#snapshot spoilers
ferretoats · 3 months
Idea- Minecraft: the D&D update (Dogs and Dungeons)
I was recently informed that more dog types were added in a snapshot in Minecraft (by a friend). So reasonably I dubbed the upcoming version "The Dog Update", but then said friend reminded me of the trial dungeons... And so, with my knowledge of another D&D, the logical conclusion was to combine the two.
I don't doubt I've been the first or the only one to think of this, but there should be some sort of petition to call this the "Dogs and Dungeons" update... or "Dungeons and Dogs".
(this probably wouldn't happen officially, but a person can hope)
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cyberparadis · 1 year
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
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maybe a little bit generic of me, but i adore the dream land four!
magolor and bandee are tied for tippy top favourite, but this whole group just mean everything to me and i am extremely normal about them. after these guys it's probably a very close galacta knight and marx!
king dedede was actually my first ever played exposure to the franchise (through smash multiplayer at a party where i picked him due to Bird) and marx was my first 'character i recognised + played + was obsessed with outside the mains' in star allies so i still consider him my original Little Freak (affectionate)
ask answer for @trainerbob23!
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agueforts · 9 months
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Okay, so this upd8 is a good opportunity to posit an observation I had when reading the epilogues
The only one that noticed the time skips was John, everyone else found themselves doing something wildly out of character each time without remembering why they were doing that, and then they justified their previous actions in a way that made sense to them. That's how they got so far away from their baseline
imo the main reason some of them are starting to get back on track is because John decided that even if this reality wasn't real enough it still mattered and through that freed Jake from the cycle. Ever since then, Jake's been slowly chipping away at the rest of the whole clusterfuck without even realizing it
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Okay this is an excellent scene because it just hits home the sheer amount of helplessness going om while Megatron's fusion cannon slowly but surely charges up,
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Like. Damn. That deer in the headlights feeling where instead of fight or flight your brain goes freeze because it just. Doesn't know what to do.
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phantom-of-the-501st · 2 months
We've Taken Different Paths and Travelled Different Roads
New fic? New Fic. 😙 A series of snapshots throughout the lives of the Domino Twins
@saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings
"KRIFF! Not again."
"Echo, are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
"Doesn't seem like you are, vod. Is it getting too much?"
"Are you sure?"
"You know, it's okay to admit that you're not doing too good. Therapeutic even. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, we all have our weaknesses. I just didn't realise yours would be a paintbrush."
"Fives, if you don't shut your mouth I will push you out of the top bunk while you're sleeping. Again."
Fives let out a dramatic gasp and clutched at his chest. "Rude! I'm just trying to help you out. If you're struggling that much-"
"I am not struggling. I just can't get this kriffing line straight..."
"Sounds like you're struggling to me."
"Hey, no need to get grouchy, vod. You're just jealous that my armour came out so flawless." Fives leant back on his hands, a smug expression on his face. Echo glanced at Fives' armour, which was laid out to dry, and his eyes fell on the tribute to Hevy.
"You made a spelling mistake."
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did."
"No I did not." Fives picked up the piece in question. "You're just mad that you can't get your lines stra- KRIFF!"
Echo laughed.
"I won that one!"
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did!"
"Fives, that was an illegal move. If anything, that should get you disqualified."
"No illegal moves on the battlefield, Echo. I mean, what you gonna do in a fight? Stare a separatist down and tell them that they're disqualified from the war?"
"We're not on the battlefield, Fives. We're having a sparring match in a training room. And that was an illegal move." Echo went to the bench for a drink and to rewrap his hands. Fives was bouncing from one foot to the other on the training mat.
"You're just mad that you lost."
Echo rolled his eyes. "Illegal move, Fives. Illegal move."
"Sore loser, Echo. Sore loser."
Echo turned to stare his brother down, unimpressed. Fives just grinned back, still hopping about.
"Come on, vod. One more round. I might even let you win this time."
Stars, Echo wanted to punch his brother in the face sometimes. "Fine, one more round. But no cheating!" He pointed an accusatory finger at Fives and made his way towards the mat. Bracing his feet against the floor, and bringing his fists up, Echo tilted his head. "Shall you count down or shall I?"
"I will! Okay, five, four, three, two-" Both of their comms beeped from the bench.
