#shorties in love
wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Dark Angel Reaction: Shorties in Love
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Yaayyy! She’s back! 💕  [SHE BACK!  So is OC and Herbal and Sketch :)]  And she’s getting flirted with
“I’m not into pampering”  Unless Logan isn’t spoiling me enough.  Or is trying to be independent when I don’t want him to.  Or doesn’t have his world revolving around me
[Max, shut up; you've always gotten your insight into men from OC, wdym]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oooohh ahhhhhh  [Truly a beautiful representation of the opening song]  ☠️☠️☠️ it fucking kills meeeeeee
Uh oh, nooooo
Jam pony and Max in the back like 👀👀👀  [tbf I'd be watching them pretty 👀 too]  I WAS
OC you dog ☠️ I saw you check her out when she bent over
Diamond talks in 3rd person too
Max is like DAMMIT LOGAN
Bruh why
Is this poetry ever mentioned again?  Or was that just an unnecessary act of rudeness we are supposed to overlook  [Not for the most part, I don't think.  There's an unrelated mention of poetry in s2.  But that's, again, not about Logan and more about Max's jealousy]  Writers explainnnn
[Max being weirdly understanding]  Right!?
This is sickeningly adorable  [I KNOW!  I love her!  Both hers!]
Ma’am.  No one is watching you.  You ain’t gotta look so… Like you’re looking
☠️☠️☠️☠️ “Pee outside.”  I mean… You did just kinda bust up into his house.  But I’m still ded
I love it so much
[Max, wtf was that stance??? The most awkward way to stand ever]  What the hell
This woman and her strange way of standing and sitting and holding guns  ["I'm gonna go home and chill out" *but first I'ma sit here randomly on the table*]  And not look at you.  Angstily.  Like… LIKE.  SHE WENT THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION TO SIT ON THE COUNTER
[Okay, apparently the poetry did come back.  Didn't get much better though]
BRUHHHH She gon die  [You're gonna jinx her]  She is jinxing herself
This is too adorable I cantttttt
🤣🤣🤣  Sketch  [This is the best Max ever acts with him, wtf?]
*sigh* That went well
[Why is she like.  Actually smiling these days.  That's so out of character?]  🤣🤣🤣
They had to make her likable this ep so when she inevitably gets Diamond killed it won’t justify OCs rage
– – – 
Wench: I KNOW
Jezebel: Diamond is being sus af and I hateeeeee it 🥺🥺🥺 but shes also talking about the future and doesn’t ma’am know that’s a sure fire way to get ded?!  I know they went through this massive technology apocalypse but she has seen tv at some point in her life. That’s like rule number one: don’t plan out your future… or you won’t have one
Wench: I thought rule one was don't do the deed in a horror film.
Wench: alskdfj
Jezebel: I also love sketch and herbal! Even tho the latter had like 1/8 of a line… And Max isn’t god awful just like semi awful mainly with her bitchy snatching of the poem book.  Oh, and Logan’s “so they were making out?” MEN 🤣🤣🤣 whyyyy
Wench: I knew you’d comment with that :)
Jezebel: And really that’s all I got for midpoint… Yet another not much has happened minus the BIG main thing to happen episode
Wench: On with the show!  Literally!
– – –
[Fancy flip]
Ughhhhh DIAMONDDDD DONT DOOO IT [tbf, btw, *Max* is kinda acting sus af]
well shittttt  [She lives nonetheless]
[I think he's in CSI]  He looks familiar  [I’ll look him up later]  
YOU COULD HAVE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIMEEEEE?!?  This is why people don’t trust you woman
[Also, James Cameron and the "dyne”s again aslkfdj  The Terminator was Cyberdyne; Alien was Hyperdyne; now we've got Synthedyne]
Why’s his apple logo upside down? ☠️  WHY’S IT UPSIDE DOWN?  [Probably because they didn't want to deal with an actual computer?  Or maybe they used to be upside down.]  ☠️🤣🤣🤣
🥺🥺🥺🥺 Well god dammmmit  [I was so sad when I found out about this first time 'round]
Yes the hell it is selfish ma’am ☠️  “Imma die. So imma go win back the one that got away and make her happy for the last little bit of time I have… then die on her… and make her life miserable. Cause that’s fair”  Wot.  WOTTTTT???  WOOOOTTTTTTT?!?!?
