#shoko and nobara you guys are so real to me
amphibiahawks321 · 1 day
Oooh~ can we get more of Female Gojo with Male reader? This time it's Gojo introducing Yuki, Megumi and Nobara to her boyfriend~ or it can be introducing Geto, utahime and Shoko to her boyfriend.
Megumi : .......
Megumi : You have a wha—!!!?!?'
[Nobara and itadori push Megumi's face to the side with their hands]
[Megumi moves both of itadori and nobara's hand away from his face]
Megumi : What... Kind... of... INSANE! man would want to date YOU?? Even remotely PUT UP with you??
Fem!Gojo : oh don't be jealous Megumi✨
[Fem!Gojo said sarcastically and starts pinching Megumi's cheek which Megumi slaps her hand away]
Fem!Gojo : is it that hard to accept I've found myself a precious man that I want to show love to every day✨—
Megumi : Yes.... Very.... definitely....
Fem!Gojo : Very Mean....
Nobara : I gotta agree with Megumi WHO??
[Fem!Gojo Gasp dramatically]
Itadori : His a lucky guy to be with you sensei!
Megumi : ......You can't be serious—
[Fem!Gojo immediately push Megumi to the side and starts pointing at itadori]
Fem!Gojo : You see this guy you two? His now my favourite student
Nobara : Oh come on! You know well both of us are telling the truth WHO can even PUT UP with you!—.......Hey where are you going?
Megumi : To the restroom.... I also need some alone time with my thoughts about this information....
[Megumi leaves the three of them with still a shock expression]
Itadori : don't be like that kugisaki you're telling me sensei couldn't find a guy that couldn't put up with her?✨
Nobara : ......
[Nobara stares at Fem!Gojo with an unimpressed expression and sees Fem!Gojo making a silly expression]
Nobara : Yes...
[Meanwhile, Megumi washing his hands]
Megumi : .....
[Megumi's thought 💭]
......is the guy blind? Maybe she paid the guy?
[Megumi about to walk back to them with his eyes close still thinking about the whole thing but bumps into someone]
M!Reader : Oh sorry!
Megumi : No worries, it was kinda my fault for not looking where I was going—
M!Reader : Oh! Aren't you fushiguro?
Megumi : i-Um.. Yeah, how do you know?
M!Reader : I heard much about you!
Megumi : Oh you're a sorcerer too?
M!Reader : Yeah, I've heard about your encounter with sukuna
Megumi : Sighs that I got my ass beat?
M!Reader : Oh don't be like that! I know you're strong but getting defeated by a more powerful foe doesn't make you weak you know
Megumi : Oh... Thanks
[Minutes later, Megumi came back]
Megumi : Sighs even when washing my hands I still can't believe it....
Nobara : You and me both....
[Megumi thought 💭]
Might as well meet this crazy guy....
M!Reader : Hey everyone!
[Fem!Gojo immediately puts her arms around Y/N]
Fem!Gojo : Told you he was real! Suck on that kugisaki~✨
Nobara : ......💢
Itadori : it's a pleasure meeting you Y/N!
M!Reader : I should be the one saying that!—
[Megumi taps nobara's shoulder]
Nobara : Hm? What?
[Megumi leans into Nobara's ear and starts whispering]
Nobara : .....you already met him?.....his nice?!.....his not an asshole?!.....
M!Reader : You're probably nobara correct?
Nobara : Oh.. Yep!
M!Reader : i've heard much about you!
Nobara : who hasn't?✨
[Nobara said dramatically making Megumi let out a sigh and facepalm]
M!Reader : I've heard about your bravery and wild attitude! Love that about you!
Nobara : Woah... Thanks–
M!Reader : I've heard about your technique too, interesting yet very unique!
Nobara : .......
[Nobara points at Y/N and glance at Megumi with a shock expression]
Nobara : This guy....
[Megumi nods with also a shock expression]
M!Reader : I see we already met Megumi
Megumi : Ahem yes... We have, I'm... Surprised—
Nobara : She didn't pay you to do this right?
M!Reader : yeah I kinda figured you guys would ask me that....
[Fem!Gojo hugs Y/N from behind]
Fem!Gojo : what's so hard to understand~?
Megumi : ......One is nice and the other One is.... You.....
Fem!Gojo : You're always so mean Megumi....
Megumi : With the amount of mean teasing she does to us how does it work for you?
M!Reader : Imagine all of the mean teasing things she does to all you three but to me she does it Romantically....
Nobara : .....
Itadori : .....
Megumi : .....I think that's worse
Itadori : So what does sensei like to do when it comes to showing affection?
M!Reader : She has a bad habit of picking me up and carrying me....
Fem!Gojo : like right now~?✨
M!Reader : Wha—!?
[Fem!Gojo starts carrying Y/N's bridal style]
M!Reader blushing : Are you crazy!?
Fem!Gojo : For you i am~✨
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discount-kirishima · 4 months
what we really need is shoko to bring back nobara so they can have a bonding moment about being the underappreciated unshakeable girlboss holding the main guys together
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wystericwoes · 8 months
This is kinda a shit post but here we go.
Cursing, sukunas mentions the word assault but no details. Talk of sex but no sex
Are the jjk characters virgins or not?
Absolutely. Have you seen him?
Yes. Fight me it’s realistic. Ain’t no way he’s done it with anyone yet, maybe once in kindergarten he held hands with a girl and he counts that as relationship experience
Honestly, I wanna say yes, but I feel like she had some middle school boyfriend that she did it with.
Pre shibuya arc, yes. After that, idk who but shes pegging someone. I also wanna say she’s a lesbian but Ik her and Yuta gonna be porking in the future if they haven’t already. (He’s the one who gets fucked btw)
Had to think about this one. But yes. He’s kissed people, but he’s def a virgin
That’s a bear
No 😭 idk if it was with Rita or something but he’s not as innocent as he looks.
Absolutely not. This man is piping down Kirara every night and has had girlfriends before her.
You seen her? No. Too fine
No, probably was to some random boyfriend she had.
Yes. He’s been in a bathtub in bandages his whole mf life 😭
Kissed a boy in first grade and thinks that counts but yes
No, has had a couple boyfriends
Say what you want but this man is a virgin. And he’s proud. (Saving himself for that idol)
100%. A girl asked him out once and that was it.
Principal Yaga
No, he’s had a long term partner or two, talked about his puppets afterwards.
Do I even gotta say it 😭 his body count isn’t in the thousands like everyone jokes, but only because his standards are crazy fucking high.
No, has had boyfriends in her life. Now she just does hookups
No, one douchey boyfriend she had in college and maybe one or two later.
I seriously doubt it. But he seems so damn stressed all the time he doesn’t get much action.
The adults/sorcerers:
No, Tried saving himself for marriage but hooked up with some girl in college/early adult life and has had maybe one or two partners that didn’t last because of his work.
He’s not but his body count is low. They gotta be a jujutsu sorcerer so he’s just narrowed down his options to like 7 people in the whole fuckin country 💀 when he was younger in highschool maybe he slept with some people either via relationships or otherwise. Canonically was a ladies man and is attractive so he’s got options. (Too bad he’s crazy)! And ofc if you’re a gojogeto shipper than there’s that.
No He’s only ever assaulted people sorry 😭 never has had a real “relationship” (unless of course were talking my series on him) maybe one night stands and that one chick that liked him. Idk he was doing some weird fuckery back then.
He paid for sex. Constantly wondering why no girls like him and the clan hasn’t assigned him someone yet (or however that shit works) and so he just straight up got a prostitute, it’s a secret he’ll take to the grave. Poor sex worker his dick and ass is probably dirty because washing is “gay”.
No, lived a long ass time and definitely did it.
Not a huge priority for him but no
Mei Mei
No and it was to someone other than her brother thank god
She is too fine and boisterous not to be. She’s definitely had her pipe work rearranged if yk what I mean. Plus all that traveling gives her options
No. Def has had a few relationships. He’s the type of guy who scored when he was 13 to someone a little older and thinks he’s a baller when he’s just a victim 😭
Literally has fucking children. And canonically was a player before he met his wife. Man is ran through
All the curses are virgins because they’re either ugly or choso who hasn’t been alive long enough to know what sex is 💀
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epickiya722 · 5 months
As dark as a story JJK can get, I love there are moments that are funny, some being moments that when you actually think about it, it's funny. Sometimes it would be something so outrageous that you have to laugh.
The MC was already a powerhouse before the plot really kicks off. He is known to be such a powerhouse that some people believed he's the reincarnation of Mirko Cro Cop... WHO IS STILL ALIVE. That is a real person, folks!
The funniest thing Yuji be doing in fights for me is chucking things at people and curses. He has thrown cars, signs, etc.
Sukuna's introduction. This guy is known as the King of Curses and yet, Yuji is the first person of the story to actually humiliate him. He sasses him. "It's my body!" A 15-year-old sasses the King of Curses and even after he learns who he is really, Yuji is not intimidated by him in the slightest. At best, Sukuna annoys him.
