gray-siriusorion12 · 1 year
shattered souls
The halls of Hogwarts seemed colder than usual as winter settled in, mirroring the frost that had taken over the hearts of those who once laughed together. Among the shadows, Sirius Black stood, his usual exuberant spirit eclipsed by the weight of secrets and regrets. The heart of the young Gryffindor was a battlefield of emotions, and at the center of it all was y/n, the one person who had managed to find a place in his heart amidst the chaos.
They were inseparable, two souls entwined in a bond that seemed unbreakable. But as darkness seeped into their lives, the very foundation of their love began to crack. The whispers of war grew louder, and with each passing day, fear and uncertainty tainted their once blissful moments.
One frigid afternoon, Sirius found y/n in the secluded corner of the library, surrounded by books but with tear-filled eyes that revealed the torment within. His heart clenched at the sight, knowing that he was both the cause and the cure to her pain.
"Y/n," he said softly, approaching her cautiously as if she were a fragile work of art that might shatter with the slightest touch.
She looked up, her eyes locking with his, and for a moment, they both drowned in the memories of happier times. But the weight of their unspoken truths pressed heavily on their chests, suffocating any hope of relief.
"Sirius," she murmured, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "We can't keep doing this to ourselves. The war is tearing us apart."
He knew she was right. The darkness of their reality had seeped into their bond, and he felt powerless to stop it.
"I can't bear the thought of losing you," he confessed, his voice breaking with raw emotion. "But I can't bear the thought of putting you in danger either."
Her eyes filled with tears, and she stood, taking a step back, creating an emotional distance that mirrored the physical.
"Is it better to lose each other now, on our terms, than to have fate snatch it all away?" she questioned, her voice laced with heartache.
The silence that followed was deafening. Both knew that their love, though intense, couldn't shield them from the cruel reality of the world they lived in. The dark cloud of war loomed over them, threatening to tear their souls apart.
"We have to be strong," y/n whispered, her voice barely audible. "For ourselves, for our friends, for everyone who believes in us."
Sirius nodded, his throat constricted with emotions too overwhelming to express. He wanted to beg her to stay, to never leave his side, but he knew it would be selfish to hold her back from her destiny. Yet, his heart shattered into a thousand pieces as she walked away, the distance between them growing with each step.
As the days turned into weeks, the chasm between them widened, and the pain of their separation gnawed at their very beings. Each time their eyes met, they saw the reflection of what they had lost, and the guilt ate away at their souls.
In the midst of battles and heartbreak, they both tried to find solace in the arms of friends and the warmth of laughter, but the void left by each other's absence remained a constant ache.
One fateful night, during a mission for the Order, Sirius found himself in grave danger, surrounded by Death Eaters. In that moment, all he could think of was y/n – the love he had lost, the love he had pushed away to keep her safe. His heart cried out for her, and he prayed for a chance to tell her how much she meant to him.
The universe seemed to listen to his plea, as suddenly, she appeared, fierce determination in her eyes as she fought alongside him. They moved as one, their souls reconnecting in the midst of chaos and destruction.
When the battle subsided, they stood, bloodied and bruised, but united once more. The fear of losing each other had brought them back together, stronger than before, and they knew that even in the face of darkness, their love would endure.
In the aftermath of the battle, as the sun rose to chase away the night, Sirius and y/n stood together, their hands tightly clasped. They had been to hell and back, their hearts battered and bruised, but their love had survived, shining as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.
The war may have shattered their souls, but their love, like the phoenix, rose from the ashes, stronger and more resilient than ever. Together, they faced the uncertain future, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, they would face it hand in hand, their love an unbreakable force that defied the very boundaries of fate.
------YEARS LATER-----
"Stay close!" he called out to her, the urgency in his voice echoing her own fears.
But in the chaos of the fight, tragedy struck. Sirius is hit by Bellatrix's curse, and his stunned body arcs into the air and floats through the archway, disappearing behind the veil. Time seemed to slow as y/n watched him fall, that Sirius black grin still frozen on him, his eyes meeting hers one last time with a mix of love and sorrow.
"No, no, no!" y/n cried, rushing to his side, her voice lost in the pandemonium around them.
"Y/n," he whispered, his voice barely audible, but every word etched into her soul. "I love you."
Tears streamed down her face. "I love you too, Sirius. Please, stay with me."
but sirius was already gone
Sirius Black, the brave and valiant young wizard, took his last breath and drifted behind the veil. The world seemed to shatter around her as she held onto him, unwilling to let go.
The fight raged on, but y/n was lost in her grief. Her heart was a cavern of pain, and she couldn't bear to leave Sirius, even as the world continued to crumble.
Days turned into nights, and y/n found herself sitting in their, the memories of their love haunting her. The stars above twinkled with an ethereal beauty, a reminder of the constellation their love had formed.
Y/n traced the stars with her fingers, a silent prayer to the heavens above. She knew that she had to keep fighting, to honor Sirius's memory and the love they had shared, but the pain of his loss was a heavy burden on her soul.
In the weeks that followed, y/n fought with renewed determination, but the void left by Sirius's death never truly healed. His absence was a constant ache in her heart, a reminder of the price they had paid in the war against darkness.
As time passed, y/n learned to carry Sirius's memory with her, a beacon of light in the darkest of times. She knew that their love had transcended death, and in the stillness of night, she would whisper to the stars, feeling a connection to the one she had lost.
"You're my brightest star," she would murmur, her voice breaking. "And even in the darkest of nights, you'll guide me."
In the end, y/n held onto the belief that love could conquer even death. Their love story may have ended in tragedy, but the bond they shared was eternal, forever etched into the fabric of the universe. As the stars shimmered in the night sky, she knew that one day, they would be reunited, their love enduring beyond the reaches of time and space.
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inkareds · 1 year
Can someone lowkey recommend me like fanfics of sirius x reader that bridges into the actual hp canon? WITHOUT SIRIUS DYING! THATS VERY IMPORTANT TO ME
Like i need to find siriusxreader where the reader is like a professor in Hogwarts or sumth, it can be just fluffy au oneshots where Sirius was never in Azkaban or just like ANYTHING TBH but MORE FLUFFY TBH CAUSE I JUST I CANT
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Sirius Black Masterlist by Heloise Daphne Brightmore
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Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists 
All the fics are in alphabetical order, for the newest fics, please head to Recently Posted.
If you enjoy my stories, please consider donating and supporting me on Ko-fi. <3
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Sirius Black imagines/blurbs
[A] Alive [0.3k words]
Sirius gets injured and regardless of his reassuring touch, you find it hard to process that he’s alright.
[U] Unbroken promise [0.9k words]
Sirius promises a breath-taking date, only to leave you waiting. When Remus arrives, your heart realises before your brain does that something might not be right.
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Sirius Black one shots
[A] A haunted night [1.7k words]
Sirius has been battling with his nightmares, but he decides to fight them alone, fearing to share his weaknesses with you. That is until you can't stand his pained whimpers echoing across the corridor anymore.
Absurd ideas [4.7k words]
Sirius’ jealousy causes a misunderstanding which inevitably ends up with him getting worked up and everyone else being confused. Most of all you, when you realise he thinks he knows what you feel, but he couldn’t be farther from the truth.
All your fault [1.9k words]
Sirius’ boredom causes you to end up in detention. Or so you think, but he has a different perspective on the events and you clearly can’t find the golden middle.
Alone? Together! [1.5k words]
The war has taken a toll on everyone and Sirius finds himself useless whilst hiding at Grimmauld Place. His own thoughts are eating him up, wanting to be reckless, but not daring to lose those he loves. When you arrive to sooth his worries, your strength reassures him that he is not alone, that whatever happens, you can face it together.
An unrefusable offer [3.2k words]
Sirius has been trying to get you to go out with him for the longest of time, but you can’t accept his interest in you. Will his cunning little plan change your mind at Lily and James’ wedding or will it end in a disaster?
[B] Be my (fake) girlfriend [4.8k words]
Sirius is fed up of girls throwing themselves at him, so he asks you to be his fake girlfriend, but you seem to enjoy the fake relationship more than you were supposed to.
Best Christmas Present [3.1k words]
Sirius goes back to you after he has escaped Azkaban. But when he finds you with a son, he wants nothing but to escape the heartbreak, not even listening to your explanation.
Beyond Friendship [8.3k words]
To get back at your good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend, you ask Sirius to help you out and pretend to be your new boyfriend, which seems to agitate your ex just as you expected. However, you couldn't have anticipated how Sirius’ infuriating presence could actually turn out to be not only fun, but almost essential.
Bitter Past [3.8k words]
Sirius has been relentlessly asking you out on dates, when you finally agreed, but in your mind it’s all about revenge.
Bundle of joy [1.4k words]
Part of the series What they call home, but can be read separately. When you realise there’s a little baby growing in your belly, it terrifies you. Both you and Sirius had a rough childhood and now that there’s a new life inside you, your ability to raise a child concerns you, especially as you’re in the middle of a war.
Busted [4k words] [18+]
You and Sirius have always been close, but in the last year you have been even more involved with each other. However you didn’t want others to know about it, so you kept it a secret. Up until you both made a mistake.
[C] Christmas lie [1.8k words]
Your relationship with your parents has never been a good one, therefore they plan to spend Christmas without you. But you don’t want Sirius to spend it with you either, knowing he would have a better time with his friends. So you decide to lie.
Cookies [1.6k words]
You always loved to bake, so spending time in Hogwarts’ kitchen has become a daily activity of yours. This time however Sirius joins you and he has other ideas beside tasting your delicious cookies.
Crimes of jealousy [3.8k words]
Sirius becomes jealous when he hears that you agreed to go on a date with a fellow Gryffindor and he decides to do something about it.
Cuddles [1.1k words]
Sirius and you are cuddled up in a bed, enjoying a warm, sunny morning with a couple of sweet confessions.
[D] Damned words [2k words]
Friends. And a bit more of the benefits. That's what you and Sirius were to each other. Until he uttered those damned words maybe in the heat of the moment, maybe as a result of the amount of alcohol he consumed. Either way, you should have escaped.
Degrading feelings [1.8k words]
James thinks his friendship is more important than your relationship with Sirius so you and Lily decide to take revenge
Distant friend [3.8k words]
When rumours start about you and your housemate, Sirius decides to keep a distance from you, which you do not take well.
Do you mind? [1.9k words]
You think you know better what Sirius would say and when you actually do, Sirius ends up speechless. However, what you don’t know is what Sirius would do.
Don’t play games with me! [2.5k words]
Having a crush on Sirius was as normal as the sun coming up every day, but as a friend of his, you tried to keep it a secret. But then James decides to get involved and corners you in an uncomfortable conversation.
[F] Fear of prejudice [2.2k words]
You didn’t find being a barista a particularly attractive career, but when Sirius takes on the role, it stirs up some unexpected feelings inside you. However the reason behind your newfound interest isn’t in his occupation, but something that you dare not to voice, ashamed of your sinful thoughts.
Feelings [1.2k words]
You have been having all sorts of feelings, causing your head to become a mess. Sirius, being a sweet boyfriend stays by your side.
Fluffy supporter [2k words]
You have been in need of a support animal since first year, but unfortunately your puppy couldn’t accompany you at the start of year. Padfoot comes along to help you out, without you knowing that the dog is actually your boyfriend.
[G] Gentle Seduction [3.5k words]
You are more than aware of Sirius’ feelings towards you, but he doesn’t seem to want to take the first step. You decide to force him to realise he has no other options.
Go on a date with me! [3.6k words]
You have had enough of craving for Sirius’ attention so you decide to take the first step. Things however might not turn out to be so great.
[I] I missed you [1k words]
Sirius is missing you, his girlfriend, and James finds the situation rather entertaining. It seems James and you are on the same wavelength when it comes to Sirius being a love-sick puppy.
Interest in you [3.2k words]
You have been interested in Sirius for years, but you didn’t want to date him. It has been bugging him to no end, leaving you annoyed.
[M] Make me [3k words]
Sirius is unable to shut up and you are at a tipping point. Even after being kindly asked to shut up for a mere second, Sirius doesn’t take your request seriously.
Memories of a Pensieve [3.4k words]
Your friends have been tired of you and Sirius dancing around each other so they show you what they see on a daily basis to convince you.
Misunderstood feelings [4.1k words]
Being Sirius Black’s girlfriend had its pros and cons, but unfortunately you could only see what was missing recently.
[N] Not so perfect [1.6k words]
Sirius is the perfect son. Captain of his quidditch team, Headboy of Slytherin, dashingly handsome with perfect grades and proud parents. Expect that he has fallen for a Muggleborn Gryffindor.
[R] Relying on [2.5k words]
You are not sure if you can rely on your friends anymore, the continuous bullying and harassment, the mean words playing in your head over and over again, almost pushing you too far from them. [Platonic]
[S] Second chance [2.4k words]
Sirius has been distant and rude, eventually breaking your friendship. He is angry, you are hurt, both of you pulling away even further. That is until James and Remus decide to meddle.
Space that he already had [5.3k words]
Your boyfriend, Sirius has been more distant than ever and he doesn’t even realise it even when you confront him.
[T] Teacher’s pet [5.3k words]
Sirius being your teacher meant he was someone you could never have. You are struggling with your feelings and how ethically wrong what you feel is, even though he is only 5 years older.
Truth behind the Polyjuice [2.3k words] 
The marauders decide to take your love life into their hands, but things turn out badly, leaving you full of anger towards them.
Truth or Dare [4.5k words]
You and your friends are bored so you start playing a little Truth or Dare, but it doesn’t necessarily go as planned. Or does it?
