#sketchie's fandom archives
CLASS 3-A Headcanons
Because this group has given me a lot of brainworms. I might add a list of other class and group dynamics.
General Headcanons:
Izumi takes pride in being the oldest and most responsible out of the 3-A trio.
He is literally one day older than Kaoru but he will shove it in his face and act as the greater superiority (and then Kaoru would flick him in the nose)
Chiaki is actually the oldest but Izumi dismisses this with, "You act like a 5-year so it isn't valid."
Eichi and Keito keep blackmail folders on each other "for funsies" [Madara overhears this and casually says that he keeps blackmail folders on everyone "for funsies!!"
Shu and Izumi talk about fashion with each other and both think the other one is the only one decent enough to get it.
Kaoru likes complimenting Mademoiselle's outfits and Shu sometimes takes them into consideration when designing new ones.
Chiaki holds very obnoxious over-the-top gift giving celebrations, so much so that everyone now participates in gift exchanges on Valentines, birthdays and Christmas.
Eichi loves spontaneously holding MANDATORY class field trips.
Shu obviously does not like involving himself with his classmates but still calls them "decent" (minus a certain someone) and ends up just sitting there observing them and making comments.
Madara loves to greet Eichi by wrapping his arm around Eichi's shoulders, just so he can put Eichi in a headlock. Keito is there to make sure it doesn't last more than 3 seconds.
Eichi loves to involve himself with the 3-A trio because he finds them amusing. He also lacks social skills and yearns for the buddy-buddy relationship they have.
Chiaki wanted to make Mademoiselle a hero outfit but got swiftly rejected.
Kaoru, on occasion, likes taking everyone (minus the idols outside of Japan), on food tours.
They frequent each other's lives but don't really admit that to each other.
Madara acts as an older brother figure to Chiaki and oftend leads Chiaki into more stupidity.
Izumi and Keito have similar taste in glasses.
Chiaki drags Keito frame shopping and Izumi tags along to make sure Chiaki doesn't choose something hideous. Him and Keito then engage in the world's longest convo about stylised lens frames while Chiaki gets bored and tries on all the frames from the kids section because they are colourful. Eichi wanted to go because he wanted to try out frames but Keito refused, saying Eichi didn't need them and Eichi complained about it for days.
! era:
Keito has his desk stocked with a complete first-aid kit, tissues, oscillator, etc. in case Eichi needs it.
On the rare case that Madara and Eichi are in class, they are seen tossing notes to each other with smiles. However, when one hits Keito in the head and he opens it, it's marked with death threats and passive aggressive insults.
They had a contest to see who looked best in Keito's glasses while he was asleep at his desk. Izumi won.
Eichi asked Izumi to paint his nails once for fun, but now nail painting sessions happen every two weeks for everyone
Kaoru first did it as a joke but now he kinda likes looking at his nails and gets upset if anyone ruins it. He's the first in line before Izumi even gets set up. Chiaki loves getting his nails painted but can never keep the paint on. He's always biting his nails, chipping them off by falling somewhere, or just being plain stupid with them. Izumi frets over this and complains as he does a touchup every morning. Keito only did it because Eichi wouldn't stop bothering him about having matching nails! Shu does not particpate. Lest it ruins his image. However, he does comment on other people's choice of design as he sits next to him. Madara complains about not being there enough to get his nails done but then he tries to steal the nail polish when he is there and tries to paint everyone's nails with the most atrocious colour schemes known to man.
Eichi likes playing with Chiaki's action figures (because he has the mentality of a child and likes playing with them) He moves them around while Chiaki gives him telenovela speeches on the significance of each one.
Kaoru likes jokingly telling Eichi to buy the class things as random as keychain sets to food. Eichi takes it literally and buys it all.
Everytime Madara comes back from overseas, he buy the most obnoxious tourist items and clutters the classroom with it as "gifts".
They all collectively play a game of "How High Can We Raise Hasumi's Blood Pressure!!"
Kaoru started it because he always loves teasing people and Keito's a simple target. Chiaki just accidentally joins in while Izumi inadvertently adds fuel to the fire. Madara loves being annoying so what else does he need? When Keito looks to Eichi to see if he joins in, Eichi just silently grabs the oscillator and measures his pulse and announces the rate like a game show host and Keito's pulse skyrockets.
Madara once visited Eichi in the hospital- though not directly. He scaled the hospital walls and slammed a cardboard sign saying "THE END IS COMING." before noisily breaking through the window.
Chiaki once found one of Shu's fashion designs on the floor and thought it was a colouring page. Shu chewed him out when he returned it, but later the outfit was made in those exact colours.
Eichi gets tired of sitting next to Keito all the time so he purposefully sits the farthest away from him and near other people. Chiaki is the only airheaded to not notice the death glares from Keito and Kaoru faintly fears for his life.
!! era:
Eichi made a group chat for the class because he wanted something else to entertain him in the hospital while he was stuck there.
It's still active and Eichi forced Shu to join when he got a phone and will not let him leave. The 3-A trio and Eichi talk the most in it and Keito engages to scold them every few messages. Madara pops in at the randomest moments to start chaos and Shu mostly leaves them on read (he does read every message...) and comments once in a blue moon.
Kaoru usually starts convo in the groupchat in his downtime, when he's in his apartment, and he usually sends random tidbits about his day.
Eichi usually responds first because the notification on his phone distracts him from work he doesn't want to do at the moment.
Chiaki and Izumi then follow and a general conversation sparks up.
Shu eventually responds asking why the chat is still alive and Keito comes into lecture them about staying up during the night and says that he will come into Eichi's office and make him do the work. Eichi stops typing but keeps the phone on, reading the messages.
Madara pops in and revives the chat again, leading Eichi to pick the phone back up, Shu to fully respond in disdain, and everyone to keep themselves up the whole night. Keito doesn't reprimand anyone anymore, just sighs as he makes Eichi do the paperwork the next morning.
Izumi was too far away to paint their nails as often but he usually got on calls to help them do it themselves.
Kaoru is the only one that is competent enough to do it so he gets assigned to paint Eichi and Chiaki's nails before Izumi gets so horrified at their work that he takes the next jet from Italy. Keito is again forced to join and Izumi touches them as much as he can when he comes to Japan.
Shu has made them outfits before, in a frustration that they didn't seem to be the type to sell to a client. He claims that they're still perfect, as nothing made by him isn't so he gives them out when he next arrives in Japan.
He gives Kaoru an outfit first and Kaoru wears it when he goes out to fancy places and says that he likes feeling flashy. He keeps it tucked it safely away specifically for that purpose.
Keito refuses it but ultimately leaves it in the box, in his hands. He doesn't plan on using it, but during formal events, he has pulled it out.
Madara is the first to wear it, followed by Chiaki and those two wore it everywhere they went before Shu yelled at them for being wreckless with precious fabric. They stop wearing it for a while but use it frequently and Shu stops complaining because he vaguely feel a sense of pride in it being that beloved.
Eichi did not get an outfit. Instead, Shu had handed him a small box where he pulled out a handkerchief and told him it was to "wipe the constant drivel that comes out of your mouth". Eichi keeps it and uses it frequently actually.
They still play "How High Can we Raise Hasumi's Blood Pressure!!"
Chiaki bought an action figure for Eichi because he felt that the character's role fit Eichi. Eichi couldn't remember the character's backstory for the life of him, but he keeps it on his desk and likes playing with it during paperwork.
