#sign of the deathly hallows
qanishque · 5 months
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s3ntienttree · 9 months
I got a deathly hallows cursor yesterday :D
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jellogram · 5 months
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jedimandalorian · 9 months
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The Path to Peridea.
Baylan Skoll says that Peridea is from a fairy tale known to Jedi younglings, a children’s story, but in reality Baylan says this to remind us that Star Wars is exactly just that, a fairy tale, a children’s story.
What does “Peridea” mean?
peri: (in Persian mythology) a mythical superhuman being, originally represented as evil but subsequently as a good or graceful genie or fairy.
peri: denoting the point nearest to a specified celestial body.
from Greek peri ‘about, around’.
dea: Latin for “goddess”
The descent into the underworld is one stage of the hero’s and the heroine’s journey.
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As @better-call-mau1 pointed out, the Path to Peridea sounds a lot like the “path to perdition.”
perdition: (in Christian theology) a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death.
Perhaps this is where Thrawn is, in a kind of hell.
But as in the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, a brave lover is willing to descend into Hades to rescue the beloved. This is Sabine Wren’s mission to find Ezra Bridger.
There’s another meaning to “Peridea” though.
It is a genus of moths from the family Notodontidae.
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The moth in The Lord of the Rings films brought Gandalf the Grey hope when he was imprisoned in the Tower of Orthanc. When the moth appeared, it was a sign that Gandalf would soon be rescued by the giant eagles, which are used as symbols of divine intervention in Tolkien’s fiction.
Please note that the letters on the star-map to Peridea resemble the Viking runes Tolkien used in The Hobbit. Both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are stories of a hero’s journey filled with danger and wonder. The brave protagonists have to go “there and back again” just as Sabine will in the Ahsoka series.
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I think that Baylan Skoll reminding us that Star Wars is a children’s story is significant. Consider this quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling.
“Of house-elves and children’s tales, of love, loyalty, and innocence, Voldemort knows and understands nothing. Nothing. That they all have a power beyond his own, a power beyond the reach of any magic, is a truth he has never grasped.”
In all the great fairy tales, the love and loyalty of the protagonist is the key to the triumph of good over evil.
Although she isn’t strong in the Force, Sabine Wren’s love for and loyalty to Ezra Bridger will strengthen her resolve on her road of trials along the Path to Peridea. With Ahsoka the Grey by her side, Sabine is ready to leave the comfort of Lothal (her Shire) and go to Peridea to save the man she loves.
Update, post Ahsoka Episode 6:
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Here’s Huyang reminding us that this is indeed a fairy tale, a children’s story.
And here’s Thrawn, showing us how the villain “knows and understands nothing.”
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“You wouldn't understand,” says Sabine.
“Perhaps not,” Thrawn responds.
What he doesn’t understand is love. The love and devotion that Sabine and Ezra have for each other is the power the dark lord knows not, and it will be his undoing.
I have spoken.
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Xenophilius: [drawing the sign of the Deathly Hallows] Every triangle is a love triangle if you love triangles!
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cimerran-714 · 3 months
Well, as many people love to claim that Ron's not at fault for abandoning the Trio in Deathly Hallows (some Ron stans instead prefer to shift the blame to Harry instead by reading things out of context), I thought I'd analyze the entire scene here.
So, to start with, I really like Ron. But I do not think that you have to excuse everything a character does in order to like him. Now, Ron fans would probably just claim that I am lying about liking Ron, but I don't care about that.
Let's get started, shall we?
“So, would he have hidden the sword well away from Hogsmeade then? What d’you reckon, Ron? Ron?” Harry looked around. For one bewildered moment he thought that Ron had left the tent, then realized that Ron was lying in the shadow of a lower bunk, looking stony. “Oh, remembered me, have you?” he said.
Okay, so it begins with Harry looking for Ron, and he notices him lying next to a bunk "looking stony". He makes a comment asking whether Harry's remembered him.
Now, how does Harry respond to that?
"What?” Ron snorted as he started up at the underside of the upper bunk. “You two carry on. Don’t let me spoil your fun.” Perplexed, Harry looked to Hermione for help, but she shook her head, apparently as nonplussed as he was. “What’s the problem?” asked Harry.
Harry's understandably confused. He says "What?" and then exchanges a look with Hermione, who's similarly perplexed. And then, Harry asks him again what the problem was. He just says "What's the problem?" and nothing else.
“Problem? There’s no problem,” said Ron, still refusing to look at Harry. “Not according to you, anyway.” There were several plunks on the canvas over their heads. It had started to rain. “Well, you’ve obviously got a problem,” said Harry. “Spit it out, will you?
Ron refuses to elaborate & just says that according to Harry, there's no problem. Harry replies by asking him to "spit out". Well, that maybe he considered rude, but how would you even respond to it? They were discussing Horcruxes & Ron's talking about how the others "remembered" him now, that Harry shouldn't let him "spoil their fun", and that Harry doesn't think there's a problem.
Considering the context, it's a valid thing to say.
Ron swung his long legs off the bed and sat up. He looked mean, unlike himself. “All right, I’ll spit it out. Don’t expect me to skip up and down the tent because there’s some other damn thing we’ve got to find. Just add it to the list of stuff you don’t know.” “I don’t know?” repeated Harry. “I don’t know?”
Ron looks unlike his usual self as he then implies that he doesn't care about what they had found out, and that it's Harry's fault. That's why Harry repeated the same thing. He was just surprised and shocked.
Plunk, plunk, plunk. The rain was falling harder and heavier; it pattered on the leaf-strewn bank all around them and into the river chattering through the dark. Dread doused Harry’s jubilation. Ron was saying exactly what he had suspected and feared him to be thinking. “It’s not like I’m not having the time of my life here,” said Ron, “you know, with my arm mangled and nothing to eat and freezing my backside off every night. I just hoped, you know, after we’d been running round a few weeks, we’d have achieved something.
Ron talks about how the Horcrux hunting wasn't similar to his expectations.
Again, Harry responded calmly:
"I thought you knew what you’d signed up for,” said Harry. “Yeah, I thought I did too.” “So what part of it isn’t living up to expectations?” asked Harry. Anger was coming to his defense now. “Did you think we’d be staying in five-star hotels? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Did you think you’d be back to Mummy by Christmas?"