Sukuna's outfit of choice in his soul room is a kimono with a bow tied in the back. He's a fashion icon, for real.
Nanami is the one who envisions the Gojo "I'll murder you" scene. He's responsible for that.
Jujutsu Kaisen has became known for jumping. A rather smart decision to do when facing a strong opponent. Like, jump that fool!
Speaking of jumping, Mahito has became a meme. Him getting jumped is pretty much why he set out to kill Yuji and Nanami, when you think about it.
Megumi had to take tame his shikigami to control them, except for the Divine Dogs. That means he had to tame frogs, a horde of rabbits and a damn elephant.
Nobara's weapon of choice? Hammer and nails. She's building houses out of curses with some voodoo thrown in there.
Shoko got her doctor's license by cheating. But she's still good at her job.
Gojo's forehead flicks are strong enough to send someone to Shoko.
Sukuna, during the Fearsome Womb Arc, actually waited for Yuji to switch back with him instead of immediately causing some havoc. The King of Curses, evil incarnate, waited.
One of the upperclassmen is a damn panda that's not really a panda.
Because Inumaki speaks in rice-ball ingredients, conversations with him will be funny.
Geto has an arsenal of squid curses. Where did they come from?!
Geto became a cult leader at 17. The biggest question I have is where the hell did a teenager get monk robes from?!
He was also called mommy by a worm curse. Was that foreshadowing? I don't know!
To think, later, his body is put in a nurse outfit. With lipstick and nails done, too.
Toji really had beef with kids. (Teen Gojo and Geto.) Dude even forgot his own kid's name. And it's probably the most ironic name of the series. MEGUMI'S NAME MEANS "BLESSING".
Yaga looks tough and he is, but this man has a weakness for cute things. Bro makes cute, creepy cursed dolls... I think we should hype Yaga up more.
Toji actually got in a fight with Red Lobster and Miruko's (BNHA) cousins.
Jogo got to live every fan's dream of being close to Gojo and Sukuna. He also got in Choso's face and touched Nanami.
Tengen's gender is "granny" apparently. They're so real for that.
Sukuna's right hand is Uraume and the reason being because they can cook.
Yuji is a fan of Jennifer Lawrence and will introduce himself as such.
Todo really beat Megumi's ass because his type are kind people. And when he was getting his ass beat, Megumi was gonna summon Mahoraga.
When Megumi finally does summon Mahoraga... it's against Haruta, of all fucking people.
Haruta tells Megumi "Fuck you" for that.
Nanako's technique is literally taking pictures. With her cell phone. I know for a fact she runs out of storage fast.
MAPPA be devious with the openings. "Oh, that character died? They're staying in the opening." "Oh, a city was destroyed? Here's a reminder during this fire ass song."
Choso and Todo's "false memories" of Yuji. That is all.
Choso's choice of hairstyle? High spiky ponytails. And it's iconic!
If you pay attention to the Sukuna vs. Mahoraga fight, you can see that Sukuna chucks a piece of the airplane at Mahoraga.
Before the fight really gets crazy, Sukuna comes out of a building with popcorn and soda. Mind you, the district was probably closed and evacuated.
Why did Megumi react like that towards Ozawa? "Oh, it's like that?!"
In dub, Nobara calls Mahito a "bitch".
Panda wants to punch a zebra one day.
Kenjaku is a dad and a mom.
Can't believe Gojo and Geto broke up in front of the KFC.
There's a guy who wears a costume that has him half nude. And he's funny.
Look, there's a lot of things.
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seeingivy · 7 months
I don’t know if you care for the hunger games at all BUTTT with the new movie out I’ve been thinking
Hange would have totally played Katniss early in her career and I think Sasha would have been a good Lucy Gray from the new movie :)) I’m also thinking gojo for young Coriolanus just cause of the blonde hair and blue eyes lol
OH AND yn would’ve defffff sang “can’t catch me now” by Olivia Rodrigo from the soundtrack of the new movie
omg ANON THE HUNGER GAMES WAS MY ROMAN EMPIRE. I had to put a read break cuz I rambled
two unsolicited ronnie stories to prove it:
when I was in seventh grade, I bought a mockingjay necklace from hot topic and wore it to school. but I went to private school and wasn't allowed to wear necklaces like that. and when my teacher asked me why I wore it, I looked at her straight in the face and said that "I was the mockingjay"
I used to be in orchestra when I was in middle school and there was one year where we got to vote on the song we played. so naturally, I stood up and I was like guys...there's this really underground song idk its called the hanging tree. and it litearlly won but then I took it ten steps farther and made us all do the whistle together and the little salute when we finished because naturally, I am dramatic. I am unfortunately never beating the weird kid allegations
that being said, THERE'S SO MANY GOOD HUNGER GAMES FANCASTS. this was the one I had in mind (but I love yours too!!) + it's the one fancast I chose to include in my ACTUAL fic (towards the end chapters, so we'll see this one come back)
original trilogy
yuuji as peeta mellark, duh. our beautiful boy with the bread
y/n as katniss
gale you are a lame, sack of bones. so obviously floch.
ceasar flickerman is CONNIE SPRINGER YUP
levi as haymitch
hange as effie, obviously
finnick is jean
mikasa is annie (they are soulmates everywhere I fear)
annie is johanna mason and I think that bertholdt would be a really good betee
erwin plutarch heavansbee that one wrote itself
gojo is seneca crane 😭, heavy on that one scene where hes like everyone loves an underdog 😃 and president snow is like no.
nobara is playing the extras that are part of effie's prep team or just someone in the capital you will not catch her being one of the tributes
ballad of songbirds and snakes
utahime as lucy gray baird
young gojo as president snow (the entire press is utahime saying she vomitted after she kissed gojo as a joke and people think its real)
suguru as sejanus :((((((
shoko as tigris snow (says having to be nice to gojo during the scenes was her personal hell)
alternate (from the fic)
this is the one i'm including in the fic!
y/n and yuuji, true to the original, play katniss and peeta
(megumi and eren are the most supportive boyfriends to boyfriend)
gabi plays lucy gray baird
gabi gets to write eyes open for the original trilogy
y/n writes you can't catch me now for the ballad
they are mother and daughter your honor (can you tell im so excited to unleash my gabi yn dynamic in the next chapter)
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kyskaisen · 1 year
OKKK maki dating head-cannons🤗
love best girl maki smsmsmsmmmsmsmmsmsmsm <33
-this can be gender neutral (but im imagining the reader as a female for myself just cuz ima girl but otherwise it's gender neutral, except for when i'm mentioning afab/amab)
-always angry
-she's not angry at you,,, she's angry at the world. primarily because panda and toge WILL NOT stop teasing her about it
-but she's very nice to you, even when she doesn't think she is. it's like she hates everyone and loves you (why can't she be real </3)
-even after you two started going out, it took a LOOONG time for her to get used to the affection u give (if u do like giving affection. if u dont then ignore this and pretend ur the same as her/j)
-UGH she's so cute whenever you hug her, cuz she isn't used to all the affection since she never really received it as a child. that poor girl- i wanna give her all the love she deserves :( can u tell i love maki
-when she does get used to the affection, forehead kisses are vv common! and they're so cute gn. you two could be tired from training all day and you're sitting together while drinking water and she'll randomly give u a forehead kiss or maybe a cheek kiss idk. and when u turn to smile back at her she's always blushing, and you just can't help yourself so you lean in to kiss her cheek as well. her face turns even more red as she mumbles little strings of curses under her breath.
-live laugh maki. <3
-for afab readers, maki defo seeks advice on how to ask u out from either shoko (if u decide the relationship starts in the time jjk 0 takes place) or nobara if u haven't seen the movie yet. all those hours she spent talking with shoko/nobara just for u to be the one asking her out LMAOO
-yeah. toge and panda always joke about it and she'll threaten them with the least scary threats like "i'll kill you!1!1!! >:(" and they'll just die laughing along with u
-for amab readers she defo didn't expect to fall for a guy after being treated like shit from the zen'in clan which it mainly men😃 (i hope that's a valid reason to hc she's wlw but i dont want criticism so i'm adding amab readers <:)) tho she didn't go to any of the boys for help (not even yuta LMAO)
-she's more dominant hotter than you, no matter the gender. you could be the sexiest actress in the world or the most majestic bro on tiktok and she'd still be hotter LOL (accept it losers/j)
-being hot doesn't always come with confidence (but most of the time it does and it takes a while for her to embrace that) and once she actually does embrace it, she's a TERRIFIC flirter i want maki to flirt with me
-she loves seeing u blushing and embarrassed, again, no matter the gender. tho she did reluctantly pick up tips from gojo whenever she'd see him rizzing up some girl on the street LMAO
"hey there, hot stuff."
"are you trying to rizz me up again?"
"no, would you like me to?"
IT WORKS EVERY TIME??? if that sucked im sorry i have no rizz shamefully and it always ends up with u blushing (if y'all are aged up idk where u wanna take that...😓)
-and if y'all r making out expect things to go her way (you'll be busy for a while so put ur shit on do not disturb) with her shoving u against a wall not me projecting my daydreams
-lemme stop b4 i get out of hand.
