actually slows down a little when the cars start going on the track, but until then it's Matilda Norris' dancing and kicking party, isn't it, my love?", you poked your bump back.
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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gavisfanta · 5 months
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summary: youre pedris gf and are traveling with him for the psg game
a/n: im sorry but these are so fun to make 😭
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i was reading on the plane, second pic is what I was reading, third pic is me sleeping (no clickbait)
liked by pedri, menshealth and 1,729,542 others.
pedri: ...
menshealth: best book on the planet 💪💪💪
random: is she traveling with barca to paris?
random: ig so
random: this is so mean actually
random: cry about it
random: frrrr
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@mikkykiemeney (my love) and me enjoying our love in the city of love, dont know who the third guy is, he randomly photo bombed us
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,668,018 others.
pedri: babe.... stop these photos.....
random: LMAOOOO
random: why are they in paris?
random: love the duoooo 🫶🏻🫶🏻
random: PUTA BARCA
mikkykiemeny: Mi amor ❤️❤️❤️❤️
pablogavi: that guy on the third pic be looking hot who is that
random: lets gooo we're gonna beat psg
feeeeeeeerrrrrrr: you cut me out of the picture😞😞😞
fcbarcelona: always with us 🫶🏻❤️
raphinha: i think the guy on the third picture is the pilot of the plane
random: why is she so mean
random: i love you for doing Pedri dirty
frenkiedejong: our women got stolen
pedri: justice for us
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knew that paris copied us
liked by pedri, jkeey4 and 2,183,017 othes.
pedri: 😍😍😍
random: so prettyyyy
siramartinezc: welcome home 😁😁
random: Why she so funny
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liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 1,991,772 others.
comments have been limited...
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pov: you just gave the most jaw dropping assist but you gotta play it off cool
liked by pedri, fcbarcelona and 1,629,991 others.
random: Hala Madrid
pedri: ❤️❤️
frenkiedejong: hey thats me!!
fcbarcelona: Our magicians 🎩 🫶🏻
mikkykiemeney: our one night stands😝😝
yourinsta: frrrr
pedri: babe seriously.
frenkiedejong: hey....
random: the pic of pedri lmaoo
random: Psg easy winn barca no chance
random: we finally have them back
random: Pedri is so fineeeeee
pablogavi: When do i get my appreciation post????
yourinsta: as soon as you play, promise
pablogavi: easy game
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and my man, thank you to my man 😘❤️
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,729,681 others.
pedri: de nada amor ❤️
random: AAAA
random: the flowers. im dying.
random: im actually so jealous.
pablogavi: fine i mean i can be your passanger princess too
random: actually that car is so cool
random: how to sign up to be pedris girlfriend
random: REALLL
ferrantorres: and again i get no credit for heloing him with the flowers
pedri: cr to ferran
yourinsta: ferran you only think about yourself
pedri: yes ferran think about others too
ferrantorres: what....
pedri: you egoistic.
yourinsta: HAHAHAH
random: shes allowed to drive his car.... 😞
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hot girls support red bull, anyways MAX FOR THE WIN. HE HAS DONE IT AGAIN.
liked by pedri, maxverstappen1 and 2,829,729 others.
random: why she just spawning everywhere
random: whats max doing here
pedri: hot guys get forced to support red bull because of their girlfriends
random: LOOOL WHAT
random: Shes so iconic
random: Ferrari deserved the podium
random: not our fault if they cant build cars
random: ateee
random: lewis for the win
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car appreciation post (plus the man driving it)
liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 982,829 others.
pedri: ❤️❤️
yourinsta: dry ass comment
pablogavi: damn
pedri: my bad, i love you my wonderful girlfriend the love of my life please marry me in that car
yourinsta: okay!! 😁😁🥰🥰❤️❤️
random: i want pedri as a boyfriend
random: awww the flowers
random: I would do anything to have a car like that
pablogavi: always flexing that damn car
yourinsta: gotta do what you gotta do 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
random: PEDRI IN A SUIT?
340 notes · View notes
i-rate-horse-games · 1 month
rating bella sara for 3DS
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i don't really get why there's a human on the cover, is bella a shapeshifter? there are no humans in this game
in this game, you're a magical horse running errands for other magical horses around a beautiful magical world. right off the bat there are 2 different coat options for being a green horse, which i appreciate. there's lots of different categories of accessory for you to layer with, and you get a handful of them every time you do literally anything. as you progress, horses will bestow upon you magic wings that let you fly around to your heart's content, and three layers of magic invisible leggings that let you sprint for longer periods of time.
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ultimately, bella needs you to gather all of the fancy magic jewels in order to protect the world. from what? who knows! the first gem is simply given to you for winning a race. all of the gems are just given to you by other horses after you help them with things like collecting roses and butterflies, although to get the last one you have to chase after a mysterious thief who stole both the gem and the magic special horseshoes!! who could it be!?!?
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bellissa, no!!!
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this quest can easily be completed in one sitting, and after that, it's just more fetch quests scattered around the world to unlock the rest of the cosmetics. they are stylish cosmetics! they really know how to dress a horse up fancy!
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the world is pretty and there's a LOT of butterflies and flowers everywhere. there's even a few bees, which buzz really loudly in the gaps between the music. the music is pretty cool!
all of the horses seem to have vaguely the same personality, except for Bellissa who seems like she might have a valley girl accent. good for her <3
this game is full of magic and horse dress-up, but the length of the gameplay is pretty darn short and is entirely fetch quests, chases, and following fairy npcs that fly just a little bit slower or faster than you. this game is great for someone who gets distracted easily and has fun just wandering around the map lost, forgetting what they're supposed to be doing for long periods of time while enjoying magical horse dress up. it's kind of odd to me that the gameplay is so sparse because so much work went into designing the different worlds and environments! and it's incredible that the story revolves around protecting the world, but there is never any mention of anything bad. no bad horses, no villains, no threats. the lack of them almost makes them more concerning. if i were a 7 year old using this game as a portal to a magical world, i would rate this 5 out of 5 and then fail to defend it in court and retire in shame.
i'm rating this game 2.5 stars out of 5!
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No.23
*just based on my experiences only take what resonates
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Quite a few people with Chiron in Gemini are singers, talented ones too
We always talk about intuition of Pisces and Scorpio but Cancer placements are also crazy intuitive. I feel like you really can’t fool someone about how you’re feeling with Cancer in the big 6.
