#small demon child
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 155
So, Booster would have loved to know that becoming the equivalent of a Time-Cop would mean meeting what is apparently the primordial being of Time itself. He would have also loved to know it apparently also came with an adoption. And a small child that was apparently supposed to be sixteen but there was apparently some sort of accident in the dimension he (was the kid a boy??) came from. So. 
He had a kid now. He… well shit, he had no clue what to do. Actually, he knows exactly what he’s going to do, he’s going to call Ted. Who will probably have an idea on what to do. Or what a four- oh you’re five? He’d probably have an idea on what a five year old might need. 
He himself would push this hysterical breakdown over the fact he’s apparently now adopted by Time Itself to a later time. A later time when he’s not holding a fragile small child. 
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thwackk · 1 year
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people underestimate the comedic potential of eobard’s existence and his extreme petty hatred for this one (1) dude
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bonus because i just feel like barry would think he’s just hallucinating or something but came up with the WORST way to tell his mom that
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furiousgoldfish · 8 months
Ways abusive parents try to separate you from your human rights:
They threaten to call the police on you if you don't obey them
They threaten you with jail-time and insist that the police will take you away for disobedience
They actually call the police, or emergency services, to create consequences for disobedience
They threaten to 'give you away' to groups of people they deem 'worse' than themselves
They threaten that you'll be kidnapped and sold if you don't obey them
They threaten for you to be put in a home
They threaten you with inhumane living conditions in a home (you won't have you room, you won't have anything, they'll beat you up ever day, etc)
They threaten to institutionalize you if you don't do as they say
They threaten to put you in a mental hospital/psych ward/asylum
They threaten you with court, institutions and government
They convince you that every institution, social service, law enforcement, or any other organized group of people is on their side, and against you, and would fight on their side and enforce their rule over you
They act as if disobeying them is against the law/religion
They insist that nobody will ever want to hire you or pay you a salary
They imply or outright say that it's a waste of space if you were renting out a place or had a place of your own, you do not have the right to occupy your own space in their eyes
They take away your necessities if you disobey them (food, ability to use the bathroom, clothing)
They destroy your property as a form of revenge, and insist it never belonged to you and that they had every right to destroy it
They make sure you're not exposed to educational materials that would inform you that you have a right to safety, food, shelter, and protection from violence and threats
They fight very hard to convince you that what they're doing to you is NOT abuse (saying things like 'you don't even KNOW what abuse is, or 'I'll show you abuse'), and they make sure you're not exposed to any resources or education that would help you recognize abuse
Punishments for standing up for yourself or any attempts to reach justice or point out how unfair, inescapable, hypocritical and painful your situation is
Not allowing you to speak, punishing you for talking back, convincing you that you have no voice and you have no right to defend yourself in any measure
Exposing you to media or real-life situations where children are abused just as badly, or worse than you are, this is a part of grooming they do to convince you that child abuse is normal, acceptable behaviour and not abuse at all
Suggesting that they could do all this to you, and even outright threatening it, implying strongly they know they can get away with it, since others can
Convince you that everyone else has it worse, and repeat how lucky you actually are to have them
They list all of the things that would be happening to you if they weren't so kind to you (you'd be starving on the street, be kidnapped/sold/tortured, die from lack of resources, be abandoned, not survive in any possible way)
Convince you that you're not, in fact, a human being and thus have no business expecting human rights (brainwashing, calling you animal names, calling you demon/satan/monster)
Accuse you repeatedly of being a financial burden, shame you for costing money, demand credit/favours/services/labour/obedience in return for giving you survival resources like food and clothing and school supplies
Neglect to inform you that government is giving them a tax-break for every kid they're supporting and that the society is built so that children would be financially taken care of and do not need to earn their food, shelter or basic necessities
Scare you into believing that every other authority figure (teachers, boss, police, judge, authorities) would treat you even worse and would demand even a higher degree of obedience and submission from you, threaten you with how badly the interaction would go for you if you were to stand up to any other authority figure
Insist that if you were to act with this level of spite, refusal, rejection or disrespect to any other person, they would simply snap and kill you (implied death threat – you're lucky that I'm not ending your life right now)
Act like they own you, to the degree that they feel they have every right to end your life and would not be arrested or blamed if they were to kill you, since you're just their property
Add more if you have lived through other experiences that left you feeling like you had no protection, no rights in the eyes of the law, and no way to recognize your humans rights are being violated. Even one single item on this list means your human rights were kept from you.
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itsrocketsurgery · 16 days
ngl chilchuck age discourse feels like it’s getting way too close to the idea of being “minor coded”
like yeah, he looks younger than he is but he’s also married, is considered a veteran at his job, has 3 daughters who are all working age, etc.
a real world example would be… uh… me?
i am 22 i turn 23 later this year and according to most people i still look 16
but also i’m a senior in college i have a car and an apartment with my name on the lease i’m responsible for my own debt and i live in a separate city from my parents and any other family members (i have for the past 4 years) and i’m doing just fine taking care of myself
are you saying that despite me being an adult that i should be treated like a teen because i look like one?