Izumi carried a travel tote bag on him occasionally and off of it dangles Madara's tourist keychains, Eichi's random trinkets Kaoru made him buy the class, and his own matching keychain set with Kaoru and Chiaki.
At first, Shu took as many trips to Japan as possible because he wanted to annoy Eichi by biting into his expenses. Eichi only responded with a "What? You want to see me that badly-?"
Eichi and Madara always end up starting chaos in the groupchat by exclaiming everyone's secrets in the public chatroom.
Eichi doesn't do it out of maliciousness. A little birdie just told him about something that happened and he wants to know more. Madara knows what he's doing and loudly proclaims it in all caps like "LORD ALMIGHTY!!! PERSON A AND PERSON B WERE MAKING OUT IN THE STORAGE CLOSET!!!"
Mostly though. In my head, these guys interact a lot even after they graduate and they give me brainrot agh. I love these clowns so much.
More Enstars Headcanons~: 3-B Headcanons || Marine Bio Headcanons
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neverjustblue · 14 days
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(Click on the Image for better quality) Jason, Piper, Leo, and Will from @schooltown-follies’s HOO rewrite fic, Eschatology on ao3!
I have soo much to say about this fic. PLEASE go read it i’m soo invested!! I had so much fun drawing this interpretation of the characters, even if I had to redraw Leo and Will one thousand times and still don’t really like how Will looks. May have to redraw him at some point :)
For the authors, I hope you enjoy these drawing and I hope i got them accurate! They aren’t fully rendered, and the lineart is loose and sketchy, but I hope you still like it!
A link to the fic, for those interested!!
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myfairkatiecat · 1 month
Della fic for Kale!
@kale-of-the-forbidden-cities this is for you! <3 Based on your Della Vacker lore! (You guys should have seen the way I SQUEALED when I saw I had a kale fic request)
It isn't that Della didn't want Alden to propose to her.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Ok, wow, this is NOT the type of ask you seem to get usually, but this appears to be my best option...
I'm seeking out a post that is not particularly fandom-y in nature, but I was reminded of it after reading the earlier anon who was burned out from AI discourse - I totally feel the same way, and there was a really great lengthy textpost I reblogged a few months ago (read: "I read it any time from, like, April 2024 to almost a year ago......sorry") that I cannot find on my blog nor on tumblr in general - either because the post has been completely nuked from the internet OR because I'm just bad at SEO searches and remembering the keywords that were actually IN the post. I'm hoping it's a me issue or, if the post IS nuked, at the very least someone here remembers it and has an internet archive link or screenshot or something????
to get to the point, there was a post that was like (paraphrased, quote marks are not literal quotes):
"When it comes to the anti-AI crowd on tumblr, there's basically two schools of thought: people who completely hate AI and everything about it and are opposed to all forms of AI without even learning what AI really is. These people are stuck in their ways and generally can't be reasoned with.
Then there's a second group who are against AI for pretty good reasons - they really are worried that AI is gonna completely take over and steal artists' livelihoods, those who criticize it for environmental activist reasons, etc. These people generally can be reasoned with as they're truly misinformed, and in fact they would be - or already are - receptive to a less harmful AI."
The post then went on to compare AI to other forms of automation and made some really great parallels; such as bringing up the fact that stores that have both self checkout AND cashiers tend to be the best business models, because people who have their preferences can choose how they want to shop, AND we can utilize automated checkouts without completely getting rid of cashiers, which is obviously good for a lot of reasons.
It also debunked a lot of common fearmonger-y arguments against AI, i.e. explaining what "training AI" really entails, with some general copyright-critical philosophy in general. (I don't know the actual, like, political term, if one even exists, but basically they were talking about flaws with "intellectual property" as a concept - or at least how IP works today and why it works the way it does.)
There was also a really good addition to the OP's thoughts that I liked, with another user talking about: Essentially people who are gonna use AI would likely have done something else sketchy anyway, even if AI as it stands today didn't exist. For example, chatGPT isn't to blame for plagiarism. The people who use chatGPT to do their homework would, in an earlier time, likely go on Chegg / pay someone to write an essay / reuse their old work / etc. Likewise, the people who tell open AI to make artwork for them likely wouldn't make (or try to make) their own artwork anyway, nor would they even commission someone. They talked about how since fandom is so damn divided on the topic of AI, that the artists who DO feel as if their commissions are being taken away from them, or the writers who DO fear AI taking over fanfic.......well, to put it nicely, those people likely wouldn't really be losing many fans in the first place. You didn't lose a commission to AI - that person never would've commissioned you in the first place, and the people that do commission you hate AI as much as you do. You're not losing readers to AI - people who choose AI fics over yours are likely already the impatient type who can't handle waiting more than a week for an update, so they just make AI feed them 10k in one sitting! And the people who DO comment and read on your stuff, also hate AI!
I definitely did not agree with every single point made on the post (ie i dont think the self checkout metaphor was a great direct parallel logistically, but I def picked up what they were trying to put out and overall agreed with the general sentiment), overall it made a lot of really, really, really good points about the AI debate that I'd truly never considered before.
I know I've damn near rewritten the whole post myself now at this point but I also know there's a lot of stuff that I'm missing or that I just can't word and I'd love to know if anyone else has seen this post or has it on their blog in some capacity.
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kradeelav · 8 months
Hey Krad, do you have any advice for starting a website like yours? I love the idea of starting a website to host my fandom and personal portfolio, and maybe get back a piece of the old internet. How did you put yours together?
hey there! great question, and the good news is there's a lot of ways to go about it.
the bad news is, there's a lot of ways to go about it.
to simplify things, there's kind of ... three "tiers" to the back-end of how to create a website. let's break it down below.
high ease, low customization. (wix, weebly, squarespace, etc. you pay a company + they give you a bunch of themes and pre-made pages for you to drop images in.) can have one of these online in 2-3 hours, but it often "feels" templated and sterile.
medium ease, medium customization. (making a theme from scrach with tumblr's custom code editor, hybrid sites with some pages in pure code, some with wordpress grafted onto some subdomains). this is what i'd classify my site as, as I use wordpress for my logs for brainless updating. while i'm confident coding single/static pages, i just don't have the time or brainwidth right now to make a complex archiving system.
low ease, high customization. (neocities, pure html/css/coding). the downsides to this is oftentimes these sites are not phone-friendly, and there's a steep learning curve. but for the quintessential "old internet" experience, by far the best route to take. there's also something really empowering about learning why things work the way they do.)
some of this can be super intimidating if you're starting from 0 coding knowledge; there's no shame in switching to a templating software. hell i started with weebly and dicking around in tumblr's custom code template for a solid 5 years before making my current site, and that was with a previous 5 years of sketchy html experience) you're not gonna learn everything overnight.
but! as long as you keep a curious and inquisitive mind, you can't go wrong.
one last encouragement: there's kind of a mini renaissance with custom sites right now, especially in neocities circles, so you're kinda in luck in that there's more resources than ever. i love scumsuck's guides, and fancoders (the community) is also all over this too.
good luck!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months
Summary: Techno takes on a sketchy babysitting gig to make some money. Hs’s not entirely sure they’re not trying to murder him.
