#sitting on the airport floor waiting for my flight .. missing him
transekiro · 9 months
at the airport to leave and i want to end it
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sanarsi · 2 months
We Have It All
pre/post-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: You and Joel were separated by the outbreak. Warnings: angst but with happy ending, mention of killing, use of weapon Wordcount: 3k An: I've always wondered what it would be like to experience the start of the outbreak as someone close to Joel, which is why we are here. Music I worked with: We Have It All - Pim Stones
"My flight got canceled," you sighed, throwing your clothes carelessly into your suitcase. You were furious. All your plans were gone to hell. "I'm sorry, baby."
"You don't have to apologize to me," Joel's amused voice echoed in your ear. You winced, still feeling guilty.
"I know, but I wanted us to spend your birthday together," you said calmly and sat down heavily on the bed. "Sarah and I were supposed to make a cake and humiliate you by singing happy birthday in front of the house." Joel snorted with laughter. You smiled to yourself, anxiously picking at your cuticles.
"Yeah, that sounds awful." You fell silent, staring blankly at the floor. "Babe, it's not the end of the world. We can celebrate my birthday when you get there," he assured you, knowing full well that you felt bad about how the whole situation had turned out. "I won't get any older in a few days," he added with amusement. You snorted quietly.
"I don't know. I recently found one gray hair."
"What?" he asked suddenly concerned.
"I'm joking," you laughed at his reaction. You heard him breathe heavily. "I booked tickets for tomorrow's flight."
"Then we'll pick you up from the airport. Sarah can't wait." In the background you could hear a cheerful screams of a girl. "She misses you," he added, making you feel warm in your heart. Joel always knew how to cheer you up. "I miss you too," he said more quietly, with different emotions. With real longing. You felt something inside you clench.
"Fuck you, Joel. You can't say things like that to me when I'm on the verge of a breakdown," you pointed out, smiling under your breath. His laughter echoed in your ear again.
“Yeah, sorry babe.” You could hear some chatter in the background. After a moment you heard Joel sigh heavily. “We have to go. Sarah’s gonna be late,” he said in his typical tired tone. You nodded even though he couldn’t see it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Okay.” You could hear some murmurs in the background. “I love you.”
“Love you, old man.” His snort brought a wider smile to your face.
“Lovely,” he commented, probably rolling his eyes before he hung up.
You pushed your phone away with a quiet sigh. The screen displayed a wallpaper with a picture of the three of you on vacation a few months ago. You smiled at the memories that flooded your head. You looked around the hotel room and then fell back onto the mattress. You cursed the whole world for today, all your plans went to hell.
Today, of the whole fucking year.
Meanwhile, Joel was sitting in the car, looking at a small ring in a navy blue suede box. A few diamonds sparkled in the sunlight. Tommy glanced at his brother with a smirk.
"So when are you going to propose?" he asked, and Sarah's head immediately appeared between their seats.
"I wanted to do it today," he sighed, closing the box and putting it in his pocket. "But as you can see, it'll have to wait."
He glanced at Tommy and his daughter, then rolled his eyes at their stupid smiles.
"What?" he asked when they didn't say anything for a long time.
"Nothing. I'm just happy for you," Tommy replied with a shrug. Joel didn't comment on his words.
"Will she have the same last name as us?" Sarah asked.
"I hope so," Joel agreed, looking out the window.
"Cool. I'll be able to call her my mom," she said happily, and fell back into her seat.
And Joel couldn't help but smile a little at the vision she planted in his head.
In the middle of the night, you were woken up by loud noises. You mumbled in dissatisfaction, turning towards the window. You winced when you saw any lights. After a moment, you heard an explosion. You woke up immediately, throwing the blanket aside and went to the window.
A few blocks away, you could see that one of the buildings was on fire. You watched it calmly until another explosion engulfed another skyscraper, this time closer to your hotel. The silence was drowned out by car alarms and people's screams.
Your first thought was a terrorist attack.
You felt a surge of stress, observing everything from a distance. The loud sound of several fighter jets cut through the sky, catching your attention. And then the first shot came.
You watched in horror as more buildings in the city center burst into flames. You swallowed hard, tightening your fingers on the curtain. And then the loud sound of the phone ringing echoed through the room.
You almost jumped on the spot, turning towards the bed. The screen lit up the dark room. You quickly answered the call, seeing Joel's photo.
"Hello?" you spoke, swallowing the lump in your throat. Someone's curses and murmurs could be heard on the other end.
"Hello? Baby, are you okay?" Joel's breathless voice rang out in your ear. You immediately looked towards the window and felt your pulse quicken.
"Y-yes, I'm okay. Joel, what's going on?" you asked, looking out at the city. Another explosion. You flinched, looking towards the building that was in flames. Just a few dozen meters away. A quiet curse sounded on the phone. "Joel?" you spoke uncertainly.
"We don't know. There's a lot of soldiers everywhere. They've blocked the highways."
With each word he spoke, you felt more and more panic.
Another thought was war.
"They say it's some kind of virus. People are going crazy and attacking each other like animals."
You looked down at the street where people were running. Screams mixed with the howl of sirens. Your breath trembled as you moved away from the window.
“Joel, I’m scared,” were the first words you said after realizing how bad things were. If it was happening here and in Texas, then it was everywhere.
And you were alone on the other side of the country.
“Listen to me,” he began calmly. You began to breathe deeply to control your growing fear. “Grab the most necessary things. Get in the car and drive out of town on the side roads. You need to get out of the city center, do you understand?” he explained slowly so you could understand every word. You mumbled something in confirmation. “Baby, I need you to take a few deep breaths and do as I said. You need to get out of town. As soon as possible.”
"Okay," you said, feeling your stomach tighten painfully. You looked around the room in panic and then another explosion occurred. That's when you shook yourself. You quickly moved towards your suitcase and started putting on your clothes.
"Stay off the country roads," he continued explaining as you put on your sneakers. You went to your locker and threw everything into your bag in one move.
"Okay," you nodded, grabbing your car keys. You left the hotel room and looked around the hallway until you saw a sign for an emergency exit. You quickly headed in that direction.
"Tommy and I are going for Sarah."
"What?" you stopped, frowning. "She's not with you?" Silence fell on the other end. You looked at your phone to check the time. It was the middle of the night and Sarah was home alone. How on earth?
"I had to get Tommy out of the arrest," he finally spoke. You closed your eyes, sighing heavily.
Of course it was always about Tommy.
You shook your head and headed down the stairs. You had to get to the underground parking lot. You ran out the door, looking around. It was quiet here. You quickly got into your car and looked around like it was your first time driving. After a few tries and a few panicked curses, you finally got the key in the ignition and screeched to the exit.
You looked around the street before you pulled out onto the road and turned on the navigation. You looked around nervously in every possible direction as you started driving through different housing estates.
"I should be leaving the city in a few minutes," you said, driving more carefully than usual. The further you got from the center, the quieter it was. Fewer and fewer police sirens and people.
"Okay, baby, listen," he started slowly. "Head toward Kansas."
"Okay," you nodded, swallowing hard.
"We'll meet exactly halfway, yeah?"
"Okay," you nodded again, feeling your voice start to shake.
"I will find you," he assured you. He wanted to sound confident. He wanted you to feel safe because of him. But his voice trembled as well.
"Okay," you said again, feeling tears welling up in your eyes.
"I will find you, I promise," he repeated. You nodded, feeling tears start to flow down your cheeks. You pressed your lips together to hold back a sob. "I lo-"
You looked at your phone in panic.
"Joel?" you said, but no one answered you.
You felt panic shake your body. You began to breathe quickly, trying to fight off more and more tears.
It wasn't until you passed the sign informing you to leave the city that you felt adrenaline take over your body. You rubbed your wet cheeks and took a few deep breaths.
"You will be fine," you said confidently and pressed the gas pedal, leaving the burning city behind you.
One year later.
You looked at the map again and cursed under your breath, looking around.
Everywhere fucking forests and fields.
With a sigh, you put the map in your backpack and slowly set off through the tall grass. There was silence all around. The wind gently moved the treetops and the birds sang merrily. Nothing had changed here. Nature continued to live as if nothing had changed at all.
But everything had changed.
The world had stopped and started to fall apart.
At least for those who had managed to survive.
You were one of those people.
You had been fighting to survive for a year. Starving, fighting and killing. Who would have expected that? If someone had told you a year ago what you would become, you would have thought they were mentally ill.
And yet, you were where you were. Which was currently in the middle of fucking nowhere.
After a few hours, you were sitting by a small stream, filling a bottle with cold water. As usual, you took the opportunity to wash your body of dirt. If you could even call it that. At least you didn't feel everything sticking to your skin so you considered it as a success.
You sat leaning against a tree, looking at the map, waiting for the fire to fry the fish you had caught sufficiently. You traced the path you had to take to cross the Missouri-Kansas border with your finger.
You still had a long way to go. But you had already come a lot further. You were getting closer to the goal that had kept you alive for a year.
You knew Joel was alive. You could feel it in your bones.
Joel was a tough motherfucker.
He certainly wouldn't let himself be killed and he was on his way to Kansas.
If he wasn't already waiting for you there.
That's what you hoped.
The next few days passed on a lonely journey. Your legs hurt terribly, but you had gotten used to it. You had gotten used to many things. But it probably took you the longest to get used to the smell.
Another sunset was approaching as you slowly walked along the dirt road kicking a small stone. The sky turned orange as you left the road and headed towards the forest. You had learned that it was safest to sleep in trees. Even though you hadn't seen a living soul in weeks, you were always prepared. No one ever looked up when looking for potential threats. So when you found a suitable thick tree, you began preparing ropes.
You were concentrating on tying knots when suddenly the sound of a branch breaking echoed through the forest. You looked around but didn't see anything that caught your attention.
Despite everything, you slowly and quietly lifted your backpack from the ground. You put the ropes away looking around for threats.
And then you heard another crack of branches.
Your senses sharpened and adrenaline hit you like a bolt of lightning. You slung your backpack over your shoulders and pulled your gun from your belt.
You slowly and carefully took steps not making a sound and hid under a group of trees. And you waited. For some time, all you heard was your calm breathing and the last birdsongs. You began to wonder if you had accidentally run into a deer or some other animal, but then you heard the next branches breaking under someone's weight. You immediately recognized the male footsteps.
Wary and heavy.
You slowly uncocked the gun and looked out through the gap between the trunks. You saw movement. A few dozen meters away from you. And unfortunately for you, he was walking in your direction.
You cursed in your mind at your luck and took a few deep breaths.
Another rustle of dry leaves getting closer to you. You tightened your grip on the gun and listened.
The snapping of branches. You glanced one last time through the gap in the trees to determine how far he was. He was definitely too close.
One last deep breath before you emerged from your hiding place.
“Stop and drop your weapon,” you said sharply, aiming it straight at the man in front of you. But you weren’t the only one prepared. You both stood, aiming your weapons at each other. You both had each other perfectly in your sights. And you were both alone.
"I just want to get to Kansas," he said in a hoarse, loud voice.
"Then you got your sides mixed up," you replied, keeping him carefully in your sights. To your detriment, the setting sun and the fog didn't help.
"What?" he was surprised, slightly taken aback.
"Kansas is the other way," you explained, frowning when you noticed he lowered his gun slightly. "No tricks. Throw the gun in my direction and take a few steps back," you ordered, carefully watching his every move. For a moment, there was complete silence. His hands finally fell loosely along his body.
"Fuck. Baby?" he said in a completely different tone. You frowned, lowering the gun when you heard a familiar voice. A gentle wind stirred the fog, giving you a better view of the man a dozen meters in front of you.
"Joel," you whispered in shock, the gun falling from your hand. Your heart stopped for a moment only to start beating like crazy when you saw his look of relief.
"Fuck," he cursed with a trembling voice before he confidently took a step towards you. And you started running.
You threw yourself into his arms, hugging his neck tightly. His arms wrapped around you so tightly you could barely catch your breath. You sobbed with happiness feeling your body overcome with relief. How his arms finally brought you the desired safety. Joel groaned, burying his face in your neck.
Tears of happiness welled up in your eyes as you finally held him in your arms. Alive. Healthy.
You tangled your fingers in his hair pulling him even closer starting to laugh with happiness. His fingers dug painfully into your skin as he pressed you closer to his chest. The amount of relief he felt holding you in his arms was indescribable. Like a huge weight from his shoulders fell apart in a second finally allowing him to breathe.
"I knew I'd find you" he whispered almost moaning with happiness.
You could barely see through your tears as he pulled you away, taking your face in his hands. He looked at you closely. Same eyes, same smile, and a few more scars. Other than that, nothing had changed.
He sighed in relief, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against yours. You wrapped your arms around his wrists, letting out a shaky breath that disappeared a moment later into his mouth as he pressed them tightly against yours.
He immediately deepened the kiss, kissing you with everything he had in him. Longing, relief, pain and love. It wasn't a gentle kiss, but the best you've ever had in your life.
His lips tasted like home.
And that kiss was a promise that you'd never be alone again.
He finally pulled away and pulled you to his chest. He tangled his fingers in your hair and rested his cheek on your head. You snuggled into his chest, closing your eyes.
"I was so fucking scared," he whispered, hugging you tighter and planting a strong kiss on the top of your head. "I was so fucking scared you'd die," he stroked your back and a few tears ran down his cheeks, soaking into your hair. You sobbed, burying your face in his chest.
His fingers stroked your hair soothingly.
"Shhh," he whispered, placing kisses on your head.
You were in his arms.
Safe and sound.
After a year of separation, you were finally safe.
"Everything will be fine now," he assured you, believing in his own words like never before. "I will take care of you."
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httpiastri · 1 year
2:35 am – op81
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oscar comes home after a gp to find you already asleep in your bed. 
genre: fluff
pairing: gender neutral!reader x oscar piastri
warnings: none
author's note: thanks for the love on the last story, hope u enjoy this one too. <3
f1 masterlist
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oscar’s last flight back home from the latest grand prix had been delayed for a few hours. he was supposed to land at 10pm, but it wasn’t until 2am that he had finally found himself a cab to take him from the airport.
to say that he was completely exhausted would be an understatement. he had barely been getting any sleep in his first two flights, and in the last one, there had been a screaming baby in right behind him.
plus, as always, it had been a very tiresome weekend, and he just really couldn’t wait to crawl down in bed next to you.
you had done your best to stay up and wait for him, you really had. you had drunk some tea while watching the news, you had taken a cold shower, and you had even gone out for a quick walk just to get some fresh air into your system.
yet, you thought you’d allow yourself to just rest your eyes in your and oscar’s shared bed, just for a moment. and of course, the low light of the lamp on your bedside table had lulled you into a sweet sleep.
oscar wasn’t surprised that you were asleep, despite the fact that you had promised to stay up; you hadn’t answered any of his texts ever since he landed, so he just figured. but when he saw your sleeping figure under the sheets, cuddled into your pillows, he couldn’t control the warm feeling spreading through his chest.
his lips turned into a smile as he quietly put down his bag on the floor and made his way over to the bed. either it was his scent, or maybe it was just his general presence that you picked up on even when you were asleep, but something made you slowly open your eyes as he stepped closer. they were still drowsy, but they caught his gaze quickly.
“hey, love,” he said, sitting down next to you on the bed.
your eyes fell shut again, half because of the sleepiness and half because of the fondness you felt at the pet name. “i’m sorry for not staying up,” you mumbled, nuzzling your head further into your pillows. “i tried my best.”
one of his hands caressed your cheek and you looked up at him. “don’t worry. we’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”
you nodded slowly, a tiny smile tugging on your lips. his thumb brushed over your cheek and you instantly felt so warm and fuzzy.
he was home again.
he was never gone for too many weeks in a row, and yet you still always missed him so badly.
but, there was an upside to it too; no matter how many times he had gone away by now, you always felt the same joy when you saw him again. you always got giddy and excited like a teenage girl talking to her crush, and you loved it.
you loved him.
he let go of your cheek to remove the hoodie he was wearing and he lifted the sheets before sliding in right next to you. you instinctively leaned into him, shutting your eyes once again.
“brush your teeth,” you told him.
your words were slurring slightly, so oscar could tell that you weren’t completely awake. he chuckled and pulled an arm around your waist. “i already brushed my teeth on the plane.”
“hmm. good boy.”
his heart swelled at your words. he took a deep breath and opted for a kiss to your forehead.
“sleep well, darling.” oscar leaned back to turn of the bedside lamp, before settling in place with you again, this time even closer than before.
oscar has spent so many night like this and therefore he's sure of all of your tells when it comes to sleeping. your breath was deep and steady, and your entire body seemed completely relaxed – two sure signs that you had fallen asleep already.
therefore, he was surprised when one of your hands reached up to the back of his head. his eyes watched your otherwise still figure as your fingers dragged through his hair. you seemed to be doing it almost subconsciously, and he smiled at the thought of you wanting to feel him under your fingers even when you’re asleep.
he had really missed being this close to you. and if it wasn’t for his career, he would never want to leave again.
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cameronspecial · 5 months
Let Me See You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Talking about joining the Mile High Club
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Y/N has never been to first class and the privacy the seats offer is something new to her, but it is nothing new to Rafe and the only person he wants to see is his angel.
A/N: Inspired by this post.
