#since we know he can run at pace with a moving vehicle pretty easily
softgrungeprophet · 2 years
ensuring spider-man is a lethal weapon
(like he wasn't already)
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when he says he is always holding back
i write this all out and i briefly say to myself, is this op? is 135 mph punching op? is being able to punch with over 370 thousand newtons of force OP???
but iirc i'm pretty sure he punched DP's head clean off in SM/DP so I think it's fine actually.
normally he's punching at 1/3rd that at most, obviously, against superpowered or otherwise augmented foes, cause he doesn't want to like... kill anyone. but still heavyweight boxer levels even holding back.
tbh. how did he even figure out he needs to pull his punches in the first place???? ...huh i should think about that one actually... maybe he discovered it one of the many times he accidentally broke a light pole in half XD
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Ectober Day 26: Aim - Would You Like Some Bullets With That, Sir?
Vlad would absolutely have a few people who want him extra dead and maybe one or two actually willing to try. Too bad that doesn’t really work when the guy’s already half-dead. In fact, it does pretty well nothing other than provide mild amusement. Danny gets more of a kick out of it than the billionaire does though.
Danny and Vlad were having a decent walk and talk, a decent bonding experience. Surprising, he knows. But one of the key words there was ‘were’, because of course him and Vlad can’t be getting along without pissing off the universe.
Danny had been pointing the straw of his green tea matcha Frappuccino, with more than a couple espresso shots mixed in, at Vlad; trying to explain the nuances of food-related puns, because if he’s going to influence one thing it’s going to be Vlad’s tendency to use foods as swears. Vlad wasn’t exactly being receptive but hey, neither was Danny on the whole ‘etiquette’ lessons the man was trying to give him. But all that got interrupted when a big ass stereotypical white van pulled up with a screech and the doors slide open to a dude with a fucking machine gun. Well fine, handheld Gatling gun is more accurate but sounds a little less cool; besides it’s still technically a machine gun. Which is, in Danny’s opinion, massive fucking overkill. Vlad would be inclined to agree.
Needless to say, they get shot. A lot. Repeatedly. It’s very loud.
All the bystanders around physically pause, stunned a bit stupid that this was happening in Amity of all places not to mention rather desensitised to violence; regardless everyone starts booking it because, y’ know, big ass gun. Vlad actually crouches and moves to cover his head while flashing angry red eyes, he’s dealt with a fair few assassination attempts but in broad daylight? Really? He’ll give them a few points for having the guts. Danny meanwhile, is way too used to getting shot at to even react beyond just standing there at first, before glancing at his cup -which is draining all its contents through the holes onto the road- and grumbling a bit. The gun man stops when Danny bends over and starts laughing though. Even Vlad gives Danny some concerned looks as Danny waves the gun guy off with one hand on his knees, “sorry! It’s- it’s just! Just that! No ones ever-ever shot me! Shot me with a real- real gun!”. Danny sits on the ground and continues laughing while effectively bleeding out of multiple holes as flesh starts moving to slowly repair itself; which clearly the men have noticed and are scared shitless by, as both he and Vlad can feel, see, and smell the fear coming off the truck.
Vlad huffs, stands himself upright and goes about brushing off and inspecting his suit. Huffing again and turning to the van, crossing his arms, “I do believe you owe me a new suit, young man”. Someone inside the vehicle chokes. Danny thinks that’s a pretty reasonable reaction here. But there’s literally zero fucking point of them acting human here, because fuck they were both riddled with bullet holes and their blood was very literally splattered around the ground. Might as well scare these assholes a little.
Hence why Danny sticks a finger in one of the larger holes due to multiple bullets going through the same general area and giggles, “huh, that tickles”, and grins meanly at the driver who looks absolutely disturbed and too far into shock to try driving away yet. Though thinking of it, Vlad might actually try to kill them; tit for tat was absolutely Vlad’s primary go-to in any situation. Hence their arguably insanely prank wars. So Danny stands up and promptly launches himself inside the vehicle, knocking over the man with the bloody machine gun -seriously, how is that not overkill- and landing with his feet on the guys chest. Danny’s pretty sure the guy wet himself. Which, ew, but understandable.
“Okay I’m feeling nice because this is absurdly hilarious and would qualify as some ridiculous ass overkill for normal folks. Kinda pointless against immortals though, dontcha think?”, turning his head to look at Vlad -who’s quirking a single well-groomed eyebrow while his eye goes about repairing itself- through the door, “what do ya think?”.
Vlad walks over calmly and humming, “well I’ll give them points for accuracy, they hardly damaged the surroundings at all. Which I find I can appreciated since that avoids me having to make yet another dip into the damages funds. And I’ll be generous and give another point for dramatics; board daylight, middle of the city, biggest high-powered rapid-fire weapon anyone’s ever aimed at me, the sudden loud noise. Why I’m almost impressed. But I do find the overall end result to be rather lacking”. Vlad kicks one of the front tires hard enough to puncture it while the driver starts scrambling and fumbling to attempt at driving off. The psssssh sound the tire makes actively increases the smell of fear filling the van. Understandable, these guys had effectively just lost their getaway vehicle.
Danny chuckles, “aww, looks like someone’s not going anywhere anytime fast”, Danny grins meanly and flashes his green eyes. The guy passes out. “Ah damn, he passed out”, shrugging, “eh, hopefully he’ll think this was just some bad dream”.
Vlad hums as he climbs in, ecto-beaming another guy in the head to knock him out. Huh, guess Vlad’s really truly genuinely chilled out some in the evil villain department. “Yes that would be preferred, Daniel. I take it Phantom will be delivering these men to the jailhouse after having shielded the mayor and a young boy at the last second”.
Danny snorts as he gets off the gunman and kicks the driver in the head; the guys head bouncing off the steering wheel and obviously knocking him the Hell out. “Obviously. And hey, why not say Phantom healed any injuries to boot. Not like anyone’s sure about the power set of that spooky bastard”, and smirks. Talking about himself like a different person was arguably not necessary right now, no one was around after all, but hey it was kinda funny.
Vlad nods, riffles through the mens’ pockets and pockets all their cash. Which Danny rolls his eyes at, “old bank robber habits die hard?”. Vlad rolls his eyes, “hardly. This is simply to repay me for the damages. This was a nice suit I’ll have you know”. Which Danny rolls his eyes right back at him over while Vlad hops out of the vehicle, looks around, readjusts the remaining scraps of his suit, and saunters off; grabbing a surprisingly intact handkerchief from a definitely not intact pocket and starts dabbing blood off his face, hair, and hands. Danny’s not going to question why the man doesn’t just phase it off or reabsorb it into his body again.
Danny closes the vehicle doors purely to attempt at not transforming directly in open view in the middle of the street. Grabbing up the three guys before pausing and deciding eh why not and telekinetically floating the freaking machine gun onto his back and making that invisible. Flying off through the vehicle's roof.
Danny unceremoniously drops the men on the jailhouse floor, “gotcha a present. They tried to unload, like, a bazillion bullets into the dear ol’ mayor”.
Officer Jay sighs, “we were getting some calls about a shooting? But with regular guns”, motioning a few other cops to drag the guys away.
Danny chuckles and nods, “try machine gun”, the cop almost chokes while Danny continues, “not that that is particularly effective on intangibility”.
The cop looks him over, obviously noticing the healing bullet wounds here and there. Healing however many bullet holes takes time you know! “Obviously you weren’t quite fast enough”.
Danny shrugs, “eh, blowing a bunch of holes in a ghost doesn’t really do much other than make a mess. Mayors cool though”.
“That’s... good”, Jay shakes his head, “well, we’ll take care of these guys and I doubt they legally had a machine gun. You didn’t just leave that out in the street did you?”. Danny waves the guy off nonchalantly, “Fenton was there too, took it as his plundered booty”, he makes a point to make that last bit sound pirate-like. The cop sighs and rubs his temples, “so there’s a seventeen-year-old running around with a machine gun”.
“Yup”, absolutely popping the ‘p’.
Danny easily hears the guy mutter, “somedays I would really like to quit”, before looking back to him, “well that family has every weapon license known to man, so I’m not even going to bother. Have a good day and a fulfilling afterlife”. Danny salutes with a cheeky grin before phasing up through the roof.
Sam and Tucker don’t so much as blink from Danny suddenly appearing from around a corner and barging in-between the two of them, “hey guys, some guys left me a little present”
Both give a mildly interested and slightly worried, “oh?”. Which is fair, Danny has described getting a taser stuck in his leg as ‘a present’ before.
He grins a bit psychotically, makes the gun visible, and whips it around to be holding it in his hands, “a machine gun!”.
Sam slows her pace slightly, just enough to no longer have a freaking mini-gun pointed at her stomach, “that’s nice Danny”. While Tucker looks much more excited, “Holy frick that’s awesome. Where’d that come from though?”.
Sam sighs, “or more specifically how and why. Ghosts don’t exactly use human weapons and ‘some guys’ is vague as shit”.
Danny chuckles, because that who ordeal was still stupid funny. “Curtsy of one poorly informed assignation attempt in dear ol’ uncie Vlad”.
Tucker blinks, “wait, someone actually tried to assassinate him”, then pauses, “wait no, of course someone tried to assassinate Vlad. He’s Vlad”. Making all three chuckle while Danny fiddles with the massive ass barrel.
All three grin viciously when they spot Dash and co. across the street. Danny deciding to yell, “hey Dash!”, and easily tilting the machine gun up due to, y’ know, super strength, and fires off a bunch of bullets into the air; extending his intangibility to the bullets of course so that they don’t actually hit anything and forming some ectoplasm ‘round his friends' ears so he doesn’t, like, blow out their eardrums or some shit.
Dash stares at him a little bug-eyed before scowling, sticking his arms out to the side, and shouting back, “I haven’t bullied you in a year! Why you still giving me vague ass death threats!”.
Danny cackles, aims the gun to shoot the sign over the assholes head, and riddles it with bullets, “it’s payback bitch!”. Sure Danny would never have done that if he wasn’t absolutely certain his aim was so fucking flawless that there was zero chance of him hitting anything other than what exactly he wanted to. And sure, maybe he swirled some invisible ectoplasm around the bullet trajectory too but no one needs to know that. Dash predictably staggers back, flips him off, and books it down the road.
Danny lowers the gun with a chuckle, “that was fun. So worth getting shot a few times”. Sam blinks at him and looks more than a little not impressed, “you actually got shot, Danny”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “what, in any world, would make you think I didn’t get shot”. Sam just huffs, obviously having no argument for that. Because yeah, Danny always got shot or stabbed or electrocuted or set on fire or a lot of other things.
Tucker shakes his head, “and yet you look totally fine”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “Tuck, what can a regular ol’ bullet do to me”. That gets both his friends to blink and give him disbelieving, “wait, they weren’t even ecto-bullets”. Tucker shaking his head with a laugh at Danny’s nod, “wow, whoever really did, like, zero research”.
“I know right. We scared them real good though”.
Tucker laughs a bit more, “never before have I actually wished to be at a shooting”, shrugging, “first for everything”.
“Amen to that”, Danny emphasises that statement by smacking the gun.
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aerynwrites · 4 years
The Devil You Know - Part 4
Figuring Things Out
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(Gif by: @pedroispunk)
Author’s Note: Finally! Here is Chapter 4. I really really hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I had so much fun writing this you have no idea. I would really love to hear what you guys think about this chapter, and the series in general, hearing your feedback really helps keep me motivated to keep writing!
Word Count: 5.8k (oopsie)
Warnings: blood, canon typical violence, slight NSFW themes, fluff.
As always spanish to english translations are located at the bottom. (I do not speak spanish, so I am sorry for any formalities or things i got wrong)
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist
In the past week, it feels like nothing was going your way. You and Steve had made a considerable amount of headway in the investigation against the Los Carnales cartel, having gained some valuable info on the inner workings of the cartel and how they operated. However, just as good things started to happen, another problem seemed to crop up. It all pretty much started a few days after your date with Javier. An unknown group was on a violent streak in the area – market shootings, assassinations of important figures, and even bombings had started to crop up out of nowhere. The only conclusion that either you or Steve could come to was that they were part of the cartel – perhaps out to cause trouble in order to distract you and the Embassy from the bigger picture. But you weren’t having it, they were not about to stop you from taking the cartel down, not now. Which is why you ended up with Carrillo’s men at the town hall several blocks away.
Colonel Carrillo had received intel that the town hall was the next target of a bombing – and you all intended to stop it. And it seemed like you would, as you pulled up to the town hall just in time to see a small group of men crouched by the side of the building. The caravan screeched to  a halt in front of the building starling the men, just as You, Steve, and the Search Bloc exited your vehicles. At the sight of you all, the men scattered, running in all different directions.
You weren’t going to lose them.
“Steve with me!” you call to your partner, taking off to the right and following one of the men who bolted.
The man didn’t argue, just followed in your footsteps as you pursued the runner down various alleyways. It feels like a maze as you continue to chase after him, until you and Steve round the corner to a dead end, seeing the man flounder for an escape but unable to find one. You can feel your frustration from the past week bubble up inside you, along with your aggravation from the chase, and it fuels your actions as you stalk towards the man, gun aimed towards him as you approach.
“¡Manos donde pueda verlos pendejo!” you call, watching in slight surprise as he actually complies with your order.
He raises his hands above his head as you continue to approach, Steve comes with you and he cuffs him as you keep your gun aimed at the stranger until he’s securely apprehended. You drop your weapon slightly, guard still up, and walk until you’re only a few paces away.
“¿Por qué estabas en el Ayuntamiento?” you snap, voice harsh, “¿Para quién trabajas, eh?”
The man, who you quickly realize is quite young, probably only in his late twenties, rolls his eyes before spitting at your feet, “No te estoy diciendo nada, cerdo.”
It’s like his words cause the very thin string in you to finally snap, because before you can stop yourself, you are reaching forward and grasping the front of his shirt in your fist. You yank him from Steve’s grip and turn around, shoving him forward roughly. He stumbles, falling to the ground hard before rolling over onto his back, sending you a glare.
You take a few threatening steps forward, gun still lowered until you are standing at his feet, “si quieres salir de aquí, me vas a dar algo imbécil,” you say, your tone leaving nothing up for negotiation, as your patience starts to run thin.
However, he doesn’t seem to get the message, because instead of giving you an answer, he kicks his feet out in an attempt to knock you down. But you saw this coming and stepped out of the way before raising your gun.
“Wrong answer.”
Before either Steve or the perp on the ground could say anything, you pull the trigger on your pistol sending a round into the ground just inches from the man’s head, making concrete fly into the air. The man shrieks, and before you know it Steve is by your side hand on your weapon pushing it to the side forcefully.
“What the fuck was that?” he grinds out, eyes searching your face, a tinge of worry on his features.
You huff, “I’m trying to get answers, Steve! And if this asshole won’t give them to us, then I’ll make him,” you hiss, pushing your partner out of the way and stalking towards your target.
You don’t get very far before the man is holding his cuffed hands up, fear in his eyes, “No, no, por favor –“ he begs, “Por favor, no me mates, te diré lo que quieras, por favor.”
You don’t holster your weapon, ”¿Trabajas para el cartel, Los carnales?”
The man shakes his head violently, “No, señora. Estábamos con el cártel, pero nos fuimos. Queríamos hacer las cosas a su manera – el camino fuerte.”
Your eyes widen at the information, and you finally – slowly – holster your pistol, just as Carrillo enters the alleyway, a few of his men with him.
“What the hell happened?” he asked, “We heard a gunshot.”
You shook your head, “it was nothing,” you lie, seeing Steve roll his eyes in your periphery before turning your attention back to Carrillo, “Take him in,” you point to the man still on the ground, “He can give us more information. This group isn’t cartel like we thought, they used to be with the cartel, but they left. And they left for a reason,” you say.
Steve steps forward at this point, “So he could tell us why, and probably where the rest of the rogues are holed up,” he states, piecing together the situation.
Carrillo nods, turning back to his men and barking a few orders. They pick the man up and lead him away as Carrillo turns towards you, for once a hopeful look in his eye, “Good work. Maybe we can stop them before they do more damage,” he says, shaking your and Steve’s hand before returning the way they came.
You moved to follow after him, but a hand on your wrist stopped you. you turn to see Steve, brows furrowed together as he stares at you.
“What Steve?” you sigh, fully aware of what he was going to say.
“What the fuck was that?” he snaps, “You don’t even like being in the same building when Carrillo’s is questioning people, yet here you were ready to shoot someone – an unarmed someone – in the middle of the street.”
You yank your hand out of his grasp immediately defensive, “I did what I had to do Steve, we got answers didn’t we?” you sneer, turning to head back to the caravan, “come on. Before we get left behind.”
You hear Steve let out a frustrated sigh, before his footsteps followed you. you wouldn’t admit it, but your actions scared you. You never intended to almost blow the guy’s head off. You’ve never gotten that violent with an assailant before, so what has changed? This investigation, this cartel, Carlos’s death, it was all starting to have an effect on you.
What is happening to you?
It was nearing the end of the day as You and Steve started planning a raid of the rogue’s hide out. Carrillo had easily managed to get the information out of the man you had caught, finding out that the group was using a small house on the outskirts of the city as their base of operations. That left you and Steve the responsibility of planning the logistics of the raid, Carrillo would come in to help tomorrow.
“Hello?” Steve’s voice called, snapping you from your distracted state.
“Hmm?” you hummed, looking up from the papers on your desk to your partner who was giving you a somewhat concerned look.
“Are you okay?” he asks, “You’ve been out of it lately…you seem off,” he finally states, words laced with concern.
He wasn’t wrong. You had been out of sorts the past few weeks, unable to sleep properly ever since the shooting in the market. Ever since Carlos. When you did manage to find sleep, it was plagued with nightmares, images of Carlos lying on the ground or even Steve being the one on the floor instead. The lack of sleep was all starting to catch up with you, and evidently it was showing. Both in your actions today and in your life in general.
You let out a small sigh, “I’m fine Steve,” you begin, “I’ve just been distracted lately, this case has been…getting to me. That’s all,” you reply flippantly, deciding not to worry our partner with your personal problems. You’re sure he has plenty of his own to worry about, no need to add your issues on top.
Steve doesn’t seem entirely convinced, still obviously upset by your earlier display and so attuned to you by now after being partners for so long – but he sighs and lets it go.
“Well no better way to get your mind off of things than a few drinks, right?” he asks dropping his pen and looking at his watch, “Connie and I were going to go and grab some drinks after work. You should come,” he looks at you expectantly.
You mull over his proposition for a moment. You had intended on going back to your place – possibly seeing if Javier wanted to get together again, but maybe you could go for a drink instead. It sounded a lot more fun than moping around your apartment.
So, you nod, “Sure. Is it okay if I invite a friend though?” you ask, not wanting to intrude on Steve’s plans.
A mischievous look crosses your partners face as he wiggles his eyebrows, “hmm, a friend huh? How come I’ve never heard of this friend before now?” he teases, leaning back in his chair and putting his hands behind his head.
You feel your face flush at his jests, you open your mouth to speak, your initial reaction to say that Javier was more than just a friend, but you stopped yourself. You stopped because you weren’t even sure if that was true. Obviously, what you and Javier had was more than just friendship, but neither of you had put a label on it yet – so what were you really? Fuck buddies, friends with benefits? You shook your head – you would have to figure this out later.
“I didn’t think it was important,” you shrug, “We’ve only known each other for a couple of weeks. Our jobs keep us busy.”
Steve just hums, before standing from his seat, “Okay well, I have to go pick up Connie and then I’ll see you and your friend at the bar,” he says, grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair and heading towards the door.
You rolled your eyes at your partner before leaning forward and picking the phone up off the receiver to call Javier. You felt the all too familiar feeling of butterflies in your stomach as you dialed his number and waited for his answer. You all had talked a few times since your date, but you haven’t met up since – you both had been busy with work. You were chasing the rogue cartel members while Javier was dealing with his family’s plantation. At least that’s what he told you.
Little did you know, he was also trying to deal with the rogues that left his cartel and stole his goods. He had caught a few of them – making sure they understood the repercussions of their actions. Maybe if he was a little…louder in his methods of dealing with the traitors, no one would try to undermine him again. He was actually in the middle of discussing the rogue members movements with his men when his phone started ringing. He sighed, pulling the cigarette from his lips and snuffing it out in the ash tray before answering the phone.
“Buenos,” He mumbled into the receiver, hoping to make this conversation quick.
“Javi?” your sweet voice asked through the receiver, and he immediately sat up straighter, snapping at his men and pointing them out of the room. The obeyed without question.
“Bonita?” he asked, when his men were out of earshot, “Is something wrong?”
His heart sped up a little when your bubbling laughter reached his ears, “No, nothing’s wrong,” you reassure, “I was calling to see if you were free, actually.”
Javier didn’t answer right away, he was too busy trying to get his racing heart to slow and quell the feeling in his belly. He hadn’t asked for more dates or meet ups since the one a few weeks ago for a reason. He was still trying to gather himself, still trying to figure out what the hell he had gotten himself into. He was trying to figure out if it was even a good idea to still be around you anymore – it was all too confusing, too complicated for him to logically continue this way. yet, no matter how hard he tried, he felt drawn to you. He found himself eagerly awaiting phone calls from you, waiting to hear your voice and your laugh, to see your smile – and this worried him.
“Are you still there?” you voice spoke timidly.
Javier shook his head, as if that would somehow expel the thoughts from his mind and sat forward in his chair letting out a loud sigh, “Yeah I’m here.”
It’s like you could hear his inner turmoil, because before he could continue, you were speaking again, “if you’re not that’s fine –“ your words were spoken quickly, the words jumbling over themselves as you continued to ramble, “I just – my partner and his wife were going to get some drinks in a little bit and asked if I wanted to come and – and well I just thought that maybe you would want to come?” he could hear the hopefulness in your words despite the winded explanation, and he opened his mouth to respond but you beat him to it again.
“But I know you’re probably busy, and this is so last minute, I should have known-“
“Hey, hey slow down,” he cut off your rambling, voice amused yet firm, “I would love to come,” he said, and he meant it.
He just couldn’t stay away from you, and plus, one more night out wouldn’t hurt anything.
“Great! That’s –“ he heard you take in a deep breath, “That’s great, I’ll see you there – It’s the bar we usually go to,” you say, voice light and filled with relief.
“Okay,” he said, “I’m out at the plantation right now so it will take me a bit to get into town, but I’ll start heading that way.”
“okay, drive safe,” you tell him.
Javier smiles at your words, amused at your small show of concern for him, “I will. see you soon princesa.”
He then pulls the phone away from his ear and set it back down into its cradle, a large smile lingering on his lips.
God, what has he done to himself?
“So,” Connie begins, taking a sip from her drink, “What is this friend of your like?” she asks, curiosity lacing her words.
Steve took this opportunity to jump in as well, “Yes, please enlighten us on the details of this friend you never told us about.”
You roll your eyes. You, Steve, and Connie had arrived at the bar about half an hour ago and you had managed to avoid the topic of Javier until now. But it seems their curiosity got the better of them, so you decided to give in.
“Well I met him here actually,” you inform, reaching out and taking a few peanuts from the bowl on the table and popping them in your mouth, “it was the day we got the Cartel case. I came to celebrate, and he struck up a conversation with me.”
Connie’s leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand, “Is he handsome?”
You saw Steve roll his eyes as he took a swig of his beer, before you answered her question, “Yes Connie,” you giggle, “He’s quite easy on the eyes,” you then feel a flush creep up your cheeks and you start to pick at a thread on the dress you had changed into, “Not too bad in the more…physical realm either,” you mumble.
You hear Connie let out a high pitch giggle at your comment just as Steve lets out a low groan and stands from his seat, “And that’s my cue to go get more drinks – you guys are terrible,” he chastises playfully walking over to the bar to get more drinks for the table.
Connie immediately leans into the table, voice lowered slightly as her eyes sparkled with mischief, “So…Spill!”
If your face wasn’t flushed already, you knew it had to be red as a tomato now, “I’m not just going to talk about my sexual exploits Connie!”
She whines, “Why not? I need details! I’ve been with Steve forever – and while he is far from disappointing –“
You wave your hands in the air and make an exaggerated gagging noise, “Connie stop. Oh my god I do not need to know about my partners sex life, please.”
She just lets out a loud laugh and takes another sip of her drink, “Come on – Please?” she practically begs, “Is he like totally vanilla? Or is he into to other things?”
You cover your face with your hands, “Connie, please!”
She shakes her head, “I’m not gonna stop until you give me something. so is he-“
You finally plant your hands firmly on the table, “Oh my god okay!” you whisper shout, “no he’s not totally vanilla, yes he’s into other stuff, and before you ask because I know you will – Yes he is above average. Are you happy now?” you huff, the heat of embarrassment creeping up your neck.
You expect the woman to throw even more questions at you but instead you see her hand over her mouth, stifling laughter as she looks behind you.
“So,” a familiar baritone fills your ears, “I’m above average, huh?”
You slowly turned to the side, seeing Javier standing just to the side and behind you, a smug grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye. If the earth were to open up beneath you right now, you would have gladly dived in headfirst. Your skin was hot with embarrassment as Javier leaned over and pressed a kiss to your lips before sliding into the booth next to you.
“How much of that did you hear exactly?” you mumbled.
Javier just chuckled and slid his arm around your waist and pressed another kiss to your temple, his lips ghosting over your ear, “Oh, I heard enough,” he whispered, breath warm as it fanned over your already heated skin.
You wanted to shrink down into your seat, but Javier didn’t give you time to dwell in your embarrassment as he extended his hand to Connie, “Javier. It’s nice to meet you – although it sounds like you already know who I am,” he introduces, voice teasing.
Connie takes his hand in her own politely, “Well actually she hadn’t even told me your name yet,” she says, sending a playful wink your way and letting Javier take his hand back.
Javier just gave you an amused look, “you didn’t even tell her my name before you told her all about my –“
You cut him off, pointing an accusing finger at Connie, “She was the one who asked!” you cried, “I didn’t even want to have this discussion.”
“What discussion?” Steve’s voice asked, returning to the table with drinks in hand.
“Oh, Steve thank god-“ you whine, “Please save me from your wife and the trouble she has caused me.”
Steve just laughs, and sets the drinks down before sliding into the booth, his eyes landing on Javier as he passes the drinks around, “Hey man, I hope you like whiskey, because that’s what I’ve got,” he said, offering a glass of amber liquid to Javier.
He just nods, taking the glass from Steve’s hand and pulling his arm from around your waist to offer it to Steve, “My favorite, actually,” he says, shaking hands with Steve firmly, “Javier. And you must be Steve.”
Your partner smiles and nods, casting a glance your way, “That’s me,” he takes a sip of his drink, “Hope missy over there hasn’t told you all bad things.”
You chuckle at his words and felt the butterflies return as Javi gives one of his own laughs and returns his arm to your waist, “Not all bad things,” he jests, “but she’s told me some pretty good stories.”
The night goes on like this, just the four of you talking and catching up as if you were all old friends. It was a comforting feeling, knowing that Javier seemed to fit right in with you and the people you cared about. It was all so…domestic – and it brought your thoughts from earlier back. what was this between you and Javier? Despite not having an answer, you found yourself wanting more. More of this…whatever this was. And the fact that Javier had gotten more handsy as the night drew on wasn’t helping this feeling.
“So, what is it you do for work Javier?” Steve asked, pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and offering one to the man next to you.
He graciously accepts and pulls his arm from around you to grab his lighter. He puts the stick between his lips and opens his lighter, igniting the cigarette and storing his lighter away.
“My family owns a coffee bean plantation on the outskirts of town. I’m in charge of the managerial side of things – exports, profits, shipping, stuff like that,” he explains.
You expected him to wrap his arm around you again but are caught off guard when instead his hand falls to your thigh, his fingers creeping under the hem of your dress slightly. suddenly you were very happy you decided to go home and change before meeting the group at the bar.
You tried to pay attention to the conversation, dropping in when you had something to add, but you found it harder and harder to focus with his hand on you. He would switch from rubbing soothing circles in your skin to gliding his hand up and down, stopping a little higher each time. Eventually after several torturous moments of this, his hand rested a little too high for your comfort and you shot up from your seat slightly.
“I-uh,” you stumbled over your words, “I’m gonna go get more drinks. Do you guys want anymore?” you ask, sending a playful glare to Javier asking him to move so you could get out.
They all nodded their confirmation as Javier slid from the booth to let you out. He helped you stand before returning to his seat, sending you a playful wink as you walked to the bar.
That coy bastard. He knew what he was doing to you, and he was proud of it. You stuck your tongue out at him playfully and watch as his shoulders shook with laughter as he returned to his conversation.
You finally made it up to the bar and waved the bartender down, ordering your drinks. You waited patiently for him to make some other customers drinks before he got to yours. You leaned your elbows on the bar, leaning forward just slightly as you waited, when suddenly you felt a presence at your side – a little too close for comfort. You turned and you saw an unfamiliar man standing next to you, eyes unabashedly roaming your figure.
“Te ves bien esta noche Chica,” He called, eyes never leaving your body.
You scoff and turn away from him, silently begging the bartender to hurry up. That is until you felt a harsh grip on your upper arm.
“Oye, te estoy hablando bruja,” his voice snaps, turning you harshly to face him.
“¡Suéltame cabrón!” you snarl, trying to pry his hand from you.
But before you can shove him off, he’s pulling you closer to him his free hand coming down to grab your ass, “¿Por qué?” His breath is warm and reeks of alcohol as it fans over your face, “Apuesto a que podría follarte mejor que ese pendejo de ahí” he breathes, making your stomach churn as he shoves his nose into your neck.
You push at him even harder now, “Get your fucking hands off of me!” you shout, the last word coming out high pitched as he groped you harder.
Before you even realized what was happening, the man was being ripped off of you and thrown to the ground and Connie and Steve were by your side, questions spilling from their lips – asking if you were okay and what had happened. But you couldn’t focus, your eyes were glued to the scene in front of you as Javier stood over the man who assaulted you, his shirt gripped fiercely in one hand while the other laid blow after sickening blow to the man’s face. You heard shouts from the other patrons in the bar and it finally broke you from your stupor. You pulled out of your friends grasp and moved towards Javier, who was still beating the absolute shit out of the guy while cursing at him.
