#sibling separation
fosterwhat · 7 months
We are still waiting on new birth certificates, which is irritating for all the obvious reasons, but particularly because the kids really need new social security numbers (again, obvious reasons).
The kids are doing well overall. There is a degree of calmness now that the adoption has finalized, but perhaps not as much change overall as one would expect. I think the fact that we have already been a family for over half a decade made the transition more seamless (though not enough to outweigh the benefits that earlier permanency would have given the kids).
We have not had a visit since the adoption and the kids have not asked, beyond Greta asking once what the schedule would look like. We have one coming up this winter (provided parents follow through). I am curious to see what happens and dread the impact, but we’ll deal with that.
We get to see Henry a couple times a month. He’s walking all over, but is delayed otherwise. He’s the sweetest. Right now he sleeps over 4-6 nights a month. The kids love having him here and constantly beg for him to live with us for now. I’ve explained his goal and that it isn’t my choice. I hope I’m doing them more good than harm with the prolonged contact. I think I am. We’re taking lots of photos so they will have those as adults; I still think of them hopefully reconnecting one day. Henry was supposed to reunify before Christmas, but things happened and that’s currently on hold.
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mypositiveoutlooks · 1 year
Couple adopts 6 siblings separated while in foster care to keep them together in one loving forever home
Siblings in foster care are usually separated due to a lack of resources. There are not many homes that can accommodate large sibling groups and provide all their needs. This was what a set of six siblings in Tampa, Florida had to go through for three years.  Luckily, a kind-hearted couple adopted them all so they could live together again. When Daniel and Dustin Johnson started dating, they both…
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puppetmaster13u · 19 days
Meme Prompt 12
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v-albion · 1 month
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UNO Game! Vote for them HERE @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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yugiohz · 1 year
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beannary · 2 months
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So I named TLP after the book The Little Prince because I went to a French school so we read that book constantly so I thought it would be funny if I made little drawings of TLP Donnie if I had named au after different French books I read as a kid!
It was hard to think of some that were actually French and not just translations lol turns out a lot of the books that I thought were French were really just English books with French translations :P
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separatedleoau · 1 year
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One loves Dr Delicate Touch
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cupcakeslushie · 1 year
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Raph Time (End?)
Start || Part 3 || END
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efplanning · 6 months
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
the arryn line has died out so many times they always have a backup line ready to be the next arryn, these bitches are just sooooo bad at living. everyone’s always picking on the starks for getting nearly wiped out but damn ned & cat really hunkered down and repopulated the hell out of the family tree, like the starklings aren’t doing that bad, meanwhile you just like, sneeze too hard in the direction of the eyrie and the whole arryn line is on the brink of extinction, but it’s okay, they follow strict osha guidelines in the vale and they have a protocol for this very common scenario
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Goodbye bad feelings, hello empty memory.
Alright, I love the idea of Damian and Danny as twin who love each other very much but for some reason split up or didn't get along but learn to do so because they love each other more than they resent each other, really, I swear, but.... Danny never remembers anything from his time in the league.
Absolutely nothing, maybe he had some memories before he died for the second time, maybe he remembers Damian and he misses him, he is his brother and he loved him and.... not anymore, when he has his accident and dies for the second time his memory is lost, for a while he has a hard time recognizing his friends, he opens his eyes and doesn't know who are the guys that look so desperate in front of him.
Time goes by and although there are memories that never came back (he hardly remembers his first years with the Fentons, let alone the ones before that), he improves, learns to use his powers, gets closer to his friends, learns things again.
He discovers things in his room, something about a past he no longer knows, it bothers him not to know but even though he tries to remember nothing comes back, the name "Damian" causes him nothing, reading a little of what he wrote after researching the language he also doesn't recognize, he decides it wasn't important, not anymore at least.
He reads what he can and decides that yes, there are things he is fine without remembering, maybe he lacks context, maybe there is something there that he should discover or be more interested in a past that seems so mysterious but... if when he remembered him he thought he would be happy now that he was far away, maybe he was just as important as Dash, someone who unfortunately won't let himself be ignored but one day he will leave behind and never think of him again.
Life is good.
Or was until Robin, Gotham's vigilante, ambushes him with a heated speech full of pain and resentment while on "vacation" with his parents in Gotham.
Danny has had weird things happen to him before but he usually has context.
Robin looks furious and about to cry (if his unsteady voice says anything), Danny stares at him, from his hair to the way he moves, he pays attention to his voice and his sword but all he can say is "you know me?" without acknowledging him in the slightest.
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tangledinink · 2 months
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my official campaign promise is that if wanderer wins their poll in the @tmntaucompetition then i'll drive to @vangh17a's house to personally shake their hand and give them a crisp high-five.
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darlingcloudie-9 · 27 days
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oough………. my babies………….. i care for them very much 🌸
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 195
“Oh. It’s you.” 
The entity that had been summoned practically growled, a cloak like swirling galaxies- or was it swirling galaxies molded into a cloak- shimmering around their form. One pair of arms crossed over a chest where a star pulsed with the heartbeat of universes, alive yet dying as lazarus green eyes glowered down at the league and bats alike. 
“You know you could, fucking call, right?” they whined, aura of terror suddenly broken, unnatural fear torn away and leaving all of them wrong-footed and confused.
Well, apparently all of them except for Ras, who had an honest to fuck grin on his face, one that looks almost carefree, if a little feral. Nope. No thanks. Not this timeline-
“But phones didn’t exist last we spoke, ya ‘amar.” 
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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sunplantzz · 3 months
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