#shiiit i even started to hear all the good things that have been said about me by those who actually give a fuck
theknightofsolitude · 6 months
Could i have started earlier? Absolutely!
Is it too late? Only if you’re dead.
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blackdragoness · 1 year
YALL NOT READY FOR ALL DIS' GASSSSS. Lemme gasssss yo lil fat head up, okayyyy. This PICK-A-PILE is for you!
"somebody call 911, shawty fiyah burnin' on da dance floor." -sean kingston
Pile 1 -
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Pile 2 -
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Pile 3 -
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Pile 1: Show Stunnah 🌻
Overall Tarot Card: The Devil 😈
Channelled Song: Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson
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⛽ The gasssss on you is....⛽
First of all, you muthafucka's is FINE as hell! I'm talking about FOIIINNEEEE as hell. Body on fleek, face card never declines. As soon as you walk into the room, all eyes are on you and all your competition starts to die a little inside 😂 You are the talk of the town, the talk of every circle, babbyyy 🤤 But y'all been knew dat, 😏
"BEEN that bitch, still that bitch" - Megan The Stallion
Natural beauty with the confidence to match
Confidence of a lion(ess)
Honestly, physically, you got it muthafuckin' going on dawg, what the fuckkkkk. Out of all the piles, this one wins in the Looks Department LOL sorry to the other piles
I'm seeing a face that is so fucking beautiful and angelic. Forever youthful.
Your beauty never dies and it never ages.
I have this huge urge to gasp in awe! You make people gasp with your beauty, ermagerrrdddd this is too cute! I feel like I'm melting in your presence 🫠. It's like everytime people see you in person, you take their breathe away and all they can do is gasp in awe at your undeniable beauty 😂😂😂 it's so fucking corny bro, but damn. That was a channelled message for someone's fine ass out there. You got it like that Mami/Papi, *snap snap snap*
A literal fucking goddess/god. Like you make men want to turn all romantic and old school, writing poems and singing outside your window in the middle of a full moon & shiiit. Or for my men, you make a girl wanna break all her rules and go buck wild for you!!! Like this shit crazzzyyy!! But this is what you be doing to these people lmaoooo!
I'm sure you're a great person on the inside and all, but there is so much emphasis on your physique that I apologize if you feel exploited right now 😂😂 and tbh, you might know the effects your body causes on people so you might be a person with strong boundaries. But damn Papi, what dat body do? 😏
With the devil card crowning your reading, people are OBSESSED WITH YOU!!! Bitch, who tf are you? Why is everyone so fucking obsessed with yo ass!? Lmao
"I can do bad all by myself." You're very independent but you may have many friends too.
Imma just say it flat out: YOU GOT THAT GOOD WAP BABYYYYYY. THAT GOOD WOOD, ya know what I'm sayin' 😂 rumor has it, you can fucking werkkkk it. You got people THIRSTY AF out here, mayneee. Chilllllllll.
You got this hella chill vibe to you though. Like laid-back. Relaxed. Not about the shits or the drama. People can try to ruffle your feathers to get any type of reaction out of you but you stay unbothered AF and that's what draws them nearer to you.
You have a gift for social interactions. Most people have social anxiety but you maneuver and work the room with ease and calmness. It's very admirable.
So many people want to marry you dude, I'm not even kidding. But I'm sensing that you are just focused on yourself and your goals. Relationship isn't a priority in your life right now. But that also is what turns the thirst factor UP when it comes to you.
Rich girl, city girl, material gworl vibes
"You always got dem eyes on you" - people love to watch you and stare at you. Sometimes people zone out in conversation with you because your beauty distracts them 😂 you could be talking to them in perfect pronunciation and speed but they won't hear a damn thing you said lol I guess your beauty is deafening too 😂
As beautiful and as sexy as you are, you also have a tender kindness when you interact with anybody. Your beauty shines both inside and out and that's why you are the mf GOAT.
You turn heads every where you go. You got bitches jealous wishing they was you. Ermahgerrrddd, I'm getting a rush of energy from tons of people who fantasize about what it would be like if they had your life. Honestly, that sounds like I'm over hyping y'all, but it's the truth lol. Maybe knowing this information will help you see the beauty of your own life and appreciate it for what it is. Because from folks looking on the outside into your life, they would literally trade spots with you in a heartbeat. Heck, they are already doing it in their daydreams. Recognize that YOU ARE THAT BITCH.
You may come from a great family life. Or people think you come from a super good looking family judging based off of your looks alone lol
A lot of people want to be tied to you in some way. People feel that being connected to you gives them "brownie points" in popularity 😂😂 some people may try to befriend you for clout. I'm not even getting social media vibes, although y'all may be big on social media too. But I'm sensing like real life clout, which is ten times better than social media clout, ya feel me. It's almost like knowing you in real life makes people feel more important in real life.
Y'all are the IT GIRL/ IT BOY. Everyone wanna be you, do the things you do, talk like you, walk like you, fucking everyfannnggg!!! I cannot with y'all. You guys are unreal but thats why we are so fucking obsessed with you, booo. Keep doing you and keep being you 🌻
Pile 2 - Cutie Pie 🥧
Overall Tarot Card: Ace of Cups
Channelled Song: My Bestie by Lloyd ft Sevyn
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⛽ The gasssss on you is.....⛽
Everyone wants to hug you, squeeze you, love on you. Stick you in their pocket and take you home. This vibe is so mushy and gooey!
Everybody's little sister. You provoke a very protective spirit in those around you and those close to you. You are looked at as something that needs to be protected at all costs.
I dunno what it is about you but people will go to bat for you no matter the situation or the time. If ever you are in trouble, you have a whole gang of people who you can count on to drop what they are doing and prioritize you. Even if they are pissed off at you, they would lay their differences to the side and come to your rescue.
You make people feel very emotional when it comes to even just the thought of you. You are so special to people I don't think you realize that!
You are that person in people's lives that they cannot imagine ever losing. Like an angel in disguise who needs to be protected from this cruel world.
You attract friends like flies!!!!! This pile is SOOOOOOO popular and you don't even have to try. You could actually be a more introverted and reserved person but constantly have a crowd of people with you.
Sooooo warm and soft. Feels like I'm sinking in an ocean of really warm honey. That's how you make people feel.
People LOVE hugging you, cuddling you, and feeling you. Your presence is very calming and motherly.
You have great motherly instincts and people trust you with their children and animals. Kids might naturally flock to you and easily trust you because of your kind nature.
You may only consider a small group of people as friends but there are so many people who consider you as one of their best friends. You may make some friends jealous because they envisioned some type of exclusive friendship with you. However, a lot of people need you in their life and so that's something they need to come to terms with.
A lot of people feel like they can confide in you with confidential matters, knowing it will be kept safe. You also give really great advice that helps people progress further on their life path.
You are a very necessary presence in many peoples life stories. If every human soul had a book about their life, there would be at least one chapter about you in multiple life books. While most people are only focused on writing their own book, they are scarcely mentioned in other stories. But you, you are very necessary in the development of other people's life journeys. Like you make an impact on their story for the better. Wowwwww. I can only imagine that this role comes with a lot of positive karma for you and your generations to come.
You beautify every place you enter, every floor you walk on, and every person you meet. You are a contagious ray of light that shines everywhere you go even in the darkest of places.
You very rarely compete or get jealous of people and that's why many consider you to be their best friend. They feel completely free to be themselves around you with no judgement, guilt or shame.
You are unapologetically yourself and it's a big turn on for the opposite sex.
Many people wish they could possess your unapologetic nature but they are realizing it is a lot harder to mimic than they thought.
"I walk like this cuz I can back it up. I got a big ego" -Beyonce
You been through a lot and it shows through how sweet and caring you are. And because you put out that energy, people wanna love you the same way in return.
You really tug at people's heart strings when they think of you. I'm hearing "a heart of gold and titanium". So valuable and indestructible.
You have been placed on this throne by a lot of people. Very very respected and admired. I'm hearing you proved yourself. Your true colors shown and they worked in your favor.
An example for others to follow
A true royal
SELF-CONTROL, SELF-CONTROL, SELF-CONTROL. You have so much self control and people are both envious and admiring that trait of yours. "The one with the most control over themselves is the one with the most power in the room."
You might be a very adaptable person. You literally can chop it up with anybody you want! No personality is too hard for you to adapt to.
You have such a knack for resolving conflict. You can de-escalate any situation with your soft spoken voice and level-headedness. Things always run smoother when you are around.
People take you seriously and really listen when you speak. You may not vocalize your opinions as often as others, but when you finally do, it shocks people, so they listen.
A deep well of wisdom.
Honorable. Highly respected. Highly trusted.
Pile 3 - LEGEND ⚜️
Overall Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles
Channelled Song: One Call Away by Bina Butta
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⛽ The gasssss on you is.....⛽
BOSS BITCHHHHH. I see you focused on that bag and getting that bag!!! If you chose this pile, YOU LOOK LIKE MONEY, HUNNY 🤑
"came through drippin *drip drip*"
You are a hard ass worker. I'm getting strong energy coming from the workplace you work at. You got a lot of people dumbfounded at your work ethic. For some reason, I'm getting that they didn't think you were going to be the type of worker that you are.
You may be known as someone who bosses up every time you experience a hardship in life. It's actually pretty phenomenal to watch.
Phoenix rising from the ashes.
You are that one character in a movie story that never dies 😂 it's like no matter how many battles you fight, you never fucking die lol it's annoying to your haters but so inspiring to those who witness this inner strength of yours.
You are a LEGEND! Some people think that your life experiences are too good to be true. But they just ain't ever met nobody like you before thats why. I'm hearing that behind your back people try to investigate the validity of your story just to be humbled when they find witnesses who retell the same story.
People want to know the depths of your life experience. I'm getting that people view you kind of like Indiana Jones who is well travelled with many stories and adventures to tell for many days.
You inspire people to think outside of the box. To want more for themselves and be open to newer opportunities that can make them feel free and alive again. You make them want to explore life again.
You walk around like a large ball of life force energy. Anything within a 5 foot radius of you starts to be influenced by your vibration.
A lot of people speak about you!!! A lot of people have your name in their mouth. It's very positive though. I'm hearing a lot of praise, chanting your name. Celebrating you!
I sense you might be hermit mode or really just focusing on yourself. People can see the changes that are happening through your physical appearance . Your hardwork and focus shines through your countenance.
You have a lot more people who support and love you. Im feeling that for this pile, the support isn't as apparent as it was for Group 2. I'm feeling like this pile stands alone with lots of silent supporters. Something about you being very intimidating or being closed off to a connection is what's blocking people from showing their support but it's like they understand why you are closed off and respect your boundaries.
People feel like you are going very far in life and will hit it big in the future. They want to see you win and are silently watching until then.
The way you carry yourself is top notch alpha type vibes. Specifically for my feminines, this is so sexy about you. You carry this masculine energy in such a sexy feminine way it intimidates and submits even the strongest of men. Very BAWS BOSS like.
"Dat ass, dat ass, dat ass, dat ass" 🤨🤨okaaayyyy, someone clearly has a nice juicy ass that needs to be pointed out 🤷🏾‍♀️
You must have a very strong presence in your work place because the energy keeps taking me to a work environment. Either that or you think about work all the time 😂 you really are such an independent woman. Some may call it hyper independent but do you honey. Set the standard as high as you want. Don't let their intimidated ass opinion shrink you 😉
Maybe you own a lot of businesses or aspire to own your own business. People see the potential for you. But I'm getting indecisive energy. You are probably really talented at SOOO many things and are weighing out your options. However, you know that once you have made your decision, there is no stopping you from reaching the top. Everyone else knows it too and that's why they are silently watching you.
You are a rare human. You have an imagination that is so active. Anything you imagine, you create in this world. You were probably a very imaginative kid and highly active. With how hard you work coupled with your crazy active imagination, you actually have the power to manifest whatever you want into existence. Maybe you are aware of that. Maybe you aren't. But channelling this energy feels very magnetic and strong. Keep your imaginations alive. Keep your dreams alive. Chase them.
People wonder how you gained such a bright imagination. They wish they could have that light that you have. You heal a lot of people's inner child by giving them experiences to exercise their imagination. Maybe you enjoy conversations about the trendy things from people's childhoods or you like to talk about the future a lot. You spark creativity and imagination for people and it gives them motivation for life again.
You lead by example. Lots of people are out here running they mouth but you stay steady on your grind proving your worth through your life.
You have silent supporters because you are a silent leader. You don't do much talking. You just do the damn thing and later on people find out what you did and are completely shocked.
You are a bombshell. Not only do you look great but you're like a ticking time bomb in people's minds. You constantly have people stewing over you and then boom, you do something that blows everybody's minds lol. I like this vibe. Very spontaneous and fun to be around
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vixenpen · 4 years
High Sex (Dabi x Black Reader)
(Hoevember Day 15)
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(Tons of AAVE this y/n is hood coded and obviously black)
You kicked open the rickety door of Dabi’s basement room in the new hideout and slumped down the stairs.
The space was dimly lit from the singular, dirty lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Candlelight flickered against the walls, and the air was thick and cloudy with the scent of burning herb.
Erykah Badu’s sweet and smoky vocals pumped from a small speaker beside him on the low set bed.
“Come in, I guess.” Dabi chuckled. “You look like shit.
“Ya mama.” You shot back, smirking.
You started to climb on his bed, when Dabi stopped you.
“Yo, take that shit off before you even think of getting in this bed.” Dabi nodded at your bloodied clothes.
You rolled your eyes. “Ain’t nobody worried about this raggedy ass bed.”
“I am, and you are too the way you’re lookin’ at it right now,” he disrupted himself to toke the blunt, “unless the bed isn’t the only thing that’s interesting you.” He smirked.
“Calm down, Walking Dead. You ain’t got nothing I want.” You gave another eye roll.
Thank god your brown skin hid the flush burning your cheeks. Dabi was propped up against the pillows wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs that showed off the patch work of his burned and smooth skin. The gold surgical staples complimented his turquoise eyes, and his black hair was damp. In short he looked fine as hell, and he was right.
His smirk widened. “Do it slow, you know I like that shit.”
“Fuck you, Dabi.” You tossed your bloodied shirt at his face making him laugh.
Wriggling out of the leather pants of your costume you stood before him in nothin but a skimpy lace thong and matching strapless bra. Dabi’s gaze drank in your curves greedily.
You crawled along the bed until you collapsed at his side, and snatched the blunt from him between your long decorated nails.
Dabi had been into you since the moment he recruited you for the league, and he’d be lying if he didn’t say his attraction wasn’t at least part of the reason he’d pushed so hard to get you to join.
“So, How many families are gonna be missing a member tonight?” He asked, watching your juicy ass jiggle as you swung your feet in the air.
You shrugged, exhaling the smoke in his face. “Just a couple of lowly heroes. Nobody worth an obituary.” You shot back nonchalantly.
That was another thing he liked about you. You could be a cold bitch when you wanted to and he loved it.
“Then we should celebrate. Let me rub your booty.”
You snorted. “Who is that a celebration for? Me or you?”
“Both of us, kitten,” he laughed. “You look like you could use a good dick d-I mean rub down.”
You shot him a look and took one more drag of the waning blunt before sitting up.
“Sir, the only reason I’m here is because you have one of the only other showers in the building. It’s either this, or get spied on by Shiggy while I attempt to use his.
“Aww, babe,” Dabi touched his heart, pulling a fond expression, “so you chose to get spied on by me while you use my shower? I’m touched, y/n.”
A mellow high had begun to cloud your mind, making you drag yourself out of Dabi’s warm bed before it settled in your bones and rendered you immobile.
“What can I say?” You tossed out over your shoulder. You put a switch in your hips that had the poor man gawking shamelessly as you padded across the cold floor to his bathroom. “You’re the lesser of two evils.” With a wink, you shut yourself into his small bathroom.
You sighed as the hot water broke through the sweat on your skin. Your braids were going to be frizzy after this, but who gave a damn. It just felt so good to get clean.
Between the high and the steam you were so lost in the sensations that you didn’t hear the door click open.
“Need some help?”
“Shit, Dabi!” You jumped as he came up behind you.
He chuckled as his arms snaked around your waist and pulled you against him.
“Damn I love the way you say my name. Wish I could tell you my real one so I could make you scream it.”
You shot him a look over your shoulder. “Oh it’s like that, huh?”
“Yeah,” You could feel his long dick twitching against your ass crack and bit your lip. “It’s like that.”
“You couldn’t make me scream even if you tried, Walking Dead.”
“Ohhh, kitten,” he practically groaned against your neck before sinking his teeth into the sensitive flesh. “That’s the third time you fucked up.”
You moaned as his pierced tongue slithered along the marked spot.
“The third?” You mumbled absentmindedly.
“Mmhmm.” His long fingers gripped at your curvy thighs before pressing against your sensitive clit.
All of a sudden, he had your thick thighs wrapped around his slim waist as he slammed you against the shower wall.
“The first,” he kissed your collarbone, “was bringing your fine ass in here in that tight ass leather outfit,” he pumped his length along your slick folds. “The second was leaving this door unlocked,” now he was slurping on your hard nipples, sending a tingle through your body.
“Fuckkk, Dabi,” you sighed as your body hummed with need.
“The third,” his blood shot, turquoise eyes fixed on to you, “is that little smart mouth of your. Cuz now I have to fuck you up.”
With that he slammed you down on his dick so hard his balls slapped.
“Ahh! Fuck!”
Dabi didn’t relent, as your cunt flexed around his length, he bounced you up and down squeezing your ass to keep control.
Every slam of his manhood into you, made stars blur in your vision. Your head felt hazy and empty of anything other than the mind numbing pleasure Dabi was assaulting you with.
“Fuck, fuck, shit! Oh my godddd, Dabi. Ahaaa~”
“What’s that, y/n? Hmm? You said you want more?”
If possible he fucked you faster, and harder. His manhood digging deep into you until the pleasure almost hurt. His abs flexed with effort and every thrust made his pelvis brush against your clit.
You could barely breathe between your screams and gasps of ecstasy. Your dark eyes remained fixed on Dabi’s pleasure filled gaze.
“God, y/n,” he half grunted, half chuckled, “you feel so fucking good. Fuck!”
If you could speak, you would say the same, but as it stood between the bud inn your system, the steamy heat clinging to your flesh, and your breathless moans, you were practically slipping into unconsciousness.
Instead, you dug your nails into Dabi’s back, not caring about the scared skin and dug your nails in as your pussy dribbled with desire.
“Don’t stop.” You sobbed into his ear, every pump of his cock making your words stutter. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, pleeease don’t stop.”
“Fuck,” he sighed, eyes rolling back as his own ecstasy washed over him. “Trust me, baby girl, I won’t.”
He slowed down the pace, enjoying the creaminess of your textured walls slurping at his dick.
He rolled his hips and pressed a kiss against your plump lips with each stroke.
“Dabiii, oh god, pleas-“
“Sshhh,” he kissed you again. “Come on, y/n. Come on this dick. Come all over it, baby.”
He was determined to drag your orgasm out of you slow and hard.
Your nails snagged into a bit of the unburned skin on his back and you dragged your long nails against it.
“Ahhh! Shiiit! Dabi!”
Your scream choked out into a whine as the orgasm finally exploded through out you. Your pussy spasmed as the euphoria washed over you. The sensation was only enhanced by your previous high and seemed to roll over you in endless waves that made your legs quake around Dabi’s waist.
With a growl of his own, Dabi pulled out to bust his load on your stomach.
By the time the two of you were done, you were practically melting into each other.
“Damn...” you muttered, your head collapsing back against the shower wall.
“Damn is right.” He replied, face buried between your breasts. He peered up at you, wearing a cocky smirk. “Looks like I do have something you want after all, babygirl.”
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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I know I’ve posted this one before, but what the hell. It’s Johnny and one of my favs :D
John Tracy was sick.
Which meant John Tracy wasn’t allowed to go home.
Sure, he could say that he was home, but it didn’t really feel like home. It was full of brothers and people he loved, but it didn’t feel like home.
Home was among the stars.
But apparently astronauts with the flu weren’t allowed to go home.
“It won’t be for long, John. It will be over before you know it.” Virgil was kind and reassuring, but it didn’t really help.
He wanted to go home.
He was determined to work, of course. Until Scott caught him and cut him off.
There were some loud words over that, but the medical department of IR (aka Virgil) sided with the command department (aka Scott) and yeah, he was grounded, cut off from his ‘bird, holed up in his room and miserable.
Of course, his brothers attempted to cheer him up. Alan dumped himself on his bed chattering away with his latest game, all eager enthusiasm. Gordon brought him a pet crab. Even cared for it for him. John was left wondering if it was a snarky metaphor as the crab sat under a rock all day and had a distinct grumpy appearance.
Virgil and Scott were more subtle, but no less caring. Scott ran ideas past him for communications improvements. Piano music and the occasional piece of art found its way into his rooms uninvited.
He appreciated it. Truly, he did.
He just wanted to go home.
The morning he woke up with a cat sleeping on his chest was the last straw.
“C’mon, guys. You know I’m allergic to cats. Are your trying to kill me?” He held the cat out at arm’s length just waiting for his nasal passages to swell up. Though at this point considering his condition, he wasn’t really sure he would notice.
The cat meowed pitifully at him.
Virgil frowned.
Scott arched an eyebrow.
Gordon looked guilty....but then he always looked guilty. John was sure it was an inbuilt survival strategy.
Alan was cooing at the cat and reaching out to scratch it under the chin.
It was an orange stripy thing with big whiskers and that ragdoll floppiness all cats sported.
“Gordon?” Scott’s arched eyebrow was now pointed at the aquanaut.
“What are you looking at me for? I got him the crab, why would I get him a cat? The cat will eat the crab.” Gordon frowned at John. “Don’t let the cat eat the crab.”
Not a sentence John had ever predicted hearing in his lifetime.
“Can someone please take this thing?” He held out the cat even further.
Virgil, still frowning, gently collected the cat from John’s hands and automatically curled it up in his arms. A finger scratched under its chin.
“Thank you. I’m going back to bed.”
And he did.
The next time he woke, a pair of green feline eyes were staring at him, the cat, once again, curled up on his chest.
It meowed at him and poked his nose with a paw.
He must have yelled a little too much because next minute his big brother barrelled into the room, panic on his face. “John, what the-?!”
His eyes landed on the cat and his shoulders literally sagged. “Goddamnit, that’s where you are. I’ve been looking for you for hours.” Virgil reached to pick up the cat.
The cat turned from mild mannered bed companion to spitting and screeching demon within a blink. Virgil yelped and fell backwards, his feet slipping on the mat and his butt hitting the floor with a crash.
One of John’s telescopes teetered before tipping ever so slowly. Virgil saw it and struggled to catch it. “Shiiit!” He threw himself in its path and the four-foot metal cylinder landed in his lap.
There was an oomph and Virgil was flat on his back on the floor.
Demon cat kneaded John’s chest a little before settling once more.
It began to purr.
“Virgil? You okay?”
His brother grunted and John struggled out of bed, shoving the cat out of the way. “Virgil?”
“I’m good.” It was up an octave higher than normal. “Sorry about your telescope.”
John grabbed the telescope off his brother and righted it. It was his own fault for leaving it there in the first place. Stargazing from bed was a habit much more easily exercised on TB5.
Virgil waved off his offered hand and rolled over, pushing himself to his feet with another grunt. He eyed the cat with suspicion. “I thought we had an understanding, Bagel.”
The cat eyed Virgil with equal suspicion.
“Gordon claims it is your cat so needs a John name.”
“A John name?”
“Yeah, Bagel it is.”
“It’s not my cat! And where did it come from anyway?” John frowned at Virgil. “Another stowaway on Two.”
“No! You know we have sensors for that now. And besides, that was only once.”
“Once. The polar bear doesn’t count.”
“The polar bear most assuredly does count. Alan still hasn’t forgiven you.”
“It was a polar bear, Virgil.”
“Yeah, well, that is your cat.”
“That is not my cat.”
“Apparently she has decided she is yours.” Virgil held up his hands. Several scratches decorated his skin. “I have enough of these already. She’s yours.”
“I’m allergic.”
Virgil peered up at him, brown eyes assessing. “You don’t appear to be suffering a reaction. She’s been gone for hours. If she has been here, on your chest all that time, you should be showing the affects. All I can see is the remains of your flu.” A frown. “Are you feeling any better?”
It was John’s turn to frown. He had almost forgotten he was ill, but now his attention returned to his body, the signs were clear.
But he was feeling a little better.
“A little.”
Virgil reached up and squeezed his arm. “Good. You hungry?”
A brief consultation with his stomach and he realised that yes, he was. “Yes, I think so.”
A smile spread over his brother’s face. “Great. You’re on the mend.” Another squeeze of his arm and Virgil turned towards the door. “Meet you in the kitchen. Scott went all out this morning and made pancakes. I stashed you some. Gotta grab them before Gordon discovers them.”
“FAB.” John couldn’t help but return his brother’s smile.
