#slight lang
dolyx · 5 months
(SYDNEY DE LA CRUZ NAKITA NANAMAN KITA he's so cute hi the rosary bracelet design is so real lahat ng nagkaron ng takot sa diyos nagsuot ng rosary bracelet ng ilang buwan at least once (1) in their life. it's a rite of passage to get qualified for being a filipino religious trauma survivor it's true si lord nagsabi nito sakin.)
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Irresistible - Scott Lang X Female Reader
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Title: Irresistible
Scott Lang X Female Reader
Additional Characters: The Avengers (Mentioned), Pepper (Mentioned), Tony Stark
WC: 2,065
Warnings: Fighting, #eattherich, slight angst, yelling, emotions, nervousness, anxiety, Scott's in love, and fluff
Running along the street, Scott looked up, seeing you running along the roofs. Scott had a small disadvantage, not being able to get on the roof fast enough to stop you and not fall behind. He ran under light posts and dodged the few and rare people on the sidewalk as you ran through the night. Scott had been trying to stop you for the past couple of months, but every time he thought he had you, you'd just vanish. He was tired of trying to catch you, but he needed to focus on stopping your evil schemes, which were growing more elaborate with each passing day.
But Scott had a small problem... He was falling in love with you. Every time he saw you, it was like there was this spark inside him that lit up at the sight of you. He couldn't think straight when he would see you and it made him so frustrated because he couldn't be with you, but he wanted to be with you, and he didn't know what to do about it. You were the bad guy for crying out loud.
You stopped, your pathway blocked by a taller building, way too tall for you to jump and climb up it. You quickly looked around, finding you were also way too high up to jump and run. You were out of options. Breathing heavily, you turned and let out a sigh, watching as Ant-Man climbed the building next to you, before leaping over to your building. He walked over, but you could tell by his body language that he was confused. You knew he'd never gotten this close to you before you found a way out and escaped. You had been running away from Scott for so long.
For months you had eluded him, his Avenger friends, and the police. In the beginning, you found Scott to be annoying, a bit of a class clown, but annoying. But, as the months went on, you got to know him a bit from your teasing and chatting back and forward and found out his name. You found him cute and even had a small crush on the man, but you needed to keep yourself first. You weren’t going to let your attraction for the man get you in trouble. No matter how irresistible he was.
"Well, Y/N... Seems like you're stuck." He remarked, taking a step closer to you. He opened his mask so you could finally read his expression, a small smile on his face. "I'm sorry but I have to bring you in."
You shifted your weight to the side, crossing your arms, smirking lightly, "Mmm, no, I don't think I want to. I'm fine right where I am. You know, not being tortured and interrogated." 
You watched as his eyebrows furrowed, "We're not going to torture you, interrogate, yes, but not torture you. That's not what we do." 
You rolled your eyes, "Questions are torture. You and your Avenger friends are going to ask and ask about why I’m doing what I do and how I do it and it’s going to get annoying real fast. Can we just pretend you never ran into me? That'd be great." You spoke sarcastically only for Scott to shake his head.
"Sorry, honey, but I have to bring you in. You have been hacking into the stock market. You keep crashing it."
You nodded, walking up to him, circling him as if he were prey, "Yep, and I am pretty proud of it." You paused, placing your hands on Scott's suit shoulder, resting your chin on your hands as he turned to look at you. "Besides, you should be thanking me. I'm making sure dumb millionaires and billionaires aren't taking advantage of others." You whispered at the close proximity, reaching out to poke Scott in the cheek with your finger. "You know... Eat the rich."
“You also help hack into the Tower’s system. We’ve had four security breaches because of that.”
You shrugged, staring into his memorizing green eyes. “Yeah, but no harm, right?”
Scott frowned, “We’ve had a lot of Hulk appearances.”
“Mmm, but that’s all I’ve done to you and your poor baby Avengers.” You cooed, going back to poke Scott’s cheek repeatedly. So soft. You thought.
“You posted a fake dating profile of Stark to almost every dating website on the internet.”
You nodded, “One of my proudest achievements. So fun. Half the reason why you should let me go… I make life harder for dumb million billionaires.”
Scott slowly grabbed your hands from his shoulder, shaking his head with a frown. "I wish I could, but I can't, Y/N." Making you narrow your eyes.
"I am not coming with you, Scott." Your sarcastic and flirty side was now gone as you tried to pull your hands from his. 
"I have to do this, Y/N. I don't want to but what you do is illegal and the cops can't get you so I have to. So please, it's been a long couple of months of this. Just stop." Scott begged you, wishing and hoping you would just give up and come with him quietly. 
You stared at him with a hard gaze, "Oh, what's a couple of more months?" You then twisted your hands around, grasping Scott's wrists, and before Scott could even realize what was happening, you pushed his arms together and twisted him around, before pushing Scott forward. 
Scott stumbled forward in surprise, before turning to see you trying to run off. Running over to you, Scott was much faster, grabbing you around the waist and pulling you into his chest. You both breathed heavily out as you struggled in his grasp. 
"Just stop, Y/N. You're only making this harder on yourself." Scott tried to convenience you again but you weren't having it. You took a hold of his arm around you, using your strength to push it up and over your head before spinning around and out of his arms once more. And so your fighting dance began. Scott tried to capture you but you deflected his attempts of grabbing you, making you more and more irritated as you kept avoiding him. Usually, with some heroes, you punch, kick, whatever you had to to get away. But... You didn't want to hurt Scott. He wasn't like the other heroes he worked with. He was good. Too good. He was nice, he treated you well, and he was attractive. You liked him, and he was still trying to help you. You grew more and more annoyed with yourself the more you thought about it. You didn't want to get caught. You were becoming desperate now, chest heaving as you began to slow. 
