#shit i have p.e tomorrow
swaggertron500 · 2 years
my brain: you should go to sleep, it's nearly 10:00 at night and you have school tomorrow, but there's homework you need to complete. You should go to sleep.
My dumbass self who's already stayed up late the past two nights, and is riding to school tomorrow: fuck it, if we stay up late we stay up late, and there's fanfics I want to read
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gayjunebug · 16 days
goooood evening i am once again having a horrible night
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icedcoffee2809 · 5 months
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sereh624 · 1 month
asher x reader , david x reader highschool sweethearts headcanons :3
afab reader
david shaw who comes to "pick you up" from every class, even if it was on the way to another one. no matter how fast you try to be, he's always faster, never failing to take his place leaned up against your locker, arms crossed as he watches you get held behind and scolded by your teacher. was it so hard to just turn your damn work? apparently for you, it was.
"alright, let's go. if you keep getting held behind after your classes i'm gonna start being late to mine. at least try to stay in school, dumbass."
asher talbot who before he started dating you, kept next to nothing in his bag. all he needed was his phone, a banana from two months ago, and a couple books from that day's classes. when you two got together, his bag was suddenly full of all your things. period stuff, painkillers, chapstick, jewellry, shorts for p.e because you keep forgetting to put them in your bag, basically everything. asher didn't mind it one bit. it made him feel important, like by carrying your stuff it made up for his all dickheadery during your classes together (it did not).
"hmm?- do i still have your gum? noo, nope, all gone. yes, i'm telling the truth- okay fine. yes, you have ONE piece of gum left butit'sthestrawberryflavorandyouknowthatsmyfavoriteandagoodpartnerwouldletmehaveitbecauseyoureagoodpartnerandyoulovemeandandand- thank you babe :3"
david shaw who after an argument with you, wakes you up at 11pm to soft knocking at your window. he has a key to your front door, but he wasn't planning on staying long anyway. you force yourself out of bed to let him in, but don't dare to look at him as he pulls himself up into your room. for a while, you two just stand there, letting the night pass before he breaks the silence.
"uh.. about before. i uhm .. didn't meant to say that. it'd just been a long day i guess and i kind of. blew up on you. i'm sorry. really, i am. i hate seeing you get sad and .. shit. uh- i'll go. it's late, and you probably- hm? you.. want me to stay? uhh, yeah, yeah sure. i can do that. let's .. go sit."
asher talbot who lets you do his makeup. he doesn't have that visceral shame a lot of people your age seem to share, which is both a blessing and a curse. tonight though, as you jab little rhinestones onto his pink eyelid with the precison of a preschooler, it's definitely a blessing.
"oh babe, look. at. me. i am stunning- what? what are you doing? taking a- no, nononononononoo babe. please. milo will never let me live this down. if you send that to him i swear to god he'll rock up to school tomorrow with my face on a shirt. babe? where are you going? BAABE!!"
@definetelynuwonhere @skunkox @huxleaf
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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after blowing you off, you never thought that things between you and kyungmin would be the same. and it didn't, he was your enemy. when finally getting the chance to confront him about all the shit he's done, why does it make you want want to try making up with him?
PAIRING cho kyungmin x fem!reader WC 2.6k TAGS enemies to lovers trope. forced proximity trope. school au. angst/fluff. cussing. kissing. making up. bsf minho. like one kys joke. OMI NOTE marceline songs hit like ten times different so writing this literally had me pumped. i've never done forced proximity before but it's extremely fitting.
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cho kyungmin was quite literally the spawn of satan, your sworn enemy til the day you’d die. the face that you fell for ended up being the face that also left you stranded like an idiot. when you couldn’t cry anymore and your eyes felt puffy and numb, you turned to hate.
classes the following week became even more difficult to believe, as you felt small in comparison to his lingering presence. there was a possibility that maybe he forgot about the first date he planned, things happen and that was something you were okay with.
but you weren’t expecting him to act like nothing happened, act like he didn’t spend countless nights laughing over the phone like he was yours. you felt like a mere ghost, parading through his life like a fucking play toy. because from your perspective, you were just his problem.
“i’m going to bury you in the ground, kyungmin.” you sobbed, anger seething through your teeth.
the expression on his face was blank, though you almost swore he let down his guard for a second seeing you hold back hot tears. but you didn’t want pity, you wanted closure. a reason why the idea of your existence dropped from his earth.
no understanding, no communication, not a single dust particle of love behind his dark eyes. that day marked a countdown of hating him and everything that involved him. an ill circumstance that landed him in the most broken spots of your heart.
he understood your feelings in a way that he felt the need to reflect them. so what was once a one - sided hatred became a mutually agreed upon alliance against one another. if anything, this made you more upset. what did you do to end up on his black - list?
day eighty - five of loathing cho kyungmin, and school became insufferable around him. the recent weather forecast had been wearisome, leaving you wanting nothing more than to kick back at home and sleep for the remainder of your life.
the court yard was always busiest during lunch hours, yet the rustle and bustle of school life kept you awake. students scattered about in their cliques, chatting about recent homework assignments or bothersome teachers. you poked at your food with your chopsticks since you didn’t have much of an appetite.
“are you okay, y/n? you’re not eating any of your food and i swear i heard your stomach grumbling during the quiz.” minho asked, stealing a piece of kimchi off your plate and dropping it in his mouth.
“not really, i don’t know. i’m just a little frustrated with everything right now.” you groan in response, setting down your utensil to bury your face in your hands.
“let me guess, does this have something to do with him?” he raises one of his eyebrows as you nod in annoyance.
“dude, i overheard haemin complaining that his only friend,” you air quoted, “was being transferred into my p.e. period. and we both know exactly who he was talking about.”
“that’s rough, have you talked to jaeyun about it? since he’s one of the sports captains, he could probably tell you for sure if that’s what you’re worried about.” he suggests.
“haemin and kyungmin are practically inseparable. even when i liked kyungmin, he was honestly kind of hesitant talking to me without him around. so i know for a fact i’m going to see his stupid face tomorrow.” you ramble, letting out a defeated exhale.
“listen, you’ll be perfectly fine. don’t let him work you up like that, he doesn’t deserve the satisfaction, okay?” he advised you, patting your shoulder for comfort.
“minho, he shouldn’t even need satisfaction in the first place! kyungmin left me at a park. in the rain.” you emphasize the last bit, “i’m the only one that deserves to hate him.”
“i know, and it sucks. but i’ve heard this story like a million times, y/n. we need to get you some kind of therapy sessions if you’re going to keep at it like this.”
“literally choke.”
“kidding! i’m kidding. don’t do that to me please and thank you.” he laughed lightly, “but seriously, you’ll be okay. you always are. plus i’m just a phone call away if you need me to curse him over the phone or something, i don’t know.”
“you do too much for me minho. don’t worry, i know you just want to help me, thank you. i’ll try to figure it out i guess.” you exaggerate a sigh, making minho lean over to give you a friendly hug.
