#shoto is some form of gay
Sometimes your family is you:
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Your lesbian older sister who’s trying to keep your family together:
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Your gay, traumatized younger brother with ptsd:
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Your mom who was sent to a mental hospital:
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Your piece of shit of a father:
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And your very gay, very insane, older brother who faked his death and commits arson:
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diospore · 2 months
MHA 430, no real spoilers to the ending but I'm also discussing my au ideas under the break too so that's why I tagged spoilers and added the bar, because there's a variety of spoilers.
That was fine I guess, could've been worse... Sad no dfo but I kinda gave up on that being good 10 chapters ago. Insert Thanos I'll do it myself gif.
I'm gonna start my analysis + reread on Saturday I think?
Here's thoughts I already have:
- Reduce amount of students in 1-A. I realized that I can't handle 20+ main characters lol. My original idea was 5, but I've got it down to 10 by fusing characters. Izuku, Aoyama, Uraraka, Shoto, and Bakugo remain the same. I'm going to review the fusions and draw them later...
Sero/Kaminari/Kirishima (Reason: I get them mixed up a lot.)
Iida/Momo/Ojiro (Rich kid + I like Ojiro)
Jiro/Tokoyami/Shoji (Characters with a "dark vibe" ((emo lol)))
Mina/Tsu (I'd feel bad having one and not the other)
Koda/Sato (Honestly they're here because they're the ones I think of when I think "they got shoved aside" as well as Ojiro but I like him more.) ((... Also combine their names and you get Soda....))
Most likely to be cut: Ojiro, Sato, Koda, Sero
Cut: Mineta (Obvious reasons), Hagakure (I couldn't think of anything)
I swear there's logic here but I'm unable to explain it better lol. I'm eepy.
- Bakugo will be expelled from UA in the first arc, perhaps that'll be the conclusion of it. Possibly return in a later arc, I'm thinking the vigilante arc? Minor character. Basically a starter antagonist before the stakes ramp up.
(Results in the same amount of students as OFA users! Which I think is a nice parallel.)
- First arc will be about the class bonding since I really wanted more 1-A bonding scenes. Mainly about them helping each other. (I. E. Izuku opening up about being bullied, the class helping Shoto with the Endeavor situation, etc.) Bakugo's role will be getting in the way of this. Minor antagonist.
- LOV shouldn't be introduced until after a bond is established. Sorry Shiggy my beloved, you must wait.
- All for One dies in Kamino equivalent. (Unsure of how to set this up w/o Bakugo, maybe Midoriya's the one kidnapped?) Sorry AFO I love you so so much, but I'm killing you off. You're op as hell and the kill should be All Might's. You can come back and possess people later if you're good.
- DFO will be there as well as reducing the role AFO played in Shigaraki's backstory. Increase the role in Midoriya's life (negative).
- Aizawa will have a bit of a tweak, he'll be less physically violent with the students. (Less scarf grabby, only in extreme circumstances) Also I think having a lasting injury from the Oboro incident would be a nice touch. Give him a House MD vibe with a cane??? God I fucking loved House. Gay and homophobic, what an icon.
- Eventually I want Endeavor to go to prison or face some form of consequence. Maybe death. I was also thinking about him being tricked into helping AFO out of desperation for that number one spot. Bakugo takes his place for redemption arc?
- I don't really want to kill Midnight off... Or Twice... Or like. Any of the LOV. Need to think about that... But I know Twice's death was very important, so I might have to get over it somehow.
Not saying there won't be death, it just has to make more sense to me.
Wrote most of this at 2 am lol so this is probably incoherent. It's not a critique of the series, it's just my idea for the au. Like I get that classes have like 20 people in them. And that characters die. That villains die even if they're children.
I think if I plan this in arcs, I'll have the best chance of finishing it.
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Now I'm interested, what are some of your favorite picks for the cast? Any choices that don't make sense on paper but you have an odd reason for?
Oh for the bnha pmd thing? Okay so they're all pokemon and like. I have. I have Thoughts™.
Like we brianstormed half of this ages ago in the discord and then I made a joke and we brought it back up and Aki is making their own spin on it now(I love this for you btw it's fun and I love seeing the overlap on our thoughts)
ANYWAY: Who is what pokemon!
So first off. All of 1-A are first stage evolution because they're baby.
Izuku - Oh boy. Short version: Mew 3 but thinks he's a Shaymin. Long story will swing back to it eventually
Katsuki - Riolu! I had narrowed it down to Riolu, Cyndaquil, or Mankey, all for appearance and vibes and some in the power category. But then it was pointed out that Riolu evolves through /friendship. and I just. The narrative there? Beautiful.
Ochako - Cleffa! They're from space!
Kiri - Sandshrew! I knew he'd be a ground or rock type and Sandshrew's a vibe and they're all pointy, but also because my AU has Kiri and Tetsutetsu as siblings I wanted something to fit both of them as they'd be the same thing, and main Sandshrew is ground but the Alolan one is part Steel for Tetsutetsu
Shoto - Vulpix, still a Chimera so he's both Kantonian and Alolan.
Denki - Pichu. Like how can I not he already gets the Pikachu jokes but Pichu is extra baby and can't yet control the electricity!
Jiro - Noibat! Just fuckin look at it!
Tsu - Froakie. Frog!!! Will eventually be a Greninja and look at the similarities!
Fumikage - Murkrow. Once again. Obvious choice.
Hagakure - Kecleon! Invisible baby!
Ojiro - Aipom! Monkey! Tail is a hand!
Sato - Milcrey but like. Big one.
Momo - Eevee. Simple but many possibilities!
Himiko - Zorua. Known for disguising!
Mei - Tinkaton. It just. It's pink and it builds weapons!!!!
Monoma - Smeargle. he copies things!
Recovery Girl - Blissey. Nurse pokemon!!
Present Mic - Chatot. I have to make the gay bird be the other gay bird it's a pmd story I have to!!
Midnight - Slazzle
Cementoss - Conkledurr
Power Loader - Exadrill
Nezu - Ironically, the one random Human who got yeeted into the pokemon world.
AfO - A VERY pissed off Mewtwo.
Going into the Todoroki drama for a second:
Enji is an Incineroar(Seriously LOOK AT IT).
Rei is an Alolan Ninetails, chosen because 1.) compatible with Incineroar and 2.) can make both fire and ice kids.
We're /kinda/ breaking some of how in-game genetics and abilities work for the kids to match their canon powers.
Toya is a Kantonian Ninetails but he got Snow Cloak instead of Flash Fire
Fuyumi is all Alolan
Natsuo is the opposite of Toya, being Alolan but having Flash Fire instead of Snow Cloak.
Shoto, as mentioned above, is a Chimera. So he got both the Kanto and Alola forms in one.
Swinging back to Izuku's bullshit: Basically Dad for One but with me yoinking from my other Monster AU.
AfO being a very pissed off Mewtwo. Has become the thing he hated and tried to make another Mew, resulting in Izuku. Baby Izuku ends up teleporting his ass out of there and is found by Inko(a Shaymin). Imprints on her as a mother figure and unconsciously uses the transform ability to copy her form. Inko does not know what happened there but that is a baby and it's hers now damn it. Izuku knows Inko isn't his mom but isn't aware that he's not a Shaymin.
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aces-to-apples · 2 years
I saw your fusion AU post and need details (if you’d oblige me). Because this is steven universe inspired, do they dance to fuse? Do they do a gay little dance on the battlefield? This is important information. Also, fusion appearance: do they just look like giant ppl or are they big ol’ abominations? I garner it would vary case by case, but if you have an appearance in mind for [insert fusion name here] know that I’m looking expectantly 👁️👁️ (1/2)
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Fusion AU Post
Asdfghjkl okay so some of this i have written down places already but some of it is only in my brain, and because i am not musically or visually creative some of it never occurred to me, so bear with me.
In this AU Force-wielders—most existing within the Jedi Order and therefore pretty much all assumed to be Jedi, colloquially known as gems or crystals depending on location—are like SU Gems in that they're beings made of light and the Force whose sentience is contained in kyber crystals from which they project their mobile physical forms. When projecting a physical form, their kyber cores are contained within them like SU gems, except when they move into their "weapon forms" aka lightsabers. Since I'm not inclined towards music or dance, and because Steven proves that you can fuse with a gem who's retreated into their gemstones to reform, dancing isn't required to fuse but I think it's probably a cultural and ceremonial things for Jedi proper. And fusion works with non-gems because something something through all things the Force flows.
You're right that fusion appearances vary case by case. Everyone's base appearance is the same as in canon, and while fusions can get very big depending on how many are fused and how stable the fusion is (less stable fusions being bigger) they usually stay under about 8 feet i think.
Fusion appearances are vague because, again, very much not an artist, but I do have a few specifics for some of them: Anyone who fuses with Ahsoka has togruta montrals, anyone who fuses with Maul has zabrak horns plus an extra mouth, anyone who fuses with Anakin has four arms, and anyone who fuses with Rex has four eyes.
Maulakin: keeps Anakin's hair so the horns end up looking almost like a half-hidden crown, and they also have Maul's markings but subtler almost like they're showing from underneath Anakin's regular skin.
Rexakin: most normal-human-looking, dark golden curly hair, one pair of brown eyes above a pair of yellow eyes, deep tan/light brown skin? Only one mouth but voice is slightly double-toned and they talk more like Anakin but move more like Rex.
Maulsoka: from discord dms, "I'm thinking Maulsoka probably looks the most "monstrous" of the bunch: zabrak horns and togruta horns, four eyes, four arms, white markings and black skin with a slick-looking red tint that looks like fresh blood on obsidian, and they're like 7 feet tall."
The list of most to least stable fusions, pasted below from the other post, ranges from about 6'5" to about 7'2" (which doesn't even surpass regular human heights let alone aliens but I think any bigger would just be a little too comical so no building-sized fusions like in the cartoon): Anasoka - Obikin - Obirex - Rexsoka - Rexakin - Maulakin - Obisoka - Maulsoka - Maulrex
As for the fusion lightsabers, I think there's quite a wide variation as well. A Maul fusion will nearly always use a lightstaff and an Ahsoka fusion will nearly always use Jar'Kai, but with the colors yeah probably gradients or maybe a thin core color/ greater outer color. Maulakin would use a lightstaff with a red core but mostly Anakin's blue. Maulsoka would probably also use a lightstaff but one end would be green and the other would be the yellow-green of her shoto, but maybe they would Ahsoka's Jar'Kai with a deep red saber and a much paler red shoto. Much fun to be had there, but as with the character designs, if I was an artist, I'd already have already tried drawing them instead of trying to talk my way through them lol.