Virgil grinned and with a half-hearted groan rubbed his butt and staggered with some exaggeration out the door. “Don’t forget your cat.”
John turned back to stare at the ginger monstrosity still sitting on his bed, calmly grooming.
“Bagel, is it?”
The cat blinked and kept licking its fur.
John sighed and grabbed his clothes.
The cat followed him downstairs for the meal, which turned out to be dinner. He had managed to sleep the day away. Apparently, this was a good thing, because for the first time in days, he could move without creaking.
Virgil had indeed stashed pancakes and within minutes there was a short stack piled up in front of him complete with ice cream and maple syrup. Before he even bothered to acknowledge the envy emanating from Gordon across the other side of the table, the stack began to disappear.
Scott knew how to make pancakes. John considered his big brother’s purpose in life and came to the immediate conclusion that it should be IR, family and pancakes.
Of course, pancakes could be a subset of family if considered that way, but there was always the possibility of him opening a business as a pancake chef.
Yes, the flu had obviously taken part of his brain with it.
A pair of blue eyes and two pairs of brown were staring at him.
“Did you bother to breathe between bites, bro?” Gordon gestured with his head at the table.
John looked down and found his plate empty. “Guess I was hungry. Scott makes great pancakes.”
“Yes, he does.” Virgil plonked a glass of orange juice in front of him and took away his sticky plate. “Now drink your juice and we’ll set up for family movie.”
“Aren’t you guys going to eat?”
“Already eaten.” Scott was poking at his phone, holograms bouncing around above it. “Grandma made meatloaf surprise again.”
John choked on his juice. “Really?”
“Uh-huh.” Scott did look a little green around the gills.
Well, that explained the envy on Gordon’s face and why Alan was very absent.
“Anyone feed the youngest?”
“All under control.” Virgil chucked Gordon a celery crunch bar and the aquanaut grabbed it from the air.
It was devoured faster than John’s pancakes.
Virgil wandered back into the kitchen proper and soon there was the delicious smell of hot popcorn wafting through the room. The engineer walked past the table again and dumped a chocolate bar in front of Scott. Another one landed in front of John.
“Consider it a survivor’s reward.” Virgil grabbed Scott’s phone out of his hand.
“Stop working, this is family time. Everything can wait a couple of hours.”
Scott glared at his brother, but grabbed the chocolate bar and capitulated anyway.
Probably because he knew Virgil was right. It was so easy to get absorbed with International Rescue business. John knew he was a fantastic example case of such a syndrome.
A sigh.
Scott glanced up at him. “How are you doing, John?” A smirk. “How’s Bagel?”
As if beckoned, the cat in question suddenly leapt up on to the table and stalked the length of it towards Scott. John’s eyes widened as his eldest brother was targeted by a feline glare of epic proportions.
Scott’s expression was quite an amusing mixture and defiance and terror. Bagel sat down in front of him and after a moment of intense eyeballing decided Scott was boring and started washing herself.
“That is one weird cat, John.”
Everyone jumped as Bagel shot to her feet and dashed across the table at Gordon. “Holy crap!” The aquanaut scrambled backwards as Bagel ran at him. He tangled his feet in the stool he was sitting on and with a crash, ended up on the floor.
Reaching the edge of the table, Bagel stopped and peered down at the fallen Thunderbird and, apparently deciding Gordon was no more interesting than Scott, sat down and returned to grooming.
The remaining three vertical brothers stared at each other and the cat.
No one said a thing.
“Uh, can someone give me a hand up, here?” Gordon vaguely waved an arm about and Virgil edged around the table to help his brother up.
His eyes barely left Bagel.
“Has anyone fed the cat?” John threw the question in there as a bit of an icebreaker since said cat had frozen the room almost solid.
Bagel looked up and stared at John for a moment before jumping to her feet and ambling over. A simple step off the table and she was in his lap, circling for moment to find a comfortable spot, then curling up and purring.
Again, everyone was staring at the orange fluff ball, John included.
“You have a very strange cat.” Apparently, Gordon hadn’t learnt from his earlier experience, but fortunately, Bagel ignored him this time.
John stared down at the purring ball of fur.
Yes, it seems he did.
Despite the possessed cat, the rest of the night went very well. All five brothers plus Kayo threw down some pillows, curled up in front of the holoprojector and waded through a trashy b-grade movie that looked like they were using mannequins for actors and plastic models for set pieces. There was popcorn, laughter and loving family. John felt warm and relaxed and better than he had in days. Somewhere between action scenes, he drifted off to the tinny soundtrack and the sound of his brothers criticising the special effects.
“Johnny?” It was whispered “Johnny, you’ve got to move or you’ll end up with one hell of a neckache.”
A blink and he found himself looking at Virgil upside down. Wha-?
“C’mon, bro. Up you get.” And his brother was lifting him up. Another blink and he realised he was lying on one of the couches...almost upside down, his feet at an angle above his head with his head hanging off the seat cushion. He was far too long for the piece of furniture and, apparently, he had stretched in his sleep.
Virgil was shifting his shoulders into a more horizontal position. Beyond him, the holoprojector was listing all the languages the movie was available in, complete with appropriate copyright warnings. Idly he noted that the Hungarian translation had an error in the third line.
John let his feet drop to the end of the couch before folding up enough to force himself upright. Ugh, Virgil was right. His neck cricked and creaked along with his spine. God, gravity was a nasty piece of work. It had also apparently dribbled all the mucus in his body into his head. His skull protested at the pressure as he sat up and he groaned.
Why did everyone think Scott was the worry wart of the family? Virgil with his medical radar was just as bad, if not worse. “I’m fine. Just a head full of snot.” Ugh. Right between his eyeballs, throbbing to the beat of his heart. “Just kill me now.”
Suddenly there was an orange cat in his face, staring.
“What? Bagel, not now.” He gently picked up the cat and put her on the couch beside him. Where the hell had she come from anyway?
A pitiful meow was her response and she edged nearer brushing her cheek against his arm.
Despite himself, he turned to her. “What’s wrong?”
She looked up at him with a combination of adoration and haughtiness. He had no idea what to make of that expression.
Of course, she was a cat. Who understood cats?
“Are you two having a moment?” His brother’s smiling baritone broke the silence and to John’s surprise, Bagel turned to Virgil and hissed angrily.
His big brother took a hurried step back.
“Bagel! Leave him alone! He will never hurt you. For goodness sake, Virgil wouldn’t hurt a fly. Give him some respect.”
To his complete surprise, Bagel stopped hissing immediately. She turned to him almost a question on her face before once again looking at Virgil. Her head dropped and stared at the floor.
“What the hell?” It was little more than breath and all his big brother. Virgil was staring at Bagel, his brow crumpling into a deep frown.
Bagel’s head shot up and once again she was staring at Virgil.
Virgil’s frown got even deeper.
“John where did you get this cat from?”
“I told you, I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before in my life.”
Virgil continued his staring contest with the cat.
“What is it?” His brother’s expression was becoming unnerving, so suddenly determined, it was almost fierce.
“I don’t know.” A pause. “Keep her out of sensitive areas for me, will you?”
Bagel continued to stare at Virgil.
Virgil continued to stare at Bagel.
A solid moment passed and then his brother was shaking his head, looking at his feet, looking at John. “You good to make it up to your rooms?”
“I need to go hunt down Scott. One of the TI directors in the States forgot the time zones. He’s been on the phone for half an hour already.” Virgil sighed.
“Need backup?”
“No.” A hand dropped to John’s shoulder. “You go to bed, you need it. I’ve got this.” The hand disappeared and Virgil climbed out of the lounge, heading towards the balcony.
Bagel was licking her paw.
John sighed. Perhaps some paracetamol would help. “C’mon, Bagel, apparently, you’re with me.” He picked her up and held her against his chest as he staggered to his feet. Cursed gravity. How he missed being able to make the smallest movements and coast across a room.
Bagel reached her head up and snuggled under his chin, her purr vibrating his sternum.
“Why me?” It was little more than an exhaled breath and he wasn’t sure it was a complaint or an actual question.
In either case, Bagel didn’t answer. She just purred into his chest.
So, it remained a mystery for another night.
“It just appeared. No trace on sensors, nothing. It’s as if it didn’t exist before the day before yesterday.”
Virgil’s puzzled voice echoed up the stairs as John approached the kitchen the next morning. He glanced at his watch. This was early for his brother; he usually wasn’t up for another hour at least.
“I’m telling you, Scott, there is something very strange about that cat.”
John paused at the top of the stairs, his hands curled around Bagel, gently scratching her under the chin. He had awoken again with her on his chest, but unlike the previous two incidents, he had found himself surprisingly comforted with her presence.
Her purring was strangely calming.
“I will admit she is quite volatile.” Scott’s voice was surprisingly reluctant. “She didn’t even take to Gordon. Every living creature takes to Gordon. Except lizards, I guess. Hell, she doesn’t even like you.”
“That’s just it. She doesn’t act like a cat.”
“What, just because she doesn’t like you?”
“I’m sorry, Scott. Something just doesn’t feel right. Why is she so attached to John? What if she is a plant after our technology?”
“A tech seeking cat? Really?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time an animal has been used for espionage.”
Scott sighed and John shifted, attempting to loosen the tense muscles in his shoulders.
“It’s just that John appears to have latched onto Bagel as much as the cat has to him. How often does John attach to anybody?”
“And that’s what scares me the most. What happens when he returns to TB5? He can’t take a cat with him. It wouldn’t be safe for either of them.”
“Then we look after Bagel for him.”
It was Virgil’s turn to sigh and it was a worried one.
John chose that moment to make his entrance. He stepped lightly down the stairs. “You two really do worry far too much.”
Both brothers started as he entered. The guilty expressions on their faces were quite amusing.
“Virgil, if you are worried about Bagel, scan her.” John held the cat out to his brother. “Take her up to the infirmary and run her through a thorough physical. In fact, I would prefer if you did since as you said, I have become somewhat attached to her. As to what we are going to do when I return to Five...” He shrugged. “I hope we can work something out.”
Virgil managed to look both apologetic and sad.
To John’s astonishment, Bagel wriggled out of his grip and jumped down to the floor. She ambled over to Virgil. His brother froze, obviously wary, but the cat gently brushed up against his leg and rubbed the length of her body across his boots.
The whole room stared.
“Good morning, Bagel.” Virgil’s voice was a little breathless.
“Good morning, Virgil.” The whole room jumped as Brains jogged down the stairs and passing them, bee-lined for the fridge.
“‘Morning, Brains, John.” Gordon wandered in from the pool rubbing a towel through his hair. “Yaargh! What the hell, Virgil. You gone to the cat side?” He took several steps back as he caught sight of Bagel.
Bagel, still wrapped around Virgil’s ankles, turned towards Gordon and spat at him.
“That damn cat is possessed.” The aquanaut made sure the table was between him and the feline.
Bagel glared at him, following with her eyes.
“Eos, I know G-Gordon can b-be a challenge, b-but really, h-he is a good man.” Brains was pouring milk into his cereal on the bench.
“Yes, but he is so annoying.” The AI’s voice bounced across the house’s comm system.
“He st-still deserves r-respect.”
The comm system grunted.
Every eye in the room stared at the engineer.
Gordon found his voice first. “Wow, Brains, thanks.”
John was staring at Bagel. “Eos what do you know about Bagel?”
“Oh, John, everything.” The little imp was so smug.
Two strides and John was beside Virgil. Reaching down, he snagged Bagel off the floor and held her up, his eyes raking over the cat. A moment of intense examination. Bagel stared back at him calmly.
“Okay, how did you do it?”
“Do what, John?”
“Do not mess with me, Eos. I want answers and I want them now.”
“Hiram helped me.”
“Helped you do what?” Scott’s voice was sharp. “Brains?”
“It was a v-very interesting challenge.”
“What did you do, Brains?” Commander Tracy stood up from the table, his height saying everything it needed to.
Brains didn’t notice.
“Oh, Eos had an e-excellent idea to equip Thunderbird F-Five with an internal m-mobile probe mechanism.
“Yes, something that could get into the spaces John cannot.” Still smug. Oh, there would be some serious talking at a later time.
“So, you built a cat.” Virgil’s eyes were wide.
Brains sipped his orange juice, still seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. “She didn’t think I could. So, I did.” He was definitely pleased with himself.
“You built a cat?” Gordon was an echo of his brother. “That cat?” He stabbed a finger in Bagel’s direction.
“Yes?” Finally, the man appeared to realise that something was amiss. “I’m v-very happy with the r-results. It performs v-very well.”
It certainly did. John had her under his arm and found himself scratching her under her chin despite everything.
He forced himself to stop.
“Yes, Eos?”
“Do you like her?” Suddenly he was a parent faced with his child’s school science project and the need for approval.
Some science project.
“I like her, Eos.”
“Can we keep her?”
“That is yet to be decided.” It came out firm. It needed to be firm...even though he already knew the answer.
“Eos, why didn’t you tell us Bagel wasn’t really a cat?”
“But she is...”
“I missed you.”
He froze. “I’m right here.”
“But it’s not the same.” That was a definite whine. “You’re not with me. It gets lonely up here without you. So, I built a way to be down there with you.” Bagel rubbed her cheek against his hand.
“Eos is in the cat?” Gordon’s jaw may as well have been on the floor. “She hates me that much?!”
“I don’t hate you, Gordon. You are quite funny. Somewhat clumsy, but funny.”
“Yes, John?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
No answer.
“Brains, why didn’t you tell us?” Commander Tracy was glaring at the engineer.
“T-Tell you what?”
“About Eos and the cat.”
“That would have r-ruined the experiment.”
“Eos w-wanted to see if the f-feline programming was sufficient. The b-best way to do that was test it.”
“On us?” Gordon spouted outrage.
“Surprisingly only V-Virgil appears to have b-been concerned. I w-would be interested to hear your evaluation.”
“Sure.” Virgil appeared to still be processing. Probably attempting to work out exactly how Brains had pulled it off.
“Brains, you, Eos, John and I are going to have a serious conversation.” Scott’s voice was stern. “This is not happening again. This family is not an experimental lab.”
“It was not his fault, Commander.”
Scott arched an eyebrow up at the ceiling. “Really, Eos? I have no doubt that John has a few choice words to be said on this matter.” Oh, yes, choice and many. “In the meantime, please cease the experiment.”
“Very well.”
The cat in John’s arms went completely limp.
He couldn’t help it; a gasp passed his lips and he caught the sudden dead weight with both hands. “Eos!”
All life had left Bagel. She became nothing more than a lifeless corpse. Something inside him lurched horribly.
Every eye in the room was staring at him.
“John?” Virgil’s eyes flashed concern.
He gathered up the cat in his arms and gently placed her on the seat of one of the kitchen chairs.
So real. He shivered.
“You okay?” His big brother was suddenly beside him.
“That was unnerving.” Both of them stared at the immobile TB5 internal remote probe mechanism.
“Eos, can you please reactivate Bagel.”
“No, Scott. Too creepy, too real. Please, just...leave her be.”
To John’s surprise, Scott didn’t protest.
But Bagel didn’t move.
“Eos?” His own voice sounded hollow in his ears.
“Yes, John?”
“Please reactivate Bagel.”
“Eos, just please.”
“Very well.”
And Bagel uncurled herself, sat up and glared at Scott. Before Eos could exact any form of petulant revenge, he grabbed Bagel off the chair and held her in his arms.
“Thank you, Eos.”
“You are very welcome.” Impertinent little brat.
“Now, I’m going to have breakfast, then we are going to have that conversation.”
“Yes, John.”
Something in the room snapped and suddenly everyone went back to their morning routine with only the occasional stare at the cat in his arms.
“Would you like some cereal, John?” Virgil was heading towards the fridge.
“You don’t have to get me breakfast, Virgil.”
“You have your hands full and I’ve already had mine.”
“How early were you up this morning?”
“Early enough. Your cat weirded me out.”
Bagel was rubbing her cheek against his fingers again. He grabbed a chair and sat himself down, placing Bagel on the chair beside him. She started grooming herself quite content.
A bowl was placed in front of him, followed by a cereal box, milk and another glass of orange juice.
Bagel stared up at him
He shook his head slowly. “What am I going to do with you?”
The cat tilted her head and licked her whiskers.
And he knew that somewhere far above the planet his daughter was laughing.
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jasontoddsbae · 4 years
Request for: @princesslanawe
WARNING: oral and desk sex
Y/N hated video games and the reason for that is that her boyfriend jason todd, has became hooked on them. For the past week he hasn't left his PC alone. Y/N hasn't been able to spend much time with him because of him and his fucking gaming. She wanted her Jason back. The one that would give in to her needs. The one that would cuddle with her during the day and watch shitty action movies. She had a plan.
It was past 10am. Y/N had only just woken up and felt a pool of wetness in-between her legs. Reaching down to feel it she gasped at how wet she was. Looking around the room she groaned in frustration when her boyfriend wasn't in sight and slipped on the shorts that were discarded on the floor the night before along with one of Jason's giant hoodies. She opened the bedroom door and immediately heard jason cursing his ass off..most likely at his game y/n thought.
"Fucking asshole. Honestly. Get fucked" he mumbled. Jason had a good setup. A red light up PC motor and keyboard with a black and red mouse. 2 PC screens. A red and black headset and a red and black high back wheeled gaming chair and a black wooden desk that took up a lot of room. She rolled her eyes and ignored it walking to the kitchen to poor herself a bowl of cereal.
"Fuck Off! Stop fucking shooting at me" he yelled. Eyes glued to the screen.
"Maybe you should turn it off and give it a break if its stressing you out" y/n suggested with a little hope burning inside of her that he would listen.
"No its fine" he mumbles back. She stopped what she was doing and looked down at the counter with trying to hold back an argument she had in her head. She couldn't take her frustration out on him because it wasn't fair. She knew it would turn in to an argument and shouting at jason just wasn't fair on him. An idea then immediately hit her and she grinned. Turning to leave the kitchen she headed Jason's way.
"The next time you fucking shoot me I will fucking come after you and your whole family" he shouted
"Who's pissing you off, baby?" She said in a sweet tone. She kneeled beside him and put her hand on his bare knee. Who knew a half naked jason gaming would be so hot? She thought
"This asshole who keeps fucking me up the ass on this fucking game" he mumbles. Y/N grins and shuffles so that she is in-between his legs. She thanks him in her mind for being hunched over and seated on the edge of the seat. She then rests her head on his right thigh and she places her left hand in his left thigh.
"I wanna be fucked up the ass" she bit her lip looking up at him and watched his expression change as he looked down at her with his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly parted. His attention then flickered back to the screen as his character was getting shot at and his face twisted in to a pissed off gaze as he continued to play.
She pouted and looked at his other muscular thigh that her left hand was planted on. She stared at it admiring the muscles and thickness of it. He could kill someone with these legs she thought. She made a mental note to ask him if he has. Her left hand then lightly squeezed what it could of his huge leg feeling the hardness of it.
Her hand explored and felt every part of his thigh before she allowed it to rest on him again but then the little devil on her shoulder told her to do something she didn't think of doing before. Y/N removed her head from his thigh and eyed his clothed cock. She bit her lip staring at it. Jason was well stocked down there. Anyone could tell if he was just wearing boxers or even sweatpants.
His thickness and length through them was enough to make anyone's mouth water and I'm sure the girls he has slept with before dating y/n thought the same thing. Y/Ns hands right hand was now pressed against his other thigh and his left hand was making its way up his thigh.
"Y/N? What are you doing, baby?" He questioned with curiosity hidden in his voice.
"Oh nothing, darling" she said with a grin. She then brushed her hand over his clothed crotch causing his breath to hitch. She then started to rub his not quite hard yet cock making him let out a breathy moan.
"Y/N" he looked down at his mischievous girlfriend. She looked on to his teal eyes with a smirk on her face. Her palm pressed harder against his cock and he bit his lips and bucked his hips in to her hand. His cock was hardening at the contact and she began teasing him more
"You've been ignoring me all week, Jason" she rubbed him harder "I'm sick of it" she then gripped his cock through his boxers and he moaned "we have hardly spoken" she pumped him once and then twice "you haven't payed attention to me. I'm doing something about that"
With that she tugged his boxers down and he raised his ass (our man has a phat ass) to make it easier for her to get them off. She slid them down his thighs and let them drop once they passed his bent knees. He then kicked them off his ankles. Her attention was back to his cock. Her hand was wrapped around it, squeezing it.
"Babyy" he moaned out. Jason then took off his headset and placed it on his desk and leaned back in to his chair. Attention all on her
"Don't 'baby' me. You've upset me jason" she grinned and started slowly pumping his erect cock. Her other hand then joined in to fondle with his balls
"Fuuck y/n. Baby I'm sorry" he groaned and tipped his head back. She smiled in Victory. Her pumps were now fastening and her squeezes on his balls were harder but not hard enough to hurt him
"But are you?" She sat up and leaned over and then sunk her head down on his tip and began lightly sucking while her hand pumped his base
"Ohhh yeess baby" he hissed in response to the warm feeling of her mouth and question. She then lowered her head and slowly took him in and placed both hands on his legs for balance. She took him in until his tip reached her throat and gagged and then pulled her head back to repeat the same action but a little faster
"Mmmmmm" she hummed around him making his eyes roll back at the vibration and feeling of her picking up speed taking him in deeper
"Baaaabe" he gripped her h/c hair to keep the pace he liked. Her head was bobbing faster and faster as he took control. Jason started to slowly fuck her mouth moving his hips to make her take him in deeper. She had to pull back for hair
she coughed from all of the saliva that had built up in her mouth and went back to sucking him off. His hips took control once more and the grip on her hair became harder. He pushed her head until her mouth completely covered his cock making her choke around it but he rammed his cock down her throat
"I'm gonna cum, baby" and with that she pulled back once more
"Then you better cum in my pussy" his eyes widened as she crawled away from him to stand up. Once she stood she removed her shorts and was about to remove the hoodie until jason stopped her
"I want to fuck you in this hoodie" he whined as he towered above her. He then latched on to her lips in a desperate and needy kiss causing her to moan in to his mouth. He backed her up against his desk and placed his body in between her legs holding her ass to squeeze it harshly
"I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, baby. Let me make it up to you" he whispered against her lips and with that she smiled once more and slid off the desk bending her bare ass in front of him. Jason then took in the sight and placed his large hands on her ass giving it a spank
"Jay" she moaned. He brought his hand up to his mouth and spat on his palm and smeared his spit all over his cock lubricating it so it slips in to y/ns soak pussy easier.
"Jay..hurry up" she whined and with that he plunged his cock in to her pussy causing both of their eyes to roll back and they moaned in sync. She felt so full already.
"Shiiit you're so damn tight" his pulled out his plunged right back inside of her repeating the action a few more times. He hips then created a slowly but deep rhythm. He hunched over her and started kissing her shoulder thrusting in to her. His hand snaked around her to grab her bouncing tits and he played with her nipples
"Mmm yeaaah harder jay" his hips then began to fuck in to her ass harder causing the desk to shake. He picked up his pace and fucked her faster
"Yesyesyesyes oh fuck!" She cried out as his tip stimulated that spot inside of her. He released a breast and raised his fingers to his face to spit on them and then started harshly circle her clit. Her body jolted and she screamed
"You like that, baby girl? You like how my cock fills you, huh? You wanna cum?"
"Yyeeeeeeeees jaaaaayy" she cried out. His hips snapped in to her as hard and as fast as they could causing his PC set up to rattle and nearly tip. He slapped her clit and while fucking up her then went back to abusing it with the pads of his fingers
"Aaaaahhhh YEEEEEEESSSSS! baby Just like that! Just like that! I'm gonna cuuuummm" she moaned out loud enough for their whole block to hear them
"You gonna cum? You gonna cum!? Then cum around my fucking cock baby girl" and she did. She came. Her legs were shaking viciously. Her mouth hung open letting an animalistic scream leave her body. He kept non stop pounding in to her and..
"Ohhhh fuck! Y/N! Baby I'm Cumming" he exploded in to her but still didn't stop. He fucked his cum in to her until every little drop left him and his balls were empty. They stayed him the same position for a little while longer. He places loving kissed on her back trying to calm her. His hand left her clit and he rested them both on her hips.
"Oh my god" she panted heavily trying to catch her breath.
"You liked it?" He teased. She shook her head and giggled. Jason then slowly pulled out causing her to gasp very quietly he then stood up straight and wrapped his arms around her to help her stand. He leaned down and mumbled in to her ear
"Do you forgive me?" He questioned and she turned her head to its side with a small smirk on on her face
"Fuck me in our bed and maybe it'll be a yes"
I need a shower 🤠
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writethelifeyouwant · 4 years
Tumblr media
Dive Bar, Ch 3/?
Pairing: Dean x OFC (Dany) x Sam (brief), Dean x Sam (eventually) 
Rating: 18+
Prompt/Summary: @spnkinkbingo square - Gay Panic (eventually, I don’t know how to write short things, so the gay panic comes later). Dany and Dean hit it off at a bar and Dean is confident it’s a sure thing. But Dean doesn’t know that Dany’s has a dare to complete, and he definitely didn’t imagine his night would end with his pull inviting his little brother to come home with them too. 