Bringing themselves back to a normal stand, the two made their way back to their armour, Echo picking up his comm as soon as he reached the pile. "It's a message from Rex. He wants a meeting with us. Something about a rescue mission."
"Well," Fives said cheerfully, gathering his things "better not keep the boss waiting!"
"I'm sorry for shouting at you."
"It's okay."
"No, it's not. I shouldn't have been so harsh. It's just..."
"Fives, it's okay. I promise you."
Fives sighed and curled up on himself even more. "I just miss him, ya know?"
Rex came to sit next to his brother on the floor. It was cold and definitely not comfortable, but Fives didn't look like he was going anywhere any time soon. "I know, vod'ika. I know." He put his arm around his shoulders. "I miss him too. And I get why you're angry. It's not fair. Nobody deserved this, let alone Echo."
"I'm just so mad at him." Fives clenched his fists and let out a shaky breath. "I shouldn't be, but I am. After everything we went through, after losing our squad, we promised each other we'd always be there. Always.
"And maybe it was stupid. No... it was stupid. We're in a kriffing war. It was a stupid promise to make." Fives tilted his head more towards the floor. "But I'm still angry at him for breaking it. Why did he have to run, Rex? Why?"
A sigh. "Because it's Echo. He'll always put others before himself, even if it means risking his own life. He'll always be there for the people that need him."
"But I need him." Fives said. The expression on his face was enough to break Rex's already shattered heart a billion times over. The look in his eyes was pleading, desperate, so painfully childlike. "I need him, Rex. And he's not here."
"Do you think there's anything after death?"
"Stars, Fives! Bit of a heavy question isn't it?"
Jesse took a swig of his drink and stared at his brother, who was sat on the other side of the table, looking nowhere in particular.
"I'm just asking. We're all gonna die at some point and it'd be nice to know what comes next."
"This is about Echo isn't it?"
Fives looked at Jesse, expression unusually blank. "I didn't say it was about Echo."
"But it is, isn't it?" It had been months at this point, but no-one could blame Fives for still dwelling on it every now and again. Echo and him were inseparable, you never found one without the other unless something went seriously wrong. The only time they'd be apart would be if it was forced (or if one finally got so sick of the other's antics they had be away for a few hours, even if for the sake of everyone in their vicinity). So for Fives to be left without Echo...
Fives looked down at his own bottle, swirling it gently. "Sometimes..." His hand stopped. "Sometimes I wonder if he's still there somewhere, watching."
Jesse understood. Every clone had felt that way at one point; once you lost that many brothers, part of you always hoped they never truly left, that you would find them again someday.
Fives went back to swirling his drink. "What do you think he'd say?"
"What do I think Echo would say?"
"Right now. What do you think he would say?"
"I'd think he'd say 'Fives, you shouldn't be drinking this much the day before a major training session, you idiot.' And then drag you home."
"I meant about the death thing."
"Okay, well I'd think he'd say "Fives, stop thinking about kriff like this. This is why you shouldn't be drinking this much the day before a major training session, you idiot.' And then still drag you home."
Fives let out a half-hearted chuckle. "Yeah, that sounds about right." He took a swig from the bottle. "I just really need to see him again."
Jesse softened slightly. He knew Fives needed someone to joke with him every now and again, especially when he was down, and he would always be that person, but he also knew that his brother was hurting. He would always be haunted by what happened at the Citadel. "I'm sure you will, vod."
"Really?" Fives stared at him.
"Yes." Jesse knocked back the last of his drink and stood up. "But not right now. I'm gonna take you back to the barracks before you give yourself alcohol poisoning. Kix is still mad at you for the last time you got too drunk."
"I didn't mean to throw up on his helmet!" Fives pushed himself up. "It was his own fault for leaving it on the floor."
"I just hope they're back together again."
"I know, Rex. I know. And I'm sure they are, causing as much havoc as they did when they were here." A small smile crossed Cody's face at the thought of those poor souls who finally thought they had found peace being made to deal with a couple of rascals in blue and white paint. "If anything, they're probably causing even more trouble. The entirety of Domino Squad, including two ARCs? It doesn't bear thinking about."
That got a laugh from the Captain. "Can you imagine Wolffe having to deal with that?"
"He'd defy all odds and come back from the dead if he was confronted with that lot."
The two sat there laughing. They'd decided not to go back to their camp, instead choosing to sit and watch the sun set on the horizon. It was calm, quiet, the most peaceful it had been in a long time. And they knew it wouldn't be for long. They had another mission to set out for tomorrow, but right now, in this moment, everything was still.