For Harry using the phrase "back to Mummy", remember that Ron agreed to come to help even though Harry said that they shouldn't, and now he's upset that it's not working out & is sulking. Anyone would have gotten angry. Seriously, Ron just makes it sound as if Harry forced him to come along.
"We thought you knew what you were doing!” shouted Ron, standing up, and his words pierced Harry like scalding knives. “We thought Dumbledore had told you what to do, we thought you had a real plan!” “Ron!” said Hermione, this time clearly audible over the rain thundering on the tent roof, but again, he ignored her. “Well, sorry to let you down,” said Harry, his voice quite calm even though he felt hollow, inadequate. “I’ve been straight with you from the start, I told you everything Dumbledore told me. And in case you haven’t noticed, we’ve found on Horcrux—”
Ron's words are scathing, but remarkably, Harry is STILL calm in his response. He's composing himself as he explains to Ron that he did tell them everything that he knew.
"Yeah, and we’re about as near getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them—nowhere effing near in other words.” “Take off the locket, Ron,” Hermione said, her voice unusually high. “Please take it off. You wouldn’t be talking like this if you hadn’t been wearing it all day.” “Yeah, he would,” said Harry, who did not want excuses made for Ron. “D’you think I haven’t noticed the two of you whispering behind my back? D’you think I didn’t guess you were thinking this stuff?"
Well, Hermione IS being unfair by blaming it on the locket. We do know that Ron left even after he removed the locket, and like Harry said, they were whispering behind his back.
Further on:
"Harry we weren’t—” “Don’t lie!” Ron hurled at her. “You said it too, you said you were disappointed, you said you’d thought he had a bit more to go on than—” “I didn’t say it like that—Harry, I didn’t!” she cried. The rain was pounding the tent, tears were pouring down Her- mione’s face, and the excitement of a few minutes before had van- ished as if it had never been, a short-lived firework that had flared and died, leaving everything dark, wet, and cold. The sword of Gryffindor was hidden they knew not where, and they were three teenagers in a tent whose only achievement was not, yet, to be dead. “So why are you still here?” Harry asked Ron. “Search me,” said Ron.
Read the last part. Harry asks him why he's still there and Ron replies by saying that he doesn't know. THAT is when Harry asks him to leave; Ron made it clear that he does not even want to remain there any more.
Remarkably, Harry is STILL replying calmly when he asks him to go home.
"Go home then,” said Harry. “Yeah, maybe I will!” shouted Ron, and he took several steps toward Harry, who did not back away. “Didn’t you hear what they said about my sister? But you don’t give a rat’s fart, do you, it’s only the Forbidden Forest, Harry I’ve-Faced-Worse Potter doesn’t care what happens to her in there—well, I do, all right, giant spider and mental stuff—”
Ron talks about how Harry doesn't care about what happens to Ginny.
And incredibly, Harry is STILL calm.
“I was only saying—she was with the others, they were with Hagrid—” “Yeah, I get it, you don’t care! And what about the rest of my family, the Weasleys don’t need another kid injured, did you hear that?” “Yeah, I—” “Not bothered what it meant, though?”
“Not bothered what it meant, though?” “Ron!” said Hermione, forcing her way between them. “I don’t think it means anything new has happened, anything we don’t know about: think, Ron, Bill’s already scarred; plenty of people must have seen that George has lost an ear by now, and you’re supposed to be on your deathbed with spattergroit, I’m sure that’s all he meant—” “Oh, you’re sure, are you? Right then, well, I won’t bother myself about them. It’s all right for you two, isn’t it, with your parents safely out of the way—” “My parents are dead !” Harry bellowed
There you go. Ron insults Harry's parents greatly by talking about how his parents are "safely out of the way". At this point, Harry, who has been remarkably calm overall, loses his temper.
Honestly, you know what happens after that. Harry responds to him by asking him to essentially fuck off, and Ron begins to escalate it physically and attack Harry (a fight was averted by Hermione's shield charm).
And then Ron left even AFTER having removed the locket. Don't blame it on the locket, it's a weak excuse.
So, to summarize:
Ron started the argument.
Harry replies in a mostly calm manner.
Ron insults Harry's dead parents upon which the latter finally loses his temper.
Ron leaves after removing the locket.
Yeah, sorry, I am still 100% going to blame Ron here.
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sisididis · 6 months
The parallels between Anne Sallow - Ariana Dumbledore, Sebastian Sallow - Albus Dumbledore and Solomon Sallow - Aberforth Dumbledore 
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I’ll preface this deep dive into the Sallow family’s tragic fate by asking if anyone else found it oddly…familiar? I’ll admit that re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows right before becoming invested in Hogwarts Legacy made uncovering the “strange likenesses” between the Sallow family and the Dumbledore family considerably easier. 
The fate of the Sallows is reminiscent of the Dumbledores’ in more ways than I can articulate — from the untimely deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Sallow, and Percival and Kendra Dumbledore, to the tensions between the new and reluctant patres familias, Solomon and Albus, and their resentful charges, Sebastian and Aberforth, and the tragic killing of their family members. 
Let’s start with the history of the families, whose first common element is their short-lived wholeness. Albus, Aberforth and Ariana became orphaned in the aftermath of two tragic events — first, their father’s imprisonment and later death in Azkaban, due to his assault on the Muggles who had tortured his daughter, and, second, the killing of their mother during one of Ariana’s fits of uncontrollable magic. 
According to Ominis, Mr. and Mrs. Sallow too had untimely deaths, caused by an undetectable toxin emitted by their faulty cellar lamp. At that time, Sebastian and Anne “had no magic yet." We suspect that means the children were younger than 11 years old, the age when signs of magical ability should already manifest. 
Another common element is the reluctant take-over of the two new patres familias, Albus and Uncle Solomon, after the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Dumbledore, and Mr. and Mrs. Sallow. Fans of the books will remember the reason why Albus was reluctant to assume his new role in the first place — the long-awaited Grand Tour. Albus and his close friend, Elphias Doge, were planning on going on a Grand Tour after their graduation, but the sudden death of his mother right before he was meant to leave forced Albus to stay behind and provide for his siblings. In Chapter 35, King’s Cross, Albus claims that he loved his family, but upon his return to Godric’s Hollow, he felt “trapped and wasted.” 