As a last resort, you just managed to push him off of you before he grabbed your wrist. Before you knew it, you were falling backwards, unable to catch yourself. You fell onto your back, Scott’s hand swiftly making it behind your head before you hit the ground. Before you knew it, Scott was over you, pinning you down. You squirmed under his weight, struggling as he tried to hold you still. "Please..." Scott begged, "Just stop!" You huffed as you stared up at him, his green eyes practically begging you as well. "Y/N... Please... Stop..." Scott pleaded once more.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes, "Alright… Alright." You grumbled, as Scott let out a sigh of relief. Quickly, you opened your eyes, you placed your hands on Scott's shoulder, using the rest of your strength to roll over, pinning Scott to the ground. "Ha! Now, here's the deal. I'm going to go and you're going to let me. Okay? okay. Good talk." 
"You're beautiful," Scott spoke breathlessly, staring softly up at you, making you freeze.
You stared back down at him, speechless, "You- You can't say things like that, Scott. I'm supposed to hate you."
"And you don't?" Scott asked you, his expression was unreadable, but his eyes... The look in his eyes made your chest warm up and your stomach flutter with butterflies. 
You pushed through those feelings building up in you as you pushed against his chest, sitting up frustratedly, "This isn't how this works! I fight you, you fight me. And I escape getting captured by those dumb Avengers! End of the story." You exclaimed as Scott sat up as well.
"Or... You could not run away again." As you shook your head rapidly, Scott's hands landed on your waist. “Not run away and come with me…”
"You are such an idiot! You don't understand-" 
"Your idiot." Scott smiled dopily up at you. 
You groaned, feeling your cheeks warm up, "Oh my god! Shut up! Why do you have to do this to me?" 
Scott tilted his head to the side, "Do what?" He asked and you let out a sigh, one similar to the defeated one you had done only moments ago. But this time, as Scott looked at you, you actually looked sad. 
"Why do you have to make me like you? Why do you make me feel like you..." You groaned, placing your hands over your face. "Like you care for me? Why are you so confusing!? Why can't you just hate me!?"
Scott spoke up, his voice soft. "Because, I can't hate you. I do like you. A lot really." He confessed, reaching up to take your hands in his, bringing them away from your face. Noticing your tearful eyes. "You mean so much to me."
"Don't... Say things like that..." You mumbled quietly.
Scott chuckled slightly, looking down and biting his lip, "So what do you want me to say?" He glanced up at you, meeting your sad and red eyes, "...I love you." He finished, holding eye contact.
You sucked in a breath before looking back down, "Not helping." You muttered.
"But I-"
You quickly cut Scott off, leaning in and pressing your lips against his, silencing him. When you pulled away, Scott looked shocked, blinking slowly. After a few seconds of silence, Scott leaned into you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his eyes darting from yours to your lips and back. Leaning in, his nose brushed yours before he kissed you deeply. You kissed back, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. Soon, the two of you broke the kiss to catch your breath. 
"Wow, that was..." Scott trailed off. You laughed a little, pulling your hand back, and brushing your fingers along his jawline, stubble tickling the tips of your fingers.
"Yeah... Wow." You replied, smiling down at him. "Goodnight, Scott." You gave him one final peck, before you jumped off his lap and ran across the roof, jumping to the one next to it.
Scott watched as you went, with hearts practically in his eyes as he let a smile grow. Once you were out of sight, he slowly stood up, rubbing his forehead, "That girl, she is something else." Making his way down the building, Scott made his way back to the tower, taking his time. Humming a soft cheerful tune as he had a pep in his step. Finally making his way inside the tower, he did a small happy dance in the elevator, singing the song he was humming as he walked into the main room of the tower. Tony turned from his spot on the couch, he raised an eyebrow at the hero. 
"Looking pretty happy there, Lang. Finally catch her or something?" He asked, hoping that he did.
Scott turned to the billionaire with a smile, "Something like that."
Tony sighed, running a hand down his face, "You can't let her go next time, bug boy. Who knows, she might try and make it look like I'm on dating sites again. I got in big trouble with Pepper about that, you know?"
Scott chuckled lightly at the image of you trying to make it seem like Tony was on a dating site. Hunched over a computer, wherever you were hiding. Adorable. "No, Tony, I know," Scott said, chuckling. "Won't let her get away next time."
"That's what you said last time. What happened this time?" Tony asked and Scott shrugged.
"She got the upper hand." Scott headed to the kitchen, ready to cook himself a toasted bagel.
Tony hummed skeptically, "Uh-huh... Sure."
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canayams-art · 20 days
Okay y’all
This is mostly a vibes only/first impression poll for curiosity’s sake don’t take it too seriously \o/
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sunshinesickies · 28 days
Cassie Lang x Sister!Reader blurb
“Oh wow, okay…shit…well this, yeah this is bad.” You mutter to yourself as the threat you’re trying to fight off just invited his new dangerous mutant buddies with their even more dangerous mutant powers to join. You had thought this would an easy fight. You want to prove to your sister, and well, the world, that you can hold your own, and be a hero. You square your shoulders, a determined glare on your face. So what? You’re a mutant too.
“Okay y/n, you’ve got this.” You breathe, letting yourself feel the energy of your powers flowing through every cell in your body. You leap out from the flipped car you were hiding behind but before you even get the chance to strike, your breath is knocked out of you as a ray of light slams into you hard. You’re immediately knocked down, the force from the ray sending you flying back into a wall.
Ow you think as a stabbing pain sears through the back of your head and your vision blurs, ears ringing. You slump down to the ground, trying to take in deep breaths as another burning pain settles into your ribs with each breath.
“Ant-man? Wasp? Anyo….” Your finger moves to your comm and the last thing you hear is someone shouting your name before everything goes black.