"How long do you think it would've taken Fives to try and climb that?" Rex pointed at a large, sprawling tree not too far from where they were sat. "I reckon he'd run at it the second he saw it."
"Yeah, he would. And then Echo would go storming off after him, muttering every curse word in the book, and threaten to drag his hide back to camp."
"You say that, but I can guarantee someone would've gone looking for them later and found both of them hanging out on a branch, ignoring all of their responsibilities."
An idea struck Cody.
"Race you up the tree."
Rex stared at him, wide-eyed. "Ya what?"
"Race you up that tree."
"What?! Why?! We're supposed to be the mature ones here, vod! We can't just go careening off into the forest to climb a tree!"
"Who says we can't? Our generals are currently elsewhere." Cody's eyes glinted with a mischievousness Rex hadn't seen since they were kids. "And you know Echo and Fives would've loved this."
"Which is exactly why it's a terrible idea!" Rex said frantically. "All plans that those two loved should never be touched with a hundred foot pole, let alone attempted!"
"Come on, vod. I thought you of all people would be a little more lenient than that. It'll be fun." Cody got up and brushed the dust off his legs. "Unless you're scared of getting caught."
Rex was silent, thinking. Cody knew he was winning. Just a little more pushing...
"Never thought I'd see the day that Captain Rex would give up and-"
"Oh you are on!" Cody watched Rex launch himself towards the tree, before sprinting after him, cackling.
With the wind in his face, and the dirt kicking up beneath thundering feet, he hoped that, wherever they were, the Domino Twins were laughing, revelling in the chaos of their two superiors barrelling through shrubs for a race up a tree. They deserved that extra laugh at least.
Rex couldn't believe it. After all this time. After all the mourning and the grief and the rage... Echo was alive.
Echo had been taken to be looked over as soon as they got back to Kamino, but Rex could still see him, clear as day. Pale, cold. Metal ports all over, pulling at the skin. Limbs fused to composite and wires and things no human should be bound to. So very different from the Echo that Rex remembered. But so very alive.
Everything hurt. Yes, they'd found one of their brothers, Echo, and had managed to bring him back home. But it hurt. It hurt to know that they had left him behind. It hurt to know that he had spent endless rotations in a constant state of torture. It hurt to know that Echo would never be able to go back to the man he once was.
And it hurt to know that Fives never knew.
Fives was gone. He died thinking he was the last Domino standing, died thinking that he would be reunited with all of his brothers, with Echo... but Echo was right here. Fives never knew that his brother lived. And he would never know.
They should've been reunited. The pain and grief Rex had seen in Fives was too much to think about. The way he had collapsed, screaming, and fallen asleep simply out of pure exhaustion after returning from the Citadel. They should never have been separated. And despite bringing Echo back, Rex had to fight the ever-looming shadow that was the knowledge that he would never be able to bring the two back together. A forever-fractured whole held in pieces by the gaping chasm of death. There was no way to bridge that gap, not without Echo being lost again.
And it hurt. In a situation that should have brought so much joy, it hurt. Because Echo knew.
Rex didn't have to say anything. Echo just knew. When he saw that Fives wasn't there to get him, it fell into place. There was no way his brother wouldn't have been there for him. Not unless he was gone. And in some ways it was worse. There was no screaming, or crying, or shouting as there had been with Fives. Simply silence. A silence so deafening that Rex had almost wished, almost begged, for Echo to break down. Because he could see the wound inside Echo grow wider and there was nothing he could do to close it.
It hurt. It hurt to know that Echo knew. To know that after coming back from all of that, all he went through, his home was gone, destroyed, brought to rubble by the simple fact that his other half wasn't there. Echo would never be the same after Skako Minor.
And he certainly wouldn't be the same without Fives.
"He should be here. After everything he did, he deserved to be here, fighting alongside us."
It was dark and Rex and Echo had hunkered down inside to escape the biting wind and lashing rain outside. Echo was due to go back to the Batch the following day and help them rescue Omega and the other clones from Tantiss, so the two had taken some time to just sit down and rest.
Rex knew it was going to be a rough night. There was too much going on to get any decent level of sleep, and Echo had hit the point where he was once again thinking about his lost brother. Rex couldn't blame him. It was hard not to think about Fives at a time like this.