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Child advocate lawyer Miles Edgeworth. He's this big scary looking guy who Immediately folds under the slightest bit of pressure from a child. (Your honor he said he wouldn't testify without the camera. I told him it was illegal. He restated his terms. So he gets the camera in court. Very well then Prosecutor Edgeworth.) But they call him a demon for a reason. He met Jessie 8 minutes ago and if ANYONE was mean to her he would kill everyone in the room and then injure himself trying to make her smile.
His office is pink. It is full of children's toys and he Has actually seen every episode of them yes i would love to discuss it's merits right now do you have three hours? These two facts mean children either 1. Flock to him or 2. Have something easy to bully him about. Which he takes in stride from children. (But rip to the adult who tried to join in) See: Ema.
He knows first hand the Terror of being on the stand. Of being Alone on the stand while your world collapses around you. But he's there. They are Never alone while he's there with them. He is calm, eloquent and the most powerful person in the courtroom for sure! And still he walks the stairs because "my father died in an elevator. So im scared of them. It's okay to be scared of things. We can always take the stairs."
He's a pathetic mess. More than once a child has been brought to him early in the morning and asked if they've brushed their teeth yet. "Because if not I still need to. I have some spares if you'd like one. Even some steel samurai ones." He is still not nice to the detectives. Some children scold him (which he accepts) and some laugh. (which he wears as a badge of pride for the rest of the week.)
He is on the emergency housing list for kids taken in after incidents. It's just supposed to be for a night but a few times it became extended stays. He was pulled off the case for one of the girls because "Prosecutor Edgeworth i think you'd make a more valuable witness than prosecutor don't you?" The word around the courthouse was Edgeworth nearly killed the defendant so the judge pulled the demon out.
Child advocate lawyer Miles Edgeworth.
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box-architecture · 3 months
also i'm sure knife trio would be the type of parents that if they're called to the director Office bc their kid start a fight the first thing c!punz and c!dream would Say to her after ask if She's okay will be "did You win?!" And Sam it's just bewteen worry and wanting to laught his ass off
oh absolutely. Drunz without question believe that if their child thought there was Reason to start a fight, then the only thing that matters was if she was able to finish it. Sam is fussing and stressing over any cuts or bruises his child have sustained, but she informs them of her victory and he is snuggling her.
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originalzin · 2 years
"You've got a lot to say about the way things have to be. If it's all so set in stone, I'll smash it! I'll sit on the throne of hell and break it myself!" - Hazel Polley, nerdy demon princess in training
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Meet Hazel, my Monster Hearts character and my precious demon girl. She was originally made to be the only plain old human in the main cast, but that only lasted until she made a pact with the demoness Carmilla. She always felt like she was on the outside looking in, watching her friends keep their secrets. When the chance came to her to become special herself, she had one request: for she and her matron to be friends.
Carmilla treated her like her child from that point on, planning for Hazel to be her successor.
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Hazel is plenty self conscious about herself, but she's unapologetically queer, trans, chubby, and proud of being weird. She doesn't like being told to suppress herself. At times, that ends in quiet and hurt feelings. Other times, it ends in fire.
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gale-sized-hole · 3 months
In the continued journey of drawing parallels between Vissenta Before and Vissenta After,
Gortash -> Gale
Sceleritas Fel -> Shovel
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sammydem0n64 · 8 months
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A running gag in this au seems to be “children are way too powerful and it genuinely scares Arceus and Mew (the ones who are supposed to be THE most powerful)” like damn THIS can end everyone’s whole career?
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novelconcepts · 1 year
Some days, I think I’m starting to ride this all out with a sort of zen ease.
And others, I come back from a run, my AirPod falls out while I’m removing my hoodie, and I come dangerously close to a breakdown as I attempt for 20 minutes to recover it from its hidden portal*.
*my wife’s dress, which I shook out a minimum of four times
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nerdie-faerie · 1 year
Was tryna say goodbye to my siblings before going back to uni but I couldn't find my littlest brother - who has a tendency to put himself in weird places then fall asleep - turns out this time he'd folded himself into the futon and fallen asleep
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stillness-in-green · 7 months
Fanfiction Writer Bingo (+a silly poll)
Got tagged by @scumtrout, whose example I'm following in explicating a few squares, albeit with more shilling.
