#shippers are not at all prepared for them
Nah, nothing is random. Amazon is bringing Saurondriel up now to prepare viewers (causal, mainly) for the finale, and the reunion between Galadriel and Sauron. And them talking about it in shipping terms is very interesting. The interviewers questions aren’t random; before Ep.6 aired they had an interviewer asking and joking about the “meeting of the exes” (Adar and Galadriel), to hype the audience.
Only the cast isn’t joking around about Saurondriel, with Charlie even mentioning the source material (books), how RoP is an adaptation, and there is no right or wrong way to see it. It’s a different vibe from “we are just joking here”. Something will go down on the finale and the internet will go wild.
Oh I agree that something will definitely happen between Sauron and Galadriel that will drive the shippers wild. When they were at San Diego Comic-Con, a fan asked Charlie and Morfydd if shippers could hope for a reunion that could feed the fanfic writers; Charlie and Morfydd chuckled, Charlie looked behind for approval and finally answered that yes, there was hope.
Charlotte Brandstrom said that she thought Sauron really loved Galadriel and would show it at the very end of the episode. She added that Morfydd gave an incredible performance.
So we KNOW that this reunion won't be limited to a sword fight between enemies. Charlie said in a recent interview that Sauron would rather harm Adar than Galadriel, which is pretty telling regarding Sauron's attitude during the incoming fight, I think. Killing her won't be his goal. Hers will, so he may just fight back to defend himself.
Does it all mean that they'll go for making Saurondriel explicitely romantic? I don't think so. But we can expect a very intense reunion :)
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chevelleneech · 4 months
Blocking every former and supposedly on the fence Buddie shipper who feels the need to tag Buddie on their posts where they claim to want Buddie to happen so badly or are in a dilemma about it going canon, because they’ve, “Seen the toxicity in the fandom and can’t take it anymore.”
Bullshit. They’re making up excuses to jump ship, when it’s really not necessary.
If you don’t want to ship Buddie, don’t ship them. It’s not against the law. It won’t get you excommunicated from the 911 fandom either, but it will make you look like a fool for acting like: 1) you didn’t know there were toxic fans in the fandom to begin with — as there are in all fandoms, or 2) there aren’t any toxic fans among the BuckTommy fandom.
You can’t claim to be tired of toxic Buddies for saying BT is bland or lack chemistry or LFJ is ugly or whatever else, when there are BT shippers saying the same exact things about Buddie and RG. Both sides have toxic fans, the only difference is that BT shippers currently have canon on their side, so those of you jumping ship are able to feel more validated in leaving.
Fans wanted Buck to be queer for nearly as long as the show has been out, and not once has anyone really shipped him with other people. Josh here and there, Connor occasionally, and that one prophet who wrote about him and Tommy. But majorly, it’s been Eddie. As such, toxic fans have been toxic when it came to any and every relationship either of them were in, so what makes Tommy any different? Did y’all really expect all the toxic fans to be happy with yet another love interest they weren’t looking forward to?
Not only that, but again, there are also toxic BT shippers, and fun fact! They didn’t pop up out of nowhere nor were they born out of defense of Buck and Tommy’s extremely new coupling.
I promise you, those same people were die hard Buddie shippers waiting with bated breath for Buck or Eddie to kiss each other or a man in general. They got it with Buck, so now they feel the need to belittle everything that came before in hopes that Tommy won’t be written out. They don’t care about character development or chemistry or Buck as an actual character either, proven by the many many posts across Tumblr, Twitter, and Tik Tok framing them as in love and smitten.
Claiming Eddie doesn’t mean anything to Buck. Claiming Tommy was a knight in shining armor. Claiming (and this is truly the fault of lazy writing and Tim and co trying to give themselves an out for under developing BT) Buck not talking about Tommy is a sign of happiness.
BT is sexual attraction first and foremost, and that’s all we know. Which is fine, I’ve said before, s8 will hopefully expand on them and their relationship if that’s the plan, but until then, there’s nothing there. Meaning there is nothing about the ship to defend the way some of their fans are doing, but somehow that’s more acceptable than Buddie fans defending Buddie? Sure.
Point is, if you’re jumping ship, go ahead. You don’t need to explain or more aptly worded, lie about why. Toxic fans exist on both sides. Most of you would just rather deal with the ones on the canon side of things, because it helps you feel better. Less embarrassed or anxious, maybe? I don’t know, because regardless of if Buddie ever goes canon, they’re not real, and there is no reason to feel anything if it turns out their shippers were wrong.
But I have to ask, what’s going to happen if BT does end? What will be the excuses for all the trash talking and belittlement of years worth of theories? What will y’all say to rectify putting one toxic group on a pedestal over the other? Because that’s what’s happening. BT shippers are being given full clearance to act like shit to people simply because their ship is canon, so what happens if that changes? What happens if Buddie does go canon? Where will all the high and mighty attitudes go?
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busket · 6 months
I understand personal preference and that some people just don't like ships with men, and that's ok! but I'm annoyed at the implication from some fans that labru has less depth as a relationship than farcille or any other wlw ship in dungeon meshi, and the idea that people are only shipping it as a joke, or because they're horny, or because they're misogynistic and don't want to look at female characters, etc etc. I've seen people call it like, "bloodlust obsession that turns to horniness" and it made me realize that the people who don't ship labru don't understand their dynamic at all. labru shippers didn't just pull this out of our asses lol
a lot of the story around kabru involves how he and laios are perfect opposites of eachother. NARRATIVE FOILS, if you will. everywhere kabru thrives (social interaction, charisma, the surface) laios completely fails. and everywhere that laios is most successful (in the dungeon against monsters) kabru keeps getting killed. not only that but their desires are mirrors of each other too: laios grew up bullied by humans and wanted to become a monster, kabru grew up dehumanized by his villagers and then the elves, so he wants to affirm his identity as a human being.
despite how kabru should be repulsed by laios due to his hatred of monsters, he's drawn to him instead. kabru spends the entire story trying to get to laios to talk to him and to get to know him. firstly he knows laios is closest to defeating the dungeon lord and needs to sus out if he's a good person, but he admits that he really wants to be friends with laios too, not just to determine his virtue but to see what value laios sees in monsters. he wants laios to share his interest in people, he wants laios to be interested in him back. kabru never had any true bloodlust or desire to kill laios, he was prepared to go that far if laios wasn't a good person, but once finding out that he has good intentions kabru spends all his energy trying to help laios instead. and when you consider that kabru spent his childhood believing he was half monster because of how he was ostracized in utaya, his curiosity about how laios could possibly love monsters feels so much more personal.
and for laios, he's not used to anyone taking an interest in him. people are constantly telling him he's weird, and the person he believed to be his best friend told him he couldn't stand him. he misses falin so dearly because she thinks he's the coolest man on earth, so meeting someone and being told "I hate monsters but I still want to know YOU" would have an impact on him, I think. in postcanon they become good friends, kabru becomes laios' right hand man to help him with more of the dicey social aspects of being a leader. laios asks him to stay by his side and help him, and kabru says "yeah, that's what I've been doing this whole time"
I wouldn't claim that a romantic relationship between them is CANON, but I wouldn't even say that about farcille either tbh (and I love farcille just as much so don't come for me lol) this isn't a comedy crackship that yaoi fans just made up. laios and kabru are really multi dimensional characters and they're made to reflect eachother in every way, even down to their physical design. so it's not out of nowhere that people ship them
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rrosamariaa · 15 days
my top 5 favorite book wolfstar moments
this is all for funsies. I'm going to be very honest here: I don't really think wolfstar is implied in the books, but I feel like if I put my shipper googles I CAN prove that those two were, at least, a bit weird about each other!
1. Remus "ideals" going askrew for Sirius:
We have two moments in the books where we see Remus being pretty ruthless when it came to the war, he thinks that if there's a way to put a enemy down then you should do it:
prisioner of azkaban, chapter eighteen:
"You should have realized," said Lupin quietly, "if Voldemort didn't kill you, we would. Good-bye, Peter."
deathly hollows, chapter 5:
Lupin looked aghast. “Harry, the time for Disarming is past! These people are trying to capture and kill you! At least Stun if you aren’t prepared to kill!”
