#shitty memes i did on my phone
maarigolds · 2 years
Me and the bad bitches I pulled by being autistic
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Inside you there are two wolves. One is saying "MAG200 was the perfect ending for the Magnus Archives. It was such a beautifully constructed and perfect tragedy. We will never know what happened to Jon and Martin and yes, that hurts but it's a bittersweet kind of hurt. Because it enables us to imagine what could've happened to them. Maybe their skeletons lie side by side on a flowery field. Or maybe they're Somewhere Else and get a chance to work through their trauma and built something beautiful together. Maybe they have a child. Maybe the horrors followed them and they have to fight all over again. We don't know. And we will never know. And that is beautiful."
And the other wolf is this image:
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artemis-73 · 2 years
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exx-bee · 2 years
I swear im making actually serious content
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kidrest · 1 year
Me rn
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dan-crimes · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers ad on my Sonic Frontiers stream VOD like LMAO yes I am aware thanks for reminding me on what I was just watching my good sir
#that being said I am NOT buying the game it is new and costs 60 fkin dollars lmao#I have like maybe 60 dollars of funds to use on games and I'm waiting for... Splatoon DLC sadly sadly I know I know#big surprise but I enjoy Splatoon and am willing to pay money for that#plus I am not a Sonic fan* as in I have never played nor got into the games#I've just consumed it via passing conversations and people telling me random stuff abt the games#I like Sonic tho he's a cool lil guy I just don't actually know the games#tho I also grew up knowing abt Sonic for like as long as I can remember I just settled on getting my knowledge second hand#plus my types of games I played when I was younger was strictly fighting games and like Halo and the occasional racing game#it wasn't til I was like 10 when I learned abt other games besides that#my cousin had Nintendo systems and games and I saw LoZ on the DSi and had to get it 2#thus my crush on Link was born#oh man when did I even actually get that I know as soon as I got my first phone @ 12 I was looking shit up and I'd save#random ass pictures of media I liked#like MLP and Gravity Falls and like random shitty memes lmao#screenshots of YT videos oh CREEPYPASTAS tho that was @ 13#OHHH INVADER ZIM YEAH it was like one of the first new shows I watched thanks to having newly found YT access#I still have my first phone so I could totally just go check the type of shit I saved lmao#it was the most random shit but I know I saved cute Link pics bcuz I had a crush on him specifically WW Link#anyway thank u DSi for exposing me to all new types of games 😌😌😌
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vergess · 2 years
Buddy, when racist cunts illegally prevented me from registering to vote by just refusing to accept my papers, I PROMISE YOU shitty guilt trip memes about my inability to vote made everything worse.
You know what ACTUALLY helped?
More than every passive aggressive shit for brains on this website telling me I deserve to me racially harassed for not giving Democrats my soul?
A fucking email from a fucking HERBS AND SPICES STORE that unlike you wretched cunts ACTUALLY HAD VOTER REGISTRATION HELPLINES IN IT.
Every time one of you godforsaken freaks tells me to 'get out and vote' like its cutely trivial and didn't take months of desperate phone calls just to register (IF my registration even WORKED THIS TIME).
If you, like me, are struggling with registration or poll access, try contacting your STATE board of elections.
Request that they send you TWO copies of their registration guidelines. Collect any documents listed in them.
Then, contact your LOCAL board. Tell them you would like to register IN PERSON IF POSSIBLE.
Bring your documents and the two copies of the guideline AND a working cell phone.
If you get ANY trouble AT ALL tell the local person you will call the state board to confirm their registration requirements. Be polite, but do not leave. Put the phone on speaker.
Most of the time, the local person who is doing Actual Serious Federal And State Crimes will give up at that point. If not, the person at the state board will generally outrank and overrule the local one.
Make a note of the names of both the local and state official.
Then, and this is the most important part:
It may take a day or two for your registration to appear.
Unfortunately, if it's been a week, you're going to have to repeat the process.
Take the names you noted previously, and contact the state board again. Report that these people denied you registration on this day, in spite of you providing these documents, then list all the required papers you collected.
The person at the state SHOULD be able to direct you from there, but the process varies hugely by state.
Good luck to you all.
ETA: I was able to vote eventually, BTW. It took far more work than it should have. Physical injuries were sustained. But I did get to vote!!
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random percy headcanons:
wants to be the photographer friend SO bad and he technically is but like 70% of the pics come out blurry or weird bc there was a monster attack in the middle of them. his instagram is truly so chaotic looking.
literally always has seashells on him someone will ask him for a pencil or spare change and he has to empty all his pockets of shells to find it. drops his backpack and a bunch of shells fall out. kicks his shoes off and sand and shells fly out and his mortal friends are like percy What the Fuck
his eyes glow underwater!! bioluminescent king. no one told him though and he didn't find out until he joined his school's swim team and terrified everyone (he managed to convince them his contacts were having a weird reaction to chlorine lmao)
he really likes art!! he doesn't just pretend to for rachel's sake he genuinely enjoys painting with her. he likes splatter paint, collages and pop art styles the best. one day after splitting some edibles they realized percy could manipulate water colors and went CRAZY with it
will ask to be excused during class and comes back like an hour later with scorch marks all over his face bleeding from one of his ears covered in dust missing three fingernails rips in his jeans and a fat lip and the teacher is like percy what the actual hell were you doing in the bathroom all this time and he's just like uhhhhhh I have ibs
the brand from camp jupiter did unfortunately (for sally) Unlock something in him lmfao he keeps getting shitty little tattoos. usually stick-n-poke but someone's friends cousin's girlfriend's brother has a gun that gets brought to parties every now and then. most of them are sloppy but you can tell what they are HOWEVER he has one that was supposed to be a seal that came out looking like one of those shitty ms paint crying memes. annabeth laughed at him for ten minutes straight when she saw it.
he wanted to dye his hair blue but he was too chicken to bleach his entire head so he just did the tips. his hair is curly though so it looks absolutely ridiculous but he loves it
percy and annabeth get a crusty little yappy white dog in college and he carries it around like a baby lmao
back to his chaotic instagram, he's got so many pics of him like, relaxing at the bottom of the mariana trench or hugging a giant squid or riding on a whale shark and his mortal friends all think he's just really good at photoshop and this is a very specific bit he decided to commit to. they're always like lol percy where do you even FIND these pictures are you subscribed to like scientific journals for the laughs? but no he just took them all on his shell phone
has an ongoing prank war with annabeth's little brothers bobby and matthew but like it's Unhinged. they're playing 5D chess and she has no idea whats going on
weird tshirts!!! he loves them! like
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shit like this or those 'women want me fish fear me' shirts, anything with a funny or incomprehensible slogan is going in his closet right along with his band tees lmfao
bought estelle a panda pillow pet when she was born 🥺
can NOT bring himself to eat seafood no matter how many times poseidon has told him its fine. he's like NO these are my FRIENDS JONATHAN WAS TELLING ME ABOUT HIS GRANDDAUGHTERS WEDDING LITERALLY YESTERDAY WHY IS HE ON A PLATTER DAD. they had to give up and just start eating normal land food at the palace every time he comes to visit lmfao
gets into horsegirl antics with hazel she NEEDS to know everything the horses have to say. they spend hours gossiping in the stables.
movie nights in the poseidon cabin were 10000% a thing and when he was missing annabeth and thalia and grover (and a few others) would still sleep in there every now and then and talk about how much they miss him :(
percy and beckendorf had the worlds most elaborate handshake
he DOES impulse buy stuff just because they're ocean-themed. stuffed animals, home decor, school supplies, clothes, you name it he bought it if theres like a fish on it
has more scars from crashing off his skateboard than he does from monster attacks
grover is somehow the only person who's ever noticed percy is severely claustrophobic
has a deep passion for adele. I can't explain this one I just feel and know it to be true.
