#sirius was the best godfather harry could ever have
lucyrose191 · 10 months
Author’s note; will definitely be a part 2 to this.
Pairing; Young/POA!Sirius Black x Fem!wife!reader
Summary; 12 years after having your life ripped to pieces your godson walks into your home after returning home from Hogwarts and he’s invited someone else to come as well.
Warnings; Angst? Fluff.
HP/Marauders Master List
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You had tried keeping him out in the beginning, your heart would not be able to bear the pain that a playboy could cause. You had told him so, there would be no chance of you two ever happening, never thinking his womanising personality would change, especially not for someone like you.
But if Sirius Black was anything he was unrelenting, he was determined and genuine in his advances and soon you found your heart fluttering with each sparkling smile and cheeky wink he sent your way.
Each touch would send a spark of electricity shooting through your veins and each lingering stare would burn into your skin, each a reminder of him even when you were apart.
You were sixteen when the pair of you became official, a third of your way through your sixth year of Hogwarts and the pair of you were wrapped up in coats and scarfs, adorned with a heating charm to protect you both from the cool February air at the top of the Astronomy tower.
Who knew Sirius Orion Black could be a romantic?
In that moment as he held you under the night sky, holding your hand as he raised them both into the sky, directing you to where his namesake lay, how could you have said anything but yes to him.
You had spent the best years of your life with him, moving in together at seventeen, engaged at eighteen, married at nineteen, godparents at twenty and well, twenty one had left you and your godson alone.
All Hallows’ Eve of 1981 is a day you never want to remember but it’s a day that remains as a permanent scar on your brain.
Your closest friends had lost their lives, their son had lost their parents, Remus had disappeared without a trace, Peter was dead and your Sirius had been taken to Azkaban.
You didn’t have time to grieve, you had a child to raise and offer him the best life you could and you did.
You watched him adjust to walking by himself, learn how to confess his wants and needs with more than just childish babbles and each day you’d witness as he showed more and more qualities of his parents.
Not only did he share most of his features with James Potter but he also shared his father’s cheeky personality and charisma.
However, the times where you saw Lily in him shined bright; when he’d offer to share any treat with you or when he’d climb into your bed to protect you from the monsters (you knew it was for his own comfort but it still melted your heart).
Now, that little boy was a young man and whilst it was becoming common for him to give you near heart attacks, you couldn’t be more proud of how intelligent and brave he was.
You truly saw his maturity earlier in the year when you’d had to sit him down and tell him the news of Sirius Black, that his godfather had escaped the prison he was put into for the betrayal of James and Lily Potter.
He had been hurt, you had seen that but he had handled it with grace and was more concerned about how you felt than the possible danger he was in, because you were the most important person in his life.
It was now the end of June, you had allowed Harry to make his own way home from Platform nine and three quarters upon his own request, believing he was now old enough to have that extra freedom.
It left you at home to make his favourite meal for when he gets home alone with his favourite snacks, movie and blankets set up in the living room for a movie night after dinner.
It was around five in the evening when you heard the front door being thrown open followed by the dumping of his bags and trunk being dumped on the floor.
Then heavy footsteps pounded through the hallway, shortly followed by your vision being clouded by a mess of jet black hair as Harry launched himself into your arms.
"Merlin, Harry! You’re going to break one of my ribs if you keep growing," you exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him, he was growing far too quickly for your liking.
"I had the best year ever, Y/N!" He told you as he pulled out of your arms. "I think I passed all of my tests except divination but that’s a load of rubbish anyways, Hogsmeade was so much fun and Professor Lupin was actually a good teacher- oh, he told me to tell you he misses you by the way and that he’s sorry for leaving."
You smiled tightly, Harry had told you in his first letter about ‘Professor Lupin’ and whilst you were glad he had a good teacher, it was hard to ignore the pain that came with his name, he had left you and Harry alone in a time where you should’ve been able to rely on each other, you weren’t ready to see him or speak to him again.
"I’m glad you had a good year, Harry," you replied sincerely, turning back to watch the food as he continued speaking.
"Oh, and I met Sirius Black! He’s innocent so don’t worry about it, he’s actually amazing!"
You whipped your head around as the colour drained from your face. "You what?"
Harry couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he nodded "you’ll never believe it, I didn’t believe it in the beginning either but Sirius wasn’t mum and dad’s secret keeper, it was Peter Pettigrew that was secretly working for Voldemort and after my parents were murdered Sirius went to confront him but Pettigrew framed him, chopped off his finger and turned into a rat; can you believe he’s an Animagus!?"
He didn’t seem to realise how you weren’t matching his enthusiasm or how pale you’d gotten.
"Did you know Sirius could turn into a dog?"
"Harry…" you ignored his question. "You’ve seen Sirius? You’ve spoken to him?"
"Yeah!" He replied enthusiastically, not paying attention to the tone of your voice. "I wanted to talk to you about that actually, can he come and stay with us? I assumed it would be okay because the two of you are married and I thought we could be a proper family then."
You couldn’t even process what he was saying, it was as though you had completely disassociated, how could you even fathom seeing Sirius again?
The man you had loved and married all of those years ago, you hadn’t seen him in twelve years, you were two completely different people right now. He had been through unfathomable hell, hell that you couldn’t even begun to imagine and you had changed beyond belief, for Harry to believe you could just start over and pretend nothing happened was ridiculous.
And if Sirius believed that too then he was completely mad if not plain stupid.
A scratching at the door drew both your’s and Harry’s attention and the way his eyes lit up made you feel sick to your stomach. "Harry," you spoke faintly, "what is that?"
Harry titled his head at you curiously, "Well I told him where we lived so he could come and visit me, he was glad you hadn’t moved and well he wanted to see you as well."
You slowly shook your head, feeling completely overwhelmed at everything that had just been shot at you in such a small amount of time. "No no no no no, he can’t be here," you muttered frantically.
"What do you mean?" Your godson asked dumbly.
"I mean that he can’t just show up here out of the blue with absolutely no warning, we can’t just pretend that the past twelve years haven’t happened, Harry. It doesn’t work like that. We’ve both changed and we aren’t going to go back to being husband and wife. I’m happy you have your godfather back, Harry, I truly am but you need to give me some warning for this."
Harry slumped in his seat at the kitchen table. "What, so I tell him to leave? We have so much to catch up on."
The disappointed look on his face made your heart break, you had always struggled saying no to him and had probably spoilt him more than you should have but knowing that the man you had loved more than anything was on the opposite side of the door filled you with a sense of dread.
But how could you take this away from him?
You couldn’t, it was as simple as that.
You’d face your husband for the first time in over a decade if that made Harry happy because that’s all you had lived for the past twelve years, making your godson happy.
"Go and open the door," you regretfully nodded your head towards the front door, joy built up in Harry’s face as he jumped up and rushed for the front door whilst you simply stood alone in the kitchen waiting for your past to come and hit you in the face.
What were you even going to say to him?
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omgrachwrites · 2 years
The Night We Met (Chapter One)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x Potter!Reader
Summary: Over the summer you connected with the boy who is quite literally your twin's mortal enemy. Things start to fall apart in the darkness of the autumn.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, angst, everyone lives au, takes place in 6th year
A/N: Soooooooo, I'm back!! I'm so sorry for being away so long guys! This is the shortest chapter ever so I'm v sorry, I also didn't really know how to write Mattheo 100% as he is complete fanfiction! I hope you guys enjoy anyway and please let me know what you think! I love you all! xxx
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Chapter One
Harry Potter was worried about his twin, she’d been so secretive recently, ever since the first week of summer. Harry knew they weren’t kids anymore but Y/N was his best friend and they used to tell each other everything. James and Sirius knew that something was up when Harry mooched into the kitchen.
“What’s wrong?” his godfather laughed as he drank his tea.
“Where’s, Y/N?” he directed the question at his dad, ignoring Sirius. James shrugged as he leaned back in the kitchen chair.
“She’s off playing Quidditch in the woods, you know how she gets when she wants to be alone.”
Harry nodded, he did know but he was still a bit miffed that she hadn’t asked him for a match, “she’s supposed to come with me to Ron’s for tea,” he muttered.
At that moment, Lily walked into the kitchen and kissed her son on the cheek, “well, she’ll be back by that time.”
Harry nodded, forcing a smile for his mum’s benefit, but he just knew that something was going on with her. And, he was worried about her.
You cursed beneath your breath as you all but ran home, you had nearly lost track of time, you had nearly forgotten that you were having tea at the Weasley’s tonight. As you walked through the front door Harry was coming down the stairs.
“Hey, Y/N,” he smiled and you felt your guilt begin to brew in your stomach, “have fun playing Quidditch?” he smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.
You could tell he was hurt but he’d never admit it, he’d never understand either and you hated doing this to him, “well, I would have asked you to join me but I know how busy you must be pining over Ginny Weasley.”
Harry scoffed as he pushed his glasses up his nose, “you’re my sister, and my best friend, I’m never too busy for you.”
You smiled, “thanks, Harry. I’m just gonna get ready and then we can go to Ron’s,” you traipsed upstairs without waiting for a reply. On the way to your room, you passed your dad, “why did you tell Harry that I was playing Quidditch?” you sighed.
James frowned, “what in Merlin’s name was I supposed to say, Y/N?” he continued when you shrugged, “you are your brother’s best friend and I know he’s yours but you need to tell him before he finds out for himself. Now, I don’t approve but you’re not a little kid anymore.”
“See you later, dad,” you sighed as you walked into your room to get ready.
As you and Harry were leaving the cottage and were walking up the path, Harry groaned out in dismay.
“What’s the matter?” you laughed but Harry didn’t reply or look at you, he kept staring ahead with a scowl on his face.
You followed your brother’s gaze and saw that Malfoy was passing by with his friend Mattheo Riddle, as soon as Malfoy saw Harry, his face lit up with malice, “alright, Scarhead?”
You glared over at Malfoy before glancing at Riddle who was smirking at you, you scowled at him, keeping your eyes on him long enough to see him raise his eyebrow, a smug look forming on his face. “C’mon, Harry just ignore them,” you glared at the Slytherin boys as you pulled Harry away, Riddles smug face in the back of your mind.
