#shit came outta nowhere why now
eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Too sick for saimatsu week,,,,, :,[
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
why am I always talking myself out of writing when I get a new idea?????
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base0h · 1 year
Yo I got this idea from your pickle fic you did a couple months ago.
Monster trio,law and kidd super gluing a pickle jar and ask their s/o to open it and to their surprise their s/o opens it without any problems
I love your crack fics so much
Please and ty
a/n - I’m so glad you like my humor because sometimes I feel like I’m so unfunny 😂💜 oml kidd would break the jar (also I can’t fit all of the characters so I had to omit Sanji 😭😭)
Warnings ⚠️ - I bully Kidd, crack, g/n reader
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- Bro thought that maybe he could troll you back since he couldn’t open the pickle jar a couple days ago (he’s still depressed, so no one talks about it) y’all just pretend it never happened
- zoro: hah! Remember that time when you couldn’t open the-
- everyone: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
- luffy: huh?
- poor zoro 💀 he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to talk about it since they left him at the previous island
- He was all tightening the pickle jar with the glue, giggling and kicking his feet just imagining you not being able to open it like him, so you’d be embarrassed like him. (He’s evil, beware)
- he skipped over to you and handed you a pickle jar, “Hey y/n, can you open it for me while I go grab something to eat?”
- you nodded, grabbing the pickle jar and opening it with ease. Huh, that’s weird, why would Luffy ask you to open it?
- he had such a big mischievous grin when he came back and then when he saw the pickle jar sitting next to you, the cap right next to it, oml he freaked out
- “What do you mean? It was super loose.”
- ….
- nah he’s dead now watch him go sob in the corner
- man was sobbing for about an hour or two before Sanji was able to feed him some meat to make him stop crying. Has ptsd with pickle jars now- and you felt bad so you gave him a jar for him to open (you could’ve opened it but you wanted to make him feel tough and strong 💜💜)
- “Luffy, I just can’t open this thing, can you open it?”
- The way his eyes lit up and he just RAN to help you, “MHM! Sure!”
- opened it without a problem and puffed his chest out, crossing his arms, “Shishishi~ I’m strong!!!!”
- “You’re the strongest captain ever! King of the pirates! Roger wishes he was you!!!” -you
- He was giggling, flexing his muscles and all lmfao
- man Luffy is lucky to have you as his personal best cheerleader 💜💜😭
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- oh nah, the prank you did on him did not end well 💀 man literally blew up and poor killer had to just sit there in the midst of his explosion (his mental health was harmed in the process of this)
- things chilled out after you managed to give him a hug and some cuddles and coaching him through calming breaths (he does yoga to relax you can’t convince me otherwise)
- Kidd the yogi 💀💀💀
- So he decided that it’d be absolutely hilarious to do the same pickle jar prank on you bec he’s an asshole and a dumbass
- Idk how he did it, but he spent all night formulating and researching which glue was the best until he just decided to weld it shut
- “Kidd what are you doing?” -killer
- “Go to bed killer.”
- stfu Kidd don’t be mean to your best friend 💀
- fast forward to the time of the prank, he handed you the jar with a literal shit eating grin on his face, bro could not stop giggling (sounds like a fucking clown. And I don’t mean in a good way.)
- “Why are you giggling..?” -you
- “No reason >:)”
- You opened it, continuing to watch your show on the tv, handing it back to him. There was a moment of silence that lasted about 5 minutes. He was not moving, blinking, nor breathing for that matter. Killer walked by the room, and took a picture before walking away 💀
- man just started yelling outta nowhere, scaring the literal shit out of you
- “…..”
- “Why the fuck did you weld it shut you dumbass?” -you
- he beat you up (correction) you beat him up for even trying to beat you up
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- he didn’t seem that affected by your prank earlier but trust me, he’s crying on the inside, praying to corazon and asking: why tf am I so fucking weak
- after you told him it was just a joke he was pretty mad and ignored you for about a day (before he just couldn’t ignore the love of his life anymore😂)
- but yeah lesson learned, don’t do it again
- well he thought it’d be funny to do it to you since it made him so irritated (he will not admit that and will tell you that Bepo made him do it or something like that)
- the hardest part for him was asking you for help because anytime he does you get all smirky and say: “ooooo you need my help??? 😏”
- “never mind I don’t.”
- so yeah he was a bit nervous about asking you- but he had to do it lmao
- “Y/n-ya, can you open this for me?”
- “Sure.”
- you literally opened it in seconds, you didn’t even struggle.
what the fuck?
- “Y/n. How did you open that?..”
- “It was loose, did you loosen it?”
- “…….I’m gonna go to bed now.”
- “it’s 2pm!”
- “I’m. Going. To. Bed.”
- went straight to his computer to look up
- “Is my s/o a demon?”
- “what is the strength level for opening glued shut pickle jar”
- “911 marine hq”
- “counseling hotline”
- “can glue expire?”
- “am I weak?”
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- Zoro was still pretty mad that he couldn’t open the jar last time, so he’s added, “opening pickle jars for y/n, 20 reps, 2 sets, give pickles to Luffy.”
- his workout page looks like a Barbie notebook you cannot tell me otherwise
- everything is pink and neon green 💀
- anyway, mayyyyybe Luffy convinced him to do the same prank on you because Luffy kept laughing at him about it, poor moss head’s self esteem was a bit low now 😭
- So he grabbed a jar, glued the damn thing shut and went over to you (took a while because he could not find you)
- “hey y/n. Can you open this for me? I’m gonna go train.”
- “Sure.”
- he hid behind the corner, watching as you took the jar and paused, continuing to read your book before opening it with ease, putting it back on the table next to you
- man was flabbergasted.
- how the actual fuck did you do that?????
- “Zoro??? What do you want me to do with the jar?!” -you
- His plan to hide out behind the corner was ruined the moment Luffy came over and fucking said hello to him
- “Oh hey zoro!! Whatcha doin?”
- “SHUT UP!”
- “huh?”
- You turned around to see Zoro trying to shut up poor Luffy who literally wanted to just say hi 😭
- “Zoro what are you doing?? I opened the jar, is it for Sanji’s meal?”
- “….Yeah just- give it to him.”
- he looked sad, it was painful for your heart
- imagine getting stabbed, then reading something sad, listening to sad music, and then realizing. You’re sad.
- that is what this felt like
- you tried your best to comfort him (even though you didn’t know why he was sad) so you watched him train and you sat on his back while he did pushups. Seemed to make the poor guy feel better, but you still didn’t know why he was so sad in the first place :’)
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a/n - poor zoro
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silversodas · 8 months
Interesting Alastor Insights
I think I may have figured out what was up Alastor’s ass in Dead Beat Dad. On one hand it may be a deeper issue that I am missing some context for, but I actually think it’s a little simpler then we think.
Even before Lucifer arrived, Alastor was clearly not happy about him coming over, and yes Alastor was 100% full of shit in the dad off song, BUT! Something note worthy is that he was not only being possessive of the Hotel (claiming to be its host and even greeting Lucifer as the master of the house does) but is also weirdly possessive of Charlie
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And right down to the “fuck you” to Lucifer’s face it was projecting “get your feet off of my damn coffee table and get outta my house” energy. At first I was wondering what crawled up Alastor’s ass and died, and then Hell’s greatest Dad starts playing and..
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“Who’s been faithful as a Nun? Who’s been here since day one?”
And it dawned on me and I was like “Alastor, why are you acting like your being replaced?” And Charlie is just as confused at Alastor’s behavior, like this came out of nowhere. Apparently Alastor was determined to show Lucifer who the Genie of this bottle is. But I didn’t believe it at first, I was like “nah it has to be something else” but then Mimzy gave some VARY interesting insight
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When Mimzy first arrived, Alastor has a look that says (oh this is all I need right now) but he still seems happy to see her
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Like holy shit, he happily reciprocates the hug, but that’s not to surprising if you know who Mimzy is if you have been fallowing Viv for a while
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When she mentioned that he frequented the club (speakeasy)that she preformed in I was like “oh! They are drinking buddies!” Drinking Buddies are someone you generally only know the fun side of because you only hang out together at the bar, but Mimzy highlights a different side to their relationship
“Put on some Jazz, and pour a few fingers of Rye, and he becomes a kitten”
This gives me insight that while they were alive, she wasn’t just his drinking buddy and dance partner, she was his comfort zone. The way she phrased this sentence, made it sound like this was something she used to do for Alastor when they were alive, maybe she was a soothing presence as well as an entertaining one in Alastor’s life. But bar friends can sometimes be pretty high maintenance friends outside the bar, actually I think a lot of us have had something close to a friend like Mimzy in our lives. Apparently she is so bad that even Husk is concerned enough about Alastor to try and talk to him about her
“You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs something. That bitch is trouble, and who knows what demon she fucked with to come running to you this time”
Alastor’s response threw me for a loop
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“It’s nothing I can’t handle, don’t worry Husker, who would cross me?”
So Alastor is not immune to having toxic friends? I always assumed he would just drop anyone who became to much trouble, this is an interesting surprise. And on top of that he’s…an enabler!? Huh…that is super interesting to know. Putting a pin in the rest of this interaction for another post because there is a lot to unpack with husk and alastor. Except for the being on a leash thing because it made me realize something.
What if the reason he felt upstaged by Lucifer was not because Lilith told him to keep him away (yeah I am subscribing to the Lilith theory, it’s to much to Be a coincidence) but because he is legitimately afraid of no longer being needed by Charlie? What if, if he isn’t needed by Charlie then he has to go back to wherever he was the last 7 years? Everyone assumes he is free because he acts as such, but is he? Like real question, what if he was a straight up gift to Charlie in a way? Even if it was a “look after my daughter” command I would still call that sending a gift.
And oh man, what if he was suppose to tell the whole truth to Charlie but gave the whole, “I am here for entertainment” speech instead.
And your probably thinking, Charlie wouldn’t tell him to leave. Yeah but does Alastor know that? And he probably thinks Lilith might call him back anyway if he is not needed but just hanging out. But as we have seen, he cant even except his own situation
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I will unpack this whole encounter later, but for real I don’t even think he is that mad at husk, he was mad at the reminder that his soul doesn’t belong to him any more. Like look at his face, it’s the most upset we have ever seen him, and it’s so detailed. He looks enraged, but also hurt at the same time. He and Charlie are not friends, yet, but I think he does feel some what safe at the hotel and maybe that’s enough for now
I also think there is some stock in Alastor hating that Lucifer is a bad dad theory, because that contempt was so raw and he did calm the fuck down a little bit during the “more then anything” song
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But those are my random insights of Alastor, there were more but this is already to long I just hope it’s coherent
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la2yn0va · 12 days
lf you have the time to make part 4 of friends after the events of part 2 stellaron hunter m/n take a break so he go to xianzhou to see the event ( moze,jiaoqiu,any chance feixiao saw then and go to he friendly enough to talk them) image feixiao saw m/n watching her.fighting hoolay and joined her and fight along side any characters of your choice
BTW you will have finished it I don't know what happened next BC I will have a break to HSR so yeah I WANT FLUFF AND ANGST (oh boy this one will be different)
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Note: 2.5 is out, I can finally do this! This can be taken as romantic or Platonic.
Kafka: M/n~
M/n: Kafka.
The two greeted each other. M/n cracked his neck and walked over to her.
M/n: So what’s happening? Was firefly talking shit again?
Kafka: Hah. Since when did firefly ever do such things? Are you still held up about our little ‘bounty’ competition?
M/n: Your god damn right I am! She came in outta NOWHERE and took my place as the second most dangerous stellaron hunter! Fuck that! She used a whole as fucking mech suit to do that!
Kafka watched, with an amused smile. It’s always a joy to see m/n rant on about this like an irritated child. She let him talk for a bit more, before patting his face.
Kafka: Now now. As much as I’m enjoying this, I’m afraid you have a mission~
M/n: Hah? I do?