“now, eat your food before i feed the scraps to the birds on our way to next period.” he threatens, pointing a chopstick at your forehead.
after letting out all of your problems like word vomit, you were finally able to swallow down some of your meal. minho, your respective best friend had heard almost all of your hell stories about wanting to rip off kyungmin’s head. it was almost like he experienced the whole thing with you; or maybe the idea of him drenched down in a casual dress was a funny thing to imagine.
lunch passed by quickly, as did the rest of the school day. you took notes, turned in assignments, complained minho’s ear off once more, and suddenly the final bell rang meaning you could finally return home. in between all of this, you somehow forgot about the boy in your aching heart.
your steps pattered against the pavement when a feeling of dread washed over you. why did it feel like your world was going to shatter at school tomorrow? fallen leaves crushed underneath your shoes, resembling how scattered your mind felt.
day eighty - six of loathing kyungmin and every bone in your body felt like it was going to give out and abandon you as a pile of fleshy mush. you and your classmates gathered in the field wearing your p.e. uniforms, waiting for your coach to come out with the proper equipment.
kyungmin was only a couple people away from you and it already gave you an incomprehensible headache. just feeling his presence near you sent shivers down your spine, and you knew he could care less about whether you were there or not.
was it immature to still be hung up on what happened between the two of you even after almost three months?
you couldn’t stomach your stress right now, attempting to take deep breaths to soothe yourself. the cold air helped slightly; you became thankful for the dreary weather and couple raindrops that fell from the sky.
“alright everyone, it seems to be sprinkling a bit, but we’ll pass around the football for now. let’s just hope the rain doesn’t get too intense.” your coach explains, “pair up with the person next to you and come grab a ball.”
“i can go get the ball.” you offer  the girl next to you before walking over to the net full of footballs.
reaching your hand into the bag, you press a finger into each one, making sure you grab one that isn’t too flat nor too full of air. you’re searching for a couple seconds, before another hand bumps into yours.
“oh, i’m sorry–” looking up to apologize, you find yourself face to face with kyungmin. you take back your hand quickly.
“don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault your hand was in the way.” he smiles almost mockingly.
“whatever.” you mumble, pulling away to let him grab what he needs first although there were two bags.
while you wait, more droplets of water pattered against your skin, becoming slightly more frequent. you look over to your coach talking to another teacher, darting his gaze up from the sky and to his co - worker. he blows his whistle suddenly, as everyone looks over in his direction.
“seems like the rain is just going to get worse from here.” he announces before pointing at you and kyungmin, “both of you go put the equipment away, the rest of us will head back into the gym and run some laps around the courts for the rest of the period.
there was a chorus of disappointed murmurs from your classmates, before they all dropped the footballs they were able to grab. this left you and kyungmin alone, making your anxiety sky - rocket. against your will, you grab one of the bags and start towards the shed.
the sound of shoes against squishy grass tell you that kyungmin is following closely behind. you speed up with half of your intentions to get away from him and the other half to escape from the drowning rain.
once you get under the awning of the equipment shed, you slide open the already half - open door to let yourself in. there’s an assortment of different sports balls and rackets, all somewhat organized. kyungmin closes the door behind the both of you unknowingly while you find a spot to put away the footballs.
dropping down the bag in silence, you leave him to do the same and head out. when you twisted the door knob, it felt almost jammed. turning it harder and harder, it was deemed useless, making you panic.
“hello? hello!” you fidget with the door, practically throwing yourself against it in hopes it will magically open.
“did we get locked inside?” the boy behind you questions, making you turn around in disbelief.
“no actually, i’m just communicating with god on the other side. yes it’s locked!” you argued, “why did you close it behind you?”
“i didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be closed!” he defended himself.
“oh my gosh i think i’m going to fucking faint if i have to be here with you for who knows how long.” you start pacing around the shed.
“i’m right here, you know.”
“do you want me to treat you like a princess or something? is that what you want me to do?” you tell him, “we’re not exactly on good terms you know.”
“you don’t have to freak out about it, someone will come find us eventually.” he shrugs.
“please tell me this is a nightmare.” you mutter under your breath.
“it’s pretty real, i don’t know.” he says, sitting down on the floor.
“oh my god i’m not asking you, kyungmin.”
“this isn’t fun for me either, you know. you don’t have to pretend like you’re the only one in distress here.” he mumbles.
“am i that much of an inconvenience to you? last time i checked there’s no reason for you to be mad at me.” you scoff, taking your own seat on the floor.
“i never said you were an inconvenience to me, i just don’t really want to be trapped in a sweaty equipment shed with the smell of leather like.. everywhere.” he explains casually, picking up a tennis ball.
you curl your knees into your body, leaning your head back against the wall, “yeah, right.”
“do i really stress you out that much?” he asks you out of nowhere.
“yes.” you respond blatantly.
“i shouldn’t have to justify what i do. i have nothing to prove, kyungmin. you just do.” you claimed, “and i haven’t even got a proper explanation or apology yet.”
tension became thick in the air, palpable enough to be cut with even the dullest knife. being in the same room with someone you swore was your most hated person made your face heat up. yet you still wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to feel less cold.
the sound of a tennis ball being thrown against the wall and bouncing back filled your ears, though you weren’t in a circumstance to complain. anything was better than sitting in silence for who knows how long. 
minutes went by with no sign of a teacher coming to break the two of you free. it wouldn’t be long before the bell rang for the next period, leaving you feeling hopeless. the rain only seemed to get heavier outside.
being forced in proximity with kyungmin made you less angry in a way. every second that ticked by messed with your head, inching to get come kind of answer out of him. though in a way, it made you miss him more. he’d never leave class without you by his side, getting you juices from the vending machine, holding your hand tightly when you were nervous for a test.
“you’re kind of unbelievable, you know.” you spoke.
“what is that supposed to mean?” he glanced over to you curiously.
“that night. you said you’d take me on a walk through the park after we stopped to get food. but you never showed up to the restaurant, so i assumed you’d be waiting for me there.” you told him, feeling tinges of sadness rather than hate, “i waited on a bench for an hour before it started pouring. you never showed up.”
“you waited in the rain..?” he stammered slightly.
“i shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you.” you whisper, “but why do i want to?”
“y/n..” your name falls from his lips like honey.
he scoots himself closer to you until your shoulders are barely touching, his sudden appearance making you flinch. you were still tense next to him as he started to speak.
“i’m so sorry for being so mean to you. for ignoring you, pretending like nothing happened between us when everything happened.” he apologized, “you don’t have anything to apologize for. my mind was so crowded that night. i wasn’t sure if i was ready to love someone like you.”
“then why didn’t you tell me anything, kyungmin? you hurt me.” you began to tear up.
“i didn't know how.. can you tell i’ve never done this before? confronting my feelings while trying to convince myself that you wouldn't break things off with me if i wasn't ready. but listening to my head didn't get us anywhere either.” he confessed, “i was really intimidated when you came up to me the day after, and i wasn’t sure what to do. so i did nothing. it’s a terrible excuse, really.