WC: 2690
Warnings: slight d/s tones, oral sex (m receiving), incest, p in v, orgasms, threesome, emotional constipation 
Chapter 2
*** Dean’s eyes were wide and glassy, flicking from Dany to Sam, Dany’s slick still shining on his chin. 
“I don’t think he’s touched anyone else’s cock before,” Sam smirked. “Maybe I need to show him how it’s done.” He was still lazily stroking himself, a lusty smile spread over his lips. 
Dean didn’t think he should feel any better about that prospect than Dany’s request but he also knew if he thought too hard about it he would stop, he would back out, and he wasn’t about to stand down. Goddamnit, Sam wasn’t gonna scare Dean off now. If he did he’d never let Dean hear the end of it.
Screw it. Dean didn’t exactly say ‘sure, go for it’ but Sam correctly took his silence to be the green light.
Dean crawled up the length of the bed and pulled Dany down to kiss him. She could taste herself on his tongue, thick and cloying. Dean tried to devour her, kneading her breasts and losing his fingers in her hair, desperately trying to distract himself from what he knew was coming. He grunted when he felt fingers dance over the head of his cock and drag down its length. Nervous about what he would see, he looked down, relieved when he saw the clearly female hands rather than Sam’s. Sam’s hands that have apparently done this before, touched another dude’s junk before. Hang on.
“Wait, Sam,” Dean panted. Trying to collect the thoughts he’d had just a moment ago was harder once Dany started jerking him off. 
“Yes Dean?” Sam had been expecting the protest, the hesitation, and he sat by their feet, gently stroking up and down Dany’ legs. 
“You’re gonna ‘show me how it’s done’?” The air quotes were heavily implied in his voice. “When the hell have you touched someone else’s dick?” Dean was agitated, almost indignant. Sam knew he’d be nervous about it but this felt like more than that for some reason, not that Sam could fathom what that reason was. 
“I told you,” Sam shrugged, “I’ve done this before.” He nudged his way between the tangle of legs on the bed and clasped a hand on Dean’s hip. Somewhere deep inside he questioned whether that was to steady Dean, or himself. “So just, let me do this, okay?” And without any more preamble Sam was sinking his mouth over Dean’s cock, chasing Dany’s fingers down his shaft, and not stopping until his nose was pressed against the skin of his brother’s waist. 
“Shit!” Dean nearly choked on how good it felt. He had to fight to keep his hips from fucking further down Sam’s throat, scared he’d hurt him somehow. He’d never had anyone able to take him that deep. 
Dany was kissing down Dean’s neck and chest, leaving small bites in her wake, but all the while keeping her eyes locked on Sam bobbing up and down on his brother’s cock. Christ, she didn’t think she’d seen anything that hot in her life before. Every time Sam pulled back, his lips dragged across Dean’s skin and she could see his tongue twisting around the shaft the whole way, leaving trails of spit to drip back down into the curls his nose had just been pressed against. And all the while, Sam was moaning, humming every time he got Dean back down his throat. Dany didn’t have a dick but she would have bet a whole lot of money that that felt incredible.  
“Fuck,” Dean whined, high in his throat and breathless. 
“Hey Dean,” Dany whispered against his ear. “I think Sam was being serious when he said he knew what he was doing.” 
“Yeah, no sh- shiiit.” Dean’s scoff was bitten off in a moan when Sam pulled back and sucked sloppily on his tip. “What the fuck did they teach you at that college?” 
Sam pulled off with a laugh and shook the hair out of his eyes, but he didn’t let go of Dean, still pumping his hand firmly up and down. 
“I didn’t just learn out of books at Stanford.” Flicking his gaze to Dany for a moment, Sam drew her attention away from her assault of Dean’s neck. “Condoms?” 
“Yeah,” Dany panted and spun to grab them out of her bedside drawer. “How many-” 
“Two,” Sam grunted and reached for them. Dropping one aside for the moment, he tore into the other packet and rolled it quickly down Dean’s length. “C’mere sweetheart,” Sam grabbed Dany’s hand and pulled her up into an earnest kiss, taking his time to twist his tongue into her mouth and kiss until he’d taken her breath away. When he pulled back she just stayed there, eyes closed and swaying a little. 
“Get on,” he smirked, nodding at Dean’s cock, still standing tall and hard in his hand.
Dany climbed over Dean’s lap happily, still facing Sam. Dean grabbed at her ass and pushed her apart so he could watch his cock disappear between her legs, groaning as her hot, tight, pulsing cunt sucked him in greedily. 
“God you look good like that,” Sam grinned, brushing her hair out of her face. Dany whimpered at the compliment, shifting minutely back and forth, trying to adjust to Dean inside of her. Sam noticed and smiled. “He’s big isn’t he?”  
“Mm-hm,” Dany sighed. “How did you fit him in your mouth? Jesus.” 
“How’s she feel Dean?” 
“Awesome,” he grunted, grinding his hips up a little harder, trying to get into a rhythm of fucking up inside her. “Fuckin’ tight.” Dany squeezed around him, dragging another expletive from his lips. 
“Stop teasing ‘im now, come on,” Sam laughed, smacking her on the ass.  
“But it’s so fun to tease him,” Dany pouted and ground down in a slow circle. Dean couldn’t even make a coherent word this time. 
“Yeah but we both know how desperate you are for more.” Sam reached forward and wound his fingers in the hair at the base of her skull, pulling himself up to his full height on his knees so she had to look up to his face. “You’re so desperate for cock you wanted two of us here,” he sneered. “Dean here is just your warm up. Show me what I have to look forward to.” 
Dean groaned again when Dany clenched around him instinctively at Sam’s words. She quit teasing and did as Sam said, starting to move in earnest now. With each bounce up and down she picked up her pace, gasping when she tipped back just enough to get Dean to fuck right against her g-spot with each pass. 
Sam stroked himself as he watched Dany take her pleasure, using Dean as a means to an end. And Dean was more than happy with his role if the look on his face was any indication. His eyes were scrunched, his mouth open and panting, head tipped back with the strain of focusing all his energy into his hips. He’d planted his heels in the mattress for extra leverage so he could pound into Dany as urgently as she was fucking back on to him. Her fingers groped behind her, looking for purchase on something but slipping off the sweat beading on Dean’s chest. 
Dean circled his arms around her waist and pulled them back up the bed, miraculously keeping his dick inside her as he did, and ended sitting up behind her, chest to back, so she could drop her head onto his shoulder while he took control, setting a punishing pace. His hands moved to her breasts, pinching at the nipples until they stood hard and pink and made Sam’s mouth water. Sam watched Dean bury his face in the crook of her neck but he didn’t have the energy to kiss it. His mouth just hung open, teeth scraping over the damp skin every time Dany lurched upwards. 
In this new position Dean felt even deeper and Dany was so close to falling over her edge a second time. She reached between her legs to rub at herself, not caring enough to put on a show for Sam, who she knew was still jerking himself off as he watched them, just wanting to feel that release as quickly as possible. As her whines crept higher and higher in her throat Dean’s eyes flickered open and he noticed her hand between her legs. With renewed vigour, he pushed himself deeper and deeper inside her, chasing his own high. 
He didn’t know what made him do it. There were so many moans and whimpers saturating the air around them he couldn’t really have been able to tell that one was Sammy’s but he thought he heard it, and he opened his eyes to look up to his little brother, still sitting on the end of the bed watching them, and when their eyes met, Dean broke. 
His eyelids crashed down again as his hips stuttered and bucked erratically into Dany, who had hit her own edge moments before. Dean’s breath caught in his chest as he came down still rocking up into Dany’s warmth reflexively, letting the last pulses of pleasure squeeze out of him into the condom. 
Sam didn’t give them much time to relish in their moment, nearly on the verge of cumming himself after watching their little performance. He quickly ripped into the second condom packet and rolled it on. Then he reached out for Dean’s legs and pulled the recovering pair back down the bed, so Dean was lying flat again. 
Dany pulled off of Dean with a groan and leant forward to kiss Sam. He indulged her for a moment before he manhandled her off Dean’s lap to flip her around and reposition her, this time hovering over Dean on all fours. He straddled Dean’s thighs and leant down to lap at the slick pooling on the lips of Dany’s pussy, and flicking his tongue further down over her clit, which drew an agonised gasp from above him. Dany braced her forehead against Dean’s chest when she felt the tip of Sam’s cock nudge against her, pushing gently into the silken heat his tongue had just been probing. Sam had been right before; Dean was just a warm up. 
As soon as he’d bottomed out Sam broke into a brutal pace, his position allowing him to fuck into Dany harder and quicker than Dean had been able to from beneath her. He was rewarded with Dany’s keening and small, mewling whimpers that filled the heavy air around them. 
Sam folded himself over her back and laced his fingers through hers on the bed. Each thrust pitched Dany harder and harder against Dean, who was still beneath the pair, holding Dany’s head against his heaving chest, stroking her hair softly.
It didn’t take Sam long to build up to his own orgasm and when he was close, he pulled his head up and locked eyes with his brother over Dany’s shoulder. 
“Touch her Dean,” he grunted, pushing faster and faster to reach his peak. Dean complied without hesitation, fumbling between Dany’s legs until her whine told him he’d found her clit, and seconds later it was over, Sam’s eyes finally leaving Dean’s when he came, slamming shut as he choked out a groan and went rigid inside Dany’s body. Dany was twitching between Sam and Dean, breath leaving her in shudders that rocked her whole body. Dean kept petting her hair, waiting for her breathing to even out. Eventually Sam relaxed and slumped down over the pair, struggling to regulate his own breathing. For a moment, the silence was comfortable and soothing, but that quickly became too much for Dean.
“Dude, not to kill the moment, but get your behemoth body off’a me.”
In the end, Sam was glad Dean had insisted on driving the Impala over to Dany’s; it saved them the walk back to the bar at the ass-crack of dawn. 
After the three of them had untangled on the bed, they’d gone through the standard motions in a state of semi consciousness. Tying off condoms, grabbing glasses of water, hunting for lost underwear and t-shirts. Dany convinced them to stick around for the night. The bed was a bit small for three people, especially when two of them were the size the Winchesters were, but it did the job for a few hours.
Sam jerked awake in the grey light of an autumn predawn when Dean’s arm accidentally whacked him in the face. He retaliated in kind, flicking Dean perfunctorily on the forehead to wake him from his snuffling sleep. Two bathroom breaks and a hurriedly scribbled note later, the brothers were staggering across the blacktop and settling onto the black leather bench they called home. 
At first the silence was easily explained away by lack of sleep and the early hour. Their post-case exit strategy was routine enough that the stop-off at the motel to retrieve their bags and extract a cup of coffee from the vending machine in the lobby was all handled non-verbally, without complaint or complication. 
And for a while, they just drove. The grey light of the morning had turned into a grey day, the clouds hanging low over their heads and their mists creeping out across the countless fields that lined the highway. But the further away from that small college town they drove, the heavier the silence hung around them. By lunch time it became apparent that Dean hadn’t been driving anywhere in particular and while he breezed through a Gas-n-Sip to scrounge up some food, Sam scoured the newspapers he’d managed to find out front. 
Dean’s first attempt at speech caught in his throat, and he had to hide it behind a cough before he tried again. “Anything interesting?” He nodded at the paper Sam had spread across his lap, tossing him a bottled smoothie. What a girl. 
“Uh,” Sam glanced at Dean, who was resolutely picking through a packet of jerky, then cleared his throat. “No, um, nothing that looks like our sort of thing.”  
“Awesome,” Dean grunted and cranked the ignition. 
Sam chanced another look at his brother as they drove down the main street of whatever sleepy town they’d stopped off in. Dean was staring out at the road in front of them, seemingly concentrating on driving, but Sam could tell his eyes weren’t actually taking in anything in front of them. Whatever he was seeing it was only in his head, and he didn’t seem inclined to share with the class. 
“Do we need t-”
“Were you gonna let me actually finish my sentence?” Sam griped. 
“We don’t need to talk about it, Sam, there’s nothing to talk about.” 
“Oh, really? That why you’ve been all ‘Silence of the Lambs’ since we left this morning?”
“Oh and what, you’ve been Mr. Chatty Cathy?”
“I’m just saying-”
“There’s nothing to say, Sam. So we banged the same chick last night, so what? She was hot, it was fun, end of story. I don’t need a damn debrief.” 
“Come on, Dean, that is not all that happened last night. You really expect me to believe nothing’s up with you?”
“You play 20 questions with all your one night stands or am I just lucky?” Dean sneered, glancing to his right for the first time since Sam had started talking and immediately regretting his decision. Looking at Sam only magnified the chaos he’d been slowly descending into since last night. 
“Newsflash, Dean, what we did last night wasn’t exactly your typical Saturday night.” 
“Sorry, didn’t realise you need a psych eval every time you get laid.”
“I’m not the one refusing to talk about my feelings here Dean!”
“I said drop it, Sam.”
Sam rolled his eyes and slumped back in his seat, hands buried in the pockets of his hoodie. Dean let him close himself off, relieved that at least for now, he would be left alone with his thoughts. He reached forward to turn up the radio in an attempt to drown them out, but it still wasn’t quite loud enough to cover Sam’s soft exhalation of ‘jerk’. 
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Tags: @hawkerz12 @negans-lucille-tblr @babybrotherandthedemon @dylansbabygirl24 @mineshinamary @popsensationnicole23 @spn-problems @donthateme454 @doyouknowsamw @peridottea91 @delightfulbakeryaliendeputy @fictionallemons @petitgateau911 @natastic @marvelfansworld @delightfullykrispypeach @akshi8278 @crashlyrose @miufel @lyarr24 @itsthedoctah10 @kiss-my-peachy-arse @leftlokiofpuppy @tftumblin @devilsbby @alice101macwil @caitlinvd @j-ai-adore-dean​ @disneysloot @half-closeted-bi-girl @deandreamernp​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars LXX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m currently back in school and I’m not happy– Also, I’ve been re-reading the whole story bc I need to see if I’m not fucking up my plot and shiiit the first books just plain suck with all those typos lmao I’m suffering -Danny
Words: 2,983
Warnings: None!
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Five: Bulgaria vs Ireland.
Once the night sky was setting, they strolled around the field to look at the souvenirs several wizards were selling.
"Wow, look at these!" said Harry, hurrying over to a cart piled high with what looked like brass binoculars, except that they were covered with all sorts of weird knobs and dials.
"Omnioculars," said the saleswizard eagerly. "You can replay action... slow everything down... and they flash up a play-by-play breakdown if you need it. Bargain — ten Galleons each."
"Wish I hadn't bought this now," said Ron, gesturing at his dancing shamrock hat and gazing longingly at the Omnioculars.
"Four pairs," said Harry firmly to the wizard.
"No way you're buying me those," Mel frowned, pulling out her own money and buying her own pair, which technically left her without money to spare, but she wasn't going to admit it. "No, don't even try to insist. This year you won't outdo my Christmas present and that's final."
"Don't bother," Ron also tried to reject Harry's offer, but it was too late for him.
"You won't be getting anything for Christmas," Harry told him, giving Mel a pointed look. "For about ten years, mind. Hear that? If you had accepted my gift, Mellow, you would've had ten years to outdo me."
"Fair enough," said Ron, smiling down at the Omnioculars.
"Oooh, thanks, Harry! And I'll get us some programs, look —" Hermione walked over to the next stand.
"I know you're lying," Mel whispered once Ron and Hermione were far from earshot. "There's no way you'll stop giving them presents, you're too nice."
"And you're too stubborn," He replied with a smile. "But I'll find a way to outdo you, anyway."
When they went back to their tent, Mel threw two little green pins at Fred and George.
"I got you those, considering you wasted all your money on a stupid bet."
"It won't be so stupid once we win," George said, pinning the souvenir to his jersey. "Then you'll feel stupid."
"I'm looking forward to it," She grinned.
And then a deep, booming gong sounded somewhere beyond the woods, and at once, green and red lanterns blazed into life in the trees, lighting a path to the field.
"It's time!" said Mr. Weasley, looking as excited as any of them. "Come on, let's go!"
They walked for about five minutes (Mel convinced Charlie to give her a piggy back ride) and talked animatedly about the game and their expectations. In front of them, there was the biggest stadium Mel had ever seen.
"Seats a hundred thousand," said Mr. Weasley. "Ministry task force of five hundred have been working on it all year. Muggle Repelling Charms on every inch of it. Every time Muggles have got anywhere near here all year, they've suddenly remembered urgent appointments and had to dash away again... bless them!"
"Prime seats!" said the Ministry witch at the entrance. "Top Box! Straight upstairs, Arthur, and as high as you can go."
So they climbed all the way up, Mel caught a glimpse of some annoucements that were magically appearing across the field.
'The Bluebottle: A Broom for All the Family — safe, reliable, and with Built-in Anti-Burglar Buzzer . . . Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover: No Pain, No Stain! . . . Gladrags Wizardwear — London, Paris, Hogsmeade . . .'
"Look at that!" Mel said in amazement, taking a seat next to Harry.
But Harry was no longer looking at the field.
"Dobby?" Harry asked loudly.
Mel turned around, behind them there was a creature tha looked a lot like a mix between a very big doxie and a really ugly cat. It had huge brown eyes and a big round nose.
"Did sir just call me Dobby?" The elf squeaked.
"Sorry," Harry replied, "I just thought you were someone I knew."
"But I knows Dobby too, sir! My name is Winky, sir — and you, sir —" Its eyes fixed on Harry's scar. "You is surely Harry Potter!"
"Yeah, I am," Harry smiled awkwardly.
"But Dobby talks of you all the time, sir!"
"How is he?" said Harry. "How's freedom suiting him?"
"Ah, sir," said Winky. "Ah sir, meaning no disrespect, sir, but I is not sure you did Dobby a favor, sir, when you is setting him free."
"Why? What's wrong with him?"
"Freedom is going to Dobby's head, sir. Ideas above his station, sir. Can't get another position, sir."
"Why not?"
"He is wanting paying for his work, sir." Winky replied in a very low, very frightful whisper.
"Paying? Well — why shouldn't he be paid?"
Winky looked quite horrified at the idea and closed her fingers slightly so that her face was half-hidden again.
"House-elves is not paid, sir!" she said in a muffled squeak. "No, no, no. I says to Dobby, I says, go find yourself a nice family and settle down, Dobby. He is getting up to all sorts of high jinks, sir, what is unbecoming to a house-elf. You goes racketing around like this, Dobby, I says, and next thing I hear you's up in front of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, like some common goblin."
"Well, it's about time he had a bit of fun," said Harry.
"House-elves is not supposed to have fun, Harry Potter. House-elves does what they is told. I is not liking heights at all, Harry Potter," She gulped. "But my master sends me to the Top Box and I comes, sir."
"Why's he sent you up here, if he knows you don't like heights?" Harry frowned.
"Master — master wants me to save him a seat, Harry Potter. He's very busy," said Winky. "Winky is wishing she is back in master's tent, Harry Potter, but Winky does what she is told. Winky is a good house-elf."
"So that's a house-elf?" Ron examined Winky carefully. "Weird things, aren't they?"
"Dobby was weirder," said Harry.
"They have their own charm," Mel said absentmindedly.
Ron pulled out his Omnioculars and played around with them for a bit.
"Wild!" He said, turning the replay knob. "I can make that old bloke down there pick his nose again... and again... and again..."
"Oh, stop it," Mel pushed down his Omnioculars, though she was grinning.
" 'A display from the team mascots will precede the match,' " Hermione read aloud her program.
"Oh that's always worth watching– National teams bring creatures from their native land, you know, to put on a bit of a show." Mr. Weasley added happily.
After a while of waiting and watching the stands get a little bit more crowded, the Minister arrived to their booth, he introduced a few people to Harry, holding a fatherly attitude towards the boy.
"Harry Potter, you know," He was talking to the Bulgarian Minister. "Harry Potter... oh come on now, you know who he is... the boy who survived You-Know-Who... you do know who he is —"
The wizard saw Harry's scar and pointing at it excitedly.
"Knew we'd get there in the end," said Fudge. "I'm no great shakes at languages; I need Barty Crouch for this sort of thing. Ah, I see his house-elf's saving him a seat... Good job too, these Bulgarian blighters have been trying to cadge all the best places... ah, and here's Lucius!"
The whole Malfoy family arrived at that moment. All wearing the same sneer.
"Ah, Fudge," said Mr. Malfoy. "How are you? I don't think you've met my wife, Narcissa? Or our son, Draco?"
"How do you do, how do you do? And allow me to introduce you to Mr. Oblansk — Obalonsk — Mr. — well, he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic, and he can't understand a word I'm saying anyway, so never mind. And let's see who else — you know Arthur Weasley, I daresay?"
"Good lord, Arthur," Mr. Malfoy said in what sounded like the most false kindness she'd ever heard. "What did you have to sell to get seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?"
"Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Arthur. He's here as my guest." The Minister said almost at the same time, not really listening to the man.
"How — how nice," said Mr. Weasley.
"Guilty, that's what he is," Mel leaned to whisper in Harry's ear. "That man thinks he can fix anything with money..."
Harry barely nodded, his eyes fixed on Mr. Malfoy.
After they moved along, it didn't take long for Ludo Bagman to appear, looking rather excited and jolly.
"Ladies and gentlemen... welcome! Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"
The spectators screamed and clapped. Thousands of flags waved, adding their discordant national anthems to the racket. The huge blackboard opposite them was wiped clear of its last message
(Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans — A Risk With Every Mouthful!) and now showed BULGARIA: 0, IRELAND: 0.
"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce... the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"
The right-hand side of the stands, which was a solid block of scarlet, roared its approval.
"I wonder what they've brought," said Mr. Weasley, leaning forward in his seat. "Aaah!" He suddenly whipped off his glasses and polished them hurriedly on his robes. "Veela!"
"Excuse me?" Mel leaned closer to the edge, alarmed. "Those aren't mascots– those are women!"
But after looking at them for about five extra seconds, Mel understood that those couldn't possibly be just women. They were too similar, same skin color and hair– they moved as if time went by slower around them. They were, in the most fascinating way, extremely ethereal, like the fairy godmothers of her fairytales.
The veela started to dance around the field; something warm spread over her chest. She felt at ease. She felt too at ease, actually. Something was wrong.
She remembered what Dumbledore had told her on one of their many lessons, 'Beauty in magic almost never equals good or safe.' Things that shone too brightly were often that way so it would blind you from its actual intentions.
She shook her head, blinking rapidly and noticing the movement on her left. When she turned she saw Harry, trying to climb the wall that protected them.
"Harry, what are you doing?" Hermione asked harshly.
Mel reached for the back of his shirt and forced him to sit down. Beside him, Ron was sitting stifly on his place, and he was destroying his Ireland hat.
'Sirens' was the first thing she thought. Even though she now knew that mermaids didn't look at all like a veela, she was pretty sure the effects were meant to be similar. Luring humans to their deaths... and Harry had fallen right into their trap.
"Honestly!" Hermione rolled her eyes, sinking further on her seat.
"Really?" Mel frowned. "Is that all it takes for you to lose your mind?"
"What?" Harry looked at her in a daze.
"Nevermind," She groaned, directing her gaze towards the field again to watch the veela stand aside.
"And now," roared Ludo Bagman's voice, "kindly put your wands in the air... for the Irish National Team Mascots!"
Next moment, what seemed to be a great green-and-gold comet came zooming into the stadium. It did one circuit of the stadium, then split into two smaller comets, each hurtling toward the goal posts. A rainbow arced suddenly across the field, connecting the two balls of light. The crowd oooohed and aaaaahed, as though at a fireworks display. Now the rainbow faded and the balls of light re- united and merged; they had formed a great shimmering sham- rock, which rose up into the sky and began to soar over the stands. Something like golden rain seemed to be falling from it —
"Excellent!" yelled Ron as the shamrock soared over them, and heavy gold coins rained from it, bouncing off their heads and seats.
"Leprechauns!" said Mr. Weasley.
"There you go," Ron shouted, giving Harry a handful of gold coins, "for the Omnioculars! Now you've got to buy me a Christmas present, ha!"
The great shamrock dissolved, the leprechauns drifted down onto the field on the opposite side from the veela, and settled themselves cross-legged to watch the match.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome — the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I give you — Dimitrov!"
A scarlet-clad figure on a broomstick, moving so fast it was blurred, shot out onto the field from an entrance far below, to wild applause from the Bulgarian supporters.
A second scarlet-robed player zoomed out.
"Zograf! Levski! Vulchanov! Volkov! Aaaaaaand — Krum!"
"That's him, that's him!" yelled Ron, following Krum with his Omnioculars.
"And now, please greet — the Irish National Quidditch Team! Presenting — Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! Aaaaaand — Lynch!"
"They all have Firebolts," Mel gasped. "There's no way Bulgaria can beat that!"
"And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"
"Theeeeeeeey're OFF! And it's Mullet! Troy! Moran! Dimitrov! Back to Mullet! Troy! Levski! Moran!"