Kafka nodded
M/n: FUCK!
He flicked his body around, walking around before stopping and taking a breath.
M/n: Come on! I had to take care of that little trailblazer in belabog and the xianzhou abit before it was reveled I was a stellaron..— WHATEVER—! Sigh, what’s the mission?
Kafka: Similar to fireflies mission in penacony. You’re going back to the xianzhou. Elio has seen that you must find something there. That and, you must lend a helping hand when the problem comes.
M/n: Back to the xianzhou? and I have to find something…is it something internal like firefly…when do I leave?
Kafka: You have 5 minutes before wolfie teleports you somewhere safe at the luofu. Put on your best outfit, handsome.
She waved before walking out of his room. M/n stood there for a minute before sighing.
M/n: Firefly found something at penacony, and now me… is Elio trying to heal us or something? No… we have nothing to lose anyway… why would destiny bother with that?
M/n had been at the xianzhou for not even 2 hours and shit had already hit the fan. Guess that’s the xianzhou specialty nowadays. M/n had been walking around, rooftop to rooftop, trying to find anything.
He did see the nameless and played around with them for a bit, before leaving. And now, hoolay had escaped and his friend jiaoqiu had been captured as hostage.
M/n cursed at the whole situation. A part of him still was a cloud knight, seeing everything go to shit had stung him, but it wasn’t what bothered him. Honesty, the whole luofu could get destroyed and he wouldn’t care. But the borisin have his friend!
As he was searching for him, many unpleasant memories came rushing back to him. How he left the yaoqing, how he joined the stellaron hunters to revert himself back to how he was before he was forced to face an identity and internal crisis after meeting his ‘o so great mother’ how he regretted the way he left, but ultimately he accepted all this.
He eventually came across moze, trailblazer, and feixiao. He stopped, seeing how injured Moze was and listened in to their conversation, learning that hoolay was headed to the ship where the war dance was being held.
He immediately headed there, managing to jump his way up there. He quickly searched the entire ship, finding some borisin and killing then off after asking for jiaoqiu’s location. Apparently only hoolay knew. Much to his annoyance and slight excitement. He felt the ship shake and immediately sped up to the arena, seeing feixiao face off with hoolay.
He watched silently. Should he help? Why should he…?! It was HER fault why Jiaoqiu got kidnapped in the first place…. No.. no he’s just being childish. He jumped up and landed a diving kick onto the warheads jaw, having enough strength and rage to break his jaw.
Feixiao, March, Yanqing, and yunli watched in pure shock. Stellaron hunter m/n was here! But he was helping them!? M/n didn’t face them yet, he landed on the ground before turning around and slamming a fist onto hoolay’s chest, pushing him away from them.
March & Feixiao: M-M/n!?
Yunli & Yanqing: Stellaron hunter!?
M/n: I see I’m famous
He joked turning to face them, well mostly feixiao. Walking towards her, she clicked her tongue before getting ready to fight.
M/n: Your pointing that at the wrong person.
Feixiao: What’re you doing here!
M/n: Tsk. You see me after our little meeting in the interrogation room and this is how you react? Typical. I’m here to help fix YOUR fuck up.
Feixiao: M-my.. what’re you—
M/n: Jiaoqiu is captured. So point your damn blade at that mutt over there!
He stood besides her, talking out his own dual blades. Feixiao could only stare in surprise. She knew that m/n’s meant to make her feel guilty for Jiaoqiu, which worked, but… she can’t help but feel happy that he’s here, fighting along side her once more.
Feixiao: Fine.
March, Yunli, Yanqing: WHAT!!?
M/n: You three are still here?
Feixiao: Relax. Right now we have a common enemy. And that’s hoolay. We’ll deal with the m/n situation later!
M/n: Glad you care about me THAT much!
He bit back as feixiao smiled. Hoolay roared and ran towards the duo as they dashed in. The two began to bombard hoolay, their old teamwork slowly reviving and putting on a show for anyone who watched.
Feixiao couldn’t help but have a smile carved in her face. What was meant to be an emotional turmoil for her was quelled with m/n’s presence here. Just like back then. How it should’ve been, how it SHOULD be.
Hoolay was quickly defeated, but then ripped his heart out and threw it in the sky, infecting foxian’s with moon rage. Feixiao however, used her power to swallow the crimson moon, becoming the enemy. The trio swordsmaters wanted to help. But m/n refused, out right kicking them down to the luofu, leaving the arena with only HIM and feixiao.
-Inside Feixiao’s Mind-
Hoolay: Ahh.. that man. M/n? Possibly your biggest regret.
Hoolay teased as an imagine if a confused and crying m/n appeared in front of him and feixiao. Feixiao’s eyes widened as she stared at this afterimage.
M/n: I hate this… why do I even care!? Why should I care!!? I DONT GET IT!! WHAT THE HELL AM I MEANT TO FELL HERE!! AM I EVEN HUMAN!!? HELP!! WOULD SOMEONE JUST… HELP!!
It yelled, making feixiao wince at the sight and hoolay laugh.
Hoolay: The “lacking” general. Lacking in worries, regrets, and rivals! Hahahaha!! What a pathetic front! This one man destroys that foolish title of yours!
Another afterimagine appeared, showing m/n standing ontop of corpses of abominations and borisin, His eyes looked dead, his body limp.
Hoolay: Instead of helping your ‘friend’ you sent him off to fight in a war! And that’s when he realized how you truly felt about him! You only ever saw him as a soilder!
Feixiao’s eyes stung as she walked up to the afterimagine. Which changed to make its head stare ahead, right where Feixiao stood.
Hoolay: A capable warrior indeed! A powerful solider that was meant to be used by their superior! A remarkable weapon! That’s all you ever saw him as. And he knows it!
M/n: I’m…not even human. When have I ever been… even to the cloud knights. I’m just a pawn, a dog meant to die when they order me to… even SHE sees me as a dog…
Feixiao reached out, putting her and on his face as her saddened eyes stared into his dead ones as hoolay continued to torment her.
Hoolay: You only ever comforted him once, and you made it clear that you just wanted him at his best so he could battle!!
Feixiao: You were never a dog nor solider in my eyes.. your were ALWAYS my friend. You will forever be my closest friend… it’s me… I’m the one who saw myself as a weapon! You were always the only one that made me feel human!
She yelled, before slapping the afterimage away, once again ridding herself of the guilt she carried within herself for all these years. Hoolay didn’t seem pleased as a battle quickly escalated between her and a shadow of herself, the darkest parts of her.
As she held up her waraxe, two people appeared beside her. Two m/n’s from her own mindscape.
Evil!Feixiao: What?!
Feixiao: M/n…
Past M/n: You look troubled general~ don’t tell me that your scared I’ll take your general title~
Present m/n: Get your head together. You always pull me into your shit feixiao.
She looked at the two before smiling as the three got ready to battle hoolay.
-Timeskip, after the battle-
M/n groaned as he flopped against a wall of an alleyway. He finished his battle with feixiao and hoolay, and now he was tired, very tired. But, he didn’t let himself rest, he still needed to find jiaoqiu.
He had to escape from cloud knights and now was pushing himself to continue his search. He decided to head to the alchemy commission, to steal some ornaments. Once he arrived, he saw jiaoqiu! And he was walking!
He sighed in relief, knowing he can leave in peace. He took out his phone and messgaed silverwolf, ready to get teleported away. Only for her to replay “Elio said you still have some people to confront”
M/n: …fuck me…
He sighed before watching jiaoqiu walk towards the waves. He waited as feixiao walked to jiaoqiu and moze reveled himself, but he froze. Should he actually go out and talk to them? Does he have that right anymore?
Moze: Will you revel yourself.
Moze said as they all faced the direction where m/n was. M/n sighed, knowing he should’ve expected them to know he was here. He walked out, holding his side for a few seconds before facing them.
Moze: M/n..!
Jiaoqiu: What..!?
Moze said, shocked that it was him that was spying on them. Feixiao offered him a warm smile, and m/n looked back with slight irritation. Looking at jiaoqiu and his much duller eyes, showing m/n his blindness.
M/n:…I blame you.
He said looking at feixiao. Whose face twitched with guilt. Moze looked towards Feixiao, wondering if he should attack, but she shook her head.
Jiaoqiu: M/n..? Is that actually you…!
M/n:…yes.. it’s me—
M/n’s eyes shot open, seeing Jiaoqiu running towards his voice with a clenched fist. He raised his hand but stopped, deciding to not block it. He allowed jiaoqiu to hit him, actually feeling some blood drop from his nose.
Jiaoqiu: You have any idea how much I’ve wanted to do that…?
M/n slowly looked back, swiping the blood from his nose away with his thumb.
M/n: Yeah. Some level of idea.
He said moving his hand to ruffle his hair like he always did back then. Jiaoqiu allowed it to continue for a few seconds before slapping his hand away, not forgiving m/n.
M/n looked saddened by this but understood. He looked towards moze who looked indifferent of the whole situation, but m/n could see through moze. He was happy, and abit irritated m/n was here.
M/n: it is nice to see you again, Moze. Taking care of lil’ jiao for me?
Moze nodded and jiaoqiu looked away after hearing his old nickname. M/n looked towards feixiao. Looking abit more stoic.
M/n: general.
Her ears twitched at the title, shaking her head.
Feixiao: No please. Call me feixiao.
He re-greeted, which earned a soft smile from her. M/n sighed, not knowing where to go from here.
M/n:…you all have something to say to me. So say it. I already checked the area. It’s just us here… let me have it.
Jiaoqiu: Your a selfish prick.
Moze: Your an Irrational fucking mongrel!
Feixiao: Your a reckless dumbass that doesn’t think of others first!
M/n, stayed still. Accepting the verbal insults. He crossed his arms and looked away, his mind still in abit of a frenzy. After about 10 minutes of verbal abuse, the three calmed down.
M/n: well…guess all that was warranted.
Jiaoqiu: You think?
Jiaoqiu bit back. M/n just sighed and responded with a ‘yes’
M/n:…well. I believe we’re done here.
He turned around but his hand was instantly caught by feixiao.
Feixiao: Wait!
M/n did as he was told. Standing still, he looked back to see feixiao and her pleading eyes, looking as if she’d die right there if he left.
M/n: what do you want general.
Feixiao:…I know.. you don’t like me. Back then. You came to me for help because you weren’t truly at all good with emotions. So when you met your—
M/n: skip the fucking recap.
Feixiao: Mm—…. I’m sorry. I’m sorry my actions that day, which left you even more in turmoil than you already were in. I’m sorry I was being a general and not a friend. I’m sorry I made you think you meant nothing to me… in truth you meant everything to me. You WERE everything. Not just to me, but to us.
She said, holding out an arm towards moze and jiaoqiu.
Feixiao: Please… tell me how I can fix this. There has to be a way. A solution! Please, tell me anything. I’ll do anything to prove how sorry I am.
M/n: oh? And what if I want your life.
Feixiao: Take it.
Jiaoqiu and moze released a slightly surprised sound, as m/n held his blade against her neck.
Feixiao: If that’s what it’ll take for you to forgive me. Then I’ll gladly die by your hands.
M/n:….tsk. No need to be serious…. I forgive you…
He said, putting his blade away. Feixiao looked surprised but smiled, allowing the most joyful smile ever to grace their eyes. M/n, released a breath, turning to leave.
M/n: I guess we’re don—
Feixiao: Can you stay longer!
M/n: huh..?
Feixiao: Can..can you come back! Stay with us. Become a cloud knight with us again!
She said desperately. Wanting to spread more time with him, as did moze and jiaoqiu. M/n looked away and scratched his hair.
M/n: i don’t think I—
He was cutoff by a notification from his phone, taking it out and seeing a message from… blade?
Blade: Kafka has informed me to message you. She said your mission was complete, I read your script. If you want another opinion, I’d suggest you either take your generals head, or work on fixing your relationship with them.