Dinner at the Weasley’s was always something to look forward to, Mrs Weasley’s cooking was amazing and you always had a laugh with the big family. However, this year it was different, it was almost awkward, you had to watch your brother try – and fail – to flirt with Ginny. Ron and Hermione were also starting to fall for each other, though they were the only ones who couldn’t see it. You had managed to keep your embarrassment in check until it was time to sit down for dinner.
“So, Y’N, dear,” Molly started, “are you in love yet?”
Ron snorted into his food as your eyes widened and you felt a flush creep up your neck, you shook your head as you looked up at Molly, “no, I’m not.”
“I think Y/N is trying to get onto the national Quidditch team with how much she’s been playing it this summer,” you forced a smile at your brother but said nothing more, and your love life wasn’t brought up again.
After dinner, you decided to leave early and without Harry, usually you and Harry would stay for as long as you could but the guilt in your stomach hadn’t settled yet. It made it virtually impossible for you to be around your friends when you felt like that. It was when you were getting ready for bed that the knock on your patio door came and startled you.
You sighed when you saw the handsome Slytherin boy standing out on your balcony, you padded over and opened the patio door, quickly ushering him inside.
“Mattheo,” you hissed, “what are you doing here?”
He smiled and cupped your cheek with a warm hand, “I wanted to see you before I head back home, I feel like I haven’t seen you as much recently.”
You scoffed and looked away from him, crossing your arms over your chest, “you literally saw me today.”
“For like an hour,” Mattheo sighed and kissed you softly. Your fingers delved into his thick curls as you briefly kissed him back before you pushed him away, “what’s the matter?” he asked, resting his forehead against yours.
“Nothing,” you shook your head, you couldn’t see how this relationship – if that was even what it was – would work at Hogwarts, it was too much sneaking around and you had to keep a lot more secrets at school than you did at home. Also, you didn’t have the heart to tell him your relationship had an expiry date. It really seemed like you were lying to everyone.
“Y/N,” Mattheo started, biting his lip, in that moment he looked so vulnerable as he stared at you with wide eyes, and you almost forgot who he was. Almost. “Can I stay here tonight? I don’t want to go back to Draco’s, you know he’ll be there.”
“Mattheo,” you sighed but he interrupted you before you could say anything further.
“Please, Y/N? I promise I’ll be gone before your parents wake up.”
You cupped his cheeks and fought back tears, “you have to go, everyone is in danger if you’re here.”
Mattheo looked like he’d been gut punched and he pulled away from you so quickly it was like you’d burned him, “right,” he hissed with a nod, “the scum can’t put the perfect Potter’s in danger.”
“I never said that!”
Mattheo sniffed as he wrenched open your patio door, “you didn’t have to. Goodnight, Y/N,” he climbed down your balcony and disappeared into the night.
“Goodbye, Mattheo,” you sighed as you watched him go.
The next morning was an early start and you almost immediately regretted promising that you would meet Ron and Hermione for an early lunch. You could barely keep your eyes open as you shuffled into the kitchen. You had been awake for most of the night half wishing that you had let Mattheo stay. You yawned as you spread butter onto your toast.
“You’re quiet this morning, Y/N,” James glanced at you from the other end of the table.
Harry snickered as he walked into the kitchen, “you say that like it’s a bad thing, dad.”
You scowled at your twin, “fuck you, Potter.”
“Language, Y/N!” Lily gasped but you couldn’t miss the laughter in her voice. Your mum narrowed her green eyes at you, “did you have a friend over last night? I could have sworn I heard you talking to someone.”
You shook your head, refusing to look at your dad, though you could feel him looking at you from where he sat, “I didn’t have anyone over last night, mum,” you mumbled. Lily nodded but continued to regard you suspiciously.
In no time at all, you were meeting Ron and Hermione outside of the ice cream parlour in the blazing sun.
“Hello again,” Hermione laughed as she pulled you into a hug, you grinned as you hugged her back and over her shoulder you waved at Ron.
“Sorry about my mum last night, that must have been embarrassing,” Ron almost winced as you laughed and shook your head.
“Don’t worry about it!” you sat at the table and smiled over at Hermione, “thanks for getting my fave,” you blew her a kiss as you a sip from your iced Butterbeer.
“Ugh, incoming,” Hermione rolled her eyes as she took a sip of her own drink, you could tell by the venom in her voice that it was Malfoy and his band of Slytherins. You didn’t even turn to look until Ron spoke up.
“Bloody hell, look at Riddle’s face.”
You glanced over your shoulder and was filled with horror by what you saw, Mattheo had been badly beaten, he had a black eye and a huge gash in his lip, almost like it had been split open. He looked at you with wounded eyes as he walked past but he said nothing. Neither did Malfoy.
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how do you see the dynamic between Sirius and Dumbledore? both want to protect Harry, but with different methods, and Dumbledore actually imprisoned Sirius in the 5th book... it seems to me that Sirius trusts him, but clearly not blindly, rather like Kingsley - trust, but think. and I also wonder how Sirius would have behaved in books 6-7 if Harry remembered the mirror fuck jkr for killing Sirius for the plot needs
This is a juicy topic, okay.
See, like, Sirius trusts Dumbledore, he has faith in him that he's the right man to defeat Voldemort and keep Harry safe. That's the big part here, because Sirius, post-Azkaban has really one goal, and that is to keep Harry as safe and alive as possible (also killing Peter, but it's a byproduct of the first one). And he thinks Dumbledore is the best for the job of keeping Harry safe from Voldemort. But he doesn't fully trust Dumbledore, and I don't think Sirius particularly likes Dumbledore.
Dumbledore, for his part, doesn't fully trust Sirius either, but I'll expand on that later.
We see Sirius' faith in Dumbledore's ability to protect in how willing he is to tell Dumbledore anything he thinks puts Harry in danger, even if Harry specifically didn't want to tell Dumbledore:
“I see,” said Dumbledore quietly. “I see. Now, has your scar hurt at any other time this year, excepting the time it woke you up over the summer?” “No, I — how did you know it woke me up over the summer?” said Harry, astonished. “You are not Sirius’s only correspondent,” said Dumbledore. “I have also been in contact with him ever since he left Hogwarts last year. It was I who suggested the mountainside cave as the safest place for him to stay.”
(GoF, 600)
Because keeping Harry safe is Sirius' priority.
At the same time, Sirius chafes a lot under Dumbledore's command. Sirius is not a person who likes being given orders. There was one person who Sirius was ever prepared to take ques from and it was James Potter. James, whom Sirius blames Dumbledore for the death of. Deep down, at least. Sirius is bitter over James and Lily's death because Dumbledore was supposed to protect them, that's what they all decided — and he failed.
So, Dumbledore dishing out orders in OotP gets Sirius really bitter towards him. Especially because Dumbledore forces him into essentially house arrest in a childhood home he thought (hoped)[] he'd never see again. So he's bitter over the past war, his current imprisonment, and probably the years in Azkaban when no one, including Dumbledore (supposedly), suspected he might've been innocent.
So, Sirius is in a state of being generally distrustful of Dumbledore and very bitter towards him and his actions as the leader if the Order, while sticking around becouse he believes Dumbledore's his best bet for keeping Harry safe. If Sirius could just take Harry and run, confident Voldemort won't come after them, and Harry would be happy that way, he would.
We're outright told how disillusioned with Dumbledore Sirius is:
“. . . I’ve been stuck inside for a month.” “How come?” asked Harry, frowning. “Because the Ministry of Magic’s still after me, and Voldemort will know all about me being an Animagus by now, Wormtail will have told him, so my big disguise is useless. There’s not much I can do for the Order of the Phoenix . . . or so Dumbledore feels.” There was something about the slightly flattened tone of voice in which Sirius uttered Dumbledore’s name that told Harry that Sirius was not very happy with the headmaster either. Harry felt a sudden upsurge of affection for his godfather.
(OotP, 83) - as an aside I love this conversation, Harry and Sirius arguing over which one of them had the worst summer. It's a vibe.
Sirius doubts Dumbledore's orders, referring to his logic as what he feels rather than thinks, implying the lack of reason in Sirius' opinion. Also, when Sirius talks about/to Dumbledore in Ootp, you hear in his voice how bitter and disillusioned he is, something Harry relates to during book 5.
Even back in Goblet of Fire, Sirius didn't fully trust Dumbledore, meaning this wasn't new with his imprisonment in Grimmauld Place especially his decision to hire Snape:
“I think they’ve both got a point,” said Sirius, looking thoughtfully at Ron and Hermione. “Ever since I found out Snape was teaching here, I’ve wondered why Dumbledore hired him. Snape’s always been fascinated by the Dark Arts, he was famous for it at school. Slimy, oily, greasy-haired kid, he was,” Sirius added
(GoF, 531)
Of course, Sirius has a specific vendetta against Snape, but it influences his opinion and trust in Dumbledore. He doesn't understand the logic, and he doesn't trust Dumbledore's judgment.
I think Sirius was never fully trusting of Dumbledore in the first war. Sirius is a lot like Harry in that, he just doesn't like authority and orders. He doesn't do well with that. I think he joined the Order mostly after James. I think, even in the first war, Sirius went on his own on occasion/disobeyed orders and it's part of why Dumbledore watches him as closely as he does and tries to control and limit Sirius. Dumbledore knows Sirius doesn't trust him or his orders, and the distrust is mutual. Dumbledore doesn't feel he can count on Sirius to follow his lead and his plans.
And we know Sirius doesn't.
We're shown repeatedly in conversation Sirius' bitterness towards Dumbledore:
“It’s not my fault you haven’t been told what the Order’s doing,” said Sirius calmly. “That’s your parents’ decision. Harry, on the other hand —” “It’s not down to you to decide what’s good for Harry!” said Mrs. Weasley sharply. Her normally kindly face looked dangerous. “You haven’t forgotten what Dumbledore said, I suppose?” “Which bit?” Sirius asked politely, but with an air as though readying himself for a fight. [...] “I don’t intend to tell him more than he needs to know, Molly,” said Sirius. “But as he was the one who saw Voldemort come back” (again, there was a collective shudder around the table at the name), “he has more right than most to —”
(OotP, 88)
There are two quotes above, the first relating to this post, the second less, but one I found interesting enough to include.