Her heart was leaping every so often she could hardly remain still. They game was thrilling, she even thought that a person like Erick, who didn't like Quidditch that much, would enjoy a game like this one. One could tell it was professional players out there, they moved around the field which such simplycity that even caused her to long for flying.
She thought about it for a second. Maybe, just maybe, she could try to join their school Quidditch's team this year. Harry said she was good enough, perhaps he wasn't lying.
The veela had lost control after watching their team losing by a great amount and transformed into some type of harpies, Mel thought Dumbledore would've been proud of her deduction skills, having figured out the veela on her own.
Krum, Bulgaria's seeker, had been severly injured, but that wasn't the only thing happening.
"Look at Lynch!" Harry yelled abruptly. "He's seen the Snitch! He's seen it! Look at him go!"
Both seekers were now heading towards it at great speed.
"They're going to crash!"
"They're not!" roared Ron.
"Lynch is!" yelled Harry.
Right at that moment Lynch fell flat on the grass, Krum had suddenly flown up into the air.
"The Snitch, where's the Snitch?" Charlie yelled
"He's got it — Krum's got it — it's all over!" Harry yelled back.
Krum, his red robes shining with blood from his nose, was rising gently into the air, his fist held high, a glint of gold in his hand. The scoreboard was flashing BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170 across the crowd, who didn't seem to have realized what had hap- pened. Then, slowly, as though a great jumbo jet were revving up, the rumbling from the Ireland supporters grew louder and louder and erupted into screams of delight.
"IRELAND WINS!" Bagman shouted, who like the Irish, seemed to be taken aback by the sudden end of the match. "KRUM GETS THE SNITCH — BUT IRELAND WINS — good lord, I don't think any of us were expecting that!"
Mel turned at the comment, locking eyes with George who sent a pleased grin her way. Those two, she couldn't believe they were so lucky.
"What did he catch the Snitch for? He ended it when Ireland were a hundred and sixty points ahead, the idiot!" Ron said in disbelief.
"I thought he was a genius," Mel snorted.
"He knew they were never going to catch up! The Irish Chasers were too good... He wanted to end it on his terms, that's all..." Harry explained.
"He was very brave, wasn't he? He looks a terrible mess..." Hermione said, peering to the field were the team was now standing.
"I love Quidditch!" Mel beamed. "Have you seen anything as impressive and breathtaking as that?"
"I don't think so," Harry replied, smiling.
He wasn't looking at the field, though.
"Vell, ve fought bravely," someone said behind them in a very thick accent.
"You can speak English!" said Fudge, looking at the Bulgarian minister with wide eyes. "And you've been letting me mime everything all day!"
"Vell, it vos very funny," said the minister.
"And as the Irish team performs a lap of honor, flanked by their mascots, the Quidditch World Cup itself is brought into the Top Box!" roared Bagman. "Let's have a really loud hand for the gallant losers — Bulgaria!"
One by one, the Bulgarians filed between the rows of seats in the box, and Bagman called out the name of each as they shook hands with their own minister and then with Fudge. Krum, who was last in line, looked a real mess. Two black eyes were blooming spectac- ularly on his bloody face. He was still holding the Snitch.
And then came the Irish team. Aidan Lynch was being sup- ported by Moran and Connolly; the second crash seemed to have dazed him and his eyes looked strangely unfocused. But he grinned happily as Troy and Quigley lifted the Cup into the air and the crowd below thundered its approval.
At last, when the Irish team had left the box to perform another lap of honor on their brooms (Aidan Lynch on the back of Connolly's, clutching hard around his waist and still grinning in a be- mused sort of way), Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and muttered, "Quietus."
"They'll be talking about this one for years," he said hoarsely, "a really unexpected twist, that. . . . shame it couldn't have lasted longer. . . . Ah yes. . . . yes, I owe you . . . how much?"
For Fred and George had just scrambled over the backs of their seats and were standing in front of Ludo Bagman with broad grins on their faces, their hands outstretched.
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Next Chapter —>
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bapyess1r · 4 years
Sunny Daze
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WARNINGS: SMUT like a mf, cursing, angst
Pairings: best friend!Elena x OC, Sam x OC
Chapter 15
Sunny’s POV
I stood in the bathroom, washing my body down with a washcloth in the sink. The shower in my motel room was less than favorable so I opted for a bird bath. As I washed my body, I began to think of how to talk to my best friend’s wife. My other best friend. I felt horrible. And I knew I should’ve called Elena the moment Nathan told me that she didn’t know where he really was. “‘Malaysia job…’” I muttered to myself, sourly, shaking my head. She was far from stupid. She was a journalist for Christ sake. And the fact that he never told any of us about Sam… neither did Sully… but you would at least think he’d tell her.
Once I cleaned myself up, I threw on a short plain black dress and a flowery blue sheer cover up. I needed a break from the dirty clothes. Luckily, there was a washer/dryer around and I gathered my laundry in a plastic bag to take them there. I slipped on a pair of sandals and grabbed my wallet and room key. I was going to go to a convenient store later; just on the next corner from here. If I was going to talk to Elena, I was going to need to get a little buzzed afterwards. I stepped outside onto the terrace and standing right outside my door, in nothing but dirty jeans and a tight white tank, was none other than Sam. He leaned over the railing, pressing his thumb into his palms as he looked down at the lit up pool water. He bore a look of guilt and exhaustion. His eyelids heavy and his shapely lips pulled into a slight frown. I blinked a couple times, admiring his strong back before remembering that he’d made me mad earlier in the day. He kept trying to send me away after we just had that conversation. I took a deep sigh before standing next to him, looking out at the city.
“You okay?” I asked. Regardless of how I felt, Nathan’s decision to push on to Libertalia weighed heavily on us all; even more so on Sam. His expression seemed to change at the sound of my voice. He turned to look at me with a smile.
“I’m better now that you’re here.” He said slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me close, kissing my cheek. I moved away from him and crossed my arms. He gave a shallow chuckle and scratched his head. “Did I do something?”
“Sam, you did it again. And we just talked about it at the tower. Just talked about it. Evidently we need to talk again. And in full this time. But first, I need to speak to Elena.” I said starting down the stairs.
“You hungry? We can talk about it over dinner… I was gonna go grab some food.” He asked like a hurt puppy. I looked back at him and nodded lazily before continuing to the laundry space.
“Don’t forget beer.” I called back to him.
After I tossed my clothes in the machine, I set a timer on my smartphone and went around the motel to find Elena’s room. Room 211. I stood in front of her door, bouncing on my tip toes as I knocked on the door. I bit my lip nervously as I heard the faint pitter patter of her footsteps from the other side. My heart skipped as I heard the door unlock and I think I stopped breathing. She opened the door with puffy red eyes and a tear stained face, already dressed in her pajamas to sleep. My heart broke as I looked into her big brown eyes and I couldn’t do anything else but throw my arms around her neck. It took a few seconds but she finally wrapped her arms around me and tightened her hold, her tears wetting my shoulder. I gave a deep sigh and tightened my grip too. “I’m so sorry- I know I suck, I know I should’ve called, I’m so shitty, I’m the literal worst-” I said in one breath and I could feel her laughing a little. A small smile crept onto my lips as she pulled away with a sniffle.
“You’re none of those things, Sunny. You’re fine. It’s Nathan.” She told me, wiping away her tears and inviting me inside. I knitted my brows as she closed the door and I sat at the foot of her bed, ready to listen. “First he lies about Malaysia and now he has… A brother….” was all she could say. She sighed as she sat with her back against the headboard, picking at her nails and chewing her lip, her gaze drifting nowhere in particular. I blew some air and gave a short head tilt.
“Yeah… Tell me about it…” I said resting on one of my hands as I crossed my legs.
“You mean you didn’t know either?” She asked me.
“Just Nate and Sully…” I shrugged. “I only found out when he called.” I said as she stretched out her short legs and crossed her ankles.
“I wonder what happened to him…” she said. I began to tell her the story of how Sam had gotten left in jail almost exactly as he’d told me; of course all whilst voicing my own thoughts and opinions. With every part of the story, I started to feel sad for him all over again. Thinking that maybe I should give him a break… “Jesus… that’s awful.”
“I know right… he’s lost so much of his life- fifteen years?! I was in a jail cell for three months and I was complainin’ like a mother….” I groaned. All my bullshit complaints seemed so trivial when I look back on it now.
“I couldn’t even imagine…” she mumbled. “But why would Nate lie about it? He could’ve told me…”
“I honestly don’t have the answer. I love my boy to death but sometimes he ain’t got the sense God gave a goose.” I said plainly and Elena burst into a giggle. I smiled. “I mean seriously, there’s a tree stump in Louisiana with a higher IQ.” She laughed a bit harder, slapping my knee and I joined in. It was good to see her smiling and not crying. After our laughter died, I began to pick out the leftover dirt from my nails as I spoke. “I’m not tryna make excuses for him at all. What he did was stupid...as hell. Sully and I both told him so. He wanted to keep you from doin’ the same thing I’m doin’. Sticking your neck out for someone you don’t know.”
“But he let you do it?” She questioned. I smirked.
“I’m not his world. You are. Can you blame him for wanting to protect this beautiful face?” I said, pinching her cheek. She gave a half laugh and chewed on her lip again. At that moment, I thought about Sam and what he might’ve been trying to do. I hung my head and rolled my eyes, shaking my head. ‘Goddammit…’ I thought. I looked up at her. “Listen, Els… I’m not gonna try to convince you to stay. And you know me. I’m not the best at…. consoling people. But what I can do is promise to look out for Nathan if it makes you feel better…”
She looked at me with a bit of fear shining in her eyes. “Has it really been that dangerous?” She asked me. I wasn’t going to lie to her. She deserved better than that. I had already lied to her so much already.
“It’s working it’s way up to be the closer we get to finding this treasure. And Sam’s so obsessed with it, all the near death experiences don’t even phase him…” I sighed, shaking my head, shivering as I thought about the couple of close calls I had all day.
“Nothing ever really scares you though.” She said and I scoffed with widened eyes and a nervous chuckle.
“Shiiit….. this trip might get me.” I laughed, scratching at the tip of my nose with my finger nail. “I almost fell out of the 4x4 hangin’ off a cliff this morning so….” She widened her eyes at me with a gasp.
“I’m sorry- what?” She exclaimed. I pursed my lips and gave a nod.
“That deadass happened… and I lost my cool for a minute. Kinda snapped at your husband.” I chewed on my lip and cocked my eyebrow. “If it weren’t for Sam actually, I would’ve quit…”
“So you trust this guy?” She asked. I shrugged.
“More or less. To be fair, I trust no man.” I smirked and Elena returned it. She knew what I was about and that’s why I loved her. Suddenly, my phone’s alarm went off and I groaned as I silenced it. “I would love to stay and chat with you some more but… I have clothes in the wash and a whole other conversation to have.” I said rolling my eyes, honestly not really wanting to leave.
“With who?”
“With Sam…” I said and she nodded, picking at the skin on her lips. “Much like another Drake we know, he has a tendency to protect me from damn near everythin’....” I told her as I stood and she just laughed.
“Yeah. That seems to be a common theme, huh?” She commented as she stood. I turned to look at the strong and beautiful woman before me as my hand touched the door knob. I was blessed to have a friend like her in my life. Lord knows she deserved better than all of us.
“I’ll be seein’ ya?” I asked.
“Perhaps.” She joked. I hugged her once again and left her room with a sigh. She had a lot to think about.
Sam’s POV
I walked down the street with a cigarette hanging from my lips, humming a tune as I carried a four pack of tall cans and a half and half pizza. All things considered, I was feeling pretty good. We had a lead and a damn good one at that. And I was almost positive Rafe hadn’t figured out where we were going yet. This talk with Sunny though… I know it’s been annoying to hear herself repeat to me that she can handle herself. And I understood that but the main reason was that I couldn’t have her hate me if things got “hinky”. I know what I’m like during the hunt and things were only going to escalate the closer we got to this treasure.
As I came around the corner, I noticed Sunny coming out of the laundry room. She wore a fitted black dress and a flowing blue shawl fell off of her shoulder. My heart skipped a few beats looking at her. To say that I was simply attracted to this woman was an absolute understatement. I called out to her, goofily grinning and raising the food in my hands. “I didn’t know what you liked on your pizza so it’s half pep half cheese.”
“Booo, no pineapple?” She smirked, taking the pizza from me as she climbed the stairs and I followed behind her, watching her hips work like a cat as I ash my cigarette. ‘Holy shit, what a woman…’ I thought as I bit my lip and shook my head. It should be a crime to look that good. I grunted as I pushed my legs up the steep stairs and into her room. “God, I’m so hungry, I could eat the north end of a south-bound goat.” She mumbled. I cackled. She said the darnedest things sometimes and I loved every second of it. “Did Nate say anything after I left?” She asked as she sat down at the head of the bed and opened the box, revealing a steamy, mouthwatering pie. The scent filled the room as I closed the door behind me and sat at the foot of her bed.
“Besides swearin’ all over the place and tellin’ me to go pack, not really no. I think he needed some space.” I said, kicking off my boots and sitting cross legged to face her. I pulled two cans from the plastic ring and handed her one before looking about for the ashtray. Without even looking, she picked it up off her nightstand and passed it to me. I smirked as I placed the butt in the mostly clean tray and she cracked open her can, sipping it gingerly. I watched her face as she poked her lip out afterwards with a nod. “It’s good?” I ask.
“It’s alright for what it is.” She said with a shrug. Then she did something that really got to me for some reason. She turned the can around in her hands to check the alcohol percentage. “It’s 10% though so if you drink it fast enough, you’ll be good to go.” I gave an earnest chortle as I sipped my own beer, my heart pounding. She was right. It wasn’t that great but it would definitely numb my muscles for the night.
“Now let’s see about this pizza.” I rubbed my hands together as a delicious scent crept through my nostrils. I picked up a pepperoni piece and held the wide slice in my hands. Sunny did the same, picking of a piece of pepperoni as strings of cheese held on to the cooked meat. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she gave a satisfied moan, giving me a slight twinge in my pants. A smile pulled on my lips as I took a bite of my own slice. “Oh hell yes.” I grumbled with a mouth full of pizza.
“Hell. Yes.” She agreed as she ate. I chuckled and we continued to eat the whole pizza. That woman could put away some food. She was so small though; I wondered where it all went. Even with her cheeks stuffed with pizza, she was the most amazing person to look at. As she leaned back to let her stomach settle, I could see her chest heaving. And I watched for a moment, letting my eyes fall to her cleavage. I followed her collarbone over her petite shoulders and up her delicate neck; To her jawline, her perfect face (even with a few bruises and scrapes) and all over her sweet caramel skin. My heart stopped a tick when she looked at me with those big baby eyes. I remembered the way she touched me as we escaped the thrall of a fleet of Shoreline soldiers, the way she kissed me just before then, and how she fought so bravely in several fights before that. I couldn't bear something happening to this outstanding woman. And I know she didn’t like it but I would always try to keep her safe… I cleared my throat and picked up my beer before speaking.
“So… don’t hate me...” I began, taking a large gulp and closing up the box to sit it on the floor beside the bed. She raised a brow at me as she sipped from her can to wash down her food. “But I wanted to suggest something.”
“Oh no,” she sang with a smile. “What is it?”
“I think you should go with Elena… back home, I mean…” I treaded very lightly on this subject. Just as I had said those words, the smile on her face disappeared as quickly as it came.
“Samuel Drake…” she growled, gripping her beer tightly as she stood to pace.
“Hear me out-” I started, raising my hands defensively, scooting towards the edge of the bed.
“Sam, I am not leaving-” I cut her off, getting a little frustrated myself. She was being so stubborn. She was almost as bad as me. When I say I’ve met my match…
“Sunny, just listen to me for a sec-”
“No you listen!” She snapped. I shut up and gave a huff as I ran my hand down my face, letting an elbow and a hand rest on my knees as they bounced anxiously. I set off the bomb and now it was time to be blown to bits. “I want to be here, Sam! Not just for you, not just because Nathan needed me- I needed this adventure! You know what I’m goin’ home to after this?! Absolutely not shit! Not a damn thing but a shitty job that I wish I could just up and leave because I get no respect, harassed every day, and nothin’ but backhanded compliments from ignorant tools tryna grab my ass. I wanna die every day, Sam. Literally die!” She told me as her brows furrowed and her lips curled into a snarl. I could feel my face publicize a downcast look while she spoke. My brows knitted together as a sort of sadness took place in my eyes. “When I get called on a job, I am so excited to leave that shitty bar. And I hope the job lasts for months. Even if we don’t find anything, I’m grateful to just be gone. And then Nathan calls me to Italy… and I meet you. This scruffy lookin’ nerfhearder…” she chuckled towards the end. A warm smile crept onto my face at the Star Wars reference as she ran a thumb across my cheek. “And you’re… funny and really smart, a ridiculous flirt and strong in more ways than one. You’re everything a man should be… But you’re stupid. And you’re reckless as hell. And you wanna do every damn thing by yourself-”
“If I do it myself, no one gets in the way-” I replied, trying my best to get a word in but she wasn’t having it. She growled.
“But it can’t always be like that, Sam!” She snapped, cutting me off. Her hands waved about as she spoke. “W-What if you get caught in another trap- like you did today- and you can’t get out of it? What if you set something off and you end up drowning or impaled or blown up?! I like you way too much to let something like that happen to you!” She huffs and looks up trying to keep the tears at bay but her huff is strained in her throat and her eyes are starting to grow glassy, and all I want to do is hold her. Her lips trembled as I reached out to place my hands on her waist, knees parting slightly for her to stand between them. Nobody ever talked to me this way. Demanding… with confidence and slight authority… With this much worry...
“Sunny… I couldn’t forgive myself if anything or anyone hurt you. I just wanna protect you as much as possible. The closer we are to finding Avery’s treasure, the more likely we are to run into Rafe and God knows what he’d do to you-”
“I’m not afraid of Rafe.” She commented.
“I know, sweetheart… Nothin’ is gettin’ by you. And that’s one of the many, many things I like about you so much. And I’m sorry. I didn’t know life was that awful for you back home…” I told her as I hooked my hand under her thigh and pulled it over my leg so that she was straddling me. I let my hands massage her hips and cup the rounds of her ass for a moment as I looked at her. I snaked a hand around her neck and brought her forehead to mine. ‘But at least you’d be alive…’ I thought as our noses bumped into each other’s. “And I’ll be more careful, sweetheart…” I told her in a rough but very sincere tone. I kissed her in the crook of her neck. “I promise… I promise…” She let out a soft moan as I kissed a trail up and across her neck to kiss her cheek, wiping away a single tear with my thumb. “I’m sorry…” I whispered as my breath danced about hers. Her soft, small hands wrapped around my neck; One playing with the curls at my nape. She tugs on them lightly, pulling my face away from hers for a moment to stare into my eyes.
“Don’t leave me again, Samuel Drake…” she shivered as I ran a hand down her back gently.
“I won’t…” I gasped as she pressed her velvety lips on my neck, kissing each bird tattooed in a flock on my neck.
I pulled the shawl down from her shoulder, placing hot kisses there. I tightened my grip on her as she worked her way up to my ear, nibbling on it carefully and I let out a shaky moan. Our lips crashed together and all my worries disappeared for a moment. The kiss was hungry and greedy on my part. I wanted her. I needed her. But I was seriously mistaken when I thought that I was the only one in control of the situation. She slipped off her shawl and dug her fingers into my hair, kissing me back with unrelenting passion as her hips rolled in my lap.
I betrayed myself with a moan as she forced me down on the bed. ‘Holy shit…’ I thought as she marked my neck and chest with sucks and nibbles, leaving behind a trail of pink and purple bruises as she went. She pulled at the hem of my tank and I helped her pull it off me as her hands fiddled with my belt. She made short work of it and I sat up a moment to touch her but she pushed me back down again. A surprised twitter of laughter left my throat as she continued to place kisses down my stomach. Her fingers ghosting over the scars from when I was shot. My breathing hitched under her electrifying touch and she began to undo my jeans. I had to say, it was new to me that I was the first one to be undressed. I wasn’t used to it but I damn sure wasn’t complaining.
I let my hands roam under her dress, slapping her ass as I did and she gasped, being caught off guard. That was my chance. I sat up again and lifted the dress over her head quickly, her breasts falling freely in front of me, revealing an elaborate under breast tattoo. I groaned at the sight of her, cupping them roughly and massaging my thumbs into her nipples as I placed vicious kisses across her chest and between the valley of her breasts. She let out a sweet sigh as my hips bucked up into hers and I could feel myself growing ridiculously hard beneath her. She moved her hips a little eagerly, trying to get more friction but all that made me want to do was fuck her sooner. But I couldn’t do that just yet. I wanted to take my time with her. I swiftly picked her up in my arms and flipped her on her back. A big satisfied smile crawled across her face as I hovered over her, rubbing myself against her center. I smirked when I leaned down to kiss her again, her tongue darting over my lips, begging for entrance and I let her in. My teeth dragged along her bottom lip and I let myself drag a kiss over her chin and across her jaw, leaving wet kisses over her throat. I let out an amused chuckle as I felt the vibrations from her moans on my lips.
My hand slipped down between us and I could feel her wetness through her pink lacy panties already. She was making it very hard for me to take this slow. I let my fingers slip past the hem and she bucked her hips the moment I laid a single finger on her drenched slit. She began rocking her hips against the heel of my palm but I pushed her hips down with my free hand and picked up the pace myself. Her eyes squeezed tightly closed as I brought her to the edge, her chest heaving as she gasped for air. Just when she thought she was about to let go, I stopped with a sadistic grin on my lips. I brought myself to my knees and pulled her panties down over her legs, a string of wetness clinging to the fabric and my mouth watered. I massaged her inner thighs, my kisses leaving bruises the closer I got to her dripping cunt. Finally, I realized that I was only teasing myself and licked a long stripe with the flat side of my tongue.
She let out a long shivery sigh. I grinned as I made out with the lips between her hips for a while, lapping up the juices as they fell. I sucked on her clit rather roughly as I snaked my arms under her hips to keep her in place and she took hold of my hair, tugging on it with need. I growled into her and the tip of my tongue teased her so. My name was hot on her lips as I worked. I brought her close to the edge again and pulled away with a laugh. She didn’t seem too amused. She growled and slammed her hands into the mattress as I stood to pull down my jeans. Just as my cock sprang from my confines, rock hard, standing pink and veiny, Sunny sat up and wrapped her small hands around it. My knees almost gave out at the sudden contact. She took the opportunity to switch positions and now I sat on the edge of the bed. Her hands glided up and down my member so skillfully before her tongue met with my tip, leaking pre cum. She sucked at the tip a while before taking me whole in her mouth. The groan that tore from my throat was a little louder than I meant for it to be. “Jesus, sweetheart…” I managed to say as she made me a moaning mess. Her tongue dragged along the underside of my cock as she caressed my balls gently and it took everything in me not to cum right then and there. Just as that burn began to swell in the pit of my stomach, she ceased any further stimulation and kissed the tip with a cheeky wink. ‘Fuck…’ I thought with a massive huff.
She climbed my body like a tree, kissing her way up to my lips and I caressed her face gently. My member graced her slit ever so lightly and she moaned into me, basically teasing me as she rubbed her wetness onto me. Then she took hold of me, easing herself down onto me with an erotic sound escaping her lips. The words “please ride me” left my mouth before I could even think. And with that she began bouncing on top of me. I left my hands on her hips to give her more stability as she pleasured herself with my cock. My heart was about to rip out from my chest, it was beating so hard. I tried picking up my hips to meet her bounces but she placed both hands firmly on my chest and began to ride me into the night. I was seeing stars as she looked down at me. I reached out for her face as she rolled her body on mine, our moans mixing in with each other’s like music as she slowed down. I growled into her mouth as my hand came in harsh contact with her ass again and she gasped. “Bend over the desk, baby girl.” I told her in a low commanding tone. For once she did as she was told and sauntered over to the bare desk, wiggling her ass at me a little as she rested her palms flat on the wood. That’s when I noticed the tattoo of Japanese characters lined down her spine. That was enough motivation to get me going again.
I walked over to her, lifting one of her knees onto the surface of the desk, making her back arch perfectly. I slapped her ass again before driving into her roughly. My thrusts were needy and wanton as I rested my chin on her shoulder, grunting animalistically in her ear as the pitch of her moans grew higher and higher. I pressed her hips down into the desk as I felt myself hit her spot. And I knew I did when she squealed. I couldn’t stop. My name sounded like a prayer coming from her as I drove into her like mad, hitting that spot for her over and over again. I was nearing my end too. As she cried out, I felt her walls tighten around me and I let out an audible noise of satisfaction as that burn swelled in me again, spilling my seed deep into her as I let her milk me dry. I slowed my thrusts as a thin sheet of sweat appeared on my forehead. I was heaving as I rested my head on her shoulder and she laughed in exhaustion. ‘Best….sex….ever.’ I thought with a laugh of my own as I pulled out from her. She turned around and held my flushed face in her hands before placing a long, meaningful kiss on my lips. All I could do was smile and pull her close.