[U] Unexpected expectancy [3.4k words]
You and Sirius have never talked about having a family on your own. When you become pregnant, you panic and don’t know what to do.
Unforeseen mission [5.8k words]
You have always thought Sirius cheated on you back in Hogwarts, so you avoided him. But then Dumbledore decides to send you on a mission together and you accidentally agree.
Unprotected experience [3.1k words]
A couple of nights of fun left you sick and vulnerable. When you finally realise the cause of your sickness, you do not know what to do.
[Y] Your decision, yours only [1.7k words]
Sirius is having trouble with his family and you are trying to be there for him.
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Sirius Black headcanons
[M] Movie genres [0.2k words]
What movie genres Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and James Potter like.
[P] Pets they brought to Hogwarts [0.4k words]
What kind of pets Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black brought to Hogwarts in their first year. 
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Sirius Black mini series 
[F] Facade pt. 1|2 [1.1k words] Facade pt. 2|2 [1.1k words]
You have been silently suffering pretending to be someone else, but noone can see the real you.
[H] Hot stuff pt. 1|2 [6k words] Hot stuff pt. 2|2 [4.2k words]
University is causing you a great deal of stress, you are couped up in your room, having your own cave. That is until your friends decide they have had enough and drag you away from your studies for a night out. But when your eyes meet a familiar face, one that you thought you would never see again, you find yourself once again captured by him, the reasonable part of your brain betraying you.
[L] Like a dream pt. 1|2 [3.4k words] Like a dream pt. 2|2 [2.9k words]
Sirius and you were supposed to be enemies, but your crush on him might not be as unrequited as you thought.
Lesson from a Prefect pt. 1|2 [4.6k words] Lesson from a Prefect pt. 2|2 [4.4k words]
Being a prefect meant you didn’t have a good relationship with the Marauders. However Sirius takes an interest in you after you give him a piece of your mind. You are tricked into going on a date with Sirius and you are dreading every moment of it, but he turns out to be more than a lost because.
Love in the Order pt. 1|2 [3.3k words] Love in the Order pt. 2|2 [3.3k words]
Finally finishing your mission you return to the Order’s headquarter as per Dumbledore’s request, where you run into Sirius Black, the man you have been craving to see. Feeling the happiness of being reunited doesn’t last long, you have to part ways with Sirius to attend to another dangerous mission, but things don’t turn out the way you have planned.
[T] Teach me how to kiss pt. 1|2 [3.7k words] Teach me how to kiss pt. 2|2 [3.7k words]
You have asked your crush out on a date, but you never dated before. You ask your best friend, Sirius to teach you on the physical part of dating, which he reluctantly agrees to. You realise that you have caught feelings for him, but knowing he would never return your feelings is beyond painful. 
[U] Useless warning pt. 1|2 [3.9k words] Useless warning pt. 2|2 [3.5k words] 
Sirius is one of your best friends who happens to be dating Marlene. She isn’t particularly a good friend of yours, but you do get along. She agrees to go out with Sirius, all the while she is aware of your feelings. Things get complicated as you are unable to keep your feelings to yourself anymore.
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Sirius Black series
[W] What they call home [14.3k words]
You’re in need of protection and Albus is ready to give it to you after years of help you have been providing the Order with. However your presence is not welcomed, especially by Sirius Black himself as you already have history behind you. However Sirius agrees to the wizard’s wishes, which forces you to be trapped in the same household. [Completed]
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© All rights reserved ® in regards to my characters, their behaviours and personality. I, however do not own the rights to the gifs and photos presented in the chapters, unless stated otherwise and any of the characters and story line matching the original script by J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Charm me first
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Summary: Your friends dare you to talk to the very infamous marauders group and you end up becoming good friends. Warnings: It’s just fluff, no warnings to give! Word Count: 1,792
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It was the night. Your friends and you had a pact. Every Saturday, one member of the group would be challenged on a dare and the person had to do it. Today was your turn. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust your friends, they knew their limits and wouldn’t give something more intense than a laughable joke; nothing to embarrass someone. But that didn’t let you from worrying. Last time you were dared to make small talk with the bloody baron and laughs aside, it was not a good experience. Wouldn’t recommend.
“The weather’s nice, isn’t it? You asked the terrifying ghost as it floated through the corridor.
He looked at you as if you were an insect, scrutinizing you under his icy glare. You knew you must have then looked you were dead all color draining from your face. He raised an eyebrow pondering whether you would turn and flee or not. When you didn’t, he begrudgingly answered, “Yes” and floated away faster than ever.
You got ready and went down to the hogsmede with the rest of the school. You all sat in a comfortable corner at the Rosemeta’s. You fidgeted, your patience wavering more and more each second. Your friends all gave you mischievous smirks, having already discussed the dare. You all had a few butterbeers, feeling the warm tingling in your throat.
“So, you ready for your dare?” Ruuhaan said raising his bottle to the tip of his mouth.
You took in a deep breath. Were you?
“Yes” you said even though your brain screamed-“hell no.”
“Okay,” said Grace slowly. “See that rowdy Gryffindor group behind you?”
You widened your eyes not having to turn to guess who they were talking about. Ruuhaan snickered at your reaction. You slowly turned to see your guess was right. There they were, the center of attraction of every person enjoying at the pub. They looked like popular band. You had talked to Remus a couple of times in the library. He was… cute. James and Sirius however, were loud and full of mischief. Even though you'd never talked to them you were scared. You looked at Grace silently pleading her to tell you the awful thing you had to do, because if you would wait any longer you felt like you could burst. Grace smiled. Did she have to?
“You have to go there and flirt with all three of them. We want to see them charmed by you.” She winked.
You squeezed your eyes shut throwing your head up in frustration.
“You guys are the worst.” You said as you took a shot of firewhiskey and getting up. So, how were you going to play this?
“We love you too. We’ll come when we think you’ve done your job.” Ruuhaan said with a snort.
As you walked towards their table you felt a pleasant hum of the shot you just took.
“Hey boys!” you said in a flirty tone wincing at how it sounded.
The notorious group turned to face you and suddenly you lost all the confidence you had mustered up. You wet your lips and took a deep breath.
“Umm… You see my friends there at the back—don’t look! Yeah they gave me a dare to flirt with you and charm you? Can you please please just play along and act like I’m doing it?” You said looking at their expressions. Remus gave you a little smile and a nod of understanding while James barked out a laugh.
“No can do doll, looks like you would have to charm us.” Sirius said with a smug look on his face, eyes glinting. He said charm using his hands to emphasize on it and cocked an eyebrow daring you.
“That does seem fair.” James said with the same sparkle in his eyes. You huffed. So you had no other choice. You summoned a chair and popped down between James and Sirius. You put both your elbows on the table taking your face in your hands.
“Oh yeah?” you said in an amused tone.
Sirius smirked. James let out a little- “Yup” popping the p. Remus looked at you judging your every move. You wouldn’t be surprised if he knew how nervous you were. Mustering every bit of courage you had, you turned towards James giving him your best smile. If you couldn't flirt with them you could at least talk and not make a complete fool of yourself.
“So, James I heard you were practicing hell a lot for the next season of quidditch” you asked remembering how he was the captain.
He nodded, grinning.
“You wanna hear what I heard?” you asked cocking your eyebrow. James let out a little hum.
“Have you seen James training? He has such an amazing body! The way his muscles flex—oof!” You said in a high pitched tone imitating the girl in the washroom making James blush. Did you just make James Fleamont Potter blush?!?
“Well,” James said slowly taking a sip of the butterbeer. “I’m fit. Everyone in the team is. We have to be; to perform properly, to remain active. Let’s be honest, Hogwarts food is the best and you couldn’t help but eat the delicious treats way more than you require!”
“Shush you! Being modest! I can see what the girl was talking about!” you said eyeing him playfully. You tried your best not to make any of them uncomfortable. And the blushing grin that James gave you and the snorts by the others proved you were on the right track.
Conversation flowed freely after that. They were actually really nice to talk to. You flirted with Remus a bit, confessing how cute he always looked in those reading glasses and called him an adorable dork. James and you teased each other occasionally and you found he could make anyone laugh and at ease. As for Sirius, well you could say he was every bit of the playboy everyone deemed him to be. He never not flirted back and make you flush under his gaze.
“Doll,” Sirius said looking at you. “I must say I am glad your friends made you come here today. I would have stuck with your memory of being one the studious girls who never look up from their books.”
“You say that as if you like me now!” you teased.
“Oh but I do.” He said with so much honesty in his voice that it made you double take things. Right then, Ruuhaan came up behind you placing a hand over your shoulder.
“(Y/n), we are leaving”
“Yeah” you said nodding as you got up to leave.
“It was really nice to see you guys today” you said with a sincere smile.
And it was. You were secretly glad too that you talked to these three charming boys. Especially Sirius. You shook your head. You and him could never happen. He did not mean those things he was being nice. And you had to ignore the butterflies that tingled your stomach whenever he looked at you. You were pretty sure that was the last time you would ever have a one on one conversation with him. He was smart, funny and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Almost everyone had a low-key crush on him and maybe you did too now. He was an amazing listner and you didn't think he would ever have the time to talk to you again.
But apparently life was full of surprises. Sirius would be there beside you almost every other day in the library, making efforts to talk to you. You couldn’t complain. Conversations with him were always very interesting and never failed to leave a smile on your face. He would help you with your studies knowing you get anxious over your grades.
As time passed on; you felt comfortable reaching out to him on your own. You two would be seen together talking about anything and everything. He told you about his family, making you wonder how could something as trivial as Hogwarts house or the purity of blood set someone off so much. Your heart ached for him. Sometimes you two would just sit quietly beside each other watching James practice quidditch. And maybe the silences you two shared said the most things. And the lame crush build on into so much more. You loved him. But you would be damned if you let it come between the two of you.
“What does he even see in her?” you heard shushed voices behind you. You were studying in the library.
“Oh come on! (Y/n) is not someone Sirius likes! He is just with her because he pities her!”
“Hmm… How could he be with someone like her!”
You gulped. You shouldn’t have overheard this. You knew they were some cranky mean students, but… did he really pity you?
“How’s my favorite girl doing?” Sirius asked as he plopped down beside you. You frowned.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask her?” you said. You had seen how Sirius had stopped flirting around. But insecurity was like an insect crawling inside you making you disregard everything that was present just before your eyes. He never told you he liked you more than a friend. Maybe afterall it was just your thoughts.
“But I just did.” He said raising his eyebrows. You scoffed.
“I am so not your favorite girl!”
Sirius frowned.
“Hey!” he said making you turn towards him. “What is the matter?”
“No it’s not. Tell me.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Tell me.”
“Tell me.”
“Tell me.”
“I LIKE YOU, OKAY!” you shouted not able to take it anymore. “I just heard some students talking shit like you are with me because you pity me and I hate it. I like you and I can’t pretend any differently.”
“That’s good, ‘cause I like you too.” Sirius smirked, and then stopped looking at you.“I thought you knew!”
“No. No, I didn’t.” you said failing to keep the hope spreading across your face. “It doesn’t hurt to hear it.” You said in a small voice.
Sirius let out a laugh. He came forward placing his hands on the either side of your waist.
“Charm me first.” He said wriggling his eyebrows. You smirked.
“Sirius, the most handsome man to walk this planet; you’re sweet, charming and an absolute dork. You could make people smile and you help everyone without asking anything ever in return. And your laugh, your laugh is jus-“ you were cut off as Sirius pressed his lips to yours.
“You could just smile and I would be done for.” Sirius said making you blush.
Just then James came behind you both whistling, Remus near him having a look of a proud mom.
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A/N: Let me know what you think!
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dogfatherpads · 4 years
Love through the Seasons! (Sirius Black)
Hello again everybody! I cant explain where this idea came from. This will be a four part “series” if you want to call it that. A “chapter” for each season. Enjoy. 
for Ellie @marauderskeeper
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It was easy to love Sirius in the Summer.
In the summer, his hair lightened from being out in the sun all day
Tinkering with the bike again because “It’s going to fly this time, I just know it.”
He hated the freckles that came with the sun and splattered across his shoulders and nose until one night when you tried to kiss every single one of them as he giggled and whined that it tickled 
You lost count after 352
Sirius wasn’t a very great cook but in the summer, he loved to make fruit tarts and delighted in hearing you scream as he turned the merengue bowl over your head
“If the peaks are stiff and I’ve done it correctly, I can put the bowl over your head and why are you hitting me it’s still in the bowl!!”
He’d take you for rides on his motorcycle to relieve the heat
the speed at which he flew down the highways was always exhilarating 
you liked to rest your head on his shoulder with your eyes closed as the wind whistled in your ear and blew the scent of his lavender shampoo across your face
“let’s floo to Italy instead,” he’d say when you suggested going out for ice cream. “I don’t like soft serve and the best gelato is served in Italy. We’re going get your shoes.”
You find him sitting in the kitchen by the window at 3 in the morning and stop yourself from speaking when you notice his eyes are closed, the breeze blowing his hair across his face and tickling his nose.
You stand frozen, almost entranced as the beads of sweat drip languidly down his chest 
“‘s not polite to stare,” he’d murmur 
“You weren’t in bed..”
“Too hot, the sheets are too warm. Im sorry I left you there alone, come and join me,” he’d hold out a hand towards you, opening a single eye when you hesitated.
“I have an idea.” 