“No la tocas, ¿me oyes?” he yelled, every other word enunciated by another blow.
You finally reach them and lunge for Javier, hands wrapping forcefully around his arm before he can hit the man again, “Javier stop!” you shouted.
But he didn’t stop, he just pulled his arm from your grip and continued beating the guy, and at this point a small seed of fear planted itself in your chest. The feral look on Javi’s face and the utter ruthlessness in his actions worried you. He was going to kill this man.
You looked back at Steve quickly, eyes begging for help, and he seemed to get the message. He rushed forward, and with your combined strength, you were able to pull Javier away from the man. You heard the bartender yell at you all to get out and you didn’t argue, glancing back and seeing the man unconscious on the floor as a few people crowded around him. once you were to the door of the bar, Javier roughly shrugged from your and Steve’s grip and shoved the doors open. You winced at the sound of them slamming against the wall before following him out.
You turned behind you, seeing that Connie had thoughtfully managed to grab all of your things from the table before you were kicked out, and you took your purse from her.
“I’m so sorry,” you say looking from them back to Javier who was lighting another cigarette and taking a long drag, “You guys should go home, I’ll talk to him.”
Steve looked at you warily, “Are you sure you want to be alone with him? After what he just did?”
You put a reassuring hand on his arm, giving it a small squeeze, “He won’t hurt me Steve, I promise.”
He glanced from you to the man a few feet away before sighing and pulling you into a hug, “okay,” he said, and you moved to give Connie a hug as well before stepping back slightly, “I’ll see you at work tomorrow,” Steve said, tugging Connie closer to him and turning to walk back to their car.
You let out a small sigh before turning around to go to Javier – this was not how this night was supposed to go. As you approach him you see that he has calmed down slightly, the only thing off about him is the hand holding his cigarette is shaking, blood and bruising covering his knuckles. He speaks before you can, stepping towards you as one hand cradles your face.
“Are you okay, Querida?” he asks gently, his eyes dancing across your face for any indication that you were harmed.
You shake your head and take his hand in yours, removing it from your cheek, “What was that Javier?” you question.
His lips fell into a firm line and he clenched his jaw for a moment before pulling the cigarette to his mouth and taking a deep breath. you wait patiently, as he exhales the smoke slowly, eyes looking off into the distance.
“I just-“ he sighed, scratching his brow with his thumb, the smoldering stick held between his fingers, “when I saw what has happening – when I saw his hands all over you – touching you like that,” his voice is filled with disgust as he takes another drag, breathing out the smoke again, “It’s like I couldn’t stop myself, I just – He shouldn’t have touched you like that.”
As you watched him take one final drag before tossing the filter to the ground and squashing it, you couldn’t help the conflicted feelings that bubbled inside you. You were grateful to him, obviously, that man had assaulted you and who knows what would have happened if Javier hadn’t stepped in. He protected you, something that should make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Yet, as you looked at his bloodied hand and remembered the primal scene in the bar…you also felt scared. Javier absolutely lost it, and he was powerful, you saw that on full display. So why did you still feel drawn to him? you should tell him to get lost, that you never want to see him again, but words spill out of your mouth faster than you can stop them, as you take his injured hand in your gently.
“Come on,” you whisper, tugging him in the direction of your car, “Let’s at least get your hand taken care of.”
The car ride to your apartment was silent, neither of you saying a word until you entered your apartment and locked the door behind you. You wordlessly walked into the kitchen and Javier followed, watching as you dug around under the sink for the first aid kit. Once you had it in hand you walked over and pulled a stool out from under the island, pointing to it.
“Sit,” you command quietly, grabbing the disinfectant and gauze from the kit while he got situated.
Javier was silent for a while, a million thoughts running through his head as he watched you work. But the one that kept coming to the fore front of his mind was the one that bothered him most. He was worried he had ruined everything.
But why should he be? This is what he wanted after all – an excuse to get away from you and the feeling you stirred within him. however, the only thing he felt at the thought was an intense ache. He didn’t want to entertain the idea of never seeing you again, especially if it was because you were scared of him. He was surrounded by people that were scared of him every day, the citizens of this country were scared of him and they didn’t even know who he was. El Diablo is what they called him, the devil. He scoffed at the thought, and that seemed to catch your attention.
You glanced up from your work, catching his gaze before looking back down again, “Penny for you thoughts?”
He doesn’t answer right away, only speaking when you finish with his hand, tying the gauze into place and taking a step closer to him.
He finally looks up at you, your eyes level with his with him sitting down and you standing in front of him, “are you afraid? Of me?” his words are quiet and they rumble in his chest as he speaks.
Your eyes soften at his words, and you fold your arms in front of you loosely, shrugging your shoulders, “What you did was insane, Javi. It was – “ you chew on the inside of your cheek momentarily before continuing, “yeah, I was scared,” you breath.
You watch as he seems to deflate at your words so you step forward quickly, hands coming to rest on the back of his neck, “But I’m not afraid of you,” you assure, “I know you would never hurt me. At least I would hope not.”
His head snaps up at your words and he stands from his seat, taking your face in his hands firmly, “No, no, never,” he stressed, “I would never hurt you.”
He doesn’t let you respond, he just surges forward, connecting his lips to yours in a fierce kiss. It’s desperate and needy, as his lips clash with yours, and his tongue swipes along your lower lip. You don’t hesitate in allowing him entrance. Your mouths move against each other hungrily – like you both had been starved before this moment, every emotion either of you had held back was thrown into this kiss, this…declaration. His hands move from your face down your body until they land on your hips, squeezing harshly and earning a gasp from you. Your hands had moved up, fingers carding through his hair and tugging slightly just as his hands gave you another harsh grasp, and the groan he emits is sinful as he pulls away from you.
You can see what he wants, the desire plain as day in his eyes, and you want to say something, anything, but he attaches his lips to your neck and your brain seems to short circuit, failing to get the one question you have been holding onto all night past your lips. but the feeling of his fingers creeping under the hem of your sundress kick starts your brain again and you push at his shoulders lightly.
He pulls away immediately, worried eyes searching yours, “What’s wrong? Did I – “
“What is this?” you blurt out, the words spilling over your lips before you can stop them, causing a silence to hang in the air.
It was out. The question you had been thinking about all day - that had been plaguing your mind since your first date. And Javier didn’t know how to respond. His mind, previously foggy with lust and too many emotions he couldn’t identify, was now blank. He didn’t know how to answer, because he didn’t have one. What were you? were you friends?
No estúpido, you’re more than that.
Friends with benefits?
He shook his head at this thought. No, that wasn’t it either.
You pulled away from him slightly, “Javi?”
He looked up to you now, unable to miss the innocent hope in your eyes as you waited for his answer, so he shook his head again, closing his eyes momentarily before looking back up to you.
“What do you want us to be?”
¡Manos donde pueda verlos pendejos! – hands where I can see them asshole!
¿Por qué estabas en el Ayuntamiento? – why were you at town hall?
¿Para quién trabajas, eh? – who do you work for, huh?
No te estoy diciendo nada, cerdo. – I’m not telling you anything, pig.
si quieres salir de aquí, me vas a dar algo imbécil – If you want to walk out of here, you’re going to give me something asshole.
Por favor, no me mates, te diré lo que quieras, por favor – Please don’t kill me, I’ll tell you whatever you want, please.
¿Trabajas para el cartel – Do you work for the cartel?
No, señora. Estábamos con el cártel, pero nos fuimos. Queríamos hacer las cosas a su manera – el camino fuerte. – No ma’am. We were with the cartel, but we left. We wanted to do things out own way – the loud way.
Te ves bien esta noche Chica – you look good tonight girl.
Oye, te estoy hablando bruja – hey, I’m talking to you bitch!
¡Suéltame cabrón! – Let go of me bastard!
Por Que – Why?
Apuesto a que podría follarte mejor que ese pendejo de ahí – I bet I could fuck you better than that asshole over there,
No la tocas, ¿me oyes? – you don’t fucking touch her. Do you hear me?
Permanent Taglist: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck @sebastianstanslefteyebrow @stillreadingfantasy @pedrosdoll @simonsbluee  @justlovetoreadfics @discogrrl @maryan028 @asaucecoveredsomething @hiscyarika @theforceofdisney @hail-doodles @murdermewithbooks @getinthepoolkeanu @ah-callie @adikaofmandalore @fleurdemiel145 @fioccodineveautunnale @harrypotter-life2 @mandalorian-theway @spxcedxdddy @dizzydazed @readsalot73 @wickedfrsgrl @shayna-winchester @blushingwueen @oloreaa
Pedro Tag: @lustriix @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii @longitud-de-onda @jellyfishpoptart @mutantsandproud @pascalisthepunkest @24kgolden @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @mrsparknuts @theocatkov @yabby-girl @mybarnesmyhero @sarcastic-space-gal
TDYK Series Tag: @peggers-n-beggers @hannahdanyelle @icandothisallday @kristalhi​ @lucienjynix @hello-im-bi​ @hillarymurray4​
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
01 - You’re Familiar
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This chapters songs:
Daughter Of A Cop; TV Girl
I Hope To Be Around; Men I Trust
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi; Radiohead
— Y. L. Perspective
My breath got louder and louder each second I ran. With my bento box hitting my hips, bag tossing around, and my skirt flying up, there was no way things could get any worse.
But luckily just around the corner, I spotted students climbing onto it, which made my feet run even faster.
Near late on my first day? Damn, Y/n, way to start your year.
   Just then, I heard the sharp hiss of the engine, sending me faster towards the vehicle than I had been pacing myself before. But still, the driver was ignorant, obviously not caring how much I needed this. It wasn't like my parents would take me anyways.
"WAIT..! PLEASE WAIT!" I started on the side of the bus, running side to side with the wheels. After a few seconds of loud disruption, it finally stopped. The break was hard, and students inside were heard making remarks of protest.
Sure, I felt bad for the people who had to get a brake check, but I on the other hand was completely out of breath and near dead. Couldn't they spare me?
"I'm, I'm so.. I'm so sorry I.." My breath is short, and loud while I breathe in and out, trying my best to try and explain my tardiness to the driver. He simply sighs, gesturing for me to seat myself already.
While I stumbled down the aisle, I received a few weird glances from fellow students. Some familiar and some new. I couldn't tell if it was because of my reputation, or because I looked like a hot mess. Either way, it was too early in the morning for one to give a damn. And so, I seat myself next to another student, finally resting from the marathon I had just run.
I sighed, rolling my head back, and placed my fingers on my temples. 'I probably look like a mess right now.' I thought, letting out a huge sigh. Once I sat my fingers back down onto my lap, I observed more of the people I was surrounded by.
Some third years I was familiar with, a few that wouldn't dare speak to me, and some that were strangers. Other second and first years I didn't know at all; throughout high school, I thought it'd be best to stay hidden and introverted, especially if I were to become popular in the music industry. Lots of young stars still went to school, and usually got dirt easily thrown onto their title and that's exactly what I would avoid this year.
Bringing me back to reality, I capture a peek coming from the boy I was seated next to. He had fluffy gray hair and seemed just as tired as me. But the bus was so dark, I couldn't completely make out his features.
"Something wrong?" I said to him.
He jumped a little, adjusting his eyes back down to his phone. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to stare. I just- I think I know you from somewhere."
"Lots of people know me, buddy—" I lifted my head, facing him. 'Hey, this guy does pretty familiar. But there's no way I'd forget a face like his. Then again, I have the memory of an 80-year-old woman.' I think to myself, examining his features in an awkward mood.
"Wow, it is you. (Y/n), it's been quite a while!" He smiled widely, reaching a hand out to me. I only froze, too confused to comprehend the situation. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you're doing well!"
"I-Im sorry?" I question, wondering why a stranger would confront me this way. But something was off— I knew him, I just couldn't remember where from. Maybe from previous classes, or from a concert?
He turns slightly, growing a smile on his pale face. "I was trying to figure out if it was you or not, but it is! It's great to see you're better. How are you?"
"Who are you?" I ask back, a bit frightened.
"Uhm, well, I sat next to you in math class during my first year. Remember? I was a little ditzy, kind of annoying, I never shut up about volleyball..?" He asks, hoping to get a hint of nostalgia. "Come on, you've gotta recognize me, right?"
"Wait, Sugawara!" My finger jumps out, pointing to his sitting figure. "I'm sorry I couldn't recognize you! It sure has been quite a while. But I definitely remember you, now! You were one of the people who talked to me during my first year.. thanks for that. Anyways, how've you been?"
"I think that's my line, L/n." Suga pats my shoulder, then places his hand onto his lap. "You've changed so much! I've gotta know how you're doing!"
"I-I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing in your perspective, but thanks anyway. I've been doing just fine." I explain before a yawn escapes my mouth. Sure, this conversation was energetic, but I certainly wasn't.
"Again, so very sorry for being so forgetful. I don't remember much from first year, especially not anything in math, but I sure do recognize you now." I say, hoping my rudeness from before wouldn't have any effect on how he viewed me. Not that I cared, of course.
Luckily, Sugawara was forgiving that day. With a wide grin, he replies, "No need to apologize. People change drastically during high school; we're no exceptions. Although, I would've enjoyed being mutuals with you throughout most of it! I wonder why I haven't seen you around until today... I believe the last time we had talked was around the last day of first year."
"Yeah, we didn't have any classes together. If we had, I'm sure we would have stirred up a discussion. You seem very kind. " I gently smile, rubbing the nape of my neck. I tend to forget any bad memories, and the beginning of high school sure was a fat one.
"What a shame, you too seem wonderful.." He comments, gazing towards me for a split second, before reverting his focus. "A-anyways, it's a bit of a surprise I saw you here. Have you always ridden the bus? I usually take it in the mornings as well."
"I've actually just moved into this neighborhood. My parents work more hours than ever, so they decided it's best if I'm closer to school so that I can get to school and back quickly." I explain, tapping the sage green bento in my lap, before setting it on my side.
Sugawara nods, understanding the circumstances. "That makes sense. I'm sure you'll enjoy it now that you've got a friend in the neighborhood. Although, a girl like you must be quite familiar, right?"
'Is that intended to be disrespectful, or am I just tripping?' I think to myself, asking him to spell out the meaning of that remark. "I'm sorry, what? A girl like me?"
"Oh, crap! I didn't mean that to sound rude— I meant because of your band! I understand you guys are the talk around school, considering you're getting pretty popular in the field."
A sigh of relief leaves my lips, preparatory to my correction. "Oh, my band. I'm not sure I necessarily make friends, more like connections and acquaintances. Only a couple of students know about the band, and usually just the down-low ones. But enough about me, what about you, hm? I assume still volleyball obsessed."
I had obviously steered in the wrong direction with our conversation, for Suga's aura quickly altered at the mention of the sport. "Eh, I'm not as excited about it as I used to be." He says, along with a hint of dissatisfaction in his raspy voice.
"No way. What happened to cheerful Sugawara who asked me, the lamest, to join the girls' team?" I ask, hoping a bit of that childish personality was still inside the older version of Suga. The one which was taller, more masculine, more of a man than before.
"Honestly, can't tell you. 'Teams has been a mess ever since I've joined." He leans back in his seat, stretching his arms out, before placing them around his neck from behind. "We're hanging on my a very thin thread."
"Dang, that really sucks. You never know, things can always turn out better." I say, doing as he did, and resting against the leather seats.
"Yeah, of course. I guess it's pretty hard to keep going after so many fails, haha." A sad chuckle leaves his mouth, as he sighs.
"Anyway, nice talking. I'm outta take a quick power nap; I barely got sleep last night. Mind waking me up when we get to school?"
"Yeah, of course," Sugawara replies. With that, I'm left with laying music in my ears like always, and nodded off to slumber.
"Hey, sleepyhead. We're at school," I hear someone say, feeling a tap of a cold finger on my nose. Almost immediately, I shoot up from my position, standing directly above Sugawara while students leave the bus with their bags, having loud discussions of excitement. Was there anything more embarrassing than falling asleep on someone who ghosted you as a friend?
"Dear God, I'm terribly sorry." I panic, brushing down my blue skirt. "That happens on rides, it was a mistake."
"Oh, it's no big deal! Don't worry—" Suga chuckles, standing up from sitting. But before I could let him talk anymore, I started making my way towards the exit of the bus.
"Uhm, I've gotta go! Great talking, though. I'll catch you later, have a good day," I mumble, before frantically leaving the vehicle. 'What a morning.'
— K. S. Perspective
Before I could grant Y/n a polite goodbye, she'd disappeared in just a few seconds. But even so, the measly to,e I'd discussed with her was quite enjoyable. I couldn't believe how much she'd changed.
Long ago, the beginning of high school, Y/n was the type of girl you could barely see, as if she were invisible. I think the only reason I ever even noticed her was because we were seated next to each other in math class, and she immediately caught my attention. But thank goodness I had at least tried making an effort to talk to her, or else we wouldn't have had our conversation this morning. But it wasn't her fault she was so gloomy; supposedly she had lost someone close to her the year before.
Although our talk was brief, it still meant a lot to me. Especially since I was informed that she was finally happy. Looking down at the seat she used, there was a small box with a handle at the top, and a few anime stickers covering it.
'Is this what was making that loud tapping noise on the way here?' I asked myself, examining the box more. Small initials marked 'Y.L.' We're at the bottom, informing me it was Y/n's. At first, I considered handing it to our bus driver, but for the few years I've known him I learned he doesn't return lost things. And so, I leave the bus with it in my hands, ready to start my morning.
"Suga!" I hear a familiar voice call out to me. Looking up, I see my friend, Daichi, and another fellow behind him, Tanaka. The two of them jog towards me, with their scarfs unfolding in the wind. Both I had met in volleyball, and they've been my buddies ever since.
"Hey, Sugawara!" Tanaka exclaims, roughly slapping my back. The bento tosses in my hands, thankfully not spilling onto the floor. Unfortunately, he notices the box and snatches it right out of my hold. "Wow, feeling a bit girly, are we?"
I laugh in response, quickly taking it back. "It's not mine, it belongs to the person who sat next to me today. Hopefully, if I see her again I can give return it."
"Hopefully?" Daichi teases, as we all begin our walk towards the school doors. "Do you know her name?"
"Yeah, her name's Y/n. Know her?"
He lights up at the mention of their name, replying "Oh, I know her! That girl you never shut up about I in first year, correct?"
"Ha, yeah."
Tanaka doesn't understand, digging deeper into the situation. "What?! I've never known good ole' Suga to genuinely have feelings for a girl, unless it was some fling."
"I don't! I used to. There's a difference." I say, as we enter the building.
"If she rides your bus, then why don't you just give it to the driver? She'll probably go looking for it later at the end of the day. That is unless you wanna see her again.." Daichi teases me.
"You see, I would. But the bus driver is sort of a thief, and this girl has had a rough morning as it is. I just wanna be nice." I explain to him. Though a part of me did want to see her again and hope that we could talk longer than we did before.
"Sure you do," Tanaka says, patting our backs. "Listen, this is my stop. I'll catch you guys at practice?"
"Sure thing, bye." We say our farewells, and make our way towards the third-year halls. "What about you, Daichi? Got anything exciting happening this hour?"
"If stressing about volleyball counts, then yes! Most definitely.." He says, clearing his throat. "Watch, like, two people show up."
"Actually, Kiyoko informed us in the group chat that we've got at least four! That's better than last year, right?" I try my best to cheer him up, but it only made him even more nervous. I couldn't blame him. Too much was even more of a burden, but too little was a disappointment and would leave us exactly where we left off.
"It's okay, Suga. I have a lot of faith in our team. I know it's been rough lately, but as long as we try our best, we'll work this out." Daichi smiles, turning towards a separate hallway than mine. "I'm off to homeroom. See you later!"
"Yeah, see ya!" I'm left by myself, giving me more time to focus on what should happen today. - 1st, I have to go through each class and say hi to a couple of familiars, and hopefully not see anyone I've had a conflict with.
- 2nd, I had to give Y/ns bento back to them, but that could only happen if we happened to have a class with each other before, or if we had the same lunch.
- 3rd, volleyball tryouts were this afternoon. I had to make sure and represent myself as a role model, and make it clear I was vice-captain. I wanted nothing more than for the new players to feel safe.
But internally, I knew none of those plans would work out. Especially if I wasn't focused on them. Currently, all I could think about was Y/n, and how refreshing it felt to be around her again. When I was first around her was at the same time when things in my life started to fall apart, and my little crush on her made me feel better about it all. I guess you could say she was my comfort corner, even if she talked to me only once or twice during the week. And sometimes on her bad days, I would be able to at least get a laugh out of her, even if it meant making a complete fool out of myself.
All I wanted was for her not to harm herself or feel lonely, which took a quick turn towards me once the year had ended. Not only had my thing for her end, but my family soon fell apart after my mother had passed away. Of course, I still had my responsibilities like volleyball club and helping my younger sister and my father get through it. But it seemed that everyone would do their own thing, so I did the same. And for a while, I was lonely and didn't cope with the loss very well. Just like Y/n, I distanced myself.
This went on throughout my entire second year of high school, while she on the other hand started to get her life together. She started her band, made and covered a couple of songs, and finally healed from her hard year. Honestly, I didn't even really believe that she was in such a good state, but I was proven wrong today. Ultimately, she truly inspired me to pick myself up and start fresh. And now that she popped up so suddenly, I was back to square one.
'It's been a while, Y/n'
Give me notes.
SO, I've finally rewritten the first chapter of my fanfiction!! It took a while, but I did it. If you didn't know, I started this story about eight months ago, and I had no writing experience. Now that I'm reaching the climax of this story, I decided I should edit the chapter, especially since they sucked ass! Nothing much was changed, just far more detailing and extra feelings.
Overall, thanks so much for reading the first chapter. Please vote if you enjoyed it!! It helps others know that it's worth reading. And if not, no worries. Thanks anyways. I love you all so much!
- your friendly Suga simp
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 008
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: New chapter!! Revenge plots, unlikely allies, and a romantic dip. TW: Hints of teen bullying and mentions of pica. Billy's anger gets scary for a hot sec. Enjoy!!  TAGLIST OPEN!!
Chapter 8: Because My Calendar Is Open
   “Wish it was warm enough to eat outside.” Evie grumbled. Picking crust off her sandwich. 
   Ignored Carol’s cackling three tables away. All the clicking of cutlery on plastic trays grated worse.
   “How was that dinner at Billy’s?” Heather looked up from her lunch.
   “Susan had to call and cancel. I guess she wasn’t feeling well.” Evie frowned. Wondered if Neil liked her staying out late with Mona and her friends. “Rain check.” 
   Behind Heather, Steve Harrington was wandering with a tray. Looking lost as he always did this time. No longer friends with Tommy and giving Nancy and Jonathan some space.
   “Steve.” Evie piped up, pressing her lips. “Want to sit with us?”
   He blinked. Crossed. 
   “Yeah...that’s cool.” He slid into the bench next to Evie. Plastered a little charm. “Ladies.”
   “Hey.” Heather’s smile brought pink into Steve’s soft cheeks.
   “Evie, you know Hargrove is staring at you, right?” Steve started to cut into his slab of meatloaf, gesturing with his chin. “What’s the deal with that? He’s been trying to use his laser eyes since school started again.”
   Evie spotted Billy a couple tables behind Heather. Intent. He didn’t look away when their eyes met. Evie just shrugged.
   “I don’t know what you mean, he’s just annoying. Forgot he even existed.” Evie scooped up some mushy peas and gagged them down. Heather studied her.
   “He’s a little prick.” She decided.
   “He’s a dumb guy.”
   “He’s not a guy, Evie, he’s a prick.”
   Steve snickered at them.
   “You reject him or something? Seems like a persistent asshole.” Steve went on.
   “As if Billy Hargrove would ever be into me.” Evie looked away. Said that before.
   “Whatever. Billy and his penis don’t deserve you.” Heather got Steve choking on milk laughing. Some came out his nose. “Oh no!”
   “Here.” Evie was giggling too, pressing a napkin to her friend’s mouth and nose. “Heather, go easy on him.”
   “So much for King Steve, right?” A laugh followed but it sounded weak. Evie only pressed her lips.
   “Royalty is overrated. Steve is fine.” She smiled a little for him. Met his dewy eyes and pulled away. When she faced Heather, Billy was gone. “Heather and I were hitting the movies after school. Want to go with us?”
   “Like hang out?” Steve perked so Heather nodded too. All smiles. “Uh, yeah. I’d like that. I’ll drive.”
   “Perfect. We do this thing where we show up and watch whatever is playing soon. Bad or not... Oh, shoot...I gotta hit the library, I forgot to return something.” Heather winked and got up to dispose of her trash. Left Evie with the pretty boy.
   “You ride your bike in, don’t you?” Steve turned his head as Evie picked up her water. “It’s winter.”
   “Seasons change, my boy.” Evie sipped, beaming.
   “I just wondered if maybe you wanted like a ride to school and back.”
   “Heather usually is able to grab me. The before and after school extracurriculars are starting to pile for her…” She blinked.
   “You live on Cherry, you’re not out of the way for me.” 
   “I so am.” Evie chuckled and shrugged.
   “Just a ride, maybe you can help me graduate.” Steve held out a hand. “Fair?”
   “Sure.” They shook on it. “Thanks.”
   “Well, well, well.” Carol flipped her helmet of orange hair aside and settled palms flat on the table. “Fallen from grace and now sucking up to the ice queen. I hear pretty boys can thaw her though, Steve, so you might get lucky for once. Does Mr. Bowers even speak to other students, or are you just needy enough for the list?”
   “Carol. I already know the answer,” Steve touched his chest, “but, do you really have nowhere better to be?”
   “Looks like Fenny gets around, huh?” Tommy curled an arm around his girl’s shoulder. Flashed that crooked smile. “Just going down the list now.”
   Normally, Evie would have spoken up. Witty comeback. But, she just glared at the ugly cafeteria tiles.
   “How about you get lost?” Steve continued. Evie’s hands curled into her lap. The amusement from their friends just grew louder and she couldn’t stand it. Anger burned white hot and a bark stopped them all.
   “Hey.” Billy crossed back in. Few tables stopped to see him command. “Knock it off, let’s go.”
   “Just leave it the fuck alone, Carol. Yeah? This shit is done to death and I’m over it. You’re being really pathetic. Both of you. C’mon.” Billy flared up, head cocking. “Only gonna ask you idiots once, the fucking cackling is giving me a headache. Leave her alone from now on, unless you want a problem with me. Bye.”
   He pointed toward the door. Not joking. A few students moved to go.
   Carol and Tommy both seemed to sag and follow after them. Their friends at the table decided the fun was over and crossed out too.
   Billy cast Evie one lingering stare, ignored Steve, and went the other direction. Shoved the door to go outside.
   “Did...that just happen? What’s up with him, seriously?” Steve turned back to Evie staring at where Billy had disappeared too. Lips parted.
   “I...I don’t know.” She asserted. “And I don’t care, I gotta...go.”
   “You barely ate anything.”
   “Filled up at breakfast, not much of an appetite.” Evie forced a chuckle. “See you in class?”
   “Sure…” Steve pushed his hands into his pockets. Let her go.
** ** **
   Billy didn’t appear again from all his smoke and stars. Never quipped about those almost heroics from the days before. But, his snapping kept Carol and her gaggle off of Evie completely.
   Like magic.
   More January snow fell with the weekend. Never ending frost with a perfect blanket of peace. Icicles shimmering on every house. The whole street sparkled.
   Evie bundled and slung a bag over one shoulder. Figured venturing into town was better than sitting in a freezing house contemplating what to swallow next.
   She tried to slow. To stop. To let things pass. This habit was eating her right back.
   Evie started to pass the Hargrove house and looked up to watch the new flurries fall. Too delicate upon her cheeks. Like confetti. 
   She thought of the intimate way Billy had touched her lips with two fingers to brush a piece away before kissing her. Again and again. 
   The thought bloomed unwanted roses up her cheeks. 
   She caught a glimmer on the sidewalk right in front of Billy’s car and Neil’s truck parked there. Couldn’t stop herself from shiny things. Bent down and pulled her glove off to pluck something silver up. A chain. And a pendant came with as Evie held it out from her expression. 
   A Playboy charm. 
   Crouched there, she sighed into pure cold. Blinked and let her eyes focus on Billy’s car beyond it. Quiet and undisturbed.
   So, Evie thought.
   Lips parted when she saw the passenger side door. Even with a few splatters of snow, words came into focus.
   Carved crude and angry into the side.
   Bold, ugly letters.
   Evie shot to her feet. Shuddering and alert like someone was watching.
   “Oh, my god.” She puffed, cradling the chain to her chest.
   By some twist of horrible fate, the front door beyond the porch opened.
   Billy stepped out. Cool as a cucumber. Lighting a cigarette. Stunning in a brown, leather bomber.
   Feet shuffled back. She stared at Billy with this clear look of horror when he spotted her.
   “Photo will last longer, Angel, but I charge for them.” He quipped, massaging his front suggestively. Lighter flicking closed. 
   Billy hadn’t seen his car.
   Evie felt adrenaline kick in when the bus passed behind her. Steps hurried up the sidewalk to get on it without glancing back. A hand covered her lips. Evie paid and sat down. Dared to peer back at Billy’s house.
   He was standing between the vehicles. Eyes pointed on the craving. 
   And then he slowly lifted his blaring gaze to where she’d disappeared too.
   Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
   Evie thought she might have a panic attack right there. Tried to catch her breath until the bus rolled onto Main Street before a hand tugged frantically to get off. She went into the first store she saw. Grocery store big enough to hide in. Attempted again to get her lungs working.
   Maybe running wasn't the best idea, but staying to explain seemed impossible. 
   The charm left an imprint in her hand from clutching it so tight.
   Billy thought she did that. Fuck. And he was going to fucking kill her.
   Evie scurried around the aisles. Kept checking the windows for the furious, rumbling Camaro. Pulled a beanie lower and her hood up before creeping back outside to cross the street. Tucked curls aside.