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Instead of taking his private jet home from Spring break, Rafe opts to give Y/N her first first-class experience. Rafe normally doesn’t get to the airport at the recommended three hours before his flight; however, with Y/N’s need for planning, he does not object to waiting in the first-class lounge for four hours if it eases her anxiety. The early time means her head rests against his shoulders, her eyes fluttered shut in need of some rest. The reclining chair of the lounge makes it comfortable for both of them to rest. Rafe can’t sleep though. His focus is on making sure they catch their flight and when the clock on the wall warns him it is thirty minutes until their plane is meant to leave, he wakes his angel up and leads her to their gate. He grins at the sleepy gaze over her eyes because of how adorable she looks. “I can’t wait to be home. I miss your bed,” she informs, snuggling into his side as they take a step forward in the line. His heart flutters at her referral that his bed is her home, “Me too. I love getting alone time with you, but I miss us being in the personal space of our room.” His lips press against her temple and he hands the flight attendant their boarding pass. 
They get onto the plane and he puts their bags in the overhead bins. Y/N’s eyes widen as she sees the miniature space that is dedicated just for her. It may be small, but it gives the promise of a personal space that isn’t typical for a plane ride. As she and Rafe both sit down, the divider between their seats blocks her view of him. It isn’t the end of the world that she won’t be able to see him throughout the flight even though she would’ve liked to. Her desires are answered by a tiny mechanical sound and the lowering of the thin wall. He enjoys the amazement that crosses her eyes. “Woah,” she states, finding the switch he used to do this. She is excited when she presses it and it goes back up. Rafe reverses her action. However, like a child who recently discovered how a car window works, she raises the partition again. 
This back and forward goes on for a while and ends when Rafe lets out a frustrated sigh. “Let me see you, Angel,” he pleads, done with the game she is playing. She giggles at the tone of his voice, hearing the pout in his tone. She gives in to his need and presses the button one final time. Her stomach flips at the massive grin that crosses his face when he sees her. The adoration behind his stare always reminds her how lucky she is to have found a man completely dedicated to her. “Being able to see you is always the best part of my day,” he informs, reaching out to take her hand. She squeezes his hand, “It’s my favourite part too.” Another switch reminds him why he picked this particular flight in the first place. “Wait, there is one more thing I want to show you.” He pushes the button and the half wall that was keeping them apart has now disappeared into the floor. Her mouth drops to the floor. He smiles, “The chairs can be put together and laid flat so it can be one big bed.” She giggles at the waggle of his eyebrows and gives him a little shove. “We may have doors but there is no roof, so you are out of luck,” she points out. He shrugs and kisses her cheek, “I guess we’ll have to join the mile-high club the next time we take my jet.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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goth-mami-writer · 4 months
🩶As Close as Strangers🩶
~ The final part ~
@sorilyae @littlesnorlaxx
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader work.
~{Find parts one and two here}
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(Infinite Darkness era is exactly how I picture him for this fic 🩶)
《 “Leon, he's gonna be so upset.” You said into the phone that night somewhat sadly as you tried to keep away from the bottom of the stairs, hoping Ethan wasn't trying to listen in from his room.
The flight to bring him to your city from DC had just been delayed and he wouldn't board for another three hours now. He sighed looking at the flight displays now painted in yellow and shook his head hating that he had told Ethan he'd be home before dinner,
“I know. But I can still be there before he goes to bed. Or try to at least.”
This was your ritual now that Leon was back in your life. And Ethan's. He spent only a few short months in DC, working and keeping in touch and using his small amounts of leave to fly to see you and his son. The visits were small but they were meaningful nonetheless. They visited the park and stayed up on the weekends to play games. It was everything you waited for and it didn't take long to realize.
You looked up the stairs again with a concerned glance and wondered if Ethan might take it better if he talked to his dad on the phone. You'd told him just a few minutes before that you were expecting Leon in a little under an hour. But that quickly changed.
“Can I talk to him?” Leon asked on the phone and you told him to hold on.
You found Ethan in his room, he was crouched in the floor racing a toy car on his plastic track that spanned around his area rug. After a soft smile seeing that there were two toy cars set aside for himself and his playmate, you told him that Leon was on the phone.
The small tyke rose from his playtime rug and ran for the phone in your hand,
“Leon?” He said into the phone that he needed to hold with two hands, his tiny voice ringing with sadness,
“When are you coming to my house?”
Leon's heart sank hearing that tiny voice that leveled his whole world now that Ethan was a part of his life so consistently. Even though his precious boy still had no true grasp that Leon was in fact his father, the bond they'd built with sleepovers and endless hours of play felt just as precious.
But there was something else making this next visit so urgent. Leon had yet to ask you but he wanted more than anything to drive home to see his son instead of flying. There was just no way he could be relocated in the current climate of his federal assignments. And that made only one thing possible. Moving you and Ethan to DC, possibly uprooting everything you two knew and it wasn't easy for him to imagine how that could affect you both.
“Buddy, I'm sorry. I'll be home when you wake up in the morning, okay? I promise.” He said to Ethan on the phone, who frowned at the news of his late arrival.
“I can stay up late and wait for you. It's the weekend.” Ethan said to try and see him before he went to sleep one last time.
Leon smiled, giggling in the thought of his little eyes heavy and droopy by the time he finally arrived at the house,
“No, bud, I don't think your mom would like that. It'll be way past your bedtime. We'll make pancakes in the morning together, okay?”
Ethan finally gave in and made Leon promise again that he would be here and firmly he swore that he'd be there. No matter what. After the phone was returned, you told Ethan to put on his pajamas while you finished talking on the phone, then made your way back down the stairs.
You made sure you closed the boy's door enough to keep him out of earshot and you mentioned quietly into the phone,
“When are we going to sit him down and tell him, Leon? It's going to make his year to find out who you are.”
“No-” Leon replied in the busy airport that felt like nothing than background murmur as the hole in his chest hollowed further when he realized he missed his small son,
“It's going to make mine.”
~Later that night
You heard Leon's rental car pull in at quarter past midnight. You'd drifted off to sleep on the sofa in wait to help him with his luggage. You put on a coat, trying to make it to the door, but he was already sneaking into the foyer quietly by the time you stood. You tried to take his suitcase but he brushed you away, shaking his head that it was fine.
He closed the door gently, trying to make sure he didn't shutter the walls as it closed and he smiled before pulling you close. His arms looped around your waist, hugging you into him before turning your chin up for a kiss in the quiet dark. You welcomed him closer but felt as he started to hoist you up onto the back of the sectional sofa.
You felt his hands start to wander, making your heart race as you kissed him for the first time in weeks. But you came back to reality when you remembered who else couldn't wait to see him.
“Hey, hey-” You whispered in his ear in the dark.
“Hm?” Leon asked, kissing your neck warmly and sweet.
“Someone didn't make it too long waiting for you.” You said gesturing over to the loveseat next to the window with a glance.
There, Ethan slept endearingly wrapped in his cartoon blanket with his head rested on the throw pillow. He'd been by the window, waiting for Leon's car, and the sight of his patience was enough to make anyone's heart swell.
“Awh, buddy.”
Leon sighed with a heavy smile as he began towards the window quietly. He wasn't sure if he should move him just yet but he couldn't bear the sight of him sleeping away from his own bed. He crept close to his small son, moving the sandy brown bangs away from his eyes and picking him up slowly under the arms.
He thought of moving upstairs but instead he merely sat down on the love seat, slumping the tired little boy onto his chest. He held his head onto his shoulder, covering him again with his tiny cartoon blanket and finally felt at peace there in a bear hug practically. Your lip quivered at the image of him holding Ethan in a way that he should've the day he was born and you sat beside them both.
You watched as Leon rested his head back as he cradled Ethan close and he said in a whisper between the silence of listening to his son sweetly sleep across his chest,
“D'ya get a chance to think about DC?”
You nodded, having had the conversation before he boarded his flight but you smiled before petting Ethan's back amidst his sleep,
“I'm not sure what there is to think about. You know we would love to come and stay with you.”
“I just don't want to uproot him, baby-”
“You're his home, Leon. He won't know the difference if you're there. He doesn't know you're his father but he knows you're his dad.” You argued with him in the dark softly but there was more. There was something else you saw that was on his mind and you waited for him to take that usual breath he needed to spit it out.
“What do you want to happen after that?” He asked softly, still cupping Ethan's head and you furrowed your brow, wondering what exactly he meant by that and he went on,
“You want to get married?” He asked as if the question was something mindless.
You froze, unsure of how to answer something so changing. You kept looking for him to start laughing or maybe just any indication that he might be joking but he was firm in waiting for your answer.
“You didn't mention that on the phone??” You said breathless and he nodded in telling you that was because he thought of it on the plane. Your heart raced in thinking of becoming Mrs. Kennedy, a name you thought should be worshiped when you understood what it meant.
“Is this…a proposal?” You asked, in dire need for the answer and he half smiled, knowing he shouldn't treat this so lightly. But it just felt too natural to make this exactly how he pictured it in his mind.
“Does it feel like one?” He asked his face softened in the thought of coming home to his wife and son,
“You really think I'll only ask once?”
You laughed quietly, knowing this would probably be a discussion to be divided into bits in pieces for the next few months ahead of you but you couldn't ask for something different. Being his wife could wait a lifetime if it meant the timing being perfect.
He stood with Ethan still sleeping in his arms and carefully made his way to the stairs. Climbing to the second level you watched a tiny arm swinging at Leon's side that he placed back onto his shoulder lovingly before reaching his bedroom. He laid Ethan down to his small twin bed painted with superheroes and placed the blanket over him softly.
Leon petted his head after sitting down on the side of the bed, clearing his mattress of forlorn toys and action figures lost in the sheets from his playtime. He smiled placing each of them back on his bedside shelf and he whispered down after a kiss to his tiny head,
“Your daddy loves you, buddy.”
He stood, making sure all of his night lights were turned on like the way he preferred to keep the dark away and he'd almost crept entirely out of the room in silence when he heard a small voice answer his whisper in the dark,
“I love you too.”
Leon stopped, knowing he shouldn't say anything, but it was hard to stay quiet at the first acknowledgment of being a father instead of merely his mother's friend. He closed the door quietly as his face reddened from the oncoming tears building in his eyes and thanked whoever was listening for the first time that he was able to stumble around drunk in the rain one night.
Because this feeling couldn't be bought twice. 》
Thank you so much for all the people asking to be tagged on this story, and thank you again for all the notes and comments. It was a joy to write.✌️🥰
There's more Leon to come 🩶
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xoxoluka · 2 months
hey! can i put in a request about long distance friends (maybe theres a lil summin going on but who knows?) reader and schlatt?
just have an idea of reader living in brighton or something and schlatt comes to visit...
sorry for the wait anon, pls enjoy!
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jschlatt x reader
summary: schlatt has a crush on you, but you live in an entirely different country. he’ll find a way to make it work.
warnings: uhhhh
a/n: i got this request in a group of other notifications while i was at prom, i almost didn’t notice it :p also idk how school works in the uk sooo lmao
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"listen, jay, we can meet up as soon as this semester ends, alright?" you say, trying to compromise with him. "as soon as I get back, I'll hop on a flight to Austin."
It's not like you wanted to put such a big wedge between the two of you, but you had gotten such a big offer from University of Brighton (full ride, you couldn't turn that down) towards your Art and Design degree, that there was absolutely no way you were going anywhere in the US. You lived in New York originally, you and Schlatt grew up together. It was weird being so far away from him.
"you can't just come now? take a week off or something?" he groaned.
"you know I can't," you sigh, sitting down on the bed in your dorm. "it's may. i'll be there in a few weeks, the term isn't much longer."
it was always odd having this conversation with him. something never felt right. you understood wanting to see him as a friend, but you always wanted to see him more than that. you chalked it up to being so close, but you knew in some small part of your mind that it wasn't the reason.
"alright, fine. but you're coming straight here when you're done."
schlatt nearly lost an arm and a fucking leg trying to get here. first, the airport in Texas wasn't accepting his passport, then there was an issue with his luggage, and he almost missed his flight. and if that wasn't enough, he couldn't find the correct exit in the airport in Brighton, and there were no taxis available, making him stand there and wait for 45 minutes. thankfully, you had told him the time of your graduation in a phone call a few nights ago when you were complaining about how late it was.
he finally made it to the college after his many issues, and was just in time to watch you walk the stage.
"Y/N L/N, graduating with honors and a bachelor's degree in Art and Design." The crowd clapped as you stepped up on stage, from your seat down on the floor, taking the diploma and shaking the hands of the many people on stage. on your way back down, you think you pot a familiar face, but psych yourself out of the thoughts before you think about it too hard.
the ceremony ends a while after, and the crowd and graduates are dismissed. you planned on just going back to your dorm to pack, taking your cap off and holding it and your diploma under your arm as you walk, staring down at your phone.
"leaving without me?" you hear from behind you, making you perk up and whip around, seeing your favorite person standing behind you.
"oh my god!" you exclaim, jumping into his arms excitedly. tears of joy brim your eyes, laughing as he hugged you back.
you stayed like that for a good minute or so before he put you down and you separated.
"when did you get here?" you ask through laughs, wiping your eyes.
"just a while ago, made it right on time." he answers.
"jesus christ, i love you." you say before even realizing your mistake, and it took you a moment to register his silence.
you look up at him once you realized, a look of terror and guilt on your face. he looks serious, making you question if you had just blown it all. you hadn't even planned on telling him at all.
thankfully, he breaks and laughs, pulling you into a hug again. "love you too, toots."
you let out a breath of relief and laugh, holding him as tight as you can. "you came at the perfect time, I need someone to help me pack."
schlatt playfully groans in response to that, but looks down at you. "i guess i'll help you."
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a/n: i crave the schlanket can someone buy me one
© property of xoxoluka. do not repost.
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cottonlemonade · 7 months
Stuck At The Airport
word count: 1057 || avg. reading time: 5 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Oikawa x chubby!Reader
genre: very suggestive, smut-ish, established relationship
warnings: mdni, nsfw
synopsis: you tease Oikawa over the phone while he is just aching to get home to you
a/n: I had a draft for Kuroo and Oikawa and liked them both, sorry if they’re too similar 🫠
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You closed the front door with an exhausted sigh, dropping your bag onto the floor. Looking forward to two weeks off you shuffled to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. The snow was whirling against the kitchen window and the frost settled on the sill.
You leaned against the counter waiting for the water to boil when you got a text from your boyfriend.
Tooru: Flight was canceled, stuck at the airport, I am so sorry, princess. I'll be home tomorrow, I promise. I love you ❤️x
Attached to the message was a picture of him pouting.
You groaned inwardly - you hadn't seen each other in weeks because he was away for a tournament and you were aching to be with him.
You missed him so much. This weather in particular called for serious cuddle time with your significant other.
After typing out a just as pouty response, you went to take a long hot shower to wash all the stress of the week away.
Oikawa was sitting at the airport, bored and antsy, bouncing his leg.
He wanted to be home with you. No stress, no hurry, just… you and him, cuddled up inside with a nice glass of wine, snuggling on the couch watching a movie and then spending the night making you forget your own name over and over...
He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these kinds of thoughts. It only made the wait seem longer.
He leaned his head against the wall, staring off into the distance, hardly registering the music over his headphones.
He closed his eyes trying to maybe catch some sleep to make the time go by faster.
A short buzz informed him of an incoming message.
At first glance it was just a picture of your bed, the headboard, slightly wonky from various intimate nights, decorated with fairy lights. It was cozy, sweet and made him feel warm inside. He wanted to be there with you.
For a minute he thought that you might snuggle up with a pillow and watch a movie without him, then he noticed something else that sent an electric pulse through his body.
On the inviting bedding glowed a small purple charging light that caught his eye. It belonged to a little something he gifted you before the last time he had to travel.
His throat suddenly felt very tight and he made sure to turn his phone so that no one could accidentally glance at his screen.
The line under the picture read:
You: Guess what I'm doing.
Tooru: My job.
Another buzzing announced a FaceTime call and swallowing hard he picked up.
You were smiling into the camera, hair damp from the shower, dressed in your favourite lacy nightgown, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"I'm guessing you're not alone."
He shook his head, his lips dry.
"Well in that case, baby, we’re gonna go back to the thrilling days of radio and you just gotta listen."
Oikawa’s eyes went dark at the implication and shifted in his seat, taking off his jacket and draping it over his lap. He wanted to tell you to stop, whine and complain that it was unfair and mean and not the right time but… the low hum of the small pink toy, your shallow breaths and quiet moans shut him up. He turned his phone around, so the screen was hidden from view (a crime really because he wanted nothing more than to watch you - but he did remember to make sure to start a screen recording), closed his eyes and listened.
You were gonna pay for this as soon as he got home.
It was a little before three in the morning when he finally unlocked the front door and stepped into the dark foyer.
The familiar smell of you made his heart jump and he hurried to take off his jacket and shoes, considering for a moment to take off his shirt to cut down on time. But he smirked thinking about how much you loved undressing him yourself so he made his way to the bedroom, anticipation tensing every muscle.
You were laying on your stomach, dressed in that short white nightgown from the afternoon, the blanket crumpled next to you. He swallowed, somehow his mouth felt too dry and too wet at the same time.
Oikawa sat at the edge of the bed, thinking about how to wake you without startling you too much. But he was also hungry… in the end he chose to run his warm hand along your plush inner thigh, while kissing your shoulders and exposed neck. His fingers just shy of where he desperately wanted to be he continued to rub, squeeze and kiss until you slowly woke up.
"Hey princess.", he said quietly, smiling against your soft skin.
"Baby, welcome back.", you mumbled happily. Turning to him you rubbed your eyes and stifled a yawn.
Oikawa licked his lips as he let his gaze wander over your body. The three weeks apart themselves had not been the problem. It was the promise of your warm form pressed against him and your teasing that made it insufferable.
"I missed you."
"I missed you more, baby." He leaned in for a kiss, bringing his hand further up between your legs and grinned at your moans.
"Do you wanna play a game?", he asked in that special teasing voice that he knew had you surrendering every time.
"What kind of game?"