It was only seconds before you had the mattress laying in front of the open french doors in the living room, a spell cast to keep the bugs and other intruders out
“You’re brilliant,” he’d sigh with a contented smile as the breeze fluttered in
He’d risen an eyebrow when you hesitated once again to join him, then smiled softly when you pulled your night gown over your head
you’d wake up in the morning wrapped around him, the morning breeze making you shiver 
“Cold?” he’d mumble sleepily, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to keep you warm
“Only a little.”
“I’ll warm you right up,” he’d chuckle at your squeal as he rolled over and onto you.
Sirius sang in the shower
This wasn’t any thing new, but in the summer, the songs were much happier 
Here comes the Sun, I think we’re alone now, Dancing Queen, and
“Stevie Wonder?” you wrapped your arms around him from behind, pressing your lips to his shoulder.
“It’s a love song,” he’d turn in your arms and smile sheepishly. “Lily was listening to him all day yesterday. Got him stuck in my head so she lent me her... radiator?”
“Radio, Sirius,” you’d giggle and he’d roll his eyes, beginning to lather soap into your hair 
“This one’s my favorite, listen.”
You’d rest your head on his chest, listening to him hum along with Stevie wonder as his fingers massaged your scalp
“You are the sunshine of my life, that’s why I’ll always stay around,” he’d sing softly, “you are the apple of my eye, forever you’ll stay in my heart.”
And then he’d giggle and you’d smack him when you’d realize he’d been lathering your hair into a mohawk the whole time
“the king of romance obviously.”
His lips would taste of Lily’s mint lemonade in the afternoon after brunch with the Potters
“I can’t believe Lily’s so big already, Harry will be here in no time,” he’d mumble against your lips, his fingers playing at the hem of your blouse. “Perhaps we should make him someone to play with.”
Many days were spent at the Potter’s and at the lake near their home
He’d teach you how to skip rocks and grin when you rolled your eyes as he moved in behind you, much closer than necessary
“Just trying to show you the proper technique and posture love!” he’d put on the most innocent expression 
He and James would argue over the rope they’d tie to swing off of and into the lake
“that’s much too high”
“Don’t be a chicken Prongs!”
“Im not a chicken Im a father!”
“He’s a chicken!” Lily would yell back causing Sirius to snort and James to clip him in the back of the head
Lily would cheer you on from the shore as you wrestled James from atop of Sirius’ shoulders
“How could I not win with my wife cheering me on, you should give up now!” James would shout, already wobbly on Remus’ shoulders
“I was talking about y/n. Kick his ass!!” Lily would yell
“Could you weigh any more Prongs?!”
Sirius would pout when you’d laugh at the tan lines as he removed his shorts before a shower one evening after being at the lake with the boys all day
“My ass is not pale. Stop laughing!!”
It was endearing to watch him in the kitchen with Lily
“Have you also put on a few pounds since these two started their baking phase?” you’d rest your head on James’ shoulder as you two watched them from the couch
“I knew my waist line was in trouble the second I said I do. I already put on the happy husband weight!” he’d complain
“PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER!!” he and Lily would shout as they slow danced in front of the stove 
“Your singing is as bad as your dancing,” James would laugh
“Shut up Prongs, at least I don’t step on her feet!”
“Exactly,” Lily would laugh with him as they continued around the kitchen
The nights of the full moon were always difficult
Remus always came down to the Potter’s smiling ruefully
“Prongs you don’t have to do this. You’re gonna be a dad now.”
“I can handle Moony on my own Prongs!” Sirius would chime in, smiling brightly. Always stupidly brave
you had to bite your tongue, it was dangerous when it was all four of them but Sirius alone?
You’d never resent Remus for needing the company, but it worried you to think of Sirius out there alone
“Don’t be stupid you two, I’m coming,” James would shake his head and you’d sigh selfishly in relief, “you think I’d let you have all the fun without me?”
Sirius would turn to you before leaving 
“I’ll be safe, I promise.”
“I know, I just can’t help but worry..”
“Hey, I come back to you every time, don’t I?” He’d tilt your chin and give you a small smile
“Yes, Remus needs you now. So go,” you’d put on your best grin and he’d brush his fingers softly across your face
“I love you.” And then he was gone.
You and Lily spent most of those nights awake together, brewing wolfsbane for Remus as she’d read somewhere that it would make the wolf calmer
 but it was harder for her now 
she’d sleep with her head in your lap as you absentmindedly braided her hair
“You should sleep,” she’d mumble late into the night, “he’s gonna come home bruised and so is Remus. They’ll need us alert in the morning to clean them up.”
You’d doze off eventually, praying to whatever higher power existed that those boys got home safely
“babe?” your eyes would snap open, focusing on his grey ones
“Sirius!” you’d embrace him strongly, pulling back abruptly when he winced
“Im so sorry. Where is Remus, are you hurt?”
“Breathe for a minute love,” he’d chuckle, pressing his hands to your face.
“Remus is sleeping, nothing major, Lily already cleaned up his scrapes. Can you help with mine?”
It wasn’t as bad during the summer. No broken bones for Remus, only a few scrapes for the boys
perhaps it was the sunny days and laughs and carefree days that made the full moons easier during the summer
“Don’t move or it’ll hurt,” you’d kiss him softly when he winced at the wet cloth, “what happened here.”
“Rough housing,” he’d chuckle light heartedly and you’d wrap your arms around him tightly.
“Hey...” he’d rub your back softly, “I’m alright love. Honest. A split brow just makes me look cooler anyway.”
“It never gets easier,” you’d mumble into his neck.
“I know. But I’ll always come back to you. I promise.”
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Since third year [Sirius Black x reader]
You shrieked loudly, “James! Let me go!”, you tried to swat his hands away from your shoulders, but he wouldn’t move. Instead, he pushed you forwards around the corridors, to the Gryffindor Common Room.
“What are you doing?”, you asked, but he didn’t bother replying. “James, I can’t go in there.” That’s when he stopped. He turned you around so you could face him and he grabbed your green and grey scarf and stuffed it in his bag. You gasped, suddenly feeling naked. He continued pushing you through the portrait.
The common room was empty, except for Remus and Peter sitting on the couches in front of the fireplace. Remus, your brother, raised his eyebrows, “James,” he called suspiciously, “why is she here? You know that she shouldn’t be here.” James only winked at him and you scoffed, shoving him in the chest. You turned around, heading straight for the portrait, but a voice stopped you.
“There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you lot. Anyways, I’ve got to tell- Oh! Y/n, didn’t know you were allowed in here...” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Um, yeah, neither did I...” you glared at James.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. I wanted to talk to you.” he paused, “For a while actually.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, “What about?”
“Could we go outside?”
James clapped, “Yeah, mate, you go do that.” he grabbed both of your hands and pulled you outside, closing the portrait after you.
“I like you.” he said, you opened your mouth to reply, but before any sound came out, he raised a finger, “Let me finish. I like you. And maybe like isn’t really what I mean. You have to understand that I’m not really used to showing how much I care about people. I think I more than like you, I don’t know if it makes sense. I meant that I think I’m in love with you.” he finished, making you open and close your mouth like a fish outside of water.
“If you don’t like me back it’s fine, I just wanted to get this over with.” he added, turning around and entering the common room.
Just before he said that, you wanted to pour your heart out to him, telling him that you’ve been in love with him since you were a third year. The portrait closed swiftly behind him, and you didn’t make it in time to go after him, so you were left trying to convince the portrait to let you in. In the end you decided to knock on it until someone opened. You were grateful that a few minutes later, your brother let you in.
“Where is he?” you asked breathless, you rapidly beating heart making you gasp for air.
“He’s in our dorm.” you nodded at him and ran down the stairs to the boys’ dorms.
You didn’t even knock and just pushed the door open, revealing James and Sirius quietly talking to each other.
“Could you leave us alone for a minute, James?” you whispered, never breaking eye contact with Sirius. He nodded before flying out the door.
“You didn’t let me talk.” you smiled at him, “I love you too, since I third year, actually.” you laughed. “But I’m no gryffindor; I was too self conscious to even think about telling you.” he gave you a funny look. “You were in your fourth year and just discovered the beauty of girls; and I didn’t find myself pretty, like the girls you had your eyes on, and, honestly, I still don’t. But, for whatever reason, you fell in love with me. And I thank Merlin for that!” you raised your hands as if you were making a point and he laughed, standing up and coming in front of you, grabbing your hands and lowering them, so they were on each side of you, not letting them go.
You looked down at your hands, his voice making you raise your eyes to his. “I don’t want to ever hear you say anything remotely bad about yourself again.” You nodded, looking from his eyes to his lips. He smirked, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.
Even if it was a chaste kiss, you only pulled away when you heard a voice from the doorway.
“Even if I’m happy that you’ve finally told my sister everything that was on your heart, please don’t even think about being too close to her while I could be walking in on you.” he finished with a satisfied smirk.
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Next chapter is up!
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bave-de-crapaud · 5 years
Never Have I Ever...
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(Art by flowsofly)
Siruis x reader
Reader is younger
2700+ words
Warnings: swearing, light smut Disclaimer: all characters are assumed 18+
Let me know if you guys prefer a couple of chapters posted at a time or one by one spread out. Thank you so much for reading!
Recap: You grabbed Sirius’ arm, an arm that was mere millimetres away from his wand, and pulled him so he was in front of you. Backed up against the tree trunk you looked up at him and quickly muttered “I know this will seem an odd request but could you please kiss me?”
He blinked for a fraction of a second then, you had to hand it to him, he smirked. “I’m honoured you want to kiss me Y/N but is this really the time?!”
You huffed at him impatiently before hissing out your plan. “Yes this is exactly the time! We can’t be seen – as wizards. We can be seen as muggles. We look like muggles and if you kiss me he won’t see our faces – hopefully he’ll just think we are two people making out secretly in the park and not bother us further!”
Sirius was visibly impressed. Still he hesitated. It’s not that he didn’t want to kiss you -hell no- your lips frequently appeared in his dreams, it’s just if he kissed you right now he would risk losing his reflexes – he wanted this, he had wanted it for a while now but he was afraid that if he kissed you here he would melt and lose his ability to protect you if things went awry. However you were right, it was a brilliant idea…
“What are you afraid I’ll bite, Black?!” Your voice shook him out of his head.
His grey eyes, now dark and stormy with desire, excitement, and fear, bore into yours. He placed his hands either side of your face, leaned down and kissed you.
This was a bad idea.
There was no way you could keep conscious of the impending dangerous situation if he was going to kiss you like that; soft at first and then getting deeper and deeper until you could feel his tongue flick across your bottom lip.
One hand still holding your cheek, the other moving slowly down to grip your waist and pull you to him. He broke the kiss and leaned to the side, peppering your neck with more kisses, his stubble scraping the side of your jaw. “How close is he?” Sirius breathed into your ear.
It was then you opened your eyes and realised you had wrapped your arms around his neck. “Uh…um” You spluttered. “I can’t really see past your shoulder.”
There was a beat and in one fluid movement Sirius had dropped both his hands, bent down, grabbed your thighs and lifted you up wrapping your legs around his waist.
Your back hard against a wall of bark, he pushed himself against you using one hand to hold you up and the other to steady himself against the trunk before he leaned his head to the side and asked you again.
Wholly mother fucking fuck! This man! It took all your strength of will to wrench your thoughts away from the feeling of his thumping heart beat, hard chest, and intoxicating smell of vetiver and orange musk.
You squinted over his shoulder into the darkness, his wavy hair tickling your lips as you tried to calm your breathing. Yes this situation was potentially dangerous but it was the feel of this man and the touch of his lips on your skin that had your heart all a flutter.
He kept kissing your neck and jaw while your eyes adjusted to the darkness. If you had asked him why, he would have said it was to keep up the act of seeming like a couple but he knew, as well as you did, kissing each other felt so so good.
As you glanced around you saw and heard nothing. It seemed that your quarry had gone. To be sure you moved your sight line to Sirius’ other shoulder, but not before placing another open mouthed kiss on his lips. This one was more hurried. God he was a good kisser. He tasted like honey and something tart at the same time and as you laced your fingers through his hair he leaned into you further, pressing your hips into his while he moved his tongue against yours.
It was getting harder and harder to concentrate and just as you thought that it was going to be difficult to explain this moment as anything other than a full on make out session, it happened…
Sirius was in ecstasy, your warm lips on his. He could feel your breasts pressed against his chest and your hand moving through his hair. He was losing it, so fucking close to apparating the two of you back to his bedroom to spend the night worshipping your body, showing you just how much he wanted you when there was a flash of light and your hand tightening on his head before falling limp.
You broke apart, he looked at you - another flash of light illuminating your face – you were white as a ghost, staring at a spot behind his right shoulder. You had been discovered.
Not bothering to turn around, Sirius cupped the back of your head and apparated both of you to Grimmauld Place. Rules or no rules something was wrong and his first thought was to get you to safety.
Stumbling into the hallway, Sirius raced you to the kitchen calling out in the hope someone from the order was still there. Luckily Remus, Arthur, and Bill were standing over the table wrapping up the last of their reports for the next meeting.
Their surprised faces quickly turned to shock seeing Sirius standing there holding you in his arms looking panicked.
Sirius lay you on the kitchen table, still conscious but face screwed up in pain, sweat dripping profusely from your forehead.
“My arm!” You gasped clutching your elbow. “It feels like Its breaking! Sirius!” You looked at him with wide eyes. “I saw him! The second flash of light. I didn’t recognise him - he was short, he had long blond hair, a goatee, and a big scar running down his left cheek.”
You screwed your eyes up at the effort of staying conscious. This was the worst pain you had ever felt and it wasn’t stopping. It felt like shards of your bones were breaking off one by one starting at your hand and resonating down to your elbow.
