#ship: take me to church
wyndford-dekarios · 6 months
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illmetbymoonlight · 4 months
The Man From Rome / La Piel Del Tambor / The Seville Communion
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amethystamaranth · 6 months
okay but who else has discovered their fav songs from fandom?? Be it amvs, fic titles on ao3, or just posts saying that "omg this song is so (insert ship)"
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moraent-keys · 3 months
I need to see more Hozier on appleradio playlists immediately- yall are missing such a good opportunity
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lxvenderjewel · 5 months
song/ship analyses part 3: aziracrow and "take me to church" by hozier
this is low hanging fruit I KNOW but my friend needed a more obvious explanation so:
"My lover's got humor
She's the giggle at a funeral" is def a line you could use about crowley don't even lie
"Knows everybody's disapproval" crowley is literally an enemy twice he falls from heaven then goes against hell NOBODY LIKES HIM except for az
"If the Heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece"
can be about both crowley and az BECAUSE
if it's az ab crowley it's saying that heaven has become corrupt just blindly following whatever the metabitch tells them to do however crowley though he doesn't like being called out on it is a gen kind person who cares ab the lives of innocents and will do anything to protect ppl he cares about and doesn't god want people to "love thy neighbor" and shit?
if it's crowley ab az it's saying that az remains the only angel untouched by the metabitch (well until s2e6) where he genuinely tries to do good unlike the rest of heaven who are okay with mass genocide if it means they win against hell, az actually cares about the many innocent lives lost
""We were born sick", you heard them say it" is kind of a reference to the metabitch insinuating that crowley was bound to fall bc of his curious nature
"Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies" is DEF an az lyric do i NEED to explain this even. it’s ab heaven and how he worships it no matter how much it’s hurt him. be REAL
"Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life" absolutely a lyric ab crowley and his devotion to az
"Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny" for az? crowley WOULD
"Something meaty for the main course" crowley is the one who firsts tempts az into eating. what does he eat? an ox. something MEATY
"No masters or kings when the ritual begins" honestly like if you substitute ritual for literally anything non-human crow and az do this is literally just a description. there arent any archangels or princes of hell its just the two of them. i think this esp applies to when they do a miracle tg to hide jimbriel from the angels/demons
"There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin" BE SO REAL DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN????
"In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am human
Only then I am clean" this is def like. their mindset in s1 and i think they wish they were human because being human is lik you get to experience the joys of life and the thrill and eventually like you die but everything is ever changing but for two immortals theyll always be here and while thats great its like. you know?
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no more ship dynamics for our OCs just choose a Hozier song to build the relationship around and take it from there
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djungleskogs · 29 days
#OK I NEED TO STOP engaging with 911 ship wars but i have ONE MORE THING to say (probably lying)#i think it’s genuinely concerning how many people believe a ship has to have years of emotional connection before you’re allowed to ship it#like. imo you should be allowed to ship characters for any reason#crackships and rarepairs exist for a reason#secondly and probably more importantly#i think it’s really weird how many people are uncomfortable with the idea of gay sex#not in general but like#people were saying they were uncomfortable and weirded out because#an actor vaguely insinuated that the fictional character he plays would enjoy having gay sex with his partner#like people were calling him a freak#I THINK THATS WEIRD AND CONCERNING#it’s giving ‘my ship doesn’t have sex they make love while holding hands’#i think it ties into the first point#relationships are allowed to be built off attraction#you don’t need years and years of bonding for your relationship to be valid#and i think the visceral reaction against bucktommy because they’re not besties who share a kid is borderline homophobic#like there are plenty of valid reasons to dislike tommy and bucktommy like tommys previous behaviour#but being sooo against a ship based on the fact that there wasn’t enough ‘build up’ and that they don’t have a deep emotional bond#weird#and i don’t think it’s fetishisation to enjoy a canon couple im sorry that’s just a fucking crazy take#like it’s insane to me that apparently enjoying a gay ship is fetishisation unless it meets certain ‘emotional bonding’ criteria#also bathena is one of the most beloved ships on the show and their ‘build up’ was one date and a church hangout#and no one claims that they’re rushed and underdeveloped and that’s why one of them should be written off the show#like i said i think there’s a lot of valid reasons to dislike the ship (even if i do enjoy it)#but some of the arguments i’ve seen are just weird and i think you guys need to look at why it makes you uncomfortable#engage with other fandoms with more diverse ships and maybe you’ll calm down a little#911 discourse#for clarity the tumblr fandom seems to be okay but 911twt is an actual hell scape