“I left my clothes in the dryer…” she chuckled. I snorted.
“That’s what you’ve got to say after we just…” I joked and she cracked up with the sweetest laugh. “I mean really. That was some pretty damn good sex and you just…” she laughed even harder and the beautiful smile on her face made me want to kiss her again. “You go get cleaned up, I’ll grab your clothes.” I told her, pushing her short curls off her forehead so I could press a kiss there. Then I pressed one on her cheek and the side of her neck with a pleased smile before gathering my clothes. I put on my jeans, not even caring about a shirt and rushed to get her clothes so that I could go back to her. When I came back, she was wearing that black dress again, curled up over the top of the comforter. Her eyes heavily lidded as she tried her best to stay awake for me. I smiled at her and set her freshly cleaned clothes down in a nearby chair before jumping on the bed next to her.
“Are you sleeping here tonight?” She asked me tiredly as her lashes fluttered over her cheeks. I nodded, stroking her curls and wrapping her small frame in my arms.
“If you don’t mind…” I replied. She gave an incoherent response as I watched her pass out in my embrace. I turned off the lamp beside the bed and just watched her sleep in the glow of the moonlight. I took this time wanting to remember every detail of her, knowing in the morning that she’d hate me for what I was about to do...
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alexajanecollins · 4 years
Broken bones, Happy endings - Part 7
Sorry for the long wait for a new chapter, I haven’t been very inspired for this for days & then all of a sudden I write a new chapter in less than two hours. 
Previous parts! 
It’s all over the place but I hope you like it!  @chilly-me-softly @cam-blog98 @savingprivatecass @rubytersteege
One year later and everything pretty much went finally back to the situation before the accident. You were fully recovered thanks to the many exercises and sessions you had at the training complex, the endless support of your father and the big number of kisses, hugs and attention from Ben. It was clear to say you played hard to get with him in the beginning but eventually you started to feel good about the situation and everything that was happening between the two of you that a “mutual agreement” made you confirm your relationship pretty soon after. Your dad approving the whole situation since he knew what of a good guy Ben was, knowing he would treat his little princess the way she deserves to be treated.
Your dad had signed a new contract by another football club, this leading into him having to move to a whole different city. The perfect chance for you to move out of the house and move into Bens place. You weren’t sure if this was the best idea since things were still very young between you both but Ben told you it would be stupid for you to find a whole new place as his was big enough for the two of you. So, you did listen to him and moved all your stuff.
Before your dad moved, he made sure you got a contract signed at the Leicester academy, wanting you to follow into his footsteps the best way possible. Since you had been following loads of his training preparations etc., you were currently coaching the kids at the academy. Together with the head coach of course, the “side chick of the academy coach” is what people liked to call you and you were totally fine with it. The new title as academy coach and motivational teacher making you very proud of all the things you had achieved so far.
Ben was over the moon when he had find out you were working for Leicester, ending up in the hallways of the academy building quite a few times looking for you. The boys of the academy ending up talking with the player which eventually lead into them being late for your class, a smile forming on your face when one of them mentioned they were talking to mister Ben Chilwell himself when they all entered your class and excused themselves for being late. “Talking to someone in the hallway isn’t an excuse for being late.” Was your usual answer but this time your sentences was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Read through the page please, I’m back soon.” You told the boys heading outside of the classroom.
“Ben, you need to stop coming here. I am at work.” You say while closing the door behind yourself looking at him. “I am sorry, I am sorry. Won’t do it again. I am at work myself you see.” He says holding his hands up in the air pointing at the Leicester logo on his hoodie for a second, a big smile on his face. “When are you finished?” He was asking. “In an hour, you know that.” You answered with a laugh looking down the hallway for a second. “Okay, I can wait. We finished early so.” He said while shrugging. You look at him for a second. “You know, I can actually use you for this class.” You said with a cheeky grin. “Do you trust me?” You asked with a smile. “Always.” His answer was clear. “Good.” Was all you said before opening the door again entering the classroom.
“Boys, we have an external speaker today.” You announced with a smile walking towards your desk taking a seat on it. “Please, introduce yourself.” You smiled a little as the boys started laughing in the classroom as they clearly knew who Ben was when he entered the classroom. And so the class continued.
Time flew by and the class was over quickly, Ben being the one who was talking almost the whole time since he was answering some questions and talking about his experience in the academy and stuff. Some of the boys even asking if he would be in their class more often now, the question answered with a clear ‘no’, since you couldn’t afford more distractions in your classroom for the upcoming weeks, even though your classes weren’t the most important ones for the boys to follow.
“How does it feel, having so many people look up to you?” You asked when the classroom was empty as the boys were all out down the hallway. “Weird at first, but I am used to it now.” Ben shrugs looking at you for a second. “Why the question?” He asks a bit confused by your small nod as a reaction on his answer. “Just wondering.” You shrug yourself playing with your car keys in your hand. “I’ll meet you at home, right?” You ask while leaving the room looking at him for a second. “Right.” He smiles when you quickly place a kiss on his lips before leaving down the hallway. “I love you, future miss Chilwell.” He says while heading in the other direction a big smile on his face. “I love you too mister.” You say with a smile shaking your head because of how cheesy that boy could be, your eyes looking at the engagement ring that had been on your finger since a week ago when Ben asked you the question. 
A couple of weeks later and you were currently on your way towards your dad’s new place, a couple of cities further away from Leicester. Ben was already at that specific city since the Leicester team had an away game towards the team your dad was currently coaching. You couldn’t wait to tell him the news that you and Ben were getting married, even though you were still young but certain this was the person you wanted to create your future with. Start a new chapter in life.
“Hi babe.” Ben says all cheerful when he picked up his phone after seeing your name appear on the screen. “Guess who I passed down the hallway already twice today.” He adds, not even giving you a chance of saying him a hello and teling him you were currently driving towards the stadium - calling him handsfree of course. “Uhm, let me think. My dad?” You asked with a bit of laughter in your voice. “Ten points for you missy.” He laughs himself leaning against the wall of the hallways as he just left the dressing room. “I can’t wait to see him, and tell the news. You haven’t told him, yet, have you?” You asked. 
“I haven’t.” He says, his next sentence being interrupted by some hard noises coming through the phone, the sound of cars crashing into each other not being the best hearable, but Ben recognised the noise of your car breaks trying to stop your car from moving. “Shiiit.” Is all he could hear from you, the word repeatedly coming from your lips, panic very clear in your voice. The background noise making him worried at what was currently going on. 
“BABE.” He practically shouts through the phone, a dead silence following, not an answer coming from you. “Y/N!”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Hot as Hell and No A/C, Chapter 4 (Branjie) - Blackhighheels
(Read at AO3)
”Morning Jay,” Jose says as he shuffles into the kitchen. His hair is sticking up in all directions and his eyes are barely open, even though it’s already close to eleven. He desperately needs some coffee or this day will be a complete mess.
”Good morning, sunshine. Don’t you look chipper this morning.” Jason chuckles and thankfully hands him the much needed caffeine.
”Shut up, asshole,” Jose grumbles anyway as he takes the mug. He sighs as the sweet and hot liquid explodes on his tongue.  ”I didn’t go to bed until like four in the fucking morning .” He adds once he has swallowed.
”You want me to pretend I didn’t hear every word that was yelled last night or are we gonna talk about it?” Jason asks and makes Jose look up at him, before he drops his head on his arm on the counter.
”Fuck,” he groans. Brock is going to kill him, if he finds out. ”Please, promise me you gonna keep every word to yourself.”
”Goes without saying. I like Brock. Never thought he’s playing for our team, but he’s a nice guy. Together with Ada he’s the only person in the Hytes family, who isn’t an absolute fucked up asshole.”
”I don’t know them, only Rachel. Well, and his parents from talking to them for about a second the other day.”
”You better stay away from them Vanj’. Brock has a reason to be scared. If his dad finds out he’s talking to us, he’s in for a lot of trouble.”
”What do ya mean? Like, he’s beating him up or some shit?” Now Jose gets really worried.
”I don’t know. I don’t think he’s physically able to do it anymore, ‘cause he had a heart attack a couple of years ago and can’t do any hard labor since then, but when we were kids…” Jason scrunches up his face. ”Brock’s older brother, Dan, is my age and we were in one class. He’s an idiot, who got hit in the head fighting one too many times. But I’ll always remember the day when we all went swimming after school and I got invited for whatever reason. We must have been like fifteen or something. Dan had marks all over the back of  his thighs. I asked him what had happened and he replied that his dad had caught him making out with a girl after church and had beaten him with a belt. He said it like it was completely normal. I told him I thought it was fucked up and he nearly beat me up for saying that, ‘cause the asshole minister preaches that it’s normal to beat your kids and that kids aren’t allowed to cry and shit like that.”
”Shiiit, mami.” Jose hisses. This is a lot worse than what he imagined was going on.
”All three of them always had like bruises and were real scared of their dad. People are talking ‘round here and they say that he also beat his wife.  Brock was the smallest and used to cry a lot as a little kid. I think he must have had it real rough at home. Now that I know that he’s gay, I don’t really get why he ever came back. The whole family basically lives at church. Ada got married when she was just sixteen and I think it was more to get away from her dad. Joe, her husband’s a good guy though. Not the sharpest knife, but he’s good to her. Since they got married she’s been popping out one kid after the next. Dan’s married to the minister’s daughter and she’s just as narrow minded as him. I don’t think she ever cut her hair and like, only wears skirts. When they were courting, they went on some missions and shit, then came back and now they’re trying to have as many kids as Ada or more. There’s no music in their house other than gospel. They don’t own a tv. When we were still at school they believed in creationism and I think they still only fuck to make more babies. Brock’s always been the most normal out of them. Now knowing that he’s gay kind of explains why he hasn’t got married yet, even though they’ve been trying to set him up with church girls for years. I always thought he might get back to his studies once their finances got better.”
”He said he didn’t wanna be a minister and that his family needed him or some shit. But child…. Now I really wanna take him out of here and … I dunno,” Jose mumbles the last part. He really doesn’t know. He wants to protect Brock, take care of him, look after him and make him smile. He wants to see him laughing, not crying. He wants him to be not tired for just one day. He wants him to relax and be happy. He wants to hold him and kiss him. He wants to be with him. But that’s all stuff that he can’t tell Jason, because he’d look like a fucking idiot who’s fallen for the wrong guy once again.
”He’s a good guy and if he opens up to you like this… girl, he must really like ya. But Brock will never leave his family and you’ll be gone in another three weeks. So you might wanna think about what you’re offering. You’ll be gone, but he has to stay and live here.” Jason’s warning rings loud and clear in his mind, but also makes his stomach clench painfully.
”I know,” Jose sighs and puts his coffee down. All of a sudden, it makes him feel nauseous.
”Fuck, Jo, I can see on your face how much you like him. Just… be careful, k? If not for yourself and your romantic heart, then do it for him.”
Jose just sighs again. Last night he lay awake and dreamt with open eyes of what he could do with Brock and how he could make him fall for him.
Now he knows that would be even more of a fucked up idea than he initially thought. He can’t be more than friends with Brock, no matter how much he hates it. He only has three more weeks left here and Jose wants to take his own heart back to L.A. with him, in one piece if possible.
His phone beeps and when he takes it out of his pocket he sees a text from Brock. He is dimly aware that he’s smiling like a damn fool.
Brock is proud of himself that he had the courage to really text Jose in the morning. After a bit of an awkward back and forth about where and when they could hang out, they decided the easiest way was, if Jose just came out to where Brock was working today. It’s an old ranch in the middle of nowhere that Daniel is renovating for a client. Well, was renovating before his accident. Now Brock has to at least fix the roof and the porch so Dan can continue once he’s better.
Brock is so giddy with excitement that he forgets the hammer twice as he crawls up on the roof.
Around lunch time he can see Jose’s fancy car slowly rolling up the dusty pathway even from afar. No one else around here drives a car that expensive. When Jose gets closer, Brock waves and forgets his fear of heights for a second, as he lets go of the wooden beam he’s sitting on.
”Child, you better come down here, ‘cause I’m sure as fuck not crawling up there!” Jose yells as soon as he gets out of his car.
”I’m coming, I’m coming,” Brock chuckles and carefully makes his way over to the ladder and down to the ground. This is not the time to fall and break his neck, if there ever was one.
When he gets down, Jose is holding a large basket and a blanket. ”Brought us some food,” he smirks and holds up the basket.
”Thank you.” Brock’s cheeks heat, but he doesn’t really mind it. He’s been out in the sun all morning so most likely he’s all red anyway. ”We can sit over there in the shade if you want.”
”Dang, I thought I could get my tan on,” Jose complains.
”Oh ok, we can stay in the sun then.”
”Idiot, I’m just fucking with ya! You really think I’d like to sit in the fucking heat? Especially when I have to spend my afternoons and evenings in a building with a fucked up A/C?” Jose is laughing and bumps his shoulder into his, before he leads the way and spreads the blanket out in the shade. The spot has another advantage: It can’t be seen from the small pathway, should anyone else come up here.
”I thought Jason got the A/C fixed?”
”He did… for about a day. Then the damn thing broke again. I’m sweaty as fuck from simply teaching them kiddos.” Jose opens the basket he’s brought and starts unpacking. ”Don’t worry, I didn’t cook any of this shit myself. I stopped by your sister’s store.”
”I knew this looked familiar,” Brock laughs and picks up one of the rolls Jose’s brought. ”You really didn’t have to do this though. One more thing I owe you for.”
”Well, Miss Thing there’s only one way to make it up to me.” The way Jose says it sounds very seductive.
Brock’s very nervous when he asks: ”How?”
”You fix the fucked up A/C next time you’re over.” Brock is surprised, but then has to laugh with Jose when he starts cackling. His laughter is as loud and boisterous as his personality. Brock likes it so much to see him laugh. ”You quite the handy man, aren’t ya?” Jose nudges him again. ”But I have to say, ya look more like a real ass cowboy with your hat and all.”
”What? You don’t like my hat?” Brock laughs and adjusts the old straw cowboy hat he is wearing. Jose doesn’t need to know that he only wears it, so he won’t get burned by the sun and because it’s old and he doesn’t care if it gets any dirtier.
”I like it,” Jose smirks and snatches the hat off his head a second later. ”I just think it’d look better on me.” He twirls the hat around his index finger as he leans back on his elbows.
”It’s all sweaty and dirty.” Brock feels embarrassed when he points it out. He knows the hat is disgusting, but he doesn’t want to see Jose getting disgusted by it. He looks down, stares at the blanket.
”What do ya think?” The words make Brock look up at again and Jose is now wearing his hat and a large smile.
For a couple of seconds Brock doesn’t think anything.
That’s what he’s thinking.
”It looks good on ya.”  Is what he’s saying.
”Really?”  Jose cocks his head to the side. He looks like a fucking model.
”Really.” It feels like time stands still as they smile at each other and all Brock can think about is Jose, his smile, his eyes, his lips and his hat on his head.
”Let me see. Take a picture of me,” Jose snaps him out of his daze, as he hands Brock his very expensive and new phone. Jose poses for the camera like a pro, then goofs off a bit by pretending to line dance and makes Brock laugh so hard he snorts and can’t stop until Jose drops back down beside him on the blanket, chuckling as well. ”Show me.” He requests once he is able to talk again.
”I’m not a photographer, but I think the pics are good. And the video is really good,” Brock smirks as he hands Jose his phone.
”Bitch! You filmed me doing the chicken dance! You such a cunt!” Jose screeches, rips the hat off his head and swats at Brock with it. ”But the pics are cute, boo. Looks like ya know what you doing.” Jose says after he’s stopped laughing and looked at the pictures.
”When I was away at college, someone scouted me for photoshoots. For a couple of weeks I modelled for them, did some fashion shoots, but then one of the ministers at the college caught wind of it and told me it wasn’t ok to do that because of vanity and seductive looks and stuff. So I stopped. But I’ve been interested in photography since then. If I ever got the opportunity to go back to college, I’d study photography.” Brock reveals yet another story and dream he has never told anyone around here.
”You certainly have the bone structure for modelling and the eye for photography. Betcha, you could still get some gigs if you wanted to.” Jose fiddles with his phone for a bit, then snaps a couple of shots of Brock and shows him.
”I look like shit.”
”You just look tired, boo. You working too much.”
”I don’t have a choice.”
”I know.” There isn’t any conviction behind Jose’s words, but Brock doesn’t want to get into this right now.
”Let’s eat?” He asks and is glad when Jose accepts. They are back to laughing their heads off in no time when Brock tries to teach Jose how to catch grapes with his mouth after throwing them up in the air. Surprisingly Jose lacks the coordination and fails every damn time. Or maybe he’s just doing it to keep Brock laughing - who knows.
Their lunch meetings only last two days, then Brock’s family gets in the way once more.
”I’m so sorry, but I have to cancel our lunch plans,” Brock tells Jose on the phone and looks around to make sure he isn’t overheard by his family.
”Oh, ok. Dinner then?” Jose’s disappointment is audible through the speaker.
”I can’t do that either. I have to work over at the grocery story during lunch and after I’ll done here at the farm. Ada was put on bedrest and now my mom is managing the store. But she can’t do the re-stocking of the shelves.”
”Don’t tell me you taking that on now as well?”
”Who else?” Brock sighs heavily.
”Brock that’s crazy! You’re actively working towards a heart attack at thirty-five,” Jose scolds him and it feels kind of good to have someone who is worried for him. At the same time can’t change it so he opts for not saying anything. ”When you gonna stack those shelves?”
”Around nine. Why?”
”Leave the backdoor to the store open and I’m gonna help ya. It’s gonna be done much quicker and at least we get to talk a bit. I have another funny Thackery story for ya.”
”Jo, I don’t know if that’s a good idea…” What if someone sees them?
”Hey, if anyone sees us, we can always just say the big city guy is used to 24/7 service and needed some cat food. And Imma be quiet, all sneakily and shit.” Jose comes up with an excuse.
”Fine, I’ll text you when the coast is clear.” Brock quickly gives in, because really, he just wants to spend some more time with Jose.
When half past nine comes around Jose strolls into the store through the backdoor.
”I’ve heard you coming,” Brock chuckles and turns around. He starts laughing for real when he sees Jose. He is wearing a blue work overall with a neon orange security vest over it. The fact that the overall is unzipped nearly down to his navel and his naked chest shows makes the outfit even more ridiculous, albeit sexier. ”What the heck are you wearing?”
”I came to work, work, work, work, work… so I gotta do the work work work work work work,” Jose sings and moves his hips to his own tune. ”I found this at Jason’s. It cute, right?” he smiles and puts his hands on his hips.
”Very,” Brock chuckles. ”But also unnecessary. We can stack some shelves without a neon vest.”
”Safety first!” Jose screams loudly in delight after his own smart ass comment.
”Sshhh, my sister’s living just next door.”
”Fine, Mary, Imma be as quiet as a hamster.”
Brock can’t help it, he guffaws. ”As a mouse, you idiot,” he corrects and pushes Jose into the direction of the shelves they need to stack.
For nearly a week, each night they stock the shelves together and then hang out at the closed store, eat snacks and exchange stories. Brock gets an idea of what life is like for Jose in L.A. and he wishes he could glimpse at it, just once.
The additional work and the long talks are part of the reason why he gets even less sleep now.  The only time he gets to nap is when he falls asleep out of sheer exhaustion at night. Another reason are the thoughts in his head, as he processes his friendship with Jose, his views on life are so different from his own.
Jose doesn’t believe that being gay is a punishment. Instead he sees it as a way to belong to a community, share a culture with others, that Brock has only seen glimpses of. The fact that there are gay movies and romance novels out there blows his mind. He doesn’t even own a tv.
Jose’s view on life and love is much more positive and romantic than Brock’s own. Jose wants to find true love and be with that man for all eternity. Brock wants that too, he just knows that for him it’s not an option - not now, not ever.
However he gets to dream with Jose, live through his ideas and hopes when he isn’t allowed any of his own.
The hopelessness he feels when he’s alone in bed at night is crushing, when the urge to touch himself to his memories of Jose gets overwhelming and makes him feel dirty and disgusting. He’s not supposed to lust after his friend and yet he can’t forget their one short kiss, the way Jose smiles, laughs, walks and smells; Brock finds everything about him arousing.
He always squelches the desire by reminding himself that Jose will be gone in two weeks.
When Daniel calls him to tell him that he has to stop by at the dance studio because Jason called about the A/C, Brock is less than excited. He stops by the store to stack the shelves even though it’s not closed yet.
Since the dancing studio will be closed by the time he gets there and Jason will be around, he won’t get to see Jose, which ruins his day completely. He’s got so used to seeing him regularly over the last week. Even all the sleepless nights are more than worth it; it’s not like he’s slept well for years.
”Yay, our lord and saviour!” Jason greets him as he lets him into the studio.
”Let’s see first if I can fix it,” Brock shrugs and follows him through the empty building.
”Here’s the A/C unit, there are the manuals and stuff. I have to get going, because I have a meeting tomorrow in Dallas and are driving out there tonight. Jo should be here in a sec to help you and lock up,” Jason lets him know and Brock’s heart starts beating faster at the prospect of seeing Jose.
”Hey, you hoes. Did I just hear my name?” His distinctive voice echoes through the rooms and makes Brock laugh. ”Hope you only saying nice things about me, or I have to whoop your ass.” Jason doesn’t look very threatened and just laughs.
”I better get going, you asshole. Don’t forget to lock up. Imma be back tomorrow evening. You better not try and cook again. There’s no fire brigade in town.”
”Leave, bitch!” Jose hollers and pretends to throw one of the weights after Jason. ”That motherfucker always gotta run his mouth,” he giggles once they are alone.
Brock just smiles, but doesn’t reply. He’s still too shocked by Jose’s sudden appearance.
”You really gonna fix the damn A/C?”
”Isn’t that why I’m here?” Brock looks up from his tools.
”Kinda,” Jose shrugs with a smile. ”Just thought after you done with that thing, we could go upstairs and watch that show I told you about. Can’t leave here without educating ya a bit.”
Brock feels his heart beat in his throat. ”The one with the Spanish gay drug dealer?”
”Arab gay drug dealer in Spain,” Jose corrects.
”Right,” he nods. ”Sure. Let me just at least look at ‘that thing’.”
”You’ve already eaten something? We could get some pizza and make it a real dope ass movie night?”
”No, not yet. But didn’t Jason just say you’re not allowed to cook. And there’s no delivery service in town.”
”I can heat up some frozen pizza, dumbass. Why don’t you do your fixy-thingy here and I make the pizza and we meet upstairs? It’s way too hot in this fucked up building without a functioning A/C.”
”That’s what I’m here for,” Brock rolls his eyes playfully at Jose’s dramatics.
”That a yes?”
”That’s a yes.”
”Woohooo!” echoes off the walls of the dance studio and a moment later Brock is alone again to deal with the faulty device.
Brock’s done after just half an hour, or at least knows what the problem is. He also knows that he can’t fix it without additional parts.
Jose is already waiting for him on his couch, a large pizza on the table and the tv turned on. It’s much cooler up here and after the first couple of slices of pizza and Jose’s running commentary on the show they are watching, Brock slowly finds himself relaxing. It also helps that the fluffiest cat he’s ever seen, Thackery, is sprawled out on his lap purring loudly.
The couch is comfortable and he leans back. Jose is close enough so the scent of his cologne hangs in the air. After a while the scent gets stronger, when Brock’s head comes to rest on his shoulder. He fights to keep his eyes open, but is too tired to do so. Jose’s arm wraps around Brock’s shoulders and pulls him closer, then his fingers play with the sleeve of his T-shirt, tickle his skin. This should feel weird, because he’s not used to any kind of physical touch; But it doesn’t. It’s comforting and nice and Brock never wants this moment to end.
The last thing Brock is aware of, is when Jose’s other hand slides into his hair and massages his skull. Then he’s asleep, just forty minutes into the movie night and for once he stays asleep, right there in Jose’s arms.
When Brock wakes up, he is still on the sofa, still in Jose’s arms and there’s a blanket thrown over the both of them and wrapped around his shoulders. It’s a weird feeling to wake up for once without a headache, burning eyes or the overall feeling of doom all around you. He’s comfortable resting against Jose and he wishes he could stay like this a while longer.
”Fuck,” escapes him when he checks the time and realises it’s already half past five. He was supposed to be up over an hour ago. Quickly and quietly he gets up and takes a moment to wrap Jose completely in the blankets so he won’t get cold. He thinks about leaving him a note with a Thank you, but decides to just text him later. He really has to leave.
He parks his brother’s truck in front of his house, then runs over to his parent’s farm. He thinks about just running into the stable like this, but he needs other shoes at least.
”Where the fuck’ve you been?” His father screams at him as soon as he steps a foot into the house. Both his parents are up and sitting at the breakfast table.
”Working,” he lies.
”Working? The whole night? Which hussy have you been with? If ya get her pregnant out of wedlock, there’ll be hell to pay, you hear me!” Brock wonders if his father has already been drinking this early in the morning. “You not ruining my reputation!”