He chuckled and kissed your neck again, applying more pressure with his hand, making you gasp for air.
"I like to call it Letting the neighbors know I’m back."
You let out the most adorable giggle that might have stopped his heart if all of his blood hadn’t already rushed somewhere else.
"Yes, sounds good."
"Good girl. But first, I think I should make you pay for what you did to me yesterday, don’t you think?"
He reached into your bedside drawer and took out the small pink toy you had teased him with.
"Be good, princess, and I'll reward you after."
With a devilish grin he pulled you towards him and leaned down for a deep kiss, setting the toy against your clit, pressing the button to start.
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enam3l · 2 years
Hi Mona!
I love your rockstar!eddie series!
I know request for him are closed for now, but when you decide to open up request again, I wanted to leave this here so that I won't forget.
Rockstar!Eddie coming back home after touring and he's so touch starved and deprived of you. So, when he comes home he ravishes you. He catches himself asking you if he's too rough and you're thinking he's NOT rough ENOUGH because you're just as deprived of him.
I hope have a winter/December and a great new year!
thank you angel! and you know what? because you've all enjoyed our rockstar eddie christmas request week, i'll give you guys one last fic. don't worry if i didn't answer yours. i will do them all i either A. just didn't get round to it or B. want to do it at a certain point cos i need to cover some other plots first
three fucking weeks (rockstar eddie x reader) 3.6k / mega smut from start to finish / fluff
this is for everyone who got involved in the xmas request week because of that, i've hit 700 followers. so here is my biggest smut fic yet before rockstar eddie goes on hiatus for a couple of weeks. this one ends on a cliffhanger! but you might want to refer to here to work it out... maybe then you'll also know what happens in the next fic
you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist! and check out my new series love, lola
 February 1993. 
The last words you'd heard from Eddie were muffled from the other side of a bad telephone line. Although the sound warped by the the airport's tannoy and bustling passengers, you heard his lust filled words clear as day. 
 'The second I get home, I'm going to ruin that pretty little pussy.' 
Three weeks since you'd seen Eddie. Three long arduous weeks since you had felt his touch. Corroded Coffin stowing away in a Joshua Tree music studio, hoping the barren surroundings would inspire new music. The writing process intermittently broken up by a series of gigs at intimate venues around California. Back in New York, the greatest city in the world had become the dullest in Eddie's absence. With damn Steve having swept your best friend off her feet you hadn't even anyone else to occupy your free time. Between your working hours, you'd managed to rearrange the bedroom, paint the living room and spend your months wages in retail therapy. But finally your boy was coming home and you couldn't lie, you were fucking horny. 
Left to your own devices for the best part of a month, no toy compared to Eddie. Your touch incomparable to the sparks he could ignite on your skin with just a featherlight stroke. Vibrator redundant now your body knew the sensation of Eddie's mouth humming against your clit. Dildo a mere cheap imitation of the way Eddie overwhelmingly filled your holes perfectly. By now the flight had landed, it was just a waiting game until he came through that door and you could show him how much you missed him. 
The front door slams open, handle cracking into the wall, sure to leave a dent but Eddie didn't care - he was eager. 
'Sweetheart, I'm homeee!' he sings. 
Bags carelessly discarded on the floor, all he can think about is being back in your arms. 
'Baby? I'm back!!' he shouts again. 
Eddie strips his jacket and kicks off his boots, giving you a chance to reply but to no avail. 
'Y/N? What the fuck, where are you...'
When entering the apartment, he'd been too excited to even realise the lights were off, the entire place seeming desolate. Socked feed pad along the hardwood floors as he moves further into your shared home. Kitchen? Empty. Bathroom? Empty. Study? Empty. It's only as he catches himself from slipping that Eddie notices a trail of petals leading from the front door into the bedroom, where the door sits ajar. Too wrapped up in wanting to see you, he'd failed to notice. Now he realises a soft glow seeping through the cracks. Grinning in anticipation as he pushes the door open. 
'Mother of god,' Eddie gasps as if the wind had been knocked out of his lungs. 
The lights are dimmed low, only aided by candlelight which together illuminates your reclining figure on the bed. His eyes scan your body, drinking in the sight he'd been longing for. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that sight could improve. Your cute toes wiggle in black stockings that travel up your legs and cut off at the meat of your thigh. Even with your legs crossed, Eddie can see a tiny black material that barely covers your pussy. Then your torso is adorned in a black bustier, hooks travelling up to where a deep v cut finished below your sternum; breasts spilling out of the ruffled cups. His cock twitches at the thought of ripping the hooks open. Your neck and collarbones are exposed, soft, delicate skin waiting to be marked by his lips. And then there's your face. Eyes sparkling at him, full of lust and love. Mouth struggling to keep a grin at bay. The face he went to sleep thinking about every night, woke up from dreams about and spent the day with it in mind as he tried to write music. Your arm reaches out, hand beckoning Eddie forward. 
'Hi Eds. I missed you... too much.' 
Your head nods down to his crotch now. Too lost in the vision before him, Eddie hadn't noticed the way his cock had hardened to the point of straining against his jeans. 
'I think you should probably take your clothes off and come and say hello,' you smirk. 
Instantly, he's scrambling. Head barely able to form a coherent thought aside from how he needs to touch you right now. T-shirt flings to one side of the room and socks to another. 
'Sweetheart... I - fuck. You look like a dream. I'm scared I'm still on that fucking flight or delirious in the stupid desert,' Eddie pants as he scrambles with the buckle of his jeans. The second his aching cock springs free you let out an inadvertent moan. As soon as his body is entirely freed of fabric constraints, he's hurling himself onto the bed and crawling up towards you. 
Eddie's lips kiss every inch of you as he moves upwards. His lips need to reacclimatise to the body he knows better than his own. Kisses pressed from the tips of your toes, your kneecaps, covering your thick thighs and then lingering on your poorly concealed cunt. He hisses as he leans in towards your mound, able to smell your arousal. Lips kiss the satin fabric of your thong and the skin it fails to cover. You're unable to stop your hips from involuntarily bucking as soon as he's near the place that's longed for him. Eddie's hands find yours and your fingers intwine, both of you gripping tightly at the other. Desperate to never let the other slip away for such a prolonged period again. Kisses litter up your sternum then across your pushed up cleavage. Once he reaches the plains of your collar and neck, Eddie indulges himself. Lips sucking marks onto the skin that's looking far too bare due to his absence. Teeth nipping gently causing those giggles that make his heart and cock swell. And finally, your faces are level, his hovering above yours. 
The pair of you just stare for a moment. Absorbing the person you'd both been lost without; reacquainting with every freckle, blemish or fleck of colour in each eye. Both of your hands have traveled up to cradle the other's face. Your fingers twirl the curls that frame Eddie's face, pushing them away so you can fully appreciate your pretty boy. 
'My pretty boy, I love you.'
Your noses rub against each other. Even this close, vision slightly obscured, you can see the blush that creeps up on his cheeks at the nickname. 
'I love you too, sweetheart. Gone crazy without you.'
Humming in agreement, you tug at his hair. 
'Feral,' you whine. 
Eddie chuckles in a warm, sexy way that travels to your core. His eyes look down at your body beneath him, admiring again the outfit you'd chosen. Retracting a hand from your face, travelling it down your side before he slides it between your thighs. The string of the thong wet with your arousal as he pulls it from between your lips, then pings it back. The brief contact making you whine. 
'Yep, I think you are feral, my love. Think I oughta do something 'bout that.' 
Your plea is cut off as Eddie's lips crush into yours. The sweet kisses that had covered your body are gone, replaced by desperate wet ones. It's seconds before the kisses are open mouths, tongues flicking against each other. Hips pressing towards the other, frantically seeking friction. Both of you whine into each others mouth as you begin to hump. You push your hips up, legs spread achingly apart to trap Eddie between. In return, he presses hard against you. Thick length bearing down on your clit, occasionally sliding between your wet pussy. You're both groaning and grinding, transformed once more into hormonal teenagers and whilst it's good, it's not enough. 
'Gotta stop,' Eddie pants, 'this isn't - isn't how I wanna cum with you.'
You're unable to reply because your teeth are sinked into his shoulder to stifle the embarrassing moans scratching to come out. Never in your life have you been this pent up. Eddie tears his crotch away from yours, crawling back down your body. His hands, rough from weeks of constant guitar practice, firmly grip your thighs, keeping them apart. Doing so causes the thong to ping between the lips of your cunt which are now spread. His tongue flickers over his lips at your glistening wetness.
'Baby she's desperate... going to eat your cute little pussy now, 'kay? Missed her taste.'
You've been stifled by the built up desire, unable to produce anything but pathetic whinnies. But now you grab his hair harshly, yanking his head back up before his tongue can touch you. Wide eyed at your hard tug, Eddie looks up. 
'No!' You snap. 'Spin the fuck around and get on top of me. Need to taste you too.'
The sternness in your voice has the ability to scare him in the way every authority figure has previously failed. Careful not to squash you, Eddie turns around, swinging a leg over so he's straddling you and then slowly reverses until his crotch hovers near your face. Usually you'd be on top so now he's far too aware of his weight. But the firm grip on his ass that tugs him down makes him to cave. Instantly Eddie's thick cock is bottoming out in your throat. Tears well in your eyes but you groan, pleased that his taste and smell now dominate your senses. 
The luring natural musk of his skin and the slight salted taste of precum that had beaded on his tip. 
The moment he sinks into your mouth, his teeth sink into the dough of your thigh - the pleasure sudden and overwhelming for him.
'Oh fuck-' Eddie sobs into your skin as you adjust and start to bob your head up and down his length. 
Resting on his knees allows him to thrust in time with your movements, fucking his cock into your warm mouth. Eddie dives his face into your cunt, hand lifting away the thong that prevents him from burying his tongue deep into your folds. Humming at the taste he's been dreaming of for weeks. The vibrations cause you to gargle against his dick. After a few swipes of his tongue, lapping up the pool of arousal that had formed, he finds your clit. Tongue flickering over the enlarged bud, already feeling better than your fingers and vibrator had. Instantly, you spread your legs wider, granting him more access. Now he latches on, suckling at your clit desperately. The pair of you lie there, contorted to suck feverishly at the most sensitive parts of each other's body. It's overwhelmingly intimate and carnal. Something neither of you would've done for any previous lover. 
Now, Eddie lets his hand travel towards your hole that he knows is begging to be filled. Two large fingers plunge inside your cunt and instantly he feels your walls contract against him, eager to maintain the fullness. Your throat contracts in response as you moan at his fingers penetrating you. Eddie continues his assault on your clit as his fingers fuck into you. The pair of you forlorn in pleasure, you whimpering against his cock as he moans against your clit. Mimicking his movements and desperate to reward him, you bring your hand up to his exposed ass. You grab and knead the fat of his asscheek before letting a finger rub gentle circles round the rim. Immediately, Eddie breaks contact with your clit.
'Oh shit, please, baby, please,' he begs. 
Now you're warmed up, he slips in a third finger. As if to encourage you to go further with your own movements against his hole. You want to coo at his begging but your mouth is too full of his perfect cock. Applying firmer pressure as you circle his hole, you feel him ready. Finally you finger slips into his asshole, it's hot and desperate for attention. Walls pulsating against your finger. 
The pair of you mirror the other now. Fingers fucking into the other at the same pace, growing more brutal by the minute. Your mouths sucking and licking at the other's sensitive spot. Knowing both of you will only last a few minutes at this overwhelming pace, Eddie breaks away. 
'Y/N we gotta stop. I'm so close and I need to fuck you. Sweetheart, I gotta be inside you'.   
Eddie pulls himself out of your mouth, allowing you to instantly gasp for the extra air his thickness had been blocking. He moves back so your eyes can meet again, large warm hand cupping your cheek. 
'You okay?'
You nod as you catch your breath. 
'Yeah, Eds. Please, please fuck me. I need to cum,' you beg. Unbothered at the slight patheticness to your tone. 
Eddie removes your thong entirely now. 
'We both know that was doing nothing,' he laughs. 
Without guidance, you're putting your legs over his shoulders; an unsubtle hint that you need him now and you need him deep. He takes his length and lines himself up with your entrance. Then, three weeks of longing are broken as he thrusts into you. Too overwhelmed with wanting to even slowly enter you. Eddie is instantly bottoming out, balls pressed to your asshole as you wail at finally being filled. 
'Oh jesus - yes Eddie!' 
The volume and anguish in your moan takes even him back. He's never heard you be this desperate and it triggers something primal in him. Instantly he's thrusting into you fast and hard. Each unrelenting push jiggling your breasts further out the corset. 
'God I missed - ugh - this tight little pussy,' he grunts. 
You need even more. Your fingers yank at the hooks of the top until it parts and your tits finally spill out. Eddie moans at the sight. Instinctively, he's latching onto your hard nipples, folding your body in half to do so. Now he's sucking at your breast and fucking you deeper and it's still not enough. You're greedy in a way you've never been before. Making their way around his back, one hand finds his head, pushing him close to your breasts as your nails scratch his scalp. The other hand seeks his ass, squeezing it until you retract your touch and then crack your palm hard against his soft cheek. 
Instantly Eddie bolts up from your chest, staring at your eyes, wild. The warm chocolate of his iris, eclipsed by blown out pupils. 
'Did you just fucking spank me, sweetheart?' he chokes out. 
Now he's upright you're no longer able to reach so you seek a new method of showing him how you want it. Your hand now clutches at his throat, Adam's apple bobbing against the stretch of skin between your spread thumb and forefinger. 
'Yes and I'll do it again.'
You sound like a brat and you have no remorse. Three weeks of pent up frustration is now rearing its head. Eddie puts his hand over yours and squeezes it, encouraging you to tighten the grip at his throat. He's continuing to fuck you but his pace has slowed, intrigued by this turn. 
'Sweetheart,' he coos, 'what has gotten into you? I like it.'
With one hand flexing across his throat, your free one takes his and pulls it to your mound. Encouragingly placing it over your clit. Grinning, Eddie's fingers rub firm circles over it as he languidly thrusts into your cunt. Although at a slow pace, his cock plunges deep into you. Hitting the sweetest, most filling spot and then dragging torturously along it. The movements have your hard exterior crumbling and whining under him. 
'You- you were gone... I was... was so fucking horny. Couldn't c-cum,' you're gasping now. Eddie's motions along with the way the chocolate of his eyes appears molten at your confessions. 
'Not with you. Needed you... Eddie. Tried everything.' 
He bends down to give you a deep kiss. Years together and yet he remains in shock that you need him as much as he needs you. He hopes this kiss will wipe away your cute little pout. 
'Couldn't even play with your toys?' he murmurs, intoxicated by how fucked out you look beneath him. You shake your head, hands wrapped around his neck, thumbs stroking his skin. 
'Okay, baby. I'll make you cum, yeah?'
'Please Eds,' you beg. 
The smile that appears from hearing your pleas is heartaching. Then he starts concentrating on thrusting into you again. Speeding up his movements, languid pace abandoned. But it's not enough, the earlier momentum lost. 
'No,' your hands tighten on his throat, 'like before. Harder.'
'It wasn't too hard?'
The nails that dig into his Adam's apple tell him the answer before you do. 
'No. I want you to make me fucking cry.'
'Fuck, fuck baby, yeah okay.'
Instantly Eddie is folding you again, arms braced either side of your head as he towers over. Your knees press up near your shoulders. His pace quickens, fucking you senseless. The drawn out process of this evening has left you dripping. Sounds of wetness filling the room as he plunges back into you each time. 
'Hear that fucking sound, best music I ever heard,' he groans. 
Your hand seeks his ass again and you repeat your earlier actions. Spanking him again. The crack against his skin ringing even louder than the squelch of your cunt. 
'Oh fuck yeah,' Eddie cries, 'again.' 
The spanking repeats, each time you do it, his pace somehow quickens. Your clit is throbbing now, aching for touch again. You hand wedges between your bodies and you whimper as you relieve the ache. 
'Wait,' Eddie's shifting over you, 'from behind, wanna fuck you from behind. Only I get to play with your clit.' 
His voice is strained, you know he's at the edge of cumming. Eddie gets off the bed, standing and tugging your ass towards him once you're on your knees. The moment he slams back into you, your back caves into a deep arch and you both moan. 
'Yes, that's it!' he cries. 
Eddie wraps his arm under you, finding your clit and continuing his assault. Fingers pressing harder and covering a greater expanse than you ever could. The fast circles in time with his cock fucking into you. From behind he goes deeper, pressing against that one spot with growing frequency. 
'More,' you demand. 
He leans forward until his mouth latches onto your shoulder. Like this, he's prevented from pulling out far and instead it feels as if he's humping you. It's dirty and animalistic and it's what you needed. 
'Ed, I'm close.' 
His teeth sink into you now causing you to cry out, giving you exactly what you asked for. 
'Look at you... fuckin mess sweetheart... all cos you couldn't get my cock.' 
The tightness in your abdomen increases and Eddie feels how your cunt clenches round him like a warning. 
'Shit,' you cry 'please please come inside me.' 
Eddie instantly pulls you up so your back is flush against his chest. Fingers still toying your clit that has begun to ache from stimulation. His free arm wraps around you too, hand shaking around your throat to gently grip. Plush lips seek out your neck, pressing encouraging kisses as you near your climax. 
'Don't you worry baby...' he grunts against your neck. 
'Daddy is going to fill you up good.'
The nickname pushes you over
'Eddie,' you cry as you come. Three weeks have of build up, only worsened by tonight's teasing, come shattering down in a climax. 
'Holy fuck y/n,' Eddie chokes. 
He's realised before you and it takes you a moment to clock that you've squirted. Spraying over Eddie's cock and the sheets. He grunts like a feral beast at the sensation. An additional wet warmth showering over him alongside the tight clench of your spasming pussy. He takes a few more drawn out thrusts, sloppy from your cum. 
