#shortform writing
demihualian · 1 year
I like writing very short ficlets (occasionally as short as 3 sentences/~50 words), but I haven't written one in a while. I'd like to get back to them!
But I'm wondering if my current method of archiving them on AO3 is the best option for readers. Currently, I have three chaptered works in a series - one for SFW, one for NSFW, and one for genderbend (all for a specific ship) - and I add several ficlets at a time, one per chapter. Here, if you'd like to see: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2852857
I wonder if it would be better to post each ficlet as its own work in a series, even though they're very short. That way, I could tag them per-ficlet, and I could accurately mark the works as "completed". And now that the muting feature is in place, I could make a pseud specifically for short ficlets that people could easily mute. "I'm worried that I'll annoy people" was my main reason for not doing this in the first place.
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thicc-astronaut · 2 years
Russian Mob Boss: “Looks your anthropomorphic sausage girlfriend won’t be able to save you this time”
*gunshots, Russian Mob boss falls dead* *door swings open to show the silhouette of a single regular-sized hot dog standing up holding a hunting rifle*
Me: “Francine Furter! You came back for me!”
*hot dog steps closer and comes into the light of the room, showing it to be an ordinary hot dog with no distinguishing physical features*
Me: “Oh my god, you’re not Francine! You’re that evil assassin, Killbasa!”
*sausuge turns its gun to aim at me*
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theminisonproject · 2 years
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It was the way the tree's roots snuck out of the ground at irregular intervals... 
by Kristin Kozlowski, pg. 28
Check out the TMP Magazine archives to read more like this from issue 1! 
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shalomniscient · 2 months
as a member of the cloud knights, feixiao has always had a habit of waking up early. a soldier always has things to do, and it’s best to get a head start before the rest of the world stirs. the artificial sun of the yaoqing sends delicate, rosy trails of light through the window, like a fisherman casting his net—and catching not only her, but you as well, cuddled into her side as you are.
her hand strokes idly up your arm as she lays there for a while, watching you sleep against her. there’s a peaceful look on your face, the kind that makes her just want to stay in this bed next to you forever, or wish that the sun would never rise, so that this moment would last for the rest of her shortened lifespan.
she offers you a smile when you finally stir, her calloused fingers toying with your hair. “mornin’,” she rasps, leaning down to brush her nose against yours. you manage a soft, muffled sound in response, eyes only half-open. your head tilts and your lips brush hers, the most chaste of kisses, and she feels her heart beat like a war drum in her chest.
“morning,” you mumble into her mouth, before resting your head on her shoulder, still teetering on the edge of wakefulness and sleep. a soft ‘love you’ slips from your lips unbidden, almost indecipherable were it not for feixiao’s foxian ears. the rings on her left ear tinkle as it twitches, her expression turning achingly fond as she presses her lips to your temple.
feixiao is known by many titles—the merlin’s claw or the great general, to name a few—but her favoured one has always been the one she gave herself: the lacking general, for she lacks in rivals, regrets and worries. and now, as she looks at you in her arms, relaxed and content, with the morning sunlight kissing your skin, she knows she will never lack for love, either.
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paintpanic · 6 months
(original video)
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hayatheauthor · 1 month
one thing i will never not find funny is writers using the most delectable mind-numbing prose and word choices in their writing just to rely on basic vocabulary in their day-to-day life.
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so-very-small · 8 months
me: I keep hearing this ringing noise in my ear, is it tinnitus?
the doctor, looking in my ear: no, it appears you have tinyitus
the tiny man in my ear: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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asciidot · 7 months
"cyberpunk" city that's conscious and in love with you
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ioniansunsets · 6 months
Can I request “💖- have you ever been in love?” With Hwei, please?
(also, feel free to ignore this one, I already sent one for Hwei yesterday 🥹)
Once. It wasn’t typical love of a person, no. For Hwei it was one summer, the first time he really painted. The same time he scared all his superiors back in Koyehn. It was the summer he first truly felt himself when he picked up the brush, the first time his magic really interwove itself in his paintings. Overwhelming love. The way he watched and continue watching all the paint on the canvas intertwine and move, how the scenes played out on and then off the canvas. Overflowing love, the same emotions being put into the piece that at the same time overflowed off the canvas into the room and out the halls almost killing the people around him. Hwei was so enamoured with his work he didn’t even notice what was going on around him, all he could see was his brush and his work. The way his heart thrummed away as he kept painting and painting. If you asked he would tell you. His Pure Art was his first love and first heartbreak at the same time. Ever since then he never really felt the same kind of passionate, uninhibited passionate love.
At least until he saw you, then maybe, that romantic love that was so overwhelming it made him relive those summer memories so vividly it was like he never left his studio back then. Hwei loved love, be it for his magical art, or for the you that reminded him of it.
