#shortform writing exercise
Mutual Senses (Octopath Traveler II, Agnea/Hikari)
AO3 Link
Simple and rustic though it may be, the sleepy senses of Cropdale were anything but ordinary. The sweet fragrance of sunflowers and morning glories, wafting about and tickling one’s nostrils. The glistening dew of its prized produce, begging for a taste. The sound of giggling children and yelping dogs, promising another uneventful day. The delicate grass crunching beneath one’s feet, the bountiful earth swelling beneath dirt-caked footwear. The breathtaking sight of its glowing fireflies, dancing their nightly waltz amongst the trees.
All this and more buoyed their stolen moments together – found in the hidden meadow just outside the village. The flowery scent of her hair mixed amid the smell of foreign sands laced within his regal garments. His warm smile beheld in her big blue eyes wide as the sky. The bells of her laughter mingling with the rumbling of his chuckling throat. The strength of his grip clutching close her silk-soft frame.
The taste of each other’s lips, joined together in kiss after kiss.  
It’d become routine, these trysts of theirs. As they regularly stole each other away from their duties -- her, pursuing the glitz and glamour of stardom; him, reigning over a reborn kingdom – they spent these treasured respites doing nothing but indulging upon the other. Talking. Singing. Laughing. Playing. Dancing. Observing. Embracing.
It was all wonderful, simply too much, yet just enough for one dark thought to invade their paradise – stretching across the twilit rays of the setting sun until it grew unavoidable.
“Hikari,” Agnea dared to whisper, “do you think this’ll last forever?”
The fingers threading through auburn locks ceased in their movement, and when they suddenly clutched her head – nestled against his shoulder – did she know he’d thought the same.
But she met his golden eyes then, as firm and arresting as they ever were – melting the worries festering beneath her bubbly exterior, just as they’d done over and over in their journey.  
“It doesn’t matter,” said Hikari, his thumb tracing the soft curve of her bottom lip, “because I have you, Agnea Bristarni.” He leaned down to kiss the shell of her ear. “And you, me.”
“O-oh! Hikari!” giggled Agnea as he continued kissing down her jaw, indulging upon the sweet flavor of her skin.  
In this moment right here, right now, in this secret meadow of theirs, they had as long as they needed – for here, there was only Agnea Bristarni, singing promises of tomorrow as Hikari rested upon her lap; for here, there was only Hikari Ku, the steady heartbeat beating beneath his strong chest that lulled Agnea into still reverie.
Within the confines of calculations and deductions their companions adhered to, “how long could this last” had no logical answer – but as their lips came together, they knew they had their answer.
Because it was love that brought them together; again and again, without fail. Love that persisted even within the rigors of their responsibilities. Love that made promises true in treasured touches, silly sounds, sweet smells, tender tastes and spellbinding sights. Pure, passionate, overflowing, idyllic, perfect love.
In the interest of upping my writing output, I've embarked on a short-form writing venture that I'm hoping will regularly bear fruit. Took a little too long to materialize for my tastes, but at any rate, you've witnessed the first step of this undertaking.
It's a wonder just how *alive* HD-2D is in spite of itself -- which I suppose is the goal -- so you could say my theme here was illustrating that juxtaposition in written form. (Truth be told, this originally gestated as a bigger idea regarding Agnea and Hikari's respective stations as commoner/royalty -- perhaps that'll come into the world one day?)
I can't promise they'll be as fluffy as this, but here's to more Agkari in the future! #OctopathTraveler2 #AgneaBristarni #HikariKu
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qwertycake · 1 year
more qpr fluffy squishy platonic writing prompts! wahoo!! part two!!! :)
Same disclaimer applies as my first post - these are aro- and ace-spec centric, may only work for shortform fiction, and feel free to tweak them to be less specific/more specific to specific characters.