'Three... weeks... worth!' 
Eddie moans your name as his comes after his final word. You feel the heat squirt up inside you and he suddenly jerks, shooting out another load deep inside. 
'Oh jesus...' Eddie whimpers as he humps at you again, 'there's more.' 
And again another burst paints your insides. Instantly you flop forward, exhausted. A subconscious part of you whispers to make sure his spend stays buried in your cunt. 
Eddie watches as you wriggle back up to the pillows, collapsing with a sigh. Knees bent, keeping your hips angled up. He crawls onto the bed and opens your legs to take in the view. Pussy puffy and blushing and completely full of his cum. 
'Tryna keep me in there?' He chuckles. 
'Yes,' you blush. 
Bringing his forehead to rest against your knee he groans. 
'Fuck sweetheart, don't tell me that. My balls ache from how much I just came but you'll get me hard again.'
The desperate look in his eyes makes you chuckle. You tug him on top of you, his head falling to your chest. Stroking his sweat matted curls, you cradle his face. Littering kisses all over him as he hums in content. 
'I missed you so much Eddie. It physically hurt.'
'I know, Y/N,' he looks up at you smirking, 'could tell. But I missed you too. Missed home.' 
Eddie snuggles into your chest. Exhausted by the sex and blissed out in your arms. This is where he belongs, always. He's certain he'll fall asleep here for the night. The question he was going to ask on his arrival will surely have to wait til tomorrow. But it's okay, he's been waiting since October - so what harm is another day? 
my taglist angels: @whoahoney@lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos @munsonology@mseddiemunson @kreepja
751 notes · View notes
27 seconds
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pairing: Marcus Pike x reader
rating: just angst, hope you brought tissues
word count: 749
summary: Marcus never expected his world to fall apart with one phone call.
warnings: mention of drinking, kissing, nothing above PG though. reader has no physical descriptions other than wears a robe and some of Marcus's clothes. please lmk if i missed anything!!
a/n: my first submission for @beskarandblasters's Taylor Swift drabble challenge! i'm 100% a swiftie so i grabbed this with both hands and went running. this is based on the song Last Kiss sooooooo yeah it hurts 😅 oops. i do plan to write a second one so keep your eyes peeled for that if that's something your interested in?? this is only my second even piece for one of Pedro's characters and i have a particular soft spot for our Agent Pike so i hope y'all like it 🫣
Standing at the terminal, waiting for you to appear from the sliding glass doors, he checks his watch, then your flight information. It landed almost an hour ago, so where are you?
Just as the thought crosses his mind, his phone buzzes in his pocket, your name and picture lighting up his screen. He quickly answers.
“Hey, baby. I’m waiting outside your terminal, is everyth-”
“I never got on.”
He knew asking you to move to D.C. with him on such short notice was a stretch. You had your own life in L.A., how could he seriously expect you to just drop everything?
But you did. In a heartbeat.
Packing up your shared apartment was a blur. It mirrored the day you moved in: sitting on the bare kitchen floor surrounded by cardboard boxes, you wearing his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers, the waistband rolled so they sit higher on your thighs. You kept them when he flew out early to get your new place ready. Dropping him off at the airport, you held each other impossibly tight before sharing one last kiss and whispered “I love yous” against each other’s lips.
“Wait- baby, is everything okay? Did something happen?” Marcus tries to swallow his panic, fearing something had gone wrong with the airline or God forbid you’d been hurt.
“No. I just- I can’t. I’m so sorry, Marcus.”
“What d- what do you mean ‘can’t’? B-”
“It’s complicated. Just…I’m sorry.” His phone beeps as the call disconnects.
He stares blankly at the screen, 1:58 shining through the dark, taunting him.
What else can he do but just go home?
Marcus grabs a beer from the bare fridge and sinks to the floor, kicking off his shoes in the process. He stares out into the room. The space feels foreign now, hard and echoey. It’s mostly empty since you’d agreed to wait and do the bulk of the furniture shopping together. You’d loved the open floorplan, teasing him about having plenty of room for your impromptu dances. What should have been filled with warmth and laughter now just feels hollow.
He picks up his phone again, desperate to call you back and plead for answers. But you’d already given him one. You weren’t ready. When he asked you to go with him, he’d promised to honor whatever you felt. He just never planned on you changing your mind like this.
He throws himself into his work again. Some days, he’s okay. Others, he’ll come home enthusiastic after a big breakthrough and excited to tell you all about it until you cut him off with a kiss. He calls out to you, but your name dies on his lips.
Those nights, he’ll lie awake and scroll through your social media, careful not to accidentally like any of your photos. Dinners and drinks with friends. Fourth of July fireworks at the Santa Monica pier. But one picture stings worse than the others: a candid of you walking in the rain, your hands in your coat pockets, and a reflection in the window revealing a man behind the camera.
Marcus knows he shouldn’t have hoped that you just needed more time. That you’d wait for him until you were ready and then you’d come. He shakes the thought away before closing the app and turning off his phone, but he can’t fall asleep. His bed is too big, too cold. His own breathing in his ears is too loud, his heartbeat too heavy. He forces his eyes closed anyway, but they pop right back open. He snatches his phone off the bedside table and resumes his previous position, steeling himself for another restless night.
You’ve just stepped out of the shower when you hear your phone chime. Securing your robe, you perch on the edge of your bed and open the text.
I can’t forget you
Marcus’s name and contact picture at the top of the thread blurs as you blink back unannounced tears. You haven’t cried over this man in months, why now? Composing yourself, you look back down at the screen. You read those 4 little words over and over again, words stuck on the tip of your own tongue for so long but you forced yourself to never say. You finally notice the Read tag under the message, betraying your silence. He knows you’ve seen it.
Taking a deep breath, you type your response.
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starry-hughes · 10 months
fireplace snuggling (mackie samoskevich)
day 15 of star’s ficmas
kasey tkachuk x mackie samoskevich (au)
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Mackie got into Sunrise late, some rain caused his flight to be delayed. It wasnt Christmas Day or even Christmas Eve but the delayed flight caused him to miss the yearly Tkachuk Christmas skate at wherever arena rink they were in the city for. He had received pictures of Kasey on the bench, not wanting to skate. She hadn’t really skated since her injury that caused her to be terrified of skating, decommitted herself from college and caused the worst family tension.
He tried not to think about how bad of a look it was for him to show up late, especially to Kasey Tkachuk’s parents. Kasey was excited though, she would have waited hours in the airport for her boyfriend. Her older brother, Matthew, was circling around the airport as she waited inside.
Mackie wouldn’t have expected anything less, seeing his girlfriend standing there as he was walking out of the airport. It was a day before Christmas and the airport was crowded, but he immediately spotted his girlfriend, standing in the Charlotte Checkers Christmas sweater he had sent her.
Kasey didn’t want to let go of Mackie as soon as she yanked him into her arms. “I missed you so much,” she practically cried as he hugged her. “I missed you too… hopefully no one is that upset I’m coming in at midnight?”
Kasey grinned, “Oh Matty is pissed, but he can get over it.”
The three got back to the house and Matthew mumbled something about going up to bed, telling Mackie that he better sleep on the couch. “He’s joking,” Kasey reassured. She was full of energy for it being almost one in the morning. “My mom made Matthew get this electric fireplace, she wanted a real one, but we live in Florida,” Kasey dragged her boyfriend over to the fireplace. Mackie sat next to his girlfriend who plopped herself down on the floor. He took the moment to finally kiss her.
Mackie wasn’t sure how long they kissed, but his lips were swollen and his hair tousled. “Kasey, I’m not sleeping with you on the floor of the living room,” Mackie warned as her hands fiddled with the sweatband of his sweatpants. Kasey reached over to grab the remote that controlled the fireplace and the sound of crackling and warmth entered the room.
“I’m hoping they send me back here soon, get to see you more,” Mackie started before yanking a pillow off the couch and laying down on the carpeted living room floor. Kasey was quick to snuggle into his side. “I hope so too,” Kasey played with his chain around his neck, “I like when you’re around.”
The young couple stayed up for another two hours, talking about anything and everything that came to their minds. “Mack?” Kasey whispered when she realized he hadn’t answered her question and looked over to find her boyfriend asleep. She smiled, snuggling into his side and closing her eyes, the sound of the crackling fireplace putting her to sleep.
“Aww they are so cute!” Emma whispered. “I’m going to wake them up,” Matthew said. “Matthew!” Taryn complained. “I’m waking them up.” Matthew stated. “Dude be nice,” Brady said.
Mackie was kicked gently in the leg and his eyes fluttered open. The sun was shining through the windows, it was morning. There was a blanket over the two of them, Mackie has a vague memory of Kasey getting up in the middle of the night to grab a blanket. “Kasey,” Mackie mumbled, “your family is awake.”
He sat up, realizing that the Tkachuk siblings were all stifling laughter and that Chantal and Keith Tkachuk were sitting close to the two on the floor. “Oh… Morning Mr and Mrs Tkachuk, thanks for inviting me to Christmas?”
Kasey woke up, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, her hair was its messy natural curls. “Hi mom, hi dad… So are we decorating cookies today or…”
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janicho88 · 1 year
When It All Falls Apart- Chapter 5
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Pairing- Jensen x Padalecki Reader
Word count- 5,709
Warnings- Some language. Jensen isn't the best boyfriend. I warned before this started posting it would contain angst, if you need another reminder, here it is. If I missed something let me know!
A/N-You all knew this part was coming sooner or later, some of you even called for it. Starting with this chapter, we'll start to see things from Jensen's side also. A little off canon, SPN ended after 10 years. We still got all the characters in during that time though. Thank you to @writercole and @leigh70 for your help with this. You two are amazing!!
Summary-Y/N Padalecki loved acting on Supernatural.  Working alongside your older brother and your boyfriend, but after ten seasons the guys have chosen to hang up the guns.  Now the three of you are moving on to other projects, but that’s all that needs to change right?  While you have moved to Austin to be closer to your family and boyfriend, Jensen is working elsewhere.  Distance is only the start of your troubles.
Series Masterlist
Jensen takes the rare opportunity to sleep in Sunday morning and is the last one down to breakfast.  His sister and her husband Jeremy have already arrived and are sitting at the table with his parents.
“Did someone have a late night?” Mackenzie teases him.
“Not too bad.  Just taking advantage of catching up on some sleep,” he answers with a yawn.
“What did you and Y/N do yesterday?” his mom asks him.
“I didn’t see her yesterday.  I was meeting with Steve, and we had a few people to go see.  Trying to work out deals for a project.”
“What did she do then?” his mom tries again.
“Not a clue, I didn’t talk to her yesterday.  I was kind of busy.  Why the sudden interest in her day?”
He is filling his coffee cup and doesn’t see the looks exchanged around the table.
“Is everything alright with you two?” His dad questions.
“It’s fine.”
“Yeah, sounds like it,” he doesn’t hear his sister mutter.
Josh and his family arrive after breakfast, while Jensen is upstairs showering.  He misses the kids and his brother coming in to wish his dad a ‘Happy Father’s Day.’  When Jensen comes back down everyone is sitting in the living room with the kids playing in the middle of the floor.  He takes his phone out to take a picture of his nephews and notices a missed text from Gen, making a note to read it later, he snaps a few shots of the boys.
His family asks him questions about work, and what he has been up to.  He inquires about each of them.  They grill out for a late lunch before he has to leave for the airport.  His mom walks out to the rental car with him.
“You’re sure everything is alright?  You aren’t hiding something so we won’t worry?”
“No, it’s all fine mom.”
“Even with Y/N?”
“Yeah. I do have to get going to catch my flight.  It was good to see all of you.”
“I’m glad you could make it home, even for a short visit.  Your dad enjoyed seeing all of you for Father’s Day.”
He’s double checking his suitcase for his passport and not really listening to his mom at the moment, “Yeah, sure I’ll try and make it home then.”
“What?” Donna asks.
Finding his passport, Jensen stands to give his mom one last hug.  “Good to see all of you.  Take care, love you ma.”
While sitting on the plane waiting for the rest of the passengers to load, Jensen takes out his phone and lazily scrolls through it.  He remembers the message he missed from Gen early and opens that conversation, checking the date, he sees it is actually from yesterday.
‘Did you forget something today Ackles?????????????’
“I don’t know Gen, did I forget something?” he mutters to himself, while just replying with question marks of his own.
 Next he pulls up Instagram, it takes him a moment to realize he is seeing multiple posts about Father’s Day.
‘It’s not Father’s Day,’ he thinks to himself, ‘that’s not until the middle of June.”
There is a voice over the intercom telling all passengers to turn off electronics before Jensen has a chance to think more about the holiday or the date.  He goes over the next script for ‘The Boys’ and notes from the meetings with Steve the day before, never giving the date another thought. 
Your Sunday is spent with your parents and Jared’s family.  You and Gen get up to make a big breakfast for everyone.  Tom has homemade cards for his dad and grandpa he places on the table.  Your mom comes down, and helps the two of you finish it all up.
Jared and your dad take Tom out to the park for some male bonding time after breakfast.  Gen, your mom and yourself move to the living room.
 While they are talking babies you excuse yourself to go for a walk.  You are hoping it will help all the thoughts running around your head.  You pass Jensen’s house and pause.  You can’t help but think that he has already started to move on without you.  You’re the one who just hasn’t caught up with the times yet.
On Monday, Jared and Gen have meetings for Walker, so you are hanging out with Tom.   You are used to working twelve to fourteen hour days on set, but somehow this little man wears you out more than those do.  The two of you play outside on the swing set, he has you chase him during a long game of tag, you’re in the pool and back inside rolling toy cars around on the floor.  When your sister-in-law returns you happily hand your nephew back.
Jensen is on set Tuesday, when Jack is talking to some of the other cast members about his parents’ visit over the weekend.  
“They haven’t been to Toronto in awhile and decided to use visiting for Father’s Day as an excuse to come up this weekend.”
“If they were coming for Father’s Day, why did they come this past weekend?” Jensen asks him.
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A few people turn and look at him. “Father’s Day was this past weekend,” Chase tells him.
“No, it wasn’t, it couldn’t have been.”
Others are also confirming this.  Jensen doesn’t have his phone with him, or his watch on.  
“What’s the date?” he asks his cast mates.
“21st of June.  Everything all right mate?” Karl asks sitting across the board from him.
“Son of a bitch,” Jensen yells out, “I missed Y/N’s birthday.  It was the 18th.”
He gets up from his chair to head to his trailer where his phone is to call you, but is called to set before he has the chance to get very far.  It’s after 2 am before they wrap for the night, he’s beat just going straight home and falling asleep.
He forgot to set his alarm before collapsing in bed, when he rolls over Wednesday morning and looks at the clock he has to move it.   He has maybe ten minutes before he needs to be leaving the apartment for set.  
Once he arrives he is sent straight to hair and makeup before being ushered to wardrobe.  His PA takes his bag back to his trailer for him.  When they break for lunch he is in the middle of a discussion with Karl and Anthony that completely distracts him.  He makes a quick stop by his trailer before he has to be back on set.  Pulling his phone out of his bag he sees a missed call from you.
“Son of a bitch, I still haven’t talked to her,” he growls out.  He tries calling back, but just reaches your voicemail. He hangs up and throws his phone back in the bag before returning to set.
Wednesday, you finally relent and call Jensen. He never has time to talk long so you make the call on your way to the studio to redo some voice over work for the Netflix show that just wrapped. You shouldn’t be surprised that it ends up going straight to voicemail.  The plane ticket you received for your birthday is to fly out Friday morning, you figure you should probably tell Jensen you are coming up.  Who knows, maybe just showing up would actually get you some time with him.  Leaving your phone in the car you walk into the studio.
Coming back to your car two hours later, you check your phone for messages before leaving the parking lot.  You have to reread the name when you see you have a missed call from Jensen, it’s rare he calls you back this quick lately or even at all.  Hitting the call button you once again get his voicemail, this time you leave a message.
“Hey Jay, I just wanted to tell you Jared and Gen got me a ticket to fly up to Toronto.  I’ll be landing around 2:30 Friday afternoon.  I’ll talk to you later, have a good day.”
Getting back to your brother’s place you are busy the rest of the night.  The two of them went out with a friend of Gen’s and you volunteered to watch Tom.  The little man has a lot of energy to burn tonight.  When you finally get him down, you start going through clothes in your room to take with you this weekend.
In Toronto, Jensen has finally wrapped for the night.  Today’s scenes were a bit…well, what one would come to expect from The Boys.  There is a knock on his trailer door as he’s finishing changing out of his costume.  Chase and Jack are on the other side.
“Hey, we’re going out with Karl for a drink after that mess.  You in?”
“Definitely, let me grab my bag,” he tells them.
One drink turns into a couple and they are out for a few hours.   In the cab on the way back to his place, Jensen pulls out his phone to check his call time for the next day.  Seeing a voicemail message, he tells himself he’ll listen to it tomorrow when he’s in better shape.  Clearing the notification he checks his calendar before turning off the phone. 
Thursday has a noon call time, and sees them filming until two in the morning on location.  It was almost four am before he got to bed.  Walking up after ten the next morning he has a new voicemail notification.  He listens to the call from the director on a schedule change for the weekend.  Because Eric is going to be in town for a few days and they want the big man on set for the shooting of certain scenes, they are going to be moved up to this weekend. 
Then his phone tells him he has a missed message. “Who'd I miss?” he mumbles to himself.  When he hears your message, his eyes go wide in surprise, “crap.”
Just as he’s hanging up from the voicemail, the phone rings with your name popping up.
“Hey pretty girl,”
“Hi Jay, how are you?”