However, when he was talking to Harry about Sirius reciving the dementor's kiss this is what Mr. Lupin has to offer:
prisioner of azkaban, chapter twelve:
[...] Lupin drank a little more butterbeer, then said, "It's the fate that awaits Sirius Black. It was in the Daily Prophet this morning. The Ministry have given the dementors permission to perform it if they find him." [...] "He deserves it," [harry] said suddenly. "You think so?" said Lupin lightly. "Do you really think anyone deserves that?"
This makes me actually go bonkers like... When he found out it was Peter all along he was full on ready to kill him but when he belived it was Sirius doing the same damn thing then suddenly no one deserves it... christ we see you remus lupin, we see you...
2. Moving in thogeter
I don't even have anything to say for this one just.. *gestures vaguely*
Order of the phoenix, chapter 6:
[...] and Lupin, who was staying in the house with Sirius but who left it for long periods to do mysterious work for the Order [...]
It's so funny cos like... he didn't need to do that... no one else is staying there even though it's the order's HQ.
And we know that as poor as Remus is he does have a house (Sirius stays there for a bit at the end of GOF) so he just... moves in... just because. yea.
a little extra scene that it's kinda funny, imagine finding out your teacher and godfather are dating by calling said godfather and said teacher picks up... lol :
Harry opened his eyes to find that he was looking up out of the kitchen fireplace at the long, wooden table, where a man sat poring over a piece of parchment. “Sirius?” The man jumped and looked around. It was not Sirius, but Lupin. “Harry!” he said, looking thoroughly shocked. “What are you — what’s happened, is everything all right?”
3. Remus is Sirius' good boy
Okay I will try not to ramble about this one but... I can't help it. He quite literally calls Remus a good boy you can not make this shit up.
Order of the phoenix, chapter 9:
Sirius, who was right beside Harry, let out his usual barklike laugh. “No one would have made me a prefect, I spent too much time in detention with James. Lupin was the good boy, he got the badge.”
I think what drives me insane about this one is that even though Remus had the same sense of humor as the other boys (although his was quieter and dry), they were a bit different. Sirius himself says that Remus would make them feel ashamed of themselves sometimes and, of course it depends on how you view Sirius, but to me I feel like he is a person that doesn't really put up with things just to please someone and so I feel like if it were a random person he would just go like "Well if you don't like what we do fuck off I guess" but since it was Remus he doesn't get annoyed at all and it makes it seem like he has a soft spot for Remus:
Order of the phoenix, chapter 29:
“Of course he was a bit of an idiot!” said Sirius bracingly. “We were all idiots! Well — not Moony so much,” he said fairly, looking at Lupin, but Lupin shook his head.
likeee that's his boy!!
4. Giving harry a joint present
You see, this one is very funny to me bc I was watching Sex and the city a few weeks ago and there's a scene where Carrie takes Mr. Big as her plus one to a wedding and of course she asks him to put his name on the present and he just. refuses. He has several commitment issues and even tho they were together for months at that point he thought a joint present "was too much".
And naturally my first thought was "oh wow that's so crazy bc in the children's book series 'Harry Potter', harry's godfather and teacher gave him a joint present without second thought". After moving in together. yea.
Order of the phoenix, chapter 23:
Sirius and Lupin had given Harry a set of excellent books entitled Practical Defensive Magic and Its Use Against the Dark Arts, [...]
how does that makes you feel mr.big
5. Intimacy
Last but not least (literally I think this is my favorite?) three moments that I think it shows us just how close those two are. Not even romantically, but in friendship too.
Order of the Phoenix, chapter 14:
[...] said Sirius with a wry smile. “I know she’s a nasty piece of work, though — you should hear Remus talk about her.”
We know Remus is a Nice Guy. He does everything he can to maintain at least a civil relationship with the people around him (save moments of distrees and his little cynical comments in poa, of course). And so the fact that he has a little "can I be mean?" moment with Sirius is just so funny... I just know Sirius supports all Remus' moments of haterism <3
Order of the phoenix, chapter 5:
“Molly, you’re not the only person at this table who cares about Harry,” said Lupin sharply. “Sirius, sit down.” Mrs. Weasley’s lower lip was trembling. Sirius sank slowly back into his chair, his face white
Order of the phoenix, chapter 29:
“I’m coming up there to have a word with Snape!” said Sirius force-fully and he actually made to stand up, but Lupin wrenched him backdown again.
I know people always talks about those 2 moments with the sense of like... oh wow remus asks and Sirius obeys thats hot and I AGREE it's the same thing I said before: If it was anyone else I think he would go "fuck off no" but since it's Remus he just do it unquestioned.
but ALSO. I feel like it does show how close they are... Close enough to push someone backwards etc those two lived together for more than a decade... they are Close and are used to each other and I think that's beautiful :')
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shiiro-arts · 1 month
Question: How can we say Natsu treats Lucy differently compared to the rest of his nakama? We have seen him being angry emotional during Erza "funeral" (in the first season) and his reaction when topic of Lisanna's death comes up. He even blushed when Lisanna used to talk about marriage and all (just before she passed away when Happy and Natsu have another fight). He never really expressed any physical interest in Lucy EVER and is mostly lukewarm in his reactions unless she is in danger or hurt. He didn't even hesitate when he was asked to kiss Lucy.
So how can we say that Lucy is different from all these people? I hope you understood my question.
(PS I am a huge NaLu shipper but I hate how they handle serious moments)
Well, I think that we have to clear something up, and its that Lucy and Natsu are more than Lucy and Natsu.
Natsu's world doesn't revolve around Lucy, and Lucy's world doesn't revolve around Natsu. They are their own persons with their own dreams and goals (and this is completely fine)
Natsu is a very passionate person, who loves his friends and family, he has known Erza and Lisanna since they were children, it is obvious that he will be emotional about their "deaths". Just like he was with future Lucy's.
Why do I think Natsu treats Lucy differently? Well, because he does. Literally. Not only does Natsu avoid any kind of (serious) fight with Lucy, but he is emotionally vulnerable with her, he becomes soft. I'm going to focus on Erza and Lucy because we don't have enough interactions with Lisanna.
Natsu is an extremely violent person, even when Erza was distressed his solution was punching her (even if it was for her own good or not),
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Now, we have never seen Natsu use violence to console Lucy (or in general), they are always soft, comforting moments
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He just can't hurt her, at least not willingly, it's beyond him.
Just like when he had to fight snake lucy and completely stopped thinking she was back
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I want to pinpoint his reactions to different deaths, because even those are different
When Lissana, erza or even Igneel died, Natsu felt helpless and sad
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Lucy? He wanted to burn the world down, kill his best friend out of grieve and then kill himself in the process just because he thought he had lost her forever. (I talk about this here)
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About the physical interest, I kind of disagree, It is true that he doesn't show as much physical desire like other men in FT but he does in his own way. We have seen natsu fantasize over Lucy
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be jealous of other men for her attention
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and become possessive of her
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He is not responsive because almost every time they have a physical moment he sees it coming, is mentally prepared for it or he initiates them.
NOW, what happens when Lucy initiates or he doesn't see it coming?
My man becomes a blushing mess (this is mainly shown in official art tho)
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but he never shows jealousy or possessiveness towards erza, because Erza is not Lucy
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diazsdimples · 5 months
Do you have any buddie fic recs that is a /must/ read for Buddie shippers ( sorry I don't ship Bucktommy 🥹)
Boy do I ever!!!
honey, when you call my name - @hippolotamus (Explicit)
"Eddie witnesses the Buck/Lucy kiss, has himself a little panic, and decides to do something about it when Buck does his Buck thing and won't stop pushing Eddie's buttons" It's spicy, it's sweet, it's packed full of feels and there was not a dry eye in the house!!
Whatever may come (your heart I will choose) - @hippolotamus (Mature)
"The Story of Eddie and Christopher Diaz" The number of times I yelled at Hippo while reading this,,,, it is incredible!! 30 chapters of Buckley-Diaz family feels, Eddie's heartbreaking backstory and FUCK if I could read it for the first time again, I would!
James Bond AU Series - @princessfbi (Teen & Explicit)
James Bond AU with 007 Agent Eddie Diaz and Buck as Q. Incredible. No notes. Read them back to back in one sitting, and then read them again immediately after. No prior knowledge of James Bond needed (cause I sure didn't have any) but be prepared to have the sudden urge to go watch all the films.