Air moons tend to catch feelings when someone is unavailable; earth moons tend to catch feelings when someone is more stable/ambitious than them; fire moons tend to catch feelings when someone is passionate and courageous; water moons tend to catch feelings when someone has sort of dreamy/otherworldly energy to them (that unspoken spark really gets to water moons)
If you wanna seduce Venus in 9th, travel with them or teach them something new
if you want to win over someone with Venus in 2nd/Taurus you should get them gifts (can apply to earth moons too imo- as long as the gift is useful or high end for them)
Quietly I think Capricorn in the big 6 can make you just as domestic as cancer in the big 6, but a Capricorn is usually going to talk about/pay attention their public image more
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Someone said the only thing they can’t deal with is someone throwing it back in your face when you try to help them/give them advice (like the other person saying you don’t care or that you’re just in it for yourself) and yeah that’s Virgo mars
Moon square/opposition to the ascendant could have people assume you’re putting on a personality/faking something
Saturn in Pisces is another placement to make sure you watch your mental health, all of Saturn’s consequences come at your subconscious
Do water risings seem to have a theme of like not trying to let their perspectives be colored by some sort of sadness ? (Cancer Asc - nostalgia /which isn’t always sad but if you hear cancer placements talk about it then they often filter their own nostalgia through a certain sadness; Scorpio Asc - traumatic experiences that shaped their perspective; Pisces Asc - a feeling of like ennui, a certain kind of listlessness)
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Neptune in the houses can show frequent locations if your dreams (3rd house- school, childhood neighborhoods; 4th house- childhood home, places you’d visit a lot with your family; 6th house the workplace; 9th house places you’ve traveled to or want to go to, etc)
Something we don’t talk about with Chiron in 1st is that it’s an energy amplifier imo. So when you’re healed you give off healing energy, but when you’re unhealed or even toxic you subconsciously spread that energy around (or maybe consciously, a lot of people I’ve known that belittle and nitpick others from a place of insecurity have Chiron in 1st)
If mars aspects your 4th house you may have grown up fighting and arguing a lot, especially with your family but in your childhood environment in general
Taurus placements will have their whole day impacted by a disappointing meal (especially moons- also mars imo)
Aries placements have trouble maturing sometimes bc their sign is then youngest of the zodiac (Pisces is the old man but this can make them unclear and disconnected too)
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Aquarius in the big 3 (especially Aquarius moon) tend to be really good at playing detached and calculating (in real life too lol but I’m thinking of Rosamund Pike and how well she sold her cool girl speech from gone girl - she’s a double Aquarius) (also in real life people aren’t always so predictable/controllable so this calculating behavior can go sideways sometimes)
I love how the Pluto in Scorpio generation is making all of this mainstream art about transformation and healing generational trauma (everything everywhere all at once is what I was watching when I thought of this)
Also I’m still working on how to utilize degree theory best but Daniel kwan (one of the everything everywhere all at once directors) has Scorpio moon at a cancer degree (19) and his most acclaimed movie so far is about depression, trauma, and generational curses (I love everything everywhere all at once pls watch it, I cried 3 times when I watched it and I’m a Capricorn moon so you know that means a lot lol)
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papaya-queen · 3 months
That’s what family feels like – F1A/F2/F3/F4 Prema grid
Y/n joins Prema’s F1 Academy team and discover what found family feels like.
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Yourusername media done ✅ it was amazing meeting all my new teammates! Love you all and see you at the start of the season!
User so excited for the Prema media!!!
User she actually seems so nice
Racerbia it was lovely meeting you <3
User The best team ever
Olliebearman Had an amazing filming experience with you! Wishing you the best season!
User Prema is really just a cool camp for racing kid
            Arvid.lindblad yeah exactly
            Dinobeganovic_ THIS IS REAL
            User they’re so funny 😭
Prema_team Welcome to the fam Y/N
F1academy & yourusername
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F1academy Y/N Y/L/N wins the first race of the 2024 season!
Prema_team Our girl on fire 🔥🔥
               User Is that a hunger games reference?!
               User I think they’re referencing her hair color
Kimi.antonelli 👏👏
               User they’re so supportive of each other
User Y/N dominance could bore fans
User 4 freaking seconds ahead?! That girl is definitely the next Verstappen
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Prema_team All red on the podium for the first weekend! With a win from Ollie in F2, Dino in F3 and both Doriane and Y/N in F1A, podiums for Kimi, Arvid, Paul and Bianca, all our drivers tasted the champagne in Sakhir
Racerbia The fire team >>>
User Prema dominance in every category in wild
               User Yeahh literally in F2, F3, F1Academy
               User Don’t forget the FRECA, Italian F4 and Italian karting
               User They’re everywhere I swear 😭
Dinobeganovic_ I could get used to that red on the podium
               Kimi.antonelli don’t forget our beautiful Italian anthem
               Yourusername yeah, we know Kimi
               Kimi.antonelli DID I TELL YOU HOW IT’S THE BEST IN THE WORLD
               Paularon_ I swear he’s more patriotic than Americans
User15 The Bear 🐻, The Dinosaur 🦖 and The Fox 🦊
               User16 Prema: the racing zoo
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Racerbia feeling the weekend
Tagged: Yourusername, Olliebearman, Kimi.antonelli, Paularon_ & 4 others
Dorianepin best start of the season ever
User The Prema kids are partying 🔥🎉
               User I mean why wouldn’t they when they’re dominating every championship
Olliebearman party like this next weekend?
               Kimi.antonelli of course
               Yourusername every weekend is even better
User come on, we want to see the wasted pictures
               Paularon_ you’re NEVER getting those pictures
               Dinobeganovic_ (he’s embarrassed by the things he did while drunk)
               User oooh admin is pissed
               Yourusername I swear to you that only the adults drunk
               Arvid.lindblad admin she’s lying
               Alexpowellracing can confirm
               Racerbia thanks idiots, now they’re going to kill us because of you
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Prema_team working with teens: a post
Dinobeganovic_ we’re not THAT bad …
               Prema_team you hacked admins speaker to play despacito during a meeting
               Paularon_ don’t give him credits like that, it was me 😁
               User no way they really did that
               Alexpowellracing as a great would say “I HAVE IT, I HAVE IT PRINTED OUT”
               User Alex referencing toto, amazing 😭😭🤣
Racerbia bahahaha Ollie and Y/N sleeping
               Yourusername don’t laugh too much
               Olliebearman just remember what we have hidden in our phones
               User STOP TEASING US LIKE THAT
User I’m begging you admin release more behind the scenes pic
               Prema_team I’m doing the best I can (they’re threatening me as I type)
Dion.gowda I won that game actually
               Dorianepin of course Dion
               Kimi.antonelli We believe you Dion
               User they’re just too funny
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Prema_team Kings and Queens of the season
F1A championship: Doriane Pin F1Academy champion, Biance P2, Y/N P3
F2 championship: Ollie F2 champion, Kimi P3
F3 championship: Paul F3 champion, Dino P2, Arvid P4
User Having all your drivers in each championship top4 is really impressing
Ferraridriveracademy 👏👏
               Mercedesamgf1 we have 2 champions and not you 😝
               User not the academies fighting 😭
Yourusername don’t forget our amazing babies in F4 that dominated the top 5 of their championship
               Dion.gowda stop calling us babies
               Kean.nakamura.berta I’m literally a year younger than you
               Yourusername don’t care 😙
               Alexpowellracing I’ll take the compliment
User Prema dominance could never bore fans
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F1 The best team award goes to Prema Racing winning constructor and driver championship in F2, F3, F1 Academy, FRECA and F4.
Oscarpiastri Proud to say I was part of this team
Ferrari ♥️♥️
Maxverstappen1 Some bright future ahead for them
               Yourusername THE max Verstappen knows my existence and complimented me ?! brb I need to faint
               Arvid.lindblad she did faint
               User Y/N being real as always
Charles_leclerc proud of my son 🐻
               Olliebearman thanks papa :))
Mercedesamgf1 our kiddos are killing it 👏🖤
               User I’m gonna tear up, all the teams are so supportive!
Mclaren does anyone likes papaya?
               Racerbia 👀
               User IS THAT AN ANNONCEMENT?!!
               Landonorris you want to replace me admin? 🥺
               User not lando getting jealous 😭😭
Landonorris I'm happy for you, muppet kid
               yourusername don't make cry old man 😭
Lewishamilton I'm so amazed by my childrens
               Dorianepin aww thanks dad
               Kimi.antonelli grazie mille
Paularon_ I absolutly don't feel excluded because i don't have a grid dad
               Dinobeganovic_ same
               georgerusell63 well i'm always available
               User When did this post became an adoption center ? 😭
Well, i really hope you liked it ! This was my biggest work ever, all those post were so much work 😭. Likes and reblog are always appreciated. Feel free to leave a comment or to correct any mistakes.