“Fine, tired.  I just got your message.  Are you sure you really want to?”
He hears the tired sigh you let out, “I’m at the airport, waiting for the plane.  If you don’t want me to come up there, tell me now.”
“I don’t know how much time I’ll have to spend with you.”
“We aren’t spending any time together currently, whatever I can get this weekend is better than that.”  You just hear him groan over the line.  “If you want me to call Jared to come pick me back up I will.”
“No.  When do you get in?”
“The plane’s scheduled to land around 2:40, then I have to clear customs.”
“I have to be on set, I’m not going to be able to meet you.”
“Okay, I can take a cab over to the studio.”
“No, just come back to the apartment. I’ll leave a spare key in an envelope with the receptionist,” he tells you.
“Okay.  See you soon. Love you.”
“Yeah, love ya.”
His head falls back against the pillow as he hangs up.  His easy weekend is now going to be a bit more complicated. 
At the airport in Austin, you sit back against the hard seat with a sigh.  This was off to a rocky start and the plane hasn’t even boarded yet.  Thankfully the flight itself was an easy one.  After making your way through customs you exit the building to try and find a cab.  
When you arrive at his apartment building, you need to show your ID in order to pick up the envelope he left with the key.  The doorman shows you up, at least Jensen remembered to tell him you were coming before he left.  
Opening the apartment door, you take a look around.  It’s fairly empty, but you shouldn’t be surprised.  Jensen is only going to have this place a few months. You take your suitcase down the hall, you think this is the way to the bedroom.  It’s the second door you try.  There is a photo of you and Jensen on his nightstand, it gives you some hope seeing it there. Taking a few things out of your bag, you then explore the apartment.  It’s a little bit of a mess, so you spend some time tidying it up.  The fridge is empty, so you go down to inquire about the nearest grocery store.  It isn’t too far away, so you decide to walk over.  With your hands full, you take a cab back to the apartment.
There are a few items to put away in the cupboard, you make a few meals to freeze that Jensen can thaw later, then prepare pasta, salad and bread for dinner.  All this time you haven’t heard a word from Jay, not even checking that you made it in alright. You send a text asking if he knows how late he’ll be working, but don’t receive a response. 
By eight, you fix yourself a plate for dinner and eat alone at the table. Putting the rest away, you curl up on the couch, and find a movie on Netflix.  It’s after eleven when the door opens and Jensen finally comes in.  Getting up from the couch, you go over to greet him.
“Hey honey,” you say before leaning up to kiss him.
“Hi babe.” He gives you a quick kiss before pulling away. “I need a shower.”
He rejoins you in the living room ten minutes later, sitting next to you on the couch.  
“There’s some pasta in the fridge, if you would like me to heat some up for you?”
“I’m good, we ate on set.”
“Okay.  Do you have anything going on tomorrow?”
“I’ve got a 10 am call time.  Should go till 8 or so.”
You just nod in response. It’s been awhile since you’ve had his arm wrapped around you, and you are just going to enjoy that for now.  The movie on the screen ends and you suggest going to bed hoping to feel more than his arm around your shoulders tonight.
You come out of the bathroom ready for bed in a new lace chemise, and find your boyfriend sound asleep.  Grabbing one of his old t-shirts from your bag, you turn around to go back to change.
The next morning Jensen is up before you are.  You find him out at the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee and what looks like a script.
“Morning, do you want breakfast before you leave?”
“No, I already had something. But thanks.”
“Can I come to set with you today? Hang out in between scenes with you?”
“No, they don’t like other people on set.  Don’t want any secrets getting out.”
“Oh, yeah, sure. I guess I’ll go explore the city then.  Text me when you’re done, we can maybe grab a late dinner somewhere?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Do you film tomorrow?”
“No, it’s just going over some choreography for fight scenes on Tuesday.”
“So it should be a shorter day?”
“Hopefully.  Chase, Karl and I have a tee time at 2.”
“Great.”  You’re only here for a few days, but getting a round of golf in takes precedence apparently.
Once Jensen leaves for work you pull out your phone to find something to entertain yourself with today.   You decide to start the day at Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada.  
The tour of the aquarium takes you first to the Dangerous Lagoon overlook.  There you see sharks, turtles, eels and sawfish.  A sign says it is the largest exhibit at the aquarium, and has around 2.9 million liters of water.  From there you enter the Discovery Center which has interactive exhibits and features Zebra and Blacktip Reef Sharks along with Clownfish.  The Canadian Waters and Kelp Forest are next where you see octopus, lobsters, Cod, Wolf Eel, and Paddlefish.  
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On the lower level of the aquarium you see the Rainbow Reef which recreates the coral seas of the Pacific.  Planet Jellies has various breeds of jellyfish. The Ray-Bay is home to five types of stingrays and the Bonnethead Shark.  A sign says that back on the main level you can pet the rays at the top of the tank. 
Back up top, you stroll through the gallery area next.  This is home to Electric Eels, Seahorses, Piranhas, Pufferfish and Mudskippers.  A quick tour of the gift shop and you are on your way out.
The aquarium is right near the base of the CN Tower.  Being so close, you couldn’t pass that up. The tower was completed in 1976 and stands 1,815.5 feet tall.
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Getting off the elevators at the observation level you are currently 1,136 feet off the ground. The glass floor lets you look to the ground 114 stories below.  You go up to the Skypod which is 33 stories above the main observation level.  It is the highest observation platform in the Western Hemisphere.  You can see all the way to New York and Niagara Falls from here. You can also feel the building swaying a lot more up here. You hear a guide mention the antenna above the Skypods gets hit by lightning an average of 75 times a year.  The mix of the swaying and lightning are enough to send you back down to ground level.
You grab a light lunch and walk over to High Park to sit and enjoy it.  Finishing your lunch you take a walk down one of the nature trails.  Walking alone your thoughts drift to Jensen.  Once again today, you haven’t heard from him at all.  You are right here in his town and he can’t seem to spare you any time.
That afternoon you end up strolling through the CF Toronto Eaton Centre Mall.  It is a huge shopping center with more than 250 stores.  In your current mood nothing there really grabs your attention.  
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By seven you are on your way back to Jensen’s apartment to get cleaned up to have dinner with him.   At 8:30 you send a text asking if he was going to be getting off soon. Almost an hour later, you receive a reply.
Jensen 💗-On my way back
You-Do you still want to go out and grab dinner?
Alrighty then.  You pull leftovers out of the fridge and start warming them up for dinner.  When he walks in, you just about have everything ready to go.
“Hey honey, if you want to shower first, dinner is almost ready.”
“I already ate.”
“It was a rough shoot, I went out and grabbed a drink with Karl, Jack and Anthony.  We ordered some food there.”
He heads off to the bathroom, and you just stare after him.  “Well thanks for telling me,” you mutter after him.
No longer hungry you put everything away once more.  Entering the bedroom you change into sweats and sit down on the corner of the couch.  It isn’t long until Jensen returns, he collapses in the middle of the couch.
“What a day.  Anything Kripke was unable to throw at us during Supernatural is sure finding its way out now.”
“This season is going to be so sick.”
You don’t respond, just keep your eyes straight ahead on the television.
“What’s your problem?” He turns his head to look at you.
“What’s going on with us?” you ask.
“What do you mean?”
“I feel like I don’t matter to you any more.  We rarely talk anymore.”
“We’re talking right now, or I was trying to but you’re ignoring me.”
“I thought we were going to do something tonight, but you went out with your friends while I was waiting for you.  You could have at least let me know what was going on.”
“It’s been a long couple of days, I don’t want to fight with you.  I’m going to bed.”
You watch him leave, biting your lip, you rest your head back against the couch trying not to cry.  That did not go the way you wanted it to at all. Going into the extra bedroom you grab a folded blanket off the unmade bed, and bring it back to the couch, planning on sleeping there tonight.  The television keeps you company, while your mind replays everything.  
The next morning, the sound of cupboard doors slamming around wakes you up.  Stretching as you sit up, you notice Jensen moving around the kitchen.  He looks over at you when he sees you move, but doesn’t say anything. He leaves a short time later. 
You don’t feel like doing much of anything today.  You hang out around the apartment watching Hallmark.  Why does everything always work out for them?
Around four, you get a text from Jensen that says he has something with the cast.  Another night alone, fabulous.  Why did you even bother coming?  Changing into presentable clothes you head out to find some food, getting into the elevator you are shocked at who you see.
“Eric, hi.”
“Y/N, how are you?  I wasn’t sure if you were in town or not this weekend.”
“Yeah, I just got in on Friday, staying a few days.  Doing alright, how are you?
“Good, are you coming to dinner?”
“A bunch of the crew is going for dinner.  Aren’t you going to meet Ackles? I’ll give you a lift.”
His phone rings and you don’t get a chance to reply.  Getting off the elevator you follow him outside, planning to still go off on your own.  When the car pulls up, he waves you inside.  His phone call lasts almost the whole way to the restaurant, even though he keeps attempting to end it.  He is finally able to put it down just before the car pulls into the parking lot.
“Sorry about that.  Everything is a huge problem to some of the network execs.  Talking with Jared, I thought you were going to be here this weekend, but then I never saw you around set with Jensen.”
“He told me I couldn’t come with him.  Are you sure I can be here tonight?  Jensen didn’t invite me.”
“I would have let you on set, no problem. Yes, you are more than welcome to join us tonight.  Have you met anyone yet?”
“Just Karl.”
You follow him through the restaurant, when he arrives at the large table he calls out, “look who I found on my way here.”
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Your eyes are on Jensen who has Claudia’s arm around his shoulders as she is whispering in his ear.
“Hey!” Karl yells, “where have you been hiding?”
He gets up to give you a hug, Jensen gives you a questioning look, while everyone else just stares.  Eric looks around the table and asks a passing waiter for one more place setting and chair.
“I’ve been hanging out around the apartment, explored Toronto yesterday,” you finally answer Karl’s question.
“So you come all the way up here, and don’t even visit the set?  Should we be hurt?” Karl’s last question is directed at Kripke.
“What are you doing here?” Jensen interrupts them.
“Are you going to introduce us, Eric?” Anthony questions at the same time.
“I ran into Eric in the elevator, and he invited me to come along,” you answer Jensen.
“Why didn’t you bring her?” Eric asks your boyfriend, who just shrugs in response.
“Some of us still don’t know what’s going on,” Jack calls out.
“This is Y/N Padalecki, this lovely lady was Ali Black on Supernatural,” Eric introduces you.
“She also has horrible taste in men, because she’s dating that brute,” Karl tells them as he points to Jensen.
Anthony, Karen, Jack, Erin and Chase all stand up to greet you.  A chair is added next to Jensen as everyone but Claudia scoots down to make room for you.  
After the group has ordered, Karl looks at you from across the table.  “How long are you here for?”
“I have a flight out tomorrow afternoon.”
“We have some fight sequences to finalize in the mornin’, are you coming to tour the set?” He asks. 
“I don’t know,” you look over at Jensen, who has remained silent.
As time goes on you notice that Claudia seems to keep touching Jensen, her hand is on her arm, his thigh, and shoulder.  ‘Really girl’ you think ‘right in front of me?’
Erin asks about what you have going on now with Supernatural over.  You tell her about Walker.  Jensen seems agitated next to you, you finally turn and ask if he’s alright.  Instead of answering he stands up and nods for you to join him out in the hall.
“I can’t believe you got Eric to bring you along,” Jensen harshly whispers to you.
“It wasn’t my intention, I just ran into him when I got in the elevator.”
“I don’t understand what your problem is.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The attitude you had last night, sleeping on the couch,  now putting yourself in the middle of a cast get together.  What are you trying to do?”
“When did you become such an asshole? Maybe playing Soldier Boy has gone to your head. If you don’t want me here, and it’s such a big deal to have me here, I’ll leave.”
With that you turn back toward the room to grab your purse.  You expect Jensen to stop you, but he never does. The waiter is coming back in and you quietly ask him to cancel your order.  Before walking out the door, you turn back to the table.
“It was nice meeting you all.  I’m sorry, but I have to be going.  Enjoy the rest of your night.”  With that you turn and leave.
Eric is right behind you, he can’t get your attention so he grabs your arm once you step outside.
“Hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, I just have to go.”
“Y/N, I’ve known you a long time.  I can see you’re upset, and you’re barely holding back tears.”  He looks around for a moment before spotting a bench.  “Come sit down for a minute.”
“I’ll be alright, you should get back inside,” you try to tell him.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on.”
You know he isn’t going to let go, with a sigh you start talking.  “Things with Jensen and I haven’t been going so great lately.  He barely answers my calls or texts.  I don’t know the last time he even called or texted me to start a conversation.  Gen thought it might be good for us if I came up here and we spent some time together.  I’ve still barely seen him.”
You take a deep breath to try and get yourself back under control, but you can’t help the tears sliding down your face.  “I’m afraid our relationship might have run its course, and I don’t mean anything to him any more.  I’m just someone he used to have around because I was convenient.”
“Oh Y/N,  I’m so sorry you are feeling like this.  I don’t know what’s going on with him, but I know you always meant a lot to him,” Eric tries to comfort you.
“Used to. I can’t keep going like this, the last month has been rough.  I tried to talk to him last night and that didn’t go over well.  Now he’s mad that I’m here.  When things were good with us, he would have been the first one up to give me a hug.  He would have been the one introducing me to his new cast mates, not you and Karl.  We would have spent any free time he had together, going for a drink or golfing with the guys wouldn’t have been more important.”
“I’m sorry, you don’t deserve to be treated like that,” Eric says softly.  You can tell he is a bit out of his comfort zone here.
You nod your head, you know what you have to do and your heart is crumbling into pieces.  Turning in your seat you give Eric a hug.  “Thanks for everything Eric.  Will you do me a favor and keep an eye on him for me?”
“Anything for you.  I won’t let him get into too much trouble tonight.”
You bite your lip and wipe the tears off your face, “I don’t just mean tonight.”
It takes Eric a second, but after all you’ve just said, he understands what you mean.  “I will, you take care of yourself.  He gives you a hug before hailing you a cab and returning inside.
You stare out the window during the ride back to the apartment.  When you return you start packing up your things.  After your bag is ready you pull out your phone looking for a flight out.  You aren’t sure you could make any that are leaving tonight, so you change it to one leaving at 6:10 am.  Sitting on the couch you wait for Jensen to return.
Over an hour later he finally walks through the door. You stand up as he sets his keys down on the counter.
“We need to talk,” you tell him. softly
“We do.  What were you thinking trying to insert yourself like that?  I’m still new here, I can’t have you pushing your way in the middle of things, or asking for special tours around set.  What are they going to think?”
“As I told you earlier, I didn’t ask Eric to bring me along, I was going out to find my own dinner and ran into him when I was going to do that.  He told me to come along, and that it was alright.  Karl asked about me taking a tour, I didn’t push for one.”
“I can’t afford to have you rocking the boat here.”
“You don’t have to worry about that, I’m done.  I can’t…I can’t do whatever this has become anymore.” You gesture between the two of you.
That catches Jensen’s attention, and he notices your packed bag next to the couch. “What are you talking about?  Where are you going?”
“What I started to try and talk to you about last night.  I don’t know what’s happened to us, but I can’t take it anymore.  I’ve changed my flight to leave earlier.  I feel like I am the only one trying to hold this together anymore.  Right now you’re more worried about making a bad impression on people you’ve worked with for a few months, then about me.  You barely answer when I call or text you.  Any of our limited conversations anymore revolve around you, I doubt you could tell me what I have going on in my life lately.”    
“That’s not true, you’re filming that…um…that…”
“The Netflix series?  Maid, about a single mom fleeing from abuse and trying to make it with her child. We wrapped a few weeks ago.  I told you that in Chicago.”
“You’re getting ready for Walker then.”  
“You’re grasping at straws, Jens.”
“I don’t understand why you want to end things?  What was the point of coming up here?  Was it just to break up?  Did you meet someone else?”
You shake your head, not believing what is coming out of his mouth.  “I came up here to see if there was any way we could save our relationship.  But when spending time with you cast mates, who are here with you everyday, is more important than me who you have barely seen, I have my answer.  If you really need an answer to the last question it’s no.  Honestly, going by all the pictures online, and dinner tonight, I should be the one asking that.  But I know you better than that.  At least I used to.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know when I became so unimportant to you,  something that could just be tossed aside when I wasn’t useful.”
He looks at you in shock. “That’s not true and you know it.”  
“I really don’t, not anymore.  With everything going on in your life, there isn’t time for me.  A backseat is okay once in a while, but it’s not a place I’m willing to stay.”
 “What are you talking about?”
“Your career is really taking off, and I can’t keep up with everything.  We don’t even live in the same county anymore.  I just don’t fit in your life anymore, and I deserve better than what I’m getting.”
“Everything I do is for us.”
“You really going with that? After how you treated me this weekend?  How you’ve been treating me the last few months?”
“Any girl would be happy to be in your place.”
“I don’t know when you became this self absorbed asshole, but that’s not the guy I fell in love with, the guy I planned my future with.  I’m sorry Jensen, but I can’t take the hurt and loneliness that have come from this relationship anymore.  I don’t want to cry myself to sleep over us another night, or wonder when you’re going to feel like talking to me again.” 
“After everything I did for us, if you think it’s really so bad to be dating me, then there is no reason to drag this out,” he spits out, his anger rising.  “Make sure to be out of the house before I get back to Texas.”
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You give a small shake of your head, “if you knew how things were going with me.  You would know I’ve been staying at my brother’s house because I wasn’t comfortable alone in yours.  I don’t have much left there, it will be out soon.”   
