#since he's allergic to most pet dander
h0ney-bee · 7 months
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shepherds-of-haven · 7 months
which characters are cat people and which ones are dog people? (pls forgive me if this has already been asked bc tumblr’s search function is ass sjxnss)
and in a similar vein, are anyone of them early birds or night owls?
Hi there, I'd honestly be surprised if I haven't answered this before, but since I can't find it either, here goes LOL:
Blade: he likes and treats cats and dogs pretty much equally, but is slightly more likely to own a (hunting) dog if he were to ever get a pet. I wouldn't label him as either a cat person or a dog person, though; I could see a hawk being more likely for him as well!
Trouble: dog person. He does like cats and has an amicable relationship to them, but is pretty allergic to them, so typically doesn't have much contact with them
Tallys: she likes both and treats both equally, but I would call her a cat person, and she would be much more likely to own a cat than a dog
Shery: cat person if it's a choice between the two (she's a bit afraid of dogs), but given the choice, I'm guessing she would be more of a tiny adorable rodent person (of the hamster/chinchilla/rabbit variety) than either a cat or dog person
Riel: neither. animal dander is a nightmare
Chase: cat person. He's fine with dogs too but he vibes with cats better; it's never like he gets really amped up to interact with a dog like Trouble might
Red: cat person. Pretty much the same as Chase in that he likes dogs too, but cats fit more with his personality and lifestyle, and he grew up with a family cat
Ayla: she has a cordial relationship with both, and is unlikely to own either. She'd probably be a hawk/bird person over a cat or dog person!
Briony: personality-wise, I'd label her a dog person, although she actually adores both equally and gets super excited to interact with either a cat or a dog. The only problem is, cats sense her desperate need to be liked and high energy and tend to avoid/snub her, so it's doomed to be an unequal dynamic that always leaves her like 🥹 'I just want to pet you so bad...' as the cat walks away. I could sort of see her with a small dog in a modern AU, but not in Blest, if that makes any sense? I feel like she'd be more likely to have some sort of quirky weird animal companion, like a monkey or a fox or a taito or something lol
Lavinet: cat person, though I don't think she'd mind having a little toy lapdog if one was gifted to her or she was tasked with looking after one. She doesn't tend to gravitate towards most dogs she encounters, though, and prefers admiring cats from afar! Like Riel, I don't think she's much of an animal person in general, though! (Oh, JK, she's 100% already a horse person lol. Duh! 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Halek: he likes both pretty much equally! It's tempting to label him as a cat person for his lazy and chill personality, but I actually think he'd be more likely to own a dog and actually adore it, so I guess technically dog person?
Prihine: cat person
Caine: dog person, though he likes cats too, he just tends to annoy them
As for the morning bird/night owl question, it's been answered here and here! :)
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yae-energy · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ╰┈─✩ ˚ ‧ random thoughts ‧ ˚
✧˖° synopsis : random headcanons i have pertaining to jjk
✧˖° cast and crew : yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki
.ᐟ content warnings : cursing, me just rambling
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ authors note : just smth to post ! some of these i’ve probably posted about on here? but y’all will be seeing them again just cause i wanna expand on some of them 😝
yuji <3
- he’s allergic to animal dander but still pets dogs and cats and stuff cause he simply just doesn’t care. but because of this, he forgets that he needs to wash his hands after playing with them, so if he ends up toughing his face his eyes get all swollen and he’s all itchy
- he listens to britney spears when he cleans ! sorry, i don’t make the rules. he also blasts it really loud and megumi is absolutely sick of it LMAO
- his favorite way to pass time is play thumb wars with megumi. he never wins but he genuinely finds joy in it cause no one else wants to play since he beats everyone else
- he uses inside jokes he made with someone else on other people who don’t know the context and thinks its funny. cause ultimately they end up confused and just kinda smile and nod
- hates any “fresh linen” scents cause it gives him a headache
- has a peanut allergy and will still try to eat shit containing said allergen
- calls nobara’s hair a “fuck ass bob”
megumi <3
- keeps the volume on all his devices on at an even number. yes he gets irritated if it’s not
- he loves apple juice, like bro will actually down a whole gallon and still want another
- his favorite snack is apples and peanut butter
- he is allergic to most seafood
- he loves doing crossword puzzles ! like he’ll knock them shits out so fast it’s insane. he’s great at finding all the bigger words too
- prefers overhead headphones and has like 6 different pairs to go with different outfits (he also let nobara and yuji put stickers on them)
- he is a plain milk drinker
- he prefers savory over sweet, and loves to snack on crunchy foods
- he skips every other step when he goes up the stairs
nobara <3
- she was a movie star planet player
- her favorite food changes every few weeks so she never has had an actual “favorite food” , and that’s the same reason why she doesn’t have a favorite color
- she is an apple juice hater and loves orange juice. her and megumi argue over this constantly
- she cant cut her nails properly and always has maki do it for her
- she sleeps with socks on and is trying to get megumi and yuji to see her vision, she has yet to succeed though
- she doesn’t like mustard or mayonnaise
- she’s allergic to pollen and grass
- she hates jello
- loves coffee but doesn’t drink it much cause she’s worried about it staining her teeth
- doesn’t like cake icing
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ysl production credits : inspired by a conversation i had with @romiantic
⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ tags : @morosis-haze @jogeto @mypimpademia @ivanari @planetlunaa @cosmiles @milesmolasses @chinieh @romiantic @stqrriichiigo
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if you wish to be tagged in any future works, here’s my tag form to fill out <33
if you wish to submit a request, here’s my ask box :)
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⤑ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ closing notes : def making a part 2 to this cause i need EVERYONE to hear my thoughts 😋. anyhow, love y’all, and drink some water cause it’s still hot as a bitch outside.
- xoxo, yves
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eva-knits12 · 4 months
Meeting Harlan
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Trigger warning: twin babies, Ransom Drysdale, multiple sclerosis, chronic illness, fluff
Summary: Harlan meets his great-grandchildren
The diaper bag was all packed with plenty of wipes, plenty of diapers, plenty of books, plenty of toys, and plenty of bottles with your pumped milk. You were sitting in the passenger's seat of the Lexus, peacefully napping. Harlan and Katherine were in their infant seats, peacefully sleeping. To say you were tired lately was an understatement. You were exhausted, and so was Ransom. Taking care of the twins was a 24/7 job, with thankless hours, thankless pay, and the days and nights were long. The twins slept for most of the time, but it seemed that every few hours, they needed a feeding, a change, or they just wanted to be held. You and Ransom couldn't be any happier, though.
Ransom was driving, and you were on your way to see Harlan. He wanted to meet his great grandchildren, and since it was a nice day that wasn't too hot or too cold, it was a nice day. It was Tuesday, and it was getting closer to the spring.
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"Marta, go make sure that the door is unlocked," said Harlan.
"Of course, Harlan," said Marta.
Marta unlocked the front door, and went into the kitchen to pull out the crudites, and she got out the charcuterie board. She got out some glasses, and made sure to have bottles of water in the fridge. She started the coffee, and checked the fridge to make sure that the cold cuts and the cheese was okay. She wasn't ready to set them out yet, so she set the bread out, and set out some plates.
Eventually, you and Ransom arrive at Harlan's house. He knocks, and Harlan opens the door.
Ransom brings in the Harlan and Katherine, and then he unloads you from the car, and puts you in your wheelchair. You get some exercise with the walker and the cane by getting up and walking around every once in a while. This is just easier.
"Oh, look at the twins. They are adorable!" says Harlan.
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Harlan and Katherine are in their nice, warm sleepers, and are still peacefully sleeping in their infant seats. Ransom wheels you into the house, and takes you to the living room.
You, Harlan, and Marta talk while Ransom brings in the twins. Ransom also has the diaper bag on his shoulder. Ransom takes off his camel coat to reveal that he is wearing his aran sweater, along with his pinstripe pants with his favorite loafers. You were wearing jeans and Ransom's old Harvard sweatshirt that he just can't get rid of. It's the only things you could find that haven't been spit up on. It seems that every other day, you and Ransom are doing laundry, and it feels like you just can't have enough clean clothes. Of course, the dogs did try to jump on Ransom, like they always do. Ransom has made it clear that he doesn't like dogs. He was also iffy about bringing the twins in, not knowing if they are allergic to pet dander. Marta and the maid Lois made it a point to make sure that every surface was vacuumed and that every surface was clean.