Aberforth recalled that moment, too:
“So that put paid to Albus's trip round the world with little Doge. The pair of 'em came home for my mother's funeral and then Doge went off on his own, and Albus settled down as head of the family. Ha!” (P. 435, Chapter 28, The Missing Mirror, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
We are not sure where Uncle Solomon’s reluctance to care for his nephew and niece comes from, aside from the obvious disruption of his quiet retirement, but while his anger at this unexpected responsibility is justified and should be directed towards his late brother, it backfires on Sebastian instead:
“I know what's best for Anne – and Sebastian. They are my stubborn brother's children. Especially Sebastian.”
Sebastian himself comments that his uncle often compares him to his father:
“After Anne was hurt, he only grew worse. It's as though he blames me somehow. Always calling me 'my father's son.' As if that's an insult.”
Here’s where the interesting switch happens. The new guardians’ resentment at these unexpected burdens does not go unnoticed. Both Aberforth and Sebastian saw the new patres familias’ reluctance to assume their new role and thought that they would have been a better fit for it. Much like Aberforth and Ariana, Sebastian and Anne were infinitely closer to each other than to the rest of their family:
“Anne won’t survive this. She’s withering away - inside and out. Solomon’s never been there for us. Not really. He gave up on Anne. I’ll never give up on her."
Aberforth echoed this sentiment: 
"He didn't want to be bothered with her. She liked me best. I could get her to eat when she wouldn't do it for my mother, I could calm her down, when she was in one of her rages, and when she was quiet, she used to help me feed the goats.” (P. 434, Chapter 28, The Missing Mirror, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) "I'd have looked after her, I told him so, I didn't care about school, I'd have stayed home and done it." (P. 435, Chapter 28, The Missing Mirror, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
The way I see it, both Albus / Sebastian and Aberforth / Solomon thought that they had Ariana’s / Anne’s best interest at heart. While Solomon thought that making Anne “comfortable” was the best path of action, Sebastian saw this as resigning themselves to Anne’s sure death. “There is no cure! When will you accept that?” asks Uncle Solomon, to which Sebastian replies adamantly, “Never! I can never accept it.” The same stubborn conviction is exhibited by Aberforth after he uncovers Albus and Gellert’s plans. 
"I told him, you'd better give it up now. You can't move her, she's in no fit state, you can't take her with you, wherever it is you're planning to go, when you're making your clever speeches, trying to whip yourselves up a following. He didn't like that.” (P. 435, Chapter 28, The Missing Mirror, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) “You may mean well, but I know what's best for Anne – and Sebastian. They are my stubborn brother's children. Especially Sebastian.”
The pairs’ irreconcilable differences did not stop there. In Sebastian’s efforts to heal Anne and Albus’ efforts to create a better world for wizard kind, the pair aspired to leave no depth of magic unplumbed, dark or otherwise, an issue which often sparked conflict with their family. Aberforth did not agree with teenage Albus’ plans “for the greater good”, because he did not prioritize their sister’s safety.
Sebastian’s own stance on using Dark magic to save his sister is in perfect antithesis with his uncle’s aversion to the Dark Arts. Unfortunately, in both cases, the tensions between the brothers and nephew and uncle culminated in the death of their family:
“And then . . . you know what happened. Reality returned in the form of my rough, unlettered, and infinitely more admirable brother. I did not want to hear the truths he shouted at me. I did not want to hear that I could not set forth and seek Hallows with a fragile and unstable sister in tow. (…) The argument became a fight. Grindelwald lost control. That which I had always sensed in him, though I pretended not to, now sprang into terrible being. And Ariana . . . after all my mother’s care and caution . . . lay dead upon the floor.” (P. 549, Chapter 35, King’s Cross, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) 
Sounds awfully familiar to the scene in the catacomb, doesn’t it? Not only did uncle and nephew turn their wands against each other, but Anne had to bury their uncle alone, much like Albus had to bury Ariana alone after Gellert fled Godric’s Hollow. After Solomon and Ariana’s deaths, all that the Dumbledore and Sallow siblings had were each other. Unfortunately, the death of their family did not inspire a renewed sense of closeness. On the contrary, Solomon and Ariana’s deaths caused an irreparable rift between the siblings. 
“To add to his misery, the loss of Ariana had led, not to a renewed closeness between Albus and Aberforth, but to an estrangement.” (P. 20, Chapter 2, In Memorandum, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)
The breakdown of the Sallow twins’ relationship is reflected in Anne’s letter to Sebastian:
“Sebastian,  Too much has happened. I needed to get away from here for a while. I miss Uncle Solomon. I need time. I will always love you, but I don't know if I can ever forgive you.  Anne”
What do you think?
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maarriiii · 10 months
Stay With Me | Draco Malfoy
A/N: This is going to be a part of 300 followers celebration—I’ll make a post about that later. Recently, got back into my HP phase after finally finishing the Deathly Hallows. I’m really proud of this one yall. Hope you guys enjoy!!!
Summary: On the train ride to Hogwarts, Draco shares a compartment with you.
Pairing(s): Draco Malfoy x gender neutral!reader
Warning(s): Mentions of hate
my masterlist :))
You stomped through the train, ignoring weird looks thrown at you by fellow students and the cry of your name that fell from a friend's mouth. You were catching up with one another, sharing excitement about returning to Hogwarts when the conversation took a detour to exchanging stories about home. Immediately, your mood turned sour when they all talked about their family and the oh-so-lovely trips they took. It only reminded you of your situation with your parents and so you muttered a weak excuse to your friends and left to find an empty compartment in the efforts to seclude yourself and hopefully raise your mood with a bit of silence.
But, as you walked further down the train, your mood didn't show any signs of getting better and instead you grew annoyed and frustrated. As you neared the last few compartments available for students in the train, you silently hoped that Merlin would hear your prayers and grant you what you wanted. Though, as the last compartment finally comes to your view, you didn't know if the great wizard was incredibly kind or terribly cruel.
Inside the compartment was only one person but it wasn't just any person. With his slicked back platinum blonde hair and an all black, no doubt expensive, attire just about anyone could guess that it was the one and only, Draco Malfoy. With his head turned to the window, looking at the green field that was passing by, you thought you could walk away unnoticed, but of course, you somehow tripped on your own feet and before it was too late, you grasped at both side of the train which produced quite a bit of noise.
Inside, Draco's body shook in surprise and instinctively, he reached inside his coat for his wand and aimed it at his supposed attacker, wide eyes like a madman. When he realized it was only you, his expression turned to disdain and his wand returned to its previous place. Draco stood up from his seat and although your mind was screaming at you to move, you stuck to your place and watched him slide opened the compartment door.