   She could have blamed Heather if the charm wasn’t damning enough. Her friend had used the word prick a number of colorful times.
   Brock Tannen was fucking with them both now.
   “Shit, shit.” Evie muttered. Few residents paced to get their own errands done. The rev of an engine shot sparks up Evie’s soul. She whirled down an alleyway, figured he might just run her over.
   “Fenny!” Billy skidded halfway down the path and curved. Lunged out of his car. “Get back here! You think I won’t recognize that ass anywhere you stick it? What the fuck! C’mere!” His snarling echoed. 
   Evie was sprinting now, but Billy worked out and he was taller so he caught up easily. Two tight hands yanked her coat so hard, she skidded on slush and fell next to some stone steps. Hard thud planked her body.
   Stars burst. A groan pushed from pink lips before eyes focused on Billy Hargrove about to breathe fire and lay waste to her.
   She’d never seen such an expression on a boy before. Pure, burning fury and hate.
   Wild like he wasn’t really seeing her.
   Scrambling, Evie had also never witnessed something so frightening. Billy’s hands were on her shoulders. Pressing his steel weight down so he could snap his jaw. Starving.
   “What the fuck! You fucking keyed my car! My fucking car, you bitch?” Profanities of all sizes and colors were spitting from his lips. Evie just looked shaken and terrified at him. Realized she wasn’t talking so her brain tried to mash words together.
   “I didn’t! I didn’t do it!” She barely spoke over his rage. Hands pushed at his chest with no hope to get him off.
   For a moment, she wondered if he’d try to hit her. He just growled and yelled. Unleashing fury he might have pent up.
   “Billy! Billy, it wasn’t me!” Evie tried again. Brought her palm up so he could see the chain twisted around her fingers. “Tannen! Look! Just look, I didn’t...”
   Billy finally shut down. Went still to narrow on the charm, recognizing it.
   The fingers twisted into her coat were hauled up by bigger hands and a taller figure.
   “Hargrove, it’s too early for this, Jesus Christ.” Chief Hopper had parked his Blazer and was now smacking Billy into the side of it. He turned and noticed Evie pushing herself off the wet ground. “Evie Fenny? Are you okay?”
   Wind blew through the alley. 
   “Yeah, I…” She saw handcuffs and Billy squirmed before she sprang up. “Wait a second. That wasn't…”
   “Looked like this boy had you pinned down.” Hopper was trying to get Billy to keep still. "A new low, kid."
   “Get off me, you damn pig!”
   “Lovely.” Jim gruffed, sighing. “We’ll talk about this at the station.”
   “Wait, we were...fooling around.” Evie hurried and grasped Jim’s arm. Backed off when his head whipped toward her in disbelief. “I fell and took him with me. It was an accident. Please don’t take Billy away.” Hands clasped to plead.
   A curly head tilted toward her too. If Billy had issues with the police, Neil would snap him in half.
   “Please, Chief, just let him go. This is a big misunderstanding. Billy and I will go home. Please.” Evie tugged again and Hopper blinked a couple times.
   “Just fooling around?” He looked to Billy, who was completely simmered again.
   “Uh, yeah. I’m revved, Chief, just look at her.”
   “Okay…” Jim cringed. “Just...get out of here and stay out of trouble, kid. Drive under the speed limit, yeah?”
   “I love law, Chief Hopper.” Billy quipped. Hopper peered at Evie again so she smiled and grabbed Billy’s hand.
   “We’ll be going now. Billy owes me a ride.” She tugged, still breathing heavier. The Chief got back into his car to go, head shaking. Teenagers.
   Evie snatched from Billy and shoved him away the second the older man had gone.
   “Don’t ever come at me like that again.” Her voice tremored lower. One finger poked his muscled torso. Billy only stared. “Never again.” She tossed the chain at his chest. “Your new best friend screwed you over. Not me. Eat that up, prick.”
   Evie started walking again and saw a piece of cardboard duct taped over the nasty carving. Billy caught up with her.
   “That shithead isn’t my friend. He framed you...not very well.” Billy let the chain dangle before his face. “He’s fucking dead. My dad’s gonna ream me when he sees the car. Shit... Fucking shit!”
   Evie paused to peer back at him. Head in his hands, crouched over to curse. She slowed. A beat.
   “Look, I...I know a garage that’ll help you out with a discount. My mom’s friends with the owner and his wife. Perks.” She stuffed her hands away and looked down at her clothing. “Shit, I’m soaked.”
   “Never heard that before.” Billy joked, smirking. “Thanks...for keeping me out of cuffs.”
   “You’re an asshole still.”
   “Yeah.” He agreed, going to the car. “Get in.”
   “Take me to the garage so I can get my shit fixed. See if I have enough for it.” Billy rubbed his eyes. “Fuck.”
   “Only if I drive.” Evie crossed her arms. Billy did a double take. “I have my license.”
   “Yes or I’ll walk.” Evie shot back until he tossed the keys at her to catch. Billy bitched about it, but slid into the passenger side. The engine revved so he hissed.
   “That’s rich.” Evie squealed off. Obeyed the speed limit. “Thought Tannen was your buddy.”
   “I think I punched him after the dance. I was still kinda drunk.” Billy gave an agitated breath. Sunk into the seat. “Why’s he hate you so much?”
   “Because I exist in this body with this brain and I breathe, it doesn’t matter.” Evie turned a corner. Avoided his stare. “I think he hates anything that isn’t him.”
   “Well, Tannen hates us both. Framing you and fucking with my car.” Billy paused. Got sly. “So, how are we getting him back?”
   “Revenge? No, not interested.”
   “C’mon, Angel, live a little.”
   Evie skidded to stop at a red light. Head snapping to see him.
   “Yeah, I tried that with you already.” She seethed. Billy studied her. “I’m taking you to the garage and I’m catching a bus home. My clothes are still damp, thanks for that.”
   “Brock’s date was fourteen, did you know that? He’s a piece of shit and he’s asking for it. You don’t have to like me, we can just hate the same person who hates us. Teach him a lesson.”
   “Any bright ideas?” Evie continued down the street. No answer. “Thought so.”
   “I’ll think of something.” Billy paused. “Tannen’s got a cushy little life doesn’t he? Perfect family. Girls lined up.”
   “He’s dating the daughter of a pastor. Sweet cheerleader who goes to Bates. Cheating on her because she isn’t putting out. But, she’s good for the image and for his ritzy Ridgemont family. Heather’s parents run in a similar circle. She always has dirt.”
   “Yeah? What’s Tannen like?”
   “His car and his image.” Evie parked. “Go in and drop my mom’s name. The guy’s sweet, he’ll help you out.” She tossed the keys in Billy’s lap. “See you later.”
   “Wait.” Billy hurried around the car as she got out. “Just, wait. Let’s get back at him.”
   “I don’t care as much as you do, Billy.” Evie passed with snow falling into her long, spiraling curls.
   “Sure you do, you’re just pretending you don’t.” Billy snagged her wrist. “Evie. I am fucking sorry. About the shitty dance. About school. It’s fucked and I don’t blame you for being this upset.”
   The continued groveling made her smirk.
   “Not upset.” Evie crossed her arms.
   “He flashed that money in my face and I just figured I could show you a good time and keep you out of it. But, the whole thing when I saw it...I really thought they weren’t serious about the pool. I wanted out of the deal. I kissed you after midnight. It was still fucked. The other girls, they… You know, I’ve been thinking about them too. We could get revenge for them. Shove it up Tannen’s ass.”
   “Did you fake it?”
   “Fake what?”
   “All of it.” Evie gathered the courage. “The...talking. The smiles. The laughter. Dancing with me. Why did you kiss me after midnight?”
   “I just…” Billy shrugged hopelessly. Lashes fluttering. “I felt like it. I don’t have to bullshit around you. You call me out when I do either way. I don’t know. You kissed me first and I thought...I just wanted to kiss you. I asked you to a fucking motel.”
   “And I was gonna go with you.” Evie shrugged. “But, you lied to get me there. I can’t help but feel that bullshit laced all of it. Do you understand that?”
   “Yeah.” Billy sighed. Stood there against winter. Unafraid. “Fact remains, I didn’t want anything else.”
   Evie gave a breath into the cool air. 
   Neither did I.
   “Let’s get your door fixed.” Evie went around him to go into the shop. She did all the talking to a burly man with a hook prosthetic for one hand while Billy teetered on his feet behind her. “Give him a couple hours to work.”
   “Daddy’ll miss you.” Billy huffed, digging for a cigarette while his precious car was moved away. Evie gave him this scrunched look and shook her head, laughing.
   “Well, see you around.” Evie got the back of her jacket snatched and huffed for theatrics.
   “Nice try, you think I can’t follow you all over this town? Look, grabbing you was... I shouldn't have done that. I won't come at you like that again.” Billy turned her, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Tannen.”
   “Your problem.”
   “He’s gonna be your problem too, Evie.” Billy stood over her, plucking his smoke out to puff. “If you don’t help, I might run off and do something stupid.”
   “All your life.” She cocked her head. Gave another sound of aggravation. “Just because I know I can’t outrun you. Let’s go. It’s too cold.” A hand tugged his jacket until he was walking next to her. Billy felt his stomach bubble with excitement. “There’s this place Heather and I like...up the block.”
   They walked slushy sidewalks to the corner where a little cafe sat. Teens wandered a smoky, dim lit lounge. Evie pulled her coat, beanie, and gloves away to sit. Billy stole an ashtray and followed. Peering around at all the art and empty stage. Hippy sort of place, not like other hangout spots in Hawkins.
   “The co-owned bakery next door supplies all their pastries.”
   “Broke now.”
   “I’m offering.” Evie decided. “Not cause I like you. I just don’t like to eat alone at a table.” Billy’s eyebrows lifted before he tapped his ashes.
   “You pick.”
   “Do you drink hot cocoa?” Evie watched him nod when a boy crossed over. “Jesse, hey.”
   “Fen,” the boy grinned broader, “hi.” Year younger and going to Hill Valley. Family moved a town over but kept the location for their beloved cafe. “Marty was just asking if I’d seen you around Hawkins.”
   “Yeah, let him know Heather and I said hi. First year of college any good?”
   “He likes the Florida weather.” Jesse swept his mop of brown curls aside, a million piercings along his ear and eyebrow caught the light. Broad boy who enjoyed football, painting, and the piano. Peered at Billy and blushed. “Who’s your cute friend?”
   “Down boy. This is Billy, he’s having a day that only your hot chocolate and apple strudels can cure.”
   “Where’d you get your ink?” Billy eyed Jesse’s decorated arms.
   “City, not far. I’ll write it down for you.” A wink. Billy seemed to like the attention today. Jesse turned back to Evie. “My mom tried to dye her hair in the bathroom. Didn’t go well so Mona will be seeing her this week.”
   “Ouch. Again?” Evie chuckled. “What color this time?”
   “What supposed to be strawberry sky and it’s...cotton candy pink. I liked it.” He laughed. “Sprinkle of cinnamon on the cocoa?”
   “You know me too well.” Evie let him go off then faced Billy. “High School running back. Sweetheart. I dated his older brother. Briefly before the move."
   "So, you guys still talk or...?" He faked disinterest and she snorted at the attempt.
   "Not really. I mean, we ended fine, he's just a college kid now." Evie cracked a smile, narrowing. "But, my mom’s friends with his mom.”
   “What mom doesn’t Mona know? Figure she leads the network.” Billy countered. Evie shrugged.
   “Good point, she’s a social nut.”
   “Speaking of, isn’t that her?” Blue eyes turned out the frosted windows. Mona in a short dress, fitted chic coat, and tall platform heels that rode up her knees. Nancy Sinatra would be proud. Walking with a bunch of paper bags, headed back toward her shop. Men stopped to see her bounce. “Damn.”
   “Stop looking at my mom, perv.” Evie reached for his jaw and turned it back toward her. Breath catching as she slipped away quicker. “Why’d Susan cancel on us?”
   “Dad canceled. Not Susan. He just made her do the dirty work.” Billy explained, snuffing his cigarette out.
   “He didn’t like her staying out with friends late?” Evie guessed. “What kind of husband doesn’t want his wife to have friends in a new place? I bet she’s lonely.”
   “You lonely?”
   “I have friends. Are you lonely with your fake fans?” Evie shot back, sitting up. He batted his lashes, undaunted.
   “Dad doesn’t like anything except maybe his collection of belts and a full bottle.” Billy shrugged his jacket off. Played with his ring. Head turning, the little spike hanging from his ear caught the light outside.
   Infuriating, how pretty he was not doing anything.
   “Does he hit her too?”
   “Too?” Billy snapped back in, leaning forward with his arms crossed. “What’s that mean?”
   Evie only stared at him.
   “No, I…” Billy cursed to himself. “You probably get a front row seat. You know, he didn’t start going at Susan until the move here. She’s learning though. Quickly. How to play dad’s game.”
   “Does he go after Max?”
   “No, he’s too distracted with me and I keep Max out of trouble. He will one day when she’s older.”
   Evie looked at his hand and wondered about touching it. Billy seemed to feel it hang in the air so he sat back.
   “Bowers ever hit you?”
   “No, he doesn’t-” Evie caught herself with wide eyes. Got smaller. “He’d never hit me.”
   “So, you’re admitting it.” Billy leaned forth again. Even closer. Some instrumental and chatter covered their voices.
   “No one will believe you.” She repeated, eyes on the table.
   “No, probably not. Won’t tell even if I think it’s fucked.” He screwed his eyes at her. “How?”
   “How’s it possible for someone gorgeous to get with a girl like me?” She sounded wounded.
   “No, just...how?”
   They paused when Jesse returned. A full plate of warm, golden pastries. Two steaming mugs. Evie tipped him with a sudden smile.
   “Thanks, Jess.”
   “Anytime. Don’t be a stranger.” He looked to Billy. “You too, got it? I wrote that address down. They love taking new people if you need ink. Come in here and...show it off.”
   “I just might. Thanks.” Billy sparked with his usual charm as the boy went.
   “You love to flirt.”
   “I love to be desired, don’t you?” Billy stuffed the card away, peered at his mug before drinking. Evie followed. “So. We got time.”
   “Why do you care?”
   “I just do. I think you're interesting, Evie. This town needs a blast of color and I found it.” Billy stared. “Think I’m gonna judge you?”
   “Yeah.” Blunt.
   “Well, I’m not. Not you.” He plucked up a little pastry when she didn’t. “Don’t let me eat this whole damn plate.” Evie scoffed, breathless and took one to chew. Licking sugar from her lips. 
   “Billy, why...why are you here with me still?” She narrowed again.
   “Because,” he sparkled, “my calendar's open.”
   Evie tried to look away. To laugh him off. Couldn’t find the will and locked in.
   “Well, I don’t want to get into it here. So, let’s just enjoy the heater and sweets.” Evie reached for another flaky pastry. Billy grabbed one too. They filled their bellies in silence. Eyes locking then averting ever so often.
   “Let’s get out of here. Walk.” Billy licked his thumb. Arms crossing to lean over and see her drink.
   “You want me to spill badly.”
   “I took you out and you had a shitty time, I don't do that. I want to make up for it.”
   “You don’t like the snow,” Evie ruffled her curls, “don’t know how you’re surviving it, Cali.”
   Billy peered out the window. Let the glow bathe his face. Cool and almost iridescent. Brightening his eyes framed with those sinful lashes. 
   “You like winter?” He asked out of the blue.
   “Actually, yeah. It’s not so bad. Prefer fall. I like tucking in with a warm blanket and cocoa. I like the snow, things always feel...new after." Evie felt a distance quell. He seemed to notice it too. Wistful and vast. "It covers up what came before.”
   “Well, let’s go walk in it.” Billy pushed up. “I’ll meet you halfway and brave it.”
   Evie stared at the table. Watched him start to go before she shoved her hat on. Got up and followed.
   “If I just say that I forgive you, can we part ways?” Evie got in front of him outside. Flecks of snow tumbled into her hair. Melted on strawberry cheeks. Billy was too many colors against white and grey. Ocean blues. Peaches. Cherries. Honey. All sun kissed freckles and golden hair. 
   “We could make a bet.” Billy stepped closer to curl a devilish smile.
   “Another bet?” Her brow lifted. “No thanks, my track record with you and bets is zero.”
   “No fun at all.” Billy puffed. “Evie, the way I see it, neither of us can leave the other alone.”
   “That’s a you problem.”
   “You know you can shake me and you’re not trying too hard, I think you’re just curious enough to stick around.” Billy cocked his head. “So, I’m just saying we should chase that. It was fucked up and...I am sorry. For you and those other girls. I say that you and I hang out long enough to get revenge on Tannen and then, I swear...cross my heart as fuck all...that I’ll leave you alone once that prick gets it. Only if you want me gone.”
   “You tried this.”
   “I didn’t mean it then.” He stuffed hands into his pockets and she exhaled out her nose. Shuffled on the slick sidewalk.
   “But, you magically do now?”
   “Maybe that’s what has us stuck, we want to do something about it.”
   “You swear?”
   “Every damn day.” Cheeky shit.
   Evie’s eyes squinted at him. Sized him up. 
   “I just...I don’t forgive you.”
   “I can live with that,” he said, “for now. I haven’t earned shit. I’ll make it up to you.”
   Promises. Promises. 
   “I don’t,” Evie tried again to disengage, “I don’t think you can.”
   “C’mon.” Billy slid in front of her when she turned. Got lush. “Evie.”
   “Let’s just not make this harder than it needs to be.” Her hands lifted. Evie went around him and Billy’s arms went out aimlessly.
   “What would your Mr. Darcy do to make you feel better?”
   “What?” Evie spun on her heel, almost laughing. Billy peered away.
   “I got his name right. How’d he make you feel better? Listen, Evie...I deserve the cold shoulder. I do. It fucking…” Billy sucked in air and came to her at the corner. “I’ll level with you. I’ve been beating the shit out of myself for what happened and I deserve that. Does that help you? I can’t even get it up...you know what I’m saying? I liked it. Being there with you and I can’t change what happened after-”
   “Ick. I wish I didn’t know what you mean.” Her face screwed up. A beat to break for laughter. “Is this really that important to you?” Billy got close with those wandering eyes. 
   “Yes… It really fucking is.” He hissed lower. "Truth is, I even want more of those signature bad kisses we love to share. If you can still call them that, Angel."
   Evie huffed. Almost aggravated. Not really. Stepped back to look him up and down.
   “There’s one thing you might be able to do to make me feel better.” She crossed her arms. Brought on hands up to tap her chin in thought.
   “And?” Billy gasped out.
   “One question.” She rounded him, eyes wandered to scrutinize. “Do you still have that white button up?”
   Billy turned his head, earring dangling before he narrowed.
   “Uh, yeah....” He looked a little apprehensive when she smiled fuller. Sly.
   “We can work with that.”
** ** ** 
   Three knocks and Heather Holloway was blinking her doe eyes at an odd pair.
   “What’s he doing here?” She pulled at Evie’s arm to get between them. “What did I tell you, Hargrove?”
   “Billy’s trying to make amends, Heath.” Evie said flatter. They stood before her huge mansion on Loch Nora. “Are your parents or the housekeeper around?”
   “Not today.” Heather was still all daggers at Billy. “We don’t need Billy’s amends. He’s done enough.”
   “There’s a bigger asshole to be worrying about.” Billy spoke. “Tannen.”
   “Your buddy? I’m not so sure.”
   “No, he...has a point. But, we’re not here to discuss that. Yet.” Evie blinked. Smiled. “Can we use your pool?”
   Heather looked confused. The curls piled up onto her head bounced a little. No makeup. Lazy sweater dress. 
   “It’s indoors and heated.”
   “Not heated right now.”
   “Even better.” Evie beamed when Billy’s face dropped. “Sidebar, just us girls.”
   Billy hung out on the snowy steps while they went just in the door. There was a great deal of snickering before Heather returned biting her cheek. Fully amused.
   “You can come in. Shoes off.”
   Billy stepped inside to obey, looking around.
   “Jesus, Holloway, this place… Is daddy the mayor?”
   “He runs the paper.”
   “Explains a lot.” Billy grumbled as her head snapped at him. “Easy. Not here to fight. Just...acting out Evie’s whatever Darcy fantasy to make her forgive me.”
   “Never said I would forgive you.” She noted down the hall.
   “This won’t hurt my chances.” Billy was stepping out of his shoes. Evie looped her arm into Heather’s.
   “This way.”
   He walked slower behind them to observe the place. Cheesy family portraits galore. Too many vases with fake flowers. Floral wallpaper. Rich people.
   “So, what the hell brought you two back together?” Heather had asked.
   “Not together.” Evie piped quicker. “Tannen keyed Billy’s car, framed me for it. I sorta helped him get it fixed.”
   “He, what? ” Heather paused, opening a textured glass door.
   “Yeah, big mess. Tannen’s not quitting.” Evie picked up as they went into the pool room. Odd to be in here while frost covered the back windows.
   “Probably cause I punched him.”
   Heather snorted at that, stepped on a button to bring the cover rolling back over the illuminated fresh water. 
   “You sure this is what your dream freak would do?”
   “So, sure. Don’t forget your line.” Evie flicked a piece of paper she’d written on at his chest. Billy griped when Heather laughed at him trying to get out of his coat and jeans. White shirt and grey briefs. Evie peered at his muscled thighs and looked up at the ceiling. 
   “You can look, ladies.” A sleazy grin bloomed. “You’re both lucky I wore underwear today.”
   “Gross.” Heather came around the pool to her friend.
   “Well, do your thing, William.” Evie giggled, gesturing. “Or should I say: Fitzwilliam.”
   “How’d a guy with that name not get his fucking ass kicked? Instead, he’s drowning in pussy, I don’t get it.” Billy stepped into the water. Bitched about the cold and sauntered to the center holding his paper up. Soaked his shirt through.
   “This isn’t even in the book.” Heather had whispered so Evie hushed her.
   “Yeah, duh, but...Billy doesn’t know that. Look how hard he’s trying. It's almost cute. Almost.” She covered her mouth. “Plus, I dreamed about this once, let a girl live here. It can happen one day.”
   “Is he like...really trying?”
   “Starting to think he is. Won't leave me alone and he...I'm not exactly running either anymore.” Evie peered at Billy turning around. Voice rose. “You look great.”
   “Bite me.” He dunked while holding one hand up to keep the line from getting wet. Came up ruffling his curls like some ethereal merman. Still stunning. White shirt clinging to his rock hard chest. Evie bit her lip with hooded eyes and missed Heather watching her face.
   “Say the line!” She called then. Billy rolled his eyes with the longest huff he could muster.
   “In vain I have-”
   “With a little life, Billy!” Heather laughed at him there. Billy sucked in to pout. Water sloshing all over to prune his fingers. Hair and face dripping. Eyelashes clumped. 
   “In vain!” He just said it louder. Slower. “I have struggled!”
   Evie and Heather had to kneel down because they were laughing so hard. Clinging together on the tiles.
   “Keep going!” Evie waved her hand and tried to breathe. Billy groaned, eyes rolling.
   “It will not do…” He’d already gotten water smudging the page. “My feelings will not be...regressed?”
   “Repressed!” Came the correction. Billy shot the rest out in one swift breath.
   “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you!"
   “How, what?” Evie was all giggles.
   “How! Ardently! I admire! And love you!” He played a total smart ass. Smoldered. Broke. “Can I be done now? My balls are getting kinda high in here.”
   Evie cackled comically, holding her stomach and rolling before she waved a hand.
   “Yeah, yeah, you can get out. Oh, god. I can't...” She wiped her eyes and heard splashing. Scrambled because Billy was marching toward her sopping wet. Heather skidded to get away before Billy dove on Evie and shook himself out like a mad dog. Spraying her with water. “Billy! No!”
   “Billy, yes!” He pushed her shoulders down and ignored the slaps at his chest.
   They both were laughing now. Loudly. Almost free. Almost forgetting.
   Heather grabbed a stack of towels and paused to see. Billy’s infectious grin and Evie Fenny so lost in it that nothing else mattered. 
   Evie caught her friend's confused expression and shoved Billy off.
   “Okay, okay, you’re done.” Evie shot up. Cheeks rosy. “Uh, bathroom.” She got a towel from Heather’s arm and jogged away. Faster than she meant. Billy pulled up to his knees so Heather padded toward him.
   “What are you doing?”
   “Fuck if I know at this point.” Billy felt her drop a towel over his back. Pushed to his feet to see her. “Thanks.”
   “Are you actually trying here or are you going to hurt my friend again?”
   Billy ruffled his hair and wiped his face. Holding the towel over broad shoulders. 
   “Listen, only thing I know for sure is I don’t ever want to hurt Evie again.” Billy stopped after that to let it sink in. “You know her best, what the fuck else can I do here?”
   Heather’s lips turned up. Spread to show teeth.
   “You want to know what Evie likes.” Tables turning.
   “I know some stuff. Give me some more to work with. And don’t lie, we played that game.”
   Heather exhaled to study him.
   “Just because you seem to be trying and that’s the hardest my friend has laughed in awhile.” Heather peered at the door. “Evie’s a hopeless romantic even if she hides it. A regular dreaming Cinderella. She likes people unafraid to show how they feel about her and anything made of chocolate…"
   "That checks out, I can work with it."
   "That dance was cruel. You’re lucky she’s even allowing you the gift of embarrassing yourself in her presence.”
   “Noted.” Billy peeled his shirt off and wrapped the towel around his waist. “I have a change of clothes in my car. Will it be weird if I jet out in this and my boots?”
   “Ahhh, give me your keys. I’ll find it.” They paused to step away from each other when Evie returned. Towel bunched to her chest. Eyes flicking between them. Avoiding Billy’s damp chest rising and falling, his saint chain glittering and stuck to skin.
   “So, this thing about Tannen. Oof. I have an idea.” Evie cleared her throat.
   "Ohh, look at Miss Naughty Evangeline." Billy mocked with a southern twang. "Getting into the spirit. Why, now?"
   "Because my calendar is open." She cocked her head up. Looked wildly pretty there with her devious pride. “Does Tommy still have Bubbles’ number?”
   Billy flashed a smirk. Let it illuminate his face until she matched it. Heather wondered about offering them a room.
   “Angel, I’m really liking the way you think.”
Thanks all for reading!!! I love these two so much!! As always, feel free to chat with me. Askbox and taglist are both open. ^_^
@80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​ @orxhidshavana​ @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly​ @kellyk-chan​ @billy--hargroves​ @10blurredsmoke10
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Book Four: War (Gladiolus x Reader) Chapter Seventeen
A/n: Until we reach Gralea in the story, you're gonna see more Prompto/Famine and Ignis/Pestilence interactions since War (you) are missing. I'll also throw in some Noctis/Death interactions, too. Hope you all enjoy this next chapter! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••
Several weeks later after Noctis and Ignis regain consciousness, the royal retinue, Famine, and Pestilence were aboard a train. They rode past a savannah-like landscape dotted with the occasional tree. Prompto and Ignis are sitting together in one seat. Noctis sits alone across the aisle from them, hanging his head.
Famine and Pestilence sat together, watching the four boys. They could feel the suffocating atmosphere lingering around them and couldn't bring themselves to speak.
Prompto noticed how uncomfortable the two girls were and tried to spark up a conversation. "So...we're gonna roll through Tenebrae."
"Not before visiting the royal tomb in Cartanica," Ignis stated.
"You're sure you're up to that?"
"The wounds have mended. Eyesight's a matter of time," he said, his tone lower than usual.
Gladio suddenly stands up from his seat and walks up to Noctis, staring him down with a glower. He clenched his fists tightly. "The hell is wrong with you?"
Noctis slowly raises his head and meets the shield's glare, muttering a bland, "What?"
"We're not stopping in Tenebrae. You need to grow up and get over it," he hissed.
The prince shot up out of his seat and confronts his friend. "I am over it. I'm here, aren't I?!"
Gladio grabs Noctis by his jacket and pulls him close. "Maybe when you're not too busy moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you."
"Let go of me," Noctis demanded with a growl.
"How's that ring fit ya? You'd rather carry it around than wear it? She gave her life so you could do your duty, not so you could sit around feeling sorry for yourself."
"You don't think I know that?!"
"You don't! Ignis took one for you too, and for what?!"
"Enough, Gladio!" Ignis shouted.
However, the shield didn't listen. "You think you're a king, but you're a coward."
"Shut up!" Noctis snaps, shoving Gladio and grabbing him by his jacket as well.
Prompto couldn't stand to see the two fight any longer and stood up. He tries to place himself in between them. "Don't do this-!"
Gladio puts his hand on Prompto's face and shoves him back. The blonde lost his balance and fell to the floor. Famine was by his side in seconds, checking to make sure he wasn't hurt.
"I get it, alright?! I get it!" Noctis hollered before shoving Gladio away.
"Then get a grip! Pull your head outta your ass already!" The brute shouted back.
Noctis turns and walks away. Prompto calls out after him as Famine helped him up. "Noct!"
"Leave him," Gladio growled. He turns and walks away in the other direction.
Pestilence let out a melancholic sigh. This didn't go unnoticed by Ignis. "I must apologize for their behavior."
The ivory-haired girl shook her head, standing up and moving to sit next to him. "There's no need to apologize for the action of others. I also understand why they're both easily irritated at the moment. Whether Gladio realizes it or not, he dearly misses War. And Noctis... He's mourning the loss of Lady Lunafreya."
Famine sat down beside Prompto, agreeing with her sister. "She's right. They've both lost someone dear to them. I just hope we're not too late to save War..."
"Let's discuss such trifle matters later." Pestilence turned her head in Ignis' direction. "I possibly do have some good news."
"Do pray tell," the advisor replied.
"I'm quite knowledgeable about ancient remedies and grow many rare herbs in the Inner Sanctum. One such remedy is to heal blindness. However, the decision is up to you."
Prompto gasped. "You can give Iggy his eyesight back?"
"Yes. Although, it will take time and many treatments."
Ignis unconsciously reaches up to touch the glasses hiding the ugly scarring. "I..."