Kink Club AU Series - @princessfbi (Explicit)
"Canon compliant one shots where Eddie works at a Kink Club as a side hustle and meets Buck there before his first shift in 2x01." This series is insanely good. 5 perfect fics of the boys and BDSM, it is incredibly hot, full of feels and just.... yeah. Incredible. Please do read the tags before each fic though, especially if BDSM isn't your thing.
because we'll all arrive in heaven alive - @neverevan (Explicit)
"During a search and rescue, Eddie disappears without a trace, leaving Buck to grapple with the sudden possibility of a life without him." I was literally on the edge of my seat with every single chapter release. It's SO angsty and delicious and absolutely incredible, and I think also very feasible for what could happen in canon should Timothy ever decide to be as mean (affectionate) as Newbie was by putting the boys through this.
Out Of Order, Still In Line - @neverevan (Explicit)
"When Buck finally gets to the Clinic, the long awaited release doesn’t seem to come; cue Eddie to the rescue." One of the first Buddie fics I read and it altered my brain chemistry a little. Lord have mercy. It's just ... you gotta read it. Like, Jesus 🥵
My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) - @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (Explicit)
"When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies." Honestly I think the blurb says it all. I read this at my cousin's wedding (literally just before the ceremony and during the reception fsdkjdfs) because I literally couldn't put it down. Incredible Greek Gods integration and so. fucking. hot. Sorry Caleb, I hope your matrimony is holy but this was so worth it.
stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong - @daffi-990 (Unrated at present)
"Probational Firefighters Evan “Buck” Buckley and Eddie Diaz meet on a call which ends with them at odds with each other. As the months roll by, they keep running into each other on the job, much to Eddie’s dismay and Buck’s delight. Can they put aside their first opinions and misunderstandings and allow the seeds of friendship, and possibly something more, to take root?" This AU has been eating me alive with snippets for the last few months and the chapters are FINALLY being published!! Stay tuned for weekly updates about our idiots being - well - idiots. Daffi has written them so well and I don't think I could yell louder about this one if I wanted.
Cow Eyes - @theotherbuckley (General)
"'Eddie's in hospital and Buck tries not to break down' fic except its actually just a cute silly little fic" Exactly what is says on the tin. Cute, silly, fluffy and entirely adorable. High!Eddie is fucking hilarious and Worried!Buck has my whole ass heart. Love this fic, have read it many times, will read many times more
Both Blade and Branch - @cal-daisies-and-briars (Mature)
"The chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but Buck still manages to pull it off. During a double date with Marisol and Natalia, nonetheless. Eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as Buck recovers from yet another trauma, Eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. He’s not quite sure what version of Buck he got back." Orpheus and Eurydice vibes but somehow more heartbreaking because it's the Boys? Literally every chapter I was gobsmacked and the fact that I couldn't read it in one sitting due to Life™️ was frankly criminal.
what humans do - @gayhoediaz
""…and the thought that she had just escaped death by such a narrow margin made me realize the intensity of my feelings toward her.” Eddie swallows. “‘What’s the matter?’ I couldn’t tell her, so I kissed her instead,” Buck goes on, and since Eddie’s eyes are focused on the page, they drift ahead a little bit, and the next few lines have him swallowing once again, taking his hand back to brace himself against the mattress as he slowly starts to push himself up to sit. “Kissing is what humans do when words have reached a place they can’t escape from. It is a switch to another language. The kiss was an act of defiance, maybe of war. You can’t touch us, is what the kiss said. ‘I love you,’ I told her, and as I smelled her skin, I knew I had never wanted anyone or anything more than I wanted her…” Buck trails off when Eddie reaches for the book, gently luring it out of his grasp. " One of the best getting together fics I've read. So sweet, so hot, full of feels, and also just very 🤯 in many places. Just insanely well written and perfect imagery.
Also I have a small list of authors whom I love dearly:
@spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @thekristen999
@steadfastsaturnsrings @watchyourbuck @fortheloveofbuddie @rainbow-nerdss @bidisasterevankinard
@aroeddiediaz @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @loveyouanyway @kitteneddiediaz
@actuallyitsellie @dangerpronebuddie @loserdiaz @elvensorceress @underwaterninja13
Literally anything these wonderful people (and the authors of the above fics) have written is well worth a read. I would rec all of their words and make individual recs for all their fics but I fear I simply do not have the words.
I might also humbly suggest some of my fics, which you can find here! Happy reading!!!
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quirklezz · 9 months
Rumor has it (Part 2) | Tom Blyth
pairing: Tom Blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary: Ever since the premiere of tbosas fans of yours have been shipping you with your costar, Tom Blyth. Is it all just rumors or were they right all along?
a/n: Thank you so much for the support on part 1 of Rumor has it as I said before I plan on making it into a mini series so if anyone is interested let me know so I can tag you! Feedback is appreciated and requests are open!
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tomyndaily New bts photos of Tom YN and Rachel who can be seen sharing the same jacket via instagram stories @tomblyth @ynusername @rachelzegler
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user1 not them all sharing one jacket while filming skskskskksksksk
user2 I wonder who stole it from who first 🤔
↳ user3 I’m pretty sure YN stole it from Tom since she was also seen wearing his purple flower sweater in the past
↳ tomyndaily can confirm the proof is posted in stories
↳ user1 tomyn shippers are literally the embodiment of “pics or it didn’t happen” I love them for that
user4 shipping aside I love how comfortable their friendship is with each other it’s so wholesome
↳ user1 facts we need tom x yn x rachel content more often
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snowontop prepare for more tomyn edits #tomyn #tomynedit @tomblyth @ynusername
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user1 not the tomyn effect taking over the editing community
↳ user2 as it should be
↳ snowontop slowly becoming a tomyn stan account as we speak
user4 tomyn tbosas era is my comfort place
↳ user5 same!!!
↳ user2 we need more tomyn eras
user3 fav platonic soulmates 💖
↳ user6 platonic? I thought they were dating irl…
↳ snowontop even if they aren’t this edit is just for fun
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ynusername this is what I came back to while doing reshoots @tomblyth @rachelzegler I can’t with you two
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user1 idk how yn was able to keep a straight face while filming with them I wouldn’t be able to control myself 😆
↳ ynusername it wasn’t easy but that’s why I’m an actress
↳ user1 mother has spoken
↳ user4 facts
user2 seems like all the chaos happens at YN’s trailer
↳ user4 we love the chaotic energy
↳ ynusername that’s what happens when you share a trailer with Tom
↳ user2 alcjkajwkwjvjjwjjdjkwjc
↳ user1 they shared clothes and a trailer too… I wonder what else they’ve shared 👀
rachelzegler This is nothing compared to the prank you and Tom pulled on me last time 🙃
↳ user3 prank? what prank?
↳ user4 I think Rachel mentioned it in a interview where YN and Tom put a fake body in her trailer after filming
↳ user1 they really are chaotic besties
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yntomsources Get someone that looks at you the way @tomblyth looks at @ynusername
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user1 the caption is real
↳ user2 if I was in a room with YN I’d be looking at her that way too
user4 we understand you Tom
user3 when was this taken?
↳ yntomsources it’s their press interview from earlier today
user5 love them together can’t wait to see more interviews soon
↳ yntomsources follow us for more updates since the press tour has just started!!!
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celestica-1988 · 11 months
Some other Tokyo Revengers characters headcanon. There will be SPOILERS.
When Mikey left the Sano household he brought with him his towel and some pics of the people he lost. Almost every night when he's curled up in his towel ready to sleep he watches the pics and cries. Yes, even when he's in bonten.
Draken biggest regret is not confessing his feelings to Emma. So when he gets up and goes to bed he always says "I love you" to her pic on the wall.
Baji is so scared of his mother tears because when she cries she turns in a really strong opponent. She's the female version of the blue ogre.
Chifuyu thought that his mother hated Peke J till one day when he got home from school and found the two sleeping together snuggling.
Takemichi finds some notes of his past self in which he's confused about being friends with people he doesn't even remember he knew and lately being involved in a gang. Past Takemichi is afraid he's going insane so our Takemichi writes te a note in which he explains everything. Not surprisingly past Takemichi is even more confused and thinks he need a therapist.
Kazutora is proud of his tattoo. He just wish people in Japan wouldn't be so scared of tattoos because sometimes is tired of hide it with turtlenecks.
Takuya likes to watch wrestling.
Yamagishi dream is that his delinquent encyclopedia would be published one day.
Akkun dies his hair red by himself as a training to be an hairdresser.
Mitsuya is very good at karaoke, he likes to sing rock songs.