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mattsdae · 1 year
Thoughts of mean dom! Matt are the only thing keeping me going nowadays
ok but mean dom!matt is lowkey my baby cuz that was my first fic to really pop off and it’s still my most popular post
BUT even though i’ve attempted a part two multiple times, i kinda realized i don’t want to do an actual part two, but i love making up headcanons and little drabbles about mean!matt. for example i’ve had a draft of matt x reader fic where you work at sp studios and constantly argue with matt (you fucking hate eachother but you also hate when the other doesn’t come in). things escalate until you actually get into a physical fight and you maybe kinda get turned on by it so he uses it as blackmail to get you to do embarassing things to make up for all the arguments.
also mean dom!matt kinda mixed with pet play where he makes you bark and whine like a dog. he loves humiliating you and making you cry, plus you deeply enjoy when he’s the absolute worst to you. he’s the type to make you bark to get permission to cum or keep you on a collar and leash so he can drag you around, it’s just that the man loves watching your face flush as he makes you do these degrading tasks.
kinda in line with mean dom!matt but also primal!matt: him ‘hunting’ you bc he likes seeing you scared. like he’ll ask you to play hide and seek with him but you also know that when he catches you, he will pin you to the ground and criticize your hiding spot while you try to fight him off. he loves a good struggle and always encourages you to fight as hard as possible. maybe he does this multiple times bc he wants you to get in more practice (aka he likes doing it enough times that you give up and just cry and beg him to fuck you)
speaking of making you fight back, he makes you fight. i mean, he wants you to actually punch and kick like your life depends on it just to see how long you can last. you’ve never gotten close to fighting him off, but he loves making you struggle then degrading you for not being able to do it. he’ll rub it in your face like c’mon, baby.. you almost did a full minute last time! you barely lasted 10 seconds!
its even better when you get an actual, proper hit in. it takes him aback and when you go to apologize he praises you. like he fully encourages you to do it again, even though you tell him you can’t. he laughs and it actually kinda scares you when he goes do it again! that was really good, baby! do it one more time for me! he’s kinda masochistic too cuz not only does he love when you get a solid hit on him, he loves when you scratch at him and squeeze him real tight. something about you clawing at him during sex really gets him going.
i also think he’d be really into obedience stuff. he loves doing long training sessions where it’s literally just you following all his orders for however long he wants (if you do well, he’ll give you the best fuck of your life with tons of praise). he also likes making you mess up so that he has a reason to punish you. trick questions are definitely his favorite, like he’ll say you gotta tell me what you want, pup and you actually respond with words, forgetting about your ‘no speech’ rule. just little things like that where he likes fucking with your head a little, just to see you squirm and get all shy.
thats all i can think of rn but also i’m almost always thinking about mean!matt soooo
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vhvrs · 8 months
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this feels too hyperspecifically my viktor n jayce to pop on ao3 so heres a lil vkjc drabble based off me thinking abt the dudes studying together i wrote last january
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spotinyourreflection · 3 months
I've lived in my house all my life, not counting a few months as a baby, and I know it's safe. No one has broken in, nothing has ever hurt me (that wasn't my own fault. That trip up the stairs was by bad.), and the animals we keep are harmless.
And yet, I was always told to fear the outside world. That people have bad intentions and not to trust them. Maybe it was partially because I was a young girl, coddled by overprotective parents and a first-time mother. Maybe it was because we lived close to a busy street with a lot of traffic they wanted to keep me safe from. Or maybe it was the stories that filled their heads.
I must've been 5 or so when I really understood the first one. At night my mother would leave the TV rolling in her room. I'd hear the stories of death. Of people being killed in gruesome ways, and the police and detectives cleverly solving the crime. I never lingered on the solve, because when it was all laid out it was clear none of them were the perfect murder, and the killers would be caught. It was the death that scared me. Those people who died and ended up on TV, as though their death was a lesson. A warning to others (usually women) that it wasn't safe. Outside their homes, or inside them.
And so I was raised to stay inside. Good habits like locking the door and closing the blinds at night were hardwired into me, but in the same breath I wasn't allowed in our fenced off backyard without adult supervision until I was well into my late teens.
I carry a pocket knife everywhere I go out of worry, and a day out with friends becomes a trip with the guard dog. Any car that follows me for two turns I'm sure is following me, and the person I pass on the street must be dangerous, I'm just sure of it. And yet I make it home safe, unlock my door, and step inside with relief.
Until the door creaks. Until the wood settles. Until it gets dark. Then my home is by own enemy, because what if there is someone inside? What if it's a person out to get me? Murder me? So I end up on those compilations of faces I don't remember the names of. Their murderers are mocked for their failed execution, the victims put on display like a morbid memorial. A warning.
I don't want to be a warning.