Cassie had been tinkering in the lab when she heard your gasping breaths through the speaker system. Panic immediately sets in her chest when she hears your voice. Y/n. Her heart sinks as she rushes to answer you and when she hears nothing back, she’s swearing up a storm as she runs through the house, looking for her dad.
Her heart is pounding. She’s so mad, she can’t believe you went on a mission by yourself! How’d you even sneak out? But she’s only mad at your stupidity, she could never actually be mad at you. Even when her mom had adopted you after the blip and you accidentally broke the arm of her favorite doll, all she could think about was how you’d cried and cried, afraid you’d upset her. That was the first time she could remember the burning sensation of protectiveness swell through her whole body. She was your older sister and she’d made a promise to herself from that day that she’d always be there to protect you, even at the expense of herself.
When you come to, you’re being held in someone’s arms. You look past their shoulder and see Scott and Hope fighting off the mutants. You groan, your head still spinning and pounding. “Y/n?” You hear someone speak but you can’t find the energy to lift your head. You can see the deep purple of her suit. “Cass?” You murmer as she rushes you away from the scene, behind a quiet alleyway far enough away from the danger.
She sets you down on the ground, holding your shoulders upright so you can finally see her face. Her eyes are panicked and wide, worry swimming in her expression as she takes in your injuries. “You’re an idiot.” She scolds and you look away from your sister’s gaze.
“I-I’m sorry, I jus’ wanted to…” You start but can’t find the words. “To what? Get yourself killed trying to prove something?!” She almost shouts but her expression softens when her loud voice makes you wince as it amplifies your headache. She sighs, moving to sit down next to you.
“We all have to start somewhere y/n, it takes time to become a hero. And I can promise you doing shit like this? Is not the way to get there.” She says gently, putting a gloved hand to your knee. You turn to look at her. “I know, at least now I do. I’m sorry sis.” You apologize, offering her a pained smile.
“I’m sorry too, for yelling…just try not to be so stupid next time? We both know you’re smarter than this.” She smiles too before standing up and offering you her hand. You nod at her words and she helps you stand up, wrapping an arm around your waist and supporting you all the way back to the house. It doesn’t take much longer after that for your healing powers to kick in, they’re not super prominent or fast, but they get the job done.
Later that night, you, Cassie, Scott and Hope are all on the couch, watching a movie. You yawn, leaning your head on your sister’s shoulder as you grab another handful of popcorn. You glance up at her. “Thank you, Cassie, for today.” You whisper and she looks down at you, a soft smile on her face. “I’ll always be here for you, y/n, idiot or not, you’re my little sister, I’ve got your back.” She whispers back and you smile before turning back to the movie.
Yeah, you were an idiot today, but at least you have your big sister to get you back on track.
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deathlydeathovo · 9 months
who would you be interested in seeing next with a reader who dosent wanna live ????
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hjjsrot · 2 months
iba talaga tama ni jake!!! huhu
walang proofread proofread tapos 2 years nang d nagsulat. walang bashers pls. hahahaha!
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My Cassie suit design thing
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grvntld · 1 year
im so excOited to receive one of my parcels bc i got mama an andiata leather bag and it looks so good and im just rlly hoping na magustuhan niya kasi she was rlly the one who popped in my mind when i saw it 💕🥹
pag nakita yOrn ni papa, i know maglalambing din yun pero kasi naunahan me doon sa coach na messenger bag sana for him lol so next toime na lang siya but yAs im just so so soooo happeh na i get to treat mah fambam more now kasi dasurv naman nila, especially mah parents HUHU I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭💖
last time nagtake out kami ni moosey ng okonomiyaki from manmaru tapos personally inabot namin to one of my younger sisters tapos my whole fambam was like "bAkeht siya lang may surprise?¿?¿?¿???" tapos sabi pa ni younger sister "oha alam niyo na, ako talaga ang pinaka-love nila ate" anUE BA YORN KKLK NYAHAHAHAHHAHA ang cute nila 💝😝
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dulcegal · 5 months
I’m so insanely stressed and busyyyyyyyuuuhhhh
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imblocking-you · 1 year
It's characters like Oda from "Two in Six Billion" and their aura that make my school essays a little bit more depressing
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justsomerandomfanfic · 8 months
Brilliant - Scott Lang X Female (Daughter) Reader
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Title: Brilliant
Scott Lang X Female (Daughter) Reader
Additional Characters: Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Wanda (Mentioned), Thor, Hope, Cassie (Mentioned), Hank Pym (Mentioned), and Tony Stark
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 2,893
Warnings: Reader has a huge love for ants, ants facts, Tony being Tony, alcohol mentioned, Reader's super smart, Reader's mentioned to be a kid in homeschooled college, slight family angst, brief mention of Reader punching a kid, sarcastic reader, banter, and family fluff
The best word to describe your life was 'chaos.' Chaos was your life. But not for a while, in the beginning, your mother and father; Hope and Scott, said that you were a good baby and toddler. Yes, you cried and threw some tantrums like any other child would, but it wasn't until you were around six that Hope and Scott realized how very similar you were to your grandfather, Hank Pym. It started off small, noticing a few things here and there, but it wasn't until your seventh birthday that they both knew that you were going to be just like Hank.
Looking back, it was a bright, sunny day. It was warm out, not too cold and not too warm; perfect weather for a birthday. Your first-grade friends were playing in the backyard, swinging on your swingset, and some playing tag with each other, but you were nowhere to be found.
Scott had panicked slightly when he checked around the backyard, while also trying to entertain three kids with a magic card trick. His eyes filtered around the backyard, until he spotted you, in the corner, staring at the ground. Scott found it a bit odd, thinking that you were just a bit shy and didn't want to play with your class friends... So he let it slip his mind. 