The second section is interesting because Sirius calls Voldemort by his name — Voldemort. No You-Know-Who bullshit. This strikes me as interesting since the only other two characters to do so consistently are Harry and Dumbledore. I like to think it's Sirius' bravery showing, but it's also his spite. He was stuck in Azkaban with Vodlemort's top death Eaters for 12 years, I think he would've found it funny to say Voldemort and all of them hissing: "You dare peak the Dark Lord's name!" and stuff like that. That's my headcanon for why Sirius says Voldemort's name.
The first section shows Sirius is bitter about his orders from Dumbledore, the fact that there are so many of them he can ask "Which bit?" He despises how Molly and Severus hold these orders over his head, treating him like a child when he very much isn't.
I think the Order of the Phoenix is an incredibly toxic environment for Sirius, not gonna lie.
It's mostly filled with people Sirius either doesn't like, doesn't trust, or both. Remus, while he is an old friend of Sirius, also treats Sirius with gloves in the way everyone else does. They are closer, they don't really have anyone else, but they don't trust each other like before the first war. James was who held their friendship together and you can feel the James filled hole. Remus is constantly trying to say what pleases everyone and ends up annoying everyone instead, including Sirius.
Basically, Sirius has no one in his corner among the adults and he feels useless and is treated like he's mentally unstable and made of glass. And while, yeah, his mental state isn't great, his state would've been better if the Order treated him like an adult.
There's a reason he seems most comfortable talking to the kids. He feels like he can talk to them as peers, they don't talk above him like he isn't there or treat him like he doesn't know himself.
“. . . He’s not a child!” said Sirius impatiently. “He’s not an adult either!” said Mrs. Weasley, the color rising in her cheeks. “He’s not James, Sirius!” “I’m perfectly clear who he is, thanks, Molly,” said Sirius coldly. “I’m not sure you are!” said Mrs. Weasley. “Sometimes, the way you talk about him, it’s as though you think you’ve got your best friend back!”
(OotP, 88)
Above Molly outright says to Sirius' face that he doesn't know who Harry is, but she's wrong.
“Personally,” said Lupin quietly, looking away from Sirius at last, as Mrs. Weasley turned quickly to him, hopeful that finally she was about to get an ally, “I think it better that Harry gets the facts — not all the facts, Molly, but the general picture — from us, rather than a garbled version from . . . others.” His expression was mild, but Harry felt sure that Lupin, at least, knew that some Extendable Ears had survived Mrs. Weasley’s purge.
(OotP, 89)
Remus says things he believes are true, but he's also trying so hard to walk the line between Molly and Sirius because he doesn't want to upset either of them.
Now, I mentioned above how Dumbledore doesn't really trust Sirius, how he keeps a close watch on him because he feels Sirius is a loose canon who wouldn't follow his orders and therefore couldn't be trusted. This is visible throughout GoF and OotP, and here are two quotes that show it:
“You are not Sirius’s only correspondent,” said Dumbledore. “I have also been in contact with him ever since he left Hogwarts last year. It was I who suggested the mountainside cave as the safest place for him to stay.”
(GoF, 600)
I already mentioned this quote above, but Dumbledore makes sure to be in correspondence with Sirius because he knows Harry would be. He knows Sirius and he knows Sirius would get involved in the coming war and Harry's life and he needs to keep control of his least controllable variable (besides Harry, but he thinks Harry is more controllable than he actually is).
“Meaning you’ve been known to act rashly, Sirius, which is why Dumbledore keeps reminding you to stay at home and —” “We’ll leave my instructions from Dumbledore out of this, if you please!” said Sirius loudly.
(OotP, 89)
And, of course, the orders in OotP that Sirius hated with all his being. Sirius could have gone out as a dog, he has, but no, Dumbledore forces him into house arrest and to cut contact with Harry in the first half of the summer. He instructs him to not tell Harry anything, and Sirius hates it. Sirius thinks he knows what's best for Harry better than Moly and Dumbledore (he kinda is right, I think he knows Harry's actual personality better than Dumbledore and Molly) and he hates being told what to do on anything, let alone something that's his responsibility, like being Harry's godfather.
It seems to me, like Sirius and Dumbledore never really liked each other, but where in the first war, they had James between them, in the second one they don't. I mean, Remus is there, and he's trying, I'm sure, but for both him and Sirius it's just not the same as James.
as I mentioned, all these instructions go to show Dumbledore is warry of Sirius since he can't fully predict what he'd do. Sirius is a dangerous soldier because he's capable, and he isn't a soldier at all when you get down to it — because he doesn't do orders.
As for the second part of your ask:
What if Sirius survived to books 6 & 7?
Well, let's imagine Sirius didn't fall into the vale, missed it by half an inch, and survived. That'll mean the fight in the ministry would've ended a little differently, maybe Voldemort passed Harry down at the Death Chamber since he didn't chase Bellatrix out of the ministry? Maybe Fudge wouldn't have seen Voldemort at all? Maybe Bellatrix was also sent back to Azkaban with Lucious Malfoy? Or if, as you mentioned, the fight didn't happen at all because Harry spoke to sirius on the mirror?
If we assume nothing changes in the battle outcome, we have a much more mentally sound Harry going into books 6 & 7. It means, he probably would've spent part of the summer at Grimmald Place with Sirius, who might've told him about Slughorn as a teacher before the year started. Once Harry gets suspicious of Draco, he'd writes to Sirius, who'll believe him and distrusts Snape, so, the book would go kinda of the same, except someone believes Harry.
(Maybe he'd actually give Harry advice on how to test food for love potions, I mean, someone has to)
Book 7 is the one that changes most drastically. I think they wouldn't have the same doubts about Grimmald Place if Sirius were alive. Sure, the Fidelius broke, but you can't tell me there aren't other defensive wards over it from years of use by the black family.
Also, throughout book 6, even if Dumbledore told Harry not to tell Sirius about their lessons, Harry would've pulled the mirror out every night and told him (which is why I don't think Dumbledore would've told him not to tell Sirius if he was alive). And when the Horcrux hunt came about in book 7, Sirius would've joined them and learned about Regulus (honestly, he would've made finding R.A.B. so much easier).
Also, if Sirius wasn't dead, Mundungus might've not stolen the locket and then it would've still been in Grimmauld Place and there was no need to infiltrate the ministry. Also, depending on which of Bellatrix's vaults she placed the cup in, they might've had an easier time there too. If it was, say, a Black family vault, maybe Sirius could've gotten access.
Regardless, having Sirius around would've made Harry, Ron, and Hermione feel better about the whole hunt even if it wasn't easier, although I think it would've been.
The other big difference, Sirius, too, would've opposed Harry killing himself. Trying desperately to find a different solution. I think Harry would've still sacrificed himself, Sirius being another life on the line he cares about to die for.
But, like, how much would change would heavily depend on the smaller details, especially in the battle at the DoM. So, you could write in however far or close to canon if you feel like writing the fic. If the battle doesn't happen, Voldemort might have the prophecy and the ministry would not know Voldemort is back into book 6, so everything changes.
I think the main reason she killed Sirius was for Harry's mental state and his feelings of loneliness. He wouldn't have been as brash or cheeky in books 6 & 7 if Sirius was alive. He also might've not gotten together with Ginny if he wasn't as only and desperate to project a connection on someone.
So, yeah.
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saintsenara · 5 months
a duo i'd love to hear your thoughts on: bellatrix & harry (or even bellatrix/harry)
thank you very much for the ask, pal! an extremely interesting duo to think about.
and, obviously, the thing we have to immediately acknowledge is that harry thinks bellatrix is hot. he's always going on about her heaving breasts and shiny hair [and shiny hair is something he does seem to have a thing for throughout canon - hence why he spends one of his owl exams staring at parvati's], and she's definitely his "hear me out" candidate...
[i think if he's forced by ron to play fuck, marry, kill about the black sisters... he's fucking bella. he's depressed for weeks when he realises.]
more seriously, though, the thing which really stands out in harry and bellatrix's canonical relationship is that he sees her primarily as a catalyst - and, above all, primarily as a catalyst for loss - but in a way which feels strangely impersonal given the profundity of this loss to him.
she kills sirius - but harry can't summon up the rage to use the cruciatus curse against her [even though he can against amycus carrow, whom he has never met and whose crime is the considerably more minor spitting at mcgonagall]. she almost kills ginny - and harry "changes course at once" to try and protect her - but the person who get there first and who finishes bellatrix off is molly.
and while i don't think this is strange because i think molly wouldn't have the skills to duel bellatrix, i do think it's fairly strange narratively. bellatrix's death mirrors sirius' to such an extent - right down to the fact that she dies laughing - that it would have been an interesting conceit to have harry avenging his godfather by standing in as sirius' surrogate for a repeat of the duel before the veil, which then allows sirius to be avenged when the outcome is reversed...
[although what i do like about the molly-bellatrix duel in canon is that voldemort ends up in the position his narrative mirror, harry, is in during the sirius-bellatrix duel - watching the one person he thought would never abandon him die.]
and so harry sees bellatrix as an agent of chaos - and he utterly loathes her - but he also sees the chaos she causes as, fundamentally, voldemort's fault. he views her as a puppet, a tool, a pawn - as so totally enamoured by the dark lord that she lacks any capacity for critical thinking - rather than ever seeming to understand her as her own person.