I hole up inside, in one room with the door closed. I don't take walks, or go outside or out at all without a friend or family. Ultimately there's really no point to the caution, though. I'm sure that whatever I fear has been inside all along, just biding their time until I'm fully at ease to reach out and grab me. So I'm found, and it's put up all around how such a promising young woman was slain in her own home. They might find the killer, but there will always be more. After all, it's a sign to others. You can't ever be safe, not even in your own home.
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Mutual Senses (Octopath Traveler II, Agnea/Hikari)
AO3 Link
Simple and rustic though it may be, the sleepy senses of Cropdale were anything but ordinary. The sweet fragrance of sunflowers and morning glories, wafting about and tickling one’s nostrils. The glistening dew of its prized produce, begging for a taste. The sound of giggling children and yelping dogs, promising another uneventful day. The delicate grass crunching beneath one’s feet, the bountiful earth swelling beneath dirt-caked footwear. The breathtaking sight of its glowing fireflies, dancing their nightly waltz amongst the trees.
All this and more buoyed their stolen moments together – found in the hidden meadow just outside the village. The flowery scent of her hair mixed amid the smell of foreign sands laced within his regal garments. His warm smile beheld in her big blue eyes wide as the sky. The bells of her laughter mingling with the rumbling of his chuckling throat. The strength of his grip clutching close her silk-soft frame.
The taste of each other’s lips, joined together in kiss after kiss.  
It’d become routine, these trysts of theirs. As they regularly stole each other away from their duties -- her, pursuing the glitz and glamour of stardom; him, reigning over a reborn kingdom – they spent these treasured respites doing nothing but indulging upon the other. Talking. Singing. Laughing. Playing. Dancing. Observing. Embracing.
It was all wonderful, simply too much, yet just enough for one dark thought to invade their paradise – stretching across the twilit rays of the setting sun until it grew unavoidable.
“Hikari,” Agnea dared to whisper, “do you think this’ll last forever?”
The fingers threading through auburn locks ceased in their movement, and when they suddenly clutched her head – nestled against his shoulder – did she know he’d thought the same.
But she met his golden eyes then, as firm and arresting as they ever were – melting the worries festering beneath her bubbly exterior, just as they’d done over and over in their journey.  
“It doesn’t matter,” said Hikari, his thumb tracing the soft curve of her bottom lip, “because I have you, Agnea Bristarni.” He leaned down to kiss the shell of her ear. “And you, me.”
“O-oh! Hikari!” giggled Agnea as he continued kissing down her jaw, indulging upon the sweet flavor of her skin.  
In this moment right here, right now, in this secret meadow of theirs, they had as long as they needed – for here, there was only Agnea Bristarni, singing promises of tomorrow as Hikari rested upon her lap; for here, there was only Hikari Ku, the steady heartbeat beating beneath his strong chest that lulled Agnea into still reverie.
Within the confines of calculations and deductions their companions adhered to, “how long could this last” had no logical answer – but as their lips came together, they knew they had their answer.
Because it was love that brought them together; again and again, without fail. Love that persisted even within the rigors of their responsibilities. Love that made promises true in treasured touches, silly sounds, sweet smells, tender tastes and spellbinding sights. Pure, passionate, overflowing, idyllic, perfect love.
In the interest of upping my writing output, I've embarked on a short-form writing venture that I'm hoping will regularly bear fruit. Took a little too long to materialize for my tastes, but at any rate, you've witnessed the first step of this undertaking.
It's a wonder just how *alive* HD-2D is in spite of itself -- which I suppose is the goal -- so you could say my theme here was illustrating that juxtaposition in written form. (Truth be told, this originally gestated as a bigger idea regarding Agnea and Hikari's respective stations as commoner/royalty -- perhaps that'll come into the world one day?)
I can't promise they'll be as fluffy as this, but here's to more Agkari in the future! #OctopathTraveler2 #AgneaBristarni #HikariKu
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cillyscribbles · 4 months
electing to disappear into the woods forever instead of editing any more high noon over camelot fic
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ramyeongif · 5 months
Who I am and what I write: This month has been comprised of significantly more poetry and shortform (pieces that are fewer than 500 words), with fewer longform articles. The longform articles that I’ve written have been mainly unstructured articles about the tv shows I’ve seen or books I’ve read.
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ivymarquis · 9 months
Requests: Open for Snippets
I have ideas/requests/gifts I'm working on but they are all full length fics and I wanna write shorter pieces (few paragraphs in length) to give my brain some variety in the meantime.
I reblogged some prompt ideas under the tag 'writing prompt' you do not have to use them, they're just there if you want to.
Still on a COD kick so I just wanna write that rn lol
pls send prompts. pls keep the prompt ideas fairly simple so that they can be answered in a few paragraphs.
I'll keep the askbox open today-sometime friday/saturday and hopefully will be tossing out fics saturday evening/sunday
For NSFW please read my (F-List) for an idea of what I will and won't write on the kinky variety. If something you wanna send isn't on the list, feel free to send an ask to clarify
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