“you fucked up. i absolutely hated you for standing me up like that..”
“you had every right to hate me. so i don’t know why i thought it was a good idea to hate you back. now that i’m looking back, it was immature. i missed so much time with you because i didn’t have a taste of what it was like for someone like you to love me back.”
“kyungmin, i don’t know what to say i–”
“let me fix this, please?” he moves your head by your chin, turning you to face him directly.
“you can try..” you murmured, watching his stare fixate from your eyes to your lips.
closing the gap, he enveloped you in a kiss that almost felt criminal considering every feeling you’ve had for him in the past three months has been hate. but he was trying. you’d never forget the pain he caused you, but part of you could forgive him.
it was soft, and he held you oh so gently against his lips. his hand trailed around your waist, pulling you closer into him. could this be the beginning of something different between you and him? as he pulled away, he couldn’t help but show a sad smile on his face.
“y/n, can i take you out on a proper date this time..?”
“i’ll see if minho lets me first after all the shit i talked to him about you.” you laugh, looking at his pretty pink tinted face.
“okay, that makes sense, i kind of deserved it. if it makes you feel any better, i’ll pick you up so you don’t have to worry!” he suggests.
“what if i stand you up by not being at my house, hm?”
“then i’ll wait on your porch in the rain for you until you show up.”
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© 2023 minkkumaz, all rights reserved support your writers by reblogging + giving feedback! it is greatly encouraged and appreciated. thank you! → why feedback + reblogging is so important. ~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ if you'd like, donate to minkkumaz ! DISTANT LANDS AND OTHER ADVENTURES series
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Could I request a fic with m reader and Eddie being frenemies... like they constantly low key bully each other but it's because they're comfortable enough with eachother to know not to take it to heart... like they tease each other and are being competitive with EVERYTHING all the time... just being menaces lol (tysm!!)
I think I can cook this up for you! It's a tad short, but I didn't want to over do it.
Requests will be closing Monday, November 28th at 11:00 PM EST. You can submit yours here!
Currently writing for Eddie Munson. I write for a variety of reader inserts (male, female, gender neutral, POC too).
The more details you had to your request, the better it is for me. EX: “What about some fluff for Eddie after he’s had a long day?”
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
If someone were to ask you when this started, you're not sure you could give them a date. You're not sure you could even give them a guess as to when it become second nature to antagonize each other. Sure to the outside, you were sure that it looked strange. If they didn't know like you did, you'd think it was a deep seated hatred too. But in reality this is just how you and Eddie are. If you pushed, he pulled. It's just how it works.
Like currently, you thump Eddie on the back of the head, crouching down over his shoulder. "You think you can just conveniently drive past me on the walk up here in a puddle and get away with it? I think not."
Eddie laughs, under his breath mostly and all through his nostrils. "You were well prepared in your boots," he tease, pointing down to the item.
The puddle was swallow and Eddie did slow down a lot as to not completely soak you, but your sock around your ankles are still wet from the morning.
"Fuck off," you huff, shoving his shoulder.
"I promise I can make it up to you," he states, a smile grazing his lips as he looks up to you. You move down two seats to his left.
"Please spare me the details," you huff, digging into the pile of peas on your tray. "Because you make a joke about a blowjob or getting you an A on a project, I think I'll cut my own ears off."
"Oh, c'mon, I think I'm pretty funny."
"You'd be the only one." The retort is all to easy and the table erupts into poorly withheld giggles. Eddie flips you the bird before the group resumes the conversation they were having before you approached.
And this--the bickering--is just the way it goes. So you're not shocked that later in the evening while you're sitting outside of Eddie's trailer, both of you with cigarettes between your lips, you huff at Eddie's confession.
"Just ask the person out. Don't be such a pussy," you retort.
"Easy for you to say."
"That is an age old excuse and honestly, I expect something more clever out of the likes of you, Munson." Your words are coated in the smoke you exhale, fingers holding the cigarette down at your side. "How about this--tomorrow during P.E if you score more baskets than me, you don't ask your crush out. But if I score more baskets than you, you have to ask them out in front of me."
It's a stupid bet--Eddie knows it as he stares down at your waiting hand. Eddie is not athletic not in the means that he could even fathom outscoring you in a game of basketball. Hell, Eddie did his best to literally never have to play the game during P.E at all. Lots of excuses about rolled ankles, literally ditching when at all possible, attempting to be the worst so that no one picks him.
But here you are, chest puffed out with a sly grin as you hold out your hand. Eddie knows that even you know it's a losing bet. That if Eddie really is chicken shit, he should just avoid it all right now. But he slips his palm into yours, the shake is firm and curt, sealing the coffin Eddie had stepped in just by mentioning the crush for good.
The floor comes up fast for Eddie, but he refuses to let himself be bested so he springs up fast, hearing the whistle of the teacher shrilling against the stale gym air. "Watch it," comes the shout followed by your last name.
You grin, watching Eddie come back to guard you. "Forgot what game I was playing for a second. Forgive me," you tease.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just put it back into play."
Eddie's a little shocked when he manages to swat the ball you had intended to pass to a teammate from its intended path. But he doesn't let the let the shock keep him from taking a shot. It hits the backboard, rims the basket and then falls through the net. Five. He's proud.
"Only need 7 more to catch up," you tease, walking behind him.
Not the reminder he needed and when he spins, he's met with your shirtless sweaty chest. "Oh, sweetheart, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're flirting with me."
You only shrug, face falling a bit neutral, but the glint in your eyes says otherwise. "Who's to say I'm not already?"
After the retort you carry on up court, back towards the action of the game and Eddie wonders just how much he really cares about catching up.
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
hey baileyyy
i need your dancer opinion (i havent done dance in 4 years)
my sister does ballet, and is very good, and she was worried bc she just finished a conditioning class and she has to run the mile tomorrow. do you think it's fair for her to try her best, and if the coach doesn't like it, she can politely tell him that shes sore from working out for an hour?
i remember there was a post talking about this, and i believe you had an Opinion on this
from all those years of ballet i did, i can confirm that it can be hell to your body sometimes. so i think it is absolutely fair if her soreness affects her mile run time, and if the coach doesn’t understand then that’s on him tbh 😔 also is this for P.E. or for like a sport she’s competing in? if it’s the latter, hopefully it would increase the chances of the coach being understanding of her needs.
also kinda side thing but ballet and running are not exactly the same when it comes to stamina. you can have extremely strong arms and legs, be able to hold yourself up and even do some cardio but also be shit at long distance running. i am walking proof of that. it’s just a different skill.
i’m kinda shit at advice, hope this helped at least a little <33
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 11 months
i knew from the first time, i'd stay for a long time (Inotan)
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A/N: Tada!!! Day 3!!! Super late and since it's past midnight for me, technically not posted in time, but oh well!! I actually really love this one more than I thought I would, tbh, and I actually finished up the majority of this just in the last few hours cause I was determined to get it finished and posted tonight so that I'll have all day to focus on tomorrow's story!! This one is just filled with fluff all the way through, so enjoy!!!