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"Harlan, this is amazing, thank you." you say.
"Anything for the mother of my great grandchildren", says Harlan.
Ransom was apprehensive, to say the least. The last time he had you over, the rest of the family pulled their usual stunts. After that, Harlan refused to have them over, but you and Ransom often came over every Sunday to make a day out of it. This is the first day in a while that you have been over to Harlan's. Ransom felt it wouldn't be good idea to drive out to rural MA to Harlan's house with a pregnant wife who also had multiple sclerosis. So, Marta often drove over to you and Ransom's house.
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"Are those the twins? They're so cute!" says Marta, who is looking at the twins in their infant seats.
After a while, Ransom brings the twins in, and gives them both to Harlan. Harlan holds the twins in both of his arms, and you take a picture. It's a nice moment between Harlan and the twins.
The one in the green sleeper is Harlan and the one in the pink sleeper with a matching headband is Katherine. Clever daddy. After a while, the twins cry, and Ransom goes to the diaper bag, fetches two bottles and Ransom and Harlan bottle feed the twins. You've fallen asleep again.
After a while, you wake up.
"What happened, Marta? Where are the twins?" you ask, with worry in your voice.
"The twins are fine. Ransom and Harlan are bottle feeding them right now," says Marta.
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"Why didn't you wake me?" you ask.
"Look, you're a new mother. You're still tired, and still adjusting to their schedule," says Marta.
"That's true," you say.
Marta brings out the charcuterie board, and you help yourself to some fruit, crackers, and some cheese. Eventually, Marta brings out the bread, the cold cuts, mustard, and mayo. She also lays out some chips, and gets some bottles of water.
"Ransom, Harlan, I've laid out the cold cuts for lunch," says Marta.
"Thanks, Marta," says Ransom.
Ransom prepares you a sandwich, and then prepares himself a sandwich. He grabs a bottle of water for you, then a bottle of water for himself. Harlan prepares his sandwich, and grabs his water.
You, Harlan, Ransom, and Marta all talk while having your lunch. Today, you're lucky that you remembered to shower and brush your teeth.
Ransom and you check on the twins, who are in need of a change. You and Ransom take the twins to another area of the house, and change their diapers.
"Oh, look at them, Ransom. I never thought our two tiny babies would bring everyone so much love," you say.
Ransom kisses you lovingly, and he agrees.
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"Harlan adores them. I never thought that I'd be a dad. I never thought I'd fall in love with someone enough to want to marry her. You changed that. You're so perfect to me, multiple sclerosis and all. I love you so much," says Ransom.
"I love you, too Ransom," you say, with tears in your eyes. Ransom meant every word of it, and you meant every word of it, too.
Eventually, it's time to leave. Ransom loads you in the car first, and loads your wheelchair in, and he loads the twins in. He drives you all home, with you and the twins peacefully napping in the car.
Ransom arrives home, and gets the twins inside. Harlan and Katherine are now in their cribs, sleeping peacefully. Ransom carries you back into the house bridal style, and places you in bed, and pulls the covers over you. Ransom falls asleep next to you. Eventually, Harlan and Katherine interrupt the peacefulness and the coziness with their hungry cries. Ransom gets two bottles of your pumped milk. Then, you both burp the twins. An hour later, they'll need a change. Just like clockwork, the twins cry again, indicating that they need a change.
Ransom decides to order Chinese for dinner, because that will make it easier for the both of you. Ransom goes to pick up the order, and he brings it back. He ordered the almond boneless chicken with the sweet and sour chicken with egg rolls.
"Ransom, thank you so much. I love you, my sweet boy. You do so much for us, you're one amazing husband," you say. Ransom's lips crash onto yours again.
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You and Ransom enjoy your dinner, and you check on Harlan and Katherine, who are now sleeping in their cribs. The love that was in the Drysdale household was the best thing ever. Harlan and Katherine were the most amazing babies that you both knew. Ransom was the best husband that you ever knew.
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I was wondering if there might be a possibility of a drabble or fic with Taehoon where it's like the first day of the group having all the pets at home and he wasn't sure how much allergy meds to take since there are so many new animals, that he doesn't quite get the dosage right and so everyone suspects his allergies but he doesn't seem bothered etc.
And or if there could be a drabble or fic where the guys finally say something to Jasper about his sensitivity to the animals or where it's turns into an actually allergy after being around them so long?
I know you are super busy with your main, and I'm a huge fan! Just wanted to know if these could possibly happen? Thanks!!
Here it is. Hope you enjoy
Prompt 1
Today was the day. The members of Zodiac had spent the past week visiting shelters to look for some animals to adopt. Today was the day that the animals would be moving into their dorm. It was actually a little bit peculiar, the three cats and two dogs they had decided to adopt were actually grouped together. They had apparently developed a bond and the employees had told them that when they had tried to put them in separate areas, hunger strikes and behavior issues occured. Ultimately the shelter decided to try their best to get the five animals adopted together if possible. Jehyuk, Wonjae, Woong, and Junseok went to go pick up the group’s new pets while the rest of the group finished making sure they had everything they needed. Taehoon was currently locked in the bathroom looking at the bottle of antihistamines he picked up from the drugstore the other day.
He knew that he needed to start taking them everyday since he is VERY allergic to animal fur, but he wasn’t sure how much would be the correct dosage to counteract his allergies. He had seen an allergist years ago when he was still in elementary school. His family had been dogsitting for some friends and they had thought that he had caught a particularly bad cold until the dog returned to its owners and his symptoms went away. The allergist had told him that he was basically allergic to anything with fur and his family had decided to stop watching friend’s pets and also decided that they weren’t going to adopt any furry friends. Taehoon ultimately decided to go with a half dose, because surely his allergies to fur can't be that bad.
Taehoon was sitting in the living room with the rest of his members while the animals explored their new home. It has barely been ten minutes since the animals were brought into the dorm and Taehoon's nose was getting increasingly itchy. He's pretty sure he's already rubbed his nose at least five times. He was doing his best to will himself not to sneeze because he didn't want the newly adopted animals to get returned.
"Hih-stschhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh." Taehoon abruptly sneezed into his hands as he had been trying to rub the most recent itchy sensation away. He grabbed some tissues from one of the many boxes they keep lying around and blew his nose. He then excused himself to the bathroom to wash his hands. While he was in the bathroom, Taehoon wound up stifling a couple more sneezes. He sighed as he realized he definitely didn’t take enough medication and that he was going to be sneezing for a while. Taehoon blew his nose again before leaving the bathroom.
Taehoon returned to the living room, not realizing that his nose had taken on a pink tinge from all the rubbing he'd been doing. He found himself subconsciously sniffling as he sat back down. Almost as soon as he sat down, one of the cats decided to investigate Taehoon's lap. He was extremely excited at the fact that one of the cats was now climbing into his lap. But, he was also now a little more concerned, as there was now a direct source of animal dander just a few inches from his nose. He wasn't sure if the current itch in his sinuses was psychosomatic or not, but he brought his hand up to his nose and rubbed anyway.
Over the course of the next twenty or so minutes, the frequency of Taehoon's sniffling increased. There were also some wetter sounding sniffles where you could hear mucous getting sucked back. It also definitely did not help that the cat that decided to explore Taehoon's lap had gotten herself comfy and had fallen asleep. Fortunately for Taehoon, he was ecstatic because the cat had settled extremely quickly and he was now able to give her head scritches. Unfortunately for Taehoon, he felt like he was going to explode soon and he couldn't get up.
"Can soh-someone pass me the tih-issue please?" Taehoon's breathing was beginning to hitch and he needed something to cover with fast. Merlin passed him the nearest box of tissues. Unfortunately, Taehoon's nose passed its breaking point just as he had grabbed the box.
"Heh-nxgt, heh-nxgtshhh, heh-stschhh, heh-stschhh, hih-stschhh, HEH-NGstiewww."
The fit had been very rapid fire, and hadn’t really allowed Taehoon any time to pull any tissues out of the box. This resulted in him half covering the fit that had come out as he tried to get the tissues he so desperately needed. Taehoon pulled several tissues from the box as soon as he was done sneezing and blew his nose.
"Bless you times six. You good Tae?" Merlin asked. Taehoon nodded as he sneezed again into the tissues.
"I'm great, hyung. Just a bit…sneezy." Taehoon said. He finished blowing his nose. He then somewhat instinctively rubbed at his nose, trying to make sure he was currently rid of the itch.
