#sly cooper on main :
inspector-montoya-fox · 10 months
this post was initially gonna be like a lazy rant about how the Klaww Gang's team dynamics suck ass but the more i wrote the more i realised there's so much to discuss. so today let's discuss how the Klaww Gang's team dynamics suck ass but not on like surface-level y'know?
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i'm not even sure if the Klaww Gang qualifies as an actual gang because they barely even acknowledge each other? their interactions are very scarce. off the top of my head we get Rajan's party which they all attend apart from Dimitri (Dimitri attending Rajan's party would be so bizarre btw) and Jean Bison's phone call with Arpeggio. these are things friends do so maybe they should be the Klaww Friends ? i mean they have the sinister-looking conference room but we never see them hold a meeting there. moreover, they all act out of pure self-interest. they each got a Clockwerk part and just went on to do their own thing like counterfeit, drug production, etc. i mean what's even the point of forming a gang if their goal was to just split Clockwerk parts and then disband? did they have any other operations in the works? Arpeggio was planning on double-crossing the rest of the members anyway and he needed them to actually have the parts for his plan to come to fruition but still seems a bit pointless.
interesting question: how exactly did the Cairo Museum heist go down? was it like a group activity or pulled off by a single member? or did Arpeggio have Neyla break in and take them? because i can't imagine the Klaww Gang members coming together like an Ocean's movie to steal a bunch of robot owl parts? in fact, i can't imagine any of them stealing in the traditional like robber kinda way. with the exception of Bison and maybe Arpeggio, they're all shown to have some sort of prestige in their own part of the world: Dimitri was an established artist and nightclub owner and as shown in the comics hanged out with elitist socialites; the Contessa was a high-ranking Interpol officer; Rajan threw a lavish ball with hundreds of guests. like i wouldn't be surprised if the Klaww Gang members had institutional power. maybe they just bribed the museum to give them the parts?
and then there's the fact that they were a complete failure. i can't help but compare them to the Fiendish Five, who, let's admit it, won. they "won" in the sense that they achieved their goal. it's not like anyone stopped them. sure, Sly whooped their ass years later but they still killed ConnEr and split the Thievius Raccoonus. they went on with their lives until Sly grew up. like the first game is very much a revenge story. the Klaww Gang? not so much. the game takes place right after the Cairo Museum heist so all their scheming and plans could only take place for like maybe a couple of months max. and let's not forget they were also tricked by Neyla. flops.
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i'm not sure why but i also think the Fiendish Five can evade the criticisms highlighted above even though they were also a bunch of strangers? Clockwerk was a much more menacing boss than Arpeggio (if Arpeggio can even be considered a boss. more like a final member), like i don't think anyone from the Fiendish Five would dare question his plan or motivations. but also, i think there was an underlining sense of camaraderie when each of them warned us about the next one post-bossfight, like at least some respect. i can't say the same for the Klaww Gang, like i can't even imagine the Contessa, Jean Bison and Dimitri interacting with each other (and now i suddenly can't think of anything i need more in my life). Clockwerk feels like the Fiendish Five's employer and he brought them together to pull off something kinda sacred like continuing the cycle of raccoon murders. basically they got together and did a thing and that was it like they just casually went on with their lives after that. Clockwerk was immortal, for all we know and as i have previously theorised there could have been previous iterations of the Fiendish Five throughout history. just baddies recruited by Clockwerk to help him take down the Coopers.
so yea. the Klaww Gang very much sucked ass but !!! i think it was for the better. even if i compared them to the Fiendish Five, i feel like SP wanted to set the expectations by making it seem like we were going to receive something similar just to then have things go down very differently. the Klaww Gang is different because its members (were under the illusion that they) were autonomous. they weren't let in on the big picture (What is this with clocks, bro? Have you no vision?) and they all thought they were the gang's top dog. this made for something very different, especially when you throw Neyla and outlawed Carmelita into the mix. but their team dynamics still sucked ass.
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galactic-dragoness · 2 years
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It be like that sometimes
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ebonysquib · 10 months
Keeping Up With the Klaww Gang: who would be who? I need to know
I don’t know shit about keeping up with the Kardashians so this is just vibes and the very limited knowledge I have
Arpeggio (or the Contessa) as Kris (The Momager) and Jean Bison as Kaitlyn Jenner (fuck you. *transes your Jean Bison*) simply because them being an old married couple is practically canon and i think it'd be funniest. also out of all the members Jean and Arpeggio seem to be the oldest? or at least may have seniority? (or i just think that cuz they are like the last two members we face) just these three are the mom and dad most likely okay.
