#signed - your friendly neighborhood social worker
wyn-n-tonic · 2 years
Some things to consider if you are donating hygiene products to shelters/food banks (if you have the means):
Unscented soap for sensitive skin. (Dove and Ivory are so good for this but I know there are store brands).
Unscented lotion! Lotion isn't a very highly donated product and, when it is, it tends to be very fragrant. This is a problem because fragrant lotions contain a lot of alcohol in them which in turn dries the skin out and is not very good for people with sensitive skin or skin issues and is definitely an issue for houseless people who are more exposed to the elements outside.
Body/deodorant wipes.
Deodorant sticks and sprays.
Regular chapstick. Burt's Bees contains beeswax and Carmex/Blistex are medicated, all can make chapped lips worse and you can actually develop an allergy to their ingredients.
Adult diapers. People donate baby diapers and they donate feminine hygiene products but donations of adult diapers are few and far between and shelters/food banks see a lot of traffic from new, healing mothers or older children with developmental disabilities or elderly members of our population.
First aid kits.
Activities for kids (cheap coloring books and some crayon packs, fidget toys, little puzzles). It may seem silly to some but I once got to tell a mom that I included some little age appropriate toys for her kiddos and I will think about her reaction and the hug she gave me for the rest of my life.
Blankets. Little fleecey throw blankets are so important and are, unfortunately, the difference between life and death during these colder months.
Underwear and socks. I have had people tell me that they don't want to donate underwear because they feel like it's creepy. It's not creepy. These are basic necessities and they are often times hardly donated and asking for help at all is hard but asking for more personal items like underwear can be downright embarrassing. Especially when it's not available. People are less likely to ask in the future when that happens (especially if treated or looked at judgmentally when they ask).
Hair products for different hair types. A lot of these organizations serve minority populations in our communities because the system has been set up to keep non-white people down and in poverty (anybody can experience poverty but, please remember that systemic racism plays a huge role in why these services are desperately needed and horribly underfunded). Hair products like shampoo and conditioner are donated but it's 99.9% of the time going to be very cheap products that aren't good for any hair type but definitely are not good for people with coarse hair or curly/kinky hair. If you have the means, please consider donating some products specifically formulated for Black hair. I am not somebody who needs those products so I don't have much knowledge into the brands that are actually good. So I do encourage anybody who can help with a list of products they'd recommend to reblog this and add those items on.
And if all of that is just too overwhelming of a list but you would like to do something, call around to some local schools and ask if they have some lunch debt you can pay off for some babies. If you want to go further, ask if you can put some money on the books for some of the kids so that they can have a hot meal because, unfortunately, school lunches are often times the only time some of these babies have a hot meal. And having to do that at all is a failure of our society and government that desperately needs to be fixed but if we can help ease the burden of struggling parents on the road to that goal, then I think we should do that because it really does take a village but the extreme individualism mindset of this country has left so many people behind.
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mariacallous · 2 months
The social media company X is closing its San Francisco office “over the next few weeks,” according to an internal email sent out by CEO Linda Yaccarino earlier today. “This is an important decision that impacts many of you, but it is the right one for our company in the long term,” Yaccarino wrote in the email, first reported by The New York Times.
Employees in San Francisco reportedly will be moved to new locations in the Bay Area, “including the existing office in San Jose and a new engineering focused shared space with [xAI, Musk’s AI startup] in Palo Alto,” the note said. The company’s executive team is said to be working on “transportation options” for staff. X did not respond to WIRED's request for comment.
The official announcement comes a few weeks after Musk said in a post on X that he planned to move X and SpaceX headquarters to Texas. X would move to Austin, specifically, Musk said at the time. Bloomberg reported earlier this year that X had already been staffing up a trust and safety team for X based in Austin.
While the state of Texas is known to be more business-friendly than California—it has one of the lowest tax burdens in the US—Musk’s publicly stated reasoning for the move to Texas was more ideological than financial. He said at the time that the “final straw” was a new California law that aims to protect the privacy of transgender children, which he perceived to be “attacking both families and companies.” He also said that he’s “had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building.”
The latest update from Yaccarino suggests it’s the San Francisco office, specifically, that is the thorn in X’s side. And it’s an about-face for Musk, who tweeted a year ago that, despite incentives to move out of San Francisco, X would not move its HQ out of the city. “You only know who your real friends are when the chips are down,” he waxed poetically on X. “San Francisco, beautiful San Francisco, though others forsake you, we will always be your friend.”
The shuttering of the X office marks the end of an era for the company formerly known as Twitter, and for the historic Mid-Market neighborhood that in the 2010s managed to lure in burgeoning tech companies like Twitter, Uber, Spotify, and Square.
Twitter’s earliest offices were in SoMa, or the South of Market neighborhood of San Francisco, until 2011, when then mayor Ed Lee instituted a controversial tax break for tech companies. The ruling erased the 1.5 percent payroll tax for companies that moved into certain Mid-Market buildings. Twitter jumped at the opportunity.
The company was considered an anchor tenant in a densely populated neighborhood marked by homelessness and open drug use. Suddenly an airy, high-end food market, a Blue Bottle Coffee shop, and tech workers with MacBooks and overpriced sneakers dotted Market Street, alongside people in various states of distress camped out in front of still-vacant storefronts.
The end results of Lee’s tax breaks and revitalization plans for the neighborhood are a topic of debate, and the pandemic has been a hugely complicating factor, with reports suggesting that San Francisco’s office spaces are more than a third vacant on average.
Musk, now famously, carried a sink into the Twitter offices just after he closed the deal to buy the platform in October 2022, tweeting, “Let that sink in!” After changing the company name to X in summer 2023, Musk erected a giant, blinking X atop the offices, only to be compelled to take it down days later when the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection received dozens of complaints about the flashing lights and concerns about the sign’s structural safety.
X also was allegedly a poor tenant in the Musk era: Its landlord, SRI Nine Market Square, in early 2023 filed a suit against X for more than $3 million in unpaid rent. SRI Nine Market sought to extend Twitter’s line of credit to $10 million as an assurance that future rent would be paid. Other vendors also have sued X for failing to pay its bills.
But in January of this year, SRI Nine Market dropped the case, Reuters reported. It’s unclear why. SRI Nine Market did not respond to an inquiry on the current state of X’s lease and whether the company would be breaking said lease by vacating its office space in the coming weeks.
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whatyourusherthinks · 4 months
IF Review
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Boy howdy this trailer was baaaaaaaaaad. I was intrigued by the teaser, but I thought that it would only be good if the teaser was hiding something. Then the actual trailer came out, and well, you read the first sentence. I dunno, it just looked like Ryan Reynolds doing his most child-friendly jokes and that was it. Which, I guess if it carries the Deadpool movies, but I expect more from the guy who wrote A Quiet Place, y'know. (Wait, John Krasinski wrote A Quiet Place Part II too? Well good thing I didn't see it and therefore can't delegitimize my claim to his writing quality.)
Then Twitter got mad at this movie. Why? Hell if I know. I can barely stand to use this website, honestly, why would I ever go on that garbage fire of social media platform. Does it have something to do with the premise's similarity to Foster's Home For Imaginary Kids? Maybe, but why is it a problem for two takes on a similar premise to exist? Batman and the Dark Knight have the exact same plot structure and people love jerking those to movies off.
What's The Movie About?
Bea is a 12-year-old girl who becomes a social worker for Imaginary Friends (or IFs hurhurhur) and she teams up with a cynical Ryan Reynolds named Calvin.
What I Like.
Bea. She's a really good character, clearly John wrote this movie with the intention of her being the completely focal character. (He writes really good female characters, as all who saw A Quiet Place can attest.) The trailer made it seems like a stern female who has to be the support/babysitter for a silly guy (Calvin, in this case), but really it's the opposite. Calvin is a cynical and sarcastic character who is only helping everyone else out because he HAS to, and it's up to Bea to show him why helping out the IFs is a fulfilling life. I also really like the message of the movie, but it's kind of a spoiler. Just know if you are perpetually young at heart (or if you're incredibly childish like me) it's going to cut you completely to your core with warm fuzzies. I also got invested in the IFs. Again, I wasn't really interested from the trailer since it didn't seem imaginative enough for me. Like, oh, the imaginary friends are basically a bunch of anthropomorphic things. A gummy bear, a stiffed animal, the guy from the Neighborhood Watch sign. But they give the character little hints of deeper personalities, even if they are on screen for a few seconds.
What I Didn't Like.
...I don't know if I should bring up the problems with this movie. Not because there isn't problems, or even that they aren't substantial. Because there are certainly substantial problems with this movie. This movie completely falls apart if you think about the it for even a second. But it's nothing a kid is going to notice. Or if they did notice, they wouldn't care. The age demographic for this movie isn't going to care that the stakes of this movie are basically non-existent. They aren't going to give a crap there is a twist that comes out of nowhere, or that the rules on how the IFs work make no sense. They're just going to laugh and silly purple monster and be happy when he finds a friend. And is there anything wrong with that?
Final Summation.
IF is a good kids' movie. There is a lot of bright colors, silly characters, and goofy humor that they are sure to get a kick out of. There is nothing for the parents in the audience, true, but I don't think there needs to be. If you are over the age of 15 and are going to see this movie alone, you shouldn't get pissy when none of your perceptions are challenged. And if you're mad about the movie not making sense, you need to remind yourself that one of the main characters in the movie is a giant furry purple creature called Blue. It's not that serious.
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genniece · 2 years
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✨This is so important. Please share anywhere you want, I am unafraid of any type of negative backlash✨ I spent the entirety of yesterday (5am-11pm) crying in bed in what some call Spiritual Warfare. I couldn't stop the tears. I couldn't focus my thoughts. I couldn't work. I couldn't drive. I couldn't parent. When this happens to me, I can never, in the moment, pinpoint the trigger. I always know it's a warning sign that I am about to be exposed to something hugely problematic. This morning, after my meditation and shower, while I was getting ready, I found this video. Please, talk to your children and friends about this. I know this is happening in the Magic Valley, or I wouldn't have been so consumed with despondency yesterday. What can you do, you ask? I know, it's confusing and overwhelming. You can 1. make friendly with your neighbors, 2. attend City Council meetings on Monday at 5:30 at City Hall on Main Street 3. attend School Board meetings even if you don't have kids! Go to the schools near where you live so you know what the basic education agenda is for the littles in your particular neighborhood. PROTECT OUR CHILDREN! This video itself doesn't need a TW unless you are a victim of SA or ASA. https://youtu.be/ypXt3wJin-g If the link doesn't work, as I've gotten notices in the past, simply highlight the link and copy it into your browser. Or you can simply search for the Brett Cooper video titled "The Predators Online Are Not Even Hiding It". I love you. And if you happen to be a child reading this and need help, I'm here for you, or please call 211 they have the resources just for your specific situation. 911 is good for arrests and emergencies, but 211 will immediately get a Social Worker involved who will be with you every step of the way and was trained for this type of thing. #sa #childpornographyischildabuse #gethelp #spiritualwarfare #thisismagicvalley #thisistwinfalls #helpimbeingabused #suicideawareness #suicidehelp #twinfallsid (at Twin Falls, Idaho) https://www.instagram.com/p/CofVtNluFIb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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astrologyandlife · 3 years
the complete guide to astrology - revised
i. introduction
what is astrology? how can we use it to improve our lives? how do we go about studying a seemingly complex subject with such a large body of literature? in this post, i hope to give you guys a solid idea of the basics while providing resources for further reading and learning, curated by yours truly.
to start, astrology is defined as "the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects" (source). its primary use in modern times is as a tool of self-discovery. this is done through a natal chart, which is outlined below.
of course, astrology is used for many other things, ranging from examining relationships, to predicting the outcome of future events, to even locating lost objects. there are many branches of astrology that each have their own set of rules and methods for interpretation of the chart. i will go into more detail about some of these other branches soon. however, all astrology uses the same framework. so what is that?
***before i go further, i want to note that this guide contains a comprehensive resources section, section v, which contains a lot of helpful supplementary information such as cafeastrology's article on understanding the astrological chart wheel, a full glossary of astrological terms, and various subjects not explicitly defined or covered in-depth in this guide like retrograde planets and interceptions.***
now onto the guide! :-)
ii. the framework
perhaps the key piece of astrology is the natal chart:
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the natal chart is a visual representation of where the celestial bodies were at the time of birth. it seems complex at first glance, but it is possible to break it down to better understand it. in this section, i will elaborate on four components that come together to form the picture. These are the zodiac signs (inner ring), planets (around the ring), aspects (lines in the middle), and houses (numbers on the outer ring).
zodiac signs
in astrology, the zodiac signs are the most essential, core pieces of the puzzle. this is because they represent traits or energies. they are modes of expression. aries: cardinal + fire, enthusiastic, passionate, impatient, childlike, leader, hotheaded, dynamic, quick to react, competitive, impulsive, direct, outgoing, extroverted, positive. ruled by mars and the first house. taurus: fixed + earth, stubborn, patient, strong-willed, down-to-earth, hard workers, sensual, persevering, materialistic, focused, strong, realistic, enduring, habitual, hard to anger, love of nature. ruled by venus and the second house. gemini: mutable + air, chatty, social butterflies, adaptable, flexible, clever, witty, sarcastic, curious, scattered, lighthearted, changeable, multitaskers, jack-of-all-trades, smart, flighty. ruled by mercury and the third house. cancer: cardinal + water, emotional, sensitive, gentle, intuitive, motherly, moody, defensive, protective, caring, empathetic, imaginative, sentimental, passive, introverted, shy, homebody. ruled by the moon and the fourth house. leo: fixed + fire, confident, dramatic, theatrical, warm, generous, supportive, strong-willed, loyal, honest, authentic, loves pleasure, big personality, self-centered, courageous, magnetic, expressive, assertive. ruled by the sun and the fifth house. virgo: mutable + earth, methodical, serious, perfectionist, critical, practical, detail-oriented, analytical, competent, helpful, enjoys service, reserved, sensible, down-to-earth, intellectual. ruled by mercury and the sixth house. libra: cardinal + air, outgoing, friendly, agreeable, diplomatic, avoids conflict, polite, charming, refined, pacifistic, tolerant, craves connection, indecisive, romantic, artistic, hesitant, fair, good conversationalist, gossip. ruled by venus and the seventh house. scorpio: fixed + water, secretive, possessive, introverted, honest, genuine, intense, independent, lone wolf type, intuitive, analytical, persistent, passionate, ambitious, proud, committed, clever, competitive. ruled by pluto and the eighth house. sagittarius: mutable + fire, optimistic, positive, big picture thinkers, extroverted, jovial, loves adventure, blunt, straightforward, open-minded, future-oriented, faithful, independent, energetic, needs freedom. ruled by jupiter and the ninth house. capricorn: cardinal + earth, serious, disciplined, mature, takes responsibility, hard-working, thoughtful, traditional, dry sense of humor, objective, independent, ambitious, reliable, patient. ruled by saturn and the tenth house. aquarius: fixed + air, progressive, eccentric, independent, needs freedom, detached, intellectual, authentic, accepting, open-minded, non-judgemental, outgoing, determined, humanitarian, future-oriented. ruled by uranus and the eleventh house. pisces: artistic, sensitive, distant look, compassionate, empathetic, escapist, intuitive, heart over head, understanding, introspective, needs alone time, soft-spoken, emotional, imaginative, faithful, romantic, fluid, adaptable. ruled by neptune and the twelfth house.