You grab your bag and head for the door, stopping before you open it.  “I did love you, you meant the world to me.  I told Jared no matter what happens between us, I didn’t want it to affect your friendship.  I wish you the best Jens, and I really am happy for you and everything that’s coming your way.  I just wish there was still room for me in your world.”  Taking one last look at your now ex, you quickly exit the apartment.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 6
SPNForevers- @winchest09 @flamencodiva @whatareyousearchingfordean @waywardbeanie @deanwanddamons  @emoryhemsworth  @atc74 @sandlee44 @akshi8278  @fantasydevil2002 @writercole​ @440mxs-wife   @nervousfandom @lunarmoon8 @thoughts-and-funnies @downanddirtydean @katelyn--renee​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @lyarr24​ @pineapleavocado​ @siospins2​ ​ @ariesbabe1993​  @graciebear73  @stixnstripesworld​ @spnbaby-67​  @treat-winchesterswith-kindness​ @charmed-asylum​ @winchestergirl2​ @hobby27​  @amyzombie1013​  @sexyvixen7​ @leigh70 @krazykelly @nancymcl @candy-coated-misery0731 @kmc1989 @supraveng
WIAFA Masterlist
@woodworthti666 @spnfamily-j2 @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @kaz11283 @deans-baby-momma  @let-me-luv-you @senjoritanana @itzabbyxx @djs8891 @tmb510
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khaotunq · 11 months
trick or treat!
HI LIZ!!! AkkAyan college for u~
This fic lies abandoned in my folder because there were too many things I couldn't decide on (like where Ayan ended up going for uni. Mostly where Ayan ended up going for uni.) but here is a snippet!
Ayan had sent his flight tracking number before boarding and had sent him a sleepy selfie before take off, but it had been radio silence ever since, probably because he was sleeping to try and escape the worst of the jet lag.
  The flight landing had been delayed and Akk had resorted to braiding the leaves of a plant in the lounge just to keep himself busy, so he was caught off guard when the doors slid open. He shoved up from his seat and was almost immediately bowled back into it by a warm, familiar weight. Ayan was home. He was used to these airport reunions by that point, so Akk wasn't shy about wrapping his arms around him in front of Ayan's entire flight, most of whom didn't appear to have sprinted past the gate the way Ayan must have.
  He probably felt like hours of travel, but he smelled like home. Akk pressed his face into his shoulder and squeezed, hard. Something he hadn't noticed before that moment settled somewhere behind his sternum.
  "Hi," Ayan said, content to be squished. His bag had been abandoned on the floor several feet back, but he made no move to retrieve it, apparently trying to fit himself into Akk's lap. "You smell good. I missed how you smell."
  "You're ridiculous. No suitcase?"
  He shook his head. "Got everything I need right here."
  He said it with both hands curled into the material of Akk's t-shirt. He wasn't talking about his bag. Akk smiled. "Ready to go home?"
  Ayan's expression, when Akk lifted his head, said he was thinking something cheesy so Akk kissed him gently to cut him off. He tasted faintly of toothpaste and Akk had to pull away to snicker.
  "You'd have complained if I tasted like the fact I've been dead to the world for several hours."
  "I wouldn't have. Not today." And it was true: he was so elated to just have Ayan back in his arms after months that he wouldn't have cared if Ayan had been doing wasabi shots immediately prior to arrival.
  Ayan didn't respond, but he looked pleased. He let Akk tumble him off his lap and brightened even more when Akk went to retrieve his bag and offered his hand to Ayan rather than making him carry it.
  "Tell me my mum's out of town for a week."
  Akk snorted. "She's making you lunch as we speak. We'll stay with her tonight but tomorrow I'm going back to mine, and you're welcome to join me."
  He was yanked to a halt because Ayan stopped dead and pulled him around. "I love you so much." He looked deadly serious, and if this conversation was anything other than Ayan not so subtly telling him they weren't leaving the bedroom for a week, Akk would have melted.
  Instead, he smiled and leaned down for a kiss, squeezing his hand. "I love you too. Now come on. The car's going to be unbearable."
  It was Ayan's car – he'd insisted on Akk taking over its paperwork because it would just sit and rot in a driveway otherwise, and Akk had a funny feeling Ayan would find some excuse to not officially take it back. He was going back to university after the summer and it would just be a hassle to keep changing it around, Akk thought he'd say.
  They exited the airport and were hit with a wall of heat that had Ayan whining in protest the way he did every time he forgot he was from Thailand.
  "Did you not park in the shade?"
  "Your flight was late – it was in the shade when I got here three hours ago."
  "We were only delayed by maybe 45 minutes."
  Akk just smiled at him.
  Ayan lit up. "You missed me! You got here early? I thought you were at work this morning? Did you call in sick just to wait for me at an airport? Look at you – you did!"
  "Don't be ridiculous," Akk said, letting Ayan hip check him to absolutely no effect whatsoever as they crossed to the section where Akk had parked. "I had holiday hours to use."
  He waited a moment, smiling. "I've taken the rest of the week off."
  Ayan dragged him around again and all but jumped on him. They were in the middle of the car park with the sun beating down, but Ayan's mouth was on his properly for the first time in months and there wasn't a force on earth that could have kept Akk from dropping the bag and wrapping both arms around Ayan to kiss him back properly, almost lifting him completely.
  Ayan settled back onto his feet and grinned at him, a little more flushed than the travel and sun could account for.
  "Can we stop at your place first?" He asked, a little breathless and toying with the hem of Akk's shirt. "Maybe you forgot something."
  Akk laughed and shook his head, beeping the car open and heading around to the driver's side, letting Ayan shove his own bag into the back.
  They stopped at Akk's.
  They were late to lunch.
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hockeylovee12 · 2 years
Chapter Two
Aftermath-Luke Hughes
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Summary: Luke Hughes knows he has some explaining to do to his family about his recent trip and normally that would be all that’s on his mind but unfortunately for him there’s something or I should say someone else occupying his mind.
Warnings: family fights, mentions of drinking, swearing, implied sexual activity
A/N this is the second chapter for this story I wrote this in one day because inspiration struck lol. I don’t typically go through and edit my stories just because if I did I’d never post them so I’m sorta an impulsive writer. I really hope you enjoyed and while this chapter does go hand in hand with a whole story I still write one shots if any one has any requests and there are more parts to this story. Ik it didn’t really talk about Izzie that much but I wanted to give an insight into Lukes life a little more and I also enjoyed writing some of the brotherly bonding stuff. feel free to ask me any requests or start a conversation with me! And I hope you enjoy this chapter!!
June 9th 2022 7:00 PM
It was a long six hour flight home to Michigan and when Luke Hughes arrived at the Detroit airport he knew his family would be waiting there wanting answers.
Unfortunately the boys who are his best friends were not the smartest and word got out the trip the boys had planned to go to California was actually a trip to go to Mexico. Once the news was out it wasn’t long before every boys families had started calling and texting to no reply.
The five boys knew they would have to face the music eventually and safe to say none of them were thrilled by the idea of having consequences for their actions.
Shortly after landing at the airport and grabbing their bags the boys found all their families who were not extremely pleased by their return.
Luke’s parents were no exception.
The family of 5 made their way to the parking lot silently.
Luke placed his bags in the trunk of his dads car and sat in the backseat with his brothers on both sides of him.
It was a silent 30 minute drive back to the families home and when the car was finally in park his father turned around and disappointingly shook his head at his youngest child.
Normally Luke would be feeling very remorseful and anxious about the disappointment he has caused his family but his mind was still racing trying to relieve the past 24 hours with Izzie, the beach, the kisses, the ocean.
“Luke let’s go” A voice breaks Luke’s thought
Luke looks over and sees his brother Jack standing outside the car waiting for him to exit
Luke exits the car and Jack harshly closes the door.
The family enters there house and Luke places his bags on the floor by the door leaving him holding only his phone.
The silence from the car ride continues inside the house as no one says a word and everyone just makes there way towards the living room and takes a seat.
“What the hell?” Is the first thing said by Luke’s older brother Jack
“Ok look I get it it probably wasn’t the best idea to go to Mexico and I’m sorry I lied but like nothing happened and we had a great time” Luke defends himself
“Nothing happened you and your friends left the country without telling an adult! What if something had happened what if one of you had gotten in an accident or went missing we would be looking in California for goodness sake!” Ellen Hughes exclaims at her youngest son
“I mean we’re adults” Luke says in a monotone voice
“You know what your mother means you didn’t tell a parent” Jim Hughes intervenes
“Look I said I’m sorry I don’t know what else you want me to say” Luke says
“We want you to understand that what you did was wrong and that it should’ve never happened in the first place” Ellen says calmly
“Alright sorry it won’t happen again” Luke says with a slight eye roll which earns him a smack upside the head from Quinn who’s sitting next to him
“You’re grounded for a week and when we go up to the lake you’re not allowed to go wandering off on your own without another person with you” Jim Hughes sentences
Luke scoffs at this. He thinks it’s fucking ridiculous he’s 18 years old, he just finished his freshman year at college and he’s being treated like he’s a fucking child. It wasn’t the grounding that was pissing him off so much as it was the thought of having a babysitter. Lukes been able to go off on his own at the lake since he was 14 years old no worries whatsoever which isn’t completely true his parents and brothers always worried a little bit seeing as he is the baby of the family but Luke always stayed relatively close and always kept his phone on him.
“No that’s bullshit!” Luke shouts standing up
“Did you really think you could just go to Mexico without telling anyone and not have any consequences?” Quinn who has stayed silent this entire time finally speaks
“I’m 18 years old I’m not some child you can order around anymore and I certainly don’t need a fucking babysitter”
“Clearly you do if you’re off running around in Mexico why the hell did you even go to Mexico if you wanted the beach there are plenty of ones here! In America!” Jack shouts standing up as well
“Luke! Sit down.” His dad says
Luke rolls his eyes again feeling nothing but anger building up at the way this conversation has gone. Luke shakes his head in disbelief and scoffs before grabbing his phone that was sitting on the couch and walking towards the front door.
He leaves the house slamming the front door and leaving the people inside both shocked and angry by his actions.
Luke starts walking away from his house and onto the dark pavement lit up only by street lights.
After about 15 minutes of walking Luke reaches his neighborhood park. He sits down on a bench and tilts his head back looking up at the night sky.
There were few stars up in the sky but Luke still enjoyed the view although he preferred the view from last night.
Luke starts to think back to the bar and dancing with Izzie. His hands around her waist hers on his neck. Her lips touching his. Within seconds his own lips turned from a resting frown that had been present since the car ride into a smile.
Luke pulled out his phone and goes to Instagram. He tries every combination of Izzie he could think of unaware of the spelling of her name but with the thousands of results and no way to narrow it down Luke quickly gives up.
The frown which had since disappeared was now back and became even more distraught as he noticed two figures walking towards him.
Once the figures came closer to Luke he noticed who it was.
“Dude let’s go” Jack says walking closer to Luke
Luke just looks at Quinn who’s displaying no emotional reaction. Luke starts to wonder if it’s because he’s tired or because he’s pissed or possibly both.
Luke thoughts get interrupt when he feels a hand on his bicep
He looks over and sees Jack gripping his arm and urging him to stand up
Luke shakes his head and stands up then the trio of brothers start the 15 or so walk back towards their house.
Once the park was in an unseeable position the silence that Luke has gotten oh so familiar with today is broken.
“Did you have fun on your trip?” Jack asks with a sympathetic such smile
“Ya I had a great time we went to Rocky Point and it was fun it was really fun” Luke says matching the slight smile appearing on his brothers face
“What did you guys do?” Jack continues the conversation
“Um I mean we did a lot of things we spent a lot of time at the beach, we went to a couple of bars and clubs at night, there was one day where we went jet skiing that was super fun” Luke explains not sure if mentioning the bars and clubs was a smart decision but chooses not to overthink it.
“Did you fall off the jetski?” Quinn asks with a laugh remembering a more recent time when Luke had been on the back of a jetski with Jack driving and despite being told multiple times to hold on when Jack hit the gas Luke went flying off into the lake and at first the whole family was worried out of their mind but when Luke rose his soaked face and hair out of the water and stuck up a middle finger towards Jack they all laughed.
“No I didn’t fall off mainly because Jack wasn’t driving” Luke responds giving a little nudge to Quinn who smiled towards both his little brothers after an exchange of smiles and laughs between the trio Quinn’s demeanor quickly changed to a more serious look
“you know Luke I’m really happy you had a good time but you know it just it would’ve been nice to know where you were going mom and dad were freaking out a bit when your friends mom called and said you guys didn’t go to California they were really worried something could’ve happened to you and when you wouldn’t respond to anyone they really love you kid and we do to and we don’t know what any of us would’ve done if something did happen to you” Quinn explains to his youngest brother
For the first time today Luke starts to feel a little bit remorseful about what he’s done and realizes his family although they can be annoying sometimes they really love him and he regrets worrying them so much.
“I’m sorry I worried you guys and you’re right I should’ve told someone or at the very least text or call you guys back I’m really sorry” Luke says
“Just don’t do again or otherwise I’ll have to kill you which would really suck because that would mean we wasted our 4th pick and I think it’s gonna be really fun when you and I get to win on the ice against Quinn” Jack laughs
“Don’t jinx it or tomorrow’s headlines gonna be that I got traded before I even sign a contract” Luke responds
“Hopefully that won’t happen” Jack adds crossing his fingers
“Oh god the two of you on the same team and living together I don’t know who I’m gonna feel worse for one of you or the state of New Jersey” Quinn jokes
Jack reaches over and gives Quinn a playful shove causing all three brothers to smile again the next few minutes the brothers spent laying and teasing one another until they arrived back at the families home.
Jack was the first to step in followed by Luke who had no way of escaping again since Quinn was blocking the exit with his own body.
Once all three boys were inside the door closed shut and Quinn turned around and locked the door making it official that everyone was now home for the night.
“Where are mom and dad?” Luke asks
“They’re in their room” Quinn answers and Luke sighs and starts walking in the direction of the master bedroom.
Knock knock
“Come in” Luke’s mom answers
Luke walks in and sees his mom putting her jewelry away and his dad sitting in a chair in the corner with a book cracked open
“Hey I just wanted to tell you guys I’m sorry I’m sure I worried you guys alot and it was really a shitty thing for me to do and not answering your calls or text was stupid and I shouldn’t have lied about where I was going I know you guys were already nervous about me going to California and it was a really selfish thing for me to do and I’m really sorry” Luke apologizes this time meaning it
Both of his parents smile and his dad puts down the book and gives his youngest son a hug his mom walks over and does the same.
Luke spends the next few minutes talking to his parents and telling them some of the fun parts of his trip well making sure to only include the family friendly parts which do not include his beverage or entertainment choices however does include a mention of riding the jet ski which his parents took as an opportunity to tease him about when he fell off.
After a few more laughs Luke chose to apologize once more for the worried he had caused them and they reassured him that he was forgiven with a pat on the back from his father and a kiss on the cheek from his mother the family says their good nights and then the 18 year old left their room to go to his own.
As he walks towards the stairs he sees his bags still sitting there and rather than bringing them up right now he decides later is better and by that he means sometime tomorrow starting to feel a little tired himself.
Luke walks to his room and shuts the door then feels in his pocket for his phone and goes on Instagram.
He notices a few of his recommendations to follows are random girls named Izzie with alternating spellings.
He shakes his head with a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Jack asks appearing in the open doorway
“Eh nothing” Luke shakes off still smiling
Jack starts walking closer to Luke and soon Quinn appears in the room.
Jack takes a look at Luke’s screen which he was doing nothing in response to hide as he didn’t really care about the contents being public at least not to his brothers
“Why do you follow so many girls named Izzie?” Jack asks with a confused look
“I don’t follow them I was just looking for the Instagram of some girl I met but it’s kinda impossible considering all I know is her first name and I don’t even know how she spells it” Luke explains with a shrug
“Did you just meet her this week?” Quinn asks stepping into the room and the conversation
“Ya I met her last night” Luke says
“Funny how when you were telling us about your trip you left this part out” Jack jokes then takes a seat on Lukes bed
“So tell us what happened” Jack encourages
“What?” Luke asks as he watches Quinn take a seat next to Jack
“Come on you never tell us anything!” Jack claims
“I’m not gonna tell you guys what happened it’s private” Luke says
“Fine but we’re not leaving till you tell us about Izzie at least tell us where you met her or what she looks like” Jack says lying back on Lukes bed and getting comfortable
“You are so annoying” Luke shakes his head then walks over to his desk chair and takes a seat
“I met her at a bar it was like a beachside type thing it was like I don’t know 10 or something but I was drinking a beer and then I decided to take a shot of vodka and obviously vodka tastes disgusting so I made a face and she was standing next to me and starts talking about how it’s a mentality and that way the shots don’t taste so bad and we took a couple of shots together and then we danced together and we made out a few times in the bar and then we ended up leaving and we walked down to the beach and uh we had a good night” Luke recalls starting to blush a little near the end
“I’m going to assume had a good night means you walked her home and then went back to your room alone” Quinn says starting to get up
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night then that’s exactly what happened” Luke answers
“It does” Quinn says with a laugh then says goodnight and proceeds to head to his own room.
“I’m out too but I’m proud and relieved to know you at least have a little bit of game” Jack jokes giving Luke a playful punch to the shoulder which Luke returns and adds a mocking laugh
“Goodnight” Jack says as he walks out the door
“Goodnight” Luke responds
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pandorasword · 1 year
Could we possibly see like a rundown Chaeri and Hongjoong's first times (date, kiss, I love you, intimacy👀) pretty please?