"What are you doing here?"
"Nothing. I was just walking. My legs were getting stiff."
He scoffed. "You're a terrible liar. Perhaps you were getting tired of that group of people you called 'friends'"
You narrowed your eyes at him, offended by his assumption. "Are you sure you're not talking about yourself, Malfoy? I don't see Crabbe and Goyle anywhere near you, nor Blaise."
You had a weird relationship with Draco Malfoy—if you could even call it that. As the son of one of the most distuingished pureblood and anti-muggle family, one would never think that he would fraternize himself with you, a Halfblood. But, it wasn't until your fourth year, when the Triwizard tournament was held in Hogwarts, that you and Draco really starts noticing each other. It wasn't intentional, in fact, it was even a little bit forced. The two of you were paired together in Astronomy class for an assignment that lasted for the entirety of the term. Both you and Draco voiced your disagreement in the pairing very loudly but when the professor threatened to take house points from each of you, the two of you begrudgingly kept quiet—though it didn't stop Draco from muttering under his breath about his disdain of being paired with the likes of you and how his father is going to hear about this.
After many fights, arguments, threats and spells casted at each other, you and Draco finally put your differences aside and decided to focus on the assignment at once. The two of you would try to meet up at the Astronomy tower, straight to the point in the hopes of spending less time with each other. The longer you spend time with him though, the more you start to notice things about him. Despite his reputation as a notorious bully, Draco Malfoy was well versed in his studies—spotting constellations far easier than you and you would also catch him with his nose in books that are often times more advanced whilst waiting for you. Sometimes you wonder if he wasn't such a Muggle hater then you would probably like to befriend him.
And you did, in a way. You would sometimes bring treats to your meetings: candies, chocolate frogs, whatever you can get your hands on. You noticed he would always choose the same thing from your basket and you made a mental note to have that if you can—though, you stop asking why you even bother doing so. It seemed that he noticed your subtle act of kindness because one night he said something to you that you thought would never hear coming from him, a thank you. Ever since, you and Draco become acquainted with each other in secret, neither friends or enemies.
"Well, are you just going to stand there and trip over your own feet again?" Draco suddenly asked, already back in his seat.
You didn't know if he was trying to invite you in or trying to get you to leave. It was difficult to guess with him.
"Do you want to come in or not?" He asked again.
"Do you want me too?"
It was a bold question to ask, but it seemed it was the right one to ask.
Draco stiffened, his back straight, though his face was no longer facing you and instead to the window. When he spoke, his voice wasn't as firm and confident as before. It lacked hostility, and was almost small and quiet.
"I don't mind if you do."
You looked to your surrounding, making sure there was no one else around before joining Draco inside. You slid the door close and hesitantly, sat across from him, your knees almost grazing each other. If you were to guess, you would say Draco was tense, almost nervous even, though you wonder why. You've been in close proximity before, countless nights spent underneath the stars at the Astronomy tower—though, in reality, it wasn't as romantic as it sounded. Perhaps he was cautious, scared that a student would find them together and spread rumors about him with a Halfblood together, alone, at the furthest compartment in the train. But, then, you remembered something that you read on the Daily Prophet.
"I'm sorry about your father, Draco."
He was as stiff as a stone now. "Are you? I'm sure you Muggles are glad that my Death Eater father is in Azkaban."
A part of you wanted to say yes, but you surpressed that feeling. "He's still your father, Draco. I'm allowed to express compassion regardless of your father's allegiance."
He turned to you, eyes angry. "I don't need your compassion! Neither does my father! You're... you're a—"
"I'm a what, Draco? A dirty Mudblood? A lowly being compared to you Purebloods? Is that what you're going to say?" You scoffed, shaking your head. "Can't say I haven't heard that before."
It seemed like you struck a nerve. Draco's shoulder slumped, his hands on top of his thigh was no longer fisted. He looked at you, a soft expression on his face.
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking," He mumbled.
"It's alright," You muttered.
The air was uncomfortable around you. It was almost suffocating, but neither of you made a move to leave. You secretly sneak a glance to him out of the corner of your eyes. Somehow he looked older than he was last year, a lot older, and his clothes only strenghten his matureness. But, despite that, he was still a teenager, a child, burdened by the expectation of his parents, and with the wake of You-Know-Who, you couldn't even imagine how he was handling it all, maybe he wasn't.
You reached inside your pocket where a lone Chocolate Frog reside. It wouldn't be his first choice of sweets but you figure it was better than nothing. Wordlessly, you threw it at him and it landed on his lap. He frowned at the candy, then at you, wondering why you offered him another act of kindness when he just yelled at you only a few minutes prior. You merely shrugged, looking at his light grey eyes.
"Don't want it to go to waste."
Draco twirled the pentagon shaped box in his hands, staring at it with an unrecognizable look that you couldn't decipher. Not long after, he spoke, breaking the silence.
"I watched you once. In our fourth year, after we got paired together. I was passing down the corridor and heard the choir practicing for when the Durmstrang and the Beauxbatons arrive. I saw you singing. You were in the middle row. You were smiling really wide and you looked really happy."
Draco carried on, still twirling the Chocolate Frog in his fingers.
"I also wanted to ask you to the Yule Ball, but I was a coward. I cared too much about what other people would say, my father and mother. So, instead, I asked Pansy Parkinson despite how insuferable she was." He shook his head at the thought of his date, then he took a deep breath. "I couldn't keep my eyes away from you for the entire night. I just—i just stared at you from afar."
"Draco, I—"
He interrupted you. "I enjoy our time together. I enjoy your company. Even though, I wasn't the most kindest person, for whatever reason, you still chose to tolerate me. It might sound like a lie or a cliche but with you, i'm at ease with myself. I don't have to worry about my parents' expectation or anything else. I could just be myself."
"Why are you telling me all of these now?" You asked, voice barely a whisper.
Draco paused. He seemed to be thinking of the right words to say.
"I just thought you should know." In case something terrible happened to him and his parents.
Your heart was beating inside your chest. You didn't have the faintest of clue on how to respond to his revelation, his truth. You were overwhelmed by it all. For the past two years, this was how he felt towards you. You had so much you wanted to say but at the same time, nothing would come out of your lips. You and Draco just stared at each other, tension held high, and him waiting for you to utter even a single word.