the planets give direction to the traits expressed by the zodiac signs. this direction comes in the form of facets of our personalities. personal/"inner" planets sun: ego, general personality, vitality, focus, father figure. domicile=leo / detriment=aquarius / exalted=aries / fall=libra moon: emotions, intuitions, gut reactions, instincts, needs, mother figure. domicile=cancer / detriment=capricorn / exalted=taurus / fall=scorpio mercury: communication, mental abilities, information processing. domicile=gemini or virgo / detriment=sagittarius or pisces / exalted=virgo / fall=pisces venus: romance, personal style, love style, attraction, taste. domicile=taurus or libra / detriment=scorpio or aries / exalted=pisces / fall=virgo mars: drive, motivations, anger, physical attraction, physical activity. domicile=aries/ detriment=libra/ exalted=capricorn / fall=cancer
impersonal/"outer" planets jupiter: expansion + growth, talents, opportunities, luck. domicile=sagittarius / detriment=gemini / exalted=cancer / fall=capricorn saturn: fears, where we feel repressed/restricted, where we must learn and become disciplined. domicile=capricorn/ detriment=cancer/ exalted=libra / fall=aries uranus: individuality, eccentric/uniqueness, suddenness, technology. domicile=aquarius / detriment=leo / exalted=scorpio / fall=taurus neptune: confusion, blurred lines, lack of boundaries, deception, sacrifice, dreams. domicile=pisces / detriment=virgo / exalted=cancer / fall=capricorn pluto: transformation, raw power, death, secrets. domicile=scorpio / detriment=taurus / exalted=aquarius / fall=leo
planets in their domicile or exalted sign are said to be strong, while planets in their detriment or fall sign are weak. stronger planets express themselves much more naturally. weaker planets can bring problems into the individual's life, especially if poorly aspected.
the next step is the aspects, which is the interaction between these facets of our personality and how easily we express them. positive aspects are marked green, negative are marked red. conjunction (0°): the unification of two planets that allows their energies to merge and be expressed as one. square (90°): tension between two planets that creates conflict or patterns of avoidance. opposition (180°): tension between two planets that results in conflict or patterns of projection. quincunx (150°): completely different energies that are unable to be integrated or properly managed. trine (120°): two planets that mesh well together, often manifesting as a talent or skill within the individual. sextile (60°): two planets with energy so similar they are seamlessly and effortlessly expressed together.
finally, the houses represent the stage where all of this expression occurs in our external life. first (ascendant, ASC): first impressions, physical appearance, the vibe we give off, our view/philosophy of life. second: our values, sense of self-worth and confidence, money, physical possessions. third: communication style, early education, siblings, neighbors and neighborhood, thinking patterns, short trips. fourth (imum coeli, IC): home, family, the house, early life + childhood, background, roots, memories, father figure. fifth: self-expression, creativity, hobbies, interests, children, pleasure, short-term relationships. sixth: physical health, daily routine, coworkers, job, pets, service to others. seventh (descendant, DSC): marriage, spouse, long-term relationships, other people. eighth: shared resources, inheritances, death, transformation, crisis, hidden things. ninth: higher education, travel, foreign/distant places, diversity, expansion and growth. tenth (midheaven, MC): career, reputation, online persona, success, goals for the future, mother figure. eleventh: groups and organizations, the wider collective, our friend group, wishes and aspirations. twelfth: losses, grief and sorrow, subconscious or unconscious things, confusion, lack of boundaries, sacrifice.
iii. the interpretation process + notes
to interpret a natal chart, i have a specific process that i utilize. i will outline it in this section, giving notes along the way where i see fit. there are many ways of interpreting charts, however, so use this more as a guide than a hard and fast rule.
✨the process ✨
look at the chart as a whole, taking notice of: a. planets clustered together in one sign/house (note: 3+ planets in a house is called a stellium) b. planets "sitting on/"conjunct the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th) c. lone planets that are just sitting by themselves d. completely empty houses e. major aspect patterns, such as the t-square, grand trine, etc.
next, look at the sign of the ascendant and determine the chart ruler a. examine the condition of both, such as major aspects (aspects of 5° or less)
check out the sun's sign, house, and major aspects
do the same for the moon, and consider the relationship it has to the sun
next, check out the sign, house, and major aspects of the three other personal planets
look at the three other angles: the IC, DSC, and MC to determine their condition
look at the house and any major aspects to personal planets for the outer planets
find the lord of any empty houses and determine what house it sits in, as well as its condition there
finally, any asteroids or minor bodies of interest a. typically these only influence the individual if they make an aspect to the personal planets or angles, like outer planets
some other things to take into account: which element/planet/sign is dominant in the chart, where the ruler of each house sits, are there planets at 0° or 29°, degree theory, midpoints, and planets in retrograde.
iv. other chart types
so far, i've exclusively been talking about the natal chart. however, there are several chart types with other purposes ranging from examining the compatibility of two people, to predicting what might occur in the year ahead, to even answering questions. i'll give a brief run-down of some of them here:
solar return: a chart drawn for the exact moment the sun returns to the sign and degree it was at when you were born. it is said to represent what will occur in the year ahead.
synastry: this chart examines the relationship between two people by seeing how both of their charts interact with each other. it is a representation of how they affect each other.
composite: like the synastry chart, a composite looks at the relationship between two people. it does this by creating a chart of the midpoints between the placements of their charts. it is a representation of the relationship itself and what it's like.
progressed: a chart that shows how a person's personality and life circumstances change over time, calculated by adding one day to your birthday for every year of your life.
draconic: a chart that supposedly represents your "true nature," which is who you were before your life experiences. it works by setting the north node to aries and adjusting every other placement accordingly.
transit: this is simply a chart of what the sky looks like on any given day. this can be compared to a natal chart to see what influences are acting on an individual or to examine long-term trends.
these are by no means all of the chart types, or even the most important, but they are the most common ones you will see discussed here. furthermore, every chart type uses the same framework and many of the same rules in regards to interpretation, making them extremely valuable tools to have in your toolset!
v. resources
below here is a list of websites, articles, tools, etc. that are extremely helpful for learning astrology. every single resource in this list is 100% approved by me, and i have used or read through all of them myself, many of which i still refer back to now. there are also resources that go more in-depth about some of the topics mentioned in this guide, if you're confused or want to know more. feel free to take a peek!
websites a. https://advanced-astrology.com/ b. http://astrologyking.com/ c. https://astromatrix.org/ d. https://www.astro-seek.com/ e. https://www.alwaysastrology.com/index.html f. http://www.thedarkpixieastrology.com/ g. https://cafeastrology.com/ h. https://www.astrology.com/learn i. https://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/index.php j. http://www.astrologersforum.com/forum/index.php
calculators a. https://www.astrotheme.com/horoscope_chart_sign_ascendant.php b. https://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi c. https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php d. https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online e. https://astro-charts.com/tools/new/birthchart/
blogs a. @astrologymarina b. @astraltwelve c. @astrolovecosmos d. @twelvehousemoon e. @ms-m-astrologer f. @saintzjenx
faq/specific resources/what's on my bookmarks bar a. A glossary of astrology-related terms b. how fast do the planets move through the signs? c. what is degree theory? d. which signs square and oppose each other? e. how do you find your dominant sign/planet/etc? f. astrology 101 by astrologymarina g. what are retrogrades? h. a brief interpretation for every planet in every sign i. a complete ephemeris up to the 22nd century j. what are interceptions? k. what are the 29th and 0 degree? l. how to read the chart wheel?
books a. the only astrology book you'll ever need, joanne martine woolfolk b. chart interpretation handbook, stephen arroyo c. the twelve houses, howard sasportas d. aspects in astrology, sue thompkins e. discover the aspect pattern in your birth chart: a comprehensive guide, glenn mitchell f. the art of forecasting using solar return charts, anthony louis g. the astrology of family dynamics, erin sullivan h. midpoints: identify and integrate midpoints into horoscope synthesis, don mcbroom i. retrograde planets: traversing the inner landscape, erin sullivan
vi. final notes
you did it! this is the end of my revised guide to astrology, and hopefully this has been helpful for you to understand the basic workings of the practice. astrology can be really rewarding and fascinating, and even after eight years i still come across topics that i've never heard about!
as always, my inbox is open for any questions you may have. if anything is unclear or you think of ways to improve this guide, feel free to tell me as well. thanks for sticking with me, folks!
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peaceofdiana · 2 years
the peacekeeper
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Welcome to Coolsville, the best little small town in Ohio.
…except for right now, but that’s not really DIANA FRANCO’S (Priscilla Quintana) fault, is it? Known as the PEACEKEEPER around town, SHE is just your friendly neighborhood BARTENDER. Sure they can be DISTANT and FICKLE, but they can also be FRIENDLY and LEVEL-HEADED just like any other 26 year old. That doesn’t mean they have anything to do with our string of recent chilling events, though… right?
Basic Information
Full Name: Diana Rose Franco
Nickname(s): Di, Ana
Age: 26
Date of Birth: September 1st, 1996
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Current Location: Coolsville, OH
Ethnicity: Mexican
Gender: Cis Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
Occupation: Bartender at The Cougar Pub
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish, ASL
Basic Backstory
Diana is the middle child, the one that came after two bickering twins and a hyper energetic little sister. Even before her little sister came into her life, her mother bragged about how easy she was as a child, the one who didn’t cry or cause a fuss like her elder siblings did. She was the one no one had to worry about--the one no one did worry about.
Her talent to build bridges started with her older siblings, who viewed their little sister as an impartial third party to take their side. But mild squabbles turned into something much larger when their father lost his job and they were forced to move across the country into a tiny mobile home in Ohio. Between the move and their growing money anxieties, Diana took it upon herself to keep the family glued together. If she had to take care of her younger sister, Araceli, she would do it. If her older sister took up all of the closet space, she grit her teeth and let it happen. And in the moments when the six of them were in the same room together, it was Diana who could get them to laugh and tell stories about better times and make them feel like a family again. 
When they moved to Coolsville, Diana was starting high school while her elder siblings were seniors. Not only that, but her brother, Sol, was a running back on the football team while her sister, Stella, was in as many academic clubs as she could handle, making Diana known, at least vaguely, by most students at the school. Diana, meanwhile, didn’t have her own niche that she was good at in school and found herself skating the lines between all the different cliques and groups. She had her friends that she usually hung out with during lunch, but she liked expanding beyond that by hanging out with the jocks one day and going into the band room the next. As it turned out, gentle smiles and genuine conversations could get her friends almost anywhere, a gesture she tried to pay forward by partnering with the shy kids in class so that they wouldn’t feel left out. Unfortunately for her, all that time socializing meant that her grades were average at best, giving her just enough juice to graduate.
She intended on becoming a teacher before she got the job as a bartender and realized she made more money serving drinks in revealing clothing than she would teaching middle school students sign language. Her mother was disappointed, but it earned her enough money to finally move into her own apartment so she figured one less mouth to feed outweighed any other argument her mother had about the topic.
Nothing shook Diana, but rushing into work that afternoon only to see all of the workers watching the news report about the missing Dani Logan came dangerously close. Dani was just a kid, not much older than her own little sister. What if it had been her instead? The thought alone gave her nightmares that she hasn’t had since she had moved to Coolsville and she is itching to know that the poor girl will be alright. 
Her trick to keeping calm is not getting too involved. She learned that the hard way through violent fights with her siblings and tears being shed in the privacy of a running shower. You help people out, but you keep them at arm's length so if things go sour, you aren’t so close that the explosion will do serious damage. When Diana searched out for the Catalyst and asked how their investigation was going, she was breaking every rule in her private rule book. She knows she’s likely downright hopeless when it comes to real investigation work, but if there is anything she could do, she knows she has to do it.
She has a stray gray cat named Freddy. The only thing he loves more than sleeping against the window sill is playing with Diana’s hair while she sleeps.
Full Overly Long and Detailed Biography
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fictionadventurer · 3 years
I can’t stop thinking about the Superman AU where Kara doesn’t get lost in the Phantom Zone so both children are raised by the Kents.
Kara’s ship was set up to teach her English (and possibly other Earth languages) during the trip, so the Kents learn the whole story of Krypton right away. Both kids keep their Kryptonian first names.
Kara’s extremely protective/possessive of Kal at first. She was sent across solar systems to take care of this kid, and it’s hard to step back and let anyone else fill that parent role.
Right away, the Kents notice that Kara’s stronger and faster and more durable than a human, but she doesn’t start developing outright superpowers for at least a few years. Kal starts showing signs of it by the time he’s in kindergarten, though extreme powers don’t really start to develop until his teenage years.
Kara’s homeschooled for a few years, but she does attend Smallville High for, yes, the socialization. (And to quell some of the rumors about the weird kids the Kents adopted).
The Kents have a swingset that’s the site of tons of terrifying acrobatic stunts from two children who are developing powers of invulnerability and flight.
Kara never quite loses her Kryptonian accent. In high school, there’s a running gag where she claims the accent is from more and more ridiculous places. Metropolis. France. Antarctica. Mars. Middle Earth.
(One time someone joked that her accent was from Alderaan, and it hit way too close to home).
(The official story from the Kents is that Kara was adopted from parents who did a lot of traveling and her mixed-up accent was worsened by a mild hearing/speech impairment).
The Kent household is bilingual. The kids are both fluent in Kryptonian, and Martha and Jon made sincere efforts to learn, though they’ll never be really adept. About half of the conversations in the house occur in a pidgin Krypt-lish.
For Kara’s sake, they try to adopt Kryptonian celebrations into their family traditions, but it’s difficult when a good chunk of Kryptonian holidays celebrate celestial events that they can no longer see or family connections that no longer exist.
Kara = Jock Girl. Kal = Nerd Boy.
Kara’s smart, but her early education on a different planet makes it harder to adapt to this world’s knowledge system, so she doesn’t put her focus toward academics.
She’s somehow both a tomboy and the girliest possible girl. She’ll be shoveling manure one minute and buying mascara the next.
She’s also got a very practical, no-nonsense personality, but she’s devoted to her carefully curated selection of stuff animals. She may have made one or two based on memories of Kryptonian animals.
Kara’s on a couple of athletic teams in high school. I could see her being on a dance team because good performance requires her to work in sync with the entire team, so her superpowers don’t give her that much of an advantage. And she’s in volleyball because she has a volleyball girl vibe.
Kal’s more introverted and sheltered (especially with two protective mother figures hovering over him), but he grows up comfortably human while fully acknowledging his Kryptonian heritage. He really does need glasses as a kid, learns to read young, and overall slots comfortably into the role of Friendly Neighborhood Nerd from his early elementary years.
(”What’s Kal short for?” people ask him. “Kaleidoscope”, he replies.)
