#sleeping pills tw
Being Afraid Doesn't Make You Weak Masterlist
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Summary: Rick has known about your fear of flying for a while. So when your plane heads directly into a storm on the way to a mission, he tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible.
Status: Completed
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Part 1
Part 2
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Being Afraid Doesn't Make You Weak Masterlist
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Summary: Rick has known about your fear of flying for a while. So when your plane heads directly into a storm on the way to a mission, he tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible.
Status: Completed
Part 1
Part 2
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Dead Beauty AU (Chapter seven!!)
In other words, about 3k words of everyone’s favourite de Vil cousins accomplishing exactly nothing.
They got to the garden slowly, walking at leisurely pace – no need to rush, really, since it’ll take some time for Carlos to get there, anyway. On unrelated note, Ivy has scraped up her knee; she was sliding on the railing by the stairs, as she just didn’t feel like dealing with the stairs today, not in her high heels at least.
The blood just adds to the aesthetic anyway.
And the bruise can be a future her problem.
She abruptly stops right in front of the lawn, if it can be called that, really: Overgrown weed sharp enough to cut skin, thorny bushes, some vaguely leafy stuff that she’s pretty sure she saw one of the Mims harvesting at some point.
It occurs to her that they should have demanded a payment for that, or at least a discount in the Apothecary.
Diego finally stops too, already halfway through the miserable parody of a lawn, and glares at them.
Ivy glares back and loses her balance a bit; she holds onto Claudine as she removes her heels.
She’s not walking on grass in heels, who do you think she is?!
She holds Claudine’s hand in one hand and her shoes in the other when she steps into the garden.
The ground feels weird under her bare feet, all squishy and muddy in all the wrong ways; she frowns and drops the shoes, as she has just decided they’re too much trouble anyway.
Neither Claudine nor Diego pick them up.
Besides, the gate just creaked. They should probably do something about that, it’s giving her a headache – then again, it does work like a rather effective alarm system, and making it shut up would just be entirely too much work.
And really, soon, they join them: Carlos and the Badun kids, who just as quickly leave with a very rude „try not to die,“ to which Ivy pays no mind.
„Carlito!“ she lets go of Claudine and stumbles over to her baby cousin – the long stems of grass were maliciously weaving in between her legs, yeah?
Carlos catches her before she can fall and she holds onto his shoulders and gives him a greeting kiss on the cheek – she needs to stand on her tiptoes for that, now!
Her baby cousin grew so much since she saw him–
Somewhere back in her mind, she recognises that might have something to do with the access to actual food and the distinct lack of Cruella that there is in Auradon.
Larger part of her doesn’t really care right now.
„How are you?“ she takes a step back, remembering his disdain for casual touch; she steps into Claudine again. Neat.
„Why didn’t you visit us?“
„Yeah,“ Diego says, trying his best not to sound angry, „Why didn’t you at least tell us you are back?“ He then proceeds to hug Carlos and almost lift him off the ground, by which Carlos is entirely unamused. Ivy smiles.
„Hi,“ adds Claudine with an honestly impressive amount of indifference. Ivy gives her a kiss on the cheek.
„What the fuck–“ mutters Carlos and Diego just cackles, that bastard.
„Rude,“ comments Claudine towards both of them, Ivy pressumes.
„You know what’s also rude?“ answers another voice, high and already grating on her nerves. When she looks around, she sees no one else who could be talking. Weird. „Ignoring me! No one has greeted me yet!“
Ivy thinks she has managed to locate whoever spoke, but– it’s some mangy thing, a dog barely big enough to make a fur hat from, not that Ivy would wear a fur hat. Why, that thing was not even fashionable in the sixties!
She shakes her head and looks around to find the annoying Isle rat that made the mistake of trying to prank the de Vils; she sees Diego and Claudine gaping at the dog; Carlos shaking his head at it all.
„Really, Dude?“ he sighs, „I told you not to come with me!“
Wait a fucking minute.