Pairing(s): Inosuke x Tanjiro, Zenitsu x Nezuko (Implied, kinda?)
Prompt: Day 3: Meet-cutes
Summary: Tanjiro's day is full of disasters that leaves his head reeling, but just when he thinks he's officially experienced the worst day of his adult life, something very special happens.
Tag(s): Fluff, like honestly that's the only tag I can think of to add, besides Tanjiro being an absolute disaster himself 💀
Word Count: 2,731
Song Inspiration: I Like Me Better By Lauv
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Author Masterlist]
[Read on AO3]
At first, everything was going fine. It was great, even. Tanjiro was going about his day just as he usually does. He wakes up at six, starts a pot of coffee, jumps into the shower, gets dressed, makes breakfast, feeds his new dog, Axel, lets Axel into the backyard for awhile, checks his email, and calls Nezuko. All perfectly normal things for a Wednesday during summer break.
Then, on a call with Nezuko, he calls Axel back inside, puts on his shoes, grabs his wallet and keys, and leaves the house to run some errands. He listens to Nezuko catch him up on everything she’s been up to for the past week, Zenitsu occasionally making comments in the background, and Tanjiro enjoys his day so far.
But it all starts turning to shit when he steps into the grocery store and…immediately trips and falls flat on his face. Groaning in pain and face red from embarrassment, he pushes himself up and grabs his phone, which had slid about a foot away from him, grateful the screen isn’t cracked.
“-jiro? Everything alright?” Nezuko’s asking when he puts the phone back to his ear, brushing dirt off of his knees.
“Yeah, I’m fine, Nez, just tripped and fell. Dropped my phone, too.” He explains with a pout as he walks over to the cart and tugs one out.
Nezuko giggles, the sounds of dishes being washed as she cleans up from the breakfast that Zenitsu had made earlier. “You and your two left feet, brother.”
“Hey, it’s not that bad anymore, okay? I’ve been doing really well at not falling over this week.” He points out stubbornly, forcing himself not to whine like a child.
“Yes, because it’s perfectly normal for someone to keep track of how many times they fall in a day.” Nezuko quips teasingly.
“Tanjiro, don’t make me get out our old fall counter board, we haven’t had to use that since middle school.” He hears Zenitsu call from somewhere nearby Nezuko.
Tanjiro groans again, throwing his head back in exasperation as he pushes the cart towards the back of the store. “Guuuyyysssss!” He whines, unable to help himself. Both of them laugh, finding amusement in his misery. Reaching for a few bags of soba noodles and udon noodles and placing them into his cart, quickly stopping a bowl of pre-made ramen from falling off of the shelf before continuing down the aisle.
“Oh, hey, Tanjiro.” Zenitsu suddenly says in his ear, as if he’s taken the phone from Nezuko. “Have they sent you the email about the new P.E. teacher yet?” He asks.
“Huh?” He raises an eyebrow at the question as he reads the label on a box of crackers. “No, I don’t think so, though it may have just been delayed. I’ll check my email for it again later today, though. Why?”
Zenitsu scoffs. “Apparently the guy’s been in America for the past decade, just moved back to Japan recently. He needs a reminder on how things work in our schools, I guess, and Himejima wants us to be his, like, “buddies”, help him out a bit.”
“Wait, really?” He questions, surprised. “That’s new. Not everyday we get someone who’s been away from Japan that long. Was he born here, do you know?”
“Yeah, he was born here. Don’t know much else though, not like he’s gonna give us the guy’s whole life story or anything.” He hears something on the other end that sounds a lot like sweeping.
“Yeah, I know, I was just curious. Seems like a nice way to make a new friend, though.” Tanjiro hums, adding soy sauce into his cart alongside rice, chocolate mochi, beef, and eggs.
“Yeah, says the guy who’s managed to befriend literally all of our coworkers since we’ve started working there.” His best friend snorts.
“Not all of them.” Tanjiro frowns. “Still haven’t been able to win over Shinizugawa. Either one of them.” He sighs.
“Screw the Shinizugawa brothers, they’re both assholes.” The blonde mutters and Tanjiro can hear the pout in his voice.
“You’re just upset because Sanemi won best teacher over you.” Tanjiro rolled his eyes with a smile.
“He’s the rudest person I’ve ever met, Tanjiro! There’s no way that his students like him that much! Those results were rigged and I’ll accept nothing less!” Zenitsu exclaims indignantly.
He laughs at his friend’s argument, but it quickly dies down when a container of panko slips out of his hand and to the floor, bursting open and spilling all over the place. “Ah, shit!” He curses.
“Tanjiro Kamado, what a dirty word that’s come out of you.” He hears on the other end of the phone, a voice that he vaguely registers as Nezuko again, but he’s only halfway paying attention as an employee comes over, bringing a sign to place over the mess until a broom can be brought over to clean it up.
“I’ll pay for it.” He promises, placing a hand over his phone mic. The employee shakes his head, reassuring him that it’s not necessary no matter how much he insists. He internally sighs. The second disaster in the past hour, not exactly a great start to what he knows is already gonna be a long day.
He takes a moment to speak on the phone again. “Listen, guys, I got some more errands to run and I don’t wanna run out of phone battery, so I’m gonna go. I’ll call again later or tomorrow?” He asks.
“Yeah, of course, Tanji, do what you need to do.” Nezuko reassures him.
“Okay, great. I love you guys.” He says warmly.
“Love you, too!”
“Love you. Give Axel lots of treats for me, okay?”
Tanjiro rolls his eyes. “You’re not supposed to spoil my dog more than me, Zenny.” He points out. All he gets in reply is a laugh and he shakes his head at the man as he hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket.
The rest of his errand run consists of many more incidents, each one worse than the other. Knocking over a display of boxed snacks, almost accidentally running a red light when it changed too quickly, dropping a few books and grabbing the attention of everyone inside the small bookstore he was browsing, tripping and falling again, this time gaining a few new cracks on his phone. Then, it starts raining in the middle of him walking through a parking lot towards his car, the clouds pouring down on him, a bag of dog food splits open at the pet store and that time, he did pay for it, then his usual lunch place closed early and once he finally made it home, his car decides to inform him that one of his tires has started to lose some of its air.
Pulling into the driveway of his house, he parks and turns it off before throwing his head back and running his hands down his face, moaning out his misery. The universe is truly testing him today. Hopefully, he can still turn it around. He gets out of his car and starts the long process of getting all of his bags of food and other items into his house, thinking the whole time about how much easier the whole thing would be with two people rather than just one.
An hour later, everything now inside and completely put away finally, he stands in the kitchen and looks out the window, enjoying the view. Despite the earlier downpour, it’s still very nice out and the sun has made its way out of the clouds once more. He looks down at Axel, his two year old mixed breed laying on the floor and staring up at him.