he and annabeth both proposed to each other at the same time and they were SO mad about it they kept yelling over each other's speeches lmao
he can SING but he doesn't know it. sally keeps trying to record him singing to himself but something always happens to the camera and she loses the evidence
called chiron a brony one time and mr d thought it was so funny he was nice to percy for an entire week
the camp keeps trying to convince him to teach sword fighting lessons to the younger kids but he can NOT bring himself to swing a sword at a 9 year old so he keeps getting injured
has the most complicated iced coffee order in the world his go-to local coffee shop finally just put the damn drink on the menu and named it after him
he IS the quiet kid in the back of your math class that always has his hood up to try and hide his headphones and eats increasingly elaborate meals out of his backpack when the teacher isn't looking. one time someone caught him with a rotisserie chicken in the middle of a geometry final.
he argued that he DID have enough to share with the class
currently obsessed with the image of him knocking back a container of sea salt as if it was a shot and his mortal friends being like hey! what the actual fuck! and he's just like uhhhhh anemia kills!
its his birthday<3
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emphistic · 4 months
A/N: did i write this in half an hour? yes. am i crazy? of course.
"Ah ah ah. I never said you could leave yet."
You immediately stopped in your tracks upon hearing a familiar deep, raspy voice at your back, coming from the confines of your shared bed.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"
You whipped your head around, and were met with a set of half-lidded eyes in a shade of deep red. Their owner was propped up on one elbow atop the messy sheets, yawning loudly before running his long fingers through his unruly locks.
Sukuna was never a morning person, and his shifts always started later in the afternoon, so he always used it to his advantage.
Blinking once, twice, thrice, as you nervously averted your gaze away from your very enticing boyfriend, who only continued to stare at you sleepily.
The thought of going back to lay in your comfortable, warm bed was already something you wanted to do terribly, but adding Sukuna into the mix, too? This was like trying to drain the sea.
Merely one look at the pink-haired man, who was only covered waist-down by the blankets on his legs, was enough to pull you back beneath the covers and curl into his side.
However, you had already called sick two times in only a fortnight, and those bills were not going to pay themselves.
Unfortunately for you, or not unfortunately, you and Sukuna had been over this many times. Sukuna always told you, "I don't understand why you keep going back to that shitty job anyway. Just let me take care of you back in my place, I provide substantially for the both of us, anyway."
And besides, there really wasn't a way out for you no matter what.
Sukuna had had so many clients back-to-back lately, that he was forced to stay at the tattoo shop for nights on end. On top of that, Choso was unavailable for God knows why, so Sukuna had to fill in for him as well. And if that wasn't enough, sessions would take longer than expected because clients just wouldn't stop flirting with him, moving or twitching, accidentally messing up his work, talking so obnoxiously to the point Sukuna couldn't even pay attention, etc.
Only recently — just the night before, he was finally granted the chance to come home to you.
And you best believe he was going to spend every hour, minute, and second reminding you that you were his, and his only.
Not even your job's employee, apparently. Sorry not sorry.
But, it's not like you wanted to leave him anyway. You had missed Sukuna as much as he had missed you, if not more.
Phone calls while he was on break, sending memes through your text messages, playing together on Game Pigeon, FaceTimes while eating lunch together, were your only escapes from the sad, miserable Adult Life, into just Sukuna and You World.
"Baby, you know I have to. But I'll be back before you know it, okay? And besides, you need the free time. They've been working you nonstop—"
"I'm fine, not even tired. Don't you dare worry your pretty little head about me. As for free time . . ," Sukuna's held a mischievous glint to them, "how about you spend my free time with me?"
You bit your lip, in contemplation. Although you knew, clear as day, what would happen in the end despite everything.
Deciding to make a run for it, you swung your legs over the bed and planted your bare feet on the freezing-cold floor of your apartment. But before you could even stand up, a thick arm swiftly made its way around your waist and pulled you back to meet a hard, bare chest.
Sukuna was now sitting up.
You lightly gasped, as he brought his lips to your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.
"Don't think you can run away from me just yet, doll. I haven't seen you in days, and I'm not going to be apart from you for another second."
You squirmed in his grasp, but when you realized his strong hold around your middle wasn't going to let up any time soon, you sighed, and, left with no choice, only slumped back against his chest.
Sukuna grinned, victorious, once again.
The rays of the early sun filtered through the cheap window blinds, and you fluttered your eyelashes, squinting to hide away from the inevitable.
"Yeahh," Sukuna laughed, "that's right, princess. Just listen to me from now on."
You frowned, turning your head around to narrow your eyes at Sukuna.
"Now, what can we do with all this free time? I'm thinking we should try something new." Sukuna raised a brow teasingly, twisting your body around and settling you onto his lap with your thighs on either side of his.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself, mister. I'm only staying for five more minutes," you crossed your arms.
Sukuna placed both of his large hands on your hips; it seemed like that was their default resting spot. Every chance he got, they would always end up there. No matter the setting or occasion.
Sukuna let out a deep laugh, "We'll see about that."
"Five minutes? You said? Either way, I don't think you're even able to move your legs at this point and walk out of this room."
"S'kuna, you're—ngh—not funny!" Your nipples hardened, and rubbed raw against the material of your shirt.
You braced yourself by placing both hands on the headboard, but it didn't look like anything could help stable you now.
Sukuna licked a stripe up your dampening clit.
Your situation wasn't looking too good. It didn't help that your asshole of a boss just had to call you right then and there.
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redroseworks · 2 months
Shinazugawa-sensei is homophobic
(I wrote this to be silly so it's just a quick thing with little substance. Set in the Kimetsu academy au)
Genya awkwardly looked up from his homework at Sanemi. He was waiting for Sanemi to be finished with some paperwork before they went home. “I'm dating someone.” He said.
Sanemi glared at him over his paperwork. “So?”
“His name is Tanjiro Kamado.” Genya said. He knew his brother didn't like Tanjiro but his brother didn't like most people.
Sanemi sneered. “I don't want to hear about that. That's fucking gross. Keep that shit to yourself.”
Genya rolled his eyes. He knew that Sanemi wouldn't be happy to hear he was dating Tanjiro. “You're such a homophobic jerk.” Genya said, jokingly.
“Yeah. I hate gay people. They're shitty.” Sanemi said, rolling his eyes. “And I don't want to hear about your stupid so called boyfriend.”
Genya laughed quietly. Sanemi was gay himself and definitely not homophobic. “So you hate me!? Your own brother!?” He asked with an overly dramatic tone.
“Yes. Get back to doing your damn homework you stupid faggot.”
Unknown to the two eldest Shinazugawa brothers, a student (*cough* Murata *cough*) had been coming by to ask Sanemi a math related question and had overheard the two brothers' conversation.
And now said student was not a gossip but he did tell a few people about how he felt bad for Genya and word spread over the weekend that Genya was stuck with a homophobic older brother.
Granted, most people already felt bad for Genya because he was related to Sanemi. But to know that Sanemi was homophobic and Genya was gay? It was… well surprising? People weren't sure but it was fun to gossip.
On Monday, Genya couldn't help but to feel like people were looking at him. He liked to believe it was because he was holding Tanjiro's hand that morning but he had been doing it everyday last week.
Plus they were looking at him like they felt bad. It was like the archery award thing again.
By lunch it was Zenitsu who finally revealed what was going on.
“Genya, I knew your brother was a jerk but I never thought he would be homophobic.” Zenitsu said as he sat down next to Inosuke.
“Huh?” Genya looked at him, confused.
“What are you talking about?” Tanjiro asked.
“Why is the evil math teacher scared of homes?” Inosuke commented.