Author: @opheliabloo
Note from submitter: SBI is fantastic and this is the stupidest crack fic I have ever read - which I mean in the literal most loving way. It's a great fic for when I just need some mindless fun and good vibes
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wufflesvetinari · 6 months
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Relationships: Wyll & Ansur in an exciting/creepy destiny-laden alliance, Wyll & Ulder’s whole deal, and a li'l Wyllstarion also
Wordcount: 10k, complete
Setting: Canon AU where the Ansur quest is relevant to Wyll’s life. set in Wyll’s childhood + the game’s canon timeline.
Additional Info: my contribution to @wyllweek day 5: both the prompts “Heart of the Gate” and “Coming of Age”!
I am VERY proud of how this turned out. everybody dies, bitch, let’s get you a sketchy dragon buddy & some strange and terrible visions
AO3 Summary:
There’s a creature in Wyll’s mirror. It calls itself the Heart of the Gate.
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aylish91 · 1 year
You! You beautiful, creative, amazing person! It's your fault I got back into the fandom and now I'm hyperfocused on Leviathan!Tale, again! (No but seriously your works are amazing and you should be proud of yourself!)
I have a request for Leviathan!Tale, (if you have the time) when did the reader join the shiver? And how? Were they wondering alone? Maybe almost killed off for being different? How did the others react to reader joining? Were they scared and refused to eat unless Nightmare or Dream was near?
Hello beautiful Anon! I deeply apologize for how long this has taken me to get to. I have kept it and hoarded it like a dragon with its precious treasure. It has brought me such great joy every time I reread it.
I have made this for you, dear friend. I hope you are still with us undertale folk, and thank you! May you find answers within these chapters!
For those looking for the new/fresh chapter:
or below
New awakenings
You did not feel quite right. Your body was heavy and ached like you were coming down from a fever, lungs and throat burning and agitated. Guess it serves you right for going out on such a stormy night. Shrine Rock was sketchy to traverse on the best of nights, what possessed you into thinking you could do it with no moon and turbulent seas?
Uuuugh. You could be extremely reckless sometimes, but at least you were alive. A bit worse for wear, but alive.
Shifting, you contemplated opening your eyes. Despite your condition, you were starving and needed to get up and ready. It would be the last morning in your childhood home on the island and you had to get to the ferry by nine if you were going to make the bus into the city. You could tell by the muted bickering of your neighbors that it was already far past time you should have woken.
Groaning, you rolled to reach for your phone, blanket tangling around your legs uncomfortably. Shifting again, you weren’t expecting your bed to move or something else to wrap around you. Eyes snapping open, a frightened gasp left you breathless.
You weren’t in a bed at all. You weren’t even in your house. Wrapped around you were absolutely massive tentacles boxing and encasing you within their mass. They were a deep black, hints of bioluminescence giving them an iridescent sheen.
R e a l.
You would have thought you were in some sort of dream if you couldn’t physically feel every panicked movement. It made you roll and squirm, trying to bring your legs up to brace yourself against them. It also made you realize why the blanket had been so uncomfortable.
There was no blanket. And there were no legs…
In place of your legs were a mass of bunched and tangled tentacles, much like the giant ones surrounding you. They were curled up close to your center, winding amongst themselves. Out of reflex, you pushed away from them, only to have them unfurl and chaotically flail around. It was uncanny how you could feel each individual limb as they whipped around.
Then, everything tumbled and moved, the larger tentacles sliding away to open to the outside. There was a drastic drop in temperature as water flowed around you. Your breath hitched. Hunching into yourself, you frantically looked around.
To your horror, an animated skeleton seemed to climb or slide over the top of one of the tentacles, black trailing down from its sockets with a shark’s lower body. The connection of bone and body was seamless from the lower ribs down, some sort of glowing energy in the shape of a target above its bony chest.
You couldn’t move as it spoke.
“Finally! Would ya look at that. You made a little you boss.” It swam closer. “How interesting.”
Another, larger, voice vibrated the water. “Killer—"
To say you had a bit of an overreaction was an understatement. Adrenalin swamped your systems when the creature came forward with an outstretched clawed hand. Crying out, your first reaction was to kick it away. However, without legs to kick, your tentacles were the things that lashed out.
Two smashed into the face of its skull as a third and fourth wrapped around their arm. Startled, the creature jerked backward with a yelp, pulling you further into the open. Your limbs tightened, the rest flailing and grabbing anything they could reach. In the end, you grappled both of its arms and the majority of its torso.
You both made undignified panicked noises as tentacles and fins thrashed about, each of you doing your best to simultaneously free yourself while attempting to maintain some sort of hold on the other. The glowing target pulsing above his sternum continued to glow brighter and more erratic. One of your tentacles almost made contact with it but the creature managed to grab the appendage with a desperate snarl before it could.
“Boss! Nightmare!” A different tentacle found an opening around an upper rib causing a choked gasp. “A little help!!?”
You were so preoccupied unwillingly wrestling that you missed the laughter building around you. It took the rising rumbling chuckle vibrating the water again before you noticed it all.
Why was it so familiar…
Water swirled around you before large dark skeletal hands gently took hold of you, slowly removing your offending appendages from their target. “Calm yourself little fish. Do not fear. You are safe here among my own.”
You stilled, eyes wide.
The great Guardian Nightmare, thought to have been nothing more than a dream, held you in his hand, his fabled servants hovering not too far past the edges of his great limbs.
His shiver of loyal sharks.
Skeletal Mer sharks…
All the stories and warnings your grandmother had ever told you swarmed your mind. Everything simultaneously made sense and didn’t. You had heard many stories of the guardians saving wayward travelers and those loyal to them. But you were regular old you.
Had you really been judged and chosen?
Your thoughts were interrupted by a skeletal mer with shimmering golden fins and eyelights appearing over Nightmare’s shoulder, their subtle glow stunning you into stillness.
Their voice was as soft and smooth as you had once imagined…
“We’re glad you are finally awake. We were beginning to worry.” Gliding closer, he smiled, just close enough to be friendly. “I’m Dream. It is lovely to finally meet face to face. Nightmare was quite quick to hide you away.” His eyelights brightened with a sly look back. “My brother seemed to think you were quite agreeable.”
The giant hand you were in pulled away, another coming to shield you from view. “Brother. Perhaps you could be more useful and take the others to fetch some nourishment. Their sleep has been unexpectedly long.”
Circling your living barrier, Dream chuckled, playfully twirling his body as he went. “Of course. This is quite the occasion. If I must, I will keep the others busy while you get them comfortable.” Flicking his tail, he slipped past the shiver to call over his shoulder. “Come along then. We wouldn’t want anyone else spooking them and ending up like Killer.”
The circling mer erupted in laughter once again, the mer from before giving an indignant squawk as he darted after the mischievous guardian. It wasn’t long before the sound of their teasing banter faded into the distance.
The tension in your shoulders and… limbs eased, your fears fading away. Settling into the palm, you idly wrapped around the large bony fingers as you processed. Despite how far down you seemed to be, the world seemed clear and bright. Sunken ships of various ages littered the open expanse around you, your host casually sprawled atop an old wooden vessel elevated atop a rocky platform.
You knew beyond shrine rock was referred to as the depths, but still. How had something like this never been discovered? None of this felt real. You didn’t feel real, but the subtle twitch of tentacles and the feel of the cool water around you kept you grounded.
Your Grandmother’s stories didn’t do any of this justice.
You took a breath and looked up when you felt everything shift, Nightmare’s low calming voice bringing you back to him. “You must be full of questions. It is not very often a mortal finds themselves within our realm.”