Bye Bye Babes !
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nataliasquote · 10 months
Double the trouble [pt.2] | n romanoff
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Double the trouble au: part 1, part 2
Summary: Natasha and Wanda's teenage twin daughters are a lot to handle, but despite their differences and arguments, there's nothing they wouldn't do for each other
Warnings: none
Pairings: WandaNat, O!C x Valkyrie, Y/n x Bucky Barnes
wc: 3.7k
note: thank you for all the love on part 1!
— ⧗ —
"I'm home!" Isla called out as she stepped through the front door, her bag and coat slipping into a pile on the floor. She'd get yelled at about it, but that wasn't her problem right now.
Wandering into the kitchen, thumbs typing away to her group chat, she almost walked straight into Natasha who was stood in the doorway.
"Thank you." The Russian said, plucking the phone from her daughter's hand. Isla looked up to protest but bit her tongue as she saw her mother. "So that's how I get your attention. Got that Wanda?"
"Noted." The other mother teased, winking at Isla who just groaned.
"I know, I'm sorry. I was just checking details for the party tomorrow." Both Nat and Wanda's eyebrows shot up at the mention of a party. It was the first they'd heard of it.
"Party?" Nat asked, taking a seat at the kitchen counter. "What party?"
Isla wandered over to the fridge and grabbed a can of Dr Pepper, opening it at arms length incase it sprayed in her face. She'd made a habit of doing that ever since she was 11, when Y/N shook a van before handing it to her and it went everywhere.
"I was just going to ask you if I could go to a party tomorrow night?" She smiled sweetly, fully turning on the charm for her skeptical moms.
Natasha narrowed her eyes. "Who's party is it?"
Wanda's expression softened as she heard the name. They both knew Maria was a good kid, albeit incredibly feisty. It was no surprise she got on so well with their girls. "And who's going?" Natasha was the picky parent, always asking questions on their whereabouts. It was the inner spy taking control.
"Everyone I guess?" Isla said with a shrug, taking a sip of her drink. She hopped up onto the countertop and Wanda went to protest before thinking better of it. She might as well have it recorded with how many times a day she tells the twins to stop sitting on the counter. Nat often joked that she was a broken record.
"Is Y/N invited?" Isla nodded as she took another sip. "Speaking of which, where's your sister?"
Isla smirked immediately, a playful glint in her eye. "Bucky took her to go and get ice cream." She had to suppress her grin as much as possible, but Wanda and Natasha still saw straight through her.
"He's still trying to win her over?" Nat asked and Isla nodded, eyes wide.
Wanda's jaw dropped. She loved a bit of gossip. "Y/N still hasn't said yes? I thought she said that weeks ago?"
"You know how Y/N is with her feelings," Nat said with a sigh. "She keeps them closed off from just about everyone. That poor boy must really like her." Isla nodded in confirmation as if to say 'oh he really does'.
"Sounds like someone else I know." Wanda said with a knowing look, making Nat roll her eyes.
"Hey, I was a spy. There's a difference!"
"Clearly not," Wanda shrugged. "She's your daughter, now look!" She stood up from her chair and made her way over to the fridge to start on dinner, kissing her daughter's head as she passed.
"So, Ils, any news in your love life?" Natasha asked, clearly trying to steer the subject away from herself.
The red headed teenager shrugged shyly, suddenly not open to talking at all. Natasha smirked at her body language, knowing there was something to hide.
"Okay spill, cmon. Who's the lucky lady?"
"It's nothing." Isla defended, a blush rising to her cheeks. "She doesn't really know I exist either."
"Who is it?" Wanda had joined in now. Both women were curious to see what their daughter's taste in women was like.
"Well, there's this girl in my science class called Valkyrie and she's just- effortlessly cool, and badass, and she takes no shit from anyone-"
"Hey, watch the language misses." Wanda pointed her wooden spoon at Isla, who clearly wasn't paying attention. Her mind was lost in the images of Valkyrie in her mind.
"Wands leave her alone, she's in love." Nat teased, earning a swat with a tea towel from her wife. "She sounds amazing Isla. Have you spoken to her at all?"
Isla shook her head dejectedly, suddenly very interested in the skin around her thumbnail. "And it's no use. She's too cool for me. I'll just look weird if I try to talk to her."
Natasha watched her daughter's deflated body language and stood up to give her a hug. She pressed a kiss to her soft red hair and just held her for a moment. "Is she going to be at the party tomorrow?" Isla nodded into her mother's chest. "Then talk to her. You've got the perfect opportunity there. Plus, dress cute and she won't be able to miss you." Pulling away from the hug, Nat sent Isla a small wink, which instantly put a smile on the girl's face.
"Your mother is right, you know. No one cares what happens at a party. Just talk to her, dance, do whatever you want to. Then she'll see just how cool you are too."
Isla grinned at her moms, feeling completely surrounded by love in that moment. "You guys are actually the best. I got so lucky." Nat ruffled her hair before she was swatted away by Isla.
"Well at least one of you is getting women! Wands, we did something right!" The couple high fived like a pair of children and Isla just her eyes playfully. "I never thought we'd have a boy in the house."
"I have to make up for Y/N's straight-ness somehow." Isla exclaimed with a wink. Her comment made Wanda turn around, her hand resting on her hip.
"Y/N? Straight? Do you even look at your sister?" Isla shot her a questioning look and Natasha laughed.
"Ils, your sister isn't straight. She's definitely got some bisexual going on. I mean... the rings, the braids, the leather jackets- she's not straight."
"But- Bucky?!" Isla protested.
"Bisexual, honey. She can like both."
Isla thought for a moment, clearing trying to remember the vibes that her sister gave off. I mean, cmon, it's not like they saw each other everyday and lived with each other. "Okay yeah," she said after a long pause, "I see it."
"Good." Natasha glanced at her watch on her wrist. "There's about 30 minutes until dinner and then I need you down here to set the table. Sound good?"
"Yup." The teenager scurried upstairs after grabbing her bag and sat down to scroll on her phone, or do "homework" as she'd told her moms earlier.
Roughly 10 minutes later, Y/N wandered through the door, a soft smile on her face. She mirrored her sister, leaving her coat and bag by the door and wandering into the kitchen for a drink.
"Ah, you made it back alive. How was it?" Natasha had to keep her curiosity to a minimum, not wanting to pry too hard and make Y/N clam up. But she didn't need to worry; the girl seemed far too loved up to notice. Not that she would ever admit it.
"It was good. They had the best mint choc chip I've ever tasted!"
Wanda smiled and turned away from the pot she was stirring. "And how's Bucky?"
"He's good." Y/N's attempt at being casual was given away by the heavy blush that crept up her cheeks. "We had fun."
"Just good?" Nat teased, earning an eye roll from her daughter.
"Mama he's just a friend."
Both women shared a knowing look and Nat tried to stifle a small laugh. They were fun moms, always teasing and joking with their girls whenever the opportunity arose.
"Sure, mhm, just a friend."
Y/N groaned loudly, clearly done with this topic of conversation. "Okay, whatever. I've got homework to do." She turned to leave before Nat caught her attention, stopping the girl in her tracks.
"Oh, Isla told us about that party tomorrow. You guys can go but we want you home by-"
" -home by 2am. Yes we know."