-ANYWAYS dating her would be super fun if she wouldn't be TRAINING ALL THE TIME!!! that girl is always training and it takes 5 sacrifices to god and one spar to get her to stop </3. then u guys hang out in y'alls rooms, varying from hers or yours (mainly yours tho idk why just go with it)
yeah idk what else to add LOL
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dollsuguru · 2 months
but ig if anyone were to cheat it’d be naoya! i think he’d have a wife but lots of mistresses but he’d hate all of them bc he thinks them lowly for cheating but it’s like… the call is coming from inside the house doofus
naoya'd get a wife who'd hate him and would want to slit his throat at night while he'd be having affairs with men and then that wife would celebrate naoya's death like it's a birthday and make fun of his memory for the rest of her life
naoya having affairs w pretty men is so real i think the definition of one of his types is “my guy pretty like a girl” similar to him obsessing over a guy like satoru & i think he’d have another type which unfortunately bc he’s a freak and disgusting would be someone similar to toji… i think he gets so obsessed w certain male figures in his life like his obsession w toji needs to be studied and also he needs to be put down 😭 leave that man ALONE!!!!!
naoya is so obsessed w strength & femininity being below masculinity which is just so wild to me bc it’s like… maki is the pinnacle of strength and she’s a young girl! i also think he hates her bc she’s soooooo similar to toji like she LOOKS the same as him/has heavenly restriction but the only reason naoya despises her is bc she’s a girl & she’s a STRONG girl who doesn’t take shit from anyone! also it’s so wild to me bc satoru is SO comfortable in his femininity + toji devoted himself/changed BECAUSE of his wife! women are very important to these two men i’d argue the biggest rock IN satoru’s life is shoko too!
but omfg back to your point i think it’d be great if he unknowingly married a femme fatale who looks very demure, elegant, feminine, & “acts” submissive who then fully destroys him like you said she slits his throat and all 🤭 maki 🤝 naoya’s assassin ex-wife: hating naoya & manifesting his downfall & then killing him <333 & they both get yummy food and take nobara shopping after <3
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aristre · 1 year
aristre 🥹🥹pls tell me which UCs gojo, geto, shoko, nanami, megumi, nobara, and yuuji would get accepted into and attend + bonus points if you classify them as college stereotypes
yes baby anything. ANYTHING. for you. guys you can request too don't let aaesuki carry my blog by herself please
jjk characters & universities of california
satoru gojo
accepted by all the ucs except uc merced btw ty aaesuki for the idea. bro is so mad he drives down to uc merced in his fanciest prettiest clothes to strut around and geto is in the passenger seat like lol (are you serious).
but no ofc he's ucla. dude's on frat row getting wasted and banging every single hot person on gayley. he shows up to lecture once in a while not to listen but to look pretty while everyone stares and whispers abt him. ruins every single stem curve. god i hate him
i think his favorite dining hall would be epicuria because he has fine taste :)
suguru geto
dude i think he'd go to uc irvine but aaesuki was like no he and gojo go together so whatever. he actually shows up to lecture 40% of the time and has good notes. he sells them for $20 and makes a tidy profit unlike gojo who buys an ipad and proceeds to play temple run on it instead of writing notes.
he goes to peet's coffee after lecture and orders a caramel latte or sthing fruity except when he looks for his meal ticket he realizes he forgot to redeem one. everyone in line gives him theirs
ieri shoko
uc san diego
she is a woman in stem and she hates socializing (i think) so nowhere is better than uc socially distant. if she's not in her single dorm she's in that big ass building on campus where it gets progressively more quiet as you go up and she's in the most quiet floor. i don't go to ucsd
i think she would be in a lab freshman year, doing clinical research sophomore year, and publishing papers junior year. goes to grad school at stanford or something ..
kento nanami
uc berkeley
im so sorry im so sorry i have to put u here nanami. i was gonna say he goes to croads for fun but i can't even say that cuz he would never do that. bro is the guy who tells people in the libraries to be quiet since some people need to study. bro also shows up to every single lecture in the front row and asks insightful questions the profs love him
he rooms w haibara his second year after they get kicked out of the dorms cuz ucb hates providing housing :3
megumi fushiguro
uc berkeley
im so sorry goomi that u would go to uc berkeley. i mean what. go bears! brain like berkeley! anyways dude's on that 4.0 gpa 25 creds a semester 4 extracurriculars shows up to office hours kinda guy. he DOES go to croads but only bc it's close by and he doesn't want to spend money on doordash but he rlly should. he should get doordash
accidentally gets drunk at a party he was dragged too and drunk texts the yuuji + nobara gc but because he's so hammered it comes out like "mile read my" and when they're like what he sends the blurriest selfie except he's not even in it it's his hair and half a finger.
nobara kugisaki
uc santa barbara
yassss prison dorms prison school. never attends lectures, but gets decent grades anyways. often out partying and shopping but also a fan of studying in the library after putting on makeup and picking out a fit good enough to gag the students from abroad. gets dole whip from that one dining hall. yea
hates the lagoon cuz it stinks bad but still goes there anyways when she needs some time to relax
yuuji itadori
uc davis
go!! aggies!!!! let's be real he accepted cuz he heard there were cows and there are cows. he loves the cows. dude i think he would be a target and costco fan he likes to go in there and walk around and stare at everything. except he has to drive to sac to get to target since they don't have one at davis LMFAOOOO ..... go aggies!
got food poisoning from the dc chicken but he still went back for seconds. got food poisoning again. friends had to hold him back but he went for thirds anyways. bonus points to anyone who guesses what happened after
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astral-from-afar · 1 year
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun and was mostly inspired by the upcoming jjk poll. Will not tag this in jjk as I am not here currently to start fighting people.
Ok the latest poll got me thinking about what characters were on that list last time. So this is basically me side eyeing everyone for their choices last year
Megumi - I get it. Megumi’s pretty cool. Took me a while to get to that point but I’ve accepted this man’s popularity and I just go along with it. Really don’t have anything else to say about him.
Gojo - Can’t believe he was still in the box during this. You can tell how strong the Gojo fans are because he has not been seen in action for YEARS yet you’re still voting for him. Props to you I guess. Good luck beating Gege and getting him 1st in the next poll
Yuji - Ok my boy was not fighting in the TRENCHES to become 3rd in his own series. Yes he should have gotten 1st yes I will stand by that until the day I die and yes I still can’t believe he got outdone by a guy in a box.
Geto - I know you’re all coping bc of his death with him being in top 5 and honestly me too. Gege still won’t let this poor man rest so you won’t let the anyone else in the fandom rest as a consequence. Don’t expect him to be in top 5 again but who knows.
Nanami - Overtime sorcerer SUPREMACY. I best see him here again because he does not miss. Nanami fans are the real ones so I’m not dragging on him.
Inumaki - Salmon Salmon. For a man who also hasn’t been seen in 2 years he did pretty well all things considered. I’m still waiting for him to show up so until then you go Inumaki fans.
Choso - Ok I’m just salty here but you lot really put HIM here on the top 10. How much screen time did this man really have. He did not deserve to be placed that high and if I see him being placed higher than Yuki then we know it’s on sight. He’s great and all but really? Just really?
Yuta - As a resident Yuta has never done anything wrong, I am disappointed in all of you. Did vol 0 mean nothing? Was his interactions with Yuji nothing to all of you. To the point of Choso overtaking him. Smh
Toji - I’m going to assume it’s the horny and leave. You did not drag the no child support, fugly grey sweatpants, boring ass guy into the top 10. Just admit that he’s hot and take your leave. Ok being fair he was a good antagonist during the hidden Inventory arc but istg if I hear more Toji stuff we are not going to see me again.
Naoya - OK LISTEN UP HERE EVERYBODY. HOW MANY PANELS DID THIS FUCKER HAVE. WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE HELL DID HE DO IN THE ENTIRETY OF THE MANGA OTHER THAN BEING COOKED BY MAKI. IM WAITING. This just feels like fandom misogyny as the next two people are in the manga for 10x longer and did more things overall, to then be overshadowed by this dickhead.
Nobara - My beloved you did not deserve to be snuffed out of top 10. I am still on that copium that she’s still alive but honestly you really had to do her like that :(
Maki - Ok this is where I really question some of your tastes. So she had one of the PEAK arcs in all of the manga, went to hell and back and served us in every shape and form and this is what she gets. Losing to Naoya. Telling you lot to sort your misogyny out for the next poll because if she doesn’t reach top 3 Istg
Sukuna - Right, he’s a bit of a guilty pleasure as he is one of the funniest characters in this series after Kenny and Todo. Am suprised that he didn’t hit top 10 but he’s been binding his time to skyrocket to the big numbers especially in the recent chapters.
Todo - AYYYYYYY. Kyoto student found in the wild quick catch them before they get into the sea of irrelevancy. Ok that was too harsh but I’m proud of the Todo fans for getting him up there. He truly is the homie of the jjk world hopefully he keeps his placement because he’s too cool to not be on this list.