"I mean, he was the one who found out about the chips in the first place. None of us would be here if it wasn't for him. He deserves to bring the whole system down." Echo was wound up, like a tightly coiled spring, and Rex was just waiting for something to snap. Whether it was now, or tomorrow, in a few rotations time, he didn't know. But he knew that Echo would snap eventually, and whoever was on the receiving end of that blind rage would not have a good time. That was something Rex was certain about.
"You're right." Rex responded. "He should be here. And I'm forever angry that he never got the chance to see this. But you know who is here?" Echo glanced at him. "Us. And if anyone can carry on his legacy, it's us, especially you."
His brother didn't say anything, simply turning to stare ahead of him.
The Captain continued. "I see him in you sometimes. Now more than ever." He chuckled. "You used to be the rule follower, the one who would try and keep Fives somewhat in check. Now I see you running around causing just as much mayhem as he used to. I've seen Jawas with weaker thieving skills than I've seen from you over the last few weeks!" He could see a smile tugging at the edge of Echo's lips.
"Just keeping you on your toes, old man."
"Hey now! I try telling you how proud I am and you give me even more grey hairs." Rex rolled his eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"
"You were trying to tell me you were proud?"
"Yes!" Rex said with exasperation.
"You called me a thief." Echo's expression was blank but the Captain could see the twinkle in his eye. He was messing with him.
"Yes. And I was about to tell you how proud I was of your thievery but I'm not going to anymore."
"Are you mad that I called you old?"
"You're mad aren't you?" Rex should've been annoyed but when he saw the cheeky grin across his younger brother's face he couldn't help but melt.
Yep. Definitely like Fives.
"You'll be the death of me some day."
"I better not be," Echo said, slightly more serious. "People here need you."
"And they need you as well. I may outrank you Echo, and I may have more experience, but you are more than capable and you have proved yourself more than enough. We need you in this fight. We can't do it without you. I can't do it without you."
Echo had started to drift again. Rex could see it. "I just feel like I'm taking his place. That he should be here instead of me."
"You both deserve to be here." Rex put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "You deserve to be here just as much as he does. You aren't taking his space vod'ika. Never forget that."
Echo gave him a small smile.
"I'm proud of you."
"I thought you said weren't going to tell me-"
"Fives would be proud of you."
Echo froze. Rex held his gaze firm, grip on his shoulder tightening.
"Go out there tomorrow and do what you do, vod'ika. We'll be with you every step of the way. Both of us."
Teary eyed, Echo glanced away and swallowed. They sat in silence for a few minutes, processing. Tomorrow was going to be difficult. It was going to be a push. But Rex knew his brother was more than capable. He just hoped and prayed he didn't lose him again.
Rex wasn't sure how he'd ended up in the position where he could lose one of the twins for a third time, but here he was. There was only so much time you could keep those two apart, and Rex knew that time was ticking down. For now he just hoped that it wouldn't be tomorrow.
Echo had started picking at the paint on his pauldron. The colour had started to chip away, but the orange still held some of its vibrancy. "You know..." Echo said, not looking up from the armour "Fives would be laughing at me right now."
Rex raised an eyebrow, confused. "And why would that be?"
Echo pointed at the wobble between the orange and white "Because I still can't paint the kriffing lines straight."
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captain-hen · 17 days
if eddie reads psalms 23 to bobby...
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viiioca · 7 months
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day 29 - exhausted
From the journal of Estelle de Laussienne, 1st of the 6th Astral Moon, 5 7A.E. We cannot even count the dead properly. When the form fails, the energy -- they -- dissipate. They join the smoke in the canopy. No scrap of aether left. Not a mote of a soul. Simply a hole left in reality in the shape of a person, a name, abstracted of the body, on a list of the missing. We know them only by their negative space. The tally will happen days from now, weeks, months, when some living link in the chain says, I have not seen them lately. Some aunt or uncle, or grandparent, or drinking friend, or the merchant who remembers them by their tea order will say, I do not think they're coming back.
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splatcam-0110 · 1 year
Hello I didn’t pay attention to the direct after the Splatoon announcement so I took pictures.
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So Wave 2 of the Splatoon 3 DLC pass will revisit the Inkopolis however as you can tell not everything is the same. This will definitely be another story mode campaign that will have agent 8 as the main character. There were many images that flashed that I took pictures of and I’ll review each one.
