#silas barnaby
twistedtummies2 · 1 year
Barnaby - The Three Best of the Worst
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“Babes in Toyland” is a very strange case when it comes to Christmastime staples. Most people haven’t even seen or heard the original operetta created by Victor Herbert (who was inspired by the works of L. Frank Baum), and the actual story changes depending on which of the many televised adaptations (and even a few newer stage interpretations) you look at. Certain things do stay the same throughout them all, but virtually none of them have any real faithfulness to the source material, instead mixing and matching different elements to create their own unique version.
The one thing that practically every version of “Babes in Toyland” keeps, however, is its central antagonist: Barnaby, the Crooked Man of Mother Goose fame. Barnaby is a classic melodrama villain; a pure evil nasty of the highest order, who is entertaining in how unrepentantly and enthusiastically wicked he is. While elements of his character do change throughout different versions, he is an archetypal baddy in every rendition, and while other things in “Toyland” change from version to version - the names of the protagonists, the plots of the stories, and even the songs featured - Barnaby is a presence in every single one. Toyland just isn’t Toyland without its resident nasty ol’ Crooked Man. Out of the numerous takes on “Babes in Toyland,” and numerous takes on Barnaby in turn, everybody has a personal favorite of their own. Today, I just wanted to present my three favorite versions of the character. By extension, you can basically call this my three favorite versions of “Babes in Toyland” as well. Again, there are others out there - a cult classic 80s version starring Keanu Reeves, an episode of the Shirley Temple Show which featured Jonathan Winters as Barnaby, etc. - but these are the three nearest and dearest to my heart. So, without further ado, allow me to present my picks for My Top 3 Favorite Portrayals of Barnaby!
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3. Ray Bolger, from the 1961 Disney Film.
The Disney version is probably the best-known take on “Babes in Toyland” nowadays (most likely because it IS the Disney version, so to speak). While the film is a bit clumsy in places, it’s still a lot of fun. Most people agree that the two best parts of the film come in the form of two actors/characters. One is Ed Wynn as the bumbling Toymaker…mostly because it’s Ed Wynn. The other, of course, is Barnaby, played by Ray Bolger. If that name or face seems familiar, Bolger - almost two decades prior to the film - was one of the main characters in a little film from the late 30s I’m sure none of you have heard of called “The Wizard of Oz.” Yes, boys and girls: that’s the Scarecrow! And ironically, I think he and the Wicked Witch would get along splendidly in this outing. Bolger’s charisma is a big part of what makes his Barnaby such a joy; the performance, writing, and direction all REALLY ham the character up to the Nth degree, take this already melodramatic archetype and making him a pure pantomime villain. He breaks the fourth wall, he dances, he gets into a swordfight, he makes all of the crazy faces you’d expect, he even speaks in rhyme! He wears the cape, he twirls the moustache, he’s everything you’d want out of a bad guy like this in spades. Bolger is clearly having the time of his life with this over-the-top slimeball, and it’s just a joy to watch him work. My only problem with this Barnaby, and the reason he’s the lowest in the ranks, is that while Barnaby has always been a hammy character with a humorous side to his personality, I think I prefer it when there’s a bit more balance between the humor and the menace. There are one or two moments where Bolger’s Barnaby is actually pretty threatening (the aforementioned swordfight is a good example), but for the most part he’s just a riot. That’s not a bad thing, because he truly is a ton of fun to watch, I guess I just like it when the character is a LITTLE more menacing.
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2. Christopher Plummer, from the 1997 Animated Film.
This TV film adaptation of the story (or is it direct-to-video? There seem to be conflicting accounts there.) is not highly regarded, and admittedly for good reason. Of the three versions listed here, it’s probably the least well-made of the bunch. It’s not God-Awful, but it’s very…“generic 90s animated kids movie,” if that phrase gives you any idea. However, I have a soft spot for this film, largely because it’s actually the first version of “Babes in Toyland” I ever saw. And even as a kid, my favorite character was always the villain of the story: Christopher Plummer as Barnaby Crookedman. (Yes, that is literally his full name in this version, as if his identity needed to be spelled out.) Plummer brings that extra little touch of menace to the part that I felt largely lacking in Bolger’s interpretation; he’s still overall a melodrama villain, but here there’s a bit more balance. In a weird way, Barnaby here feels more like a Disney Villain than…well…the ACTUAL Disney Villain version of Barnaby is! Something else I admire is that they actually give a small amount of empathy to the character in this version: it’s strongly indicated that the reason Barnaby is so cruel and nasty is because, as a child, he was never shown love. He’s never had any friends, never had any toys to play with, and that’s left him crooked both inside and out. However, don’t go thinking that means there’s much reason to sympathize with or feel sorry for Barnaby: this version does some of the absolute worst things of any take on the character, and shows no sign of remorse for any of his actions. There’s no redemption for Barnaby, no matter what his origins; he’s too far gone. Plummer gives a solid performance in the role, and this remains among my Top 12 of his characters just for the sheer nostalgia of it all. Again, the movie overall isn’t too great, but this is one of the first versions I still think of when I think of Barnaby.