Utahime - OMG OMG OMG OMG. This was very unexpected. I thought Shoko would be here (she’s 24th) but I am grateful for it. The voice at the back of my head is trying to say that it’s cause of the shipping but I am ignoring it to focus on my girl entirely. Congrats everyone. If she manages to get in the top 15 again, do you think Gege will add more to her character. Nah he’ll probably just put her on the hit list which is not what we want to see here.
Yeah I think the poll overall was alright and obviously was for fun but after the placement of certain characters you know I’m side-eyeing you lot.
Characters I want/hope to reach the list : Yuki,Riko, Kirara, Hakari, Higuruma, Angel/Hana, Kenjaku, Uruame
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erigold13261 · 4 months
Hiiii Mahito! He looks so cool!!!!!!!!!! And less evil. Good! (Also is Satoru and Suguru one entity, and Shoko takes on a Uraume like role? Oh no Mahito is NOT going to have a good time.)
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You are right! He is NOT gonna have a good time! :D
And yes! As of right now (unless I change something which I probably won't) Satoru and Suguru are one entity and Shoko takes on Uraume's role! (or something similar to them).
I just like the idea that Satoru and Suguru do some weird curse technique combining Suguru's curse manipulation and Satoru's six eyes to become one. Makes me think of like Garnet from Steven Universe, where the fusion is just the manifestation of their love for each other (and because they are together they barely care about the world at all, which is why those two became evil >:3)
I don't know if it would make any sense in the canon of the story, but I wanted to keep the multiple appendage thing that OG Sukuna had going on (which was from the myth that he was a conjoined twin I think?), and so the idea to fuse Satoru and Suguru together came to my mind!
It also works out because in canon Satoru and Sukuna are parallels, while Suguru and Mahito had their moments together but then the betrayal! (Plus I had no real idea for Suguru if I'm being honest).
[also a note to remember, these aren't going to be true 1-to-1 swaps, some of them will be, but others won't! Like Ko-Guy (Inaho Kouho/Koura, still debating surname) is most close to Inumaki, but is most likely taking the place of Nobara in the AU!]
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oddshroom · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Household ft. Reader
JJK Characters Featured:
Itadori, Sukuna, Nobara, Maki, Shoko, Megumi, Inumaki, Panda, Yuta, Utahime, Miwa, Aoi, Nanami, Mei Mei, Choso, Toji, Gojo
Where all characters here live together
Both Sukuna and Itadori here will be two different peoples basically twins
Character Notice:
If you would like me to add a character that you want please let me know and I will add them in :)
Starter Request:
Shopping with Nobara ft. Itadori, megumi, Y/N
Washing Gojo’s laundry ft. Geto & Y/N
Worm ft. Toji & Megumi
Shoko buys a horror movie ft. No one
The household watches a horror movie ft. Everyone (Part 2. to ‘Shoko buys a horror movie)
Sukuna bakes a cake with Itadori ft. Everyone
Girls night out ft. The women & Y/N
The boys night out ft. The men & Y/N
Choso’s cooking ft. Itadori & Y/N
Monopoly ft. Everyone
Bamboo sticks ft. Panda & Y/N
Water balloon ft. Gojo & Y/N + Itadori Gojo’s helper
Toji has money ft. Megumi & Reader
There’s a 3 floor basement ft. Everyone
Itadori found a check ft. Gojo
The food is unseasoned ft. Chose & Gojo
Y/N is sick ft. Shoko & others
What’s in your browser ft. Everyone
Just dance ft. Everyone
There’s no milk ft. Megumi & Y/N
Hey, you can’t have three people on a bike ft. Geto, Shoko, Gojo, and Y/N
Road-trip ft. Everyone & a van
That clown statue you bought looks so real ft. Sukuna & Y/N
If you choose to make an request and not use the starter ones there are rules
Keep things appropriate
SFW, especially since Y/N has a platonic/ love-hate relationships with certain characters
Characters can flirt with Y/N in a joking manner so keep things a bit borderline
A N O N S / N O N - A N O N S
- if any of you guys have any other types of households you want to do I’ll be glad to do so just sends in the name and I’ll set it up
- To my non-anons if you would like to be tagged for when I post the next episode of JJK household let me know and I will tag you in it, if you wish to stop being tagged again let me know
- Remember you can also send submissions if you’d like, so if you have any send them in for fun or for inspiration that could help me
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authorkun · 3 years
[𝙎𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖𝙘] (005)
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"𝙉𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚."
Fushiguro stated. While still cool on the outside, internally Megumi was pleading with himself that it wasn't true. Gojo sighed. "It's starting to look like a possibility." "Why are the Elders here though?" The raven head questioned. "The council are making preparations." Masamichi stepped in. "They're already assuming the worst?!" Megumi snapped. "He's still alive! He's still-!" A hand made a stop motion.
"I think you should leave the matter with us. You and Kugisaki need rest. We'll have Shoko look at your wounds later, for now rest." Masamichi held a commanding tone, although gently said. Fushiguro hesitantly nodded before picking up his peer, and started his way towards the dorms. 'M/n is not dead right? He'll make it-.' 
Once more his train of thought was interrupted by the faint yell from the infirmary. "He's crashing! The internal hemorrhaging won't..." The rest became muffled, when the sound of a door slamming shut echoed the empty hallways. 'Please stay alive, I can't lose you too.'
900 hours. Due to prior events from the day passed; both first year student: Itadori Yuuji, and second year student: L/n M/n (also special grade Jujutsu sorcerer) of Jujutsu tech university have been pronounced dead. "I can't help to think that it was my fault." The snowy haired sorcerer chuckled bitterly. A hand was curled into his hair, as his fingers tugged at the strands. "It couldn't have been. Those incompetent fools are." Nanami reassured from across the male. 
The two were seated across from each other in an empty room. Only two couches sat idly in the center. "The fact that the council is filled to the brim of cowardly heathens, has already been established. But hey, what can we expect." Gojo sarcastically answered. "Shouldn't both of us be experts in this?" Nanami held a stoic stature. 
"We all knew what we were getting into. Death was just another thing apart of the list of risks." Kento spoke. It wasn't a lie, the two had suffered such losses and learned what the consequences truly were. 
"It was inevitable." The word itself, pissed off Gojo to no end. Inevitable. Such a pathetic word, made by mortal chains who were paranoid of life. It always made him feel small; the word reminded him of how helpless he truly was during situations like this. 
It angered him, heck, he was livid in fury. But the more he tried to refuse reality, the more times he ran into the same wall. Helplessness.
"Sukuna's host?" Shoko pointed towards the table, Itadori laid. "And...L/n." She lead the sentence on. Caressing the second-year's face, she clicked her tongue. "Anyways, I can dissect him however I want, right?" She asked referring to Itadori.
"Just make use of him." Gojo asked. "Of course I will. Who do you think you're talking too?"
"And we have direct instructions from the council for L/n. Those old farts aren't any fun. I was kind of curious of what was inside of that pretty little head of his."
With Fushiguro and Nobara
"He told us to "live long", but all your problems vanish when you you die. Was he your first comrade you've lost?" Nobara asked. Currently the two were sat on the steps of the entrance. "He was the first classmate." 
"Hmmph you seem oddly fine. After all that second-year died too." "I could say the same for you." Megumi shot back. "Well I only knew them for about two weeks. I'm not such a soft woman...that would cry over the death of people like them." The female's voice cracked, as her lip quivered.
"It's so hot though." Kugisaki complained, changing from the depressing topic. "Yeah, I wonder when we'll get our summer clothes." 
"What the hell? You're more depressing then ever.." Nobara sneered. "Megumi!" A voice interrupted. "Is this a wake?"
"Don't call me by my family name. Maki. Maki!" Maki sounded out her name. Suddenly murmuring from behind a tree caught the three's attention. "He really did die too. Yesterday too! Another boy in first-year."
A tick mark formed, as Maki started to sweat. "Say it earlier! I'll seem like a cold-heartless devil!"
Panda and Inumaki stepped out from their 'hiding' spot. "Actually that's exactly what you are, you know?!" Panda yelled back.
"Who are they?" Nobara pointed towards the three strangers. "They're out second-year senpais. Zenin-senpai, she's the best at handling charms out of us students. Inumaki-senpai is a specialist in spells. His only vocabulary is onigiri ingredients. And panda. 
There's another, Okkotsu-senpai. Along L/n-senpai, they were the only ones I could openly respect. He's overseas right now." Megumi explained. 'I wonder how Okkotsu's taking it. If he even knows yet. He and L/n-senpai were close.' "Are you just going to leave the panda's introduction at "Panda?" Kugisaki cut off Fushiguro's thoughts. "Oh sorry guys you're also still in mourning too." Panda bowed.
"We know how you must be feeling right now. We both lost L/n and Itadori. L/n was like family." Maki reassured. A small frown though lingering. "Mustard leaves-bonito flakes." 