Lastly, not one of your questions but because I don't think I've mentioned anywhere else: Maul and Anakin still use prostheses because the fights on Naboo and Geonosis were so traumatic that their projected physical forms were permanently changed, like Pink Pearl's cracked eye in SU.
Aaaaand I think that's everything! Thanks for sending these in btw it was fun to write some of this out even though I'm sure my lack of visual artistic skills is disappointing lmao
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cuchufletapl · 2 years
I want your personal opinion. We see a lot of shipping controversy when it comes to MHA, but none of the ships have actually been confirmed, just teased. And I find that the biggest tease is Tododeku, honestly. Do you think there is even the slightest possibility that Horikoshi could just bless us with this ship? Do you think there is something there, genuinely? I want this ship canon, and honestly I'm really not feeling it with Ochako at all. What are your opinions on her? I dont know if you agree, but her character revolves around the main character in a way that makes it annoying and unbearable and I cant stand the interactions, yet it seems that Horikoshi seems to have given up as of recently. Do you think so?
Please don't take this as hostile because I don't mean it as such, I just struggle with tone. But.
This ask is kind of strange to me because 1) I don't write meta that often; 2) I've never written meta about BNHA; and 3) actually, in the past four months I've reblogged a grand total of nine posts about BNHA.
It's a fandom that I'm a part of but that I barely talk about on Tumblr — if you only followed me on here you'd think that I'm barely into it.
So what on Earth would make you ask me my opinion on this, anon?
Like, you see a profile with a Fullmetal Alchemist icon talking about Sonic, Ladybug, and Spy x Family and go: "Yeah. This is the person I'm gonna ask about Boku no Hero shipwars"?
Besides, considering how this ask is worded, it looks to me like you have a fully formed opinion and just want some sort of validation for it.
And I checked the recent stuff in the tododeku tag and I saw at least one more person responding to a very similar ask to this one, so there's that.
I'm prefacing with this to clarify that I'm aware that this is some sort of bait (even if I'm not completely sure what you're baiting for, anon) and that you probably went through a bunch of people that had posted/reblogged tododeku stuff recently and sent them similar asks.
However, I do have an opinion, and my ego can't resist sharing it, so here we go. Buckle up, I started rambling.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure of what you are talking about when you say that tododeku has been the most teased ship.
Their dynamic is solid and well-written, and they've had a lot of page/screen-time to develop together. They're close friends (Midoriya is Todoroki's best and favourite friend, without a doubt), they're at ease around each other, understand and trust one another — in sum, they care and there is a lot of proof of that over the nearly 400 chapters of the manga (plus spin-off media).
This would be a good basis for a romantic development in their dynamic, it'd make for a good love story, but I don't think Horikoshi has ever intended to go in that direction, not even in subtext. I don't think he would even if a gay/bi protagonist was allowed in a battle-action shonen.
I think the "tododeku teasing" is the inevitable outcome of having two characters impact each other's narratives in such a way. Of course there are a lot of Moments™ between them that can easily be read in a romantic light — fighting Izuku in the Sports Festival was literally a turning point in Shoto's life! But Horikoshi just wrote them that way because he wanted to advance their character arcs through their friendships.
(It's a huge theme in BNHA, in my opinion. Class 1-A constanly inspire each other, make each other better. They don't just develop on their own, it's with the support of other people that the characters move forward. Deku is the epitome of this: his gifted power born out of the sacrifices of eight other people, his fighting style inspired by his mentors and his friends. And he's not the only example: Tamaki and Mirio; Kirishima with Bakugo and Ashido; Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki himself of course. Horikoshi is good at writing admiration and friendships.)
And after all, good friendships tend to (although not always) make for compatible romantic pairings.
Listen, if tododeku ever became canon, I'd end up in the ER because my heart wouldn't be able to handle the joy and the surprise bursting out of it. I don't hope it to, nor do I particularly want it to be canon (romantic subplots are not my priority in BNHA), but it would definitely make me very happy. I've been on this boat for, what? Five years, give or take a couple of months? Tododeku is probably my actual OTP (as in the meaning of the acronym, my one and only true pairing).
(And that's without taking into account how massive it would be in terms of queer representation in Japan. The male protagonist of a top Shonen Jump nekketsu manga, bisexual and in an overt relationship with another major male character? Kohei Horikoshi would make history.)
But back in 2017 I went in fully expecting it not to be endgame, and that hasn't changed in 2022.
First of all, because regardless of Horikoshi's intentions, this is shonen manga, c'mon. It's Shonen Jump Magazine. The only gay action we see in this demographic is questionable yuri pandering to male audiences.
Although to be completely fair, BNHA does have confirmed queer characters: Tiger, Big Sis Mag, and Toga. However, you'll notice that none of them are gay men, only one of them has any relevance whatsoever, and not all of them are handled with the same care (Magne is... oof. People make excuses for it but I'm too familiar with Japanese media not to recognise that her design looks just like a transmysoginistic charicature, and the theory that Horikoshi is doing a social critique by making medical transitioning not accessible to her due to marginalisation is utterly fanon interpretation. It's not anywhere in the text, it was made up outright. It'd be amazing if it were true, but considering how unsubtle Horikoshi is with the politics of BNHA, as manga tends to be, if it's not there, it's because it wasn't supposed to be).
Second, because if Horikoshi wanted to make his main characters boy lovers and was allowed to... Well, in all honestly, I think he'd go for bakudeku (if, ya know, Bakugo makes it, which he probably will). They're one of the central dynamics of this story, their arcs don't make any sense without each other. They're not up to the level of, say, sasunaru, but they're not that far off. It's the most popular pairing in this fandom, both in the West and in Japan, for a reason.
(And if not bakudeku, I think kiribaku would have the biggest chance. Mostly because there's quite a lot of evidence to support a queer reading of Kirishima, and I'm not entirely sure it was accidental.)
Of course, if anyone gave me the reigns, I'd make Bakugo and Midoriya queerplatonic and make Todoroki and Midoriya marry but alas, 'tis not the case.
Nevertheless, there might be no canon ships whatsoever.
I'm still holding out for a time-skip and a sequel, despite what Horikoshi said earlier this year about ending the manga — a lot of things feel unfinished in ways that can't be resolved in one single arc. So hey, maybe he'll surprise us and pull a Shippuden.
But if he keeps his word and this is the end of Boku no Hero Academia, then he definitely does not have the time to include a romantic subplot of any kind. Not at this stage, not so near the end and with all characters in the middle of battle like this.
So, yeah, maybe you're not feeling it with Ochako because you're not supposed to. Midoriya had some mild interest in her at the beginning and she used to have a crush on him, but that was that. Which would be a nice subversion, to be honest, since an izuocha endgame is what everyone and their mother expected ever since their first interaction, based on the usual romantic tropes of this genre.
But, another thing, because this interpretation of Uraraka ("her character revolves around the main character in a way that makes it annoying") is one that I see echoed everywhere in this fandom and it does annoy me a little. It's a parroted opinion at this point, because the absolute lack of nuance implies that most people saying it haven't actually analysed Uraraka's character and are just repeating what other people said before them. Not saying that you're in that group, anon, maybe you did think it through and just disagree with me, and that's fine.
This critique of Uraraka comes from a larger criticism of Horikoshi's writing of female characters — criticism that is not undeserved. He is capable of writing good three-dimensional female characters (look at Rei Todoroki, or at Himiko Toga), and I think Momo Yaoyozoru's character arc is one of the best that he's written for a supporting secondary character of any gender (it's simple but well-executed!). But it's true that he has way fewer female characters than male ones, and a lot of them are underdeveloped and underutilised to boot.
(Part of that has to do with a more general problem. Horikoshi ended up biting way more than he could chew with his gigantic cast of characters, which is a conversation for another day, but long story short: it's not easy to juggle that many plotlines and character arcs, and sometimes he pulls it off but a lot of the time, particularly in the later half... eh. But it just so happens that a lot of the characters he's unable to give the time and space needed happen to be the few female ones that he has. Well.)
I do feel this is somewhat the case with Uraraka, because considering how she started out, she should've pulled more narrative weight than she has, at least for the arcs that she participated in (the Overhaul Arc did her dirty, let's be honest here). And she's the main female supporting character, it makes it more evident.
But I think that people get so focused in looking for what should have been there that they miss that already is there. People will criticise her arc for revolving around Deku and then completely ignore the parts of it that have nothing to do with him, funnily enough. You guys don't look past Deku's shadow either.
Midoriya inspires Uraraka in a similar way that he does the rest of his classmates and his friends specifically. That's what he is to her — an inspiration, a friend. Much like Midoriya himself does with Bakugo and All Might, she decides to go on her own hero path while taking some of Midoriya's determination as an incentive for her.
Her childhood in poverty shaped her desire to be a hero, and the kind of hero that she wanted to be — she wants to make people happy through helping and saving them. And when she starts the race towards her dream, and she sees her teachers and friends hurting, she's the one to ask the question no one else does: who saves the heroes? Who heals them? Who makes sure they're okay and happy?
And now she's going one step further, and she's trying to save a villain — Toga. And this has nothing to do with Midoriya. He isn't even in the picture right now! Hell, their last conversation before the final battle was about Toga (and other things, but it was obvious Toga was at the forefront of Uraraka's mind)!
Yes, her relationship with Deku is important (he's the protagonist, c'mon), but not the end-all be-all of her character arc. She sees Iida decline Midoriya's offer to join his team in the cavalry battle and decides that she's not going to be all dependent on friends either — and then comes up with a better strategy to fight Bakugo than even Midoriya had thought of. She catches feelings and immediately tries to shake them off because they're a distraction she can't afford for the sake of her own goals. She becomes an inspiration for him, as much as he is for her.
Their friendship is pretty neat, and while Uraraka could be more, let's not act as if she was nothing but Deku.
To conclude.
Look, anon, from your words I can tell that you're obviously very invested in tododeku. I understand that, I really do, but I'd advise you to get over it. At the end of the day, it's just ink on a page. The emotions that they make you feel are real and valid (that is what art and storytelling are for) but if it gets to a point where it genuinely upsets you that two characters don't end up together, that it feels like a need that they be together in canon, it might be the time to take a step back.
I say this as someone who still gets angry over klance lol. But it's true.
I think you can find a lot more joy than you realise in simply not giving a shit about canon. And while shipping is very fun, I don't find it recommendable to look at all media only through that lense.