“I guess someone overheard your brother being homophobic towards you for dating Tanjiro. That he even called you the f word. The whole school's been talking about it.” Zenitsu explained as he started to eat.
Genya's face paled. “The whole school..?”
Zenitsu nodded. “Yeah. Did he really call you the f word?” He asked.
“Uh…” Genya was quiet for a moment. “Well… yes? But that's normal.”
“Genya, your brother shouldn't be calling you that.” Tanjiro huffed. “That's not okay!”
“For real. I know he's dick but I think there's a line.” Zenitsu agreed.
Genya sighed. “He's not homophobic. He's literally gay.”
“You can be gay and homophobic though. I've seen the memes.” Inosuke said.
Genya snorted. “But he's not. Someone probably overheard us being us and assumed the worst.”
“Oh. Good.” Tanjiro said with a smile. “I would have fought Shinazugawa-sensei if he was actually homophobic. And now that you mention it, I'm not surprised he's queer.”
Genya blushed. “Uh…” He had no idea how to respond to such a weirdly sweet and scary comment.
“Stop being gay right in front of my salad.” Zenitsu said. “...wait Shinazugawa-sensei is gay?? I thought him and Kocho-sensei were a thing?!”
“No. Well, they dated when they were in high school for like a month. I have the trauma of seeing them in the middle of fooling around one day when my mom and I took my younger siblings to the park and I forgot my phone…” Genya blushed at the memory. It was so embarrassing to think about. Him and Sanemi shared a room at the time so that was where his phone had been.
Zenitsu's face perked up. “You've seen Kocho-sensei's..”
“Finish that sentence and I'll kill you, Agatsuma.” Shinobu appeared almost as if out of nowhere.
Zenitsu nodded silently.
Shinobu looked at Genya with a smirk. “Heard that your brother was homophobic. Makes sense that he hates himself.” She said.
Genya laughed. “Wasn't it your sister that caused him to turn gay?” He sneered. Were he and Shinobu friends? Maybe. Did they share the bond of being witnesses to the weirdness that was Sanemi dating Kanae? Yes.
“At least she never fooled around with Tomika-sensei.” Shinobu said.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke all looked shocked by the words out of their upper classmate's mouth.
Genya nodded. “Fair enough. You got him there.”
“Tomioka and Shinazugawa..?” Tanjiro questioned.
Genya smiled at Tanjiro. “You'd find out sooner or later but yeah. They've been dating for about a year now.”
“Huh.” Tanjiro said, clearly processing it.
“Yet they still make out in empty classrooms like teenagers. Too bad someone told Murata to take some papers to Kocho-sensei in that very room.” Shinobu said with a chuckle.
“You're evil. When Sanemi finds out you're behind it, you're dead.” Genya said.
Shinobu shrugged. “Oh I doubt he'd be able to catch me.”
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
comfort & chaos (carmy berzatto x fem!reader) chapter two: covid & carbonara
summary: in a time of isolation, you and carmy find unexpected connection in unexpected places: each other. (the five times carmen berzatto fell in love with you a little and the one time he finally told you)
warnings: swearing, no use of y/n, she/her pronouns, drinking & smoking, suggestive language, mentions of covid-19/the pandemic, eventual smut.
word count: 4k
listen to: hot sugar - glass animals | hard to live in the city - albert hammond jr. | alone together - del water gap | foreign girls - bleachers
read: chapter one
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March 2020: 
“Carmy, can you hear me now?” you ask, listening carefully for his response. 
“Yeah hold on. Wifi’s shit in this room,” he mumbles. You hear a rustle of sounds and the picture on your phone goes blurry for a second. This is just something you’ve come to accept is a part of your life now as you wait. 
Suddenly, the picture is clear again and it looks like Carmy’s in his living room now. He wears a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants as he tries to get comfy on the shitty sofa in his Flatiron apartment. 
“Ok there we go. I gotta-, yeah, I can hear you now,” he says, finally settling in. 
“How are you?” you ask as you grow more sure that you’re going to be able to talk now. “It’s good to see your face.”
“Yeah, no uh. It’s good to see you too,” he replies. “Shit’s so weird right now, huh?”
“Totally,” you agree. “So… what’ve you been up to? I mean… how are you spending your time?”
He sighs, shaking his head, as if to say that he barely knows how to answer that question. He thinks it over before answering with:
“I don’t know. Workin’ on some recipes. Tryin’ not to lose my fuckin’ head. You?”
“Same,” you commiserate. “Though… I don’t know. I’ve kind of been enjoying some of the down time, you know?”
He couldn’t agree less. 
Carmy tells you about the recipes he’s working on. You share with him the plot of the show you’re binge watching right now. He tells you he hasn’t really been in touch with family much and you let him know that you’ve been running errands for your parents where you can. It’s a fairly normal conversation for a very uncertain and strange time, but it brings you comfort – talking to Carmy. 
You talk about the state of the restaurant industry. The state of the world. The two of you wonder when the restaurant might open back up – if they’ll consider doing to-go’s. He’s not sure and neither are you.
It’s almost two hours later when you realize your phone is dying, and that somehow, time has flown as the two of you have been talking. 
“Shit, uh. My phone’s dying. I may have to go,” you say remorsefully. 
“Oh yeah! No problem,” Carmy replies, almost apologetically. “And I uh, if I get in touch with the people at World Central Kitchen, I’ll let you know. I’m sure they can always use more chefs and volunteers.”
“No, that’d be great. Uh… before I go,” you start, knowing that you want to tell him this. “I just wanted to say… I’m glad we did this.”
“Yeah me too,” he agrees, and you can tell he means it. 
“Maybe… we do it again? Keep each other company… you know. Virtually?” you propose, hopefully. 
“Yeah,” Carmy half smiles. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
And as the pandemic drags on, you find yourself FaceTiming with Carmy more and more. Once a week turns into once a week and a consistent exchange of texts. He shares with you the recipes he’s working on. You bounce ideas around with him on dishes he feels stuck on. You send him silly memes and TikToks, even though he refuses to get an account himself. Once a week turns into twice a week, and then phone calls, and soon enough, you don’t go a day without talking to Carmy in some capacity. 
You’re not sure how you’ve done it but you think that maybe you and Carmy just might be friends. 
May 2020: 
“Thanks so much for all the help guys. It means a lot. Especially having two chefs of your caliber,” the volunteer coordinator says, addressing both you and Carmy. 
“Listen, we’re just happy to be a part of something right now. With so much going on… it’s hard to know where to begin helping,” you reply with gratitude. You’re genuinely thankful that you’ve been able to be a part of World Central Kitchen’s COVID relief efforts, and you know Carmy feels the same. 
“We’ll see you guys next Friday?” the volunteer coordinator asks. 
“Heard,” Carmy answers, thanking the coordinator one more time before the two of you leave the building. 
Around the corner, there’s a bench that the two of you find. It’s an easy choice to sit down – neither of you are quite ready to go home yet. You sit on opposite sides before removing your masks as Carmy pulls out a pack of marlboros. 
“You want one?” he asks you, holding out the pack.
“Yeah,” you agree, taking one from him at a distance. You watch him light up, before handing you the lighter he keeps in his jean jacket pocket.
It’s nice to take a moment to pause. Between the chaos of being in a kitchen again to the chaos of the world around you, it feels good to smoke a fucking cigarette on a street corner with the man that’s so unexpectedly become your friend. The two of you sit in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the sounds of the city, each others’ company, and your fuckin’ cancer sticks. 
You break the silence between the two of you, letting out the smallest chuckle.
“What?” Carmy asks you, your laugh garnering his attention. 
“It’s just… it’s almost funny,” you say, continuing your giggle. 
“What?” he asks you again, a look of amusement on his face. He can’t imagine what must be so funny. 