But, Scott knew something was up once you blew your candles out. 
"Good job, honey! What did you wish for?" Hope, your mother asked, as you just started at the cake before you.
"I want an ant farm."
From then on, it seemed like your ant fascination skyrocketed. It became such a big part of your daily routine that Hope and Scott weren't sure what to do with you anymore. It was literally taking over most of your life as the years went on. You began only wanting things that were related to ants. Posters, books, an actual ant farm, and more. You had even started up a lemonade stand to get money to buy more books about ants. Hope and Scott thought it was cute that you were making lemonade for the people of New York who would occasionally walk by the house; Hope thought that it was a great experience to help you in the future with any jobs you might get. 
However, Hope and Scott began to notice that instead of getting regular kids' books about facts on ants, like 'Ten Fun Facts about Ants,' or ‘Annie and her Friend Ant,' you were going to bookstores, and leaving with 'Ants of North America; A Guide to the Genera,' and 'Identification Guide to the Ant Genera of the World.' Along with you, at the age of six and seven, reading college-level books and novels, you had become mighty close with your grandfather Hank.
You obviously loved spending time with him, since he would tell you about ants and the history and evolution of the world. That didn't stop you from getting lost every single day; that and the fact that you liked to pretend you were an explorer and explore new places, sometimes even in Central Park; hoping you could one day find a new ant species.
At the age of ten, you had become a spitting image, personality-wise, of your grandfather. You were as witty and sarcastic as you were incredibly wise beyond your years. Incredibly wise to the point that Hope and Scott thought it was best to take you out of grade school and set you up with college classes at home, where Hope could teach you. And it was totally not also because you punched a kid in the face after he said that Ant-Man was the worst Avenger. 
Along with your new college schedule at home - where you learn about geology, calculus, quantum mechanics, and so on - you did end up with a lot of free time, which allowed you to go to "work" with your father. Which was where you had met most, if not all, of the Avengers. 
Scott held your hand as you went up and up in the Stark Tower elevator. He let out a big sigh, becoming a bit nervous, as he glanced down at you. "You're going to behave, right?" 
You simply looked up at him, one of your favorite ant books in your free hand. "Of course. Why wouldn't I behave?" You asked, sarcasm lacing your words, before looking back at the book.
"Yeah, well, I just don't want you to bombard them with ant facts," Scott responded, before shaking his head slightly and looking forward again.
"That will be inevitable, Dad," You replied, looking forward as well, "I can't just not speak about the things that I enjoy in life. Ants bring me such joy that is beyond words, and I want everyone to know about my passions."
"Well... I guess just don't go overboard then," The elevator doors began to open, "I do love that you have something that makes you happy but I don't want you to tire them out. We have to make a good impression on them. You know I haven't met some of them yet - out of the battlefield, I mean." Scott spoke, letting out a sigh.
"You have to try and make a good impression. I don't have to try, I'm always going to succeed." You replied, before stepping off the lift and walking towards the common room, with Scott trailing behind you.
As you entered the common room, about seven sets of eyes landed on you. Some in shock, or so on, before they trailed up to see Scott.
"Hey, guys! Uh, this is my daughter. Y/N, say hello!"
"Say hello." You replied with a short roll of your eyes before you walked over to the first nearby person. Offering your hand with great conviction, "My name is Y/N Lang, I prefer Y/N Pym, but please, call me Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you." At your words, Scott felt his heart fall to the pit of his stomach. It was nice that you were indeed so close to your grandfather, but for a long time, Scott had felt a strain on his and your relationship for the longest time. 
The redhead blinked, slightly shocked before shaking your hand with a smile, "Pleasures all mine, Y/N. My name is Natasha, but you may call me Nat."
"That sounds satisfactory. Did you know that there are over twenty-thousand different types of species of ants in the world?" You asked as Natasha dropped your hand, staring up at her expectedly.
Natasha's eyes widened slightly as she shook her head, "No, I didn't know that. But that sounds fascinating."
“Wow,” Bruce spoke up, “She’s just like Pym.”
"It obviously is. Now, if you'll excuse me." You replied before moving along to the next person. Staring up at the man, you offered your hand, "I'm Y/N. But you must have already known that. Since you are around fifty-seven inches away from Ms. Nat. So, I believe that I do not have to repeat myself. Did you know that ants do not have ears?"
Steve gave you a small smile, shaking his head, "It's nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Steve. Uh, and I did not know that. That's very cool."
And so, you went along, speaking to Bruce, then to Wanda, and then to Thor. 
And then he came in.
"Hey! Thumbelina! Didn't know you were visiting." Tony walked in, pausing once his eyes landed on you, "And you brought your kid, that's fun." He spoke, walking over and offering you his hand. "Hey there, kid, I'm Tony. You may know me for my amazing persona as Iron Man. You know, saving the world and all."
You just stared up at him, glancing at his hand with a frown, "You can never trust a Stark."
Letting out a laugh, Tony withdrew his hand, gesturing to you as he looked at Scott. "Well, Lang, your daughter's a smart kid alright."
"Yes, she is. Very smart." Scott chuckled, placing his hands on your shoulders before you swerved out of his grasp, glaring quick daggers at him before you turned your gaze back at Tony. 
"That is correct. I am rather intelligent. But, it is only my grandfather and I that are intelligent." You remarked, giving Tony a slight smirk.
Tony laughed, "You're mighty sure of yourself there, aren't you? I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I have my own millionaire business, created my own suits, and am the lead Avenger. I am rather smart too."
"So you tell me, Mr. Stark. Are you sure you're worthy of that title? As lead Avenger, I mean." You asked sarcastically.