She smiled faintly. "Do give it some thought. Tell me your decision when you are ready."
In the adjacent train car, Noctis takes a seat. After a moment, he holds his closed hand up and slowly opens it to reveal the Ring of Lucii. His hand shook as he gazed at the ring. The boy then closes his fist tight around the ring and grits his teeth.
"It's amazing how something so small carries such a heavy burden."
Noctis was startled by the voice and turned his head. He saw a girl with inky locks and golden eyes sitting next to him. "Uh..."
"Death. Nice to meet you," she greeted. "Pretty sure you've met my sisters."
"Oh, right. There's four of you..."
"Congratulations! You've met all Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Your reward is...nothing," she teased. "I don't even think I have a piece of candy on me."
Her small attempt at humor brought a faint smile to Noctis' face. It even calmed him down a bit. "So, what's your story?"
"Me?" Death was shocked at his curiosity about her past. "Well..." She shared some small details about her previous life, leaving out the gruesome details. Noctis seemed to be rather intrigued by her story and was listening intently. He listened to her for what seemed like only minutes until she was interrupted by the train's loudspeaker. The conductor announced they were now arriving at Cartanica Station. The two exchanged glances before getting up and exiting the train.
They found the others already wandering the platform, Gladio assisting Ignis to a nearby bench. Pestilence was nowhere in sight, but Famine was still by Prompto's side.
Death smirked as she watched her sister playfully poke the marksman in the side, making him laugh a little. "Those two are getting along well."
Noctis followed her line of sight. "They've been getting along well for a while now."
Her grin widened. "Oh, really?"
The prince saw her mischievous smirk. "You're not planning something, are you?"
"Oh, just some teasing here and there." Her grin was replaced with a genuine smile as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Listen, Noctis, I know you're going through a rough patch right now, but just remember you aren't alone and never will be. You've got your brothers just like I have my sisters."
Noctis glanced around at Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto. "I know," he mumbled.
"Then I better get going. Stay safe, Noctis."
"Wait, you're leaving?"
"Yeah. I'm going to go on ahead to Gralea and search for War. Who knows what the empire has done to her."
"She's still alive, right?"
Death nodded. "Yes. I will see you all soon, Noctis. Good luck."
He watched her vanish before making his way over to Ignis. He wanted to say something to him, but only silence filled the air between them. Instead, he walked away, heading straight for the lift that could carry them down into Fodina Caestino mine. He was soon joined by Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. The strategist taps him on the shoulder. "Ready to set out?"
"Uh..." Noctis was unsure if he should let him tag along due to his lack of eyesight. "Yeah. You sure you're up for this, Specs?"
The bespectacled man nodded. "I'll manage somehow."
Before they boarded the lift, Famine made her way over to them. "Do be careful down there."
"You're not tagging along?" Prompto asked with a saddened tone.
"I'm sorry, but I have to join Death in Gralea. She needs all the help she can get if we're going to save War."
Gladio looked away from the Horseman with a guilt-ridden expression. He'd been hounding Noctis for moping around when he too was also doing the same. But unlike the prince, he was able to hide his true feelings behind a mask and accept the truth. Deep down, he wanted to get to Gralea as quick as possible to save (Y/n), but he knew his duty lies with Noctis. Hesitantly, he turned to address the golden-haired girl, but she was already gone.
Noctis pressed the button and the lift carried them down into the quarry. The group stepped off the elevator and made their way down the slope. Prompto grimaced when he stepped in a muddy puddle of water. "Feeling a little out of my element."
"We're a foreign species in this environment. Mind we don't end up prey," Ignis advised.
"Right, good tip," Noctis said.
Due to Ignis' injury, he walks at a slower pace than the others. Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio made sure not to leave the advisor behind as they navigated through the abandoned quarry. Prompto remained glued to the tactician's side in case he were to slip or trip in the mud.
Continuing down the path, they fight against a few enemies before they stumble upon some mining machinery blocking the way. "They parked here?" Gladio groaned.
"Wish we could write 'em a ticket," Prompto jokes.
"Nothing but a giant roadblock."
"Ironic for a vehicle."
"If we get its motor running, perhaps we can move it out of the way," Ignis suggests.
Backtracking up the path, the group searches for a way to move the heavy machinery. Fortunately, they were able to locate a control panel. "This looks promising!" Prompto chimed.
"Is it operational?" Ignis inquired.
"We'll see." Noctis inspects the control panel and starts up the machinery. Black smoke begins to pour out of the smokestacks but abruptly stops after a moment.
"Hey," Gladio huffed. "What're you stopping for?"
"I'm not," the younger boy hissed in response.
Prompto spotted a notice sign on the side of the control panel. "Let's see here... "In case of power failure, use backup generators." There's a key in the shed!"
The royal retinue searched for the shed. They managed to locate it and claim the key for the generators inside. Proceeding through the quarry, they activate all the generators before returning to the machinery's primary control panel. They hear the sound of the machine moving in the distance.
"Did you hear that?" Noctis asked.
"Sounds like we're clear!" Prompto cheered.
"Grand," Ignis said.
"Then let's move," Gladio stated with a hint of annoyance. He followed behind Noctis, but stopped when they began making their way down the newly cleared path. "Hold up."
Noctis stops and turns to face the shield, wondering why he suddenly stopped. "What?"
"You sure you're ready for this? You got what it takes?" Gladio asked. As he spoke, the others could still hear the disdain in his voice.
"To do what?"
"To face your ancestors and convince them to lend you their strength. Got a long road ahead. Can you see this through? To the end?"
"Can and will," Noctis confidently replied. "Whether I like it or not, I've got a duty to fulfill-as king."
"You're damn right, you do. Then that means you'd better start taking this seriously." Gladio walks on past Noctis, taking the lead deeper into the quarry.
Upon visually confirming that the machinery is no longer in their way, Noctis saw their newly unveiled path. "Good to go."
"We did it! Together!" Prompto chanted, hoping to lighten the atmosphere between the prince and his shield. However, his cheerfulness went unnoticed by the two.
Continuing down the path, the marksman took in their surroundings. "This cave is huge!"
Ignis lifted his head, loosening his grip on his cane slightly. "The tomb's further in?"
"You wanna wait here?" Noctis asked.
"Alone, here," Gladio sneered.
The prince glared at him. "Not what I said."
The conversation ended and the group proceeded further into the quarry. They eventually draw closer to the swamp at the bottom of the mine. Prompto grimaced when he smelt something foul in the air. "Man, something stinks around here. Don't slip and fall in whatever that is."
In the swamp located at the bottom, outside the entrance to the royal tomb, Noctis and the others come across several large organic sacs hanging between some tree roots. "What is this?" Prompto asked.
"I hate eggs," Gladio grumbled.
"Do we really wanna know what's back there?"
Suddenly, large squirming tentacles come out of the swamp followed by the malboro they belong to. The group backs away from the creature. The marksman stares, mouth agape at the sight of the creature. "That looks like a mouth. Is that its face?!"
Ignis, although he could smell the horrid odor seeping from the creature's being, couldn't see what had the blonde on edge. "What? What is it?"
"Something real bad!" Noctis summoned a spear and leapt into action. He charged towards the malboro and slashed at it. Prompto remained beside Ignis, keeping his distance from the foul-smelling creature. Gladio swung his greatsword, dodging the tentacles in the process.
Noctis activated the armiger and surge forward, slashing wildly at the malboro. When he no longer had the strength to support the armiger, the weapons vanished.
As the battle carries on, malboro sprouts begin to hatch. They scurry towards the boys. Prompto killed a few as they approached. "Whoa! Look who's hatching!"
"Bust 'em up!" Gladio shouted, slicing a few sprouts with a single swipe of his blade.
The three continue to fight against the malboro and the small sprouts. Ignis remained on the sidelines, knowing he would only get in the way. Noctis and Gladio delivered blow after blow, but none of their attacks were causing heavy damage. Not even Prompto's bullets could cause much damage.
"It's useless," Gladio sneered.
Prompto began to grow uneasy. "What do we do?!"
"This might be a good time to panic," Noctis said.
"No. There must be a way!" Ignis shouted, refusing to give up.
Just then, the malboro goes berserk. It opens its mouth, spewing its bad breath. Noctis received a whiff immediately and backed away with the others behind him. "Gotta shut that thing's trap!"
The malboro sucks in air and prepares to unleash another puff of bad breath. That's when inspiration dawns on Ignis's face. "Noct, I have an idea." He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a magic flask. "If I may..." He hurls the magic flask down the malboro's gullet. A second later, flame erupts from the creature's throat. Feeling the immense heat and hearing the malboro wail out in pain, he knew his idea was successful. "Ah, as I suspected!"
"It really worked!" Prompto cheered.
"Nice one, Iggy," Gladio commented.
"Now, we've a fighting chance," the strategist said.
Ignis joins the fray and uses Libra Elementia. With the elemental attack, he torches the malboro to a crisp. Hearing the creature was silent, he asked, "Is it dead?"
"It is-and it's all thanks to Iggy!" Prompto chanted.
Gladio glanced at the strategist. "Iggy, you saved us."
"Seriously. We'd be plant food if it wasn't for you."
"Happy to help," Ignis responded.
Gladio looked over at Noctis with a scowl. "What, no royal commendation from His Majesty?"
"None for you, at least," Noctis quipped.
The group walk over to where the eggs were hanging. Gladio analyzed the small sacs. "Whisking them just makes a mess-better fry 'em."
Noctis incinerates the eggs, revealing the door to the royal tomb hidden behind them. Prompto recognizes the design and was relieved. "I think we found it!"
"Just wish they found a better place to build it," the prince commented. He enters the tomb and acquires the Katana of the Warrior. Leaving the tomb, he regroups with the others.
"All right, let's haul ass," Gladio said once the younger boy rejoined them.
Noctis nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's."
As the royal retinue walks back out into the swamp, Ignis stops everyone. "A moment?"
Gladio faces the advisor. "Is everything okay?"
"It bloody well isn't," he snapped. "And I won't suffer this pointless bickering in silence any longer. Let's be frank. My vision hasn't improved, and probably won't. Yet in spite of this... I would remain with you all. Til the very end."
The shield crossed his arms with a scowl. "Sorry, but I object. War is a matter of life and death."
"But, we'll be there!" Prompto chimed in.
"It's not about us looking out for him!" He growled.
"Uh-huh. Well, then he should be free to choose," the sharpshooter retorted.
"There's more to it than just what he wants!"
"I know full well! I won't ask you to slow down. If I can't keep up, I will bow out," Ignis intervened.
Gladio casted his glare towards Noctis. "What says "His Majesty"?"
Ignis turned his head in the raven-haired boy's direction. "Noct, you are king. One cannot lead by standing still. A king pushes onward always, accepting the consequences and never looking back." He then glanced in the shield's general direction. "Gladio, Noct will take his rightful place, but only once he's ready."
The brute is quiet for a moment before relenting and turning his back. "Have it your way. We're still taking a big risk." He then turns to look at Noctis. "We better all be ready." Gladio walks off, leaving the others behind.
Noctis, Prompto, and Ignis follow after Gladio and make their way back to the elevator. They rode it back up to the train station. As they stepped off the lift, they inhaled the fresh air. They wander over to the train, but Noctis stopped when he asked, "You guys mind if we stop in Tenebrae?"
"Might as well hop off," Prompto replied.
"If it helps him move on," Gladio said.
The blonde glanced at the shield. "How're you holding up, big guy?"
"What does it matter?" He remarked.
"We can tell you're pushing yourself so you don't have to think about (Y/n)." He patted him on the shoulder. "We're here for ya, pal, if you wanna talk."
"Nice try, blondie, but I ain't spilling my feelings."
"You seriously don't wanna talk about it?"
"Hell no." Gladio folded his arms across his broad chest. "Besides, talkin' about my feelings isn't gonna bring (Y/n) back."
Prompto sighed at his response. "Can't deny that..."
After a few seconds of silence, Noctis addresses Ignis. "We're here for you."
Prompto nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let us help you."
All of a sudden, the boarding bell begins to ring. Prompto smiled at the sound. "And we're off!"
The marksman makes for the train. Gladio comes along behind him, guiding Ignis. "Are we clear?" The shield asked.
"Crystal," Ignis replied.
"Hey, watch your step," Noctis said.
"You're not "pushing onward"?" Gladio asked the younger boy.
"Not at his expense."
"Fair enough."
They all board the train, leaving Cartanica Station.
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sunarintoes · 4 years
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Synopsis: Yn Ln is an environmentalist - Miyagi University’s very own campus ‘Green Thumb.’ One day Hinata Shōyō who happens to be a close friend of Yn invites here to come to one of his races. The only problem is that this race of his, is illegal. Read the journey of Yn who has been sucked into the world of illegal street racing with the one goal: to create an eco-friendly race car.
WC: 1.6K
0.1 - The Block
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It has been a full week since you first watched an illegal car race, a week since you became a part of that crew... a week since you joined the beginning of a revolution. Shōyō promised to pick you up once again at 10:00pm. This time you wore slightly different clothes, they were in your comfort zone and they worked in the racing scene.
A few curt knocks come from behind your door and once you open it you are met with a smiling Shōyō and Sugawara. ‘Ready for your first official night in the Karasuno crew?’ Asks Sugawara, you nod eagerly as you follow them out the door and towards the car.
‘This is my humble car, hope it’s not too underwhelming compared to all the race cars.’ Sugawara’s car is not humble in any way, shape or form. It is a dark as night Mazda RX7.
‘This is your car? Shōyō used it to pick me up last week.’
Shōyō let out a small giggle, ‘about that… I wanted to surprise you so picking you up in my GTR would kinda ruin it.’
‘Aren't these cars expensive? For crying out loud! How’d you get them from illegal street racing?’
‘Well for one, we get heaps of money doing it. People really like bidding and gambling. Two, what you saw last week was not exactly street racing, it was drag. The real competitions are done on the street.’
You don’t reply, instead opting to give a sound of understanding. The car ride is quiet and serene, no noise besides the hum of the car engine and the quiet beats of the low-fi music playing. It is now 11:00 pm and it looks as if the whole world were dead. Sugawara’s RX7 is the only thing that seemingly moves in the dimly lit streets of Miyagi. The moon is bright tonight, almost full. Sometimes all it takes is something small and insignificant to remind you of how magical and ethereal the world really is. You wonder why the boys are so quiet, last time Shōyō chatted your ear off. Maybe there is going to be some tough competition this time round, but it’s only a practice race, right? Maybe you are overthinking things. They probably are just appreciating the night sky or the empty roads which allowed Sugawara to speed ever so slightly.
As soon as you arrive you notice the venue has a lot more people than last time - racers and spectators alike. ‘Last Wednesday was Karasuno only for no particular reason. Seijoh, Dateko and Shiratorizawa all had a day each as well. It was kinda random. But this week we’re all here.’
‘Including the small fry who don’t really stand a chance, you’ll learn the rules soon enough,’ Sugawara smiles and gives a thumbs up, you reciprocate the action and then the three of you walk to the Karasuno garage.
To say it was lively was an understatement. ‘What’s all this fuss for?’
‘He’s back! The Grand King of Racing is back!’ Shouts a bald guy - one of the ones you have yet to meet. At the mention of this so-called ‘Grand King’, Shōyō visibly straightens up. Is he really that good?
‘Umm, sorry to interrupt but who is this Grand King figure?’
‘Oh! Yn you’re here, good. I’ve had Yachi create an info booklet on everything you need to know. You can read that while we’re prepping for tonight’s race,’ says Daichi.
‘Oh thank you! Good luck everyone, uh I’ll be cheering you on!’ Yachi hands you the booklet and a chorus of thank you’s follow as Sugawara and you were ushered out of the garage.
Once you and Sugawara take your seats - at the very front bleachers, you decide you would read up on the booklet another day. You instead want to use this time to become more acquainted with Sugawara. ‘So you’re pretty close with all of them at Karasuno, why aren’t you a racer? Or at least something to do with it?’
‘Well for starters Daichi and I grew up together, we’ve been best friends forever. I went to high school with Hinata, Kageyama, Asahi, Tanaka and Noya. Then there’s Yachi, Shimizu, Tsukkishima, Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, Kinnoshita and Narita. They came later on. They’re all great guys and girls. I have a lot of stories with all of them,’ he pauses and lets out a low hum. ‘I was never cut out for racing. I work to look after the Karasuno finances though.’
Just as you were about to reply, the screams of girls fill your eardrums. Why are they so loud? ‘Those are Oikawa’s fans. He might as well be a real celebrity.’ You let out a small laugh at the unamused tone his words held.
‘You’re not a fan huh?’
‘No, I can’t stand that guy! He’s amazing! But we have great players too y’know?’
Oikawa’s car is beautiful, a shining white Chevy Corvette with pale turquoise leaf art. Although it is slightly obnoxious. After all, who races illegally with a white car let alone one with a paint job that glows in the headlights of other cars? In your eyes only an idiot would. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder what this Oikawa looks like. He’s supposed to be God-like right? Otherwise why else would he have so many admirers?
The siren that declares that ‘all cars must get into position’ breaks you out of your thoughts. There are nine cars, two you can recognise from Karasuno.
‘In tonight’s line up we have Captain Daichi and Tanaka from Karasuno! Captain Oikawa and Iwaizumi from Seijoh! Captain Futakuchi and Aone from Dateko! Hayato from Tokonami! Captain Yoshiki from Ohgiminami! And Kazuki from Tsubakihara!’ The area that was dead silent through the announcement suddenly erupted in cheers from spectators. They all moulded together into loud screams, all but one that is. The only clear word - or should you say name - that came over the top of everything else was none other than Oikawa. Everything else was lost in a sea of screams
Tonight’s flag girl walks to the middle of the track and the crowd’s rowdiness only increases. She waves her flag on the way to the lookout and after climbing up she grabs a hold of the megaphone and shouts ‘On your marks… get set.. go!!’ And down went her flag. Without missing a beat all cars zoomed away.
Sure enough, Oikawa is better than the rest. Easily taking the lead and being able to maintain a good speed. The other driver from Seijoh - Iwaizumi you think his name is, is close behind Oikawa. Now you understand why the top four were called the top four. They are exactly that. The other three drivers stand no chance in a race against them. It is cruel, really.
After coming back from dreamland you see Tanaka stuck behind Aone. It looks as if he purposefully moved in front of Tanaka, blocking him from being able to accelerate past and get in the lead. Futakuchi on the other hand was beginning to close in on Iwaizumi with Daichi close behind him.
‘Dateko specialise in blocking, their strategies typically consist of a blocker and a runner. A blocker is what Aone is doing, keeping a steady pace still in the front lines but preventing the opposition from getting in front. For Tanaka to have to deal with that means he’ll be under a lot of pressure and potential guilt. A runner is basically a driver going as fast as they can to the finish line and not having to deal with as many opponents because their teammate, the blocker, has them all held up.’
‘Is Dateko the only team that uses this technique?’
‘No, but they're the only ones to have mastered it. The technique itself is called the Block and Run. A runner has to be a pro at quick turns and have incredibly fast reflexes. They’re like a cheetah in a sense. A blocker has to be strong and tactical, think of them like some sort of gorilla maybe? Put the two together and you get an unlikely but strong team.’
‘I’m sorry I still don't really understand, how does one get stuck behind a block?’
‘Well part of the runner’s job is to lure the competition, often riling them up before or in game so that they’re getting chased or competed with. This means that the opponents eyes and mind are more focused on the runner than anything else, allowing the blocker to overtake and begin blocking. Once the driver realises they are being blocked, they panic a little and don’t notice the runner speeding off into the distance.’
You silently stare in awe. The race is almost over but you can’t help but respect the drivers. A tactic like that would have taken months, if not - years to perfect. You look over to Sugawara, ‘Why is Oikawa the Grand King?’
‘Because he’s good at what he does. An all rounder, he acts as both a mechanic and a driver. It’s hard to believe he's no genius, just a regular, hard worker.’
‘Is that why everyone was freaking out over Oikawa coming back?’
‘No. He hasn’t raced in about a month - well not that I know of. Good to see he’s as good as ever… I guess.’ You chuckle at Sugawara’s deflated tone.
‘And we have a winner! Captain Oikawa, the Grand King!’ The crowd goes wild as he celebrates in a victory lap.
After all the cars finish, they line up once more at the start line and step out of their vehicles. That is when you see him and you can't say you blame him for being as popular as he is. Oikawa is beautiful, ethereal even. His presence holds such poise and elegance even as he is covered in sweat and clad in racer gear, helmet resting under his arm. Seeing this, seeing him, you could only imagine how wonderful his personality could be. Did he like reading? Did he like tea or coffee? How did he like his eggs in the morning?
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Taglist: @dadchi-oya
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tiny-maus-boots · 4 years
The Howl pt 17
A/N: almost there. one last chapter. i think. thank you thank you thank you to my beta and bestie @chloes-yellow-cup for always do the thing. yes this is the unedited version, the fully (probably) edited version will be posted later on that ao3 thing.
Stacie shut the door to the truck and glanced up at the sun, it was setting quickly and the pack would change soon. Aubrey joined her from around the front of the vehicle pulling the helmet from her head and giving the sun a snarling lip curl. She had to clear her throat to keep from chuckling as they clasped hands and laced their fingers in a gesture that was as reflexive and automatic as the act of breathing.
Her family gathered around them, boiling over with excess energy. They hadn’t asked for the whole pack to join them; it could turn out badly and she’d never fault a wolf for thinking of their family first. But they were there, every single one of them, prepared to do battle but finally willing to submit to her and let her lead diplomatically.
“I want you to know I... we appreciate everyone being here. I made you all a promise, someone would answer for what happened to Wade.” A low rumbling growl rose like a tide around them, the wolves of a single mind and focus. “Tonight we bring his murderer to justice, pack justice.”
Voices rose around them in union with shouts of agreement. Stacie closed her eyes and took a breath just as the sun dipped below the horizon. She could feel the pull of the moon as it rose high but it wasn’t strong enough to force her wolf to the surface anymore. The cool current of Aubrey’s power flowing between them steadied and calmed her. The Alpha opened her eyes to find her mate watching her, a slow smile easing on to her face when she realized Stacie wasn’t going to shift.
They had been banking on her newfound control over the moon to work in their favor. But breaking her shift to consummate her mating was not the same thing as holding back the hot prickling tide of power on the night when the blood moon was at its strongest. The pack quickly undressed and dropped to all fours, some of them shifting with much less effort than normal. Stacie didn’t think it was just the moon, there was something different about them in general. She felt connected to them all as if they were finally one mind, one voice, one joined howl.
Even Redd who stayed at the fringes still nursing a jaw that was quickly healing. He hadn’t exactly come crawling forward on his belly but he had quieted and seemed at least for now, willing to accept Aubrey’s place in the pack. Stacie’s gaze drifted over to his lean figure as it twisted and rolled in the shift between man and wolf. She watched him as the rest of the pack changed and resettled themselves around Aubrey and Stacie waiting for their word. The tall brunette gave Aubrey’s hand a gentle squeeze and raised a brow teasingly.
“Ready to bring me home to the fam?”
“Hm. I hope you can keep up, Puppy.”
Stacie gave her a playful growl and Aubrey bolted through the trees in a pale blur, her bare feet hardly making a dimple on the soft dusting of light snow. She chuckled as several of her wolves, many of them outliers, turned and bounded after the vampire. A barrel-chested wolf padded forward and shook his shaggy head. She reached out and ran a hand through Angus’ fur, more as a comfort for herself than him she suspected.
“If anything happens, you keep the pack together. Understand?”
He sneezed at that and groaned but bobbed his head in understanding. Stacie gave a nod of her own and sprinted off after Aubrey and her entourage. She could feel the rest of the pack keeping pace with her, and the wild thrill that came with running under the light of the full moon. She couldn’t tell if Aubrey had slowed down or she had just finally caught up but the miles flew by under their feet as they ran side by side. The trek was effortless and it seemed that the woods swayed gently in a breeze that wasn’t there, a way opening easily through the Tongass to let them through.
They crested a low ridge that brought them in view of a small cabin that looked more like an abandoned hunter’s shack than the home of a coven of vampires. They slowed to a stop at the ending edge of the copse that surrounded the clearing the cabin sat at the center of. It was eerily silent there and she realized that outside of the pack no living creatures claimed the area. Stacie gave Aubrey an uncertain look but the blonde only nodded and stepped forward out of the shelter of trees. She waited a beat and stepped out after her, wolves flowed around them out of the forest in light trot that belied the alert flick of ears parsing out every sound around them.
The door swung open on well-oiled hinges and a tall blonde woman stepped out. Others followed in her wake but they didn’t hold her focus the way the woman had. She was beautiful and Stacie could easily see the family resemblance but there was something terrifying about the weight of power that surrounded her. They met in the middle, Aubrey stopping just out of arm’s reach from the other woman. Stacie moved into place at her mate’s left side giving her room to draw her ever present machete from the sheath on her back if necessary.
The older vampire cast a glance at Stacie and dismissed her without so much as a second glance. Her focus was for Aubrey alone as she studied every line and contour of her niece’s face searching for something. She was flawless but everything about her moments seemed wrong and unnatural. If she had ever shown any semblance of humanity it was long ago and all that was left was an alien and incomprehensible to the Alpha.
“The prodigal has returned at last.”
“Yes, and with news of the revenants and their maker”
It was said just loud enough for the other assembled vampires to hear. A whisper slithered among them as they watched Aubrey curiously. Aubrey’s aunt stiffened her back and narrowed her eyes at Stacie’s mate. There would be no way now to make any of this private and The Lady didn’t like that. It was enough of a confirmation that she was guilty of something and Stacie exchanged a look with Bree.
“Do you?” It was dangerous and low and Stacie wanted to take a step closer to Aubrey when she circled them both, having to weave around furred bodies that had fit themselves between them and The Lady of the coven. It made her stop short and she gave the wolves a look of irritation before transferring it to Aubrey. “And you brought home strays it would seem.”
A low sound of dissent rumbled through the pack and it compounded whatever grave imagined insult Aubrey had had given her. The woman glared down her nose at Stacie’s mate and pulled a lip back in a disgusted curl that was all too familiar.
“You’ve been gone a month to lie with dogs and yet you have forgotten how to heel. Have you forgotten your place, niece?”
For a moment, the wolf in her threatened to take over in a roar of anger at the insult but that would only push them into dangerous waters. The Lady was obviously baiting them for a reaction either to immediately discredit them or to tip things past the point of no return. Stacie swallowed down the anger, hands reaching out to pet and soothe the snarling wolves around them. The brunette tipped her head to the side with a lazy smirk, her voice slow drawl.
“Her place is at my side. And the mate of an Alpha kneels to no one.”
Stacie was sure however old this creature was she had seen and heard many things and found none of them surprising. But it was pretty clear she’d done just that. The vampire moved forward to examine her with the same intense focus she had shown Aubrey.
“That is not possible. Humans cannot be Alphas of wolf packs.”
“Who said I’m human?”
Pale green eyes flickered with curiosity before that impenetrable mask fell into place. Stacie raised her chin slightly a challenging smirk on her face.
“It is the blood moon is it not? No wolf has been able to resist that lure, not even Alphas.”
The scoffing disbelief irked her and Stacie let power swell inside of her as the wolf spilled forth. She couldn’t feel them change but she knew the moment her eyes had gone soft glowing amber with a ring of icy silver around them by the quiet gasp of surprise the ancient woman made.
“And yet here I stand…”
It was a little flippant and she knew it but she was giving less and less fucks as every minute slipped by them during this little power play. The older vampire turned abruptly and deliberately swished the last few steps to stand in front of Aubrey. Her voice a hiss of a whisper not meant to carry past the three of them.
“Quite surprising niece. Such power and for how long I wonder? How long have you been lying to us all?”
Aubrey’s back straightened and she rolled a shoulder in an unconcerned shrug. “Not as long as you have…”
Something passed between them like a lightning bolt, charging the air and raising Stacie’s hackles. Power flared and pulsed through her connection and she felt Aubrey’s emotions roil with unexpected defiance. Aubrey was done being pushed around and bullied; she was finally able to stand up on her own against her tyrannical aunt.
The Lady appraised her again, her sharp eye assessing a new and unexpected adversary in Aubrey. Stacie could see the shift in her demeanor as real fear flickered in the depths of her eyes. Her deep red lips twitched with momentary uncertainty before she pulled herself together. Her eyes flared silver with barely contained rage.
“Have a care niece, what secrets you lay bare. You may regret your existence for your choices. Remember who has protected you all these many years.”
Stacie felt the growl rise in her throat at the threat, her shoulders tensed as she struggled to contain her wolf. Aubrey gave a dainty snort and stepped closer to her aunt; each movement filled with tightly coiled energy. If menace were a tangible thing her mate would be wearing it like a cloak.
“I have regretted every moment since my birth under your protective hand. Have a care aunt, what existence you threaten when your own rests so perilously in mine.”
It was totally an inappropriate time to be turned on but it was hard not to be. Aubrey brushed past The Lady and stood before the rest of the vampires to address them directly. It was different than watching Aubrey confront the pack, at least with the wolves there was something to read. Tiny movements, gestures, rumbles of agreement or growls of anger. But vampires gave nothing but the barest awareness of what was happening. They watched stone faced and silent as thought they were waiting for something to animate them.
“You tasked me with tracking and hunting the revenants to find the source and eradicate the contamination…”
“Yes, and you still have not done so.”
A low murmur went through the vampires and she gave a slight nod of agreement. Stacie focused her attention on the one who had spoken. He was tall and slightly stoop shouldered, and there was something predatory about the way he looked at Aubrey that make Stacie’s lips pull back in a warning growl as he approached.
“Unfortunate circumstance kept me from pursing the source…”
“You mean you killed the creatures before you could learn anything of value.”
He wasn’t going to let her get a word in if he could help it and Stacie wondered if that was because he didn’t like Aubrey or because he had something to hide. She stepped forward, pushing into the tense space between him and her mate.
“Luckily for you she got to examine the last victim of your little problem.”
He hissed at her but backed up a step, unwilling to stand too close apparently. A spark of something flickered through the vampires and the wolves closed in tighter around their Alpha.