Over your head Sirius and Remus looked at each other. “That’s Dalziel.” Said Remus. “He’s a B-tier Death Eater.” In your agonising state you still managed to look questioningly at Remus. B-tier?
“He’s a drunk.” Answered Arthur correctly analysing your confusion. “Voldemort wouldn’t use him for anything serious as he is often not on the best form, still…” he scratched his chin, “it may be worth it to check out what he and his colleagues were up to.”
Examining your arm, Arthur turned to his son, “Bill let’s take Y/N back to the Burrow with us. She seems to be losing the bones in her arm piece by piece.”
“It’s ok!” He said quickly catching your horrified expression. “Molly can contain the curse and then give you a potion to grow them back overnight.”
“Skele-Gro?” You asked weakly as Sirius said “Surely Remus and I can look after Y/N here?”
Arthur patted him on the shoulder and replied “don’t worry, with six boys Molly has repaired many broken bones before, Y/N is in good hands. You should rest, if you hadn’t brought her back here straight away this could have been much worse.” He turned to you once more now smiling and said “Anyway, Charlie is home and I know he is anxious to see you!”
“Charlie is back?” You asked startled. It had been an age since you had seen your good friend. Only a couple of years apart at Hogwarts you had bonded over a mutual love for magical creatures and the rest of your friendship was history. Smiling weakly at the memory of summer holidays at the Burrow you allowed yourself to be scooped up by Bill and carried out the door.
Before he left Arthur turned to Sirius, “great work tonight, with any luck we will be able to halt whatever unscrupulous side business Dalziel is running, and no need to be concerned, Y/N will be well in no time. Molly’s healing skills not withstanding, Charlie will perk her up – they were thick as thieves at Hogwarts.” He smiled warmly and added “ so much so Molly and I thought they would have got engaged had he not left to chase dragons in Romania!” Missing the mortified look on Sirius’ face, Arthur tipped his hat to Remus and followed his son out the door.
Sirius ran his hand through his hair as Remus poured two large glasses of fire whiskey. Handing one to Sirius, Remus pondered before asking; “there is one thing I don’t understand though. Why did Dalziel send a curse for Y/N’s arm?”
“He was aiming for my head.” Sirius said before draining his glass in one.
“Your head?” Said Remus incredulously. “I knew he was a bad shot but really!?”
“Y/N’s arm was wrapped around my head.” Try as he might Sirius couldn’t disguise his pleasure while uttering this statement.
“Oh Padfoot, you didn’t?!” Remus exclaimed. Knowing Sirius in his younger years this was not completely out of the ordinary but did Sirius suddenly look slightly bashful?
“It’s not what you think, Moony…unfortunately” beseeched Sirius “Look, pour me another one and I’ll fill you in.”
Over at the Burrow you had a long night ahead of you. Molly had stopped the curse from continuing to break off shards of your bones and administered a solution of Skele-Gro. Now you just had to wait for the pain to pass.
It was great to see Charlie, you had missed your friend and couldn’t wait to hear about his adventures. However the regrowth of your bones was so painful Molly had insisted of giving you a sleeping draught in the hope you would sleep through the more painful parts of the healing process.
Charlie had offered you his bed while he took the couch downstairs, so it was in a small but cosy room where multiple posters of dragons watched you close your eyes while thinking of Sirius’ hands, his perfect mouth, and the taste of him, as you fell into a dreamless sleep.
Sirius was still up. After explaining the majority of the night’s events to Remus, Sirius’ adrenaline had started to finally die down.
“How was it?” Remus asked after a moments silence.
“It was hard.” Sirius answered thinking he was referring to the mission in general.
“I bet it was!” Remus laughed his hazel eyes twinkling with mirth.
Sirius threw his head back and barked out a laugh and the two of them chatted happily for the next hour. As they finished their drinks, Remus stood to leave. Casting one look at Sirius he paused before speaking: “they are probably not more than friends, Padfoot.”
Sirius raised his head and gave a tight lipped smile, nodding to his friend as he followed Arthur’s route out the door and into the night.
Hopefully Remus was right. Sirius rubbed his jaw. He was fairly certain the feeling was mutual between you and himself. Tired yet feeling somewhat elated, Sirius gathered himself up, made his way upstairs and got ready for bed. He hoped you were all right and not in too much pain. He wanted to see you desperately and tell you he had very much enjoyed this evening.
Though kissing him was part of a cover, the way you touched him and moved your lips against his was, he was sure, not. Maybe it was wishful thinking but the sparks that flew when you kissed and the look in your eyes when he held you said something.
Dozing lightly with thoughts pouring through his head, Sirius decided that he would go and see you tomorrow, bring you coffee and gauge where your feelings were at. Hopefully they matched his.
He smiled slightly in his doze and allowed himself to recall your legs wrapped around and squeezing his waist.
Though his sleep was not dreamless like yours, it was just as pleasant and invigorating.
You were awake early, your arm had fully recovered and after a hearty breakfast at the Weasley’s you were feeling good, better than good…
“What are you grinning at?” Charlie gently shoved your shoulder. He had offered to escort you to work for two reasons: 1. He wanted to drop in on his father who had left for the Ministry before anyone else was awake; and 2. To help you stop his mother fussing over you.
“Nothing!” You lied trying to hide your smile. “Just really pleased with Sirius and my work on the mission last night.”
“Oh yeah? Which ‘work’ would you be referring to?” Charlie held up his hands and mimed quotation marks in mid air as he said the word: work. “Don’t forget, sister from another mister, I can read you like a book!”
You rolled your eyes and blew a raspberry poking Charlie through the Ministry entrance.
Sirius was having a good morning as well. He woke early, got up, dressed, and made his way out of the house with a plan to visit you at work and see where the land lay. Wearing fitted black jeans and a light blue shirt Sirius looked fresh and handsome. Certainly the barista at the coffee shop thought so and told him as such. Chuckling quietly to himself Sirius picked up two coffees and continued on his way to the Ministry.
“So this is your office?” Charlie hummed approvingly looking around at a large mahogany room on the first floor. “Shared office” you corrected “all the junior aurors have a desk in here.” As you placed your jacket on your chair you caught sight of a cell phone on your desk. “Oh bugger, I left my phone here last night.” Noticing the 20 missed calls flashing across the screen you looked at Charlie, “is there any chance your Mum called my parents and told them what happened last night?”
Charlie shrugged “probably, you know my Mother, she worries!” As he said that your phone vibrated in your hand indicating an incoming call. Most of your wizarding friends didn’t keep or know about a cell phone, it was surprising yours was working surrounded by a lot of magic, most muggle technology didn’t, but you figured your Mother’s determination to get hold of you knew no bounds – especially when she thought you were in trouble.
“Mum! Hi! …yes…no I’m fine…it’s just a…it’s just a scratch.” Charlie grinned while flipping through the case files on your desk. Your Mother reminded him of his and he would not want to be you right now. You will have to make it up to her for worrying her so.
“Mum I can’t hear you? It’s cutting…I’m at work…let’s talk Friday night at dinner?”
“FRIDAY NIGHT LETS DO DINNER?” You half yelled down the phone while slapping Charlie’s hand away from the perfectly ordered files on your desk. You were proud of those and he did treat you like a little sister - messing up your hair at any chance he got, tripping you up in corridors - you wouldn’t put it past him to ‘accidentally’ spill your papers on the floor. He was really like Fred and George sometimes.
“I’ll see you latter, gonna go find Dad” he mouthed backing out of the room. You nodded and resumed your conversation on the phone: “Ok Mum…ok…” god the signal was awful in here. “I LOVE YOU!”
“I LOVE YOU TOO, DARLING!” yelled Charlie in jest as you hung up the phone. He grinned cheekily and walked out the door.
You poked your tongue out at him and silently thanked the timing gods that none of your colleagues were in and no one had heard that conversation.
Someone did hear it though, or at least part of it…
He had heard ‘Dinner on Friday’ Followed by ‘ love you’ with the final blow seeing Charlie Weasley back out of your office proclaiming that he loved you too.
Sirius stood frozen on the first floor landing, holding two coffees and feeling his heart drop to the floor. ~more than friends~
That was the moment when Sirius realised he was in love with you. It was also when he started sleeping around.
Tag list: @aboutpotter @songforhema @sirius-lysad @riddikuluslypotter @emmamass24 @belladonnarey
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Crushes and Tutors
SUMMARY: A young Sirius Black accidentally lands himself in a tough situation with his crush
PAIRING: SiriusxReader
TERMS: h/c= Hair color , h/h= Hogwarts house, e/c= Eye color
Sirius sat at the back of the class yawning yet again as the professor bored the students with his talk of the stars. The teacher droned on and on leaving Sirius to think there was no end in sight. Unknowingly his eyes drifted elsewhere, to a certain h/c girl sitting two rows in front of him. Its become a routine now, whether he was conscious of it or not, his eyes always drifted to you.
You had felt a strong gaze on you as you listened to the lecture and scribbled down your notes. Not wanting to miss anything you tried to refocus and pay attention to the lesson. Much to your dismay you could not bring yourself to process what the professor was saying. With an annoyed huff you slowly turned around in your seat to catch the culprit. Which to your shock was none other than the notorious Sirius Black.
Many thoughts crossed your mind, after all what would he want to do with you? You never had paid him much attention. Knowing becoming an Aruor and school before boys was your mantra, many guys left you alone. Some were brave enough to try and capture your attention but never succeeded. They were all ignorant guys who thought they could all get who they wanted and unfortunately Sirius was no different. Now just because school came first didn't mean you didn't have crushes, of course you did on a certain gray eyed boy from Astronomy, but he didn't need to know that.
You were so lost in your thoughts you hadn't realized that class let out. Slowly pushing out your chair and gathering your books, you headed out to Charms. Before you could exit the class you saw another body left in the room. With your luck it just so happened to be Sirius. His head was resting face down on the desk, supported by his left arm with his hair sprawled out and his right arm was lazily hanging at his side. Rolling your eyes at the sleeping figure you quietly head over in his direction.
“Sirius,” you mumbled softly. No movement.
“Sirius,” you said in a slightly louder tone. still the black haired boy did not wake. Y/n sat in the silence of the vacant classroom thinking of how to wake him. Maybe a hex ? No too harsh. Looking up at the clock above the teachers desk you settle on sticking to the same method. Springing back up from your seat , you slowly moved your hand toward him, your breath hitched as you placed it on his shoulder and gripped it before violently shaking it.
Sirius jumped up in his seat. Angrily the boy turned ready to scream at whoever had woken him in such a manor. To his surprise the person standing in front of him was the girl hat had lately been occupying his thoughts and who he has been staring at longingly for quite a whole now.
“Well are you going to just sit there?” y/n questioned the boy, annoyed that not only had he made her loose her focus but now also make her late for Charms.
Dumbstruck Sirius did not know what to do, his gray eyes flickered upwards to meet your e/c ones. Sucking in a breath he began to speak, “ listen I am sorry I made you late, let me make it up to you . The next Hogsmead trip I will buy you all of the candy you want at Honeydukes”.
Not believing that he would stick to his word you had laughed lightly before turning around to walk out the door. Sirius had seen the girl head off in the direction opposite of him.
Curiously he turns around to see where y/n is headed. Without thinking he started shouting at her in the empty corridor,” HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GOING THAT DOESN’T LOOK LIKE THE DIRECTION TO CHARMS”.
You stopped dead in your tracks at hearing his voice, twisting on you heels to stare at him. With a half smile you start, “ I know I am going to my common room, no point in going now and interrupting the lesson. Plus I could get the notes from my roommates”. Not thinking much of iy you returned to your journey to the h/h common room. A shuffling sound is heard behind you and ot long after does a certain Black appear by your side.
“Padfoot! Padfoot!” Sirius heard as he sat eating dinner in the great gall. It had been two weeks since his encounter with y/n, two weeks since he last talked to you. He was nervous, tongue tied around you. Not knowing exactly how to start a conversation or even just become friends.
Sirius looked up from his food to see one of his best mates gasping for air, “ Woah, what happened to you ? Lily tried to hex you again? “ he asks with a snicker.
James smirked at his friend, “ Actually it involves a certain h/h”.
Sirius eyed Prongs curiously, “Go on”.
“Well a little birdie told me she needs help in Astronomy,” James replied teasingly. “ Why don't you offer to tutor her?!”
Annoyed Sirius huffed, “ I am terrible at astronomy, I cant help her”.
“Study up then mate” Prongs states confidentially beaming at Sirius. “ Look , it’s dinner she has gotta... oh perfect there she is,” he says pointing at you.
Sirius sat still , he could not move a muscle but before he could resist James was already pushing him in your direction. It felt like going into a quidditch match with no game plan or a taking a test you didn't study for, hopeless. Next think he new, he was right in front of a confused y/n and a missing James.
“uhhhh...uhh” Sirius stammered. He quickly cleared his throat, “ hi”.
A pinch of color was starting to form on your cheeks, “ yes?”.
“I hear you need help in Astronomy”
“ oh uh yea actually I do,” you voice almost barely audible.
Gaining back his confidence he smoothly replies, “ I can tutor you if you want, I am fairly good at it” .
Smirking at Sirius you challenged, “ Oh yea? So good that you fall asleep in class? “
Sirius tried to find the words to say, taken back by your sassy remark, “What can I say, I am just that good”.
With a raised eyebrow and a curious gleam in your eye you answered the boy, “ Alright then Black, I'll see you tomorrow in the library”
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SIRIUS X READER (Sirius being an amazing cute boy😊.)