“Just… seeing you here… Mr. Fine Dining…makin’ sandwiches,” you tease playfully. “Thought you were too fancy-pants for that.”
“Fuck off,” he rolls his eyes playfully, sucking on his cigarette as he inhales. You laugh again as he shakes his head, shooting you another look. 
He takes his time, exhaling the smoke out in the opposite direction, before addressing your playful remarks. 
“Nah. It uh-, actually reminds me of my family’s place a little. Back home,” he shares with you. 
It catches you off guard. Carmy rarely ever talks about home, let alone his family. 
“Yeah?” you ask curiously, hoping he’ll elaborate.
“Yeah,” he answers with a nod, before placing the cigarette back in between his lips. 
To your disappointment, you realize that’s all he’s planning to share. You resign yourself, taking another drag of your cigarette as the two of you smoke to the sounds of the city. After a long shift at the volunteer kitchen, your exhaustion begins to catch up with you. It’s been a few months since you’ve had to stand for that long, and as exhilarating as it’s been, you can feel the fatigue in your back and your feet already. 
“So… I was thinkin’ about something,” Carmy says, breaking the silence between the two of you. 
You angle your body towards him before asking, “What’s that?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe it’s dumb.” 
He’s suddenly shy, and your eyes flicker over his cheeks that have turned a darker shade of red than they were before. 
“Carmy, what is it?” you ask, leaning towards him, now intrigued.
He avoids your gaze before he replies, “Nah. Nevermind. It’s stupid.” 
“No, it’s not! What is it?” you continue to press him.
You’re not going to let this go. 
“I shouldn't've said anything.” 
He sighs, taking one more drag of his cigarette before leaning forward and tossing it on the ground. His left foot hovers over the cigarette butt as he stamps it out, his forearms resting on his legs as he finally turns to you again. 
“I don’t know how you feel about it, and you can totally say no because like… shit’s still fucked, you know but-,” he starts, shyly. Was Carmy about to ask you out?
 He pauses, his eyes scanning the pavement beneath his feet before saying, “It’s just-, I’m not like, seeing anyone else in person. Except you.”
“Yeah, no me either,” you agree. 
Where was this going?
“Would you maybe wanna-?” he asks, before trailing off, his piercing blue eyes so intense it feels like he’s looking right through you. He nods towards the kitchen before continuing with, “... see each other in person. Like outside of here. As long as we’re being safe you know?” 
You nod, quick to put the poor man at ease, and only a little intrigued as to why it was so difficult for him to ask you that. 
“Yeah no. I’m not seeing anyone else in person either. And at this point if we had COVID, we’d probably already have exposed each other, right?” you reply. 
“Yeah,” he answers. 
“Yeah, I’d be down. To… you know. Maybe move some of our FaceTimes… in person, if that’s what you mean,” you agree, a smile on your face. 
You’re not sure what you expected, but you weren’t expecting for Carmy to ask you to become his quarantine buddy – even if you’d already kind of been doing it anyways. 
“Cool,” he says, taking a breath. 
You can tell that it was a big deal for him – to ask you that – even if he doesn’t want to show it. 
“Can I walk you home?” he asks. 
You smile in return, “Yeah. And if you’re feeling wild… we can… pick something up on the way there. You can come up and hang.”
“No, yeah. That uh-, that sounds great,” he replies, something softer in his eyes this time. “If you don’t mind. I mean-, if you want the company-.”
“Oh shut up, Berzatto,” you roll your eyes at him. You shoot him a look, even though you’re kind of loving this softer side of him. 
“I wouldn’t have offered, if I didn’t.”
July 2020: 
Carmen Berzatto becomes an unexpected yet pleasantly surprising part of your support system, and your COVID-pod. It’s hard to believe that less than a year ago, you thought the man absolutely hated you. He’s still the hot and cold, emotionally turbulent man you met last October, and he’s also become your friend. You’ve learned that he can be soft, that he’s terribly uncomfortable in any and all social situations, and that he’s the most single-minded, driven, obsessed motherfucker you’ve ever met. 
By now, the restaurant has pivoted and reopened for to-gos only. It’s nothing like the fine dining establishment it was before. You’re only open Thursday to Sunday and it’s a much more family style, to-go kit sort of operation these days: to-go cocktail kits, to-go curated menus, to-go assemble your own dishes at home. 
It’s strange. And it’s a strange time for all of you. 
You’re finished with your shift today, ready to head home and spend the next three days off. You’re not sure when you’ll ever get three days off in a row once all of this is over, so you’ve decided that you’re just going to embrace the slower lifestyle right now. You’ve been more creative in this chapter of your life than you can remember. 
“So you layin’ it down for Carmy or what?” a voice asks, jolting you from your thoughts. 
“Excuse me?” you snap, turning your head to a very smug looking Nate Walker, stripping off his face mask.
“What the fuck, man?” Tim exclaims, as he’s changing back into his street shoes. “Not okay to say.”
“What?” Nate defends himself. “I’m just wondering who I have to thank. This is the most relaxed I’ve ever seen the boss man.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes, “Really nice, Nate.” 
You shake your head, before slinging your backpack over your right arm, exchanging a look with Tim. 
“Not that it’s any of your business, but Carmy and I are just friends,” you correct. “Ever think that some time off has been good for all of us and that’s why Carmy’s been chill?”
“‘S not like we’re working at the same capacity we used to be. I think it’s been good for him,” Tim chimes in, trying to offer you a little backup.
“Sure,” Nate replies, unconvinced. 
“What’s it to you anyways, Walker?” Tim asks, putting the spotlight on his coworker. 
“Nothin’,” Nate replies, defensively. “Just noticed you guys spendin’ a lot of time together lately. Besides, the guy could use a good lay.”
“You’re a child,” you snap with an eye roll. You slide your left arm into the other strap of your backpack, ready to leave. “Now if we’re done with the girl talk, I’m going home.”
As you begin to walk away, you can hear Nate defending himself as Tim points out how inappropriate it was for him to say that to you. You’re grateful for people like Tim, because you’re not sure that Nate would listen to anyone else lower in the French brigade system – let alone a woman. 
“We still on for tomorrow?” Carmy asks you, as you're on your way out. He’s still in his chef whites because, as the both of you know, he’s going to be the last person to leave. A smile spreads across your face as soon as you see him. 
That’s right. You’re spending your day off tomorrow with him. 
“Yeah,” you smile with a nod. 
“Mine or yours?” he asks. 
You shoot him a look – a ‘I know you haven’t cleaned up your place’ kind of look. 
“Mine,” you reply. 
“Sweet. There’s a cool market nearby I wanted to check out. I’ll pick somethin’ up on the way,” he says back. 
You wait a beat before adding, “Try not to work too hard, chef.”
He likes that you’re looking out for him. 
He smiles, “Heard.”
As much as you’ve tried not to let Nate Walker get to you, you can’t stop thinking about what he said the day before. Did people think you and Carmy were sleeping together? Did the whole staff think you were trying to sleep your way to the top? Your mind races, and you notice the anxious feelings you have have settled deep in your chest. Carmy moves around your kitchen, intentionally, and while you’d like to enjoy how happy he looks when he cooks for fun, you can’t seem to shut off your brain. 
“You sure I can’t help? I went to culinary school too, yknow?” you ask, trying to put on your best lighthearted tone. 
“Nah,” he dismisses, pulling together a sauce in one of the glass bowls you keep in your kitchen for prep. 
As Carmy steals a glance your way, he’s surprised to find that whatever weight it seems you were carrying when he first walked in, hasn’t gone away. He returns his focus to the stovetop, shaking the stainless clad frying pan that holds his precisely-cut lardons. 
“What’s up?” he asks you, keeping his back to you. 
“Uh… nothing,” you reply, trying your best to shake it off. 