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1. Henry Brandon, from the 1934 Laurel & Hardy Film.
Laurel & Hardy’s “Babes in Toyland” was first released in 1934 in black-and-white; later the film was re-released in a colorized format (as you can see via the pictorial reference) and retitled “March of the Wooden Soldiers.” (I have no idea why.) What I love most about this film is that, despite being a Laurel & Hardy venture, this actually isn’t a parody piece: unlike some later films of a similar nature, such as “Snow White and the Three Stooges” or the Abbott & Costello Meet the Monsters series, which are basically comedic satires of the characters or stories involved, “Babes in Toyland” is treated more like a straightforward fantasy/fairy-tale film. It definitely DOES have a comedic side to it, of course, but rather than mocking the universe in question or contrasting it sharply with the silliness of the comedians involved, it just treats Laurel & Hardy as if they are just characters in the story, so to speak. The film isn’t afraid to get a bit dark and intense at times, and this is most evident with Barnaby. Played by Henry Brandon (nee Kleinbach), Silas Barnaby, as he’s called in this version, definitely has some humorous scenes. There’s absolutely no subtlety to the role at all. But unlike Bolger, Brandon brings an edge of danger and something bordering on the edge of insanity with the character, which makes his Barnaby feel far more intimidating. He gets involved in some slapstick, but the shrieking laugh he lets out as he tries to summon man-eating monsters, the almost animalistic ferocity he shows in his duel with Tom-Tom Piper, and near-demonic expression he has on his face as he leads his forces to invade Toyland at the climax, all give him a definite darkness that no other version of Barnaby has really been able to match. On top of that, there’s a sort of unintentional empathy to this Barnaby, as well: it’s a long story, but contemporary audiences have noted there are elements of Brandon’s performance and the script that hint there might be a soft side to Barnaby under his devilish demeanor. While likely not intended by the actor, nor the writers, they’re still interesting to note. In other words, this Barnaby has everything both of the previous Barnabys I’ve spoken of have in spades, and he’s in a generally better (albeit older) movie! This is the version I now think of first and foremost when I think of Barnaby, or even when I think of the Crooked Man from Mother Goose. That, above all else, earns him the meaningless title of My Favorite Portrayal of Barnaby from “Babes in Toyland.” Happy Christmas Eve, everybody!
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sindrakart · 5 months
Can you tell us a bit more about Silas??? :D Your oc seems really cool and I wish to know more!
WELL silas is (probably temporarily till more canon stuff comes out) a time traveler! he and his assistant, monroe, travel through time and study anomalies. they also cause the anomalies. for science! so thanks to them are tons and tons of differing timelines bc silas is obsessed and monroe is just kind of voluntarily along for the ride out of curiosity and moral dubiousness :) here are some doodles ive done plus monroes first sketch!
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oxventure-text-posts · 10 months
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randomthunk · 11 months
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Today's my birthday and as is tradition I like to draw something for it, and this year it's Silas from Oxyeehaw. I knew I'd be drawing him very soon, he's a big fan of the arts and LOVES CULTURE after all.