[him taunting her in order of the phoenix by pointing out voldemort's a half-blood always stands out to me when thinking about this - lucius malfoy isn't shocked at all by the revelation, but bellatrix is. it underlines the point made by her behaviour at her trial, which harry witnesses in goblet of fire - that her loyalty to voldemort is so absolute that it makes her deluded, and that she exists for him rather than for herself.]
equally, bellatrix clearly sees him as just a thing - an annoyance which voldemort just needs to eradicate - rather than a person.
and so i think that one of the very interesting "harry and bellatrix actually having to get to know each other" questions is what journey they would go on in order to understand the other as a real person. my favourite iteration of this - as i've said here - is to write bellatrix's non-battlefield personality as surprisingly similar to tonks', and to have harry having to face the fact that a woman he hates could be so much like a woman he adores. you can also obviously do the same with him having to realise she's very like sirius.
and her having to realise that harry is very like voldemort.
because the other thing which i think is fascinating about thinking about harry and bellatrix is that the best parallel for hinny in the text isn't ron and hermione, and nor is it james and lily...
it's bellamort.
i believe that harry's canonical love for ginny is completely genuine - and i accept that by the epilogue they will have settled into a relationship with a more equal dynamic - but it's very striking in the pre-epilogue canon that the power dynamic between the two is very much unequal.
harry's narrative purpose means that he has to be set apart from all others - even ron and hermione - in order for him to properly function as the encapsulation of all that is good [and as the series' allegory for christ]. as a result, he tends to interact with other characters either as people he needs to protect, or as people he needs to protect others from.
and we see this in his relationship with ginny at the end of half-blood prince, when he breaks up with her for - what he sees as - her own protection, in the belief that being associated with him will put her at risk from voldemort.
harry believes that separating himself from her is sufficient to bring ginny this protection, he never considers her to have the talent to fight voldemort herself - even though he acknowledges her as a skilled fighter elsewhere in the text - and he spends much of deathly hallows believing that he has guaranteed ginny's safety. he thinks of hogwarts as a safe-haven throughout his time on the horcrux hunt - and he is genuinely shocked to discover how bad the carrows' regime has been when he arrives at the castle immediately prior to the battle - and he treats ginny's role as a resistance leader in her own right [such as her attempt to steal the sword of gryffindor] as, essentially, a bit of a laugh.
for her part, ginny is set up in the text as ferociously loyal to harry - "i never gave up on you" - and as someone whose company he desires and values in a distinct way, but whose relationship with him is unbalanced by the paternalistic vibe of their power dynamic. harry is more honest with her than with many other people, for example, but he still doesn't tell her anything about the horcruxes, the prophecy, or the fact that he has to walk into the forest to die.
and this is exactly the same as bellatrix and voldemort.
bellatrix is clearly justified in saying that voldemort considers her his "favourite" - and he does behave towards her in ways which are meaningfully different from his treatment of his other death eaters. but their dynamic is still hugely unbalanced by the fact that voldemort is also required by the narrative to be singular - the literal embodiment of evil - and that this drives his secrecy about his true self. bellatrix is also treated by voldemort as someone whose role in his mission against harry is his to dictate, safe in the knowledge that she would never give up on him either, and who can be similarly kept in the dark about the horcruxes or the prophecy [although he clearly views this as for his, rather than her, protection].
deathly hallows, in particular, is full of explicit comparisons between the two couples. ginny trying to steal the sword leads to bellatrix giving away that there's a horcrux in her vault. ginny living while bellatrix dies [because of motherly love!] is the opener to harry living while voldemort dies [because of motherly love!]. and - of course - there's this in the forest...
Everything was waiting. Hagrid was struggling, and Bellatrix was panting, and Harry thought inexplicably of Ginny, and her blazing look, and the feel of her lips on his. 
as i've said elsewhere, i think it's entirely possible to write voldemort as quite fond of ginny on the basis of her canonical similarity to bellatrix. and so the reverse must apply - harry can be written as fond of bellatrix on the basis of her similarity to ginny.
which means i also think - if you're so inclined - that the toxic wife-swap would genuinely work.
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iuqueenlei · 4 months
A New Dawn: The Birth of Harry Potter
James Potter paced nervously outside the small, cozy room in their cottage at Godric's Hollow. The house, usually filled with laughter and mischief, now felt thick with tension and anticipation. He could hear the muffled sounds of Lily’s labor, every gasp and cry sending a wave of anxiety and excitement through him.
Sirius Black, his best friend and honorary uncle to the soon-to-be-born child, stood by the window, trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "Prongs, mate, you need to sit down before you wear a hole in the floor."
James shot him a look of mock irritation. "Pads, I can't just sit. Lily's in there, and any moment now—"
"Any moment now, you'll be a father," Sirius finished with a grin, his grey eyes sparkling with genuine excitement. "And I'll be the coolest godfather ever."
James chuckled despite his nerves. "Just don't teach him all your bad habits, alright? One troublemaker in the family is enough."
"Hey, I promise nothing," Sirius said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "But I do promise to love that kid more than anything."
A door creaked open, and both men turned to see a tired but smiling healer stepping out. "Mr. Potter, you can come in now. Congratulations, it's a boy."
James felt his heart leap into his throat. He exchanged a wide-eyed look with Sirius, who clapped him on the back. "Go on, Dad."
With shaking hands, James opened the door and stepped inside. The room was warm, filled with a soft, magical glow. Lily lay in bed, looking exhausted but radiant, her fiery hair a halo around her head. In her arms, wrapped in a soft blanket, was their newborn son.
"James," Lily whispered, her green eyes shining with tears of joy. "Meet Harry."
James approached the bed, his eyes fixed on the tiny bundle. He gently sat beside Lily and looked down at their son. Harry's eyes were closed, but his small hands twitched slightly as if feeling his parents' presence.
"He's perfect," James said, his voice choked with emotion. "Absolutely perfect."
Lily smiled, tears slipping down her cheeks. "He has your hair," she noted, running a finger through the tufts of dark hair on Harry's head.
"And your eyes," James added softly, imagining them opening to reveal the same brilliant green that had captured his heart years ago.
Sirius hovered at the door, unsure if he should intrude. Lily noticed him and beckoned him over. "Come meet your godson, Sirius."
With uncharacteristic hesitance, Sirius approached, peering at the baby with a mix of awe and tenderness. "Hey there, little Harry," he whispered, his voice unsteady. "I'm your Uncle Sirius. We're going to have so much fun together."
James laughed softly. "Remember, Pads, no bad habits."
"Only the best ones," Sirius promised, gently touching Harry's tiny hand. "Welcome to the world, kiddo. You're in for one hell of a ride."
As they sat together, the new family and their closest friend, a sense of peace and completeness settled over them. Despite the dark times ahead, in that moment, there was only love and the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope and possibilities.
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getawayfox · 1 year
Do you have favorite Drarry tropes :)?
Hi Anon! Thank you for sending this ask and giving me an excuse to make another self-indulgent rec list. It was so much fun - mainly because I haven’t been reading much in the last few weeks, so revisiting my favourites for this has been an absolute blast. 
I’m a soft bean and while I will read and enjoy angsty tropes on occasion, you’ll more likely find me searching for wholesome stories. And smut. So, here is a handful of favourites for my most sought-after tropes. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I do!
👬 Established relationship
Dragon by @lqtraintracks (M, 356 words) Things get interesting when your husband's Patronus is a Romanian Ridgeback.
It Is I Who Will Surely Expire by @tepre (T, 1k)
I call this: Draco Malfoy is super awake at 3AM staring at the ceiling going over dramatic doom scenarios (while Harry drools on his chest)
Through the Window, Clear Skies by @tackytigerfic (M, 1.4k)
What would happen if Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy moved in together, too soon after they started kissing and then fucking and not hating each other anymore? Will Draco insist on a wine rack? Or: Domestic Drarry with a bare hint of angst.
acts of service by @oknowkiss (E, 5.6k)
Harry's sick, and Draco just wants to take care of him, but they're two idiots in love, so it couldn't possibly be that easy.
✨Bonus: this piece by @bluebutter-art
🤍 Found family
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. Living with Draco (biscuit-lover, no work/life balance, good hair) and his son Scorpius (also biscuit-lover, colour-codes his bricks, proud bearer of plastic swan-shaped garden ornament) gives Harry the routine and companionship he’s always craved. There’s also the matter of the really great sex (because what’s a marriage of convenience without a little fun, after all?) It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year… This isn't the story of the marriage. This is the story of two hurt and damaged men who learned how hard they could work for the sake of love.
Beneath the Wave by @moonflower-rose (M, 30k)
Harry is done with a life in the spotlight. No more adventures, no more mortal peril. He wants a quiet life of food and friends, and family. He even manages to have it for a while, until suddenly there are giant rabbits that need ferrying to a mysterious island, and a handsome Draco Malfoy, and Harry's right back in the middle of the action again, despite his best efforts.
Pages of You by @wolfpants (E, 101k)
Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't. In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire. A story about trying to figure out who you are, where you're going in life, and who you want to take along with you.
Make This Leap by @oflights (M, 118k)
Harry owns a struggling restaurant which is running out of money, and his Head Chef has just handed in notice. He's at a bit of a loss as to what to do until Narcissa Malfoy presents an obvious solution: bring in Draco Malfoy as Chef and part owner. Harry does.
✨Bonus: more art by @bluebutter-art
🍋 Smut with feelings
First Times by @fw00shy (E, 1.5k)
Their first time is in the loo.
Your Breath, My Lungs by @wolfpants (E, 1.7k)
I try not to think of the years we have behind us. School was a lost cause, it was always going to be a lost cause, but in the time since—Eighth Year, all of us cautiously coming together the way we had, how we all ended up, how we are now, nine years later, friends and loved ones and infinitely intertwined—I can’t help but worry if it’s too late for us. Maybe I’ve waited too long to tell him how I feel. - During a friend's engagement party, Harry finally tells Draco how he feels about him.
Flip/Fuck by @shealwaysreads (E, 1.8k)
Switch: to give up (something) and take something else in return
The Night of the Fireworks by @corvuscrowned (E, 6.3)
It isn't easy keeping a relationship a secret, especially when it's so new. So if Harry and Draco can find a moment to sneak off for some alone time, they're going to take it - even if it happens to be during Ginny and Luna's wedding party.
✨Bonus: Cake by the Ocean by @bluebutter-art (E, art)
On Harry's 42nd birthday, Draco treats him to a romantic getaway at the Malfoy's private beach in Sicily.
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maluceh · 2 months
I'm not a wolfstar shipper so I don't have much stakes in that portion of the discourse, but if we wanna talk about canon, Sirius was actually very good with all the kids, especially Harry. He's not perfect, but even at his lowest points, he didn't hate the teens at all, he was just depressed (in ootp) 😭 also I hope all those anons were the same person, because I can't understand how multiple people could be that obtuse about the blatant sexism in that ask I hope you find some good sketch suggestions!!! I would ask some but I'm uncreative lol
It made me a bit confused since I truly can't recall an instance in canon (aside from the Shrieking Shack scene) where Sirius is behaving badly towards the kids. Much of his internal struggle as a character comes from the guilt he feels by thinking himself responsible of the Potter's deaths, which is why he never tries to escape Azkaban and only decides to do so when the person who got them killed turns out to be hiding as a rat. And from then on, he's hardly ever present (much to his dislike and Harry's), because he has to go in hiding.