Specific is a weird word lol
“We both get caught out in the rain and wait out the weather under the same shelter, and either we’re meeting for the first time or we have a nice excuse to hang out together” AU
“You annotate a book for me and I annotate it right back for you, and we keep passing the book back and forth until its a mess of affectionate scribbles that we keep on the coffee table” AU
"It's hot outside and you love the heat but I hate it and you're being stupidly nice and sweet to me while I'm a grouchy mess" AU
"I can teach you how to play this instrument if you stop DISTRACTING ME by looking so ENDEARING AND INFATUATED" AU
"Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes" AU
"We're both too tired to take care of ourselves because of sickness/work/school/whatever but we immediately find the energy to take care of one another via making tea and grabbing blankets" AU
"We trade clothes for Halloween and do terrible impersonations of one another" AU
"We have a bunch of unfinished craft projects between the two of us and decide to just... finish them all in one day... 24 itty-bitty hours... oh boy..." AU
"We recreate a terrible low-budget movie together" AU
"On Valentine's Day, we decide to make a bunch of garlic bread and cake, and buy each other flowers in the colours of our respective aro-/ace-spec flags... and then the day after, we buy all the chocolate that's finally gone on sale" AU
“I teach you how to do make-up because for one reason or another you’re unfamiliar with it” AU
“Fake dating and having dramatic break ups over silly things in public for shits and giggles” AU
“So, the world might have just ended… so guess who has two thumbs and a bunker that desperately could use a roommate?” AU
“We’re made to play seven minutes in heaven at a party and after a few awkward minutes of silence we both decide to just order a pizza or something while we wait out the seven minutes” AU
“Hey, you can dance, and I can’t, teach me— no, I don’t care that I’ve got two left feet, teach me!” AU
“We’re both artists, maybe of different skill levels, and we decide to draw/paint/make art of each other” AU
“I’m a night owl and you’re more of a day person, so whenever we stop texting because you have to go to bed, I’m stuck laying awake thinking about you Please Enjoy Waking Up To A Bunch Of Messages” AU
“I’m a day person and you’re more of a night owl but I struggle to fall asleep because I’m stuck thinking about how lucky I am to be your friend Hey I Think I Could Stay Up For An Extra Ten Minutes” AU
“We’re both nervous about going to the gym alone so we try going together… but neither of us have the guts to get out of the car so we just go for a walk or something instead” AU
“You’re super into sports and exercise and I’m just getting into it but you hype me up so I’m less nervous about getting started” AU
“I bake a whole bunch, you cook big meals… at the same time of day - our kitchen is chaos” AU
“It’s New Year’s Eve and we’re hanging out at a party and everyone’s speculating that we’re gonna have our New Year’s Kiss together but the New Year comes and we just do a weird handshake” AU
“Non-Fatal Hanahaki Disease AU where we’re some of the few people who don’t experience it because we’re content with whatever non-romantic thing we have together… but we both have hay fever and are very annoyed by the constant barrage of flower petals around us and have to tell our friends to Please Stop Crushing On The Random Barista At Starbucks It’s The Third Time This Week You Are KILLING US” AU
“We’re both alien test subjects who’ve never met before and have to try and plan our escape - bonus points if the aliens are specifically testing for something like amatonormative like All Humans Fall In Love and we’re the black swans of the research since they apparently abducted Only Romantic Allosexuals Aside From Us Somehow” AU
“It’s midnight and you show up on my doorstep unannounced after a long while of us drifting apart, what on earth happened?” AU
“We’re both capable of granting wishes - you’re the monkey’s paw and I’m the guy who’s stuck remedying all the messed up things you have happen to people What Is Wrong With You” AU
And finally…
“I’m laying on the couch at a party drunk/high/exhausted/whatever and you’re looking after me, having only met me that night - I proceed to ramble about how embarrassed I���ll be when I’m older and think back to how I made a fool of myself in front of someone I wanted to be friends with really badly… but luckily for me, you’re flattered that I think you’re super cool” AU
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pivot-pathways · 1 month
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝: 🧵
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒.𝐀.𝐕.𝐄.𝐑.𝐒 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞:
The Miracle Morning routine has 6 steps:
1. Silence - Prayer, meditation, or gratitude.
2. Affirmations - Positive statements to help you accomplish something.
3. Visualization - Imagining yourself achieving your dream.
4. Exercise - To raise your energy levels.
5. Reading - To discover strategies for achieving your goals.
6. Scribing - Writing in a journal.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞:
1. Practice gratitude.
2. Visualize positive things for someone you love.
3. Consider what you can do today to achieve your top goal.
4. Stretch.
5. Read something positive.
6. Work on your top project for an hour.
7. Set priorities for today according to your goals.
8. Check your email and delegate tasks.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟓 𝐚𝐦 "𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫":
You can accomplish a lot by 6 am by following this routine:
• 5:00 am: Exercise to improve your mood for the day ahead.