Over the next hour Taehoon continued to sneeze. After one particularly bad fit of twelve sneezes, Taehoon became a bit fed up. "I'm going to get some fresh air." He said as he sniffled. Taehoon carefully moved the cat that was on his lap and grabbed his phone before leaving the dorm.
After Taehoon left the room, the eleven other men exchanged glances. "Anybody else think that hyung isn't okay?" Jihoon asked. A lot of the members nodded in agreement.
"Looked like allergies to me, and since I'm an allergic mess ninety nine percent of the time, I'm pretty sure that's what's affecting Taehoon." Daehyun said.
"Do you think hyung knows he's allergic to the pets we just adopted? Woong asked.
"If Hyung doesn't know he's allergic to animals, he's in for a rude awakening."Junseok said.
"That's assuming it's allergies and that he's not aware of it. He could have come down with a very intense sneezy cold all of a sudden. Or he might know he's allergic and is simply choosing to suffer." Arthur replied. The conversation got dropped after that because Arthur did have a point.
Taehoon returned about an hour later carrying a couple of doughnut boxes. "I went for a walk then decided to get snacks for everyone." Taehoon said as he placed the boxes in the kitchen. The eleven other men all went up to grab a doughnut and went back to the living room. While Taehoon had been out on his walk, the others had started watching a drama..
It wasn’t even fifteen minutes later that Taehoon’s nose began bothering him again. Taehoon found himself rapidly grabbing a towel that Jehyuk had laid out for the doughnuts and putting it over his mouth.
“heh-stieshh, hih-stieshhhh, heh-stieshhhieghhh.” Taehoon wiped his mouth and made a disgusted face as he looked at the paper towel before throwing it away. Taehoon sat back down with the group, audibly sniffling. After another hour and a half, Taehoon, who was still very much sniffly, stood up and grabbed one of the boxes of tissues they keep around and went to his room. He unintentionally slammed the door behind him and shouted sorry right after. The other could hear a prolonged sneezing fit coming from the room, and it sounded like Taehoon was just letting the sneezes out instead of covering in any way shape or form.
After several minutes, the sneezing fit coming from Taehoon seemed to stop. Or at least the sneezing was no longer audible through the wall. The others exchanged semi worried glances while continuing to watch the drama and pet their new pets.
Eventually Taehoon comes out of his room with tissues pressed to his nose. “Wonjae hyung, Can you help with something at the company please?” Wonjae nodded and stood up. As the duo left, Wonjae grabbed one of the disposable masks the group keeps next to the door.
“What do you need help with Tae?” Wonjae asked as the duo began walking to the company. Taehoon suddenly sneezed into his ball of soiled tissues and siffled wetly. Wonjae couldn’t help but flinch a little at the sneeze. Especially because he was able to see a little bit of spray.
“I’m sorry hyung. I know that was gross.” Taehoon sniffled again. “I didn’t realize I was so allergic to animals.I don’t really know what to do. I mean I only took a half dose of medication, but if my allergies are that bad with only a half dose, I can’t imagine m-y sym-heh-stieshhh, hih-stieshhh, symptoms improving much on a full dose. I also really don’t want to  bring them back to the shelter just because my immune system is over reacting.”
Wonjae listened as Taehoon rambled. “So you already knew that you’re allergic to animals, just not how badly?” Taehoon nodded.
“I’d recommend a nasal rinse to help clear your sinuses and then start taking a full dose of your meds. Assuming you're currently taking some over the counter stuff, I’d also suggest going to an allergist to see if they do anything.” Wonjae advised. “Let’s head to the pharmacy and see what we can find.
Wonjae took Taehoon to the pharmacy and the older helped the younger look at the potentially allergy relief items they had.
“One more thing hyung, can you please not tell the others about how severely allergic I am to animals? As I said before,  I don’t want our new pets to be returned to the shelter.” Wonjae responded with a nod and a pinky swear. “You should know Tae, the others all already think you’re allergic to the animals, they just don’t want to bring it up.” “That makes sense. I still want to keep it between us though.” Wonjae nodded his head again and they finished getting their things at the pharmacy.
Prompt 2
It’s been almost a year since Zodiac debuted, and almost ten months since the members adopted their five pets. All twelve members have had the past few days off, but no one has really been leaving the dorm at all. It’s either been hot and muggy, or it’s been raining. Wonjae was really the only one that left. But he had left for his own apartment to spend some quality time with his boyfriend.
This left the other eleven men to bond a bit. Sure they had all left for at least a little bit to spend time with their own families, which Arthur and Merlin spent cuddling on the couch. But for the most part, they just stayed in the dorm. 
Being in close quarters for an extended period was interesting. Sure the members live and work together, but they still get space from each other throughout the day. However, with not having any schedules and the weather not really allowing a desire to go out, the eleven members had been sequestered together for three days now.
The eleven men had just finished breakfast and were sitting down in the living room for a movie marathon. Specifically The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. They had just barely started the first movie when there was a mini outburst from the maknae.
“Hihktchh, heh-ktschhh, hih-ktchhh, heh-ktchhh.” Jasper kept his hand over his nose because some amount of snot had been released. Merlin passed him a tissue box. “Are you feeling okay Jas? You’ve been sneezing a lot the past couple of days.” The older inquired. It’s true. Normally Jasper only sneezes a couple of times, but lately, he’s been having small fits fairly frequently.
Jasper nodded. “I’m fine hyung. I think my rhinitis is acting up.” He says as he blows his nose “You have rhinitis?” Jehyuk asks.
Once again, Jasper nods. “Yes. Or at least I’m pretty sure I do hyung. I can’t really think of another reason for my increased sneezing and early morning stuffiness other than rhinitis.” A few of the others exchange looks.
“And do you recall when you started sneezing more frequently and waking up with a stuffy nose?” Woong asked.
“I think I developed rhinitis shortly after we got our pets.” As if summoned, Sagwa hops up on Jasper’s lap and gets comfortable. Fifteen seconds later, Jasper sneezes five more times.
“Dude, I think you’re allergic to animals.” Arthur said
“What makes you say that?” Jasper said, sounding a little offended.
“You just said that your nose started giving you problems around the time we got the pets. Add that to the fact that you’ve been completely cooped up inside with them as opposed to leaving for several hours throughout the day means symptoms are worse. Especially if you aren’t taking any medication.” Daehyun said, only to rapidly take a couple of tissues for himself and sneezed six times.
Jasper thought for a couple of moments. “I suppose that could be true.” He paused to sniffle and blow his nose again. “But what about Taehoon hyung? He’s way worse than me and you’re not confronting him about possibly being allergic to pets.” Jasper said this a bit defensively.
“Oh, I’m definitely highly allergic to animals. To the point my meds don’t always work. Wonjae hyung already knows and helps me out on really bad days. I never said anything to the rest of you mainly because I was afraid that all of you would insist on bringing them back to the shelter. Also, none of you ever asked.” Taehoon disappeared to his room and came back with a medicine box.
“Here, try one of these. It’s just over the counter stuff I take when my prescription runs out before I’ve had a chance to get an appointment with my allergist.” Taehoon said as he popped a pill out of the package and handed it to Jasper. Jihoon had gone to get a glass of water. Jasper thought for a second before accepting the pill and swallowing it down with water.
As the next hour passes, Jasper’s condition improves greatly. The amount of sneezing decreased and so did the sniffling. “You think I need to start seeing an allergist too?” He asks, wiping his nose with his wrist, more out of instinct than anything else.
“Only if you want to. It would probably be a good idea, bare minimum to confirm the animals are what you’re allergic to. But again, it’s up to you.” Youngbin says. Jasper ponders for several moments. “I think I’ll schedule an allergy test, but I don’t think anything else is necessary.”
The group went back to watching the movie. Some of them fell asleep after only an hour, so the movie got turned off.