Both kids are close with both Kents, but Kara has a particularly strong bond with Jonathan while Kal is more similar to Martha.
Kal bonds with Martha over her collection of pulp sci-fi books. (Kara finds their depictions of other worlds too unrealistic). They’re also both Star Trek fans--Kal prefers the original series, while Martha prefers Next Gen.
Kara stays on the farm after graduating high school. She still feels a strong duty to stay and care for Kal, and though she won’t say it out loud, she needs to cling to the sense of home that Smallville provides after losing her home planet.
She helps out with the farm work, and also works as a paramedic and/or firefighter. The job serves her caretaker strengths, and also provides a lot of opportunities to use her powers to rush to the rescue. It doesn’t take long for the “Smallville Angel” to become a local cryptid.
Her love interest is a down-home Smallville boy. Possibly a high school sweetheart, possibly someone she meets on the job, whether working alongside him or helping to rescue him. He has a very hands-on job, whether it’s as a firefighter, construction worker, or a farmer.
By the time Kal’s a high school freshman, he takes over the Smallville High paper and transforms it from a sports-scores-and-lunch-menus fluff page into a hard-hitting investigative paper. Within his first few months on the paper, he uncovers an embezzlement scandal at the school.
Kal is far more at home in Smallville than Kara is, but because it’s the only home he’s known, he also feels more of a drive to explore the world outside it. He does some traveling after high school, goes to Metropolis for college, and though he visits Smallville frequently, he never lives there again after leaving.
Kara gets married (to the above-mentioned love interest) around the same time that Kal graduates high school. They settle down in Smallville.
Kara has at least one biological kid, but she also becomes a stepmother/adopted mother. Could be that her love interest is a widower with children from his previous marriage. Maybe they adopt a couple of his brother’s kids. Maybe they adopt some kids from a rescue situation Kara came across. But I want Kara to have to deal with some of the “You’re not my real mom” stuff that she put Martha through.
(And it’s even more interesting from the perspective of the kids. When do you tell them? How do they deal with “my stepmother is a space alien who shoots lasers from her eyes”?)
Kal takes up hero work in Metropolis, but has a harder time keeping his identity secret with so many eyes around. With his imagination primed by pulp sci-fi, it doesn’t take long to come up with the idea of a costumed alter ego. Kara thinks it’s a bit silly, but her heart soars when she sees the costume’s focal point is the House of El crest, and she loves that it becomes a symbol of hope for this world.
It’s a big step when Kal brings Lois home to meet the parents, but the real test is when she meets Kara.
“She’s my big sister. Well, really my cousin. Also kind of my mom.”
“I didn’t think you were that kind of hick, Smallville.”
If she’s being completely honest, Lois is intimidated by the idea of meeting someone with all of Kal’s abilities and a mother-wolf instinct to protect him. But the Kents are intimidated by Kal getting involved with an investigative journalist who’s the daughter of a military general.
They hit it off great, though, and both sides quickly realize they have nothing to worry about.
There’s also a huge Kent extended family that was involved with these kids from the moment that Jon and Martha found spaceships in their cornfield. The Kents are exactly the clan you want at your back when you need to hide two alien kids from the government. Need fake identification and adoption papers? Someone to steer the Men in Black off the trail? The Kents will pitch in with enthusiasm.
Not everyone in the family knows about their abilities or secret identities, but they’re a close-knit clan anyway. They have a harder time adjusting to having city-gal Lois among their ranks than two space alien kids.
It’s a crazy, chaotic, blended and adopted family that’s growing and shifting over the years and always provides a place for Kara and Kal to belong.
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malikmata · 3 years
Notes from a Brown Boy - Kansas Diaries
*Author’s Note: Some people’s names have been changed to protect their identities
The rain was the first thing to greet me when I landed in Wichita. Overhead the gray clouds loomed, shadowing the farmland that yawned in the distance. Distance. At first glance, the city seemed like one long stretch of prairies and cracked parking lots, occasionally punctuated by billboards of grinning injury lawyers and lit up restaurant road signs.
If you spend enough time here amid the crumbling old buildings, watching the weeds sway in the vacant lots, you’ll feel the slow, inevitable creep of dread or something like it.
It’s easy to feel lonely here.
But, if you’re receptive enough, you’ll run into many friendly folks. Sometimes too friendly.
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For example: During my first week, I went to Freddy’s, a local fast food chain, and ordered a crispy chicken sandwich with fries. The cashier, a young woman with glasses and short blonde hair, suddenly started confessing her fear that her 8-year old chihuahua wouldn’t live a long life.
“I still think of him as a teenager,” she said.
“Don’t worry,” I said. “He’s a chihuahua. They live long lives.”
Out here, in the most middle-of-the-road cities, you sometimes get a chance to show an act of passing kindness. While waiting in line at one of the hip, new cafes downtown, a place called Milkfloat, a tall elderly gentleman recommended which coffee and pastry to get.
“My wife says this place has the best cold brew in town.” Afterwards, grabbing his pastry and coffee, he wished me a good day. Most folks here always do and you better hope it comes true. Because here, like elsewhere, a day is filled with ordinary heartbreaks.
I will simply call her “Tita.” She works as a tailor at a department store, the only tailor working there, hemming and tapering racks full of suit pants under fluorescent lights. The nature of the job requires exact measurements and a keen eye for detail. She works hard, often skips lunch, and comes home dead tired. Her husband is recovering from 4 broken ribs after a car repair job went awry. Nothing can be done but wait until he gets better.
They live in a languid suburb on Wichita’s east side, a street with few sidewalks but plenty of lawn.
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And noise. Plenty of noise. The neighborhood sits next to a car dealership. The skies overhead rumble continuously with airplanes and thunderstorms. Dogs bark at anyone who gets too close. A pickup truck blasts a corny country song as the cicadas and frogs belt out their lonely mating calls. Occasionally, a child’s laughter rises above it all.
Gossip is one of the great pastimes in towns like these. Even if you shut yourself up in your home, stories trickle in.
The neighbor across the street shot himself in the head.
The elderly couple that used to live next door got committed to a nursing home.
A fellow around the corner is on his third attempt to grow weed.
A college student starves himself morning to night so that he can save money for college.
Down the street, a kid lifts weights and punches the heavy bag hanging on his front porch.
Here, dumb luck seems, more so than in the big cities, the providence of God.
A man told me he got a job installing new carpets at a friend’s house. He was in desperate need of money, having sent most of it to his mother back home, who proceeded to gamble it away. When he ripped out the old carpet, he found a bundle of $10,000 dollars just lying there. His co-worker said, “We should split it.”
“No, no, we can’t take it.” the man said. He gave the money to his friend.
Sometime later, he went to the casino and couldn’t stop winning jackpot after jackpot. He brought home close to $16,000 in one night.
“So, if you do something good,” he told me, “God will remember that.”
Many people have come to live and die here, all of them wrapped up in the melancholic churning of faded ambitions and familial obligations.
Some people here have found something that returns them to the placidity they once felt in their youth. Sometimes that’s enough to keep them going.
For example:
I met Phil Uhlik, the namesake of the music store on E Douglas. He heard me playing an old Martin acoustic in one of the rooms. He shuffled in slightly hunched over, wearing a blue paisley shirt and brown shorts. He looked at the sunburst guitar in my hands and said, “It’s got a little beauty mark there.” He pointed to a small nick just above the sound hole. “All girls have beauty marks.” He pointed to his cheeks and smiled.
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Uhlik started this music store 51 years ago and enjoys every moment of it.
“When you go to work for Boeing, that’s work,” he said. “But this, it doesn’t feel like work.” He motioned to the instruments all around him.
“How’d you get started?” I asked.
“I started off playing one of these,” he said, taking one of the accordions off a nearby shelf. As he strapped it on, all the years seemed to disappear. With a big crooked-teeth grin, he breathed life into the old accordion, his hands dancing up and down the keys. The smile never left his face as we bid farewell to each other.
I wish everyone in this world were as lucky as Phil.
I’m always seeking indie bookstores when I travel. Eighth Day Books provides much needed shelter from the summer heat. The shop was built 33 years ago and used to be located about half a mile east, in Clifton Square Village. About 17 years ago they moved to their current location, a 1920 Dutch-style colonial house on the corner of E Douglas and N Erie. Its blue trimmed windows peek through the foliage of neighboring trees.
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When you walk in, you’ll see shelves of books on Christianity and Theological studies, most notably in the Eastern Orthodox tradition. I’ve never seen a bookshop with a section dedicated to Iconography.
Wichita, despite its size, feels like a small place. And with that cramped spaciousness, you’re likely to run into someone you may remember or who may remember you. Here I ran into my girlfriend’s 8th grade English teacher. A bald, bespectacled man with a gentle demeanor. After a bit of catching up, he said to us with a smile, “I hope all your dreams come true.”
The short story writer, Raymond Carver, once wrote: “Dreams… are what you wake up from.”
Wichita is a land that hypnotizes you; it makes you dream, dream of something beyond the miles of strip malls and airplane factories, beyond the shocks of wheat and windswept plains, beyond the doldrums and ennui. But it also shakes you awake, reminds you that you’re in it, that you better stop dreaming.
I’m not the religious sort anymore, having survived the regime laid down by my Catholic parents. But there is something enthralling, maybe even inspirational, when I look at the rows of beautifully painted portraits of saints and martyrs. Such solemn faces surrounded by golden halos. According to the Eastern Orthodox tradition, such paintings transcend art; they’re supposed to be windows through which you can glimpse the divine. They remind me of my grandparents with their judging eyes and moral seriousness.
My book haul for the day:
Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata
The Diary of Anne Frank
Earthly Signs: Moscow Diaries by Marina Tsvetaeva
Near to the Wild Heart by Clarice Lispector
In that last book, I found this lovely little passage:
…”in the Revolution, as always, the weight of everyday life falls on women: previously--in sheaves, now in sacks. Everyday life is a sack with holes. And you carry it anyway.”
From Earthly Signs, P. 40
According to the 2019 United States census bureau, 15.9% of Wichita's population lives below the poverty line. That’s higher than the state average, which hovers around 11.4%. That’s not the lowest nor is it the highest in the country. As befitting its location, Kansas is right in the middle.
The minimum wage in Kansas is still $7.25 despite efforts to increase it to $15. When Covid-19 hit, city and service workers bore the brunt of the impact. You can keep all your empty slogans like  “We Love Our Frontline Workers.” Congratulate me all you want for my hard work but where’s my pay?
When you see that business here has returned to normal--people freely walking around without masks, no longer socially distancing--it still feels all too strange; we spent an entire year under lockdown. There’s still a pandemic by the way.
Loved ones fell ill, died alone, hooked up to ventilators in closed off hospital rooms. I believe every interaction now carries the weight of all those deaths. My family, like so many others, didn’t escape unscathed from the pandemic. My grandpa, Amang, caught Covid. Since he was an elderly citizen (and suffering from emphysema to boot), he was among those considered most at risk. We all feared the worst. Somehow he survived. The doctors called him a “trailblazer.”
Now, with businesses back to 100% capacity, I’m afraid that, just like the 1918 Flu epidemic, the past will fade like a nightmare upon waking. But it was so much more than that; it was an avoidable tragedy.
If you want to know what this pandemic has done to people and their livelihoods, is still doing to them, take a ride through downtown.
Things were already going bad before Covid hit. Back in 2004, the writer Thomas Frank wrote,
“There were so many closed shops in Wichita… that you could drive for blocks without ever leaving their empty parking lots, running parallel to the city streets past the shut-down sporting goods stores and toy stores and farm implement stores.”
What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America, P. 75
What led to all this blight? Frank attributes the decline to:
“the conservatives’ beloved free market capitalism, a system that, at its most unrestrained, has little use for smalltown merchants or the agricultural system that supported the small towns in the first place.”
-P. 79
The same story happens in a lot of places. A megacorporation keeps eating everything around it and leaves nothing else at the table.
The people are left hurting, a pit in their stomachs, and some asshole somewhere profits off of it.
While at the DMV, I overheard this:
“You have a good day now,” the security guard said.
“I’ll try my best,” a woman said.
My girlfriend heard them too and laughed.
“You really do have to try your best in order to have a good day here.”
At some point, we hit the town with a couple friends: Monica, and her boyfriend Will. Both are musicians trying to carve out their niche in a place that, on the surface, seems apathetic to creative pursuits.
It’s impossible to not be captured by their energy. As soon as we walk into their house, Monica, with her dark blonde hair draped over her shoulders, reached in for a hug. Will, a tall and bearded fellow with a bear-like presence, also went in for the hug.
“Ready to experience some Wichita nightlife?” Monica asked.
What is the nightlife here like? A group of high school punks wanted to fight us over a couple movie theater seats. Bored kids play rounds of “Chinese Fire Drill” at stop lights. I heard a nazi biker gang rolled into town at some point during my stay. Regular things like that.
At a low-key bar downtown called Luckys, I met a guy named Cory. He told me how he met a 15 year old kid loitering here, looking lost and forlorn.
“I don’t know what kind of advice I can give you but I’ll do the best I can,” Cory said.
This is the spirit I’ve often come across during my stay: A sort of slightly intrusive compassion. For a cynical Californian like me, the behavior seems a little strange, maybe even a little annoying. But I’ve come to appreciate the candor of it.
“Guaranteed we’ll know half the people here,” Will said.
Right away, he shook hands with the bartender—a high school friend of his—and asked him how his band was doing. Afterwards, we sat down and talked. Talking, after a year of pandemic lockdown, has become a lost art to me. But a little alcohol loosened the lips and suddenly I talked as though I’d known these people my whole life.
Will sipped his whisky on the rocks and told me:
“If everything in this world is meant to break down eventually, then any act of creation becomes an act of defiance.”
It may sound naive but to me, it’s true. I think about the words of the writer, John Berger:
Compassion defies the laws of necessity. To forget yourself and identify with a stranger has a power that defies the supposed natural order of things.
--The Shape of a Pocket, P. 179
Making art has to be, in some way, a compassion act, because it involves letting the environment and the people you meet speak for themselves, allowing a collaboration.
“When a painting is lifeless it is the result of the painter not having the nerve to get close enough for a collaboration to start… Every authentic painting demonstrates a collaboration.”
--The Shape of a Pocket, P. 16
You need to open yourself up, feel what someone is saying behind their words, and hopefully, feel what they feel.
Art, like Compassion, is defiant.
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Among the 4 or so Asian markets here, you can find all the ingredients you need to cook up something good. During my first week, I stopped at a place called Grace Market. Like a lot of small Asian markets, it’s family run. A father from Taiwan. A mother from Korea. The son usually helps out when he can. Today (June 23), On this warm Wednesday morning, the son is manning the cash register.
“You’re from California? I’m from there too,” he said.
“Where at?” I asked.
“Sacramento. How about you? So Cal?”
“Nah, Bay Area.”
“Funny. That’s where my parents met.”
“Small world.”
On a different day, we met the father, a jovial man who never fails to say hi when you walk in. He came here over a couple decades ago from California, doing work for the US Army in Garden City. Once his service was over, he decided to stay in Kansas.