"Good. Or I'll turn you both into pumpkins." Wanda teased, making Y/N roll her eyes before she disappeared upstairs like her sister did.
Natasha opened up her laptop and began typing away to finish off some emails she had been replying to before her girls came home. She had a wide smile on her lips and Wanda couldn't help but gaze lovingly at her wife.
"I can feel you staring at me Wands. Don't burn the food please."
"I'm not staring, I'm admiring. And I'm not you either. I don't burn rice." Wanda blew a kiss across the room to her wife who turned around rather offended at that last comment. "It's just cute seeing you so happy."
Natasha quickly glanced at the staircase, careful that neither of the girls were coming down. "It's the joys of young love." She commented wistfully, scraping her chair back to go over to her wife.
Wanda was about to turn back to the stove when Natasha's gentle grip on her hips kept her in place. The Russian pressed their bodies together against the cool countertop and slid her arms further around so they connected behind Wanda, pulling her even closer.
"You make us sound old, saying that." Wanda whispered, eyes darting between her wife's captivating eyes and full lips.
"We've got two almost-adults. We are old." Nat placed a gentle kiss to her wife's lips, not missing how Wanda relaxed into her touch even more. "You're still just as sexy and beautiful though."
A blush crept into Wanda's cheeks and it felt as if they were teenagers again, just in love as their daughters are. "Just stop talking and kiss me."
"Yes ma'am." Nat obeyed her command and connected their lips once more, this time not pulling away. They'd mastered the art of a silent make out, not wanting Isla or Y/N to hear them upstairs. This one was gentle, tongues slowly swirling around each other as Nat pressed her hips into Wanda, trapping her against the counter. Wanda had moved her hands up to cup her wife's face, the simple gesture setting butterflies off in the redhead's stomach. It was the smallest actions that sent her all giddy.
"You know," Nat husked, sliding her hands lower down Wanda's back as they pulled away momentarily. "We've got a free house tomorrow..."
She trailed off, allowing Wanda to piece together the images in her mind. The Sokovian shook her head at her wife's mischievous smirk. "Natasha Romanoff, you have such a dirty mind."
"Oh tell me you didn't think about it too."
Not wanting to confirm or deny, Wanda just kissed her hungrily again, taking Nat by surprise. Part of her wanted to continue this make out session, but with dinner cooking and the possibility of being walked in on, it didn't appeal to her. "Okay, you're distracting me here. So go, I've got dinner to make." She swatted Nat's ass as the redhead shook it as she wandered back over to the table, her tongue running across her lips, still savouring the taste of her wife.
"I don't need to be kissing you to do that." She wore a cocky smirk and Wanda wanted nothing more than to swipe it straight off her face.
"Damn right you don't. But if dinner burns, you're explaining the truth to the girls." That shut her up and Wanda smiled triumphantly and turned back to her cooking as Nat suddenly became very busy in her emails.
"Just you wait until tomorrow." Nat mumbled under her breath, her mind now anywhere but those damn emails.
— ⧗ —
"Blue or green?" Y/N asked for the third time as Isla continued to shrug. She had two different dress options for the party and so far she was miles away from picking one. "Isla please. Blue or green?"
Her sister sat on her bed clutching a bottle of white nail polish and was carefully painting her toes. She eyed the dresses carefully, imagining them on her sister. But they were both cute, so she just shrugged.
"I don't know. They'll both look hot. Just pick one."
Y/N groaned, clearly getting frustrated. "Just pick a colour. Blue or green?"
"Green will make your eyes pop." Came a soft voice from the doorway. Both girls turned to see Nat casually stood there, leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. "The blue is pretty, but the green is gonna make you look even more amazing."
"Green it is then." Y/N said with a satisfied huff, hanging the blue dress back in her closet. Nat let herself into the room and took a seat on the edge of the bed, careful not to mess up Isla's nails.
"How are you girls getting on? Nearly ready?" Well, they both weren't dressed, but they were supposed to leave in 30 minutes and Nat knew just how often the women in that house rushed to get ready. She came to give them a gentle push, but also to see if they needed any help.
"I just need to wait for these to dry, then I can get dressed." Isla ran a hand through her perfectly curled hair. "Oh and touch up my make-up."
Nat nodded and fixed a curl that had got caught around Isla's earring, earning a grateful smile from her.
"Do I put my dress on and then do my makeup? Or the other way around?" Y/N was full of mini dilemmas today; clearly she was putting a lot of pressure on tonight. Maybe for a certain guy...
"Does your dress need to go over your head?" Y/N shook her head. "Then do makeup first. Then you can stay comfy." Y/N slumped down onto the floor and grabbed her make up bag, preferring to do her make up infront of her large, full length mirror instead of the smaller one at her vanity.
Soft music played from the tv and Nat just smiled at how domestic it all felt. Although the girls had separate rooms, they often came to get ready in Y/N's which was closer to the bathroom. Despite frequent bickering and small arguments, the twins got along well and it was a sweet sight to see Isla curling Y/N's hair.
"I'll leave you girls to it then. Who's picking you up?"
"Clint said he'd call because it's on his way. I think his mom is driving us there and back." Nat smiled softly. They'd always got along well with the Barton family, having been friends with them since the girls were small. Clint was one of their closest friends, and Nat could see why. Even she found the boy funny and witty, despite his rubbing jokes sometimes.
Nat stood up and moved back to the doorway, turning around at the last second. "Okay, well, don't be too long. Your mom and I have got a couple of bottles you can take. But don't go mad tonight girls, okay?" The twins answered her in chorus, reassuring her that they would be okay. They had smart heads on their shoulders and had built up enough trust with Nat and Wanda to gain the privilege of having alcohol at parties. The parents weren't super strict, but they wanted to keep the girls safe. Naturally.
25 minutes later, both girls were by the front door, pulling on shoes and quickly checking their hair and make up infront of the large mirror on the wall. Y/N was getting frustrated with her converse laces and was huffing slightly, pulling them so tight it looked as though the laces might snap.
A loud honk came from outside and Isla peered out of the window to see Clint leaning over the steering wheel of his mom's car, much to her distaste. She dashed out of the front door and down the porch steps, yelling goodbyes to her moms who just laughed as she left.
Nat pressed a pack of ciders into Y/N's arms, along with a bottle of vodka. That was always in plentiful supply in the house, so one bottle meant nothing.
"Be safe, don't do anything stupid." Wanda said to her youngest, pulling her into a quick hug despite Y/N's protests to leave. But her struggling was pointless so she accepted the hugs and kisses before making her escape towards the car.
Both moms watched the black Audi pull off the drive and they hugged each other close before closing the door. A cunning smile made its way onto Natasha's face and she quickly turned Wanda around and pushed her body against the closed door.
"A promise is a promise." She said, her voice dropping a couple of octaves. Sounding even sexier than usual.
Wanda gulped, feeling her heart rate speed up as Nat's lips trailed across her collarbone. She knew she was going to be worshipped tonight; her wife certainly knew how to make her feel good.
— ⧗ —
3 hours in and the party was in full swing. The living room of Maria's house had been cleared to create a large dance floor, teens crammed together as they jumped to the music.
Y/N leaned against the far wall, a red solo cup clutched in her hand. She was tipsy, but not as wasted as her twin sister who was heavily making out with Valkyrie in the middle of the dance floor. The sisters caught each others eye and Y/N pumped her fist, earning a middle finger from Isla who's lips were still locked with her crush.