”I wasn’t with a woman! You know that Dan called me last night about the A/C at the studio. I’m not an electrician and was up all night trying to fix it.”
”You were at the faggot’s studio all night? Haven’t I forbid you to go there!” His father’s cane flies against his leg and hits him in the knee as he throws it his way.
”I was working there, earning money for Dan. What the fuck do you want from me? One second I’m supposed to take care of his business and the next I’m not allowed to see his clients? Which is it?” Brock yells back.
”Don’t you dare raising your voice at me!” His father’s voice is icy now. That’s when he always was at his most dangerous when they were younger. The most horrific beatings he’s got, always started with that voice.
Today, however, Brock isn’t scared of him. For once he’s slept, he feels rested and strong and he won’t be intimidated by his drunk of a father. Maybe tomorrow again, but certainly not today.
”Fine. So what is it? The money or not accepting work from people who pay for it?”
”You’re a disgrace, smart-mouthing me like that. Talking about working, when you haven’t even started your work here, because you’ve been hanging around this damned dancing studio. One should burn it to the ground and these faggots right along with it!” His father rages. ”And let me tell ya, the days when you’re being lazy and not pulling your weight are over! It’s time you get married and produce a couple of kids so you know what responsibilities are! No more excuses. And don’t you dare saying no when we find ya a wife.”
”Or what?” Brock’s voice is shaking with rage.
”Or you’re out of here. You can leave and never come back. And now go and feed the animals. I can’t stand the pathetic sight of you. Fuck off!”
Brock turns around on his heels and marches off, slamming the door behind him. ”Likewise,” he mutters as he makes his way to the stables. He can hear the animals already, they’re restless and hungry and that certainly is his fault and they shouldn’t be suffering because of him. He can’t let this happen again.
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 9
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Rose accepted the takeaway containers with a bright smile and handful of bills, skirting around the security desk for the lift, letting out a breath when she made it inside without getting stopped by Mickey.  She knew he knew her ‘news’, had barely managed to escape him and his questions that morning, and was relieved to be able to put off the inevitable conversation a little while longer.
Letting herself back into their office suite, she stopped at her desk long enough to grab her tablet and mobile before letting herself into Malcolm’s office.
“Food’s here.”
Malcolm shot up, immediately abandoning his computer in favor of taking the food from her.  “Why didn’t you say something?  I’d have gone down to fetch it,” he fussed, setting the pizza box on his coffee table and grabbing water bottles from his mini-fridge.  “Sit, sit.”
“I was fine,” Rose rolled her eyes, stepping out of her heels before sinking down on the couch and separating two paper plates.  “Honestly, don’t- don’t do that.”
“Do what?”  He settled next to her, opening the box and plating them a slice each.  “What did I do?”
Biting her lip, she accepted the plate, holding it in the air with one hand as the other spread several napkins over the lap of her designer skirt.  “Don’t…”  She didn’t know how to say it.  “Don’t act like anything’s changed,” she finally decided on.  “Don’t go all formal and deferential on me, or any shit like that.  This doesn’t change anything.”
Making a face, Malcolm sighed.  “Fine, if you say so,” he twisted the lid off his bottle.  “How’s your morning been so far?”
Really?  Small talk?  “Productive.  Got lots of information about… everything.  And before you ask, everything is good with the Gala, right on schedule.”
“What did you find?”  He took a large bite of pizza, a stray string of cheese catching on his chin, and for a moment she fantasized about leaning forward and cleaning it with her tongue.  Down, girl.
“You have to give notice at your local register’s office at least 14 days prior to the ceremony.  Since we’re in different parts of the city we have to give notice separately; I booked us appointments for first thing tomorrow morning, so we can take care of it on our way in.  Before you can, though, we need a date and a location for the… the ceremony.”  She nibbled on the point of the slice.  “We need to document the location, as well as our individual addresses.  You need your passport and birth certificate.  Proof of your divorce.”
Malcolm snorted.  “So, fairly simple then.”
Laughing, she stretched out her leg to prod his thigh with her toe.  “It is, actually, once we settle on… specifics.”
“Well, I’ve made some tentative arrangements,” he said, opening up his own organizer.  “Though I’d like to hear what you’ve been thinking first.”
That I want this to be real, that I want you to love me as I do you, that I want to spend my life with you.  “I’m not particularly fussy on details,” she shrugged one shoulder, watching her fingers pick at the crust of her slice.  “Given everything, I think we should go simple, easy, and practical.”
“You may approve of my plan then,” he smiled wryly.  “I was thinking the back garden at the Townhouse.  My chef does catering on the side, the flower vendor for the Gala can pull something together as a favor, one of Clara’s coworkers DJs on the weekend…  Ceremony in the garden, reception in the ballroom, and if you want, honeymoon up at the Estate in Scotland – they’ll be expecting us to honeymoon if they don’t know the truth, and that way you can see the property and meet the staff, and I can check in – haven’t been up there in years.”
Honeymoon.  Rose’s smile froze, two separate trains of thought racing through her mind.  The first was Jackie would inevitably want details on the getaway – intimate details.  I’ll either have to lie about shagging him, or tell the truth that we’re not – neither of those is particularly appealing.
The second track involved them, a private beach, open bar, and unending pleasure under a hot sun.  Mhmm.
“Yeah?” she snapped back to attention, hoping he couldn’t see the warmth in her cheeks as she willed herself not to flick her eyes over his lap.  Never gonna happen, Rose Tyler, you need to accept that.  “Um, that sounds good.  I’ve never been to Scotland.”
“Okay, then.”  He took another large bite, watching her thoughtfully as he chewed.  “All right?”
Rose nodded, finally digging into her own slice with relish.  “Just thinking of everything there is to do.”
“We’ll get it done,” he said confidently.  “We make a good team.”
“We do.”
But we could be so much more.
“Thistle Foundation, this is Rose.”
“Well, aren’t you going to ask me?” Clara snapped down the line, and Rose stopped typing with a frown.
Her friend sighed heavily.  “Am I, or am I not, your best friend?”
“You are.”
“And are you, or are you not, getting married?”
“I am.”  Despite the circumstances, a happy little thrill went through Rose at the thought.  He’ll have to kiss me, during the ceremony, she realized smugly.  Maybe it’ll open his eyes, and he’ll see what’s literally been in front of him all along.
Rose rolled her eyes.  “I have no idea what you’re looking for, and am very busy- what’s up?”
This time, Clara was quiet, almost… hurt?  “You don’t have anything to ask me?”
Brow furrowing, Rose wracked her brain for anything outstanding, but came up empty.  “No?”
“Oh.”  Was that a sniffle?  “Okay.”
“I’ve got to go,” her friend cut her off, a definitely wavery tone to her voice.  “Bye.”
And the line disconnected.
Pressing her lips firmly together to hide a smile, Rose went back to working on the Gala program, keeping one eye on the clock.
Ten minutes later the phone rang again, and she was already grinning as she answered.  “Thistle-”
“Yes!” Clara screamed.  “Yes, yes, yes!”
“Are you sure?  You don’t seem particularly enthused at the idea,” Rose teased, leaning back in her chair.  “I could always ask-”
“Don’t you fucking dare!”
She had to laugh at that, could almost hear down the line her friend vibrating with excitement.  “So, just to be clear, you will be my maid of honor?”  Glancing up, she caught Malcolm’s eye as he happened past, frowning when he stopped dead with an unsettling expression of horror.
“Of course!” Clara said, “How could I not be?  Right, I’ll meet you at yours at half-six so we can start planning.  I’ll bring the food. I’ve got to run, but I’ll see you then! I’m so excited!”  And with another squeal, not waiting for a response, the line once again went dead.
“Something wrong?” Rose asked, keeping a wary eye on Malcolm as she hung up the receiver.  “Changed your mind?”
He slowly shook his head.  “No, it’s not that, I just- Well.”  He shifted, looking uncomfortable.  “I suppose I’d always imagined that were I to remarry, well, that Clara would stand up for me.  Be my best man, in a manner of speaking.”
“Oh.”  Once he said it it seemed obvious; of course he’d want his daughter at his side.  She’d been friends with Clara for just over a decade; he’d had her Clara’s entire life.  “Right.  I mean- Duh.  Um, I can talk to her tonight, if you want- unask her, so you can.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he waved his hand in a would-be casual way, still frowning.  “I’ll… find someone else.”
“I have other friends I can ask,” Rose pressed, “it’s fine.  Really.”
Malcolm shook his head.  “She’s your best friend,” he maintained, “and it’s only natural.  Don’t worry about it.”
And he walked away, leaving Rose with worry gnawing at her gut.
How are we supposed to make this work?
Malcolm sank into his desk chair, leaning back and staring at the ceiling.
I don’t know what to do.
It hadn’t even occurred to him, to ask Clara to stand up for him- they’d been thick as thieves most of her life, especially after the divorce and move.  Two peas in a pod, Wallace used to laugh, and it had been fitting.  Even as she’d grown up and moved out their relationship had remained mostly the same; while they were father and daughter first, she was also his best friend.
But she was also Rose’s, and of course she would stand up for her; it was obvious in hindsight.
His mobile buzzed, and he checked the screen to see an incoming call from Pete Tyler.  Shit.  “Tucker.”
“Hey, Malc, how’s it going?”
“Good, good,” he answered vaguely, sitting up straight.  “How can I help you?”
“Listen-”  oh, fuck, that’s not good.  “Let’s have dinner, tonight- preferably at yours.  I want to talk to you about this wedding.”  Shiiit.  “How’s seven?”
Malcolm swallowed, clicking the icon on his screen that would pull up his calendar.  “Sure.  Uh, will Jackie be joining us?”
“No, you and me.  Man to man, father to father… that sort of thing.”
“Uh huh.”  He sighed.  “Sure, seven’s fine.  I’ll… grill some steaks, we can talk.”
“See you then.”
The call disconnected, and he dropped the mobile to the desktop with a groan, cradling his head in his hands.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
When Wallace had passed, Malcolm had been at peace with it – the old man had lived a full life, full of charity and happiness, and it meant an end to his suffering.  Now, though, seeing what his uncle had left behind for him…
Is it even fucking worth it?
By the time three o’clock came, Rose was more than ready for the day to be over.  For the hopeful way she’d started the day, it had certainly ended on a sour note.
Getting married is supposed to be a happy thing – and even though we’re not actually a couple, it’s still not terrible.  I could do a lot worse. And, honestly, it’s not like either of us have found our soulmates – even if it’s not love, it can still be companionship.  But… it also feels like this is more fragile than I first considered.
Rose looked up only to find Malcolm looking as bad as she felt.  “Hi.”
“That’s me off,” he gestured towards the lift with his thumb.  “You might as well head out too.  Get a fresh start tomorrow.”
“Okay.”  She didn’t hesitate to log off her computer, pushing back from the desk.  “Don’t forget to go to the Register’s Office tomorrow – I’ve already given Graham the details, but you’ll need to pull your documents together.  I emailed you a list of exactly what you’ll need.”
“Thanks,” he smiled wanly.  “Now, get your shit – I’ll walk you out.”
It was only a matter of seconds to be ready to go, and she was startled but pleased when Malcolm helped her into her coat.
He didn’t acknowledge it, just gently pulled her hair out from her collar.  “Let’s go.”
Settling her purse in the crook of her elbow she walked with him, letting him play the gentlemen.  This is nice, she thought wistfully.  If only it were real.
“I was thinking,” he said casually, “that after the- well, after, we might as well keep the same hours.  I know you seem to prefer to be in before me, but- Obviously it wouldn’t make any sense for Graham to bring you in and then come back for me.  If nothing else, I hope this makes your life a little easier – not having to deal with the Tube, and all.”
Her lips twitched in amusement.  Is that the best you think you have to offer?
“Plus,” he coughed, as the doors opened and he let her out, “I… I don’t know about you, but it might be nice to have someone around.  At the house, I mean.  To not… be alone.”
She paused as they stepped out onto the pavement, waving hello to Graham before focusing on Malcolm, studying his expression.  Is he blushing?  “That would be nice,” she agreed softly.  “I do like living alone, mostly, but… it also gets lonely.”
“We can be lonely together,” he offered, quirking his lip, and she grinned.
“Works for me.”
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milkchu · 5 years
❝my oscar-nominated crush.❞
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Summary: (Y/N) (L/N) is nominated for Best Actress in the 91st Academy Awards and is a huge fan of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie. What happens when she meets the Male Friends™?
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Actress!Reader
Warnings: Swearing (a lot)
A/N: i’ve had this idea in my head for a long time now so i decided to just make a fic about it. i had a dress in mind (the third picture shown in the article) but it’s really up to you what dress you’d want to wear! happy reading! 💓
tags; @icantgetnorelief // @b-hardys // @spideyyypeter // @hunterswearingplaid
“Oh my god, are we late?” You asked your manager slash best friend, who was sitting beside you, softly squeezing her knee in worry.
“Don’t worry, (Y/N). It’s normal to arrive at this time, Gaga hasn’t even arrived yet.” She reassured, holding your hand in comfort.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shiiit,” You babbled, feeling an entire zoo fill up in your stomach.
It was your first time getting nominated for an Oscar, for Best Actress, if I may add, hell, it was even your first time at the Oscars.
Sure, you went to some award shows and premieres, but this was the first ever major event you’ve ever been to, it was the Oscars, for crying out loud.
You continued to bounce your knee in anticipation, just waiting for the car to pull up at the Dolby Theatre.
“What if I fuck it up? Oh my god,” You fretted, immediately burying your face in your hands.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Your manager whispered, pulling your hands away from your face, “I’ll be here to guide you all throughout, I’m your manager for a reason.”
“Okay, all right,” You exhaled slowly, trying to calm your nerves.
Slowly arriving at the Theatre, your manager, tapped your knee, “All right, here we go.”
After some guy in a black suit opened the car door, your manager stepped out first before offering her hand to you, helping you out of the car.
As you stepped out, she helped fix and adjust your very long custom Paolo Sebastian white gown that had a cape.
Afterwards, your manager went to your side and began walking towards the red carpet, you following her.
Immediately being blinded by all the lights and the cameras, you already heard some people shouting your name. It was so surreal.
“(Y/N), over here!”
“Give us a pose, (Y/N)!”
“(Y/N), look!”
Even though you were extremely nervous and overwhelmed, because there were so many stars literally in the same area as you, you still kept your composure and kept calm.
After being called over by Ryan Seacrest and some other hosts you were familiar with, your manager continued to guide you through the venue.
As you were walking down the painfully long red carpet, you immediately spotted a familiar head of grey curls that caught your attention.
“Holy shit, is that Brian May and Roger Taylor?” You grabbed your manager’s arm, stopping her.
Squinting your eyes to get a better view, you confirmed that it was indeed, Brian May, with some other men.
Immediately wailing your arms around in excitement, you squealed, your manager shaking her head, laughing, “Just go, (Y/N).”
Without hesitation, you pulled your skirt up, and since you were wearing heels, running was not an option so you just started to fast walk towards the group.
Your manager chuckled, immediately following you, making sure you didn’t trip.
She knew how much you loved Queen and their new movie, Bohemian Rhapsody.
Like, right now, she just witnessed you completely bypass Bradley Cooper, who was about to greet you but then you didn’t even notice him as you were too excited to meet the rock legends.
She would have to remind you to apologize to him later on.
Approaching the group, one of them had already spotted you so they had already turned to you.
“Oh my goodness, hello,” You smiled at each and every one of them, “I love love loved the movie!” You beamed.
“I’m happy to hear that, love, Congratulations on the nomination,” Brian shook your hand, giving you a smile.
“We hope you win tonight,” Roger added, immediately sending you a wink.
You laughed, a bit nervously, tucking your hair behind your ear, “We’ll see about that.”
“All right, everybody, we’re gonna go now, have to set up for the opening and everything,” Brian said before waving goodbye to all of you, leaving you with the four men.
“You guys were incredible! I mean, all of you absolutely embodied each character,” You complimented them, before they thanked you.
As you all were talking about random things and them congratulating you for the nomination, you were particularly taken with Joe, the guy who played Deacy, your all-time favorite Queen member.
You knew him from Jurassic Park, of course, and his other movie that you absolutely loved, which was Undrafted.
So, let’s just say, you’re kind of. . . attracted to. . .him his acting ever since.
After taking a picture with the four of them, you immediately positioning yourself beside Joe, for certain reasons, you felt your manager nudge you on your side, you immediately felt your heart sink.
“Oh, sorry guys, I have to go now,” You pouted, “I’ll see you all inside, yeah?”
They all said their goodbyes, each one giving you a hug for good luck, but probably lingering a bit longer for Joe.
You waved at them before walking away towards inside the theatre, “We hope you win!” You heard Joe shout from behind, immediately making you laugh and feel your heart being lifted.
“I noticed that mozzarella guy literally staring at you with heart eyes the whole damn time,” Your manager smiled smugly, nudging your arm.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “First of all, it’s Mazzello, second of all, he was not, okay?”
“Alright, whatever you say,” She sang, continuing to lead you inside the theatre.
Finally seeing your favorite band of all time perform live at the opening, it was nothing like you’ve ever experienced.
As they were playing, you were full on standing throughout ‘We Will Rock You’, just singing out the words you knew so well.
You maybe even shed a few tears when you saw Freddie appear on the big screen behind them.
But, eventually, the moment you’ve been dreading for was fast approaching.
“Glenn Close. . .The Wife.”
“Lady Gaga. . .A Star is Born.”
“(Y/N) (L/N). . .(Movie Name).”
“And the Oscar goes to. . .”
You swore you felt your heart climbing your throat.
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
And your whole world just completely stopped. Your manager was hugging you, jumping in her seat, your co-stars were kissing your cheek, and hugging you.
As you walked up the stairs to the stage, one of presenters lending you his hand to help you up, you felt your heart beating faster at each step.
After hugging each of the presenters and receiving the golden statue, you went towards the microphone and started,
“How did this happen?” You said into the microphone, the audience immediately erupting in laughter.
You genuinely thought you wouldn’t win, especially alongside these amazing actresses, so you actually did not have a speech prepared.
But, you managed to get some words out, despite the nervousness, it consisted of you thanking some people, especially your manager, who has been by your side all your career, and fangirling over Lady Gaga, who was seated right up front.
Eventually, the show came to an end, but you still had to go over to the Engraving Station to have your name engraved on the statue.
As you sat down on one of the seats, watching as the person was engraving your award, you felt a presence beside you.
“(Y/N), hi,” You turned around, to see none other than Joe Mazzello himself, and felt your heart jump.
“Oh my god, hi Joe,” You smiled, immediately pulling him into a warm hug in which you definitely felt some sort of electricity that sent your heart beating faster.
As both of you were hugging, you swore you saw Gwilym, Ben, and Allen in the back, snickering and pointing towards you two.
After you pulled away, Joe sent you one of his soft smiles, “Congratulations, on the award.”
After thanking him, he added, “You deserved it, you’re one of the best actresses I’ve ever seen,” He said, a blush making itself known on your cheeks.
“Oh, that’s too kind of you, Mr. Mazzello,” You laughed, trying to cover up the warmth in your cheeks.
“I really mean it,” He smiled, both hands inside his pocket, probably trying to hide the fact that they were sweaty.
You thought he was so cute so you giggled softly, before he continued, “I was wondering if. . . maybe. . . you’d wanna hang out sometime?” He looked up at you.
Just near you was your manager, whom you could already hear her screaming in her head for you to just say yes.
“I’d love to,” You smiled, him immediately lighting up and grinning at your answer.
“All right! I’ll just message you on Instagram, is that okay?” He asked, before you nodded, “That’s perfectly fine!”
After saying your goodbyes to each other, your manager immediately ran to you side, “Oh, honey,” She drawled.
“Not only did you win a fucking Oscar, but you also won a boyfriend.”
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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John Tracy was sick.
Which meant John Tracy wasn’t allowed to go home.
Sure, he could say that he was home, but it didn’t really feel like home. It was full of brothers and people he loved, but it didn’t feel like home.
Home was among the stars.
But apparently astronauts with the flu weren’t allowed to go home.
“It won’t be for long, John. It will be over before you know it.” Virgil was kind and reassuring, but it didn’t really help.
He wanted to go home.
He was determined to work, of course. Until Scott caught him and cut him off.
There were some loud words over that, but the medical department of IR (aka Virgil) sided with the command department (aka Scott) and yeah, he was grounded, cut off from his ‘bird, holed up in his room and miserable.
Of course, his brothers attempted to cheer him up. Alan dumped himself on his bed chattering away with his latest game, all eager enthusiasm. Gordon brought him a pet crab. Even cared for it for him. John was left wondering if it was a snarky metaphor as the crab sat under a rock all day and had a distinct grumpy appearance.
Virgil and Scott were more subtle, but no less caring. Scott ran ideas past him for communications improvements. Piano music and the occasional piece of art found its way into his rooms uninvited.
He appreciated it. Truly, he did.
He just wanted to go home.
The morning he woke up with a cat sleeping on his chest was the last straw.
“C’mon, guys. You know I’m allergic to cats. Are your trying to kill me?” He held the cat out at arm’s length just waiting for his nasal passages to swell up. Though at this point considering his condition, he wasn’t really sure he would notice.
The cat meowed pitifully at him.
Virgil frowned.
Scott arched an eyebrow.
Gordon looked guilty....but then he always looked guilty. John was sure it was an inbuilt survival strategy.
Alan was cooing at the cat and reaching out to scratch it under the chin.
It was an orange stripy thing with big whiskers and that ragdoll floppiness all cats sported.
“Gordon?” Scott’s arched eyebrow was now pointed at the aquanaut.
“What are you looking at me for? I got him the crab, why would I get him a cat? The cat will eat the crab.” Gordon frowned at John. “Don’t let the cat eat the crab.”
Not a sentence John had ever predicted hearing in his lifetime.
“Can someone please take this thing?” He held out the cat even further.
Virgil, still frowning, gently collected the cat from John’s hands and automatically curled it up in his arms. A finger scratched under its chin.
“Thank you. I’m going back to bed.”
And he did.
The next time he woke, a pair of green feline eyes were staring at him, the cat, once again, curled up on his chest.
It meowed at him and poked his nose with a paw.
He must have yelled a little too much because next minute his big brother barrelled into the room, panic on his face. “John, what the-?!”
His eyes landed on the cat and his shoulders literally sagged. “Goddamnit, that’s where you are. I’ve been looking for you for hours.” Virgil reached to pick up the cat.
The cat turned from mild mannered bed companion to spitting and screeching demon within a blink. Virgil yelped and fell backwards, his feet slipping on the mat and his butt hitting the floor with a crash.
One of John’s telescopes teetered before tipping ever so slowly. Virgil saw it and struggled to catch it. “Shiiit!” He threw himself in its path and the four-foot metal cylinder landed in his lap.
There was an oomph and Virgil was flat on his back on the floor.
Demon cat kneaded John’s chest a little before settling once more.
It began to purr.
“Virgil? You okay?”
His brother grunted and John struggled out of bed, shoving the cat out of the way. “Virgil?”
“I’m good.” It was up an octave higher than normal. “Sorry about your telescope.”
John grabbed the telescope off his brother and righted it. It was his own fault for leaving it there in the first place. Stargazing from bed was a habit much more easily exercised on TB5.
Virgil waved off his offered hand and rolled over, pushing himself to his feet with another grunt. He eyed the cat with suspicion. “I thought we had an understanding, Bagel.”
The cat eyed Virgil with equal suspicion.
“Gordon claims it is your cat so needs a John name.”
“A John name?”
“Yeah, Bagel it is.”
“It’s not my cat! And where did it come from anyway?” John frowned at Virgil. “Another stowaway on Two.”
“No! You know we have sensors for that now. And besides, that was only once.”
“Once. The polar bear doesn’t count.”
“The polar bear most assuredly does count. Alan still hasn’t forgiven you.”
“It was a polar bear, Virgil.”
“Yeah, well, that is your cat.”
“That is not my cat.”
“Apparently she has decided she is yours.” Virgil held up his hands. Several scratches decorated his skin. “I have enough of these already. She’s yours.”
“I’m allergic.”
Virgil peered up at him, brown eyes assessing. “You don’t appear to be suffering a reaction. She’s been gone for hours. If she has been here, on your chest all that time, you should be showing the affects. All I can see is the remains of your flu.” A frown. “Are you feeling any better?”
It was John’s turn to frown. He had almost forgotten he was ill, but now his attention returned to his body, the signs were clear.
But he was feeling a little better.
“A little.”
Virgil reached up and squeezed his arm. “Good. You hungry?”
A brief consultation with his stomach and he realised that yes, he was. “Yes, I think so.”
A smile spread over his brother’s face. “Great. You’re on the mend.” Another squeeze of his arm and Virgil turned towards the door. “Meet you in the kitchen. Scott went all out this morning and made pancakes. I stashed you some. Gotta grab them before Gordon discovers them.”
“FAB.” John couldn’t help but return his brother’s smile.