“I think you know why,” he said.
More and more young folks these days are leaving California. The high cost of living is presumably what’s driving this exodus. I told him I was also thinking of leaving the Golden State, as much as I love the place.
“Well, a town like this has a lot of potential if you want to save money,” he said. “If I tried to start this business in California, I don’t think I could’ve done it.”
The summer heat can, with the suddenness of a lightning flash, give way to thunderous storms. Speaking as someone from California, whose home has gone through excruciating periods of drought and wildfire, these nightly downpours are a startling yet relaxing sight.
The distant boom of thunder in the distance reminds you of how much of our lives depend on the weather, how small we are in comparison, how we are never separate from the goings-on of nature. The rain doesn’t come down lightly here. At night, it smacks and drums against the window pane with all the force of an animal trying to get inside.
But I don’t find myself frightened by it so much as awed by the combined power of wind and rain colliding against our rickety old house.
Kansas lies in the Great Plains, where layers of cool and warm air often combine into a low-level jet stream. Unimpeded by any natural obstacles on the wide flat plains, the wind roars across the expanse. Thunder growls over the prairie. And lightning flashes on the horizon in a fearsome red tinge.
The storm rages throughout the night, the only source of light in an ocean-sized plain.
“In general, the gods of the Wichita are spoken of as "dreams," and they are divided into four groups: Dreams-that-are-Above (Itskasanakatadiwaha), or, as the Skidi would say, the heavenly gods; and (2) Dreams-down-Here (Howwitsnetskasade), which, according to the Skidi terminology, are the earthly gods. The latter "dreams" in turn are divided into two groups: Dreams-living-in-Water (Itska-sanidwaha), and the Dreams-closest-to-Man (Tedetskasade)”
From The Mythology of the Wichita, P. 33
If you go downtown, you’ll see a sculpture called “The Keeper of the Plains.”
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It’s almost 9 o’ clock when I get there, so large crowds have gathered to watch the ring of fire lit around its perimeter.
The statue was designed by indigenous artist and craftsman, Blackbear Bosin. Born in Cyril, Oklahoma, but living much of his adult life in Wichita, Kansas, Bosin was of Comanche and Kiowa descent and almost entirely self-taught as an artist.
When you come upon the Keeper of the Plains, standing tall on the fork of the Arkansas and Little Arkansas Rivers, you can’t help but feel a mix of admiration and sadness. It’s a striking statue, especially when set against the beautiful orange and lavender hues of the setting sun. But monuments like these end up reminding you of the Wichita peoples who were killed, displaced, driven from their land, and left to die in reservations, forgotten. The tribes that once lived here along the southern plains still show traces of their culture but now, you’ll see it mostly as a memory in a museum or as art hanging on the walls of a library.
I learned from a video by the Wichita Eagle that the last speaker of the Wichita language, Doris Jean Lamar, died back in 2016. It must be indescribably lonely to be the last speaker of a language. There is no one to have a conversation with, no one to whom you can confess your hopes or your regrets. But in the video, Lamar, even knowing that she is the last speaker, expresses hope that future generations will know what the language sounded like.
Is forgiveness even possible when injustices are still committed today against native peoples everywhere?
Not enough can be said about the skies here, which seem at times so brilliantly marbled with peach and lavender colors that you begin to walk with your head perpetually craned upwards.
It’s this aspect, the overwhelming sense of the sublime, that will probably stay with me long after I’ve left Kansas.
I think again about the nature of dreams. It isn’t such a sin to dream about things, about things that haven’t happened yet, and about things that have happened. To quit dreaming seems too cynical, like admitting from the outset that everything is screwed, that you should stop trying.
During my stay here, I’ve met many people who aren’t so irony poisoned yet, people who are achingly sincere and kind. They haven’t stopped trying. There isn’t much room for cynicism here. I appreciate that a lot.
Farewell to you, Kansas, you and your clumps of cumulus and vast fields of cows and grass. I’ll see you again.
Check out Will’s music! It’s gloomy, melancholy, and LOUD!: https://teamtremolo.bandcamp.com/album/intruder
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waywardodysseys · 4 years
The Right One
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Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader
Warnings: fluff
Author’s note: tremendous shoutout to @mug-nificent
~   ~   ~
Chris sits nervously as he waits for the social worker to walk through the door. His heart pounds as his leg bounces uncontrollably. He swipes a hand through his hair as he thinks of the first thing he and Theodore will do once they leave the group home. In a few minutes it will be official – Chris Evans is a father, a proud father, of an adoptive son.
“Mister Evans?”
Chris immediately stands up and straightens his clothes. He smiles widely as the social worker walks through the door with Theodore. Chris bends so he is at his son’s height.
The bubbly six year old skips towards Chris and wraps his arms tightly around Chris’ neck.
“Time to go home?”
Chris holds in the tears as he hugs the boy tightly. This is actually happening. “Yes. Time to go home. Your forever home.”
“Great!” Theodore squeaks out before letting go.
Chris stands to his full height, looking at the social worker. “Thank you. For everything.”
The elderly woman pushes the clear plastic glasses she wears up her nose and smiles, “you’re welcome. It’s been a joy helping you find the right child. Your son.”
My son, Chris thinks as he takes Theodore’s bag and then his small hand. I’m a father.
Chris had been wanting a family of his own for years. He had been raised in an enormous family. He had two sisters and a brother. Multitudes of cousins and other relatives. He had his nieces and nephews.
Chris hadn’t found the one, either. Relationships came and went. He had his heart broken various times over the course of nearly 39 years. He had broken some in return too. His heart longed for love, for finding the right woman to spend forever with, but with his busy work life love didn’t seem to be in the cards. Yet with the role of Captain America in the past and his schedule clearing up, he could focus on what matters most – starting a family, even if it meant a less traditional route.
His parents had adopted his younger sister. Chris knew there are plenty of kids in the world who needed a forever home. He also knew there were kids needing a home right here in Boston, so he began his search and got in touch with a social worker. She helped him with playdates and relationship-building sessions to find the right one.
Chris couldn’t find a perfect match, not at first. It took several months until the social worker found Theodore.
“Theodore has no one,” she had told him when they arrived at his group home two months ago, “he was abandoned at a hospital downtown. No one claimed him. Several foster parents mistreated him when he was a baby so he came to be at the group home when he turned two. No one’s really taken a chance on the boy.”
Chris had taken in the amber tint of his brown hair, the jade green color of his eyes. He had seen the boy’s wide eyed smile then heard the giggly laugh. Chris knew he had found his son.
“I’ll take the chance,” Chris had said with a confident and vibrant smile.
Yes, Chris now thinks as he and Theodore make their way out into the cool Boston spring air, this was the best chance I had ever taken.
You walk the aisles of the local supermarket. Pushing the cart absentmindedly, wondering between aisles. Your eyes scan the list in your hand, most of it crossed off except for ice cream and toppings.
You were in charge of game night this week. A small get together with friends. They were coming to see the house you had poured your heart and soul into over the last few months.
Your grandmother had left her Sudbury home to you, which was a complete shock because you had preferred the family farm because of your writing career. The farmhouse was quiet and secluded, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
You inwardly sigh as you approach the freezer aisle and begin walking down it. You grab a container of chocolate and vanilla then make your way further down the aisle and stop at the toppings section and grab a few things – chocolate and caramel sauce, sprinkles, cherries, candied nuts, and whipped cream.
Eventually making it through the checkout line and getting everything into the car, you drive back to the house and begin to unload. Your merle colored Australian Shepherd greets you at the back door as you open it widely. You have a heavy reusable in one hand and a light bag in the other.
She bounds out of the door, nearly making you trip over your own feet and fall into the house.
“Damnit!” You utter as you hurried inside of the house to place the bags down on the counter.
You run out of the house, moving your feet quickly as you search the backyard.
“Winter!?” You shout. “Winter?!”
She doesn’t come running from either direction as you spin on your heels.
You had been staying at the house for close to a month now. You had made sure to walk her every day, or at least every day, to accumulate her to the neighborhood. The neighborhood was quiet and mundane. You saw parents walking their children to and from school. Cars obeyed the signs, and the law. You saw elderly neighbors tend to their gardens. You were beginning to like being back in the suburbs.
Silence surrounds you as you feel defeated. You collapse to the ground and bury your head against your chest, trying to regain your normal breathing pattern.
A light giggle and deep chuckle from yards away break the serenity of the stillness.
“What a friendly doggy!” The childlike voice remarks.
You look up and into the jade eyes of a young boy. You see Winter looking at you with curiosity and sadness. You then look further up and into the blue eyes of a grown man.
“Yours?” He asks, motioning to the dog.
“Uh, yes,” you sigh as you scramble to your feet.
Chris holds out his hand. “I’m Chris. This is my son Theodore.” He motions towards the house. “You’re the one who bought the old Y/L/N house?”
“Well, not really,” you shake his hand and smile, “I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
“Oh,” Chris is taken back but smiles. “It’s nice to meet you Y/N.”
You let go of Chris’ strong hand, “I see you two have already met Winter. It's nice to meet you too. And Theodore of course.”
The boy smiles brightly as he hands you the leash Winter is on. “Nice to meet you too!”
You laugh lightly, “I hope to see you two around the neighborhood.”
Chris nods, “same,” he looks down at Theodore and brushes his shoulder, “we should get back. Family dinner’s tonight.”
Theodore looks up at his father and nods.
You watch them walk away then move your feet towards the open back door with Winter and walk in. You unhook the leash and look at it. It isn’t yours.
You close the back door as you head back out, trying to catch up with them but you don’t. They are nowhere to be found.
You stand quietly for seconds before you turn back around and head into the house. You place the red plaid leash on the hook next to the door. Hoping they'll come back and claim what’s theirs.  
Tags: @random066​
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
Oh my god. What if at one time, even very briefly, both Parker and Hardison were in the same foster home?
Pre-Nana Hardison is weird to write and I don’t know enough about their age difference/childhoods so this is rather vague on details (like for example names haha), but a certain scene popped into my head as soon as I read this ask so have a tiny fic exploring that.
As soon as he walked in the door, Alec could tell this wasn’t a good place.
It didn’t seem like it was bad, at least - not the type of bad he’d heard about from other kids, the type he knew he’d been lucky to avoid so far. But there were a lot of little signs that this wasn’t one of the good places, either. It wasn’t so much the small house, or the five other kids he saw when they took him inside. The furniture looked old and beat-up, and the TV was a dinky old monstrosity, and there really wasn’t much else to see. But none of that was what clued him in; way more important was the way Mr. Reeves smiled at him.
Alec could tell fake from real easily enough.
As soon as his social worker left, he was told to leave his stuff in the back bedroom and stay quiet, and then Mr. Reeves walked off. A moment later, a door slammed down the hall. It wasn’t anything scary, but the cold disinterest was its own sort of stinging. He didn’t much mind though, or he told himself he didn’t anyway, because it wasn’t like he was staying here long. He was supposed to be staying with a Mrs. Hardison but apparently she’d gotten sick and wouldn’t be able to take him in for another week. He didn’t know what he was going to be in for with her either, but for the moment not having to stay here any longer than a week was plenty good enough.
Once Mr. Reeves was gone, the other kids livened up a bit. Alec didn’t go put his stuff away, instead flopping down on the floor near the crowded couch and making friends. He might only be here for a week, but that was no reason he had to be lonely.
Elijah was the one to tell him about the ghost.
Everyone was normal amounts of friendly, for foster kids. Meaning a pretty even mix of cheerful and reclusive, one very tall boy wearing a lot of black, a couple little kids too young to make good conversation, one older girl who sat crosslegged in the corner of the room and didn’t say a single word the entire afternoon. Elijah was cool though, and so were Alex and Sanjay, so Alec mostly hung out with them. They watched cartoons and after a while Alex pulled a pack of cards out of her jacket pocket and led them to the bedroom so they could play Go Fish in peace. It was actually a pretty big room, but most of the space was taken up with bunkbeds so it still felt crowded. Sanjay showed Alec where he’d be (the bottom bunk near the door, because of course all the better beds were taken) and if he were staying any longer than a week, he might’ve tried to trade with one of them. He could have made it a bet. In his experience, all kids liked betting on games, and also in his experience, Alec could win any bet that relied on cards since he could keep track of who had what in his head pretty easily.
He was glad he didn’t try, anyway, because Elijah was the one whose bed he would have gone after, since it was a top by the window, and Elijah was the one who liked him enough after beating him three times to tell him about the ghost in the house.
Weird things had started happening a while ago, he explained. At first no one thought anything of it, because there were a lot of people coming in and out who could have been moving stuff around, but then Mr. Reeves came storming in one day yelling about someone taking his watch. The one he wore all the time and never took off, not even when he showered probably. He made everyone go through all their stuff, and pretty much everyone found things missing - but they were all in with someone else’s belongings. It would have turned into a huge argument except by the time everyone found they had someone else’s stuff they were all too confused to be angry for long. Also, Mr. Reeves’ watch didn’t turn up, and he’d yelled for hours about it, which kind of distracted everyone.
Except that right after he finally gave up and left the room, he came rushing back asking who put it back on his dresser. It was obviously impossible, because everyone had been in the room the whole time getting yelled at. A rumor started about the ghost that night, after everyone had been sent to bed without dinner because no one had fessed up. And at first, Elijah said, he hadn’t believed in it either (he must’ve caught Alec’s snort), but then stuff like that just kept happening. People lost stuff, even if they carried them around everywhere, only for them to turn up in weird places days later, like on top of the ceiling fan or inside the cereal box instead of all the cereal, or stuffed inside someone else’s shoes. Some of the stuff that went missing never came back. But most of that stuff belonged to Mr. Reeves, so the kids didn’t usually mind too much.
“Don’t worry about hanging onto whatever you want to keep,” Elijah said, finally. “It doesn’t matter, the ghost will take it right out of your hand if it wants to. My advice is just to ask it to give it back. It listens, sometimes, if you’re nice about it.”
Alec tried really really hard not to roll his eyes, because even if he was only going to be here a week that was no reason to be lonely. Elijah didn’t seem to notice.
Alec was pretty good at sleeping, as long as he remembered to try. He didn’t have any trouble falling asleep in a brightly-lit room, or with lots of noise, or even a bedtime that changed every other day. As long as someone made sure he wasn’t in front of a computer or a book or painting or trying to build a crossbow out of sticks or whatever else caught his attention that day, he could fall asleep in two minutes flat once he decided to.
So he didn’t actually need a better bed, and he wasn’t bothered by the couple of times other kids had to slip past him in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Someone crying into their pillow across the room didn’t phase him, not any more than hearing someone cry always did. He knew better than to go help, especially because he was pretty sure it was the tall boy wearing all black, and older kids usually hated younger kids showing them up at anything.
The first night he stayed with Mr. Reeves passed uneventfully. So did the second, third, fourth, and fifth.