M/n: no fucking way he wasn’t manipulated into sending this message!!
He said in his mind, but sighing. Putting his phone away. He looked towards the three and walked back to them.
M/n: Lucky for you, I have time off… let’s..get a party going I guess.
He said, abit awkwardly. Feixiao smiled and jumped onto him, hugging him tightly, much to his surprise. Jiaoqiu also joined in while Moze simply patted m/n’s head.
Moze: Let’s get a move on. I haven’t cleaned your house today.
M/n: You’ve been cleaning my house this whole time!?
-The End-
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petite-phthora · 8 months
Shouldn’t have digital evidence when you have a family of hackers
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 14]
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Part 1
Text in italics and in-between ' means it is said in sign language
'For example.'
If an entire scene is written in italics, that means that that scene is a flashback.
When Jason glances at where Danny and Ellie were, he sees nothing. He’s too relieved to really care much about how they got out of here so quickly.
He’ll ask Danny about it later.
“Red Hood.”
“Bitch.” Is his response.
Jason is slightly disappointed, but entirely unsurprised, by the lack of reaction he gets.
“Who were they?”
“What were those civilians doing on the roof?”
“Where did they even go?”
“Just some informants for a case I’ve been working on.” Jason says, not giving anything about them away.
“Which case?”
“Did they attack you?”
“Yeah, who took a bite out of your arm? And more importantly, how did you taste?”
“Steph, I don’t think now’s the time—”
‘Medical assistance?’
Jason follows the Bats’ gazes towards his injured arm. He resists the urge to hide it and instead crosses his arms, trying to play it off.
“No, this is from… a cat.”
“A cat?”
“Yes. A stray cat. Bit me.”
“Tch. It’s obvious Todd is incompetent when it comes to caring for animals. For it to attack you like that you must have done quite poorly. What did you do to it?” Damien glares at him in an accusatory way.
“I didn’t do shit, Demon Brat. I was just scanning the street when it bit me outta nowhere.”
“Well, excuse me if I don’t believe you, Todd. You clearly must have cornered, threatened, or hurt it in some way for it to react—"
“Yeah, yeah.” Jason cuts him off and rolls his eyes, even though none of them can see it through the helmet. The energy is there.
“Animals hate me, and I can’t take care of them for shit. Now, can we move on to why you’re all here on my turf?” Jason stares them all down.
Before anyone else can speak up, Dick starts talking.
“Can’t an elder brother just visit his younger sibling every once in a while?” Dick asks with a totally innocent grin.
Dick shrugs. “Worth a shot.”
“While we originally came here to interrogate you about your involvement in the disappearance of the Joker, these imbeciles wanted to use the encounter as a way to simultaneously confront you about your new… beloved” Damian says, gesturing towards the others sounding completely done and unimpressed.
‘Got them flowers?’
“So how was the dinner? And the observatory? Do they like the stars? What’s their name? Hobbies? Age? Appearance? Interests?”
“Are they hot?”
“Seeing as you picked up a bouquet of sweet peas in costume, and didn’t take a detour to your apartment or safehouse before your location started glitching, I have to ask. Are you dating a civilian as Red Hood?” Babs speaks up over the comms.
Tim stays suspiciously silent, not asking any questions. Jason cuts them all off.
“Where the hell did you even get this information from?”
“Tim snitched.”
“Drake mentioned it.”
“Timmy told us.”
“Red Robin informed us about your outing.”
“I hacked some cams to see you pick up the flowers, but Tim was the one to say you were on a date at the time.”
Tim raises his finger and opens his mouth as if he’s about to speak up and defend himself. He then stops, seemingly considering something before dropping his hand back down and just shrugging.
“If you didn’t want anyone to know you shouldn’t have gone out as Red Hood when getting the flowers and taking them out to dinner.
“Besides, I tried to respect your privacy and redirect everyone somewhere else to keep them off your back. But they interrogated me, and I’m sorry.” He says, not sounding sorry at all. “It just… slipped out.”
“You didn’t try that hard—"
Tim shushes Steph and cuts her off.
“Besides! Babs also stalked you! Through the cameras! And, I didn’t say that much. I just told them you were on a date.”
Jason glares at them all through the visor of his helmet. Meanwhile, Dick crosses his arms and pouts.
“Yeah, Timbers—” “No real names.” “— wouldn’t tell us anything! He used his lack of sleep against us.”
“So Timmy, I need you to tell me everything. Pretty please?”
Tim raises his finger and opens his mouth as if he’s about to speak up. Then his eyes roll into the back of his head and he starts falling backward.
Dick yelps and manages to catch him before he falls onto the ground and hits his head.
“Damn it, Tim!” He whines. “Passing out like that should not have been the power move that it is.”
“He can fall asleep after this?!” Steph’s incredulous voice pipes up.
Dick’s gaze moves from Tim over to where Steph was previously half-dying due to Tim’s monstrosity of a drink. She’s standing by now, clutching the mug in a death grip. She’s twitching every now and again, her foot tapping the floor rapidly.
“Ehm, Steph? You okay?”
“Mhmm, think I’m having a stroke”
“Oh, that’s not good—”
Dick cuts himself off as Steph starts to stumble. He moves closer to catch her in case she falls as well, but luckily she manages to save herself from falling, clumsily moving to sit down on the floor instead.
Once seated, she lets her back hit the floor. She also lets go of the mug, letting it spill onto and roll around the floor of the cave.
“Y’know, I think I’m just gonna stay here for a bit. Maybe do some stalactite gazing. It’s riveting stuff, I tell you!”
Dick lets out a small sigh and nods a little.
“You do you, boo”
He gets a thumbs-up in response.
“Why are you actually here?” He cuts them off, already done with their bullshit. “Don’t start the bullshit about the ‘date’ again. Either talk business or leave.”
He privately notes the lack of green in his vision.
They all glance at each other before Batman steps forward and speaks up.
“What is your involvement in the disappearance of the Joker.”
“I don’t have anything to do with the Joker’s disappearance” Jason vehemently denies, arms still crossed.
“Are you sure about that?” Babs’ voice pipes up over the comms.
A hologram forms above Batman’s gauntlet computer. The hologram shows a picture of Jason in his Red Hood costume without his helmet grinning at the camera. He’s holding up the camera selfie style and seems to be in one of the alleys of Crime Alley.
The most intriguing part of the picture is the figure next to Jason on the ground. There, in clear view, lies the dead body of the Joker. His head seems to be caved in in a way that shows he most likely died on impact, hit by something that had a lot of force.
Jason pauses at the sight of one of his most precious keepsakes.
“Of course you hacked my phone” He scoffs, clearly unhappy.
Jason turns back to look at the Bats and watches their reactions to the revelation the Joker is most certainly dead. Dick seems to have some sort of weight lifted off of his shoulders. Cass doesn’t give anything away.
Damian is unimpressed, scoffing at the hologram and likely already mentally criticizing the technique. Steph seems to be more relaxed, “Damn, Jason, this totally looks like that one Grant Gustin next to the grave meme,” while Tim seems to be having some kind of world-shattering epiphany.
He then eyes Batman’s tense posture. Jason shifts slightly, getting ready to fight if it comes to it.
“Red Hood. Did you kill the Joker?” Batman grinds out slowly, pinning Jason with a soul-piercing stare. Jason carefully eyes Batman’s tightened fists before locking eyes with him again.
“No,” Jason answers honestly.
Jason and Batman are locked in a stare-down, neither speaking another word. The tense silence goes on for a few seconds before it’s broken by Dick casually putting his arm around Jason’s shoulders in a friendly gesture.
“Welp. Seems like he didn’t do it, B. If he says he didn’t, I believe him.” Dick speaks up.
Jason and Batman both untense a little, the moment broken. Jason lets out a small grumble and shrugs Dick’s arm off his shoulders. Dick lets him with a smile.
“Wait, so you just found his body dead in a ditch somewhere? I called it!” Steph pipes up.
She holds her hand up for a high-five. Cass gives her one.
Jason shrugs nonchalantly “You could say that.”
“You may not have killed him, but it’s clear you’re covering for the actual murderer. Who is it and why are you protecting them?” Batman asks, not letting it go.
“You may not believe me, B, but it was just a freak accident as far as I could tell.”
If you call a meta one-punching the Joker in self-defense a ‘freak accident’.
It’s not like Danny meant to do it. Ergo: accident.
“Nothing more, nothing less. I found him like that. All I did was get rid of the body and wipe some cams. Not that those would have been much helpful if let unwiped anyway.” He shrugs, unconcerned.
“Do you know what caused the files to become corrupted this way? I’ve seen corrupted files before, but this is something else…” Babs says over the comms, tone curious.
“Nah, they were like that even before I wiped them. Might have something to do with whatever took the fucker out. Don’t know though, and I don’t care.I’m just glad the city’s finally rid of that bastard.”
“Amen to that!”
Batman’s glare moves over from Jason to Tim, who meets his gaze headfirst and just gives him an unimpressed stare in return.
“You gotta be honest, B. There’s not really anyone gonna be missing him…”
“Now, if that’s all. I gotta go. I’ve got some work to do, cases to solve, groceries to buy. Y’know, not everyone has the freedom to walk around dressed as furries beating up bad guys 24/7. Some of us have a life.” Jason cuts in.
“And since when are you the one to have a life outside of being a vigilante?”
“Oh, you know, since somewhere around the time my gruesome murder was finally avenged,” Jason says sarcastically.
“Who knew that that would be something that would make it feel like a weight is lifted off of your shoulders and that it would finally bring some peace into your life?
“Let me know if you find the guy who did it, okay? Feel like this was a great service to the community and it deserves a nice reward. Might bake ‘em a cake or something. Maybe some cookies… ” Jason pretends to think.
“Where’s the body?” Batman asks, ignoring Jason’s sarcasm.
“And when are you going to introduce us to your new partner?” Dick chimes in as well.
“Not telling you, and never if I can help it. Now, goodbye.” Jason grinds out before leaving.
Jason turns and runs to the edge of the building, making his way over to the next building and leaving the Bats behind on the roof. As he gets farther away from the other vigilantes, the last thing he hears is Steph speaking up.
“Is it just me or did that conversation involve a lot less… green-eyed rage than I expected?”
Now, it’s time to plan that next date…
@i-always-say-yea @uraniumwizard @why-must-i-be-like-this @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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leaderofthepack22 · 9 months
I have some things to say about claire nakti
I know she is your favourite nakshatra girlie, I like the information she puts out as well (I do not like her as a person), as it is original STATISTICAL research (rare in astrology) and extremely affirming to the reality i went through as a 14 year old girl encountering Ketu MahaDasha, having Jyeshtha Moon (I have jyeshtha ketu conjunct jyeshtha moon). She talked about Ketu, and Mula Lunar mansion in a way that i could confirm the stuff she says has a solid backing of truth in it.
I am extremely concerned for women who take her misogynistic and patriarchal teachings to heart, worship her, create a cult around her, and think letting yourself “go” and submitting yourself to a man will liberate you (no it will not). She clearly has said that women are the inferior gender. You cannot debate me on that.
Then, claire nakti is baby-like extremely feminine (annoying high pitched voice) & extremely mysterious w/ the way she jots information together. She definitely is moon dominant as she looks like adison rae (hasta sun & shravana moon) after her nose job 😂🫵🏻 who is moon dominant. Since she is into traditional gender roles, & is extremely "traditionally" feminine, that clearly adds up to her "female path course" & how she suggests hasta as a key nakshatra in the female path according to "HER"
And, the VERY nature of Moon, the feminine planet she relegates herself, & all other women to, being like a conduit for a force bigger than you (she makes it very clear in her shravana video), channeling information FROM them rather than being the originator of light, you essentially reflecting and channeling a worthy ascended master's light;
This doesn't help with the fact that she came outta NOWHERE with that EAGLE symbolism in the jyeshtha shorts, because I have seen no Vedic scripture ever mention eagle for the Scorpio rashi (or a "3rd symbol" of jyeshtha, like she mentioned)
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And she has admitted that she has a "guru", AND she made a video about “sleeping with your guru”.