OC 💔💔💔💔
Boo!!!! You don’t deserve thissss
I don’t write original characters but I’m about to make her one
[Max, I think you could show some compassion]
Bruhhhhh I can’t evennnn
Does she know she’s contagious  [No, I don't think so]  Ok good  [Again, my memory is spotty on 1 episodes (except 17), but I don't think so]  I didn’t want to not feel bad for her dying, for OCs sake ☠️  [Yup]
[The dude's neck brace ☠️]  I know ☠️☠️☠️ Ma’am has some ridiculous feet strength  [Neck brace dude got taken out AGAIN]
[I'm sorry but I love Max's hair.  Should not be the focus of the scene, I know.  But it's just.  So fetching.  With that Hazmat suit]  Seeee?  SEEEE???
NOOOOO.  IM DONE.  DEAD.  [Next episode’s worse]  I CAN'T 😭😭😭😭😭
Yusssss get ‘em!  [Serves the dude right for being an asshole to the guy who tried to get him to put on the suit]
[Oh shit I forgot that line and damn but it's a good one 😭]  IT ISSSS!!!!  [That scene was very Doctor Who hospital ep, if you remember that one.  With Cassandra and the plague carriers?]  YESSSS
IS SHE THINKING ABOUT LOGAN OR FUCKING ZACH??? BLECH  [asdfkljasdlfkjaldskfj I hate you for mentioning him]
Ye you do get over your first love ☠️
[RESPECT HIS BOUNDARIES MY WOMAN!  Also, she just said Man of Letters]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[I could never.  I might die]  Ma’am you did.  [Shut up.  You still haven't read my poetry, actually.  And also, I haven't showed poetry about someone to that person]
[Bitch]  wot.  Wot.  WOT?!  [You just read his intimate poetry.  And just.  Leave?]  WHAT!?!?
Ma’am.  Shut up with the circlessssss.  And explain THE nonsensical HOOPLAH I JUST WITNESSED.  I-  I JUST- WHAT?!
– – –
Jezebel: I… nope I ain’t got nothing else on that! But backpedaling to OC! She didn’t deserve that ooooh my goddddd.  Shit Diamond didn’t deserve that!  Sector guy TOTALLY deserved that!  And… I really don’t know what else to say this episode was very clean cut ☠️☠️
Wench: True!
Jezebel: The real question is tho… Are we prepared for this next episode?
Wench: I am… I've seen it six times :)
Jezebel: You would, angst queen
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egophiliac · 4 months
You can’t pick Lilia for this. But who is your other favorite short character in Twst?
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I like the angry little king boy 🌹
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kcsplace · 2 months
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I know this is actually Callum and Jack arguing and not Don and Joe (for which Callum takes responsibility) but I love that they kept it in. Making it a character moment instead of an actor blip that should be cut, actually lets Don lose his temper, for the audience to be shown what it would take for Don to lose it, to show that much emotional response, that even Don, stoic, reserved, calm, non-responsive Don can be pushed to an extreme, that he does want this as much as the rest, that it means as much to him even if he doesn't talk about it, and that the boat being out of sync is effecting him too.
Just such a great editing decision
And also how lost, and then amused, and then trying to be calm Bruce Herbelin-Earle is entertains me endlessly. A real journey he takes us on in 0.3 seconds! Plus, y'know, Don swearing and getting angry is hot as fuck, I'm not proud
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llamagoddessofficial · 9 months
Hello hello! This is Relating to the prison au and the idea suddenly came to me but how would it differ if the mc was a a lot younger like an intern? I tried searching more if it was even allowed to be a med student intern in a prison but I dunno I just thought it was a neat idea, like if she appeared like an optimistic platonic younger sister more than a romantic interest? Aaaa sorry English isn't my first language I hope the idea got through ^^'
I want to congratulate you, anon... you're the first person in a long time to ask something related to prison au that has never been asked before!