You did have a lot of questions, but they all swirled and meshed together until they stuck in your throat. What was appropriate to ask? How should you address such a being? What did he expect of you?
Looking into the dark skeleton’s singular eyelight, A sense of calm overtook you. You had already talked with him before. There was no need to be so afraid. No questions had been wrong and there was no proper way to speak with him. Simply being yourself had been enough.
He had been so curious, kind, and alluring…
Regaining your courage, you attempted your voice. It cracked and burned, but you managed. “I had thought all of this was a dream, but… If this is true, I offered you my… Shouldn’t I be…”
He hummed, socket lidding. “Dead? Indeed. But I did warn you. When you offered me your soul, I took it for myself. You live, because I breathed life back into it.”
You could feel the sting around your eyes. “Why?”
“You intrigue me. It is rare to find someone such as yourself and you had already proved your loyalty. Sometimes, for a being like me, that is all that is needed.”
You mulled that over as you fought your emotions. “You are a Guardian. A king of the deep abyss. You chose to save me, grant me one of your gifts, because I was Interesting?”
That same deep chuckle vibrated the water, his body moving to lean against the mast. “In a way, little fish, yes.” He paused, grin turning solemn. “As I said that night beneath my raging storms. I am a greedy and selfish creature. I found you upon that rock, worshiping a being you had never seen and who had been silent for a great many years. You were not angry or pleading when you witnessed my approach. You did not beg or demand anything of me. We spoke cordially, as if we were equals. And when I then offered you my most coveted of gifts, you instead offered me that which was most sacred of yourself.” Tilting his head, he delicately ran a clawed bony finger under and along a few of your tentacles. “For that, you have earned my favor. Whether from my own greed or your appealing nature, it matters not. I have already claimed you as my own.”
Just like the night you died, you found yourself in utter awe of him, a warmth spreading through your chest from his admission. You couldn’t help redirecting away from yourself and your bubbling mix of feelings.
With a shaky chuckle of your own, you playfully looked up. “You might regret this later, you know. Look at me, I don’t even know how to tentacle properly.” As if by fate, one immediately jerked back to smack you in the face, making you grunt and quickly shove it back down.
The Guardian, much to your embarrassment, did a good job holding back a laugh, only letting out a quick rush of air… water?... before hiding behind an amused smile. “You will learn in time. You are still young and new. A pup does not learn everything in a single day.” He turned his head. “Isn’t that right, Cross?”
Your entire body twitched when you followed his gaze. A skeletal shark mer with one red and one white eyelight hovered a little away from the mass of Nightmare’s tentacles. The thing that struck you the most, however, was the jacket and belts he wore despite being underwater. The jacket was black and white with a fine amount of floof around the edges while two belts criss-crossed on what would have been his waist. The next thing that got your attention was his tail. Purplish in hue, it darkened around the tips of his fins and reminded you of a thresher shark’s tail. It especially gave you that impression when compared to the first mer, Killer’s, mako-esk body. When he looked up in greeting, there was a small scar beneath his right socket.
He looked uncomfortable, sending subtle glances your way as he fidgeted with something in his hands. “Um, yeah...” There was an awkward silence until he coughed. “I uh… Dream sent me back with something light while he helps the others. They went topside closer to the reef.” He held out a small mesh bag with what looked to be two crabs moving about inside.
Nightmare sighed. “I see. Let us take it elsewhere then.”
You had to brace yourself when everything around you began to move. Bringing you near his chest, Nightmare slipped down from the ship towards the bottom of the rockface. Once there, he ever so gently extracted you from his palm and fingers to set you down amongst a soft pile of seaweed and sand. Backing away, you watched in awe as he maneuvered the bottom half of his body into the curved opening of a cave. Even though it wasn’t very deep, it was enough to get his tentacles snugly within. It allowed for a better position next to your resting place more at your level. While you watched, Cross hesitantly swam down to join you, staying closer to Nightmare’s elbows a safe distance away. He didn’t relax until the Guardian had settled.
Loose sand clouded the water where the leviathan lay. “There. Now, if you would Cross.”
The mer scrunched into his jacket, looking anywhere but at you. “Yes sir.” Ever so carefully, he swam close enough to hand you the bag. “It’s not much considering, but they still taste good.”
Yep. Live crabs. You now had a big bag of crabs, and it wasn’t even market day. You suppose you were going to have to put them in your mouth.
Heh… Focus.
You had never eaten a crab raw before and they were still moving. Would the meat come out the same if it wasn’t cooked? Were you still susceptible to seafood poisoning now that you weren’t technically human? You were starting to get nervous.
Just staring…
Cross didn’t know what to do with that, becoming visibly more distressed. “I mean, I could go get urchins or oysters or something?”
You felt just as awkward. “No, no. This is fine. I mean, the other two things sound wonderful too, but I can just… Uh… I’ve never eaten it raw before? And they are still alive so… Um…”
You were floundering.
Nightmare chuckled when understanding dawned on Cross’ face. “Oh. Yeah. I forget humans like to cook their food.” Your tentacles curled when he came forward again, this time getting close enough to reach inside the bag. “They should be fine to eat. None of us have any problems. Here.”
Taking one of the crabs, he turned it over before jabbing the underbelly down the center with a crack. With it now limp, he grabbed all the legs on one side, pulling the entire chunk away from its body to hand to you. You tried not to grimace.
You had seen the fisherman at the docks and market do something similar (although either with a sharp knife, pick, or bang) so you weren’t surprised. But it was still raw, and he made killing it with his fingers seem so easy.
Cross was watching with such hopeful attentiveness now though. Quietly thanking him, you gave him a gentle, yet uneasy, smile and did your best to separate meat from the base portion connecting the legs. Using your newfound sharpened nails, you were able to get some just fine, and the smell was actually quite nice.
You still hesitated.
“Go on, little fish. You need it. Others before you have questioned. They too found their way. You will find your taste in food has changed alongside you.”
You couldn’t really argue with that. He was an ancient being after all who had undoubtedly gone through this with countless others. You wondered if Cross was one of them.
Nodding, you took a breath and made the plunge. It was startling how different it tasted compared to when it was cooked. Or when you had been human? It was good! Better than plain, although, you wished you were able to dip it in butter. Your stomach was at least ready to accept more if nothing else. The single taste was not enough.
You were suddenly aware of just how empty your stomach was, quickly digging, mashing, and pulling more from your meal. Cross graciously passed over the other half during your ravenous display, taking the time to prepare the second crab for you as you ate. You were so focused on eating at the time, you almost didn’t catch the dopey grin spread across his face as he watched. Nightmare grinned down from the palm of his hand. Your mind was too overcome by the frenzy to care.
They were kind enough not to mention it.
By the time you had finished, your stomach thanked you. However, you were far from satiated and your body still ached.
You sighed.
Tidying up your mess for Cross, you quietly thanked him when he took it and swam off to dispose of it. Nightmare looked on, eyelight sharp and focused.
Feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, you sank into yourself and took a tentacle in your hands. If you focused on it instead, perhaps you wouldn’t feel so much. There were a few things you were curious enough to ask about too…
“You are in pain.” One of Nightmare's bony fingers startled you as it brushed against your limbs. Unconsciously, you willed one of them to wrap around it for comfort.
You had to look away. Cross was in the distance heading upward and towards something.