Since it was summer, there wasn’t really much to do other than sit around the house. Mr. Reeves made the older kids help out with chores, but he didn’t really bother the younger ones and Alec was small for his age so he got off easy with just babysitting the really little kids. There was a yard, but it was mostly just dirt with a few weeds, and they weren’t supposed to wander off into the neighborhood. Alec saw all the older kids leave anyway at least three times apiece, but it wasn’t really any of his business so he didn’t worry about it. Besides, one thing Mr. Reeves did have was an old bookshelf with some battered paperbacks, three of which were actually Star Trek books Alec had never read before. He tried to make them last, because without school to go to or a library nearby he didn’t have access to any computers and the TV really did suck. It didn’t work too well though, he still finished all of them two days into his stay, and then he didn’t have anything else to do but just hang out with the others. It had been a good idea, making friends.
Alex taught him some new card games he’d never played, up until Wednesday when her pack of cards went missing. She’d just shuffled it up and put the rubber band back around it, tucking it into her pocket, when Alec spotted a Jack that had fallen to the floor. She went to get the pack back out of her pocket, but it wasn’t there anymore. Alec had been right there the whole time and he hadn’t seen or heard anything.
It was stupid, ghosts weren’t real.
(He checked through all his stuff that afternoon, just in case. Nothing was missing. Of course it wasn’t, ghosts weren’t real.)
Mr. Reeves was never around, except in the mornings when he gave everyone their chore lists. He didn’t even spend much time in the house at all, but when he did he was mostly back in his room or watching the news on his really just unfortunate TV. Whenever that happened, the other kids cleared out and left him alone, without really making a point of it or anything. They just found other stuff to do - even if it was in the same room, like on Thursday when it was raining really hard. No one tried to sit on the couch with him and they all got really quiet. Alec noticed that everyone seemed to follow his rules really well whenever he was around, even though when he wasn’t there they pretty much did whatever they wanted. He didn’t seem to notice or care as long as stuff like the laundry and dishes got done, and nobody got hurt. Alec hadn’t had a single conversation with him all week.
Not one of the bad ones.
But not good.
On Alec’s penultimate day in the house, something of his finally went missing. It was a notebook he’d carried around since the start of last school year, when his then foster-part Keller gave it to him for taking notes in class. Alec didn’t really ever bother doing that because he usually could figure out whatever the lesson was and remember it later without writing anything down, but he did like to draw in it. He’d started trying to write code in there too, but honestly he didn’t like trying to write down what he was thinking because his hand could never keep up with his brain. He was much faster at typing, even if he only really got to on school computers. Mostly, Alec just liked to draw stuff.
It wasn’t like the notebook really mattered. Alec didn’t have a lot of stuff, but most of what he did have didn’t matter too much. He’d like it to matter, he’d like that a lot, but the simple fact was he didn’t have anything he really cared about, not that couldn’t be replaced if he really needed. A new book would still have the same words, he didn’t even really like any of the clothes he had except his glow-in-the-dark Darth Vader shirt and even that was starting not to glow anymore. The notebook probably came closest to something really special.
Alec thought about getting mad. He really did, he really almost came very close to blowing his top. But he’d been in not-so-good houses before. He’d spent hours walking around the neighborhood, smiling at people who half the time slammed the door in his face, trying to sell them on a religion he didn’t even feel very strongly about. He’d tried getting mad before and it just never really worked. And he didn’t have time here to try something that didn’t work, even if he really really really wanted to.
Instead, Alec asked the other kids about his notebook. None of them had seen it anywhere, or at least none of them admitted to seeing it. Some of them didn’t even bother to answer, or he didn’t bother to ask them. The toddlers weren’t exactly going to be much help.
Next, Alec searched the house for his notebook. He looked under everything, behind everything, he even went to Mr. Reeves’ room and asked him very politely if he’d seen it, hovering on the threshold and looking around everywhere. He didn’t see anything and Mr. Reeves just told him no and to leave him alone. He sounded so final and Alec was only here one more day, and so far nothing had happened to explain why all the other kids stayed very quiet whenever Mr. Reeves was in the room. He didn’t need to find out if there was a reason.
He didn’t need the notebook, anyway, and he could leave without it if he had to but he didn’t want to. He wanted it back. He wanted it almost enough to believe in ghosts, if that was something that would work, and after dinner he went to the bathroom and spoke to the ghost while he was washing his hands so no one else would hear.
“That’s mine and I want it back please,” Alec told the ghost, feeling very silly. “You’re a jerk if you don’t give it back before I leave.”
He didn’t go to sleep that night, because ghosts weren’t real and even if they were it wasn’t like he was gonna put his trust in a thief to fix things. Alec still got into bed, still lay down and breathed quietly and even closed his eyes when Mr. Reeves stuck his head in to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be, but he didn’t sleep.
Instead, he waited for everyone else to fall asleep, so he could use the flashlight he’d taken from the garage to look through all their things until he got his notebook back. Only Elijah and Sanjay had been willing to let him root through their stuff during the day. Mostly everyone ignored him, blaming it all on the ghost.
Alec waited until he couldn’t hear anyone else making any noise, then a few more minutes to be sure they were all asleep, then counted to three hundred just in case, before finally sitting up. He turned to face the rest of the beds, pulling the flashlight out from under his pillow but not turning it on yet.
And then he saw the ghost, floating above Elijah’s bed. Alec froze up, only a quick gasp making its way through his lips. He felt terrified for just a moment, scared for his life because he wasn’t going to bet on the ghost staying friendly when someone caught it. And also it looked like it might be trying to eat Elijah’s soul, or something.
But then the ghost lifted its head, just enough for the moonlight coming in through the window to shine on its face, to make the long silvery strands of spiderweb hair catch enough light that they looked blonde again. The shadows around its skull no longer looked faceless.
In fact, it was grinning at him. It held a single pale finger up over its lips.
Alec blinked rapidly, watching as the ghost moved over Elijah’s bed like a spider, only touching the frame. It crouched on its tiptoes, fiddling with the window - the locked window that no one could get open, so it got insanely hot in here during the day and no one spent much time here if they could help it - and a moment later swung it open silently.
The ghost-girl, she was a girl with pale skin and long hair silvery in the moonlight, slipped through the window feet first, reaching out and up and either catching on something or just floating in midair, before she let go of the windowsill and swung backwards into the night. In the last moment before she let go and fell head-first down to the ground, she smiled at him again and twiddled her fingers in a silent wave.
Alec’s heart thumped hard when she vanished out of sight. He listened but he didn’t hear anything hit the ground. His fingers were trembling, he felt like something might grab his ankles from under the bed.
When he flicked on the flashlight, carefully covering all but a slit of the beam with his fingers, it turned out there was no need to search: his notebook was sitting on the floor right in front of him, looking perfectly innocent. He snatched it up, then hid under his covers with the light to check that none of the pages were missing, that everything was the way he’d left it.
It all was - except on the last page, where there were several sketches of cars. A couple from the outside, the rest from what looked like what you’d see from inside the driver’s seat. They were really good, probably better than Alec’s art. They were also weird, little lines marked at the driver’s side window, several spots on the inside of the dashboard, one drawing just a tangle of wires. It didn’t make any sense at all, but it was back and that was good enough.
He’d be leaving tomorrow morning, he didn’t need to know any more (even if he really really wanted to, now).
In the morning, Alec snuck the flashlight back into the garage before Mr. Reeves got up. He shrugged when Elijah caught him carrying his notebook around and laughingly asked him if he’d asked the ghost to give it back. He wanted to tell his friend about actually seeing the ghost, but something stopped him. He wasn’t sure what, exactly. It wasn’t like he had any reason to be scared of her, since he was leaving and he was pretty sure ghosts couldn’t leave where they were haunting. But still. Something about the memory of her shadowed grin, her finger telling him to hush… it wasn’t scary really, but he didn’t want to ignore her.
Mr. Reeves clapped a hand on his shoulder when his social worker came to pick Alec up. He laughed with her, told her Alec’d been no trouble at all and they’d had a great time together. He shook her hand and helped Alec carry his stuff out to the car. He told him “take care, son,” and smiled down at him and shut the car door for him once he was inside the backseat.
Behind him, a couple of the other kids stood in the yard or the doorway. Alex and Sanjay were waving; Elijah had his arms crossed and a frown on his face. Benny and Miles, the little kids, waved for a second before getting distracted by something on the ground.
And standing in the doorway was an older girl with long blond hair and pale skin, her mouth set in a neutral line. The girl who barely spoke to anyone, who spent most of her time this past week working on cleaning out the gutters together with the oldest boy John, and then just vanishing all afternoon. Her eyebrows furrowed a little as she watched the car start to take him away, and Alec suddenly felt a crazy impulse to wave at her over any of his friends.
He twiddled his fingers at her, grinning.
The car was pulling away, starting to speed up down the street, but Alec still saw her. Saw the ghost-girl blink, then smile, just a quick flash before he passed her completely.
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lacommunarde · 4 years
Charity: Water’s Give Guide (including non-monetary generosity)
Supporters like you have been so generous all year long. Even in a year like 2020, you’ve continued to show up when we’ve needed you most.
Tomorrow, on Giving Tuesday, we’re asking you to show up again—but not for charity: water.
We know firsthand how incredible this community is, and if there’s anything the world needs right now, it’s the pure goodness we’ve experienced from people like you. So here’s what we’re thinking:
Pick one way—any way!—to be generous tomorrow. Our whole team will be joining in on the fun with generous endeavors of our own. Here’s a
not-so-short list
to help you get started:
Send your sibling a photo of a puppy and tell them its unbearable cuteness reminded you of them.
Your fridge could almost definitely use a deep cleaning. Be the one who makes it happen.
Curate a playlist and send it to someone you miss dancing with—make sure every song is a banger.
Take a virtual yoga class with your most-stressed family member.
Save energy! Turn off a few lights.
Your friend shared an accomplishment on social media! Celebrate their hard work with an enthusiastic comment. (Emojis are not optional.)
Leave encouraging comments on social media, news articles, or anywhere they'd cause a smile.
Sort through your books and gift the ones you don't need anymore.
Throw an unbirthday party for one of your housemates or family members, complete with an unbirthday treat.
Collect all of the best instrumental videos and throw an in-house or virtual karaoke party.
Using reusable masks? Gather everyone's and put them through the laundry. Goodbye, germs!
Rent some movies from the library (the more obscure, the better) and throw an at-home movie night with everyone's favorite snacks.
Write to a long lost friend.
Invite a friend to join you for a virtual museum tour (like the MoMA or Musée D'Orsay).
Set up a video chat with someone who lives alone.
Call someone you haven't checked in on recently.
Leave your USPS mail carrier a friendly note.
Leave a glowing review for your favorite restaurant.
Propagate a plant.
Clean the bathroom. Someone's gotta do it, and today, you are that champion.
Put your child back in that superhero Halloween costume and go door-to-door delivering candy like it's a backwards Halloween (neewollaH?).
Take your neighbor's newspaper from the driveway up to their door.
Dial up the happiest playlist you can find and have socially-distanced driveway dance parties.
Rake your neighbor's leaves.
Volunteer to walk neighborhood pets whose owners could use a break.
Have a new neighbor? Share a list of all the amazing local restaurants they should try and what to order from each. Bonus: send a pizza from your favorite local shop.
Leave a box of cookies on your neighbor’s doorstep, ring the bell, and get the heck out of there.
Put together a Creativity Box for a neighborhood family with kids. Fill it with coloring books, games, puzzles—anything that gives parents 20 minutes to make dinner without interruption!
Buy a bouquet of fresh flowers and put a single flower on each of your neighbors' doorsteps.
Slip friendly notes into your neighbor's mailbox.
Visit VolunteerMatch.org to get matched with a local volunteer opportunity—anything from delivering meal kits to putting up flyers for kitten adoption.
Clean up your nearest park.
Walk the dogs at your local animal shelter.
Deliver flowers to your local nursing home to bring joy to the residents and staff.
Say hello to your neighbors when you pass each other on the street.
Hand out a flyer with all of the special skills you're willing and able to share. (A+ cookie baker? Star virtual math tutor? Pro headlight replacer? All valid skills!)
Order takeout from a local restaurant you've never tried before.
Start a neighborhood activity swap. Every week, rotate a new activity (like puzzles, board games, books, movies) from one house to the next.
Offer to go to the post office or the grocery store for your elderly neighbors.
Know a neighbor who can't be with family this year? Invite them to share one of your family's traditions, even if virtually!
Venmo the student in your life so they can order delivery while they study for finals.
Buy coffee for the person in line behind you.
Pay for a stranger’s groceries.
Pizza. Someone in your life needs a pizza delivery.
Take care of your neighbors and donate to a local mutual aid or food pantry.
Deliver a round of hot coffees to the women and men working at a nearby construction site.
Help someone pay rent.
Does a teacher in your life need school supplies? Send that hero a gift card.
Your family member deserves flowers. (You know which one.)
Pick up a surprise dinner for your roommates (or your family!) from a local restaurant.
Need to purchase gifts this holiday season? Shop from small businesses.
Create an "emergency kit" for a friend with a few of their favorite snacks and a gift card.
Gift a book to a student.
Tip your delivery driver 40%.
Count the number of tabs you have open. Donate that number of dollars to your favorite charities.
Ask the florist for a bouquet that would make someone's day. Then, buy that bouquet for the florist.
Give a parent a well-deserved night off. Deliver pizza and a movie to their front door.
Send a friend an IOU for a hot beverage to enjoy the next time you're together.
Send donuts to a local elementary school faculty room.
Support a friend who is doing good work in the world.
Leave a life-affirming note on a stranger’s car window.
Give a friend or neighbor a coupon for snow removal. During the next storm, show up with a shovel and a smile.
Marie Kondo your pantry and donate the excess to a local food bank.
Donate gently-used clothing and give someone else a chance to love the sweater that lives in the back corner of your closet.
Plant a tree.
Write a bunch of hope-filled messages and deliver them to an assisted living home.
Volunteer your time to do whatever it is you do best: review resumes, help form a financial plan, design a logo, organize a pantry, take photos.
Share a list of your favorite recipes with someone who has made way too many meals at home since March.
Share a funny memory with a friend you haven't talked to in a long time.
Set up a themed video chat with people you've been meaning to get in touch with.
Help someone do something they've been avoiding: clothing repair, shipping packages, putting up or taking down decorations. Team work makes the dream work.
Write thank you notes to hospital workers and encouraging letters to patients.
Ask a grandparent/parent/sibling about their favorite memory. Then record it.
Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
Write haikus about your favorite people and send them throughout the day.
Respond to your favorite newsletter writer and tell them how much you enjoy their writing.
Become pen pals with a senior citizen.
Share a compliment with a coworker.
Channel your inner gameshow host and plan a virtual game night.
Text an encouraging note to a friend, just because.
Bake some homemade pet treats and drop them off at your local animal shelter.
Create a Powerpoint explaining exactly why your best friend is awesome. Present it to them via Zoom.
Make an old-school holiday ornament for a friend with that picture you took together in 5th grade.
Give the gift of not having to look for boxes of gift wrap in the basement. Drop off homemade wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows to friends and neighbors.
Present handmade awards to your quarantine pod. Options include “Best Quarantine Haircut” and ”Most Likely to Selflessly Wash Our Dishes."