„That thing’s real?!“ Ivy shrieks and staggers backwards, „That dog’s fucking talking?!“
Claudine grips her arm hard enough to bruise and searches for a knife; Ivy steps in between the– the <i>thing</i> and Claudine.
„Not for long,“ says Diego with deceiving calmness, finally breaking from his own surprise, „I’m gonna get the gun.“
He turns around mechanically and walks back towards the Hell Hall; when he glances back, Ivy thinks his eyes are not quite there.
„Wait!“ whisper–yells Carlos after him, „That’s just Dude – I mean, my dog! Don’t– don’t hurt him!“
Oh, hurt it– They’ll merely be putting that thing out of its misery.
Silver gleams through the dull Isle air, a yelp of pain or maybe just surprise: there’s a knife in the ground where the dog’s head was just a moment ago.
And neither Ivy nor Claudine have any other weapon.
Carlos picks the <i>still fucking talking</i> dog up and mutters calming nothings to it; Claudine clutches Ivy’s arm harder, clearly distressed. Yeah, that’s definitely gonna bruise.
„Ivy it’s– it’s talking, it’s talking it must be possessed or–“ Claudine hisses and holds on tighter yet, „Ivy, the Lord has decided. This is the end–“
She descends into what Ivy can only presume is a prayer and still doesn’t let go; Ivy brushes her fingers over hers. Just – please, she’s a de Vil. She’s <i>so</i> not dying by some talking dog.
„No end, love,“ she tells her, „Diego’s getting the gun and then you can get perhaps gloves from this thing, or anything. We’re de Vils, remember?“
„And you’re not killing my dog,“ butts in Carlos, as if anyone asked him. „There’s this neat thing called breaking the generational cycle of expectations,“ he informs her and, again, Ivy doesn’t fucking care.
She turns her back to Carlos.
„Honestly, Ives, you’re doing this on purpose.“
Well, duh.
If he didn’t get too smart in Auradon, that little shit – oh, who is he kidding. He always had too sharp tongue for his own good. Usually, it was more amusing.
„If you’re just gonna sulk the whole time, I’m gonna leave.“
Well, that seems like his problem, if he won’t hear about the boy king, then. 
Ivy tried.
„Say hi to Diego for me.“
She doesn’t think she will – oh, who is she kidding. They’re her cousins. She turns around again, to see Carlos honestly very reluctantly backing away. She almost smiles at that – It goes both ways. They’re family.
„Where do you think you are going?“ interrupts Diego. He is really good at that. 
Claudine finally shuts up and loosens her grip, her fingers pale, bloodless. Ivy rubs them with her own.
„Ives,“ Diego turns at her, „The gun is gone.“
Carlos stops now that he assumes no danger for his poor excuse of a dog and Ivy starts laughing.
Oh, just– „This is too good!“ she cackles, „Harry Hook must have nicked it – don’t you think, Claudine?“ Claudine just hisses. She doesn’t particularly like Harry.
Diego answers with something like „Dear god in the fucking Heaven, why–“ and Claudine hisses again. Ivy doesn’t see the problem – the Hooks with a gun is going to get oh so entertaining– She doesn’t stop laughing.
„Also, I think Auntie heard me,“ adds Diego, „So we better get going.“ He motions at the tree house.
Ivy makes a long face as they start moving and Carlos asks: „Why was Harry Hook here?“
„Curiosity killed the cat,“ she bitches at her darling cousin, „Or that dog, or whatever that is.“
Carlos doesn’t dignify that with a response. Diego unfortunately does: „Oh, you know. They were just trying to poison one another. Or fuck one another. I’m not sure.“
Claudine flings the lighter at his head. Lovely.
„Go get, that, sweetheart,“ Ivy nudges her, because, lighter, you see, „And you go fuck yourself, Diego.“
„Oh, don’t worry about me, Ivana.“
„You know what, Claudine, you can just throw that at him again. Or light him on fire.“
„You can certainly try.“
Claudine walks over to Ivy though, pulling her close, which is good for closely unspecified reasons, and instead eyes the dog, which would probably burn way better than Diego anyway. Carlos clutches the dog closer and hisses something like „One fucking conversation,“ and Ivy has no idea what he means, really.