Something in you shivered at your name, but you never got the chance to answer him. A shout along with other voices announced the return of the others, Killer making a particularly quick approach. Circling the patch of seaweed, he smirked at your flinch.
“Wooow. Movin pretty quick Boss. Only the first day and ya already got em—”
You didn’t know tentacles could move that fast. One moment Killer was circling above, the next he was wrapped up tight enough to clamp his jaw shut. Nightmare was no longer as relaxed, spilling out of the cave enough to effectively sit among his agitated limbs, a couple looping around your little area.
“That is enough teasing for the day. Behave yourself. I am hardly in the mood.”
Killer didn’t seem affected by his predicament in the slightest, nodding with a muffled reply. As soon as he was released, he let himself sink to the ground with a wink. Dream, Cross, along with two others soon joined him with their spoils.
You ignored the pain and the suspicious eye of Nightmare in favor of looking over your new companions. Everything was strange and new. Only time could tell what was ahead of you.
You only hoped you were worthy of it.
Grand Master Post Leviathan Au
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youcouldmakealife · 2 years
SOTM: Various, online chatter; that’s enough internet for today
For the prompt: How hot is Jared? Twitter's best explainers
Forgive me any formatting sins -- I aimed for clarity over authenticity, but who knows if tumblr will oblige on that front.
“How’s the internet doing?” Dave asks.
“Well,” Andreas says. “It’s — technically good news, but in a way you probably don’t want to hear the details of?”
“That sounds ominous,” Dave says.
“Do you know what shipping means?” Andreas asks. “Not the—“
“You know, you’re right,” Dave says, literally backing into his office. “I don’t want to know.”
“I didn’t think so,” Andreas says, saluting Dave with his coffee, then goes to check out what’s happening on twitter. He thinks he’s had more than enough of AO3 for the foreseeable future.
On Twitter:
I’ve decided to block everyone who says something shitty about Bryce Marcus or Jared Matheson in the next while and I think my hockey twitter experience is going to greatly improve as a result
This is absolute genius I’m doing it
Damn now we know he’s going to stay beautiful.
So does Bryce clearly. Lock that upppp.
Nevermind fam just found out there is in fact a fandom and they are losing their dang MINDS right now.
A selection of tweets liked by Bryce Marcus’ lurking account:
Look if I landed Jared Matheson I too would tattoo his signature on my chest.
I would tattoo his PICTURE.
How is it that Bryce Marcus is a multi-millionaire who routinely is in the top twenty in scoring and clearly takes care of his appearance and dresses better than 95% of hockey players, and yet I’m still like ‘nice work landing that husband, bro’.
You know that if Marcus and Matheson could reproduce they would have the most beautiful children 
Sweet mitts too
Every single picture or video I’ve managed to find of Bryce Marcus and Jared Matheson in the same place Jared is like 😐 and Bryce is like 😍  how did we just figure this out now
“Babe,” Jared says. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Bryce says. “I’m not doing anything. Go back to sleep.”
“It’s the middle of the night,” Jared groans, slinging an arm over Bryce’s hip as he buries his face in Bryce’s good shoulder. Bryce’s hand comes up to absently pet his hair, and Jared falls back asleep that way, Bryce’s fingers carding through his hair as he scrolls through god knows what with his other hand.
On AO3:
Tags: Bryce Marcus Matheson/Jared Marcus Matheson/Julius Halla, I was really tempted to put Julius Halla Matheson but I think that’s enough chaos for right now, this is how I’m coping as a Hallason shipper, with OT3s, and threesomes, au just in that erin matheson doesn’t exist, sry erin it’s not personal
Tags: Bryce Marcus/Jared Matheson, no plot just vibes, soft shit, I literally just got here but, Bryce Marcus is a bottom you cowards,
Archive Warnings: Underage
Tags: Bryce Marcus/Jared Matheson, Rafael Sanchez, Just like the regular level of underage jared was when he met bryce nothing sketchy, or sketchier than reality lol, meet cute, my hc of how they met,
“If this is about Jared I’m hanging up on you,” Stephen says as he picks up his phone.
“You knew, didn’t you!” Beth says.
Stephen hangs up the phone, and puts it back on the table, face down.
It, of course, immediately vibrates. Gabe looks at it, then at Stephen.
“Don’t give me that look,” Stephen says.
Gabe continues to blink mildly as it goes to voicemail, then starts to vibrate again.
“You talk to her then,” Stephen says.
“Hi Beth,” Gabe says. “How are you? Yes, I did know who my linemate was married to. No, I didn’t think to tell you. Well, because I’m not sure how it’s relevant to you, Elisabeth.”
Stephen smirks at Gabe as his face grows continually wearier. His fault for not just hanging up — it may be mercenary, but it means Stephen doesn’t have to listen to whatever Beth’s telling Gabe.
“Let me give you Stephen,” Gabe says.
Sometimes Stephen forgets that Gabe has spent a little too much time around him for his own good.
‘Fuck you’, Stephen mouths, but Gabe just smiles and continues to hold his phone out.
On tumblr:
The Bryce Marcus/Jared Matheson tag has doubled in the last 36 hours. You guys okay?
Can’t sleep gotta write fic.
I think I speak for all of us when I say, from the bottom of my heart: no.
But like in a good way!
Where my Julius/Jared shippers at? How y’all doing?
Well we found out Jared Matheson is actually gay and married to a man literally from the lips of Julius Halla…in the context of telling us he’s married to a completely different dude and also now I’m legitimately worried about their friendship since he just outed his bestie so idk you tell me.
Do we change it to ‘Jared Marcus Matheson/Bryce Marcus Matheson’ or Jared Matheson/Bryce Marcus’ or is it chaos or —
The AO3 tag wranglers have been by and they’ll all redirect to ‘Jared Matheson’ and ‘Bryce Marcus’ so don’t worry.
But why isn’t it redirecting to ‘Marcus Matheson’?
Show us the papers and we’ll do it. Legal name change documentation please.
You have all been shoving these definition of Average Dude hockey players in my face all ‘look at this beautiful man’ and none of you showed me Jared Matheson, Actually Beautiful Man? What is the MATTER with you people.
You have been in the wrong corner of hockey fandom trust me. his beauty was Known
east coast bias even in hockey rpf smh
Want some fic recs?      OBVIOUSLY.
Hey remember a few years back when we all made fun of Bryce Marcus for not knowing his own initials judging by that JBM necklace? Wikipedia says Jared’s middle name is Bradley
I would like to submit a formal apology to Bryce Marcus who a) can spell b) is the most romantic man alive and c) has clearly been TRYING to get caught this whole time.
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kapa56 · 17 days
Hello Banana Fish fandom,
After being a long time lurker in the BF fandom and reading every fanfic possible on ao3 I decided to be brave and write my first ever fanfiction.
I kept debating if I should post it here as well for visibility but I was scared because I know it's not as good as I want it to be but I am willing to remaster it after I finish it.
What is it about?
TW: substance abuse, suicide attemps and regular BF traumatising topics
After Ash's death and continous traumatic nighmares, Yut-Lung starts messing around any drugs he can find trying to find an escape from reality. Unfortunately for him, he is can barely get high on them due to learning how to be immune to poisons.
Only alcohol makes him feel something. It almost kills him a few times and makes him want to cut himself hoping that he bleeds out. Poor Sing finds almost each time and tries to help him anyway he can.