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Combined with her misogynistic portrayals of women, her being equally ’feminine’, her admitting she has a guru, her making a video on having sex with gurus which is VERY odd to me. Her looking like Addison rae, a moon dominant woman, her saying that "copying" someone else's light is le bad UNLESS.... you're a ""woman"" because you're ""lunar"" so it's OK. Her looking like another hasta moon singer Grace Kinstler and a YouTuber called Elizabeth filips with hasta moon, this just affirms to me claire being moon dominant, and simply reflecting and communicating another MAN's teachings. Why don't we let claire nakti's misogyny backfire on her????????? Why are we not questioning her extremely unhinged slut behaviour online and her saying that women are yin so therefore can't originate something with so much fucking confidence. Why don't we boldly say she fucked some guru and is now acting like she did all the research by herself and how is SHE the sole instigator OF HER EXTREMELY pioneering work as a Vedic astrologer with so much original content, as this ditzy blonde who came out of absolutely nowhere.
She lied about the fact that she isn't the only person behind her research, she clearly admitted she met her guru few decades ago and she started compiling physiognomy data with him(???)
I will never worship claire nakti. I hate the "nakshatra bad bitches" that orbit her. I am extremely suspicious and strict with claire nakti and her content and i most CERTAINLY separate ""HER"" from the information she channels. She is nothing to me.
Get your fucking shit together and question claire nakti a bit harder. Certainly don't worship her. Anyone with more than 2 braincells can sense she is not the originator of the information she puts out, and is a patriarchal princess dickwhipped out of her mind by her """guru""". Don't let yourself go and embrace ditziness and thinking it will make you this “Yoni Shakti divine feminine tantra goddess consort bhairavi sacred prostitute🤪🤪🤪✨✨”
She also claims to have been this once in a generation talent but couldn't rectify the ayanamsha mistake in Lahiri. The fact that she thinks lahiri ayanamsha is OK (the default ayanamsha indians chose in a hurry so they can go on celebrating their festivals in 1900 and is actually in need of SEVERE updating) and has used wrong people who don't even have the nakshatra she has talked about in her video concerning a particular nakshatra, was the nail in the coffin for me, confirming claire nakti is moon dominant, has a guru she is parroting etc. Being a STEM person, keeping Astrophysics in mind, i have delved into Indian Ephemeris vs Swiss Ephemeris, the whole ayanamsha discourse and I can easily tell lahiri and the vimshottari dashas from lahiri are 3 years off and ALL the antar-dashas are EXTREMELY off, (this will make 90% of the people in Vedic community look like absolute fools and this should induce a BOILING rage in you, how easily people have the audacity to open their mouth and spread wrong information that will NOT stand the test of time.) Lahiri ayanamsha is astronomically incorrect. The fact that Ernst Wilhelm also felt this exact way was affirming to my own discoveries, just like claire nakti affirming the inhaling and uprooting nature of ketu to me as a young teenager.
No YouTube guru is going to save you (certainly not a "woman", i mean, claire nakti said it) There are many things to rectify, perfect and question.
Good luck.
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lucy4-ever · 1 year
nsfw headcanons about tom kaulitz
!all NSFW!
loves teasing!!
he's the horniest guy you've ever met
as he said, he doesn't really like girls that overthink every single things, espicially in bed
so depending on your relationship with you, he'll fuck you differently
if youre his serious gf, he'll keep praising and moaning
he'd enjoy giving you head and you giving him head
and he'll be wayyyy more romantic
if youre just fuckbuddies, he'll just do the job and wont make any sounds except some groans, cause he doesn't want to be seen as vulnerable
and he'd just be a receiver, not much of a giver
he likes every position
but he really loves positions where he has a great view on him fucking you
cause he really likes to see it, it turns him on :)
he'd kinda priviledge his pleasure though
now if we're being honest, he'd be a great shot in both casual hookups and couple sex
like you'd cum very hard multiple times in both situations
has a size kink FOR SURE
would love when he sees you struggle to suck because of the length
loves the clapping sounds 😧
he's always asking again and again for more rounds
he loves anal too
he loves seeing you on your knees, naked chest and innocent eyes
he'll pull out and ask you to say what you want, like :
"baby, tell me what you want? you want me to fuck huh? are you sure you want to? i don't want to hurt you"
he'd smirk while jerking off and would put it back in once you answered
he lovesssss your ass
now as you know, he has a LOT of experience
so he knows exactly how to eat out, how to finger and how to fuck you
now, i think one thing that made you his serious gf is that you made him feel better than he ever had in bed
he loves making out and getting touchy
like out of nowhere, when youre bored or when he's bored
you'll come to him and just sit on his laps while he's working
knowing him, he'll immediatly gets distracted and would happily fuck the shit outta you for being a tease
he lovessss brats
you love provocating him with tight clothes, when you implicitely want to tell him. you need to fuck
you love playing the hard to get even tho you're in TOTAL HEAT
just to tease him
if you just say the words "im horny", "i need you", "fuck me" you won't be able to walk tomorrow
he's going FERAL when you ask him randomly to fuck you, and would gladly
it turns him on SO MUCH, he'll fuck you all night long
you definitly already sucked him off at the cinema and in tons of innapropriate places
bathroom sex's somthing you two love because of the adrenaline of being caught by members of the group
he doesn't always do aftercare
but if it happens and you get to clean yourselves
you are definetly fucking again in the shower
you love bothering him during work, in trying to get him to fuck you
like, he was working and you just came in lingeries at his desk
he had headphones on and was on a call with band's members
you slipped under the table to start giving him a handjobe
and he loved it, espicailly that he had to hide it
he ended up giving up and just leaving the call to take you on his laps and he kept calling you a whore for it
"what was my favorite bitch (like he has other 😒) doing to me under the table uh?"
"that's very cunty of you"
"what is it you want from me, whore?"
"you want my huge cock right? yeah you dirty pretty slut"
and well, you fucked all night
you didnt go to college and he took his day off to the studio, excusing a sickness
but everyone knew why tom took days off, because he had too much fun the night before
overall he's a great horny bf 😙
author's note : that was funny to write, kinda want to do a part 2 :D
thank you so much for the likes on my other posts, you guys are so sweet!! and if you have any ideas pls give me IM CRAVING!!
love yaaaa!! 💕
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red-pill-blue-pill · 1 year
As friends.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Miller
Summary: Joel is your friend, he just happens to be really handsome
Warnings: mild spice towards the end ??? just in case, fluff, friends to lovers (just so y'all know I'm a sucker for that shit)
a/n: I wanted to write a little blurb but it got outta hand. This is is my first time writing for the Joel Miller and i'm nervous (I love this character so much) so please be kind 💖
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His living room was dimly lit by one of the lamps next to the couch. Something played in the background, blues you think. He had found a record player a couple of weeks ago while he was patrolling with Tommy. He had even come across some records in perfect condition, tucked inside a tattered wardrobe. He was such a lucky fucker. 
When he came back, he showed them off to you while saying something along the lines of “‘f you wanna listen to them you gotta come to mine, sweetheart” flashing you one of his now familiar cocky smiles, as if he needed to convince you to spend time with him.
Your stomach still churns at the nickname and you chastise yourself every time, for letting your mind even dare to go down that path when it’s Joel the one you’re talking about, for even thinking about him that way. Joel, your fucking friend. It had to be the lack of romantic action in your life. It had been so long since you last were with someone that your brain had to be confused. No one in Jackson had caught your eye for the last couple of years, nor tried to make any advances to you, and who would have dared when you were next to Joel —mean scary Joel— every single day?
Still, you didn’t care, you spent most of your free time either with him or at his house, playing games with Ellie while he was on patrol or sipping on wine and talking about your day when he fixed you a nice dinner. Like right now, back at his living room, soft blues playing in the background and the soft orange light from his lamp rendering the room even cozier. 
You were sitting on his sofa, glass of wine in hand. Blues had never been your type of music, at least not until Joel showed you one of the records he found on patrol, an Eric Clapton one, a smile from ear to ear and an excited “Look what I’ve found, I reckon you gon’ love it.” 
But now, as you look at him sprawled on the couch, his head —his big ass, heavy head— resting on your legs with his eyes closed and humming softly to the song, you believe it may be your favorite. 
You sipped on your wine and carded your fingers softly through his hair, relishing in the feeling of his hair through your fingers. You looked down at him, his face was completely relaxed, the familiar pull of his frown nowhere to be seen. He looked so peaceful like this, his long lashes fanned over his cheeks and the light casted soft shadows over his face. He was so handsome.
“You are so handsome” your mouth spoke before your brain could catch up. His eyes opened, orbs completely dark thanks to the lightning, and he quirked a brow, clearly amused at your comment. You tried to recover quickly “And I’m just saying this the way a friend calls another friend cute, don’t get too excited.” You chuckled. 
Lies, lies, lies.
He scoffed, “Yeah, right.” he closed his eyes again, letting himself enjoy the feeling of your deft fingers through his hair. “Who you tryna fool, sweetheart? ‘m as old as time.”
You stretched your arm to place the wine glass on the coffee table, careful to not disturb Joel with the motion. This time, your now free hand went to trace the lines on his forehead so softly, a barely there touch. A shiver ran down his spine. It had been a long time since someone touched him with such care, as if he was some precious relic, only to be treated with care. 
“Hate that you can’t see what I see, Joel” your voice was soft, charged with love, but still stern. You hated when he was self deprecating, which unfortunately was very often. 
“And what is it you see?” he swallowed the lump in his throat. Why were his hands sweating all of a sudden?
Your fingers drifted to the lines around his eyes, tracing them with your fingertips. “For starters you’re rugged and strong and that’s just plain attractive. Besides, you think age kills beauty, but it’s quite the opposite.” His eyes opened once again and gazed up at you, something you couldn’t quite make out swirling in them. You continued, trying to ignore the heat of his stare “The lines in your face… they mean you’ve lived, you’re alive.” you are here with me
“What do you mean?” his voice was barely above a whisper, hoarse because of the sudden dryness that  had taken over his mouth. 
“This one right here” you smoothed out his semi-permanent frown with your thumb “tells me you’ve got very few friends.” 
“m‘kay, that’s rude.” he feigned hurt for a few seconds, then he saw your bright smile. That goddamned smile, the one he never got tired of seeing. And then he smiled too. A small and barely there grin. 
“Then the ones around your eyes”, your fingers skimmed over his crows feet,  “they tell me that you’ve laughed and smiled a lot, that despite this nightmare we’ve found ourselves in, you were happy once.”
Silent fell over the room, Eric Clapton sang in the background as Joel and you played at your personal staring contest, one charged with unspoken feelings. His eyes were wide in surprise, searching your face, looking for something you sure fucking hoped he found in the way your soft eyes looked back at him. Your fingers still threaded through his locks, not once having stopped since he laid his head on your legs. Everything felt intimate, maybe way too intimate for just a couple of good friends having some wine after dinner. 
A nervousness settled in your bones, the kind of feeling you get when you know something’s about to happen but you don’t know what. Your heartbeat picked up, it thumped wildly against your chest, your eardrums, all along your veins. Then you cleared your throat, unable to stand the silence any longer. “Anyway, as I said, you are handsome.” you let out an awkward breathy laugh. “I‘m telling you as a friend” you quickly added. Again. For good measurement, right?
He sat back up on the sofa, his body slightly twisted to face you. In the daze of the moment you had completely forgotten how broad he actually was, his knee pressing against your thigh. “As a friend…” he echoed back at you, a teasing smile spreading over his features. God, he was going to be the death of you. 
You reached back for your wine glass and nodded absentmindedly before taking a long gulp, not daring to look him in the eyes just yet. Suddenly, his hand cupped your face softly, fingers pressing lightly into your cheeks, encouraging you to look at him. His eyes were filled with tenderness and the kind of hope you have when love is still a possibility. His lips were mere inches from yours, his breath mingling with yours. 