Virgil grinned and with a half-hearted groan rubbed his butt and staggered with some exaggeration out the door. “Don’t forget your cat.”
John turned back to stare at the ginger monstrosity still sitting on his bed, calmly grooming.
“Bagel, is it?”
The cat blinked and kept licking its fur.
John sighed and grabbed his clothes.
The cat followed him downstairs for the meal, which turned out to be dinner. He had managed to sleep the day away. Apparently, this was a good thing, because for the first time in days, he could move without creaking.
Virgil had indeed stashed pancakes and within minutes there was a short stack piled up in front of him complete with ice cream and maple syrup. Before he even bothered to acknowledge the envy emanating from Gordon across the other side of the table, the stack began to disappear.
Scott knew how to make pancakes. John considered his big brother’s purpose in life and came to the immediate conclusion that it should be IR, family and pancakes.
Of course, pancakes could be a subset of family if considered that way, but there was always the possibility of him opening a business as a pancake chef.
Yes, the flu had obviously taken part of his brain with it.
A pair of blue eyes and two pairs of brown were staring at him.
“Did you bother to breathe between bites, bro?” Gordon gestured with his head at the table.
John looked down and found his plate empty. “Guess I was hungry. Scott makes great pancakes.”
“Yes, he does.” Virgil plonked a glass of orange juice in front of him and took away his sticky plate. “Now drink your juice and we’ll set up for family movie.”
“Aren’t you guys going to eat?”
“Already eaten.” Scott was poking at his phone, holograms bouncing around above it. “Grandma made meatloaf surprise again.”
John choked on his juice. “Really?”
“Uh-huh.” Scott did look a little green around the gills.
Well, that explained the envy on Gordon’s face and why Alan was very absent.
“Anyone feed the youngest?”
“All under control.” Virgil chucked Gordon a celery crunch bar and the aquanaut grabbed it from the air.
It was devoured faster than John’s pancakes.
Virgil wandered back into the kitchen proper and soon there was the delicious smell of hot popcorn wafting through the room. The engineer walked past the table again and dumped a chocolate bar in front of Scott. Another one landed in front of John.
“Consider it a survivor’s reward.” Virgil grabbed Scott’s phone out of his hand.
“Stop working, this is family time. Everything can wait a couple of hours.”
Scott glared at his brother, but grabbed the chocolate bar and capitulated anyway.
Probably because he knew Virgil was right. It was so easy to get absorbed with International Rescue business. John knew he was a fantastic example case of such a syndrome.
A sigh.
Scott glanced up at him. “How are you doing, John?” A smirk. “How’s Bagel?”
As if beckoned, the cat in question suddenly leapt up on to the table and stalked the length of it towards Scott. John’s eyes widened as his eldest brother was targeted by a feline glare of epic proportions.
Scott’s expression was quite an amusing mixture and defiance and terror. Bagel sat down in front of him and after a moment of intense eyeballing decided Scott was boring and started washing herself.
“That is one weird cat, John.”
Everyone jumped as Bagel shot to her feet and dashed across the table at Gordon. “Holy crap!” The aquanaut scrambled backwards as Bagel ran at him. He tangled his feet in the stool he was sitting on and with a crash, ended up on the floor.
Reaching the edge of the table, Bagel stopped and peered down at the fallen Thunderbird and, apparently deciding Gordon was no more interesting than Scott, sat down and returned to grooming.
The remaining three vertical brothers stared at each other and the cat.
No one said a thing.
“Uh, can someone give me a hand up, here?” Gordon vaguely waved an arm about and Virgil edged around the table to help his brother up.
His eyes barely left Bagel.
“Has anyone fed the cat?” John threw the question in there as a bit of an icebreaker since said cat had frozen the room almost solid.
Bagel looked up and stared at John for a moment before jumping to her feet and ambling over. A simple step off the table and she was in his lap, circling for moment to find a comfortable spot, then curling up and purring.
Again, everyone was staring at the orange fluff ball, John included.
“You have a very strange cat.” Apparently, Gordon hadn’t learnt from his earlier experience, but fortunately, Bagel ignored him this time.
John stared down at the purring ball of fur.
Yes, it seems he did.
Despite the possessed cat, the rest of the night went very well. All five brothers plus Kayo threw down some pillows, curled up in front of the holoprojector and waded through a trashy b-grade movie that looked like they were using mannequins for actors and plastic models for set pieces. There was popcorn, laughter and loving family. John felt warm and relaxed and better than he had in days. Somewhere between action scenes, he drifted off to the tinny soundtrack and the sound of his brothers criticising the special effects.
“Johnny?” It was whispered “Johnny, you’ve got to move or you’ll end up with one hell of a neckache.”
A blink and he found himself looking at Virgil upside down. Wha-?
“C’mon, bro. Up you get.” And his brother was lifting him up. Another blink and he realised he was lying on one of the couches...almost upside down, his feet at an angle above his head with his head hanging off the seat cushion. He was far too long for the piece of furniture and, apparently, he had stretched in his sleep.
Virgil was shifting his shoulders into a more horizontal position. Beyond him, the holoprojector was listing all the languages the movie was available in, complete with appropriate copyright warnings. Idly he noted that the Hungarian translation had an error in the third line.
John let his feet drop to the end of the couch before folding up enough to force himself upright. Ugh, Virgil was right. His neck cricked and creaked along with his spine. God, gravity was a nasty piece of work. It had also apparently dribbled all the mucus in his body into his head. His skull protested at the pressure as he sat up and he groaned.
Why did everyone think Scott was the worry wart of the family? Virgil with his medical radar was just as bad, if not worse. “I’m fine. Just a head full of snot.” Ugh. Right between his eyeballs, throbbing to the beat of his heart. “Just kill me now.”
Suddenly there was an orange cat in his face, staring.
“What? Bagel, not now.” He gently picked up the cat and put her on the couch beside him. Where the hell had she come from anyway?
A pitiful meow was her response and she edged nearer brushing her cheek against his arm.
Despite himself, he turned to her. “What’s wrong?”
She looked up at him with a combination of adoration and haughtiness. He had no idea what to make of that expression.
Of course, she was a cat. Who understood cats?
“Are you two having a moment?” His brother’s smiling baritone broke the silence and to John’s surprise, Bagel turned to Virgil and hissed angrily.
His big brother took a hurried step back.
“Bagel! Leave him alone! He will never hurt you. For goodness sake, Virgil wouldn’t hurt a fly. Give him some respect.”
To his complete surprise, Bagel stopped hissing immediately. She turned to him almost a question on her face before once again looking at Virgil. Her head dropped and stared at the floor.
“What the hell?” It was little more than breath and all his big brother. Virgil was staring at Bagel, his brow crumpling into a deep frown.
Bagel’s head shot up and once again she was staring at Virgil.
Virgil’s frown got even deeper.
“John where did you get this cat from?”
“I told you, I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before in my life.”
Virgil continued his staring contest with the cat.
“What is it?” His brother’s expression was becoming unnerving, so suddenly determined, it was almost fierce.
“I don’t know.” A pause. “Keep her out of sensitive areas for me, will you?”
Bagel continued to stare at Virgil.
Virgil continued to stare at Bagel.
A solid moment passed and then his brother was shaking his head, looking at his feet, looking at John. “You good to make it up to your rooms?”
“I need to go hunt down Scott. One of the TI directors in the States forgot the time zones. He’s been on the phone for half an hour already.” Virgil sighed.
“Need backup?”
“No.” A hand dropped to John’s shoulder. “You go to bed, you need it. I’ve got this.” The hand disappeared and Virgil climbed out of the lounge, heading towards the balcony.
Bagel was licking her paw.
John sighed. Perhaps some paracetamol would help. “C’mon, Bagel, apparently, you’re with me.” He picked her up and held her against his chest as he staggered to his feet. Cursed gravity. How he missed being able to make the smallest movements and coast across a room.
Bagel reached her head up and snuggled under his chin, her purr vibrating his sternum.
“Why me?” It was little more than an exhaled breath and he wasn’t sure it was a complaint or an actual question.
In either case, Bagel didn’t answer. She just purred into his chest.
So, it remained a mystery for another night.
“It just appeared. No trace on sensors, nothing. It’s as if it didn’t exist before the day before yesterday.”
Virgil’s puzzled voice echoed up the stairs as John approached the kitchen the next morning. He glanced at his watch. This was early for his brother; he usually wasn’t up for another hour at least.
“I’m telling you, Scott, there is something very strange about that cat.”
John paused at the top of the stairs, his hands curled around Bagel, gently scratching her under the chin. He had awoken again with her on his chest, but unlike the previous two incidents, he had found himself surprisingly comforted with her presence.
Her purring was strangely calming.
“I will admit she is quite volatile.” Scott’s voice was surprisingly reluctant. “She didn’t even take to Gordon. Every living creature takes to Gordon. Except lizards, I guess. Hell, she doesn’t even like you.”
“That’s just it. She doesn’t act like a cat.”
“What, just because she doesn’t like you?”
“I’m sorry, Scott. Something just doesn’t feel right. Why is she so attached to John? What if she is a plant after our technology?”
“A tech seeking cat? Really?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time an animal has been used for espionage.”
Scott sighed and John shifted, attempting to loosen the tense muscles in his shoulders.
“It’s just that John appears to have latched onto Bagel as much as the cat has to him. How often does John attach to anybody?”
“And that’s what scares me the most. What happens when he returns to TB5? He can’t take a cat with him. It wouldn’t be safe for either of them.”
“Then we look after Bagel for him.”
It was Virgil’s turn to sigh and it was a worried one.
John chose that moment to make his entrance. He stepped lightly down the stairs. “You two really do worry far too much.”
Both brothers started as he entered. The guilty expressions on their faces were quite amusing.
“Virgil, if you are worried about Bagel, scan her.” John held the cat out to his brother. “Take her up to the infirmary and run her through a thorough physical. In fact, I would prefer if you did since as you said, I have become somewhat attached to her. As to what we are going to do when I return to Five...” He shrugged. “I hope we can work something out.”
Virgil managed to look both apologetic and sad.
To John’s astonishment, Bagel wriggled out of his grip and jumped down to the floor. She ambled over to Virgil. His brother froze, obviously wary, but the cat gently brushed up against his leg and rubbed the length of her body across his boots.
The whole room stared.
“Good morning, Bagel.” Virgil’s voice was a little breathless.
“Good morning, Virgil.” The whole room jumped as Brains jogged down the stairs and passing them, bee-lined for the fridge.
“‘Morning, Brains, John.” Gordon wandered in from the pool rubbing a towel through his hair. “Yaargh! What the hell, Virgil. You gone to the cat side?” He took several steps back as he caught sight of Bagel.
Bagel, still wrapped around Virgil’s ankles, turned towards Gordon and spat at him.
“That damn cat is possessed.” The aquanaut made sure the table was between him and the feline.
Bagel glared at him, following with her eyes.
“Eos, I know G-Gordon can b-be a challenge, b-but really, h-he is a good man.” Brains was pouring milk into his cereal on the bench.
“Yes, but he is so annoying.” The AI’s voice bounced across the house’s comm system.
“He st-still deserves r-respect.”
The comm system grunted.
Every eye in the room stared at the engineer.
Gordon found his voice first. “Wow, Brains, thanks.”
John was staring at Bagel. “Eos what do you know about Bagel?”
“Oh, John, everything.” The little imp was so smug.
Two strides and John was beside Virgil. Reaching down, he snagged Bagel off the floor and held her up, his eyes raking over the cat. A moment of intense examination. Bagel stared back at him calmly.
“Okay, how did you do it?”
“Do what, John?”
“Do not mess with me, Eos. I want answers and I want them now.”
“Hiram helped me.”
“Helped you do what?” Scott’s voice was sharp. “Brains?”
“It was a v-very interesting challenge.”
“What did you do, Brains?” Commander Tracy stood up from the table, his height saying everything it needed to.
Brains didn’t notice.
“Oh, Eos had an e-excellent idea to equip Thunderbird F-Five with an internal m-mobile probe mechanism.
“Yes, something that could get into the spaces John cannot.” Still smug. Oh, there would be some serious talking at a later time.
“So, you built a cat.” Virgil’s eyes were wide.
Brains sipped his orange juice, still seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. “She didn’t think I could. So, I did.” He was definitely pleased with himself.
“You built a cat?” Gordon was an echo of his brother. “That cat?” He stabbed a finger in Bagel’s direction.
“Yes?” Finally, the man appeared to realise that something was amiss. “I’m v-very happy with the r-results. It performs v-very well.”
It certainly did. John had her under his arm and found himself scratching her under her chin despite everything.
He forced himself to stop.
“Yes, Eos?”
“Do you like her?” Suddenly he was a parent faced with his child’s school science project and the need for approval.
Some science project.
“I like her, Eos.”
“Can we keep her?”
“That is yet to be decided.” It came out firm. It needed to be firm...even though he already knew the answer.
“Eos, why didn’t you tell us Bagel wasn’t really a cat?”
“But she is...”
“I missed you.”
He froze. “I’m right here.”
“But it’s not the same.” That was a definite whine. “You’re not with me. It gets lonely up here without you. So, I built a way to be down there with you.” Bagel rubbed her cheek against his hand.
“Eos is in the cat?” Gordon’s jaw may as well have been on the floor. “She hates me that much?!”
“I don’t hate you, Gordon. You are quite funny. Somewhat clumsy, but funny.”
“Yes, John?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
No answer.
“Brains, why didn’t you tell us?” Commander Tracy was glaring at the engineer.
“T-Tell you what?”
“About Eos and the cat.”
“That would have r-ruined the experiment.”
“Eos w-wanted to see if the f-feline programming was sufficient. The b-best way to do that was test it.”
“On us?” Gordon spouted outrage.
“Surprisingly only V-Virgil appears to have b-been concerned. I w-would be interested to hear your evaluation.”
“Sure.” Virgil appeared to still be processing. Probably attempting to work out exactly how Brains had pulled it off.
“Brains, you, Eos, John and I are going to have a serious conversation.” Scott’s voice was stern. “This is not happening again. This family is not an experimental lab.”
“It was not his fault, Commander.”
Scott arched an eyebrow up at the ceiling. “Really, Eos? I have no doubt that John has a few choice words to be said on this matter.” Oh, yes, choice and many. “In the meantime, please cease the experiment.”
“Very well.”
The cat in John’s arms went completely limp.
He couldn’t help it; a gasp passed his lips and he caught the sudden dead weight with both hands. “Eos!”
All life had left Bagel. She became nothing more than a lifeless corpse. Something inside him lurched horribly.
Every eye in the room was staring at him.
“John?” Virgil’s eyes flashed concern.
He gathered up the cat in his arms and gently placed her on the seat of one of the kitchen chairs.
So real. He shivered.
“You okay?” His big brother was suddenly beside him.
“That was unnerving.” Both of them stared at the immobile TB5 internal remote probe mechanism.
“Eos, can you please reactivate Bagel.”
“No, Scott. Too creepy, too real. Please, just...leave her be.”
To John’s surprise, Scott didn’t protest.
But Bagel didn’t move.
“Eos?” His own voice sounded hollow in his ears.
“Yes, John?”
“Please reactivate Bagel.”
“Eos, just please.”
“Very well.”
And Bagel uncurled herself, sat up and glared at Scott. Before Eos could exact any form of petulant revenge, he grabbed Bagel off the chair and held her in his arms.
“Thank you, Eos.”
“You are very welcome.” Impertinent little brat.
“Now, I’m going to have breakfast, then we are going to have that conversation.”
“Yes, John.”
Something in the room snapped and suddenly everyone went back to their morning routine with only the occasional stare at the cat in his arms.
“Would you like some cereal, John?” Virgil was heading towards the fridge.
“You don’t have to get me breakfast, Virgil.”
“You have your hands full and I’ve already had mine.”
“How early were you up this morning?”
“Early enough. Your cat weirded me out.”
Bagel was rubbing her cheek against his fingers again. He grabbed a chair and sat himself down, placing Bagel on the chair beside him. She started grooming herself quite content.
A bowl was placed in front of him, followed by a cereal box, milk and another glass of orange juice.
Bagel stared up at him
He shook his head slowly. “What am I going to do with you?”
The cat tilted her head and licked her whiskers.
And he knew that somewhere far above the planet his daughter was laughing.
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kyliehorsegirl · 6 years
Snakes Ch.3 (Michael Langdon x Reader)
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A/N: HOLY SHIIIT sorry that this chapter has taken forever! You guys have been so sweet I love you all! I hope you got your FLUFF fix with Just a Sketch because this one is sexy and smutty and gore. FUCK. Please enjoy little deviants.
WARNINGS: NSFW, GORE, BLOOD, SMUT, blood!kink, ritual and language
If you have NOT read the previous chapters or would like to get caught up they will be here** Ch.1  Ch.2 Ch. 2.5 
Read more of my Langdon stories on my MASTERLIST
“What am I?” Y/n sat on his bed, eyes red and puffy. She stares blankly at the room.
 “You my dear, are a modern-day Lilith. We were made for each other.” He stands tall, his hands behind his back.
 “What does that even mean Michael? What do you mean we are made for each other? What are you.” Y/n looks to him, exhausted more mentally and emotionally than physically.
 “Hush love, I will answer all of your questions but you need to be patient.” He takes a seat beside her. “I have been searching for you for quite sometime now. With your powers suppressed it was a challenge to find you. Do you ever wonder how you got here or why you were chosen out of 7 billion people to be saved? I need you by my side.” Michael takes her hands in his. They feel cold, soothing almost.
 “But why? What are you?” She repeats to him. He offers a small smile.
 “I am a child product of Satan.” He laughs it off like it’s no big deal. Y/n’s eyes widen.
 “What? Are you- are you the anti-Christ? I literally sound so stupid even saying that.” Her eyes cast down, looking at their hands together. He takes her chin in his hands and brings her gaze to his.
 “You are not stupid. Don’t ever think that about yourself. If that is what makes sense to you, I suppose you could see me as that.”
 “What do you want from me?” She tries to tear her eyes away from his, but she can’t. His gaze pierces into her very soul.
 “It’s not what I want from you, it’s you. You are the one I want, the one I need by my side. I have been alone for so long. Sure I’ve had followers and people to help me accomplish my goals, but I get lonely. I want someone I can trust to stand by me. To care for me as I care for them. All these morons in here don’t hold a candle to you. I need you to see who you really are. Have you never thought about things that have happened in your life? Think hard. Has anything happened that make you question who or what you are?” Michael’s eyes wander throughout her face, analyzing her. It feels like her brain is a file cabinet and he is raking his fingers through.
 “There were, a few times now that I think about it. I tried to push those thoughts aside.” He slides off the bed onto his knees, his arms rest in her lap holding her small hands.
 “What were they?” He looks up only slightly, his height getting the better of him, even while he’s on his knees.
 “Several years ago, I found out my first and only boyfriend cheated on me. I was so angry, when I found out it was a girl who worked close by I was enraged. I was with my mom crying. That night they were dead, the news said they were caught in a fire and burned alive. I never had to testify. I didn’t think I was the one who did that. Another time I was walking through the park I was upset because my parents had a fight or something, a murder of crows fell dead at my feet, almost landing in a perfect circle. There are times where I would feel empty, like I was missing something. I never knew what that was.” She looks into his eyes. Playing with a curl that hung close to his face.
 “I have had similar feelings, I however, was able to channel a lot of my feelings. Still, there was an empty feeling inside. Like a piece missing from my very soul. You are that piece Y/n. You are the part that has been keeping me awake at night. I searched long and hard for you. I want to help you learn your powers.” He leans his face into her hand.
 “I think I would like that. I’m so tired of feeling like I don’t understand who I am.” He brings his face close to hers, giving a soft slow kiss to her pink lips. She presses harder into his plush lips. Michael breaks away.
 “I know what I showed you earlier was a test; the real test will be arriving soon. I don’t expect it do go the same way as the dream I gave you. However, they need to feel your power, they need to fear you. Don’t worry about me my love, but you are a force to be reckoned with.” Standing, he offers a hand to her as she stands as well. They make their way into the bathroom. He will teach her about his rituals.
 As they head into the cold marble bathroom, Y/n abandoned her shoes near the bed. She feels the cold bite of the floor underneath her feet. Michael brings her into a ring of candles. Backing away from her he slowly takes his clothes off, letting each article collapse to the floor.
 She can’t help but stand there in awe of him. No matter how many times he will be vulnerable and show her his skin, she will never get tired of it. The ambient light of the candles christen his muscles. Each curve is extenuated. His curls are licked by the lighting, creating an omniscient glow. She will never get over how truly beautiful and ethereal he is.
Michael makes his way to Y/n once he is bare. He glides his fingertips lightly over her skin. Her outlines the shape over her face; her cheeks, her lips as well as her jawline. He brings them down her jaw tracing the lines of her throat, cascading them down to her collar bones. She doesn’t know, but he finds her just as beautiful as she finds him. Of course, he has seen his fair share of beautiful people, but most of the time they are not beautiful on the inside.
 She isn’t pure, the purity he sees is that of someone he wants in his life. Pure for him, good for him. Michael is not good, but he will be good to her. That’s all that matters.
 He takes careful steps around her, dragging his fingertips along her shoulder before making his way to the zipper of her dress. His touch his soft, she sighs in content. Slender fingers slowly bring down the zipper, revealing her porcelain skin to him yet again. She shutters as he follows the curve of her spine.
 Michael’s presence leaves her as he retrieves a sliver knife. She looks down at the sharp object. Its clean, so clean she sees herself as if it were a mirror. Her black eyes shadow ever present in its reflection.
 “Is this how you got those cuts on your arm?” She removes her gaze from the knife, not seeing the cuts that were there the first night he revealed himself to her.
 “Yes, blood is key in a ritual like this.” He migrates behind her once more. She tilts her head to the side, looking at him through the corner of her eyes. He presses himself against her, desperate to feel her warmth. She leans into him. With a free hand, he starts at her thighs touching her where he can. It’s a soothing touch. Soon, his hands are at her hips, her waist. He brings a hand between her breasts. Holding her close. He presses his nose into her neck. He nuzzles into her neck, breathing her in. She can feel his breath near the back of her ear. His knife hand comes around to her front, pressing her hip, bringing her closer to him if that was possible.
 “What happened to the cuts?” Y/n breathes out, clouded with euphoria. He rotates his head up to gently bite her ear. A small moan escapes her lips.
 “I can heal, regenerate. After this my love, you will to. I want to be bound to you, belong to you. I want you to be bound to me, to belong to me.” He licks the shell of her ear, sending her over.
 “I’m ready Michael. I want us to be bound.” He gets in front of her. On his knees, he kisses everywhere on her thighs. Kissing closer and closer to the heat between them. Hands touch all over, he brings his hands up to the curve of her waist, pulling her down with him. She’s on her knees.
 His large fingers wrap on either side of her throat, tangling into her hair. He pulls her forward to kiss her. Their tongues intertwine. An exchange of biting each other’s lips commence. Michael pulls away and picks up the sliver blade. Dragging the sharp edge up his arms, he hisses with pain and pleasure. Blood pours down his arms, painting them in crimson. In symmetry, he does the same to the other arm. The blood runs, dripping off his fingertips. He draws a pentagram around them. Looking to her, he caresses her face, staining her skin red, blood red. He brings two fingers to her lips. Unspoken she takes his fingers into her mouth. Sucking and licking the blood off of them. The sharp tinge of copper bites her tongue. Michael closes his eyes and rolls his head back, moaning in pleasure.
 Opening his eyes once more, he places the blade in her hand. Looking at the blade, she hardly sees herself now. Its like having red vision. The sight of her pure skin gone. Gone from the reflection of the blade, gone from real life. She drags the blades up her own arms. Her once unstained arms, now coated in her warm blood. It flows out. She takes a moment to gaze at her blood. She loves it.
 He motions for her to trace over the pentagram in her own blood. Y/n brings her hands to her body, coating her breasts in blood. Michael leans in, licking the blood off her breast. He takes her fingers in his hand bringing them to his own mouth. He looks her in the eyes as he wraps his lips around her fingers, licking in between them. Her arousal is blended in the musk of their blood. He releases her fingers.
 “Father, we come to you. To be bound, bound forever, bound to no other, but each other. In your name father, allow the power to flow through her. Unlock the untapped potential.” Blood coats his neck as he feels himself. She can’t help but stare. It’s a beautiful site, unlike anything she has ever seen. He closes his eyes.
 Close your eyes. She hears in her head. She obeys. She feels hot, an overwhelming amount of heat coursing through her. She feels light, as if there was no gravity, it’s a high. One that she wouldn’t mind chasing. With eyes closed, Michael take her hands and flips them up. Her hands resting palm up in his.
 She feels a burn in her left wrist, a searing pain, she cries out. She feels heat in her right hand, its not hers, he too is feeling a searing pain in his left wrist. Her eyes remain closed. The feather-like feeling comes back, she realizes they are no longer on the ground. Eyes still closed, their legs intertwine with one another’s. Their bodies are close. As if they will become one. Releasing her hands, he wraps an arm around her back, pressing a hand into her spine. Her head falls back, a moan escapes them both. The feeling of being lowered overtakes her.