Rajan, Dimitri, and Neyla as the main three kardashian sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney. I don't really have any reasons for it except they are the last three of the klaww gang left.
this is the dumbest thing ive ever had to think about thank you. yall can feel free to add on or make corrections since my knowledge is very limited in regards to the kardashians.
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inky-axolotl · 1 year
Hang on a second, if you're really taking requests atm, then are there any actual rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
I would say my only primary rules are 1) Nothing NSFW or suggestive 2) I won’t take OC requests.
Other than almost anything goes! Crossovers and various fandoms are welcome to request! Of course, I’d prefer if it’s fandoms I know, but I would still say be free to request because the odds are high that even if I’m not in certain fandoms I at least know a good amount. I’ll also list some fandoms I know/a part of in the tags for future reference. Thanks for asking! :D
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butchpeabody · 2 years
i was having a good time with sly 4 for a bit and then i got to medieval world and its like. ohhh. ohhhh nooo wasted potential oh noooooooo
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Where did you got the idea of Slyder (Wander x Sly Cooper) from? I mean, I think I know it’s based on Stolitz (Blitzo x Stolas) but I need to know how, why, where, when and what? I am SO confused... but hey, it’s kinda funny and probably cute?
Well... I thought at first they would be best friends and close brother-like, but then I went overboard and I ship them for some reasons which I don't know what. I may go to find it someday...
But, thanks for liking this ship
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maxknightley · 2 months
been replaying sly cooper 2 recently. main takeaways are "this game holds up surprisingly well" and "this really is just Lupin The Third But For Furries, huh"
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mast3r-rainb0w · 9 months
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The Sly Cooper Gang! (Sly, Bentley + The MURRAY!) by Mast3r-Rainb0w
I truly miss this legendary franchise I grew up with so dearly, and I hope one day it makes a proper comeback. Plus, I wanted to make some fanart for the main cast. The gang's all here! Enjoy!
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howlingday · 1 month
*Slaps leg*
Rwby Au: A Sly cooper thing but But Jaune is the Leader and Theif,Nora the Muscule and Driver, and Ruby as the Inventer and Hacker. They would have different Relationships than the Sly cooper gang. Like Nora x Jaune. I think Ruby should date the main detective after them. I think Penny would be neat. Weiss would work better probably. I don't know just a knee jerk idea from my Nora's Arc ask. They would only steal from Crimials and Corrupted leaders though.
I like this idea, but I'd like to tweak it a bit.
So, I actually saw another RWBY Sly Cooper AU with Ruby and I think Winter having a Sly/Carmelita relationship, so I'll stick with Ruby as the leader of the Ruby Rose Gang.
Ruby Rose is the leader, as previously stated, and the inheritor of the Robber's Rose, an ancient and secret relic intended for Silver-Eyed Huntresses like her, even though there's a current propaganda war going on to abolish freelance huntsman work. Unfortunately, on the night she was supposed to inherit this relic, her home was attacked, and her mother perished in the altercation. But it's not all bad, since it's where she met her best friends, Jaune and Nora.
Jaune isn't an orphan, but is the son of the Arc Family Foster Home, and spent a lot of team helping Ruby with hard brain stuff, like math and physics, though a lot of the experiments were done with him going hands-on. That doesn't make his efforts to build and improve weapons any less impressive.
Nora is an orphan and has been since her village was destroyed years ago. The village leader, Li Ren, offered to raise her with his son, but their home wasn't big enough anymore to support four people, even if two were children. So she left and met Jaune, a kinda gutless dweeb who was picked on a lot. That all changed when Nora stepped in and showed just what "girl power" was really all about! Since then, the two have been thick as thieves, which is fitting since Ruby had some plans for when she left the Arcs.
Now, with introductions out of the way, I'd like to talk a bit about story, if anyone is interested. Going along with the story of the first game, Ruby breaks into Atlas Headquarters to find a lead on what's known as "The Inner Circle". It is during this venture that she meets Specialist Penny Polendina, who says it's her duty to stop freelancers like the Ruby Rose Gang. Hunting down and besting The Inner Circle, Ruby makes it to Salem, whom she must defeat by teaming up with Penny. The second game story will also be the same with a new group of villains trying to bring Salem back from the dead, ending in a fight that cripples Jaune, Nora blaming herself, and Ruby giving herself up to Specialist Polendina.
Whatcha think?