That however, does not stop him from checking in on Harry and making sure he's ok via letters. Sirius tried his best to be a good godfather, and part of what comes with that is not putting his godson in danger by taking him with him to flee aurors and the Ministry. (This in Goblet of Fire)
And then (in OoTP), he's far too depressed to be of much use, and this is literally what pisses him off for much of the book and what leads to his death. Yes, there's conflict in Harry and Sirius' relationship because both of them expect something from the other that they're not gonna get (a father/his best friend back). But y'know, that's canon, which I could go hours analizing, but this really doesn’t come in hand on a silly AU
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whinlatter · 1 year
Plss do 5, 22 and 14 for Lily again. I just love her so much😅
5. Best personality trait
one of the things that i’ve always found striking in lily’s letter to sirius in DH is both how immediately warm she comes across, but also how brimming with emotion she is. the ‘thank you, thank you, for harry’s birthday present’ is this lovely, affectionate, slightly dramatic opener. the letter is obviously desperately sad - especially with hindsight - but it’s also emotionally confessional (she ‘cried all evening’ when she heard about the McKinnons), gossipy (‘it seems impossible to believe that dumbledore was ever really friends with grindelwald. i think bathilda’s mind is going, personally’), even spiteful (‘no complaints’ about harry smashing petunia’s vase). her love and concern for james is all over the letter, but so is her concern for peter (‘i thought he seemed down’). even the act of writing the letter and conveying to his godfather how much harry loved his present shows her concern for sirius, too, wanting to make him a part of the moment he missed. i think what i like about it is that if even the letter isn’t a completely truthful insight into lily’s feelings about being in hiding — she doesn’t describe her likely feelings of fear for harry, although we get this little hint about frustrations told through james, and mention of dumbledore having the cloak — it does still give a portrait of a character who feels her feelings deeply and brims with emotion. it’s particularly striking because it also is a rare lapse from jkr’s usual (clumsy, unjust) female characterisations in the series, where female characters are condemned for being gossipy or melodramatic or are rewarded in the narrative for being stoic. that lily ‘cried all evening’ over the mckinnons’ deaths is so indicative of a character who wasn’t yet war-weary (never had a chance to be), so did grief in a very open, unabashed way, and i just love that.
(it also shows how harry, the stoic/emotionally repressed young man, is a function more of his upbringing rather than his parents’ personalities - james is an open book in what little we see of him in canon, and lily clearly was effusive, chatty, heart on her sleeve and had her many emotions right there at the surface. it gives a glimpse of what harry could have been, or could still be, in peacetime. that harry immediately cries when he reads lily’s letter for the first time is this lovely little moment of aspects of the mother coming through in the usually very tightly-wound, repressed son.)
14. Most heroic moment
aside from the - er - canonically lauded and obvious, it’s got to be her joining the order straight out of school, especially as a muggleborn. to put herself at that level of personal risk for a resistance movement age eighteen as a member of a socially marginalised persecuted group is a major slay. lily likely had only been close with the marauders for a year at most (assuming going out with james was the conduit for those friendships, which it seems in canon like it was). so we can assume that she had her own political awakening and her interest in resistance politics wasn’t limited to her association with james and the gang. and i think that is Cool!
22. Best physical feature
if people were still banging on about how gorgeous my eyes were after i’ve been in the ground for a decade i’d be pretty chuffed, let me tell ya! people were falling over themselves/slamming the brakes/stopping traffic/climbing over barbed wire fences to tell lily’s son he had her eyes. those must have been some gorgeous peepers. also you know that hair was fire. that glossy dark red — whew! the potters are a haircare dynasty, remember. they know luscious locks when they see them. it had body, it had volume, it had magic of its own — lily evans’ hair was the moment ❤️‍🔥
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morganalatina21 · 2 years
Manipulating Death: Chapter Three
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(Not my gif)
Series Summary: When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Warnings: major trigger warning for James and Lily death (I cried while writing, that's why its shorter), angst, tiny fluffy and my trash writing
a/n: This chapter is shorter than the previous ones bc tumblr deleted it for some reason and I had to rewrite it and I just got off an exam so please be patient with me :))
(Also, english isn’t my first language so I’m sorry in advance lol)
Chapter One Chapter Two
"You three aren't even trying to be discreet." The girl mocked, rising from the basement, looking at the wizards.
Harry was sitting on the kitchen, blowing on an empty cup without even noticing.
Sirius had grabbed one book from the couch but was holding it upside down, moving his hand along his beard, pretending to be interested.
Remus was the only one unconspicuous, sitting down and eating the last piece of pie left, however his abnormally straight back gave him away.
The older Black pretended to be surprised by the two of them appearing, throwing his hands up. "Oh hey! Look Moony if it isn't the undead pair."
"Hi Sirius." Y/n said, a small smile appearing on her lips. "It's nice to finally meet you."
Sirius' smile became sad, tears glowing in his eyes, threatening to fall down his cheek. It came down on him, Y/n was alive this whole time.
One of the things he most blamed himself for years on end, edging him to fall into complete madness. Thinking that not only he was responsible for his best friend's death, but his niece too.
An innocent baby, with so much to experience, and she had completely been erased from existence.
And to think she was most attached to James hurted him even more.
But then, there she was. Breathing, alive, still standing after all those years.
And standing next to her, was his brother. The one that died without a second chance, thinking Sirius hated him.
It was almost everything he ever asked for, but it's better than it was before.
"I guess I should be thanking you for saving my life." He stated, approaching her and opening his arms, to which she happily accepted and hugged him back. "And thank you for saving my brother." He whispered on her ear, making her hum.
They let go and Sirius looked at the man standing by her.
The Black Brothers were never found of physical affection, for years the only touch they had were one another's.
"Reggie?" Y/n called, and Sirius thought he'd hex the girl, never really liking nicknames, but the man only looked at her. "Come on." She spoked gently, taking a step back.
The younger Black breathed in deeply, before closing his eyes and pulling his brother into a tight hug.
All air was pushed out Sirius' lungs, eyes open wide and looking at the girl in shock.
He held strongly to his younger brother, closing his eyes too and smiling.
He was back.
And willing to be his brother once again.
"Come here you two." Y/n whispered, holding her arms out to the wizards.
Harry hurried to her, burying his face on her neck and pulling her closer. Remus hugged her other side, one hand on the girl's head, lightly petting her, and the other one in the boy's shoulder.
She could her how Harry would sniff quietly and his breath was shaking, while Lupin sighed deeply, as if one massive weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"It's so nice!" She mumbled, lying her head against her brother's and smiling at her godfather. "I always wanted to meet you."
"And I know you guys have a lot of questions." She stated, seeing Regulus and Sirius loose their hug and look at each other awkwardly. "So why don't we go into the living room?"
Remus led the way, Harry and Y/n right behind him in a side hug because they didn't wanted to let go of each other. And the Black Brothers last, exchanging gazes like they used to do on family meetings.
The werewolf sat on a chair, the Potters sitting on the opposite side, in a tizzy couch, leaving a two-seats couch for the Blacks.
Harry kept his hands to himself, however left his knee touch his sister's, wanting some contact, desesperatly trying to make sure she was real.
"I think I'll start." Lupin coughed, looking at Y/n. "How are you alive?"
Sirius perked up at that, being way too obvious when leaning in.
It was October 31st. Halloween.
Despite keeping a low profile and keep hiding, the Potters where trying to make the best out the holiday.
Harry was in a pumpkin costume Remus gotten for him the second year in a row, it was beginning to look a little tight and Lily wanted to see him one last time in that bright orange outfit.
Y/n was wearing a princess dress, red and gold like gryffindor's colors and a silver tiara on her head.
"Can you believe it's been a year?"
"I know. It feels like yesterday when they were coming out of me." Lily smiled, picking the boy up, his eyes glossy and eyelids becoming heavier and heavier.
"Can you imagine when they start talking?" James asked, a huge smile looking at his daughter. "Like, actually talking instead of just 'mama'."
"Y/n already is, remember? She said 'moon' when she saw Remus."
"Please don't remind me of that." He answered. "That kind of betrayal I can't forgive."
"I can't imagine you not forgiving someone."
James thought about it. Of course he could forgive his own daughter, but he wondered if there was something he would never forgive, but all possibilities were so unreal he didn't even bothered.
"If one of them don't start saying 'daddy' soon, you'll see." He joked, seeing Lily disappear on the stairs to put Harry to bed.
Y/n always stood up a little later than her brother, watching James make colors and feathers appear with his wand.
Everybody knew she favored her father over Lily, but Harry never fell asleep on James' arms, so it was quite balanced.
"Y'know, it's not hard to say it." He started, sitting on the floor with her. "Come on, do it. 'Da-da'." He tried, but the girl was busy trying to chew her tiara. "No, that's not for eating. Come on, 'da-ddy'. Still no? What about 'pa-pa', huh? Oh please, even one syllable I'll accept. Anything!"
"Bodah!" She giggled, bouncing her little feet.
"Oh come on!" He groaned, smile big on his face. "I'm glad you love your brother, but you love daddy too, no?"
"Just leave her, James." Lily's voice came from upstairs, her tone breaking for bouncing Harry to sleep. "She'll say it when she's ready."
Easy for you to say it, he thought. Lily too was upset when her daughter's first word was her godfather's nickname, but only a few days later she started mumbling "mama".
"Okay then. Come on, it's time to sleep. We need to get that dress off you." He picked her up, leaving the wand on the floor, next to the couch.
He was only mid-way when something felt different, a chill running down his spine and his stomach turned.
The secret.
No time for running upstairs, he shoved a door of a cupboard under the stairs.
"Stay here. Daddy will be right back." He assured, lying his daughter on a picnic basket.
James started tapping himself, looking for his wand. Why, why? Why was this happening?
"Lily, he's here!" He shouted, closing the door behind and rushing to the living room.
If he could at least slow him, Lily could run away with Harry and come back for Y/n later. The prophecy was about a boy, so Voldemort wouldn't waste his time looking for a girl.
His heart was racing and he felt dizzy. He knew.
He knew he'd die, getting to his wand or not.
In his mind, he only prayed. That his kids and his wife could live.
James wasn't a religious man, but God did he prayed.
When he got to the living room, his heart sank.