"Of course," Tony answered with no hesitation. "If anyone is deserving of being called leader of anything, it's me."
With a small snort, you folded your arms across your chest, nodding. Setting down your ant book on the coffee table beside you - with that, Scott knew you meant business - staring up at the man. "After all, when I can watch the news when I am not studying, by my previous calculations, you only pull twenty-two percent of your weight in most of your battles in the past seven years. That puts you closer to the bottom than any other Avenger."
"So," Tony retorted quickly, a grin still on his face, "You're what? Nine? How would you be able to make those calculations?"
"I have a photographic memory." You answered, "I've remembered everything I've read and seen ever since I was four."
"Well," Tony began, crossing his arms, "Who would you recommend should be the leader then?"
"Me." You answered, "If not myself, then my grandfather. Since we are incredibly intelligent, and no one's smarter than us. We could easily plan out an entire takedown for whatever crisis hits New York next."
There was silence between you as you waited for the man to respond. Tony then took a breath, "Well, Scott, you have a truly impressive kid here. She has quite a sharp tongue." He paused, looking back down at you. "You do remind me of Pym. Same brains and smarts. Same little attitude." He chuckled lightly, turning towards you. 
For a moment, you just stood in place. "I don't have an attitude, I have knowledge, and that knowledge is based on science, math, and ants." You began, staring up at Tony Stark as your father winced for the oncoming storm, "And about your prior comments about how smart I am. If you think I'm going to spend seven months learning Yale and Harvard level material just so you could tell me how smart I am, then you are sadly mistaken." You retorted, unfolding your arms from over your chest and narrowing your eyes. "I don't need you to tell me I'm smart. I know I am."
"Well," Tony began, a satisfied grin on his face, "Lang, your child is brilliant. I don't really care much for some children, but she's alright." He then gestured to the bar behind him, "Just don't let her near my lab or the drinks. She could cause chaos." He looked back down at you, "It was fun meeting you, kid." And with that, Tony left the room, but not before stopping by the said bar for a quick drink.
"Y/N, I told you to behave... Not- Not challenge Tony." Scott looked down at you as you grabbed your book.
"I think she was amazing." Natasha spoke, her back leaning against the cushions of the couch, "She stood up for herself and put Tony in his place. Maybe even hurt his ego a bit."
"I agree with Nat," Thor said, "Little Lady Y/N handled herself well."
The rest of the Avengers nodded along with their friend. And Scott let out a small sigh, "Well, I have to file some of that paperwork for Fury real quick. Are you guys alright with watching her?"
"Absolutely, Scott." Steve spoke with a grin, "She can tell us all about ants."
With those words said, you grin brightly, looking up at Captain America, "Finally, someone who understands me and lets me talk." 
Scott frowned before watching you speak so openly and animatedly with his coworkers before leaving for work. Scott wanted to be closer to you, but ever since you were six, it felt like there was a strain. A tension. One he couldn't break through with his easygoing personality and easygoing attitude. It was hard to try and get close to you. You seemed so far away, always talking about ants - which he too, liked - or talked about Hank. 
Scott felt like he wasn't important in your life to you. You openly showed your love for your mother, and for Hank, and Cassie. But for Scott, you hardly hugged him, barely acknowledged his presence when he was present, and never smiled at him when he entered the house after coming home from work. For years, he had dreamed of coming home from work and his children running up to him and hugging him. But when Peanut, or Cassie, would run into his arms, you would not. He loved you, and Scott knew that you must have loved him. 
After an hour, Scott found himself back in the elevator, going back up to grab you and head home to make dinner. It had been a long day, and he just wanted to go home. As the elevator doors opened, he thought he'd find you as he left you; animatedly talking about your favorite interests and ants. Though, when the elevator doors opened, he was surprised at how happy you seemed to be. You had all the Avengers in the room - Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Thor - all walking in a line, all holding random objects in their hands as they walked around the large room, following each other… Like ants. You stood on top of the coffee table, commanding the five of them around, similarly how an ant would. 
"Alright, honey, let's get home. I have to make dinner tonight." Scott spoke, walking over to you and helping you jump off the table. “We could watch ‘A Bug’s Life,’ huh?”
"Fine, but I want to come back. I am not done commanding my new ant army." You replied before turning to the five Avengers, "Thank you for playing with me."
As the Avengers began to say their goodbyes to you and your father, you took your book in one hand and his in the other, walking to the elevator. Once in, you dropped your hands from his, making him frown slightly but he shaky grinned down at you as he spoke. "I hope you had fun."
Looking up at him, you gave him a deadpanned look, “It was horrible, Dad. I hated it.” At his shocked look, you scoffed, "Of course, it was fun." You answered, "It was... Nice to have someone play with me."
Scott found himself nodding, "I, uh, I'm sorry I don't spend as much time with you. I wish I could. But I understand that I'm probably not the funniest dad or person to be around."
"It's not that you're not fun, Dad." You spoke, looking up at him, "I just like to spend my time with people who understand ants and in turn, me. Like grandpa."
Scott blinked, "Oh..." He trailed. "You- I- I know I don't take too much time into your interest, but I want to try. For you. I do like ants. It just can be… Tiring to hear so much about ants all the time." He then let out a sigh as the elevator doors opened and the two of you walked out, "I feel like there's some kind of strain between us."
Pausing, you stopped at the large glass doors of the Stark Tower, looking up at your father, you spoke, "I do wish you would listen to me sometimes. Hear my facts, take interest. But, I can understand that for some people, I can be a bit overwhelming with my overflowing facts. So, if I ever go overboard, you can tell me." You spoke, "It won't hurt my feelings if you tell me that I am overwhelming you with information. I can understand. I know that some people, unlike myself and grandpa, can only handle so much about ants. I would like to spend more time with you, Dad. And I do enjoy the time I do get to spend with you, Cassie, and Mom. I truly love you all. But, as I am going to learn how to manage how much I speak about ants in particular, I would like to advise that you take time to better yourself as well." You finished, turning to head out the door.