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
//woe! rosa headcanons be upon ye!
rosa has a pet cat named ricky, who she got as a kitten when she was a teenager. he's an old and grumpy tabby cat who's a little mean to most people, but he fucking ADORES rosa. she IS somewhat allergic to cat dander, but she hasn't let that stop her.
ricky the cat always wants to be in rosa's lap and cuddling her. sometimes she lets him crawl up under her sweaters and poke his little head out, especially when it gets cold.
she has a small collection of stuffed animals in her apartment, and her prized possession is a round cat plushie from when she was a very young child. her name is princess.
rosa is very close with her parents! their relationship was a little strained after she came out to them as trans, but they have generally tried their bests to be loving and supportive. her mom is a little better about things than her dad, but they're both generally enthusiastic to have a daughter.
on that note, rosa has two brothers! they're both older than her, and their names are gabriel (27) and luis (30). her brothers have always been a little protective of her as the baby of the family, but since she came out as trans that has doubled. no one messes with their baby sister.
though rosa is generally very sweet and positive, a not insignificant amount of that is forced. not to say that she isn't a naturally very sweet person, but she feels a subconscious pressure to always be the cheerful one and help others feel better when they're having a hard time, and she rarely feels comfortable accepting that kind of support for herself.
on a much lighter note, she enjoys baking! rosa is absolutely the type of person to bake sweet treats for those she cares about, when she has the time at least. she goes ALL out every time and it's very sweet.
rosa likes playing video games! she's a big fan of RPGs and other adventure games. she's also a HUGE pokemon nerd especially. her favorite pokemon of all time is skitty.
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maggielindemanns · 2 years
🦌⭐️💫 the distinct twinkling sound of a slightly mysterious, but not quite mythical, creature teetering onto your timeline!
checking in a tad early, just to say hi and … it’s nice to meet you! i have done a little perusing through your account, and i’m very excited to learn more about you and all that you love. this is my first time joining the exchange, and i am uber duber excited to be involved! since we are strangers (anonymous strangers, even), i thought maybe i could send some questions your way!? feel free to answer all, some or none. whatever works for you. 🤲✨
if you could only listen to three songs for the rest of your days, which songs would they be and why?
do you have any pets? (completely self indulgent dgdgd)
what’s something sweet that’s happened to you this week?
– yours, your secret holiday pal! 🌲❄️🤍
aaaaaahhhh hellooooo! this is so excitingggg, it’s my first time doing this exchange as well! 😌 i would love to answer these lil questions! this made me so happy ily already holiday anon
very hard question, but based on songs right now, i think i would say 1. ur so pretty by wasia project bc it is simply one of the most gorgeous songs of all time, 2. hear me out by maggie lindemann bc i just love her and that song is next level like . wowza! and 3. holding onto heartache by louis tomlinson because it’s such a comfort song and just . feels like a hug 🥹 love it so much
i do not have any pets, i am Very Allergic to pet dander of all kinds not to mention i unfortunately don’t really like too many animals agsjdgsj
well, this anon is def one of the sweetest things for this week! but i work with kiddos and today one of them was screaming happily when they saw me sfsjdhsj and he gave me a high five 🥹 i love those lil kiddos they’re my pride and joy
so excited for us to get to know each other during this holiday season, this is so excitingggg! 🤍🎄
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violetfoxviolarose · 2 years
N.E.R.D.S Headcanons - High School Years
I thought I'd have some fun brainstorming ideas for what the NERDS are like during high school. They're pretty much all headcanons so don't take any of it too seriously (not that anyone will).
I think it's fun to picture what the group will look like once they enter high school, and to see how they've grown mentally, physically, and emotionally. I don't see enough content of them past middle school, which is a shame cause there's some really cool ideas to explore and dynamics that exist.
Well, here they are, in no particular order:
Jackson got his braces off in 9th grade, having mostly finished his orthodontic treatment. He now wears wire retainers 24/7 except when eating. His upgrades still work with his retainers. Heathcliff also got minor work done, and now has two (regular-sized) false front teeth.
Duncan got a lot taller (but he's still the shortest of the group, about 5'6"). Ruby and Flinch tie for the tallest, both standing at 6'1"
Flinch ended up getting diagnosed with ADHD. Whatever energy was left in him after the Adderall he started channeling into weight lifting, and he now has muscle mass to rival Matilda.
Matilda chopped off her bob and now rocks a short, faded boy cut. Ruby learned how to tame her 3b curly hair (after shaving most of it off in the 8th grade) and now wears it down in a chin-length bob except while doing tactical or field work.
Jackson accidentally came out as bi during a mission assignment. He's named a few guys he'd "totally date" if he weren't in a committed relationship with Mindy.
Heathcliff joined an esports league at their high school, and plays Dota, Smash Bros, Team Fortress 2, and StarCraft on said team. He brags about being the best Smash Bros. player on the team to the other members of NERDS (Duncan can totally wipe the floor with him, but won't tell Heathcliff that).
Ruby and Matilda both underwent clinical trials for their allergies and asthma, respectfully. Ruby underwent 3 years of prophylaxis and immunotherapy and is no longer significantly allergic to pollen, dust, mold, pet dander, dairy, eggs, shellfish, insect stings, and latex, and is still receiving immunotherapy. Her superallergies are less severe but still present, and they will be until her upgrades are removed. Matilda wasn't as lucky, but did get herself a fancy new set of inhalers that deliver long-term medication that lessens the time between asthma attacks with more consistency.
Upon being able to consume dairy for the first time, Ruby found out she was also lactose intolerant. She's still annoyed about it to this day.
Flinch ran track for one year, during freshman year. Brand and Deprankova made him stop after one year to avoid giving away his upgrades.
Duncan joined the robotics team and has led their high school's team to State Finals every year he's been on the team.
Matilda never fully got back into cheerleading, but she did end up in a long-term relationship with a girl on the varsity squad.
Heathcliff and Ruby ended up taking a bunch of AP courses together (because of course both of them are overachievers). Ruby can handle it better than Heathcliff can, so they often end up studying together.
Heathcliff had a brief stint as a saxophonist in the marching band (the time demand between it and NERDS work was too much), and Ruby joined the string orchestra. She started out as a violinist but was convinced by the director to be one of two harp players in the ensemble.
Jackson is thinking about majoring in psychology in college.
Heathcliff never did get any nanotech upgrades again. He remained on the team as reconnaissance, and can still hold his own in combat. His current code name is Eight-Eyes.
Ruby and Matilda dated for a month in middle school. They both agreed they should just stay friends.
Flinch suddenly became a "ladies man" upon entering high school. He's gotten in trouble for bringing girlfriends down to the Playground (luckily the mind-wiping tech has improved since the elementary school days).
Because of Mindy's intensive work, she does online schooling mostly. She wants to work for the FBI or the CIA, but barring that, she'd be okay with being a pilot.
Oh yeah, she's okay with being called Mindy again, but only by Jackson. She mostly goes by her middle name (Elle) or her code name (still the Hyena) elsewhere.
Heathcliff has a huge crush on Ruby. Like, huge huge.
Ruby likes him back but is uncertain about romance in general, just due to her being an emotionally closed person.
Both can tell the other likes them back, but neither of them say anything about it.
They're huge dorks that are totally in love.
Matilda and Duncan started dating but quickly realized they were gay and asexual, respectfully.
Mindy and Jackson are planning their wedding. They insist it's a joke but no one believes them.
Ruby got into skirts, and wears them pretty often, except on missions.
Jackson never ended up going back to football. He did, however, try out for the school musical. He can't sing too great, so he ended up as an extra. He still gets teased about it to this day.
Mindy forces Ruby and Matilda to go on shopping sprees on her dime whenever she's off-duty.
Flinch brought an uncertain Duncan and Matilda to a punk show. Duncan and Flinch are now into the genre, and Matilda went a little too hard in the mosh pit and got thrown out of the venue. She's probably the biggest punk fan and also likes metal and other alt genres (but has since become a much better, more polite mosher).
Ruby likes eyeliner but is horrible at it (and also has a bit of hard time finding hypoallergenic makeup). Her goth friend usually does it for her.
Matilda got a tattoo on her wrist by lying about her age. She plans on getting more as soon as she turns 18.
Jackson dyed his hair blue for fun one time. Everyone made him promise to never go blue again.
Heathcliff's hair grew out into a messy red mop. He refuses to go back to a short style.
All the NERDS try to hang out outside of missions and school. Usually it's study sessions/sleepovers.
They went to homecoming together each year, usually urged on by Jackson, Flinch, and Ms. Deprankova. One year they all wore suits (except for Jackson, who rocked one of Mindy's dresses), another they went in pajamas.
Ruby and Heathcliff definitely slow-danced at homecoming, but made sure none of the other NERDS found out. Mindy and Jackson also slow danced but were super-obvious and carefree about it.
All of them want to go to (different) universities, except for Matilda, who wants to either enter the pro wrestling sphere or become a welder, and Mindy, who plans to either enter flight school or FBI training. The only planned non-STEM major in the group is Flinch, who wants to become an educator. Heathcliff is considering medical school.