Somehow 5 years after Ash and Lao died, Yut-Lung is still alive but has an insane ideea: given his experience with chemistry, he decides to modify Banana Fish into a regular but more effective drug that can make him forget for a few hours about himself.
What he didn't expect,is to have vivid dreams about waking up in the bathroom of a sketchy night club where music is blasting loud as hell and where he sees some ghosts from the past.
Let me know what you think🫶
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haematoclan · 3 months
If you're still accepting BTHB requests, "Roaring rampage of rescue" for Mikey? Furious Mikey is a treat 👀
of course I'm still accepting requests, thank you so much for this one! I agree, angry Mikey truly is a treat and was so fun to write! The moment I saw this ask I just knew Mikey would set something on fire :)
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fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters: Mikey, Draxum, Splinter, Leo (other characters mentioned) prompt: roaring rampage of rescue warnings: major character death, blood and violence, mentions of gore, angst word count: 9,586
The turtles get beaten and kidnapped by sketchy humans. All but Mikey. This catastrophic fight leaves him hurt, confused, guilty and above all, angry. But at least he knows his brothers are still alive thanks to their unbreakable bond… But then. Something happens. Something so devastatingly horrible it ignites the worst side of Mikey's soul, a blood boiling rage, a need for vendetta so intense it was hard to breath around.
These humans were as good as ashes.
Mikey burns people who took his brothers: a fic.
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Marine Bio Headcanons
Mental illness held me in a vice grip because I cannot stop thinking about the marine biology club. interacting. OCEANS is a little family and you cannot tell me otherwise-
General Headcanons:
Kaoru likes pulling on the ribbon that holds Souma's hair up to tease him. If only every time he did it, he wouldn't have his nose nearly cut off by Souma's sword.
No matter how many times any of them towel him down, Kanata will be completely drenched the next minute.
When Souma isn't looking, Kaoru switches his homescreen to a goofy picture the group took at an aquarium in sea creature onesies and random aquarium merch.
Souma gripes at him for it before setting it back to an Akatsuki group pic but Kaoru notices that when the phone flashes with a notif later that Souma set the picture as his lock screen.
Kanata never yells but when he gets mad, the aura is absolutely menacing and everyone hurries to cheer him up.
Kanata likes showing Souma sea creatures the most (alongside Shinobu) because Souma responds with a childlike excitement and wonder, his eyes sparkling as he itches to name the next one he sees. He often thinks about how to bring up to Kuro and Keito that he wants to steal their child.
Kaoru likes nuzzling his head against dolphins like those trainers.
Kanata saw this and wanted to try and Kaoru moved aside thinking Kanata was going to nuzzle the dolphin. Instead, Kanata dived towards Kaoru and bumped their foreheads together, laughing.
Izumi is terrified of frogs and when Shinobu's chasing them, he often ends up running as well.
Shinobu was so scared to pet a dolphin but when Kanata guided his hand to its head, he now didn't want to leave it and the other three had to drag him out of the water.
Marine Bio Club (! era):
Kanata doesn't like parting with the sea creatures. Once Kaoru and Souma noticed that it was getting dark and tried to get Kanata to go home but he kept pouting, hugging various fish tanks as Karou and Souma have to pry him off.
Kanata likes initiating group hugs between the three of them and Souma and Kaoru try to stay the furthest away from each other.
Kaoru usually sputter something like, "Ew, I don't want to be near a man." And Souma replies, "Well, I don't want to be near a disgrace to society." Before they fight too much, Kanata just knocks their head together.
Kaoru liked jokingly asking Souma to make him a bento like Souma does for Adonis (Adonis does not stop talking about Souma during club meetups and Kaoru initially pays attention if only to make fun of them).
Souma thinks he's serious and vehemently refuses. This only makes Kaoru curious and when Souma's still stubborn about it, he claims that he can just steal some of Adonis' lunch to which Souma threatens to cut his head off like the ingrate he is.
Kanata likes taking the creatures out for 'walks' where he just picks up a bunch of them and piles them on his head and shoulders and just walks across the school grounds. Souma and Kaoru are running after him with as many fish tanks they can physically carry with them yelling at him to put them back.
Souma does not make Kaoru food but instead reluctantly offers to teach him how to make some of the dishes he uses. Kaoru uses them pretty frequently actually and in turn picked out a seafood recipe specifically that he knew and taught it to Souma, which the latter was extremely happy about!!
For someone who was so repulsed by males in his "I hate men, I'm not gay!" era, Kaoru shows a lot of physical affection towards these two, usually pinching Souma's cheek or ruffling and patting Kanata's head. Towards the latter half of the I era, he starts leaning his head on both when pointing or looking at things.
Kaoru accompanies Adonis to Akatsuki performances insisting that he's being a very good senior to his precious underclassman. He's really just curious about Souma's performances.
Souma doesn't believe that Kaoru goes to his performances because the man was suble about it, and says so when Kaoru mentions it in the clubroom later. Kaoru then makes it a mission to be the absolute loudest member in the audience. Keito and Kuro notice him and raise an eyebrow and Adonis is confused but is happy that Kaoru is supporting Souma so he just happily shakes the glowstick. At the end of the performance, Souma throws his fan towards the audience, square at Kaoru's face. Kaoru then threatens to keep it and they argue after the live. The next day after an UNDEAD live, Souma (who went to watch Adonis), Souma reluctantly compliments Kaoru on his performance as well.
Kanata likes patting Kaoru and Souma on the head- 1. to diffuse arguments between the two and 2. ever since Chiaki taught him what a headpat was, he's been obsessed with doing it to everyone.
Kaoru, at first, doesn't appreciate being touched by a man of all things, but he warms up to, and finds a lot of comfort in being patted on the head. Souma always likes being praised and he strives to get pet on the head. Jealousy over such praise often end up in more subdued passive aggressive arguments between the two and Kanata just uses both hands to tap them on the head, coddling them.
Kaoru likes staying as long as possible in the clubroom because he doesn't want to go home.
When Souma catches him, he says that he's doing it so that the fish aren't lonely. Souma doesn't believe that one bit but he argues that he can keep the fish company and stays there. Kanata joins in because he wants to stay with the fishies too. This isn't the last impromptu sleepover they'll ever have and by the sixth one, Kaoru is joking they should have matching onsies. Kanata's eyes sparkles and they literally cannot turn back. Souma gets a turtle onesie, Kaoru gets a dolphin one and Kanata gets a jellyfish one Souma and Kaoru bury their onesies in the back of their closets praying that it will never see the light of day outside the clubroom..
Once Kaoru's sister asked him to style her hair for a special occasion. Not really knowing anyone with longer hair than him, he asks Souma to style his hair as practice and Souma threatens to cut Kaoru's own with his sword.
Souma actually relents ,during an impromptu sleepover, when he figures out the reasoning and Kaoru feels like he's treading over a mine field as he braids Souma's hair. Kanata wanted to join in so he braid Kaoru's hair in little plaits and Souma ties Kanata's now short hair in a ponytail that sprouts from the top of his head.
Shinobu visited the marine bio club once and Souma showed him Kamegorou (the lil turtle!!!).
The turtle crawled on Shinobu, causing him to panic, but when Souma told him that Kamegorou like him, Shinobu didn't feel like getting the turtle off and made it a mission to not disturb it as much as possible. He almost left the room with Kamegorou still perched on his head.
Izumi, when he visited the marine bio club, just wanted to see what Kaoru found so interesting about it. When learning the tanks were open, he warns everyone to not let his clothes get wet.