He smiles at him fondly. “C’mon, Axel, how does a walk sound?” Tanjiro asks him, patting his thigh and walking towards the front door. Axel immediately perks up and follows him, nails clicking against the floor as he trots out of the kitchen and across the living room. Tanjiro grabs his leash from the hook beside the door and bends down to hook it to his collar, making sure he still has his phone, keys, and wallet on him before stepping out the door and closing and locking it behind him.
Tanjiro hums softly to himself as they walk through his neighborhood and a few blocks farther, going at a steady, easy pace as he makes his way to one of his favorite parks. Axel thoroughly enjoys the walk, panting and trotting along, occasionally barking or yipping as he watches everything around them.
Once reaching the park, they wander around for awhile, Tanjiro smiling softly at all the families and kids running around, watching the animals skitter about, stopping and admiring a few plants and flowers that have started to bloom since he was last there.
He’s been out for about an hour and a half now when, suddenly, Axel starts barking and pulling at his leash roughly, causing Tanjiro to stumble forward as he holds tight to his dog’s leash and tries to keep him in place. “Hey! Axel! Calm!” He orders, though it seems as if Axel didn’t even hear him. He looks around to look for anything that could’ve made him act this way, but he sees nothing out of place from just a few minutes ago. Thankfully, Axel’s reaction doesn’t seem violent, exactly, just excited, but he still needs him to calm down.
Axel tries even harder to get away now, twisting and jumping, gaining the attention of people nearby and Tanjiro starts to panic slightly. “Axel, baby, please, calm down.” He says gently, hoping for a different reaction than before but there isn’t a single change in Axel. And then, right as he reaches out to touch the reddish-brown canine, Axel twists, faces his head downwards, rears back, and suddenly his neck is bare, having managed to slip out of his collar, and Tanjiro is now gasping as his dog starts running full speed across the park.
“No! Axel!!” He shouts, keeping hold of the leash and collar as he sprints after Axel, that small panic he felt before increasing tenfold. He runs as fast as he can after him, praying that there aren't any other dogs around right now. Other people? Axel gets along great with. Other dogs? Not so much. Tanjiro’s learned that the hard way. It’s why they don’t go to dog parks anymore.
Damn this day, damn it all. He curses mentally, completely hating every second that he hasn’t caught up to his dog yet. Every single bad scenario ran through his head, all of them leading to him losing his dog and the pain that rocks through his chest at such a thought makes him grit his teeth.
Finally, finally, he sees Axel coming to a stop. But his relief is quickly wiped away when he realizes that Axel is stopping right in front of another dog. “Shit. Axel!!” He shouts once more, stumbling to a stop right behind him, bending down and placing his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath, never taking his eyes off of his dog.
“Uh, hey, dude, you good?” Someone asks, most likely the owner of the other dog.
“N-no, Axel, h-he’s not-” Tanjiro pauses, straightening up as he realizes. A fight hasn’t broken out yet. Axel hasn’t attacked. He looks at his dog and watches as Axel simply sniffs curiously at the other dog in front of him, which appears to be an all white husky. “...not good with other dogs…” He trails off, watching the interaction with disbelief.
“Well, seems like he likes my Senshi just fine.” The other man says.
Tanjiro finally turns to look at him and is immediately stunned. Standing in front of him is a man a few inches shorter than him with long, black to blue ombre hair pulled up into a loose bun and the brightest green eyes he’s ever seen. The man is wearing a gray, sleeveless, hooded sports vest with blue outlining and accents, the zipper only halfway up, and a pair of loose, blue track pants. He’s got one hand in his vest pocket and the other hanging by his side, holding onto a purple leash. Tanjiro gulps as his eyes trace over the man’s muscular arms, quickly looking back to his face.
“S-Senshi?” He speaks up, looking to the man’s dog and back to him again. “That’s the pup’s name?” He asks curiously.
“Yep!” The man confirms, popping the ‘p’ with a grin. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?” He turns to his dog, looking at her with pride. “She’s part husky, part wolf.”
Tanjiro raises an eyebrow at him. “Seriously? That’s awesome.” He says. He looks to Senshi and Axel and watches as the two of them circle each other slowly, before sniffing at each other’s faces, getting so close that their noses are nearly pressed together. “Axel doesn’t usually get along with other dogs, no matter the gender. I’ve never seen him be so nice to one before.” He admits.
He turns back to her owner as he shrugs. “That’s just Senshi, she’s good at making friends.” The man informs him.
“Usually I am as well.” Tanjiro sighs, taking a step forward to bend down and stop Axel’s friend making just long enough to put his collar back on, feeling much more relieved once it’s secure. “I’m Tanjiro. Tanjiro Kamado.” He stands back up and holds his hand out to the black-haired man.
“Inosuke Hashibira.” Inosuke grabs his hand in a firm, strong grip, shaking it once and lingering. If Tanjiro didn’t know any better, he’d say that there’s a hint of flirtation in the other man’s eyes as he continues. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Tanjiro feels warmth in his cheeks as he pulls his hand back, smiling warmly. “The same to you, Inosuke.” His eyes flicker to the dogs who have now started yipping and playfully pawing at each other, chewing his lip thoughtfully. “You know…considering Axel doesn’t usually make friends, it’d be kinda nice if we could have some playdates every once in awhile with the two of them.” He suggests shyly, looking away from the other man. “I-If that’s something that you’d be o-okay with, it’s not like you have to say yes o-or anything like that.” He fidgets with his hands, holding them in front of him.
Inosuke lets out a deep chuckle that fills Tanjiro up with a warmth he’s unfamiliar with, but it’s not unwelcome. “That sounds like a lot of fun. Besides, I just moved back here not that long ago, it’d be nice to have someone to help me get used to how things work around here again.”
That time, there’s no mistaking the flirty tone of his voice and Tanjiro knows his cheeks are pink as he looks back at him. “Well, I am a teacher, so I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to reintroduce you to the basics.” Tanjiro flirts back, as rusty as he may be with such a thing.
There’s a sparkle in those green eyes that pull him in, the feeling only increased with every word out of the other man’s mouth. “What a coincidence, I’ll be starting out as a P.E. teacher in the fall at the high school a few blocks away from here.” Inosuke informs him.
Tanjiro’s eyes widen at his words. “Wait, no way, you’re the new P.E. teacher my friend, Zenitsu was telling me about?” He questions. “Him and I are supposed to be your learning buddies once the school year starts back up again!” I tell him. “He was just telling me about that earlier today.” The redhead laughs at the coincidence.
Inosuke’s eyes light up with surprise as well. “Well, damn, look at that.” He laughs lightly, Tanjiro joining in his amusement. “I can’t wait to get a head start on that, then.” He says.
“Yeah?” Tanjiro asks.
Inosuke steps forward, closer to him. “Yeah. We get together, let the pups play. And then you and I, we can spend some time together.” He says, his voice quieter than before. “Get to know each other a little better.”
Tanjiro bites his lip as a giddy grin spreads across his face. “Sounds good to me.” Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.