“One of your own took the life of our brother and friend. I hold the coven accountable for his death.”
The Lady turned sharply to look at her and Stacie met her cold gaze. If they didn’t get what they were asking for they would tear the coven apart and scatter the ashes to the wind. She didn’t have to say it out loud, the vampires knew what they were facing in the moment.
“And what do you propose would make this right for you?”
It didn’t hold an ounce of the disdain and venom that her earlier tone had but there was still something calculating just under the surface. It made Stacie wary and she glanced at Aubrey for reassurance. The vampire gave her a slight nod back and she sighed.
“I want his killer. It’s a win win for both of us, yeah? We get justice and you get rid of your problem child.”
Aubrey’s aunt went still in a way that the living can never truly be. Power crackled like electricity around her as she leaned forward slightly, head inclined and a Cheshire like smile crawled across her face. It was a nothing gesture but the articulation of it was all unnatural and creepy as hell.
“But we have no killer to produce. Aubrey was apparently too busy fucking you to do her job.”
Some people snickered snidely at that but Aubrey herself seemed to have zero shame about it and shrugged idly.
“I had time between orgasms to work.”
Several wolves pawed at the ground and bayed their amusement. Stacie chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest as her mate prowled back to her aunt with regal grace.
“When I examined Wade, I found a hint of a scent. Faint certainly but there was no mistaking it for a pure bloodline. The Alpha of the pack has confirmed the presence of…”
“And what makes you think we trust your bitch?”
It came from the circle of listening vampires and it seemed surprised even them.  The tall mouthy vampire from before strutted forward boldly despite the snarling barks and growls. Rage filled their connection and she guessed he made it three full steps before Aubrey was on him, fist rocketing forward with blinding speed. The pack raised their voices in a low howl that made the vampires take a few steps back toward the cabin as if it alone would keep the wolves at bay.
The blow landed hard sending him staggering to the ground but he was quick to recover and skitter back behind the safety of numbers. Aubrey moved to give chase but Stacie tugged lightly on their connection drawing the vampire’s gaze. Focus, love. This was a distraction from what they came for and she knew that under the anger, Aubrey knew it too. The blonde vampire bared her fangs and hissed him before making her way back to Stacie’s side.
“You can trust in one thing if you will not trust my word as a Posen. The wolves only want the killer, but they’ll take the whole coven if they have to.”
Bodies shifted nervously and all eyes turned toward The Lady of the coven. She gave a resigned nod having already expected the statement. A weary eyed knowledge settled on her features and she waved a hand dismissively.
“Yes, yes. Utter annihilation of the coven. It was foretold, it’s the only reason I agreed to this meeting in the first place. Just tell us what you want so we can be done with this before the sun rises.”
Aubrey nodded in agreement, and all the vampires glanced up at the sky to track the position of the moon.
“There are but a handful of vampires that could be responsible. Someone older than I, but younger than you, Aunt.” Aubrey glared at the other woman standing just a few feet away. “Someone close enough to your council to know my every move as I make it. Some bitten vampire pretending to be high born, sitting in our midst and threatening our very existence. Can you think of no one at all that fits this description?”
“Why would I know of such a person?”
“Because they came from our line.”
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hellishchrissy · 5 years
chapter 1 - this is going to sound dumb
chapter 2 - we need rules
chapter 3 - we’re in this mess together
Eleonora stared at herself in the mirror of her bathroom, her eyes nervously taking in any and every sign of exhaustion. And to be quite fair, there were many: shadows under her eyes, a vacantly distant look in her green eyes, a certain dullness to her gaze. The brunette shook her head, groaning. Fuck. Eleonora pulled out her concealer once more, applying one more layer of false brightness under her eyes, desperate to conceal the true reason she had barely been sleeping.
Edoardo. Fuck.
How the hell was Eleonora supposed to walk through the doors of her school and pretend to know Edoardo Incanti? How the hell was she supposed to act like he was someone she wanted to know? Every passing minute made their plan seem more and more ridiculous, and Eleonora was spiralling with each passing second. Maybe Edoardo would realize the lunacy of their agreement, as well. Perhaps he’d call. Perhaps he’d bail. Oh, how Eleonora wished he would.
Eleonora’s phone buzzed, and her heart jumped when she saw Edoardo’s name on her screen. “I’m outside.”
Oh, she was in too deep now. Eleonora took one last glance of herself in the mirror, then shaking her head in bewilderment as she ran out of the bathroom. She grabbed her bag on the way to the door, barely turning back to yell her goodbyes to Filippo as she passed his room - he was probably still sleeping, anyway. It was a Monday after all, and Filo occasionally had the habit of starting his weeks with a hangover. Reminds me that there’s no way but up this week, he always said. What a strange, dumb sentiment.
For a brief moment Eleonora was convinced that Edoardo was kidding - maybe he wasn’t truly waiting to take her to school, maybe he wasn’t really taking this little play-pretend that seriously. Maybe he’d come to their senses. Maybe they both would. Hell, maybe this was all some fever dream that Eleonora just couldn’t wake herself up from. And as she skipped down the last steps and opened the door of her apartment building, Eleonora believed herself for a moment. It was all a dream. All a big joke. Everything was just the way they were last week.
Yet still for some reason Edoardo Incanti’s car was pulled over on the side of the street, the engine whirring quietly. Eleonora took a deep breath as she approached the car, and her hand hesitated on the handle for the briefest moment. Edoardo looked at her through the window, his eyes glancing at the Eleonora’s hesitating hand with a smirk. He gestured for the girl to get in, and against all her better judgement, she did.
“Good morning,” Edoardo said.
Eleonora put on her seatbelt all the while actively avoiding eye contact. “Hi.”
“What’s up?” Edoardo asked, his eyes nervously glancing at Eleonora’s hands that were still anxiously fiddling with her seatbelt. They started driving, but the silence between them persisted.
Eleonora shrugged, her gaze following the changing scenery outside their windows. “So we’re really going this far? You taking me to school in the mornings?”
Edoardo opened his mouth, but nothing came out - it seemed almost like he was merely buying himself some time to put words in the right order. He shrugged again, indifferent. “Well, we have to play the part. And I’d be a shitty boyfriend if I didn’t pick you up, right?”
It was disturbing how easily the word slipped from his lips, how easily he called himself Eleonora’s boyfriend. It was something she’d have to get used to - and fast. It wouldn’t be right for her to be jumping out of her skin publicly when someone would dare to call Edoardo Incanti her boyfriend. For some reason the thought made Eleonora smile.
“Yeah,” she eventually agreed, turning her gaze to Edoardo for the first time during their car ride. “I guess you would be.”
The rest of the car ride went quietly, as both seemed to be too sunken into their own thoughts - or, in Eleonora’s case, were too nervous to actually say anything out loud. Every passing minute brought the girl’s heart rate up, and by the time they parked on the school parking lot, her heart was nearly racing to jump out of her chest. Edoardo turned the engine off and fell back to his seat with a huff, taking a glance of himself in the rearview mirror.
“So, what’s it gonna be, Sava? You ready for everyone to go batshit fucking crazy when they see us?” He asked as he put on a pair of sunglasses, flashing a cocky smile at the girl next to him.
“You want a honest answer?” Eleonora asked.
Edoardo pondered. “I should probably say no to that, right?”
“Okay then. Just smile and breathe, Eleonora. We’re in this mess together,” he reminded Eleonora, and for a second she actually felt consoled. The second was gone far too quickly.
Edoardo jumped out of the door and slammed the door shut behind himself. Eleonora was about to do the same as well, but before she could do a thing to get out of the car, Edoardo had raced to her side of the vehicle, and was now opening the door for her. Eleonora eyed the boy suspiciously when he offered her his hand, but she took it without saying a word, suddenly grateful for the physical support Edoardo’s grip provided. The boy closed Eleonora’s door behind her and tightened his grip of her hand, squeezing it for a quarter of a second.
And then they were walking, joining the stream of students slowly making their way inside. Edoardo was pulling her closer to his side as they made it inside, clearly somehow sensing the anxiety that was now taking a hold of the girl. His grip was reassuringly tight, pulling Eleonora to his side, closer than she had ever been to Edoardo - close enough to smell the unfamiliar scent of his cologne, close enough to make her almost nervous.
It was strange feeling eyes on them as they made their way down the hallway - it seemed like anywhere they went, pairs of curious eyes followed. Eleonora could hear whispers, she could hear her own name repeated more times than she could actually count. Each time that happened, it felt like Edoardo was gently pulling her slightly closer, almost reassuringly. He was there for her. He was the one that got her into this mess. He would get her out of it unharmed, too. At least that’s what she wanted to believe.
“You alright?” Edoardo whispered into her ear as they walked, and Eleonora nodded with a smile that felt almost real.
Edoardo answered with a squeeze of his hand, and for the first time that day Eleonora started to feel almost confident about their little act. It felt good to walk hand in hand with Edoardo, knowing that there were eyes on them, knowing that people were talking. Eleonora could feel a smile creeping up on her lips as they passed another group of people who seemed to have forgotten what they had been talking about - they just stood there,  staring, eyeing them like they were aliens walking among humans. Fuck, it felt weird.  And when they passed Elena and her group of friends, Eleonora could feel Edoardo’s body vibrating with quiet laughter.
They slowed down their pace once they were nearing Eleonora’s first class, slowly swinging their intertwined hands between them like children. They stopped near the open door of the classroom, and Edoardo pulled Eleonora so they were facing each other. Yet another skipped beat of Eleonora’s heart. Edoardo’s hand rose slowly to touch Eleonora’s face, gently swiping a strand of hair behind her ear. His fingers lingered on her soft skin.
“Okay, I gotta run. I’ve been late way too many fucking times for history this month,” Edoardo said, making Eleonora chuckle. They stood there for a while, trying to figure out their next move.
Suddenly, Edoardo leaned in closer. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. But before he could do anything to make Eleonora panic any further, his lips pressed a light kiss on Eleonora’s cheek, giving him the opportunity to whisper: “You did good, Sava.”
“I’ll see you later,” Eleonora said with a smile.
Edoardo turned on his heels and raced down the hall, disappearing behind the corner at the end of the hallway. And as he did, Eleonora took a deep breath and shook her head, unable to process the fact that she had survived her first public appearance with Edoardo Incanti. Still shaking her head, the girl entered the noisy classroom, scanning the room for a free seat.
Eva was there. The sight of her made Eleonora smile, and she didn’t hesitate to walk across the classroom. “Can I sit here?”
Eva looked up from her phone, eyeing Eleonora. “Sure.”
They fell into a mutual silence, but it didn’t last for long before Eva asked, her tone careful: “So, no to be nosy, but are you together with Incanti or something?”
“No, you’re not being nosy. It’s fine. Uh… Yeah, I guess you could call it that,” Eleonora answered, squirming in her chair. “We’re trying to keep it lowkey.”
Eva snorted. “Yeah, as if anything with Edoardo Incanti could ever be lowkey.”
There was a harsh truth in her words, and Eleonora knew it. She had witnessed it in the hallways of the school just fifteen minutes earlier. There was nothing lowkey nor subtle about anything that had something to do with Edoardo Incanti, and Eleonora had known that ever since she first stepped inside this school - I guess every school had to have their cliche, and Edoardo seemed to be the worst of them.
“That’s true,” Eleonora admitted, suddenly at a loss for better words.
“So, are you guys going to Chicco Rodi’s party this weekend, then?” Eva asked, her tone almost hopeful. “I mean, I was invited to go with my boyfriend and his friends, but it’d be nice to have another familiar face there or something.”
Eleonora could feel a smile tugging at her lips, but she tried to hide it. “Yeah, I think Edoardo mentioned the party,” she lied effortlessly. “I’m pretty sure we’re going.”
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joseshin · 4 years
CATS: 1998 vs 2019
Alright, going to do this already.  Note: these are my personal opinions.  Intelligent rebuttals will be considered and replied to, anything else may likely be ignored.  Also spoilers, and LONG.  So onward to a comparison of the 2019 movie against the 1998 filmed stage version.
Edit before posting: Apparently I never queued this.  I feel a little silly now
Plot/Framing:  The use of an abandoned Victoria to frame the introduction of the plot of the Jellicle Ball and Munkustrap acting as narrator/guide to Victoria is a decent idea, and one that worked fairly well.  Granted, when you take a book of poems and turn them into songs, it’s a little hard to create plot for a musical, but inspiration comes from everywhere.  Victoria is a pretty blank slate for directors to work with, so having her be the framing vehicle is a really good idea.  She’s the white cat, the dancer, doesn’t have any specific lines of dialogue or song attached originally.
I think that Munkustrap didn’t have enough presence in the movie.  He’s the primary narrator, he needs to be someone we want to pay attention to, not just because he’s the one who happens to be singing or speaking at the moment.  Maybe it’s a difference in how the two versions were filmed, and the focus was a little more on Victoria as our window into the world of Jellicle Cats, but I didn’t catch myself looking for him, or even noticing him in some shots, and you want your main source of information to be someone/thing you’re aware of, if only to see the mood of the scene.
“Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats” and “The Naming of Cats”: I thought the pacing was a touch fast, but I can understand trying to get all the material of the musical to fit into a film.  Same with the cut lines here, and it did flow very well for the most part.
Having each cat introduce themselves via their song, and thus their entry into the competition for the Jellicle Choice, is interesting, and it does give a reason for not doing either the songs “The Awefull Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles,” or “Growltiger's Last Stand,” as they are the Jellicles entertaining each other in “play within a play” scenes.  It also gives Growltiger a reason to be a villian/henchman of Macavity’s, by using a snippet of his song during one of the capture sequences.
“The Old Gumbie Cat”: I was not happy.  Rebel Wilson is an amazing singer and actress, and I was very much looking forward to her interpretation of Jennyanydots.  What I saw was a petulant, whiny brat, instead of the example of Edwardian do-gooder.  Also, the mouse costumes were ridiculously bad, and the replication of the cockroaches was just showing off CGI work for no real effect.
“The Rum Tum Tugger”: No.  Why would you use this version, it’s a trainwreck?  And the music choice made no sense!  Jazz by itself would have been fine, but as far as the hip-hop/rap elements go?  Are we trying to make the timeframe screwy?  I miss the rockstar Tugger.
“Grizabella: The Glamour Cat”: Alright, Jennifer Hudson is amazing.  That said, I don’t think she made sense as a casting choice.  Grizabella is older, she’s past her prime and her singing should have more of that age and grit to it that shows her experience.  If you’re going to use someone younger, at least put some convincing age makeup on her, and choose a singer who has a huskier tone.
“Bustopher Jones”: James Cordon did a very good job to make this about more than a cat who eats his way through life, though I’m not sure about his scavenging through the trash.  He’s supposed to get huge amounts from the gentlemen’s clubs he attends, I would have thought the proper attitude of “the St. James’ Street cat” would not allow for his digging in the garbage.  And the sensitivity about his weight was stupid.
“Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer”: Perfect.  The mischief makers in their element, and Victoria having to deal with the fact that they can be not nice cats, it works.
“Old Deuteronomy”: Judi Dench was an interesting choice for the role, but it works.  There are some slight differences that come with having a matriarch for the Jellicle tribe instead of a patriarch, and they were handled with grace.  It also is a way to give Dame Dench a role in Cats that fits her experience, since her injury during the rehearsals for the original London opening meant her planned dual roles didn’t happen.
“The Jellicle Ball”: The dancing was nice, and I liked the way several other cats became more than faces in the crowd during it.
“Memory(Prelude)”: Again, I just don’t think Jennifer Hudson has the age for this to work.  Beautiful rendition though.
“Beautiful Ghosts”: A Victoria solo.  Huh.  It makes sense, given that Victoria is the primary viewpoint character in this version, for her to have something of her own.  And it’s a pretty little song.
“The Moments of Happiness”: It doesn’t have quite the impact it should, since the only real witness to Deuteronomy is Victoria here.  It works better when the entire clan is being given this lesson, even if most of them don’t understand it yet.
“Gus: The Theatre Cat”:  Ian McKellan, ladies and gents, in a role that suits his age and expertise?  I almost don’t miss Jellylorum.  Also the lead up to it, with him giving some words of wisdom to a fellow performer?  Yes, and yes!
“Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat”: The vocals and dancing went very well, but I kept getting distracted by the costume.  What’s up with that facial hair and the suspenders?  Also, the way the scenery shifted during this song where it never had with any other Jellicle performance.  More questions than answers here.
“Macavity: The Mystery Cat”:  Hoo boy.  Where to begin?  Making Bombalurina one of Macavity’s cronies sits a little funny with me, but I understand the logistics behind the choice.  The one place though, the one place that lyrics should absolutely have been changed in the entire show and you MISSED IT!?!?!?!?  Idris Elba is not a ginger cat, there is no way to make him a ginger cat, and you didn’t try to make him a ginger cat, so why does the song define him as one?  You couldn’t try, I don’t know: “Macavity’s a midnight cat/ He’s very tall and trim”?? Instead, you call him ginger, and thin.  Ugh.  Also, as much as I love to watch Elba, a lot of the threat of Macavity in the musical comes from the fact that this is the first time he’s been openly on stage, and not just a shadowed figure hiding along the fringe.  Using Macavity often earlier in the movie, having him spirit away the other competitors for the Jellicle choice so obviously, damps down on that.  Shadows crank up anticipation better than overt threats most of the time.  The stage version creates a scarier Macavity, though I’m sorry to say it.
The use of catnip is kind of hilarious as a drug, though I’m a little sad there was no fight between Munkustrap and Macavity, and that the Jellicles all came under Macavity’s power so easily.  Little annoyed that Griddlebone and Bombalurina seem to just melt away after the song, but understanding not wanting to use T Swift for “lesser” plot type issues.
“Magical Mr. Mistoffelees”: Mistoffelees is adorable here. This show is as much him coming into his powers and abilities as it is introducing Victoria to what it means to be a Jellicle.  His attempts, as he tries again and again to bring back Deuteronomy, are laced with just enough desperation that he’s trying his hardest without making it overacting.  The final success, when he’s sure he’s failed utterly, is so very sweet.
“Memory”: Same critique as before.  The thing about Grizabella’s songs is that they are reminiscing.  Looking back on a more golden youth.  Crying for understanding that those without experience in the shades of gray life throws at you won’t have.  It’s significant that Victoria (or Jemima, depending on the rendition) reach out to her, but Deuteronomy is the only one who has no problem with her, even from the get-go.  You need someone with either a hell of a shitstorm life experience, or just plain experience to get that.
“The Journey to the Heavyside Layer”: I liked the transition of the broken chandelier into a balloon carrying away Grizabella.  Little confused at Macavity’s loss of power, but okay.
“The Ad-dressing of Cats”: Deuteronomy addressing the crowd certainly brings the magical nature of cats to the fore, leaving the audience wondering how long she and the rest of the Jellicles have been aware of our view into their world.  I liked how when she was describing the food gifts a person can give to their cat, all of those surrounding her got excited.
Costuming: Just bodysuits and CGI ears, tails, and whiskers do not turn people into convincing cats.  The giant wigs of the stage show, while an 80′s throwback to the extreme, also change the profile of the face to better mimic a feline skull.  I get it, having that poof would have been annoying with having to deal with the CGI ears, having to compensate for every fur twitch, but still!  Also, nobody’s fur had any significant fluff amount to it whatsoever, it was all extra elements, like the coats and other accessories, but you could have used the legwarmers and armwarmers of the stage show give a better illusion of volume to fur.  Having everyone be sleek shorthairs is boring.  To my mind, the makeup was not convincing enough either.
Final thoughts: The movie version was okay, casting choices were decent for the most part, but I have to say that all together, I prefer the 1998 version.  It could also be that the actors for the filmed stage version had been doing these roles for some time and it shows, especially in movements.  Don’t get me wrong, the movie actors are good at their jobs, but there’s a difference in living a role for months or perhaps years during a stage run, tweaking things each performance, research and changing your approach, and making a movie, trying things only to have to move on to the next shot.
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s1cparvism4gna · 4 years
I Like You A Lot
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WARNINGS: cursing and violence
Pairings: Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch , @courtenbae
Chapter 11
Sunny’s POV
We’d gone through another fort, tucked in a lakebed this time. We ended up going there first instead of the mountain. It was closer than we thought. This job seemed absolutely keen on testing my patience. I’m not sure if anyone really has noticed, but me and heights are not friends. Not even in the slightest. Try as I might, I just couldn’t deal with the fact that one day I might fuck up and fall into the unknown. But with Chloe’s coaching, I managed to be able to climb a couple of cliffs without a massive panic attack. Nadine, who I thought would tease me the most, was actually the most nurturing if you could believe it. And once again, we’d fought through a small clan of insurgents. Afterwards, we found another puzzle, just like the first. With the disc in its slot, I was able to jumble about pieces that formed into a bow and arrow this time. A little more difficult though as the pieces seemed to rotate around each other. But I handled it. It was easier than most puzzles I was subjected to solving. Just like before, the puzzle’s panel flipped, displaying a carved image of Parashurama and bars jutted out from the sides. Knowing what to do, Nadine and Chloe went to turn the crank.
“Alright let's do this.” Nadine said as I took a few steps back but Chloe stopped her.
“Now, now- hold on. What’s to say it’s water again? What if it’s like… fire or something this time?” She asked with a straight face. Nadine narrowed her eyes at her and shook her head.
“You’re messing with me.” Nadine said cautiously.
“Am I?” Chloe asked with a smirk. Nadine stared at her a bit longer before Chloe’s smile cracked. “I’m totally messing with you.” She chuckled. This woman had a talent for making lies sound factual. A talent much like a certain Drake I knew. She could deep fry a rat and tell me it was chicken and I’d believe her. The more I drew these similarities to each other, the more insecure I became. She was just like him…. just his type. My heart shattered at the thought of them being together again. I needed to see him. All I wanted to do was punch him for being an idiot. I sighed and began to light myself a cigarette as they turned the cranked. Again, water began to swell beneath us and burst out of the gutter in front of the platform. Another waterfall began to form in the relief that could be seen from all distances.
“Hm. I’m a little disappointed it isn’t fire.” Chloe said, elbowing Nadine in her side. A small smile threatened to pull on her lips before she began watching the waterfall. I could sense a bit of frustration from her.
“The Hoysala went to an absurd amount of trouble to hide the tusk.” She said, pacing back and forth behind her. Chloe shrugged and put her binoculars away.
“Welp. The Tusk was the symbol of Hoysala dominance. Representing their wealth and their might…” Chloe explained.
“Like a trophy… The Persians definitely would’ve wanted that.” I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. She snapped and finger gunned me for a split second before zoning out again.
“My dad always thought that the tusk was something even greater though…” She hummed.
“Wait. Your dad was after the tusk?” Nadine asked. The story just kept growing.
“Oh, my dad was obsessed with it.” Chloe said, her brows crinkled together in what seemed like resentment. I readjusted myself against a pillar as I listened to her talk. “All our money wasted on fruitless expeditions…”
“Heard that one before…” Nadine seemed to understand what that felt like. Me on the other hand… I only wished my dad had left on account of some great adventure. But no. He just couldn’t stand being around me anymore. I couldn’t relate. Nadine nodded her head as she began to piece Chloe’s story together. This was the most she’d ever revealed herself. To anyone. “So what came of it?” She asked. Chloe looked about aimlessly as she scrambled her brain for the answer. But the truth…
“I don’t know…..” she sighed as she tilted her head, her voice dripping in disappointment. She chuckled as she began to reminisce on the shitty times. “Well he sent me and my mum away…. Said it was no longer safe… and off to Australia we went….” she sighed uncomfortably. I frowned and hung my head, pulling in my cigarette and exhaling smoke. “And now here I stand….. on the outskirts of Halebidu…. that’s pretty funny.” It was crazy how life worked. How her father could never get close to this and yet Chloe has gotten closer than he ever could. If anyone deserves to find this thing, it was definitely her.
“Well at least your accent makes sense now…” Nadine chuckled softly. “Frazer’s not exactly an Indian surname either…”
“It was my mum’s.” Chloe said simply as she pulled her map to mark it up again.
“Speaking of accents… I’ve been meanin’ to ask you, Nadine… What in the fuck is your accent?!” I asked, trying to break the ice. I’d suddenly gotten tired of holding so much animosity. Nadine burst into a giggle.
“South African. Yours?”
“Texan. Nothin’ real special. I don’t speak in cursive like y’all.” I chuckled, pulling on my cigarette. Nadine suddenly giggled a little.
“Cursive. Wow.” Chloe laughed. I patted her on the shoulder on my way out.
“Let’s get goin’.” I grinned.
The way down was much easier than the way up. A passageway that wasn’t there before opened up and led us right to where we parked the 4x4. We began driving so as to not waste any time. I looked at Nadine in the side view mirror and her light eyes seemed to wander all over the place as she thought.
“It’s interesting. I get why Asav wants the tusk now. I thought maybe he just wanted it for the money like us.”
“He’ll use it to rally people to his cause. Wave it in the government’s face. Just like all the other times.”
“The other times? This happened before?” I asked in confusion.
“Oh yeah. Ever since the young king lost to the Persians. Everyone’s wanted to lay claim to it. To this land.”
“I thought this was just a treasure hunt...” Nadine commented.
“It is. Let men like Asav fight over it. It’s none of our concern— SHIT!”
Suddenly, a ball of fire seemed to fly right by us and land on the rocky wall near us, causing a huge explosion. The car bounced back a little from the force but it was fine nonetheless. Posted up on the ruins was another troop of men, taking deadly aim and firing at us from a distance with what looked like a China Lake. Mud kicked up at the spin of the wheels and the engine growled as Chloe whipped the vehicle about. She powered through as another one flew near but missed us and hit the ground before us. Nadine and I pulled our guns and began firing away as cover. Bullet sprayed across the field as we traded shots. And almost a little too easily, Chloe managed to get us out of there quickly and unharmed. “She who drives away, lives another day, I say!” She chuckled as I placed a hand over my heart to calm myself. I still hadn’t relaxed from the last fight. Another bout of adrenaline began to surge and I groaned. This job was a tease. I wanted action; I wanted to blow shit up, stab something, knock a couple heads. And every time I got the littlest taste, it was soon over. It was frustrating really. I just wanted to take some stress out on these guys and it wasn’t happening!
“You do realize fighting wars was my concern for a time.” Nadine mentioned.
“You did it for money though.” I pointed out.
“And what about for Asav? What was that for?” I asked. She scoffed.
“Definitely a cash grab. Hardly worth the trouble.” She said. Chloe and I squealed like the couple of girls we were.
“Why do it then?” Chloe asked.
“I needed to establish my rep. So I figured I’d start with the worst of the bunch.”
“Guess from there, there’s nowhere to go but up!” I said with sarcasm. The girls both laughed. For once, the three of us were getting along. And that was good. I couldn’t help but wonder for how long though… We hadn’t run into any real trouble and there was no word from Sam yet. ‘I hope you’re okay…’ I thought for a moment. On one hand, I hoped he was safe and unharmed. On the other, I wanted to beat him up myself. For the meantime, the three of us were handling things just fine on our own. It was nice to be working with women for a change. We were only missing Elena...
For a while we began talking about everything from how we all got our start in the Life, what we’d found, where we’d been… At this point I found out Chloe had never been to the states which was insane! I promised I’d let her visit and that I’d show her around San Francisco. I even thought to invite Nadine if we managed to be cool by the end of this. we’d taken out more insurgents and just like that, we were on our way to the last puzzle. The fort we passed through to get there though, I hated. We had to swim through the lake to get by. Not only were my clothes wet but now so was my hair and my cigarettes… I couldn’t stress it enough: I hated it. Afterwards, the job managed to get a bit more exciting. Things were looking up. Inside a dark and musty room was a newer puzzle; statues that seemed to move with each pillar we stepped on.
“Well I’ll be go to hell… That’s elaborate.” Chloe said as the pillars rose from the ground at the turn of a crank. I stared at the mechanism and then longer at the statue. It was towering and golden, shaped like a warrior with a red jewel stuck in its chest. The faint sunlight that drew in seemed to make it glitter. In its hand was one massive axe. It was old but I was damn sure that thing still worked. Within three steps, the statue had risen its axe and swiped across. I could feel the wind from its quick motions from where I stood. Nervously, I hopped back the way I came in, looking at my path again to make sure it was correct. If I let it hit me, I’d be more than dead.
“Oh fun… Felt that one go by...” I grumbled as Chloe rubbed my shoulders.
“You can do this!” She told me with a fake tone of encouragement.
“Yeah… I got it…” I said, absolutely unsure if I really did. Nadine winced as she looked at the contraption.
“Are you sure you can solve that?” She asked me. I nodded as I ran my fingers through my wet curls and adjusted my pants. I bounced on my toes and shook off the nerves that began to prick at me like needles. Chloe made a face and placed a hand on top of my head.
“I can do this for you if you want, Sun—”
“No, no. I got this…..” I said, eyeballing it a little longer. Then suddenly it clicked for me. I could see the path. “Yeah…. yeah I got this.” I said, jumping onto the first pillar. I was able to get through it and the girls could walk over the pillars without the threat of a swinging statue. On the other side was a cliff and a beautiful view of the mountainous terrain, topped with fog and colorful trees. I watched the look on Nadine’s face as Chloe stopped to marvel at the sight. I punched her in the arm subtly with a teasing smile and she averted her gaze, shaking her head. The three of us ended up taking a selfie in front of the pretty green mountains, bunny fingers, goofy faces and all. It was nice.
As we followed the cliff into another dingy room, we’d come upon another puzzle. Just like the first but with more statues and increasingly more difficult. I sighed.
“Shall I take this one?” Chloe asked me. I shook my head.