Hii! Thanks for the request and sorry it took me so long, you have no idea how much time I spent writing and rewriting before I was (partially) satisfied. I hope you like it, if so let me know! Since the post was getting too long, I could do a part two on other life scenes about their first times
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
The first texts
Late January/February 2022, The morning after the party, Seoul
"Hey! How many more times do I have to wake you up? We'll miss the flight if you don't get out of bed now"
Chaeri slowly opened one eye, then the other. Blinding light flooded in through the window and she groaned, the sound echoing off of her bedroom walls. Her head felt like it was filled with rocks and her throat felt like it had been scraped with sandpaper. She forced herself to sit up despite her body's protests, rubbing her temples in an attempt to ease the pounding in her skull. A frown spread across her face as she realized her manager was there in front of her, beautiful and classy as always, and very very awake. Too awake for Chaeri to put up with her after a night of partying and drinking.
"Chaeri, I said now." 
"I'm up. I'm up. Stop yelling at me, unnie. My head hurts"
Kim Sena - Her manager -'s stern expression softened slightly as she handed Chaeri a bottle of water and some painkillers. "I warned you about drinking too much last night. You have to be more careful, especially with everything that's happening with the company. Your identity must be impeccable" Chaeri groaned again, unwilling to be reminded why she was on bad terms - or worse, it would be better to say - with BigHit lately.
"We have to be at the airport in 1 1/2 hours. The makeup artists are already in the living room, waiting for you. Hurry up." she added.
Sena's footsteps echoed down the hallway, and as soon as Chaeri was sure she left the floor, she collapsed onto her bed. The plush blankets and fluffy pillows swallowed her whole, and for a moment, she was lost in their cozy embrace. She decided to give herself ten more minutes of rest - just ten - before getting up to start the day. Just as she closed her eyes and felt herself drifting away, her phone buzzed under the pillow like an angry hornet. She reluctantly reached it, wondering who could be interrupting her precious few moments of peace.
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As she was about to put the phone back, aware that she would see him a bit later at the airport, it buzzed in her hand, informing her of the presence of a new text
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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
That trip was going to be particularly unpleasant, she knew.
Not because of the destination, indeed. But because of the fact that it was an imposition-not officially imposed, but still an imposition.
The moment she stepped out of the luxurious car, her heart sank. She had become all too familiar with airports and their hustle and bustle, but this time felt different. Hundreds of fans gathered around the entrance to the airport, waving and cheering her name in support - yet there was a sense of hopelessness in the air. She knew what lay ahead was unavoidable, regardless of how much she wished it wasn't. The tension between BigHit and herself was becoming too much for even her nerves to handle - one wrong move could mean disaster for them all. Taking a deep breath, she tried to push these thoughts from her mind as she entered the terminal.
She had to look happy, but it was hard when she saw Taehyung, Namjoon and Hoseok as soon as she entered the private area of the airport.
With forced optimism, she put one foot in front of the other, weaving around luggage carts and hugging each of the members in turn. The air was heavy with awkwardness; none of them knew what to say and glancing between each other for support. Desperate to lighten the mood, Chaeri smiled bravely “I’ll be fine. Just take care yourselves.”
Taehyung's eyes betrayed his concern, but he forced a grin. "We'll miss you, Chaeri. Have a safe flight, okay? and call me because we have to talk"
Chaeri smiled guiltily, at which Tae couldn't help but laugh
Namjoon squeezed her in a hug. "Don't worry about anything back here. We'll take care of it. I promise"
Hoseok leaned in, whispering in her ear "Don't forget to call me if you need anything. I'm always here for you."
"It breaks my heart to do this, but we are running out of time Chaeri. We have to go now " Sena looked apologetically at the four of them, her voice laced with regret.
She shook her head and sighed. "No, not yet. I have to say goodbye to the others, they are not here." She glanced at the three boys in front of her “How much longer will it take them?”
Namjoon scratched his head, his lip twitching as he tried to form the words. “Jimin, Jin and Yoongi-hyung are so sorry Chaeri, they wanted to come but..their managers have tied them up in something unavoidable. They said they'll call you soon though"
Chaeri's heart sank at the news, she couldn't help but wonder if their absence was part of the ongoing tension between her and BigHit. If BigHit had planned that as well.
"It's okay, I understand. Just tell them I said bye, okay?"
She then tilted her head and stared at Taehyung; her tightly pursed lips gave way to an unspoken plea. Her brown eyes were wide and glistening, silently asking him 'Where is Jungkook?'
Taehyung hesitated for a moment before finally answering "Jungkook couldn't make it. He is sorry too"
A lie.
Things would be different for them, and she would have to adjust. She felt like they were tracing a clear line between them, a line that could never be crossed again.
Heading for her flight was painful. Chaeri could feel the weight of disappointment and anger brewing inside her, a storm that was only waiting for the right opportunity to break loose. 
Whenever such negative emotions took hold inside her uncontrollably, she needed to focus on herself to keep her anger issues from showing up.
In the small airplane seat, squeezed between the window and her manager, she felt overwhelmed, which did not help her already current irritation.
When she thought she was really about to go crazy, the cell phone in her pocket buzzed, distracting her for a moment from the swirling thoughts in her head: BigHit, the forced hiatus, Jungkook.
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And the time she thought was going to run with the worst of moods went quietly, marked by the constant pop-ups of Hongjoong's messages on her cellphone. She was calm, and she didn't know how, either.
The first speculations
February 2022, New York
Funny how she had never attended a single day of school in her entire life, having always been home-schooled, and was now going to university, in the United States by the way.
It had already been a few years since she was enrolled in a dance master's program at one of Seoul's most prestigious academies but, of course, her celebrity commitments had prevented her from attending classes ordinarily, ending up studying on her own and taking exams when necessary. 
She decided, or rather her Company decided, that those last months of study before graduation would be pursued in New York.
That she already possessed a huge amount of experience in a wide variety of dance styles was obvious to everyone - fans, professors, other idols'agency... - and yet, in order to become a choreographer, she needed that useless piece of paper attesting that, indeed, someone competent confirmed her skills and knowledge.
A waste of time, in her opinion. Even more so because that was actually all a cover for BigHit to temporarily distance her from the group. A punishment.
But that was not going to stop her. She was doing it for the good of the team. So she would make the best out of that experience.
She moved to New York in December and had only returned to Korea twice since then, always for very short periods of time not exceeding 48 hours.
The early days were tough, way more than she allowed to show to the team that, along with her, suddenly found themselves having to settle on the other side of the world.
But things, as time went on, were getting better.
A proverb her father always used to tell her was "out of sight, out of mind" and somehow she was experimenting it.
Away from all the stuff that had been hurting her in the last period, there in America it felt as if everything she had left behind was muffled, like an ever-present memory in her head yet less obtrusive.
After all, looking back, she had always dealt that way with each rough time.
Going to college was turning out to be more fun than expected, meeting new people and hanging out in different environments than the ones of her past nine years was bringing her good mood back, as much as possible
Chaeri was experiencing a period of newness. 
New York was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air.
When she was homesick, though, she knew she could count on her members, who never failed to let her know how much they missed her and how much they looked forward to having her back again.
Plus, as a lovely bonus, even Hongjoong proved to be helpful in easing the ache of loneliness for homesickness. 
Even though their texts started out as a joke, they became a daily habit. They looked forward to the messages sent back and forth throughout the day, they teased each other about the fake boyfriend affair, which always changed into an occasional silly text that brought laughter to both of them.
That's why when Hongjoong's contact went silent for two days, she was surprised, and even started to worry. 
When the screen of her cell phone lit up showing his name again, she was off at the college. She was trying her best to follow the 'History and Language Analysis of Visual Arts' class that had been going on for a good THREE HOURS. More than her poor didactic attention span and limited knowledge of English would allow.
Pokjoong: how is the class going?
Chaeri: you better have a great excuse for disappearing all of a sudden
Pokjoong: have you been worried about me?
Chaeri: no, just didn't know who to take my daily frustrations out on
Pokjoong: you'll be able to take out your frustrations today more than usual Pokjoong: if you want to, of course
Chaeri: ???
Pokjoong: I'm in new york
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"People are talking about us,"
Chaeri noted as she scrolled through the comments on social media. She had a straw tucked in the corner of her mouth while she read about the "strange pics that seem to be taken in the same place" by BTS's female member and ATEEZ's leader.
"It's been almost 10 years since I've been doing this job and I still can't get used to how fast news travels in this environment"
She added before taking a sip from her cold soda.
Earlier, her and Hongjoong had been walking around the city, mask on at all times to avoid being recognized. Now she was drinking the beverage she had purchased during their outing.
Hongjoong leaned closer to her, taking a moment to analyze the screen. "There are numerous," he observed, looking up for a second to catch her facial expression. "And yet you appear to be enjoying it"
Chaeri shifted her position on the plush sofa, making herself more comfortable in her seat next to Hongjoong
Three years prior BigHit had set out to open an office in Manhattan as a base for the company's U.S. business. The staff in charge of mentoring and helping Chaeri suggested it was time to head there.
Located on the highest floor of a skyscraper, the office was filled with modern furniture, glass walls and chrome details, creating a sleek and contemporary atmosphere. Light flooded in from the windows offering a view of the city, with the hustle and bustle of cars below and the iconic bright yellow taxis whizzing past. 
"Well," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes "I think it’s time for someone to take bold action and make a real change."
He leaned back in his place, eyebrows raised "And you want to do that by creating your own dating scandal?"
"My bosses must be bored, I haven't made trouble for a while" The bodyguards in the room, until then silent and static as if they were not even there, shot an oblique glance at Chaeri, who let out a laugh. She knew they were all too aware of the trouble she could cause if provoked.
Hongjoong couldn't help but roll his eyes at her comment. He shook his head and sighed in exasperation, "You never cease to amaze me with your antics," he said.
"I'm even funnier in person, aren't I?" she chuckled, her smile revealing a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"You're a handful, that's for sure," Hongjoong replied, amusement dancing on his lips.
"Come on, it'll be fun. Plus, it's not like we can't handle the rumors. And I'm sure your company would love that, actually."
"Caught red-handed, huh? Well, not every company has the pleasure to have among its employees the fake boyfriend of the wonderful Chaeri"
"Mmh I think wonderful is not enough."
Hongjoong laughed at her remark, shaking his head in amusement "You're something else, you know that?" he said, taking a sip of his own drink.
Chaeri smiled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "So, are you in?"
First time with the group
March 2022, Seoul
As Chaeri hugged Hongjoong, the feeling brought her to think about comfortable and relaxing matters.
Like everything else she was gaining back with her return to Korea, he seemed to have been a missing piece of her puzzle for the time she had lived in New York, and it was strange because their bond had grown stronger while she was away.
"I'm happy you're back."
"I'm happy to be back, too."
Hongjoong grasped her shoulders and gently pulled her away from him so he could look into her eyes. The admiration in his gaze was unmistakable as he said, “You are... a genius. I am impressed with how you handled this.”
Upon learning that her hiatus would continue for the foreseeable future, Chaeri had taken matters into her own hands. As the master of spinning rumors to her advantage, she used whispers and innuendo to build a plan that ultimately ended in JYP's entertainment representatives meeting with her in a popular public spot, where paparazzi were lurking outside. The spectacle of fans' panic and speculation about her leaving BTS for another company caused BigHit's stocks to crash, forcing their managers to call her back into the group. All along, Hongjoong had been a supportive listener, never asking why BigHit had sent Chaeri away nor questioning her plans for returning to BTS.
Chaeri smiled, feeling a sense of pride at her successful plan.
"Thanks.. and thank you for being there for me during this time. It's not easy for me to say this, but... feeling you close has really given me the strength not to give up. You're a good friend, Joong."
Hongjoong's lips twitched into a small smile at her words, but his eyes held something deeper, something he wasn't quite ready to admit. "Oh, you know. I would never back down from helping a girl out" Hongjoong tried to lighten the moment with a joke aware that he may not be able to keep his emotions to himself, beyond those of just a friend or fake boyfriend, in that situation.
With a chuckle, she reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "Well, I appreciate it. More than you know"
The loud clank of metal on wood made them both look up. A can of energy drink tumbled along the parquet floor, spinning as it went. Their eyes followed its movements until they were stopped by seven faces peering through the crack in the door of the practice room.
Hongjoong's face was contorted with annoyance as he yelled at his group members. "I told you to mind your own business!" Who knew for how long they had been observing them in the shadows? Slowly, the peeping heads backed away, one by one, each wearing embarrassed expressions.
Chaeri couldn't help but laugh at the situation "Well, I guess that's my cue to introduce myself officially. - Ah, I warn you. Just because we know each other, I won't be any nicer to you than to anyone else"
"I didn't expect anything less from the best choreographer in Korea"
"Aish, you're already trying to buy me with kind words."
"No, I'm not!"
"Oh, yes you are."
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
The KQ Entertainment building shone brighter than usual that day, with special decorations meant to make Chaeri feel welcome. Near the rehearsal room was a snack area—a long table with treats, beverages and even a chocolate fountain. They had certainly gone all out in an attempt to impress BTS's female member.
The Ateez members, who had previously been caught snooping on her and their leader, stood neatly and quietly in a straight line, an odd sight for those used to their usual manners.
When Chaeri entered the room, they all bowed deeply to her, avoiding making eye contact, embarrassment still stinging their cheeks for their prior indiscretion.
Not one of them had the courage to utter a word while she shook hands with Kim Gyu Uk - CEO of the company - who had deemed it vital to be present that day to extend his welcome to Chaeri in person.
"We are delighted to welcome you, Kang Chaeri! It is an honor to have you as the choreographer for Ateez's comeback in July. We have made every effort to ensure your comfort and satisfaction during your stay with us. We look forward to experiencing the full scope of your creative prowess and making a remarkable impression together"
She bows her head respectfully before him, her expression careful yet enthusiastic. There is a slight upturn at the corner of her mouth as she speaks, eager to begin work and make a positive impression on Ateez’s comeback as her first work as a choreographer. "Thank you for having me, Mr. Kim. I'm looking forward to collaborating with Ateez and creating something that will exceed expectations."
After the head of KQ exited the room, an uncomfortable quietness hovered over them. Chaeri watched the amusing sight before her and spoke up to break it "No need to be embarrassed; we have work to do. We can talk about your snooping habits when we're done."
Wooyoung raised his arm, asking if he could talk. "Chaeri Sunbaenim, we weren't trying to be nosy, I swear! I was leaving the room and noticed Hongjoong hyung giving you a hug. I told the others who joined me. He usually despises being touched, but during that moment, he seemed incredibly content-"
"Hey!" Hongjoong cut him off mid-sentence. "Do you want to be six feet under today?"
The atmosphere of the room changed instantly, as the various members of Ateez burst into uproarious laughter, their heads thrown back and shoulders shaking. Even Chaeri, who had set out to be as professional as possible, found herself chuckling at the situation, her eyes bright and a soft smile playing at her lips.
As the laughter died down, Chaeri clapped her hands together, ready to get to work. "Alright, let's get started! We only have a few months until the comeback, so we need to make the most of our time together."
"Welcome to Ateez family, Chaeri sunbaenim. Please take care of us" The boys, except for Hongjoon who was clearly caught off guard, bowed in one motion, as if they had practiced it.
"Take care of me too, Ateez family"
The first kiss
May 2022, Seoul
Whenever she went outside, she had at least three staff members tagging along to protect her. However, when Hongjoong and her were out in Seoul - late at night so they could avoid over-excited fans - it seemed as if no one was following them.
Photographs of them out and about in the city had already been plastered all over social media and newspapers. Images of them visiting popular spots around town were splashed across these outlets.
For months, they had been playing their "fun game" of spreading gossip about a possible romantic relationship between them, while both of them relished the time they spent together as friends.
The van that was to take Chaeri home was waiting for her on the curb, and the driver had his motor running. Hongjoong stood with his arms crossed, preparing himself to say goodbye to her, aware that their paths wouldn't cross as soon as he desired due to conflicting timetables. "You know..." he paused and cleared his throat while looking away. "I am quite sure that to make this more realistic we have to work harder"
"What do you want to do?"
"Kiss you"
Chaeri's eyes widened at the sudden confession from Hongjoong. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she wasn't sure what to say. She had always been the bold one, but now she found herself at a loss for words. She stared at him for a moment, her mind racing, trying to figure out what to do.
Hongjoong moved closer to Chaeri, his eyes burning with a strong intensity as he searched her gaze for approval. He paused, their faces barely inches apart before finally their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss. His hands moved around her back and pulled her close, his body craving the warmth of hers.
The strap of her bag was tense in her fingers, trembling with fear. She wished she could pretend that they weren't both knee-deep in the complications of that "fake relationship". She had loved before and those experiences made it harder for her to consider loving again. The strange sensations that filled her stomach when his lips touched hers only scared her more. What emotion was this?
She slowly raised her gaze to meet Hongjoong's, his lips slightly parted as if he wanted to say something. His eyes seemed to plead with her to continue, and so she did. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she muttered almost to herself, “I don't know what I feel.”
Hongjoong's hand reached up to cup her cheek, his thumb stroking her skin gently. "I understand. We don't have to label anything. Let's just... see where this takes us."
Chaeri stepped back, her mind and body swimming with a mix of emotions. 
She had been meticulous with every aspect of her life recently, leaving no room for surprises or unexpected moments… until that one. She could tell from the beginning that Hongjoong was interested in her, and yet she found herself not able to break the connection between them. Why? She felt a conflict within herself over why she was allowing this to happen.
Hongjoong stared lovingly at Chaeri. He knew her fear and his heart ached with the desire to calm her. He tenderly spoke into the silence between them "It's all right. We don't have to be scared." 
Her mind was in turmoil, she wasn't sure if she was ready for a relationship or any kind of romantic interaction. 
She could sense his sincerity in wanting to get to know her more, yet how could he understand where she was coming from so soon? 