Sans: Unfortunately, he'll be even worse. More manipulative, more possessive... more evil. With an older Mc he might see her as easy to manipulate, but he still absolutely views her as her own person- he'd do bad stuff but he (at least) would still respect her opinions and choices. When she's young, he does not respect her opinions and choices. She's just a kid who doesn't know better, someone who needs him to make the big decisions on her behalf.
The worst part is, once he attaches, he sees her like a little sister. It really fucks up his mind- all of those messy, dark, painful feelings about Papyrus, all that unresolved grief from losing one younger sibling... he doesn't care what happens to anyone. Or anything. So long as he doesn't lose any more family.
He's kind to her; oh-so-kind, a sweet and goofy older brother figure who makes terrible puns and chats to her for hours about her favourite videogames. But he's a terrifying empty creature, and he's absolutely going to use her youth and inexperience to his advantage, to make her trust him more than everyone else. Nothing is off the table.
Red: Red adores her. Much like Sans, he ends up in something of a 'big brother' role- the difference is that Red's connection with her is a lot healthier and gentler, with a decent amount of friendly 'fighting' (tossing harmless insults at each other). He turns into a different person around her; he minds his language somewhat, he manages his temper better, although he teases her his teasing never has any venom and he'll drop jokes that upset her. He was built to be a big brother, and he misses his Papyrus a lot- it feels good to have a bond like that with someone again.
(Speaking of Papyrus- he loves Mc too. He sees the effect she has on Red and he absolutely wants to encourage the positive growth. Also... he always wanted a younger sibling.)
Red makes jokes about giving her contraband or getting her in trouble, and her presence in his life has put her firmly on the inmate no-touch list. Red may be a criminal, and he may associate with people who have done terrible things... but he reserves the worst of the worst punishments for those who hurt kids, and his family. Let alone both.
She's been adopted by the mob.
Skull: Skull's intense feelings about Mc in the prison aus aren't really specifically romantic or platonic in the first place. It's his Soul crying out for love and connection after so long alone. They're just Skull Feelings- so a platonic Mc would see the same degree of insanity, desperation and clinginess from our darling cannibal as her older nurse counterpart.
But... I think he would be a bit better with her, overall. Mc being noticeably younger, in his eyes, makes her more 'fragile'- both emotionally and physically. That nagging thought of i need to be careful and responsible would centre him a little more, make him more aware, gentle and slow. In the same way he wouldn't want to frighten a small child, he doesn't want to frighten her; he moves like hes trying not to spook away a small animal. He'd be better at smiling.
... He would still get moments where he can't help himself. Moments where he snaps out of restraints and grabs her, moments where he attacks other staff for getting too close to her. But he tries.
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rayroseu · 2 months
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FAMILY PICTURE 💕💕💕💕💖💖💚💚💚✨✨✨✨
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woah-i-am-here · 6 months
Role Swap!AU Doodles for a fanfic I want to write later. Basically World Tour but Alejandro and Noah have their roles and part of their upbringing swapped. Noah is the youngest of his siblings who are famous and recognized in areas and he's the ignored genius who's in the show for the first time trying to get recognition from his family, and Alejandro is a capable guy who got unfairly eliminated in season one and came back for another shot at the million.
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Remind me to never pick up digital drawing again. It is p a i n f u l. I want to lie in the floor, ty very much.
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kastavanes · 11 months
Yoko : So now that Enid as grown a bit can we start calling you shorty?
Wednesday : You may.
Yoko who was already ducking, surprised by the lack of flying knifes : Really??? I expected you to try and grill my ass. Why aren't you doing that?
Wednesday who was signaling to Enid to come closer : Disappointed? I can always hunt you, but I do not want to hear reclamations if you lose a member.
Yoko : NO!No, it is just weird, but hey you got a growing heart I guess shorty.
Wednesday to Enid who just arrived : Did you hear that my love? Can you hug me for emotional support?
Enid hugging and pushing Wednesdays head deep into her chest : Of course babe!
Enid mouthing slowly to Yoko : Do not talk about her height! She is sensitive about that!