As I said before, all the "tododeku teasing" you mention is just one particular interpretation of their interactions, and at times it can be one that removes the actual themes written into their dynamic.
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hxnmantii · 4 years
Class 1-A and their car habits
tw: crack/fluff, cursing
People: Bakugo, Shoto, Izuku, Sero, Kiri, iida, Mina x mostly gn!reader (Mina is the only one that’s implied female!reader)
Ratings: PG
A/n: yuuhh get into💋 I personally would like to ride with Shoto. I just wanna hold his hand👉🏾👈🏾 but not on no simp shit. Originally, this was going to be just boys but who would I be if my gay self didn’t add the queen herself? Anyways, Who would you like to ride with?
Bakugo does that sexy ass thing where he drives with one hand on the wheel and one hand on your thigh and when you don’t pay him enough attention he’ll lightly squeeze your thigh. This man does NOT share the aux....his stingy ass. He says he doesn’t wanna listen “to your trash music” but will play bxmb threat and NBA Youngboy at full capacity with the windows down. If you beg enough maybe he’ll play 1 Nicki song. But he will throw a fit and act like he doesn’t like Nicki even though he knows all of the lyrics. Altough he’s really uptight about his car, he enjoys driving and picking up the Bakusquad in it because he likes to feel useful and needed. No doubt about it, this man has road rage. He’s screaming outside the window and in the car about how someone cut him off and when someone screams back him, he’s like “Pull over right now cuz those sound like fighting words to me.” Now y’all in the back of a cop car and 30 minutes late to your dinner date. You are not, I repeat, you are NOT allowed to even think about eating in his car unless he’s got that plastic wrapping on his car. He treats his car so good (at some point you think he likes the care better than you) her name is Bethany. I-
Shoto has one hand on the wheel and one hand in your hand, stroking your hand from time to time and kissing the back of it. He had a sleek gray sliver car with a sunroom (he never actually uses) that goes fast and he likes going real fast because what they gon do, give him a ticket??? When his dad the number one hero??? Try again. He’s also the type to flick off the cops as he driving by because ACAB. He’s always wearing a gold Rolex and you got your nails done so when you hold his, the acrylics compliment his hand and watch.(like the pictures from Pinterest) You guys ride in comfortable silence. It’s so calming riding with him because although you’re slightly anxious with how fast he’s going, you’re at somewhat ease because he’s doing it so smoothly and you trust him. His windows are tinted because once again he’s the son of a pro hero and people are nosy, neither you or him like that. Although you don’t really need the assistance with Shoto being a living AC and heater in one, his seats have buttons for each seat and you can warm your bum. His car had the clean car smell...it just smells really clean. He’s got a bunch of condiments and napkins in his glove department. He doesn’t know where they came from. His whole vibe in his car is rich and elegant. He gets his car professional wash every Tuesday and you are required to come.
Kiri’s got a big ass red GMC truck and he gave the truck these monster wheels so it’s a force to be reckoned with. Her name is Sophie and like Bakugo, he loves her dearly but makes it clear to you that he’s love you more than her. He does the sexy ass thing where he’s got one hand on the wheel and one hand tightly holding on to your head rest so his arms flexing and he’s backing up with a concentrated look. that is so hot to me. He’s got a sticker on the back that says “honk if you’re manly” . He definitely would let you take the aux because you guys made a playlist of songs you chose together. He would be the type to start dancing when a good song came on, almost hitting someone in the process because he took both hands off the steering wheel out of excitement. He’s got road rage but not enough to actually start shouting or flicking someone off. In the trunk of Kirishima’s car, he’s got at least 5 different protein bottles as well a case of water and some jump rope. He says “You never know when I’ll need it to work out” but he has his personal gym?? Anyways, he has a specific section in his closet for red button ups because he likes to match Sophie when he drives her😭 I hate to say it but Kiri looks like a hill billy especially since he’s got those shoulder cut out button ups. He’s cute with it and he’s happy so you somewhat tolerate it
Izuku has more of a family car like a soccer mom car or a dark green Ford explore because he likes to pick everybody up to hang out and he needs space since he’s got a lot of them. Not to mention, he also likes to cruise and enjoy his time with you no matter where y’all go because we all know this man is a simppp. At every stop light, he’s gently grabbing your face and either kissing you on your cheek or forehead. He tried giving you a kiss on the lips once but he got so caught on the feeling that he ended up holding up the line and everybody was honking and made at him. He was so embarrassed that he now waits til you guys get to your destination to do all that extraness. Being the big fan he is, naturally he has some All might themed seatbelts and has all might stickers all over his steering wheel. He also has little all Might figurine on his dashboard that he prays to get him out of car trouble. Genuinely think it’s works too. Izuku in his trunk has a bunch of workout gear and gaze cuz he’s sexy like that. He does not have road rage at all....maybe a little. He might flick someone off but that’s as far as it goes. He definitely gives you the aux because he loves watching how lively you get it. (Y/n) “Do you know your Megan baby?”🥰 (ZuZu) “Y-yes?”
Now hear me out...Iida has a motorcycle. He’s got a need for speed that cars can’t really fufill because you can’t weave through other cars like a motorcycle can. His motorcycle has the highest tech on it naturally. It’s all black but has lights underneath it so he can change it by phone and ofc it’s always blue. You guys also have matching helmets that are Bluetooth so you’re able to talk to one another without having to yell very much. When you guise stop, he rubbing your arms to make sure that you’re okay and/if you need to pull over. Now when he’s not riding the motorcycle he’s got a Tesla. He preaches about the law and following the rules but when he get in the car, that’s a different story. With him you better either hold on tight to him or you better get double seat belt buckles for extra protection because he’s about to try and race the flash. (And you thought Shoto was bad) You get out thanking the universe for letting you touch ground again. Iida got the type of car that if you even breathe incorrectly around it, it’s going off and waking up the whole damn neighborhood. When iida first got his car, he read everything up on it so he would be fully able to use the car to its full potiential meaning that he’s got Siri set up, he can lock the door from his car, and watch the cameras on his house through the screen of his car. The Bluetooth is automatically connected to his phone so no you will not be getting the aux but you can play some tunes form his phone. He’ll even make you a playlist on Apple Music with his rich self.
Sero’s got a red convertible with tan seats and the weather allows it, his top is always down. His car always smells so good because he uses the wild cherry air freshener in his car. He blasts bad bunny and daddy Yankee as y’all are cruising slightly over the speed light. He also likes blasting Ski Mask. He’s the type to sing you the words while gently holding your face and singing to you with a lovey dovey smile on his face. He’s very respectful and turns down his music when entering neighborhoods because he doesn’t wanna mess with the vibes. You two have matching glasses that says queen/ king on yours and king on his. He definitely has some throw dice hanging from his mirror along with a picture of you and him taped to his dashboard cuz he’s also a simp. He’s always has a packet of Extra gum in his middle console along with warm water bottles. If police pulls him over, he definitely the type to start flirting with him so the officer just to make him uncomfortable enough to let him off with a warning. For a fact, he has the Puerto Rican flag on the antenna of his car. He has Led lights and likes them to be colorful rather than on one color. Sero definitely jogs around the front to open the door for you because he’s a jester and a gentleman in one. His part of his car is that the top can go down solely for the fact that the sun always highlights your skins so well.
Do I even need to say anything about the Pink queen herself?? She has a cute pink steering wheel case with matching pink seats and ofc she has a bedazzled stick shift. She has a Jeep. She the type of person to has matching glasses with her interior and when you get in the car, she’s putting her music on shuffle: a dangerous move because you go from Brent Faiyaz to Jhene Aiki to fucking Cardi B, Flo Mili, and etc. When you unbuckle your seat to start twerking in the seat, she’s automatically going to start hyping you up. She’s got one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on your ass smacking it as you fuck it up in the passenger seat. Y’all are literally swerving from side to side and let’s be honest here, Mina is not that good of a driver so you have almost gotten in an accident multiple times. She’s the type to pull over to take cute selfies or videos with you and post them all at once captioning it with “Late nights w/bae”. Underneath seat she an emergency packet filled with makeup, clothes, hair and first aid kit supplies. Although she’s not the best driver, she takes the rules really serious because she would hate to have an accident with you in the car. Like Sero, She has led lights in her car but they only flash pink. Mina is the queen of putting falsies on so she would mostly definitely put yours on (without tweezers) once you park as well as do your edges if you ask. She just has that talent. *chefs kiss* amazing
Reblogs are appreciated!
A/n: I’m lyin I definitely would be riding with Bakugo because I have major passenger rod rage lol and you definitely don’t wanna get your ass beat TWICE
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v01dbug-s1nr0se · 2 years
AKA WREN ❤ (one of y'all may recognise this name-) One of our many, many BNHA characters-
Presenting him in some outfits :D
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UA Uniform!
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Hero Gear!
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Birthday:Dec. 01
Gender:Trans FTM(AFAB, uses quirk to appear male instead of binding most of the time)
Quirk:Shifter - An ability that allows a person to shapeshift. Only allowing them to shift into living creatures such as humans, mutants, hybrids, animals, or versions of themself. Getting hurt causes Aka to change back to his original form. He can only hold this quirk for a certain amount of time depending on his health.
Height:Technically only 4ft 10in(147.32cm I believe) but when shifting to his preferred look he's around 5ft 8in(172.72cm I believe)
Sexuality:Gay gay homosexual gay-
Romance Status:Single but very much crushing
Biggest secret:He has extremely massive crushes on Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou. The only people who have found out about it are All-Might, Momo Yayorozu, Ochaco Uraraka, Izuku Midoriya, and Mina Ashida. He refuses to allow Eijiro Kirishima or Denki Kaminari any sort of hint or knowledge on this - not because he doesn't trust them, but because they're blabbermouths and... not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Attraction:Although Aka claims he's far more attracted to sweet, charming, open, and gentle guys, he... his current crushes really don't seem to echo that. He does look for appearance, but tries focusing more on the personality of a guy than anything else.
Hobbies:Drawing, writing, reading, photography, and cooking! Also wrestling and archery!
Education/Work:He's enrolled in UA, but gets extra help from his elder sister! He also works part time in a cafe!
Habits: -He wears bandages around his wrists, thighs, and calves. Whenever they're exposed, chances are they have doodles on them! If they aren't the usual go-to doodles(UA logo, rainbows, hearts, smiley faces) then they're chibi heads of his classmates!
-He used to bite his nails, but he's replaced his nail-biting habit with weekly nail-painting every Saturday morning and Sunday evening!