Besides, did he deserve to have a person who had drained all the love inside her? Was any of it left to give?
As these thoughts ran through her mind, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for leading Hongjoong on. She knew he deserved someone who was fully invested in a relationship, and she wasn't sure she could be that person.
As if sensing her doubts, Hongjoong stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Chaeri's waist, pulling her close to him. She tensed up at the sudden contact, but his embrace was warm and gentle, and she couldn't help but relax into it. 
"I know you've been hurt before," he whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her skin. "But I promise to be patient with you, to give you all the time you need to heal. And when you're ready, I'll be here, waiting for you. I know you are still able to love"
In their past conversations, the theme of 'love and relationships' had often arisen.
She avoided any discussion about who her former partner was, but she did speak to him about how the failed romance had damaged her belief in the possibility of loving someone in the future.
The sound of the van's engine revving brought her back to reality, and she reluctantly pulled away from Hongjoong's embrace. "I should go," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Hongjoong nodded, his expression soft and understanding. "Take care of yourself, okay?"
"You too, Hongjoong."
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The first date
June 2022, Seoul
Things had been..confused since the night of the kiss.
It was evident to both of them that the situation was reflecting a slight awkwardness on both sides. Or rather, on Hongjoong's side certainly. Chaeri was simply conflicted.
Because of their busy schedules they hadn't been able to meet but, almost as if nothing ever happened, they kept texting and calling each other, just as their habit for the past months was.
But that was about to change.
Chaeri turned off the TV, throwing the remote control to the other side of the sofa. The little ball of fur curled up on the armrest of it, not at all amazed by this behavior, continued undaunted to enjoy its moment of relaxation and cleanliness, carefully licking its little paws. "The best moment is yet to come, sure." The glaring light that marked every video released by BigHit suddenly went out, dropping the room into complete darkness.
The video for their latest single 'Yet to Come' had just been released and she couldn't have hated it more. Set in a desert scenario, all the milestones of their career were being relived, faced with a smile from them, a promise in a song to assure everyone that BTS would be back, that the hiatus would not last forever, that their paths were only parting for a short time.
But was it really like this?
Nothing was certain at that point, but they could not be honest about that either.
Everywhere she looked, it seemed like she was living a life of lies.
What's more, the feeling that she was losing her family for the second time gave her uncontrolled worry. At the age of 13, she had left her real family and in the group members she had found another.
Her anxieties grew with each passing moment as she thought about being without the only people she had ever truly embraced as her own.
The tears were still wet on her face when the phone started to vibrate and light up the room with its display. Right then, the kitten who had been sitting on the couch next to her jumped off the couch and ran away, as if it was giving her some space.
She didn't even bother saying a word, just sighing in frustration, certain it was Jennie calling again to ask her to come out with her and Taehyung for drinks that night.
When she heard a confused sigh from the other side, she decided to add: "Unnie, I told you I'm not in the mood"
An unexpected laughter bursted out of the other side and a soft masculine voice answered her "Unnie must be very patient if she puts up with all your 'I'm not in the mood'"
"Joong?" She blinked twice, a hint of surprise in her voice
He chuckled again, a deep rumble that sounded happy "Joong unnie"
She rolled her own eyes and scolded him playfully "Stop making fun of me"
"I can't, too funny"
Chaeri's worries were temporarily forgotten as her lips formed a contented smile "What's up? Why are you calling so late?"
"Actually, I wanted to know about the health of Bonggu" Chaeri turned over her shoulder, trying to catch the white coat of the kitten who had left her alone just now "Has he done taking the antibiotics?"
"Oh, yes, he is. I labored to make sure he had his final pill this morning," Chaeri said "He's much better now, thank you for asking.. But weren't you the one who referred to him as a wicked creature?"
"I might have said that once or twice, but it's just 'cause I couldn't stand living with animals in my house. They are noisy, they break things, and they only look for you when they are hungry"
"It sounds as if you are talking about your group rather than my cat"
"They are not very… graceful and they can be loud and a bit clumsy at times, sure, but I won’t tolerate any animal comparisons"
Chaeri was unable to finish their conversation before an ear-piercing scream from Hongjoong shocked her into pulling the phone away from her head. He bellowed at a sound level that she didn't think was possible: "San-ah! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"
Amid the insults that Chaeri thought she heard being exchanged between the members of Ateez, there was a few moments of quietness before she heard Hongjoong speak again on his cell phone. "Do you think you'd be free tomorrow? I need to go to Ikea."
" 'I won’t tolerate any animal comparisons' " Chaeri mocked him before bursting out laughing
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
When she entered IKEA, the store temporarily locked its doors to ensure her privacy; only those customers who were already inside could remain there.
She dashed to there after a hectic last-minute osteopath appointment. It was an essential part of staying healthy for someone who challenged their body with work; thus, visits and treatments from specialists were non-negotiable.
Thinking she could make it back to her place to change before seeing Hongjoong, she had neglected to bring along a prettier change of clothes with her.
She had soon found herself regretting it, as she was in the middle of the furniture store at that moment in slippers, oversized T-shirt and baggy pants.
But ... that wasn't a date, right?
She didn't understand why she was stressing so much about her outfit
When he saw her, Hongjoong greeted her with a peck on the lips. Which left her pleasantly surprised at how much he had made the gesture seem so natural and domestic.
As they made their way through the maze of Ikea's furniture displays, Hongjoong seemed to radiate with energy. He examined every piece of furniture with rapt attention and enthusiasm, and Chaeri followed him in a bemused state. It was like he was in his element as he eagerly pointed out various pieces of furniture that could potentially make their homes more comfortable and organized.
They finally found themselves at the area of interest for both of them: sofas
"You still have to explain to me how San-ah broke your couch"
"Believe me, I still don't know how it happened. One minute he was just sitting on it, and the next thing I knew, the whole thing had collapsed"
"We have to find an animal-proof one, then"
Hongjoong's expression shifted from amusement to guilt as he recalled the fervor with which he had stood up for the younger members of his group the day before, only to be embarrassed shortly thereafter "Animal-proof one, definitely"
Chaeri smiled and nudged him playfully, "Don't worry, I won't tell them you're looking for a couch that can withstand the weight of a bear"
He chuckled, "I'm not even sure bears would be as destructive as those boys"
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
"I'm still shocked I agreed to get that couch"
"I still don't see anything wrong with that couch."
"It's green."
"So what?"
"Our dormitory is white and brown, Chaeri"
"Very grim for eight young boys, indeed. You needed a touch of color. It's time to spice things up around there."
Hongjoong couldn't help but grin at Chaeri's stubbornness. He loved how she always spoke her mind, even if it meant going against him.
"Well, I'm sure the others will love it, that's for sure"
Hongjoong became aware that Chaeri was no longer paying attention to him, completely absorbed in the shelves before her. "Hey Joong," she gasped. "These would be perfect for your dormitory"
The girl tugged at a box of colorful glasses and coasters on the top shelf. Chaeri inspected them, admiring their hues. "Do you like them?" she asked. "The others still drink from mugs, don't they?"
"They are actually nice" he said, taking the coasters and examining them closely "And you're right, the guys do still drink from mugs. These will be a nice change for them"
"Well, tell them that Noona sent a gift"
One of the most admirable traits in her personality was her kindness towards others. She had just met those people and yet, she was already so warm and affectionate to them.
Hongjoong was especially touched by the girl's words and kind gesture. If his feelings weren't already so strong, he knew at that moment that he wanted to have a future with her.
"God, I want to kiss you"
"Are you going to make me wait any longer?" 
Without any hesitation, he leaned in and captured her lips with his own. She held herself a little stiffly at first but then relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.
The pressure of their lips increased and Hongjoong gripped the shelf behind Chaeri with one hand to balance himself, as though he needed an anchor to stay rooted in the present moment.
Hongjoong had to pull away after long minutes passed. He buried his face in her shoulder, not having the courage to say what was going through his mind as he looked into her eyes "I never want to let you go. Please come home with me tonight"
He lifted his head from her shoulder "Me.. and the boys would love for you to be part of our routine"
Chaeri looked at him softly, stroking his hair "Let's buy Swedish meatballs, hmm? We'll take them home"
As he smiled at her, Chaeri could not help but notice in that instant the fear of loneliness she had felt the day before had lessened just a little. Maybe she wouldn't be alone.
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taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @ycuvi | @bts-dream
139 notes · View notes
hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Twenty (Part 5)
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It’s not my alarm that wakes me. It’s the sound of the front door slamming. I come to life confused, full daylight beaming in through the windows, their linen curtains still open. I forget where I am for a few moments after what felt like the deepest and most comfortable sleep of my life. I stretch and rub the crusty sleep out of my eyes, and it’s only when I hear a car starting outside that a cold bolt of realisation hits me. What time is it? 
I scramble around in the egyptian cotton sheets for my phone, and panic when I can’t find it. It has to be here somewhere. Maybe the alarm hasn’t gone off yet. Maybe somehow it’s still four in the morning and I still have time to make it for breakfast. I finally find it, cold metal making contact with my palm, and I turn on the screen to be hit with the most stomach wrenching sight I think I’ve ever seen. 
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It’s eight o’clock. 
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My mind is racing. Did I forget to set an alarm? How could I have done that? Maybe he’s still here. Maybe the flight was delayed. Maybe I’ll catch him before he leaves. I run to the window and look down over the driveway where the car is manoeuvring out onto the road. I pray that Jude will be in it, but he isn’t. It’s just his dad, and he’s just going to work. 
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A desperate, panicked noise escapes me and I clamp my hand over my mouth as if the motion will stuff it back into me. I pace back and forth in disbelief. How could I have let this happen? How could I have missed the perfect sunrise breakfast? I think I’m going to be sick. I make a start to rush out into the hallway, just in case his bags are still there and there’s a whisper of a chance that he is too, but something on the floor right by the door stops me. I bend to pick it up. 
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It’s a small piece of grey cardboard, a corner torn from what looks like the lip of a cereal box. I turn it over in my hands to see a note scrawled on the back in black marker.
Sweet dreams, Evie. 
See you later, alligator. 
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I feel like dropping it on the floor and bursting into tears, but I can’t do that here. Not now. I stuff it into the front pocket of my bag then methodically dress myself, make the bed and pack my pyjamas away, all while feeling I’m on a knife’s edge, quietly pulling myself together, scolding myself for being weak. I take my bag and go out into the hall where, of course, there are no bags, and then I go downstairs, praying that nobody sees me or worse tries to say anything to me for fear that I’ll unravel like a spool of thread rolling across the floor. I go into the piano room where sleeping bodies sprawl over couches, and quickly and seamlessly I slide Goodnight Mr. Tom into my bag. It doesn’t even feel like a choice, I just do it, and then I go straight to the door and I let myself out.
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I still don’t cry as I charge down towards the seafront, I’m feeling beyond the point of tears now. I’m bordering on numb, and it’s like too many emotions are flooding my body all at once and all I can do is switch myself off. I don’t look into any of the faces that I pass and the people around me just blur together like smears of paint on canvas. 
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I cross over the bridge onto Bull Island, and when I get to the very end of it I sit on a bench beneath the Star of the Sea with my bag at my feet, looking blankly out over the sky. The long arms of Howth and the Great South Wall curl around the bay like they’re trying to embrace me, but I sit frigid and stiff, my jaw set and my face throbbing. The dregs of the summer breeze licks my face and murky waves collide with a tiny scut of beach facing northwards, and I keep my chin pointed upwards, waiting for the planes to cut through the clouds. 
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They fly low, cruising to and from the airport not ten kilometres from here, and with each departing flight I imagine that somehow Jude is on it, and maybe that if he could look out the window and really squint his eyes he could see me sitting here, at the edge of the island, wishing him the best and trying my best to hold it all in so that I can pretend that the shattered pieces of me haven’t been blown apart into irretrievable places, that nothing has changed within me, that I’m still the same Evie I was in June, and that I’ll be okay.
 Eventually, maybe, I’ll believe it. 
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imaginingaustin · 1 year
lazy lovers
summary: when austin returns home after an extended work trip, you spend a lazy day together.
“im so excited you’re finally coming back to me. this separation as been way too long.” you said to austin over the phone. he’d been gone for two months working on his latest project, which was the longest you’d ever been apart.
“me too! i don’t ever want to be apart from you this long again.” austin said. you couldn’t see his face, but knowing him, you could tell he was pouting.
you talked for a little while longer before austin had to start getting ready for bed in order to catch his early flight the next morning.
the following day, you were up and getting ready to head to the airport. you arrived in the area where you could wait for arrivals, coffees in hand, and found a bench to sit on. you checked the boards to ensure that austin’s flight was set to arrive on time. to your surprise, it looked like it was going to arrive a little bit earlier than anticipated. you sat there as his arrival time got closer, excited (and slightly nervous) to finally see austin again. 
as his flight arrival was announced, you stood and excitedly awaited your first sight of him. you stood on your tip toes trying to see over the heads of the other people who were coming out of the gate. when you finally caught glimpse of his signature black cap, it was at the same moment he finally glanced in your direction. his eyes locked on yours, a smile spreading across his face as far as it could go. you started to run towards him before you remembered you had drinks in your hands and didn’t want to risk spilling or dropping them. he picked up his pace and was in front you within seconds, bags dropped to the floor as you placed the drinks down on the bench. he pulled you into his arms, hugging you tight and pressing his lips to yours. 
“i missed you so much.” you said breathlessly before kissing him again. 
“i missed you too.” he said, smiling down at you. you kissed him again, before turning to grab your coffees. 
“welcome home.” you said with a smile, handing him his cup. “i got light ice, because i didn’t want it to water down too much.” 
“it’s perfect.” he said after taking a drink. “you’re perfect.”
“i love you. now, c’mon. let’s get you home.” you said, helping him with his bags as you walked out to the car. you got everything loaded and made your way home.
the entire drive was full of chatter as the two of you spent the time catching up. of course, you spoke every night while austin was gone, but getting to speak with each other in person, it was as if you were having an entirely new conversation.
he told you more about the project he was working on, the people he was working with, and some fans he’d met along the way. you updated him about work, dished some gossip, and shared additional updates about other stories you’d already told him.
once you finally got home, austin began unpacking, starting on his laundry and putting his toiletries and baggage away. you were sitting on the couch, scrolling on your phone when you saw austin appear in the living room. you looked up at him and smiled.
“my sweet man.” you said, turning and reaching your arms out to him. he moved to the couch, laying down in between your legs, resting his head on your chest.
“mmm, i needed this.” he sighed, tightening his arms around your waist. you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, running your fingers through his hair. “you missed.” he said softly. he moved his head to look up at you and you gave him a puzzled look.
as if to answer the question he knew you were going to ask, he scooched up and pressed his lips to yours. “that’s better. i think your aim is a little off, you’re probably out of practice.” he said with a smirk. you just rolled your eyes and shook your head.
as the two of you cuddled on the couch, a comfortable silence washed over you. after a while, you heard austin start snoring. you glanced down at him, your heart swelling at the sight of him asleep on your chest.
“aus, baby, if you’re tired go to bed.” you laughed, shaking him awake.
“no. if i sleep now i won’t be able to sleep tonight.” he moaned, not moving from his position.
“well, staying like this isn’t gonna help.” you laughed, pushing him off you. you sat him up on the couch and made him lean forward.
“c’mon, let’s go somewhere or do something.” he said, jumping from the couch. you quickly followed him out to the car and got in. 
you drove him to all your favorite places around the city, did a little bit of shopping, and got many more coffees. you tried all you could to keep him awake, and once it got closer to dinner time, you decided it was time to head back home. 
you picked up food on your way, and ate at the coffee table, the office playing on the tv in front of you. you watched austin as he moved slowly, zoning in and out. he was more tired than you’d ever seen him. 
after dinner you and him got ready for bed. you were lying down as he finished up in the bathroom. once he did, he moped out into the bedroom, crawling into bed next to you.
“you okay?” you asked as he groaned next to you. 
“i don't know what happened. the jet lag just hit so hard. i’m sorry i wasn't more lively on my return home.” he said, wrapping himself around you. 
“you don’t have to apologize, its totally okay. you’ve been in a different time zone for two months, and had a long travel day.” you laughed, rubbing his head. 
a silence filled the room as austin finally let himself fall asleep. you were still locked in his tight embrace, lying as still as you could so you didn’t wake him up, as you yourself started to fall asleep.
the next morning, it was nearing 11 once you finally woke up. austin was still sleeping soundly on your chest, seemingly not having moved from the same position all night.
“you have never been this deep a sleeper.” you groaned, trying to push him off of you. you started gently shaking him, eliciting low groans from him.
“i want to sleep forever.” he mumbled.
“well, you can do that, but i gotta get up.” you said, still trying to push him off of you. you were finally able to get him to roll off of you so you could get up. you stretched out and went to the bathroom, taking some time for yourself. austin sleeping on you all night made you a little sweaty, so you wanted to clean up a little bit. 
as soon as you got back into bed, austin’s arms were around you again.
“can we stay in bed all day?” he asked, eyes barely open, looking up at you.
“of course.” you laughed. it was the first day in two months that neither of you had anything to do. it was sunday, the day of rest, so of course you would end up spending the day doing nothing. but you didn’t mind. you knew that austin needed the sleep, and getting to be with him, in any capacity, was good with you.
you ended up having the perfect lazy day as austin caught up on sleep. while you slept, you caught up on some of your shows. later that afternoon, austin was finally rested enough to stay awake for more than 20 minutes. he joined you in watching your shows, and you ended up staying in bed all day, just as he wished.
lunch and dinner time was the only time you left the comfort of your covers, getting up only to retrieve your food deliveries. it was the perfect lazy day, and you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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