He knows you’re lying, and he turns to look at you again, more intently this time. Your lips are pressed together in a thin line and there’s a new tension knitted between your brows that’s not normally there. As much as you’re trying not to let it get to you, your face betrays you and he knows that something’s been bothering you all day. He shoots you an unconvinced look and you sigh in defeat. 
Since when had Carmy learned what that look meant. 
“Just-, you’re gonna think it’s dumb,” you start, almost embarrassed that you have to bring this up to him. 
“What’s up?” he asks, patiently. 
You shrug, “Just something that Nate said yesterday’s been… bothering me, I guess.”
He rolls his eyes, letting out a dry laugh as he asks you, “Well Nate’s a dick. What’d he say?”
“I-, I don’t know if I should tell you,” you admit hesitantly. 
“Why?” he asks, a pang of nerves hitting him right in the gut. 
You wait a beat, trying to figure out how best to convey what Nate said without freaking Carmy out. 
“He uh… he kind of… suggested that everyone thinks we’re sleeping together?” you say cautiously, your voice going up at the end of the sentence, almost as if it were a question. 
“Oh,” is all Carmy manages to get out. 
“Yeah,” you exhale. 
“Well, we’re not,” Carmy replies, simply. 
“Right,” you agree. 
You’re surprised by the feeling of disappointment that wells in your chest in response to Carmy’s reply. This had been eating away at you and for him to shut it down so quickly – like it was that simple – doesn’t quite make sense to you. 
Maybe it’s because men never bear the burden of an inappropriate workplace relationship, not that you’re having one with Carmy, but you know it’d be a bigger cost to you than it’d ever be for him.
“I just…” you start, beginning to understand why it’s bothering you so much. “Do you think… like is it a problem that we’re hanging out? I mean, you are kind of my boss and… I don’t know. I guess we never really talked about the ethical implications of… you know. Us. Being friends. And also working together.”
Maybe because it’s because he’s never really had friends, let alone a girlfriend, that catches Carmy off guard.
You’re just friends, motherfucker, Carmy thinks to himself. 
It’s like he’d almost forgotten. 
Perhaps it’s the isolation – the way of the world right now – but he’s never thought about what you were to him. Ever since the two of you had decided to start spending time together, it had been you and him against a very scary and uncertain world. Carmy’s surprised to find that, hearing it said aloud, friends, leaves him with a feeling of dissatisfaction – like the word friend didn’t quite describe the way he felt about you. 
But he’s terrified to think about what that could mean. That anything else would probably scare you away – push you out of his life – and there’s no way in hell he’s going to let that happen right now. 
Because he likes this too much. 
Because he likes who he is when he’s with you. 
Because you’re all he has. 
He pushes the thoughts out of his mind for another time, because right now, you’re sitting right in front of him, and he’s got a problem to solve for you. 
“As long as we’re professional in the kitchen… I don’t see why it should be a problem,” he says. 
You’re not sure how it seems so simple for him, because it doesn’t feel this simple for you. 
“Yeah, no. I-, I agree,” you lie. 
Carmy returns to what he’s doing, and you accept that that’s probably the full conversation that you’re going to have with him. At least right now. You watch as he continues to cook, pulling together the sauce as he tosses the pasta and cheese in your frying pan. You open up your phone, scrolling through a few social media posts to try your best to get your mind off of your worries as Carmy finishes up in your kitchen. 
It’s not long before he’s returned to your small dining table. You set your phone down, watching as he approaches you. 
“I remember you mentioning that it’s hard to find a good carbonara so uh… thought I’d make you one,” he says confidently. Carmy hands you bowl containing a perfectly twirled nest of spaghetti, along with a fork he’d gotten from your kitchen. 
“How do I know it’s gonna be up to my standards?” you challenge him playfully. 
He shoots you a ‘don’t play with me’ kind of look and you giggle in response. You exchange glances with Carmy before messing up the perfectly plated nest by digging your fork into it. 
“Make sure you get a little bit of everything,” he reminds you. He watches as you twirl the spaghetti around your fork, making sure to scoop up a bit of crispy guanciale. You lift the fork to your mouth before taking a bite, your eyes closing as the salty, cheesy, bite hits your tongue. 
It’s perfect.  
“Holy fuck,” you practically moan in response to your first bite. You open your eyes and he smiles back at you, proud of the response he’s earned from you. Your face twists into a look that falls somewhere between ‘this is so good I’m angry and hello, I’ve reached nirvana.’ 
“This-, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m pretty sure your talents are being wasted on fine dining, my friend. This is… this is fucking unreal, dude,” you say, as you continuing processing the most perfect carbonara you’ve ever had in your life. 
“No offense taken,” he says. 
You shake your head at him, “Best carbonara ever.”
September 2020: 
“So we go upstate, and we’re searching for outdoor activities we can do, you know, safely, at a distance, with masks on. And we end up at this goat farm,” Maya says, describing her and her fiance’s last few months spent in upstate New York. 
“...Was the goat named Milo?” Carmy asks, a humorous tone to his question. 
“Carmy!” you exclaim with a laugh, shooting him a look. 
“What?” he asks back. 
Both Liz, Maya, and her fiance Patrick send you questioning looks. 
“I-, it’s an inside joke,” you explain, shaking your head once again in response to Carmy’s very silly interjection. 
“Anyways, it’s so nice to be back in the city. Seriously, Liz, thanks for organizing this,” Maya continues. 
“Oh, I’m kind of getting really into this whole cute picnic thing actually,” she replies, in reference to the picnic she’s organized for the five of you. “Plus, the to-go picnic kit has been killing at the restaurant. Thanks for letting me run with that, chef.”
“No, yeah. You’re killin’ it. It was a great idea,” Carmy compliments. 
The five of you spend time in the park, catching up and enjoying time spent in person for the first time in a long time. You, Liz, and Carmy have been back at work, pushing through, what will hopefully be, the last month or so in the to-go only business at the restaurant. As the sun begins to come down, you all agree that it’s time to pack it up and go home. You’ve begun to collect all of the trash in a brown paper bag as Carmy offers to take it. 
“You sure?” you ask him. 
“Yeah,” he answers. 
As he takes a walk, in search of the nearest trash can, your friends are immediately on you about whatever the hell it is that you and Carmy are doing. 
“So what I’m hearing is… you talk every day, you have inside jokes together, and you’re basically quarantining together. How are you trying to tell us that this man is not your boyfriend?!” Maya exclaims. Her partner shrugs in agreement. 
“I know that what Nate said was hella inappropriate, but he’s not wrong… that this is the most I’ve seen him relaxed in… maybe since we met him,” Liz adds in as your friends make their case. 
“He seems into you,” Patrick offers. 
“I-,” you start, knowing you don’t have much time before Carmy returns. “I don’t know. All I know is… I like what we have. And right now, we’re friends so.”
“God, you’re so good at it,” Maya sighs. 
“What?” you ask, looking from her to Liz as they exchange glances. 
The both turn to you, before saying in unison, “Compartmentalizing!” 
Patrick holds his hands up as he says, “I’m gonna stay out of this one.”
“You ready to go?” Carmy asks, rejoining you and your friends. 
You can practically feel Liz and Maya staring at you. 
“Yeah,” you reply to Carmy. 
You say your goodbyes before going your separate ways, and Maya swears when Carmy isn’t listening that you’re not done talking about this. It’s just been you and Carmy for so long that you hadn’t thought about what it might look like to other people. Now that things were slowly reopening… you were beginning to get more questions, and maybe, you were beginning to have more questions too. 