-Whenever he gets too anxious he picks at and bites his lips. It got to the point that Uraraka(who'd gotten EXTREMELY concerned after watching him bleed on his desk) would sneak him lip care products in his bag.
Misc: -He tends to dress very femininely when he can! Usually when his dysphoria and self consciousness isn't through the roofs.
-A lot of people are convinced that he's on a diet! Katsuki doesn't buy it, though. He's smart not too, because while Aka does eat healthy in school and public.. well let's just say a lot of diet cheating happens when he's home alone.
-He has a MASSIVE heart of gold, and sometime's that leads to more issues than it should.
-People in Class 1-A have made joking bets about who's more emotional yet determined - Izuku or Aka!
-He has a very bad habit of eating things out of the packaging at ungodly hours of the night... Specifically shredded cheese, cream cheese, chocolate chips, and/or ice cream!
-He. Can. NOT. Fucking. FOCUS FOR THE LIFE OF HIM. OH MY GOD. This man's got ADHD through the roof.
-Oh my GOD SOMEONE PUT A BELL ON THIS DUMBASS. He gets lost VERY easily. God forbid you let him loose in any foreign city without a cellphone with data to access a GPS.
-He's very quiet when he wants to be and can scare the ever loving SHIT out of someone if he wanted to. (He once scared Katsuki so bad that the entire classroom almost didn't exist-)
Now a scene from Aka Wren's first day at UA :D
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"Bakugou! Sit down!"
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So... What's your bnha au about?
Hizashi and his newly adopted son, Hitoshi, move to Imabetsu, a quiet town in Northern Japan, to ease Hitoshi back into a healthier mindset after spending the better part of a decade in the foster system. What they don’t know about the sleepy town, however, is its colorful, supernatural history, specifically surrounding the kitsune.
Shota, his recently adopted daughter Eri, and his students Kaminari, Kirishima, and Todoroki, guard their sacred shrine in the woods on the outskirts of the unassuming human village nearby. Shota does his best to help develop and progress his students’ kitsune powers, while protecting his shrine and his daughter, who can’t quite use her own powers yet.
Through a series of wacky coincidences, awkward introductions, curious kitsune and pushy humans, the secret supernatural world that has been hidden from humans for decades is revealed, to three babey gays and one disaster pan dad. What wacky adventures will they get up to?
Human; adoptive father of Hitoshi. Part-time radio host (broadcasts from his own home) and English teacher at the local highschool. Has a soft spot for strays-- including Aizawa. Eventually starts to see/date Shota and becomes the other legal guardian of Eri.
Likes: strays, his kids, his (eventual) partner, the English language, and podcasts.
Kitsune (nine tails); adoptive father of Eri. Mentor to Kaminari, Kirishima, & Todoroki (& Hitoshi, eventually). Ground/earth elemental type kitsune, with some celestial thrown in for funsies. Also has a soft spot for strays. Very protective of what’s his (his stray cats, his daughter and students, and eventually his partner and son).
Likes: his family (although he’ll die before admitting it), cats, strays, fruit-flavored things, human coffee.
Human; recently adopted son of Hizashi (& eventually Aizawa). Interested in Kaminari (like father like son?). Aizawa begins training him along with his regular students, as he sees Hitoshi’s potential.
Likes: cats, his dad(s), Eri, his new friends, and drawing.
Kitsune (one tail); adopted daughter of Shota (& Hizashi). Celestial type kitsune. She was rescued from a terrible human who tried to harness her magic (aka, Overhaul). He ended up corrupting some of her magic, hence the horn. She has a great deal of trouble using her powers, but luckily Aizawa’s celestial powers allow him to cancel out other's abilities, so she doesn’t have to worry about hurting others while Shota is near.
Likes: Aizawa, Hizashi, Hitoshi, apples, Midoriya, music, human candy, and her father’s students.
Human; native to the small town and it’s woods. Friends with Bakugou since childhood; currently going to the same school Hitoshi will transfer into after summer break.
Likes: the supernatural and mythology, the mysterious legend of All Might the Kitsune, Kaachan, and the Yamada-Aizawas (& maybe Todoroki???).
Human; native to the small town and its woods. ‘Friends’ with Deku since childhood; currently going to the same school Hitoshi will transfer into after summer break.
Likes: destroying things (preferably through explosions or equally destructive methods), Hitoshi, cooking & cleaning, Aizawa’s students, Kirishima, Aizawa, and (secretly & platonically) Deku.
Kitsune (3 tails); student of Aizawa and the babey of the three students. He is an electric-type kitsune and often has trouble controlling his output, leading him to revert to fox form when he goes over his limit. He’s… still working with Aizawa on that one.
Likes: the night sky, thunderstorms, his friends, Eri, human caffeine, human ‘Pokemon,’ & the Yamada-Aizawas (especially Hitoshi).
Kitsune (5 tails); student of Aizawa and the big bro/oldest of the students. He is a fire/ice type elemental kitsune and has near perfect control over his ice, but refuses to use his fire (despite Aizawa’s mentoring). He was essentially bred to be powerful, and managed to find Aizawa, who overpowered and shamed Shoto’s father into giving up on him. The Aizawa shrine is his home now.
His mother was a Yuki-onna, aka a snow woman. His father was a fire type kitsune (nine tails).
Likes: cold things, human soba (cold, obvi), Midoriya, the Yamada-Aizawas, his friends, iced-over lakes.
Kitsune (3 tails); student of Aizawa and middlest bro of the group. He is a ground/earth type kitsune, like Aizawa, and has a good grasp on his powers. Has an inferiority complex and often compares himself to his fellow students and his teacher-- feels upset over his ‘lack’ of raw power. Works extremely hard.
Likes: human protein powder, human protein shakes, human exercise weights, his friends, Bakugou, the Aizawa-Yamadas, and the Aizawa shrine.
i have plans for quite a few other characters & what superntural beings they would be, their backstories, etc, but i also really want to turn this into a casual fan comic, so ah,,, stay tuned?
i'll probably post concept sketches of what everyone looks like soonish,,
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anxious-ace · 3 years
Shoto headcannons:
Asexual and gay trans guy
The poor thing probably has frequent flashbacks and panic attacks
He and Momo dated for a while before he found out he was gay
They're still friends though
He probably thinks that he's a burden or that he's not wanted around
Does extensive research on random topics and hero things
Will spend hours researching his disorders
(Look at me and tell he's getting out of the childhood abuse without at least 3 mental disorders I fucking dare you)
He can cook really well
(I imagine it's because Endeavor made him cook a lot as a kid)
Has been asked to warm up people's coffee with his quirk so much, he started charging money for it
Momo had to make a shock blanket for when he has meltdowns
Hates the news because of how invasive they are
Like the bitches once followed him to school
He will call on the dekusquad to get the news people to leave
Has asked Hawks (before he started dating Dabi), Mic and Aizawa to adopt him at some point
Ok but Class 1-A getting him a service/emotional support dog for his birthday
He, Izuku and (later) Shinsou share a dorm
Izuku will sneak into his room whenever he starts having flashbacks/nightmares and cuddle him while Shinsou makes sure the dorm doesn't burn down
He is probably either fully blind or partially blind in his left eye because of the boiling water
He wears a contact (just the one, the other one isn't used)
His siblings tried to run cool water to help heal the burn but almost accidentally drowned him
He can sew really well
He is trying to find flame resistant clothing so he doesn't burn all of his clothes when he has to use his left side
Has almost frozen to death after using his right side too much
Has been locked out and forced to sleep outside during the winter so much, he can't sleep without air conditioning
His taste buds are basically dead because he drinks his tea fresh, meaning it's hot as shit
He and his siblings have immunity to poisons because they would just chug the shit as kids
Apparently his name means short sword, but it's also a reference to a character that has a similar move to the hadouken or uses fireballs
His last name is an actual last name with four real life people having it (Kenjiro, Toshiharu, Yu and Yukiko Todoroki)
(I just thought that the last two bullets were interesting)
Hates the sound of tea kettles and boiling water because trauma
His quirk affects his body temperature greatly
If he uses one side for too long, he will start to freeze or overheat depending on the side he's using
He gets sick easily because of this
When he's injured, ice will start to form to close the wound until he can get proper help
If the injury is on his left and he can't reach it, you can see ice traveling across his body to reach the wound
Has taken up martial arts and weapon classes "just in case the quirk can't be used"
He knows that Dabi is Touya but hasn't told anyone for both for their sakes
Has been learning slang from Mina
Ok but Shoto taking a page out of Izuku's book and learning about everyone's quirks so he can help them
Like this man will make food for Momo and Amajiki so they can use their quirks without starving
He's trying to get therapy
The poor thing getting flashbacks to Endeavor whenever someone yells his name and covering his face in response because he thinks he's going to get beat
He is not used to affection so he'll cry if you compliment or hug him
The poor thing probably didn't get birthday parties either
Denki has told him that his quirk hurts a lot, especially if he short circuits, so Shoto is probably one the only people that won't call him an idiot when he short circuits and will instead help him
He will also charge his phone using the nearest outlet instead of asking Denki to charge it for him so he can still use his quirk for training
The two of them have had long ass conversations regarding their quirks
He is a great guy to talk to
Like Shoto just listens to the other person and let's them talk, especially if they need emotional support, until they're done
He takes meds for his anxiety and other disorders
He has asked if can burn Mineta alive or freeze him to death
He probably has repressed issues
Like if he needs help controlling dark shadow, Tokoyami will text Shoto saying, "I need help, use your fire but don't burn the building down."
Shoto will just run in, flame in hand, no questions asked
Mans helps so many people and still thinks he's a burden
He has offered to pay off Ochako's family's debts with Endeavor's credit card
He's also stolen his car before
He knows Japanese, English, Russian, French, Ukrainian, Italian, Spanish, German and Korean
He discovered the section of Sano's hair that's like his and almost cried
He is confused about it though
Like is it natural, did someone dye it? Who knows
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
I was in the Bnha fandom a long time ago. I left because I felt the community is becoming messed up
TW: Mentions of threats, pedos, suicide, bullying
That's quite true. I also kind of left the fandom due to a number of reasons that left a lot of pressure on me.
Such as those hardcore shipping wars, to the point of the anime itself not being part of the conversation, which is weird for me since I actually do want to have a conversation about the episode and make theories and of course fawn how cool over the characters were, not:
That doesn't seem like it's about the story anymore for me.