Can I have an imagine where Sirius Black is absolutely infatuated with the little things the reader does everyday? Thanks. &&& maybe someone finding out the readers self harming? —————————————————–
“I read that book already, give me a challenge. I want a decent grade.” You Said to Lily. Lily giggled and continued to help you search for a book for an assignment you had to make. Suddenly she gave you a light push against your shoulder. “Sshhh, don’t look right away okay?” You nodded. “Sirius is looking at you from behind the books over there.” She pointed over the big pile of books in the corner. You looked closer and spotted Sirius. His hair was all messy and his clothes were a bit wrinkled at least from the part you could see. “He looks tired.. Don’t you think?” You whispered to Lily still carefully staring at Sirius. “They all look tired, James, remus, Peter. Remus looks even more tired than Sirius..” Whispered Lily to you. You didn’t notice Sirius staring at you most of the time, but Lily did. First of all, she was a great friend to you and second she had a gift of reading people their emotions. “Poor guys.. I wonder what’s going on..” you said. “Sssh.. Sirius is coming this way.” He slowly walked your way, and yes his clothes were indeed wrinkled. Very wrinkled. You and Lily tried to lean casually against the bookshelves.
“I hope we don’t get a lot of homework tomorrow!” You said to Lily trying to hold in your laugh. The situation was just very silly. And you weren’t very good in saying that ‘casually’ which made it extra funny. “I hate homework, I hope we will never ever get homework again.” Sirius said with his hand in his pockets. You raised your brow. “Oh, do you?” You said smirking. “Yes, yes I do.” Lily laughed softly. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence, I guess you didn’t want to know how to paint your nails pink?” Sirius laughed at Lily’s comment. “I hoped (y/n) could teach me. I think she can do it very well.” Lily raised her brow. You smirked. “Are you asking me out?” You asked. ���Maybe i am?” You smirked again. “Mysterious I see, I like clearance.” Sirius laughed. “You are really what they see you are.” You laughed. “And what do they say?” Lily was also really curious. “That you are fierce and that you have a strong personality. Not many man can handle that.” You raised your brow again. “Let me guess? You can?” Sirius smirked. “I can. Go on a date with me.” Sirius said. “No, you have to ask properly. I am not your dog.” Sirius laughed. “See you later princess.” You grabbed Lilys arm and pulled her out of the library.
“He will try again you know?” You sighed. “It’s the second time this month..” lily rolled her eyes. “You are really hard on him.. He clearly really like you. let’s make a bet, if you go on a date with him the next time he asks…..” Lily was silent for a while and sighed deeply. “I will go on a date with James.” You laughed. “That’s totally worth it, if you had said that before I would’ve been on a date with Sirius months ago. AMAZING.” You said laughing. Little did they know.. that Sirius was listening.
You were sitting at the end of The gryfindor table next to Lily The next morning. “Can you hand me the toast?” Lily handed her the toast And a glass of orange juice. “Wel Thankyou!” You Said smiling. “I knew you were going to ask for orange juice, i know you so Well!” You laughed. “You sure do!” Sirius And James walked into the great hall, once again looking very tired. Sirius was holding something behind his back. The two boys sat down next to The two girls. They casually grabbed some toast and eggs. But the girls knew there was something up. Suddenly Sirius coughed. “(Y/n)?” You looked at him. He handed you a small bouquet of beautiful red roses. “Would you like to go on a date with me?” You smiled and nodded. “Yes, since you finally asked it decently.” Sirius laughed. “You have a good influence on me.” He said smirking. “Maybe I have.” You said laughing and looking at Lily. Lily got the hint and nervously looked at James. “James? Since these two are going on a date.. would you like to go on a date with me?” James eyes grew five inches bigger. His smile was as big as it could get. “Yes ofcourse! Uhm.. I have to check if I’m free.” Lily raised her brow. “We didn’t set a date yet.” She said chuckling. “Let’s have our tomorrow night.” Lily said. “Yeah sure.” James said trying to hide his enthusiasm. “When is our date?” You asked Sirius. “Tonight. I’m waiting for you in the commonroom at 9, after dinner.” You nodded. “Alright.” Sirius stood up and walked past you touching you lightly on your shoulder. You felt something you didn’t felt before.. and you didn’t know if you liked it…
The lessons of the day had gone by smoothly. For once you couldn’t stop thinking about your date tonight. You were a bit nervous even though you knew the boy you were going on a date with CLEARLY liked you already. But did you already like him? Let’s get tonight over with first and than think about that.
You were in you room with Lily, who helped you getting ready for you date. “This dress will do.” You said. “It certainly will… girl you look so good! SIRIUS WILL LOVE IT.” You blushed. “Are you nervous?” Lily asked. “A bit.. I mean, it’s been a while since I dated someone..” Lily looked at you with a weak smile. “You have to open up more.. It’s good for you, you don’t want to be known as the old lady with twenty cats.” You nodded slowly. “I will try..” Lily grabbed your hand. “You won’t get hurt again, you are so much tougher than that.. you are known as the girl with spice, I mean that is a big deal. They know not to mess with you.” You laughed. “I sound like a thug, I like it. And on the other hand.. I don’t.. I want to be approachable.” Lily smiled at you. “Open up, be yourself and let your true colour shine trough.” You smiled. “You sound like my mom.” Lily smiled sadly. “I quoted my mom, she used to tell me that all the day time when i was younger when my sister was bullying me for what I am.. I miss her..” You squeezed in her hand and smiled at her. “I know… I’m sure your mom misses you too, luckily it’s only two more weeks before you see her again.” Lily stood up. “Come on, enough emotions for today! We are going to have fun!!” Lily looked at the clock. “It’s 9. Head downstairs and knock em dead! And bat with your lashes, I didn’t do your makeup for nothing.” You smiled and thanked her. You opened the dorm room and walked down the stairs. Sirius was waiting on the couch before the fire place. You layed a handed on his shoulder. He was startled and looked behind him almost immediately. “Woah, you look absolutely gorgeous. My god.” He stood up and walked over to you. “Thankyou.” You said smiling. He grabbed your hand gently, and looked at you. You nodded and smiled. After all you did need to let loose. “I planned a nice walk, but we have to be careful ofcourse because we don’t want to get caught.” He acted adorable and so nervous. You two walked trough the corridors. “Tell me a bit about yourself.” You said to Sirius. “What do you want to know?” Sirius said. “Personal stuff. I want to get to know you, Sirius.” Sirius smiled. “You act so tough all the time, but I’m sure there is so much more to you.” Sirius nodded. “Alright. My whole family is in slytherin, which made it very hard for me because I am in Gryfindor. Ofcourse.” He said smiling sadly and pointing at the gryfindor logo on his cape. “My family hates me.. they absolutely despise me, because I don’t want any of that pure blood shit. I thing it’s unhuman to think like that. And I hate my parents because of that.. they never excepted me for who I am.” You looked at Sirius feeling sad for him. “I practically have no family anymore. The only people that care for me are the Potters. I have no one..” You stepped before him and pulled him in a hug. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that..” He held on to you, finally having some comfort. It looked like he didn’t had a hug in a while.
The two where finally outside the castle. The air was cold, and probably not what Sirius had planned. “I’m glad you told me something like that.. It makes me understand you more..” You said. “Tell me something about you, why are you who you are today?” You smirked. “Aside from the fierce girl ofcourse.” You said laughing. Sirius laughed. “I.. I just got hurt a lot.. and I hurt myself a lot in the process. They didn’t appreciate me, they didn’t have respect me, they called me things. And somehow I started to believe the horrible things, i started blaming myself. Hurting myself even..” You slowly pulled up your sleeve. Sirius listened to you. Like no one ever listened to you before. “I felt so unappreciated, I felt so alone. I grew up in a broken home, with a lot of half-sisters and half-brothers. It’s just fucked up.. all of it. But I came out of it stronger than ever. You showed him the marks, that were now scares. I’ve made it here, all by myself. So I kept thinking that I could do anything myself.. but you just can’t.” You sighed. “I never thought I would tell someone this…” You said slowly looking at the ground. He put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. He sure was touchy-feely, but you liked it. You felt loved by him. And he was interested in you like no one ever was. “This story just proves my theory even more.” You looked at him questionably. “And what is your theory than?” You asked smiling. “That you are an amazing strong young woman. And I absolutely adore you, you are so brave.. I absolutely admire you.. Don’t get scared.. but I used to watch you a while. Not in a creepy way I swear! And I just knew you were so much more than people described you and I immediately knew that you are the woman for me. And don’t get scared.. I knew this just our first date and this are still fragile. But I just wanted you to know this.” You blushed heavily. “Woah.. No boy ever talked to me like this..” The sky was now very gray. Rain started pouring out of the sky. Sirius turned to face you and hold one of your hands. He layed his hand on your cheek and looked you deep in your eyes. Both of you didn’t rush to stay dry. You both didn’t care anymore. You brought your face closer to his. He also came closer and placed his lips on your lips. Softly but passionately. You happily answered his kiss. Sirius broke the kiss when it started raining even harder. “Let’s seek for shelter. I don’t want you to catch a cold.” You smirked at him. “I don’t care.” You kissed him again and you both new that the spark was mutual.
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liseenle · 3 years
ANGST Cedric x reader; platonic!Sirius
Summary: after Cedric’s death, Y/n has a difficult time. Sirius helps her acknowledge her feelings.
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A little over a month had passed since the end of the school year at Hogwarts. Y/n could still hear the screams full of terror of that fateful evening, the squealing sound of trumpets and the smell of blood and sweat. Cedric's face tormented her in her dreams, but also throughout the day, to the point that sometimes she felt like she couldn't breathe. She remained motionless watching that boy who had meant so much, now almost transparent, almost as if he was fading more and more from her memories as well.
In that same month, the precarious balance that already prevailed in her mind, hit rock bottom with the move to Grimmauld place number 12. The need to reconstitute the Order of the Phoenix was now more important than ever, but Y/n was unable to adapt to the situation. On top of that, she was now living with plenty of wizards and witches of all ages, but who were constantly busy… and extremely lively, all positive that everything would turn out well. Unlike them, she couldn’t believe it, and therefore, feeling like nobody could understand her, she self-isolated, she pretended with a broad smile and in the meantime thought of him.
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It happened that night too. It was late, her sister was sleeping peacefully next to her, but Y/n was not: she was at the bottom of the lake, she was looking for Cedric among the seaweeds, but the mermaids kept blocking her and pulling her from side to side. Finally, a few meters further on, she sees the boy. It's all right, she repeats herself, and takes him to safety. But when she gets back on the platform, there is no one waiting for her, and no trace of Cedric. Y/n woke up with a start, short of breath and a sweaty forehead. Her heart beat madly, heavy and tired of feeling that immense pain. She could hardly hold back her tears, but she didn’t want to wake anyone up, nor did she want to admit that she wasn’t well.
In an attempt to compose herself, she decided to go downstairs and drink some tea, to calm her nerves. A lively fire crackled in the kitchen fireplace and sitting in front of it was Sirius, her godfather.
"What are you doing awake?" he asked.
"I can't sleep" she replied, determined not to reveal the real reason, "do you want tea?"
"Yes, I wouldn't mind, thanks".
The deafening silence returned, but Y/n couldn't stand it anymore, she just wanted to cry and get it over with the lies. In that moment Sirius looked at her, his eyes too expressive, as if to tell her that yes, he does, he understands.
She sat in front of him and avoided his gaze as much as possible and quietly asked him the question that had been pressing her for a long time:
"How do you overcome grief?"
Sirius smiled sadly and took her hand in his: “You don't. Or at least I think. I personally didn't make it. Maybe Molly is right in saying that I treat Harry as if he were James. I just can't do it. For fourteen years I have been crying who I have lost, day after day." he said, letting out a shaky breath “I didn't want to ask because I understand what you’re going through, your need to hide your feelings, but who was he for you exactly? What happened between the two of you? "
Y/n smiled; albeit strangely, that question made her feel happy and light. And so she begun to tell him their story: “Dad is a very good friends of his parents, he always has been. Cedric and I have known each other for a lifetime, but we only really started talking towards the end of the third year. Not many spoke to me at that time: when it turned out that you were my godfather it was almost like I had grown a second head without realizing it. Instead of avoiding me, he sat with me in the library, we laughed and told each other things. He was in love with a girl, Cho, but she seemed divided between him and another boy. Cedric decided to let it go, at the time I didn't understand why. After the summer we were once again together, I helped him prepare for the challenges, you know, because he was one of the athletes on the Triwizard tournament. I still remember the fear I had when he faced that damned dragon” Y/n chuckled briefly“ “It was a very strong concern, but I didn't give it weight. Then came the Yule ball. I've been hoping for days that George would ask me to go with him, you know, as friends. But that did not happen and, in his place, came Cedric. Everything changed since then. He revealed his feelings to me and we kissed, right under the mistletoe! We didn't name our relationship though, I don't know, it seemed premature. And in the meantime he retrieved me from the bottom of the lake, he squeezed my hand as we walked through the gardens of the castle, he took my books from the top of the bookcases. This kind of thing. And in the end I realized that I too felt the same things for him. So I told him, the night right before his last challenge. He was happy, he was screaming and holding me tight. He said he hoped the whole tournament thing would be over soon. He was tired, but happy” Y/n was crying now, tears were running down her cheeks and falling straight into the cup of tea.
Sirius held her, but without the courage to say something. They continued like this, each immersed in their own thick and painful feelings.
"I too have lost a person I loved," Sirius finally revealed. “Or it would be better to say that we weren't lucky enough to be with each other. It ended when I went to Azkaban, I don't even know if she finds me guilty or not."