They plan to keep in touch after high school, as they all have very deep bonds with one another, and care too much to let everything go after they leave NERDS as active agents.
That's about all I've got for that. Feel free to use these and tell me your own, I think it's cool when people share headcanons (and also I want more NERDS content).
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
I have a headcanon where Atsumu is more likely to get sick due to over practicing & stubbornly hiding his illnesses (or just having an unlucky immune system). While Osamu is just cursed to have more allergies (like he and Atsumu both have pollen allergies, but he has it worse. And Osamu is allergic to all pets, but Atsumu can handle cats and most animals) and overall bad symptoms. They bicker a lot who has it worse.
Yesss. Very nice. I like the Atsumu having a poor immune system option better, personally, so I'll go with that one.
Osamu has a crazy number of allergies. He's allergic to basically everything that can be airborne. Dust? Yes. Pet hair and dander? Yup. Pollen? Absolutely. It drives Osamu crazy, and Atsumu loves to tease him about his allergies. Osamu has to take lots of allergy medicine, both prescription and over-the-counter. He takes the prescription stuff in the morning and at night and uses the over-the-counter medications as needed in between his prescription doses. The worst part is that Osamu loves animals, but he can't be near them without taking a dose of Benedryl (or else his eyes and throat will swell. It's super uncomfortable, and if the swelling doesn't go down fast enough, Osamu is dragged off to the hospital for more treatment).
Atsumu's immune system is already garbage, but Atsumu overworks himself constantly, so his immune system is basically nonexistent. He gets sick from EVERYTHING. Akagi sneezed beside him once, and Atsumu was out sick with a fever for the next two days. This annoys Atsumu since it cuts into his practice time, but he also knows that it's technically at least partially his fault that he gets sick so often. Osamu is Atsumu's primary caretaker, much to Osamu's displeasure. Atsumu isn't fussy when he's sick. Instead, he's unnaturally quiet and submissive. Osamu hates taking care of him because he can't stand to see his brother so miserable. Atsumu gets terrible fevers no matter what he's sick with, and fevers make him very dizzy. He swoons or passes out at least once every time he's sick. (If his fever is too high or he hits his head from passing out, then Atsumu gets to go to the hospital too. Atsumu and Osamu have been in the hospital together for illness and allergies respectively four times to date. They room together and annoy everyone on their hospital floor. The nurses dread seeing them together and play rock-paper-scissors to determine who's going to be their nurses.)
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howlingday · 3 years
nora the arc) nora wants a pet to compete with zwei because it's not fair that rwby gets one but they don't! jaune points out it can't be a sloth because it wouldn't be able to be taken care of by them as often as needed.
thus the search begins to find the ultimate animal companion!
or nora adopts a Kodiak bear and everyone's too scared to tell her no and jaune can't tell her no without making her cry and he just can't handle that
"Get the chicken, boy! Get the chicken!" Nora sighed as she sat on the common room couch, watching Ruby play keep away with her dog, Zwei.
She always wanted a pet, but the Arc family household had a strict 'no pets allowed' rule. Part of it was due to the Nora and the other kids being too chaotic to properly care for them, but mostly it was because Isabella was allergic to pet dander.
"Yay! You got it!" Ruby cheered as Zwei hung from the chicken, shaking his tiny body to tear free the juicy, tender meat. The chicken squeaked as his jaws tightened around the chew toy.
"Jauney?" Nora whined. Her fiance was currently looking over important documents with Weiss. He wasn't familiar with them, but as a result of her upbringing as an heiress, she was.
"Yeah?" He replied without glancing from his papers.
"I want a pet." Nora whined.
"I'll pet you in a minute." He replied.
"No, like, a doggy, or a kitty cat!"
"We can't have pets, Nora." Jaune said.
"Ruby has a pet!"
"Ruby is dog sitting while her dad is on a mission." Jaune countered. "Zwei isn't going to stay with them forever." A paperclip hit him square in the nose, causing him to flinch. "Ow! What was that for, Weiss?"
"For being so rude." Weiss replied with a huff.
"Yeah, you're right." Jaune said, scratching his nose. "I'm sorry if I was rude to you, Nora."
"Not to her, you goof!" Weiss groused. "To me!"
"Huh? What did I say to you?" Weiss turned away and huffed.
"Well, if you won't get me a pet," Nora declared, standing from her seat, "then I'll just have to go out and find one!"
Before anyone could stop her, Nora was already gone. She left the common room so quickly, Jaune thought she might have been a pink blur. He simply sighed, since he knew there would be no stopping her.
"Right, where were we?" He said, turning his attention back to the papers. He was looking over leases, permits, fees, costs, and something called a home equity notice. He groaned as he remembered. For the past few hours, he was learning finances, realty, and the oh so wonderous benefits of home ownership. He hadn't even moved in and The Watchtower was already giving him a headache.
"We can stop for now, if you'd like." Weiss offered.
"Yeah." Jaune answered. "Yeah, I think that'd be for the best." He leaned back with a groan and massaged his temples. "I didn't sign up for this. I didn't sign up for any of this."
"Well, according to this document, you did." Weiss replied, holding up a page.
He sighed. "Where would we be without you, Weiss?"
"I'm lost." Nora declared. She decided the best location to find her pet was in the untamed wilderness of the Emerald Forest. She wandered in, Magnhild in hand for protection, and walked until she got here: in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees. "Wait!" She looked behind, then around the tree in front of her, and then crouched low, putting her ear to the ground. "Ah, now I know!" She stood up triumphantly. "I'm hopelessly lost!"
She decided she couldn't get more lost, so she decided to walk until she made it back to Beacon. As she traveled in the shadows of the forest's majesty, she considered what kind of pet would be best for her family.
First, the animal needed a lot of energy. Nora doesn't accept laziness. Sloths weren't lazy. In fact, they might be the most energetic animals in all of Remnant. Dedicated, too, since they never just poop from the trees. They climb down, poop, and then climb back up. If that wasn't dedication, Nora didn't know what was.
Second, it had to be tough. A pet that can't fight for it's home is just an expensive free-loader. It either had to be big and tough, or feisty enough to fight the big and tough.
Last, it had to be cute. Now, cute is a subjective term, but Nora knows cute. Zwei? Cute. Chihuahuas? Not cute. Ursas? Cute! Girls flirting with Jaune? Not cute!
A snapping twig caught her attention. She turned and saw the most adorable creature she ever saw! She almost cried. She kneeled down to her hands and knees, chin level to the ground. "You're perfect!"
"Has anyone seen Nora?" Jaune had just finished shuffling the papers into a pile, and placed them inside his bedside dresser drawer. Should make for a cozy roommate with his X-Ray and Vav comics. "It's almost time for dinner."
"Is she still looking for a pet?" Pyrrha asked, brushing her hair.
"I hope she didn't get lost." Ren said, eyes shut in meditation. "Does she have her scroll on her?"
"She does, but she didn't answer when I tried calling her." Jaune answered, holding up his scroll. "I'm gonna go look for her."
"We'll all go." Ren stood up slowly, recovering from sitting for so long. "I'll inform Professor Goodwitch."
Jaune nodded. He opened the door to their dorm and walked down to the locker storage to retrieve their weapons. They met up with Ren and Professor Goodwitch at the entrance. Her expression was as stoic as always.
'We're on our way.' Jaune thought, sending a silent prayer to Nora. 'Just hang on, Nora.'
Nora was bleeding; covered in scratches and bites as she wrestled with the beast in her arms. It was a Grimm of some kind. It had the dog-like features of a Beowolf, yet had more round features with floppy ears instead of erect points, and it's mask-like carapace only covered it's eyes instead of the entire top of it's head. It barked and snarled in her grasp.
"You are soooooo cute!" Nora cooed she walked with her puppy-dog Grimm. The little thing was all alone, and she just couldn't leave out here alone. They needed a home, and a mommy and daddy to love them. "I can't wait for you to meet your daddy."
She stepped into a clearing, and stared with wide-eyes at the stars that shined from the clear skies above. The pup continued to squirm in her grasp. She shifted her hands to hold the dog-like Grimm to her chest with one hand while resting the other on her brow.
"Aha!" Nora pointed into the darkness, a dark tower only seen atop it's hill by the moonlight. "There! Do you see that?" Nora held the pup aloft over her head. "There's your new home! Once Mommy and Daddy graduate, we'll be living there, just the three of us."