• 5:20 am: Meditate to connect to your true self.
• 5:40 am: Study to improve yourself or your skills.
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬:
Ask yourself "Morning Power Questions" each morning to put yourself in a positive mindset for the day.
Some examples include:
1. What in my life makes me happy?
2. What am I proud of?
3. What am I grateful for?
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐮𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐭:
Start the day on a positive note by following the Maui habit recipe:
1. Anchor: After [I open my eyes in the morning].
2. Behavior: I will [say, "It's going to be a great day"].
3. Celebration: To celebrate, I will [smile].
Shortform Exercise: How might you personalize the habit?
Unlock your full potential! Subscribe to the Pathways to Prosperity newsletter for exclusive personal growth insights, and join our Telegram community for daily inspiration and support on your journey!
Link in bio 🔗
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chronotopes · 6 months
Talk Shop Tuesday! What does the ideation process look like for you, and how does that vary across your types of projects? (Poetry, creative nonfiction, fanfic, etc.)
HIIII LILY AND HI EVERYPONY guess who reblogged the talk shop tuesday post and then could not answer any talk shop tuesday asks because they had to do their day job and then go to a (really really good) chamber music concert right afterward!!
anyway, it definitely varies, though there are overlaps. my fiction, for the most part and at its best, is deeply self-indulgent. For fanfiction this is easier to conceptualize – if I think "I should get to read a longform exploration of terezi's feelings on the meteor journey" and nobody has written that in a way that gels with what I want from the story, or at all, then it's my job to write it if I want to see it! I think I translate the same idea, on a more Themes And Narratives-coded scale, into my fiction. Both Aivide the Prequel, the novel I just finished, and Vital Light, which I have 50k and an outline for and have been calling 'Quartz the novel' in a tongue-in-cheek way, are partly exercises in writing the kinds of stories I like to write and read, and partly responses to fiction elements that I want to explore in depth. During my twenties a lot of my fiction writing has focused a lot on delving into classic popular tropes that defined what I wanted to see from fiction in my teens – whirlwind lesbian romances that overcome societal adversity, found families, coming-of-age stories with lots of interconnected characters – and trying to complicate those narratives. Take these ideas and their significant narrative appeal seriously while also writing real people who do not always handle narratively appealing ideas in neat and easy ways.
That said, I have a very underdeveloped sense of story-ideation and have for about seven years now. Longform fiction is often the product of long-held ideas that it's finally the right time to execute. I would like to get better at this.
Creative nonfiction is easier because I have a sense of shortform that doesn't suck for writing it. Usually it's born out of an idea or an interesting connection – doing ghost tours in a summer that began with a funeral, for instance. I'm really fond (maybe over-reliant) of arc phrases, like "a car is like a little house" or "I don't understand music." (I come up with way too many essay beginnings while i'm driving. lol). I think at its best my nonfiction still comes from a driving force of writing what I want to see or express, but I'm more capable of being economical and considering 'professional' literary circles as an audience for that kind of work, maybe partly because when i try to write fiction that isn't longform genre fiction i risk boring myself to death and I do not like to be bored by my writing. This too could be something i should work on.
My poetry is glorified diary entries and should not see the light of day.
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WIP Wednesday
Hello hello! Thank you for the tags, @martsonmars, @hushed-chorus, and @artsyunderstudy. As always, I love the glimpses of what you're all working on!! ❤️❤️
I’m still plugging away at my EGF, but today was just backstory notes, so no fun shareable prose from that. I re-listened to AWTWB recently and it gave me a lot of Jamie Feels, so here's another portrait from the Rosethorn girl universe:
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He’s a little heavy, but he’s my brother
By Lucy Winifred Salisbury
(Not-quite) Black and white photography
Interview with the subject and the subject’s flatmate, Lachlan MacCionagh (This is for you, @larkral 😆)
A: I already told you, I’m not going to use cleaning spells around the flat. I’d be in heaps of trouble as it is, if anyone found out I told you - 
Q: Jimothy, Jimothy, Jimothy - you didn’t tell me. I found your wand in a pencil cup. 