Voldemort's sly figure was standing, a dark cape covering almost all of his appearance, wand visible. However, what broke his heart was the one standing on his shadow.
The one that used to be on his shadow at Hogwarts, one of his best friends. Peter Pettigrew.
That's when he knew. The betrayal he'd never forgive or forget.
James didn't even had time to look at his wand when the cold voice set the curse, and everything went black.
Upstairs, Lily started crying by hearing her husband's body hit the floor. Voldemort followed that sound, leaving the two marauders behind.
Peter looked hesitantly at James' body, not sure if he'd stand up despite the green lightning that hit him right on the chest.
They used to be best buddies, and now not a single tear left his eyes, staring at his corpse, laying there side by side with his daughter's tiara.
The curse was pronounced two more times, and Peter waited for his master to come downstairs and lead the way to the meeting. However, what he heard was someone on the garden.
It was Snape, but he didn't knew that and chose to runaway from the back, passing the door to the cupboard where Y/n was.
"Dada?" She finally said, but James wasn't there to hear.
In total, three people entered the house after the Dark Lord: Snape, Hagrid and Sirius. However, not even one could find her, well hid on the bottom of a closet.
It was only until many hours later, when Harry had just been left at the Privet Drive's house, someone found her.
It was Aberforth, Albus Dumbledore's brother. The headmaster of Hogwarts sent him to take care of Lily's and James' bodies so they'd have a proper funeral.
He had just started to go upstairs when he heard the crying, very low, very muffled, that couldn't have been heard if you even whispered.
Took him quite some time to find the girl, the steps on the stairs must've waked her up.
"Daddy." She said again when the door to the closet opened.
His head was spinning. The news of Harry Potter's survival was already running the world, together with the information his sister didn't had the same luck.
Taking the entire basket, he left the house, not caring too much for the bodies. Hell, Y/n was alive!
This would change everything. "The boy who lived" would turn into "The twins who lived".
If, of course, he didn't decided to keep it a secret.
Albus had ordered him to go to the house when everything was happening, he knew James and Lily would die. He wanted that to happen.
The same way he knew the traitor was Peter Pettigrew and Sirius was about to be send to Azkaban.
His brother never cared for anyone's life, so Aberforth couldn't risk. He wouldn't tell a soul.
Next Chapter
Taglist (lemme know if i forgot anyone, I'm still new to this): @intoanothermind @moonysupremacy01 @maraudersarelifee @elleraelockwood @darkenwolfie @hopesf @lukewearingbeanies @azuredgalaxies @klazina-couch-potato @goldensunshineshit
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moonlightdancer26 · 6 months
You know how people say Harry and Draco suffered the same? I don’t like that I actually like the concept of them being complete opposite.
Like we know Draco is. Rich spoiled pureblood who from a very young age knew where he belonged, who he represented and what he wanted.
Unlike Harry who grew with nothing of that, not even a single friend.
Even the headcaon of snape being Draco godfather is like a slap to Harry’s face, like not only is this kid experiencing parental love but his godfather is present and cares for him to the point of putting himself in deaths arms to protect him, and maybe to be a little angsty Harry is jealous, because the first thing his godfather did was go after the murder instead of taking care and making sure he’s ok and keeping him with him instead of letting rage get the best of him and getting himself in Azkaban.
Moral of my babbling is, I love those panels, the comparisons and envy, for even Draco sometimes envy Harry for things Harry wouldn’t even consider a pleasing.
Oh believe me, as a thriving Draco fan, I’ve seen that claim many times before. Though I gotta say, I may be a fan of Draco, but I am a DEFENDER of my boy Potter. 🙏🏼
I don’t believe their upbringing or trauma is in any way comparable. Draco’s issue is that he was misguided and was pretty much primed to hate muggleborns. A lot of people like to say “oh but Sirius was raised in the same way and he didn’t turn out like Draco” as a way to say there’s no reason to sympathise with Draco, but the difference between him and Sirius is that Draco was loved. His family adored him, he was spoiled rotten and his parents would kill for him, so he would obviously look up to them and share their beliefs. Sirius, on the other hand, hated his parents and was abused by his mother (and his father, I reckon his father was rather negligent, which is a form of abuse), so he definitely took it upon himself to position himself as far away from their beliefs and opinions as he could. Again, there’s no excuse for being a blood-prejudiced hoe like Draco, but I don’t think it’s wrong to say “hey, maybe if his loving parents were actually good people and didn’t believe in pureblood supremacy, he could’ve lived a regular life and became a better person.” Anywayyy sorry for getting off-topic but it’s probs been like 2 years since I talked about Draco on this blog 💀 I feel like only my old followers know how much I love him because of how rarely I talk about him now lmao.
Back to the main point, I also agree with you, I just enjoy the idea of Draco and Harry being opposites whilst sharing similar parallels but being too blind in each other’s hatred to ever realise it. I can see some similarities between them, but let’s face it, they’re more opposites than they are twins.
and maybe to be a little angsty Harry is jealous, because the first thing his godfather did was go after the murder instead of taking care and making sure he’s ok and keeping him with him instead of letting rage get the best of him and getting himself in Azkaban.
That’s true ig 😭 I honestly have mixed feelings on the idea of Snape being Draco’s godfather, I personally believe it kinda ruins their relationship, bc I think Snape cared for Draco simply because 1. he (Draco) was the son of someone who took Severus under his wing, and it was Sev’s way of expressing gratitude 2. he saw how misguided Draco was and, considering how misguided Sev was at Draco’s age, he felt obligated to protect and assist him [+ Draco pretty much had no one in HBP; his father was in Azkaban, his mother was at home, and Crabbe and Goyle were no good. He lacked a parental figure in his life who could point him in the right direction. Severus also never had that when he was growing up, so I can’t help but think that Severus, as an adult and a Professor, wanted to be there for Draco and saw a part of himself in him because he knew what it felt like to have no one]. And it honestly just seems like a cliche trope, but I also like imagining a scenario where Lucius asks Severus to be Draco’s godfather and Sev is so moved by the offer that he couldn’t even bring himself to respond 🥹
Moral of my babbling is, I love those panels, the comparisons and envy, for even Draco sometimes envy Harry for things Harry wouldn’t even consider a pleasing.
1. I will definitely be using “Moral of my babbling,” tyvm 2. Same, I can imagine Draco harbouring resentment towards Harry for having such genuine friendships and so many people at Hogwarts who care about him.
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Moonwater idea:
Regulus and Sirius make up and start being more present in eachother’s lives(yay!)
Because of that, each of their group of friends start interacting more
One day, Sirius sees Regulus and Remus talking excitedly with eachother about a book they both like and BAM
He’s hit with one of the best ideas he ever had
What if… he set them up?
On his mind he thinks it’s perfect. Remus and Regulus have lots of things in common, Sirius loves them both, they would be very happy together and… they could go in double dates (you can decide with who he’s with, but I like to imagine it’s Gideon Prewett)
So Sirius recruits James and Peter to the operation “Romulus”
(“Wait” Peter says “Shouldn’t it be ‘Remulus’ then? Where did that ‘o’ came from?
“No, it’s ‘Romulus’. You know, because of ‘Remus and Romulus’”
“Are you sure of it, mate? That doesn’t make a lot of sense” James questions.
“Yeah” Peter agrees “Wouldn’t ‘Moonsekeer’ make more sense?”
“Ohh, that’s a very pretty name, Wormy”
“Right? Feels romantic”
“No, it’s my brother, my operation, so I decide the name and it’s ‘Romulus’”
Anyway, the plan to get Remus and Regulus together starts and it’s very much on the style of those old movies of kids trying to set their parents up
(Tell me that Lindsay Lohan in The Parent Trap doesn’t remind you of Sirius. I dare you)
Anyway, the plan is in motion, but what they don’t know it’s that Remus and Regulus already like eachother, but are afraid that if they act upon this feelings they are going to ruin the growing friendship they have with eachother and their relationship with Sirius
Shenanigans happen, going from the basic ‘lock them up together in a room’ to ‘accidentally destroying a horcrux’ and yet, nothing of them getting together (well, a kiss happened, but they don’t know that happened, so the ‘Romulus’ group don’t think any progress was made)
It all cames to a lovely conclusion with baby Harry(yeah, they took THAT long to get together, but to be honest, they had to stop Voldy, so it kinda took some time of the planning) being the responsible for them to finally admit their feelings and start dating
(Harry was well rewarded with position of ring bearer in the wedding, along with baby Luna being the flower girl and his godfather eternal gratitude)
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in-flvx · 8 months
Top5 correct opinions about Sirius (aka the hills you are ready to kill on)
Oh yea
1 - Sirius has never gone anything wrong in his life ever
2 - everyone who meets Sirius is at least a little bit in love with him
3 - Sirius is the best godfather any kid, but especially Harry, could have
4 - Sirius is one of the most mature and brilliant and complicated characters in the books. Being complicated doesn't take away from him being one of the most morally good characters though
5 - Sirius is just the best 🤷
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daughter-of-melpomene · 5 months
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❝ Ever since she was a young witch, No Maj-born and new to this magical world, being taught in the halls of Ilvermorny School, Mariela had longed to see Hogwarts. She had heard the stories her teachers told about it and listened to the tales spouted by her classmates who had magical family in the United Kingdom, her attention fully focused on the descriptions of the huge castle in the Scottish highlands with its constantly shifting staircases and huge lake that housed a giant squid. And though she loved her own school, loved being in Thunderbird house and learning all about this secret wonderful world that she’d been unaware of for the first eleven years of her life, there was still a significant part of her that wanted to experience Hogwarts’s magnificence someday.
And so, many years after she’d graduated Ilvermorny and become a teacher at it herself, Mariela was unable to resist when she heard that Hogwarts was seeking a new teacher for their Muggle Studies course. She’d put in her application, packed her bags, and moved to England, and blessedly found that not only was Hogwarts all she’d dreamed it would be, but that she took to her new position like a fish to water. She got along well with her students, who loved the amount of respect and consideration she had for them (as well as her seemingly endless supply of American candy) and having grown up in a non-magical household, it was agreed among both students and her fellow faculty that she was incredibly well-suited for teaching her subject.