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Talking Points:
Smut Content: For the most part, I virtually never get even as far as sexual content that would meet the bar for mature—two fics that depict sex acts without explicit details/body part terms. The only explicit sex scene I've ever written is still less than a third of the length of the fic as a whole, which I guess makes it only debatably smut. Is there a percentage you can exceed at which point the sex becomes part of the story rather than the story itself, or does any sufficiently explicit sex scene make the whole of the work smutty? Well, in any case, my writing is usually gen enough that the one story with the explicit sex scene the whole story is leading towards feels smutty by my standards.
Unbeta-d Fic Posting Crimes: I get extra pairs of eyes when I’m writing specifically gift fics, but otherwise I basically do all my own beta, which does mean I sometimes miss things.  That happens less if I take the time to paste a work into a different format or look at it on a different device—it’s true and good advice that doing that freshens up text to your brain!—but I’m just not hugely stressed about pruning out every single orphaned word or stray comma in writing I do for fun.
So Self-Indulgent: This will be more prominent if I ever do more with the ShigRD mermaid AU (which is, my god, so self-indulgent—mind control powers? 100% The Author’s Fetish), but the Gundam IBO Wedding Fic is pretty much twenty-two thousand words of me rolling around in post-series character dynamics and throwing worldbuilding absolutely everywhere I think it will stick.  I’ll also throw in a shout-out to the extreme silliness that was See the Blazing Sky Before Us, a Yuletide treat I wrote involving Doctor Doom, Gwen Stacy (Sorceress Supreme version), and Santa Claus, with the aim of replicating in prose the effect of reading one of those really over-the-top Jack Kirby comics from the 1970s.
Multi-Fandom Drifting: I have a very established pattern of fandom migration, so most of my fic writing is done in multi-year spans of same-fandom-ness.  That said, I certainly have written for more than one fandom in my life, particularly during the years I was doing Yuletide.
Research Before Riting: I often just bracket things off when I’m writing first drafts and do the deep research on the second pass, but there are also cases where the whole fic rests too much on research I need to do for me to even start drafting before I do the deep dive.  In either case, have a silly poll about it!
Deserves More Attention: I fear Moon Shot Aim is too spliced in with Overhaul/Nemoto to appeal to people who want more fic on Lady Nagant, and too Lady N-centric (as well as being a bit esoteric with its soulmate mechanic) for the people who want Overhaul/Nemoto, but I’m really quite happy with both ‘sides’ of the story, and wish it could get a bit more love.  Likewise, I wonder if all the OCs in the first chapter of The Way You Survive Is… scare people off of a story that is, in all of its subsequent chapters, much more focused on the canon characters.  Alas that my dedication to exploring the MLA as a group means I’m willing to make up a thousand MLA OCs before shoehorning in a canon character where I don’t think they fit!
Finally, have a few brief notes on two boxes I didn’t check—
1: Formatting my meta for posting is absolutely hellish, but I don’t typically do very complicated things with my fanfic.
2: While I did once want to be a professional writer, I fear it’s one of those ambitions that’s somewhat fallen by the wayside as I’ve gotten older.  Some of that is a matter of not having the energy/freedom to really focus on it in my financial situation, but it’s also the case that my two major original projects suffered from opposing problems—one was a story with a vastly underdeveloped world, and one was a rather nicely developing world with no specific story to happen in it!  But who knows; I do have periods of going back to dabbling with original projects, often in between my intense fandom periods, so maybe I’ll get something off the ground yet.
(Thank you for reading this silliness. Come back next week to finally talk BNHA's hospital attack.)
Tagging @codenamesazanka, @robotlesbianjavert, @leftofrevolution. @evilasiangenius and @megkips, if they would like to play. Here's the template!
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quibbs126 · 10 months
So I started reading Berserk this afternoon after finding it online. Currently I’m making my way through the Black Swordsman arc
And I gotta ask, why the heck is this thing currently my favorite character?
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5eraphim · 8 months
Just saw your post on book titles and oh my lord does 'there will be a soft rain' sound like just about the most heart wrenching and simultaneously gentle story title I've ever heard. I would pick up a book for that title alone.
Also, super curious as to which title on there you 'stole' and maybe where you got it from? Because all of them were beautiful titles and if any of them were from a fanfic then I really wanna go read it!
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what if i told you i stole the title 100 tears from a 2007 revenge clownsploitation NC-17 american hyper-gore indie film. what then.
(ask is about this random compilation of fic titles i will likely never get around to using.)
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agodth · 2 years
Moth have many braincell, just not know how to use them.
Grape been round a while...
We doomed.
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Context: Glacia can summon wings but they're not permanent and a bit small. So flying high is not only hard but also dangerous because the wings might just disappear.
(Also I had a cool comic idea a loooong time ago but man... art is hard to make! It's basically about Glacia trying to fly with Moths (and Agodth!) So yeah, hopefully I can draw that one day.)
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characcoon · 1 year
Thoughts plagued by the little mindscape Leo.
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