Hakkai is the first and more hardcore shipper of Mitsuya x Yuzuha. He really wants Taka-chan to be a part of his family.
Sometimes Taiju babysits Mana and Luna. One time they asked him to watch IT (the 90s version) with them since Takanii forbid them to watch such a scary horror movie, Taiju accepted but not much longer the movie started Mana and Luna started to cry and Taiju did his best to comfort them (he said he would punch any clowns that goes close to them or something similar). In the end the little ones fell asleep in his arms and Taiju had to live for a week with the Mitsuya because Mana and Luna felt safe only near to him. Needless to say an angry Mitsuya scolded Taiju.
When Pahchin gets released all the Toman members throw a party for him. He was sad Mikey was not there though.
When Yasuda confessed to Pehyan he malfunctioned and froze for a solid 15 minutes.
Angry thought for a while that he would be a nurse when he will be an adult. He changes his mind after seeing Nahoya smiling with his eyes wide in delight while eating the ramen that he prepared. Since then Angry wants to be a ramen chef.
Smiley once stole Angry favorite stuffed animal, Souya got so upset that accidentally unleashed the blue ogree. Since then Nahoya always politely asks to Souya if he can borrow one of his plushies.
Mucho goes to punk rock concerts, one time he brought Sanzu with him, but it wasn't a good idea. Sanzu beated almost all the people in the venue.
Sanzu ends up regretting killing Mucho, he misses the older brother he was for him. Especially when he feels lonely and he realizes he has got nobody to talk to.
When Kisaki reaches the afterlife Baji punches him in the face so hard that for a moment he was sure he would come back in the world of the livings.
Hanma likes to play shooting games at the arcade, but when he loses he usually punches the machine.
Kokonoi lives in a traditional house when he's in bonten. There are a lot of candles, lanterns and things that make it a cozy place. Only Miley is admitted in his house and only for urgent matters. The house is his sanctuary to find inner peace after dealing with his crazy coworkers.
Inui likes goth girls more because they understand and appreciate his hobbies.
When Izana listens to Queen the whole neighborhood listens to Queen.
Kakucho learned to cook from Mochi.
Mochi hates creeps who harass women and always beat them down to a pulp. Harassing a woman is not an honorable behavior for a man!
Shion always fails tests of courage since when he was a kid. He believes in ghosts and he's afraid of them.
Rindou panicked when Ran slept for a whole day, he thought he was dead or in a coma. That's when he realized how important Ran is to him. When Ran woke up he cried for joy and ran to buy a mont blanc for his brother.
Ran cut his hair because he was tired of Sanzu calling him Wednesday or Annabelle.
Never insult someone because they are not fully Japanese in front of South, he will punch the living shit out of you. Since he's also a mixed race person he hates when people are bullied for that reason.
Wakasa saved a stray cat once and let the kitten live with him. Now when he doesn't wanna hang out with Takeomi he said he's busy... Busy cuddling his cat that he treasures so much because it help him avoid unnecessary social situations. And because... Who doesn't love a cat?
Benkei likes to built copies of castles in miniature. It relaxes him cause it takes great concentration and ability to do that in the right way.
Takeomi gossips like an old lady with his coworkers (may God help them)
Shinichiro cried the first time he watched Titanic, it's one of his favorite movies.
Yuzuha meets with Emma and Senju every month to talk about how hard it is dealing with problematic brothers.
Hinata is a fan of Avril Lavigne and sometimes she dreams of touring around the world playing the songs she wrote. Unluckily she can't sing but she has got some alternative fashion clothes.
Emma talks and sleeps with the plushie Draken gave to her. She calls him Kenken.
Senju goes often to Harajuku to take inspiration for her outfits.
731 notes · View notes
lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
James Wilson and love languages
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Warnings: absolutely none! Just a bunch of Wilson being the doting boyfriend that he is <3
A/N: this pathetic puppy dog of a man is consuming my every waking thoughts and I'm not even mad about it (also look at how silly he is in that gif. I chose that one because he looks like such a dork in it lmao)
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To me, Wilson's biggest love language to display is probably acts of service
Sure, he loves you to bits and pieces, but he's not very good at vocalizing his feelings with words of affirmation or even showing it with physical touch, though he does tell you he loves you nearly every day and always kisses you when he sees you
Spending quality time together doesn't happen that often due to how busy he is at the hospital and he doesn't always have extra money lying around because House steals it from him, so he'll only get you an expensive gift if he's been saving up and he knows it's something you want
But acts of service? That's right up his alley
Even if he's tired from working (read: dealing with House all day) he still makes the time to do housework
Washing and folding laundry, cleaning the dishes and putting them up, preparing you lunch for the next day- he really does go all out in order to make sure you're happy and well taken care of
Basically he's a malewife, which I'm sure is surprising to no one (certainly not House, who picks on him for it constantly)
"I'm surprised you're not late for work today. Don't you usually spend your mornings dusting for your partner in your pretty little maid outfit?"
"You're just jealous that it's not your apartment I'm dusting"
"Right, because I really need you picking up after me"
"I do it every other time, why not also do your housework on top of that?"
(The sexual tension between them is so crazy even in scenarios where they're seeing other people, although I guess that's partially my fault for being the massive Hilson shipper that I am skgdjkd)
He definitely owns an apron that he wears whenever he's cooking in the kitchen which certainly does nothing to beat the malewife allegations
Sometimes you'll come home to find him wearing his apron while vacuuming, a sure sign that he's spent all his free time trying to impress you with his impeccable house cleaning skills
Honestly he's happy with any kind of love language you show him (because he's just needy like that) but especially words of affirmation
Tell him how happy you are with his cleaning, compliment him on the way he put up the groceries, anything like that is guaranteed to have him practically melting while he gives you big heart eyes
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jeonscatalyst · 14 days
Am I the only Jikooker who's not excited for next episode ? I think antis got one thing right this time - the show is indeed so boring. CT was OK, jeju was typical run episode maknae line version while sapporo is just boring. Nothing intresting, no activities, no fun talks, nothing. Only boring talks between them because they have to do something for camera. I don't remember a single intresting moment happened in sapporo in the show itself let alone a 'jikook moment'. Jikook in memories were much intresting and interactive while this is literally them in show: 🧍🙂🧍🙂
I don't think they are bored of each other because they literally enlisted together but either they are very bad entertainers when it's just them without group or doesn't have anything intresting to talk or do among each other so they just go with the laid back energy and flow. I cant believe JK didnt even lifted Jimin one time which was like a usual moment in all contents they release. They might have enjoyed the trip but they didn't bothered to make it enjoyable for viewers. If they did it was just for them, then make a private trip instead of ruining it for everyone 🤷‍♀️
Ep 2 was even boring than already boring ep 1. I think ep3 will ultimate boredom as there was nothing intresting in trailer either. It's gonna be them just watching previous episodes and laughing.
“Am I the only Jikooker who's not excited for next episode ?”
Yes anon you are the only one.
Anon, you probably are not the only one who thinks the show is boring and that is why you should join the rest who don’t find the show interesting and stop watching. Do yourselves the favor.
When Jikook spoke about this show, they said we were going to see them being their truest and most authentic selves so they are not acting a script here. They took the trip for themselves and to leave something for fans to watch while they are away. They are not putting any pressure on themselves to do more than what they normally do because the show is intended to show us them in their most authentic selves which is what we see.
“I don't think they are bored of each other because they literally enlisted together but either they are very bad entertainers when it's just them without group or doesn't have anything intresting to talk or do among each other so they just go with the laid back energy and flow. I cant believe JK didnt even lifted Jimin one time which was like a usual moment in all contents they release.”
Expecting Jimin and Jungkook to talk about more than they already talk about on a show which millions of fans watch is kinda unrealistic in my opinion because they wouldn’t go on a show to start discussing their private matters now would they? Would you expect them to sit there talking about all the investments they make, or the family visits, or how many times they cuddle or other much private stuff? Did you want to hear Jungkook tell Jimin how much he wanted to kiss him or hug him on a show anon? Did you expect to hear Jimin and Jungkook gossiping about the stuff their friends tell them on a show anon? What exactly did you want to hear them talk about? If you want more thrill and fun then go watch run BTS where they just do activities that have been prepared for them to do. AYS is meant to be a healing show showing us how Jimin and Jungkook are on vacation.