A: … You shouldn’t just go - rummaging through my things - 
Q: If mages are so dedicated to secrecy, why don’t they make their magic wands look like ordinary objects? Why not make a wand that looks like a fountain pen so that when someone saw it, they’d think, “Oh look, a fountain pen. How commonplace and not at all suspect.”  
A: … 
Q: Jimothy, how many magical objects are hidden around this flat?
A: That’s not - 
Q: Challenge accepted. 
More blather, resolutions, & tags behind the cut, because I’m never going to master the art of writing shortform for Tumblr. 😆
Robot overlords: I’m quite torn about using DALL-E 2 now, because of the discourse on AI-generated art and stolen datasets, but I’m still emotionally attached to the art that was part of brainstorming Rosethorn girl. 
After a lot of wrestling, I decided that I’m still going to share some of my favourite DALL-E 2 generations, but I won’t be generating any new ones. It’s a murky compromise, but that’s where I’m at right now!
My shit lungs: After three weeks, I’m finally, finally getting better and feeling more like myself. I'm still slow and shaky and crawling along at a snail’s pace when it comes to writing, but I’ll take it. 
My head hasn't been in a fandom space at all for the past three weeks, so I'm also excited to dive back into reading fic!! But on the writer side, I am going to continue to be gentle with myself and toss expectations for myself out the window.
Resolutions: Some 2023 resolutions, in no particular order: 
Be content with doing less. 
Prioritise your health & well-being over your productivity. 
Keep having good conversations with people. Keep listening. 
Show up for your beloved people the best that you can. 
Keep doing weird shit and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, into your growth zone.
Keep doing art that you’re bad at but that you enjoy. 
Say goodbye to old WIPs - finish them, bury them, post them as they are, or otherwise let them go. 
Walk outside more, especially before writing, as your doorway into diffuse mode. 
Remember to do grounding/self-compassion exercises before, during, & after writing difficult things. 
Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. 
Pressure-free hello tags! @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla, @dohrnaira, @facewithoutheart, @johnwgrey, @larkral, @moodandmist, @nightimedreamersworld, @raenestee, @sailorblossoms, @whogaveyoupermission, @thewholelemon, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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typeaforandrea · 4 years
“I. Hate. Working. Out. People who actually enjoy it – like, look FORWARD to it – are myths, I’m convinced. The Loch Ness Monster is really just a chiseled guy casually saying that his favorite way to blow off steam after being in the office all day is busting out a couple deadlifts at the gym. Interrupting a blissful, cold Saturday morning in a warm bed to jolt yourself awake and JOG OUTSIDE is martian behavior. It just doesn’t add up. Tearing your muscles apart to build new ones is against everything nature intended. A flat ass turned bubble butt? Admirable, but dark magic, indeed.���
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Hang on I need to make a passive aggressive post about someone in another fandom saying TikTok (puke) is a more accessible platform for spreading fandom gospel compared to Tumblr (puke but affectionately) because it's just the land of walls of text. Well I LIKE writing longform walls of text and when I was forced to watch a TikTok I think I could physically feel my attention span warping.
Excepting a serious discussion about ability (that goes without saying) I think the aversion to longform content is a shame. Like to me if I'm obsessed or interested in a ship I want to read twenty thousand essays about it. But I guess that's the trend of the Internet now
Inevitably somebody is going to think I'm some sort of pretentious monster for decrying shortform content. Well,
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But I think also at the heart of this is my annoyance at the trend of complaining about 'I buy books but I don't reeaaaaad any' and tons of posts with this air of anxiety of like how do I read books?? What's the magic cure?? There's like this disconnect between people who are used to shortform content upset at being unable to read longform content. And it's extremely weird because you genuinely shouldn't be beating yourself up this way and treating your body like it's some nonfunctioning mechanical tool, your body is you and you need to be gentle and figure out what it is the things that you want to do. That's probably your best starting point.