Yoko seeing Wednesday smugly smiling while flipping her off : You sneaky bitch
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visionsofmagic · 7 months
𓈒⠀𓂃 ✩ fuck you on tropes. ✩ 𓂃 𓈒
— mdni, nsfw, so short, actor!johnny cage, cumming, pet names, dirty talk, teasing, & more. enjoy! [the next one is gonna be bi han I think]. [not part 2 of anything- the number stands as “the second work of this series • first one]
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johnny is a guy who will definitely fuck you on the collection of his awards, mostly tropes, watching you get shaken, the coldness of them turning warm because of your body temperature that is rising up and up as he fucks you onto them, a smirk on his damn face, hands holding you by the waist as he pounds you again and again.
he’s having so much fun that he teases you again and again, with both his words and actions.
he can’t help but realize how good you’re looking like that; fully naked, covered with his golden tropes yet you shine more than any of them, hardened nipples that have wetness on because of how hard and messy he was sucking them, sparkling eyes with the pleasure of watching him fucking with his thick cock, earning lots of sweet voices sounding the true tone of the sin you’re creating together.
“ohhh baby look at you,” he teases, he does that a lot, amused by how you react to his words with actions - clenching around his length, milking him the moment you hear his voice - it doesn’t matter which one he receives, it still will be the sight he weakens for. “milking me so much that all of ‘em are covered with it!” chuckling, he kneels down, cock goes further, filling you up fully. you leave a loud moan, hands holding his arms for the dear of your life, tight yet soft at the same time.
“johnny! ohhhh! johnny!”
he laughs at your state, enjoys himself and the mess he gains out of you, “yes pretty? ‘s it too muuuch? ‘s not baby, not enough, nah, I will make you cum onto every trophy I have, and the next time I win another one, I will fuck you with it!” he caresses your face as he fucks your brain off, balls slapping to your ass cheeks with great impact that you know the flesh is begging for mercy yet your legs around his hips get tighter, pulling him closer to yourself so that you can feel him reaching the deepest edge - his moans only add more pressure to your desire, words echoing inside your head again and again, “would you like that cutie?” he asks, knowing the answer already, and the way you squirm is proof.
“yeah? then will make sure to win that fuckin’ award for you only pretty.”
and the next thing you know after that day, the day in which he fucks you until the last award is covered with your and his cum, he wins the award and at the end of the speech, he smirks down at the camera, saying, “y/n baby, this one is for you.” as he kisses the tip of the award and winking. you watch him, both shy and lustful because of knowing that tip, and maybe more than that, will be used by him to fuck you later the night.
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eulalized · 10 days
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washing the dishes with keegan always proves to you how annoying he can get—however you look at it and try to deny it, you like it. “you have to stop doing that.”
taking the washed plate from your offering hands, he says, “stop doing what?” there are a few squeaks as he wipes down the droplets of water on the ceramic with a clean cloth.
“that.” you grasp a plate from the rickety pile of soapy dishes, the bubbles running down the sink and into the drain as you wash off the dish soap. passing it to him, you glance at him from the corner of your eye as he takes it after a beat. “looking at me.”
he lets out a quick, sharp exhale that comes across as a snort, out of wry disbelief or pure ludicrousness—or just something he’d find funny, that usually is the case with keegan. “am i not allowed to look at you?” he says with a smile beneath his mask that you can tell from his eyes is snarky enough that you want to hose it away. you convince yourself not to while grabbing a bowl from the pile of soapy dishes and run it over water.
“no.” your answer sounds incomplete. with how your hands stop moving to swipe the bubbles away—letting the water flow down your hands and the bowl, thinking as you still try to find the right words, you murmur, “i mean…”
“come on,” he says, setting the current plate in his hands down gently atop the counter and reaching for the bowl in yours. “tell me,” he urges you.
you blink, waking up from the train of thought while watching him take the ceramic from your palms. you turn your head to watch him wipe down the washed bowl, the rag warbling softly. he catches a brief glimpse of your face—soon before looking back down to focus on drying the residual droplets of water. “you look at me, and you smile.”
he takes a moment, drying and shining the surface of the already clean bowl. the kitchen remains silent, aside from the hushed running water and the rag squeaking here and there. you blink, looking at him and studying his eyes, the ones focused on the ceramic. keegan looks at you from the top of his eyelashes, his neck craned downwards faintly, and you see they’re genuine. he sets down the dish on the countertop, without missing another second to add a small smile—you like to remember it and memorize the look in his eyes sometimes—he says:
“i like looking at you.”