I am not fond of shippers like you because people like you don’t know how to differentiate between a ship and real life individuals. You may ship jikook yes but you shouldn’t forget that they are real people who donot live robotic lives. Do you think Jungkook carries Jimin in his arms everyday in private? Do you think Jimin and Jungkook always do fun stuff in private? Do you think they must be talking about something interesting to like being in each other’s company? If that is how you view Jikook then why do you even ship them because you must believe their relationship is shallow as hell because if two people always need to fill the silence with noise or try thinking of interesting things to talk about before they can tolerate being around each other then that is kinda……sad.
“Jikook in memories were much intresting and interactive while this is literally them in show: 🧍🙂🧍🙂”
You’ve spent so many years watching Jikook in moments when they were playful and chaotic that you don’t know how to feel when you see them in those moments when they are calm and domestic. Are you and you significant other always playing around and carrying each other in your arms anon?
“They might have enjoyed the trip but they didn't bothered to make it enjoyable for viewers. If they did it was just for them, then make a private trip instead of ruining it for everyone 🤷‍♀️”
Who is the “everyone” in question anon? Please speak for yourself because I am having ball watching Jikook being domestic as hell and reaching peak happiness with each other and I am certain thousands if not millions of other fans are. While seeing fun and chaotic and playful jikook is fine, I don’t mind sitting for 4 hours watching Jikook just eat, sleep, giggle and bicker. That is cinema to me. And they clearly enjoyed the trip. They enjoyed it so much that they want to do it till they are 50 so maybe you should take that up with Jikook themselves or better yet, do yourself a favor and stop watching.
“Ep 2 was even boring than already boring ep 1. I think ep3 will ultimate boredom as there was nothing intresting in trailer either. It's gonna be them just watching previous episodes and laughing.”
One man’s yuck is another man yum anon so please do some of us who think AYS is Yum, a favor and not watch ok.
Please don’t take my response as me not respecting your opinion. I sincerely do and that is why I am giving you a very simple piece of advice by telling you to stop watching something you find boring, and not trying to convince you about how the show is interesting and how you must find it interesting. I don’t like your choice of words because they give me the impression that Jimin and Jungkook are some some prop to you but I guess we all have our freedom of speech. Ta ta anon💜
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marylily-my-beloved · 4 months
»»-----------► I made an aesthetic blog where I’ll be making mood boards and stuff !! It’s called @aesthetic-crows ♡
»»-----------► MY #1 WIFE RIYANA I LOVE HER GUYS @im-on-crack-send-help
»»-----------► Hiii! I hope you guys are prepared for like 4 fandom related posts a day and random rambles + shitposts ♡
»»-----------► My name is Fatimah, I am a minor (so plz don't be creepy) make any nicknames for me that you want ♡ She/they, arab, muslim, pansexual, infp, im just a girl ♡
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»»-----------► MY AO3 <33 Go check it out I write marauders fics
➥ Lily and the Princesses of Power (ongoing). She-ra au, marylily fic, background ships as well. Lily escapes from the Death Eaters leaving Mary behind. 5/? Chapters ♡
➥ Back at that Party (finished). Canon AU, marylily fic, background dorlene. Mary & Lily have a disagreement at a party and forced to sort it out together. 1/1 Chapter ♡
➥ Good Luck Babe! (finished). Canon AU, Lily x Narcissa wedding fic, end game narcissa x lucuis. Lily gets invited to Narcissa's wedding, and warns her about what could happen to her, and then dies a couple of years later. Main Character Death, 1/1 Chapter (based on Good Luck Babe! by Chappell Roan) ♡ (tumblr link)
➥ Burning Stars (finished). Canon AU, Bellatrix x Alice fic talking about their relationship in Hogwarts and how it ended. very angsty, hurt no comfort. 1/1 chapter ♡ (tumblr link)
➥ Strawberry Mentos (finished). Modern AU, marylily fic based on 'strawberry mentos'. Short and pretty cute and sweet. Getting Together fic. 1/1 chapter ♡ (tumblr link)
➥ Letters to A Happier Life (finished). after war AU, marylily. Lily is already dead, and Mary discovers their old letters after she obvliated herself. 1/1 chapter ♡ (tumblr link)
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Black Sisters Dialouge
Mary Macdonald Deep Dive
Dorcas Meadowes Deep Dive
Black Sisters Deep Dive (sorta)
Peter Pettigrew Deep Dive
Blue by Billie Eilish = Andromeda & Bellatrix
Skinny by Billie Eilish = Lily Evans
Chihiro by Billie Eilish = Dorcas Meadowes
Lacy by Olivia Rodrigo = Dorlily (Dorcas x Lily)
Apple by Charli XCX = Evans Sisters (Lily & Petunia)
24/7 by The Neighbourhood = Jily modern AU
Bellatrix & Sirius Comparison
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»»-----------► I am obessed with Chappell Roan and women so much its not even funny anymore
»»-----------► I love writing fanfics, reading anything (plz give me book & fanfic recs), baking, listening to music & playing basketball ♡
»»-----------► I love hearts, pearls, rings, aesthetic stuff, pink and purple, uquizzes, cats, my moots & lipgloss ♡
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»»-----------► DNI IF
Rasict Transphobic and/or homphobic Islamaphobic Zionist / supports israel Sexist Discriminate against people for any stupid reason
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»»-----------► Fandoms: ♡
・❥・ Harry Potter/Marauders fandom. Gryffindor. Lily, Mary & Remus kinnie. In love with James Potter & Pandora Lovegood ♡ (fuck jk rowling I do not support her) (jkr should go die)
・❥・She-ra (2018 reboot). Harcdore catradora and scorfuma shipper. Entrapta kinnie and I am in love with her ♡
・❥・ PJO (Percy Jackson). Percabeth and Valgrace <333 Cabin #8. Pretty sure I kin Annabeth. My favourite charcater is Bianca ♡
・❥・Hunger Games. Have not finished the series yet but working on it <3. In love with Johanna ♡. Need to read half of Mockingjay & TBOSAS ♡
・❥・Heartstopper. So excited for season 3, read all of the books on webtoon. Tori & Tara lover ♡. Darcy, Elle & Charlie kinnie. Harcore Tara x Darcy shippers ♡
・❥・ Young Royals. Harcore Sara x Felice shipper & Stedrika (stella x fredrika) & of coure Wilmon and Henry x Walter. Wilhelm and Felice kinnie. In love with Maddie ♡
・❥・ ATLA & LOK. I love them so much, I love Korra and Katara & Asami. Toph + Zuko kinnie ♡ Harcore kataang and toph x suki. getting into zutara but kataang will always be the otp. I have almost all the comics for ATLA ♡
・❥・TDP / The Dragon Prince. love love love love, I got sooo back into it after season 6. protect my boy terry!!! ♡ rayllum my loves. sorvus my heart. fuck viren. probably a soren kinnie... ♡
・❥・Probably more but I can't remember rn ♡
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»»-----------► My tags and other random stuff <333:
➥ Pride Month headcanons: #fatimahs pride headcanons 🤍 ➥ Daily Headcanons: #dailyyapfromfatimah🎀 ➥ Random stuff: fatimah yaps 🎀 ➥ Headcanons (doesn't matter which fandom): #Fatimahs headcanons 🩷 ➥ Deep Dives & Random long rambles: #Fatimahs deep dives ➥ My Writing (either here or a link to ao3): #Fatimah's writing 🌸 ➥ Asks: #Fatimah gets an ask woah ➥ My irl life: Fatimah’s life!! »»-----------► Quotes ➥ marauders: Fatimahs marauders quotes 🩵 ➥She ra: Fatimahs she ra quotes 🩷 forgot the rest lol ♡
»»-----------► Music: Conan Gray, Sabrina Carpenter, The Weeknd, Olivia Rodrigo, Chase Atlantic, Suicidal Tendencies, Hozier, Ariana Grande, Beadadoobee, Chappell Roan, Billie Eilish, Ethel Cain, EMELINE, Lana Del Ray, The Neighbourhood, Arctic Monkeys, CAS, David Bowie, Queen, Mitski, Cavetown & girl in red ♡
»»-----------► I usually yap only about the marauders and/or she-ra but will occasionally yap about anything and everything else <3 please send me asks for anything you want I love asks and your like personal comments on my stuff ♡
the dividers are by @cafekitsune & the images are from Pinterest ♡
random ass stuff bc i love that !!