She sighed as she closed her eyes and dreamed of the future. She imagined her and Jaune, much older, sitting in a big living room on the couch, their children playing with their toys as their new puppy, now a much bigger dog, rested at their feet.
"Happily ever after." Nora brought her arms down to her. "Doesn't that sound nice?" She opened her eyes to a black-and-red mouth with sharp teeth on the edges, a reverberating growl tickling her face, numbing the pain.
"Nora!" A familiar voice called out to her. She turned to face it, but all she could see was Grimm mouth. "Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine!" Nora replied cheerily. She felt a tug on her face, and fingers over the white teeth. "I'm just out here playing with Lucky!"
"Lucky?!" Jaune pulled as hard as he could, pulling the jaws backwards to remove their grip on her face. He pulled it off, then let go as he moved in to check her wounds. "What did this little monster do to- OW!" Jaune felt a sharp pain on his rear, like needles digging en masse into his buttocks.
"Aw! Lucky loves your butt, too!"
"Nora, get it off!"
She rolled her eyes and sighed with a smile as she removed his new baby from his perfect butt. His pants ripped, but his underwear remained. She noticed the pup chewing on something between the fabric. It was a small, glass vial of Forever Fall sap.
"Aw, you brought us a present!" Nora cooed as she wrestled the glass from their teeth. "You didn't have to."
"If we needed a distraction, I did, and we probably will." He placed a hand on Nora's shoulder. "Honey, I understand you want to add a pet to our family to help us grow bigger, but a Grimm is-"
Nora stepped away, kneeling down and releasing the pup. They ran away from the two, barking loudly into the night. When she popped open the cap and poured the liquid into her palm, they stopped bark and watched carefully. She stayed low with an extended palm.
"It's okay." Nora whispered. "We won't hurt you." The pup cautiously approached. Once it got close enough, it pounced on Nora's hand. It's paws sticky, it sniffed and licked the sap from it's fur. Once it's paws were clean, it lapped up the rest of Nora's palm. Nora cautiously reached with her other hand, slowly and carefully, and scratched behind it's ear. It momentarily flinched, but continued to lick up the sticky substance. "Lucky, you're such a good baby."
"This is... interesting." Ren, Pyrrha and Professor Goodwitch arrived in time to watch Nora feed the tiny Grimm. "Are you okay, Nora?"
"I'm fine, Pyrrha." Nora said, refusing to look away from the pup. "Just a few cuts and bruises." Once the sap had been licked away, Lucky ran away from Nora. It stopped to look back once, then disappeared into the forest.
Nora stood up, taking a few steps towards where Lucky ran. She stopped and smiled. "I'm glad you liked it, Lucky. I love you."
Jaune smiled as he walked to her. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling himself closer. She instinctively rested her head against his shoulder, cuddling closer.
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Nora's smile faded.
"You picked them, Nora." Jaune hugged her closer. "You don't settle for less than the best. I mean, you picked me, right?"
"Jaune," Pyrrha beckoned, blushing, "why do you have a hole in your pants?" He sighed. Yup, she sure knew how to pick them.
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mandelene · 2 years
What kind of allergies do you think Canada has? do they make his asthma worse? do they cause other health problems? your stuff is adorable. he's usually so outdoorsy in fandom so this a really different take and its neat!
Thank you so much! 😅That's very sweet! I imagine that Matthew still enjoys the outdoors and nature despite his health issues -- he just has to be more mindful and take precautions.
Since allergies and asthma very often go hand-in-hand and are inseparable lovers, his allergies definitely affect his asthma. I imagine he's allergic to the most common culprits: dust, pollen, various trees and grasses, pet dander, mold, ragweed (which is a big asthma trigger in the autumn in North America), and certain harsh cleaning agents. Those kinds of environmental allergies are what can cause coughing, sneezing, congestion, and then the excess mucus and inflammatory response set off his asthma. They're also often allergens that are present year-round, so although his allergies get worse in the spring, they can still bother him any day of the year.
This can be a nuisance whenever Matthew's out in the countryside, camping, hiking, or when he's at someone's house and they have a lot of pets.
It also means he spends a lot of time cleaning -- like washing his sheets, duvet, and curtains on a regular basis. He doesn't have any carpets in his house because they collect too much dust, so at most all he'll keep is a small rug or runner. He tries to buy "asthma and allergy-friendly" house products whenever possible. He avoids scented candles, air fresheners, scented lotions, and strong cologne/body sprays.
He has to thoroughly clean and disinfect his nebulizer and humidifier as well, since they can very quickly go from being useful tools that aid his breathing to harmful items that harbor bacteria and mold.
His allergies can exacerbate the chronic inflammation in his lungs and thus lead to decreased lung function over time, even when he's not actively having an asthma attack.
And because he's congested a lot, he's more prone to sinus infections. So, to combat this, he uses a nasal spray twice a day (unlike some of us lmao)
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gameonoverdogcom · 7 months
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abbyfreemansmind · 4 years
Gordon whump, written by an amazing friend
Tommy didn't like being touched, dr. Coomer was always far too respectful to push someone's boundaries, bubby didn't mind touching but didn't want to look weak, benrey touched freely but never Gordon and Gordon himself... he needed touch. He needed touch to feel grounded, to feel real, to feel better...
Tommy: It was at Tommy's birthday that he learned Tommy hated being touched. It was a sensory thing. He described it as wrong and offputting but couldn't really elaborate. It honestly made Gordon feel like she about how often Gordon would put a hand on his shoulder or pat him on the back in black mesa. To Gordon that was just how he showed someone appreciation but to Tommy... it was a punishment... After that gordon was always conscious of where Tommy was when they were together. He never bumped him or accidentally touched him as he moved past. He went out of his way to avoid contact. Tommy was grateful.
Dr. Coomer: Dr. Coomer was a good scientist. Only touching what needed to be touched and avoiding anything else like the plague. He always asked before touching bubby or Tommy... but he didn't even have to bother asking Gordon, he just didn't touch him... Gordon wondered if dr. Coomer just didn't like him sometimes, but he didn't think about it too often. He enjoyed the man's company and he kept being invited over, so he accepted what he was given.
Bubby: Bubby said he didn't want to be touched. He said it and Gordon immediately felt guilty for all the times he did something. It was Tommy all over again... Except bubby was so much more vocal about it. Gordon would walk into a room and sit down next to him and if bubby deemed him too close he would remain Gordon not to touch him. Gordon would immediately back off of course. He respected his friends wishes after all...
Benrey: Benrey touched everyone (except Tommy of course) whenever he wanted. No one really complained when he did it so Gordon assumed they didn't mind too much, at first. Until he realized benrey never randomly touched him... and that stung... bad... Benrey was openly affectionate, volatile and clingy. To everyone except him.  Benrey wasn't afraid to just grab Coomer and start boxing, or flop over bubby's lap, or even pass Tommy soda in a way that would mean their fingers would touch... but he never touched gordon...  even on accident...
Gordon: It hurt. Knowing they didn't really want him around most of the time. Knowing they pity him so much they ask him to come hang out, but not enough they would ever actually interact with him in any meaningful way... the thing that hurt the most was that they didn't even hate him enough to send him away. That they felt the need to drag him along on their adventures but never actually exist with him... most days the only kindness he got was the affection he drank up from his own child... he thought that was pretty pathetic...   He wondered often if they did it on purpose. If they were actually trying to torture him with false hope. Not like he could go back to hanging out with his old friends, they abandoned him for greener pastures when he disappeared for a week with no notice and came back missing a hand. They couldn't handle his "new crazy"... so here he was. Pathetic. Alone. Desperately wishing his son was home from kindergarten so he didn't feel so useless and cold... but what was he supposed to do? Call up the gang to come over and hang out? He doubted they would even come, and if they did he doubted even more that it would be for him. They would probably just do it for the free wifi and food... he decided he needed to go for a walk...