Laughing to herself, she took another sip of god-knows-what and wandered out into the garden, longing for some fresh air and peace away from the thumping bass. Although she was a dancer, parties and dancing weren't her thing. She felt too stiff and awkward, but outside she swayed lightly to the beat, helped by the alcohol rushing through her system.
"It's nice out here." A voice spoke from her right. The tipsy girl looked over her left shoulder before quickly switched to her right, a blush forming on her already flushed cheeks as she saw a familiar figure approach. Thank god for the dim lights.
"Yeah." She'd be kicking herself at that lame response, considering who she was talking to. "You okay?"
Bucky smiled, leaning on the back of one of the metal garden chairs. He looked hot, his shirt unbuttoned down to the centre of his chest and his hair gelled slightly but still the soft brown colour that Y/N had grown to love.
"Better now that you're here." He knew that game was risky, but all this chasing around had made him tired. He wanted her, so he was going to get her. He stared at her for a few moments, eyes raking up and down her figure. She looked stunning. Her simple green silk dress hugged all the right places, accentuating her small waist and long legs. Her hair rested perfectly down her back and Bucky had to swallow thickly a couple of times.
"You're a flirt." She laughed, taking a sip of her drink and frowning as a droplet rolled down her chin.
She tried to wipe it away but Bucky got there first, gently taking her chin in between his thumb and forefinger. He tilted her head towards him, making her entire body turn with the moment. Neither of them uttered a word, their eyes meeting like something out of a cheesy rom-com.
Bucky's thumb swiped across her lower lip slowly, collecting the spilled drink and brushing it away. He gazed into the forest green eyes staring back at him, admiring the tiny flakes of brown that lit up from the outdoor lanterns above their heads.
Y/N's breath was caught in her throat. She'd been dancing around Bucky for weeks, too scared to face her true feelings about him because the thought of that terrified her. But the alcohol in her system has cleared her foggy mind, bringing forward the thoughts she'd been pushing away.
She took a daring step forward, closing the tempting gap between them that spoke louder words than the music blaring inside. Nothing else seemed to matter as Bucky tilted her chin up and brought his lips to meet hers in a tentative kiss.
It was only peck before they pulled away, but something clicked between them both and their lips met once again, this time fuelled by more passion and lust, the nerves somewhere far away.
Y/N looped her arms around his neck and he slid his hand round to cup her cheek, careful not to disturb the kiss.
The whole world had melted away, meaning that Y/N failed to hear her sister stood behind the glass doors, jumping up and down and screaming with Valkyrie, Clint and Maria who were all ecstatic over the kiss that they'd been waiting for for months. They cheered loudly, high fiving each other with wide grins.
Clint handed Maria a $20 with a groan, his smile disappearing as he realised he lost the bed. The party host tucked the money into her bra and walked off with her head held high. Tonight has been a successful night.
— ⧗ —
After a rather rowdy car ride back home, Isla and Y/N stumbled out of the car, the latter thanking Clint's mom for the ride as the eldest made a 'run' to the front door.
She didn't even take her shoes off before she glanced around the house like a meerkat, desperately searching for someone to scream the news to.
Catching sight of the moms sitting at the kitchen table, Isla came crashing over, completely drunk.
"Mom! Y/N kissed Bucky!" Her voice was far too loud for 2am and both mothers winced slightly at the volume, before smirking at the news.
A very exhausted Y/N trailed in afterwards, her hands raised in protest. "No! That's not the only thing that happened!"
"Mom! I made out with Valkyrie!"
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princessbrunette · 1 year
would you please write more for modern ani I love him sm
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poorly edited ani with ugly tattoos and piercings but you get the gist ….. have some headcanons
minors + ageless blogs dni im so serious
♡ he’s always in your reach. whether he’s your best friends brother, the guy that works at the garage or tattoo shop, the guy in your lectures that shows up every few classes to sit at the back and chew on his pen whilst somehow knowing the answer to every question. he’s mysterious, but everywhere.
♡ you see more of his tongue that you thought you might. always peaking out to fiddle with the snakebite piercings below his rosy bottom lip when he’s concentrated, or bulging into his cheek when he lets out a sarcastic or pissed off chuckle when someone’s running their mouth. you overhear him speaking with a friend, instructing “just make your tongue flat if it’s too sensitive and more pointed if they need more pressure. i don’t fucking know, it’s not hard.” and you wonder if he’s talking about what you think he’s talking about.
♡ he takes interest in you because of your soft edges and kind eyes and well, the fact you’re his total opposite. he thinks it’s funny to sit on a plush pink duvet surrounded by ‘pointless’ throw cushions and decorative plushies and blankets whilst he’s dressed in all black with his chronic resting bitch face. okay, funny isn’t the word. he thinks it’s sexy.
♡ he’s a little mean but never cruel. grumpy would describe him more accurately. not a morning person, and shoots daggers at anyone who makes loud noises before 10AM. he’s teasing you and poking fun at you before he starts flirting with you properly because he just can’t help himself, bullying is how he flirts. but don’t get it twisted, once he’s in a relationship with you he is uncharacteristically the worlds biggest simp known to man.
♡ obsessive and possessive. you’re both aware it’s not his best trait, but you secretly like it and he knows that. his love language is essentially threatening to kill anyone who looks at you let alone lays eyes on you. if you’re ranting about your day and happened to tell him about someone giving you attitude, it would become very “you’re lucky i wasn’t there, would have beat the fuck out of him.” fast. will also shamelessly pull you closer to him when another guy looks at you, and side eye you with the worst attitude if you dare laugh a little harder than usual at a man’s jokes.
♡ always stuffing his dirty blonde curls under backwards caps, but let’s you take it off him so you can run your fingers through them at the end of the day. he’s a sucker for a head massage. will repay you by making you cum on his fingers.
♡ he’s the cool boyfriend. determined to win over your family even if his tattooed / pierced appearance is a concern. compliments your mothers cooking, talks about sports with your dad, bonds over video games with your little brother or buys your sister that thing she was talking about last time he saw her. even let’s your grandma pinch his cheeks and call him handsome (but if grandmas coming round, he wears long sleeves and takes out his piercings. anything for grandma.) if you don’t get on with your family, he becomes your family and practically kidnaps you into his own.
♡ wont let you pay for anything. respectfully, he does not care if paying is your love language— he was raised to pay for his girl and that’s what he’ll do, arguments be damned. he’ll take extra shifts to be able to spoil you, coming home with grease smeared on him from the garage, kissing your cheek before heading off to shower, transferring “a little something” to your bank account after you were rambling about that skims dress you wanted or whatever it was.
♡ constantly wearing sweatpants and looks damn good wearing them too. black sweatpants mostly, but he pulls out the grey ones when he’s trying extra hard to get laid that night. same goes for basketball shorts, walking around your apartment wearing them with no shirt on, no underwear beneath the shorts, thick and long length practically swinging around. he chuckles when you gasp and call him a slut.
♡ he plays basketball and soccer, always has. but his favourite pastime has got to be pool. he’s become a champion at his best friends pool table— bringing you round to showcase his effortless skill and teach you (mainly because he won’t pass up the opportunity to see you bent over a table and feel you up.)
♡ always needs your full attention when he speaks, so if your eyes drift off from him when he’s talking to you he won’t hesitate to gently grip your jaw and pull your face back to look at him. he’ll do it infront if anyone he doesn’t care, minus your parents of course.
♡ puts in the WORK during sex. he is competitive with himself, and a perfectionist — so he won’t be satisfied until he’s knows you inside out. this means he’s incredibly vocal, if he’s not asking you if you like what he’s doing (“that feel good, pretty? talk t’me i wanna hear you.”) he’s praising you for being responsive (“good girl, good fucking girl. i know baby, you like that shit huh.”)