She turns up her nose as she motions for him to start climbing up; she grabs the rope ladder after him.
„If you fall, I’m not catching you, Ivana,“ Diego informs her. That doesn’t sound like her problem.
She puts both of her feet at the ladder and gasps out in surprise when the thing swings; the partitions dig harshly into her bare feet.
„I’m not falling,“ she growls through her teeth.
„Yeah, sure.“
„…Why would she fall?“ asks Carlos, already mostly up, and didn’t she just tell him curiosity killed the cat? Honestly.
„Oh, I don’t know– Might be the poison. Might be the alcohol. Or Auntie’s sleeping pills,“ Diego says obnoxiously, and all of these are absolutely fine, Ivy will let you know. Just a little something to get her by. She giggles.
„For good– Holly hell, Ivy! Get down right this second, we can talk somewhere else!“ Oh, look, now her baby cousin has the audacity to pretend he looks after her. Well, fuck that.
Ivy laughs more and starts climbing up, ignoring both his protests and the way the rope burns at her hands. She just hopes her nails don’t get damaged from this escapade, that’d be a shame.
„Are you okay?“ he asks when he helps her climb into the treehouse, and why wouldn’t she be? She just laughs more.
„…Yeah, I think I’m gonna take that as a no.“ Always so clever, this baby cousin of hers.
She moves away from the trapdoor so Claudine and Diego could follow after them and asks:
„Me– What about you, Carlos? How’s Auradon treating you?“
He bites his lip, trying to find his words, and meanwhile, Claudine climbs in, very unhappy with the whole ordeal and rubbing at her hands. Ivy pulls her close and settles down, gives her the lighter so she wouldn’t just run her fingers raw.
Diego’s in now, too, finally, and:
„He must be bored in Auradon, Ivy,“ he teases, „For that to happen.“ He motions at the dog.
Speaking of which, Ivy would like to know if all dogs in Auradon talk, or just those that have the misfortune of meeting the de Vil family.
„That’s Dude,“ repeats Carlos, „He’s my friend.“
„And it’s talking,“ points out Ivy, eyeing it warily. Claudine runs her fingers too close to the flame and starts muttering prayers into her skin.
„Yes, because– well because me and Mal– Because Jane–“
Ivy perks up at the unfamiliar name, as does Diego. 
„Who is Jane?“
A distinct blush creeps into Carlos’ cheeks as he stammers the most unconvincing „No one!“ Ivy has ever heard.
„Come on, Carlito,“ she coos at him, „Who is Jane? Is she someone special?“ She threads her fingers through Claudine’s hair, just because she can.
„Come on, little man!“ adds on Diego, „Tell us! Maybe we can help you!“
Now, Ivy doesn’t beg, just– relationship drama, you see.
„I– fine,“ Carlos allows, still blushing, „Jane is a girl I… <i>fancy</i>,“ he frowns at the unfamiliar Auradonian word, „Fairy Godmother’s daughter.“
Oh, yes, relationship drama and also – Carlos’ first crush! Ivy squeaks and Diego whistles; Claudine flinches at the sound.
„And I… I kinda… sorta…“
„He’s a coward!“ jumps in the <i>rude</i> talking dog. No one asked him. It’s only fair Claudine throws the coincidentally still lit lighter at it.
Ivy and Diego laugh as Carlos scrambles after it and:
„Yes! Yes, we can most certainly help with that.“
„How does I can’t talk to a girl become there is now a hellish abomination of a talking dog?“ asks Claudine, extending her hand to get the lighter back, and, yeah, reasonable question, actually.
„Hey!“ barks out the demon-dog. Everybody ignores it.
„Yeah,“ Ivy prods at her cousin and snatches the lighter, which he doesn’t want to give back, for some reason, „How did that happen? Nearly gave me heart attack.“
Well, not really, but close enough.