A/N: What did you think?? Inotan first meeting and getting straight to flirting just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, hehe. But also, since I didn't find a way to mention in the actual story itself, Axel is a mix between a rhodesian ridgeback, an australian cattle dog, and a chow. I used to have a dog with those exact same breeds and he was the sweetest. And to anyone who doesn't know, Senshi is actually "warrior" in Japanese. Seemed like a pretty fitting thing for Inosuke to name his dog, imo. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!!!
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scythepalace · 1 year
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I know I am going through it when I start listening to classical music. I feel as if the more I try to crawl out of the hole I am in it forcefully gets deeper. I literally feel like this picture from the undercover 06 collection... trapped, suffocated, blank, just overall fucking numb. I love that when I have the epiphany that being optimistic isnt a bad thing, it becomes more challenging to be optimistic... I literally adore that for me!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I do wish life wasn't as hard as it is. I dont think it makes me weak, just my natural reaction of an onslaught of nonstop ordeals making me think about a less complex life. I think about the days during quarantine, which were definitely bitter sweet, but damn were those sweet moments cavity giving. I wish the world could just stop like that again, but I doubt it ever will. I was talking to one of my friends, and they said how they have been lost since they were 12 and I was "lucky that I had something figured out." which from face value and by dictionary definition, I DO! but it still somehow feels like I am missing something. I dont know, it's almost like maybe the thing I am reaching for isnt what I actually need? Maybe I don't need a family, maybe I am telling myself these things. or am I just feeling doubtful at the moment? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the two. I really admire people who keep themselves together.. cause fuck life can be intoxicating, it can be hell, this is what adults talk about when I was younger.. it is now my reality, and not just filler conversation in the background while im running around the field, imaging whole scenarios, thinking about how I have P.E the next day. It is now what I have to live, my every day I sink deeper, and deeper into this thing called life, and I am just hoping I don't drown. I honestly have to survive for this next month and a half... If I can do that, well then shit I might actually amount to something, because I could IMAGINE anything more difficult than these last two months. I applaud myself for surviving this long, but hell is it getting exhausting. being vulnerable and honest with myself, I feel myself cracking more and more every day, and I dont think anyone around me notices, or even cares to notice because they need me for their problems. I feel like I am a life force for the people around me, not being acknowledged for the hardships ive been dealing with, maybe I should applaud myself for making this shit look too easy... or maybe I should distance myself from everyone until I am looked at as an actual human that is trying to survive. thankfully I got something from my job today so I can have some type of breakfast tomorrow morning. I literally had my first bite to eat today at 3:30pm, and boy did that shit feel horrible. I cant really help it though, I dont like eating at peoples houses when I don't live there, it feels like I am taking, rather than it just me fulfilling my human needs. I also have to get rid of my cat more than likely... he has no where to go and it pains me to have to give him to another family.. I would love to avoid it but I have no choice. Hopefully the next family doesn't fail him like I did. I promise there is an ongoing pattern of just not being enough that I seem to encounter. like damn I cant even be enough to keep a damn feline! I feel like shit about that and it slowly starts to eat away at my mental conscious. I am trying my best to keep my integrity. I cant fold, I literally can NOT! if I lose my integrity I will literally have nothing to my name... at that point I would just want to end this shit. Which is such a painful thought, feeling like the only thing left of me is integrity... no cat, no car, fuck not even this job I hate working at, just integrity.... but hey if its kept me alive for this long maybe it means something more than it does just looking at it from face value. I hope to find peace of mind sometime next week, if I have to get rid of my cat..... I hope to find peace of mind within the next 6 months hahahahahaha #iwantokillmyself
Tuesday May 16th, 2023
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
Me, going to watch alien stage (the one [1] clip i saw convinced me to): :)
Me, remembering i also have to reschedule gym: oh. Shit!
Me, remembering i also have to redo the P.E. homework for tomorrow (its 6pm): oh. SHIT.
Me, remembering i also have to feed The Cats™️: OH SHIT
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March 3rd, 2024 - Awkward
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Let's ignore the fact that I didn't know what to write about yesterday, so I wrote some embarrassing shit about a boy that is not worth it.
I'm not a writer. I draw. Well, at least I try to. But I'm not good at writing anything. So I can never talk about my feelings lol
Anyway, today something cool happened. I always complain about how there's nothing interesting on TV during weekends. But today my go-to channel put "Baby Driver" (2017) and I actually liked it! I've already added it to my Letterboxd.
After that I just lied on my bed until my mother suggested going out. We just stayed in the car, watching all the neighbourhoods. Then, we stopped at her shop and talked a bit with her employee. I drank my second chocolate milk of the day and ate a bunch of candy. No regrets.
Now I'm just at home, I might go to bed now. Or maybe later. I'm not sure. I'm glas I don't have P.E. classes tomorrow. They didn't tell us why tho.
I actually don't care lmao
I did thought about changing the theme of my blog again. I don't know how much I used purple for this, but I'm considering changing it to blue or red when autumn begins.
Or maybe I could use red for autumn and blue for winter. I'm not sure...
I'll see what I can do. The last time I used my computerr it had a few problems updating. I hope nothing bad happened.
Okay, that was all. Rest well.
PS: I swear a group of men said things to me a few blocks away from my house on Friday. But since I'm a professional gaslighter against myself, I think I might have just imagined it. I don't know if it happened, but I still felt so disgusted. Whatever, the last time I tried to tell my mother about something like that, it didn't turn out well. Who cares?
I'll just change to new path to get home. And change my pants.
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nox-of-crowsville · 1 year
So, School is starting up again tomorrow. and, I'm not doing too well. . . I have cried twice, just because of the thought of going back to that place, that school walking down that hallway again, my skin crawling anytime I have to go to P.E. having to see the two people that made my life a living hell for the last two years, knowing that it's not going to get better in high school because gods forbid that people actually reflect on their action or learn from them, I'm already afraid to walk outside the house because I live in a small town with people that are pretty much married to the fucking status quo and I don't fit into that. I'm not only gay and bigender but I'm noticeably thicker than most of the other girls in my class which directly contributes to my body image issues and self worth issues, my mental health is strung together and held up with duct tape twine and sticks and that place, that school brings back all of the shit that the people within those walls have done, I mean I had to sit through and listen to someone discuss whether or not I should have the right to live as a gay person, that was fucking fun. I hate this. I don't want to be there I don't want to go back. I want to stay here I don't want to go back. I hate this fucking education system. and I hate living in this place.
feel free to ignore this, I just needed to rant. I'm sorry,
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transfagholmes · 5 years
Sure, I could go to bed, but I could also stay on tumblr for a few more hours and get too worked up over special interests to sleep
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oddpairofeyes · 6 years
hmmmmm how to escape 30min of running in p.e ? 😔😧😧😧
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qyuoza · 2 years
Dream Reality #1: Wisteria — Hueningkai
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Prompt: Y/n is alone in the rain because they forgot to bring an umbrella, Hueningkai offers to share theirs.
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Hueningkai x afab!reader (slight mention of ex!Sunghoon)
Synopsis: After a hard day, you were completely done with everything, so you decide walk alone in the rain after missing the last bus. That was until your knight clad in school uniform comes and whisks you away under his umbrella, showing you that there’s always light after the storm.