“Would’ya mind if I kissed you, sweetheart?” his voice was low and syrupy and it ignited a different kind of desire in you, something you had never felt before, raw, primal. You inhaled sharply and before you were even able to answer he added “As friends, that is.” he chuckled, clearly proud of himself for teasing you, and you smiled fondly. 
“Ain’t that what really good friends do?” you laughed breathily.
“Oh, I reckon they do a whole lot more than that.” 
His lips pressed softly against yours, a softness you knew Joel was capable of but you had never experienced it yourself. Now, after getting a taste you didn't want to live without it. His hand moved to cup the back of your head, tangling with the hair at the nape of your neck, keeping you against his lips, deepening the kiss. Your hands found purchase on his shoulders, and thank god because suddenly Joel was grabbing your thighs and pulling you to straddle his lap. 
He took advantage of the gasp of surprise that left your lips and licked greedily into your mouth. His hands roamed your back, going down occasionally to squeeze your ass over your jeans, relishing in the whimpers he pulled from you. Your hips started moving on their own accord, rutting against Joel’s growing bulge, making a deep groan rumble on his chest.
You tugged on his hair to break the kiss and stared dreamily at him. His pupils were blown out, his half lidded eyes hazy with lust, his lips swollen and red from kissing and a light shade of red tinted his cheeks. He was positively fucked out. 
“You want this?” he asked while playing with the hem of your t-shirt, ducking his head once again to lick and kiss at your neck.
You could only muster a distracted “Hmh” as you kept rutting your hips against his. “As friends?” you asked between whimpers.
He pulled away to look at you, a hint amusement in his eyes as he took in the cocky grin you were sporting despite the lust filled gaze directed at him. His hands slipped past the waistband of your jeans, grabbing your panties from behind and pulling till the fabric rubbed against your clit. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips.
“As friends” he answered before claiming your mouth once again.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Don't be so annoyed, love!
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Summary: He's so annoying sometimes but it's ok because you love him 😭 (HC w/ Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
Genre: Crack, fluff, lowkey suggestive themes
Warnings: 🗿 we ignoring the red flags bc we can. also mentions of farting bc dazai 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
A/N: u cant tell me that they wouldnt do any of these things ok 💀also kunikida's got a small drabble out of nowhere but im always wildin when it comes to him 😭😭😭😭😭
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Dazai Osamu
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u cant tell me that as soon as hes rly comfortable in ur relationship that he WOULD NOT be ashamed of just farting outta nowhere honestly 💀
Like yall r just chilling on the couch, watching smth and he just lets it all out bc why should he hold himself back 🗿
Hes at home 🗿
But bro's lucky he doesnt smell but 🗿🗿🗿🗿 wheres the warning from him
u give him the side eye and hes like "What? Are you perhaps ashamed of human nature, bella?" like ok we'll leave him alone but he ruined the emotional moment of the movie yall were watching 😭😭😭
Is also the type to prob leave his socks and clothes lying around
It got better over time but he still sometimes does it bc old habits die hard i guess 🧍
once got so bad you just collected all of his clothes and put them infront of the door so he'd have no choice but to pick all of that up and do it himself 💀
would try to talk his way out of it in the beginning but also felt kinda bad after the relationship got more and more serious
So now hes a good bf/ husband and does it himself 🤩 (with the occasional sock under the couch 💀)
drinking habits would take a bit longer to be fully gone, he'd learn to regulate it over time
He's learned to warn you tho when he thinks that a rly shitty day might hit him bc work and more
sometimes you take the day off and do something together to take his mind off of it
Sometimes you're at work and a "im home" text without hearts will come and you know whats wrong
would feel more comfortable over time letting you take care of him
will definitely show you his appreciation for you the next days in one way or the other 🤩💅
talking about living together, yall would often have to sit down to talk about his spendings bc our man cant save for ANYTHING
Used to often come home with little things like "Look, this reminded me of you!" and it's a plushie of a cat or something
Started off cute and small but got dramatic like him really fast
ngl he came home with a expensive necklace u liked when the both of u went shopping but u didnt buy it bc.. she expensive...
like he was charming as always with his "Tada! Guess what I've got you?~ 😋" ".... Not the necklace...? 😧" "🤩 How did you guess that right, bella??" "😨😨"
THIS man right here wouldnt even hesitate to just right out fking steal shit for you if u want it bc thats how much Power u got over him he'd never admit that tho sksks... OK maybe in bed...
he'd def either blackmail or bribe chuuya into helping him with stealing
probably even has access to his bank account and you'd only realize that when he'd stand infront of your door, asking where that "f*cking b*stard" is
you'd legit have to mediate their convo or else the whole building you live in would be gone immediately skks 💀
Chuuya likes u so he wouldnt make yall pay for it bc he knows that dazai's nearly broke 24/7 and u dont deserve to pay for his fault 💅
it would be enough to destroy his pride to make him obey chuuya for like 2 weeks or sum cue evil cackling from said red head
queen of Gaslightining nr. 1 😭 sometimes its for the dumbest arguments tho like why its okay to smack your lips while eating 😭
"I don't know it's just really noisy and kinda annoying for me?" "But Bella, that shows just how tasty your food is or are going to deny that fact and say that I should not show my appreciation for it? What if for me personally it's a sign of a good meal?" "Yeah but doesnt need to be that for me. Also you can show your appreciation for it in other ways like just simply saying its delicious?"
"But actions speak louder than words, my love." "YEAH, well then what do you want then???"
Its just a whole shit show and would (lmao it WILL) end in him giving you just shameless bedroom eyes and well you know whats gonna be after dinner lmaooo 🤡😭
Also also i do believe that hes not the best cook at first but hes a real fast learner so it prob would only take him a week of consuming cooking videos and reading books and BOOM
"Samu, is this a 3 course meal you're cooking because that's a LOT of ingredients in the kitchen." "Sssh just sit down, wash yourself up and enjoy the evening, my love! I'll call you when I'm done 💕"
Manages to somehow still give you some snacks and drinks in between the cooking 😭 with some sneaked in kisses on your shoulder or lips 😏
If you go and hug him from behind, he'll be MELTING
Like nuzzling your face into his back while wrapping your arms around his torso, you feel the slight rumble in his chest as he chuckles at your cute action 😭
"If you want to eat something then you should take a break from being so cute, you know? Don't want the food to go bad from maybe getting a bit distracted if you stay here for a bit longer." "Ew, are you implying you'd start something infront of our food??"
"... Well, I can just have a whole meal by myself but you'd be left hungry so it's your choice 😋"
🗿 the way he doesnt need long to be turned on is alwaya amazing to u but thats just how whipped he is and bro is a whole snack himself so WHOS complaining 😋💅
food's is guaranteed to taste heavenly but if he knows youve got time, then he'd make excuses to taste your cooking like
"Samu, it's been a while since I've gotten to taste your cooking." "Aww, was it that delicious for you? Hmm but I actually prefer your cooking!"
Time for some cooking and baking lessons together, eoow 💅 with the occasional make out session because the sauce found it's way on your lips and he just had to clean it up with his 😭😋
honestly despite all of some of the difficulties, dazai would never fail in making you feel loved in his own way even tho u gotta peel back some layers 🗿
At the end of the day, his bear hugs and many kisses are smth u love to come back home to after work
also doesnt say it but would def be a house husband for u 🤩 with the occasional "whoops gotta go and do smth quick" text and he comes home at like midnight skks bc the agency needs his cute ass 😋 but dw dinner's ready and house chores have been done so enjoy ur evening after work, zurlie 💅
dont kill me for this but id give him a 7.5/10 😭
Obsessed with him and i love him but it would prob be really really exhausting to get him to FULLY trust you and its honestly understandable
Also he kinda makes me feel like i'd have to walk on eggshells around him because you often dont really know what hes thinking 😭😭
could smile at u while thinking "why u so ugly" 😭😭
also bro is so smooth, its scary like he'd prob make us forget immediately that hes trying to find out everything about us(why he sounding like a stalker 😨😨 wouldnt want him to be MY stalker 😨😨 or would I?? 🤩) MY DELULU BRAIN 👹
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Doppo Kunikida
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😨 Cleaning maniac
personification of the verse "I can COOk, i can CLEAN" (i know its "dont" instead of can but we all know hes like perfect house husband material... maybe a bit too perfect 💀💀💀👹)
If u forgot a cup on the dinner table, he'd legit take the cup, put it in ur hand and be like "why did u leave it there if u r not using it"
WILL def rant about why u shouldnt do it
Honestly huge nagging mom vibes 💀💀
At the beginning of moving in together, he'd just clean everything without a word whatsoever
Like you wanna help around the house too? NUH UH, he already finished everything up.
Vaccuming the house? Done
Swiping? Lmao be sure to not arrive at home after work around that time bc u gotta stand at the door and WAIT until the floor is dried 💀😭
Dishes have been done like at 5 in the fucking morning 💀👹
Bro thankfully doesn't wash clothes that often (gotta be careful of the water bill 😭) but there r days where he legit throws his clothes nearly everyday bc the worse the mission the more blood yk 🗿🗿
U had to legit drag his ass to the couch to talk to him bc he gonn be deep clean the house if someone doesnt stop him
"Kuni, you literally don't need to do EVERYTHING by yourself! I'm also here to help and frankly, it feels like you're my maid sometimes 😞" " Don't worry. Everything fits perfectly in my time plan and since you sometimes work overtime, it's better if I do a bit more of it."
... "🗿 You are legit saving this city from being destroyed so often and I just sit in the office, bro 🤡" "I understand your argument but I have seen the way you look tired so often so let me take a bit of your burden"
He knows how to make us go "🥺"
The argument prob went on for an hour until yall settled on making a plan on who does what on which days and if someone's gotta work overtime or sum then the other takes a bit of it over and so on
So in the end its alrighty 🎉
Groceries and so on are never a problem except it sometiems turns out like going shopping with your mom because...
"Omg Kuni, look!!" *holds up cute decoration* "We could put this on our dinner table! Isn't it cute 🥺??"
Bro just takes it from you and looks at the price. Legit gives you the 🤨 look
"That's 937,32 Yen (around 6€) 🤨🤨. For a tiny statue of a dog? We could find it somewhere way cheaper." "🥺 But it's a limited edition and it reminds me of you bc its got the same fur color 🥺. It's even got ur glasses on 🥺"
Bro will say no but the day after you spot the dog on the table 🤡
Yall lying in bed together and cuddle so give him a peck on the lips while killing him with your cute ass smile (U MURDERER 🗿🗿)
"What was that for?" "Hmmm, well I just noticed that said statue magically appeared on our table. You think it was a cute long haired fairy with glasses and a grumpy look 😋? "
He tries really hard to deadpan at you but the corner of his lips still tug upwards as he pinches your nose
"Well, sometimes its not so bad to buy a little extra, I guess."
If theres a market nearby with some really good deals then you'd either be dragged together with him or he'd come home after work with tons of bags
Always surprises you in how good he is at negotiating about the price
Sometimes you gotta stop him from arguing with some of the shop keepers because some decided to sell some items way too overpriced 🗿🗿🗿
you once found him stay up all night researching about reasonable prices for veggies... 😨
and cue to yall standing in the morning infront of said shop keeper getting absolutely destroyed in an argument by your man.. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Well guess who even got some extra free stufd because kuni terrified the shit out of him 😋
"Thank you for your hard work in harvesting and selling us these delicious vegetables. My wife is quite a fan of them." Your husband said as he put the money into the shop keepers shaky hands, face red in embarassement as he squeezed out a "It's nothing." between his teeth. His face paled at the words "We'll see each other next Monday. Until then have a great week." leaving your man's mouth as he gave him a friendly smile before taking your hand and going to the next stall,only for you to sheepishly wave goodbye to the shop keeper before going with your husband.