"Through the grief though, we want you guys to attend the Kyoto sister exchange." Panda finished.
"What's that?"
With Gojo
"You know, I have a pretty shitty personality, Don't I?" Gojo asked from his slumped position. "I know." Ijichi sighed.
"I'll seriously slap you later, Ijichi." The threat caused a shiver to go down the male's spine.
"Why would someone like me, someone who doesn't have characteristics of a teacher, take a teaching job at a technical college? Ask me." "Why is that." Ijichi shookenly asked. "Because I have a dream."
"A dream you say?" Gojo leaned back in his seat.
"Yeah, as you know from what happened to M/n and Yuuji, the establishment is the den of evilness in the world of sorcery. It doesn't take much brain power to know that the council of elders are a council of fools, and idiots. 
It's a bargain sale for rotten oranges. I'll hit reset on the shithole that the world of sorcery is. I could easily kill those at the top, but they would simply be replaced, and no one would follow someone who'd kill the higher-ups. That's why I chose education. To raise strong and clever comrades. That's why sometimes I dump my missions on my students."
Ijichi gave an unimpressed look. "Not because you wanted to skip out of them?" "They're all extraordinary. Especially that third-year, Hakari and second-year, Okkotsu. They'll become shamen who could even rival me." Gojo's fist clenched as he glared at the table in front of him.
"Yuuji was one of them." Through gritted teeth,  his glare downcasted. "M/n...was the only one who could surpass me."  
"I'm going to start now." Shoko pulled on a pair of rubber gloves. Ijichi started shaking in fear as he pointed behind the female. "Huh, what's wrong." "G-G-Gojo." An amused smirk formed as he saw behind her. Itadori was sitting up with a mildly confused expression. 
"Woah, where's my clothes?!" Itadori exclaimed glancing downwards. "H-H-He H-H-He's a-a-alive!" 
"Don't be so noisy Ijichi."
Shoko pulled her mask down a disappointing look sent to Itadori. "That's a shame." 
An awkward silence befell. "Ummm this is embarrassing." The pink head nervously scratched his neck. 
"Welcome back." Gojo placed his hand out. "Yo! I'm back!" Itadori slapped the outstretched hand. "Good to see you're alive." "It's good to be back. Can I get some clothes though?" Gojo and Shoko nodded at each other before heading out of the room. "We'll be back."
When the two left, Itadori started grabbing the garments from a bag. While changing, his eyes caught an oddly familiar tuft of  (h/c) colored hair from next to him. 'That's impossible.' Tugging his shirt on, he inspected further. Pushing back the cloth covering the body, Yuuji's eyes widened in realization. 'No!' "I-Ijichi w-who's this?" He asked pointing towards the male. "That's L/n. He was a second-year here." 
From the confirmation of his identity, a feeling of grief and sadness started to form at the pit of his stomach. Tracing along the scars that littered his neck. A worried frown formed. 'What happened to you?' 
Although, inside him, where Sukuna sat, the king of curse's 'throne' stood empty. Sukuna watched in horror as Itadori had pulled the sheet back. Something continued to eat away at him. He couldn't die again right? He just saw him again. He never told him of the past. 
The same sick feeling filled Sukuna as felt as though he was going to puke. "Not again!" His anguish screams filled the domain, as he threw, and broke numerous skulls that had made up the pile.
"Not again please." Sukuna faintly pleaded, as his kimono and hair dripped with water. Back on the outside Itadori had clenched his nails into his fist. Small droplets of blood seeped from his grasp.
"Why'd you have to go and die already?"
The coldness was the first thing I felt when I woke up. While the breeze was soft, the coldness of it all was unforgiving. It was all to familiar though. That day... 
It hurts. Stop.
"Your whole clan is pathetic~"
Stop please. It hurts.
"What are you going to do? You're too weak."
A pain filled scream echoed throughout the darkness, one I could only assume as my own. "What do you want? Please stop!"
"You killed us! It's your fault!" 
The voices bounced off the walls from every angle. "What do you want from me?" I cried out. 
The echoing voices seem to pause. Silence. A singular figure started to emerge from the snowy ground.
"You're not real. You died 10 years ago." My feet moved, as I started backpedaling. The figure, a woman. A yellow kimono dressed her body. Long (h/c) hair framing her chest, and face. (E/c) orbs which seemed so foreign. "I'm here my love. You're here with me." She reached out a palm towards my face, the only reaction was a flinch which was returned.
"It's me n/n. I'm back." Her soft tone felt deceiving as she stuck out her arms towards me. "It's been so long." Shaking my head, I refused to accept. "You're dead, stop this. Please." Fingers started to tug and pull the messy strands of hair. 
"M/n, please." Warmth filled my core, as I was pulled into an embrace. My legs wobbled as we both fell to the floor. Sobs started racking my form as the woman, I've only known as my mother held me in her arms. "M-Mom? Why'd you leave me? I-I'm s-sorry, I was t-too weak-!" 
"Hey, shhhh...It's okay. You did everything you could. It's not your fault at all sweety." Coming face to face with her, her thumbs wiped my eyes. "You're the strongest person I know M/n."
"Y-You left though! Y-You l-left and I d-d.." Words started getting choked up as a lump formed in my throat. "And that's one of the biggest burdens and regrets I have to carry." She spoke calmly pushing back a strand of hair. 
"You've done so many good things and helped people in need. I've been with you ever since I passed. To think, my own son was such charmer though." She quirked a brow teasingly in hopes of lifting the mood. A small chuckle escaped. "I missed you." A bittersweet sigh left her parted lips before a smile graced her features. 
"As have I." A comforting silence filled the void as we sat in each other's embrace. "M/n, although I despise it with all of my heart, you can't stay." Eyes widened, I pushed her body back.
"What do you mean? I just got here?" A frantic expression slowly forming. 
"I just got you back! You can't leave!" She once more stuck out her hand stroking my cheek. "M/n, you are the strongest person I've known my entire life. You've saved hundreds if not thousands. And you have people who love you back there! If you stay, you'll break their hearts." A shaky breath left, as tears started to fall again. 
"I know. I'm so selfish! But I can't find the heart to see you leave again."  Pushing my head into the crook of her neck. "You have too. You still have so many first's you have to fill though. Get married, live your life. It's not your time yet. I'll be with you every step of the way." She smiled, kissing my forehead. 
"I love you M/n." 
"I love you too." Her figure started to fade into small cherry blossoms. "It's time to wake up M/n~" With that, she disappeared entirely. A bittersweet smile managed to appear. Collapsing into the snow, I let the coldness finally envelope me as my eyes shut closed.
'It's time to wake up.'
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naoyas90dayfiance · 3 years
In which reality TV shows could the JJK characters be in?
Warning: this is canon, gege told me.
Characters: all I think
Author's note: this is messy.
Naoya Zenin: 90 day fiance.
• Naoya is reality TV gold.
•He's going to ask his "s/o" to walk three steps behind him on international TV.
•His s/o is an actress he hired because he wanted to be on TV and show how superior the Zenin clan is.
•Appears on every spin off.
•Eventually is the new face of Sister Wives.
Gojo Satoru: Love after Lockup
• In real life this man has been to prison CHANGE MY MIND.
• He spent his teenage years in prison for plotting and succeding on stealing money from big banks worldwide.
• Has been to Alcatraz twice.
• Ofc he got a s/o while being in prison. He put on his photo online and people went WILD.
• When he got out he met up with his s/o, acted all nice, charming and cute.
• Fan favorite because he's so wholesome and people wonder why he is on the show. He seems like a regular or even above average guy.
•In the final episode he disappeared and his s/o got swatted. The reason was that Satoru actually stole info and money from the Pentagon using his s/o's IP address.
• Satoru is on the run, please contact authorities if seen.
Geto Suguru: Love after Lockup
• It's canon basically, but i will explain for u.
• Terrorism. Mass murder. And a DIU for good measure.
• Sentence longer and thicker than his D- hair.
• Alpha male in Alcatraz.
• He's not allowed to leave the prison. You two only exchange letters.
• Add hearts when he signs his letters.
• Man so alpha he sends YOU money.
• You two got married somehow.
• Has a tatto on his lip (that says Satoru).
Fushiguro Toji: Gypsy Sisters
• yes, he's the main star.
• He likes the job. He beats up the crap out of his brothers, his uncles, his little cousins, his servants, other clans and even Satoru when he crossed paths with him.
• If you tune TLC at 2AM on Saturdays you can see the episode where he beats the shit out of Naoya.
• His show gets 12 seasons and it's still on-going.
• Sometimes you can see Megumi in the background chilling with his phone.
• Idk why but he got into a fist fight with Yuuji. Sukuna had to step in. The twins got beaten and sent to the hospital.
Mei Mei: Owner
• Owns TLC.
Shoko Ieri: My Strange Addiction
• She collects Furbies.
• One looks very much like Satoru.
• She's on the FBI Suspect list.
• She might have helped Satoru, idk, i'm not a snitch.
Nanami Kento: Beat Bobby Flay
• The challenge was to make the best sanwhich.
