#ship of theses
What's your opinion on the ship of theses problem?
okay im not sure if this is completely unrealated to the latest amelia episode or not BUT im still gonna reference it and use it to explain because im bad at words
(for context: kozlovski, mia, and [name idk] were talking about how the body replaces frequently (also tatoos disappearing but thats unrelated)
But then... I mean... Am I even still the same person as... as say thirteen year old Jackie who tried to fake her own death?
An interesting question. What do you think?
Well... no. Because every part of me is new.
Yeah, but it's still Jackie!
Is it?
Now let us say a man robs a bank.
Then he waits until all of his cells have renewed. He is now an entirely different man! Do you absolve him from responsibility?
Of course not!
But this man does not share a single atom with the man who robbed the bank.
Who cares about his body, it's his intent that counts! Right?
Jackie, if you think of yourself as the lump of matter you inhabit, then you are, literally, never you. Because the matter is constantly changing.
So who am I?
Another excellent question. And one to which there are many answers. I would say... you are your memories.
this sums up my opinion on the matter really well
basically, you are ur memories
if you remember when you were 15 then you are the same person
if you lose your memory you arent you till u get it back if ever
if the ship is fully replaced but slowly, but it was never burned or broken and nothing massively changing happened, its still the same ship
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weinzapfel · 6 months
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
The Princess' Dolls
After Danny has ascended to the throne of the ghost king, something goes wrong with his clone Ellie. Her form destabilizes again, and when they stabilize her, she's physically only five or six years old.
Danny takes to watching her, but looking after a half ghost child is a lot harder than it looks, especially when Ellie learns duplication but can't seem to figure out how to undo it for hours on end, and each clone gets bored really fast. To counter this, Danny makes Ellie a set of dolls, all modeled after the Justice League and various related figures. He even uses a special enchantment he learned to make sure the dolls stay intact no matter what Ellie puts them through.
Ellie loves the dolls and she and her clones have a tendency to put together large productions using them, ranging from superhero fights to sitcom stories to fairy tales to a few 'things' Ellie remembered reading online before she was de aged.
Meanwhile, almost every single Justice League member has been noticing some oddities as of late. They can hear voices from no where, they feel like something is touching them when there is nothing, their muscles sometimes spasm without cause. And, on occasion, they find themselves sleepwalking as they dream of a giant telling a story.
No one brings this to the attention of the other members until several members get knocked out on a mission, only for their unconscious forms to start acting out a play.
(Or Danny accidentally makes several Justice League Voodoo dolls and a young Ellie keeps playing with them)
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aramisath · 1 month
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Theses two guys are my everything !
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hauntingofhouses · 5 months
yeah taimizu IS toxic and off putting actually ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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yeetdasweet · 11 months
I'm sane
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rayes-rain · 6 months
Fans who dunk on kataang as a ship because Katara was written flatly post OG series really grind my gears. As if her marrying Aang and having a family with him was the root cause of the LoK writers sidelining her when her peers still got to be way more invloved in the story.
I will be the first to admit that Katara's initial goals and characterization got quite lost post OG series. In a way, she was only reduced to a healer and her accomplishments outside of mothering children with Aang and banning bloodbending are not shared with the audience. For the first season of LoK, I think this is fine. This is not Katara's story anymore and her speech to Korra at the beginning of the season is her passing the torch to the next Avatar to have her own adventures. Katara at that point is basically a nice cameo. We're not supposed to think that this sliver of her life which Korra sees is all that's important about her.
This does not hold water in future seasons when it's revealed that Toph and Zuko are still alive and both have more active roles in the plot, whereas Katara did not have an active role in plot lines she should have been more involved with (water tribe civil war, for example). To some fans, this reduces the little that we do see of Katara's character in LoK to only being those parts, rather than just pieces of a more realized elder from the perspective of someone younger (Korra) who doesn't know her whole story.
The way that people blame her marrying Aang on the way her overall character was handled is so baffling to me. Do these fans honestly think she would have escaped that fate for certain if she had married Zuko or someone else, or stayed single?
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itsvae10 · 2 months
National girlfriend’s day!!!
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Be happy :)
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smallishheadcanons · 6 months
Joel is heterosexual but he has had a select few qprs !!
Most notably (unsurprisingly) with Etho, Jimmy and Grian. There was potential for one with Scar but.. we saw how that went </3
-🐌 (I erm find it very hard to actually think of my headcanons bc they just exist in my brain iykwim??? HFJKG)
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workwaffle · 6 months
Is it still considered hating a ship if you view the ship in a, "This is a disaster that cannot work because of the characters' fundamentals" but still enjoy reading and/or writing about the ship in a dramatic, tragic manner? Like, I enjoy it when it's doomed and there are better pairings?