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lilcowzia · 17 days
shoutout to the sly cooper series for being the only game i know that has a playable fat character and playable character in a wheelchair, who are both main characters and both clearly beloved by their friends and also i love them, theyre great
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fraterribilis · 19 days
The taxonomy of Sly Cooper: Part 1
In which I will be using my higher than average knowledge of zoology to attempt to accurately identify the specific animal species of various characters in the Sly Cooper franchise, sharing some interesting facts about them along the way.
I'll start with the four most prominent characters; Sly, Bentley, Murray and Carmelita. If people are interested I'll be making similar posts for the other characters.
WARNING: I will be unleashing my inner Animal Kid™ in this post. Verbose language and casual dropping of scientific names abound
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Starting off with Sly himself, I like to believe that he is a crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus). This quirky little carnivoran is found throughout South America and parts of Central America. Despite its name, it has a varied diet including crustaceans, fish, small turtles (watch out Bentley), fruits and nuts.
As opposed to the common raccoon (Procyon lotor), which can be a bit of a chubby little furball, the crab-eating raccoon has shorter and sleeker fur, and its slender proportions makes it an even better climber than its northern cousin. All of this makes it a perfect fit for Sly in my opinion. Also, its jaws are more defined and powerful than those of common raccoons, which i think is very appropriate for Sly's dashingly chiseled jawline.
Bentley was a little bit tricky to identify, as he seems to be a rather generic looking turtle. However, a closer inspection of his shell reveals his kinship.
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This rather flat, ring-marked shell has led me to conclude that he must be a diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin).
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Like Bentley, diamondback terrapins are very resourceful animals, being able to survive in both fresh and saltwater habitats, where they priamrily feed on insects, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They can be found in brackish marshes and mangrove forests thoughout the east coast of North America. The beautiful diamond-like markings on their shells are unique for every individual. Some people believe that the markings indicate the turtles age, like growth rings on a tree.
I have seen others identify Bentley as a box turtle, which I don't get at all. Box turtles are distinquished by their bulky BOX-shaped shells. The diamondback on the other hand has a flatter, more streamlined shell, which makes it very mobile in the water. Though, I guess this makes it all the more ironic that none of the core members of the Cooper gang know how to swim, despite all of them being based on semi-aquatic animals, but I digress.
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Speaking of semi-aquatic, I firmly believe that Murray is a pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis). Not just because I have an affinity for these animals, but I can back this up by examining Murray's design and characterization.
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Murray has a very stocky and robust body (friend-shaped), with a relatively short compact snout, not unlike the pygmy hippo. This is in stark contrast to the common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) which has a very large ungainly (and less "cute"-looking) head in proportion to its body.
I think the main reason that Murray's design in the unfinished Sly-movie was so unappealing, is that they based his proportions too much on those of a "realistic" common hippo.
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Anyways, pygmy hippos can be found in scattered populations across forests along the west coast of Africa, where they feed on broad-leafed plants and fallen fruits. They are extremely rare and endangered due to habitat loss and the bush-meat trade.
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Unlike the infamously aggressive common hippo, the pygmy hippo is a rather docile and shy animal, whose first instinct when threatened will typically be to run away and hide (not unlike Murray in the first game) though it can defend itself with its powerful jaws. True to its name, the pygmy hippo is less than a quarter of the size of its larger relative, with the biggest specimens weighing in at about 600 pounds (which is lighter than some domestic pigs).
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Moving on to Carmelita, there's no getting around the fact that she is supposed to be a red fox (Vulpes Vulpes), what with her strikingly orange fur colour and long bushy tail. The red fox needs no introduction, being one of the most succesful and abundant carnivorans on earth (besides domestic dogs and cats), with a range covering basically the entire northern hemisphere (aside from the Arctic), along with a worryingly invasive population in Australia.
Even though Carmelita is often characterized as a spicy latina, (being inspired by latina actresses such as Selma Hayek and Jessica Alba) Latin America is one of the few places on earth not inhabited by red foxes. These areas of course have their own native fox species. I considered the possibility that she could qualify for being a gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), a kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), or even a culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus), but the thing that really cements her as being a red fox is her jumping ability.
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Red foxes are able to jump up to 2 meters into the air, which is four times their shoulder height of about 50 cm. This would be the equivalent of a 6-foot person jumping 24 feet in the air, which feels appropriate given some of the insane feats of athleticism we've seen Carmelita pull off throughout the series.
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1.) Despite supposedly being the MAIN CHARACTER of the game she was introduced in, she somehow still always ends up playing second fiddle to Phoenix and Apollo, to the point where she isn't allowed to take the lead on even so much as a single case. Instead of the senior lawyers standing to the side in a mentorship role like they do for literally EVERY OTHER PLAYABLE CHARACTER, Phoenix and Apollo keep stepping in to outright take over for her. She literally does not make it through even a single case without needing some male character or other to swoop in and hold her hand every step of the way, not only Phoenix and Apollo but once even Blackquill, her rival prosecutor, as well.