• He didn't beat Bobby Flay.
• Also on FBI Suspect list.
• They think he helped Gojo rob the Pentagon.
• he did.
• shhh.
Fushiguro Megumi: Ghosted
• He ghosted Yuuji.
• But Yuuji wants to know why.
• In the reunion, Megumi tells Yuuji he ghosted him because he was snapchatting him too much
• They ended up together again.
• Barely speaks. Doesn't want to be there. Still think the extra cash is nice but he's now worried he might not get a job because he humillated himself publicly.
Yuuji Itadori: Ninja Warrior.
• He won.
Ryomen Sukuna: Catfish.
• He used Uraume's photos.
• He catfished Ijichi.
• He got money from Ijichi.
• He got gifts from Ijichi.
• He got money from Jogo.
• He got gifts from Jogo.
• Nev and Max first thought it was Hanami who was doing the catfish.
• Never got caught.
Kugasaki Nobara: 90 day fiance.
• She met someone overseas.
• Only interested in tourism and doesn't plan to follow through the 90 days.
• Only there for IG followers.
• She's already dating Maki behind the scenes.
• High key the cutest participant on the show ever
Zenin Maki: Ninja Warrior
• She won c:
Panda: NatGeo's Wild Life.
• I saw him there last week.
Inumaki Toge: The Bachelorette.
• He pranks everybody.
• The lady thinks he's the sweetest and funniest.
• The dudes hate him.
• He doesn't get the final rose.
• He gets a bunch of attention after the show and becomes more famous than the lady.
• fuck her. Now he's rich.
Aoi Todou: My Strange Addiction.
• For collecting way too much of Takada-chan's merch.
• He needed another HOUSE to fix so much sh1t.
Kamo Noritoshi, Choso, Miwa, Momo: an educational channel for kids.
• They have an educational channel together.
• Noritoshi hosts a show teaching about science.
• Choso's show is about values and the importance of family and friendship.
• Miwa has numerous shorts about physical education.
• Momo has a show about crafting.
• Comfort channel c':
Mai Zenin: Married by Mom and Dad.
• They stepped in so Naoya won't take her as a wife xd.
• They married her to a wealthy man overseas.
• Proceeds to become part of Housewives of Beverly Hills.
• Living her best life.
Yoshino Junpei: True Crime Show Host.
• He enjoys to report the weird shit that happened to his bullies afterwards.
• Good for him. Good for him.
Mahito: Investigation Discovery Special
• They made a whole 4 hour documentary about this bitch.
Okkotsu Yuuta: Love after Lockup
•He's dating Rika.
• She was convicting for 10 accounts of first degree murder, vandalism, armed robbery, selling illegal substances, exotic animal trafficking, and car theft.
• He says she's the love of his life.
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A lot of people are theorizing that Gojo might die in the manga or lose his eyes, and honestly, I thought so as well!
However, Gege had made it very clear in the manga that without Gojo, the world wouldn't be able to keep up with the rising strength and number of cursed spirits. Currently, there's only 2 jujutsu schools in Japan and not even 30 students. There's only 4 special grade sorcerers, now 3 without Geto, Yuki has her own agenda, and without Gojo, that just leaves Yuta to take on special grade curses.
The students are strong themselves, but they weren't even able to defeat Jogo or the octopus guy, let alone Mahito (who has since evolved) and Hanami (Gege implied in an interview that he would reveal Hanami's domain expansion later, which made fans go "wait, he's not dead?" Although, Gege might have chosen to forget about it this, but we shall see). Gojo himself was nearly defeated by Toji in his teen years due to Toji's intellect. Therefore, the students are going to have an incredibly tough time defeating the "brain" that has the intellect of a being who has survived for hundreds of years (over 150 years at least, since that's when Kamo Noritoshi had helped create the Cursed Wombs).
Even if they do find a way to defeat it themselves, they'd need help (let's also remember Choso almost killed Yuji, and Naoya almost beat Choso. The struggle is very real, especially since cursed spirits aren't the only enemy but politics are working against them, as well). The Gojo clan itself is only a one man team of just Gojo, and in the Shibuya arc Gege cemented the fact pretty clearly that if anything ever happened to Gojo, the world would pretty much be lead into an apocalyptic state or become overrun with curses- and that's exactly what's happening within the manga now. Because of Gojo's birth, cursed spirits were forced to become stronger, and the new age of curses won't even be able to be classified as only "Special Grade." Even right now, without Gojo, the Jujutsu sorcerers are struggling to keep curses at bay even in one city, let alone the whole country.
Even without the world's current trip to destruction, there's the matter of Yaga's execution. Who else, other than Gojo, is going to be able to stop this? Gojo is the only one who was able to convince the higher ups to at least stall executions. His students are still just that- students. In order to stop the higher ups' corrupt politics, Gojo, with his knowledge of jujutsu society and his silver tongue, is the one who has to intervene. Although it's possible, I wouldn't think that the students themselves would end up replacing the higher ups- if strength was all that mattered, Gojo would have taken over Jujutsu Society a long time ago. However, politics are not that simple, and I doubt Utahime, Shoko, or anyone else associated with Gojo is going to replace them anytime soon- not with Yaga on the chopping block as a supposed "traitor" for his affiliation with Gojo.
If the story is going to end with reformation of Jujutsu Society, an adult will have to take over the higher ups' places (unfortunately, Nanami, the adult of adults, cannot do so). Therefore, Gojo will have to lead, just as he dreamt of, with his "army" of strong students, his followers. Jujutsu Society needs someone with the intellect and persuasiveness Gojo has in order for change to occur- Gojo was able to convince the higher ups for many things, after all. He has the charisma to lead future Jujutsu sorcerers and teach them well. This is the role he has worked for all these years, after all. It would only make sense for Gojo to take over. Having Gojo die and the students kill the higher ups would be counterintuitive- Gojo could've done that years ago.
Gege also said that the one to tell Megumi about Toji has to be Gojo in an interview, so Gojo is definitely getting out of the box eventually to have that talk with him. However, I don't think Gege is going to kill him off afterwards- just Gojo being sealed is already putting the world into danger. The world needs Gojo's ability in order to get rid of all the curses quickly. If Sukuna ends up killing Gojo for whatever reason, I don't think having a Yuji/Sukuna combination will help the world because there will definitely be a power struggle between them (even if Yuji can withstand 15 finger Sukuna, 20 finger Sukuna is a whole other level, that's the complete manifestation of the King of Curses from a thousand years ago in a 15 year old's body! Even if Yuji is a special grade cursed womb, power doesn't win battles. He'll need willpower, trust, and wit. He's only just decided to kill Mahito, he's got a lot more to learn. There's also the matter of the 1 minute pact between them and what Sukuna will do to Fushiguro). Without Gojo, Yuta might end up having to kill Yuji/Sukuna in order to stop Sukuna from killing people (Yuta's ability to copy techniques will likely help), but losing Gojo AND Yuji will be very harsh on the world's state, leaving only Yuta to defend it and whatever crippled version of Megumi will appear after Sukuna's done with him (and the story. Yuji's development will go to waste if he's just killed by Yuta and then we'll have to see how Yuta plans to continue Gojo's dream of changing Jujutsu Society. Will Yuta become a teacher to create strong sorcerers like Gojo did? Will the world even still exist by that time? Killing the King of Curses won't change the world like Gojo dreamt. In fact, the story might just repeat itself with Yuta becoming a teacher instead). Still, if anyone had to kill Yuji, it should be Gojo, but if Gojo is to be the one that ends up killing Yuji to kill Sukuna, no one else will be capable of killing Gojo. Therefore, Gojo likely won't die.
Either way, I feel like it would be strange to kill off both Yuji and Gojo.
Gege also said that the "brain" can't control Gojo either, because it would be impossible for the brain to kill him. If the brain wanted Gojo's body after Sukuna possibly killed Gojo, I doubt it would be able to control him anyways because Sukuna would have sliced him to pieces. Gege also said there wouldn't be any point in the brain controlling Gojo's body, so Gojo dying for the brain's purposes wouldn't happen, as Gege said himself.
Therefore, I just don't see any good outcome from Gojo's death besides angst or even character development? What other reason is there for Gojo to die? Yuji already lost Nanami and thought Nobara died, giving him the character development needed for him to choose to kill Mahito. The world will also probably crumble if Gojo doesn't appear out of the box soon. Just him being sealed was enough for the Hunger Games: Jujutsu Sorcerer Edition to come out, so Gojo permanently disappearing (i.e. dying) pretty much means the world's gonna end 🤷 After all, if the spirits were gonna start a revolution, they could've done it ages ago, but they didn't because of Gojo. Gojo's very presence, even as a child, is what kept them in line all these years. Just one look at his eyes, even though he was only a child, had that old woman and old man looking cursed spirits sweating. Once Gojo appears again, many spirits will go back into hiding, even if not all. Therefore, his very presence would be a great help in restoring order in the world again. That makes Gojo coming back more useful than his death.