Mariela also managed to get along quite well with her fellow teachers, in particular the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. (And with the exception of the surly Potions professor, since Mariela never hesitated to take points away from any disrespectful students from his house, but she didn’t think much of him anyway.) Remus Lupin, as quiet and withdrawn as he was, was also kind and intelligent and incredibly interesting to talk to, and Mariela liked him instantly. He seemed to like her as well, which was always a bonus, and with all the nights they spent together chatting in her office, sipping tea and talking about everything and nothing - or, well, Remus sipped tea, Mariela sipped coffee and refused to even have a drop of what she called “hot leaf water” - it wasn’t exactly a surprise that Mariela found herself developing deeper feelings for him.
But then Mariela discovered two things that forever changed the way she saw Remus. First, that he was a werewolf, which wasn’t a problem for her at all; second, that he apparently knew the supposedly crazed and murderous fugitive the whole of Hogwarts had been fearing all year, and was definitely in love with him, which was a problem. Mariela did her best to not be crushed by this knowledge; after all, she had no claim to Remus and really just wanted him to happy, and Sirius Black actually seemed like a pretty good guy, despite what everyone seemed to think about him. Plus, it turned out that he was actually innocent of the crimes he’d been convicted of and was in fact the Savior of the Wizarding World’s godfather, so there was also that.
And though Mariela was understandably upset when Remus was forced to resign and leave Hogwarts, she made a promise to him that she would look out for Harry Potter and his friends, since she would have done almost anything for him. But in an unexpected turn of events, it turned out that making that promise also wound up tasking her with looking after Sirius Black in the form of a large dog as he hid out in a cave close to Hogwarts, bringing him food when she could and occasionally just popping in to check if he were still alive and hadn’t yet been found by the wizarding authorities. It wasn’t always an easy task, but Mariela wasn’t complaining; it soothed Remus’s anxiety, which was her goal, and besides, Sirius was actually very funny and nice to talk to, when he was in human form.
The only thing is, the more time Mariela spends in the cave talking to Sirius, the more she finds herself feeling something deeper for him. The same something she felt about Remus, and still feels about Remus. And all this in the midst of a growing darkness in the Wizarding World, a war ended over a decade ago potentially coming back for a second act, and Mariela trying her best to keep an incredibly selflessly reckless young man and his two friends from getting themselves killed every other week.
Mariela never thought she’d say this, but she’s starting to wish she’d left Hogwarts alone. ❞
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Wizarding World Taglist: @manyfandomocs, @of-asters-and-roses.
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs,
@endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie,
@ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson,
@dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag.
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As long as you need
Sirius Black x neurodivergent daughter
Warnings: mental health talk,anxiety, sensory overload, Sirius being the best, most understanding dad ever
Grimmauld place was full of people, the order were there, joined by Harry, Ron, Hermione and the rest of the Weasleys, for Y/N this was simply too much.
She was used to it being just her, her dad and occasionally Remus, but since the return of You Know Who, the house was becoming increasingly busy with people in and out of the house at all hours, secret meetings in the kitchen where Y/N would be told to go to her bedroom and not come out until Sirius had told her to, it was all too much.
Her feelings were confusing her, they were intense, far too intense, she wanted her dad to comfort her, but couldn’t bare the thought of anybody touching her, she wanted to be left alone, but didn’t want to be on her own, this of course reached its tipping point.
Molly had prepared dinner for everyone and they all sat down at the large table in the kitchen, Y/N sat between Remus and her dad, who was angrily muttering about Harry not being allowed to join the order. It was noisy, painfully noisy, the sounds of cutlery scraping plates, combined with the loud chatting, the lights were bright and hot, Y/N found herself becoming extremely on edge, her chest felt like it was about to explode, she tried to look at her dad or her godfather, Remus, hoping someone would notice. She nudged her dad “I don’t feel well, I’m going to my room” she mumbled, trying everything to keep the painful lump in her throat at bay, “you okay sweetheart?” He asked, eyes looking over her face as he assessed and understood the situation, “I need to get out dad I can’t stay in here” she said her voice becoming uneven and desperate, Sirius nodded, “go and sit in my room, it’s quieter in there, I’ll come up and see you in a moment” he said, Y/N nodded and got up, leaving quickly and quietly before anybody could notice.
Sirius opened the door to his room, and saw his daughter, curled up, sniffling, trying to regain control of her breathing, “oh my love it’s ok” he said softly reaching over to her, she turned and buried her head in his chest, Sirius wrapped his arms around her and began rocking her gently side to side, the gentle movement beginning to calm her.
“Do you feel calmer now?” He asked, Y/N sniffled and nodded, “I’m sorry” she said mumbled quietly, “no I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have had all these people come bustling in without telling you first” Sirius said his hand rubbing her back, “just a lot of change” she said, “I know love” Sirius soothed, “I hate that I’m like this, that I can’t handle change or loud noises or the way certain clothes feel on me I hate it” Y/N says frustratedly, Sirius sits up, moving his head so he can see her, “now you listen to me, you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, you are brilliant Y/N, you are so clever and funny and kind, so what you don’t like it when things get changed last minute? Or that wool makes your skin crawl or that loud noises make you jump, these are all things that make you YOU, don’t you ever let anyone or make yourself feel like you have something to be ashamed of” Sirius said in a serious but gentle tone. Y/N lay her head back against him, “now whenever you feel overwhelmed or anxious, you come and sit in here until you feel ready to come back down, and if you need me, before you go do three taps on my shoulder, like this” he said and tapped Y/N on her shoulder three times, Y/N nodded, “are you ready to go back down yet?” Sirius asked, Y/N shook her head, “can we stay here a little bit longer?” She asked, Sirius nodded, “we can stay as long as you need.”
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sitp-recs · 1 year
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Happy happy birthday darling @wolfpants! I’m so excited to be finally doing a reclist with my Wolf faves. I still remember the sense of awe I felt reading the magnificent Hollow (my very first Remus/Draco, so brilliant and poignant it got me immediately sold on the ship and also obsessed with that verse). Whether it’s Drarry or rare pair goodness, Wolf always delivers top notch cottagecore porn romance with gorgeous settings, captivating characters and a perfect mix of angst, fluff and smut, what else could we ask for? I’ve had so much fun selecting my own favorites for this list. The Drarry section might look small but that’s because I wanted to give a massive shoutout to Wolf’s delicious catalogue of rare pair shorts, which seems to be carefully crafted to meet my personal tastes (you’ll find that I got a soft spot for age gap and Ron thirst but I’ve tried to include a bit of everything and there are quite a few treats from Wolf’s stellar Kinkuary23 collection 🔥).
Dear Wolf, thank you for sharing so many great stories with us. We’re so lucky to have you on this fandom! It’s been amazing to follow your work as you evolve as a writer and explore my most beloved characters and tropes in your unique, creative, fun and self-indulgent way. I hope you’ve had a lovely day and ami excited to see what this new year brings you next! 🎉💜
🐺 Drarry:
Edges (E, 1.5k)
Draco explores the limits of Harry's edges. Harry lets him.
The Farther I Fall, I'm Beside You (E, 2.3k)
What happens when you accidentally kill your friend during a birthday prank gone wrong? You ask your Master of Death boyfriend for help, of course. Check out @getawayfox’s gorgeous art here.
The Holly and the Ivy (E, 4.6k)
This year at the Annual Ministry Yule Auction, Magpies Seeker Draco Malfoy's time is up for sale. When Harry places the winning bid, will their contracturally-binding weekend together heal old wounds, or worsen them?
Look For Me In The Sun (M, 9k)
Harry and Draco are on the run in America after a mysterious string of werewolf-like attacks in the Muggle community causes the Ministry to impose new and harsh anti-werewolf legislation. Giant trees, crashing waves, seedy motel rooms, and the long and winding coastal road awaits them, but will they ever be able to go back home?
Under Giant Mountains (E, 33k)
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed?
Pages of You (E, 101k)
Summer, 1980. Harry is floating between university and becoming a Real Certified Adult. He's not ready. He really isn't. In a desperate attempt to have the Best Last Summer ever, he takes a casual job at his godfather's bookshop in London, starts an illicit pen pal affair with a wordy posh boy that he's catching feelings for, all while dealing with the son of Sirius's business rival, one Draco Malfoy, insufferable know-it-all extraordinaire. Check out @homoaesthetics ‘s fabulous rec post for this fic here.
👖 Rare pairs:
The Classics (E, 1.1k) - Draco/Sirius
Sirius gets more than he bargained for when he heads to bed after a long day and night in Grimmauld Place.
Viridian (E, 1.7k) - Draco/Blaise, implies future Harry/Draco/Blaise
There’s just something about Draco. Blaise can’t quite put his finger on it, but it’s—an impulse. To poke, to prod, to pick his delicate wings off. To teach him some humility.
Love is a Verb (E, 1.7k) - Harry/Teddy
These days, Teddy loves and hates being alone with Harry. He craves it, and he dreads it, and he thinks Harry’s starting to notice. He wants him to notice.
Hymn to Apollo (E, 2k) - Teddy/Scorpius
It's the night of Harry and Draco's wedding, and Teddy learns Scorpius has an enormous crush on him.
Seat You Higher than the Stars (E, 2k) - Rarry
When Harry tells Ron he's ready to reveal their relationship to their friends, he lets out another confession: that he wants to be completely vulnerable in bed.
Yours & Mine (E, 2.3k) - Dron
Just another Sunday lunch at The Burrow. Featuring French dessert, fond Molly Weasley, flirty Drarry, and Ron's incredulousness.
Like A Brother Would (E, 5k) - Rarry
Ron wants to tell him, again, that he’s not focused, that he’s not planning this whole thing through properly, that he keeps missing things. That they need more structure, that he wouldn’t have lost his temper like he had if only they had the safety of a strategy.
A Bigger Splash (E, 7k) - Dralbus
It's his dad's 45th birthday in rural Sicily, and all Albus wants is to be seen by Draco Malfoy.
The Hollow (E, 12k) - Remus/Draco
They both drink, and Remus wonders how much longer he can stay here. His eyes are already moving around slowly, looking for an escape. Anything to get away from the eerily familiar slope of Draco’s cheekbones, from the richness of the voice that sounds so much like the ghost inside his own head.
Trillium (E, 13k) - Dronarry
Harry and Draco are shagging. Ron’s got a hunch, and the only way to find out is to volunteer his services alongside Harry’s in the Big Malfoy Manor Cleanup of 2010. What could possibly go wrong?