Disclaimer: These stories do not depict how the Tomorrow X Together members act in real life. Everything is pure fiction and is written for entertainment.
Warnings: n/a
Magic Island Masterlist
Today was just your day wasn’t it. It started with you arriving late to your first class of the day, followed by the ball that hit your face a little TOO HARD in P.E and now your boyfriend Sunghoon decides to break up with you. Yeah, it couldn’t get any worse really, with the sky completely mirroring your mood, anyone would think the same way.
“I think it’ll rain today, we should hurry!” You overheard two girls in the hallway say.
They scurry off but you could only put on your hoodie, and shoes, as you clutch your bag gruffly, heading down to catch the bus.
“If it rains, at least it’ll complete the shit that I’ve dealt with this entire day. I even forgot my fucking umbrella” you scoff.
The thunder started to rumble a bit louder once you reached the bus stop, and then it started to pour. The girls beside you, the ones you heard in the hallway, grip onto their umbrellas and chat amongst themselves.
You sigh, if Sunghoon didn’t break up with you, he would’ve accompanied you at the bus stop until you got on the bus. Too bad he was sick of always being seen with a loser as his girlfriend at school, and his words stung.
“Y/n I’m sorry, I really am, but it’s all you. I can’t always be the one to reassure you or to constantly be by your side, not only that, you’re so shy and barely talk to anyone. Fucking loser, I’m breaking up, don’t talk to me ever again” he walked away and you felt your heart clench.
Were you really THAT bad?
You shake off the thought and look down at the floor, but when you look up again, you see the bus doors close and hearing it about to speed away.
“Wait what the fuck?! Let me in!” You screech, but it was too late, the bus sped off and you were left in the pouring rain.
“I have to walk home then, fuck everything” you grumble. Your house wasn’t far from the school, but you took the bus because it was faster and stopped right outside your apartment complex, apparently that wasn’t going to be the case today.
The rain was pouring hard, but you could care less at that point. The day was already bad enough, being soaked in the rain was the least of your worries. Stepping out of the shelter of the bus stop, you start to feel the water drip down on you while laughing to yourself. This felt good, and even though you probably looked crazy, you didn’t mind. It was the only good thing you’ve ever felt today.
“Hey! Hold on! Y/n!” You look behind you and see a boy running over towards you, and as he starts to zero in, you see that it’s Hueningkai, one of Sunghoon’s friends. What was he doing running after you in the rain? He could get sick.
You stop as Hueningkai is finally in front of you, and you stopped feeling the rain from above. “You forgot your umbrella right? We should share mine. God Y/n, you could get sick! I can’t believe Sunghoon isn’t worried about you” he says in a rushed tone.
You smile at his antics, he was adorable and one of the sweetest guys in Sunghoon’s circle. He was honestly the one who doted on you more than your boyfriend ever did, so you both got along quite well.
“Kai it’s nothing, and Sunghoon never really cared. He broke up with me today, and thank you for offering to share your umbrella, but I don’t think you should waste your time. You live the other way don’t you?” You say to him.
Kai could only pout and he immediately insisted he walk you home just so you wouldn’t be sick the next day. You decided to take up his offer considering the fact that he was at least nice enough to share his umbrella with you, and walk you home.
“I’m so sorry about you and Sunghoon. You deserve way better, I’m telling you, he always treated you like shit so at least that’s something you can get off your shoulders” Kai suddenly quipped. You hum in agreement, at least your day was looking up because of the boy, not that there wasn’t much left of it anyway.
As you both arrive at your apartment complex, you turn to look at the taller male with a smile. “Thanks for walking me Hueningie, I owe you one” you thank him and walk into your gate, but he suddenly stops you and grips your wrist. You stare back him in confusion.
“Sorry about that, it’s just. Since you and Sunghoon broke up, I wanted to know if I could at least take you out? I’ll admit, I do have the biggest crush on you, even before you were with Sunghoon, and—“ he was suddenly out of breath and you laughed, urging him to continue with his words.
“Sorry. As I was saying, I really like you, and you don’t have to give me an answer right away, but I just wanted to tell you that I can show you what you deserve and that I can love you properly” Kai finally finishes. He’s always been a sweetheart, and it didn’t really hurt to try to move on.
Sure it was pretty quick, but he wasn’t hard to love. In fact, you might as well just give him a chance, he already cared for you a lot at that point. “Give me a date then, just text me because I don’t want you to waste any more time ok? Now get home safe” you reply with a grin, and blow him a kiss.
That day, Hueningkai walked home like an idiot, a wide smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes. While you, well, at least there was a portion of your horrible day that made up for everything else.
© qyuoza 2022 -. please refrain from plagiarizing any of my works and do not repost/copy onto any other sites.
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monaisdark · 4 years
i like how u write Shigaraki 😳❤ can u do maybe some bully reader with a sprinkle of virgin!shiggy hehe 🥰 reader can be dom or sub its up to you!! ❤
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AH i’ve been meaning to check my inbox but ommmg this motivates me so much, thank you ! <3 I decided to do some dom reader - hope its ok!
➨ paring — Virgin! Tomura Shigaraki x Fem! Bully! Reader 
➨ warnings —  Sub! Shigaraki, Dom! Reader, slight mommy kink, slight masturbation, humiliation, degradation, cum denial, begging
Shigaraki slumped into the ground, his back against the now wet wall. It hasn’t even been 3rd period yet and you already completely ruined his day. You and your group of followers threw water at him, something about him smelling bad. His papers and books were thrown out of his bag, soggy and falling apart from the water poured on them and his favorite hoodie now uncomfortably wet. 
Shigaraki would already be late to class by now so he didn’t bother to scurry off like your friends did when they heard the late bell for class. You walked a bit behind them, turning your head back at him a few times before completely disappearing down the hall. 
Shigaraki wasn’t sure what he did for you to hate him so much. It was almost like you were out to get him since day one. And of course, you being so popular, it made him the school outcast, well, even more of an outcast.
He tried everything — ignoring you, doing everything you asked him, even trying to fight back. The last try left him with a sprained wrist and bruised cheek. So in the end, everything left him either humiliated, damaged, or hurt. 
He finally stood up as he heard footsteps from a hall monitor coming down the hall he was in, grabbing his backpack that contained the remaining contents of his school stuff before running off into a nearby bathroom to hide. Luckily, nobody was there to see how disheveled he looked.
Shigaraki took off his hoodie, thankfully the hoodie was thick and caught most of the water, leaving his long sleeved undershirt a bit damp but nothing he couldn’t handle for the rest of the day. He set everything wet under the hand drier, letting the hot air dry them a bit. 
As he dried his face, something at on the floor caught Shigaraki’s eye. It was a small piece of paper that was also damp. He picked it up confused, did it fall out of his hoodie pocket? 
‘’Shigaraki, meet me in room 204 after school today. Be there.’’  He could read out from the smudged, running ink. Shigaraki looked at it confused, yeah it was definitely for him but why? How did this even get into his pocket? He’s usually always alone, he didn’t hang out or spend his school days with anyone.