The starting point in those conversations is always like, put your phone away and never go online again. I don't personally find an absolutist approach helpful. You can actually go online you should just think about why you're online and what ideas you like sharing or exploring and when you might want to relax away from that. I don't think the phones are inherently the problem (you can read longform content on phones) but the way you respond to and create information is the bit that does.
It's like when I come across snippets of poetry on my dashboard, I often try to find the original source and read the poem in full. That in itself is a task which exercises grounding ideas in context (the social media age leads to a lot of information being groundless and ephemeral) but it's also something which makes me feel like I'm not mindlessly spending my time on the Internet. That's why I think it's important to distinguish what you use the Internet for.
To a degree I think this is even true of for instance writing a post like this. As self-conscious as I am about annoying people, wasting their time, writing something pretentious, being a waste of space, being a failure etc., I do find elaborating on my thoughts in a longform post which sometimes can hit a wordcount in the region of essays I'd write for uni a lot of fun and a great mental exercise. I don't consider this sort of task the same as, say, using Twitter like I'd used to, which stymied most of my thoughts. I do really miss the people I followed there but it was giving me a lot of anxiety using it, annoying people, but you know, what can you do.
But yeah I was annoyed about the idea that Tumblr is less accessible because it's wall-of-texty - so ironic because Tumblr is known for microblogging - when I don't think inclination to shortform content is necessarily the norm or something innate. Obviously I do think there are exceptional circumstances which apply, e.g. if you prefer someone's actual speech as opposed to text-to-speech which can be a bit impersonal, like my friend prefers me reading poetry for him as opposed to getting the bot to do it, and I would like to think that in reading this post this kind of caveat is self-evident.
That is to say, I think longform content is something you can easily get used to again. I had a period where I struggled with reading books a couple of years ago and I was really angry at myself because I used to read all the time, and then I had to actually learn to stop being angry at myself and seeing myself as a tool and instead as like, a person who was trying to do the things I enjoy and search for meaning. You're not a bad tool or a bad person for not being able to read, and sure maybe you might have deeper problems you need to look into (I'm not saying that either), but I still don't think you should view yourself as a tool that's broken. Although there's a cynic in me that views shortform content and broken attention spans as part of a greater ploy to keep you quiet and docile politically.
And yeah maybe I have come around to being a Tumblr apologist because every other website sucks and I'm a nerd who grew up with the Internet. My favourite thing after school was checking Sims forums. I can't say much has changed.
But finally, in terms of fandom itself, fandom shouldn't be a top-down hierarchy. There shouldn't be some TikTok that everybody watches to receive the fandom gospel. Part of the fun of fandom is thinking about things and sharing those things with other people, it's literally community and creativity. That's my ideal anyway.
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driventoshift · 7 years
Gentlemen, start your engines...
Welcome to Driven to Shift!
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What is Driven to Shift exactly?
Driven to Shift is meant to be a photojournalistic exercise performed by the creator of (I’ll be referring to it as DTS for short eventually) DTS, Adam, the one writing this. Now that’s out of the way, I can finally speak in first-person haha. This blog is about me, and not about me at the same time. Obviously, it will be written from my perspective and experiences of the (usually SoCal) car scene, but it’ll be all about the cars. Maybe one day I’ll do a background story on who I am if people actually want it. 
I’ve always been a fan of websites and photojournalism photography blogs surrounding car culture, and most people who know me know I rant and rave about hopefully becoming a Speedhunters photographer in the future. Like I said in the last paragraph, this is more of an exercise more than anything. I’ve always wanted to have a full-fledged and properly written out blog to call my own and I’m finally going to sit down and do it. I’m going to be using tumblr as my platform as it is the platform I’m the most familiar with, and I already know the limitations of what I can and can’t do on tumblr in terms of blogs and photography compared to my completely unknown knowledge of other platforms such as wordpress, etc. 
While this is a test of my (potential) journalism skills, this is also meant to be a time capsule of some sort, as this blog or whatever you want to call it, will show the progression of my builds, events I’ve attended, as well as hopefully many other moments filled with heartbreak and/or joy.  