Yes, this is about eNVy. I don't think it's appropriate to say I hate the ship. I'm fine in principle with fics that have it, and I'll happily admit some of its fan-art is quite nice. It's just that I enjoy it from a different angle of "There might be a spark, but they're fundamentally incompatible in their current form. And that the shift in characters needed to allow it is deep in the realm of fantasy."
This all might be down to me being new to shipping discourse. Perhaps I am wrong about this whole thing, and I'm on an Advanced Level of Hate. Whatever the case, I don't want this to be taken as me attacking folks that do like the ship in a more traditional "I want this to be the case in the show" manner. Robo-lord knows there's enough toxicity in the fandom and I would rather not contribute to that; there is room enough for all of us here.
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air-of-the-waterfall · 8 months
WHERE is Sievarden why is she barely in Ancillary Sword at all yet 😭
Watching Breq grieve her ancillaries and the companionship and comfort and touch they provided her, now being just one person so touch starved and heartbroken and stressed after tearing open her old wounds and remembering loving Awn and feeling that horror all over again… while also knowing full well how horrifying her past actions were and confronting that she’ll never be the same…
WHERE is Sievarden when you need her??
Also, the scene where Sievarden blatantly asks if Breq could hypothetically fuck her and Breq’s just like “I can but I won’t lol bye.” And then Sievarden with Ekalu instead just going “I would if she wanted me to” while KNOWING that Breq can hear everything onboard MoK is the funniest thing.
Please (well don’t actually spoil) tell me these two end up wrapped up in each other’s arms and holding on for dear life again
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 9 months
if i see one more person say that the aventurine & ratio ship is just the haikvh of hsr i think i will go absolutely nuclear w/ the block button
i have no opinion on aventurine x ratio because THEY ARENT EVEN OUT YET. THEY HAVE NOT MET IN CANON YET but god if they get the haikvh treatment im gonna mald. i cannot stand the ship at all which sucks because i LOVE kaveh & al haitham as characters but i literally cannot go into the characters tags because theres nothing there since i have the ship tags blocked.
its so frustrating to see people make expectations on characters backstories and interpersonal relationships before actual canon comes out. ive seen this happen so many times and i lived through the webttore twt fallout. speculation and being excited for a character is great and fine but youre setting yourself up for failure if the character you created in your head doesnt live up to the actual canon character then your initial excitement and joy is just. gone :(
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mydarlingbat · 1 year
Was that what it was like to internalize an enemy so deeply that when the enemy was gone. You kept him alive? Batman knew he didn't have the leisure to chase the Joker's ghost around the inside of his own head. He had to stay focused.
Batman Arkham knight _ Riddler's gambit novel.
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olgipolgi · 1 year
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jakey-beefed-it · 1 year
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Got a bit into Stormblood. I got a bit excited early on because I’ve decided my character is from Ala Mhigo (exhibit A: he is brown) and we’re here to liberate it! Got a new outfit for the occasion and equipped the ‘Liberator’ title. Only uhh. Well. The writing isn’t... doing them any favors.
They’ve built up a lot of goodwill from Heavensward so I’m gonna... I’m just gonna keep on rolling along despite the writing taking a marked downturn for the most part. The villain’s introduction was hammy and a bit camp and he clearly subscribes to Warhammer 40k rules of ‘bigger character, bigger pauldrons, Obvious Leader Material for his fascist empire’. He’s kinda fun and I get what they’re doing by making him an insurmountable threat in Act 1. He is rather silly though in several ways that I’m not sure really fit, tonally, for what they’re going for. I know a lot of people here like him a lot so I won’t say anything too critical of him but uhhh... giving him a golf bag full of swords was. A choice.
But let’s be positive. Things I like so far: Lyse and character development thereof, the main character canonically having the chance to refer to Alphinaud as ‘Alphy’ (even though I didn’t take that dialogue option for other reasons), the music and voice acting remains good.
Anyhow this was mostly an excuse to show off my fun new oufit that leans into the early dieselpunk look a bit for my whole magitek gunbreaker thing i got goin’ on. Kept the cowboy boots, though. :V
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explorersaremadeofhope · 10 months
given the whole [gestures vaguely] of social media lately, i have decided to pretend like it's 2012 still, and try to go back to my roots.
ye olde dreamwidth
if you're in either place, please add me if you want to! i'm still trying to locate fandoms, active communities, etc etc over there because my feeds are pretty dead.
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