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108 notes · View notes
mc who ships the kings with their nobles (its an excuse for leviforas)
Mc that ships the shippers with their kings
Overall, I think none of them would think much of it because all the nobles seem to have a crush on their kings. They would mind if you started losing interest in their king because you percieve them to be in a relationship.
Paimon would, like always, be the chiller one about this whole thing. While he sometimes gets angry at his fellow shippers, he'll never get angry at you unless you do something really really stupid. Shipping him with Satan is just kind of silly in his view. He might humor you a bit, but he'll shortly cut all your hopes when he says that he has no romantic feelings for Satan and never will. Doesn't want to give you too much false hope, he just wishes you'll put your sights on what really matters.
Eligos would be dumpfounded. The whole interaction was like
Eligos: Mc! I'm so glad I've found you! I've prepared a nice bow for you to wear on your stroll with his majesty Mammon.
Mc: I'm sure Mammon likes ribbons a lot. I mean, with how close the two of you are... he sure has a thing for small cute things.
Eligos: Oh, he totally does! That's why I will make you the cutest being in Hell... behind me, of course.
Mc: No, don't worry. I don't want to tempt your man.
Eligos: My... what?
Mc: Come on, it's obvious that you and Mammon have athing for eachother. The way he pets your head for longer than anyone else, the way he always calls you his. I bet you have a full collection on lingerie just for him.
Eligos: I do, but no! No no no! I'm not in love with his majesty Mammon! Never!
Mc: First stage, denile
Eligos: First stage of WHAT?!?!?
Congratulation, you just broke Eligos' brain and made him take an emergency trip to Paradise Lost to get checked for whatever illness you implyied he had.
Foras gasps when he hears that and covers your mouth.
Foras: Mc, do you like breathing?
Mc nods
Foras: Good, then stop saying stuff like that. He always listens
Leviathan: Is this what you two are doing instead of sorting paperwork? The only reasons I allowed you two to stay together was because you're incompetent and Foras keeps getting distrected on his phone. I would strangle you both, but you're into it, you filth.
Foras: I apologise, great, powerful, handsome Leviathan for my wrong doings
Mc: I'm adding degredation to my newest fic
Leviathan: Don't flatter yourself a writer, I would never degrade Foras. He actually has qualities to speak of.
Foras: (I wish he degarded me as well)
Sorry, I've been too Leviathan possitive on my blog lately, I have to spread the hate
Amon would choke on his own spit. On one hand, hot, yes, he does want to get revaged by his king. On the other hand, that would be illegal because you're already with him. Amon is delusional, partly because he's starving, partly because that's just how he is. He would try to talk you out of it out of genuioun fear that he is breaking the law.
Gamigin would be repulsed. Lucifer is his brother, why would you ship him with his sibling? Please stop, he's really uncomfortable by the whole idea.
Mc: You know, I've been thinking about you and Lucifer recently
Gamigin: Really?! What about?
Mc: You'd look lovely together. He's so nice to you, I bet he likes you well enough in bed.
Gamigin.exe stopped working
Marbas: You need to leave!
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 5 months
Alrighty! @number-one-shadisper-shipper and I binged the Knuckles series today, so time for thoughts! SPOILER ALERT.
I'll admit the show wasn't perfect. I've seen the negative reviews, and I kinda get where they come from. BUT! I did enjoy this show greatly! And I'm not here to complain. Time for some happy thoughts, y'all! 💙🤩
I think you need to have a love, not just tolerance, for the SCU in order to properly enjoy this show. I do have such, so I had a lot of fun with it.
There were definitely scenes from every episode that had me either squealing, laughing, crying, or flipping out. But my favorite was likely the first episode, because come on, we saw the Wachowski family! Most of them, anyway! While I missed Tom's presence, I was grateful for that comment from Maddie about him being "out of town," so he wasn't just gone for no reason.
The SECOND it showed our three space babies hanging out together in their room?! I SCREAMED. THE BOYS!!!!
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Tails sitting on his bed tinkering with one of his gizmos, Sonic rocking out to music with an air guitar, and Knuckles exercising from one of the ceiling planks. IT'S THEM!!! They're just hanging out, doing their thing, looking oh so much like brothers. And Sonic's narration at the beginning was GOLD. 🤣💙
Even though we didn't get enough of Maddie being a parent, we definitely got a nice chunk for it only lasting part of an episode. Maddie called Knuckles "one of our kids" (that had me SCREECHING). The angry mama vibes were GOLDEN. 🤣 The way she made breakfast for them, the "Boys, breakfast is ready!" I love the normalcy of it! Can't wait to see more in the future! (Her calling to them with "boys" is somehow just the sweetest thing and I'm melting.)
The poor mailman being like "I just wanna go home, man" 🤣
We were right, fellas, Knuckles had no idea what being grounded meant. 🤣 Although the way Sonic piped up with "Oh, I definitely know what it means," has me suspecting that Sonic himself has gotten grounded a decent amount before. 😂
Knuckles trying to talk back, and Maddie going, "ExCUSE ME?!" then just making those tiny, terrifying noises and Sonic being like "Bro don't mess with Mom when she's mad" (okay, he didn't say "mom" and that made me sad, but the mom vibes were 110% there so I'm here for it). 😂 And since Knuckles snuck out and later Wade said, several times, "Aren't you grounded?" seems to confirm that this entire show is basically what Knuckles does when he's grounded. 🤣 Although ... his comment about not being able to be grounded because he had no home made me very sad. 😭
I did not have an issue with so much Wade screentime! Sure, he isn't my favorite SCU character, but I love what this show did with him! I'd already seen his moments in the movies (like nearly shooting Robotnik in the face with an actual handgun). I like how they gave him actual family issues; a dad who abandoned him and his family, a realistic sister, a mom. Bad family memories. Awkward reunions. They could've made it a joke, but they didn't, and I greatly appreciate that. Especially since I've witnessed firsthand how painful family separations can be. 😔
All the emotional talks Wade and Knuckles had caught me off guard in the best way! The way they talked about their different family issues, the way they talked of betrayal from friends, and being left alone, hit way harder than I was prepared for. Especially that talk they had at the burger place in the middle of the night? Oof. Good talk right there.
Also, even though they took a "show don't tell" take with it, I loved how Knuckles relaxed more and more throughout the show. In the beginning, he couldn't rest, he couldn't sit back and have a genuine good time. But the more he hung out with Wade and his family, the more he learned. He learned about music and found "his jam" (that was literally amazing btw). He watched movies with Mrs. Whipple and ate snacks in the hotel room in Reno and watched more movies. He had his teenager moments of rolling his eyes and rebelling, but he was so well portrayed here, I loved it. I felt for him.
Despite the bizarre nature of the episode "Flames of Disaster," (we were cracking up so hard) I'm trying to glean bits of the truth of Knuckles's story from the crazy musical play that Pachacamac put on in Wade's dream. I mean, "Longclaw" and her tribe were there, and ... what the heck was that giant demon thing?! Iblis?! Does our Knuckles Wachowski have an actual history with freaking Iblis?!?! 😱🔥
I was deeply intrigued by the two main antagonists, especially at the implication that G.U.N. did seem to exist before the events of the first movie?! Did it exist, get disbanded after the Maria incident, then get reformed?! My brain is exploding. 🤯 I was even more shocked that they apparently died? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, the Wachowski kids don't seem to have much qualms about getting rid of the baddies for good as the game versions do. That was a terrifying phenomenon, what happened with the two rings. 🫣
And then the Buyer getting crushed by the giant glass ball 👀
Although in those last two episodes, I admit I was freaking out and legitimately near tears at Wade's seemingly having to "betray" Knuckles. Before the reveal that all was in good communication, all I could think was how relaxed Knuckles finally seemed, chilling in the hotel room, being excited about whatever Wade wanted to "show" him, questioning whether it was a song, him declaring that he was going to bring his favorite hat, 🥹 all I could think was of their previous discussions about betrayal from friends and family, and when Knuckles called Wade "my friend" right before the elevator doors closed, I just about sobbed. I was like "please, don't let him be betrayed, don't let him have come all this way and relaxed so much only to get 'betrayed' once again by someone he's come to consider a friend." 😭 We heaved a HUGE sigh of relief when it revealed he was aware of the trap the whole time. 😪
Maternal instincts went nuts when he got so badly hurt in that final battle 😭 I literally reached for the screen several times and was right back to almost weeping 🥲 And someone tell me I wasn't the only one noticing the parallel in that scene with Wade standing in front of his unconscious body the way Tom did with Sonic in the first movie. That, PLUS Knuckles's epic comeback, and his retrieval of his own power?!?! EPIC!!!!