Make encouraging bookmarks and give them to your local librarians.
Print out old (we're talking waaaay back) photos. Send them out in the mail so everyone can remember and enjoy happy times spent together.
Make a family tree. Instead of pictures, use hilarious memories or quotable moments.
Send a scrapbook filled with inside jokes to your siblings or oldest friends.
Make a Snow Day box (candle, hot chocolate, a good book, fuzzy socks) and send it to a friend.
Invite your favorite 5-year-old to color with you on a video chat.
Keep a running list (or a wall of post-it notes!) of all the awesome things you've noticed people doing recently. There's so much kindness in the world when we're looking for it.
Give people who walk past your house a reason to smile! Put colorful art or encouraging signs in your front windows.
Draw portraits of your neighbors' pets. Deliver them with a few treats.
Spruce up your housemate's work-from-home station.
Make handmade cards for residents at a local nursing home.
Bake your favorite cookies, package them up, and ship them to your parents.
Send brand new crayons, markers, and coloring books to a children's hospital.
Make a scrapbook of your family's favorite quarantine memories. (You have more than one, we promise.)
Build a free community "library" box and encourage friends and neighbors to take a book or leave a book.
No matter how you celebrate Giving Tuesday,
know that we will be celebrating you
. We can’t wait to continue in our mission together—and can’t wait to spend Giving Tuesday being as generous as possible alongside you!
– your friends at charity: water
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brooklynmuseum · 4 years
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Stronger Together 
Weekly Resources for our Community

The Brooklyn Museum is first and foremost a community museum and we're here for you with our new weekly blog series chock full of resources for families, artists, local businesses and more.  We know many of our friends are facing unprecedented economic and personal difficulties so we hope this helps you through these challenging times.   If you have questions, or have more you wish to see or to spotlight, reach out. We want to hear from you. Please email [email protected]
Follow Our Elected Officials For News
The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President provides the most up-to-date information and resources to Brooklynites. Follow these pages regularly and follow Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams on social media for real-time updates.
Follow updates and news from Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo on Facebook and Twitter. Cumbo serves as the Council Majority leader for Brooklyn’s 35th District- Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights and Bed-Stuy.
Check out New York City Council Member Brad Lander’s resource page aimed to help NYC-based freelancers and artists navigate these uncertain times. Have your voice heard, fill out the survey and explore what benefits might be available to you. Follow him on Twitter for important updates.
Congresswoman for the 9th District, Yvette D. Clark is working hard in Congress to support our local communities. Follow the Congresswoman on her Twitter to receive updates on what is going on in Washington DC and resources available in your ‘hood!
Local Business Highlights of the Week
Though our favorite boozy bakery, Butter and Scotch, is currently closed, you can purchase a gift card on their website—50% of all gift card sales go to their employees! Link to support.
Following a break for staff, our beloved hang out spot, Chavelas, reopened on April 13th for takeout and delivery! Try their tasty margaritas and sangrias during their happy hour takeout from 4 to 7 every day of the week! Contactless delivery is available when requested. Click here for more information. 
Ease your craving of Thai food in a fresh and healthy way with Nourish Thai home cooking. This Prospect Heights hotspot is still open for pick up or delivery. Pick up available by window only.
Support for Artists, Freelancers, and Gig Workers
To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the US. Learn more at https://www.artistrelief.org/.
Anonymous Was A Woman (AWAW) and New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) are providing emergency relief grants to support women-identifying visual artists over 40 impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
Apply for PEN America‘s Writers’ Emergency Fund, who will provide grants of $500 to $1,000 to fiction and non-fiction authors, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, translators, and journalists. 
Freelancers Relief Fund will offer financial assistance of up to $1,000 per freelance household to cover lost income and essential expenses not covered by government relief programs.
Rauschenberg Emergency Grants provides one-time grants of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies. Learn more about the program here.
Visit this COVID-10 Freelance Artist Resources page for more information about relief for artists.
Resources for Children and Families
The New York City Department of Education is providing free meals daily to NYC school children at 400 locations city-wide. Learn more here or text ‘NYC FOOD’ or ‘NYC COMIDA’ to 877-877 to find a location.
Check out Foodbank NYC’s interactive map with providers who have switched to “grab and go” meals and pantry bags to minimize the risk of exposure.
Know a college student looking to help others or a younger student looking for help with their schoolwork? Sign up to volunteer or get free tutoring help here. 
Learn more about the New York City Department of Education’s Regional Enrichment Centers, open to children whose parents/guardians are first responders, health care providers, transit workers, and other key personnel.
NYC is assisting New Yorkers in Crisis by providing free, confidential mental health support. Counselors are accessible via phone, text, or chat. Learn more at NYC Well.
Spectrum is partnering with school districts to ensure local communities are aware of tools to help students learn remotely, open our WiFi hotspots for public use, and continue to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, our high-speed broadband program to eligible low-income households.
Ways to Volunteer and Serve
Masbia Soup Kitchen in Boro Park and Flatbush is in urgent need of volunteers to help package food for delivery. Work can be done with minimal contact, and they have gloves and cleaning supplies. 
Help package food into family-sized portions for delivery with City Harvest.
Support NYC’s seniors by providing friendly visits via telephone. Learn more at New York Cares.
Deliver groceries and other supplies to elderly and immunocompromised people in your neighborhood with Invisible Hands.
Stand firm with your fellow New Yorkers at this time: Complete the #2020Census. Billions are at stake. Fill out the census today at my2020census.gov #GetCountedNYC
Stephen Salmieri (American, born 1945). Coney Island, 1972. Gelatin silver photograph. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Edward Klein, 82.201.44. © artist or artist's estate
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 4 years
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full name: joo minhee
birthday: 3rd jan 1993
birth place: seoul, south korea 
zodiac sign: capricorn 
blood type: a
company: sphere
languages can speak: korean, english & japanese
Gadong Elementary School
Ilsin Girls’ Middle School
Yongsan’s International High School
Sungkyunkwan University [ Graduated with MBA ]
Father ( Kim Shin-Wook : 62 ) & Mother ( Joo Mi-Sook : 60) runs gogi-jip in Songpa-dong. It is always busy due to being located near most of the schools in the neighborhood. The parents live in a small traditional home not far from their shop. Minhee has promoted their restaurant a few times on her Instagram and spent some vlogs there too.
Older Brother ( Kim Sang-Min : 43 ) lives in Gangnam in a nice apartment and works as an operational supervisor at COEX MALL  He helped her young sister land a part-time job there as a sales assistant at a clothing shop. Also, he is a happily married man to Kim Eun-jung  ( 40  ) and has a baby girl named Sang-mi ( 7 ) who actually a big fan of ECLIPSE. Minhee also posts a lot on the social media of her close relationship with her sister-in-law Eunjung.
Older Sister ( Kim Yeong-Mi  :36 ) lived in New York, working as a publisher for a book company. Now she in charge of the Seoul office for the book company, the publisher is well-known and recently gathered a lot of interested. Minhee posted a vlog about her and sister spending time together because it tends to be quite rare. She gets her mindset about working from her older sister who’s workaholic too.
Older Brother ( Kim Dong-Wook  :31 ) lives in his own apartment in Gangnam, he is the lay-back music teacher who’s friends with a few of CONVEX members. He has his own band called  The Eodum pretty much new to the music scene, they tend to do a lot of covers instead of their own material. Minhee  even performed with them once at some gig covering her seniors Royal Pirates. He is also credited with being the cameraman for most of her youtube videos as he used to have a lot of free time but not as much anymore due to this job as a music teacher.
Cousins ( Hugo & Hakyeon ) both of her cousins recently debuted in PER_SE who fully supports them even though they aren’t the closest family members. It is known to the public they are related to each other. Hakyeon is relation on her father meanwhile Hugo is from her mother side. 
social media:
@juminhee is her instagram, she loves being on instagram out of the social media platforms and she posts a lot of content on there. It tends to be family, friends, herself and food orientated. the squad is mentioned a lot too showing off her group of friends which included public trainees& idols like hyuna ( k.arma ) , kangjoon ( de:code vici ) , gray, namjoon, wendy ( and*roma gyeoul ), jongsuk, aron and others like luda, eunji, juyeon, sua, shiah and luxe’s yena. 
@asomemini is her youtube channel where she posted covers monthly at least as she quite busy training so she can’t post them as frequently as she wishes to do. on this channel, you’ll find a lot of famous faces she has collaborated with including convex’s jinki, sehun, romeo ( two covers one before and after leaving convex ) , seungcheol under their real names, not stage names as it was before they debuted. not only that if watch the monday blues cover there are even more convex members appear in it including jihoon, ten and hyun among other friends too including kaeun ( and*roma’s kaeun ) who she did pole dance cover with too. and*roma’s gyeol covering davichi together  ,   k arma’s hyuna doing sistar medley, de:code’s vici having carpool karaoke to frozen showing their brother-sister relationship,  christmas grinch cover with seulgi showing her violin skills ( who’s now and*roma’s younggi ) and many more in the christmas collaboration series which minhee did involve many of her friends.
@aboutmini  is her youtube channel where she used to posts vlogs and streams mukbang every sunday 8pm. all her videos ( including asomemini ) are subtitled in english and japanese and korean so she can speak to a broader audience, she promises to learn mandarin too so she can make fans in china too and be able to communicate with them but she still working on japanese. this channel got a few familiar faces too including junmyeon who did the boy-friend make-up challenge and youngjae with chubby bunny challenge too  ( ex-public sphere trainees ). there are many streams featuring her famous friends who debuted now and some who are public trainees where they are enjoying life even playing pranks on another showing the friendly side of minhee making more approachable. 
fun facts
she is known to have a lot of idol friends who she openly supports on social media, in particular her brosquad which includes ktrookies johnny & aron, and*roma gyeoul, de:code vici, k.arma’s hyuna ( here is squad bbq insta pics 1, 2, 3 ) other than the squad she is friends with k.arma’s yeeun, and*roma younggi & kaeun, luxe yena & ashe, eclipse's ariel, convex’s pryhme, hyun, jace, jinwook, taeyong, royal, sehun, lay & seonghwa. ( basically convex are her little & big brothers ) 
she became a public trainee when samsung commercials were aired yet she was a group with sunmi ( and*roma darae ),  hyuna ( k.arma ) and yul so she wasn’t noticed that much especially when she was wearing waitress outfit too. minhee has expressed how nerve-wracking it was during live stream when someone asked about how she was signed during samsung c&t auditions and literally throw into deep end doing this commercial as she had no experience but she was thankful for that happening as she discovered the love for acting there.
minhee is the girl in the convex music video which every other fangirl wishes to be, she felt so lucky to get that role and all the boys are wonderful to work with. she never said who’s her bias or not in convex as she didn’t want people to assume things.
she attended convex showcase with her big brother dong-wook who’s friends with rome ( minho, ex convex member )  and woohyun ( royal ).  
minhee was known for being cold-hearted through her school years due to rejecting boys who confess to her without a second thought, girls didn’t like her either cause of it. her only friends she had at school was jieun ( npc ), minsoo ( npc ), kangjoon ( vici ) and dahye ( npc ) she was a good student barely got in trouble, her grades were average she wasn’t smartest or dumbest so she had to worked hard to do well.
minhee was center in sphere trainees flower touch opening performance for She’z at the end of year special samsung concert in jeju in 2019. she didn’t felt she deserve such a role as her dancing was only okay back then nothing to sing high praises but on the other hand she felt honoured to be the center for that performance.  
she expressed sadness about CONVEX members leaving since they were her friends and they did trained together however she got into trouble for posting this message on SNS since it caught the attention of the netizens and twisted into making out Sphere isn’t such nice company after all. 
it’s known she’s Hong Jinyoung fangirl and expresses that her jinyoung sunbae hard-working attitude aspires to be just like her she would love to be on a variety show with her since they would be good friends. Minhee also can do impression of her voice too since she adores trot music and it’s fun variety trick of hers. 
she’s very open about doing charity work and the fact she volunteered at dog shelter to overcome her fears of dogs. due to her busy trainee schedule, she wasn’t able to do much charity so when SPHERE did Green Ribbon Running & Busking Festival and she got perform at charitable cause it really made her really happy. Whoever saw that performance could really see Minhee was filled with joy. 
minhee is a host on SAMSUNG STATION SHOW IQs alongside Gahyeon Shiah & Chanyeol who is lucky enough to meet other idols like K.ARMA Kil & Doyeon, BERRY GOOD’s Daye and Sehyung and ECLIPSE Blue & Haseul. networking is important so she likes to befriend them as possible and excited to see who else she will met. [ Note: It will be public information about these people when the episodes are aired nothing earlier ] 
minhee is a friendly person, it has been well-recorded how pleasant she is when meets other people especially fans of her youtube channel. by the fact she got a lot of fancy friends around her made it even more obvious what type of person she is. 
#BEKIND became her brand after samsung c&t commercial since that was the theme of it, she carried that message throughout her social media posts stating how important it supports others rather than stepping over to get where you want in life. 
she can dance to any SHE’Z choreography without thinking since she always performed their songs under sphere and she is a fangirl of their discography. minhee always wanted to debut in a similar concept to her sunbaes. 
in her youtube streams, she always expressed that she suffers from anxiety and stresses it’s completely normal then goes on to explains coping methods she uses. minhee shared that she believed that she is not the best at anything but she is a hard worker so strives to always her best no matter what. She encourages her viewers to chase after their dreams as long they are willing to work hardest and they want it 1001% otherwise there is no point of trying your heart must be in it if they wish to succeed. 
When she goes on stage now, she is more comfortable and confident due to her practice and some experience doing little odd shows at clubs on Sunday evenings. She tends to quite sensual while performing yet throws in cute love hearts during the performance too with a brilliant smile. Minhee wants to embody the meaning of cute & sexy instead of being called cute since she is a grown woman after all. 
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dealstick4 · 4 years
Will Walmart Placed Old Lenses In New Frames? Addressed
Can Make-Up Misbehave For Our Eyes?
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Lens Colour.
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The Length Of Time Does It Take To Get Glasses From Walmart Vision Facility?
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An image acknowledgment and also analysis test based upon actual situations satisfied in a completely dry eye clinic. Our Vision at Keensight is to offer competence and also professionalism that will exceed our consumer assumption. Having actually been a client of Leightons considering that a child, over 40 years, I have actually constantly valued the most excellent solution I receive from all the team at Totton. Jenny and Gemma are absolutely terrific and also so helpful.
Can you bring your own frames to Walmart?
As long as the frame is in good condition then yes. Today most frames aren't manufactured the way they were in past so many don't hold up for long. Part of this is because frame companies want to sell you more frames. Best bet is to stop in Walmart and show the optician the frame you want to use.
The Governing body (typically known as a 'College' but different from, as well as not to be perplexed with, an instructional institute) has a federal government required to safeguard the general public. This includes enforcement of rural laws as well as public recognition campaigns. While a patient is seated in the examination chair, he rests his chin and forehead on a support to stable the head. Using the biomicroscope, the optician after that continues to check out the individual's eye. A fine strip of paper, stained with fluorescein, a fluorescent dye, may be touched to the side of the eye; this discolorations the tear movie on the surface of the eye to help examination.