Also, a lot of the unordinary amount hate for straight ships (such as OchaDeku) comes from a lot of the fans who stan the gay ships (such as TodoDeku) which is nothing wrong in that, but you don't call someone out for that and ridicule them for shipping a straight ship (unless it's pedo then you bash their head-)
Speaking about pedos, most of us have kinda forgotten the main class of students are 15 years old, yet people keep sexualizing them to a crazy extent.
AND SOME PEOPLE SHIP THE KIDS WITH THE ADULTS. It's pretty disturbing, no, very disturbing for a lot of us, and I kid you not Eri x Overhaul is an actual thing. Bleh...
Another thing that had push me away from the fandom is the sheer amount of bullying and death threats you can receive, to a point that it can really cut someone down and maybe cause them to be suicidal, some people are just pure mean in that fandom, much more than others due to its growing popularity.
Death threats can also be pointed towards certain characters in the manga to a very far and considerable amount, making crazy and wild accusations about them to get attention.
Endeavor is one of those people, who keeps getting the burning end of the stick for being a huge ass, which is true. He abused his own son, Shoto, and basically isolate and drove his wife insane, so no one had a happy childhood.
But having him be redeemable rubbed fans the wrong way so much, they sent death threats to MHA’S creator. Endeavor has changed, even Shoto and Rei acknowledge it and tries to help him (in some way or form) for him to get himself together and strengthen their bond as a family again.
But, yeah. I'm sorry for ranting a lot about it, I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's what I've witness in the BNHA fandom. Being in there sometimes made me feel like they were only within the fandom rather than the anime itself, and it's sad to see new and innocent fans who really do love this fandom and anime for what it is to be crushed or brainwash by the toxicity of the fandom.
I know they are plenty of non toxic fans out there that have been roaming around showing those lucky newcomers a good first impression (at least) and protect them from all the shenanigans, but still, there's also a hefty amount of toxic fans out there.
Of course, all fandoms have their fair share of toxic fans that we'll never run short of, but for me, BNHA was just too overwhelming.
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an-angels-blessing · 3 years
Performance of Our Lives
Song🐣🎵- Sit Still Look Pretty,
Artist🤸‍♂️🎤- Barrett Wilbert Weed, Grey Henson
Warnings😳⛔- Fluff, Embarrassed Kageyama
Prompt🥺🔥- N/A
“There will be a five minute intermission between performances.” After hearing that announcement, I continued pacing faster as the nervousness grew. I suddenly felt a hand on my own stopping me from moving. “Come on, you’re going to be great, especially when you look like that. There is no way he won’t be looking at you.” The smaller one wore the biggest smile. It seemed to instantly calm my nerves, I was hot and I knew that I was. A smile started to form on my face and the nervousness casually disappeared. “You wanna talk about me, look at you Shoyo. If only you were straight.” We both sit there for a moment, taking in my previous words before we both bust into a fit of laughter. “I love you Angel.” I heard him say while calming down, his face was now serious, and I knew exactly why. “I love you too Shoyo, now let's show him what it means to be a queen.” He pulls me in for a long hug, one that we both definitely needed. “Okay, today we have the amazing opportunity to introduce, straight out of Mijagi, Angel Ace.”
As soon as I hear that, I let go of Shoyo and walk out on stage, as soon as I do the crowd erupts into cheers making me smile. I grab the microphone from the DJ, looking out to the crowd to see 200 people easily, but of those 200, I spot the Karasuno volleyball team almost instantly. “Hi everyone, I know I just got off tour to focus on school, but you can’t forget where you came from right?” I point the mic towards the crowd to hear dozens of people screaming ‘yes.’ I giggle slightly before holding the microphone back to my lips. “So, I wrote two new songs. And you all are going to be the first to hear it, is that okay with you?” Yet again came dozens of responses from the crowd. “First, can everyone do something for me? I invited a few of my friends, can you all clear a path for them to be in the front?” I point at the team and the spotlight is instantly placed on them. The crowd parted like the red sea, giving them a direct path to the stage. Kageyama was the first to move, with a smug look on his face, if only he knew. The rest of the team followed, and before too long they were directly below me. I bend down slightly to talk to them, Suga was the first to talk. “Do you see Hinata, he said he was here.” I could hear the concern in his voice, it made me laugh internally but I had to play it off. “The tiny one with orange hair? I think he went to the bathroom.” Suga nods his head in satisfaction and I stand back up preparing to start. “This song goes out to my lovely boyfriend.” I send Kageyama a smile and motion for the DJ to start the track.
“Could dress up, to get love, but guess what? I'm never gonna be that girl who's living in a Barbie world. Could wake up, in make up, and play dumb, pretending that I need a boy, who's gonna treat me like a toy” As I start singing I could see the confusing in Tobio’s face start to sink in, “I know the other girls wanna wear expensive things, like diamond rings. But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string.” I take off my promise ring that he got for our 2 year anniversary and throw it at him, the rest of the team look at him confused and dazed at my action. I haven’t taken that ring off since he bought it for me, not even when I was overseas on tour.
“This queen don't need a king” I can slightly hear Kei snicker and whisper to Tobio about my use of the word king. “Oh, I don't know what you've been told, but this girl right here's gonna rule the world. Yeah, that's where I'm gonna be because I wanna be. No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty” I pick up a crown from off the stage and lean down to place it on Tobio’s head before tilting it to make it crooked. “You get off on your 9 to 5, dream of picket fences and trophy wives. But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be. No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty” I back up and walk towards the curtain, I grab Shoyo’s hand and pull him on stage, he looks at me with confusion. “This wasn’t part of the plan.” I smirk at him as I hear gasps from the crowd, but mostly from the team. “Yes it was, now sing. I know you know the lyrics.” I smirk at him before motioning towards the team and handing him the mic, he seems to stop on Tobio before gaining some confidence and singing. “Mr. Right could be nice, for one night, but then he wanna take control. And I would rather fly solo” He starts off pretty shaky, but when we lock eyes he starts to get the feel of the music.
I start clapping and dancing to the music, the crowd seems to get my flow and follows along with me. The looks on the team’s faces makes me laugh, Shoyo suddenly grabs my hand and dances with me, both of our skirts flying up and down. “That Snow White, she did it right in her life. Had 7 men to do the chores 'cause that's not what a lady's for.” The music starts getting louder and we both start getting a music high, forgetting that anyone was even there. “The only thing that a boy's gonna give a girl for free's captivity. And I might love me some vanilla but I'm not that sugar sweet. Call me HBIC” When he finished that line, the whole crowd went wild, we both shared a mutual glance and decided to finish the song together.
When we finished the song, the whole crowd was yelling and shouting my name. When the music finally stopped all the lights went off and the two of us went behind the curtain. I could hear the groans and complaints from behind the curtain, one of the tech crew took the microphone and put a headset microphone on me and Shoyo. “You thought that was it?” The crowd heard my voice and started going crazy. I started changing with Shoyo into my other outfit, but the crowd shouldn’t be left alone. I learned that after 6 years of touring and entertaining, the crowd should never be bored. “I have one more thing to do, well actually two.” Shoyo and I are almost finished getting dressed, so let’s introduce the next song. “Ok. girls, gay’s, they’s and overall Queens. We don’t need a king to be happy.” We finally are done getting dressed and we are right in front of the curtain. “But, love is a beautiful thing, so if you find the one, hold them close. We don’t need a king, but it never hurts to have one.” I grab Shoyo’s hand and walk out onto the stage. As soon as the crowd sees us, they start screaming thinking that we are dating or something.
I could see the smug look on Tobio’s face when he sees the crown I’m wearing, and of course they match. That was the plan, I pull Shoyo towards me as we take center stage. “This, my adoring fans, is Hinata Shoyo. My best friend, he is a queen yet I can not call him mine because he sadly belongs to someone else.” I fake sadness, turning my head away from him. I can feel him laughing because I’m still holding his hand, this causes me to laugh as well. When I turn back to the crowd I see that Tobio’s smug look is now full of horror. I let go of Shoyo and move towards the front of the stage, I put my hand out to Tobio, he hesitantly takes my hand and I pull him up on stage. I manage to force him to stand center stage between Shoyo and me. “And this is our ex-boyfriend. Kageyama Tobio. Cute, isn’t he?” They seem to be able to sense the sarcasm in my voice and stayed silent. Shoyo speaks next, continuing my little monologue. “By ex, she means that he dated us at the same time, and it almost worked.” Everything goes silent, as they don’t know where we’re going with this. “Yet, what he didn’t know is that we… are twins.” At that very moment, nothing could be heard except screams and gasps. “We don’t look the same, because of course we’re fraternal. And she dyes her hair.” Both of our smiles widen and we turn towards Tobio. “This final song ISN'T dedicated to you, but two very special people in this room.” Shoyo looks at me when I speak first, yet I maintain my innocent smile. “I will be taking this, thank you for holding it Tobio-chan~” His nickname comes out mockingly as I take the crown off of his head. I walk over to Shoyo and take the crown off his head as well before placing a tiara on top, “Perfect, now where are our Prince Charmings.” When I finish my sentence, the music starts playing on que.
“Boys seem to like th  e girls who laugh at anything. The ones who get undressed before the second date” I start singing and push Tobio towards the front of the stage but not far enough so he would fall. He quickly gets the hint and gets off the stage and joining the others. “Girls seem to like the boys who don't appreciate, all the money and the time that it takes.” I hear Shoto start singing and I turn around to look him in the face, smiling at his confidence. “To be fly as a mother. Got my both eyes out for Mr. Right. Guessing now I just don't know where to find them. But I hope they all come out tonight” He sees me looking at him and shrugs his shoulders, but as soon as he finishes that last line he smiles wide. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away? I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low, someone let me know. Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?” We decided to sing this part together, he ran up to me and jumped on my back causing me to laugh. We might be twins, but he’s still shorter than me. “Boys seem to like the girls who like to kiss and tell” I put him down and kiss his cheek when he sings this part. “Talking them up about things that do so well” I sing the next part, taking his hand and spinning him. “I'd rather find a boy who is down for the chase. Putting in the time that it takes to be fly as a mother.” I stop him in front of the stage and wink towards his obvious crush, he won’t admit it but the blush on his face says enough. “To supply all of my heart's demands. Suit and tie 'cause undercover, he's gonna save my life like superman” I walk behind Shoyo while he sings this part, I place my hands on his shoulders and point him in the direction of the team. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away? I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low, someone let me know. Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?” I smirk at Shoto as we both sing this together, he raises an eyebrow at me.