"Better myself?" Scott spoke, though unable to stop smiling at your words, "What do you suggest I better myself on?" He was finally getting somewhere.
As you stood outside of the tower, looking out at the city and the people around you, you reached up and took your father's hand before speaking, "Your magic tricks, Dad. You've been doing the same four for months. I have already memorized them. You need more material."
Scoot could only laugh, his heart swelling as the two of you walked home, "Brilliant. Okay, yeah, I can do that."
Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
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atsu-i · 2 years
May work ka during weekends??? (Same but nagleave talaga ako for that hahahahaha) yess!! Went to the most recent komiket event and may on the spot commission yung ilang artists and theyre so talented!! Everyone's very friendly too :>
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sunshinesickies · 28 days
Hi :) Cassie lang anon! Good to know!
Could I request a familial one where r is her adopted sister, and Cassie is really protective while r tries to become a hero? Maybe getting hurt and Cassie goes into big sister mode?
Here you go anon! Hope you enjoy 🫶
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mxtxfanatic · 9 days
I find it interesting that in both svsss and mdzs, mxtx writes in what I affectionately refer to as “knock-offs” of at least one of the main pairing. What are knock-offs? Characters that are said to be incredibly similar to a protagonist, but with some slight difference to make a commentary of some kind.
In svsss, Gonyi Xiao and Zhuzhi-lang serve as Luo Binghe knock-offs and are shown to be admired by Shen Qongqiu during the period in time where Shen Qingqiu’s relationship with Luo Binghe is still heavily adversial. The fact that Shen Qingqiu holds affection for characters that look and act like Luo Binghe but are just not him is meant to show how Shen Qingqiu’s problems with Luo Binghe are not anything to do with Luo Binghe but with the novel-assigned roles that he believes they are fated to play out. The fact that he eventually gets with Luo Binghe but never once considers his knock-offs as viable romantic partners is meant to show that he sees Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe is a person to him, not a character archetype or a eye candy for female readers (and characters) or a product of the story. Luo Binghe is a whole individual unique enough to be fallen in love with on his own merit.
In mdzs, Lan Xichen is Lan Wangji’s knock-off. I really feel like this one is obvious because the whole “twin jades” thing (😂) but for the sake of being clear: Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji are said to physically identical but different in personality. Lan Xichen is the smiling “twin,” while Lan Wangji is the stoic and expressionless one. Lan Xichen cares about niceties and making friends, Lan Wangji cares about rules and shirks companionship. However, not only is it easy for Wei Wuxian to tell them apart, he—life of the party anywhere he goes—picks the killjoy twin over his much more outwardly friendly counterpart. Why is this important? 1) It shows us that appearances don’t reveal to us the full character of a person: Lan Xichen, “the nice one,” is the one who supports the corruption of the cultivation world and is implicated in multiple acts of injustice in the name of maintaining the status quo and not breaking etiquette, while Lan Wangji, “the rule follower,” commits several social taboos and breaks many rules of his own clan in order to stand up for what was morally right. 2) Wei Wuxian is not enamored with or fooled by appearances: whatever attraction and interest Wei Wuxian displays (overtly, obnoxiously) about Lan Wangji is completely absent from him towards Lan Xichen. To him, Lan Wangji is Lan Zhan, Lan-er-gege, Hanguang-jun, whereas Lan Xichen, for all intents and purposes, is just Lan Wangji’s brother lmao. There’s nothing about Lan Xichen that stands out to hold Wei Wuxian’s attention the way Lan Wangji does. And when you dive into how both brothers lived their lives throughout the text, it becomes clear why. Twins they may appear, but their moral convictions set them very far apart from each other.
Now to get to the question that sparked this post: are there any knock-off characters for Hia Cheng or Xie Lian in tgcf?
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sagisbrainrot · 2 months
hear me out
i think it would be super funny if xie lian tried to drink (happily!) at least once
like i could see him doing some type of mission and helping people and running into shi qingxuan. sqx invites him to have some drinks and i could see xl denying at first and sqx being like "well surely you've broken your vows since crimson flower came back ha ha"
xl would be SO embarrassed but also like. sqx has a point? he already has broken his vows, so why not try it?
he's a light weight, naturally since he doesn't drink, and while sqx insists on him staying xl is ADAMANT on seeing his san lang IMMEDIATELY
so he drunkenly stumbles back to ghost city, which is BUSY. and not just busy, but full of bright lights and amazing smelling food and he's HUNGRY
so he stumbles into multiple booths and ghosts, who all initially greet him excitedly but notice something is... off? grand uncle is always nice, but rarely does he stutter, or slur his words, or try to hug ghost children (okay maybe he's done the last one).
but it gets ESPECIALLY concerning when he tries to get the boar ghost to serve him soup (that DEFINITELY has human legs in it!!)
naturally, the ghosts run to the gambling den to tell their chengzu who is CONFUSED. because WHY is his beloved dianxia stumbling through the streets? what do you mean he asked for food from the chicken ghost?
hua cheng immediately leaves the gambling den to find his husband who is enjoying a bowl of (normal) congee and being monitored by worried ghosts. when xl sees him he SPRINTS to hua cheng, stumbling over his feet and happily yelling 'SAN LANGGG~!"
hua cheng looks at him and takes in the stuttering and stumbling, the bright blush on xl face and the slight tanginess to his breath and can't help but ask "dianxia, are you drunk?"
to which xl would just giggle and nod slightly because he's suddenly very focused. san lang has always made him feel good but right now? he feels like he's above the heavens. everything san lang feels so good, the way he looks, the way he smells, the way he feels--
hua cheng immediately scoops of xie lian and takes him to the temple of a thousand lights because he felt exactly where his highness's hand was trailing down towards and he'd be damned to let anyone else see that
imagining hua cheng trying to have a (somewhat) serious conversation with drunk!lian who keeps getting distracted by trying to take off hua cheng's clothes as he's talking
i just woke up and this scenario spawned in my head like the symbiote, so sorry for this but the thought has me GIGGLING
edit: created a cute part 2 to this fic idea. not directly related, but i found it very funny to expand on this!