Kaoru, who had his hands deep into a tank wading his arms around, then playfully flicks water at Izumi, and Izumi proceeds to ask Souma to borrow his sword.
OCEANS (!! era):
Souma spends a lot of time in the marine bio room in the school looking after the sea creatures. Shinobu helps him out because he feels an obligation to.
They spend the whole time gushing about turtles and frogs and have a competition to see who can name the most creatures.
Kaoru used to just soak in a lot of the info his mom rambled about during her work as a marine biologist.
Therefore, when they see a creature in an exhibit, he randomly decides to infodump on the animal. Izumi and Kanata are the only ones who know where such info comes from, so they listen intently. Souma and Shinobu just stare, confused, before turning to name the creature "Peppy" or something.
Kanata is fascinated by penguins.
They all went to the zoo and it took one momentary blink for the group to lose Kanata. Souma freaks when he catches sight of Kanata all the way down in the penguin pen, waddling his arms around alongside them. Shinobu is the first to voice his concern for his unitmate, albeit loudly. Kaoru's concerned, but the only sentiment he can let out is that it would be embarrassing to kicked out of a zoo of all places. Bystanders end up catching a glimpse of three teenagers scaling down a wall (they were trying to be discreet but Shinobu and Souma's yelling made it anything but) while Izumi is standing by the railing stuck in between calling out to them in concern and pretending he does. not know who they are. (He refused to ruin his clothes and Kaoru simply had to question that if he had clothes he didn't want to ruin, why did he bring them to the z o o ? )
Shinobu and Izumi catch wind of the onesies.
Kanata stated it pretty openly actually, sending the other two in a panic.
Shinobu, to their surprise, was very enthusiastic about it, wanting a frog onesie for himself.
Kanata happily got it for him and before Izumi could voice that he did not need one, Kaoru ordered him a penguin onesie.
Kanata wanted to wear them together but Kaoru figured that three people who graduated should not break into the school and stay there all night.
So they wear it on late nights in the aquarium and stay as long as it closes. (Sometimes they fall asleep on the floor and each other and get woken up by security, yikes)
Kaoru loves having another junior to tease so he likes messing with Shinobu as he did with Souma the year before (not that he would ever stop).
Shinobu doesn't know what's going on but he's not sure he likes it. Souma's always one to shove him away from Kaoru, shaking his head (no death threats this time tho!)
Shinobu once saw Kaoru surfing and praised his cool ninja-like moves.
When Shinobu lamented that he couldn't anything nearly as neat as surf as Kaoru did, Kaoru asked Shinobu to show him his ninja tricks which Shinobu happily obliged and now he regularly shows them to Kaoru.
Izumi had an intense fear of touching sea creatures at first.
The four of them, when they realised his hesitance, chanted around him in a circle to cheer him on to touch a baby seal at an exhibit. He eventually did and now he has a soft spots for baby seals.
Kanata is very proud of his junior unitmate for sharing his interest in the sea and spares no time in patting his head. Shinobu is happy that he is praised and the two have a stronger bond over the ocean. Kanata is very proud of his child :>
A dolphin, once at an exhibit, grabbed one of Izumi's loose jacket sleeves (This is why you actually wear your coat!) and wouldn't let it go.
After a brutal tug of war, Izumi lost. And was tugged into the water, leaving Kaoru hysterical, Shinobu concerned, and Souma trying to stop Kanata from jumping in alongside him.
Souma and Kaoru tag team to make a picnic for them on one of their aquarium visits.
Shinobu jumps into the kitchen wanting to help out, and he does with various ingredients and grabbing things for the two, but ends up clutching to the twos' arms when he's in front of an open flame (He's still scarred from Tetora's wreckless cooking bye). Izumi was about to help but all his nagging and comments about exact measurings and flavourings made Kaoru shoo him out the kitchen. Kanata's just there melting into the table, wondering when he can see the fishies (and eat them).
Shinobu convinced Souma to play hide and seek with him during aquarium visits.
Somehow, it ends up with the other three spending two hours trying to find them.
Marine Bio Club is one of my favourite groups ever for 7 years you guys don't understand oughdkhgfkh Izumi and Shinobu are such a perfect addition too!! I love this group and HappyEl has barely given us any content on the entire group but this is how they interact and nobody can tell me otherwise <3
More Enstars Headcanons:
Class 3-A || Class 3-B || Valkyrie Photoshoot || How the ES!! Boys Text {StarPro Edition}
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Day Three: Campus/Con Crud
https://archiveofourown.org/works/58694908 by OBlossom “How can we even be having this conversation? You go to a smart school.” MJ shook her head in disappointment. “And while I am not actually invested in your health one way or another, I would be remiss in my duties as a human being to not advise you that, if you put that or any other mask on, you are going to catch some funky disease and end up camped out on some random sketchy bathroom floor begging for death.” Even as they stood amongst the throng of fans pressing against the table filled with 100% American made, guaranteed authentic unauthorized replica masks of every Batman villain in the DC Universe, Peter could not understand her point. “You’re being paranoid, MJ. Look!” He dropped the much handled mask that was in his hand, and grabbed at one still packed in plastic from closer to the bottom of the pile before pulling it from its packaging. “I’ll even try on a fresh one, just to make you feel better.” “I know what I said and I meant what I said. I am telling you, Peter. You’ll regret this decision one way or another.” Words: 1958, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Sicktember 2024 Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Tony Stark Relationships: Peter Parker & Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Sicktember 2024, day three, campus/con crud, Peter Parker Being an Idiot, Precious Ned Leeds, Good Friend Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones is a Little Shit (Marvel), Fluff, Humour, What's the point to these spidey senses if Peter is a dumbass?, Does any of this count as a life lesson?, Vomiting, TW: Vomiting, IronDad and SpiderSon read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58694908
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9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thanks for tagging me, @thirrith!!
3 Ships You Like: Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson (the magnus archives); Tex/Outlaw Ty (woe.begone); Lucy and Mina's whole polulycule situation (dracula). (purposefully not adding the ships i've written for to broaden my horizons 🙏)
First Ship Ever: god, i don't know, i didn't start actively shipping characters until later in my fandom participation journey. Nine/Rose/Jack from doctor who? Or maybe Ten/Rose? In both cases i didn't see the shipping potential until they kissed in canon so idk if those count.
Last Song You Heard:
I'm insane about woe.begone, i'm insane about music from woe.begone, i'm just all around insane at this point
Favorite Childhood Book: warrior cats
Currently Reading: Once Upon a River by Diane Stterfield
Currently Watching: a bbc documentary about Anna Akhmatova bc i was asked to translate it
Currently Consuming: a hematogen bar
Currently Craving: i was craving a hematogen bar, but now that i have it, i want tea. that requires getting out of bed tho
Tagging: @felixcosm @bgbrry @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @johnmalevolent @iamineskew @croh3 @minorheroics @pogankablednaya @ray-theoretical-trucker
^yes i did cheat and tag a couple irls, but in my defense i genuinely do wanna hear their answers
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tophattrio · 2 years
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Warden: Look at all this lovely art of us! We could fill a museum! Professor: There's so much it seems like we can't keep up... Once-ler: ..... Y'kno what guys? I'm gonna take a break...
((A small fraction of my old old old trio art, most of which has never seen the light of tumblr (under the cut)! None of this is colored. Some of this is pre-blog or just... REALLY early-era Trio art, so some of it is... dated. Also, as indicated by the top, this is part 1. Meaning there will probably be more, LOL...))