I walk over to the end of the stage and reach my hand out once again, but not to Tobio, to Kei. “Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go” Shoyo starts singing nervously, but still good nonetheless, Kei takes my hand and I pull him up on stage with us. I start clapping along to the beat and the crowd follows me before I cover my mic and whisper to him, “Go to your princess.” He widens his eyes at me, but I simply motion to Shoyo before smirking at him. “Will somebody tell me, tell me” I hear Shoyo finish the line and I push Kei over to him, I could lightly hear Kei say, “I’m right here.” A light smile appears on my face, but I quickly regain my focus on the crowd. “Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go” I continue clapping, but I can hear light “oos” from the crowd. I turn around to see Shoyo and Kei kissing. I walk over to them, still singing, and place a crown on Kei’s head. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away. I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low, someone let me know” Shoyo surprises me and starts singing, I chuckle slightly and sing with him. He catches my attention and motions towards the group, my eyes widen and he smirks at me. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away. Hide away, hide away. Hide away, hide away” I give in and walk towards the end of the stage, touching a few fans' hands as I pass by. Instead of pulling someone up, I jump off the stage into our group of friends. “Looking high and low, someone let me know” I look back up at Shoyo and Kei and he nods at me, I let out a deep sigh and get ready to sing the next line. I grab Asahi’s head and place my lips on his, I can feel him tense for a moment before relaxing. He kisses me back, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him.
When we finally break for air he places his forehead on mine. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away” My voice fades out as I look him in the eyes, then the whole club goes dark as he turns the lights off. While in this darkness, I manage to place the crown in my hand on his head before kissing him again. This one full of passion and longing, I pull away and grab his hand and pull him on stage with me. The lights turn back on as we walk towards Shoyo and Kei, all I can hear are screams and cheers from the crowd but I let go of Asahi, completely ignoring the crowd at the moment. I grab Shoyo and we hug each other, this one I’ve waited 3 years to do. “If he hurts you, I will kill him. I don’t care that he’s my best friend.” I can feel him chuckle slightly as he hugs me harder as soon as I finish talking. “I could say the same. But it’s Asahi-senpai.” As soon as those words leave his mouth I almost break down into tears but we have a show to finish. We both pull away but grab each other’s hand and walk center stage and take a bow. “Sorry babes, but this is the end of the show.” I hear dozens of groans and ‘no’ come from the crowd, which only makes me smile. “We both have school on Monday, but she has a LOT to catch up on.” Shoyo continues my sentence and pulls me in for a side hug, “But remember, it is never too late to find your king,” “Or queen.” Shoyo finishes my sentence as we both turn around and grab Asahi’s and Kei’s hand. “If you ever want to see us,” Shoyo starts motioning for me to finish. “Look for this dynamic duo playing volleyball at Karasuno,” I wink at the crowd once more before we all turn around to face the curtain. “This was fun, but we have to go. Bye” We say together as we walk off the stage and the club goes dark once again.
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todo-ho-ki · 3 years
⚠️MHA SPOILERS⚠️ thru CHPT 321
People that would’ve made sense to make LGBT in MHA, despite my inability to perform in depth character analysis:
Bakugo: not that I necessarily honestly think he’s into anyone, maybe at the very least asexual, but if he’d confessed to Midoriya, it would’ve made sense. They CLEARLY have a hold on each other in some way, and with the way his character development is going, would it really be surprising if he starts having feelings he didn’t realize he had before? A confession would’ve been unexpected, but him being even just..NOT straight and having to figure out how to deal with it would’ve added such a true realness to his arc
Hawks: I WILL be dying on this hill. if anyone would have made sense, it’d have been Hawks for a LOT of reasons, the least in depth being he gives off bi energy and the most in depth would be examining him as a character and shoving him in the closet as a way to showcase the hold the hero commission has on him, while he has everything to lose. It also goes into exploring his similarities to Dabi, the way they’re two very different sides of the same coin.
Shoto: This boy struggling with figuring out who he is after the shit he’s been through would have also been an excellent examination of his character. Him deciding to tell Midoriya how he feels after everything he allowed himself to work through after fighting, came to his aid with absolutely no hesitation, spent his internship with him, has been with him basically every step of the way would make sense. Even just as an exploration of boundaries and social cues and being confused by the first person to show you something different, it would’ve made sense.
Dabi: Already has nothing to lose, and while I also genuinely, HIGHLY doubt Dabi experiences physical/sexual attraction, his parallels with Hawks would once again make this an interesting dynamic. On top of that, being LGBT doesn’t mean JUST gay or bi, he could be aro/ace, pan, ace but biromantic..they could’ve even explored demisexuality/romanticism,which again, would’ve been very interesting to see in terms of the relationships he HAS formed, good or bad especially when you combine them with the trust issues. Hell, any orientation put to Dabi’s name could’ve been interesting.
On top of this all, Horikoshi chose…the least likeable character to come out. It’s hard to tell if it was born out of..spite for people begging for stuff like this to happen, or if maybe he thought people would like Mineta more after this, or if he pulled the classic “we don’t want to upset majority audiences by making a main, important character gay, but we need to keep the gay ones around too”
Idk a lot of characters would have at least made sense, a few would’ve been surprising but reasonable to get behind, but this is…SO far out of left field that it feels like a slap in the face. NOTHING suggested this was always coming, though I don’t suppose it had to. At the same time, Horikoshi is excellent at dropping clues and hints. Hell, most people reading the manga knew Dabi was Touya LONG before it was revealed in the manga. Just by context clues. It was obviously something he planned on from the second he designed Dabi to look like Endeavor, to look like Shoto, to have the same powers but stronger, to have the pitfalls of his mother’s tolerance to heat and more firepower than even his father. It was obviously carefully and lovingly constructed. There aren’t a lot of twists and turns in MHA that I’d say I didn’t see coming, except perhaps Midnight’s death because what the fuck was that, but everything else, no matter how exciting, made SENSE.
It’s just so fucking…
it’s so weird what a fucking weird, random choice
Does it mean anything in the grand scheme of things? Most likely not, but…what the FUCK
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ninliane · 5 years
Hey 💕  I'm already in love with your blog 😂💕! May I request separated headcanons for Kenma, Kuroo and Tsukishima who are getting jealous because their girlfriend lets an old friend, who just visits her and some friends, stay at her house for a week (Plot twist: he's gay)? Please make it fluffy💕 Thank you 💕
EEEEE no joke when I read this I screamed and dropped everything I was doing to write this. I LIVE for jealous headcanons especially with these boys hNGGG thank you so much for requesting this! I changed the rules last week that I only allow 2 people for headcanons sorry!
when they get jealous 
Tsukishima Kei 
Who the shit is this??
The boy with pretty hair and glasses was talking to (y/n) in english while she had the biggest smile on her face. Not to mention that she was all dressed up too, a dress that she would only wear when going out in the evening, the golden hair clip on her hair…
They haven’t even noticed that Kei was in the room yet
“Ahem..” Kei coughed a bit too loudly and the pair turned their heads 
“Ah! Kei!” (y/n) ran up to her boyfriend and gave him a big hug while he only furrowed his eyebrows at her and then made eye contact with the male sitting in his kitchen counter
“Ah you must be Tsukishima-san.” he smiled
Tsukishima, not breaking eye contact, calmly asked “(y/n), who is this?”. “Oh! This is Shoto!” (y/n) smiled, “He’ll be staying with us for a week!” Tsukishima only looked at her with a bit of annoyance and repeated the question, “(y/n), who is this?”
(y/n) let go of him, “Shoto is one of my best friends from out of town! We met in second grade and have been friends ever since! He just arrived earlier so I invited him to stay over!”
But oh no it was not fine at all
At first, he didn’t really mind, he’s just a friend from home after all. But as the days passed Tsukishima was finding it harder and harder to have tolerance for Shoto
It got to the point where every day you two would go on outings together
Tsukishima accompanied you on one of your outings as his tolerance was thinning
Taking pictures together? Sure 
Sitting next to him? …Fine
His hand on your arm after you make a joke?…mm..
His hand lingering there?….
The very last straw is when you two were walking down a shopping hall and he caught Shoto putting his arm around your waist as you two walked 
Yep that pulled the trigger
Tsukishima paced his way forward and grabbed your wrist to pull you away from Shoto
“Oh, (y-”
“I’m sorry but (y/n) and I have somewhere to be right now, oh did you want to come? I’m sorry again but this is a date just for the two of us,” he emphasized and pulled you away from him into an empty alley
“Kei!” (y/n) tried to stop him, “Shoto doesn’t know his way around here he could get lo-”
“Shoto this, Shoto that, who cares..” he said with heavy annoyance
“Kei! Why-”
He turned her around and smashed his lips onto hers. Though surprised you melted back to it. His lips lingered there for a while before he pulled back and walked away 
 “That’s why, stupid.”
(y/n) stood there in shock and silence as she was left alone before jumping back to reality
“Oh my gosh, Kei! Were you jealous?!” Tsukishima said nothing and continued to walk on. (y/n) giggled a bit and smiled with thinking to herself, ‘Maybe I should give him my form of apology tonight.’
Kuroo Tetsuro
Of course this guy is okay with it!
(y/n) introduced him as a friend from early high school, Leon.
An old friend? Well he can relate with that, can’t he.
He makes conversation with him when (y/n) is away and play some video games with him 
He noted that he seemed a bit too touchy with (y/n) as they hung out, but he thought nothing of it
That’s right Kuroo! Think nothing of it! 
They’re just friends after all!
In high school!
And just when he had left the living room to get the popcorn for the movie they were watching, the sight of his (y/n) lying down on Leon’s lap as his arms were wrapped around her greeted him as he walked back
This guy almost broke the popcorn bowl
He was moody. This guy was really moody the whole the rest of the evening 
Even after the movie (y/n) and Leon were still talking, not moving from the position they were formerly in 
Jealousy was an ugly sight to him, as much as he didn’t want to leave (y/n), the scene was too much for him and he didn’t wanna seem like a possessive jerk, so he went to bed 
The next morning Leon had gone out on an early run and when Kuroo had gotten up (y/n) was cooking breakfast
Kuroo walked down the stairs and stopped at the doorway, smiling at his (y/n), finally the two of them alone at the house
“Hey,” he greeted. “Hm? Oh hey, morning Testu.” (y/n) spoke while flipping the pancakes 
He raised his arms a bit, “C’mere,” “Nono wait I’m busy.” you said frantically moving around. “Please babee,” he whined. (y/n) sighed and a gave in, putting her arms around him as he put his around her waist.