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crazy-maracuya · 2 months
The Da Vinci code is a comedy to me. My guy, all the points of Jesus affection where going towards John (beloved, the guy in the painting), but bc that's not straight you made the theory that it was not John but Mary M. My guy. How do you erase a gay ship you yourself made my guy—
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martianbugsbunny · 4 months
Two seconds into this Ambrollins video I had already lost my shit it slays
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spacestationstorybook · 3 months
Light Em Up, The Mighty Fall, and Rat a Tat with Rainbow Dash!!! 🖤
HI TYYYY <3 i love. Her
2: "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)" - What’s one item that your f/o and/or you/your s/i has that has a lot of sentimental value? Now, what would be both of your reactions if it was destroyed/ruined? hm i think for both of them it would be items from their childhood...dash isn't huge on the concept of physical stuff. which isn't to say she doesn't Have a lot of stuff but most of it's just junk she hasn't gotten around to getting rid of yet. i think the first trophy she ever won would have significant sentimental value for her though. it reminds her of how much winning means to her and how good it feels. if it got broken or destroyed she probably would try to play it off like it wasn't a big deal but internally be pretty upset about it and might close herself off for a little bit while she dealt with it.‏‏‎ ‎astral‏‏‎ ‎keeps detailed notes on all the spells they've managed to successfully complete and any alterations they've made to them, if any, and the first journal they started keeping when they were a foal is probably one of their most important possessions, since it has the edited spell they got their cutie‏‏‎ ‎mark‏‏‎ ‎for inside it. they don't have a photographic memory like other magically talented unicorns we've seen, so losing that book or having it destroyed would be literally losing knowledge on top of losing something sentimental, and they'd freak out a Lot. way more so if it was intentionally damaged or damaged in some kind of easily avoidable way, and it would probably be close to the angriest they could ever get.
6: "The Mighty Fall" - If you were both asked for relationship advice from your experience together as one, what would it be? probably the number one thing that both of them have learned from each other is that everyone needs reassurance, some more than others, but just because they don't show it openly or aren't good at asking for it doesn't mean they don't need it.‏‏‎ ‎astral‏‏‎ ‎was obviously incredibly nervous about dating someone as high profile and impressive as dash and was in total disbelief about the fact that she actually liked them at the start of their relationship, so dash needs to remind them a lot that they are worthy of love. i also hc‏‏‎ ‎dashie‏‏‎ ‎as being a tad bit commitmentphobic pre-astral‏‏‎ ‎and maybe someone who feels like she's not cut out for serious relationships in general, and despite her toughie posturing does tend to get insecure and only feels comfortable sharing that vulnerability with those she's really close to.
10: "Rat a Tat" - If your f/o could tell their past self from a time before they started dating you one thing or give them advice, what would it be? Would it be related to your relationship or something else entirely? probably related to the above tbh...i think she was afraid that being in a relationship would mean that her partner would a) try to change her into someone she's not or b) she would accidentally hurt them and just confirm for herself that she's bad at relationships and they're not worth the hassle. so i think her advice to her past self would be to CHILL OUT ABOUT IT GIRL!!! (also depending on how far back you go she'd want to tell her past self she becomes‏‏‎ ‎a wonderbolt‏‏‎ ‎<3)
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hotdyke-hardstyle · 2 years
people will really ship a canon lesbian with the man who caused her death and then dragged her dead body and memory around for 500 years, doing everything that she was the antithesis of just to bring her back.
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wyndford-dekarios · 7 months
...thinking of reynauld.
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illmetbymoonlight · 4 months
The Man From Rome / La Piel Del Tambor / The Seville Communion
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This version of Lilith about link or some shit
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freckleslikestars · 11 months
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Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good luck.