„It’s lucky we don’t have the gun and I don’t wanna dirty my knives,“ adds Diego, running his fingertips over one of his blades, which looks fun. The fire is better though.
„I– Diego, no. Dude is mine,“ says Carlos, focusing on the incorrect part of this situation.
„Yeah, too late to kill him now anyway.“
Ivy looks at Claudine and at then at the dog: „Is it though?“ She wonders if Claudine will be more upset by the dog’s continual survival or Carlos by its death. „I suppose it’s much too ugly to be of use anyway.“
„Hey! I’m very pretty!“ protests the fucking animal and Ivy catches Claudine’s hand to stop her from throwing the lighter again.
„Shut up, Dude,“ sighs Carlos, „This is a good thing.“
„It’s not!“
That thing just <i>wants to</i> die.
And still, how is it talking anyway?
„Anyway,“ Carlos grabs his dog around the muzzle to shut it up, fucking finally, „Mal kinda gave me a truth gummy so I’d finally tell Jane what I feel to her, but this menace ate it first, so. Talking dog.“
Ivy cackles again: „Oh, you <i>do</i> need help!“
Diego is too busy gaping to agree with her, what a shame.
„Pray tell, did you take her at any romantic outings yet?“
„Like what,“ deadpans Carlos. Doesn’t seem like he appreciates her gracious help at all.
„…Midnight graveyard?“ she offers.
„Oh, good idea,“ says Diego, finally getting his head into the conversation, „It’s gonna be cold, you can offer her your jacket.“
„Oh, how romantic!“ Ivy clasps her hands, „Midnight graveyard, only the two of you… and the dead body you’re getting rid off. Just take a jacket you wouldn’t mind getting dirty or not getting back from her.“
(„The body we’re getting rid of?!“ mouths Carlos silently and, well, obviously. Nothing bonds people like getting rid of a body together, Ivy would know. She absentmindedly catches one of Claudine’s hands and brings it to her lips.)
„Oh, yes,“ nods Diego, „Nothing brings two people close like getting rid of a body together.“
See? Diego agrees!
„Torture also works.“
Ivy looks at him, almost asking „You and who?“ before deciding that she can ask that whenever and to focus on baby Carlos instead. She leans her head down on Claudine’s shoulder as she says: „Or arson. Good for the cold, too.“
Ivy might be just a little too jealous of her jackets and coats.
„Of course you’d say that.“
„Fuck off.“
Ivy just shows him the middle finger; she thinks Carlos is just too shocked to intervene. By how great their suggestions are, of course.
„Also, did you try getting rid of her parent yet?“
There is no underlying motive behind this suggestion of Diego’s, Ivy is so sure. She grins wickedly:
„Have you tried stealing anything for her yet? Jewelry? Designer tiaras? The wand – she seemed pretty hung up on that, didn’t she?“
„Ivy! She’s not– she’s not like that!“
Well, too bad.
„If you don’t like that, murder is always an option.“
„Yeah, what girl could resist when such a handsome young man kills someone for her?“
„…Guys. Guys. I don’t know how to tell you. All of these are illegal,“ says Carlos and, honestly, seems to Ivy he’s just being a kill joy. She slides down, laying her head in Claudine’s lap, and takes the lighter from her to play with it herself.
„…Fight for her hand at a grand tournay the king hosts in her honour?“ offers Diego.
„That’s not real,“ sighs Carlos again. Ivy yawns. He just isn’t putting his heart in it, you see.
„Kill a dragon for her?“
„You sure you are not stealing the wand?“ 
„Dunno, then, wait till she’s comatose and kiss her awake with a true love’s kiss.“
„Arrange for an accident so she falls comatose faster,“ advises Ivy. And Diego keeps telling her she’s not practical, honestly.
„Diego! Ivy!“ cries out Carlos, „I’m not doing any of that!“
Well, too bad.
Ivy closes her eyes; Claudine is running her fingers through her hair. It’s nice.
„Sing her a love ballad then,“ says Diego, as his last ditch attempt, presumably.
