#sk8 the ask
sk8thereki · 2 years
Hi hi, if I were to potentially have a squish (friend crush) on you, would you prefer I dm you through this blog or the blog listed as "interaction" in your bio?
(Also side note; you can absolutely also say you don't feel comfortable with either option. Consent is pog.)
You have a friend crush on me? 👀
Honestly, either is cool! I'm the worst when it comes to communication though, so I'm not great at keeping or making friends, so contacting me really a roll of the dice lmao ;;
(and the interaction part of my bio is just me talking ab my main bc i can't use this blog to send asks/write commentc etc. etc.)
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k-mraz · 4 months
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manifesting season 2 with drawing. if it doesnt work im retorting to forbidden dark magic or smth
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pochiikou · 8 months
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bakubunny · 4 months
who's saying “c’mon, take it like a big girl.”??
good golly gosh this one makes my head spin
kirishima, bakugo, aizawa, midoriya, sero, kaminari, todoroki, yamada, toshinori, togata, iida, nanami, toji, gojo, kojiro
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itsanappl · 3 months
matchablossom whoopee!!!
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using this ask as an excuse to draw joe's shoulder tattoo
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Round 1: Fight 16
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Nakahara Chuuya/Dazai Osamu (BSD) vs Reki Kyan/Langa Hasegawa (Sk8)
Propaganda under the cut!
Nakahara Chuuya/Dazai Osamu:
have you SEEN the way Dazai interacts with Chuuya in 15. Desiring him carnally at first sight.
Reki Kyan/Langa Hasegawa:
Basicially Langa tranfers from Canada to Japan. He starts working at a skate shop with Reki. Reki brings Langa to an undergroung skateboarding place. Langa is amazing and wins a race. Reki starts to admire him and his skill, Langa is a snowboarder while Reki is a skateboarder. Reki teaches Langa how to skateboard, meanwhile becoming closer and getting stronger feelings. Anyways Langa keeps doing races but Reki stops going due to plot reasons and Langa realises his heart is not pounding as much as it used when skating. The thing Langa loved about skating was Reki. Yeah Reki fell first but Langa fell harder
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Izuku & Katsuki 🤝 Reki & Langa
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The spectrum of sports anime runs from Near Realism to Firmly Removed From Reality.
On one end of this spectrum we have Haikyuu!! which wins over every other sports anime in terms of actually being about the sport. Every part of Haikyuu!! is either playing a match or preparing for a match and almost all of their abilities and plays are firmly rooted in reality. Is it perhaps slightly unrealistic that this one short guy can jump That High??? Maybe, but he IS a shounen battle protagonist (haikyuu follows the shounen battle format perfectly Do Not At Me about this I am Right. The battles are matches. Obviously.) and therefore Hinata being Just That Good and Kageyama being Just That Good is necessary for genre reasons.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is something like Birdie Wing, the lesbian golf mafia anime, which I have not seen yet (yet!!! It is on the docket!) but I did watch this video essay about it and I think Geoff Mother’s Basement Thew would agree with my assessment. Which is to say that it’s absolutely batshit off the wall wild and has very little in common with the actual sport of golf. Which is great for me personally, because fuck golf.
Somewhere in between these two extremes lies Sk8 the Infinity which at first seems to maybe have some solid grounding in actual skateboarding and snowboarding technique and jumps even if it is unrealistic that they manage to be mostly fine after high speed crashes with no protective gear, and then fucking Adam shows up and drags the genre towards absurdity until it culminates in a psychic skateboarding battle to the death.
In our universe entering a flow state is something that anyone who is really comfortable with an activity can do, where you are basically embodying the mindfulness principle of One Mind, perfectly aware of everything related to your task and able to act without thinking about it first, in what’s basically a moving meditative state.
In the sk8 universe entering a flow state means getting mentally sucked through a prismatic vortex into a hypnotic paralysis which can be induced by one crazed matador roleplayer pulling you into basically a vampire thrall and can only be broken with the power of love friendship.
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gothicswiftv · 6 months
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Is that for Here or To-Go ?
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sk8thereki · 10 months
We must vote!
I hath reblogged it once and I hath reblobbed it once more for you anon
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sk8 as a show is so funny bcs you think it’s gay coded in the way most sports anime are gay coded and then you look closer at the themes and realize that it’s. From a certain perspective. Kinda a thinly veiled metaphor for the queer community
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asterthought · 5 months
Parksborn x Sk8 the infinity quote: Pete . . . my love . . . of science is because . . . of you.
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Haven't watched Sk∞ yet, but this scene is ICONIC
I sketched a Reki once in late 2021 (under the cut)
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It's hideous, I hate it, and I totally have to redraw it lol
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bakubunny · 4 months
Okay okay
Who says, “that’s it. don’t fucking stop, baby.”
Since that’s the one I audibly made a noise to
you’re right, sero is at the top of that list.
sero, bakugo, kaminari, kirishima, midoriya, shinso, aizawa, itadori, gojo, geto, megumi, reki
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Hi! I love your blog! I felt like I stepped into a heaven with every fandom I love. Could I request Cherry, Adam, Joe and Langa getting called terms of endearments like "dear" by their s/o?
Cherry/Joe/Adam/Langa + cute nicknames
Uncomfortable with it. At first
Since he’s always had a ‘feminine’ look to him, he’s never been into really cute things; like nicknames.
He only uses the nickname ‘Cherry’ to keep his professional and SK8 lives separate.
Does get use to it, over time, however. And does end up liking it.
Preferred nickname is ‘sweetheart’.
Loves it.
Kojiro has always been into dumb, cute stuff like that. With anyone he’s dated.
He’s one of those people who rarely uses his s/o’s name at all once they’re together. Changing the nickname up until he finds the perfect one.
He calls them ‘babe’ or ‘beautiful’ a lot.
Preferred nickname is ‘honey’. (yes it is influenced by cooking)
Also someone who likes it.
Ainosuke thrives on attention and adoration. Nicknames of endearment are just another way he can feel that rush.
Plus, he’s a very passionate man. And having ‘secret’ names for one another adds just another layer to their intimacy.
He loves to whisper their special name in their ear when they are at public events or parties.
Preferred nickname is ‘dearest’.
He is still pretty young. So this would probably be his first s/o, and time being called these names.
He’d try a few out himself. Ones he’d picked up from teen dramas in the states or Japan, but gets nervous or easily flustered trying to call them that.
Langa would rather just be called by his name, and vice-versa.
Preferred nickname would be ‘babe’. Most embarrassing nickname is ‘snow bunny’.
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cobaltfluff · 6 months
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christmas with the besties(?)!
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skater dividers
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ᐳ ᐳ please refer to my pinned post under "my edits" for divider rules ᐸ ᐸ
requested by @fishii28
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