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a-casual-egg · 1 month
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[Image Description: A tierlist of the oxventurer’s guild, hobbyhorses, and oxventure deadlands posse. The top tier is red and it reads “Smokes weed for fun/to chlll”. In that tier are screenshots of a smiling Corazón in front of his ship, a smiling Merilwen in front of dark trees, a smiling Dob in front of a lake, a smiling Prudence in front of a foggy purple background, Barnaby with a smug expression, Nate with a neutral expression, and Garnet with a mischievous/smug expression. The second tier is orange and it reads “Smoker weed for pain relief or to calm (extreme) anxiety”. In that tier are screenshots of Zillah with a neutral expression, Kasimir with a neutral expression, Edvard with a neutral expression, Edie with a neutral expression as she looks to the side, and Jasper Cartwright as Bison Billie who is looking to the side and smiling. The bottom tier is yellow and it reads “Doesn’t smoke weed”. In that tier are screenshots of a smiling Egbert in front of trees, Lilith with a neutral expression, Silas frowning and looking to the side, a smiling Delacy, and Rust smiling mischievously/smugly.]
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p1325 · 1 year
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My book collection so far
Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Louisa May Alcott - Little Women
Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre
Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility
Edith Wharton - The Age Of Innocence
Jane Austen - Emma
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Jane Austen - Northanger Abbey
Edith Wharton - The House of Mirth
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
Charlotte Bronte - The Professor
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (Part 1)
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (Part 2)
Jane Austen - Mansfield Park
Anne Bronte - Agnes Grey
Thomas Hardy - Far from The Madding Crowd
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (Part 1)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (Part 2)
Pierre-Ambroise-François Choderlos de Laclos - Dangerous Liaisons
Alexandre Dumas fils - The Lady of the Camellias
Henry James - Washington Square
Louisa May Alcott - A Garland For Girls
Henry James - The Portrait of A Lady (Part 1)
Henry James - The Portrait of A Lady (Part 2)
Jane Austen - Lady Susan. The Watson. Sanditon
Anne Brontë - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D’Urbeville
Edith Wharton - The Mother’s Recompense
Daniel Defoe - Moll Flanders
Henry James - The Wings of the Dove
Edith Wharton - The Customs of the Country
Kate Chopin - The Awakening
Jane Austen - Juvenilia  
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Part 1)
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Part 2)  
George Sand - Nanon
Henry James - The Ambassadors
Elizabeth Gaskell - Cranford
Thomas Hardy - Under The Greenwood Tree
Edith Wharton - Summer
George Sand - Indiana
Henry James - The Bostonians
George Eliot - Silas Marner
Henry James - The Golden Bowl (Part 1)
Henry James - The Golden Bowl (Part 2)  
Edith Wharton - The Twilight Sleep
Emily Eden - The Semi-Attached Couple
Edith Wharton - The Glimpses of the Moon
Mary Elizabeth Braddon - Lady Audley’s Secret
George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss
Elizabeth Gaskell - Mary Barton 
Fanny Burney - Evelina 
George Sand - Little Fadette
Emily Eden - The Semi-detached House
Charlotte Brontë - Shirley I
Charlotte Brontë - Shirley II
Daniel Defoe - Lady Roxana
Theodor Fontane  - Effie Briest 
Edith Wharton - The Cliff
Thomas Hardy - Two on a Tower
Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Lady of Quality
Louisa May Alcott - Moods
Edith Nesbit - The Incomplete Amorist
Frances Trollope - The Widow Barnaby (Part 1)
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sierradee · 9 months
I was doing some introspection on the pairings I kept gravitating towards and decided it's due to the key persistent traits of the characters the players choose when they aren't GM.
Andy: insecure (Corazon, Chancey, Edvard, Purvis are all constantly seeking external validation)
Jane: powerful (Prudence, Zillah, Margot, Garnet all vary in morality, all could kill me easily)
Mike: cognitive dissonance (Egbert a dumb paladin, Barnaby an elitist criminal, Silas a cowboy layman afraid of horses)
Luke: innocent (Dob and Delacy are sponges to the world around them, and that leads to impulsive and morally questionable choices)
Ellen: earnest (puns aside, Merilwen, Lilith, and now Edie all have a weight of sincere commitment to the people (or animals) around them, rather than being self-absorbed or hell bent on a specific goal)
Johnny: world-weary (Kazamir and Nate are both aged above the people around them and wise to the world they live in)
I'm keen to hear other thoughts. I'm not really across the guest episodes, so I don't have info on the one-shot characters. I know Andy once said something about enjoying playing pathetic men once, but I love all his soft, nervous lads.
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theoxvest · 8 months
Oxventure PCs Mario Kart mains
Corazon is Walluigi- purposely causing problems if it gets them attention, not taken serious by others in their world. Mischief.