You uncrossed your arms, and leaned forward. Your barely touching knees was now interlocking with Draco's—the closest you have been with each other. You took the chocolate he had no intention of eating from his slender fingers and set it aside, replacing it with your own fingers. It was a sight you never thought would see, yours and Draco's finger intertwined. It just seemed crazy, impossible, ludicrous even to be thinking that this could happened between you. 
He no longer dare to gaze into you eyes, instead he avert his gaze to both of your hands. Like you, he was also leaning forward and with his free hand, he held your tangled hands, brushing his fingers against your knuckles before holding it tight and leaning his forehead on your hands, fearing you would disappear into thin air. This could probably be his only and last opportunity to be with you. He didn't how his future would laid out, so he was going to savor this moment for as long as he could.
You never seen him this vulnerable before and you could only wonder what has happened in his life to make him act this way. It was like he was trying to keep you there by the way he was squeezing your hand.
"Draco." You called his name, gentler than ever. "Draco, please look at me."
He slowly lifted his head, his grey eyes piercing into yours. Your heart broke at the sight of him, sad and broken.
"Draco, I'm here if you need me. Whatever it is you're going through, call me and I'm there."
He shook his head, fearful. "No, no, you can't. I can't. I won't let you."
"Draco, please—"
"I can't risk you too. My parents, they—not you too. They can't know about you."
"I want to help you. Merlin's beard, Draco, you're suffering. Let me help you. Maybe we can find a way for you and your family, or someone that can help."
"If you really want to help, then just stay here." He looked at you with such intensity, practically begging. "Stay here with me until we get to Hogwarts."
You unclasped your hand and for a moment, Draco feared you would say no and leave him. Instead, he felt your hand cupping his jaw. At first, he stiffened at the touch but then he leaned into your hand, savouring the feel of your fingers caressing his cheek.
"Alright." You nodded. "I'll stay with you, Draco."
Sometime during the train ride, you moved to sit beside Draco. Both of your hands practically glued together, neither of you wanting to let go. You leaned your head on his shoulder and Draco's on top of yours. The feeling of your body next to his was almost soothing, calming down the fear and anxiousness that resided in him but with every distance the train covered, he began to dread the moment where he would have to leave you and perform the task that was given to him. But until then, Draco thought, his mind would only focus on you and you alone.
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finitepeace · 1 year
On April I read Dramione. Here are the fics I’ve finished. Personal favorites are marked with  ✿
Long Ones: 
Alternate History by Furare | 155k words | it’s dramione but i feel the ‘slytherin harry’, ‘snape and sirius happy’ and ‘draco’s found family’ elements are more prominent
Capstone by bek_48 | 112k words | read this from collection titled: underrated dramione | Sixth year canon divergence but like.. really diverging. well-written friendships and probably my favorite lucius writing ever <even if he just appeared for like.. 2 seconds lol>
Ghost of You by happy_valley | 105k | in which draco malfoy died and turned into a ghost which only hermione can see. or is he?
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale | 237k| post-war dramione tragedy with happy ending. it has two story arc: (1) dramione secret relationship and how it led to draco losing his magic after war + hermione falling out with ron and harry. (2) the granger-malfoy children wreck havock on wizarding (+house elves) community.
Remember Us As War (but call us forgiveness) by Anyaparadox  | 168k | dramione and marriage law 
✿ The Fixer-Upper Club by CharliPetidei | 160k words | 8th year AU, dramione coping with PTSD through fixing hogwarts
Medium length ones: 
Behind the Mask by EmilieJane | 46k | Beauty and The Beast with a twist. TW: Domestic violence, mention of rape, etc. Ron-bashing. 
✿ Instruments of Time by i_know_what_you_wrote_last_summer | 71k words | 3rd year AU because draco accidentally time traveling
✿ Curses, Banter, and Babies, Oh My! by LiloLilyAnn | 79k words | dramione having a child together first, work out their feelings second
Signed and Sealed by niffizzle | 26k | book shop keeper hermione, widowed single father draco
 ✿ The Watergaw by ectoheart, smokybaltic | 39k | dramione stuck together after a failed apparition, a detour on the deathly hallows mansion scene. 
Escapism by sodamnrad | 15k |  Reunited in the Muggle world, Draco and Hermione wreak havoc on each other’s loneliness.
Rebonded by niffizzle | 11k | dramione and ritual to fix draco’s wand <literally>
Kissed by Fire by niffizzle | 14k | Azkaban was a freezing fortress in the middle of the North Sea that devoid all prisoners of warmth. Or so Draco was told. The howling winds never bothered him. Nor the supposed chill emitting from the stone walls.He hadn’t felt cold since a lick of Fiendfyre scarred his flesh.
Short Ones: 
✿ Only you – Or the only time Hermione believed in divination by FedonCiadale | 5k words | CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE 
Surprise Soulmates by FedonCiadale | 6,2k | post hogwarts, In which Draco and Hermione discover they are soulmates OR Draco is a drama queen and looks guilty as fuck and Hermione tries to be rational about it all
Common Spaces, Empty Places by elithien, senlinyu | 3,4k words | eighth year dramione, confessions. 
Can't Get Any Better Than This by augustr | 1,4k words | 8th year, dramione being soft
Between Pages by DarkoftheMoon | 5,6k words| penpal dramione throughout their times at hogwarts
The Best Christmas Present Ever By: Proxima Shining | 9,8k l grandparents lucius & narcissa + family reconciliation 
10 Things I Learnt About You by nyle_bd | 4k words |   It's Parent's Day at Hogwarts and Professor Granger can't keep her eyes off a particular parent. Sparks fly and burn into something brighter.
Worse Things by niffizzle | 2k |  In the midst of Ginny and Blaise's engagement party, Hermione is busy dealing with a bitter Ron. That is until they're interrupted by the soon-to-be Best Man.
✿ The Hour After by niffizzle | 2k | post battle meet up 
With Teeth by provocative_envy |  5k | humor, dramione hunting horcrux(es) 
a bunch of dramione in secret relationship
✿ If/Then by Santhe | 5k words
I Know, I Know by nevertoosweets | 2k words
the one time they stayed by quitethesardonic | 6,9k words
Forgot to Mention by wetpretzel | 5,7k words
Tied in Lies by niffizzle | 3k
✿ Forgotten by niffizzle | 2k 
not a dramione but I think everyone would love this Draco:  
✿  the dogfather by hollimichele | 47k | What if the Dursleys rejected Harry after he was left on their doorstep? canon divergence in which the adults in HP are much more responsible than the one in canon | sirius x lupin but mostly sirius as harry’s godfather. 
part of the dogfather au, there’s one focused on draco and it’s so lovely (and heartbreaking but hopeful)
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flaming-brown-witch · 3 months
Romione Fic Preview: Virgo's Groove
My first snippet!!