As for losing his eyes, it's possible but again, other than angst I don't see a reason for it. Gege also said that having Gojo be the Strongest is to show how strong Yuji's going to be in the future, so handicapping Gojo would be counterproductive.
Therefore, I doubt Gojo's going to die or lose his eyes in the story. There's just no reason for it, unless Gege intends to keep the world in an apocalyptic state at the end, kill off everyone except maybe one person, and have a new cast of sorcerers appear. Otherwise, Gojo's the only one who can reverse the world back to its original state, or close to it, at least within a few days, weeks, or months rather than years with his ability to exorcise spirits on a grand scale. Gojo might end up losing a few screws in his head, but other than that, I'm sure he'll be (physically) fine. I would imagine that Gege would want to loop back to Gojo's dream of changing society. In that case, who other than Gojo could lead? His students are still children. They're not as versed in dealing with the higher ups as he is. If the moral of the story is that such a thing is impossible, what bigger angst is there than to have Gojo live on as the Strongest as everyone he loves dies?
Of course, there was this one interview where Gege said his plan for the ending of Jujutsu Kaisen was that (of the 1st years and Gojo) to keep everyone alive except one person, or everyone dies except one person. In the former, it would easily have to be Yuji who ends up dying while everyone else lives since he's the one who's supposed to be executed from the very beginning. In the latter, as I said, Gojo being the only one left alive while everyone dies could happen just to show the burden and loneliness that comes with being the Strongest- just to show the difference in universes him and the others are living in (however, I will say that this outcome would be unlikely because Gojo's world will only reset to the day Geto had betrayed him. He would start from scratch, raising a new group of students, and then the story would repeat itself in a training montage. In a writing perspective, this ending would only occur if the author forgoes everything just to make you cry, that's it. It would work, but it would ruin the complexities of the story to reset everything by killing everyone for a new set of characters. Reminds me of the Walking Dead by TellTale games. Too many deaths and too many new people with only one of the original cast left. Pretty bad writing, that was).
Either way, if Gege is being serious in what he said about the ending of JJK and having all die except one or vice versa, Gojo is likely to survive either outcome.
However, if it does happen that Gojo dies while his students live, there's the matter of keeping Sukuna at bay and previous reasons stated above.
The only way I could see Gojo dying is if Yuji ends up surpassing Gojo enough so that he's no longer needed to keep balance in the world. Or, as Gege had described in why he killed Nanami (his favorite character, might I add), if Gojo no longer has any use in the story. In that case, Gojo would die, or it'd be alright for him to die because Yuji would take his place. Still, it's doubtful Gojo would become a character that's no longer needed when the world is hardly able to function without him.
If we're talking about Gojo's usefulness in the story being what determines whether he lives or dies, I'd say even if Yuji surpasses Gojo, Gojo would still remain useful- in politics, at least. Let's remember that without Gojo, the beginning of change in Jujutsu Society would not have happened. Yuta would've been executed, as would Yuji, Megumi would be in the Zenin clan, Maki would've never been recommended for 1st grade without Gojo paying off Mei Mei, Nanami might've not come back (Nanami said he hates the way the higher ups do things, but he trusts and has faith in Gojo even if he doesn't respect him). There are so many things that Gojo has done throughout the story, and if Gojo hadn't done one thing- if he let Yuta die, for example, or kept Megumi in the Zenin clan, the story would've been drastically different.
In other words, even if Gojo's physical abilites are somehow gone, Gojo's mouth still has plenty of uses. If the guy can talk his way out of his students' execution, he can likely talk his way out of his own, or at least Yaga's. Gojo's got a lot more uses than just exorcising curses, after all. As long as Gojo has use in the story, I'd think it's safe to say he'll survive. Hell, Gege might even keep him around just to hate on him some more. Though, the reality is that Gojo basically wrote Jujutsu Kaisen with how his actions created the ripple effect into what we have now- another parallel between the author and Gojo, since it's been said that Gojo has a lot of similarities to Gege (Could Gojo be Gege's self insert? 😳 Even their names are similar!)
Also, Gojo had planned ahead enough for Yuta to become a double agent and trick the higher ups into thinking he'd killed Yuji. It's likely he has more up his sleeve than that and is sitting in the prison realm waiting for other traps he had set to go off.
Here's the Q&A translation where Gege said the brain can't kill Gojo:
Other Q&As I've read are from Shiro, JJK Fanbook, and Ducky on Twitter and JujutsuFact on Insta, etc
- 🤔 (Sorry if this one seems a bit rushed or hard to read! I'd have to reread the Shibuya arc to explain more in depth but the pain is just 😭 I'm going off of my thoughts while I was reading this awhile ago cause I got told Gojo might die in that arc and I remember thinking all these things to myself to convince myself he won't die and wanted to share!)
WOW JUST WOW now I've learned more from this post than all of my classes combined. I never knew about some of those things. That's very interesting 🤔 anon! Mann just reading this I'm literally trying to picture how the manga will go...and yes gojo ain't dying no if someone says he is imma slap them with this post. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN OH GREAT 🤔 ANON. We really appreciate all the research you do and I absolutely love reading them!! ❤❤❤ I LOVE YOU
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A Cursed Reality- JJk x Male Reader (Ch.6)
I love you all. But I refuse to proofread this. I hope it isn’t horrible. If it is I can promise the next one won’t be. This is kind of long but kind of short and has parts taken directly from the manga but I also switch it up here and there.
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“[Name] i’m worried about you” 
"Because you were hysterical over yuji's body and now you're just fine"
"My cursed technique doesn't fail. It just...doesn't. I’m Fine. Yuji's fine. i'm just waiting for him to wake up"
Megumi looked at him concerned before turning and looking at Kugisaki. They recalled how gojo described [Name] when he'd been sent out on a mission with inumaki 
"He's my best student. A little unhinged but he means well. Do Not get on his bad side. if he learns how to fully use his cursed technique [Name] has a shot at dethroning me as the strongest"
They looked at him in disbelief. sure [Name] was strong. Strong enough to not fear Sukuna but they couldn't believe he'd be stronger than Gojo. That was god-like power and it didn't make sense for someone like [Name] who fights over cheez-its and dislikes people because they "felt wrong" to be in the running for the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. One of the strongest... maybe.
"Well..." Gojo interrupted their thought "That won't happen anytime soon" He gave a closed eye smile to reassure the first years. If they'd known him a little better they'd know he was lying. [Name]'s power relied on emotions. And with him increasingly getting attached to people like Nanami, Gojo and the first years—and Inumaki of course, he grew stronger and more out of control. To avoid a repeat of what'd happen a couple years ago, They'd begun honing [Name]'s skill within Gojo's infinity. It was the only way to release such a massive amount of cursed energy undetected. 
[Name]'s dislike towards the higher ups would only prove a threat if he grew more powerful. Gojo was raised in the world of jujutsu, primed to be a shaman. [Name] became a shaman because of a terrible accident. Someone raised outside of their society with no desire to follow their hierarchy is a threat. He would be like Geto Suguru but worse. Especially since he had an attachment to the vessel of Sukuna.
"I hope [Name]-san will be okay"
"He'll get over it. by the way when did you switch to calling him [Name]-san Fushiguro?"
"He's been asking me to stop calling him senpai for a while now. But seeing him like that over Yuji's body. It really humanized him. He's only just 17 years old"
"[Name] honey"
"Oh wow first name okay. how about we take a break and come back after Shoko examines the body"
"No i'm gonna be here when he wakes up"
Gojo gently pat [Name]'s head, leaving his hand to rest before walking closer to Ijichi who was shocked by the scene between the two.It was obvious to anyone that [Name] and Gojo were close, Gojo being the only one who could give [Name] orders without any pushback and [Name] being the only person since Geto who could truly make Gojo soft. What was more shocking was the state [Name] was in. Since he'd arrived in Tokyo they'd only seen the colder more composed aspect of him. 
"Why are you placating him Gojo?You’re letting him sit there and believe his friend will just rise from the dead?"
"He needs this. He needs to grieve and if I tried to stop him he could simply tell me to go die and then what would I do?" (Probably not die you idiot. fight back)
Ijichi went silent after that remembering exactly how petty [Name] got when he was upset. He could and most certainly would tell someone to go and die. or fall in a ditch. The get lost one was a real nuisance.
Shoko looked at Ijichi’s face and realized it wasn’t worth arguing. It wasn’t her turn to say anything, she’d let the rest of their conversation play out before she makes her dramatic entrance. She could only hope they wouldn’t make too much of a fuss as she was getting anxious to dissect the vessel’s body.
“It was intentional wasn’t it”
“What do you mean?” Ijichi asked, his heart thumping audibly. This piqued [Name]’s interest too, but like Shoko he’d let the scene play out a little before speaking up. He wanted to wait until his two cents would help make a dollar. 