"But did you love her?" asked Y/n impatiently.
"I would have married her."
"and now?"
"And now, if she got me back, I'd marry her."
"Despite the years?"
“Despite the millennia. I know she was the right person for me."
"So go tell her!" Y/n exclaimed.
"You resemble to her in many things, except for your stubbornness." chuckled Sirius, lightly.
The two smiled and Y/n gently rested her head on her godfather's shoulder.
Maybe she wasn't as lonely as she had thought. And for the first time since Cedric had died, she knew she would make it.
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Meanwhile Sirius was falling asleep, in his head the image of the woman he loved, as she came back to get him.
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gray-siriusorion12 · 1 year
The Hogwarts Express chugged along the tracks, carrying excited students back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year. Among them was (Y/N), a bright and adventurous young witch with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. As she walked through the narrow aisles, searching for an empty compartment, she finally found one—occupied by none other than Sirius Black, the charismatic troublemaker of Gryffindor.
Sirius looked up from his conversation with James Potter and Remus Lupin as (Y/N) entered. His eyes met hers, and an immediate spark ignited between them. He couldn't help but be captivated by her infectious smile and the way her eyes gleamed with curiosity. "Hey there, (Y/N). Looking for a seat?" Sirius called out, patting the empty spot next to him.
Feeling a bit flustered by his attention, (Y/N) nodded and settled into the seat next to Sirius. The train journey flew by as they chatted about their summer adventures, magical creatures, and even their favorite books. Sirius was surprisingly well-read, and (Y/N) found herself enchanted by his passion for literature and learning.
As the train pulled into Hogsmeade station, the students prepared to disembark. (Y/N) and Sirius stepped off the train together, their camaraderie growing with each passing moment. They soon became inseparable, spending their days exploring the castle, sneaking into restricted areas, and occasionally getting into trouble.
In the evenings, they would sit by the Black Lake, watching the stars twinkle in the dark sky. The world felt like it belonged to just the two of them, and (Y/N) couldn't help but fall for the boy with the dark hair and mischievous grin. But as their friendship deepened, she noticed the shadows behind Sirius's eyes, the weight he carried from his family's expectations.
One cold winter evening, they found themselves hidden beneath the invisibility cloak, wandering the halls past curfew. They laughed and whispered, the thrill of breaking the rules only making their bond stronger. But just as they were about to retreat to their common rooms, they encountered Professor McGonagall.
With her stern expression, Professor McGonagall scolded them for their disobedience, but as she looked at (Y/N), her tone softened. "You have a bright future ahead of you, (Y/N), don't let yourself be led astray."
Her words struck a chord within (Y/N). She cared deeply for Sirius, but she knew she couldn't allow herself to be consumed by his reckless behavior. Reluctantly, she distanced herself, focusing on her studies and friendships with others.
The separation was difficult for both of them, but as time passed, Sirius began to understand the importance of responsibility and the consequences of his actions. He sought to be a better person, not only for himself but for (Y/N). And when they finally reunited, it was with a newfound understanding of each other and a deeper connection.
Their love story may have started with mischief and adventure, but it blossomed into something more profound—an unbreakable bond between two kindred souls navigating the complexities of youth and growing up together in the magical world of Hogwarts.
ok ik that minnie would never but I was bored and didn't know what to write
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jessica-denise · 5 years
a cursed love
C H A P T E R  eleven
A/N: I had some stuff to take care of and wasn't feeling terribly motivated to write, so I'm sorry there haven't been as many chapters the past couple of days. I likely won't be uploading daily anymore, but I'm going to try and write as much as I can. Anyways, here's the new chapter, hope you guys enjoy it! ˆˆ
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Once again, Y/N felt everyone's eyes on her as she followed Sirius through the portrait hole. At first, Y/N wasn't sure where they were going, but she soon realized that Sirius was leading her to the Shrieking Shack. ''Sirius? I thought you wanted to talk not take me on a guided tour through Hogwarts.'' ''We can do that on our way back, if you're up for it. But as I'm sure you've figured out by now, we're going somewhere where no one can hear your screams.'' ''Very funny Sirius.'' ''It is in my nature, I'm told.'' ''Really? By who? Did you're reflection tell you that? Are you hearing voices again?'' ''As much as I love when you're being snarky, I'll have to ask you to be quiet for a second, or Filch will hear you and we'll get to continue our detention sessions with McGonagall long after christmas is over.''
Y/N did as Sirius had told her and stopped talking until they finally reached the Shrieking Shack. She was enjoying this new dynamic between them that had started to develop during their daily detentions, but all of that had come to a rather abrupt halt when she started hanging out with Frank. It seemed like things were slowly going back to normal. After almost ten minutes of walking in silence, they finally reached the Whomping Willow and made their way to the Shrieking Shack. ''After you, my lady.'' Sirius said and let Y/N go in first, like a true gentleman. When she entered, she almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. There were candles floating around in the room, lighting it up in a romantic glow, rose petals were covering most of the floor with the exception of where Sirius had put down a blanket and a couple of pillows. ''What is this?'' Y/N asked and stared at Sirius. ''This is beautiful. Did you do all that? I didn't think you were that type of guy...'' Sirius raised an eyebrow. ''The type of guy that makes an effort for a girl he fancies?'' ''I don't know. I didn't think you would have to make that kind of effort for girls.'' ''Well listen Potter, I got something to prove here.'' ''You do?'' ''Of course. To you and your brother. That this is serious to me. That I won't just drop you after a week. I've thought about this for a while. I would never want to jeopardize my friendship with James. Ever. And I also wouldn't want to make things weird between the two of you. But I really like you, Y/N Potter. And I think that you like me too. And I just can't stop thinking about what could be between us,mif I just gave it my best shot. So this is me trying to give us my best shot. And if you decide it's not worth it to you then that's cool. But I just had to try, you know?'' He looked at Y/N and bit his lip waiting for her reply. ''So you really mean it huh?'' she said, still slightly unsure of how to react to what he had just said. ''Yeah, I mean… yeah. Uhm, do you maybe want to sit down? I stole a bunch of snacks from the kitchen. All the best stuff. And I got chocolate frogs, too.'' Y/N's eyes lit up and a smile formed on her lips. ''You got chocolate frogs? Those are my favorite! How did you know?'' ''I might or might not have pressured James into telling me. They have new cards in them, too.'' ''Wait really?'' Y/N quickly made her way over to the blanket and took one of the chocolate frogs out of the little basket of food. She unwrapped it and much to her delight she ended up with a card she did not yet have. ''Sirius! Look who it is! I don't have this one yet!'' Sirius just smiled. Being the reason for that huge smile on Y/N's face made him feel like the happiest guy in all of Hogwarts and he wanted to feel like this for ever. He was now even more determined than ever before to make sure Y/N would be her happy, bubbly self. He wouldn't let anyone hurt her. Least of all himself. While Y/N started unwrapping the next chocolate frog, Sirius made his way over to the blanket and sat down next to her. ''So what did James say about you pulling off this grand gesture and all?'' Sirius shrugged. ''He said he was fine with it.'' Y/N raised her eyebrows at him. ''Really? My brother, who within the last two days has beaten you up twice because of me, is totally cool with you taking me to a remote location to have a romantic candlelight picnic?'' ''It might be that I withheld some small details about the exact circumstances of the 'open and honest conversation' I told him I was planning on having with you.'' Y/N giggled and Sirius could feel a smile creeping on his face. ''Sooo, who'd you get in your second frog?'' Y/N smiled excitedly as she showed Sirius another card she did not yet have. ''I take it you like this little surprise then huh?'' he asked. Y/N nodded and started going through the basket looking for more goodies. ''Wow, Sirius, you really did go all out. You even got those little biscuits.'' ''You like those? I always have 'em for breakfast. I thought you might like them. I think I've seen you eat them before.'' Y/N nodded and grabbed one of them. ''Yeah, these are super delicious. Lily kind of hates them though. She says they're too squishy.'' ''Too squishy?'' ''Yeah, Lily can be very particular about certain things.'' Sirius chuckled. ''Certain things? You mean like making sure everyone follows every single rule at all times?'' ''I guess she is a little intense sometimes. Doesn't seem to bother my brother though.'' ''Wait a second. James is your brother.'' ''Wow, is this your first case, Sherlock?'' ''No, I mean, James is your brother and Lily is your best friend! He's doing the same thing he's giving me crap for!'' For whatever reason Y/N had never realized this either. ''Yeah, you're right… I'd say he's even worse. She's clearly not into him and he keeps bugging her anyways. I wonder if there's a way we can get back at him...'' ''I like where this is going.'' Sirius said with a big grin forming on his face. Y/N bit her lip and gave Sirius a devilish grin. ''So, how would you like to give that boyfriend girlfriend thing a go?'' ''I would love nothing more, love.'' he said before his face fella little bit. ''What's wrong?'' ''Nothing, it's just uh, it's not just pretend though, right?'' Y/N looked him right in the eyes. ''Sirius, do you think I would suggest lots of public displays of affection if I wasn't interested in partaking?'' And with that the foolish grin on Sirius' face was back. ''So all this is really just a cover so you get to make out with me huh?'' ''You wish.'' Y/N's cheeks turned red and Sirius laughed. ''So are we dating now?'' he said flashing Y/N a handsome smile and scooting a little bit closer to her. Coming as a surprise to both of them, instead of answering, Y/N simply grabbed his face and kissed him.
Tagged cuties: @evolutionofkatep @1800-fight-me
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Bitter Past [Sirius Black x Reader]
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Title: Bitter Past Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word count: 3.8k Published: 10 June, 2020 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: Sirius has been relentlessly asking you out on dates, when you finally agreed, but in your mind it’s all about revenge. Harry Potter Characters Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Just say Yes, already." Sirius huffed. "I told you, I would take you anywhere you wish, even Madam Padifoot's, although that place creeps me out. I would even become a gentleman, which I usually don't tend to be." He grimaced and you stopped your steps.
"Do you really think if I ever was to say yes out of a mental breakdown or brain desease, I would want you to act like a different person?" You asked in disbelief. "If I ever decided to say yes and you dared to act any different from how you usually are, I would turn around and leave you there. You will not get me to go on a date with you, just because you act like someone you are not." You scoffed, but Sirius' spreading grin confused you.
"So you would go on a date with the real me, not the one that acts all gentlemanly?" He asked winking.
"No, I wouldn't go on a date with you in any circumstances, but if - hypothetically saying - I had a brain damage, and decided against my better judgment, then I wouldn't want to go on a date with someone who pretends to be someone else."
"But - hypothetically speaking - if you were to go on a date with me, you would want to get to know the real me, am I correct?" He asked with a cheeky smirk.
"I mean, with an enormous if, but yes, that is about what I've have just said." You furrowed your brows.
"Brilliant. So do you want to go out with me then?" He tried again and you just rolled your eyes in a reply.
"Still a no and it will forever stay a big fat No." You huffed, annoyed.
"Think about it this way... if you say yes, I will stop asking you, which you have been begging me for. It's a win win situation. I get a date, you get me off your back." You stopped again and looked at him with thoughtful eyes.
"If I say yes, will you promise me that you will never ask me to go out with you again?" You asked and his eyes grew wide as he started nodding heavily. "Fine, one date. No more." You shook your head and left the dumbfounded boy, heading back to your common room.
You had an evil smile spreading across your face. You said yes, sure and you did plan to go with him on that date, but first and foremost, you wanted to make sure that he had the worst ever date experience.
You walked up to your common room, where Lily was seated on one of the armchairs, with a book in her hand. You sat across her on the sofa, studying her expressions. She seemed way to invested in her book and she certainly had a rather aggressive side to her when her reading sessions got interrupted, making you shuffle uncomfortably at the thought.
"How long are you planning on staring at me?" She asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"As long as it takes to get your attention without having a mental breakdown from your side, I guess?" You smirked which caused her to roll her eyes.
"I don't need enemies with friends like you." She huffed, but closed her book to pay attention to you. "What could be so important, that it couldn't wait?" She asked.
"I might have just said yes to Black." You spoke casually, but Lily's eyes widened at your comment.
"Wait, what?" You nodded at her surprised reaction to confirm. "Why would you do that, after all that happened?"
"Let's just say, he had a very reasonable point." You replied.
"Black? As in Sirius Black? Reasonable? How can those two, possible appear in the same sentence?" She huffed, annoyed, her eyebrow raised in doubt.
"You are being very much on point. They most likely can't, but he said, he would stop nagging me about a date and would never ask again if I said yes." You nodded more to yourself. "And let's be honest, I could make it just about the worst date, he has ever had." Your lips curved into a devilish smile.
"It seems that you already have a plan." She grinned, placing her chin in her palm, resting her elbow on the arm of her chair, focusing her complete attention to you.
"I mean, there is nothing worse, than a girl who is just a tad bit over the top. Maybe a bit loud, maybe a bit critical, maybe unhappy with anything he does." You explained with an even bigger smile on your face.
"I am so proud of you." She giggled. "Why didn't I think of that, when James was running after me?" She sighed, leaning back against the chair.
"Because you were already hopelessly in love." You chuckled as she nodded along.
"That boy is a curse to my heart." A light smile appeared on her face.
Saturday came quicker than you expected, but you didn't mind. You wanted revenge. You wanted to see him suffer, just like he did to you.
You chose your best outfit, which was both comfortable and sexy. You wanted him to want you. You wanted him to feel that you were out of his league. You wanted him to realise, what he has lost back then.