When I first heard "Virgo's Groove" on Beyonce's Renaissance album, it was screaming to be turned into a Romione fic. Dedicating this to @comradekarin, who is hopefully not the only person on this damn app to fully appreciate that with me lol. Fic takes place in Deathly Hallows when Lupin comes to Shell Cottage to share the news of Teddy's birth. Originally written for the @romione-trope-fest (lol guess which trope) but I didn't get my shit together in time 🙃
Beyonce stan or not, if you like what you see, please follow and reblog and subscribe to me on AO3! The more engagement I get, the faster I'll be able to finish it 😚 Hoping to get it out while it's still Pisces season in honor of my blorbo 🙌🏽 ♓
"A boy!" exclaimed Fleur to Ron and Hermione as Lupin made a beeline towards Harry. "A Taurus boy! 'Zis community needs more earth signs. Can you believe 'zere are nine Weasleys but no earth signs?"
"Hermione's an earth sign," Ron piped up. "I reckon you both have the same sign actually."
Fleur cast wide eyes at Hermione. "'Ermione, you are a Virgo as well? But of course you are!"
"Why 'of course?'" asked Hermione, brow furrowed. 
"You 'ave all 'ze Virgo traits. 'Ardworking, perfectionist—"
"Controlling," added Ron, snickering. Hermione glared at him. Fleur watched the interaction with a knowing smile. 
"Sensual." Fleur winked at Ron. "Especially when it comes to our opposite sign."
That got Ron to stop smiling.
"How about some wine to celebrate?" Bill announced. 
"Oh yes!" Fleur exclaimed with a clap of her hands. "'Zere is much to celebrate," she added, throwing Ron and Hermione another impish look. "Beel, why don't you fetch 'ze '82 Bordeaux my parents gave us for Christmas? Remus, you must stay for a drink or three…"  
Hermione never took her eyes off Ron. 
She pursed her lips. "Lavender seems to have taught you much about astrology."
Ron scratched the back of his head nervously. "Most of what I know about astrology I remember from Divination actually."
"What else do you remember from Divination?"
"About Virgos? Fleur covered the basics, I reckon."
Hermione hesitated before asking in a quiet voice, "Do you know what she meant about the opposite sign?"
Ron's cheeks lit on fire. The corner of the dining room table suddenly seemed fascinating. "Yeah, er, o-opposite signs of the Zodiac tend to have, er, r-really strong compatibility…in that area…"
"You learned that in Divination?" she questioned, voice sharp.
"That, ah…" Ron traced the groove of the table. "That I did learn from, er, Lavender… It was in some stupid Witch Weekly article."
Ron waited with bated breath for a scathing remark, but nothing came. He finally looked up. Hermione was staring at him with an inscrutable expression. 
"So…" she eventually said slowly, taking a step forward. Her hand, too, aimlessly traced the groove of the table, but her eyes remained on Ron. "My opposite sign is…Pisces?"
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saintsenara · 1 month
Just read your meta on Tom Riddle & sexual abuse - brilliant as usual. I interpret Billy Stubbs the same way. I was wondering where in canon you're getting that Voldemort had an irregular heartbeat? The only thing that's coming to my mind is the visions Harry had in ootp where it says his heart is beating faster but that's not even real. Sorry this is the most niche question ever lol but I have an obsession with Voldemort's body
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
it's something which i've arrived at via a leap from deathly hallows - in which the locket-horcrux is mentioned as having a pulse which "beats irregularly alongside [harry's] own", which beats so fast that - from voldemort's perspective - it feels like it's "banging outside his chest", and which is also described as rattling, racing, etc.
the locket is the only horcrux which seems to have these pseudo-bodily functions - and it also, when harry opens it, has eyes. this is, i think, largely a narrative device to hint to the reader that harry is also a horcrux, by allowing us to picture a horcrux as something living - and the locket gets the honour because it's the only horcrux we spend any meaningful amount of time with in either of the last two books.
[the diary - the only other horcrux harry spends any real time interacting with - doesn't get any such description.]
the locket's abnormal heartbeat is - of course - clearly intended by the doylist text to illustrate [just like the comment in goblet of fire that voldemort has unnaturally cold hands when he touches harry] the abnormality of voldemort's mutilated soul, and the way this has ruined and corrupted his body.
but this doesn't align with how the text understands the soul as separate from the body - the mutilation of voldemort's soul should, by the series' own logic, have no affect on his body [other than - maybe - on his eyes, "the window to the soul"].
and so i think it's fun - as someone committed to the idea that voldemort's fear of death and obsession with magic is made worse by a certain physical fragility - to accept the idea that all horcruxes feel semi-"alive" [as in, they all have these pseudo-bodily functions like pulses] but also to imagine that the locket's irregular heartbeat is something voldemort has always had wrong with him, rather than something caused by the damage he does to his soul.
an irregular heartbeat which is generally too fast - as the locket's is - might be a sign of something called atrial fibrillation, which can be either temporary or chronic. triggers for any manifestation of the condition can include:
physical and emotional stress [from - y'know - living in an orphanage, never having your cavernous grief over that fact acknowledged, and potentially being a victim of sexual abuse].
chronic lung conditions such as asthma [voldemort's soft voice is because he's a respiratorily-challenged icon, change my mind].
pericarditis, a temporary heart condition often triggered by a serious viral infection, like influenza [which might have nearly finished off a child who was already sickly, only making him more afraid of dying...].
smoking [which everyone did in the forties], not eating properly [the man is famously thin], and frequently being incandescent with murderous rage [no explanation needed] are all additional things that wouldn't help... as would not bothering to take your health seriously because you can't die.
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foreskinniest · 19 days
This part in the devil wears prada where she has JK Rowling sign the deathly hallows manuscripts. Miranda Priestley CANCELED!!!!
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yoongkookie101 · 26 days
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The Deathly Hallows sign🖤
Mint Yoongi 🩵🐱
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Meta: Did Harry do anything wrong?
This meta was inspired by a conversation in @thethreebroomsticksficfest server. Tl;dr at the end.