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If you do take requests at this moment, can I request a Hualian x GN reader where reader feels like the third wheel, and when Hualian look further into reader, they find out that reader is hurting themselves/trying to change in the way they look
That Hualian would baby reader, like take sharp objects out of arm’s reach, or spoon feed reader when it’s time to eat. Giving reader kisses and words of affirmation every time they’re around
Lol, I’m feeling very angsty, but if this request is a little too far, you don’t have to do it (I hope you’re doing great! Make sure to drink enough water!) 🥰
Shape Shifting Heart
HuaLian x gn!reader
Tumblr media
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC
Made up looks about reader for plot
Tyyy Pepsi zero has become my hydration 😔🙏
Also I'm so sorry for disappearing but I've had like the worst few months of my life ever so 😃🙏 bear with me
Being with Xie Lian and San Lang is the best thing that has ever happened to you. There's so much love to go around with three people and everyone is always taking care of each other! So you never listened to people being hateful about it, whether that be other gods or ghosts. You guys are happy and that all that matters right?
What happens when all of you aren't happy, when it's just one person bringing down the mood and the whole relationship? That's how you've been feeling lately. You haven't been much use to Xie Lian and San Lang these days. Often, you've been curled up in bed and staying hidden under the covers. For what reason? They don't know. You won't talk to them, and while Xie Lian and San Lang pride themselves on knowing you inside and out they can't figure out what's wrong.
You can't tell them. It's kind of embarrassing, humiliating even. How do you tell your lovers, "I feel like the third wheel, I feel neglected and left out" to the two kindest people you've ever met. Everything you do seems to make it worse and you're trying your best so you don't understand why it seems to put your relationship more on edge.
You had honestly just wanted to sulk and pout for a few days in bed over something silly. When they stopped visiting the bedroom it became a problem. All you do is lie here so what could possibly have made them want to leave you alone? You aren't even doing anything to warrant them off! Xie Lian and San Lang easily coddle each other all the time so why don't they think to do it with you? They stopped coming to the shared bedroom, even going as far to sleep in another bedroom together, but by themselves without you.
It only made you feel worse, are you so depressed and off putting they don't want to be near you now? Sadness becomes frustration and it fuels you to get out of bed in what has been weeks. You leave the room disheveled and groggy hoping to find one of your lovers to receive some affection, to you it feels like you haven't had in forever.
You find them together in the kitchen, an awfully domestic scene. Xie Lian cooking dinner and San Lang attached by the hip. The way San Lang holds Xie Lian's waist and stays close while Xie Lian bustles around the kitchen. Where you had once been and would usually love to hear the sound of their laughs and love filled giggles all it sounds like is mocking joy of what you once felt. How many nights has it been like this? How many nights have they been content without you?
"Making dinner without me?" You pipe up, leaning against the kitchen counter. Making dinner is a silly thing to be upset about. A part of you feels awful for being so jealous but the other doesn't. It's not like you're jealous of San Lang or jealous of Xie Lian. You don't spite a specific person. You're just jealous of the love they share, of their bond. You're envious of their happiness, you just want to be included too!
"Ah, y/n!", Xie Lian gives a wobbly smile, "Of course not" Xie Lian didn't know how to bring up that they've been trying to give you space. He doesn't know how to say it in a way that would sound reasonable to you. These days you've been a little irritated and you easily take words they say but add a whole new meaning to it. They know it's not your fault, it's one of your episodes maybe.
No one moves. They don't know whether to extend a hand to invite you or not but you seem to take it upon yourself. You walk closer and stick right up to Xie Lian's and San Lang's side. The tension - you can't tell if you're imagining it or not, you've been imagining a lot these days - is thick. "Well I feel a little better so I'll join from now on, what are you making?" You try to make conversation, you try to move closer in hopes that the domestic scene will just continue.
It doesn't. The room is tense and so are your lovers. You hate it. It makes you want to lash out, cry, and scream. Xie Lian and San Lang seem to be walking on eggshells around you and you don't know why. You've never gotten angry with them before, you've never been violent or aggressive with them so why are they acting like you're a ticking bomb?
San Lang attempts to break the tense atmosphere first. Wrapping hesitant hands around your waist and nuzzling into your hair, hair he will not mention is a bit notty. "We missed you" he murmurs into your long, bright locs. "We're glad you feel better" this seems to get the night moving smoothly again. It's pathetic how quickly you melt into San Lang's touch and preen at his words. It finally feels like you're included in the domestic picture they make.
The three of you eat dinner and enjoy it, Xie Lian's cooking has been getting a lot better but that's probably because you and San Lang were in the kitchen to help him. You're filled with a deep satisfaction when Xie Lian gently grabs your hand and all of you go to your shared bedroom together. Xie Lian pulls you into bed and They cuddle up next to you under the covers, placing gentle kisses on your face and shoulders.
You feel suddenly energetic because of the affection you're receiving. Making you giggle and kissing them back with new found passion. You won't lie you guys haven't had sex in a while so. . . You easily climb on San Lang, and straddle his hips. Kissing him eagerly and nipping against his lips. They weren't expecting you to be so eager but who are they to deny you.