DOCTOR WHO 3.10 | Blink
#doctor who#dw gifs#doctor who gifs#doctor who blink#Sally Shipton: the ship that never sailed#I was watching the time of angels/flesh and stone the other day and it made me so fucking angry because they did the angels so fucking dirt#and like okay they're alright episodes but the one thing that really pisses me off is the way they show the angels moving#like...the beauty of Blink is that you never see the angels moving you just see that they have moved#and that means that as the viewer you also feel responsible for not blinking - it doesn't move when you're watching the screen#and it really brings you into the episode - it makes it feel so much more real#to the point where it terrified me as a kid - I'd spend the whole episode with my eyes wide open because I was terrified that if I blinked#the angels would win#and because I didn't blink they didn't win#and then we have flesh and stone and we see the angels move and it just...ugh it takes you out of it. Like. There are so many ways they#could have done it without showing the angels move - just focus on amy's face and have the grinding sounds of stone would be the easiest#but they showed the angels moving and I hate it I hate it I hate it#as context Blink and Smith and Jones were the only episodes of Doctor Who we had on DVD as a kid because they were given out with the Radio#Times or the Daily Mail or something back in the day when they'd send TV episodes out with the news papers#and I remember going to the news agent's after church on the weeks those were available and buying the news paper that week#little seven year old me unable to actually see over the counter#I can't remember why I didn't get the rest but I got those two#and because they were the only ones I had and this was in the days before iplayer (it was launched December 2007) and then because I didn't#have access to a computer to watch stuff online#I just watched those two episodes on repeat#and so they became my favourite episodes by default#but also Blink stands up to the test of time#life is short and you are hot#every single line is a banger and sally sparrow and billy shipton is the greatest ship that never shipped in the world fight me#my gifs
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somanyshipsstuff · 2 years
Watch "Wilhelm & Simon | their story [s1-s2]" on YouTube
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katyspersonal · 11 months
Please share some fluffy headcanons about Brador and Laurence! 🥺 like that cute fanart you did.
I love this ship so much, you don't understand...
🩸 Laurence is 5'2'' (157 cm) and Brador is 6'1'' (185 cm). That's it, that's the headcanon. xd Big height difference kills me..... But also, sometimes Brador would lift up and hold Laurence when he is not tall enough to look in the eyes to whoever he is having a sass battle with ;-; xDDD (Also please validate my heights headcanons post ( x ). Initially he was gonna be 5'0'', but my friend said it was impossible to take seriously, so I had to elongate him a bit hdhfhdsfd)
🔒 Brador is apologizing and enabling Laurence to a, perhaps, unhealthy degree. He believes that everyone should know their place in this world, but for him Laurence is MEANT to shape history and do great things. He trusts in his methods and end goals completely, and will "stay by his cancelled boyfriend's side" no matter what Laurence does. Hell- If someone manages to interest Brador past Laurence being gone, liking Laurence will be the demand for dating Brador. You can't forgive some of the shit he did "for the betterment of humanity"? SHRUUUUGGG.
🩸 Okay, okay, sorry for going the dark side when we are talking specifically about 'fluffy' things. That's just how Brador is. xd But yes, he will often follow Laurence like a shadow, stand near him and scare anyone that tries to argue with Laurence with his glare. In fact, most people do not even know he is an assassin, simply assuming he is one of the most frequently seen bodyguards of Laurence. You've also seen that I give Brador a big cool cape in the era before he got the cleric beast hyde, but Brador will often try to get Laurence under his cape in an attempt to keep him even 'more' warm and safe- especially when they are walking on a chilly day. It embarrasses Laurence a little, being seen on public coddled by his "servant" (as far as society is aware) like that. He is the high-ranking holy figure! But he never denies Brador in doing this.
🔒 In the case of other displays of reverence/affection/both on public, like kissing his hand, complimenting him a bit too much, fixing his hair and kissing his forehead afterwards, etc Laurence is not really shy. On the contrary - if some people DO give the 'hmmm is that appropriate for the holy figure and some gremlin that just body guards him tho?' look, Laurence will simply smugly comment that they should watch this and learn how he SHOULD be treated xd
🩸 When Laurence is feeling tense, nervous, guilty or straight up scared (yes, shockingly, that can happen), and Brador is near - he will hold his hand tight, often not even realising it. It makes Brador melt, though, no matter what situation prompted that.