♡ pussy eating king. will even wear the white tshirt with pink font spelling “PROUD MUNCH” across the chest when he goes out with you that you got him. thinks it’s funny yeah, but likes everyone to know you’re taken care of.
♡ listens to fuckboy music around the clock. when he picks you up in his car, best believe you can hear that brent faiyaz coming from a mile away. his taste is pretty broad though, he just loves the sexy r&b to be blasting when you’re being his pretty little passenger princess.
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cupidscrule · 9 months
Leon X Fem! reader
P in V, smut
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[ no tw, vanillaish idk ]
1.2k wrd
”Woah, woah, slow down” Leon chuckled as you started explaining another cool story to him.
Your relationship was like the definition of a black cat and a golden retriever. You always have so much energy and are nice to almost everyone. Leon on the other hand is a tough agent who doesn’t really enjoy showing much emotion. He’s pretty stern towards others— but his softspot for you is clear.
”Okay, i’m listening. Tell me” He said while you were walking together with your fingers interlocked.
"okay okay! So THEN after Fluttershy wrote an entire song, rainbow dash just decides to throw it out? Ugh she's such a bitch. Don't you agree? I mean her friend went through all the trouble to try and get them to win the battle of the bands but she's so selfish.." you said, going on about a children's movie. You loved cute things, hello kitty, my little pony, really anything a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with, wearing cute little outfits and rambling about pointless stuff. But hey it made you happy and Leon thought it was adorable
"Mhm, yeah, so selfish" Leon couldn’t help but chuckle a little about how into the movie she was. by now he knew EVERYTHING about these stupid colourful horses, rainbowdash, fluttershy, twilight, pinkie, apple jack, list goes on. Honestly from what he knew rarity seemed like the best- I mean she was a boss bitch.
He found the whole thing pretty amusing, you were just so excited about it and he’s glad you have stuff you're so.. passionate about
"I mean, it would probably get annoying if her friend just wasted all that effort right? " He said trying to show his interest in her story.
"exactly! Ugh finally you get it" you said smiling up to him, leaning closer into his side as you two walked down back home, it was a long day. Like REALLY long, you took Leon shopping, got your nails done, bought some new skirts, and a new album. All that sort of stuff, but y'know dragging Leon aside you cause someone had to carry the shit, you were gettin really close to the outside of your house, skipping beside Leon holding hands. Life was like a dream.
But the long day out had Leon pretty tired— he had to drag a lot of your stuff around and you insisted they go to multiple stores (you tried to be nice and let him pick something out but he was too tired and grumpy, I know right such a dick head?)
When you were about to arrive home, he looked at you as you skipped around excitedly and smiled softly. Despite what he’s put through, he can’t deny that he finds your behavior adorable.
He squeezed your hand and chuckled a little before you guys got in front of your door.
"Oo Leon tomorrow we should watch rainbow rocks, then you'll understand what I'm talking about better" you say giggling as you step into your house, taking off your little boots and walking away from Leon plopping your ass on the leather sofa, even if you were like if you gave a six year old crack mixed with sour gummy worms even you could get kinda tired. Right, ain't that surprising? Little princess bitch face getting tired, after crawling over Leon like a little kid and skipping everywhere, runnin, jumping, god doing everything known to fucken man kind
“don’t know if we’ll have the time because of..” Leon muttered under his breath, he didn’t want to upset you and ruin your mood when you’re so excited.
He walked over to the couch and sat beside you silently and just observed you as you started talking about the movie. He placed a hand over your thigh, brushing up and down just silently smiling hearing you decribe your weird ass fictional horse people argue with other creatures from mythology, honestly sometimes he wondered if you needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Little grippy sock princess
“Wellll, maybe we can watch it tomorrow..” He shrugged. “I mean, i’ll do anything you want” Leon chuckled looking over at you.
He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, his body was pretty warm given how hot the day was and his arm was pretty comfortable.
He kissed you forehead before wrapping his other arm around you, squeezing you a little. You loved when he was affectionate, but not in a creepy way, a cute way. But after a long day a girl can get a bit needy, like sue me but when you have a hot ass man cradling you and taking you everywhere, GOD it's like an angel is sent from heaven to fuck you. But fuck you in a good homemade porno way, not one of thoes shitty ones with a whole plotline. Just straight raw fucking
You turn around, breaking his grip on you before climbing onto his lap, placing yourself onto his thigh "Woah Woah, calm down- y'know I'm tire-" he was trying to speak, silly men. You land a big fat kiss on his lips to shut him up, slowly moving yourself on his thigh, pulling away from him getting a breath, saliva dripping down your face like an animal, staring at him in the eyes, his face slightly shocked you made the first move. But you felt something perk up, bingo. Always know what can make your man want ya
"God I can't just stare at your handsome face and do nothing-" you mutter under your breath, pushing yourself closer into him, kissing his face like a big ol' dog, your free hand finding its way to his jean zipper, undoing it his fat dick springing up, he grabs you by your hips, pulling your panties aside, slapping you onto his cock, a groan coming from his lips, honestly didn't expect the day to end like this, went from talkin ponies to getting your brains fucked out. Like a good girl you ride him, his hands are placed on your hips moving you at a decent pase, bit fast but he did do A LOT of work today, guess he deserves it. Nothing else in the world matters right now, euphoric feeling, he thrusted up into you, taking one hand off your hip and grabbing your face, making you look at him, god his eyes make you MELT. He could take care of you, he was real nice with it. He groped your tits sometimes in public, but just made you love him more.
You're at your high, he knows that. Few more thrusts and you whine, feeling your body melt like butter, your weight collapses onto him, but he's not done practically druling on him, limp body he keeps fucken like a doll, if you still have a tight pussy thats all that matters, few moments and he finishes, pressing you down onto him, filling your cervix, still collapsed on him both of you breathen all heavy. "So babydoll, what happened next?" He groaned, a sly ass smirk on his face. "Mm that cunt rainbow got put in her place and they play fluttershys song" you mutter, pushing on his fat chest, rollin off him like a little kid, pussy dripping. His pants stained with you, and a heavy chest.
"I wanna-"
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packsvlog · 3 months
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inumaki y/n is the older sister of toge, she is in her second year of college, majoring in journalism — says is because she loves gossip. her campus life is completely normal, nobody pays attention to her and she likes it that way, although on her social medias, is quite the contraire. she has gained a large amount of followers on twitter due to her unhinged sexual posts, and on instagram is all thanks to her friend kirara. y/n has been best friends with yuki and utahime since high school, she met kirara in college when they asked out of the nowhere for y/n to be their model, since then the squad has been formed with the addition of hakari, kira’s boyfriend. y/n’s ex boyfriend and her had been dating for four years, in which two of those were long distance, he broke up with her recently and she has been a pain in the ass for everyone with all the pent up energy.
utahime iori is a law student, at first she had no idea if it was the career path for her, until her friends reminded the girl of her love for arguing and winning. soon, she became number one of her classes! utahime is not found of new friendships at first, but when she does open to new people, she adores them, still, no matter how much they beg, kirara still can’t take pictures of utahime. the girl is a bit shy with cameras. besides her group of friends, she is close to her classmate hiromi higuruma, and it’s a big fan of him to date her friend, y/n. oh, fun fact, she is in love with shoko ieiri, who is friends with the people from campus utahime despises.