“I missed this..” he sighed happily as he buried his face on the crook of her neck. (y/n) looked up and him, “Tetsu, you okay? Why are you acting weird.”
Kuroo sighed, not moving his head from his neck. “I dunno, why are you being all touchy-touchy with Leon,” he mumbled.
(y/n) realized her actions and laughed a bit, “Oh no Tetsutro,” she forced him to look at her. Her heart almost broke when she saw his face, he looked like a sad puppy. “He just a friend and we were like that even in high school! Trust me when I say I have no feelings for him at all.” she smiled
“You promise?” (y/n) nodded and hugged him again, “I promise.”. The couple stayed like that, happy in their silence.
“Oh and you know Leon is gay ri-”
“Yes, I definitely knew that,” he responded right away, ending the subject quickly 
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An endeavor X bocmo fic idk anymore
I wrapped my arms around his arm, he seemed shocked by my action but was accepting of it, nonetheless. I haven’t heard much from when he was a child- but from what I did, he had it rough. We had kept walking down the street, he said “remember when I first met you?” I nodded, smiling, as we both remembered the first day, we were both at UA high- same class, same grades, lovers- almost. If his insane drive to beat allmight hadn’t ruined it- it’s all he thought about, he drove everyone away to focus on becoming better than allmight. Everything he did from that first year was to surpass allmight, and from his life on- until everything around him collapsed- the reports got out on how he treated his children. I was shocked- as most people are, he had enough money to get good lawyers, His image has never been the same- and his children- oh, shoto- poor shoto. enji’s trying to be a better father- he is, it’s just shoto and the rest of the todorokis can never forgive him, and I understand. He hates who he was- he’s seen that he ruined so many lives with his obsession- he said tomorrow I should try to speak to them, I’ve never met his children- do you think they’ll hate me? I’d imagine they would, after all, im courting the man that ruined their life.
Well, I met shoto, I’ll just re-write what he said;
“Hello shoto!”
“How are you?”
“Why would you care? Your just some whore who has relations with my father”
“Im no whore-”
“Yes you are, no women with any sense would ever love my father”
“Shoto, what your father did to you and your siblings is unforgivable, but he’s trying to change-,”
“CHANGE? CHANGE MY ASS! HE’S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE,” he was trying not to cry at this point- I went to try and hug him,
‘GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! YOU’RE NEVER GOING TO BE MY STEPMOTHER- YOU’RE JUST GOING TO BE SOME WHORE!I’LL KILL MYSELF TONIGHT BEFORE I EVEN LET YOU NEAR ME! I’ll die-you wouldn’t care- no one would-” he was sobbing- his arms wrapped around his body, I knew what was happening, he was creating barriers. He wasn’t used to showing emotion, so when he did it was in big outbursts. I opened my arms for a hug, lord knows he needed it, and he just collapsed in my arms, sobbing. “I-im s-sorry- please don’t tell him- please-”
“I won’t shoto, you’re going to be ok”
“You can’t prove that- no one can-”
“Shoto, the worlds not out to get you, I know you’d think that, but it’s not”
He hugged me tighter, and enji walked back inside-
“What’s wrong!?! What happened?”
“It’s nothing father” shoto got up and went to his room. You could cut the tension with a knife-
“Bocmo- what happened-? Did I do that?” His voice was shaky.
“It’s not your fault- well you right now. Just don’t confront him about it- he’s scared and things are changing- and the only change he’s ever had was bad-”
“Well yes- but why would he-doesn’t he see I’ve changed?”
“Enji what you did hurt him, you’ll need to give him years to even think of you as not horrible, the best thing you can do is show him, love, through it all.”
“But-” He sighed- he knew I was right,
“Im sorry enji, but these things take time” we hugged. He still seemed upset. He went and sat down on the couch, still in a state of shock. “Well, I might not have been the best thing for shoto to see when he came home,” he looked up, confused.
“What do you mean? I don’t understand-”
I sat next to him.
“Well, he’s still angered by what you did to his mother- and to see me, well, he’s most likely thinking that I’m trying to replace his mother-”
He sighed, clearly tired. “That makes some sense-but your not trying to replace his mother- well I’d hope not”
I hugged him, he needed it, and that’s when I felt his tears- I’d never seen him cry. His tears were warm, and I just pulled him into a tighter hug. “Shh, it’s going to be ok, he’ll forgive you,” I just kept saying that, rubbing his hair, and he just cried. I don’t know how long I stayed there, but it didn’t matter, enji felt better. Well, shoto happened to walk by a couple of times while enji cried- and I don’t think he’s ever seen him cry- or anything but angry. It scared him, I think- he’s always seen his father as a monster, and if I had been through what he did- I would too. “Enji, I can’t read your mind, though im trying all the time, you’ll need to tell me how you feel- I know it makes you feel weak, but I promise you your no weak man.”
He sniffled- still upset “but- im supposed to be number one- I can’t help others if I need help! What if it turns out there is no other! I-i had it all-”
I held his face in my hands, pressing his forehead to mine. “I’ll be your guiding light, and I know, you claim that you’re alright. Well fix your eyes on me, I guess im all you have. I swear you’ll see the dawn again”
he was crying again. “I-i-” He kept sobbing. He had nothing to say, he just cried out in his anger and shame.
“Don’t waste your time fixing problems you’ve made in your head” He kept crying, hugging me, I’d never seen him so unkempt. “Enji, I love you, and nothing can change that, I promise you” he looked up at me, and just smiled. It wasn’t a tv smile, it was his real, loving smile.
“I love you more- more than you think I do” I was honestly dying at this point, stabbing me would’ve had the same effect. It was the first time he said he loved me- well I knew he had, and does. But he still never said it loud enough for more than me to hear. I think he was embarrassed- for himself- he never really was the “feeling” type. Shoto walked out and to the kitchen for maybe the 5th time, and all he could do is watch in disbelief- I don’t blame him, I was just as shocked as he was. All he did was walk over, give enji a hug, and walk back to his room. “ did you see that! He hugged me! He hugged me!” he was so happy! It was nice to see him so happy.
“See! He’ll forgive you, give him time my dear”
he hugged me, and just seemed at peace. “Well- heh- uh- what do we do now-”
I shrugged. We didn’t need to do anything. We sat on the couch, not cuddling, but not apart either, we just sat together.
Shoto walked out, and enji looked up and smiled at him. shoto was shocked but seemed, welcoming, not happy- but he seemed calmer. “Well, father, I have some news, uh-”
Enji sat up, clearly concerned. “Is something wrong shoto? Are you hurt?”
shoto was scared, “well, father i- well, im- gay-” Enji was shocked, He still, wasn’t used to the coming-out thing- but I knew he’d love his son. No matter what he did. “Shoto! Well, that’s great” shoto seemed relieved, at best. I think he was still so scared he couldn’t think about much else, enji tried to hug him. Shoto backed away- which I understand. “Shoto- im not going to- shoto I know I’ve hurt you in the past- but I’ve changed- I wouldn’t hurt you” shoto just stood there, a little shocked, if I am to be honest. “Shoto- just give him a chance- he’s changed shoto- he won’t hurt you” shoto just stood there, and slowly he hugged enji.
“Shoto, I’ve done many things not worth forgiving- but I love you shoto, I’ve realized it now- im so sorry for the things I’ve done- I was blinded by pride-” Enji wrapped his arms around shoto, slightly crying.
“Father- im sorry- I didn’t-” Shoto hugged Enji tightly, tears forming on his eyelashes.
They just kept crying- “shoto, enji, it’s going to be ok- you’ve had problems, but I can help you fix them” I won’t ever know what went on shotos head, but I’d assume it was good, because he hugged me back, smiling.
“Shoto- im sorry- I love you- how could I make it up to you? I don’t know how-” Enji looked down at shoto, and to me.
Shoto looked at Enji, and then at me. “well- bocmo, wasn’t it? Well, she’s helped you- and I think you should marry her-”
I was just as shocked as enji was- but then, as if it was planned- got on one knee- and PROPOSED! I was a mess! Laughing, crying, and, well a lot of hugging. With a couple of sneaked kisses.
“Well- heh,” Shoto seemed much calmer. “Thank you, both of you- shoto, for at least accepting the idea of me being your stepmother, and for basically proposing for enji, and enji, I’d like to thank you for wanting me to be your wife-” I hugged them tightly, smiling.
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panscanwrite-blog · 4 years
TodoIida Fanfic ^-^ (First Post)
Pine: Hi and welcome to the first post on our blog! We hope people actually see this so we don’t have to feel like we aren’t talking to anyone. Please enjoy!
Warnings: None! It’s fluff :)
          Iida is always the first to wake up out of the two. He has always been an early bird and he usually gets out of bed if Shoto isn't clinging onto him in some way, if he is, then he doesn't get out of bed or even move a muscle as to not disturb the sleeping one of the relationship. However, if he is able to get up, he does so and the first thing he does is find and clean his glasses, he needs those to see so it makes sense that would be the first thing he does in the morning. Iida is still half asleep in this state so he doesn't think about much. He usually sleeps in a T-shirt, usually ridden up a bit on his stomach so his V-line is showing, shorts that are ridden up a bit as well due to the natural way a person sleeps. His hair is a bit messy in the mornings as well, tufts of his blue hair sticking up in random directions. 
           He heads to the bathroom as his next step in the morning, on his way he grabs a few fluffy light blue towels, one for his hair and another for his body as well as some clothes, usually jeans, and a button up shirt.  He made his way to the shower, turning on the water and letting it warm up. He went back out and grabbed some cologne,  and deodorant, heading back into the bathroom. He stripped himself down and put his "dirty" clothes into the laundry hamper that was in the bathroom for this purpose. He took his glasses off, setting them on the bathroom counter, turned the fan on above the shower to keep the steam under control, and stepped into the shower. 
           He started with his hair, and you know how you get those shower thoughts? Those are what he's having right now. He's thinking about how cute Shoto looks while he's sleeping so peacefully...how his hair gently falls into his face with every small movement he makes. His peaceful expression as he dreams in his deep sleep state. His soft breathing against Iida's, Shoto's being much softer and gentler than his own. His quiet movements as he turned in the bed. I think you get the point. He's thinking about all the gay things his little gay heart can think of. As he thought of the cute things Shoto did in his sleep and in his conscious state, he finished up washing his hair and started to wash his body, he tried to keep everything as quiet as possible as to not disturb Shoto. Shoto was a light sleeper, so any loud noise could wake him easily, and he wanted him to sleep well. He shifted his thoughts to what him and Shoto were going to do today, if anything at all. He didn't have any plans but he thought that maybe Shoto had Hero Work to do, so he based most of his plans around that. 