Prudence is King Boo- big and spooky whats not to love
Egbert is Yoshi- dinosaur esque, loyal, would fall into a pit
Dob is Daisy- He doesn't relate to her so much as think she's cool. Fun naturey name. Plus Dob would like to play as one of the good guys who's underrated
Merilwen is Monty Mole- She just loves little creatures
Edvard is Luigi- constantly feels like he's being one upped by the biggest name in town so he relates heavily to an infamous player 2
Zillah is Donkey Kong- She just saw that strong fella and said 'hell yeah'. Plus DK has a big family and she can relate to that.
Barnaby is Peach- Rich, been kidnapped, not normaly doing the physical work. Barnaby loves it. The royalness to all is great.
Lillith is Shyguy- Having to hide the part of yourself other people find frightening.. yeah
Kasimir is Dry Bones- May not be in the best shape of his life but is still full of life an energy, appreciates that its a little spooky.
Garnet is Rosalina- Magic and mysterious these two are. Garnet would just love how cool and calm Rosalina is.
Silas is Toad- If you know what Toad's voice sounds like the the cartoon you'll know what Im getting at. Loyal, kinda dumb, serves the cause they think is just. That voice tho, defiently rage filled.
Edie is Birdo- Feminine if not a bit peculiar. Loves some red accessories.
DeLacey is Bowser- He wants to play as whoever he thinks is the coolest and most powerful. King Koopa definetly fits the bill for him.
Nate is Mario- If it ain't broke don't fix it, he just wants to be the classic hero and plus its the only one he recognizes (ignore the fact they exist like 100 years before Mario).
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squeesquoo · 5 months
One of these is not like the others (aka the only NON villain lol)
Characters below the cut lmao
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Captain Hook (Jake and The Neverland Pirates), Dick Dastardly (Wacky Races), Snidely Whiplash (Dudley Do-Right), Professor Hinkle (Frosty the Snowman), Silas Barnaby (March of The Wooden Soldiers, 1934), and Bo Peep (March of The Wooden Soldiers, 1934)
Yeeeeaaaaah not the most normal lol
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fika-drw · 5 months
Snarry Fairy Tale AU Rec List [ 5 ]
Gasp! I can't believe I have read fifty (Yes, you didn't misread) fairy tale theme work. While I'm well aware that all of it might not be considered 'fairy tale' enough, as long as it had a tiny implication that it is a Fairy Tale AU or inspired, it will be included. So enjoy this list!
Harry Potter and the Well at the World's End by mirawonderfulstar
Rating: General Audiences || Words: 1,272
Summary: "Once upon a time there was a young Prince named Severus. Being in possession of neither fortune nor the physical beauty and charms to secure one, he was forced to work for the cruel and violent Lord regent who had ruled his kingdom since he was a small boy…" A Snarry Fairy Tale (a Snairy Tale?) for Happy Snape Week.
The Rune King by PiperDerg
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 11,199
Summary: Harry is a thief that works in magical runes stealing where he can and trying (sometimes) to do good with it. Until he gets caught and stuck in a marriage that he's not entirely sure he wants out of.
Silas Barnaby and the Green-Eyed Dragon Boy by suitesamba
Rating: General Audiences || Words: 13,217
Summary: Silas Barnaby enjoys a perfectly ordinary life as a museum guard in York and – until these last weeks, at least – did not see spectacled cats, ghosts in graveyards, or heads in fireplaces. What’s more, the green-eyed man in the portrait in the Dumbles gallery is definitely not winking at him. A tale of sacrifice, forgiveness and people who aren’t at all what they seem.
in time of lilacs by NecromanticNoir
Rating: Not Rated || Words: 9,799
Summary: Severus has only spent one night with the Omega - surely this melancholia cannot be… Pining Sickness?
Sleeping Beauty by DobbyRocksSocks
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 2,796
Summary: Despite the Death of the Dark Lord, Potter still manages to get himself into trouble. Can Severus save him?
Rings of fate. by Bluemoondreams
Rating: Mature || Words: 11,373
Summary: There is a lord of the rings feel to this story. Complicated romance between elf wizards. Very much an AU. Just done for fun really, so please don't take this so seriously.
Rings of fate. by Bluemoondreams
Rating: Mature || Words: 11,373
Summary: There is a lord of the rings feel to this story. Complicated romance between elf wizards. Very much an AU. Just done for fun really, so please don't take this so seriously.