"Well, you gave him quite the scare back there." You said as you felt him squeeze your hand a bit tighter, the bustling of the array of people only increasing by minutes. "Someone had to correct his ways. It would help his sales but only if he's willing to take that advice seriously." he simply answered as he looked at the contents of the bag, counting the ingredients left to purchase.
"Well atleast we got ourselves more than we needed so we can go home and call it a day." "Who are you?" Chuckling at your surprised face out of the corner of his eyes, he continued to make his way towards the end of the market, to finally reach your car.
"I thought over your words and I do believe it would be nice to" laze around together "for once in a while. Everything in the house has already been done, so maybe we could try out that one series you've been talking about. The reviews seem to be quite positive about it."
He just lets a breathy laugh escape his lips at your squeal while you begin to rant on why its gonna be so good watching it and
honestly there are like no real red flags like his red flags are disguised green flags and yall can legit work through it easily
The only thing would be his tendency to overwork himself and it could lead to an argument but never a real fight because hes pretty easy to reason with
Like even when hes stubborn, he'll STILL listen to your words because the many good things about him that he'd always make sure to take your words seriously 🗿🗿
which sometimes makes it tempting to tease him bc we can lowkey understand why dazai easily tells him the most outrageous shit and your man just casually writes it down in his notebook 😭
"That damn idiot managed to fool me again by telling me that aliens have been among us (AMOGUS 👹) and that the goverment has been hiding it from us for decades." "I thought you already knew about that tho?"
"What" "What?"
"Wait so they're real?"
Cue to him showing him a video (that dazai sent to you a week ago just for this moment 😭)
Lmao dont tease him too much tho but dw, he cant stay mad at you at all lmao 😋💅
Honestly a 8.5/10 bc his nagging scares me 💀😭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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"Greatest Detective" more like "Queen of Gaslightining" 👹👹
Everyone knows hes way too obsessed with sweets but how the hell is his teeth actually still existing 🗿🗿
ngl i believe fukuzawa would prob sometimes just randomly ask him if he brushed his teeth bc he lowkey lowkey raised him ok 🤡
Ranpo is all nice like "yup, i did." but when u ask him, hes a whole b*tch about it
"Hah??? Why would you ask me that?? Do you really believe that I'd be so dumb to forget about brushing my teeth? If i can solve the most difficult cases then why would you assume that brushing my teeth might something that I'd forget, huuuhh??"
His gaslightining used to work at the beginning of ur relationship but sooner or later its not hard to notice his patterns 🗿
Like yas ok, he could just put up a whole ass strategy in how to not get u to notice that he didnt brush em at all but bro
Hes too lazy
And hes a sucker for attention 😩 like he might be "annoyed" if u nag at him bc of smth but he absolutely loves it bc its just one of his many ways to get ur attention without him having to actively get up and get it for himself 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Hes a huge clown but i love him 😭
Dazai tends to forget his socks or smth lying on the floor but THIS mf right here just doesnt rly care 😭
Like that was the first thing u noticed when u entered his apartment 🤡
Its not right out messy on a disgusting degree, its more like theres tons of trinkets n shit from cases or just random candy wrap hidden under the couch 💀💀💀
The epitome of "I can do it tomorrow" bc bro doesnt forget, he just IGNORES that he has to do it 😭
might take a while to actually get him to yk do smth around the house
used to prob only sleep and shower at his apartment and thats it💀
But when hes whipped then hes whipped and hed actually try his best to help around the house
Key word "try" 🤡
Like its often tbh accompanied by "okay, ill do it but only if i get smth"
But there are days when he legit deep cleans everything by himself bc either you had a bad day or yall had a fight 👹👹
still would whip out the "now gimme something, please 😋" if yall cuddle after a fight and he cleaned and tidied everything up for his love 🤩
doesnt always have to be candy yk HEUEHEUEHEUUE 👹👹👹👹👹
also its not a surprise but dont let him near the kitchen
Like he had only cooked for ONE time and it was like a fever dream
Bc u legit had a fever and he cooked chicken soup but uhm 🗿
he cooked it so good??? Like veggies n meat cut and cooked up nicely?
Broth kicking in real hard?
Like? "What the hell? I thought you couldn't cook??"
Bro is about to put that spoon fr away 💀
"I'm not so heartless to let you starve and I definitely wont be giving you some cheap soup either. I just looked it up on the internet and followed the instructions so you gotta get well soon because I miss your cooking 🤩🤩"
Are we flattered?? Gurl, maybe but he'd def know if we tried to make ourselves be sick to taste his cooking again
Bro only offers to help when it comes to baking 😪😮‍💨😮‍💨
His only help is licking the dough or chocolate outta the bowl or smth 😀
would sneak in many kisses tho bc he likes u and sweet stuff is just sugar overload for him and he loves it 🤩
I think one of the important factors for him in a relationship is that fukuzawa approves of you? Since he does value his opinion over his own intellect
Like bro trusted him when it came to Fukichi and other ppl 💀
fukuzawa could legit go "aliens r evil" and ranpo would be like "ok everyone, aliens are evil!!!!" 🗿🗿🗿
honesrly i dont think why there would be a reason for fukuzawa not to accept you (if there is one then time to take 100 steps back and reflect on urself 💀)
He'd prob be impressed on how u even fell in love with him bc.. its ranpo💀
petty, clingy, can be manipulative ( but never with ill intentions), would legit prank ur ass bc he can, impatient and quickly bored af
But hes attentive, kind, can be patient when it comes down to it, empathetic (depends sksks) (also thank u fukuzawa for kinda ramming that into his head 🤩), affectionate in his own way (a sucker for physical touch but would NEVER right out admit it 🗿) and so much more honestly
there arent any real red flags tbh (might come as a surprise for some ppl)
Maybe maybe he'd obviously have a bit of difficulty fully opening up and i do believe there might be times where he once or twice legit deducted what ur feelings r for him bc hes used to being careful around people and especially bc in case someonw could randomly target the agency
Or is some kinda criminal in general
But honestly when hes learned to trust you then you know youve got yourself someone loyal 💅 and i mean FR loyal
personal favorite hc and honestly prob canon since we've already seen it : he'd not be ashamed to throw hands at someone when he thinks you're being insulted or harassed
And with hands i mean exposing them to 100% until they are pissing their pants and begging him to leave them alone 🤩🤩🤩
Also also, gives me off a similar vibe to dazai with the "maybe having to walk on eggshells" around them but ranpo doesnt make you feel as watched tbh as dazai which would kinda make it easier to talk to
but bro isnt as smooth as him so whOOP 💀💀
Overall iconic and a solid 8/10 🤩🤩🤩💕💕💕
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The random ratings i gave them LMAO 💀💀💀 hope u like em 🗿
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hisokaisdaddyz · 2 years
Based on this playlist.
Toji Smut
Has not been proofread, first person pov.
Fucking your Ex boyfriend Toji, whom you hate.
Never did I ever think I’d be letting this man fuck me again, but this was a meaningless fling, a mind-blowing one though, he knows my body better than I do, I hated it, because I hated him so fucking much, but…The way our sweaty bodies joined with each harsh thrust, the man above me staring down at me with lustful, cloudy dark eyes gripped my waist pulling my lower half off of the bed and pounding into me like there was no tomorrow.
The sinful moans and grunts that left past his beautiful lips only added fuel to the fire.
“Toji! It’s…. It’s too deep, Hnngh, I can’t.”
He chuckle pulling my arm and turning me onto my stomach, and shoved my head into the bed. 
“You can’t handle what you’ve asked for? you’ll have to deal with it for now.” 
He said as his finger made its way into my mouth, coating it with my saliva.
His voice was so alluring and deep, it was fierce, god I wanted to tear this man apart.
“Though, I do find that oddly weird. Why are you of all people pursuing me? After my last battle Gojo… you were nowhere to be seen in fact… It makes me wonder how you have anointed the title of the most powerful sorcerer after Gojo and Pondering about all that power you hold in you … I would enjoy the shit out of fuckin all of that outta you.”
As he finished he hummed digging his nails into my hips, the way his thick and rather large cock filled me, drowned out all the noise, I could feel his veins rubbing against my walls.
“Were you even fucking listening?” 
I could only respond with loud moans and whimpers, and he brought his mouth to my ear licking it, his warm breath tickling my earlobe.
“I couldn’t quite understand that.” 
“Y-yeah, huuh, I-I’m listening.” 
He chuckled, pulling out. 
“Liar… Repeat what the fuck I said.”
“Y-you wondered why I was following y-you!” 
I emitted a scream as he rammed back into me, not giving me a chance to finish, my lower half ached as I sobbed into the red silky pillows, and he grabbed a fist full of my hair pulling me back up. 
“That is not all.”
“Nngh, You fled during a face-off with, G-Gojo!” 
Toji scoffed glaring down at me. 
“Fled? Where the fuck could you have possibly gotten that conclusion from?”
He questioned running his fingers through his hair before grabbing my hips and pounding me furiously 
“Wait! A-And you would enjoy fucking the power out of me as if you aren’t already doing that!…..! Oh god… I- I can’t! I don’t-”
The feeling was too unbearable it felt like there were three dicks buried in me, it was painfully good, and my body shook uncontrollably as this position made him able to go deeper.
‘You’ve had your chance and nothing but rubbish came out of that pretty mouth of yours, maybe I should shut you up…. How does that sound? If only you knew how to speak politely.” 
He was fuming, his movements were harsher and it gave me pure ecstasy.
“Y-you don’t care about power! God!  Mmph, You only want your son safe!”
“Clearly I ain’t fuckin’ you hard enough since you’re still doin’ all that talkin’
He groaned pushing four fingers into my mouth and I began gagging I grabbed his wrist in an attempt to pull his hand away and he didn’t even budge.
“That oughta shut you up.”
Toji’s other hand was wrapped around my throat with a firm grip as I felt him pulsating in me and only minutes later warm liquids followed, he removed his fingers, and I inhaled deeply and glared at him.
“I’m not done until I’ve had all my fun with you.”
He stated pulling my hips up again.
224 notes · View notes
rookthorne · 2 years
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭
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Threatening Bucky’s club — his family — would only lead to the reaper knocking on your door. Nothing would stop him from burning the world to the ground if it meant his family would be safe.
It’s a pity the poor fool didn’t realise this, until it was too late.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✰ Biker!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ✰ Biker!Bucky Barnes & Biker!Steve Rogers ✰ Biker!Bucky Barnes & Biker!Peter Parker
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ✰ 1.5k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✰ Gun violence, car/bike chase, light angst, fluff, Bucky is protective
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ✰ I wanted to develop Peter and Bucky's relationship in this AU, and what's better to do that than some fast action and putting lives on the line? ✰ For those who have watched SOA as religiously as I have, you may recognise this.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ✰ Burn It Down by AWOLNATION
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It was widely known amongst everyone in the club that the President’s patience was not to be tested, not if you wanted to keep all of your teeth. Patience was relative, in this case, and it made Steve nervous. Bucky could see it - the click and twitch of Steve’s jaw, the slight pinch to his brow that made him look about ten years older. 
“You keep lookin’ at me like that, Stevie,” Bucky snapped, inhaling another drag from his cigarette. “You’ll end up in Stephen’s fuckin’ office, beggin’ him to fix your pretty face.”
Bucky did not make it a habit to smoke, let alone chain smoke, but today had been the exception. Sitting on the precipice of tumbling down the cliff and into that rage that simmered deep in his veins, god, it was too tempting. 
“Do I need to call Sweets?” Steve asked as he scuffed his boot against gravel, watching as their ‘partners’ drove off from the meet up.
“Fuck no,” Bucky growled, lighting another smoke and taking another drag. “She doesn’t get involved in club business, you fuckin’ know that.”
Steve sighed quietly and fished his phone out from his pockets - no doubt to text Nat. 