((I hope it's okay if I ramble some fun facts in the middle of this!))
We're gonna start off with this silly lil doodle of the lads! This was drawn during the era where I did my silly crossover drawings, before I mustered the courage to turn them into an askblog.
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Based on the date, I must've drawn this next one while I was in the process of actually making the blog... potentially their original "profile" images? Or just a doodle I did to get me hyped...
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As you can see, all the drawings so far are pencil and ink... that's because (if I remember correctly) this is when I was VERY new to computer tablets! I felt more confident in my traditional art so I would slap quick colors onto the back of a bunch of ink-drawn replies and make minor adjustments with the tablet. I remember being hesitant to switch to a fully digital style since I felt the sketchiness was almost part of the style of trio? But I've come to accept change is good! Everything post-Greed M!A is all (or mostly) digitally lined (with the occasional trad sketch), but if you look closely at the trio in this (and many other) early-day responses, you can definitely see the pencil marks!
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Unposted Thneedville High Trio!!! I was SO obsessed with the Once-ler Askblog AU's back in the Once-ler Fandom's hayday... they were a lot of fun to observe on the side and I wanted to be part of that in my small way, but unfortunately, I was a coward so I never did LOL... I'm thinking this was drawn in February or March 2013...
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And, something I drew on the same page, Truffula Flu Trio!!!! I think I briefly thought about making it (and thneedville high) a sideblog but I felt like I couldn't commit for multiple reasons: (1) AU hype was dying down a little, (2) It was a bit too serious a concept for Trio; I wanted to keep them lighthearted and silly (covers bad end with a hand). And (3) I was still doubting whether or not my blog counted as a Once-ler blog (being only 1/3 once-ler) and whether I was valid to participate in events. Eventually I got over that fear when I joined Camp Weehawken and participated in the fandom revival of 2015, but the fear was definitely there at the very beginning and I hesitated to jump in on some stuff because of it!!
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These were some of my earliest (unanswered) asks! I think for a while I thought I accidentally deleted the Pinkie Pie one, but it mysteriously came back one day?? I don't plan to finish these but might as well get some closure since I already drew them. I had to look up which troll typing was the one being used here so I might be wrong, I know nothing about homestuck except chapter 1 and 2 and whatever I osmosis from my mutuals LOL...
Peacock was drawn before I knew anything about Skullgirls...... within the past few years I recently watched her gameplay/storyline! She's defs a fun character. Trio are probs neutral about her. I'm not confident enough to do anything major with her, but I would love to cameo her more!
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I got a few asks / M!A's about genderbent versions of the trio back in early 2013 and these were my doodles for that. The designs were based off of different designs floating around tumblr at the time that I liked. I'm not interested in doing this M!A anymore, but the dresses are cute!
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Some glasses shenanigans I never posted for some reason?? (For reference: (1) (2) (3) (4).) It's silly stuff like this that make me realize Trio!Professor is a little bit like "Cheerful Mystery" Professor but like... waaaaay more tame HAHA (I never read the manga back then because I was upset they made Layton OOC, but from what I've seen he's... a lot more chaotic there). Which, ykno, good chance explains why Trio!Professor stays sane around Once-ler and Warden and their wacky selves.
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Some wardlers and layclaires!! Also a few super old things I doodled out for Lovestruck M!A part 2 (including warden being a perv and oncie being flustered and confused, LMAO) but... idk if I have the energy to commit to it at the moment... partially bc thinking about getting an influx of shippy-type asks gets me overwhelmed and idk if I can commit to another magic anon all my magic anons manage to kill the blog somehow 😭, but ykno... saving the anons in my inbox in case I change my mind... Love these guys dearly regardless,,, <3
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Some doodles of Layton and his rivals!! I think someone sent a small "Descole takes over the blog" M!A (hence the itty bitty chibi head LMAOO) but (again) I don't have the energy to commit to anything but vanilla THT right now. I still thought the idea was fun enough to draw out and anticipate in advance! If I change my mind y'all will know about it...
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My first drawing of Wilson from Don't Starve!! I didn't even play Don't Starve at the time, but I wanted to do research if I was going to properly execute the magic anon and I fell in love with him immediately. Unfortunately he (and his game) became my new brainrot and I still feel really bad about that LAUGHS, but hey! Was worth it! Maybe someday I'll redo trio mods for DST...
I may have him cameo again, but potentially after his character update in Don't Starve Together eventually drops, of course, :3 chants give us lore lore loRE LORE-
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Aaaaaand that's all I'm gonna show for now... until next time everyone!
PART 1 (you are here!) || PART 2 (TBA) || PART 3 (TBA) || …
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thedroneranger · 1 year
The Drone Ranger's Be Kind Rewind ⏪ Mak-32 Edition!
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A rec reblog series dedicated to the fics that we love so much, we've re-read them!
The next Rewind has landed: @mak-32! Mak does incredible things for this fandom—she keeps us fed with photos and edits and hunts down forgotten fics!
While we continue to churn out amazing new content, let's be kind and rewind to look at some of the OG content we love!
And don't forget to reblog when you re-read! Continue to show your comfort fics and favorite creators some love. It helps keep the fresh content coming :)
We want to keep this going throughout the summer, so I'll continue to invite friends—other creators and readers—to share their lists. Stay tuned!
If you're interested in participating in the Be Kind Rewind, message me. The more, the merrier—let's keep this going as long as we can!
If you want to know when a new Rewind drops, join the tag list, and check out previous Rewinds!
fics below the cut (listed in alphabetical order by title)
A Change to Everything, Bradley Bradshaw, @beyondthesefourwalls
I Like Your Voice, Bradley Bradshaw, @roosterforme
i was supposed to sweat you out, Bradley Bradshaw, @theharddeck
Is It Working For You?, Bradley Bradshaw, @roosterforme
it's a slow build, baby, until afterburn, Bradley Bradshaw, @callsign-madusa
little wallflower, Bradley Bradshaw, @bradshawsbitch
One for The History Books, Bradley Bradshaw, @pisupsala
Pursuit, Bradley Bradshaw, @sunlightmurdock
Remember You Even When I Don't, Bradley Bradshaw, @beyondthesefourwalls
The 1%, Bradley Bradshaw, @notroosterbradshaw
Can't find a fic you're jonesing to re-read? Mak's got you covered!
Tumblr tags aren't the best and archives can be sketchy, but Mak's @lookingfortgm never fails! If you can't remember the title, but know the plot, hit up Mak!
Tag list and friends: @petcr3 @desert-fern @mygyn @sweetwhispersofchaos @horseshoegirl @dingochef @ereardon @galaxy-of-stories  @taytaylala12  @malindacath  @violyn20  @awildewit  @potato-girl99981  @shanimallina87  @blue-aconite  @djs8891  @linkpk88  @furiousladyking @daggerspare-standingby  @princess76179  @jstarr86  @hecate-steps-on-me  @darkheartcherry @soulmates8 @roosters-girl  @dempy @hangmanscoming @s-u-t  @mavrellover91  @chicomonks  @averyhotchner  @penguin876 @kmc1989 @xoxabs88xox @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @seitmai @thecitysgraveyard
A kind reminder, this is a 18+ blog. While not all stories in the recommendation list are 18+, please respect boundaries and do not interact unless you are 18 years of age or older.
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