tsukumo yuki is a marine biologist student, she is often taking trips for the nearest beach, kirara soon to follow because they want to make her their model as well. yuki is very private with her instagram account, only uses it to show whatever she found at the beach or kirara’s clothes. on her twitter she prefers to let herself loose and post whatever is on her mind. whenever the group goes to the beach, they all have to play mermaid with yuki, no one dares complain. she is the one in charge of the trips after every semester, this year her plan is to take her friends to watch whales on an island or to go mountain hiking.
hoshi kirara is easily one of the most popular people on campus, since their first day at jujutsu tech, they have been calling attention. that is mostly because of their striking makeup at seven am and their self made clothes, after all, kirara is not a fashion student for nothing. they have been in a serious relationship with hakari ever since they transitioned in their second year of high school — no one has never disrespected them because everyone is terrified of hakari, and kirara totally uses that in their favor. kirara loves to make clothes for themselves and their friends, but they have an even bigger love for photography, that’s why everywhere they go, a camera is always near. on every social media, kirara is a hit, trendsetter.
hakari kinji is a simp, although for the looks of his blank face no one could tell. that’s until he opens his mouth, mentioning his partner is the first thing he does everyday. hakari had no idea what to do for college, so he followed his baby, and fortunately, he has a gift for fashion, his true love is modeling for kirara and dying his hair. he got into MIB by pure luck, Gojo Satoru thought he looked cool on the first year and asked him to come for the tryouts, kirara threatened him that if hakari became a frat asshole, they would break up — lucky for him, kirara ends up warming up to his new friends. thanks to MIB reputation and trending tik tok account, he gained a lot of followers on his social media, but since most are people desperate for him and his friends, he doesn’t follow or interact with them, specially on twitter, he only follows his friends.
✶ 𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: all the appearances, specially reader’s, are just for reference, there is no fancast just pics with the characters vibes. you can imagine them as you please.
✶ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: please comment if you would like to be tagged. all the chapters will be linked in this post and with the first tag @minzxec @d3jecteddoll @shuuji71 @emilyywhyy
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Jack’s Tooth: Taylor’s Version
last pic made by @babydollmarauders <3
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liked by _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and 13,860 others
trevy baby, jamie baby, and i were sobbing on the bar floor right next to the pool table (sorry that you lost, babe) and it was the greatest experience of my life
IN OTHER NEWS: jacksonian howdy rowdy hughes is now one step closer to wanting his two front teeth for hanukah! (photo eight is a visual representation of the cash he got from the tooth fairy!) he won the battle (quintin ripping off his braces), but he lost the war (devils vs canes, round two: game one)! taylor’s marketing team wanted really good press for “ours,” so jack took one for the team!
“i love the gap between your teeth” i’m sure someone does!
“and i love the riddles that you speak” i sure do! they’re from his brand new lisp the tooth fairy gave him! (edit: i’ve been told this is too mean and have to publicly announce that his lisp is not that bad) (edit: trevor said i wasn’t mean enough)
to end: jacky boy, my soulmate, so sorry about your loss, but the content i’m seeing on twitter about it is my new will to live. i love you!
ps happy birthday mitch marner!
tagged jackhughes
view all 707 comments
jackhughes i feel as if this wasn’t necessary
yourusername nethethary*
jackhughes sissy
yourusername jacky?
jackhughes i’ll tell quinn you’re bullying me
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes who do you think sent her the pirate meme?
yourusername cry
jackhughes i will
yourusername @/lhughes_06 record it^^^
lhughes_06 i gotchu, sissy🫡
trevorzegras @/jackhughes wrong album
user46 this is both the best and worst day of my life😭 but at least the devils didn’t lose 5-1?
yourusername too soon (it is not that was hilarious)
_quinnhughes looking good, rowdy!
yourusername so cowboy of him
jackhughes @_alexturcotte you still love me, right?
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes thure, babe
yourusername AHAHAHAHA @_alexturcotte i’m in love with you
trevorzegras @/yourusername i’m right here, babe
yourusername @/trevorzegras okay so close your eyes? we’re having a moment here
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras perv
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras perv
trevorzegras okay i did not lose at pool!
jamie.drysdale you didn’t win either
yourusername you lost, babe. just like jacky boy lost his tooth.
trevorzegras @/yourusername you bumped into the pool table!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras you two are attached at this hip how sure can you be that it was her?
yourusername @/trevorzegras YOU’RE LOSING FOCUS, SON! THIS IS ABOUT JACKY BOY!
trevorzegas we’re engaged! i want an emancipation!
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername i’m cool if you’re cool
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras consider our family tree burned
user99 i still love you jack!
lhughes_06 goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky
trevorzegras still the wrong album? do you hughes boys know nothing?
yourusername @/trevorzegras you already know that answer
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes @/yourusername sissy, my favorite girl, best friend contract
yourusername @/trevorzegras jacky boy and lukey moosey know nothing! quinn has all three brain cells!
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes that was not helpful
jackhughes not it was not
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 @/jackhughes what she said wasn’t much better
user33 jack wanted to twin with his bestie merc so bad
user81 jack losing a tooth wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card
colecaufield “something’s gone terribly wrong; you’re all i wanted” -jack (about his tooth)
yourusername @/trevorzegras look what best friend number two said!
trevorzegras i knew i could count on you to use the right album! atta boy!
jackhughes @/colecaufield you’re not invited to my birthday party
yourusername @/colecaufield yes, you are
colecaufield @/jackhughes sorry, bud. what sissy says goes
trevorzegras @/yourusername he gets to call you sissy?! i got smacked in high school!
yourusername @/trevorzegras he gets a once per month pass
yourusername @/jackhughes 😭*
user7 quinn might be the number one trevor hater, but y/n is the number one jack hater
dylanduke25 taylor said “drop everything now” so jack dropped his tooth
yourusername THIS ONE WINS
lhughes_06 his tooth won’t be meeting him in the pouring rain
jackhughes @/dylanduke25 you aren’t my child, but i will ground you. @/lhughes_06 you’re grounded.
yourusername @/dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 mother knows best! you’re not grounded!
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes thuck it
user56 let’s play “who’s y/n’s least favorite hughes” again!
yourusername it’s still quinn??
_quinnhughes added this to their story
lhughes_06 added this to their story
_alexturcotte added this to their story
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tzyuki · 10 months
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003. coolest girl | smau + written (947 wrds)
IN WHICH ✶ — y/n returns to korea after three years of college due to her grandmother being too sick and unable to care for herself. she transfers to hybe university for her senior year, bumping into a bunch of her old school friends. but once she bumps into her best friend of 7 years she’s unrecognizable to him due to the fact they haven’t seen nor talked to each other in 4 years. she can’t remember how to say his name to call out for him, or even remember how many moles he had on his face.
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“WOOOO!” Y/n clapped and cheered as the home team scored. “Do you always go to school games?” Y/n asked Chaewon. “Not always, when Sunghoon played hockey his freshman year I went to a lot of them but when we drifted apart we stopped talking and he quit.” Chaewon said as she nodded her head.
“He played? I didn’t know he played hockey.” Y/n’s eyebrow furrowed. “He was just fooling around on the rink and the coach saw him…it was when the year just started and you had left for America. He started to skate again because he “was bored” I called bullshit.” Chaewon did finger quotations.
Sunghoon grew up figure skating. Y/n was always there to watch his routines and practices, but when Y/n started to take an interest in dance she convinced Sunghoon to try it to help with his technique. He ended up falling in love with dancing. It was a hard decision for him to make, but with Y/n there with him he enjoyed it. For college, Sunghoon would take up Dance…and Y/n would take up Music Performance…all the way across the world.