The meet up hadn’t gone as planned, and now Bucky faced the prospect of cleaning out their cash stores, or armoury - depending on whether he wanted to start a war - to make good on a deal that would only bring trouble. 
Bucky shoved the cigarette into the dirt and stubbed it out with the heel of his boot. “I want Church in an hour,” he looked up at Steve to find him already watching his every move. “No one can skip, this shit needs a solution.”
“On it,” said Steve, when the sound of Bucky’s phone ringing gave them pause.
Bucky pulled his phone from his kutte and stared at the ID. Peter. “Why the fuck is the kid callin’ me?”
“He went out on errands this mornin’,” Steve answered, mounting his bike and settling in for the ride back. “Might be calling to see if we want somethin’ picked up.”
“Who fuckin’ knows,” Bucky sighed. The phone rang once more and Bucky answered. Nothing, however, could have prepared him for what happened next.
“Boss! I need- I need help!”
Bucky’s gaze snapped to Steve who sat straighter in his seat. “Peter, hold on-”
“Please! I don’t know what happened, I was riding back but these cars came outta nowhere and I can’t shake ‘em!” Peter sounded winded, the panic was constricting his chest like a vice and the sound of wind in the speaker was a sign he was moving, and fast.
“Fuck.” Bucky nodded at Steve once but he was already on the phone, rallying the family. “Peter, listen to me-”
“I dunno what to do, Boss, please!”
It was moments like this that reminded Bucky just how young Peter was - he wasn’t scarred by the life, he was a smart kid, but he didn’t have the same level of street smarts as the rest. No doubt after this, that would change. 
“Listen, Peter!” Bucky barked, his bike roaring to life. “We’re gonna give you an escort home,” he looked to Steve who was still on the phone, his Harley rumbling as it idled. “Head down the interstate, we’ll catch you up!”
“Okay! Okay, I’m sorry, Boss, please-”
“Peter, just go!” Bucky snapped, hanging up and shoving the phone back in his kutte. “Let’s go,” Bucky directed at Steve, and they rode away from the abandoned lot, kicking up gravel in their wake. 
Their bikes tore down streets and around corners ‘till they came to the interstate. “It’s too busy!” Steve yelled over the wind and Bucky nodded. 
“Good cover!” Bucky shouted back as they merged, weaving through cars and trucks when loud rumbles sounded behind them. Bucky watched in his mirror as Sam came up next to him, Thor and all the others following in formation behind. 
The gun in Bucky’s holster was loaded and set, his family was here - now they just had to find Peter. 
Bucky led them around another truck when he spotted two cars chasing a bike - a Dyna. “There he is!” Bucky shouted over the wind and redlined his bike, the engine roaring as he took off like a bullet, weaving between cars. Steve was just behind him while Sam and the others rode down the shoulder. 
Bucky would never admit it aloud, let alone to you, but he had a soft spot for Peter - the kid learnt fast, he was almost fearless, and hell, he had balls of steel when the need arose. 
Peter wouldn’t get hurt, not on his watch. 
The bikes behind Bucky roared when he gestured to circle around, Sam in the lead while he and Steve took a direct route, right next to the cars chasing Peter. They were sleek, subtle; if they weren’t chasing a member of his family, Bucky likely wouldn’t have picked them out on an interstate. 
One of the cars swerved to run Bucky off the road and he snarled, pulling free his gun to aim at the carriage of the car. The shot rang out like a whip crack but the car didn’t slow. “Steve!” Bucky yelled and Steve’s Harley tore past him towards Peter, the hive mind of brotherhood working in his favour - protect our own. “Fuckin’ dare you to run me off the road, bastards!”
Sam and the others were surrounding Peter, and for the singular second Bucky could watch, Peter’s shoulders were shaking while Steve rode next to him. An untethered rage overtook his body and his mind screamed at him to protect, to maim. 
He fired off another shot, this time directly at the car’s front tire. The explosion of rubber was deafening and the car swerved towards the barrier out of control, narrowly missing the tail of Bucky’s Indian. “Fuckers!” 
Bucky shifted gears and rode to take his place right next to Peter, the back riders parting like the red sea to let him through. “Back to the clubhouse!” Peter nodded and Bucky could see the tear tracks down his face and the trembling hold on his throttle. There was nothing he could do to comfort Peter here, they had to get home. 
The second car gave chase until they hit the turn off towards home, and Bucky knew Steve had memorised the plate - he would get Peter to run it once the edge of his panic had worn off. Whichever enemy of theirs had targeted Peter, they wouldn’t live to regret it. 
However, facing both you and Nat when Peter was on the verge of nervous collapse also wasn’t ideal, either. “Pull off!” Bucky yelled, gesturing to the service road that was surrounded by a grove of trees on one side. The bikes purred as they turned and pulled into the wide bay by the trees. “Christ,” he breathed, yanking off his helmet and dismounting. 
Peter was chalk white, his eyes wide with fear - whether that was of the prospect of Bucky losing his shit at him, or the fact that he had just been chased, Bucky couldn’t tell. “What happened?” Bucky asked once he had forced Peter into sitting down on the gravel before he could actually fall. 
Bucky watched Peter’s throat work furiously around the ball of emotion that had wedged itself, preventing anything intelligible making its way out. “Sam, water,” Bucky ordered. A second later a bottle was pushed into his outstretched hand, and he offered it to Peter wordlessly. 
“I dunno what happened, Boss,” Peter rushed, and Bucky crouched down, careful to move slowly. “They came outta nowhere, I was just starting to ride back home when I saw them.” A slight pause interrupted his tirade. “You guys came outta nowhere, you were faster than bullets!”
Sam chuckled and shifted. “We protect our own, Pete.”
Without moving his gaze from Peter’s pale face, Bucky addressed Steve. “You got the plates?”
Steve crouched next to Bucky and nodded. “We’ll run ‘em when we get back home,” Steve’s hand rested on Peter’s shoulder and he squeezed. “You did the right thing, son.”
“I was so scared, I d-didn’t know what to do!”
“Get up, c’mon,” Bucky said, standing up from his crouch while Steve took his cue to stand by their bikes again. The gravel scuffled under Peter’s unsure footing. “You did good, kid.” Before Peter could protest, and before his pride could stop him, Bucky pulled Peter into a tight hug. “We’ve got you, you’re safe.”
The muscles in Peter’s shoulders went lax in Bucky’s hold, and he sniffled weakly. “Let’s go home.” Peter nodded at Bucky’s words and moved to sit on his Dyna, his shoulders rising and falling with the deep, grounding breaths he took. 
“Nat and Sweets know we’re comin’ back home,” Steve murmured to Bucky, who sighed heavily. “They’re fine, jus’ worried about Pete.”
“Better not deprive them of the opportunity to fuss over ‘im, then, huh?” 
Steve chuckled and kicked his bike into life, Bucky following suit. 
The ride home wasn’t a long one, but it afforded the opportunity for him to think. There were so many possibilities of who exactly was behind this random attack - they had no shortage of enemies, everyone knew that. 
Time would tell… he just needed a stiff drink first. 
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...this may or may not lead into a new arc. 👀
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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biolizardboils · 8 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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tswwwit · 2 years
Have a short thing of pointless fluffy bullshit, brought to you by mindlessly going through radio stations while bored and driving.
Dipper catches sight of yellow in the corner of his eye, and starts glaring. 
Being caught singing to himself isn’t the worst. Bill’s seen that before, teased him about it before no less - but this time? 
This time, he’s not going to get as far as he thinks. 
Before Bill can start, he points his toothbrush at his stupid grinning face in the reflection. “Don’t even start.” 
“Aw, sapling, look at you! What a massive nerd.” Bill spreads his arms wide, stalking forward. Dipper makes a noncommittal grunt, brushing his teeth again as Bill moves in for the kill. “You weren’t even born when that song came out, and you know it by heart! What’d ya do, wear out Stanley’s old record player in your moodier teen years?” 
Augh, Dipper hates it when Bill’s… insightful. Living in the middle of nowhere with spotty internet, the easiest way to get music was by digging through Stan’s old collection. 
Anyway, Bill’s taken the wrong tactic. BABBA kind of rules, and Bill’s taste in music - when it’s not way weirder-  is way older. 
“Ha! Knew it. It figures.” Bill tsks, shaking his head at Dipper in the mirror. “You gotta get out in the world more, kid. Spend less time with some outta touch old man.”
“You can say that again.” Dipper mutters, through foam and brush alike. He spits in the sink, wiping his mouth while his ancient, immortal demon husband makes a face behind him.
“Rude,” Bill responds. He didn’t miss the double-talk; if anything he’s grinning wider. He’s also wrapped his arms around Dipper’s waist, just above the towel. “I’m way more in touch than anyone else you know.”
Technically correct. If you’re into multi-layered conversations. Dipper rolls his eyes anyway. 
“I mean it. Don’t. Start.” Dipper jabs the real Bill in the chin with the toothbrush, watching his nose wrinkle up at the foam on his chin. “You’re playing with fire, Bill. I’ll use it.”
“Oh?” The smile is, if anything, more smug. “Go on!”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Why not?” Bill rests his chin in Dipper’s hair, thus sharing the mess. “Go for it, sapling. Let’s see this-”
Dipper doesn’t wait for Bill to finish his taunt. He’s already snagged his phone from the bathroom counter, scrolling through for his perfect retort. 
God, he was hoping Bill would open with that, and he has. Now Dipper can use his secret weapon.
“Aha!” Dipper turns around in Bill’s arms, brandishing his evidence right in Bill’s face. “Take that, asshole.”
Bill leans back a bit, eye squinted to get a better look. Dipper guesses he was holding it a little too close.  
He takes a second to focus on what Dipper's showing him - then gasps.
“Why, Pine Tree!” Bill exclaims. He sounds scandalized, which is great. And… delighted. Which isn’t really what Dipper was aiming for. “Going around snapping creepy pics of the biggest demon celebs, huh? A real paparazzo.” Bill clasps a palm to his cheek, fluttering his eyelashes. “You pervert.”
“I- What?” Alarmed, Dipper checks the picture he took again. 
Shit, right. He had a towel on for his show - but Bill didn’t. 
Dipper was so proud of his find, and so used to Bill, that he simply didn’t take it into account. If Bill wasn’t half-turned away in the shot, it’d be completely indecent.
“Okay, shut up. That’s not the point.” And there's another one of those to make - “And we’re married, anyway.”
“How many of these have you got around, huh? A dozen? A hundred?” Bill leans in again, grinning wide. Dipper feels himself turning red, he doesn’t - this was - “Been waiting for me in some tight pants to get a better view of the outline?” The smugness is palpable; Bill’s implying so, so much that’s wrong, and he revels in it. “Lemme know if you need a model for your next-”
“I can hear you in the shower just as well as you hear me,” Dipper interrupts, before Bill can completely change the topic. Though he has to admit, it was a nice try. “I’m not the only one serenading himself, am I?”
Bill’s jaw shuts with a click, and a little huff. Looking annoyed, now that Dipper’s re-railed their conversation.
“I caught you,” Dipper feels a triumphant smile building, he tugs Bill closer by his tie. Let him try and escape now.  “Singing pop songs in the shower.”
“Ugh. Sure I was, what’s your point?” Bill shrugs, nonchalant. It’s almost like it barely affects him. “I’ll serenade whoever I like, and lemme tell ya - never met an ungrateful audience for long.”
“Oh yeah? In your own words - ” Dipper tangles his fingers around the tie, smiling now - “What a massive nerd.”
Bill’s nose scrunches up. His eye is narrowed; he’s leaned in close enough to cage Dipper against the sink. 
Not that it matters. Dipper’s won this round.
“Takes one to know one, Bill.” Dipper jabs his idiot husband in the chest, with no small amount of pride.  “You can’t make fun of me when you do the exact same thing.” 
“Sure I can!” 
“What?” Dipper gives him a little push, annoyed. Bill certainly doesn’t look like he’s lost; he’d hoped this would deter him longer.