Precious Metal (E, 28k) - Dronarry
Precious metal awaits in an abandoned, cursed cottage on the Isle of Jura. Ron’s illegal hunting ring is on it, but disaster strikes when he runs into a jumpy and suspicious Draco Malfoy, camped out where the treasure is hidden. What happens when they accidentally unleash a bond curse when both of them harbour feelings for the same man?
Tiny Home (E, 30k) - Dronarry
Harry and Ron left the Aurors years ago to travel the world and make up for lost time. When they finally decide to settle roots back in England, together, building a tiny home in the Lake District by hand seems like the perfect plan. What they don't realise is that Draco Malfoy already lives on the plot of land that they choose to build on. Check out @slytherco’s scorching art for this fic here.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches
im back and today I'm trying something a little different
Now I know I've written with baby/younger Harry in at least one fic before but I've never written anything with teenage harry cause I'm not a fan of golden trio era obviously lol
But I thought I'd spice it up a bit and try it cause why not (also this idea is amazing or maybe i dont have any others lmao and I don't wanna waste it)
So yeah enjoy
There was never a dull moment in the ancient house of black, always some commotion or excitement going on.
But somehow Sirius always found a way to get bored.
Maybe it was because he was always cooped up here, or maybe the anticipation of the though or idea of being needed for a mission of sorts and then the disappointment when it doesn't happen led to him being almost constantly bored or moody, Remus would take bored over moody any day.
Thankfully, Sirius almost always found Harry to help cure his boredom as Harry usually was also bored out of his mind.
Unfortunately, Sirius almost always found Harry to help cure his boredom as Harry usually was also bored out of his mind.
He swore, those two would tear the house down one day. Sirius with his clever mind full of ideas for pranks and mischief alike and Harry's lean, younger body that could easily climb up onto and crawl into things.
When Remus heard noise coming from Harry's room he headed upstairs to see what the issue was, preparing himself for whatever mess the boy had gotten into.
His surprise must have shown on his face to find Sirius sitting on Harry's hips and squeezing his sides and ribs causing said boy to laugh, eyes shut tight in his mirth.
"Harry's ticklish!" Sirius exclaimed with a grin before returning to torturing helpless Harry. Memories of the times he himself had tickled Harry when he was a baby came flooding back to Remus.
He didn't bring it up but stayed and watched from the sidelines for a bit, silently observing the similarities in Harry and James. The way Harry threw his head back and cackled when someone went for a bad spot, how he snickered if you poked him in the ribs.
Remus soon left them (much to Harry's dismay) not wanting to get too nostalgic.
This started happening more often. Sirius would sigh something along the lines of "I'm bored", smirk and then trot off (quite litterly, he would usually transform into Padfoot), moments later you'd here loud gigging.
Harry didn't mind fooling around with his godfather, he actually enjoyed it alot (as far as Remus knew). But that didn't mean that he didn't crave a little revenge from time to time.
So Remus wasn't surprised when Harry came up to him asking for help.
"Hey, Remus?" Harry asked as he entered. Remus looked up from his book to answer.
"Yes Harry?" He watched as Harry sat down on the opposite chair to talk to him.
"I need some.. assistance."
"What with? Homework?" Remus was always prepared to help with homework, it was a bad habit he'd developed from back when he was at school. Plus becoming a teacher for a short time didn't help either.
"No, not homework." Harry shifted, a little uncomfortable.
"Uhm.. if it's something else, I-I don't think I would be the best-"
"Oh! Oh no! It's nothing like that!" Harry quickly shook his head. Remus sighed in relief.
"Oh okay, good. What can I help you with then?"
"Well, I need some help to get Sirius back for constantly t-tickling me." Harry grinned sheepishly when Remus smirked and nodded in understanding. "You know him the best out of anyone in the house so I thought I'd ask you."
"You came to the right person," A million ideas came to Remus on ways to get him back, some of them things Remus had even done.
"Did Sirius ever tell you that he himself is extremely ticklish?" Harry's jaw dropped and he shook his head.
"Sirius is ticklish?!" Remus let himself grin devilishly.
"Why don't I show you." Remus left his book in his chair as Harry followed him out of the room. "Oh, grab the cloak."
"What for?" Harry asked.
"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing." Harry shrugged and ran up to his room. He returned shortly with the cloak in hand.
He wordlessly put it on and followed Remus into the sitting room where Sirius was sat. Remus felt Harry linger by the door, waiting for a signal to take the cloak off.
"Hi." Remus said, sitting down on the couch nearby to Sirius.
"Hey, Moons." Sirius sighed, letting his head fall onto the back of the chair.
"You okay?" Remus let concern seep into his voice. Sirius shrugged. "You want a hug?"
Sirius nodded and hopped up from his armchair to crawl into Remus' lap and wrap his arms around him.
"Anything on your mind you wanna talk about?" Remus knew not to push Sirius for answers but also knew that Sirius liked to know that people cared enough to ask.
"No, not really.. just feeling a little down today, I don't mean to be a burden." Sirius looked up at him with his classic puppy dog eyes that he has when he's sad. Puppy dog eyes always cause Remus' heart to melt.
Remus kissed his nose and leaned his forehead against Sirius'.
"All better?" Sirius grinned and nodded.
"Yep, the world's problems were all just solved, nothing will ever be wrong again, thanks Moony." Sirius said sarcastically.
"Alright you snarky little sod-" Remus dug into Sirius' belly with one hand the other squeezing his thigh.
"Wahait!! Hold on, n-nohoho!! Remus!" Sirius exclaimed in shock as his arms were grabbed and held above his head
"Harry!" Remus called, using his longer legs to hold onto Sirius' so he couldn't kick.
Harry immediately dropped the cloak and rushed over, sitting down on Sirius' legs.
"Did you two fuckers plan this?" Get me distracted and then jump on me?" Harry laughed and nodded.
"You'll never break me! I have a stronger will than you think I do, even when you're using tortuous methods." Sirius shouted playfully.
"Softly scribble on his lower stomach." Remus instructed.
"NO!" Sirius arched his back, flopping in every direction.
Once Harry grabbed onto Sirius' belly and started lightly tracing, scribbling and scratching Sirius became less wiggly.
"Nooohohoho! I hahate soft tihihickles!" He whined, letting his head fall back onto Remus' shoulder.
"Soft tickles work really well on his stomach area, it drives him up the wall- as you can see." Remus smirked when Sirius hid his face in Remus' neck. "But, harder tickles work well down there as well, including digging, kneeding, raspberries-"
"What's a raspberry?" Harry stopped his tickling to look perplexed. Remus gasped at Sirius and dropped one of his hands that were holding onto Sirius' arms to dig into his exposed armpit.
"You've never showed him what a raspberry is!?" Remus said in surprise. "I'm ashamed of you!"
"I'm sohohohorry, I'm sorry!" Sirius laughed, his wiggling renewed.
"Harry switch spots with me." Sirius groaned as Remus grinned at him and sat on his upper thighs while Harry held onto Sirius' arms.
"Harry do not let go of him or he will hit me, okay?" Harry grinned and nodded. "Sirius, be good."
"I'll try. No guarantees I won't smack the shit out of you." Sirius said.
"Ready, Sirius?"
"Just do it." He mumbled.
"What did you say? Sorry I couldn't hear you, are you ready?"
"Are you sure?" He teased.
"Are you really sure?"
"Mohohoony, stop!"
"Stop what?"
Sirius groaned and looked away. Remus saw his opportunity. He took a deep breath and quickly hiked up Sirius' loose shirt and blew a little below Sirius' naval, a sweet spot on himself.
Sirius went into a laughing fit, immediately trying to curl in on himself. Remus continued to raspberry across his torso to keep him constantly laughing before reluctantly giving him a break.
"That is a raspberry, Harry." Remus said as he and Harry went back to their original spots. "And Sirius' favorite thing, isn't it Sirius?"
"I ha-hate you both." He replied.
"I've barely done anything! Plus, you deserve this for all the times you've tickled me." Harry said indignantly.
"You guys still suhuHUCK!!" Sirius yelped. Harry had just experimentally poked his hips.
"Oh yeah, that's a bad spot." Remus said after see where Harry's hands were.
"Shut up!" Sirius shouted.
"I don't think you wanna be saying that in your position." Remus said up close to his ear, as teasingly as possible.
Meanwhile Harry had started pinching Sirius' hips to see what would get the best reaction. All of the methods he tried got Sirius to positively cackle but squeezing gave the best results.
Remus was still whispering teases in Sirius' ear and along with the hip tickles, Sirius was in hell.
"IT'S SO BAHAHAD!" Sirius knew his face had to be bright red. "P-PLEHEASE STOP!!"
With one final small raspberry to the neck Remus stopped and nodded at Harry to do the same.
"Learned your lesson? You gonna leave Harry alone for a bit?" Remus let go of Sirius wrists, using his arms to hug Sirius instead. Sirius huffed and nodded in response.
Sirius grabbed Harry and pulled him into their little cuddle pile, wrapping him in a hug.
"I'm tired, you two tickled the energy out of me." Sirius sighed. Remus kissed the side of his head.
"You'll live." Harry answered.
"Alright, Mr. Sass king." Sirius poked Harry's belly.
"Noho!" Harry turned onto his stomach to block the pokes. "No tickles!"
"Okay, okay! No tickles. Right, Remus?" Sirius turned to look at him.
Remus nodded from the crook of Sirius' neck. "No tickles."
"Good." Harry answered, letting his head rest on Sirius' chest and his arms return the favor and wrap around Sirius.
"Did you two date at hogwarts?" Harry asked after a few minutes of silence.
"That's a long story." Remus told him.
"I have time.." Harry said.
Sirius and Remus glanced at each other before silently agreeing to tell him. Harry deserved to know.
Sirius started off with how they met on the train station with Remus adding in little bits to the story as they went. By the time they made it to Remus' fourteenth birthday Harry was dozed off.
Sirius rested his head against Harry's, letting his body relax for the first time in a while. Remus kissed Sirius' shoulder once he knew he was asleep.
"Love you Harry, love you Pads.." Was the last thing he thought before drifting off to sleep.
This turned out to be a bit lengthy but finally one of my daydreams comes to life
Hope you liked
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