He did hockey because at least he’d still be on ice, just not doing beautiful routines. Instead fighting for a puck with a team of other guys. In a way, it was his coping mechanism, because with dance it was Y/n’s and his thing. With ice skating, it was his own thing. On the rink, all he could focus on was winning. On stage, all he could think of was dancing with her.
“Oh,” Y/n’s face faltered. “So he stopped skating completely now?” Y/n loved Sunghoon’s dancing skills, she was happy he found a new interest in dance of course, but skating was what made her like him so much…it’s where she saw the truest form of him.
“Yeah, he mainly dances now.” Chaewon put her attention back to the game before suddenly bringing her head back to Y/n. “Oh! he does the holiday festivals so you’ll definitely see him every time you guys have a performance.”
“Sometimes they even dance to a live band, maybe they’ll ask you to play the guitar for them.”
Y/n thought about how that’d be. Y/n playing the guitar on stage whilst Sunghoon dances to it, it’d be amazing.
“Do you want to go to the after party?” Chaewon asked as the two walked down the stadium stairs. “There’s an after party?” Y/n asked. “Yeah, almost every win they get there’s an after party. It’s at the team's house.”
“Do we have to be invited?” Y/n and Chaewon tried their best to stick close to each other, worried they’d get separated. “No, the guys are chill. Everyone’s welcome…” Chaewon was sticking her head out everywhere, trying to find a certain someone.
Suddenly someone bumped into the back of them. “Shit—Sorry!” The boy gasped. “Chaewon! You haven’t been to one of our games in a while, last year you only went to two.” The boy slightly pouted.
“Hi, you must be the transfer girl.” The boy stuck his hand out to Y/n. “I’m Ej,” He shook the girl's hand with excitement. “I’m Y/n.” Y/n smiled at Ej.
“Are you guys going to the after party?” Nicholas asked the two. Y/n could tell Chaewon was screaming on the inside. “Yeah, we’re going.” Chaewon said in the most cool way she could.
“Cool, I’ll see you there.” Nicholas said, looking directly at Chaewon.
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Y/n shoved her phone into her back pocket, taking a few deep breaths as she walked to Sunghoon. The boy looked frantically to Heeseung, who was clearly high…and not helping the latter.
“Sunghoon, hi!” Y/n said, in a calm tone. “Hi…Y/n!” Sunghoon tried to act a little confused and dumb. “Sunghoon…do you really not know or are you just playing around?” Y/n asked.
At first she thought Sunghoon was just being kind, waving to the new girl with no idea who she was. But for the past three weeks has he still not recognized the girl he had been saying hi to?
“It’s me, Y/n. Baek Y/n.” Y/n said, a little hurt was heard in her voice. “Oh, yeah. I know!” Sunghoon said, clearly acting cool.
“Oh. Okay—uhm. I’ll see you around then…I guess.” Y/n’s voice faltered a little. She didn’t know Sunghoon would be so nonchalant about her return.
She walked through bodies trying to find where she had left Chaewon, saying “Sorry” here and there.
“Sorry.” Y/n said as she bumped into this guy's shoulder. “Y/n! Hey!” Jay grabbed her shoulder, recognizing the girl. “I heard you were back, I haven’t seen you around campus so I didn’t get the chance to welcome you back!”
“I miss you.” Jay dragged out as he hugged the girl, picking her off her feet a little.
“Jake! This is Y/n! She’s the coolest girl I knew in high school!” Jay shouted as he gently shook the girl as he had his arm around her.
“Hi, I’m Jake!” Y/n noticed his heavy accent. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” Y/n smiled at the boy.
“How are you? It's been like what—five years? I miss you man!” Jay asked. “I’m glad someone missed me.” Y/n joked.
“Oh, Sunghoon? Don’t worry about him, he’s just trying to play it cool. When he realized who you were he freaked out…don’t tell him I told you that.” He whispered the last part into her ear.
“Okay, got it.” Y/n laughed. She had missed the presence of her old friends.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Dr. Olivia Octavius (Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse) vs Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)
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Dr. Olivia Octavius is a Quantum Physicist and Roboticist!
Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Dr. Olivia Octavius:
""If you stay in this dimension too long, your body’s going to disintegrate. Do you know how painful that would be, Peter Parker? You can’t imagine. And I, for one, can’t wait to watch." I love deranged evil women she is the character of all time to me"
"Dr. Olivia Octavius, also known as Doctor Octopus, is the secondary antagonist of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. She's also known as 'Liz' by her friends, one of them being Peter Parker's aunt May. She is an evil scientist, CEO of the science research & development company known as Alchemax. She's the scientific advisor for The Kingpin's inventions to open up portals to other dimensions. She's an evil woman in STEM girlboss."
"feral :)"
"Oh I heard you like mad scientist girlies???"
"I know she’s evil but I love her shes so cool. Have you seen her. I support womens wrongs <3"
"MILF. Evil. What more does she need? wowza"
"shes not the best shes the worst and she owns it. milf i mean. who said that"
"I mean. just look at her. she has the robo arms, the awesome hair. also if I recall, she's also been in science educational videos for kids"
"Proves herself as a competent fighter able to take on multiple spider-men at once, plus rocks the mad scientist look"
"Successfully works as a kids' science show presenter while also being a supervillain and working on sketchy projects. Is an absolute dork about her work and about cool phenomena in a way that's really endearing right up until she threatens to lock someone up to slowly die so she can study the phenomenon that's killing them. Probably put bugs in the microwave as a kid to see what happens.
Yes she did get hit by a truck in the fight and disappear but I fully believe she lived and ended up in some other universe.
1. She's a supervillain, she's definitely been hit by a truck before. 2. Out of everyone fighting in there she's had the most experience with this sorr of thing. While missteps are possible she would be going into it with some idea of what the risks are and how to deal with them. 3. Isekai truck trope 4. If she did end up in another universe she would totally find a way to keep herself stable there. She's got science knowledge and robotic limbs built for crime. 5. I like her and I think it would be really funny.
Why did I make this part mostly ""no she isn't dead"". It'd still be funny even if she was dead tbh.
I cosplayed her once and that is irrelevant to the poll but idk. She's fun."
"it's so rare to have female mad scientists in media like her, she's a role model to girls who want to commit crimes against the spacetime continuum everywhere. she's very important"
"She's really cute, too bad about all the murder and stuff :/ Women's wrongs, amirite?👍"
"She has a "For Science!" attitude that makes most male mad scientist look sane and safety minded. I would gladly be her intern/minion. <3"
"is only here to do science for Nefarious Purposes. science without any regard for moral cost. idk i love that this character type gets to be a milf for once. we love to see an evilgirl winning"
"mad scientist lady. cool as hell hair. evil girlboss."
"She's evil. She's evil and I love her"
"Evil milf with giant robot arms that loves chaos."
"Mastered multiple disciplines, managed to break barriers between dimensions, which even in superhero realms is a bit impressive. STEM girlies should be allowed to go a little evil/feral/unhinged. as a treat."
"She is evil! She is sexy! She employs usage of soft robotics into her prosthetic tentacles, is the head scientist at Alchemax, and quite literally built a machine that creates a portal to alternate dimensions! Get you a girl that can both make educational science videos and also rip open a portal to alternate dimensions under dubious moral conditions."
"she's sooooooo cool"
"She is a girlboss she tried to make a portal and while she’s a villain she isn’t the Evillest out there… babygirl head scientist Her glasses are shaped like octagons :3"
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
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