“Lemme pull my weight. I got it.” I said. Throughout the trip, I barely contributed anything useful other than brute force. This was the time that I got to actually do something. To prove my worth to the team. I had to just nut up and do it. Although I was still pissed at him, I could hear Sam’s voice in my head. ‘Don’t think about it. Just do it.’ I heard him say, thinking about the way his thumbs would rub over the bone of my hips in comfort. I put a hand on my hip for a moment and took a deep breath before I turned the crank, watching the statues set and the pillars rise from the floor. This time there was one golden warrior statue and two silvers with a blue jewel in its chest. I jumped out to the first pillar and all three statues moved into their ready positions. It was harrowing almost. One wrong move and that was my whole head. I worked out a pattern halfway through until suddenly I had gotten stuck. I’d forgotten which way I’d just come from and I was planted right in front of a statue that was ready to swing at me. I was fucked. Royally. “Um…. g-guys!” I cried out nervously. “I fucked it…. I’m lost!”
“What do you mean ‘you’re lost’?!” Chloe shouted.
“I mean I’m lost, bitch! I fucked up! I don’t remember which pillar I jumped from!” I started to panic, pressing my hands to my cheeks and looking around me. I couldn’t figure out what was next. Surprisingly, Nadine was the calm in the storm.
“That’s okay! I was watching. Just give me a second…” I heard Nadine shout to me. Now my life was in her hands. I could only pray that she didn’t have the hesitation that I did. I crouched to hug my knees as I watched the two women bicker about something; I was too far away to really hear what about. After at least twenty minutes went by, I chewed on my lip anxiously as my mind began to overthink and wonder about all the people I loved in my life. Sweet, sweet Erik. My truest and oldest friend. I’ve treated him horrible the past year. And through it all he still loved me. With every flaw. Kitty Cat… the little sister I’d always wanted. Sure she was a little hard headed; stubborn, mouthy, and maybe even a little bit of an asshole! But I loved her and took care of her to the best of my abilities. Natey; the man who brought me into a better life and took me to places I could only ever dream of. His lovely wife Elena, Chloe, Sully, even Nadine… And Sam. God damn that man. The man who made me suddenly feel and want to feel again. I was then ripped from my depressive thoughts as I heard my name being called from a distance. I stood up and leaned forward, hoping to hear them better.
“Move to your left and jump backwards!” I heard Nadine shout. I did as I was told and the statue before me just missed me. The three of us screamed as it’s axe swiped by, cutting through the air. That gave me three more moves to make. I grinned and looked back at the two.
“Alright, I think I got it now!” I shouted back. I figured out how to get around the third statue and completed the puzzle. The girls were able to jump through safely once again. As soon as Chloe got off her platform, she ran to hug me tightly. It startled me but eventually I settled into it.
“I thought we’d lost you.” She grunted. She hugged me tighter and squished my face with her hands. “Lord knows what I’d tell anybody if anything ever happened to you.”
“That I died being dope. That’s all. That’s the announcement.” I joked, making her giggle. Nadine smiled to herself as she watched Chloe embrace me. After I managed to pry myself from Chloe’s arms, I walked over to Nadine and stuck a hand out to her.
“Thanks… for gettin’ me outta there.” I mumbled. She just smiled and shook my hand.
“Now we’re even.” She said simply. Suddenly, I could hear Chloe groaning in the next room. We ran inside to see what the problem was. When I did, I just about wanted to cry. Another puzzle. Five statues. Three gold, two silver, more nerves.
“Please tell me this is all.” I huffed.
“We’ll watch this time. Just in case you get stuck again.” Nadine told me reassuringly. I nodded at her and turned the crank. I stood at the starting point and the gate dropped down for me to begin. Each pillar in front of a statue made me sweat. Every time seemed like a reminder that my life was in this thing’s grasp. Though this one took a little longer, with help, I got through it. I stood at the end triumphantly and tiredly.
“Well done, Spurrs. Let’s hope there’s not another.” Nadine told me, patting my back.
“PLEASE NO!” I exclaimed.
“You mean you didn’t like it?” Chloe asked sarcastically. I made a face at her and she chuckled. “Shall we?” She gestured to the stone steps before us.
“Fuckin’ please.” I said, starting up the steps to get away from the death trap I’d just completed.
Just like the others, the last jigsaw puzzle was under a stone gazebo, overlooking the mountains with a clear view of the relief. The puzzle was like the last; the pieces rotated around one another. But I solved the puzzle to show the image of an axe. The panel flipped to reveal a carved likeness of Shiva and the crank bars sprung from its sides like the others.
“Let’s give it a turn then.” Chloe said grabbing one end and Nadine grabbing the other. I stepped back to watch them turn it when suddenly Chloe’s bar snapped and she fell face first into the grass and moss. I covered my mouth and giggled loudly.
“I told you it was dangerous.” Nadine smiled, helping her up. “Are you hurt?” She asked, giving her a once over. Chloe blinked at her a moment as she placed a hand on her cheek, checking for bumps or bruises. She smiled back and pushed her bangs off of her face.
“Just my dignity.” She cracked. It was like watching a shitty Rom-Com. My heart swelled watching the two of them. Chloe was still clueless but I was sure she’d get the hint eventually. I had faith. They both shared Nadine’s bar and pushed together to turn the crank. We already knew what to expect by then. The rumble, the noises, the gutter. And just like that, the waterfall in the relief was completed. The three of us stood at the edge to admire what we’d gone all over creation to finish. In the corner of my eye, I saw Chloe peek at Nadine from her binoculars with a smirk.
“Y’know… you’re pretty good at treasure hunting.” She told her. Nadine smiled to herself and glanced at the mountain.
“I’m a quick study.” She answered proudly, crossing her arms. Chloe pulled out this small golden piece she’d been constantly playing with since the job started. She tossed it in her hand in thought.
“One question though…” she began. Nadine turned her head and batted her long lashes. “I reckon you could pretty much do anything you want. Why are you so keen to get Shoreline back?” She asked. The question seemed to catch Nadine off guard. She tilted her head like she’d just asked the dumbest question.
“Seriously?” She asked. Chloe just nodded, awaiting an answer. I was rather curious myself. As efficient as she was, as talented as she was, why did she want some bullshit mercenary corp back? She began listing reasons off with her fingers. “My partner turns my own men against me. My lieutenant makes off with the bounty. Sunny got away.” I frowned as she pointed at me. Libertalia was a sticky situation for everybody. But she continued. “Nathan and Samuel Drake get off scot free, and you wanna know what I want Shoreline back?” I winced at the mention of the boys. There would always be that sore spot between us when it came to them. Chloe narrowed her eyes at her, chewing on her lip before answering solidly.
“Yeah.” She said. Nadine looked at her a moment, readying her mouth for the answer. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was still hard for her to accept.
“It was on my watch.” She replied somberly. She wrinkled her brows and hugged herself as she looked out at the foggy mountaintops. “I lost it on my watch.” In a way, I understood. She had a responsibility and it got out of hand. I didn’t exactly make her job easy for her either. I sort of felt bad for that.
“I’m sorry?” I mumbled. I wasn’t really sure what I was apologizing for but I felt like it needed to be said.
“‘I’m sorry’?” Nadine repeated, narrowing her eyes at me.
“Yeah. For what it’s worth, I think you’re a kick ass chick. And I’m sorry things didn’t pan out well for you.”
“You were one of the reasons it didn’t.” She said.
“Yeah… but to be fair, you shot me.”
“And then your bloody boyfriend almost shot me!” She yelled.
“He is NOT my boyfriend!” I snapped. This was what I got for trying to be nice.
“Quit lying to yourself, Spurrs! This whole trip, you’ve done nothing but mope about something you claim doesn’t bother you!” She snapped, turning around to point an aggressive finger at me. Chloe groaned audibly and continued to play with her gold piece as Nadine threw a bitch fit because things hit too close to home. “My advice: stop mucking around with some guy who screws other people to hurt you. Just because you and I are square, doesn’t mean I don’t still have it in for him. He better be lucky he’s not here today because the second I get the chance, he’s dead. And I mean that.” She seethed. I snarled at her protectively. She’d have to go through me before I let that happen. Before I could even respond, she turned her attention back to Chloe, clearly annoyed.
“What is that thing you keep playing with?!” She snapped. Chloe smirked, amused by her annoyance.
“It’s my ‘stress toy’.” She answered. “It showed up in the mail a few weeks after we got to Australia…”
“Nice. Can we go now? As far as we know we’re ahead of this guy…” I said, my eyes never leaving Nadine’s. It seemed as if whatever animosity that was between us would never be resolved. As long as I was in alliance with the Drake brothers, she’d never truly reconcile anything with me. For the moment, that was fine. I wasn’t looking for new friends and I didn’t need them. But like the professional I tried my hardest to be, I pushed it aside to get the job done. As we headed back to the car, I listened to Chloe give her a short and sweet pep talk on how it was okay to fail. Similar to a talk I’d given Sam in Libertalia. At this point, I just wanted to get the job over with. I was tired, hungry, damp from water and sweat, it was hot, and I was worried. Suddenly, Chloe’s phone began to beep. The fact that she even remotely got a signal here was impressive. The expression on her face, not so much. She looked at me before fixing her face as Nadine turned around. What had happened? Was it Sam? I could exactly ask as we were keeping him away from Nadine. So I left it alone until later. With that, we got back to the 4x4 and set out for the relief in the mountain.
Read more on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26555698/chapters/64735600
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achtung-attitude · 5 years
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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Need You Tonight - Part 3
The skinny man hurls the controller on the stony ground, a useless piece of hardware now that the drone is ruined, then kicks the shattered remains away, letting it roll down into the dark brush. Achieving this, he drops to sit cross-legged, chewing his fingernails in frustration.
“I don’t believe this…!” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t believe this…! Piece of shit…!” On his laptop, the screen now displaying camera footage from the drone now only shows static, leaving him with no indication of Kilo and Trish’s exact position. 
“The black guy turned out to be craftier than I thought. I can’t believe he got the pigs and his thug pals to fight each other! Not to mention, he’s managed to keep up with NEED YOU TONIGHT this whole time! The rate they’re going, they’ll find me before long…”
Something abruptly catches in his throat and his facial expression crumples. A high, ululating wail escapes from his lips, accompanied by a flood of tears spilling from his eyes and hunching over as if he had some great pain in his gut. “It’s not fai-ha-ha-ha-hair~!!” he declares at length, “Why does my life have to be so hard all the time~? Nobody ever understands, not my parents, or my teachers or anybodyyy~! All I want is a pretty girl to fall in love with and look after me, but all the girls in schools just went after jerks instead of nice guys like mee~!”
He devolves into ugly, wordless sobbing, his body shaking with each tear-sodden moan. The cool breeze blows down the hills, and NEED YOU TONIGHT returns. It hovers a few feet off the ground, its ragged coattails fluttering in the wind. Shizuka is drugged, not dead, but you would not know it. Completely limp, her mouth hangs slightly open, her eyes shut tight. She may as well be on a different planet.
As quickly as he started, the skinny man stops crying and sits upright. Sinister intent glimmers in his completely dry eyes. “So you’re finally back, NYT.” He stands to inspect Shizuka, lifting her face. “Why the hell is there all this trouble over one little blonde chica? Why is she wearing face-paint? It’s not Halloween, or Spring Break!” Something brushes his face and he looks to see a golden thread emerging from her head. “This is… so this is how they kept up with NYT, huh? Damn it! This isn’t the black guy’s power, it must be… Damn it!
“At the rate they're going, they’ll be upon me in less than ten minutes. Is that enough time? I got no hope of standing up to that negro’s power. Who are you to him, anyway?” He asks, turning to Shizuka. He receives no answer. “A sugar mommy, or something? Hmm, doesn’t matter. He’s come a long way and gone through a lot of trouble, to save you. That much is obvious. So it’s gooood~...” He grins, formulating a plan. He reaches for a backpack and pulls out a pair of night vision goggles. “I can beat him. As long as I have you, I can beat him. And then, me and my darling Trish will finally be together~...”
“Stop the bike!”
Trish releases the grip of the motorcycle. The vehicle rolls to a stop on the dusty forest trail. “What is it?” she asks. Since escaping the freeway, they had taken the winding road into the Hollywood Hills. 
Kilo gets up from the backseat and points to a spot in the distance, taking a few steps towards. To another hill, where an icon sits: the Hollywood sign, the fluorescent emblem of the LA’s glitz and glamour.
“I saw something up there! A twinkle of light, like from binoculars or something. There, behind the H! Which way is the thread going?” 
Trish checks the yellow hair around her finger. It trembles in the breeze, and leads straight to the sign. “She’s up there, I’m sure of it. He must have been up there the entire time, watching us from on high. How theatrical of him.”
“You gotta be kidding…” Kilo groans, rubbing the back of his neck. The rings in his hair clink together. “Why do these guys always gotta be so dramatic?”
Trish stares at him for a second, but lets it slide. “We should go on foot from here,” she says, stepping off the motorcycle.
“What?! You just said she’s up there right now. That’s gotta be half a mile away, you want us to walk? Leave her up there with the user?!”
“She won’t be harmed, I’m sure of it.” She begins to walk up the dusty trail. Kilo follows.
“You don’t know that for sure,” he says, “We don’t know this guy, or what he’s capable of.”
“I know his Stand. A Stand is a reflection of the user’s heart, and it’s obvious that we’re dealing with a skittish, desperate person. There’s no doubt he’ll use Shizuka as a weapon against us, as he did before. He won’t dare to harm his best weapon.”
“What if he just runs? Splits, taking Shizuka with him into the night? Then what?”
“I don’t think he’ll do that either. He may be a hostage-taking coward, but he’s no fool either. Whatever he wants with Shizuka, he must know he can’t afford to have us on his tail all night. No, he’s lying in wait for us. Waiting to eliminate us before making his escape. We can’t afford to spook him by speeding up there.”
“... So, we gonna catch him by surprise? Take him out before he can hurt Shizuka.”
“It’s the safest choice. That Stand doesn’t look built for combat, but that doesn’t matter. The worst thing you can do when dealing with Stand users is underestimate them.”
Kilo scoffs. “I wasn’t planning on it. Soon as I find this bastard, I’ll kill him before he has a chance to even squeal.”
With that, he starts running up the road and overtakes Trish. She runs as well, quickly matching his pace. The trail is dusty and poorly lit, with some areas being covered in total darkness. They do not use any lights, for fear of giving away their positions. 
Trish easily keeps pace with Kilo, but halfway up the track, one foot falls out of place and twists. “Ahhh!!” She gasps in pain as she stumbles, losing her footing and beginning to fall.
“Trish!” Kilo shouts as he rushes quickly to her aid. Before she can tumble off the side of the cliff, she reaches out with SPICE GIRL. SATURN BARZ extends its hand, and catches SPICE GIRL by the wrist, then quickly pulls it and its user off the edge of the cliff. 
Kilo steadies her, sitting her down. “You alright?”
“Nnh, I’m fine. It’s just a sprain, I think. Nothing serious. I never was the outdoorsy type,” she says, grinning ruefully. 
Kilo can’t help himself. Half a smile forms on his face, and he pulls her to her feet. “We’re ain’t got much further to go. Let’s get this done.”
Above, on the hill displaying the Hollywood sign, the skinny man watches the trail through advanced night-vision goggles. But these too are rendered useless, as the pair leave the trail entirely, cutting across the rough terrain. It matters little to him. His preparations are complete. He slinks into the shadows once again.
It takes time, but eventually Trish and Kilo reach the top of the hill and crouch beneath the shadow of the radio tower. There’s no-one there. They can see no-one, no user, no Stand. No Shizuka. Approaching the spot behind the giant letter H, they find the remains of his little camp. A water flask, a laptop, bits and pieces of a controller and a dark grey backpack.
“Where’s he hiding?” Kilo mutters, squinting at the surrounding area. Grumbling, he begins rooting through the backpack, before tipping it upside down, allowing the content to spill out onto the dirt. The first thing he notices is a collection of Trish Una CDs. “What the hell?”
Trish looks around, careful this time to keep her footing. It is a long way down if she should fall. She checks the thread around her finger, but it seems to lead straight south, right off the side of the cliff. A silent dread builds in her. 
She sighs in relief when she finds that the thread has merely been tied around one of the support beams holding the sign up. She quickly unties it, and walks ahead to see where it leads. She is passing between the two giant Ls. Trish doesn’t realize, though, the dementedly hollow stare of NEED YOU TONIGHT gazing at her, its rusted needles aimed right for her throat.
It appears in her periphery, hanging in the air, its mouth agape, its eyes staring in either direction. SPICE GIRL immediately deflects the syringes and fires a volley of punches at its body. 
“Kilo!” It proves too fast however, as SPICE GIRL’s fits hit nothing but its rags, NYT flying backwards out of reach. They give brief pursuit, stopping at the final letter of the Hollywood Sign. “Over there!” Trish shouts, pointing at the shadow of the ‘D’.
He turns in time to see the user curling his lip at him. In one hand, he holds a silvery knife in his long, spidery fingers. The other hand he wraps around a limp, unconscious Shizuka. Kilo rushes to his feet, but a sudden rush of air behind him makes him freeze. NYT hovers slightly above, behind the master. The user of NEED YOU TONIGHT: Ricardo Cone.
“Don’t move, you bastard! You take one step forward, and I’ll slash this bitch’s throat right open!!” To make his point, he presses the blade against her neck. A small stream of blood runs down to her collarbone.
Kilo clenches his jaw, but remains still. Cone scowls at him, as NYT floats closer to its user’s enemies. “That’s a good darkie! You stay absolutely, perfectly still like that. Don’t move, not even an inch! Don’t even turn around, you hear me!? NEED YOU TONIGHT is coming, you know why? I’ll tell you why…” His eyes flick upward to where NYT descends. Kilo can sense it behind him, but he doesn’t move.
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raphpanda21 · 5 years
Ain’t running from myself no more I’m ready to face it all part II
Hecate eyes widened n just slightly hearing this admission.
Hecate: You are still going to school? I don’t want to discourage you but there will probably be a horde of paparazzi lying in wait for you. Perhaps I should arrange some security for you.
Persephone: No need to worry Hecate I already have some but I appreciate the concern. I am hoping this all will just blow over quickly. I can’t for the life of me figure out why they are so fixated on me. No one cared about me before.
Persephone smiled at the cashier handing over the money for her lunch missing the look of disbelief Hecate gave her. How was Persephone so naive not to realize that a goddess of her caliber and beauty coming onto the scene would automatically cause waves.Add to that mix a wealthy unattached god like Hades and you had a veritable gold mine for the press.
Hecate swiped her card to pay for her lunch before taking the lead Persephone falling into step beside her as they headed to a table near the windows.
Hecate: You are no longer ensconced in your Mother’s Manor and you have grown into a fine young lady. As the daughter of one of the traitors you will automatically peak some interest and you need to be careful that those who try and grow closer to you are doing so for the right reason.
Persephone frowned at the this last word of advice as she settled into a chair at their chosen table. Was there anyone she suspected of being close to her for the wrong reasons? Other than Apollo no one particularly came to mind. None of her coworkers or classmates had seemed to be taking advantage of her so she relaxed but made a mental note to be more on guard. Hecate had always been a good guide and friend so she saw no reason to question her advice now.
Persephone: Dully noted. Not to be rude but I really am so very tired of talking about the press and drama. I am sure it will die down eventually it did before.
Hecate chewed on her Gyro in silence. Persephone had no idea the steps Hades and herself had taken to end the rumor mill the last time. It was much easier then. One wolf at the door was easily dispatched but a pack was another mater. She did not foresee things calming down for awhile. Not unless another scandal took the spotlight at least. Still curiosity was getting the better of her and she had to have at least one question answered.
Hecate: Alright I will lay off the topic if you answer just one question. What exactly is the relationship between you and Thanatos?
Persephone titled her head to the side confused by the question. Was she asking because of the tabloid maybe?
Persephone: Thanatos has been a great support for me since I came here to the underworld. He actually rescued me from a pretty horrid accident one of my first days here and since then we have grown a friendship. It is hardly as torrid as the tabloid covers would attempt to make it out.
Hecate sipped from her drink nodding her head in understanding before dropping the real bomb of a question.
Hecate: And the pregnancy test they showed a picture of?
Persephone’s face went through several shades of colors the gyro slipping from her grasp to its plate with wet thud.
Persephone: What are you talking about?
Hecate pulls out her cell quickly loading the bookmarked tabloid article and scrolling down to the pictures that had been inside the publication before handing it to Persephone.
Eyes quickly scanning the article a tangled web of tistles begins to weave its way through her hair making a prickly crown a physical representation of the hatred growing inside of her. Sliding the phone back to Hecate she stands lifting her tray with her.
Persephone: I didn’t want to talk about this trash anymore. I had not seen anything more than the covers and I would have preferred to have left it at that. I hope we can talk about more pleasant things the next time we meet. I need to go else I will be late for school.
Hecate moved to stand but Persephone was quick and dumped tray and all in the nearest trash and exited the cafeteria. Feeling eyes on her she turns to see Thanatos and Hermes eyeing her worth suspicion. She had pushed to much but Persephone’s reaction had been hardly comforting. Was it more than a doctored photo? Surely not! She would be cutting off certain parts of some underworld gods if it was real that was for sure! Taking out her phone she sent a quick text to Hades.
Hecate Text: She left lunch sooner than planned. You better hurry to the elevators if you plan to speak with her before she leaves.
Hades was standing out front smoking a cigarette to calm his nerves when the text came through.
Hades: Shit!
Dropping his cigarette he quickly ground it out with his heel before making his way back inside. Looking towards the elevators he sees the faintest tease of pink through the milling masses that the lunch hour brought . Weaving his way through the crowd he just makes it to the bank of elevators to see her stepping into one heading down the doors quickly closing.
Hades: Kore!
Persephone jumped startled to hear her name being near shouted and turning around she just gets a glimpse of someone as the doors closed. That was very odd? Who was that ? Could it have been Hades? What could he want to make such a scene? Perhaps she would text him after her classes. Thinking that thought her eyes widened and she pulled her phone quickly from her purse checking her messages with a groan as she discovered she had failed to answer his last text. Uggggh, she was the worst! She sucked at modern communication. Letters were so much easier why didn’t people just write here?!
The elevator dinged coming to a stop at the parking garage level and she absently walked out her mood instantly lifting as she saw her bodyguards waiting for her.
She was nearly to the car when the sound of a door slamming open echoed loudly in the garage. Turning to see what the commotion could be she was shocked to see a disheveled and winded Hades approaching her.
Hades: Blessed Tartarus I was worried I wouldn’t catch up.
Persephone tilted her head to the side in curiosity at his words.
Persephone: I apologize for missing your texts I just noticed I had not replied but that was hardly a reason for you to take the stairs at a marathon pace.
Hades let out laugh between his labored breathing finally coming to stop before her doing his best to catch his breathe
Hades: That was nothing special. I wanted to speak with you before you left and make sure you were okay.
Persephone frowned slightly a sight Hades immediately took the wrong way. Concerned he reached out lightly grasping her shoulder an attempt at platonic comfort on his part.
Hades: Kore is everything not okay. Talk to me.
Suddenly a dark shadow of a figure unnoticed by Hades prior loamed over him
Bellyhand N1: begging your pardon sir but I would ask that you keep your hands off the lady. Is this bloke giving you trouble Miss?
Hades looked up to see a very large cyclops in a tailored simple back suit. His first thought was how odd but gradually his brain processed what the cyclops had said and he was gobsmacked.
Hades: Bloke? Trouble? I am the King here if anything she is more safe with me than anyone.
The Bellyband turned his head locking eyes with the driver who had stepped out of the drivers seat and was lingering by the car. It seemed a silent conversation was had between the two cyclops before he turned his attention back to Hades.
Bellyhand N1: We don’t hold much favor in Kings when protecting ladies. Oft times seems the Kingly type believe they can do whatever they like. Now begging your pardon milord I was asking the lady and I will hear her answer.
Persephone turned gently laying her hand on number ones arm.
Persephone: It is alright he is not a threat to me.
Bellyhand N1: If you are sure.
The Bellyhand eyed Hades once more but took a few steps back to allow them some privacy.
Persephone turned her attention back to Hades taking a deep breathe.
Persephone: Apologies, they take my safety very seriously. Hera has been very kind in making arrangements for me. I am fine and honestly just exhausted with people asking me about it. I just want things to go back to normal.
Hades mind was spinning with all the information. So the cyclops were from Hera? He didn’t know Hera had cyclops in her employment.
Hades: I am sorry. It seems like ever since that first night we meet things have spiraled downwards for you. I just wanted to apologize and remind you should you ever need my help I am only a few knocks away.
Persephone felt like a jerk hearing Hades apologize. He was no more guilty than herself. It wasn’t his fault that he was a king after all. Still glancing at her watch she realized she didn’t have the time to smooth things over if she wanted to make it to class on time.
Persephone: You have nothing to apologize for. I am just a little tired from everything and I let my emotions get the better of me. I appreciate your offer and I still have your card with me in my purse. I promise should I ever need you I won’t hesitate.
Hades: That is all I can ask. You better get going we can talk more later. I think your guards won’t be happy if I make you late.
Persephone giggles at the joke that probably was more true than not.
Persephone: It isn’t them you should fear. I get very cross when people make me late for my studies.
Hades eyes widen in surprise but seeing the teasing look in her eyes he quickly relaxed realizing she was playing with him.
Hades:I will make sure to avoid that in the future. I wish you a most studious afternoon then.
Persephone laugher shaking her head at him
Persephone: Thank you, enjoy the rest of your workday.
Moving towards the car the Bellyhand moved ahead opening the car door for her before getting in the passenger front seat the driver having settled back in and the vehicle departing shortly after.
Hades waved them off his smile fading to a frown as the car disappeared. Well that hasn’t gone as well as he hoped but perhaps it had not been a complete disaster either. Turning around he went back to the elevator to wait. Unknown to him his adventures had not gone unnoticed. Minthe had been suspicious when Hades claimed he was going outside for a smoke. He normally smoked in his office so the sudden change raised her suspicions. Accessing the security cameras she had been watching his going ons and was none to pleased to see his interaction with Persephone. He was like a dog with a bone when it came to Persephone. Well no matter. If she had to bury her so be it. Hades was hers and she had no plans to share his attentions.
Persephone and the Bellyhands has made short work of the trip to school. They pulled into an underground parking garage to avoid any possible swarm of reporters that might be lurking near the location of her classes. Sunday had been a long day of walking and exploring the practically empty campus grounds. From their efforts though the Bellyhands had established the most secure routes and even had backup routes if necessary. Making their way up the elevator of the building they had parked beneath they exited at the floor that had a bridge connecting it to the actual building her first class was in. The trick was avoiding being outside as much as possible. The press was free to mill around the public grounds of the campus but they were forbidden from stepping foot in the actual buildings.
The day went by very uneventfully but Persephone noticed the increased number of stares and whispers around her. It seemed that everyone had seen the new tabloid. Finally her last class came to a close and she gathered up her belongings before stepping out into the hall were Number 1 was waiting for her.
Bellyhand N1: Done for the day Miss?
Persephone: Almost I just need to go to the ladies room first.
When he moved to follow her she stopped turning to face him hands firmly placed on her hips as she craned her neck back to look him in the eye.
Persephone: You are not following me into the ladies room. Just wait here it is only right around the corner and I won’t be long. The press aren’t allowed inside the building so I will be fine.
Number 1 frowned deeply at the suggestion tempted to push back but seeing the determined gleam in her eyes he thought better of it.
Bellyhand N1: I don’t think this is wise but you are the boss. If you aren’t back in 5 mins I will be looking though.
Persephone smiled dropping her hands from her hips proud that she had gotten her way with the giant before her.
Persephone: Not a problem. Be back before you know it!
In no time she had made her way down the hall and around the corner to the bathrooms by the stairs. Going inside she quickly answered natures call and had just made her way out of the bathroom when her blood ran cold hearing an all to familiar voice call out to her.
Apollo: There you are Persie! I was hoping I would find you here!
She didn’t want to turn around. Could she bolt and pretend she hadn’t heard him? No he was too close and he was too athletic. If he wanted to catch her he easily could. Better to just face the enemy head on. Turning around Apollo was just reaching the top of the stairs hopping up the last two steps with what she assumed he saw as a boyish charm but in her eyes just made me look like an awkward giraffe. As he came closer she noticed he was sporting a nice shiner that had been poorly covered by some sort of concealer. Putting on a mask of indifference she stood up straight and tall not wanting to seem any smaller then she actually was in front of him.
Persephone: Did Artemis tell you I would be here again?
Apollo seemed to blanch at the coldness of her tone but he quickly recovered rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Apollo: No I actually saw your schedule on the counter and saved a picture of it to my phone.
Persephone’s eyes widened at this confession. What was wrong with him? It was honestly starting to creep her out. He just didn’t seem to want to take no for an answer. Looking around them she thankfully found their surroundings empty. Still not wanting to risk being overhead she whispered to him angrily.
Persephone: Why? I told you we have nothing to talk about. What happened before will not be repeated. The sooner you accept that and move on the better for both of us.
Apollo was livid. What was wrong with this country bumpkin. He was so out of her league the field couldn’t even be seen and she was tossing him aside. What a load of garbage. He would not be embarrassed by a broad like her.
Apollo: I think you ought to reconsider. You do not want to fuck me over Persie.
At his crass use of language Persephone was done. She refused to stand their and listen to him any longer. She turned to leave but he was quicker grabbing her left arm suddenly and slamming her against the wall pinning her to the wall with his body his other hand easily capturing the free hand she raised to strike him in a strong grasp.
Persephone: Let me go Apollo you are hurting me!
Apollo: I can hurt you in more ways then you can imagine Persie so you better start listening. We wouldn’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours.
Persephone’s eyes widen in fear much to Apollo’s delight. There was that magic switch right there. He would soon have her under his control. Just as suddenly as the fear appeared though it disappeared and a look of smug righteousness took its place as suddenly a dark shadow fell over the both of them.
Bellyhand N1: Oy creep hands of the Miss!
Persephone: You better listen or else he will be upping your makeup costs to cover those shiners.
Apollo sneered at her looking back to see who was brave enough to interfere and was shocked to only see a chest where he expected to see a face. Looking up with growing worry he finally cranes his neck back enough to the see the massive face of a cyclops glaring down at him. Who the hell was this guy.
Bellyhand N1: I asked nice like but maybe your ears don’t work so well.