„That’s…Not illegal. And not that terrible idea.“
Ivy raises her hand for Diego to high five.
„Still not doing that though.“
Diego high fives her anyway.
„Oh, by the way,“ Ivy decides she should probably tell Carlos about the whole hostage situation now, before she falls asleep, „The Hooks have the king. They want ransom.“
Carlos jumps to his feet:
„The Hooks– What?!“ he shouts in surprise and Ivy grimaces at the volume. Her head hurts. „Ivy, couldn’t you have led with that?!“
„Geez, chill a bit,“ she complains, „It’s just a hostage situation.“
She wants to sleep.
„It’s not like Harriet will have him killed while she can get something in exchange for him,“ adds Diego helpfully.
„Yeah, they could just kill him on accident,“ adds Claudine way less helpfully.
„Shush,“ advises her Ivy. Little lethal accident, who cares? Just adds thrill to life.
„Fucking hell, I can’t believe you guys,“ grumbles Carlos. Well, he’s welcome to go check. She’s sure the Hooks will be all to pleased at him showing up with bare hands. „What do they want?“
„Oh, just the usual,“ she yawns, „Alcohol. Like, obscene amounts of money. A functional remote to the Barrier.“
„Wha– nevermind,“ Carlos shakes his head, „How much money?“
And, you see, Ivy isn’t actually sure. You’ll have to forgive her, with everything else that has been going on.
„Claudine?“ she says instead.
Claudine lists a number and Diego whistles; Carlos just curses again and mutters something about their general insanity, as if that was anything new.
„I’m pretty sure Harry made up the number on the spot, though,“ adds Claudine, shaking her head. Her hair fall into Ivy’s face and she sputters. „Sorry.“
„I– I–,“ Carlos, and thankfully the dog too, are at the loss of words. Neat. „I’m gonna go tell Mal, I suppose.“
He sounds about as enthusiastic about it Claudine does when she offers to take her to the Tremaine salon, that is, like he would rather have his teeth pulled. Mood.
„You do that,“ Ivy waves him away. She is tired and he refuses to take any reasonable advice with that Jane girl anyway. Speaking of which:
„Hey, bring Janey a gift while you’re here. Maybe something from the Mims, or the Faciliers. She’s magic, isn’t she?“
„I–“ He just shakes his head at her before crouching down to the trapdoor, „Lovely seeing, you, Ivy, Diego.“
She blows him a lazy kiss.
„Wait, I’m gonna go with you,“ Diego stands up too, and, well, that doesn‘t seem like her problem.
She wonders if she wants to fall asleep here or try to get to her bed first.
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craycraybluejay · 5 months
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Look. I Did It Again.
by Anouther
Who wna see the real thing? {:
my art dont repost
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aprilblossomgirl · 8 months
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-- Winny & Satang in Magic Moments at Lotus’s #DisneyatLotussxWinnySatang (Part 2)
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d0llh0use-of-h0rr0rz · 11 months
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Bathroom Break
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theood · 6 months
Suicide is a triggering topic so I cannot discuss this with like anyone but, the 2nd Archivist kills himself. I cannot see him dying and forcing a regeneration earlier that isn't killing himself.
It's a cumulation of him figuring out that, in some grand sense, he was ALWAYS going to be locked away in the Archive. That he could have never escaped. And he feels sick that he still tries to go back to it. To his beloved archive. He hates himself for it, hates that he was lost to time, that, as a Time Lord he's supposed to control it, and that he couldn't.
In a fit, alone and so small, he kills himself. I'm not sure how, and that bugs me because I have other characters who I know for a fact what they would do. (The way they would choose to, say everything about their character).
I'm leaning towards asphyxiation, however, it's much harder for Time Lords to do this, which makes me think he does something else.
Either way, what he does forces a regeneration. The third Archivist spends time being sickly and withdrawn again, struggling to understand why they-he? us? I? Did that. He doesn't know how to handle regenerating as he has no one to ask about it, and because of what his past self did, it wasn't planned.