The ending was abrupt, sure, but the pure joy on Knuckles's face after everything as he jumped up to high five Wade was just too sweet. 🥹
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So yes, even though I would have loved just a little more, a return to Green Hills, a reunion with Maddie, Sonic, and Tails, I adored this show. It was a wild ride, full of laughs, tears, excited screeching, etc. 💙💛❤️ I don't care what anyone says, nothing will make me hate it.
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sacharinee · 1 year
could you write something like tony accidentally finding our peter and his daughter (the reader) are dating then always teasing them about it, even though he’s secretly their biggest shipper🫶
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pairing: peter parker x reader
w/c: 900+
a/n: hi anonnn, srry it took awhile- this was cute and fun!! so ty for that, i love secret!bf!peter :)
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“you know you can’t keep sneaking in my room forever, right, pete?”
the pretty brunette sits atop your cushy comforter, breathless as he rips off the humid mask.
the poor boy is looking up at you in all innocence. his mouth is agape, hair messy, and eyes wide with pure exhilaration; so excited to finally be alone with you after tiptoeing around your father all day. 
the sight before you makes you feel all warm inside, your provocative thoughts threatening to corrupt your sweet boyfriend.
peter takes a deep breath when you take a seat on his lap, hands immediately settling on either side of your hips.
he looks you up and down, “ehhh, i don’t know, y/n/n. kinda seems like you’re into it,” he teases.
you offer him a shrug, as your hands snake around his shoulders, pulling him inches closer to your lips, “maybe just a little.”
he’s relaxed at your touch, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, 
“huh, didn’t peg you as a fan of breaking and entering,” he jokes.
“mm only when it’s a certain spider.”
your boyfriend exhales as he leans back a bit, smirking, “oh yeah?” 
one of his hands leaves your waist to push back his unruly hair, then swiftly flexes his bicep exaggeratingly, “i don’t blame you,” he shrugs, “i had a hunch you had a thing goin’ on for-”
you’re quick to shut him up, attacking his sweet lips with yours. 
your hand falls to his firm bicep and he’s laughing into your sudden kiss, instantly melting against you. his hand resumes his place on your hip, curling it around your side, and pushing you further into him.
peter holds himself up by his elbows as you push your weight down further onto him. 
he couldn’t think straight when you were on top of him, let alone near him. all his worries of getting caught are thrown out the window when a deep groan rumbles from his throat.
he’s like putty in your hands, his head and limbs going numb at your touch.
and while it was difficult to deny the way your heart races at moments like this with peter, you couldn’t help but feel at such ease around him. when something you know is intrinsically wrong but feels so right, you were tired of peter being your guilty pleasure. 
you know the disapproving thoughts your father would muster up had you and your boyfriend publicly announced your official relationship. 
however, there were often many things you’d fail to notice. like how he’d mutter under his breath of the amount of money he could bet that a certain webhead would set off the security system yet again as sipped his midnight coffee. or when he would prepare a breakfast dish for you to take to your room, one that he knew would be too much for you to finish and unintentionally feed your boyfriend as well. 
sometimes you wonder if this boy was worth risking everything for.
but with peter softly panting against you, all doubts leave your mind and there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be but with him.
“what was that, petey?”
he’s swift in flipping you over, pushing you against the silky mattress.
“shut up,” he whispers as he tenderly attaches your lips once more. 
as he moves down your body, he isn’t shy with his wandering hands when he caresses your breasts over your shirt, pushing the cloth higher and kissing down your stomach, heat rapidly growing at your core. 
you’re flushed with excitement and when you take a look at the boy below, you can tell he is too.
finally, he rests his hands just above the waistband of your shorts, fingers gently stroking the skin below your navel. 
“i’m thinking… that you really enjoy our sneaking around,” his curls obstruct your view from his sultry eyes. your fingers weave their way through his locks, his strong gaze on you has your beaming red, and you’re desperate for him to do anything, 
“maybe, almost as much as me?” he’s teasing you, the roles are reversed and now you’re the one begging him.
he’s painfully slow in stripping you of your loose shorts, leaving your bottom half in just your panties.
your eyes close in bliss as you tilt your head back when peter kisses the inner of your thighs and he grunts at the sudden pull of his hair. his fingers are grasping onto your underwear torturously pulling the garment down when-
“hey honey, have you seen my-”
sad to say, peter’s spidey sense wasn’t quick enough to mask the obscene sight that your poor father had walked in on.
“jesus fuck!”
peter scrambles away from you handing you a pillow to save you some decency. 
and tony’s back on the other side of the closed door, clearly horrified at the very scene, “are you fucking kidding me!?”
“it’s not what it looks like mr. stark! s-sorry!” you stare at peter with a displeased look, rolling your eyes at both your dad’s and boyfriend’s reactions. 
his eyes are frantic when he looks to you for help, “i-i wasn’t doing anything i swear! i was just, checking out a-uh… a mole?” 
you give him an offended face, “a mole? seriously, pete?”
“i don’t know!”
while the two of you bicker, natasha is there waiting on the other side, an aggravated expression painted on her face.
tony clicks his tongue when he meets her outside, “well, that certainly wasn’t how i was expecting to find them, but…” 
“yea, whatever,” nat scoffs. rolling her eyes, she shoves a twenty dollar bill to his chest, too annoyed with the fact that she just lost a stupid bet to the billionaire.
“told you so.”
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rifari2037 · 7 days
Yeah they probably have you on a harass list or something. I know antis got a hate group chat on Twitter. At least that's what I've heard. It's kinda pathetic that they spend all their time harassing Zutara shippers. You're allowed to ship what you want (with a few exceptions).
I hope they don't, but I think I should be prepared for that. I know what happened on Twitter, more or less. They can twist words just to make Zutara shippers look bad and wrong. That's why I don't talk about Zutara much there.
Actually, the reason I talk about Zutara on Tumblr is because I feel more safe here, tags are very helpful. Some antis might come to me, but I consider they just want to exchange opinions. Not all of my opinions are right, I'm human, I can make mistake. That's why, as long as there are no insults or threats me personally, I respect their opinions.
My Tumblr is also more focused on the show, especially Zutara. I very rarely talk about antis personally (except maybe the toxic ones). They can have fun with their ship, I also never comment on their posts and bother them (unless they comment on pro-Zutara posts).
Stay away from them is my way of shipping Zutara peacefully
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percheduphere · 10 months
I am going to compare the relationships and romantic undertones of Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius with my all-time favorite Jane Austen adaptation because the character archetypes and plot-points are strikingly similar with Ang Lee and Emma Thompson's 1995 Sense and Sensibility.
This sounds cracked, but stay with me. Tropes are tropes for a reason. They are often repeated in writing subconsciously because they are very old and near-universal story arcs regardless of the literary genre we are discussing.
Please note that this is not a 1-to-1 comparison. This is an analysis of basic archetypes, tropes, and plot-points: the barebones skeleton of story structure. With that said, let's dig in:
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Loki = Kate Winslet's Marianne Dashwood
Sylvie = Greg Wise's John Willoughby
Mobius = Alan Rickman's Colonel Brandon
For those of you who have not seen (or read) Sense & Sensibility, the story is about a family of women who are rendered near-destitute when the patriarch passes away and, due to English law at the time, all the family finances fall to the only son. The only hope for the women to escape the edges of poverty is to marry into wealth.  
The Loki series’ main storyline is a far cry from that of Sense & Sensibility. It is first and foremost a sci-fi action-adventure, but don’t let that genre fool you. Well-written stories are always character-driven. The setting serves to establish the rules of the world and the tangible challenges the characters must confront to achieve their goal. The end goal for Loki is his ascension to the God of Stories (and time). Therefore, his character arc must follow a trajectory that prepares him for that ascension.  
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Love, above all else, is essential for Loki’s journey. In order to understand and be capable of love, Loki must experience love in all its forms including but not limited to romantic. I've seen a lot of social media posters mocking shippers with comments saying, "the story is not about romance." I wholeheartedly disagree. While romance is not the main concern of the series, romance does serve Loki's character development.
It is critical that we remember romance does not require physical contact or even blatant declarations of love. If that were true, unrequited love would not be thought of as romantic, which we know is not the case. Further, it is possible for physical intimacy to exist without any romance at all. One does not require the other.