But the last time you’d tried to bring up any conversation about your relationship with Carmy, he’d shut it down and distracted you with the best carbonara you’ve ever had in your life. Not that you were complaining, definitely not, but you were hesitant to bring it up any time soon.  As Carmy looks at you, there’s something about the way you look against the backdrop of the city, the setting sun, and the sparkling lights, that catches him off guard. He’s not ready to part ways with you yet.
“Can I walk you home?” Carmy offers, hopefully. 
“Sure,” you nod.
read chapter three
taglist: @allthefandomstogether @gaysludge @sobshoney @harrysmatcha @starbritestarlite @tpwkkmila @cool-girl-is-hot @nunya7394 @galaxyprincess51-blog @carmensberzattos
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forever-rogue · 11 months
I’m in love with the way you write Eddie! I have so many thoughts of him in my head and you’re the perfect person to make them come alive! Can I get one where Eddie or reader have a bad day and the other can always tell and they have a nice hot bath together and have naked cuddles because they love to feel each other with no barriers cause they’re so deeply in love? Could include smut but that’s up to you, if you can’t write it that’s okay but have a great day!
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AN | What if you and Eddie had a horrible, no good, very bad day? He’d make it all better 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With a heavy sigh, you walked through the front door of your apartment, kicking off your shoes and dropping your purse by the door. You couldn't be bothered to properly put them away, despite your natural tendency towards order.
You walked into the living room and flopped onto the big, fluffy couch and pulled out your phone. A frown crossed your features when you realized there was nothing from Eddie. No missed calls, no texts, and no silly little memes. It was…odd to say the least and definitely didn't help the sour mood you were in.
You hoped that nothing bad had happened to him. Fortunately your question was soon answered when the door opened and Eddie stomped inside, groaning heavily as he walked towards the kitchen. You perked up and peeked over the couch to get a better look at your lover. He looked just as tired and run down as you felt. You hated that.
"Hey love," you crawled off your comfy spot on the couch and made your way over to him. He only made a small sound of exasperation as you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back, "missed you today."
He mumbled something you couldn't quite hear as he clung onto you. You rocked him gently back and forth, pressing kisses to his shoulders. Eddie brought your hand to his lips, and kissed your palm, chasing you to lean into him with a soft sigh.
"What's wrong, love?" You held him for a little bit longer, refusing to move until he was ready to. In all truthfulness, you needed these moments of stillness just as much as he did.
"It's just been…" he slowly turned around so he was facing you, a half-hearted smile on his face. You reached up and put your hand on his face, brushing your thumb over his cheek, "its been a day. A long, shitty day. I'm a bad boyfriend. How was your day, sweetheart?"
"Well, I hate to rain on your parade and make your day even worse but…I've had a terrible day too," you gave him a tight lipped smile and he wasted no time in wrapping you up in a big bear hug, allowing you to bury yourself into him. You couldn't help the small laugh that escaped your lips as he picked you up and set you on the counter, "Eddie!"
"Not sorry," he insisted as he took your face gently in his hands, proceeding to gently pepper kisses all over your face. You couldn't hide your giggles at the feather light feeling of his lips blessing your skin, "I'm sorry you had a bad day, baby. Wanna talk about it?"
"Not right now," you shrugged lightly, "I have an idea instead…"
"Takeout from that Mexican place down the street?"
"Yes! And…"
"Shitty horror movies?"
"Duh," you looked at him with big, soft eyes and he chuckled fondly before slowly exhaling, "what do you say?"
"I say…go and put on pajamas and I'll call to order," you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He understood you on a level no one else ever had. You loved him. You adored him. 
"I love you," you beamed at him and already his day was a million times better, "I'll set out some pajamas for you too."
"Good," he helped you off the counter and slowly nudged you in the direction of the bedroom, "now get going! No time to waste."
"Aye aye, captain!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I wish we could stay like this forever," you grumbled, burrowing your face into Eddie's sweater. It was the same one you often loved to steal - it always managed to hold his scent no matter how often it was washed. You were both sprawled on the couch, with you being the little spoon and Eddie curled around you. A heap of warm, fluffy blankets covered both of you, and it was all enough to almost lull you to sleep.
You heard him chuckle softly before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, "yeah, me too baby."
"I'm being serious," you shuffled around with a huff so you were facing him. He nodded seriously, unable to contain his grin at the little pout you gave him, “don’t mock me, Edward.”
“I’m not,” he promised softly, stroking your cheek softly, “if it was an option, I’d stay here all day too. Trust me.”
“Today sucked,” you whispered softly, “but I don’t want to bog you down even more.”
“Tell me about it,” his hand was on your back, rubbing soothing circles into your soft skin underneath your sweater, “I wanna hear all about it.”
“Okay,” you inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly, “my alarm didn’t go off this morning after you left and I overslept and was late to work. My boss was on one and basically yelled at me and then made it seem like everything wrong in her life was my fault. I met with a new client and she wasn’t any better and wouldn’t listen to any reason and then stormed out and wouldn’t get back to me. I spilled coffee all over my shirt, a rock on the freeway chipped my windshield and I’m in the throes of PMS. My body and mind and soul are tired and worn out.”
“Baby,” he cooed tenderly after a few moments had passed. You felt silly getting so upset but you had to blink back your tears. It really did feel like it was one thing after the next and it had really beaten you down, “I’m sorry you had to deal with all of that today. You didn’t deserve all of that. What can I do?”
“Nothing,” you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, brushing your nose against his, “just being here with you makes everything better. Plus the food helped too, but it was mostly you.”
“Whatever I can do to help. You just tell me, yeah?” 
“I will,” you gently ran a hand through his dark curls, lightly scratching at his scalp in the way you knew he loved, “tell me about your day. I wanna help you too.”
“Well, I got a flat on the way to work, half my employees called out and we’re busier than ever, I ran out of coffee and someone brought in their beloved vintage car that I absolutely cannot fix and I had to tell him the bad news. It did not go over well,” he sighed softly before making a small noise as if to say what are you gonna do? You hummed in agreement with his definition of a shitty day, “it wasn’t the best day but it could have been worse.”
“My love,” you curled up into him as best as you could, which basically ended with you lying on top of him. Not that he would ever complain about that of course, "I'm sorry you had a rough day. Guess we both had really shitty days."
"Yeah," he said softly, "solidarity, I guess. But this is already making my day so much better. You make everything better."
"But the food helps?"
"The food helps," he agreed with a small laugh, "you know what else might help?"
"A long hot shower and all the cuddles," he wrapped his arm around your waist as he slowly sat up but keeping you wrapped to his chest, "what do you think?"
"I think that sounds perfect," your vehement agreement quickly turned into a squeal as he picked you up and started to head to the bathroom, "don't drop me, Edward!"
“This already feels a million times better,” the feeling of the hot water hitting your tired body definitely helped to ease away some of the stress of the day. It didn’t hurt either that Eddie was right next to you. You reached for the shampoo and popped the top open, "let me?"
"I wouldn't dream of it," he pressed a sloppy kiss to your check, "now let's get these clothes off…"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A smile stretched up the corner of his mouth as he sweetly nodded. You put a hand on his shoulder and gently turned him around so you could focus your attention on him. You poured out the shampoo and started to scrub his scalp, making sure to get all of his hair but also making it more of a massage than anything. Eddie was practically melting as he made some small sounds of satisfaction. Your hands felt like heaven in his hair. 
"Does it feel good?"
"Like fuckin' heaven, baby," he groaned as you moved him to stand under the warm stream of water to finish, "I'd have you do this every day if I could."
"I'd do it every day if I could," you promised softly, making sure all of his hair was sud free before grabbing the conditioner, "gotta let this one soak in a little bit, okay love?"
"Mhmm," he hummed in content before grabbing your body wash, "your turn, angel. Lemme take care of you."