Watching the cyclops crack the knuckles of his fists which were the size of Apollo’s head was a very intimidating experience. In a flash he released her, quickly removing himself from a reachable distance.
Apollo: This conversation isn’t over Persie. Thugs or no thugs I make the rules.
Number 1 took a long striding step towards Apollo growling deeply and Apollo wisely made a hasty retreat sending one last glare at Persie before he disappeared from sight.
Turning his attention back to Persephone the Bellyhand frowned seeing the ring of bruises forming on her arms.
Bellyhand N1: We won’t be making these sort of mistake again Miss. Even if you hate it, creeps like that are crafty.
Persephone: Yes, unfortunately it seems you are right. Can we please not say anything to Hera though ?
Bellyhand N1: Don’t seem right to me not to say anything but just this once I can keep your secret. If his lot shows up again though ...
Persephone nodded her head laying a hand on his massive arm.
Persephone: Lets not worry about the if and whats now. I just want to go home.
Bellyhand N1: As you wish.
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beyondconfessor · 5 years
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Psychological Torture, implied/referenced tortured, violence
Pairing: Sara Lance/Alex Danvers
Summary: If she touches her, Alex will alight and crumble into ash
N.B.: Also posted on AO3
The questions came, and Alex answered each one that related to herself. At any mention of Kara, she would go quiet. Even if it was something small, the risk, although it might be a lie, was too high.
And yet she rationed questions about herself, allowing only a single worded answered. What did vehicle did she drive to work? Motorcycle. How many bones in her body had she broken? Numerous. How many years had she known Supergirl? Four. She yearned for the words, spoke each one as if it was her drug of choice. With each word she spoke, the relief of human interaction grew smaller and smaller until it wasn’t enough.
It didn’t help that every time Alex came to back to her room, there was a different meal awaiting her return. Hot steak with roast vegetables. Chicken parm with salad and fries, a burger with the lot.
Instead of a cup of water, she was given a substantially larger bottle to pace herself with.
She laughed the first time. The sound echoed so that the woman backhanded her until she was quiet.
What a waste.
Alex knew what the food was. A bribe to condition her with speaking to continue receiving the food. If she didn’t think it was drugged before, she knew it now. Despite the food, her limbs felt heavy, her body ached. She was always exhausted, always nauseous, always in pain.
She ate the food anyway.
The fourth time, the man offered her a bed if she answered a small question about Supergirl. She considered it in silence, long enough to dream of her bed at home, but her silence was his only answer. There was no food awaiting her return.
Alex didn’t dream of Sara that night.
Instead, she dreamt of her recruits. That they had come and found her and then Veronica had appeared, laughing. She dreamt of Kara asking her why she’d betrayed her. She dreamt of J’onn, mediating with his father, they had been stoic and unresponsive.
Days seemed to pass as Alex drifted between questions and dreams, day after day a relentless string of nightmares and darkness. It seemed to that she had stopped dreaming of Sara and she felt all the worse - Alex had lost the one shred of human connection that gave her hope.
Sara was gone.
And then the darkness spoke. Its voice uncertain and whispering, “Was this a trick?”
Alex jolted at the words, her skin breaking out in gooseflesh.
“Sara?” she asked, throat was sore as she said the word. Hoarse. How long had been since she'd last spoken?
“Were you some minion working for Mallus?”
“No," Alex answered, the word feeling like glass in her throat.
She heard the chains rattle, and then the feeling of someone sitting close by her. Like shoes and cloth scraping on concrete, and the sense of warmth radiating near her hands. Sara hadn’t touched her, and for that, Alex was almost thankful. If she did, then Alex might alight with the touch, crumbling into ash.
She dragged her hands closer to herself.
“Alex…who has you?”
Was that a trick, she wondered, the empathy in Sara’s voice. Only moments before it had sounded cold and withdrawn, to now be…soft and gentle. It made no sense. Maybe this was a different dream. A dream-dream, like the others she'd had.
“Alex?” it felt strange to hear her name said aloud. It’d been a long time coming since she'd heard it. At least it felt like a long time. “I guess I deserve that."
Deserve what, Alex wondered. She was sure it was the dehydration, or starvation causing it. Her head felt so muddled, like Sara’s words turned to static in her head and losing all sense of meaning.
“Look, I’m sorry for ignoring you. I was so sure you were Mallus, and now, now we have Damien, fucking, Darkh. He has no freaking clue about you. I don't even think he was playing dumb…” there was a pause, and then Sara sighed as if she wanted to say something, but was holding back.
It felt almost like Sara was disappearing in the quiet. Fading away as a dream often did when you became aware of it.
There was nothing, no sound or feeling except her breath pulling into her lungs and then exhaling slowly.
Then, there were the gentle weight of Sara fingers as she reached out, a soft graze at first, and then heavy against Alex’s palm.
Alex didn't turn to ash.
It was like a fog had cleared from Alex’s thoughts. Her heart ached all at once at the touch. She tore away from it, curling into herself as she felt a sob rise in her throat. It felt too good, too sudden, too lovely to be real. Like all of her emotions appeared, and at once Alex felt the depth of her anguish.
She was starving to be touched, to be spoken to as a person, to be a person and it felt beautiful and awful and cruel to have that given to her from someone that had spent the last length of time tormenting her with absence.
Like dam walls crumbling, Alex felt the sob rise in her chest, clench at her throat and then tear its way out of her mouth, despite how her jaw shook from the refrained determination to not making a sound.
Once the first escaped, there was nothing to stop the rest. Alex's body shook, the sound squeezing through her jaw, despite how she tried to hold it back.
And then Sara was there, lifting her into her arms and holding her firmly against her body.
There was a hushing sound — a shushing. And Alex felt her cries soften as through the soft material of Sara’s shirt; she could hear her heart. It was a steady beat. A slow, thud-thud that carried as Sara drew a hand over her head to soothe.
“I must smell,” Alex said. The first clear thought she had. It was a disgusting feeling, to be in the clothes for so long. There was a layer of grime from everything, a layer of oil from her body that she wanted to cleanse herself from.
“I live with boys,” Sara said. “Well, I live with Mick. Nate and Ray are pretty good.”
Alex laughed. It was a low, loose chuckle but it was a laugh, no less. “This is a dream, isn’t it?” she asked once she steadied herself again.
“Or something,” Sara said.
Alex didn’t want to argue, so she let it be.
“What’s happening, Danvers?”
Alex took a moment to gather herself, piecing back a semblance of neutral emotions, so she didn’t breakdown again. “Roulette –– or Veronica Sinclair –– has me,” she said, and then she began the story of what she’d been doing on her mission. There was a rhythm to telling the story as Sara listened, the feeling of laying bare everything, making it easier to find herself calming down.
She explained how she got into a car crash and what seemed to follow, drifting briefly over the blue world. She spoke of the man, the questions, the routine, the suspected drugs in the food and water.
“Probably just the water,” Sara said. “Do you ever eat the food in the light?
“No, just the dark. I mean, the people bring me in here, I see it briefly with the lamp that the, ah, the...minion uses.”
“Do you know if the water is coloured at all?”
Alex tried to think back, but she’d never had a chance to look closely. The dark-coloured cups hit the colour of the water, making it appear inky black, and the bottles weren’t transparent. “No. I never see it.”
“Any smells?”
“Well, that narrows it down, at least.”
“Not really, this whole room smells, my nose has been ruined by it. And who’s to say if it is something that it’s even of this Earth. Veronica’s a known alien trafficker. Last time anyone saw her, Kara left her on another planet with the people she’d been trafficking. I thought she’d be dead by now.”
Sara told her bitterly, “People like that worm their way back into power easily.”
Alex shuffled against her, moving to turn most of herself to where Sara's voice sounded. “Who’s Damian Darkh?”
Sara seemed to think for a moment, before she said, “The woman that you saw in my head, whatever plane it was on, that was Nora Darkh, his daughter. Damian is a very long story for another time." Sara took a breath, and then whispered, "he was the one to murder my sister.”
“I thought you said he was dead.”
“Resurrection magic, would you believe it?”
Sara gave a soft chuckle. “Mm, sometimes I can’t either. But it was magic.”
“There’s no such thing as magic.”
“Well, Mr Dursley, I’m here to tell you the there is such a thing as magic.”
Alex felt her chest warm. The Harry Potter books. Both she and Kara had been obsessed with them back in school. It was one of the ways she learnt how to read English. “Magic isn’t real. It’s just unknown science or sleight of hand.”
“Magic exists. How do you explain this, otherwise?”
“Easily,” Alex said. “With science and process of elimination. I rule out psychosis, which is the most likely, move onto alien technologies, and then, there are metas. Cisco can travel between universes. Or perhaps travelling repetitively through dimensions and parallel universes changes the make-up of the human ––“
Sara’s fingers had pressed to her lips, hushing her words. “Magic,” she said. Even in the darkness, Alex could feel Sara’s eyes blazing at hers. She could imagine the woman smirking as she said the words, enjoying Alex’s rant. “I’ve run all the scans you need to know with Gideon, and they’ve all come up normal. There is no explanation outside of ––“
“Don’t say it.”
“It could be beyond her processing.”
“It could be, but I’m not going to tell her that. Gideon can get very petty when you hurt her pride. Besides, I’ve seen enough of the world through time to see that some things go beyond science and technology."
“Well, I’ve seen enough of this galaxy to feel the opposite. There are more than enough aliens in this universe to show that science can always find the answer if you’re willing to look long enough for it.”
“Did you just try to one-up me?”
“A little.” She felt Sara pull her back into a hug. It was a very ‘that’s my girl’ kind of hug that warmed Alex. There was also a particular feeling to it, Alex didn’t expect. She knew how she smelt, she knew how she must look, but the darkness hid that at least. But the smell would have been awful. And yet, Sara didn’t care. She held her as if it didn’t matter, as if she couldn’t smell it herself. It was…dignifying. She wanted to explain that to Sara, say thank you, but the words didn’t come out.
Instead, what she said was, “I need a shower.”
“Then let’s get you out of here.”
The hope faded in her chest at those words. “I can’t,” she said.
“Because of these chains?” Sara’s hands were on hers, feeling around the manacles on her wrists. “Are they always chained behind your back?”
“No, sometimes they undo them and put them in front.”
“Do you know when that happens?”
“I think it’s a conditioning reward. It happens when I’ve answered enough questions or done something right.”
“And the questions are about you and Supergirl, right?”
“Yeah,” she felt her chest grow heavy. Sara hadn't been judging her, but Alex felt her judgement as she said the word out loud. She was slowly chipping away at an image of herself. It was a dangerous thing to do.
“Answer one about Kara.”
“Hear me out. I think you need to get those people to move your chains from your back to your front. At the moment they’re changing them, you can fight.”
“I’m being drugged. And my arm is broken.”
“Which arm?”
“My shooting arm.”
She felt Sara’s hands go to it then, gingerly pressing over it. Alex held back her protests, despite how painful it was. “It’d be better if I had some light, but it seems like the bone’s snapped out of place. It’s going to heal badly.”
“I know,” Alex said. Doctor’s could break it back into position, but bones that had fused wrongly tended to become weaker. Alex knew that if she got out of here, there was an awful chance that it could become permanent weakened, even with physiotherapy.
Would that be so bad? She wondered, but it wasn’t a thought for now. Now, she needed to work out a plan.
“Can you punch well with your left?”
“No, the DEO decided to leave training only for my right arm because I was assured that I would not have use of it.”
Sara let out a laugh. "At least they haven’t taken your sass.
“Point is, there’s no way I can fight my way out with a weapon. Pain or not, the arm is useless. The whole muscle is weakened by the break that I can’t even hold the chains without shaking.”
“Well, they’re too tight to slip,” Sara said as she felt around manacles. Alex knew that too. She considered dislocating her thumbs early on, but it wouldn’t have done any good, “Could you break the chain?”
“Tried torquing the chains, but that didn’t work. The metal didn’t even budge from where the loop was closed. I’m too weak at the moment.”
“Well, that leaves the oldest trick in the book.”
“Picking the lock.”
“Picking the lock,” Sara agreed.
“That would be great, except that I don’t have anything to pick the lock with.”
“Anything you can steal?”
Alex paused. The lamp, if she could pull it apart, but would involve overpowering the minion woman who was, already, twice her size. If she had use of her hands, and one wasn't broken, maybe she could use the woman’s mass against her, but that was something she needed to be in good health to fix.
“Maybe,” she said. “I’ll see what I can find that that’s the size of a pin.”
“Good girl,” Sara said.
Alex didn’t know about that, but she appreciated the sentiment anyway. “But how do I pick the manacles?”
Sara’s hands were feeling around the lock. “My best guess is, without actually seeing it, that you would need to carve a key that would fit into it. But you could pick the lock that’s connecting the chain to the base. The easiest way to do it would be raking it,  except you'll need the tool for that. Without one, it's easier to use the single-pin picking, which I’m sure you already know how to do.”
“Yes,” Alex said. “But the only time I use that is when I’m locked out of my house. Which doesn’t happen often.”
“You’ll be fine. Take your time with it.” And then Sara was pulling her close again so that her head was leaning against her shoulder.
Alex exhaled, feeling the warm arm around her back, it was more comfortable to hold herself in the room and think in clear, concise thoughts. She just needed to find a pin, and then she would be able to get unchained from the ground. It did mean she might have to carry the chain with, which could be used against her, as well as restrict her movement. But…it also gave her a good, heavy weapon.
“What about the door?” Sara asked.
“I don’t think it’s locked,” she said. She'd seen what had once looked to be a bolting mechanism on the door, but it appeared to be missing half of it. “They might have a guard, but I’ve never heard anyone outside. The guard’s footsteps usually fade down the hall.”
“Seems like lax security for a DEO agent. Do they not know who you are?”
Alex chuckled. “I don’t think so. They haven’t used my name, and all the information I was carrying on me was for a cover.” Alex thought back to Roulette and the snaking tattoo on her leg. She hadn’t seen the woman since, and the first underling she had met there, either. That seemed odd too. It could be that Roulette didn’t value her, or had other villainess things to do, but to not see her since seemed odd.
“How long have I been here?” Alex asked.
“A while,” Sara said. “I don’t know. I was…ignoring you, for the most part, busy with trying to get the totems for Mallus.”
“How long has been since…since you were in the blue world.”
Sara drew in a sharp breath. “A while. I’ll find out, okay? Gideon keeps track of time on the ship. I just put one foot in front of the other and get through the days.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I should be the one apologising.”
“I’m sorry for how I reacted.” Sara’s face still haunted her from the blue world. The horrified, heartbroken look she gave to her as she turned away and disappeared. She never wanted to see it again.
“Alex…it’s fine. You didn’t know what that side of me was. The things I’ve done to survive Ra’s Al Ghu -- that’s not even the worst of them."
“No, it wasn’t that. It wasn’t you,” Alex drew in a breath as she thought of Kenny. She thought of the first time she fired a gun at combative enemies, hitting her target perfectly in the head, how the person had just dropped to the ground, the military grade bullets that had blown the back of target’s head open like it was just watermelon.
Alex pulled away from Sara to make some effort at looking her into the eye. “Do you know how much I loved killing those Nazis? How right it feels to have that kickback push at my shoulder as I hit person after person. They were nobody. They were nothing to me. If Roulette comes for Kara, I won’t think twice before killing her. I will pull the trigger and then it doesn’t matter what her hopes or fears are. It doesn’t matter that she’s someone’s daughter. When it comes to it, I will kill her, and I’ll sleep easy at night.”
“It’s not the same thing,” Sara said, her voice a whisper.
“How is it not the same thing? You’re not naive enough to believe that the enemies we come across are all some moustache twirling villain who kick puppies in their downtime. The people we kill to keep our teams safe have hopes and fears like us. Some of them think they’re on the side of good and some of them believe they have no other choice. They’re someone’s child, someone’s sibling, someone’s partner or parent. And in the field, they know the same thing about us. It’s them or us. It’s human nature to choose yourself, to choose your team over a stranger. It's just easier if you believe they're evil.”
“Killing someone in the field isn’t the same as going into someone’s house in the dark of the night. Their house which they believe is safe to tuck in they’re kids and kiss them goodnight. And sneaking up on them as they're watching television and then killing them because they chose not to do the bad thing your boss wanted them to do."
Alex felt the air leave her lungs. She felt...stupid. Insanely stupid int hat moment.
"Would you do that if J’onn asked you to?” It was a harsh, but not a rude tone Sara took with her, but Alex didn’t have an answer. In her heart, she knew that J’onn would never ask her to that. She would never be in that situation. Maybe that was an answer in its self.
Sara continued, “I get what you’re saying, but at the end of the day, the people you killed aren’t defenceless, the people I’ve killed sometimes were just on the wrong side of my blade. They were defenceless, they were unarmed people who often just made a mistake. Say what you want, but I am a monster.”
“You’re more than just your history, Sara."
"Am I? Could you say that if you had witnessed everything I've done?"
"I don't know, because I won't ever know yourself the way you do. But I know your actions now. I've watched you with your team, and you choose to be a good person and walk in the light, not hide in the shadows. Whoever you were then doesn't matter, it's who you are now.”
Sara didn’t reply straight away. There was a beat before she said. “My sister said something similar, once.”
“Well, she was smart.”
Sara’s hand founds hers, coming to rest upon it. “Alex,” she whispered.
But then she was gone as Alex was yanked awake and onto her feet. There was a lamp in her face, and the underling was looking at her displeased.
“I'm up,” Alex said with a slack jaw. She rolled her shoulders, feeling the tension in them from the awkward position. Her right arm throbbed painfully as the woman hurriedly moved her out of the room.
She walked with the woman down the hall, making sure to look around. The lamplight cast a low-level light down the hall, throwing shadows on the walls. There was nothing useful that she could see.
In the interviewing/break room, Alex looked around for anything. She couldn’t see any cameras. There was no glass, so there wasn’t a two-way mirror. There was, however, shrapnel on the ground in the corner of the room. It was going to hurt, but Alex had an idea about that.
The man came into the room and began with his questions. Alex didn’t answer the questions this time. There was a lightness to it, as she found herself feeling the blossoming hope in her chest for the first time. Not only did this feel entirely possible, but Alex felt as though she had an attainable goal.
And yet, getting the manacles off was just the first step. She still had to get out of the room, and then escape.
The man’s pen tapped against the notebook, a sign of annoyance as he stared at her. “What are you doing?” he asked.
Alex just looked from his hands playing with the pen, to where she could see the edges of the dagger in the belt. It was a flat blade about three inches long and about an inch and a half across, depending on how thick the sheath was.
He looked from her to his knife and pulled it out to show her. “You know, Ms Sinclair gave me this knife as a gift. Said it would be a good letter opener, as it were. Or a motivator if need-be.” He met her eyes then, but Alex wasn’t buying his bluff. If he wanted to motivate her with a knife, he would have done it a long time ago.
Still, there was something about the way he looked at her that Alex didn’t like. It was like a sick feeling came over her until she found herself blinking as she looked away, her eyes dry from staring.
“Perhaps we should pick this up next time,” he said.
Alex watched him leave, sheathing his knife, pocketing the pen and notebook before finally placing his jacket back on. She felt exhausted by the questions all of a sudden. Like all the energy had been sapped from her.
As the woman returned to take her back to the room, Alex made a show of taking her time. Easing off the chair as if it pained her.
As the woman lead her past where the swept shrapnel and dust had been on the ground, Alex feigned a stumble and fell back against the wall, crying out as it hit her arm before throwing her back onto ass, right in front of it. It hurt like hell against her broken arm, probably pushing it further out of place.
The woman glared at her. “Get back onto your feet,” she demanded as she tugged at the chains.
Alex’s hands scrambled at the muck. I would have been easier if she could see.
She made a show of trying to get to her feet and failing before the woman just grabbed her right arm and yanked her up. With a moan of pain, Alex stumbled on her feet again, but held her stance, hissing in a breath as she woman marched her back to the room.
There was no food on the ground, and this time, Alex noticed that her blanket was gone. The man was setting out to punish her. Good, she'll use it as motivation.
Alex took her place and watched the chains while the woman locked them into place. She moved, blocking Alex’s view of where she pulled and hid the keys used to secure the links on either end. That was fine. Trying to take them would be harder. If Alex even tried to fake-stumble against her, the woman would immediately go to check that they were still there.
It didn’t matter though; she had the necessary tools. As the door shut behind the woman, Alex felt for the pin that she had grabbed from the ground. She bent it as required and then moved to where the padlock was on the chain, connecting it to the welded loop on the floor. It’d be more comfortable if she could see it, but the primary function was there.
Alex worked her way around it, using the pin as she tried to feel for the driver and key pins. Alex had learnt how to pick a lock back in training and had once excelled at it, but she was out of practice. That was on top of trying to keep her bad arm in a position, as well as working blind.
Even though there had been no food or water to drug her in the room, and she’d eaten well in the past few days, Alex felt exhausted. Run a marathon, all-nighter, have the flu exhausted. Her arms grew heavy, aching in the position and although she knew she wasn’t quitting, just…trying to rest. It still felt like surrender.
She hid the pin in her clothes and found herself dropping tiredly on the ground, thinking of Sara. There were still bits of the plan she needed to consider. Bits of…
Why was she so tired, she’d only been awake for an...for an...what was the word...
A metric unit of time...?
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mockingjayne12 · 6 years
Beyond - Chapter 7
(Lyatt / Timeless Fic)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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When the alarm had gone off that morning, Lucy was half tempted to turn it off, roll over, and spend the day in bed.  With a heavy sigh, she tosses her blanket to the side, dragging her feet over the bed, and stumbling to her closet to get ready.
The past couple of days had gone splendidly horrible.  The day after what she was calling a colossal misunderstanding, had been a lonely one.  Despite attempting to catch Wyatt with an apology, an explanation of any sort, he had bypassed her, unwilling to hear her excuses, the screaming lies the only sound he could hear whenever she opened her mouth.
She’d pretty much sulked through her day after that, thankful that at the very least, she didn’t have to go through with an awkward tutoring session.
As Lucy went through her morning routine, choosing to hide herself in a hoodie, tossing her hair up into a wild bun atop her head, she rushes out of the house.  She had to be on time today, as the entire senior class was going on a field trip to a museum.  She relishes in her luck, able to forgo the mundane routine and lose herself in the past of someone else.
Throwing her bag into her car, she almost laughs at how easily it turns on when there was nothing to lose, choosing to malfunction when her choice had led her down a different path, one that could have veered her from the plan that had been put in place for her.  Fate was funny like that.
She sees a flood of students lingering around the front of the school, all prepared to head onto the buses provided for their excursion.  Gripping the strap of her bag, she looks around, as she stands on the fringe of the group, hoping to avoid everyone.
The morning dew clings to everything, frizzing her hair in the humidity, and she’s thankful she had thrown it up, although it hindered her from pulling her hood over her face and hiding from all the prying eyes.
They’d chosen to load the buses by last name, figuring it would be easier to keep track of everyone, and she’s never been more thankful that Luke’s last name is nowhere near the Ps.
Her head peeks over the first seat as she climbs the giant steps onto the yellow bus.  She hadn’t ridden one in forever, usually only for field trips, and the smell that hits her lets her know why.  The cheap, brown plastic seats seem to have the stench of moldy food caught in its creases, the loud voices of everyone echoing off the metal walls. Students attempting to yank down the stuck windows, and narrowing their eyes at her, as she walks row by row to find a seat.
Every single seat was full or had a backpack shoved next to them to show it was saved.  When she finds an open spot, it’s the seat with the wheel, causing her to scrunch her knees practically into her chest.  Digging into her bag, she yanks out her French book, setting it next to her before moving to rest her head against the cool window, closing her eyes and waiting for the bus to take off.
She hears the door screech closed, only to quickly reopen, someone having shown up late, their quiet apology not loud enough to make it to her ears.
It’s only when she feels the seat next to her dip that she opens her eyes to see her book hovering over her crouched position.  Peeking through her eyelashes, she finds her seat was the only one with an open spot.  
Out of breath, as if he’d run all the way here, he takes the seat, his leg momentarily rubbing up against her jeans, before flinching away.  A frustrated sigh escapes from his lips, as her eyes widen at the recognition that of course the Ls would be put on the same bus.  Grabbing the book from him, Wyatt Logan crosses his arms, and leans back against their seat, settling in for a long drive of silence.
Lucy’s shoulders slump forward, every part of her body aching, but she’s unsure if it’s from the exhaustion of 1754 weighing her down or the hatred she can feel cast her way from the blue eyed man who’d once known her so intimately, now a stranger that refused to acknowledge her with more than a grunt.
As the fire flickers to life, Rufus’ contribution to the night. she scoots closer, letting the heat of the flames hit her face.  Wyatt’s face directly across from her, the light lapping at his features, attempting to take him in their grasp.  The flames wanting him as much as Lucy finds herself yearning for something, anything from him.
Seeing her staring at him, he casts his eyes down, and she lowers her own with a sigh of defeat.  Her fingers trace over the lines of her dress, the material offering a distraction from the crackling tension threatening to erupt.
Silence cuts them all deeply, their once blossoming camaraderie now simmering in the flames, heated with lies and deceit, the trust having been tossed in the fire with what felt like no embers to spark a reunion.
Picking up a stick, she moves it through the ground, bypassing rocks, and watching as the tension of her pull guides it back to her, before she picks it up, stripping it bare of its bark, piece by piece, tossing bits into the fire and watching it be swallowed whole, leaving nothing but ash behind.  She can’t help but feel similarly, the events of the past continuing to strip her bare of their secrets, slowly but surely revealing themselves to her, only to toss her to the fire with a burn to her flesh in betrayal.
The crackling offering a sputtering pace of awkwardness to their silence, cut short by the actual snapping of a branch.
Lucy’s curls whip around her face, glancing back, the once dancing flames reflected in her brown eyes now engulfed with panic.
“What was that?” She asks, and Wyatt crouches, moving towards her with a squint to his eye, his hand reaching for his gun, as he inches closer.
She can feel Rufus at her shoulder when they hear it again, this time, several snaps at the same time, whispers on the verge surrounding them.
“Get up,” he counters with his own whisper, and she can see a line of worry appearing on his face.  His arm moving to tightly grab onto her arm, her eyes flickering to the movement, the first acknowledgement of her presence since they started this trip, his fingers around the slim of her dress, before he practically flings her up to stand, staggering with the movement, as they’re ambushed.
“Run!” Wyatt screams.
Lucy had tried to read for the duration of the ride, but she couldn’t concentrate.  Her eyes seemed to wander every time she settled on a word, glancing over at the boy sitting beside her.  He was antsy, tapping his knee up and down.  Crouched down, sunken in the seat, her knees pushed up against the seat in front of her, she wasn’t able to see his face, but rather his hands.  Situated on his leg, they had formed in a fist, not violently so, but like he was trying to contain something he couldn’t sit with.
Whenever he’d move in the seat, her eyes would quickly flicker back to the page, before peering over again.  Her thumb moving to her mouth, the nail jagged from the abuse of her nerves.
She wanted to say something, another apology weighing on her tongue, but she knew her efforts would be futile.  Wyatt had already made up his mind about her - she couldn’t be trusted.  She didn’t blame him, she knew the way it looked.  But the last thing she ever wanted to do was jeopardize what she had with him.
Lucy’s so caught up in her thoughts, going round and round in her head about how to rectify the situation, that she doesn’t realize the bus has come to a sputtering stop until she hears the groans from her classmates.
Scooting up in her seat so she can see what’s happening, she closes her book.  The front of the bus seems to be smoking, and while she’s no mechanic, that doesn’t seem good.
“Shit, now we’ll never make it to the museum,” laughs one of the students behind them, clearly having no interest in actually learning anything.  “How will I know why they invented the…shopping cart?”
“That’s in Oklahoma,” Lucy mutters to herself, and she can hear the scoff beside her, Wyatt having clearly heard her comment.
Her face scrunches in defeat, chastising herself for being so weird.
The official announcement that they were waiting for another bus to pick them up, has most of the students howling with cheers, some groaning that the plan was still to end up at the museum.  Lucy, however, felt like she’d been trapped in her own personal hell.  An already awkward situation now exacerbated by the fact that yet another vehicle had broken down on her.
Upon her sigh, she sees Wyatt look over at her, and her eyes grow wide, thinking he was going to say something.
“Maybe Luke can come pick us all up,” he retorts, crossing his arms further, and she finds herself sinking down in the seat again with her luck.
They were stranded on the side of the road and Wyatt absolutely hated her.
She finds the ropes around her wrists a familiar feeling, one in which she doesn’t want to be accustomed with again.  The leaves crunch beneath her as she situates on the ground, her long dress tangled in the dirt and branches surrounding them.  Although captured, she feels an odd sense of relief.  Fascination playing on her features as she listens to their French captures prattle on about what to do with them.
“I think that’s Lieutenant Louis Coulon.  He’s the only man George Washington has ever surrendered to—“
“No,” she’s interrupted by an irritated Wyatt.  “No history, not right now,” he snaps, and she closes her mouth, watching in wonder as the man rides past them.
“Okay, I know this isn’t ideal,” Lucy acquiesces, shaking her head.
Rufus challenges that statement with a comparison that ends with him complaining about three days of trudging through the mud, no closer to figuring out what they’re supposed to be doing.
“Three days of listening to you whine,” Wyatt snaps, and Lucy feels like she has to be the voice of reason, attempting to calm them both.
“Flynn is still out there, and if we’re going to figure out what he’s doing, we have to work together,” her plea immediately shot down by Wyatt.
“Work together?” He scoffs.  “Really? Because Rufus is over there—“
“Wyatt,” she chastises, begging him with slight shake of her head, her eyes wide and pleading.
But he ignores her anyway.
“Recording us for Rittenhouse,” he says, enunciating every word.  “Yeah, we’re really working together.”
Lucy glances over at Rufus with a nod of an apology, not sure why she feels responsible for Wyatt’s words, but she does.
Lucy knows why Wyatt’s upset, she can even understand why he would be.  But the constant bickering was starting to get to her, and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could put up with it.