It depends on how you define wrong vs. right. This is essentially a question for ethics – according to the main theories of ethics, utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics – I want to do a little exploration of Harry’s moral decision-making. The ethical theories I present to you are told in very broad strokes – contemporary moral philosophical thought is a lot more nuanced. If you want me to go in depth with any of these, drop an ask in my ask box. 
Utilitarianism: greatest good for greatest number of people, and/or consequences outweigh the method. E.g. ends justify the means. Was Harry’s use of the Cruciatus Curse against Carrow in Deathly Hallows justified? Could go one of a few ways: yes, because it was in defense of McGonagall; no, because torturing Carrow was not an appropriate defense of McG; maybe, it’s possible Carrow wouldn’t have responded to any other kind of deterrent. Utilitarianism falls short when we start justifying things to the extreme – it’s how Truman justified the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan. His greatest good was ending the war soon, but the cost of so many innocent human lives (in this philosopher’s opinion) was unjustified. This leads us to deontological ethics. 
Deontology: duty-based ethics, and/or there’s a set of rights and wrongs, and it’s never OK to commit a wrong even if the outcome is good. E.g. there are certain rules, whether written in law or not, that shouldn’t be broken. Let’s use the example of Harry using the Cruciatus Curse again. In his world, it’s considered an Unforgivable. That doesn’t necessarily imply that’s a just or right framework – law and moral goodness don’t always overlap. Does Harry think it’s always unforgivable? This is where deontological ethics gets tricky – our sense of what is universally right or wrong may not be universal, or may be biased because of the society we come from. As most people would say that torturing someone is morally wrong, even if that someone is guilty of committing all sorts of atrocities, then Harry would not be justified in using the Cruciatus Curse. Deontology has its limits when we start squabbling about moral absolutes and moral relativism, or when we start seeing poor outcomes for supposedly good actions. 
Virtue ethics: we cultivate morally good behavior by developing virtuous traits. The more virtuous we become, the better our moral actions will be. An action is morally good if completed by a virtuous person. We judge an action based on the person who is taking it. While this may seem counterintuitive in some ways, think about it as a way of understanding intentions. Is Harry justified in his use of the Cruciatus Curse? It depends. Is he a morally good actor? Does a morally good actor use the Cruciatus Curse? Most of us would say no to this – intentionally hurting another person is not a sign of virtue. While virtue ethics may seem murky (it can be), a good way of thinking about it is to ask yourself “would a morally good person, or an [insert virtuous trait here] person do X?” If the answer is yes, then it’s morally good. If no, then don’t do it. 
As for what I think Harry did wrong in the series, in terms of moral failures, there are a few caveats before I list these things. First, Harry is a FICTIONAL character. FICTIONAL characters are not accountable to the same morality as we are; they are vehicles to tell a story, reveal something about humanity, or entertainment. FICTIONAL Harry didn’t do anything wrong because FIGMENTS OF IMAGINATION cannot do anything wrong. If Harry were real, however, these are a few of the things that I would consider morally bad or questionable: 
Use of Sectumsempra in HBP. He didn’t know what the spell did, only that it was used for enemies. He may not have known what it did, but ‘enemies’ should’ve been context enough to know that it wasn’t friendly.
Snape’s worst memory: gives us, the reader, and Harry, a ton of information about James. However, there was no moral reason to violate Snape’s privacy. 
Spying on Draco in HBP: when Harry takes the Invisibility Cloak and spies on Malfoy, or when he asks Kreacher to spy on Draco. Good cause, perhaps (utilitarianism) but not necessarily right (deontology). Keeping an eye out for your neighbor and being vigilant can be good, but in this case it was not Harry’s responsibility to do so. (But remember, Harry is fictional, and in his world, adults aren’t fully competent or forthright.) 
Brewing/taking Polyjuice Potion in second year. For plot = good. For deception, spying, and agreeing to Hermione stealing = bad. 
Sneaking out to Hogsmeade, third year. For plot = good. For rule breaking and recklessly endangering his life (even if he didn’t know that wasn’t true) = bad. 
Torturing Carrow = bad. Torture isn’t ok, Harry.
Mostly, Harry makes a lot of morally good or morally neutral decisions throughout the series. Like most people, fictional or real, Harry is not wholly morally good, and the theories above, broadly speaking, can only take us so far. Let me bring in an example of Harry leading Dumbledore’s Army in terms of its moral goodness (or badness).
Utilitarianism: Was the D.A. the greatest good for the greatest number of people? You can argue it was, because the students learned and practiced lifesaving spells that would help them in their later years. They broke school rules, but they learned to defend themselves, and others. Thus, the D.A. was a moral good.
Deontology: Was the D.A. the right thing to do? In a strict sense, no, because Harry broke the school rules. He intentionally put himself and others in detention. However, is there a greater duty to his classmates that supersedes the rules? You can argue yes, Harry had a duty, an explicit moral imperative to help his classmates. Did it have to be through the D.A.? Maybe not. In this case, the D.A. is morally questionable or perhaps morally neutral. 
Virtue ethics: Is the D.A. something that a virtuous person would do? This depends a lot on your definition of virtue, and which virtue you’re referring to! Let’s take courage as a virtue. Is it courageous of Harry to lead the D.A.? I think so! Is it prudent? Maybe. This is why virtue ethics can be murky – which virtue is most important? How do virtues compare across communities? In the world of HP, I’d say the D.A. was virtuous and morally good because of the values they placed on courage, excellence, and developing skills. 
Tl;dr: Harry does make morally questionable or morally bad decisions, but as he’s a fictional character, we need to be careful in judging his behavior with real-world moral theories. 
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
Harry Potter and Repression.
One of Harry's most worrisome and tragic traits is how he represses the fact that those he loves have done some really messed up stuff-and this usually correlates to his desperate wish to be loved and cared for and have friends, and his wish to not think about certain things.
Like he's not mad at Ron for abandoning him and never thinks about it again except once. He never doubts that Ron will stay with him again, even though Ron actually has abandoned him. He never thinks about it even when the same thing happens in Deathly Hallows. The incident is ERASED. He forgives and forgets, or at least represses.
He also never thinks about how Sirius and Remus and Snape all confirmed that Sirius used Remus (who had no way to consent to this) to kill Snape. He's ignoring Sirius's lack of remorse. He's ignoring how Sirius tried to attack the Fat Lady, traumatizing her. He's ignoring how Sirius broke Ron's leg just a few minutes before. I've said this before, but it's because he's so desperate for a father figure he'll ignore the very real signs that Sirius, while innocent, is not a good person nor someone who should be raising a kid.