“The enemy was special grade. Five rescue targets who weren’t even confirmed alive. There’s no way I’d send in first-years for that.” Gojo Answered “I had to pull some strings to get a stay of execution for Itadori. Those crusty ass higher ups used a special grade to get rid of him in my absence. If the other two had died that would’ve been icing on the cake right”
“But when the mission was planned… there was no indication of special grade” Ijichi nervously choked out. Gojo’s bloodlust was overwhelming and kind of scary. He’d much prefer if [Name] ordered him to get lost
“What they didn’t count on was [Name] seeing through their plans. He’s a genius, my student. It would be a pain trying to find the culprit so maybe I should just kill them all”
“You’re being emotional for once. You really had a soft spot for him, huh?” Shoko spoke as she made her entrance
“Sure, I’m a nice guy who looks out for his students.”
Nice guy. Shoko almost scoffed “Don’t pick on Ijichi too much He’s caught in the middle between us and the higher ups”
“Besides” [Name] spoke up “It’d really get on their nerves when they learned the plan failed. Especially because of me. They should suffer a little before they die, no?”
Shoko gave [Name] a quick glance before continuing, from the corner of her eye she could see Gojo smiling at the second year. He must have a couple more soft spots than she realized. “So.. this is Sukuna’s vessel. I can dissect him anyway I want”
“You better make it worth it”
“I will who do you think I am”
“Sorry puppy, endure it a little. We can get our revenge when you wake up” [Name] whispered
“What use is he dead?” Nobara asked with her chin on her hand “[Name] might be having some monumental breakdown but at least he’s still strong… and alive” she paused for a second. “Hey is this the first time a friend of yours has died?
“A classmate yeah”
“Really? You seem fine”
“Look who’s talking”
“Of course. I’ve only known him for two weeks. I’m not the kind of girl who cries over a guy like that” 
Fushiguro noticed her lip quivering and chose not to say anything as she pulled herself together.
“Man it’s hot”
“Yeah I wonder when we’ll get our summer uniforms.”
“Sheesh. You’re more moody than usual Megumi. What is this a funeral?”
“Zen’in senpai”
“Don’t you dare call me by my last-”
“Maki! Maki!” Panda called “He really did die. It happened yesterday. A first-year boy”
“Fish flakes”
“You ARE A LITTLE LATE. Now I look like a cold hearted demon”
“Well you pretty much are” 
“Tuna Mayo”
“Who are these people?” Nobara asked Fushiguro. He introduced her to the second years. Panda, Maki and the infamous Toge Inumaki”
“Ahh so this is [Name]’s boyfriend”
“HAH!” Maki laughed “The two of them are close but I think i’d prefer Inumaki with Okkotsu”
Megumi tilted his head at the suggestion “Okkotsu senpai isn’t here but he’s the only one I can sincerely respect. He’s abroad right now”
Nobara paid very little attention to whatever Fushiguro was saying caught up in Panda’s… pandaness.The only thing that truly broke her out of her curiosity was the mentioning of a goodwill event. Considering it was less of a charity event and more like a battle royale it was right up Nobara’s alley. 
“You’re in right?” Maki egged on “Do it for your fallen friend”
“We’re in” Kugisaki and Fushiguro chorused
“But if I think both the training and the goodwill event are pointless. I’m out”
“Same here” Megumi agreed  
“Heh. it should be fun putting you guys in your place”
“Fish flakes” 
“Inumaki senpai.” Megumi looked away, finding the distance much more appealing “He’s not alright. But he will be.”
“Salmon” Inumaki knew [Name] would be alright. This was THE [Name] [L.Name]. He was the main character. When the MC disappears, they just come back stronger.
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aliteama · 3 years
Pranking Hc's with Gojo, Nobara & Itadori? BTW congrats on 100 followers! :D
S/O pulling pranks with them
♡ A/N: Hello Anony!! For this one I wanted to make it longer than the event stuff so I just tagged it differently and switched up the layout ٩(•ᵕ•)
Gojo Satoru
♡ His number one victim is Nanami and throwing you into the mix makes the poor man never want to step on campus again, you guys would do things like switch out all the drinks in the vending machine to something he doesn’t like or sneak into his office and trap all his supplies in jell-o.
♡ The worst thing the two of you have done is flip Yagas office upside down when you guys were students, you both got detention for months but it was worth it to see his desk hanging from the ceiling.
♡ Gojo probably did little things like swapping out Geto and Shokos cigarettes for those realistic candy ones while you distracted them.
♡ Just because your his accomplice it doesn’t mean you get a pass, his favorite thing to do is wrap the doorway in plastic wrap at the crack of dawn so when your morning mind is all foggy you run into the blocked off entrance and get stuck.
♡ You once tried to retaliate and move his bed onto a lake while he was sleeping but he just ended up floating around for a bit and used it as an excuse to get out off work.
♡ Warm water heated your shaking bones, soap lathering your body in a mess of suds and bubbles to clean the grime that stuck to your skin from training. Reaching over to pick up the labeled bottle of shampoo you let a generous glob fall into your palms and that ran through your hair. With closed eyes you rinsed off tangled strands, red water pooling around your feet and dripping down your body. Eyes snapped open to crimson stained hands, mouth dropping as a scream escaped your lips. 
“Are you ok?!” slamming the door open Gojo peeled the curtain back and let out a loud obnoxious laugh at your fearful expression, “Oops.. that was meant for Shoko” 
Smacking a wet hand to his chest the water seeped through his uniform and a red hand print was left behind. Reaching back to grab the shampoo bottle you tugged at his damp uniform collar and let the soap stain his white hair that now bled red.
“Warn me next time period head!”
Nobara Kugisaki
♡ Never thinks her pranks through, she picks someone who looks like they could use a joke pulled on them then goes with the funniest thing she can come with, just silly things like tying together all the laces of their shoes or putting an airhorn under their seat.
♡ Loves to do that thing where you flip a cup filled with water over so the next person to walk by has to try to lift it without making a mess, her favorite person to do this to is Itadori because he always struggles to move the cup.
♡ Likes to take the gum out of the wrapper and put wasabi instead and she’ll just sit there and watch you chew on it until the burn kicks in but if you ever try to do it to her she just feels so betrayed.
♡ The worst prank she's done is freeze mentos in an ice tray and forget about it so when you decided to put ice in your soda her warning was too late, not allowed to go into the freezer without supervision anymore.
♡ Swinging a key around her finger you watched Nobara grip the doors handle before turning to you with a grimace, “Ok so here’s the thing. I don’t really know how to drive so this is a first time experience” with a nervous hand she swung the door open and seated herself in the drivers seat.
Making your way around to the passengers side you watched her grip the wheel and put the key in the ignition before bringing the engine to life, “If you crash I’m out of here” throwing a glare your way Nobara inched the car forwards, your head jerking every time her foot came off the gas.
Insisting she pull a prank on her childish teacher Nobara roped you along with her antics, driving his beloved car away from the school lot and taking it to a complex lot down the way. You knew it was a bad idea and the two of you would get in trouble but the excited gleam in her eyes when she had successfully snatched his car key had you rushing down the halls with her. Slowly but surely she had managed to move the car unscathed into a deserted lot with a proud smile on her face. 
Too bad the two of you hadn’t realized that your dear Sensei had been holding onto Iijichi’s keys the whole time.
Itadori Yuji
♡ Every three weeks he declares prank wars on everyone and goes full out, says no teaming yet he’s always outside your door with puppy eyes and toilet paper rolls in his hands.
♡ Bought one of those fake spill plastics and puts it on Fushiguros papers whenever he leaves the room and Fushiguro does not find it amusing in the slightest, he’s so used to it by now that when water actually does spill he’s shocked to see its real.
♡ He has no limit, replaces toothpaste with mayonnaise, switches salt with sugar, makes the onions look like apples, puts poppers under the toilet seat, Itadoris a menace.
♡ Adding onto the salt and sugar thing he actually thinks its the funniest thing in the world when the lid is loose and salt spills all over your food, but when he sees your not laughing he feels bad and offers to replace your food.
♡ Likes to do cute little pranks too though like he’ll put confetti filled balloons in your room and cover the walls in sticky notes that have positive affirmations on them.
♡ Stepping into the bathroom to wash away the paint on your arms from Itadoris suprise color bombs you scrubbed furiously with the bar of soap that would not lather up, groaning in frustration you realized he had covered all the soap bars with nail polish. Settling for the soap dispenser which was luckily untouched you dried your hands before stepping out into the hallway, looking down the corridors to make sure you were out of your boyfriends vision. 
Rushing into your room to avoid this weeks prank wars you were shocked to see he had attacked your room already, googly eyes placed on all your belongings and pillows arranged on your bed to make it look like someone was under the blanket.
“Yuji I swear if you jump scare me” quickly ripping the sheet off the bed you let out an anxious breath to see it really was just pillows.
A loud shriek sounded as Itadori grabbed onto your ankles from under the bed, a teasing grin on his face as he shimmied out and stood at full height, his clothes colored in paint and hair decorated with globs of glitter.
“I technically didn’t jump scare you” sticking his tongue out Itadori smashed an egg against your head, ribbons and sparkles making a mess all over your head and falling onto the floor.
But at least it wasn’t an actual egg like last time.
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