“‘Cause you get embarrassed about your little bathtime ballads.” Bill pats Dipper’s sides, looking pleased. “Have you seen the colors you turn? Look in the mirror sometime, kid. No way I’m missing out on those.” 
Ugh. Of course. Stupid Bill; Dipper didn’t think this would stop the teasing, necessarily, but he’d hoped it’d buy him more time. Guess he’s got more of this to look forward to, Bill’s impossibly persistent and he never gives up when he spots a good time to be had.
He turns back around, rolling his eyes. “I need to shave.” Behind him, Bill grins, wide and insane - a bright flash, as a straight razor appears in his hand - “Back off, Sweeney Todd, I’ll do it myself.”
Bill sticks out his tongue, but settles down. He leans up against Dipper’s back as he shaves, eye looking off into the distance as he contemplates something. 
Maybe Dipper’s going to hear an earful about this every time Bill catches him - but really. Joke’s on Bill, this time. If he thinks he’s gotten away scot free, he’s got another thing coming. 
Bill says he’s not embarrassed about singing in the bath? Well. Dipper has some choice commentary to make about his taste in music. They’ll see who’s turning colors when Dipper teases him right back. 
“So! You doing anything this evening?” Dipper glances at him in the mirror again. Bill’s wearing a delighted smile on his face. Like he’s just had an excellent idea, and he’s altogether too pleased with himself. “Just saying, I know a great karaoke bar on the other side of  the solar system. Huge playlist. Great drinks! And it’s been a while since I hit up the place.”
Dipper wipes his face, thinking for a moment. Sure, he wasn’t really doing anything. Bill’s warm and close, fingers tapping on his stomach and bouncing slightly on his heels. Waiting for an answer. 
“Well, kid? You coming?”
Dipper sighs, and despite himself, starts to smile. 
Okay. Maybe he’ll let Bill’s bad taste in music slide for the evening. There’ll be plenty of chances to tease later, and he can’t pick every song.
Who knows? Maybe they’ll find something terrible they both like. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Yeah, alright. Why not.” Dipper relents, and watches Bill beam at him. Feeling squeezed tight, and hearing him start to cackle. He cups a hand over Bill’s, meeting his eye in the mirror. “It’s a date.”
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absolutebl · 2 years
October 2022 BL Forthcoming
Oct 3 
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To Sir With Love 
AKA Khun Chai - Thai (Trailer) 10 eps 40 min ea 
A Thai HISTORICAL gay romance came outta nowhere (probubly not BL, more cray cray family drama). Does not look like it’s gonna end happy, but I’m still excited.
One31HD, no idea on international, possibly WeTV 
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Kabe Koji 
AKA Kabesaa AKA Kabesaa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shounin Yokkyuu wo Kojirasete iru* - Japan 10 eps 20 min ea 
Gossip here. A manga artist wants nothing more than to see his yaoi on shelves and be recognized by readers. Then one day he meets a childhood friend he once had a crush on who is now an idol. From Minamoto Kazuki's manga Kabe Sa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shouninyokkyuu wo Kojiraseteiru, stars Matsuoka Koudai (the mangaka - I know him from Five) and Nakao Masaki (the idol - Kakafukaka, Bow Then Kiss - he’s a BIG DEAL ya’ll). 
Oct 5 
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Ghost Host, Ghost House 
Thai (Trailer) 5 eps 30 min? ea
My ghost bf trope. Kawin (Love Area), a live streamer who hopes to see ghosts once, and Pluem, a young man who fills in his missing feelings. Could be sad. 
YouTube for reruns 
Oct 8 
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Big Dragon 
Thai (Trailer) 8 ep 40 min ea 
Star Hunter’s back and bringing on the chaos as per usual. Based on the y- novel, มังกรกินใหญ่ by Aiden N Vivienne (reputed to be plotless smut), features Mangkorn (Dragon) & Yai (Big) in a high angst blackmail plot plus a secret piece on the side. 2022 is the year BL glorifies cheaters, apparently. 
OneTV reruns on Star Hunter’s YT
Oct 9 
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Remember Me 
AKA Remember the series - Thai (Trailer) 8 ep 40 min ea 
JaFirst + plus same cast (and production company, Ultimate Troop) as The Yearbook. Also has Title (LBCs+) and Mean (LBC2) in possibly one of BLs worst ever wigs (and that is saying a lot).
Thailand! Put down the wigs and the acoustic guitar. I am losing patience here. 
Oct 10 
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2 Moons: The Ambassador 
AKA 2 Moons 3 Thai (Trailer) 10 eps 40 min ea 
From Motive Village for Amarin TV. I predict a shit show. But it is supposed to finally finish out the plot of 2M2 with added 2 more couples. Because why not? 
Who tf cares? 
Oct 13 
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Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304 
AKA Roommates of Poongduck 304 Korea 8 eps 20 ea
From Idol Romance, A happy-go-lucky third-generation chaebol receives an ultimatum from daddy to: 1. Leave the house penniless and survive for 2 years; and 2. Achieve results as team leader in a new business venture. The owner of the villa he lands in ignores and disregards him. However, it turns out they work in the same company. Let the cohabitation office drama commence. 
Stars Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin of Kissable Lips - Korea’s first example of a co branded repeat pair. Also will feature Singer-actor Holland (Ocean Likes Me) and Actor Kang Woo Jung (Once Again). I liked them all A LOT and am very excited about this show.
Viki (not sure on this air date) 
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A young artist (musician? NO!)  mysteriously loses his reflection and sees a strange boy in the mirror instead, PNR and/or horror. Stars fresh faces, directed by Too (Triage) and NutSor (screenwriter of Dew). Could be sad. 
Oct 14 
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My Tooth Your Love 
Taiwan (Trailer) 12 eps 30 min ea
From Result Entertainment (producers of We Best Love) a story about a dentist and his patient, also a bar owner and a rebellious young man (who takes the initiative even with a 12 year age gap). Stars Andy Wu (Amensalism), and Alex Chou (composer/musician and the bartender in WBL). Script by Lin Pei who loves VERY traditional yaoi tropes (HIStory1: Obsessed, HIStory2: Right or Wrong, HIStory2: Crossing the Line, HIStory3: Trapped, WBL, & See You After Quarantine?) 
Gaga & Viki 
Oct 15 
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Hard Love Mission 
Thai (Trailer) 
Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity on an island who then ends up his manager.
WeTV & iQiyi? 
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Wish Me Luck
About a boss and his temporary employee in an advertising company, based on Bittersweet's y-novel of the same name สุดที่รักษ์. Starring my boy Fiat (Grean Fictions, SOTUS S, My Gear and Your Gown, Triage) who I’ve been waiting to lead a BL for a decade (it feels like) and Na Naphat (KinnPorsche, UWMA). 
Oct 20 
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Eternal Yesterday 
AKA Eien no Kino Japan 8 eps 25 ea
Japan takes on ghost boyfriends now? Is no country safe from this damn trope? Taking over Takara-kun and Amagi-kun's time slot in the home country this is a school romance between two boys. After one of them is run over, other friends gradually forget about his existence. 
Distribution unknown. 
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Oct 28
Grand Guignol 
movie (Trailer) 
Japan’s school horror BL movie グランギニョール starring Rio Komiya (Eternal Yesterday) and Ryosuke Sota (Mr Unlucky) among others. 
Oct 29 
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Till The World Ends 
Boys, trapped somewhere, end of world, yadda yadda. Art’s (What the Duck) comeback, so that’s interesting. 
Distribution unknown. 
Oct ? 
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Choco Milk Shake 
Korea (Teaser) 8 eps 15 ea
Strongberry bringing us a full length romcom that looks bonkers. Childhood pets reincarnated as humans find their former owner and flirt with him, I guess. In Strongberry we trust but this premise is testing me. 
Distribution unknown. 
My Roommate 
Thai (Trailer) 
I couldn’t even watch the trailer, the sound and filming was that awful. 
YouTube I think. 
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opheliajupiter99 · 7 months
Lil' Gid (Part 2)
It was the early morning of the next day, cozily tucked away within the Inn at the End of the Road. After the initial scare and subsequent settling of Kremy's new friend from the other side, Kremy had fallen asleep back on his bed with the little doll tucked away in his jacket pocket.
Of course, the doll couldn't actually -sleep-, all it was really doing was laying there, waiting for Kremy to wake up. As such, it'd grown quite bored, especially since the Baron had told it quite a good deal of the others in the inn, and the curiosity combined with the boredom eventually drove it to carefully pull itself free of Kremy's pocket and hop down onto the ground, shuffling off and slipping through the door.
First, the little doll ended up in Gricko's room, peeking through the crack in the door before waddling on in. Gricko was curled up at the foot of the bed, fast asleep, while Hootsie was tucked snuggly in the bed itself, blankets pulled up tightly around her and a little stuffed toy cradled in her little claws.
As the door creaked open, Hootsie squirmed, peeking one of her big eyes open. At the sight of the doll, both eyes shot open wide in surprise. The doll waved, miming a giggle, before waddling up to the bed, hefting itself up with the aid of its chains.
Hootsie quickly pulled the doll in close to cuddle it; it didn't just -look- like Uncle Gideon, it smelled like him too! Maybe papa had gotten it for her as an early birthday present! Oh, this was the best day ever! Hootsie snuggled against the doll cheerfully, and eventually, as she was used to chew toys especially, nipped into the doll.
The doll didn't move against it, as he didn't feel it - somebody however, certainly did...
"FUCK!" Gideon shouted as he shot up in bed, his white shirt stained partially red as out of seemingly nowhere, a beak-shaped bite wound had appeared on his chest, gradually seeping out blood as he frantically dabbed at it with his blanket.
Kremy burst into the room shortly after, awoken almost immediately by the sound of Gid screaming. "What happened?!" Gid gestured to his chest, still dabbing away at the bleeding wound. "I dunno man, I just woke up to a shitton of pain outta nowhere, and this ugly thing!"
Almost immediately putting the pieces together, Kremy patted down his jacket, in such a panic to rush to Gid's scream he hadn't even realized the doll wasn't there until just now. "Ah shit...Gid, stay here, I'll be right back."
Without waiting for Gid to respond, he rushed to Gricko's room, flinging open the door, Gricko, who'd also been woken up by Gid's scream, trying to get Hootsie to hand the doll over to him; gently of course, which was probably why the wound on Gid's chest hadn't gotten worse.
"Hootsie! Gimme the doll, you're hurtin' Uncle Gid!" Hootsie let out a whimpering hoot, hanging her head at her papa, and now Uncle Kremy's, scoldings, spitting out the doll, who sat itself up on the bed and dusted itself off.
"Goddamnit ya lil' shit, I told ya to stay in my room til' I woke up!" The doll put its stubby hands to the side of its head in an 'oh no!' kind of pose, then mimed another giggle. "You know this lil' fella, Kremy?" Gricko said; of course, given it was a voodoo doll of all things, that'd perhaps be assumed, but suffice to say things were a bit frazzled at the moment.
"The Baron sent him up topside to help us. I'm sorry, I shoulda locked my door, I was just really all over the place last night; when the lil' fucker first came in, I thought I was dead and buried." He huffed, looking back to the doll. "Now come on, let's getcha sewn up."
"But shouldn't I help Gid, I can get some banay-" Gricko began, but Kremy waved a hand. "Nah, voodoo doll's don't work like that, Gricko, to heal the wound ya gotta fix the doll, ya can't heal it normal. Ya can throw whatever ya want at the wound and it won't do shit if the doll's still torn, that's part of why they work so well."
So, Kremy sat down and began to stitch up the doll, which in turn began to seal up Gid's wound. As expected, Lil' Gid was a troublemaker, though to expect anything less of a being from the other side was a foolish endeavor. But, even with that, Lil' Gid's intentions did indeed lie in helping - if it could stay in one piece long enough to help, anyways.
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