The training programme is structured into a 3 year-diploma program. The diploma program replaced the 2-year certification program.
Can I buy frames without lenses?
You can order frames only, without lenses. We ship the frame to you, and you can take it to your local optical store to have lenses installed.
The loopholes supplement the insufficiency of security, by enabling the addition of a cord or ribbon which can be linked behind the head, hence holding the spectacles securely in place. Europeans, specifically the French, were uneasy regarding the use of spectacles.
Can Make-Up Be Bad For Our Eyes?
Our listening device feature a substantial aftercare bundle that consist of many advantages and we are extremely certain that you will be greater than pleased with our solution and also competitive pricing. Call your local Care Optician today to schedule your next consultation at a time and also day that finest fits you. Treatment Opticians have neighborhood eye doctors offering thorough eye examinations throughout the UK. Call us today and publication a house eye examination with your neighborhood Treatment Optician at day and time that finest suits you. In Ghana, opticians are educated at the Optical Technician Training Institute at Oyoko in the Ashanti Area.
Our company believe our combination of the current technology, experienced personnel as well as excellent client service, permits us to offer our individuals with a genuinely professional as well as individual solution. Wacky distinct designing satisfies handcrafted quality, for an eye amazing that mixes and also matches bold colours as well as patterns to produce exceptional, specific glasses. VDU view testing at corporate prices-- we have assembled a package for neighborhood companies as well as their workers that will certainly make certain conformity with health and safety regulations for VDU customers in a cost-efficient method. Vital-- information about coronavirus if you are intending to book or attend a consultation.
Developed in 1989, the Opticians Organization of Canada is a nationwide organization of all provincial Opticianry Associations in Canada. The duty of the OAC is to support for the numerous passions of opticians on a national basis. Each Canadian district has its own regulative University or Board that gives enrollment or licensure to its opticians.
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Register for our e-mails to be the initial to receive our most current information and also offers. All retail shops are created for customer convenience and offer a substantial option of developer glasses as well as sunglasses. Your local Care Optician will certainly see your residence and conduct an extensive eye test.
Nevertheless, blocking some sorts of cookies may influence your experience of the website and also the services we have the ability to offer. Our company believe everybody deserves to take pleasure in great vision, for a lifetime. We have actually created a number of company eyecare strategies which are easy to handle and affordable. Please take a 2nd to view our brief computer animation regarding taking a sight test. Right Here at Dixon Hempenstall we make every effort to provide one of the most complete eye evaluations making use of the most recent innovation and tools.
How do you put a lens back in half rim glasses?
Semi-Rimless Frames 1. Find the groove which runs along the metal bar at the top of your frames and position the lens into it. 2. Hold it firmly in place and feed your tear-proof strip of paper between the clear wire and the lens. 3. Fold https://brownteller3.werite.net/post/2020/10/25/Blankstone-Opticians over the wire and gently pull it down. More items•
We're looking at up a pair from the new Specsavers Collection releasing in shops Wednesday September 5. You will certainly require a visit - please find your local method making use of the link over.
I was called in to help her select some frames the other day and also overwhelmed by the professionalism and reliability and also kindness of Mike and Mark. We have actually invested in the globe's leading new eye treatment screening modern technology, so our clients understand they have full peace of mind. Naturally, we're additionally assisting clients wanting to acquire sunglasses and spectacles from our unrivalled option of developer brands as well as would motivate you to make a consultation to do so. We're already taking visits for eye examinations from individuals with an overdue eye test for which we apologise.
This is the winning group of Independent Opticians Of The Year 2019. Whatever your personal design, spending plan as well as way of life requirements, our staff are dedicated to assisting our clients discover their excellent frame. We stock Globe renowned frames from developers such as Cartier, Lindberg, Oliver Peoples, Starck, Jacques Marie Mage, DITA Eyewear, Ray Ban, Face a Face, Celine, Tom Ford as well as Porsche Layout. The only trouble you might have is settling on one pair of glasses.
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Lens Colour.
If you are uncertain whether you are entitled to an NHS sight examination please contact us and we'll respond to any one of your questions. Covid-19 has emphasised the requirement for space and one-to-one treatment so leave the group and come and also see us. We have rigorous hygiene control - you should put on a mask and hand sanitise within the retail location of our practices. If you have any kind of concerns or want to schedule an appointment.
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To get the get in touch with details for individual stores just most likely to our web page called stores and click on the logo design of the store you intend to call. Just to say a huge thanks for being there for me today and ironing out the problem with my eyeglasses. It is heartfelt to recognize that in this pandemic people like you are willing to take threats to help others. For your very own security, please use a face mask before going into the technique. The practice has been reconfigured to assist maintain social distancing, all staff wear personal safety devices as well as we have strict infection control actions to keep you risk-free.
So please surf our web site brochure and also check out our superb frames-- as well as if you have any kind of questions in all, please call us-- our friendly group of experts get on hand to aid. We carry out the D502 sight test which is now necessary for provisionary driver license applicants. Our experienced partners are at hand to help you pick your frames as well as use useful advice as well as specialist aftercare. We utilize just the really newest in eye exam technology and our thorough eye examinations will provide you with a full analysis of your vision. My sweetheart mosts likely to Blankstone due to the fact that they have a much better choice than the large chains.
Can you put new lenses in old frames?
You can put old lenses in new frames in most cases, as long as the new frames are the same ones you used to have. An eye care professional will just need to make sure your prescription doesn't restrict the type of eyewear you use so that you don't have issues down the line.
Grownups need no special prep work for the examination; nonetheless kids may need some prep work, depending upon age, previous experiences, and also degree of count on. The parameters appraised by a lensometer are the sphere, cylinder, axis, include, as well as in some cases, prism. The lensometer is also made use of to inspect the precision of modern lenses, as well as is typically with the ability of marking the lens center as well as numerous other measurements important to proper efficiency of the lens. In between 1781 and also 1789, silver spectacles with moving expansion temples were being fabricated in France; however it was not up until the 19th century that they obtained considerable appeal. John McAllister of Philadelphia started producing spectacles with gliding temples containing looped ends which were much easier to make use of with the then-popular wigs.
Other signed up or accredited opticians make lenses to their own specifications as well as style as well as manufacture phenomenon frames and also other devices.
Opticians determine the requirements of various sensory appliances that will certainly offer the essential correction to an individual's sight.
We know that a good experience at your optician goes additionally than simply a view test.
Some signed up or licensed opticians also layout and also fit special appliances to correct cosmetic, terrible or physiological issues.
Mac Nally Opticians on the Eco-friendly lies just a couple of doors below the Shelbourne Resort on St. Stephen's Green in Dublin city.
An optician, or giving optician, is a technological professional that designs, fits and also dispenses corrective lenses for the modification of a person's vision.
Your branch may be open various hours to before, so we recommend that you check yourlocal branch pagewhere you can also schedule your eye test online. Since we respect your right to privacy, you can select not to allow some kinds of cookies. Click the various category headings to find out more as well as change our default settings.
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You likewise have access to our huge series of designer glasses as well as sunglasses including RayBan, Prada, Oakley, Etnia Barcelona, Chloe, Moscot, Neu Bau as well as Tom Ford to name just a couple of-- all at outstanding value. You are qualified to a complimentary eye test if you get approved for PRSI therapy advantage or if you are a clinical card owner. Pupils get a 10% discount rate when they present their cards in shop. We specialise out of commission job and also have a glazing research laboratory on the premises guaranteeing your glasses prepare to grab as quickly as feasible. My appointnent not just went smoothly yet I should say I did not feel rushed or uncomfortable in asking inquiries also there very experienced optician.
Check out our Design Guide for handy tips on picking the best frames for you. We have made some modifications in regard to exactly how we operate around the branch to make sure that we are COVID protected.
Finished Lenses.
Can I bring my own frames to Lenscrafters?
Yes for the most part. If the frame is not in good enough condition or is to cheaply made they may refuse to use them - because it will be impossible to do a good quality job with them. Lenscrafters will not make lenses for your drill mount frame unless it is a model they sell.
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In the new 3-year diploma program, one semester each of period of around 4 months, is invested out on attachment every academic year. Presently, setups are being made for an affiliation to be built with the Division of Optometry, KNUST. Currently there are about 100 opticians in the country. As a requirement for registration in any type of province of Canada opticians are called for to finish a program at one of the NACOR certified training establishments. Individuals from a global jurisdiction might put on a rural regulative company for an analysis of similarity of their education and learning.
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jtlspike69 · 5 years
I copied and pasted this ....good info from a nurse.
I know we’re all tired of hearing/talking about it, but one thing I HAVEN’T really seen going around is advice for what happens if you DO get coronavirus (many of us will), only advice for how to try to AVOID it. So as your friendly neighborhood RPN, a wee thread:
Things you should actually buy ahead of time (Erm, not sure what the obsession with toilet paper is?): Kleenex, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) in 350 mg tablets, Ibuprofen (Advil) in 200 mg tablets, Mucinex, Robitussin or DayQuil/NyQuil, whatever your cough medicine of choice is.
If you don’t have a humidifier, that would also be a good thing to get. (You can also just turn the shower on hot and sit in the bathroom breathing in the steam).
Also a good time to make a big batch of your favorite soup to freeze and have on hand. not a cook? ask a friend, share the cost, split the batch. or stock up on cans or packets of soup.
If you have a history of asthma and you have a prescription inhaler, make sure the one you have isn’t expired and refill it/get a new one if it is.
You basically just want to prepare as though you know you’re going to get a nasty respiratory bug like bronchitis or pneumonia. You just have the foresight to know it’s coming.
For symptom management, use the meds I mentioned. For a fever over 101, alternate Tylenol and Advil so you’re taking a dose of one or the other every 3 hours. Use both cough suppressants and expectorants (most cough meds have both). Drink a ton, hydrate hydrate. Rest lots.
You should not be leaving your house except to go to the doctor, and if you do, wear a mask (regular is fine, you don’t need an N95). You DO NOT NEED TO GO TO THE ER unless you are having trouble breathing or your fever is very high and unmanaged with meds.
90% of healthy adult cases thus far have been managed at home with basic rest/hydration/over-the-counter meds. We don’t want to clog the ERs unless you’re actually in distress. The hospital beds will be used for people who actively need oxygen/breathing treatments/IV fluids.
If you have a pre-existing lung condition (COPD, emphysema, lung cancer) or are on immunosuppressants, now is a great time to talk to your PCP or specialist about what they would like you to do if you get sick. They might have plans to get you admitted and bypass the ER entirely.
One major relief to you parents is that kids do VERY well with coronavirus— they usually bounce back in a few days, no one under 18 has died, and almost no kids have required hospitalization (unless they have a lung disease like CF). Just use pediatric dosing of the same meds.
Pls pass this information around.
in ontario, the current info is that if you are showing signs of illness you think might be covid19. you need to call health authority, you will be advised on steps to take.
kingston area update call your health provider for instructions. information is fluid, but currently states that "Not everyone can or will be tested"
The following groups will be tested:
Individuals admitted to hospital with acute respiratory illness
Health care workers with acute respiratory illness
Other vulnerable populations (e.g., individuals with acute respiratory illness who reside in long term care homes and retirement homes)
Individuals with acute respiratory illness who reside in other institutions with unavoidable close contact (e.g., university and college residences and Corrections services)
First Nation Community members living on-reserve with acute respiratory illness
Anyone in any of the above groups, who is experiencing symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing), should call their health care provider, Telehealth Ontario, or KFL&A Public Health.
Other individuals with mild symptoms are advised to stay at home until they have been symptom-free for a full 24 hours. If you are experiencing moderate to severe respiratory symptoms call your health care provider for direction. "
**outside of canada, the usa is still very limited in testing options. some cities have moved fwds with containment plans. call or google your city +covid19
some cities have amazing plans in place, listen to your team, do what they advise. Also let your personal team know what is happening so you, your pets and loved ones can be cared for.
social distancing and home isolation can work for some, for others with more intense symptoms, or other health conditions, may need to go to their local covid center and get on the grid for more advanced medical care.
IF you are sick, contact your dr ASAP. let them help you determine what your next steps are.
I know it can be quite scary if you dont have medical insurance, or sufficient coverage, and with the way things are, you might be concerned about lost wages, about the treatment bills etc.
PLEASE do not wait to seek initial stages of care, do not wait untill the last possible moment to show up at an ER. this may cost your long term health outcome, and will only add to the current issues of too many people not enough beds.
The most important thing is to A. tell someone a friend or family member you are ill. enlist their help if needed to contact your local health service or medical team.
b. remember for many, it will just be time and annoyance to recover. for many others the illness will need advanced care!
c. ASK for HELP. you are not in this alone.
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elizabeth-234 · 5 years
Chapter Fifteen
Someone to Care
summary:What happens when everyone makes an assumption about their friendly neighborhood spider?
Warnings: Bullying
Chapter Fourteen
Peyton’s leg bounced up and down as she stared holes into the clock hanging above the wooden door. While Mr. Harrington’s lectures were always interesting and science was her favorite subject, her heart wasn’t in it today. So she sat pleading with the bell to speed time up and ring faster. The only distraction was the note that she and Ned had been passing back and forth to each other the whole hour. He was filling her in on the latest gossip, Rebecca and Steven had hooked up after the football game last week, and she was trying to figure out if they could hang out after school. Decathlon had been cancelled for some reason today and since Mr. Stark hadn’t wanted her to come over until later she had some free time.
With everything happening lately she had been so preoccupied with herself that her friendship with Ned had been neglected. It was just so hard when you had this huge secret identity you couldn’t tell your best friend about. It was easy making excuses in her mind when she was out saving the neighborhood. That was more important, right? She would just keep telling herself that it didn’t matter; she had a duty to the people and to herself. Anytime she was swinging around the city the urge to drop in on Ned, to confess everything. The look on his face when she crawled into his window would be amazing but then she would remember the potential danger he could be and stayed where she was.  
He was easy going but Peyton was weary of pushing him to far and this would kill two birds with one stone. Plus she just missed him. Missed the way his eyes lit up when they were walking home and how they would narrow, tongue sticking out when he was trying to put together an especially complicated Lego model. She would hang out with Ned, he had gotten some new games that she was dying to check out, and then be able to get to the tower in time to work with Mr. Stark. Who was taking her idea with a seriousness she hadn’t expected. It felt good to be on top of everything for once. Yesterday was an absolute dream. The whole time she felt like she had to pinch herself to make sure she was awake. The salt air mixed with the sweetness of cotton candy was her new favorite scent.
Peyton had lain there awake from the moment he had entered the room. Dr. Casab and the nurse went above and beyond in making her comfortable before when she was conscious. While the nurse had made jokes and tried to make her smile, Dr. Casab treated her like an adult explaining the procedures and getting Peyton’s consent to try the serum. The doctor eased the serum into her arm checking her vitals while pushing the syringe. Peyton was sure nothing would work since she hadn’t been able to take any medicine since the spider bite with effectiveness. She was listening to the doctor talk when her words were coming slower and as she rested her head against the impossibly comfortable pillow her eyes closed of their own accord.  