Requiem At Dusk by Femme (femmequixotic)
Rating: Explicit || Words: 48,929
Summary: Harry would do anything for his son, even follow in Orpheus's footsteps.
Prince Forgetful by agneskamilla
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 8,747
Summary: Prince Severus lost his memories but found some new allies.
Wish not for a soul that is full of sin by SerenaEW
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 4,798
Summary: After all, a flighty soul could not return to the water, or to the earth, as they maintained all life eventually should. (What one did not have, they believed, could not be broken.) Prologue to the merman!Snape, amnesia AU no one asked for.
Harry Potter and the Monster in the Woods by wendymarlowe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences || Words: 5,833
Summary: Harry is sent into the woods to be sacrificed to the creature who lives there in exchange for the creature lifting his curse on Harry's village. Harry is rather surprised not to be eaten. The creature is rather surprised that Harry turns out to be a tolerable life companion.
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starrycardcaptor · 9 months
if it's not too much trouble,, could this automaton ask for steampunk inspired names,, titles,, && pronouns ?? thank uu greatly !! ^__^
☆ with a wave of his wand , the cardcaptor grants you . . .
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names ! ☆ amos , arabella , arthur , barnaby , blaire , clement , constant , cyrus , eliphalet , emerson , genevieve , joel , junius , lavinia , maxwell , meriwether , nat , percival , sophronia , silas , sterling , thaddeus , verne , winthrop !
pronouns ! ☆ brass / brasses / brasses / brasself , bol / bolt / bolts / boltself , bron / bronze / bronzes / bronzeself , clock / clocks / clocks / clockself , cog / cogs / cogs / cogself , gear / gears / gears / gearself , gog / goggle / goggles / goggleself , stea / steam / steams / steamself , tick / tock / ticks (or tocks) / tickself (or tockself ) , time / times / times / timeself !
titles ! ☆ prn in the ticking tophat , prn of the brass buckles , prn / the one who exhales steam , prn who watches the clock , prn who wears corsets and clocks , the cog turner , the sepia-toned clocksmith , the one adorned in gears and goggles !
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reminder to understand the origin of your names / pronouns / titles before you use them ! ☆
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oxventure-text-posts · 3 months
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seasidesprout · 10 months
Found a list of name ideas for the past golden guards when going through my notes app thought yall might like em
Abstinence (against sin)
Adam (the first man god made)
Alexander (defender)
Azazel (scapegoat)
Barnabas/Barnaby (son of the prophet)
Battalion (army of god)
Benjamin (son of the right hand and Jacobs youngest son)
Ebenezer (stone that marked victory over the Philippines)
Enoch (cains son)
Ezra (prophet)
Fidelity (to trust)
Gideon (he who cuts down, hero who uses strategy to win battles, a group who puts bibles in hotel rooms)
Hariph (gatherer)
Harlow (rock, army)
Issac (god told his father to sacrifice him)
Jeremiah (prophet)
Kemuel (raised by god)
Lazarus (revived by jesus)
Lechery (lust)
Malachi (messenger of god)
Matthias (apostle that replaces judas)
Michael (archangel of soldiers with flaming sword)
Miles (gracious soldier)
Nathaniel (gift of god)
Obed (worshipness, short for obedience)
Peter (rock to build Christianity on)
Presley (priest)
Redemptus (to redeem)
Reuben (was Cursed by his father for sleeping with his concubine)
Roland (nephew to charlemagne, he was killed in battle)
Seraphim (order of angels with 6 wings)
Seth (cain and abels brother)
Silas (wood)
Simon (carried the cross for jesus)
Smith (to smite)
Thomas (twin, martyr)
Uriah (gods flame)
William (protection)
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a-casual-egg · 25 days
I've been thinking about which oxventurers would be which Scooby-Doo character and I've got this.
Fred: Prudence, Kasimir, and Silas
Daphne: Corazón, Barnaby, and Edie
Velma: Merilwen, Edvard, and Garnet
Shaggy: Dob, Lilith, and Delacy
Scooby-Doo: Egbert, Zillah, and Nate
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p1325 · 7 months
The 'Timeless Classics' series by RBA stands as a commendable collection of 85 literary masterpieces, predominantly drawn from English literature, with notable inclusions such as Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina from diverse cultural landscapes. This curated anthology transcends geographical boundaries, making its enriching content accessible not only in various European countries under the names of ''Storie Senza Tempo'', ''Romans Eternels'', and ''Novelas Eternas'' but also in South America. RBA's commitment to delivering these cultural gems on a global scale reflects a dedication to fostering a profound appreciation for literature across diverse audiences.