"You don't have-"
"The fuck I don't," he scoffed playfully, getting the body wash ready in his hands before putting them on you. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his nose before he started to run his hands gently along your body. His touch was soft and so tender that it almost brought tears to your eyes. It wasn't even that there was anything sexual about it - it was the sheer intimacy of the moment.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered softly, "I love you so much."
"I love you too," you took the opportunity to hug him, pulling his body against yours, warm, soft suds getting on both of you, "can we stay in here forever?"
"Maybe not forever, but definitely until we're prunes," you could feel his chest vibrating with laughter, "plus we gotta wash all this off."
"Fine," you pouted at him, and he took his time to kiss, letting his lips linger against yours, "you're not doing anything to help me want to actually move or get out."
"I've got two words that might incentivize you…"
"Naked cuddles," he whispered in your ear, almost laughing at the eager look in your face, "yeah, there's my girl."
"To be fair, Edward," you switched spaces with him so you could wash the suds from your body, "I want anything and everything with you. I'm kind of madly in love with you."
"That's disgusting," he teased softly, "cause I'm kinda in love with you and adore you."
"The grossest," you agreed, "let's get to it, mister."
"Yes, ma'am!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"C'mon," Eddie nudged you towards the warm bed, causing you to giggle as he tickled your sides. You dropped your towel and eagerly climbed and eagerly climbed into the warm nest of blankets. Eddie followed you, running a towel through his dark curls before throwing it and towel around his waist to the side, "oh yes, this is perfect."
"I agree," you couldn't stifle your yawn as he wrapped his arms around you and tucked you into his body. He was so warm and soft and smelled delicious from your body wash. This might have been your version of heaven, "don't ever wanna leave."
"Mhmm," he pressed a row of soft kisses to your shoulder. You made a small sound of contentment, "I'm sorry you had a shit day."
"I'm sorry you had a bad day too," you whispered, "but this - you - have made my whole day better. Way better."
"You've made my day too," he closed his eyes and burrowed further into his pillow, "I love you, angel. Try and get some rest - tomorrow will be better."
"I love you too, Eddie. So much."
It wasn't long before both of you were soundly asleep and feeling a million times better.
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dark-nimbus · 9 months
Well I said I’d ruin the mood, so let’s ruin the mood
Deaf/HoH Bakugo who misjudges the force he needs to move his arms around when he’s not wearing his gauntlets
He accidentally whacks Kirishima in the face mid-conversation, but Kirishima activated his quirk on reflex
The yelling that followed after could be heard all across the dorm
Kirishima: What I did? You slapped ME man!
Kaminari would hear it all from like seven doors down and instantly grab his phone and start filming
Jiro would hear it from the other side of the damn building and just crank the volume on her speakers up
I can also see Bakugo signing aggressively to paparazzi after taking down a villain and he accidentally uppercuts himself trying to call them a bitch, and right as he did someone snapped a photo. Now it’s making its rounds on the internet as the next hottest meme.
It’s been printed out on shirts and stickers, and if Bakugo catches someone with it it’s on sight
By the end of it all his PR team demands a raise
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michimarytheworld · 18 days
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Stuck in a place with little to no internet so have a shitty meme redraw i did on my phone
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
💖 Imagine Perez Reader showing up to comfort Maddy when she calls him upset
Maddy Perez x Sibling!reader
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● Maddy tried her best to pretend like Nate and Cassie getting together didn't utterly hurt her
● her best friend dating her shitty ex? Of course that would sting
● you were at college three hours away when Kat had texted you telling you what happened between Maddy and Cassie
● Maddy goes radio silent for a couple days which is odd because you guys talk every single day even if it's just sending each other dumb memes
● you send her a few texts letting her know you're here for her if she needs someone to talk to
● it's Sunday afternoon and your phone buzzes with Maddy's name popping up on the screen
● you immediately pick up and Maddy is sniffling and her voice cracks
● "Y/N I need you"
● "I'm on my way"
● it didn't matter that you had classes in the morning, your sister was hurting
● when you get back to town you make a stop at the liquor store before heading to your childhood home
● once home Maddy opens the door and she's in a fluffy robe, hair in a messy bun with smudged makeup you only assumed was days old
● "I got booze, junk food and whatever these pills are"
● it's the first time she smiles in days
● your parents don't even question why you're home
● "good to see mom and dad are as attentive as always"
● you spend the next few hours drinking, snacking and talking shit (Maddy opted out on taking the mystery pills you got from Fez but is saving them for a rainy day)
● "I can't believe that fucking bitch like seriously dating Nate after everything he did to me!"
● "Maddy look at me, you are way too good for Nate fucking Jacobs and if Cassie is going to ignore all the bullshit he put you through then that's her problem"
● "but she's supposed to be my best fucking friend"
● "trust me, when you go to college you are going to make way better friends than the fucked up people in this town"
● "God I miss you why did you have to go to school so far away"
● "Mads I'm always going to show up when you need me no matter how far away I am"
● you get absolutely wasted and pass out in Maddy's bed
● when she wakes up you're holding her and she actually feels like everything is going to be okay
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lolasimms · 1 year
a lots gonna change pt.15
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Summary: Married life isn’t great, infidelity ensues, and things change.
next chapter
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“It’s currently 9:45 pm, we have a code 245, there’s been a stabbing. Female, age 24, Name; Ellie Williams”
8:00 AM
Ellie had been having a shitty past two weeks, ever since the fight at Joel’s. Part of her longed for your forgiveness, she’d worn her heart on her sleeve, tried to reconcile with you and it all went down the drain because she couldn’t control her anger. She knew a sincere apology would earn her your forgiveness, but she couldn’t bare facing you at the moment.
Sat on the alfresco, basking in the fresh spring air, Ellie sat nursing a warm latte. The backyard that once housed Lila’s playhouse and the swing-set that she and JJ had played tirelessly on, were now gone. The vast lawn only being home to a few stray lawn chairs and the unused barbecue. It was only recently that Ellie had realised how lonely she was. Without Lila here for most of the week, the only company she had was her own, and that was her biggest fear, being alone.
Immediately thoughts of nostalgia flooded her brain, the first time you and her had set up a slip and slide during a hot summer day for Lila to cool off on. The vigorous get togethers you and Dina would put together during the holidays, The time she’d built Lila’s crib in this very backyard with Joel’s help. It was all too much and yet not enough. She yearned for that back, it was all she wanted, no matter how long it would take. Her brain kept repeating the words “Atone, Atone, Atone.”
11:45 AM
“Ellie, look at this shit.” Vic hands her his phone, showing her some meme that usually she’d crack up at. Instead she just glanced at it, let out a fake chuckle and shifted her focus back to the movie that was playing on Vic’s television. Having known her since college, Vic knew her reaction was fake. From the corner of her eye she could spy him placing his phone down and turning to her with a questioning face.
“Alright, what’s with you, you’ve been sulking ever since you got here?” She looks at him in annoyance, who was he to be pestering her?
“I’m fine man, just tired.” She wastes no time turning her attention back to the television, having had enough of the short conversation.
“Els, as much as I’d like to believe that, I don’t. Just telling me what’s wrong?” Vic and Ellie’s friendship had always been the same since freshman year of college. They never got emotional or sappy with each other, they were just those kinds of friends who enjoyed hanging together and most times it was in comfortable silence. So to see Vic so concerned for her made Ellie feel weird. Maybe she did have people on her side, maybe she wasn’t all alone.
“I’ve just been thinking man. I’ve been feeling really alone lately and I” she pauses, taking a breath as a lump forms in her throat. “I just miss my family, I want them back so bad Vic” She didn’t know why she felt so emotional all of a sudden, but she broke down into tears, something unusual for her. Vic didn’t know what to do, so instead he enveloped her in an awkward but warm embrace.