you watch him for a second, wondering to yourself if he means what he says, you stifle a smile as you turn your head back to the sink. holding a handful of utensils and running it over water, you watch the bubbles calmly flow down the drain. he adds, the mischief clear in his voice, “even when you coerce me to help you put away the dishes.”
this time you don’t fight the smile. “it’s not coercion,” you retort, the smile wanting to grow bigger into a grin or a laugh, or something keegan would soon notice. “i didn’t coerce you, you wanted to help.” you glance at him for a split second before giving the utensils to him. “you’re so lame,” you mutter under your breath, wryly smiling to prevent yourself from bursting into laughter.
“you‘re calling me lame for helping you? wow, immature.”
“whatever…” you turn off the tap water with a smile, peering over your shoulder to watch him finish up on drying the last of the utensils, the last of the dishes.
he eyes you while smiling beneath his mask, impervious to your ‘words of flattery,’ he’d call it. “i’ll still help do the dishes with you, you know. always.” his words are comforting, soothing to hear—keegan always seems to know what to say to get you to smile.
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elparaisodetlaloc · 4 months
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wikitpowers · 11 days
clary is two apples tall 🍎🍎
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(she’s so tiny, protect her at all costs)
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harkonnen-darkness · 28 days
- 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧
Feyd reached for your body and gently pulled you out of the hot bath in which you had spent some time tonight. The scent of lavender permeated the entire chambers. Wordlessly, he wrapped you in a black towel like a caterpillar, picked you up in his arms again and walked towards the bed. He leaned against the many pillows, placing you crosswise on his lap. He also reached for the blanket and covered your body with it. "So..." , he began, as you continued to look at him, perplexed, unable to move your arms. "How was your day, butterfly?" 'Next time I want you to sit in with me and not pull me out!' , you thought.
I should start a series called Shitty-Shorties.
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bananashakexx · 2 months
Can you pretty please draw korekiyo scaring the children (Fuyuhiko, Chihiro and Teruteru) by being himself? :3
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i decided to add himiko nd hiyoko just cuz i love em all a wee bit 2 much ^.^
also drawn digitally!!! cuz its 12:30am rn. woops
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squidkid15 · 1 year
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Hey so fun fact the core monkies are actually tiny they just shapeshift bigger. MK is not struck with the same fate because he started human and turned monkey. He actually got taller.
This has like 0 impact on the plot i just need everyone to know it.
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solargeist · 1 year
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oh how tall you’ve gotten ! (he is the same height) (jus grandma things)
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praxidikegal · 3 months
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District 13 AU (I should really stop calling it 13AU, it's a snowbaird happily ever after AU)
Orpheus Sage Snow
Nickname: Sejy
Third of my Snowbaird kid
Born and grew up in district 13 along with his elder sisters. When he was younger, he nearly died from a pox outbreak, which led to his father, fully joining 13 to the rebellion. Moved to the Capitol at 16.His father enrolled him into his former academy to assimilate him into the Capitol and went to school there along with his childhood friend, Micheal. There, he met his first friend, Ophelia Vickers (Coriolanus, knowing his opinionated son and not wanting him to end up like a certain someone, requested his former classmate to have her daughter befriend his son) then he met Julius "Julian" Creed. The four became fast friends.
Orpheus Sage loves wearing his mother's jewelry and loves to visit his mother's family in 12 (to which Julian would insist in coming along). Orpheus Sage also has a natural charisma and massive flirt and is genuinely physically affectionate. He is rebellious and would often not listen to anyone but his mother. His shenanigans had led to the news and sometimes kidnapped that no bodyguard ever stayed employed with him.
He will outright ignore anyone who will not say his full name. The only other nickname he will answer to is "Sejy" but it's only cuz that's what Ophelia had affectionally call him and that he notice his father flinches when he is called by that nickname and so never correct it.
In college, he studied and graduated in a chemistry majors(insisted by his father) with a deal that his father would fund and any projects he does. He then later pursue a career in music and theatre. His singing career is a hit and has led to travel everywhere and mostly away from his family's politics but helps out in ways he can whenever they badger him.
Their band back in when they were in the academy (Julian plays the piano)
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