This website is also meant to supplement my future YouTube endeavors and Instagram will have a shortform version of what I post here, and clips of what appears on YouTube. 
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Okay, enough about that poor background attempt. Since this is a car blog, what do you drive???
What do I drive? Something more than you can afford, pal.
Haha, I’m just kidding. If you couldn’t tell, my main vehicle of attack is my 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 in gorgeous Millennium Yellow. Fun fact, the introductory photo isn’t even actually my car but a photo I shot of another Millennium Yellow C5 Z06 at a track day I hung out that I was actually going to race in, until my Corvette broke down months before said track day sadly. 
Before you ask, I’ll get to my “mods” in a later story, but for the most part, my Corvette is 97% stock as I write this post. I want to enjoy this car thoroughly before I go absolutely bonkers even though I will stay somewhat conservative in modifying my car. The mods I have planned out will be tasteful and will turn this into a completely enjoyable machine.
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Now, what else is in my stable of machinery? Well, I guess the next vehicle in my lineup would be my 1995 Acura Integra LS. Don’t get too excited though, it is sadly autotragic (yes, I know......I know). With my Corvette broken down and it being my only car (technically) I had a few weeks to find a car to use to get around. Luckily though, my (now) sister-in-law had this Integra and her family was just going to send it to the junkyard as she’s now in full-time wife mode as my brother serves in the U.S. Navy and therefore she can use his car. So, several hundred dollars later, I own a Honda with 105,000 miles (about 107k at the time of writing this), a salvage title, no manual transmission, no A/C, at least one previous ricer owner, and various creaks and rattles of the suspension that would put most horror movie houses to shame. After owning this car for a few months I can see why it was as cheap as it was and why my sister-in-law was so willing to practically throw it away. That’s okay though, other than it being a complete deathtrap with no fun factor thanks to the transmission, I’m having fun owning and working on this car. As much as I used to fit the stereotype of USDM car guy hating on imports, I’ve always liked the EG/EK Civics, Integras, RSXs, S2ks, NSXs, and of course any type R variant. I’m still thinking about how long I want to keep this car. 2018 will be an interesting year in my garage and driveway for sure. It’ll be a lot like the trade deadline season for professional sports, cutting things loose and adding others to the stable. Whether the “teggy”, as my friends and I affectionately call it, stays or not, is to be seen. If it wants to stay in my stable, it needs to get a manual swap at some point down the road. Who knows, we’ll see.
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Speaking of imports, my other car is a 2008 BMW 528i. There’s not much to this car other than the fact that it is a perfect cruiser and I love taking it on roadtrips. Especially now that I have that Integra that scares me if I try to drive it farther than the five minute drive to work and back every day. Sadly not a M-sport, not a manual, and obviously not a E60 M5. That’s okay though, this car has been absolutely lovely to me and my family. And since I WILL legitimately die trying to take my Integra to canyon roads such as the famous GMR and my favorite, Angeles Crest Highway, the BMW gets to pick up the slack for canyon duties whenever my “banana” is broken. Surprisingly, I’ve taken it on more canyon roads than the Corvette. Its always funny seeing the faces of people I pass going the opposite way in the canyons staring at this seemingly asshole guy in a bland, leasemobile BMW and keeping pace with all my car friends with actual, working sports cars. 
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Alright folks, I’m going to cut it short here. There’s so much to write about and I have to remember to pace myself as if I’m in the 24 hours of Le Mans or the Rolex 24 hrs of Daytona. Slow, steady and consistent will hopefully show me the results that I want.
I hope you all enjoy this show which I call my life revolving around cars. If you’re on tumblr reading this, please go ahead and hit that “FOLLOW” button in the top right corner. Stay tuned for future posts and copious amounts of car porn. 
If you’re reading this without a tumblr account, consider making one perhaps? There’s a lot of great content on this website including cars. But if you don’t want to follow that’s fine too. 
Feel free to follow my Instagram: @driventoshift. Whether there will be content on the other outlets to see is in question, but everything will get caught up shortly. 
Thanks for reading, now go out and drive to shift!
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