You walked down to the entrance of the Hogwarts castle, where Sirius was already waiting for you, with his back to the door. He was wearing a black leather jacket, giving him the typical bad boyish vibe he was always going for. He wore black jeans and a pair of combat boots of the same colour. As he turned around, a huge grin appeared on his dashingly handsome face, with a playful glint in his grey orbs as his gaze lingered on your body. He was still as good looking as ever and you hated him for it. You hated him for even being born.
You smiled at him, which honestly came easier than you thought it would. He offered a hand to you and you linked your arm with his, feeling his body-heat radiating through you. You gazed at his profile, just as he turned towards you to look down, searching for your eyes. You quickly looked away, concentrating on the road, but you could just about see that cheeky smirk appearing on his lips.
"So where do you want to go?" He asked.
"Where do you want to go?" You returned the question.
"What about Three Broomsticks?" He questioned.
"Hmm..." You stopped to think for a second. "Let's just go to Madam Puddifoot's." You replied, looking at him with the most innocent smile you could master.
"Didn't you say..." He started, but then stopped midway. "Nevermind. Madam Puddifoot's it is." He nodded with a sweet smile, nowhere near the usual smug expression he was harbouring.
"You don't even want to ask me why?" You questioned, annoyed. That was not the reaction you wanted and it got you frustrated.
"If you want to go there, we will go there." He shrugged, but you stopped, forcing him to halt as well.
"Didn't you say, you didn't want to go there, that you wouldn't act different?" You desperately tried to force out a reaction that satisfied your revenge, but he acted too sweet, making you want to hate him even more.
"And I have also told you numerous times, that I want to go on a date with you. I don't even care where we are, I just want to take you out." He smiled, causing you to let out an annoyed huffing sound. "You are acting strange."
"If you don't like it, we can still turn back." You spit in anger, but that soft smile across his face, made you feel guilty. You didn't just hate him, you hated yourself for agreeing to his stupid date idea.
"Not a chance. I finally got you and I don't plan on letting you go?" He chuckled. You looked up at him trying to shake the inappropriate thoughts in your head. You were there for revenge, not to fall in love with him again. You got hold of his wrist and started dragging him after yourself, towards Madam Puddifoot's.
"Are you this wild in the bedroom as well?" A playful laugh left his lungs. You heaved a sigh, before turning around and giving him the deadliest look you could manage.
"Wouldn't you want to know?" You smirked, but before you could have continued your fast pace,  he pulled you back into his embrace, holding you captive in his arms around your waist. You tried to force your arms out of his hold, but it was useless.
"Actually I would." He leaned closer, placing his forehead on yours. Your eyes involuntarily met his, unable to look anywhere but him. After all that time, his presence still greatly affected you and he very well knew it. His smile wasn't playful or smug, it was rather sweet and loving. "But only after I got to know you." You furrowed at his reply, him being completely out of his character.
"As if, Black. Your only mission is to get into someone's pants." You huffed, trying to pry your eyes away from his, but you were unsuccessful.
"You are not wrong. I was like that. But not with you." He spoke with a serious expression, his smile disappearing slowly.
"Did this line ever work on any of them?" You scoffed.
"If I have ever used it, it probably would have. But I haven't." He stepped back, letting go of you. "Can we go?" He asked, putting his hand on your lower back, leading you to the cafe.
It took you about 5 minutes, before you saw the shop appear in its pink glory. As you stepped in, a grimace took over your facial expression, but you quickly hid it. You had to get over your hate for the flowery wallpapers, tawdry tablecloths and disgustingly pink design of the place. You were there for revenge, and as much as you hated the place, Sirius hated it even more.
You sat down in a dark pink booth, at the back of the shop, while Sirius went to get a drink for both of you. You looked down at the white tablecloth, decorated with pink bows around it and flowers embroidered on top of it. You weren't sure if you were able to keep your disgust hidden for long, you had to make this date a short one.
As Sirius arrived back, he was holding a silver tray, with flower carvings on the side of it. He ordered a tea, placing it on the table in front of you and a black coffee for himself. You could smell it was english breakfast tea with just enough milk and sugar in it. However making him feel like he was doing well, was not part of your plan. You took a sip of your tea and grimaced, even though it tasted exactly the way you loved it.
"What is this?" You asked trying to act disgusted. "This is horrible." You shook your head as if it was the worst thing you have ever tasted. Sirius pulled it closer to him and smelled your cup's content.
"Well, it seems okay to me." He looked up at you, placing the cup back on it's plate.
"It's English breakfast tea, Black." You scoffed. "I don't like it." You crossed your arms, protesting against drinking it.
"Really?" A playful smirk appeared on his face. "As far as I know, you are drinking this every single night in the common room." He raised an eyebrow, knowing he was about to bust you. For a second you wanted to just hide under the table and disappear, but then you took  deep sigh and straightened yourself.
"I think, I know better what I like, don't you think?" You asked. He looked at you, clearly annoyed, but stood up, lifting your cup with him.
"What would you like to drink?" He asked with a clearly fake smile across his face. You could actually see the side of his lips twitch out of frustration.
"A small hot chocolate." You spoke as he started towards the cashier. "With marshmallows." You spoke again as he walked farther. "And whipped cream on top." You finished, chuckling. You knew he did not hear the last part, making you eagerly wait for your wrongly made order. It didn't take him more than 3-4 minutes, before he was walking back to your table, with a white cup with golden rim around it and flowers on its side. As he placed it down, you waited for him to sit down, before heaving a deep sigh in disappointment, playing with the rim of your cup.
"What is it now?" He asked, not even hiding his annoyed expression anymore.
"Nothing." You spoke as if you tried to be less bothersome, but it was all just an act. A carefully designed and implemented plan.
"It doesn't seem like that." He tried again, making you sigh in disappointment again. "What is the problem this time?" He asked.
"It's nothing." You sighed again, taking a sip of your hot chocolate, hissing at its warmth.
"Well, there clearly is something." He cleared his throat, trying to keep himself composed.
"Why would I tell you, when you are already acting mean?" You asked, leaning back against the booth, pouting. You could hear Sirius taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. Is there anything you want instead of your hot chocolate?" He asked in a calmer tone, but you just shook your head. "Then how can I help?" He tried again.
"I asked for whipping cream on the top." You shrugged, still looking as innocent as ever, opening your eyes as big as you could, trying to look at him with the most saddened gaze.
"I will ask for it." He stood up, leaving for the barista again. You could not have hid the devilish grin spread across your face as you were looking at his fading back. You felt as if your acting was brilliant, almost award winning. Soon enough he returned again with the same cup, now topped up with whipping cream. You took a sip and this time, you let yourself enjoy it. You smiled at your delicious beverage, before turning to Sirius.
He looked at you with his lips turning into a sweet smile, before he raised his hand, placing it on your cheek. He bit his bottom lip as it curved into a playful smirk, before proceeding to run his thumb across your lips, gently. As he removed his finger, he placed his thumb in between his lips and licked off the whipping cream.
"There was something on your lips." He teased and you could feel your heart hammering against your chest rapidly as your face heated up at his actions. You were speechless. You looked into those grey eyes which were linked to yours, searching for something. You didn't even know what that something was. You felt flustered, cheated on, played with. You took your jacket from the side of the booth and abruptly stood up, rushing towards the exit of the cafe.
As you stepped outside, the cold air hit you, but you didn't care. You walked in a fast pace, impatiently trying to pull the coat over your body as it fought hard against you. When you finally pulled it over your arms, a hand grabbed your waist, pulling your back into his chest, wrapping his arms around your stomach. You could feel his breath behind your ears, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. His smell of coffee and aftershave, forced its way into your nostrils.
"Why are you running away?" He asked in a soft tone, almost as if he was begging you.
"Are you enjoying it?" You asked turning around in his hold, anger clear across your face. "Are you?" You raised your voice, your brows furrowed.
"Am I enjoying what?" He asked returning your expression.
"This... this game of yours. Running after me for months, acting all sweet and kind, the exact opposite of what you are." You hissed in frustration.
"Says you, who has been trying to sabotage the date from the very beginning? Do you think I am dumb enough to believe that all this little act of yours wasn't on purpose? I know you more than you think, princess." He smirked and you wished for nothing, but the ground to open up under you.
"Why is it so important to you to go on a date with me? Why can't you just accept a no? Is it your pride that's hurting? Finally you know how it feels when someone says no and it hurts, isn't it?" You scoffed, trying to hide the tears forming in your eyes.
"I knew it." He spoke with a bitter tone. "I knew it would come up. Let's talk about it."
"I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you." You forced your way out of his hold finally, your anger fuelling your adrenaline and strength.
"I think we should talk about it." He tried again calmly, taking your hand into his as you turned around, but you pulled it out immediately. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just a child. I didn't even know what I was doing." He spoke again, but for you they were just excuses.
"Right, laughing at my confession with your friends, is in no way hurting me." You smiled bitterly. You felt like you had a huge lump in your throat while you eyes burned from the tears you were hindering.
"I am so sorry for that, love. I never meant to hurt you. I was teased for always hanging out with you. I was teased about having feelings for you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted the teasing to stop." You didn't even realise when the first tear rolled down your face. Sirius stepped closer, lifting his hand to remove it, but you pushed it away. You heaved a sigh, before looking into his eyes with the most painful expression, even though you thought you hid it well. Sirius tried to get close to you again, but you didn't let him.
"Well, aren't you lucky it stopped?! Enjoy your flawless little life." You spit with the most hatred you could project, but it didn't scare Sirius away. As he stepped closer, and you backed away, you felt a wall behind you, caging you in.  
"It never has. You want to know why?" He asked, but didn't wait for a reply. His expression was serious, his gaze intense as he looked into your eyes. "Because my feelings have never stopped. I liked you back then and I still like you. Before they teased me for having feelings for you and the teasing has stopped indeed. It turned into nagging about not having enough courage to tell you that I still liked you and I couldn't forget about you. It turned into constant harassment from my friends, trying force me to walk up to the girl I like, each and every day to ask her out, even though every rejection felt like I was stabbed on the chest." Your tears were rolling down your face. You wanted to believe him. You wanted to jump into his embrace and just forgive him, but was he honest this time? He placed his palms on your cheeks, removing the tear stains as gently as he could.
"Why did you never tell me?" You heaved a sigh.
"Because I was a coward. It was easier to ignore my feelings than to face you. I knew I hurt you, but it was easier to just step aside than to walk up to you and apologise. To walk up to you and tell you how I felt. That meant opening up, being vulnerable and I was scared of that."
"Why are you telling me this now?" You didn't want to make it any easier for him. You wanted him to feel vulnerable just as much as you did, even if it was mean of you.
"Because I like you more than I thought. Because you finally said yes and I honestly felt like I finally got a second chance. I knew from the very moment you said you wanted to go to Madam Puddifoot's that you were sabotaging the date. I saw through it, but I didn't care. If you feel better doing that, than I will let you. I just want to be with you." His words crawled deep under your skin and you just couldn't stand being mad at him. You let a small smile appear on your face, looking at the ground, not being able to keep eye contact with him anymore.
"Madam Puddifoot's was a bad idea. I hate that place." You confessed, causing him to chuckle.
"I know, but it was fun seeing you trying to hide your disgust." You looked up at his smirking face with a raised eyebrow.
"Mr. Black, do you always feel the need to be right?" You tried to stop your smile from growing any bigger.
"Only when I know that it will make you smile." He pulled you closer into his arms and this time you didn't protest. You wanted that to happen for as long as you could remember and being there, even if it took years, just felt right.
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He stepped forward, pushing you into the wall, placing his lips on yours. You felt the little butterflies waking up in your stomach as you kissed back, wrapping your hands around the side of his hips, pulling him closer. It just felt right. It just felt perfect. You didn't want to let him go, you wanted to stay kissing him.
"Will you go out on a real date with me?" He asked chuckling as he placed his forehead against yours.
"I'm not sure I'm done with my revenge." You flashed a devilish smile.
"Punish me however you want..." His tone changed more sweet. "...just stay beside me." You tilted your head to the side, placing a hand on his cheek, caressing his lower lip with your thumb.
"I guess that sounds like a beneficial deal." You giggled, pulling him closer and kissing him again.
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Don’t pretend then
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Summary: You take up the job as a healer to work at the order and fall in love with the ridiculously handsome head of house Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, drinking problems Word Count: 2,883
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As (Y/n) made her way into the order’s headquarters; she couldn’t help but wonder whether she’d got the wrong address. Surely there were better places than this hell hole. Mrs. Weasley must have seen her as she came beside (Y/n) in a blink.
“(Y/n) dear! How are you?” she said as she practically engulfed her.
“I’m fine, Mrs. Weasley.” (Y/n) told her with a smile.
“Come on in, let me introduce you.” She said as she ushered the young woman into what was supposed to be a dining room. She took in the morbid surroundings as she noticed people glancing towards her. She shook hands and greeted people trying to remember as many names as possible. To her surprise, most of them knew her. It was because of her recent interview for the daily prophet. (Y/n) was a passionate girl. She had always dreamed to be a healer. 
After graduation from Hogwarts she was off to Romania for 7 long years researching more and more about human anatomy. She had been a part of breaking several curses and discovering remedies and cures for various diseases. That was one of the reasons why her ex-headmaster visited her one day to come to work for the order. She had agreed readily, wanting to step up against the death eaters as soon as possible.
“Miss (Y/l/n), I hope it was a smooth journey?” Dumbledore said softly.
“Yes it was, professor.”
“Please, its Albus, you’re not my student anymore.” He said before turning towards everyone. “Lets begin the meeting, shall we?”