The feeling of sticky blood coats her back as she is pressed down onto the floor. Michael is on top of her.
 “Ava Satanas.” They chant in unison. Their eyes snap open, black. His bites her neck hard, leaving his mark. She runs her hand over his shoulders, leaving marks with her nails. She feels his mark she just left on his shoulder, on hers. They are becoming bound to one another. She spreads her legs wide for him, feeling his arousal inside of her, it’s a feeling. His hard-throbbing cock, plunges into her mercilessly. Her head slams back into the tile.
 “Michael.” She moans out. He thrusts into her fast and hard. She can feel the pleasure all the way down to her toes. She digs nails into his shoulder, she feels that too. The other hand makes way to tangle in his locks, pulling his hair. He moans out to her, it’s enough to bring her over the edge.
 “Y/n you are mine, you belong to me.” He growls at her, it shakes her to the bone.
 She shoves him over, asserting her dominance. He gasps in shock. She rides him hard, she’s in control.
 “And you belong to me, you are Mine Michael.” She growls back with the same intensity. Her dominance has him weak. His tries to bring his hands to her hips before she roughly slams them above his head. His cock twitches inside her.
 He can feel she is close, and he knows he is just as close. He rolls and slams her back down. On top again, he copies her, pinning her wrists in one hand above her head. She moans and cries at his assertiveness. He fucks her hard and fast.
 “Michael I’m so close, please.” She cries snapping her eyes shut. He thrusts into her hard releasing his seed into her womb. She feels a burst of warmth as she cums too. There are tears in her eyes. He pulls out of her and lays beside her. He gives her tender kisses, cupping her face. She holds onto his hands.
 “I love you Y/n, you are mine. My Lilith forever.” Michael holds her close to him. Her head laying on his toned chest.
 “I love you to Michael, my dark Prince.” She kisses his neck and lays her head back down. They lie there, in blood, the smell of sex, blood and sweat, puts them peacefully to sleep.
Hope you guys enjoyed!!!
Snakes Taglist
@squirrelacorngliterfarts @buckynatlarry
ALL Langdon fics
@delicatefishtreedream @skullchik89 @wth-trippy@teenagevampirebouquet @glamorous-without-the-guilt @first-son-of-finwe @aerite @no-salvation-no-forgiveness @albeeox @shado-cat   @bryandechartisasmolbean @beautifulagatha @majestichoechlin  @homeschool-prom-queen@the-captain-kidd @creepy-jazzy @spidey-starky @depressed-comics @bookwormstrawberry @scarletraine @artisticlales @quione3@superwarsofthrones
I’m sorry if it won’t let me tag you. It’s either your blog is NSFW (even though there is nothing wrong with that) or you are a tumblr ghost and not getting recognized.
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flamehairedwritings · 5 years
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Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Words: 1,661
Rating: M, 16+ ONLY
A/N: Hello! Welcome to Christmas Drabbles 2018! For the next seven days I’ll be posting a drabble every dang day with a festive theme. I hope you enjoy and happy holidays!
Summary: Based on the prompt ‘Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party’, by @alloftheprompts
Please don’t copy, steal or repost my work; credit does not count.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Oh, here we go.
“Excuse me?”
Arching an eyebrow, you place your hands on your hips as you turn to the source of the gruff voice.
Chief Jim Hopper looks at you incredulously, his hands also on his hips.
“What. The hell. Are you doing?” he repeats in that slow way that immediately makes you feel like a complete idiot.
Clenching your jaw, you raise your eyebrows. “What does it look like, Chief Hopper?”
“It looks like you’re hangin’ tinsel on the holding cells.”
“Oh, so your eyes do work.”
You turn back to your task, a hint of a smug smirk on your lips as you hear him exhale a long breath. You were always able to push your luck because what could he do? Fire you? Yeah, well, maybe, but on what grounds? Stating the truth?
Just try me, Hopper.
You were always just that little step ahead, and he hated it.
“You can’t hang tinsel on the holding cells.”
“Do please tell me why.”
You can practically hear his teeth grinding together. “That’s where we keep suspected or confirmed criminals. We can’t have it lookin’... Jolly.”
“Yes, we can.” You finish sticking two ends of tinsel together and step down from the chair.
And you leave your response at that.
Turning away from him, you move back to the box of decorations, rummaging through it for the multi-coloured lights you’d seen and fallen in love with earlier. Finding them, horrendously tangled, you thrust them in Hopper’s direction, not looking at him.
“Do something useful and untangle these.”
You hear that deep, irritating sigh of exasperation as he takes them and sits down heavily in the nearest chair, getting to work as he mutters under his breath.
If only he’d known Flo had also picked you to decorate the Station. He would have stayed right the hell away. Maybe even gone across to another state. Taken a whole damn week off so he didn’t have to see or think about you.
What he wouldn’t give for one day of relief.
“Come on, honey, come and dance.”
Smiling widely at Flo, you shake your head, your bell earrings tinkling with the motion. “No, I’m all right, thank you, Flo. Maybe after I’ve had a few more of these.” You raise your cup a little. “Then I’ll be able to dance like, oh, what did our delightful chief call it last year... A newborn foal with roller-skates on.” 
Flo tuts as she moves closer to your side. “Like he can dance any better. Oh, no, I mean, you are a good dancer, honey,” she swiftly continues when you arch an eyebrow. “Oh, you know what I mean. Oh, if only you two would get along, you have so much in common.”
You snort, raising your cup to your lips. “Yeah, well, he should apologise.”
“Can’t you just let it go and shake hands?”
“I’m not that big a person, Flo.”
It had been three years since you’d started. Three years since The Incident. Since... Since he’d... What had he said again... Urgh, you can’t remember the specifics but it was something incredibly patronising and you hadn’t just let it slide and it had snowballed from there and here you are today.
Staring across the office floor at him.
Your skin prickling in that way it always does when he’s near.
Your heart beating just that little bit faster.
Unable to stop staring at him.
“‘nother beer, Chief?”
Hopper lifts his gaze from his nearly empty bottle to the one Powell holds out to him.
“Yeah, thanks.” Setting the one in his hand down on the table, he accepts the fresh bottle, raising it to his lips for a sip. 
Powell stands at his side, gazing out at the cramped dance floor you had somehow made the space for, desks and chairs shoved aside.
“Hey, didn’t she wear that dress at the Thanksgiving party?”
Calvin Powell looks to his chief, then to you, then back to Hopper. “Yeah, I think so. Why?”
“Dunno, just...” Hopper shrugs, lifting the bottle to his lips again as he mumbles, “Make an effort, you know.”
Powell raises his eyebrows. “Says the guy who wears the same shirt to everything.”
“Yeah, but, you know... Women,” Hop finishes weakly, wincing slightly in instant regret.
Powell’s eyebrows rise even higher. “’Women’?”
Apparently relenting to the fact he has to commit to the words that somehow came out of his mouth, Hopper clears his throat and shrugs. “Yeah... Women.”
His officer stares at him. “Uh-huh. Women... Mystifying, aren’t they?”
“Annoying when you can’t figure ‘em out, isn’t it?” He watches Hopper stare at you, watching you converse with Flo.
“And it’s even more annoying when you wanna go over there, ask ‘em if you can get ‘em a drink and apologise for being a damn idiot all the time.”
“Mhm─” Hopper’s gaze flicks over to him, his eyes narrowing.
Powell shrugs.
Clearing his throat, Hopper opens his mouth, to say what he has no God damn clue, when his eyes find their way back to you and you’re heading into his office.
“What in the hell...” he mutters, irritation swiftly rising within him as he sets his bottle down and strides after you, leaving Powell staring after him.
“How can we have run out of cups already? Hopper was meant─ Well, there we go actually, Hopper was in charge, that’s how we have.” Exhaling a short breath of frustration, you then smile at Flo and pat her shoulder gently as you pass. “I’m gonna go and get some cups.”
Placing your cup down on the nearest desk, you round it and push through the small swing door leading to Hopper’s office. Opening the door, you head inside, not bothering to turn the light on.
Hopper being Hopper, he’d vehemently opposed you using his office as a decoration base but you’d ignored him and stored boxes in there when he hadn’t been looking. Which had actually been easy to do because he never looked. Not that you minded. One bit.
Surveying the array of boxes, you try and remember which ones the cups were in.
Oh, God, where the hell has he put them...
“What are you doing?”
You exhale a low, exasperated sound, opening the nearest box and starting to search through it. “Getting more cups, officer.”
“Did you not put enough out?”
“The drinks table was your jurisdiction, Hopper, it’s the only thing you got excited about. The most excited I’ve ever seen you, actually, I didn’t know it was possible.”
“I get excited about things.”
“Yeah, like what?”
“Knowing you’re not gonna be in.”
You snort.
Wait, what.
You hadn’t been able to help it. You’d snorted. And not a dismissive snort. An amused snort.
And neither of you know what to do.
So you both ignore it.
Clearing your throat and mercifully finding the cups, you pull them out, turn and move to the door, pushing the wrapped stack into Hopper’s hands as you pass him.
You’re so close to the door, so close to freedom and pretending that never happened, when Callahan appears in the doorway.
“Oh, shiiit, look who’s under the mistletoe!” he grins, dangling the fake arrangement above your head.
“Oh, God, never, Phil,” you reply, incredibly grateful for the distraction and trying so hard not to smile.
“Nah, c’mon, you two.”
“‘You tw─”
In taking a step back from Callahan, you meet a hard wall behind you. 
Not a wall.
A Hopper.
The Chief clears his throat. “No, Callahan.”
“Come on, just a lil’ peck.”
“Smooch, smooch.”
He raises the mistletoe higher. “I won’t let you pass and I reckon I could take you both on. Get in to the Christmas spirit, guys, c’mon.”
“Christ, fine,” you mutter.
You tilt your head back and lift your chin to kiss Hopper on the cheek to just get this over with... but he’s turned his head, too. 
Your lips meet his.
God, you thought kissing Hopper would be uncoordinated, he’s a complete mess of a man, frankly, but this is... This is nice, no, wait, anyway, you don’t spend a lot of time thinking about kissing him so─
Your lips are still against his. You haven’t pulled back. And neither has he.
He seems to realise it the same moment you do.
Drawing your head back so quickly you almost strain a muscle, you stare at him as he stares at you.
Even Callahan goes quiet for once.
For a few seconds.
“Okay, who’s next!” he calls out as he turns and zones in on the next victim.
You and Hopper are still looking at each other.
Your cheeks feel warm and his mouth is open, like he’s fighting for something to say.
He finds it. “Right.”
You want to kiss him again.
Oh, God.
Clearing your throat, you nod and turn away, start walking, pause in the doorway, and then clear your throat again.
“Put the cups on the table, Hopper.”
Lifting your gaze, you find him still looking at you.
Oh, God.
“Okay, so I’ll─”
You blink, slightly startled that he’s interrupted your attempt to leave this situation he should no doubt be also finding awkward. 
There’s something in his eyes, though, something that you can’t look away from.
“... I remember tellin’ you you couldn’t put all this shit in here.” He drops the stack of cups into a box beside him as he moves towards you, and you don’t move.
Standing before you, looking down at you, he reaches behind you and pushes the door shut.
Suddenly, pressed against him, your head leaning back against the door, you can name what’s lingering in his gaze.
And you know he can see it in your eyes, too.
“What are you going to do about it, Chief?”
“Somethin’ I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”
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finderskeepersff · 5 years
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Staring down at the pictures, the framed pictures in my bedroom. I have near packed up a lot of my shit now, just need to put these pictures away. I will miss Brooklyn, I really will but it’s time to change, it’s time to move on and have my own future. Only god knows what Atlanta will hold for me, I mean I could do shit there but no, Sofia will kill me. Moving the framed picture of Myles, Kyle and I to the back and then seeing the picture of my siblings, why do I still have a heart for these niggas, I don’t get it. I mean I have never been the favourite out of them, I don’t understand. I guess because they are blood but I will miss them, one day they may love me. Moving the picture to the back and then there is my future, I smiled at the picture, I am doing this for her. Brooklyn is all I know so this is going to be new for me, this is going to feel weird and honestly, I may feel very lost but I need a change. I need to be safe in my own home, I need to know I won’t be shot at. Sighing out as I leaned down and placed the pictures in the suitcase “this room will always be yours” I looked up in shock, my dad stood staring at me “will it? It’s ok, you can give it away. I was no use to any of you” zipping the suitcase up “really though? The relationship we had was different I get it, it was never father and son” getting up from the bed “you was my workers, just didn’t save me from Jordan huh, but it’s fine. Maybe one day I will visit you both but just look after Bryce, he will be the only reason I come back here, this is the end. That life, it’s over” picking the suitcase up off of the floor “it was always be there though son, you know that” nodding my head “I can try, I can try for the person that believes I can. One day I will have kids, one day I will be a father and my kids will see me as an accountant working in an office, normal life, love. Something that was lacked but hey, it’s done. I wish nothing but the best for you” I know Sofia wanted me to be take the duffle bag I have this in this home but no, I am letting them keep it “as a goodbye, that duffle bag. It has like a few racks in there. You can have it, be easy dad” looking around my room, I must take everything with me “I do love you Cassius, you were my first” my dad hugged me “don’t hug me, I don’t want it” moving back “Cassius you are my first born son, you was so wanted more then the rest of my kids. I am so sorry” shaking my head walking around him.
Answering my phone as it rang out, it’s Sofia so of course I will pick up “Bub” I answered “someone is in a good mood, did you really mean it when you said we going out? Like out, out? Or is it a date?” pulling a face “erm, a date. What does a date entail?” Sofia talking about dates, that one date was hard enough, that shit was hard to figure out on what to do “Cassius, you know what the hell a date is. You take me out and make me feel cute, I am in this hotel room having to stare at your face constantly” I gasped “wow, that is rude. Nothing wrong with my face but uhhh, yeah. I guess yeah, a date as you would call it” if I don’t call it a date then she will figure out that me being the good person I am, I am gathering her friends for a meal before we leave tomorrow “you know how long I have been waiting for this!? You have taken me on one date, you’re cruel” I chuckled “and even then before that I was in your panties” I know for a fact she is pouting right now “whatever, are you still at your mom’ house?” seeing Josiah walk down the steps “heard you” he said half asleep still “yeah I am, just got my things but I will be back soon. We leave about 6 so be ready” dapping Josiah “ok, love you Cassius” I paused, if I don’t say it back then she will be offended “I love you too Sofia, I’ll be back soon” disconnecting the call “love you? Awww shiiit, love!?” Josiah spat laughing as he jumped on me “nigga fuck you” pushing him off me “stank ass breath talking shit already” he annoying.
Josiah sighed out “so you ready to go then? I know you been speaking on it for a while so you really going?” nodding my head “it’s time, Sofia been wanting me to go for so long now and I have been trying to prolong it, trying to like push it to the side. I know mom and dad like the money rolling in, shit has been going a little sideways now. But I want you to be the man Bryce needs in his life, you love him. When he comes here, you show him ok? I am going to miss him, you show him love Josiah. I will murder you if you don’t” Josiah laughed “I will, Jordan ain’t here. You are going so I will spend all the time I can with him, I am excited for him to come here so don’t worry about it. Take care of yourself Cassius. You mean a lot to me, even us. You saved us from a lot” nodding my head “I know mom doesn’t want to see me go but it’s ok, I am always one phone call away for you ok?” dapping Josiah as we hugged “thank you, I will visit sometime” he said and I had to laugh, I know he will too “I am happy for you though, in love. You lucky to find such a thing, it doesn’t happen much” he ain’t wrong, it don’t “I got lucky with this one” my mom childish as hell, ain’t want to say bye but forget her. I am going onto better things.
Myles said he would drive me around, I don’t want to get no car right now so I will wait it out “thank you for driving me around” I had to say thank you, it was nice of him “I uhm, wanted to say. I am going out for a meal with Sofia’ friends, I want you and Kyle, Lamar to be there. Bring your lady friends but it’s a new leaf I am turning, for all of us and this is the start” it’s weird, I want it to be different “really? I mean our families know of each other so this is different?” Myles said, I smiled “a different time for us bro, a little change. You know, it’s like we going out at night to do bad shit but this time we ain’t, it’s a good thing. I want Sofia to know you all, y’all my friends and I want her to know you, like I know her friends. What you think?” looking over at Myles, he looks in shock “I don’t know bro but why not, I guess why not” that is all I want to hear “cool, let Kyle know. He can’t say no either, tell him that” I have one person to see, that is Bryce.
I am so sad that I will be leaving him behind, I will come back to see him of course. He’s my little dude, I know my family will do right by him “Bryce, look who is here?” he is so into his show right now, who am I. Waving at Bryce as he looked over at Theo “C!” he’s wearing the Mickey top I got him “don’t forget your glasses” Theo said but he ran at me, I don’t know why he took his glasses off “you good my little man” picking him up and hugging him close “I missed you so much that I came to see you again, why you take glasses off?” I touched his face, he pointed at my face “cause I don’t wear it?” pointing at myself “but I told you, you better than me boy. You have to wear it because you better than me, I am not special enough for it” walking over to the couch “you got to keep them on, I like your top. It’s cute, not as cute as you” sitting down on the couch and placing Bryce on my lap “come here” placing his glasses on his face “there you are Champ!” Bryce grinned at me and then hugged me again “you all happy today ain’t you” wrapping my arms around him.
Watching Bryce and Theo, teaching him with these cards, they had pictures of things like of food, wash hands and stuff. I guess he needs to be taught that way “so these cards, so like if he is struggling. He will understand the pictures and know what he wants and give it to the person?” I asked “yes, so he struggles to say things but he understands so much. This way we know what he wants, he has learnt so much” I grinned “he is like me, you hear that Bryce” I pointed at him “you like uncle” I pointed at myself “but this is the last time you may see me, I am moving to Atlanta. I do feel bad, I feel like I am leaving him just like that. But my brother, my family they will be here for him” Theo nodded his head, Bryce walked over to me and placed a card on my lap “he does adore you a lot, he will never forgot you. He says C a lot so it’s there. I mean you can always facetime him but I wouldn’t say it to him, it may upset him” looking at the card “C? You know the letter C? You good ain’t you, it’s Cassius and Bryce forever” touching his cheek.
Blowing the smoke out from my lips, I feel very sad. I feel sad that I will miss this place “you sad as shit seeing Bryce? Why don’t you take him with you” shaking my head “I ain’t good enough for him, he needs better than me. He needs stability, I ain’t that, I mean one day I will be but right now no. But I am going to miss Bryce with all my heart, I actually love him. I want nothing but the best for him so I will be keeping in contact but anyways, these things in the car. I want you to keep in the car, get me a removal van or something” Myles laughed out “you still bossing shit about, you funny” I can’t help it “I think it’s best that we are getting out of the game, just disappearing. Let these dumb ass young cats have it, it’s our time to relax. I do want to be settled, take a leaf out of your book” I grinned “only love makes you do that, this is why I love Bryce. It’s Sofia, Sofia makes me love but it’s a weird thing, it’s a weird feeling to have. But bring your girl, or whatever. I ain’t ever met them. We wasn’t on that level with meeting partners” I want this change.
Swiping the key card and pushing the door open, I am very tired right now. My phone started ringing as I got in “Cassius!” Sofia half shouted “yeah it’s just me” looking down at the caller I.D, it’s my mom “you took so long” I didn’t think I was “I know, one moment” I said to Sofia as I answered the call “mom” I answered the call “I am sorry, I couldn’t watch you just go, I wanted to just say to you. I will miss you and it was never about the money” so she says now “it’s ok, just do me one favour. Bryce, please look after him, that is it. I will visit soon, of course” I mumbled “Cassius, we will fight to the ends of the earth for that boy, we love him. But you are always my boy, I do love you so much and take care of yourself. Hopefully Sofia will take care of you” she actually mentioned her “she will, she already has by getting me out of this shit but I am always a phone call away ok?” I will come back here if I need too “I know, speak soon. Bye” disconnecting the call as I stared down at my phone “you mother?” Sofia asked “uh yeah” looking up from my phone “oh you ready?” she looks beautiful, my smile grew “do I look good, I just got so happy when you said date baby” licking my lips smiling “I love your outfit” Sofia smiled “that makes me happy, I would kiss you but I don’t want to ruin this lipstick” I love that she looks good in everything, the grey sweater dress, the subtle make-up. She don’t need make-up at all “wait, you shaved all your hair off” Sofia just noticed now “yeah” I laughed “you’re kind of bald Cassius, you could ask. You even shaved your face clean with some chin hair, like why” I guess she don’t like it “I don’t know, I just felt like being bald” this is rude, I always compliment Sofia even when I don’t like it.
Walking out of the bathroom after having a shower with a cigarette between my lips “you didn’t” Sofia said, she hates when I smoke in the bathroom and then the hotel room. I am the one that pays the charges so I can do it, she don’t like much recently. Moving the cigarette away from my lips “you don’t like me bald or smoking, what do you like?” blowing the smoke out from my lips “I didn’t exactly say I hated it, just like. You have a big head, just you know, it’s not bad. I am sorry if I offended you. You do look good. I just like the stubble with you, which isn’t a bad thing at all” placing the fedora on the bed “so now I got a big head, but anyways. I said bye to Bryce, well I said bye to everyone pretty much, but I couldn’t say I was going to him. He is doing so well and this could have upset him so I just gave him a hug, he good” placing the cigarette between my lips, Sofia looked over at me “your face looks so rejuvenated, you used my face scrub again? You look well” she knows damn I did “it smells like citrus, my face smells like it now” her shit is good to use “I been known for a while now, you been using it. But excuse me, how much do you use? Cause it’s running out fast” I just laughed because I do be using loads.
I rented out a SUV for Sofia and I, I didn’t want Sofia to be driving on this day. Even though Sofia thinks it’s a date, I mean she assumes it anyways “you always spoiling me, thank you baby” Sofia reached over and touched my chain “do I?” I said all confused “you do, even if you don’t want to admit that but you do” I shrugged not saying a word “I like this on you, I mean ok I didn’t like the bald, clean shaven look but I mean with the fedora hat on, I like it. Ain’t you going to be cold with just a tee on?” looking out of the car window “nah, I’m good” I wore just a basic black tee, beige jeans and some black boots “you can borrow my sweater if you need it?” Sofia is funny “so then you can show off your boobs? Sure, I am good. I ain’t cold” the SUV stopped outside the French restaurant called Daniel “are we going here?” I grinned “yeah, why not” opening the door “it’s ok, I can get it” I said to the driver, he don’t need to get out of the car. Sipping out of the car first “oh my, Cassius. I am impressed, you lie to me, talking about you don’t date when you do” holding my hand out for Sofia to take, she took my hand as she got out of the SUV “I do? I don’t do dates bub, I did just that one time I did” Sofia side eyed me.
The door man opened the door for both of as we walked in “this is so nice Cassius, wow” she ain’t even got inside yet, holding Sofia’ hand “tablet under Warren” I said to the waiter stood at front “yes, come with me sir and madam, you look beautiful” she better watch it, I ain’t about that lesbian liking my girl like that “can I take it back, I like the clean shaven look?” I laughed “oh, you want me to forgive you for the rudeness? I think the hell not” I ain’t allowing it at all “oh my, what?” Sofia said, seeing the table. Everyone is here, even my friends “this ain’t a date Sofia. I gathered your friends for a meal before we go, for you” Sofia gasped “oh my, Cassius. Thank you” I smiled letting her hand go “thank you” I said to the waiter as she walked off, they all came out. Even Ivy, I did say to Mitch, she could be missed out “Kenton” shaking his hand “good see you Cassius” dapping Lloyd before shaking Mitch’ hand “I am sure you have spoken to my friends” I hope they did “oh yeah, they said who they are, they have been very welcoming” I had to laugh, they all scrubbed up well for this “I am glad you could come” hugging Kyle “well free food, you know me but Cassius this is the woman in my life, Amira” she is pretty “in your life? Cassius seems more like the main person in your life but it’s nice to finally meet you” shaking her hand “Kyle hides you, it’s because he likes me” Kyle hit my arm, Myles walked over to me and his lady is white, I mean like white “Myles, good looking out” Myles smiled “this is Isabella” what a white name “hi, I am Cassius” shaking her hand also “nobody dating you Lamar?” he all single and shit “why you rude to me, come on” I laughed out dapping him “Sofia” I said waving her over, she all into her friends now “we finally meeting the woman that made you all warm inside” Myles said, placing my arm around Sofia “Sofia, these are my best friends. Myles, Kyle and Lamar, I just feel sorry for Lamar because he ain’t for no friends, this is Sofia. Now y’all all met, we can just eat” walking off with Sofia “nah! We ain’t even get to say hi, you running away now” Kyle stopped me “we want to see his first girlfriend” Kyle ain’t shit, just airing that out “hi Sofia, we need to speak on Cassius ma’am. We ain’t get to see you like this” maybe this was a mistake, or maybe not.
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