He tries not to talk about his second self, choosing to bury that part of him
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writwroteerased · 7 months
Sleeping pills:
The weirdest part of starting sleeping pills.....is feeling well rested, but unsure if you're still asleep.
I'm a dreamer.....and insomniac but when I manage those blissful moments of sweet surrender to exhaustion and sleep..... I come to life in my dreams.
It's been rough these past few weeks..... unfulfilled and routine....with passion and excitement being fleeting and far too expensive......
I was tired.....I am tired.....
I know sadness.... Depression has been a battlefield of friendship and rivalry for the past 4 years- officially- 13 years undiagnosed.....
But I'm not sad lately..... Just tired.
Always tired - as if time is non existent, as if colour in the world is dulling with every waking second. As if I live my days from blink to blink.
Somedays I feel as if I am an imposter in my body and mind...
An imposter because the sadness that had been a constant has abandoned me and all I feel is lonelinesss.
My lonelinesss is a choice.
I could fix it, change it?, surround myself and fill my empty chest with bonds and relations. I could invest properly as I did all those years ago as a youthful pre-teen eager and full of energy......
But I'm just too tired......
I'm so fucking tired.
The true cause of death for majority of society these days is exhaustion...... Like weathered stone constantly bashed against by a torment of storms, waves or rough treatment........
Breathing is death.
Sleeping is death.
Living to die....... is all I feel I'm doing.
I've started taking sleeping pills to silence my mind and finally rest.......
What's weird is that it feels like death.....and I no longer know if I am dreaming in the waking world.....or already dead.
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y'know i don't understand the whole reaching out to your friends when you feel like self harming thing that therapists want you to do because like they can't even help me with that shit themselves. you're supposed to be some kind of psychology professional, ive been talking to people like you since i was like 9 and guess what, im still miserable, i still wanna cut myself. tf is kevin the headshop cashier supposed to say? fucking hell im just so tired
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lonelyangelonlyangel · 5 months
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real-godzekiel · 2 months
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bffrbitch · 1 year
okok bout to kinda just write out some things going on cuz I can’t tell anyone ik so ima just tell a bunch of strangers so that I can let it out. Kk basically it started in the summer, i one day got really mad cuz my family was going to the beach but I didn’t want to go and I had to. I thought for some reason that if I took a melatonin I would just sleep through it and wouldn’t have to deal with my family. But when I went to get melatonin I found these stronger sleeping pills for adults and I was angry so I took one of those instead. It was really strong I fell asleep at the beach and when I woke up I was still tired and felt funny and I’m not allowed to swear but I was so tired I forgot and I called my brother fucking retarded to his face, but for some reason he didn’t tell on me. Anyways that’s how it started. Just one innocent sleeping pill. Every time I got mad because ok basically my parents both got anger issues and they turned my wifi off every day and wouldn’t let me have wifi until I cleaned a bunch and my siblings didn’t have to so I would refuse and all summer I was miserable. So anyway every time I got angry I’d take a sleeping pill and sleep the rest of the day. And my family’s really Christian and i heard my mom coming down the stairs and I had nowhere to hide the pills and I was like if they find out ima b disowned or something so I threw the pills in the garbage. I wasn’t addicted to those pills tho I’d the thing. I only actually had about 3 until I threw them out cuz it was only a couple days after the beach. But I would still get angry and have nothing to do but sit on my bed playing the no internet game and feeling srry for myself. Until one day I was in the bathroom and we have these mirrors that open and when ever I’m in there I have a habit of just opening them, and this time when I did something caught my eye. It was a pill bottle. One of those orange prescription ones. And I looked at what the pills were called and the name was opioids. And my brain tucked that all away and I went back to my room without taking them or anything, it was like nothing happened. Accept for the fact I knew they were there and it was always at the back of my mind.
I’m srry bout this really long paragraph of my boring life just needed to get it out I’ll probably do it again later and continue the story
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🌟🌈The Missing Children🌈🌟
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seoz-seoz · 1 year
I am literally going thru withdrawals again rn. on top of everything else 🙃
love that <3
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