“Hey! Get to class!” The voice of the hall monitor outside of the bathroom almost made him yelp. He stuffed the note into his back pocket, grabbing all his stuff that was thankfully a bit more dry before leaving.
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You eyed Shigaraki from across the cafeteria, a small smirk tugged your lips as you saw him pull out the tiny piece of paper for the 12th time that lunch. A wave of satisfaction overcame you every time you saw his eyebrows furrowed at the paper. 
You tried to make the note as vague as possible, you could tell from the confused look on his face that he didn’t have a clue on who sent it. Just how you wanted it.
You turned your thoughts back to your friends, mixing your laughter with theirs. You had no idea what they were laughing at. These people are assholes, why do you hang out with them again? A small boy whimpered on the floor, his food spilled all over his body. Oh, that's why. Like hell you’d be on the receiving end of their bullying.
It’s not like you felt bad. School was a hierarchy, these poor people were just at the bottom. When you first got here, you quickly rose to be at the top. Not like you expected to be anything less. You held yourself to a high standard, of course you’d be at the top.
So it made you sick seeing how some of these people held themselves, especially Shigaraki. He looked and smelled like he only showers every other day, he alternated between 2 hoodies each week, did he even bother to wash them?
He barely talked to anyone, usually playing some videogame on his phone. Does he not care about himself? Well maybe that was why you targeted him, you just wanted him to be better. Nothing else.
Then you noticed how much of a pervert he was. If a girl was ever near him, his eyes would automatically shoot to their chests before awkwardly shifting away from them. In P.E, you found it funny how he’d try to hide his boners after seeing all the girls in their shorts. How gross, he’s a horny little virgin.
You almost felt bad, maybe if he smelt better, maybe if he wore better clothes, maybe if he just tried to take care of himself. It was no surprise that he wasn’t getting chicks. But then again, he didn’t look too confident in anything. Yet alone girls.
That’s when you had came up with a plan. You’d sleep with him. Don’t get it wrong, you had dignity. If it was anyone else, you’d probably make fun of them even more, maybe even expose their perverted behavior.
But Shigaraki looked so helpless, if he kept up with this he’d never get better. Maybe he’d become desperate enough to start touching girls on the train to school, how disgusting.
You were doing everyone a favor. This is just charity work.
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“Hey.” Shigaraki jumped, what? He was even more confused then before, you? Why would you send him a letter to meet him alone after school? He stayed quiet, he backed into a desk as he heard the click of the door. Locked, shit, you locked the door. You probably were gonna beat him up, usually you’d have other people pick on him, was today finally the day you’d take more action?
“Stop sweating, I’m not here to do anything bad.” You walked in front of him, Shigaraki would be lying if he said he wasn’t terrified. “Um — why.. why did you want to meet me?” Shigaraki’s voice cracked and you almost laughed, has he ever even been alone in the same room as girl?
You decided to be blunt, there was no sugar coating what was about to happen. “You’re a virgin right, Shigaraki?” You brought your hands to the buttons of your shirt, slowly unbuttoning your top.
Shigaraki immediately felt himself starting to get hard at the sight of your bra. “What—” You rolled your eyes, doesn’t he get it? How dense can he be? “Just answer me.” 
Shigaraki felt so humiliated, this was honestly worse then all the bullying he experienced from you. He has to admit to his bully that he’s a virgin, or better yet, that he’s never even gotten close touching a woman.
He couldn’t lie, I mean look at him! The most action he’s gotten was those JOI videos he’d watch late at night. “Yeah..” He whispered enough for you to hear, just incase anyone else was hiding in the room. “..Why?” 
A smirk spread across your face, just like you thought. His red face was honestly so enjoyable to see, almost just as enjoyable as seeing him try to hide how hard he was.
“I know you’re hard, Shigaraki.” Your hands moved to his crotch, palming him. “Ah, ah! Wait! I’m—“  Holy shit, did he cum? Just from a bit of palming?
Your hands retracted from the damp fabric, “God, how pathetic can you be?” Shigaraki lowered his head, you didn’t want to know. You’re the first girl to ever touch him, he didn’t want to come that fast!
“I’m sorry! Please.. I’m still hard!” Now he’s begging? He was ready for you to laugh at him and leave him a gross mess. He would understand.
“Take it out.” Shigaraki could cry right there, you were serious! He didn’t know what made you want to do this now but he didn’t care. All that matter’s was you wanted to fuck him.
His mind flooded to what you guys could do, would you rub his now exposed dick? Would you take it in your mouth? Better yet, what could he do to you? He’ll learn quickly, he just wants to touch your boobs!
Suddenly, he was on the floor. He couldn’t even process what was going on before you straddled him. We’re skipping straight to it? This wasn’t necessarily what he saw in those porn videos but that’s okay. His hands moved to your chest, he saw this in the porn videos too! But your hand slapped his away, “Don’t touch me. You still stink.” 
He frowned but it was quickly gone as he felt you lower yourself on him. Shit, shit, shit, he’s inside you! Inside a pussy! You already started moving and Shigaraki already lost it. This was better than what he could ever imagine! 
You smirked at the scene, its barely been a minute and he’s out of it. His eyes were rolled back and he was moaning louder than you! You had to admit though, you were a bit surprised he even got past 30 seconds of being inside of you. 
“Mhmm— m...mommy!” Now you could laugh, “Mommy? Really Shigaraki?” Tears were forming on the corner of his eyes, you weren’t sure if it was from your words or the pleasure but you preferred if it was from both.
“I’m sorry! It’s just— ah!” You angled yourself to hit deeper, “No, no, Shigaraki. Go ahead. I should’ve known you’d be into something like that.” His moans filled the room, you were lucky this hallway was always empty after school was done.
You felt him begin to twitch, already knowing he’s about to cum. Eyes narrowed down at his messy face, he’s trying to cum inside you without you knowing? 
You stopped moving and brought him up so he wasn’t laying down anymore, “Y’know, for a virgin I’m a bit impressed.” Shigaraki whimpered when he felt you get off of him, the feeling of your warm cunt no longer around him.
“Wait! Please, please— I wasn’t done!” He whined watching you put your panties back on and button your shirt back up, “You were about to. You think I want your battery acid cum touching me?” 
Snickering as he heard his desperate whimpers begging you to finish him off, an overwhelming feeling of power filled you. A fake annoyed sigh caught his attention, “Take a shower tomorrow. Also wear a different top for god’s sake. If you do— “You brought yourself to his level on the floor, “I might let you touch me.” 
Shigaraki nodded furiously, “Yes! I promise! I will, I will!” You turned and unlocked to the door to leave, catching one more look at his messy state. A sigh was let out of you as you closed the door, the sounds of him moaning ‘mommy’s pussy’ as he finished himself off, made you giggle. How sad.
You rolled your eyes, clicking heels down the hallway. You might’ve just created a new problem for yourself. 
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