Leaning over, his mouth lingers by her ear, and she raises a brow at what exactly he was doing.  Their guard too busy playing with Wyatt’s new fangled gun to notice that they were whispering to each other.
“How do you say, ‘I had sex with your mother’ in French?” He asks, and it’s just about the last thing she thought he would be whispering into her ear.  Her head cocked and irritated.  Her knowledge of the language having never been put to the test quite like this.  “I know you know how,” he recalls.
“I do, but you can’t say that, unless you’re trying to get us killed right now,” she argues.  Certainly not willing to offer up that piece of information.
“I’m trying to do my job, Lucy,” he replies, and she can’t help but find her eyes distracted by his words, focusing on the way they’re formed on his lips,  towards her or not, she finds herself remembering a time when those lips used to pour words like wine over her, and now they sneered poison.
With his eye on the enemy, she leans over as far as she’s allowed in her restraints, whispering the fowl statement in his ear.
When he repeats it, she holds her breath, waiting for the inevitable showdown that sure’s to happen with a phrase like that.  
Her face takes on one of horror when a close call leads to a dead man in front of her.  Lucy’s mouth still agape at what had transpired as he cuts them loose.
“I see your French hasn’t improved,” she breathily sneers.
As the minutes tick on, Lucy’s legs become cramped, pushed up, her odd position causing her to fidget every few seconds.  Eventually, moving her legs to come up underneath her, balancing on her knees, so she can see over the seat, her bun bouncing with the movement.
Her coordination questionable, her leg shoots out and into Wyatt’s shin when she reaches for her bag.
“I’m sorry, sorry,” she quickly apologizes, closing her eyes and shaking her head.
“Just…don’t,” he holds up his hand, almost dismissing her.
“Are you just going to…hate me forever?” She asks, biting her tongue at how brazen she’d been.  But there were very few people who spoke to her at this point, and she’d lost the one person she found herself actually looking forward to seeing every day.  A twitch of her mouth into a frown at her question, she lowers back down in the seat, pulling out part of her lunch.
She’s munching on a carrot, angrily yanking it back and staring at the half bit off piece when she hears the response.
“I don’t hate you,” he nearly whispers, and she glances up at him, hopeful brown eyes searching for a flood light of direction, and he shrugs at her.  “I just don’t trust you,” he finishes, as if she couldn’t sink any further into herself, she pops the rest of the carrot into her mouth and loudly chomps on the nerve she ever had to believe that things could be different.
Staring at, what at this point, was a useless Lifeboat, Lucy feels stranded, inept, in more ways than one, as Wyatt continues to ignore her.  It’s not the first time she’s managed to betray his trust.  It probably won’t be the last.  But she also knows he’s not innocent in that department either.  There was a time when she had put all of her trust in him, and he’d shattered every part of her that was left.
He stalks off by himself, leaving Rufus to try to salvage what little can be done, and Lucy to trail behind him.
She comes across him rummaging through a soldier’s pockets.
Leaning against a tree with a sigh of frustration, knowing that he knows she’s there, but refuses to acknowledge her.
“Come on.  You have to talk to me at some point,” she pleads, holding her arms out before flopping back down against her dress.  Her eyes bloodshot and puffy from lack of sleep, her skin covered in mud, and still he looked at her like the enemy, instead of the comrade stuck in the exact same place as him.
“What do you call this?” He gestures, as if the words being exchanged by them right now were enough to warrant something akin to what they had.
There had had been years where she didn’t even know if he were dead or alive and yet she felt closer to him then than standing a foot away from him now.
“Look, Wyatt, I will say it again, and I will keep saying it.  I’m sorry for not telling you about the journal.”
“It’s bad enough you didn’t tell me, but then to be read what you wrote by Flynn, of all people?” He laments, his brow raised, eyes wide, speaking as if she knew what was said.
“What are you—“ She genuinely asks, having absolutely no clue what he’s talking about, but he interrupts her quickly.
“Yeah, Flynn told me,” he says, dismissive, and she knits her brow, a jerk of her head, curious as to what Flynn could’ve told him that would make him this angry at her.
“Look, I don’t know what he told you, but you can’t believe whatever came out of that journal.  It’s not real, it hasn’t happened,” she pleads, stepping closer to him, her eyes begging him to believe the woman standing in front of him, not the one that may or may not write the journal.
He cocks his head to the side, as if challenging her.  “No?  None of what he said is true?”
“Wyatt, you’re the one that told me to figure out what I’m fighting for…” She starts, not wanting to finish the rest in fear that he’d only break her heart again.
“Yeah, Amy.  I know,” he finishes for her, and turns around, not seeing the roll of her eyes that are threatening to fill with tears, because he refuses to see that the fight she’d been battling for him had lasted a lot longer than the one for her sister.
After an hour, the new bus still hadn’t arrived, and people were beginning to grow restless as the heat permeated throughout the small space, irritation growing.  The teachers making the decision to allow them off the bus into the grassy area on the side of the road.
Upon getting off, Wyatt had taken off, attempting to put some space between the two of them.
The grass was long, reaching past her ankles, and leaving her with a sinking feeling that wasn’t just in her stomach, but her entire body falling through the blades.  A barbed wire fence was situated a few feet away, cows grazing in the pasture.
At this rate, the students on the other buses were already at the museum, their worksheets being filled out in groups, wandering through artifacts whose stories were so much deeper than the plaque placed in front of them.
But not Lucy.  No, he was stuck on the side of the road with complete strangers and one guy who wishes he didn’t know her.
Settling down by herself, she sits in the grass by the fence, the slight breeze rustling the weeds, as cars zoom by on the road, some drivers looking out at them like they were a curiosity, none of them stopping.
Pulling out her notebook, she moves to get a jump start on her French assignment, but finds herself doodling in the corner, a weed flower near her, its color a welcome distraction from what’s going on.
When she was a kid, she never needed to be entertained, her imagination providing all the company she needed.  She had been shy, observing others rather than joining in.  It was a trait she often wished were different.  Over the years she’d gotten a little bit more bold, but for the most part, her sitting in the back, watching as everyone grouped up, leaving her by herself, was the norm.
Pulling her knees up, she rests her notebook against them, her elbows dangling over, staring off in front of her.
“Can I sit here?” She doesn’t move her head, instead lowering her knees, closing her book, and she shrugs, not really wanting to fight anymore.
She hates that as soon as he’s near her, she feels a little more at home, a little safer.  It’s a feeling she’s unaccustomed to, and isn’t quite sure what that means that she only feels it when he’s around.
“I uhh, I don’t think that bus is coming,” he tries to break the silence with a statement.
“It’ll get here eventually,” she answers back, attempting to keep things civil, for now.
“Lucy,” he sighs, I guess frustrated with how this conversation was already going.  Her finger traces over the letters on the cover of the book.  The F starting reflect something more akin to failure than a fluency in language.  She couldn’t even manage to speak coherently in English.
“Look, I get it, okay.  You don’t trust me…” she trails off, not sure what else there is she can say.  Straightening her legs, she slumps in defeat.
Plopping down next to her, he takes the book in his hands, studying it like it carried the answers to everything he had a question for.
“French, huh?” He says with a raised brow, and she knows he’s going to say something, because even her counselor had advised her that Spanish was a wiser choice, especially given where she was located.  But she’d insisted that she continue with French, the language of love, a subject she was clearly not even close to mastering.
She looks over at him thumbing through the pages of her textbook, waiting for him to continue.
“So…does this book tell you how to say ‘I’m sorry’ in French?” He asks, refusing to look at her.
“Je suis désolé,” she responds, and he raises his eyebrow at how quickly she came up with that, clearly impressed.
“But how do I say it?” He asks, thinking she had answered as herself.
“That is how you say it,” she raises her brow, and he gives a gruff laugh at her wit.  “Same sound, different spelling.”
“I deserve that,” he admits, and she gives a slight nod, knowing that with her constant apologies, at some point it was going to take his admittance of wrongdoing in order to move past this.
“You do,” she counters, looking at him with a straight face, not breaking to indicate she was joking in the least. He gives another laugh, this time a bit quieter, more introspective.
“Look, umm, in my family, there are no apologies,” he confesses, and she can tell with the wince on his face, that talking about this was something akin to pain.  “And I sometimes fall into that trap of acting before I have all the information,” he says with a duck of his head, peeking out behind his dark lashes at her, the apologetic blue sneaking through.  “But I don’t want to be like that, not with you.”
Lucy doesn’t say anything, just reaches for his hand, silently tucking her fingers into the grooves between his own, entwining them together with a gentle squeeze, letting him know that she wasn’t going anywhere.  She knows how guarded he is when it comes to her personal life.
“I get it,” she says, moving their entwined hands to her lap.  “My mom would rather just make a decision for me, as opposed to actually letting me have a choice.  But Wyatt,” she hesitates, making sure that he’s looking at her when she speaks.  “I’m not like them, okay?  You can trust me.”
“I’m not good at letting people in,” he quietly admits.
She can feel his blue eyes traveling over her face, settling on truth resting on her lips, before coming to the conclusion she hoped he would, a nod of acceptance sliding across his features.
“Do you forgive me?” He pleadingly asks with remorseful eyes.
“I don’t know, I never actually heard an apology,” she deadpans, and he smiles at her, that crooked grin, dimples and all.
Leaning closer, his mouth just a whisper away from her ear, he offers what she’d been yearning for.
“Je suis désolé,” he says, trying to mimic her words from earlier in what is possibly the worst french accent she has ever heard, but she can’t help but smile at the attempt.
“That was terrible,” she laughs, her hand coming to rest on his cheek, her thumb pricked by the stubble playing on her fingertip.  “But I forgive you,” she laments, the language of love still tingling on her ear, ringing throughout her, as his lips land gently on her’s.  Forgiveness tasting something akin to the building of trust.
A slight tug on her ankles, making sure that the rope was tight left a mar on her skin.  It wasn’t the first time she’d been tied up that day, but it would likely be her last if they didn’t figure out how to get out of this situation.
Looking over at Wyatt, his eyes dance in the flames in front of them, she can hear the hurt in his voice when he had asked Rufus who he had that he could really trust in this world?  She ducks her head, ashamed of how much weight they’d shoveled onto his shoulders.
His whole life he’d been the one assigned to look out for everyone, and every time he managed to build up the trust to let someone in, let someone hold him up, even just a little, they’d bailed, betrayed him, and left him to fall over onto himself.
To trust was to be vulnerable, and while Wyatt didn’t give it away easily, he had managed to bury his faith in her, believing that she’d cared enough not to hurt him.  And she had.  Granted, it wasn’t intentional, and if you dug deep enough, it was likely an attempt to protect him.  But all the same, she had, and it nicked at the wound still beating with the hurt he’d left with her years ago.
The sounds of battle cries echo around them, the fear growing on their panicked faces, aglow in the fiery light.
Mistaken for British, waiting for the chief to arrive, last minute ditch efforts are surmised in the dark of hushed whispers.
“Come on, Wyatt, there’s got to be to get us out of this, right?” She pleads, a slight shake to her movements, as she the realization that this might really be it sinks in.
“Unless one of you can barf up a knife, I think we’re gonna be here awhile,” he sarcastically throws out, but still swaying a bit, side to side, attempting to slip out of his restraints, not yet giving up completely.
Lucy’s head leans to the side, her eyes closing, the soft glow of the fire beating down her exhausted body, threatening to go limp if not for the rope holding her up.
“You know, if this is really it, like, really it—“ Rufus starts.
“Don’t say that,” she interjects.  “It’s not.”
“Even if we get out of here, there’s not telling if we’ll actually make it out of 1754,” he reasons, and she lets him talk, because he has a point.  They were stranded in more ways than one.  “I can’t stop thinking what I wouldn’t give for one more Chocodile.”
Her eyes shoot his way, a look of pure confusion playing on her face, startling him from his daydream.
“What the hell is a Chocodile?” Wyatt croons, a small chuckle coming from his chest, unable to keep a serious face even in their circumstances at the ridiculousness of what Rufus just said.
“A twinkie.  Covered in chocolate,” he says matter of factly.  
There’s a look, albeit briefly, where she meets eyes with Wyatt, the absurdity of this conversation getting to both of them and they bust out into quiet laughter.  A moment of reprieve from their situation.
“Rufus, that is monumentally stupid,” Wyatt chides, his dimples peeking out for the first time that day.
“Well, clearly you’ve never had one,” Rufus laments, and Lucy shakes her head.
“No,” she says for the both of them, Rufus joining in in their amusement, before growing serious once more.
“What I wouldn’t give to be able to tell Jiya how I feel about her,” Rufus admits.
Lucy quirks a grin at the man.
“How do you feel about her?”
“I like her.  We went on a date once.  It was super awkward.  Haven’t had the guts to talk to her about it since.  I don’t know why that, of all things was scary to me…just talking to someone,” his honest, heartfelt confession has Lucy smiling.  The truth of his statement hitting a nerve, sending a wave of recognition through her.  The miscommunication between her and Wyatt not something new, but something tired and true.
The future they may never get lingering on the peripheral - one that she’d dreamt of so long ago, stolen from her, only to once again be reimagined.
“When I was little, my mother used to read to me these biographies for children,” she reminisces, chancing a glance at Wyatt, knowing that he knows this story, having come across the books.  “It was like, ‘Einstein for Kids.’  ‘Churchill for Kids.’”  His grin plays off of the one she has thinking of a time when she trusted her mom enough to read to her, make her feel safe.  “They were really good, actually,” she admits, and she’s not sure if she’s talking about the books or the memories.
She worries her bottom lip, afraid of being too honest.
“As I got older, I saved them, thinking that I would…eventually…read them to…our kid,” she says, her voice dipping, choking back an image she’d long since buried, one of a kid with dark hair and blue eyes.  Her brow knits together, but she can see Wyatt’s face fall at the mention of a future neither of them were granted.  “But that was…that was a long time ago,” she tries to recover, not wanting to dampen the mood anymore than she had.
She doesn’t expect him to respond, so she’s shaken when his gravelly voice breaks through the crackling of the fire.
“I…I wanted that too, Luce,” he sorrowfully discloses.
She can feel the hollowing in her chest quench, the acknowledgment that hadn’t all been in her mind.  That there had been a time when they had dreamt of the same future now laid before them as they accepted that fate, or choice, had left with them at death’s door with nothing but what could have beens.
With a heavy heart and teary, closed eyes, she nods.
“I am so sorry, Wyatt.  I didn’t mean…I just…”
“Lucy,” he tries to calm her.  “Luce, hey,” and she opens her eyes to peer over at him.  He his head leaning over in her direction, his blue eyes shimmering in the light, crooked grin smiling back at her  “Je suis désolé.”
With a lick of her lips, she gives a silent laugh.
“Still as terrible as ever.”
By the time the bus had arrived, there wasn’t enough time to make it to the museum and back before the school day was over, so one by one, they piled onto the new bus, back from where they came.
Pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands, she finds her head resting against the shoulder of Wyatt this time around.  The hum of the bus lulling her to sleep, her arms wrapped around his one, her knees pushed up, to where she’s sitting in a ball against him.
“Lucy,” she feels whispered against her head, before hearing the word, reverberated in herself before externalizing her name into a request to wake.
“We’re home,” he answers her silent, groggy question, and she snuggles further into the crook of his neck, not wanting to move.  Feeling that sense of home on the curvature of his arm more so than wrapped in the blankets of her bed.  
“Come on,” he nudges, and she grips his arm tighter, not wanting to move.
Quickly, Wyatt grabs her hand, hoisting her up and into the Lifeboat.  The gallop of horses stomping their way closer by the second.  It seems they were constantly on the run, lately.  Danger and death nipping at their feet at every turn.  They’d narrowly escaped one situation, only to be chased out of another, and…another.
Closing the door just as they arrive, she flings herself into her seat, her hands shaking as she reaches for the her seatbelt.  Her shaky fingers quickly replaced by the steady hands of Wyatt, nimbly strapping her in with a nod, before sinking back into his own.  It’s only then that she sees the faintest crack in his exterior, the fear playing on his nerves, having situated her, and now focused on himself.
When they’d agreed to do this, to play the odds, there had been a moment, a look shared between the two.  A silent promise, no turning back, that they were in this, together.  
When Wyatt had told her that he was in, it had seemed it wasn’t just this gamble into the void that he’d made, but one that he planned on keeping.  
“Me too,” she’d agreed, choosing, once again, to place her future into the hands of a man who had let her down before, would likely let her down again, but whose vulnerability was unwavering in his intentions, and therefore forgiveness forged between them for the time being.  The past a hurdle they would come to eventually, but the present one leap away from an unsettling truth that they needed each other to overcome.
The bullets ricochet off the metal of the Lifeboat, a visible grit of her teeth at each hit, unsure if they were going to come through the door and pierce her skin.
“We’re not going anywhere,” she panics, as the Lifeboat sputters in place.
“This patch is not as strong as the rest of the ship,” Wyatt argues, and her face pales at the realization, gripping tighter to the straps of her seatbelt.
“Come on Rufus, get us out of here,” she pleads, the engine whirring to life as he works for a takeoff.
As they spin out of control, Lucy’s cry is whisked from her mouth, left with nothing but a pained face.  A hand appearing in front of her, reaching out.  Prying her fingers from the strap, she clamps onto Wyatt’s extended fingers, gripping tightly to the lifeline offered to her.  A silent reminder that she wasn’t stranded, suspended in time with no one, but intertwined with another in the past, still gripping tightly in present.
Wyatt eventually coaxes her out of the bus, and outside of the school, ahead of the rest of the students that had actually made it to the museum.  Their dismissal still contingent on the bell.
Wrapping his arms around her, she buries her face in his chest, the awkwardness of inexperience seemingly dissipating as he wraps her warmly in his embrace.  She teeters between nerves and contentment constantly, but right here, right now, she feels good.
“So you remember…when I asked…you know, about a date,” his confidence suddenly waning once again, his grip becoming looser.
“Yeah,” she mumbles against him.
“You don’t have to…I mean, if you changed your mind, and you don’t—“
“Wyatt,” she stops him, leaning back so her chin is resting on his chest, looking up at him.  “I made my choice,” she says with her own dimpled smile.
“Oh yeah?” He asks, a cross between a smug shyness playing on his face, knowing the answer, but genuinely wanting reassurance that he was right.
“No backing out this time,” she whispers, standing on her tip toes so she’s eye level with him, her sleeves resting on his chest, her fingers barely gripping his shirt to pull him to her even closer.  She can feel the warmth of his breath on her lips as they close in on his, tentative, until he responds, slowly, a gentle pressure that leaves her wanting more, tugging on his shirt, the crook of a smirk forms on his lips at the gesture breaks their kiss only for a second.  
“You’re my choice, too.”  
The words formed on his lips lessening any shadow of doubt in Lucy’s eyes.
Lucy brings her thumb to her mouth, licking the Chocodile filling with a smile.
“These are so disgusting,” she says with a grimace that has Wyatt looking up to laugh at her.
“You’ve got…” he points at her mouth, indicating some sort of crumb on her face.
“Here?” She asks, apparently, completely missing, because he leans far over the table, the pad of his thumb gently grazing over her lip to gather a piece of chocolate that had held fast to her skin.
“Got it,” he murmurs, bringing the dark fleck to his own lips, her eyes following his finger as his tongue flicks out to gather the crumb.  “You’re right, this is terrible,” he agrees, pouting his lips in disgust.
Her mouth quirks into a grin, before looking down at her still full drink.  Rufus had since left, meeting up with Jiya and leaving the two of them alone.
“Did you mean what you said…earlier?” She asks, her finger dancing across the rim of her flute of champagne.  “About history,” she clarifies.
“Yeah,” he hums, refusing to avert his eyes, instead gazing at her in a way that would’ve made Rufus uncomfortable.  
She nods, trying to come to terms with the idea that although her fate was likely determined, she didn’t yet know what that fate was, and the choices she made to get there were as of now undecided.
“Do you think it’s too late to rewrite our fate?”  Her eyes finding his, and with a tilt of her head, asking to head down the now beaten path of the past, the same choice, hoping for a different outcome.
“It’s never too late to make a change.  It’s your choice, Lucy.”
well, hello there.  it’s been a while, i know.  i am my own worst enemy, and had convinced myself no one was reading, which is why you haven’t seen any updates recently.  thankfully, a bunch of lovely people motivated me enough to get this chapter out.  of course, i got sick right about the time i started finally writing.  such is my luck, guys.  but alas, it’s here, and hopefully not too terrible.  
special shout out to my friend for answering my ridiculous french questions, because i am as awful as wyatt at the language.
pleaseeeeeeee review/comment/like/fave…all of the above.  it is the only way i know y’all are out there reading and/or actually wanting me to continue.
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lalainajanes · 6 years
I hope you’re still doing these: ❤️ 24. Soulmate AU + 95. Sleep intimacy
Technically a sequel (to Everywhere With You) which might be cheating but shhh. It just worked too well!
When he hears the crunch of tires on gravel, Klaus makes a sharp turn, heading for the stairs. He briefly considers taking a detour to his room for a shirt but decides against it
It’s possible he’d just be ruining it so why bother?
Klaus hopes his visitor is trouble, someone he can hurt. Perhaps Caroline had finally informed The Salvatores he’d returned and they’ve come to huff and puff. That could be amusing. Caroline’s more fond of Stefan so Klaus will leave him be. Damon, however, he can probably get away with maiming.
It’s been twenty days since he’d left Caroline at Whitmore and he’s only had himself for company. Elijah had gone back to New Orleans as soon as they’d been sure Klaus could maintain his human form, with strict instructions to visit the witch who’d advised them and check that she’d not breathed a word of Klaus’ predicament.
To guarantee that she never could.
It’s not the longest stretch of solitude he’s ever endured, far from it, but circumstances have made it challenging. The first day he’d felt better that he had since he’d first left Mystic Falls, clear headed and able to concentrate. He’d plowed through a number of emails and reports - business and property matters Elijah had been nagging him about, only fair since his brother was keeping things tidy for him - and then shut himself up in his studio.
Produced work he didn’t hate for the first time in ages.
His ease had only lasted a few days, had begun to leach away until he was once more restless and easily aggravated.
He’d have to order another dining room set, the last one was now little more than kindling. All because Klaus had gotten a splinter.
He’s been told Caroline’s not faring better. He’s got guards stationed near her, tasked with ensuring she stays safe and that no one else was watching her. He won’t have her hurt to get at him. They report that she’s going to class, then back to her dorm, that she looks tired and unhappy.
Klaus doesn’t receive the news gladly, but there’s a grim sort of satisfaction to the knowledge that he’s not suffering alone.
The impulse to go to her has become a steady pulse, a knot of pressure that rests heavy at the base of his skull and leaves his skin prickling. It’s nearly impossible to ignore. He thinks it might start to hurt soon.
If so he’ll grit his teeth and bear it. Caroline will have to come to him. It’s why Klaus hasn’t turned. His wolf is harder to control, less reason more instinct, and he’d be loping off to Whitmore as soon as his paws touched the earth.
He doesn’t bother with lights as he stalks towards the foyer. He’s been pacing the house for days, could navigate around the furniture even without his enchanted senses.
He’d heard the vehicle roll to a stop. It’s engine had been cut but there had been no telltale creaking of metal to indicate a door opening, no footsteps either. Klaus is poised by the door, listening carefully for movement, ready to spring.
His phone buzzes in his back pocket and Klaus deflates, his fangs retracting.
If his guest is calling ahead it would be bad form to kill them. He only hopes he’s not being roped into some disaster because he really doesn’t have the patience to wade into whatever peril Mystic Falls is facing this week. He knows Caroline is perfectly safe, her mother too. Her useless friends aren’t his concern.
Caroline (1:46 AM): It occurs to me that you might deal with late night visitors creeping up to your house violently.
Caroline (1:46 AM): So don’t this time, okay?
Caroline (1:46 AM): Midterms start Monday.
He hears her car door open and Klaus’ control frays and he’s flinging his front door open and bounding down the steps before he can marshal it. He forces himself to still at the bottom, rocking back on his heels and grinding his bare feet into the stones of the driveway to center himself.
Caroline leans back against her car, shutting the driver’s side door. Her arms are crossed, banded tightly against her stomach and she’s looking at the ground. Klaus takes the opportunity to study her and what he sees makes him ache a little more.
He wants to touch her, and not just to soothe his own discomfort. Caroline’s too pale, her eyes visibly shadowed even in the dim moonlight. Her hair’s pulled haphazardly back from her face and she wears an oversized sweatshirt, ragged at the cuffs and hem, and not a speck of makeup.
She glances up at him, takes a faltering step forward. “I… I don’t know…” she trails off helplessly, her hand extended towards him.
That she’d come here, of her own volition, is enough of a balm to his pride. Klaus closes the distance between them, until her hand presses to his chest. Caroline’s fingers twitch at the skin to skin contact but she doesn’t push him away. He moves slowly, lifting his hand and resting it on the back of her neck, his thumb brushing her jaw.
Caroline’s spine loosens, her lashes fluttering as a sigh gusts from her parted lips. She drifts another step closer, pressing her other hand to him. “Huh. I was kinda hoping last time was a fluke.”
He tamps down the flare of anger ruthlessly. It won’t do to chase her away, not when she’s finally talked herself into coming to him. Klaus knows it’s only temporary, assumes she’s treating him like a fix, the midterms she’d mentioned looming.
Klaus can work with that.
“Sadly, this is not a brilliant plan to get closer to,you, sweetheart. We’re mates, there are side effects. I trust you’ve had a rough few weeks?”
Her eyes narrow, the fingers of her right hand curling until he feels the edge of her nails. The left remains a steady pressure over his heart, negating the threat somewhat. “Try to sound less pleased about my misery, okay?”
“It was entirely of your own choosing,” Klaus reminds her.
Her face falls, settling into tired lines, “Can we just… not?” she asks, sounding weary. “I didn’t come here to fight with you.”
“Why did you come, Caroline?”
She closes her eyes, shoulders slumping. “I haven’t slept, like at all, in four days. I haven’t slept properly in… god, I don’t even remember.”
“Fifteen or sixteen days, I’d wager.” He says it gently, brings his free hand up to cover hers. He doesn’t sleep much as it is, a habit ingrained over centuries on the run, so the lack of rest isn’t as much of a hardship to him. Caroline likely still keeps to human rhythms.
She nods, swaying on her feet. “I still don’t get whatever… this is. Bonnie’s trying to track down her mom for me, to see if she can find anyone who knows something, but she’s not having much luck. I’ve been trying so hard to stick to my routine and I just can’t anymore. Every muscle in my body aches and my textbooks don’t makes sense and my notes from all my classes are crap and…”
Her breathing is coming quickly, her heart racing, and Klaus  applies just the smallest hint of pressure using his hand on her nape. It’s all the urging Caroline needs, moulding herself to him, arms wrapping around him so her hands can dig greedily into the muscles of his back. Her flushed cheek comes to rest on his shoulder and Klaus winds his hand into her hair, the other slipping under her shirt to rest on her curve of her waist.
She hums softly, the tension in her easing until her rests heavily against him. “I’ve had every book that even mentions mates sent to me here,” Klaus murmurs. “You can take some back to school with you.”
Caroline agrees with a small sound, but makes no move to leave his embrace. She speaks so softly he might not have heard her if he wasn’t a hybrid, “Can I sleep here tonight? I don’t think I can drive home.”
“With me?” Klaus asks, needing the clarification.
He can feel her face heat, hear the slight hitch of her inhale. “Yes,” she finally manages, the word muffled in his skin.
His grip on her tightens but she misses his reaction, caught up in her own turmoil and drowsing as she is. Just as well. His elation is likely inappropriate. “Of course, sweetheart.”
She makes a small noise of protest when he pulls away but Klaus maintains contact, bringing the hand he has on her side rest on the small of her back and guiding her to the steps. “Wait, I brought my books,” Caroline mutters, stopping once they’ve crossed the threshold.
Well, that’s certainly an interesting revelation. Klaus makes a note to bring it up when Caroline’s more coherent. She wouldn’t find him pressing her when she’s like this, so unguarded, endearing.
He sees no need to handicap himself, not when it seems like he’s managed to make progress.
“They’ll be fine in your car for the night,” Klaus assures her.
Caroline relents, stepping out of her shoes. “Yeah, I guess breaking into the sheriff’s daughter’s car outside of the local serial killer’s house would be pretty dumb.”
“Technically,” he points out mildly, “there are many local serial killers.”
Caroline laughs softly but she doesn’t argue and he steers them towards the stairs. She leans more heavily on him as they make their way upstairs, seems half asleep by the time they reach his bed. He tugs at the bottom of her sweatshirt, “Are you wearing anything under this?”
“Tank…” a yawn has her mouth opening wide and she shudders with the force of it. “Top,” she finishes. She reaches down and begins to pull it off. Klaus helps when it gets stuck halfway, pushing her arms up so he can get it the rest of the way off. She climbs in when he turns down the blankets, her hand grabbing his forearm and towing him after her.
Klaus can’t resist teasing her, “My, my, what a turn of events.”
“Shut up,” Caroline grouses. “I’m committed now.”
“To a good night’s sleep?” Klaus asks. He receives no reply and he’s not sure if Caroline’s ignoring him or if she hadn’t heard him, too busy getting comfortable. She rolls to her side, dragging Klaus with her (he goes willingly, of course) until he’s curled around her, his forehead resting on the back of her shoulder. Caroline gropes for his hand and leads it under the flimsy shirt she wears, presses it to her bare stomach with a sigh he thinks is content.
She’s soon soft against him, sleeping deeply. Klaus feels his eyes growing heavy with some surprise. He fights it for as long as he can, wanting to store this experience in his memory. He wants to be able to recall the texture of her skin, the scent of her hair. To learn the little movements and sounds she makes as she sleeps.
He’ll need them, he’s sure. Caroline’s committed to this night, to quieting her brain so she can conquer her coursework. He’s not sure what tomorrow will bring though Klaus suspects he can coax her into spending the day.
There’s a plush sofa in his studio, under a window. If she studies there while he paints, her powers of concentration will be at their peak.
At least that’s the hypothesis he’ll present tomorrow.
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