And then he also never thinks about how the Marauders bullied Snape, how Remus and Sirius and James were complicit in bullying Snape. Like he does think about it, but when Remus and Sirius say "Hey he stopped" Harry's satisfied with that and doesn't think about it more than once. He's so desperate to not think about it-that those he loves have traits that he absolutely hates and thinks of as villainous-that he basically ERASES the whole incident from his mind. I mean it. ERASES. Doesn't exist anymore.
Like, how can you not think about that? Harry is in class with the victim (Snape) of his father (James) and godfather (Sirius) and father's best friend (Remus). He doesn't have to feel sympathetic with Snape (though he does in canon), nor change the way he acts and how he feels about Snape, but surely he must think about it when Snape starts treating Harry differently and sabotaging him and stops Occulemency. Surely he must think about it every time Sirius and or Remus and Snape are in the same room. Surely he must think about how Snape hated Harry because he looked like his father.
Wouldn't finding out the people you love did really bad things affect you? Wouldn't finding out it's not "a schoolboy grudge" affect the way you see your teacher? How can Harry be around Snape and not think about it? About Snape's Worst Memory?
Why didn't Harry at least think about broaching the subject with Snape? He doesn't have to do it, but he should at least think about it long enough to dismiss the idea.
And shouldn't this be enough to shake Harry's view of himself? At least a little? Harry is not responsible for his father's actions, but there usually is a degree of perception changing when you learn that your dad did awful stuff.
And what about Lilly? It's the only real glimpse Harry gets of his Mom. He should be thinking about that too. Even with the whole "she hated James" business supposedly settled, it's his mom that he loves and wants to know better.
Again, Harry completely erasing incidents from his mind is done because he doesn't want to think about certain things. Because he will have to acknowledge how Ron abandoned him, how Sirius and James and Remus had every trait Harry loathed.
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daddycassie · 2 months
Someone To Watch Me Die
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Pairing: Platonic!!! Child! Coriolanus Snow x Child! Clemensia Dovecote — 694 Words
Warning(s): Angst!!! Vivid depictions of starvation, children suffering, child neglect, discussion of death and cannibalism, bonding through trauma, Coriolanus missing his mom :( ———————————————
Amongst ash and smoke sat a pathetic playground. It smelled like gasoline and iron, Coriolanus always thought, but it was the only one they had. The school playground, in which the other children played, and he watched through the smoggy air. The sky was always grey back then, his little stomach always empty and aching something awful.
He’d been surprised at first, that the others had the energy to play. They must’ve been better off than him, they all had rich families, didn’t they? Coriolanus was a fallen Snow in a world where only ash and soot coated the ground. Cote. Coriolanus turned his head to the side, and found himself tired from it.
A girl with black hair, deep brown eyes, and hallowed cheeks sat in the same patch of dull grass. “Clems.” He spoke and she turned to him. Coriolanus held up the stuffed cat that sat between them. “Mr. Fluffels is hungry.” Clemensia cracks a small smile.
“Maybe Mr. Fluffels should catch a rat then.” Coriolanus nods a bit. “There are a lot of those. Can he make them all go away?” Clemensia hugs her knees to her chest, her legs looked as if they’d snap right off if she moved them wrong. “Of course he can, he drinks all his milk so he’s big and strong.” Coriolanus looks at the cat stuffy.
When Clemensia had given it to Coriolanus she’d said it looked like him. Little, with blue eyes and white fur. He’d been crying because his stomach hurt so much, felt so utterly empty. She’d looked at him with pity and understanding, with something different then the others kids.
From that day Coriolanus stuck to her like a leech, they shared anything they could with each other, sitting in this patch of grass. Watching. Observing the other children. Observing each other.
They were young but old enough to recognize the sign of a reaper’s hands on each other’s shoulders. Protruding bones, deathly pale skin, bloodshot, puffy eyes. “Clemmie.” Coriolanus demands Clemensia’s attention again. She doesn’t deny him it.
“Yes Coryo?” She watches him. “Do you think you’d ever eat a person?” The question stuns Clemensia, her eyes widening and an unspoken question in her eyes. Where is this coming from? She releases a weary sigh. “I-I don’t think I’ll ever be that hungry.” Clemensia speaks softly.
The answer comforted Coriolanus, at least that was one person whose menu he’d never be on. Sometimes he’d lay awake at night thinking of such things. He never feared the monster under his bed, but the monster of the other people in the world. Maybe Clemensia did too.
Coriolanus and Clemensia frequently talked about their parents. 
“I miss my mama.” Coriolanus would admit to her tearily. They were sitting out on Clemensia’s front door on one of the steps, looking out on the steps. They’d both jump and clutch each other’s hands whenever the ground shook. “Was she nice?” She asked him. 
He nodded. “She smelled like roses.” He wiped his eyes with his little fists and she frowned at him. “That sounds lovely.” She squeezed his hand and he nodded. “I want her back.” Clemensia bit back her own tears.
“Me too.” She whispered to him, like saying it any louder would shatter him. It probably would. “But you have one.” Clemensia nodded. “I know… but she’s sleepy all the time. And she doesn’t smell like pretty flowers.” Coriolanus sniffles. 
“She has food too… but I can’t reach it in the cabinets. She doesn’t give it to me on purpose.”  Coriolanus shook his head. “No… a mama wouldn’t do that. Mama’s are meant to love their babies.” Clemensia looked at him thoughtfully. “I don’t know… I think she doesn’t like me anymore.” He didn’t really know what to say to that.
Not when both of them knew her mother was out cold on the couch just a few feet away. Coriolanus squeezed Mr. Fluffels to his chest. He leaned on Clemensia, hoping maybe a little warmth would comfort them both. She leaned her head on his and shut her eyes. He realized that they both cried very often that night.
Note: Genuinely cried a lot while writing this even though it’s technically a little blurb — children suffering really gets to me so I kinda put that on myself
I wanted to depict Coryo and Clemmie’s early friendship so I’d definitely say this includes a lot of my headcanons for them, I may make a part two if me and my coryo @officialelioperlman come up with more ideas :)
@losingmymindrn @sparklebear11 @torturedcoveydepartment @noooooooop-e you guys read most of my stuff but this one’s a little different so I get if you don’t read it but I’m @ ing you anyway 😚
hope you enjoyed, happy reading
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