Here are all the titles of the following collection: Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice
Emily Bronte - Wuthering Heights
Louisa May Alcott - Little Women
Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre
Jane Austen - Sense and Sensibility
Edith Wharton - The Age Of Innocence
Jane Austen - Emma
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Jane Austen - Northanger Abbey
Edith Wharton - The House of Mirth
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
Charlotte Bronte - The Professor
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (Part 1)
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina (Part 2)
Jane Austen - Mansfield Park
Anne Bronte - Agnes Grey
Thomas Hardy - Far from The Madding Crowd
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (Part 1)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (Part 2)
Pierre-Ambroise-François Choderlos de Laclos - Dangerous Liaisons Alexandre Dumas fils - The Lady of the Camellias
Henry James - Washington Square
Louisa May Alcott - A Garland For Girls
Henry James - The Portrait of A Lady (Part 1)
Henry James - The Portrait of A Lady (Part 2)
Jane Austen - Lady Susan. The Watson. Sanditon
Anne Brontë - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Thomas Hardy - Tess of the D’Urbeville
Edith Wharton - The Mother’s Recompense
Daniel Defoe - Moll Flanders
Henry James - The Wings of the Dove
Edith Wharton - The Customs of the Country
Kate Chopin - The Awakening
Jane Austen - Juvenilia
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Part 1)
George Eliot - Middlemarch (Part 2)
George Sand - Nanon
Henry James - The Ambassadors
Elizabeth Gaskell - Cranford
Thomas Hardy - Under The Greenwood Tree
Edith Wharton - Summer
George Sand - Indiana
Henry James - The Bostonians
George Eliot - Silas Marner
Henry James - The Golden Bowl (Part 1)
Henry James - The Golden Bowl (Part 2)
Edith Wharton - The Twilight Sleep
Emily Eden - The Semi-Attached Couple
Edith Wharton - The Glimpses of the Moon
Mary Elizabeth Braddon - Lady Audley’s Secret
George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss
Elizabeth Gaskell - Mary Barton
Fanny Burney - Evelina
George Sand - Little Fadette
Emily Eden - The Semi-detached House
Charlotte Brontë - Shirley I
Charlotte Brontë - Shirley II
Daniel Defoe - Lady Roxana
Theodor Fontane - Effie Briest
Edith Wharton - The Cliff
Thomas Hardy - Two on a Tower
Frances Hodgson Burnett - A Lady of Quality
Louisa May Alcott - Moods
Lucy Maud Montgomery - The Story Girl
Elizabeth Gaskell - Ruth
Thomas Hardy - The Woodlanders
Elizabeth Gaskell - North and South
Matilde Serao - Fantasy
Thomas Hardy - A Pair of Blue Eyes
Emilia Pardo Bazán - Sunstroke
Ann Radcliffe - The Romance Of The Forest
Louisa May Alcott - A Long Fatal
Charlotte Bronte - Villette
Sybil G. Brinton - Old Friends and New Fancies
Edith Wharton - The Bunner
Sisters Virginia Woolf - The Voyage Out
Margaret Oliphant - The Chronicles of Carlingford
Edith Nesbit - The Incomplete Amorist
Virginia Woolf - Day and Night
Guy de Maupassant - Our Heart
Frances Trollope - The Widow Barnaby (Part 1)
Frances Trollope - The Widow Barnaby (Part 2)
Elizabeth Gaskell - Half a Lifetime Ago
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stickthisbig · 8 months
Kinktober, days 16-22!
So shockingly I actually am still working on Kinktober and I did catch back up today; it's just been way easier to post it to AO3 instead. Here's the ones I haven't posted here yet:
16. Double Penetration in One Hole (Billie/Edie/Silas)
17. Fisting (Lilith/Barnaby)
18. Body Modification (Corazon, Part 4)
19. Uniform (Edvard/Kasimir/Zillah)
20. Mind Control (Margot/Purvis)
21. Tentacles (Corazon/Prudence, Prudence/Cthulhu)
22. Intercrural Sex (Brad/Killian)
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