🔒 There would actually be a long period of Laurence not even realizing Brador's true feelings towards him, thinking that they are just close friends and Brador's constant gestures of affection, gifts, kisses, protectiveness etc were just a normal thing. Me and Val are joking that he is blind to all this, yet when Ludwig as much as distracts for like 2 seconds from his precious sword to look at him - that toooootally means he's secretly in love for him dsfhhfds There is a lot of humour we both added about this ship, but on a more serious note, you could tell that Laurence has been taking Brador for granted...? Brador would have to actually step over his passive, obedient simping and get assertive just once, to make Laurence reflect on their past and UNDERSTAND already. He'd feel guilty for it, but it would actually be worth it... When Laurence would be forced to reflect on their past, it would hit him how loyal, trustworthy and unwavering Brador has been, how many things they've shared, and he would just.. Figure out maybe he loves him too? Maybe suddenly developing feelings based on how much a person loves him and how much he did for him, rather than on who he 'is' is a bit questionable, but the way Kris put such things - "how much person is willing to do for someone they love can also indicate their personality, so it is not the shallow attraction that you assume it is" ...maybe? And in any case, they would be happy together regardless, and this is what counts.
🩸 They were hugging and kissing even before actual relationship, though! Simply because Laurence did not even know how to kiss and had no partner before Byrgenwerth era (ie before meeting Brador that was around there).. so he asked Brador to assist him in practising how to do that as a close friend.
🔒 Laurence often sits on Brador's lap, while they're looking through documents, reports etc together and discuss them.
🩸 @val-of-the-north mentioned that already, but we decided that in the Nightmare, Brador projects his phantom near Laurence's beast to "talk" to him ( x ), tricking himself into thinking that Laurence still can understand his words. It is bittersweet, yeah. Also, if whatever curious hunter closing in on Church's secrets happens to have hair or eyes similar to Laurence's when he was a human, Brador will actually sob and hold his victim with varying levels of talking detached from reality - from asking to just 'let him have it a bit longer' to straight up saying 'I thought I've lost you forever'. Before inevitably killing them, that's it, but he is depressed as fuck past the point of having to mercy-kill Laurence himself.
🔒 Eh, I told you that Laurence starts wearing a crown after Cainhurst falls (he had crown in cut content, actual name of Sage's Hair item is 'Skull of a Saint', Church replaces monarchy's authority, etc ( x )). Past that period, Laurence always keeps the crown on during........ things. Brador loooooves it, though. Yeah it is not as funny as 'Mensis Cage stays ON!', but still SOMEwhat funny in my opinion. x)
🩸 There were a few times Laurence would ask Brador to wear something he normally would not, like robes of Executioners or just high-ranking Clerics, simply because he would like to see how it looked on Brador. And one time when he asked Brador to shave his beard a bit and wear glasses. He actually found Brador with very short facial hair, glasses and in robes looking very hot. I wonder fucking why....... I reeeeeally wonder why is that, huh..... -_-"
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🔒 Also, that headcanons post was sorta ancient, but still relevant I think? That Brador actually secretly has a great taste and artistic skills, and he was the one to design the sigil used on Healing Church's holy shawl, and has been helping with the outfits designs enough. Not to mention being inventive no less than Gehrman with tools and weapons. Laurence reposted it with credit to the original artist, of course, but he really appreciates his talent.
🩸 Brador has quite an amount of scars on his body from having been stabbing himself with the Bloodletter, that Laurence likes to kiss good whenever he can spot new ones appeared. Also, because of the specifics of Brador's weapon, he of course has quite the iron-deficiency. Hmmm ok like, you know how an old lady will see you being too thin and gasp at how malnourished you are and insist on feeding you 5000 homemade meals? Laurence is like this but with seeing how Brador clearly needs to consume more blood, straight up going green from losing too much of it xddd He will basically insist on giving him more blood like a tea in his concern.
Okay, look, I really tried to make it fluffy and cute, but I don't know how xd They are somewhat hard to take seriously because they are SILLY! They also love being haters together about some people within the Healing Church they're not particularly in kahoots with, or about 'antagonists' (like Caryll or some of the particularly distrustful Old Hunters Gehrman was not able to talk). And they just love doing SILLY things!
Thank you for the ask, though. However.....
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Please just pause a little bit fdshfhds-
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