Why? It has nothing whatsoever to do with her competence level. It's a video game; her competence is determined by the player's, just like everybody else. It seems like the writers just couldn't STAND the thought of her doing anything on her own, or thought that the players would walk out en masse if it wasn't the Phoenix and Apollo Show every second of gameplay. (And yeah, it DOES sometimes take me some time to warm up to new characters, but that was the case for Apollo too! At least give me the CHANCE to judge her on her own merits rather than assuming that I'll immediately write her off!) Like, why did you even WRITE this character if you think so little of her?
2.) WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. She's introduced in the middle of a male characters "trilogy" (Apollo justice) so the story is never about her. She appears in aa5 only to NEVER headline her own case IN HER INTRODUCTORY GAME and always fail unless a man comes in and saves her. Her own story is sidelined for Apollos. Next game, she only really appears in one case that's a throwaway and still can't do shit on her own. Ugh. She deserved to be treated better, more competent, etc.
3.) my girl is an attorney and a practicing psychologist at age 18 (youngest defense lawyer in the series) & is often shown to be more competent than her male colleagues, and yet is constantly pushed out/sidelined/generally treated like an assistant character rather than a lawyer (the assistant position in these games is usually reserved for characters who don't have law degrees/are generally not educated enough to understand the courtroom proceedings to their full extent. athena is none of those things but she gets treated the same way by the game because. well. we know why.) Instead of being the main playable attorney in her debut game, the story is taken over by her male colleague (WHO ALREADY HAD A WHOLE GAME DEDICATED TO HIS BULLSHIT BTW) & her development is ignored in favor of his in both her debut game AND her second game. Even when her backstory IS explored it's done via a male family friend of hers, meaning even when her OWN story is being told it's not even about her it's about simon's lame ass. for extra context here in her debut game she is only the playable attorney in one case out of five, while the other (male) playable attorneys were playable in all or all-but-one of the cases in THEIR debut games. capcom hates women sooooo bad
1.) Carmelita has always been portrayed as a sexy badass, but the fourth game in the series does her dirty. Throughout the game she’s given the “bitchy ex-girlfriend” treatment and is always regarded as an unreasonable nag. In addition, they put her in an impractical miniskirt (previous games had her in pants), and there is a minigame where she is forced to dress like a belly dancer to distract some guards (including prompting the player to have her shake her ass for extra coins) and when she complains about this, nobody listens to her, and is then reduced to the damsel in distress in the final act of the game, when previously she has always been a major help in taking down the final boss. While not the main reason a lot of Sly Cooper fans hate this game, it’s certainly a factor.
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tsaritza-mika · 1 year
Video Games the Main 6 Would Play
Kingdom Hearts
Untitled Goose Game
Nier: Automata
Prince of Persia
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Life Is Strange
Close to the Sun
DanceDance Revolution
Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney
Sea of Theives
Sly Cooper
Beat Saber
Plants vs. Zombies
Final Fantasy
Angry Birds
Candy Crush
World of Warcraft
Strange Horticulture
Animal Crossing
Stardew Valley
Leisure Suit Larry Series
Grand Theft Auto
God of War
Cruisin’ Blast
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monsterwapo · 6 months
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Been playing through the first Sly Cooper and saw lots of potential for fan characters with a lineage full of raccoon thieves. But I also thought "You know, I think if I were in charge of this franchise I'd make it a bit of an anthology series, where different games jump forwards in time to new members of the Cooper Clan, with new techniques having been added to the Thievius Raccoonus since the previous games."
So, following that idea, I decided my first Sly Cooper OC should be not an ancestor of Sly, but one of his descendants. I.T. Cooper lives in a high-tech future, probably at least 150 years after Sly, and uses two main pieces of technology to perform heists: his cane, made up of two handles that project a hard-light hook shape and can connect to each other at any length, and his future version of the Binocucom, a headset that lets him zoom hid vision in on faraway objects, as well as scanning his eyes to display his expression on the black screen.
I imagine one possible story for him could be in a hypothetical sequel to Thieves in Time, where Sly manages to travel forward again but goes too far, winding up in the future and meeting I.T. there. He'd sort of wind up in the same position his ancestors just were, meeting their own descendants, and I.T. would find himself in a Back-to-the-Future situation where if he doesn't help Sly get back to his own time, he'll never be able to be born and will cease to exist. Because of this, I can imagine him not being very cooperative at the beginning of his story; maybe he wants to work solely on his own merit, and working with Sly helps him open up to the idea of accepting his past family's help through use of the Thievius Raccoonus' techniques.