At the end of the meeting Dumbledore directed (Y/n) towards Sirius Black, owner of the Black household. She had read about him only in the newspapers, and she did not know what to expect. Dumbledore had told her about his story, his real one back in Romania. (Y/n) had felt saddened by the fact that an innocent man had to go through such unfortunate circumstances. She had met with Remus before coming to the headquarters and he had told her more about Sirius and their years at Hogwarts.
“Mr. Black, this is Miss (Y/l/n), the healer I was talking about. She would be staying here, so as to help directly.” Dumbledore said.
Sirius gave her a nod and a tight lipped smile. (Y/n) nodded back. She guessed he didn’t like to talk much.
Sirius woke up with a grunt. He honestly felt trapped these days. His colleges were all out there fighting, whereas all he did was sleep, eat, drink and repeat. He got up and brushed his teeth, taking a quick shower. He went down thinking about grabbing a bottle of milk and cornflakes. He hated the thought. Instead he was greeted with the smell of fried bacon and eggs. He saw (Y/n) wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts, hair pulled up in a messy bun; moving through the kitchen. He smiled. She looked so cute. He had noticed her the day before. She had an innocent face and twinkling eyes. But there was definitely something sharp about her that seemed to draw him towards her. Sirius shook himself. What was he thinking? She was a lot younger than him and he was no longer the same boy, who could party and make his way through different women. Who in the right mind would even look at him right now?
“Oh, hi there Sirius! How do you take your eggs?” (Y/n) asked breaking Sirius’s chain of thought.
“You don’t have to do that.” Sirius said as his stomach grumbled, making him wince. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow and shook her head.
“I love cooking actually. I was making it for myself and thought to make a little for you too.” She shrugged.
“Well, then half-fried” he replied scratching the back of his head. He went in and grabbed some plates.
(Y/n) hummed as she served him and herself some breakfast. Sirius let out a small moan eating the delicious bacon.
“Oh- this is so delicious” Sirius said with his mouth full making (Y/n) blush and let out a small laugh.
They ate rest of the breakfast in silence, which was majorly because Sirius ate a good and warm breakfast after a very long time. After he finished he cleaned both their plates and dishes used for preparation.
“Sirius, would you like to help me pot some plants?”
No. His first instinct wanted to say. Why should he? His brain provided. But what else could he do in this big miserable excuse for a house?
“Sure, why not? Nothing better to do anyway!”
(Y/n) beamed making Sirius feel a little flutter in his chest.
They went to an empty room where (Y/n) took out her supplies and a few books. Sirius followed her instructions as he set the very gross seeds in. He felt like a teenager working in the greenhouse again.
“Why did you become an amingus, Sirius?” (Y/n) asked after some time.
Sirius smiled. He launched into the story of his adventures as a kid. Making best friends, finding out the suffering of his dear friend, wanting to help. (Y/n) nodded and laughed along.
“You seem to have one of the best times at school. It was a very noble thing you and your friends did, Sirius. Reckless, yes; but noble.” Sirius barked out a laugh.
They spent rest of the morning chatting and laughing. Sirius didn’t remember a time where he connected so much with a person other than his best friends. Conversation flowed smoothly, he felt like talking to her was the most natural thing he did.
After that, Sirius would spend most of his time with (Y/n), sometimes helping her, sometimes just sitting in silence. Sirius saw little things about (Y/n) like the way she would light up telling about different curses she was so close to break, the way she bit her bottom lip in concentration leaving them plump and full; driving him crazy. Sirius had reminded himself over and over again that (Y/n) was young and deserved someone better than him. That didn’t help the way his stomach twisted in knots or his tendency to want to touch her whenever she was close.
(Y/n) seemed to be in a different yet same predicament. The more time she spent with Sirius, the more she grew to like him. His addictive personality that drew everyone towards him whenever he was around. Him being able to cheer her up if she ever felt down. And every single day it became harder for her to ignore the throb in her heart. At times she felt like he did like her back but mostly all she could think was how someone as handsome and smart and funny and charismatic as him could like someone like her.
“(Y/n) you need to rest!” Sirius said as he entered the dining room to find (Y/n) trying to clean the chandelier. He sighed. (Y/n) had the tendency to work until she was truly exhausted and Sirius could see it was taking a toll on her.
“I’m almost done” she whined as she continued with the cleaning spells making Sirius groan. He smirked, as an idea popped up in his head. He transformed into padfoot running towards her. He knocked her over and licked her face making her burst into giggles.
“Sirius stop!! Gross!” she said as she continued laughing. She gripped his forefoot and tackled him into the ground, placing herself above him. Sirius transformed back, his face red from laughter. As they slowly settled down next to each other, goofy smiles painted their faces.
(Y/n) couldn’t help it. Sirius was looking at her so adorably; she went forward and kissed him. She realized what she was doing and pulled back. Sirius looked blank. He didn’t know what to say or do. He knew he was not at all good for her, but in that moment all he wanted was to crush his lips into hers. (Y/n) on her part tried to breathe. She desperately wanted Sirius to say something, anything.
“I… I… I like you Sirius.” She said softly pleading to god that Sirius felt what she did for him.
“(Y/n)… I…” Sirius found himself unable to find the right words. He took too long.
(Y/n) tried not to shake. Of course he didn’t like her.
“Its fine” she stuttered. “I must have misread things.”
She tried to give him a small smile as she got up and left, leaving Sirius to wallow in his misery. He did the right thing, he repeated to himself as he descended into anxiety.
For the next few days, (Y/n) avoided Sirius. She would be sure to leave him whatever food she made for herself casting a warming spell on them. They would see each other once or twice and give a small smile but other than that nothing. No late night talks, no laughs over the little garden of medicinal herbs they created, no arguments over books. Sirius tried to give her space. He knew he’d hurt her but the thing was that he had become so used to her presence that he now felt like he was entering his dark hole again. He started drinking early, transforming into padfoot at times. It was like someone had finally given him something to live for and then snatched it back cruelly. He missed her, even though she was so close to him. It was much more than just physical attraction he loved her, her soul, her very essence.
At one such night, he frowned as he tried to drink from the now-empty bottle. He stumbled towards the cabinet trying to find a new one. As he fumbled for an opener he heard a voice behind him.
“Sirius, I think that’s quite enough for a week.” (Y/n) said concerned about his health. She knew Sirius had started becoming depressed easily, an aftermath of living in Azkaban for such a long period. She felt guilty for spoiling their friendship and then not talking to him for what felt like forever. It was torture for her too. She felt that maybe distancing herself would help her. But, seeing the toll it took on Sirius she felt ashamed.
“If 20th no, 21st no 20th” Sirius tried to count but his brain refused to respond. “Doesn’t matter. If the 20th drink is what it took to get you to talk to me I would have done it a lot earlier.” He smiled and then slipped falling on the floor with a thump.
(Y/n) quickly went towards him and picked him up. Sirius continued mumbling and (Y/n) couldn’t make out anything. She carried him to his room and gave him some medicine to stop the headache tomorrow. As she turned to leave, he grabbed her hand stopping her.
“Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t” she tried to say but Sirius had already passed out. (Y/n) sighed, putting some blankets over him and turning to leave the room.
Next morning, (Y/n) was ready. She couldn’t let this friendship destroy. When Sirius entered the kitchen she took in a deep breath and gave him a warm smile. Sirius looked unsure. As he settled down to eat she started repeating the long rant she spent the entire night preparing but somehow could only get a few sentences out.
“Sirius, I like you but more than that; I value our friendship. You’ve been one of the best people to talk to and I can’t afford to lose you. I miss you, which is strange because you are in the same house as me.” she let out a laugh. “It will take time, but I would soon feel comfortable talking to you again. Please know that I don’t want to make you feel bad.”
Sirius smiled.
“Okay” he said.
“Okay.” She repeated.
After that (Y/n) and Sirius spent time together again. It wasn’t the same as before, but it was better for them both. Or so they thought. Sirius found himself itching to hug her again, to hold her close. It was torture even more so than before. It wasn’t just a passing infatuation and Sirius was reminded that every single time he was close to her. Every time she would smile, Sirius would feel his heart flutter.
It was soon to be Christmas and house was bustling with life and joy. Harry was there and Sirius felt at his best. Everything was going smoothly; Sirius had Remus, Harry and (Y/n) the most important people in his life with him. He couldn’t ask for more.
“(Y/n)! I hope you didn’t miss me much!” came the voice from the dining room door. It was Molly’s second son, Charlie, the one that worked in Romania.
“Charlie!” (Y/n) shouted as she launched herself into his arms making Sirius’s stomach twist. He clenched his jaw as she didn’t seem to move away from him. (Y/n) dragged Charlie towards him.
“Sirius, this is Charlie, my absolute best friend!” she said smiling.
Sirius forced a smile shaking Charlie’s hand.
Over the next few days, it seemed Charlie and (Y/n) were inseparable much to Sirius’s dismay. It was gut-wrenching. They always seemed to have an inside joke and he wanted to be the one (Y/n) had them with. They would be seen at the corner of the room giggling and laughing. Sirius was told that Charlie and (Y/n) were childhood best friends. The way they behaved, no-one wouldn’t be surprised if they started dating, even though that thought made him furiously angry. He couldn’t understand what was wrong with him. He was the one that pushed her away. But that didn’t stop him from feeling hot with jealousy.
It was the night before Christmas. Everyone had made efforts to prepare the big dinner. The twins had put on some music and Sirius had fun seeing his best-friend Remus dance with Tonks. Remus had a crimson blush on his face as his niece put his hand over her waist. It was about time Remus did something for himself.
“They’ll make an excellent couple.” (Y/n) said standing beside him.
“I think so too. But Remus thinks he’s too old for her.” Sirius said looking at her. She shook her head.
“What’s age anyway? I know Tonks is old enough to take her own decisions. If two people love each-other, does it really matter when the other was born or how many more years they’ve lived?” she said with a twinkle in her eyes and Sirius felt as if he should tell her, right then that he loved her; had for a very long time.
“(Y/n)!!! Come on I don’t wanna feel lonely between all these lovey-dovey couples, dance with me!” Charlie said taking (Y/n)’s hand. (Y/n) giggled as he took her to the middle of the hall with him. Charlie twirled her around the floor and she moved elegantly with him. They laughed swaying to the beats of music looking the happiest people in the world.
It all felt too much. Sirius excused himself as he left the room trying to calm himself. He wanted to scream. He tried breathing exercises wanting to control himself. After a few minutes he was able to compose himself and he moved to return back.
“There you are!” (Y/n) said as she came towards him. When she came near though they froze. He tried to move but couldn’t. He looked up to find a small mistletoe growing. He gulped.
“You’ll get out after you kiss!” said George as he ran away.
(Y/n) looked up at him hesitantly and bit her lips. Damn! Did she have to do that!
“Let’s just do a quick peck.” (Y/n) told Sirius as she tried to breathe. Her feelings for him had only increased and now this?
(Y/n) tiptoed and gave a peck on Sirius’s lips feeling the spell wear away. Sirius cupped her cheeks, moving forward and kissed her deeply, pressing his lips firmly against her plush ones. (Y/n) froze. As Sirius moved his head away from her she felt like she was in a trance. Those silver grey eyes seemed to convey so much emotion and she wasn’t sure she understood it all.
“Why?” was all she could croak out.
“I love you. Have for a very long time. I felt I was unworthy; didn’t deserve you. Lets be real, I’m a fugitive.”
“Wrongly charged” she interjected.
“Fine; wrongly charged and old. I don’t have a job and I possibly couldn’t take care of you but I can’t. I cannot pretend to not want to hold you or kiss you or call you mine. I cannot pretend that I don’t get jealous whenever I see another man make you laugh when I should be the one doing it. I cannot pretend that you drive me crazy like never before even though I spent years in Azkaban. I am being selfish but I want you. I-“
(Y/n) put her hand over his mouth making him stop.
“Then. Don’t. Pretend.” She said smiling as she hugged him so tightly he felt air leave his lungs but he didn’t care as he hugged her back with the same fervor. They pulled away only to pull each other in a passionate kiss.
Charlie’s whistling broke them away.
“About time” he shouted as Sirius snuck an arm around (Y/n)’s waist.
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A/N: Let me know what you think!
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ddejavvu · 2 years
hey mei!! mvm time? maybe you could do a siriusxreader where reader is a famous singer? and sirius is a fanboy? idk just an idea pls ignore if you don’t vibe with it -🧃
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
"Y/N!" A voice comes from the front of the pit that you're standing proudly above, "Catch!"
You almost flinch, expecting something large and invasive to fly towards the stage. Instead, a thin silver ring is tossed in your direction, and your hand shoots out to curl around it.
You stare at it briefly in the palm of your hand, letting the crowd roar around you. It has a beautiful array of (hopefully) fake diamonds around the top, and you slip it over your ring finger, coincidentally the only one it fit on.
You hear the next track you're about to sing begin, the crowd going wild as you prepare to perform. Just before you start singing, you catch the eye of the man in the crowd who'd thrown the ring at you, his eyes shining as he held his phone up, camera no doubt capturing every moment of his interaction with you.
You reach for the phone, leaning over the stage's edge to take it from the man. He screams even louder, watching as you sing the opening lyrics to what you can only assume is his favorite song of yours to the camera, if the way he's cheering violently is any indication.
You hand it carefully back to him, stopping the video recording that you'd managed to capture. He stares at you awestruck, blubbering something about 'the best moment of his life' before you're leaving him with a final wink, trekking back up the stairs to the main portion of the stage.
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