“You’re not alone Ellie, you’ve still got them. No matter what happens you’ll always have them”
2:30 PM
After her heart to heart with Vic, Ellie decided she couldn’t let herself loose the only people she loved. She knew the only way to end these feelings of isolation was to make an effort to spend more time with her loved ones. So the first thing she did was call Joel, asking if he was free. He was taken by surprise, as the two of them didn’t spend as much one on one time together as they used to. So when she suggested they go fishing, he was on his feet getting the gear together in no time.
“How you been, ain’t heard from you since that fiasco at my party?” Joel says, as he prepares his rod and bait. Ellie doing the same with her’s, letting out a subtle sigh and turning to him. The two of them were sat on quite uncomfortable camping chairs.
“I’ve been feeling pretty shitty, Y/n won’t talk to me, she’s still mad.”
“She got a right to be, your lil show was stupid and immature, you’re real lucky Lila was asleep”
“I know, and I feel bad about it.”
“So toughen up, apologise.” He stands up, casting his rod and then looks back at her expectantly, she doesn’t know what to say but just nods. She lifts from her chair and walks over to where he’s standing, casting her rod as well.
“I’m sorry Joel, I know I fucked up your party, I shouldn’t have acted that way” He turns to look at her and shakes his head with a smile.
“Honestly if you’d been fighting anybody else I would’ve been happy, just not under the circumstances that you did. It was sorta entertaining” He lets out a deep chuckle and Ellie laughs, shaking her head.
“I’m so telling Y/n” Ellie smirks as she nudges Joel with her shoulder, causing him to groan and do the same to her.
“Don’t you fucking dare”
5:30 PM
Joels living room looked the same as it always did, dvd’s from years ago lined up on the bottom shelf of the tv stand, brown sofa’s with plaid cushions and a few candles that were surely gifts from you and Lila. A game of basketball played as he and Ellie sat nursing beers and reminiscing.
“You remember your first drink, you spit out my most expensive whiskey?” Joel places his glass on the side table and laughs.
“I hate to break it to you man, but that wasn’t my first drink.” Ellie lifts up the glass of beer, waiting for his reaction to the news.
“What’dya mean that wasn’t your first drink? It was your 21st birthday.” He turns to her, eyes narrowed in curiosity.
“Joel do you really think when I was going to my friends birthday’s in high school I was just drinking pop and juice? You do realise I had my first proper drink in like 10th grade” Ellie can’t help but laugh at his shocked reaction, he truly couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I can’t believe you”
“Get over it dude, it was like 8 years ago,. Plus I turned out pretty okay don’t you think?”
“You wait till its Lila, you little dipshit, then you’ll know how it feels” Ellies face sinks at the thought of her precious girl going anywhere near alcohol, parties, men or women. Joel takes in the angered look on her face and smirks, taking her reaction as his revenge.
7:45 PM
Ellie was currently pushing her trolley around the store, in search for things she wanted to get Lila for her easter basket. The two of you weren’t raising her to be religious, but you weren’t opposed to letting her enjoy the fun aspects of holidays like easter, Christmas, etc. Seeing as easter was approaching, Ellie wanted to go all out for her little girl. Anything purple that had to do with easter she’d throw into the cart, knowing that was Lila’s favourite colour. She couldn’t wait to see the smile on her baby’s face when she saw the basket full of goodies.
Another part of her was excited that you’d be spending easer together as a family, along with Dina, Jesse and JJ. She’d take that as her chance to apologise for what she’d done at Joel’s party. Atone for her mistakes and assure you that she would be willing to respect your relationship with Abby if it meant she’d have a shot at getting you back.
“Hey, Jesse” She had one arm pushing the shopping cart and the other holding her phone to her ear as she waited for his response, glancing around the isles filled with Easter themed decor.
“Hey Els, you at the store right now?” Though she and Dina’s relationship never recovered after the separation, she was still quite close with Jesse. Seeing as he was the only one who was civil towards her despite her mistakes.
“Yeah, picking the shit for the hunt up right now?”
“Sounds good, I know you have Lila tomorrow, would you mind have JJ over, he’s been pestering me about it all day long.”
“Yeah man, sure”
8:20 PM
After leaving the store with a trolley filled to the brim, Ellie was ready to get home and pass out. She’d had a long day and Lila would be coming round early morning, not to mention she’d be looking after two noisy and energetic kids instead of one. As she made her way down her street she was intrigued to see two random cars she hadn’t ever seen before, parked by the curb. Ignoring them, she got the three large shopping bags, from the trunk and made her way into the house.
“Hey Ellie” She’s startled by the voice and immediately recognises it, she reaches to find the light switch. Once the hallway is lit by the bright yellow light she’s met with the familiar blonde from her past, stood in her hallway with a knife clutched tightly to her side . Immediately she drops the bags onto the floor and steps forward. She thanked the God’s that Lila was with you tonight, or else she would’ve died right here.
“Amelia, what the fuck are you doing here? You know I could call the police, right?” Ellie stands with her arms by her sides, fists clenched in anger. If she hadn’t been such an idiot this woman would’ve never ruined her and your lives. She wished that in some way she could go back in time and change all of this, relive the day she got tangled up with this psychopath and steer clear of her at all costs.
“It’s been a while hasn’t it, have you missed me?” Amelia comes closer to Ellie, by this point they’re no more than a few inches away from each other. The only thing Ellie can focus on is the large knife she was holding. Dressed in head to toe black, with a pair of black gloves. Ellie prayed to god that if she was going to die tonight it wouldn’t be you and Lila who came in and found her body.
“It’s been two fucking years Amelia, why do you still care about this, how the fuck did you even get in here?” Ellie is now yelling, looking down at the blonde with fury tainted in her eyes.
“I don’t care Ellie, I told you you’d regret the day you rejected me and I wasn’t lying. Anyways, I have people who will do anything for me, getting a key to your weak door was easy.”
“What the fuck do you want, you have 2 minutes or I’m calling the police, this is breaking and entering as well as trespassing” Amelia is now face to face with Ellie causing the auburn haired girl to recline back in disgust.
“I want you Els, that’s all I’ve ever wanted” The look of raging delirium in her eyes sends shivers down Ellies spine. Amelia reaches forwards enveloping her in a wanting kissing her. Ellie thinks this may be a chance for her to restrain the crazy bitch and then call the police while she’s distracted. She’s however taken aback when she hears a groan and then sees blood pooling on her shirt. Her whole body runs cold, Amelia talking a step back and smirking at the knife that was currently plunged into Ellie’s stomach.
“But I want revenge more”
Ellie hadn’t realised that she’d been stabbed until Amelia had retracted and said those words. She fell to the ground her head crashing against the hard wood floors with a loud ‘thump’. Meanwhile Amelia was laughing maniacally as Ellie slowly became taken by dizziness, her eyes blurring and her ears beginning to ring. She wasn’t afraid of death necessarily, she was just afraid of what the outcomes entailed. She was afraid you’d come here tomorrow morning, to drop off Lila and the two of you would find her dead body laying in the doorway, lifeless. She was afraid Joel would have to live with the knowledge he’d lost the only two daughters he’d ever had. Most importantly she was afraid she’d go out without having earned atonement for all the hurt she had caused. So as she slowly drifted out of consciousness the only thing in her mind were the words “Atone, Atone, Atone, Atone” repeating themselves like a mantra.
@moonlightdivine @maybe-cece @macaroni676 @sawaagyapong @katiemars @ellieseater @dakota-dream @joliettes @hebrokeimup @bratydoll @wakasaaa @catostrophiclesbian @dinas-a-bird @lazyunknownwerewolf @h3sitant-alien @ceo-of-ellie-simps @mechetegirl109 @kashoot-me269 @lonelyfooryouonly @ellieswifee @doodlebob-mp3 @ellieismami
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