            He finally finished washing his body and he stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel that was for his hair and quickly dried his hair off, his hair fluffing up quite a bit from the static electricity from the two together. He didn't mind this and and dried his body off, wrapping the towel for his body around his waist and going over to his clothes on the counter. He grabbed his deodorant and rolled it on in a generous amount. He then moved to his clothes, slipping on his clean boxers, jeans and slipping his shirt on, buttoning it up. Lastly he put his cologne on just under his jaw and gathering everything up, putting the towels on the towel rack in the bathroom, by the shower and putting his personal hygiene items back in their place. He made his way out to the kitchen and started to make his morning coffee, along with Shoto's. He let the brew and started on breakfast for the both of them, today's menu being, eggs, toast, hash browns, and  sausage. He was always the one to make more food for breakfast, since he has to eat more to get energy, whereas with Shoto, he could eat 2 bowls of cold soba and be okay for the day. Iida...not so much. He had to have more energy for his quirk to work, and he still had to workout, but he did that when Shoto was awake and ready to, which usually was later in the day. Iida finished making the breakfast for the both of them, at the same time the coffee finished up. He set the table in the proper form and got some coffee mugs for him and Shoto, filling them up, putting them down on the table. He then got the breakfast plated, garnished and set down on the table, setting silverware out as well. 
        He then went and gently woke Shoto up. Waking Shoto up usually consists of gentle kisses, soft petting, and at last....it resulted in Iida picking Shoto up bridal style, and standing him up himself.
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Momo Yayorozu and Shoto Todoroki, the daughter and son of the richest families in all of Tokyo. They went to UA together, lived together, and were what every couple wanted to be. Shoto was protective, strong, and quiet. Momo was outgoing, polite, and brilliant. They were what everyone wanted to be... except for their secrets.
It was 4 am, and Momo was wide awake. Not with her boyfriend, but her girlfriend, Jirou.
“Mmm.” Jirou moaned, tangling her hands in Momo’s hair as she was pinned to the bed. “Mmm, why can’t we stay up later? It’s okay Friday.” Jirou playfully tried to pull up Momo’s shirt as her girlfriend smiled sadly. 
“I have my conference meeting at my father’s rally.” Momo went back to kissing Jirou passionately. As much as Momo wanted Jirou’s pants on the floor, she knew that she would need sleep for tomorrow. “You mean another one if his anti gay-marriage rallies?” Jirou asked sadly as Momo nodded, trying not to talk about it. She wanted to avoid crying at all costs, it made her eyes puff.
 “Yes, Todoroki and I are going to represent a normal couple.” Momo smiled jokingly as Jirou smiled back. “Oh please, I could see Deku’s hickeys miles away. There’s nothing normal about you and Todoroki in a couple. A lesbian and a gay boy should not be forced to date.” Jirou kissed her girlfriend’s nose. “I love you Lovebug. Just stay safe, and I’ll bring you something sweet to class tomorrow.” The two giggled, kissing again as Momo’s hands explored Jirou’s body.
In the room on the other side of the building, Deku and Shoto were having a similar situation. 
“Shoto!” Izuku yelled as Todoroki slammed into Izuku, leaving his knees weak. “Harder baby.” Deku murmured, unable to talk as Todoroki slammed his cock in and out of Izuku, leaning him over the desk. Shoto did exactly that, pushing in and out faster, pushing in as much as he could, leaving Deku a moaning mess as he reached his climax. “That... was amazing.” Deku whispered weakly as Todoroki carried him over to the bed. “I love you Zuki. Never forget that.” Deku smiled at the nickname Todoroki would only say behind closed doors.
 “I won’t Todoroki, why do you keep saying that? I’d never forget it.” Deku tried to sit up before sitting back down in pain. “My father is making Momo and I give a statement about why gay marriage is bad this afternoon.” Todoroki hid his face in the pillow, trying not to cry or look into Deku’s eyes. 
“Aww, Todo. It’s okay. I know none of those feelings are true. I see the way Momo almost barfs when she has to kiss you.” Deku tried to joke as Todoroki began to cry. “No, Shoto. Don’t cry, it’s going to be okay. Once you’re an adult, you will be able to come out to the public and be a gay icon for everyone. We can finally make our relationship public and all the homophobes will feel bamboozled. Then... we can finally move in together and...” Deku began to kiss Todoroki’s neck, hugging him close and gripping his thighs like Todoroki did when Izuku cried. 
“I wonder why you’re with me Izuku. Why you stay with me even though you have to watch me kiss a girl and hold hands with a girl. When my father calls you my best friend in interviews, and not the love of my life. You deserve so much better than this situation.” Shoto ranted as Deku held Todoroki close, sucking on his neck and leaving tender kisses.
 “Don’t be stupid. How can I complain when I see the way you and Momo struggle? I’ve found Jirou sobbing, seen Momo silently cry behind her father’s back, and then I see all the pain you’re going through. I know none of that is real, and it never will be. In some way, I’m glad I’m not the one being lied to.” Deku smiled, pecking a kiss on Todoroki’s lips. “Deku, will you come with me to the rally? I don’t think I’ll make it alone. Momo will be there, but I can’t look at that girl while we’re pretending to be a couple. It feels so wrong for the both of us. Jirou is coming with Momo, I was hoping you’d come with me.” Deku smiled sadly before nodding. 
“Of course I’ll come baby. I can’t let you forget how gay you are.” Todoroki let out a chuckle as the two laid down, leaving Todoroki to spoon his boyfriend.
It was the beginning of the rally, and all four of the teenagers were tired from last night. “Nice hickey you lesbo.” Deku whispered in Jirou’s ear as the two tried not to burst out laughing. “Don’t think I can’t see the concealer covering Shoto’s.” Jiro squeezed Deku’s hand before adjusting his tie. “How about we try this whole straight thing? See who can be the best actors? Maybe turn it into a game?” Jirou asked as Deku snickered. 
“Yes, we can make this situation at least not as awful.” In that moment Deku wrapped his arm around his gay friend, while she grabbed his hand, intertwining his fingers. “Nice rainbow nails.” Deku teased, looking down at the nails Momo had done for Jirou. “Oh please, nice white-and-red promise ring.” She looked down at the silver band that Todoroki had painted to match his hair. That was Deku would always have Todoroki with him. 
The two turned red, trying not to laugh out loud and draw attention to themselves. They knew the news were already taking pics of the UA students from the Sports Festival.
“Okay, okay. Mics on, Mics on. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Todoroki Yayorozu campaign for fixing young adults. Welcome pro heroes, thank you for joining us.” The small crowd began clapping as the two men sat down in front of their Mics. “Now if you’ll allow it, our reporters have many questions regarding your Movement.” The two men nodded as one reporter spoke. “Sir, how do you plan on tricking the minds of these children to think normally again.” Deku felt Jirou squeeze his hand angrily at the word normal. What was normal about forcing your children into a relationship to prove they’re not gay?
“Oh no, there is no tricking here. It is simply fixing. See, let’s look at our star couple. Momo and Shoto, will you please stand?” The two stood up side by side, wearing the same outfit of a black and white suit. “When they entered high school, they were not interested in each other, but simply we were able to put them together and they’re happy. Children’s minds are like clay, if you form it right, it’ll eventually stick. Isn’t that right boy?” Endeavor softly punched Todoroki as he nodded. 
“Yes, right now we are in a perfect relationship.” Todoroki explained, his voice showing no sign of emotion. His heart was nowhere near his words. The crowd murmured in response to Todoroki, and Deku couldn’t help but feel a pounding in his heart. He wanted to go up there and kiss his boyfriend, like how he should be able to. Not have to sneak around because his father was a douche.
“The next one if for the couple. What do you two think about gay marriage? Our viewers say that they trust your opinions because they see you with closer ages to them and therefore deem you as more relatable.” You could see Momo look at Jirou nervously, sweat forming on her brow. “Um, I- no comment.” Momo couldn’t take her eyes off Jiro as she pushed away the mic. “Nonsense dear. Here, they’re tired. Let’s get an opinion from other teens like them. Shoto, invite your friends up here.” As soon as Deku stood up, followed by Jirou, the entire crowd stared at them. 
Walking up, Todoroki stared at Deku, and felt so hot in that very moment. He hated every bit of this, and the tension in the air between the four could be cut with a knife.
“U-uh, we think that...” Jiro couldn’t think of a response, looking between the audience and Momo, who she was sitting next to. “Ugh, I can’t take it anymore!” Momo screamed, causing all the reporters to step back and snap pictures. Momo knew that she would be on every cover of the newspapers freaking out if she didn’t act fast. She stood up, staring down at the men on the other side of the table. “You and your hatred disgust me! I’m gay dad! I like, no, I love girls!” In response, the crowd was filled with murmurs, some surprisingly happy. “Who are you to speak like this Momo?! You don’t know what you’re talking about! You have a boyfriend, you-”
 In an instant, Momo pulled Jirou from her chair and kissed her, seeing cameras flashing from every direction. Now this was some great cover. Momo would only imagine the dream of seeing her kissing Jirou all over the media.
“Shoto Todoroki, how do you respond to this? This has got to be heartbreaking.” The crowd went silent as Shoto began laughing hysterically. “Oh please, this has been going on for at least two years now. Momo and I never had romantic feelings for one another.” Todoroki smiled, gripping hands with Deku as he stood up. “And I’m not confused father, your heart is filled with so much hatred that you’ve become confused with people who are different than you, and bad people. They are not the same father.” 
And with that, Todoroki grabbed Deku by the hand and walked out of there, leaving the kissing lesbians behind. 
“Shoto! Any comment on your relationship? Our viewers will want to know what stage you are at with your boyfriend.” The reporters followed them out the door and to Shoto��s car. “Here’s a comment.” Todoroki turned to the cameras before kissing Deku in front of all the cameras, hearing so much flashing and clicking. “Shoto!” Deku yelled, embarrassed as he turned away from the corners and into Shoto’s chest. “What? If the lesbians can make out, I can kiss you.” Todoroki smiled at the cameras before getting in the car and driving away.
“I cannot believe that just happened. That was crazy! All the reporters, they even looked happy when we all did that. Did you see the look on your dads face? That was insanity!!” Deku ranted as Todoroki smiled, holding Deku’s hand. “I know.” He smiled before turning into a cafe’s parking lot.
“All this gayness has gotten me hungry.”
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