Xie Lian gets behind you and slips off your robe, running his hands over your body. Your back, arms, hips, and thighs- your thighs. Xie Lian's hands freeze, and moves his hands as if he's been scalded. The sudden movement catches San Lang's attention and he sits up but he keeps you in his lap. "Gege what's wrong?" San Lang stares at Xie Lian and suddenly all the attention is off you. Somewhere inside you, you feel a little miffed at Xie Lian's reaction.
But you're concerned too so you turn your head to your other lover with concerned eyes, however Xie Lian is the one staring at you with pity. He turns on the light and sits next to San Lang. "His thighs, San Lang. . ." You scrunch your face. Of course that's what Xie Lian reacted so strongly about. While you were rotting in bed you were feeling so down in the dumps. So- so maybe you took it out on yourself and used your sword on your own skin.
It's not that big of a deal, they're already healed and just remain thick scars across your thighs but it matters to your lovers greatly. They've explored your body many times, and they know these are new. "Baobei, what happened?" Xie Lian cups your face with gentle hands but you turn your head the other way. You're irritated the night has stopped over something so trivial. "Nothing important, I was just feeling upset a few weeks ago, it's trivial now. Can't we just- can we not focus on that?"
Your face is scrunched in irritation and you try to roll your hips against San Lang but he removes you from his lap and onto the silk covers. You groan in frustration. The night was going perfectly and now it's all messed up! San Lang's eyes narrow as he gazes over your legs, and you swallow nervously. "This isn't something we can just ignore Y/n. You know that. . . Let's stop here for tonight" If it were San Lang saying it you wouldn't have minded as much but it's Xie Lian.
Xie Lian loves San Lang's body even with the scars on it so why won't he love yours?! "We don't have to stop! Just- ignore it, would you please?! I can get rid of them, I can look like whatever you want me to be! " You never notice when you start heaving for breath, when tears line your eyes and you try to cling to one of your lovers. You don't notice when you subconsciously change your body into something else because it's something you've always had the power to do.
So when your skin becomes smooth again, and unmarked it's something you don't even look over. But for Xie Lian and San Lang it's completely different. It's like looking at a stranger's body. Like looking at somebody who's never worked a day in their life, someone who has never gone to battle, something you are not but you're desperately trying to be. You have no scars, and the callouses on your hands have disappeared. They've memorized everything on you and now you've made yourself look completely different.
To you, it feels like they look at you with disgust and anger. You're breaking down and it's not something you're even registering. "Y/n stop!" San Lang gives up on keeping you on the bed and he lets you crawl into his lap, he cups your face with surprisingly gentle hands that contradict his angry voice. "Breathe Baobei" he rubs comforting circles into your hips and Xie Lian rubs your back. They're trying to get you to breathe and to stop hyperventilating.
San Lang never looks away from you, and he plants tiny kisses in your cheeks to get rid of your tears. When did you start crying? You don't remember. You eventually calm down from listening to your lovers instructions and their loving touches. When you're finally breathing normally again and the tension leaves your body they try talking to you again. Xie Lian rubs his fingers through your hair, he doesn't like how you've easily changed yourself. He misses your bright locs not the dark ones you've decided to take on. He kisses your head. "I want to talk to my Y/n now. Can I?" Xie Lian asks sweetly.
You've always been you but he wants to talk to his lover not the made up version of yourself. You sniffle and San Lang pats your waist. You take the encouragement and change back to your original body. When you make a weird noise in your throat that sounds close to a sob Xie Lian wraps around you and kisses your nape. "That's good Baobei, we're proud of you." San Lang and Xie Lian glance at each other and in that moment decide to drop the topic about your new found scars. They can only try to find the root of the issue now.
San Lang kisses your forehead and then below your eyes and then your lips. "Tell us what's wrong?" San Lang poses it as a question. As in, you don't have to but it would greatly help them if you did. You feel pathetic and selfish. You don't know why you broke down over something so silly and foolish. "I-I felt, I felt like a t-third wheel. You guys seem so happy without me and all I do is mess up, I'm sorry " you start to cry again and you rub at your eyes harshly but San Lang holds your wrists gently and keeps them away from your eyes.
Xie Lian kisses your shoulder. "There's nothing to be sorry for baobei. No one's at fault." He runs his hands over your thighs, making circles with his fingers. "We didn't mean to make you feel left out, we just wanted to give you space. We thought that's what you needed" Xie Lian explains softly. You nod and sniffle. That's more reasonable than whatever your mind came up with. San Lang pulls you closer by the waist. "If we make you feel like that tell us Baobei, we'll fix it immediately" he says with narrowed eyes. You know he isn't upset with you and he's probably beating himself up for not being able to tell. You kiss him deeply and sigh against his lips.
"M'sorry, I know you love me I just- my mind tells me awful things." You whisper in San Lang's lips and kiss him again. San Lang grunts and playfully tugs a piece of your hair. "Should I beat it up for you?" It makes you giggle.
For the next few days and even few weeks they baby you endlessly. Xie Lian keeps an eye on sharp objects and makes sure you can't get into the weapons room. He also confiscated your sword and he won't even let you hold knives in the kitchen. The only sword you're allowed to be around is E'ming and they know you wouldn't do that to him or San Lang.
They have no problem with dragging you everywhere they go and often San Lang likes to feed you during meals. At first you blushed and insisted you could do it yourself but San Lang waved your concerns away and said "Let me take care of you". They coddle you a lot and one of them is always in the room with you. You know now that you need to work on your communication and not let your mind get to you. It was a big misunderstanding but San Lang and Xie Lian treat it as if it was a genuine problem.
You're suffocated with love but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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