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As you can see the Square is much different than what it was in Splatoon 2 whether this is the actual Square in its current state or a alternate version (like how we saw it recreated in that one level in Octo Expansion) is to be determined. The Lobby is replaced with this manor like building which I suspect will be the sort of hub area between the levels. Other than that the décor shows a lot of coral-like structures particularly dead coral that have been bleached by chemicals like we see in IRL oceans. This may tie to the central theme of the story where chemicals are affecting the world and the creatures of the campaign.
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Here we see 8 sporting new gear for this new journey. The Splattershot looks more like a rifle with a stock and an extended barrel which might imply upgrades like in the Alterna Campaign. She also has another device in the other hand which might be a fizzy bomb or a new sub altogether. There's a multicolored device chained to her waist but the use of this item is unknown. There are also a lot of elevator themes which may be how 8 will travel between levels and the hub in the main plaza.
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These shots of 8 I believe are taken in the same place, this large room with weird black pillars, bleached walls and floors with red veins spreading like ivy. Agent 8 may still be recovering from the events of Octo Expansion as we know from the mem cakes she experienced great loss of her previous life before the metro station which may come back to haunt her.
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This shot suggests this as this may be a flashback to when she was still an octoling in the octarian army surrounded by her peers before losing them in the metro.
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This shot is very interesting as it shows the visage of an inkling (noted by their pointed ears). This could by Captain 3 since Agent 8 had ties with them in Octo Expansion. However it could also be Agent 4 since canonically 8 and 4 are roommates and an appearance of the captain would be slim given how they are currently in Splatsville at this point in time.
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This image seems very important as it was mostly shrouded in darkness in the trailer, however when brightened it gave me no clues on what this figure is. A device of sort that may be the cause of the bleaching in the Plaza or some entity that may be important.
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Lastly we know that Pearl and Marina will be tied to this story. The two shots here show them in their outfits they had in their most recent collab with Damp Socks. What is to note is that Pearl has her shades down and her eyes not showing, may be implicating that it may be some form of hypnoshades. Marina is showing to be glitching out as if were seeing her through a messed up monitor. Hopefully this campaign will go more into their relationship and the events that happened after the Final Fest in Splatoon 2.
My personal predictions/theories
With the themes of coral bleaching and ties to Octo Expansion and the Order side of the Final Fest. I think we are revisiting some form of sanitized ink concept.
With the Kamabo Corporation in shambles in the epilogue and the Tartar's creations being salvaged, there could be some entity that might have got their hands on some sanitized ink and done experiments on it like Grizz did with the color crystals, refining it and altering it to suit their needs.
Pearl and Marina's involvement with the events of Octo Expansion would connect them to this story (also y'know the Plaza itself has heavy ties to Off the Hook overall).
I'm hoping. HOPING that we see more 4 content and that the inkling was indeed 4 because there isn't nearly enough representation than with 8 or Captain.
In the mem cakes in Octo Expansion, we know that 8 also had a friend and I'm hoping that picture of the other octolings is a sign that we'll be going in-depth with this aspect of 8.
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mastersoftheair · 7 months
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some now-deleted comments from a reddit thread about the MotA intro credits/music. get excited, musicheads!!
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cyberparadis · 1 year
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no thoughts only jesper and aditi shooting apples talking hugging crying brushing cherry petals and grass off their clothes holding on tight saying goodbye without speaking the word itself the sudden and brief cut to jesper choking on the floor because he is dying just like she once did and him asking her if this was what it was like for her begging for her to say something kind something gentle i was just a kid i am sorry i left you little rabbit you contain so much goodness you were angry with me but hiding who you are won't save you be bravebravebrave
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agueforts · 8 months
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i got a screenshot of the masks btw. and then my phone set the volume to zero and i remembered why i don't take screenshots on livestreams
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mortellanarts · 7 months
There's at least two prompts on zecret santa this year that are kurashiki sibling post-ztd reunion and I have been trying to write that for chapter two for a couple months now but ZTD logistics are so qwq
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mattodore · 1 year
was offline for like two days bc i was playing in the oc save on one day and the next day started putting together new character pages for the ocs and setting up proper playlists and finally (!!!) started getting the ocs pinterest board together so i can unprivate sometime in the future for the people who've asked... mattodore plagued by ocs bio has never been more true and real
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