While dismantling HWR’s old regime is the Loki series’ “Plot A” thread, Loki’s emotional experience serves as the series’ “Plot B” thread. Love and romance exist in Plot B.
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Within Sense & Sensibility’s plot, one of the main heroines, Marianne, has the archetype of the mercurial, passionate, and freewheeling spirit. She is rebellious at heart, chaffing at society’s rigid expectations of emotional repression and polite rather than fiery courtship. Much like Loki with Sylvie, Marianne is drawn to John Willoughby because his temperament, values, interests, and talents very closely mirror her own.  
Like Loki, Marianne is emotional. Her emotions drive many of her decisions, some of which are rash and socially unacceptable for her era. 
Like Loki, Marianne detests social norms. Refusing to contain her nature for anyone, she is unafraid of the stares and judgment of others. 
Like Loki, Marianne is poetic, a lover of words and metaphor. 
Like Loki, Marianne is a hedonist. She will follow where her heart takes her regardless of the consequences. Just as Loki runs after Sylvie through the portal door, Marianne chases after Willoughby.
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Willoughby fulfills the archetype of the ideal lover at first sight. He is young, handsome, strong, deeply romantic, and a lover of poetry, pleasure, and unfettered emotion. I will not go into the deeper details of his character and plot here as I don't find them relevant for the purposes of this analysis. The key point to remember is that Willoughby is meant to be Marianne's perfect match by virtue of similarity.
Like Sylvie, Willoughby is emotional and consequently chaotic in nature. At his worst, Willoughby is unafraid of hurting others in the pursuit of his desires. 
Like Sylvie, Willoughby chooses absolute freedom over the genuine love and care he has for Marianne (Loki).  
Like Sylvie, Willoughby views institutions with social authority with contempt.  
Like Sylvie, Willoughby judges character based on association with institutions rather than the individuals themselves. He holds repugnance for Brandon’s (Mobius’s) association with the military (the TVA). Fair enough, both the TVA and the military (especially the British military) are institutions that have committed horrific global atrocities.  
Like Sylvie, Willoughby is unable to separate the institution from the individual people living and working within it, who are capable of goodness.  
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Colonel Brandon, a decorated military officer, fulfills the trope of the “dark horse” in love. He is Willoughby’s opposite: older, "less physically attractive", reserved, practical, and orderly. The main character (Loki/Marianne) appreciates his friendship yet does not feel any romantic affection for him (Mobius/Brandon) until the primary love interest (Sylvie/Willoughby) abandons the relationship for absolute freedom.  
Like Mobius, Brandon is drawn to intelligent, artistic, footloose nonconformists. 
Like Mobius, Brandon accepts and loves Marianne exactly as she is, including her faults. He does not want her to change against her will and gently reprimands her older sister, Elinor, at such a suggestion.
Like Mobius, Brandon serves an institution with significant influence on the lives of others. 
Like Mobius, Brandon accepts that his love is not returned yet continues to express his love through his support of Marianne’s (Loki's) wishes, including his romantic rival Willoughby (Sylvie). 
Like Mobius, Brandon is seen as a dear friend rather than a potential romantic partner in the first 2/3rds of the story. 
Like Mobius, Brandon’s personal desires are secondary to Marianne’s (Loki’s) happiness. 
It is understood by the audience that love is not only a feeling; it is also an action that requires incredible responsibility. In that responsibility, both lovers must choose to take into consideration the feelings, wants, and needs of the other.
The trope of a main character meeting their perfect match and falling quickly in love informs the audience that conflict must lie ahead, and that the third party of the love triangle will be tested for their worthiness as a romantic partner.
Loki & Sylvie and Marianne & Willoughby possess a fast, passionate, and explosive love.
Loki & Mobius and Marianne & Brandon posses a slow, steady, and gently burning love.
These two relationships, which are BOTH valid AND romantic, are set against one another to contrast each suitor's strengths and weaknesses, as well as to shed light on which suitor best meets the feelings, needs, and wants of the main character.
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The main character's (Loki/Marianne) love interests inevitably collide in a tense confrontation. Being the Georgian Era, Brandon and Willoughby do not discuss their dislike for one another directly but with Marianne's older sister, Elinor.
Sylvie, on other hand, is not afraid to tear into Mobius, saying exactly what she thinks of him. Both directors of photography frame their shots in a near-identical fashion, demonstrating who are at odds and the individual (present or not) who is between them.
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Whether in the realm of fiction or reality, the act of love inherently requires some degree of self-sacrifice.
While Sylvie performs self-sacrifice by pruning herself in hopes of finding and rescuing Loki from the Void, that self-sacrifice does not extend to her personal values and beliefs with respect to free will.  She therefore fights Loki, ultimately kissing him farewell before kicking him through a time door to get what she wants.
Likewise, Willoughby, cut-off from his family's estate due to indiscretions he refuses own, prioritizes wealth over his relationship with Marianne in order to continue his lifestyle of luxury and absolute freedom. Willoughby therefore marries the exceptionally wealthy Miss Grey to achieve this end, abandoning Marianne and breaking her heart in the process.
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At the midpoint of each storyline (where the narrative turns), both Loki and Marianne have lost the person they felt most strongly about because they were not that's person's priority.
Marianne's quote in the above gif is significant. It is a poem she and Willoughby recited together when they first met. She recites it again, alone, as she looks upon the estate Willoughby has married into in the rain. The poem is as follows:
"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove. Oh, no. It is an ever-fixed mark that looks upon tempests and is never shaken."
This poem defines love as not fickle but persistent in the face of challenges and "never shaken".
Brandon, who falls for Marianne first, establishes himself as not only a friend of Marianne's but her whole family's. All of his actions throughout the film are performed out of love for Marianne, but these actions are not read as romantic by Marianne because there is no fast-burning fire and (seemingly) little commonality between them.
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Marianne's mother cautions her, pointing out that the romances she cites all meet pitiful ends. In return, Marianne describes such love as not pitiful but "glorious."
Brandon and Mobius express their love for Marianne and Loki through practical means. Their actions are predominantly viewed as marks of friendship rather than marks of romantic love. It should be noted that in both cases, no verbal declaration of love, nor any physical declaration of love, such as a kiss, is ever made by either Mobius or Brandon on screen. Brandon's unrequited love, however, is readily apparent to everyone (the characters and the audience) due his presentation of the opposite gender.
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Brandon, upon seeing Marianne struggle cutting reeds for weaving, offers her his pocketknife. Mobius, knowing that confrontation with Sylvie at Roxxcart will be dangerous, offers Loki his daggers for protection. 
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Brandon, recognizing Marianne’s need for artistic pursuits, gifts her a piano. Mobius, recognizing Loki’s need for validation, provides him with words of affirmation, encouraging Loki’s talents in magic and cunning.
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Brandon, acknowledging Marianne’s love for Willoughby, invites Willoughby to a picnic at his estate despite his distaste for him.  Mobius, acknowledging Loki’s love for Sylvie, frees Loki and is pruned despite his jealousy of her. 
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Marianne, out in the rain and in distress over her loss of Willoughby, succumbs to a deadly fever. Loki, kicked through a time door and in distress over his loss of Sylvie, succumbs to time-slipping.
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Brandon and Mobius actively make themselves available in response to their loved one's individual break-ups with ZERO expectation of having their love returned.
Brandon, concerned that Marianne's illness may kill her, rides nonstop for hours to retrieve her mother during a storm. Mobius, concerned for Loki's wellbeing, risks his life on the loom's gangway, risking exposure to temporal radiation and death.
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In the end, both Brandon and Mobius are the triumphant winners of Marianne's and Loki's hearts.
Indeed, Brandon reads poetry to Marianne, and when he announces he must "away", Marianne worriedly asks "where?", demonstrating her desire for him to stay. Brandon teases her, fulfilling Marianne's need for romance and excitement by saying, "it is a secret."
Mobius, meanwhile, begins to open himself up to worldly pleasures, allowing himself to drop the strict, no-nonsense behavior he exhibited in S1. Loki, in turn, begins to provide him with the type of emotional support Mobius has consistently given him since the beginning (yes, he has a jealous meltdown, but he recovers relatively quickly).
The outcome of their successes, however, diverge due to their gender presentation.
Whereas Brandon happily marries Marianne ...
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... Loki returns Mobius's selfless love with a sacrifice of his own, and they are separated.
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