Then she was aware of her surroundings once again and heard, from the sound of the footsteps, the nurse puttering about the room. Not wanting to interact with anyone longer than necessary she had feigned sleep. She really wanted to ask where Mr. Stark was. Hoped he would still be there when she was awake and was frightened that he would go back to ignoring her now that she didn’t need help anymore. There was no pain emanating from her side any longer and wondered if the medicine was still working it’s magic.
The distinctive strides of Mr. Stark entered her hearing and her heartbeat increased. Firm yet not intruding they came into the room as she continued her façade. She was grateful that he had found her. That he had brought her here to get healed but a tinge of embarrassment flowed through her. The more she thought about it that pink blushing turned dark and red, twisting in her stomach. While he had no obligations to her, she had thought that they were past that; were beyond duty. Peyton enjoyed spending time with Mr. Stark. Soaked in the attention he gave her and loved learning from the genius. She had been so alone before he had landed on the rooftop and she counted on him but was sent to voicemail, quite literally. So she pretended to be asleep out of spite and squashed down the voice reprimanding her for the impolite behavior. She had the right to bide her time. To see how he would act before she decided how to proceed.  
He sighed after a long breath in and began talking. The speech sounded like a rehearsal, he kept pausing and rewording segments of it. She understood that, knew exactly what it felt like to talk to someone unable to respond. The memories of her beloved uncle settled into a sterile bed invaded her thoughts. How much braver she felt when her words and tears leaked onto the white sheets next to him. Her face was pressed into them, breathing in the scent of lemon. The weight lifted in spilling her heart out knowing he couldn’t hear yet still saying it anyway. Mr. Stark’s hand anchored her back in the present and felt solid in her own. The words had been vulnerable, something she had never heard from the man before. His tone had made her throat tighten listening to his pleading. The cause of his anguish was a mystery to her though; she knew he would never do anything to hurt her. None of this had been his fault and it pained her to see him place the blame on himself. No, she had been the careless one. The one who desired to prove herself so much that she got thoughtless. No words, no matter how beautiful could erase the time of loneliness in her but his apology made the weight a small bit lighter.
She felt as small as a bug asking to go to Coney Island but it had slipped out without thought. It was one of the places she always wanted to go. Explaining why was difficult, although Mr. Stark didn’t ask her to elaborate. That is where Ben had always promised to take her. Exploring their own neighborhood was one of Ben’s favorite things. Walking home from work a different way each day he would look for their next new place, their next outing. Peyton remembered sitting on the stairs facing the front door as a child. Her legs dangling off the banister even when May had told her to be careful. Ben would open the door and look straight up to her spot, eyes twinkling. He would tug on one of her legs saying “Hello Peanut” and she would pester him until he announced his find of the week, pulling out a map and showing her exactly where it was. The same map hung on a wall in her room, penciled marks making it even more beautiful. It was one of the reasons she fought for the neighborhood so hard. She wanted to preserve all the memories she and Ben had and allow other people to experience them in the future.  
She thought for sure Mr. Stark wouldn’t want to go there. When you’ve seen the whole world how exciting could something close to home, something so mundane be. But he had smiled and his voice rising in pitch when listing off all the attractions there. He informed her about all his favorites rides and down to where the best stand for elephant ears were. Peyton’s head spun from trying to see every single sign and attraction. The battle between the game masters and children was ringing all around them as each side tried to dominate against the other. Their first meal had been an elephant ear, which was the best one she had ever eaten, and then they moved on to round two, which was cotton candy.
They passed a couple of the games before walking by a ring toss. He had seen the way her eyes followed the flying disks and had stopped, demanding to play. Mr. Stark had been proud. Arrogant was probably the better word for it. He spoke loudly and announced, “Alright kid. Now see how the master does it.” He rubbed his hands together and approached the man. “I would like that bear there,” pointing to the prize. “I’ll give you riches beyond your wildest dreams if you hand it over now.” Peyton giggled behind her hand as the worker’s blank stare remain unchanged. After three failed attempts the guy had laughed and even gave him a try on the house. Mr. Stark refused, saying the game was rigged and strutted away. She grabbed the ring from the game manager. Aimed, tossed and scored! The look on Mr. Stark’s face when she ran up and gave him the bear was priceless. He muttered about her cheating, his hand stroking the fur on its head all the while. The bear sat on his shoulders for the rest of the day.
Now the hours left in school loomed before her. If she could just get through her and Ned could hang out and then finally she could go to the tower. There were only two more classes. That would be easy. No problem to get through, she hoped. Biology dragged on as she and Ned passed the note back and forth. The bell rang after what seemed like a century and they left the room in a hurry, waving to Mr. Harrington on the way out. She said goodbye to Ned as they parted ways to their last class. Social Studies while not her favorite subject still had material that fascinated her. What made the class unbearable was Mr. Ridermark. Their teacher, being a generous term, was simply an idiot. Not only did it seem like he had no clue what he was talking about but somehow concluded that she and Flash were friends. Extreme dread had filled her when he assigned seats and ended up seated next to Flash and all of his friends at a table. Not even MJ or someone from the Decathlon team was in the class to save her. She breathed in and out deeply before checking to make sure she had her book. Once secure she walked into the classroom. Mr. Ridermark was sitting at his desk attempting to get a powerpoint working while Flash was already sitting at the table. Crossing her fingers tightly she walked to her seat and set her backpack down underneath it where it was out of the way, tucking her fingers underneath her thighs.  
It was only an hour. She could get through this class and then meet up with Ned. They would laugh and discuss all the ways Flash was a douche and it would make the pounding in her heart slow. Ned had a way of easing a situation, shining light on something Peyton would antagonize over for hours. She had met him the first day of high school. Her head had been glued to her chest, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. She remembered the blood draining from her face when she had ran into someone and fell down, books flying everywhere. The heat of embarrassment and trying get an apology out of her mouth still affected her if she thought about it. Ned helped her pick up her books and they stood there awkwardly for a second, neither of them speaking when he noticed her t-shirt. It had an atom loosing an electron and the other asks if it was positive. Cracking up Ned handed her papers back and complimented her. Shyly they compared schedules and noticed they had many of the same classes. The rest was history. They started hanging out more and more, joining the Decathlon team and fan-girling over the fandoms.  Ned was such a good friend, the best.  
Flash was in the middle of talking with someone and didn’t immediately look up, to which her muscles loosened a bit. Casually she grabbed her American Pageant book out and began skimming the chapter. Of course she had already read it for homework but it offered a sort of protection. If she were reading people normally didn’t bug her as much like she was somehow out of their reach surrounded by a force field. Mr. Ridermark called class to attention and began lecturing. He droned on about the Carolingian Empire. Flash kept glancing over at her but she kept her head down, not making eye contact. Less than an hour now.
“Hey Parker.” She kept her focus, not even flinching at the vitriol in his voice. “I’m talking to you Parker. You better answer me.” He leaned forward and grabbed the textbook from in front of her, moving it down where his book bag sat on the floor.
“Give that back, Flash. It’s mine.” She tried to keep her voice even but it wavered toward the end.
“And what are you going to do about it?”
“I could, uh. I’m going to inform Mr. Ridermark.” She internally winced at how much of a tattletale she sounded and Flash had the nerve to laugh at her. If she kept calm and ignored him, he would leave her alone.
“Good luck with that. You know I’m his favorite. He and my father are good friends.” And dammit if he wasn’t right. Their teacher showed a disgusting amount of favoritism, showering Flash with compliments. But today she felt brave; it wasn’t Flash who had worked with Iron Man. It wasn’t Flash who had stolen Captain America’s shield. He couldn’t stick to walls, didn’t have super strength, or stop people from stealing bikes. No, that was her and she shouldn’t have to be afraid.
“Listen here. You are going to give my textbook back to me and you aren’t going to even look at me the rest of the day. Do you understand, Eugene?” She matched his posture and leaned toward him trying to harden her voice. Her smile widened like the Grinch at her checkmate. The other boys around them all “oohed” like beached whales at her statement. Something flickered in his eyes before his spine straightened once again.
“You? Peyton Puny Parker going to beat me up after school? I don’t think so.” There were patches of red creeping onto his cheeks and she should have just been the bigger person and left it alone but some voice inside urged her to continue. Lowering her voice so no one else could hear she whispered, “If you don’t do what I say, Eugene, then I’m going to have to inform coach that you’ve been getting someone to write all your essays for you.” Which Peyton didn’t understand at all because no matter how much she disliked Flash, he was still one of the smartest people at the school. The exchange had happened before her eyes. She was late to school after a morning patrol and saw them. He met with some girl before class and traded an envelope, with what she assumed had money in it, for the paper due. His eyebrow was twitching now. He knew that could get him kicked out of Midtown not to mention seriously hurt his chance at college. Without saying a word he slid the book over and turned to face the front. His possy kept glancing between the two of them the rest of the hour.
She couldn’t believe she just did that. The adrenaline coursing through her made her hands shake as she fumbled to open her book back up. The lecture hung around the air, not sinking in as she stared unseeing down at the words. That had felt good but a tinge of cold settled on her skin. Did she really blackmail Flash? She had never done that before. Would never be cruel unnecessarily but something in Flash’s face set her off. Although it wasn’t fair to blame him for her actions, she was just so tired of having to defend herself against people. All her wishing had come true and time fast-forwarded to the bell ringing.
“Miss Parker, can you stay after a moment?” It was said friendly enough but her stomach dropped. Walking up to his desk Mr. Ridermark sat there pushing papers around. She shuffled her feet back and forth dreading what he had to say. When he finally got them exactly straight he looked over and motioned for her to take a seat. “Now, Miss Parker I want to start off saying that you’re not in trouble but I wanted to caution you against talking the whole hour. I know Flash is a charismatic guy but you missed out on a fabulous lecture about Charlemagne, which will be on the exam. In the future keep the chitchat between classes. I know that you have plenty of time to talk at practice.” His eyebrows rose and a small smile played on his lips. “That will be all.”
She got up stunned a bloom of heat settled on her cheeks; feeling like the air had been sucked from the room. It was unfair. She was not, nor would she ever be friends with Flash. He was the one who had stolen exams right from her hands before they were due to erase her answers causing her to start over. He would make fun of her clothes and always try and discredit her at Decathlon practices. All of that plus the constant verbal attacks whenever a teacher wasn’t around.
Pacing down the hallway, she tried to get as far away from that classroom as possible. Did Mr. Ridermark ever talk with Flash about their so-called “chats” during class? So preoccupied with the unfairness she didn’t notice someone coming up behind her until she fell forward, her face knocking into the lockers. The hallways were cleared now that school was over and they were alone in the hall. She lent into the locker her hand messaging her head as he puffed his chest to intimidate her.
“If you ever tell anyone what you think you saw Puny…” His breath was ragged from exertion as he stared her down.
“You’ll what? Run crying to your daddy?” His eyes widened as he sucked in a breath.
“You know nothing about my father.”
“I bet he would love to know how you got beat by a girl for top grades.” He moved forward again trapping her where she stood. A vein popped out on his forehead as his hands shook at his sides.
“Shut up Parker.” Did she listen? Of course not.
“I know he would love to know his son was cheating. Paying for help at school.” His thin smile reminded her of how a shark’s jaws looked, showing off all its volatile danger under the guise of something so friendly.
He stepped even closer, his breath uncomfortable on her face. “I said shut up.” His voice had gone deathly quiet now and Peyton realized she had gone too far. Had crossed some invisible line. “You don’t know what you are talking about.” He pushed her again with more force into the locker. She raised her arms to defend against him; aware that she had to be careful least she seriously hurt him. He flinched when her arm came up and lashed out in reaction. She saw his closed fist coming toward her but didn’t have enough time to react without hurting him. Her head slammed back into the locker as stars swarmed around her. A throbbing erupted from the back of her skull, which made it hard her thoughts sluggish. She tried to blink, taking a minute to focus and saw that Flash had backed up to the lockers on the other side of the hallway. His shoulder’s hunched over as he stared down at his hands. His mouth gaping when he looked back up at her, taking in the damage he had just inflicted. She could feel the air piercing her lip as a trail of blood made its way down her chin.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered still staring in horror. “Peyton,” his voice coming as barely more than a whisper and shook like it was taking all of his energy to force the two syllables name out. She didn’t think he had ever said her name so depressingly nice before. He peeled himself from the locker he was slouching on to come back over to her side of the hallway, his hands stretched out in front of him. She backed away back pressed against the cold metal and froze him in place. Flash opened his mouth to say something then looked up and down the hallway. His face crumpled before her eyes as he stared at her. His eyebrows pinched and his mouth frowned deeply as he turned from her and ran until he turned a corner and was out of sight. Alone in the hall she slid to the floor, bringing her legs up to support her hand pressed against he face. What just happened?
While Flash had done things before he had never physically hurt her before. No one had ever raised a hand to her except when she was Spidergirl and then she could fight back, would be ready to defend herself. Her heart was pounding, beating its staccato pulse through her veins. She pulled out her cell phone her shaking hands making it difficult to text. Finally the message was sent and she turned off her phone not wanting to see Ned’s reply. The last thing she wanted to do was go to his house right now. His mom while sweet was overbearing and Peyton could not deal with all the questions. Ned would be beyond worried about her as well which she didn’t want to face. She might call May too who would then go straight to the principal without hearing the whole story, without knowing that Peyton had goaded him. Had part of the blame as well.
Walking in a haze she headed for the doors of the school and left. On autopilot she boarded the subway, not looking at the people she walked by. Her own actions made her queasy. How could she have done that? The nasty tone and hurtful words she spat at Flash kept circling back to her. She could see him sitting across from her on the subway. A misty apparition. His eyes, wide and searching her face, moisture pooling in the corners. Those hands, which held such force, were out in front of him, trembling over the act they had committed. Her cheek ached. The stop arrived, his hands the last thing she saw as she stepped off. She walked into the building, shivering in the windless air. Pulling her sweater around her tighter she scanned her I.D. missing the way the secretary’s eyes took in her face.
Since when had she begun saying cruel things to people? That wasn’t like her. She was the one who was supposed to protect people against that not instigate it. The way Flash lashed out at her made her stomach feel tight, uncomfortable. She would never have said anything about what she saw to anyone and just wanted to be left alone. Peyton walked to the center of the lobby, still trying to straighten out everything in her mind, how she could have been so cruel. How Flash had hurt her, more than just physically. The impact struck her again and she staggered to the couch. Her hand rubbed along her jaw trying to soothe the throbbing. After a moment she looked up past the swarm of people in the lobby. The fish she had been so mesmerized with before were still in the tank drifting back and forth while the chatter of people filtered around her. Her eyes followed the lazy swimming. Back and forth. Peyton tried to match her breathing to the bubbles floating upward but kept having to breath in faster than they breached the surface. The sound of familiar clicking of heels walking toward her brought her out of the trance.
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!! 
Chapter Sixteen
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