...: He was tired of being alone. He was tired of being ignored. He was tired of watching the people around him pretending to like him but never actually showing it. He was tired... he was so goddamn tired... He wished he could get a pet. A cat or a dog that would just sit in his lap and love him unconditionally. But he has a son. A son who is deathly allergic to all kinds of pet dander, is terrified of reptiles and cries at the sight of a robin... he loves Joshua too much to put him through that... He looks around, wondering how long he's been walking. He doesn't immediately recognize where he is but when he does he nearly cries. His ex's old house... Joshua's mother... he walks up to the building and stares for a moment before walking down the alleyway next to it. He wonders if it's still there or if the new owners had gotten rid of it. He walks to the middle of the alley, opens a small door in the brick wall and almost reverently pulls out the old, worn toy... he cries. He cries and holds the plush toy close. He stays like that for hours... When he does move he only does so because his alarm to pick up Joshua went off. He quickly wipes his eyes and heads back home to get his car, getting in and driving to the school with the toy in the front seat. Joshua's teachers don't comment on how red his eyes are and Gordon dotes on his son all the way home. He forgets the plush for now...
..: The next time they decided to hang out it was a potluck. Gordon wasn't the best cook out there, but he knew for a fact he was better then most of them, so it's obvious why they wanted him there... he slaved over their meal for hours and he didn't even know why he bothered anymore... but he did. When he got there and started unloading the car it really got on his nerves that benrey just watched. He pulls an entire sheet cake out of his passenger seat and benrey didn't move a muscle to help him. He was initially confused when he came back out to get the last dish but let it go thinking he had just gotten bored and brought the food in. He set it on the table, confused when he heard benrey making a stupid and childish voice to the others. He went out to see what it was and froze at the sight before him. He had never crossed a room so fast in his life, nor had he been so satisfied when he heard a nose being broken. His hand tingling like it was on fire in the best way possible and he hated himself for feeling good about punching someone. His screams were incoherent and he couldn't bring himself to care as he plucked the doll from benrey's hand and stomped back to his car. Fuck them and fuck their fake friendship. He didn't answer their calls or texts. He actually blocked benrey's number. He couldn't take it anymore...
.: They finally got the hint when Gordon had dr. Coomer trespassed. He couldn't hand having them around anymore and didn't want to hear their excuses. Joshua was a little sad the one "doggy" he wasn't allergic to couldn't come over anymore but Gordon couldn't deal with that. Maybe he could get him one of those robot pet toys... It took a month before he started missing them. Two more before he unblocked benrey's number, not expecting anything, but maybe hoping? He didn't even know anymore... he felt like a monster... he just wished everything could have been normal...
Finally!!!: He didn't expect them to be there... It had been six months since he invited them... He didn't even expect them to remember... he hated that they were distracting him from his son's show. He hated that he couldn't even look at the stage with them sitting in the front row. He hated that he had to beg and plead with some random staff to switch seats with him just so he didn't have to sit next to them. He hated that they knew exactly where he was because fucking benrey just had to turn around and look him dead in the eyes... at least the tucker had the good sense to be ashamed... at least he didn't stare at him and watch as he started crying just thinking about it all... God he wished he were up there. He wishes he was sitting next to them, even if they would have used sunkist as a barrier so they didn't have to be too close... he wishes he wasn't alone... He didn't even notice the show ending. He didn't notice Tommy going up to distract Joshua so he didn't see his dad crying in the back. He didn't notice dr. Coomer and bubby start quietly fighting about what to do or if they should even do anything at all. He didn't notice benrey walk straight to him. He did notice the arms around him. He noticed the hand on his back. He noticed the shoulder his face was gently being held against. It felt like heaven. It felt like everything he fucking needed. It felt like he was fucking real for the first time in almost a year. It felt like love.
Thank you: It feels amazing. It hurt to like fuck, but it felt amazing. He didn't care that there was two scientists sitting on him and an ex-security officer under him. He didn't care that he was bent at an odd angle so that he could take the soda Tommy offered him, feeling the soft tap to his finger tips when Tommy let go. He didn't care that he was going to be aching like fuck tomorrow. He felt the love.
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gohnnyjuitar · 4 years
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20 OTP Questions
tagged by @sunset-cassaparilla ( i am in love with myra & danse’s dynamic btw wow) this took me so long bc my little brain was like Hm.. make pic for them........
i’ll tag uhh @benny-gecko-official, @saddeniq, @theartofblossoming if you haven’t already!! otherwise i mean if you see this just pretend i tagged you bc i’m bad at tagging hlhlfh
anyway, here’s Anthony and Deacon bc i’m Hopeless!! under the cut this time bc i talk a lot jfkgfj
1. Who can out-drink the other?
Deacon’s by no means a light weight, but Anthony’s got that patented Prewar Liver™ and some fancy Vault Tex nanites cleaning up his blood.That being said, they’ve never actually attempted to get drunk together; they’ve had a few beers together, sure, but they’re usually too busy or too antsy to get drunk.
2. Who says “i love you” more?
Deacon, and usually in private. They both know all too well that the Wasteland can take just about anything from you if you aren’t careful, but Deacon especially. After Barbara and working with the Railroad- the Switchboard- he wasn’t even expecting to get close to anyone like that again. Now, he won’t let himself take that for granted. They do pick up kind of a “code” when it comes to wanting to say it in public.
3. Who has trouble sleeping alone?
Anthony’s had issue with this since leaving the Vault. Not only was he used to sleeping next to someone, he was used to sleeping in a room with three other people.Travelling on his own is the only time it gets really bad. Nightmares come more often and, at its worst, insomnia. If he’s having a particularly bad day, he likes to tuck his head under Deacon’s chin and press his face into his shirt as if to reassure himself that there is another presence there.
4. Who swears more?
Deacon does. Anthony was usually in sight of a camera prewar so usually had to watch how he acted and what he said. He’s so used to it, that when he does swear, it catches him off guard a little. Always gets a good chuckle out of Deacon, too, who usually threatens with a swear jar.
5. Who does more of the housework?
Got me thinking of them settling down now oof.. I think it would end up being both of them pretty equally. Anthony did his own housework when he lived in his own apartment prewar and Deacon just doesn’t like Mess.
6. Who forgets their anniversary?
Deacon takes pride in being able to remember, well, a lot. Anthony insists he’s been around long enough that things tend to blur together. Deacon will tease Anthony about it on different days, but they don’t really take the whole ‘anniversary’ thing too seriously. What’s one day matter when the next could be your last in the Wasteland?
7. Who steals the duvet in their sleep?
Deacon, absolutely. Anthony’s always run pretty warm and doesn’t usually go for a blanket unless he’s sick or it’s actually cold out. When winter rolls around, it wouldn’t be uncommon to see Deacon wrapped up in whatever blanket he could find with Anthony all but draped over him.
8. Who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
Deacon will never admit it- and Anthony will never tell him- but he snores whenever he’s actually sound asleep. Anthony thinks it’s endearing, not to mention he lives for when Deacon gets some actual sleep. He’ll take watch all night if it means the poor man gets some rest.
9. Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
Anthony is, unfortunately, allergic to pet dander so Deacon knows better than to hold onto a stray dog or cat. That definitely didn’t stop him from presenting Anthony with a pristine Deathclaw egg and nearly killing him on the spot.
10. Who usually makes dinner?
They take turns! When they can remember whose turn it is, anyway. Sometimes it’s decided with some good ol’ fashion rock paper scissors. Neither of them are terrible cooks, but it’s always better than some of the prewar food left behind.
11. Who plays their music out loud?
Anthony carries around an Elvis holotape that he likes to play whenever he finds an intact holotape player. Otherwise, it’s not uncommon for him to end up humming a song that might’ve gotten stuck in his head when visiting say Diamond City. Deacon doesn’t mind. In fact, sometimes it helps lull him to sleep at night.
12. Who hogs the bathroom?
Listen, a man’s got to know just how well a disguise works. Deacon only hogs the mirror whenever he’s putting on a disguise and Anthony usually couldn’t care less. He likes to make sure his hair doesn't look absolutely disgusting, but he can usually get enough space to do that while Deacon’s changing. It has ended with an elbow to the ribs or stepping on feet in smaller bathrooms, but they end up with a good laugh if that’s the case.
13. Who gives the most compliments?
Oh, they’re obnoxious. They like to shoot increasingly dramatic or outrageous compliments at each other whenever they’re somewhere safe and around others. Especially at HQ. It grinds Carrington’s gears and they think it’s hilarious. The more sincere compliments are said only when it’s just the two of them. They’re said with soft smiles and gentle voices and they’re as sincere as could be do not attempt to fight me on this.
14. Who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
That definitely depends on the argument. They’re both generally pretty laid back dudes so not a lot gets them really heated like that. When they do argue it’s usually a brief, angry thing. They have to find separate corners of HQ or even go a couple days with radio silence before they come back together and apologize. It’s never words intended on hurting, it’s usually concerning the other’s well being.