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melded-galaxy · 4 months
Platformer antagonists
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opheliashur · 1 year
its before 10am and i got maybe five hours of sleep so im porting my unhinged worm take here to keep it from being lost in the discord sauce [i dont actually think this is a sensible interpretation it just forced itself out of my brain one day]
The entities in Worm can function as a counterpoint to Posadist views on alien life. In Les Soucoupes Volantes, le processus de la matiere et de l'energie, la science et le socialisme, Posadas argues interstellar travel requires a society which, if not explicitly human-defined communist, surpassed self-centered capitalist systems. Posadas implores us to view their passivity in our plight not as apathy, but an enlightened belief in self-determination; With the people's assent, these strangers among us would surely be willing to help us crawl out of the muck of poverty and despair.
In Worm, the entities take this logic and turn it on its head. Zion's ancestor remembers their homeworld as peak survival-of-the-fittest excess, a hellish loop of boom and bust cycles which leaves less left to consume every time.
"The ancestor knows this, and it isn’t satisfied.  It knows its kin aren’t satisfied either.  They are quiet, because there is nothing to say.  They are trapped by their nature, by the need to subsist.  They are rendered feral, made to be sly and petty and cruel by circumstance.  They are made base, lowly."
Through a leftist lens, this becomes a mirror for the circumstances of modern society. People are forced to scrounge and suffer and harm each other for survival's sake, ligating their emotional capacity and cauterising their descendants' livelihoods. The ancestor responds in a capitalist fashion; Rather than call on cooperation and efficiency, it proposes to its fellows that the advancement of a species depends on the necessity of constant growth and constant conflict. The conclusion they reach is to, quite literally, eat each other alive; Not simply to live, but to find new frontiers, obliterating their homeworld in the process. I find this neatly matches up with how capitalism naturally leads itself to colonialism (not to imply imperialism is solely the domain of capitalism) as the rich and powerful grow ever hungrier for new toys to hoard, new people to enslave, leaving nothing in their wake.
If the entities simply went around acting like generic alien invaders (which is 99% of the time just white people persecution fantasies and you cant prove me wrong) afterward, this interpretation wouldn't exist. Posadas wasn't concerned about the possibility of alien invasion for the same reason nobody worries about car bombs, unless they're Margaret Thatcher or a sex symbol in a Wildbow sequel. It just isn't relevant.
However, the entities aren't just machines of consumption. Their modus operandi, at least with Eden and Zion, is far more subversive. They upend the status quo with powers, or innovations, often placed in a way to cause the most possible disruption and thus the most possible conflict, or profit, with an end goal seemingly to ensure they can eat and reproduce forever no matter the cost. The destruction they wreak seems to be almost tangential to their main goals, borne not of cruelty but of apathy.
This is in direct counter to Posadas' perception of extraterrestrial life as benevolent. Despite granting great power to the oppressed, they're not a clarion call of ascendance, but instead harbingers of the end. In essence, the entities represent a form of bad-faith leftism— They take advantage of existing injustice with cloying language (their avatars) and grand yet poisoned gestures (powers), with a move-fast-and-break-things mindset utilising their generational wealth (also powers) from eons of exploitation to avoid consequence.
Unfortunately, this interpretation doesn't end with Posadas.
I found myself realising as I wrote this that the entities aren't just representative of bad-faith actors in leftism. In another sense, they are the revolution as perceived in many online circles. A nebulous rapture-like event, upending the status quo by giving power to the marginalised and downtrodden, creating people who are not only possessed of the agency to change things, but a resolve to do so as well. Agency is suddenly given to those who'd otherwise be trapped in their own cycles, subject to hunger and rent and all the little things that the complacent at the top have long since forgotten happens to other people.
And it only results in more suffering. (at this point im talking more conceptually than what happens in worm but bear with me im almost done lmfao)
Parahumans finally have the ability to speak the right things and be heard, to hurt the right people, and it doesn't help solve anything. It's all just senseless violence directed outward.
The ending, then, takes a different note from Posadas, and from the paradigm of finding the right people to kill or the right things to say. Taylor kills Zion not through sheer power, but through communication and cooperation— By forcing him to look inward, at the one void that no amount of conflict and data and profit could fill ever again. There was no magic bullet, no force from outside to save the day. Only the emotions that everyone carries within them.
A revolution from the inside. (okay that was abrupt but my brain is fried now lmao hope you enjoyed it bye)
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