15. Who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
Deacon is really good at that. He can do something completely asinine and still keep a straight face. His favorite thing is to say something incredibly specific and a reference to something only Anthony would understand in front of him and whoever he’s talking to. Anthony will embarrass unintentionally, usually by way of complimenting Deacon to someone else like Desdemona or Carrington while he’s in earshot.
16. Who gives the other cringe-worthy pet names?
File this under one of the things they do to get on Carrington’s nerves.’Stars’ and ‘Deeks’ are the go-to nicknames, but man can they get creative if they’re bored enough. Deacon leans towards the more outrageous, ‘that’s not even a real word’ names while Anthony will absolutely break out the prewar slang. If Carrington has to hear Deacon be called ‘one chrome-plated pussycat’ one more time, he’ll lose it.
17. Who fusses over the other when they get sick?
Anthony doesn’t get sick often at all, so when he does it’s usually pretty bad. The  Vault Tec nanites in his blood can work to clean out his system, but that can mean Anthony’s body going comatose while they do their job. The first time that happened since coming back to the Commonwealth, he’d contracted Vault 81′s Molerat disease and given the cure to Austin. Deacon, who didn’t know much about his nanites at the time, was absolutely beside himself when Anthony suddenly just dropped.
18. Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
They’re both, as mentioned, incredibly laid back about most things. Deacon can manage to stay ‘angry’ longer than Anthony, given the reason. Anthony’s attitude leans towards ‘I don’t know what’ll happen tomorrow, so let’s fix this before then’. Deacon has the potential to ‘stay angry’ longer simply because he can avoid and throw himself into work if he really wants to.
19. Who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Anthony’s more likely to actively seek out comfort when he’s upset. He’ll end up in a funk for a day or two, realize he’s Upset, then go find Deacon and pull him away for a hug. Sometimes he can get away with just being near Deacon and listening to him just talk, other times he likes to be Held.
20. Who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
Probablyyy Anthony, if only because Deacon’s more of a private guy so only displays affection when there aren’t any prying eyes. I like to think that eventually, in places they’re both comfortable, they’re more likely to be seen holding hands or lingering touches. In times of celebration, Anthony has the potential to get carried away and Scoop Deacon up into a big ol’ hug.
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
I just wanted to put out the ask to you joy, and any others. I have been diagnosed with food allergies, and I have two thoughts / questions. One, has anyone ever had an allergy that was present, then went away? My doctor diagnosed me as allergic to eggs, and then when I went back 6 months later, that allergy was gone, and replaced with two others (foods that I had been eating up to that point, and was now allergic to.) Next, what's a good pasta replacement for allergy to rice corn and wheat?
Hi @lilnizzie I’m going to throw this under a cut as it got pretty long, but I hope you are able to view this. Let me know if the readmore breaks it.
Allergies can and do fluctuate... but not typically in that way for most people.
Some people grow out of allergies, while others grow into them. And then there’s the people like me whose bodies cannot regulate histamine, (something which we all produce and need for important cell functions like healing and keeping us safe from pathogens) and who can develop fluctuating allergies depending on how overstimulated their mast cells are, which are the cells that regulate histamine release into the tissue and blood.
You may have seen me refer to my condition as MCAS, or mast cell activation syndrome. Basically, those all-important cells of mine don’t work quite right, and as part of that, I have developed a severe histamine intolerance or HIT for short.
So for instance, eggs, particularly the white of eggs, are high in histamine (the yolk is not, weird how that works right?) and some folk with histamine regulation problems (HIT) may not be able to eat them at all, while others are able to eat the yolk, or some folks like me who are able to eat eggs as part of an ingredient (say, cornbread) provided our “histamine bucket” isn’t overflowing.
Which okay, how do I explain this... so have you heard the phrase “window of tolerance?” As in, your threshold for being able to cope with things? Well, they used to refer to this reaction as being “histamine window of tolerance”, but since more research has come to light that suggests our inability to self regulate histamine is down to a stacking effect, hence the analogy of the bucket. The more you put into an already full bucket, the more things will overflow, and before you know it you are dealing with the overspill of problems.
This can either be caused by diet, elemental factors such as pollen, dust, pet dander, etc. etc., heat, cold, exercise, and yes, even stress. (This is because mast cells are in every tissue in the body, including the brain, and they do not like stress hormones, no they do not.) For some people, the reactions are mild and fleeting and may even be mistaken for hayfever, causing only minor ailments that can be regulated by taking anti-histamines. Some others are unfortunate enough to develop full-blown MCAS (or other mast cell issues) and are at risk of anaphylaxis and must carry an epi-pen at all times. I’m one of the latter. If it helps, think of it as a sliding scale disorder, with mild HIT on one end, and “What-in- the-name-of-God-is-this?!?” level of reactions on the other.
The condition can be managed, usually through diet and lifestyle changes for those with a mild case of HIT, and with the addition of mast cell stabilizing meds for those with the more severe MCAS.
So, why am I detailing all of this? Well, it might help to know that yes, the body can and does go off the deep end sometimes, and healthy people can and do develop new allergies over time. But I’ll level with you, all the foods you listed up there are poorly tolerated by folks with HIT when their “buckets” are full, and your fluctuating egg allergy might also be a clue that something isn’t quite working the way it ought to.
Of course, I’m not a doctor and I cannot give you any real concrete advice, only my own experiences of learning to manage this condition over the last 8 months after an astute nutritionist looked at all my food intolerances and allergies, and finally after years of suffering, offered me a diagnosis.
But what I will say, given that you’re already talking to an allergist, is that it might not be a bad idea to get your blood tryptase levels checked. It’s not an entirely accurate test, as you need to be in the midst of a flare to get a result, but for some folk it can tell the doc right off the bat if something is going awry, making it a good first stage in ruling out more severe conditions which may be causing your allergic responses to fluctuate in this way.
Now, I know that’s a whole wall of text right there, and I’d hate for you to be reading it and panicking, so allow me to say, if you do have issues with regulating histamine on your own, it is manageable. Since getting my diagnosis 8 months ago, I am a lot more stable than I have been for...probably my entire life tbh (Sure my pernicious anemia didn’t help, but the MCAS is its own ordeal.) I’m even getting to eat more foods as my body stabilizes and stops being in a state of continual meltdown. Which is amazing! Fruit! Iconic!
Sure there are some foods I’ll never be able to eat again, but eh, there’s better things in life :)
Also, just in case anyone recs it in the comments or reblogs, yes there is such a thing as a low histamine diet, but it is not a long term solution and should ideally only be carried out under medical supervision. The low HIT diet is extremely low on nutrients, and if done for too long can cause all sorts of other health issues. I was left on mine for over 2 years by a negligent doctor, and am only just now starting to recover from the extreme malnourishment this caused. Apparently, the longest you should do it for is 2-4 weeks to see if symptoms improve, and then you try adding foods back in one at a time to see what you can tolerate. Who knew? (I wish I had.)
Again, not a doctor, I can’t diagnose you and I am not even saying this is what your problem is, but given what you’re asking me, I feel it prudent to share my knowledge about the wonderful world of fluctuating allergies that seem to come and go with no rhyme or reason.
As for things you can supplement, oatmeal can be used to create a savory dish that is similar to rice. I used to cook mine up with a stock cube to make it savory, then add my vegetables into. It was like a very Scottish version of risotto, but I liked it lol. ETD tells me it tastes like “stuffing” which I dunno if that’s good or not, but he always eats it when I make it. If you have issues with stock cubes, cooking it up with salt and using things like fresh herbs will have a similar effect.
You may also be able to use things like coconut flour, or spelt flour, though not everyone can eat spelt if they have a wheat issue, so watch out for that. Tapioca flour is also an option, as are nut flowers if you’re trying to bake. Watch out for a lot of boxed gluten-free stuff though, xanthum gum is typically derived from corn.
Another option would be to make “vegetable mash” which is basically what it sounds like. I like to use potato for mine because it’s one of the few carbs I can get, mash it up, then dice in my other veggies (and meat of choice) and that’s basically how I avoided grains for as long as I did. Sweet potato works well for this too. Basically, if you have to avoid grains, which it sounds like you do, veggies are a good way to keep your carbs up.
Anyway, I hope some of this was helpful... I feel like I rambled, but... yeah, I know way too much about this kind of thing for someone who went to school for liberal arts lol
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